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» QGIS Application
Future Release - High Priority
Hopefully address in the next development cycle
877 issues
823 closed
54 open
Time tracking
Estimated time
Issues by
Bug report
Feature request
Related issues
Bug report #777
: crashes with python reference to destroyed objects (e.g exportToWkt() crashes when geom has been deleted)
Bug report #2113
: curved labels: only a few are drawn
Bug report #2596
: avoid useless canvas redraws
Bug report #2798
: Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (especially painful in case of WMS)
Bug report #2921
: Avoid intersection of new polygons.. IS BROKEN
Bug report #2947
: GRASS plugin mapset permission blocks use if user doesn't own PERMANENT
Bug report #2949
: Labeling (ABC) to a shape file do not show content from dbf field, for objects whose geometry in not valid (checked whith ftools)
Bug report #3407
: Georeferencer asks for output file name even if only tfw is selected
Bug report #3517
: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Bug report #3578
: interpolation plugin output without explicit CRS
Bug report #3789
: Please update license file
Bug report #3794
: Rotated raster tiff freezing QGIS
Bug report #3828
: dissolve tool very slow
Bug report #3840
: "additional no data value" has no effect (identify, raster calculator, histograms, etc.)
Bug report #3975
: PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
Bug report #3980
: Print composer produces downsampled images regardless of DPI
Bug report #3991
: WFS 1.1 data is not displayed
Bug report #3993
: Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correctly in the composer layouts
Bug report #4011
: Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
Bug report #4063
: georeferencer crash
Bug report #4076
: Hanging on trying to use --snapshot option from command line
Bug report #4297
: Cmake file on MacOS is biased to use KyngChaos binaries regardless of user preferences
Bug report #4304
: Show only writable raster and vector formats in Processing "save file" dialogs
Bug report #4311
: Georeferencer: "generate pdf map" result in a blank PDF
Bug report #4377
: if "Options -> CRS -> coordinate reference system for new layers" is set "prompt for CRS", then the CRS is asked when loading a map into the georeferencer
Bug report #4417
: editing widgets: "slider range" and "dial range" do not show any value when moving/rotating
Bug report #4604
: WFS option "Only request features overlapping the current view extent" disappeared from QGIS master
Bug report #4692
: New diagrams: priority not exported to labels
Bug report #4863
: Should hidden layers be editable/selectable?
Bug report #5020
: More consistency in dialogs: move output file box to the bottom
Bug report #5153
: Unexpected rounding in field calculator (documentation needed)
Bug report #5160
: Error when checking for updates
Bug report #5162
: points in polygon never ends
Bug report #5212
: Proxy settings ignored for layers
Bug report #5239
: TIN interpolation causes crash
Bug report #5258
: WMS layer properties should be updated upon visiting the 'layer properties' dialog
Bug report #5456
: Output does not have the same CRS of input if input is tiff+worldfile
Bug report #5498
: Make the default directory to the users "home" directory after a fresh install
Bug report #5520
: Wrong boundingbox values in GetCapabilities for empty layers
Bug report #5588
: Print Composer - arrow size
Bug report #5590
: Arrow in composer - "bounding box" corners
Bug report #5811
: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
Bug report #5967
: Wrong Formula in Raster Terrain Analysis' curvature filter
Bug report #6058
: GPS Tools freeze QGIS
Bug report #6113
: Selection of features does not work correctly with "point displacement" renderer
Bug report #6146
: Offline editing tool broken
Bug report #6210
: Choosing the CRS from the "recently used CRS" does nothing (on the first selection/click)
Bug report #6224
: gpg key expired
Bug report #6254
: Distance Matrix doesn't work with postgis vector
Bug report #6379
: HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
Bug report #6512
: SL Geometryless tables are not accessible from browser or "add SL layer", but they are in DB Manager
Bug report #6642
: fTools: the option to load a layer after analyses should be on by default
Bug report #6950
: raster "save as..." dialog does not remember the last folder used for output
Bug report #6983
: GRASS direct modules are not working under Linux
Bug report #7146
: DB manager does not remove Spatialite indexes and entry in "spatialite_hystory" after deleting a table
Bug report #7209
: WCS client seems broken
Bug report #7408
: Atlas - some warnings are missing
Bug report #7429
: georeferencer creates the world file without any message
Bug report #7430
: "target crs" in georeferencer does not work
Bug report #7431
: georeferencing using resampling other than "nearest neighbour" produces wrong output colors
Bug report #7432
: georeferencer does not give any CRS to output if "target CRS" is left blank
Bug report #7460
: CMake detecting wrong path for GDAL library on 64-bit RHEL 6
Bug report #7495
: compile error with Qwt 6.1
Bug report #7540
: Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
Bug report #7554
: field calculator save wrong values when field width isn't enough
Bug report #7596
: QGIS On-the-fly Polar Stereographic issues
Bug report #7618
: Distance Matrix entries are only calculated for the first feature
Bug report #7652
: Attempt to read shape with feature id out of available range.
Bug report #7699
: SVG fill missing default value for text width and border unit type
Bug report #7710
: when duplicating a vector layer joins are discarded
Bug report #7712
: qgis server master does not work on Windows(?)
Bug report #7713
: qgis mapserver on Windows does not accept "\\" in project paths
Bug report #7724
: Label type cases do not alter output if label text is upper case
Bug report #7735
: QgsProject.writeEntry bugs with line endings
Bug report #7736
: data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Bug report #7780
: Incorrect number of rows when testing layer filter expression
Bug report #7797
: QGIS becomes unresponsive while listing Oracle tables
Bug report #7822
: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
Bug report #7836
: Inconsistent default estimation parameter between MSSQL and PostGIS
Bug report #7864
: Replace Quantum GIS with QGIS
Bug report #7890
: Composer layer transparency not respected in legend
Bug report #7939
: Zoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image
Bug report #7956
: QGIS Server: problem with two project with same layers
Bug report #7968
: change the message "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance" as is misleading in some cases
Bug report #8052
: QGIS 2.0 does not respect labels' scale-based visibility option when opening projects from previous version
Bug report #8055
: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
Bug report #8068
: Wrong font display in qgis server
Bug report #8070
: When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
Bug report #8071
: Inconsistent icons in qgis 2.0 default theme
Bug report #8072
: Use more modern default font for labels on Windows
Bug report #8076
: Undocking panel = area that's not redrawn
Bug report #8077
: Heatmap plugin doesn't release file after it's created
Bug report #8118
: No usable legend when data defined symbology is used
Bug report #8144
: labels data defined rotation does not work if data defined position is set + label rotation tool does not work if data defined position is not defined
Bug report #8148
: add warning when trying add to canvas a view without a primary key
Bug report #8150
: DB Manager freezes QGIS when deleting table/view
Bug report #8174
: Polygons digitized in Postgis layer with "Avoid Intersections" turned on still overlap their neighbors
Bug report #8178
: Shifted raster: origin in qgis different than that reported by gdalinfo
Bug report #8189
: Linear (Affine?) option always outputs (and applies) a 0 translation
Bug report #8195
: Heatmap plugin shouldn't be in submenu
Bug report #8205
: Selected rows in attribute table have wrong/too light background color
Bug report #8209
: Print as raster doesn't work on OsX
Bug report #8210
: [Composer] Grid complex linestyle and map scale
Bug report #8212
: style manager searching finds non-related elements
Bug report #8214
: [Composer] Snap to grid / selection tolerance strange behaviour
Bug report #8217
: Copy tools for attribute table
Bug report #8223
: print composer print to pdf as raster results in blank pages and other problems
Bug report #8234
: Colour of markers for editing wrong and incoherent
Bug report #8273
: Attributes not loaded from kml/kmz file
Bug report #8285
: Saving styles (qml and sld) doesn't work for CSV layers under Windows
Bug report #8298
: CRS change with recently used CRS makes no effect in the first choice
Bug report #8309
: Add to Overview from the Layer menu is not working
Bug report #8327
: MSSQL provider overwrites username in table creation
Bug report #8333
: DB Manager's "Import vector layer"'s SRID confirmation dialog has unclear purpose
Bug report #8340
: Very slow Spatialite DB creation on qgis 2.0/master
Bug report #8344
: Enter Credentials dialog pops up when it's pointless
Bug report #8365
: Tips window causes two taskbar icons to appear
Bug report #8367
: "missing font text" red message on layer labeling settings
Bug report #8368
: Missing EPSG:102067 projection
Bug report #8384
: Custom SVG paths incompatible with relative paths
Bug report #8400
: crash opening layer properties of a freshly inserted wms layer
Bug report #8403
: Toggling layer visibility to off doesn't work if you highlight a different layer first
Bug report #8415
: svg/text annotations are always set to "fixed map position" in the print composer
Bug report #8417
: incorrect value loaded from netcdf file with scale factor
Bug report #8421
: "import delimited text layer" does not work with files created on excel/osx
Bug report #8438
: WMT-S Crashes when loading layer
Bug report #8451
: "Transform error caught: forward transform of..." while editing on qgis master
Bug report #8487
: manual CRS being overwritten by QGIS
Bug report #8493
: "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
Bug report #8499
: OWS tab - adding CRS restrictions not reliable
Bug report #8503
: Postgis query test returns all rows, not query result
Bug report #8511
: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
Bug report #8518
: OWS tab - Abstract field of service capabilities adds additional new lines at project save
Bug report #8524
: Raster tiling offset in composer output from zoomed in resampling
Bug report #8526
: complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 bit and Linux qgis 32/64bit
Bug report #8531
: Raster trasparency setting not saved in the project
Bug report #8532
: Problem to print as image a big map
Bug report #8553
: Diagrams: Automated placement settings are not saved or loaded in the project file
Bug report #8576
: PostGIS literal special character not escaped
Bug report #8578
: qgis_qgisappclippboard test crashes with CPL_DEBUG=on
Bug report #8584
: WFS 1.0.0 Client requests with FILTER fails against Geoserver
Bug report #8590
: Copy and paste for rule based rendering
Bug report #8591
: else condition for rules
Bug report #8592
: Field Calculator: Nonsense values for $area and $perimeter
Bug report #8593
: python-qgis removes QGIS
Bug report #8597
: model of composition made in 1.8 incompatible with composer in 2.1
Bug report #8598
: pasting a group of composer items results in elements losing relative positioning to one another
Bug report #8600
: QGIS 2.0 not working with NTLM proxy
Bug report #8609
: HTML Annotation does not display HTML
Bug report #8615
: Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
Bug report #8625
: singlepart to multipart broken in QGIS 2.0/master
Bug report #8626
: the clip window in "raster -> extraction -> clip" is not semi-transparent anymore
Bug report #8627
: GRASS/processing does not work on Windows (standalone installers)
Bug report #8631
: QGIS 2.01 and 2.1 "Add delimited text layer" not working correctly
Bug report #8632
: Save as dialog offers symbology export for geojson export
Bug report #8637
: error (not blocking) when launching qgis 64 bit on Windows
Bug report #8638
: Spatialite layers are added as tables without geometries or "Error 11 Connection to database failed" error
Bug report #8640
: cannot import shapefiles into old spatialite databases
Bug report #8642
: topoviewer: directed edge layer lost direction indicators
Bug report #8644
: Models with utf-8 description can't be executed
Bug report #8646
: Python QgsRendererV2Widget not displaying on Windows 64 build
Bug report #8651
: legends are broken in qgis master, print layouts
Bug report #8654
: raster layer transparent pixel list dropped when reading 1.8 project
Bug report #8655
: Add WMS doesn´t respect chosen Project CRS
Bug report #8656
: WMS GetFeatureInfo Filter: No results
Bug report #8659
: raster image with rotated worldfiles
Bug report #8663
: qgis composer's legend element broken in latest qgis master (2.1)
Bug report #8705
: Duplication of Composer should inherit custom paper size
Bug report #8707
: Doens't load most of the layers.
Bug report #8717
: GRASS launch error (qgis 32bit standalone installer)
Bug report #8724
: Reprojecting and identifying a wms layer crashes QGIS
Bug report #8726
: Attribute table in Map Composer has no content
Bug report #8734
: Bug on dfx2shp plugin
Bug report #8738
: Field Calculator with problems
Bug report #8740
: Using Clip tool on a particular vector fails in Processing
Bug report #8742
: Reproject layer does not work with custom CRS
Bug report #8752
: Unable to open ESRI personal geodatabase in 2.0
Bug report #8757
: Vector cannot be styled by joined attributes
Bug report #8758
: graduated classes on expression broken
Bug report #8764
: Default file path and return to last used directory
Bug report #8767
: Zebra grid outer line missing
Bug report #8768
: US English locale listed twice
Bug report #8769
: Missing flags for 3 locales
Bug report #8773
: Adding WMS layer crashes QGIS
Bug report #8774
: Label background properties seem to not affect rendering result
Bug report #8776
: project background color does not take effect until you pan
Bug report #8786
: Plugin manager didn't remember last visited tab
Bug report #8788
: Absence of color ramp and other symbologies - windows 7 and 8
Bug report #8796
: Cannot use forward slash in WMS name - deletes further info in field/form
Bug report #8797
: Can not build qgis-2.0.1 without full spatialite support
Bug report #8800
: mssql default attribute values not supported by attribute table
Bug report #8803
: Diagrams do not show when reprojecting a layer in a different CRS
Bug report #8804
: data-defined size and "normal" property size setting for polygon centroid fill result are resulting in different size on same value
Bug report #8805
: Multi feature paste causes crash
Bug report #8820
: "Value map" edit widget appears to have the value of the first value in NULL fields. Fields gets these values upon save.
Bug report #8822
: OGR: Repack in running session
Bug report #8827
: Corner coordinates in map composer drawn in wrong place
Bug report #8828
: Composer Grid Intervals
Bug report #8836
: Default styles from postgis layers not loading
Bug report #8851
: Opening the table of attributes is very slow in QGIS master
Bug report #8864
: Random selection with subsampling broken
Bug report #8865
: qgis fails to import/load all points from the attached .osm file
Bug report #8866
: qgis composer elements' frame thickness reverts to 0.00 when (re)loading projects
Bug report #8874
: Right clicking on error = little black box for a context menu
Bug report #8879
: qgis composer item handles visible when exporting to image on master build
Bug report #8880
: Mysql Query builder
Bug report #8894
: xls character encoding not handled correctly
Bug report #8896
: xlsx drag and drop fails to open datasource
Bug report #8910
: Topology checker does not work in different projections
Bug report #8911
: Table is not updated after field calculator when configured with a "field relation"
Bug report #8914
: Merge features does not work
Bug report #8920
: DB Manager Fails to Load Raster | QGIS 2.0.1
Bug report #8927
: Expression labeling not working
Bug report #8943
: Problems with "Snap to alignments" in Map Composer
Bug report #8944
: Error in QGIS help about docked table of attributes.
Bug report #8950
: "Merge Selected Features" works but QGIS crashes on save
Bug report #8951
: Compilation fails on OSX Maverick
Bug report #8952
: In QGIS2 the About / License have nothing
Bug report #8957
: qgis composer hold-space pan keyboard shortcut not working properly
Bug report #8958
: when pasting composer item(s) move / resize tool should automatically activate
Bug report #8959
: wms failing to show valid epsg:4326 layers in QGIS2 (working in 1.8)
Bug report #8963
: Composer Map extents loss of precision in project file
Bug report #8972
: PostGIS raster not loaded by Drag&Drop
Bug report #8974
: line pattern fill: at specific distance between lines it shows an undesired (repeated) symbol over the lines
Bug report #8975
: line pattern fill: the style is applied to symbol border and not to line fills, as a user would expect
Bug report #8976
: Offline Editor not retaining key integer values (or if it retains it does not synchronize correctly)
Bug report #8978
: loading an sld without uom attribute should set ouptput units to mapunits
Bug report #8980
: svg fill issue: lines not rendered correctly
Bug report #8983
: Missing tiles when loading WMT-S from EPSG:2193 tileset
Bug report #8985
: "/" in column name makes symbology fail
Bug report #8988
: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
Bug report #8991
: nviz does not work (not found) in qgis 64bit osgeo4w
Bug report #8992
: Cannot activate the composer snapping grid
Bug report #8993
: resizing the map object with "draw coordinates" option active does not work as expected
Bug report #8997
: Memory vector layer datasource wrongly written in project
Bug report #9008
: Postgis: commit errors leads to loosing data
Bug report #9012
: Wrong symbol size after saving print composer as image
Bug report #9013
: When digitizing with "avoid intersections" layer type should be detected before creating features
Bug report #9015
: API: Using a QgsVectorLayer from an unusable uri crashes QGIS
Bug report #9017
: raster "save as..." dialog should remember where you've been
Bug report #9019
: raster "save as..." "abort" doesn't abort
Bug report #9027
: Import vector to GeoServer not working
Bug report #9037
: Error: database "" does not exist
Bug report #9038
: Dangling rubberband while out of edit mode
Bug report #9044
: Print composer: Resizing items interactively fails
Bug report #9049
: adding/editing layer feature crashes qgis master when OTF reprojection is enabled
Bug report #9050
: Cannot add a scalebar in meters of project is wgs84
Bug report #9057
: label background with offset value misplaced when exporting qgis composer to image
Bug report #9059
: Qgis crashes when using identify or opening raster properties, when OTRF is ON and the project has many layers
Bug report #9069
: Add PostGIS Table(s) Set Filter non-functional
Bug report #9070
: +towgs84 wrongly ignored when OTF reprojection is on and project CRS is WGS84 Pseudo-Mercator (EPGS: 3857)
Bug report #9079
: Numeric scale error when print
Bug report #9081
: Raster calculator result is not accurate
Bug report #9082
: Failure to display getfeatureinfo results from mapserver 5.6
Bug report #9084
: Mean coordinates-feature fails with negative weights
Bug report #9089
: Data-defined symbol color very slow in 2.0 release
Bug report #9091
: Field calculator toolbar item disabled in edit mode
Bug report #9108
: Datum transformation dialog shows also when adding geometryless layers (tables)
Bug report #9112
: QGIS master crashes on Linux when editing Spatialite layers with OTFR on
Bug report #9114
: Ellipse renderer always draws black ellispes in combination with color functions
Bug report #9118
: Crash when using arrow key
Bug report #9119
: srs.db not closed (with OTF reprojection)
Bug report #9138
: QgsGeometry.convertToMultiType() fails
Bug report #9139
: Relations do not work on MSSQL layers
Bug report #9142
: "format_number" function error in label expression
Bug report #9143
: Label Expression Dump program
Bug report #9151
: zonal stats gives wrong results when features are not overlapped to any raster pixels
Bug report #9152
: symmetrical difference errors/warnings even when input geometries are ok
Bug report #9153
: geometryless tables gain a visibility checkbox in the TOC when inside a group
Bug report #9155
: help dialog for gdal translate "creation options" does not seems to show the right way
Bug report #9157
: Offline editing tool is very slow when it creates the Spatialite local database
Bug report #9160
: if only one point is selected "zoom to selected" does not zoom
Bug report #9162
: Crash when typing something into python editor
Bug report #9165
: curved labels: words printed one above the other
Bug report #9166
: invalid field name in expressions make QGIS crash in debug mode
Bug report #9169
: Grass raster values not identified properly
Bug report #9171
: Add expression support in diagram
Bug report #9172
: Random classifier does not use base symbol
Bug report #9175
: [processing] scripts with non ascii character can't be saved
Bug report #9196
: WMTS and CRS issue
Bug report #9200
: Failure to display orthoimagery on windows in png or jpg format
Bug report #9201
: Select by Location Failure on complex polygons
Bug report #9207
: window/panel resize problem
Bug report #9209
: Rule based renderer: rules are not loaded when style is loaded from a SLD file
Bug report #9213
: 'bad_alloc' error at QGIS start
Bug report #9224
: QGIS crashes when removing a relation
Bug report #9228
: Cannot use layer order if non-geometric layers are used
Bug report #9229
: Layer editing saving for a long time (memory leak?)
Bug report #9230
: Double quote schema and table names
Bug report #9232
: do not list non-geometric layers in layer order
Bug report #9233
: QGis - SAGA clip grid with polygon
Bug report #9239
: Scale dependent visibility
Bug report #9241
: QgsVectorDataProvider.minimumValue() and maximumValue() don't work for Date fields
Bug report #9251
: Georeferencer: Create world file option not resets automatically
Bug report #9264
: Error writing output shapefile while building Voronoi polygons
Bug report #9282
: Rule-based styling on SpatiaLite layer won't take, occasionally crashes
Bug report #9306
: mapserver GetMap segfaults when OPACITIES is set and an external SLD and is provided but not for all layers
Bug report #9308
: Impossible to remove a group
Bug report #9309
: Memory provider crash on features without geometry
Bug report #9310
: Save dialogue for Geoprocessing outputs is inconsistent
Bug report #9315
: Field Calculator, slow performance with 2.1.0-104
Bug report #9323
: QGIS Processing Options python error on windows8
Bug report #9324
: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
Bug report #9332
: Size of symbols when exporting in jpeg (or pdf, ...)
Bug report #9343
: Raster artefacts on data / no data border
Bug report #9356
: Atlas print does nto respect composition page size, orientation
Bug report #9357
: Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
Bug report #9360
: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Bug report #9369
: "duplicate layer" takes ages to duplicate spatialite layers
Bug report #9370
: QGIS guesses wrong CRS when units are us-feet
Bug report #9371
: Paste Features as New Vector Layer/New Memory Vector layer fails with bigint column
Bug report #9375
: Simplification causes GEOS exceptions when layer has labels
Bug report #9376
: QGIS crash on sorting attribute columns on WFS layers.
Bug report #9377
: WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
Bug report #9378
: QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
Bug report #9379
: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Bug report #9386
: [processing] v.sample fails when creating intermediate table
Bug report #9388
: rpad doesn't work
Bug report #9389
: Identify Feature - not possible to scroll horizontally
Bug report #9390
: Today's NB crashes immediately under MacOSX Mavericks
Bug report #9391
: Implement human readable listings for WMT-S titleset styles
Bug report #9392
: Ortho Projection produces artifacts
Bug report #9393
: impossible to select "regular" font style for labels
Bug report #9394
: Non-'Single Symbol' styles hide the layer in Master
Bug report #9396
: deactivate the Select datum transformations dialog by default
Bug report #9397
: Project's CRS is not written properly in the project's file
Bug report #9408
: Layer disappears when zoomed in past 'layer extent'
Bug report #9409
: CRS not recognized in Dufour 2.0.1 64 bit version
Bug report #9413
: Misalignment after raster clipping
Bug report #9414
: Custom CRS with units=mm stored as units=m
Bug report #9417
: 0d2c564 Breaks master
Bug report #9418
: towgs84 parameters vanished from CRSs in qgis master
Bug report #9419
: Jenks natural breaks has a bad interval
Bug report #9420
: Bad WMS display (EPSG:2972)
Bug report #9424
: Attribute table editing writes simultaneously in the selected column for sorting
Bug report #9426
: layers not rendered (or partially rendered) in qgis master
Bug report #9428
: Transparency of markers in marker line is neither applied nor stored
Bug report #9429
: slow selection of features
Bug report #9430
: Disable "Paste Features as New Layer" if empty clipboard
Bug report #9432
: Points In Polygons: New column should be integer not real
Bug report #9436
: QGIS locks up while waiting for WMS response
Bug report #9441
: cannot add a 1 segment line part in a multiline layer
Bug report #9442
: Digitizing broken in QGIS master
Bug report #9443
: Snapping to guides not working in windows
Bug report #9445
: crash during diagram creation
Bug report #9446
: offset tool crashes with multipolygons
Bug report #9453
: ERROR: schema "topology" does not exist
Bug report #9454
: MapNodeTool unnecessarily refresh the map
Bug report #9457
: while in atlas preview mode, newly inserted label item expressions not replaced with values
Bug report #9459
: layer fails to render when rule-based symbology make use of $atlasfeatureid
Bug report #9463
: move vertex does not work anymore
Bug report #9466
: Print composer - missing string for translation
Bug report #9468
: cannot add ring in a polygon
Bug report #9475
: "Recently used coordinate reference systems" listbox doesn't receive first mouse click in some contexts
Bug report #9481
: Polygon labels cannot be centred over their polygons
Bug report #9489
: Copy/Paste issue with explicit primary keys
Bug report #9498
: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Bug report #9515
: The help for data-defined offset should read '<x>,<y>'
Bug report #9522
: Feature count not updated when filtering a layer
Bug report #9539
: Interpolation Plugin crash when executed
Bug report #9569
: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element currently being edited
Bug report #9573
: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Bug report #9602
: preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
Bug report #9604
: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" are too similar
Bug report #9612
: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
Bug report #9655
: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Bug report #9659
: ftool's random point doesn't recognize memory layer's integer column
Bug report #9664
: Joined layers cause problems on GetFeatureInfo requests
Bug report #9668
: Attribute editor layout: please populate the field with the default
Bug report #9669
: Remove shebang from processing plugin files
Bug report #9673
: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
Bug report #9677
: Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Bug report #9679
: Cannot edit "display as" field in general layer properties.
Bug report #9684
: Improve tool grouping and color usage in toolbars
Bug report #9693
: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
Bug report #9698
: composer: magnified SVG symbols when rotation is defined
Bug report #9706
: marker symbol not centered
Bug report #9738
: updatable view QGIS 2.2.0
Bug report #9754
: Line pattern fill problem for angle greater than 90°
Bug report #9775
: composer map item with non-white background will render with white bg when exporting to png
Bug report #9787
: hanging / memory leak when moving large numbers of points
Bug report #9790
: No images in HTML labels in composer
Bug report #9791
: Wrong area in composer with enabled OTF
Bug report #9796
: cpt city ramps missing when using --configpath startup option
Bug report #9809
: xls / xlsx field names are imported as first line
Bug report #9827
: QGIS slows down dramatically if 'ask for datum transformation' dialog option is on
Bug report #9832
: attribute table: switching editing mode doesn't enable/disable the edit widgets
Bug report #9836
: QGIS 2.2 Crash dumped on Windows 8.1
Bug report #9844
: postgis: if owner is a group it is not possible to add/remove columns (in field calculator or vector properties) but DB manager can
Bug report #9872
: Geotiff CRS ignored if not EPSG
Bug report #9896
: WMS GetFeatureInfo search radius
Bug report #9947
: WMTS Returned image is flawed.
Bug report #9954
: QGIS Server print the wrong table if a geometryless is added to the layout
Bug report #9958
: Filter fails on file datasource if value is identical to field name
Bug report #9993
: Datum transformation selection overview not informative
Bug report #10011
: Can't create new Spatialite layer with EPSG:3879
Bug report #10013
: Centroid fill rendering issue when size is data defined
Bug report #10047
: DXF2SHP Plugin doesn't include elevation of polyline
Bug report #10051
: DB manager: python error when copying rows resulting from a query
Bug report #10059
: Vector grid tool creates output with false CRS
Bug report #10091
: Oracle provider SRID management
Bug report #10100
: identify: crash when using layer selection
Bug report #10132
: SVG markers aren't rendered properly when exported through QGIS composer
Bug report #10140
: no dropdown in Vector>Research>Random Points>Use value from input field
Bug report #10154
: Use pysqlite2 instead of pyspatialite for SpatiaLite connection in DB Manager
Bug report #10165
: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
Bug report #10167
: Deleting features in Attributes Table is very slow
Bug report #10236
: layer transparency 'no data value' checkbox setting is not preserved during save/load project
Bug report #10237
: project loads layers not seen in legend
Bug report #10238
: SAGA algorithms doesn't work in Modeler QGIS 2.2
Bug report #10247
: WMS performance degraded
Bug report #10264
: Geojson/Sqlite/Mbtiles extensions not correctly picked from file selector and outout is not correctly generated
Bug report #10265
: Avoid intersections fails in many cases
Bug report #10269
: Attribute table edit crash
Bug report #10279
: Join attributes by location - field shifted
Bug report #10298
: Unchecking "Use Proxy Access to Web" does not take effect until QGIS is restarted
Bug report #10303
: QgsFieldExpressionWidget grows too wide with long expressions
Bug report #10309
: On-the-fly projection of EPSG 4326 World Map gives weird results with specific target systems
Bug report #10394
: Panning shifts maps after mouse stop and release
Bug report #10396
: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
Bug report #10403
: Processing "raster layer statistics" python error
Bug report #10405
: Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
Bug report #10413
: non-cached WFS won't load
Bug report #10424
: processing: simple merge model fails with a fatal error
Bug report #10427
: .osm files have problems with iterator or number of features
Bug report #10428
: MSSQL - Login/Connection error
Bug report #10434
: Placement position for line layer
Bug report #10441
: If layer has labels it is always refreshed when activating/deactivating any other layer
Bug report #10444
: Output file extension in batch mode
Bug report #10445
: Batch Processing - Select from open layers - number of rows
Bug report #10446
: Batch Processing - Select from open layers - random order
Bug report #10457
: Print Composer: Line cap issue for arrows between 2.4 and 2.6
Bug report #10458
: Print composer: migration issue between 2.4 and current master
Bug report #10472
: The "Save" button in "Style" tab is not enough wide for some languages
Bug report #10477
: Shortcut CTRL+R to invert selection is not working
Bug report #10491
: QGis Server: pdf generator error with line or point pattern fill
Bug report #10498
: Better resize the width of textbox and title in Properties of items in Print Composer (need by some languages)
Bug report #10513
: Incoeherent behavior in selecting layers in add Postgis and spatialite Layer Dialogs
Bug report #10536
: The toggle editing pencil becomes orange without changing values of the layer
Bug report #10537
: Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offline state
Bug report #10546
: When symbol units is in map units then the symbol in composer legend has a padding around it
Bug report #10550
: Don't apply style when dialog is canceled
Bug report #10557
: text edit crashes with custom ui
Bug report #10558
: Unexpected interactions between labelling and diagrams
Bug report #10573
: embed form shown in external dialog
Bug report #10589
: QgsMapToolTouch
Bug report #10597
: [errpr] buffers 1.8 vs 2.2
Bug report #10606
: empty attribute form is open while opening attribute table
Bug report #10619
: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loading of large postgis table
Bug report #10622
: QGIS master crash with MySQL layer. While QGIS 2.2 on same machine seems ok
Bug report #10640
: Print Composer: image-rotation issue with north-arrows
Bug report #10659
: Processing : the "add script from file" tool generates an error
Bug report #10660
: Empty HTML results
Bug report #10685
: wrong segment size in composer scalebar left segments
Bug report #10696
: Style feature blending mode update after change in layer filter
Bug report #10705
: Symbology based on a field from a CSV join (plus CSVT) does not render
Bug report #10707
: Renaming group item in composer legend resets all settings of sub items
Bug report #10709
: Bigint (qlonglong) support for expressions
Bug report #10720
: QGIS server: embedded groups do not render in GetMap requests if leave layers are requested
Bug report #10721
: Keyboard focus for attribute table when finishing digitization of a feature
Bug report #10724
: Drag and Drop Designer - Edit tabs or groups labels
Bug report #10734
: Random selection should select only inside defined subsets
Bug report #10739
: Custom Forms with Python logic don't work anymore as the dialog closes even though the .accept() function is not run
Bug report #10744
: Crashes with a project with 2 csv files and "renders layers in parallel using many CPS cores" option active
Bug report #10745
: "Dizzy" new feature in QGIS 2.4 does not function
Bug report #10746
: Buzzer sound when the map is refreshing
Bug report #10747
: Cannot copy/paste points features
Bug report #10765
: Actions on layer don't use field values
Bug report #10767
: Simplified rendering causing boxes to appear instead
Bug report #10790
: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative numbers
Bug report #10793
: MSSQL: Add Multipolygon Feature creates wrong geometrytype
Bug report #10799
: Measure ellipsoid should be set when the project CRS is not a PCS
Bug report #10802
: Measure options should be moved to measure dialog
Bug report #10936
: setFilterExpression() does not works
Bug report #10955
: Error in Windows 64 bit installer
Bug report #10974
: QGIS WFS Server provides too much precision
Bug report #11020
: freeze when setting offset
Bug report #11062
: Manipulating a cached WFS layer causes application crash
Bug report #11088
: Can't control order of r.patch multiple selection in 2.4
Bug report #11102
: Save vector layer as ... csv : bad output file when choosing export wkt geometry
Bug report #11143
: cannot remove layer visiblity group
Bug report #11145
: Large format export/printing (with transparencies and blending modes) crashes QGIS 2.4 on Windows 32bit
Bug report #11146
: symbol level visibility not saved in the project
Bug report #11147
: Saving table more and more slowly
Bug report #11163
: Saving changed edit widgets not possible
Bug report #11169
: toggling symbol visibility does not trigger map refresh
Bug report #11197
: Poor (or non) performance when moving features
Bug report #11198
: Text annotations are not rendered when saving the map canvas as image
Bug report #11201
: New Shapefile and attribute table: QGIS allows illegal characters in attribute names
Bug report #11202
: Invalid SLD generated
Bug report #11210
: layer.listStylesInDatabase in pyqgis
Bug report #11223
: Vector layer VRT stopped working in master
Bug report #11243
: Data corruption with feature simplification.
Bug report #11253
: Relations "Subforms" (Form View) - text color
Bug report #11261
: attribute form is not reset
Bug report #11267
: Download Osm Data Fails if you open first a OpenLayers map
Bug report #11276
: Setting radius units to meters produces incorrect results
Bug report #11287
: composer' html items do not respect the character encoding of HTML pages loaded via URL
Bug report #11288
: Uncheck "Display diagrams" in vector layer properties makes lose any diagrams settings done before
Bug report #11300
: map identification of relation reference widget does not work when creating new feature
Bug report #11315
: Identify Results form no decreases in width
Bug report #11375
: QGIS 2.4 Postgis 2.1 geography types issue
Bug report #11390
: Attribute table in map composer : set column width to automatic is not large enough
Bug report #11391
: select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
Bug report #11399
: Unable to add raster and vector files via drag and drop on OS X 10.10
Bug report #11422
: Crash after bulk change of attribute value in shapefile
Bug report #11428
: Remove the option "Write absolute path" from gdal tileindex tool
Bug report #11454
: Losing location of raster layers in OSX
Bug report #11459
: Editing Composer legend while filtered does not work
Bug report #11475
: bad bracket simplification in expression
Bug report #11479
: Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
Bug report #11495
: it is not possible to select the extent of another layer in the Modeler
Bug report #11517
: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Bug report #11522
: Most default SVG marker images rendering broken, border lines too thin, under QGIS 64-bit
Bug report #11539
: Processing modeller: calculation parameters lost
Bug report #11545
: Categorized/graduated symbology does not work for a virtual field computed using a joined column
Bug report #11645
: WFS bounding box issue
Bug report #11673
: Polygon shapefile - centroïds fill bug
Bug report #11694
: Cannot select second layer when Join attributes table is used in Modeler
Bug report #11722
: Hang on Identify Feature on Oracle layers
Bug report #11801
: 'Rotate Label' freezes
Bug report #11836
: "Drag and drop designer" crashes QGIS when a text edit, multiline field is repeated more than once
Bug report #11841
: settings atlas feature leads to NaNs for scale and coordinates
Bug report #11852
: Removing linked feature doesn't clear the embed form
Bug report #11893
: QgsVectorJoinInfo in Windows doesn't work but works fine in Linux for 2.6.1
Bug report #11907
: SVG marker bug
Bug report #11908
: Polygon shapefile not displaying at small scales
Bug report #11936
: Layer Properties - Equal Interval and Pretty Breaks not working when column comes from Join Layer
Bug report #11955
: Qgis Diagram not showing output for one specific countie - at 1:3,000,000 zoom
Bug report #11974
: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
Bug report #11987
: (un)select all buttons broken in DXF export
Bug report #11999
: SpatiaLite layer not displayed and reports wrong extent
Bug report #12054
: ODBC and geodatabase access fails on windows 7 64 bits
Bug report #12094
: Processing: Raster layer histogram from QGIS algorithms throws a python error
Bug report #12123
: Impossible to interactively rotate point features when rule-based renderer is used
Bug report #12127
: Help text for Models does not save In Graphical Modeler
Bug report #12132
: Attribute editing refresh problem
Bug report #12140
: Opening a new project within python plugin causes blank screen
Bug report #12234
: QGIS freezes when adding a legend in composer and project has a WMS layer with a missing graphic legend
Bug report #12253
: WMTS When Zoomed Out Crashes QGIS
Bug report #12256
: Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
Bug report #12259
: Window for the creation of new memory layers: wrong size
Bug report #12282
: unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) values when using a numeric column in a esri file geodatabase
Bug report #12290
: proxy settings only works one time, and then QGIS "forgets" the settings
Bug report #12318
: attribute table does not show all features
Bug report #12395
: Incorrect coordinates in status bar
Bug report #12409
: Creation of new mapsets does not work anymore
Bug report #12413
: empty multilinestring causes crash
Bug report #12414
: Cannot change Filter
Bug report #12484
: QGIS Server: invalid list of of layers in "LayerDrawingOrder" when using embedded groups/layers
Bug report #12501
: QGIS does consistantly display all features of ESRI .shp files on Map
Bug report #12502
: processing:runalg locks input file
Bug report #12507
: Browser connections issues in master
Bug report #12510
: plugins using spatialite-amalgamation, pyspatialite
Bug report #12522
: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
Bug report #12543
: layer style effects not compatible with inverted polygon renderer
Bug report #12578
: Large pause before snapping to large layer
Bug report #12589
: Choose which fields are joined behaves wrongly when the target field is also selected
Bug report #12637
: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
Bug report #12644
: A number of fonts in the composer have metrics messed up upon project re-loading
Bug report #12646
: Split RGB bands stopped to work in latest Processing releases
Bug report #12671
: Cursor icon is too small on HiDPI screen
Bug report #12683
: Processing refactor fields: python error on unhandeld field types
Bug report #12686
: layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
Bug report #12690
: Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial layer
Bug report #12713
: when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
Bug report #12719
: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations dialog
Bug report #12725
: GRASS datasources always have absolute paths in QGIS project
Bug report #12727
: Openstreetmap Import to spatialite incomplete
Bug report #12745
: processing python error
Bug report #12752
: QGIS 2.0 to 2.8 segmentation fault opening/reading NetCDF + CF grid
Bug report #12770
: shapefile gets corrupted after editing
Bug report #12778
: Quick field calc bar in attribute table bug
Bug report #12779
: Attribute table edits appear not to be working after sort
Bug report #12792
: Labels rendered multiple times with curved placement
Bug report #12796
: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
Bug report #12799
: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature with invalid geometries which have one segment in common.
Bug report #12807
: ParameterTableField : can't see all the fields which contains an integer
Bug report #12809
: Add New Script from File has Python Error
Bug report #12818
: Layer properties dialog displays horizontal scrollbar on min width
Bug report #12819
: Fix dialog consistency for effect properties
Bug report #12827
: Wrong length calculation from Python with new geometry classes
Bug report #12830
: QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
Bug report #12836
: serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on canvas and composer map items
Bug report #12837
: QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
Bug report #12838
: QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
Bug report #12844
: qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
Bug report #12849
: QGIS crashes when using advanced digitizing and snap function
Bug report #12855
: "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
Bug report #12862
: QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
Bug report #12863
: Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
Bug report #12867
: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
Bug report #12880
: Reshape tool throws exception
Bug report #12885
: cannot add part to empty geometries anymore
Bug report #12886
: delete part has no effect on single geometries
Bug report #12888
: Symbol with data-defined size that evaluate to NULL are drawn
Bug report #12901
: QGIS 2.8.2 in attribute table field calc fails with $x and $y
Bug report #12905
: processing: output in formats different from default (shp/tif) do not work
Bug report #12929
: XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
Bug report #12930
: Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
Bug report #12948
: different SVG extent in composer than in map canvas
Bug report #12951
: No XSD is created when exporting to GML
Bug report #12959
: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
Bug report #12995
: Regression - Wrong default values on feature attributes edit form
Bug report #12996
: Regression - Wrong default values on feature attributes edit form
Bug report #13002
: Crash opening GRASS 7 mapset in QGIS browser on Windows
Bug report #13022
: ELSE expression symbol used when other rules are set invisible in the legend
Bug report #13032
: Save as... fails to populate fields if layer has similar names only different by case
Bug report #13052
: Problem with reshape
Bug report #13062
: DXF Export: problem with some basic shapes
Bug report #13063
: DXF Export: data-defined choice of simple markers does not work
Bug report #13067
: The difference tool gives broken results in both 2.10 and 2.11
Bug report #13072
: GRASS 7/Processing stopped to work with Processing 2.10.1
Bug report #13082
: Removing a shape file layer doesn't close the file.
Bug report #13101
: SAGA Processing-Tool (merge layers) doesn't work and no alternative
Bug report #13117
: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
Bug report #13118
: QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Bug report #13147
: QGIS 2.10 attribute table sorting introduces NULL values
Bug report #13161
: GetLegendGraphics Server Error
Bug report #13163
: QGIS 2.8.2 crashes when applying OS area style for VML
Bug report #13167
: ftools dissolve, intersection, clip broken
Bug report #13171
: Trying to add a JOIN to a lonesome layer crashes QGIS
Bug report #13182
: QGIS WFS Server returns empty answer
Bug report #13249
: scale item corrupted upon restoration of composer on project load (included)
Bug report #13257
: right click should cancel the node tool
Bug report #13258
: delete part cannot make feature having NULL geometry anymore
Bug report #13275
: rubberband when using node tool on point layer
Bug report #13276
: node tool regressions and issues
Bug report #13287
: DB Manager d&d broken
Bug report #13288
: Geopackage support not working in QGIS Browser
Bug report #13297
: Edited/Deleted features still in Shapefile
Bug report #13298
: Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
Bug report #13302
: long line in legend
Bug report #13305
: Layout templates drawback
Bug report #13318
: Data-defined symbology seriously broken
Bug report #13354
: Digitizing "Fill ring" tool creates more features than needed
Bug report #13441
: "ParameterExtent" wrong values in Processing
Bug report #13454
: 2.11 Authentification System error
Bug report #13490
: PostGIS: Merge drops dataset whereas split retains it
Bug report #13504
: columns added to Spatialite layers with DB Manager are not visible in QGIS
Bug report #13505
: python error when trying to show the attribute table of Spatialite layer in DB Manager
Bug report #13508
: QGIS master: table preview in DB Manager completely empty
Bug report #13535
: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
Bug report #13569
: memory leak in renderer
Bug report #13602
: WMS of group layer is drawn in reverse order
Bug report #13607
: DBManager doesn't allow to load PostGis Raster with a number as first character
Bug report #13631
: when ELSE rule exists in Styling, all Labels are rendered regardless of styling groups being active/inactive
Bug report #13641
: editing a feature in a PostGIS layer does not work when the PK contains NULLs
Bug report #13645
: ftools "line intersection" crashes qgis
Bug report #13646
: Merge shapefiles from fTools crashes QGIS
Bug report #13658
: Polygons disappear after saving
Bug report #13661
: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in polygons
Bug report #13667
: rule based labelling is not saved in qml style files
Bug report #13683
: DBManager doesn't work with the new authentication system
Bug report #13701
: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule based style
Bug report #13708
: Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
Bug report #13723
: Mutually exclusive group property is not saved into project files
Bug report #13733
: DBManager Export to file: missing extension for output causing error
Bug report #13735
: CRS transformation broken in Master?
Bug report #13744
: paste problems
Bug report #13749
: Add csv layer: points not created
Bug report #13752
: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
Bug report #13754
: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few entities are selected
Bug report #13755
: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
Bug report #13762
: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
Bug report #13763
: QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
Bug report #13766
: Crash after clicking on window close.
Bug report #13787
: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rendering) when force point inside polygon is active
Bug report #13789
: QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked with the node tool
Bug report #13790
: on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking "ok"
Bug report #13791
: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
Bug report #13798
: QGIS Server - WFS getFeature does not escape line ending -> malformed GeoJSON
Bug report #13841
: DbManager does not use the new authentication system
Bug report #13849
: Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
Bug report #13953
: shapefile geometry are never (really) deleted
Bug report #13955
: shapefile geometry are never (really) deleted
Bug report #13973
: Crash when switching from custom renderer to another
Bug report #13984
: custom python init function config is lost in master
Bug report #14010
: Converting to Offline Editing of WFS-T layer causes minidump
Bug report #14025
: Crash when loading project with custom renderer for vector layers
Bug report #14064
: Problem with numeric fields
Bug report #14085
: Delete a feature in shapefile
Bug report #14148
: @value variable of simple symbol fill color wrongly gets modified in data-defined expression
Bug report #14154
: Digitizing: "Reuse last entered attribute values" should not overwrite primary key column
Bug report #14160
: broken drag & drop layer from one project to another
Bug report #14190
: shapefile vector writer: datetime field saved as date resulting in data loss of time
Bug report #14204
: QgsGeometry::fromWkb fails if WKB is different endian representation
Bug report #14208
: DBManager don't use pgservice.conf
Bug report #14217
: Segfault on QgsMapCanvas() creation
Bug report #14227
: Processing: Dissolve polygons (GDAL/OGR and GRASS v.dissolve) in the Modeler
Bug report #14292
: 'Merge Selected Features' does not remove unnecessary nodes
Bug report #14378
: Mapinfo Tables cannot be opened simultaneously in QGIS > 2.8.3 and MapInfo
Bug report #14385
: QGIS 2.14 SVG in Map Composer
Bug report #14440
: QGIS bd140a7 (GDAL 2.0.2-4) without vsizip support
Bug report #14472
: Attribute table icons too small on HiDPI
Bug report #14550
: crashes when invalid geojson files are in a directory
Bug report #14596
: wmts nor referenced
Bug report #14670
: 'Check Geometries' plugin fails generating serial values
Bug report #14761
: Inverted polygon does not appear in composer legend when filtered by map
Bug report #14763
: reloading attribute table does not respect the filter
Bug report #14792
: Memory leak with big Shapefile
Bug report #14797
: Default WMS servers wrong
Bug report #14814
: QGIS crashes using 2.5D Renderer for Lines
Bug report #14822
: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Bug report #14833
: geometry generator expression editor doesn't offer @map_scale variable
Bug report #14960
: effect: anti-aliasing seemingly broken when layer-wide effects enabled
Bug report #14980
: impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
Bug report #14989
: labelling: cartographic placement broken when data-defined quadrant set
Bug report #14996
: GPS don't record geometry point, but only attribute values...
Bug report #14997
: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
Bug report #15003
: Map Styling Dock
Bug report #15029
: Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
Bug report #15038
: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QGIS to crash
Bug report #15058
: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
Bug report #15059
: Description of Plugins
Bug report #15083
: Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
Bug report #15184
: Invert for color ramps in Singleband pseudocolor
Bug report #15267
: colliding labels
Bug report #15272
: QgsVectorLayer's attributeValueChanged SIGNAL emitted when it should not
Bug report #15350
: WMTS layers are not listed in Browser panel
Bug report #15366
: Attribute table sorts numeric values like text
Bug report #15443
: Missing raster output formats on Windows
Bug report #15482
: Qgis Desktop cannot open layers from Qgis Server if the short_name option has been setup
Bug report #15484
: cannot open DXF
Bug report #15567
: "Merge Selected Features" Tool - wrong source attribut
Bug report #15659
: Crash when deleting features with node tool (2.14 for Mac OS)
Bug report #15664
: Dxf2shp Converter crash in 2.14
Bug report #15668
: Raster Translate doesn't read output format
Bug report #15674
: QGIS crashes when escape is pressed in 'Symbol Selector'
Bug report #15699
: drag'n'drop from legend doesn't ask for confirmation of removal
Bug report #15728
: line pattern fill symbology throws qpainter warnings when line space in map unit and canvas scaled out
Bug report #15789
: attribute table: virtual field values are not updated when underlying field values changes
Bug report #15848
: wrong German translations in processing GRASS modules
Bug report #16050
: WFS version autodetection does not work (connections fail)
Bug report #16063
: Gdal2tile not opening in Processing
Bug report #16122
: Processing (gdal) dissolve polygon fails
Bug report #16169
: Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
Bug report #16170
: Processing: Dissolve Tool: Preserve only fields specified as dissolve fields
Bug report #16203
: SQL To Determine Prrimary Key column_names does not handle views or situations where constraint_name <> index_name
Bug report #16236
: Shapefile Column Position cannot be changed
Bug report #16269
: relation reference widget with attachment widget progressive size increase
Bug report #16347
: Processing script editor won't open
Bug report #16354
: mutually exclusive group prevent checking sub-children individually
Bug report #16355
: relative path in embedded groups are not respected
Bug report #16376
: Calculations errors on WGS84 with Ellipsoid set to None/Planimetric
Bug report #16378
: SAGA not loaded on QGIS 2.18.5
Bug report #16427
: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Feature request #3296
: Areas and length from field calculator are different to derived or measured results, when on the fly projection is on
Feature request #3430
: fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
Feature request #3843
: Rule based labeling
Feature request #4357
: On/Off checkbox for Composer Objects
Feature request #4358
: Implement an item "tree" for composers
Feature request #4834
: Node tool: change colours
Feature request #4884
: Allow rotation of labels and other objects (beside map and images) in print composer
Feature request #5396
: Run algorithms in a different thread
Feature request #5963
: too much decimals in graduated style classification
Feature request #6297
: Startup python script for all users
Feature request #6469
: Allow selecting features by selecting symbology classes in TOC
Feature request #6753
: Field properties: allow to view multiple lines comment
Feature request #6768
: Diagrams: connect Expression builder to attributes and size fields
Feature request #6776
: Allow multiple parallel classifications for different visual variables
Feature request #6949
: raster "save as..." dialog misses the "add result to map" option
Feature request #6951
: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "create VRT" option
Feature request #6985
: Export print layout as image with world file
Feature request #6986
: Browser should support formats with multiple layers in it
Feature request #7052
: Composer navigation should be improved
Feature request #7192
: system specific location of qgis settings
Feature request #7235
: Add option to avoid users producing invalid topologies while digitising
Feature request #7319
: Create class for each Edit type
Feature request #7541
: attribute table : add a "show selected features if there is a selection" behavior
Feature request #7581
: raster calculator really needs support for conditional statements (to allow reclassify rasters)
Feature request #7626
: Welcome page
Feature request #7651
: Settings importer from QGIS 1.x
Feature request #7691
: Add scroll bar to print composer
Feature request #7706
: Geometry constructors (EWKT/EWKB)
Feature request #7719
: add GML response to GetFeatureInfo in qgis mapserver
Feature request #7750
: Topology Checker - Add "Save to" to the results
Feature request #7777
: add blend mode option to qgis composer map item's grid
Feature request #7789
: Allow choose font color for grid coordinates in print composer
Feature request #7792
: Failback label
Feature request #7793
: Add marching ants to selected composer items
Feature request #7812
: QGIS Blend Mode - Grayed or Inverted Grayed
Feature request #7813
: QGIS Blend Mode - Cut
Feature request #7870
: Selecting underlying items in Composer.
Feature request #7898
: New Vector Layer Window
Feature request #7959
: Add inches to snap settings and item properties positions in print composer
Feature request #7974
: add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wheel)
Feature request #7975
: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
Feature request #8045
: add unit test for startup options (pluginpath, configpath)
Feature request #8176
: The raster contrast/brightness +- buttons should support multiple layer selection
Feature request #8177
: The raster contrast/brightness +- buttons could support a bigger step with Shift button pressed
Feature request #8196
: Give us a panel that shows load times of layers
Feature request #8216
: When slow, "Add PostGIS Tables" dialog needs to tell me which tables/views are taking too long to process
Feature request #8220
: Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
Feature request #8226
: Provide export settings ability
Feature request #8257
: Add new SVG/Image selector to composer
Feature request #8358
: The composer should retry more than one time the retrieve of a tile from a layer wms
Feature request #8378
: Allow to stop drawing in Composer window
Feature request #8382
: Better way to remember last used choices for forms on adding feature
Feature request #8383
: Better gradient colour ramp builder
Feature request #8388
: Georeferencer - allow to disable automatic reducing
Feature request #8409
: QGIS identify form doesn't allow to copy attribute value
Feature request #8454
: QgsFields: Implement container methods
Feature request #8464
: Save query in Select by Expression
Feature request #8494
: Georeferencer and rectifier
Feature request #8505
: Add option to suppress feature form for new features to project and layer properties
Feature request #8508
: QGIS Server: make nr of layers in layer cache configurable
Feature request #8706
: Diagram placement: make "Show all" the default, and easier to change
Feature request #8709
: Easier import of OSM data: bounding box
Feature request #8711
: Please add decent North arrows
Feature request #8718
: Do not remove unavailable layers when opening project
Feature request #8722
: Remove SPIT
Feature request #8731
: Text boxes in Print composer: better formatting
Feature request #8733
: Better formatting for scales
Feature request #8842
: Pull request submitted to add GEOS single sided buffer operation to QgsGeometry
Feature request #8844
: PDF output option - text as text objects rather than paths
Feature request #8893
: raise warning if an expression cannot be evaluated.
Feature request #8901
: Improvement on Composer Legend Behavior
Feature request #8926
: Set the color of the Selection Tool bounding box
Feature request #8929
: option to switch off dpi parameter when accessing WMS layers
Feature request #8954
: Add towgs84 parameters to some CRS for Portugal
Feature request #8984
: Improve WMT-S add layer dialog to use layer "Title"
Feature request #9001
: Make imported CSV tables editable within QGIS
Feature request #9003
: Export report in georeferencer plugin does not export all gcp table attributes
Feature request #9020
: Add usesGeometry argument in qgsfunction decorator for use Expression in Python
Feature request #9176
: add layerid in record category for expressions
Feature request #9248
: Atlas - Using the same coverage layer multiple times in a sheet.
Feature request #9277
: Make labels follow layer z-order
Feature request #9281
: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
Feature request #9330
: Rotate Rendered Map Canvas
Feature request #9338
: Allow to select size of export image in Project > Save as Image.
Feature request #9464
: Consistent Terminology and Syntax
Feature request #9546
: Expression Contexts
Feature request #9737
: Partial canvas redraw
Feature request #9778
: Support metatile and metabuffer for labels
Feature request #9797
: Add a precision setting for GetFeatureInfo geometry attributes
Feature request #9804
: Add % token to admitted characters (for LIKE filters)
Feature request #9805
: Add ILIKE filter
Feature request #9810
: [GDAL][NetCDF] Generate band name with NetCDF EXTRA_DIM
Feature request #9950
: Add a distance analysis tool
Feature request #10313
: List of available OGR drivers
Feature request #10422
: "select by expression" dialog should be named with the layer name
Feature request #10426
: Composer Manager : ideas for improvements
Feature request #10547
: Print composer frame & annotation issues
Feature request #10569
: no "append data to table" option
Feature request #10612
: MSSQL - Show user defined error messages
Feature request #10613
: Model builder: allow choose name of algorithm outputs
Feature request #10650
: Atlas printing: getting access to the $atlasfeature record in expressions
Feature request #10656
: Atlas : geometryless or raster layer should not be listed in coverage layer list
Feature request #10661
: allow to choose and fill coordinates from canvas
Feature request #10946
: Non-integer key columns in MSSQL
Feature request #11107
: Multiple Selection: Two areas for improvement.
Feature request #11113
: Eraser or rubber tool
Feature request #11139
: A show/hide option to quickly manage the symbology of a categorized layer
Feature request #11140
: Update attributes of a joined layer automatically
Feature request #11319
: Allow to (re)add features to null geometries
Feature request #11803
: Plugins and lack of character encoding.
Feature request #11912
: rotation: the composer map item should rely on the new map rotation feature
Feature request #12101
: Try user-selected GDAL/OGR driver first when loading a layer
Feature request #12258
: Add fields to temporary memory layers
Feature request #12329
: Inform user that editing MapInfo files is useless while trying so
Feature request #12343
: Add GRASS* modules to Processing toolbox
Feature request #12788
: Absolute path to images in composer
Feature request #12857
: PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
Feature request #13283
: Relative paths to files and photos
Feature request #13570
: size varying assistant not available for line layers
Feature request #13596
: Undo and Redo
Feature request #13597
: Control contents of grouplayer legends
Feature request #13628
: Composer legend: Unify "auto-update" checkbox and "update all" button
Feature request #13654
: Enhancements to Dissolve
Feature request #13697
: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
Feature request #14094
: Increase allowed maximum value for Outline Width in Simple Marker dialog
Feature request #14449
: Access to raster attribute tables
Feature request #14527
: DB Manager - Add support for SQL-Server
Feature request #15461
: Relation reference widget: introduce unique constraint
Feature request #16304
: implement QgsNetworkAccessManager for HTTP
Feature request #16375
: Change Way SDO_RELATE is used in QGIS spatial queries