Bug report #10238

SAGA algorithms doesn't work in Modeler QGIS 2.2

Added by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Assignee:Victor Olaya
Affected QGIS version:2.2.0 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:18677


I am using Modeler in QGIS 2.2 and it gives me an error when I use SAGA algorithms. The error is:

Oooops! The following output layers could not be open
Sum: C:\\Users\\Lia\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\processing\\27c6ca3a520e41108410d3a06c990490\\RESULTALG0.tif
The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm
Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not created as expected.

GRASS algorithms are working well but SAGA doesn't. I am using Grids Sum algorithm.

Hope you help me.

Best regards,


#1 Updated by Antonio Locandro almost 11 years ago

confirmed, had several issues this past day had to resort to GRASS algorithms instead

#2 Updated by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago

Thanks for check this.

So, SAGA algorithms, especially grids calculator, doesn't work in QGIS 2.2 right?

I have to use GRASS?

#3 Updated by Filipe Dias almost 11 years ago

Do SAGA algorithms work outside of the Modeler?

#4 Updated by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago

Yes, outside Modeler all SAGA algorithms works fine.
Inside Modeler, SAGA algorithms as Grids Sum, Grids Product and Raster Calculator, doesn't work.

#5 Updated by Filipe Dias almost 11 years ago

Go to Plugins -> Manage and Install plugins -> Settings -> activate "Show also experimental plugins"

Then, upgrade "processing" and report back please.

#6 Updated by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago

Do you mean restart QGIS with "upgrade processing" after activate "Show also experimental plugins"?

I did what you said but I get the same error.

#7 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.2 to Version 2.4

The issue seems to be that in the modeller the output (SAGA) raster is not defined, example:

Algorithm starting...
Prepare algorithm 0: Grids sum
Running Grids sum [1/1]
Parameters: GRIDS =None
grid_calculus "Grids Sum" -RESULT "/tmp/processing/e6a09432c0804993946df728166697b0/RESULTALG0.tif.sgrd"
io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/e6a09432c0804993946df728166697b0/RESULTALG0.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "/tmp/processing/e6a09432c0804993946df728166697b0/RESULTALG0.tif"
The value for the option 'GRIDS' must be specified.

while not in the modeller it is, example

Algorithm Grids sum starting...
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM -INTERPOL 0 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/080eff9823d64507951a9bc8d38b7f70/slope.sgrd" -FILES "/home/giovanni/Desktop/CIMAL/projectos_qgis/fauna/dados/rasters/slope.tif"
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM -INTERPOL 0 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/b08ab0e104e14a60b05d44a9d6bfbc13/demclipped.sgrd" -FILES "/home/giovanni/Desktop/amlei/dados/raster/dem/dem_clipped.tif"
grid_calculus "Grids Sum" -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/080eff9823d64507951a9bc8d38b7f70/slope.sgrd;/tmp/processing/b08ab0e104e14a60b05d44a9d6bfbc13/demclipped.sgrd" -RESULT "/tmp/processing/d202709121084932b93b30906c18285a/RESULT.tif.sgrd"
io_gdal 1 -GRIDS "/tmp/processing/d202709121084932b93b30906c18285a/RESULT.tif.sgrd" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE "/tmp/processing/d202709121084932b93b30906c18285a/RESULT.tif"

#8 Updated by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago

Is there a way to use SAGA algorithms through Modeler?

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 11 years ago

Barbara Duarte wrote:

Is there a way to use SAGA algorithms through Modeler?

If there is a bug this must be fixed. Once fixed a new updated version of the toolbox can be immediately shipped as plugin update. If you are in a hurry to have a fix then you can hire one of the developers. If you are in Portugal you can drop me a line.

#10 Updated by Barbara Duarte almost 11 years ago


No, I can wait for the new version.

Hope it is fixed.

Thank you for the attention.

#11 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.4 to Future Release - High Priority

#12 Updated by Alexander Bruy about 10 years ago

  • Category changed from 94 to Processing/Modeller
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Still true?

#13 Updated by Paolo Cavallini about 10 years ago

They seem to be working now. Please Barbara check and close it if appropriate.,

#14 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented

closing for lack of feedback.

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