Bug report #13117
cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Severe/Regression | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Web Services clients/WFS | ||
Affected QGIS version: | master | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | fixed/implemented |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 21182 |
When I zoom in to some area in nl:
centroid: (149957,410248)
scale 1:800
and i add a wfs layer: bag:pand
from: http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/bag/wfs
with the "cache feature" unchecked
I get the features in my view extent as expected.
But when I pan, qgis is not downloading any new features. The layer keeps on being filled with the initial set of features.
I used this before and it worked. And it does work as it should at the qgis 2.8 osx version at my colleagues laptop.
Related issues
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Severe/Regression
- Target version set to Future Release - High Priority
- Operating System deleted (
linux) - OS version deleted (
ubuntu 14.04)
confirmed, it worked until 2.8.*, stopped in 2.10 and master.
Updated by Richard Duivenvoorde over 9 years ago
Yep the 'caching' behaviour changed.
Before when you added a &BBOX to the provider uri (when using python interface), the layer was NON-cached and for every extent change there was a new WFS GetFeature request fired (desired behaviour)
In 2.10 and in current master adding this &BBOX to the uri does not work anymore.
As there is a tickbox 'Only request feature overlapping the current view extent' I would think that
Unchecking 'Cache Feature' and Unchecking 'Only overlapping' would give me the desired behaviour as before
But I do not see any difference between tickend en unticked 'Only overlapping' when uncached...
I think something is broken there...
And for the python interface, it would be helpfull if there were params like 'caching' or 'only_overlapped'...
Updated by Richard Duivenvoorde over 9 years ago
Updated by Richard Duivenvoorde over 9 years ago
Adding more info:
The use case is this wfs:
holding ALL houses in The Netherlands (couple million)
the wfs maximizes the number of feature returned ot ... I think 15000 or so...
The working (2.8 behaviour) was:
- if UNchecked the 'Cache features' then the client added a bbox (good!) AND refetched the features after every Pan and Zoom Action (good!)
Now not anymore: only a first set is retrieved, and after that nothing happens anymore.
To me the two options 'Cache features' and ' only request in current bbox' more or less mimic there behaviour
Anyway: create a project:
xy: 104676.3,490097.6
scale: 1:1000
The possible combinations
combi 1
'Cache Feature' UNchecked
'Only request... overlapping' UNchecked
BBOX in request! Good, though it is hard to do caching AND retrieving new features I think...
But it does not retrieve new features anymore after the retrieval of the first set (like it did in earlier versions)...
combi 2
'Cache Feature' CHECKED
'Only request... overlapping' UNchecked
OK, no bbox: we just request the first 15000 features (very outside the current bbox), but hey, that is what we asked for.
Pan action: does not add anything...
combi 3
'Cache Feature' UNchecked
'Only request... overlapping' CHECKED
OK, adding a bbox to the feature request (apparently because of the 'only request with current bbox'...
BUT panning or zooming OUT does NOT get new features :-(
combi 4
'Cache Feature' CHECKED
'Only request... overlapping' CHECKED
OK, adding a bbox to the feature request (apparently because of the 'Cache Features'
BUT panning or zooming OUT does NOT get new features :-(
Updated by Raymond Nijssen over 9 years ago
Today I dug in this issue and all related ones. In my opinion, the reason this works badly (or not at all) is the complexity. Therefore I suggest to bring the number of options back to 2 "strategies":
1. cached: Download complete dataset one time and cache it in memory.
2. bbox: Fire a request with bounding box every time you pan/zoom.
We should get rid of the checkboxes in the interface because they provide too many (and also useless/illogical) combinations that are hard to understand and implement. If we add these 2 options as a combobox to the interface, it is more clear. And there is space to ever add some extra (nifty) option without breaking these existing ones.
Basically this will make things work again. But there are another 2 enhancements I'd like to propose:
1. Having this same strategy combobox in the Layer properties of a WFS layer. So you can change your strategy after adding the layer.
2. Show a warning when the number of received features is a multiple of 500, since there is high probability that the dataset is truncated server-side. issue #9444
Any thoughts on this?
Updated by Phil Mountain over 9 years ago
Panning WFS in version 2.2 refreshes the map and works perfectly, finding out how this functionality was lost and reintroducing it will return us to the status quo ante.
Updated by Jeremy Palmer about 9 years ago
@Raymond Nijssen: I agree your comments about simplifying the UI to just have 2 simple options. You should raise another ticket for this.
However this issue has now been resolved in master 188625c. Closing ticket.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed/implemented
Raymond please add your notes here:
Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature request #14121: WFS client implement simple logic for caching and non-caching added