
From 2018-02-10 to 2018-03-11


10:39 PM Bug report #18412 (Open): Layout templates folder is still named composer_templates
I think all is in the title: folders where layout templates are saved should be renamed layout_templates instead of c... Harrissou Santanna
10:33 PM Bug report #18380 (Feedback): Unable to embed layer groups from other project. But able to import...
Giovanni Manghi
09:24 PM Bug report #18380: Unable to embed layer groups from other project. But able to import specific l...
Hi, can you please add some minimal projects, so it is easier for people here to reproduce?
You could either add s...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:26 PM Feature request #18411 (Open): Allow to add comment to an existing field
In layer's properties --> Source Fields tab, there's no way to add a comment to an existing field. This seems to be p... Harrissou Santanna
09:19 PM Bug report #18410 (Closed): Sorting a table in composer comboined with limit records does sort af...
what I have done:
- loading a buildings layer (from OSM data)
- creating a map composition to create an atlas ...
Marco Lechner
09:14 PM Bug report #18316: type object 'QgsMessageBar' has no attribute 'SUCCESS'
That's because the api changed with version 3. QgsMessageLog.INFO no longer exists. Nyall Dawson
06:21 PM Bug report #18316: type object 'QgsMessageBar' has no attribute 'SUCCESS'
It is related to qgis - today I found same with QgsMessageLog - something wrong with enums. If I use QgsMessageLog.IN... Jakub Kosik
09:06 PM Bug report #18135: Point Pattern Fill issue in canvas rendering and exporting images
The issue still occurs in QGIS 3.0 and QGIS 3.1(master). Geo Dev
08:27 PM Bug report #18409 (Open): Starting A new project loading osm xyz layer does not zoom to extent, b...
Since some days with current 3.1 master if I start a fresh project and load OSM as xyz it will not zoom to 'world', b... Richard Duivenvoorde
06:55 PM Revision 03431629 (qgis): debian packaging: add buster
(cherry picked from commit d88da33e9b7aadb4d372b4d62fecef2197ed69f4) Jürgen Fischer
06:54 PM Revision d88da33e (qgis): debian packaging: add buster
Jürgen Fischer
06:53 PM Revision 93ed46eb (qgis): debian packaging: add buster
Jürgen Fischer
05:09 PM Bug report #18401 (Feedback): After doing zoom, it does not show any layer
Can you please attach a sample project with minimal data to reproduce the issue?
"Sometimes" is not of much use for ...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:57 PM Bug report #18402: QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD...
Also tried on win 10 64 bits without issues, loading from a network drive also worked.
Can you reproduce it on win...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:51 PM Bug report #18402: QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD...
Tested on Linux and it works fine, I picked one at random: HRNHDPlus0101.gpkg
Are you by chance loading the file f...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:45 PM Bug report #18402 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage ...
Can you please describe the exact step-by-step procedure to reproduce this crash?
There are multiple ways to add a g...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:39 PM Revision 010a99d1 (qgis): fix build without python (#6577)
and do not delete object with incomplete type
better fix for warning adressed in PR #6491
Denis Rouzaud
04:39 PM Revision aef3ad3b (qgis): fix build without python (#6578)
and do not delete object with incomplete type
better fix for warning adressed in PR #6491
Denis Rouzaud
04:33 PM Bug report #18403 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashes when assigning SLD style files to Mapinfo Tab files,...
Works for me on Linux (I just tried to load the SLDs on the two layers and pan zoom in/out for a while)
I've also ...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:17 PM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I still don't understand how this is related to the original description of this issue.
Arjan Mossel
12:55 PM Revision 39778b16 (qgis): Added test reference file for getfeatureinfo no width
Alessandro Pasotti
12:49 PM Bug report #18406: QGIS 3 is about 3 times slower when calculating attributes.
Sure, but later this week or even the next weekend :/ Completely out of resources at the moment. Borys Jurgiel
12:16 PM Bug report #18406: QGIS 3 is about 3 times slower when calculating attributes.
Hi Borys, would you be able to add a simple python test to help reproducing this? Alessandro Pasotti
12:20 PM Bug report #18404 (Feedback): missing CRSs
to help us to reproduce the issue, it would be useful if you could describe precisely how did you install QGIS, how a... Alessandro Pasotti
11:56 AM Bug report #18292 (In Progress): Server GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
11:56 AM Bug report #18292 (In Progress): Server GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
11:56 AM Bug report #18292 (In Progress): Server GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
11:43 AM Revision 59e68d9e (qgis): [server][bugfix] accept getfeatureinfo filter without h/w
When INFO_FORMAT is not an image format there is no
need to make image WIDTH and HEIGHT mandatory.
2.x accepted that...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:41 AM Revision 5281c841 (qgis): [test][server] Houskeeping: split getfeatureinfo
put it in its own test Alessandro Pasotti
10:20 AM Revision eb495138 (qgis): Fix leak when writing features with null geometry to vector layers
Nyall Dawson
10:20 AM Revision 30749ef8 (qgis): Fix leak in virtual layers
Nyall Dawson
10:20 AM Revision 3315db0f (qgis): Fix leak in QgsRelief
Nyall Dawson
10:20 AM Revision 540d692c (qgis): Fix leak in network analysis director
Nyall Dawson
08:09 AM Feature request #3979 (Closed): Allow set DPI in "save as image"
Salvatore Larosa


12:23 AM Revision dfa6b6ae (qgis): Correctly set base style for QgsLayerTreeViewProxyStyle
Creates a new QgsProxyStyle subclass of QProxyStyle which
automatically sets the base style to match the current
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision c562a2e5 (qgis): [layouts] Fix missing call to base class method
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 97324661 (qgis): Add layout util to retrieve map layer from project by string
Considers both layer id (preferred) and layer names Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 0c1ceb39 (qgis): [FEATURE][layouts] Data defined table source for attribute table items
When an attribute table is set to a "Layer features" source, this
allows the underlying vector layer from which to so...
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision 60afeadf (qgis): Add QgsProjectDirtyBlocker and QgsProject.blockDirtying to prevent
project dirtying for the lifetime of an object
Python code can then call:
project = QgsProject.instance()
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision d6eeabf6 (qgis): Make sure we don't have a dirty blank project after QGIS launch
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision 6b5dfce3 (qgis): [layouts] Fix reference map can change when opening a layout designer
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision 354a261e (qgis): [needs-docs] Show "Untitled Project" in title bar for new unsaved
Also show current profile name, if multiple profiles exist
(Maybe doesn't needs-docs)
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision 709702d5 (qgis): Don't show profile name in title bar for default profile
Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Revision 23172a10 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #18183: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
Salvatore Larosa
09:14 PM Bug report #18408: Some more batch processing errors
Batch process is for a model I made(see attached file) The value that I want to add to the output is the buffer_l val... al ray
08:37 PM Bug report #18408: Some more batch processing errors
What algorithm are you using the batch process for? Salvatore Larosa
06:08 PM Bug report #18408 (Closed): Some more batch processing errors
I've tried to use the fill method(double click header) for a batch process and it doesn't work with fil...
al ray
08:22 PM Revision 3d6cd2b4 (qgis): [QgsFilterLineEdit] disable clear action when read only
Denis Rouzaud
08:17 PM Revision cc0c1bc6 (qgis): [QgsFilterLineEdit] disable clear action when read only
Denis Rouzaud
06:19 PM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Some more info about other softwares: Alessandro Pasotti
06:06 PM Bug report #15679: Raster resampling happens before map canvas rotation
This also affects OTF reprojection as shown in this image. I would update the title if I could. Johannes Kroeger
04:53 PM Bug report #18406 (Closed): QGIS 3 is about 3 times slower when calculating attributes.
When calculating attributes, QGIS 3.0 and 3.1 are about 3 times slower than 2.18
Tested on a simple GeoPackage a...
Borys Jurgiel
04:21 PM Revision f88edea3 (qgis): finer tuning of style options
Denis Rouzaud
02:10 PM Bug report #18405 (Closed): CRS selector does not close
I loaded a layer with an unrecognised CRS (unrecognised possibly because of #18404; even though it is a G...
Gavin Fleming
02:03 PM Bug report #18404 (Closed): missing CRSs
common CRSs like 4326 and 3587 are missing from QGIS and there are many CRSs that just say 'imported from GDAL'
Gavin Fleming
01:56 PM Revision 1d0b082e (qgis): correctly emit NULL and not empty string for date/time widget for strin...
Denis Rouzaud
01:56 PM Revision 8bd48969 (qgis): fix #18299 date time widget does not correctly set value from calendar
the use of QStyle::subControlRect was returning only the rect of the arrows and not of the whole clickable area. QSty... Denis Rouzaud
01:32 PM Revision b5566bc2 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
12:24 PM Revision e30b81b3 (qgis): more translation string fixes
(cherry picked from commit e1ad1cb47376546d3500004c72c542291a789da5) Jürgen Fischer
12:23 PM Revision e1ad1cb4 (qgis): more translation string fixes
Jürgen Fischer
10:07 AM Bug report #18403 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes when assigning SLD style files to Mapinfo Tab files, w...
My installation of QGIS 3 Girona crashes on assigning "SLD" style files to mapinfo .TAB files. I have tried several d... Leigh Bettenay
06:54 AM Bug report #1485: crashes when playing with symbology - GDAL issue
This bug is likely related to other similar issues on site issue like poslaju. poslaju is an malaysian courier site, ... trackposlaju parcelposts


11:45 PM Bug report #18402: QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD...
And then crashed again with smaller GeoPackage layers added, just FYI
h2. User Feedback
Greg Cocks
11:31 PM Bug report #18402: QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD...
UPDATE: baulking on smaller GeoPackages as well, this one is ½Gb as an example (see screen shot), 'the wheel just spi... Greg Cocks
11:15 PM Bug report #18402 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashed - Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on...
h2. User Feedback
Trying to add data from a large (81Gb) GeoPackage on USGS NHD flattened data via the 'catalog'.....
Greg Cocks
09:47 PM Revision 158c3297 (qgis): fix translation strings
Jürgen Fischer
09:32 PM Revision dc1e53d6 (qgis): [tr] Polish translation update (follow up a975677a9: revert accidentall...
Borys Jurgiel
09:12 PM Revision a975677a (qgis): [tr] Polish translation update
Borys Jurgiel
08:29 PM Bug report #18401 (Open): After doing zoom, it does not show any layer
Project with raster ASC, WMS and SHP layers. Sometimes, once you zoom, when trying to refresh map, it doesn't show an... Mario FF
08:26 PM Bug report #18400 (Closed): Spatial Query
spatial query, disjointed type fails, select other elements Juan Alberto Saldaña Quiroz
07:15 PM Bug report #18110: Unable to create a tempory raster when calling IDW SAGA from python ('NoneType...
I'had mentionned that related probleme #18183 can resume this issue but my question is :
Unable to call Saga IDW f...
Jean Hemmi
05:47 PM Bug report #18399 (Closed): Meters at scale
After selecting "meters at ascale" units in style manager, QGis becomes very laggy.
QGis 3.0 x64
Alexey T
05:34 PM Bug report #18398 (Feedback): QGIS3 Print settings error
worked ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
05:34 PM Bug report #18398 (Feedback): QGIS3 Print settings error
worked ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
05:33 PM Bug report #18398 (Closed): QGIS3 Print settings error
I'm new here. I have searched but haven't found this error over the past few days.
I updated from 2.18 to 3. Open...
Noel Ballantyne
05:31 PM Revision 7eb7e936 (qgis): Revert "[processing] replace QCoreApplication.translate() with tr() in"
This reverts commit 007903494582b1e71273e7b801b928d32eb2f330. Alexander Bruy
05:27 PM Revision dd5e9639 (qgis): processing: make error messages moved to message bar translatable again...
(cherry picked from commit ad4d0a17d5e5f3a69933077876ec1f75fe6b5d4d) Jürgen Fischer
05:21 PM Revision ad4d0a17 (qgis): processing: make error messages moved to message bar translatable again...
Jürgen Fischer
03:18 PM Bug report #18392 (Closed): Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Nope, not Vector Tiles yet in QGIS3. But in QGIS 2.18 there is a plugin for that:
> ...
Hugh Davie
01:13 PM Bug report #18392: Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps
Nope, not Vector Tiles yet in QGIS3. But in QGIS 2.18 there is a plugin for that:
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:47 AM Bug report #18392: Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps

> Thanks for your prompt answer
as far as I know QGIS does not support vector tiles servers.
Giovanni Manghi
02:51 PM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
I also noticed this using "Mosaic Raster Layers". Usually you get the [Leave Blank to use min covering extent] in gre... Brad Kanther
02:51 PM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
I also noticed this using "Mosaic Raster Layers". Usually you get the [Leave Blank to use min covering extent] in gre... Brad Kanther
02:51 PM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
I also noticed this using "Mosaic Raster Layers". Usually you get the [Leave Blank to use min covering extent] in gre... Brad Kanther
02:22 PM Revision e1f5c3fe (qgis): Merge pull request #6565 from tudorbarascu/styles_opacities
add server test for GetMap with opacities and non-default styles Matthias Kuhn
01:57 PM Revision 00790349 (qgis): [processing] replace QCoreApplication.translate() with tr() in
ParametersPanel class Alexander Bruy
12:20 PM Revision 10cfca48 (qgis): add server test for GetMap with styles and opacities
Covers case Tudor Bărăscu
11:48 AM Bug report #18379 (Feedback): Unable to view longer tooltips--tooltips do not expand.
Giovanni Manghi
11:47 AM Bug report #18394: QGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dragged bac...
Garth Fletcher wrote:
> Please let me know about any other tests or data which would help track down this issue.
> ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:38 AM Bug report #18397: Primary key problem when using the interactive "Merge selected features" tool ...
The issue did not exist in QGIS 2.x - somehow the handling of PostgreSQL layers changed between 2.x and 3.x Andreas Neumann
11:05 AM Bug report #18397 (Closed): Primary key problem when using the interactive "Merge selected featur...
The issue arises with PostgreSQL layers (e.g. of type int or bigint) where the pkey is generated from a sequence. But... Andreas Neumann
10:38 AM Bug report #18396 (Closed): Feature Attributes box overlap
I've been using relations with polygons and tables, as an 1-N relation to have multiple features of the same kind on ... Frederik Fanger
10:25 AM Revision 188ca9ac (qgis): Merge pull request #6522 from mhugent/fix_18247
Fallback to feature id if pk attribute is not there Marco Hugentobler
08:55 AM Bug report #18385 (Feedback): output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer avail...
Not reproducible on master and 3.0. Please provide more information. Alexander Bruy
08:55 AM Bug report #18385 (Feedback): output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer avail...
Not reproducible on master and 3.0. Please provide more information. Alexander Bruy
08:10 AM Revision b0cd3fb5 (qgis): Translate strings before making changes to them.
Ari Jolma
05:16 AM Revision c1c00c9e (qgis): Add extra hash to processing hillshade test
At this stage the raster processing tests just test that the
algorithm executes, and generates an output file - there...
Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision f0aba282 (qgis): Less debug noise when rendering svg files
(cherry-picked from 2bc30c7) Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision 169e9186 (qgis): Fix Project Home browser item doesn't show on first save
Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision 44fc2d38 (qgis): Update test mask image
(cherry-picked from 00802e5c) Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision 2e9aa6d0 (qgis): Fix project path when path contains a symbolic link
(cherry-picked from 5b2c81) Alexis Polti
05:16 AM Revision 5aa2aea2 (qgis): Correctly respect antialias setting for marker fill symbol layers
(cherry-picked from 393e15b) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 198bf772 (qgis): Vectorize console icons (#6515)
Felis Pimeja
03:34 AM Revision 00802e5c (qgis): Update test mask image
Nyall Dawson
03:34 AM Revision 393e15b4 (qgis): Correctly respect antialias setting for marker fill symbol layers
Nyall Dawson
01:48 AM Bug report #18395: Calculating new field works inside QGIS Python console but not in standalone p...
"Here on" is supposed to be a Python comment and the line after a regular line of code. In the blockquote it is conve... J Z
01:47 AM Bug report #18395 (Closed): Calculating new field works inside QGIS Python console but not in sta...
My code in the standalone program
> import sys
> sys.path.append("C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis-ltr/python/plugins")...
01:15 AM Revision 8c780dc1 (qgis): Add @project_home expression variable
Nyall Dawson
01:15 AM Revision 4e5c08e2 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow overwriting the project home path
This allows the project home path (which is used by the browser
to create the 'Project Home' item) to be set by users...
Nyall Dawson
01:10 AM Revision d09a34c9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6553 from pblottiere/bugfix_dbmanager_stop
[dbmanager] Fixes empty table Paul Blottiere
01:10 AM Bug report #18352 (Closed): DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6bdee5b79e667812fe0e7848da3be999cd197f82. Paul Blottiere
01:10 AM Bug report #18352 (Closed): DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6bdee5b79e667812fe0e7848da3be999cd197f82. Paul Blottiere


12:54 AM Bug report #18393: GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> But installation instructions for GRASS say:
> Users of non-LTS release (like Ubun...
Jürgen Fischer
06:47 PM Bug report #18393: GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed
But installation instructions for GRASS say:
Users of non-LTS release (like Ubuntu 17.10): Add GRASS Stable PPA
Guillaume Larocque
06:23 PM Bug report #18393 (Rejected): GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 i...
artful has "GRASS 7.2.1": ... Jürgen Fischer
06:23 PM Bug report #18393 (Rejected): GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 i...
artful has "GRASS 7.2.1": ... Jürgen Fischer
06:01 PM Bug report #18393: GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed
Ubuntu 17.10 (artful). Guillaume Larocque
05:59 PM Bug report #18393 (Feedback): GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 i...
Jürgen Fischer
05:58 PM Bug report #18393: GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 is installed
For which distribution version? Jürgen Fischer
05:29 PM Bug report #18393 (Rejected): GRASS plugin is not available from debian repository if GRASS 7.4 i...
in repository, qgis-plugin-grass depends on grass721, so it doesn't install if grass74 is in... Guillaume Larocque
11:12 PM Revision 8be522fa (qgis): #5416 Re-insert update of map tips delay
J. Dugge
11:07 PM Bug report #18394: QGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dragged bac...
Please let me know about any other tests or data which would help track down this issue.
I'm not knowledgeable enoug...
Garth Fletcher
08:46 PM Bug report #18394: QGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dragged bac...
No Mac here, but cannot confirm on Debian/Linux. Richard Duivenvoorde
06:44 PM Bug report #18394 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dr...
Mac OS X 10.12.6 on Mac mini (Mid 2011) 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM
QGIS3 starts up with its win...
Garth Fletcher
11:04 PM Bug report #18392: Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps
Ok Tried all of your links and they worked first time. So had a look at the syntax of the expressions and what I am u... Hugh Davie
08:55 PM Bug report #18392: Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps
In the browser, create a new connection as in screendump:
Some examples worked with me here:
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:14 PM Bug report #18392 (Closed): Unable to get new XYZ Tiles connections to display maps
I am using QGIS 3.0 desktop on Windows 10 64 bit. Fast broadband connection via a modem.
The supplied XYZ Tile con...
Hugh Davie
09:27 PM Bug report #18295: PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
I have to wait for Amazon Web Services to reboot the server for where my PostGIS instance is installed. Looks like I... Mickey Dietrich
09:13 PM Bug report #18379: Unable to view longer tooltips--tooltips do not expand.
Tooltips etc are Window Manager and Qt5 Style dependent (AND dependent on your font size).
With me her on a Win10 ...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:08 PM Revision cbf6fdc8 (qgis): #5416 Remove spurious settings
J. Dugge
08:43 PM Revision cfeae9c0 (qgis): #5416 Update maptips delay on saving the settings
J. Dugge
08:43 PM Revision 7622ecf5 (qgis): [FEATURE] Make map tips delay configurable
J. Dugge
08:43 PM Revision c30b824a (qgis): #5416 Add map tips delay setting to menu
J. Dugge
06:56 PM Bug report #18302 (Open): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
Giovanni Manghi
06:54 PM Bug report #18302: QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
This issue is now marked closed, and #15880 is marked duplicate. But was this actually fixed? Arjan Mossel
05:14 PM Bug report #13856 (Closed): DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|333f2c3af989eec053a4b6a8e47cad3483a7a390. Jürgen Fischer
05:14 PM Bug report #13856 (Closed): DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|333f2c3af989eec053a4b6a8e47cad3483a7a390. Jürgen Fischer
05:13 PM Revision 333f2c3a (qgis): db_manager: add tooltip to default value field when editing table field...
Jürgen Fischer
04:42 PM Bug report #18391 (Closed): Crash on opening
duplicate of #18260 Giovanni Manghi
04:42 PM Bug report #18391 (Closed): Crash on opening
duplicate of #18260 Giovanni Manghi
04:40 PM Bug report #18391 (Closed): Crash on opening
Greetings -- I have downloaded QGIS 3.0 and gone through installation several times, but the program keeps crashing b... Ben Neely
03:59 PM Feature request #18390 (Open): Additional warp parameters under "Advanced parameters"
Please make possible the input of additional warp parameters in the processing tools. Conceivably in the same way tha... Brett Hankerson
03:37 PM Feature request #18374: Additional warp options
Brett Hankerson wrote:
> Ok, thank you! Yes, I've seen that ticket, but it is labeled "rejected" & "duplicate" (if w...
Giovanni Manghi
02:53 PM Feature request #18374: Additional warp options
Ok, thank you! Yes, I've seen that ticket, but it is labeled "rejected" & "duplicate" (if we are both talking about t... Brett Hankerson
01:09 PM Feature request #18374: Additional warp options
Brett Hankerson wrote:
> I realize this isn't a help forum, but if your answer could be a little more helpful, I'd g...
Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Feature request #18374: Additional warp options
I realize this isn't a help forum, but if your answer could be a little more helpful, I'd greatly appreciate it. I ca... Brett Hankerson
03:35 PM Bug report #18388 (Closed): Qgis fails to connect to GPS on COM5 to enable live nmea location
Hi, the bug tracker is not the proper place where to ask questions. For that use the official mailing lists and other... Giovanni Manghi
03:35 PM Bug report #18388 (Closed): Qgis fails to connect to GPS on COM5 to enable live nmea location
Hi, the bug tracker is not the proper place where to ask questions. For that use the official mailing lists and other... Giovanni Manghi
02:36 PM Bug report #18388 (Closed): Qgis fails to connect to GPS on COM5 to enable live nmea location
I have a Panasonic CF-53 with Win10 64, A Leica GPS1200 connected to the Laptop through USB, that stream live nmea da... nicolas menu
02:43 PM Feature request #18389 (Open): Atlas variable everywhere
It could be useful that the different atlas variable be callable in all expressions.
Actually it's not possible to c...
matthieu carlini
02:08 PM Bug report #18371: QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> PJ Lightning wrote:
> > Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > > Already fixed in master and 3.0 branch
PJ Lightning
08:51 AM Bug report #18371: QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
PJ Lightning wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Already fixed in master and 3.0 branch
> If there's a fixed vers...
Giovanni Manghi
08:41 AM Bug report #18371: QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Already fixed in master and 3.0 branch
If there's a fixed version, where can I download it?...
PJ Lightning
01:22 PM Bug report #16435 (Feedback): Expression history combo box in 'Select by expression' dialog
Nino Formica wrote:
> I think this is not a bug but a feature request. I believe this is enough !?
Giovanni Manghi
01:19 PM Bug report #16435: Expression history combo box in 'Select by expression' dialog
I think this is not a bug but a feature request.
Anyway in "Select by expression" (QGIS 2.18.17) it's already there ...
Nino Formica
01:19 PM Bug report #18385: output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer available as inp...
I assume is a bug, but there were many changes in Processing so maybe is by design. I'll investigate. Giovanni Manghi
01:19 PM Bug report #18385: output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer available as inp...
I assume is a bug, but there were many changes in Processing so maybe is by design. I'll investigate. Giovanni Manghi
01:19 PM Bug report #18385: output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer available as inp...
I assume is a bug, but there were many changes in Processing so maybe is by design. I'll investigate. Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Bug report #18385 (Closed): output of the "Save Selected Features" algorithm is no longer availab...
In trying to port over models from modeller 2.x to 3 I have found that the output of the "Save Selected Features" alg... Fergus Graham
01:18 PM Feature request #18387 (Open): Add csvt files when csv files are used as algorithm output
Some algorithms output csv files, and these often contain numeric fields. The output (csv) files are added to the lay... Håvard Tveite
01:11 PM Bug report #18384: Combination of segments_to_lines($geometry) and @geometry_part_num gives wrong...
Seems a bug to me, but I'm not 100% sure. Hopefully a developer will clarify here. Giovanni Manghi
01:11 PM Bug report #18384: Combination of segments_to_lines($geometry) and @geometry_part_num gives wrong...
Seems a bug to me, but I'm not 100% sure. Hopefully a developer will clarify here. Giovanni Manghi
12:23 PM Bug report #18384 (Closed): Combination of segments_to_lines($geometry) and @geometry_part_num gi...
When creating a style (segments.qml) for a polygon layer I noticed a difference between QGIS 2.99 (Windows standalone... Michel Stuyts
01:07 PM Bug report #18383 (Closed): QGIS crasher i søgefunktionen
Please file tickets in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #18383 (Closed): QGIS crasher i søgefunktionen
Please file tickets in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:38 AM Bug report #18383 (Closed): QGIS crasher i søgefunktionen
Trykker i søgefeltet i nedre venstre hjørne, og programmet crasher.
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
Mikkel Pedersen
01:07 PM Bug report #18382 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 crashes when trying open a new 3D Map View
Can you attach the data you are using? Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #18382 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 crashes when trying open a new 3D Map View
Can you attach the data you are using? Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #18382 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 crashes when trying open a new 3D Map View
Can you attach the data you are using? Giovanni Manghi
10:59 AM Bug report #18382 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 crashes when trying open a new 3D Map View
h2. User Feedback
Crashes when trying open a new 3D Map View.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 0009f3f5ff2bbbd...
Fergus Graham
12:56 PM Bug report #18386 (Open): delete multiple tables based on selection in QGis browser not possible
In the QGis data source browser tree I can easily see and add tables to the current project. In the context menu is t... lars Lingner
12:46 PM Feature request #4212: Data types for csv
Feature request #5606 ("Defining column types for CSV imports") has much in common with this one. Håvard Tveite
12:39 PM Revision ed039134 (qgis): Remove unused forward declaration
Alessandro Pasotti
12:09 PM Revision f7d9bb64 (qgis): Merge pull request #6559 from alexbruy/processing-parameters
[processing] fix parameters IDs (follow up #6535) Alexander Bruy
10:10 AM Revision a9441218 (qgis): [processing] fix parameters IDs (follow up #6535)
Alexander Bruy
09:50 AM Revision ad224991 (qgis): fix xenial (Qt <5.7) build
Jürgen Fischer
06:23 AM Bug report #18381 (Open): Error warnings upon startup
The appended warnings and error messages appear in the Log Messages as soon as QGIS is started (and before any projec... Garth Fletcher
06:00 AM Bug report #18360: Problems download of sample data from windows installer
Tried to install QGIS on a third machine this time a Windows 10 tower with an AMD shipset but with wired internet con... Hugh Davie
03:01 AM Bug report #18338 (Closed): Labels on MSSQL Layers
Discovered the cause of this was the lack of a unique integer column in the table, which I learned about from #12924.... Josh Knight


12:46 AM Bug report #18295: PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
We need logs to do any meaningful diagnose here. Nyall Dawson
11:55 PM Bug report #18295: PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you check the postgres logs and see if there's any difference in the queries sent from 2.1...
Giovanni Manghi
06:17 PM Bug report #18295: PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
Do you know where I can access the postgres logs showing queries on Amazon Web Services RDS? I only see error logs. ... Mickey Dietrich
12:46 AM Bug report #18371 (Closed): QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
Already fixed in master and 3.0 branch Nyall Dawson
12:46 AM Bug report #18371 (Closed): QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
Already fixed in master and 3.0 branch Nyall Dawson
11:08 AM Bug report #18371 (Closed): QGIS 3.0: Merge Vector Layers is missing from "vector" menu
The option to merge vector layers is missing from the data management tools (see attached screenshot). The help docum... PJ Lightning
12:45 AM Bug report #18355: QGIS 3 crash when clicking in searchbox
Have you got any plugins installed? Try launching without plugins Nyall Dawson
11:49 PM Bug report #18355 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crash when clicking in searchbox
for what it matters it does not happen here (testing on Win10, will also test on Linux). Giovanni Manghi
11:49 PM Bug report #18355 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crash when clicking in searchbox
for what it matters it does not happen here (testing on Win10, will also test on Linux). Giovanni Manghi
12:44 AM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
Victor Olaya wrote:
> Which algorithm are you trying?
> The extent params are not optional by the default. They...
Giovanni Manghi
12:40 AM Revision 5710709c (qgis): Add extra hash to processing hillshade test
At this stage the raster processing tests just test that the
algorithm executes, and generates an output file - there...
Nyall Dawson
12:29 AM Bug report #18322 (Open): Zooming in causes canvas to go blank
Giovanni Manghi
12:27 AM Bug report #18343 (Open): QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
Giovanni Manghi
12:25 AM Bug report #18372 (Open): Adding new dxf to canvas problem QGIS3.0
Giovanni Manghi
12:22 AM Bug report #18372: Adding new dxf to canvas problem QGIS3.0
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does it work as expected on 2.18?
Yes. When I couldn't get it working in 3.0 I had to star...
PJ Lightning
10:53 PM Bug report #18372 (Feedback): Adding new dxf to canvas problem QGIS3.0
Does it work as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
11:26 AM Bug report #18372 (Closed): Adding new dxf to canvas problem QGIS3.0
I added several map dxfs and grouped them.
I go to add another dxf as a new layer by right clicking on the file (red...
PJ Lightning
12:04 AM Bug report #18364: Crash when symbolizing raster with single band pseudocolor and max=infinity
Confirmed here. On 2.18 it is no even possible open its properties ("bad allocation"). Giovanni Manghi
12:01 AM Bug report #18264 (Open): Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Confirm it does not work anymore in batch mode. Giovanni Manghi
12:01 AM Bug report #18264 (Open): Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Confirm it does not work anymore in batch mode. Giovanni Manghi
12:01 AM Bug report #18264 (Open): Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Confirm it does not work anymore in batch mode. Giovanni Manghi
11:47 PM Bug report #18368 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashes when saving
I cannot confirm (both issues, the second should anyway be filed in its own ticket). Giovanni Manghi
10:32 AM Bug report #18368: QGIS 3 crashes when saving
After I used QGIS 2.18.16 to extract the desired lines, I loaded the shapefile in QGIS3.0. When using the "Merge Line... Matthias G
09:47 AM Bug report #18368 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes when saving
I have a line shapefile with around 5000 lines, marked around 4000 and wanted to save with "Save only selected featur... Matthias G
11:34 PM Bug report #18227 (Open): GeoReferencer crash
Giovanni Manghi
11:14 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash
2.xx also. Gerhard Spieles
10:43 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash
Gerhard Spieles wrote:
> I can confirm this behavior.
> Mostly, crashes happens when you work hurry by zoom in/out ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:41 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash
I can confirm this behavior.
Mostly, crashes happens when you work hurry by zoom in/out or pan multiple.
You can re...
Gerhard Spieles
04:46 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash

> then delete points
Giovanni Manghi
04:39 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash
João Gaspar wrote:
> hi,
> Can you describe the steps that give this error?
> You can attach screenshots as well.
Andrew Shanin
11:31 PM Revision e5c1be72 (qgis): [processing] Fixes #18187: SAGA output extent values are not in the rig...
cherry-picked from 332c8a59b9214582ed6faab6a501a6583e7f57cb Salvatore Larosa
11:30 PM Revision 33587d71 (qgis): [processing] fixes missing icon for create grid algorithm
cherry-picked from 5fda4025f4f7fb98240efc275c1bce491374dd67 Salvatore Larosa
11:29 PM Revision 927c006a (qgis): fix spacing between label and icon in widget layer properties
cherry-picked from 9edaf82874e71d34ed3c09e0b12d202e098f03d4 Salvatore Larosa
11:28 PM Revision 8bd39fb3 (qgis): Fixes #18375 - fix API break
cherry-picked from 29f6884a23c31357db30575437951278ad2d8f9c Salvatore Larosa
11:23 PM Revision 29f6884a (qgis): Fixes #18375 - fix API break
Salvatore Larosa
11:23 PM Bug report #18375 (Closed): DB Manager Topoviewer cant load Postgis topology schema
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|29f6884a23c31357db30575437951278ad2d8f9c. Salvatore Larosa
11:23 PM Bug report #18375 (Closed): DB Manager Topoviewer cant load Postgis topology schema
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|29f6884a23c31357db30575437951278ad2d8f9c. Salvatore Larosa
03:22 PM Bug report #18375 (Closed): DB Manager Topoviewer cant load Postgis topology schema
Steps to reproduce :
# Create postgis topology layers
# Open DB Manager and ...
Antoine Rivière
10:56 PM Bug report #18351: Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after create a ne...
Dario Bevilacqua wrote:
> I can't upload the shapefile that caused the issue because it contains sensitive data. I'l...
Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Bug report #18351: Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after create a ne...
I can't upload the shapefile that caused the issue because it contains sensitive data. I'll try to replicate it with ... Dario Bevilacqua
10:52 PM Feature request #10369 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: one button not two
Giovanni Manghi
12:26 PM Feature request #10369 (Feedback): New Identify Results panel: one button not two
IMHO the current state in QGIS 3 is rather satisfactory. Paolo Cavallini
12:26 PM Feature request #10369 (Feedback): New Identify Results panel: one button not two
IMHO the current state in QGIS 3 is rather satisfactory. Paolo Cavallini
10:52 PM Bug report #18344 (Open): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a join ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Bug report #18344: QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a join where t...
After some tests i realized that the reason why Qgis fails is due to the "Custom Field Name Prefix" option in the Joi... Carlos Jacinto
12:53 PM Bug report #18344: QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a join where t...
After some tests i realized that the reason why Qgis fails is due to the "Custom Field Name Prefix" option in the Joi... Carlos Jacinto
10:50 PM Feature request #18374 (Closed): Additional warp options
The tools are now all in the Processing toolbox. There is another ticket about letting the GDAL/OGR commands be edita... Giovanni Manghi
10:50 PM Feature request #18374 (Closed): Additional warp options
The tools are now all in the Processing toolbox. There is another ticket about letting the GDAL/OGR commands be edita... Giovanni Manghi
02:55 PM Feature request #18374 (Closed): Additional warp options
In 3.0.0 there seems to be no way to give additional commands in the GDALWarpOptions family using the GUI. Creation o... Brett Hankerson
10:42 PM Bug report #8359 (Open): Remove warning about WMS
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Unclear to me whether this has been solved.
I don't think the wms layers are automatical...
Giovanni Manghi
04:40 PM Bug report #8359 (Feedback): Remove warning about WMS
Unclear to me whether this has been solved. Paolo Cavallini
04:40 PM Bug report #8359 (Feedback): Remove warning about WMS
Unclear to me whether this has been solved. Paolo Cavallini
10:39 PM Bug report #11186 (Open): Deleting records from a table is very slow when the table is open for v...
Such operation on large tables is still painfully slow on 2.18. Not sure about 3. Giovanni Manghi
10:39 PM Bug report #11186 (Open): Deleting records from a table is very slow when the table is open for v...
Such operation on large tables is still painfully slow on 2.18. Not sure about 3. Giovanni Manghi
04:42 PM Bug report #11186 (Feedback): Deleting records from a table is very slow when the table is open f...
Matthias, do you consider this fixed? Paolo Cavallini
04:42 PM Bug report #11186 (Feedback): Deleting records from a table is very slow when the table is open f...
Matthias, do you consider this fixed? Paolo Cavallini
10:35 PM Bug report #16267 (Closed): Printing Pdf's that have WMTS layers problems
Paolo Cavallini
10:06 PM Bug report #11506 (Open): WFS server: artifacts whe precision= 0 decimals
Giovanni Manghi
04:46 PM Bug report #11506 (Feedback): WFS server: artifacts whe precision= 0 decimals
I don't have currently a working QGIS 3 server at hand. Régis, could you please test?
Paolo Cavallini
10:04 PM Bug report #18377 (Feedback): Crash ID: 69eb2b3edbeb282272e29c4fc56823e6bcdad5c6
There are several other identical tickets, so closing as duplicate. Also tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
10:04 PM Bug report #18377 (Feedback): Crash ID: 69eb2b3edbeb282272e29c4fc56823e6bcdad5c6
There are several other identical tickets, so closing as duplicate. Also tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #18377 (Closed): Crash ID: 69eb2b3edbeb282272e29c4fc56823e6bcdad5c6
está a acontecer isto desde que instalei a nova versão 3.0.0
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
Ricardo Campos
10:03 PM Feature request #12926 (Closed): Improve attribute table performance
Still slow for large tables if compared to other (gis) software. Better than in the past anyway. Giovanni Manghi
10:03 PM Feature request #12926 (Closed): Improve attribute table performance
Still slow for large tables if compared to other (gis) software. Better than in the past anyway. Giovanni Manghi
05:40 PM Feature request #12926 (Feedback): Improve attribute table performance
The two PR are closed. Should we close this as well?
Any automatic performance testing?
Paolo Cavallini
10:02 PM Feature request #11446 (Closed): Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Thanks. I'm closing it. Harrissou Santanna
10:02 PM Feature request #11446 (Closed): Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Thanks. I'm closing it. Harrissou Santanna
03:53 PM Feature request #11446: Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Paolo Cavallini
01:56 PM Feature request #11446 (Feedback): Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Harrissou Santanna
01:55 PM Feature request #11446: Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Hi Paolo
I'm not sure to understand this issue report.
imho we should close it and move documentation issues in do...
Harrissou Santanna
11:23 AM Feature request #11446: Chapters to be added to Training manual (Processing)
Processing chapter should be revised for QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
10:01 PM Bug report #12623 (Closed): Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
Giovanni Manghi
05:54 PM Bug report #12623 (Feedback): Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
Seems OK now in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:54 PM Bug report #12623 (Feedback): Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
Seems OK now in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:54 PM Bug report #12623 (Feedback): Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
Seems OK now in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
09:01 PM Bug report #18380 (Closed): Unable to embed layer groups from other project. But able to import s...
On previous versions of QGIS I was able to import entire layer groups and their layers and symbology from other proje... Etiënne Thomassen
08:26 PM Revision 9052bb31 (qgis): Don't crash when loading a project with unreachable wfs layers
Alessandro Pasotti
07:40 PM Bug report #18379 (Closed): Unable to view longer tooltips--tooltips do not expand.
I can't read the longer tool-tip text in QGIS because the tooltop text is longer than the width and it doesn't wrap p... Jay Cummins
05:50 PM Bug report #13427 (Closed): Range widget not working with NULLs
Fixed at least in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:50 PM Bug report #13427 (Closed): Range widget not working with NULLs
Fixed at least in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:50 PM Bug report #13427 (Closed): Range widget not working with NULLs
Fixed at least in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:50 PM Bug report #13427 (Closed): Range widget not working with NULLs
Fixed at least in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Bug report #12542 (Closed): Processing: better naming structure for output
Seems good enough now. Feel free to reopen if not. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Bug report #12542 (Closed): Processing: better naming structure for output
Seems good enough now. Feel free to reopen if not. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Bug report #12542 (Closed): Processing: better naming structure for output
Seems good enough now. Feel free to reopen if not. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Bug report #12542 (Closed): Processing: better naming structure for output
Seems good enough now. Feel free to reopen if not. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Bug report #12542 (Closed): Processing: better naming structure for output
Seems good enough now. Feel free to reopen if not. Paolo Cavallini
05:46 PM Bug report #13093 (Closed): SAGA kernels and other commands are created without a CRS, or with a ...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:46 PM Bug report #13093 (Closed): SAGA kernels and other commands are created without a CRS, or with a ...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:46 PM Bug report #13093 (Closed): SAGA kernels and other commands are created without a CRS, or with a ...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:46 PM Bug report #13093 (Closed): SAGA kernels and other commands are created without a CRS, or with a ...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:46 PM Bug report #13093 (Closed): SAGA kernels and other commands are created without a CRS, or with a ...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:42 PM Bug report #18378 (Closed): Cursor icons on OSX
Cursor icon is always Arrow instead of being specific to function (e.g., Hand, Magnifying Glass, etc.) as it was with... Garth Fletcher
05:38 PM Bug report #12398: Wrong sort order in symbol sharing
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:38 PM Bug report #12398: Wrong sort order in symbol sharing
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:38 PM Bug report #12398: Wrong sort order in symbol sharing
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:36 PM Bug report #12351: Weighted concentration renderer: difficult to remove weights
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Very minor anyway. Paolo Cavallini
05:34 PM Feature request #12754: Add split part from a multipart polygon
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:29 PM Bug report #12861: PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:28 PM Bug report #12998: Warn users when using graduated/categorized/rule-based renderer and no rules h...
Still true in QGIS 3. I believe users should be warned before applying an empty style. Paolo Cavallini
05:28 PM Bug report #12998: Warn users when using graduated/categorized/rule-based renderer and no rules h...
Still true in QGIS 3. I believe users should be warned before applying an empty style. Paolo Cavallini
05:28 PM Bug report #12998: Warn users when using graduated/categorized/rule-based renderer and no rules h...
Still true in QGIS 3. I believe users should be warned before applying an empty style. Paolo Cavallini
05:19 PM Bug report #13435: Default diagram placement
Still true in QGIS 3.0.
Seems an easy fix, just changing a default.
Paolo Cavallini
05:19 PM Bug report #13435: Default diagram placement
Still true in QGIS 3.0.
Seems an easy fix, just changing a default.
Paolo Cavallini
05:16 PM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:16 PM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:16 PM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:12 PM Bug report #13913: Embed layers and groups does not work properly with layer duplicate names
In QGIS 3 the situation has apparently got worse:
* layers with the same name from different project are not loaded
Paolo Cavallini
05:12 PM Bug report #13913: Embed layers and groups does not work properly with layer duplicate names
In QGIS 3 the situation has apparently got worse:
* layers with the same name from different project are not loaded
Paolo Cavallini
05:12 PM Bug report #13913: Embed layers and groups does not work properly with layer duplicate names
In QGIS 3 the situation has apparently got worse:
* layers with the same name from different project are not loaded
Paolo Cavallini
05:07 PM Bug report #13917 (Closed): Names of Print layout items not reused
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:07 PM Bug report #13917 (Closed): Names of Print layout items not reused
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
05:03 PM Bug report #18376 (Open): Zoom tool UI: large scale jumps from small mouse movement (hand tremor)
When clicking on the map with the zoom (magnifying glass) tools the slightest inadvertent movement of the mouse while... Garth Fletcher
04:52 PM Bug report #12751 (Closed): When advanced (CAD) digitizing is ON, Overview panel cannot be resized
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:52 PM Bug report #12751 (Closed): When advanced (CAD) digitizing is ON, Overview panel cannot be resized
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:51 PM Bug report #13890 (Closed): Font size in Form view does not take into account default font size s...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:51 PM Bug report #13890 (Closed): Font size in Form view does not take into account default font size s...
Fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:47 PM Bug report #11739: PostGIS tables with missing geometries
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:47 PM Bug report #11739: PostGIS tables with missing geometries
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:38 PM Bug report #12713: when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:37 PM Bug report #13885: Rephrase the option "Select at ID" and make it easier to find
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:37 PM Bug report #13885: Rephrase the option "Select at ID" and make it easier to find
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:35 PM Bug report #11248: Metadata should be saved in the style as well
Still true for QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:35 PM Bug report #11248: Metadata should be saved in the style as well
Still true for QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:31 PM Feature request #11740: Older plugins in the home dir mask newer ones from installer
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:21 PM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I have created a data set (testdata_2) that matches my initial timings more accurately. The data set has no features ... Casper Børgesen
04:21 PM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I have created a data set (testdata_2) that matches my initial timings more accurately. The data set has no features ... Casper Børgesen
10:55 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> > Mine are located on a network drive.
> and if you copy them ...
Jérôme Guélat
10:41 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I have just tried on two more powerful machines and they both take around 13 seconds in Q...
Casper Børgesen
09:59 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow

> I have just tried on two more powerful machines and they both take around 13 seconds in QGIS 3, while still only ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:58 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> Mine are located on a network drive.
and if you copy them on a local drive?
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Mine are located on a network drive. Jérôme Guélat
04:20 PM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
Agreed, it's not even available on Debian Sid. Paolo Cavallini
04:19 PM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
this should be "moved" to pgadmin4, but considered how bad it is I really don't know who would use it. Giovanni Manghi
04:16 PM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:18 PM Feature request #4306 (Closed): Uniform way of adding layers after analyses
Now (QGIS 3) core plugins have been moved to Processing, so probably this ticket is useless. Paolo Cavallini
04:18 PM Feature request #4306 (Closed): Uniform way of adding layers after analyses
Now (QGIS 3) core plugins have been moved to Processing, so probably this ticket is useless. Paolo Cavallini
04:17 PM Feature request #4307 (Closed): Different ways of saving files and opening them
Now (QGIS 3) core plugins have been moved to Processing, so probably this ticket is useless. Paolo Cavallini
04:17 PM Feature request #4307 (Closed): Different ways of saving files and opening them
Now (QGIS 3) core plugins have been moved to Processing, so probably this ticket is useless. Paolo Cavallini
04:15 PM Feature request #4314: Apply polygon styles also to points
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
04:14 PM Bug report #14334 (Closed): SAGA raster calculator: order of layers wrong
Paolo Cavallini
02:48 PM Bug report #18231: DB Manager - PostgreSQL and Converted Config Seg error
Bug confirmed for me with authentication (type : basic) : ... Antoine Rivière
01:44 PM Bug report #18373 (Closed): Annotation Scaling
The scaling of Annotations seems to behave wrong when printing
This is how it looks like in the layout view:
Michael Mächler
01:30 PM Bug report #18260: qgis 3 crashes at start
I don't know if the problem is really the same. The installation of Qgis is the standalone in my case and i don't use... matthieu carlini
01:26 PM Bug report #18370 (Closed): Save an empty layer to GeoJSON drop all fields
Nyall Dawson
11:51 AM Bug report #18370: Save an empty layer to GeoJSON drop all fields
Well, it seems it's not a bug. Because attributes in GeoJSON are defined at the feature level, not at the layer level... Etienne Trimaille
10:49 AM Bug report #18370 (Closed): Save an empty layer to GeoJSON drop all fields
I could replicate this issue on both QGIS 2.18 and 3.1, with Python script and using the UI.
If I create an empty ...
Etienne Trimaille
01:10 PM Feature request #18347: More visible way to access Page Properties in QGIS3 Layout
This is related to #17907. Some discussion of the background can be found at J. Dugge
12:48 PM Bug report #14258 (Closed): Line width size assistant fails to load values when column is name "...
Fixed now. Tested in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:48 PM Bug report #14258 (Closed): Line width size assistant fails to load values when column is name "...
Fixed now. Tested in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:48 PM Bug report #14258 (Closed): Line width size assistant fails to load values when column is name "...
Fixed now. Tested in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:38 PM Bug report #14076 (Closed): Check geometries plugin: missing command running indicator
Fixed now. Paolo Cavallini
12:38 PM Bug report #14076 (Closed): Check geometries plugin: missing command running indicator
Fixed now. Paolo Cavallini
12:36 PM Bug report #15019 (Closed): Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
Seems fixed now. Paths in projects are relative:... Paolo Cavallini
12:36 PM Bug report #15019 (Closed): Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
Seems fixed now. Paths in projects are relative:... Paolo Cavallini
12:36 PM Bug report #15019 (Closed): Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
Seems fixed now. Paths in projects are relative:... Paolo Cavallini
12:30 PM Feature request #9327 (Closed): Add warning for topological errors
Now a filter for invalid geometries is implemented, with options on how to behave then. Paolo Cavallini
12:30 PM Feature request #9327 (Closed): Add warning for topological errors
Now a filter for invalid geometries is implemented, with options on how to behave then. Paolo Cavallini
12:30 PM Feature request #9327 (Closed): Add warning for topological errors
Now a filter for invalid geometries is implemented, with options on how to behave then. Paolo Cavallini
12:27 PM Feature request #10370 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: grey out useless buttons
Seems fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:27 PM Feature request #10370 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: grey out useless buttons
Seems fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:06 PM Bug report #16342: Exporting shape file from a SpatiaLite table produces very large file size
Tested with GIS 2.18.17 and QGIS 3.0.0 (both GDAL/OGR 2.2.3): confirm the issue.
Sample shapefile VGD-Oesterreich_ge...
Nino Formica
12:04 PM Feature request #10250 (Closed): One to many relation: child table shown where inappropriate
It seems fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
12:04 PM Feature request #10250 (Closed): One to many relation: child table shown where inappropriate
It seems fixed in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
11:27 AM Feature request #11828 (In Progress): Add visual changelog entries as QGIS startup tooltips
Changelog available from the last menu. Would be good to add a link to Paolo Cavallini
11:27 AM Feature request #11828 (In Progress): Add visual changelog entries as QGIS startup tooltips
Changelog available from the last menu. Would be good to add a link to Paolo Cavallini
11:24 AM Feature request #11483: Syntax check for raster calculator
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
11:24 AM Feature request #11483: Syntax check for raster calculator
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
11:21 AM Feature request #11323: Allow editing gdal commands in processing
Still true in QGIS 3. Unsure whether this is still an issue, as commands should be editable in the Processing history... Paolo Cavallini
11:18 AM Feature request #13123: load database layers after running algorithm
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
10:39 AM Bug report #18369 (Closed): Project Properties - CRS Box Size
Affects QGIS 2.18.16 and QGIS 3.0.0 on Windows 10 64 bit
The CRS properties box is a fixed size and too tall for som...
David Pearce
10:11 AM Bug report #17824 (Feedback): Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> in my case (qgis 30 on linux) the error is the uncorrect resolving of a linked path as I comm...
Giovanni Manghi
10:06 AM Bug report #18360: Problems download of sample data from windows installer
in the meantime you can download the sample data from the website, have a look at the online versions of the user and... Giovanni Manghi
10:02 AM Bug report #16386: QGIS and GDAL cannot be updated together on Ubuntu Xenial
Tim Beatty wrote:
> I have the same issue.
> This was off a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 / Xenial
have you ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:18 AM Bug report #16386: QGIS and GDAL cannot be updated together on Ubuntu Xenial
I have the same issue.
This was off a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 / Xenial
Tim Beatty
10:00 AM Bug report #18367 (Feedback): TypeError when running Vector table tools -> Refactor fields
2.14 is not supported. Please test with 2.18 and 3.0/3.1 Alexander Bruy
07:20 AM Bug report #18367: TypeError when running Vector table tools -> Refactor fields
Sorry, I accidentally pasted the error message twice. It's just:
> An error has occurred while executing Python co...
J Taylor
07:18 AM Bug report #18367 (Closed): TypeError when running Vector table tools -> Refactor fields
I am converting several fields in a vector layer from type String to Real using the "Refactor fields" tool in the Pro... J Taylor
09:41 AM Bug report #18357: Qgis crash opening Plugins
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Is QGIS installed from the standalone installer or OSGeo4W? What other QGIS versions are alre...
Antonio Consoli
08:46 AM Bug report #18352: DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
PR here [[]] Regis Haubourg
08:46 AM Bug report #18352: DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
PR here [[]] Regis Haubourg
07:57 AM Bug report #18358: Documentation error for lang !=en
That was fast! Thanks Richard.
Is it appropriate to leave the title as it is (tsting instead of 3.0)?
Paolo Cavallini
06:50 AM Feature request #12707 (Open): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
Still work in progress- a PR is open here, but some bits left to do Nyall Dawson
06:50 AM Feature request #12707 (Open): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
Still work in progress- a PR is open here, but some bits left to do Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Revision 7a341525 (qgis): Add unit tests for ArcGIS rest style parsing
Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Revision 35b5c782 (qgis): Add test that AFS provider gets renderer by default
Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Revision 6002cc40 (qgis): [FEATURE][afs] Automatically set default style for layers
to match the server's rendering information.
Means that when an AFS layer is loaded into QGIS, it will
Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Revision 678f6585 (qgis): Allow QgsVectorDataProviders to create QgsFeatureRenderers
Adds support to QgsVectorDataProvider to cr...
Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Feature request #13349 (Closed): Apply "drawingInfo" style data to a Vector Layer imported from A...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6002cc400a9246dc521b9ae4445dfd3e65447b06. Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Feature request #13349 (Closed): Apply "drawingInfo" style data to a Vector Layer imported from A...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6002cc400a9246dc521b9ae4445dfd3e65447b06. Nyall Dawson
05:59 AM Revision b42c893b (qgis): [FEATURE] color_grayscale_average() and color_mix_rgb() expression func...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:36 AM Bug report #18366 (Closed): QGIS [build 7ffc148] crashes attempting to open project
Previous build was opening the project file just fine.... Kory Roberts
03:24 AM Revision 6bdee5b7 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fixes empty table
Fixes #18352 Paul Blottiere
02:50 AM Revision 55f44ae5 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
This reverts commit 4c4036aea577fedde379fde2f308d1e088f33772. Denis Rouzaud
02:50 AM Revision 4e9273fe (qgis): Revert "add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file"
This reverts commit 350218d0b4f964fec1484fd20e3bbac0498d92a7. Denis Rouzaud
02:48 AM Revision 0a639192 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
Denis Rouzaud
02:48 AM Revision 24051b33 (qgis): Revert "allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in...
Denis Rouzaud
02:18 AM Bug report #18365 (Closed): range widget doesn't show value
for an integer field with allow null option for a range widget, if the field has a value (i.e. 1), NULL is shown when... Denis Rouzaud


12:45 AM Revision 227f7062 (qgis): [processing] Add operators for parameter type flags, push warning
to message log for duplicate parameter registration Nyall Dawson
12:12 AM Bug report #18364 (Closed): Crash when symbolizing raster with single band pseudocolor and max=in...
h2. User Feedback
Loaded a tif raster where some cells have a value of infinity and when I tried to symbolize as s...
Spencer Gardner
11:46 PM Revision 74d14ae3 (qgis): Merge pull request #6414 from alexispolti/fix-project-path
Fix project path when path contains a symbolic link Luigi Pirelli
11:08 PM Bug report #18295 (Feedback): PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
Can you check the postgres logs and see if there's any difference in the queries sent from 2.18 to 3.0? Nyall Dawson
09:16 PM Bug report #18295: PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
I was able to test this using a point layer of just 1124 points in Mickey's PostGIS database, and can confirm his obs... Keith Jenkins
11:00 PM Revision 0d004914 (qgis): s/Modeller/Modeler/
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision cdef548c (qgis): Fix Fields Mapping parameter id
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 5d526794 (qgis): Remove leftover file
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision a61efddc (qgis): Only expose supported parameters to modeler
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision c3a84361 (qgis): Use flags for parameter type extra info
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision e3dabac7 (qgis): Only add parameter when it is new
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision f22acb93 (qgis): License headers
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision a337d205 (qgis): Make use of new processing parameter infrastructure
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 9688bc27 (qgis): Remove crap API
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 2145865a (qgis): Metadata and modeller exposure support
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision ff7b831b (qgis): Remove private implementations from python bindings
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 031aa9c0 (qgis): Better error reporting for model exception
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 16e2aad2 (qgis): Use translated parameter names for sorting
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 569b39b2 (qgis): Code and doc improvements
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 9f76c417 (qgis): Fix parameter name rendering problem
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision b5672d7a (qgis): API documentation
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 542910e9 (qgis): Add QgsProcessingParameterType tests
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision eeb6f44d (qgis): Some addition error case info
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision e67939b1 (qgis): Fix editing models with custom params
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision cb84b832 (qgis): Add log output in case of loading models with missing parameters
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 6bad21f7 (qgis): Avoid freeze by infinite recursion
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 53cf1a19 (qgis): Fix processing parameter type ids
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 1fd74234 (qgis): Add processing parameter type definitions
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision a1fc70f8 (qgis): Improved error reporting for unknown parameters
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 926969fd (qgis): Better tooltips and expose `Raster Band` parameter
Matthias Kuhn
10:57 PM Bug report #18363 (Open): Missing dependencies in Kubuntu 16.04 and KDE Neon
I have tried to install QGIS in a fresh Kubuntu 16.04 and KDE Neon (which is also based on ubuntu 16.04) wi...
Carlos Cámara
10:50 PM Revision 5b2c81bd (qgis): Fix project path when path contains a symbolic link
Alexis Polti
10:45 PM Revision 2bc30c73 (qgis): Less debug noise when rendering svg files
Nyall Dawson
10:24 PM Bug report #18362 (Open): Rotate tool doesn't work for newly created points in transaction group ...
When creating new points with PostgreSQL transaction groups activated, it is impossible to select that point with the... Regis Haubourg
10:06 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
may this PR
can fix this issue?
Luigi Pirelli
10:02 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
It appears to me the relative function in Qgis 3 and 2.18 only works for relativity within the same root folder e.g. ... Patrick Dunford
06:58 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
in my case the error is not by the code but for my use of linked path
the construction of relative path is done he...
Luigi Pirelli
06:23 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
<editform> tag is also set as the project absolute path Luigi Pirelli
06:17 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
also when set correct relative path in "handle bad layer", the project save always the <datasource> tag in absolute! Luigi Pirelli
06:13 PM Bug report #18337: Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
seems still open as reported also for 2.18
see #17824
Luigi Pirelli
12:27 PM Bug report #18337 (Feedback): Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
I just tested on Windows (can't test on Linux right now) and can't confirm. Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Bug report #18337 (Feedback): Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
I just tested on Windows (can't test on Linux right now) and can't confirm. Giovanni Manghi
09:37 PM Bug report #18361 (Open): When adding raster layers, the layers are sorted in the reverse order f...
Steps to reproduce:
Open some rasters in a project
When selecting the rasters in the open dialog box, pay attention...
Patrick Dunford
08:45 PM Bug report #18352: DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
I don't think it is related to MacOS, since I'm seeing the same problem with QGIS 3.1.0-Master (5b8599e9bb) on Window... Keith Jenkins
01:26 PM Bug report #18352 (Closed): DB Manager is not showing the result after a SQL query
On QGIS Master 3.1, after I run a simple query such as `select * from my_table`, the result panel stays empty.
Etienne Trimaille
08:06 PM Bug report #18360 (Closed): Problems download of sample data from windows installer
Tried to download QGIS on two different machines in both the new 3.0 version and the stable version. On each occasion... Hugh Davie
07:42 PM Bug report #18358 (Closed): Documentation error for lang !=en
Richard Duivenvoorde
07:42 PM Bug report #18358: Documentation error for lang !=en
Fixed with some redirect magic.
/3.0 redirected to /testing
/3.0/it/ etc redirected to /testing/en/
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:57 PM Bug report #18358: Documentation error for lang !=en
I think the problem could be that there is not currently the 3.0 branch in the doc. Furthermore, before to branch we ... matteo ghetta
06:39 PM Bug report #18358 (Closed): Documentation error for lang !=en
The documentation (Help) link goes to e.g., whereas only Paolo Cavallini
06:59 PM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
in my case (qgis 30 on linux) the error is the uncorrect resolving of a linked path as I commented in #18337 Luigi Pirelli
06:11 PM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
confirmed also on Master 7c3ab9f
in my case using gpkgs.
1) create a gpkg with a layer inside
2) add ...
Luigi Pirelli
06:56 PM Feature request #9483: Replace help with pages from the manual
It seems to me that this is fixed. Please Richard decide whether to close it. Paolo Cavallini
06:55 PM Bug report #18359 (Feedback): QGUGIS Crash Managing Census Data
Please add more details: add/link data, describe what you are doing when the crash happens, etc. Giovanni Manghi
06:55 PM Bug report #18359 (Feedback): QGUGIS Crash Managing Census Data
Please add more details: add/link data, describe what you are doing when the crash happens, etc. Giovanni Manghi
06:55 PM Bug report #18359 (Feedback): QGUGIS Crash Managing Census Data
Please add more details: add/link data, describe what you are doing when the crash happens, etc. Giovanni Manghi
06:53 PM Bug report #18359 (Closed): QGUGIS Crash Managing Census Data
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: c84bc6061242e965dc281c6447de5a8620425be0
*Stack Trace...
Elvin Roldan
06:52 PM Feature request #13008: Processing: batch processes loading files dialog always shows all layers
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:47 PM Feature request #12941 (Closed): Saving Processing log
Implemented in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:47 PM Feature request #12941 (Closed): Saving Processing log
Implemented in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:44 PM Feature request #12707 (Feedback): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
A solution has been proposed, possibly implemented in QGIS 3.x. Paolo Cavallini
06:44 PM Feature request #12707 (Feedback): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
A solution has been proposed, possibly implemented in QGIS 3.x. Paolo Cavallini
06:44 PM Feature request #12707 (Feedback): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
A solution has been proposed, possibly implemented in QGIS 3.x. Paolo Cavallini
06:43 PM Feature request #12593: Processing: make defaults more uniform
Still unimplemented in QGIS 3. Using original interface for each provider, as planned for SAGA and GRASS, will make t... Paolo Cavallini
06:42 PM Feature request #12698: Add "crop" function to Printing layout
Still unimplemented in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:40 PM Feature request #12376: Please add line sinuosity
Still missing in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:40 PM Feature request #12376: Please add line sinuosity
Still missing in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:40 PM Bug report #18357 (Feedback): Qgis crash opening Plugins
Giovanni Manghi
06:39 PM Bug report #18357: Qgis crash opening Plugins
Is QGIS installed from the standalone installer or OSGeo4W? What other QGIS versions are already installed?
Please c...
Borys Jurgiel
06:00 PM Bug report #18357 (Closed): Qgis crash opening Plugins
Qgis crashes when I try to open plugins from menu bar
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ...
Antonio Consoli
06:35 PM Feature request #12358 (Closed): Snapping options: avoid intersections missing
In the new interface for QGIS 3 the option is clearly available. Paolo Cavallini
06:35 PM Feature request #12358 (Closed): Snapping options: avoid intersections missing
In the new interface for QGIS 3 the option is clearly available. Paolo Cavallini
06:35 PM Feature request #12358 (Closed): Snapping options: avoid intersections missing
In the new interface for QGIS 3 the option is clearly available. Paolo Cavallini
06:34 PM Feature request #12320: Let the user copy the whole measurements for lines
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:31 PM Feature request #12279: Split vector layer: add option to load results
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:23 PM Feature request #13477 (Closed): Let's get rid of the Tips popup
Giovanni Manghi
06:21 PM Feature request #13477 (Feedback): Let's get rid of the Tips popup
Seems removed in QGIS 3 Paolo Cavallini
06:23 PM Feature request #13644: Please add back GRASS layer history
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:23 PM Feature request #14093 (Open): Prefer the QGIS-providers over the OGR-provider
Giovanni Manghi
06:19 PM Feature request #14093 (Feedback): Prefer the QGIS-providers over the OGR-provider
Still a unified approach seems useful to me for QGIS 3.x.
Feel free to close this if appropriate.
Paolo Cavallini
06:19 PM Feature request #14093 (Feedback): Prefer the QGIS-providers over the OGR-provider
Still a unified approach seems useful to me for QGIS 3.x.
Feel free to close this if appropriate.
Paolo Cavallini
06:23 PM Feature request #13625: GRASS plugin shell: please implement Crtl-V Ctrl-C
Unchanged in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:22 PM Feature request #13537: Create Analysis menu as combination of GRASS and Processing
Still true in QGIS 3. Paolo Cavallini
06:17 PM Feature request #13879: Add a classification field based on current style rules
Still missing in QGIS 3. Seems an useful alg to add to Processing, so I'm changing category. Paolo Cavallini
05:55 PM Bug report #18343: QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
The original question came from
Ralph Tee
12:13 PM Bug report #18343 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
I also see that. How the vector was obtained in the first place, I guess is a vectorization of a raster, correct? wha... Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #18343 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
I also see that. How the vector was obtained in the first place, I guess is a vectorization of a raster, correct? wha... Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #18343 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
I also see that. How the vector was obtained in the first place, I guess is a vectorization of a raster, correct? wha... Giovanni Manghi
05:32 PM Revision ec5a8a4d (qgis): Merge pull request #6544 from manisandro/wms_filter_geom_crs_30
Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo Sandro Mani
05:28 PM Bug report #18356: DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields f...
Confirmed also on Linux. (Ricardo?) can you test also QGIS 3? Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:28 PM Bug report #18356: DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields f...
Confirmed also on Linux. (Ricardo?) can you test also QGIS 3? Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:28 PM Bug report #18356: DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields f...
Confirmed also on Linux. (Ricardo?) can you test also QGIS 3? Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:18 PM Bug report #18356 (Open): DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of f...
When trying to import a layer to Postgis I get "Error 5 Creation of fields failed."
The table and fields id and geom...
Rui Pedro Henriques
05:15 PM Revision f76cb582 (qgis): Merge pull request #6536 from m-kuhn/searchWidgetRecursionTrap
Avoid freezing attribute form with recursion Matthias Kuhn
04:38 PM Bug report #18355 (Closed): QGIS 3 crash when clicking in searchbox
Hi when I click in the searchbox, bottom left side of the screen in QGIS 3 the program crash, here are the rapport:
Klaus Agerskov
04:06 PM Bug report #18354 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashed
Please add more details, thanks.
also see #18317, #18273 and #18260
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 PM Bug report #18354 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashed
Please add more details, thanks.
also see #18317, #18273 and #18260
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 PM Bug report #18354 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashed
Please add more details, thanks.
also see #18317, #18273 and #18260
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 PM Bug report #18354 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashed
Please add more details, thanks.
also see #18317, #18273 and #18260
Giovanni Manghi
03:55 PM Bug report #18354 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashed
Crash ID: e651a3c6fce3af27a1996d631856b1676b7b1eb5
Stack Trace
QgsLocatorWidget::searchFinished :
Mohammad Basem Asaad
03:46 PM Revision e969584a (qgis): Avoid freezing attribute form with recursion
The search widget wrappers for relations have two issues
* They recursively load whatever relations are defined. Wit...
Matthias Kuhn
03:45 PM Revision 734ea374 (qgis): Merge pull request #6532 from Gustry/tooltip
[dbmanager] move shortcut in the tooltip Matthias Kuhn
03:30 PM Revision 6108ed84 (qgis): Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
Sandro Mani
03:28 PM Revision 5bf28d56 (qgis): Merge pull request #6533 from manisandro/wms_filter_geom_crs
Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo Sandro Mani
03:05 PM Bug report #18264: Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
2018-03-06T15:03:58 INFO ogr2ogr -f "LIBKML" "\"C:/temp/TEST BUG QGIS/Points.kml\"" C:/Users/...
Simon Falceri
03:14 AM Bug report #18264: Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Can you post the log window messages from running in 3.0? Nyall Dawson
02:45 PM Bug report #18353: QGIS Server can't work with /tmp directory
Alessandro Pasotti can you take a look ? René-Luc ReLuc
02:44 PM Bug report #18353 (Closed): QGIS Server can't work with /tmp directory
This is a generic issue about QGIS Server and Temporary directory.
If the environment variable HOME is set to /tmp...
René-Luc ReLuc
02:41 PM Revision 4b8377d8 (qgis): Testing with PROJ 5 [dockerdeps]
Denis Rouzaud
02:39 PM Revision 350218d0 (qgis): add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file
Denis Rouzaud
02:39 PM Revision 4c4036ae (qgis): allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their t...
Denis Rouzaud
02:32 PM Revision ec975ba6 (qgis): Merge pull request #6516 from 3nids/pr_push_deps
allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their message Denis Rouzaud
02:14 PM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> > I'm having the same problem using a clean install (from OSGeo4W) ...
Casper Børgesen
01:57 PM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> I'm having the same problem using a clean install (from OSGeo4W) on Windows 7.
are your da...
Giovanni Manghi
01:55 PM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I'm having the same problem using a clean install (from OSGeo4W) on Windows 7. Jérôme Guélat
01:31 PM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow

> But I guess something has happened from 2.18 to 3.x that significantly increases time consumption when trying to ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:13 PM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I have just tried on two more powerful machines and they both take around 13 seconds in Q...
Casper Børgesen
01:00 PM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow

> I have just tried on two more powerful machines and they both take around 13 seconds in QGIS 3, while still only...
Giovanni Manghi
12:57 PM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Yes, there are no features in the data set.
> so... have you tried on another system...
Casper Børgesen
12:49 PM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow

> Yes, there are no features in the data set.
so... have you tried on another system or doing a clean install?
Giovanni Manghi
12:46 PM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I just tried your dataset in my Win 10 testing VM and doing what you say (" I measured the ...
Casper Børgesen
12:19 PM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I just tried your dataset in my Win 10 testing VM and doing what you say (" I measured the time from dropping the fol... Giovanni Manghi
10:51 AM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I have created a new dummy data set with 40 feature types inside a schema and each feature type has 20 attributes.
Casper Børgesen
10:51 AM Bug report #18342 (Open): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I have created a new dummy data set with 40 feature types inside a schema and each feature type has 20 attributes.
Casper Børgesen
09:46 AM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Can you attach sample data? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
09:46 AM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Can you attach sample data? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
09:46 AM Bug report #18342 (Feedback): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Can you attach sample data? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
09:32 AM Bug report #18342: Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
Confirmed here with QGIS 3.0 and 2.18.17... The opening time seems to be similar with the ESRI FileGDB driver.
Jérôme Guélat
02:06 PM Bug report #16740 (Closed): Status Bar: the Extent textbox doesn't show all the values
Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #18140 (Feedback): Wrong color is exported
Giovanni Manghi
01:58 PM Bug report #18132 (Open): Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
Giovanni Manghi
01:51 PM Revision 24259ae8 (qgis): [dbmanager] move shortcut in the tooltip
Etienne Trimaille
01:46 PM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
Which algorithm are you trying?
The extent params are not optional by the default. They should be in most cases (b...
Victor Olaya
01:42 PM Revision 283f3b8e (qgis): Don't crash when loading a project with unreachable wfs layers
Alessandro Pasotti
01:31 PM Feature request #18332 (Open): Project Snapping Option should have both "All layers" and "Visible...
Giovanni Manghi
01:23 PM Feature request #18332: Project Snapping Option should have both "All layers" and "Visible layers...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> feature request?
Okey, a feature request it is.
The current behaviour should be named...
sand thorn
12:02 PM Feature request #18332 (Feedback): Project Snapping Option should have both "All layers" and "Vis...
feature request? Giovanni Manghi
12:02 PM Feature request #18332 (Feedback): Project Snapping Option should have both "All layers" and "Vis...
feature request? Giovanni Manghi
01:24 PM Bug report #18215: Processing: problems outputting raster layers from a model as a "final result"
Colons are not allowed in Windows filenames. Looks like that's the issue, since your output filenames have colons.
Victor Olaya
01:16 PM Revision 184480bc (qgis): Ensure FILTER_GEOM is transformed to layer CRS in GetFeatureInfo
Sandro Mani
12:42 PM Bug report #18306 (Open): QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version a...
Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
Without the option "Use proxy for web access" in Options| Network and with the option "Check QGIS version at startup"... Stefan Wannemacher
11:40 AM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
Manuel Schmidt wrote:
> Thank you Stefan it works
so just to be clear, qgis 3 crashes on start unless using the -...
Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #18351 (Feedback): Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after ...
Just tested on Windows 10/QGIS3, can't confirm. Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #18351 (Feedback): Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after ...
Just tested on Windows 10/QGIS3, can't confirm. Giovanni Manghi
09:52 AM Bug report #18351 (Closed): Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after cr...
Steps to reproduce the error:
* load 2 or more shapefile (drag and drop)
* create ne project
* load the same shape...
Dario Bevilacqua
12:14 PM Bug report #18326: Cannot launch QGis 3.0 - .dll error messages
Thank you Giovanni - no, I do not have another machine. All earlier QGis versions never showed this problem. In case ... Markus Urbscheit
12:00 PM Bug report #18326 (Feedback): Cannot launch QGis 3.0 - .dll error messages
Likely a local issue. Have you tried on other machines? Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #18326 (Feedback): Cannot launch QGis 3.0 - .dll error messages
Likely a local issue. Have you tried on other machines? Giovanni Manghi
12:04 PM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
I don't think this applies to 2.x: the server code has changed completely and AFAIK WFS 1.1 was not supported in 2.x Alessandro Pasotti
11:48 AM Bug report #18345 (Feedback): WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Is this a regression or is also true for 2.*? Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Is this a regression or is also true for 2.*? Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Is this a regression or is also true for 2.*? Giovanni Manghi
09:21 AM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Things looks more complicated than it seems,
This email exchange is enlightning:
Alessandro Pasotti
12:01 PM Bug report #15227 (Closed): Attribute table issue when entering a new value
Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #18329 (Feedback): importing dxf +zoom
Please attach offending dataset (or sample of). Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #18329 (Feedback): importing dxf +zoom
Please attach offending dataset (or sample of). Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #18329 (Feedback): importing dxf +zoom
Please attach offending dataset (or sample of). Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #14854 (Closed): 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #18336 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 CRASHES FOR A RASTER STORED IN POSTGIS
see #8073 Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #18336 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 CRASHES FOR A RASTER STORED IN POSTGIS
see #8073 Giovanni Manghi
11:49 AM Bug report #18307: Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
No problems where with Win7 Nelson José Silva
11:46 AM Bug report #18341 (Feedback): VRT loads extremely slowly
Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #17809 (Open): Rendering performance issues
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #18315 (Closed): Select by location: selection in the wrong layer
Giovanni Manghi
11:34 AM Bug report #18339 (Closed): crash report
This tickets lacks every minimal information (as also a meaningful subject) required for us to try replicate and even... Giovanni Manghi
11:34 AM Bug report #18339 (Closed): crash report
This tickets lacks every minimal information (as also a meaningful subject) required for us to try replicate and even... Giovanni Manghi
11:30 AM Bug report #18344 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a j...
Please attach a minimal project with data that shows this issue. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:30 AM Bug report #18344 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a j...
Please attach a minimal project with data that shows this issue. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:26 AM Bug report #18071: qgis 2.18.16 freezes when opening gpx-file in the "Import other file" tab
Working in version 2.18.17 Nelson José Silva
09:21 AM Revision 05484dce (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Rotate features algorithm
Allows rotation of features by a set angle.
The rotation can occur around a preset point or the individual
Nyall Dawson
08:11 AM Bug report #18260: qgis 3 crashes at start
We had the same problem (see #18306).
We use the QGIS from OSGeo4W and have to use a proxy with authentication for w...
Stefan Wannemacher
07:48 AM Revision f2e8c37e (qgis): [needs-docs] Add else rule UI option in rule based widget (#6529)
* [needs-docs] Add else rule UI option in rule based widget
* Review fixes
Nathan Woodrow
07:27 AM Revision 44895084 (qgis): Merge pull request #6525 from nyalldawson/segmentize
[FEATURE][processing] Add "segmentize" algorithms Alexander Bruy
07:21 AM Bug report #18340: Download failure of sample data
To the original poster please see [[ Tim Sutton
06:39 AM Revision 9edaf828 (qgis): fix spacing between label and icon in widget layer properties
Salvatore Larosa
06:05 AM Revision 63d4a382 (qgis): Fix adding parts to curved polygon types fails
(cherry-picked from 93f805c) Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Feature request #18350 (Open): MultiLayered geotiff and PDF
Then export layer (report) we may see that image is layered.
Need multilayered PDF or GEOTIFF.
It's usefull for dis...
Andrew Shanin
05:54 AM Feature request #18228: Autosender for crash reports
Then delete some point. Andrew Shanin
05:23 AM Bug report #18349: regression: aggregate algorithm broken under QGIS 3.0 (within model or as stan...
Well, turns out the algorithm is broken even outside the context of models. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:23 AM Bug report #18349: regression: aggregate algorithm broken under QGIS 3.0 (within model or as stan...
Well, turns out the algorithm is broken even outside the context of models. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:57 AM Bug report #18349 (Closed): regression: aggregate algorithm broken under QGIS 3.0 (within model o...
The aggregate algorithm is broken when used in a model, under QGIS 3.0/3.1.
*Steps to reproduce*
# Create a new ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:20 AM Revision 93f805cd (qgis): Fix adding parts to curved polygon types fails
Nyall Dawson
04:44 AM Revision 8a063df7 (qgis): fix travis
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:44 AM Revision 0d92f96f (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] allow to create points on all parts in centroids alg
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:44 AM Revision 0630b1c7 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] allow to create points on all parts in point on s...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:57 AM Revision a30403dc (qgis): Rename QgsProject::projectDirty to isDirtyChanged
Also show unsaved status in title bar even when project has
not been first saved
Nyall Dawson
02:24 AM Revision 7cb38fec (qgis): [layouts] Correctly set project dirty for more editing operations
(cherry-picked from 51286d9) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision fc7b99eb (qgis): Fix leak when converting 2.x compositions
(cherry-picked from 70242a) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision d2bf8d09 (qgis): [layouts] Fix missing map name in map item properties dialog
Fixes #18288
(cherry-picked from 2238b42)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision a24e2bd3 (qgis): Catch a possible exception in QgsGeometry::makeValid
(cherry-picked from b61882f) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 23457336 (qgis): [pal] Use QgsGeometry::makeValid instead of buffer(0) to repair geometries
Possibly refs #14752
(cherry-picked from e05a5a9)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 0246cd67 (qgis): Fix raster calc dialog uses an open file dialog instead of save dialog
Fixes #18303
(cherry-picked from b5d9e7)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 5234212e (qgis): [oracle] Fix provider
The oracle provider is quite broken on 3.0 for tables which require
a feature id map.
This is due to QMap<QVariant,....
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 7b7f915a (qgis): Don't try to render non-finite points
They occur as a result of reprojection errors, and cause a line
to be extend to the top-left of the canvas.
Fixes #9...
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 48410c40 (qgis): Ensure that non-spatial layers are never set as canvas layers
(cherry-picked from 8e4b8a) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision d97ea9c0 (qgis): Strip non-spatial and nullptrs from list when calling
Since neither can be rendered, we filter them from the list
of layers to be rendered in th...
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 35527642 (qgis): [pal] Fix invalid candidates created for parallel line labeling
mode when a closed linestring is too small for labels to fit
within feature
Fixes #18283
(cherry-picked from a76fb0b)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision d8734e3e (qgis): Add unit test for #18283
(cherry-picked from 7cf409e) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 63d587c0 (qgis): Fix missing transform context warnings on status bar coordinate display
(cherry-picked from 55814b8) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision fe6e9673 (qgis): [processing] Fix invalid filenames are used for temporary files
during models
Fixes #18263
(cherry-picked from 84cdd6)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 6d50e31d (qgis): Docs++
(cherry-picked from d79221f) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 1101fc65 (qgis): [3d] Add a title to 3d config window
Fixes #18281
(cherry-picked from 0a6024b)
Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision 9ae1e936 (qgis): Prevent status bar coordinate widget from shrinking too small
(cherry-picked from 0823de0) Nyall Dawson
02:20 AM Revision d43db07d (qgis): Use a better regex for removing invalid characters from filenames
Fixes atlas exports remove international characters from filenames
Fixes #18291
(cherry-picked from 8543a9)
Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Revision 51286d90 (qgis): [layouts] Correctly set project dirty for more editing operations
Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Revision d73c7758 (qgis): Also update layout designer title bar to reflect unsaved changes
indicator Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Revision d4a3520b (qgis): [hig] Show standard '*' prefix in application title bar when project
has unsaved changes
'*my project - QGIS'
Nyall Dawson


12:29 AM Bug report #18327 (Closed): Selecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection
Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Bug report #18327 (In Progress): Selecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection
Confirmed fixed by Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Bug report #18327 (In Progress): Selecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection
Confirmed fixed by Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Bug report #18327 (In Progress): Selecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection
Confirmed fixed by Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Revision 7ffc148e (qgis): [oracle] Fix provider
The oracle provider is quite broken on 3.0 for tables which require
a feature id map.
This is due to QMap<QVariant,....
Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #17738 (Closed): Not show data for oracle layers in QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #17738 (Closed): Not show data for oracle layers in QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #16869 (Closed): SelectTool on Oracle layer selects always ALL features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #16869 (Closed): SelectTool on Oracle layer selects always ALL features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #18289 (Closed): GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #18289 (Closed): GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ffc148e356ef251e93502e3c965bf912592eda2. Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision 454cce89 (qgis): Don't try to render non-finite points
They occur as a result of reprojection errors, and cause a line
to be extend to the top-left of the canvas.
Fixes #9392
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Bug report #9392 (Closed): Ortho Projection produces artifacts
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|454cce89f1fb45978fb75166616063d90a7563b3. Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Bug report #9392 (Closed): Ortho Projection produces artifacts
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|454cce89f1fb45978fb75166616063d90a7563b3. Nyall Dawson
11:42 PM Revision 6d360856 (qgis): fix size for menu indicator in data defined button
Salvatore Larosa
11:26 PM Bug report #18348 (Closed): QgsCoordinateTransform still has a problem
That's 2.x API.
transform = QgsCoordinateTransform( src, dest, QgsProject.instance())
Nyall Dawson
11:26 PM Bug report #18348 (Closed): QgsCoordinateTransform still has a problem
That's 2.x API.
transform = QgsCoordinateTransform( src, dest, QgsProject.instance())
Nyall Dawson
11:15 PM Bug report #18348 (Closed): QgsCoordinateTransform still has a problem
The problem seems the same (or similar) to Bug report #17833
Executing the following commands in the python consol...
Dan Klimek
10:50 PM Feature request #18347 (Open): More visible way to access Page Properties in QGIS3 Layout
The only way I could find to change the page orientation for layouts in QGIS3 is by right-clicking the page. This isn... Alex Mackenzie
10:14 PM Bug report #18340 (Closed): Download failure of sample data
Closed for rude, aggressive or abusive language. Nyall Dawson
03:54 PM Bug report #18340 (Closed): Download failure of sample data
I am a completely new user of QGIS and the download experience is not good. I am persevering with your software but f... Hugh Davie
09:50 PM Revision 5b8599e9 (qgis): Strip non-spatial and nullptrs from list when calling
Since neither can be rendered, we filter them from the list
of layers to be rendered in th...
Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 8e4b8a95 (qgis): Ensure that non-spatial layers are never set as canvas layers
Nyall Dawson
08:09 PM Bug report #18346 (Closed): Project variables ignored by QGIS server when used in datadefined lab...
using a Project variable in an expression for datadefined labeling (Tested wit x, y and rotation) is ignored by QGIS ... Marco Bernasocchi
07:37 PM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Another evidence: getFeature call always return 1.1 format but coordinates are not inverted and epsg code is not URN ... Alessandro Pasotti
06:47 PM Bug report #18345: WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
To be more precise: the returned XML is different, what does not change is the SRS specification: according to the sp... Alessandro Pasotti
06:38 PM Bug report #18345 (Closed): WFS 1.1.0 broken by inverted axis in QGIS Server
Apparently QGIS Server supports WFS 1.1.0 as advertised by its getcapabilities, but when requested to getcapabilitie... Alessandro Pasotti
04:44 PM Bug report #18344 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 Crashes using 'Identify Feature Tool ' on a layer with a joi...
Steps to reproduce:
1. select point layer
2. toggle identify feature
3. click point
4. qgis crash
I supose t...
Carlos Jacinto
04:28 PM Bug report #18325: Feature form is not remmebering last configuration
Actually, qgis3 remember the size and position at feature level. Maybe it could be better at layer level? Francisco Pérez Sampayo
04:22 PM Bug report #18343 (Open): QGIS 2.18.16/3.0 Renders Multipolygon Shapefile Incorrectly
QGIS 2.18.16 and 3.0 incorrectly renders a multipolygon loaded from SHP. Please see screen shot below. The arrows poi... Ralph Tee
04:21 PM Bug report #18339: crash report
It seems to be the same bug as #18260 matthieu carlini
03:29 PM Bug report #18339 (Closed): crash report
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: ba54a6c60ae821a1728dc244e6b17e1a9948396d
*Stack Trace...
Fernando Garay
04:02 PM Bug report #18322: Zooming in causes canvas to go blank
Download the Root folder
Project file called 18322 TEST PROJECT
see attached screenshot
Patrick Dunford
03:01 PM Bug report #18322: Zooming in causes canvas to go blank is currently uploading, needs another ho... Patrick Dunford
04:02 PM Bug report #18342 (Closed): Loading FileGDB's are really really slow
I have installed QGIS from OSGeo4W and I'm trying to load an empty ESRI File Geodatabase. The GDB has around 20 featu... Casper Børgesen
03:58 PM Bug report #18341 (Closed): VRT loads extremely slowly
Opening a VRT layer takes a lot of time on version 3.0.
tested on a 341ko file that references 273 ecw files :
- ti...
matthieu carlini
03:14 PM Bug report #18338: Labels on MSSQL Layers
Added info: Only one point is labelled in any view. Josh Knight
03:12 PM Bug report #18338 (Closed): Labels on MSSQL Layers
When labels are applied to MSSQL linked point database, only a few random points are labelled. When the layer is exp... Josh Knight
02:22 PM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
Thank you Stefan it works Manuel Schmidt
01:48 PM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
PS: i work at the same organization as Manuel. We have to use a Proxy with authentication for webaccess. Stefan Wannemacher
01:42 PM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
I had the same problem (Windows 7 PC with OSGeo4W 64Bit Installation).
I edited the file qgis.bat and added --n...
Stefan Wannemacher
07:38 AM Bug report #18306: QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version at start...
QGIS does not start *and* i don't find my .qgis3 folder.
At the first start of QGIS 3, i had break the migr...
Manuel Schmidt
01:13 PM Bug report #18337 (Closed): Absolute paths stored in Qgis 3.0 project file for GDAL layers
When raster layers are added to a project, the layers are stored in the project file with absolute paths, even though... Patrick Dunford
01:08 PM Bug report #18264: Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Algorithm ID: 'gdal:convertformat'
1 Postgis layer input, 1 KML layer output as file.
Simon Falceri
12:24 PM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you also check you are using the same settings for multi-threaded rendering?
It ma...
mr twister
12:11 PM Bug report #18335 (Closed): Invalid file names for outputs in Processing models
Already fixed in master Nyall Dawson
12:11 PM Bug report #18335 (Closed): Invalid file names for outputs in Processing models
Already fixed in master Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Bug report #18335 (Closed): Invalid file names for outputs in Processing models
When model executed and output is a temporary file, Processing generates filenames with "bad" characters like colons ... Alexander Bruy
12:09 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> 1. Full performance - yet undefined behavior whenever a layer contains invalid geometries. (Un...
Andre Jesus
10:29 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
I think that would be a very good solution. The SQL geometry databases I use are very well maintained and have...
Stijn Van der Linden
02:34 AM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
I've looked into this issue in depth and there's no easy answers here.
We have to choose between:
1. Full perfo...
Nyall Dawson
12:05 PM Bug report #18336 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 CRASHES FOR A RASTER STORED IN POSTGIS
QGIS 2.18 crashes during the panning of a raster stored in a PostGIS database.
Error: minidump scritto a C: ..... ...
Emanuele Acito
11:53 AM Bug report #18260: qgis 3 crashes at start
I have also the same problem. Here is my log : ... Thomas NOIROT
10:57 AM Bug report #18334 (Closed): German Translation
In QGIS3 (German-Translation) the
Layereigenschaften (Layer-Properties) of a Shapefile shows
"Darstellung" 2 times...
Peter Drexel
10:47 AM Revision 7c3ab9f1 (qgis): Merge pull request #6268 from pblottiere/dbmanager_stop
[FEATURE][needs-docs] dbmanager stop Paul Blottiere
10:41 AM Bug report #18333 (Closed): QgsPolygonV2.vertexAt NotImplementedError, in memory layer, polygons ...
On Windows, but not on Linux, trying to color polygon with z-dimension causes the error message below.
An error ...
Patrick Warren
10:19 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Hello again,
It seems even if I did not understand completely your answer it guided me to find the solution :)
So, ...
Savitri Galiana
10:19 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Hello again,
It seems even if I did not understand completely your answer it guided me to find the solution :)
So, ...
Savitri Galiana
09:58 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Thank you for your answer Harrissou.
I don't know if I understand much what you are telling me since I do not have a...
Savitri Galiana
10:15 AM Revision f2a67809 (qgis): Sipify and style
Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Bug report #18271: virtual layer makes qgis dump
I saw your reply too late.
As soon as it does it again, I will report the details
Lee Han
09:33 AM Feature request #9729: Add "Portable" as an option for the standalone installer
Unchanged in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
09:32 AM Bug report #18315: Select by location: selection in the wrong layer
In QGIS 3.00, there's no problem the result is in the correct layer. Etienne MORO
09:28 AM Bug report #14165 (Closed): Geometry checker plugin error (3D geom)
Now GHDAL 1 should be outdated in most if not all systems. Paolo Cavallini
09:28 AM Bug report #14165 (Closed): Geometry checker plugin error (3D geom)
Now GHDAL 1 should be outdated in most if not all systems. Paolo Cavallini
09:28 AM Bug report #14165 (Closed): Geometry checker plugin error (3D geom)
Now GHDAL 1 should be outdated in most if not all systems. Paolo Cavallini
09:23 AM Feature request #3044 (Closed): collision detection for symbols
So closing this. Paolo Cavallini
09:23 AM Feature request #3044 (Closed): collision detection for symbols
So closing this. Paolo Cavallini
09:22 AM Feature request #13518: Add support for GRASS raster labels
Still TBD in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
09:12 AM Revision 7aa83043 (qgis): Merge pull request #6519 from elpaso/server-tempfile-fix
[bugfix][server] Fix temporary path permission issue Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Bug report #14854: 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
On 3.1 seems to work fine. Luca Lanteri
08:27 AM Bug report #15227: Attribute table issue when entering a new value
It seems to work fine on QGIS 3.1 Luca Lanteri
08:02 AM Bug report #18324: X11 freeze using drag and drop designer" custom forms
on Win10 & 3.1 works fine Luca Lanteri
06:44 AM Revision 993b9fd4 (qgis): Rename Welcome Page action to Close Project
Nathan Woodrow
06:33 AM Feature request #4236: Add ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif ...
I have rewritten the description including adding an example of the less obvious benefits of this feature i.e. one of... Alister Hood
06:16 AM Revision 8d2b3be2 (qgis): Fix docs on projectDirty
Nathan Woodrow
06:13 AM Revision 894c5506 (qgis): Add projectDirty signal for QgsProject
Nathan Woodrow
05:40 AM Revision c5fa66d1 (qgis): fix zh-Hant flag size
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:20 AM Revision 0392f0c8 (qgis): correcting zh-Hant flag
02:36 AM Revision a76fb0b4 (qgis): [pal] Fix invalid candidates created for parallel line labeling
mode when a closed linestring is too small for labels to fit
within feature
Fixes #18283
Nyall Dawson
02:36 AM Revision 7cf409eb (qgis): Add unit test for #18283
Nyall Dawson
02:36 AM Bug report #18283 (Closed): serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endless l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a76fb0b469796183c76d5343053e5be2471de126. Nyall Dawson
02:36 AM Bug report #18283 (Closed): serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endless l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a76fb0b469796183c76d5343053e5be2471de126. Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Bug report #18283 (In Progress): serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endl...
Nyall Dawson
02:24 AM Bug report #18218: Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
> Moreover (maybe is a general issue) the option remain greyed out if the input layer is not the one that shows when ... Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Bug report #18075 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
This was already reported and fixed in the main bug tracker. Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Bug report #18075 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
This was already reported and fixed in the main bug tracker. Nyall Dawson
02:09 AM Revision d7aec7cc (qgis): Merge pull request #6418 from klavspc/bookmarklocator
[FEATURE][locator] Add bookmark search to locator bar Nyall Dawson
02:08 AM Revision c6a5c993 (qgis): still indentation...
Harrissou Santanna
02:08 AM Revision ce7df851 (qgis): Fix indentation
Harrissou Santanna
02:08 AM Revision a3e62a8a (qgis): Link georef help button
Harrissou Santanna
02:06 AM Revision 84cdd609 (qgis): [processing] Fix invalid filenames are used for temporary files
during models
Fixes #18263
Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Revision d79221f1 (qgis): Docs++
[ci-skip] Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Revision 8543a912 (qgis): Use a better regex for removing invalid characters from filenames
Fixes atlas exports remove international characters from filenames
Fixes #18291
Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Bug report #18263 (Closed): Interpolation algorithms not running in Graphical Modeler in QGIS 3.0
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|84cdd609abcbc925a7a177a7fd2bb43059c55c13. Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Bug report #18263 (Closed): Interpolation algorithms not running in Graphical Modeler in QGIS 3.0
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|84cdd609abcbc925a7a177a7fd2bb43059c55c13. Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Bug report #18291 (Closed): [Layout] Exporting a layout with a special character in its name chan...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8543a91264154dea6a7d4916f603975cbef25405. Nyall Dawson
02:06 AM Bug report #18291 (Closed): [Layout] Exporting a layout with a special character in its name chan...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8543a91264154dea6a7d4916f603975cbef25405. Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision 847683b5 (qgis): Fix tooltip
Harrissou Santanna
01:52 AM Revision 7297dd63 (qgis): Fix upcoming link
Harrissou Santanna
01:52 AM Revision ee43d54a (qgis): Add Help button and some fixes to automated placement widget
Harrissou Santanna
01:41 AM Revision 0e80b72d (qgis): [needs-docs] Add welcome screen action to project menu
Nathan Woodrow
01:13 AM Revision 4ef667db (qgis): Add separator between rename and remove for browser
Nathan Woodrow


12:34 AM Revision e33ff2d5 (qgis): Add link precommit hook for git
Nathan Woodrow
12:28 AM Revision ce3efdff (qgis): Fix dock shortcuts to use Ctrl and not Alt
Nathan Woodrow
10:03 PM Bug report #18331: "Node Tool" just "sees" everything on canvas even in hidden layers
Thanks for your note; I believe this is a duplicate of #18331 will skora
08:52 PM Bug report #18331 (Closed): "Node Tool" just "sees" everything on canvas even in hidden layers
Step to reproduce:
1. click editing toggle
2. click node tool
3. drag mouse around canvas, you can see even shapes...
sand thorn
08:52 PM Feature request #18332 (Open): Project Snapping Option should have both "All layers" and "Visible...
Currently, "All layers" is actually "Visible layers" not quite literally "all".
There should be both options anywa...
sand thorn
08:52 PM Bug report #18330 (Open): "Vertex Editor" disappears from View / Panel after the panel being closed
Step to reproduce:
1. toggle editing mode
2. click node tool
3. right click on canvas
4. click popped up "Vertex...
sand thorn
05:12 PM Bug report #18329 (Closed): importing dxf +zoom
After importing a dwg file (made in draftsight) I wanted to zoom out and boooom.
thanks for your work
kind regr...
Bart frère
03:16 PM Bug report #18328 (Closed): viewing 3D map
After importing a csv file with XYZ cordinates I created a 3Dview with the new option in the programme when it crashe... Bart frère
02:31 PM Bug report #18220 (Closed): Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
It seems to be not reproducable. It may be fixed in current installer, and I believe methods from #18261 could help h... Borys Jurgiel
02:31 PM Bug report #18220 (Closed): Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
It seems to be not reproducable. It may be fixed in current installer, and I believe methods from #18261 could help h... Borys Jurgiel
02:31 PM Bug report #18220 (Closed): Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
It seems to be not reproducable. It may be fixed in current installer, and I believe methods from #18261 could help h... Borys Jurgiel
02:24 PM Revision 1f7875ec (qgis): [FEATURE][locator] Add bookmark search to locator bar
Allows search for spatial bookmarks. Double clicking a search result will zoom to the bookmark.
Short video: https://...
Klavs Pihlkjær
02:17 PM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Great thanks for all your investigations! Please don't even call it inconvenience ;)
Borys Jurgiel
02:05 PM Bug report #18322: Zooming in causes canvas to go blank
That's not easy to do as it is a large project with hundreds of raster images.
I can describe what is happening an...
Patrick Dunford
01:36 PM Bug report #18327 (Closed): Selecting "arrow" as line style crash QGIS in custom projection
Using a layer from: and selecting "arrow" as linestyle works, but when changing projection to... Klas Karlsson
12:31 PM Bug report #18308 (Open): Invalid WFS-Transaction Update request
No, 2.18 correctly uses "typeName" as xml attribute name. However, 2.18 fails because auf #17945 (also relevant for 3... Martin Kofahl
12:30 PM Bug report #18183: QGIS 3: SAGA "output extent" should not be mandatory
The problem is on under 3.0.0-Girona 001c80b0c3
Jean Hemmi
12:29 PM Bug report #18110 (Open): Unable to create a tempory raster when calling IDW SAGA from python ('N...
The problem is on under 3.0.0-Girona 001c80b0c3
Jean Hemmi
12:28 PM Revision 4232b935 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Add "segmentize" algorithms
Adds two new algorithms which expose QgsGeometry's methods
for segmentizing curved geometries.
"Segmentize by maximu...
Nyall Dawson
11:45 AM Bug report #18326 (Closed): Cannot launch QGis 3.0 - .dll error messages
At launch of QGis 3.0.0 I get the following 5 error messages - see attached screenshots. Neither re-installation nore... Markus Urbscheit
11:19 AM Bug report #18068 (Open): QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Bug report #17976: Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
Marc Teixido Roure wrote:
> with permission of administrator, it shows this message “The plugin will be disabled be...
Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Bug report #18071 (Feedback): qgis 2.18.16 freezes when opening gpx-file in the "Import other fil...
Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #18067 (Feedback): Print @600dpi possible
Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Ah, too bad. provides a fallback to the feature id for such cases.
Marco Hugentobler
10:09 AM Revision b0d35488 (qgis): Fallback to feature id if pk attribute is not there
Marco Hugentobler
10:08 AM Bug report #18132: Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
Pull request with commit that fixes the bug: Andrea Giudiceandrea
09:23 AM Bug report #18325 (Closed): Feature form is not remmebering last configuration
In Previous versions, the feature form that pops up with the information tool or new feature creation would remember ... Dan Isaacs
03:10 AM Revision 6bd7600a (qgis): Expose segmentization parameters to QgsGeometry::convertToStraightSegment
Nyall Dawson


10:52 PM Revision 871132ea (qgis): [processing] Port point on surface to c++
Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Bug report #18323 (Feedback): Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Giovanni Manghi
10:18 PM Bug report #18323: Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Michael Miller wrote:
> Revision: I misunderstood what I saw earlier. After opening the same file in Tatuk viewer, i...
Giovanni Manghi
10:18 PM Bug report #18323: Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Michael Miller wrote:
> Revision: I misunderstood what I saw earlier. After opening the same file in Tatuk viewer, i...
Giovanni Manghi
10:18 PM Bug report #18323: Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Michael Miller wrote:
> Revision: I misunderstood what I saw earlier. After opening the same file in Tatuk viewer, i...
Giovanni Manghi
10:16 PM Bug report #18323: Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Revision: I misunderstood what I saw earlier. After opening the same file in Tatuk viewer, it looks like the big poly... Michael Miller
10:16 PM Bug report #18323: Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
Revision: I misunderstood what I saw earlier. After opening the same file in Tatuk viewer, it looks like the big poly... Michael Miller
08:49 PM Bug report #18323 (Closed): Multi-part Polygon is not mapped with shortest segments
I loaded the edna coverage from USGS into QGIS 2.18.16 and the display with Google Physical as backdrop is attached a... Michael Miller
10:15 PM Revision c614b942 (qgis): [bugfix][server] Fix temporary path permission issue
If I don't misread the docs, if a template is given, the file
is created in the current directory instead of the temp...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:03 PM Bug report #18324 (Closed): X11 freeze using drag and drop designer" custom forms
when I try to generate a custom form with the "drag and drop designer" the whole linux graphical interface is blocked... Luca Lanteri
06:44 PM Bug report #18235 (Closed): QGIS 3.00 standalone 64 bit installer running on win 10 pro 64 bit cr...
Giovanni Manghi
06:36 PM Bug report #17124 (Open): Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent

> The second part is referred only to the steps described in the first post by
> Patrick Dunford, because It app...
Giovanni Manghi
06:34 PM Bug report #18308 (Feedback): Invalid WFS-Transaction Update request
Does 2.18 behave the same way? Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #18306 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS versi...
So your QGIS does not start (as you say in subject) or you just don't find your .qgis3 folder (as you say in descript... Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #18306 (Feedback): QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS versi...
So your QGIS does not start (as you say in subject) or you just don't find your .qgis3 folder (as you say in descript... Giovanni Manghi
06:28 PM Bug report #18322 (Feedback): Zooming in causes canvas to go blank
Please attach sample project with sample data, as of course this is not a issue that shows in general. Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #18322 (Open): Zooming in causes canvas to go blank
I just started using a project in Qgis 3 and it has some raster images loaded in the background. Quite often when I z... Patrick Dunford
06:27 PM Bug report #18244: DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
updated subject and description Giovanni Manghi
06:27 PM Bug report #18244: DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
updated subject and description Giovanni Manghi
06:27 PM Bug report #18244: DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
updated subject and description Giovanni Manghi
06:27 PM Bug report #18244: DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
updated subject and description Giovanni Manghi
06:27 PM Bug report #18244: DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
updated subject and description Giovanni Manghi
03:23 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
mhugent, the issue comes from the parameter PROPERTYNAME in which the web client does not request the primary key fie... René-Luc ReLuc
03:15 PM Feature request #18321 (Open): Allow group selected layers with one layer selected
The right-click option to group selected layers is only available if two or more layers are selected. I often wish th... Arni Geirsson
01:14 PM Feature request #13050: Add interactive editing tools using spatial operators (difference, buffer...
I agree with Regis. I and other users missing this tools. specially the clipping tool. there are a qgis plugin which ... Jan Lippmann
11:32 AM Bug report #18218: Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
> regar...
Giovanni Manghi
11:32 AM Bug report #18218: Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
> regar...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18218 (Open): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
this option works/ed (up to 2.18) rega...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18218 (Open): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
this option works/ed (up to 2.18) rega...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18218 (Open): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
this option works/ed (up to 2.18) rega...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18218 (Open): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
this option works/ed (up to 2.18) rega...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18218 (Open): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
this option works/ed (up to 2.18) rega...
Giovanni Manghi
11:16 AM Bug report #18227 (Feedback): GeoReferencer crash
Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Connfirmed. Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Connfirmed. Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Connfirmed. Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Connfirmed. Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #14779: Categorized layers not rendered at all

> I am not familiar with the codebase, but this toString() might be the cause:
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #14779: Categorized layers not rendered at all

> I am not familiar with the codebase, but this toString() might be the cause:
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #14779: Categorized layers not rendered at all

> I am not familiar with the codebase, but this toString() might be the cause:
Giovanni Manghi
10:59 AM Bug report #18284: problem with editing after update
Affan NF wrote:
> What I mean is the application is freezing for a 5 to 10 seconds.
> I just find out the problem i...
Giovanni Manghi
10:57 AM Bug report #18270: QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue

> If this isn't a bug, where is the information that would explain how to alter the code?
> 3.0 is completely usel...
Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #18293 (Feedback): New node tool is really slow to index for big project with many edi...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #18307 (Feedback): Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
I cannot confirm it here. Can you add detailed steps here (i.e. where are you doing the structure edits, in vector pr... Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #18307 (Feedback): Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
I cannot confirm it here. Can you add detailed steps here (i.e. where are you doing the structure edits, in vector pr... Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #18307 (Feedback): Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
I cannot confirm it here. Can you add detailed steps here (i.e. where are you doing the structure edits, in vector pr... Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #18075 (Feedback): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default ...
Does it works ok on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #18304 (Open): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Description and subject updated. Giovanni Manghi
09:26 AM Bug report #18319 (Closed): Problemas con multipartes y partes sencillas
Please file again in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
09:26 AM Bug report #18319 (Closed): Problemas con multipartes y partes sencillas
Please file again in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
09:25 AM Bug report #18317: *Crash ID*: f14b235261d11cf19e208ab34fdb7be4957e6364
also use meaningful subjects. Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #18320 (Feedback): XYZ Tiles (Google Maps) eats up all RAM
Can't reproduce. Can you post more steps on how to see this issue? Do you also see in on 2.18? Nyall Dawson
05:55 AM Bug report #18320 (Closed): XYZ Tiles (Google Maps) eats up all RAM
I'm using XYZ tiles with the following URL:{x}&y={y}&z={z}
Move and zoom aro...
Kory Roberts
07:12 AM Bug report #18291 (In Progress): [Layout] Exporting a layout with a special character in its name...
Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Bug report #18281 (Closed): [UI] Wrong window title for 3D configuration window
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0a6024b506eb54033a715c30368700b305e163d0. Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Bug report #18281 (Closed): [UI] Wrong window title for 3D configuration window
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0a6024b506eb54033a715c30368700b305e163d0. Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Revision 0a6024b5 (qgis): [3d] Add a title to 3d config window
Fixes #18281 Nyall Dawson
01:55 AM Bug report #18263 (In Progress): Interpolation algorithms not running in Graphical Modeler in QGI...
Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Bug report #18264 (Feedback): Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
Which algorithm are you using? Does it work in non-batch mode? Nyall Dawson
01:51 AM Revision 24ef30f2 (qgis): add secure env var for docker login in Travis yml file
Denis Rouzaud


11:02 PM Revision 0d208298 (qgis): Merge pull request #6506 from m-kuhn/fixRange
Fix Integer range widget with allowNull Matthias Kuhn
11:02 PM Revision b84f014d (qgis): Merge pull request #6503 from m-kuhn/variousFixes
Various fixes Matthias Kuhn
11:02 PM Bug report #18297 (Closed): Minimum value not accepted in range widget with "allow null"
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0b49a83a89615ac01d624ad2108ad538b83296d8. Anonymous
11:02 PM Bug report #18297 (Closed): Minimum value not accepted in range widget with "allow null"
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0b49a83a89615ac01d624ad2108ad538b83296d8. Anonymous
09:46 PM Bug report #18317 (Feedback): *Crash ID*: f14b235261d11cf19e208ab34fdb7be4957e6364
Please post steps to reproduce. Nyall Dawson
05:29 PM Bug report #18317 (Closed): *Crash ID*: f14b235261d11cf19e208ab34fdb7be4957e6364
*Stack Trace*... Fernando Garay
09:45 PM Bug report #18316 (Closed): type object 'QgsMessageBar' has no attribute 'SUCCESS'
This bug needs to be filed with the autosave plugin, not qgis. Nyall Dawson
09:45 PM Bug report #18316 (Closed): type object 'QgsMessageBar' has no attribute 'SUCCESS'
This bug needs to be filed with the autosave plugin, not qgis. Nyall Dawson
05:28 PM Bug report #18316 (Closed): type object 'QgsMessageBar' has no attribute 'SUCCESS'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/fernando.garay/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/pytho...
Fernando Garay
09:40 PM Bug report #18315 (Feedback): Select by location: selection in the wrong layer
Please test with 3.0 Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Bug report #18315 (Closed): Select by location: selection in the wrong layer
I have a project containing 2 different layers with similar names ('Communes-shp' and 'Communes par population') and ... Etienne MORO
09:39 PM Bug report #18318 (Closed): Problema con el geoalgoritmo de "multiparte a parte sencilla"
Shapefiles don't have strict multi/single part types for lines and polygons. In qgis 3 a change was made so that for ... Nyall Dawson
09:39 PM Bug report #18318 (Closed): Problema con el geoalgoritmo de "multiparte a parte sencilla"
Shapefiles don't have strict multi/single part types for lines and polygons. In qgis 3 a change was made so that for ... Nyall Dawson
05:48 PM Bug report #18318 (Closed): Problema con el geoalgoritmo de "multiparte a parte sencilla"
Ejecuto el geoalgoritmo y paso la comprobación topológica y no me da ningún problema, pero cuando esa capa que conver... Fernando Garay
09:38 PM Bug report #16267: Printing Pdf's that have WMTS layers problems
I tested with QGIS 2.18.17 (Ubuntu 16.04) using a layer WMTS from Nino Formica
09:20 PM Feature request #3806: Make click anywhere in symbol select/identify the object (i.e. when symbol...
I agree with the need as well.
Throughout the work day for quality control, the 'identify' tool is one of our most-...
James Greener
08:43 PM Bug report #18319 (Closed): Problemas con multipartes y partes sencillas
Tengo un archivo shape que en QGIS 2.18.14 es una capa "sencilla" y en QGIS 3.0 es una capa multiparte por lo que, en... Fernando Garay
08:36 PM Revision bd149b97 (qgis): allow to save a Docker deps image for PR having [dockerdeps] in their t...
Denis Rouzaud
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
07:39 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Example of the shp created with Qgis 3.0.0 and can't be imported.
The problem is in the import, because the same cre...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
02:46 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
02:46 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
02:46 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
02:40 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
02:40 PM Bug report #18304: Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
09:07 AM Bug report #18304 (Feedback): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
With DB Manager? Can you attach the data that does not work for you? The same data work on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
06:44 PM Revision fc5073dd (qgis): Documentation fix
Matthias Kuhn
06:35 PM Revision 6ebc6439 (qgis): fix sipify test
Denis Rouzaud
06:33 PM Revision 9580a885 (qgis): fix sipify test
Denis Rouzaud
05:07 PM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
Could you also check you are using the same settings for multi-threaded rendering? Saber Razmjooei
11:53 AM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
I did some tests (turning labels off; removing WMS layers; disable line anti aliasing) but ditn't get any improvement... mr twister
03:44 PM Bug report #15880 (Closed): Symbol Size assistant: Values greater than 1 000 000 are not "correct...
See #18302 Giovanni Manghi
03:44 PM Bug report #15880 (Closed): Symbol Size assistant: Values greater than 1 000 000 are not "correct...
See #18302 Giovanni Manghi
03:44 PM Bug report #15880 (Closed): Symbol Size assistant: Values greater than 1 000 000 are not "correct...
See #18302 Giovanni Manghi
03:44 PM Bug report #18302 (Closed): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
See #15880 Giovanni Manghi
03:44 PM Bug report #18302 (Open): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
Giovanni Manghi
11:19 AM Bug report #18302: QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
Giovanni, this report is more global and proposed some solutions to the issue.
If there's a report to close, should ...
Harrissou Santanna
09:05 AM Bug report #18302 (Closed): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
See #15880 Giovanni Manghi
09:05 AM Bug report #18302 (Closed): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
See #15880 Giovanni Manghi
03:36 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
I do the test using two different server and two different project, but I have the same problem. I use qgis-server pa... Roberto Marzocchi
02:32 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
I've tested here with the latest 2.18 branch, simple project with municipi spatialite layer. The output here...
Marco Hugentobler
11:40 AM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
using this spatialite file [[]] I have the problem
Roberto Marzocchi
08:27 AM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Is it possible to attach a small postgres sql-dump with the problematic dataset (can be a small subset of the data). ... Marco Hugentobler
03:01 PM Revision 55764689 (qgis): fix one-to-one, one-to-many wording
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:01 PM Revision 2073562f (qgis): harmonize join type value (0=one-to-many, 1=one-to-one)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:01 PM Revision 1542b484 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] add discard non matching option to join attribute...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:40 PM Bug report #18313 (Feedback): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate ref...
I think the issue is to have CRS widget available for non spatial format.
When you export a (point) layer to csv, ...
Harrissou Santanna
01:41 PM Bug report #18313 (Open): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate referen...
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong res...
Savitri Galiana
01:38 PM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong res...
Savitri Galiana
01:38 PM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong res...
Savitri Galiana
01:38 PM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong res...
Savitri Galiana
01:09 PM Bug report #18313 (Feedback): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate ref...
Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong results. Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
01:09 PM Bug report #18313 (Feedback): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate ref...
Please add more details, like the exact CRS involved, sample data and expected vs wrong results. Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #18313 (Closed): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate refer...
I am using QGIS 2.18.17 (I have just installed it this week). I am trying to save a vector layer (created f...
Savitri Galiana
01:41 PM Bug report #18249: QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature requests)
I try using a layer in WGS 84 but the time is similar (or higher) ~ 5'20'' and the size is higher.. I really do not u... Roberto Marzocchi
01:39 PM Bug report #18314 (Feedback): QGIS has memory leaks/crashes when zooming
Have you tested a more recent version, like 2.18.17 or QGIS 3? Giovanni Manghi
01:24 PM Bug report #18314 (Closed): QGIS has memory leaks/crashes when zooming
h1. Steps to reproduce
1. Open the vector layer provided in this ticket by drag-and-dropping it onto the canvas.
Georg Wicke
01:10 PM Bug report #18286 (Open): cannot filter by $geometry, $length, $area etc.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> What about QGIS 3?
I tested in QGIS 3.0.0 just now and the behaviour is exactly the same...
Mattias Spangmyr
12:43 PM Bug report #18312 (Closed): QGIS3: algorithm not available anymore?
Hey there, I need to create some normal vectors with help of the algorithm of GRASS.
I have updated to...
Theresa Lichtenberger
12:21 PM Bug report #18117: QGIS 2.18 won't display layer after editing attribute table
David, I think you should instead report your issue at (QGIS apllication's bug ... Harrissou Santanna
12:03 PM Feature request #18310 (Open): QGIS3: recovery temporary files
With QGIS3, the use of temporary files is pretty well implemented. It's a pleasure to use the feature.
But since QGI...
Tobias Wendorff
11:58 AM Bug report #18309 (Open): QGIS3: menu is too long
The edit menu is too long for screen I'm currently working on :(
In other applications, it's possible to scroll down...
Tobias Wendorff
11:53 AM Bug report #18075: Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default value is no...
@Nathan, this issue should be reported in (QGIS application bug tracker) and no... Harrissou Santanna
11:41 AM Revision e531052b (qgis): Rename cancel() to cancelReload() and update doc accordingly
Paul Blottiere
11:28 AM Bug report #16967: value relation widget with Allow multiple selection doesn't resolve the values...
seems the error is here:
Luigi Pirelli
11:27 AM Bug report #18308 (Closed): Invalid WFS-Transaction Update request
An WFS-T update request generated with QGIS 3.0.0 uses the xml attribute name "typeNames" in the "Update" tag. Accord... Martin Kofahl
11:21 AM Revision 300aaa82 (qgis): Merge pull request #6511 from alexbruy/processing-backport
[processing] backport outputs creation for file destination parameters Alexander Bruy
11:14 AM Bug report #18307: Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
Just tried to edit the shp layer again but this time QGIS crashed while I was deleting a field. Jonathan Robinson
11:03 AM Bug report #18307 (Closed): Crash when exiting shp layer without saving
Editing a simple shp layer created in QGIS3 - adding and removing fields then tried to exit without saving.
Crash ...
Jonathan Robinson
10:43 AM Revision eef18cbe (qgis): Remove unused code
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision c2a2f332 (qgis): Rename postpone option in lazy
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision fea66f99 (qgis): Update ui and add shortcut to cancel pending query
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 86d66c73 (qgis): Add interrupt method
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision cf53a4cb (qgis): Add async model for gpkg
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision f5a3e60b (qgis): Update documentation
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision ad630094 (qgis): More cleaning
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision a948f1b8 (qgis): Some clean
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 957e92c8 (qgis): Add async model for virtual layers
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision bf7df6d2 (qgis): Add a cancel button for Postgis and Spatialite
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 6a49e57c (qgis): Fixes 3.0 -> 3.2
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 887a2261 (qgis): Use python super() calls
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 8873e9a0 (qgis): Fix sip binding
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 777fdebb (qgis): Clean task once model is completed
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 1ad02adf (qgis): Update documentation
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 941aa0a6 (qgis): Add a takeLayer method
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 7b18fa8b (qgis): Add test for lazy option
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision b8a009c4 (qgis): Add unit test for QgsVirtualLayerTask
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision 1a5e03f6 (qgis): Fix sip binding
Paul Blottiere
10:43 AM Revision ad91694b (qgis): Remove unnecessary cancel subtask
Paul Blottiere
10:27 AM Revision e11a17d6 (qgis): [processing] add tests for creating outputs from FileDestination
(cherry picked from commit a2179046e83a568a07e7ebb851c8490e498141dc)
Alexander Bruy
10:27 AM Revision a648d917 (qgis): [processing] fix condition and use more generic "htm" constant for
filter testing
(cherry picked from commit 6f38a5037de30ae4dacf9beb41e269108fb71776)
Alexander Bruy
10:27 AM Revision c39e2a41 (qgis): [processing] remove explicit outputs definitions
(cherry picked from commit 22fea14a17af48e13067bbce6efcc180124e7493) Alexander Bruy
10:27 AM Revision 511fa36c (qgis): [processing] determive correct output type based on the
QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination filter
(cherry picked from commit 73a8b80e59bb2ca5fcca92aedca970e6f2db3028)
Alexander Bruy
10:27 AM Revision a2bf1ab7 (qgis): [processing] implement toOutputDefinition() method for
(cherry picked from commit 705ffced633fa6d55ac21709e41ff3c55e004c83)
Alexander Bruy
10:26 AM Revision 26d4288b (qgis): add spacer to the Source tab of the Layer properties window (fix #18279)
(cherry picked from commit f9ac1ff0f30c63af36adbaac88a8e9e4d1652329) Alexander Bruy
10:23 AM Revision 0081f781 (qgis): Merge pull request #6487 from alexbruy/processing-output-file
[processing] fix QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination handling in models Alexander Bruy
10:03 AM Revision dc3353e9 (qgis): [processing] forgot to rename variable
Alexander Bruy
09:36 AM Revision ae9bd06e (qgis): Merge pull request #6501 from alexbruy/multi-ring
[processing][FEATURE] add multi-ring buffer algorithm Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Revision a2179046 (qgis): [processing] add tests for creating outputs from FileDestination
parameter Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Revision 6f38a503 (qgis): [processing] fix condition and use more generic "htm" constant for
filter testing Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Revision 73a8b80e (qgis): [processing] determive correct output type based on the
QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination filter Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Revision 22fea14a (qgis): [processing] remove explicit outputs definitions
Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Revision 705ffced (qgis): [processing] implement toOutputDefinition() method for
QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination Alexander Bruy
09:21 AM Bug report #18306 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version...
New description:
h2. User Feedback
After QGIS 3 installation, i can't find the privateConfigurati...
Manuel Schmidt
09:04 AM Bug report #18298 (Open): Filter expression on virtual layer is not saved
Giovanni Manghi
08:11 AM Bug report #18298: Filter expression on virtual layer is not saved
No, as I checked right now, it works also in 2.18 not as expected. Stefan Rey
09:02 AM Bug report #18305 (Closed): Wrong feature count in virtual layer wirth rule-based symbology
Stefan Rey
08:46 AM Bug report #18305 (Closed): Wrong feature count in virtual layer wirth rule-based symbology
If I classify a virtual layer rule-based and activate the feature count, the feature count of every class is zero. Th... Stefan Rey
09:00 AM Revision 04ce4356 (qgis): [processing][FEATURE] multiring buffer algorithm
Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Revision 8c0c5817 (qgis): [processing] make multi-ring buffer parameters dynamic
Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Revision df61548c (qgis): [processing] rename algorithm to "Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)"
Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Revision 5daa8fdb (qgis): [processing] add test for multiring buffer algorithm
Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Revision 669beac8 (qgis): [processing] evaluate dynamic parameters before processing feature
Alexander Bruy
06:09 AM Revision 70242a3a (qgis): Fix leak when converting 2.x compositions
Nyall Dawson
06:09 AM Revision e05a5a93 (qgis): [pal] Use QgsGeometry::makeValid instead of buffer(0) to repair geometries
Possibly refs #14752 Nyall Dawson
06:09 AM Revision 0823de0f (qgis): Prevent status bar coordinate widget from shrinking too small
Nyall Dawson
06:09 AM Revision 55814b8f (qgis): Fix missing transform context warnings on status bar coordinate display
Nyall Dawson
06:09 AM Revision b61882f2 (qgis): Catch a possible exception in QgsGeometry::makeValid
Nyall Dawson
05:58 AM Revision 6f47b250 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] one-to-many join support to the join attribute ta...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:33 AM Bug report #18283: serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endless label rend...
Reverting commit 2ab1e02 and commit dded4ab takes care of the regression. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:44 AM Revision 2238b425 (qgis): [layouts] Fix missing map name in map item properties dialog
Fixes #18288 Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Revision b5d9e7a7 (qgis): Fix raster calc dialog uses an open file dialog instead of save dialog
Fixes #18303 Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18288 (Closed): [Layout] Item's properties no longer shows item's name at the top of ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2238b42501617291716d5dea320e939513f016e8. Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18288 (Closed): [Layout] Item's properties no longer shows item's name at the top of ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2238b42501617291716d5dea320e939513f016e8. Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18303 (Closed): Raster Calculator "Output Layer" opens, rather than saves
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b5d9e7a7cf8f4b7c517261a6668463323e442071. Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18303 (Closed): Raster Calculator "Output Layer" opens, rather than saves
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b5d9e7a7cf8f4b7c517261a6668463323e442071. Nyall Dawson


11:44 PM Bug report #18303 (In Progress): Raster Calculator "Output Layer" opens, rather than saves
Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Bug report #18303 (Closed): Raster Calculator "Output Layer" opens, rather than saves
I'm using the current Nightly build of QGIS 3.1.0 (a483ef817a).
When using the Raster Calculator I've run into an is...
David Caplin
11:19 PM Bug report #18304 (Closed): Python error when importing a shapefile to PostGIS in DB Manager
*New description:*
Importing vectors to PostGIS in DB Manager fails in QGIS 3 with a python error. The same error ...
Alfredo GarciaWoods
10:34 PM Bug report #18294 (Closed): Processing Throws Exception when dialog is open while starting new pr...
Already fixed in master/3.0 Nyall Dawson
10:34 PM Bug report #18294 (Closed): Processing Throws Exception when dialog is open while starting new pr...
Already fixed in master/3.0 Nyall Dawson
04:20 PM Bug report #18294 (Closed): Processing Throws Exception when dialog is open while starting new pr...
Following exception is thrown:... Richard Duivenvoorde
10:31 PM Bug report #18300 (Feedback): *Crash ID*: 9c4635b9ba74ea63a9f4140084307bf68492432b
Insufficient detail to reproduce. Can you post detailed steps as to how you encountered this crash. Nyall Dawson
06:47 PM Bug report #18300 (Closed): *Crash ID*: 9c4635b9ba74ea63a9f4140084307bf68492432b
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 9c4635b9ba74ea63a9f4140084307bf68492432b
*Stack Trace...
Mario FF
10:01 PM Revision baeaeace (qgis): Merge pull request #6502 from elpaso/bugfix-18230-server-prefix-path
[bugfix][server] Fix prefix path for server Alessandro Pasotti
10:01 PM Bug report #18230 (Closed): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or uns...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1d7d51c8e193638f99dd6437db2791a0670d3393. Anonymous
10:01 PM Bug report #18230 (Closed): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or uns...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1d7d51c8e193638f99dd6437db2791a0670d3393. Anonymous
01:52 PM Bug report #18230 (In Progress): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown o...
Alessandro Pasotti
01:52 PM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
PR Alessandro Pasotti
12:33 PM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
Temporary workaround:
FcgidInitialEnv QGIS_PREFIX_PATH "/usr"
# CGI:
Alessandro Pasotti
11:16 AM Bug report #18230 (Open): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsup...
In my opinion, the post should be left with open status, as there is something to correct in the default configuratio... Rémi Bonnefoi
09:37 AM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
Hi Giovanni,
It is not a matter of request syntax, but of path setup.
I inferred to try an overwriting of the P...
Rémi Bonnefoi
09:50 PM Revision f2638fd1 (qgis): Add unit tests for categorized renderer unchecked symbols
(cherry-picked from 7459539) Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 1c3ae781 (qgis): Fix crash when using the identify tool on a categorized render
with an unchecked category corresponding to the feature at the
clicked point
Also fix count of default category symb...
Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 4bbea2f7 (qgis): [processing] Fix 'selected features' checkbox is incorrectly disabled
Fixes #18278
(cherry-picked from 4e182be4)
Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 6d9c5531 (qgis): [layouts] Fix legends do not respect reference point when auto sizing
Fixes #18269
(cherry-picked from 0f93e55)
Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 6385defc (qgis): [dbmanager] fix toolbar icon size
(cherry-picked from a34b46bc) Salvatore Larosa
09:50 PM Revision d665cd5b (qgis): [labeling] Fix broken data defined shape radius setting
(cherry-picked from 2345852) Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Revision 2ae1ca52 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed icons in browser
(cherry-picked from d9deb238) Radim Blazek
09:43 PM Revision b37c410d (qgis): Fix tests
Matthias Kuhn
09:18 PM Bug report #9575 (Closed): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to pro...
Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #18298 (Feedback): Filter expression on virtual layer is not saved
Does it work as expected in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #18298 (Feedback): Filter expression on virtual layer is not saved
Does it work as expected in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
05:46 PM Bug report #18298 (Open): Filter expression on virtual layer is not saved
If I formulate a filter query on a virtual layer, the filter is lost when I save the QGIS Project, close and reopen i... Stefan Rey
07:39 PM Bug report #18296 (Feedback): QGIS Crash with 3d map view
Can you please attach the data? Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #18296 (Feedback): QGIS Crash with 3d map view
Can you please attach the data? Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:08 PM Bug report #18296 (Closed): QGIS Crash with 3d map view
h2. User Feedback
New 3D map view with elevation based on DTM raster.tif and bounding box
h2. Report Details
Muriel Lavy
07:38 PM Bug report #18289 (Open): GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
Giovanni Manghi
04:49 PM Bug report #18289: GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
Yes, there are no problem on 2.18 dany Lefeuvre
03:03 PM Bug report #18289 (Feedback): GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
It works ok with 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
03:01 PM Bug report #18289 (Closed): GIS 3 Atlas not work with oracle spatial layer
When my atlas is created on an oracle spatial layer, it can't locate itself on feature.
When I try with a spatialite...
dany Lefeuvre
07:14 PM Bug report #18302 (Closed): QGIS2+: values shown in scientific notation
Right now, values like "4176000000" are displayed as "4.176e+06" (the scientific notation). Seems like printf '%g' is... Tobias Wendorff
07:04 PM Bug report #18301 (Open): Processing tools don't ask for input layer when choosing directly a mul...
When loading a GeoPackage as an input for processing (direct loading without loading it in QGIS), the tool doesn't as... Tobias Wendorff
06:39 PM Bug report #18299 (Closed): DateTime widget issue with current date
As you can see in the attached gif, sometimes selecting the current date doesn't set the attribute value.
gcarrillo -
06:22 PM Revision 4f4b8310 (qgis): Merge pull request #6504 from m-kuhn/processingParametersRegistry
More processing parameters in modeller Matthias Kuhn
06:08 PM Revision b20889a6 (qgis): Add test for 0/NULL range widget
For #18297 Matthias Kuhn
05:23 PM Bug report #18297 (Closed): Minimum value not accepted in range widget with "allow null"
Steps to reproduce:
* Take an integer field
* Configure a range widget with
* min 0
* max 10
* step 1
* a...
Matthias Kuhn
05:18 PM Revision 0b49a83a (qgis): Fix int range widget minimum value
The int range widget so far assigned NULL to the minimum value when allowNull was activated. This made it impossible ... Matthias Kuhn
04:44 PM Revision 752dc7d5 (qgis): Replace dynamic_cast with qobject_cast
Matthias Kuhn
04:42 PM Revision 0c730596 (qgis): Hide unsupported parameters in modeller
Matthias Kuhn
04:42 PM Revision b67813bd (qgis): API doc update
Matthias Kuhn
04:35 PM Bug report #18295 (Open): PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow
I have added data from PostGIS in Version 2.18 and the one data set loads in about 2 seconds. With the new 3.0 versio... Mickey Dietrich
04:30 PM Revision 9e955ce8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6446 from raymondnijssen/3d_objects
New 3d symbols. Blender files in:… Matthias Kuhn
04:23 PM Bug report #18279: [UI] Empty space in Properties window > Sources
Thanks Alex...that was quick! Saber Razmjooei
03:09 PM Bug report #18279 (Closed): [UI] Empty space in Properties window > Sources
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9ac1ff0f30c63af36adbaac88a8e9e4d1652329. Alexander Bruy
03:09 PM Bug report #18279 (Closed): [UI] Empty space in Properties window > Sources
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f9ac1ff0f30c63af36adbaac88a8e9e4d1652329. Alexander Bruy
09:51 AM Bug report #18279 (Closed): [UI] Empty space in Properties window > Sources
Seems the items are not properly placed and there is a bit of space between them...see the screenshot Saber Razmjooei
04:16 PM Bug report #18251 (Feedback): Crashed on Creating Mapset
Giovanni Manghi
03:37 PM Bug report #18251: Crashed on Creating Mapset
To be sure where we are, you select
_Plugins > GRASS > New Mapset_,
then you enter _Database directory_, click _Ne...
Radim Blazek
04:13 PM Bug report #18293: New node tool is really slow to index for big project with many editable layers
What if the transaction groups are not enabled - is it still slow?
Might be useful to try changing the indexing st...
Martin Dobias
03:40 PM Bug report #18293 (Closed): New node tool is really slow to index for big project with many edita...
Using a project with transaction groups option activated, I takes several minutes to be able to create the snapping i... Regis Haubourg
04:11 PM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > the filter I applied wasn in Properties --> query builder (not in attribute tabl...
Antonio Viscomi
10:40 AM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent

> Hi,
> the filter I applied wasn in Properties --> query builder (not in attribute table) because I need to see o...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I'm curious about all this because in 2.14 I can follow these steps
> * Put a filter onto ...
Antonio Viscomi
03:56 PM Bug report #18249: QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature requests)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> > It's simply due to the transformation of the geometry from the l...
Roberto Marzocchi
02:19 PM Bug report #18249: QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature requests)
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> It's simply due to the transformation of the geometry from the layer CRS to standard GeoJSON...
Giovanni Manghi
02:15 PM Bug report #18249: QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature requests)
It's simply due to the transformation of the geometry from the layer CRS to standard GeoJSON CRS EPSG/4326. René-Luc ReLuc
03:49 PM Revision a0cda522 (qgis): Remove outdated comment block
Matthias Kuhn
03:47 PM Revision 9aac4e38 (qgis): Use translated text in modeller
Matthias Kuhn
03:46 PM Bug report #16462: QGIS Server lost the ability to cascade WMS layers published using HTTPS
Does some one has any clue to fix it ? René-Luc ReLuc
03:44 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
This issue is due to an enhancement for multi primary keys. It this PR
Did ...
René-Luc ReLuc
03:44 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
This issue is due to an enhancement for multi primary keys. It this PR
Did ...
René-Luc ReLuc
03:39 PM Bug report #18284: problem with editing after update
What I mean is the application is freezing for a 5 to 10 seconds.
I just find out the problem is when I activate sna...
Affan NF
10:59 AM Bug report #18284 (Feedback): problem with editing after update
Can you please expand "is not working as it supposed to do": add details about what you see and how replicate, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
10:59 AM Bug report #18284 (Feedback): problem with editing after update
Can you please expand "is not working as it supposed to do": add details about what you see and how replicate, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #18284 (Closed): problem with editing after update
Since updating from 2.8.16 to 2.8.17 and saving the project file the "add feature" (in Edit Mode) is not working as i... Affan NF
03:33 PM Bug report #18292 (Closed): Server GetFeatureInfo FILTER search fails when WIDTH, HEIGHT and CRS ...

Sample call:
Alessandro Pasotti
03:29 PM Bug report #18291 (Closed): [Layout] Exporting a layout with a special character in its name chan...
I'm trying to export to image a layout named BeaucouzéSite
In the Save Layout as dialog, the file name is written as...
Harrissou Santanna
03:28 PM Feature request #17627: Field Calculator: None selected should give none modified
The problem persists in version 3.0 :(
It seems to me so simple that the box "Update only the 0 selected entities"...
Marc-André Saia
03:16 PM Bug report #18290 (Closed): Embedded form (relation) disappears when changing configuration of a ...
Steps to reproduce:
Data source is Postgis
1. in Postgis create a new role with name = "quartiergestaltungsplan...
Andreas Neumann
03:08 PM Revision f9ac1ff0 (qgis): add spacer to the Source tab of the Layer properties window (fix #18279)
Alexander Bruy
03:02 PM Bug report #18081: GDB recognition mixup
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> Good morning Giovanni, the GDB is 303 mb. I do not think it will send via email.
the e...
Giovanni Manghi
02:59 PM Bug report #18081: GDB recognition mixup
Good morning Giovanni, the GDB is 303 mb. I do not think it will send via email. Douglas Alderman
02:40 PM Bug report #18267: QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
2.18 returns the same:... Michal Med
11:23 AM Bug report #18267: QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
Michal Med wrote:
> Never tried 2.18, I was using 2.14, the installed 3.0. I thought that WFS 2.0.0 support was adde...
Giovanni Manghi
11:18 AM Bug report #18267: QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
Never tried 2.18, I was using 2.14, the installed 3.0. I thought that WFS 2.0.0 support was added in QGIS 3.0. Michal Med
02:39 PM Bug report #18268 (Open): Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
Giovanni Manghi
01:21 PM Bug report #18268: Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
I have tried with qgis 2.18.17 the same operation, but nothing to do. Simon Falceri
02:33 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
I have tested it on some more machines.
I have 3 computers running *Windows 10*-64 bit that have QGIS 3.0.0 insta...
Michel Stuyts
02:32 PM Bug report #18288 (Closed): [Layout] Item's properties no longer shows item's name at the top of ...
In the properties panel of any item in the composer (map, legend, text...), the name of the item is no longer shown, ... Harrissou Santanna
02:32 PM Bug report #17635: "Reloading QGIS" from the crash report dialog fails to reopen the project
Still true on 3.1
More info
not only a file path containing a space is handled as different files but it also tri...
Harrissou Santanna
02:25 PM Bug report #16198 (Closed): QgsGeometry().asPolygon() segfaults, Python, SIP
Giovanni Manghi
02:23 PM Bug report #18287 (Closed): QGIS crashes when deleting multiple items in layout
h2. User Feedback
I have a project from 2.x that i am now using under 3.1
In one of the preexisting A3 layout, I ...
Harrissou Santanna
02:14 PM Revision 6d94ea5f (qgis): Prefer https
Matthias Kuhn
02:13 PM Revision 592c9b24 (qgis): Expose fields mapping parameter to modeler
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 PM Revision ecae50f1 (qgis): Allow processing plugins to load their own parameters
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 PM Revision 8b784400 (qgis): Avoid catchall exception
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 PM Revision eba96fb9 (qgis): Add a processing parameter registry
to manage parameter metadata in a single place. Matthias Kuhn
01:52 PM Revision 0050eb59 (qgis): Spelling
Alessandro Pasotti
01:12 PM Revision 1d7d51c8 (qgis): [bugfix][server] Fix prefix path for server
Fixes #18230 - service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
I though about placing the fix into the ...
Alessandro Pasotti
01:09 PM Bug report #18270: QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> PJ Lightning wrote:
> > Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > > Check the return value of subLayers(). ...
PJ Lightning
10:55 AM Bug report #18270 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
PJ Lightning wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Check the return value of subLayers(). The format is different and no...
Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #18270 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
PJ Lightning wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Check the return value of subLayers(). The format is different and no...
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Bug report #18239: Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
Not yet seen (however I have not used 3 very much lately) Patrick Dunford
12:39 PM Bug report #18239: Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I can't make this fault appear at will so I have no reasonable way of answering your questi...
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Bug report #18239: Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
I can't make this fault appear at will so I have no reasonable way of answering your question. Patrick Dunford
11:09 AM Bug report #18239 (Feedback): Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
Does this apply also to qgis 3? Giovanni Manghi
12:40 PM Bug report #9357 (Closed): Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Bug report #9357: Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
I have no idea if this still is the case. I cant remember which script I was testing it with as I reported this over ... James Stott
12:29 PM Bug report #9357 (Feedback): Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Bug report #18189 (Closed): QGIS 3: python error when closing Processing modules dialogs
Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9964 (Feedback): Cannot Save Edits to File Geodatabase Replica
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9568 (Feedback): Rubberband bug if zooming in or out during nodetool edition
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9496 (Feedback): Warning: QPen::setDashPattern: Pattern not of even length
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9419 (Feedback): Jenks natural breaks has a bad interval
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9404 (Feedback): Browser can only connect to one spatialite file of several files sha...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9321 (Feedback): Empty RULE parameter in GetLEgendGraphic returns all rules even if a...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9298 (Feedback): QGIS icon
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Feature request #9277 (Feedback): Make labels follow layer z-order
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #9265 (Feedback): Planet has no aggregate RSS feed
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Feature request #9223 (Feedback): Raster continuous color scales
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9207 (Feedback): window/panel resize problem
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9160 (Feedback): if only one point is selected "zoom to selected" does not zoom
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9125 (Feedback): Uninstalling weeklies
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9092 (Feedback): Use last display to display window
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9026 (Feedback): WFS connection trouble with partly secured server
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9025 (Feedback): Character encoding when connection to PostGIS failed
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9019 (Feedback): raster "save as..." "abort" doesn't abort
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9018 (Feedback): Describe the difference beyween "Add vector layer - > Database -> OG...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9016 (Feedback): WMTS in QGIS 2.0.1 only returning 1 tile
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9013 (Feedback): When digitizing with "avoid intersections" layer type should be dete...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #9010 (Feedback): OTF CRS transformation - 4326 to 27700 fails zoomed out
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8961 (Feedback): Georeferencer creates distorted image
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8911 (Feedback): Table is not updated after field calculator when configured with a "...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8908 (Feedback): spatialite database updated only from opening qgis project
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8897 (Feedback): Results from field calculator wrong format
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8885 (Feedback): Buttons (Ok, Cancel) disappear in "Apri Modulo" from Attribute Table
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8881 (Feedback): QGIS server fails to display capabilities when there are 2 layers of...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8880 (Feedback): Mysql Query builder
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8870 (Feedback): "Metadata" for WMS/WFS/etc? layer issues
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8867 (Feedback): With "render" off, map snaps back
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8861 (Feedback): symbology: gap between polygons when using "no pen" for border style
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8856 (Feedback): Lack of sip doesn't prevent cmake from succeeding, but make fails
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8798 (Feedback): Clipboard data ordering from attribute table
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8788 (Feedback): Absence of color ramp and other symbologies - windows 7 and 8
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8774 (Feedback): Label background properties seem to not affect rendering result
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8768 (Feedback): US English locale listed twice
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8700 (Feedback): Double clicking to add a layer is inconsistent
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8699: Context help - "?" in panel header all empty
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8698 (Feedback): Dockable location doesn't always popup when dragging.
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #8690: Toolbox misaligned
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #7460 (Feedback): CMake detecting wrong path for GDAL library on 64-bit RHEL 6
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #5258 (Feedback): WMS layer properties should be updated upon visiting the 'layer prop...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #4863 (Feedback): Should hidden layers be editable/selectable?
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Bug report #18220: Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
I just installed QGIS nightly dev with OSGEO4W: no more crash. Sebastien Seb
11:12 AM Bug report #18220: Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
Did you try the qgis-dev (3.1) package, like in the other report? Or the standalone installer?
Looks like a Pytho...
Borys Jurgiel
12:26 PM Bug report #18261 (Closed): QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
QGIS 3.0.0 was running from QGIS 2.8 folder for some reason when I updated QGIS using newtwork installer...
Sameer Abdool
12:15 PM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Sameer Abdool wrote:
> Just re-downloaded the stand-alone installer for QGIS 3.0.0 x64.
> Installed in on my Window...
Borys Jurgiel
11:48 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Giovanni, I'm reopening it and will handle this duplication. It's just odd to communicate wit...
Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Just re-downloaded the stand-alone installer for QGIS 3.0.0 x64.
Installed in on my Windows 10 machine and it's now ...
Sameer Abdool
11:23 AM Bug report #18261 (Reopened): QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Giovanni, I'm reopening it and will handle this duplication. It's just odd to communicate with the reporter in a clos... Borys Jurgiel
11:17 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
So it's a fresh install of the OSGeo4W installer? No risk of obsolete stuff in C:\OsGeo4W?
Borys Jurgiel
10:53 AM Bug report #18261 (Closed): QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Giovanni Manghi
10:15 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Seems to be a duplicate of #18220 Sebastien Seb
12:24 PM Bug report #7956 (Feedback): QGIS Server: problem with two project with same layers
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #7863 (Feedback): Loading color ramp per column
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #7283 (Feedback): saveAsImage not including entire mapCanvas
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #6941 (Feedback): WMS requests exceeding extents
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #6876 (Feedback): Performance during digitizing in a shape-layer if other big layers i...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #6772 (Feedback): Categorized Style: if column is "character" and too long in PostGIS ...
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #6381 (Feedback): MSSQL tables - Primary Key with multiple columns Problem
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #6119 (Feedback): EVIS: invalid layer in project
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #5858 (Feedback): Georeferencer ignores "Use 0 for transparency when needed" switch
Please test with a recent QGIS release (2.18 or 3), if the issue/request is still valid change the affected version a... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #18080: Vector Fixed Distance Buffer
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> I so not see the 'geometry checker'. I see 'Densify geometries' or 'simplify geometries' ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 AM Bug report #18286 (Feedback): cannot filter by $geometry, $length, $area etc.
What about QGIS 3? Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #18286 (Closed): cannot filter by $geometry, $length, $area etc.
The "Advanced Filter (Expression)" function of the Attribute Table does not seem to be able to filter by comparing th... Mattias Spangmyr
11:22 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
Update video using the minimal database attached
Regis Haubourg
11:10 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
Added minimal dataset and project to reproduce
database is named bug_17244 on localhost in the attached project file
Regis Haubourg
11:10 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
Added minimal dataset and project to reproduce
database is named bug_17244 on localhost in the attached project file
Regis Haubourg
11:10 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
Added minimal dataset and project to reproduce
database is named bug_17244 on localhost in the attached project file
Regis Haubourg
10:46 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
Still true and very blocking in fact Regis Haubourg
11:22 AM Bug report #18237 (Open): CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
Confirmed here with the provided steps. Giovanni Manghi
11:22 AM Bug report #18237 (Open): CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
Confirmed here with the provided steps. Giovanni Manghi
11:22 AM Bug report #18237 (Open): CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
Confirmed here with the provided steps. Giovanni Manghi
06:53 AM Bug report #18237: CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
Ermmm, so what's the way forward with this one? Clearly a problem as far as I can tell.
11:14 AM Feature request #18285 (Open): XYZ tiles - add possibility to import/export saved connections
It's already here for WMS, WFS, PostreSQL and other connection types, where you can click 'Save' or 'Load' buttons in... Yaroslav Vasyunin
11:12 AM Bug report #18176 (Open): Plugin MetaSearch crashed
Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #15875 (Closed): Importing a POINT layer in Browser always returns MULTIPOINT
Giovanni Manghi
11:00 AM Bug report #18283: serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endless label rend...
Oups, sorry, horizontal placement _also_ results in infinite rendering. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:43 AM Bug report #18283 (Closed): serious regression: labelling's parallel placement leads to endless l...
When using the parallel placement mode to label a line layer, QGIS' rendering appears to enter in an endless loop whi... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:52 AM Bug report #18276 (Feedback): I can't compile QGIS container with docker
Better ask in the developers mailing list, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:51 AM Bug report #18257 (Closed): Calculator Algorithm absent from Modeller Algorithm list
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #18257 (Feedback): Calculator Algorithm absent from Modeller Algorithm list
With expressions support this tools is not needed anymore. Alexander Bruy
09:09 AM Bug report #18257 (Feedback): Calculator Algorithm absent from Modeller Algorithm list
With expressions support this tools is not needed anymore. Alexander Bruy
09:09 AM Bug report #18257 (Feedback): Calculator Algorithm absent from Modeller Algorithm list
With expressions support this tools is not needed anymore. Alexander Bruy
10:45 AM Bug report #18282 (Open): Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag or sy...
Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #18282: Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag or symbol na...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does work fine in 2.18?
I don't see this behavior in QGIS 2.18 (I have both QGIS version...
Yaroslav Vasyunin
10:41 AM Bug report #18282 (Feedback): Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag o...
Does work fine in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:41 AM Bug report #18282 (Feedback): Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag o...
Does work fine in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:41 AM Bug report #18282 (Feedback): Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag o...
Does work fine in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:39 AM Bug report #18282 (Closed): Style Manager - Impossible to work with non-Latin characters (tag or ...
I open Style Manager and I add a new style, label it with an English name, and apply some English tag to it. Works fi... Yaroslav Vasyunin
10:34 AM Bug report #18280: Crash after removing temporary layer joined to s shapefile
The temporary layer was joined to a shapefile layer. QGIS does not crash if the join will be removed before removing ... Thomas Nogatz
10:05 AM Bug report #18280 (Closed): Crash after removing temporary layer joined to s shapefile
Crash report details:
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 4542612c5b6196791ab07691b442ac1...
Thomas Nogatz
10:06 AM Bug report #18281 (Closed): [UI] Wrong window title for 3D configuration window
3D configuration window comes up with *QGIS 3* title. IMO the title should be *3D Configuration* Saber Razmjooei
09:41 AM Revision 3711a92c (qgis): [processing] fix typo (fix #18248)
(cherry picked from commit 88734647ced9cb91b2000e98767d61fd4547d96c) Alexander Bruy
09:40 AM Bug report #18248 (Closed): Spelling mistake in Clip Raster by Mask tool
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|88734647ced9cb91b2000e98767d61fd4547d96c. Alexander Bruy
09:40 AM Bug report #18248 (Closed): Spelling mistake in Clip Raster by Mask tool
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|88734647ced9cb91b2000e98767d61fd4547d96c. Alexander Bruy
09:40 AM Revision 88734647 (qgis): [processing] fix typo (fix #18248)
Alexander Bruy
09:08 AM Bug report #18238 (Closed): Python error: couldn't load plugin 'processing' (python error)
Alexander Bruy
08:02 AM Revision 0f93e55f (qgis): [layouts] Fix legends do not respect reference point when auto sizing
Fixes #18269 Nyall Dawson
08:02 AM Bug report #18269 (Closed): Layout legend items do not respect reference point when autosizing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0f93e55fce153e2c573ac95c9d15441542c4a4a6. Nyall Dawson
08:02 AM Bug report #18269 (Closed): Layout legend items do not respect reference point when autosizing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0f93e55fce153e2c573ac95c9d15441542c4a4a6. Nyall Dawson
07:41 AM Bug report #18274: Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStrip in TIF
1: Agreed. In either case I'm going to have to use GDAL to further process the TIFs anyway (including compressing the... JW van Aalst
01:29 AM Bug report #18274 (Feedback): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStri...
This is an upstream issue in Qt. Our choices here are:
1. removing the the compression
2. leaving the missing Row...
Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Bug report #18274 (Feedback): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStri...
This is an upstream issue in Qt. Our choices here are:
1. removing the the compression
2. leaving the missing Row...
Nyall Dawson
07:28 AM Revision 75f91e53 (qgis): Add missing caption and some tweaks to map units dialog
Harrissou Santanna
06:49 AM Revision 7459539b (qgis): Add unit tests for categorized renderer unchecked symbols
Nyall Dawson
06:49 AM Revision 0acdcfad (qgis): Fix crash when using the identify tool on a categorized render
with an unchecked category corresponding to the feature at the
clicked point
Also fix count of default category symbols
Nyall Dawson
06:31 AM Bug report #18250: Error running script from Script editor
I'm also experiencing this issue. Whether I add a preexisting QgsProcessingAlgorithm class script or copying contents... Lance Evans
06:29 AM Revision 4e182be4 (qgis): [processing] Fix 'selected features' checkbox is incorrectly disabled
Fixes #18278 Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Bug report #18278 (Closed): QGIS3: selected features only greyed out
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e182be4ece2bd1d300949d0228994472927ca70. Nyall Dawson
06:28 AM Bug report #18278 (Closed): QGIS3: selected features only greyed out
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e182be4ece2bd1d300949d0228994472927ca70. Nyall Dawson
02:58 AM Bug report #18278 (Closed): QGIS3: selected features only greyed out
In some QGIS internal processing tools, like _interesection_, the checkbox for *selected features only* gets greyed o... Tobias Wendorff
03:02 AM Revision a483ef81 (qgis): correctly use reference for context in QgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopper
Denis Rouzaud
01:21 AM Revision 3c78fb58 (qgis): Fix build warnings on msvc
Nyall Dawson


12:54 AM Revision 2345852f (qgis): [labeling] Fix broken data defined shape radius setting
Nyall Dawson
12:40 AM Revision b17a5560 (qgis): Merge pull request #6486 from nyalldawson/dynamic
[processing] Support dynamic properties for all native c++ algorithms Nyall Dawson
12:17 AM Revision 71d1074c (qgis): Tweak grid alignment for Project Properties layout
Nyall Dawson
11:25 PM Revision a34b46bc (qgis): [dbmanager] fix toolbar icon size
Salvatore Larosa
11:12 PM Bug report #18270: QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
and you should to get an error on this line as well: @QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(sub_vlayer)@ Salvatore Larosa
10:48 PM Bug report #18270 (Reopened): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Check the return value of subLayers(). The format is different and no longer separated by ':' ...
PJ Lightning
08:59 PM Bug report #18270 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Check the return value of subLayers(). The format is different and no longer separated by ':' characters alone. Nyall Dawson
01:07 PM Bug report #18270 (Open): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #18270: QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does it work as expected in 2.18?
Yes. Sorry, it seems that all the code indents vanishe...
PJ Lightning
01:03 PM Bug report #18270 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Does it work as expected in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
01:03 PM Bug report #18270 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
Does it work as expected in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
01:01 PM Bug report #18270 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 import dxf python code issue
The code:
import glob, os
path = "E:/aawork/etc/etc/etc/dxfs/"
for layer in glob.glob(path + "*.dxf"):
PJ Lightning
11:10 PM Bug report #18269 (In Progress): Layout legend items do not respect reference point when autosizing
Nyall Dawson
12:54 PM Bug report #18269 (Closed): Layout legend items do not respect reference point when autosizing
When in print composer, setting a legend to scale based on a reference point does not appear to work. It always appea... Nigel Malcolm
11:05 PM Revision 529903c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6492 from nyalldawson/template_converter
[backport] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to 3.0 Nyall Dawson
10:48 PM Revision 25f4f57b (qgis): Fix MAYBE_UNUSED definition on non clang compilers
Nyall Dawson
10:39 PM Bug report #18277: Data loss When Saving Multiedit with Null
Tested against master -- also fails with:... Ryan Desmond
10:37 PM Bug report #18277 (Closed): Data loss When Saving Multiedit with Null
# Create a new scratch layer (All defaults is okay)
# Open the attribute table in edit mode
# Create a n...
Ryan Desmond
10:34 PM Revision bf224ace (qgis): Update test masks
Nyall Dawson
10:01 PM Revision 76369a58 (qgis): Update mask images
(cherry-picked from 5fbcb8e) Alessandro Pasotti
10:00 PM Bug report #18258: executing Python command ("from PyQt4.QtCore import *") crashes QGIS
I just had a look at how a plain Python session handles the import of PyQt4 when PyQt5 is already in use. It does not... Erik Sigra
09:55 PM Bug report #18258: executing Python command ("from PyQt4.QtCore import *") crashes QGIS
Erik Sigra wrote:
> I do not know what the cleanest fix is. Someone familiar with the code might know. Maybe it can ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 PM Bug report #18258: executing Python command ("from PyQt4.QtCore import *") crashes QGIS
I do not know what the cleanest fix is. Someone familiar with the code might know. Maybe it can be fixed deep in ther... Erik Sigra
08:32 AM Bug report #18258 (Feedback): executing Python command ("from PyQt4.QtCore import *") crashes QGIS
You should be using
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
Qgis 3 uses pyqt5, so I'd expect issues if you try to ...
Nyall Dawson
08:12 AM Bug report #18258 (Closed): executing Python command ("from PyQt4.QtCore import *") crashes QGIS
Executing the Python command "from PyQt4.QtCore import *" crashes QGIS 3.0.0. Hope that this will be easy enough to r... Erik Sigra
10:00 PM Revision 7b4f69e9 (qgis): [layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts
(cherry-picked from 3bdb6c2) Alessandro Pasotti
09:50 PM Revision 5fda4025 (qgis): [processing] fixes missing icon for create grid algorithm
Salvatore Larosa
09:41 PM Bug report #18276 (Closed): I can't compile QGIS container with docker
I'm doing the command $ docker build -t agenciaimplementacion/qgis:latest . -f .docker/qgis.dockerfile
over latest "...
Jorge Useche
09:09 PM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
I have the same issue with large project files (many layers, many features per layer). I tested 3.0.0 and master on W... mr twister
08:55 PM Bug report #18275 (Closed): Serveral problems with different plugins
QGIS 2 plugins are incompatible with QGIS 3. 3rd party plugins issues must be reported to plugins authors, not here. Giovanni Manghi
08:55 PM Bug report #18275 (Closed): Serveral problems with different plugins
QGIS 2 plugins are incompatible with QGIS 3. 3rd party plugins issues must be reported to plugins authors, not here. Giovanni Manghi
08:52 PM Bug report #18275 (Closed): Serveral problems with different plugins

After installing QGIS 3.0 I'm having several problems with many plugins.
Microsoft Windows 10 Home / 10.0.16299 ...
Mario FF
08:41 PM Revision 020f0eb4 (qgis): fix warning deleting pointer to incomplete type 'QgsPythonUtils' (#6491)
warning: deleting pointer to incomplete type 'QgsPythonUtils' may cause undefined behavior Denis Rouzaud
08:00 PM Revision b8ceda67 (qgis): fix doxymentation
Denis Rouzaud
07:37 PM Bug report #18230 (Feedback): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or u...
Rémi Bonnefoi wrote:
> I upgraded from 2.99 and the problem occured.
> I just tried an @apt remove --purge qgis...
Giovanni Manghi
07:18 PM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
I upgraded from 2.99 and the problem occured.
I just tried an @apt remove --purge qgis-server python-qgis@ and the...
Rémi Bonnefoi
03:55 PM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
That problem occurs only when upgrading from 2.14.
No problem on a fresh install
Nicolas Liaudat
07:37 PM Revision baa4cbb0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6281 from 3nids/appmessage
allow to bring message to message bar from the reading XML when loading layers. Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision d171ca7a (qgis): offer enterCategory in Python bindings by adding a context manager
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 4e2eb0eb (qgis): use a pointer otherwise Python is creating a copy
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 05ee1b02 (qgis): use MAYBE_UNUSED in the method declaration
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 0ec7d54c (qgis): add test for QgsReadWriteContext.enterCategory
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 85825179 (qgis): avoid required call to leaveCategory by adding a RAII private class
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 89892926 (qgis): add C++17 [[maybe_unused]] and [[no_discard]]
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision d421b857 (qgis): QgsReadWriteContext can store message
app will show them in message bar when loading layers Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 22008a51 (qgis): doxymentation
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 95ab3d05 (qgis): doxymentation and better wording
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision fc2ba141 (qgis): [QgsMessageBar] add convenience method to display message with a show m...
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision b957e174 (qgis): display categories stack in an external dialog
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision b95f5c1a (qgis): QgsReadWriteContext: add a category stack to know where the error messa...
also change the QPair in favor of a struct for a better API Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 47ab9b89 (qgis): remove const for QgsReadWriteContext to allow bringing up error messages
Denis Rouzaud
06:28 PM Revision 06181e6c (qgis): Timeout Travis builds to save cache in time (#6488)
Denis Rouzaud
06:25 PM Revision e82e5217 (qgis): bump Qt to 5.9 (#6482)
* Update test masks
* update test masks
* fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
* update test masks
* [Travis] bump...
Denis Rouzaud
05:47 PM Bug report #18274 (Open): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStrip in...
Giovanni Manghi
05:44 PM Bug report #18274: Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStrip in TIF
In QGIS 2.18.16, TIF files export fine (although uncompressed; the compression is certainly an improvement in 3.0.0). JW van Aalst
05:39 PM Bug report #18274 (Feedback): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStri...
How about 2.18? the result is different? Giovanni Manghi
05:39 PM Bug report #18274 (Feedback): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStri...
How about 2.18? the result is different? Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #18274 (Closed): Print Composer in 3.0.0 export to TIF forgets to define RowsPerStrip ...
In QGIS 3.0.0, When atlas-exporting to TIF in the print composer, the resulting TIF files have no RowsPerStrip define... JW van Aalst
04:34 PM Bug report #18273 (Feedback): Version 3.0 Crashed
Armand SIAEP wrote:
> Hello,
> With the new version 3.0, opening the attribute table of some layers, I have a "...
Giovanni Manghi
04:34 PM Bug report #18273 (Feedback): Version 3.0 Crashed
Armand SIAEP wrote:
> Hello,
> With the new version 3.0, opening the attribute table of some layers, I have a "...
Giovanni Manghi
04:34 PM Bug report #18273 (Feedback): Version 3.0 Crashed
Armand SIAEP wrote:
> Hello,
> With the new version 3.0, opening the attribute table of some layers, I have a "...
Giovanni Manghi
04:34 PM Bug report #18273 (Feedback): Version 3.0 Crashed
Armand SIAEP wrote:
> Hello,
> With the new version 3.0, opening the attribute table of some layers, I have a "...
Giovanni Manghi
04:32 PM Bug report #18273 (Reopened): Version 3.0 Crashed
With the new version 3.0, opening the attribute table of some layers, I have a "crash" of QGIS, Why?
Armand SIAEP
04:28 PM Bug report #18273 (Closed): Version 3.0 Crashed
please report issues in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:28 PM Bug report #18273 (Closed): Version 3.0 Crashed
please report issues in English, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:26 PM Bug report #18273 (Closed): Version 3.0 Crashed
Avec la nouvelle version 3.0, en ouvrant la table attributaire de certaines couches , j'ai un "crash" de ...
Armand SIAEP
04:32 PM Bug report #16446 (Feedback): Many-to-many (N:M) relationship not working on simple case
Giovanni Manghi
04:30 PM Bug report #16446: Many-to-many (N:M) relationship not working on simple case
I still can't create N:M relations in QGIS 3.0. Can someone give a simple example that works please ? Thanks. Nicolas Boisteault
03:51 PM Feature request #13698: Foreign tables in DB Manager
Issue still occurs in QGIS 3.0. Nicolas Boisteault
03:18 PM Bug report #18268 (Feedback): Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
Does it work as expected on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
03:18 PM Bug report #18268 (Open): Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
In Atlas composer, when I set a coverage vector using a spatialite-table-view layer, label frame and HTML frame, don'... Simon Falceri
12:45 PM Bug report #18268 (Feedback): Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
Could you expand a little "do not work very well"? thanks!
also attach a sample project and data if possible.
Giovanni Manghi
12:43 PM Bug report #18268 (Open): Spatialite's views not supported in Layout Atlas
When I set in Atlas Layout a spatialite 4.3 view as coverage vector, not work very well. Simon Falceri
03:09 PM Feature request #11018: Add the possbility to load WMC (Web Map Context) files.
Issue still in QGIS 3.3. Nicolas Boisteault
02:57 PM Bug report #10017 (Closed): No vertical scrollbar for high forms and bad display when maximized
Issue is solved in QGIS 3.0. Nicolas Boisteault
02:12 PM Revision f2713001 (qgis): [GRASS] accept shortcuts in shell, fixes #18262
Radim Blazek
02:12 PM Bug report #18262 (Closed): GRASS shell does not receive QGIS toolbars shortcut letters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f27130016e28a44323a2505a63dfdde6dca763ac. Radim Blazek
02:12 PM Bug report #18262 (Closed): GRASS shell does not receive QGIS toolbars shortcut letters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f27130016e28a44323a2505a63dfdde6dca763ac. Radim Blazek
10:33 AM Bug report #18262 (Closed): GRASS shell does not receive QGIS toolbars shortcut letters
If a toolbar which supports shortcuts is enabled, e.g. Snapping Toolbar,
the shortcut letter, e.g. S for Enable Sna...
Radim Blazek
02:11 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Andy Whyte wrote:
> > I have added the .dbf and .shx, I do not have a .prj.
> > It does n...
Andy Whyte
02:07 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Andy Whyte wrote:
> I have added the .dbf and .shx, I do not have a .prj.
> It does not work without or with the un...
Giovanni Manghi
02:03 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
I have added the .dbf and .shx, I do not have a .prj.
It does not work without or with the underlying elevation mode...
Andy Whyte
02:03 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
I have added the .dbf and .shx, I do not have a .prj.
It does not work without or with the underlying elevation mode...
Andy Whyte
02:00 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Andy Whyte wrote:
> This is the data I was using... seems to work intermittently.
just the .shp is not enough (sh...
Giovanni Manghi
01:58 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
This is the data I was using... seems to work intermittently. Andy Whyte
01:53 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Andy Whyte wrote:
> Tried this again and got the same error just from opening a new 3D map view
is data related o...
Giovanni Manghi
01:50 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Tried this again and got the same error just from opening a new 3D map view Andy Whyte
01:46 PM Bug report #18272 (Open): QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Can you add the data, or it just happen with any data? Giovanni Manghi
01:46 PM Bug report #18272 (Open): QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Can you add the data, or it just happen with any data? Giovanni Manghi
01:45 PM Bug report #18272 (Reopened): QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Andy Whyte
01:31 PM Bug report #18272: QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
Why this was opened... closed? Giovanni Manghi
01:29 PM Bug report #18272 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.0 crashed when clicked on zoom to extent in 3D viewer
h2. User Feedback
I was opening up the 3d view screen and clicked on zoom to extent.
h2. Report Details
Andy Whyte
01:54 PM Revision 10c21228 (qgis): Timeout Travis builds to save cache in time (#6488)
Denis Rouzaud
01:33 PM Bug report #18271 (Feedback): virtual layer makes qgis dump
Please add the data and detailed steps to replicate. Giovanni Manghi
01:28 PM Bug report #18271 (Closed): virtual layer makes qgis dump
qgis 3.0 crashes when working with a virtual layer created from two shapefiles and st_contains function
h2. User ...
Lee Han
01:18 PM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
I've just tried GQIS 3.1.0 dev version with GRASS 7.4.0 (nightly)
That works.
QGIS version
Sameer Abdool
01:14 PM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
When I tried to use the normal installer it failed twice:
1) GDAL202.dll or something similar but GDAL DLL re...
Sameer Abdool
11:19 AM Bug report #18261 (Feedback): QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Giovanni Manghi
11:14 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
Is your QGIS installed with the normal standalone installer, or OSGeo4W? Borys Jurgiel
10:32 AM Bug report #18261: QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
I meant to write "Manage & Install Plugins" from the menu bar. Sameer Abdool
10:30 AM Bug report #18261 (Closed): QGIS crashed when clicked on "Plugins" "Manage & Install Plugins"
h2. User Feedback
Clicked on "Plugins" "Loaded/Installed Plugins"
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 584668a2bc0...
Sameer Abdool
01:06 PM Bug report #18267 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
What about 2.18 selecting the proper WFS version? Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #18267 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
What about 2.18 selecting the proper WFS version? Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Bug report #18267 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working
Trying to attach WFS 2.0 service with endpoint to QGIS 3.0.
Michal Med
01:05 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
This is the window I get in QGIS 3.0.0-4:
I don't know if it's important, but I also had...
Michel Stuyts
12:18 PM Bug report #18246 (Closed): Icons and fonts far too huge on Hi DPI display
Giovanni Manghi
12:12 PM Bug report #18246: Icons and fonts far too huge on Hi DPI display
Rebooting solved the issue, cp. attached screenshot.
Jochen Schwarze
12:00 PM Feature request #13085: Add WMS-T (time) support
Issue still exists in QGIS 3.0.
Tests can be made with this
Nicolas Boisteault
12:00 PM Bug report #18266 (Closed): Browser panel does not show same folder icons in two different user p...
I run QGIS with the default user profile and the Browser panel shouw some colourful icons for drives and Project Home... Harrissou Santanna
11:57 AM Feature request #8809: WMS/WMTS with dimension parameters should be handled
Issue still exists in QGIS 3.0.
Tests can be made with this
Nicolas Boisteault
11:53 AM Feature request #18265 (Closed): Group stats plugin from 2to3
You have to wait/ask for the plugin developer to migrate it to QGIS 3. If you want to fork it (but please be sure tha... Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Feature request #18265 (Closed): Group stats plugin from 2to3
You have to wait/ask for the plugin developer to migrate it to QGIS 3. If you want to fork it (but please be sure tha... Giovanni Manghi
11:50 AM Feature request #18265 (Closed): Group stats plugin from 2to3
I tried to migrate from plugins in Qgis 2 to Qgis 3.
I took the usefull group stats plugin as my main exampl...
11:18 AM Bug report #17124 (Feedback): Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent

> The layer type is a shapefile.
> In view of the additional restrictions being applied in 2.18 and later mayb...
Giovanni Manghi
11:18 AM Bug report #17124 (Feedback): Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent

> The layer type is a shapefile.
> In view of the additional restrictions being applied in 2.18 and later mayb...
Giovanni Manghi
08:42 AM Bug report #17124: Editing behavior of filtered layers is inconsistent
I'm curious about all this because in 2.14 I can follow these steps
* Put a filter onto a table
* Put the table int...
Patrick Dunford
11:17 AM Bug report #18132: Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
I've probably found the commit that introduced the bug:
[composer] Fix image size/resolution was not honored durin...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
11:17 AM Bug report #14481: If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't show newly conne...
Now, none of the browsers finds the drive if it has been connected after you open QGIS (see screenshot in which the d... Harrissou Santanna
11:17 AM Bug report #14481: If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't show newly conne...
Now, none of the browsers finds the drive if it has been connected after you open QGIS (see screenshot in which the d... Harrissou Santanna
11:17 AM Bug report #14481: If already opened QGIS Browser (standalone and panel) doesn't show newly conne...
Now, none of the browsers finds the drive if it has been connected after you open QGIS (see screenshot in which the d... Harrissou Santanna
11:13 AM Bug report #18264 (Closed): Processing/GDAL: "Convert format" does not work anymore in batch mode
When I try to convert some Postgis filtered layers with attributes to KML as Batch process,
it terminate without out...
Simon Falceri
10:57 AM Bug report #15630: Print Composer: checked "Resize to Fit contents" should not allow manual resizing
Giving it more tests, it appears that when "Resize to fit contents" is checked, user can manually enlarge the item an... Harrissou Santanna
10:57 AM Bug report #15630: Print Composer: checked "Resize to Fit contents" should not allow manual resizing
Giving it more tests, it appears that when "Resize to fit contents" is checked, user can manually enlarge the item an... Harrissou Santanna
10:44 AM Bug report #18263 (Closed): Interpolation algorithms not running in Graphical Modeler in QGIS 3.0
I am not able to use several interpolation algorithms within the QGIS 3.0 graphical modeler, namely the 'Heatmap (Ker... Nimrod Gavish
10:42 AM Bug report #16054 (Closed): Save as... save only visibles features if 'show features visible on m...
Giovanni Manghi
09:36 AM Bug report #16054: Save as... save only visibles features if 'show features visible on map' is ac...
Not confirmed on 2.18.16 and 3.1.
The whole dataset is exported.
Luca Lanteri
10:41 AM Bug report #18260 (Feedback): qgis 3 crashes at start
Giovanni Manghi
09:34 AM Bug report #18260 (Closed): qgis 3 crashes at start
I have installed QGIS 3 on 2 windows 7 pro. On my professional laptop (dell latitude E7250) QGIS crashes systematical... matthieu carlini
10:32 AM Bug report #18254: Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon

> So wouldn't be better to eliminate this topology test for line/polygon shapefiles if it always fails for them? Ma...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #18254: Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Actually this was an intentional change in 3.0. Because shapefile ...
Bartosz Mazurkiewicz
10:27 AM Bug report #16766: Data defined Assistant: closing the dialog without setting an expression inval...
Things have been fixed when using the layer properties dialog but not in the styling panel Harrissou Santanna
10:25 AM Bug report #18256 (Feedback): Encoding issue with aboriginal serif font(?)
Likely you have to choose the proper encoding in the properties of your vector layer. Please check and leave feedback... Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #18256 (Feedback): Encoding issue with aboriginal serif font(?)
Likely you have to choose the proper encoding in the properties of your vector layer. Please check and leave feedback... Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #18256 (Closed): Encoding issue with aboriginal serif font(?)
How do I install aboriginal serif font into qgis. I've installed it. Rebooted the computer. I can select it. It shows... Jennifer Walkus
10:22 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geome...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geome...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geome...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geome...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geome...
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #18010 (Feedback): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office...
I might be wrong but aren't you trying to open a dbf file and expecting it to be a geometry enabled layer? Dbf is onl... Harrissou Santanna
10:01 AM Bug report #16318: Plugin Manager: fTools and GdalTools still listed though broken
I have the same symptoms: red fTools and GDAL tools in plugin manager. OSGeo4W upgrade (upgraded LTR, release, and de... Tom Chadwin
09:17 AM Bug report #18259: Context menu items in "OWS" Browser group not working
Sorry forgot:
OS: Windows 7
OSGEO4W Installation
Code revision: 001c80b0c3
Andreas Wicht
09:15 AM Bug report #18259 (Open): Context menu items in "OWS" Browser group not working
When using the context menu on a browser item in the group "OWS" the click does not do anything (e.g. edit or delete)... Andreas Wicht
09:03 AM Feature request #16015: Attribute table: Actions column is not available in form view
Confirmed on QGIS3.1.
I think it should be classified as "feature request" rather than "bug".
Luca Lanteri
07:33 AM Bug report #17990: Values reset to default when cutting line
Please be aware that the current logic isn't set in stone - it's open for review and amendment!
The curre...
Nyall Dawson
05:31 AM Revision 89e2b021 (qgis): [processing] add tags to refactor fields algorithm
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:31 AM Revision 2af9c408 (qgis): [processing] add tags to statistics by categories algorithm
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:13 AM Bug report #18239: Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
Just testing my email Patrick Dunford
02:53 AM Revision a96e7345 (qgis): update test mask
Denis Rouzaud
02:09 AM Bug report #18257 (Closed): Calculator Algorithm absent from Modeller Algorithm list
Installation of QGIS 3.0 does not include Modeler-Only tool "Calculator". Lance Evans


11:58 PM Bug report #18132: Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
Further investigating...
I tested some previous versions: 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 2.0.1, 2.10.1 aren't affected; 2.12.0, 2.14....
Andrea Giudiceandrea
09:15 PM Bug report #18132: Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
I confirm the problem for 2.18.17.
test on QGIS3.0:
A4 150 dpi
exporting I get correct values ie 150 dpi
salvatore fiandaca
04:04 PM Bug report #18132 (Feedback): Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> The bug is also occurring in 2.18.17
please test also QGIS 3, thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
04:04 PM Bug report #18132 (Feedback): Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> The bug is also occurring in 2.18.17
please test also QGIS 3, thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
04:03 PM Bug report #18132: Dpi resolution of images exported from composer is wrong
The bug is also occurring in 2.18.17 Andrea Giudiceandrea
11:23 PM Bug report #18254: Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Actually this was an intentional change in 3.0. Because shapefile don't have strict single/mul...
Giovanni Manghi
11:21 PM Bug report #18254: Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Actually this was an intentional change in 3.0. Because shapefile don't have strict single/multi types for line/polyg... Nyall Dawson
10:06 PM Bug report #18254: Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does it works differently in 2.18?
> Please add detailed steps to allow others easily ...
Bartosz Mazurkiewicz
07:07 PM Bug report #18254 (Feedback): Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Does it works differently in 2.18?
Please add detailed steps to allow others easily replicate the issue.
Giovanni Manghi
07:02 PM Bug report #18254 (Closed): Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
The topology checker does not work well in qgis3.
Even with a just by hand created polygon layer it shows that ever...
Bartosz Mazurkiewicz
11:16 PM Bug report #18233 (Closed): Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in pat...
Nyall Dawson
10:25 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Then maybe some obsolete registry entries... You can also try the fixes from Stackoverflow:
Geoffrey Baum
09:19 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Then maybe some obsolete registry entries... You can also try the fixes from Stackoverflow:
Borys Jurgiel
07:30 PM Bug report #18233 (Feedback): Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in p...
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Did an install on a seperate computer (Windows 7 64bit) that already had an older version of QGIS, and the install an... Geoffrey Baum
03:14 AM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
So I feel like I've done a complete reinstall, and complete uninstall with then reinstall just by quick install but I... Geoffrey Baum
10:57 PM Bug report #16256: Diagrams don't render if all values are negative
Tested on 2.18.16 and 3.0.0 versions (Ubuntu 16): both still have this problem. Nino Formica
09:50 PM Revision 078e5aaf (qgis): Merge pull request #6453 from NaturalGIS/remove_not_working_default_wms...
remove not working default WMS server Alessandro Pasotti
09:30 PM Bug report #18255 (Open): Database configurations not carried over to QGIS 3.0
Giovanni Manghi
09:26 PM Bug report #18255: Database configurations not carried over to QGIS 3.0
They are not carried over anywhere. No connections are listed in the Browser even though the layers in the screensho... rmercer -
09:22 PM Bug report #18255 (Feedback): Database configurations not carried over to QGIS 3.0
Are the connections carried over in the QGIS browser (are they just missing in DB Manager?)? Giovanni Manghi
08:45 PM Bug report #18255 (Open): Database configurations not carried over to QGIS 3.0
My data is stored in a Postgres database. I had a number of configurations stored for different usernames and databa... rmercer -
09:28 PM Bug report #18246 (Feedback): Icons and fonts far too huge on Hi DPI display
If you change the qgis font size and icon size in options, does the situation improve? Nyall Dawson
12:21 PM Bug report #18246 (Closed): Icons and fonts far too huge on Hi DPI display
Just installed QGIS 3.0 from OSGeo4W Network installer on a 13'' convertible notebook with 3200x1800 resolution (Win1... Jochen Schwarze
08:28 PM Feature request #15090: Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
Andre Joost wrote:
> Using Raster -> Projections -> Warp, it is possible to edit the command line handed over to gda...
Brett Hankerson
07:58 PM Bug report #13915: Impossible to easily resize browser panel width when properties widget is acti...
True on 2.18 but works fine on 3.0 Harrissou Santanna
07:58 PM Bug report #13915: Impossible to easily resize browser panel width when properties widget is acti...
True on 2.18 but works fine on 3.0 Harrissou Santanna
07:52 PM Bug report #14408 (Closed): qgis_25d_height and qgis_25d_angle variables are modifiable but chang...
Could not find these variables in the layer properties -> variables tab in 3.0. Harrissou Santanna
07:52 PM Bug report #14408 (Closed): qgis_25d_height and qgis_25d_angle variables are modifiable but chang...
Could not find these variables in the layer properties -> variables tab in 3.0. Harrissou Santanna
07:41 PM Bug report #10536 (Closed): The toggle editing pencil becomes orange without changing values of t...
fixed in both 2.18 and 3.0 Harrissou Santanna
07:41 PM Bug report #10536 (Closed): The toggle editing pencil becomes orange without changing values of t...
fixed in both 2.18 and 3.0 Harrissou Santanna
07:41 PM Bug report #10536 (Closed): The toggle editing pencil becomes orange without changing values of t...
fixed in both 2.18 and 3.0 Harrissou Santanna
07:29 PM Bug report #15013 (Closed): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in ...
Harrissou Santanna
07:23 PM Revision cf0e5f6a (qgis): [Travis] bump Qt to 5.9 (#6355)
* bump Qt to 5.9 and SIP to 4.19.7 by using coming Bionic as base Docker image for dependencies
* automatically build...
Denis Rouzaud
07:21 PM Bug report #15077 (Closed): Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
Works now (2.18 and later) so I set to not reproducable as I couldn't confirm in the past Harrissou Santanna
07:21 PM Bug report #15077 (Closed): Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
Works now (2.18 and later) so I set to not reproducable as I couldn't confirm in the past Harrissou Santanna
07:21 PM Bug report #15077 (Closed): Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
Works now (2.18 and later) so I set to not reproducable as I couldn't confirm in the past Harrissou Santanna
07:21 PM Revision 50fa2d09 (qgis): update test masks
Denis Rouzaud
07:21 PM Revision a1597edf (qgis): fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
Denis Rouzaud
07:21 PM Revision 56af3292 (qgis): update test masks
Denis Rouzaud
07:21 PM Revision 749b071d (qgis): Update test masks
Nyall Dawson
07:16 PM Revision 78e2259a (qgis): [Travis] bump Qt to 5.9 (#6355)
* bump Qt to 5.9 and SIP to 4.19.7 by using coming Bionic as base Docker image for dependencies
* automatically build...
Denis Rouzaud
07:15 PM Bug report #15175: Digitizing: "Fill Ring" tool doesn't consider all the overlapping features
Btw, this is true for the Add ring tool ( it should create the hole for all features unless there's a selection) Harrissou Santanna
07:01 PM Bug report #15080 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometries of features that have circular strings...
fixed meanwhile for 3.x (though still concerns 2.18 - should I reopen it for 2.18?). Harrissou Santanna
07:01 PM Bug report #15080 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometries of features that have circular strings...
fixed meanwhile for 3.x (though still concerns 2.18 - should I reopen it for 2.18?). Harrissou Santanna
06:52 PM Bug report #12678 (Closed): coverage layer not checked before parsing filename expression in atla...
In 3.1 the check is done and user is warned multiple times that the filename requires his attention and without a cha... Harrissou Santanna
06:52 PM Bug report #12678 (Closed): coverage layer not checked before parsing filename expression in atla...
In 3.1 the check is done and user is warned multiple times that the filename requires his attention and without a cha... Harrissou Santanna
06:52 PM Bug report #12678 (Closed): coverage layer not checked before parsing filename expression in atla...
In 3.1 the check is done and user is warned multiple times that the filename requires his attention and without a cha... Harrissou Santanna
06:51 PM Bug report #18253 (Open): [Layout][Atlas]Disable the atlas tools when no coverage layer is provid...
Enable "atlas generation" in a new print composer
and without selecting a coverage layer launch the export to image ...
Harrissou Santanna
06:43 PM Revision ee5322a9 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 0cab561e (qgis): echo env var
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision e284461d (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
to see if it pushed the deps image Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 5db9e4d4 (qgis): correctly set working path
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision a94f04ac (qgis): more echo
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision b1bc2af8 (qgis): set ccache
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision cb1a0424 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
also bump cmake to 3.10.2 Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision c27ec8fb (qgis): fix distance area test
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision ee95c63b (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 28abbef9 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision 737724aa (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision f9f899be (qgis): better display
Denis Rouzaud
06:43 PM Revision dd97a123 (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
Denis Rouzaud
06:29 PM Revision f7220c89 (qgis): more test masks
Denis Rouzaud
06:25 PM Bug report #15068: No rubberband when switching from "Add circular string" (and by radius) to "Ad...
Actually it looks like it's (partially) fixed in 3.1 (I guess 3.0 too) though when switching from "circular tools" to... Harrissou Santanna
06:20 PM Bug report #18252 (Closed): Shape digitize tools do not show rubberband fill color when drawing p...
The rubberband fill color selected in Options --> digitizing dialog is not used when drawing with the Shape digitizin... Harrissou Santanna
06:09 PM Bug report #15437: Ctrl F should not be used to filter layer and its use can lead to real confusion
Still true on 3.1 (and 2.18) Harrissou Santanna
06:09 PM Bug report #15437: Ctrl F should not be used to filter layer and its use can lead to real confusion
Still true on 3.1 (and 2.18) Harrissou Santanna
06:05 PM Bug report #15474: Impossible to unset map tips on a layer
Still true on 3.0 (and 2.18)
Actually the issue is that map tip is an all or nothing operation: enabling it shows a ...
Harrissou Santanna
05:59 PM Revision 560dc2cc (qgis): add Geoserver and Mapserver demo WMS services
Giovanni Manghi
05:58 PM Bug report #17061 (Reopened): Using Data Defined Assistant on symbol size property set the symbol...
Using commit:e1a344f725, this is still true. actually, the symbol is displayed in the right side of the dialog but no... Harrissou Santanna
05:58 PM Bug report #17061 (Reopened): Using Data Defined Assistant on symbol size property set the symbol...
Using commit:e1a344f725, this is still true. actually, the symbol is displayed in the right side of the dialog but no... Harrissou Santanna
05:58 PM Bug report #17061 (Reopened): Using Data Defined Assistant on symbol size property set the symbol...
Using commit:e1a344f725, this is still true. actually, the symbol is displayed in the right side of the dialog but no... Harrissou Santanna
05:46 PM Revision 45f04b7c (qgis): Merge pull request #6417 from tudorbarascu/fix_selection_test
improve server SELECTION test with multiple id's Paul Blottiere
05:31 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
I cannot confirm. Example here (from a project/getfeature that uses postgis):
"features": [
Giovanni Manghi
04:44 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Roberto Marzocchi wrote:
> Yes. Same behaviour. I think it is a problem of application server, not of client. Perhap...
Giovanni Manghi
04:41 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Yes. Same behaviour. I think it is a problem of application server, not of client. Perhaps a misconfiguration of php-... Roberto Marzocchi
03:57 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Roberto Marzocchi wrote:
> This problem affect PostGIS and Spatialite layer, while using a Shapefile the request wor...
Giovanni Manghi
02:46 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
This problem affect PostGIS and Spatialite layer, while using a Shapefile the request works
Roberto Marzocchi
02:27 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Roberto Marzocchi wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Hi, can you please edit the sub...
Roberto Marzocchi
01:50 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Roberto Marzocchi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Hi, can you please edit the subject and change it something m...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 PM Bug report #18247: qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi, can you please edit the subject and change it something more meaningful (regarding to t...
Roberto Marzocchi
12:59 PM Bug report #18247 (Feedback): qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Hi, can you please edit the subject and change it something more meaningful (regarding to the issue reported), thanks... Giovanni Manghi
12:41 PM Bug report #18247 (Closed): qgis-server - Problem with id field for WFS request
Using PostGIS data (PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGIS 2.4.2) the WFS are not correctly managed. I see two problems:
1) p...
Roberto Marzocchi
05:28 PM Bug report #18249 (Feedback): QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature...
I tried myself and I confirm the fact that QGIS 2.18 is much slower than 2.14. *I can't confirm the crash using PostG... Giovanni Manghi
05:28 PM Bug report #18249 (Feedback): QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature...
I tried myself and I confirm the fact that QGIS 2.18 is much slower than 2.14. *I can't confirm the crash using PostG... Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Bug report #18249 (Closed): QGIS Server 2.18 much slower than 2.14 (at least for WFS getfeature r...
After an update from QGIS server 2.14 to QGIS Server 2.18 (LTR) I note that WFS requests using a layer with ~ 25'000 ... Roberto Marzocchi
04:29 PM Revision d62ad0bd (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 6ea56808 (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 876fa1cc (qgis): fix distance area test
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 70c68323 (qgis): better display
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision f2711298 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 0b04b4fc (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 0b635803 (qgis): echo env var
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 95bd72d8 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
to see if it pushed the deps image Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 4a6e571e (qgis): correctly set working path
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 5fae870b (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 40ea2a69 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
also bump cmake to 3.10.2 Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision 9256669a (qgis): set ccache
Denis Rouzaud
04:29 PM Revision f51eb06c (qgis): more echo
Denis Rouzaud
04:25 PM Bug report #18251: Crashed on Creating Mapset
h2. User Feedback
Made a new GRASS mapset, then entered the name of a new location and pressed Next
h2. Report ...
Jim O'Leary
04:25 PM Bug report #18251 (Closed): Crashed on Creating Mapset
I created a new mapset in QGIS 3.0. I then entered a new location name and pressed next. Then it crashed. Jim O'Leary
04:09 PM Bug report #18081: GDB recognition mixup
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> The company has agreed to share the GDB, but would like a more confidential approach to ge...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 PM Bug report #18081: GDB recognition mixup
Douglas Alderman wrote:
> The company has agreed to share the GDB, but would like a more confidential approach to ge...
Giovanni Manghi
02:52 PM Bug report #18081: GDB recognition mixup
The company has agreed to share the GDB, but would like a more confidential approach to get it to you rather than to ... Douglas Alderman
03:54 PM Revision e321acd6 (qgis): Add global scope in server
Marco Hugentobler
03:51 PM Revision 00441957 (qgis): better display
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 84a7a6ef (qgis): set ccache
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 3fb11d23 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 4595d356 (qgis): more echo
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 9c81192d (qgis): echo env var
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 8c6cb230 (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
also bump cmake to 3.10.2 Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 047b09e8 (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision edc1dfea (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 8f745244 (qgis): fix distance area test
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 1fbd51cb (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision 23654ac8 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
to see if it pushed the deps image Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision dcd37511 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
Denis Rouzaud
03:51 PM Revision caa4ff0e (qgis): correctly set working path
Denis Rouzaud
03:47 PM Revision eb6a2163 (qgis): update test masks
Denis Rouzaud
03:47 PM Revision d5bb4a72 (qgis): fix bad regex in parse_dash_results
Denis Rouzaud
03:39 PM Revision b3d5aaba (qgis): Set scope directly to new context
Marco Hugentobler
03:38 PM Revision b385f42a (qgis): Set project expression variables in server
Marco Hugentobler
03:36 PM Bug report #17672: ssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.15
Tested with last QGIS (3.0.0-3). The problem persist (cf. screenshot). Frédéric CLOITRE
03:26 PM Bug report #18250 (Closed): Error running script from Script editor
Script framework has changed since 3.0. Now it uses the same syntax like algorithms.
Each script must be created sub...
Salvatore Larosa
03:26 PM Bug report #18250 (Closed): Error running script from Script editor
Script framework has changed since 3.0. Now it uses the same syntax like algorithms.
Each script must be created sub...
Salvatore Larosa
01:59 PM Bug report #18250 (Closed): Error running script from Script editor
Running a Python script from the Script editor throws an error:
"No script found - Seems there is no valid script in...
Albert van de Maat
02:46 PM Bug report #18029: Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Ah yes, I have used this method when possible but it doesn't allow me to add new content....
Joe Bullard
02:25 PM Bug report #18029 (Feedback): Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
Giovanni Manghi
02:25 PM Bug report #18029: Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)

> Ah yes, I have used this method when possible but it doesn't allow me to add new content. This bug is currently s...
Giovanni Manghi
02:19 PM Bug report #18029: Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
Miichael Medina wrote:
> Joe Bullard wrote:
> > Interesting, had not even considered it to be a hardware issue...
Joe Bullard
02:36 PM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
This is a confirmation that the bug is still reproducible in QGIS 3.0.0. Erik Sigra
02:18 PM Bug report #17486 (Closed): Help button does not work in its default implementation (returns a wr...
From the initial message, all requests are done so closing. Harrissou Santanna
02:18 PM Bug report #17486 (Closed): Help button does not work in its default implementation (returns a wr...
From the initial message, all requests are done so closing. Harrissou Santanna
01:20 PM Bug report #18230: QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or unsupported)
Confirmed bad link to /usr/lib/lib/qgis/server (instead of /usr/lib/qgis/server)
Nicolas Liaudat
01:14 PM Feature request #2570: GRASS notice on top of the shell
However it seems simple, I cannot find easy way to print a message to shell directly
without calling external script...
Radim Blazek
06:58 AM Feature request #2570: GRASS notice on top of the shell
This seems a reasonable solution. Thanks Radim. Paolo Cavallini
01:09 PM Bug report #18248 (Closed): Spelling mistake in Clip Raster by Mask tool
There is a minor English spelling mistake in the *Clip Raster by Mask* processing tool. The text *Create and output a... Frank Sokolic
12:36 PM Bug report #18216 (Closed): Error
Is also needed (please) to use meaningful subjects. Giovanni Manghi
12:36 PM Bug report #18216 (Closed): Error
Is also needed (please) to use meaningful subjects. Giovanni Manghi
12:33 PM Bug report #17699 (Closed): Cell contents replaced with NULL when cell gets focus
I've just checked on the newly released QGIS 3.0.0-Girona and the problem no longer occurs. No sure when it was fixed.
Frank Sokolic
12:31 PM Bug report #17689: QGIS print composer preview atlas combo box limited to 499 features
Issue still persists in QGIS 3.0 Jochen Schwarze
12:07 PM Bug report #15768 (Closed): DB Manager - Update SQL layer is not available when using column with...
This is now working in QGIS 3.0. However it doesn't work if you let QGIS generates the ID for you. Jérôme Guélat
12:02 PM Bug report #18245 (Closed): QGIS 3 repositiry has lost a load of Plugins
QGIS 2 plugins are not compatible with QGIS 3, they must be updated by their respective authors. Giovanni Manghi
12:02 PM Bug report #18245 (Closed): QGIS 3 repositiry has lost a load of Plugins
QGIS 2 plugins are not compatible with QGIS 3, they must be updated by their respective authors. Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #18245 (Closed): QGIS 3 repositiry has lost a load of Plugins
I've just loaded QGIS 3 and it has not brought forward my plugins from the previous installation (2.16), so I wnet to... Dan Isaacs
12:02 PM Bug report #16057: Font marker family wrongly set when opening property
You are right, sorry Luigi!
Then I precise: I tested with 2.99-0 and Qt 5.5.1.
Now I also tested with 2.18.16 (Qt ...
Nino Formica
10:48 AM Bug report #18244 (Closed): DB Manager: "Update SQL layer" error
*new description:*
open db manager
connect to a db
open SQL window
make a query like SELECT * FROM schema.table...
Arni Geirsson
10:28 AM Revision 899b80b9 (qgis): [layer indicator] grayscale outline icons should be used for indicators
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:14 AM Revision 91b9a69d (qgis): Merge pull request #6470 from elpaso/template-convert
[layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts Alessandro Pasotti
10:13 AM Bug report #18243 (Open): No automatic reconnection when connection lost using Oracle data sources
* I have created a QGIS project with several layers based on Oracle data sources.
* I am running QGIS 3.0...
Casper Børgesen
09:46 AM Revision 27ab59c6 (qgis): Fixed mask image and docs
Alessandro Pasotti
09:29 AM Bug report #17990: Values reset to default when cutting line
The Visual Changelog for 3.0 mentions "Feature: Improved handling of defaults".
I have added a sentence to this se...
Daan Goedkoop
08:17 AM Bug report #18242 (Rejected): Process modeler UI elements not expanding to fill containers
Duplicates #18207. Please search bugtracker before filling new issue to make sure that it is not reported yet. Alexander Bruy
08:17 AM Bug report #18242 (Rejected): Process modeler UI elements not expanding to fill containers
Duplicates #18207. Please search bugtracker before filling new issue to make sure that it is not reported yet. Alexander Bruy
08:11 AM Bug report #18242 (Rejected): Process modeler UI elements not expanding to fill containers
On the Processing Modeler UI, both in the Inputs and Algorithms tabs, the selection boxes are not expanding to fill t... Brylie Oxley
07:44 AM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> > OSGeo4W says version 3.0.0-4 is installed
> This is indeed the dev version of 3.0...
Jürgen Fischer
07:34 AM Feature request #11005 (Closed): Please add to the repo
From desktop it works, from phone not.
Thanks for pointing out, this fixes the issue IMHO.
Paolo Cavallini
07:34 AM Feature request #11005 (Closed): Please add to the repo
From desktop it works, from phone not.
Thanks for pointing out, this fixes the issue IMHO.
Paolo Cavallini
07:30 AM Feature request #11005: Please add to the repo
Where? All the links seem to work well, here. Harrissou Santanna
07:04 AM Feature request #11005: Please add to the repo
I get a 404.
Paolo Cavallini
07:24 AM Bug report #18241 (Open): QgsVectorJoinInfo.setJoinFieldNamesSubset() wrong fields order
By creating a join, via Python, if a subset of fields to be joined is defined, the joined fields will be in the same ... Mario Baranzini
07:20 AM Revision 9a3ecc28 (qgis): Merge pull request #6471 from sebastic/wms-provider-dependencies
Add dependency on qgis_gui target to fix parallel build. Nyall Dawson
07:11 AM Bug report #17417: Rule editor dialog (style) does not fit height of screen
Is this still valid in 3.0? Harrissou Santanna
07:10 AM Bug report #15875: Importing a POINT layer in Browser always returns MULTIPOINT
Am I correct that this applies to points only?
Paolo Cavallini
07:09 AM Bug report #15875 (Reopened): Importing a POINT layer in Browser always returns MULTIPOINT
So is this a partial of final fix?
Paolo Cavallini
07:00 AM Bug report #13058 (Closed): Remove internal OWSlib copy
Paolo Cavallini
05:31 AM Feature request #18240 (Open): export layout output via terminal
A terminal command like below, to print layouts by batches without opening the gui, would be nice.
qqis-layout -p ...
Basil Eric Rabi
04:24 AM Revision 6bb8a9b6 (qgis): Pixel and size optimization for 5 icons (#6451)
- mIconWarning.svg
- providerGdal.svg
- providerGrass.svg
- stars_empty.svg
- stars_full.svg
Felis Pimeja
04:20 AM Revision 479c6e91 (qgis): Vectorization of CAD tools icons (#6468)
- construction.png-
- delta.png
- lock.png
- parallel.png
- perpendicular.png
Felis Pimeja
03:54 AM Bug report #18239 (Closed): Corrupted data layer and valuemaps / defaults lost
Running qgis master and editing a shapefile layer. The layer attached in its form as found after Qgis crashed.
Patrick Dunford
03:52 AM Bug report #18207: Graphical modeler GUI is broken
This doesn't seem to be correct. This bug occurred with a completely new install of QGIS -- version 3.0.0-Girona -- t... John Smith
03:28 AM Revision 1d5d738e (qgis): set ccache
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 7f5c34b8 (qgis): fix distance area test
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision cd64ce3b (qgis): build QGIS Docker on cron jobs
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision f3b05906 (qgis): correctly set working path
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 78556820 (qgis): do not docker compose when building QGIS image
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 59ff6d1a (qgis): build with 3D on Travis
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 832a6eaf (qgis): use coming Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 as base Docker image
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 4b68469b (qgis): [docker] update sip to 4.19.7
also bump cmake to 3.10.2 Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision e7331194 (qgis): try to use TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE rather than TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
to see if it pushed the deps image Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision c946f973 (qgis): bionic has cmake 3.10.2 already
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 05ad5742 (qgis): more echo
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision c2e84dac (qgis): echo env var
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 AM Revision 78863526 (qgis): better display
Denis Rouzaud
03:26 AM Revision cc6e2d46 (qgis): update test masks
Denis Rouzaud
03:06 AM Bug report #18237: CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I can't reproduce - can you post a step by step guide to reproduce or a screencast please?
02:05 AM Bug report #18237 (Feedback): CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
I can't reproduce - can you post a step by step guide to reproduce or a screencast please? Nyall Dawson
02:40 AM Bug report #18238: Python error: couldn't load plugin 'processing' (python error)
That did indeed solve the problem. It would be helpful to have a note about that on the download/install page, as I ... rmercer -
01:57 AM Bug report #18238 (Feedback): Python error: couldn't load plugin 'processing' (python error)
Try removing your existing osgeo4w install folder and then re-installing. You have some leftover files from an earlie... Nyall Dawson
01:27 AM Bug report #18238: Python error: couldn't load plugin 'processing' (python error)
I am not sure if this is related, but I think this failure to load the plugin is affecting the Vector menu. It does ... rmercer -
01:15 AM Bug report #18238 (Closed): Python error: couldn't load plugin 'processing' (python error)
Installed QGIS 3.0 today. On startup receiving this error
Python error: Couldn't load plugin'processing' See mes...
rmercer -
02:37 AM Revision f60149b5 (qgis): Fix bad string
(cherry-picked from 967254) Nyall Dawson
02:34 AM Revision 9672544f (qgis): Fix bad string
Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Revision 9ee35ad9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6467 from DelazJ/QMessageBoxTitles
More dialog caption fixes Nyall Dawson
02:24 AM Revision 7487be0e (qgis): Add more information to modeless option
fix #18152
(cherry-picked from 1090312c64)
Harrissou Santanna
02:22 AM Revision 13c35223 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Revision c3d23cf5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6469 from DelazJ/patch-1
Add more information to modeless option Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Bug report #18152 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 - Data Source Manager Dialog - default behavior has changed
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1090312c64dc673d79fca904ec507c7797ef949e. Harrissou Santanna
02:18 AM Bug report #18152 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 - Data Source Manager Dialog - default behavior has changed
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1090312c64dc673d79fca904ec507c7797ef949e. Harrissou Santanna
02:17 AM Revision 71453da6 (qgis): Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus
Fix #18175
(cherry-picked from 4c32a01)
Harrissou Santanna
02:15 AM Revision 98b902bd (qgis): Merge pull request #6472 from DelazJ/algShortcuts
Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Feature request #18175 (Closed): Select by location in the vector menu
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4c32a01bde0c8a64bbc6b2fc5e6ec356686cac38. Harrissou Santanna
02:14 AM Feature request #18175 (Closed): Select by location in the vector menu
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4c32a01bde0c8a64bbc6b2fc5e6ec356686cac38. Harrissou Santanna
02:03 AM Revision 883b4f49 (qgis): [processing] Fix restoring parameter values from batch panel load button
Fixes #18236
(cherry-picked from 81d536)
Nyall Dawson
02:03 AM Revision 9ead36db (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when parameters are missing in batch dialog
Refs #18236
(cherry-picked from 6e44a27)
Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Revision 81d53644 (qgis): [processing] Fix restoring parameter values from batch panel load button
Fixes #18236 Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Revision 6e44a277 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when parameters are missing in batch dialog
Refs #18236 Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Bug report #18236 (Closed): Batch processing issues
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|81d53644ebe3b9392581522a712fe7e7f318b084. Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Bug report #18236 (Closed): Batch processing issues
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|81d53644ebe3b9392581522a712fe7e7f318b084. Nyall Dawson
01:19 AM Bug report #18176: Plugin MetaSearch crashed
Here is the error I receive on QGIS startup on my machine. Windows 7.
'Python error: Couldn't load plugin 'MetaSea...
rmercer -


12:50 AM Bug report #18237 (Closed): CSV export issues (QGIS 3.0)
When exporting plotted .csv data to .csv (via save Vector Layer As menu), the resulting .csv is incomplete. I.e., it ... R L
12:33 AM Bug report #18236 (In Progress): Batch processing issues
Nyall Dawson
12:09 AM Bug report #18236: Batch processing issues
> oh and also, would it be possible to have an option to set all other fields with the same values instead of having ... Nyall Dawson
11:26 PM Bug report #18236 (Closed): Batch processing issues
I've been doing some test and I'm having issues with the batch window (for Join Attribute by Location (...
Alex R
12:03 AM Bug report #18207: Graphical modeler GUI is broken
It's only the case if you had previously installed a dev version of 2.99 -- an installation of the final 3.0 release ... Nyall Dawson
12:02 AM Bug report #18207: Graphical modeler GUI is broken
I managed to locate the file on my system:
John Smith
11:44 PM Revision 4b221759 (qgis): Merge pull request #6057 from wonder-sk/layer-tree-filter-indicator
Layer tree view indicators API + filtered layer indicator Martin Dobias
10:43 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
So far the standalone version on another drive gives me the same errors. The errors even point to the specific drive ... Geoffrey Baum
10:06 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Well it looks like some conflicts in your C:\OSGeo4W. I can't reproduce your problem with the...
Geoffrey Baum
08:40 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Well it looks like some conflicts in your C:\OSGeo4W. I can't reproduce your problem with the standalone installer - ... Borys Jurgiel
08:18 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> You only get the error when loading matplotlib-based plugins, don't you?
> For example, auto...
Geoffrey Baum
07:40 PM Bug report #18233: Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in path' when t...
You only get the error when loading matplotlib-based plugins, don't you?
For example, autoSaver (or any other plugin...
Borys Jurgiel
06:43 PM Bug report #18233 (Closed): Getting 'ValueError: _getfullpathname: embedded null character in pat...
Couldn't load plugin 'SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method
Geoffrey Baum
10:30 PM Feature request #2570: GRASS notice on top of the shell
The shell in QGIS GRASS Tools does not set prompt PS1, so the default or set by user is used.
GRASS standard shell f...
Radim Blazek
10:07 PM Bug report #2646 (Closed): lost focus by click on a object when evis is activate to the layer
Gerhard Spieles
10:06 PM Bug report #13398: Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
10:01 PM Revision c9bb21ef (qgis): show how to run the PyQgsServer test
Tudor Bărăscu
10:01 PM Revision b2c3de6b (qgis): improve server SELECTION test with multiple id's
Tudor Bărăscu
09:53 PM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
09:52 PM Bug report #15600: Selecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong ...
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
09:50 PM Bug report #15601: spatialite view layers shows always 0 features when object-count is on
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
09:48 PM Bug report #17525: subform in automatic generated relation referende widget is not visible in 2.9...
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
09:47 PM Bug report #17890: select features by value select wrong geometries in layers with defined relati...
Issue is still present in 3.1.0-3 (see Mail Paolo Cavallini, QGIS tickets) Gerhard Spieles
08:52 PM Bug report #18220: Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
Thanks. Anyway, I suspect it's a kind of conflict in your OSGeo4W. Today we notice numerous problems after upgrade in... Borys Jurgiel
05:22 PM Bug report #18220: Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
I have the same results after removing all the .pyc files from the C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis and profile folders.
As ...
Sebastien Seb
05:14 PM Bug report #18220 (Feedback): Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
Borys Jurgiel
05:13 PM Bug report #18220: Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
Not sure if it will help, but there is a hope. Could you please try to delete any existing *.pyc files from
Borys Jurgiel
11:47 AM Bug report #18220 (Closed): Crash when clicking "Manage and install plugins" - Fresh install
I have a fresh install of QGIS 3, installed using OSGEO4W. At the first launch, I choose to not import the parameters... Sebastien Seb
08:50 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
This issue is still live and kicking
Anita Graser
08:42 PM Bug report #18235 (Closed): QGIS 3.00 standalone 64 bit installer running on win 10 pro 64 bit cr...
Crash ID: 8885f6f62ba851c46e1531eac88ab3970432c4f1
Stack Trace
Kurt Trinko
08:42 PM Bug report #18232: SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
Btw. AFAIR this particular bug was already fixed, so please just upgrade SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin ;) Borys Jurgiel
05:42 PM Bug report #18232 (Closed): SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
Issues about 3rd party plugins must be reported to plugins authors. Giovanni Manghi
05:42 PM Bug report #18232 (Closed): SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
Issues about 3rd party plugins must be reported to plugins authors. Giovanni Manghi
05:37 PM Bug report #18232 (Closed): SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
Couldn't load plugin 'SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method
Norm Trowell
08:42 PM Bug report #16057: Font marker family wrongly set when opening property
Nino Formica wrote:
> I tried to replicate the problem (following Luigi's description) on QGIS 2.99-0, but it did no...
Luigi Pirelli
04:48 PM Bug report #16057: Font marker family wrongly set when opening property
I tried to replicate the problem (following Luigi's description) on QGIS 2.99-0, but it did not happen.
Font family ...
Nino Formica
08:39 PM Feature request #7114 (Closed): Multiple Grass versions with Qgis-GRass plugin
GRASS version is now displayed in Plugins > GRASS > GRASS Options > General
We supported both GRASS 6 and 7 for fe...
Radim Blazek
08:39 PM Feature request #7114 (Closed): Multiple Grass versions with Qgis-GRass plugin
GRASS version is now displayed in Plugins > GRASS > GRASS Options > General
We supported both GRASS 6 and 7 for fe...
Radim Blazek
08:39 PM Feature request #7114 (Closed): Multiple Grass versions with Qgis-GRass plugin
GRASS version is now displayed in Plugins > GRASS > GRASS Options > General
We supported both GRASS 6 and 7 for fe...
Radim Blazek
08:37 PM Revision 5fbcb8e5 (qgis): Update mask images
Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 PM Bug report #18234 (Closed): Esri Personal GeoDatabase (*.mdb file)
I can not load a Esri personal Geodatabase file into Qgis 3 anymore.
I has already added the following lines to qg...
Almerio Moreira
08:26 PM Bug report #15552 (Closed): Unable to build/load GRASS Tools on osx
There was no more feedback and I believe that it was local problem with missing paths to GRASS libs.
Reopen if nec...
Radim Blazek
08:26 PM Bug report #15552 (Closed): Unable to build/load GRASS Tools on osx
There was no more feedback and I believe that it was local problem with missing paths to GRASS libs.
Reopen if nec...
Radim Blazek
08:26 PM Bug report #15552 (Closed): Unable to build/load GRASS Tools on osx
There was no more feedback and I believe that it was local problem with missing paths to GRASS libs.
Reopen if nec...
Radim Blazek
08:19 PM Revision d9deb238 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed icons in browser
Radim Blazek
08:14 PM Revision 4c32a01b (qgis): Fix list of algorithms shortcut in vector and raster menus
Fix #18175 Harrissou Santanna
08:04 PM Revision 02e75a73 (qgis): Update control images
Alessandro Pasotti
07:22 PM Bug report #18080: Vector Fixed Distance Buffer
I so not see the 'geometry checker'. I see 'Densify geometries' or 'simplify geometries' under the 'Vector' dropdown... Douglas Alderman
07:01 PM Revision 3bdb6c28 (qgis): [layout] Automatic conversion of 2.x composition templates to layouts
Alessandro Pasotti
07:00 PM Revision d1b5767b (qgis): Add dependency on qgis_gui target to fix parallel build.
In file included from /<<BUILDDIR>>/qgis-2.18.17+dfsg/src/providers/wms/qgswmssourceselect.cpp:26:0:
Bas Couwenberg
06:56 PM Feature request #13526 (Closed): GRASS modules filter: add the cleanup button
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5b1a71433644183a0f7af113813ee0f6bf0bff61. Radim Blazek
06:56 PM Feature request #13526 (Closed): GRASS modules filter: add the cleanup button
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5b1a71433644183a0f7af113813ee0f6bf0bff61. Radim Blazek
06:56 PM Revision 5b1a7143 (qgis): [GRASS] tools filter clean button enabled, fixes #13526
Radim Blazek
06:34 PM Revision bbb2727b (qgis): Minor fixes (spelling, renaming, sip magic)
Martin Dobias
06:34 PM Revision f56d70f3 (qgis): [FEATURE] Indicators for layer tree view + filter indicator implementation
This adds a mini-framework for display of extra icons in layer tree views
next to layer and group names. Tool tip tex...
Martin Dobias
06:34 PM Revision 8190930b (qgis): Show filter query in the indicator's tooltip
Martin Dobias
06:33 PM Revision 1090312c (qgis): Add more information to modeless option
fix #18152 Harrissou Santanna
06:33 PM Bug report #17144: Deleting fields from empty layer causes first attribute to be renamed.
Confirmed on 3.1.
the original field name "id" now has a special character (See attached file)
Luca Lanteri
06:30 PM Bug report #17978: Windows installer still uses the old logo
The side image is fixed. Seems just two small ones are missing now:
Borys Jurgiel
06:16 PM Bug report #17362: Node Tool Selects Invisible Objects
With 3.0 was just released, I validated this and wanted to update the procedure to recreate with the new language:
Ryan Desmond
05:01 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
> OSGeo4W says version 3.0.0-4 is installed
This is indeed the dev version of 3.0 "from yesterday":https://github....
Harrissou Santanna
04:16 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
OSGeo4W says version 3.0.0-4 is installed
When QGIS starts it gives the 3.0 splash screen.
The QGIS About box g...
Michel Stuyts
04:07 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
Can you run the setup of osgeo4w shell and verify if the installed version is 2.99 or 3.0? Note: at this time the ser... João Gaspar
03:54 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
OSGeo4W Michel Stuyts
03:52 PM Bug report #18229: "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
Hi Michel,
is osge4w or standalone installation?
João Gaspar
03:03 PM Bug report #18229 (Closed): "Check QGIS Version" shows 2.99 info in QGIS 3.0
When I select "Check QGIS Version" under Help in QGIS 3.0, I get a "You are running a development version of QGIS..."... Michel Stuyts
04:07 PM Bug report #18231 (Closed): DB Manager - PostgreSQL and Converted Config Seg error
DB Manager cannot access PostgreSQl resources if it's configured with Converted Config Seg option.
When trying to ex...
Andre Jesus
03:58 PM Bug report #18227: GeoReferencer crash
Can you describe the steps that give this error?
You can attach screenshots as well.
João Gaspar
02:02 PM Bug report #18227 (Closed): GeoReferencer crash
h2. User Feedback
Use georeferencer
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: fd2a65aecc93b39c1c9e241e65339e19926bb8e0
Andrew Shanin
03:36 PM Bug report #18089: QGIS server 2.99 error on every WMS request (except GetCapabilities)
Dear Alessandro,
Once again, many thanks for the time you spent on the problem.
I will info IGN of the problem....
Rémi Bonnefoi
03:34 PM Bug report #18230 (Closed): QGIS server 3.0 : service configuration error (service unknown or uns...
Hi all,
I upgraded yesterday from the 2.99 to the 3.0 version.
Since then, every request to the qgis server has...
Rémi Bonnefoi
03:34 PM Bug report #13058: Remove internal OWSlib copy
Looks okay from here. Tom Kralidis
03:17 PM Feature request #3289 (Closed): Dock "Simplify Feature"
fixed in Denis Rouzaud
03:17 PM Feature request #3289 (Closed): Dock "Simplify Feature"
fixed in Denis Rouzaud
03:12 PM Revision 295e1b58 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow map simplify tool to smooth features
And rename to "Simplify/smooth features". This change allows interactive
smoothing of features.
Nyall Dawson
03:12 PM Revision 68ee969b (qgis): fix bad merge
Denis Rouzaud
03:12 PM Revision a6eb520a (qgis): [simplify] accept/reject using keyboard
Denis Rouzaud
03:12 PM Revision c0b8fbfb (qgis): Drop redundant vertex count method, update code style
Nyall Dawson
03:12 PM Revision dce21882 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add choice of simplification method to simplify map tool
Allows different techniques to be used for simplification, including
the more cartographically pleasing "Visvalingam"...
Nyall Dawson
03:12 PM Revision 284ad06f (qgis): [simplify] user input widget instead of dialog
Denis Rouzaud
03:12 PM Revision 3235fec4 (qgis): Add some tooltips to simplification options
Nyall Dawson
03:12 PM Bug report #18083 (Closed): Simplify map tool - don't use douglas-peucker simplification
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|dce21882c73b9d4d98a6001872bad0be849df6c1. Nyall Dawson
03:12 PM Bug report #18083 (Closed): Simplify map tool - don't use douglas-peucker simplification
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|dce21882c73b9d4d98a6001872bad0be849df6c1. Nyall Dawson
03:07 PM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
The most important problem - the third item from the list in ticket description has been fixed in PR https://github.c... Martin Dobias
02:06 PM Feature request #18228 (Open): Autosender for crash reports
I saw some errors in qgis that live long time.
Why qgis can't send info about error/crashes automaticly?
Andrew Shanin
01:54 PM Bug report #18226 (Open): Vertex Editor dialog does not respect its last placement
Open the vertex editor, the panel is placed at the bottom of the left panels.
Then move it so that it covers the hei...
Harrissou Santanna
01:45 PM Bug report #17808 (Closed): [Vertex editor] Hitting DEL when no vertex is selected in the Vertex ...
I can neither reproduce Harrissou Santanna
01:45 PM Bug report #17808 (Closed): [Vertex editor] Hitting DEL when no vertex is selected in the Vertex ...
I can neither reproduce Harrissou Santanna
01:41 PM Bug report #17285: QGIS3: reshape doesn't listen to "avoid intersection"
> Note that reshaping with "avoid intersections" does NOT avoid intersections within the same layer, and it did not i... Andreas Wicht
01:07 PM Revision 3a1c5673 (qgis): Merge pull request #5835 from NathanW2/canvas_dock_zoom
Add Auto Zoom to Selection for map canvas dock Matthias Kuhn
01:06 PM Feature request #11005: Please add to the repo
Paolo, just in case, we do have, shown anytime someo... Harrissou Santanna
03:06 AM Feature request #11005: Please add to the repo
I still believe having contributing guidelines in the repo itself (can be a copy of the website page, or better the ... Paolo Cavallini
01:01 PM Bug report #18199: QGIS dev version: error when using geopandas and osmnx
Try the final 3.0 release Nyall Dawson
12:26 PM Bug report #18199: QGIS dev version: error when using geopandas and osmnx
Thank you a lot for your answers!
I was using the last OSGEO4w nightly build on Friday, what more up to date version...
Maxime Dufour
12:59 PM Bug report #18222 (Closed): The Subdivide algorithm should not allow point layer
It works for multipoint though - e.g. a multipoint feature with > 8 points gets split to two. Nyall Dawson
12:59 PM Bug report #18222 (Closed): The Subdivide algorithm should not allow point layer
It works for multipoint though - e.g. a multipoint feature with > 8 points gets split to two. Nyall Dawson
12:11 PM Bug report #18222 (Closed): The Subdivide algorithm should not allow point layer
Because it subdivides features based on vertice number, it should not list point features. Harrissou Santanna
12:59 PM Bug report #14779: Categorized layers not rendered at all
This still happens in 2.18.16. I can confirm that this only occurs with float values with more than 2 decimals.
I ...
Norwin Roosen
12:41 PM Revision c6dcb325 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
Even Rouault
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:40 PM Bug report #18219: Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Re-uploading a sample data that works in 2.18.16 (Something's wrong with tmpDF shapefile).
Regression is also presen...
Basil Eric Rabi
11:45 AM Bug report #18219 (Closed): Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygons do not work
Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Polygon do not work.
This previously worked flawlessly in 2.18.16.
Built qgis rp...
Basil Eric Rabi
12:33 PM Bug report #18225 (Open): Python console text size bug
When you select the cursor in the Python console and press Ctrl -> - , the text size shrinks. However, when you remai... Stephen Knox
12:32 PM Revision 03edc407 (qgis): rename QgsSettings::enumSettingValue to enumValue
no python API break Denis Rouzaud
12:32 PM Revision 4b232e49 (qgis): rename QgsSettings::enumSettingValue to enumValue
no python API break Denis Rouzaud
12:30 PM Feature request #18224 (Closed): Extend Identify Tool to work with Selection tools
Currently, users can only click on a single point (with adjustments to radius in pixels) to identify features.
I am ...
Saber Razmjooei
12:23 PM Bug report #18218: Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm.
Sorry for the noise. I was using a GRA...
Nelson José Silva
10:21 AM Bug report #18218 (Closed): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm. Nyall Dawson
10:21 AM Bug report #18218 (Closed): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
It's moved - now it's set when running an algorithm. Nyall Dawson
09:37 AM Bug report #18218 (Closed): Processing: use selected features no more avaiable for GRASS tools?
In General Options of Processing does not appear the Use Selected Features as in previous versions. Nelson José Silva
12:19 PM Revision 7827d924 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
Even Rouault
12:15 PM Bug report #18223 (Open): Review the Subdivide algorithm help: advertised bug?
The subdivide algorithm help (in app and in docs) states that
> The returned geometry parts may not be valid and ma...
Harrissou Santanna
12:09 PM Feature request #18221 (Open): Add more options to (sub)divide features
There's a subdivide algorithm in QGIS that split polygons based on number of vertices.
It could be helpful to have m...
Harrissou Santanna
12:07 PM Bug report #18192: vertex editor doesn't honour topological editing when moving a segment
maybe connected, but at least in the same scope: #18046 Andreas Wicht
12:04 PM Revision d313f7c0 (qgis): WFS provider: handle gmgml:Point_MultiPointPropertyType (fixes #18169)
Even Rouault
12:04 PM Bug report #18169 (Closed): QGIS doesn't read geometry from WFS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d313f7c059c5f59a66697e5e9a93a13e074f62c9. Even Rouault
12:04 PM Bug report #18169 (Closed): QGIS doesn't read geometry from WFS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d313f7c059c5f59a66697e5e9a93a13e074f62c9. Even Rouault
10:59 AM Revision 835eb150 (qgis): Merge pull request #6454 from elpaso/wfs-dcp-post-uri
[wfs] Proper handling of DCP POST Uri Alessandro Pasotti
10:59 AM Revision c13b627e (qgis): Merge pull request #6452 from elpaso/delete-existing-from-browser
[bugfix] Respect multi-single part when importing and allow delete existing from browser Alessandro Pasotti
10:58 AM Bug report #15875 (Closed): Importing a POINT layer in Browser always returns MULTIPOINT
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|772adec552a374e380048dcd72cd35884e42e63f. Anonymous
10:58 AM Bug report #15875 (Closed): Importing a POINT layer in Browser always returns MULTIPOINT
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|772adec552a374e380048dcd72cd35884e42e63f. Anonymous
10:52 AM Revision bfa3cab0 (qgis): [processing] Fix model docks are not removed when closing modeler
Actually caused by the modeler dialog never being deleted correctly.
Fixes #18213
Nyall Dawson
10:52 AM Bug report #18213 (Closed): Processing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the modeler...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bfa3cab0bba55ac6d34b127878fb58f664cfe534. Nyall Dawson
10:52 AM Bug report #18213 (Closed): Processing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the modeler...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bfa3cab0bba55ac6d34b127878fb58f664cfe534. Nyall Dawson
08:55 AM Bug report #18213: Processing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the modeler is closed
Probably duplicates #18189 Alexander Bruy
07:26 AM Bug report #18213 (In Progress): Processing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the mo...
PR: Nyall Dawson
03:20 AM Bug report #18213: Processing modeler - undocked panes should be closed when the modeler is closed
Sorry, the main testing was on the latest osgeo4w64 nightly.
Although since a pre-3.0.0-release ubuntu nightly is al...
Alister Hood
10:42 AM Feature request #6648: Warn about all existing files in save as
Still problem in 3.0, e.g. .dbf file is silently overridden if .shp does not exist.
The second problem is solved, ...
Radim Blazek
10:35 AM Bug report #17623: If the current feature ($geometry) falls outside the canvas's visibility area,...
I did a test with QGIS 3.0 Girona: the problem is still present.
I used the data and project attached.
salvatore fiandaca
10:18 AM Bug report #9896: WMS GetFeatureInfo search radius
Still not solved
Radim Blazek
10:18 AM Bug report #9896: WMS GetFeatureInfo search radius
Still not solved
Radim Blazek