Bug report #18267

QGIS 3.0 WFS 2.0 not working

Added by Michal Med almost 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Assignee:Even Rouault
Category:Web Services clients/WFS
Affected QGIS version:3.0.0 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:26158


Trying to attach WFS 2.0 service with endpoint http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-CP-wfs.asp? to QGIS 3.0.

2018-02-28T12:35:03    WARNING    Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url  restrictToRequestBBOX='1' srsname='EPSG:5514' typename='cp:CadastralParcel' url='http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-CP-wfs.asp?' version='2.0.0' table="" sql=: Cannot find schema root element

Service does not return data. It works properly in 2.14 using WFS 2.0 plugin.

Associated revisions

Revision 1d2686d0
Added by Even Rouault over 6 years ago

[WFS provider] Handle DescribeFeatureType responses that consist of a single <include> (fixes #18267)

Also handle another occurence of a buggy server only accepting TYPENAMES plural
as parameter of DescribeFeatureType

Revision f7e4dd67
Added by Even Rouault over 6 years ago

Merge pull request #7127 from rouault/fix_18267

[WFS provider] Handle DescribeFeatureType responses that consist of a single <include> (fixes #18267)


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback
  • Easy fix? changed from Yes to No

What about 2.18 selecting the proper WFS version?

#2 Updated by Michal Med almost 7 years ago

Never tried 2.18, I was using 2.14, the installed 3.0. I thought that WFS 2.0.0 support was added in QGIS 3.0.

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 7 years ago

Michal Med wrote:

Never tried 2.18, I was using 2.14, the installed 3.0. I thought that WFS 2.0.0 support was added in QGIS 3.0.

then please test also 2.18, as is the new LTR.

#4 Updated by Michal Med almost 7 years ago

2.18 returns the same:

2018-03-01T14:39:49    1    Analysis of DescribeFeatureType response failed for url  restrictToRequestBBOX='1' srsname='EPSG:5514' typename='cp:CadastralBoundary' url='http://services.cuzk.cz/wfs/inspire-cp-wfs.asp?' version='2.0.0' table="" sql=: Cannot find schema root element

#5 Updated by Jeremy Palmer almost 7 years ago

Is this provider generating storedQueries or using complex features? If so then it won't work, the QGIS WFS 2.0 provider doesn't support that at the moment, only Simple Feature level 0 schema (e.g relational style table). I understand the WFS 2.0 plugin does support storedQueries

#6 Updated by Even Rouault over 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Even Rouault

Two main issues here:
- buggy server that expects TYPENAMES plural as DescribeFeatureType parameter
- once corrected, the schema returned consists of a single <include schemaLocation="..."/> that we didn't follow yet

#7 Updated by Even Rouault over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#8 Updated by Michal Med over 6 years ago

Parameter typenames (plural) is required by the OGC service (http://cite.opengeospatial.org/pub/cite/files/edu/wfs/text/operations.html). The rest is correct.

#9 Updated by Even Rouault over 6 years ago

Hum, this is a complete mess...
http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/09-025r2/09-025r2.html#147 "9.2.3 KVP Encoding" mentions TYPENAME, but " typeNames parameter" mention TYPENAMES (and with a remaining occurence of typeName). The XML encoding use TypeName ( in "9.2.2 XML Encoding" and http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd ), but they refer to "typeNames" in " typeNames parameter".
The "B.8.2 DescribeFeatureType examples" do mention TYPENAMES, but this is an informative annex.
So it seems that the intent was to switch to plural form but a lot of inconsistency exist everywhere in the spec. It would be wise for server implementations to support both TYPENAME and TYPENAMES given this mess.
The issue has been reported to OGC per http://ogc.standardstracker.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530

#10 Updated by Michal Med over 6 years ago

I'll upgrade the server to accept both singular and plural. The single <include schemaCollection="..."/> is going to be supported in a near future?

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