Feature request #18119

QGIS calculate radius of an arc to attributes

Added by eino jaskari over 6 years ago.

Category:Field calculator
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:26013


Could not find an easy to use function to calculate radius of an arc to attributes (all arcs / curves at the same time, or just the selected one).

It would be great, if a radius of and arc could be calculated with field calculator to the attributes of features. It should be either for the whole data or just the selected features.
The information is already there, with Identify Features tool --> select arc/curve --> (Derived)--> Closest vertex radius. I just have no idea on how to get that info calculated to attribute table. Should work for "Arc by three points" at least.

Here is a post I made trying to figure out how to do this: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/270749/qgis-calculate-radius-of-an-arc-to-attributes?noredirect=1#comment432298_270749

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