
From 2019-01-14 to 2019-02-12


11:47 PM Revision 76b7bcef (qgis): Try to fix astyle errors
Nyall Dawson
11:31 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
I can confirm on Win 7 Prof, I can not confirm on Mac OS 10.14.3
But on both systems, QGIS crashes on exit, if I bef...
Urs Kaufmann
01:42 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
I CAN confirm same issue with Windows 7 Professional 64 bits!
Almerio Moreira
10:59 PM Revision 29fa7b6e (qgis): Fix build, indentation
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision d281c8ae (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 60a1d630 (qgis): Fix some missing expression context variables in processing expression ...
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 85b51677 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 493185c6 (qgis): Astyle
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision e533a407 (qgis): [processing] Expose some model related variables to expressions
run inside models
Allows expressions to access important variables like the current
model path
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 6648a955 (qgis): Fix test
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 2180b63e (qgis): [processing] Correct order of expression scopes in widget wrapper expre...
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 493aed58 (qgis): API tweak
Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Revision 69f45e38 (qgis): Refactor QgsExpressionContext and move QgsExpressionContextUtils
out to its own header
Avoids slow recompilation caused by changes to the frequently
modified QgsExpressionContextUti...
Nyall Dawson
10:42 PM Bug report #21237: "unknown exception" when enabling editing
Martin - this is a packaging issue with the latest libspatialindex under windows Nyall Dawson
10:03 PM Bug report #21237: "unknown exception" when enabling editing
Is it possible to get the data? And is the bug windows only? If snapping is disabled, there's no exception? Martin Dobias
10:09 PM Revision 43512d56 (qgis): [quick] Improve map settings flags for canvas
- labeling engine settings from project were not being applied
- enable simplification of geometries (faster map rend...
Martin Dobias
10:09 PM Revision 6fab904c (qgis): Fix tests due to updated tolerance
Martin Dobias
10:09 PM Revision 673d4949 (qgis): [quick] Fix identify: give priority to points (and lines)
Without priority for points (and lines) it is otherwise very difficult
to identify them on top of polygons or difficu...
Martin Dobias
10:05 PM Bug report #21213: Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> ok cool, is not the first or the last qgis feature I didn't knew it existed. But anyway w...
Cory Albrecht
09:52 PM Bug report #21213: Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
Cory Albrecht wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I'm not sure that in 2.* the behavior you describe was implemente...
Giovanni Manghi
09:50 PM Bug report #21213: Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I'm not sure that in 2.* the behavior you describe was implemented by design, actually I'm ...
Cory Albrecht
09:16 PM Bug report #21248 (Closed): Program keeps crashing on closing
QGIS keeps crashing when I try to close the program, in addition, I am having issues with the layering. G Decelles
09:03 PM Feature request #21245: A more intuitive way to open the group/tab properties in drag and drop fo...
+1 ! I stumbled upon it too. a right clic / properties would be nice Regis Haubourg
06:36 PM Feature request #21245 (Open): A more intuitive way to open the group/tab properties in drag and ...
En utilisant un formulaire, nous voulons parfois qu'un groupe n'apparaisse que sous certaines conditions. Pour ça il ... Alexandre Heurion
08:50 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Thanks!!!! Lene Fischer
08:32 PM Bug report #21188 (Closed): Classify makes points invisible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7714bfbfbe6acec1c193365a173c822cb72c4361. Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Bug report #21188 (Closed): Classify makes points invisible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7714bfbfbe6acec1c193365a173c822cb72c4361. Nyall Dawson
04:14 AM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Hey, just taking a second here to salute the narrated screencast, very useful for developers in attempting to replica... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:41 AM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
The data I use is the 'Municipality' attached this bugreport.
Can there be an issue about language - a missing TR....
Lene Fischer
01:16 AM Bug report #21188 (Feedback): Classify makes points invisible
Hm - following the exact same procedure, I can't reproduce. Can you share the data/project? Maybe it's highly data so... Nyall Dawson
08:34 PM Bug report #21236 (Open): Crash running queries in DB Manager
Screencast attached (3.4.4 and master) Giovanni Manghi
08:34 PM Bug report #21236 (Open): Crash running queries in DB Manager
Screencast attached (3.4.4 and master) Giovanni Manghi
08:34 PM Bug report #21236 (Open): Crash running queries in DB Manager
Screencast attached (3.4.4 and master) Giovanni Manghi
05:22 PM Bug report #21236 (Feedback): Crash running queries in DB Manager
Alessandro Pasotti
05:22 PM Bug report #21236: Crash running queries in DB Manager
I cannot reproduce on linux. Any stacktrace? Alessandro Pasotti
08:33 PM Revision f95d3235 (qgis): Merge pull request #9156 from nyalldawson/fix_21188_render_cats
[categorized] Fix blank layers when using categorized renderer Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Revision 07746dbc (qgis): [postgis] Fix creation of new Z/M enabled, curved geometry type layers
Nyall Dawson
07:52 PM Feature request #14000: Altas option: hidden coverage layer > show current feature
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> This can be achieved using the method described by Alexandre Neto here:
> https://gis.stack...
Giovanni Manghi
07:52 PM Feature request #14000: Altas option: hidden coverage layer > show current feature
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> This can be achieved using the method described by Alexandre Neto here:
> https://gis.stack...
Giovanni Manghi
04:38 PM Feature request #14000: Altas option: hidden coverage layer > show current feature
This can be achieved using the method described by Alexandre Neto here:
Pedro Venâncio
07:50 PM Bug report #21246: Composer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB
This looks very similar to the issue that I've been having (#21247). I thought it was a layout size, but it's probabl... Adje Prado
07:44 PM Bug report #21246 (Feedback): Composer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB
Is this a regression compared to 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
06:52 PM Bug report #21246 (Open): Composer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB
Please see the screencast: Pedro Venâncio
07:47 PM Bug report #21244 (Closed): QGIS 3.5.0-Master crashes when loading multiple WFS layers
#19557 Giovanni Manghi
07:47 PM Bug report #21244 (Closed): QGIS 3.5.0-Master crashes when loading multiple WFS layers
#19557 Giovanni Manghi
05:04 PM Bug report #21244 (Closed): QGIS 3.5.0-Master crashes when loading multiple WFS layers
When trying to load WFS layers from my Geoserver using 3.5.0-Master, QGIS just crashes at will. Here is the stack tra... Jacob Madsen
07:46 PM Bug report #19557 (Open): QGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance
Giovanni Manghi
04:32 PM Bug report #19557: QGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance
This problem appears to still reproduce in QGIS 3.4.4 on Windows x64.
Jacob Madsen
07:45 PM Bug report #20614 (Closed): Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS

>I agree that adding a note in the documentation for temporary file is acceptable.
ok let's file a ticket again...
Giovanni Manghi
07:45 PM Bug report #20614 (Closed): Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS

>I agree that adding a note in the documentation for temporary file is acceptable.
ok let's file a ticket again...
Giovanni Manghi
01:41 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
I red your comments and now I think I understand the problem. Saving as temporary files will always create a UTF fil... Bastien Ferland
01:23 PM Bug report #20614 (Feedback): Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
Luigi Pirelli
01:07 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
I leave the issue in case someone find a clever solution. IMHO I would tag as "Won't fix" Luigi Pirelli
01:06 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
Bastien Ferland what do you mind about my comments? Luigi Pirelli
01:05 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
I'm not sure what would be a decent solution. A generic use case would collect provider encoding for all inputs, then... Luigi Pirelli
07:44 PM Bug report #21247 (Feedback): Crash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer w...
Was this an issue on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
07:44 PM Bug report #21247 (Feedback): Crash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer w...
Was this an issue on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
07:44 PM Bug report #21247 (Feedback): Crash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer w...
Was this an issue on 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
07:38 PM Bug report #21247 (Open): Crash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer with ...
Hi there,
I've tried exporting in SVG, JPEG and PDF a number of times from Layout Editor, QGIS 3.4.4 crashed every...
Adje Prado
07:37 PM Revision 61d361d6 (qgis): GPKG: Rename styles when layers are renamed
Partially fixes #21227
- DB manager
- Other providers
Alessandro Pasotti
06:39 PM Bug report #21211: Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid value (100, 1...
Thank you! Johannes Kroeger
08:28 AM Bug report #21211 (Rejected): Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid va...
Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> I am on Archlinux with a nvidia card.
> opencl-headers 2:2.2.20170516-2
> opencl-nvi...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:28 AM Bug report #21211 (Rejected): Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid va...
Johannes Kroeger wrote:
> I am on Archlinux with a nvidia card.
> opencl-headers 2:2.2.20170516-2
> opencl-nvi...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:25 PM Revision 287a3b0e (qgis): Renamed test db for consistency
(minor change) Alessandro Pasotti
06:18 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
no problem... thanks for checking. About setting by default min/max IMHO is the expected behaviour but no idea if bef... Luigi Pirelli
06:14 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> Z range is not related with Z scale (e.g. exageration). ZRange is used to cut a data cube wit...
Alen Mangafic
06:10 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
Z range is not related with Z scale (e.g. exageration). ZRange is used to cut a data cube within a specific Z range. Luigi Pirelli
05:46 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> tested also on win10 and qgis-dev... seems its works correctly setting Z and intensity range....
Alen Mangafic
05:15 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
tested also on win10 and qgis-dev... seems its works correctly setting Z and intensity range. IMHO it can be closed Luigi Pirelli
04:57 PM Bug report #17611 (Feedback): and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (work...
I'm not en expert using, I had some problems putting it at work in grass directly, btw I was able to r...
Luigi Pirelli
03:49 PM Bug report #17611: and other r.* tools Error: 'Raster map not found' (worked until QG...
investigating Luigi Pirelli
05:28 PM Bug report #19731: Python error at qgis startup after changing profile folder
investigating Luigi Pirelli
05:04 PM Bug report #21243 (Closed): Atlas Hidden Coverage Layer option has no effect exporting Atlas as I...
Using the Hidden Coverage Layer option in Composer Atlas, has no effect when exporting Atlas as Images.
Exporting ...
Pedro Venâncio
03:57 PM Feature request #21242 (Open): allow re-ordering of sections in report layout
Currently, it doesn't seem possible to re-order sections in the report layout composer. Once a section is created, it... Adam Fine
03:47 PM Bug report #20207 (Closed): GeoPackage column misalignment after spatial join due to fid attribute
Luigi Pirelli
03:47 PM Bug report #20207: GeoPackage column misalignment after spatial join due to fid attribute
After verification with Giovanni Manghi we decided to close because the error message sent to the user is enough to u... Luigi Pirelli
02:55 PM Bug report #20207: GeoPackage column misalignment after spatial join due to fid attribute
the user is notified because choosing fid as PK (1,1,2,2,2) generate PK violation and record [1,3,4] are not added du... Luigi Pirelli
01:28 PM Bug report #20207: GeoPackage column misalignment after spatial join due to fid attribute
investigating Luigi Pirelli
03:28 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage

> today 12febuary2019
> do you have any development on my problem!
is a question? if yes it does not work like ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:27 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem p...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
02:28 PM Bug report #20633 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer from spatialite featureid problem
This feature has been backported in 3.4 the 14/01/2019 but the last release (3.4.4) has been done the 18/01/2019, so ... Julien Cabieces
12:39 PM Bug report #21241 (Open): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Confirmed, just a few seconds max on 2.18... minutes (or even possible complete freeze, I stopped the program after 5... Giovanni Manghi
12:39 PM Bug report #21241 (Open): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Confirmed, just a few seconds max on 2.18... minutes (or even possible complete freeze, I stopped the program after 5... Giovanni Manghi
12:39 PM Bug report #21241 (Open): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Confirmed, just a few seconds max on 2.18... minutes (or even possible complete freeze, I stopped the program after 5... Giovanni Manghi
12:39 PM Bug report #21241 (Open): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Confirmed, just a few seconds max on 2.18... minutes (or even possible complete freeze, I stopped the program after 5... Giovanni Manghi
12:20 PM Bug report #21241: Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
I attach a sample:
Yes, Postgis...
Cristian Guillen
11:49 AM Bug report #21241 (Feedback): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Can define "a lot"? Can you also attach a sample gpkg (I assume the postgis table is equal to the gpkg one)? Giovanni Manghi
10:43 AM Bug report #21241 (Open): Copy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.18
Copy and paste a lot of records from a Geopackage table to a PostGIS table and save changes take much longer in QGIS ... Cristian Guillen
11:59 AM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Can you try to enable the option "Settings->Options->Digitizing->Enable snapping on invisib...
Giovanni Manghi
07:22 AM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Can you try to enable the option "Settings->Options->Digitizing->Enable snapping on invisible features" and restart Q... Loïc BARTOLETTI
11:55 AM Bug report #20886 (Closed): grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
The original issue is not reproducable anymore, other issues seems that are possibly related to the GRASS tool itself... Giovanni Manghi
11:55 AM Bug report #20886 (Closed): grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
The original issue is not reproducable anymore, other issues seems that are possibly related to the GRASS tool itself... Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #21239 (Feedback): Vector tools not showing
This is about not being able to enable "processing", correct? Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #21239 (Feedback): Vector tools not showing
This is about not being able to enable "processing", correct? Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #21230: QGIS master crash when using spatial indices

> I see that after start editing the point layer, with Add feature tool, Vertex tool, Move feature, just moving the...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 AM Bug report #21230: QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> This is likely a consequence of the recent upgrade to libspatialindex 1.9
Hi Nyall,
I wa...
Pedro Venâncio
05:15 AM Bug report #21230 (Open): QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Actually the issue is ANYTHING which uses a spatial index -- snapping/vertex tool is also affected.
This is likely...
Nyall Dawson
05:15 AM Bug report #21230 (Open): QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Actually the issue is ANYTHING which uses a spatial index -- snapping/vertex tool is also affected.
This is likely...
Nyall Dawson
05:15 AM Bug report #21230 (Open): QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Actually the issue is ANYTHING which uses a spatial index -- snapping/vertex tool is also affected.
This is likely...
Nyall Dawson
01:13 AM Bug report #21230 (Feedback): QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Nyall Dawson
01:13 AM Bug report #21230: QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
no crash here - can you post data to reproduce? Nyall Dawson
11:33 AM Revision dee218ba (qgis): Use cache for sld layers if they use NamedLayer / NamedStyle
Marco Hugentobler
11:15 AM Bug report #21204 (Closed): Crash on copying shapefile by dragging into geopackage in QGIS Browser
Alessandro Pasotti
11:03 AM Bug report #21204 (Open): Crash on copying shapefile by dragging into geopackage in QGIS Browser
I watched another user with a similar file and data successfully drag shapefile layers into a geopackage with no issu... Steve Lowman
10:57 AM Revision 754b2e76 (qgis): adapted to 3.4 API
Luigi Pirelli
10:32 AM Bug report #21240 (Feedback): Map Compose: adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects
Can you elaborate? What exactly is the issue here? Nyall Dawson
10:19 AM Bug report #21240 (Open): Map Compose: adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects
In map composer, when you want to create a new legend, if you have several items, the creation is extremely slow.
Cesar Herrera
10:23 AM Revision 6d5d7c59 (qgis): document API change from 3.4.5
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 53ec2cfc (qgis): better use qgsDoubleNear
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 24a74d1a (qgis): typo + #if 0 for todo code
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 57440ea5 (qgis): typo
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 7a1e6984 (qgis): typo
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 63fae809 (qgis): spellechck do warning if htmls tags in methoid description => fail travis
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 6ea9ff07 (qgis): better a static list to avoid set at every call
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 39c65481 (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses + removed default + forgot an enum
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 4d5062a6 (qgis): better English formed message
Co-Authored-By: luipir <[email protected]> Nyall Dawson
10:18 AM Revision fe8be680 (qgis): removed default and managed UserDefinedEnhancement as not implemented
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision d285e470 (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses and removed default
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 67599c47 (qgis): let travis happy
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision fede75f0 (qgis): fixed spellcheck
Luigi Pirelli
10:18 AM Revision 210dbc16 (qgis): typo and rephrased
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision 938e8d5c (qgis): translated error message
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision d2b2b2ee (qgis): removed default in switch
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision be6968ec (qgis): removed default and manage forgot enum
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision a5866dfa (qgis): back to a more safe const method
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision 8f75b159 (qgis): \#if 0 instead of comment
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision 6af1d3fe (qgis): use qgsDoubleNear to avoid precision errors
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision ee18eb56 (qgis): back to const methods
Luigi Pirelli
10:14 AM Revision d49524cc (qgis): AStyle
Luigi Pirelli
10:13 AM Revision b4faa0dc (qgis): use QgsFileUtils::ensureFileNameHasExtension instead
Luigi Pirelli
10:13 AM Revision 700f5b33 (qgis): Added SLD 1.0 export for rasters
Luigi Pirelli
09:29 AM Bug report #18430: Multiple extension and plugin bug QGIS3 osx
it is still *not* working on: 3.4.4-Madeira
Some more info: ...
bradypus -
09:29 AM Revision 0c68668b (qgis): Fix fragile test
(cherry picked from commit 2e20f13279e4184d892976099c883afb3756a026) Nyall Dawson
09:09 AM Bug report #20073: Form validation doesn't take care of 2 columns primary key
Hi there, I'm porting QWAT application to QGIS 3 and face this issue again. IMO this is a regression and is related t... Regis Haubourg
09:09 AM Bug report #20073: Form validation doesn't take care of 2 columns primary key
Hi there, I'm porting QWAT application to QGIS 3 and face this issue again. IMO this is a regression and is related t... Regis Haubourg
08:56 AM Feature request #16983: Data class groupings
I second this feature request.
See also #22038
Mic Del
08:50 AM Bug report #21218: After executing an SQL that might contain some error, DBManager shows an empty...
Can you check current master? I believe that this one was fixed.
Maybe related to #20193
If it's not fixed can ...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:38 AM Bug report #20053 (Feedback): decimal separator in csv files
Can you please provide some more detail and a step-by-step procedure and sample data to reproduce?
The original is...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:48 AM Revision 2e20f132 (qgis): Fix fragile test
Nyall Dawson
07:46 AM Feature request #17737 (In Progress): New map tools - Digitizing
Square from diagonal : done
Rectangle from 3 points : done
07:46 AM Feature request #17737 (In Progress): New map tools - Digitizing
Square from diagonal : done
Rectangle from 3 points : done
07:43 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
Confirmed on master.
I think this is a good case for very complex (and invalid) geometries. By processing the data, ...
07:43 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
Confirmed on master.
I think this is a good case for very complex (and invalid) geometries. By processing the data, ...
07:36 AM Revision fa1b5105 (qgis): API tweaks
(cherry picked from commit 9a75976ca45c5a2aea9b017bded2ea481f072094) Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 72d6cbf5 (qgis): [processing] Fix incorrect parameter definition used when evaluating
parent layer parameter in the gui for dynamic properties data defined
(cherry picked from commit d3bd1370d6b...
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision a2b5ee9d (qgis): Fix QgsFieldExpressionWidget doesn't correctly emit signals when
clearing the current expression/field
(cherry picked from commit 6f6d562ec8da11dcb766755adbbd40df747ae9fc)
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 082ebd07 (qgis): [memory] Optimise iteration, avoid multiple map lookups and an unnecess...
(cherry picked from commit 51a49812373ae1b38064af33e7a56a49d5a3329e) Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 197625d7 (qgis): [memory] Fix inefficient memory feature iteration when using a FilterFi...
The request was not being handled correctly by the provider, resulting
in the provider iterating through every featur...
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 7830cc74 (qgis): [processing] Field calculator algorithms should not force an upper limit
on string field lengths
Don't hold back the algorithms because of outdated format limitations!
(cherry picked from ...
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 05933ef0 (qgis): [processing] More responsive cancelation for dissolve algorithm
(cherry picked from commit 916805cf0479e7e972e28fef9c3632aafe80b06c) Nyall Dawson
07:28 AM Bug report #20991 (Closed): Processing model log file is empty
Alexander Bruy
07:27 AM Bug report #20514 (Closed): error of qgis 3.41 Raster>Conversion>Polygonize(raster to vector)
Alexander Bruy
04:37 AM Revision 7714bfbf (qgis): [categorized] Fix blank layers when using categorized renderer
Fixes #21188 Nyall Dawson
04:01 AM Revision 51a49812 (qgis): [memory] Optimise iteration, avoid multiple map lookups and an unnecess...
Nyall Dawson
04:01 AM Revision 6fb7856b (qgis): [memory] Fix inefficient memory feature iteration when using a FilterFi...
The request was not being handled correctly by the provider, resulting
in the provider iterating through every featur...
Nyall Dawson
03:58 AM Revision 916805cf (qgis): [processing] More responsive cancelation for dissolve algorithm
Nyall Dawson
03:58 AM Revision d614ff39 (qgis): [processing] Field calculator algorithms should not force an upper limit
on string field lengths
Don't hold back the algorithms because of outdated format limitations!
Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision 2e116b6f (qgis): [ui] Harmonize 2D/3D map view toolbars
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:55 AM Revision e8333603 (qgis): [ui] Harmonize 2D/3D map view toolbars
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:51 AM Revision 1efb96b7 (qgis): Some tweaks on translatable strings
Harrissou Santanna
03:51 AM Revision e24403da (qgis): Remove trailing space
Harrissou Santanna


10:18 PM Revision 9a75976c (qgis): API tweaks
Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Revision d3bd1370 (qgis): [processing] Fix incorrect parameter definition used when evaluating
parent layer parameter in the gui for dynamic properties data defined
Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Revision 2729af65 (qgis): [processing] Port expression widget wrapper to new API
Fixes confusing expression parameter definitions in modeler
child algorithms (there's no direction as to what the
Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Revision 6f6d562e (qgis): Fix QgsFieldExpressionWidget doesn't correctly emit signals when
clearing the current expression/field Nyall Dawson
10:06 PM Bug report #21239 (Closed): Vector tools not showing
Vector tools not showing up in menu. And workarounds are not working in my case. Old issue #15265 garret w
10:04 PM Revision 2a917f4c (qgis): Merge pull request #9049 from luipir/rasterSLD_export
Add SLD 1.0 export for rasters Luigi Pirelli
09:24 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
This is not a bug but a feature ;). the standard temporary format in qgis processing is always gpkg, that by default ... Luigi Pirelli
08:47 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> confirmed only on windows. System is changed to UTF8
attached a cut of portuguese shapefil...
Luigi Pirelli
08:43 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
confirmed only on windows. System is changed to UTF8 Luigi Pirelli
03:55 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
first rough test on a shape with changed encoding to korean, generate the result in the correct encoding... now check... Luigi Pirelli
03:38 PM Bug report #20614: Problem with encoding when using GRASS (v.generalize) through QGIS
investigating. First trying to reproduce Luigi Pirelli
08:59 PM Bug report #15265: Built-in tools missing from Vector menu
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Anyway this ticket was filed against a now dead verison of QGIS, this must be eventually be...
garret w
08:07 PM Bug report #15265 (Closed): Built-in tools missing from Vector menu
Anyway this ticket was filed against a now dead verison of QGIS, this must be eventually be refiled against 3.4.4/mas... Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #15265: Built-in tools missing from Vector menu

> Hi Giovanni, this matter is probably related to my other issue of the processing plugin crashing QGIS (https://is...
Giovanni Manghi
07:25 PM Bug report #15265: Built-in tools missing from Vector menu
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I am getting this bug in 3.4 (Ubuntu) as well. I do not understand the workaround mention...
garret w
07:06 PM Bug report #15265: Built-in tools missing from Vector menu

> I am getting this bug in 3.4 (Ubuntu) as well. I do not understand the workaround mentioned by Casper. Can someon...
Giovanni Manghi
07:04 PM Bug report #15265: Built-in tools missing from Vector menu
Christian Nielsen wrote:
> Casper Børgesen wrote:
> > For our users it was easy to solve by uninstalling the proces...
garret w
08:37 PM Bug report #21188 (Open): Classify makes points invisible
Giovanni Manghi
08:02 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Just installed the latest 3.5 version. See my video attached. Lene Fischer
07:29 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I can't reproduce. Please post step-by-step instructions and/or sample data, or re-post the sc...
Giovanni Manghi
01:36 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
pdf example is attached Gerhard Spieles
08:32 PM Feature request #21238 (Open): Windows Taskbar Progress Overlay
When processing large amounts of data QIGS sometimes registers as "Not Responding" by Windows task manager, even thou... Peter Perkins
08:31 PM Bug report #21214: QGIS 3.4 asks "Do you want to save the current project?" **immediately** after...
Hi confirmed here on linux, with 3.4 or master as well. Opening an empty QGIS session asks to save the current projet... Regis Haubourg
08:31 PM Bug report #21214: QGIS 3.4 asks "Do you want to save the current project?" **immediately** after...
Hi confirmed here on linux, with 3.4 or master as well. Opening an empty QGIS session asks to save the current projet... Regis Haubourg
08:31 PM Bug report #21214: QGIS 3.4 asks "Do you want to save the current project?" **immediately** after...
Hi confirmed here on linux, with 3.4 or master as well. Opening an empty QGIS session asks to save the current projet... Regis Haubourg
07:44 PM Bug report #21173: grass algorithms in processing does not work (qgis 3.4.4 grass 7.6)
tested on master with v.overlay and v.buffer and they works correctly Luigi Pirelli
07:44 PM Bug report #21189 (Open): Indexing data takes a very long time

> Did it worked better on 2.18?
I answer myself: yes. No such issue on 2.18.
Giovanni Manghi
07:44 PM Bug report #21189 (Open): Indexing data takes a very long time

> Did it worked better on 2.18?
I answer myself: yes. No such issue on 2.18.
Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #21189 (Feedback): Indexing data takes a very long time
Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #21189 (Open): Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Take a look at this video
ok I replicated, it indeed eats u...
Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #21189 (Open): Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Take a look at this video
ok I replicated, it indeed eats u...
Giovanni Manghi
07:39 PM Bug report #21189 (Open): Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Take a look at this video
ok I replicated, it indeed eats u...
Giovanni Manghi
07:35 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Take a look at this video
sorry seen this clink only after ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:35 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Snapping shold be enabled.
I'm trying with one of those shapes (a 250MB one) with snapping enab...
Giovanni Manghi
06:36 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Take a look at this video
Alexey T
06:27 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Snapping shold be enabled. Alexey T
06:26 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
No, I didn't Alexey T
06:21 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> Yes, vector lines.
> Here is the dataset. 4 Gb zipped.
Giovanni Manghi
07:42 PM Bug report #21237 (Closed): "unknown exception" when enabling editing
Seen on master/windows
add a vector
enabled snapping
toggle editing > pick node tool > see attached screenshot
Giovanni Manghi
07:36 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
No idea, I can't replicate the original issue, and other issues are not related with QGIS. I leave to you @giovanni t... Luigi Pirelli
06:45 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
I think this GRASS module is sensible to nulls/nodata pixels in the input. Giovanni Manghi
06:31 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> > please @giovanni give a loog if it's ok to close it
> the or...
Giovanni Manghi
06:25 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> please @giovanni give a loog if it's ok to close it
the original reported issue is not rep...
Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #20886 (Feedback): grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
please @giovanni give a loog if it's ok to close it Luigi Pirelli
12:08 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
tested with master installed with packages on debian does not generate any error... IMHO can be closed Luigi Pirelli
12:02 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
seems that the command is working correctly... in my error case I have to add resamplig resolution because 0 as defau... Luigi Pirelli
07:28 PM Bug report #21102 (Open): Processing plugin crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
07:26 PM Bug report #21102: Processing plugin crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try with a new/clean profile.
update: Ive created a new profile but was unsuccess...
garret w
07:27 PM Revision fa3bfddf (qgis): [processing] Simplify algorithm should not run validity checks on geome...
Simplify (by its intrinsic nature) can output invalid geometries,
and its processing is not affected by the presence ...
Nyall Dawson
07:27 PM Revision f4866402 (qgis): [processing] Buffer algorithm should always export multipolygon layers
We can never predict when a buffer will create a multipolygon output
(e.g. for negative buffer sizes), so ALWAYS expo...
Nyall Dawson
07:27 PM Revision 4d12465b (qgis): [processing] Ensure that distance inputs become expression variables fo...
(cherry picked from commit 7e106ef4b78c094a21738f91cdc41bb208f39f91) Nyall Dawson
07:25 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Description improved. Giovanni Manghi
07:25 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Description improved. Giovanni Manghi
07:25 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Description improved. Giovanni Manghi
07:25 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Description improved. Giovanni Manghi
07:17 PM Bug report #18421: Attribute Table refresh issue when deleting features from shapefile
Proposed PR : Julien Cabieces
07:16 PM Bug report #21218: After executing an SQL that might contain some error, DBManager shows an empty...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> With what datatype have you tested? I can't confirm here.
now, but I have seen it in the...
Giovanni Manghi
07:15 PM Bug report #21218 (Feedback): After executing an SQL that might contain some error, DBManager sho...
With what datatype have you tested? I can't confirm here. Giovanni Manghi
07:15 PM Bug report #21218 (Feedback): After executing an SQL that might contain some error, DBManager sho...
With what datatype have you tested? I can't confirm here. Giovanni Manghi
07:14 PM Bug report #21236 (Closed): Crash running queries in DB Manager
affected 3.4.4 and master, tested on Windows for now.
open db manager and open sql console (tested on small postgi...
Giovanni Manghi
07:00 PM Bug report #21235 (Open): Build failure with sip 4.19.14
After updating sip to 4.19.14 build fails with
/build/qgis/src/build/python/gui/sip_guipart3.cpp:172890:10: error:...
Antonio Rojas
06:39 PM Bug report #21213 (Feedback): Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
I'm not sure that in 2.* the behavior you describe was implemented by design, actually I'm a bit surprised it worked ... Giovanni Manghi
06:39 PM Bug report #21213 (Feedback): Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
I'm not sure that in 2.* the behavior you describe was implemented by design, actually I'm a bit surprised it worked ... Giovanni Manghi
06:39 PM Bug report #21213 (Feedback): Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
I'm not sure that in 2.* the behavior you describe was implemented by design, actually I'm a bit surprised it worked ... Giovanni Manghi
06:35 PM Bug report #21217 (Closed): Attribute Table - [Move Selection to top] doesn't apply on current se...
Giovanni Manghi
06:32 PM Bug report #21224 (Feedback): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson)...
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
06:32 PM Bug report #21224 (Feedback): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson)...
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
06:32 PM Bug report #21224 (Feedback): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson)...
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
06:32 PM Bug report #21224 (Feedback): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson)...
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #21224 (Closed): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) d...
I have few Layers in geojson format and i'm trying to change some attributes in the attribute table (a QString column... Haitham Shatti
06:29 PM Bug report #20053 (Open): decimal separator in csv files
Giovanni Manghi
06:23 PM Bug report #20053: decimal separator in csv files
Mac OSX 10.14.3 Soren Lindqvist
06:22 PM Bug report #20053: decimal separator in csv files
went back and installed v 2.18.28, export to geojson was correct!
Problem is now back in v 3.4.4 and in the ma...
Soren Lindqvist
05:52 PM Bug report #20053: decimal separator in csv files
Soren Lindqvist wrote:
> Problem back again....
same OS (and version)?
Giovanni Manghi
05:51 PM Bug report #20053 (Feedback): decimal separator in csv files
Soren Lindqvist wrote:
> Problem back again....
on 3.4.4, correct?
Giovanni Manghi
05:51 PM Bug report #20053 (Feedback): decimal separator in csv files
Soren Lindqvist wrote:
> Problem back again....
on 3.4.4, correct?
Giovanni Manghi
05:51 PM Bug report #20053 (Reopened): decimal separator in csv files
Problem back again.... Soren Lindqvist
06:13 PM Bug report #21226 (Closed): Installing QGIS new version 3.4 in linux - please help !
please ask questions/help in the users mailing list, gis.stackexchange or the QGIS IRC channel. Thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
06:13 PM Bug report #21226 (Closed): Installing QGIS new version 3.4 in linux - please help !
please ask questions/help in the users mailing list, gis.stackexchange or the QGIS IRC channel. Thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
10:19 AM Bug report #21226 (Closed): Installing QGIS new version 3.4 in linux - please help !
Installing QGIS 3.4 for the first time
inf on my computer : Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 64 bits
I follo...
Gloria Senfaute
06:00 PM Bug report #21230: QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
Confirmed here, only master. Giovanni Manghi
03:27 PM Bug report #21230 (Closed): QGIS master crash when using spatial indices
To reproduce:
1. Load a point layer (postgis, shp, ...)
2. Properties -> Symbology
3. Point Displacement OR Poin...
Pedro Venâncio
05:49 PM Bug report #21232 (Closed): #20053 is back again
Please ask to re-open the old one Giovanni Manghi
05:49 PM Bug report #21232 (Closed): #20053 is back again
Please ask to re-open the old one Giovanni Manghi
05:36 PM Bug report #21232 (Closed): #20053 is back again
See bug report #20053, have the same problem again with decimals and numbers turned into a string.
Same problem in...
Soren Lindqvist
05:45 PM Feature request #21233: Ability to have continuous raster legend in legend tree
This is LLOOONG standing request, probably there is some very old ticket with the same request. Giovanni Manghi
05:36 PM Feature request #21233 (Open): Ability to have continuous raster legend in legend tree
It would be great to have an option (or even switch to) continuous raster colour instead of blocks:
Saber Razmjooei
05:38 PM Feature request #21234 (Open): Support for descending raster legend in legend tree
Currently, legends for rasters are shown in ascending order. It will be good to have an option to display them in des... Saber Razmjooei
05:35 PM Bug report #21231 (Feedback): QGIS crashes using the geometry checker
Using a clean/new profile makes any difference? Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #21231 (Feedback): QGIS crashes using the geometry checker
Using a clean/new profile makes any difference? Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #21231 (Feedback): QGIS crashes using the geometry checker
Using a clean/new profile makes any difference? Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #21231 (Feedback): QGIS crashes using the geometry checker
Using a clean/new profile makes any difference? Giovanni Manghi
04:17 PM Bug report #21231 (Closed): QGIS crashes using the geometry checker
I checked geometry (Vector->Check geometries...) and I set only checking gap and overlaps. Then I tried to repair geo... Vladimír Hans
03:46 PM Bug report #19650: Silent install
Jeff L wrote:
> Still not solved in v3.4.2.
> It looks like I'm not the only one :
Jonathan McCardell
02:47 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
I notice that there is a plugin called 'DB Style Manager', which is designed only for PostGIS connection, not for geo... Steve Lowman
01:28 PM Bug report #21227 (Closed): Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name va...
We have a geopackage file with some layers and some styles for those layers, including default styles that display wh... Steve Lowman
02:42 PM Bug report #21229 (Open): File dialogs in FlatPak version of QGIS revert to default directory
File dialogs in the FlatPak version of QGIS always revert to a default directory and file type when they are opened. ... Frank Sokolic
02:08 PM Feature request #21228 (Open): Make it so styles saved for the layer in a geopackage equal styles...
It would make a more consistent user experience if the layers listed in the 'Style Manager' list of the Layer Styling... Steve Lowman
01:58 PM Revision 4be150c5 (qgis): Don't hard-code black and gray for layer tree items' text color
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:57 PM Revision f8f701c3 (qgis): [ui] Harmonize CAD panel by using toolbar (fixes hidpi et cie)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:51 AM Bug report #21201: [Attribute table] Range widget arrow value is set to -2 147 483 645
> Trying to change value of a postgres integer field in attribute table, I clicked on the up arrow, expecting to get ... Hugo Mercier
11:24 AM Revision 89bce696 (qgis): [ui] Harmonize CAD panel by using toolbar (fixes hidpi et cie)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:07 AM Bug report #21225: sql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature
In addition...
It seems to be a display problem of "open attribute table",
If you run a SQL query in DBManager (S...
09:19 AM Bug report #21225 (Open): sql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature
On a simple example
add a virtual layer with the functionality "Add/Edit a virtual layer" :
SELECT * FROM mylayer O...
10:28 AM Revision 8b8e6b81 (qgis): osgeo4w: run python scripts with python3 (fixes #20870)
(cherry picked from commit b6293f23c8c54602f668f980f50d76ef09271e8a) Jürgen Fischer
10:28 AM Revision 69e54150 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix b6293f23c8c (fixes #21210)
(cherry picked from commit eea4eda6a35f1a06f84f198249b51b169144c46f) Jürgen Fischer
10:23 AM Bug report #20941: QGIS crashes after trying to open any document local or from network
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Did you tried with a new/clean profile?
> Does it crashes on 2.18?
We fixed it just...
Stadt Labor
08:36 AM Bug report #21203: ']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian...
Thanks Andrea!
I can confirm that removing 'Zoom In' ('Configuración'->'Atajos de teclado...->'Acercar zoom' in Sp...
Javier Becerra Elcinto
08:10 AM Bug report #20957: crashes on opening
Thank you. The problem is solved after I deleted the folder. Shirley Zheng
07:12 AM Bug report #20910 (Closed): Check Boxes + Setting Flags in Python in Ubuntu
Alexander Bruy
06:06 AM Revision 89532575 (qgis): [ui] Harmonize the style dock warning label alignment by centering it
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:06 AM Revision e4feb322 (qgis): [ui] Harmonize the style dock warning label alignment by centering it
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:34 AM Revision cf687838 (qgis): [themes] Fix missing focus hint for slider widgets
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:34 AM Revision e41ff7b7 (qgis): [themes] Fix missing focus hint for slider widgets
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:29 AM Revision 6d0de1c0 (qgis): [themes] Fix style of line edit within combo box
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:28 AM Revision d1e5d6ef (qgis): [themes] Fix style of line edit within combo box
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:14 AM Revision 99a708eb (qgis): [themes] Properly style table/list view headers
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:14 AM Revision 06471885 (qgis): [themes] Properly style table/list view headers
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:06 AM Bug report #19720 (Closed): Qgis crash on save postgis layer
This was fixed in libspatialindex upstream Nyall Dawson
05:06 AM Bug report #19720 (Closed): Qgis crash on save postgis layer
This was fixed in libspatialindex upstream Nyall Dawson
05:05 AM Bug report #19891 (Closed): crash while georeferencing
Nyall Dawson
05:05 AM Bug report #19463 (Closed): crash rolling back edits
Nyall Dawson
05:03 AM Bug report #19266 (Closed): Crash when Open Attribute Table of a MSSQL layer
Nyall Dawson
05:03 AM Bug report #20042 (Closed): Crash during closing the program
Nyall Dawson
05:03 AM Bug report #20069 (Closed): Qgis Crashes while perform spatial query (difference)
Nyall Dawson
05:02 AM Bug report #20212 (Closed): QGIS Bonn 3.2 Crashing on exit
Nyall Dawson
05:02 AM Bug report #20343 (Closed): QGIS crashes on Windows when saving layer with thematic map to KML
Nyall Dawson
05:02 AM Bug report #20351 (Closed): crash
Nyall Dawson
05:01 AM Bug report #20348 (Closed): Join attributes by location crashing
Nyall Dawson
05:01 AM Bug report #20304 (Closed): QGIS crash
Nyall Dawson
04:26 AM Revision 81637a54 (qgis): [themes] Scroll bar handle can go MIA, add minimum width/height
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:26 AM Bug report #20355 (Closed): Crashed when nothing happens
Fixed in 3.4.4 Nyall Dawson
04:26 AM Bug report #20355 (Closed): Crashed when nothing happens
Fixed in 3.4.4 Nyall Dawson
04:25 AM Bug report #20369 (Closed): Crash on Zoom with compressed ESRI File GDB data
Nyall Dawson
04:25 AM Revision b080ab54 (qgis): [themes] Scroll bar handle can go MIA, add minimum width/height
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:25 AM Bug report #15578 (Closed): Pyqgis atlas crash on "render as HTML"
Nyall Dawson
04:25 AM Bug report #15814 (Closed): Crash in osgEarth::SpatialReference::getEllipsoid() when try to openi...
Nyall Dawson
04:22 AM Bug report #12498 (Closed): Python console crash QGIS if undocked while autocompletion active
Nyall Dawson
04:22 AM Bug report #18529 (Closed): Undo/Redo action in Layout causes QGIS crashing
Nyall Dawson
04:22 AM Bug report #18227 (Closed): GeoReferencer crash
Nyall Dawson
04:22 AM Bug report #18280 (Closed): Crash after removing temporary layer joined to s shapefile
Nyall Dawson
04:21 AM Bug report #18306 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes on start if network has proxy and ""Check QGIS version...
Nyall Dawson
04:21 AM Bug report #18394 (Closed): QGIS 3 crashes when Processing dragged out of main window and then dr...
Nyall Dawson
04:21 AM Bug report #18903 (Closed): QGIS Crashed
Nyall Dawson
04:20 AM Bug report #19323 (Closed): Qgis 3.0/3.2 crash when editing point geopackage layer.
Nyall Dawson
04:20 AM Bug report #19350 (Closed): MS SQL Layers causing crashes
Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19471 (Closed): Crash when start print layout
Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19478 (Closed): 3.2 Crash on OSX High Sierra when using XYZ layers
Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19526 (Closed): QGIS3 crashes on loading plugin manager
Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19618 (Closed): QGIS Crashed on clearing recent project
Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19619 (Closed): QGIS Crashed on reshaping line
This should be fixed in recent builds Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #19619 (Closed): QGIS Crashed on reshaping line
This should be fixed in recent builds Nyall Dawson
04:18 AM Bug report #19693 (Closed): Qgis crash working with temporary layers
Nyall Dawson
04:18 AM Bug report #19819 (Closed): QGIS crashes when I close the application
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Bug report #19873 (Closed): crash in layer properties
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Bug report #20041 (Closed): crash when handling bad layers
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Bug report #20052 (Closed): crash after drawing new polygon in vector layer
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Bug report #20062 (Closed): crash after opening attribute table
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Bug report #20161 (Closed): Crash after loading several spatial tables from Esri File GDB 10.6.0 ...
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Bug report #20192 (Closed): qgis 3.2 crashing when applying a changed rule based style on a geopa...
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Bug report #20217 (Closed): QGIS crashes while editing layer
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Bug report #20225 (Closed): QGIS crashes when layer rendering is aborted
Nyall Dawson
04:15 AM Bug report #20241 (Closed): Crashes on QGIS3 app quit, but also from python when creating ref usi...
Nyall Dawson
04:12 AM Bug report #20604 (Closed): QGIS crashed
Nyall Dawson
04:12 AM Bug report #20669 (Closed): crash qgis desktop modifying virtual layer connected on spatialite
Nyall Dawson
04:10 AM Bug report #21223 (Closed): QGis 3.4 crashed when I want to quit
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
04:10 AM Bug report #21223 (Closed): QGis 3.4 crashed when I want to quit
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
03:54 AM Bug report #21223 (Closed): QGis 3.4 crashed when I want to quit
h2. User Feedback
QGis Crashed when I want to quit !!
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 5ad41d6be94809f981e2ec9...
Pablo Romanazzi


12:28 AM Bug report #20917 (Closed): QGIS crashes using eVis plugin
Nyall Dawson
12:28 AM Bug report #20941 (Closed): QGIS crashes after trying to open any document local or from network
Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #20957 (Closed): crashes on opening
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Bug report #20998 (Closed): Adding grid crashes QGIS
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Bug report #20989 (Closed): QGIS crashes every time I click close
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Bug report #17114 (Closed): loading NetCDF files causing crash
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Bug report #17117 (Closed): Composer crashes with large number of raster images loaded
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Bug report #17169 (Closed): Changing grid options in print layout makes QGIS crash on subsequent ...
Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17740 (Closed): point displacement renderer crashes QGIS on Linux
Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17761 (Closed): Working with SVG marker in (outline) marker line crash QGIS
Fixed in 3.0 Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17761 (Closed): Working with SVG marker in (outline) marker line crash QGIS
Fixed in 3.0 Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17767 (Closed): Help About crashes 2.18.15
Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17859 (Closed): Qgis 2.18.15 still crashes when trying to use Gdal ReadAsArray() func...
Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #17909 (Closed): QGIS crash when counting features by value
Nyall Dawson
12:23 AM Bug report #18035 (Closed): QGIS crashes upon opening of layer labelling (etc.) panel
Nyall Dawson
12:23 AM Bug report #19985 (Closed): QGIS crashes when using the georeferencer
Nyall Dawson
12:23 AM Bug report #18068 (Closed): QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
Nyall Dawson
12:23 AM Bug report #18486 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 / 3.0 Crashes Zooming Layer from MS SQL database.
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Bug report #18763 (Closed): BUG round function crash
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Bug report #18928 (Closed): Qgis crashed after using geometry check
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Bug report #19185 (Closed): QGIS 2.14 (Essen) crashes when clicked on projection button
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Bug report #19682 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when digitizing
Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #21208 (Closed): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #21208 (Closed): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #21219 (Closed): Programme crashing
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #21219 (Closed): Programme crashing
Duplicate of #20283 Nyall Dawson
12:19 AM Bug report #17661 (Closed): Qgis and data crash on Mac
Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #21124 (Rejected): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
In that case this bug needs to be reported on the plugin's page - it can't be fixed in qgis itself. Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #21124 (Rejected): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
In that case this bug needs to be reported on the plugin's page - it can't be fixed in qgis itself. Nyall Dawson
12:12 AM Bug report #21188 (Feedback): Classify makes points invisible
I can't reproduce. Please post step-by-step instructions and/or sample data, or re-post the screencast. Nyall Dawson
12:11 AM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Lene - I can't watch that screencast. Can you share via dropbox or some other site which doesn't require Flash? Nyall Dawson
04:52 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
I have found the text 'All other values' in this Lene Fischer
04:38 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Yes the use of the button is to automatic detect all the unique values and classify them...
Manually classification ...
Lene Fischer
04:00 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
The issue occurs only, when you press the button "classify". Delete all the automatic classified categories and
Gerhard Spieles
10:59 PM Bug report #21211: Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid value (100, 1...
I am on Archlinux with a nvidia card.
opencl-headers 2:2.2.20170516-2
opencl-nvidia 415.27-1
It compiles fine ...
Johannes Kroeger
09:34 PM Bug report #21210 (Closed): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eea4eda6a35f1a06f84f198249b51b169144c46f. Jürgen Fischer
09:34 PM Bug report #21210 (Closed): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eea4eda6a35f1a06f84f198249b51b169144c46f. Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> I can confirm on Windows with master/3.4, but errors are a slightly different. 3.4 complains...
Jürgen Fischer
05:58 PM Bug report #21210 (Feedback): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Jürgen Fischer
05:46 PM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> 'gdal_merge.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Does @gdal_merge....
Jürgen Fischer
09:06 AM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
OSGeo4W ticket Alexander Bruy
09:31 PM Revision eea4eda6 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix b6293f23c8c (fixes #21210)
Jürgen Fischer
07:30 PM Bug report #20930: Master fails to build wit sip-4.19.14
Fixed here:
Also need to upgrade to ...
Chris Mayo
04:57 PM Revision af723c49 (qgis): osgeo4w: build with spatialindex 1.9
Jürgen Fischer
04:48 PM Revision 29d44964 (qgis): osgeo4w: build with spatialindex 1.9
Jürgen Fischer
04:45 PM Revision 28c03801 (qgis): osgeo4w: build with libspatialite 1.9
Jürgen Fischer
02:48 PM Feature request #21222 (Open): Completer in Value Relation widget should ignore accented characters
When using auto-completion with a language that uses accents on certain letters (French for example) no difference sh... didier peeters
10:00 AM Revision e6cce107 (qgis): Merge pull request #9139 from elpaso/bugfix-21176-spatialite-text-pk
Fix spatialite text PKs Alessandro Pasotti
09:59 AM Bug report #21176 (Closed): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite laye...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7f61dc495491752fd26c7f3bad56adc1f8950e3f. Alessandro Pasotti
09:59 AM Bug report #21176 (Closed): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite laye...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7f61dc495491752fd26c7f3bad56adc1f8950e3f. Alessandro Pasotti
09:09 AM Bug report #17197 (Closed): can't create pyramid if the geotiff file name has 2-byte characters
Alexander Bruy
09:08 AM Bug report #14855 (Closed): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain Anal...
Alexander Bruy
09:07 AM Bug report #19426 (Closed): QGIS 3 Database Styles Manager does not load default style nor recogn...
Alexander Bruy
06:38 AM Revision 3d12f834 (qgis): [geonode] more robust version string parsing (fix #21093, #21140)
(cherry picked from commit 440f8d4cbb655942f868dde9ab23b0cc5d69c3b2) Alexander Bruy


10:01 PM Bug report #21183: shp files in zip files files cannot be used in Processing with 3rd party provi...
> If the zip file itself is loaded when adding a layer, it can be used as an input for a SAGA algorithm
Not for a ...
Alister Hood
09:54 PM Bug report #14239: Renaming Spatialite tables in DB Manager makes them disappear!
You can rename the table back to the original name to restore the ability to view the features. Open the DB in a Sqli... Kent Stanton
04:20 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Video 3 and 4. Stafano Baccaro
04:19 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I had to create more videos to not exceed the allowed size (5MB):
1 - default view "table view" by opening the Attri...
Stafano Baccaro
03:48 PM Revision 385018da (qgis): Merge pull request #9143 from mhugent/3_4_itempolyline_end_arrow
Port of PR 9129 to 3.4 branch Marco Hugentobler
03:01 PM Bug report #21025: nodata value do not show in properties->information->bands->no-data
Just saw the request for test dataset, sorry for the late response. After the minor release last month, it works fine... Ivan Ivanov
11:50 AM Bug report #21025 (Closed): nodata value do not show in properties->information->bands->no-data
Alexander Bruy
02:21 PM Revision aa7e6240 (qgis): Add unittest for composer polyline with arrow
Marco Hugentobler
02:20 PM Revision c752d24e (qgis): Adapt unit test control images
Marco Hugentobler
02:20 PM Revision 5a3303c6 (qgis): Move end arrowhead by half arrow width. Fix for bug #21171
Marco Hugentobler
01:55 PM Feature request #21221 (Open): Layout Designer, Adding custom diagrams (e.g. Attribute Diagram) t...
It would be awesome if we can add custom diagrams such as Pies, Bars, Lines Areas to the layout print designer or if ... Haitham Shatti
01:44 PM Feature request #21220 (Open): Layout Designer, Ability to style (stroke, stroke-width and fill a...
1- In the Layout designer i can add shapes and nodes which is a very nice and handy feature, but when multi-selecting... Haitham Shatti
11:12 AM Bug report #21210 (Open): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Giovanni Manghi
11:12 AM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> So this is an osgeo4w packaging issue, right? Not qgis?
probably, but I'm afraid that at th...
Giovanni Manghi
11:02 AM Bug report #18082 (Closed): using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is ...
Testing today using both latest Osgeo4W and Arch Linux it seems to work!
I'm not sure what might have changed to fix...
Alister Hood
11:02 AM Bug report #18082 (Closed): using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is ...
Testing today using both latest Osgeo4W and Arch Linux it seems to work!
I'm not sure what might have changed to fix...
Alister Hood
11:01 AM Bug report #21219 (Closed): Programme crashing
h2. User Feedback
When I was closing the programme
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 5ad41d6be94809f981e2ec9b06...
T Mundkur
10:45 AM Bug report #21218 (Closed): After executing an SQL that might contain some error, DBManager shows...
While executing an SQL that may contain an error, when an error occurs, sometimes it shows an empty message instead o... Haitham Shatti
10:31 AM Bug report #21217 (Closed): Attribute Table - [Move Selection to top] doesn't apply on current se...
When [Move selection to top] toggle is [off] and i have some selected rows, Toggling it on won't apply on the current... Haitham Shatti
09:44 AM Bug report #21216 (Open): [print layout] resizing layout to content, when there is no item
When I have a blank layout, IMO, resizing layout to items should do nothing (similar to Inkscape).
Saber Razmjooei
09:39 AM Bug report #21215 (Open): [print layout] Item properties for page is hidden when layout is created
When I create a new print layout, Item Properties for the page is blank (image_001.png). Then I click on the page (wh... Saber Razmjooei
09:38 AM Revision c327dec6 (qgis): [themes] Properly style widget focus
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:37 AM Revision 977d778d (qgis): [ui] Move property override button css to default style sheet
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:36 AM Revision 3ae5038d (qgis): [themes] Properly style widget focus
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:36 AM Revision bf5b3f03 (qgis): [ui] Move property override button css to default style sheet
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:31 AM Bug report #21214 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 asks "Do you want to save the current project?" **immediatel...
Affected Platform:
Windows 10 64-bit v1809
QGIS 3.4.4 64-bit
The v3.5 weekly is also affected.
Perhaps my ver...
sand thorn
07:04 AM Revision 6bbc92cf (qgis): [themes] Fix background color issue within group boxes
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:03 AM Revision bfbb75ae (qgis): [themes] Fix background color issue within group boxes
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:16 AM Revision 5790e121 (qgis): [ui] Enable autoraise state for attribute table form/table view buttons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:16 AM Revision 437e4e28 (qgis): [ui] Enable autoraise state for attribute table form/table view buttons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:14 AM Revision 8a163526 (qgis): [themes] Properly size width of icon-only labeling/mesh tab bar
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:13 AM Revision 7c50ed9b (qgis): [themes] Properly size width of icon-only labeling/mesh tab bar
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:18 AM Bug report #21213 (Closed): Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
In 2.18.x and prior, if you copied a line that was a circle and then pasted it into a polygon layer, you would get a ... Cory Albrecht
02:03 AM Bug report #21212 (Open): Close and Restore buttons in panel windows look "too bold"
In QGIS master 3.5 7f3640d8a1 (on Windows 7 64 bit), using "Windows" or "windowsvista" application style, the "Close"... Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:37 AM Bug report #21203: ']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian...
Javier Becerra Elcinto wrote:
> Running QGis 3.4.4, in a Windows 8.1 setup in Spanish, with Spanish es-es keyboard
Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:37 AM Bug report #21203: ']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian...
Javier Becerra Elcinto wrote:
> Running QGis 3.4.4, in a Windows 8.1 setup in Spanish, with Spanish es-es keyboard
Andrea Giudiceandrea


10:27 PM Revision 78a6b4ff (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision d741c73d (qgis): Dropping a file onto a file widget in directory mode should set the widget
to the folder containing that file, not reject the event entirely Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 2857f585 (qgis): File widget should also accept drops from browser
Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision ceaf97b2 (qgis): Remove a totally unused enum
Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 324fb405 (qgis): QgsFileWidget should also accept dropped plain text paths
Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 8ad2d729 (qgis): More unit tests
Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 35ddb3b6 (qgis): [browser] Provide mime data for directory items
Allows them to be dragged and dropped to file widgets Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 48e05434 (qgis): Dox++
Nyall Dawson
10:26 PM Revision 3736fc07 (qgis): Fix sqlite double free
Alessandro Pasotti
09:47 PM Bug report #21211 (Feedback): Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid va...
Did you install the ICD ocl-icd-opencl-dev package ?
The 220/200 complaint message is not an error but a warning (...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:38 PM Bug report #21211 (Rejected): Build errors due to "CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION is not a valid va...
... Johannes Kroeger
09:36 PM Bug report #16434 (Closed): Can't split features in GeoPackage layer
Nyall Dawson
11:49 AM Bug report #16434 (Feedback): Can't split features in GeoPackage layer
> in actual master 2.99 this bug is gone, because the autodetection of the primary key works well.
With 2.18 no lo...
Harrissou Santanna
11:49 AM Bug report #16434 (Feedback): Can't split features in GeoPackage layer
> in actual master 2.99 this bug is gone, because the autodetection of the primary key works well.
With 2.18 no lo...
Harrissou Santanna
09:33 PM Bug report #21210 (Feedback): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
So this is an osgeo4w packaging issue, right? Not qgis? Nyall Dawson
04:11 PM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> I can confirm on Windows with master/3.4, but errors are a slightly different. 3.4 complains...
Giovanni Manghi
04:00 PM Bug report #21210: GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
I can confirm on Windows with master/3.4, but errors are a slightly different. 3.4 complains about missed gdal_merge.... Alexander Bruy
03:45 PM Bug report #21210 (Closed): GDAL python tools are broken in QGIS 3.4.4/master
for example gdal_merge
GDAL command:
cmd.exe /C gdal_merge.bat -ot Float32 -of GTiff -o C:/Users/qgis/AppData/L...
Giovanni Manghi
09:24 PM Revision a1d8d9ae (qgis): Fix invalid data source message is always shown after dragging and drop...
vector layers to QGIS window Nyall Dawson
09:24 PM Revision 73fa58a5 (qgis): Fix more incorrect 'invalid data source' errors when loading mesh layers
Nyall Dawson
09:24 PM Revision 9b6367fc (qgis): [processing] Simplify algorithm should not run validity checks on geome...
Simplify (by its intrinsic nature) can output invalid geometries,
and its processing is not affected by the presence ...
Nyall Dawson
09:23 PM Revision 061882d9 (qgis): [processing] Port file widget wrapper to new c++ API
Nyall Dawson
07:30 PM Bug report #21197 (Closed): PostGIS keepalives
Just noticed the recent and much more thorough report #20170
Spencer Gardner
07:25 PM Revision ce7b8e26 (qgis): Update tests/src/python/
Alessandro Pasotti
06:52 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I will try to do the screecast, but in the meantime, another thing I noticed is the following:
if set as default vie...
Stafano Baccaro
06:39 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Stafano Baccaro wrote:
> I created a new profile and actually the plugins installed by me in the default one do not ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:38 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I created a new profile and actually the plugins installed by me in the default one do not appear.
Unfortunately, th...
Stafano Baccaro
05:56 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
Stafano Baccaro wrote:
> with:
> "new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)"
> you means a ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:55 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
"new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)"
you means a fresh installation of QGIS witho...
Stafano Baccaro
06:03 PM Bug report #21208 (Feedback): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Please try 3.4.4, with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
Also change subject and description t...
Giovanni Manghi
06:03 PM Bug report #21208 (Feedback): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Please try 3.4.4, with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
Also change subject and description t...
Giovanni Manghi
06:03 PM Bug report #21208 (Feedback): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Please try 3.4.4, with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
Also change subject and description t...
Giovanni Manghi
02:49 PM Bug report #21208 (Closed): Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63

Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
QgsCoordinateTransform::transformPolygon :
Ivano Giuliano
05:50 PM Bug report #21176 (In Progress): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite ...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
05:50 PM Bug report #21176 (In Progress): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite ...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
05:50 PM Bug report #21176 (In Progress): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite ...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
05:49 PM Revision 2dd55073 (qgis): Modernize code FOREACH -> range for
Alessandro Pasotti
05:49 PM Revision 7f61dc49 (qgis): Fix spatialite text pks and other issues
... also fixes the geometry information query
when spatialite version is >= 4
Fixes #21176
With tests
Alessandro Pasotti
05:19 PM Revision 4eaae77a (qgis): Merge pull request #9129 from mhugent/itempolyline_end_arrow
Move end arrowhead by half arrow width Marco Hugentobler
05:19 PM Bug report #21171 (Closed): Arrow line goes beyond arrowhead in map composer
Fixed in master branch ( Change will be backported to 3.4 branch Marco Hugentobler
04:23 PM Revision 14e51766 (qgis): Add unittest for composer polyline with arrow
Marco Hugentobler
02:59 PM Feature request #21209 (Open): Random marker position for marker line style
For a marker style in QGIS, for the marker position, we have the choice between :
* interval
* vertex
* lastvertex...
Julien Monticolo
02:50 PM Feature request #21179: QR code generator for print layout
As workaround, if you have internet connection, you can create a custom function :... Julien Monticolo
02:08 PM Bug report #21085 (Closed): Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
Fixed in GDAL master per and in releas... Even Rouault
02:08 PM Bug report #21085 (Closed): Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
Fixed in GDAL master per and in releas... Even Rouault
02:02 PM Feature request #21207 (Open): Include a script to launch command line with current Python instal...
On Windows, QGis ships with a python-qgis.bat batch file (located in bin folder) which can be used to launch the pyth... Javier Becerra Elcinto
02:01 PM Feature request #21206: Consistent layer naming between Export > Save Features As to geopackage a...
Just to add for information, I have been working in QGIS 3.4.2 so far, and I think this request is really for a corre... Steve Lowman
01:58 PM Feature request #21206 (Open): Consistent layer naming between Export > Save Features As to geopa...
Case 1: When you Export > Save Features As from an existing layer into a geopackage layer and check the Add to layers... Steve Lowman
02:01 PM Bug report #21195 (Closed):'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called ext...
Giovanni Manghi
01:52 PM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
Yes, this particular question has been solved.
I do think it makes sense to have processing/qgis warn users when t...
Christoph Nolte
12:14 PM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
Christoph Nolte wrote:
line with this one solved the issue:
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 AM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I actually did set the PrefixPath incorrectly. I guess I anticipate... Christoph Nolte
02:00 PM Bug report #21204 (Feedback): Crash on copying shapefile by dragging into geopackage in QGIS Browser
Please try QGIS 3.4.4 on a clean/new profile. If the crash persist then attach sample data/project. Giovanni Manghi
02:00 PM Bug report #21204 (Feedback): Crash on copying shapefile by dragging into geopackage in QGIS Browser
Please try QGIS 3.4.4 on a clean/new profile. If the crash persist then attach sample data/project. Giovanni Manghi
01:28 PM Bug report #21204 (Closed): Crash on copying shapefile by dragging into geopackage in QGIS Browser
Sorry, I don't know how one is supposed to input the copied crash report here, but here it is anyway:
h2. User Fee...
Steve Lowman
01:57 PM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
Thanks also from me ;) Giovanni Allegri
01:53 PM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Applied in changeset commit:qgis|440f8d4cbb655942f868dde9ab23b0cc5d69c3b2.
Thanks very mu...
Tim Sutton
06:43 AM Bug report #21093 (Closed): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|440f8d4cbb655942f868dde9ab23b0cc5d69c3b2. Alexander Bruy
06:43 AM Bug report #21093 (Closed): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|440f8d4cbb655942f868dde9ab23b0cc5d69c3b2. Alexander Bruy
01:55 PM Bug report #21202: Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
Thanks. I'll do it Antonio Consoli
01:14 PM Bug report #21202 (Closed): Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
Antonio Consoli wrote:
> QGIS crashes during import or export with QField Sync plugin. QField works without any prob...
Giovanni Manghi
01:14 PM Bug report #21202 (Closed): Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
Antonio Consoli wrote:
> QGIS crashes during import or export with QField Sync plugin. QField works without any prob...
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 PM Bug report #21202: Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
QGIS crashes during import or export with QField Sync plugin. QField works without any proble infact I reached to col... Antonio Consoli
01:00 PM Bug report #21202 (Feedback): Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
Is QGIS crashing or QField?If is QGIS does it crash when using the QField Sync plugin? Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #21202 (Closed): Qgis crashes in qfield synchronization
h2. User Feedback
- In export fase I create portable project with one spatialite and one geopackage offline. Qgis ...
Antonio Consoli
01:40 PM Bug report #21205 (Open): no base mapping
When I 1st started with QGIS 3.4.4 I added google maps/ satellite/ relief and they worked for 2 days but now I can't ... Edward Stevenson
01:24 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Yes, vector lines.
Here is the dataset. 4 Gb zipped.
Alexey T
12:12 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
Alexey T wrote:
> It is 8 Gb of DEM data in shapefiles. Snapping should be enabled. When you try to edit it, QGIS in...
Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Feature request #21164: Find unmaintained plugins
Could someone delete this issue here?
Thomas Baumann
12:28 PM Feature request #21164: Find unmaintained plugins
An alternative, as mentioned in the mailing list, would be to open a QEP Paolo Cavallini
12:11 PM Feature request #21164: Find unmaintained plugins
Thomas Baumann wrote:
> Feb 02, 2019; 8:30am Re: Find unmaintained plugins
> pcav
> In reply to this post ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 PM Revision e6f148e5 (qgis): [vertex tool] do not clear selection of vertices after a move
The list of selected vertices was getting prematurely cleared.
Also had to remove a piece of code to select some ver...
Martin Dobias
01:15 PM Revision b7138b17 (qgis): Fix tests
Martin Dobias
01:15 PM Revision 941ec4cf (qgis): [vertex tool] add new vertex without moving it (shift+double click)
Obviously this is something that some people find useful, but because
it is not so common it uses shift modifier.
Martin Dobias
01:07 PM Bug report #21199 (Feedback): Projection change during Vector - Create Grid causes crash
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #21199 (Feedback): Projection change during Vector - Create Grid causes crash
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #21199 (Feedback): Projection change during Vector - Create Grid causes crash
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #21199 (Closed): Projection change during Vector - Create Grid causes crash
Creating a grid in a different projection than the project CRS
Opened project properties, changed project CRS to mat...
Nigel Luckman
12:55 PM Bug report #21203 (Open): ']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or ...
Running QGis 3.4.4, in a Windows 8.1 setup in Spanish, with Spanish es-es keyboard (Qwerty with '[' being alt-gr+'`' ... Javier Becerra Elcinto
12:49 PM Bug report #21160: Protocol - two by geojson
See: for geojsonseq examples or to test Richard Duivenvoorde
11:09 AM Bug report #21160: Protocol - two by geojson
I had a look, and it seems that there is a 'newer' geojson format provided by OGR:
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:09 AM Bug report #21160: Protocol - two by geojson
I had a look, and it seems that there is a 'newer' geojson format provided by OGR:
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:09 AM Bug report #21160: Protocol - two by geojson
I had a look, and it seems that there is a 'newer' geojson format provided by OGR:
Richard Duivenvoorde
12:47 PM Revision 471734a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9111 from SIRS-CLS/sirs_db_manager
Fix bug comment on postgres and others management Alessandro Pasotti
12:13 PM Bug report #21198 (Feedback): Batch processing progress bar never completes
regardless of the input used? Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #21198 (Open): Batch processing progress bar never completes
running batch processes for reprojections with gdalwarp
rasters are reprojected, but the batch process doesn't compl...
Nigel Luckman
12:08 PM Bug report #17944 (Closed): Compute Histogram will reset max value of band 1 to 0
Giovanni Manghi
08:31 AM Bug report #17944: Compute Histogram will reset max value of band 1 to 0
I can confirm that the bug no longer exists in QGIS 3.4. Thank you. Joaquim Rosa
11:40 AM Bug report #16497 (Feedback): Checkboxes not placed in collapsible group box
Can you please check whether this issue is still in 3.4? Thanks Harrissou Santanna
11:32 AM Bug report #20516: Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
As far as I can see, the PR is not yet merged Harrissou Santanna
11:20 AM Bug report #21201 (Open): [Attribute table] Range widget arrow value is set to -2 147 483 645
Trying to change value of a postgres integer field in attribute table, I clicked on the up arrow, expecting to get 0 ... Harrissou Santanna
11:18 AM Revision d3311438 (qgis): Removing print
11:01 AM Revision db4db598 (qgis): Fix travis
10:56 AM Revision a321d408 (qgis): Adapt unit test control images
Marco Hugentobler
10:53 AM Bug report #21200 (Open): installation differences if you change the installation directory of QG...
If we keep the default installation directory, in the start menu we have the shortcuts: GRASS GIS 7.4.4 and QGIS desk... Alain FERRATON
10:45 AM Revision db06040b (qgis): Change != True to not + getComment and commentTable on main file if not...
10:10 AM Revision e6b8523f (qgis): Merge pull request #9125 from m-kuhn/backport-wmts-getcapabilities-compat
Append ? to WMTS GetCapabilities Matthias Kuhn
10:00 AM Revision 7e106ef4 (qgis): [processing] Ensure that distance inputs become expression variables fo...
Nyall Dawson
09:53 AM Revision f22f182b (qgis): [processing] Buffer algorithm should always export multipolygon layers
We can never predict when a buffer will create a multipolygon output
(e.g. for negative buffer sizes), so ALWAYS expo...
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Bug report #21191 (Closed): QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer (...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f22f182bcfd7b7f5b5d8f782f3df08ee9d705115. Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Bug report #21191 (Closed): QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer (...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f22f182bcfd7b7f5b5d8f782f3df08ee9d705115. Nyall Dawson
07:28 AM Bug report #21191 (In Progress): QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointla...
Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Revision a2d85ada (qgis): removed default and managed UserDefinedEnhancement as not implemented
Luigi Pirelli
09:45 AM Revision 2712fc80 (qgis): better English formed message
Co-Authored-By: luipir <[email protected]> Nyall Dawson
08:46 AM Bug report #21172 (Rejected): GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project

See "WITH_GEOMETRY" Add geometry to the output
Alessandro Pasotti
08:46 AM Bug report #21172 (Rejected): GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project

See "WITH_GEOMETRY" Add geometry to the output
Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Revision 9741515f (qgis): Replace db.connector/self + is None
08:02 AM Revision 09407c12 (qgis): Merge pull request #9128 from m-kuhn/todo-qgis-4
Move QGIS 3 todos to QGIS 4 Matthias Kuhn
06:44 AM Revision 440f8d4c (qgis): [geonode] more robust version string parsing (fix #21093, #21140)
Alexander Bruy
06:42 AM Revision f285d91c (qgis): [Tests] Add LIKE with underscore (_) as partially uncompiled expression...
René-Luc ReLuc
06:42 AM Revision 4b60a1e3 (qgis): [Tests] Add LIKE underscore (_) test to feature source test base
René-Luc ReLuc
06:42 AM Revision 094620bc (qgis): [Bugfix][Oracle] Add ESCAPE when compiling LIKE
The oracle SQL documentation specifies that *there is no default escape character* and *the escape character, if spec... René-Luc ReLuc
06:13 AM Revision 36995293 (qgis): [themes] Harmonize padding of combobox widgets
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:12 AM Revision fc6695ab (qgis): [themes] Harmonize padding of combobox widgets
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:06 AM Revision e57ed173 (qgis): [themes] Add padding for icons in combo box's drop down lists
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:05 AM Revision 669d72aa (qgis): [themes] Add padding for icons in combo box's drop down lists
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:55 AM Revision 6aeaa239 (qgis): [themes] Properly style editable combobox in disabled state
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:54 AM Revision 5fc0726b (qgis): [themes] Properly style editable combobox in disabled state
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:53 AM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
This is going into the right direction. The QgsVectorLayer isn't valid. However, the filepath is valid (exists). The ... Christoph Nolte
11:36 PM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
I would double check that layers can be read correctly - you may be missing environment setups.
Try adding:
Nyall Dawson
05:17 PM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
I usually run this in Jupyter, but I just ran it in the Python shell. The only console outputs I get are "True" after... Christoph Nolte
04:56 AM Bug report #21195 (Feedback):'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called e...
Do you get any console output when running your script? Nyall Dawson
03:41 AM Bug report #21195:'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called externally (...
Apologies - seems I didn't get the formatting right the first time. Here's how my code looks like:... Christoph Nolte
03:31 AM Bug report #21195 (Closed):'native:clip') creates empty shapefile when called ext...
The QGIS 3.4.4. Python bindings don't seem to work as expected in my Anaconda environment on OSX.
Specifically 'n...
Christoph Nolte
12:46 AM Bug report #21197: PostGIS keepalives
Meant to link the old bug report #1810
Spencer Gardner
12:45 AM Bug report #21197 (Closed): PostGIS keepalives
I've noticed if I leave my map for a while and come back to it that my PostGIS connections appear to be dropped and I... Spencer Gardner
12:30 AM Revision eb8e36c2 (qgis): fix substr help (fixes #21192)
(cherry picked from commit 2bed7ab0018696dba76d2c8053d22633a271486e) Jürgen Fischer
12:30 AM Revision b79e9e66 (qgis): Don't add extra linebreak in print composer tables
Check if remaining text is short enough to go in one line. Fixes #20546
(cherry picked from commit a774499b95177d764...
Marco Hugentobler
12:30 AM Revision 2979a8f7 (qgis): [processing] Fix evaluation of linked parameters in batch mode
e.g. missing fields after selecting a layer parameter
(cherry picked from commit 7f3640d8a1a84e7562a8ab78a759f556357...
Nyall Dawson
12:30 AM Revision 9ea7f1ef (qgis): Correct crash when read from ogr file in thread (QgsProcessing for inst...
fixes #20581
(cherry picked from commit e948120b7bf42b26eed432c2e2e0b43272c3b8fe)
Julien Cabieces
12:30 AM Revision a249e28c (qgis): qgsRound: places should be of integer type instead of double
(cherry picked from commit b4d01e461f16bd55e36510c194f80746f0f0376b) Loïc BARTOLETTI
12:24 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Wait for the next nightly build - the current might still be built with the previous HDF...
Pedro Venâncio
11:38 PM Bug report #20639 (Closed): Custom page size in print layout not working
Also worth noting that the correct way to set the actual size for the layout page is to right-click the page and sele... Nyall Dawson
11:38 PM Bug report #20639 (Closed): Custom page size in print layout not working
Also worth noting that the correct way to set the actual size for the layout page is to right-click the page and sele... Nyall Dawson
11:45 AM Bug report #20639 (Feedback): Custom page size in print layout not working
Giovanni Manghi
11:44 AM Bug report #20639: Custom page size in print layout not working
This is the behaviour that comes with QPageSetupDialog and it is the same also in other applications using QPageSetup... Marco Hugentobler
10:19 PM Bug report #20828: Unable to save project / auxiliary storage
Hi, I'm getting this issue as well. I just started using a new computer and QGIS 3.4.4. I try to open a project I've ... Maxine Létourneau
11:39 AM Bug report #20828: Unable to save project / auxiliary storage
Alister Hood wrote:
> What "feedback" is required on this ticket?
to know if the issuer still has the issue on th...
Giovanni Manghi
09:37 PM Feature request #21164: Find unmaintained plugins
Feb 02, 2019; 8:30am Re: Find unmaintained plugins
In reply to this post by Thomas_Baumann
Thanks for y...
Thomas Baumann
11:31 AM Feature request #21164 (Closed): Find unmaintained plugins
This tracker is to be used for bugs and feature requests related to the QGIS applicatiion. Giovanni Manghi
11:31 AM Feature request #21164 (Closed): Find unmaintained plugins
This tracker is to be used for bugs and feature requests related to the QGIS applicatiion. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 PM Bug report #21085: Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
The issue is that in recent GDAL version we have switched to a streaming reader for GeoJSON, which enables to sequent... Even Rouault
08:38 PM Revision 7f3640d8 (qgis): [processing] Fix evaluation of linked parameters in batch mode
e.g. missing fields after selecting a layer parameter Nyall Dawson
08:06 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
Tried on a completely clean installation of 3.4.4 on a completely clean Ubuntu 18.04 installation, fail (but other GR... Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
Tried on a completely clean installation of 3.4.4 on a completely clean Ubuntu 18.04 installation, fail (but other GR... Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
btw it does not seems the same error reported Luigi Pirelli
01:06 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
... Luigi Pirelli
01:05 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
nor with 3.4.4 Luigi Pirelli
01:02 PM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
do not work on win(OSGeo4W) with ES localization
Tested with master
Luigi Pirelli
10:54 AM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux

Not only r.resamp.rst does not work.
Every GRASS algorithm in the toolbox aborts with this error message under q...
Claas Leiner
06:45 PM Revision 68c541b9 (qgis): Update
05:34 PM Revision 8834ec78 (qgis): [WFS provider] Correctly compute layer extent when zooming out layer (f...
Even Rouault
05:32 PM Revision 2341fa86 (qgis): Merge pull request #9118 from rouault/fix_20742
Correctly compute layer extent when zooming out layer [WFS provider] Even Rouault
05:32 PM Bug report #20742 (Closed): Zoom to Layer does not respond to filtered WFS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32d902874a7115660ee3be3ee3f531e06cdac3fc. Even Rouault
05:32 PM Bug report #20742 (Closed): Zoom to Layer does not respond to filtered WFS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32d902874a7115660ee3be3ee3f531e06cdac3fc. Even Rouault
05:29 PM Revision 8ed79716 (qgis): Another fix try
05:21 PM Bug report #21189: Indexing data takes a very long time
It is 8 Gb of DEM data in shapefiles. Snapping should be enabled. When you try to edit it, QGIS indexes it and consum... Alexey T
12:21 PM Bug report #21189 (Feedback): Indexing data takes a very long time
can you attach a sample project with data? Giovanni Manghi
05:08 PM Bug report #21177 (Open): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi
05:07 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem persist.
i have set 32198 on my...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
05:07 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem persist.
i have set 32198 on my...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
05:07 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem persist.
i have set 32198 on my...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
05:07 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem persist.
i have set 32198 on my...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
11:53 AM Bug report #21177 (Feedback): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Please try 3.4.4 and also attach your dwg if the problem persist. Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Revision 832eb401 (qgis): Another fix try
04:44 PM Revision f27ecab6 (qgis): Fix travis
03:35 PM Revision e9e9fd32 (qgis): Fixing travis layout
03:27 PM Bug report #21171: Arrow line goes beyond arrowhead in map composer
QGIS 2.18 was moving the end arrow by half the arrow width. It seems to me we can just use this solution for QGIS3 to... Marco Hugentobler
03:22 PM Revision 89571f7e (qgis): Move end arrowhead by half arrow width. Fix for bug #21171
Marco Hugentobler
02:41 PM Revision 20d85288 (qgis): Merge pull request #9127 from m-kuhn/spellcheck-multi-thread
Consistently use multi thread instead of multithread Matthias Kuhn
02:36 PM Revision 2fb37042 (qgis): Fix TODO and docstrings
Matthias Kuhn
01:48 PM Bug report #20633: QgsVectorLayer from spatialite featureid problem
I have the code:
> self.uri = QgsDataSourceUri()
> self.uri.setDatabase(self.dbpath)
> uri.setDataSource('', 'ob...
Henrik Spångmyr
01:36 PM Revision 98ec3236 (qgis): Merge pull request #9065 from alexbruy/fix-paste
fix pasting features into vector layer from clipboard (fix #21154) Matthias Kuhn
01:36 PM Bug report #21154 (Closed): Error copying records between tables
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b38b39cb43bffa80687a4742c3d7ef0f390eaeed. Alexander Bruy
01:36 PM Bug report #21154 (Closed): Error copying records between tables
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b38b39cb43bffa80687a4742c3d7ef0f390eaeed. Alexander Bruy
01:32 PM Bug report #20356: QGIS 3.4 crashes right after opening a windows explorer file picker window
Josh Rosenthal wrote:
> Confirmed, followed the #19962 debugging steps. I used ShellExView to view and disable all ...
Felipe Souza
01:27 PM Feature request #21196 (Open): better message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtu...
Giovanni Manghi
12:57 PM Feature request #21196: better message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtual layers
12:16 PM Feature request #21196: better message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtual layers
Alain FERRATON wrote:
> Indeed. update on views in a database requires triggers or rules.
> A more explicit message...
Giovanni Manghi
12:15 PM Feature request #21196: better message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtual layers
Indeed. update on views in a database requires triggers or rules.
A more explicit message for users would be appreci...
11:24 AM Feature request #21196 (Feedback): better message when trying to do not permitted operations on v...
to me this is no bug: virtual layers are like standard database views, are read only. Giovanni Manghi
08:27 AM Feature request #21196 (Open): better message when trying to do not permitted operations on virtu...
It seems that a simple request like
update mytable set myfield='toto' where id='1''.
does not work with virtual lay...
01:26 PM Bug report #19170 (Closed): Attribute values changed when deleting adjacent features in table
Beau Cripps wrote:
> Issue still occurring. Tested with postgre 10.6, postgis 2.5.1, Qgis 3.4.4-Madeira using DB Ma...
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 PM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
Same problem with invisbility in polygon layers.
The problem occurs with shape format.
Same layer in spatialite has...
Gerhard Spieles
12:33 PM Bug report #21188 (Open): Classify makes points invisible
Confirmed regression in master. Giovanni Manghi
12:33 PM Bug report #21188 (Open): Classify makes points invisible
Confirmed regression in master. Giovanni Manghi
12:33 PM Bug report #21188 (Open): Classify makes points invisible
Confirmed regression in master. Giovanni Manghi
11:58 AM Bug report #21188: Classify makes points invisible
I have made a small video to visualize :-)
Lene Fischer
11:50 AM Bug report #21188 (Feedback): Classify makes points invisible
I cannot replicate, but maybe I also do not understand the necessary steps to replicate.
What is the field you use...
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 PM Revision 277d4fef (qgis): Fixing travis test
12:43 PM Bug report #19378: QGis 3.2 Unable to browse for missing files in Handle Bad Layers dialogue
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> This was fixed in a 3.2 point release and 3.4.0
Still not working for me in 3.4.4, 'Browse'...
Dan Isaacs
12:23 PM Bug report #21194 (Feedback): Crash when using Zoom to Group
Was this a one time thing or is 100% replicable?
Have you tried with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
Giovanni Manghi
12:23 PM Bug report #21194 (Feedback): Crash when using Zoom to Group
Was this a one time thing or is 100% replicable?
Have you tried with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
Giovanni Manghi
12:23 PM Bug report #21194 (Feedback): Crash when using Zoom to Group
Was this a one time thing or is 100% replicable?
Have you tried with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins ins...
Giovanni Manghi
03:12 AM Bug report #21194 (Closed): Crash when using Zoom to Group
h2. User Feedback
This occurred when I used the "Zoom to Group" right click option.
h2. Report Details
Bill Syme
12:22 PM Bug report #21191: QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer (with diss...
Tagging as high as the results are invalid. Giovanni Manghi
12:15 PM Bug report #21191: QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer (with diss...
Confirmed also on Linux. Giovanni Manghi
12:07 PM Bug report #21178: QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print layout
confirmed here also on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
12:07 PM Bug report #21178: QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print layout
confirmed here also on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
12:07 PM Bug report #21178: QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print layout
confirmed here also on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
11:54 AM Revision dfa1680a (qgis): [vertex tool] "current layer" mode default + locked feature improvements
When a feature is locked:
- vertex tool will not highlight other features
- vertex tool will not allow selection of v...
Martin Dobias
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #21170 (Feedback): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Wrong tracker.
There is no such thing as QGIS 7.5 (did you meant 3.5?)
What are the necessary steps to replicat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:41 AM Bug report #20801: GetFeatureInfo response empty for child relation table in QGIS Server 3
ok, i opened this issue for a customer and unfortunately the mission is over and i have no more access to the infrast... damien despres
11:35 AM Bug report #20801: GetFeatureInfo response empty for child relation table in QGIS Server 3
Hi Damien, in fact I was waiting for **yours** feedback, please test the latest releases and re-open this issue if yo... Alessandro Pasotti
11:15 AM Bug report #20801: GetFeatureInfo response empty for child relation table in QGIS Server 3
thanks a lot for your feedback. it's great if it is now working in current release damien despres
11:11 AM Bug report #20801 (Closed): GetFeatureInfo response empty for child relation table in QGIS Server 3
Alessandro Pasotti
11:37 AM Bug report #18628: QGIS 3: vertex editor highlights features in non-visible layers
Cory Albrecht wrote:
> Carolyn Krause wrote:
> > This issue is resolved in QGIS 3.4. Non-visible layers are no long...
Giovanni Manghi
11:36 AM Bug report #21175 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I cannot confirm the issue here, please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
11:36 AM Bug report #21175 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I cannot confirm the issue here, please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
11:33 AM Feature request #21166: attribute table: show first 100 entries only
agree this is long standing feature that many users miss a lot (especially the ones that need to work with large/serv... Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #18176 (Feedback): Plugin MetaSearch crashed
Giovanni Manghi
11:27 AM Bug report #18893 (Feedback): Error when trying to search New Zealand (LINZ Data Service) CSW
Giovanni Manghi
11:26 AM Bug report #21183: shp files in zip files files cannot be used in Processing with 3rd party provi...
this seems a regression (I think is ok on 2.18). Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Revision 2bed7ab0 (qgis): fix substr help (fixes #21192)
Jürgen Fischer
11:17 AM Bug report #21192 (Closed): substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2bed7ab0018696dba76d2c8053d22633a271486e. Jürgen Fischer
11:17 AM Bug report #21192 (Closed): substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2bed7ab0018696dba76d2c8053d22633a271486e. Jürgen Fischer
11:17 AM Bug report #21192: substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Mmm, strange. So the last example I cannot reproduce here either.
> But my point ...
Jürgen Fischer
10:08 AM Bug report #21192: substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Mmm, strange. So the last example I cannot reproduce here either.
But my point that it is not clear if it is zero ...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:05 AM Bug report #21192 (Feedback): substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Jürgen Fischer
01:05 AM Bug report #21192: substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Not reproducable here: ... Jürgen Fischer
11:08 AM Revision a774499b (qgis): Don't add extra linebreak in print composer tables
Check if remaining text is short enough to go in one line. Fixes #20546 Marco Hugentobler
11:07 AM Bug report #20546 (Closed): Print composer tables add a line break to the last word with fixed co...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a774499b95177d7645bc84e4c5243fa7f2f0e530. Marco Hugentobler
11:07 AM Bug report #20546 (Closed): Print composer tables add a line break to the last word with fixed co...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a774499b95177d7645bc84e4c5243fa7f2f0e530. Marco Hugentobler
10:16 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
Heh, seems I got so so close to a workaround earlier :D
Hamish Campb...
Hamish Campbell
09:56 AM Revision 63c010db (qgis): Fix create and delete comment from tableProperties
09:10 AM Revision 81defcc1 (qgis): Update tests/src/python/
Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
09:10 AM Revision 90f7989f (qgis): Move QGIS 3 todos to QGIS 4
Matthias Kuhn
09:07 AM Revision 32b6599d (qgis): Merge pull request #9074 from m-kuhn/til
Deprecate QgsGeometry::set for usage in Python Matthias Kuhn
09:02 AM Revision 788e2cf9 (qgis): Consistently use multi thread instead of multithread
Matthias Kuhn
08:35 AM Revision 5e1d6d57 (qgis): Revert "remove 'multithreading is not supp in server text'"
This reverts commit 6c1036c5c0634a0381b17b03472ab012faefec58. Alessandro Pasotti
08:34 AM Revision a140a4a2 (qgis): Append ? to WMTS GetCapabilities
This makes WMTS behave equal to the WMS implementation which already appends a ? in case there is no query string sup... Matthias Kuhn
07:51 AM Bug report #19828: GetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "display expressi...
You can replicate now even with the qgz project (getCapabilities not working on it though) so please let me know if t... Tudor Bărăscu
07:19 AM Revision 6c1036c5 (qgis): remove 'multithreading is not supp in server text'
Tudor Bărăscu
07:00 AM Revision b4d01e46 (qgis): qgsRound: places should be of integer type instead of double
06:58 AM Revision e948120b (qgis): Correct crash when read from ogr file in thread (QgsProcessing for inst...
fixes #20581 Julien Cabieces
06:57 AM Bug report #20581 (Closed): QGis 3.4 reproducible crash while in idle state
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e948120b7bf42b26eed432c2e2e0b43272c3b8fe. Julien Cabieces
06:57 AM Bug report #20581 (Closed): QGis 3.4 reproducible crash while in idle state
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e948120b7bf42b26eed432c2e2e0b43272c3b8fe. Julien Cabieces
06:30 AM Bug report #21122: QGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file
Also tested in linux install from bionic@ repositories.
The _.qpj_ file is different in some li...
Gabriel De Luca
05:31 AM Revision 3b4def83 (qgis): [ui] Fix undersized color buttons in the 3D map config dialog
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:55 AM Revision 7a5c913f (qgis): [themes] Insure groupbox checkbox indicator size equals that of normal ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:53 AM Revision aec05a72 (qgis): [themes] Insure groupbox checkbox indicator size equals that of normal ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:53 AM Revision ae21d07d (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix polygonize field name is ignored
(cherry picked from commit 06d5b996bfc37f2877ecbf708af608952420ed45) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision cbc3bc34 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision e14cea3e (qgis): Fix incorrect 'not available in Python' dox
(cherry picked from commit 715395aa47d4c800cacaf327fa6ed46df219e7b3) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision d5900557 (qgis): [processing] Port matrix widget wrapper to newer c++ API
Allows matrix parameters to be correctly set for model child algorithms
Fixes #20914
(cherry picked from commit eef...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision c0b4d9b9 (qgis): Allow maximum number of entries to show in relation reference widget
to be configurable via an advanced setting configuration option
In some circumstances 100 is not enough
(cherry pic...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 983d9e28 (qgis): Hidpi icon size fixes
(cherry picked from commit 15bcbf8c6a57fb533d9ef895def1c98adf81945c) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 331f590a (qgis): [browser] Avoid always opening every file using gdal to test for
update capabilities
This is no longer required - it was previously done in order to
detect if the item should expose...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 964c99f0 (qgis): Deprecate QgsDataItem API for setting item CRS
This is no longer used by QGIS (it was only ever used by the standalone
(cherry picked from commit d61694cb...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 0a158092 (qgis): Silence some noisy debug messages
(cherry picked from commit b581a084e13b8e72f383ee242d77a06a0e0f61d1) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision ab6057fe (qgis): Remove space before line number in log messages
Because this means you can copy the filename:linenumber combo and
enter it directly in QtCreator's locator without ha...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 519b8ffb (qgis): Fix some hidpi layout issues in options dialog
(cherry picked from commit d92f9e79f75829a35115853f8fd353dc994bfccf) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision abc4cf5e (qgis): Slight improvements to Python docs
(cherry picked from commit 4b0f6b756c61e02e60322ac30658cadb6cbe5c31) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 33987fa5 (qgis): Allow for exact calculation of symbol sizes with mixed layer units
Fixes #21143
(cherry picked from commit 867e39947b3f24d0b7714cd44e28126b61769340)
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision b5eb321a (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix incorrect definition of gdal_warp extra_param pa...
(cherry picked from commit f54f5a4fe70792f4d7ea376e28edad88c4d35d4a) Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 93c135f9 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Ensure that GDAL algs output the CORRECT
generated filename for outputs
Previously they were just echoing the input parameter value,
which isn't always a str...
Nyall Dawson
03:53 AM Revision 985abf14 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Make Find Projection algorithm simpler to use
We no longer require the seperate CRS parameter, because the extent
parameter contains the CRS information itself. Th...
Nyall Dawson
01:17 AM Revision e4e0948a (qgis): Add actionVertexToolActiveLayer to iface
Vincent Dionne


11:52 PM Bug report #21160: Protocol - two by geojson
Confirmed here on Linux too Richard Duivenvoorde
11:52 PM Bug report #21193 (Closed): Double GeoJSON item in Protocol dropdown?
Duplicate of #21160
Sorry for missing
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:50 PM Bug report #21193 (Closed): Double GeoJSON item in Protocol dropdown?
When you open a Vector layer in the Data Source Manager, select 'Protocol' there is a dropdown 'Type' which in my cas... Richard Duivenvoorde
11:08 PM Revision 50be6e8f (qgis): Merge pull request #8958 from elpaso/bugfix-20961-wfs-null-transactions
Fix NULL support in WFS server and client
Cherry-picked from master 861a8b7
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision c8500605 (qgis): fix another include directive for spatialindex
Simon Wells
11:08 PM Revision f63c4e15 (qgis): avoid conflicting geos spatialindex.h include file
correct includes for spatialindex Simon Wells
11:08 PM Revision 823f2dd3 (qgis): Merge pull request #8929 from elpaso/bugfix-21059-server-post-request-i...
Fix POST requests for QGIS server
Cherry-picked from master b129850
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 0baf3fa9 (qgis): Merge pull request #8948 from elpaso/bugfix-20198-server-DescribeFeatur...
Fix server WFS TYPENAME filter in describeFeatureType
Cherry-picked from master 4909643
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision ac1b4926 (qgis): Merge pull request #8950 from elpaso/bugfix-opengis-zug-wmsroot
Fix server WMS short name (unreported)
Cherry-picked from master de29767
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 1cc7b658 (qgis): Fix merge error from backports
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 8f05c7eb (qgis): Merge pull request #8970 from elpaso/bugfix-21077-value-relation-wfs
Fix WFS context fields variable
Cherry-picked from master ee0e0e1
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 18c0c4d2 (qgis): Merge pull request #8990 from elpaso/bugfix-21086-wfs-field-calculator
Field calculator: provide a list of default field types
Cherry-picked from master d61caab
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision b292edd1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9070 from elpaso/bugfix-21121-opencl-16bit-raster
Fix hillshade renderer with data type != Float32 [opencl]
Cherry-picked from master 109fcc0
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 2831a02b (qgis): Merge pull request #9071 from elpaso/bugfix-21100-ogrprovider-missing-q...
Quote field name identifiers in ORDER BY and MAX/MIN queries
Cherry-picked from master 3c9b6e5e4f
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 110c0ac3 (qgis): Merge pull request #9099 from elpaso/bugfix-21150-file-protocol-path-re...
Strip file:// from local files path before resolving
Cherry-picked from master 185855b
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision bc4ccd04 (qgis): Merge pull request #8924 from elpaso/bugfix-20927-server_exp_filter
Server WFS EXP_FILTER bugfixes
Cherry-picked from master 0e0146d
Alessandro Pasotti
11:08 PM Revision 0557c700 (qgis): Merge pull request #8985 from elpaso/bugfix-21091-ogr-protocol-download
OGR: add a download option to the protocol data source [needs-docs]
Cherry-picked from master 1f8708f270
Alessandro Pasotti
10:55 PM Bug report #21192 (Closed): substr function in Select by Expression behaving strange
Having a set of points with a 'code' attribute consisting of a 2-char code+5digits I wanted to select all dutch point... Richard Duivenvoorde
10:51 PM Revision daab33c4 (qgis): New Shapefile Layer: reorganise additional dimensions checkboxes
because shapefiles could only be
- plain X,Y
- with M values: X,Y,M
- with Z and M values: X,Y,Z,M
Andrea Giudiceandrea
10:48 PM Bug report #21191 (Closed): QGIS Buffer (native:buffer) Buffering a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer (...
When buffering ('DISSOLVE':True) a valid GeoPackage Pointlayer and choosing a distance small enough for the resultin... Andre Sch.
10:42 PM Bug report #20603 (Feedback): QGIS interprets wfs integer value NULL as '0'
The test URL doesn't respond. Could you make sure the server is properly setup ? Even Rouault
10:39 PM Bug report #20469 (Rejected): Adding WFS layer fails with "unexpected end of file"
Was likely a transient server error. Works fine with master / 3.5 Even Rouault
10:39 PM Bug report #20469 (Rejected): Adding WFS layer fails with "unexpected end of file"
Was likely a transient server error. Works fine with master / 3.5 Even Rouault
10:32 PM Revision 32d90287 (qgis): [WFS provider] Correctly compute layer extent when zooming out layer (f...
Even Rouault
10:28 PM Bug report #21190 (Open): Layer Properties 'displayed as' value shows CamelCase Layer name, but i...
See screenshot and Subject.
Having a raster layer loaded, and opening the Layer Properties / Source-tab, I can edi...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:26 PM Bug report #21112 (Closed): "Zoom to layer" doesn't work as expected on WFS dataprovider when you...
Duplicate of Even Rouault
10:26 PM Bug report #21112 (Closed): "Zoom to layer" doesn't work as expected on WFS dataprovider when you...
Duplicate of Even Rouault
10:25 PM Bug report #21189 (Closed): Indexing data takes a very long time
I have a large project with vector DEM loaded.
When I try to edit any feature QGis starts indexing data.
First, it ...
Alexey T
10:01 PM Revision 31ab3bb5 (qgis): Merge pull request #9115 from m-kuhn/wmts-getcapabilities-compat
Append ? to WMTS GetCapabilities Matthias Kuhn
08:43 PM Bug report #20173 (Closed): KML loading bug
Fixed in GDAL master per and in release... Even Rouault
08:43 PM Bug report #20173 (Closed): KML loading bug
Fixed in GDAL master per and in release... Even Rouault
08:13 PM Revision da4a0c09 (qgis): Merge pull request #9113 from rouault/fix_20865_3.4_backport
Ensure stability of QGIS FeatureId when reloading layer [WFS provider] Even Rouault
08:12 PM Bug report #20865: attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify results/labels...
Backported to 3.4 per Even Rouault
11:53 AM Bug report #20865 (Closed): attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify resul...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e19bf11f9edc2c40a926fa66aeff200d5fa2eb3e. Even Rouault
11:53 AM Bug report #20865 (Closed): attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify resul...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e19bf11f9edc2c40a926fa66aeff200d5fa2eb3e. Even Rouault
08:07 PM Revision 76ac0f1f (qgis): Even more test fixes
Matthias Kuhn
08:06 PM Revision 0629a1b6 (qgis): More test fixes
Matthias Kuhn
07:39 PM Bug report #21187 (Closed): QGIS Crashed
Jürgen Fischer
07:21 PM Bug report #21187 (Closed): QGIS Crashed
h2. User Feedback
Crash ID: fb1143d889d45061abd4cab85abd09eb7ee051f1
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
Frank Schulze
07:38 PM Bug report #21186 (Closed): QGis crashed on close
Jürgen Fischer
06:37 PM Bug report #21186: QGis crashed on close
This was a clean install on clean new system.
Such sort of crashes occur sometimes, but I cannot repeat it
Alexey T
06:19 PM Bug report #21186 (Feedback): QGis crashed on close
Alexey T wrote:
> There is no older versions of QGIS on my system
try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plug...
Giovanni Manghi
06:19 PM Bug report #21186 (Feedback): QGis crashed on close
Alexey T wrote:
> There is no older versions of QGIS on my system
try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plug...
Giovanni Manghi
06:19 PM Bug report #21186 (Feedback): QGis crashed on close
Alexey T wrote:
> There is no older versions of QGIS on my system
try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plug...
Giovanni Manghi
06:18 PM Bug report #21186: QGis crashed on close
There is no older versions of QGIS on my system Alexey T
05:46 PM Bug report #21186 (Closed): QGis crashed on close
h2. User Feedback
just closed qgis
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 5ad41d6be94809f981e2ec9b06a0e20f1d0b0a87
Alexey T
07:22 PM Bug report #21188 (Closed): Classify makes points invisible
If I classify a point layer all the points gets invisible.
If I click in the column 'Value' in the new field 'all ot...
Lene Fischer
06:39 PM Bug report #21140 (Closed): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Duplicates #21093 Alexander Bruy
06:39 PM Bug report #21140 (Closed): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Duplicates #21093 Alexander Bruy
06:39 PM Bug report #21093 (In Progress): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
PR Alexander Bruy
06:39 PM Bug report #21093 (In Progress): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
PR Alexander Bruy
06:39 PM Bug report #21093 (In Progress): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
PR Alexander Bruy
06:25 PM Bug report #20243: losing SVG symbol elevation during DXF export
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Kepes Ádám wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > > Is there a way somehow to financiall...
Kepes Ádám
06:22 PM Bug report #20243: losing SVG symbol elevation during DXF export
Kepes Ádám wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Is there a way somehow to financially patronate this defect fix in...
Giovanni Manghi
06:20 PM Bug report #20243: losing SVG symbol elevation during DXF export
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Is there a way somehow to financially patronate this defect fix in order to be corrected?...
Kepes Ádám
05:59 PM Bug report #20243: losing SVG symbol elevation during DXF export

> Is there a way somehow to financially patronate this defect fix in order to be corrected?
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #20243: losing SVG symbol elevation during DXF export
Kepes Ádám wrote:
> qgis 2.18.3 loses expression-calculated sized SVG symbol's heights (fix-sized symbols are good),...
Kepes Ádám
06:21 PM Revision a13e5027 (qgis): Fix test
Matthias Kuhn
06:21 PM Revision 3564838e (qgis): Fix test
Matthias Kuhn
06:14 PM Revision 2c64cece (qgis): [browser] Avoid always opening every file using gdal to test for
update capabilities
This is no longer required - it was previously done in order to
detect if the item should expose...
Nyall Dawson
06:14 PM Revision eab1c31f (qgis): Remove space before line number in log messages
Because this means you can copy the filename:linenumber combo and
enter it directly in QtCreator's locator without ha...
Nyall Dawson
06:14 PM Revision d61694cb (qgis): Deprecate QgsDataItem API for setting item CRS
This is no longer used by QGIS (it was only ever used by the standalone
Nyall Dawson
06:14 PM Revision d92f9e79 (qgis): Fix some hidpi layout issues in options dialog
Nyall Dawson
06:14 PM Revision b581a084 (qgis): Silence some noisy debug messages
Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Revision c2f958db (qgis): fix some HIG and add missing translations in dbmanager
Etienne Trimaille
06:13 PM Revision ab64527e (qgis): allow QGZ files in selections
Etienne Trimaille
06:13 PM Bug report #20411 (Closed): Browser Panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2c64cece0d1a51c37d27c1b11e76d76bb62184f3. Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #20411 (Closed): Browser Panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2c64cece0d1a51c37d27c1b11e76d76bb62184f3. Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #16807 (Closed): Browser will show non valid files as loadable even when 'checked by G...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2c64cece0d1a51c37d27c1b11e76d76bb62184f3. Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #16807 (Closed): Browser will show non valid files as loadable even when 'checked by G...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2c64cece0d1a51c37d27c1b11e76d76bb62184f3. Nyall Dawson
06:10 PM Bug report #20633: QgsVectorLayer from spatialite featureid problem
I have a spatialite database with a table with column obsid.
I create 3 rows with obsid 1, 2 and 4.
I create an uri...
Henrik Spångmyr
05:58 PM Bug report #20633 (Reopened): QgsVectorLayer from spatialite featureid problem
I have some problems with this still both in QGIS 3.4.4 and 3.5.0-master.
What works:
- All labels are visible ...
Henrik Spångmyr
05:45 PM Bug report #21185 (Feedback): Vertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly
With the latest changes, this issue should be addressed:
It will hopefully...
Saber Razmjooei
05:04 PM Bug report #21185 (Closed): Vertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly
When using the Vertex Editor tool, and selecting one of the vertex, we can´t see which one of them are selected in th... Felipe Souza
05:37 PM Revision f3dfd97d (qgis): New fix, still some need to be done
05:13 PM Revision 2745dfe4 (qgis): Merge pull request #9110 from m-kuhn/sip-no-default-parameter-override
Do not remove parameters from virtual methods which should be used in… Matthias Kuhn
05:13 PM Revision db150577 (qgis): Merge pull request #9112 from m-kuhn/sip-keep-reference-to-registry
Sip keep reference to registry Matthias Kuhn
04:29 PM Bug report #21184: Dancing marker fill in polygon
Video showing this behavior in QGis 2.18 and 3.4.4 Alexey T
04:09 PM Bug report #21184 (Closed): Dancing marker fill in polygon
Make a polygon.
Fill it with markers.
Move the map slightly. Markers wil dance, changing their position a little bi...
Alexey T
04:09 PM Revision 5dd83884 (qgis): Append ? to WMTS GetCapabilities
This makes WMTS behave equal to the WMS implementation which already appends a ? in case there is no query string sup... Matthias Kuhn
03:35 PM Revision 92823d0f (qgis): Merge pull request #8875 from rldhont/bugfix-oracle-compile-expression-...
Add ESCAPE when compiling LIKE for oracle Matthias Kuhn
02:51 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> I can confirm the issue. I think it is a browser problem with handling the file formats. Ev...
Jürgen Fischer
11:47 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
I can confirm the issue. I think it is a browser problem with handling the file formats. Everything works as expected... Saber Razmjooei
11:25 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Hi Saber,
I re-installed qgis-dev, gdal and netcdf, but I get the same behaviour in master.
This is even more s...
Pedro Venâncio
11:25 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Hi Saber,
I re-installed qgis-dev, gdal and netcdf, but I get the same behaviour in master.
This is even more s...
Pedro Venâncio
10:57 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
I had the same issue. But I re-ran OSGeo4W installer and marked gdal and qgis-dev to be re-installed. It w...
Saber Razmjooei
10:32 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> > Thanks jef for the update.
> >
> > Now, I can open the netcdf...
Pedro Venâncio
10:01 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Brilliant, I did a re-install and all works well.
Thanks a lot for the prompt upgrade of the libraries!
Saber Razmjooei
09:51 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Thanks jef for the update.
> Now, I can open the netcdf in QGIS 3.4 but in master it f...
Jürgen Fischer
09:00 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Thanks jef for the update.
Now, I can open the netcdf in QGIS 3.4 but in master it fails to open altogether. @pedr...
Saber Razmjooei
01:16 AM Bug report #21162 (Closed): Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
rebuilt / updated szip, hdf4, hdf5 and netcdf in OSGeo4W using VC14. Jürgen Fischer
01:16 AM Bug report #21162 (Closed): Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
rebuilt / updated szip, hdf4, hdf5 and netcdf in OSGeo4W using VC14. Jürgen Fischer
01:09 PM Revision 24000508 (qgis): Deprecate for sip
Matthias Kuhn
12:22 PM Bug report #20505 (Closed): Moving a node with vertex tool (current layer) moves identical node i...
Ok, after discussion with Martin "here": I do understand this is not a bug but ... Bernhard Ströbl
12:22 PM Bug report #20505 (Closed): Moving a node with vertex tool (current layer) moves identical node i...
Ok, after discussion with Martin "here": I do understand this is not a bug but ... Bernhard Ströbl
12:18 PM Revision b2aed603 (qgis): Add registry keepreference test
Matthias Kuhn
12:18 PM Revision 89ea8199 (qgis): Make sure Python wrappers of quasi-singletons are kept alive
If they are deleted, any other python wrappers which have been parented to these singletons are deleted too.
One of ...
Matthias Kuhn
12:07 PM Revision 4910b73f (qgis): [WFS provider] Ensure stability of QGIS FeatureId when reloading layer ...
Even Rouault
12:06 PM Revision 76c48e66 (qgis): Add sqlite3_database_unique_ptr::exec (initial author: Matthias Kuhn <m...
Partial backport of 49d8060c30c6f7b005bfe3aedb2f9c0c7cce4459
needed to backport e19bf11f9edc2c40a926fa66aeff200d5fa2eb3e
Even Rouault
12:00 PM Revision 57391d80 (qgis): [themes] Properly style autoRaise state in Night Mapping
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:57 AM Revision 87a1cb55 (qgis): [themes] Properly style autoRaise state in Night Mapping
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:56 AM Revision c1e62ed2 (qgis): [themes] Properly style autoRaise state in Blend of Gray
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:54 AM Revision 1699d1ef (qgis): Merge pull request #9105 from rouault/fix_20865
Ensure stability of QGIS FeatureId when reloading layer [WFS provider] Even Rouault
11:36 AM Bug report #18477: QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
I guess it saves to the temporary folder and then zips it up.
Does everyone experiencing this hibernate their pc?
Alister Hood
08:34 AM Bug report #18477: QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
The error message indicates it is trying to save in the temporary directory e.g. C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp... Alister Hood
11:32 AM Bug report #20828: Unable to save project / auxiliary storage
What "feedback" is required on this ticket?
Perhaps it can be closed as a duplicate of #18477
Alister Hood
11:27 AM Revision fc238a72 (qgis): [themes] Better style tool buttons in the tab bar for Blend of Gray
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:55 AM Bug report #21183 (Open): shp files in zip files files cannot be used in Processing with 3rd part...
If the zip file itself is loaded when adding a layer, it can be used as an input for a SAGA algorithm. This is becaus... Victor Olaya
10:53 AM Revision dff18535 (qgis): Fix bug comment on postgres and others management
10:44 AM Revision e19bf11f (qgis): [WFS provider] Ensure stability of QGIS FeatureId when reloading layer ...
Even Rouault
10:29 AM Revision 1a87fce3 (qgis): Do not remove parameters from virtual methods which should be used in p...
These methods did not actually override their parent methods but just coexisted and were never called.
Fixes compila...
Matthias Kuhn
09:31 AM Bug report #21172: GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project
A simple project with only one layer. Walter Lorenzetti
08:50 AM Bug report #21182: GRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.4
Do you know if QGIS and Covadis are compatible? Covadis is a Geomaedia software basically the french equivalent to Au... Edward Stevenson
08:47 AM Bug report #21182: GRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.4
I am using GRASS for this as when I was trying to export the contours as a DXF file I would lose the elevation data w... Edward Stevenson
08:44 AM Bug report #21182 (Open): GRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.4
Futher to my report yesterday, it appears that the attributes table for my contours layer created from a USGS file 30... Edward Stevenson
08:35 AM Revision 7f0ab8b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9103 from m-kuhn/constFeatureInLabeling
Const correctnes for QgsFeature in labeling Matthias Kuhn
07:59 AM Revision 14db1378 (qgis): Resurrect dedicated action to create virtual layers in main window
This was removed when the data source manager was created, but
new virtual layers are a "creation" action, so it belo...
Nyall Dawson
07:51 AM Feature request #21181 (Open): Non fixed grid for alignment
The current grid that can be displayed for aligning features is fixed in its own alignment to North South East and We... Patrick Dunford
07:46 AM Revision e4df72ee (qgis): Merge pull request #9086 from elpaso/bugfix-21151-db-manager-comments-a...
Quick and dirty patch to DB-Manager after PR 8831 Alessandro Pasotti
07:45 AM Bug report #21151 (Closed): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no suc...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cd6ce76480f19db651a5dd33134b7963b1b74daa. Alessandro Pasotti
07:45 AM Bug report #21151 (Closed): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no suc...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cd6ce76480f19db651a5dd33134b7963b1b74daa. Alessandro Pasotti
01:43 AM Bug report #20170: "no result buffer" warning, application restart required after PostGIS connect...
Proposed PR: Timothe Perez
01:40 AM Revision a302925a (qgis): allow QGZ files in selections
Etienne Trimaille
01:07 AM Revision f30a15cc (qgis): Fix Postgresql connection reset not being called
PQreset was never called if the query was made using mConnectionRO
from the PostgresProvider, resulting in an always ...
Timothe Perez


12:02 AM Bug report #19170 (Reopened): Attribute values changed when deleting adjacent features in table
Issue still occurring. Tested with postgre 10.6, postgis 2.5.1, Qgis 3.4.4-Madeira using DB Manager 0.1.20 Beau Cripps
11:11 PM Bug report #20865: attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify results/labels...
PR Even Rouault
10:39 PM Bug report #20661 (Closed): QgsPoint.clone() not fully reliable? It's original QgsFeature may get...
Issue fixed upstream with upcoming sip version 4.19.14. Matthias Kuhn
10:39 PM Bug report #20661 (Closed): QgsPoint.clone() not fully reliable? It's original QgsFeature may get...
Issue fixed upstream with upcoming sip version 4.19.14. Matthias Kuhn
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue. Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue. Nyall Dawson
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue. Nyall Dawson
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
Fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
Fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
Fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:14 PM Bug report #12861 (Closed): PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
Duplicate of #10871 Nyall Dawson
10:14 PM Bug report #12861 (Closed): PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
Duplicate of #10871 Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Bug report #17825 (Rejected): File browser broken with gtk backend
Either a GTK or Qt bug, not QGIS Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Bug report #17825 (Rejected): File browser broken with gtk backend
Either a GTK or Qt bug, not QGIS Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Feature request #19875 (Closed): Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single...
Fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Feature request #19875 (Closed): Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single...
Fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:03 PM Bug report #20269 (Rejected): gdal tools corrupted
* Nyall Dawson
10:03 PM Bug report #20269 (Rejected): gdal tools corrupted
* Nyall Dawson
08:18 PM Feature request #21180 (Open): OGR_STYLE on KML import
When opening/importing a KML layer (or other via OGR), would be super helpful to include as one of the fields the OGR... Martin Pergler
08:10 PM Feature request #21179 (Open): QR code generator for print layout
When creating a print map or an atlas you might want to provide some of the information am the printed map in machine... Dennis Real
08:01 PM Bug report #21178 (Open): QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print la...
Steps to reproduce:
Note: Steps 1-8 already done in attached file. Unzip in /tmp to get right path to images.
Dennis Real
06:49 PM Revision d2885607 (qgis): Banned keywords
Matthias Kuhn
06:47 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
just tested with the latest release 3.4.4 from qgis org - download 2019-02-05, 18:30 (version is compiled against QT ... robert kalasek
06:39 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
Interesting. QGIS does not show up in the Security-Accessibility app list on Sierra, and I don’t know why QGIS would... William Kyngesburye
06:21 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
just was able to verify yaroslav vasyunin's approach. it worked (!!!)
but for some reasons it seemed suspicious to ...
robert kalasek
01:00 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
I have the same issue (QGIS 3.4.4, Mac 10.14.2). Running new clean profiles and complete re-installation of QGIS didn... Yaroslav Vasyunin
06:16 PM Revision 06d5b996 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix polygonize field name is ignored
Nyall Dawson
06:10 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
sorry of the my english
I found on the documentation forum to import dwg from geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
05:57 PM Revision 5f1cea13 (qgis): Add docstrings and modernize code
Matthias Kuhn
05:18 PM Bug report #21172: GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project
Can you please attach a sample project and data to reproduce the issue? Alessandro Pasotti
11:41 AM Bug report #21172 (Rejected): GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project
After set 'Add geometry to feature response' into project settings, the GetFeatureInfo request doesn't send feature g... Walter Lorenzetti
05:16 PM Revision 4612521c (qgis): Const correctnes for QgsFeature in labeling
A feature is not modified while it's sent through the labeling pipeline. Matthias Kuhn
04:17 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
I had forgotten to attach the project.
The layer that most presents the problem is: "quadri".
Stafano Baccaro
03:35 PM Bug report #21175 (Open): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
*New description:*
steps to replicate:
set the default table view mode to "form view".
Open the attached...
Stafano Baccaro
03:44 PM Bug report #21176 (Closed): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite laye...

When I identify a SpatiaLite-Layer i can' t open the feature form, when the primary key is created in text type....
Claas Leiner
03:07 PM Bug report #21174 (Open): Creating a new map set with GRASS 7.4
While trying to export my map from QGIS 3.4.4 to AutoCAD (Covadis) as a dxf with elevation data I have found an instr... Edward Stevenson
02:19 PM Bug report #21173 (Closed): grass algorithms in processing does not work (qgis 3.4.4 grass 7.6)
Jürgen Fischer
01:40 PM Bug report #21173 (Closed): grass algorithms in processing does not work (qgis 3.4.4 grass 7.6)

The Grass algorithms in the toolbox does not work and stop with an error message.
e.g. v.buffer and v.overlay.
Claas Leiner
01:07 PM Bug report #18893: Error when trying to search New Zealand (LINZ Data Service) CSW
Update on this issue? Looks like the LINZ CSW is up again. Tom Kralidis
01:03 PM Bug report #18176: Plugin MetaSearch crashed
Update on this issue? Can we test against the current LTR? Tom Kralidis
01:00 PM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
Yes: see the "backport" tag in Alessandro Pasotti
12:37 PM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
Hey Alesandro -
It works as a charm in 3.5 :-)
Will the fix be backported to 3.4 (LTR) ??
Bo Thomsen
12:45 PM Revision 62e09d94 (qgis): [processing] If model name starts with a digit, we need to remove that ...
Nyall Dawson
12:45 PM Bug report #19787: MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user profile
Fixed in master and 3.4 branch. Tom Kralidis
12:44 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
This is the crash report I get:
Crash ID: be28959efc88f41008b90f2715e269b9959ca36c
Stack Trace
Alexandre Neto
12:41 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
I am getting a CRASH even before loading the data. Simply using the browser panel to navigate to it, as soon as I rea... Alexandre Neto
10:31 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
Downgrading netcdf driver to 4.3.0-1, also available in OSGeo4W, is not an option here, because this NetCDF files are... Pedro Venâncio
08:53 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
It is the same issue as:
Update to the newer versions of netcdf should ...
Saber Razmjooei
11:59 AM Revision 33b8bbdf (qgis): Astyle again
Alessandro Pasotti
11:57 AM Bug report #19674: Method theme() of QgsMapCanvas not in sync?
Bug still in QGIS 3.4.4 not solved... Darius G.
11:19 AM Revision 7aca6af7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9098 from alexbruy/wcs-backport
Wcs backport Alexander Bruy
10:58 AM Revision 185855b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #9099 from elpaso/bugfix-21150-file-protocol-path-re...
Strip file:// from local files path before resolving Alessandro Pasotti
10:57 AM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22c22e8e5ceabf4a3a415d18ccac120948e75d7e. Alessandro Pasotti
10:57 AM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22c22e8e5ceabf4a3a415d18ccac120948e75d7e. Alessandro Pasotti
10:43 AM Bug report #8736 (Closed): Update raster analyses: access data through raster layer instead of GDAL
This is basically fixed now -- the native QGIS algorithms use raster layer API directly, and GDAL algorithms cannot u... Nyall Dawson
10:43 AM Bug report #8736 (Closed): Update raster analyses: access data through raster layer instead of GDAL
This is basically fixed now -- the native QGIS algorithms use raster layer API directly, and GDAL algorithms cannot u... Nyall Dawson
10:42 AM Bug report #7460 (Closed): CMake detecting wrong path for GDAL library on 64-bit RHEL 6
Nyall Dawson
10:42 AM Bug report #20043 (Closed): Sieve GDAL error Not recognized as an internal or external command
This is fixed in recent 3.2/3.4 builds Nyall Dawson
10:42 AM Bug report #20043 (Closed): Sieve GDAL error Not recognized as an internal or external command
This is fixed in recent 3.2/3.4 builds Nyall Dawson
10:39 AM Bug report #21159 (Closed): gdal_warp not working
Nyall Dawson
03:50 AM Bug report #21159: gdal_warp not working
Fix is here: Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Bug report #17846 (Closed): Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
This should be fixed in recent releases Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Bug report #17846 (Closed): Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
This should be fixed in recent releases Nyall Dawson
10:33 AM Revision 526a6b63 (qgis): follow up d5be855 : fix hasty pasting error
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:32 AM Revision 6413349f (qgis): follow up 4f77477 : fix hasty pasting error
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:52 AM Bug report #19216 (Closed): Save Map as Image / PDF fails to include active decorations
This issue has been fixed in 3.4 when the scale bar decorator was upgraded. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:52 AM Bug report #19216 (Closed): Save Map as Image / PDF fails to include active decorations
This issue has been fixed in 3.4 when the scale bar decorator was upgraded. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:50 AM Revision d5be8559 (qgis): Fix relationship between scale<->extent in the save [canvas] as image/p...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:49 AM Revision 4f774772 (qgis): Fix relationship between scale<->extent in the save [canvas] as image/p...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:38 AM Revision a97ce698 (qgis): Allow maximum number of entries to show in relation reference widget
to be configurable via an advanced setting configuration option
In some circumstances 100 is not enough
Nyall Dawson
09:07 AM Revision 4f905cc2 (qgis): [vertex tool] right-click to loop through editable features
Until now mouse right-click could only select and deselect the highlighted
feature to "lock" vertex tool (and numeric...
Martin Dobias
09:07 AM Revision ce8684d0 (qgis): Make coverage test happy
Martin Dobias
08:38 AM Revision de5171ac (qgis): Code style (I had autopep8 installed btw)
Alessandro Pasotti
08:38 AM Bug report #21171 (Closed): Arrow line goes beyond arrowhead in map composer
When using the arrow item in the map composer, the line of the arrow goes beyond the arrowhead (see attached screensh... nicolas h
08:29 AM Revision 22c22e8e (qgis): Strip file:// from local files path before resolving
Fixes #21150 - Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path
when project in relative path mode
Alessandro Pasotti
08:01 AM Revision 34de184b (qgis): [themes] Get rid of the check mark in combo box drop down lists
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:01 AM Revision c62a4ae0 (qgis): [themes] Get rid of the check mark in combo box drop down lists
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:32 AM Revision 9a5143d8 (qgis): const correctness
(cherry picked from commit 92f6eda13b7b0a7479a5fec3267a8bc783396189) Alexander Bruy
07:32 AM Revision a4a672b2 (qgis): [wcs] exclude invalid CRSs from the coverage metadata
(cherry picked from commit 650f4d780ce59dc915419b7a7eb47df5feb2bd52) Alexander Bruy
07:32 AM Revision 8b5d50ce (qgis): [wcs] improve CRS handling when parsing DescribeCoverage responce (refs...
(cherry picked from commit 2f7550d1a22ad9813786e78c5a23767f253065e7) Alexander Bruy
06:57 AM Revision eeff02fc (qgis): [processing] Port matrix widget wrapper to newer c++ API
Allows matrix parameters to be correctly set for model child algorithms
Fixes #20914
Nyall Dawson
06:56 AM Bug report #20914 (Closed): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eeff02fc14b96a6d3f95ac2122d1d82654dcf268. Nyall Dawson
06:56 AM Bug report #20914 (Closed): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eeff02fc14b96a6d3f95ac2122d1d82654dcf268. Nyall Dawson
02:38 AM Bug report #20914 (Open): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
Reopening - it should be possible to set a fixed table for use in a child algorithm without exposing this table to users Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Revision c6f3d5ff (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Make Find Projection algorithm simpler to use
We no longer require the seperate CRS parameter, because the extent
parameter contains the CRS information itself. Th...
Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Revision c93775f6 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Ensure that GDAL algs output the CORRECT
generated filename for outputs
Previously they were just echoing the input parameter value,
which isn't always a str...
Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Revision f54f5a4f (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix incorrect definition of gdal_warp extra_param pa...
Nyall Dawson
06:47 AM Revision fef51766 (qgis): [ui] Fix tiny vertex marker on hidpi
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:47 AM Revision 46e76054 (qgis): [ui] Make vertex tool markers and rubber bands hidpi-friendly
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:47 AM Revision eb0a020c (qgis): [ui] More hidpi-compatibility work for the vertex tool
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:23 AM Bug report #21170 (Closed): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
h2. User Feedback
crash report upon trying to start QGIS 7.5 Desktop.
Is this just a configuration issue?
05:47 AM Bug report #21169 (Open): xyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 22
xyz tiles are not rendered for zoom levels above 22. The problem is a wrong tile matrix for zoom levels above 22.
Jean Weber
05:45 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
Thanks for the information.
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> That was me -- the filter option wasn't hooked up to anything, ...
Tobias Wendorff
05:38 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
> Actually, someone seems to have removed right-click filter menu from ArcGIS Feature Server layers... so you can't f... Nyall Dawson
04:51 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
This is still a bug on 3.5.0-Master, revision 9a8c0d2898
Actually, someone seems to have removed right-click filte...
Tobias Wendorff
05:31 AM Bug report #21168 (Open): DB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names
DB manager shows an autocomplete box for existing layers. When you press <tab> or double click on an entry, the value... Tobias Wendorff
05:24 AM Feature request #21167 (Open): make relations show up in Identify Results
It really would be nice to show one-to-many joins (relations) in _Identify Results_. Actually, this could be done thr... Tobias Wendorff
05:05 AM Feature request #21166 (Open): attribute table: show first 100 entries only
Sometimes it's important to just have a quick look at the first few lines of an attribute table to get an idea of the... Tobias Wendorff
05:01 AM Feature request #21165: copy layer to scratch layer
Edit: On mailing list, some months ago _Frank Br._ suggested to use _Save selected features_. But for this all object... Tobias Wendorff
04:58 AM Feature request #21165 (Open): copy layer to scratch layer
In many cases it's useful to copy a "physical" layer into memory (a scratch layer). For exammple, when you've run a S... Tobias Wendorff
04:43 AM Bug report #20251: virtual fields can't be filtered
This is still a bug on 3.5.0-Master, revision 9a8c0d2898 Tobias Wendorff
04:10 AM Revision 23294590 (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
Tom Kralidis
03:46 AM Revision 715395aa (qgis): Fix incorrect 'not available in Python' dox
Nyall Dawson
02:26 AM Revision fe828900 (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
Tom Kralidis
01:07 AM Revision 867e3994 (qgis): Allow for exact calculation of symbol sizes with mixed layer units
Fixes #21143 Nyall Dawson
01:06 AM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|867e39947b3f24d0b7714cd44e28126b61769340. Nyall Dawson
01:06 AM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|867e39947b3f24d0b7714cd44e28126b61769340. Nyall Dawson


12:48 AM Revision ac9c6f1e (qgis): some minor code cleanup in dbmanager
Etienne Trimaille
12:48 AM Revision 427cb0b2 (qgis): fix some HIG and add missing translations in dbmanager
Etienne Trimaille
11:38 PM Feature request #21164 (Closed): Find unmaintained plugins
I recently raised the question how to deal with unmaintained plugins on the developer mailing-list:
Thomas Baumann
10:28 PM Revision a7fbefeb (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
Tom Kralidis
10:27 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a7fbefeb4704ab7100e7a3abbd33e2fdf975d28f. Tom Kralidis
10:27 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a7fbefeb4704ab7100e7a3abbd33e2fdf975d28f. Tom Kralidis
09:19 PM Bug report #19787: MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user profile
It turns out that we removed this functionality long ago. For reference:
Tom Kralidis
09:38 PM Revision 513f7ea5 (qgis): fix error in scale optimization (#9081)
Denis Rouzaud
09:25 PM Revision fd429808 (qgis): fix error in scale optimization (#9081)
Denis Rouzaud
08:27 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Cory Albrecht wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > if any reopen the other ticket.
> ...
Cory Albrecht
07:35 PM Bug report #21157: i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
Thanks, will do. Odysseas Vl
06:59 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
Will need fixing in grass - please report on their bug tracker Nyall Dawson
06:59 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
Will need fixing in grass - please report on their bug tracker Nyall Dawson
04:29 PM Bug report #21157: i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
It may be a GRASS issue indeed, if an issue in the first place. I have attached a screenshot of the log by QGIS Odysseas Vl
01:17 AM Bug report #21157 (Feedback): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
I'm not sure if this is a QGIS issue, or an GRASS issue. Can you show some screenshots demonstrating how the issue oc... Nyall Dawson
07:27 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
It is confirmed that custom QGIS builds with netcdf 4.6.x in Windows do not crash.
So, I am pretty sure it is due to...
Saber Razmjooei
06:16 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
gdalinfo also crashes. Jürgen Fischer
04:58 PM Bug report #21162 (Closed): Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
To reproduce:
1- Download
2- Add the net...
Saber Razmjooei
06:55 PM Revision 4b0f6b75 (qgis): Slight improvements to Python docs
Nyall Dawson
06:55 PM Revision 384d3102 (qgis): Minor improvements to PyQGIS returns for SIP_OUT params
Nyall Dawson
06:34 PM Bug report #21151 (In Progress): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: n...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
06:34 PM Bug report #21151 (In Progress): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: n...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
06:26 PM Revision cd6ce764 (qgis): Quick and dirty patch to DB-Manager after PR 8831
The "comments" PR 8831 added support for postgres only
(and broke all the others backends).
I'd be in favor of a rev...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:59 PM Bug report #21163 (Closed): Empty or corrupt file when exporting to Mapinfo TAB with EPSG 4647
The created file is broken by exporting as Mapinfo TAB with the projection EPSG 4647. The same export to EPSG 25832 w... Slava Ermolaev
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re...
Saber Razmjooei
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re...
Saber Razmjooei
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re...
Saber Razmjooei
01:24 PM Bug report #20980: NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
I am mainly a Linux user and I carry out most of my data analyses by NCAR Command Language (NCL), but this is a Windo... Amirhossein Nikfal
12:59 PM Bug report #20980 (Closed): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
I can indeed open the netcdf as a mesh layer in QGIS.
Could you try QGIS master (latest weekly if you are a window...
Saber Razmjooei
10:48 AM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #20980: NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
Dear QGIS users, especially dear Saber,
Sorry for the long silence,
Would you please take a look at the NETCDF ...
Amirhossein Nikfal
01:02 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
Qgis 2.18 is no longer supported Nyall Dawson
01:02 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
Qgis 2.18 is no longer supported Nyall Dawson
12:47 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
This affects both PyQGIS console and plugins in 2.18.28 LTR, both installed from OSGeo4W and standalone installer. I ... Jochen Schwarze
12:16 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1aef9cfa491c6de60f8c700c3705a57c735f9442. Alessandro Pasotti
12:16 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1aef9cfa491c6de60f8c700c3705a57c735f9442. Alessandro Pasotti
12:15 PM Revision 95e216ca (qgis): indentation fix
Jürgen Fischer
11:01 AM Revision 109fcc0a (qgis): Merge pull request #9070 from elpaso/bugfix-21121-opencl-16bit-raster
Fix hillshade renderer with data type != Float32 [opencl] Alessandro Pasotti
11:01 AM Revision 3c9b6e5e (qgis): Merge pull request #9071 from elpaso/bugfix-21100-ogrprovider-missing-q...
Quote field name identifiers in ORDER BY and MAX/MIN queries Alessandro Pasotti
11:00 AM Bug report #21100 (Closed): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51426640dd61cf0bb18ebad680c96ac16f9b435. Alessandro Pasotti
11:00 AM Bug report #21100 (Closed): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51426640dd61cf0bb18ebad680c96ac16f9b435. Alessandro Pasotti
10:43 AM Revision 8ac762e5 (qgis): [ui] Fix tiny vertex marker on hidpi
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:32 AM Feature request #21158 (Closed): Homogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item sele...
This is by design, as it was too easy to accidentally change a map's zoom previously. Nyall Dawson
10:02 AM Feature request #21158 (Open): Homogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item select...
When using the map item "move content" tool to tune the extent of a map item, panning is working even if the map item... Regis Haubourg
10:25 AM Bug report #21160 (Closed): Protocol - two by geojson
When adding a file by geojson protocol I noticed geojson listed twice in the dropdown Pic attached). Is there some di... Phil Wyatt
10:06 AM Feature request #17356: Filter on DBManager tree
+1 I face the same need for various customers. The same applies to the browser(s) panel(s). The default search should... Regis Haubourg
10:06 AM Bug report #21159 (Closed): gdal_warp not working
In Processing gdal_warp always fails with error:... matteo ghetta
09:48 AM Revision 41a04d0a (qgis): [ui] Improve 3D map scene config dialog (fixes #20685)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:47 AM Bug report #20685 (Closed): QGIS raster 3d settings is not scroll-able
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|41a04d0ab3050f66ba5d82948ed845c5ce20a628. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:47 AM Bug report #20685 (Closed): QGIS raster 3d settings is not scroll-able
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|41a04d0ab3050f66ba5d82948ed845c5ce20a628. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:29 AM Feature request #20843: add user feeback concerning snapping strategies and workload
I absolutely agree. There are some scenarios in which QGIS 3x tries to load all vertices from all layers in the map f... Lukas Künzel
09:27 AM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
I am not sure if the Bug #20873 corresponds to my problem as I am able to call the capabilities.
Also the error.log ...
Louis Leguan
08:37 AM Bug report #21045 (Closed): Unable to add WCS - bad WCS Request
PR merged, I think we can close this now. Alexander Bruy
08:37 AM Bug report #21045 (Closed): Unable to add WCS - bad WCS Request
PR merged, I think we can close this now. Alexander Bruy
08:29 AM Revision ed45181b (qgis): Merge pull request #9064 from mhugo/fix_20831
Avoid undefined behaviour with signed integer overflow Hugo Mercier
08:03 AM Revision e953141f (qgis): Merge pull request #9005 from alexbruy/wcs-fix
fix CRS handling in the DescribeCoverage response (refs #21045) [wcs] Alexander Bruy
05:06 AM Revision d3daa86c (qgis): [ui] More hidpi-compatibility work for the vertex tool
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:58 AM Revision 0250cab3 (qgis): [processing] Reorganise python script generated from model, to
move "guts" of script to top (initAlgorithm/processAlgorithm)
and boilerplate methods (createInstance, etc) to end
Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Revision 6aea4838 (qgis): [processing] Pep8 fixes for model to script
Nyall Dawson


12:52 AM Revision 92f5cb9a (qgis): translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
12:51 AM Revision 15bcbf8c (qgis): Hidpi icon size fixes
Nyall Dawson
12:51 AM Revision 1c92fd23 (qgis): HIG string fixes
Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Bug report #21143 (In Progress): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a s...
Confirmed Nyall Dawson
12:49 AM Bug report #21143 (In Progress): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a s...
Confirmed Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 89fce33f (qgis): Fix misleading dox
(cherry picked from commit ffa49df9fbbd160381b64c5b6dc2808fbd2b226b) Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision f5ca7b74 (qgis): Allow vector rendering cancelation to also cancel feature iteration for...
Connect the cancel rendering signal to the iteration cancelation.
This allows providers (e.g. WFS, AFS) to abort slow...
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision ad6e1566 (qgis): Fix hang when WMS credentials requested
Remove responsibility for credentials mutex locking from external
callers and handle appropriate locks internally. Th...
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision fad08610 (qgis): Fix some label settings hidpi issues
(cherry picked from commit 599b0c8861a1a416835e5cd493a8106846de1d1e) Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 7678be1e (qgis): Dox++
(cherry picked from commit eba5409ebcab40eacf38d3215b2fffa8f6ffbf18) Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 1916a7fd (qgis): [processing][saga] Fix definition of Multiple regression points/grids alg
Fixes #21146
(cherry picked from commit 4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe)
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Revision 41e7d074 (qgis): Unit tests for QgsCredentials
(cherry picked from commit 16995206ae95d118466ad911a6b5db03afce17a3) Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Revision 2fc24aed (qgis): Clearer phrasing
Nyall Dawson
07:55 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
Not sure if this is the right place to point this out, but:
I have been trying to manipulate the log output of the i...
Odysseas Vl
07:47 PM Revision 612576ca (qgis): Deprecate QgsGeometry::set for usage in Python
When a new QgsAbstractGeometry is set on a geometry object, the previous child is deleted.
If the previous object was...
Matthias Kuhn
06:56 PM Feature request #19978 (Open): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing text
Jürgen Fischer
05:41 PM Feature request #19978: 'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing text
The missing texts are block attributes. Jürgen Fischer
05:57 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
Cory Albrecht wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > if any reopen the other ticket.
> I cannot do that, you have...
Giovanni Manghi
05:41 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> if any reopen the other ticket.
I cannot do that, you have to.
Cory Albrecht
04:29 PM Revision 4a443067 (qgis): allow to build against separate PROJ.4 and GDAL installs
Jürgen Fischer
04:20 PM Bug report #21155 (Closed): Crashes on Exit
Jürgen Fischer
01:40 AM Bug report #21155 (Closed): Crashes on Exit
h2. User Feedback
CLosing the program via the "Quit QGIS" option in the Project Menu
h2. Report Details
Neil Waller
04:19 PM Bug report #21156 (Closed): Trying to add map themes crashes QGIS
Jürgen Fischer
02:40 PM Bug report #21156 (Closed): Trying to add map themes crashes QGIS
h2. User Feedback
Crashed while trying to add map themes, map theme when created was applied to all layers and if ...
Antonio Locandro
10:57 AM Revision b38b39cb (qgis): fix pasting features into vector layer from clipboard (fix #21154)
Alexander Bruy
07:08 AM Revision 3f63c9ca (qgis): Last weaks to blend of gray prior to its initial release
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:02 AM Revision 16995206 (qgis): Unit tests for QgsCredentials
Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision eba5409e (qgis): Dox++
Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision c9e76164 (qgis): Fix hang when WMS credentials requested
Remove responsibility for credentials mutex locking from external
callers and handle appropriate locks internally. Th...
Nyall Dawson
03:01 AM Bug report #20826 (Closed): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9e761649820f8444a41da5e18850061b207c09c. Nyall Dawson
03:01 AM Bug report #20826 (Closed): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9e761649820f8444a41da5e18850061b207c09c. Nyall Dawson
01:32 AM Revision 59aea698 (qgis): [ui] Make vertex tool markers and rubber bands hidpi-friendly
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:01 AM Bug report #21124: QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
I did. So I have been turning on plugins one by one and found out that dzetsaka classification plugin is the first on... Davor Racic
09:18 PM Revision 57695bd0 (qgis): use upper camel case for the class name
Etienne Trimaille
09:17 PM Revision 599b0c88 (qgis): Fix some label settings hidpi issues
Nyall Dawson
07:22 PM Revision 02011726 (qgis): Add testdata file
Alessandro Pasotti
05:25 PM Revision 0797059a (qgis): Spellok
Alessandro Pasotti
04:35 PM Feature request #21127: Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
... Jürgen Fischer
03:10 PM Feature request #21127: Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
Please elaborate.
I normally start QGIS via batch file @%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis.bat@.
The last line of that bat...
Michiel Nass
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
Giovanni Manghi
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
Giovanni Manghi
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Bug report #21154 (Closed): Error copying records between tables
This does not happen to me in version 3.2.3
The fields of the two tables are the same. I can not paste all the attri...
Jose Castedo
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
Confirmed, regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
Confirmed, regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
Confirmed, regression. Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #21151 (Open): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such ...
table structure.
Gerhard Spieles
09:32 AM Bug report #21151 (Feedback): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no s...
"edit table" means editing its structure or its content? Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
11:53 AM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
11:45 AM Revision b5142664 (qgis): Quote field name identifiers in ORDER BY and MAX/MIN queries
Fixes #21100 Alessandro Pasotti
11:43 AM Revision a71d937b (qgis): better a static list to avoid set at every call
Luigi Pirelli
11:32 AM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
I can confirm with NO issue on Linux... Jan Lippmann
11:01 AM Revision 3b1127ee (qgis): spellechck do warning if htmls tags in methoid description => fail travis
Luigi Pirelli
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:56 AM Revision 1923967d (qgis): Remove debug output
Alessandro Pasotti
10:53 AM Revision 1aef9cfa (qgis): [opencl] Fix hillshade renderer with 16bit rasters
Fixes #21121 Alessandro Pasotti
09:28 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
if any reopen the other ticket. Giovanni Manghi
09:28 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
if any reopen the other ticket. Giovanni Manghi
04:59 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
Using vertex editor tool to hover over features, the nodes of those features are highlighted in red. This is fine. Bu... Cory Albrecht
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
Please try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
Please try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
Please try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
04:34 AM Bug report #21152 (Closed): QGIS Crash on exit
h2. User Feedback
Quitting QGIS
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: e6eaf1f777c864edd362e4ef3f41e40f336ce8ff
Grant Boxer
04:56 AM Bug report #18628: QGIS 3: vertex editor highlights features in non-visible layers
Carolyn Krause wrote:
> This issue is resolved in QGIS 3.4. Non-visible layers are no longer highlighted by the Vert...
Cory Albrecht


12:35 AM Revision 9a8c0d28 (qgis): avoid OSRFixup with GDAL >= 2.5
Jürgen Fischer
12:00 AM Bug report #21149 (Closed): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
Jürgen Fischer
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). Giovanni Manghi
04:03 PM Bug report #21149 (Closed): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
h2. User Feedback
crashed on closing QGIS
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665...
Chris Dainton
11:55 PM Bug report #20588 (Closed): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
Fixed in GDAL master per and release/2.... Even Rouault
11:29 PM Revision 122d5c3e (qgis): fix some PEP8 in Processing Model as python code
Etienne Trimaille
11:29 PM Revision 6a8ba52c (qgis): fix typo and HIG
Etienne Trimaille
11:28 PM Bug report #21151 (Closed): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no suc...
QGIS 3.5, Codeversion 56e465cc8a
DBManager, Spatialite, edit table popup a window with database fault "no such table...
Gerhard Spieles
10:11 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
In my case, it's an issue on Win 7 64 bit. Also with actual master. Jan Lippmann
04:29 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I can't reproduce on Linux -- possible windows specific?
maybe even windows version specifi...
Nikolai Krawczak
09:02 PM Revision eeaccb7f (qgis): typo
Luigi Pirelli
08:33 PM Revision d06406d0 (qgis): fixed spellcheck
Luigi Pirelli
08:25 PM Revision 9871c6d6 (qgis): let travis happy
Luigi Pirelli
07:44 PM Revision 4b3674ae (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses and removed default
Luigi Pirelli
07:37 PM Revision 0aaa1918 (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses + removed default + forgot an enum
Luigi Pirelli
07:34 PM Revision 0d114479 (qgis): typo
Luigi Pirelli
07:29 PM Revision 54daf1ac (qgis): Enable/disable actions for mesh layer in main app window
Martin Dobias
07:29 PM Revision 5236b2f1 (qgis): typo and rephrased
Luigi Pirelli
07:25 PM Revision 46ac8031 (qgis): typo + #if 0 for todo code
Luigi Pirelli
07:08 PM Revision a9fcfe9a (qgis): betetr use qgsDoubleNear
Luigi Pirelli
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
04:53 PM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
When saving a project with 'Save paths' set to 'relative', the paths for any delimited text layers are saved as absol... Adam Liddell
06:49 PM Revision 78d94884 (qgis): translated error message
Luigi Pirelli
06:48 PM Revision dfda3124 (qgis): removed default in switch
Luigi Pirelli
06:42 PM Revision 06e05805 (qgis): removed default and manage forgot enum
Luigi Pirelli
06:34 PM Revision ad112bad (qgis): back to a more safe const method
Luigi Pirelli
06:13 PM Revision bdda8d0b (qgis): back to const methods
Luigi Pirelli
06:04 PM Bug report #18812 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0.1 crashes after attempting to remove a virtual field from ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:18 PM Bug report #18812: QGIS 3.0.1 crashes after attempting to remove a virtual field from a shapefile
this may be related to fixed #18954. Can you please retest with 3.5 master? Peter Petrik
05:08 PM Bug report #17340 (Closed): STL 3D models are always rotated by 180
Saber Razmjooei
04:43 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I did the tests. When you activate OpenCl, even if you change the type of resampling, it is displayed incorrectly.
luca bellani
04:43 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I did the tests. When you activate OpenCl, even if you change the type of resampling, it is displayed incorrectly.
luca bellani
04:15 PM Bug report #20534 (Feedback): qgis crashed
Please add detailed description how to replicate the issue, possible with sample small project attached.
Peter Petrik
04:12 PM Bug report #21115 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
Peter Petrik
04:03 PM Bug report #20712 (In Progress): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
Peter Petrik
03:56 PM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
I can replicate the issue when I drag 'n' drop the .py file to QGIS. running individual commands is OK Peter Petrik
10:27 AM Bug report #20712 (Open): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
Giovanni Manghi
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi...
Ikuo Yamaga
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi...
Ikuo Yamaga
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi...
Ikuo Yamaga
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi...
Ikuo Yamaga
04:01 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > The map parameter is usually not included when adding a Geoservice I thought.
> not ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:00 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring

> The map parameter is usually not included when adding a Geoservice I thought.
not that is not completely true:...
Giovanni Manghi
03:34 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
I have tried different URL's like: http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe?request=getcapabilities&service=WMS... Louis Leguan
03:07 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
Louis Leguan wrote:
> I am now able to request the capabilities of the Service in the Browser.
> URL: http://local...
Giovanni Manghi
03:03 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
I am now able to request the capabilities of the Service in the Browser.
URL: http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv...
Louis Leguan
03:58 PM Revision c1d10689 (qgis): Add #spellok for a false positive in spelling test
Martin Dobias
03:58 PM Revision cfa40ed5 (qgis): Improvements to the right-click behavior to pick locked feature
- unlock feature on right-click in an empty area
- allow selection of locked feature by right-click on polygon interi...
Martin Dobias
03:58 PM Revision 39887e72 (qgis): Small code cleanup to warm up
Martin Dobias
03:54 PM Revision d61940cf (qgis): use qgsDoubleNear to avoid precision errors
Luigi Pirelli
03:52 PM Revision 738ec79d (qgis): \#if 0 instead of comment
Luigi Pirelli
03:49 PM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
also backported Peter Petrik
03:47 PM Bug report #20493 (Closed): 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - no... Peter Petrik
03:45 PM Revision 495568ae (qgis): Merge pull request #9059 from daniviga/grass76-rpm
[RPM] GRASS 7.6 support for F30+ Matthias Kuhn
03:44 PM Revision 0e635828 (qgis): Merge pull request #9060 from daniviga/release-3_4
[RPM] Backport some fixes for master, add F30+ compatibility Matthias Kuhn
03:39 PM Feature request #20722 (Closed): Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel? Peter Petrik
03:23 PM Revision 461b31d4 (qgis): debug message always in case contrastEnhancement alg is not SLD supported
Luigi Pirelli
03:19 PM Feature request #20130 (Closed): Identify tool does not work on mesh layer
merged to 3.5 Peter Petrik
03:19 PM Feature request #20130 (Closed): Identify tool does not work on mesh layer
merged to 3.5 Peter Petrik
03:18 PM Revision 3103b00f (qgis): fix identify for mesh layers (#9047)
Peter Petrik
03:12 PM Revision a6391d7d (qgis): use QgsFileUtils::ensureFileNameHasExtension instead
Luigi Pirelli
03:11 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
I wrote mail, thank you!
salvatore fiandaca
01:38 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
could you ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index salvatore fiandaca
02:42 PM Revision 0e9af791 (qgis): fixed AStyle with
Luigi Pirelli
02:21 PM Revision 5609f4a8 (qgis): Avoid undefined behaviour with signed integer overflow
Hugo Mercier
02:12 PM Bug report #20701: No scroll in attribute form
This happens when you switch form type from Auto-generated to Drag-n-Drop designer.
Attached video with this issue.
Nikolay Lebedev
02:00 PM Bug report #21148 (Open): Save project to PostGreSQL doesn't work with PostGreSQL 9.4 and older
The functionality to save a project to PostgreSQL will only work with PostgreSQL versions 9.5 and newer, because:
* ...
Michel Stuyts
01:41 PM Bug report #21085: Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
To clarify, it is no problem to wait 1 minute for an algorithm to finish, the problem is when the feature count goes ... Peter Gipper
11:44 AM Revision 18941a1a (qgis): Fix timeout in network timeout tests
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision cc6d88e2 (qgis): Add signal for logging after network authentication details have been a...
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 8ee2e793 (qgis): Make network authentication request handling thread safe, avoid
races and crashes when auth requests occur in non-main thread
Like the recent SSL error handling, this commit abstra...
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision d0c24edf (qgis): Import more useful libraries into console by default
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 4495699b (qgis): Fix blocking request cancelation after a redirect occurs
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 150668dd (qgis): Remove leftover buffer size code (credit to @nirvn)
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 8bcd46c4 (qgis): Only show host (not lengthy url) in message bar timeout messages
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision dcb6104f (qgis): Dox++
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 03a2a03d (qgis): Dox
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 630cd021 (qgis): Update WFS request to accomodate changes in QgsNetworkAccessManager
Because the manager now handles waking up worker threads after
an authentication request, the WFS request handler no ...
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 4908ef16 (qgis): Revert "Revert QgsBlockingNetworkRequest"
With recent changes in QgsNetworkAccessManager this should be
safe to resurrect (fingers crossed!). Also simplify cod...
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision c03ce930 (qgis): Allow use of local httpbin instances in unit tests
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision f1040efc (qgis): Nicer API for network timeouts
Nyall Dawson
11:44 AM Revision 742acf19 (qgis): [afs] Don't render in preview jobs
These servers can be sloooooooow, and unpredictable.
The previous preview job may have been fast to render,
but the n...
Nyall Dawson
11:19 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Hi Giovanni, yes indeed this was a secondary test when I see #21093 (referenced by Alexander).
Thank you for all ...
João Gaspar
09:25 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Yes Joao, it's the same issue as in #21093. Anyway from the log you're showing it seems that you're setting the <root... Giovanni Allegri
11:08 AM Revision 6fa3bf8e (qgis): Allow vector rendering cancelation to also cancel feature iteration for...
Connect the cancel rendering signal to the iteration cancelation.
This allows providers (e.g. WFS, AFS) to abort slow...
Nyall Dawson
11:06 AM Revision 4f8e2317 (qgis): [processing][saga] Fix definition of Multiple regression points/grids alg
Fixes #21146 Nyall Dawson
11:05 AM Revision 174dc4b8 (qgis): Merge pull request #9058 from alexbruy/v_net-backports
Backport GRASS algorithms fixes Alexander Bruy
11:05 AM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe. Nyall Dawson
11:05 AM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe. Nyall Dawson
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos...
Giovanni Manghi
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos...
Giovanni Manghi
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos...
Giovanni Manghi
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos...
Giovanni Manghi
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos...
Giovanni Manghi
10:24 AM Bug report #21143 (Open): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
Giovanni Manghi
08:58 AM Bug report #21143: Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
Here is a gpkg file with test points and style included. Jérémie Prud'homme
05:15 AM Bug report #21143 (Feedback): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
I can't reproduce. Can you share your style? Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision a6cad4df (qgis): New Shapefile Layer dialog: avoid warning message on user cancel
Also add better error message reporting, and deprecate horrible API.
(cherry picked from commit 9a723d91e84df1397566...
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision 3b814eaa (qgis): [processing] Correct parameter type for Map Layer parameters
(cherry picked from commit d14869093a7661880650591b7baee4c64524c3d5) Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision 3f0171b8 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fix qgsRound for negative numbers. Fixes #20861
(cherry picked from commit cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda) Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:07 AM Revision 34625110 (qgis): Fix empty strings in proxy exclude list results in proxy being skipped ...
Fixes #20213
(cherry picked from commit cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb)
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision f988f6f5 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Add friendlier API for running algorithms as s...
of main algorithm
Using code like:
buffered_layer =, context, feedback)['OUTPUT']
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision dbd75124 (qgis): [ui] Remove black background for the browser panel DB2 icon
(cherry picked from commit f2d8bdea4e01e8e873c6842d5f2e120345bac0bd) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:07 AM Revision 4423caff (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix vertex addition to polygon's first segment (fixes #20...
With topo editing mode enabled, addition of extra points to keep the topology
correct wasn't working correctly becaus...
Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Revision ef1634c8 (qgis): Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831)
By default a range widget is built with a minimum value set to the
minimal integer that is possible to represent. Whe...
Hugo Mercier
10:07 AM Revision 2ad47198 (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix issue with hidden layers being editable (fixes #18434)
The problem was that QgsSnappingConfig when initialized from a project
loads global settings from QgsSettings and set...
Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Revision 9abcd0e1 (qgis): Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909)
The i == 0 test was wrong, and a test is actually not needed.
(cherry picked from commit 389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca...
Hugo Mercier
10:07 AM Revision e1febd01 (qgis): [Processing][Grass] Add the possibility to return a shp if ogr is not c...
(cherry picked from commit 2e92dabd20df1abbc0e350dbd1ae06c0ad1839ce) Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:07 AM Revision 06ee1326 (qgis): [processing] do not show geometryless layers in extent selector
Fixes #21129
(cherry picked from commit 5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d)
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision f3f62678 (qgis): [processing] Fixes to distance inputs for models
- fix parameter can get converted to plain number parameter after edits
- allow parameter to be linked to parent para...
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Revision 8edc5701 (qgis): fix when GDALGetRasterScale returns 0 (gdal 2.3 affected for some datas...
(cherry picked from commit 7a12f113921848e8435eca105ad4754286690fb1) Peter Petrik
09:45 AM Revision 1ea76996 (qgis): [RPM] Backport some fixes for master, add F30+ compatibility
Daniele Viganò
09:43 AM Revision 3425b7c3 (qgis): [RPM] Add a TODO about deprecated scriptlets
Daniele Viganò
09:21 AM Feature request #15536 (Closed): Support for osgEarth 2.8 in Globe plugin
Jürgen Fischer
09:16 AM Bug report #16893 (Open): Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
Even if missing the configs, I think it is more practical for the user to go back to the non batch interface instead ... Paolo Cavallini
09:12 AM Revision 8f9377dc (qgis): [RPM] Add support for GRASS 7.6 as required by F30+
Daniele Viganò
07:54 AM Revision bc76678e (qgis): Fix multiline description strings
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision 56e465cc (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Resurrect ability to convert models to scripts
Brings back QGIS 2.18's ability to directly convert a Processing model
to an equivalent Processing Python script algo...
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision 37774f9a (qgis): [processing] Add util to convert QVariant value to Python literal
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision 946687c8 (qgis): Update QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource::asPythonCode
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision fb519ead (qgis): Update QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm::asPythonCode for 3.x API
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision 9b2e6013 (qgis): [processing] Update QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm::asPythonCode for 3.x API
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision f77cf4fa (qgis): [processing] Formalise object design for ContextAction, allow icons to ...
Nyall Dawson
07:54 AM Revision ffa49df9 (qgis): Fix misleading dox
Nyall Dawson
07:07 AM Revision acce2486 (qgis): [processing] fix and
(cherry picked from commit 85e3b2db6e29fccec2eee264f84e0357a5f24d47) Alexander Bruy
07:06 AM Revision 0a5bad43 (qgis): [processing] fix broken stdout handling in GRASS algs (fix #21142)
(cherry picked from commit b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262) Alexander Bruy
07:06 AM Revision f2ceb6ea (qgis): [processing] fix output generation in and add test
(cherry picked from commit a911ef336703056833133104fae6c7d09c889fed) Alexander Bruy
07:06 AM Revision 33e25be4 (qgis): [processing] add test for algorithm
(cherry picked from commit dbe2cb73ad7352ae58ab465761d2feeec59ab554) Alexander Bruy
07:06 AM Revision 0da67d27 (qgis): [processing] snap points to network by default (fix #19904)
Kudos to Pedro Venâncio for finding solution for this bug
(cherry picked from commit 3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af...
Alexander Bruy
07:03 AM Revision ecd306e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #9046 from alexbruy/grass-v-net
fix GRASS modules (fix #19904) [processing] Alexander Bruy
07:02 AM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262. Alexander Bruy
07:02 AM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262. Alexander Bruy
07:02 AM Bug report #19904 (Closed): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af4db503339. Alexander Bruy
07:02 AM Bug report #19904 (Closed): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af4db503339. Alexander Bruy


12:57 AM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Actually I can't confirm this - if I add a WCS layer I can pick it as an input for native tool...
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 AM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
Actually I can't confirm this - if I add a WCS layer I can pick it as an input for native tools like "Raster Surface ... Nyall Dawson
11:54 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
> mapserver wcs layers do not show as input for qgis core tools.
Hmm - that's a bug in itself. They do work, they ...
Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Actually they work for native QGIS algorithms, just not the gdal based ones
mapserver wcs l...
Giovanni Manghi
08:23 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
Actually they work for native QGIS algorithms, just not the gdal based ones Nyall Dawson
06:36 PM Feature request #21145 (Feedback): Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
This is duplicate of another ticket (a feature request) where is asked to allow use WCS layer as input layers for Pro... Giovanni Manghi
05:30 PM Feature request #21145 (Open): Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
The function *Raster>Extraction>Clip Raster by Extend* fails when rasterlayer is WCS
Workaround: RightClick layer,...
Hans Erik Jacobsen
12:05 AM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
I can't reproduce on Linux -- possible windows specific? Nyall Dawson
06:08 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)?
yes, I used a fresh profil...
Nikolai Krawczak
05:37 PM Bug report #21144 (Feedback): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)? Giovanni Manghi
05:37 PM Bug report #21144 (Feedback): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)? Giovanni Manghi
05:34 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
I can confirm. same issue today in my workshop... Jan Lippmann
05:20 PM Bug report #21144 (Open): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
A combination of snapping tooltips and advanced digitizing is not working. QGIS becomes unresponsive.
Nikolai Krawczak
11:52 PM Bug report #21146: QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and predictor g...
Confirmed Nyall Dawson
10:52 PM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
The "dependent variable" drop down menu only allows the selection of the points feature, not the field in the attribu... Kurt Joy
11:50 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
+1 to totally removing this option and disabling the offending code. Better safe then sorry... Nyall Dawson
11:17 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
No, please don't. It is very problematic to have even an optional feature that is so broken and has no warning and n... Alister Hood
11:50 PM Bug report #21147 (Closed): Crash
*Crashed while trying to save project and close.*
Crash ID: f416194fc317a121bf6df37d44f238ef7c9880bb
Stack Tr...
Richard Barnes
11:48 PM Feature request #15536: Support for osgEarth 2.8 in Globe plugin
I think we should close this as "wontfix". The globe plugin is effectively deprecated and all future work is being di... Nyall Dawson
09:27 PM Revision f66d1999 (qgis): add SIP_DEPRECATED
Denis Rouzaud
09:27 PM Revision 3d57a93f (qgis): fix typo in method name
rename method but keep old one in Python for API compatibility Denis Rouzaud
09:27 PM Revision 2fbdac09 (qgis): remove Q_FOREACH
Denis Rouzaud
09:27 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Luca, can you please make a quick test with OpenCL activated and tell me if it works with the sampling bilinear optio... Alessandro Pasotti
08:56 PM Revision 7a12f113 (qgis): fix when GDALGetRasterScale returns 0 (gdal 2.3 affected for some datas...
Peter Petrik
04:59 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
(Um, that survey is for STEAM, a game platform) William Kyngesburye
03:35 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
based on December 2018 results, 50% of Mac users already use 10.14.x , 30% 10... Peter Petrik
03:53 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
I've checked and compared environment settings for QGIS running via terminal vs open and I can't find any differences... Hamish Campbell
03:56 PM Bug report #20872: QGIS 3.5 not loading or saving multi-dimensional arrays properly from PostGIS ...
Proposed PR : Julien Cabieces
03:31 PM Revision 85e3b2db (qgis): [processing] fix and
Alexander Bruy
03:23 PM Feature request #20130: Identify tool does not work on mesh layer Peter Petrik
03:21 PM Revision 82e48f9c (qgis): Added SLD 1.0 export for rasters
Luigi Pirelli
02:56 PM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Alexander Bruy
11:29 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
> for master https:/...
Giovanni Manghi
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs

> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
Giovanni Manghi
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs

> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
Giovanni Manghi
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs

> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
Giovanni Manghi
10:19 AM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> I found it!
Thanks for your work! I will take care about updating code and backporting
Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> I found it!
Thanks for your work! I will take care about updating code and backporting
Alexander Bruy
01:28 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Simply changing
\python\plugins\processing\algs\grass7\ext\ line 61 to
command = u" -s inp...
Pedro Venâncio
01:13 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
I found it! needs the -s flag to snap points to network for operation connect. By default, add a new l...
Pedro Venâncio
01:05 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Ok, it seems the order is not relevant for this issue, because the same happens with, and there we have onl... Pedro Venâncio
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ... Alexander Bruy
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ... Alexander Bruy
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ... Alexander Bruy
12:58 PM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output has the *sequence* parameter to show the optimal route to visit nodes on a vector network
Pedro Venâncio
02:54 PM Revision b9f559ee (qgis): [processing] fix broken stdout handling in GRASS algs (fix #21142)
Alexander Bruy
02:54 PM Revision 3abea360 (qgis): [processing] snap points to network by default (fix #19904)
Kudos to Pedro Venâncio for finding solution for this bug Alexander Bruy
02:54 PM Revision a911ef33 (qgis): [processing] fix output generation in and add test
Alexander Bruy
02:54 PM Revision dbe2cb73 (qgis): [processing] add test for algorithm
Alexander Bruy
01:38 PM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
I have a point layer with several types of vehicles (column type) and some points are at the same place.
I c...
Jérémie Prud'homme
01:16 PM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
I confirm. This issue is related with #21093
When I try to add with master give me a warning in the log:
João Gaspar
11:11 AM Bug report #21140 (Feedback): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Giovanni Manghi
10:56 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Probably related to #21093 Alexander Bruy
10:07 AM Bug report #21140 (Closed): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance

Following this video
[[]] and using the demo link: [[http://de...
João Gaspar
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data).
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #21141 (Closed): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to laye...
When I load my basemap, I can change its CRS easy. When I load a vector file (any CRS) It loads on my basemap even wh... Bodhi Gorringe
11:40 AM Bug report #21080: QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> will there be a 3.4 Backports ??
commit:7d2fe041 is the backport.
Jürgen Fischer
08:53 AM Bug report #21080: QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
the problem has been solved in the master,
but in 3.4 ??
will there be a 3.4 Backports ??
salvatore fiandaca
11:25 AM Revision 20cd2154 (qgis): fix #18954 add&rename vector fields (#8982) (#9042)
fix #18954 add&rename vector fields at the same time Peter Petrik
11:11 AM Bug report #21139 (Open): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
Giovanni Manghi
10:43 AM Bug report #21139: Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
An important comment: I tried to reproduce the issue in a new project. I discovered that it occurs only if one (or mo... Simon Gröchenig
10:39 AM Bug report #21139: Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
I can reproduce the issue also in QGIS 2.18.28. Simon Gröchenig
09:51 AM Bug report #21139 (Feedback): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child sym...
Did it worked as expdcted in 2.18 or a previous 3.x release? Giovanni Manghi
09:51 AM Bug report #21139 (Feedback): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child sym...
Did it worked as expdcted in 2.18 or a previous 3.x release? Giovanni Manghi
08:40 AM Bug report #21139 (Open): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
I observe a bug in the categorized symbology. I prepare a parent symbol and create the child symbols afterwards. If I... Simon Gröchenig
10:38 AM Revision d3bfa158 (qgis): Merge pull request #9043 from alexbruy/misc-backports
3.4 backports Alexander Bruy
10:21 AM Revision c3819e88 (qgis): Merge pull request #9036 from mhugo/fix_19909
Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909) Hugo Mercier
10:20 AM Bug report #19909 (Closed): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca5f22e451dac8a. Hugo Mercier
10:20 AM Bug report #19909 (Closed): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca5f22e451dac8a. Hugo Mercier
09:50 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac

> What's mean "clean user profile" ? bash_profile or not.
QGIS 3 supports multiple (QGIS) user profiles, you...
Giovanni Manghi
03:04 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
Same crushed with 10.14.2 and 3.4.4. 3.2.2 Bonn was good.
My python3.6 was maybe clean. I don't touch anything a...
Ikuo Yamaga
09:49 AM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
Did it worked as expected in 2.18 or an older 3.x release? Giovanni Manghi
09:49 AM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
Did it worked as expected in 2.18 or an older 3.x release? Giovanni Manghi
09:36 AM Revision ef97dba1 (qgis): fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel (#...
fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel Peter Petrik
09:30 AM Revision a1d75a4a (qgis): don't export features without category by default
(cherry picked from commit 19dcfb987ba096cf263b60ff566926477d84a737) Alexander Bruy
09:30 AM Revision d344ec12 (qgis): set default value for newly added parameter
(cherry picked from commit 0cc483f621c980317929c5f1c6908b7d2dba25f1) Alexander Bruy
09:30 AM Revision 32357f24 (qgis): fix formatting
(cherry picked from commit 67bc58603625d8e859d504a2fab573beb83a16f5) Alexander Bruy
09:30 AM Revision ed0623d9 (qgis): do not always use the -c flag to export vectors from GRASS
(cherry picked from commit 5f99955b455cdd66cf013eda142e38d542618ba0) Giovanni Manghi
09:30 AM Revision dddb32e3 (qgis): [processing] don't show cancel button in the task manager for algorithm...
(cherry picked from commit b19e0bd5d441b2584b663cac77073928c0314ff4) Alexander Bruy
09:29 AM Revision 679b60e3 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Extract binary field algorithm should use
an expression parameter instead of string for destination file name
It makes no sense to enter a constant string val...
Nyall Dawson
09:20 AM Revision ebcc694a (qgis): fix #18954 add&rename vector fields (#8982)
fix #18954 add&rename vector fields at the same time Peter Petrik
09:20 AM Bug report #18954 (Closed): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ebcc694ab1a0cee9693b8cb1c4c5562e43be93a7. Peter Petrik
09:20 AM Bug report #18954 (Closed): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ebcc694ab1a0cee9693b8cb1c4c5562e43be93a7. Peter Petrik
09:07 AM Feature request #11264 (Closed): Cascading controls in forms
I think it has been introduced in 3.2 Hugo Mercier
09:07 AM Feature request #11264 (Closed): Cascading controls in forms
I think it has been introduced in 3.2 Hugo Mercier
08:39 AM Revision 44c4e8cc (qgis): fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
Peter Petrik
08:39 AM Bug report #17652 (Closed): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|44c4e8cca07176eb6665a8ae74a7448f968fde3a. Peter Petrik
08:39 AM Bug report #17652 (Closed): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|44c4e8cca07176eb6665a8ae74a7448f968fde3a. Peter Petrik
08:33 AM Revision aa02e9f3 (qgis): added missing import
Victor Olaya
07:53 AM Revision 4f6df298 (qgis): [processing] Fixes to distance inputs for models
- fix parameter can get converted to plain number parameter after edits
- allow parameter to be linked to parent para...
Nyall Dawson
07:52 AM Revision 5bfec279 (qgis): [processing] do not show geometryless layers in extent selector
Fixes #21129 Nyall Dawson
07:51 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d. Nyall Dawson
07:51 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d. Nyall Dawson


12:02 AM Revision e670371f (qgis): [layouts] Show an explicit warning when exporting a layout which contai...
Nyall Dawson
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N... Jake Bramante
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N... Jake Bramante
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N... Jake Bramante
08:10 PM Bug report #21135 (Feedback): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
Please try with 3.4.4 Nyall Dawson
04:54 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
With support now for Retina displays, the scale needs to be changed to accommodate the increased resolution. The expo... Jake Bramante
11:57 PM Bug report #21138 (Open): scroll wheel does not respond until 3rd click
When using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of map, response is lagged. Typically it wont respond until the 3rd cl... garret w
11:56 PM Revision 4559d9e4 (qgis): Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance. Shahzad Lone
11:55 PM Revision 2e92dabd (qgis): [Processing][Grass] Add the possibility to return a shp if ogr is not c...
11:51 PM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
When adding a new feature, using tracing the save button remains grayed-out so you can not save edits until you opt t... garret w
11:25 PM Bug report #19684: The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
> Maybe that algorithm can be removed? It is redundant, since all that it does can be done with the "layer from exten... Nyall Dawson
11:58 AM Bug report #19684 (Feedback): The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
Maybe that algorithm can be removed? It is redundant, since all that it does can be done with the "layer from extent"... Victor Olaya
11:24 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Yes - send it to [email protected]. Nyall Dawson
10:52 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Neil, thanks for responding. As the example I'm using right now contains sensitive information and corporate material... Anna Kear
10:50 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Meaning I have never had any un-clean version, yet it still, always, manages to crash in on itself. Anna Kear
10:27 PM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Can you share a project & data which we can use to reproduce the issue? Nyall Dawson
10:26 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Anna Kear wrote:
> yeuppe.
means no crash?
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Have never had any add-on's/extensions, in fact. Anna Kear
10:22 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
yeuppe. Anna Kear
07:47 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Anna Kear wrote:
> 3.4.4 has the same problem...
new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)?
Giovanni Manghi
07:13 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
3.4.4 has the same problem... Anna Kear
11:23 AM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Please try with a new/clean profile and 3.4.4. Giovanni Manghi
11:23 AM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Please try with a new/clean profile and 3.4.4. Giovanni Manghi
10:27 PM Bug report #21121 (Open): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Giovanni Manghi
08:56 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Yes! That's the reason!
Deactivating OpenGl and always putting the resampling in "bilinear" is displayed correctly.
luca bellani
05:57 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Out of curiosity: are you using OpenCL acceleration? If yes can you try to disable it? Alessandro Pasotti
05:53 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I have reviewed other DEMs that gave me problems, and as can be seen in the comparative image, the problem is present... luca bellani
05:53 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I have reviewed other DEMs that gave me problems, and as can be seen in the comparative image, the problem is present... luca bellani
11:21 AM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Re...
Giovanni Manghi
08:17 PM Bug report #21132 (Feedback): composer pdf export generates hidden items
You'll need to attach a self contained demonstration project showing this issue. Nyall Dawson
12:46 PM Bug report #21132 (Closed): composer pdf export generates hidden items
see attached image!3.4.4 and 3.5 is still affected. the expression end the hide expression are the following:
Kepes Ádám
07:47 PM Bug report #20978 (Feedback): QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
Giovanni Manghi
07:36 PM Bug report #20978: QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
As I understand, ERROR 6 comes from GDAL and caused by limitations of the TIFF format. If GRASS produces rasters with... Alexander Bruy
07:46 PM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Giovanni Manghi
06:49 PM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Hi Alex,
It works with same data in QGIS 2.18.28, using same GRASS version (now 7.6.0).
I was looking more care...
Pedro Venâncio
02:53 PM Bug report #19904 (Feedback): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
Am I right that empty output produced only when executed via Processing and correct results produced when executing s... Alexander Bruy
07:21 PM Feature request #20850: Node editor as it works in 2.*
Corey Burger wrote:
> I would say that we need something that merges the best of the 2.x with the new 3 method. Ther...
Regis Haubourg
06:43 PM Bug report #21136 (Open): Crash when reconnecting to remote desktop session
h2. User Feedback
I run QGIS in a remote desktop session, connecting to a virtual machine running Windows Server 2...
Nick Vaughn
06:28 PM Bug report #16893 (Feedback): Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
Giovanni Manghi
06:21 PM Bug report #16893: Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
This makes no sense as batch dialog contains multiple sets of parameters and all of them except one will be lost when... Alexander Bruy
06:17 PM Bug report #19540 (Feedback): SAGA openCV and processing tools.
Please test with master/3.4. If issue persist please provide test data and steps to reproduce. Alexander Bruy
06:12 PM Bug report #20646 (Feedback): i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Seg...
Does this module works as expected when used in GRASS GIS directly? Alexander Bruy
06:12 PM Bug report #20646 (Feedback): i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Seg...
Does this module works as expected when used in GRASS GIS directly? Alexander Bruy
05:09 PM Bug report #18313 (Closed): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate refer...
salvatore fiandaca
10:32 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
I close issues because I found the solution. salvatore fiandaca
10:32 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
I close issues because I found the solution. salvatore fiandaca
05:08 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
That Qt blog didn't say anything specific about file dialog problems.
I don't want to make such a major change in ...
William Kyngesburye
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not... Peter Petrik
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not... Peter Petrik
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not... Peter Petrik
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not... Peter Petrik
10:04 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
qgis verion: 3.4.3, compiled against qt 5.11.2 (running against too) ...
(just to get you right: official qgis LTR u...
robert kalasek
10:01 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
hmm, I heavily suspect that this could be simple as that Qt 5.11 does not support Mojave ( Peter Petrik
09:11 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
surprising that you couldn't replicate ...
concering 4b to 4e i can provide information:
- disk is at about 75% of ...
robert kalasek
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$... Hugo Mercier
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$... Hugo Mercier
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$... Hugo Mercier
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$... Hugo Mercier
03:40 PM Bug report #21131 (Closed): Crash
Jürgen Fischer
02:39 PM Bug report #21131: Crash
Lorenzo Dolzadelli wrote:
> Il crash è avvenuto in fase di salvataggio del progetto.
please try with a new/clean ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:37 PM Bug report #21131: Crash
Il crash è avvenuto in fase di salvataggio del progetto.
Lorenzo Dolzadelli
12:11 PM Bug report #21131 (Feedback): Crash
Hi, you must give us (much) more details:
what are the steps that lead the crash? Please attach also a sample proj...
Giovanni Manghi
12:11 PM Bug report #21131 (Feedback): Crash
Hi, you must give us (much) more details:
what are the steps that lead the crash? Please attach also a sample proj...
Giovanni Manghi
12:04 PM Bug report #21131 (Closed): Crash
Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
Lorenzo Dolzadelli
03:33 PM Bug report #19909: Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
PR Hugo Mercier
02:11 PM Bug report #19909: Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
Reproduced Hugo Mercier
03:32 PM Bug report #21133 (Closed): multiple crashes
Jürgen Fischer
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
12:52 PM Bug report #21133 (Closed): multiple crashes
Many times now since installing QGIS 3.4.2 i have had QGIS crash on me. So far as I can recall it has all been when w... Jim Edmunds
03:31 PM Revision 389149c8 (qgis): Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909)
The i == 0 test was wrong, and a test is actually not needed. Hugo Mercier
03:24 PM Bug report #19236 (Closed): Ordered weighted averaging error: can only concatenate list (not “str...
Reported issue already fixed. Alexander Bruy
03:24 PM Bug report #19236 (Closed): Ordered weighted averaging error: can only concatenate list (not “str...
Reported issue already fixed. Alexander Bruy
03:23 PM Bug report #18704 (Closed): No GDAL/GRASS functionality on OSX in QGIS3
Current stable version of GRASS does not support Python 3 while QGIS uses Python 3. You need to wait for GRASS 7.8 wh... Alexander Bruy
03:23 PM Bug report #18704 (Closed): No GDAL/GRASS functionality on OSX in QGIS3
Current stable version of GRASS does not support Python 3 while QGIS uses Python 3. You need to wait for GRASS 7.8 wh... Alexander Bruy
03:21 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
Please note that by default using v.external is turned off and instead is used. Also seems this not Processi... Alexander Bruy
03:16 PM Bug report #16425 (Feedback): Error converting to integer 64 bits when output is a temporary layer
Please test with 3.4/master and attach sample data. Alexander Bruy
03:14 PM Bug report #14806 (Closed): v.out.dxf not working at all
Confirmed, works as expected in master/3.4 on Windows and Linux. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:14 PM Bug report #14806 (Closed): v.out.dxf not working at all
Confirmed, works as expected in master/3.4 on Windows and Linux. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:09 PM Bug report #20395 (Closed): QGIS desktop 2.18.25 raster clip
Works fine in master/3.4. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:09 PM Bug report #20395 (Closed): QGIS desktop 2.18.25 raster clip
Works fine in master/3.4. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Bug report #18456 (Feedback): Crash after attempting band math
Hi, can you please add some steps how to reproduce the error? thanks Peter Petrik
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
Works fine in master/3.4 Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
Works fine in master/3.4 Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
Works fine in master/3.4 Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
Works fine in master/3.4 Alexander Bruy
01:50 PM Bug report #8760 (Feedback): Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2 reached it's end of life. Loïc BARTOLETTI
01:47 PM Bug report #20568 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 advanced modification and snap block QGIS
Hugo Mercier
01:35 PM Revision 662af5cf (qgis): Merge pull request #9003 from alexbruy/grass-vector-export
[processing][needs-docs] allow to exclude features without category from GRASS export Alexander Bruy
01:32 PM Revision fa1f8762 (qgis): Merge pull request #9033 from mhugo/fix_20831
Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831) Hugo Mercier
01:31 PM Bug report #21125 (Closed): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
Yes, now fixed by Hugo Mercier
11:22 AM Bug report #21125 (Feedback): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
fixed by ? Giovanni Manghi
01:31 PM Bug report #20831 (Closed): Range widget does not honor default value on not null column
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb5a3367b651e8a7d83af4af41ea0f481efc126b. Hugo Mercier
01:31 PM Bug report #20831 (Closed): Range widget does not honor default value on not null column
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb5a3367b651e8a7d83af4af41ea0f481efc126b. Hugo Mercier
01:29 PM Bug report #21134 (Open): QGIS Print Composer export to image
In QGIS export to image produces the following error: "Unable to write to C:\folder\subfolder1\subfolder2\xxx... DELLWYN KANE
12:26 PM Bug report #21128: Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
Thanks Giovanni and Juergen,
I will follow the suggested procedure and I will clean up the registry.
That will hap...
Rene Wubs
11:51 AM Bug report #21128: Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
Rene Wubs wrote:
> Kan toegangspunt van procedure
> ??0QColor@@QEAA@SSQEAV0@@Z niet vinden in
> DLL-bestand C:\PRO...
Jürgen Fischer
11:18 AM Bug report #21128 (Feedback): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path erro...
Likely to be a local issue. Have you tried doing a cleanup of the registry entries for QGIS? Giovanni Manghi
11:18 AM Bug report #21128 (Feedback): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path erro...
Likely to be a local issue. Have you tried doing a cleanup of the registry entries for QGIS? Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #21128 (Closed): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
AFter a fresh install, running QGIS 3.4 for the first time gives an error and the program will not start.
The fir...
Rene Wubs
12:22 PM Revision 95e45a36 (qgis): backport PR 8987: allow drop 2dm files from system browser, allow non-a...
Peter Petrik
12:19 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
Gabriel De Luca wrote:
> The error reported was already fixed in @saga-ltr-2.3.2-4@ package.
> https://trac.o...
Giovanni Manghi
12:04 PM Bug report #21130 (Open): "Couldn't load SIP module." with Madeira
I got this problem with both 64 and 32 bits version.
Tried to reinstall SIP.
Tried to install several python packag...
Boris D.
11:52 AM Bug report #19061 (Closed): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen Fischer
11:38 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
This happens when the "select from layer" option is used in the extent selector panel Victor Olaya
11:22 AM Bug report #21124 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
Try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
11:22 AM Bug report #21124 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
Try with a new/clean profile. Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex...
Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex...
Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex...
Giovanni Manghi
03:23 AM Bug report #21126: Empty SVG exports
My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already exists. Any solution-t... Anna Kear
01:42 AM Bug report #21126 (Reopened): Empty SVG exports
Would there be any way to do this through the rastor-image that is produced? Anna Kear
10:39 AM Revision eb5a3367 (qgis): Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831)
By default a range widget is built with a minimum value set to the
minimal integer that is possible to represent. Whe...
Hugo Mercier
10:23 AM Revision 3769faa8 (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix vertex addition to polygon's first segment (fixes #20...
With topo editing mode enabled, addition of extra points to keep the topology
correct wasn't working correctly becaus...
Martin Dobias
10:22 AM Bug report #20774 (Closed): Vertex tool wrong behavior
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3769faa86b89b14dbde51adc19ff858469ced6f3. Martin Dobias
10:22 AM Bug report #20774 (Closed): Vertex tool wrong behavior
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3769faa86b89b14dbde51adc19ff858469ced6f3. Martin Dobias
10:11 AM Bug report #20516: Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
Proposed PR : Julien Cabieces
10:11 AM Bug report #20516: Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
Proposed PR : Julien Cabieces
10:03 AM Bug report #21119 (Closed): SAGA missing in 3.5
Jürgen Fischer
08:27 AM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
SILLY ME: I forgot to add SAGA in the installation -SO SORRY for disturbing !
You can close this ticket.
Lene Fischer
10:00 AM Feature request #21127 (Feedback): Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
The @.env@ is created by the @.exe@ when it's invoked with the @--postinstall@ parameter and dumps the current values... Jürgen Fischer
08:24 AM Feature request #21127 (Feedback): Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
In file %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-bin.env the drive letter of the QGIS installation is hard coded.
To allow for port...
Michiel Nass
09:40 AM Revision 19dcfb98 (qgis): don't export features without category by default
Alexander Bruy
09:37 AM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
GDAL upstream fixed push in GDAL master per Even Rouault
09:09 AM Revision 585d42b3 (qgis): [processing] fixed missing import and encoding
Victor Olaya
08:49 AM Revision 60635911 (qgis): allow to drop 2dm files from system file browser (#8987)
* allow to drop 2dm files from system file browser
* support non-ascii files for mesh layer
Peter Petrik
08:41 AM Bug report #21055: Do not allow file input for tables or vctor layers if there are dependent fields
added a warning message when the backgorund layer cannot be loaded, which was the real problem here
Victor Olaya
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
Works in 3.4.4 Julien Cabieces
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
Works in 3.4.4 Julien Cabieces
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
Works in 3.4.4 Julien Cabieces
08:12 AM Revision 1686f0d0 (qgis): Followup 1f8708f, fix src / scheme detection
Thanks @nirvn for finding this bug Alessandro Pasotti
07:12 AM Revision 5f99955b (qgis): do not always use the -c flag to export vectors from GRASS
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 AM Revision 67bc5860 (qgis): fix formatting
Alexander Bruy
07:12 AM Revision 0cc483f6 (qgis): set default value for newly added parameter
Alexander Bruy
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
Implemented in 3.0 Nyall Dawson
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
Implemented in 3.0 Nyall Dawson
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
Implemented in 3.0 Nyall Dawson
05:38 AM Bug report #19060 (Closed): Then insert image in layout
Nyall Dawson
05:04 AM Revision f2d8bdea (qgis): [ui] Remove black background for the browser panel DB2 icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:01 AM Bug report #20891: Identify results window too small by default
This appears to affect editable layers only. Nathan Perry


12:43 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
Duplicate of #159
it's a long standing issue in the underlying Qt libraries themselves (i.e. not something which c...
Nyall Dawson
12:43 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
Duplicate of #159
it's a long standing issue in the underlying Qt libraries themselves (i.e. not something which c...
Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
At first I was unsure what to report this as (bug or feature suggestion) but then I realized this was all that the wi... Anna Kear
12:18 AM Bug report #20861: Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negative numbers...
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:

> Is it the same problem?
Yes, also @round( -100.00, 1)@ returns -99.9 instead of -100....
Gabriel De Luca
05:26 PM Bug report #20861 (Closed): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negativ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda. Loïc BARTOLETTI
05:26 PM Bug report #20861 (Closed): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negativ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda. Loïc BARTOLETTI
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p...
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p...
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p...
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p...
12:11 AM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
Here, for OSGeo4W installs on Windows 10, 64 bit, SAGA tools are shown and works for both QGIS 3.4.4 and QGIS 3.5.
Gabriel De Luca
07:13 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
Lene Fischer wrote:
> But I don´t have a clean Windows - I´m only trying out my tutorials on the new version to catc...
Giovanni Manghi
07:04 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
But I don´t have a clean Windows - I´m only trying out my tutorials on the new version to catch bugs before the next ... Lene Fischer
06:40 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Any idea how I can find SAGA in 3.5 :-)
On a clean Windows 7 environment I didn't anything ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:39 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
Any idea how I can find SAGA in 3.5 :-) Lene Fischer
05:54 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
well... SAGA is not missing... but I tested the "fill sinks" module, and while it creates an output it also throws an... Giovanni Manghi
05:51 PM Bug report #21119 (Feedback): SAGA missing in 3.5
Cannot confirm here on Win7/Osgeo4w, using SAGA LTR. Giovanni Manghi
05:51 PM Bug report #21119 (Feedback): SAGA missing in 3.5
Cannot confirm here on Win7/Osgeo4w, using SAGA LTR. Giovanni Manghi
05:05 PM Bug report #21119 (Closed): SAGA missing in 3.5
In 3.4 I have enabled SAGA under the Processing Settings. The same for 3.5 - but SAGA is still missing. Lene Fischer
11:40 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
The error reported was already fixed in @saga-ltr-2.3.2-4@ package.
Gabriel De Luca
05:42 PM Bug report #21120 (Feedback): SAGA Fill Sink
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Why - previously it was in TIF
I think this is better answered by Nyall/AlexB as they have ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:42 PM Bug report #21120 (Feedback): SAGA Fill Sink
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Why - previously it was in TIF
I think this is better answered by Nyall/AlexB as they have ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:37 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
Why - previously it was in TIF Lene Fischer
05:36 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
In QGIS 3 SAGA only outputs in its native data format, by design. Giovanni Manghi
05:14 PM Bug report #21120 (Closed): SAGA Fill Sink
Trying to use SAGA Fill Sink.
It runs smoothly, but send out an error message. See attached file.
This is both for ...
Lene Fischer
11:03 PM Revision 806ae861 (qgis): osgeo4w: rely on GRASS' GISBASE environment variable instead of
detecting the path (ie. use the same version for processing as the
version that the grass plugin uses)
Jürgen Fischer
10:04 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it depends on the zoom level too. Alessandro Pasotti
09:36 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Salve. What is strange to me, is that in QGIS 2.18 it does not give any problem.
And it seems to be something random...
luca bellani
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r... Alessandro Pasotti
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r... Alessandro Pasotti
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r... Alessandro Pasotti
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r... Alessandro Pasotti
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r... Alessandro Pasotti
07:00 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
Hello. I noticed that with certain DEM (not all), QGIS 3.4.4 generates a display problem in the "hillshade" style.
luca bellani
09:42 PM Bug report #21125 (Closed): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
When updating a field value using the Range widget in the Attribute Form or Attribute Table, if "Allow NULL" is enabl... Nathan Perry
09:17 PM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
I can confirm that "Move selection to top" is not working for me. Even if the table is saved, the selection is not at... Etienne Trimaille
09:17 PM Revision 532d1ddd (qgis): fix build
Jürgen Fischer
08:49 PM Bug report #21124 (Rejected): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
I'm using QGIS 3.4.4 on Fedora 29 (Plasma desktop) and having crashes when saving any change in QGIS settings. Simila... Davor Racic
08:45 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
Please see title, and [[|her... Anna Kear
08:03 PM Revision 5f38b345 (qgis): fix crash when print from qgis processing algorithm while the python co...
Julien Cabieces
07:53 PM Revision b19e0bd5 (qgis): [processing] don't show cancel button in the task manager for algorithm...
Alexander Bruy
07:43 PM Bug report #21122 (Open): QGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file
Starting from a vector layer with only one point in EPSG:4326, when exporting it to a shapefile or geopackage in EPSG... Gabriel De Luca
07:09 PM Revision 2752f834 (qgis): Fix inconsistent use of layout render context flags
Nyall Dawson
07:09 PM Revision 60b8d052 (qgis): [needs-docs][layouts] Add checkbox to disable raster tiling for PDF/SVG...
This setting, which is disabled by default and placed into an
"advanced" group on PDF/SFG export, disables the built-...
Nyall Dawson
07:08 PM Revision 9a723d91 (qgis): New Shapefile Layer dialog: avoid warning message on user cancel
Also add better error message reporting, and deprecate horrible API. Nyall Dawson
07:08 PM Bug report #19500 (Closed): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/svg
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60b8d05278cd8133e1c06108ba875960d56e90e5. Nyall Dawson
07:08 PM Bug report #19500 (Closed): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/svg
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60b8d05278cd8133e1c06108ba875960d56e90e5. Nyall Dawson
03:59 AM Bug report #19500 (In Progress): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/...
Nyall Dawson
07:08 PM Revision cf1cf0fe (qgis): Fix empty strings in proxy exclude list results in proxy being skipped ...
Fixes #20213 Nyall Dawson
07:07 PM Bug report #20213 (Closed): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windo...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb. Nyall Dawson
07:07 PM Bug report #20213 (Closed): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windo...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb. Nyall Dawson
07:42 AM Bug report #20213 (In Progress): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in ...
Nyall Dawson
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt...
Julien Cabieces
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt...
Julien Cabieces
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt...
Julien Cabieces
06:22 PM Bug report #17998 (Closed): Hard-coded grass binary
Saber Razmjooei
08:15 AM Bug report #17998 (Feedback): Hard-coded grass binary
I think it can be closed, can you confirm? Loïc BARTOLETTI
06:01 PM Bug report #19073: QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn't exist"
Did fresh install on a Mojave system
r.contour fails here too.
Mac OS X ...
Garth Fletcher
04:57 PM Bug report #19073 (Open): QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn...
Tested using r.contour
QGIS 3.4.3 - FAILS
QGIS 3.4.4 - FAILS
However, QGIS 3.2.2 - WORKS
Garth Fletcher
08:54 AM Bug report #19073 (Feedback): QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' d...
I just tested r.buffer (and others) with QGIS 3.4.3 and Grass 7.4.4 (macOS Mojave) and I have no errors. Can you conf... Loïc BARTOLETTI
05:27 PM Revision cfdc8c26 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fix qgsRound for negative numbers. Fixes #20861
04:54 PM Bug report #20493 (In Progress): 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0...
Peter Petrik
04:54 PM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
with GDAL 2.2.x QgsGdalProvider::bandScale( bandNo ) = 1, but with GDAL 2.3.x, 2.4.x scale returned by GDALGetRasterS... Peter Petrik
04:48 PM Bug report #17754: [Node tool] Misleading message when deleting all nodes of a ring or a part
This one is a bit weird :-) I can see a bug in the code, but fixing that bug will essentially disable the possibility... Martin Dobias
04:41 PM Revision 919e677d (qgis): Use switch instead of multiple if blocks for layer type logic
Nyall Dawson
04:41 PM Revision 774f0256 (qgis): Q_FOREACH -> for
Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision 149d68df (qgis): don't allow to change style of the embedded layers from the Layer
Styling panel (fix #16339)
(cherry picked from commit e48364292d0afa87a555a6e7cac65ea0e0e930ae)
Alexander Bruy
04:35 PM Revision b16dd5f1 (qgis): fix saving/restoring proxy excluded URLs (fix #20933)
(cherry picked from commit fc9796f52a2709700ab20a1b6bf5f275d168acb1) Alexander Bruy
04:35 PM Revision 67808743 (qgis): Fix build
(cherry picked from commit c44f8f0a151f54be6989ef9f7d6c1e33b99ba54a) Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision 2b042487 (qgis): Fix some clazy warnings
(cherry picked from commit 7b739f196d757213abfff7df9259669010c130e9) Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision 0ee10979 (qgis): Fix undersized layertree icons on hidpi displays
(cherry picked from commit 27bb2c156f73a7d344beb2f3ecbeb8a0041e4fe3) Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision c05c2c71 (qgis): show pixel size in the raster layer properties with 19 significant
digits (fix #21023)
(cherry picked from commit 3c2a20a9484cbe3f1117a692757e552e88e6195c)
Alexander Bruy
04:35 PM Revision 66c07d7e (qgis): [Minor] Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance.
(cherry picked from commit 2c6948...
Shahzad Lone
04:35 PM Revision 11435027 (qgis): [processing] avoid exception when listing DB schemas
do not fail if cert file cannot be deleted when creating GeoDB object
fixes #21099
(cherry picked from commit 1b4a9...
Victor Olaya
04:35 PM Revision e9ae4318 (qgis): Allow new shapefile MultiPoint layer creation
Just add the missing MultiPoint geometry type in the "New Shapefile Layer" dialog
(cherry picked from commit 8120e4a...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
04:35 PM Revision ea9ef3af (qgis): Partially revert ab3adc66
The deselect action applies to ALL map layers, so it should always
be enabled, even when a vector layer isn't the cur...
Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision 33660ced (qgis): [layouts] Use polyline shape instead of bounding box for selection, mak...
Fixes #20940
(cherry picked from commit 1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5)
Jürnjakob Dugge
04:35 PM Revision a9466cd0 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] native vector split algorithm now outputs
GeoPackages instead of shapefiles (refs #20557)
Also remove default output extension Processing settings as they are...
Alexander Bruy
04:35 PM Revision 722e4fe3 (qgis): [processing] show warning when file-based layer could not be loaded and...
For algorithms with multiple parameters depending on a vector layer parameter, the code that loads the layer in the b... Victor Olaya
04:35 PM Revision 77fd62d8 (qgis): Fix more icon sizes on hidpi
(cherry picked from commit 9b2e39cef8a145de47e218e48bfb52a591227369) Nyall Dawson
04:35 PM Revision 5b02e43e (qgis): show mesh layer icon in layer tree #20722
(cherry picked from commit 3d0cf5cbb2edce142ae2d6b14d50580bbd678152) Peter Petrik
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ... Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ... Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ... Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ... Alexander Bruy
03:07 PM Bug report #20581: QGis 3.4 reproducible crash while in idle state
Two PR for each issue:
- for vector layer read
Julien Cabieces
02:59 PM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
probably windows-only issue :) Peter Petrik
10:42 AM Bug report #19118 (Open): Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Giovanni Manghi
10:42 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Tom Chadwin wrote:
> @Giovanni What feedback is needed - happy to help test.
if a developer is having a look at t...
Giovanni Manghi
10:33 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Confirmed issue still present in 3.4.4 Win7 x64, as reported by @Benjamin Jakimow Tom Chadwin
09:55 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
@Giovanni What feedback is needed - happy to help test. Tom Chadwin
09:51 AM Bug report #19118 (Feedback): Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
Giovanni Manghi
09:38 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
unable to reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master Peter Petrik
02:45 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
I am not able to replicate the issue on my computer, but I made some research on QFileDialog issues.
For the laun...
Peter Petrik
02:31 PM Bug report #16027 (Closed): Editing GeoPackage from DWG/DXF Import after Save as Layer Definition...
Jürgen Fischer
02:29 PM Bug report #19976 (Closed): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - encoding option missing
Jürgen Fischer
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior Martin Dobias
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior Martin Dobias
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior Martin Dobias
02:27 PM Revision b57c0fa9 (qgis): Merge pull request #8998 from alexbruy/processing-tempdir
[processing] handle Processing.TEMPORARY_OUTPUT for folder parameters Alexander Bruy
02:24 PM Bug report #15997 (Closed): import from files with non-ascii characters
fixed in commit:06aff729b9659f98483d7922c41fc0b6fc10dee0, commit:dd5ed68818380dfb6590677d968ec0e17c3f39c0, commit:494... Jürgen Fischer
02:24 PM Bug report #15997 (Closed): import from files with non-ascii characters
fixed in commit:06aff729b9659f98483d7922c41fc0b6fc10dee0, commit:dd5ed68818380dfb6590677d968ec0e17c3f39c0, commit:494... Jürgen Fischer
02:17 PM Bug report #18936 (Feedback): Exporting projects to .dxf for older versions
Which version of AutoCAD are you trying? Jürgen Fischer
02:00 PM Bug report #17535 (Closed): Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
The last issues with a similar behavior that I've encountered were due to concurrency problems, which should be fixed... Hugo Mercier
01:56 PM Bug report #8272 (Rejected): Bad size request with a georeferenced raster
Can't reproduce on 3.5. closing Hugo Mercier
01:56 PM Bug report #8272 (Rejected): Bad size request with a georeferenced raster
Can't reproduce on 3.5. closing Hugo Mercier
01:23 PM Bug report #15311 (Feedback): Issue with QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand class (QGIS crashes)
Can you please retest with 3.x release, since 2.18 is no longer developed and let me know if this is still the issue?... Peter Petrik
01:23 PM Bug report #15311 (Feedback): Issue with QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand class (QGIS crashes)
Can you please retest with 3.x release, since 2.18 is no longer developed and let me know if this is still the issue?... Peter Petrik
01:17 PM Bug report #20712 (Feedback): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
Unable to replicate on Mac 10.14.1 and QGIS 3.5 master.
Based on the attached crash report (crash in QgsAuthManager...
Peter Petrik
01:16 PM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
Alexis Roy-L wrote:
> Did some tests, on my end, only font marker seem to behave this way. Typical symbols and SVGs ...
Sergey Chernyshov
01:02 PM Bug report #20802 (Feedback): crashed by export
Giovanni Manghi
01:01 PM Bug report #20802: crashed by export
unable to replicate on MacOS with 3.5 master Peter Petrik
12:56 PM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
Marc LE BIHAN wrote:
> Being volunteer is not an excusing to allow the software degrading while only doing new featu...
Jürgen Fischer
12:15 PM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
"Correct bugs yourself" (I asked at least two times the source file involved in authentification, in order to help, w... Marc LE BIHAN
11:03 AM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
Marc -- you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding as to how open source development works. The responsibility f... Nyall Dawson
08:27 AM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
Good to see that it is not working as expected,
that it is not a problem due to a backend,
that it is well kno...
05:54 AM Bug report #20928 (Closed): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup...
Duplicate of #20826 Nyall Dawson
05:54 AM Bug report #20928 (Closed): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup...
Duplicate of #20826 Nyall Dawson
04:36 AM Bug report #20928 (In Progress): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a ...
Nyall Dawson
12:53 PM Bug report #20588: ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
upstream bug report:
The workaround is to open the ods file with the new...
Peter Petrik
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by
Peter Petrik
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by
Peter Petrik
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by
Peter Petrik
12:52 PM Bug report #21118 (Open): Wromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile
If I create SHP in SRS 5514 and display this layer in ArcGIS then ARcGIS display data near Barent's sea instead Centr... Vladimír Hans
12:22 PM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe i...
Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe it's just a documentation is...
Jürgen Fischer
11:00 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe it's just a documentation issue, or someone needs t... Nyall Dawson
10:52 AM Bug report #15793 (Closed): Fill ring tool is broken
I see where the misunderstanding come from:
the tool in QGIS was made to *open/create* a ring in a polygon and *au...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #15793 (Closed): Fill ring tool is broken
I see where the misunderstanding come from:
the tool in QGIS was made to *open/create* a ring in a polygon and *au...
Giovanni Manghi
01:08 AM Bug report #15793 (Feedback): Fill ring tool is broken
I cannot reproduce. Can you attach a screencast showing the issue? Nyall Dawson
12:10 PM Revision d61caab0 (qgis): Merge pull request #8990 from elpaso/bugfix-21086-wfs-field-calculator
Field calculator: provide a list of default field types Alessandro Pasotti
12:09 PM Bug report #21086 (Closed): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer u...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57d32939363073bafe6d54016813c75c9964adc2. Alessandro Pasotti
12:09 PM Bug report #21086 (Closed): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer u...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57d32939363073bafe6d54016813c75c9964adc2. Alessandro Pasotti
11:58 AM Revision 4b2334ba (qgis): fix typo which caused issues with temporary file outputs also fix
related tests Alexander Bruy
11:58 AM Revision d5b42aee (qgis): add test for temporary directory output
Alexander Bruy
11:34 AM Revision b82ce0e5 (qgis): fix crash when print from qgis processing algorithm while the python co...
Julien Cabieces
11:04 AM Revision 421fe45d (qgis): fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS (#9009)
fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS
(cherry picked from commit 67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185)
Peter Petrik
10:58 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
# Nyall Dawson
10:58 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
# Nyall Dawson
10:27 AM Bug report #21116: and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
This is no bug, ... Alexander Bruy
03:55 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
I noticed that "" and "processing.runAndLoadResults" give different output.
The first one returns a ...
Etienne Trimaille
10:55 AM Bug report #20886 (Open): grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
Giovanni Manghi
08:23 AM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
This is not misconfiguration, this is because ... Alexander Bruy
10:38 AM Bug report #17652: Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel Peter Petrik
09:40 AM Bug report #17652 (In Progress): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
Peter Petrik
10:16 AM Bug report #21117 (Open): QGIS works incorectly with SRS 5513
I created point layer with srs 5513 in GeoPackage. Enter new point by plugin "Lat Lon Tools" with coordinates of trig... Vladimír Hans
09:42 AM Revision e14ad01c (qgis): indentation fixes
Victor Olaya
09:31 AM Bug report #20754: fromWKT should fail if neither EMPTY or coordinates are supplied
related issues #19190 and #20753 Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:31 AM Bug report #20753: WKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries
related issues #19190 and #20754 Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:29 AM Bug report #19190: QgsPoint class does not store empty point geometries
related issue #20753 Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:29 AM Bug report #19190: QgsPoint class does not store empty point geometries
related issue #20753 Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:14 AM Bug report #14494 (Feedback): geometry.intersection() does not work properly in this case
Do you still have this problem, I just tested with QGIS 3.4 and GEOS 3.6:... Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:14 AM Bug report #14494 (Feedback): geometry.intersection() does not work properly in this case
Do you still have this problem, I just tested with QGIS 3.4 and GEOS 3.6:... Loïc BARTOLETTI
08:43 AM Revision 67f5022c (qgis): fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS (#9009)
fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS Peter Petrik
08:42 AM Bug report #15984 (Closed): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185. Peter Petrik
08:42 AM Bug report #15984 (Closed): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185. Peter Petrik
08:29 AM Bug report #14806 (Feedback): v.out.dxf not working at all
I tested with QGIS master and Grass 7.4.4 for me it works normally. Can you please confirm? Loïc BARTOLETTI
08:15 AM Revision d4b262cd (qgis): Add method to convert QgsProcessing::SourceType to string representation
Nyall Dawson
08:15 AM Revision 3adbed50 (qgis): Fix test
Nyall Dawson
08:15 AM Revision 63b6a777 (qgis): [processing] Add API to convert a parameter definition to an equivalent
Python constructor string Nyall Dawson
08:15 AM Revision d1486909 (qgis): [processing] Correct parameter type for Map Layer parameters
Nyall Dawson
08:04 AM Revision 7f7c7a97 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Add friendlier API for running algorithms as s...
of main algorithm
Using code like:
buffered_layer =, context, feedback)['OUTPUT']
Nyall Dawson
07:27 AM Revision fc3d5c85 (qgis): [processing] handle Processing.TEMPORARY_OUTPUT in the
parameterAsString() method which is used also for folder outputs Alexander Bruy
07:26 AM Revision 92f6eda1 (qgis): const correctness
Alexander Bruy
07:26 AM Revision 650f4d78 (qgis): [wcs] exclude invalid CRSs from the coverage metadata
Alexander Bruy
07:26 AM Revision 2f7550d1 (qgis): [wcs] improve CRS handling when parsing DescribeCoverage responce (refs...
Alexander Bruy
07:23 AM Bug report #20991: Processing model log file is empty
I'm with Nyall here, also don't understand which log file mentioned in this ticket. Attached model works fine and aft... Alexander Bruy
03:40 AM Bug report #20991 (Feedback): Processing model log file is empty
I still don't understand. Can you post a screencast showing the issue? Nyall Dawson
07:20 AM Bug report #20514 (Feedback): error of qgis 3.41 Raster>Conversion>Polygonize(raster to vector)
Please test with 3.4/master Alexander Bruy
07:19 AM Bug report #20557 (Closed): processing: "default output vector layer extension" not respected by ...
Closing, as "Vector Split" now produced GeoPackages and default output format settings are not used by Processing and... Alexander Bruy
07:19 AM Bug report #20557 (Closed): processing: "default output vector layer extension" not respected by ...
Closing, as "Vector Split" now produced GeoPackages and default output format settings are not used by Processing and... Alexander Bruy
05:55 AM Bug report #20826 (In Progress): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
Nyall Dawson
04:29 AM Bug report #15955 (Closed): 'Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles' option broken?
Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #20428: QgsMapCanvas.items() crashes QGIS
No crash on Linux either. Nyall Dawson
03:04 AM Revision 82ec1418 (qgis): declare metatype for QgsDefaultValue (#9011)
* declare metatype for QgsDefaultValue
* sipify
Denis Rouzaud
01:12 AM Revision 6eaa511e (qgis): [processing] show warning when file-based layer could not be loaded and...
For algorithms with multiple parameters depending on a vector layer parameter, the code that loads the layer in the b... Victor Olaya
01:05 AM Revision 8446d3bd (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] native vector split algorithm now outputs
GeoPackages instead of shapefiles (refs #20557)
Also remove default output extension Processing settings as they are...
Alexander Bruy


12:59 AM Revision 1cdff21c (qgis): [layouts] Use polyline shape instead of bounding box for selection, mak...
Fixes #20940 Jürnjakob Dugge
12:59 AM Bug report #20940 (Closed): Layout: Horizontal and vertical arrows cannot be selected using singl...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5. Anonymous
12:59 AM Bug report #20940 (Closed): Layout: Horizontal and vertical arrows cannot be selected using singl...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5. Anonymous
12:12 AM Revision d61f4104 (qgis): Partially revert ab3adc66
The deselect action applies to ALL map layers, so it should always
be enabled, even when a vector layer isn't the cur...
Nyall Dawson
11:35 PM Revision 3d0cf5cb (qgis): show mesh layer icon in layer tree #20722
Peter Petrik
11:08 PM Bug report #17366 (Closed): Remove old settings for vertex markers
This must have been a confusion between the snapping icons and the display of vertices in edit mode Loïc BARTOLETTI
11:08 PM Bug report #17366 (Closed): Remove old settings for vertex markers
This must have been a confusion between the snapping icons and the display of vertices in edit mode Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:50 PM Bug report #18441 (Closed): Snapping tooltip doesn't works when Advanced Digitizing tool is activate
Tested with master and it works well.
However, this does not work for intersections, but I would say that this is...
10:44 PM Bug report #17632 (Open): "money" type (postgresql) interpreted as string
Confirmed in master Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:44 PM Bug report #17632 (Open): "money" type (postgresql) interpreted as string
Confirmed in master Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:01 PM Revision 1b4a9132 (qgis): [processing] avoid exception when listing DB schemas
do not fail if cert file cannot be deleted when creating GeoDB object
fixes #21099
Victor Olaya
10:01 PM Revision 94c801cf (qgis): sipify
Denis Rouzaud
10:00 PM Bug report #21099 (Closed): Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1b4a9132c2bceb348bbb56177da75094dbb4cb5e. Victor Olaya
10:00 PM Bug report #21099 (Closed): Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1b4a9132c2bceb348bbb56177da75094dbb4cb5e. Victor Olaya
11:22 AM Bug report #21099: Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
Looks like all parts of Processing where a schema list has to be shown, an exception is raised when in windows Victor Olaya
10:00 PM Revision 355ae77d (qgis): Apply featureFilterProvider in QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider
Arnaud Morvan
10:00 PM Revision c97645e1 (qgis): Do not overwrite renderContext in QgsMapRendererJob::drawLabeling
Dedicated QgsRenderContext is already created and configured in prepareLabelingJob. Arnaud Morvan
10:00 PM Revision 2c694838 (qgis): [Minor] Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance. Shahzad Lone