Bug report #21120

SAGA Fill Sink

Added by Lene Fischer almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:3.4.4 Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:no timely feedback
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:28938


Trying to use SAGA Fill Sink.
It runs smoothly, but send out an error message. See attached file.
This is both for temp files and for saving as a file.

Secondly it is only possible to save as SDAT - not TIFF

fill_sink_error_log.txt Magnifier (10.1 KB) Lene Fischer, 2019-01-29 05:14 PM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

In QGIS 3 SAGA only outputs in its native data format, by design.

#2 Updated by Lene Fischer almost 6 years ago

Why - previously it was in TIF

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Regression? changed from Yes to No
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Lene Fischer wrote:

Why - previously it was in TIF

I think this is better answered by Nyall/AlexB as they have re-written Processing.

About the issue reoprted in this ticket, I can't confirm on Win7 and QGIS 3.4.4 with SAGA LTR installed (Processing works with SAGA LTR):

g algorithm…
Algorithm 'Fill sinks' starting…
Input parameters: { 'DEM' : 'C:/Users/qgis/Desktop/postgis_training/data/rasters/mdt_clipped_3763.tif', 'MINSLOPE' : 0.01, 'RESULT' : 'C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/06c4c8e6182640a1a3920f3302dc11d3/RESULT.sdat' }

io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/a9947d23e54d445e827e31c4a3f9bc3f/mdtclipped3763.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/qgis/Desktop/postgis_training/data/rasters/mdt_clipped_3763.tif"
ta_preprocessor "Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)" -DEM "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/a9947d23e54d445e827e31c4a3f9bc3f/mdtclipped3763.sgrd" -MINSLOPE 0.01 -RESULT "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/06c4c8e6182640a1a3920f3302dc11d3/RESULT.sdat"

C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>set SAGA=C:/OSGEO4~1/apps\saga-ltr

C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/OSGEO4~1/apps\saga-ltr\modules


C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/a9947d23e54d445e827e31c4a3f9bc3f/mdtclipped3763.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/qgis/Desktop/postgis_training/data/rasters/mdt_clipped_3763.tif"

  1. ## ##### ##
  1. ### ## ###
  2. # ## ## #### # ##
  3. ##### ## # #####
    1. # ## ##### # ##

SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)

library path: C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: io_gdal
library : GDAL/OGR
tool : Import Raster
author : O.Conrad (c) 2007 (A.Ringeler)
processors : 2 [2]


Grids: No objects
Files: "C:/Users/qgis/Desktop/postgis_training/data/rasters/mdt_clipped_3763.tif"
Select from Multiple Bands:
Alphanumeric Sorting: yes
Transformation: yes
Resampling: B-Spline Interpolation

loading: C:/Users/qgis/Desktop/postgis_training/data/rasters/mdt_clipped_3763.tif

Driver: GTiff

Bands: 1

Rows: 559

Columns: 455

loading: mdt_clipped_3763

C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>saga_cmd ta_preprocessor "Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)" -DEM "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/a9947d23e54d445e827e31c4a3f9bc3f/mdtclipped3763.sgrd" -MINSLOPE 0.01 -RESULT "C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/06c4c8e6182640a1a3920f3302dc11d3/RESULT.sdat"

  1. ## ##### ##
  1. ### ## ###
  2. # ## ## #### # ##
  3. ##### ## # #####
    1. # ## ##### # ##

SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)

library path: C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: ta_preprocessor
library : Preprocessing
tool : Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)
author : Copyrights (c) 2003 by Volker Wichmann
processors : 2 [2]

Load grid: C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/a9947d23e54d445e827e31c4a3f9bc3f/mdtclipped3763.sgrd...


Grid system: 80; 559x 455y; 10283.085928x 54418.184309y
DEM: mdtclipped3763
Filled DEM: Filled DEM
Minimum Slope [Degree]: 0.010000

Execution completed in 28.23 seconds
Results: {'RESULT': 'C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_8982c772d80e4606b9f8a0599c21fc31/06c4c8e6182640a1a3920f3302dc11d3/RESULT.sdat'}

Loading resulting layers
Algorithm 'Fill sinks' finished

#4 Updated by Gabriel De Luca almost 6 years ago

The error reported was already fixed in saga-ltr-2.3.2-4 package.


#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

Gabriel De Luca wrote:

The error reported was already fixed in saga-ltr-2.3.2-4 package.


I'm using this version, so this explains that I don't get the error. Lene can you check what SAGA version have you installed?

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to no timely feedback
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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