Bug report #19540
SAGA openCV and processing tools.
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Processing/SAGA | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 3.2.1 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Win10 | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | no timely feedback |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 27367 |
None of the open CV processing tools seem to work. I have read that they do not function as part of a modeller, but for me they don't even work outside any sortt of batching mode. There are doubts about usage, notably about the 'Class Identifier' parameter. But there is no documentation (even in 2.18 where this tool did exist) and the help button has a dead link. I treid a little csv file with the name of the classes. Error message is the same for all openCV tools. Main error seems to be about selecting a library? I notice that QGIS installs SAGA 2.3.2, but open CV tools are not available in that version of SAGA, only much later.
{ '1SE_RULE' : True, 'ACTIVE_VARS' : 0, 'CLASSES' : 'C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/b70c949afe684f9694a842a7e5d829f0/CLASSES.sdat', 'FEATURES' : '', 'MAX_CATEGRS' : 10, 'MAX_DEPTH' : 10, 'MIN_SAMPLES' : 2, 'NORMALIZE' : False, 'REG_ACCURACY' : 0.01, 'TRAIN_AREAS' : 'E:\\Deep Riverscapes\\StMarg\\Qtest2_class.shp', 'TRAIN_CLASS' : 'D:/DeepRiverscapes/CLS_ID.csv', 'TRUNC_PRUNED' : True }
imagery_opencv "Random Forest Classification (OpenCV)" -NORMALIZE false -TRAIN_AREAS "E:\Deep Riverscapes\StMarg\Qtest2_class.shp" -TRAIN_CLASS "C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/4743f3c5d45043c3baf34be4e4fd9366/TRAIN_CLASS.shp" -MAX_DEPTH 10 -MIN_SAMPLES 2 -MAX_CATEGRS 10 -1SE_RULE true -TRUNC_PRUNED true -REG_ACCURACY 0.01 -ACTIVE_VARS 0 -CLASSES "C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/b70c949afe684f9694a842a7e5d829f0/CLASSES.sdat"
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.2\bin>set SAGA=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.2/apps\saga-ltr
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.2\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.2/apps\saga-ltr\modules
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.2\bin>saga_cmd imagery_opencv "Random Forest Classification (OpenCV)" -NORMALIZE false -TRAIN_AREAS "E:\Deep Riverscapes\StMarg\Qtest2_class.shp" -TRAIN_CLASS "C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/4743f3c5d45043c3baf34be4e4fd9366/TRAIN_CLASS.shp" -MAX_DEPTH 10 -MIN_SAMPLES 2 -MAX_CATEGRS 10 -1SE_RULE true -TRUNC_PRUNED true -REG_ACCURACY 0.01 -ACTIVE_VARS 0 -CLASSES "C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/b70c949afe684f9694a842a7e5d829f0/CLASSES.sdat"
Error: select a library
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SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
69 loaded tool libraries (640 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gdal
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
Execution completed in 6.62 seconds
{'CLASSES': 'C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/b70c949afe684f9694a842a7e5d829f0/CLASSES.sdat'}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/Users/patca/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_7c97d6ddd9dd4aeb9964c897acb1336d/b70c949afe684f9694a842a7e5d829f0/CLASSES.sdat</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
Updated by Alexander Bruy about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
Please test with master/3.4. If issue persist please provide test data and steps to reproduce.
Updated by Alexander Bruy about 6 years ago
- Resolution set to no timely feedback
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed