Bug report #19628
Processing: multiple input widgets gets populated with wrong list of inputs after a first run
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | High | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Processing/Core | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 3.3(master) | Regression?: | Yes |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | fixed/implemented |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 27455 |
Steps to replicate (example, possibly affecting also other tools):
1) add 3 raster layers with the aim to create a mosaic
2) open the gdal merge tool, select the inputs (in the multiple inputs widget) and run the tool
3) runs ends, keep the dialog open
4) try run again, you'll get a "Incorrect parameter value for INPUT" error, but as the dialog wasn't closed then it should be all ok for a second round
5) check the (multiple) inputs widget, you'll notice that the list of inputs is now duplicated leaving the user guessing why and what inputs should be selected
screenshots attached
Updated by Loren Amelang over 6 years ago
- File Multiple Selection.JPG added
Just tried this again, with the multiple inputs widget drug large enough to see the full list (it defaults to 1/4 that size in my screen scaled system). As you saw, on a repeated try, it keeps the original selection at the bottom of the new list. If I leave those selected, I get the error. If I de-select those and select the upper versions, it does not get that error.
Updated by Victor Olaya about 6 years ago
might be fixed with this:
can you try on current master?
Updated by Loren Amelang about 6 years ago
- File Symbology of all black.JPG added
- File Information - all black.JPG added
Tried it on my 3.4.3 version. The reported error no longer appears, the second merge works just like the first.
But... Both result layers are pure black, while the inputs are grayscale elevation DEMs. They have the proper location and size, at least on the screen. In the "Information - all black.JPG" screenshot, the "Extent" looks right, but the "Statistics" and "Spatial Extent" are all zero. In "Information - all black.JPG" you can see the two Merged layers, the black square, and the display settings. I played with most of them, but still only black - apparently the merged data is really all zeros.
And... QGIS would not move to the top of my window stack over my mail client EverDesk. Usually I have to manually bring new apps forward after opening them, but nothing would make QGIS appear over EverDesk. I've seen that happen to Libre Office, so I wasn't shocked. But QGIS can't appear over my Vivaldi browser! Never seen that! And it can't appear over its own sub windows, like the Information windows in the screenshots. I'm pretty sure I used to be able to keep those open partly behind the main window... Windows 10 is out of control sometimes, and I don't know how to dig into this window stack mess.
I guess those are new issues, but probably way obscure.
Updated by Loren Amelang about 6 years ago
- File GDAL - numpy is 0xa error.txt
Aha! I'd left the merge window open... And it says:
RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xc but this version of numpy is 0xa
Wrong numpy might well return all zeros. This QGIS was just updated days ago by starting OSGeo4W and its update facility. Pretty much let it use default settings. No errors that I noticed.
PIP sees numpy 1.10.1
But are you using the same python as my system install?
C:\Users\loren>pip search numpy
numpy (1.16.0) - NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.
LATEST: 1.16.0
How do I fix this without confusing some programs?
Updated by Alexander Bruy about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed/implemented
Closing as original bug is fixed. Please open another ticket for new issues.