Feature request #21206

Consistent layer naming between Export > Save Features As to geopackage and other ways to add geopackage layers

Added by Steve Lowman about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Category:Map Legend
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29024


Case 1: When you Export > Save Features As from an existing layer into a geopackage layer and check the Add to layers box, then the layer name is like <geopackage_name ><layername>.

Case 2: When you use Browser or Data Source Manager to 'create a new layer or table', or to add an existing geopackage layer into the Layers, or use the New Geopackage Layer dialog, then the newly added layer name is just <layername>, and you do not get the geopackage name prefixing it.

Please could the layer naming be consistent. Although I prefer the Case 1 outcome, I expect it may be a lot easier to make Case 1 behave the same as Case 2.


#1 Updated by Steve Lowman about 6 years ago

Just to add for information, I have been working in QGIS 3.4.2 so far, and I think this request is really for a correction that should be implemented in the LTR. Thanks.

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