
From 2019-02-02 to 2019-03-03


11:53 PM Bug report #21445: QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer
> Something is also wrong with saving QGIS's BUFFER algorithm to a geopackage if the dissolve option is selected. The... Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Revision 541f0c01 (qgis): [processing] Fix exception when picking extent from layer
Fixes #21456 Nyall Dawson
11:43 PM Bug report #21456 (Closed): python error whrn using "use layer extent" in Processing QGIS native ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|541f0c017824dd2d3eb99cffb6c380a31d136537. Nyall Dawson
11:43 PM Bug report #21456 (Closed): python error whrn using "use layer extent" in Processing QGIS native ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|541f0c017824dd2d3eb99cffb6c380a31d136537. Nyall Dawson
08:00 PM Bug report #21456 (Closed): python error whrn using "use layer extent" in Processing QGIS native ...
AttributeError: type object 'QgsMapLayerProxyModel' has no attribute 'MeshLayer'
Traceback (most recent call last):...
Giovanni Manghi
11:39 PM Revision 3988a939 (qgis): Disconnect any leftover connections when destroying auth manager
If one of these connections is triggered after destruction of auth manager, bad things happen because the slot tries ... Matthias Kuhn
11:38 PM Bug report #21451 (Feedback): Quantile (Equal Count) on given dataset generates a lot of zero-cla...
I don't think this is a bug -- looking at your data distribution, it's impossible to partition into 10 equal sized gr... Nyall Dawson
11:27 AM Bug report #21451 (Feedback): Quantile (Equal Count) on given dataset generates a lot of zero-cla...
Using attached randomized dataset (with a lot of zero's AND negative values...) Graduated styling with the Quantile (... Richard Duivenvoorde
11:24 PM Revision fd0f4f78 (qgis): Merge pull request #9328 from m-kuhn/show-me-the-way-to-the-next-whisky...
Never assume anything Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision 21c93a0f (qgis): Indentation fix
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision e1918a99 (qgis): Sibling of 21c93a0f3a716286a1babb90391585a546ec9a87
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision ea082407 (qgis): Indentation fix
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision e4000399 (qgis): Some tests rely on the current dinitialization order
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision c928add1 (qgis): Some tests rely on the current dinitialization order
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision 7c35265d (qgis): Sibling of c928add144814bb86bfad065aa5212845dd54f06
Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision cbb9cf69 (qgis): Disconnect any leftover connections when destroying auth manager
If one of these connections is triggered after destruction of auth manager, bad things happen because the slot tries ... Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision 4e7d25bf (qgis): Sibling of 24d93f547b551898d9af6439ab6c6dbea7514a6a
Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision 24d93f54 (qgis): Disconnect any leftover connections when destroying auth manager
If one of these connections is triggered after destruction of auth manager, bad things happen because the slot tries ... Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision 5664d391 (qgis): Sibling of 09cbc8276bc4c57f7012ca4abee1bb264eedae32
Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision 0c35e503 (qgis): Delete authentication manager after destruction of the providers
The providers may still have threads running that use the authentication manager and their finished signal might trig... Matthias Kuhn
11:12 PM Revision 09cbc827 (qgis): Delete authentication manager after destruction of the providers
The providers may still have threads running that use the authentication manager and their finished signal might trig... Matthias Kuhn
11:08 PM Revision b6d4833b (qgis): Merge pull request #9292 from m-kuhn/fix-auth-manager-crash-on-exit
Fix auth manager crash on exit Matthias Kuhn
11:03 PM Revision d5341ee7 (qgis): avoid recursive exec() of QgsCredentials
Jürgen Fischer
10:57 PM Revision d84b70f0 (qgis): [processing] Add acceptable string values to parameter metadata
Returns a descriptive list of the possible string values acceptable
for the parameter.
E.g. for a QgsProcessingParam...
Nyall Dawson
10:54 PM Revision 9c49b8a3 (qgis): backport german translation fixes
Jürgen Fischer
10:22 PM Revision 9b672073 (qgis): fix windows build
Jürgen Fischer
08:38 PM Bug report #21459 (Feedback): DB manager does not confirm anymore that the creation of a PostGIS ...
Now in 3.4.5 when finalizing the creation of a PostGIS table nothing happens (in 2.18 a message like "all went ok" wa... Giovanni Manghi
08:22 PM Bug report #21458 (Feedback): rendering cycles forever when viewing raster at certain scales
does it happen with *any* raster? Giovanni Manghi
08:22 PM Bug report #21458: rendering cycles forever when viewing raster at certain scales
Not sure is related, but in a recent training based on 3.4.5 I have seen a lot of installation simply stop to show an... Giovanni Manghi
08:19 PM Bug report #21458 (Closed): rendering cycles forever when viewing raster at certain scales
High resolution raster (LiDAR 1m) causes rendering to cycle forever. Example of Scales that exhibit the behaviour:
Tony Walters
08:19 PM Bug report #21457 (Open): The "avoid intersection" operation fails with NO warnings if existing ...
When the "avoid intersection" is enabled but the existing feature has an auto-intersection, then the new polygon will... Giovanni Manghi
08:11 PM Bug report #21452: r.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> A quick and dirt solution would be set in the tool description file a different default. In...
Markus Neteler
04:23 PM Bug report #21452: r.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition
A quick and dirt solution would be set in the tool description file a different default. In 2.18 was something like -... Giovanni Manghi
03:37 PM Bug report #21452 (Open): r.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition
In QGIS 3.4, 3.6 r.series is broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition. It should be empty but is ... Markus Neteler
07:53 PM Bug report #21455: macOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager
Possibly a macOS thing. I just tried that on windows and linux and there is no issue. Giovanni Manghi
07:53 PM Bug report #21455: macOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager
Possibly a macOS thing. I just tried that on windows and linux and there is no issue. Giovanni Manghi
07:51 PM Bug report #21455 (Open): macOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager
Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applicati...
ann rae
07:37 PM Bug report #21454 (Closed): instant crash when using the "attachment" widget
Seen in 3.4.5, 3.6 and master, Linux and Windows.
Nothing much ti say, set the widget, double click the table cell...
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 PM Bug report #21330: Missing hatch, wrong text alignment and line width from DWG import
Thanks for fixing this.
It looks like there is still an issue with transparency applied in lines that should be opaq...
Antoine Lafranchis
07:05 PM Bug report #21453 (Open): Split features tool behaves unpredictably when split line is snapped on...
The split features tool sometimes splits and sometimes doesn't split the feature, when the split line's last vertex i... Antoine Lafranchis
06:51 PM Bug report #21213: Pasting linestring into polygon layer does not produce polygon
Appears fixed in 3.7 but not in 3.6.0 or 3.4.5 Cory Albrecht
06:49 PM Bug report #20872: QGIS 3.5 not loading or saving multi-dimensional arrays properly from PostGIS ...
Still happening in 3.45, 3.60 and 3.7 Cory Albrecht
06:43 PM Revision 19d9f1c4 (qgis): Spelling
Alessandro Pasotti
06:42 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite

> So something in my exact workflow (but evidently not yours)
attach a screencast how your whole process
Giovanni Manghi
06:38 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Dan Isaacs wrote:
>I did, but I forgot to specify that in my instructions, so I'm thinking possibly it's the problem...
Giovanni Manghi
08:49 AM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
I've tested the layer with Spatialite gui 1.7.1. It loads fine with all six features showing, but it does report an i... Dan Isaacs
08:24 AM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> followed this exact steps on 3.6 on windows and linux, cannot replicate.
Weird. I've u...
Dan Isaacs
04:13 PM Revision a3ff4e69 (qgis): Added a long comment to the setValue method
Also removed leftover unused (renamed) variable Alessandro Pasotti
01:16 PM Revision 82d7df3a (qgis): german translation fixes
Jürgen Fischer
09:55 AM Bug report #21072 (Closed): Readability issues dark mode Mac
Saber Razmjooei
09:33 AM Bug report #21411 (Feedback): 'processing' extension cannot be loaded.
Saber Razmjooei
09:33 AM Bug report #21411: 'processing' extension cannot be loaded.
Have you tried this installer:
Saber Razmjooei
09:29 AM Bug report #21450 (Feedback): GDAL Complete 2.4 frameworks not available on
If you are using macOS 10.13 or 10.14, try these:
Saber Razmjooei
04:44 AM Revision 4113505d (qgis): Optimise retrieval of feature from context
Julien Cabieces
02:04 AM Revision c10e4924 (qgis): remove unused static member (#9329)
Denis Rouzaud


12:33 AM Revision 283a75e2 (qgis): Sibling of 63b4cdd247930d3b9b5d8c957a1d1ee36a67a939
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision d5b50416 (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision e9309f24 (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision 63b4cdd2 (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision 8cb9e3f2 (qgis): Sibling of af58e8e0a8afefa4965bc0d9273a23d3a77c008e
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision c4f7bafe (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision ac8e8cb6 (qgis): Sibling of 63b4cdd247930d3b9b5d8c957a1d1ee36a67a939
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision 15d6a1ed (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision af58e8e0 (qgis): remove unused static member
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision b03c7295 (qgis): Sibling of 15d6a1edb86ad764df983bf96e6b23705e1b88bb
Denis Rouzaud
12:33 AM Revision ee5fd5ec (qgis): Sibling of af58e8e0a8afefa4965bc0d9273a23d3a77c008e
Denis Rouzaud
12:25 AM Revision 44d7644e (qgis): Never assume anything
because when you do, reality will teach you better Matthias Kuhn
12:25 AM Revision 30b0d0ee (qgis): Sibling of 82ca2dd8731163b5d50f9344baae5d6bf19267a9
Matthias Kuhn
12:25 AM Revision 82ca2dd8 (qgis): Never assume anything
because when you do, reality will teach you better Matthias Kuhn
11:44 PM Revision acf0e19f (qgis): Merge pull request #9327 from m-kuhn/fix-warning
Silence warning without opencl Matthias Kuhn
11:36 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite

> Actually, I think it's the same. The reason is if you look at the index and geometry tables within a spatialite d...
Giovanni Manghi
11:34 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Dan Isaacs wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I can't replicate this, I'm using a recent (not latest) master r...
Giovanni Manghi
07:11 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this seems slightly different (and is still valid on master)
Actually, I think it's th...
Dan Isaacs
07:04 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't replicate this, I'm using a recent (not latest) master release. Can you give a tr...
Dan Isaacs
01:08 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Dan Isaacs wrote:
> Actually, I've just noticed that this is already a known issue from 3 years ago [[https://issues...
Giovanni Manghi
12:19 PM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite

> Steps to reproduce;
> 1. Create a layer in spatialite database, with more than one feature.
> 2. Delete tha...
Giovanni Manghi
09:45 AM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Actually, I've just noticed that this is already a known issue from 3 years ago [[ Dan Isaacs
09:18 AM Bug report #20439: Layers not being properly added to canvas from spatialite
Julien Cabieces wrote:
> There was an issue corrected recently that looks like the one you describe.
> Could yo...
Dan Isaacs
11:04 PM Bug report #21448: QGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.4
Tim Makins wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Any chance you can attach the project?
> Hi Giovanni - I have a...
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Bug report #21448: QGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Any chance you can attach the project?
Hi Giovanni - I have attached the project file. I...
Tim Makins
01:12 PM Bug report #21448 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.4
Any chance you can attach the project? Giovanni Manghi
01:12 PM Bug report #21448 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.4
Any chance you can attach the project? Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #21448 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 can't open .qgz project file created on 3.4.4
I upgraded from to
When I clicked on an existing .qgz file, I was informed that it was from an olde...
Tim Makins
11:00 PM Revision c71a0407 (qgis): Fix warning
Matthias Kuhn
10:57 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
Henrik Spångmyr wrote:
> Now I've tested some more.
> Main system QGIS 3.6, 3.7 nightly > The problem in the bu...
Giovanni Manghi
04:21 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
Now I've tested some more.
Main system QGIS 3.6, 3.7 nightly > The problem in the bug report.
QGIS 2.18 on virtua...
Henrik Spångmyr
02:34 PM Bug report #21447 (Feedback): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent featu...
Henrik Spångmyr wrote:
> I've installed my fresh build from github master branch:
> QGIS-version 3.7.0-Master Q...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 PM Bug report #21447 (Open): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature c...
I've installed my fresh build from github master branch:
QGIS-version 3.7.0-Master QGIS kodrevision 55732128f7
Henrik Spångmyr
02:01 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Try with a new/clean profile.
> >>> no 3rd party plugins
I reinstall QGIS 3.6 rel...
Henrik Spångmyr
01:42 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count

> Try with a new/clean profile.
>>> no 3rd party plugins
Giovanni Manghi
01:41 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count

> So maybe there is something else going on here. Like the spatialite version. I have SpatiaLite Version 4.3.0a.
Giovanni Manghi
01:39 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
I've reinstall QGIS to QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 83f286a
I still get the same feature counts b...
Henrik Spångmyr
01:30 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Henrik Spångmyr wrote:
> > I've attached a database that originally was database "A" as de...
Henrik Spångmyr
01:19 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
Henrik Spångmyr wrote:
> I've attached a database that originally was database "A" as described in the bug report.
Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Bug report #21447 (Feedback): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent featu...
The attached sample, should represent the database A or B?
Here on master (ubuntu) in the dataset you attached I s...
Giovanni Manghi
12:57 PM Bug report #21447: Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature count
I've attached a new file to replace the first. Henrik Spångmyr
12:47 PM Bug report #21447 (Open): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature c...
I've attached a database that originally was database "A" as described in the bug report.
... removed all tabl...
Henrik Spångmyr
12:47 PM Bug report #21447 (Open): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent feature c...
I've attached a database that originally was database "A" as described in the bug report.
... removed all tabl...
Henrik Spångmyr
11:16 AM Bug report #21447 (Feedback): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent featu...
Can you please attach sample data? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #21447 (Feedback): Vectorlayer from spatialite missing features and inconsistent featu...
QGIS show different feature count in layer list and in attribute table and some features are missing in attribute tab... Henrik Spångmyr
10:55 PM Bug report #21446: QGIS 3.6 plugin slow?

> Lastly, if poor performance is noticeably observed and there is good evidence as to what maybe the cause is, shou...
Giovanni Manghi
05:39 PM Bug report #21446: QGIS 3.6 plugin slow?
The bug is macos related specifically. There are no issues with windows or linix. This is similar to the previous i... Willem Buitendyk
08:52 AM Bug report #21446 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 plugin slow?
what is the bug here (if the problem is in your 3rd party plugin then this is not the right place)? If is just...
Giovanni Manghi
08:52 AM Bug report #21446 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 plugin slow?
what is the bug here (if the problem is in your 3rd party plugin then this is not the right place)? If is just...
Giovanni Manghi
05:49 AM Bug report #21446 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 plugin slow?
I have an in-house plugin that when a button is clicked launches a python3 After the initial 3.6 in... Willem Buitendyk
10:11 PM Bug report #21427 (Open): QGIS Server Labels character problem
Giovanni Manghi
01:52 PM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
Both. Bela Kutfej
11:54 AM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
Bela Kutfej wrote:
> Yes.
answering to the first question, the second or both?
Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
Yes. Bela Kutfej
08:55 AM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
Bela Kutfej wrote:
> This is a qgis server issue. And I try to change the labels font family the qgis desktop show i...
Giovanni Manghi
06:47 AM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
This is a qgis server issue. And I try to change the labels font family the qgis desktop show it fine, but the qgis s... Bela Kutfej
10:10 PM Bug report #21442 (Closed): Missing source fields when loading vector data in format INTERLIS 2
Giovanni Manghi
06:05 PM Bug report #21442: Missing source fields when loading vector data in format INTERLIS 2
Issue created: Stefan Henrich
05:22 PM Bug report #21442: Missing source fields when loading vector data in format INTERLIS 2
I agree. I'm going to open an issue at then.
Stefan Henrich
10:07 PM Bug report #21450 (Feedback): GDAL Complete 2.4 frameworks not available on
The latest QGIS v3.4.5 LTR and 3.6.0 require the GDAL Complete 2.4 framework package to be installed per the Mac OS X... Matt Pewsey
08:34 PM Feature request #21449 (Open): Wordwrap respects non-breaking spaces in labels
The wordwrap() function does not currently recognize the non-breaking space character. It should be possible to suppr... Nathan Perry
07:10 PM Feature request #21381: Plugin Manager should warn when overwriting already installed plugin (by ...
I wouldn't say it's a bug. Usually you just give new versions of the plugin to your users and tell them to install it... Borys Jurgiel
07:10 PM Feature request #21381: Plugin Manager should warn when overwriting already installed plugin (by ...
I wouldn't say it's a bug. Usually you just give new versions of the plugin to your users and tell them to install it... Borys Jurgiel
04:58 PM Revision 7da9a42e (qgis): Sibling of 04cdf63818ae56c344cd4421fb14a1d4d61848a6
Matthias Kuhn
04:58 PM Revision 04cdf638 (qgis): Add icons to geometry validation checks
Matthias Kuhn
11:57 AM Bug report #21418 (Open): QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 AM Bug report #21418: QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Sorry. I had the issue with 3.4.5. Under 2.18 and 2.14 this works fine. Bela Kutfej
08:53 AM Bug report #21418: QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Bela Kutfej wrote:
> Sorry. Yes from 2.18, but under 2.14 this worked well.
so you had the same issue on QGIS Ser...
Giovanni Manghi
06:38 AM Bug report #21418: QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Sorry. Yes from 2.18, but under 2.14 this worked well. Bela Kutfej
11:15 AM Bug report #21439 (Closed): Split Tool: Self-intersecting line is also split at every intersection
Giovanni Manghi
09:52 AM Bug report #21439: Split Tool: Self-intersecting line is also split at every intersection
I can confirm that this is a duplicate of this loooong standing issue.
I have to admit, this is a rare use case. B...
Bernd Vogelgesang
09:56 AM Revision 953a9aa4 (qgis): Indentation fix
Matthias Kuhn
09:56 AM Revision 024e8ebf (qgis): Some tests rely on the current dinitialization order
Matthias Kuhn
09:54 AM Revision dcc92de5 (qgis): Merge pull request #9316 from m-kuhn/fix-geometry-validation-crashes
[geometry validation] Stability and performance improvements Matthias Kuhn
09:52 AM Revision 77f2b60a (qgis): Merge pull request #9298 from m-kuhn/is-valid-check-results-deactivate
[geometry validation] Allow deactivating is valid checks in an edit session Matthias Kuhn
09:48 AM Revision 22b052da (qgis): Merge pull request #9299 from m-kuhn/geometry-validation-only-report-af...
[geometry validation] only report affected features Matthias Kuhn
09:48 AM Revision c2679926 (qgis): Merge pull request #9307 from m-kuhn/avoid-intersection-use-geometry-pr...
Add topological points on layers with configured precision Matthias Kuhn
09:47 AM Revision 252791e9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9308 from m-kuhn/z-with-duplicate-nodes
Take Z values into consideration in avoid duplicate nodes Matthias Kuhn
09:47 AM Revision ca95220f (qgis): Merge pull request #9321 from m-kuhn/cleanup-qgsvectorlayer-geometrytype
Cleanup QgsVectorLayer::geometryType() Matthias Kuhn
09:46 AM Revision ac78a194 (qgis): Merge pull request #9322 from m-kuhn/fix-double-delete
[geometry validation] Fix double delete and memory leak Matthias Kuhn
09:28 AM Bug report #16193 (Open): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization ...
It's still there, in 3.4.4 (see screenshot with options dialog) Harrissou Santanna
09:28 AM Bug report #16193 (Open): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization ...
It's still there, in 3.4.4 (see screenshot with options dialog) Harrissou Santanna
09:28 AM Bug report #16193 (Open): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization ...
It's still there, in 3.4.4 (see screenshot with options dialog) Harrissou Santanna
09:19 AM Bug report #20836: Deactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable projects
pushing the affected version? Giovanni Manghi
09:17 AM Bug report #20836 (Open): Deactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable ...
Harrissou Santanna
09:17 AM Bug report #21445: QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer

> If you want to reproduce results, just do a 300 meter buffer on the 'parks' layer in the geopackage attached abov...
Giovanni Manghi
04:25 AM Bug report #21445: QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer
Something is also wrong with saving QGIS's BUFFER algorithm to a geopackage if the dissolve option is selected. The o... Joseph Holler
03:26 AM Bug report #21445: QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer
Indeed, if I save the temporary output to a geopackage (export -> save features as), all the features with duplicate ... Joseph Holler
03:19 AM Bug report #21445: QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer
Some more insight: this may be because the FID is not unique in the output of Union and Intersection. If a unique FID... Joseph Holler
03:00 AM Bug report #21445 (Closed): QGIS processing wrong results if saved to geopackage layer
*new description*
take the attached dataset and use the "zones" and "parks" layers to do an UNION using the native...
Joseph Holler
09:16 AM Bug report #21224 (Closed): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) d...
yoichi Kayama wrote:
> I think it is duplicate #20760
yes sorry, I meant that one.
Giovanni Manghi
09:16 AM Bug report #21224 (Closed): Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) d...
yoichi Kayama wrote:
> I think it is duplicate #20760
yes sorry, I meant that one.
Giovanni Manghi
09:12 AM Bug report #21224: Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't sa...
I think it is duplicate #20760 yoichi Kayama
09:04 AM Bug report #17622 (Open): [Print composer] "Crop to content" when exporting adds a black band whe...
Maybe (see but I'm not convinced that people ever read docs and... Harrissou Santanna
09:04 AM Revision 34684d45 (qgis): Merge pull request #9324 from m-kuhn/latin1
Use QLatin1String for geometry representation operations Matthias Kuhn
09:01 AM Bug report #21429 (Open): error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:07 AM Revision b53d64bf (qgis): Silence annoying PyQt5.uic.loadUiType deprecation warnings
These aren't our fault -- they come from the PyQt library itself,
so we may as well hide them and avoid the noise.
Nyall Dawson
03:06 AM Revision 558d5365 (qgis): Add new plugin metadata string to indicate whether a plugin
implements Processing providers
Plugins which implement providers should include the
Nyall Dawson
03:06 AM Revision 2f82bab1 (qgis): Add Python utils method to start a Processing specific plugin
This command adds a plugin to active plugins and calls initProcessing(),
initializing only Processing related compone...
Nyall Dawson
03:06 AM Revision 6b1d5ee6 (qgis): QStringLiteral
Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Revision b4cf2fdf (qgis): dwg import: implement suggestion from #21330
(cherry picked from commit 6bf2d9d4500977c65630add31bb2246f063e20e8) Jürgen Fischer
01:29 AM Revision a1ce232d (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:29 AM Revision 000ac972 (qgis): backport processing help support (from 2f431bc1f3)
(cherry picked from commit 263f54cf8ed0f688fe2f8bd825101d3544833305) Jürgen Fischer
01:26 AM Revision 17ed796c (qgis): [themes] Restrict QPushButton min-width to raster calculator dialog
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:21 AM Revision 97e42c4e (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:47 PM Revision 92b73567 (qgis): Merge pull request #9323 from m-kuhn/messagebar-cleanup
Some cleanup in QgsMessageBar Matthias Kuhn
11:29 PM Revision 3359a715 (qgis): Use QLatin1String for geometry representation operations
Matthias Kuhn
11:19 PM Revision 263f54cf (qgis): backport processing help support (from 2f431bc1f3)
Jürgen Fischer
11:07 PM Bug report #21429: error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier that do...
No, @gdalinfo@ seems OK with it.... Robert St. John
10:07 PM Bug report #21429 (Feedback): error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identif...
can you see the same message if you gdalinfo the gpkg in your machine?
giovanni@sibirica:~/Downloads$ gdalinfo t...
Giovanni Manghi
10:07 PM Bug report #21429 (Feedback): error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identif...
can you see the same message if you gdalinfo the gpkg in your machine?
giovanni@sibirica:~/Downloads$ gdalinfo t...
Giovanni Manghi
10:07 PM Bug report #21429 (Feedback): error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identif...
can you see the same message if you gdalinfo the gpkg in your machine?
giovanni@sibirica:~/Downloads$ gdalinfo t...
Giovanni Manghi
10:49 PM Revision 6c6833d1 (qgis): Some cleanup in QgsMessageBar
Matthias Kuhn
10:46 PM Revision d1a7e456 (qgis): Properly connect deleters
fixes a crash Matthias Kuhn
10:44 PM Revision bc6a9c5d (qgis): Cleanup QgsVectorLayer::geometryType()
The method QgsVectorLayer::wkbType() already uses a member variable which is a copy
of the one on the data provider. ...
Matthias Kuhn
10:31 PM Bug report #21414 (Closed): Layouts/Reports Filtered Attribute Table Filtering Broken
Nyall Dawson
10:00 PM Bug report #21414: Layouts/Reports Filtered Attribute Table Filtering Broken
It appears this was due to a missed backport on a bugfix to the master branch.
Spencer Gardner
10:14 PM Bug report #21441: Multiple issues and deadlocks with WFS
I can confirm that WFS works in a very inconsistent way now on 3.4.5 and above. Giovanni Manghi
03:58 PM Bug report #21441: Multiple issues and deadlocks with WFS

btw, 3.4 has the same issues
Alessandro Pasotti
03:42 PM Bug report #21441 (Open): Multiple issues and deadlocks with WFS

I've tested several scenarios and they all works fine and fast with QGIS 2.18.
to reproduce: ...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:13 PM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
is this a qgis server issue or a wms client one? Giovanni Manghi
10:12 PM Bug report #21427 (Feedback): QGIS Server Labels character problem
Upgrades from 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:12 PM Bug report #21427 (Feedback): QGIS Server Labels character problem
Upgrades from 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
10:11 PM Bug report #21442 (Feedback): Missing source fields when loading vector data in format INTERLIS 2
It is messing also using OGRINFO, so this is a OGR bug, agree?
*giovanni@sibirica:~/Downloads$ ogrinfo -so attribu...
Giovanni Manghi
07:06 PM Bug report #21442 (Closed): Missing source fields when loading vector data in format INTERLIS 2
When loading vector data in INTERLIS 2 format (.xtf) and the first record is missing an attribute value (because it i... Stefan Henrich
09:56 PM Bug report #21435: Changing page size in layout editor display
really a very minor glitch (it disappears as soon as you zoom in/out the layout). Giovanni Manghi
09:56 PM Bug report #21435: Changing page size in layout editor display
really a very minor glitch (it disappears as soon as you zoom in/out the layout). Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #21435 (Open): Changing page size in layout editor display
When changing the page size of the layout there seems to be a display issue if the new page size is larger than the l... jb Peter
09:55 PM Bug report #21436 (Feedback): DBManager: spatial indexes are not reamed when a table is renamed
Does it happens in a previous release? only after renaming a table or also after deleting one? Giovanni Manghi
11:20 AM Bug report #21436 (Open): DBManager: spatial indexes are not reamed when a table is renamed
DBManager throws an error when importing a new layer to PostGIS, and the layer name is the same of an old layer alrea... Pedro Venâncio
09:49 PM Bug report #21224: Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't sa...
duplicate of #21310 ? Giovanni Manghi
08:31 AM Bug report #21224: Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't sa...
The same problem occurred in my environment. I edited the attribute data of GeoJson file with a table, but the editin... yoichi Kayama
08:31 AM Bug report #21224: Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't sa...
The same problem occurred in my environment. I edited the attribute data of GeoJson file with a table, but the editin... yoichi Kayama
08:31 AM Bug report #21224: Changing feature values in the Attribute Table of a layer (geojson) doesn't sa...
The same problem occurred in my environment. I edited the attribute data of GeoJson file with a table, but the editin... yoichi Kayama
09:48 PM Bug report #21425: DB Manager rename PostGIS column error
Does not happen in 3.4.5 Giovanni Manghi
09:48 PM Bug report #21425: DB Manager rename PostGIS column error
Does not happen in 3.4.5 Giovanni Manghi
09:48 PM Bug report #21425: DB Manager rename PostGIS column error
Does not happen in 3.4.5 Giovanni Manghi
09:48 PM Bug report #21425: DB Manager rename PostGIS column error
Does not happen in 3.4.5 Giovanni Manghi
09:40 PM Bug report #21398: Feature Count unavailable for geopackage layers displayed after running a proc...
confirmed... up to master... both linux and windows. Giovanni Manghi
09:30 PM Bug report #21404 (Feedback): No parameter input in Find Projection target CRS
Can't confirm, tested on both linux and windows. Giovanni Manghi
09:28 PM Bug report #19280 (Open): Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are not...
Giovanni Manghi
09:23 PM Bug report #21430: QGIS crashes when try to create new GRASS location
Confirmed also on 3.6.0 and master. Giovanni Manghi
09:23 PM Bug report #21430: QGIS crashes when try to create new GRASS location
Confirmed also on 3.6.0 and master. Giovanni Manghi
09:23 PM Bug report #21430: QGIS crashes when try to create new GRASS location
Confirmed also on 3.6.0 and master. Giovanni Manghi
09:21 PM Feature request #21444 (Feedback): crop data to map extent when exporting to vector PDF
This is already done by default, with a crop area a but larger than the map area to avoid drawing non existent polygo... Nyall Dawson
09:12 PM Feature request #21444 (Feedback): crop data to map extent when exporting to vector PDF
When exporting to a vector pdf, the map layers are apparently not cropped to the map extent. So with a very detailed,... Carolyn Krause
09:09 PM Revision b10a5ecd (qgis): Fix default setting for gauss parameter
Fix default setting for gauss parameter which must be "none" rather than 0 (which leads to empty maps as gauss=0 is u... AnikaBettge
09:09 PM Revision 819f275b (qgis): Fix default setting for gauss parameter
Fix default setting for gauss parameter which must be "none" rather than 0 (which leads to empty maps as gauss=0 is u... AnikaBettge
08:58 PM Bug report #21418 (Feedback): QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Updated from what version, 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
08:58 PM Bug report #21418 (Feedback): QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
Updated from what version, 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
08:43 PM Bug report #17947 (Open): Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:37 PM Feature request #21417: For polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also in the s...
I agree. Giovanni Manghi
08:37 PM Feature request #21417: For polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also in the s...
I agree. Giovanni Manghi
08:37 PM Feature request #21417: For polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also in the s...
I agree. Giovanni Manghi
08:34 PM Bug report #21372 (Feedback): OTB provider setup

> 1) Windows:
> OTB was removed from OSGeo4W due to issues with geos and ossim.
out of curiosity... what issues?
Giovanni Manghi
08:27 PM Bug report #21443 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed), if the problem persist please attach a sample p... Giovanni Manghi
08:27 PM Bug report #21443 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed), if the problem persist please attach a sample p... Giovanni Manghi
08:27 PM Bug report #21443 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed), if the problem persist please attach a sample p... Giovanni Manghi
08:22 PM Bug report #21443 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 crashing while editing and digitizing line features
Crash ID: 58554dad223893be6bb8fc0d3cc6a68df705c938
Stack Trace
QgsVertexTool::~QgsVertexTool :
Hannah Davis
08:23 PM Bug report #21428 (Open): Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
01:01 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
I'm afraid it comes since your commit on 11 Dec 2018 to fix #20363
Roberto Uhlig
01:01 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
I'm afraid it comes since your commit on 11 Dec 2018 to fix #20363
Roberto Uhlig
08:21 PM Feature request #21421 (Feedback): Option to clear cache for WMS/WMTS service capabilities
In settings > options > network you can already clean the QGIS cache, isn't that enough? Giovanni Manghi
08:14 PM Bug report #21406 (Feedback): QGIS 3 dialog size to small when when adding features to shape
That dialog can be resized on Windows and Linux, strange is not on macOS? Giovanni Manghi
08:14 PM Bug report #21406 (Feedback): QGIS 3 dialog size to small when when adding features to shape
That dialog can be resized on Windows and Linux, strange is not on macOS? Giovanni Manghi
08:13 PM Bug report #21363 (Open): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi
08:12 PM Bug report #20309 (Feedback): QGIS 3.2 .SVG exports no longer compatible with Adobe Illustrator
Jesse Finley wrote:
> I was having a similar problem with SVG file in Illustrator CC giving the error message 'This ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:07 PM Bug report #21387 (Feedback): Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
Is this really a regression? Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #21397 (Feedback): Assigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work
Have you asked in the developers mailing list if anything changed about what this is done in 3.*? Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #21397 (Feedback): Assigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work
Have you asked in the developers mailing list if anything changed about what this is done in 3.*? Giovanni Manghi
08:06 PM Bug report #21397 (Feedback): Assigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work
Have you asked in the developers mailing list if anything changed about what this is done in 3.*? Giovanni Manghi
08:01 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
Christophe Miroslaw wrote:
> I already tested by disabling all of my plugins and reinstalling QGis completely. Same ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 PM Bug report #21392 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4.4 installation error?
I do (and supervise doing) a lot of standalone and osgeo4w installations, and can't confirm that installing in C:\Pro... Giovanni Manghi
07:59 PM Bug report #21392 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4.4 installation error?
I do (and supervise doing) a lot of standalone and osgeo4w installations, and can't confirm that installing in C:\Pro... Giovanni Manghi
07:55 PM Bug report #21389 (Feedback): Qgis application crash
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). If the problem persist please attach a sample p... Giovanni Manghi
07:55 PM Bug report #21389 (Feedback): Qgis application crash
Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed). If the problem persist please attach a sample p... Giovanni Manghi
07:54 PM Bug report #21367 (Closed): QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
Giovanni Manghi
07:49 PM Bug report #21439 (Feedback): Split Tool: Self-intersecting line is also split at every intersection
I think this is a duplicate of a lOOOng standing issue: can you confirm? Giovanni Manghi
07:49 PM Bug report #21439 (Feedback): Split Tool: Self-intersecting line is also split at every intersection
I think this is a duplicate of a lOOOng standing issue: can you confirm? Giovanni Manghi
02:00 PM Bug report #21439 (Closed): Split Tool: Self-intersecting line is also split at every intersection
When splitting a line that is self-intersecting (e.g. a GPS-track), with the split tool from the advanced digitizing ... Bernd Vogelgesang
07:18 PM Bug report #18897: can't see layers on canvas loaded from XYZ Tiles in QGIS 3 on Mac
Humble apologies. Russell Fulton
11:07 AM Bug report #18897 (Closed): can't see layers on canvas loaded from XYZ Tiles in QGIS 3 on Mac
This was a user error and sadly the submitter was not caring enough to mark it as solved here or at their GIS.SE ques... Johannes Kroeger
11:07 AM Bug report #18897 (Closed): can't see layers on canvas loaded from XYZ Tiles in QGIS 3 on Mac
This was a user error and sadly the submitter was not caring enough to mark it as solved here or at their GIS.SE ques... Johannes Kroeger
07:13 PM Bug report #17764 (Open): WMS Server Search completely outdated
Giovanni Manghi
02:04 PM Bug report #17764: WMS Server Search completely outdated
Tested with 3.4.4. Situation did not change. Bernd Vogelgesang
05:53 PM Bug report #21432: branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error: ‘geod_i...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> vince ice wrote:
> > Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > > This indicates that your proj version is t...
vince ice
04:10 PM Bug report #21432: branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error: ‘geod_i...
vince ice wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > This indicates that your proj version is too old -- you'll need to upgra...
Giovanni Manghi
04:07 PM Bug report #21432: branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error: ‘geod_i...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> This indicates that your proj version is too old -- you'll need to upgrade.
I'm sorry Nyall...
vince ice
05:00 PM Revision 3efd4a88 (qgis): Avoid working on temporary geometries
Matthias Kuhn
03:37 PM Revision 31faa7c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #9206 from m-kuhn/backport-fix-help-button-group
Backport help button links on vector layer properties Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Revision 4a9b9e36 (qgis): saga help fix
(cherry picked from commit 5aecf74e9a34312c5940abedadf92f3b88d64363) Jürgen Fischer
03:16 PM Feature request #21423: Use more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response
master (and 3.6): commit:4d609ff46 (and commit:691176b39)
3.4: commit:dafbef1e7 (and commit:823f2dd39)
Jürgen Fischer
02:59 PM Feature request #21423: Use more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response
Yes, and it was backported to 3.4 23 days ago. Alessandro Pasotti
01:14 PM Feature request #21423: Use more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response
I'm using QGIS 3.4.
Did it land in 3.6?
Nikolay Lebedev
02:43 PM Feature request #21440 (Open): MDAL: improve the style of wind arrows
The standard representation of wind arrows is more complex that what is currently displayed for MDAL data (see e.g. h... Paolo Cavallini
02:30 PM Revision 83f286a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #9305 from elpaso/bugfix-21405-raster-calc-wrong-res...
[opencl] Fix raster calculator operator precedence Alessandro Pasotti
02:29 PM Bug report #21405 (Closed): Raster Calculator wrong results
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|88a96122b80475dcae53965d78f4e7c27c374a60. Alessandro Pasotti
02:29 PM Bug report #21405 (Closed): Raster Calculator wrong results
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|88a96122b80475dcae53965d78f4e7c27c374a60. Alessandro Pasotti
01:25 PM Revision c597ad1e (qgis): Prepare geometry engine
for improved performance Matthias Kuhn
01:25 PM Revision d3134058 (qgis): Avoid working on reference to temporary objects
fixes a couple of crashes in geometry validation Matthias Kuhn
12:16 PM Feature request #21438 (Open): Apply a pre-defined style to mesh layer through the API
Currently it does not seem possible to apply a style to a mesh layer through the API. Thus, when loading e.g. a GRIB ... Paolo Cavallini
12:02 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
Observed the same issue with 3.4.5 LTR(!), 3.6.0 and 3.7.0 on WIN 10, no 3rd party plugins installed. Jochen Schwarze
11:56 AM Bug report #16742: Browser Panel: unable to find all the connected drives
In both qgis 2.18 and qgis 3.4 running on Windows10, I use this workaround.
Right-click on the Favourites item in th...
Jeroen Hovens
11:23 AM Bug report #21437 (Open): Wrong result with unaryUnion in python plugin
Writing a python plugin for QGIS, I use the function unaryUnion to obtain correct lines to be used in polygonize func... Etienne MORO
11:09 AM Feature request #16877: Native XYZ provider only appears in browser. It should also be listed in ...
Just ran into this a) with a user who asked me and then b) I also was confused until I googled "xyz tiles qgis" to fi... Johannes Kroeger
11:03 AM Feature request #19729 (Closed): Add provider to add local folder containing XYZ tiles
You can do that using "XYZ Tiles" in the Browser. Prepend your local path with @file://@ and use a templating system ... Johannes Kroeger
11:03 AM Feature request #19729 (Closed): Add provider to add local folder containing XYZ tiles
You can do that using "XYZ Tiles" in the Browser. Prepend your local path with @file://@ and use a templating system ... Johannes Kroeger
10:46 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working

> MySQL is huge and I do so long to drop the ancient MapInfo.
is Spatial is tiny compared to PostgreSQL ;)
Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working
Yes I can see I'm sounding like a lone voice in the wilderness.
My client won't budge until Mysql is supported and w...
steve smith
10:20 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working

> I would just like to get MySQL generally more supported because was it worked great not so long ago.
> It worked...
Giovanni Manghi
10:12 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working
Fair point Giovanni.
I would just like to get MySQL generally more supported because was it worked great not so lo...
steve smith
09:55 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working

> QGIS actually works great with Mariadb and QGIS handles is so smoothly but I will never get my corporate client t...
Giovanni Manghi
09:53 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working
Hi Nyall,
Thanks for reading the post and I do see your problem of prioritising the bug list.
I will try making...
steve smith
08:01 AM Bug report #21424: Mysql connection not working
Hi Steve,
Unfortunately I think MySQL isn't widely used as a spatial database format, which is why this bug report...
Nyall Dawson
10:40 AM Revision 7d832634 (qgis): [xyz] Optional scaling of XYZ tile layers
This adds "Resolution" configuration flag for XYZ tile layers.
It supports several options:
- unknown (default) - eve...
Martin Dobias
09:43 AM Bug report #21434 (Closed): Create SQL-Layer from DB-Manager
Alessandro Pasotti
09:41 AM Bug report #21434 (Closed): Create SQL-Layer from DB-Manager
I will create a new Layer of a Oracle-Spatial DB by using a SQL-Command in DB-Manager.
The query works. Results are ...
Michael Otto
09:24 AM Feature request #21369: Sort and Filter on Groups box in Mesh Layer Styling dialog
Also see #20407
GDAL opens the selected quantity, but mesh layer loads everything within netcdf/grib. A dialog (ma...
Saber Razmjooei
08:20 AM Revision 334ae0ca (qgis): [themes] Restrict QPushButton min-width to raster calculator dialog
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:57 AM Bug report #21431 (Closed): Crashed when shutting down
Jürgen Fischer
06:39 AM Revision dab4a043 (qgis): [processing] Draw arrows connected to selected/hovered components
slightly darker
Makes it easier to track connections in a complex model
Nyall Dawson
06:39 AM Revision 93de4d15 (qgis): [processing] Show tooltips in modeler when hovering over model component
Nyall Dawson
06:39 AM Revision 2178e1a7 (qgis): [processing] Pre-highlight model components on hover
Nyall Dawson
06:30 AM Revision 0df39bd0 (qgis): [browser] List non-spatial layers for mixed spatial/non-spatial sqlite ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:30 AM Revision b5146db9 (qgis): Use the QgsSqliteUtils system tables list in DB Manager
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:30 AM Revision 5cb673a8 (qgis): Move sqlite/spatialite system tables to the QgsSqliteUtils class
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:45 AM Bug report #21433 (Closed): error loading geodatabase (GDB version 10.5)
This is an issue with the underlying GDAL library - filed as
Nyall Dawson
01:45 AM Bug report #21433 (Closed): error loading geodatabase (GDB version 10.5)
This is an issue with the underlying GDAL library - filed as
Nyall Dawson


12:31 AM Bug report #21426: spelling error german translation
also fixed in transifex Jürgen Fischer
12:30 AM Bug report #21426 (Closed): spelling error german translation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|910870814fc45185a95a3d39169484a2b393d9e6. Jürgen Fischer
12:30 AM Bug report #21426 (Closed): spelling error german translation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|910870814fc45185a95a3d39169484a2b393d9e6. Jürgen Fischer
01:51 PM Bug report #21426 (Closed): spelling error german translation
there is a - very - little spelling error in the german translation.
see Layer/Add layer: "Räumluchen DB2-L...
walter nordmann
12:31 AM Revision 91087081 (qgis): german translation fix (fixes #21426)
Jürgen Fischer
12:30 AM Revision 5594e384 (qgis): dwg import: implement suggestion from #21330
(cherry picked from commit 6bf2d9d4500977c65630add31bb2246f063e20e8) Jürgen Fischer
12:23 AM Bug report #21419 (Feedback): Oracle connection failed
Works for me - did you install the qgis-oracle-provider? Jürgen Fischer
12:23 AM Bug report #21419 (Feedback): Oracle connection failed
Works for me - did you install the qgis-oracle-provider? Jürgen Fischer
11:31 AM Bug report #21419 (Closed): Oracle connection failed
when try to connect to oracle database for spatial and nonspatial data QGIS Girona and Noosa stopped working rawan gis
11:52 PM Revision 09a4f6f5 (qgis): i18n: fix it on windows (followup 2f431bc1f)
Jürgen Fischer
11:20 PM Bug report #21432 (Closed): branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error...
This indicates that your proj version is too old -- you'll need to upgrade. Nyall Dawson
11:20 PM Bug report #21432 (Closed): branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error...
This indicates that your proj version is too old -- you'll need to upgrade. Nyall Dawson
10:20 PM Bug report #21432 (Closed): branch 3.6 fails to build - src/core/qgsdistancearea.cpp:491:3: error...
Just tried to build branch 3.6.
This is what I get:
> @[ 16%] Building CXX object src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir...
vince ice
11:06 PM Revision 75697d77 (qgis): Cache validity check results
For non-point geometry subclasses (points are always valid!) we
now cache the results of a geometry validity check. S...
Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Bug report #21433 (Closed): error loading geodatabase (GDB version 10.5)
I tried to load a geodatabase into QGIS 3.4.5, and got this error message: "Download with "protocol" source type has ... Carolyn Krause
10:01 PM Bug report #21431 (Closed): Crashed when shutting down
Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
Harris Roen
09:47 PM Bug report #21430 (Closed): QGIS crashes when try to create new GRASS location
1.create new mapset database directory
3.create new location ..
I am using QGIS 3.4.5 with Gr...
Dorin Nita
08:45 PM Revision 28df1b46 (qgis): Fix missing SIP_VERSION preprocessor macro
Was breaking all #if SIP_VERSION checks - most importantly
preventing exitPython() from being called correctly on QGI...
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision 86517c81 (qgis): Modernize code
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision a079b66e (qgis): Allow python to be initialised without interface or error hook
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision 388d6055 (qgis): Add API to determine if a plugin is enabled
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision 16c114bf (qgis): Don't ever call Py_Finalize -- causes segfaults on exit
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision a1c08b41 (qgis): Dox++, constify
Nyall Dawson
08:45 PM Revision 28341f97 (qgis): Remove unused includes from Python library
Nyall Dawson
07:55 PM Bug report #19562: QGIS 3.2.1 crashes
It seems that you have to install the libpng-dev package v1.6.34 for bionic *before* self-compiling GDAL to get a ver... Andre Joost
05:35 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
Found qgis-dev-3.3.0-94.tar.bz2 osgeo4w package.
Extractet, gave modified env-file (only redirectet qgis-dev varia...
Roberto Uhlig
04:56 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
The non crash setup is gon.
I testet it after your conversation with andreas on Sep 04 2018.
Roberto Uhlig
04:33 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
So, you cannot reproduce it anymore?
I'm not a windows developer and I'm afraid cannot help much here, but if you ...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:25 PM Bug report #21428: Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
I have a NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800 graphic adapter and
I have installed Intel SDK for OpenCL - CPU only runtime p...
Roberto Uhlig
04:10 PM Bug report #21428 (Feedback): Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
Do you have any opencl device on your system ? Alessandro Pasotti
04:10 PM Bug report #21428 (Feedback): Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
Do you have any opencl device on your system ? Alessandro Pasotti
03:22 PM Bug report #21428 (Open): Enabling acceleration crashes QGIS
h2. User Feedback
Just enable Acceleration by hitting the check box in the Options | Acceleration Crashes QGIS ;-(...
Roberto Uhlig
04:08 PM Bug report #21429 (Open): error adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier ...
I cannot add a raster layer from a GeoPackage tile table whose name does not match the @identifier@ column value in t... Robert St. John
03:53 PM Bug report #20058 (Closed): $area show wrong values in labels
Thanks for fixing this.
New Bug-Reports will follow ;-|
So I suggest to put this fix also to the Notable Fixes Se...
Roberto Uhlig
03:53 PM Bug report #20058 (Closed): $area show wrong values in labels
Thanks for fixing this.
New Bug-Reports will follow ;-|
So I suggest to put this fix also to the Notable Fixes Se...
Roberto Uhlig
03:34 PM Bug report #20058: $area show wrong values in labels
Roberto Uhlig wrote:
> It looks like that the fix of #19355 also solved this bug.
I think so yes.
> By the...
Hugo Mercier
03:05 PM Bug report #20058: $area show wrong values in labels
It looks like that the fix of #19355 also solved this bug.
If you can confirm I will close it.
By the way. The ...
Roberto Uhlig
03:39 PM Revision a6cdf719 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-3_4' into backport-fix-help-button-group
Matthias Kuhn
03:37 PM Bug report #21412 (Feedback): QGIS Crash when adding new layers in Python
Please give some more details on what you were doing and code samples Marco Bernasocchi
03:11 PM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
Can you please set the corrected affected QGIS version? Alessandro Pasotti
03:03 PM Bug report #21427: QGIS Server Labels character problem
In QGIS Desktop 3.4.5 the characters appear correctly. Bela Kutfej
02:56 PM Bug report #21427 (Open): QGIS Server Labels character problem
I updated QGIS Server from " stretch" and after that, the labels in WMS:GetMap result does ... Bela Kutfej
02:25 PM Feature request #21423 (Feedback): Use more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response
You don't say which version of QGIS server are you talking about, btw, current master does read both `HTTPS` and `REQ... Alessandro Pasotti
01:36 PM Feature request #21423 (Feedback): Use more fcgi params for GetCapabilities response
In some cases QGIS services are exposed on multiple URL endpoints.
GetCapabilities response now takes into account ...
Nikolay Lebedev
02:11 PM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
This is my old work: it was deve... Alessandro Pasotti
01:43 PM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
The difficulty with custom environment variables is that you may want some to be stored in global_setting.ini while l... Alain FERRATON
01:15 PM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
Sorry but I don't understand: if the user adds/modify custEnvVars (on any other setting) it will be stored in the use... Alessandro Pasotti
12:54 PM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
Finally I am not sure that the proposed patch solves my particular case.
Indeed, if a user adds a custom variable,...
10:28 AM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
Thank you. I think this new approach solves problems.
As we focus on the deployment of QGIS 3.4 LTR, is it possibl...
09:44 AM Bug report #21409 (In Progress): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in...
If you want you can add your opinion there: this is really a change in t...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:44 AM Bug report #21409 (In Progress): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in...
If you want you can add your opinion there: this is really a change in t...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:05 AM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
Ok, I see what's happening, I'm not sure this case was in the original specification but it makes sense to me: if a v... Alessandro Pasotti
07:53 AM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
The example I am confronted with is the following:
we add in global_settings a path to a plugin directory:
07:48 AM Bug report #21409 (Feedback): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in th...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:38 AM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
Do you mean array parameters?
Can you please show an example?
Alessandro Pasotti
07:29 AM Bug report #21409: do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the QGIS.ini ...
It is not a question of preventing a user from overwriting a parameter with his own values if it is a deliberate act.... Alain FERRATON
01:48 PM Bug report #21425 (Closed): DB Manager rename PostGIS column error
With DB Manager in QGIS 3.6 when I try to rename a column through the DB Manager GUI (Table --> Edit table --> Edit c... Topi Tjukanov
01:43 PM Bug report #21424 (Closed): Mysql connection not working
We have just upgraded to 3.6 but sadly we still cannot connect to MYSQL versions after 5.7 (Mariadb 10 is fine)
steve smith
01:02 PM Bug report #21422 (Closed): Snapping on Linestring Z intersections does not work anymore
This is a regression from QGIS 2.18.X to QGIS 3.X
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
12:57 PM Bug report #21407 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
@Martin, good to hear the issue has been solved with a clean profile.
For the purpose of this ticket, I think we c...
Saber Razmjooei
12:48 PM Bug report #21407: QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> I cannot reproduce your issue on a "clean" QGIS 3.6.
> Could you try to disable your p...
Martin Pergler
09:23 AM Bug report #21407: QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
I cannot reproduce your issue on a "clean" QGIS 3.6.
Could you try to disable your plugins with a fresh profile pl...
Saber Razmjooei
12:04 PM Feature request #21421 (Feedback): Option to clear cache for WMS/WMTS service capabilities
When you add WMS/WMTS service to QGIS for the first time it's capabilities are fetched from the service and cached to... Nikolay Lebedev
11:59 AM Bug report #21416 (Closed): Crach on closing
Saber Razmjooei
08:32 AM Bug report #21416: Crach on closing
It seemed to be problem with Geomapfish Locator plugin. After uninstall crash does not occur aymore. Matjaž Mori
08:28 AM Bug report #21416 (Feedback): Crach on closing
Looks plugin related. Try with a clean profile. Nyall Dawson
08:24 AM Bug report #21416 (Closed): Crach on closing
h2. User Feedback
This crash happens everytime i close the program.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: a037e3dd1...
Matjaž Mori
11:48 AM Bug report #21372: OTB provider setup
These seem good suggestions to me. Please check with packagers to find the best solution for each major OS.
Thanks a...
Paolo Cavallini
11:24 AM Bug report #21372: OTB provider setup
It seems like debian package can update QGIS3.ini... Rashad Kanavath
11:16 AM Bug report #21372: OTB provider setup
I will list three widely used oses and my options below.
1) Windows:
OTB was removed from OSGeo4W due to issues w...
Rashad Kanavath
11:45 AM Feature request #21420 (Open): UI cleanup for 3.6 on MacOS
QGIS 3.6 looks great on hidpi displays on MacOS!
Some small fixes left - check out attached screenshots:
Small co...
Nikolay Lebedev
11:07 AM Revision c81526cc (qgis): Check for globalsettings and don't crash
Alessandro Pasotti
10:48 AM Bug report #21392: QGIS 3.4.4 installation error?
The problem seems to be that I have installed the program in the programs folder (C:\Program files\). Apparently the ... Lars Ellebjerg
10:38 AM Revision 885f47d2 (qgis): [processing] Avoid creation of gui components at startup
Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Revision de0aedec (qgis): [layouts] Fix attribute table filtering not utilising expression context
Fixes #21078 Nyall Dawson
09:36 AM Revision cd5fedfd (qgis): Do not store default values in user's QgsSettings
The new behavior is to store a value in user's QSettings
(that overrides the global settings) only if the the value
Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Revision 8f29e655 (qgis): Take Z values into consideration in avoid duplicate nodes
Matthias Kuhn
09:03 AM Bug report #21418 (Open): QGIS Server does not show Map Tip in WMS GetFeatureInfo
I updated QGIS Server from " stretch" and after that the WMS:GetFeatureInfo does not show t... Bela Kutfej
08:51 AM Revision 2e05cf1d (qgis): Add topological points on layers with configured precision
The tolerance was hardcoded to 1mm before. Matthias Kuhn
08:34 AM Feature request #21417 (Open): For polygon editing, expose the option "avoid intersection" also i...
When digitizing adjacent polygons, the "avoid intersection" option is a tremendous help.
Therefore, it would be gr...
Oliver Jeker
08:29 AM Bug report #21415 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin 'processing'
Looks like a bug in the distros osgeo python library - not qgis related. Nyall Dawson
08:29 AM Bug report #21415 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin 'processing'
Looks like a bug in the distros osgeo python library - not qgis related. Nyall Dawson
04:58 AM Bug report #21415 (Closed): Couldn't load plugin 'processing'
Running on bionic
Couldn't load plugin 'processing'
ImportError: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/osgeo/_gdal.c...
Mike Fedak
08:09 AM Bug report #21413 (Closed): is not executed

Run this code from the console to know what are the path where you can place
Alessandro Pasotti
08:09 AM Bug report #21413 (Closed): is not executed

Run this code from the console to know what are the path where you can place
Alessandro Pasotti
07:42 AM Bug report #21405: Raster Calculator wrong results
I've found an issue in the OpenCL implementation of the calculator, but ...
Alessandro Pasotti


12:52 AM Revision 34a06501 (qgis): BSD patches
11:20 PM Bug report #21407: QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
I have now confirmed that the problem is something about _interaction_ between snapping and Advanced Digitizing.
Martin Pergler
04:35 PM Bug report #21407: QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you provide an example project with data?
See attached.
The gpkg contains needed ...
Martin Pergler
04:35 PM Bug report #21407: QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you provide an example project with data?
See attached.
The gpkg contains needed ...
Martin Pergler
02:55 PM Bug report #21407 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
Could you provide an example project with data? Saber Razmjooei
02:34 PM Bug report #21407 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 win64 hang editing line feature
Editing vector layer (LineString, in a GPKG, not sure if that matters). Turn on vertex editor.
Snapping is on.
Any ...
Martin Pergler
10:37 PM Bug report #21414 (Closed): Layouts/Reports Filtered Attribute Table Filtering Broken
Attribute table objects do not populate with data when added to a Layout or Report and filtered to an Atlas object. W... Spencer Gardner
10:21 PM Revision 88a96122 (qgis): [opencl] Fix raster calculator operator precedence
With test
Possibly fixes #21405 (not yet sure if the user was using OpenCL)
Alessandro Pasotti
10:19 PM Bug report #21413 (Closed): is not executed
According to documentation jachym -
08:09 PM Bug report #21412 (Closed): QGIS Crash when adding new layers in Python
h2. User Feedback
I was creating a QgsVectorLayer in Python
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: eda2bfcbb890a6e55...
Martin Boos
06:43 PM Bug report #21410 (Closed): Load as new layer from DB Manager does not load into QGIS
Fixed in master Alessandro Pasotti
06:43 PM Bug report #21410 (Closed): Load as new layer from DB Manager does not load into QGIS
Fixed in master Alessandro Pasotti
05:27 PM Bug report #21410 (Closed): Load as new layer from DB Manager does not load into QGIS
There appears to be a bug introduced in loading the results of a PostGIS query into QGIS. I have the issue in 3.4.5 L... Josh McCord
06:00 PM Bug report #21405 (Feedback): Raster Calculator wrong results
Alessandro Pasotti
06:00 PM Bug report #21405: Raster Calculator wrong results
Can you share a small portion of the rasters where we can reproduce the issue?
Also, can you check if OpenCL accel...
Alessandro Pasotti
12:55 PM Bug report #21405 (Closed): Raster Calculator wrong results
In Qgis 3.6.0 the Raster Calculator delivers wrong results.
two geotiffs Sentinel-2
expression: 0.5*((2...
monokultur -
05:53 PM Revision d99c1f1f (qgis): Fixes
Matthias Kuhn
05:48 PM Revision 06f595b1 (qgis): Merge branch 'release-3_4' into backport-fix-help-button-group
Matthias Kuhn
05:29 PM Bug report #21411 (Closed): 'processing' extension cannot be loaded.
The processing toolbox is not available. I followed the instructions in the README and added the path of the GDAL fra... Robin Schwemmle
05:27 PM Bug report #19101: Scale bar in Layout always opens at height of 11.9 mm
I suggest that Regression should be set to 'Yes' for this one, because it was not an issue in QGIS 2.18, but it is in... Steve Lowman
04:57 PM Revision 149fcc04 (qgis): Only report topology errors in affected features
The geometry validation only works on the current edit session (added / edited geometries). To detect topology
Matthias Kuhn
04:35 PM Bug report #21409 (Rejected): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in th...
That is by design: global_settings is meant to provide default values, not to prevent users to set/override a setting... Alessandro Pasotti
04:35 PM Bug report #21409 (Rejected): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in th...
That is by design: global_settings is meant to provide default values, not to prevent users to set/override a setting... Alessandro Pasotti
04:26 PM Bug report #21409 (Closed): do not rewrite system variables from global_settings.ini file in the ...
I'm not sure it's a bug, but it's a problem for centralized parameter management.
if the user adds a custom variab...
04:31 PM Revision 50f8f90b (qgis): Better error location for missing vertex errors
When showing a missing vertex error, the map canvas is now centered on the missing vertex
location and scaled by taki...
Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Bug report #21408 (Open): Unable to retrieve list of QgsActionScope from PyQGIS
I open the Python console in QGIS 3.6 with revision code 5873452 (on Ubuntu 18.04 64 bits) from the official package
Thomas Gratier
03:17 PM Feature request #6961: add additional path for python plugins in system options
I don't know if a version of QGIS has displayed in the logs the paths of the python plugins but this doesn't seem to ... Alain FERRATON
03:13 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
ok, please provide a step-by-step procedure to reproduce the issue without any plugin involved. Alessandro Pasotti
03:10 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
I already tested by disabling all of my plugins and reinstalling QGis completely. Same problem.
Problem also met by ...
Christophe Miroslaw
03:05 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database

Please retry with all plugin disabled, if you cannot reproduce, please file a bug on the Cadastre plugin issue trac...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:02 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
The procedure is as follows:
1. Creation of the SqLite database with the Cadastre plugin and import of the first dat...
Christophe Miroslaw
12:23 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
Thanks for the data!
Sorry if I ask but I'm not sure I understand: what is the exact procedure (step-by-step) if s...
Alessandro Pasotti
12:10 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
I could not join the "problematic" layers because as soon as we export them from the SqLite database in .shp format, ... Christophe Miroslaw
12:10 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
I could not join the "problematic" layers because as soon as we export them from the SqLite database in .shp format, ... Christophe Miroslaw
12:10 PM Bug report #21393: qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLite database
I could not join the "problematic" layers because as soon as we export them from the SqLite database in .shp format, ... Christophe Miroslaw
02:34 PM Revision ef34ed8b (qgis): Allow deactivating is valid checks in an edit session
If an is valid check is deactivated in an ongoing edit session, all check results
are invalidated and removed. This w...
Matthias Kuhn
02:09 PM Bug report #21406 (Feedback): QGIS 3 dialog size to small when when adding features to shape
When I set a shape file to editing mode and click into the map to add a new features the popup dialog with the attrib... Benjamin Gnep
12:42 PM Feature request #8955: Processing in a standalone QGIS app
FYI Luigi Pirelli
11:52 AM Bug report #18936 (Closed): Exporting projects to .dxf for older versions
Jürgen Fischer
11:40 AM Bug report #16034 (Closed): generated build.make-files do not contain correct PyQt4-directory. Er...
Jürgen Fischer
10:57 AM Bug report #16034: generated build.make-files do not contain correct PyQt4-directory. Error: sip:...
matteo ghetta wrote:
> Is this still valid with QGIS 3, Qt 5 and python 3?
I cannot tell, I don't build QGIS anym...
Drei Eck
11:05 AM Bug report #19280 (Reopened): Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are...
The "problem" still exist in 3.4.4.
When you specify "Pre-calculated Value" for an algorithm parameter (for instan...
Håvard Tveite
10:45 AM Bug report #21404 (Closed): No parameter input in Find Projection target CRS
In Processing Tools > vector general > Find Projection,
Algorithm explanation implies input for target area CRS. but...
songbo gong
10:17 AM Revision c748aacc (qgis): debian packaging: fix python3-qgis.install
Jürgen Fischer
09:57 AM Feature request #21385: Mesh Layer styling: on Windows not so clear how to select the Group
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> @Richard, will something like that work for you: #20144
> It will be consistent with t...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:14 AM Feature request #21385: Mesh Layer styling: on Windows not so clear how to select the Group
@Richard, will something like that work for you: #20144
It will be consistent with the general layer visibility in...
Saber Razmjooei
09:41 AM Bug report #21363: Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Looking into this project -- isn't the bug in how 2.18 rendered the bar? In 3.4 I see the tota...
Massimiliano Moraca
09:38 AM Bug report #21402 (Closed): Error on change UI themes
This is a bug in the third party contour plugin, not qgis itself. Nyall Dawson
09:38 AM Bug report #21402 (Closed): Error on change UI themes
This is a bug in the third party contour plugin, not qgis itself. Nyall Dawson
07:26 AM Bug report #21402 (Closed): Error on change UI themes
Ошибка при выполнении сценария Python:
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type ContourGeneratorAlgorithm has b...
Andrew Shanin
09:36 AM Bug report #18138 (In Progress): Z not supported when "Advanced Digitizing" is enabled
09:22 AM Bug report #21330: Missing hatch, wrong text alignment and line width from DWG import
Antoine Lafranchis wrote:
> For the mixed width/linewidth i found a solution: i add two Simple Line symbols, one wit...
Jürgen Fischer
09:06 AM Revision 8ba90fc4 (qgis): Merge pull request #9287 from signedav/scale_getlegendgraphic_backport-3_4
Backport 3.4 Scaled symbols on GetLegendGraphics Paul Blottiere
09:05 AM Revision ec30c48d (qgis): Merge pull request #9286 from signedav/scale_getlegendgraphic_backport-3_6
Backport 3.6 Scaled symbols on GetLegendGraphics Paul Blottiere
08:59 AM Feature request #21300 (Closed): It is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animations ...
implemented in qgis 3.7 master. Not possible to port to 3.4 Peter Petrik
08:59 AM Feature request #21300 (Closed): It is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animations ...
implemented in qgis 3.7 master. Not possible to port to 3.4 Peter Petrik
08:58 AM Revision 209e9144 (qgis): [3d] export all frames from QGIS 3d animations as images (#9244)
[feature] [3d] export all frames from QGIS 3d animations as images #21300 Peter Petrik
08:26 AM Feature request #21403 (Open): Ability to add processing tools as favorites
The processing toolbox is becoming so massive, that it would probably be helpful for many users to be able to create ... Topi Tjukanov
08:18 AM Bug report #21390 (In Progress): Z snapping does not work for POINT Z / MULTIPOINT Z entities
06:30 AM Bug report #20309: QGIS 3.2 .SVG exports no longer compatible with Adobe Illustrator
I was having a similar problem with SVG file in Illustrator CC giving the error message 'This SVG is invalid. Validat... Jesse Finley
04:04 AM Bug report #21401 (Open): QGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS
We have a plugin which connects to both MSSQL and Postgis database. The plugin processes data from MSSQL and visualis... Attila Peller


12:41 AM Revision a7ca0878 (qgis): Nullptr consistency in dox
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision eed9852f (qgis): Add TRUE and FALSE macros for use in doxygen comments
For the c++ api dox these expand to "\c true" and "\c false" (the
\c directive indicates a code literal value), and f...
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision 182e6cf9 (qgis): Update sipify expected results
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision b1b247b9 (qgis): Bulk doxygen TRUE/FALSE literal conversion
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision b6d66bec (qgis): Sipify
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision 3f735368 (qgis): astyle
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision 2e0a54de (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision d60b5e2d (qgis): Typo, remove unused .sip files
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision 36ca2016 (qgis): Fix doxygen input filter
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision 107b48a4 (qgis): Add NULLPTR macro for use in doxygen comments
For the c++ api dox this expands to "\c nullptr" (the
\c directive indicates a code literal value), and for sipify/Py...
Nyall Dawson
12:41 AM Revision caff98d8 (qgis): Retval -> returns
Nyall Dawson
12:30 AM Bug report #21363 (Feedback): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Looking into this project -- isn't the bug in how 2.18 rendered the bar? In 3.4 I see the total bar length of 5 segme... Nyall Dawson
08:56 AM Bug report #21363 (Open): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Bug report #21363: Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> You can still share the project -- I should be able to reproduce without the data. And it's ve...
Massimiliano Moraca
11:17 PM Revision 5aecf74e (qgis): saga help fix
Jürgen Fischer
10:38 PM Revision 2f431bc1 (qgis): i18n:
* include processing algorithm descriptions from yaml (with yaml fixes)
* create ui instead of cpp where possible and...
Jürgen Fischer
10:34 PM Bug report #19684 (Closed): The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
This was fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
10:34 PM Bug report #19684 (Closed): The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
This was fixed in 3.6 Nyall Dawson
06:52 PM Bug report #19684 (Open): The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
Harrissou Santanna
10:34 PM Bug report #17622 (Feedback): [Print composer] "Crop to content" when exporting adds a black band...
So it's a documentation issue? Nyall Dawson
06:54 PM Bug report #17622 (Open): [Print composer] "Crop to content" when exporting adds a black band whe...
That means that a bigger than paper rendering with "crop to content" is not desirable for some formats. Might be wort... Harrissou Santanna
09:06 PM Revision 81059051 (qgis): [browser] Always open xlsx/csv/ods files as layers, instead of just
checking the file extension (by default)
These formats are inexpensive to open, and doing so allows browser to
Nyall Dawson
09:06 PM Revision 0a1d6444 (qgis): Useful tooltips for length/precision widgets
Because *I* always get tripped up by these! Nyall Dawson
09:05 PM Revision 6dbe4ee5 (qgis): Add QgsGeometry::isGeosValid option to ignore self-touching rings
Nyall Dawson
09:05 PM Revision 35f613d4 (qgis): Avoid firing up a thread for blocking GEOS based validity checks
It's an unnecessary expense. Also fix duplicate code. Nyall Dawson
09:05 PM Revision 4e04d022 (qgis): By default, validity check should treat ring self intersections as invalid
We use the OGC definition of validity to ensure consistent results
with PostGIS, GDAL, etc
Fixes #16418, fixes #21336
Nyall Dawson
09:05 PM Revision 49742c30 (qgis): [needs-docs][processing] Add option to check validity alg to ignore sel...
causing rings errors
By default the algorithm now uses the strict OGC definition of polygon validity, where
a polygo...
Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Bug report #21336 (Closed): self node is considered as an error by processing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e04d02293637923e065afba3f3b962249a9ca78. Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Bug report #21336 (Closed): self node is considered as an error by processing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e04d02293637923e065afba3f3b962249a9ca78. Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Feature request #16418 (Closed): Geometry validity inconsistency between tools
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e04d02293637923e065afba3f3b962249a9ca78. Nyall Dawson
09:04 PM Feature request #16418 (Closed): Geometry validity inconsistency between tools
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e04d02293637923e065afba3f3b962249a9ca78. Nyall Dawson
08:25 PM Feature request #21400 (Open): Install with check for operating system (e.g. win64 vs. win32)
I was incidentally trying to install a QGIS Standalone Installer Version 3.6 (64 bit) on a 32 bit Win OS, which seeme... Rudi Uhl
07:13 PM Feature request #21399 (Open): "There is a new QGIS version available. Visit...." always visible ...
For the past months, the yellow warning message "There is a new QDIS version available. Visit...." has almost always ... jb Peter
06:57 PM Feature request #19217 (Open): Add icons to options in Algorithm dialog
Indeed, create grid also misses icons next to options in drop-down. Harrissou Santanna
06:51 PM Feature request #21286 (Open): [Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when writ...
Harrissou Santanna
06:50 PM Bug report #21327 (Open): [Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select...
Maybe... It think it's a missing feature as the save style behavior has changed recently (allowing to pick categories) Harrissou Santanna
06:37 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
I used the Data Share feature from Fulcrum in every version of QGIS up to 3.4.3. After this version it broke but only... Chad Howard
06:29 PM Bug report #21398 (Open): Feature Count unavailable for geopackage layers displayed after running...
I'm running 3.4.4 on Windows 10.
I am saving the output of any processing algorithm or model (for example, specific...
Joseph Holler
05:27 PM Revision 680d5d25 (qgis): Disconnect any leftover connections when destroying auth manager
If one of these connections is triggered after destruction of auth manager, bad things happen because the slot tries ... Matthias Kuhn
05:27 PM Revision 854a9043 (qgis): Delete authentication manager after destruction of the providers
The providers may still have threads running that use the authentication manager and their finished signal might trig... Matthias Kuhn
05:07 PM Revision e8ea335d (qgis): typo
David Signer
05:07 PM Revision 47345ba3 (qgis): update docu since 3.8
(cherry-picked from 6b09be7f32a7a8630c4f2a6b611dc8dc9c6e79ff) and resolved conflicts David Signer
05:07 PM Revision 1366b66a (qgis): tests for scaled symbol sizes
with expected images from travis
(cherry-picked from de96fc75fa362a99522fc94c9a1cf48cb1524db7 8d1ceda878aa203227c84e...
David Signer
05:07 PM Revision 320596fa (qgis): use scale and mapUnitsPerPixel from map parameters bbox and size. in ca...
calculate mMmPerMapUnit with mapUnitsPerPixel to avoid to have redundant info
fixes #21309
(cherry-picked from a04f9...
David Signer
05:07 PM Revision 15585ced (qgis): travis builded images for tests
David Signer
03:22 PM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Actually it looks like it is not related to my form.
Same layer using auto-generated form and no custom form script....
Nicu Tofan
12:08 PM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Here is the project that produces the error. The archive includes the form and custom python file. Nicu Tofan
10:48 AM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Crashed without autosaver
A new project with same layer and autogenerated form does NOT seem to crash.
I have e...
Nicu Tofan
09:16 AM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Using these exact steps replicates the crash:
- open project
- set current layer the polygon layer
- start editing...
Nicu Tofan
09:04 AM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Affects also 3.4.4 Giovanni Manghi
09:04 AM Bug report #21383: Crash when editing fields
Affects also 3.4.4 Giovanni Manghi
08:00 AM Bug report #21383 (Open): Crash when editing fields
h2. User Feedback
Polygon layer in edit mode
Using a custom form for editing
Just edited a value switched focus ...
Nicu Tofan
03:06 PM Bug report #21387 (Open): Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
Alessandro Pasotti
02:54 PM Bug report #21387: Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
Yes exactly and also found at the top of the layer's panel
And in my case, I have a lot of layer's group and folders...
Edward H
02:41 PM Bug report #21387: Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
Thank you for sharing the project and data.
So, basically, the issue is that the original layer's group and checke...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:18 PM Bug report #21387: Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
Thank's for the prompt answer and I attach a zip file like you asked me
steps to reproduce this issue :
- open ...
Edward H
01:53 PM Bug report #21387 (Feedback): Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
It would be very helpful if you could attach a zip file with a minimal project and data to reproduce the issue. Alessandro Pasotti
01:53 PM Bug report #21387 (Feedback): Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
It would be very helpful if you could attach a zip file with a minimal project and data to reproduce the issue. Alessandro Pasotti
10:04 AM Bug report #21387 (Closed): Unavailable layers because of a moved folder
I have an issue in QGIS 3.6 (Windows 10 / 64 bits) with the replacement or the renaming a folder/layer.
If ...
Edward H
02:39 PM Bug report #21367: QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
QGIS can't define the path of grass moudle after version 3.4.
I think the problem is a bug. But I try to start QGIS...
Cong Ning
09:45 AM Bug report #21367 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
Jürgen Fischer
02:38 PM Revision 1e49bb15 (qgis): Merge pull request #9290 from pblottiere/fix_doc_2
Update doc Paul Blottiere
02:34 PM Bug report #19674 (Closed): Method theme() of QgsMapCanvas not in sync?
Thank you very much for the feedback. I have implemented your procedure and it works. Darius G.
11:57 AM Bug report #19674: Method theme() of QgsMapCanvas not in sync?
The main map canvas is "special" - it does not have map theme assigned. Instead when you pick a map theme, styles of ... Martin Dobias
02:16 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
Assuming this is the driver used for GeoJSON, could this be the offending section in GDAL OGR: Adam Liddell
12:50 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
Also replicated this bug on 3.6.0 with Windows 7. The edits are written to a *.geojson.tmp file, but never copied ove... Adam Liddell
02:02 PM Bug report #21364: QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created with version 2.18
Please attach a minimal sample project and data, and the developer will simulate your scenario by moving/renamig the ... Alessandro Pasotti
01:56 PM Revision 3fbda696 (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
01:55 PM Revision 3073d34f (qgis): Fix typo in canvas doc
Paul Blottiere
01:55 PM Revision fa176061 (qgis): Fix typo in raster layer doc
Paul Blottiere
01:52 PM Bug report #21393 (Feedback): qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a Sq...
Did you forget to attach the layer? Alessandro Pasotti
12:09 PM Bug report #21393 (Closed): qgis crashed with the infomation tool on a layer imported from a SqLi...
h2. User Feedback
I import cadastral data from a SqLite database (data provided by After severa...
Christophe Miroslaw
01:51 PM Bug report #21395: QGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project
Just curious: what's the use case for disabling a driver? Alessandro Pasotti
12:23 PM Bug report #21395 (Open): QGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project
If you disable a GDAL driver in a QGIS session while having a file (using the driver) loaded, trying to open the laye... Alexandre Neto
01:44 PM Bug report #21397 (Open): Assigning a primary key in QgsDataSourceUri doesn't work
Hi devs,
I use qgis 3.4.5 with windows 7 64bit.
I build a qgsvectorlayer like this :
uri = qgis.core.QgsDataSo...
Patrice V
01:37 PM Revision 7bcba35a (qgis): Merge pull request #9288 from pblottiere/fix_doc
Update doc Paul Blottiere
12:44 PM Bug report #21394: Annoying login postgres login window appears on QGIS 3.4.4+ and later
Probably some artefacts from QGIS 2-3 migration. Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
12:40 PM Bug report #21394 (Closed): Annoying login postgres login window appears on QGIS 3.4.4+ and later
Installation/project specific. I'll update if I see more details. Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
12:18 PM Bug report #21394 (Closed): Annoying login postgres login window appears on QGIS 3.4.4+ and later
I encountered a bug since 3.4.4+. When logging to a qgis project, I get an undesired login windows after layers loadi... Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
12:32 PM Bug report #21396 (Open): JP2MrSID driver missing on GDAL drivers options after being disabled
If you deactivate the JP2MrSID driver in the GDAL Drivers list, after you reload QGIS, the driver will not longer be ... Alexandre Neto
12:03 PM Bug report #21392 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 installation error?
Newly installed QGIS 3.4.4 fails to start. Error message says to check qgis-bin-g7.env for path settings. Looking at ... Lars Ellebjerg
11:51 AM Revision f29207a5 (qgis): typo
David Signer
11:39 AM Bug report #18535: [osx][layouts] "Page Setup" and "Print..." not doing anything
I have the same problem with QGIS 3.4 under Arch Linux. "Page Setup" and "Print..." do not do anything. Same warning ... s e
11:12 AM Revision 3e2af2ae (qgis): Update sip
Paul Blottiere
11:12 AM Revision d6ea67a4 (qgis): Remove duplicated word in doc
Paul Blottiere
10:59 AM Feature request #21391 (Open): QgsProject Notify/Listen
At the moment, the only way to "LISTEN" to postgres database is through QgsProvider or QgsMapLayer. This inevitably n... Raul Sangonzalo
10:55 AM Revision 6e395439 (qgis): Merge pull request #9242 from pblottiere/getprint_svg
Some cleaning [server] Paul Blottiere
10:53 AM Bug report #21390 (Closed): Z snapping does not work for POINT Z / MULTIPOINT Z entities
In QGIS 2 and 3, when snapping at insertion :
* a Point Z on a Point Z, LinestringZ or PolygonZ, Point Z *doesn't g...
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
10:38 AM Bug report #21389 (Closed): Qgis application crash
h2. User Feedback
I work with consistent punctual shape files, usually with 10.000/20.000 records and a lot of inf...
Daniele Gambetti
10:33 AM Bug report #21388 (Closed): Word wrapping not working in maptips
The text is shown in a single line, so if it is too long, you only see it partially
Using CSS to modify the width ...
Victor Olaya
10:19 AM Revision 0e8757b4 (qgis): Merge pull request #9236 from signedav/scale_getlegendgraphic
On GetLegendGraphics take the scale context from map parameters Paul Blottiere
10:19 AM Bug report #21309 (Closed): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a04f91b840f8bce5cbcbd9d9211fa3aa6fe236c5. David Signer
10:19 AM Bug report #21309 (Closed): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a04f91b840f8bce5cbcbd9d9211fa3aa6fe236c5. David Signer
09:41 AM Revision 741fb7d6 (qgis): update docu since 3.8
(cherry-picked from 6b09be7f32a7a8630c4f2a6b611dc8dc9c6e79ff) David Signer
09:40 AM Revision 42cd1359 (qgis): tests for scaled symbol sizes
with expected images from travis
(cherry-picked from de96fc75fa362a99522fc94c9a1cf48cb1524db7 8d1ceda878aa203227c84e...
David Signer
09:37 AM Revision 9552777d (qgis): use scale and mapUnitsPerPixel from map parameters bbox and size. in ca...
calculate mMmPerMapUnit with mapUnitsPerPixel to avoid to have redundant info
fixes #21309
(cherry-picked from a04f9...
David Signer
09:28 AM Revision 6b09be7f (qgis): update docu since 3.8
David Signer
09:24 AM Revision d67875fe (qgis): Replace getter names
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 0f3b3654 (qgis): Update test for not mandatory format parameter
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision f636147f (qgis): Remove unused functions
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 14f201ca (qgis): Add unit test
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 5d59d669 (qgis): Update doc
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision e0cbf334 (qgis): Use static notation
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 7cce46e1 (qgis): Fix error message
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision e25f60c1 (qgis): Set png as the default format for images in WMS service
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 11e80b1b (qgis): Replace string by enum for format
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 8e4755ca (qgis): Remove another function
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 0a76d7c1 (qgis): Fixes unit tests
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 77d2aaa1 (qgis): Return default value if value is empty
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision e8181e91 (qgis): Update doc for 3.8
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 58c38f2f (qgis): Remove duplicated public/private
Paul Blottiere
09:24 AM Revision 7e5dc185 (qgis): Remove redundant return
Paul Blottiere
09:09 AM Revision fb81ce68 (qgis): backport dwg import fixes
fec20ae0e dwg import: less noisy noise reduction
3aa2d9ff9 dwg import: catch spline misinterpretation (fixes #20392...
Jürgen Fischer
09:03 AM Bug report #21386 (Closed): Crash when editing fields
Giovanni Manghi
08:46 AM Bug report #21386 (Closed): Crash when editing fields
h2. User Feedback
Polygon layer in edit mode
Using a custom form
edited a field
click on the main canvas
Nicu Tofan
08:30 AM Bug report #21384 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 crashes upon exiting
Jürgen Fischer
08:09 AM Bug report #21384 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 crashes upon exiting
h2. User Feedback
Get bug upon exiting QGIS
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b86...
Jacob Paggi
08:21 AM Feature request #21385 (Open): Mesh Layer styling: on Windows not so clear how to select the Group
Left is Windows right is Linux same dataset/QGIS version.
As you see in the Windows box, it is not...
Richard Duivenvoorde
07:54 AM Revision 81f0c5ce (qgis): Merge pull request #9241 from m-kuhn/merge-lines-on-dissolve
[processing] Merge lines on dissolve Matthias Kuhn
07:02 AM Revision 36a10465 (qgis): srs.db add Australian entries
insert into tbl_datum_transform VALUES (8447,100020,4283,7844,9615, 'GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb', nul... Nyall Dawson
06:02 AM Revision 0eeedacf (qgis): Fix db manager sql query
Fixes #21353 Alessandro Pasotti
05:25 AM Bug report #21382 (Open): Fails to build with SERVER_PLUGINS disabled
The following cmake configuration fails to build:
cmake -G Ninja \
Tom Palan
04:58 AM Revision a7dfa9eb (qgis): srs.db add Australian entries
insert into tbl_datum_transform VALUES (8447,100020,4283,7844,9615, 'GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb', nul... Nyall Dawson
03:49 AM Revision fb324f3e (qgis): srs.db add Australian entries
insert into tbl_datum_transform VALUES (8447,100020,4283,7844,9615, 'GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb', nul... Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Revision f7f8eb82 (qgis): [processing] Fix "Add geometry attributes" handling of multipoint geom
For multipoints, export the count of geometries only
(cherry picked from commit ec1218314df5673f365e0706c6b0485d2a9f...
Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Revision 1ef89f2b (qgis): Fix regex used to replace [% %] expressions in text
Was incorrectly truncating at first ']' character
Fixes #21366
(cherry picked from commit cab2dcf62cedad069ea64c379...
Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Revision 38a3b2a7 (qgis): [processing] do not allow using unsupported file formats
Show warning message if user selects incompatible output file format
fixes #21089
(cherry picked from commit 13bff9...
Victor Olaya
02:14 AM Revision 28cdd978 (qgis): Fix space inserted at start of graduated legend entries
Fixes #21339
(cherry picked from commit 0efa0b1dde5243be7970bda1be806d101165565f)
Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Revision 99d6e54f (qgis): fix error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous
(cherry picked from commit a020d479b4f49ab56d515f61182d64a03d0b77d0) JF Perini


12:46 AM Bug report #21376 (Closed): QGIS crashes when working with QgsLayerTreeLayers in a processing script
You need to indicate that your algorithm CANNOT be run in a background thread by adding:
def flags(self):
Nyall Dawson
12:46 AM Bug report #21376 (Closed): QGIS crashes when working with QgsLayerTreeLayers in a processing script
You need to indicate that your algorithm CANNOT be run in a background thread by adding:
def flags(self):
Nyall Dawson
02:07 PM Bug report #21376 (Closed): QGIS crashes when working with QgsLayerTreeLayers in a processing script
h2. User Feedback
Trying to reorder layers from a processing script causes QGIS to crash. The following code works...
Jochen Schwarze
12:42 AM Revision bb5a3602 (qgis): Merge pull request #9278 from nyalldawson/backports36
Nyall Dawson
11:43 PM Feature request #21381 (Open): Plugin Manager should warn when overwriting already installed plug...
I am developing a QGIS processing plugin. I've installed it manually by placing it in the appropriate directory (i.e.... Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos
11:34 PM Revision 0259d5d3 (qgis): Merge pull request #9275 from 3nids/vertextool_34
vertex tool / editor synchronisation backport 3.4 Denis Rouzaud
11:32 PM Revision d1800388 (qgis): [processing] Script decorators: correctly check that parent parameter e...
(cherry picked from commit f76be664fef81a2fe07d7dc656023881810f2870) Victor Olaya
11:31 PM Revision f76be664 (qgis): [processing] Script decorators: correctly check that parent parameter e...
Victor Olaya
11:29 PM Revision e1f341f2 (qgis): [processing] consider destination params as outputs when defining scripts
(cherry picked from commit 29b952d90cc904d08174fef3ea0eac0cf766c195) Victor Olaya
11:28 PM Revision d966d9c7 (qgis): Fix regex used to replace [% %] expressions in text
Was incorrectly truncating at first ']' character
Fixes #21366
(cherry picked from commit cab2dcf62cedad069ea64c379...
Nyall Dawson
11:01 PM Bug report #21363 (Feedback): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
You can still share the project -- I should be able to reproduce without the data. And it's very important for us to ... Nyall Dawson
08:53 PM Bug report #21363 (Open): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Giovanni Manghi
12:02 PM Bug report #21363: Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Please share your project for testing
Hi, I can't share the project because is based on a P...
Massimiliano Moraca
10:28 PM Revision 206cc960 (qgis): debian packaging:
* remove xenial & stretch support
* remove globe plugin
* always enable 3d
Jürgen Fischer
10:24 PM Revision aeec6dfa (qgis): debian packaging updates (squashed pull request #9254)
1b1e60d2a5 Use libqscintilla2-qt5-dev instead of virtual package.
dd5003e1e4 Use "-noawait" variant for qgis-crssync ...
Bas Couwenberg
10:21 PM Bug report #21380 (Rejected): WFS GET requests default to using "hostname:80' in the host header ...
QGIS honours the capabilities sent by the server:
Alessandro Pasotti
10:21 PM Bug report #21380 (Rejected): WFS GET requests default to using "hostname:80' in the host header ...
QGIS honours the capabilities sent by the server:
Alessandro Pasotti
07:27 PM Bug report #21380 (Rejected): WFS GET requests default to using "hostname:80' in the host header ...
I spent the evening trying to figure out why the Lazio regional WFS server ( Lilah R
10:03 PM Revision a3e37420 (qgis): Merge pull request #9273 from elpaso/bugfix-fix-path-resolver-urls
fix path resolver urls Alessandro Pasotti
09:56 PM Revision 29b952d9 (qgis): [processing] consider destination params as outputs when defining scripts
Victor Olaya
09:47 PM Revision a95f8728 (qgis): Merge pull request #9277 from 3nids/vertextool_36
vertex tool / editor synchronisation backport 3.6 Denis Rouzaud
08:59 PM Bug report #21185: Vertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly
Steve Lowman wrote:
> This is still broken in 3.4.5 and 3.6.
> It should be 'Yes' for regression.
have you t...
Giovanni Manghi
08:59 PM Bug report #21185: Vertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly
Steve Lowman wrote:
> This is still broken in 3.4.5 and 3.6.
> It should be 'Yes' for regression.
have you t...
Giovanni Manghi
04:15 PM Bug report #21185: Vertex Editor Tool - Vertex List not working properly
This is still broken in 3.4.5 and 3.6.
It should be 'Yes' for regression.
Steve Lowman
08:57 PM Bug report #21227 (Closed): Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name va...
Giovanni Manghi
06:25 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
In that list you can find a lot of qualified free-lance developers and companies (included myself), feel free to cont... Alessandro Pasotti
06:13 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
Would you be able to recommend who best to contact to get a price estimate for fixing this in the LTR, or should I ju... Steve Lowman
05:23 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
Thanks for your understanding: we have very limited time resources (not to mention the ridiculously slow budget) and ... Alessandro Pasotti
05:13 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
Okay, thanks, I hope I am not being put into category 7. I just work here and have very little influence over anythin... Steve Lowman
04:58 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
There are multiple ways, see this article (not written by me) Alessandro Pasotti
04:53 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
Is there any way to fix it in 3.4? It messes up our work flow quite badly. Steve Lowman
04:21 PM Bug report #21227: Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name values in t...
For the record: it was not fixed in 3.4 because the implementation is based on a feature which is only available in 3... Alessandro Pasotti
04:02 PM Bug report #21227 (Reopened): Geopackage layer rename in DB Manager does not update f_table_name ...
It is fixed in 3.6, but not fixed in the upgraded 3.4.5 LTR. Steve Lowman
08:55 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin wrote:
> Thank you
> we have download your version *3.4.5*
> But i same error with *...
Giovanni Manghi
08:55 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin wrote:
> Thank you
> we have download your version *3.4.5*
> But i same error with *...
Giovanni Manghi
08:55 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin wrote:
> Thank you
> we have download your version *3.4.5*
> But i same error with *...
Giovanni Manghi
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
03:42 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Thank you
we have download your version *3.4.5*
But i same error with *3.4.5*
check joint files
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
08:51 PM Bug report #21361 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 CRS Selector not closing/Cannot Select CRS
Giovanni Manghi
02:27 AM Bug report #21361: QGIS 3.6 CRS Selector not closing/Cannot Select CRS
My ubuntu update seems to have deleted most common CRSs and/or is not pointing to them. Attempting to downgrading to ... Scott Atkinson
08:51 PM Bug report #21373 (Closed): OTB: Segmentation not working
Giovanni Manghi
02:36 PM Bug report #21373: OTB: Segmentation not working
This is a known problem in OTB. It will be fixed in the next release. For more information see https://gitlab.orfeo-t... Antoine Regimbeau
12:44 PM Bug report #21373 (Closed): OTB: Segmentation not working
Segmentation, all default params fails because of a missing compulsory `Condition` parameter, which I cannot find in ... Paolo Cavallini
08:14 PM Revision 3e7d781f (qgis): use bool variables instead of connecting/disconnecting signals
also move simple QgsVertexEntry to qgsvertexeditor.h Denis Rouzaud
08:14 PM Revision 643a763b (qgis): fix updating vertex selection
Denis Rouzaud
08:14 PM Revision f7ef54e5 (qgis): only select vertices from locked feature again
Denis Rouzaud
08:14 PM Revision 9a08a7dc (qgis): synchronize selection from the editor to the tool
Denis Rouzaud
08:14 PM Revision e8e22580 (qgis): fix updating table selection
Denis Rouzaud
08:14 PM Revision 9750868f (qgis): correctly keep/clear vertices selection when switching locked feature
Denis Rouzaud
08:13 PM Revision dcb2bea2 (qgis): remove vertex highlighting from editor
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 77fa229b (qgis): fix updating vertex selection
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision d7e321ed (qgis): use bool variables instead of connecting/disconnecting signals
also move simple QgsVertexEntry to qgsvertexeditor.h Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 06f92d29 (qgis): fix updating table selection
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision e918acdf (qgis): synchronize selection from the editor to the tool
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 0a2d3ba0 (qgis): [vertex tool] rename mSelectedFeature to mLockedFeature
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision dfac826f (qgis): remove vertex highlighting from editor
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision dbad206c (qgis): remove uselesss method, move code to constructor
and initialize in header Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision f90a9474 (qgis): correctly keep/clear vertices selection when switching locked feature
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 5b7cb3ff (qgis): followup rename
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 36fc62cf (qgis): also rename file and class
Denis Rouzaud
08:06 PM Revision 1b14524a (qgis): only select vertices from locked feature again
Denis Rouzaud
07:52 PM Revision 84e903c1 (qgis): Typo
Alessandro Pasotti
06:24 PM Revision 5520a01e (qgis): Fix db manager sql query
Fixes #21353 Alessandro Pasotti
06:24 PM Revision 0da36513 (qgis): add tooltips in the vertex editor
Etienne Trimaille
06:24 PM Revision 519a30f1 (qgis): Standardise dox for signals
Nyall Dawson
06:24 PM Revision cab2dcf6 (qgis): Fix regex used to replace [% %] expressions in text
Was incorrectly truncating at first ']' character
Fixes #21366
Nyall Dawson
06:23 PM Bug report #21366 (Closed): Expression with square bracket for maps are not evaluated in a layout...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cab2dcf62cedad069ea64c379efcdc2f258adcd0. Nyall Dawson
06:23 PM Bug report #21366 (Closed): Expression with square bracket for maps are not evaluated in a layout...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cab2dcf62cedad069ea64c379efcdc2f258adcd0. Nyall Dawson
01:47 AM Bug report #21366 (In Progress): Expression with square bracket for maps are not evaluated in a l...
Nyall Dawson
05:25 PM Bug report #21379 (Open): Report with predefined scale changes the height of the map
Create a report and a group field, add a body, add a map. Take a line or polygon layer and iterate over it. Select "C... Romain Blanc
05:07 PM Revision 61ceeb79 (qgis): expected images from travis
David Signer
05:06 PM Bug report #21343 (Open): [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate rega...
I used the protected_areas.shp file in a... Harrissou Santanna
03:44 PM Bug report #21378 (Closed): Layers are repeated in the "layer order" panel
See attached screenshot. Giovanni Manghi
03:25 PM Bug report #21150 (In Progress): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative...
PR, fixes 'layer-tree-layer' + 'source' too: Alessandro Pasotti
03:04 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
Ok, that makes sense, thank you Adam Liddell
03:00 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
In any event I'm going to fix 'layer-tree-layer' + 'source' too, to avoid any confusion.
The reason why it only af...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:44 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
Yes, the absolute path is only appearing in the layer-tree-layer source value now. I wasn't aware that the field was ... Adam Liddell
02:33 PM Bug report #21150 (Feedback): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative pa...
I cannot reproduce the bug, I explain it better:
What you originally filed was a bug because the csv path was not ...
Alessandro Pasotti
01:41 PM Bug report #21150 (Reopened): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative pa...
I've tested on 3.6.0, which contains the above patch, and the issue is still present when following the original step... Adam Liddell
03:23 PM Revision 98bd6d65 (qgis): Fix path resolver with extra URL-like stuff
Like for CSVs: see #21150 Alessandro Pasotti
03:18 PM Bug report #21377 (Open): QGIS 3.6 crashes Opening 3D Views with WMTS and WCS Layer in TOC

h2. User Feedback
Opening 3D Views with WMTS and WCS Layer in TOC
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 05ce4f...
Flo Ju
03:13 PM Revision a615a3b3 (qgis): Merge pull request #9260 from elpaso/form-background-color
Add bg color option to form containers Alessandro Pasotti
03:10 PM Revision 8d1ceda8 (qgis): correct images from qgis travis build
David Signer
03:04 PM Revision ed2254a2 (qgis): Typo
Alessandro Pasotti
02:49 PM Revision 77f500b1 (qgis): [QgsQuick] - externalResource widget handler (#9232)
* [QgsQuick] - extended externalResource widget
Added removeFile function and modified fileName function - former ha...
02:41 PM Bug report #21374 (Rejected): OTB: Large scale meanshift fails
Thanks Paolo Cavallini
02:41 PM Bug report #21374 (Rejected): OTB: Large scale meanshift fails
Thanks Paolo Cavallini
02:37 PM Bug report #21374: OTB: Large scale meanshift fails
This is a known problem in OTB. It will be fixed in the next release. For more information see https://gitlab.orfeo-t... Antoine Regimbeau
01:21 PM Bug report #21374: OTB: Large scale meanshift fails
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> `Large scale meanshift`, all default params, fails with the message:
> `raster.out.tif fil...
Rashad Kanavath
12:46 PM Bug report #21374 (Rejected): OTB: Large scale meanshift fails
`Large scale meanshift`, all default params, fails with the message:
`raster.out.tif files are not supported as outp...
Paolo Cavallini
02:34 PM Bug report #21375: Order of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable
Ok, I see the issue with using QDomDocument in QT5 to get stable ordering. However, whilst using QT_HASH_SEED would w... Adam Liddell
02:06 PM Bug report #21375: Order of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable
IMO this is a won't fix, the attribute order is random due to QT internal implementation Alessandro Pasotti
01:54 PM Bug report #21375 (Open): Order of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable
When saving a project, the order of the attributes on the XML elements in the saved QGS file appears to be non-stable... Adam Liddell
01:15 PM Revision d49dc897 (qgis): Merge pull request #9246 from 3nids/vertextool_sync2
[vertex tool] synchronisation of map tool and editor selections Denis Rouzaud
12:41 PM Bug report #21372 (Feedback): OTB provider setup
In Debian, the paths to add to the config are `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/otb/applications/` and `/usr`. This is not d... Paolo Cavallini
12:15 PM Bug report #21367: QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
Did you start QGIS with the "QGIS Desktop 3.6.0 with GRASS 7.6.0" link? Jürgen Fischer
10:20 AM Bug report #21367 (Closed): QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
Fixed by commit:2f305c560eb2aa1be3a936c5907bdf1cb1f8da0a Nyall Dawson
10:20 AM Bug report #21367 (Closed): QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
Fixed by commit:2f305c560eb2aa1be3a936c5907bdf1cb1f8da0a Nyall Dawson
05:23 AM Bug report #21367 (Closed): QGIS 3.6.0 _ Grass Tools 7.6 tools not found in processing tool box
It seems in 3.9 the grass tools can not be found
Where can the Grass 7 tools path be specified 3.6?
Brad Kanther
12:01 PM Bug report #21371 (Open): Layer styling Mesh layer does not respond to change of Color ramp (firs...
To reproduce:
- load an nc file
- make sure the Layer Styling panel is visible in QGIS
- after loading the nc fi...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:39 AM Bug report #16985 (Open): Reshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves
Andreas Wicht
09:20 AM Bug report #16985: Reshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> still valid for 3.4.5/3.6 or master?
Yes, can confirm for 3.4.5, 3.6.0 and master.
Andreas Wicht
10:50 AM Bug report #21328 (Reopened): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
Tested wit QGIS 3.6.0 the problem still occurs.
I have a PostGIS-Table served by Geoserver 2.14 as WFS-T an loaded...
Stefan Overkamp
10:17 AM Bug report #21163 (Closed): Empty or corrupt file when exporting to Mapinfo TAB with EPSG 4647
The problem was caused by a bug in the GDAL library. See issue here: Slava Ermolaev
10:02 AM Revision 7eab74f8 (qgis): Fix use of trailing */ in dox, which messes with sipify Python document...
Nyall Dawson
10:02 AM Revision 48397402 (qgis): Spelling
Nyall Dawson
10:01 AM Feature request #21370 (Open): geometry precision by default for new layer
It would be interesting to have a general parameter to set a default geometric precision for new layers.
This parame...
09:58 AM Bug report #20460: Embedding layers does not work for projects saved as QGZ
confirmed also on 3.7: not working with qgz, working with qgs. If there is not a simple fix, what about adding a warn... matteo ghetta
09:48 AM Revision de96fc75 (qgis): tests for scaled symbol sizes
David Signer
09:48 AM Revision 3e861635 (qgis): comments and comments since
David Signer
09:45 AM Bug report #21265 (Closed): Qgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.3
Works fine for me using Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Bug report #21265 (Closed): Qgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.3
Works fine for me using Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Bug report #21265 (Closed): Qgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.3
Works fine for me using Jürgen Fischer
09:04 AM Bug report #21265: Qgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.3
64 bits, standalone installer philippe Clastre
09:23 AM Feature request #21369 (Open): Sort and Filter on Groups box in Mesh Layer Styling dialog
Currently the 'Groups' box/table in the Layer Styling dialog of a Mesh layer is a fixed layer.
Having a use-case in ...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:11 AM Revision 98348599 (qgis): Merge pull request #9239 from m-kuhn/better-error-messages-gpkg-fail
Better error message when failed to open DB Matthias Kuhn
09:05 AM Revision 9f576b67 (qgis): Merge pull request #9204 from troopa81/wms_filters
Add possbility to define one filter for several layers Paul Blottiere
09:03 AM Revision 94b5fed5 (qgis): Add test case for backgroundColor serialization
Alessandro Pasotti
09:03 AM Revision e63b2ef6 (qgis): Rename container background color dialog title
Alessandro Pasotti
08:49 AM Revision 2f305c56 (qgis): [processing] fixed finding grass folder
Victor Olaya
08:49 AM Revision 7f30680b (qgis): Add test files for dissolve consecutive lines
Matthias Kuhn
08:41 AM Bug report #19061 (Closed): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen Fischer
08:40 AM Bug report #19061: QGis does not start up - please help!
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> So, the problem - with 3.6 - is a missing DLL in the standalone package.
This sh...
Jürgen Fischer
07:19 AM Bug report #19061: QGis does not start up - please help!
OK, Nyall spotted out the culprit; the log shows that EXIV2.DLL is missing. Adding the DLL from Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:10 AM Bug report #19061 (Reopened): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen, a friend of mine just installed 3.6 and got a "could not load qgis_app.dll" error. He had 3.4.4 working flawl... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:10 AM Bug report #19061 (Reopened): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen, a friend of mine just installed 3.6 and got a "could not load qgis_app.dll" error. He had 3.4.4 working flawl... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:10 AM Bug report #19061 (Reopened): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen, a friend of mine just installed 3.6 and got a "could not load qgis_app.dll" error. He had 3.4.4 working flawl... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:10 AM Bug report #19061 (Reopened): QGis does not start up - please help!
Jürgen, a friend of mine just installed 3.6 and got a "could not load qgis_app.dll" error. He had 3.4.4 working flawl... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:56 AM Revision d7ba8b97 (qgis): Fix crash when exporting reports
(cherry picked from commit 50f3a32f4ebfc0951eb3e4cb9fb63769392c72ba) Nyall Dawson
05:56 AM Revision 96b25ab7 (qgis): [processing] do not allow using unsupported file formats
Show warning message if user selects incompatible output file format
fixes #21089
(cherry picked from commit 13bff9...
Victor Olaya
05:56 AM Revision 201fdce2 (qgis): Fix space inserted at start of graduated legend entries
Fixes #21339
(cherry picked from commit 0efa0b1dde5243be7970bda1be806d101165565f)
Nyall Dawson
05:56 AM Revision 1867423f (qgis): [processing] Fix "Add geometry attributes" handling of multipoint geom
For multipoints, export the count of geometries only
(cherry picked from commit ec1218314df5673f365e0706c6b0485d2a9f...
Nyall Dawson
05:56 AM Revision 1f2849c0 (qgis): fix error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous
(cherry picked from commit a020d479b4f49ab56d515f61182d64a03d0b77d0) JF Perini
05:46 AM Bug report #21368 (Open): Fails to build with GUI disabled
For building the QGIS server without Desktop app the following cmake command works:
cmake -G Ninja \
Tom Palan
03:28 AM Revision 884d9f68 (qgis): Merge pull request #9209 from jdugge/advanceddigitizing_rotated
Fix advanced digitizing display for rotated map canvas Denis Rouzaud
02:32 AM Revision 8151872d (qgis): add tooltips in the vertex editor
Etienne Trimaille
02:10 AM Revision 50f3a32f (qgis): Fix crash when exporting reports
Nyall Dawson
01:30 AM Revision a887b7d3 (qgis): [processing] Fixed SAGA handling of non-ascii output files
Victor Olaya


12:26 AM Revision 09efa48b (qgis): Fixed notation of doxygen comments that were after a member
Stefanow Natsis
12:26 AM Revision 403a2e30 (qgis): Ran scripts/ and scripts/
Stefanow Natsis
11:57 PM Bug report #21366 (Closed): Expression with square bracket for maps are not evaluated in a layout...
I have this expression:... Etienne Trimaille
11:41 PM Revision a020d479 (qgis): fix error: call to 'abs' is ambiguous
JF Perini
10:50 PM Revision ec121831 (qgis): [processing] Fix "Add geometry attributes" handling of multipoint geom
For multipoints, export the count of geometries only Nyall Dawson
10:50 PM Revision 0efa0b1d (qgis): Fix space inserted at start of graduated legend entries
Fixes #21339 Nyall Dawson
10:49 PM Bug report #21339 (Closed): Space inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reason
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0efa0b1dde5243be7970bda1be806d101165565f. Nyall Dawson
10:49 PM Bug report #21339 (Closed): Space inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reason
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0efa0b1dde5243be7970bda1be806d101165565f. Nyall Dawson
01:43 AM Bug report #21339 (In Progress): Space inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reason
Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Revision 918f5f39 (qgis): fix Pal::registerCancellationCallback spelling
Jürgen Fischer
10:40 PM Revision 6b6a1ba5 (qgis): Fix spelling errors.
* cancelation -> cancellation
* overal -> overall
Bas Couwenberg
10:39 PM Revision 37117635 (qgis): Fix spelling errors.
* cancelation -> cancellation
* overal -> overall
Bas Couwenberg
09:53 PM Bug report #21365 (Closed): QGIS crashes with web view attachment widget in a relation widget in ...
Ive tested this in the 3.4 LTR in on Windows 7 and Ubuntu Bionic.
If I have a relation set up between 2 layers and...
Andrew McAninch
08:23 PM Bug report #20203 (Open): Crash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related to...
Unfortunately, this problem is still appearing. It seems to happen only on Windows, not on Linux. Andreas Neumann
08:23 PM Bug report #20203 (Open): Crash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related to...
Unfortunately, this problem is still appearing. It seems to happen only on Windows, not on Linux. Andreas Neumann
08:22 PM Bug report #16837 (Closed): Attribut table form view: when selecting/filtering the form should sh...
This is implemented already. Closing therefore. Andreas Neumann
08:22 PM Bug report #16837 (Closed): Attribut table form view: when selecting/filtering the form should sh...
This is implemented already. Closing therefore. Andreas Neumann
08:21 PM Feature request #16830 (Closed): Better search for entries in relation reference widgets
This works quite well now. One can type and gets responses. Closing this feature request therefore. Andreas Neumann
08:21 PM Feature request #16830 (Closed): Better search for entries in relation reference widgets
This works quite well now. One can type and gets responses. Closing this feature request therefore. Andreas Neumann
08:17 PM Bug report #21363 (Feedback): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
Please share your project for testing Nyall Dawson
03:07 PM Bug report #21363 (Open): Bug with scale bar in 3.4.4
As you can see on attachments, there is a bug with the scale bar in the 3.4.4.
If I leave the same settings of ...
Massimiliano Moraca
06:13 PM Revision 13a08c97 (qgis): nsis: remove desktop links
Jürgen Fischer
04:27 PM Bug report #21364: QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created with version 2.18
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please attach a sample project/data.
I don't think it will work because the bug only hap...
MRick -
04:19 PM Bug report #21364 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created wit...
Please attach a sample project/data. Giovanni Manghi
04:19 PM Bug report #21364 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created wit...
Please attach a sample project/data. Giovanni Manghi
04:19 PM Bug report #21364 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created wit...
Please attach a sample project/data. Giovanni Manghi
04:19 PM Bug report #21364 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created wit...
Please attach a sample project/data. Giovanni Manghi
04:16 PM Bug report #21364 (Open): QGIS 3.4 is unable to locate datasources from a project created with ve...
I have several projects created with previous version such as version 2.18.
When opening them in QGIS 3.4, QGIS wi...
MRick -
04:13 PM Bug report #16369 (Closed): Filter query on WFS layer doesn't work
Giovanni Manghi
04:11 PM Bug report #18973: Wrong identification of feature in a View
last master 3.7 matteo ghetta
12:35 PM Bug report #18973 (Feedback): Wrong identification of feature in a View
matteo ghetta wrote:
> issue is still valid. I don't know what could be the easiest fix, but maybe having the `save ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Bug report #18973 (Feedback): Wrong identification of feature in a View
matteo ghetta wrote:
> issue is still valid. I don't know what could be the easiest fix, but maybe having the `save ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Bug report #18973 (Feedback): Wrong identification of feature in a View
matteo ghetta wrote:
> issue is still valid. I don't know what could be the easiest fix, but maybe having the `save ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:19 PM Bug report #18973 (Reopened): Wrong identification of feature in a View
issue is still valid. I don't know what could be the easiest fix, but maybe having the `save as view` button in DB ma... matteo ghetta
04:04 PM Bug report #16060 (Feedback): Multi geometry on oracle table
Still valid in 3.4.5/3.6 or master? Giovanni Manghi
04:04 PM Bug report #16985 (Feedback): Reshape Features can't handle resulting exclaves
Andreas Wicht wrote:
> This issue also applies to QGIS 3.0.
> Shall I open a second ticket or how can I change the...
Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #15684 (Closed): Crash when creating snapshot with vector layer from command line
Luca Lanteri wrote:
> It works with 3.0.
> Confirmed on 2.18.15
2.18 is EOL, so closing
Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #15684 (Closed): Crash when creating snapshot with vector layer from command line
Luca Lanteri wrote:
> It works with 3.0.
> Confirmed on 2.18.15
2.18 is EOL, so closing
Giovanni Manghi
04:01 PM Bug report #19663 (Closed): QGIS Hangs when saving edits on a Postgis Layer
Giovanni Manghi
01:29 PM Revision 6bdabcfe (qgis): Doc for the new backgroundColor argument
Alessandro Pasotti
01:18 PM Revision 8d3f73a6 (qgis): [feature][needs-docs] Add bg color option to form containers
Because gray is boring. Alessandro Pasotti
01:14 PM Revision c672893e (qgis): Typo
Alessandro Pasotti
12:43 PM Bug report #20294 (Closed): QGIS crashes when exporting a layout to pdf (and fails to export to jpg)
Giovanni Manghi
12:21 PM Revision 46f0e5d5 (qgis): Fix spelling errors.
* cancelation -> cancellation
* hapenning -> happening
* overal -> overall
Bas Couwenberg
12:09 PM Bug report #20978 (Open): QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
Still true on master. On 3.* it fails to render the rasters even when gdal is used is the same as in 2.18 (where ther... Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #20978 (Open): QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
Still true on master. On 3.* it fails to render the rasters even when gdal is used is the same as in 2.18 (where ther... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #20345 (Closed): unable to load the GRASS plugin
Giovanni Manghi
11:34 AM Bug report #13398 (Open): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Giovanni Manghi
11:33 AM Bug report #13398 (Reopened): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Issue is not solved and present in master. Gerhard Spieles
11:33 AM Bug report #13398 (Reopened): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Issue is not solved and present in master. Gerhard Spieles
11:33 AM Bug report #13398 (Reopened): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Issue is not solved and present in master. Gerhard Spieles
11:30 AM Bug report #21361 (Feedback): QGIS 3.6 CRS Selector not closing/Cannot Select CRS
I just tried on osgeo4w (cannot update on ubuntu now) and cannot confirm. Giovanni Manghi
01:38 AM Bug report #21361 (Closed): QGIS 3.6 CRS Selector not closing/Cannot Select CRS
Newly updated qgis 3.6. Attempting to load any layer (vector, raster, any) instantly pulls up the CRS Select Dialogue... Scott Atkinson
11:18 AM Bug report #21362 (Closed): qgis 3.0 crashes everytime after selecting a plugin
3.0.1 is completely obsolete.
You must try 3.4.4 with a clean state (new qgis profile with no 3rd party plugins inst...
Giovanni Manghi
11:18 AM Bug report #21362 (Closed): qgis 3.0 crashes everytime after selecting a plugin
3.0.1 is completely obsolete.
You must try 3.4.4 with a clean state (new qgis profile with no 3rd party plugins inst...
Giovanni Manghi
11:16 AM Bug report #21362 (Closed): qgis 3.0 crashes everytime after selecting a plugin
I am using QGIS Desktop v3.0.1
When I select the checkbox for any installed plugin in the list of plugins, t...
akhil patil
10:56 AM Bug report #19439 (Closed): Raster translate to NetCDF converts to NTF instead
Giovanni Manghi
10:53 AM Bug report #18117 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 won't display layer after editing attribute table
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #20666 (Closed): in an embedded layer joined attributes are visible only after refresh...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #20950 (Closed): Freeze when the snap tool and the advanced digitalizing tool are active
Giovanni Manghi
10:51 AM Bug report #17423 (Closed): QGIS select by expression mismatch with MSSQL layers
Giovanni Manghi
10:51 AM Bug report #21170 (Closed): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
Giovanni Manghi
10:35 AM Bug report #17050 (Closed): Adding many WFS layers causes "Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cac...
Giovanni Manghi
10:32 AM Bug report #19415 (Closed): Shortest Path in Qgis 2.18
Giovanni Manghi
10:29 AM Bug report #18108 (Closed): option react to scrolling without being selected
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #18144 (Open): Misleading UI on multiple layer vector dialog
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 AM Bug report #18143 (Closed): ELSE expression symbol used when other rules are set invisible in the...
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 AM Bug report #21087 (Closed): Opacity in scalebar rendering not working properly in QGIS 3.4.3
Giovanni Manghi
10:20 AM Bug report #20737 (Closed): Can't open shapefiles from https websites on windows
Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #20157 (Closed): Qgis freezes when opening Postgresql connection
Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #20468 (Closed): [Report] Crash when configuring a group field section
Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #18716 (Closed): Crash when using a geopackage and clicked on float selected record to...
Giovanni Manghi
10:15 AM Bug report #21010 (Closed): Layout Manager Atlas Output filename expression is not working anymore
Giovanni Manghi
10:15 AM Bug report #20732 (Closed): GeoReferecer ignore settings of georeference system and set 3857 by d...
Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #17383 (Closed): Tooltips have low contrast on Ubuntu 17.10
Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #17239 (Closed): Reported map scale representative fraction is incorrect
Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #20686 (Closed): Problem met with QGIS 2.18.21 linked with GRASS 7.4.1 plug-in on Wind...
Giovanni Manghi
09:29 AM Bug report #18400 (Closed): Spatial Query
Giovanni Manghi
09:27 AM Bug report #21141 (Closed): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to laye...
Giovanni Manghi
09:27 AM Bug report #21051 (Closed): Blue vertex trace after layer removal
Giovanni Manghi
09:26 AM Bug report #20931 (Closed): Merging rasters replaces nodata cells with 0
Giovanni Manghi
09:24 AM Bug report #21060 (Closed): Spilt Feature doesn't work on line/poliline features
Giovanni Manghi
09:23 AM Bug report #20577 (Closed): Qgis stützt ab wenn das Splitting Features tool geöffnet wird
Giovanni Manghi
09:22 AM Bug report #21115 (Closed): QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
Giovanni Manghi
09:22 AM Bug report #21098 (Closed): Measure tool
Giovanni Manghi
09:21 AM Bug report #21064 (Closed): KML export fail QGIS crash
Giovanni Manghi
02:47 AM Bug report #16697 (Closed): Portuguese translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
02:18 AM Bug report #21152 (Closed): QGIS Crash on exit
Jürgen Fischer
02:16 AM Bug report #20543 (Closed): v. 3.4.1 Crash on plugging in my GPS unit
Jürgen Fischer
02:16 AM Bug report #20534 (Closed): qgis crashed
Jürgen Fischer
02:16 AM Bug report #20500 (Closed): Change style for polygon
Jürgen Fischer
02:16 AM Bug report #20374 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 Crash on eject sd card
Jürgen Fischer
02:13 AM Bug report #21276 (Closed): crash when quitting
Jürgen Fischer
02:12 AM Bug report #21278 (Closed): Crash Qgis
Jürgen Fischer
02:00 AM Bug report #21022 (Closed): Crashing on layer recording with raster layer
Giovanni Manghi
02:00 AM Bug report #17840 (Closed): Display of symbology on MDB joined table not working properly
Giovanni Manghi
01:59 AM Bug report #17748 (Closed): QGIS Openlayer Installion Error "SSL handshake failed"
Giovanni Manghi
01:51 AM Bug report #20869 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.2 - QGIS hangs when connected to internet
Giovanni Manghi
01:50 AM Bug report #17817 (Closed): WFS vs WMS (OGR?) data types
Giovanni Manghi
01:50 AM Bug report #17963 (Closed): node editing - inconsistent behavior
Giovanni Manghi
01:49 AM Bug report #17414 (Closed): Extents for Rotated Map Incorrect
Giovanni Manghi
01:49 AM Bug report #17204 (Closed): Edit widget properties - Range on a Integer64 - slider and dial doesn...
Giovanni Manghi
01:48 AM Bug report #19316 (Closed): Advanced digitizing: Auxiliary blue circle dissapears when changing CRS
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 AM Bug report #20715 (Closed): Relation reference widget: "Order by value" option doesn't work as ex...
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 AM Bug report #17247 (Closed): Cannot move features, move nodes and edit Z values (with vertex edito...
Giovanni Manghi
01:41 AM Bug report #20655 (Closed): grass not working in qgisn 2.18.26 ltr. 'r was unexpected at this time8
Giovanni Manghi
01:41 AM Bug report #20921 (Closed): Cannot load netcdf files into QGIS 3.4.3
Giovanni Manghi
01:40 AM Bug report #17731 (Closed): Updating geometry with MariaDB is flawed
Giovanni Manghi
01:39 AM Bug report #17537 (Closed): MYSQL Connection with wrong tables
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 AM Bug report #16779 (Closed): "error executing query" in QGIS log when adding a Spatialite layer to...
Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Bug report #17057 (Closed): sld importer rounds values in rules to 1.12308e+06, which then doesn'...
Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Bug report #20089 (Closed): Concurrent access to the same shape file db don't recognize a new ver...
Giovanni Manghi
01:35 AM Bug report #17434 (Closed): OTF turned on when adding a (non spatial) postgresql table
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 AM Bug report #15795 (Closed): Color Select in MacOS
Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #21120 (Closed): SAGA Fill Sink
Giovanni Manghi
01:32 AM Bug report #21132 (Closed): composer pdf export generates hidden items
Giovanni Manghi
01:31 AM Bug report #18456 (Closed): Crash after attempting band math
Giovanni Manghi
01:31 AM Bug report #17879 (Closed): Field of type interval only shown in DB Manager
Giovanni Manghi
01:30 AM Bug report #19032 (Closed): zwarte records attributentabel
Giovanni Manghi
01:29 AM Bug report #17395 (Closed): Fields of memory layers are renamed automatically by the translation
Giovanni Manghi
01:29 AM Bug report #18120 (Closed): Download of capabilities failed: SSL handshake failed
Giovanni Manghi
01:28 AM Bug report #17134 (Closed): PRJ Files parsing error in Shapefiles
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #20391 (Closed): Disappearing vector lines when zooming in
Giovanni Manghi
01:24 AM Bug report #18532 (Closed): GeoPackage features with booleans cannot be copy&paste to PostgreSQL
Giovanni Manghi
01:22 AM Bug report #20876 (Closed): ECW format is no longer recognized
Giovanni Manghi
01:21 AM Bug report #20706 (Closed): Raster Calculator on ecw
Giovanni Manghi
01:20 AM Bug report #20716 (Closed): QGIS crashes when closing after PostGIS connection time-out
Giovanni Manghi
01:19 AM Bug report #21147 (Closed): Crash
Giovanni Manghi
01:18 AM Bug report #17433 (Closed): QGIS in idle state after a while
Giovanni Manghi
01:16 AM Bug report #20022 (Open): Polygon style: Simple line with offset
Giovanni Manghi
01:16 AM Bug report #20897 (Closed): Crash when update existing field using field calculator
Giovanni Manghi
01:14 AM Bug report #21069 (Closed): crash by geometry check
Giovanni Manghi
01:14 AM Bug report #20797 (Closed): Export to CSV including Geometry AS_WKT
Giovanni Manghi
01:13 AM Bug report #20862 (Closed): Crashes on loading
Giovanni Manghi
01:12 AM Bug report #20704 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.2. LTR - Win10 - Crashes *every time* at Settings ==> Options.
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #20727 (Closed): POSTGIS polygon layer will not close edit session
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 AM Bug report #18613 (Closed): GeoReferencer can not open again after linking image
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 AM Bug report #17683 (Closed): GDAL Tool translate error when batch mode is selected
Giovanni Manghi
01:09 AM Bug report #17697 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.15 Joining to 2 tables where second join dependent on first...
Giovanni Manghi
01:08 AM Bug report #17786 (Closed): Georreferencer GDAL
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #18725 (Closed): Rotated vector grid lost in QGIS 2.18
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #21079 (Closed): Problems to show elevation data from TIFF file
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #17320 (Closed): Can't filter a table by a date field
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 AM Bug report #20738 (Closed): Unable to save Postgis layers as Shapefiles
Giovanni Manghi
01:05 AM Bug report #20484 (Closed): QGIS crash when removing Layer Join
Giovanni Manghi
01:04 AM Bug report #20471 (Closed): Query Builder failed to test filter expression
Giovanni Manghi
01:03 AM Bug report #20385 (Closed): Evaluate default valus option (Settings/Option/Data Sources)
Giovanni Manghi
01:03 AM Bug report #20377 (Closed): Qgis 3.4.1 does not recognize ZIP folders with inside SHPfiles
Giovanni Manghi
01:03 AM Bug report #21343 (Feedback): [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate ...
Can you elaborate which datasets you used? Nyall Dawson


12:56 AM Bug report #20572 (Closed): qgis hangs up when adding multiple vector layers
Giovanni Manghi
12:56 AM Bug report #20681 (Closed): Generate Shapefile to PostGIS
Giovanni Manghi
12:55 AM Bug report #21002 (Closed): Qgis crash
Giovanni Manghi
12:55 AM Bug report #20635 (Closed): Creating a new ShapeFile Layer fails in QGIS 3.4
Giovanni Manghi
12:54 AM Bug report #20628 (Closed): Crash loading a WMS
Giovanni Manghi
12:54 AM Bug report #20126 (Closed): Importing Excel *.xlsm files as well
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 AM Bug report #20494 (Closed): v. 3.4.1 Crash on Page Setup in the Layour
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 AM Bug report #20456 (Closed): Illegal green cross in layer
Giovanni Manghi
12:52 AM Bug report #20357 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 crashed
Giovanni Manghi
12:52 AM Bug report #20346 (Closed): $id
Giovanni Manghi
12:48 AM Bug report #21352 (In Progress): add geometry attributes fails on multipoint layers
Nyall Dawson
11:41 PM Bug report #19749 (Open): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Giovanni Manghi
11:40 PM Bug report #19749: std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
11:40 PM Bug report #19749: std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
11:38 PM Bug report #19749 (Reopened): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
11:38 PM Bug report #19749 (Reopened): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
11:38 PM Bug report #19749 (Reopened): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
11:38 PM Bug report #19749 (Reopened): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Just reproduced in QGIS version 3.7.0-Master QGIS code revision 2b21a97994
Johannes Kroeger
08:37 PM Bug report #19749 (Closed): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19749 (Closed): std::bad_alloc on otf reprojection
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
11:41 PM Bug report #21349: QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.
Lene Fischer wrote:
> So sorry - I thought that checking with the topology checker was the best method to control fe...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 PM Bug report #21349: QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.
So sorry - I thought that checking with the topology checker was the best method to control features.
When there was...
Lene Fischer
10:59 PM Bug report #21349: QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.
Just one more case of the inconsistency that we have in the tools to check geometries: as I raised a few times in the... Giovanni Manghi
11:23 PM Revision 678f98c3 (qgis): Merge pull request #9247 from elpaso/bugfix-21353-db-manager-sql-error
Fix db manager sql query Alessandro Pasotti
11:22 PM Bug report #21353 (Closed): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|74aa8ca16e323e0e83e57b0eb75daceb05c26399. Alessandro Pasotti
11:22 PM Bug report #21353 (Closed): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|74aa8ca16e323e0e83e57b0eb75daceb05c26399. Alessandro Pasotti
11:20 AM Bug report #21353 (In Progress): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer Alessandro Pasotti
11:20 AM Bug report #21353 (In Progress): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer Alessandro Pasotti
11:20 AM Bug report #21353 (In Progress): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer Alessandro Pasotti
11:20 AM Bug report #21353 (In Progress): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer Alessandro Pasotti
11:05 PM Bug report #21358: Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac

> Excuse-me, but QGIS 2.18 is still heavily used in companies. QGIS 3.4 is still very buggy and incompatible with a...
Giovanni Manghi
11:03 PM Bug report #21358: Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> 2.18 is EOL.
Excuse-me, but QGIS 2.18 is still heavily used in companies. QGIS 3.4 is sti...
MRick -
08:42 PM Bug report #21358 (Closed): Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac
2.18 is EOL. Jürgen Fischer
08:42 PM Bug report #21358 (Closed): Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac
2.18 is EOL. Jürgen Fischer
05:40 PM Bug report #21358: Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac
Bug is affected to QGIS version 3.4.0 because it's impossible to select lower versions. MRick -
05:39 PM Bug report #21358 (Closed): Grass 7 broken in QGIS 2.18 Mac
QGIS 2.18.19-2 is the latest version packaged with Grass 7. For any reasons, All the following versions been have pac... MRick -
10:49 PM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview

> BTW are you getting instant notifications now?
it seems so, thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
10:10 PM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> actually I just noticed that on master (linux here) the preview is *blank* and that I trigg...
Jürgen Fischer
10:09 PM Bug report #19933 (Closed): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2b21a979944d3bccb332e3eac0bf6d7059b3573e. Jürgen Fischer
10:09 PM Bug report #19933 (Closed): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2b21a979944d3bccb332e3eac0bf6d7059b3573e. Jürgen Fischer
10:05 PM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview
actually I just noticed that on master (linux here) the preview is *blank* and that I triggered the above error by se... Giovanni Manghi
10:05 PM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview
actually I just noticed that on master (linux here) the preview is *blank* and that I triggered the above error by se... Giovanni Manghi
10:05 PM Bug report #19933: python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty preview
actually I just noticed that on master (linux here) the preview is *blank* and that I triggered the above error by se... Giovanni Manghi
10:01 PM Bug report #19933 (Open): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty pr...
Just tested with master, the error changed but is still reproducable by opening a schema, selecting layers and swithc... Giovanni Manghi
10:01 PM Bug report #19933 (Open): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty pr...
Just tested with master, the error changed but is still reproducable by opening a schema, selecting layers and swithc... Giovanni Manghi
10:01 PM Bug report #19933 (Open): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty pr...
Just tested with master, the error changed but is still reproducable by opening a schema, selecting layers and swithc... Giovanni Manghi
08:37 PM Bug report #19933 (Closed): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19933 (Closed): python error in DB Manager while trying to preview a layer and empty ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
10:48 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Gabriel De Luca wrote:
> I can't reproduce it now after install @qgis-dev-3.5.0-100@.
> It was fixed?
Giovanni Manghi
10:47 PM Bug report #17246 (Closed): When snapping with the node tool (within the same layer or to other l...
Giovanni Manghi
01:04 PM Bug report #17246: When snapping with the node tool (within the same layer or to other layers) th...
On Version 3.4.4 tried Snapping on Vertex and Segment together, on Vertex alone and Segment alone.
The fuchsia not...
Alessandro Cristofori
10:45 PM Bug report #15909: File Browser - in QGIS 2.14+ does not allow single click to select & install e...
matteo ghetta wrote:
> I think we can close this issue. Reopen if necessary after other tests in QGIS 3.4 and the u...
Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Bug report #15909 (Closed): File Browser - in QGIS 2.14+ does not allow single click to select & ...
I think we can close this issue. Reopen if necessary after other tests in QGIS 3.4 and the updated release of Linux ... matteo ghetta
01:48 PM Bug report #15909 (Closed): File Browser - in QGIS 2.14+ does not allow single click to select & ...
I think we can close this issue. Reopen if necessary after other tests in QGIS 3.4 and the updated release of Linux ... matteo ghetta
10:43 PM Bug report #16937 (Closed): Error saving graduated style in databases
Giovanni Manghi
01:53 PM Bug report #16937 (Feedback): Error saving graduated style in databases
Works fine in 3.4 with some custom data. matteo ghetta
10:41 PM Bug report #16034 (Feedback): generated build.make-files do not contain correct PyQt4-directory. ...
matteo ghetta wrote:
> Is this still valid with QGIS 3, Qt 5 and python 3?
you must put the ticket in feedback mo...
Giovanni Manghi
02:07 PM Bug report #16034: generated build.make-files do not contain correct PyQt4-directory. Error: sip:...
Is this still valid with QGIS 3, Qt 5 and python 3? matteo ghetta
10:40 PM Bug report #17332: QGIS unable to save a layer with measures
Alessandro Cristofori wrote:
> I created a Multiline with M values in ArcGIS, saved it as shape file and opened it ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:19 PM Bug report #17332: QGIS unable to save a layer with measures
I created a Multiline with M values in ArcGIS, saved it as shape file and opened it in QGIS 3.4.4. The dataset is sho... Alessandro Cristofori
02:19 PM Bug report #17332: QGIS unable to save a layer with measures
I created a Multiline with M values in ArcGIS, saved it as shape file and opened it in QGIS 3.4.4. The dataset is sho... Alessandro Cristofori
02:19 PM Bug report #17332: QGIS unable to save a layer with measures
I created a Multiline with M values in ArcGIS, saved it as shape file and opened it in QGIS 3.4.4. The dataset is sho... Alessandro Cristofori
10:37 PM Bug report #16779: "error executing query" in QGIS log when adding a Spatialite layer to the project
This was something related to styles saved within the SL database. If the style is created in QGIS 3 and then layer l... Giovanni Manghi
03:20 PM Bug report #16779 (Feedback): "error executing query" in QGIS log when adding a Spatialite layer ...
Paolo Cavallini
03:03 PM Bug report #16779: "error executing query" in QGIS log when adding a Spatialite layer to the project
please change status to "feedback" stefano campus
01:49 PM Bug report #16779: "error executing query" in QGIS log when adding a Spatialite layer to the project
I tested the issue in Postgres with QGIS 3.4. in order to know if the problem is still active, and it seems to be ok.... Rocco Pispico
10:29 PM Bug report #17358 (Open): Draw Effects not saved
Giovanni Manghi
04:52 PM Bug report #17358: Draw Effects not saved
Bug still present on 3.4.4 (see attached) Alessandro Cristofori
10:28 PM Bug report #18765 (Open): Join layer without custom prefix shifts the fields along
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 PM Bug report #18765: Join layer without custom prefix shifts the fields along
See attached jpegs for an example. Don Meltz
10:21 PM Bug report #18765: Join layer without custom prefix shifts the fields along
See attached jpegs for an example. Don Meltz
10:12 PM Bug report #18765: Join layer without custom prefix shifts the fields along
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
I just ran into this proble...
Don Meltz
10:27 PM Bug report #16396 (Closed): Inconsistent transparency behavior when using blending and PNG export
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I'm sorry,
> I studied the problem and in my opinion is a problem limited to 2.x; to av...
Giovanni Manghi
10:22 PM Bug report #16396 (Reopened): Inconsistent transparency behavior when using blending and PNG export
I'm sorry,
I studied the problem and in my opinion is a problem limited to 2.x; to avoid problems reapro issue
salvatore fiandaca
10:06 PM Bug report #16396: Inconsistent transparency behavior when using blending and PNG export
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> trying in 3.4.4-3 it is not possible to activate the theme 'masked' in the TOC, therefor...
Giovanni Manghi
06:25 PM Bug report #16396 (Closed): Inconsistent transparency behavior when using blending and PNG export
trying in 3.4.4-3 it is not possible to activate the theme 'masked' in the TOC, therefore it is evaluated as a proble... salvatore fiandaca
06:25 PM Bug report #16396 (Closed): Inconsistent transparency behavior when using blending and PNG export
trying in 3.4.4-3 it is not possible to activate the theme 'masked' in the TOC, therefore it is evaluated as a proble... salvatore fiandaca
10:09 PM Revision 2b21a979 (qgis): fix #19933
Jürgen Fischer
09:50 PM Bug report #19436 (Open): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unknown"...
Giovanni Manghi
09:45 PM Bug report #19436: High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unknown" message
I use build 4d5dad8172.
I tried again to snap the same layers and waited. It didn't actually crash, memory usage pea...
Antoine Lafranchis
09:45 PM Bug report #19436: High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unknown" message
I use build 4d5dad8172.
I tried again to snap the same layers and waited. It didn't actually crash, memory usage pea...
Antoine Lafranchis
09:31 PM Bug report #19436 (Feedback): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
Antoine Lafranchis wrote:
> I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points t...
Giovanni Manghi
09:31 PM Bug report #19436 (Feedback): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
Antoine Lafranchis wrote:
> I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points t...
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 PM Bug report #19436 (Reopened): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points to lines with small tolerance.... Antoine Lafranchis
09:09 PM Bug report #19436 (Reopened): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points to lines with small tolerance.... Antoine Lafranchis
09:09 PM Bug report #19436 (Reopened): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points to lines with small tolerance.... Antoine Lafranchis
09:09 PM Bug report #19436 (Reopened): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points to lines with small tolerance.... Antoine Lafranchis
09:09 PM Bug report #19436 (Reopened): High memory usage with Snap geometries to layer and "exception:unkn...
I still experience abnormally high memory usage and Qgis freezing when snapping points to lines with small tolerance.... Antoine Lafranchis
09:46 PM Bug report #19553 (Open): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and erro...
On seconds thoughts I think that the very least we can do is to remove the "optional" from the CRS, extent, etc. opti... Giovanni Manghi
09:46 PM Bug report #19553 (Open): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and erro...
On seconds thoughts I think that the very least we can do is to remove the "optional" from the CRS, extent, etc. opti... Giovanni Manghi
09:46 PM Bug report #19553 (Open): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and erro...
On seconds thoughts I think that the very least we can do is to remove the "optional" from the CRS, extent, etc. opti... Giovanni Manghi
09:46 PM Bug report #19553 (Open): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and erro...
On seconds thoughts I think that the very least we can do is to remove the "optional" from the CRS, extent, etc. opti... Giovanni Manghi
08:37 PM Bug report #19553 (Closed): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and er...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19553 (Closed): QGIS raster calculator: better handling of optional parameters and er...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:39 PM Bug report #18789 (Closed): Import of CSV-Data
Jürgen Fischer
01:43 PM Bug report #18789: Import of CSV-Data
ok I'm not able to close it. Christian Brechler
01:39 PM Bug report #18789: Import of CSV-Data
Alberto Grava wrote:
> Can you provide csv-file so we can test it?
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached...
Christian Brechler
01:29 PM Bug report #18789 (Feedback): Import of CSV-Data
Alberto Grava wrote:
> Can you provide csv-file so we can test it?
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached...
Giovanni Manghi
01:20 PM Bug report #18789: Import of CSV-Data
Can you provide csv-file so we can test it?
Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
Alberto Grava
08:37 PM Bug report #20598 (Closed): Editing breaks in histogram crashes program
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20598 (Closed): Editing breaks in histogram crashes program
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20463 (Closed): Projection problems when doing shape- to mapinfo-file conversions
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20463 (Closed): Projection problems when doing shape- to mapinfo-file conversions
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20203 (Closed): Crash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20203 (Closed): Crash when opening attribute table in form mode (potentially related ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20183 (Closed): QGIS Backwards Incompatible Changes names incorrect
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20183 (Closed): QGIS Backwards Incompatible Changes names incorrect
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20150 (Closed): MeasurementTool stays active (or at least isn't removed) after changi...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20150 (Closed): MeasurementTool stays active (or at least isn't removed) after changi...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20116 (Closed): can not reduce the size of the data entry form
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20116 (Closed): can not reduce the size of the data entry form
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20115 (Closed): the vertex tool does not work
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20115 (Closed): the vertex tool does not work
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20084 (Closed): Saving a geopackage causes data table columns to delete
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20084 (Closed): Saving a geopackage causes data table columns to delete
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20029 (Closed): SQL query including "row_number" on a virtual layer crashes QGIS
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20029 (Closed): SQL query including "row_number" on a virtual layer crashes QGIS
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20016 (Closed): QGIS 3 is much less responsive than QGIS 2.18
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20016 (Closed): QGIS 3 is much less responsive than QGIS 2.18
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20001 (Closed): "vector" menu is empty when QGIS is localized in Italian
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #20001 (Closed): "vector" menu is empty when QGIS is localized in Italian
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19974 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening "New 3D Map View"
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19974 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening "New 3D Map View"
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19953 (Closed): Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19953 (Closed): Labeling: Halo-effect only works with 1mm setting
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19948 (Closed): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19948 (Closed): QGIS crashes toggling legend items filter
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19894 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 for Mac - Pointer in "add feature" uncentered
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19894 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 for Mac - Pointer in "add feature" uncentered
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19882 (Closed): Crash when deleted a map object with an overview map selected in prin...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19882 (Closed): Crash when deleted a map object with an overview map selected in prin...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19872 (Closed): QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19872 (Closed): QGIS crashed after georeferencing
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19867 (Closed): QGIS crashes on close
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19867 (Closed): QGIS crashes on close
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19850 (Closed): topology process?
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19850 (Closed): topology process?
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19803 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when tensorflow is imported from internal python console
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19803 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when tensorflow is imported from internal python console
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19775 (Closed): Error on calculation $area
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19775 (Closed): Error on calculation $area
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19739 (Closed): doubleclick on last value column in query filter crash qgis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19739 (Closed): doubleclick on last value column in query filter crash qgis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19716 (Closed): DB Manager Virtual Layers Always Crashes on query error
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19716 (Closed): DB Manager Virtual Layers Always Crashes on query error
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19714 (Closed): raster layer causing hangups for long periods with opacity slider widget
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19714 (Closed): raster layer causing hangups for long periods with opacity slider widget
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19702 (Closed): Opening WFS in QGIS 3.2.2
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19702 (Closed): Opening WFS in QGIS 3.2.2
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19664 (Closed): Export map to image fails
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19664 (Closed): Export map to image fails
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19639 (Closed): CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19639 (Closed): CSV: "Detect field types" doesn't update the sample view
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19610 (Closed): DB Manager says "This is not a spatial table" to GPKG as Virtual Layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19610 (Closed): DB Manager says "This is not a spatial table" to GPKG as Virtual Layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19605 (Closed): PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19605 (Closed): PyCapsule_GetPointer called with incorrect name
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19601 (Closed): Geomedia MDB "Open File " -> Vector Data Not working
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:37 PM Bug report #19601 (Closed): Geomedia MDB "Open File " -> Vector Data Not working
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19509 (Closed): Slow opening of large GPX file on Windows
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19509 (Closed): Slow opening of large GPX file on Windows
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19502 (Closed): Calculate labels does not work correctly
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19502 (Closed): Calculate labels does not work correctly
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19499 (Closed): problem with singleband pseudocolor raster and multiple map views
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19499 (Closed): problem with singleband pseudocolor raster and multiple map views
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19490 (Closed): Strange problems exporting a layer to file, restoring it to map
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19490 (Closed): Strange problems exporting a layer to file, restoring it to map
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19428 (Closed): QGis freezes when copy pasting features between layers with incompati...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19428 (Closed): QGis freezes when copy pasting features between layers with incompati...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19325 (Closed): CSV not exporting correct data from shape file
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19325 (Closed): CSV not exporting correct data from shape file
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19312 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 Does not read label styling from QML file
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19312 (Closed): QGIS 3.2 Does not read label styling from QML file
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19280 (Closed): Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are n...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19280 (Closed): Graphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are n...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19173 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.3 line widths not screen scaled in Win 10
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19173 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.3 line widths not screen scaled in Win 10
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19158 (Closed): [osx] Failure while trying to create a new vector layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19158 (Closed): [osx] Failure while trying to create a new vector layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19034 (Closed): QGIS-Server generates empty PDF when printing from QWC2
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #19034 (Closed): QGIS-Server generates empty PDF when printing from QWC2
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18973 (Closed): Wrong identification of feature in a View
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18973 (Closed): Wrong identification of feature in a View
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18930 (Closed): Crash when creating virtual field
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18930 (Closed): Crash when creating virtual field
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18803 (Closed): Flip order of lower and upper class values for graduated symbology
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18803 (Closed): Flip order of lower and upper class values for graduated symbology
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18463 (Closed): Impossible to change value when a range double spinbox is used and al...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18463 (Closed): Impossible to change value when a range double spinbox is used and al...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18353 (Closed): QGIS Server can't work with /tmp directory
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18353 (Closed): QGIS Server can't work with /tmp directory
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18351 (Closed): Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after cr...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18351 (Closed): Crash on loading same group of shapefile for the second time after cr...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18320 (Closed): XYZ Tiles (Google Maps) eats up all RAM
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18320 (Closed): XYZ Tiles (Google Maps) eats up all RAM
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18277 (Closed): Data loss When Saving Multiedit with Null
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18277 (Closed): Data loss When Saving Multiedit with Null
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18254 (Closed): Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18254 (Closed): Topology checker thinks everything is a multipart polygon
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18202 (Closed): "Raster" and "Vector" menus split in two menus when the locale is cha...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18202 (Closed): "Raster" and "Vector" menus split in two menus when the locale is cha...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18070 (Closed): crash upon exit/qnetworkconfiguration destructor
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18070 (Closed): crash upon exit/qnetworkconfiguration destructor
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18043 (Closed): Zoom and identify tools very small on MacOSX with retina display
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #18043 (Closed): Zoom and identify tools very small on MacOSX with retina display
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17653 (Closed): 3d: x-axis movements while holding right button should result in came...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17653 (Closed): 3d: x-axis movements while holding right button should result in came...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17570 (Closed): Crash when using 3D model for point layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17570 (Closed): Crash when using 3D model for point layer
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17144 (Closed): Deleting fields from empty layer causes first attribute to be renamed.
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #17144 (Closed): Deleting fields from empty layer causes first attribute to be renamed.
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16822 (Closed): Copy/paste features from a table in one project to another table in d...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16822 (Closed): Copy/paste features from a table in one project to another table in d...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16414 (Closed): Importing SLD with external SVG-files causes program freeze
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16414 (Closed): Importing SLD with external SVG-files causes program freeze
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16380 (Closed): qgis.core.QgsGeometry has odd behaviour on pyqgis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16380 (Closed): qgis.core.QgsGeometry has odd behaviour on pyqgis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16190 (Closed): Connection MSSQL (not localhost)
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #16190 (Closed): Connection MSSQL (not localhost)
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #15085 (Closed): The setting 'Use layer ids as name' does not work for WFS-call
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #15085 (Closed): The setting 'Use layer ids as name' does not work for WFS-call
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #15052 (Closed): PyQgsWFSProviderGUI test segfaults on Travis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #15052 (Closed): PyQgsWFSProviderGUI test segfaults on Travis
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #14682 (Closed): Unable to run Python code, pressing Browse causes error (MAcOS El Cap...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #14682 (Closed): Unable to run Python code, pressing Browse causes error (MAcOS El Cap...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #14448 (Closed): Offset curve tools duplicate lines
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #14448 (Closed): Offset curve tools duplicate lines
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13986 (Closed): Server segfaults when requesting certain GetLegendGraphics without bbox
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13986 (Closed): Server segfaults when requesting certain GetLegendGraphics without bbox
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13406 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer and shapeburst fill create ghost borders in...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13406 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer and shapeburst fill create ghost borders in...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13398 (Closed): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13398 (Closed): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13203 (Closed): When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #13203 (Closed): When opening Shapefile the .cpg file is ignored in Windows 8.1
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #12923 (Closed): Project with SQL Server Layers opens much slower in 2.8 than 2.6
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #12923 (Closed): Project with SQL Server Layers opens much slower in 2.8 than 2.6
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #12840 (Closed): qgis_mapserv.fcgi not using proxy settings in QGIS2.ini
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #12840 (Closed): qgis_mapserv.fcgi not using proxy settings in QGIS2.ini
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9496 (Closed): Warning: QPen::setDashPattern: Pattern not of even length
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9496 (Closed): Warning: QPen::setDashPattern: Pattern not of even length
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9404 (Closed): Browser can only connect to one spatialite file of several files shari...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9404 (Closed): Browser can only connect to one spatialite file of several files shari...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9321 (Closed): Empty RULE parameter in GetLEgendGraphic returns all rules even if a r...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9321 (Closed): Empty RULE parameter in GetLEgendGraphic returns all rules even if a r...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9018 (Closed): Describe the difference beyween "Add vector layer - > Database -> OGR ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9018 (Closed): Describe the difference beyween "Add vector layer - > Database -> OGR ...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9013 (Closed): When digitizing with "avoid intersections" layer type should be detect...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #9013 (Closed): When digitizing with "avoid intersections" layer type should be detect...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8961 (Closed): Georeferencer creates distorted image
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8961 (Closed): Georeferencer creates distorted image
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8911 (Closed): Table is not updated after field calculator when configured with a "fi...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8911 (Closed): Table is not updated after field calculator when configured with a "fi...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8698 (Closed): Dockable location doesn't always popup when dragging.
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #8698 (Closed): Dockable location doesn't always popup when dragging.
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #4304 (Closed): Show only writable raster and vector formats in Processing "save file"...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:36 PM Bug report #4304 (Closed): Show only writable raster and vector formats in Processing "save file"...
Bulk closing 82 tickets in feedback state for more than 90 days affecting an old version. Feel free to reopen if it ... Jürgen Fischer
08:04 PM Bug report #21359 (Open): Popped Out Panels Can't be Re-docked
Click the small icon with multiple windows at the top left of any visible panel. This "pops out" the panel to make it... Konrad Lawson
07:50 PM Revision 1fc27475 (qgis): Quick fix for a bug in QgsGeos::reshapeLine that causes QGIS to crash b...
Stefanow Natsis
07:50 PM Revision e4cbec02 (qgis): Quick fix for a bug in QgsGeos::reshapeLine that causes QGIS to crash b...
Stefanow Natsis
07:50 PM Revision 03db73d9 (qgis): Quick fix for a bug in QgsGeos::reshapeLine that causes QGIS to crash b...
Stefanow Natsis
07:50 PM Revision db2e5d1a (qgis): Sibling of 1fc27475e9af065bed8377d0d97a1f2a6b36ee7b
Stefanow Natsis
07:50 PM Revision 9a2b8f99 (qgis): Sibling of 03db73d9f19a39d3c6e038936af481b293afcbe4
Stefanow Natsis
07:17 PM Bug report #6876 (Closed): Performance during digitizing in a shape-layer if other big layers in ...
Jürgen Fischer
07:17 PM Bug report #5858 (Closed): Georeferencer ignores "Use 0 for transparency when needed" switch
Jürgen Fischer
07:16 PM Bug report #5258 (Closed): WMS layer properties should be updated upon visiting the 'layer proper...
Jürgen Fischer
07:16 PM Bug report #4863 (Closed): Should hidden layers be editable/selectable?
Jürgen Fischer
05:58 PM Bug report #16017 (Closed): Field calculator error with spatialite layer
Tested in 3.5 and works. matteo ghetta
05:58 PM Bug report #16017 (Closed): Field calculator error with spatialite layer
Tested in 3.5 and works. matteo ghetta
05:58 PM Bug report #16017 (Closed): Field calculator error with spatialite layer
Tested in 3.5 and works. matteo ghetta
05:53 PM Bug report #20988: Raster operations not working correctly
It works fine in QGIS 3,4.
Please close the ticket
stefano campus
05:48 PM Bug report #20988 (Closed): Raster operations not working correctly
Paolo Cavallini
05:52 PM Feature request #18444: Memory layer does not cast attribute types
thanks Norwin Roosen. OK then I'll mark it as feature request. So it will stay open as reminder. matteo ghetta
03:42 PM Feature request #18444: Memory layer does not cast attribute types
Thanks for testing in QGIS 3.4 @matteo!
To me this issue is about semantic correctness of the API & predictability o...
Norwin Roosen
02:03 PM Feature request #18444: Memory layer does not cast attribute types
Tested on QGIS 3.4 (with some small changes to the script):... matteo ghetta
05:26 PM Bug report #21265: Qgis 3.4.4: the version number has not been updated. It shows 3.4.3
philippe Clastre wrote:
> Hope this is the answer to your question
Not really. 32bit or 64bit? Standalone insta...
Jürgen Fischer
03:41 PM Bug report #21178: QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print layout
Note: Bug still reproduceable in QGIS-Version 3.6.0-Noosa
QGIS-Codeversion 5873452
Kompiliert gegen Qt 5.9.5
Dennis Real
03:30 PM Revision a9652316 (qgis): Tiny cosmetic fix: error by 1 on iteration counter text
Alessandro Pasotti
03:26 PM Bug report #18356: DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields f...
The error, with this dataset, persist on QGIS 3.4.4
Error 4
Creation of fields failed
Federico Gianoli
01:28 PM Bug report #18356 (Open): DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of f...
matteo ghetta wrote:
> Confirmed also on 3.4 but only with the attached data and not with other data. So I suspect s...
Giovanni Manghi
01:28 PM Bug report #18356 (Open): DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of f...
matteo ghetta wrote:
> Confirmed also on 3.4 but only with the attached data and not with other data. So I suspect s...
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #18356: DB Manager: import layer into Postgis fails with "Error 5 Creation of fields f...
Confirmed also on 3.4 but only with the attached data and not with other data. So I suspect something is weird on dat... matteo ghetta
03:26 PM Bug report #16918 (Feedback): problem when rotate composite symbols
Alberto Grava
03:17 PM Bug report #16918: problem when rotate composite symbols
I've tried on ubuntu 18.04 (with qgis 3.4.4) using giacitura.gpkg and it works correctly (see the screenshot).
Alberto Grava
03:19 PM Bug report #18369 (Closed): Project Properties - CRS Box Size
Paolo Cavallini
03:07 PM Bug report #18369: Project Properties - CRS Box Size
not observed in QGIS 3.4.4-Madeira, Windows 10.
please close ticket
stefano campus
02:05 PM Bug report #21357 (Open): Select fields group text garbled when switching format in Save Vector L...
See screenshot: both the Select field group and th Layer Options group have some (re)paint issues
QGIS Master (and...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:46 PM Bug report #17851 (Closed): Top or bottom context menu item is selected and clicked when right cl...
Seems solved on 3.4 on Linux Sid matteo ghetta
01:30 PM Bug report #18604: Projects load extremely slowly [2.18.18]
Please set the resolution when closing tickets. Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #18604 (Closed): Projects load extremely slowly [2.18.18]
matteo ghetta
01:29 PM Bug report #18584 (Closed): Feature label not displayed unless layer is editable
Tested with QGIS 3.4 and it is working fine. matteo ghetta
01:27 PM Bug report #21356: Processing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)
Please, 1 issue per ticket (and a meaningful subject). Giovanni Manghi
01:27 PM Bug report #21356: Processing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)
Please, 1 issue per ticket (and a meaningful subject). Giovanni Manghi
01:27 PM Bug report #21356: Processing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)
Please, 1 issue per ticket (and a meaningful subject). Giovanni Manghi
01:02 PM Bug report #21356 (Open): Processing - Export to PostgreSQL (available connections)
This script has several problems especially when use _iterate over..._
- doesn't create multiple layers but only a s...
Rocco Pispico
12:01 PM Bug report #19467: feature not highlighted when viewed with .ui in attribute table
Can you provide the `ui` form file? matteo ghetta
11:56 AM Bug report #19047 (Closed): Shapefile _packed issue with 2.18.20
tested on Ubuntu and Debian and it seems working without problems. matteo ghetta
11:28 AM Bug report #16032 (Closed): python/core/sip_corepart0.cpp:18732:28: error: ‘QGeoSatelliteInfo’ wa...
matteo ghetta
11:27 AM Bug report #16030 (Closed): LaTeX fails with "Undefined control sequence" when building with -DWI...
matteo ghetta
11:18 AM Bug report #15813 (Feedback): UnicodeDecodeError when switching project
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Possibly obsolete?
Please put the ticket in "feedback" status when needed (is not the fi...
Giovanni Manghi
10:45 AM Bug report #15813: UnicodeDecodeError when switching project
Possibly obsolete? Paolo Cavallini
11:12 AM Bug report #16433 (Feedback): adding kmz doesn't import placemarks, only tracks
without data we can not do tests salvatore fiandaca
11:11 AM Bug report #16433: adding kmz doesn't import placemarks, only tracks
without data we can not do tests salvatore fiandaca
11:10 AM Revision 74aa8ca1 (qgis): Fix db manager sql query
Fixes #21353 Alessandro Pasotti
11:06 AM Bug report #16998 (Closed): Misbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools
matteo ghetta
10:45 AM Bug report #17563 (Closed): $area function is not always working properly when OTF is activated
salvatore fiandaca
10:25 AM Feature request #21355 (Open): Transparency on 3D models texture
When using 3D view with models (plants and rocks), I find Colada files (.dae) most sufficient, but transparent colors... Lasse Spång
10:23 AM Bug report #21063: Unable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh
I am a bit lost. Because I can't replicate the issue on macOS 3.4.5 ( Saber Razmjooei
08:34 AM Revision 0380bb16 (qgis): fix german mesh translation
Jürgen Fischer
04:58 AM Revision 57ac4e67 (qgis): use bool variables instead of connecting/disconnecting signals
also move simple QgsVertexEntry to qgsvertexeditor.h Denis Rouzaud
04:32 AM Revision 4c1f08cc (qgis): fix updating vertex selection
Denis Rouzaud
04:05 AM Revision b8f1cb37 (qgis): correctly keep/clear vertices selection when switching locked feature
Denis Rouzaud
04:05 AM Revision f77538e8 (qgis): fix updating table selection
Denis Rouzaud
04:05 AM Revision 21fb4426 (qgis): synchronize selection from the editor to the tool
Denis Rouzaud
04:05 AM Revision 1d0ca086 (qgis): only select vertices from locked feature again
Denis Rouzaud
04:05 AM Revision 5427392d (qgis): remove vertex highlighting from editor
Denis Rouzaud
02:35 AM Bug report #19319: Qgis 3.2 and Python 3.7
Andrew Saturn wrote:
> After you've installed Python with HomeBrew, try this:
> sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/py...
Andrew Saturn
02:32 AM Bug report #19319: Qgis 3.2 and Python 3.7
After you've installed Python with HomeBrew, try this:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.2_2/Frameworks/Pyth...
Andrew Saturn


12:31 AM Revision 8673fca7 (qgis): fix german mesh translation
Jürgen Fischer
11:59 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
I can't reproduce it now after install @qgis-dev-3.5.0-100@.
It was fixed?
Gabriel De Luca
11:50 PM Revision ddb589a3 (qgis): fix ui warnings
Jürgen Fischer
11:50 PM Revision 6bf2d9d4 (qgis): dwg import: implement suggestion from #21330
Jürgen Fischer
10:47 PM Bug report #21342 (Feedback): Can't visualize jpg files on Windows
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
10:47 PM Bug report #21342 (Feedback): Can't visualize jpg files on Windows
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
08:30 PM Bug report #21350 (Closed): QGIS Crash when running Python script
It's not possible to use "iface" from a standalone script, since there's no interface existing. You need to avoid usi... Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Bug report #21350 (Closed): QGIS Crash when running Python script
It's not possible to use "iface" from a standalone script, since there's no interface existing. You need to avoid usi... Nyall Dawson
03:15 PM Bug report #21350 (Closed): QGIS Crash when running Python script
h2. User Feedback
I ran the following Python script and QGIS crashed:
from qgis.core import *
import processin...
Peter Spurgeon
08:26 PM Bug report #21354 (Closed): SAGA Difference wrong result
This bug is in saga itself - use the native QGIS difference tool instead, it's well tested, faster, and more robust. Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Bug report #21354 (Closed): SAGA Difference wrong result
This bug is in saga itself - use the native QGIS difference tool instead, it's well tested, faster, and more robust. Nyall Dawson
07:30 PM Bug report #21354 (Closed): SAGA Difference wrong result
Using SAGA Difference in processing I try to create a new layer with the result as a difference between the two l...
Lene Fischer
08:24 PM Revision 13bff962 (qgis): [processing] do not allow using unsupported file formats
Show warning message if user selects incompatible output file format
fixes #21089
Victor Olaya
08:24 PM Bug report #21089 (Closed): [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13bff9620c39e110852f4623e3ad9c3ec5ba260c. Victor Olaya
08:24 PM Bug report #21089 (Closed): [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13bff9620c39e110852f4623e3ad9c3ec5ba260c. Victor Olaya
08:23 PM Revision cdc622ef (qgis): Freackin Amurican sppelling
Nyall Dawson
08:23 PM Revision c1aac322 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] Allow expression variables to be set for a model
This adds a new "Model Variables" dock panel to the model editor, allowing
users to create and set custom expression ...
Nyall Dawson
08:23 PM Revision e31fb920 (qgis): [processing] Add API to allow custom expression variables to be set
for a model Nyall Dawson
08:23 PM Feature request #21331: Allow mouse and modifier key shortcuts
I forgot to add F6 as a default shortcut to Open Attribute Table, thanks for pointing this out.
As for Ctrl + J, I'm...
Jean-François Bourdon
08:22 PM Revision fbc22e20 (qgis): [feature] Add an option to cartesian measurement
Adds an option force Cartesian measurements to the measure distance/area dialogue
Fixes #19902
08:20 PM Revision db1a1929 (qgis): [FEATURE][expressions] Simplified variant of "attribute" function
This adds a second variant for the existing "attribute" function.
The current function requires both a target feature...
Nyall Dawson
08:20 PM Revision 3433c9cc (qgis): [FEATURE][3d] Add camera lens field of view settings
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:20 PM Revision 9a6a70a0 (qgis): Reset outputpixeltype parameter options
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 08b4c1ae (qgis): check for layer providers and authid
OTB only supports gdal and ogr providers for now. Maybe memory
provider can be easily supported using some conversion...
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 70be3aae (qgis): add unit-test for passing values other than type str
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 9983961e (qgis): update Otb Algorithm test to use Map Layer instance
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision e26e0981 (qgis): [test] a new test for otb algorithm that used crs
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision e7ce84cb (qgis): Use parameterAs methods in OtbAlgorithm
This will accept stuff other than string type if needed by a user. Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 5666db28 (qgis): pass file names with quotes to otb
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 0c1de040 (qgis): [review] fix issues from code review
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 8e78d201 (qgis): [test] Avoid "NOTFOUND" in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 471865af (qgis): [CI] fix travis test for OtbAlgorithms
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision e286d5b9 (qgis): [CI] install OTB package for OtbAlgorithmsTest
Package will be taken from official OTB repository and will be
maintained by OTB team.
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 30bcfebb (qgis): [TEST] add test for OTB processing provider
This includes yaml test like SAGA, GRASS and also test for loading
OTB Algorithms
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 3b87f7b1 (qgis): [FEATURE] [needs-docs] integrate OTB provider to processing plugin
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision be52385e (qgis): using parameterAs from qgis api
Rashad Kanavath
08:20 PM Revision 8afb80e1 (qgis): [test] new test for OtbChoiceWidget
This can easily go into but we tend to keep it out due to
usage of create_from_metadata(). All widget in ...
Rashad Kanavath
07:47 PM Bug report #21330 (Closed): Missing hatch, wrong text alignment and line width from DWG import
I installed yesterday's build and the missing hatch and misaligned text issues are indeed fixed! Thanks!
For the m...
Antoine Lafranchis
11:47 AM Bug report #21330: Missing hatch, wrong text alignment and line width from DWG import
Antoine Lafranchis wrote:
> When I imported a DWG in Qgis, I noticed the following problems:
> - One hatch is missi...
Jürgen Fischer
07:24 PM Bug report #21349: QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.
I have uploadet a smaller geopackage
Lene Fischer
07:24 PM Bug report #21349: QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection failed.
I have uploadet a smaller geopackage
Lene Fischer
01:41 PM Bug report #21349 (Feedback): QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection ...
Hi Lene, there is no "gravplads" layer in the gpkg. Giovanni Manghi
12:17 PM Bug report #21349 (Closed): QGIS Clip and Difference - GEOS geoprocessing error: intersection fa...
Trying to clip and difference vector layers. But it fails.
Tride both Geopackage and SHP same result.
The dataset...
Lene Fischer
06:11 PM Bug report #21353: Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer
Forgot to say that I've started with a clean state in both cases (i.e., I've deleted my .local/share/QGIS before star... José de Paula Rodrigues Neto Assis
06:09 PM Bug report #21353 (Closed): Query from DB Manager SQL window no longer loads as new layer
I've just installed qgis-3.6.0 from sources, built Debian packages (current Debian Sid) and installed them. I opened ... José de Paula Rodrigues Neto Assis
05:25 PM Bug report #21063: Unable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh
just figured out that
at 3.4.4 loading netCDF files
- doesn't work like it was mentioned somewhere ... via data s...
robert kalasek
04:16 PM Bug report #21063: Unable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh
Could you try it in QGIS 3.6 in Windows and macOS. QGIS 3.6 for macOS will be ready shortly:
Saber Razmjooei
04:10 PM Bug report #21063: Unable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh
same here !
tested both - gfs and the ecmwf
on mac qgis 3.4.4 ("compiled against gdal 2.3.3"): gfs and ecmwf
robert kalasek
04:10 PM Bug report #21177: issue importing dwg to geopackage
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin wrote:
> Hello
> Can you describe me if I have to re-install the software or ...
> I would li...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Giovanni Manghi
02:53 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Can you describe me if I have to re-install the software or ...
I would like some details ... because I do no...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
02:53 PM Bug report #21177 (Reopened): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Can you describe me if I have to re-install the software or ...
I would like some details ... because I do no...
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin
04:07 PM Bug report #21352 (In Progress): add geometry attributes fails on multipoint layers
see attached layer.
the algorithm works if you use before
multipart to single part
algorithm works in all ca...
03:50 PM Bug report #21351 (Open): Detached 3D view
1. When new (detached) 3D view is created and closed it crashes QGIS.
2. When new (detached) 3D view is created and ...
Peter Petrik
03:43 PM Feature request #21300 (In Progress): It is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animat... Peter Petrik
03:43 PM Feature request #21300 (In Progress): It is not possible to export all frames from QGIS 3d animat... Peter Petrik
02:21 PM Revision 5e66cd2f (qgis): Fix merge lines in dissolve
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 PM Revision bb78d1c9 (qgis): Add test for dissolve consecutive lines
Matthias Kuhn
01:48 PM Revision 1a8cbd19 (qgis): Bump version to 3.7
Jürgen Fischer
01:47 PM Revision 58734527 (qgis): Release of 3.6 (Noosa)
Jürgen Fischer
01:47 PM Revision aee8ed40 (qgis): changelog and news update for 3.6
Jürgen Fischer
01:47 PM Revision b4fed682 (qgis): translation update for 3.6 from transifex
Jürgen Fischer
01:34 PM Revision 89ee6f6e (qgis): Release of 3.4.5
Jürgen Fischer
11:28 AM Revision 0a0d2e99 (qgis): [quick] do not start moving canvas if the drag distance is too small
Often when users want to click (tap) the map, they still move the cursor
position a bit. This would trigger unwanted ...
Martin Dobias
11:28 AM Revision 057b225d (qgis): [quick] do not refresh map on click
Whenever user would click on the map (e.g. to identify a feature),
the freeze and subsequent unfreeze would force map...
Martin Dobias
11:17 AM Revision a2018deb (qgis): [processing] Merge lines on dissolve
This is a difference between how polygons and lines are handled on dissolve.
Neighbouring polygons are merged automat...
Matthias Kuhn
11:02 AM Revision 9aa00230 (qgis): Correct code formatting
Julien Cabieces
10:53 AM Revision b0123944 (qgis): Update mask
Julien Cabieces
10:39 AM Bug report #21334 (Closed): QGIS crashes everytime I try to exit the program.
Jürgen Fischer
10:26 AM Revision 9ad99910 (qgis): fix build warning with msvc
(cherry picked from commit 130f3edde9859944764150e3c4517afa3e99b2f1) Jürgen Fischer
10:18 AM Bug report #21347 (Open): [Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when using N ...
Never used it (came across this while documenting the algorithm). And don't have a 2.18 build anymore. Harrissou Santanna
10:10 AM Bug report #21347 (Feedback): [Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when usin...
Did it worked as expected for example in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
08:39 AM Bug report #21347 (Open): [Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when using N ...
When running the distance matrix algorithm on all the features using the "Standard (N x T) distance matrix" type, you... Harrissou Santanna
10:17 AM Bug report #21344: pasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)
In form view the order seems also correct (other than in vector properties). Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #21344: pasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)
In form view the order seems also correct (other than in vector properties). Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Revision 130f3edd (qgis): fix build warning with msvc
Jürgen Fischer
10:04 AM Bug report #21348 (Closed): Move to top
Yes - Sorry I missed that one.
Lene Fischer
10:03 AM Bug report #21348 (Feedback): Move to top
duplicate of #21096 ? Giovanni Manghi
09:03 AM Bug report #21348 (Closed): Move to top
When I select features and click 'Move to top' in the attribute tabel - nothing happend.
Lene Fischer
Lene Fischer
09:19 AM Revision 17d07711 (qgis): [legend] Fix alignment and chopped off text of collapsed data-defined s...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:18 AM Revision 78e8c342 (qgis): [legend] Fix alignment and chopped off text of collapsed data-defined s...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:12 AM Revision 46474b43 (qgis): Use quote for bracket character
Co-Authored-By: troopa81 <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
09:12 AM Revision 0753b144 (qgis): fixes #20872 : Manage postgres multidimensionnal array
Julien Cabieces
09:12 AM Revision e9a9d977 (qgis): Use QgsMessageLog instead of QgsLogger for parsing string methods
Julien Cabieces
08:32 AM Bug report #21345 (Closed): QGIS crashes
Jürgen Fischer
03:35 AM Bug report #21345 (Closed): QGIS crashes
h2. User Feedback
I have processed network analysis in memory while existing from program it crashes
h2. Report...
Manu Sharma
08:15 AM Revision 7de50a01 (qgis): calculate mMmPerMapUnit with mapUnitsPerPixel to avoid to have redundan...
David Signer
08:12 AM Feature request #21291: Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table
I have never denied the good work of the programmers - this is a question of data handling and ergonomy. I think its ... Lukas Wischounig
06:34 AM Bug report #21343 (Open): [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate rega...
Harrissou Santanna
06:34 AM Bug report #21343: [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate regarding t...
On the screenshot, the pink point represents the centroid and the purple(?) represents the point on surface, for poly... Harrissou Santanna
05:23 AM Revision fcdb4c02 (qgis): [vertex tool] small code cleanup (#9237)
* [vertex tool] rename mSelectedFeature to mLockedFeature
* also rename file and class
* remove uselesss method, mo...
Denis Rouzaud
05:22 AM Feature request #21346 (Open): Assign different color ramps to selected classes
It would be useful to be able to select certain classes in a layers symbology and assign different colour ramps. Dale Jenner
03:27 AM Bug report #21269: Python3 error when running GRASS 7.6 tools in processing on mac OS
I'm not sure what your workaround is, I couldn't find anything in that mac packager issue. I think I'll try patching... William Kyngesburye
03:16 AM Revision 006ddf5d (qgis): update model [vertex editor] (#9212) (#9238)
* [vertex editor] update model
instead of erasing/creating each time
* do not save layer in model since it's alread...
Denis Rouzaud
02:00 AM Bug report #19059 (Closed): QGIS 3 - Plugin processing
Nyall Dawson
01:16 AM Bug report #18744 (Feedback): text export
Not reproducable here - please include steps to reproduce. Jürgen Fischer
01:16 AM Bug report #18744 (Feedback): text export
Not reproducable here - please include steps to reproduce. Jürgen Fischer
01:11 AM Revision 87c9e18e (qgis): dxf export: don't label invisible features (fixes #19604)
(cherry picked from commit c389fad1ad0396cf9914dedc8d2e9a9c303cd8f8) Jürgen Fischer
01:10 AM Bug report #19604 (Closed): [DXF export] Labels are exported even if the entity is not visible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c389fad1ad0396cf9914dedc8d2e9a9c303cd8f8. Jürgen Fischer
01:10 AM Bug report #19604 (Closed): [DXF export] Labels are exported even if the entity is not visible
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c389fad1ad0396cf9914dedc8d2e9a9c303cd8f8. Jürgen Fischer
01:05 AM Revision c389fad1 (qgis): dxf export: don't label invisible features (fixes #19604)
Jürgen Fischer


12:53 AM Revision db823175 (qgis): dxf export: fix output of closed 3d polylines (fixes #20242)
(cherry picked from commit 56ec47328b9e24951b51c00144221c95f88c6c83) Jürgen Fischer
12:52 AM Revision 56ec4732 (qgis): dxf export: fix output of closed 3d polylines (fixes #20242)
Jürgen Fischer
12:52 AM Bug report #20242 (Closed): missing last segments of DXF exported polylines
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|56ec47328b9e24951b51c00144221c95f88c6c83. Jürgen Fischer
12:52 AM Bug report #20242 (Closed): missing last segments of DXF exported polylines
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|56ec47328b9e24951b51c00144221c95f88c6c83. Jürgen Fischer
12:36 AM Revision 23c01de4 (qgis): dxf export: fix svg scaling
(cherry picked from commit 4b55dbef0b60349c74e40d9fd0109f33bca19510) Jürgen Fischer
12:35 AM Revision 4b55dbef (qgis): dxf export: fix svg scaling
Jürgen Fischer
12:25 AM Bug report #21344 (Open): pasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (tabl...
I have 2 layers in a geopackage file
Layer 1 has 6 fields
Layer 2 has 12 fields
The first 6 fields has the s...
Lene Fischer
11:58 PM Bug report #19059 (Open): QGIS 3 - Plugin processing
Nyall Dawson
10:45 PM Bug report #21343 (Feedback): [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate ...
It is using the "point on surface" GEOS routine. Do you see the same positions when running the "Point on Surface" al... Nyall Dawson
09:51 PM Bug report #21343 (Open): [Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate rega...
I calculate the distance to nearest hub from polygons to lines layers and it happens that the generated lines origin ... Harrissou Santanna
10:41 PM Revision 9f97f343 (qgis): Fix misleading template
(cherry picked from commit e9c7c86aba8f60b9c4236895552de5b633c2c501) Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Feature request #21291: Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table
I think, the programmers has done this work good. Edit data in the raw sight of the attribute table is fast and a nor... Gerhard Spieles
10:29 PM Revision 4b3a2ef9 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
10:29 PM Revision e24f2e67 (qgis): update splash screen
Jürgen Fischer
09:57 PM Revision 1f4747fe (qgis): Better error message when failed to open DB
hopefully gives some hints why the db manager tests sometimes fail Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision e9c7c86a (qgis): Fix misleading template
Nyall Dawson
09:31 PM Feature request #21331: Allow mouse and modifier key shortcuts
Jean-François Bourdon wrote:
> In QGIS currently:
> * Zoom to Layer (through contextual menu with right-click on la...
Harrissou Santanna
09:04 PM Revision 06f9be1c (qgis): keep comments when save as preset or file, remove lines starting by "--...
Etienne Trimaille
08:41 PM Bug report #20871: Style "Meters at scale" hogs CPU
I just ran into this option behaving weirdly and hogging CPU as well. In my case it is NOT hogging CPU when the canva... Johannes Kroeger
08:23 PM Bug report #21335: WFS client: strange rendering
Fixed in master 3.6 and release-3_4 ( Even Rouault
07:14 PM Bug report #21335 (Closed): WFS client: strange rendering
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|466dc359d74f4650c417001c80e95107da19efed. Even Rouault
07:14 PM Bug report #21335 (Closed): WFS client: strange rendering
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|466dc359d74f4650c417001c80e95107da19efed. Even Rouault
05:39 PM Bug report #21335: WFS client: strange rendering Even Rouault
03:39 PM Bug report #21335 (Closed): WFS client: strange rendering
Here is a very simple WFS service with 4 polygons, served from QGIS Server:
Andreas Neumann
08:09 PM Bug report #21342 (Open): Can't visualize jpg files on Windows
Hello everybody,
I'm running the Qgis version 3.4.4, but I had the same problem with 3.4.1, on a Core i5 with Wind...
Mattia Fabbri
07:16 PM Revision 2ed6c670 (qgis): QgsGmlStreamingParser: fix parsing of GML geometries with srsDimension=...
Even Rouault
07:15 PM Revision df295a80 (qgis): Merge pull request #9234 from rouault/fix_21335
QgsGmlStreamingParser: fix parsing of GML geometries with srsDimension='3' set on posList element (fixes #21335) Even Rouault
06:26 PM Bug report #21340 (Closed): Standalone pyqgis application package development failure due to qgis...
Giovanni Manghi
06:18 PM Bug report #21340 (Closed): Standalone pyqgis application package development failure due to qgis...
We have built standalone pyqgis application in QGIS 2.x with Python 2.7, it worked and also we could package the appl... Tong Zhai
06:25 PM Bug report #21341 (Open): Standalone pyqgis application package development failure due to qgis.c...
We have built standalone pyqgis application in QGIS 2.x with Python 2.7, it worked and also we could package the appl... Tong Zhai
06:14 PM Bug report #21339 (Closed): Space inserted at start of legend entries for no apparent reason
A space is inserted at the start of legend entries by default and also if you classify or trim etc...
See attached...
Andy Whyte
06:10 PM Feature request #21338 (Open): Option to add thousands delimiter when editing legend entries in p...
I would find it very useful to have an option to insert a thousands delimiter in the symbology tab of the layers prop... Andy Whyte
05:58 PM Revision a04f91b8 (qgis): use scale and mapUnitsPerPixel from map parameters bbox and size
in case bbox and size is given in the GetLegendGraphics request, the size of symbols defined by map units is calculat... David Signer
05:39 PM Revision 466dc359 (qgis): QgsGmlStreamingParser: fix parsing of GML geometries with srsDimension=...
Even Rouault
05:25 PM Revision 3c2d44bd (qgis): Merge pull request #9233 from Alexis-B/typo
Typo Matthias Kuhn
05:10 PM Feature request #21337 (Open): Graphical Builder - Link between Expression Paramenter and Table/V...
Hello folks,
I have a feature request:
It would be nice to implement a link between the input parameter 'exp...
Hans-Peter Klossek
04:58 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Also, does it need to be a geopackage? would it crash with a temporary scratch layer too? Wha...
Gabriel De Luca
02:05 PM Bug report #21307 (Feedback): Crash on Edit Vertex
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Also, does it need to be a geopackage? would it crash with a temporary scratch layer too? What if you first save the ... Martin Dobias
01:03 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
I cannot replicate.
Richard, can you post your traceback from linux?
Martin Dobias
11:36 AM Bug report #21307 (Open): Crash on Edit Vertex
Giovanni Manghi
04:44 PM Revision a2bc1fff (qgis): Add getmap with error on filter
Julien Cabieces
04:44 PM Revision 053ab496 (qgis): Use const ref when looping on layers
Julien Cabieces
04:17 PM Bug report #21336 (Closed): self node is considered as an error by processing
self node is considered as an error by processing
(which inhibits the execution of algorithms)
while the agorith...
04:00 PM Revision 5b230ab8 (qgis): Fix sip file too
Matthias Kuhn
03:06 PM Bug report #21333 (Rejected): QGIS crashing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute Table
Looks like an issue in the QMS plugin, please report the issue to the authors of the plugin. Alessandro Pasotti
03:06 PM Bug report #21333 (Rejected): QGIS crashing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute Table
Looks like an issue in the QMS plugin, please report the issue to the authors of the plugin. Alessandro Pasotti
02:55 PM Bug report #21333: QGIS crashing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute Table
2019-02-15T14:52:01 WARNING warning:C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\Python37\lib\site-‎packages\urllib3\...
Nitzan Matan
01:51 PM Bug report #21333 (Rejected): QGIS crashing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute Table
I tried to display a photo with hyperlink. I set the layer Attributes From properties as follow: *Widget Type*: Attac... Nitzan Matan
02:55 PM Revision 4a284b49 (qgis): Fixing typo
02:18 PM Bug report #21334 (Closed): QGIS crashes everytime I try to exit the program.
h2. User Feedback
QGIS crashes everytime I try to exit the program.
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 5ad41d6be...
Vasilis Samaritakis
02:05 PM Bug report #20636: Saving styles as SLD is broken
Unable to reproduce on QGIS 3.4.4 Windows 10 and MacOS.
I think this is platform specific problem.
Maybe my ubuntu ...
zackad developer
01:22 PM Bug report #20636 (Feedback): Saving styles as SLD is broken
Giovanni Manghi
01:21 PM Bug report #20636: Saving styles as SLD is broken
unable to reproduce on MacOS qgis 3.5 (master) with gpkg polygon layer. Peter Petrik
01:47 PM Bug report #21332 (Closed): QGIS crushing when adding hyperlink into the Attribute Table
I tried to display a photo with hyperlink. I set the layer Attributes From properties as follow: *Widget Type*: Attac... Nitzan Matan
01:32 PM Bug report #21319 (Open): Topology checker fix only 1 error
Giovanni Manghi
01:32 PM Bug report #21319: Topology checker fix only 1 error
I tried fix this dataset in version 2.18 too. I selectet all gaps and QGIS fixed 4 errors. But created invalid shape.... Vladimír Hans
12:41 PM Bug report #21319: Topology checker fix only 1 error
Vladimír Hans wrote:
> I think, that are 2 different issues. Bug #21318 is about fix without changing shape and this...
Giovanni Manghi
01:01 PM Bug report #20760: Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore
unable to replicate on MacOS too. So definitely windows-only issue. Peter Petrik
12:35 PM Revision 5a96fab7 (qgis): Merge pull request #8968 from volaya/fix_saga_non_ascii
fixed handling of input filenames with non-ascii characters [processing] Luigi Pirelli
12:35 PM Bug report #18617 (Closed): QGIS3: fails when comman contains non-latin characters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fda41e3b0202041e681b2f69568f2a6dc2bb69e3. Victor Olaya
12:35 PM Bug report #18617 (Closed): QGIS3: fails when comman contains non-latin characters
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fda41e3b0202041e681b2f69568f2a6dc2bb69e3. Victor Olaya
12:35 PM Bug report #19351 (Closed): [processing] Wrong management of locale in output result path
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fda41e3b0202041e681b2f69568f2a6dc2bb69e3. Victor Olaya
12:29 PM Bug report #21269: Python3 error when running GRASS 7.6 tools in processing on mac OS
The issue is caused by grass76 bug in retrieving MANPATH directly by calling `manpath` command in submodule. This sho... Peter Petrik
11:54 AM Bug report #21325: Crash on exit with advanced digitizing active
Hmmm... you reopen a bug founded when I write the bugfix
I ...
11:50 AM Bug report #21325: Crash on exit with advanced digitizing active
These are two different issues. The crash here is triggered when closing QGIS (and it has very different backtrace) Martin Dobias
11:37 AM Bug report #21325: Crash on exit with advanced digitizing active
possibly related to #21307 Giovanni Manghi
11:36 AM Bug report #21327 (Feedback): [Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to se...
feature request? Giovanni Manghi
11:36 AM Bug report #21327 (Feedback): [Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to se...
feature request? Giovanni Manghi
10:11 AM Revision 52546db8 (qgis): [processing] fixed saga test
Victor Olaya
10:07 AM Revision 1991ce61 (qgis): Make sure not to crash if there are no alternatives for right click
(cherry picked from commit 3d99fd5a04c93fab1ce12d4d9e08993537f7fbe8) Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Revision bdec90c4 (qgis): Fix issue with selection of vertices of locked feature (fixes #21283)
When user was coming with mouse to a vertex of the locked feature
from a different feature, it could happen that the ...
Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Revision 8986c971 (qgis): Continue loop of locked features after mouse move
A small UX improvement: after right click in a location with feature A and B,
we would do a loop A - B - nothing - A ...
Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Revision 0171aa22 (qgis): Do not keep highlight when locking/unlocking feature
It was a bit strange effect when locking feature... when moving mouse
over a feature it would have highlight, then on...
Martin Dobias
10:05 AM Revision 40134d64 (qgis): [processing] fixed SAGA command writing and test
Victor Olaya
09:52 AM Revision 5292efd0 (qgis): Merge pull request #9221 from m-kuhn/relation-reference-field-formatter...
Add cache for relation reference field formatter Matthias Kuhn
08:53 AM Revision 3d99fd5a (qgis): Make sure not to crash if there are no alternatives for right click
Martin Dobias
08:53 AM Revision aec87a0a (qgis): Fix issue with selection of vertices of locked feature (fixes #21283)
When user was coming with mouse to a vertex of the locked feature
from a different feature, it could happen that the ...
Martin Dobias
08:53 AM Revision 6fd21c2f (qgis): Do not keep highlight when locking/unlocking feature
It was a bit strange effect when locking feature... when moving mouse
over a feature it would have highlight, then on...
Martin Dobias
08:53 AM Revision 7831f3ef (qgis): Continue loop of locked features after mouse move
A small UX improvement: after right click in a location with feature A and B,
we would do a loop A - B - nothing - A ...
Martin Dobias
08:52 AM Bug report #21283 (Closed): Vertex Tool: issue selecting vertices of "locked" features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aec87a0a895d11fa9d054a979f0e02a3b4bb0c78. Martin Dobias
08:52 AM Bug report #21283 (Closed): Vertex Tool: issue selecting vertices of "locked" features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aec87a0a895d11fa9d054a979f0e02a3b4bb0c78. Martin Dobias
08:32 AM Revision e42c6a35 (qgis): Merge pull request #9219 from elpaso/bugfix-21303-postgis-slow-table-open
Postgis: cache information about enum fields Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Revision 17280c3e (qgis): Merge pull request #9203 from elpaso/bugfix-21305-paste-slow-no-provider
Cache unique values when creating features Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Bug report #21303 (Closed): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table i...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f30a44be2d59a00169da8ba982d0e95d8e9e2a2. Alessandro Pasotti
08:31 AM Bug report #21303 (Closed): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table i...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f30a44be2d59a00169da8ba982d0e95d8e9e2a2. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21304 (Closed): "default value" is not applied when pasting features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf1575f4c9aca6c550f6d0711bd3297adfbb27b2. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21304 (Closed): "default value" is not applied when pasting features
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf1575f4c9aca6c550f6d0711bd3297adfbb27b2. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21311 (Closed): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1689c9364b995dd1b5a2723eab66f1af0b4e92a9. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21311 (Closed): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1689c9364b995dd1b5a2723eab66f1af0b4e92a9. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21305 (Closed): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slow
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ba3d9ed066fd64f48dd43455402d4479db299dd0. Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Bug report #21305 (Closed): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slow
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ba3d9ed066fd64f48dd43455402d4479db299dd0. Alessandro Pasotti
08:00 AM Revision 525bf5f6 (qgis): Merge pull request #9215 from elpaso/release-3_4-backports
Release 3 4 backports Alessandro Pasotti
07:53 AM Revision 4d5dad81 (qgis): Merge pull request #9223 from m-kuhn/geometry_validator_summary_cleanup
Geometry validator summary cleanup Matthias Kuhn
07:06 AM Revision 013ff579 (qgis): Remove expression's not-yet-prepared warning
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:35 AM Revision 9280a071 (qgis): Remove expression's not-yet-prepared warning
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:25 AM Revision 31adb153 (qgis): Fix Postgresql connection reset not being called
PQreset was never called if the query was made using mConnectionRO
from the PostgresProvider, resulting in an always ...
Timothe Perez
12:25 AM Revision 86b0bd8c (qgis): [layouts] Fix hidden coverage atlas setting is ignored when exporting a...
Fixes #21243
(cherry picked from commit eceaea8c355f77b5167e26f0a33652fc11b03e1e)
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Revision 6d71053b (qgis): Fix feature request containing a filter expression which needs
both geometry and the magic all attributes flag
(cherry picked from commit 33aa63b85515cf0cbff161e3f14b117550fd9bfe)
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Revision 235a667b (qgis): Update test
(cherry picked from commit 2609d9f05742c863831d8cd639c3d1e2a41288e1) Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #21324 (Closed): qgis freezes when adding a postgres table that any other question is ...
This isn't a QGIS issue - you'll see the same behaviour if you open two instances of pgadmin and try the select in a ... Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Bug report #21324 (Closed): qgis freezes when adding a postgres table that any other question is ...
This isn't a QGIS issue - you'll see the same behaviour if you open two instances of pgadmin and try the select in a ... Nyall Dawson
01:15 PM Bug report #21324 (Closed): qgis freezes when adding a postgres table that any other question is ...
I have rather big tables which I access with python scrips, pgadmin and QGIS, which works fairly well if I do it sepa... Axel Hörteborn
11:25 PM Revision 87689894 (qgis): Update README_FONTS
Anita Graser
11:25 PM Revision bcbeda44 (qgis): Update README_FONTS
Anita Graser
10:45 PM Feature request #21331 (Open): Allow mouse and modifier key shortcuts
It would be nice to be able to create shortcuts that combine mouse click and modifier key like ArcMap allows in some ... Jean-François Bourdon
10:36 PM Revision dd7a5f5b (qgis): Merge pull request #9183 from Gustry/save_comments
keep comments when saving query, fix single line comment Alessandro Pasotti
10:06 PM Bug report #21330 (Closed): Missing hatch, wrong text alignment and line width from DWG import
When I imported a DWG in Qgis, I noticed the following problems:
- One hatch is missing (exists in attribute table b...
Antoine Lafranchis
09:57 PM Revision 9d530e1f (qgis): Simplify angle correction
J. Dugge
09:51 PM Bug report #21329 (Closed): This netcdf file crashes QGIS both in Browser and in Open Raster/Mesh
Closed as fixed upstream, see
Thanks Even Rouault!
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:31 PM Bug report #21329: This netcdf file crashes QGIS both in Browser and in Open Raster/Mesh
Created gdal issue too: Richard Duivenvoorde
08:19 PM Bug report #21329 (Closed): This netcdf file crashes QGIS both in Browser and in Open Raster/Mesh
Got this netcdf file from a dutch open data site:
Put it in a directory some...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:18 PM Revision 89e3fce0 (qgis): update model [vertex editor] (#9212)
* [vertex editor] update model
instead of erasing/creating each time
* do not save layer in model since it's alread...
Denis Rouzaud
08:41 PM Revision 1c343292 (qgis): Allow expression widget to be empty so expression could be removed (#9032)
* fixes #20516 : Allow Constraint widget in attribute type form to be empty so expression could be removed
per widge...
Julien Cabieces
08:40 PM Bug report #20516 (Closed): Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1c343292348280aa56a4bc9b7ffe82ffce6ef09e. Julien Cabieces
08:40 PM Bug report #20516 (Closed): Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1c343292348280aa56a4bc9b7ffe82ffce6ef09e. Julien Cabieces
08:33 PM Revision 29a5bd9e (qgis): Remove unused variable
J. Dugge
07:42 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Confirmed here with current QGIS master (on Linux):
project epsg:4326
create a new point layer and save as geopac...
Richard Duivenvoorde
04:58 PM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> add the *exact* steps you follow, or even better attach a screencast.
Screencast attac...
Gabriel De Luca
11:08 AM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Gabriel De Luca wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Tested 3.4.4 and master on a clean Windows environment, no cras...
Giovanni Manghi
03:26 AM Bug report #21307: Crash on Edit Vertex
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tested 3.4.4 and master on a clean Windows environment, no crashes.
I have started Windo...
Gabriel De Luca
07:14 PM Bug report #21328 (Closed): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features

First: you do not assign bugs to developers, we choose what we want/can work on.
Second: you should trust better...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:14 PM Bug report #21328 (Closed): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features

First: you do not assign bugs to developers, we choose what we want/can work on.
Second: you should trust better...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:56 PM Bug report #21328: Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
QGIS 3.4.4 changes (updates, deletes) other features instead of the edited one.
This was observed on a filtered WFS-...
Stefan Overkamp
06:39 PM Bug report #21328: Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
Stefan Overkamp wrote:
> No duplicate.
can you elaborate please?
Giovanni Manghi
06:17 PM Bug report #21328 (Reopened): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
No duplicate. Stefan Overkamp
06:02 PM Bug report #21328 (Closed): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
Giovanni Manghi
05:02 PM Bug report #21328 (Feedback): Filtered WFS-Layer saves changes to other Features
I have a PostGIS-Table served by Geoserver 2.14 as WFS-T an loaded into QGIS as a Layer.
I'm filtering the WFS-Lay...
Stefan Overkamp
07:11 PM Revision 9c060614 (qgis): Adjust test
Matthias Kuhn
06:58 PM Revision 5fe225bb (qgis): Add cache for relation reference field formatter
this speeds up tables with relation reference fields massively Matthias Kuhn
06:58 PM Revision 9f77b2dd (qgis): Prepare expression and only request required pieces
Matthias Kuhn
06:23 PM Revision 7627fb20 (qgis): Clear supports enum values cache when attributes change
Alessandro Pasotti
06:14 PM Revision 968e08c6 (qgis): Geometry validator: do not report result summary as error
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 5adb34da (qgis): Revert "Merge pull request #9164 from elpaso/bugfix-21227-layer-rename-...
This reverts commit 0d95ec854d6329ac1da5d95c65c34b1c34308ef1. Alessandro Pasotti
05:50 PM Revision eceaea8c (qgis): [layouts] Fix hidden coverage atlas setting is ignored when exporting a...
Fixes #21243 Nyall Dawson
05:50 PM Revision d0b053e9 (qgis): Fix condition to enable pgsql insert optimization
Fixes a condition to enable Postgis provider insert optimization
(by skipping the PK column if its default is a seque...
Timothe Perez
05:50 PM Revision d3eaa9b8 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fixes #20829 Snapping options in meters rounded to integers
(cherry picked from commit 50c9b2394e5b62a2421b0241799577f011a6de32) Loïc BARTOLETTI
05:50 PM Revision e098b9a3 (qgis): Fix loss of precision when converting fields to uri in memory provider
Fixes #21316
(cherry picked from commit f3cb3488ec5b1edca298833c6a982fe77b056e59)
Nyall Dawson
05:50 PM Revision e9b2e144 (qgis): [processing] Use text file for input file list to gdal tile index alg
Avoids too long command being generated with many inputs
Fixes #21296
(cherry picked from commit 342c093d91d497d322...
Nyall Dawson
05:50 PM Revision 7a73e500 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Ensure no filename clashes occur in writeLayerParame...
(cherry picked from commit e5a416ea11fb65ca19293de3acdd11bff7adc87d) Nyall Dawson
05:50 PM Revision 9500d397 (qgis): #21264 bug in saga algorithm python
(cherry picked from commit edbfb0a1dfd489c9a1ba3b581117e5e62b78e571) dulle droid
05:50 PM Revision bad93ce8 (qgis): add some optional flags in make_polygon expression
(cherry picked from commit 06fab90981343551f2c5db389f96fd3993cdf284) Etienne Trimaille
05:50 PM Revision f0558c3e (qgis): layer_property expression function should use proper layer metadata
for return values where available
...instead of the older, server-specific properties
This affects:
- layer_proper...
Nyall Dawson
05:49 PM Bug report #21243 (Closed): Atlas Hidden Coverage Layer option has no effect exporting Atlas as I...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eceaea8c355f77b5167e26f0a33652fc11b03e1e. Nyall Dawson
05:49 PM Bug report #21243 (Closed): Atlas Hidden Coverage Layer option has no effect exporting Atlas as I...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eceaea8c355f77b5167e26f0a33652fc11b03e1e. Nyall Dawson
11:48 AM Bug report #21243 (In Progress): Atlas Hidden Coverage Layer option has no effect exporting Atlas...
Nyall Dawson
05:49 PM Revision 33aa63b8 (qgis): Fix feature request containing a filter expression which needs
both geometry and the magic all attributes flag Nyall Dawson
05:49 PM Revision 2609d9f0 (qgis): Update test
Nyall Dawson
05:01 PM Bug report #21327 (Open): [Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select...
Open a layer properties dialog
Expand the Style menu and choose "Save Style": you get a "Save Layer Style" dialog in...
Harrissou Santanna
04:51 PM Revision b981c8a8 (qgis): update to MDAL 0.2.0 (friendly release for QGIS 3.6)
Peter Petrik
04:16 PM Feature request #21286: [Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when writing exp...
I'm not really sure. Now that I know there's no need to comment each line one by one, my workflow is sped up but the ... Harrissou Santanna
11:45 AM Feature request #21286 (Feedback): [Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when ...
So can we close this? Nyall Dawson
11:45 AM Feature request #21286 (Feedback): [Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when ...
So can we close this? Nyall Dawson
04:13 PM Bug report #21326: [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add Polygon
Additional Bugs related but not regressions:
#14917 occur as well in QGIS 3.X
#14918 occur as well in QGIS 3.X
João Gaspar
04:10 PM Bug report #21326 (Open): [GPS Panel Information] Don't allow to draw polygon with GPS with Add P...
Hi guys,
In QGIS 2.18, 3.2 it's possible to draw polygons with live tracking.
In QGIS 3.4.4, only allow adding tr...
João Gaspar
04:02 PM Revision b7776f55 (qgis): Merge pull request #9107 from AchilleAsh/fix_20170_postgis_connection_r...
Fix Postgresql connection reset not being called in PostgisProvider Luigi Pirelli
04:01 PM Bug report #20170 (Closed): "no result buffer" warning, application restart required after PostGI...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f30a15ccecfd0e94828a82e33b38260623c2eeec. Timothe Perez
04:01 PM Bug report #20170 (Closed): "no result buffer" warning, application restart required after PostGI...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f30a15ccecfd0e94828a82e33b38260623c2eeec. Timothe Perez
03:41 PM Bug report #20503: Inconsistent behaviour when deleting nodes with vertex tool (all layers)
Ok, after discussion with Martin "here": I do understand that _all layers_ mean... Bernhard Ströbl
03:26 PM Revision ab60a3ee (qgis): Fix merge conflict leftover
Alessandro Pasotti
03:11 PM Bug report #21303 (In Progress): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes ta...
from 30 secs to 6 secs:
There is no room for substancial further speed impr...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:11 PM Bug report #21303 (In Progress): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes ta...
from 30 secs to 6 secs:
There is no room for substancial further speed impr...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:11 PM Bug report #21303 (In Progress): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes ta...
from 30 secs to 6 secs:
There is no room for substancial further speed impr...
Alessandro Pasotti
11:07 AM Bug report #21303 (Open): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table if ...
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I cannot reproduce with a (localhost) PG table with 4000 records and 100 columns, maybe ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:02 AM Bug report #21303 (Feedback): Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table...
I cannot reproduce with a (localhost) PG table with 4000 records and 100 columns, maybe you could share a project and... Alessandro Pasotti
03:02 PM Revision 4f30a44b (qgis): Postgis: cache information about enum fields
This is called several times and can slow down substantially
the opening of the attribute table.
Partially fixes #21...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:02 PM Revision ddbd06f3 (qgis): Merge pull request #9207 from mbernasocchi/master
Add safety guard when mDataProvider is not set Matthias Kuhn
01:31 PM Bug report #21325 (Open): Crash on exit with advanced digitizing active
Steps to reproduce:
1. make a layer editable
2. enable a digitizing tool (e.g. add polygon)
3. enable advanced dig...
Martin Dobias
12:56 PM Bug report #21323 (Open): Source Fields returns wrong description of attribute table
1. Create a temporary scratch layer
2. Create a text field with unlimited length
3. Insert this text: @string layer...
Tobias Wendorff
12:36 PM Bug report #21319: Topology checker fix only 1 error
I think, that are 2 different issues. Bug #21318 is about fix without changing shape and this bug is about run only 1... Vladimír Hans
11:20 AM Bug report #21319 (Feedback): Topology checker fix only 1 error
How this differs from #21318 ? Giovanni Manghi
10:38 AM Bug report #21319 (Open): Topology checker fix only 1 error
For example I marked 3 gaps in table Geometry check result I click on button "Fix selected errors using default resol... Vladimír Hans
12:33 PM Bug report #21322 (Open): Documentation file grass7.txt is not up-to-date
The "documentation" file se... Nikos Alexandris
12:29 PM Bug report #21321 (Open): Oracle connections are not refreshed on the Browser panel
After adding Oracle connection using the Open Data Source Manager, the Oracle item in the browser panel is not refres... Alexandre Neto
12:01 PM Revision 8ea09b61 (qgis): Run sipify
Matthias Kuhn
11:42 AM Bug report #21320 (Open): Draw Effects not saved
When saving the Layer Properties> Symbology of an GPX track, composed of Simple Lines and some SVG markers, as a Styl... Tim Meijer
11:36 AM Bug report #21317: Text Style Background transparency
I can't reproduce - can you share step by step approach to reproduce? Nyall Dawson
11:07 AM Bug report #21317 (Feedback): Text Style Background transparency
This is about the map composer, correct? Giovanni Manghi
11:07 AM Bug report #21317 (Feedback): Text Style Background transparency
This is about the map composer, correct? Giovanni Manghi
10:26 AM Bug report #21317: Text Style Background transparency
The same result is achieved when I export a layout. Gerd Dreier
09:08 AM Bug report #21317 (Closed): Text Style Background transparency
the Text background transparency is only saved in the projectfile if it is zero or one hundred percent.
After open ...
Gerd Dreier
11:19 AM Bug report #21318: Topology checker does not checks gaps and overlaps
Confirmed here with the provided dataset. Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #21318 (Open): Topology checker does not checks gaps and overlaps
If I try check gap checker shows that gap was fixed but really nothing happen. Similar situation is in fixing overlap... Vladimír Hans
11:03 AM Revision 28650e75 (qgis): Merge pull request #9193 from elpaso/bugfix-21270-processing-algrunner-...
Processing: fix crash in alg runner task with bad scripts
Cherry-picked from master commit ff9a65c
Alessandro Pasotti
11:01 AM Revision 2a04ba50 (qgis): Merge pull request #9191 from elpaso/bugfix-21259-geomchecker-crash
Geom checker plugin: don't crash if feedback is 0x0
cherry-picked from master commit 377040a
Alessandro Pasotti
11:00 AM Revision df8a5c27 (qgis): Merge pull request #9181 from elpaso/bugfix-21287-rule-based-double-else2
Rule based renderer: check for scale in rulesForFeature
Cherry-picked from master commit 2c25c3d
Alessandro Pasotti
11:00 AM Revision 3a452edf (qgis): Merge pull request #9170 from elpaso/bugfix-21254-load-style-from-db
[ogr] Show style description instead of name in other styles
Cherry-picked from master commit 24c09d1
Alessandro Pasotti
10:59 AM Revision 0d95ec85 (qgis): Merge pull request #9164 from elpaso/bugfix-21227-layer-rename-styles
Fix GPKG layer rename styles in browser
Cherry-picked from master commit dabd649
Alessandro Pasotti
10:58 AM Bug report #21096 (Open): Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Giovanni Manghi
10:35 AM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this is a regression, correct?
Yes, definitively Giovanni. I tested in another machine t...
Pedro Venâncio
10:31 AM Bug report #21304 (In Progress): "default value" is not applied when pasting features
Fix is in Alessandro Pasotti
10:29 AM Revision 4250ef24 (qgis): Removed redundant check for isValid
Alessandro Pasotti
10:17 AM Revision 2604fc70 (qgis): Test for regression #21304 "default value" is not applied when pasting ...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:11 AM Revision bf1575f4 (qgis): Also check for nulls when applying defaults
isValid is not enough because fields are initialized with
QVariant(field.type()) which is valid but null.
Fixes #213...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:10 AM Revision 76c6ec8c (qgis): Prevent crash when fields are deleted from the vector options dialog
Alessandro Pasotti
10:10 AM Revision 4c8280a5 (qgis): Moved comment
Alessandro Pasotti
09:58 AM Revision b30f51ab (qgis): fixes #18421 : Keep options AUTO_REPACK=OFF when reloading data in ogr ...
Julien Cabieces
09:06 AM Revision 82e189e0 (qgis): [themes] Handle non-existent theme name setting in app stylesheet
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:05 AM Revision 8eb1c4e8 (qgis): [themes] Handle non-existent theme name setting in app stylesheet
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:59 AM Revision 64821661 (qgis): Update src/core/qgsvectorlayer.cpp
Co-Authored-By: mbernasocchi <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
08:42 AM Revision 443d8600 (qgis): Revert "Update src/core/qgsvectorlayerutils.cpp"
This reverts commit f4d7e73a545dcf2604b93f55f5b0030a5a29440a. Alessandro Pasotti
08:42 AM Revision f3cb3488 (qgis): Fix loss of precision when converting fields to uri in memory provider
Fixes #21316 Nyall Dawson
08:41 AM Bug report #21316 (Closed): Processing: precision loss on decimal number
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f3cb3488ec5b1edca298833c6a982fe77b056e59. Nyall Dawson
08:41 AM Bug report #21316 (Closed): Processing: precision loss on decimal number
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f3cb3488ec5b1edca298833c6a982fe77b056e59. Nyall Dawson
04:18 AM Bug report #21316 (In Progress): Processing: precision loss on decimal number
Nyall Dawson
03:14 AM Bug report #21316 (Closed): Processing: precision loss on decimal number
h1. Bug report
1. create a new Temporary Scratch Layer
2. add some fields
@name: one
type: decimal number (real...
Tobias Wendorff
08:33 AM Revision 707845d7 (qgis): Updated docs for featureCount()
Matthias Kuhn
08:24 AM Revision f4d7e73a (qgis): Update src/core/qgsvectorlayerutils.cpp
Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
07:43 AM Revision ff9a65c1 (qgis): Merge pull request #9193 from elpaso/bugfix-21270-processing-algrunner-...
Processing: fix crash in alg runner task with bad scripts Alessandro Pasotti
07:43 AM Bug report #21270 (Closed): QGIS crashes when createInstance() uses wrong constructor in a QgsPro...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8db38afb86d54b4481b23216ae13ed9cbcd8789b. Alessandro Pasotti
07:43 AM Bug report #21270 (Closed): QGIS crashes when createInstance() uses wrong constructor in a QgsPro...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8db38afb86d54b4481b23216ae13ed9cbcd8789b. Alessandro Pasotti
06:25 AM Revision 2a148e21 (qgis): another round of translation
Harrissou Santanna
06:25 AM Revision a5934f37 (qgis): Add more translation
Harrissou Santanna
06:25 AM Revision 636ac742 (qgis): Update French translation
Harrissou Santanna
04:38 AM Revision 9c888bb3 (qgis): Update tests/src/python/
Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
04:38 AM Revision cf5533e0 (qgis): Revert "remove 'multithreading is not supp in server text'"
This reverts commit 6c1036c5c0634a0381b17b03472ab012faefec58. Alessandro Pasotti
04:20 AM Revision 506aaa07 (qgis): [expression] Add try() function to provide a way to detect and handle
expressions which can intermittently fail. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:05 AM Revision 7acfefad (qgis): Fix infinite progress when an algorithm could not be created
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 979adbba (qgis): Indicate exception types to sip
Exposes the full Python exception when an error occurs in createInstance() Nyall Dawson
02:48 AM Revision 627230c1 (qgis): fixes #18421 : Keep options AUTO_REPACK=OFF when reloading data in ogr ...
Julien Cabieces
02:47 AM Bug report #18421 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue when deleting features from shapefile
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|627230c10ad66a48f6c47f73b0844b6d24e6d388. Julien Cabieces
02:47 AM Bug report #18421 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue when deleting features from shapefile
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|627230c10ad66a48f6c47f73b0844b6d24e6d388. Julien Cabieces
02:14 AM Revision c8d3f74f (qgis): [grass7][mac] Use the most recent GRASS version
This is a continuation of:
- #8db3dead87e385f2798356d
- #5c97d22b16320874dbe1
This commit only affects users that h...
Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos
02:02 AM Revision 50c9b239 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fixes #20829 Snapping options in meters rounded to integers
02:01 AM Bug report #20829 (Closed): Snapping options in meters rounded to integers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|50c9b2394e5b62a2421b0241799577f011a6de32. Loïc BARTOLETTI
02:01 AM Bug report #20829 (Closed): Snapping options in meters rounded to integers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|50c9b2394e5b62a2421b0241799577f011a6de32. Loïc BARTOLETTI
02:00 AM Revision 8f468621 (qgis): [ui] Add Help button to the "Load Layer Style" dialog (#8986)
(cherry picked from commit bc4efc9908c6497b69a97f15fafc2e87b2a69f91) Harrissou Santanna
02:00 AM Revision 67b5b676 (qgis): Fix button order in DB styles dialog and add GPKG delete support
Fixes #21068
(cherry picked from commit 90a9852b694acc1aa1a8e84c07efd59b4b6d7d81)
Alessandro Pasotti
01:59 AM Revision f0710300 (qgis): Fix condition to enable pgsql insert optimization
Fixes a condition to enable Postgis provider insert optimization
(by skipping the PK column if its default is a seque...
Timothe Perez
01:28 AM Revision 8c18a5c8 (qgis): [FreeBSD] GRASS inverse searching order
+1 with @neteler
"start with searching the newest GRASS GIS version first"
01:27 AM Revision 80ab968e (qgis): [grass7][mac] Use the most recent GRASS version
This is backporting:
It is a continuation of:
* [8db3dea](https://github....
Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos
01:25 AM Revision 1de9e28f (qgis): Make it easier to subclass "Grass7AlgorithmProvider"
Backport of 9202:
After @Nyalldawson suggestion [1], we've implemented a Proc...
Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos


12:27 AM Revision 7599d4f8 (qgis): [expression] Add try() function to provide a way to detect and handle
expressions which can intermittently fail. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:51 PM Bug report #21304: "default value" is not applied when pasting features
Screencast and project attached (datasources are gpkg, but is the same for different ones). Giovanni Manghi
10:51 PM Bug report #21304: "default value" is not applied when pasting features
Screencast and project attached (datasources are gpkg, but is the same for different ones). Giovanni Manghi
07:29 PM Bug report #21304 (Feedback): "default value" is not applied when pasting features
I cannot reproduce, can you attach a sample project and data? Alessandro Pasotti
10:33 PM Revision ef912d27 (qgis): Fix advanced digitizing display for rotated map canvas
J. Dugge
10:32 PM Feature request #21315 (Open): add support for editing JSON PostgreSQL datatype
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 PM Feature request #21315 (Open): add support for editing JSON PostgreSQL datatype
The error seems to occur when saving from qgis back to Postgresql.
I´m connecting to a Postgresql Database, openin...
Felipe Souza
10:31 PM Bug report #21309: Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
I'm confused that the circles in the #18030 are bigger in the layer panel than in the map. But I guess, that it's on ... David Signer
06:23 PM Bug report #21309 (Feedback): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
isn't this the same as #18030 ? Giovanni Manghi
06:23 PM Bug report #21309 (Feedback): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
isn't this the same as #18030 ? Giovanni Manghi
06:23 PM Bug report #21309 (Feedback): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
isn't this the same as #18030 ? Giovanni Manghi
09:55 AM Bug report #21309 (Closed): Max. size of symbols with map unit sizes not usable in the legend
When there is a map unit size configured for the symbols, and a max value, the legend usually takes the size displaye... David Signer
10:26 PM Bug report #21310 (Closed): JSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read information...
Giovanni Manghi
08:35 PM Bug report #21310: JSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read information, but whe...

> OK. I have just checked it with 3.4.4 and I got the same error!
that is not surprising. You should ask in t...
Giovanni Manghi
07:20 PM Bug report #21310: JSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read information, but whe...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I guess there is no support for this datatype, if confirmed then this would be a feature re...
Felipe Souza
06:19 PM Bug report #21310 (Feedback): JSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read informati...
I guess there is no support for this datatype, if confirmed then this would be a feature request (in the meantime ple... Giovanni Manghi
01:27 PM Bug report #21310 (Closed): JSON column from a Postgresql Database is working to read information...
The error seems to occur when saving from qgis back to Postgresql.
I´m connecting to a Postgresql Database, openin...
Felipe Souza
09:06 PM Revision c88e7ab0 (qgis): Merge pull request #9162 from luipir/rasterSLD_export_backport-3_4
Backport of Add SLD 1.0 export for rasters Luigi Pirelli
08:48 PM Bug report #21307 (Feedback): Crash on Edit Vertex
Tested 3.4.4 and master on a clean Windows environment, no crashes. Giovanni Manghi
08:48 PM Bug report #21307 (Feedback): Crash on Edit Vertex
Tested 3.4.4 and master on a clean Windows environment, no crashes. Giovanni Manghi
08:48 PM Bug report #21307 (Feedback): Crash on Edit Vertex
Tested 3.4.4 and master on a clean Windows environment, no crashes. Giovanni Manghi
03:51 AM Bug report #21307 (Closed): Crash on Edit Vertex
In Windows 10, 64bit.
qgis 3.4.4-3 and qgis-dev 3.5.0-96
libspatialindex 1.9.0-1 (I was seeing other issues and...
Gabriel De Luca
08:41 PM Revision 1d8bd004 (qgis): [grass7] Make it easier to subclass "Grass7AlgorithmProvider"
After @Nyalldawson suggestion [1], we've implemented a Processing plugin
that exposes a GRASS Addon [2]. In order to ...
Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos
08:41 PM Revision 06fab909 (qgis): add some optional flags in make_polygon expression
Etienne Trimaille
08:40 PM Revision 67374805 (qgis): Mark private dox as private
Nyall Dawson
08:40 PM Revision 362ba02a (qgis): When a QgsSpatialIndex is storing feature geometry, then
nearestNeighbor search performs an EXACT nearest neighbour search,
instead of just a nearest-neighbour-by-bounding-bo...
Nyall Dawson
08:40 PM Revision 26555358 (qgis): Add API for QgsSpatialIndex to optionally store feature geometries
This potentially avoids a second expensive feature request after
building a spatial index and later needing to re-req...
Nyall Dawson
08:40 PM Revision c8a4dff4 (qgis): Add maximum search distance parameter to QgsSpatialIndex::nearestNeighbor
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 68b46027 (qgis): layer_property expression function should use proper layer metadata
for return values where available
...instead of the older, server-specific properties
This affects:
- layer_proper...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 9df7b2a0 (qgis): [processing] Correctly expose full expression context to Filter Feature...
configuration widget in modeler
Allows filters to be built (in the GUI) using context related variables
and function...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 346f3354 (qgis): [processing] Expose correct expression context in Refactor fields alg
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 521ebdc9 (qgis): [processing] Wrappers built off old API can still take advantage of the...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision f620adcb (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 6021683c (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 69c70314 (qgis): Auto set algorithm linked to newly created QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfig...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision b06f00d0 (qgis): Fix dox test
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision eb335c39 (qgis): [processing] Set full context for QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigurationWi...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 24529b19 (qgis): [processing] Add API to set contexts for QgsProcessingAlgorithmConfigur...
Nyall Dawson
08:39 PM Revision 892224c6 (qgis): Minor refactoring
Nyall Dawson
07:58 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|355deb5905861f263ae7bb03d2bc6fcea4ce5096. Jürgen Fischer
07:58 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|355deb5905861f263ae7bb03d2bc6fcea4ce5096. Jürgen Fischer
07:58 PM Bug report #15999 (Closed): dxf encoding not selectable
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1562a7f1339952be186e924bf96241ce2d826bd. Jürgen Fischer
07:58 PM Bug report #15999 (Closed): dxf encoding not selectable
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1562a7f1339952be186e924bf96241ce2d826bd. Jürgen Fischer
07:58 PM Bug report #20392 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 crashes during DWG/DXF Import
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3aa2d9ff9bc673a6c11456524bb7bfb6532556a7. Jürgen Fischer
07:58 PM Bug report #20392 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 crashes during DWG/DXF Import
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3aa2d9ff9bc673a6c11456524bb7bfb6532556a7. Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 3aa2d9ff (qgis): dwg import: catch spline misinterpretation (fixes #20392)
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 1a96982d (qgis): dwg import: fix handling of arc and splines in hatches
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 6090a932 (qgis): dwg import: less noisy debugging
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision fec20ae0 (qgis): dwg import: less noisy noise reduction
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 92e7faab (qgis): dwg/dxf import: fix angle and alignment handing of (m)texts
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 0f6421df (qgis): dwg import: use Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS in QgsDwgImporter
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision f12cac7c (qgis): dwg import: progress display
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision e1562a7f (qgis): dwg import: support dxf encoding (fixes #15999)
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision b8c727f1 (qgis): dwg import: force polyline and hatch/ring continuity
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision d84c34e0 (qgis): dwg import: support nested blocks (refs #20392)
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision fd15c3e5 (qgis): dwg import: handle wrong hatch interpretation (refs #20392)
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 PM Revision 355deb59 (qgis): dwg import: fix exception (fixes #21177)
Jürgen Fischer
07:04 PM Revision d239ea2d (qgis): Fix unique values when generating a set of features
Alessandro Pasotti
06:45 PM Revision 0514df7e (qgis): Add safety guard when mDataProvider is not set
Marco Bernasocchi
06:39 PM Revision 4311a462 (qgis): Update src/app/qgsvectorlayerproperties.cpp
Co-Authored-By: m-kuhn <[email protected]> Harrissou Santanna
06:21 PM Bug report #21312 (Closed): recipe for target 'python/core/sip_corepart0.cpp' failed
For compiling problems please send an email to the developers mailing list first, if a bug is confirmed than we can (... Giovanni Manghi
06:21 PM Bug report #21312 (Closed): recipe for target 'python/core/sip_corepart0.cpp' failed
For compiling problems please send an email to the developers mailing list first, if a bug is confirmed than we can (... Giovanni Manghi
02:46 PM Bug report #21312 (Feedback): recipe for target 'python/core/sip_corepart0.cpp' failed
Trying to compile QGIS 3.4.4 (release-3_4) from sources on Ubuntu 18.04 I end up with this error:... nicolas zzzz
06:17 PM Bug report #21096 (Feedback): Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> Tested in Windows, with PostGIS layers and shapefiles, with Toggle Editing closed.
this i...
Giovanni Manghi
06:17 PM Bug report #21096 (Feedback): Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> Tested in Windows, with PostGIS layers and shapefiles, with Toggle Editing closed.
this i...
Giovanni Manghi
06:17 PM Bug report #21096 (Feedback): Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> Tested in Windows, with PostGIS layers and shapefiles, with Toggle Editing closed.
this i...
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 PM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
Tested in Windows, with PostGIS layers and shapefiles, with Toggle Editing closed. Pedro Venâncio
01:09 PM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
I confirm this one, both on 3.4.4 (code revision 12c660a51e) and master (code revision b711ef01f8).
Etienne Trim...
Pedro Venâncio
04:57 PM Revision 03cc355f (qgis): Catch exception from script and pipe it into feedback
Alessandro Pasotti
04:53 PM Bug report #17311 (Open): QGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added u...
I am able to replicate this in QGIS 3.4 and master using GDAL 2.4 Alexandre Neto
04:53 PM Bug report #17311 (Open): QGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added u...
I am able to replicate this in QGIS 3.4 and master using GDAL 2.4 Alexandre Neto
04:39 PM Feature request #21286: [Expression]Add shortcut for (multiple) lines commenting when writing exp...
Good to know. Thanks Nyall. Harrissou Santanna
04:38 PM Bug report #21314 (Open): [Expression] The help in the Function Editor panel is unreadable due to...
It's really hard to read the comments in the functions in the Expression function editor tab, due to its yellowed col... Harrissou Santanna
04:25 PM Feature request #21313 (Open): Consideration of CPG files for encoding shape files
I read the different tickets on how QGIS takes into account the encoding of SHP files.
I don't feel like I'm finding...
03:52 PM Revision 2a0994cf (qgis): Add links to all vector layer property pages
Also makes the preexisting link work when translation is enabled. Matthias Kuhn
03:52 PM Revision 7f95937e (qgis): Fix link to drag and drop designer help
Matthias Kuhn
03:40 PM Revision 11c9ce0c (qgis): Revert QStringLiteral
Alessandro Pasotti
03:36 PM Revision 7e008b25 (qgis): Update src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp
Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
03:33 PM Revision adba08c8 (qgis): Update src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp
Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]> Matthias Kuhn
03:30 PM Bug report #21311 (In Progress): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
Fixed in , for SQLite (ogr) too Alessandro Pasotti
03:30 PM Bug report #21311 (In Progress): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
Fixed in , for SQLite (ogr) too Alessandro Pasotti
03:30 PM Bug report #21311 (In Progress): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
Fixed in , for SQLite (ogr) too Alessandro Pasotti
02:13 PM Bug report #21311 (Closed): OGR provider returns an empty set for GPKG uniqueValues(0)
... and issues
ERROR 1: Invalid index : 0
Alessandro Pasotti
03:26 PM Revision f4548273 (qgis): Explain why the workaround for GPKG/SQLite is necessary
I've talked to Even for this one Alessandro Pasotti
02:56 PM Revision 5d7a7ac9 (qgis): Fix unique values on SQLite (OGR) pk
Alessandro Pasotti
02:55 PM Revision 818611cc (qgis): Fix renamed QgsVectorLayerUtils.QgsFeatureData
Alessandro Pasotti
02:48 PM Revision 1689c936 (qgis): Fix unique values on GPKG pk
Fixes #21311 Alessandro Pasotti
02:46 PM Revision 7fa9bc16 (qgis): Typo
Alessandro Pasotti
02:34 PM Bug report #21266: Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
I think we should take the best out of both versions, but yes this should be discussed somewhere else. Alessandro Pasotti
02:28 PM Bug report #21266 (Closed): Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
philippe Clastre wrote:
> I should add that if you use qgis on a tactile computer, you often don't have a mouse but ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:28 PM Bug report #21266 (Closed): Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
philippe Clastre wrote:
> I should add that if you use qgis on a tactile computer, you often don't have a mouse but ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:23 PM Bug report #21266: Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
I should add that if you use qgis on a tactile computer, you often don't have a mouse but a stylus. So you can't have... philippe Clastre
12:21 PM Bug report #21266: Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> This is by design: constraint messages in QGIS 3 are shown within a tooltip when mouse p...
Giovanni Manghi
12:18 PM Bug report #21266 (Rejected): Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
This is by design: constraint messages in QGIS 3 are shown within a tooltip when mouse pointer is over the "X" icon. Alessandro Pasotti
12:18 PM Bug report #21266 (Rejected): Attribute forms do not show anymore constraints messages
This is by design: constraint messages in QGIS 3 are shown within a tooltip when mouse pointer is over the "X" icon. Alessandro Pasotti
02:08 PM Revision 79490461 (qgis): Merge pull request #9195 from m-kuhn/fix-help-button-group
Fix link to drag and drop designer help Matthias Kuhn
01:59 PM Revision cc5256c1 (qgis): simplify split on comma
Julien Cabieces
12:50 PM Revision 223d26b0 (qgis): [themes] Slightly adjust padding of push buttons to match tool buttons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:49 PM Revision 5297d83c (qgis): [themes] Slightly adjust padding of push buttons to match tool buttons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:26 PM Bug report #18477: QGIS 3 "unable to save auxiliary storage"
Same problem on Windows 10.
Error message: "Unable to save project C:\*****" -> "Unable to save auxiliary storage ...
Andreas Olsson
11:17 AM Revision 348e6837 (qgis): Fix docs for createFeatures
Alessandro Pasotti
11:07 AM Revision 21bfcfcc (qgis): [FEATURE][needs-docs] Add possbility to define one filter for several l...
Julien Cabieces
11:06 AM Bug report #21305: pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slow
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> PR
Many thanks Ale for tackling this!
Giovanni Manghi
10:20 AM Bug report #21305 (In Progress): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is v...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
10:20 AM Bug report #21305 (In Progress): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is v...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
10:20 AM Bug report #21305 (In Progress): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is v...
PR Alessandro Pasotti
10:51 AM Revision 490c1fed (qgis): Rename QgsFeaturesData to QgsFeatureData and fix test case
Alessandro Pasotti
10:02 AM Revision ba3d9ed0 (qgis): Cache unique values when creating features
Fixes #21305 - pasting features is very slow
Aggressively optimize createFeature for speed
and introduces createFeat...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:56 AM Revision db4bf524 (qgis): Merge pull request #9192 from mhugo/backports
Backports Hugo Mercier
09:09 AM Bug report #21308 (Closed): Cant save project file, "Unable to save auxiliary storage".
This isn't a qgis issue - you'll need to find out how to whitelist qgis in your antivirus or switch to a more useful ... Nyall Dawson
09:09 AM Bug report #21308 (Closed): Cant save project file, "Unable to save auxiliary storage".
This isn't a qgis issue - you'll need to find out how to whitelist qgis in your antivirus or switch to a more useful ... Nyall Dawson
08:48 AM Bug report #21308 (Closed): Cant save project file, "Unable to save auxiliary storage".
Problem saving projects(Win 10).
Windows deffender is turned off and a nother security program is used,
"Trend M...
Andreas Olsson
08:55 AM Revision 3e601813 (qgis): Add some missing variable help text
Nyall Dawson
08:26 AM Revision f2e745eb (qgis): Cache unique values in createFeature (~10x faster)
Alessandro Pasotti
08:11 AM Bug report #19911: The vertex editor is not synchronized with vertex movements in edit mode
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Regis Haubourg wrote:
> >
> > Should I raise another issue?
> Yes please
@Regis ...
Bernhard Ströbl
08:11 AM Bug report #21290: When Windows 10 Ransomware protection "Controlled folder access" is turned on ...
I have a similar issue. Windows deffender is turned off and a nother security program is used,
"Trend Micro Securit...
Andreas Olsson
06:03 AM Feature request #20517: Map Tips usability
You could consider this to be a regression compared to QGIS 2.x, as in QGIS 2.x there is quite a lot of padding, at l... Alister Hood
03:55 AM Revision 342c093d (qgis): [processing] Use text file for input file list to gdal tile index alg
Avoids too long command being generated with many inputs
Fixes #21296
Nyall Dawson
03:55 AM Revision e5a416ea (qgis): [processing][gdal] Ensure no filename clashes occur in writeLayerParame...
Nyall Dawson
03:54 AM Bug report #21296 (Closed): Regressions in processing "Tile Index" tool
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|342c093d91d497d322b66b3c02e502dd9fae2e12. Nyall Dawson
03:54 AM Bug report #21296 (Closed): Regressions in processing "Tile Index" tool
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|342c093d91d497d322b66b3c02e502dd9fae2e12. Nyall Dawson
03:04 AM Revision f37d48f6 (qgis): keep comments when save as preset or file, remove lines starting by "--...
Etienne Trimaille


09:14 PM Revision 1b228bb6 (qgis): Add some missing variable help text
Nyall Dawson
06:48 PM Bug report #21306 (Feedback): Incorrect raster behaviour and crashes
Please attach/link sample data. Giovanni Manghi
06:48 PM Bug report #21306 (Feedback): Incorrect raster behaviour and crashes
Please attach/link sample data. Giovanni Manghi
06:47 PM Bug report #21306 (Closed): Incorrect raster behaviour and crashes
I have many layers that are activated in different combinations. I have LiDAR DSMs and suddenly they now have the be... Tony Walters
06:27 PM Revision 2e6005e8 (qgis): Update src/app/qgsvectorlayerproperties.cpp
Co-Authored-By: m-kuhn <[email protected]> Harrissou Santanna
06:08 PM Bug report #21305 (Closed): pasting features to postgis (or other slow/remote backends) is very slow
Pasting new features (copied from an identical layer) is unbearably slow, on QGIS 2.18 is done in very quick way (sav... Giovanni Manghi
06:02 PM Bug report #21303: Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table if the tab...
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Can you split the ticket in two?
> I've found the bottleneck for the paste slowdown...
Giovanni Manghi
06:00 PM Bug report #21303: Postgis: very noticeable slowdown when opening the attributes table if the tab...
Can you split the ticket in two?
I've found the bottleneck for the paste slowdown issue, but the opening slowdown ...
Alessandro Pasotti