Bug report #21292

Qgis 3 temporary data stay in /tmp even if Qgis is closed

Added by Sylvain POULAIN about 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:3.4.4 Regression?:No
Operating System:Archlinux Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:duplicate
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:29110


Since Qgis 3, some datas stay in /tmp/ in Linux, is this a normal behaviour ?
I never restart my system or once a month and I notice that sometimes I have a ton of these files and folders which could crash qgis. Removing files and folder solve the problem.

Capture du 2019-02-16 15-47-53.png - file and folder present after closing qgis (122 KB) Sylvain POULAIN, 2019-02-16 12:49 PM

Related issues

Duplicates QGIS Application - Bug report #20402: Temporary files not deleted upon closing Closed 2018-11-08

Associated revisions

Revision 88513284
Added by Jürgen Fischer almost 6 years ago

fix removal of temporary directories (fixes #21292)

Revision c5a2c2fe
Added by Jürgen Fischer almost 6 years ago

fix removal of temporary directories (fixes #21292)

(cherry picked from commit 88513284d42cff5d6a07e28ac2a209f41522315b)

Revision ff166628
Added by Jürgen Fischer almost 6 years ago

c77e393ea4 legend: truncate excessively long tooltips (fixes #21737)
88513284d4 fix removal of temporary directories (fixes #21292)
95bd7480d0 postgres provider: use st_estimatedextent only when 'use estimated metadata' is enabled (fixes #21718)
f1dbcc3c53 processing: fix grass' r.quantile parameter (fixes #21751)
c6382553cd don't relink object if just the shared objects/DLL is changed
9aaaad3ab8 trim crssync include directories (followup 8851328)


#1 Updated by Andrea Giudiceandrea about 6 years ago

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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