Bug report #15795
Color Select in MacOS
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | OsX UI | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.18.2 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | MacOS | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | no timely feedback |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 23715 |
If "Use native color choose dialogs" option is used in MacOS and QGIS 2.16 it's impossible to use QGIS after any color change. The dialog appears, the color is choosen but, after that, the "Properties" window gets blocked, a mouse click gives the "boing" sound and only a force quit QGIS can be done.
This also happens in the latest developer version for MacOS.
Updated by Rhenriques Henriques over 8 years ago
This behavior happens when the layer is categorized by any field. Double click any categorized feature from list -> use the fill color area to get the system color selection -> Change color by any mean, even using, for instance, the color picker. We are able to close the color selection dialog, the feature formatting but after, the properties window will hang and it's impossible to do anything else, only force quit QGIS.
Updated by Rhenriques Henriques over 8 years ago
In this latest compilation from William K. (2.18), it's impossible to use the MacOS standard color selection dialog. This is awful because the native QGIS color selector lacks the color picker pipette. The native MacOS color selector has this feature, which is very important if you only have a JPEG or TIFF scanned legend to get colors from.
Updated by Rhenriques Henriques about 8 years ago
Still not possible to use the color pipette in this latest version of QGIS 2.18.2. It's a great feature, it's present in all previous versions using the system picker and it's now gone. The main reason it's because it's now impossible to use the system color picker. Any particular reason for this? It's very important to reconstruct color palettes from scanned maps for instance.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 8 years ago
- Affected QGIS version changed from 2.16.3 to 2.18.2
- Category set to OsX UI
- Priority changed from High to Severe/Regression
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
Still not possible to use the color pipette in this latest version of QGIS 2.18.2. It's a great feature, it's present in all previous versions using the system picker and it's now gone. The main reason it's because it's now impossible to use the system color picker. Any particular reason for this? It's very important to reconstruct color palettes from scanned maps for instance.
as it seems a regression I will raise the priority,
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Future Release - High Priority) - Priority changed from Severe/Regression to Normal
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
This behavior happens when the layer is categorized by any field. Double click any categorized feature from list -> use the fill color area to get the system color selection -> Change color by any mean, even using, for instance, the color picker. We are able to close the color selection dialog, the feature formatting but after, the properties window will hang and it's impossible to do anything else, only force quit QGIS.
I just tried on macOS 10.12 and QGIS 2.18.2 and I can't confirm this issue. Please leave feedback.
About the missing color picker it seems to me that has been raised several times and a ticket already exist:
now that we are on the road to QGIS3 it maybe the right moment to raise this matter again (or maybe as QGIS3 uses QT5 the problem will be easily solved).
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by Rhenriques Henriques almost 8 years ago
Hi Giovanni
Thank you so much for the priority change. This issue is not solved in 2.18.2. The system color picker seems to work in DEM files, after a single band pseudocolor with a color ramp applied, by double click into any legend color directly. In vector information, after a Categorized classification, it's impossible to use the color picker if we double-click any color. However, if we right-click over any color into the classification window and choose color change, the system picker is opened. This is the way I've found to avoid this problem into my classes. By choosing the system picker into the preferences it should always be shown as is.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
Hi Giovanni
Thank you so much for the priority change.
no problem! I will also try on my macbook tomorrow... but anyway... does this still freezes QGIS in your case? because if not this must be changed again to "normal". We are using "high" only for issues causing crashes/freezes and data corruption and "severe" for regressions. Maybe this is a regression? did the picker worked fine in the past in osx?
Updated by Rhenriques Henriques almost 8 years ago
No Giovanni. It's an annoying issue but since 2.18.2 it does not freeze QGIS anymore (It was freezing in version 2.18.0; I did not test 2.18.1).
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Crashes QGIS or corrupts data changed from Yes to No
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Easy fix? set to No
- Regression? set to No
Updated by Nyall Dawson about 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
Is this still an issue in 3.4?
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Resolution set to no timely feedback