Lukas Wischounig

  • Registered on: 2018-07-11
  • Last connection: 2019-02-22


Reported issues: 2


08:12 AM QGIS Application Feature request #21291: Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table
I have never denied the good work of the programmers - this is a question of data handling and ergonomy. I think its ...


07:37 PM QGIS Application Feature request #21291: Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table
Hi Gerhard,
obviously i didn't explain the issue detailed enough. Please see attached PDF.


12:49 PM QGIS Application Feature request #21291: Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attribute table
Thank you Gerhard for your reply.
Unfortunately this switch does not change the behavour of the attribute table as e...
09:02 AM QGIS Application Feature request #21291 (Open): Switch between raw field values and displayed values in the attrib...
When working with the attribute forms value map or value relation i have found no way to switch between raw field val...


09:38 AM QGIS Application Feature request #19389 (Open): Keep unavailable (defect) online ressources in QGIS when opening a...
Hello together!
First i want to say thanks to all the people who are working on that great project.
I am asking...

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