
From 2017-04-27 to 2017-05-26


11:22 PM Revision 86ce4418 (qgis): Merge pull request #4627 from nyalldawson/json_format
Use field formatter when exporting feature attributes to JSON Nyall Dawson
11:21 PM Revision 9cfe70c0 (qgis): Merge pull request #4624 from nyalldawson/feature_source
QgsFeatureSource Nyall Dawson
10:14 PM Bug report #16628 (Closed): Count Unique Points in Polygons seems to fail inside a loop (PyQGIS)
I have been using the tool 'is:countuniquepointsinpolygon' inside a loop with 4000 polygons and a shapefile w...
Diego García Díaz
06:31 PM Bug report #16627 (Rejected): problems add delimited text layer
Already fixed, install qgis 2.18.8 from osgeo4w or wait for the new point release. Giovanni Manghi
06:31 PM Bug report #16627 (Rejected): problems add delimited text layer
Already fixed, install qgis 2.18.8 from osgeo4w or wait for the new point release. Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16627 (Rejected): problems add delimited text layer
QGIS crush when trying to add delimited text layer. it give the note :
minidump written to c.
i try in earlier vers...
liran shmuel
06:30 PM Bug report #16626: DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
PR for master branch: Sandro Santilli
06:09 PM Bug report #16626 (Closed): DBManager fails to load rasters from service-only PostGIS connections
When PostGIS connections are defined by use of the "service" parameter the raster load (mediated by OGR) fails to wor... Sandro Santilli
06:04 PM Bug report #16625 (Open): DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
Reopening as it's pending backport to 2.18 branch (2.18.9 also affected) Sandro Santilli
05:52 PM Bug report #16625 (Closed): DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13e39da074305a1451b9fd57ce4aedaa8be54121. Sandro Santilli
05:52 PM Bug report #16625 (Closed): DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13e39da074305a1451b9fd57ce4aedaa8be54121. Sandro Santilli
03:19 PM Bug report #16625: DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
Pull requests are ready:
for 2.18:
for 3.0:
Sandro Santilli
01:53 PM Bug report #16625: DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
I'm looking at it, might be an easy fix (None vs. empty-string) Sandro Santilli
01:29 PM Bug report #16625: DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
Alessandro: I think the regression was introduced by commit:212b125a2c2eba93f2c8e3b991ea4be4fdc57623 Sandro Santilli
12:50 PM Bug report #16625: DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
It looks like this regressed after 2.2.0 (see #10600) Sandro Santilli
12:50 PM Bug report #16625 (Closed): DBManager fails to load raster from dbname-less connection
I made a PostGIS connection with no database name, to rely on libpq defaults.
DBManager is capable of using the conn...
Sandro Santilli
05:52 PM Revision 13e39da0 (qgis): Ensure "dbname" is set in the uri, once again
Fixes #16625 (ref #10600) Sandro Santilli
05:33 PM Bug report #16526 (Closed): Default behavior when loading non-georeferenced images seems to have ...
duplicate of #4377 Giovanni Manghi
05:33 PM Bug report #16526 (Closed): Default behavior when loading non-georeferenced images seems to have ...
duplicate of #4377 Giovanni Manghi
05:33 PM Bug report #16526 (Closed): Default behavior when loading non-georeferenced images seems to have ...
duplicate of #4377 Giovanni Manghi
05:31 PM Bug report #14822 (Closed): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 PM Bug report #14822 (Closed): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:30 PM Bug report #16354 (Closed): mutually exclusive group prevent checking sub-children individually
fixed on master(?). Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:30 PM Bug report #16354 (Closed): mutually exclusive group prevent checking sub-children individually
fixed on master(?). Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:29 PM Bug report #16425 (Open): Error converting to integer 64 bits when output is a temporary layer
Giovanni Manghi
05:21 PM Bug report #13336 (Open): Allow raster calculator with huge raster inputs
Giovanni Manghi
05:20 PM Bug report #13957 (Closed): [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform init...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:20 PM Bug report #13957 (Closed): [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform init...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:19 PM Bug report #14276 (Closed): CRS axes flipping with QGIS WMS
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:19 PM Bug report #14276 (Closed): CRS axes flipping with QGIS WMS
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:19 PM Bug report #14508 (Closed): Single part to multipart yields multipart polygons with incorrect areas
Giovanni Manghi
05:18 PM Bug report #16393 (Closed): Crash when removing layer quickly after addition
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:18 PM Bug report #16393 (Closed): Crash when removing layer quickly after addition
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:17 PM Bug report #14084 (Closed): QGis Server axis ordering for WMS 1.3
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:17 PM Bug report #14084 (Closed): QGis Server axis ordering for WMS 1.3
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:17 PM Bug report #10068 (Open): QGIS server caches layers with same ID but in different projects as one
Giovanni Manghi
05:16 PM Bug report #16509 (Open): QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
Giovanni Manghi
05:16 PM Bug report #16454 (Closed): "Select by expression" randomly stops working
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:16 PM Bug report #16454 (Closed): "Select by expression" randomly stops working
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:15 PM Bug report #16028 (Closed): Metasearch/QGIS3: failing view results as xml
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:15 PM Bug report #16028 (Closed): Metasearch/QGIS3: failing view results as xml
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:14 PM Bug report #14434 (Closed): QGIS icon blurry in Quick Application Switch view (Command-TAB)
Giovanni Manghi
05:14 PM Bug report #7819 (Closed): QGIS hung on pan
If you find a way to replicate consistently (and allow us to do so) please reopen. Giovanni Manghi
05:14 PM Bug report #7819 (Closed): QGIS hung on pan
If you find a way to replicate consistently (and allow us to do so) please reopen. Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Bug report #16441 (Closed): R detection fails, preventing QGIS.bat from launching desktop app
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Bug report #16441 (Closed): R detection fails, preventing QGIS.bat from launching desktop app
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Bug report #16600: Add delimited text crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Joana Marcelino wrote:
> > I still have this problem after the update.
> have you in...
Joana Marcelino
04:42 PM Bug report #16600: Add delimited text crashes QGIS
Joana Marcelino wrote:
> I still have this problem after the update.
have you installed the the "nightly" for qg...
Giovanni Manghi
04:25 PM Bug report #16600: Add delimited text crashes QGIS
I still have this problem after the update.
Joana Marcelino
05:11 PM Bug report #16398 (Closed): QGIS hangs when creating or testing a virtual layer when the sql is w...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:11 PM Bug report #16398 (Closed): QGIS hangs when creating or testing a virtual layer when the sql is w...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:11 PM Bug report #16332 (Closed): [macOS] SAGA algs not working in QGIS 2.18.x
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:11 PM Bug report #16332 (Closed): [macOS] SAGA algs not working in QGIS 2.18.x
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:06 PM Bug report #16116 (Closed): QGIS crashes on some ArcGIS FeatureServer layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:06 PM Bug report #16116 (Closed): QGIS crashes on some ArcGIS FeatureServer layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:06 PM Bug report #15293 (Closed): Encoding problem with PyQGIS on Windows
Giovanni Manghi
05:05 PM Bug report #16100 (Open): switching between layer styles breaks relation widget
Giovanni Manghi
05:05 PM Bug report #16323 (Closed): ArcGISMapServer New Connection Not working. Cannot add a layer from s...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:05 PM Bug report #16323 (Closed): ArcGISMapServer New Connection Not working. Cannot add a layer from s...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:04 PM Bug report #16457 (Closed): TIFFs load without projection with Add Raster Layer button
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:04 PM Bug report #16457 (Closed): TIFFs load without projection with Add Raster Layer button
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:04 PM Feature request #16478 (Open): Concave polygon: `max length of segment` option missing
Giovanni Manghi
05:03 PM Bug report #16502 (Closed): failed to create shortcut
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:03 PM Bug report #16502 (Closed): failed to create shortcut
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:03 PM Bug report #16504 (Closed): Missing CRS in Mac version
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:03 PM Bug report #16504 (Closed): Missing CRS in Mac version
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:02 PM Bug report #16511 (Closed): QGIS needs vcruntime140.dll and QGIS can't be installed
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:02 PM Bug report #16511 (Closed): QGIS needs vcruntime140.dll and QGIS can't be installed
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:02 PM Bug report #16515 (Closed): Freezing when enabling snap to intersection
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:02 PM Bug report #16515 (Closed): Freezing when enabling snap to intersection
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:00 PM Bug report #16530 (Closed): QGIS crashes randomly when multi-threaded rendering is active
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:00 PM Bug report #16530 (Closed): QGIS crashes randomly when multi-threaded rendering is active
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:00 PM Bug report #16536 (Closed): Print Composer Issues with Transparent Layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
05:00 PM Bug report #16536 (Closed): Print Composer Issues with Transparent Layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Bug report #16537 (Closed): Images georeferenced with worldfile have a black frame when rotated
Closing for lack of feedback (and as under the assumption that is fixed in master). Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Bug report #16537 (Closed): Images georeferenced with worldfile have a black frame when rotated
Closing for lack of feedback (and as under the assumption that is fixed in master). Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Revision 5b782971 (qgis): [Server] Rename QgsServerProjectUtils::wcsLayers to QgsServerProjectUti...
René-Luc ReLuc
04:59 PM Revision 8a0261c9 (qgis): [Server] WMS DescribeLayer refactoring
René-Luc ReLuc
04:59 PM Revision e7d45a09 (qgis): [Server] Add DescribeLayer test
René-Luc ReLuc
04:58 PM Feature request #16538 (Open): Live editing of worldfiles is only working partially
Giovanni Manghi
04:58 PM Bug report #16541 (Closed): QGIS crashes when choosing the option "SVG fill" or "SVG Marker" in t...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
04:58 PM Bug report #16541 (Closed): QGIS crashes when choosing the option "SVG fill" or "SVG Marker" in t...
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
04:54 PM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Just as a heads up, this was reported on reddit
Tom Fish
04:33 PM Revision c05d779c (qgis): Merge pull request #4630 from rldhont/server-wms-configparser-getcontext
[Server] WMS GetContext refactoring René-Luc ReLuc
04:32 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
reopened as requested here
Giovanni Manghi
04:23 PM Bug report #15752 (Open): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Giovanni Manghi
03:48 PM Revision ce3cbeb9 (qgis): [Server] Add GetContext accesscontrol test
René-Luc ReLuc
03:48 PM Revision 83b3368e (qgis): [Server] Add GetContext test
René-Luc ReLuc
03:48 PM Revision 6feca532 (qgis): [Server] Fix QgsServerProjectUtils readListEntry
René-Luc ReLuc
03:48 PM Revision 0f00a523 (qgis): [Server] WMS GetContext refactoring
René-Luc ReLuc
03:19 PM Bug report #16617 (Closed): Field Calculator - missing fields in Fields and Values
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
03:19 PM Bug report #16617 (Closed): Field Calculator - missing fields in Fields and Values
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
03:19 PM Bug report #16617 (Closed): Field Calculator - missing fields in Fields and Values
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #16616 (Closed): Select feature using an expression is missing the Fields and Values f...
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #16616 (Closed): Select feature using an expression is missing the Fields and Values f...
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #16616 (Closed): Select feature using an expression is missing the Fields and Values f...
This has been already fixed and you just need to wait a new build or install the "nightly" for 2.18. Giovanni Manghi
02:11 PM Bug report #16624 (Closed): Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8c873b14b8a572aa7d65d31381357844c3d73aeb. Jürgen Fischer
02:11 PM Bug report #16624 (Closed): Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8c873b14b8a572aa7d65d31381357844c3d73aeb. Jürgen Fischer
01:52 PM Bug report #16624: Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
Further steps: opening DBManager shows a "test" connection, attempts to open it result in an error: 'There is no defi... Sandro Santilli
12:39 PM Bug report #16624 (Closed): Postgis connections with a slash in the name are hidden/misnamed
1. Click on "Add PostGIS Layer"
2. Click on "New Connection"
3. Call the new connection "test/1"
Expected behavi...
Sandro Santilli
02:06 PM Revision 8c873b14 (qgis): avoid slashes in connection names (followup 30900e9b8; fixes #16624)
Jürgen Fischer
02:00 PM Revision 3a16a4e3 (qgis): Release of 2.18.9
Jürgen Fischer
01:39 PM Bug report #10600: db_manager is unable to load rasters from connections with no dbname specified
This regressed (see #16625) Sandro Santilli
01:24 PM Revision c0531bcd (qgis): Add test for QgsScaleRangeWidget::setScaleRange
Closes #15463 as this test guards after the fix for that bug
(minScale visibility corrupted upon project load)
Sandro Santilli
01:24 PM Bug report #15463 (Closed): Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c0531bcd896741eca4cfd8c83138b5b0181e94df. Sandro Santilli
12:07 PM Bug report #15463 (Feedback): Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Sandro Santilli
11:23 AM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
PR with testcase for 2.18 branch : Sandro Santilli
11:08 AM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
PR with testcase for master: Sandro Santilli
10:22 AM Bug report #15463 (Reopened): Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Reopening to make sure it's also fixed in master branch (3.0.0-dev) - and I'm still working on the testcase. Will sen... Sandro Santilli
10:18 AM Bug report #15463 (Closed): Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|55ffbf5e932ede65144474c4854000708757b700. Sandro Santilli
10:18 AM Bug report #15463 (Closed): Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|55ffbf5e932ede65144474c4854000708757b700. Sandro Santilli
01:08 PM Bug report #16619: shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a packed file w...
Kathleen Wood wrote:
> Here is the zip file. Let me know if there is something missing in this folder that you need....
Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
Sandro, you missed the third part of the import: Vector -> OpenStreetMap -> Export to Spatialite...
That`s why you...
Andre Joost
11:53 AM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
Andre I'm trying to reproduce the problem you are seeing but I'm missing full instructions.
What I'm doing:
1. St...
Sandro Santilli
01:00 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Paolo I can load the raster and zoom in and out w/out a crash being produced.
This is with current release-2_18 bran...
Sandro Santilli
12:12 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
I'll try reproducing this today. Sandro Santilli
12:51 PM Bug report #16620 (Feedback): gdal tools in raster menu defaulting to output MSGN instead of GTiff
I just tested on 2.18.8 qgis-rel-dev and cannot confirm both using the "old" gdal tools (that if it has a bug it woul... Giovanni Manghi
12:51 PM Bug report #16620 (Feedback): gdal tools in raster menu defaulting to output MSGN instead of GTiff
I just tested on 2.18.8 qgis-rel-dev and cannot confirm both using the "old" gdal tools (that if it has a bug it woul... Giovanni Manghi
12:51 PM Bug report #16621: qgis 2.18.8 can not load results from modeller processes
commit:cd7dfda1 is an alternative fix (and makes the referenced one uncessary). Jürgen Fischer
12:41 PM Bug report #16621 (Closed): qgis 2.18.8 can not load results from modeller processes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2a9095db8ab622ca279deb44b398872a28dbd7a3. Jürgen Fischer
12:41 PM Bug report #16621 (Closed): qgis 2.18.8 can not load results from modeller processes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2a9095db8ab622ca279deb44b398872a28dbd7a3. Jürgen Fischer
12:40 PM Revision 2a9095db (qgis): processing: with GDAL2 we need to check for raster capability to get the
raster extensions (fixes #16621; followup 3d3b6ec) Jürgen Fischer
12:39 PM Bug report #16607: error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
I installed on a Windows7 VM postgresql 9.4 and postgis 2.3, restored the QGEP sample database (as explained on their... Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #16607: error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
Is that the same as the "demo dataset": Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Bug report #16607: error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
we use postgis 2.3.0
sorry, the database is confidential, it's a newer then the attached
Konradin Fischer
12:30 PM Revision dc5ba8ff (qgis): [processing] explisitly load outputs as raster or vector depending
on the output type. Don't rely on extension or other indirect attributes Alexander Bruy
12:28 PM Revision cd7dfda1 (qgis): [processing] explisitly load outputs as raster or vector depending on
output type. Don't rely on extension or other indirect attributes Alexander Bruy
11:57 AM Revision 83613204 (qgis): Add test for QgsScaleRangeWidget::setScaleRange
See #15463 as this test guards after the fix for that bug
(minScale visibility corrupted upon project load)
Sandro Santilli
11:34 AM Bug report #16622 (Closed): Translations in Processing toolbox missing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cea93faa252db67ec007849bad9a7a070dd27b2b. Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #16622 (Closed): Translations in Processing toolbox missing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cea93faa252db67ec007849bad9a7a070dd27b2b. Jürgen Fischer
10:57 AM Bug report #16622 (Feedback): Translations in Processing toolbox missing
Giovanni Manghi
10:54 AM Bug report #16622: Translations in Processing toolbox missing
Provide an example please. Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Revision cea93faa (qgis): german translation update (fixes #16622; followup 4c666a3)
$ scripts/ update $builddir
$ linguist i18n/qgis_de.ts
$ git add doc/TRANSLATORS i18n/qgis_de.ts
$ git co...
Jürgen Fischer
10:47 AM Bug report #16193 (Reopened): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimizat...
The bug is still there in master, it affects all dialogs that use QgsOptionsDialogBase (layer properties, about, opti... Alessandro Pasotti
10:47 AM Bug report #16193 (Reopened): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimizat...
The bug is still there in master, it affects all dialogs that use QgsOptionsDialogBase (layer properties, about, opti... Alessandro Pasotti
10:47 AM Bug report #16193 (Reopened): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimizat...
The bug is still there in master, it affects all dialogs that use QgsOptionsDialogBase (layer properties, about, opti... Alessandro Pasotti
10:47 AM Bug report #16193 (Reopened): The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimizat...
The bug is still there in master, it affects all dialogs that use QgsOptionsDialogBase (layer properties, about, opti... Alessandro Pasotti
10:19 AM Revision 8ccb4c43 (qgis): When setting scale range, make sure to set min before max scale
This ensures the limit on max scale imposed by previously set min
scale does not trim the new value.
Fixes #15463
Sandro Santilli
10:18 AM Revision 44d1454d (qgis): Merge pull request #4613 from strk/bugfix/b15463
When setting scale range, make sure to set min before max scale Jürgen Fischer
09:15 AM Bug report #16585: Cannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XP
Duane Schrag wrote:
> Uninstalled, then downloaded 2.18.8. I'm getting the same error message (attached). Has this b...
Jürgen Fischer
08:02 AM Revision 49228170 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes an unreported crash in WFS (backported from master)
(cherry-picked from commit fe9594f) Alessandro Pasotti
06:58 AM Revision e0cad1fb (qgis): [composer] fix export atlas as image crash (fixes #16623)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:58 AM Bug report #16623 (Closed): regression: exporting atlas as image crashes QGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e0cad1fb4f5e411adbf3687b71f04865c936f3df. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:58 AM Bug report #16623 (Closed): regression: exporting atlas as image crashes QGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e0cad1fb4f5e411adbf3687b71f04865c936f3df. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:31 AM Bug report #16623 (Closed): regression: exporting atlas as image crashes QGIS
Under QGIS master, attempting to export an atlas as a set of images crashes QGIS. The crash occurs prior to displayin... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:17 AM Bug report #16622 (Closed): Translations in Processing toolbox missing
In qgis 2.18. 8 are different translations of the Processing toolbox into the German, which were present in 2.18.7 we... Claas Leiner
12:13 AM Bug report #16621 (Closed): qgis 2.18.8 can not load results from modeller processes
gis 2.18. 8 (Codeversion 6768c89) can not load results from modeller processes. I get an error message for my models ... Claas Leiner
12:06 AM Revision 47ffb588 (qgis): Fix some providers not requesting all required attributes needed
for client side order by clauses Nyall Dawson
11:49 PM Revision 7e089a1c (qgis): [processing] Fix Hub Distance alg does not correctly use project ellips...
Nyall Dawson
10:09 PM Bug report #16585: Cannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XP
Uninstalled, then downloaded 2.18.8. I'm getting the same error message (attached). Has this been resolved?
Duane Schrag
10:00 AM Bug report #16585 (Closed): Cannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XP
Jürgen Fischer
10:00 AM Bug report #16585: Cannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XP
Fixed in OSGeo4W. Jürgen Fischer
10:04 PM Revision 55ffbf5e (qgis): When setting scale range, make sure to set min before max scale
This ensures the limit on max scale imposed by previously set min
scale does not trim the new value.
Fixes #15463
Sandro Santilli
06:33 PM Bug report #16620 (Closed): gdal tools in raster menu defaulting to output MSGN instead of GTiff
Noticed this from the OSGeo4W installed version on Windows 10 (qgis-rel-dev, daily build of release branch).
Used ...
Donovan Cameron
06:16 PM Bug report #16619: shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a packed file w...
Here is the zip file. Let me know if there is something missing in this folder that you need. These are the shape fil... Kathleen Wood
06:06 PM Bug report #16619: shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a packed file w...
Kathleen Wood wrote:
> Please bear with me, as I am a novice user. I installed 2.18.8, and tried to back up the QGIS...
Giovanni Manghi
06:05 PM Bug report #16619: shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a packed file w...
Kathleen Wood wrote:
> Please bear with me, as I am a novice user. I installed 2.18.8, and tried to back up the QGIS...
Giovanni Manghi
05:26 PM Bug report #16619: shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a packed file w...
Please bear with me, as I am a novice user. I installed 2.18.8, and tried to back up the QGIS project folder; however... Kathleen Wood
04:27 PM Bug report #16619 (Feedback): shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a pa...
a few things:
1) update QGIS to the latest 2.14 or 2.18
2) backup your .qgis2 folder, then delete it, rest...
Giovanni Manghi
04:27 PM Bug report #16619 (Feedback): shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a pa...
a few things:
1) update QGIS to the latest 2.14 or 2.18
2) backup your .qgis2 folder, then delete it, rest...
Giovanni Manghi
04:18 PM Bug report #16619 (Closed): shape file crashes, losing all data, then can only be found as a pack...
I keep encountering a problem when I am attributing a shape file. I add and populate several columns with data, then ... Kathleen Wood
05:27 PM Revision 95a5ccef (qgis): [Server] fix wmsInspireActivated to wmsInspireActivate
René-Luc ReLuc
03:25 PM Bug report #16618 (Open): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 PM Bug report #16618: Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
On Ubuntu, it was working on the immediately previous QGIS 2.18.7 version. On Windows, it was working on 2.16.3 (I do... Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
01:08 PM Bug report #16618 (Feedback): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
Tnis used to work in a previous QGIS version? Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #16618 (Feedback): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
Tnis used to work in a previous QGIS version? Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #16618 (Feedback): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
Tnis used to work in a previous QGIS version? Giovanni Manghi
01:06 PM Bug report #16618 (Closed): Processing rscripts: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
I have updated QGIS to the latest version 2.18.8 both in Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10.
When I try to run any rscrit...
Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
02:43 PM Revision b0268ef7 (qgis): [Server] Fix WMS GetContext accesscontrol and add tests
René-Luc ReLuc
12:48 PM Revision aa376c2a (qgis): Split ProviderTestCase into provider/source tests
There's now a FeatureSourceTestCase base class which handles
testing QgsFeatureSources for conformance. These tests
Nyall Dawson
10:46 AM Revision 2480e268 (qgis): Revert "Utilise thread safe proj API within QgsCoordinateTransform"
This reverts commit af3370d03e7e7502e8a738d99cd99e38df23768d.
This commit is not safe for 2.18.9 - remerge after rel...
Nyall Dawson
10:31 AM Bug report #13761 (Closed): EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
The content of the .prj file doesn't carry the EPSG - hence the CRS is looked up with the proj.4 definition, which is... Jürgen Fischer
10:31 AM Bug report #13761 (Closed): EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
The content of the .prj file doesn't carry the EPSG - hence the CRS is looked up with the proj.4 definition, which is... Jürgen Fischer
10:31 AM Bug report #13761 (Closed): EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
The content of the .prj file doesn't carry the EPSG - hence the CRS is looked up with the proj.4 definition, which is... Jürgen Fischer
10:05 AM Bug report #16510 (Closed): Installation Problems
Fixed in commit:0be274f4 and commit:401c463 Jürgen Fischer
10:05 AM Bug report #16510 (Closed): Installation Problems
Fixed in commit:0be274f4 and commit:401c463 Jürgen Fischer
10:02 AM Bug report #16525 (Closed): QGis 2.14.14 fails to start on Windows XP
Fixed in OSGeo4W Jürgen Fischer
10:02 AM Bug report #16525 (Closed): QGis 2.14.14 fails to start on Windows XP
Fixed in OSGeo4W Jürgen Fischer
08:06 AM Bug report #16617 (Closed): Field Calculator - missing fields in Fields and Values
In the "Fields and Values" group in Field Calculator the list of fields isn't displayed. Instead, it's displayed NULL... Jadwiga Trojak
04:31 AM Revision df3a43ff (qgis): Add missing overrides
Nyall Dawson
04:31 AM Revision 8bfeb8f7 (qgis): QgsVectorLayer, QgsVectorDataProvider are QgsFeatureSources
Nyall Dawson
04:31 AM Revision ce063b86 (qgis): Add QgsFeatureSource interface as interface for classes which
provide feature iterators via a getFeatures method Nyall Dawson
04:31 AM Revision 46476626 (qgis): Add crs, fields, wkbType and featureCount to QgsFeatureSource
Nyall Dawson
04:31 AM Revision 85d46305 (qgis): QgsFeatureSource/Sink can be stored in QVariant
Nyall Dawson
04:30 AM Revision 13a3f2f8 (qgis): More windows build fixes
Nyall Dawson


01:42 AM Bug report #16616 (Closed): Select feature using an expression is missing the Fields and Values f...
I have been using QGIS 2.18.6 for the past few month or so and today I decided to try updating to QGIS 2.18.8. In 2.... David Mancini
01:33 AM Revision dcc57155 (qgis): Revert "fix windows build (followup dd40a3d)"
This reverts commit b3f2fe2b5504ef3dbb57c719c8da57ddbf7e621f. Jürgen Fischer
12:36 AM Bug report #16577 (Closed): Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2...
A bunch of fixes have been implemented in master and 2.18 which restore the performance to 2.14.0 levels Nyall Dawson
12:36 AM Bug report #16577 (Closed): Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2...
A bunch of fixes have been implemented in master and 2.18 which restore the performance to 2.14.0 levels Nyall Dawson
12:35 AM Bug report #16508 (Closed): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then before
Duplicate of #16239 Nyall Dawson
12:35 AM Bug report #16508 (Closed): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then before
Duplicate of #16239 Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Revision 955f5b19 (qgis): Merge pull request #4628 from nyalldawson/fix_16390
[composer] Refresh data defined properties after page size changes Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Bug report #16390 (Closed): Print composer: change in page size should trigger an update of the p...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|599db1b7fdea4333695f54da0d551a57af6890db. Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Bug report #16390 (Closed): Print composer: change in page size should trigger an update of the p...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|599db1b7fdea4333695f54da0d551a57af6890db. Nyall Dawson
11:43 PM Revision 5b0bc938 (qgis): Rename QgsJSONExporter/Utils to QgsJsonExporter/Utils
Follows proper QGIS/Qt capitalization convention Nyall Dawson
11:36 PM Revision 4b33e2fb (qgis): Small optimisations
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision a5e3f193 (qgis): Use field formatter when exporting feature attributes to JSON
This means that field values which utilise widget setups like
value maps will correctly show the "friendly" value
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 987f80a4 (qgis): Use weak layer pointer instead of layer id in QgsJsonExporter
Nyall Dawson
10:29 PM Bug report #16615 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening project file with nonexisting NTV2 grid fil...
When I open a QGIS project created on Windows QGIS installation (see attachment), it crashes QGIS on Linux.
I foun...
Mario Miler
07:03 PM Bug report #16611 (Closed): Cannot create Virtual Layer
Duplicate of #16593 Jürgen Fischer
06:22 PM Bug report #16611: Cannot create Virtual Layer
dr - wrote:
> It looks like Qt5 related issus. Is your QGIS built upon the same Qt version?
QGIS version
Giovanni Manghi
04:15 PM Bug report #16611: Cannot create Virtual Layer
It looks like Qt5 related issus. Is your QGIS built upon the same Qt version? dr -
02:18 PM Bug report #16611: Cannot create Virtual Layer
dr - wrote:
> # Open any vector layer (I've tested on GeoJSON and Shapefile)
> # Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Virtual ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:07 PM Bug report #16611: Cannot create Virtual Layer
# Open any vector layer (I've tested on GeoJSON and Shapefile)
# Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Virtual Layer
# Import l...
dr -
01:40 PM Bug report #16611 (Feedback): Cannot create Virtual Layer
Please, could you provide steps and sample data how you creating the virtual layer on?
Also, could you provide the r...
Salvatore Larosa
12:33 PM Bug report #16611 (Closed): Cannot create Virtual Layer
Stack Trace:... dr -
06:59 PM Bug report #16614 (Closed): Version 2.18.8 python loading vector layers - cannot name vector layer
To load a vector layer to the map canvas and layers panel I have been using this command:
layer = iface.addVectorLa...
Holly Brown
05:35 PM Bug report #16613 (Closed): QGIS crashes on add layer
been already fixed, wait a new build downgrade or just use the "add postgis layer" dialog meanwhile. Giovanni Manghi
05:35 PM Bug report #16613 (Closed): QGIS crashes on add layer
been already fixed, wait a new build downgrade or just use the "add postgis layer" dialog meanwhile. Giovanni Manghi
05:32 PM Bug report #16613: QGIS crashes on add layer
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is this when you add the layer from the qgis browser?
Yes. Drag'n'drop to map canvas fro...
Dmitry Baryshnikov
05:01 PM Bug report #16613 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on add layer
is this when you add the layer from the qgis browser? Giovanni Manghi
04:59 PM Bug report #16613 (Closed): QGIS crashes on add layer
When opening PostGIS layer QGIS crashes.
Here it is part of the dump.
> src/app/qgisapp.cpp: 9843: (addVectorLa...
Dmitry Baryshnikov
05:08 PM Revision eb7c98f2 (qgis): [Server] Fix WMS GetContext accesscontrol and add tests
René-Luc ReLuc
05:03 PM Feature request #14046 (Closed): Exporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each s...
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> Not sure I get your point with the checkboxes and ctrl - shift hold behavior. Can you check ...
Harrissou Santanna
05:03 PM Feature request #14046 (Closed): Exporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each s...
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> Not sure I get your point with the checkboxes and ctrl - shift hold behavior. Can you check ...
Harrissou Santanna
04:50 PM Bug report #15172 (Closed): Two distinct icons used for the single "Copy features" action
Fixed in commit:290758a4bc4d8a8de60bd25b9deb6af33e361e28 Harrissou Santanna
04:50 PM Bug report #15172 (Closed): Two distinct icons used for the single "Copy features" action
Fixed in commit:290758a4bc4d8a8de60bd25b9deb6af33e361e28 Harrissou Santanna
04:50 PM Bug report #15172 (Closed): Two distinct icons used for the single "Copy features" action
Fixed in commit:290758a4bc4d8a8de60bd25b9deb6af33e361e28 Harrissou Santanna
03:39 PM Revision f63adfe1 (qgis): [sipify] keep external forward declaration
Denis Rouzaud
03:39 PM Revision 09d3e2ff (qgis): sipify core effects
Denis Rouzaud
03:22 PM Revision 3f0017a4 (qgis): sipify gui part 2
Denis Rouzaud
03:22 PM Revision 827c19f2 (qgis): QgsCharacterSelectorDialog: rename file name according to class name
Denis Rouzaud
02:49 PM Revision 563e7c17 (qgis): sipify gui part 3
Denis Rouzaud
02:49 PM Revision f5e66dd2 (qgis): [sipify] handle constrained annotation
Denis Rouzaud
02:17 PM Bug report #16612 (Closed): QGIS crashes when adding PostGIS layers from Browser panel
this was already fixed, wait a new build (2.18.9, probably soon), downgrade or use the classic "add postgis layer" di... Giovanni Manghi
02:17 PM Bug report #16612 (Closed): QGIS crashes when adding PostGIS layers from Browser panel
this was already fixed, wait a new build (2.18.9, probably soon), downgrade or use the classic "add postgis layer" di... Giovanni Manghi
02:16 PM Bug report #16612 (Closed): QGIS crashes when adding PostGIS layers from Browser panel
Using latest QGIS 2.18.8 (cde1d78) x64 version on Windows 7 x64 I can cause a crash and minidump by trying to add Pos... Ross McDonald
01:59 PM Bug report #15828 (Closed): "Join by attributes" generates incomplete results
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #15828 (Closed): "Join by attributes" generates incomplete results
Closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Revision cc5e713e (qgis): sipify gui part 4
Denis Rouzaud
01:44 PM Bug report #14413 (Closed): Save project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS...
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> I confirm in 2.14.15.
> I tested in 2.18.8 and I couldn't confirm the issue.
fixed here...
Giovanni Manghi
01:44 PM Bug report #14413 (Closed): Save project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS...
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> I confirm in 2.14.15.
> I tested in 2.18.8 and I couldn't confirm the issue.
fixed here...
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #14413: Save project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS 2.14)
I confirm in 2.14.15.
I tested in 2.18.8 and I couldn't confirm the issue.
Regis Haubourg
11:04 AM Bug report #14413: Save project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS 2.14)
I confirm in 2.14.15.
I tested in 2.18.8 and I couldn't confirm the issue.
Regis Haubourg
11:04 AM Bug report #14413: Save project data with relative paths at first save not working (QGIS 2.14)
I confirm in 2.14.15.
I tested in 2.18.8 and I couldn't confirm the issue.
Regis Haubourg
11:36 AM Revision 684ebfb4 (qgis): [processing] add test data for OTB tests
Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision ad1ba64b (qgis): indentation update
Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 555c5aea (qgis): [processing] run OTB tests on Travis
(partially cherry-picked from b9d5b2c4526874f3b76eaada63ceb5707441045a) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 96a1ac13 (qgis): [processing] remove unused test data
(cherry picked from commit df90e6b964f3b267857728d22a2a955db5ff0f3f) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 47c1daa3 (qgis): Install OTB in QGIS Travis CI script to be able to run OTB test
(cherry picked from commit d4f410a30764362248318577af6a9a710d2c6360) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 24e92b4a (qgis): TEST: add a test for otb conversion application (simpler than bandmath)
(cherry picked from commit 7b22f5d8da7ae3e994b318215d3aa9ea119db301) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision b14aa5a7 (qgis): [processing] remove unused file
(cherry picked from commit fd8379c140434231dc1ec5f49440f5f6ee41abc9) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision b1c3ca81 (qgis): TEST: add test of OTB BandMath application in processing
(cherry picked from commit 1e7018f0ccde01fce8fb5142970ee155dbfcb372) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision 2ea211d3 (qgis): [processing] remove console error message when optional otb provider no...
(cherry picked from commit 8e663309c0671f2779828a3ec26081bd59414f1e) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:36 AM Revision 96fa7162 (qgis): [processing] add new MultiImageSamplingRate algorithm from OTB 5.8.0
(cherry picked from commit 371fe1dd48c62529ce613f1fd3b9c88765eb70d8) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 2c78c544 (qgis): [processing] update OTB's white- and blacklist. Drop obsolete 3.x
versions and add latest 5.8.0
(cherry picked from commit 6be45054935eb88eef65de32b92d8463f8f718bd)
Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 2822e398 (qgis): [processing] support OTB 5.8.0
(cherry picked from commit 3145a01db6d6e6dd06cb340ed85b44ef4d0eeba5) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision cd373d97 (qgis): BUG: add version 5.4 to supported version
(cherry picked from commit afea25bda2b30f97b354d17fc5b18c9db0b03be2) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision 0cef6fdc (qgis): [processing] minor formatting fixes to the OTB README
(cherry picked from commit 2778a8fe8c4a9df349dc7c7523780e5428966c32) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 2a924810 (qgis): [processing] Use with ... when opening files
(partially cherry-picked from 6a99017bf0657d989b960a7162cbcc29931fab91) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 65f571cb (qgis): fix typos
(partially cherry-picked from ffaffadbfaa0ed9e6f76917dd48d2d78167b3fe1) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision e7946b12 (qgis): update readme for otb maintenance script
(cherry picked from commit a7d4b19fc9acf317b31594c5ea6f9cf286832cd3) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 48da656c (qgis): Update otb processing maintenance files to version 5.6.0
(cherry picked from commit d772a684729f825bcbce5dc4e0f2b3a4b1a6c751) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision 4c655187 (qgis): [processing] use os.path.join instead of + os.sep + (fix #3552)
(partially cherry-picked from 37951baf450d11621d20cb8ac83174e29a207803) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 62d1531c (qgis): [processing] cache OTB icon to speed up toolbox loading
(partially cherry-picked from cc62c5226951c813a4c3a61744b51827aa5d3afa) Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Revision 5ae723b0 (qgis): forget to commit xml descriptors for otb 5.6
(cherry picked from commit ce0a2ae062d370dcaafd56e14d4985315e25c163) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision 1cbd15ce (qgis): ENH update for OTB 5.4
(cherry picked from commit 232083810230c8d8fd0f0f883325e26649322313) Alexia Mondot
11:36 AM Revision 1bcaca35 (qgis): ENH update readme
(cherry picked from commit b88d92df19c9910e8c50832a10e8a069e62f835a) Alexia Mondot
11:36 AM Revision e6ca7f19 (qgis): ENH: remove useless QApplication and prefer to use QGIS_PREFIX_PATH
(cherry picked from commit 82f2726d7f60a089f1de12dcf121f02241caf756) Manuel Grizonnet
11:36 AM Revision f33ac0b0 (qgis): BUG NameError: name OTBSpecific_XMLcreation is not defined on exec
(cherry picked from commit 342fb040eecb9314a0e9066cdc3785a3e7bc3687) Alexia Mondot
11:36 AM Revision 81a53945 (qgis): ENH: update log info when parsing otb apps
(cherry picked from commit bf7db728f3ead5e748a1325f09b391d8072a547c) Manuel Grizonnet
11:11 AM Bug report #16608 (Closed): Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
Harrissou Santanna
10:09 AM Bug report #16608: Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
it works!!!
salvatore fiandaca
10:01 AM Bug report #16608: Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
Here is another screenshot, empty attribute table salvatore fiandaca
09:57 AM Bug report #16608 (Feedback): Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
That dialog is normal, the fact thats says "0" features means "nothing": years ago for some reason the count of the t... Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Bug report #16608 (Feedback): Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
That dialog is normal, the fact thats says "0" features means "nothing": years ago for some reason the count of the t... Giovanni Manghi
09:51 AM Bug report #16608: Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
An user also reported a crash, unverified, on Windows. Paolo Cavallini
09:47 AM Bug report #16608 (Closed): Importing or exporting to gpx does not work
Steps to run:
1. Upload a punctual shapefile;
2. save by name;
3. select GPX;
4. import the file;
You will get a...
salvatore fiandaca
11:09 AM Bug report #16609: "Save raster layer as" dialog: the Pyramids group is always inactive and expanded
The gray status might be related to the incompatibility of this option with my layer. But inability to collapse that ... Harrissou Santanna
10:56 AM Bug report #16609 (Closed): "Save raster layer as" dialog: the Pyramids group is always inactive ...
Right-click a raster --> Save As...
In the dialog, the Pyramids group is expanded by default and grayed, meaning tha...
Harrissou Santanna
11:02 AM Bug report #16610 (Closed): Composer: Item Properties: expanded items resetting
The _Item Properties_ panel resets to the default configuration of expanded/collapsed property groups when selecting... Night yb
10:44 AM Revision 801a0ea5 (qgis): sipify gui part 5
Denis Rouzaud
10:15 AM Revision 599db1b7 (qgis): [composer] Refresh data defined properties after page size changes
Fix #16390 Nyall Dawson
10:04 AM Bug report #16607 (Feedback): error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
I cannot confirm it but I'm not on pgsql 9.4
postgis version? can you attach a sample/dump of the data?
Giovanni Manghi
10:04 AM Bug report #16607 (Feedback): error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
I cannot confirm it but I'm not on pgsql 9.4
postgis version? can you attach a sample/dump of the data?
Giovanni Manghi
10:04 AM Bug report #16607 (Feedback): error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
I cannot confirm it but I'm not on pgsql 9.4
postgis version? can you attach a sample/dump of the data?
Giovanni Manghi
08:50 AM Bug report #16607 (Closed): error when editing data on 2.18.8 and postgresql 9.4
we worked with postgres 9.4 and qgis 2.18.7. after updating to 2.18.8 we get an error when we try to modify data.
Konradin Fischer
09:57 AM Revision 5f6d020b (qgis): add default constructors to QgsFieldFormatter inherited classes
Denis Rouzaud
09:57 AM Revision cf68aed7 (qgis): sipify core field formatter
Denis Rouzaud
09:49 AM Revision 694c8113 (qgis): sipify gui part 1
Denis Rouzaud
09:49 AM Revision 30a7e44d (qgis): [sip] handle Deprecated annotations
some additional fixes in headers too Denis Rouzaud
09:46 AM Bug report #15976: Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
wait some days to backport in 2.18 Luigi Pirelli
09:43 AM Revision 5c6ab713 (qgis): spelling fix
Jürgen Fischer
08:00 AM Revision b3f2fe2b (qgis): fix windows build (followup dd40a3d)
Jürgen Fischer
07:56 AM Revision 6768c89b (qgis): Merge pull request #4603 from nyalldawson/proj_safe_218
Utilise thread safe proj API within QgsCoordinateTransform Nyall Dawson
07:24 AM Revision dd40a3df (qgis): sipify diagram classes
Denis Rouzaud
07:22 AM Revision 8157cf6e (qgis): template classes are not imperatively exported
followup a14ad32b676664cef99f4d43f0a54b4d1ee88f52
fixes win build
Denis Rouzaud


11:19 PM Bug report #16571 (Closed): Edit Widget Properties dialog shrinks fields while resizing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|022ba8c59a17ac90f6894cc84da87d66720d180e. Salvatore Larosa
11:19 PM Bug report #16571 (Closed): Edit Widget Properties dialog shrinks fields while resizing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|022ba8c59a17ac90f6894cc84da87d66720d180e. Salvatore Larosa
11:19 PM Revision 022ba8c5 (qgis): fixes #16571 - add scrollbar to edit widget properties dialog
Salvatore Larosa
10:53 PM Bug report #16599 (Open): Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
Giovanni Manghi
08:46 PM Bug report #16599: Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
It was easier to go in and edit the original gps file. I deleted the points where the gps sat still and drifted. It... timothy brink
07:35 PM Bug report #16599: Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
timothy brink wrote:
> I'm using the native tool 2.14.11 and running a buffer of 7 meters. Anything I should worry ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:56 PM Bug report #16599: Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
I'm using the native tool 2.14.11 and running a buffer of 7 meters. Anything I should worry about before wiping the ... timothy brink
10:14 AM Bug report #16599 (Feedback): Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
There are quite a lot buffer tools in the Processing toolbox, which one you used? or you used a 3rd party plugin (amo... Giovanni Manghi
09:56 PM Revision f1383e24 (qgis): Avoid row sorts during attribute editing in AttributeTable Fix #15976
Luigi Pirelli
09:56 PM Bug report #15976 (Closed): Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f1383e240ae538284fbf505e4a25a90775797524. Luigi Pirelli
09:56 PM Bug report #15976 (Closed): Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f1383e240ae538284fbf505e4a25a90775797524. Luigi Pirelli
09:03 PM Revision 2929f9d6 (qgis): [sip] more reverse engineering
Denis Rouzaud
06:48 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
New PR replacing the old one: Sandro Santilli
06:44 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Ok so full analysis is as follows:
- When constructing a ScaleRangeWidget:
- A signal handler is installed for ...
Sandro Santilli
04:20 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
The PR which introduced the regression, once merged: Sandro Santilli
03:47 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
I filed a pull request for 2.18 branch:
It's a oneliner, removing a line whic...
Sandro Santilli
03:15 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
no one will wver worok on 2.16, on the other hand 2.18 is the next release, knowing that LTR is THE affected version ... Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
I've run a git-bisect, finding that commit:bd3fd748f1e170c8aeb20fbc4f40966f70d33c5b is the first bad one. I still hav... Sandro Santilli
11:15 AM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
2.16 is also affected (at least as of final-2_16_3-106-g7ff0883)
Is it possible to turn the "Affected versions" into...
Sandro Santilli
09:50 AM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
I take it back, the commit exists, just isn't recognized by this RedMine instance, looks like:
Sandro Santilli
05:10 PM Revision fe9594f6 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes an unreported crash in WFS
Alessandro Pasotti
04:03 PM Bug report #16606 (Closed): Qgis 2.18.8 Ubuntu 16.04 : crash with add new layer from delimited text
already fixed yesterday, you need o wait a new build or downgrade. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:03 PM Bug report #16606 (Closed): Qgis 2.18.8 Ubuntu 16.04 : crash with add new layer from delimited text
already fixed yesterday, you need o wait a new build or downgrade. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #16606 (Closed): Qgis 2.18.8 Ubuntu 16.04 : crash with add new layer from delimited text
I updated QGis this morning.
When I try to add an new layer from delimited text Qgis crash when I press t...
Jacques Beilin
03:41 PM Bug report #16603 (Closed): Geodatabases ESRI in Browser Panel (QGIS Desktop 2.18.8 i 2.99.x)
duplicate of #16091 Giovanni Manghi
03:41 PM Bug report #16603 (Closed): Geodatabases ESRI in Browser Panel (QGIS Desktop 2.18.8 i 2.99.x)
duplicate of #16091 Giovanni Manghi
11:27 AM Bug report #16603 (Closed): Geodatabases ESRI in Browser Panel (QGIS Desktop 2.18.8 i 2.99.x)
I noticed that Browser Panel in QGIS Desktop doesn't have drag & drop funcionality for geodatabeses ESRI (.gdb).
It ...
Jadwiga Trojak
03:41 PM Revision e881d0a7 (qgis): [Server] Fix GetContext test
René-Luc ReLuc
03:11 PM Feature request #16592 (Open): Bring selected to top
Willem Coetzer wrote:
> The Point displacement renderer is not an adequate solution. I have attached a picture to sh...
Giovanni Manghi
02:29 PM Feature request #16592: Bring selected to top
The Point displacement renderer is not an adequate solution. I have attached a picture to show a point obscured by an... Willem Coetzer
03:08 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5798a82c8011ea7f44a1ed1d55ef07197...
Giovanni Manghi
12:52 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5798a82c8011ea7f44a1ed1d55ef0719786e8056.
Dear Andre Jesus...
Giovanni Manghi
10:47 AM Bug report #15752 (Closed): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5798a82c8011ea7f44a1ed1d55ef0719786e8056. Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Bug report #15752 (Closed): Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5798a82c8011ea7f44a1ed1d55ef0719786e8056. Nyall Dawson
03:06 PM Revision 319ade86 (qgis): [Server] Add GetContext test
René-Luc ReLuc
03:02 PM Revision a14ad32b (qgis): sipify QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator
Denis Rouzaud
02:32 PM Revision ac97341c (qgis): [Server] Add GetContext test
René-Luc ReLuc
02:31 PM Bug report #16605: TauDEM MoveOutletsToStreams cannot find executable
I see TauDEM is to removed from core to a separate provider in 3.0 ( Ross McDonald
02:08 PM Bug report #16605 (Closed): TauDEM MoveOutletsToStreams cannot find executable
There is an error in the TauDEM algorithm "Move outlets to streams" where it cannot find the executable. The text fi... Ross McDonald
02:08 PM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
Just tested with GDAL 2.2.0 on Windows: the issue is still present in 2.18.8 but I couldn't reproduce it with latest ... Radoslaw Guzinski
01:58 PM Revision 9e1fb806 (qgis): Revert "[Server] Add tests (GetContext and access control project)"
This reverts commit 5d9b460fac429556237d8e30cefa5c47a3c5a3ac. René-Luc ReLuc
01:57 PM Feature request #6354: WMS layer using VIEWPARAMETERS
We have exactly the same need here. But without targeting this specific parameter (viewparams) which AFAIK is not par... Emmanuel Blondel
01:52 PM Bug report #16604 (Feedback): Natural Neighbour execute error
saga 2.3.1/2 support on Windows now has issues, please wait for a fix and use 2.1.2 Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Bug report #16604 (Closed): Natural Neighbour execute error
An extra parameter is reported in the algorithm. How to remove it? Eugene Efimov
01:40 PM Revision 8d2f42af (qgis): reverse sipify override methods
Denis Rouzaud
01:30 PM Revision 5d9b460f (qgis): [Server] Add tests (GetContext and access control project)
René-Luc ReLuc
01:06 PM Feature request #15905: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
This is not necessary/useful with upcomming Processing refactoring. Alexander Bruy
11:43 AM Revision 00fcc6e0 (qgis): sipify auth classes
Denis Rouzaud
11:40 AM Feature request #16586 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support tilessets with reversed Y axis
Already fixed in master and 2.18 Alexander Bruy
11:40 AM Feature request #16586 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support tilessets with reversed Y axis
Already fixed in master and 2.18 Alexander Bruy
11:40 AM Feature request #16586 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support tilessets with reversed Y axis
Already fixed in master and 2.18 Alexander Bruy
10:47 AM Bug report #15861 (Closed): Magnifier zoom factor incompatible with maximum zoom level
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d0e8e62f0c2948a80f64be2f5e63e1c0c9d0ba3. Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Bug report #15861 (Closed): Magnifier zoom factor incompatible with maximum zoom level
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d0e8e62f0c2948a80f64be2f5e63e1c0c9d0ba3. Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Bug report #14658 (Closed): Wmts layer not appearing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|430694ba9a2beb5fe23d5814b63aaecdbee7a3d7. Martin Dobias
10:47 AM Bug report #14658 (Closed): Wmts layer not appearing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|430694ba9a2beb5fe23d5814b63aaecdbee7a3d7. Martin Dobias
10:46 AM Feature request #15589 (Closed): Duplicate record function
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1de71c12d6758f46697827f181ef06c549df6130. Anonymous
10:46 AM Feature request #15589 (Closed): Duplicate record function
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1de71c12d6758f46697827f181ef06c549df6130. Anonymous
10:35 AM Revision e99f5485 (qgis): sipify batch
Denis Rouzaud
10:23 AM Revision ca7cd631 (qgis): add test for createMultiBandRaster
Alexander Bruy
10:04 AM Bug report #16472 (Closed): crash when selecting a SVG marker
Closing for the lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
09:51 AM Bug report #16472: crash when selecting a SVG marker
Can not replicate with master and 2.18. Please provide reproducible testcase. Alexander Bruy
09:41 AM Revision 2c5e52b3 (qgis): remove not used variable
Alexander Bruy
09:05 AM Feature request #16464 (Closed): Toggle Tracing Tool
Giovanni Manghi
09:04 AM Feature request #16464: Toggle Tracing Tool
Cheers @Harrissou Satanna, I didn't know about the 'T' button, does exactly what I needed it to. I guess this issue ... Philip Tait
08:06 AM Revision fa6b5b0a (qgis): rename new method to createMultiBandRaster to make it more obvious
reorganize arguments Alexander Bruy
08:05 AM Revision 8992eeae (qgis): Microoptimise and avoid cache lookup when no sort order set
(cherry-picked from ebee101) Nyall Dawson
08:05 AM Revision 261eba0c (qgis): Microoptimise opening attribute table - don't call sort on model when
no sort order set
(cherry-picked from 381eef)
Nyall Dawson
08:05 AM Revision 4acc4805 (qgis): Don't prefetch attribute table sort values when no sorting set
Shaves some seconds off opening the attribute table in certain
circumstances (no sorting applied)
Drops load time fo...
Nyall Dawson
08:02 AM Revision 9272dc0f (qgis): [API] convenience API call to create empty raster file with given
number of bands. Will be useful for porting raster analysis code
to use QgsRasterBlock instead of GDAL calls.
Alexander Bruy
07:58 AM Revision 9b7d3897 (qgis): use messagebar to report test connection results in the Add new PostGIS
connection dialog Alexander Bruy
07:58 AM Revision a49c1753 (qgis): use messagebar to report test connection results in the Add new Oracle
connection dialog Alexander Bruy
07:58 AM Revision 99cd1c2b (qgis): manual deleting of messagebar is not necessary
Alexander Bruy
07:58 AM Revision 1f8d1e7f (qgis): use messagebar to report test connection results in the Add new BD2
connection dialog
Also reduce debug noise
Alexander Bruy
07:51 AM Bug report #16565: WFS query bug report
On related note, my crash handler should not be making a crash ID if the stack location is unknown. I will look into... Nathan Woodrow
02:30 AM Revision 90bef91d (qgis): Revert "Immediately show progress bar when opening attribute table"
This reverts commit 80a000cd98f3caa90d43f44e0b4bde22cffc1c43.
Causes issues with relation editor widgets
Nyall Dawson
02:09 AM Revision 381eef08 (qgis): Microoptimise opening attribute table - don't call sort on model when n...
Nyall Dawson
02:04 AM Revision ebee1019 (qgis): Microoptimise and avoid cache lookup when no sort order set
Nyall Dawson


01:59 AM Revision 80a000cd (qgis): Immediately show progress bar when opening attribute table
...instead of waiting 1 second before first showing it. It's a
placebo which doesn't affect the actual opening time, ...
Nyall Dawson
01:59 AM Revision 0b95c776 (qgis): Don't prefetch attribute table sort values when no sorting set
Shaves some seconds off opening the attribute table in certain
circumstances (no sorting applied)
Refs #16577, #16239
Nyall Dawson
01:35 AM Revision ebd3e0d7 (qgis): Greatly speed up attribute table loading
Don't advise for rows added when a model reset is in progress.
Otherwise the rows are tested for sort order, etc trig...
Nyall Dawson
12:22 AM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Backporting done and fixed some related issue with commit:6c126a3a960d2d148e9d892a65e636773ef945bd. Salvatore Larosa
12:18 AM Bug report #16589 (Closed): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20dde725c4bfeb6c920ecd0b60d3604aaf1be991. Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #16589 (Closed): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20dde725c4bfeb6c920ecd0b60d3604aaf1be991. Nyall Dawson
08:58 PM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
commit:9a19a5fc587e0764afee91c038cede04e4602fcc is the fix - it just needs backporting Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
This regression was introduced since commit:2185d42dbcd81be4e45498cdacd82ee74fcb59c7 in order to fix the issue #15633... Salvatore Larosa
06:13 PM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
This regression was introduced since commit:2185d42dbcd81be4e45498cdacd82ee74fcb59c7 in order to fix the issue #15633... Salvatore Larosa
05:36 PM Bug report #16589 (In Progress): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (Q...
How this is different from #16595? Giovanni Manghi
12:31 PM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Also in commit:52a9c6d
Saber Razmjooei
12:26 PM Bug report #16589 (Open): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.1...
Confirmed in commit:af8fb04 Saber Razmjooei
11:18 AM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you confirm your build number? This should already be fixed.
I confirm the bug ...
Antonio Viscomi
11:17 AM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Claas Leiner wrote:
> In QGIS 2.18.8 it is not possible in the expression editor (Select by Expresssion / FieldCalcu...
Antonio Viscomi
09:34 AM Bug report #16589 (Feedback): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS...
Giovanni Manghi
03:38 AM Bug report #16589: No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2.18.8)
Can you confirm your build number? This should already be fixed. Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #16595 (Closed): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20dde725c4bfeb6c920ecd0b60d3604aaf1be991. Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #16595 (Closed): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20dde725c4bfeb6c920ecd0b60d3604aaf1be991. Nyall Dawson
06:31 PM Bug report #16595: No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Giovanni, it appears in Field Calculator (also does the "fields and values" group) but n...
Giovanni Manghi
06:26 PM Bug report #16595: No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Giovanni, it appears in Field Calculator (also does the "fields and values" group) but not in the "Select by expressi... Harrissou Santanna
05:50 PM Bug report #16595: No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
eventually not duplicate of #16589 ? Giovanni Manghi
05:36 PM Bug report #16595 (Feedback): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Hi Saber,
if confirmed is a regression, but i just tested on Linux and Windows and I can see that group in both
Giovanni Manghi
05:36 PM Bug report #16595 (Feedback): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Hi Saber,
if confirmed is a regression, but i just tested on Linux and Windows and I can see that group in both
Giovanni Manghi
05:36 PM Bug report #16595 (Feedback): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
Hi Saber,
if confirmed is a regression, but i just tested on Linux and Windows and I can see that group in both
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Bug report #16595 (Closed): No "Recently used expressions" in expression editor
The option to show previously used expressions have been removed from 2.18.8 Saber Razmjooei
12:17 AM Revision 6c126a3a (qgis): [processing] fix duplicates fields name in field calculator algorithm w...
cherry-picked from 48ecee5 Salvatore Larosa
12:17 AM Revision 20dde725 (qgis): Followup 2185d42, fix missing field names in expression builder
(fixes #16589, #16595)
cherry-picked from 9a19a5f
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 48ecee56 (qgis): [processing] fix duplicates fields name in field calculator algorithm w...
Salvatore Larosa
10:16 PM Bug report #16600 (Closed): Add delimited text crashes QGIS
Seems to have been resolved in commit:b5cd5ee
Saber Razmjooei
10:16 PM Bug report #16600 (Closed): Add delimited text crashes QGIS
Seems to have been resolved in commit:b5cd5ee
Saber Razmjooei
10:12 PM Bug report #16600 (Closed): Add delimited text crashes QGIS
Try to add a comma delimited layer and there will be Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Saber Razmjooei
09:49 PM Revision b5cd5ee8 (qgis): don't set friendly name without sublayers (followup e0a2267; fixes #165...
(cherry picked from commit 403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8) Jürgen Fischer
09:46 PM Bug report #16598 (Closed): Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mi...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
09:46 PM Bug report #16598 (Closed): Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mi...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
07:13 PM Bug report #16598: Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)
in my case crash here: Luigi Pirelli
07:12 PM Bug report #16598: Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)
Confirmed on ubuntu budgie 16.04.02. Crashes when loading layer from browser, if layer is already loaded in a project... Raul Nanclares
06:49 PM Bug report #16598: Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)
Alex, Luigi's analysis seems to point to some changes of yours, can you confirm? Giovanni Manghi
06:26 PM Bug report #16598: Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mini-dump)
confirmed on Linux with latest 52a9c6d compiled... but only adding layer (doubleckick) from browser. Not confirmed fr... Luigi Pirelli
03:44 PM Bug report #16598 (Closed): Adding PostGIS layers from the browser or DB-Manager crashes QGIS (mi...
QGIS 2.18.8 (and also master) crashes when one adds PostGIS layers from the browser or from DB-Manager. Everything is... Jérôme Guélat
09:46 PM Bug report #16594 (Closed): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
09:46 PM Bug report #16594 (Closed): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
05:10 PM Bug report #16594 (Open): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #16594 (Feedback): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
Any service? Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #16594 (Feedback): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
Any service? Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #16594 (Closed): WFS crashing QGIS on 2.18.8
with a recent update --> Qgis 2.18.8 on ubuntu 16.04.02 with debian depots
When i want open a wfs via the w...
Mauchain Louis
09:46 PM Bug report #16593 (Closed): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
09:46 PM Bug report #16593 (Closed): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|403dc35dac30499c3954b732e4e8a642bfd475d8. Jürgen Fischer
04:30 PM Bug report #16593 (Open): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Giovanni Manghi
03:14 PM Bug report #16593: Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Here's an example CSV that makes my QGIS crash. Filippo Bistaffa
12:14 PM Bug report #16593 (Feedback): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Can you attach a CSV that is causing the issue? Giovanni Manghi
12:14 PM Bug report #16593 (Feedback): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Can you attach a CSV that is causing the issue? Giovanni Manghi
12:14 PM Bug report #16593 (Feedback): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Can you attach a CSV that is causing the issue? Giovanni Manghi
11:22 AM Bug report #16593 (Closed): Segmentation fault when importing CSV file with coordinates
Latest version of QGIS crashes (with a segmentation fault) when I try to import a simple CSV file in the form
Filippo Bistaffa
09:43 PM Revision 403dc35d (qgis): don't set friendly name without sublayers (followup e0a2267; fixes #165...
Jürgen Fischer
08:39 PM Bug report #16597: layer name column width in new snapping dock is reset when adding a new layer
Youps ! :) I didn't know kazam would capture my audio playlist ( "Nouvelle vague" nice music yes!)
Regis Haubourg
05:25 PM Bug report #16597: layer name column width in new snapping dock is reset when adding a new layer
nice music :) Giovanni Manghi
03:02 PM Bug report #16597 (Closed): layer name column width in new snapping dock is reset when adding a n...
See attached screencast Regis Haubourg
08:34 PM Bug report #16599 (Closed): Buffer function crashing QGIS on specific data set
I'm trying to run the buffer tool on a line and it keeps crashing Qgis. The line is created by merging two sets of gp... timothy brink
06:18 PM Feature request #16464: Toggle Tracing Tool
Philip Tait wrote:

> Perhaps to improve usability when the Tracing tool is turned on there is also the ability to...
Harrissou Santanna
04:55 PM Feature request #16464 (Feedback): Toggle Tracing Tool
Hi, I tried to reproduce in master and didn't have to turn off tracing to change between disconnected geometries. I ... Regis Haubourg
04:55 PM Feature request #16464 (Feedback): Toggle Tracing Tool
Hi, I tried to reproduce in master and didn't have to turn off tracing to change between disconnected geometries. I ... Regis Haubourg
04:55 PM Feature request #16464 (Feedback): Toggle Tracing Tool
Hi, I tried to reproduce in master and didn't have to turn off tracing to change between disconnected geometries. I ... Regis Haubourg
05:43 PM Feature request #13820: Tool to create dynamic leader lines
Do you know what happened to "QEP 47: Label connectors"?
Ger CO
05:26 PM Feature request #16444 (Open): Print Composer allow legend arrangement
Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Feature request #16444: Print Composer allow legend arrangement
I checked in Qgis 2.16,
actually with the "filter to map content" active, I can not rearrange the layers in a cate...
Antonio Viscomi
05:23 PM Bug report #16591 (Feedback): Rules-based styling feature crash
Just tries this on Ubuntu/2.18.8, even with a very large vector and a very large number of rules. Please:
* disabl...
Giovanni Manghi
05:23 PM Bug report #16591 (Feedback): Rules-based styling feature crash
Just tries this on Ubuntu/2.18.8, even with a very large vector and a very large number of rules. Please:
* disabl...
Giovanni Manghi
05:23 PM Bug report #16591 (Feedback): Rules-based styling feature crash
Just tries this on Ubuntu/2.18.8, even with a very large vector and a very large number of rules. Please:
* disabl...
Giovanni Manghi
10:19 AM Bug report #16591 (Closed): Rules-based styling feature crash
Every time I try to open the styling page "Rules-based" in the properties menu, QGIS freezes and I have to ...
Florian LEDOUX
05:19 PM Feature request #16592 (Feedback): Bring selected to top
have you tried the "point displacement" renderer? Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Feature request #16592 (Open): Bring selected to top
I have a point shapefile containing points that may be stacked precisely on top of one another, which means that when... Willem Coetzer
04:44 PM Feature request #16582: Add the tiny button "SQL query composer" of the db manager in 'Add virtua...
I think you should also raise your need to the French ministry of ecology that coordinates this and did the initial f... Regis Haubourg
04:14 PM Bug report #16596: snapping advanced configuration does not show snapping dialog
ok, I get it, the entry has been moved from settings to project menu.
Now that we have a ditigizing toolbar and do...
Regis Haubourg
03:13 PM Bug report #16596 (Feedback): snapping advanced configuration does not show snapping dialog
enabling the advanced mode from the toolbar is not meant to show the dialog or the dock. You have to use project menu... Denis Rouzaud
02:52 PM Bug report #16596 (Closed): snapping advanced configuration does not show snapping dialog
In qgis 2.99, when the digitizing snapping option is set to "dialog" and not "dock", the dialog does not show up when... Regis Haubourg
03:32 PM Bug report #16579: Date widget: current date can't be picked
This is a bug also valid on 2.14. Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
02:31 PM Revision 7fee0b20 (qgis): [mssql] Ignore computed columns in insert/update
Nathan Woodrow
12:42 PM Revision 2b39c1e1 (qgis): Merge pull request #4597 from rldhont/server-wms-configparser-getcapabi...
[Server] WMS GetCapabilities refactoring - Part 2 René-Luc ReLuc
11:49 AM Revision 52a9c6d9 (qgis): Fix doxygen warnings
Nyall Dawson
11:07 AM Revision b97a980b (qgis): Greatly speed up attribute table loading
Don't advise for rows added when a model reset is in progress.
Otherwise the rows are tested for sort order, etc trig...
Nyall Dawson
10:17 AM Revision d93d0a80 (qgis): [sipify] detect multiple variable declarations oneliners
Denis Rouzaud
10:12 AM Revision 1df3c516 (qgis): sipify batch
Denis Rouzaud
04:40 AM Revision af3370d0 (qgis): Utilise thread safe proj API within QgsCoordinateTransform
Avoids unpredictable behavior when transforms are being conducted
in background threads, such as map renders.
Refs #...
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Revision 9e331dc0 (qgis): Fix duplicate layout warnings
Nyall Dawson
04:17 AM Revision 2a5420a7 (qgis): Fix debug noise
Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Bug report #16590 (Closed): QGIS - query / python error
Sorry, my bad. I didn't deliver password. James 5
02:33 AM Bug report #16590 (Closed): QGIS - query / python error
Hello, I tried to create query in PostgisQuery - Editor 2.0.0 and I received error message.
I am receiving same erro...
James 5
02:27 AM Revision 3cd714af (qgis): Fix Windows build
Nathan Woodrow


01:46 AM Revision 1577a57a (qgis): Don't clear locator model immediately when a new search triggers
Instead delay the search until either a tiny timeout (100ms) or
the first new results come in, whichever happens firs...
Nyall Dawson
01:34 AM Revision 14fcddb6 (qgis): Added Ismail Sunni and Etienne Trimaille to contributors list
Tim Sutton
11:34 PM Bug report #16589 (Closed): No fields display in expression editor under Fields an values (QGIS 2...
In QGIS 2.18.8 it is not possible in the expression editor (Select by Expresssion / FieldCalculatur) to display the l... Claas Leiner
04:34 PM Revision d55fa226 (qgis): Merge pull request #4599 from ismailsunni/fix_geos_c
Fix geos_c.h not found. Jürgen Fischer
01:43 PM Revision 0a661d5b (qgis): [needs-docs] add layerid and layername to atlas expressions
Etienne Trimaille
12:21 PM Revision 3452e8de (qgis): fix osx build
Jürgen Fischer
12:16 PM Revision 592c92e1 (qgis): Fix geos_c.h not found.
Ismail Sunni
10:49 AM Bug report #16542 (Closed): "spatialite" missing from option in DB manager on QGIS master.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|beed86e19db01fa61738a8ca09d8fa98c2853315. Jürgen Fischer
10:49 AM Bug report #16542 (Closed): "spatialite" missing from option in DB manager on QGIS master.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|beed86e19db01fa61738a8ca09d8fa98c2853315. Jürgen Fischer
10:45 AM Revision beed86e1 (qgis): db manager: fix spatialite plugin (followup c77172ed; fixes #16542)
Jürgen Fischer
10:43 AM Revision 087e7f75 (qgis): [Server] wmsInfoFormatSIA2045 to wmsInfoFormatSia2045: Qt style naming
René-Luc ReLuc
10:11 AM Bug report #16588 (Feedback): Cannot save duplicated layer back to GeoPackage
To me sounds like is expected. The duplicate layer *is not* a different datasource from the original one, is exactly ... Giovanni Manghi
10:11 AM Bug report #16588 (Feedback): Cannot save duplicated layer back to GeoPackage
To me sounds like is expected. The duplicate layer *is not* a different datasource from the original one, is exactly ... Giovanni Manghi
07:14 AM Bug report #16588 (Closed): Cannot save duplicated layer back to GeoPackage
When I duplicate a layer in a GeoPackage, I cannot save that layer back to the same GeoPackage. Instead, I get an err... Eron Lloyd
10:09 AM Revision 212d07f3 (qgis): consider structs in exported classes also exported
Jürgen Fischer
10:08 AM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Giovanni Manghi
10:07 AM Bug report #16551: Zoom to layer doesn't work
Eron Lloyd wrote:
> I can confirm this as well for 2.18.7 on OS X, official build. I have a GeoPackage with a point ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:56 AM Bug report #16551: Zoom to layer doesn't work
I can confirm this as well for 2.18.7 on OS X, official build. I have a GeoPackage with a point layer that has five f... Eron Lloyd
06:56 AM Bug report #16551: Zoom to layer doesn't work
I can confirm this as well for 2.18.7 on OS X, official build. I have a GeoPackage with a point layer that has five f... Eron Lloyd
08:39 AM Revision 551a9073 (qgis): Fix a crash when confirming config dialog of a locator filter
The locator was getting invalidated, but there was no feedback object associated for cancellation. Martin Dobias
07:53 AM Bug report #16560: regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, removes all la...
git bisect spoke out:... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:25 AM Bug report #15952: Allow null in value relation widget should be closely tighted with the not nul...
Agreed. Also, at least when using a GeoPackage, I'm seeing that the null constraint cannot be satisfied with a proper... Eron Lloyd


10:04 PM Revision af8fb04f (qgis): replace QStringLiteral with QString (followup c849bc8)
Jürgen Fischer
09:37 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
see also: Giovanni Manghi
09:33 PM Bug report #16577: Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2.14.14
see also:
Giovanni Manghi
09:32 PM Bug report #16239 (Open): master: (much) slower rendering (and attribute table opening) time comp...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I believe this report can be closed - it seems the issue was stemming from comparing the debug...
Giovanni Manghi
09:32 PM Bug report #16239 (Open): master: (much) slower rendering (and attribute table opening) time comp...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I believe this report can be closed - it seems the issue was stemming from comparing the debug...
Giovanni Manghi
08:43 PM Revision 401c4637 (qgis): avoid (harmless) postinstall.log message
(cherry picked from commit 0be274f4675ae6d8c35927369f0a8c9ea8ed9907) Jürgen Fischer
08:42 PM Revision 0be274f4 (qgis): avoid (harmless) postinstall.log message
Jürgen Fischer
05:13 PM Revision b82d757b (qgis): [Server] Fix indent Add GetProjectSettings tests in AccessControl test
René-Luc ReLuc
05:11 PM Revision 6a9073a5 (qgis): [Server] Fix indent Add GetProjectSettings tests in AccessControl test
René-Luc ReLuc
04:33 PM Revision d3bc6a01 (qgis): [Server] Fix backport Add GetProjectSettings tests in AccessControl test
René-Luc ReLuc
04:29 PM Revision ca29b221 (qgis): [Server] Update QgsServerProjectUtils SIP file
René-Luc ReLuc
04:03 PM Revision e13e757b (qgis): [Server] Add GetProjectSettings tests in AccessControl test
René-Luc ReLuc
04:02 PM Revision 54649382 (qgis): partial revert of 96aa26f
Matthias Kuhn
04:00 PM Revision 1fb7fe10 (qgis): [Server] Add GetProjectSettings tests in AccessControl test
René-Luc ReLuc
03:54 PM Revision 33b4582f (qgis): [Server] WMS GetCapabilities refactoring - Part 2
Part 2 (the last) for removing QgsWMSProjectParser from GetCapabilities René-Luc ReLuc
10:09 AM Revision 9e411431 (qgis): Port code in QgsPointSample to 2.18
Marco Hugentobler


12:03 AM Feature request #16587 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support local files
Hi !
The new native XYZ tiles provider is awesome.
But it doesn't seem to support local files. URLs like file:/...
Olivier Dalang
11:59 PM Feature request #16586 (Closed): Native XYZ provider doesn't support tilessets with reversed Y axis
Hi !
The new native XYZ tiles provider is awesome.
But there are two almost-same but not compatible standards a...
Olivier Dalang
09:56 PM Revision 258c872c (qgis): Once again fix QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy on windows (followup b0bb873,...
Jürgen Fischer
08:02 PM Bug report #16585 (Closed): Cannot run Windows 2.18.7-1 under 32-bit XP
Hello, can 2.18.7 be run under 32-bit XP? I initially got a startup error that Normaliz.dll could not be found. That ... Duane Schrag
06:48 PM Bug report #16584 (Closed): QGIS crashes each time i hit OK from the Settings --> options dialog
h2. User Feedback
I encounter this issue while modifying value of the Settings --> Options --> Data Sources --> At...
Harrissou Santanna
06:45 PM Bug report #16583 (Feedback): Unexpected error message when reloading QGIS from a crash
After I got a crash from QGIS, from the Uh! Oh! dialog, i clicked the *Reload QGIS* button (great option btw).
At th...
Harrissou Santanna
05:56 PM Revision 59d97be3 (qgis): fix build of oracle provider
Jürgen Fischer
05:48 PM Feature request #16582 (Open): Add the tiny button "SQL query composer" of the db manager in 'Add...
Is there a way to go straight to the SQL query composer of the db manager in the 'Add virtual layer' window, ...
Julien Monticolo
03:51 PM Feature request #16315: Proper Mask Functionality
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> Ger CO wrote:
> > QGIS needs the option to set vector layer or features as a mask for other...
Ger CO
02:13 PM Feature request #16315: Proper Mask Functionality
Ger CO wrote:
> QGIS needs the option to set vector layer or features as a mask for other layers of the users´choice...
Regis Haubourg
02:13 PM Feature request #16315: Proper Mask Functionality
Ger CO wrote:
> QGIS needs the option to set vector layer or features as a mask for other layers of the users´choice...
Regis Haubourg
03:48 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
preparing PR for 3.X
Luigi Pirelli
03:24 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
without any answer in list... I'll implement solution 1). Preparing PR Luigi Pirelli
03:40 PM Bug report #16581 (Closed): Python init form is also called in table mode
According to Matthias this is a known and intended behavior.
Will change my init script to deal with it and close ...
Andreas Neumann
03:40 PM Bug report #16581 (Closed): Python init form is also called in table mode
According to Matthias this is a known and intended behavior.
Will change my init script to deal with it and close ...
Andreas Neumann
02:56 PM Bug report #16581 (Closed): Python init form is also called in table mode
Python init forms are also triggered when the attribute table is opened, regardless of how the attribute table was op... Andreas Neumann
03:35 PM Revision fb8edea1 (qgis): [sipify] implement template inheritance
Denis Rouzaud
03:35 PM Revision f0ed77ee (qgis): fix sip coverage test
Denis Rouzaud
02:51 PM Bug report #16580 (Closed): Date widget: cosmetic issue with NULL values
in a date widget that has a NULL value set, there is an ugly widget drawing:
Parts of the widget borders of the da...
Andreas Neumann
02:47 PM Bug report #16579 (Closed): Date widget: current date can't be picked
If one uses a date widget and wants to pick the current day (which is initially highlighted) one cannot pick the mark... Andreas Neumann
02:08 PM Revision bbcc8725 (qgis): Merge pull request #4587 from alexbruy/processing-saga
[processing][needs-docs] always use SAGA shipped with QGIS (refs #16422) Alexander Bruy
02:00 PM Revision cde1d789 (qgis): Release of 2.18.8
Jürgen Fischer
02:00 PM Revision a916bf46 (qgis): Release of 2.14.15
Jürgen Fischer
01:45 PM Bug report #14589: GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache is set to 0)
I can't find a way to reproduce the error. The QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().cache().clear() already clear the c... Luigi Pirelli
10:19 AM Bug report #14589: GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache is set to 0)
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> I analysed the qgis and qt (QNetworkDiskCache and related) code and I can't find any possible...
Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #14589: GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache is set to 0)
I analysed the qgis and qt (QNetworkDiskCache and related) code and I can't find any possible bug... I followed capab... Luigi Pirelli
01:33 PM Revision 523cd074 (qgis): Preserve visibility of relation editor edit state buttons
... also when collapsing and uncollapsing a relation editor.
References #15102 (
Matthias Kuhn
12:43 PM Bug report #14592 (Closed): Test connection returns no feedback in the new MSSQL connection dialog
Already fixed in master Alexander Bruy
12:43 PM Bug report #14592 (Closed): Test connection returns no feedback in the new MSSQL connection dialog
Already fixed in master Alexander Bruy
12:00 PM Feature request #16578: Add the ability to bulk load or update dataset to databases
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> Yeah, and thank you for creating that algorithm. I tested it and it's nice. Anyway that sou...
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Feature request #16578 (Open): Add the ability to bulk load or update dataset to databases
Yeah, and thank you for creating that algorithm. I tested it and it's nice. Anyway that sounds more like and alterna... Regis Haubourg
10:00 AM Feature request #16578 (Feedback): Add the ability to bulk load or update dataset to databases
Or just use the Processing/ogr based tools to import data in postgis as they use COPY and are a whole lot faster than... Giovanni Manghi
09:04 AM Feature request #16578 (Open): Add the ability to bulk load or update dataset to databases
Hi, currently, loading into postgres (or any other DB) just do individual INSERT commands.
This can be really slow....
Regis Haubourg
11:06 AM Bug report #16560: regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, removes all la...
Note: my initial estimated time of regression is wrong; I haven't been able to dissect a commit, but problem did emer... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:51 AM Bug report #16560: regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, removes all la...
Youtube decided the video was violating its community guidelines. Adding video as an attached mp4 here. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:47 AM Bug report #16560 (Reopened): regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, rem...
Re-opening, Matthias has been able to replicate regression.
I've made a small video showing the issue: https://www...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:02 AM Bug report #16542: "spatialite" missing from option in DB manager on QGIS master.
Error message shown in DB Manager main dialog is:
> spatialite: cannot import name 'Qgis'
Harrissou Santanna
10:19 AM Revision 99a2f3b4 (qgis): Fix default values for linking features in N:M
Followup bfa507a
Default values for attributes on the linking table have not been
respected and therefore it was imp...
Matthias Kuhn
09:47 AM Bug report #16577: Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2.14.14
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Is that a point release build or a particular commit?
qgis 2.14.14 and 2.18.7 as inst...
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 AM Bug report #16577: Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2.14.14
Is that a point release build or a particular commit? Alessandro Pasotti
09:14 AM Bug report #15930: Aggregate functions don't seem to work with virtual fields
I can confirm this bug too on 2.18.7
Using this :
@relation_aggregate( 'ARMOIREETLAMPES','count',"CODE")@
Patrice Vetsel -
08:54 AM Revision 0a82ab51 (qgis): Merge pull request #4432 from pblottiere/bugfix_sld
[bugfix] Fix unit of sizes when reading a SLD file (uom attribute from SLD 1.1 version is supported) Hugo Mercier
08:54 AM Bug report #8978 (Closed): loading an sld without uom attribute should set ouptput units to mapunits
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|877363873fe99528a9cd3ffbc2f6fb2afeda5f1c. Anonymous
08:54 AM Bug report #8978 (Closed): loading an sld without uom attribute should set ouptput units to mapunits
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|877363873fe99528a9cd3ffbc2f6fb2afeda5f1c. Anonymous
08:00 AM Revision b9929d4c (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] always use SAGA shipped with QGIS (refs #16422)
Alexander Bruy
07:48 AM Revision fe2350c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #4557 from m-kuhn/expressionModulaizing
Modularizing the expression engine file structure and some cleanup Matthias Kuhn
07:33 AM Revision cc6f6e88 (qgis): Merge pull request #4580 from alexbruy/layer-naming-2_18
homogenize layer naming when adding layers from browser and add vector dialog (fix #15510) Alexander Bruy
07:32 AM Revision d7b952b4 (qgis): Merge pull request #4579 from alexbruy/layer-naming
homogenize layer naming when adding via browser and add vector dialog (fix #15510) Alexander Bruy
07:32 AM Bug report #15510 (Closed): layers naming inconsitencies
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e0a2267de764a87d85525435047ae1c7304b79c5. Alexander Bruy
07:32 AM Bug report #15510 (Closed): layers naming inconsitencies
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e0a2267de764a87d85525435047ae1c7304b79c5. Alexander Bruy
07:16 AM Revision 171222b5 (qgis): Revert expression TVL as boolean to int
Matthias Kuhn
07:16 AM Revision 24b16c5f (qgis): Fix runtime added functions
Matthias Kuhn
07:16 AM Revision b0bb8733 (qgis): Fix build
Matthias Kuhn
07:16 AM Revision b2cd626d (qgis): Revert expression NULL value to invalid QVariant
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 80533faa (qgis): Reorganize code from qgsexpression.cpp
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 9eedbb7e (qgis): Fix compiling on mac
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 227108e8 (qgis): Add QgsExpressionUtils class
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision ec401998 (qgis): Modularize expressions
The file qgsexpressions.h has grown to one monolithic piece over the
years. This makes it hard to maintain and slows ...
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 1e4c1595 (qgis): Adapt “@qgsfunction" decorator to new expression structure
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision e02cd570 (qgis): Migrate expression usage in server
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 82455588 (qgis): General include cleanup
This unifies the way the include directories are handled in the
CMakeLists.txt files.
Paths are now normally relative...
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision b789cc30 (qgis): Fix more include paths
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision ad7ce981 (qgis): Update sip files
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision 9b770065 (qgis): Add missing include
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision ac502143 (qgis): Declutter header files
Implementations of virtual methods will never be inlined, there's no
reason to keep them in headers. It just makes co...
Matthias Kuhn
07:13 AM Revision a2d70f3d (qgis): Document API changes
Matthias Kuhn
07:10 AM Revision 95ac7d0f (qgis): Merge pull request #4567 from pblottiere/clone
Add clone() methods for layers Matthias Kuhn
07:01 AM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Actually I can replicate also under 2.18.7. It doesn't pop up as often as in master though.
If I add the of2015 laye...
Tudor Bărăscu
04:32 AM Bug report #16198: QgsGeometry().asPolygon() segfaults, Python, SIP
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Christoph Fink wrote:
> > Reopening because it seems to affect the osgeo4w qgis-dev build,...
Wei Ji Leong
03:27 AM Revision 3cc9c5ff (qgis): debian packaging: drop release-sponsors.html
(cherry picked from commit c82bffe5db2482c94881ec7571ced4144b77a1c2) Jürgen Fischer
03:26 AM Revision c82bffe5 (qgis): debian packaging: drop release-sponsors.html
Jürgen Fischer
02:13 AM Revision 1d5d92e6 (qgis): fix windows build of QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy again (reapply 8f29f28 ...
Jürgen Fischer


01:55 AM Revision 47f7bbea (qgis): Allow rotate point symbol tool to work with features with initially
NULL rotation values
(cherry-picked from 8997231)
Nyall Dawson
11:40 PM Bug report #16422: Processing (on Windows): external SAGA does not work anymore

> Not sure if same should be done for 2.18, as 2.18 still supports different SAGA versions.
I would say do it on...
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #16422: Processing (on Windows): external SAGA does not work anymore
Here is PR to remove support for external SAGA
Not sure if same should be ...
Alexander Bruy
01:38 PM Bug report #16422: Processing (on Windows): external SAGA does not work anymore
Here is PR to remove support for external SAGA
Not sure if same should be ...
Alexander Bruy
11:25 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
see also #16577 Giovanni Manghi
11:24 PM Bug report #16239: master: (much) slower rendering (and attribute table opening) time compared to...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I believe this report can be closed - it seems the issue was stemming from comparing the debug...
Giovanni Manghi
11:23 PM Bug report #16577 (Closed): Extremely slower time to open attribute table in 2.18.7 compared to 2...
This could be related to #16239 and/or #15752
I have tested a 758719 polygon features on 2.18.7 (no debug output) ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:02 PM Feature request #16576 (Open): Plugin installation for all domain-users
while trying to install plugins (in this case the semi-automatic-classification plugin) for machines in a com...
Yannick Günther
09:59 PM Revision 0923f56c (qgis): make work with git-new-workdir
Jürgen Fischer
09:55 PM Revision c26f1b54 (qgis): indentation fix
Jürgen Fischer
09:54 PM Revision 212f68fa (qgis): indentation fix
Jürgen Fischer
09:34 PM Revision 40972f06 (qgis): sipify batch
Denis Rouzaud
09:25 PM Bug report #16575 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.7 crashes on macOS 10.12.4 when undocking the label panel
Tested installing from brew and Kynchaos packages.
Giovanni Manghi
08:45 PM Bug report #16572: Table join between two shape files crashes qgis
Not confirmed here on a clan 2.18.7, Windows 7 environment. Please attach sample data and/or try with no 3rd party pl... Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #16572 (Feedback): Table join between two shape files crashes qgis
Have you tries by removing/disabling ALL the 3rd party plugins (and restarting QGIS)?
Can you attach sample data/pro...
Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #16572 (Feedback): Table join between two shape files crashes qgis
Have you tries by removing/disabling ALL the 3rd party plugins (and restarting QGIS)?
Can you attach sample data/pro...
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 AM Bug report #16572 (Closed): Table join between two shape files crashes qgis
If you want to join 2 shape files on an attribute column, QGIS crashes.
Workaround: first save (one of) the shape ...
Pieter Roggemans
07:12 PM Bug report #16553 (Open): Attribute table: in form view, using Shift keyboard for multiple featur...
Giovanni Manghi
01:54 PM Bug report #16553: Attribute table: in form view, using Shift keyboard for multiple features sele...
Not sure this feature was ever there.
For the use case, I was trying to select multiple features from the attribute ...
Harrissou Santanna
06:22 PM Revision 5f4ac857 (qgis): crssync: check result of CSVReadParseLine instead of feof
(cherry picked from commit 27f4b0e1e008d3ed60ee0f7f178f93b22bacabe9) Jürgen Fischer
06:21 PM Revision 998d7c68 (qgis): crssync: check result of CSVReadParseLine instead of feof
(cherry picked from commit 27f4b0e1e008d3ed60ee0f7f178f93b22bacabe9) Jürgen Fischer
06:19 PM Revision 27f4b0e1 (qgis): crssync: check result of CSVReadParseLine instead of feof
Jürgen Fischer
05:45 PM Bug report #16574 (Closed): DXF export always changes colors to nearest Indexed color
I'm trying to export to DXF keeping the colors assigned to layer styles.
The problem is the exported DXF uses the ne...
Andrea Ghensi
04:45 PM Revision 9accd4b8 (qgis): [spell check] try do not use thread affinity in silver searcher to avoi...
Denis Rouzaud
12:14 PM Revision aa2739c9 (qgis): Update sip binding
Blottiere Paul
12:05 PM Revision b8d369a7 (qgis): Merge pull request #4575 from alexbruy/qgis-sponsors
remove QgsSponsors widget. Instead open sponsors page in the webbrowser (fix #16169) Alexander Bruy
12:04 PM Revision 08ffb73b (qgis): Merge pull request #4585 from alexbruy/sponsors-2_18
open sponsors page in the webbrowser (fix #16169) Alexander Bruy
12:04 PM Bug report #16169 (Closed): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f29a267a4b0aa32dfcfa20f9f910de4be93be4bb. Alexander Bruy
12:04 PM Bug report #16169 (Closed): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f29a267a4b0aa32dfcfa20f9f910de4be93be4bb. Alexander Bruy
11:52 AM Bug report #16528: Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in browser (s...
trying to fix: Richard Duivenvoorde
11:09 AM Revision 25de7c2e (qgis): Fix documentation
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 8f50b9e8 (qgis): Add note in api break doc for plugin layers
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 9cc3774f (qgis): Add const reference
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision eff5b557 (qgis): Add more const ref
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 30a81349 (qgis): Fix renderer cloning in vector layer when it's null
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 9f8b92d3 (qgis): Update unit tests for vector layer
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision dde58ada (qgis): The extent is cloned in map layer
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 344b9647 (qgis): Update unit tests for raster layer
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision f92a38cf (qgis): Clone more members in vector layer
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision bb1738dc (qgis): Update documentation and sip binding
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 4ce17f5d (qgis): Clone more members in raster layer
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 8a613724 (qgis): Remove the deep copy functionality
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 41406810 (qgis): Update documentation for setCustomProperties
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 6c48ab99 (qgis): Remove unnecessary include
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 8aa2e9bd (qgis): Update cloning method for styles
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision c6f97e53 (qgis): Add unit tests
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 42a96790 (qgis): Update sip binding
Blottiere Paul
11:09 AM Revision 70b25811 (qgis): Use clone() methods within duplicateLayers() function
Blottiere Paul
11:08 AM Revision 7b20c2e8 (qgis): [FEATURE] add clone() methods for layers
Blottiere Paul
10:56 AM Revision ffe5e1c2 (qgis): verbose check spelling test to detect issue on Travis
Denis Rouzaud
10:23 AM Feature request #16573 (Open): Support for multi-map referencing in Print Composer
Currently, in QGIS 3, you can have multiple map canvas. It will be ideal to have an option similar to Preset/Theme t... Saber Razmjooei
10:14 AM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
and thanks again. all is clear now. Lionel Bargeot
10:01 AM Revision d1cc574a (qgis): db manager: fix layer custom action
Jürgen Fischer
09:41 AM Revision 68b990b3 (qgis): sipify batch
Denis Rouzaud
09:12 AM Revision 9f49e404 (qgis): oracle provider: fix triangle warnings
Jürgen Fischer
09:12 AM Revision 34d76545 (qgis): install qgsvectorlayerlabeling.h
Jürgen Fischer
08:51 AM Revision 8fed356f (qgis): Fix build (followup 43a0938)
Martin Dobias
08:06 AM Revision f29a267a (qgis): open sponsors page in the webbrowser (fix #16169)
Alexander Bruy
08:00 AM Revision 4e47ce03 (qgis): oracle provider: skip retrying unavailable connections for 30s
(cherry picked from commit b0126d017873e467f3cd69fa4b3a3bfd16e6a8c8) Jürgen Fischer
07:52 AM Bug report #16568: Missing "multi edit attributes" icon in (Advanced) Digitizing toolbar
Pull request at (for master yet) Harrissou Santanna
07:13 AM Revision 38ed0e5c (qgis): Merge pull request #4568 from alexbruy/gdal-profiles
store profiles as QStringList to avoid issues with spaces (fix #16327) Alexander Bruy
07:13 AM Bug report #16327 (Closed): "Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9bd66d2b35c5550a955f148c3242cac0801d81d. Alexander Bruy
07:13 AM Bug report #16327 (Closed): "Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9bd66d2b35c5550a955f148c3242cac0801d81d. Alexander Bruy
06:25 AM Revision 43a0938e (qgis): Make locator bar shortcut hint show Cmd-K on MacOS (#4583)
Tim Sutton
05:46 AM Revision 89972310 (qgis): Allow rotate point symbol tool to work with features with initially
NULL rotation values Nyall Dawson
05:45 AM Feature request #14789 (Closed): Search layers panel
This is possible in QGIS 3.0 using the new locator search widget Nyall Dawson
05:45 AM Feature request #14789 (Closed): Search layers panel
This is possible in QGIS 3.0 using the new locator search widget Nyall Dawson
05:44 AM Feature request #13719 (Closed): Being able to select the center of the rotation for the "Rotate ...
This is already possible - just ctrl-click while rotating the feature Nyall Dawson
05:44 AM Feature request #13719 (Closed): Being able to select the center of the rotation for the "Rotate ...
This is already possible - just ctrl-click while rotating the feature Nyall Dawson
05:33 AM Revision bba63130 (qgis): Fix locator widget's width on hi-dpi screens
It was too short to see the whole placeholder text... Martin Dobias
03:37 AM Revision e505ebcc (qgis): Merge pull request #4582 from nyalldawson/status_bar
Add a QgsStatusBar widget/interface for adding messages/widgets to main window statusbar Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision e001d5c7 (qgis): Add QgsGeometry::isSimple() - useful for self-intersection checks
Martin Dobias
02:35 AM Revision 27077c87 (qgis): Add a QgsStatusBar widget/interface for adding messages/widgets to
main window statusbar
QStatusBar gives almost no control over display and placement
of child widgets. It's not possi...
Nyall Dawson


12:56 AM Revision 09975cec (qgis): Fix transform shear value not saved (fix #16567)
Nyall Dawson
12:56 AM Revision 6e98b9fe (qgis): Add failing test for #16567
Nyall Dawson
12:54 AM Revision 3c843a8e (qgis): Fix windows build
Nyall Dawson
12:12 AM Bug report #16567 (Closed): Shear values iin transform effect are not being saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1ae3163163e9ad9b02303efc008ac47de184ea59. Nyall Dawson
12:12 AM Bug report #16567 (Closed): Shear values iin transform effect are not being saved
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1ae3163163e9ad9b02303efc008ac47de184ea59. Nyall Dawson
03:15 PM Bug report #16567 (Closed): Shear values iin transform effect are not being saved
The shear values in the transform effect on features are not being save with the project, and are not copied when the... Alexandre Neto
12:12 AM Revision e6f64068 (qgis): Merge pull request #4581 from nyalldawson/fix_16567
Fix transform shear value not saved (fix #16567) Nyall Dawson
11:40 PM Revision 1ae31631 (qgis): Fix transform shear value not saved (fix #16567)
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 93612555 (qgis): Forward port test for #16517
Nyall Dawson
11:11 PM Revision 3fc1bda3 (qgis): Add failing test for #16567
Nyall Dawson
11:06 PM Revision b4de0ace (qgis): Merge pull request #4512 from nyalldawson/locator
[FEATURE] Implement a QtCreator style locator bar in the QGIS status bar Nyall Dawson
10:10 PM Revision 7108d6b0 (qgis): Blacklist PyQgsLocator test on Travis OSX builds
Travis OSX is too underpowered to even run the normal tests...
let alone something that requires... *gasp* multiple c...
Nyall Dawson
10:05 PM Revision bb1fb577 (qgis): Remove duplicate include
Nyall Dawson
08:36 PM Bug report #11441 (Feedback): Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
Anita - please test the next nightly 3.0 release as this is likely fixed now. Nyall Dawson
08:36 PM Bug report #11441 (Feedback): Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
Anita - please test the next nightly 3.0 release as this is likely fixed now. Nyall Dawson
08:08 PM Bug report #16517 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cc2e68d4c68121cfaa91193edf2e5f9dc3964b2f. Nyall Dawson
08:08 PM Bug report #16517 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cc2e68d4c68121cfaa91193edf2e5f9dc3964b2f. Nyall Dawson
09:46 AM Bug report #16517: Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
Fix incoming Nyall Dawson
08:08 PM Revision e12209ea (qgis): Merge pull request #4576 from nyalldawson/fix_16517
[composer] Fix locked raster layers do not restore when loading project (fix #16517) Nyall Dawson
07:23 PM Feature request #16527 (Feedback): Handle absent primary keys for postgresql views in add postgis...
Giovanni Manghi
06:56 PM Feature request #16527: Handle absent primary keys for postgresql views in add postgis layer dialog
Not sure to understand, you have a column to choose the unique id field(s) in the Connection dialog.
Did you miss i...
Regis Haubourg
07:20 PM Revision e0a2267d (qgis): homogenize layer naming when adding via browser and add vector dialog
(fix #15510) Alexander Bruy
06:56 PM Bug report #16571 (Closed): Edit Widget Properties dialog shrinks fields while resizing
when editing field's widgets, for some type widgets if you resize the dialog, it will start shrinking widgets instead... Alexandre Neto
06:16 PM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
It's a known issue
René-Luc ReLuc
04:20 PM Bug report #16566 (Closed): [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
I understand the problem now.
My GetMap request is générated by a web application (Lizmap). I will have a look in th...
Lionel Bargeot
03:02 PM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
We should close it if this is about GetPrint. René-Luc ReLuc
02:59 PM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Hi Lionel,
> If you generates, PDF with the request GetPrint, the parameters LAYERS hav...
Giovanni Manghi
02:47 PM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
Hi Lionel,
If you generates, PDF with the request GetPrint, the parameters LAYERS have changed between 2.14 and 2....
René-Luc ReLuc
02:41 PM Bug report #16566: [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
I have also been bitten by this problem. Giovanni Manghi
02:38 PM Bug report #16566 (Closed): [qgis-server] wms layer in pdf export hide other layers
with qgis-server 2.18.7, a GetMap with pdf output format is wrong if a WMS layer is in the list. If I use a WMS...
Lionel Bargeot
06:12 PM Feature request #16570 (Open): Elevations and layer awareness when exporting to dxf
When exporting to a shape file to a DXF it would be beneficial if elevations and layers would be automatically assign... Mike Bannister
06:01 PM Revision c849bc88 (qgis): homogenize layer naming when adding via browser and add vector dialog
(fix #15510) Alexander Bruy
04:52 PM Bug report #16569 (Closed): Incorrect search bounding box when using epsg:4326
When the user makes a query to a CSW server using the current map extent as a bounding box, the resulting @gml:Envelo... Ricardo Silva
03:50 PM Bug report #16568 (Closed): Missing "multi edit attributes" icon in (Advanced) Digitizing toolbar
I think the Edit --> Modify attributes of selected features tool deserves to have its icon in the Digitizing or Advan... Harrissou Santanna
03:20 PM Revision 8231d752 (qgis): sipify QgsExpressionContext, QgsFeatureRequest, QgsOptionalExpression
Denis Rouzaud
02:32 PM Bug report #16564 (Closed): OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
Hi Giovanni and Jürgen,
it works now, thanks for the fix. You may close it.
Hans Fuchs
01:12 PM Bug report #16564: OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Hans Fuchs wrote:
> > 1.11.3-1 of the gdal111dll (backward compability package) instead of ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:16 PM Bug report #16564: OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
Hans Fuchs wrote:
> 1.11.3-1 of the gdal111dll (backward compability package) instead of the current selected versio...
Jürgen Fischer
12:08 PM Bug report #16564: OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
Hans Fuchs wrote:
> How can I contribute to integrate actual OTB 6.0.0 into OSGeo4W? OTB 5.0.0 binaries are now almo...
Jürgen Fischer
11:55 AM Bug report #16564: OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
in the OSGeo4W setup for Advanced Installation install the previous version 1.11.3-1 of the gdal111dll (b...
Hans Fuchs
11:41 AM Bug report #16564 (Closed): OTB 5.0 integration in Processing Tools broken in OSGeo4W QGIS 2.18.7-1
I run QGIS 2.18.7-1 on Win7 64bit installed by the OSGeo4W network installer with the additional Libs otb-bin 5.0.0-2... Hans Fuchs
02:01 PM Bug report #8073 (Open): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
with the same data, on 2.18.7 it also crashes even if the raster is loaded inside the DB. Loading as "external" does ... Giovanni Manghi
02:01 PM Bug report #8073 (Open): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
with the same data, on 2.18.7 it also crashes even if the raster is loaded inside the DB. Loading as "external" does ... Giovanni Manghi
02:01 PM Bug report #8073 (Open): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
with the same data, on 2.18.7 it also crashes even if the raster is loaded inside the DB. Loading as "external" does ... Giovanni Manghi
02:01 PM Bug report #8073 (Open): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
with the same data, on 2.18.7 it also crashes even if the raster is loaded inside the DB. Loading as "external" does ... Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Confirmed with 2.18.7.
I did extensive testing, but I cannot replicate it reliably.
What I did:...
Paolo Cavallini
01:59 PM Revision cc2e68d4 (qgis): [composer] Fix locked raster layers do not restore when loading
project (fix #16517) Nyall Dawson
01:56 PM Revision e474bd2c (qgis): Add failing test for #16517
Nyall Dawson
01:56 PM Revision 70a25d69 (qgis): Merge pull request #4571 from rldhont/release-2_18-processing-rscripts-...
[BUGFIX][Processing] R scripts do not have enough outputs René-Luc ReLuc
01:51 PM Revision 43e40243 (qgis): Small cleanups
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision ce663936 (qgis): Add (non-functional) locator configuration dialog
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision e8d3ae92 (qgis): Enable disabling filters via options dialog
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision df9d9f67 (qgis): Invalidate current locator results when locator options are changed
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 96d8f877 (qgis): Start on options page
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision fb6ba511 (qgis): Add configure menu to locator widget
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 5a0bcf07 (qgis): Style fixes
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision e260be11 (qgis): Fix QgsFloatingWidget discards some events
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 7635b44b (qgis): Make locator settings persistent
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 8267fa3d (qgis): Allow filters to provide configuration dialogs
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision ab02f2b7 (qgis): Allowing associating QgsLocatorWidget with a map canvas
This allows the widget's locator to prioritise results which
are close to the current canvas extent
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision cb579bb9 (qgis): Add a locator filter for main window actions
Inspired by the ghost of processing's commander Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 0dd3fcb6 (qgis): Add processing algorithms to locator bar
Inspired by the ghost of processing's commander Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 0f80df09 (qgis): Show locator filter names in results, sort results and group by filter
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision a7d590e0 (qgis): Add a context variable for locator searches
This allows encapsulation of properties relating to the context
of a search, such as a target map extent. Locator fil...
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 376d6b3d (qgis): Add missing docs, sip bindings
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 1174b335 (qgis): Add inbuilt filters for project layers and compositions
The project layer filter allows you to quickly select a layer
from the current project and highlight it in the layer ...
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision a53516d7 (qgis): Only show action results when . prefix is used
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 6649d2b1 (qgis): Sort filter results so closer matches appear higher
A closer match means more of the text is matched, ie
a short string inside a long string is penalised
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 56c8baac (qgis): Provide a standard string comparison method in QgsLocatorFilter
Subclasses should use this method instead of directly calling
QString::contains or using Python 's in search' type ma...
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision b33ce0bf (qgis): Allow speciyfing the priority for filters
Higher priority (i.e. more important) filter results get shown
first. This means filters like project layers & compos...
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 11036e4d (qgis): Always select the best result by default, even if good results are
slow to fetch Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 102a4666 (qgis): Implement prefix based locator searching
Filters can indicate their preferred search prefix. Searches which
begin with this character will be restricted to th...
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision ea86049c (qgis): Show a list of shortcut prefixes in locator bar if no text is entered
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 2435dbc7 (qgis): Nicer results, always show an icon, show description
Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Revision 71f78722 (qgis): [FEATURE] Implement a QtCreator style locator bar in the QGIS status bar
This adds a new "locator" bar to the QGIS status bar. If you're not
familiar with QtCreator's locator, it's a quick s...
Nyall Dawson
01:31 PM Revision afc97888 (qgis): Better method to ensure memory layers always have unique sources
Nyall Dawson
01:30 PM Bug report #16562 (Feedback): Performance with Oracle datasets
Please raise this matter (as also your willingly to support improvements in this area) in the developers mailing list... Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #16562 (Closed): Performance with Oracle datasets
Retrieving, rendering and querying/filtering data from our Oracle databases takes a lot longer than using PostGIS dat... Niels Kjaer
01:07 PM Bug report #16563 (Closed): Installing OpenLayersPlugin - missing QtWebKit
You must report the plugin issue to the plugin authors, is not part of core QGIS. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
01:07 PM Bug report #16563 (Closed): Installing OpenLayersPlugin - missing QtWebKit
You must report the plugin issue to the plugin authors, is not part of core QGIS. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:50 AM Bug report #16563 (Closed): Installing OpenLayersPlugin - missing QtWebKit
Hey *,
I wanted to install the OpenLayersPlugin and got the Error Loadding Plugin:
The plugin is broken. Python...
Marcel Gangwisch
01:01 PM Bug report #16565 (Feedback): WFS query bug report
Sorry, you must give more details.
The URL of the service, the layer you are quering, the query, etc.
Giovanni Manghi
01:00 PM Bug report #16565 (Closed): WFS query bug report
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 15cdf7b48b375149233d4fc4689ab5411ef269df
*Stack Trace...
Stefan Rey
12:50 PM Bug report #16327 (In Progress): "Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly
Alexander Bruy
12:48 PM Bug report #4687: memory vector layer does not show nor export attributes
Correct link to the related email thread Alexander Bruy
12:37 PM Revision 49a7158a (qgis): Merge pull request #4565 from alexbruy/processing-single2multi
[processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #15822) Alexander Bruy
12:35 PM Bug report #16169 (In Progress): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
12:35 PM Bug report #16169 (In Progress): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
12:35 PM Bug report #16169 (In Progress): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
12:35 PM Bug report #16169 (In Progress): Is QGIS Sponsors widget out of date ?
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
11:38 AM Revision 591c3ab9 (qgis): Remove QgsPoint::onSegment() method
This is a completely wrong use of an algorithm that is meant to be used with *integer* values,
e.g. when dealing with...
Martin Dobias
11:06 AM Revision 5112a0dc (qgis): remove QgsSponsors widget. Instead open sponsors page in the webbrowser
(fix #16169) Alexander Bruy
10:47 AM Feature request #13654: Enhancements to Dissolve
Please address the issue, that currently all fields (not just the fields used as dissolve fields) are maintained. Thi... Ger CO
10:40 AM Revision bb7f95fb (qgis): [bugfix] Fix broken inverted Y support in XYZ layers
This follows the convention used by OpenLayers, where
an inverted axis is indicated by {-y} in the URL
Alessandro Pasotti
10:15 AM Revision 14ee4357 (qgis): Merge pull request #4569 from boundlessgeo/xyz-inverted-y
[bugfix] Fix broken inverted Y support in XYZ layers Alessandro Pasotti
10:15 AM Feature request #15927 (Closed): Y format parameter for Tile Server (XYZ) layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ccd5d752254cee7d972e4978cd1e5203b7fa36d3. Anonymous
10:15 AM Feature request #15927 (Closed): Y format parameter for Tile Server (XYZ) layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ccd5d752254cee7d972e4978cd1e5203b7fa36d3. Anonymous
10:14 AM Revision ccd5d752 (qgis): [bugfix] Fix broken inverted Y support in XYZ layers
This follows the convention used by OpenLayers, where
an inverted axis is indicated by {-y} in the URL
Alessandro Pasotti
09:47 AM Bug report #16561 (Closed): Map Composer: Lock layers for map item seems to ignore raster layers
Nyall Dawson
09:28 AM Bug report #16561: Map Composer: Lock layers for map item seems to ignore raster layers
Duplicate with #16517 Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
09:24 AM Bug report #16561 (Closed): Map Composer: Lock layers for map item seems to ignore raster layers
I use the Map Composer in QGIS (German Language Version). Since I updated QGIS from QGIS 2.18.6 (or 2.18.5, I'...
Steve Grössl
07:34 AM Bug report #15490 (Closed): Modeler calculator don't work when passed raster layer bounds
Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
07:34 AM Bug report #15490 (Closed): Modeler calculator don't work when passed raster layer bounds
Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
07:26 AM Revision 84871ce0 (qgis): [processing] temporarily disable singleparts to multiparts test
Alexander Bruy
06:20 AM Bug report #16560 (Closed): regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, remov...
Closing, issue appears to either be localized, or not at all linked to the last 24-hour changes. I'll re-open if I fi... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:14 AM Bug report #16560 (Closed): regression: re-loading a project within the same session fails, remov...
This regression occured within the last 24 hours (May 16-17, 2017). Re-loading a project (or loading a different proj... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:01 AM Revision 14a8df41 (qgis): [raster] fix raster blending (cherry-pick 93c59f4)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


09:53 PM Bug report #8073 (Feedback): Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Unfortunately I'm currently unable to add -R rasters,
what is the issue with -R rasters=
Giovanni Manghi
07:06 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Unfortunately I'm currently unable to add -R rasters, so I cannot reproduce the issue.
I'll try again.
Paolo Cavallini
06:38 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Paolo could you test again with a build from the release-2_18 branch ?
Also, can you attach data and script to repro...
Sandro Santilli
09:48 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers

> This problem is not about the "memory layers" plugin.
ok, now we have w new piece of information that make...
Giovanni Manghi
09:48 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers

> This problem is not about the "memory layers" plugin.
ok, now we have w new piece of information that make...
Giovanni Manghi
09:48 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers

> This problem is not about the "memory layers" plugin.
ok, now we have w new piece of information that make...
Giovanni Manghi
09:30 PM Bug report #16524: Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Not to be picky but "(created with the "memory layers" plugin)" really should not be in the title. I first found this... Calvin Hamilton
09:21 PM Bug report #16524: Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Somehow I don't get notified when this is updated. The New Memory Layer plugin was just one example. My own Shape Too... Calvin Hamilton
07:46 PM Revision 5bdd038e (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] R scripts do not have enough outputs
R scripts in processing only supports Vector, Raster and Table.
This commit adds fix the file output and adds directo...
René-Luc ReLuc
07:43 PM Revision acd35753 (qgis): Merge pull request #4545 from rldhont/release-2_14-processing-rscripts-...
[BUGFIX][Processing] R scripts do not have enough outputs René-Luc ReLuc
07:34 PM Revision d0d6959b (qgis): Merge pull request #4570 from mach0/master
[i18n] adding translator on request Werner Macho
07:22 PM Revision 0bac9371 (qgis): Fix indentation as requested by Travis
NOTE: I do have the hook in place, but it did
not handle this
Sandro Santilli
07:22 PM Bug report #16514: Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
2.18.7 is now released for Mac, and I can confirm the issue remains. Nathan Perry
07:15 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
I confirm 2.18 branch as of commit:126cf5f100abb077fd0ba611cb1653583dd898cd also behaves the same as I reported above... Sandro Santilli
07:02 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Maybe it was commit:2475ee578c17ef3368d9b4d487599c31340a9a09 ? Sandro Santilli
07:01 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
Matthias 7 months ago you referenced commit:1f1898df1616ce5d3239bf2257470dd2c6b96566 but there's no such commit in th... Sandro Santilli
06:58 PM Bug report #15463: Layer "Scale dependent visibility" doesn't work anymore since 2.16
I confirm the issue.
Opening the project you attached (minScaleReset) with QGIS 2.14.10 and opening layer properti...
Sandro Santilli
06:48 PM Feature request #15927: Y format parameter for Tile Server (XYZ) layers
Proposed solution: Alessandro Pasotti
06:32 PM Bug report #15507 (Closed): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid n...
Actually, as the crash is fixed, I'm closing this again.
It's better to have a separate issue for the lack of GUI er...
Sandro Santilli
06:32 PM Bug report #15507 (Closed): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid n...
Actually, as the crash is fixed, I'm closing this again.
It's better to have a separate issue for the lack of GUI er...
Sandro Santilli
06:18 PM Bug report #15507: QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of ...
commit:4ed096b94dff3101786e67a49567544f77c759d8 forward-ports the test to master (but no fix was needed there to avoi... Sandro Santilli
05:54 PM Bug report #15507 (Reopened): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid...
I'm reopening to get this also fixed in the master branch, where the crash is not present but the features disappear ... Sandro Santilli
05:46 PM Bug report #15507 (Closed): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid n...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|126cf5f100abb077fd0ba611cb1653583dd898cd. Sandro Santilli
05:46 PM Bug report #15507 (Closed): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid n...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|126cf5f100abb077fd0ba611cb1653583dd898cd. Sandro Santilli
09:45 AM Bug report #15507: QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of ...
NOTE: the pull request referenced above is for the 2.18 release.
I've tried to reproduce this bug on master branch...
Sandro Santilli
09:18 AM Bug report #15507: QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of ...
Pull request ready:
Sandro Santilli
09:06 AM Bug report #15507: QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of ...
Can still be reproduced as of commit:fd7b52d5b8e668bd5db43f81eecc60818ff490ab (current release-2_18 branch) Sandro Santilli
09:03 AM Bug report #15507 (In Progress): QGIS crashes with GEOS Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Inva...
Sandro Santilli
06:27 PM Bug report #16558 (Rejected): ImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAgg
This bugtracker used only for QGIS issues. Please file ticket in the plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
06:27 PM Bug report #16558 (Rejected): ImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAgg
This bugtracker used only for QGIS issues. Please file ticket in the plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
11:36 AM Bug report #16558 (Rejected): ImportError: cannot import name NavigationToolbar2QTAgg
Statis and other plugins have this problem relatae with matplotlib in python :
Traceback (most recent call las...
Davide Notti
06:16 PM Revision 4ed096b9 (qgis): Add test for unprojectible polygon labeling
See #15507 Sandro Santilli
06:13 PM Bug report #10790 (Reopened): OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with...
Sandro Santilli
05:58 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
Still the same issue with the test data using the 3-part Vector -> Openstreetmap menu entry on QGIS 2.18.7, on Linux ... Andre Joost
06:12 PM Bug report #14589: GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache is set to 0)
just evaluating the issue if I'm able to fix Luigi Pirelli
06:11 PM Bug report #16327: "Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
06:11 PM Bug report #16327: "Edit Create Options" dialogue doesn't handle whitespace correctly
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
06:05 PM Revision b9bd66d2 (qgis): store profiles as QStringList to avoid issues with spaces (fix #16327)
Alexander Bruy
05:46 PM Revision 126cf5f1 (qgis): Check return from QgsPalLabeling::prepareGeometry before dereference
Fixes #15507
Includes automated test.
Sandro Santilli
01:34 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
solution 1 works for 3.x Luigi Pirelli
01:11 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
the issue affect qgis3 too Luigi Pirelli
12:48 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
reverting (solution 1) does not generate more test regressions (btw coverage in this area is poor)
tested and soluti...
Luigi Pirelli
11:28 AM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
"asked in dev list": what would be a better solu... Luigi Pirelli
01:00 PM Revision e2ee1534 (qgis): Update sip binding
Blottiere Paul
01:00 PM Revision 87736387 (qgis): [bugfix] Fix unit of sizes when reading a SLD file (fixes #8978)
Blottiere Paul
01:00 PM Revision 0c72d4bc (qgis): Add unit tests
Blottiere Paul
12:43 PM Revision fe7c981a (qgis): [processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #...
Alexander Bruy
12:42 PM Revision 11475c62 (qgis): Revert "Merge pull request #4562 from alexbruy/processing-singletomulti-3"
This reverts commit e3d79a1fe940b5d813b5f79c51b43393d085bb16, reversing
changes made to 3f7f95ee262ea3646d61600c21fae...
Alexander Bruy
12:42 PM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
No, I meant that I don't get a WRONG result, but rather I get a FAILURE telling me (via GUI) that the operation canno... Sandro Santilli
12:00 PM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect

> 3. Description of what would instead be the expected behavior
do you mean -seriously- that you do not know h...
Giovanni Manghi
11:58 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Giovanni for tickets to be tractable there's a need of a recipe to reproduce the problem. T...
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Giovanni for tickets to be tractable there's a need of a recipe to reproduce the problem. This ticket is very vague i... Sandro Santilli
11:42 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> The example sent to me by Giovanni, with the instructions provided, results in an error sen...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #15962 (Open): Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Giovanni Manghi
11:33 AM Bug report #15962 (Closed): Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
The example sent to me by Giovanni, with the instructions provided, results in an error sent to the user about the in... Sandro Santilli
11:33 AM Bug report #15962 (Closed): Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
The example sent to me by Giovanni, with the instructions provided, results in an error sent to the user about the in... Sandro Santilli
11:20 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
I'm looking at an example sent by Giovanni Manghi, will report here what I see. Sandro Santilli
10:20 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Was Redmine plugin automatically showing commits referencing tickets lost ?
> I guess Alex...
Giovanni Manghi
09:25 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Was Redmine plugin automatically showing commits referencing tickets lost ?
I guess Alexander meant commit:bc4e70a0e...
Sandro Santilli
12:30 PM Revision 3f4ad0f4 (qgis): Merge pull request #4564 from boundlessgeo/server-more-requesthandler-api
[server] Add url and post data getters to request handler Alessandro Pasotti
12:28 PM Bug report #10734 (Closed): Random selection should select only inside defined subsets
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
12:28 PM Bug report #10734 (Closed): Random selection should select only inside defined subsets
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
12:28 PM Bug report #10734 (Closed): Random selection should select only inside defined subsets
Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
12:15 PM Feature request #16559 (Open): round off corners in shape (QGIS)
i would like to round off the corners in a given shape with a certain radius in QGIS. Does somebody has any i...
Tobias Hurtienne
11:57 AM Revision 45166aaf (qgis): [server] Clearer log message when parsing non-XML POST data
Alessandro Pasotti
11:57 AM Revision cbef51cc (qgis): [server] Sipify QgsRequestHandler
Alessandro Pasotti
11:51 AM Bug report #16343: 2.18 build fails with latest sip/pyqt4
It turned out in my case segfault was caused by obsolete Arch Linux package kdebindings-python2. After removing it, Q... Alexei Ardyakov
11:23 AM Bug report #11986: Intersection returns the wrong result

> Hi Alex, I think that at some point in some (ex ftools) alg is was added a "stop" in case the operation could not...
Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Revision 2f75bab8 (qgis): [server] Add url and post data getters to request handler
This completes the API to eventually get rid of all
getEnv usage from python server plugins.
The request handler has...
Alessandro Pasotti
10:59 AM Revision e3d79a1f (qgis): Merge pull request #4562 from alexbruy/processing-singletomulti-3
[processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #15822) Alexander Bruy
10:59 AM Revision 4dab1f85 (qgis): Merge pull request #4560 from alexbruy/processing-singletomulti
[processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #15822) Alexander Bruy
10:59 AM Bug report #15822 (Closed): Singleparts to multi-part polygon algorithm uses NULL values also
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e4d745fee3df0026d3629b32ef3aaa06ca7a9d4f. Alexander Bruy
10:59 AM Bug report #15822 (Closed): Singleparts to multi-part polygon algorithm uses NULL values also
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e4d745fee3df0026d3629b32ef3aaa06ca7a9d4f. Alexander Bruy
10:37 AM Bug report #16552 (Closed): Inserting data on version views not working in 2.18 (OK in 2.14)
Fixed in commit:8b263e4cc and commit:3f7f95ee2 Jürgen Fischer
10:37 AM Bug report #16552 (Closed): Inserting data on version views not working in 2.18 (OK in 2.14)
Fixed in commit:8b263e4cc and commit:3f7f95ee2 Jürgen Fischer
10:07 AM Bug report #16552 (Open): Inserting data on version views not working in 2.18 (OK in 2.14)
Jürgen Fischer
10:07 AM Bug report #16552 (Closed): Inserting data on version views not working in 2.18 (OK in 2.14)
Giovanni Manghi
10:35 AM Revision 8b263e4c (qgis): db_manager versioning: add RETURNING to INSERT rule (fixes #16083)
(cherry picked from commit 3f7f95ee262ea3646d61600c21faed0866bc70b0) Jürgen Fischer
10:34 AM Revision 3f7f95ee (qgis): db_manager versioning: add RETURNING to INSERT rule (fixes #16083)
Jürgen Fischer
10:33 AM Bug report #16551 (Open): Zoom to layer doesn't work
I see, there is also no need to edit the layer. The "zoom to layer" function to not work in your provided point layer... Giovanni Manghi
10:33 AM Bug report #16551 (Open): Zoom to layer doesn't work
I see, there is also no need to edit the layer. The "zoom to layer" function to not work in your provided point layer... Giovanni Manghi
10:33 AM Bug report #16551 (Open): Zoom to layer doesn't work
I see, there is also no need to edit the layer. The "zoom to layer" function to not work in your provided point layer... Giovanni Manghi
10:33 AM Bug report #16551 (Open): Zoom to layer doesn't work
I see, there is also no need to edit the layer. The "zoom to layer" function to not work in your provided point layer... Giovanni Manghi
10:15 AM Bug report #16551: Zoom to layer doesn't work
I'm OK with u.
The issue is : when you open my project "test.qgs", the extent show 2 points. So, I zoom ...
09:06 AM Revision b56e46da (qgis): [processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #...
Alexander Bruy
09:04 AM Revision 2f70b426 (qgis): sip bindings: exclude QgsCompositionChecker when not building tests
Jürgen Fischer
09:04 AM Revision 70da239a (qgis): debian packaging: include native gui library
Jürgen Fischer
08:25 AM Revision 21f03bc1 (qgis): Clean up reading/writing of labeling configuration in vector layers
Historically the configuration used to be stored in layer's custom properties, but that does not scale
beyond simple ...
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision ee9fabbe (qgis): Fix for style loading and clean up of used labeling custom properties
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision bfdc84fc (qgis): Fixes to unit tests
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision 56309efc (qgis): Fix loading of labeling from 2.x projects
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision 53f8e7f7 (qgis): Remove dead code for writing of labeling from custom properties
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision f153e191 (qgis): Fix saving of "obstacle only" state + misc fixes to unit tests
Martin Dobias
08:25 AM Revision 828bd384 (qgis): Convert remaining bits where labeling was configured using setCustomPro...
Martin Dobias
07:12 AM Revision 7e345a73 (qgis): Merge pull request #4561 from nyalldawson/proj_thread2
Avoid using thread unsafe proj API - approach 2 Nyall Dawson
05:31 AM Revision 5201eb25 (qgis): Optimise storage/retrieval of projPJ objects
Nyall Dawson
05:20 AM Revision ae492abc (qgis): Split qgscoordinatetransform_p into .h/cpp
Nyall Dawson
05:20 AM Revision e51737e6 (qgis): Use thread safe proj API in all other code paths
Nyall Dawson
05:20 AM Revision 4396e532 (qgis): Utilise thread safe proj API within QgsCoordinateTransform
Avoids unpredictable behavior when transforms are being
conducted in background threads, such as map renders.
Refs #...
Nyall Dawson
05:09 AM Revision 59c97437 (qgis): Fix missing name and progress for feature counter task
Nyall Dawson
03:29 AM Revision a517c683 (qgis): Ensure created memory layers have unique source
Sometimes the layer source is used for "looser" comparison then
layer ID
Nyall Dawson
02:21 AM Bug report #16550 (Closed): Virtual layer path is not relative
solved in #16242
Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #16550 (Closed): Virtual layer path is not relative
solved in #16242
Giovanni Manghi
02:20 AM Bug report #16550: Virtual layer path is not relative
It's the path to the datasource that is not relative. You can see the demo project at Thomas Gratier
02:06 AM Bug report #16385 (Closed): Project crashes on zooming
Closing for lack of feedback and/or possibly already fixed. Giovanni Manghi
02:06 AM Bug report #16385 (Closed): Project crashes on zooming
Closing for lack of feedback and/or possibly already fixed. Giovanni Manghi


12:26 AM Bug report #16341 (Closed): Geopackage table behaves strange and ultimately kills QGIS.

> It may be a FME problem writing 3D data to GeoPackage
all seems to point to that
Giovanni Manghi
12:26 AM Bug report #16341 (Closed): Geopackage table behaves strange and ultimately kills QGIS.

> It may be a FME problem writing 3D data to GeoPackage
all seems to point to that
Giovanni Manghi
12:26 AM Bug report #16341 (Closed): Geopackage table behaves strange and ultimately kills QGIS.

> It may be a FME problem writing 3D data to GeoPackage
all seems to point to that
Giovanni Manghi
07:17 PM Bug report #16341: Geopackage table behaves strange and ultimately kills QGIS.
I've been testing the gpkg some in QGIS (etc).
1. Adding "highway" from GeoPackage is divided into a point- and a ...
Klas Karlsson
12:18 AM Bug report #16553 (Feedback): Attribute table: in form view, using Shift keyboard for multiple fe...
I tested 2.14 and 2.8 and the behavior is exactly the same. Has this ever possible? What is the use case? Giovanni Manghi
09:26 PM Bug report #16553 (Closed): Attribute table: in form view, using Shift keyboard for multiple feat...
Open an attribute table
Toggle to form view
Try to select multiple features, using ctrl, shift or anything else: Yo...
Harrissou Santanna
12:05 AM Bug report #10790 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with n...
I can't see anything wrong on 2.18.7 but I'm may be wrong, please so reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:05 AM Bug report #10790 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with n...
I can't see anything wrong on 2.18.7 but I'm may be wrong, please so reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:06 PM Bug report #10790: OpenStreetMap plugin only loads 32 bits numbers ID, then start with negative n...
Giovanni could you reproduce this ? With which version ?
The reporter mentions 2.18.3 but we're if I'm not wrong at ...
Sandro Santilli
11:54 PM Bug report #16551: Zoom to layer doesn't work
where is the issue?
if the project is saved to a certain extent then it won't change (if now re saved) even if the e...
Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Please attach project and sample data, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Please attach project and sample data, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Please attach project and sample data, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Please attach project and sample data, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #16551 (Feedback): Zoom to layer doesn't work
Please attach project and sample data, thanks. Giovanni Manghi
06:28 PM Bug report #16551 (Closed): Zoom to layer doesn't work
I have a .qgs with a shp (2 points in my shp).
I edit the shp with a new point.
I close the .qgs wit...
11:23 PM Revision c484b505 (qgis): Link native to core on OSX only
Nyall Dawson
09:55 PM Revision 7ac276e7 (qgis): No copy of QgsLabelSearchTree is allowed
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision e455b157 (qgis): [sipify] do not comment global operators
fix class/struct level detection
sipify qgsmargins.qgs
Denis Rouzaud
09:55 PM Revision d4edbc0f (qgis): Unsipify QgsMargins
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision 9e059ed7 (qgis): Fix sip errors
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision 5c2deb40 (qgis): Doxymentation
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision df6d60fc (qgis): Fix sip errors
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision 3f85b050 (qgis): fix bad copy paste
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision 6ad5a58c (qgis): Spelling
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision 2abb1465 (qgis): [sipify] Another batch of sip
Matthias Kuhn
09:55 PM Revision d15bd8dd (qgis): No docstrings for out-of-class functions
Matthias Kuhn
07:55 PM Revision e4d745fe (qgis): [processing] handle NULL values in the single to multi algorithm (fix #...
Alexander Bruy
07:00 PM Bug report #16552 (Closed): Inserting data on version views not working in 2.18 (OK in 2.14)
* create a PostGIS DB
* create a simple geometric table
* DB Manager > Table > Verioning
* add the view to the can...
Paolo Cavallini
05:57 PM Revision 922b162b (qgis): attachment widget: data defined button for document type
Denis Rouzaud
05:41 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
in this use case no use og QgsTransaction or QgsTransactionGroup is used Luigi Pirelli
05:41 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
the error is generated here:
e.g. the th...
Luigi Pirelli
12:44 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
my fault, if provider support transaction it can be managed with QgsTransaction Luigi Pirelli
12:32 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
this issue would affect any provider due to:
Luigi Pirelli
05:41 PM Bug report #11986: Intersection returns the wrong result
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > no warnings other the messages in the LOG, Operation is NOT stopped, the user is left with...
Giovanni Manghi
04:49 PM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
This is not getting much traction here, please raise your concerns in the developers mailing list. Giovanni Manghi
04:40 PM Bug report #16550 (Feedback): Virtual layer path is not relative
It is the path to the datasource within the QGIS project that is wrong (absolute and not relative) or the path within... Giovanni Manghi
03:47 PM Bug report #16550 (Closed): Virtual layer path is not relative
I've set the configuration in my project to use relative path.
If I rename the directory I use in my project, then r...
Thomas Gratier
04:01 PM Bug report #16549 (Feedback): Python Console does not work
Remove/Disable any 3rd party plugins, restart QGIS and try again. Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:33 PM Bug report #16549 (Closed): Python Console does not work
Last week I installed QGIS version 2.18.7 on my MacBook Pro. Afterwards I tried to install several plugins like PDOK ... Bert Mast
02:23 PM Bug report #16547 (Closed): PDOK Service en Python Console in QGIS 2.18.2 werken niet na installa...
sorry tickets must be filed in English. thanks for understanding. Giovanni Manghi
02:23 PM Bug report #16547 (Closed): PDOK Service en Python Console in QGIS 2.18.2 werken niet na installa...
sorry tickets must be filed in English. thanks for understanding. Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Bug report #16547: PDOK Service en Python Console in QGIS 2.18.2 werken niet na installatie QGIS ...
Bert Mast wrote:
> Ik heb QGIS versie 2.18.2 vorige week geïnstalleerd op mijn MacBook Pro. Vervolgens heb ik divers...
Bert Mast
01:40 PM Bug report #16547: PDOK Service en Python Console in QGIS 2.18.2 werken niet na installatie QGIS ...
Met name het laden van Python Console levert veel problemen op. Ook het laden en gebruiken van de plugin van QuickMap... Bert Mast
09:07 AM Bug report #16547 (Closed): PDOK Service en Python Console in QGIS 2.18.2 werken niet na installa...
Ik heb QGIS versie 2.18.2 vorige week geïnstalleerd op mijn MacBook Pro. Vervolgens heb ik diverse plugins geïnstalle... Bert Mast
01:36 PM Feature request #16548 (Closed): Layer Symbology show Font Marker ID
If a user opens an existing qgis project and looks up the symbology
properties of a layer, it is impossible to find...
Maxime Cadotte
10:24 AM Revision 87052a77 (qgis): Merge pull request #4558 from nyalldawson/native-lib-mac
Add OS native interface lib, with objective-c++ interface to Mac Cocoa libraries, v3 Nyall Dawson
09:38 AM Revision 8f44a29a (qgis): Reintroduce core/native link
Nyall Dawson
08:54 AM Revision 2831f842 (qgis): Fix compilation
Nyall Dawson
02:24 AM Revision ae97c333 (qgis): Revert "Port algorithm countVisibleParameters to c++"
This reverts commit c3c694f8ccfbe0b64df14365f950f5895968a66a. Nyall Dawson


01:56 AM Revision 6efe160a (qgis): Move QgsNative instance from app->QgsGui singleton
This allows gui widgets to utilise native platform interfaces.
Additionally attaching the instance to QgsGui allows Q...
Nyall Dawson
01:23 AM Revision a4b7af7f (qgis): Use millimeters when declaring QPrinter page size
(This is needed to allow to set a resolution with the printer used
by the map renderer)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:15 AM Revision 6971e9da (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
01:15 AM Revision d1593cae (qgis): Create a virtual QgsNative base class for platform services
A QgsNative base class is added, that offers default implementations for
a platform interface. These methods can be o...
Matthias Kuhn
01:15 AM Revision f6bd7b3b (qgis): Add OS native interface lib, with objective-c++ interface to Mac Cocoa ...
Larry Shaffer
01:15 AM Revision cbc2a3df (qgis): Indentation
Nyall Dawson
01:03 AM Revision f8f7d60c (qgis): Merge pull request #4514 from nyalldawson/gui_instance
Make a new global QgsGui singleton Nyall Dawson
12:44 AM Revision c3c694f8 (qgis): Port algorithm countVisibleParameters to c++
Nyall Dawson
11:57 PM Revision a8b10a2f (qgis): Update indentation
Nyall Dawson
11:34 PM Revision 14882058 (qgis): Sipify update
Nyall Dawson
11:33 PM Revision ac943453 (qgis): Rename QgisGui to QgsGuiUtils
Better reflects what this namespace contains, and replaces the
non-standard Qgis prefix with the Qgs standard
Nyall Dawson
11:32 PM Revision 436844b2 (qgis): QgsMapLayerActionRegistry is no longer a singleton
Moved the global instance to QgsGui::QgsMapLayerActionRegistry() Nyall Dawson
11:32 PM Revision 711f6dcc (qgis): QgsShortcutsManager is no longer a singleton
Move the global instance to QgsGui::shortcutsManager() Nyall Dawson
11:32 PM Revision 4a5c9a7b (qgis): Make a new global QgsGui singleton
Move QgsEditorWidgetRegistry from being a singleton itself to
instead being a member of the QgsGui singleton
Nyall Dawson
11:32 PM Revision a86b93e9 (qgis): QgsLayerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry is no longer a singleton
Moved the global instance to QgsGui::layerTreeEmbeddedWidgetRegistry() Nyall Dawson
11:08 PM Revision 280ca319 (qgis): Merge pull request #4401 from nyalldawson/processing_params
c++ framework for parameters and running algorithms Nyall Dawson
05:07 PM Revision 7af73b38 (qgis): Change browser context menu item text for adding layer to 'Add select… ...
* Change browser context menu item text for adding layer to 'Add selected layer(s) to canvas'
* Use title case for A...
Tim Sutton
11:41 AM Revision 24e06a49 (qgis): Remove unused mAnnotationForm member + getter/setter from QgsVectorLayer
Martin Dobias
08:49 AM Bug report #4415 (Closed): Centroid in fTools different form centroid fill
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
08:49 AM Bug report #4415 (Closed): Centroid in fTools different form centroid fill
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
07:28 AM Bug report #15317: the window Layer Properties gets irresponsive
This problem also occurs on a fedora24 system running qgis 2.18.(compiled from source branch release-2_18).
Log st...
Philip Shepherd
06:00 AM Revision 33b6fab1 (qgis): Fix crash when saving as PDF with dpi != 96
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:34 AM Revision 0ccaba7a (qgis): Path resolver instead of project singleton in edit form config and svg ...
Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Bug report #16355 (Closed): relative path in embedded groups are not respected
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3e18cc15f8565ac74c7b2570ba57a60c2970cdb8. Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Bug report #16355 (Closed): relative path in embedded groups are not respected
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3e18cc15f8565ac74c7b2570ba57a60c2970cdb8. Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Revision 2857ef59 (qgis): Merge pull request #4426 from wonder-sk/fix-relative-paths-svg
Fix relative paths to SVG files in embedded projects Martin Dobias


12:38 AM Revision fd7b52d5 (qgis): german translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
09:01 PM Bug report #16062 (Closed): PyQGISDeveloperCookbook gives translations instructions that apply to...
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
09:01 PM Bug report #16062 (Closed): PyQGISDeveloperCookbook gives translations instructions that apply to...
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
09:01 PM Bug report #16062 (Closed): PyQGISDeveloperCookbook gives translations instructions that apply to...
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
09:01 PM Bug report #16062 (Closed): PyQGISDeveloperCookbook gives translations instructions that apply to...
Fixed in Harrissou Santanna
06:33 PM Revision 590526ee (qgis): Another trial to fix mac tests on travis
Martin Dobias
05:19 PM Revision 93c59f4e (qgis): [raster] fix raster blending (fixes #16546)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:19 PM Bug report #16546 (Closed): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|93c59f4e25cdfea7e703845891a907d6c1363ea8. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:19 PM Bug report #16546 (Closed): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|93c59f4e25cdfea7e703845891a907d6c1363ea8. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:30 PM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Issue located, patch coming to github in the coming hour. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:30 PM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Issue located, patch coming to github in the coming hour. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:30 PM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Issue located, patch coming to github in the coming hour. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:30 PM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Issue located, patch coming to github in the coming hour. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:27 PM Bug report #16546 (Reopened): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settin...
Change of mind. 2000 x 2000 pixels happens to be this raster related with n height constant:
static const int DEFA...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:27 PM Bug report #16546 (Reopened): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settin...
Change of mind. 2000 x 2000 pixels happens to be this raster related with n height constant:
static const int DEFA...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:51 PM Bug report #16546 (Closed): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings...
The area that's properly blended is a fixed 2000 px x 2000px, I'm closing this now concluding it's an issue with rega... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:51 PM Bug report #16546 (Closed): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings...
The area that's properly blended is a fixed 2000 px x 2000px, I'm closing this now concluding it's an issue with rega... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:02 AM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Hmm, if I add some transparency to the multiply blend raster layer, it shows part of the underlying background.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:50 AM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Here's a pair of exported images that shows the problem a bit better. It's clear that the 300dpi export has part of t... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:50 AM Bug report #16546: exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings > 96 fails
Here's a pair of exported images that shows the problem a bit better. It's clear that the 300dpi export has part of t... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:44 AM Bug report #16546 (Closed): exporting a raster layer with multiply blend mode with a dpi settings...
Exporting a raster layer with a blend mode set to multiply fails to render properly for an output dpi that is greater... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:16 PM Revision 40f683d6 (qgis): Trying to fix mac test for QgsProject
Martin Dobias
04:55 PM Revision a4717e2e (qgis): Fixes to relative paths read/write in composer picture and arrow items
Martin Dobias
04:12 PM Revision dfcfadc7 (qgis): Fix build and add bits to project test to understand fail on mac
Martin Dobias
03:44 PM Revision 8dd58864 (qgis): Bring back temporarily disabled projects upgrade + fix a loading bug
Loading bug: on the first project load, data-defined properties for diagram layer settings were not read
as the defau...
Martin Dobias
02:38 PM Revision 4c666a32 (qgis): german translation update
$ scripts/ -b $builddir -f de
$ linguist i18n/qgis_de.ts
$ scripts/ -b $builddir ...
Jürgen Fischer
02:06 PM Revision 93bfa949 (qgis): Add doxygen comments to updated methods
Martin Dobias
01:59 PM Revision 0a942fd9 (qgis): fix windows build
Jürgen Fischer
01:53 PM Revision bbb13f43 (qgis): Fix text renderer test
Martin Dobias
01:43 PM Revision c882f88c (qgis): Remove "relative path" checkbox from svg selector widget
It is decided on different level whether files are saved with relative paths
and internally now QGIS always uses abso...
Martin Dobias
12:12 PM Revision 5bdae751 (qgis): API break update + read/write context in labeling and text renderer
This enables correct loading/saving of relative paths of SVG files for background of labels Martin Dobias
12:09 PM Revision 23a7bd0f (qgis): Introduce QgsReadWriteContext that encapsulates QgsPathResolver
This should make the read/write methods more flexible if we need to give them extra context. Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Revision 15fc16df (qgis): Remove duplicate code - now handled by QgsPathResolver
Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Revision bbe59969 (qgis): Fixes to unit tests
Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Revision 3e18cc15 (qgis): Respect relative paths in embedded projects (fixes #16355)
Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Revision 8ffd91ea (qgis): Propagate path resolver through renderers, annotations, diagrams
This is necessary in order to be able to correctly translate between absolute and relative paths
deeper in the code -...
Martin Dobias
10:21 AM Bug report #15453 (Closed): TypeError always occurs in closeEvent in when run ...
Works fine with latest 2.18 and master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
10:21 AM Bug report #15453 (Closed): TypeError always occurs in closeEvent in when run ...
Works fine with latest 2.18 and master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
10:21 AM Bug report #15453 (Closed): TypeError always occurs in closeEvent in when run ...
Works fine with latest 2.18 and master. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #15579 (Rejected): Copy & Paste Issue Attibute table
Works fine with master and latest 2.18. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #15579 (Rejected): Copy & Paste Issue Attibute table
Works fine with master and latest 2.18. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #15579 (Rejected): Copy & Paste Issue Attibute table
Works fine with master and latest 2.18. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #15579 (Rejected): Copy & Paste Issue Attibute table
Works fine with master and latest 2.18. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:19 AM Bug report #15579 (Rejected): Copy & Paste Issue Attibute table
Works fine with master and latest 2.18. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:14 AM Revision 6fe459de (qgis): [processing] remove extra quotes when restoring batch process from file
(fix #16309) Alexander Bruy
10:12 AM Bug report #16309 (Closed): Saved batch processing inputs are not restored in a useful state
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|43595f5d0afb375da0d10dd9be337603a2f6aa61. Alexander Bruy
10:12 AM Bug report #16309 (Closed): Saved batch processing inputs are not restored in a useful state
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|43595f5d0afb375da0d10dd9be337603a2f6aa61. Alexander Bruy
10:11 AM Revision 43595f5d (qgis): [processing] remove extra quotes when loading batch process from file
(fix #16309) Alexander Bruy
09:44 AM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
Python error should be fixed in commit:bc4e70a0e23af98ab9fa416856b5a44b007b23f2 Alexander Bruy
09:43 AM Revision bc4e70a0 (qgis): [processing] check difference result befor using it in further
operations (ref #15962) Alexander Bruy
09:29 AM Revision bc0c3a22 (qgis): Add inclination method for QgsPointV2 (#4536)
08:54 AM Bug report #15820: problem about interpolation function
Also, please provide test dataset Alexander Bruy
08:54 AM Bug report #15820: problem about interpolation function
Also, please provide test dataset Alexander Bruy
08:45 AM Revision c620c7c3 (qgis): [processing] stop algorithm execution if geometry/feature error occured
(fix #11986) Alexander Bruy
08:42 AM Revision 6feed195 (qgis): [processing] stop algorithm execution if geometry/feature error occured
(fix #11986) Alexander Bruy
08:42 AM Revision 02c8ac8d (qgis): Fix non-dynamic default values
Fix #15355 Matthias Kuhn
08:42 AM Revision 60bbf67b (qgis): Be careful with requesting evaluated default values
We do not need a new evaluated value all the time
Fix #16545
Matthias Kuhn
08:42 AM Bug report #15355 (Closed): 'Evaluate default values on provider side' issue using PostGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|02c8ac8dda959ab2c91ce25dd2be114b68a69b67. Anonymous
08:42 AM Bug report #15355 (Closed): 'Evaluate default values on provider side' issue using PostGIS
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|02c8ac8dda959ab2c91ce25dd2be114b68a69b67. Anonymous
08:42 AM Bug report #16545 (Closed): Default values increase very fast with "evaluate default values on se...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60bbf67b08b0b3fc5d94653c69197c543042b877. Anonymous
08:42 AM Bug report #16545 (Closed): Default values increase very fast with "evaluate default values on se...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60bbf67b08b0b3fc5d94653c69197c543042b877. Anonymous
08:39 AM Revision 7734d72d (qgis): [processing] stop algorithm execution if geometry/feature error occured
(fix #11986) Alexander Bruy
07:40 AM Bug report #11986: Intersection returns the wrong result
> no warnings other the messages in the LOG, Operation is NOT stopped, the user is left with the impression he/she ha... Alexander Bruy
06:01 AM Revision 75e95024 (qgis): Deduplicate code in save as image / save as PDF
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


10:24 PM Bug report #15305: importing layers to MS SQL Server via browser drag & drop
just an update - it is still happening in 2.18.7 James Burn
08:11 PM Bug report #8456 (Closed): Union tool produces wrong result
Merged with #15962 Giovanni Manghi
08:11 PM Bug report #8456 (Closed): Union tool produces wrong result
Merged with #15962 Giovanni Manghi
08:11 PM Bug report #8456 (Closed): Union tool produces wrong result
Merged with #15962 Giovanni Manghi
08:11 PM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
see also #8456 Giovanni Manghi
08:09 PM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
In 2.18.7 the union operation with the provided dataset, that usually returned a wrong result, now is BROKEN
Giovanni Manghi
08:08 PM Bug report #15962: Union & Intersection results are Incorrect
see also #11986 for more intersection errors! Giovanni Manghi
08:09 PM Bug report #11986 (Closed): Intersection returns the wrong result
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > What is wrong with warnings? Is stopping algorithm in case of errors a better/preffered s...
Giovanni Manghi
08:09 PM Bug report #11986 (Closed): Intersection returns the wrong result
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > What is wrong with warnings? Is stopping algorithm in case of errors a better/preffered s...
Giovanni Manghi
08:05 PM Bug report #11986: Intersection returns the wrong result

> What is wrong with warnings? Is stopping algorithm in case of errors a better/preffered solution?
no warnings ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:51 PM Bug report #16326 (Closed): QGIS segfault when pointing to libjpeg/jdapimin
Cannot be replicated also by many others on may different platforms and qgis versions. All points to a local issue...... Giovanni Manghi
07:51 PM Bug report #16326 (Closed): QGIS segfault when pointing to libjpeg/jdapimin
Cannot be replicated also by many others on may different platforms and qgis versions. All points to a local issue...... Giovanni Manghi
07:51 PM Bug report #16326 (Closed): QGIS segfault when pointing to libjpeg/jdapimin
Cannot be replicated also by many others on may different platforms and qgis versions. All points to a local issue...... Giovanni Manghi
07:38 PM Bug report #16437 (Closed): Crash when opening existing project
Closing for lack of feedback and information. Giovanni Manghi
07:38 PM Bug report #16437 (Closed): Crash when opening existing project
Closing for lack of feedback and information. Giovanni Manghi
07:35 PM Bug report #16297 (Closed): (macOS) layers imported into a Spatialite Database with DB manager ar...
Works as expected with 2.18.7 installed from brew on 10.12.4 Giovanni Manghi
07:35 PM Bug report #16297 (Closed): (macOS) layers imported into a Spatialite Database with DB manager ar...
Works as expected with 2.18.7 installed from brew on 10.12.4 Giovanni Manghi
07:35 PM Bug report #16297 (Closed): (macOS) layers imported into a Spatialite Database with DB manager ar...
Works as expected with 2.18.7 installed from brew on 10.12.4 Giovanni Manghi
07:30 PM Bug report #16487 (Closed): Processing broken on QGIS 2.18.2 for macOS from KyngChaos
All fine installing from brew on 10.12.4
packages must be updated.
Giovanni Manghi
07:30 PM Bug report #16487 (Closed): Processing broken on QGIS 2.18.2 for macOS from KyngChaos
All fine installing from brew on 10.12.4
packages must be updated.
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 PM Bug report #16391 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.2 (KyngChaos build) crashes after latest Mac OS X update to...
Installing from brew 2.18.7 (qgis2) and all works as expected here on 10.12.4
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 PM Bug report #16391 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.2 (KyngChaos build) crashes after latest Mac OS X update to...
Installing from brew 2.18.7 (qgis2) and all works as expected here on 10.12.4
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 PM Bug report #16391 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.2 (KyngChaos build) crashes after latest Mac OS X update to...
Installing from brew 2.18.7 (qgis2) and all works as expected here on 10.12.4
Giovanni Manghi
05:41 PM Bug report #15355: 'Evaluate default values on provider side' issue using PostGIS
Pull request open
Matthias Kuhn
05:14 PM Bug report #16545 (Closed): Default values increase very fast with "evaluate default values on se...
In the order of a serial increasing with a step size of around 200 for each newly digitized feature. Matthias Kuhn
04:56 PM Bug report #16544 (Closed): Memory Layers do not seem to support the ExactIntersect flag for getF...
h1. Steps to reproduce
1. Create a vector memory layer with some features
2. Try accessing getFeatures(QgsMapRequ...
Georg Wicke
04:49 PM Revision b830eab6 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] R scripts do not have enough outputs
R scripts in processing only supports Vector, Raster and Table.
This commit adds fix the file output and adds directo...
René-Luc ReLuc
04:39 PM Revision 3289d614 (qgis): Fix freeze when joining with table open
Fix #16495 Matthias Kuhn
04:39 PM Bug report #16495 (Closed): Creating a join freezes QGIS master if target layer attributes table ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3289d61407ea6f70f845385d3e8a1a708851b779. Anonymous
04:39 PM Bug report #16495 (Closed): Creating a join freezes QGIS master if target layer attributes table ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3289d61407ea6f70f845385d3e8a1a708851b779. Anonymous
03:35 PM Bug report #16495: Creating a join freezes QGIS master if target layer attributes table is open
Pull request open Matthias Kuhn
04:31 PM Bug report #16543 (Closed): photo orientation in external resource widget
Pictures automatically turn in portrait or landscape mode using external resource widget with integrated document vie... Ted VxTedxV
04:28 PM Revision e01b7ef6 (qgis): [processing] take in account file extension when loading Processing
results (fix #16486) Alexander Bruy
04:22 PM Bug report #16486 (Closed): SAGA "slope, aspect, curvature" return wrong output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3d3b6ecb1f2de18b55be4756dff48f05fb8863a7. Alexander Bruy
04:22 PM Bug report #16486 (Closed): SAGA "slope, aspect, curvature" return wrong output
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3d3b6ecb1f2de18b55be4756dff48f05fb8863a7. Alexander Bruy
04:22 PM Revision 3d3b6ecb (qgis): [processing] take in account file extension when loading Processing
results (fix #16486) Alexander Bruy
04:11 PM Bug report #15658 (Closed): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
work as expected on 2.18.7 Giovanni Manghi
04:11 PM Bug report #15658 (Closed): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
work as expected on 2.18.7 Giovanni Manghi
03:55 PM Bug report #16397 (Rejected): "hidden" edit widget does not work on QGIS 2.18 (and master)
There was a change by design: the widget now only works in attributes forms. To hide a column in the table of attrib... Giovanni Manghi
03:55 PM Bug report #16397 (Rejected): "hidden" edit widget does not work on QGIS 2.18 (and master)
There was a change by design: the widget now only works in attributes forms. To hide a column in the table of attrib... Giovanni Manghi
03:37 PM Revision aa0ce1cc (qgis): Fix double delete of symbol
Fix #15961 Matthias Kuhn
03:37 PM Bug report #15961 (Closed): Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aa0ce1cc672074bf42a86f1ebd9fd4dcba20257a. Anonymous
03:37 PM Bug report #15961 (Closed): Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aa0ce1cc672074bf42a86f1ebd9fd4dcba20257a. Anonymous
02:06 PM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > Not reproducible on master
> master ok now, 2.18.7 is NOT.
Giovanni Manghi
12:02 PM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Not reproducible on master
master ok now, 2.18.7 is NOT.
Giovanni Manghi
11:41 AM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Not reproducible on master
let me check it again.
Giovanni Manghi
11:38 AM Bug report #15961: Escaping out of Dialog causes QGIS to crash
Not reproducible on master Matthias Kuhn
03:22 PM Bug report #10900 (Closed): python filter expression don't work on "value relation"

needs to be replaced with
(it's a function, not a ...
Matthias Kuhn
03:22 PM Bug report #10900 (Closed): python filter expression don't work on "value relation"

needs to be replaced with
(it's a function, not a ...
Matthias Kuhn
03:22 PM Bug report #10900 (Closed): python filter expression don't work on "value relation"

needs to be replaced with
(it's a function, not a ...
Matthias Kuhn
03:11 PM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
Ger CO wrote:
> The rows don´t duplicate anymore though. Is this minor issue potentially related to the issue fixed?...
Luigi Pirelli
03:10 PM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
Is it a different issue? it has been reported? if no, can you file it?
Ger CO wrote:
> In Master using the very r...
Luigi Pirelli
03:08 PM Bug report #16242: QGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute paths
Explanation: when saving the project with a new name and the destination file did not exist, the path of the destinti... Alessandro Pasotti
02:00 PM Bug report #16242 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute paths
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|913527b4c95dce5f0bc3c6def52c29f6341cec39. Anonymous
02:00 PM Bug report #16242 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.4 saves always with absolute paths
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|913527b4c95dce5f0bc3c6def52c29f6341cec39. Anonymous
02:53 PM Bug report #15855 (Closed): Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
The size comparison is now pretty much explained to me now.
If you can print (as vector) a NOT simplified version ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:53 PM Bug report #15855 (Closed): Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
The size comparison is now pretty much explained to me now.
If you can print (as vector) a NOT simplified version ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:53 PM Bug report #16492 (Closed): Attribute table: crash removing features when cell is in editing mode
Alessandro Pasotti
09:23 AM Bug report #16492: Attribute table: crash removing features when cell is in editing mode
PR for master:
PR for 2.18:
Alessandro Pasotti
09:23 AM Bug report #16492: Attribute table: crash removing features when cell is in editing mode
PR for master:
PR for 2.18:
Alessandro Pasotti
02:51 PM Revision 396a135c (qgis): Merge pull request #4540 from boundlessgeo/attributetable-fixes-16492-b...
[bugfix] Attribute table crashes QGIS when deleting selected Alessandro Pasotti
02:51 PM Revision 3f9c4e5f (qgis): Merge pull request #4535 from boundlessgeo/attributetable-fixes-16492
Attributetable fixes crash #16492 Alessandro Pasotti
02:34 PM Bug report #16302 (Closed): Quick calculation bar causes QGIS crash when updating fields with ali...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|477d1bdf90aae01b8aaaea9589c9ce9225fb9e30. Anonymous
12:42 PM Bug report #16302 (In Progress): Quick calculation bar causes QGIS crash when updating fields wit...
Only applied to master yet Matthias Kuhn
12:41 PM Bug report #16302 (Closed): Quick calculation bar causes QGIS crash when updating fields with ali...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0c6872f6cb055fce2cbb834aa6f1de91193ab23. Anonymous
12:41 PM Bug report #16302 (Closed): Quick calculation bar causes QGIS crash when updating fields with ali...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0c6872f6cb055fce2cbb834aa6f1de91193ab23. Anonymous
12:38 PM Bug report #16302: Quick calculation bar causes QGIS crash when updating fields with aliases.
Pull request open Matthias Kuhn
02:34 PM Revision 477d1bdf (qgis): Fix crash when using expression bar on aliased field
Fix #16302 Matthias Kuhn
02:18 PM Revision 2b6b4951 (qgis): Only check for validity if attribute has changed
Alessandro Pasotti
02:16 PM Bug report #16351 (Closed): copy/paste features does not include attributes
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen with a dataset to allow us replicate the issue. Giovanni Manghi
02:16 PM Bug report #16351 (Closed): copy/paste features does not include attributes
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen with a dataset to allow us replicate the issue. Giovanni Manghi
02:14 PM Bug report #15741: PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does ...
studing the issue Luigi Pirelli
02:12 PM Bug report #16046 (Closed): QGIS 2.14/2.18 crashes loading project with MSSQL layers
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if you find a new way that allows the issue be replicated on any system. Giovanni Manghi
02:12 PM Bug report #16046 (Closed): QGIS 2.14/2.18 crashes loading project with MSSQL layers
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if you find a new way that allows the issue be replicated on any system. Giovanni Manghi
02:12 PM Bug report #16046 (Closed): QGIS 2.14/2.18 crashes loading project with MSSQL layers
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if you find a new way that allows the issue be replicated on any system. Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #15976: Attribute table: rows are switching when adding attributes
port on master in Luigi Pirelli
01:59 PM Revision 913527b4 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes #16242 saves always with absolute paths
Alessandro Pasotti
01:42 PM Bug report #16542 (Closed): "spatialite" missing from option in DB manager on QGIS master.
See subject. Seen on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
12:50 PM Revision 51347914 (qgis): Only check for validity if attribute has changed
Alessandro Pasotti
12:41 PM Revision a0c6872f (qgis): Fix crash when using expression bar on aliased field
Fix #16302 Matthias Kuhn
12:23 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
fix for 3.0 will be delayed because actually in this version db_manager raise much more exception than the 2.18 or 2.... Luigi Pirelli
12:22 PM Bug report #16198 (Feedback): QgsGeometry().asPolygon() segfaults, Python, SIP
Giovanni Manghi
12:21 PM Bug report #16198: QgsGeometry().asPolygon() segfaults, Python, SIP
No crash here (QGIS 2.99 / QGIS 2.18) with multipolygon (Linux, Fedora 25) Matthias Kuhn
12:17 PM Bug report #16536 (Feedback): Print Composer Issues with Transparent Layers
Can't confirm here (see attached image).
Please try in a clean environment (no 3rd party plugins) and in case atta...
Giovanni Manghi
12:17 PM Bug report #16536 (Feedback): Print Composer Issues with Transparent Layers
Can't confirm here (see attached image).
Please try in a clean environment (no 3rd party plugins) and in case atta...
Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #14704 (Closed): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Can't reproduce with latest 2.18 using attached sample data and native *buffer* and *dissolv...
Giovanni Manghi
12:13 PM Bug report #14704 (Closed): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Can't reproduce with latest 2.18 using attached sample data and native *buffer* and *dissolv...
Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #16476: DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them from the L...
fixed for 2.18 waiting for review and merge, expecially review by Hugo Mercier... Luigi Pirelli
11:57 AM Bug report #16541 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when choosing the option "SVG fill" or "SVG Marker" in...
Can you please:
* try without any 3rd party plugun and clean configs (backups and remove the .qgis2 folder)
* att...
Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16541 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when choosing the option "SVG fill" or "SVG Marker" in...
Can you please:
* try without any 3rd party plugun and clean configs (backups and remove the .qgis2 folder)
* att...
Giovanni Manghi
04:16 AM Bug report #16541 (Closed): QGIS crashes when choosing the option "SVG fill" or "SVG Marker" in t...
It happens when I choose anything SVG-related when styling a layer. It just hangs forever as soon as I select the opt... Patrice Pineault
11:55 AM Bug report #16010: intersection causes crash
Many thanks for this Alex! Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #16010 (Closed): intersection causes crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|deb96673daf570c61c56fa1484ee5583603720cd. Alexander Bruy
10:17 AM Bug report #16010 (Closed): intersection causes crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|deb96673daf570c61c56fa1484ee5583603720cd. Alexander Bruy
11:43 AM Feature request #16540 (Feedback): Print Composer: Adjust word wrap in legend item by length (pix...
Sure you can't do it with an expression (genuinely asking)? Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #16540 (Feedback): Print Composer: Adjust word wrap in legend item by length (pix...
It would be nice to be able to specify the maximum number of characters or pixels a legend column could be. If the le... Patrice Pineault
11:38 AM Revision cc7e960e (qgis): Force vector output when saving map/canvas as PDF
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:51 AM Revision f9842426 (qgis): Improve stability of QgsTask::waitForFinished test
Matthias Kuhn
10:21 AM Revision 41808469 (qgis): Display name of layers in need of rasterization when saving as PDF (#4539)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:53 AM Revision ad5054bf (qgis): sip update qgsfeature
Jürgen Fischer
09:42 AM Feature request #15905: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
Thanks. I have tried the dev list. Håvard Tveite
09:17 AM Revision 4f82b0ba (qgis): [bugfix] Attribute table crashes QGIS when deleting selected
Backport from
Alessandro Pasotti
08:53 AM Revision 1eaf03d3 (qgis): Speed up the check for valid feature
Alessandro Pasotti
08:41 AM Revision deb96673 (qgis): [processing] check symmetrical difference result before using it in
other geometry operations (fix #16010) Alexander Bruy
08:35 AM Revision 6e3e8ce4 (qgis): Fix windows warning
...\qt5\include\qtcore\qcache.h(124): warning C4150: deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'QDomDocument'; no destru... Jürgen Fischer
08:14 AM Revision 9ddd28dd (qgis): Fix windows build
undefined error C2079: 'QMapNode<Key,T>::value' uses undefined class 'QgsGeometry' Jürgen Fischer
06:53 AM Revision 0e650772 (qgis): Small save as PDF cleanups
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:05 AM Revision 50e97280 (qgis): Merge pull request #4509 from nyalldawson/exporter
API Cleanups (and rename) for QgsVectorLayerImport, background export of layers when dropping to browser Nyall Dawson


12:57 AM Revision 9149ffb8 (qgis): Merge pull request #4537 from nyalldawson/backports
Fix crash when transform errors occur while rendering Nyall Dawson
12:15 AM Revision 452c8066 (qgis): Fix crash when transform errors occur while rendering
If a transform exception occurred while rendering a symbol then
the QgsSymbolRenderContext cleanup code was never cal...
Nyall Dawson
12:03 AM Revision 446db28a (qgis): Optimise QgsVectorLayerExporter::exportLayer when exporting only select...
Nyall Dawson
12:03 AM Revision 75a5d5dd (qgis): Remove unused skipAttributeCreation option in QgsVectorLayerExporter::e...
Nyall Dawson
12:03 AM Revision 64b612f2 (qgis): [FEATURE] Import layers to data providers in background
Flips the drag and drop import of layers to browser data sources
to use task manager, allowing these slow imports to ...
Nyall Dawson
12:03 AM Revision b6a5cc42 (qgis): Use QgsFeedback instead of QProgressDialog for QgsVectorLayerExporter::...
And add cancelation and progress reporting to background layer export Nyall Dawson
12:02 AM Revision 384369c3 (qgis): Rename QgsVectorLayerImport to QgsVectorLayerExporter
Since the majority of users of this class will be exporting
an existing map layer to a data provider, the QgsVectorLa...
Nyall Dawson
12:00 AM Revision 9adc3229 (qgis): Merge pull request #4515 from nyalldawson/render_crash
Fix crash when transform exception occurs during rendering Nyall Dawson
12:00 AM Bug report #15345 (Closed): Crashes when switching to some UTM CRSs with certain data
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fefa572e9f8a559e029dd9a369e5a8a1921de00b. Nyall Dawson
12:00 AM Bug report #15345 (Closed): Crashes when switching to some UTM CRSs with certain data
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fefa572e9f8a559e029dd9a369e5a8a1921de00b. Nyall Dawson
12:00 AM Bug report #16377 (Closed): Crash when zooming a reprojected PostGIS layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fefa572e9f8a559e029dd9a369e5a8a1921de00b. Nyall Dawson
12:00 AM Bug report #16377 (Closed): Crash when zooming a reprojected PostGIS layer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fefa572e9f8a559e029dd9a369e5a8a1921de00b. Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Bug report #16537: Images georeferenced with worldfile have a black frame when rotated
If I recall correctly this is fixed in 3.0. can you test a nightly and confirm? Nyall Dawson
08:09 PM Bug report #16537 (Feedback): Images georeferenced with worldfile have a black frame when rotated
Caan you please attach a sample + wld file? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:11 PM Bug report #16537 (Closed): Images georeferenced with worldfile have a black frame when rotated
Hi !
Georeferencing images with worldfiles is great, as it's very light and doesn't require to rewrite the raster....
Olivier Dalang
08:23 PM Bug report #16524: Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Calvin Hamilton wrote:
> It doesn't matter how the memory layer is created it still fails and should be fixed. The m...
Giovanni Manghi
06:00 PM Bug report #16524: Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
It doesn't matter how the memory layer is created it still fails and should be fixed. The memory layers plugin was ju... Calvin Hamilton
08:13 PM Bug report #16505 (Open): Network drive disappear on windows 7
Giovanni Manghi
10:54 AM Bug report #16505: Network drive disappear on windows 7
Yes, on 2.18.5. dany Lefeuvre
08:10 PM Feature request #16538 (Feedback): Live editing of worldfiles is only working partially
Would not be best fitted as feature request rather than a bug? cheers! Giovanni Manghi
04:16 PM Feature request #16538 (Feedback): Live editing of worldfiles is only working partially
Hi !
When loading an image with a worldfile in QGIS, it's possible to edit the worldfile from an external editor, ...
Olivier Dalang
08:07 PM Bug report #15651 (Closed): Processing merge vector layers returns incomplete result
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Seems works fine with latest 2.18. Can you retest?
Giovanni Manghi
08:07 PM Bug report #15651 (Closed): Processing merge vector layers returns incomplete result
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Seems works fine with latest 2.18. Can you retest?
Giovanni Manghi
01:26 PM Bug report #15651 (Feedback): Processing merge vector layers returns incomplete result
Seems works fine with latest 2.18. Can you retest? Alexander Bruy
01:26 PM Bug report #15651 (Feedback): Processing merge vector layers returns incomplete result
Seems works fine with latest 2.18. Can you retest? Alexander Bruy
07:46 PM Feature request #15905: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
Try raise the problem directly in the PR or in the dev mailing list, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
07:46 PM Feature request #15905: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
Try raise the problem directly in the PR or in the dev mailing list, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
05:53 PM Feature request #15905: QgsGeometryAnalyzer, buffer: Allow specification of segments
If my pull request does not fix this, it would be nice if someone could explain what the problem is. Håvard Tveite
07:09 PM Revision db89929a (qgis): [bugfix] Attribute table crashes QGIS when deleting selected
Alessandro Pasotti
06:44 PM Revision bfa507ae (qgis): Respect default values in N:M relation linking table
Matthias Kuhn
06:28 PM Revision 62bd07dd (qgis): Added a comment to the test header
Alessandro Pasotti
06:28 PM Revision 074c41a1 (qgis): Tiny typo fix - SIP part
Alessandro Pasotti
06:27 PM Revision 67fdd5e2 (qgis): Tiny typo in a comment
Alessandro Pasotti
05:47 PM Bug report #13565: modifying a svg already cached doesn't invalidate the cache, renders as versio...
I am developing a Python plugin that is generating SVG symbols for a layer, and since I am reusing file names for the... Håvard Tveite
05:21 PM Feature request #16539 (Closed): option to skip layer table panel if adding a geopackage to the p...
Currently if you use the api from a python plugin to add a geopackage to the project (as used in Paul van Genuchten
03:35 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
fix in
writing PR for 3.0 too
Luigi Pirelli
03:20 PM Bug report #8760: Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
I'm having the same problem: *with custom form qgis crash !!*
I tried to follow the training manual (x 2.14: 6.3.6 -...
Paolo Frizzera
02:43 PM Bug report #11986 (Feedback): Intersection returns the wrong result
Should we close this in favour of #15962?
> fix/check is available on 2.18.1 but anyway it fails to return the p...
Alexander Bruy
02:43 PM Bug report #11986 (Feedback): Intersection returns the wrong result
Should we close this in favour of #15962?
> fix/check is available on 2.18.1 but anyway it fails to return the p...
Alexander Bruy
01:37 PM Bug report #14704 (Feedback): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
Can't reproduce with latest 2.18 using attached sample data and native *buffer* and *dissolve* algorithms. Alexander Bruy
01:37 PM Bug report #14704 (Feedback): Encoding problems with Processing toolbox
Can't reproduce with latest 2.18 using attached sample data and native *buffer* and *dissolve* algorithms. Alexander Bruy
01:15 PM Revision 354b667f (qgis): Merge pull request #4526 from m-kuhn/featureCounter
Send feature counting to background task Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision ed747edc (qgis): Improve docs and python bindings for feature count
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 1f041884 (qgis): Add QgsTask::waitForFinished
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 05a713f4 (qgis): Fix compatibility with older sip versions
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 3e88e8e9 (qgis): Fix feature counting
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision d452f7f2 (qgis): Refresh feature count legend text automatically
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 0cb82587 (qgis): Localize feature count
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision a6800e94 (qgis): Fix division by 0
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 964d9ac7 (qgis): Send feature counting to background task
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 52676774 (qgis): Sipify QgsTask[Manager]
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 6dc7b57e (qgis): Consify
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 95597e3b (qgis): Add tests for QgsTask::waitForFinished()
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision eaabce28 (qgis): Doxyfication
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 24744989 (qgis): Allow specifying expression context for feature count
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision 1fb55dbd (qgis): [travis] Optimize ccache
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 PM Revision f2643701 (qgis): Make fields() available in QgsVectorLayerFeatureSource
Matthias Kuhn
12:24 PM Bug report #15828: "Join by attributes" generates incomplete results
Works fine with latest 2.18. Please check and provide reproducible testcase if it does not work for you. Alexander Bruy
12:00 PM Revision 5888d22c (qgis): fix sip bindings documentation
Denis Rouzaud
11:43 AM Bug report #16036 (Closed): regression: node tool's snapping not working
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:46 AM Bug report #16036 (Feedback): regression: node tool's snapping not working
Can you please check again now that new node tool has landed in Master? Regis Haubourg
10:46 AM Bug report #16036 (Feedback): regression: node tool's snapping not working
Can you please check again now that new node tool has landed in Master? Regis Haubourg
11:11 AM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Fixed in 2.18 too: commit:09ef9477db5b68c74ab0c8527533f9b594578399
Thanks a lot for t...
Ger CO
11:07 AM Revision 72c83358 (qgis): Merge pull request #4529 from alexbruy/stats-panel
fix bugs related to statistical dock (fix #16117, #16118, #16119) Alexander Bruy
10:53 AM Revision ad3fe265 (qgis): [doxygen] remove remaining 'note Added in XXX' in favor of '\since ...'
Denis Rouzaud
10:47 AM Revision 7ba28ec1 (qgis): Merge pull request #4306 from boundlessgeo/sort_on_top
[attributetable] Fix "Move selection to top": for 2.18 regression fixes #15803 Alessandro Pasotti
10:46 AM Revision 8e60510e (qgis): Merge pull request #4444 from boundlessgeo/sort_on_top_portTo3
[attributetable] Fix "Move selection to top" for 3.x regression fixes #15803 Alessandro Pasotti
10:46 AM Bug report #15803 (Closed): 2.18: Move Selection to Top not working in attribute table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c092effc1c9f1add63b88ce36aa0deff19890496. Luigi Pirelli
10:46 AM Bug report #15803 (Closed): 2.18: Move Selection to Top not working in attribute table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c092effc1c9f1add63b88ce36aa0deff19890496. Luigi Pirelli
10:11 AM Feature request #15363 (Closed): Snapping is not availaible on move points
Implemented in QGIS3 master, thanks Martin :) Regis Haubourg
10:11 AM Feature request #15363 (Closed): Snapping is not availaible on move points
Implemented in QGIS3 master, thanks Martin :) Regis Haubourg
10:11 AM Feature request #15363 (Closed): Snapping is not availaible on move points
Implemented in QGIS3 master, thanks Martin :) Regis Haubourg
09:22 AM Bug report #16536 (Closed): Print Composer Issues with Transparent Layers
When Using Transparency Layers the print composer doesn't display them correctly, curiously in my case they are displ... Aaron Evans
08:45 AM Revision 4a215ad6 (qgis): fix test font message
Jürgen Fischer
08:45 AM Revision f1317923 (qgis): fix test font message
Jürgen Fischer


09:15 PM Bug report #16476: DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them from the L...
see also #16534 Giovanni Manghi
07:22 PM Bug report #16476: DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them from the L...
the problem is a logic problem... the db_manager base class layer_preview remove from registry any previously added l... Luigi Pirelli
09:14 PM Bug report #16534 (Closed): DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
Giovanni Manghi
06:04 PM Bug report #16534: DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
right Harrissou Luigi Pirelli
05:37 PM Bug report #16534: DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
Is this a duplicate of #16476? Harrissou Santanna
09:14 PM Feature request #15069: Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> I reopen this because will triaging feature requests it really appears as in inconsistency i...
Giovanni Manghi
05:07 PM Feature request #15069 (Open): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
I reopen this because will triaging feature requests it really appears as in inconsistency in UI. Geopackage can be s... Regis Haubourg
05:07 PM Feature request #15069 (Open): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
I reopen this because will triaging feature requests it really appears as in inconsistency in UI. Geopackage can be s... Regis Haubourg
06:15 PM Revision 8884e597 (qgis): [processing] don't apply -te and -te_srs if not requested (fix #15339)
Alexander Bruy
06:05 PM Bug report #15974 (Closed): Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits i...
Fixed in 2.18 too: commit:09ef9477db5b68c74ab0c8527533f9b594578399 Alessandro Pasotti
12:01 PM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
Thanks to Giovanni, we noticed that apparently this bug needs GDAL 2+ to show up on 2.18.x Alessandro Pasotti
10:51 AM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
Screencast attached. Giovanni Manghi
09:30 AM Bug report #15974: Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving edits in a shape...
I cannot reproduce on 2.18.7 (latest release-2_18 branch) Alessandro Pasotti
09:20 AM Bug report #15974 (In Progress): Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving ed...
Fixed in master with commit:212acc120c8c2cb901347a77a044e045e30ae7ac
Now working on 2.18 ...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:20 AM Bug report #15974 (In Progress): Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving ed...
Fixed in master with commit:212acc120c8c2cb901347a77a044e045e30ae7ac
Now working on 2.18 ...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:20 AM Bug report #15974 (In Progress): Rows of the attribute table seem to be duplicated when saving ed...
Fixed in master with commit:212acc120c8c2cb901347a77a044e045e30ae7ac
Now working on 2.18 ...
Alessandro Pasotti
05:46 PM Revision 09ef9477 (qgis): Merge pull request #4530 from boundlessgeo/attributetable-duplicated-ro...
Attributetable duplicated rows fix for 2.18 Alessandro Pasotti
05:28 PM Feature request #7192 (In Progress): system specific location of qgis settings
See the QEP here, [[]], things are moving Regis Haubourg
05:28 PM Feature request #7192 (In Progress): system specific location of qgis settings
See the QEP here, [[]], things are moving Regis Haubourg
05:25 PM Feature request #16255: way to avoid loss of non-core svg folders during upgrade
Installing local ressources in the binaries folder of a software is not a good idea.
I think it would be advisable ...
Regis Haubourg
05:25 PM Feature request #16255: way to avoid loss of non-core svg folders during upgrade
Installing local ressources in the binaries folder of a software is not a good idea.
I think it would be advisable ...
Regis Haubourg
04:56 PM Revision abf6acbd (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes attribute table duplicated rows #15974
With C++ test Alessandro Pasotti
04:54 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I've got the same issue with vrt files with jp2 files and QGIS 2.18.5. Every fast zoom causes a crash.
08:25 AM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
Yes you confirme in QGIS 2.18.4, i don't have a problem. and in QGIS 2.18.5 i have this problem. Thomas Ailhaud
04:09 PM Bug report #11641 (In Progress): QgsComposerLegend.setLegendFilterByMapEnabled does not work for ...
Related with #14194
Pull request proposed on master :
Arnaud Morvan
04:09 PM Bug report #11641 (In Progress): QgsComposerLegend.setLegendFilterByMapEnabled does not work for ...
Related with #14194
Pull request proposed on master :
Arnaud Morvan
04:09 PM Bug report #11641 (In Progress): QgsComposerLegend.setLegendFilterByMapEnabled does not work for ...
Related with #14194
Pull request proposed on master :
Arnaud Morvan
04:06 PM Bug report #14194 (In Progress): Filter Legend by Map Content doesn't work for rasters
Pull request proposed : Arnaud Morvan
04:06 PM Bug report #14194 (In Progress): Filter Legend by Map Content doesn't work for rasters
Pull request proposed : Arnaud Morvan
04:06 PM Bug report #14194 (In Progress): Filter Legend by Map Content doesn't work for rasters
Pull request proposed : Arnaud Morvan
03:18 PM Revision 66498257 (qgis): Prevent crash when model is not set
Alessandro Pasotti
03:13 PM Revision a924915b (qgis): hide setting and value control in setSortOrder
Luigi Pirelli
03:10 PM Revision 8f862a5d (qgis): hide setting and value control in setSortOrder
Luigi Pirelli
03:01 PM Bug report #15339 (Closed): Warp tool requires CRS of extent when no extent set
Fixed in abc74b42624cc3815e4338111a5d1214d5420bda Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Bug report #15339 (Closed): Warp tool requires CRS of extent when no extent set
Fixed in abc74b42624cc3815e4338111a5d1214d5420bda Alexander Bruy
02:47 PM Revision abc74b42 (qgis): [processing] don't apply -te and -te_srs if not requested (fix #16519)
Alexander Bruy
02:40 PM Revision 883e4f36 (qgis): minor cleaning of python/CMakeLists.txt
Denis Rouzaud
02:40 PM Revision b8b01acb (qgis): fix valueChanged signal not emitted in QgsExternalResourceWidget
Denis Rouzaud
02:40 PM Revision 97866f4a (qgis): [sip] add missing ConvertToClassCode
This was causing an issue if you tried to access widgets in a form using findChildren
widgets could not be casted to ...
Denis Rouzaud
02:37 PM Bug report #16509: QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
Steps to see the problem:... Yves Jacolin
02:17 PM Bug report #16509: QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
- "standalone" qgis server -> a computer with qgis-server and that's it (and apache, and curl). So out of a project ... Benjamin Gerber
02:23 PM Revision 13c1318a (qgis): New geometry class: QgsRegularPolygon (#4502)
01:02 PM Revision c092effc (qgis): [attributetable] fix sortOnTop due to sortOrder wrong enum values from ...
port to 3.0 for Luigi Pirelli
12:34 PM Revision a82b8cfb (qgis): [attributetable] fix sortOnTop due to sortOrder wrong enum values from ...
Luigi Pirelli
12:06 PM Revision 55cb8550 (qgis): Use a valid polygon in attr-table test
Alessandro Pasotti
11:41 AM Feature request #12926 (In Progress): Improve attribute table performance
Some work has been done here and seems to really improve things: [[]]
Some o...
Regis Haubourg
11:41 AM Feature request #12926 (In Progress): Improve attribute table performance
Some work has been done here and seems to really improve things: [[]]
Some o...
Regis Haubourg
11:36 AM Feature request #15384: Unused mouse clicks could toggle layer on and off when panning
Not sure toggling layers would be the most natural action for right clics with pan tool. And for complex projects, wi... Regis Haubourg
11:36 AM Feature request #15384: Unused mouse clicks could toggle layer on and off when panning
Not sure toggling layers would be the most natural action for right clics with pan tool. And for complex projects, wi... Regis Haubourg
11:36 AM Feature request #15384: Unused mouse clicks could toggle layer on and off when panning
Not sure toggling layers would be the most natural action for right clics with pan tool. And for complex projects, wi... Regis Haubourg
11:29 AM Feature request #14099: toggle button for labeling in toolbar or else
In fact, with dynamic style panel, it's 3 clic per layer now ;)
Somewhat related to #15736 for turning off all lab...
Regis Haubourg
11:29 AM Feature request #14099: toggle button for labeling in toolbar or else
In fact, with dynamic style panel, it's 3 clic per layer now ;)
Somewhat related to #15736 for turning off all lab...
Regis Haubourg
11:28 AM Revision d139119a (qgis): prevent crash when exporting spatial bookmarks (fix #16345)
(cherry picked from commit 58a8478b82eeb5415f730c9686909047bd4e77ec) Alexander Bruy
11:25 AM Bug report #16345 (Closed): Spatial Bookmark Panel: crash on export
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|58a8478b82eeb5415f730c9686909047bd4e77ec. Alexander Bruy
11:25 AM Bug report #16345 (Closed): Spatial Bookmark Panel: crash on export
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|58a8478b82eeb5415f730c9686909047bd4e77ec. Alexander Bruy
11:25 AM Revision 58a8478b (qgis): prevent crash when exporting spatial bookmarks (fix #16345)
Alexander Bruy
10:56 AM Revision e0d4e37c (qgis): fix bugs relates to statistical dock (fix #16117, #16118, #16119)
backported from master Alexander Bruy
10:50 AM Bug report #16535 (Closed): Perimetro Pedra Grande
You must enter a description about the issue and how to replicate it, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:50 AM Bug report #16535 (Closed): Perimetro Pedra Grande
You must enter a description about the issue and how to replicate it, thanks! Giovanni Manghi
02:38 AM Bug report #16535 (Closed): Perimetro Pedra Grande
Perimetro Pedra Grande Vitor lobo
10:03 AM Revision 1006aa98 (qgis): Fix doc warning
Nyall Dawson
09:22 AM Bug report #16528: Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in browser (s...
Same problem here, on linux as well.
But when I repeat adding this same WCS server, I get the message "Should the...
Raymond Nijssen
08:48 AM Bug report #16528: Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in browser (s...
Confirmed here: on Windows OK, will try to find another Linux machine to test. Richard Duivenvoorde
09:07 AM Revision aa021bef (qgis): Merge pull request #4307 from ghtmtt/proc_tests
[processing] other qgis test, clean commit Matthias Kuhn
09:04 AM Revision 271a1e38 (qgis): Convert remaining parameters from python
Nyall Dawson
08:43 AM Revision 4ae8065d (qgis): fix QgsExternalResourceWidget valueChanged signal
also add some missing ConvertToClassCode Denis Rouzaud
02:14 AM Revision 02b560e9 (qgis): Temporarily make QgsProcessingAlgorithm::run non pure-virtual (for travis)
Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Revision 3706d880 (qgis): [processing] c++ framework for parameters and running algorithms (WIP)
This commit adds the virtual method for running processing algs
to the base c++ class, and adds the initial framework...
Nyall Dawson


10:21 PM Bug report #16534: DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
seems that db_manager qgis layer list in Virtual Layer gets layers form shown layers in the QgsMapCanvas instance of ... Luigi Pirelli
07:16 PM Bug report #16534: DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
also while doing the above steps I have also seen this (not always):... Giovanni Manghi
07:12 PM Bug report #16534 (Closed): DB manager virtual layers: wrong list, layers removed from project
This has been seen on 2.18.7 and master (QGIS 3) as well. Steps to replicate the issues:
* Load a shapefile
* Ope...
Giovanni Manghi
08:35 PM Revision 8423aaf0 (qgis): Merge pull request #4525 from boundlessgeo/re-enable-ows-test
Re-enable OWS auth test Alessandro Pasotti
07:02 PM Bug report #16533 (Closed): python error on DB manager on QGIS master (qgis 3)
... Giovanni Manghi
07:00 PM Bug report #16332: [macOS] SAGA algs not working in QGIS 2.18.x
Try using the new @saga-gis-lts@ OSGeo4Mac formulae for the Homebrew setup. It is the only one supported ...
Larry Shaffer
06:31 PM Revision 403c03f7 (qgis): Re-enable OWS auth test
Alessandro Pasotti
04:31 PM Revision 6d67379b (qgis): Remove unused forward declarations
Alessandro Pasotti
04:26 PM Bug report #16507 (Open): Navigation problem with a VRT
Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I have try your solution with VRT overall and one file.
> And replaced the values BlockXSi...
Giovanni Manghi
04:12 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I have try your solution with VRT overall and one file.
And replaced the values BlockXSize and BlockYSize and don't...
Thomas Ailhaud
03:02 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I tried a new VRT with half number of Geotiff and i have the same first problem.
> I tr...
Giovanni Manghi
03:13 PM Revision 212acc12 (qgis): Merge pull request #4503 from boundlessgeo/attributetable-fixes
[bugfix] Fixes attribute table duplicated rows #15974 Alessandro Pasotti
02:31 PM Bug report #16532 (Closed): Wrong dialog layout on HiDPI
The attached image is on a retina screen set @200 DPI Alessandro Pasotti
01:50 PM Bug report #16528: Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in browser (s...
Further checking: if I create a new connection in Browser panel, at least it shows up (see attachment).
BUT look a...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:29 PM Bug report #16531 (Feedback): DB manager/browser should not show the schemas/tables the user has ...
When choosing the "add PostGIS layer" dialog the user is presented with ONLY the schemas he/she has permission (USAGE... Giovanni Manghi
12:36 PM Revision a4e3c833 (qgis): Merge pull request #4520 from nyalldawson/raster_combo_box
QgsRasterBandComboBox Nyall Dawson
11:45 AM Revision ea4143bb (qgis): Don't disable band combo when only one band is present
Nyall Dawson
11:43 AM Revision 872cd136 (qgis): Add custom widget plugin for QgsRasterBandComboBox
Nyall Dawson
11:35 AM Revision f4b353c0 (qgis): Flip some more custom raster band combo boxes to QgsRasterBandComboBox
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision ddf8cc84 (qgis): Disable raster band combo box for rasters without multiple bands
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision a32314d8 (qgis): Add a new QgsRasterBandComboBox widget
And use wherever custom widgets were being created. Reduces
duplicate code and allows specialised handling for raster...
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision e4a94bc4 (qgis): Add unit tests for QgsRasterBandComboBox
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision c9bfb9f2 (qgis): Add a "not set" option to QgsRasterBandComboBox
Nyall Dawson
10:29 AM Bug report #16529: "Classification Mode" missing in the QgsColorRampShader() class
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> You're looking at the API for QGIS 3.0. The 2.x API has no such method. See
m gri
03:29 AM Bug report #16529 (Closed): "Classification Mode" missing in the QgsColorRampShader() class
You're looking at the API for QGIS 3.0. The 2.x API has no such method. See Nyall Dawson
03:29 AM Bug report #16529 (Closed): "Classification Mode" missing in the QgsColorRampShader() class
You're looking at the API for QGIS 3.0. The 2.x API has no such method. See Nyall Dawson
08:59 AM Revision 08242802 (qgis): sipify gui editor widgets
Denis Rouzaud
07:29 AM Revision 6aa10c68 (qgis): [processing] Cleanup some layer/writer related handling
Ensure that layers created by QgsProcessingUtils::createFeatureSink
can always be retrieved using QgsProcessingUtils:...
Nyall Dawson
07:21 AM Revision cb23ebed (qgis): [FEATURE] Add opacity support to copyright decorator
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:21 AM Revision 83e8ecec (qgis): [FEATURE] Add outline and color opacity settings for scale bar decoration
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:21 AM Revision 1445505a (qgis): [FEATURE] Color settings for north arrow decoration
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:34 AM Revision 592fcfa7 (qgis): Merge pull request #4522 from nyalldawson/new_random
[needs-docs] Add a "shuffle random" option to color ramp button Nyall Dawson
04:40 AM Bug report #16530 (Feedback): QGIS crashes randomly when multi-threaded rendering is active
Can you please check:
1. do you have on the fly reprojection enabled?
2. are any layers in your project in a differ...
Nyall Dawson
04:01 AM Bug report #16530 (Closed): QGIS crashes randomly when multi-threaded rendering is active
Crashing does not seem related to any action in particular, but it is very common in heavily loaded workspaces.
Pedro Camargo
04:22 AM Revision 3cd3e5d3 (qgis): Allow storing QgsProperty in QVariant
Nyall Dawson
04:03 AM Revision 927faf70 (qgis): [needs-docs] Add a "shuffle random" option to color ramp button
Allows quick regeneration of a new set of random colors if the
current color ramp is a random color ramp.
Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision 439b21ea (qgis): Show project path using native OS format
Avoids showing project paths as d:/... on windows, and instead
uses the more familiar d:\... format
(cherry-picked f...
Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision a6883f7a (qgis): Fix crash when OGR layer is removed when source is stored
Remove link to provider in OGR feature source
(cherry-picked from 0dfe687)
Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision 8309c3c2 (qgis): Followup 20197c2, fix orphaned highlights remaining on maps
(cherry-picked from ae2c06c) Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision fad23dda (qgis): Fix import WKT of the format MultiPoint (-20 -90, -20 -88 )
Should technically be MultiPoint ((-20 -90), (-20 -88)), but
it's nice to be forgiving and accept as wide a range of ...
Nyall Dawson
03:56 AM Revision b19213ec (qgis): Better tooltips for map layers
Including CRS information
(cherry-picked from 1012f25)
Nyall Dawson
03:52 AM Revision 499a35d0 (qgis): Refine paletted raster renderer classification
Change behaviour from clearing all existing values on classification
to instead keeping any existing values which do ...
Nyall Dawson
03:27 AM Bug report #16516 (Closed): Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bccba30af77ea53371027d6817cbb0713fbf914c. Nyall Dawson
03:27 AM Bug report #16516 (Closed): Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bccba30af77ea53371027d6817cbb0713fbf914c. Nyall Dawson
03:26 AM Revision bccba30a (qgis): Fix unreadable text in plugin manager (fix #16516)
Nyall Dawson


12:54 AM Revision cd248c62 (qgis): Limit the initial feature request sent by expression builder widget
Should help avoid short delays in opening the expression widget
on slower layers (such as with the Postgres provider ...
Nyall Dawson
12:53 AM Revision 9a19a5fc (qgis): Followup c2699b4, fix missing field names in expression builder
Nyall Dawson
12:44 AM Bug report #16529 (Closed): "Classification Mode" missing in the QgsColorRampShader() class
When using a "QgsColorRampShader()": with PyQGIS, I'm not able to se... m gri
09:03 PM Bug report #15803: 2.18: Move Selection to Top not working in attribute table
discovered that the problem is still available on master if the layer has been loaded from a project with wrong setti... Luigi Pirelli
06:23 PM Bug report #16509: QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works

> (I hope that's clear)
sorry no. I don't uderstand when you say ""standalone" qgis server" (it means not in doc...
Giovanni Manghi
03:42 PM Bug report #14590 (Closed): MSSQL fails to render layer with invalid features
Nathan Woodrow
01:57 PM Bug report #16528 (Feedback): Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in...
Works here on Windows/osgeo4w. Giovanni Manghi
01:55 PM Bug report #16528 (Closed): Adding a WCS service does not show up in service dropdown, works in b...
In current master(bfb62c4be9), I cannot add a new WCS service, while I can do that in 2.14 or 2.18
1) click button...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:21 PM Revision 13588225 (qgis): include metadata headers in install (followup 3a965e6d)
Jürgen Fischer
01:18 PM Revision f004fc10 (qgis): Update north arrow decorator to use a vector graphic (#4519)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:18 PM Revision ac7cc12c (qgis): Merge pull request #4511 from nyalldawson/composer_async
Asyncronously render composer map previews Nyall Dawson
11:57 AM Bug report #16524 (Feedback): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
In 2.18.7 you don't need such plugin, you have the (core) "new temporary scratch layer" functionality, and with that ... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16524 (Feedback): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
In 2.18.7 you don't need such plugin, you have the (core) "new temporary scratch layer" functionality, and with that ... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16524 (Feedback): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
In 2.18.7 you don't need such plugin, you have the (core) "new temporary scratch layer" functionality, and with that ... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16524 (Feedback): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
In 2.18.7 you don't need such plugin, you have the (core) "new temporary scratch layer" functionality, and with that ... Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16524 (Feedback): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
In 2.18.7 you don't need such plugin, you have the (core) "new temporary scratch layer" functionality, and with that ... Giovanni Manghi
11:31 AM Revision 29c87de6 (qgis): [needs-docs][composer] Remove Render/Cache modes from composer maps
Make maps invalidate cache whenever layer order changes. Cache mode
is now identical to Render mode, so all mode swi...
Nyall Dawson
11:29 AM Feature request #16527: Handle absent primary keys for postgresql views in add postgis layer dialog
Meantime if you need a column with unique values:
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS id ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:16 AM Bug report #16526 (Feedback): Default behavior when loading non-georeferenced images seems to hav...
I just tried on master/windows (can do also on Ubuntu later) and I don't see any difference from the (wrong anyway) w... Giovanni Manghi
11:14 AM Revision de03642e (qgis): Consolidate QgsRequestHandler
Alessandro Pasotti
11:07 AM Bug report #16516: Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
I think it depends on the 'Theme' you use?
Here in Debian/Gnome3 I have either 'Fusion' or 'Windows' as Qt theme t...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:07 AM Bug report #16516: Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
I think it depends on the 'Theme' you use?
Here in Debian/Gnome3 I have either 'Fusion' or 'Windows' as Qt theme t...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:00 AM Bug report #16514 (Open): Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
Nathan Perry wrote:
> I have the most current version available, 2.18.2-1 for Mac OS.
I have also seen it on 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
10:59 AM Bug report #14276 (Feedback): CRS axes flipping with QGIS WMS
Giovanni Manghi
10:58 AM Bug report #14084 (Feedback): QGis Server axis ordering for WMS 1.3
Giovanni Manghi
10:57 AM Feature request #15084: Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
Regis Haubourg wrote:
> I think this is pretty close to what the "Value Tool" plugin does.
And this to me always...
Giovanni Manghi
10:41 AM Revision c5566e72 (qgis): If composer map is set to use project CRS, update cached render
when project CRS changes
This should prevent one of the most common confusions with
composer maps - users inserting ...
Nyall Dawson
09:10 AM Revision 5e3b9039 (qgis): [needs-docs][composer] Remove Rectangle mode from composer maps
No longer required - the Cache mode is now performant enough
that we don't have to rely on the old rectangle preview
Nyall Dawson
09:10 AM Revision abe8ead1 (qgis): Rework how composer map cache is invalidated
Avoids unnecessary redraws and defers cache update until
when item is actually visible
Nyall Dawson
09:10 AM Revision 3f595ee8 (qgis): [composer] Always update map caches when zoom changes
Before this would only happen with the "render" mode, not "cache"
mode. Now updating caches is so responsive and tran...
Nyall Dawson
09:10 AM Revision 491abc2b (qgis): sipify QgsComposerMap
Nyall Dawson
09:09 AM Revision 91b046a7 (qgis): [FEATURE] Asyncronously render composer map previews without blocking UI
Makes working with compositions much more responsive and enjoyable!
Inspired by manisandro's commit in Sourcepole's ...
Nyall Dawson
08:45 AM Revision bfb62c4b (qgis): [sipify] fix Abstract class
unblacklist qgstransaction.sip
(followup 931bf32a9fe46570ac80d947552d46c9f427457)
also fix method declaration with pr...
Denis Rouzaud
08:03 AM Revision a88cf7ad (qgis): [FEATURE] Save map/canvas as PDF (#4516)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:03 AM Revision 01f12221 (qgis): Fix intermittent QgsMapLayerStore test failure
Nyall Dawson


12:57 AM Revision 9ee9df76 (qgis): Fix a lot of leaks in crssync and related QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem ...
Nyall Dawson
11:53 PM Revision fefa572e (qgis): Fix crash when transform errors occur while rendering
If a transform exception occurred while rendering a symbol then
the QgsSymbolRenderContext cleanup code was never cal...
Nyall Dawson
11:53 PM Revision 5d50b17c (qgis): Swap some members to unique_ptrs to make ownership clearer
Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Bug report #12757 (Closed): Zoom out crashes QGIS
This can be safely closed - 2.8 is no longer supported and it's fixed for 2.14/2.18/3.x Nyall Dawson
11:44 PM Bug report #12757 (Closed): Zoom out crashes QGIS
This can be safely closed - 2.8 is no longer supported and it's fixed for 2.14/2.18/3.x Nyall Dawson
11:12 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis

> Hi Giovanni,
> proprietary__gis_and_pdfcreator-1-7-3.pdf contains vector geometries. You can check this usi...
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> The export from QGIS is ~32MB *if you export as vector*, if you export *as raster* the size...
R. R.
12:02 PM Bug report #16474 (Closed): Oh Uh! dialog: the text formatting needs some love when copy pasted i...
Nathan Woodrow
11:47 AM Revision 660aaa54 (qgis): Black list some tests for now
Nathan Woodrow
10:07 AM Revision 2862439f (qgis): Fix build
Nathan Woodrow
07:58 AM Revision 6c41bdfd (qgis): Fix #16474 - Clean up formatting of crash report data
Nathan Woodrow
06:44 AM Bug report #14276: CRS axes flipping with QGIS WMS
@Gavin Can you confirm the issue is still present on newer versions?
If so, can you provide a project with test data...
Tudor Bărăscu
06:35 AM Bug report #14084: QGis Server axis ordering for WMS 1.3
I don't know about this issue, I'm working with reverse axis projections and I have no problems on the Desktop and Se... Tudor Bărăscu
02:25 AM Revision ddbb1702 (qgis): Merge pull request #4510 from qgis/revert-4494-composer_async
Revert "Asyncronously render composer map previews " Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Revision 40319df3 (qgis): Revert "Asyncronously render composer map previews "
Nyall Dawson


01:49 AM Revision 4160e19b (qgis): fix windows build
Jürgen Fischer
01:31 AM Revision bcca7af5 (qgis): Merge pull request #4495 from nyalldawson/writer
[processing] Port vector.createVectorWriter to c++ Nyall Dawson
01:22 AM Revision 54e208b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #4494 from nyalldawson/composer_async
Asyncronously render composer map previews Nyall Dawson
12:02 AM Revision 06c4dea7 (qgis): [processing] Remove vector.createVectorWriter
Use QgsProcessingUtils.createFeatureSink instead Nyall Dawson
12:02 AM Revision a8a3cc82 (qgis): [processing] Port vector.createVectorWriter to c++
This implements an improved version of vector.createVectorWriter
in QgsProcessingUtils. The improved version relies o...
Nyall Dawson
11:39 PM Feature request #16244: Project file recovery
You already have a backup file (the file named ***.qgs~ next to your project)
In QGIS behavior, crashing doe...
Regis Haubourg
11:39 PM Feature request #16244: Project file recovery
You already have a backup file (the file named ***.qgs~ next to your project)
In QGIS behavior, crashing doe...
Regis Haubourg
11:33 PM Feature request #12972 (Closed): run action on identify
Right click does that now :). Actions can also be run with the native toolbar or hotlink plugin. Regis Haubourg
11:33 PM Feature request #12972 (Closed): run action on identify
Right click does that now :). Actions can also be run with the native toolbar or hotlink plugin. Regis Haubourg
11:33 PM Feature request #12972 (Closed): run action on identify
Right click does that now :). Actions can also be run with the native toolbar or hotlink plugin. Regis Haubourg
11:33 PM Feature request #12972 (Closed): run action on identify
Right click does that now :). Actions can also be run with the native toolbar or hotlink plugin. Regis Haubourg
11:25 PM Feature request #13654: Enhancements to Dissolve
And I would add :
- implicit topology cleaning using snap2grid + tolerance parameter to reduce the number of Geos ...
Regis Haubourg
11:21 PM Feature request #13681: Integrated Metadata-Editor
Please see current work in progress here.[[]]
I think s...
Regis Haubourg
11:21 PM Feature request #13681: Integrated Metadata-Editor
Please see current work in progress here.[[]]
I think s...
Regis Haubourg
11:17 PM Feature request #13894 (Feedback): Export GeoTIFFs instead of TIFFs
Are you sure you exported TIFF from the composer? I couldn't find it in export file list...
With png, the world file...
Regis Haubourg
11:17 PM Feature request #13894 (Feedback): Export GeoTIFFs instead of TIFFs
Are you sure you exported TIFF from the composer? I couldn't find it in export file list...
With png, the world file...
Regis Haubourg
11:17 PM Feature request #13894 (Feedback): Export GeoTIFFs instead of TIFFs
Are you sure you exported TIFF from the composer? I couldn't find it in export file list...
With png, the world file...
Regis Haubourg
11:15 PM Feature request #14046: Exporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each symbol to ...
Not sure I get your point with the checkboxes and ctrl - shift hold behavior. Can you check in QGIS master if you're ... Regis Haubourg
11:15 PM Feature request #14046: Exporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each symbol to ...
Not sure I get your point with the checkboxes and ctrl - shift hold behavior. Can you check in QGIS master if you're ... Regis Haubourg
11:15 PM Feature request #14046: Exporting symbol from Style Manager : add a checkbox near each symbol to ...
Not sure I get your point with the checkboxes and ctrl - shift hold behavior. Can you check in QGIS master if you're ... Regis Haubourg
11:12 PM Feature request #14045 (Closed): Style Manager : Allow selection of multiple symbols at once whil...
Groups are gone in QGIS3 to the benefit of tags or Smart Groups.
please reopen if necessary!
Regis Haubourg
11:12 PM Feature request #14045 (Closed): Style Manager : Allow selection of multiple symbols at once whil...
Groups are gone in QGIS3 to the benefit of tags or Smart Groups.
please reopen if necessary!
Regis Haubourg
11:12 PM Feature request #14045 (Closed): Style Manager : Allow selection of multiple symbols at once whil...
Groups are gone in QGIS3 to the benefit of tags or Smart Groups.
please reopen if necessary!
Regis Haubourg
11:12 PM Feature request #14045 (Closed): Style Manager : Allow selection of multiple symbols at once whil...
Groups are gone in QGIS3 to the benefit of tags or Smart Groups.
please reopen if necessary!
Regis Haubourg
11:07 PM Feature request #14112 (Closed): Node tool enhancement : freehand mode ( aka "click-click" mode)
Seems done :) Regis Haubourg
11:07 PM Feature request #14112 (Closed): Node tool enhancement : freehand mode ( aka "click-click" mode)
Seems done :) Regis Haubourg
11:07 PM Feature request #14112 (Closed): Node tool enhancement : freehand mode ( aka "click-click" mode)
Seems done :) Regis Haubourg
11:04 PM Feature request #14484 (Closed): Problems printing information via WMS
You can already call WMS using tile size. Regis Haubourg
11:04 PM Feature request #14484 (Closed): Problems printing information via WMS
You can already call WMS using tile size. Regis Haubourg
11:04 PM Feature request #14484 (Closed): Problems printing information via WMS
You can already call WMS using tile size. Regis Haubourg
10:58 PM Feature request #15084: Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
Hi, there can be many DEM loaded and many Z informations at the same place. What you ask for would require a setting ... Regis Haubourg
10:58 PM Feature request #15084: Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
Hi, there can be many DEM loaded and many Z informations at the same place. What you ask for would require a setting ... Regis Haubourg
10:58 PM Feature request #15084: Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
Hi, there can be many DEM loaded and many Z informations at the same place. What you ask for would require a setting ... Regis Haubourg
10:49 PM Feature request #15181: Support for No (or Unknown) CRS
I think it is done in master now, the unknown projection has been introduced by Nyall and OTF was removed. Regis Haubourg
10:49 PM Feature request #15181: Support for No (or Unknown) CRS
I think it is done in master now, the unknown projection has been introduced by Nyall and OTF was removed. Regis Haubourg
10:10 PM Revision 7efcfee2 (qgis): osgeo4w: also build pdb and corresponding package for releases
Jürgen Fischer
07:57 PM Feature request #16527 (Feedback): Handle absent primary keys for postgresql views in add postgis...
When adding data from postgresql (materialized) view QGIS add layer dialog always shows exclamation mark icon due to ... Nikolay Lebedev
02:33 PM Revision 040c4b32 (qgis): Small cleanup of QgsAbstractGeometry header
Martin Dobias
12:40 PM Bug report #16526 (Closed): Default behavior when loading non-georeferenced images seems to have ...
When loading a non-georeferenced image in the georeferencer
* the image cannot be seen
The same is true for pixel b...
Mark Johnson
12:04 PM Feature request #9067 (Closed): Lower case names of fields when importing a shape by DBManager
Hi, in 2.18, there is a checkbox "Convert field names to lowercase". Regis Haubourg
12:04 PM Feature request #9067 (Closed): Lower case names of fields when importing a shape by DBManager
Hi, in 2.18, there is a checkbox "Convert field names to lowercase". Regis Haubourg
12:04 PM Feature request #9067 (Closed): Lower case names of fields when importing a shape by DBManager
Hi, in 2.18, there is a checkbox "Convert field names to lowercase". Regis Haubourg
12:00 PM Bug report #15803: 2.18: Move Selection to Top not working in attribute table
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Patches:
> Master: but I cannot reproduce it
> ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:31 AM Bug report #15803: 2.18: Move Selection to Top not working in attribute table
Master: but I cannot reproduce it
Alessandro Pasotti
11:37 AM Feature request #3832 (Closed): add x y input to move
Hey good news, advanced editor panel work for moving existing features and vertices.
I think this has been implemen...
Regis Haubourg
11:37 AM Feature request #3832 (Closed): add x y input to move
Hey good news, advanced editor panel work for moving existing features and vertices.
I think this has been implemen...
Regis Haubourg
11:37 AM Feature request #3832 (Closed): add x y input to move
Hey good news, advanced editor panel work for moving existing features and vertices.
I think this has been implemen...
Regis Haubourg
11:33 AM Feature request #3691: Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
For the record, CopyLayersAndGroupsToClipboard plugin offers that now. See [[ Regis Haubourg
10:45 AM Revision 3c4567d0 (qgis): [server] More WMS tests for FILTER parameter with bool operators and UTF8
Forward port from 2.18 commit 8fd4fc60697738a986207 Alessandro Pasotti
10:44 AM Revision a46e9a56 (qgis): [server] Fail test when expected and reference have different number of...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:49 AM Revision a882a3b5 (qgis): Added server changes to API break docs
Alessandro Pasotti
08:43 AM Revision 2af9698e (qgis): Merge pull request #4507 from nyalldawson/import_sink
QgsVectorLayerImport is a QgsFeatureSink Nyall Dawson
08:16 AM Revision 51d3fac1 (qgis): Fix attribute table header feature selection (fixes #16520)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:16 AM Bug report #16520 (Closed): regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute ta...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51d3fac19c6aaad39f94a0807812c7b935b2652d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:16 AM Bug report #16520 (Closed): regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute ta...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51d3fac19c6aaad39f94a0807812c7b935b2652d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:05 AM Revision ba46c875 (qgis): Avoid crash on exit of PyQgsPalLabelingComposer test
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision baa65925 (qgis): Add some safety checks
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 57b1a399 (qgis): Initially draw 'rendering' text while waiting for first cache of compos...
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 2b48026e (qgis): Fix perpetual rendering message on newly created maps
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision b7ca7876 (qgis): Also trigger composer map update on resize
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 63a3037c (qgis): [composer] Use last complete map render when previewing map items
until a new cached preview is ready
Ensures that map items always show some content while a background
cache update ...
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 855e1f69 (qgis): Asyncronously render composer map previews
(Forward port from Sourcepole fork) Sandro Mani
07:05 AM Revision bcfb8611 (qgis): Cleanup 57d162, improved cancelation and code modernization
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 1be4fd5a (qgis): Remove debug messages
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision 4ec56bc8 (qgis): Draw cached composer map image respecting any content movement
Nyall Dawson
06:59 AM Revision 1033c7b3 (qgis): Remove unused argument
Nyall Dawson
06:34 AM Bug report #16514: Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
I have the most current version available, 2.18.2-1 for Mac OS. Nathan Perry
06:15 AM Revision 83baf9ea (qgis): Sipify QgsVectorLayerImport
Nyall Dawson
06:15 AM Revision 46ff6527 (qgis): QgsVectorLayerImport is a QgsFeatureSink
Nyall Dawson
06:15 AM Revision 80d22406 (qgis): Make QgsVectorLayerImport protected members private
This class isn't designed to be subclassed Nyall Dawson
06:13 AM Revision 8d036423 (qgis): Merge pull request #4487 from nyalldawson/memory
Move memory provider to core Nyall Dawson
05:31 AM Revision df679a2d (qgis): Set paths in qgis python module based on osgeo4w env file
Nathan Woodrow
05:00 AM Revision b5ae888b (qgis): Merge pull request #4478 from nyalldawson/layer_store
Split off map layer storage handling from QgsProject to QgsMapLayerStore Nyall Dawson
04:37 AM Revision 27ab5a0e (qgis): Merge pull request #4504 from nyalldawson/project_cleanup
Cleanup project closing Nyall Dawson
04:34 AM Revision 0a0c33dc (qgis): Remove QgsGeometryCache class
The geometry cache was only used for few geometry editing operations anyway. In earlier versions
of QGIS the geometry...
Martin Dobias
04:32 AM Revision e2a735f3 (qgis): Simplify QgsMemoryProviderUtils::createMemoryLayer()
Nyall Dawson
04:28 AM Revision ba2fdf00 (qgis): Rename some QgsProviderRegistry methods to clarify that they are factories
- provider() was renamed to createProvider()
- selectWidget() was renamed to createSelectionWidget()
- providerLibrar...
Nyall Dawson
04:20 AM Revision 6502864c (qgis): Add missing /Factory/ annotations to QgsProviderMetadata
Also sipify QgsProviderMetadata and QgsProviderRegistry Nyall Dawson
04:13 AM Revision 6af2d30b (qgis): Update QgsProviderRegistry docs
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 8519d745 (qgis): Use QgsMemoryProviderUtils::createMemoryLayer when pasting as scratch l...
Also avoids annoying invalid "missing CRS" message/window when pasting
features to a scratch layer
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 747a36f1 (qgis): Remove memory provider library from packaging
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 2b3c5511 (qgis): QStringLiteral
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 5511b07e (qgis): Move memory provider to core
This commit introduces basic support for non-library based
data providers, and moves the memory provider from a libra...
Nyall Dawson
04:05 AM Revision 767cb12c (qgis): Add QgsMemoryProviderUtils.createMemoryLayer for easy creation
of new memory layers from QgsFields/QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem/etc
Since memory provider cannot use QgsVectorLayer...
Nyall Dawson


11:51 PM Bug report #16525 (Closed): QGis 2.14.14 fails to start on Windows XP
I haved installed QGis 2.14.13 on Windows XP (in a virtual machine) and this works fine.
Since version 2.14...
11:50 PM Bug report #16117: Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not update t...
Test. Please ignore. Jürgen Fischer
03:48 PM Bug report #16117 (Closed): Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c151ad04257ac00d297ba2eaad96353cf129932a. Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #16117 (Closed): Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c151ad04257ac00d297ba2eaad96353cf129932a. Alexander Bruy
09:41 PM Bug report #16524 (Closed): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
This issue is applicable to some of the other Geoprocessing tools, but I have only really investigated Difference.
Calvin Hamilton
08:38 PM Revision 8fd4fc60 (qgis): Merge pull request #4505 from boundlessgeo/server-more-filter-tests
[server] More WMS tests for FILTER parameter with bool operators and … Alessandro Pasotti
06:53 PM Revision a5d61a5d (qgis): [server] More WMS tests for FILTER parameter with bool operators and UTF8
Needs forward porting Alessandro Pasotti
06:19 PM Bug report #16487: Processing broken on QGIS 2.18.2 for macOS from KyngChaos
This should be fixed with this commit:4923e46a6d1cfceb93069c41b723af98d42db8a2
I believe, Kyngchaos installer just...
Larry Shaffer
05:32 PM Revision 37848920 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes attribute table duplicated rows #15974
Alessandro Pasotti
04:55 PM Revision 5e3c6e54 (qgis): Fix space
Nathan Woodrow
04:37 PM Revision 52093a58 (qgis): Fix symbol path for osgeo4w installs
Nathan Woodrow
03:48 PM Revision 3e05bd85 (qgis): Merge pull request #4501 from alexbruy/statistics-by-type
Statistics panel: show only relevant statistics depending on the field type Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #16118 (Closed): Statistic panel: "Count distinct" not available in the drop-down list...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ff644ee493348ce45bb57dac38c610a53feea6d. Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #16118 (Closed): Statistic panel: "Count distinct" not available in the drop-down list...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ff644ee493348ce45bb57dac38c610a53feea6d. Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #16119 (Closed): Statistic panel: Do not show the whole list of statistics, regardless...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ff644ee493348ce45bb57dac38c610a53feea6d. Alexander Bruy
03:48 PM Bug report #16119 (Closed): Statistic panel: Do not show the whole list of statistics, regardless...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ff644ee493348ce45bb57dac38c610a53feea6d. Alexander Bruy
03:47 PM Revision 2185d42d (qgis): [processing] reset variables list in field calculator on layer change (...
Alexander Bruy
03:39 PM Feature request #16523 (Open): Print Composer: Being able to identify different frames of the sam...
(also picked from Adobe InDesign)
In the Print Composer, add an attribute table and Add a second frame (from the F...
Harrissou Santanna
03:39 PM Revision 5f7a2912 (qgis): Expose "context" to expression functions
Matthias Kuhn
03:39 PM Revision 931bf32a (qgis): Doxymentation for QgsTransaction
Matthias Kuhn
03:39 PM Revision fd25288a (qgis): Documentation for custom functions
Matthias Kuhn
03:39 PM Revision 028c64e8 (qgis): Doxygen typo
Matthias Kuhn
03:20 PM Feature request #16522 (Open): Print Composer: Add a sign to the attribute table frame when all t...
(picked it from Adobe InDesign spirit)
When you add an attribute table to print composer, there's no (easy) way to...
Harrissou Santanna
03:01 PM Feature request #16521 (Open): Print Composer: Attribute table should list all the features by de...
Open a print composer, add an attribute table
In Item properties --> Feature Filtering, the "Maximum rows option is ...
Harrissou Santanna
02:45 PM Bug report #15199 (Closed): Style dialog looks not nice imho
People are used to this now... Harrissou Santanna
02:45 PM Bug report #15199 (Closed): Style dialog looks not nice imho
People are used to this now... Harrissou Santanna
02:45 PM Bug report #15199 (Closed): Style dialog looks not nice imho
People are used to this now... Harrissou Santanna
02:26 PM Bug report #15828 (Feedback): "Join by attributes" generates incomplete results
Is this true on qgis 2.18.7 and/or master? Giovanni Manghi
02:16 PM Revision 9c88faf4 (qgis): Merge pull request #4499 from alexbruy/processing-fieldcalc
[processing] reset variables list in field calculator on layer change (fix #15633) Alexander Bruy
02:16 PM Bug report #15633 (Closed): Field calculator does not clear variables list when switching layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c2699b464057e2579b9852b02d8f8d5e3014f0de. Alexander Bruy
02:16 PM Bug report #15633 (Closed): Field calculator does not clear variables list when switching layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c2699b464057e2579b9852b02d8f8d5e3014f0de. Alexander Bruy
02:10 PM Revision fe677040 (qgis): Cleanup project closing
- ensure that layers are removed when clearing projects
- ensure that project is cleared before destruction
Nyall Dawson
01:46 PM Bug report #10137 (Open): Processing stripping out +towgs params
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #14849 (Closed): Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Not as fast as in the past (as far as I remember) but with my testing dataset on 2.18.7 this in now acceptable (it ca... Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #14849 (Closed): Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Not as fast as in the past (as far as I remember) but with my testing dataset on 2.18.7 this in now acceptable (it ca... Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #14849 (Closed): Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Not as fast as in the past (as far as I remember) but with my testing dataset on 2.18.7 this in now acceptable (it ca... Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Bug report #16465 (Closed): Unable to create new bookmarks
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aea21306edc1ac6c597de573a0d6341dcadee661. Arnaud Morvan
01:34 PM Bug report #16465 (Closed): Unable to create new bookmarks
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|aea21306edc1ac6c597de573a0d6341dcadee661. Arnaud Morvan
01:34 PM Revision 41dd2e73 (qgis): Merge pull request #4447 from arnaud-morvan/fix_new_bookmark
Fix new bookmark query. Nyall Dawson
01:08 PM Bug report #16249 (Closed): QGIS "voronoi polygons tool" do not work with PostGIS layers
Seems fixed in 2.18.7 Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #16249 (Closed): QGIS "voronoi polygons tool" do not work with PostGIS layers
Seems fixed in 2.18.7 Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #16249 (Closed): QGIS "voronoi polygons tool" do not work with PostGIS layers
Seems fixed in 2.18.7 Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Revision 67e1558f (qgis): Remove unused symbols from qgis.h
Also slow down @NathanW2's build Nyall Dawson
12:00 PM Bug report #16520: regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute table row's...
I tried it on 2.18.7 it is definitely on master. Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
11:37 AM Bug report #16520 (Open): regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute tabl...
Giovanni, I haven't tried on 2.18, but I *believe* it's a master-only regression.
That GIF is probably worth a tho...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:35 AM Bug report #16520 (Feedback): regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute ...
Only master, correct? Giovanni Manghi
11:33 AM Bug report #16520 (Closed): regression: trying to select a feature by clicking on an attribute ta...
On QGIS master, clicking on an attribute table's row header to select a given feature is broken. Instead of selecting... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:05 AM Bug report #15339 (Open): Warp tool requires CRS of extent when no extent set
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Revision 0eb337ff (qgis): [i18n] adding translator on request
Werner Macho
11:04 AM Bug report #16516 (Open): Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
Giovanni Manghi
10:26 AM Bug report #16516: Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
Got the same thing on Windows 10 (WindowsVista or Fusion Style, and default UI theme selected) Harrissou Santanna
09:48 AM Bug report #16516: Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
I've just checked on my laptap which uses Ubuntu 16.10 and the Gnome desktop and I also get the same problem with the... Frank Sokolic
10:31 AM Feature request #13901 (Open): "Add Circular String" is not deactivatable by Settings > Customiza...
Closed by mistake Alexander Bruy
10:31 AM Feature request #13901 (Open): "Add Circular String" is not deactivatable by Settings > Customiza...
Closed by mistake Alexander Bruy
10:30 AM Feature request #13901 (Rejected): "Add Circular String" is not deactivatable by Settings > Custo...
Alexander Bruy
09:52 AM Bug report #16519 (Rejected): Processing: error when to trying to reproject layer
Alexander Bruy
09:23 AM Revision 68872e5f (qgis): introduce private enum to strore field type
Alexander Bruy
09:23 AM Revision 7ff644ee (qgis): update staistics list depending on the field type (fix #16119, #16118)
Alexander Bruy
09:23 AM Revision 391cb73e (qgis): rebuild statistics drop-down menu only when field type changed
Alexander Bruy
09:23 AM Revision c151ad04 (qgis): correctly handle toggling statistics visibility (fix #16117)
Alexander Bruy
08:19 AM Bug report #16517: Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
This is working on latest 2.14.14 LTR but not anymore on 2.18.7.
Added some screens, does the same behaviour for o...
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
08:19 AM Bug report #16517: Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
This is working on latest 2.14.14 LTR but not anymore on 2.18.7.
Added some screens, does the same behaviour for o...
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
07:46 AM Bug report #16514: Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
I can't reproduce on 2.18.7. Try updating? Nyall Dawson
05:00 AM Bug report #16514: Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
Yes. I should note that with this project, the issue seems to affect the polygon layer as well as the line layer. Nathan Perry


11:14 PM Bug report #16519 (Rejected): Processing: error when to trying to reproject layer
In QGIS 2.18.7, when I trying to reproject a single raster, I get the following error:
Algorithm Warp (reproject) ...
Jorge Santos
11:00 PM Revision 02e96a2d (qgis): Partially revert 636a37f
Fix processing modeler error on startup Nyall Dawson
10:54 PM Revision 49bec6b6 (qgis): Fix windows build
Nyall Dawson
09:56 PM Bug report #16516 (Feedback): Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
Is this only a Ubuntu/Unity thing? I'm on Ubuntu/KDE and is ok. I also didn't noticed anything on Windows or macOS. Giovanni Manghi
06:56 PM Bug report #16516 (Closed): Can't read tab labels in Plugin Manager
It is very difficult to read the names of the inactive tabs in the Plugin Manager. The inactive tab names are shown i... Frank Sokolic
09:35 PM Bug report #16518 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not appear in Composer
#16517 Giovanni Manghi
09:35 PM Bug report #16518 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not appear in Composer
#16517 Giovanni Manghi
09:11 PM Bug report #16518 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not appear in Composer
I recently upgraded from V2.12 (I think) to V2.18.7. After upgrade, I noticed that locked raster layers are not displ... Assaf Wunsch
09:10 PM Bug report #16517 (Closed): Locked raster layers do not refresh in Composer
I recently upgraded from V2.12 (I think) to V2.18.7. After upgrade, I noticed that locked raster layers are not displ... Assaf Wunsch
06:24 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
the problem is related with the removing of the layer tab => QT elements have been destroied but slot still connected... Luigi Pirelli
06:04 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
still used in the version for qgis 3.x Luigi Pirelli
05:57 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
btw QgsMapCanvas::setDirty has been deprecated in favour of refresh()
check if setDirty has been removed in 3.x version
Luigi Pirelli
05:38 PM Bug report #15868: Frequent errors in DB Manager: `pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject, not 'PG...
please give some serious procedure to replicate Luigi Pirelli
05:50 PM Bug report #16515 (Feedback): Freezing when enabling snap to intersection
Can you please provide a sample project with a minimal dataset? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:50 PM Bug report #16515 (Feedback): Freezing when enabling snap to intersection
Can you please provide a sample project with a minimal dataset? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
05:49 PM Bug report #16515 (Closed): Freezing when enabling snap to intersection
Hi. I am trying to create polygons. It works fine until I click on snap to intersections, at which point it will imme... g smith
05:22 PM Bug report #16492: Attribute table: crash removing features when cell is in editing mode
assigned to APasotti because he's already working on other attribute table issues Luigi Pirelli
04:49 PM Bug report #16119: Statistic panel: Do not show the whole list of statistics, regardless field type
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16119: Statistic panel: Do not show the whole list of statistics, regardless field type
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16118: Statistic panel: "Count distinct" not available in the drop-down list for stat...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16118: Statistic panel: "Count distinct" not available in the drop-down list for stat...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16118: Statistic panel: "Count distinct" not available in the drop-down list for stat...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16117: Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not update t...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16117: Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not update t...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #16117: Statistic panel: (Un)checking some statistics for string field do not update t...
PR proposed Alexander Bruy
01:40 PM Bug report #16454 (Feedback): "Select by expression" randomly stops working
Please provide instructions to reproduce Matthias Kuhn
01:40 PM Bug report #16454 (Feedback): "Select by expression" randomly stops working
Please provide instructions to reproduce Matthias Kuhn
12:04 PM Revision 29dd519e (qgis): introduce SIP_SKIP in headers
based on the docstrings 'not available in Python bindings' Denis Rouzaud
11:47 AM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I tried a new VRT with half number of Geotiff and i have the same first problem.
I tried clean my environment and ...
Thomas Ailhaud
11:08 AM Bug report #16494 (Closed): raster clipper exports XYZ grid file, even when another format is sel...

> Hi Giovanni,
> the gdal_tools "clipper" function is still in the raster menu by default, is it not? So it's not...
Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #16494 (Closed): raster clipper exports XYZ grid file, even when another format is sel...

> Hi Giovanni,
> the gdal_tools "clipper" function is still in the raster menu by default, is it not? So it's not...
Giovanni Manghi
11:05 AM Bug report #16494: raster clipper exports XYZ grid file, even when another format is selected
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does the equivalent tool in the Processing toolbox work as expected?
> gdal_tools is unsup...
Adam Fine
10:49 AM Revision cc887c63 (qgis): [sipify] use a distinct header to simplify includes
there was an issue in libdxf which includes qgslogger in debug mode
and qgsdebug.h includes qgis.h include qgswkbtype...
Denis Rouzaud
10:28 AM Bug report #15633: Field calculator does not clear variables list when switching layers
Proposed PR Alexander Bruy
09:41 AM Revision 41dc9d1e (qgis): SIP_SKIP QgsExpression::cloneTo
Matthias Kuhn
09:27 AM Bug report #15381 (Closed): the bug tracker Create and Continue button should not wipe out the v...
Giovanni Manghi
09:25 AM Bug report #16146 (Closed): Mac OS X Snow Leopard & QGIS 2.18.3 : configuration OK but make fails
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:25 AM Bug report #16146 (Closed): Mac OS X Snow Leopard & QGIS 2.18.3 : configuration OK but make fails
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:24 AM Bug report #16440 (Closed): Random points inside polygon does not set ID
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:24 AM Bug report #16440 (Closed): Random points inside polygon does not set ID
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:14 AM Revision c2699b46 (qgis): [processing] reset variables list in field calculator on layer change (...
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision 31cd113b (qgis): update SIP files
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision 3d43f639 (qgis): add missing signals
Denis Rouzaud
08:59 AM Revision b93e925b (qgis): [sipify] follow-up 634c7aa3f460ee945743850f6715940d47a12579
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision e1c35883 (qgis): [sipify] remove space before ModuleTypeHeader
also update network analysis SIP files Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision f6266130 (qgis): also sipify QgsGraphAnalyzer
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision b295fccc (qgis): fix indentation
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision 433b21f7 (qgis): remove qgsgraphanalyzer from SIP blacklist
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision 6f4b0c99 (qgis): doxymentation
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision fd9569fe (qgis): fix qgsgraphanalyzer.h for sipification
Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Revision 77d34ddd (qgis): initial sipification of the network analysis library
Alexander Bruy
08:26 AM Revision 264c9028 (qgis): Sypify core.QgsHistogram
Arnaud Morvan
08:26 AM Revision 742c1aa9 (qgis): Sipify core.QgsGml
Arnaud Morvan
08:26 AM Revision 3b43543e (qgis): Sipify core.QgsGemlSchema
Arnaud Morvan
08:26 AM Revision 8e61d483 (qgis): Sipify core.QgsJsonUtils
Arnaud Morvan
08:26 AM Revision d56eef1f (qgis): Sipify core.QgsInterval
Arnaud Morvan
08:05 AM Revision 716fe524 (qgis): Add a button to project properties to open folder containing project
(Opens in default OS file browser) Nyall Dawson
07:38 AM Revision eda17309 (qgis): [sipify] use single regex for all double annotation cases
followup ac54a3f83fa95e965f415ec6884d195629e87273 Denis Rouzaud
07:23 AM Revision f7f32e64 (qgis): [sipify] signals are public
Denis Rouzaud
05:41 AM Revision 71347c45 (qgis): Show project path using native OS format
Avoids showing project paths as d:/... on windows, and instead
uses the more familiar d:\... format
Nyall Dawson
04:53 AM Bug report #16514 (Feedback): Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
I can't reproduce (on master). Are you able to attach a sample project which demonstrates this issue? It may only sho... Nyall Dawson
04:02 AM Revision 341e2587 (qgis): Merge pull request #4356 from nyalldawson/metadata
Implement Metadata store (WP2 for QEP-91) (part 1) Nyall Dawson


01:50 AM Revision 548d61b8 (qgis): Fix expected sipify output
Nyall Dawson
12:29 AM Revision ac54a3f8 (qgis): [sipify] Combine multiple argument annotations
Nyall Dawson
11:31 PM Revision 50680249 (qgis): Merge pull request #4397 from nyalldawson/no_adawaita
Block use of the Adwaita themes if we can avoid them Nyall Dawson
11:30 PM Revision 8389b9a0 (qgis): Sipify update
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision b2f52d8a (qgis): Add license section to metadata
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 18478ab6 (qgis): Remove duplicate gui/effects include
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 3a965e6d (qgis): Attach layer metadata to QgsMapLayer
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 998ca4a8 (qgis): Preparation for metadata directory
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision bf2ce3d8 (qgis): Add history item to metadata
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 75f5a5fb (qgis): Add spatial and temporal extents to metadata
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 5600395e (qgis): Add metadata validator
Adds a new abstract base class QgsMetadataValidator for validating
metadata against standard schemas.
Initially only...
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 269bfe7b (qgis): Metadata class shell
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 40fccf55 (qgis): Implement metadata store for map layers
QgsLayerMetadata handles storage and management of the metadata
for a QgsMapLayer. This class is an internal QGIS for...
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 8545b804 (qgis): Add doxygen note about metadata validation
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision cc3d67a2 (qgis): Add temporary methods to save layer metadata in layer custom properties
Allows temporary persistance of metadata inside a single project. Will
be removed when later work packages from the m...
Nyall Dawson
11:29 PM Revision 9e662a78 (qgis): Merge pull request #4330 from kalxas/metadata_schema
Adding Metadata schema for WP1 for QEP-91 Nyall Dawson
11:21 PM Revision 87e2aab0 (qgis): Merge pull request #4492 from nyalldawson/driver_from_extension
Add method to retrieve corresponding OGR driver from a file extension Nyall Dawson
11:21 PM Revision 32ff0921 (qgis): Merge pull request #4491 from nyalldawson/proxy_sink
Add QgsProxyFeatureSink Nyall Dawson
11:20 PM Revision a87e8d1a (qgis): Merge pull request #4493 from arnaud-morvan/sipify_core_classes_2
Sipify core classes 2 Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I put 312 jp2 and 309 tiff in VRT. I tried to create a new VRT with half number of raster an...
Giovanni Manghi
06:12 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I put 312 jp2 and 309 tiff in VRT. I tried to create a new VRT with half number of raster and i have the same first p... Thomas Ailhaud
05:48 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I have change my jp2 to Geotiff
> And this probleme of background is resolved but appic...
Giovanni Manghi
05:10 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I have change my jp2 to Geotiff
And this probleme of background is resolved but appicatiion of qgis crach after 2 ...
Thomas Ailhaud
02:08 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
Thomas Ailhaud wrote:
> I created VRT with raster/miscellaneous/Build Virtual Raster (catalog) tools
> I'm crea...
Giovanni Manghi
01:27 PM Bug report #16507: Navigation problem with a VRT
I created VRT with raster/miscellaneous/Build Virtual Raster (catalog) tools
I'm created a new project, add a rast...
Thomas Ailhaud
11:59 AM Bug report #16507 (Feedback): Navigation problem with a VRT
Can you detail here how do you created the vrt?
It is enough to create the VRT and load it without any other layers?...
Giovanni Manghi
11:59 AM Bug report #16507 (Feedback): Navigation problem with a VRT
Can you detail here how do you created the vrt?
It is enough to create the VRT and load it without any other layers?...
Giovanni Manghi
11:59 AM Bug report #16507 (Feedback): Navigation problem with a VRT
Can you detail here how do you created the vrt?
It is enough to create the VRT and load it without any other layers?...
Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #16507 (Closed): Navigation problem with a VRT
Since version QGIS 2.18.5 it is impossible for me to use a simple project with a VRT.
I tested the generated with th...
Thomas Ailhaud
10:29 PM Bug report #16513 (Closed): Create buffers - Python error
mmqgis is a 3rd party plugin, not part of a QGIS default installation, you must report the issue to the author of the... Giovanni Manghi
10:29 PM Bug report #16513 (Closed): Create buffers - Python error
mmqgis is a 3rd party plugin, not part of a QGIS default installation, you must report the issue to the author of the... Giovanni Manghi
08:41 PM Bug report #16513 (Closed): Create buffers - Python error
I have a a collection of points (.shp) and I need to create round buffers of 5km for each point, but when I cilck to ... Luis Gustavo de Oliveira Paes Leme
08:59 PM Feature request #16512: Offset position of perimeter labels
Edited to add: this would also apply to labels located along polyline features. Nathan Perry
08:37 PM Feature request #16512 (Open): Offset position of perimeter labels
When using perimeter label placement, could there be a way to offset the label's position along the line from its def... Nathan Perry
08:57 PM Bug report #16514 (Closed): Label distance incorrect for labels below a line
When placing labels along a polyline feature, setting the label distance does not have the correct effect for labels ... Nathan Perry
07:37 PM Bug report #13936 (Rejected): R script and data type qlonglong the output was always empty
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:37 PM Bug report #13936 (Rejected): R script and data type qlonglong the output was always empty
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:37 PM Bug report #13936 (Rejected): R script and data type qlonglong the output was always empty
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:35 PM Bug report #13563 (Rejected): Processing: R plots are too small
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:35 PM Bug report #13563 (Rejected): Processing: R plots are too small
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:35 PM Bug report #13563 (Rejected): Processing: R plots are too small
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:32 PM Feature request #8909 (Rejected): Add "R dependencies" to R scripts Help files
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:32 PM Feature request #8909 (Rejected): Add "R dependencies" to R scripts Help files
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:30 PM Revision 4e436c22 (qgis): Add test for python QgsFields [] operator
Arnaud Morvan
07:28 PM Bug report #16126 (Rejected): Processing: Tools for LiDAR data
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:28 PM Bug report #16126 (Rejected): Processing: Tools for LiDAR data
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:20 PM Revision cdb947c8 (qgis): Merge pull request #4465 from boundlessgeo/server-plugins-api-refactoring2
[server] Server plugins API refactoring Alessandro Pasotti
07:18 PM Bug report #15654 (Rejected): Processing: TrainImagesClassifier (libvm) returns an error message
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:18 PM Bug report #15654 (Rejected): Processing: TrainImagesClassifier (libvm) returns an error message
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:18 PM Bug report #15654 (Rejected): Processing: TrainImagesClassifier (libvm) returns an error message
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:14 PM Feature request #14558 (Rejected): unitary tests
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:14 PM Feature request #14558 (Rejected): unitary tests
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:13 PM Bug report #16511 (Feedback): QGIS needs vcruntime140.dll and QGIS can't be installed
Please give more detail. Standalone or osgeo4w? 32bit/64bit? Does the installer itself complain (and if so at what ... Jürgen Fischer
05:41 PM Bug report #16511 (Closed): QGIS needs vcruntime140.dll and QGIS can't be installed
Some users can't install QGIS 2.18.7 and 2.14.14 on windos because the installer checked the vcruntime140.dll which i... René-Luc ReLuc
07:11 PM Feature request #14556 (Rejected): RAM parameter
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:11 PM Feature request #14556 (Rejected): RAM parameter
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:11 PM Feature request #14556 (Rejected): RAM parameter
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:11 PM Revision 04a9264e (qgis): Sipify core.QgsFeatureIterator
Arnaud Morvan
07:10 PM Feature request #14555 (Rejected): Multiple choices with only one choice
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:10 PM Feature request #14555 (Rejected): Multiple choices with only one choice
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:10 PM Feature request #14555 (Rejected): Multiple choices with only one choice
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:09 PM Feature request #14554 (Rejected): template for application arguments
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:09 PM Feature request #14554 (Rejected): template for application arguments
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:09 PM Feature request #14554 (Rejected): template for application arguments
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:07 PM Revision 05933b17 (qgis): Sipify core.QgsFeatureFilterProvider
Arnaud Morvan
07:05 PM Feature request #11032 (Rejected): Processing: add option for output type (uint8, unit16,..., flo...
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:05 PM Feature request #11032 (Rejected): Processing: add option for output type (uint8, unit16,..., flo...
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:05 PM Feature request #11032 (Rejected): Processing: add option for output type (uint8, unit16,..., flo...
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:04 PM Feature request #5703 (Rejected): Implement raster extent and resolution from an existing raster ...
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:04 PM Feature request #5703 (Rejected): Implement raster extent and resolution from an existing raster ...
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:02 PM Feature request #5468 (Rejected): Fill tooltips for OTB algorithms
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:02 PM Feature request #5468 (Rejected): Fill tooltips for OTB algorithms
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:02 PM Feature request #5468 (Rejected): Fill tooltips for OTB algorithms
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:01 PM Feature request #5466 (Rejected): Use CRS parameter for epsg code
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
07:01 PM Feature request #5466 (Rejected): Use CRS parameter for epsg code
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
06:59 PM Feature request #5465 (Closed): Handle more Output parameters
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
06:59 PM Feature request #5465 (Closed): Handle more Output parameters
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
06:59 PM Feature request #5465 (Closed): Handle more Output parameters
Moved to plugin bugtracker Alexander Bruy
03:18 PM Bug report #16510: Installation Problems
I´ll try!
Marcelo Tardin Martins
03:18 PM Bug report #16510: Installation Problems
Marcelo Tardin Martins wrote:
> In windows 7 I wasn´t the administrator, but in windows 10 (other computer) I was.
Giovanni Manghi
03:17 PM Bug report #16510: Installation Problems
In windows 7 I wasn´t the administrator, but in windows 10 (other computer) I was.
Marcelo Tardin Martins
03:08 PM Bug report #16510: Installation Problems
what about launching the installer as administrator? Giovanni Manghi
03:07 PM Bug report #16510: Installation Problems
No, the installation doesn´t finish.
Marcelo Tardin Martins
03:03 PM Bug report #16510 (Feedback): Installation Problems
Does the program works as expected afterwards? Giovanni Manghi
03:02 PM Bug report #16510 (Closed): Installation Problems
Finishing QGIS installation, it reports an error: it can´t find the archive postinstall.log. Marcelo Tardin Martins
03:04 PM Bug report #16509: QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
> Can you share the project+data?
Sorry, it's private :-/
I can try to reproduce the bug with another data in a "...
Benjamin Gerber
02:50 PM Bug report #16509 (Feedback): QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
Can you share the project+data? when you say "query" you mean defining a filter in the WFS layer before loading it in... Giovanni Manghi
02:47 PM Bug report #16509 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS GetFeature with multiple layers don't seems to works
Hi there !
(QGIS Server v2.18)
In a project with have multiple points layers (named here pfa and pfa2).
Benjamin Gerber
02:59 PM Bug report #16211 (Rejected): Random Extract within Subsets saving only one subset
Duplicates #10734 Alexander Bruy
02:59 PM Bug report #16211 (Rejected): Random Extract within Subsets saving only one subset
Duplicates #10734 Alexander Bruy
02:59 PM Bug report #16211 (Rejected): Random Extract within Subsets saving only one subset
Duplicates #10734 Alexander Bruy
02:53 PM Feature request #16478 (Feedback): Concave polygon: `max length of segment` option missing
Giovanni Manghi
02:52 PM Feature request #16478: Concave polygon: `max length of segment` option missing
Should it be feature request? Alexander Bruy
02:50 PM Bug report #16508: Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then before
this report seems in line with #16239 Giovanni Manghi
02:02 PM Bug report #16508 (Feedback): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then be...
When you day "older version", do you mean 2.14 or a previous 2.18.* release?
can you share your dataset? if not ca...
Giovanni Manghi
02:02 PM Bug report #16508 (Feedback): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then be...
When you day "older version", do you mean 2.14 or a previous 2.18.* release?
can you share your dataset? if not ca...
Giovanni Manghi
02:02 PM Bug report #16508 (Feedback): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then be...
When you day "older version", do you mean 2.14 or a previous 2.18.* release?
can you share your dataset? if not ca...
Giovanni Manghi
02:02 PM Bug report #16508 (Feedback): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then be...
When you day "older version", do you mean 2.14 or a previous 2.18.* release?
can you share your dataset? if not ca...
Giovanni Manghi
01:24 PM Bug report #16508 (Closed): Opening Large Shape or oracle table (table) takes more time then before
When I am opening a lagre (500mb) shape, or Oracle connection, it take a lot of time before I can see the counter, ge... A. Egberts
02:39 PM Revision 3be20f86 (qgis): update qgisMinimumVersion to current LTR
Tom Kralidis
02:31 PM Bug report #16116 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on some ArcGIS FeatureServer layers
is no more availab...
Giovanni Manghi
02:31 PM Bug report #16116 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on some ArcGIS FeatureServer layers
is no more availab...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 PM Bug report #16250 (Open): Processing ogr tools problems in QGIS 2.18.10 when special chars are in...
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Duplicates #13120
Hi Alexander, the issue was not the same. Anyway I see that now in 2.18...
Giovanni Manghi
02:00 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Andre Jesus wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > is the template configured to print as raster?
> It is con...
Giovanni Manghi
01:48 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is the template configured to print as raster?
It is configured to print as raster. Tr...
Andre Jesus
01:02 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
The crash is not replicable here on 2.18.7 (Windows, Linux) even with large projects and heavy data. Can the reporter... Giovanni Manghi
12:59 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Andre Jesus wrote:
> Now I see something interesting.
> I have a composer template (_Template Format A3.qpt_ at...
Giovanni Manghi
12:59 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Reinhard Reiterer wrote:
> To reproduce this issue, please download sample shape files from http://data.statistik.gv...
Giovanni Manghi
12:59 PM Bug report #15855: Composer -> Export as PDF produced bigger file/crash qgis
Reinhard Reiterer wrote:
> To reproduce this issue, please download sample shape files from http://data.statistik.gv...
Giovanni Manghi