Bug report #15741
PostGIS issue when using 'Merge selected features' tool (Geometry type does not match column type)
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | High | ||
Assignee: | |||
Category: | Digitising | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.18.11 | Regression?: | Yes |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | Yes | Resolution: | |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 23663 |
The 'Merge selected features' tool is also available for non touching features. This may cause data loss when using PostGIS single geometry data types!
Associated revisions
fix Postgis Merge selected features regression: port 2.18 fixes #15741
fix Postgis Merge selected features regression: port 3.0 fixes #15741
Updated by R. R. over 8 years ago
- File 15741_2.wmv added
Updated by R. R. over 8 years ago
- File 15741_3.mp4 added
- File 15741_4.mp4 added
Merging touching features also fails in some cases (see screencast 15741_3.mp4, 15741_4.mp4).
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 8 years ago
- Crashes QGIS or corrupts data changed from No to Yes
- Category set to Digitising
- Priority changed from High to Severe/Regression
- Affected QGIS version changed from 2.16.3 to 2.18.2
Confirmed also on 2.18.2, and raising its priority as this was not an issue in the past, in fact trying such operation on 2.14.* it gives
Merge cancelled: The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 8 years ago
- Target version set to Version 2.18
- Affected QGIS version changed from 2.18.2 to 2.18.4
2.18.4 also affected.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Regression? set to Yes
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Priority changed from Severe/Regression to High
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Easy fix? set to No
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
studing the issue
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
this issue would affect any provider due to:
delete is done before add feature and there is no way to specify a transaction (btw not all providers support transactions)
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
my fault, if provider support transaction it can be managed with QgsTransaction
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
the error is generated here:
e.g. the the update process is in two phases:
1) remove features to merge
2) add the new merged feature
because of https://qgis.org/api/2.18/qgsvectorlayereditbuffer_8cpp_source.html#l00520
and as specified in documentation, if some of the composed steps fail (delete success, and add fail), then we can recover only the last one (the add) during rollback because editingBuffer has already removed from the rollback cache the first step (delete)
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
in this use case no use og QgsTransaction or QgsTransactionGroup is used
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
- Assignee set to Luigi Pirelli
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
asked in dev list what would be a better solution... especially asked to MarcoH about his commit
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
reverting (solution 1) does not generate more test regressions (btw coverage in this area is poor)
tested and solution 1 fix the problem. Waiting for community comments to pack PR if solution 1 is accepted
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
the issue affect qgis3 too
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
solution 1 works for 3.x
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
without any answer in list... I'll implement solution 1). Preparing PR
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
- Pull Request or Patch supplied changed from No to Yes
preparing PR for 3.X
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset qgis|87116abd72ac52be042c3bff195a3cc931b035e6.
Updated by Luigi Pirelli almost 8 years ago
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
Applied in changeset qgis|87116abd72ac52be042c3bff195a3cc931b035e6.
fix applied also to 3.0 e850c82cb01b0ae66d7d3c1f7781fd677ba2ec1f
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago
- Crashes QGIS or corrupts data changed from Yes to No
- Status changed from Closed to Open
- Affected QGIS version changed from 2.18.4 to 2.18.11
This is not completely fixed yet.
The good new is that it seems that the data loss is fixed BUT when trying to merge two geometries in a layer that does not suppurt MULTI geometries do NOT immediately stop the operation as it happens in 2.14. There a dialog shows with the message "Merge cancelled: The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer.".
Now the user is not warned, the operation seemingly is ok, but then on save edits QGIS throws an error. If the user meanwhile did more legit digitizing operations he/she has to discard everything, possibly losing a lot of work.
Updated by Peteris Bruns over 7 years ago
The same behavior in dev version (revision 313ec55) as described in #16974( using the same attached test data). Difference only in error message:
Errors: SUCCESS: 4 feature(s) deleted. ERROR: 2 feature(s) not added. Provider errors: OGR error creating feature -2: failed to prepare SQL: INSERT INTO bug_examples ( "geom", "name") VALUES (?, ?) OGR error creating feature -3: failed to prepare SQL: INSERT INTO bug_examples ( "geom", "name") VALUES (?, ?)
Updated by Luigi Pirelli over 7 years ago
I've to take it again... generally speaking there are two step editing
step1... all edits are in vector editbuffer, thyat does not have any relation with the real data provider. But there are checks about provider capabilities.
step2... changes are saved => the data provider start to play a role
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
This is not completely fixed yet.
The good new is that it seems that the data loss is fixed BUT when trying to merge two geometries in a layer that does not suppurt MULTI geometries do NOT immediately stop the operation as it happens in 2.14. There a dialog shows with the message "Merge cancelled: The union operation would result in a geometry type that is not compatible with the current layer.".
Now the user is not warned, the operation seemingly is ok, but then on save edits QGIS throws an error. If the user meanwhile did more legit digitizing operations he/she has to discard everything, possibly losing a lot of work.
your request is to remove this last action from the editbuffer?
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago
your request is to remove this last action from the editbuffer?
clarified in a chat session.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5223 seems to have addressed the issue. Thanks!
#27 Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Applied in changeset qgis|d3d8f4dd437f132cd6f73831d845f6b7286e2d30.