Bug report #8555

ftools 0.6.2 Intersection of points with polygons fails to produce output

Added by Trevor Wiens over 11 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:1.8.0 Regression?:
Operating System: Easy fix?:
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:17305


Intersecting a points layer with a polygon layer does not produce any output.

line 978 of doGeoprocessing.py reads as:

if int_geom.wkbType() in gList:

if this is changed to:

if int_geom.wkbType() == 1 or int_geom.wkbType() in gList:

expected results are obtained.

The other correction would be alteration of ftools_utils getGeomType function to produce output if a point file type is provided.


#1 Updated by Salvatore Larosa over 11 years ago

Hi, this has been fixed in master (almost 2.0 version) a long time ago, getGeomType checks the wkbType == 1 [0]
You can use the intersect tool even with point layer.

Thanks anyway for the report !


#2 Updated by Trevor Wiens over 11 years ago

Thanks for letting me know Salvatore. It is too bad however that for users not using the master, these bugs persist. Is there plans to backport some fixes?

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 11 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Trevor Wiens wrote:

Thanks for letting me know Salvatore. It is too bad however that for users not using the master, these bugs persist. Is there plans to backport some fixes?

sorry no backports, but qgis 2.0 is going to be released in the next days.

#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago

The "ftools" category is being removed from the tracker, changing the category of this ticket to "Processing/QGIS" to not leave the category orphaned.

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