From 2015-11-01 to 2015-11-30
11:30 PM Bug report #13918 (Open): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- 2 problems:
1- The Curved option, swaps the order of the text. In the parallel it is "Somewhere Street", and in the ... -
10:44 PM Bug report #13918 (Feedback): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- What's the actual issue here? Is it that the text isn't rendered right-to-left? It's hard for a non-arabic speaker to...
09:58 AM Bug report #13918 (Open): Curved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling
- This is very similar to #6883
To reproduce:
1- Extract the zipped Spatialite and add it to QGIS
2- Add label for "... -
05:09 PM Bug report #8273: Attributes not loaded from kml/kmz file
- I still see this on qGIS 2.12.0 on Windows 10. Any news on this issue?
02:15 PM Feature request #12960 (Open): Add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Option...
12:57 PM Feature request #12960: Add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Options/Digit...
- In QGIS 2.12 there are the following options (Settings/Options/Digitizing/Snapping):
* Open snapping options in a do... - 02:06 PM Bug report #7586 (Closed): Adding or modifying annontations does not mark the project changed
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a792a47100ceb5abcf71c5b85e479a9bfe8d6ada".
12:46 PM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- In QGIS 2.12 the sequences of serial columns don't get lost when copying a table from a schema into another by drag a...
12:34 PM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
- I'm able to reproduce it easily now =)
I add the Digital Road Atlas (layer that ends in mpar) which is in EPSG:3005.... -
12:12 PM Bug report #13912 (Closed): Scalebar: default line too thick
- Fixed in changeset commit:"53b116a8472edc2341a17351ea386c4a992945e5".
04:49 AM Bug report #13912 (Closed): Scalebar: default line too thick
- Thicker than most or all other defaults. Better push it down to .30
09:05 AM Bug report #13917 (Closed): Names of Print layout items not reused
- Names of items in Print layout (e.g. Map0, Map1, etc.) can be changed, but menus use the original names, not the user...
08:55 AM Bug report #13911: Zoom to layer fails using views
- Just tested on 2.12.1-Lyon, and the bug remains
04:32 AM Bug report #13911 (Closed): Zoom to layer fails using views
- The scenario:
we've got 2 PostgreSQL Layers:
- Layer A, it's a layer where we're abble to insert feature in table XPT... -
08:11 AM Feature request #12926: Improve attribute table performance
- Here is an attempt to speed things up:
07:06 AM Feature request #13916 (Open): Browser Panel : show URI information on multiple lines
- Active Browser pane and enable widget properties
Select a file in a folder with long path.
URI name, if too long does... -
07:01 AM Bug report #13915 (Closed): Impossible to easily resize browser panel width when properties widge...
- In QGIS Desktop, activate the Browser Panel and enable the properties widget.
Selecting a layer within a zip file re... -
06:47 AM Bug report #13910 (Feedback): Inactive action tool
- Not reproducable here. Please include a sample project.
04:18 AM Bug report #13910: Inactive action tool
- sorry, Inactive is a better word than Unavailable
04:08 AM Bug report #13910 (Closed): Inactive action tool
- Open QGIS
Add a vector layer on which an action is defined.
Despite the layer is selected and visible, the "Execute a... -
06:20 AM Bug report #13914 (Closed): Rephrase Draw map canvas items
- In Print composer, I find this option rather obscure. It aims [0] at displaying or hide map annotation, so renaming i...
06:17 AM Bug report #13290: Zipped Shape result "not valid"
- Are you sure, @Saber Razmjooei?
I just test on master df30571 and it's still impossible to add a layer from a zip fil... -
05:36 AM Bug report #13913 (Closed): Embed layers and groups does not work properly with layer duplicate n...
- On QGIS desktop, if I include layers and groups from two different projects, and the layers and groups have the same ...
01:46 AM Bug report #13909 (Closed): Delete ring does not work
- On a polygon SHP file, I added a ring in QGIS 2.12, using the standard "add ring" tool. Then updated to QGIS 2.12.1. ...
12:57 AM Bug report #13882: LAStools crashes in windows 10
- LAStools are crashing, I have tried outside QGIS and they give me the same problem.
Thank you for your response. -
02:50 AM Bug report #13882 (Feedback): LAStools crashes in windows 10
- Is QGIS crashing or are the (las)tools? Please try the tools outside QGIS, from the command line and see what happens...
02:50 AM Bug report #13882 (Feedback): LAStools crashes in windows 10
- Is QGIS crashing or are the (las)tools? Please try the tools outside QGIS, from the command line and see what happens...
02:50 AM Bug report #13882 (Feedback): LAStools crashes in windows 10
- Is QGIS crashing or are the (las)tools? Please try the tools outside QGIS, from the command line and see what happens...
02:50 AM Bug report #13882 (Feedback): LAStools crashes in windows 10
- Is QGIS crashing or are the (las)tools? Please try the tools outside QGIS, from the command line and see what happens...
12:20 AM Bug report #13908 (Closed): SAGAGIS module "resampling" via PyQGIS
- the SAGAGIS module "resampling" (accessing via PyQGIS or from processing toolbar) is missing the input parameter "tar...
07:39 PM Feature request #13895: Increase precision in exported world file
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"65b6171277012acedb9e9f3d519d877e0f64cd51".
This is amazing, thank you! -
12:55 PM Feature request #13895 (Closed): Increase precision in exported world file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"65b6171277012acedb9e9f3d519d877e0f64cd51".
03:48 AM Feature request #13895 (Closed): Increase precision in exported world file
- The composer export creates .tfw world files with 6 decimal places. This is not accurate enough for the pixel scaling...
03:19 PM Bug report #13840: Unable to use move label tool with rotated map
- Confirmed in master (commit:c14352fa551c1c6130908bed4d4c9abb82ecf1a3), on Windows.
03:15 PM Bug report #13861: Move label tool doesn't work with rule based labels
- Confirmed in master (commit:c14352fa551c1c6130908bed4d4c9abb82ecf1a3), on Windows.
02:17 PM Bug report #13804 (Open): Snap mode for layers in Advanced digitizing panel is broken
- Not aware of previously reported bug on that. It is mainly inconsistency between the snap mode settings which leads t...
02:54 AM Bug report #13804 (Feedback): Snap mode for layers in Advanced digitizing panel is broken
- Shouldn't this be tagged as regression?
01:05 PM Feature request #2917 (Closed): Multiple selection of print composers in the composer manager
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3c33177910f2324c44613d6829ff1a1a94837658".
12:19 PM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
- As Giovanni stated, this is out of our control and not something we can fix. The next steps would be to disable each ...
02:53 AM Bug report #13869 (Closed): QGis gets slower while editing
- Giuseppe Patti wrote:
> After a few attempts, disabling unnecessary plugins seems to work the problem out. But I'd li... -
02:53 AM Bug report #13869 (Closed): QGis gets slower while editing
- Giuseppe Patti wrote:
> After a few attempts, disabling unnecessary plugins seems to work the problem out. But I'd li... -
12:09 PM Bug report #8985 (Closed): "/" in column name makes symbology fail
- Fixed in current versions. Please re-open and post steps to reproduce if you encounter this in 2.12.1
05:48 AM Bug report #8985: "/" in column name makes symbology fail
- I can not reproduce using the attached test data. Neither of the following versions shows the error (on Windows):
* 2... -
11:49 AM Bug report #13899 (Closed): Crash using Select Tools without selected layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3b2d7173f66ee260021a262167f571eb7ff72788".
07:52 AM Bug report #13899 (Closed): Crash using Select Tools without selected layer
- Let's assume we just have started QGIS. No layer is selected. Nevertheless we klick on the "select all" button of the...
11:17 AM Bug report #13907 (Closed): PostgreSQL triggers - QGIS freezes when saving layer edits
- Using PostgreSQL triggers saving layer edits gets slower and slower every time when saving a layer edit. The problem...
10:32 AM Bug report #13893: Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circles to map
- Can I please skip that and some more experienced can do. Help pages looked quite complicated and I am leaving to trav...
02:45 AM Bug report #13893 (Feedback): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circ...
- Hi Timo, thanks for the patch. May I ask you to submit it as pull request on QGIS github repository?
https://github.... -
02:45 AM Bug report #13893 (Feedback): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circ...
- Hi Timo, thanks for the patch. May I ask you to submit it as pull request on QGIS github repository?
https://github.... -
02:45 AM Bug report #13893 (Feedback): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circ...
- Hi Timo, thanks for the patch. May I ask you to submit it as pull request on QGIS github repository?
https://github.... -
02:45 AM Bug report #13893 (Feedback): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circ...
- Hi Timo, thanks for the patch. May I ask you to submit it as pull request on QGIS github repository?
https://github.... -
02:45 AM Bug report #13893 (Feedback): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circ...
- Hi Timo, thanks for the patch. May I ask you to submit it as pull request on QGIS github repository?
https://github.... -
09:51 AM Feature request #13906 (Closed): Add a cluster renderer
- The current point displacement renderer already supports clustering. To have a real cluster renderer, it should be po...
09:31 AM Feature request #13905 (Open): processability of attribute fields as a property of styles
- Let's assume we have a shapefile layer with a complex style. Furthermore we have loaded an according csv table layer ...
09:05 AM Bug report #9444: WFS client not requesting new features when not-cached
- Vincent Mora wrote:
> Actually, the bug with no-cache seems to have worsened with time. With today's master, the QgsW... -
08:59 AM Feature request #13904 (Open): TopologyChecker - line layers
- A possibility to check the following topology issues in case of line layers would be fine:
- lines must not cross (b... -
08:45 AM Feature request #13903 (Open): attribute table: row height / column width
- A possibility to define the standard row height and column width would be fine (maybe here: Settings > Options > Data...
08:29 AM Feature request #13902 (Open): confirmation of delete feature actions
- It would be fine to have a small confirmation window before a feature or a group of selected features will be deleted...
08:17 AM Feature request #13901 (Open): "Add Circular String" is not deactivatable by Settings > Customiza...
- A possibility to deactivate the "Add Circular String" Button would be fine. Cannot find it in Settings > Customizatio...
07:53 AM Bug report #13900 (Closed): Debian upgrade to 2.8.4
- Running apt-get upgrade results in the following:
dpkg-divert: error: `diversion of /usr/bin/qgis to /usr/bin/ -
07:41 AM Feature request #13898 (Open): finishing data entry by pressing Enter key (UI form)
- Let's assume we have a shapefile, have created a new feature and have entered data into an UI form (with cancel/OK bu...
07:32 AM Feature request #13897 (Feedback): entering more than 254 characters into UI text field
- Let's assume we have a shapefile layer with a text field (length: 254 characters). Further we use an UI form to enter...
- 07:26 AM Bug report #12043 (Closed): Error eliminating classes in symbology
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6aabb8561b4862454162eb3f9e66efbb7b01c0df".
06:29 AM Bug report #8608: Wrong information in UI for min and max Scale denominator
- The scale based visibility settings for the layer do not refer to the scale denominator but to the scale itself. A *l...
04:47 AM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Why reopening if is a 3rd party plugin issue? Reopen it if there is any evidence that is a QGIS core issue, otherwise...
04:34 AM Bug report #13849 (Closed): Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
- This was an issue of the Linux kernel shipped with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at the time of issue creation. After kernel updat...
04:20 AM Bug report #13896 (Closed): Incorrect encoding for Generic Action
- Trying to make simple Generic Action with capturing output (see attachments):...
02:06 AM Feature request #13894 (Feedback): Export GeoTIFFs instead of TIFFs
- I exported a TIFF from the composer later found out I cant import it back into Qgis as it is not a GeoTIFF. Also Qgis...
04:01 PM Bug report #13892 (Closed): QGIS reports an outdate version when checking online for the current ...
08:56 AM Bug report #13892 (Closed): QGIS reports an outdate version when checking online for the current ...
- The function "Check QGIS version" reports the most current version as _2.10.1_, but it should be _2.12.0_.
This is du... -
10:16 AM Bug report #13893 (Closed): Short arcs/curves have wrong center and radius and results big circle...
- Hi
I have noticed that short circular arc/curve geometries in QGIS gets wrong center and radius and so they are also... -
09:25 AM Bug report #8796 (Closed): Cannot use forward slash in WMS name - deletes further info in field/form
- Has been fixed a long time ago in #9131 by not allowing '/' within the name. This is because the name is used as a ke...
09:00 AM Bug report #12043: Error eliminating classes in symbology
- See "PR 2510": for a solution.
08:16 AM Bug report #13891 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
- Hi!
Win 7 sp1 x64, qgis x64 commit:497191b
When I change values in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color/" it d... -
08:10 AM Bug report #8365: Tips window causes two taskbar icons to appear
- See "PR 2509": for a solution that also fixes #8312.
08:09 AM Bug report #8312: Startup tips are in a modal dialogue, but clicking on the main QGIS window does...
- See "PR 2509": for a solution that also fixes #8365.
12:17 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> This is still an occurrence in 2.10
> Is there any progress on this issue?
Check 2.12 or 2.... -
09:52 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- This is still an occurrence in 2.10
Is there any progress on this issue? -
09:52 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
- This is still an occurrence in 2.10
Is there any progress on this issue? -
09:49 PM Bug report #12625 (Reopened): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Here is a screen capture showng the problem
On the screen we have the two tables opened as attributes, the source tab... -
09:49 PM Bug report #12625 (Reopened): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Here is a screen capture showng the problem
On the screen we have the two tables opened as attributes, the source tab... -
01:05 PM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- Other examples of affected functions are topological editing and duplicate feature removal. I have made a screencast ...
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ... -
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ... -
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ... -
11:55 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- The problems noted in this ticket (and some others related to it) interested me as I had been considering how to go a...
11:55 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- The problems noted in this ticket (and some others related to it) interested me as I had been considering how to go a...
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this ! -
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this ! -
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this ! -
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this ! -
09:55 AM Bug report #9395 (Reopened): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- Dear Developers
I have experiencied same trouble. My configuration is that:
|======================================... -
09:55 AM Bug report #9395 (Reopened): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
- Dear Developers
I have experiencied same trouble. My configuration is that:
|======================================... -
03:07 AM Bug report #13890 (Closed): Font size in Form view does not take into account default font size s...
- title says it all.
01:32 AM Feature request #13889 (Closed): Open modules instead of table
- If an user opens the table, then selects the Form view, this choice gets forgotten, and must be clicked again every t...
01:26 AM Bug report #13888 (Closed): Label display not fit with layer order
- Hi,
Even with force layer order, label doesn't respect order.
Bug is not permanent, it seems depending of number of ...
09:50 PM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- It's look identical, but when I print and compare both, there are little (a few millimetres) difference. Beside it's ...
11:48 AM Bug report #13883 (Feedback): Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- I'm confused - the scalebar in clipboard02.png and QGIS_2.10.1.png look identical to me. What's the problem?
05:22 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and... -
05:22 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and... -
05:04 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and you'll get same result
04:11 AM Bug report #13883 (Closed): Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
- Scalebar in QGis 2.12.0 have very unusual value. Look example in the attached pictures (2.10.1-right, 2.12.0-wrong).
03:46 PM Bug report #7586: Adding or modifying annontations does not mark the project changed
- Confirmed in master (commit:5387fd1d51a4075294464be1c26fa0d1367017d0).
For a solution see "PR 2506":https://github.c... -
03:33 PM Bug report #13887: Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
- To reproduce in a weird way:
* Load a project with some layers
* Delete all layers
* Exit QGIS
You are not asked whe... -
03:32 PM Bug report #13887: Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
- To reproduce:
* Create a new project
* Edit some project attributes, e.g. the title, a project variable, a default ma... -
03:27 PM Bug report #13887 (Closed): Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
- When a project has no layers in it, it is never considered _dirty_, e.g. the user is not asked to save the changes wh...
03:32 PM Bug report #13886: Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
- It seems to be due to the units for styling (my default project was using EPSG 4326, hence degrees) and my styles dep...
03:02 PM Bug report #13886: Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
- It affects the layer tree and then the rendering: never stop refreshing the canvas
02:59 PM Bug report #13886 (Closed): Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
- My environnement:
Linux Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits with QGIS 2.12
How to reproduce (if not due to my platform)?
Download... -
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Q... -
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Q... -
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Q... -
11:25 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Are you saying the bug is still present in the latest nightly snapshots?
08:04 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Hi,
In fact it is nearly fixed: if the first line of the file (after headers) happens to have missing values for X a... -
01:29 PM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
- Ok, the mentioned commit "made its way to the testing docs":
01:04 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- I can confirm this behaviour on 64b versions of QGIS 2.8, 2.10 and 2.12 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, using multiban...
07:53 AM Bug report #13885 (Open): Rephrase the option "Select at ID" and make it easier to find
- The "Select at id" option in loading PostGIS layers doesn't really tell the user much. It would be better to rephrase...
07:51 AM Bug report #13531: Pythonpath is reverted to old QGIS version on restart
- Funily enough, I'm now in Lyon and PYTHONPATH positively wants to be ... Pisa ! I tried to change it from options, bu...
07:49 AM Bug report #13530: cpt-city ramps missing
- Hi there,
I came back to that issue. It turned out
1) that the path to cpt-city files was incorrect, in options|adv... -
07:20 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> can anyone confirm that this is fixed with GDAL 2?
Hi Jef,
It does work fine in master (001... -
07:00 AM Bug report #13884 (Closed): Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5387fd1d51a4075294464be1c26fa0d1367017d0".
05:30 AM Bug report #13884: Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
- Here is my PR: -
05:29 AM Bug report #13884 (Closed): Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
- This is due to:
@NameError: global name 'QSpinBox' is not defined@ -
03:36 AM Bug report #13882 (Closed): LAStools crashes in windows 10
- I am using Qgis 2.12 in Windows 10 with a pc with the following skills: NVIDIA Geforce 710M and intel core i5. The pr...
01:22 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
- After a few attempts, disabling unnecessary plugins seems to work the problem out. But I'd like to stress the point t...
10:50 PM Feature request #6894: GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- there is hope see -
05:28 PM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
- Some of the most culprit layers can be obtained from public FTPs in BC.
Large files though (they're province wide), ... -
04:38 PM Bug report #11746 (Feedback): Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turn...
- Can you share your data? Has it got Z/M coordinates?
02:53 PM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
- Seeing the same rendering issues in Master (2.13.0, 3e61891) and Current Release (2.12.0, cd9d645) on Windows from OS...
10:02 AM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
- Looks like it doesn't have anything to do with the amount of layers and it's only on Windows (7 and 8.1 64-bit) from ...
02:30 PM Bug report #6708: "Refine current rules" is enabled when no rules are selected
- Confirmed in master.
For a solution see "PR 2502": -
01:56 PM Bug report #13853 (Feedback): Error on edit sqlite layer
- I am not able to connect to those files from Add Spatialite layer. Are you sure they are valid files? Can you open th...
01:50 PM Bug report #13873: "build virtual vector": file created fails to load correctly
- This tool was introduced to override a problem using gdal/ogr commands that accept only a single filename as input. W...
01:50 PM Feature request #13871: "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently only layers
- sorry this comment wos for the other related issue
01:47 PM Feature request #13871: "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently only layers
- This tool was introduced to override a problem using gdal/ogr commands that accept only a single filename as input. W...
01:48 PM Bug report #13869 (Feedback): QGis gets slower while editing
01:34 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
- Do you have the Advanced digitising enabled?
If so, it is probably related to #13804.
01:34 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
- Do you have the Advanced digitising enabled?
If so, it is probably related to #13804.
08:56 AM Bug report #13877: Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Yes, I suspected that. So shouldn't it rather be impossible to the user to toggle this la... -
04:30 AM Bug report #13877: Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
- Yes, I suspected that. So shouldn't it rather be impossible to the user to toggle this layer into edition?
It's weird... -
04:21 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
- Without a primary key we cannot tell the database which row you want to modify or delete.
04:21 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
- Without a primary key we cannot tell the database which row you want to modify or delete.
02:05 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
- Add to QGIS a PostGIS layer without primary key (I added a point one).
Toggle to edition such a file remains possible... -
08:44 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
- duplicate of #7380
08:44 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
- duplicate of #7380
06:31 AM Bug report #13878: Same SQL expression behaving differently
- shapefile (dbf)
06:29 AM Bug report #13878: Same SQL expression behaving differently
- What type of layer is this (postgres, spatialite, ...)?
04:28 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
- The same query:
"highway" ILIKE '%foot%' and not "man_made" ilike ‘%pier%’
returns 0 records when used in the fi... -
08:25 AM Bug report #13840: Unable to use move label tool with rotated map
- Confirmed here.
It is a large limitation to rotation feature.
Régis -
06:55 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- I agree. It is since the last upgrade to the Digitizing Tools plugin.
We are working with shapefiles in QGIS 2.8.2. T... -
06:13 AM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
- Interesting question.
The "latest documentation commit": -
04:37 AM Feature request #13880 (Open): Search in all fields
- It would be useful to have an additional function to search a value in any attribute of as table. It could be added t...
04:33 AM Feature request #13879 (Open): Add a classification field based on current style rules
- It would be useful to develop a command to automatically add to the attribute table a new column with the result (nam...
02:49 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
- Weird. I tested again and all went like a charm (ltr, 2.12, 2.13). I have all the features.
Do you think it may be re... -
02:49 AM Bug report #13720: Disable some digitizing tools when point (non multipoint) layer is being edited
- I don't know if it was a local issue or a third-part one but I can currently merge point features, add and delete par...
12:49 AM Bug report #13868 (Closed): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
- Hi, in fact crash did occur after having made a classification by categories, then switch to ruled based rendered. I ...
01:55 PM Bug report #13868: change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
- I can not reproduce this either. Neither _2.12.0_ nor _master_ crashes.
* Could you please export the style you are ... -
01:49 PM Bug report #13868 (Feedback): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
- I could not reproduce,
Select all rules, right click, change transparency, change value, click ok -
01:49 PM Bug report #13868 (Feedback): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
- I could not reproduce,
Select all rules, right click, change transparency, change value, click ok -
05:32 AM Bug report #13868 (Closed): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
- Hi, with rule based symbols on point layers, when trying to batch change transparency of rules, we got a crash.
This... -
11:58 PM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
- Update: With swisstopo's REFRAME (easily reproducable:
07:16 PM Feature request #13876 (Closed): OrfeoToolbox on QGIS
- I install QGIS Lyon on Windows 10 64-bit. There is Orfeo Toolbox. But, it is not active. It means, I have to install ...
04:13 PM Bug report #13875 (Closed): Error while pasting features as new memory layer
- Similar to this issue: #10564
When pasting as new memory layer I get a warning: Cannot create field <fieldname> (dat... -
12:50 PM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
- I'm actually a bit confused: I see this which sounds like what I'm as...
12:46 PM Feature request #13874 (Closed): Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
- Documentation often gets a backseat to features in QGIS. It's a chore for people to do after the "fun" of building po...
11:22 AM Bug report #13858 (Closed): Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
11:20 AM Bug report #13858: Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
- Apparently I had set the default blue band in Options -> Rendering to 10. Ooops.
10:22 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
- plugins CADDigitize and perhaps CadTools seems to produce this behavior.
Time to seve changes or saving the project g... -
05:50 AM Bug report #13869 (Closed): QGis gets slower while editing
- QGis becomes slower after editing a few geometries. When a layer is in edit mode, you start selecting features and de...
09:07 AM Bug report #13873 (Closed): "build virtual vector": file created fails to load correctly
- When opening such file:
1. The user is asked to select the layers (as when drag&drop a folder or a zip file). The too... -
08:55 AM Bug report #13872 (Closed): "build virtual vector": does not create a file extension
- QGIS geoalgorithms->Vector general tools->Build virtual vector
The tool does not create a file extension. Should ther... -
08:39 AM Feature request #13871 (Closed): "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently on...
- QGIS geoalgorithms->Vector general tools->Build virtual vector
To allow the selection of vector files.
Similarly to ... -
08:33 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Hi!
In qgis dev x64 rev. b10e708 it's still impossible to change color and transparency of Node Tool in settings/op... -
07:00 AM Bug report #13870 (Closed): Changes made with field calculator are lost (2.12)
- I am using qgis 2.12 on Fedora 23. If I create a new polygon layer and add a few features and then attempt to update...
05:30 AM Bug report #13298: Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
- The sequence (cf the attached file)
I open "Boucle fichier origine"
Save as "boucle fichier modifié"
and then cut lin... -
03:40 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- We have come across this issue as well, and the rounding errors cause other problems. For instance they affect the to...
03:38 AM Bug report #13867 (Closed): Select by location (Point on line)
- Vector->Analysis->Select by Location is not working properly:
I've got a point layer (OSM Statoins) and a line layer... -
02:18 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
- I have tried to change the versions of the mysql server and I found that until 5.7.5 version the problem does not occ...
09:25 AM Feature request #3629: Double-click zoom
- How about to have the double click activate a "secondary tool"?
Some users want a double click to be _Zoom in_, some... -
08:50 AM Bug report #13866 (Closed): Copy Paste attribute table from postgres causes crash
- Hi,
copying / pasting from attribute table to the same attribute table, data from postgres, causes systematic crash ... -
08:03 AM Bug report #13395: Load style from database
- Same problem here using QGIS 2.12 on Windows.
04:25 AM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- OK, so last think must have been a local mistake. Sorry about the noise.
01:32 AM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> If the table does not have a PK, and only one field, apparently the cast is not added.
11:43 PM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- If the table does not have a PK, and only one field, apparently the cast is not added.
10:27 PM Bug report #13865 (Closed): KMZ causes QGIS application crash (Mac)
- Attached KML file crashes QGIS when added on MacOSX.
Works fine with Windows version of QGIS
See extract of dump on ... -
12:57 PM Feature request #13864 (Open): Add a more explicite error message when snapping fails
- When snapping fails during digitising, QGIS says "could not snap to a segment on the current layer." This message doe...
- 12:42 PM Bug report #10498 (Closed): Better resize the width of textbox and title in Properties of items i...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7840dbe392d5a362e7e8d8fe8a9a7397079673ee".
10:04 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
- Looking at the Qt sources it appears there is no simple solution for @-reverse@ and other Qt options. QApplication al...
- 06:35 AM Bug report #6705 (Closed): Arrow indicates attribute table is sorted by default by the first colu...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8653bb481253b937dcd3022851499528c0cbf865".
05:13 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- No, I can not see any grey / red rectangles.
I have set up a new Test-Project just having a non-complex (showing th... -
04:03 AM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
- I would say this is not a bug because changing the behaviour would make some other users unhappy. It can be a feature...
12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
- Reopening:
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc... -
12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
- Reopening:
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc... -
12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
- Reopening:
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc... -
12:36 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- Yes, but you should see grey/red rectangles all over your map when "show candidates" is enabled. Do you see that?
12:20 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- I believe that is the setting shown in "candidates.png" posted in #4... I adjusted the setting and then re-opened the...
12:20 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- I believe that is the setting shown in "candidates.png" posted in #4... I adjusted the setting and then re-opened the...
08:04 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- I mean I need a screenshot where showing candidates is enabled. Also try modifying the placement mode from centroid t...
02:20 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- Here the candidates Setting - hope this is what you wanted to see...
02:09 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- Hmm.. I'm using QGIS for about 2 days now. The polygon is being shown as ONE object. I tried to delete the cut outs b...
01:08 PM Bug report #13862 (Feedback): Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- To rule out configuration issues - can you confirm that removing the holes from these polygons results in the labels ...
12:35 PM Bug report #13862 (Closed): Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
- Hi, I have a couple of polygons imported which have cut-outs. These cut-outs represent certain areas where no agricul...
12:29 AM Bug report #13272: crash on quit
- Update: here there is a MacOSX crash report I had with QGIS: -
04:04 PM Bug report #6705: Arrow indicates attribute table is sorted by default by the first column. It i...
- This appears to be a bug in Qt. When new data is shown in a table that was sorted before, the new data is not sorted ...
12:58 PM Bug report #13863 (Closed): Complex Polygon not displayed on screen if it can not be displayed en...
- Hi, this issue may be somehow related to #13862.
This compley polygon with "cut outs" will only be displayed on scre... -
06:20 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
- There are two other interesting questions here:
* How do I specify a layer by the name of @-reverse@ (preventing QApp... -
02:42 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
- If I am right, the cause for this issue is some two step initialization:
* "instantiate a dummy QCoreApplication obje... -
04:46 AM Bug report #3489: Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- I clearly prefer
* Add DB name in DB Manager -inside parenthesis after the name of the connection and/or- in a field ... -
03:55 AM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
- Adding quotes always works, but is not always the correct solution. E.g. if I enter @currentuser@ the solution would ...
02:09 AM Bug report #13861 (Closed): Move label tool doesn't work with rule based labels
- HI,
I have problem on QGIS 2.12.0 (OS X) with manualy placing labels on map (via labels toolbar) when labels are rule... -
02:02 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
- Fixed in commit:0a2773f
02:02 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
- Fixed in commit:0a2773f
01:42 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
- Under latest master builds, a regression has slipped into symbology which leads to a red fill drawn on canvas for lin...
12:09 AM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
- Sebastian Dietrich wrote:
> How about two separate options:
> * Zoom Full (visible layers)
> * Zoom Full (loaded laye... -
03:38 PM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
- How about two separate options:
* Zoom Full (visible layers)
* Zoom Full (loaded layers) -
07:00 AM Feature request #3697 (Feedback): Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, when you use "Zoom Full", it still zoom on the activated layers so I think... -
03:56 PM Bug report #13859: Se borran los polígonos divididos en QGIS 2.12
- *@mariajose lopez*
Siempre se puede ver esta página en Español por tener "Google traducirlo para usted":https://trans... -
09:49 AM Bug report #13859 (Closed): Se borran los polígonos divididos en QGIS 2.12
- Hello,
I have found that polygons are erased when using the tool to divide space objects.
However, the elements in th... -
11:12 AM Bug report #13740: selectionChanged signal emitted on Mac without arguments
- Can you test with master? This should already be fixed
06:55 AM Bug report #13740: selectionChanged signal emitted on Mac without arguments
- Note that @selectionChanged@ is an overloaded signal that comes in two variants, one with 3 arguments and one without...
11:09 AM Bug report #3779 (Reopened): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- No, this isn't resolved yet. This refers to the svg symbols bring clipped on rotate, which is still an issue
11:09 AM Bug report #3779 (Reopened): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- No, this isn't resolved yet. This refers to the svg symbols bring clipped on rotate, which is still an issue
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ... -
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ... -
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ... -
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ... -
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ... - 09:37 AM Bug report #13746 (Closed): Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fbb3dc5050491b94cd1dce61d327e494d2f3da30".
08:56 AM Feature request #3775 (Open): if column name used for symbology changed, QGIS should ask when app...
08:25 AM Feature request #3775 (Feedback): if column name used for symbology changed, QGIS should ask when...
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master. No error message even in the Log Panel... -
08:40 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- can anyone confirm that this is fixed with GDAL 2?
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
<p... -
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
<p... -
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
<p... -
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
- Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for... -
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
- Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for... -
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
- Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for... -
08:20 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Will be fix with:
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is... -
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is... -
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is... -
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2... -
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2... -
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2... -
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2... -
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because... -
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because... -
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because... -
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because... -
07:47 AM Bug report #13858: Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
- Seems to work in testing (4d02e48) on Win X64 osgeo build.
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm... -
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm... -
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm... -
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
- Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open... -
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
- Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open... -
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
- Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open... -
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
- Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open... -
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
- Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open... -
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r... -
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r... -
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r... -
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
- Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev... -
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
- Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev... -
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
- Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev... -
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
- Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ... -
06:52 AM Feature request #3703 (Feedback): improvement of spatial selection
- Hello, bug triage...
still no way to make a spatial selection on multiple layers in QGIS 2.13 master. In the ArcGIS ... -
06:52 AM Feature request #3703 (Feedback): improvement of spatial selection
- Hello, bug triage...
still no way to make a spatial selection on multiple layers in QGIS 2.13 master. In the ArcGIS ... -
06:30 AM Bug report #9461: Axis order in GML files
- Any update on this item? It seems the issue is upstream, but can anything be done in QGIS to force it to respect axis...
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i... -
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i... -
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i... -
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i... -
06:21 AM Bug report #3698 (Closed): kml import skipping lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. I close it. Feel free to reopen it if you have proble... -
06:21 AM Bug report #3698 (Closed): kml import skipping lines
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. I close it. Feel free to reopen it if you have proble... -
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
- Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it ! -
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
- Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it ! -
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
- Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it ! -
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
- Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it ! -
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
- Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it ! -
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f... -
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f... -
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f... -
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa... -
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa... -
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac... -
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting... -
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting... -
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting... -
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting... -
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st... -
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st... -
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st... -
05:33 AM Feature request #3619 (Feedback): [FEATURE] Extended tooltips for tool bars
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the tooltips of the majority of QGIS tools are simple tooltips without styling in... -
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
- Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master. -
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
- Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master. -
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
- Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master. -
05:13 AM Bug report #13769 (Closed): Help file url is incorrect
- This problem has been resolved since upgrading to the latest version of processing 2.12.2.
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst... -
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst... -
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst... -
04:56 AM Feature request #3572 (Feedback): Handling of symbology load error on project load
- Hello, bug triage...
test done on QGIS 2.13 with Vector field rendere: when the plugin is uninstalled and a project ... -
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug. -
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug. -
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug. -
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug. -
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ... -
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ... -
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ... -
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ... -
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co... -
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co... -
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co... -
04:32 AM Bug report #3551 (Feedback): Selecting with mouse in table
- Hello, bug triage...
this is stil an issue for QGIS 2.13. As a result, you can't select upward in the attribute tabl... -
04:32 AM Bug report #3551 (Feedback): Selecting with mouse in table
- Hello, bug triage...
this is stil an issue for QGIS 2.13. As a result, you can't select upward in the attribute tabl... -
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr... -
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr... -
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr... -
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr... -
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr... -
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o... -
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o... -
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o... -
04:04 AM Bug report #3539 (Feedback): allow selecting 2/3 columns
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
The interface of this GRASS Module in QGIS should be ... -
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:... -
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:... -
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:... -
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
- Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:... -
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an... -
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an... -
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an... -
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
- Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection... -
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
- Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection... -
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
- Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection... -
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t... -
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t... -
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t... -
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t... -
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
- Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t... -
02:52 AM Bug report #3507 (Closed): built-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex
- Hello, bug triage...
with QGIS 2.13 on Debian, there is no conflict: p.get_storage() returns 0.
I am closing this bug. -
02:52 AM Bug report #3507 (Closed): built-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex
- Hello, bug triage...
with QGIS 2.13 on Debian, there is no conflict: p.get_storage() returns 0.
I am closing this bug. -
02:02 AM Bug report #13855 (Closed): Multipoint asJSON is like linestring and not curvePolygon
- Fixed in changeset commit:"00ea968347d40912ffa2a8954f298c015c664d29".
01:31 AM Feature request #3520: Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Yes a button in the Measure tool panel would do (but not so easy for me to do :)
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M... -
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M... -
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
- Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M... -
01:24 AM Bug report #3518 (Feedback): Spatial Query not selecting points in complex polygons
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 with a complex polygon (with holes).
I think we can close it ...
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa... -
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa... -
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa... -
10:43 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Yuval: AFAIK the issue remains on QGIS 2.12. There is hope for the 2.14 LTS release which will probably be built agai...
10:57 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Björn Harrtell wrote:
> ... which is unfortunate because editing shapefiles probably is one of the more common cases ... -
10:32 PM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
- If the user is required to add '', this should be made clear, it is not obvious. Perhaps adding a note to the error m...
11:17 AM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
- I would say this is intended behaviour. You are not entering a *value*, but an *expression*....
10:14 AM Bug report #13856 (Closed): DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
- When setting the default for a column value, DB Manager fails to quote the value, e.g....
10:19 PM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- e.g. if I insert a path to a photo, and set the field widget to photo, the image itself fails to be displayed because...
11:54 AM Bug report #13857 (Feedback): Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- Defaults values are kept verbatim (not only for @'test123'::character varying@, but also @nextval('foo_id_seq'::regcl...
10:20 AM Bug report #13857 (Closed): Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
- If the table has a default value, this is used in QGIS, but quotes and a type cast is added to it, e.g.:
'test123'... -
02:05 PM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- _Copy style_ and _Paste style_ also do not operate on the scale based visibility settings. _Duplicate layer_ internal...
12:29 PM Bug report #13850 (Closed): compile error for qgis 2.8 (r60.g3667651) in file qgsdistancearea.cpp
11:54 AM Bug report #13858 (Closed): Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
- Reading the TIFF from forestry dataset in the tutorial, does not set Band 3(blue) correctly. Probably becasue I run i...
08:40 AM Bug report #3456 (Feedback): Difference between vectors is empty if one of the inputs has errors
- Hello, bug triage...
I think that we can't do anything for this one: as long as you have invalid geometries, the Dif... -
08:09 AM Bug report #13855 (Closed): Multipoint asJSON is like linestring and not curvePolygon
- The exportToGeoJSON method for Multipoint returns the geometry coordinates like a curvePolygon coordinates instead of...
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r... -
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r... -
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r... -
07:58 AM Feature request #3474 (Feedback): Add supporting any field for Singleparts to multipart tool
- Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what you mean by "but any of fields of vector layer".
In the Processing tool "Sin... -
07:54 AM Feature request #3486 (Feedback): Snapping for move tool
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master it is still not possible to snap when moving a feature. The workaround in t... -
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without... -
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without... -
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without... -
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without... -
07:36 AM Bug report #13243: Unable to delete item in relation block using the form view
- Bug still present in 2.12.0
07:24 AM Bug report #3487 (Feedback): Select features by rectangle does not work properly
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on PostGIS Point layer using all the selection tools. Do you still have it... -
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
- Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose... -
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
- Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose... -
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
- Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose... -
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett... -
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett... -
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett... -
06:32 AM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
- I can verify that it still exists in MASTER commit:824fd7b
I found the issue seperately when instead of calling @Rea... -
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
- Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi... -
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
- Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi... -
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
- Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi... -
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM... -
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM... -
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM... -
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
- Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM... -
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ... -
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ... -
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ... -
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ... -
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ... -
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from... -
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from... -
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from... -
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo... -
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo... -
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
- Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo... -
05:29 AM Bug report #3333 (Feedback): GdalTools: strange responsivenes of multiple files selector
- Hello, bug triage...
I have seen some differences between the QFileDialog of the main QGIS Raster selector and the G... -
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces... -
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces... -
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces... -
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv... -
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv... -
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv... -
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv... -
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
- Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h... -
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
- Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h... -
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
- Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h... -
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
- Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f... -
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
- Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f... -
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
- Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f... -
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
- Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:... -
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
- Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:... -
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
- Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:... -
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
- Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:... -
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
- Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:... -
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
- Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE... -
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
- Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE... -
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
- Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE... -
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
- Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE... -
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I... -
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I... -
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I... -
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I... -
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I... -
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master... -
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master... -
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
- Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master...
12:57 AM Bug report #13853 (Closed): Error on edit sqlite layer
- When I try to append new feature to layer ZBORDERS I get unusable feature. Fields in feature are mixed and geometry i...
12:17 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- Updated to reflect progress in pull request
11:45 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Björn Harrtell wrote:
> Was affected by this issue today (I think) and investigated. If I read the history correct he... -
06:00 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- My work-arounds so far have been using QGIS 2.8 + Save as...
01:46 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Hi,
I'm having the same issue on 2.10 on various machines. When i try to open SHP that was created on QGIS 2.10 afte... -
08:41 PM Bug report #13852 (Closed): merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels fails in attached sce...
- This is not a huge deal, but would be nice to see fixed - if that is possible. Attached is a small test project with ...
03:03 PM Bug report #9311 (Closed): Creating a group layer reverses order of selected layers in new group
- closed, fixed in >= 2.8
12:18 PM Bug report #13851 (Closed): Scalebar addition when dealing with multiple map frames
- When having multiple maps, scalebar is added to the last drawn map. The default IMO, the scalebar should be added to ...
11:16 AM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> @Médéric
> Before you spend too much time coding this, can you please file a QEP over at htt... -
10:22 AM Feature request #2956 (Closed): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one coul...
- Agreed. You can use label layer priority, data defined priority, or data defined always show to control this.
10:22 AM Feature request #2956 (Closed): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one coul...
- Agreed. You can use label layer priority, data defined priority, or data defined always show to control this.
07:25 AM Feature request #2956 (Feedback): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one co...
- Hello, bug triage...
what did you mean by clashing ? Is it the intersection/collision of two labels ?
There is a lot... -
09:35 AM Bug report #13850 (Closed): compile error for qgis 2.8 (r60.g3667651) in file qgsdistancearea.cpp
- There's an error when trying to compile QGIS 2.8 (long term release) today. The file in question is "/core/CMakeFiles...
- 09:01 AM Bug report #13620 (Closed): Cancelling Layer Properties Dialog does not cancel changes made in "P...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5399855566c504953151c4b56b6ae1e0d5097a5a".
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend... -
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend... -
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend... -
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend... -
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend... -
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu... -
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu... -
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu... -
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
- Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that... -
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
- Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that... -
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
- Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that... -
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
- Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag... -
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
- Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag... -
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
- Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag... -
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua... -
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua... -
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua... -
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua... -
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua... -
07:32 AM Feature request #2987 (Feedback): Auto GCP detection library
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the AutoGCP doesn't exist anymore. I think (but I am not sure) that some work fro... -
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot... -
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot... -
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot... -
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot... -
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int... -
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ... -
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ... -
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
- Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ... -
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ... -
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ... -
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ... -
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ... -
04:11 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Hi, I have created a new pull to test results using the "SnapToGrid" algorithm...
01:00 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- I think I might try adding this new algorithm to test results (I will try to get time). It is complementary to the ST...
04:02 AM Bug report #13849: Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
- Tried also 2.10, which gives the same behavior.
Master did not build:
@Compiling /data/src/QGIS_dev/qgis-dev/output/... -
01:28 AM Bug report #13849 (Closed): Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
- After compiling QGIS 2.12 release branch from source on Ubuntu 14.04, QGIS segfaults at startup.
Others seem to be hi...
12:29 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- That sounds like a better approach. I also think snap to grid simplification could be useful for composer exports... ...
11:25 PM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I'm not a fan of this approach. I think it's great how simplification also aids labelling at th... -
11:05 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- >For all that, as I said, I would like to propose move the simplification to just where the geometry is converted to ...
05:54 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi, I would like to propose an idea in order to avoid these problems derivated from on-the-fly... -
05:02 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Sorry, I forgot to say that the simplification executed in provider side remains unchanged. For postgis it executes "...
04:51 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Hi, I would like to propose an idea in order to avoid these problems derivated from on-the-fly-simplification.
Now,... -
12:27 AM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
- I'll backport commit:5d359a6 to release-2_12 if a 2.12.1 will be released.
02:08 PM Bug report #13731 (Closed): DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"57f5fba5823e318809aa409a77ae636ea12874f5".
12:43 PM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
- Please see "PR 2478": for a simple solution (replacing _LIMIT 0_ with _WHERE 0=...
10:45 PM Bug report #13848 (Closed): Refreshing a vector layer does not change feature count
- In QGIS 2.12, normally when clicking *Show feature count* button on the right click menu of a vector layer, calculate...
09:36 PM Bug report #13846 (Closed): Styling Else rule scale problem
09:02 PM Bug report #13846: Styling Else rule scale problem
- Looks like it. I remember clearly that I had put it in the ..upload queue.
Meanwhile, I noticed the issue comes along... -
01:03 PM Bug report #13846 (Feedback): Styling Else rule scale problem
- Looks like you forgot to attach the data & project file?
05:34 AM Bug report #13846 (Closed): Styling Else rule scale problem
- I'm attaching data to recreate the issue.
It's kind of hard to present the issue in words so I'll make just a short ... -
08:29 PM Bug report #13847 (Closed): svg markers with svg files not defining viewBox fails to properly exp...
- A regressions slipped into QGIS master which leads to broken composer export of svg marker symbology when the svg fil...
05:37 PM Bug report #13657 (Closed): default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in '...
- > According to the documentation the % is not supposed to be the wildcard character but the modulo operator. It there...
05:37 PM Bug report #13657 (Closed): default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in '...
- > According to the documentation the % is not supposed to be the wildcard character but the modulo operator. It there...
03:31 PM Bug report #13657: default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in 'Select by...
- According to the "documentation":
02:49 PM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- In answer to the question though:
Médéric RIBREUX wrote:
> For the moment, this feature is used only when you open a... -
01:01 PM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- @Médéric
Before you spend too much time coding this, can you please file a QEP over at -
06:37 AM Feature request #1502 (Feedback): Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- Hello,
I've started to work on this feature (but not made a PR before user feedback). For the moment, I have impleme... -
06:37 AM Feature request #1502 (Feedback): Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
- Hello,
I've started to work on this feature (but not made a PR before user feedback). For the moment, I have impleme... -
02:13 PM Bug report #13620: Cancelling Layer Properties Dialog does not cancel changes made in "Provider f...
- Please see "PR 2480": for a fix.
12:56 PM Feature request #4936 (Closed): Ability to flip or reverse direction of a linestring
- Duplicate of #2701
12:56 PM Feature request #4936 (Closed): Ability to flip or reverse direction of a linestring
- Duplicate of #2701
12:55 PM Feature request #2701: Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- > what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored into th...
09:16 AM Feature request #2701: Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- After digging with GRASS, you can use "v.edit": to flip the direct...
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello,
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello,
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i... -
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
- Hello,
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i... -
12:53 PM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
- > So, let's do the following:
- Make the statistic panel contents be able to copy data in the clipboard (not just th... -
09:12 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
- Hello,
list unique values extracts the individual values for a field in a layer. Then you can copy/paste those indiv... -
01:24 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
- Hi,
I think that the _Variety_ expains unique values.. -
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
- Hello,
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
- Hello,
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
- Hello,
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation... -
06:10 AM Bug report #1796 (Feedback): Multi-line text in a SVG file is not drawn correctly in Print Composer
- Hello, bug triage...
this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master. -
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
- Hello,
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ... -
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
- Hello,
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ... -
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
- Hello,
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ... -
05:44 AM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
- ok. another way.
in this case:
I want to see which element belongs to which layer when I select something in both la... -
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ... -
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ... -
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ... -
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
- I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t...
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
- I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t...
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
- I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t...
03:31 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Was affected by this issue today (I think) and investigated. If I read the history correct here, the fix for this iss...
02:38 AM Feature request #13845 (Open): A simple method for adding data to exisitng polygons/lines
- As far as I can tell there is still no simple method to attach field data to already mapped polygons/lines in such a ...
02:22 AM Feature request #5250: Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
- Greate job!
Médéric RIBREUX wrote:
> Hello, bug triage...
> on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automat...
11:50 PM Bug report #13841: DbManager does not use the new authentication system
- See "PR 2473": for a solution.
03:37 PM Bug report #13841 (Closed): DbManager does not use the new authentication system
- * When connecting to a database that is using the "new authentication system":
09:56 PM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
- Hello community,
Well, I'm beginner in GIS, and above average Joe;) So, forgive me already speak French, but I'm not ... -
09:38 PM Feature request #13843 (Open): Point stacker rendering
- It would be great if QGis could have a point stacker rendering as in Geoserver for point layers
04:05 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Hello,
I can confirm that during remote sensing training in the computer room we use computer on windows 8 64bit (in... -
03:47 PM Bug report #13842 (Closed): QGIS 2.12 crash on opening layer properties
- Qgis 2.12 crashes when opening the layer properties dialog using this configuration file.
This file works fine in qgi... -
01:58 PM Bug report #13840 (Closed): Unable to use move label tool with rotated map
- I have a map canvas which is rotated at -60 degrees. I am trying to use data defined labels for my features, and to t...
12:39 PM Bug report #13838 (Closed): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
06:41 AM Bug report #13838: Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- Thanks Meredic, your answer is really helpful. I checked connection settings disabled "Only look meta data table" opt...
06:31 AM Bug report #13838: Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- Hello,
the first time you make a connection to an Oracle database (and each time you click on the "connect" button),... -
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases?
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases?
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases?
01:46 AM Bug report #13838 (Closed): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
- After clicking *Connect* button in the *Add Oracle Table(s*) dialog QGIS stucks. It can list db tables about 20 minut...
09:25 AM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
- It's a known issue.
In the TODO list of the oracle's db_manager plugin, we can find :
* SQL Window - Can't retrieve... -
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
- Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg... -
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
- Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg... -
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
- Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg... -
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
- Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg... -
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
- Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg... -
08:16 AM Bug report #13640 (Closed): ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- Fixed in changeset commit:"08ec25bedde5d35ffe050d419cee4fcdae734683".
08:06 AM Bug report #1459: External table modifications are not visible in QGIS table editor
- Hello, bug triage...
with "the following PR":, there should be a button to ref... -
07:58 AM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
- I attached a Screenshot (left QGIS, right ArrghGis) which explains a use case where i think this feature will be very...
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z... -
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z... -
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z... -
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z... -
07:46 AM Feature request #787 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Add the possibility to reproject reference points
- Hello,
it is (QGIS 2.13) possible to change the target SRS for final georeferencing. But when you modify it when you... -
07:46 AM Feature request #787 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Add the possibility to reproject reference points
- Hello,
it is (QGIS 2.13) possible to change the target SRS for final georeferencing. But when you modify it when you... -
07:43 AM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
- Typically I don't see authority parameters in .prj files. For example below is an ogrinfo report for a Census roads f...
05:08 AM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
- does not seems a qgis issue to me, but rather a data one. This is what OGR says about the projection of the downloade...
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
- Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend... -
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
- Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend... -
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
- Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend... -
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
- Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend... -
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
- Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the... -
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
- Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the... -
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
- Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the... -
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
- Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the... -
06:45 AM Feature request #12667: Pause snapping during editing session
- a good feature!
06:07 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
- The problem occurs only on Windows (I tried it on 3PC with Windows7 + mysql server 5.7.9). The problem is also presen...
04:46 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
- So, the wrong behavior happens only on QGIS on Windows (with the same server)?
can you suggest a more descriptive te... -
05:43 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> Moreover there's also a small problem in QGIS: if you activate "Show Feature Count" (right cli... -
05:37 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- This problem can be extremely dangerous when sharing data with ArcGIS users, since they will see all the deleted feat...
04:51 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
- I believe is the same issue discussed here
#13793 -
04:51 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
- I believe is the same issue discussed here
#13793 -
04:45 AM Bug report #13708: Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
- Hi, this is a confirmed regression. I have no rights to change tags, could you change that issue to blocker ?
Regards -
04:41 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Giovanni - that PR was never merged, and this is still an issue in master
Hi Nyall, yes I have... -
04:39 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> How does one re-install processing to make sure I have the newer version?
remove any "pr... -
04:37 AM Bug report #13832 (Open): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
04:17 AM Feature request #13820: Tool to create dynamic leader lines
- Great news, thanks for the info!
03:33 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
- Duplicate of #12667
03:33 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
- Duplicate of #12667
01:51 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
- I know there is a feature in ArcGis where one can press Space to temporary deactivate snapping, set the point, releas...
02:15 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- I would remove... I hope this does not generate side effects. I supposed it's safe.
02:03 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- Added 2.12.1 version. Should I remove 2.12.0 then?
01:59 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- alex, do you mind would be better to update to 2.12.1? there are already more than 1500 downloads and the only way to...
01:50 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- oops, sorry. Plugin metadata now fixed and package updated
01:50 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- oops, sorry. Plugin metadata now fixed and package updated
01:41 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
- Processing v2.12 is incompatible with QGIS version lesser than 2.12 (sorry for the redundant version number)
metadata... -
02:14 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
- Hi,
A postgreSQL one. Thank you. -
01:46 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Hi,
i think it depends on user specific settings or better requirements. One is fine with the actual semi transparen...
12:50 AM Bug report #13836 (Closed): MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
- There is a problem with mysql vector; when I connect to the MySQL table (containing a geometry column), the attribute...
11:50 PM Bug report #13742 (Closed): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Sorry, I meant "fixed after 2.12". So this issue is still present in 2.12, but not later versions.
11:50 PM Bug report #13742 (Closed): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Sorry, I meant "fixed after 2.12". So this issue is still present in 2.12, but not later versions.
09:37 PM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Hi, sorry for delay. Used OSGeo4W as suggested, installing "qgis-rel-dev" option, version 2.12.0-10 nightly build. Th...
11:02 PM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
- Changing the longitude to match the .prj file (+x_0=500000.0001016001 to +x_0=500000.0001016002) made no difference.)...
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
- 2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000... -
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
- 2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000... -
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
- 2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000... -
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
- 2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000... -
07:42 PM Bug report #13835 (Closed): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and S...
- When opening shapefiles from Washington county and state agencies, QGIS defaults to USER:10000X projection instead of...
12:04 PM Bug report #13832: Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
- I've just tested with 2.13.0-45, but sadly no improvement.
11:31 AM Bug report #13832: Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you please test with the current daily snapshots? There's been a change since 2.12 which ma... -
11:01 AM Bug report #13832 (Feedback): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OS...
- Can you please test with the current daily snapshots? There's been a change since 2.12 which may have fixed this.
06:32 AM Bug report #13832 (Closed): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM ...
- In my QGIS opentopo project file (see for rastered results) I use two label-layers for OSM (in PostGI...
12:02 PM Bug report #3517 (Reopened): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- Giovanni - that PR was never merged, and this is still an issue in master
10:18 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
- With a dense distribution of irregular shape polygons I do not see the possibility to calculate the right placement f...
10:14 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
- I suppose you don't have to set the labels manually. Most likely there is a field calculator or PostGIS solution to s...
09:39 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
- With hundreds of features? Manually? So what do I have a QGIS for?
09:05 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
- Just use the "Move label" tool. -
08:56 AM Feature request #13834 (Open): Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
- I'm working in archaeology. And I often have to label polygon layer which has polygons not connected to each other. T...
08:16 AM Feature request #8568: Mac trackpad functionality
- I agree with this request.
Another problem with the current implementation is that the two-finger drag is VERY sens... -
07:21 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
- Hi!
Win 7 sp1 x64, qgis x64 rev.824fd7b.
When I change values in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color/" it do... -
03:10 AM Bug report #13831 (Closed): Save to Spatialite fails if input is from same DB
- To reproduce, import e.g. the airports.shp from our sample data into a Spatialite DB. Then try to buffer it while wri...
02:55 AM Bug report #4575 (Closed): "rotation field" and "size scale field" do not work for centroid fill
- Not sure when this was fixed, but it's working in current master
02:55 AM Bug report #4575 (Closed): "rotation field" and "size scale field" do not work for centroid fill
- Not sure when this was fixed, but it's working in current master
02:32 AM Bug report #13830 (Closed): Invalid scripts from models with advancedpythonfieldcalculator
- I've been testing the export model to script functionality. One models contains an Advanced Python Field Calculator. ...
12:40 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
- Hello,
how do you get unique values with the statistic panel ?
01:36 PM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- Here is some screencast - only moment of save edits. After split attributes are on places. On save - move feft (one f...
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
- Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing... -
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
- Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing... -
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
- Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing... -
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
- Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing... -
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
- Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing... -
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
- Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology... -
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
- Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology... -
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
- Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology... -
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
- Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology... -
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
- Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology... -
11:31 AM Bug report #13829: DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS, I don't have Oracle in the DB Manager (Ubuntu).
10:03 AM Bug report #13829: DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
- Hello,
does this bug is for an Oracle DB or a PostgreSQL one ? -
03:43 AM Bug report #13829 (Closed): DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
- In the DB Manager materialized views are just named "View" (see 'General info/Relation type').
Deleting a view by... -
10:07 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
- Hello,
is it for an Oracle DB or a postgreSQL one ? -
03:30 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
- A refresh option for materialized views in the QGIS layer panel might be helpful, too.
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
- Hello,
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done ! -
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
- Hello,
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done ! -
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
- Hello,
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done ! -
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
- Hello,
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done ! -
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
- Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon... -
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
- Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon... -
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
- Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon... -
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
- Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3267 (Closed): NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
- Hello, bug triage...
for QGIS 2.13, you can always select the line width for whatever fill style you want.
I am clo... -
07:04 AM Feature request #3267 (Closed): NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
- Hello, bug triage...
for QGIS 2.13, you can always select the line width for whatever fill style you want.
I am clo... -
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty... -
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty... -
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
- Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty... -
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop... -
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop... -
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop... -
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop... -
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
- The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s...
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
- still true.
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
- still true.
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
- still true.
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
- still true.
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
- still true.
05:04 AM Bug report #2377 (Closed): Symbology legend classification items can get out of sync with classif...
05:04 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
- superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin.
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
- superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin.
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
- superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin.
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
- superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin.
03:58 AM Feature request #11130 (Closed): Support memory layer joins
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that in QGIS 2.13 master, we can join two memory layers.
I am closing this one ! -
03:58 AM Feature request #11130 (Closed): Support memory layer joins
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that in QGIS 2.13 master, we can join two memory layers.
I am closing this one !
07:24 PM Bug report #13640: ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- Same warning for me with Debian install of 12.2.
The page is also out of date, and has ... -
02:38 PM Bug report #13828 (Closed): Map Composer - Legend width & height revert to default even after cha...
- See attached screenshot. I can increase the width/height of the legend box, but when I click on it after doing so, it...
02:01 PM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- How does one re-install processing to make sure I have the newer version?
03:12 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- Victor Olaya wrote:
> (or an older version in your system is shadowing the one that comes with QGIS 2.12)
yes, that'... -
03:08 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- semicolons are already used, see here -
02:03 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> This is under QGIS 2.12.0. I'm using the version of Processing that comes with it...
do ... -
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ... -
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ... -
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ... -
10:04 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- My happiness was to early, problem occurred one more time. However this time I target which plugin makes problem and ...
09:35 AM Bug report #13826 (Closed): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- It was good idea to check plugins. At first a disabled all plugins (3rd party and genuine ones) and problem disappear...
09:08 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- forgot: this can be very well be caused by a 3rd party plugin. Please try without any plugin active.
09:06 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- cannot replicate on qgis master/linux. Can you test on other platforms?
06:12 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- I send you some sample data. By the way it is EPSG:2180 not 4326.
At this moment I noticed one more thing, it happens... -
06:00 AM Bug report #13826 (Feedback): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- did it happen in previous qgis releases? can you attach sample data?
05:58 AM Bug report #13826 (Closed): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
- I found problem with newest QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X 10.11.1. Selecting any features hangs QGIS. First few selection works...
09:14 AM Bug report #13809 (Feedback): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a flo...
- I don't have an installation at hand, have you tested other DE?
09:14 AM Bug report #13809 (Feedback): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a flo...
- I don't have an installation at hand, have you tested other DE?
09:10 AM Feature request #13814 (Feedback): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
- this ticket should change title and description to make it more general, it is a fact that Processing uses shapes as ...
09:10 AM Feature request #13814 (Feedback): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
- this ticket should change title and description to make it more general, it is a fact that Processing uses shapes as ...
09:07 AM Bug report #13812: Couldn't load PyQGIS.
> The build happens in a newly created dir.
I can compile but I usually don't. It works ok if you install master wi...-
02:47 AM Bug report #13812: Couldn't load PyQGIS.
- this was with commit 6e1df491f64bff1b778502d7d53f37256afcd6f6 and the configuration script is:...
02:16 AM Bug report #13812 (Feedback): Couldn't load PyQGIS.
- no problems here on the same platform.
07:56 AM Bug report #5704 (Feedback): Issues with rule based rendering and copy and paste style / qml files
- Hello,
could we close this bug ? Are you still affected by it, because I can't reproduce it ? -
07:53 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- I don't understand what you are saying here Giovanni.
You say "0,1 degrees as search radius for the provided datas... -
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ... -
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ... -
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ... -
07:50 AM Bug report #9962 (Closed): r.los crashes
- r.los with GRASSS 6.4 works for me in QGIS 2.12, in GRASS 7 there is r.viewshed. Most probably the module itself was ...
07:50 AM Bug report #9962 (Closed): r.los crashes
- r.los with GRASSS 6.4 works for me in QGIS 2.12, in GRASS 7 there is r.viewshed. Most probably the module itself was ...
07:33 AM Feature request #1873: *db.dropcol missing
- v.db.dropcol/v.db.dropcolumn is present in QGIS 2.12, db.dropcol is not.
07:33 AM Feature request #1873: *db.dropcol missing
- v.db.dropcol/v.db.dropcolumn is present in QGIS 2.12, db.dropcol is not.
07:22 AM Bug report #1735 (Closed): Support newer GRASS version (modules directories)
- GRASS versions are supported by optional attributes in qgm and qgc files and all modules were upgraded for GRASS 6.4 ...
07:22 AM Bug report #1735 (Closed): Support newer GRASS version (modules directories)
- GRASS versions are supported by optional attributes in qgm and qgc files and all modules were upgraded for GRASS 6.4 ...
07:18 AM Bug report #11906 (Closed): QGIS crash on edit grass vector layer
- Editing was completely rewritten in 2.12.
07:18 AM Bug report #11906 (Closed): QGIS crash on edit grass vector layer
- Editing was completely rewritten in 2.12.
07:16 AM Bug report #4940 (Closed): Create GRASS location takes the extent from the canvas, not reprojecti...
- Fixed in commit:04f321647, see also #13784.
07:16 AM Bug report #4940 (Closed): Create GRASS location takes the extent from the canvas, not reprojecti...
- Fixed in commit:04f321647, see also #13784.
06:52 AM Feature request #879 (Feedback): Add 'Help contents' in different languages
- Hello, bug triage...
I guess that we can close this feature request. On QGIS LTR (2.8), when you call help from the ... -
06:31 AM Bug report #13811 (Closed): Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
- Fixed in changeset commit:"824fd7bf32a45e278f2ec2fe9fa1c7228c9fb27f".
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil... -
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil... -
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil... -
05:14 AM Feature request #13825 (Closed): Save a shapefile to an EXISTING ESRI Geodatabase
- This is a duplicate of the closed #12846, which I don't have the power to reopen.
Using QGIS 2.12.0 (OSGeo4W package... -
05:00 AM Bug report #13824 (Closed): Saving As File GeoDatabase - Feature Dataset isn't Optional
- Using QGIS 2.12.0 (OSGeo4W package installer) on Windows 7 64bit.
I have installed the ESRI fGDB OGR driver package ... -
04:52 AM Bug report #13823 (Closed): DB Manager - Renaming constraints and indexes fails when renaming a t...
- When creating a table named 'lakes' in the DB Manager a constraint 'lakes_pkey' and the index 'sidx_lakes_geom' is cr...
04:36 AM Bug report #13733: DBManager Export to file: missing extension for output causing error
- see also #13822
04:36 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
- duplicate of #13733
04:36 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
- duplicate of #13733
04:18 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
- Eporting a table or view as CSV fails in the DB Manager.
@Error 8
Loading of layer failed@ -
03:40 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- Panning WFS in version 2.2 refreshes the map and works perfectly, finding out how this functionality was lost and rei...
02:54 AM Feature request #5001 (Closed): Add rotation and scale size to rule-based symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can have rotation and size based on data (attribute or expression) on rule-ba... -
02:54 AM Feature request #5001 (Closed): Add rotation and scale size to rule-based symbology
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can have rotation and size based on data (attribute or expression) on rule-ba... -
02:39 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Similar problem was discussed here: -
02:24 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- Just to give what might be a simpler method of identifying shapefiles which may behave this way. I have a shapefile w...
01:56 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- see also #13821
02:14 AM Bug report #8942 (Closed): R6034 runtime error
- Could we close this? If other software is the root cause of this issue why keeping this open? Reopen if I'm wrong.
02:14 AM Bug report #8942 (Closed): R6034 runtime error
- Could we close this? If other software is the root cause of this issue why keeping this open? Reopen if I'm wrong.
02:11 AM Bug report #13701 (Closed): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer wi...
02:10 AM Bug report #13766 (Closed): Crash after clicking on window close.
01:56 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
- duplicate of #11007
01:56 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
- duplicate of #11007
01:11 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
- I have a shapefile in which I deleted some polygons and added some new ones. The changes were saved, the project cont...
01:08 AM Feature request #13820: Tool to create dynamic leader lines
- See also
12:59 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- Read this discussion from the spatialite-users forum with a proposed way to fix it properly. -
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug... -
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug... -
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug... -
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug... -
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug... -
02:47 PM Bug report #13735 (Closed): CRS transformation broken in Master?
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d8f5dbeb4e7ab81326a400eaec05855ff1a38769".
08:49 AM Bug report #13735: CRS transformation broken in Master?
- Bisected to commit:51fe632.
01:25 PM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- Giovanni,
I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with 2.13-16.
That see... -
01:16 PM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- This is under QGIS 2.12.0. I'm using the version of Processing that comes with it...
01:07 PM Bug report #13818 (Feedback): Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- What Processing version are you using?
10:59 AM Bug report #13818 (Closed): Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
- "Processing>SAGA>Cluster Analysis for Grids" does not work when selecting more than one grid files. The attached erro...
11:55 AM Feature request #13820 (Open): Tool to create dynamic leader lines
- A tool to create dynamic leader lines might be helpful for some users. -
11:39 AM Feature request #13819 (Open): Tool to place multiple labels on polygon geometries
- QGIS misses a tool to place multiple labels on polygons: -
11:02 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
- Well... there is in fact a reason for the "name": to store preferences in QSettings, using the path as a key would re...
10:17 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
- Agreed.
I don't know why it was written like that in the first place. I've just added a small patch without rewritin... -
09:30 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
- @elpaso I always found very strange this way of dealing with spatialite connections. Is there any good reason to give...
08:50 AM Feature request #11794 (Closed): spatialite connection custom name
- Fixed in changeset commit:"325f0992e7067173e847cea62e95da5d974017e8".
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
- Patch available:
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
- Patch available:
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
- Patch available:
10:58 AM Bug report #13817 (Closed): Browser - Favourites does not show GRASS folders with GRASS specific ...
- in Browser - the Favourites top-level item does not show GRASS folders with GRASS specific icons and you cannot load ...
10:43 AM Bug report #13816 (Closed): grass provider - missing slot and signal
- on opening a GRASS mapset Log Messages (Qt tab) shows the following errors:
2015-11-12T14:23:43 1 Object::connect: No... -
10:25 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Btw, when you triage bugs, please set the state to "Feedback" so we can filter these later and... -
03:43 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- +1 Jürgen, I like the idea.
Instead of a popup a message bar item could be used "3 Warnings pending. Click here to s... -
02:35 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- The idea with the log level originally was to go through all the messages and assign levels. Currently the log level...
01:11 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Btw, when you triage bugs, please set the state to "Feedback" so we can filter these later and kill the quiet ones.
01:10 AM Feature request #6965 (Closed): QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Haven't missed more levels yet.
01:10 AM Feature request #6965 (Closed): QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Haven't missed more levels yet.
09:14 AM Bug report #13815: Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
- Backported also to 2.12 (will be in 2.12.1).
09:11 AM Bug report #13815 (Closed): Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fd9f0b52682f42eed9484159c8bd152144b7d4b3".
09:01 AM Bug report #13815 (Closed): Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
- Attributes in GRASS vector which was imported in browser are wrong if source layer features start with feature id 0. ...
08:49 AM Bug report #11517 (Closed): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ad2caed3b2bd652a6264652bda009621c44e0c4a".
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
- Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt... -
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
- Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt... -
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
- Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt... -
07:52 AM Bug report #11517 (Reopened): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- Re-checked and this is indeed a problem since the form is embedded in a dialog and the parent is not set correctly, h...
07:52 AM Bug report #11517 (Reopened): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- Re-checked and this is indeed a problem since the form is embedded in a dialog and the parent is not set correctly, h...
08:30 AM Feature request #13814: Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
- Properly formatted test script:...
08:28 AM Feature request #13814 (Closed): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
- In Processing, when a layer is passed to an R script, it is first written to a shapefile and then read into R as a Sp...
07:22 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
- confirmed also master is affected. I'm working on an automated testcase.
02:23 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
- Patch staged here:
If anyone has pointers to add a testcase I think it would b... -
02:09 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
- Confirmed, I've a working patch. While testing it I also found that an offset of -0.0 (negative zero) makes the symbo...
01:40 AM Bug report #13811 (Closed): Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
- To reproduce:
1. New project
2. Add a simple (2 vertices) LINESTRING -- for example with QuickWKT plugin
3. Go to lay... -
05:59 AM Bug report #13813 (Closed): grass process missing dependency
- I just compiled and installed QGIS 2.13.0 code revision 8803cb4 on my ubuntu 15.10.
Everything is fine, but I got pro... -
04:53 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- Dan Cuillin wrote:
> To confirm; disabling msvcr90.dll in System32 folder has, in my case, worked. I now have no more... -
04:24 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- To confirm; disabling msvcr90.dll in System32 folder has, in my case, worked. I now have no more runtime errors on st...
02:56 AM Bug report #13812 (Closed): Couldn't load PyQGIS.
- QGIS master fails to support Python on Ubuntu 14.04, raises this error on starting from the build dir:...
02:20 AM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> an you test qgis master? thanks.
I have just tested in 2.12 nightly (revision 6ee8001) I... -
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from... -
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from... -
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from... -
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from... -
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from... -
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
- Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
- Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
- Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0
01:36 AM Bug report #13810 (Closed): Marker line - Offset along line twists arrow symbol
- To reproduce:
1. New project
2. Add a simple (2 vertices) LINESTRING -- for example with QuickWKT plugin
3. Go to ... -
01:12 AM Feature request #3239: Text alignment in Print Composer Legend
- Hello,
for the moment, only the title of the legend can be placed on the center or the right.
There is no way to ali... -
01:12 AM Feature request #3239: Text alignment in Print Composer Legend
- Hello,
for the moment, only the title of the legend can be placed on the center or the right.
There is no way to ali... -
01:04 AM Feature request #6713: Rule based renderer gui enhancements: copy/paste; refine>use expression
- Hello, bug triage...
you can copy/paste rule(s) on the same layer and on other layers. Your first point is fully imp...
12:48 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
- Hello, bug triage...
for the moment, there are three log levels (MessageLevel) in QgsMessaheLog: -
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
- Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri... -
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
- Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri... -
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
- Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri... -
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte... -
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte... -
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
- Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte... -
10:32 PM Feature request #13807: Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
- further discussion here:
06:44 AM Feature request #13807: Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
- ideally: an option to do this would be to right click on the layer in the layer menu, and click "copy selected featur...
06:37 AM Feature request #13807 (Open): Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
- Convert or copy a selection on a layer (that has not been created through "select by expression", but instead by irre...
07:47 PM Bug report #13766: Crash after clicking on window close.
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> there are plugns known to make qgis crash on exit even if disabled. The quickest way to chec... -
04:59 PM Bug report #13809 (Closed): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a float...
- Open the properties window for a layer in the layers panel.
The dialog opens, but the main application behind the win... -
12:49 PM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- I think the settings in Options > Digitizing > Rubberband) should apply to the node tool. Also it would be nice if it...
12:41 PM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I've got a preliminary implementation containing a workaround for spatialite <= 4.1.1 and a pr... -
11:53 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full scene of landsat images.
> > (Landsat... -
11:20 AM Bug report #13118 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
- Fixes by commit 016f497726932ea7380351f1a947265f3b4d114e
backport to 2.12 commit 25db1cc33c65d893db3edecf862dc74f665f... -
11:20 AM Bug report #13118 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
- Fixes by commit 016f497726932ea7380351f1a947265f3b4d114e
backport to 2.12 commit 25db1cc33c65d893db3edecf862dc74f665f... -
10:13 AM Bug report #13808 (Closed): Project save time doesn't update after "Save As...'
- Just discovered this bug, which appears to be a duplicate: #13420
09:44 AM Bug report #13808 (Closed): Project save time doesn't update after "Save As...'
- *Steps to reproduce:*
# Open an existing project file
# Select Project -> Save As...
# Save the project to a new proj... -
09:52 AM Bug report #13041: Processing Toolbox Doesn't Pick Up New Database Connections
- It just occurred to me that the likely cause is that the combo box that holds DB connections appears to be generated ...
09:33 AM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
- I still (sometimes) have this in 2.12. I think this is connected with #11007 since the disappeared features reappear ...
05:48 AM Bug report #13806 (Closed): Using QgsAttributeTableModel makes QGIS crash
- I'm using a slot to show layer attributes as follows:
def on_layerCombo_currentIndexChanged(s... -
05:31 AM Bug report #13805 (Closed): remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
- with the new Statistic panel the 2 function in Vector -> Analysis Tools are now obsolete..
should not they be removed? -
04:03 AM Bug report #13804 (Closed): Snap mode for layers in Advanced digitizing panel is broken
- When using Advanced Digitizing tool to add new features, it ignores the snap setting from project or no layer and alw...
03:49 AM Feature request #12960 (Closed): Add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Opti...
- Already implemented
03:43 AM Bug report #6704 (Closed): Legend shows same symbol for all rules when "show feature count" is en...
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it in QGIS 2.12 and master. Whether I use different labels or same labels for... -
03:43 AM Bug report #6704 (Closed): Legend shows same symbol for all rules when "show feature count" is en...
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it in QGIS 2.12 and master. Whether I use different labels or same labels for... -
03:37 AM Bug report #6703 (Closed): Vector transparency is not reported consistently
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12 and master. Transparency value is always as previously set.
... -
03:37 AM Bug report #6703 (Closed): Vector transparency is not reported consistently
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12 and master. Transparency value is always as previously set.
... -
03:29 AM Bug report #6665 (Closed): Layer grouping bug in legend
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.12 and master. It seems to have been fixed because I can dupl... -
03:29 AM Bug report #6665 (Closed): Layer grouping bug in legend
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.12 and master. It seems to have been fixed because I can dupl... -
03:25 AM Bug report #6729 (Closed): Closing project, no save dialog when turned off layers removed
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12. Every time , QGIS detects changes in the project and prompts... -
03:25 AM Bug report #6729 (Closed): Closing project, no save dialog when turned off layers removed
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12. Every time , QGIS detects changes in the project and prompts... -
03:14 AM Bug report #6712 (Closed): Strange projection issue - layer is displayed in different location af...
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master.
So I am closing this bug... -
03:14 AM Bug report #6712 (Closed): Strange projection issue - layer is displayed in different location af...
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master.
So I am closing this bug... -
03:11 AM Bug report #6592 (Closed): SQL where clause widget does not use plain text
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master on any expression dialog.
I am closing this bug.
03:11 AM Bug report #6592 (Closed): SQL where clause widget does not use plain text
- Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master on any expression dialog.
I am closing this bug.
12:53 AM Bug report #13556 (Closed): Discourage other labels from covering feature in this layer slow
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b384f18a3dc38305dcfe4673f9c5353e80104053".
02:04 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- See also #8629-1
12:22 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- Your results at step 4 are what I would expect, so I believe that the file causing the issue is likely located in the...
02:01 PM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- Hi Giovanni,
thanks for your feedback.
If I'll have time I'll try again with GRASS.
I will try to remember to do some... -
01:28 PM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
- Why does that require two different selection colours?
01:21 PM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
- For example, to compare two similar layers differing only in geometry details
11:01 AM Feature request #13803 (Feedback): Color of selection for each layer separately
- can you provide a use case for such feature?
11:01 AM Feature request #13803 (Feedback): Color of selection for each layer separately
- can you provide a use case for such feature?
10:10 AM Feature request #13803 (Open): Color of selection for each layer separately
- Ability to set a selection color for each layer separately, not (as it is now) only for the whole project.
01:23 PM Bug report #13800 (Reopened): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting rende...
- Hello
Thank you for the quick update but it partially solve the problem.
*classAttribute()* appears in several places... - 04:51 AM Bug report #13800 (Closed): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting renderers
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cb5f7485d6b56afe655efff265af56711e0088f8".
02:40 AM Bug report #13800 (Closed): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting renderers
- When converting from a categorized or graduated renderer to
a rule-based renderer, attribute name that happen to be n... -
12:47 PM Bug report #13332 (Closed): improperly drawn lines may occur on polygon/line features
- Forgot to change Status
12:26 PM Bug report #13332: improperly drawn lines may occur on polygon/line features
- I believe this has been fixed in master (see #13343 which described a similar problem), so I am closing this issue.
11:33 AM Bug report #3400 (Closed): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- I am closing this issue as the PR was merged into master.
08:12 AM Bug report #6697 (Closed): Missing "not" operator
- Hello, bug triage...
as you said, "NOT" operator is "!=". It seems to be coherent with other operators naming on the... -
08:12 AM Bug report #6697 (Closed): Missing "not" operator
- Hello, bug triage...
as you said, "NOT" operator is "!=". It seems to be coherent with other operators naming on the... -
08:00 AM Bug report #13494: QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
- Any progress on this issue?
07:58 AM Bug report #13802 (Closed): Empty Atlas with Memory Layers QGIS 2.12, 2.10...
- I try create composer Atlas with coverage Memory layer, but this is impossible.
If draw some objects in memory layer ... -
07:56 AM Bug report #13225: Processing model right-click doesn't work
- Yes, works fine now.
05:54 AM Bug report #13225 (Closed): Processing model right-click doesn't work
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
05:54 AM Bug report #13225 (Closed): Processing model right-click doesn't work
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
07:26 AM Bug report #13785 (Closed): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orient...
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s... -
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s... -
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s... -
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s... -
07:15 AM Feature request #4078 (Closed): Enable CRS conversion in field calculator
- Hello, bug triage...
there is now a transform function in QGIS expressions that make the CRS conversion. You can use... -
07:15 AM Feature request #4078 (Closed): Enable CRS conversion in field calculator
- Hello, bug triage...
there is now a transform function in QGIS expressions that make the CRS conversion. You can use... -
07:08 AM Feature request #13801 (Open): overwrite and create styles in database with list of available styles
- Hi,
compared with the overwrite and create procedure for local styles as .qml file, it is currently more difficult, ... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi... -
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi... -
06:05 AM Bug report #12423 (Open): Processing - Bar Plot (QGIS) doesn't plot string "category name field"
- still valid on master.
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c... -
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c... -
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c... -
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo... -
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo... -
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo... -
05:53 AM Bug report #13140 (Closed): Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
- fixed upstream.
05:53 AM Bug report #13140 (Closed): Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
- fixed upstream.
05:51 AM Bug report #12994 (Closed): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
05:51 AM Bug report #12994 (Closed): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
05:50 AM Bug report #13079 (Closed): Postgis Hstore Postgresql osm.pbf file osmosis auto convert
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
05:50 AM Bug report #13079 (Closed): Postgis Hstore Postgresql osm.pbf file osmosis auto convert
- Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
05:31 AM Feature request #6242: Improvements to layer list (editable and labelling icons/buttons)
- Hello,
the edit button adds a pen icon over the legend symbol of the layer (tested under QGIS 2.13 master).
There is... -
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
- Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W... -
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
- Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W... -
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
- Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W... -
05:16 AM Feature request #6183 (Closed): There is no check that the style of a vector layer matches the ty...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, you cannot paste a style to another geometry type layer. There is also an ... -
05:16 AM Feature request #6183 (Closed): There is no check that the style of a vector layer matches the ty...
- Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, you cannot paste a style to another geometry type layer. There is also an ... -
05:11 AM Feature request #5250 (Closed): Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automatically change the colors of the classes wh... -
05:11 AM Feature request #5250 (Closed): Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
- Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automatically change the colors of the classes wh... -
05:07 AM Feature request #5055 (Closed): Prompt save when defining new custom projection
- Hello, bug triage...
in the custom CRS dialog it is now impossible to add a new projection without it being saved. E... -
05:07 AM Feature request #5055 (Closed): Prompt save when defining new custom projection
- Hello, bug triage...
in the custom CRS dialog it is now impossible to add a new projection without it being saved. E... -
04:50 AM Feature request #4014 (Closed): Raster histogram drawing effectively freezes UI for large images
04:48 AM Feature request #4014: Raster histogram drawing effectively freezes UI for large images
- Hello, bug triage...
There is now a "Compute Histogram" button on the Histogram tab of raster layer properties. The ... -
04:37 AM Bug report #13272 (Closed): crash on quit
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:37 AM Bug report #13272 (Closed): crash on quit
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:32 AM Bug report #11977 (Closed): Date/Time Edit Widget behavior
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:32 AM Bug report #11977 (Closed): Date/Time Edit Widget behavior
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:31 AM Bug report #12330 (Closed): Incorrect rendering of Indic Kannadad script in map canvas
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:31 AM Bug report #12330 (Closed): Incorrect rendering of Indic Kannadad script in map canvas
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:29 AM Bug report #13121 (Closed): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:29 AM Bug report #13121 (Closed): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:29 AM Bug report #13154 (Closed): Feature count doesn't update
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:29 AM Bug report #13154 (Closed): Feature count doesn't update
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:28 AM Bug report #12933 (Open): Heatmap generating an empty raster
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> I don't think it has been abandoned, it's only 2 months old and we have a lot of other things... -
04:20 AM Bug report #13265 (Closed): crash with minidump when splitting features(?)
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:20 AM Bug report #13265 (Closed): crash with minidump when splitting features(?)
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:19 AM Bug report #13704 (Closed): Output path defaults to the QGIS installation folder
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:19 AM Bug report #13704 (Closed): Output path defaults to the QGIS installation folder
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:18 AM Bug report #13259 (Closed): Editing attributes with feature form on vector layers duplicates feature
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:18 AM Bug report #13259 (Closed): Editing attributes with feature form on vector layers duplicates feature
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:18 AM Bug report #6353 (Closed): Field calculator displays real values in the attribute table instead o...
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the results are now directly displayed by following the attribute type (at least ... -
04:18 AM Bug report #6353 (Closed): Field calculator displays real values in the attribute table instead o...
- Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the results are now directly displayed by following the attribute type (at least ... -
04:11 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
- John Stevenson wrote:
> Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
> Have atta... -
02:28 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
- Retrying attachment.
02:21 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
- John Stevenson wrote:
> Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
> Have atta... -
02:16 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
- Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
Have attached simple spatialite file,... -
04:10 AM Bug report #13301 (Closed): Load more than one shp file, making some not visible, and 'Identify F...
- Feel free to make a suggestion/patch for the documentation.
04:10 AM Bug report #13301 (Closed): Load more than one shp file, making some not visible, and 'Identify F...
- Feel free to make a suggestion/patch for the documentation.
04:02 AM Bug report #6853 (Closed): Point displacement center symbol displayed for values removed from layer
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:02 AM Bug report #6853 (Closed): Point displacement center symbol displayed for values removed from layer
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:01 AM Bug report #13511 (Closed): Qgis crashes while trying to call "project properties"
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:01 AM Bug report #13511 (Closed): Qgis crashes while trying to call "project properties"
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:01 AM Bug report #13479 (Closed): QGIS 2.10 pisa crash with mac os yosemite 10.10.5
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
04:01 AM Bug report #13479 (Closed): QGIS 2.10 pisa crash with mac os yosemite 10.10.5
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:56 AM Bug report #12077 (Closed): qgis 2.6.1 crash when pan and zoom
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:56 AM Bug report #12077 (Closed): qgis 2.6.1 crash when pan and zoom
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:54 AM Bug report #5073 (Closed): Empty space in Raster property window
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:54 AM Bug report #5073 (Closed): Empty space in Raster property window
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:54 AM Bug report #12824 (Closed): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:54 AM Bug report #12824 (Closed): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:53 AM Bug report #5067 (Closed): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:53 AM Bug report #5067 (Closed): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:52 AM Bug report #12668 (Closed): Edit widget properties not saved
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:52 AM Bug report #12668 (Closed): Edit widget properties not saved
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:51 AM Bug report #12560 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:51 AM Bug report #12560 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:50 AM Bug report #12931 (Closed): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:50 AM Bug report #12931 (Closed): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:49 AM Bug report #9502 (Closed): Reshape Tool quits working
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:49 AM Bug report #9502 (Closed): Reshape Tool quits working
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:48 AM Bug report #12977 (Closed): Change of CRS in QGIS causes crash/freeze in Composer
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:48 AM Bug report #12977 (Closed): Change of CRS in QGIS causes crash/freeze in Composer
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #12829 (Closed): 'Sample color' button error?
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #12829 (Closed): 'Sample color' button error?
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #12983 (Closed): saving map as pdf in map composer - raster layer omitted
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #12983 (Closed): saving map as pdf in map composer - raster layer omitted
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #9165 (Closed): curved labels: words printed one above the other
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:47 AM Bug report #9165 (Closed): curved labels: words printed one above the other
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:45 AM Bug report #13090 (Closed): Crash on PostGIS layer save
03:44 AM Bug report #13165 (Closed): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:44 AM Bug report #13165 (Closed): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:44 AM Bug report #13153 (Closed): .qgs file is blank after save
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:44 AM Bug report #13153 (Closed): .qgs file is blank after save
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:42 AM Bug report #13098 (Closed): GeoJSON vector issue
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:42 AM Bug report #13098 (Closed): GeoJSON vector issue
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13107 (Closed): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in postgi...
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13107 (Closed): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in postgi...
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13116 (Closed): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13116 (Closed): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13102 (Closed): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:41 AM Bug report #13102 (Closed): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:39 AM Bug report #13134 (Closed): Qgis crash with large sqlitle
03:35 AM Bug report #470 (Closed): adding a column to GRASS vector corrupts it
03:33 AM Bug report #12986 (Closed): Crash Dump Windows 8.1
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:33 AM Bug report #12986 (Closed): Crash Dump Windows 8.1
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:33 AM Bug report #13495 (Closed): 2.11 crashing on exit
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:33 AM Bug report #13495 (Closed): 2.11 crashing on exit
- Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
03:24 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
- It seems to me that in QGIS master things are ok. There is just still an issue with virtual fields
#12622 -
03:24 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- We also had a similiar discussion here #13674.
03:13 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Hi Nyall, I see your point, but anyway as it is right now in maste... -
03:09 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Nyall, I see your point, but anyway as it is right now in master is a bit confusing. Take... -
02:53 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I think the correct behaviour should still be to allow <3 nodes in polygons and 1 nodes for lin... -
03:09 AM Bug report #12622 (Open): In virtual fields $area function computes always values using "None/pla...
02:33 AM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...
> I have since observed the same crash behaviour using 2.12 on a Win 8.1 64 bit machine with a local SQL Server inst...-
02:30 AM Bug report #13799 (Feedback): 'Merge' algorithm can't recognize GeoTiff layers
- works fine here. Please attach sample data and testing directly gdal_merge from the command line would help.
02:18 AM Bug report #13799 (Closed): 'Merge' algorithm can't recognize GeoTiff layers
- I wanted to mosaic two DEM layers using Processing toolbox 'Merge' algorithm but it failed to create resulting datase...
02:16 AM Bug report #13591 (Closed): Processing: `r.reclass.area.greater` fails
01:26 AM Bug report #13798 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS getFeature does not escape line ending -> malformed...
- Duplicate #13118
01:17 AM Bug report #13798 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS getFeature does not escape line ending -> malformed...
- If a field value contains line ending (like LF or CR/LF), they must be escaped in the GeoJSON output from QGIS Server...
01:22 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
- not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected.
01:22 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
- not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected.
01:21 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
- not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected.
01:21 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
- not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected.
01:19 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
> I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full scene of landsat images.
> (Landsat8 images are better to che...-
01:15 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
- attached another small dataset.
01:15 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
- attached another small dataset.
12:58 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
> I have tried with GRASS and it had the same issue.
weird, it works ok here.
> I am confused thou, because I c... -
01:06 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- Hi Giovanni,
I have tried with GRASS and it had the same issue.
It worked with SAGA.
I am confused thou, because I c... -
12:50 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Stéphane Brunner wrote:
> @Giovanni Manghi
> There 2 deferent issues:
> * The geometry isn't updated when we mo... -
03:08 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- @Giovanni Manghi
There 2 deferent issues:
* The geometry isn't updated when we move a point (simple example).
* We... -
12:35 AM Bug report #13794 (Feedback): Memory behaving strangely
08:30 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
- Hi Nyall
I've been working today without "rectangles, ovals..." installed. Did not work for too long but the problem... -
11:30 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- I've tried the above mentioned steps, but did not get the expected results. My knowledge of computers is insufficient...
12:12 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- I have seen this problem, but only when starting QGIS not using the Start Menu items and not using the provided batch...
03:40 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
- The problem is now present in 2.12 although I've not had it before. I'm using windows 7 32-bit. I've jumped from 2.6 ...
11:03 PM Bug report #13787 (Closed): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent la...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5c9873c7949e183b2834c6a6f82b0477441038b6".
04:34 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
- I've emailed Even to investigate LOE and funding options.
04:15 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
- Well... this isn't something that QGIS can fund. You'd need to discuss with Even about the costs for implementing thi...
01:25 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
- For information, it seems feasible according to Even Rouault (GDAL lead dev)
01:17 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
- Requires support for editing GeoJSON formats in OGR.
12:51 PM Feature request #13797 (Closed): Support native editing of GeoJSON files
- I can load a GeoJSON file in QGIS and view it, great!
I can export any data layer in QGIS as a GeoJSON file, great!
B... -
12:04 PM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
- Victor Olaya wrote:
> Hey Giovanni. I am not able to reproduce it. It works fine when using GDAL and OGR algorithms w... -
10:25 AM Bug report #13592: Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached ... -
10:23 AM Bug report #13254 (Closed): Failed to import OSM data: XML error
- Seems a dataset problem, it fails also in other software, like JOSM.
10:23 AM Bug report #13254 (Closed): Failed to import OSM data: XML error
- Seems a dataset problem, it fails also in other software, like JOSM.
06:15 AM Bug report #13254: Failed to import OSM data: XML error
- It would be easier to check this OSM file if it would have been captured with the metadata tags, especially "version"...
10:05 AM Bug report #13664 (Closed): SAGA Inverse distance weighted fails
09:56 AM Bug report #13737 (Closed): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
qgis uses by defa... -
09:56 AM Bug report #13737 (Closed): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
qgis uses by defa... -
07:17 AM Bug report #13737: Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
- sorry file lost........
another file same problem....... -
09:54 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
- If open attached shapefile (original encoding is windows-1251) and choose *UTF-8* then you can see question marks - t...
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a... -
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a... -
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a... -
05:59 AM Bug report #6351 (Closed): field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
- Hello, bug triage...
On QGIS master (2.13), I am not able to reproduce the bug on shapefiles, using text/integer/dec... -
05:59 AM Bug report #6351 (Closed): field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
- Hello, bug triage...
On QGIS master (2.13), I am not able to reproduce the bug on shapefiles, using text/integer/dec... -
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex: -
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex: -
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
- Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex: -
05:13 AM Bug report #13374 (Closed): Crash on loading MySQL geometry Layer
- seems to be fixed using GDAL 1.11.x as described in duplicate issue.
Tested to use a mysql-Connection using QGIS 2.12... -
04:57 AM Feature request #4565 (Closed): storing qml file in the postgis table comments
04:56 AM Feature request #4565: storing qml file in the postgis table comments
- Hello,
bug triage...
I think that this feature is now completely integrated into QGIS PostgreSQL provider and Spati... -
04:40 AM Feature request #5038 (Closed): please donate a translation for the desktop icon comment
- I think that everything has been translated into and htt...
04:40 AM Feature request #5038 (Closed): please donate a translation for the desktop icon comment
- I think that everything has been translated into and htt...
12:48 AM Bug report #13571: data defined size assistant displays different size in legend vs canvas
- Hi Regis, can you plz provide more details on how to reproduce. I attached the result of my attempt, and everything l...
12:17 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- Here is a multipolygon layer with a "3943 crs".
if the qgis project is in crs 3943, no selection problem.
If I repr... -
12:06 AM Bug report #13322 (Closed): recent projects in project menu goes full screen in cc18882
- No longer an issue as pointed Salvatore.
Thx! -
08:32 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can anyone attach/link sample data?
I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full sc... -
06:46 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
- The "rectangles, ovals,..." plugin is one culprit I'm aware of
06:16 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
- Yes Nathan, a lot of them. I need most of them all :-)
It can be a plugin that is causing this issue, yes. The proble... -
04:25 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
- Do you have any plugins enabled?
04:21 PM Bug report #13794 (Closed): Memory behaving strangely
- Hi
First let me say that QGIS 2.12 is probably the most stable QGIS version ever under MacOSX. I'm using it in the l... -
04:14 PM Bug report #13724: QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Hi
I'm running QGIS 2.12 just fine in OSX El Capitan. Try to reinstall some additional frameworks as suggested befor... -
01:35 PM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)?
Yes, it worked in 2.8 and 2.1... -
01:18 PM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
- Hey Giovanni. I am not able to reproduce it. It works fine when using GDAL and OGR algorithms with raster and vector ...
09:56 AM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
- Hi Victor, I tested your latest commits and it seems that it still does not work (for me at least). Cheers!
08:56 AM Bug report #13791 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer a...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7e7939860152136c056df080d915ed3474e10f00".
04:21 AM Bug report #13791 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer a...
- The tools run but all return the
_The following layers were not correctly generated._
The outputs are act... -
12:30 PM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- I think the correct behaviour should still be to allow <3 nodes in polygons and 1 nodes for lines as a temporary step...
03:19 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- Duplicate of #13099?
10:10 AM Bug report #12222: Remove output format dropdown for backends other than QGIS
- I changed the title ti better reflect the real issue. In the OGR convert format tool you must ignore that dropdown in...
10:05 AM Bug report #12462 (Closed): Inconsistent behaviour with PostgreSQL CONSTRAINT TRIGGER
- Fixed in changeset commit:"68c015e8d59130e708644ff7a3383d0465883f18".
10:03 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
- I created a video:
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
- Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people... -
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
- Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people... -
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
- Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people... -
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
- Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people... -
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
- Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people... -
09:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Reopened): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone...
- Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people can edit flegdb witho...
02:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Closed): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone i...
- Default Windows install includes the open filegdb driver, which is read only -
02:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Closed): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone i...
- Default Windows install includes the open filegdb driver, which is read only -
09:34 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Another argument against "red semitransparent background" - when I edit common boundary of two polygons (snapping opt...
09:12 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Piotr Kania wrote:
> I can't set transparency of those new "Node tool mode" - it's possible for digitizing and identi... -
05:58 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- I can't set transparency of those new "Node tool mode" - it's possible for digitizing and identify tool. Currently al...
05:33 AM Bug report #13793 (Feedback): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- introduced by commit:d73ef5b as complement for commit:9b192d4.
Your screencast does not suggest that is as invasive a... -
05:33 AM Bug report #13793 (Feedback): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- introduced by commit:d73ef5b as complement for commit:9b192d4.
Your screencast does not suggest that is as invasive a... -
05:12 AM Bug report #13793 (Closed): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
- Hi! - win7sp1x64, qgis dev x64 - rev.9b192d4
When I use Node tool after clicking in edited feature, it appears red s... -
06:28 AM Bug report #13664 (Feedback): SAGA Inverse distance weighted fails
- This is fixed with -
05:59 AM Bug report #13493 (Closed): Processing Toolbox not finding Grass 7
- It's working now - seems generating a new .gis2 file fixed it. Unfortunately I didn't keep my old .qgis2 file.
05:02 AM Bug report #13198 (Feedback): Unable to delete features of a table inside a public schema of post...
- Check the editing capabilities of the layer in properties in the metadata tab of layer properties. You're probably n...
04:39 AM Bug report #13592 (Feedback): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
- I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached screencast.
There are tw... -
04:39 AM Bug report #13592 (Feedback): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
- I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached screencast.
There are tw... -
04:35 AM Bug report #13792 (Closed): Custom CRSs are not "recognized" the first time a layer is loaded
- The first time a layer with a specific custom CRS is loaded, then the latest versions of QGIS seems not to "recognize...
04:08 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
- Just seen this on the latest master available on osgeo4w and ubuntu nightly repo:
open the Processing options, then ... -
04:05 AM Bug report #13789: QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked with the...
- does not seems to happen on 71a6a3d on Linux.
03:47 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
- subject says it all
04:00 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
- Giovanni, thanks.
03:49 AM Bug report #13787 (Open): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent laye...
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometr... -
03:49 AM Bug report #13787 (Open): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent laye...
- Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometr... -
03:42 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
- Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometry issues. And it's an excellent s...
03:42 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
- Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometry issues. And it's an excellent s...
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
- Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte...
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
- Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte...
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
- Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte...
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
- Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte...
02:44 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
- Disabling simplification does *not* resolve the issue.
01:02 AM Bug report #13787 (Closed): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent la...
- Centroid fill symbology fails resulting in a failure to render layer when the [x] force point inside polygon is activ...
03:45 AM Bug report #13788 (Closed): Customization: mProgressBar not removed when unchecked
- Unchecking mProgressBar in Settings/Customization.../StatusBar will not remove the progress bar. Rather, it increases...
03:24 AM Bug report #11551 (Closed): SERVICE parameter is NOT mandatory @ GetMap on WMS 1.3.0
- fixed in commit:3552b83
03:24 AM Bug report #11551 (Closed): SERVICE parameter is NOT mandatory @ GetMap on WMS 1.3.0
- fixed in commit:3552b83
03:23 AM Bug report #13779 (Open): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
02:48 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Paulo Raposo wrote:
> Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me w... -
02:35 AM Bug report #13158 (Closed): Multiple Oracle geometry columns mixed up for rendering
- Fixed in changeset commit:"36672c47ab7171404954dacb8841f2ab2cd48c5e".
12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti...
12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti...
12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti...
12:27 AM Feature request #8464: Save query in Select by Expression
- In existing versions we now have "Recent" so this feature request is in my opinion redundant.
Lene -
07:49 PM Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- previous versions correctly cut the sign, and showed the same size. In this case, the display becomes not neat. In on...
11:44 AM Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- In the project you attached what I see in the layers panel is the exact representation of the point symbols as you de...
12:54 PM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
- I think it works for lines and polygons, but not for points. The symbology export only works on a very basic level. I...
10:09 AM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
- Unless I'm missing something it seems that this functionality is not working as expected.
The manual has a note
htt... -
10:09 AM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
- Unless I'm missing something it seems that this functionality is not working as expected.
The manual has a note
htt... -
12:53 PM Feature request #11758 (Closed): Map Composer : Improve the functions of locking and unlocking items
12:38 PM Feature request #13786 (Reopened): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone...
- The default QGIS install (2.12) doesn't include R/W access to ESRI FileGBs (it used to and it go dropped about 2.8). ...
12:22 PM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- Not same at all - I got mess in fields of single object, not mixed with other objects. Also geometry looks unbroken (...
11:07 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- see also #13298, seems the same issue.
11:47 AM Bug report #11211: Save QGIS project on VPN connection is very slow
- see also #13299
11:47 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
- related to #11211?
10:20 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
- For what I can remember saving on NFS/Samba shares was always ok for me, but I can give it a new try.
10:20 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
- For what I can remember saving on NFS/Samba shares was always ok for me, but I can give it a new try.
11:15 AM Bug report #13709: Processing: "Cover" and "MergeData"Fusion Lidar Tools aren't working
- same problem with GroundFilter
11:06 AM Bug report #13298 (Feedback): Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
- This seems really similar to #13741
can someone provide a clear sequence of steps to allow us replicate the issue in... -
11:06 AM Bug report #13298 (Feedback): Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
- This seems really similar to #13741
can someone provide a clear sequence of steps to allow us replicate the issue in... -
11:05 AM Bug report #13473 (Feedback): oracle show 0 when asked for 'show feature count' in layer list
- Are you using estimated metadata data and is the table analyzed? Otherwise Oracle claims that the number of rows is ...
10:54 AM Bug report #13699 (Feedback): Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
- Just tested on master on linux and windows and cannot confirm, could you give it a try and report back? thanks!
10:44 AM Bug report #13785: Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orientation
- It is right. The problem is that the changes in the system dialog box do not effect the print composer. Probably I mi...
10:40 AM Bug report #13785 (Feedback): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orie...
- as far as I remember Ctrl+Shift+P dialog is to configure the page size and orientation of the printer, not of the qgi...
10:40 AM Bug report #13785 (Feedback): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orie...
- as far as I remember Ctrl+Shift+P dialog is to configure the page size and orientation of the printer, not of the qgi...
10:18 AM Bug report #13785: Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orientation
- The problem is related to the use of the main menu (Ctrl+Shift+P or main menu). Chages in size page and orientation a...
10:12 AM Bug report #13785 (Closed): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orient...
- Print composer does not allow changes in size page (es. from A4 landscape to A3 landscape) and orientation (es. from ...
10:43 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
- The sqldrivers (ocispatial but also qspatialite) are installed into the default directory for Qt plugins (QT_PLUGINS_...
10:43 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
- The sqldrivers (ocispatial but also qspatialite) are installed into the default directory for Qt plugins (QT_PLUGINS_...
10:35 AM Bug report #13755 (Feedback): Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- Do the tables you copy features from and to have the same structure?
Are you copying new features before they are co... -
10:18 AM Bug report #13341: DBManager doesn't import view from table with non numeric key
- see also #13670
10:16 AM Bug report #13669: Circular string generates duplicated nodes
- it seems to create more than 1 (duplicate nodes).
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),...
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),...
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
- by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),...
09:15 AM Bug report #13675: Crashes when I try to move the features of memory layer that is rendered by ru...
- Cannot replicate on master, tested on both Windows and Linux.
09:15 AM Bug report #13675: Crashes when I try to move the features of memory layer that is rendered by ru...
- Cannot replicate on master, tested on both Windows and Linux.
07:40 AM Bug report #13343: Rendering long segments produces artefacts
- sample data:
06:33 AM Bug report #13784 (Closed): Extent for a new GRASS location not calculated correctly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"04f3216472d79ba7cf23882c11773b40070ebcc8".
05:06 AM Bug report #13784 (Closed): Extent for a new GRASS location not calculated correctly
- * load attached shp (EPSG:23030)
* create new grass location (same EPSG)
* calculated extent is shown as inf inf -
06:02 AM Bug report #10755 (Closed): Python Console crashes when removing non-existent vector layer
02:39 AM Bug report #10755: Python Console crashes when removing non-existent vector layer
- Should we close this as duplicate?
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
- Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master.
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
- Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master.
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
- Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master.
05:23 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
- Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have a PostgreSQL DB right now to check again but what do u mean by "can no... -
03:31 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
- Hi,
I don't have a PostgreSQL DB right now to check again but what do u mean by "can not confirm":
- QGIS adds the fi... -
05:02 AM Feature request #11103 (In Progress): Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
- It might be fixed with 061bdde, can somebody please test and confirm that it works on other screen sizes/operating s...
05:01 AM Bug report #13470 (Closed): Fix font size in plugin manager on HiDPI displays
- Fixed with 061bdde
05:01 AM Bug report #13470 (Closed): Fix font size in plugin manager on HiDPI displays
- Fixed with 061bdde
02:41 AM Bug report #13643 (Feedback): After adding Postgis view I can't see records in attribute table
- I'd say this is the intended behaviour. The queries are run readonly where @nextval@ doesn't work. Why not use @row...
02:36 AM Bug report #12828 (Closed): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- closing for the lack of feedback and as it should be fixed.
02:36 AM Bug report #12828 (Closed): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- closing for the lack of feedback and as it should be fixed.
02:20 AM Bug report #13648 (Feedback): After saving postgis layer edition unnecessary log message appears
- I also cannot confirm on the latest master on both Linux and Windows.
02:20 AM Bug report #13648 (Feedback): After saving postgis layer edition unnecessary log message appears
- I also cannot confirm on the latest master on both Linux and Windows.
02:00 AM Bug report #10636 (Feedback): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
- This seems to work as expected, at least on master.
01:57 AM Bug report #13592 (Open): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
- Checked again, I can confirm it on a clean 2.12 install. Steps to reproduce:
* open iterative/watersheds.shp from pro... -
01:54 AM Feature request #13685: Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
- Not sure I agree in general, anyway updating in the installation folder I guess would be a problem with permissions.
01:54 AM Feature request #13685: Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
- Not sure I agree in general, anyway updating in the installation folder I guess would be a problem with permissions.
01:37 AM Bug report #13689 (Closed): Mouse behaviour in digitizing mode.
- I think this is by design. I see your point (but of course this do not seems to be an issue for the vast majority of ...
01:37 AM Bug report #13689 (Closed): Mouse behaviour in digitizing mode.
- I think this is by design. I see your point (but of course this do not seems to be an issue for the vast majority of ...
01:31 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
- Could you please add here an example of the actions
01:31 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
- Could you please add here an example of the actions
01:25 AM Bug report #13691 (Feedback): Zoom level affects display of the layer
- Hi, it is not really clear what the issue is, can you elaborate? thanks.
01:25 AM Bug report #13691 (Feedback): Zoom level affects display of the layer
- Hi, it is not really clear what the issue is, can you elaborate? thanks.
12:15 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
- If you compile QGIS with Oracle driver and wants to install QGIS as non-root user the 'make install' fails because ma...
12:07 AM Bug report #13701 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer ...
- Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)?
12:07 AM Bug report #13701 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer ...
- Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)?
12:04 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- Daan Goedkoop wrote:
> It can be an annoying bug. For example, the 'split feature' tool has the feature that if you s... -
01:22 PM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- It can be an annoying bug. For example, the 'split feature' tool has the feature that if you start cutting at a snapp...
09:58 AM Bug report #13745 (Open): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- Now I see. Thanks.
09:58 AM Bug report #13745 (Open): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- Now I see. Thanks.
09:29 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- I have just tried it with QGIS Master on Linux, and the behaviour is as I originally described. I have attached a fil...
01:08 AM Bug report #13745 (Feedback): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- I just followed all the steps and on QGIS master I cannot replicate the issue. Could you please test on master and/or...
12:03 AM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
- "duplicate layer" do not duplicate (create a copy of) the datasource, it just duplicates in the project, the layer is...
12:03 AM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
- "duplicate layer" do not duplicate (create a copy of) the datasource, it just duplicates in the project, the layer is...
04:25 PM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
- I want to export a subset of my features/attributes to geojson so that I can use them in a web map.
Given I've got a... -
02:27 PM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Fixed in changeset commit:"65fb72a958c0d0cb0edce9c974cb6b2720d483b4".
01:19 PM Bug report #13781 (Reopened): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Still needs to be fixed in trunk
12:39 PM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Fixed in changeset commit:"54cf972ac2334451e69d2171cc4f3e42da3880df".
12:36 PM Bug report #13781 (In Progress): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Confirmed, setting mValid=false when disconnecting the DB fixes this crash.
Should I provide a testcase for this ? Wo... -
12:34 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Found the issue: while mValid member is initialized to false, the call to QgsPostgresProvider::getGeometryDetails() s...
12:31 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Should a failed construction throw an exception rather than building partially ?
12:31 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- I see that QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider has lots of early returns. The crash happens because a QgsPostgre...
11:26 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- Debug log seems interesting:
src/providers/postgres/qgspgtablemodel.cpp: 379: (layerURI) [16593ms] returning uri dbn... -
10:42 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- NOTE: I've tested the crash to also happen with master branch from some weeks ago (commit:a0a44f2)
10:15 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- To reproduce:
createdb bug13781
psql bug13781 <<EOF
create extension postgis;
create extension postgis_topology;
sel... -
09:21 AM Bug report #13781 (Feedback): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
09:14 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- I don't know if this could be related:
src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresconn.cpp: 903: (PQexec) [0ms] Not logged er... -
09:12 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- It's actually easy to reproduce for me. Just start qgis, select a TopoGeometry column (not registered in topology.lay...
09:11 AM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
- I'm not sure exactly what triggered this, anyway, here's a backtrace:...
12:11 PM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
- Today I dug in this issue and all related ones. In my opinion, the reason this works badly (or not at all) is the com...
12:09 PM Bug report #11517 (Closed): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- I confirm that it's working: to get the desired fixed size, you need to set minimumSize and maximumSize properties in...
11:59 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- Fixed size it's ignored indeed...
10:40 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- I cannot reproduce, setting the dialog size policy to Minimum or MinimumExpanding from designer in the UI file works ...
10:40 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
- I cannot reproduce, setting the dialog size policy to Minimum or MinimumExpanding from designer in the UI file works ...
12:07 PM Bug report #13186 (Open): Qgis Unable to export A0 300 dpi image - memory overflow notification
11:59 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
- Duplicate of #11357
11:59 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
- Duplicate of #11357
04:15 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
- It would be useful to be able to define a polygon mask from another layer to constrain heatmap style rendering
11:58 AM Bug report #13705 (Closed): Distance Matrix Plugin does not show the distance in meters
- Hi,
you are probably making a good point here, but this place is not either the place where to raise such discussio... -
11:58 AM Bug report #13705 (Closed): Distance Matrix Plugin does not show the distance in meters
- Hi,
you are probably making a good point here, but this place is not either the place where to raise such discussio... -
11:52 AM Bug report #13706 (Feedback): Not working grass plugin in QGis Lyon for osx - file browser-
- GRASS browser is now integrated in QGIS browser, please check and report back. Thanks!
11:52 AM Bug report #13706 (Feedback): Not working grass plugin in QGis Lyon for osx - file browser-
- GRASS browser is now integrated in QGIS browser, please check and report back. Thanks!
11:51 AM Bug report #9444: WFS client not requesting new features when not-cached
- @Maarten I like this idea (using status 206) since it is really hard to find out if the server limit has been reached...
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3.
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3.
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3.
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3.
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
- It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression).
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
- It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression).
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
- It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression).
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple...
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple...
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple...
06:59 AM Bug report #13779 (Closed): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- New description:
in QGIS >= 2.10 the legend shows the symbology too wide/high if the symbols are large/high. This wa... -
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
- Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm.
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
- Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm.
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
- Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm.
11:05 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
- Randal Hale wrote:
> Thanks - yes I think that is what has me thrown. Topology seems to be doing one thing and I'm no... -
10:25 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
- Thanks - yes I think that is what has me thrown. Topology seems to be doing one thing and I'm not sure where Geometry...
10:17 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
- Well of course here is one of those areas where we have what I call "bad redundancy", especially considering that the...
10:17 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
- Well of course here is one of those areas where we have what I call "bad redundancy", especially considering that the...
08:16 AM Bug report #13780 (Closed): incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and ...
- I think I've got an interesting situation.
If you take the attached shapefile and use the topology plugin and check... -
11:05 AM Bug report #13738: OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel is enabled
- Seems to be OK now. Thanks
10:49 AM Feature request #11794 (Feedback): spatialite connection custom name
- I cannot reproduce: a spatialite DB is just a file, if you copy the file to another directory you can load it into QG...
10:49 AM Feature request #11794 (Feedback): spatialite connection custom name
- I cannot reproduce: a spatialite DB is just a file, if you copy the file to another directory you can load it into QG...
10:27 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- It occurred to me that preventing the mapcanvas from rendering might help.
have found that in, def clos... -
09:09 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-... -
09:09 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-... -
08:34 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-dump remains.
08:04 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> remove all 3rd party plugins, the mini-dump remains.!!!!
can you replicate on other mach... -
07:45 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- remove all 3rd party plugins, the mini-dump remains.!!!!
07:17 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I started with --no plugins; I can not find DBManager
sorry, I meant 3rd party plugins. -
07:08 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- I started with --no plugins; I can not find DBManager
06:41 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> QGIS 2.12 causes a minidump when closing the 'DB Manager' in the 'Preview' view with vect... -
06:07 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
- QGIS 2.12 causes a minidump when closing the 'DB Manager' in the 'Preview' view with vector postgis (Win10) (see Atta...
05:14 AM Bug report #13679 (Feedback): QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for Pos...
- Cannot replicate the issue on master/windows following the same steps, please update, try again and report back, thanks!
05:14 AM Bug report #13679 (Feedback): QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for Pos...
- Cannot replicate the issue on master/windows following the same steps, please update, try again and report back, thanks!
10:19 AM Feature request #13756 (Closed): More descriptive layer names for added DXF vector data
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f99ccf0be18820de386fc01a935d1cebbb53aad4".
10:09 AM Feature request #13739 (Closed): Allow to attach attributes to existing geometry
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5f3954a3a84cc78f45aefecb899e9d1defe36d3a".
07:02 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- It's almost impossible to replicate this issue, so there is no hope to screencast. Issue happens once in a hundred sa...
06:43 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- Jakub Kosik wrote:
> After some research: only new added features are broken, eg. from copy-paste or split. They are ... -
05:37 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- After some research: only new added features are broken, eg. from copy-paste or split. They are displayed properly un...
03:32 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
- As I said, there is no rule. I cannot specify exact steps, but this only happens when I digitise a lot: most vertex e...
01:16 AM Bug report #13741 (Feedback): Spatialite moving fields
- Can you please specify the exact steps to replicate and/or attach a sample dataset?
thanks. -
01:16 AM Bug report #13741 (Feedback): Spatialite moving fields
- Can you please specify the exact steps to replicate and/or attach a sample dataset?
thanks. -
01:16 AM Bug report #13741 (Feedback): Spatialite moving fields
- Can you please specify the exact steps to replicate and/or attach a sample dataset?
thanks. -
06:07 AM Feature request #13778 (Closed): Keep dialog persistent on view>panels and View>toolbar
- When choosing to open or close the view of a panel or toolbar, the menu close after one click.
A feature for keeping... -
05:37 AM Bug report #13720: Disable some digitizing tools when point (non multipoint) layer is being edited
- correct. Multi-point layers/shapefiles are certainly possible and the described tools work as expected with them. It ...
05:37 AM Bug report #13720: Disable some digitizing tools when point (non multipoint) layer is being edited
- correct. Multi-point layers/shapefiles are certainly possible and the described tools work as expected with them. It ...
05:18 AM Bug report #13336: Allow raster calculator with huge raster inputs
- Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi Nyall,
> Same problem with 2.12.0 on Windows 7-64
> Files are large .tiff(84GB each) b... -
05:18 AM Bug report #13336: Allow raster calculator with huge raster inputs
- Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi Nyall,
> Same problem with 2.12.0 on Windows 7-64
> Files are large .tiff(84GB each) b... -
05:16 AM Bug report #13721 (Feedback): Connection Issues with 2.12 and SQL Server 2014
- What is the exact issue? mssql server geometryless tables do not load? Are you checking the "also list tables with no...
05:16 AM Bug report #13721 (Feedback): Connection Issues with 2.12 and SQL Server 2014
- What is the exact issue? mssql server geometryless tables do not load? Are you checking the "also list tables with no...
05:12 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
- see also #13771
05:12 AM Bug report #13771 (Closed): "Merge selected features" tool doesn't erase the original features
- duplicate of #11007
05:12 AM Bug report #13771 (Closed): "Merge selected features" tool doesn't erase the original features
- duplicate of #11007
03:35 AM Bug report #13771 (Closed): "Merge selected features" tool doesn't erase the original features
- I merged a number of features with the specific tool. The merged feautere was created and the attributes table showed...
05:11 AM Bug report #13776: Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- confirmed also on Linux/master.
05:11 AM Bug report #13776: Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- confirmed also on Linux/master.
05:11 AM Bug report #13776: Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- confirmed also on Linux/master.
05:11 AM Bug report #13776: Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- confirmed also on Linux/master.
05:11 AM Bug report #13776: Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- confirmed also on Linux/master.
04:45 AM Bug report #13776 (Closed): Print Composer Width in Legend fails
- Trying to set a width in Legend (with or without autoupdate) it is impossible to write a number/ delete the existing....
04:52 AM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
- Rombert Stapel wrote:
> I haven't encountered the issue so far in 2.12. My CRS was almost identical to Daniele's sett... -
03:33 AM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
- I haven't encountered the issue so far in 2.12. My CRS was almost identical to Daniele's settings.
03:28 AM Bug report #13658 (Feedback): Polygons disappear after saving
- Could anyone describe a way on how trigger this issue? Can you please test 2.12 (and possibly master) and see if is s...
03:28 AM Bug report #13658 (Feedback): Polygons disappear after saving
- Could anyone describe a way on how trigger this issue? Can you please test 2.12 (and possibly master) and see if is s...
03:23 AM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
- I met a similar problem but I couldn't replicate it:
I created a point in a shapefile and set its attributes. As I sa... -
04:46 AM Feature request #13777 (Feedback): include Python pip in macosx installer
- After discussion in Hackfest Las Palmas about using pip for plugins itself OR plugin dependencies, the plan came up t...
04:43 AM Feature request #13775 (Closed): include Python pip in osgeo4w installer
- After discussion in Hackfest Las Palmas about using pip for plugins itself OR plugin dependencies, the plan came up t...
04:40 AM Bug report #10828 (Feedback): project loading and adding/removing layers is slow if project has c...
04:40 AM Bug report #10828: project loading and adding/removing layers is slow if project has composers
- Per Gammerath wrote:
> I see that this issue persists in QGIS Pisa. I still would like to know why the layouts can't ... -
03:55 AM Bug report #10828: project loading and adding/removing layers is slow if project has composers
Times for saving project on local C: or network H:
1. Projekt with composers (1-2 composers) on C: 1-2 sec
2. Pro...-
04:21 AM Feature request #13774 (Open): keep invalid layers
- If I can't load a layer on opening a project, for example if a database is unavailable, I would like the layer to rem...
04:17 AM Bug report #13769: Help file url is incorrect
- Yes, it is .qgis2
04:13 AM Bug report #13769: Help file url is incorrect
- Frank Sokolic wrote:
> Yes, I'm using the latest processing version on Master, Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit. I've deleted the ... -
04:01 AM Bug report #13769: Help file url is incorrect
- Yes, I'm using the latest processing version on Master, Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit. I've deleted the _processing_ folder fro...
02:39 AM Bug report #13769 (Feedback): Help file url is incorrect
- Cannot replicate here (ubuntu and windows): are you using the latest processing version on master? check if in .qgis2...
02:21 AM Bug report #13769 (Closed): Help file url is incorrect
- When using tools in *Processing Toolbox > Advanced Interface > QGIS Algorithms* the help tab uses an incorrect url.
... -
04:11 AM Bug report #13729 (Feedback): Formatting and rounding errors in world files (tfw) exported by Map...
- I have just tested on master and I don't see this rounding error. Could you test it?
Moreover the withe lines in tfw... -
04:04 AM Feature request #13772 (Closed): Store 'Field Edit Widget' in Layer Defiition File
- While saving a Layer Definition File - Colours ect are saved - but missing 'Field Edit Widget'.
It is not possible... -
03:51 AM Bug report #13770: Message bar is too small in HDPI devices
- Here you can see different occurrences of this issue: in the redesigned Processing toolbox and in the map panel when ...
03:32 AM Bug report #13770 (Closed): Message bar is too small in HDPI devices
- Looks like the size is defined in pixels, and it is to small to contain the text in case the user has a HDPI screen
02:40 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
- Can anyone attach/link sample data?
02:39 AM Feature request #13767: Add line button for print composer
- +1
02:06 AM Feature request #13767: Add line button for print composer
- I totally agree. I proposed this many years ago - but there was no-one ever worked on it or financed this improvement...
02:36 AM Bug report #13640 (Open): ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
02:24 AM Bug report #13640: ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- yes, probably I can hide it by 'saving this exception', but I think that is wrong
01:37 AM Bug report #13640 (Feedback): ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- Still true?
01:37 AM Bug report #13640 (Feedback): ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- Still true?
01:22 AM Feature request #13768 (Closed): Add custom polygon item to print composer
- Duplicate of #13087
01:22 AM Feature request #13768 (Closed): Add custom polygon item to print composer
- Duplicate of #13087
01:02 AM Feature request #13768 (Closed): Add custom polygon item to print composer
- Currently, we can add ellipses, rectangles, and triangles to print compositions. It would be nice if the user could d...
01:22 AM Bug report #13737 (Feedback): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
- The provided link does not work, could you fix it?
Anyway, did it worked correctly in previous qgis versions? -
01:22 AM Bug report #13737 (Feedback): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
- The provided link does not work, could you fix it?
Anyway, did it worked correctly in previous qgis versions? -
01:19 AM Bug report #13754 (Feedback): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = O...
- Can you give some more detail? I tried with a few multipolygon layers and couldn't reproduce
01:17 AM Bug report #13724 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Please try the suggested solution in comment #2 and report back, thanks.
01:17 AM Bug report #13724 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Please try the suggested solution in comment #2 and report back, thanks.
01:17 AM Bug report #13724 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Please try the suggested solution in comment #2 and report back, thanks.
01:17 AM Bug report #13724 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Please try the suggested solution in comment #2 and report back, thanks.
01:14 AM Bug report #13749 (Closed): Add csv layer: points not created
- Fixed in changeset commit:"743964393450178289e6717d67cdba04c6206e23".
12:51 AM Feature request #13767 (Closed): Add line button for print composer
- Currently, we only have a button to add an arrow. The user can remove the arrow head to get a simple line. This seems...
11:50 PM Bug report #13766: Crash after clicking on window close.
- there are plugns known to make qgis crash on exit even if disabled. The quickest way to check if is a plugin or some ...
11:50 PM Bug report #13766: Crash after clicking on window close.
- there are plugns known to make qgis crash on exit even if disabled. The quickest way to check if is a plugin or some ...
11:50 PM Bug report #13766: Crash after clicking on window close.
- there are plugns known to make qgis crash on exit even if disabled. The quickest way to check if is a plugin or some ...
06:32 PM Bug report #13766 (Feedback): Crash after clicking on window close.
- Try uninstalling/disabling any plugins you've installed. They're usually the culprit for crashes on close.
05:30 PM Bug report #13766 (Closed): Crash after clicking on window close.
- After I have saved a file and then click on my close window icon (top right) I get a crash dump error that pops up.
I... -
01:11 PM Bug report #13184: Labelling of hidden shapes when sub-categorization is used.
- Fairly certain this was fixed during 2.12, so testing with 2.12 would also be appreciated
10:00 AM Bug report #13184 (Feedback): Labelling of hidden shapes when sub-categorization is used.
- This does not seems the case anymore at least on QGIS master, please test and report back.
10:00 AM Bug report #13184 (Feedback): Labelling of hidden shapes when sub-categorization is used.
- This does not seems the case anymore at least on QGIS master, please test and report back.
01:01 PM Bug report #13738 (Closed): OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel i...
- Should be fixed in master. Please reopen if reproducible after fe3417b5
01:01 PM Bug report #13738 (Closed): OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel i...
- Should be fixed in master. Please reopen if reproducible after fe3417b5
11:26 AM Bug report #13738 (Feedback): OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel...
- Can we close this?
01:00 PM Bug report #3580 (Closed): New symbols go wild for lines
11:40 AM Bug report #3580: New symbols go wild for lines
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Do you still see this in 2.12?
that weird lines visible in the attached screenshots are not vi... -
11:40 AM Bug report #3580: New symbols go wild for lines
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Do you still see this in 2.12?
that weird lines visible in the attached screenshots are not vi... -
12:47 PM Bug report #8357 (Closed): QGIS Server seems to interpret paths to SVG files relative to it's own...
- Closing in favor of #13703
Sorry, I somehow couldn't find the opened issue when searching for it, so I opened up a ne... -
12:12 PM Bug report #13735: CRS transformation broken in Master?
- I can confirm it on master.
- 12:06 PM Feature request #13410 (Closed): Save python forms logic into postgres
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f982c842eb17b47ee3026336a2591a0b1c5f3199".
11:43 AM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Confirmed on master and Linux.
11:43 AM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Confirmed on master and Linux.
11:43 AM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Confirmed on master and Linux.
11:43 AM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Confirmed on master and Linux.
11:43 AM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- Confirmed on master and Linux.
11:41 AM Bug report #13374 (Feedback): Crash on loading MySQL geometry Layer
11:28 AM Bug report #13748: Wrong field type limitation
- I can fix this, then if other cases will arise we can open separate tickets.
11:28 AM Bug report #13748: Wrong field type limitation
- I can fix this, then if other cases will arise we can open separate tickets.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:24 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- Confirmed, the bug appeared on 2.10 and still present on master.
11:20 AM Bug report #13530 (Feedback): cpt-city ramps missing
- I cannot replicate on Windows/Osgeo4w 64bit with QGIS 2.10 and 2.12.
11:20 AM Bug report #13530 (Feedback): cpt-city ramps missing
- I cannot replicate on Windows/Osgeo4w 64bit with QGIS 2.10 and 2.12.
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
11:17 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
- The real issue in now another: on QGIS > 2.8.3 with the provided sample data dissolve produces an empty output.
The ... -
10:47 AM Bug report #13753 (Feedback): Data defined label rotation in Radians, not Degrees
- I can apply use data defined rotation using values that are representing degrees... testing on linux/master.
10:36 AM Bug report #12112 (Closed): "Save as" fails to export from PostGIS (or Spatialite) to CSV when th...
10:32 AM Bug report #12112: "Save as" fails to export from PostGIS (or Spatialite) to CSV when the are two...
- Hi Stefan,
We reproduced your issue. By the way, it was pretty hard to even create a PostGIS table with fields 'id' ... -
09:18 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- This worked as expected until 2.8.3
Actually in 2.8.3 if selecting outside the boundaries of a certain layer CRS QGI... -
09:18 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- This worked as expected until 2.8.3
Actually in 2.8.3 if selecting outside the boundaries of a certain layer CRS QGI... -
09:18 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- This worked as expected until 2.8.3
Actually in 2.8.3 if selecting outside the boundaries of a certain layer CRS QGI... -
09:18 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- This worked as expected until 2.8.3
Actually in 2.8.3 if selecting outside the boundaries of a certain layer CRS QGI... -
09:04 AM Bug report #12236: Snapping options
- We checked this on the master release (2.13) today and it seems to work properly. Please check again and report withi...
09:03 AM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- as it worked in previous qgis releases tagging this as a blocker.
09:03 AM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- as it worked in previous qgis releases tagging this as a blocker.
08:47 AM Bug report #13765 (Closed): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "text"...
- pick a vector and a csv. Join two fields being the content of this field only integer numbers and the the type "text"...
08:44 AM Bug report #13758 (Feedback): Attribute Table, Clipboard
- What do you mean with "join number"?
I created joins, copied/pasted (to libreoffice) the resulting table of attribut... -
08:08 AM Bug report #13761: EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
- note, proj4 strings of this two CRS are identical:
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-73.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +e... -
08:08 AM Bug report #13761: EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
- note, proj4 strings of this two CRS are identical:
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-73.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=304800 +y_0=0 +e... -
08:03 AM Bug report #13763 (Open): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- Confirmed here on master.
The appeared after 2.8.3 (not sure if in 2.10 or 2.12). -
08:03 AM Bug report #13763 (Open): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- Confirmed here on master.
The appeared after 2.8.3 (not sure if in 2.10 or 2.12). -
08:03 AM Bug report #13763 (Open): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- Confirmed here on master.
The appeared after 2.8.3 (not sure if in 2.10 or 2.12). -
08:03 AM Bug report #13763 (Open): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- Confirmed here on master.
The appeared after 2.8.3 (not sure if in 2.10 or 2.12). -
08:03 AM Bug report #13763 (Open): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- Confirmed here on master.
The appeared after 2.8.3 (not sure if in 2.10 or 2.12). -
06:19 AM Bug report #13763: QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- The section I was referencing is the one in section 7.2.9 of the training manual. I have attached the screenshots of ...
06:19 AM Bug report #13763: QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- The section I was referencing is the one in section 7.2.9 of the training manual. I have attached the screenshots of ...
06:19 AM Bug report #13763: QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- The section I was referencing is the one in section 7.2.9 of the training manual. I have attached the screenshots of ...
05:04 AM Bug report #13763 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
04:57 AM Bug report #13763: QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- While trying to replicate this bug some things were not clear to me. Paragraph 7.2.10 is describing an intersection a...
02:33 AM Bug report #13763 (Closed): QGIS crashes when doing a buffer with ftools
- QGIS crashes on doing buffer on a polygon area that has been generated from open street map. The dataset has been ext...
07:58 AM Bug report #13760 (In Progress): OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- The problem is how we build the ogr2ogr command in Processing, and the fact that the kml file name can not correspond...
07:58 AM Bug report #13760 (In Progress): OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- The problem is how we build the ogr2ogr command in Processing, and the fact that the kml file name can not correspond...
07:58 AM Bug report #13760 (In Progress): OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- The problem is how we build the ogr2ogr command in Processing, and the fact that the kml file name can not correspond...
07:46 AM Feature request #13764 (Closed): Let Processing command filter search not only in translation, bu...
- When it comes to Processing, many users prefer to call the command with the original English name (e.g. buffer has of...
06:06 AM Bug report #12371: projection problems
- You might be using the wrong projection parameters. When I try this one it looks as I expected:
+proj=aeqd +lat_0=31... -
05:52 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- I confirm the issue, also on master. This was not an issue on 1.8.
05:52 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- I confirm the issue, also on master. This was not an issue on 1.8.
05:52 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- I confirm the issue, also on master. This was not an issue on 1.8.
05:52 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- I confirm the issue, also on master. This was not an issue on 1.8.
03:45 AM Bug report #13667: rule based labelling is not saved in qml style files
- I have a similar issue where old qml style files, which have rule-based labelling in, no longer work when I try to ap...
02:59 AM Bug report #8334 (Closed): "Save selection as" is slow from large PostGIS table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f0d31b03a9bbc1d43e1b51ccd4acf64cf2616a63".
12:10 AM Bug report #13762 (Closed): Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate...
- When adding any layer from "" to QGIS, the follow...
11:40 PM Bug report #13760: OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- "C:\\User\\" is a typo, both routes are C:/Users/...
It's a good idea to modify the error window behavior for possib... -
09:43 AM Bug report #13760: OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- Alex Puente wrote:
> I misspelled the line, is:
> cmd.exe /C ogr2ogr.exe –f “ESRI Shapefile” C:/Users/jj/Desktop/new/... -
09:31 AM Bug report #13760: OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- I misspelled the line, is:
cmd.exe /C ogr2ogr.exe –f “ESRI Shapefile” C:/Users/jj/Desktop/new/qgisexport/qgisexport.s... -
09:21 AM Bug report #13760 (Closed): OGR Conversion format (Toolbox) don't work due to wrong syntax
- With the aim of convert a kml to shp, in QGIS I do:
Processing > Toolbox > GDAL/OGR > [OGR] Conversion > Conversion f... -
10:45 AM Bug report #13761 (Closed): EPSG:32188 is recognized as EPSG:2950
- A lot og my shapefiles with a .prj file (EPSG:32188) are imported as EPSG:2950
PROJCS["NAD_1983_MTM_... -
07:57 AM Bug report #13758 (Closed): Attribute Table, Clipboard
- I have a Attribute Table with some Joins. If I copy the Attribute Table to the Clipboard and Import it to Excel or an...
06:49 AM Bug report #13757 (Closed): Text with rule based labeling is not Exported to DXF
- * when you use a layer with rule based labeling the different textes are not exported to DXF. In the export is only a...
06:12 AM Feature request #13756 (Closed): More descriptive layer names for added DXF vector data
- When adding DXF vector data:
a) The layer name could become [filename.dxf] [geometry type] instead of "entities" [ge... -
06:03 AM Bug report #13755 (Closed): Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- Postgres/PostGIS versions involved:
PostgreSQL 9.3.4 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.8.3-2) 4.... -
06:02 AM Bug report #13754 (Closed): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Onl...
- Hi,
The graphical selection on multipolygons, does not recover all entities when using reprojection "on the fly".
ex... -
03:31 AM Bug report #13753 (Closed): Data defined label rotation in Radians, not Degrees
- According to 'description' popup on the *data-defined* rotation property for labels.. this suggests degrees...
Activ... -
02:52 AM Bug report #13752 (Closed): ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invali...
- New description, see #13752-1
Old description:
Using QGIS 2.8.3 Wien I use Vector/Geopr... - 02:22 AM Bug report #11266 (Closed): Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- Fixed in changeset commit:"524febe070832619661757c34f544f77c16ed0c7".
01:56 AM Feature request #13751 (Open): Rasterize
- When I export to PDF, a dialog suggests that I must print as raster due to advanced composition effects. Yet when pri...
01:54 AM Feature request #13750 (Closed): filter legend according to canvas extent AND scale visibility ra...
- Hi,
it is complex to find sometimes what is the actually displayed layer when we have visibility on scale ranges app... -
01:35 AM Bug report #13530: cpt-city ramps missing
- Still the same issue with 2.12...
01:33 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
- It's still there in 2.12, bu the way (just noticed the new version and tried !)
01:17 AM Bug report #13749 (Closed): Add csv layer: points not created
- [QGIS 2.10.1 / d20c5b7 / Windows 7 64 b]
Good morning,
Since upgrading to 'Pisa', I cannot add delimited text layer...
08:25 PM Bug report #13738: OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel is enabled
- Ok, I'll partially revert that commit. I was hoping it would help reduce some of qgis' memory usage, as valgrind is s...
09:41 AM Bug report #13738: OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel is enabled
- commit:406db65 is also related. I suspect there are more QString references passed to threads (via signals?) and de...
07:20 PM Bug report #13748 (Closed): Wrong field type limitation
- In some GRASS tools in the *processing toolbox* I find *wrong limitations on field type*. It might be problem also fo...
06:16 PM Bug report #12557 (Closed): cannot set size to marker on markerline from attribute
- This was fixed in 2.8.2
06:16 PM Bug report #12557 (Closed): cannot set size to marker on markerline from attribute
- This was fixed in 2.8.2
06:13 PM Bug report #9042 (Closed): Point displacement circle line width
- Fixed in 2.12 - now the circle can be made totally transparent to avoid drawing it
06:13 PM Bug report #9042 (Closed): Point displacement circle line width
- Fixed in 2.12 - now the circle can be made totally transparent to avoid drawing it
05:51 PM Bug report #3580 (Feedback): New symbols go wild for lines
- Do you still see this in 2.12?
01:36 PM Bug report #13374: Crash on loading MySQL geometry Layer
- GDAL/OGR 1.10.1
will try a different version as soon as possible - have to install an Ubuntu Wily to get a QGIS comp... -
12:40 PM Bug report #13727 (Closed): Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- Ok, this issue was already fixed in 2.8.2. I've tested your project with 2.8.3 and it works fine.
12:40 PM Bug report #13727 (Closed): Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- Ok, this issue was already fixed in 2.8.2. I've tested your project with 2.8.3 and it works fine.
07:09 AM Bug report #13727: Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- Sure. I just created a very small topo with a cut. Using only these two small shapefiles it is still doing it on my s...
07:09 AM Bug report #13727: Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- Sure. I just created a very small topo with a cut. Using only these two small shapefiles it is still doing it on my s...
11:58 AM Bug report #13707 (Closed): Data dependent styling of vector layers broken after upgrade to 2.12 ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2ac59332130186d891635f01c6c7677685716863".
01:18 AM Bug report #13707 (In Progress): Data dependent styling of vector layers broken after upgrade to ...
- Confirmed and bisected to commit:d6d6827
01:18 AM Bug report #13707 (In Progress): Data dependent styling of vector layers broken after upgrade to ...
- Confirmed and bisected to commit:d6d6827
- 11:17 AM Bug report #13747 (Closed): SQLite error: near "ROWID": bad where clause creation
- Fixed in changeset commit:"60c591d3a571d00eb46a3e7a573f7af1544bb5f3".
10:13 AM Bug report #13747: SQLite error: near "ROWID": bad where clause creation
- Fixed in
10:06 AM Bug report #13747 (Closed): SQLite error: near "ROWID": bad where clause creation
- src/providers/spatialite/qgsspatialitefeatureiterator.cpp
SQLite error: near "ROWID": syntax error
08:08 AM Bug report #10756: Minidump on closing QGIS 2.4
- Micha Silver wrote:
> I'm pretty sure I found the problem: It's the *LecoS plugin*. And it seems that it's not enough... -
08:02 AM Bug report #13746 (Closed): Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
- To reproduce the bug :
* Make a layer
* Set a scale dependent visibility
* Duplicate the layer
The scale dependent v... -
07:30 AM Bug report #11266: Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- Fixed the disappearing item issue, see:
07:30 AM Bug report #11266: Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- Fixed the disappearing item issue, see:
01:41 AM Bug report #11266: Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- The bug is worse than described, because when you activate editing
from within the form (clicking the pencil icon) an... -
01:41 AM Bug report #11266: Relations "Subforms" - delete records in form view
- The bug is worse than described, because when you activate editing
from within the form (clicking the pencil icon) an... -
06:41 AM Bug report #13735: CRS transformation broken in Master?
- I am not competent to comment on the technical details of the fix for #13665, however the following anecdotal evidenc...
04:59 AM Bug report #13693: Unable to open a python script from the python editor
- Thank you Salvatore!! It works indeed.
Rémi -
03:21 AM Bug report #13693: Unable to open a python script from the python editor
- Hi Remi,
I edited the above comment which should to work for you as well #13693-2 -
02:17 AM Bug report #13693: Unable to open a python script from the python editor
- Hello,
I have the same problem (on Mac OS 10.11.1 with Qgis 2.12.0 from kyngchaos), but the workaround does not work ... -
04:31 AM Bug report #13745 (Closed): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
- The snapping function doesn't snap exactly to vertices when on-the-fly reprojection is activated.
In the attachments...
12:32 AM Bug report #13727: Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- I can't reproduce. Can you share a small project/sample data which shows this issue?
10:19 AM Bug report #13727: Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- Yes, the data is getting saved to the shapefile. If I open the table the data is shown exactly as entered.
Also, I h... -
11:34 PM Feature request #4080: Html formatted labels
- Hello there,
Last week I made a presentation about my paper titled "Smart Aeronautical Chart Management System Desi... -
09:15 PM Bug report #13742 (Feedback): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- Likely a duplicate of #13343. It's been fixed since 2.12. Can you test the nightlies and confirm?
05:27 PM Bug report #13742 (Closed): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
- I'm using QGIS 2.12 "Lyon", Windows 7, 8, and 10, though it happened under "Pisa" too.
Particularly with larger, mor... -
06:49 PM Bug report #13744 (Closed): paste problems
- Paste into memory vector layer creates the new layer but with no data in it. If I then activate edit and manually pa...
06:07 PM Bug report #13743 (Closed): Pyqgis add field to PostGIS table fails
- I'm trying to add a field to my PostGIS table using the following code:
--------------------------------------------... -
03:01 PM Bug report #13741 (Closed): Spatialite moving fields
- When using spatialite database I've found strange behaviour: sometime, with no rule, fields are saved incorrectly. Th...
02:29 PM Feature request #11103: Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
- @Anita Graser - Either I don't understand your comment about the plugin description not scaling, or I just cant repro...
01:00 PM Bug report #13724: QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
- Experienced the same issue. Reinstalled PROJ from [1]. This fixed the issue for me on El Capitan with 2.12
[1] http:... -
10:58 AM Feature request #13739: Allow to attach attributes to existing geometry
- Test for this issue (currently disabled ) was added in commit:f3d9e75.
The possibility to attach attributes to a geo... -
10:36 AM Feature request #13739 (Closed): Allow to attach attributes to existing geometry
- It is not possible to attach attributes to existing geometry without attributes (boundary) digitized in previous sess...
10:57 AM Bug report #13740 (Closed): selectionChanged signal emitted on Mac without arguments
- On OSX Yosemite, 10.10.5, both QGIS version 2.10 and 2.12 (KyngChaos installer), GDAL 1.11., When selectionChanged si...
10:56 AM Bug report #13732 (Closed): Disabling qgis.db
- Local issue... Like Nathan said, we need write access to that file. You'll need to update your permissions to match.
10:56 AM Bug report #13732 (Closed): Disabling qgis.db
- Local issue... Like Nathan said, we need write access to that file. You'll need to update your permissions to match.
04:24 AM Bug report #13732: Disabling qgis.db
- I'm not sure I see the issue with giving the user permissions to write to that database. It's expected that the user ...
04:21 AM Bug report #13732: Disabling qgis.db
- Thanks for the quick response.
This database is for bookmarks and custom SRS'es, right? If i dont use bookmarks and c... -
03:17 AM Bug report #13732: Disabling qgis.db
- QGIS uses this database and will need write access to it. Best to fix your permissions and let the user write to the...
03:15 AM Bug report #13732 (Closed): Disabling qgis.db
- Hi all,
I have a problem with qgis.db. Every time Qgis is started, i get an error message: 'Update of view in private... -
10:30 AM Bug report #13735: CRS transformation broken in Master?
- Could it be caused by commit:1c22445 fix for #13665?
05:37 AM Bug report #13735 (Closed): CRS transformation broken in Master?
- Projects with Geotif layers being "on-the fly" transformed, which worked fine a few days ago, now generate 100% CPU u...
08:56 AM Bug report #13738 (Closed): OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel i...
- This occurs with 32-bit builds from OSGeo4W; also happens when I compile myself, using OSGeo4W configuration.
The sta... -
07:42 AM Bug report #13737 (Closed): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
- inside qgis 2.12.0 and 2.10 min and max of a raster
are n... -
05:41 AM Bug report #13736 (Closed): sub dialogs too big for screen
- after opening a sub dialog, e.g. one of the style sub-dialogs in layer properties, the OK and Cancel buttons extend b...
04:34 AM Bug report #13135 (Closed): Extract by location missing in Qgis 2.8.2
- Ok,
This is fixed in QGIS 2.8.3 so I am closing the bug... -
04:34 AM Bug report #13135 (Closed): Extract by location missing in Qgis 2.8.2
- Ok,
This is fixed in QGIS 2.8.3 so I am closing the bug... -
04:29 AM Bug report #13412 (Closed): processing ''Get online scripts' does not honor QGIS proxy settings?
- Fixed in changeset commit:"584c86d62949c0815e515ccefc25139919b9c29c".
04:27 AM Bug report #13412: processing ''Get online scripts' does not honor QGIS proxy settings?
- I've written a "PR": ...
03:47 AM Feature request #13734 (Open): SQL result limiting in DBManager
- While working with huge tables without limiting the query size causes freezing DBManager. I think it should returns l...
03:29 AM Bug report #13733 (Closed): DBManager Export to file: missing extension for output causing error
- New description:
Since QGIS 2.12 DB Manager allow to export data in format other than shapes. When choosing the outpu... -
03:13 AM Bug report #13730 (Closed): 2.12 build fails on 32-bit arch (testqgsdistancearea.cpp)
- PR merged in commit:03eaafe
03:13 AM Bug report #13730 (Closed): 2.12 build fails on 32-bit arch (testqgsdistancearea.cpp)
- PR merged in commit:03eaafe
03:13 AM Bug report #13730 (Closed): 2.12 build fails on 32-bit arch (testqgsdistancearea.cpp)
- PR merged in commit:03eaafe
02:10 AM Bug report #13730: 2.12 build fails on 32-bit arch (testqgsdistancearea.cpp)
01:53 AM Bug report #13730 (Closed): 2.12 build fails on 32-bit arch (testqgsdistancearea.cpp)
- ...
02:58 AM Bug report #13731 (Closed): DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
- In QGIS 2.12 when using DBManager plugin with Oracle tables this bug occurs. I ran a simple SQL query like +SELECT * ...
02:25 AM Bug report #13640: ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
- Getting a similar error box.
QGIS 2.12 installed via debian packages (deb jessie main), "Vers... -
01:48 AM Bug report #13695 (Closed): Extents (Print Composer): Data defined override not working
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c445ac1eef0a2f94d1e334b1439d593e706f1395".
12:37 AM Bug report #13729 (Closed): Formatting and rounding errors in world files (tfw) exported by Map C...
- Coordinates in tfw files are little bit off of the exact bounding box.
When bounding box of a map is even (224000, 70... -
12:23 AM Bug report #13728 (Closed): exported world file (tfw) using corner instead of center coordinates ...
- Tfw files exported by Map Composer use currently corner coordinates of upper left pixel. It should be center coordina...
11:41 PM Bug report #13727 (Feedback): Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- To confirm, is the data getting saved corrctly into the shapefile (eg browsing the table shows your entered anchor va...
09:28 PM Bug report #13727 (Closed): Simple Marker Data Defined Anchor Point
- I am trying to use data definition to define a cliff hashmark.
I have created a style for the line with a simple mar... -
02:46 PM Bug report #13725: Proj/zone missing in GRASS rasters imported in browser
- Note:
there is also r.import (, shipped with GRASS GIS 7.0.2+ ... -
08:57 AM Bug report #13725 (Closed): Proj/zone missing in GRASS rasters imported in browser
- Fixed in changeset commit:"24960da08a566b6c2e15b60c80cad637f800a3e3".
08:55 AM Bug report #13725 (Closed): Proj/zone missing in GRASS rasters imported in browser
- Rasters imported in browser using drag and drop do not have set proj/zone. GRASS modules run on such rasters end with...
12:03 PM Bug report #13726 (Closed): New line attributes are lost
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0ceeb512fb486ebf6f1006b39cbea428fc524057".
09:50 AM Bug report #13726 (Closed): New line attributes are lost
- When a new line is digitized and attributes are entered in form, the attributes are lost.
The bug is in QgsMapToolAd... -
06:57 AM Bug report #13710 (Closed): postgis view layer with compound key lost on project reload
- Fixed in changeset commit:"daa6510970e9afbc4d41d28e0c94b4f238eb372d".
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