Alexander Novoselov
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2012-03-25
- Last connection: 2017-12-25
Reported issues: 11
- 10:07 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Qgis 2.16.0 same error:
If map units are used, the legend changes, as in this video. It is necessary to roll back t...
- 10:55 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Qgis 2.14.0
If map units are used, the legend changes, as in this video. It is necessary to roll back the changes in...
- 10:21 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- 02:17 AM QGIS Application Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- Return the fixed value and the ability to specify the properties of the layer height and width icon.
- 07:49 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- previous versions correctly cut the sign, and showed the same size. In this case, the display becomes not neat. In on...
- 06:59 AM QGIS Application Bug report #13779 (Closed): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
- New description:
in QGIS >= 2.10 the legend shows the symbology too wide/high if the symbols are large/high. This wa...
- 08:59 PM QGIS Application Bug report #11834: qgis.bin crashed with SIGABRT in QList<QgsRuleBasedRendererV2::Rule*>::clear()
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> *) can you remove layers, simplify the project and leave with 1 or a
> few layers that w...
- 02:13 AM QGIS Application Bug report #11834: qgis.bin crashed with SIGABRT in QList<QgsRuleBasedRendererV2::Rule*>::clear()
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> please attach a project (and a sample of data) to allow us test locally.
all layers - postg...
- 10:57 PM QGIS Application Bug report #11834 (Closed): qgis.bin crashed with SIGABRT in QList<QgsRuleBasedRendererV2::Rule*>...
- Crash after simple zooming and panning map
parallel rendering - OFF...
- 07:43 AM QGIS Application Bug report #11775: Crash after simple zooming and panning map
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> probably this should be closed as duplicate of #11141
No! This bug associated with parallel...
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