Nathaniel V. Kelso

  • Registered on: 2015-11-09
  • Last connection: 2017-12-31


Reported issues: 3


09:57 PM QGIS Application Bug report #17239 (Closed): Reported map scale representative fraction is incorrect
I first noticed this when trying to match up screenshots taken off of Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and Mapzen with scr...
09:50 PM QGIS Plugin Site Feature request #17238: Add password reset prompt to login, register pages
Anita mentioned in Gitter:
09:47 PM QGIS Plugin Site Feature request #17238 (Open): Add password reset prompt to login, register pages
It wasn't obvious / my password manager didn't know the difference that is actually osgeo account system on ...


01:19 PM QGIS Application Feature request #14093: Prefer the QGIS-providers over the OGR-provider
+1 for keeping GDAL/OGR CSV provider. The edit ability in 2.1dev is really useful!


04:34 PM QGIS Application Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
I've emailed Even to investigate LOE and funding options.
12:51 PM QGIS Application Feature request #13797 (Closed): Support native editing of GeoJSON files
I can load a GeoJSON file in QGIS and view it, great!
I can export any data layer in QGIS as a GeoJSON file, great!

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