
From 2015-10-29 to 2015-11-27


09:52 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
This is still an occurrence in 2.10
Is there any progress on this issue?
Patrick Dunford
09:52 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
This is still an occurrence in 2.10
Is there any progress on this issue?
Patrick Dunford
09:49 PM Bug report #12625 (Reopened): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
Here is a screen capture showng the problem
On the screen we have the two tables opened as attributes, the source tab...
Patrick Dunford
09:49 PM Bug report #12625 (Reopened): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
Here is a screen capture showng the problem
On the screen we have the two tables opened as attributes, the source tab...
Patrick Dunford
04:01 PM Revision 497191bf (qgis): Transactions: addFeature propagates new feature id
Matthias Kuhn
03:16 PM Revision dd8826f3 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
02:56 PM Revision 055ef76a (qgis): Use QgisApp::instance and simplify code
01:05 PM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
Other examples of affected functions are topological editing and duplicate feature removal. I have made a screencast ... Daan Goedkoop
01:00 PM Revision 16760fd8 (qgis): Release of 2.12.1
Jürgen Fischer
12:59 PM Revision 71ba2c72 (qgis): Release of 2.8.4
Jürgen Fischer
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ...
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ...
11:57 AM Feature request #2701 (Closed): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:d0625b8 for Processing.
There is also "a new expression" commit:da436f9 named ...
11:55 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
The problems noted in this ticket (and some others related to it) interested me as I had been considering how to go a... Steven Mizuno
11:55 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
The problems noted in this ticket (and some others related to it) interested me as I had been considering how to go a... Steven Mizuno
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this !
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this !
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this !
11:52 AM Feature request #3520 (Closed): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
fixed in commit:055ef76
I am closing this !
11:08 AM Revision c622457f (qgis): Update
subprocess lines deleted because obsolete Niccolo' Marchi
11:02 AM Revision 41538e6d (qgis): Update
subprocess lines deleted and fixed syntax error Niccolo' Marchi
09:55 AM Bug report #9395 (Reopened): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
Dear Developers
I have experiencied same trouble. My configuration is that:
Miguel Penteado
09:55 AM Bug report #9395 (Reopened): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
Dear Developers
I have experiencied same trouble. My configuration is that:
Miguel Penteado
09:13 AM Revision 09c8239a (qgis): [processing] fixed missing colon in function definition
Victor Olaya
09:10 AM Revision 17e1bd6b (qgis): Merge pull request #2505 from radosuav/processing_extent
[Processing] Check layer projection when using it for subset extent Victor Olaya
08:51 AM Revision 0a21d91b (qgis): [processing] allow manually add scripts to scripts provider
Victor Olaya
08:23 AM Revision 4b853bfa (qgis): Merge pull request #2472 from spono/patch-8
[Processing] Update Victor Olaya
08:14 AM Revision ae748d3b (qgis): Merge pull request #2463 from spono/patch-7
[proessing]small correction on FUSION internal commands Victor Olaya
08:12 AM Revision 5375522c (qgis): Merge pull request #2465 from spono/patch-9
[processing] Create DTM2ASCII Victor Olaya
06:53 AM Revision a6d147f6 (qgis): Temporarily disable part of PyQgsRulebasedRenderer test
Since testRefineWithCategories and testRefineWithRanges test were
added, this unit test has been crashing on nightlie...
Nyall Dawson
06:32 AM Revision 22af16a1 (qgis): Mark QgsLineStringV2 as a critical class
Now has as close to 100% unit test coverage as possible Nyall Dawson
06:32 AM Revision 7eb1133b (qgis): Make QgsLineStringV2::fromWkbPoints private
Nyall Dawson
06:32 AM Revision 1f330119 (qgis): Add more tests to QgsLineStringV2, fix vertexAngle calculation
Nyall Dawson
06:31 AM Revision 6ab718d6 (qgis): QgsGeometryUtils fixes
- add QgsGeometryUtils::normalizedAngle for restricting an angle
to [0, 2PI)
- fix calculations of QgsGeometryUtils::...
Nyall Dawson
06:30 AM Revision a0405b88 (qgis): Avoid deprecated warnings
Nyall Dawson
03:07 AM Bug report #13890 (Closed): Font size in Form view does not take into account default font size s...
title says it all. Paolo Cavallini
01:32 AM Feature request #13889 (Closed): Open modules instead of table
If an user opens the table, then selects the Form view, this choice gets forgotten, and must be clicked again every t... Paolo Cavallini
01:26 AM Bug report #13888 (Closed): Label display not fit with layer order
Even with force layer order, label doesn't respect order.
Bug is not permanent, it seems depending of number of ...
Nicolas Rochard


09:50 PM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
It's look identical, but when I print and compare both, there are little (a few millimetres) difference. Beside it's ... Joze Stih
11:48 AM Bug report #13883 (Feedback): Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
I'm confused - the scalebar in clipboard02.png and QGIS_2.10.1.png look identical to me. What's the problem? Nyall Dawson
05:22 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and...
Joze Stih
05:22 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and...
Joze Stih
05:04 AM Bug report #13883: Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
I'm not sure something is wrong there. Just set the same fixed width value as in 2.10 and you'll get same result Harrissou Santanna
04:11 AM Bug report #13883 (Closed): Scalebar problem in QGis 2.12.0
Scalebar in QGis 2.12.0 have very unusual value. Look example in the attached pictures (2.10.1-right, 2.12.0-wrong). Joze Stih
09:15 PM Revision b4980947 (qgis): enable/disable buttons in QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Widget based on selection
also made a tooltip and a label more precise Sebastian Dietrich
08:32 PM Revision 644bfbb6 (qgis): heatmap plugin: fix labeling s/metre/layer units/ (fixes #11276)
(backports from commit c373d7b) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 945187c8 (qgis): case-sensitivity of vector layer field (fixes #13032)
* fieldNameIndex: resort to case-insensitive lookup only if
case-sensitive lookup has no match
* file writer: fix h...
Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision e7a981cc (qgis): avoid on duplicate user functions (fixes #13579)
(backports from commit cc9c789) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision a76c5f62 (qgis): fix rpad/lpad help (fixes #13433)
Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 75b4d9e3 (qgis): db manager: add credentials to postgis rasters (fixes #13594)
(backports from commit 53c507d) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 58ee9bb3 (qgis): attribute editing: don't allow editing without ChangeAttributeValues ca...
(cherry picked from commit 15af5a11701fc8f0b3723b2d45423c19b07e4df5) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 6c3290b7 (qgis): oracle provider: fix call of sdo_filter to verify a spatial index is pr...
(cherry picked from commit 684346a955dd4c79efcb6bfe519f6006c73c2aaa) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision e9d2a0ed (qgis): vector layer: update geometries first before feature id might change (f...
(backported from commit 24b6e63) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 44767492 (qgis): vector file writer: defer destroying spatial reference (fixes #10515)
(cherry picked from commit cee63c84f7f85586ddcb5348e70a0af0b1bcdf5e) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 27c69959 (qgis): ogr provider: don't add mysql table filter multiple times (fixes #13446)
(cherry picked from commit 32c5f551012a65a8705475266447b270dc2111ff) Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision ff95b7be (qgis): point releases don't need a new splash
Jürgen Fischer
07:21 PM Revision b81604c9 (qgis): Followup 594fafe73b8, Also fix processing
Matthias Kuhn
07:19 PM Revision 4bcc5319 (qgis): Fix ftools geometry collection handling
Marco Hugentobler
06:36 PM Revision ca362dfd (qgis): More build instructions for Qt5/Fedora
Matthias Kuhn
06:28 PM Revision db95439e (qgis): Unbreak tests
René-Luc ReLuc
06:01 PM Revision 298f4dc9 (qgis): Disable grass7 tests
Packages are unavailable (at the moment?) Matthias Kuhn
04:24 PM Revision c10329e4 (qgis): Update
fixed some syntax errors and added an output option (ASCII) Niccolo' Marchi
04:00 PM Revision 5387fd1d (qgis): Merge pull request #2504 from saberraz/master
Fix problem with QSpinBox error in Processing dialog windows, fixes #13884 Victor Olaya
03:46 PM Bug report #7586: Adding or modifying annontations does not mark the project changed
Confirmed in master (commit:5387fd1d51a4075294464be1c26fa0d1367017d0).
For a solution see "PR 2506":https://github.c...
Sebastian Dietrich
03:33 PM Bug report #13887: Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
To reproduce in a weird way:
* Load a project with some layers
* Delete all layers
* Exit QGIS
You are not asked whe...
Sebastian Dietrich
03:32 PM Bug report #13887: Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
To reproduce:
* Create a new project
* Edit some project attributes, e.g. the title, a project variable, a default ma...
Sebastian Dietrich
03:27 PM Bug report #13887 (Closed): Project not considered dirty when it has no layers
When a project has no layers in it, it is never considered _dirty_, e.g. the user is not asked to save the changes wh... Sebastian Dietrich
03:32 PM Bug report #13886: Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
It seems to be due to the units for styling (my default project was using EPSG 4326, hence degrees) and my styles dep... Thomas Gratier
03:02 PM Bug report #13886: Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
It affects the layer tree and then the rendering: never stop refreshing the canvas Thomas Gratier
02:59 PM Bug report #13886 (Closed): Applying qml old style make legend height crazy and then crash QGIS
My environnement:
Linux Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits with QGIS 2.12
How to reproduce (if not due to my platform)?
Thomas Gratier
03:29 PM Revision c58981fd (qgis): [Processing] Check layer projection when using it for subset extent
Radoslaw Guzinski
03:11 PM Revision 114b04ec (qgis): Add build instructions for Fedora/Qt5
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 PM Revision 06357dd3 (qgis): Fix problem with QSpinBox error in Processing dialog windows
This will cause QGIS to crash, when accessing Processing > Options
Saber Razmjooei
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Jeff Moyen
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Jeff Moyen
01:29 PM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
Sorry for not having been clear.
Using a version downloaded today (= the windows 64b installer from QGIS website,
Jeff Moyen
11:25 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
Are you saying the bug is still present in the latest nightly snapshots? Nyall Dawson
08:04 AM Bug report #13749: Add csv layer: points not created
In fact it is nearly fixed: if the first line of the file (after headers) happens to have missing values for X a...
Jeff Moyen
01:29 PM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
Ok, the mentioned commit "made its way to the testing docs": Sebastian Dietrich
01:04 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
I can confirm this behaviour on 64b versions of QGIS 2.8, 2.10 and 2.12 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, using multiban... Lammert Hilarides
12:33 PM Revision f5eaddf0 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Enhance store project keyword list
René-Luc ReLuc
12:30 PM Revision f4ef1ad3 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Enhance store project keyword list
René-Luc ReLuc
12:24 PM Revision 4a488cbe (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Enhance store project keyword list
René-Luc ReLuc
11:18 AM Revision da4fe7e0 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Enhance store project keyword list
René-Luc ReLuc
09:03 AM Revision 001f4bc5 (qgis): Disable grass7 tests
Packages are unavailable (at the moment?) Matthias Kuhn
09:00 AM Revision 799b402f (qgis): Remove unrequired var
Matthias Kuhn
07:53 AM Bug report #13885 (Open): Rephrase the option "Select at ID" and make it easier to find
The "Select at id" option in loading PostGIS layers doesn't really tell the user much. It would be better to rephrase... Paolo Cavallini
07:51 AM Bug report #13531: Pythonpath is reverted to old QGIS version on restart
Funily enough, I'm now in Lyon and PYTHONPATH positively wants to be ... Pisa ! I tried to change it from options, bu... Jeff Moyen
07:49 AM Bug report #13530: cpt-city ramps missing
Hi there,
I came back to that issue. It turned out
1) that the path to cpt-city files was incorrect, in options|adv...
Jeff Moyen
07:20 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> can anyone confirm that this is fixed with GDAL 2?
Hi Jef,
It does work fine in master (001...
Saber Razmjooei
07:00 AM Bug report #13884 (Closed): Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
Fixed in changeset commit:"5387fd1d51a4075294464be1c26fa0d1367017d0". Victor Olaya
05:30 AM Bug report #13884: Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
Here is my PR:
Saber Razmjooei
05:29 AM Bug report #13884 (Closed): Accessing Processing, options, providers crashes QGIS
This is due to:
@NameError: global name 'QSpinBox' is not defined@
Saber Razmjooei
06:56 AM Revision 74ca290b (qgis): QgsLineStringV2 fixes
- fix incorrect centroid calculation (was always returning 0,0)
- fix closestSegment when numPoints < 2
- fix broken ...
Nyall Dawson
06:53 AM Revision da436f92 (qgis): [FEATURE] New 'reverse' expression for reversing linestrings
Nyall Dawson
04:29 AM Revision 8d743f06 (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
03:36 AM Bug report #13882 (Closed): LAStools crashes in windows 10
I am using Qgis 2.12 in Windows 10 with a pc with the following skills: NVIDIA Geforce 710M and intel core i5. The pr... Sandor Murain
03:09 AM Revision 6fcce7a9 (qgis): Make symbol line fill tests more robust
(cherry-picked from 711c38dfaf6d04aa30c1247d91723d37d025a5ed) Nyall Dawson
02:53 AM Revision 4624fb88 (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
02:34 AM Revision 0e866f02 (qgis): Check for short-circuit in QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords
Daan Goedkoop
01:22 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
After a few attempts, disabling unnecessary plugins seems to work the problem out. But I'd like to stress the point t... Giuseppe Patti


11:26 PM Revision ea863d22 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:50 PM Feature request #6894: GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
there is hope see
Giovanni Manghi
10:46 PM Revision b8706eae (qgis): Fix crash in QgsLineStringV2::append if non z/m line appended
to a LineString with z/m
(cherry-picked from ff3657)
Nyall Dawson
10:41 PM Revision d7bd98a9 (qgis): QgsPointV2 fixes
-Fix bounding box was not invalidated for some QgsPointV2 routines
-If WKT type is PointZ/M/ZM and not enough coordin...
Nyall Dawson
10:36 PM Revision 0680b135 (qgis): Fix incorrect point types when segmentizing circular strings
(cherry-picked from e1c3b4) Nyall Dawson
09:12 PM Revision de602e7b (qgis): 'fix' build with Ubuntu 15.10
Avoid totally bizarre fontutils test moc error by renaming to
(Pretty sure Ubuntu 15.10 i...
Nyall Dawson
05:28 PM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
Some of the most culprit layers can be obtained from public FTPs in BC.
Large files though (they're province wide), ...
Donovan Cameron
04:38 PM Bug report #11746 (Feedback): Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turn...
Can you share your data? Has it got Z/M coordinates? Nyall Dawson
02:53 PM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
Seeing the same rendering issues in Master (2.13.0, 3e61891) and Current Release (2.12.0, cd9d645) on Windows from OS... Donovan Cameron
10:02 AM Bug report #11746: Vertical lines appear as artifacts when map has lots of layers turned on.
Looks like it doesn't have anything to do with the amount of layers and it's only on Windows (7 and 8.1 64-bit) from ... Donovan Cameron
04:58 PM Revision 066867b9 (qgis): Followup c6460a3, avoid rendering issues
(cherry picked from commit 0a2773ff4b2ee7f5011cc6bbc606043814255c92) Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Revision dbe30f9c (qgis): render polylines with drawPath too (followup 08185c9; fixes #13343)
(cherry picked from commit c6460a3d7de23e655c5fa68309b8224555b0b77f) Jürgen Fischer
03:05 PM Revision 77526bd1 (qgis): remove references to coding (followup 7b0837f)
Jürgen Fischer
02:30 PM Bug report #6708: "Refine current rules" is enabled when no rules are selected
Confirmed in master.
For a solution see "PR 2502":
Sebastian Dietrich
01:56 PM Bug report #13853 (Feedback): Error on edit sqlite layer
I am not able to connect to those files from Add Spatialite layer. Are you sure they are valid files? Can you open th... Saber Razmjooei
01:50 PM Bug report #13873: "build virtual vector": file created fails to load correctly
This tool was introduced to override a problem using gdal/ogr commands that accept only a single filename as input. W... Luigi Pirelli
01:50 PM Feature request #13871: "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently only layers
sorry this comment wos for the other related issue Luigi Pirelli
01:47 PM Feature request #13871: "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently only layers
This tool was introduced to override a problem using gdal/ogr commands that accept only a single filename as input. W... Luigi Pirelli
01:48 PM Bug report #13869 (Feedback): QGis gets slower while editing
Saber Razmjooei
01:34 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
Do you have the Advanced digitising enabled?
If so, it is probably related to #13804.
Saber Razmjooei
01:34 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
Do you have the Advanced digitising enabled?
If so, it is probably related to #13804.
Saber Razmjooei
11:18 AM Revision 62591d94 (qgis): Followup 436c30f, Also fix processing
And some code fixes Matthias Kuhn
11:17 AM Revision 436c30fc (qgis): Fix ftools geometry collection handling
Marco Hugentobler
08:56 AM Bug report #13877: Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Yes, I suspected that. So shouldn't it rather be impossible to the user to toggle this la...
Jürgen Fischer
04:30 AM Bug report #13877: Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
Yes, I suspected that. So shouldn't it rather be impossible to the user to toggle this layer into edition?
It's weird...
Harrissou Santanna
04:21 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
Without a primary key we cannot tell the database which row you want to modify or delete. Jürgen Fischer
04:21 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
Without a primary key we cannot tell the database which row you want to modify or delete. Jürgen Fischer
02:05 AM Bug report #13877 (Closed): Avoid modification of PostGIS table without primary key
Add to QGIS a PostGIS layer without primary key (I added a point one).
Toggle to edition such a file remains possible...
Harrissou Santanna
08:44 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
duplicate of #7380 Jürgen Fischer
08:44 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
duplicate of #7380 Jürgen Fischer
06:31 AM Bug report #13878: Same SQL expression behaving differently
shapefile (dbf) Paolo Cavallini
06:29 AM Bug report #13878: Same SQL expression behaving differently
What type of layer is this (postgres, spatialite, ...)? Sebastian Dietrich
04:28 AM Bug report #13878 (Closed): Same SQL expression behaving differently
The same query:
"highway" ILIKE '%foot%' and not "man_made" ilike ‘%pier%’
returns 0 records when used in the fi...
Paolo Cavallini
08:25 AM Bug report #13840: Unable to use move label tool with rotated map
Confirmed here.
It is a large limitation to rotation feature.
Regis Haubourg
07:00 AM Revision f3507747 (qgis): QgsLineStringV2: better handling of LineString25D, more tests
Nyall Dawson
07:00 AM Revision f45f688f (qgis): [labeling] Avoid placing labels over ANY part of point symbols
Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
I agree. It is since the last upgrade to the Digitizing Tools plugin.
We are working with shapefiles in QGIS 2.8.2. T...
Steve Lowman
06:13 AM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
Interesting question.
The "latest documentation commit":
Sebastian Dietrich
04:37 AM Feature request #13880 (Open): Search in all fields
It would be useful to have an additional function to search a value in any attribute of as table. It could be added t... Paolo Cavallini
04:33 AM Feature request #13879 (Open): Add a classification field based on current style rules
It would be useful to develop a command to automatically add to the attribute table a new column with the result (nam... Paolo Cavallini
02:49 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
Weird. I tested again and all went like a charm (ltr, 2.12, 2.13). I have all the features.
Do you think it may be re...
Harrissou Santanna
02:49 AM Bug report #13720: Disable some digitizing tools when point (non multipoint) layer is being edited
I don't know if it was a local issue or a third-part one but I can currently merge point features, add and delete par... Harrissou Santanna


12:49 AM Bug report #13868 (Closed): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
Hi, in fact crash did occur after having made a classification by categories, then switch to ruled based rendered. I ... Regis Haubourg
01:55 PM Bug report #13868: change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
I can not reproduce this either. Neither _2.12.0_ nor _master_ crashes.
* Could you please export the style you are ...
Sebastian Dietrich
01:49 PM Bug report #13868 (Feedback): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
I could not reproduce,
Select all rules, right click, change transparency, change value, click ok
Matthias Kuhn
01:49 PM Bug report #13868 (Feedback): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
I could not reproduce,
Select all rules, right click, change transparency, change value, click ok
Matthias Kuhn
05:32 AM Bug report #13868 (Closed): change transparency of all rules by right click crashes qgis
Hi, with rule based symbols on point layers, when trying to batch change transparency of rules, we got a crash.
Regis Haubourg
11:58 PM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
Update: With swisstopo's REFRAME (easily reproducable: mr twister
10:11 PM Revision 3e618916 (qgis): [pal] Don't treat joined features as obstacles for each other
Eg, if the "merge connected features" option for a layer is checked
then label candidates generated for the merged li...
Nyall Dawson
09:48 PM Revision e03f5549 (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
09:43 PM Revision c7c71d93 (qgis): Followup b10e708, fix failing PyQgsServerAccessControl test on Travis
Nyall Dawson
09:13 PM Revision cac9c9ee (qgis): Avoid some deprecated warnings
Nyall Dawson
07:16 PM Feature request #13876 (Closed): OrfeoToolbox on QGIS
I install QGIS Lyon on Windows 10 64-bit. There is Orfeo Toolbox. But, it is not active. It means, I have to install ... mega saputra
06:12 PM Revision 3624d7b4 (qgis): Use window system provided cursors rather than bitmaps
Matthias Kuhn
05:59 PM Revision d4ba0c77 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
04:57 PM Revision afd436da (qgis): Yet another fix to 594fafe
Matthias Kuhn
04:47 PM Revision a630205f (qgis): Fixup 7b0837f
Matthias Kuhn
04:35 PM Revision 7b0837f4 (qgis): Remove CODING from source tree
It has all been moved to
Where it is managed...
Matthias Kuhn
04:29 PM Revision 2e7c3328 (qgis): Followup 594fafe73b8, Also fix processing
Matthias Kuhn
04:13 PM Bug report #13875 (Closed): Error while pasting features as new memory layer
Similar to this issue: #10564
When pasting as new memory layer I get a warning: Cannot create field <fieldname> (dat...
Martin Bain
03:42 PM Revision 594fafe7 (qgis): Fix ftools geometry collection handling
Marco Hugentobler
12:50 PM Feature request #13874: Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
I'm actually a bit confused: I see this which sounds like what I'm as... Michael Kirk
12:46 PM Feature request #13874 (Closed): Automatically publish latest documentation from CI on
Documentation often gets a backseat to features in QGIS. It's a chore for people to do after the "fun" of building po... Michael Kirk
11:22 AM Bug report #13858 (Closed): Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
Magnus Homann
11:20 AM Bug report #13858: Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
Apparently I had set the default blue band in Options -> Rendering to 10. Ooops. Magnus Homann
10:33 AM Revision 2543af50 (qgis): Get rid of warning on exit
Matthias Kuhn
10:22 AM Bug report #13869: QGis gets slower while editing
plugins CADDigitize and perhaps CadTools seems to produce this behavior.
Time to seve changes or saving the project g...
Gerhard Spieles
05:50 AM Bug report #13869 (Closed): QGis gets slower while editing
QGis becomes slower after editing a few geometries. When a layer is in edit mode, you start selecting features and de... Giuseppe Patti
09:07 AM Bug report #13873 (Closed): "build virtual vector": file created fails to load correctly
When opening such file:
1. The user is asked to select the layers (as when drag&drop a folder or a zip file). The too...
Armando Forlani
08:55 AM Bug report #13872 (Closed): "build virtual vector": does not create a file extension
QGIS geoalgorithms->Vector general tools->Build virtual vector
The tool does not create a file extension. Should ther...
Armando Forlani
08:39 AM Feature request #13871 (Closed): "build virtual vector": add option to select files. Currently on...
QGIS geoalgorithms->Vector general tools->Build virtual vector
To allow the selection of vector files.
Similarly to ...
Armando Forlani
08:33 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
In qgis dev x64 rev. b10e708 it's still impossible to change color and transparency of Node Tool in settings/op...
Piotr Kania
07:00 AM Bug report #13870 (Closed): Changes made with field calculator are lost (2.12)
I am using qgis 2.12 on Fedora 23. If I create a new polygon layer and add a few features and then attempt to update... Lars Kellogg-Stedman
06:38 AM Revision ff36573a (qgis): Fix crash in QgsLineStringV2::append if non z/m line appended
to a LineString with z/m
Add a bunch of unit tests for QgsLineStringV2 and fix some other
minor issues which they id...
Nyall Dawson
06:22 AM Revision 7443431e (qgis): Fix incorrect GML from QgsPointV2::asGML3
Also finish unit tests for QgsPointV2 and mark as a critical class Nyall Dawson
05:30 AM Bug report #13298: Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
The sequence (cf the attached file)
I open "Boucle fichier origine"
Save as "boucle fichier modifié"
and then cut lin...
Jean-Pierre Vinadia
03:40 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
We have come across this issue as well, and the rounding errors cause other problems. For instance they affect the to... Bernd Eversmann
03:38 AM Bug report #13867 (Closed): Select by location (Point on line)
Vector->Analysis->Select by Location is not working properly:
I've got a point layer (OSM Statoins) and a line layer...
Gaelic Miko
02:18 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
I have tried to change the versions of the mysql server and I found that until 5.7.5 version the problem does not occ... paolo tome


11:51 PM Revision b10e708b (qgis): some fixes to the server access control tests on windows
Jürgen Fischer
10:24 PM Revision 7bcc935f (qgis): Fix layout problems with relation reference widget
Matthias Kuhn
09:54 PM Revision 675da0ce (qgis): Fix PyQgsServerAccessControl on Ubuntu
Add size tolerance to legend images, add masks for legend images Nyall Dawson
09:26 PM Revision f1458434 (qgis): Followup 7d600bd, proper fix for failing labeling engine test
When labelFeatures is called outside of the renderering loop,
we need to make sure the renderer is prepared by callin...
Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Revision ffebfd9b (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow overide of geometry type in vector save as dialog
Also allows forcing output file to be multi type, or include z
This makes it possible to do things like s...
Nyall Dawson
05:41 PM Revision 4f9244d6 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
05:39 PM Revision 3791ff81 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
02:29 PM Revision 85346810 (qgis): fix local simplification for ZM geometries
(cherry picked from commit 09e7102fdaaec8b38f5d8f3d6cbbd69d4e170029) Jürgen Fischer
02:25 PM Revision 09e7102f (qgis): fix local simplification for ZM geometries
Jürgen Fischer
11:03 AM Revision 169989a0 (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
09:25 AM Feature request #3629: Double-click zoom
How about to have the double click activate a "secondary tool"?
Some users want a double click to be _Zoom in_, some...
Sebastian Dietrich
08:50 AM Bug report #13866 (Closed): Copy Paste attribute table from postgres causes crash
copying / pasting from attribute table to the same attribute table, data from postgres, causes systematic crash ...
Regis Haubourg
08:03 AM Bug report #13395: Load style from database
Same problem here using QGIS 2.12 on Windows. Jérôme Guélat
07:31 AM Revision 1f0d24a0 (qgis): [FEATURE] Show z/m values in derived info for identify tool
For lines/polygons, identify tool will show vertex number and
x/y/z/m for nearest vertex to identify point.
Also add...
Nyall Dawson
04:25 AM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
OK, so last think must have been a local mistake. Sorry about the noise. Paolo Cavallini
01:32 AM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> If the table does not have a PK, and only one field, apparently the cast is not added.
Jürgen Fischer


11:43 PM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
If the table does not have a PK, and only one field, apparently the cast is not added. Paolo Cavallini
11:27 PM Revision 57c22e50 (qgis): 'fix' weird automoc test problem on wily
Jürgen Fischer
10:27 PM Bug report #13865 (Closed): KMZ causes QGIS application crash (Mac)
Attached KML file crashes QGIS when added on MacOSX.
Works fine with Windows version of QGIS
See extract of dump on ...
Nicolas CAZE
09:55 PM Revision b4561a92 (qgis): introduce a new command line option '--' to the main app
all arguments after this option are treated as files, not options
includes a test
Sebastian Dietrich
09:55 PM Revision 91ad208d (qgis): improved TestPyQgsAppStartup
allow passing additional arguments after testfile
do not wait the full timeout when the app already exited
Sebastian Dietrich
09:41 PM Revision 7840dbe3 (qgis): Do not wrap labels in composer legend properties widget
Fix #10498 Matthias Kuhn
08:59 PM Revision 88beaaea (qgis): Minor coverity fixes
Nyall Dawson
08:03 PM Revision 73ac9f9a (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
04:20 PM Revision eb3e8ed3 (qgis): server access control test: replace hardcoded temporary directory
Jürgen Fischer
03:45 PM Revision 00715a66 (qgis): fix PyQgsServerAccessControl in nightlies
Jürgen Fischer
03:35 PM Revision 8653bb48 (qgis): Merge pull request #2493 from SebDieBln/AttrTableHideSortIndicator
Hide the sort indicator in the attribute table until first sort (fixes #6705) Matthias Kuhn
01:23 PM Revision caab4c12 (qgis): hide the sort indicator in the attribute table until first sort
Sebastian Dietrich
12:57 PM Feature request #13864 (Open): Add a more explicite error message when snapping fails
When snapping fails during digitising, QGIS says "could not snap to a segment on the current layer." This message doe... Harrissou Santanna
12:42 PM Bug report #10498 (Closed): Better resize the width of textbox and title in Properties of items i...
Fixed in changeset commit:"7840dbe392d5a362e7e8d8fe8a9a7397079673ee". Anonymous
11:30 AM Revision 7d600bda (qgis): [FEATURE] Use rendered symbol size as obstacle for point feature labels
Previously, only the point feature itself was treated as an obstacle
for label candidates. If a large or offset symbo...
Nyall Dawson
10:21 AM Revision 6b0e7de9 (qgis): Allow registering feature to label/diagram provider with obstacle geom
Sponsored by City of Uster Nyall Dawson
10:04 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
Looking at the Qt sources it appears there is no simple solution for @-reverse@ and other Qt options. QApplication al... Sebastian Dietrich
08:08 AM Revision 2e0019df (qgis): Test mask updates
Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Bug report #6705 (Closed): Arrow indicates attribute table is sorted by default by the first colu...
Fixed in changeset commit:"8653bb481253b937dcd3022851499528c0cbf865". Anonymous
05:13 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
No, I can not see any grey / red rectangles.
I have set up a new Test-Project just having a non-complex (showing th...
Yorck Neumann
04:03 AM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
I would say this is not a bug because changing the behaviour would make some other users unhappy. It can be a feature... Jukka Rahkonen


12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc...
jachym -
12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc...
jachym -
12:52 AM Bug report #13037 (Reopened): WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
The bug is actually about WFS Capapabilities response invalidity - the XML response is simply wrong (acc...
jachym -
12:36 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
Yes, but you should see grey/red rectangles all over your map when "show candidates" is enabled. Do you see that? Nyall Dawson
12:20 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
I believe that is the setting shown in "candidates.png" posted in #4... I adjusted the setting and then re-opened the... Yorck Neumann
12:20 AM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
I believe that is the setting shown in "candidates.png" posted in #4... I adjusted the setting and then re-opened the... Yorck Neumann
08:04 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
I mean I need a screenshot where showing candidates is enabled. Also try modifying the placement mode from centroid t... Nyall Dawson
02:20 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
Here the candidates Setting - hope this is what you wanted to see... Yorck Neumann
02:09 PM Bug report #13862: Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
Hmm.. I'm using QGIS for about 2 days now. The polygon is being shown as ONE object. I tried to delete the cut outs b... Yorck Neumann
01:08 PM Bug report #13862 (Feedback): Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
To rule out configuration issues - can you confirm that removing the holes from these polygons results in the labels ... Nyall Dawson
12:35 PM Bug report #13862 (Closed): Labels are not displayed on Layers with "cut-outs"
Hi, I have a couple of polygons imported which have cut-outs. These cut-outs represent certain areas where no agricul... Yorck Neumann
12:29 AM Bug report #13272: crash on quit
Update: here there is a MacOSX crash report I had with QGIS:
Roberto BobMaX
10:28 PM Revision 7b5c96c6 (qgis): avoid using copy/paste style when duplicating layers
Sebastian Dietrich
09:19 PM Revision 9c7bbb51 (qgis): De-Duplicate code from 'copy/paste style' found in 'import/export named...
Sebastian Dietrich
08:36 PM Revision ef4b5ead (qgis): Let the test for presence of root element be the first step.
Sebastian Dietrich
08:03 PM Revision efeacaab (qgis): Moved export/import vector geometry type to QgsMaplayer
Sebastian Dietrich
04:04 PM Bug report #6705: Arrow indicates attribute table is sorted by default by the first column. It i...
This appears to be a bug in Qt. When new data is shown in a table that was sorted before, the new data is not sorted ... Sebastian Dietrich
02:41 PM Revision 504c252c (qgis): Merge pull request #2327 from DelazJ/ConsistentTerms2
Add consistency to attribute's dialogs Matthias Kuhn
01:02 PM Revision 531fec03 (qgis): Fix copy constructor for pal::FeaturePart
Nyall Dawson
12:58 PM Bug report #13863 (Closed): Complex Polygon not displayed on screen if it can not be displayed en...
Hi, this issue may be somehow related to #13862.
This compley polygon with "cut outs" will only be displayed on scre...
Yorck Neumann
12:52 PM Revision 55ead853 (qgis): Allow setting label obstacle geom in QgsPalLabeling::registerFeature
Sponsored by City of Uster Nyall Dawson
12:23 PM Revision 9cc10e2a (qgis): [labeling] Allow different obstacle geometry to feature geometry
This change makes it possible to have a different geometry used
for labeling obstacle detection to the geometry used ...
Nyall Dawson
12:21 PM Revision c9b75528 (qgis): have CMake find Python library on Windows
Sebastian Dietrich
12:03 PM Revision 47e6d303 (qgis): Update test masks
Nyall Dawson
11:00 AM Revision 0a2773ff (qgis): Followup c6460a3, avoid rendering issues
Nyall Dawson
10:49 AM Revision 03f9e1b3 (qgis): [pal] Never treat features as obstacles for their own labels
Fixes issues like rule based labelling registering two labels for
a single feature which was resulting in each label ...
Nyall Dawson
10:02 AM Revision 86ad564e (qgis): Add (disabled) test for labels around large symbols
Nyall Dawson
09:05 AM Revision b81858f3 (qgis): Rename marker line symbol test folder to match other symbol tests
Nyall Dawson
09:01 AM Revision 711c38df (qgis): Make symbol line fill tests more robust
Nyall Dawson
08:39 AM Revision 11c82045 (qgis): More test mask updates
Nyall Dawson
06:20 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
There are two other interesting questions here:
* How do I specify a layer by the name of @-reverse@ (preventing QApp...
Sebastian Dietrich
02:42 AM Bug report #3714: Qt arguments are not supported
If I am right, the cause for this issue is some two step initialization:
* "instantiate a dummy QCoreApplication obje...
Sebastian Dietrich
04:46 AM Bug report #3489: Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
I clearly prefer
* Add DB name in DB Manager -inside parenthesis after the name of the connection and/or- in a field ...
Sebastian Dietrich
03:55 AM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
Adding quotes always works, but is not always the correct solution. E.g. if I enter @currentuser@ the solution would ... Sebastian Dietrich
02:09 AM Bug report #13861 (Closed): Move label tool doesn't work with rule based labels
I have problem on QGIS 2.12.0 (OS X) with manualy placing labels on map (via labels toolbar) when labels are rule...
Michal Jurewicz
02:02 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
Fixed in commit:0a2773f Jürgen Fischer
02:02 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
Fixed in commit:0a2773f Jürgen Fischer
01:42 AM Bug report #13860 (Closed): regression: lines are drawn with a red fill
Under latest master builds, a regression has slipped into symbology which leads to a red fill drawn on canvas for lin... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:52 AM Revision ff3a622e (qgis): 4 more pixels... (followup ca3da4c)
Jürgen Fischer
12:09 AM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
Sebastian Dietrich wrote:
> How about two separate options:
> * Zoom Full (visible layers)
> * Zoom Full (loaded laye...
03:38 PM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
How about two separate options:
* Zoom Full (visible layers)
* Zoom Full (loaded layers)
Sebastian Dietrich
07:00 AM Feature request #3697 (Feedback): Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, when you use "Zoom Full", it still zoom on the activated layers so I think...
11:23 PM Revision ca3da4ce (qgis): adapt render tests to c6460a3
Jürgen Fischer
11:12 PM Revision 22f0f253 (qgis): fix builds with older compilers
Jürgen Fischer
07:53 PM Revision 90053c52 (qgis): also update strpos function help (followup 2a557db)
Jürgen Fischer
06:37 PM Revision fbb3dc50 (qgis): Merge pull request #2487 from SebDieBln/CopyPasteScaleBasedVisibility
Make copy/paste style aware of scale based visibility (fixes #13746) Matthias Kuhn
06:03 PM Revision d795e508 (qgis): Merge pull request #469 from olivierdalang/SanitizeEntryNames
Warning about invalid entry names Matthias Kuhn
05:08 PM Revision c6460a3d (qgis): render polylines with drawPath too (followup 08185c9; fixes #13343)
Jürgen Fischer
05:04 PM Revision 6bb94e06 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
05:03 PM Revision fb568c32 (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
03:56 PM Bug report #13859: Se borran los polígonos divididos en QGIS 2.12
*@mariajose lopez*
Siempre se puede ver esta página en Español por tener "Google traducirlo para usted":https://trans...
Sebastian Dietrich
09:49 AM Bug report #13859 (Closed): Se borran los polígonos divididos en QGIS 2.12
I have found that polygons are erased when using the tool to divide space objects.
However, the elements in th...
mariajose lopez
03:45 PM Revision 79640ef8 (qgis): restore QgsVectorLayer::setReadOnly (followup 4cd1e38)
Jürgen Fischer
03:31 PM Revision bbbf8a5a (qgis): [sip] fix editor widget bindings
Matthias Kuhn
03:31 PM Revision 182dd8a3 (qgis): Constification
Matthias Kuhn
01:23 PM Revision 4180c1e2 (qgis): Merge pull request #2489 from elpaso/qgseditorwidgetwrapper-config-added
Added config() to QgsEditorWidgetWrapper SIP wrapper Alessandro Pasotti
12:45 PM Revision 8c24e1e2 (qgis): Added const to config() method
Alessandro Pasotti
12:44 PM Revision ecfdde57 (qgis): Fix copy constructor for pal::PointSet
Nyall Dawson
11:18 AM Revision 71197415 (qgis): Clean [BUGFIX] Multipoint asJSON
René-Luc ReLuc
11:17 AM Revision 05ebeee3 (qgis): Clean [BUGFIX] Multipoint asJSON
René-Luc ReLuc
11:13 AM Revision c7801845 (qgis): Merge pull request #2488 from nyalldawson/clang
[travis] Use newer clang 3.7 for linux builds Matthias Kuhn
11:12 AM Revision 8d313723 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Multipoint asJSON
Fixes #13855
Multipoint asJSON made MultiPoint as Multilinestring with only 1 point by linestring.
This bugfix adds ...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:12 AM Bug report #13740: selectionChanged signal emitted on Mac without arguments
Can you test with master? This should already be fixed Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Bug report #13740: selectionChanged signal emitted on Mac without arguments
Note that @selectionChanged@ is an overloaded signal that comes in two variants, one with 3 arguments and one without... Sebastian Dietrich
11:09 AM Bug report #3779 (Reopened): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
No, this isn't resolved yet. This refers to the svg symbols bring clipped on rotate, which is still an issue Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Bug report #3779 (Reopened): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
No, this isn't resolved yet. This refers to the svg symbols bring clipped on rotate, which is still an issue Nyall Dawson
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ...
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ...
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ...
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ...
08:36 AM Bug report #3779 (Closed): Symbols are incorrectly cropped in map canvas if rotated
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in earlier versions). When you rotate the map, ...
11:05 AM Revision a860af5e (qgis): [BUGFIX] Multipoint asJSON
Fixes #13855
Multipoint asJSON made MultiPoint as Multilinestring with only 1 point by linestring.
This bugfix adds ...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:01 AM Revision 00ea9683 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Multipoint asJSON
Fixes #13855
Multipoint asJSON made MultiPoint as Multilinestring with only 1 point by linestring.
This bugfix adds ...
René-Luc ReLuc
10:47 AM Revision 7cc0a21b (qgis): Added config() to QgsEditorWidgetWrapper SIP wrapper
Alessandro Pasotti
09:55 AM Revision 4203a7c1 (qgis): Add method to determine approximate rendered symbol bounds for markers
Sponsored by City of Uster Nyall Dawson
09:37 AM Bug report #13746 (Closed): Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
Fixed in changeset commit:"fbb3dc5050491b94cd1dce61d327e494d2f3da30". Anonymous
08:56 AM Feature request #3775 (Open): if column name used for symbology changed, QGIS should ask when app...
Giovanni Manghi
08:25 AM Feature request #3775 (Feedback): if column name used for symbology changed, QGIS should ask when...
Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master. No error message even in the Log Panel...
08:40 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
can anyone confirm that this is fixed with GDAL 2? Jürgen Fischer
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
08:39 AM Bug report #3635 (Closed): v.db.what.connect does not work
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 master. This is the result of v.db.what.connect on a GRASS layer:
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for...
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for...
08:32 AM Bug report #3777 (Feedback): Attribute table record selection
Hello, bug triage...
the two are still valids for QGIS 2.13 master but only on MS Windows for the first and both for...
08:20 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Will be fix with: Stéphane Brunner
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is...
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is...
08:16 AM Feature request #3759 (Feedback): Random points in symbol layer properties
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, we can't have (I haven't found how) random fill for "point pattern fill" (this is...
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2...
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2...
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2...
08:05 AM Bug report #3744 (Closed): Different behavior for mapcanvas and layout with scale dependent rende...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, at 2000000 it disappears, at 20000001 it is still disappeared but going back to 2...
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because...
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because...
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because...
07:55 AM Bug report #3749 (Closed): labels out of view for long straight lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. The new labelling engines have fixed this bug because...
07:47 AM Bug report #13858: Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
Seems to work in testing (4d02e48) on Win X64 osgeo build. Magnus Homann
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm...
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm...
07:32 AM Feature request #3734 (Closed): WMS reprojection if current CRS is supported by server
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), the WMS client set the CRS to the comm...
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open...
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open...
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open...
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open...
07:25 AM Feature request #3728 (Closed): WFS with Filter Encoding
Hello, bug triage...
WFS filters are enabled in QGIS 2.13 master WFS client. There is a Query Builder button to open...
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r...
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r...
07:17 AM Feature request #3724 (Closed): Direct the user to the format-specific documentation for "Creatio...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and probably in previous versions), the help button on each of the raster tools r...
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev...
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev...
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev...
07:14 AM Bug report #3714 (Feedback): Qt arguments are not supported
Hello, bug triage...
something has been done on this bug because I am able to launch QGIS 2.13 master with the @-rev...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
07:04 AM Feature request #3706 (Closed): improve loading of qml to load source layer
Hello, bug triage...
this feature request is covered by Layer Definition Files (.qlr) which do exactly what .lyr in ...
06:52 AM Feature request #3703 (Feedback): improvement of spatial selection
Hello, bug triage...
still no way to make a spatial selection on multiple layers in QGIS 2.13 master. In the ArcGIS ...
06:52 AM Feature request #3703 (Feedback): improvement of spatial selection
Hello, bug triage...
still no way to make a spatial selection on multiple layers in QGIS 2.13 master. In the ArcGIS ...
06:30 AM Bug report #9461: Axis order in GML files
Any update on this item? It seems the issue is upstream, but can anything be done in QGIS to force it to respect axis... Antonio Locandro
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i...
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i...
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i...
06:26 AM Bug report #3699 (Closed): silent plugin loading failure
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), when a plugin can't be loaded, there i...
06:21 AM Bug report #3698 (Closed): kml import skipping lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. I close it. Feel free to reopen it if you have proble...
06:21 AM Bug report #3698 (Closed): kml import skipping lines
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master. I close it. Feel free to reopen it if you have proble...
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it !
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it !
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it !
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it !
06:15 AM Bug report #3690 (Closed): Language Settings of Standard buttons on de_CH
Hello, bug triage...
not able to reproduce this bug in QGIS 2.13. This has been fixed and we can close it !
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f...
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f...
06:12 AM Bug report #3676 (Closed): Add option to specify field width when exporting ShapeFile
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can export to a shapefile without characters limitation other than Shapefile f...
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa...
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa...
06:02 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, Offline plugin can save a memory layer without any problem (no error messa...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:53 AM Feature request #3647 (Closed): Add the choice "near to the pointOnSurface"
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there is the labelling option (in Plac...
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting...
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting...
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting...
05:47 AM Bug report #3634 (Closed): GRASS language is taken from system, not from QGIS settings
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13 master: GRASS language depends on QGIS locale setting...
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st...
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st...
05:45 AM Feature request #3629 (Feedback): Double-click zoom
Hello, bug triage...
I am not sure what to do with this feature request...
Apparently, double-click on canvas is st...
05:33 AM Feature request #3619 (Feedback): [FEATURE] Extended tooltips for tool bars
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the tooltips of the majority of QGIS tools are simple tooltips without styling in...
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master.
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master.
05:17 AM Bug report #3618 (Feedback): Annotations are not reprojected correctly
Hello, bug triage...
the bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master.
05:13 AM Bug report #13769 (Closed): Help file url is incorrect
This problem has been resolved since upgrading to the latest version of processing 2.12.2. Frank Sokolic
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst...
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst...
05:00 AM Feature request #3584 (Feedback): Select features by radius should display current radius
Hello, bug triage...
still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
Perhaps should we add the radius near the mouse pointer inst...
04:56 AM Feature request #3572 (Feedback): Handling of symbology load error on project load
Hello, bug triage...
test done on QGIS 2.13 with Vector field rendere: when the plugin is uninstalled and a project ...
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug.
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug.
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug.
04:46 AM Bug report #3571 (Closed): Icons disappearing when opening attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
I cannot reproduce it in QGIS 2.13 master. I think it has been fixed.
I am closing this bug.
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ...
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ...
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ...
04:43 AM Feature request #3567 (Feedback): Thousands separator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, it is done for scale in the canvas but not for coordinates or extent.
It is done ...
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co...
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co...
04:39 AM Feature request #3560 (Closed): Implement gui profiles
Hello, bug triage...
as said before, QGIS stores its configuration into ~/.qgis2, so by default, each user of the co...
04:32 AM Bug report #3551 (Feedback): Selecting with mouse in table
Hello, bug triage...
this is stil an issue for QGIS 2.13. As a result, you can't select upward in the attribute tabl...
04:32 AM Bug report #3551 (Feedback): Selecting with mouse in table
Hello, bug triage...
this is stil an issue for QGIS 2.13. As a result, you can't select upward in the attribute tabl...
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr...
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr...
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr...
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr...
04:15 AM Bug report #3544 (Closed): Save Selection as Shapefile changes database field info
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, exporting a layer with Date attribute in Shapefile preserves the Date attr...
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o...
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o...
04:09 AM Bug report #3543 (Closed): On windows dragging toolbar outside of QGIS looses it
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions), it is not possible to put a toolbar o...
04:04 AM Bug report #3539 (Feedback): allow selecting 2/3 columns
Hello, bug triage...
this is still valid for QGIS 2.13 master.
The interface of this GRASS Module in QGIS should be ...
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:...
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:...
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:...
03:56 AM Bug report #3538 (Closed): Save layer as "GeoJSON" loosed projection information
Hello, bug triage...
this is not the case anymore in QGIS 2.13:...
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an...
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an...
03:10 AM Feature request #3525 (Feedback): Auto resize label box in composer to fit it's contents
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master.
We should detect a change in the Label content an...
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection...
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection...
03:07 AM Feature request #3524 (Feedback): Vector layer placement in leged on adding a new one
Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what to do with this feature request...
For the moment, layers from all connection...
02:59 AM Revision 54cf64bc (qgis): [travis] Use newer clang 3.7 for linux builds
Nyall Dawson
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t...
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t...
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t...
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t...
02:57 AM Feature request #3521 (Closed): Show tolerance value in simplify geometry tool
Hello, bug triage...
the tolerance value is now indicated in the window of the simplify tool. You can change it on t...
02:52 AM Bug report #3507 (Closed): built-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex
Hello, bug triage...
with QGIS 2.13 on Debian, there is no conflict: p.get_storage() returns 0.
I am closing this bug.
02:52 AM Bug report #3507 (Closed): built-in spatialindex conflicts with external libspatialindex
Hello, bug triage...
with QGIS 2.13 on Debian, there is no conflict: p.get_storage() returns 0.
I am closing this bug.
02:02 AM Bug report #13855 (Closed): Multipoint asJSON is like linestring and not curvePolygon
Fixed in changeset commit:"00ea968347d40912ffa2a8954f298c015c664d29". René-Luc ReLuc
01:31 AM Feature request #3520: Easier measure tool decimal places config
Yes a button in the Measure tool panel would do (but not so easy for me to do :) Sandro Santilli
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M...
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M...
01:27 AM Feature request #3520 (Feedback): Easier measure tool decimal places config
Hello, bug triage...
still valid in QGIS 2.13. The decimal places configuration is in Settings -> Map Tools Tab -> M...
01:29 AM Revision 4d02e48f (qgis): Update test mask images for windows
Nyall Dawson
01:24 AM Bug report #3518 (Feedback): Spatial Query not selecting points in complex polygons
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 with a complex polygon (with holes).
I think we can close it ...


12:38 AM Revision 323f265c (qgis): Misc cleanups following c9f0d83
Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa...
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa...
12:21 AM Bug report #3511 (Closed): Only one sub-level of symbols is saved
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.13. Everything is kept intact in the style, I can have the sa...
10:50 PM Revision a5b2a069 (qgis): made copy/paste style aware of scale based visibility (fixes #13746)
Sebastian Dietrich
10:43 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Yuval: AFAIK the issue remains on QGIS 2.12. There is hope for the 2.14 LTS release which will probably be built agai... Björn Harrtell
10:57 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Björn Harrtell wrote:
> ... which is unfortunate because editing shapefiles probably is one of the more common cases ...
Uroš Preložnik
10:32 PM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
If the user is required to add '', this should be made clear, it is not obvious. Perhaps adding a note to the error m... Paolo Cavallini
11:17 AM Bug report #13856: DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
I would say this is intended behaviour. You are not entering a *value*, but an *expression*.... Sebastian Dietrich
10:14 AM Bug report #13856 (Closed): DB Manager: SET DEFAULT syntax wrong
When setting the default for a column value, DB Manager fails to quote the value, e.g.... Paolo Cavallini
10:19 PM Bug report #13857: Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
e.g. if I insert a path to a photo, and set the field widget to photo, the image itself fails to be displayed because... Paolo Cavallini
11:54 AM Bug report #13857 (Feedback): Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
Defaults values are kept verbatim (not only for @'test123'::character varying@, but also @nextval('foo_id_seq'::regcl... Jürgen Fischer
10:20 AM Bug report #13857 (Closed): Default values on a PG table: type cast appended
If the table has a default value, this is used in QGIS, but quotes and a type cast is added to it, e.g.:
Paolo Cavallini
08:40 PM Revision e3489e0b (qgis): install qgsfeaturefilterprovider.h (followup c9f0d83)
Jürgen Fischer
05:21 PM Revision 0132a3e1 (qgis): Merge pull request #1 from SebDieBln/SanitizeEntryNames
add a test for makeKeyTokens_() Olivier Dalang
04:07 PM Revision 84e4539b (qgis): fix c40a764
Jürgen Fischer
03:32 PM Revision a50f2d05 (qgis): Refactor edit form configuration out of QgsVectorLayer
Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Revision 5b596097 (qgis): Some sip changes and doxymentation
Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Revision 4cd1e386 (qgis): fieldEditable -> readOnly
Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Revision d2ac91b3 (qgis): fixup doxygen
Matthias Kuhn
03:32 PM Revision d70a47e7 (qgis): Document function name changes
Matthias Kuhn
03:29 PM Revision d315a123 (qgis): Fix segfault when editor widget is invalid on form init
"editor" can be null in that case Alessandro Pasotti
02:31 PM Revision 29e2b6a2 (qgis): Fix fill ring tool creates more features than needed (fix #13354)
(cherry-picked from 45a6f715b3b980ea4ad0dce7e35aace041caac6d) Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Revision 4d7cb24c (qgis): Fix overview canvas background color not set (fix #11157)
(cherry-picked from f60ca59996544a29567cfa6a68f6dc2c1664f6dd) Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Revision 45d80f90 (qgis): Fix merge attributes tool sets skipped attributes to null (fix #13231)
(cherry-picked from 0bda18b6e04105d52cfe6f54792de2f2e2b4a925) Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Revision c5762816 (qgis): Fix merge attributes/features tool resets values to null for int fields
Also add a warning if merged attribute value is not compatible with
field type.
Fix #12842
(cherry-picked from 099a...
Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Revision ca127f58 (qgis): Fix storing string representations of doubles in an int field
results in NULL rather than converting value to int
(cherry-picked from 1c76b93d89e9edf3a3abb153402c541e66756add)
Nyall Dawson
02:31 PM Revision 3ffdb6cf (qgis): Introduce qgsRound since std::round is available only in C++11 onwards
(cherry-picked from 468012a282d8f96d0ad4f12cade2504a77cd75f9) Nyall Dawson
02:05 PM Bug report #13746: Duplicating a layer doesn't copy scale dependent visibility
_Copy style_ and _Paste style_ also do not operate on the scale based visibility settings. _Duplicate layer_ internal... Sebastian Dietrich
02:01 PM Revision 174fbb97 (qgis): added a test for makeKeyTokens_()
Sebastian Dietrich
01:42 PM Revision f16328a9 (qgis): fix build of distance area tests (followup 3667651)
Jürgen Fischer
01:30 PM Revision c40a764f (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
12:32 PM Revision 69eb6597 (qgis): Fix crash in relation reference widget
Matthias Kuhn
12:29 PM Bug report #13850 (Closed): compile error for qgis 2.8 (r60.g3667651) in file qgsdistancearea.cpp
Nyall Dawson
12:25 PM Revision ce6a6902 (qgis): fix precise build (followup 3667651)
Jürgen Fischer
12:22 PM Revision 2fcdef4e (qgis): Fix crash in relation reference widget
Matthias Kuhn
12:09 PM Revision 739e5079 (qgis): fix windows build (followup c9f0d83)
Jürgen Fischer
11:54 AM Bug report #13858 (Closed): Adding TIFF does not set band automatically
Reading the TIFF from forestry dataset in the tutorial, does not set Band 3(blue) correctly. Probably becasue I run i... Magnus Homann
11:51 AM Revision 85f29ed8 (qgis): fix qgsauthmanager test on windows
(cherry picked from commit 0799e09a67dec3d1a26910d9c91fb88e268506b2) Jürgen Fischer
10:38 AM Revision 2a557db3 (qgis): [FEATURE] expression: align strpos behaviour with postgres
Jürgen Fischer
10:37 AM Revision f3a5dcc9 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:23 AM Revision 422abbde (qgis): Merge pull request #2056 from sbrunner/qgis-server-security
[Feature] Add an interface in QGIS Server for access control plugins Marco Hugentobler
09:48 AM Revision 8c0fe47d (qgis): Add tests for QgsPointV2, fix some issues:
- prevent creation of a QgsPointV2 with a non-point WKB type
- fix bounding box was not invalidated for some modifica...
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e1c3b4df (qgis): Fix incorrect point types when segmentizing circular strings
Nyall Dawson
09:11 AM Revision df8584a7 (qgis): [qt5] fix custom widgets
Denis Rouzaud
08:40 AM Bug report #3456 (Feedback): Difference between vectors is empty if one of the inputs has errors
Hello, bug triage...
I think that we can't do anything for this one: as long as you have invalid geometries, the Dif...
08:35 AM Revision b1eb8127 (qgis): Do not require manual CMakeCache intervention
Matthias Kuhn
08:09 AM Bug report #13855 (Closed): Multipoint asJSON is like linestring and not curvePolygon
The exportToGeoJSON method for Multipoint returns the geometry coordinates like a curvePolygon coordinates instead of... René-Luc ReLuc
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r...
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r...
08:08 AM Feature request #3472 (Closed): Enhancement: create by length/angle / Rotate feature
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably for previous versions) you natively have:
* the ability to r...
07:58 AM Feature request #3474 (Feedback): Add supporting any field for Singleparts to multipart tool
Hello, bug triage...
I don't know what you mean by "but any of fields of vector layer".
In the Processing tool "Sin...
07:54 AM Feature request #3486 (Feedback): Snapping for move tool
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master it is still not possible to snap when moving a feature. The workaround in t...
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without...
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without...
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without...
07:50 AM Bug report #3489 (Feedback): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master (and probably with previous versions), when you create a connection without...
07:36 AM Bug report #13243: Unable to delete item in relation block using the form view
Bug still present in 2.12.0 Bart Noordervliet
07:24 AM Bug report #3487 (Feedback): Select features by rectangle does not work properly
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on PostGIS Point layer using all the selection tools. Do you still have it...
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose...
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose...
06:59 AM Feature request #3469 (Closed): gdaltools: virtual catalog fails with many files
Hello, bug triage...
I've tested to create a vrt with QGIS from 502 TIFF files taken individually (not using "Choose...
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett...
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett...
06:47 AM Feature request #3481 (In Progress): Enhancement: Options to stretch labels
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and probably in previous versions), there are two spacing options:
* lett...
06:32 AM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
I can verify that it still exists in MASTER commit:824fd7b
I found the issue seperately when instead of calling @Rea...
Casper Børgesen
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi...
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi...
06:21 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
Hello, bug triage...
as of today, QGIS 2.13 master points to testing manual and QGIS 2.12 Lyon (non LTR version) poi...
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM...
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM...
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM...
06:17 AM Bug report #3371 (Closed): Random points is terribly slow with complex features
Hello, bug triage...
it takes about 40 seconds to create 1k random points on the polygon of french boundary from OSM...
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ...
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ...
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ...
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ...
05:47 AM Feature request #3351 (Closed): Histogram: let the user browse x values
Hello, bug triage...
this feature if fully implemented into QGIS. User can select min/max for x value (pixel value) ...
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from...
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from...
05:42 AM Feature request #3350 (Closed): Histogram: let the user set min,max in x axis
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now completely implemented: you can define the min/max value for each band from...
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo...
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo...
05:33 AM Bug report #3342 (Closed): exists twice in GRASS toolbox
Hello, bug triage...
this is fixed in QGIS 2.13 with Grass 6.4.3: there is no more than one
I am clo...
05:29 AM Bug report #3333 (Feedback): GdalTools: strange responsivenes of multiple files selector
Hello, bug triage...
I have seen some differences between the QFileDialog of the main QGIS Raster selector and the G...
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces...
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces...
05:17 AM Feature request #3331 (Feedback): GdalTools: add utilities for MapServer
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, gdaltindex is on Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Tile Index and there is also a Proces...
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv...
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv...
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv...
05:06 AM Bug report #3305 (Closed): lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request?
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and probably previous versions), I've got no problems to use your WMS v1.3.0 serv...
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h...
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h...
03:01 AM Feature request #3288 (Feedback): Enable stacked layers selection for "Simplify Feature"
Hello, bug triage...
could we just make the simplify tool works only on selected features ? User could select what h...
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f...
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f...
02:46 AM Feature request #3276 (In Progress): Move reuse last values for digitizing to attribute dialog.
Hello, bug triage...
do you still plan to integrate this feature into QGIS attribute forms or should we abandon it f...
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:...
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:...
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:...
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:...
02:41 AM Bug report #3272 (Closed): KML export is malformed
Hello, bug triage...
the KML export is now made with OGR and Schema is not a child of Folder anymore:...
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE...
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE...
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE...
02:29 AM Feature request #3209 (Feedback): Set "Skip attribute creation" as a default setting when user ch...
Hello, bug triage...
for GPX export, there is now (QGIS 2.13 master) no problem, the GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS is set to YE...
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I...
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I...
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I...
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I...
02:17 AM Feature request #3196 (Closed): Provide a custom SVG path in an environment variable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master (and previous versions), there is now a way to add paths for SVG symbols. I...
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master...
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master...
01:41 AM Bug report #3155 (Feedback): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
Hello, bug triage...
this is still the case for QGIS 2.13 master...


12:57 AM Bug report #13853 (Closed): Error on edit sqlite layer
When I try to append new feature to layer ZBORDERS I get unusable feature. Fields in feature are mixed and geometry i... Evgeniy Nikulin
12:17 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
Updated to reflect progress in pull request Daan Goedkoop
11:45 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Björn Harrtell wrote:
> Was affected by this issue today (I think) and investigated. If I read the history correct he...
Yuval Lorig
06:00 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
My work-arounds so far have been using QGIS 2.8 + Save as...
Saber Razmjooei
01:46 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
I'm having the same issue on 2.10 on various machines. When i try to open SHP that was created on QGIS 2.10 afte...
Yuval Lorig
10:46 PM Revision 8e5ba3bf (qgis): Merge pull request #2458 from SebDieBln/Postgres_GeomTypeDirect
[postgresprovider] Determine geometry type and srid directly from column type Jürgen Fischer
08:41 PM Bug report #13852 (Closed): merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels fails in attached sce...
This is not a huge deal, but would be nice to see fixed - if that is possible. Attached is a small test project with ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:23 PM Revision f6e4e75c (qgis): [FEATURE]postgres provider: add support for timestamp types
Jürgen Fischer
07:21 PM Revision 7b0815b6 (qgis): Fix python errors
Matthias Kuhn
06:00 PM Revision 53998555 (qgis): restore original subset string on dialog cancel (fix #13620)
Sebastian Dietrich
03:03 PM Bug report #9311 (Closed): Creating a group layer reverses order of selected layers in new group
closed, fixed in >= 2.8 Donovan Cameron
02:49 PM Revision c9f0d83a (qgis): The plugin define the following methods:
* layerFilterExpression
Return an additional filter, used in
WMS/GetMap, WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature to fi...
Stéphane Brunner
02:09 PM Revision f7bdd66c (qgis): Merge pull request #2481 from nyalldawson/processing
Processing enhancements and fixes Alexander Bruy
01:29 PM Revision b1743dc8 (qgis): Make log messages visible in the QGIS server log file
Stéphane Brunner
01:05 PM Revision e0bedc2b (qgis): Drop SIP/documentation test thresholds
Nyall Dawson
12:47 PM Revision 3667651d (qgis): Fix composer scale bar when crs units are non-meters and OTF is off (fi...
(cherry-picked from d56dcdb02fc65d8cd6fc2a5a92b0be4756aa8e2d) Nyall Dawson
12:45 PM Revision 6320dcfd (qgis): [composer] Fix scalebar widgets not updated when changing units (fix #1...
(cherry-picked from dc6c12b6c333fe31fd249c96fc64f87261da2716) Nyall Dawson
12:44 PM Revision 96ba5907 (qgis): Fix potential crash in vector gradient dialog info button
Note that this doesn't seem to be actually utilised by any
of the preinstalled gradients, but if users have created
Nyall Dawson
12:43 PM Revision 938d8ed2 (qgis): set selection color from project file
fix #3400
also remove duplicate setting of background color (it is set by ProjectProperties)
(cherry-picked from 07d...
Nyall Dawson
12:42 PM Revision d028258c (qgis): Also show features with modified geometry when "show edited and new
features" filter is active in attribute dialog (fix #11684)
(cherry-picked from e92e91060140e80c22a61406d640054fa458...
Nyall Dawson
12:34 PM Revision 2ed4fb09 (qgis): Add tooltips to advanced digitizing dock
(cherry-picked from b4b70170685c029e52f78aace893144f5a777ab2) Nyall Dawson
12:34 PM Revision c6547c0b (qgis): Fix ellipse symbol layer with graduated/categorised renderer
(cherry-picked from 5a6bfbb260d4054fa5d075510423f7374ce1af78) Nyall Dawson
12:28 PM Revision 70f58966 (qgis): Followup a721752, also fix svg marker fill cannot be used with
categorised or graduated renderers
(cherry-picked from f9231df1f11723c9cb1be746d9ed3ed322545589)
Nyall Dawson
12:24 PM Revision d633f59a (qgis): Allow coloring of svg markers when used with graduated/categorised rend...
(cherry-picked from a721752ced4931b13c9b6a79db8f2be059cc9824) Nyall Dawson
12:18 PM Bug report #13851 (Closed): Scalebar addition when dealing with multiple map frames
When having multiple maps, scalebar is added to the last drawn map. The default IMO, the scalebar should be added to ... Saber Razmjooei
12:17 PM Revision 14d47ab9 (qgis): Fix crash if selecting a nonsense subrenderer for displacement renderer
(cherry-picked from 6bfdafe3d36dbcd88343efd583e725f3b4643675) Nyall Dawson
12:13 PM Revision 1dca76e1 (qgis): Fix fill and outline color for svg markers sometimes enabled
when SVG file does not support parameters
(Cherry-picked from 3aa6c4f0120bb5d9d5297d9d9f5503c38ff9a977)
Nyall Dawson
12:09 PM Revision ed2a7b85 (qgis): Fix snapping options dialog not correctly initialised when loading proj...
(cherry-picked from 0da930615947af1967262de4a7a9a400c6e3d69a) Nyall Dawson
12:08 PM Revision bd551e8f (qgis): Fix symbols drawn multiple times in rule based renderer if symbol
has multiple layers
(cherry-picked from a0d7653b53e63da9751755096b7bb4445e7632a1)
Nyall Dawson
12:07 PM Revision f98fd331 (qgis): Fix fill ring tool used with advanced digitising crashes QGIS
(fix #13355)
(cherry-picked from aa4d65d3b8926b36f88205dbb0d192b12bc1d1ad)
Nyall Dawson
11:57 AM Revision a1479a7d (qgis): QgsMapUnitScale fixes:
- add docs
- add missing SIP bindings
- remove unnecessary cast from double->float->double
- add unit tests
Nyall Dawson
11:56 AM Revision 7b59fc08 (qgis): Allow transparency for point displacement circle/label colors
(cherry-picked from 8f0ed6155acb9e531bbc2a1e8fcf599d061227e1) Nyall Dawson
11:55 AM Revision 955ea3e2 (qgis): Allow escape to cancel drawing new features
(cherry-picked from e2dc8bfe148a70173deee258f36c0194e53fda63) Nyall Dawson
11:55 AM Revision bce210e0 (qgis): [labelling] set full rule of qpainterpath for text/buffer rendering
(cherry-picked from 2856981ebdf942fdeb7abf9fd8958dea946493d3) Nyall Dawson
11:54 AM Revision cfc32e1a (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/s to setSubSymbol
(cherry-picked from dc0639c7944320ceeca40413d5dc2147f5c2d328) Nyall Dawson
11:49 AM Revision 5019fe24 (qgis): Add methods to directly retrieve/set coordinates for linestring nodes
Also add method to create QgsPointV2 from a QPointF Nyall Dawson
11:19 AM Revision 4abff04a (qgis): Bracket ops to avoid precedence issues when compiling expressions
(cherry-picked from 26b3685757923e80631dd13bf8c47f6bfc3dda30) Nyall Dawson
11:16 AM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> @Médéric
> Before you spend too much time coding this, can you please file a QEP over at htt...
11:14 AM Revision 4ea58480 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/s to setSubSymbol
(cherry-picked from dc0639c7944320ceeca40413d5dc2147f5c2d328) Nyall Dawson
11:14 AM Revision 509a2854 (qgis): Fix endpoint swap on negative marker line offset
Fixes #13811
Includes testcase
(cherry-picked from 824fd7bf32a45e278f2ec2fe9fa1c7228c9fb27f)
Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Revision 60335db2 (qgis): Followup b81933e fix other symbols with paths out of viewport
(cherry-picked from 709b47e11c4fd67c341be841593946d0f55663b6) Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Revision b9326a5b (qgis): Followup f9fa9793, avoid expensive intersection calculation when
testing label candidates against polygon obstacles
Fix #13556
(cherry-picked from b384f18a3dc38305dcfe4673f9c5353e8...
Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Revision 32cdd85f (qgis): More robust GEOS pointOnSurface calculation (fix #13787)
(cherry-picked from 5c9873c7949e183b2834c6a6f82b0477441038b6) Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Revision 32017007 (qgis): Fix crash with malformed WKT
(cherry-picked from 18744b4123b1803e33928e9c34b6e56cba190779) Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Revision 799655f4 (qgis): Fix crash on malformed WKT strings
(cherry-picked from fccf54b2d781d4eb87ddc19dd71dad5a0625aa6f) Nyall Dawson
11:01 AM Revision 54f13a6d (qgis): Fix delimited text layers set to unknown geometry type if first row has
null geometry (fix #13749)
(cherry-picked from 743964393450178289e6717d67cdba04c6206e23)
Nyall Dawson
11:01 AM Revision 0e0f4738 (qgis): Much faster zoom to selection on large PostGIS layers
(cherry-picked from 6772ffb97d9985b8e17aacb13dab6ce0812312b0) Nyall Dawson
11:01 AM Revision e604a483 (qgis): Also use FilterFids when field calculator is only updating selected
features. Results in similar speed improvements when updating
only selected features from a large PostGIS layer
Nyall Dawson
11:00 AM Revision 57381f49 (qgis): Use a FilterFids request for vector file writer rather than fetching
all features and then testing the feature id when saving selected
For providers such as Postgres this is or...
Nyall Dawson
10:59 AM Revision 14408d32 (qgis): Use IN (...) for postgres FilterFids requests when the primary
key is a simple (non compound) type
IN (...) is much faster than chained ...OR... clauses
Additionally, trying to f...
Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Revision ce2a84d6 (qgis): Followup 2ac5933 with more data defined fixes
2ac5933 fixed the regression in 2.12, but there were more underlying
issues from <2.8 causing sub symbols with data d...
Nyall Dawson
10:47 AM Revision 6bb6929c (qgis): Fix data defined overrides for sub symbols in line and marker fill
are not being applied (fix #13707)
(cherry-picked from 2ac59332130186d891635f01c6c7677685716863)
Nyall Dawson
10:46 AM Revision 49c243c6 (qgis): Fixes #13747
Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Revision 15f59aed (qgis): Fix expression get_feature function was not fetching feature's
Fix #13695
(cherry-picked from c445ac1eef0a2f94d1e334b1439d593e706f1395)
Nyall Dawson
10:32 AM Revision a19994e9 (qgis): Add test for filter expression on non provider fields
(cherry-picked from 353c0db74567f0331c58516813a84c04825eadcf) Nyall Dawson
10:31 AM Revision f679daa4 (qgis): When deleting nodes from the end of a linestring, select the
final node following a delete rather than reverting to the first
Improves workflow when deleting sequential no...
Nyall Dawson
10:30 AM Revision 1449078c (qgis): Fix crash when deleting last node in a geometry (fix #13674)
(cherry-picked from ba1de8b5aa82f26c9127d12897ce42f49a265cb2) Nyall Dawson
10:25 AM Revision 8b7ab57f (qgis): Add some missing Q_OBJECT macros
(cherry-picked from ce5ed44dc50748c106bf3c67cea328cc829e0b2d) Nyall Dawson
10:23 AM Revision 5741925a (qgis): Fix ellipse symbol layer with graduated/categorised renderer
(cherry-picked from 5a6bfbb260d4054fa5d075510423f7374ce1af78) Nyall Dawson
10:22 AM Feature request #2956 (Closed): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one coul...
Agreed. You can use label layer priority, data defined priority, or data defined always show to control this. Nyall Dawson
10:22 AM Feature request #2956 (Closed): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one coul...
Agreed. You can use label layer priority, data defined priority, or data defined always show to control this. Nyall Dawson
07:25 AM Feature request #2956 (Feedback): When text in the same layer clashes, would be helpful if one co...
Hello, bug triage...
what did you mean by clashing ? Is it the intersection/collision of two labels ?
There is a lot...
10:16 AM Revision 3c11a5d7 (qgis): Fix FilterExpression feature requests will ignore expression if
using virtual fields or other complex filters
refs #13695
(cherry-picked from dddd043491deefe1e4c9606a87a771d22736f...
Nyall Dawson
09:35 AM Bug report #13850 (Closed): compile error for qgis 2.8 (r60.g3667651) in file qgsdistancearea.cpp
There's an error when trying to compile QGIS 2.8 (long term release) today. The file in question is "/core/CMakeFiles... Donovan Cameron
09:25 AM Revision 5d359a63 (qgis): replaced 'LIMIT 0' by 'WHERE 0=1' (fixes #13731)
Sebastian Dietrich
09:01 AM Bug report #13620 (Closed): Cancelling Layer Properties Dialog does not cancel changes made in "P...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5399855566c504953151c4b56b6ae1e0d5097a5a". Anonymous
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend...
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend...
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend...
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend...
08:45 AM Bug report #3238 (Closed): Long name for symbols in Symbol selector should be adjusted
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and previous versions), the style library of the Style Manager or the symbol rend...
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu...
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu...
08:37 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
Hello, bug triage...
I've made some tests on a 1024x768 screen and both dialog boxes are usable in this small resolu...
08:14 AM Revision 0b0c413f (qgis): Add Saga 2.2.2 descriptions
Matthias Kuhn
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that...
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that...
08:09 AM Bug report #3115 (Feedback): Old project layer got lost after installing plug ins and updating
Hello, bug triage...
I can load the project file in QGIS 2.13 with no crash. It seems that there are two layers that...
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag...
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag...
08:03 AM Bug report #3089 (Feedback): Problem with On-the-fly CRS transformation
Hello, bug triage...
I confirm this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 using CRS 32642, but with another error messag...
07:51 AM Revision 146b15a1 (qgis): Merge pull request #2460 from nyalldawson/ogr_compiler
[FEATURE] Compiler for OGR and Spatialite expressions Matthias Kuhn
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua...
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua...
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua...
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua...
07:48 AM Feature request #3061 (Closed): setting min/max for symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and in previous versions), the graduated renderer uses classes that you can manua...
07:32 AM Feature request #2987 (Feedback): Auto GCP detection library
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the AutoGCP doesn't exist anymore. I think (but I am not sure) that some work fro...
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot...
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot...
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot...
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot...
07:09 AM Feature request #2916 (Closed): Rotated Grid Annotations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and previous releases), everything that is in a Map object in the composer is rot...
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int...
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int...
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int...
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int...
06:54 AM Feature request #2908 (Closed): Collapsed layers when opening a project
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 (and before), the state (expanded, collapsed) of each group of layer is stored int...
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ...
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ...
06:45 AM Bug report #2866 (Closed): Polygon looks like filled if set border style differ from Solid Line
Hello, bug triage...
I am not able to reproduce it under MS-Windows 7 for QGIS 2.13 master. I can zoom at any level ...
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ...
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ...
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ...
06:41 AM Feature request #2841 (Closed): More options for chart decorations
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you have an option to do this in the diagrams tab on the appearance tab. You can ...
06:27 AM Revision d0625b8b (qgis): [processing] Add algorithm for reversing line directions
Nyall Dawson
06:27 AM Revision 9009ef0b (qgis): [processing] Add smooth algorithm
Allows for smoothing line or polygon layers Nyall Dawson
06:27 AM Revision 53aa583d (qgis): [processing] Use QgsDoubleSpinBox instead of QSpinBox
Allows for simple calculations in spin box, adds a reset control
to reset widget to default value
Nyall Dawson
06:26 AM Revision 86231d79 (qgis): [processing] Guess sensible step sizes for float spin boxes
Nyall Dawson
06:26 AM Revision ffd97075 (qgis): [processing] Fix maximum/minimum not respected for float spinboxes
Nyall Dawson
06:24 AM Revision 86c1ffa0 (qgis): Add reversed method to QgsCurveV2
Also clean up and add missing docs for QgsLineStringV2 Nyall Dawson
06:24 AM Revision 8783fe27 (qgis): Don't store QgsLineStringV2 coordinates in QPolygonF
This stores coordinates as qreal, which on some platforms is float,
and not suitable for accurate geometry storage.
Nyall Dawson
06:24 AM Revision 9cfbba16 (qgis): Add rx(), ry(), ... methods to QgsPointV2, add missing docs to class
Allows for directly modifying point's coordinates in place Nyall Dawson
06:23 AM Revision 2623abc7 (qgis): Fix detection of python related notes in Sip coverage test
In certain cases test was not correctly detecting "not available in
Python bindings" notes
Nyall Dawson
05:59 AM Revision 26b36857 (qgis): Bracket ops to avoid precedence issues when compiling expressions
Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Revision 91571736 (qgis): Make expression compilation optional, but enabled by default
Remove the previous postgres specific option and replace with an
enabled-by-default option which applies to all expre...
Nyall Dawson
04:31 AM Revision 982490f6 (qgis): Add some more expression compilation tests, fix <> string for OGR
Nyall Dawson
04:11 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Hi, I have created a new pull to test results using the "SnapToGrid" algorithm... Alvaro Huarte
01:00 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
I think I might try adding this new algorithm to test results (I will try to get time). It is complementary to the ST... Alvaro Huarte
04:02 AM Bug report #13849: Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
Tried also 2.10, which gives the same behavior.
Master did not build:
@Compiling /data/src/QGIS_dev/qgis-dev/output/...
Stefan Blumentrath
01:28 AM Bug report #13849 (Closed): Selfcompiled QGIS 2.12 segfaults on startup on Ubuntu 14.04
After compiling QGIS 2.12 release branch from source on Ubuntu 14.04, QGIS segfaults at startup.
Others seem to be hi...
Stefan Blumentrath
04:02 AM Revision 35d0dd32 (qgis): [FEATURE] Expression compiler for SpatiaLite provider
Nyall Dawson
04:02 AM Revision 5f65f872 (qgis): Create QgsSqlExpressionCompiler as base class for expression compilers
Switch Postgres and OGR compilers to use the new base class. New class
should make it easier to add additional expres...
Nyall Dawson


12:29 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
That sounds like a better approach. I also think snap to grid simplification could be useful for composer exports... ... Nyall Dawson
11:25 PM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I'm not a fan of this approach. I think it's great how simplification also aids labelling at th...
Alvaro Huarte
11:05 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
>For all that, as I said, I would like to propose move the simplification to just where the geometry is converted to ... Nyall Dawson
05:54 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi, I would like to propose an idea in order to avoid these problems derivated from on-the-fly...
Regis Haubourg
05:02 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Sorry, I forgot to say that the simplification executed in provider side remains unchanged. For postgis it executes "... Alvaro Huarte
04:51 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Hi, I would like to propose an idea in order to avoid these problems derivated from on-the-fly-simplification.
Alvaro Huarte
12:27 AM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
I'll backport commit:5d359a6 to release-2_12 if a 2.12.1 will be released. René-Luc ReLuc
02:08 PM Bug report #13731 (Closed): DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
Fixed in changeset commit:"57f5fba5823e318809aa409a77ae636ea12874f5". Jürgen Fischer
12:43 PM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
Please see "PR 2478": for a simple solution (replacing _LIMIT 0_ with _WHERE 0=... Sebastian Dietrich
11:08 PM Revision 57f5fba5 (qgis): Merge pull request #2478 from SebDieBln/DbManager_Fix13731
[DbManager] replaced 'LIMIT 0' by 'WHERE 0=1' (fixes #13731) Jürgen Fischer
10:45 PM Bug report #13848 (Closed): Refreshing a vector layer does not change feature count
In QGIS 2.12, normally when clicking *Show feature count* button on the right click menu of a vector layer, calculate... Mehmet Selim BILGIN
09:36 PM Bug report #13846 (Closed): Styling Else rule scale problem
Tudor Bărăscu
09:02 PM Bug report #13846: Styling Else rule scale problem
Looks like it. I remember clearly that I had put it in the ..upload queue.
Meanwhile, I noticed the issue comes along...
Tudor Bărăscu
01:03 PM Bug report #13846 (Feedback): Styling Else rule scale problem
Looks like you forgot to attach the data & project file? Nyall Dawson
05:34 AM Bug report #13846 (Closed): Styling Else rule scale problem
I'm attaching data to recreate the issue.
It's kind of hard to present the issue in words so I'll make just a short ...
Tudor Bărăscu
09:29 PM Revision e04d5e4d (qgis): replaced 'LIMIT 0' by 'WHERE 0=1' (fixes #13731)
Sebastian Dietrich
08:46 PM Revision dc0639c7 (qgis): Add missing /Transfer/s to setSubSymbol
Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Revision 3d947e82 (qgis): Add provider expression filter tests for TVL
Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Revision f7ed42b9 (qgis): Disable OGR expression compilation for certain OGR drivers
In some cases OGR forwards filters on to the underlying data source,
and the syntax may differ from OGR SQL. In these...
Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Revision 26f7683c (qgis): OGR expression compiler fixes
- Allow simple operators as supported by OGR (+, -, * )
- Only return a partial compilation success if expression con...
Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Revision d19adfe8 (qgis): [FEATURE] Compiler for OGR expressions
Allows much faster retrieval of features when a FilterExpression
feature request is used.
OGR SQL supports only basi...
Nyall Dawson
08:29 PM Bug report #13847 (Closed): svg markers with svg files not defining viewBox fails to properly exp...
A regressions slipped into QGIS master which leads to broken composer export of svg marker symbology when the svg fil... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:54 PM Revision f184ec97 (qgis): Merge pull request #2471 from nyalldawson/processing_fixes
[processing] misc improvements
- use QgsStatisticalSummary for statistic calculations
- faster expression request ...
Alexander Bruy
05:51 PM Revision fd50136e (qgis): Merge pull request #2456 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_222_kriging
[processing] fix SAGA 2.2.2 kriging tools Alexander Bruy
05:37 PM Bug report #13657 (Closed): default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in '...
> According to the documentation the % is not supposed to be the wildcard character but the modulo operator. It there... Nyall Dawson
05:37 PM Bug report #13657 (Closed): default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in '...
> According to the documentation the % is not supposed to be the wildcard character but the modulo operator. It there... Nyall Dawson
03:31 PM Bug report #13657: default leading and trailing spaces when wildcard character used in 'Select by...
According to the "documentation": Sebastian Dietrich
03:48 PM Revision 79616fd8 (qgis): Add Report a Bug to the Help menu to assist in creating bug reports
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:49 PM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
In answer to the question though:
Médéric RIBREUX wrote:
> For the moment, this feature is used only when you open a...
Alister Hood
01:01 PM Feature request #1502: Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
Before you spend too much time coding this, can you please file a QEP over at
Nyall Dawson
06:37 AM Feature request #1502 (Feedback): Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
I've started to work on this feature (but not made a PR before user feedback). For the moment, I have impleme...
06:37 AM Feature request #1502 (Feedback): Allow vector symbol classification to affect outline color
I've started to work on this feature (but not made a PR before user feedback). For the moment, I have impleme...
02:13 PM Bug report #13620: Cancelling Layer Properties Dialog does not cancel changes made in "Provider f...
Please see "PR 2480": for a fix. Sebastian Dietrich
01:57 PM Revision eeef84b1 (qgis): Revert "Deduplicated FindPyQt(4|5).py"
This reverts commit 842c17c10b2112b0d92ab287d76e374900736065 which was
responsible for test timeouts for dubious reas...
Matthias Kuhn
12:56 PM Feature request #4936 (Closed): Ability to flip or reverse direction of a linestring
Duplicate of #2701 Nyall Dawson
12:56 PM Feature request #4936 (Closed): Ability to flip or reverse direction of a linestring
Duplicate of #2701 Nyall Dawson
12:55 PM Feature request #2701: Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
> what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored into th... Nyall Dawson
09:16 AM Feature request #2701: Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
After digging with GRASS, you can use "v.edit": to flip the direct... Médéric RIBREUX
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i...
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i...
06:54 AM Feature request #2701 (Feedback): Add a "reverse lines" processing algorithm
what do you think about having a Processing tool to do it (named like "Reverse lines") ? It would be stored i...
12:53 PM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
> So, let's do the following:
- Make the statistic panel contents be able to copy data in the clipboard (not just th...
Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
list unique values extracts the individual values for a field in a layer. Then you can copy/paste those indiv...
01:24 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
I think that the _Variety_ expains unique values..
matteo ghetta
09:20 AM Revision ac44a307 (qgis): Fix PyQt compat lib INSTALL path
Matthias Kuhn
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation...
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation...
06:45 AM Feature request #2606 (Feedback): target field shall be selected automatically
for the moment, when you select a line in the attribute table and then open the Field Calculator, calculation...
06:10 AM Bug report #1796 (Feedback): Multi-line text in a SVG file is not drawn correctly in Print Composer
Hello, bug triage...
this bug is still present in QGIS 2.13 master.
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ...
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ...
06:01 AM Feature request #1528 (Feedback): Add Image Map plugin functionality to Print Composer
what I have understood from the request: make an HTML export for QGIS Print Composer. Does it answer to this ...
05:44 AM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
ok. another way.
in this case:
I want to see which element belongs to which layer when I select something in both la...
Lukasz Sychowicz
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ...
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ...
05:02 AM Feature request #1720 (Closed): Add CRS choice button in "Add delimited text" plugin.
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 (and perhaps on previous versions), when you use the delimited text data provider ...
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t... elcuco -
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t... elcuco -
04:42 AM Bug report #11974: Change default raster properties 'min/max values' settings
I agree with Jens Kiesel. The user should have the option to set the Accuracy to 'Actual (slower)' by default (IMHO t... elcuco -
03:31 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Was affected by this issue today (I think) and investigated. If I read the history correct here, the fix for this iss... Björn Harrtell
02:38 AM Feature request #13845 (Open): A simple method for adding data to exisitng polygons/lines
As far as I can tell there is still no simple method to attach field data to already mapped polygons/lines in such a ... Dan Isaacs
02:22 AM Feature request #5250: Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
Greate job!
Médéric RIBREUX wrote:
> Hello, bug triage...
> on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automat...
elcuco -
01:00 AM Revision 1675703d (qgis): qt5 fixes
Jürgen Fischer


11:50 PM Bug report #13841: DbManager does not use the new authentication system
See "PR 2473": for a solution. Sebastian Dietrich
03:37 PM Bug report #13841 (Closed): DbManager does not use the new authentication system
* When connecting to a database that is using the "new authentication system": Sebastian Dietrich
09:56 PM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
Hello community,
Well, I'm beginner in GIS, and above average Joe;) So, forgive me already speak French, but I'm not ...
09:38 PM Feature request #13843 (Open): Point stacker rendering
It would be great if QGis could have a point stacker rendering as in Geoserver for point layers Patrick Palmier
06:12 PM Revision 92ce3572 (qgis): [auth] fix detection of root CAs on Linux (fixes #13640)
(cherry picked from commit 08ec25b and a6a2982) Jürgen Fischer
06:10 PM Revision a6a29825 (qgis): [auth] fix build on mac (fixes 08ec25b)
Jürgen Fischer
06:06 PM Revision b7fea572 (qgis): fix python error on startup on windows
Jürgen Fischer
05:16 PM Revision 51295273 (qgis): fix pyrcc4 detection on windows (followup 0b6dd352)
Jürgen Fischer
05:16 PM Revision 08ec25be (qgis): [auth] fix detection of root CAs on Linux (fixes #13640)
Jürgen Fischer
04:05 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
I can confirm that during remote sensing training in the computer room we use computer on windows 8 64bit (in...
Cédric Lardeux
03:47 PM Bug report #13842 (Closed): QGIS 2.12 crash on opening layer properties
Qgis 2.12 crashes when opening the layer properties dialog using this configuration file.
This file works fine in qgi...
Lewis Hein
01:58 PM Bug report #13840 (Closed): Unable to use move label tool with rotated map
I have a map canvas which is rotated at -60 degrees. I am trying to use data defined labels for my features, and to t... Andrew Abbott
01:53 PM Revision 5e7291e9 (qgis): [processing] removed unimplemented lidar algorithm
Victor Olaya
12:39 PM Bug report #13838 (Closed): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
Jürgen Fischer
06:41 AM Bug report #13838: Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
Thanks Meredic, your answer is really helpful. I checked connection settings disabled "Only look meta data table" opt... Mehmet Selim BILGIN
06:31 AM Bug report #13838: Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
the first time you make a connection to an Oracle database (and each time you click on the "connect" button),...
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases? Giovanni Manghi
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases? Giovanni Manghi
04:36 AM Bug report #13838 (Feedback): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
Did it worked as expected in previous qgis releases? Giovanni Manghi
01:46 AM Bug report #13838 (Closed): Oracle Connection takes too long (exactly listing db tables)
After clicking *Connect* button in the *Add Oracle Table(s*) dialog QGIS stucks. It can list db tables about 20 minut... Mehmet Selim BILGIN
12:09 PM Revision 5ec337a0 (qgis): Update
minor adjustments and some funtionalities added (first return selection, output as .asc) Niccolo' Marchi
10:55 AM Revision 4f4fe598 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.1.2 kriging
Giovanni Manghi
09:25 AM Bug report #13731: DBManager's Oracle SQL Query "load result as new layer" gives and error
It's a known issue.
In the TODO list of the oracle's db_manager plugin, we can find :
* SQL Window - Can't retrieve...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:25 AM Revision 96040ab8 (qgis): Merge pull request #2462 from spono/patch-6
[processing] add new tools to lidar provider Victor Olaya
09:22 AM Revision 56b8ce0f (qgis): Merge pull request #2455 from sbrunner/refersh-attribut-table
Add "force reload" button to attribute table Matthias Kuhn
09:03 AM Revision 3daa4044 (qgis): [processing]updated required QGIS version in metadata
Victor Olaya
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg...
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg...
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg...
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg...
08:25 AM Feature request #1482 (Closed): Add accessors to QgsVectorLayer
Hello, bug triage...
since QGIS 2.0, you can access those attributes by using a "QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer":http://qg...
08:16 AM Bug report #13640 (Closed): ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
Fixed in changeset commit:"08ec25bedde5d35ffe050d419cee4fcdae734683". Jürgen Fischer
08:06 AM Bug report #1459: External table modifications are not visible in QGIS table editor
Hello, bug triage...
with "the following PR":, there should be a button to ref...
07:58 AM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
I attached a Screenshot (left QGIS, right ArrghGis) which explains a use case where i think this feature will be very... Christian Roettger
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z...
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z...
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z...
07:54 AM Feature request #1383 (Closed): Zoom to selection while digitizing keeps old extent
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, when you reproduce the steps described in the request, zooming on the selection z...
07:46 AM Feature request #787 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Add the possibility to reproject reference points
it is (QGIS 2.13) possible to change the target SRS for final georeferencing. But when you modify it when you...
07:46 AM Feature request #787 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Add the possibility to reproject reference points
it is (QGIS 2.13) possible to change the target SRS for final georeferencing. But when you modify it when you...
07:43 AM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
Typically I don't see authority parameters in .prj files. For example below is an ogrinfo report for a Census roads f... clifford snow
05:08 AM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
does not seems a qgis issue to me, but rather a data one. This is what OGR says about the projection of the downloade... Giovanni Manghi
07:43 AM Revision 70775f0b (qgis): Add debug message to transaction
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 47543d94 (qgis): [py3] Add PyQt5/PyQt4 compatibility layer
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 842c17c1 (qgis): Deduplicated FindPyQt(4|5).py
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 9ff6e1d4 (qgis): Migrate first python test to be compatible with PyQt4 and PyQt5
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 26ce3cc6 (qgis): [py3] Some python3 compatibility fixes
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 313c34ce (qgis): [py3] Updates to sip files
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision dea8c9f6 (qgis): [py3] Compat update
Matthias Kuhn
07:42 AM Revision 0b6dd352 (qgis): [py3] CMake updates to support Python3 and PyQt5
Matthias Kuhn
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend...
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend...
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend...
07:26 AM Feature request #965 (Closed): Add sliders to define min and max values
Hello, bug triage...
the continuous color renderer doesn't exist anymore. It has been replaced by the graduated rend...
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the...
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the...
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the...
07:13 AM Feature request #971 (Feedback): Make available map extents available as a window that accepts cu...
Hello, bug triage...
as of QGIS 2.13:
* there is a coordinates/extent lineEdit widget.
* You can copy and paste the...
07:05 AM Revision 768bab86 (qgis): Merge pull request #2470 from SebDieBln/postgrestest
[postgresprovider] make the test more portable Matthias Kuhn
06:45 AM Feature request #12667: Pause snapping during editing session
a good feature! Christian Roettger
06:10 AM Revision 48afc425 (qgis): [processing] Use faster expression request for ExtractByAttribute
Nyall Dawson
06:07 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
The problem occurs only on Windows (I tried it on 3PC with Windows7 + mysql server 5.7.9). The problem is also presen... paolo tome
04:46 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
So, the wrong behavior happens only on QGIS on Windows (with the same server)?
can you suggest a more descriptive te...
Giovanni Manghi
05:43 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> Moreover there's also a small problem in QGIS: if you activate "Show Feature Count" (right cli...
Saber Razmjooei
05:37 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
This problem can be extremely dangerous when sharing data with ArcGIS users, since they will see all the deleted feat... Jérôme Guélat
05:04 AM Revision e15962ee (qgis): [processing] Use QgsStatisticalSummary for statistic calculations
For BasicStatisticssNumbers and StatisticsByCategories algorithms.
Adds extra stats (minority, majority, 1st/3rd quar...
Nyall Dawson
04:51 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
I believe is the same issue discussed here
Giovanni Manghi
04:51 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
I believe is the same issue discussed here
Giovanni Manghi
04:45 AM Bug report #13708: Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
Hi, this is a confirmed regression. I have no rights to change tags, could you change that issue to blocker ?
Nicolas Liaudat
04:41 AM Bug report #3517: new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Giovanni - that PR was never merged, and this is still an issue in master
Hi Nyall, yes I have...
Giovanni Manghi
04:39 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> How does one re-install processing to make sure I have the newer version?
remove any "pr...
Giovanni Manghi
04:37 AM Bug report #13832 (Open): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
Giovanni Manghi
04:17 AM Feature request #13820: Tool to create dynamic leader lines
Great news, thanks for the info! Paul Kanelli
03:33 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
Duplicate of #12667 Saber Razmjooei
03:33 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
Duplicate of #12667 Saber Razmjooei
01:51 AM Feature request #13839 (Closed): temporary deactivate snapping options while digitizing
I know there is a feature in ArcGis where one can press Space to temporary deactivate snapping, set the point, releas... Christian Roettger
02:15 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
I would remove... I hope this does not generate side effects. I supposed it's safe. Luigi Pirelli
02:03 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
Added 2.12.1 version. Should I remove 2.12.0 then? Alexander Bruy
01:59 AM Bug report #13837: Processing plugin wrong minimal version
alex, do you mind would be better to update to 2.12.1? there are already more than 1500 downloads and the only way to... Luigi Pirelli
01:50 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
oops, sorry. Plugin metadata now fixed and package updated Alexander Bruy
01:50 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
oops, sorry. Plugin metadata now fixed and package updated Alexander Bruy
01:41 AM Bug report #13837 (Closed): Processing plugin wrong minimal version
Processing v2.12 is incompatible with QGIS version lesser than 2.12 (sorry for the redundant version number)
Luigi Pirelli
02:14 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
A postgreSQL one. Thank you.
Nicolas Boisteault
01:46 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
i think it depends on user specific settings or better requirements. One is fine with the actual semi transparen...
Christian Roettger


12:50 AM Bug report #13836 (Closed): MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
There is a problem with mysql vector; when I connect to the MySQL table (containing a geometry column), the attribute... paolo tome
11:55 PM Revision 526b8fc6 (qgis): Change some by value arguments to by reference
Nyall Dawson
11:50 PM Bug report #13742 (Closed): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Sorry, I meant "fixed after 2.12". So this issue is still present in 2.12, but not later versions. Nyall Dawson
11:50 PM Bug report #13742 (Closed): Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Sorry, I meant "fixed after 2.12". So this issue is still present in 2.12, but not later versions. Nyall Dawson
09:37 PM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Hi, sorry for delay. Used OSGeo4W as suggested, installing "qgis-rel-dev" option, version 2.12.0-10 nightly build. Th... Paulo Raposo
11:02 PM Bug report #13835: Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and South not ...
Changing the longitude to match the .prj file (+x_0=500000.0001016001 to +x_0=500000.0001016002) made no difference.)... clifford snow
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000...
Giovanni Manghi
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000...
Giovanni Manghi
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000...
Giovanni Manghi
10:11 PM Bug report #13835 (Feedback): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and...
2927 is
+proj=lcc +lat_1=47.33333333333334 +lat_2=45.83333333333334 +lat_0=45.33333333333334 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=5000...
Giovanni Manghi
07:42 PM Bug report #13835 (Closed): Shapefiles with EPSG 2926 and 2927 Washington State Plane North and S...
When opening shapefiles from Washington county and state agencies, QGIS defaults to USER:10000X projection instead of... clifford snow
10:39 PM Revision ebf132ed (qgis): Changed the documentation of the postgres test to match the actual beha...
Sebastian Dietrich
09:54 PM Revision 1b9452b4 (qgis): removed the activation of postgis extension as this is already done in ...
Sebastian Dietrich
09:51 PM Revision 6ee90c32 (qgis): replaced COPY with INSERT INTO
Sebastian Dietrich
09:31 PM Revision cfa308d5 (qgis): Added a test for the direct determination of geometry type/srid
Sebastian Dietrich
07:40 PM Revision b501d5f5 (qgis): Update
fixed an error and updated to latest behaviour Niccolo' Marchi
07:32 PM Revision 2fafaaca (qgis): Update
fixed wrong executable call Niccolo' Marchi
07:27 PM Revision 11d5f0c0 (qgis): Update
changed TIF to ASCII in order to keep the original cell value Niccolo' Marchi
07:20 PM Revision c4a6d095 (qgis): Update
after 3.0 if .las are used also the output will be .las Niccolo' Marchi
07:17 PM Revision ec204c35 (qgis): Create DTM2ASCII
new tool Niccolo' Marchi
07:09 PM Revision ea526a29 (qgis): small correction on FUSION internal commands
Niccolo' Marchi
07:00 PM Revision ce8c4540 (qgis): add new tools
adding connection to already-present tools Niccolo' Marchi
01:42 PM Revision d9bbce65 (qgis): Fix style and indentation isssues introduced in 6b3651faef3e02f48188ae8...
Sebastian Dietrich
12:04 PM Bug report #13832: Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
I've just tested with 2.13.0-45, but sadly no improvement. JW van Aalst
11:31 AM Bug report #13832: Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you please test with the current daily snapshots? There's been a change since 2.12 which ma...
JW van Aalst
11:01 AM Bug report #13832 (Feedback): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OS...
Can you please test with the current daily snapshots? There's been a change since 2.12 which may have fixed this. Nyall Dawson
06:32 AM Bug report #13832 (Closed): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM ...
In my QGIS opentopo project file (see for rastered results) I use two label-layers for OSM (in PostGI... JW van Aalst
12:02 PM Bug report #3517 (Reopened): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Giovanni - that PR was never merged, and this is still an issue in master Nyall Dawson
10:18 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
With a dense distribution of irregular shape polygons I do not see the possibility to calculate the right placement f... Darek Bobak
10:14 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
I suppose you don't have to set the labels manually. Most likely there is a field calculator or PostGIS solution to s... Paul Kanelli
09:39 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
With hundreds of features? Manually? So what do I have a QGIS for? Darek Bobak
09:05 AM Feature request #13834: Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
Just use the "Move label" tool.
Paul Kanelli
08:56 AM Feature request #13834 (Open): Labelling - place label horizontally outside the polygon
I'm working in archaeology. And I often have to label polygon layer which has polygons not connected to each other. T... Darek Bobak
08:16 AM Feature request #8568: Mac trackpad functionality
I agree with this request.
Another problem with the current implementation is that the two-finger drag is VERY sens...
Greg S
07:21 AM Bug report #13833 (Closed): Changes in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color" doesn't change ...
Win 7 sp1 x64, qgis x64 rev.824fd7b.
When I change values in "Options/Digitizing/Rubberband/Line color/" it do...
Piotr Kania
04:48 AM Revision e6d495a2 (qgis): Update test mask images
Nyall Dawson
04:45 AM Revision 936b6506 (qgis): Add method to QgsSvgCache to return SVG viewbox size
Nyall Dawson
04:45 AM Revision 709b47e1 (qgis): Followup b81933e fix other symbols with paths out of viewport
Nyall Dawson
03:10 AM Bug report #13831 (Closed): Save to Spatialite fails if input is from same DB
To reproduce, import e.g. the airports.shp from our sample data into a Spatialite DB. Then try to buffer it while wri... Anita Graser
02:55 AM Bug report #4575 (Closed): "rotation field" and "size scale field" do not work for centroid fill
Not sure when this was fixed, but it's working in current master Nyall Dawson
02:55 AM Bug report #4575 (Closed): "rotation field" and "size scale field" do not work for centroid fill
Not sure when this was fixed, but it's working in current master Nyall Dawson
02:32 AM Bug report #13830 (Closed): Invalid scripts from models with advancedpythonfieldcalculator
I've been testing the export model to script functionality. One models contains an Advanced Python Field Calculator. ... Anita Graser


12:40 AM Bug report #13805: remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
how do you get unique values with the statistic panel ?
11:01 PM Revision 6b3651fa (qgis): Determine geometry type and srid directly from column type
Sebastian Dietrich
05:22 PM Revision 6977e93a (qgis): [processing] update plugin metadata
Alexander Bruy
05:12 PM Revision 37304495 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.1.2 kriging
Giovanni Manghi
02:38 PM Revision 1be764a6 (qgis): Merge pull request #2457 from medspx/work_update_ogr_file_formats
[OGR Provider] update list of file formats that can be opened Matthias Kuhn
01:36 PM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
Here is some screencast - only moment of save edits. After split attributes are on places. On save - move feft (one f... Jakub Kosik
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing...
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing...
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing...
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing...
12:00 PM Bug report #2684 (Closed): Actions not working with hidden column
Hello, bug triage...
if a column is hidden (field edit widget), it can be used in action in QGIS 2.13.
I am closing...
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology...
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology...
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology...
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology...
11:52 AM Feature request #2116 (Closed): avoid black and white from default colors
Hello, bug triage...
after digging into the code, I've found the default color symbol affectation (on core/symbology...
11:31 AM Bug report #13829: DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, I don't have Oracle in the DB Manager (Ubuntu). Paul Kanelli
10:03 AM Bug report #13829: DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
does this bug is for an Oracle DB or a PostgreSQL one ?
03:43 AM Bug report #13829 (Closed): DB Manager - "Materialized view" issues
In the DB Manager materialized views are just named "View" (see 'General info/Relation type').
Deleting a view by...
Paul Kanelli
11:20 AM Revision 56de17e7 (qgis): [OGR Provider] update list of file formats that can be opened
10:17 AM Revision d699569b (qgis): Add initial tests for marker symbol layers
Nyall Dawson
10:17 AM Revision ee44bc89 (qgis): Implement QEP 17 - add "requires tests" comments to some classes
Nyall Dawson
10:07 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
is it for an Oracle DB or a postgreSQL one ?
03:30 AM Feature request #13697: Add "Refresh materialized view" action in DB Manager
A refresh option for materialized views in the QGIS layer panel might be helpful, too. Paul Kanelli
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done !
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done !
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done !
10:00 AM Bug report #6205 (Closed): Update format list in the "Add raster layer" dialog
since commit:56de17e, I've got all the formats I wanted. Time to shut this bug done !
09:42 AM Revision 5a6bfbb2 (qgis): Fix ellipse symbol layer with graduated/categorised renderer
Nyall Dawson
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon...
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon...
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon...
07:14 AM Feature request #3691 (Feedback): Drag & drop of layers between qgis instances
Hello, bug triage...
whenever I try this, I can drag'n drop the layer from one qgis instance to another. But as soon...
07:04 AM Feature request #3267 (Closed): NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
Hello, bug triage...
for QGIS 2.13, you can always select the line width for whatever fill style you want.
I am clo...
07:04 AM Feature request #3267 (Closed): NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
Hello, bug triage...
for QGIS 2.13, you can always select the line width for whatever fill style you want.
I am clo...
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty...
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty...
05:47 AM Feature request #2659 (Feedback): Saving multilayer vector datasets as several shapefiles
Hello, bug triage...
as far as QGIS 2.13, when you open a multilayer file, QGIS loads one layer for each geometry ty...
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop...
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop...
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop...
05:40 AM Bug report #2336 (Closed): loading a project from the command line results in broken rendering
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce this anymore with QGIS 2.13 master using whatever decoration (north arrow/cop...
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #3803 (Closed): Problems with merge tool
The problem you see is not in the open source software (qgis, gvsig, whatever), but in the data. The lines that you s... Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
still true. Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
still true. Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
still true. Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
still true. Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #3443: line snapping fails to snap to it self
still true. Giovanni Manghi
05:04 AM Bug report #2377 (Closed): Symbology legend classification items can get out of sync with classif...
Giovanni Manghi
05:04 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
Giovanni Manghi
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin. Giovanni Manghi
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin. Giovanni Manghi
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin. Giovanni Manghi
04:03 AM Bug report #1253 (Closed): disable some tools when editing a GRASS vector
superseded by the new, overhauled GRASS plugin. Giovanni Manghi
04:00 AM Revision 8ddc909f (qgis): Switch to using flags for render context settings
Nyall Dawson
03:58 AM Feature request #11130 (Closed): Support memory layer joins
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that in QGIS 2.13 master, we can join two memory layers.
I am closing this one !
03:58 AM Feature request #11130 (Closed): Support memory layer joins
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that in QGIS 2.13 master, we can join two memory layers.
I am closing this one !


12:45 AM Revision 4edf1eec (qgis): Added PQfmod() to class QgsPostgresResult
Sebastian Dietrich
08:10 PM Revision 5065b800 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.2.2 kriging tools
Giovanni Manghi
07:24 PM Bug report #13640: ssl error on starting QGIS on Debian testing
Same warning for me with Debian install of 12.2.
The page is also out of date, and has ...
Tim Cera
03:31 PM Revision 9e80e25d (qgis): [BUGFIX] Fix endpoint swap on negative marker line offset
Fixes #13811
Includes testcase
(cherr-picked from 824fd7bf32a45e278f2ec2fe9fa1c7228c9fb27f)
Sandro Santilli
03:29 PM Revision 824fd7bf (qgis): Fix endpoint swap on negative marker line offset
Fixes #13811
Includes testcase
Sandro Santilli
02:38 PM Bug report #13828 (Closed): Map Composer - Legend width & height revert to default even after cha...
See attached screenshot. I can increase the width/height of the legend box, but when I click on it after doing so, it... Chris Paul
02:01 PM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
How does one re-install processing to make sure I have the newer version? Guillaume Larocque
03:12 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
Victor Olaya wrote:
> (or an older version in your system is shadowing the one that comes with QGIS 2.12)
yes, that'...
Giovanni Manghi
03:08 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
semicolons are already used, see here
Victor Olaya
02:03 AM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> This is under QGIS 2.12.0. I'm using the version of Processing that comes with it...
do ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:04 PM Revision 358e0f70 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong param name in SAGA 2.2.0 regression kriging
Victor Olaya
12:20 PM Revision 54c4f750 (qgis): [processing] fixed concave hull algorithm
Victor Olaya
12:20 PM Revision cba585df (qgis): [processing] correctly set geometry type of input in clip algorithm
Victor Olaya
11:01 AM Revision 860682c1 (qgis): Only pick up qpt files in composer manager
Nathan Woodrow
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #13209 (Open): area not calculated correctly with OTF on
Andrew McAninch wrote:
> Giovanni,
> I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:04 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
My happiness was to early, problem occurred one more time. However this time I target which plugin makes problem and ... Michal Jurewicz
09:35 AM Bug report #13826 (Closed): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
It was good idea to check plugins. At first a disabled all plugins (3rd party and genuine ones) and problem disappear... Michal Jurewicz
09:08 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
forgot: this can be very well be caused by a 3rd party plugin. Please try without any plugin active. Giovanni Manghi
09:06 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
cannot replicate on qgis master/linux. Can you test on other platforms? Giovanni Manghi
06:12 AM Bug report #13826: Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
I send you some sample data. By the way it is EPSG:2180 not 4326.
At this moment I noticed one more thing, it happens...
Michal Jurewicz
06:00 AM Bug report #13826 (Feedback): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
did it happen in previous qgis releases? can you attach sample data? Giovanni Manghi
05:58 AM Bug report #13826 (Closed): Selecting features hangs QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X
I found problem with newest QGIS 2.12.0 on OS X 10.11.1. Selecting any features hangs QGIS. First few selection works... Michal Jurewicz
09:59 AM Revision 8da8700e (qgis): QgsValueMapSearchW inherits QgsSearchW
and not QgsDefaultSearchW anymore
fixes expression creation
Denis Rouzaud
09:59 AM Revision ebb5f0db (qgis): QgsValueRelationSearchW inherits QgsSearchW
and not QgsDefaultSearchW
also handles properly the (no selection) case
Denis Rouzaud
09:57 AM Revision dbef766a (qgis): fix value relation search widget
currently, changing the entr doesn't do anything in the attribute table since no signal is emitted
should be backpor...
Denis Rouzaud
09:14 AM Bug report #13809 (Feedback): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a flo...
I don't have an installation at hand, have you tested other DE? Giovanni Manghi
09:14 AM Bug report #13809 (Feedback): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a flo...
I don't have an installation at hand, have you tested other DE? Giovanni Manghi
09:10 AM Feature request #13814 (Feedback): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
this ticket should change title and description to make it more general, it is a fact that Processing uses shapes as ... Giovanni Manghi
09:10 AM Feature request #13814 (Feedback): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
this ticket should change title and description to make it more general, it is a fact that Processing uses shapes as ... Giovanni Manghi
09:07 AM Bug report #13812: Couldn't load PyQGIS.

> The build happens in a newly created dir.
I can compile but I usually don't. It works ok if you install master wi...
Giovanni Manghi
02:47 AM Bug report #13812: Couldn't load PyQGIS.
this was with commit 6e1df491f64bff1b778502d7d53f37256afcd6f6 and the configuration script is:... Sandro Santilli
02:16 AM Bug report #13812 (Feedback): Couldn't load PyQGIS.
no problems here on the same platform. Giovanni Manghi
09:01 AM Revision 31ac9be3 (qgis): [search widgets] when selecting _Please select_ find all features
Denis Rouzaud
09:01 AM Revision b2034f2e (qgis): QgsValueMapSearchW inherits QgsSearchW
and not QgsDefaultSearchW anymore
fixes expression creation
Denis Rouzaud
09:01 AM Revision f31c0e7b (qgis): fix value relation search widget
currently, changing the entr doesn't do anything in the attribute table since no signal is emitted
should be backpor...
Denis Rouzaud
09:01 AM Revision 7f556fd9 (qgis): QgsValueRelationSearchW inherits QgsSearchW
and not QgsDefaultSearchW
also handles properly the (no selection) case
Denis Rouzaud
08:15 AM Revision ce0d966b (qgis): Merge pull request #2452 from nyalldawson/processing_select
[processing] speedup some QGIS algorithms Alexander Bruy
07:56 AM Bug report #5704 (Feedback): Issues with rule based rendering and copy and paste style / qml files
could we close this bug ? Are you still affected by it, because I can't reproduce it ?
07:53 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
I don't understand what you are saying here Giovanni.
You say "0,1 degrees as search radius for the provided datas...
David Vanescentes
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ...
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ...
07:52 AM Bug report #6604 (Closed): scale dependent visibility not included in style
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, scale dependent visibility is now correctly saved into the .qml file. It is also ...
07:50 AM Bug report #9962 (Closed): r.los crashes
r.los with GRASSS 6.4 works for me in QGIS 2.12, in GRASS 7 there is r.viewshed. Most probably the module itself was ... Radim Blazek
07:50 AM Bug report #9962 (Closed): r.los crashes
r.los with GRASSS 6.4 works for me in QGIS 2.12, in GRASS 7 there is r.viewshed. Most probably the module itself was ... Radim Blazek
07:33 AM Feature request #1873: *db.dropcol missing
v.db.dropcol/v.db.dropcolumn is present in QGIS 2.12, db.dropcol is not. Radim Blazek
07:33 AM Feature request #1873: *db.dropcol missing
v.db.dropcol/v.db.dropcolumn is present in QGIS 2.12, db.dropcol is not. Radim Blazek
07:22 AM Bug report #1735 (Closed): Support newer GRASS version (modules directories)
GRASS versions are supported by optional attributes in qgm and qgc files and all modules were upgraded for GRASS 6.4 ... Radim Blazek
07:22 AM Bug report #1735 (Closed): Support newer GRASS version (modules directories)
GRASS versions are supported by optional attributes in qgm and qgc files and all modules were upgraded for GRASS 6.4 ... Radim Blazek
07:18 AM Bug report #11906 (Closed): QGIS crash on edit grass vector layer
Editing was completely rewritten in 2.12. Radim Blazek
07:18 AM Bug report #11906 (Closed): QGIS crash on edit grass vector layer
Editing was completely rewritten in 2.12. Radim Blazek
07:16 AM Bug report #4940 (Closed): Create GRASS location takes the extent from the canvas, not reprojecti...
Fixed in commit:04f321647, see also #13784. Radim Blazek
07:16 AM Bug report #4940 (Closed): Create GRASS location takes the extent from the canvas, not reprojecti...
Fixed in commit:04f321647, see also #13784. Radim Blazek
06:52 AM Feature request #879 (Feedback): Add 'Help contents' in different languages
Hello, bug triage...
I guess that we can close this feature request. On QGIS LTR (2.8), when you call help from the ...
06:31 AM Bug report #13811 (Closed): Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
Fixed in changeset commit:"824fd7bf32a45e278f2ec2fe9fa1c7228c9fb27f". Sandro Santilli
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil...
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil...
06:04 AM Feature request #7715 (Closed): Import/export functionality for geospatial bookmarks
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can share your bookmarks: there is a button to export or import them (XML fil...
05:14 AM Feature request #13825 (Closed): Save a shapefile to an EXISTING ESRI Geodatabase
This is a duplicate of the closed #12846, which I don't have the power to reopen.
Using QGIS 2.12.0 (OSGeo4W package...
Andy Harfoot
05:00 AM Bug report #13824 (Closed): Saving As File GeoDatabase - Feature Dataset isn't Optional
Using QGIS 2.12.0 (OSGeo4W package installer) on Windows 7 64bit.
I have installed the ESRI fGDB OGR driver package ...
Andy Harfoot
04:52 AM Bug report #13823 (Closed): DB Manager - Renaming constraints and indexes fails when renaming a t...
When creating a table named 'lakes' in the DB Manager a constraint 'lakes_pkey' and the index 'sidx_lakes_geom' is cr... Paul Kanelli
04:36 AM Bug report #13733: DBManager Export to file: missing extension for output causing error
see also #13822 Giovanni Manghi
04:36 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
duplicate of #13733 Giovanni Manghi
04:36 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
duplicate of #13733 Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Bug report #13822 (Closed): DB Manager - Exporting table as CSV fails
Eporting a table or view as CSV fails in the DB Manager.
@Error 8
Loading of layer failed@
Paul Kanelli
03:40 AM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
Panning WFS in version 2.2 refreshes the map and works perfectly, finding out how this functionality was lost and rei... Phil Mountain
03:24 AM Revision 596b56c4 (qgis): Faster PointsInPolygon(+Unique/Weighted) algorithms
- Avoid use of seperate feature requests for every point
- Use GEOS prepared geometries when testing for point contai...
Nyall Dawson
03:24 AM Revision a10936f0 (qgis): Use a set for classes in PointsInPolygonUnique (faster)
Nyall Dawson
03:23 AM Revision 7c8177e0 (qgis): Use expression filter request for SelectByAttribute
Makes SelectByAttribute orders of magnitude faster for providers which
support compiled expressions (eg Postgres), al...
Nyall Dawson
02:54 AM Feature request #5001 (Closed): Add rotation and scale size to rule-based symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can have rotation and size based on data (attribute or expression) on rule-ba...
02:54 AM Feature request #5001 (Closed): Add rotation and scale size to rule-based symbology
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13, you can have rotation and size based on data (attribute or expression) on rule-ba...
02:39 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Similar problem was discussed here:
Piotr Kania
02:24 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Just to give what might be a simpler method of identifying shapefiles which may behave this way. I have a shapefile w... Dan Isaacs
01:56 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
see also #13821 Giovanni Manghi
02:14 AM Bug report #8942 (Closed): R6034 runtime error
Could we close this? If other software is the root cause of this issue why keeping this open? Reopen if I'm wrong. Giovanni Manghi
02:14 AM Bug report #8942 (Closed): R6034 runtime error
Could we close this? If other software is the root cause of this issue why keeping this open? Reopen if I'm wrong. Giovanni Manghi
02:11 AM Bug report #13701 (Closed): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer wi...
Giovanni Manghi
02:10 AM Bug report #13766 (Closed): Crash after clicking on window close.
Giovanni Manghi
01:56 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
duplicate of #11007 Giovanni Manghi
01:56 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
duplicate of #11007 Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #13821 (Closed): Qgis not deleting polygons
I have a shapefile in which I deleted some polygons and added some new ones. The changes were saved, the project cont... Dan Isaacs
01:08 AM Feature request #13820: Tool to create dynamic leader lines
See also Jürgen Fischer


12:59 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
Read this discussion from the spatialite-users forum with a proposed way to fix it properly.
Jukka Rahkonen
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug...
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug...
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug...
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug...
12:07 AM Feature request #1636 (Closed): Make bookmarks dockable
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 you can dock bookmarks wherever you want.
I am closing this bug...
11:42 PM Revision d8f5dbeb (qgis): Limit extent reprojection workaround to vector layers (followup 51fe632...
Jürgen Fischer
11:30 PM Revision 079de32d (qgis): Update
Niccolo' Marchi
06:12 PM Revision 6335de9b (qgis): [GRASS] fixed cat shift when importing vectors via browser, fixes #13815
(cherry picked from commit fd9f0b52682f42eed9484159c8bd152144b7d4b3) Radim Blazek
06:10 PM Revision fd9f0b52 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed cat shift when importing vectors via browser, fixes #13815
Radim Blazek
05:50 PM Revision 854ce176 (qgis): Merge pull request #2443 from elpaso/bugfix-11794
SQLITE ask for a new name if already exists Alessandro Pasotti
05:49 PM Revision be8c7dac (qgis): Merge pull request #2449 from elpaso/bugfix-11517
Fix attribute sync to layer for python init code and make QgsAttributeDialog reachable form python Alessandro Pasotti
04:55 PM Revision ad2caed3 (qgis): Removed parent and replaced with QgsAttributeDialog
This makes possible to resize/alter the outer dialog
from python init code in the form.
Fixes #11517 (indirectly)
Alessandro Pasotti
04:53 PM Revision 17df615c (qgis): Fixed attribute sync to layer for init code
Also removed UI connect in favour of QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName
to be consistent with other methods in the same ...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:37 PM Revision c4834110 (qgis): Merge pull request #2447 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_220_kriging
[processing] fix SAGA 2.2.0 kriging Alexander Bruy
04:33 PM Revision 6b3eddd0 (qgis): fix biulding issue when WITH_QT_WEBKIT=OFF
Marco Bernasocchi
03:28 PM Revision 19376770 (qgis): missing parameter
Giovanni Manghi
03:19 PM Revision 20a8b37d (qgis): Merge pull request #2444 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_212_kriging
[processing] fix SAGA 2.1.2 kriging Alexander Bruy
03:12 PM Revision 957c0190 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.2.0 kriging
Giovanni Manghi
02:47 PM Bug report #13735 (Closed): CRS transformation broken in Master?
Fixed in changeset commit:"d8f5dbeb4e7ab81326a400eaec05855ff1a38769". Jürgen Fischer
08:49 AM Bug report #13735: CRS transformation broken in Master?
Bisected to commit:51fe632. Radim Blazek
02:26 PM Revision 0461cbdd (qgis): use aliases instead of field names in attribute table column filter list
Denis Rouzaud
02:14 PM Revision 1bb7aff0 (qgis): [qt5] Fix QScintilla cmake file
Matthias Kuhn
02:14 PM Revision f1fe9855 (qgis): [qt5] Fix QCA Cmake
Matthias Kuhn
01:44 PM Revision be563584 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.1.2 kriging
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 PM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
I am still getting the same behaviour when calculating a non-virtual field with 2.13-16.
That see...
Andrew McAninch
01:22 PM Revision 325f0992 (qgis): SQLITE ask for a new name if already exists
If the db name already exists, allow to enter a new name.
Fixes #11794
Alessandro Pasotti
01:16 PM Bug report #13818: Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
This is under QGIS 2.12.0. I'm using the version of Processing that comes with it... Guillaume Larocque
01:07 PM Bug report #13818 (Feedback): Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
What Processing version are you using? Giovanni Manghi
10:59 AM Bug report #13818 (Closed): Selecting multiple files in SAGA/Processing uses wrong separator
"Processing>SAGA>Cluster Analysis for Grids" does not work when selecting more than one grid files. The attached erro... Guillaume Larocque
11:55 AM Feature request #13820 (Open): Tool to create dynamic leader lines
A tool to create dynamic leader lines might be helpful for some users.
Paul Kanelli
11:47 AM Revision 5e1d420c (qgis): Update [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Enhance replace, thanks to @nyalldawson
Enhance format, thanks to @jef-n
fixes #13118
René-Luc ReLuc
11:46 AM Revision 8fb2dc2e (qgis): Update [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Enhance replace, thanks to @nyalldawson
Enhance format, thanks to @jef-n
fixes #13118
René-Luc ReLuc
11:43 AM Revision c3572ebc (qgis): Update [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Enhance replace, thanks to @nyalldawson
Enhance format, thanks to @jef-n
fixes #13118
René-Luc ReLuc
11:41 AM Revision 81acd07e (qgis): Update [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Enhance replace, thanks to @nyalldawson
Enhance format, thanks to @jef-n
fixes #13118
René-Luc ReLuc
11:39 AM Feature request #13819 (Open): Tool to place multiple labels on polygon geometries
QGIS misses a tool to place multiple labels on polygons:
Paul Kanelli
11:02 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
Well... there is in fact a reason for the "name": to store preferences in QSettings, using the path as a key would re... Alessandro Pasotti
10:17 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
I don't know why it was written like that in the first place. I've just added a small patch without rewritin...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:30 AM Feature request #11794: spatialite connection custom name
@elpaso I always found very strange this way of dealing with spatialite connections. Is there any good reason to give... Hugo Mercier
08:50 AM Feature request #11794 (Closed): spatialite connection custom name
Fixed in changeset commit:"325f0992e7067173e847cea62e95da5d974017e8". Alessandro Pasotti
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
Patch available: Alessandro Pasotti
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
Patch available: Alessandro Pasotti
04:27 AM Feature request #11794 (In Progress): spatialite connection custom name
Patch available: Alessandro Pasotti
10:58 AM Bug report #13817 (Closed): Browser - Favourites does not show GRASS folders with GRASS specific ...
in Browser - the Favourites top-level item does not show GRASS folders with GRASS specific icons and you cannot load ... Steven Mizuno
10:43 AM Bug report #13816 (Closed): grass provider - missing slot and signal
on opening a GRASS mapset Log Messages (Qt tab) shows the following errors:
2015-11-12T14:23:43 1 Object::connect: No...
Steven Mizuno
10:29 AM Revision df6c7104 (qgis): Use QgsStatisticalSummary for merge attributes dialog
Adds a bunch of new stats and avoids code duplication Nyall Dawson
10:29 AM Revision cdf21b7c (qgis): Return derived classes from clone() methods, avoids need to
dynamic_cast results Nyall Dawson
10:29 AM Revision dfb1585c (qgis): Bump QgsStatisticSummary test coverage
Nyall Dawson
10:25 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Btw, when you triage bugs, please set the state to "Feedback" so we can filter these later and...
03:43 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
+1 Jürgen, I like the idea.
Instead of a popup a message bar item could be used "3 Warnings pending. Click here to s...
Matthias Kuhn
02:35 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
The idea with the log level originally was to go through all the messages and assign levels. Currently the log level... Jürgen Fischer
01:11 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
Btw, when you triage bugs, please set the state to "Feedback" so we can filter these later and kill the quiet ones. Matthias Kuhn
01:10 AM Feature request #6965 (Closed): QgsMessageLog, log levels
Haven't missed more levels yet. Matthias Kuhn
01:10 AM Feature request #6965 (Closed): QgsMessageLog, log levels
Haven't missed more levels yet. Matthias Kuhn
09:49 AM Revision 32626bd2 (qgis): fix windows build (followup 2175e7a)
(cherry picked from commit 6e1df491f64bff1b778502d7d53f37256afcd6f6) Jürgen Fischer
09:49 AM Revision ff20c880 (qgis): fix windows build (followup 2175e7a)
(cherry picked from commit 6e1df491f64bff1b778502d7d53f37256afcd6f6) Jürgen Fischer
09:48 AM Revision acadd53d (qgis): postgres provider: avoid column lookups with tableoids
(cherry picked from commit 0ccd7bd5bfa52f1d3c2774beaf3d205e279e41eb) Jürgen Fischer
09:47 AM Revision ff67a05b (qgis): fix windows build (followup 2175e7a)
(cherry picked from commit 6e1df491f64bff1b778502d7d53f37256afcd6f6) Jürgen Fischer
09:46 AM Revision 6e1df491 (qgis): fix windows build (followup 2175e7a)
Jürgen Fischer
09:14 AM Bug report #13815: Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
Backported also to 2.12 (will be in 2.12.1). Radim Blazek
09:11 AM Bug report #13815 (Closed): Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
Fixed in changeset commit:"fd9f0b52682f42eed9484159c8bd152144b7d4b3". Radim Blazek
09:01 AM Bug report #13815 (Closed): Wrong attributes in GRASS vector imported via browser
Attributes in GRASS vector which was imported in browser are wrong if source layer features start with feature id 0. ... Radim Blazek
09:08 AM Revision 8803cb42 (qgis): Merge pull request #2437 from bstroebl/improveDissolve
[PROCESSING] Speed up dissolve without changing parameters Matthias Kuhn
08:49 AM Bug report #11517 (Closed): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Fixed in changeset commit:"ad2caed3b2bd652a6264652bda009621c44e0c4a". Alessandro Pasotti
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:08 AM Bug report #11517 (In Progress): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not hon...
Fixed (indirectly) with
that makes possible to alter the outer dialog from pyt...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:52 AM Bug report #11517 (Reopened): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Re-checked and this is indeed a problem since the form is embedded in a dialog and the parent is not set correctly, h... Alessandro Pasotti
07:52 AM Bug report #11517 (Reopened): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Re-checked and this is indeed a problem since the form is embedded in a dialog and the parent is not set correctly, h... Alessandro Pasotti
08:30 AM Feature request #13814: Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
Properly formatted test script:... barryrowlingson -
08:28 AM Feature request #13814 (Closed): Processing: use sqlite/spatialite as intermediate format
In Processing, when a layer is passed to an R script, it is first written to a shapefile and then read into R as a Sp... barryrowlingson -
07:22 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
confirmed also master is affected. I'm working on an automated testcase. Sandro Santilli
02:23 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
Patch staged here:
If anyone has pointers to add a testcase I think it would b...
Sandro Santilli
02:09 AM Bug report #13811: Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
Confirmed, I've a working patch. While testing it I also found that an offset of -0.0 (negative zero) makes the symbo... Sandro Santilli
01:40 AM Bug report #13811 (Closed): Marker line - Negative Line offset moves symbol to the other endpoint
To reproduce:
1. New project
2. Add a simple (2 vertices) LINESTRING -- for example with QuickWKT plugin
3. Go to lay...
Sandro Santilli
05:59 AM Bug report #13813 (Closed): grass process missing dependency
I just compiled and installed QGIS 2.13.0 code revision 8803cb4 on my ubuntu 15.10.
Everything is fine, but I got pro...
frippe12573 -
04:53 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
Dan Cuillin wrote:
> To confirm; disabling msvcr90.dll in System32 folder has, in my case, worked. I now have no more...
Jürgen Fischer
04:24 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
To confirm; disabling msvcr90.dll in System32 folder has, in my case, worked. I now have no more runtime errors on st... Dan Isaacs
02:56 AM Bug report #13812 (Closed): Couldn't load PyQGIS.
QGIS master fails to support Python on Ubuntu 14.04, raises this error on starting from the build dir:... Sandro Santilli
02:20 AM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> an you test qgis master? thanks.
I have just tested in 2.12 nightly (revision 6ee8001) I...
Martin Bain
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from...
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from...
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from...
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from...
01:58 AM Feature request #3822 (Closed): The symbol size is not represented in a legend
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13 master, you can use the size assistant to make the size of a symbol dependent from...
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0 René-Luc ReLuc
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0 René-Luc ReLuc
01:56 AM Feature request #5488 (Closed): Allow all parameter types to be optional
Implemented in the commit 55e75addcecdcfe7d8f611506ad7ab1fc7970ec0 René-Luc ReLuc
01:36 AM Bug report #13810 (Closed): Marker line - Offset along line twists arrow symbol
To reproduce:
1. New project
2. Add a simple (2 vertices) LINESTRING -- for example with QuickWKT plugin
3. Go to ...
Sandro Santilli
01:12 AM Feature request #3239: Text alignment in Print Composer Legend
for the moment, only the title of the legend can be placed on the center or the right.
There is no way to ali...
01:12 AM Feature request #3239: Text alignment in Print Composer Legend
for the moment, only the title of the legend can be placed on the center or the right.
There is no way to ali...
01:04 AM Feature request #6713: Rule based renderer gui enhancements: copy/paste; refine>use expression
Hello, bug triage...
you can copy/paste rule(s) on the same layer and on other layers. Your first point is fully imp...


12:48 AM Feature request #6965: QgsMessageLog, log levels
Hello, bug triage...
for the moment, there are three log levels (MessageLevel) in QgsMessaheLog:
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri...
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri...
12:33 AM Feature request #5810 (Closed): Add "Select by attributes" to "View"/"Select" menu
Hello, bug triage...
Select by expression (new name for select by attributes) is accessible as a button on the Attri...
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte...
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte...
12:26 AM Feature request #5341 (Closed): Move the 'show features in canvas' option to the attribute table
Hello, bug triage...
there is an option "Show features visible on Map" in QGIS 2.13 master. When you change the exte...
11:23 PM Revision b7419860 (qgis): new splash for dev (Las Palmas Hackfest)
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:22 PM Revision 56ccb2b8 (qgis): sipClass_Klass is deprecated for a long time: replace with sipType_Klass
Matthias Kuhn
10:32 PM Feature request #13807: Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
further discussion here: guest again
06:44 AM Feature request #13807: Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
ideally: an option to do this would be to right click on the layer in the layer menu, and click "copy selected featur... guest again
06:37 AM Feature request #13807 (Open): Convert/copy selection to filter/query builder
Convert or copy a selection on a layer (that has not been created through "select by expression", but instead by irre... guest again
08:17 PM Revision 84971466 (qgis): [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Line breaks are not properly handled in GeoJSON results when making GetFeature requests.
Line breaks should be replac...
René-Luc ReLuc
08:16 PM Revision 5471d665 (qgis): [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Line breaks are not properly handled in GeoJSON results when making GetFeature requests.
Line breaks should be replac...
René-Luc ReLuc
08:14 PM Revision 25db1cc3 (qgis): [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Line breaks are not properly handled in GeoJSON results when making GetFeature requests.
Line breaks should be replac...
René-Luc ReLuc
08:12 PM Revision 016f4977 (qgis): [BUGFIX] 13118 QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Line breaks are not properly handled in GeoJSON results when making GetFeature requests.
Line breaks should be replac...
René-Luc ReLuc
07:47 PM Bug report #13766: Crash after clicking on window close.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> there are plugns known to make qgis crash on exit even if disabled. The quickest way to chec...
James Harvey
04:59 PM Bug report #13809 (Closed): [Mint, Cinnamon DE] Properties dialog for layers panel is not a float...
Open the properties window for a layer in the layers panel.
The dialog opens, but the main application behind the win...
Mike Murfin
04:29 PM Revision cfb932af (qgis): [PROCESSING] Speed up dissolve without changing parameters
Bernhard Ströbl
01:07 PM Revision b4d206af (qgis): Updates for GDAL 2
Matthias Kuhn
12:49 PM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
I think the settings in Options > Digitizing > Rubberband) should apply to the node tool. Also it would be nice if it... Goyo D
12:41 PM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I've got a preliminary implementation containing a workaround for spatialite <= 4.1.1 and a pr...
Micha Silver
11:53 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full scene of landsat images.
> > (Landsat...
Adrian Klink
11:20 AM Bug report #13118 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Fixes by commit 016f497726932ea7380351f1a947265f3b4d114e
backport to 2.12 commit 25db1cc33c65d893db3edecf862dc74f665f...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:20 AM Bug report #13118 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS - GeoJSON and escaping line breaks
Fixes by commit 016f497726932ea7380351f1a947265f3b4d114e
backport to 2.12 commit 25db1cc33c65d893db3edecf862dc74f665f...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:08 AM Revision ec1097c9 (qgis): Change links to https
Matthias Kuhn
10:54 AM Revision 0339f3f5 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Use layer precision in searchRect
René-Luc ReLuc
10:52 AM Revision 17378ba7 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Use layer precision in searchRect
René-Luc ReLuc
10:51 AM Revision ed598c12 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Use layer precision in searchRect
René-Luc ReLuc
10:49 AM Revision 2175e7a9 (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Use layer precision in searchRect
René-Luc ReLuc
10:19 AM Revision 4f6989ec (qgis): [qt5] Fix crash on exit
See Matthias Kuhn
10:13 AM Bug report #13808 (Closed): Project save time doesn't update after "Save As...'
Just discovered this bug, which appears to be a duplicate: #13420 Spencer Gardner
09:44 AM Bug report #13808 (Closed): Project save time doesn't update after "Save As...'
*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open an existing project file
# Select Project -> Save As...
# Save the project to a new proj...
Spencer Gardner
09:52 AM Bug report #13041: Processing Toolbox Doesn't Pick Up New Database Connections
It just occurred to me that the likely cause is that the combo box that holds DB connections appears to be generated ... Spencer Gardner
09:51 AM Revision bb339f7a (qgis): 100% test coverage for QgsFeature
Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Revision 87168c14 (qgis): 100% test coverage for QgsWKBTypes, add missing docs
Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Revision fd317701 (qgis): Avoid warning
Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Revision b384f18a (qgis): Followup f9fa9793, avoid expensive intersection calculation when
testing label candidates against polygon obstacles
Fix #13556
Nyall Dawson
09:33 AM Bug report #13658: Polygons disappear after saving
I still (sometimes) have this in 2.12. I think this is connected with #11007 since the disappeared features reappear ... mr twister
05:48 AM Bug report #13806 (Closed): Using QgsAttributeTableModel makes QGIS crash
I'm using a slot to show layer attributes as follows:
def on_layerCombo_currentIndexChanged(s...
Luiz Andrade
05:31 AM Bug report #13805 (Closed): remove *list unique values* and *basic statistic*
with the new Statistic panel the 2 function in Vector -> Analysis Tools are now obsolete..
should not they be removed?
matteo ghetta
04:03 AM Bug report #13804 (Closed): Snap mode for layers in Advanced digitizing panel is broken
When using Advanced Digitizing tool to add new features, it ignores the snap setting from project or no layer and alw... Saber Razmjooei
03:49 AM Feature request #12960 (Closed): Add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Opti...
Already implemented Saber Razmjooei
03:43 AM Bug report #6704 (Closed): Legend shows same symbol for all rules when "show feature count" is en...
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it in QGIS 2.12 and master. Whether I use different labels or same labels for...
03:43 AM Bug report #6704 (Closed): Legend shows same symbol for all rules when "show feature count" is en...
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it in QGIS 2.12 and master. Whether I use different labels or same labels for...
03:37 AM Bug report #6703 (Closed): Vector transparency is not reported consistently
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12 and master. Transparency value is always as previously set.
03:37 AM Bug report #6703 (Closed): Vector transparency is not reported consistently
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12 and master. Transparency value is always as previously set.
03:29 AM Bug report #6665 (Closed): Layer grouping bug in legend
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.12 and master. It seems to have been fixed because I can dupl...
03:29 AM Bug report #6665 (Closed): Layer grouping bug in legend
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it under QGIS 2.12 and master. It seems to have been fixed because I can dupl...
03:25 AM Bug report #6729 (Closed): Closing project, no save dialog when turned off layers removed
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12. Every time , QGIS detects changes in the project and prompts...
03:25 AM Bug report #6729 (Closed): Closing project, no save dialog when turned off layers removed
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.12. Every time , QGIS detects changes in the project and prompts...
03:14 AM Bug report #6712 (Closed): Strange projection issue - layer is displayed in different location af...
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master.
So I am closing this bug...
03:14 AM Bug report #6712 (Closed): Strange projection issue - layer is displayed in different location af...
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master.
So I am closing this bug...
03:11 AM Bug report #6592 (Closed): SQL where clause widget does not use plain text
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master on any expression dialog.
I am closing this bug.
03:11 AM Bug report #6592 (Closed): SQL where clause widget does not use plain text
Hello, bug triage...
I can't reproduce it on QGIS 2.13 master on any expression dialog.
I am closing this bug.


12:53 AM Bug report #13556 (Closed): Discourage other labels from covering feature in this layer slow
Fixed in changeset commit:"b384f18a3dc38305dcfe4673f9c5353e80104053". Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Revision 04abaf3b (qgis): fix 81bbb82
Jürgen Fischer
10:18 PM Revision 8ec02084 (qgis): Merge pull request #2436 from dgoedkoop/linePointDifferenceFix
Fix QgsGeos::linePointDifference Jürgen Fischer
10:06 PM Revision c0505715 (qgis): Fix QgsGeos::linePointDifference
Daan Goedkoop
09:21 PM Revision 9a89408b (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
03:47 PM Revision b57d5abe (qgis): Followup cb5f748, Use QgsExpression::quotedColumnRef
Matthias Kuhn
02:04 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
See also #8629-1
Jürgen Fischer
12:22 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
Your results at step 4 are what I would expect, so I believe that the file causing the issue is likely located in the... Steven Mizuno
02:01 PM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
Hi Giovanni,
thanks for your feedback.
If I'll have time I'll try again with GRASS.
I will try to remember to do some...
Michele Mor
01:50 PM Revision cb5f7485 (qgis): Quote field names when converting renderers
Fix #13800 Matthias Kuhn
01:28 PM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
Why does that require two different selection colours? Nyall Dawson
01:21 PM Feature request #13803: Color of selection for each layer separately
For example, to compare two similar layers differing only in geometry details Lukasz Sychowicz
11:01 AM Feature request #13803 (Feedback): Color of selection for each layer separately
can you provide a use case for such feature? Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Feature request #13803 (Feedback): Color of selection for each layer separately
can you provide a use case for such feature? Giovanni Manghi
10:10 AM Feature request #13803 (Open): Color of selection for each layer separately
Ability to set a selection color for each layer separately, not (as it is now) only for the whole project. Lukasz Sychowicz
01:26 PM Revision 81bbb823 (qgis): postgres provider: avoid additional fetch after all features have alrea...
Jürgen Fischer
01:23 PM Bug report #13800 (Reopened): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting rende...
Thank you for the quick update but it partially solve the problem.
*classAttribute()* appears in several places...
Guillaume CORNU
04:51 AM Bug report #13800 (Closed): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting renderers
Fixed in changeset commit:"cb5f7485d6b56afe655efff265af56711e0088f8". Anonymous
02:40 AM Bug report #13800 (Closed): Field names that are numbers should be quoted when converting renderers
When converting from a categorized or graduated renderer to
a rule-based renderer, attribute name that happen to be n...
Guillaume CORNU
12:47 PM Bug report #13332 (Closed): improperly drawn lines may occur on polygon/line features
Forgot to change Status Steven Mizuno
12:26 PM Bug report #13332: improperly drawn lines may occur on polygon/line features
I believe this has been fixed in master (see #13343 which described a similar problem), so I am closing this issue. Steven Mizuno
11:33 AM Bug report #3400 (Closed): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
I am closing this issue as the PR was merged into master. Steven Mizuno
08:12 AM Bug report #6697 (Closed): Missing "not" operator
Hello, bug triage...
as you said, "NOT" operator is "!=". It seems to be coherent with other operators naming on the...
08:12 AM Bug report #6697 (Closed): Missing "not" operator
Hello, bug triage...
as you said, "NOT" operator is "!=". It seems to be coherent with other operators naming on the...
08:00 AM Bug report #13494: QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
Any progress on this issue? dr -
07:58 AM Bug report #13802 (Closed): Empty Atlas with Memory Layers QGIS 2.12, 2.10...
I try create composer Atlas with coverage Memory layer, but this is impossible.
If draw some objects in memory layer ...
Evgeniy Z
07:56 AM Bug report #13225: Processing model right-click doesn't work
Yes, works fine now. dr -
05:54 AM Bug report #13225 (Closed): Processing model right-click doesn't work
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #13225 (Closed): Processing model right-click doesn't work
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #13785 (Closed): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orient...
Giovanni Manghi
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s...
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s...
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s...
07:22 AM Feature request #3262 (Closed): Select encoding when save a qgis-project
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, qgs files are stored as UTF-8 XML files. There is no option to set the encoding s...
07:15 AM Feature request #4078 (Closed): Enable CRS conversion in field calculator
Hello, bug triage...
there is now a transform function in QGIS expressions that make the CRS conversion. You can use...
07:15 AM Feature request #4078 (Closed): Enable CRS conversion in field calculator
Hello, bug triage...
there is now a transform function in QGIS expressions that make the CRS conversion. You can use...
07:15 AM Revision 452e61c8 (qgis): More test mask updates for windows
Nyall Dawson
07:10 AM Revision ebaa26f3 (qgis): Drop missing documentation/sip thresholds
Nyall Dawson
07:09 AM Revision 5c9873c7 (qgis): More robust GEOS pointOnSurface calculation (fix #13787)
Nyall Dawson
07:08 AM Revision 18744b41 (qgis): Fix crash with malformed WKT
Nyall Dawson
07:08 AM Revision 0853076e (qgis): [expressions] Allow conversion of features/geometries to bool
Where geometry = false if empty, feature = false if not valid.
Allows expressions like "case when $geometry then ... ...
Nyall Dawson
07:08 AM Revision 719ff408 (qgis): Add some missing SIP bindings, comment some classes as not available
in Python Nyall Dawson
07:08 AM Feature request #13801 (Open): overwrite and create styles in database with list of available styles
compared with the overwrite and create procedure for local styles as .qml file, it is currently more difficult, ...
Otto Dassau
07:08 AM Revision b1b20af8 (qgis): Ignore typedefs and deprecated members in sip coverage test
Nyall Dawson
07:07 AM Revision 1b28984e (qgis): Ignore friend classes in doc/sip coverage test
Nyall Dawson
07:07 AM Revision da627e9b (qgis): Fix sip coverage test detection of member variables
Nyall Dawson
07:07 AM Revision a0542e5d (qgis): Fix sip bindings for interpolation classes
Also missing members declared in interpolation headers Nyall Dawson
07:07 AM Revision bbf58fd5 (qgis): Rearrange outputs in SIP test, so that missing list is always printed
Nyall Dawson
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi...
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi...
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi...
06:45 AM Feature request #2778 (Closed): field calculator window not completely visible on a small screen
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS 2.13, the expression dialog (which is used in the field calculator) can be displayed wi...
06:05 AM Bug report #12423 (Open): Processing - Bar Plot (QGIS) doesn't plot string "category name field"
still valid on master. Giovanni Manghi
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c...
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c...
06:04 AM Feature request #3623 (Closed): Implement comparison operators in the field calculator
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there are the following comparison operators in expressions (so in field c...
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo...
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo...
05:58 AM Feature request #3795 (Closed): Link to metadata
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, there is a MetadataUrl box on the Metadata tab of the layer properties. Yo...
05:53 AM Bug report #13140 (Closed): Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
fixed upstream. Giovanni Manghi
05:53 AM Bug report #13140 (Closed): Save as Geopackage trouble with non SQL characters
fixed upstream. Giovanni Manghi
05:51 AM Bug report #12994 (Closed): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:51 AM Bug report #12994 (Closed): 2.2 Gb osm.pbf file is not open correctly in QGIS
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:50 AM Bug report #13079 (Closed): Postgis Hstore Postgresql osm.pbf file osmosis auto convert
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:50 AM Bug report #13079 (Closed): Postgis Hstore Postgresql osm.pbf file osmosis auto convert
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Feature request #6242: Improvements to layer list (editable and labelling icons/buttons)
the edit button adds a pen icon over the legend symbol of the layer (tested under QGIS 2.13 master).
There is...
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W...
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W...
05:23 AM Feature request #6203 (Closed): Should allow adding symbol layers in new symbology dialogue even ...
Hello, bug triage...
What is described in the feature request is now implemented (tests made on QGIS 2.13 master). W...
05:16 AM Feature request #6183 (Closed): There is no check that the style of a vector layer matches the ty...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, you cannot paste a style to another geometry type layer. There is also an ...
05:16 AM Feature request #6183 (Closed): There is no check that the style of a vector layer matches the ty...
Hello, bug triage...
in QGIS 2.13 master, you cannot paste a style to another geometry type layer. There is also an ...
05:11 AM Feature request #5250 (Closed): Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automatically change the colors of the classes wh...
05:11 AM Feature request #5250 (Closed): Vector Style for Categorized and Graduated Legends
Hello, bug triage...
on QGIS master 2.13, there is a trigger which automatically change the colors of the classes wh...
05:07 AM Feature request #5055 (Closed): Prompt save when defining new custom projection
Hello, bug triage...
in the custom CRS dialog it is now impossible to add a new projection without it being saved. E...
05:07 AM Feature request #5055 (Closed): Prompt save when defining new custom projection
Hello, bug triage...
in the custom CRS dialog it is now impossible to add a new projection without it being saved. E...
04:50 AM Feature request #4014 (Closed): Raster histogram drawing effectively freezes UI for large images
04:48 AM Feature request #4014: Raster histogram drawing effectively freezes UI for large images
Hello, bug triage...
There is now a "Compute Histogram" button on the Histogram tab of raster layer properties. The ...
04:37 AM Bug report #13272 (Closed): crash on quit
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:37 AM Bug report #13272 (Closed): crash on quit
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:32 AM Bug report #11977 (Closed): Date/Time Edit Widget behavior
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:32 AM Bug report #11977 (Closed): Date/Time Edit Widget behavior
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:31 AM Bug report #12330 (Closed): Incorrect rendering of Indic Kannadad script in map canvas
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:31 AM Bug report #12330 (Closed): Incorrect rendering of Indic Kannadad script in map canvas
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:29 AM Bug report #13121 (Closed): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:29 AM Bug report #13121 (Closed): ogr Import in PostGIS creates an empty geometry without warning
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:29 AM Bug report #13154 (Closed): Feature count doesn't update
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:29 AM Bug report #13154 (Closed): Feature count doesn't update
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:28 AM Bug report #12933 (Open): Heatmap generating an empty raster
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> I don't think it has been abandoned, it's only 2 months old and we have a lot of other things...
Giovanni Manghi
04:20 AM Bug report #13265 (Closed): crash with minidump when splitting features(?)
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:20 AM Bug report #13265 (Closed): crash with minidump when splitting features(?)
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:19 AM Bug report #13704 (Closed): Output path defaults to the QGIS installation folder
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:19 AM Bug report #13704 (Closed): Output path defaults to the QGIS installation folder
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Bug report #13259 (Closed): Editing attributes with feature form on vector layers duplicates feature
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Bug report #13259 (Closed): Editing attributes with feature form on vector layers duplicates feature
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Bug report #6353 (Closed): Field calculator displays real values in the attribute table instead o...
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the results are now directly displayed by following the attribute type (at least ...
04:18 AM Bug report #6353 (Closed): Field calculator displays real values in the attribute table instead o...
Hello, bug triage...
it seems that the results are now directly displayed by following the attribute type (at least ...
04:11 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
John Stevenson wrote:
> Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
> Have atta...
Giovanni Manghi
02:28 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
Retrying attachment.
John Stevenson
02:21 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
John Stevenson wrote:
> Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
> Have atta...
Giovanni Manghi
02:16 AM Bug report #13699: Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
Tested on Master 9b192d4 (Windows) and 2.12 (Linux) and behaviour is the same.
Have attached simple spatialite file,...
John Stevenson
04:10 AM Bug report #13301 (Closed): Load more than one shp file, making some not visible, and 'Identify F...
Feel free to make a suggestion/patch for the documentation. Giovanni Manghi
04:10 AM Bug report #13301 (Closed): Load more than one shp file, making some not visible, and 'Identify F...
Feel free to make a suggestion/patch for the documentation. Giovanni Manghi
04:02 AM Bug report #6853 (Closed): Point displacement center symbol displayed for values removed from layer
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:02 AM Bug report #6853 (Closed): Point displacement center symbol displayed for values removed from layer
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:01 AM Bug report #13511 (Closed): Qgis crashes while trying to call "project properties"
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:01 AM Bug report #13511 (Closed): Qgis crashes while trying to call "project properties"
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:01 AM Bug report #13479 (Closed): QGIS 2.10 pisa crash with mac os yosemite 10.10.5
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
04:01 AM Bug report #13479 (Closed): QGIS 2.10 pisa crash with mac os yosemite 10.10.5
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:56 AM Bug report #12077 (Closed): qgis 2.6.1 crash when pan and zoom
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:56 AM Bug report #12077 (Closed): qgis 2.6.1 crash when pan and zoom
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:54 AM Bug report #5073 (Closed): Empty space in Raster property window
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:54 AM Bug report #5073 (Closed): Empty space in Raster property window
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:54 AM Bug report #12824 (Closed): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:54 AM Bug report #12824 (Closed): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:53 AM Bug report #5067 (Closed): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:53 AM Bug report #5067 (Closed): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:52 AM Bug report #12668 (Closed): Edit widget properties not saved
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:52 AM Bug report #12668 (Closed): Edit widget properties not saved
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:51 AM Bug report #12560 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:51 AM Bug report #12560 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:50 AM Bug report #12931 (Closed): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:50 AM Bug report #12931 (Closed): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #9502 (Closed): Reshape Tool quits working
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #9502 (Closed): Reshape Tool quits working
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:48 AM Bug report #12977 (Closed): Change of CRS in QGIS causes crash/freeze in Composer
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:48 AM Bug report #12977 (Closed): Change of CRS in QGIS causes crash/freeze in Composer
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #12829 (Closed): 'Sample color' button error?
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #12829 (Closed): 'Sample color' button error?
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #12983 (Closed): saving map as pdf in map composer - raster layer omitted
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #12983 (Closed): saving map as pdf in map composer - raster layer omitted
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #9165 (Closed): curved labels: words printed one above the other
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #9165 (Closed): curved labels: words printed one above the other
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:45 AM Bug report #13090 (Closed): Crash on PostGIS layer save
Giovanni Manghi
03:44 AM Bug report #13165 (Closed): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:44 AM Bug report #13165 (Closed): no result buffer when trying to filter hstore table
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:44 AM Bug report #13153 (Closed): .qgs file is blank after save
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:44 AM Bug report #13153 (Closed): .qgs file is blank after save
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:42 AM Bug report #13098 (Closed): GeoJSON vector issue
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:42 AM Bug report #13098 (Closed): GeoJSON vector issue
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13107 (Closed): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in postgi...
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13107 (Closed): select feature not working if I have over 600 ~700~ objects in postgi...
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13116 (Closed): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13116 (Closed): Consistently Getting Missing DLL
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13102 (Closed): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:41 AM Bug report #13102 (Closed): Deleting Fields in Shapefile Causes Crash
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:39 AM Bug report #13134 (Closed): Qgis crash with large sqlitle
Giovanni Manghi
03:35 AM Bug report #470 (Closed): adding a column to GRASS vector corrupts it
Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #12986 (Closed): Crash Dump Windows 8.1
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #12986 (Closed): Crash Dump Windows 8.1
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #13495 (Closed): 2.11 crashing on exit
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #13495 (Closed): 2.11 crashing on exit
Closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:24 AM Bug report #13209: area not calculated correctly with OTF on
It seems to me that in QGIS master things are ok. There is just still an issue with virtual fields
Giovanni Manghi
03:24 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
We also had a similiar discussion here #13674. Saber Razmjooei
03:13 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Hi Nyall, I see your point, but anyway as it is right now in maste...
Nyall Dawson
03:09 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Nyall, I see your point, but anyway as it is right now in master is a bit confusing. Take...
Jürgen Fischer
02:53 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I think the correct behaviour should still be to allow <3 nodes in polygons and 1 nodes for lin...
Giovanni Manghi
03:09 AM Bug report #12622 (Open): In virtual fields $area function computes always values using "None/pla...
Giovanni Manghi
02:33 AM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...

> I have since observed the same crash behaviour using 2.12 on a Win 8.1 64 bit machine with a local SQL Server inst...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 AM Bug report #13799 (Feedback): 'Merge' algorithm can't recognize GeoTiff layers
works fine here. Please attach sample data and testing directly gdal_merge from the command line would help. Giovanni Manghi
02:18 AM Bug report #13799 (Closed): 'Merge' algorithm can't recognize GeoTiff layers
I wanted to mosaic two DEM layers using Processing toolbox 'Merge' algorithm but it failed to create resulting datase... Janos Meszaros
02:16 AM Bug report #13591 (Closed): Processing: `r.reclass.area.greater` fails
Giovanni Manghi
01:26 AM Bug report #13798 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS getFeature does not escape line ending -> malformed...
Duplicate #13118 Michael Douchin
01:17 AM Bug report #13798 (Closed): QGIS Server - WFS getFeature does not escape line ending -> malformed...
If a field value contains line ending (like LF or CR/LF), they must be escaped in the GeoJSON output from QGIS Server... Michael Douchin
01:22 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
01:22 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
01:21 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
01:21 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
not sure something has changed but in the latest master it works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
01:19 AM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.

> I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full scene of landsat images.
> (Landsat8 images are better to che...
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
attached another small dataset. Giovanni Manghi
01:15 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
attached another small dataset. Giovanni Manghi


12:58 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries

> I have tried with GRASS and it had the same issue.
weird, it works ok here.
> I am confused thou, because I c...
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 AM Bug report #13752: ftools dissolve (on master) produces empty output if input has invalid geometries
Hi Giovanni,
I have tried with GRASS and it had the same issue.
It worked with SAGA.
I am confused thou, because I c...
Michele Mor
12:50 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Stéphane Brunner wrote:
> @Giovanni Manghi
> There 2 deferent issues:
> * The geometry isn't updated when we mo...
Giovanni Manghi
03:08 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
@Giovanni Manghi
There 2 deferent issues:
* The geometry isn't updated when we move a point (simple example).
* We...
Stéphane Brunner
12:35 AM Bug report #13794 (Feedback): Memory behaving strangely
Giovanni Manghi
08:30 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
Hi Nyall
I've been working today without "rectangles, ovals..." installed. Did not work for too long but the problem...
Rhenriques Henriques
11:30 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
I've tried the above mentioned steps, but did not get the expected results. My knowledge of computers is insufficient... Dan Isaacs
12:12 PM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
I have seen this problem, but only when starting QGIS not using the Start Menu items and not using the provided batch... Steven Mizuno
03:40 AM Bug report #8942: R6034 runtime error
The problem is now present in 2.12 although I've not had it before. I'm using windows 7 32-bit. I've jumped from 2.6 ... Dan Isaacs
11:03 PM Bug report #13787 (Closed): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent la...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5c9873c7949e183b2834c6a6f82b0477441038b6". Nyall Dawson
08:26 PM Revision 7c149d77 (qgis): Update atlas test mask image for Win
Nyall Dawson
08:24 PM Revision 2988dbdd (qgis): Update legend test mask images for debian builds
Nyall Dawson
04:34 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
I've emailed Even to investigate LOE and funding options. Nathaniel V. Kelso
04:15 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
Well... this isn't something that QGIS can fund. You'd need to discuss with Even about the costs for implementing thi... Nyall Dawson
01:25 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
For information, it seems feasible according to Even Rouault (GDAL lead dev) Thomas Gratier
01:17 PM Feature request #13797: Support native editing of GeoJSON files
Requires support for editing GeoJSON formats in OGR. Nyall Dawson
12:51 PM Feature request #13797 (Closed): Support native editing of GeoJSON files
I can load a GeoJSON file in QGIS and view it, great!
I can export any data layer in QGIS as a GeoJSON file, great!
Nathaniel V. Kelso
12:04 PM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
Victor Olaya wrote:
> Hey Giovanni. I am not able to reproduce it. It works fine when using GDAL and OGR algorithms w...
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #13592: Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #13254 (Closed): Failed to import OSM data: XML error
Seems a dataset problem, it fails also in other software, like JOSM. Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #13254 (Closed): Failed to import OSM data: XML error
Seems a dataset problem, it fails also in other software, like JOSM. Giovanni Manghi
06:15 AM Bug report #13254: Failed to import OSM data: XML error
It would be easier to check this OSM file if it would have been captured with the metadata tags, especially "version"... Jukka Rahkonen
10:05 AM Bug report #13664 (Closed): SAGA Inverse distance weighted fails
Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #13737 (Closed): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
qgis uses by defa...
Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #13737 (Closed): Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
qgis uses by defa...
Giovanni Manghi
07:17 AM Bug report #13737: Qgis not calculate correct min and max of rasters
sorry file lost........
another file same problem.......
malcom jamal
09:54 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
If open attached shapefile (original encoding is windows-1251) and choose *UTF-8* then you can see question marks - t... dr -
08:50 AM Revision 55c18a5e (qgis): [processing] fixed creation of vector layer as PostGIS Table
fixes error introduced in last commit Victor Olaya
08:48 AM Revision b2b68233 (qgis): Merge pull request #2423 from rldhont/processing_spatialite_output
[processing] allow output directly on Spatialite tables Victor Olaya
08:47 AM Revision b36566b0 (qgis): Merge pull request #2429 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_idw
fix SAGA 2.2.* Inverse Distance Weighted Victor Olaya
08:45 AM Revision 658c5842 (qgis): [processing] fixed ui file after last commit
Victor Olaya
08:43 AM Revision 43926b55 (qgis): [processing] added tooltip to 'export as python script' button
Victor Olaya
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a...
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a...
06:13 AM Feature request #6397 (Closed): save and restore the command history in the Python console
Hello, bug triage...
this feature is now implemented into QGIS. There is a console history. You can use it with Up a...
05:59 AM Bug report #6351 (Closed): field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
Hello, bug triage...
On QGIS master (2.13), I am not able to reproduce the bug on shapefiles, using text/integer/dec...
05:59 AM Bug report #6351 (Closed): field calculator: correct calculation, but nulls written to table
Hello, bug triage...
On QGIS master (2.13), I am not able to reproduce the bug on shapefiles, using text/integer/dec...
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex:
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex:
05:36 AM Feature request #4323 (Closed): provide link to plugins issue trackers
Hello, bug triage...
this feature has been implemented into QGIS plugins web site (ex:
05:13 AM Bug report #13374 (Closed): Crash on loading MySQL geometry Layer
seems to be fixed using GDAL 1.11.x as described in duplicate issue.
Tested to use a mysql-Connection using QGIS 2.12...
Marco Lechner
04:57 AM Feature request #4565 (Closed): storing qml file in the postgis table comments
04:56 AM Feature request #4565: storing qml file in the postgis table comments
bug triage...
I think that this feature is now completely integrated into QGIS PostgreSQL provider and Spati...
04:40 AM Feature request #5038 (Closed): please donate a translation for the desktop icon comment
I think that everything has been translated into and htt... Médéric RIBREUX
04:40 AM Feature request #5038 (Closed): please donate a translation for the desktop icon comment
I think that everything has been translated into and htt... Médéric RIBREUX


12:48 AM Bug report #13571: data defined size assistant displays different size in legend vs canvas
Hi Regis, can you plz provide more details on how to reproduce. I attached the result of my attempt, and everything l... Vincent Mora
12:17 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
Here is a multipolygon layer with a "3943 crs".
if the qgis project is in crs 3943, no selection problem.
If I repr...
Julien Ancelin
12:06 AM Bug report #13322 (Closed): recent projects in project menu goes full screen in cc18882
No longer an issue as pointed Salvatore.
Regis Haubourg
11:15 PM Revision 5c1da4eb (qgis): [Processing] correctly parse value of boolean argument for parameters
Victor Olaya
11:13 PM Revision b6717b61 (qgis): Followup b5794b2, fix calculation of acceptable limits
Nyall Dawson
11:00 PM Revision 26dbb42a (qgis): Resolve coverity issues
Nyall Dawson
10:43 PM Revision a3648907 (qgis): Fix cast to itself
Nyall Dawson
10:36 PM Revision dbd3fe2d (qgis): Fix deprecated warnings
Nyall Dawson
10:16 PM Revision f3cd3ee7 (qgis): [processing] add log error message when error occurs in postprocessing ...
Victor Olaya
08:32 PM Bug report #13155: A Multiband image(e.g. landsat5,7,8) cannot be displayed in windows8.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can anyone attach/link sample data?
I guess thatyou could check this issue by using full sc...
Nobuhiko Yoshimura
08:30 PM Revision b5794b2f (qgis): sip coverage fixes:
* make sip coverage test aware that there are less classes where QSci sip
headers are not available
* exclude prope...
Jürgen Fischer
08:22 PM Revision 53ecc251 (qgis): [FEATURE] adding new features to QGIS will create issues in QGIS-Docume...
A githook is implemented to create an issue automatically in QGIS-Documention repo whenever there is a commit with th... Richard Duivenvoorde
07:03 PM Revision 1deaafc6 (qgis): nodetool: initialize select rubberband and fix indentation (fixes crash...
Jürgen Fischer
07:03 PM Revision a181845c (qgis): postgres provider: skip IN when feature id list is empty (followup fe34...
Jürgen Fischer
07:03 PM Revision 68c015e8 (qgis): postgres provider: catch if commit fails (fixes #12462)
Jürgen Fischer
07:03 PM Revision 9d97c7c4 (qgis): fix typo in python test invocation
Jürgen Fischer
06:46 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
The "rectangles, ovals,..." plugin is one culprit I'm aware of Nyall Dawson
06:16 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
Yes Nathan, a lot of them. I need most of them all :-)
It can be a plugin that is causing this issue, yes. The proble...
Rhenriques Henriques
04:25 PM Bug report #13794: Memory behaving strangely
Do you have any plugins enabled? Nathan Woodrow
04:21 PM Bug report #13794 (Closed): Memory behaving strangely
First let me say that QGIS 2.12 is probably the most stable QGIS version ever under MacOSX. I'm using it in the l...
Rhenriques Henriques
05:55 PM Revision 7e793986 (qgis): [processing] fixed adding raster layer to project
fixes #13791 Victor Olaya
04:31 PM Revision 86556c22 (qgis): [Processing] corrected wrong change in config dialog
Victor Olaya
04:28 PM Revision f0bbb889 (qgis): [Processing] fixed #13790 (issue saving config option)
Victor Olaya
04:14 PM Bug report #13724: QGIS 2.12 won't open on OS X El Capitán
I'm running QGIS 2.12 just fine in OSX El Capitan. Try to reinstall some additional frameworks as suggested befor...
Rhenriques Henriques
03:25 PM Revision 06529552 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.2.* Inverse Distance Weighted
Giovanni Manghi
01:35 PM Revision ac01d484 (qgis): Merge pull request #2428 from sebastic/gsl-2.0
Update dependencies for GSL 2.0. Jürgen Fischer
01:35 PM Bug report #13701: QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer with rule b...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)?
Yes, it worked in 2.8 and 2.1...
Martin Bain
01:18 PM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
Hey Giovanni. I am not able to reproduce it. It works fine when using GDAL and OGR algorithms with raster and vector ... Victor Olaya
09:56 AM Bug report #13791: on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer added to map
Hi Victor, I tested your latest commits and it seems that it still does not work (for me at least). Cheers! Giovanni Manghi
08:56 AM Bug report #13791 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer a...
Fixed in changeset commit:"7e7939860152136c056df080d915ed3474e10f00". Victor Olaya
04:21 AM Bug report #13791 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing results from GDAL/OGR tools are no longer a...
The tools run but all return the
_The following layers were not correctly generated._
The outputs are act...
Giovanni Manghi
01:16 PM Revision d4e1c85d (qgis): Update dependencies for GSL 2.0.
Starting with gsl (2.0+dfsg-1) the libgsl0-dev package has been renamed
to libgsl-dev, and libgsl0-dev is provided by...
Bas Couwenberg
12:30 PM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
I think the correct behaviour should still be to allow <3 nodes in polygons and 1 nodes for lines as a temporary step... Nyall Dawson
03:19 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
Duplicate of #13099? Jürgen Fischer
11:33 AM Revision 36672c47 (qgis): oracle provider: add/fix support for multiple geometry columns (fixes #...
Jürgen Fischer
10:10 AM Bug report #12222: Remove output format dropdown for backends other than QGIS
I changed the title ti better reflect the real issue. In the OGR convert format tool you must ignore that dropdown in... Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #12462 (Closed): Inconsistent behaviour with PostgreSQL CONSTRAINT TRIGGER
Fixed in changeset commit:"68c015e8d59130e708644ff7a3383d0465883f18". Jürgen Fischer
10:03 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
I created a video:
Lukasz Sychowicz
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Feature request #13786: Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone installer
Corey Burger wrote:
> Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people...
Giovanni Manghi
09:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Reopened): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone...
Uhh, you missed my point. I want the default to innclude the ESRI API/SDK driver so that people can edit flegdb witho... Corey Burger
02:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Closed): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone i...
Default Windows install includes the open filegdb driver, which is read only
Giovanni Manghi
02:53 AM Feature request #13786 (Closed): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone i...
Default Windows install includes the open filegdb driver, which is read only
Giovanni Manghi
09:34 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Another argument against "red semitransparent background" - when I edit common boundary of two polygons (snapping opt... Piotr Kania
09:12 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Piotr Kania wrote:
> I can't set transparency of those new "Node tool mode" - it's possible for digitizing and identi...
Giovanni Manghi
05:58 AM Bug report #13793: Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
I can't set transparency of those new "Node tool mode" - it's possible for digitizing and identify tool. Currently al... Piotr Kania
05:33 AM Bug report #13793 (Feedback): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
introduced by commit:d73ef5b as complement for commit:9b192d4.
Your screencast does not suggest that is as invasive a...
Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Bug report #13793 (Feedback): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
introduced by commit:d73ef5b as complement for commit:9b192d4.
Your screencast does not suggest that is as invasive a...
Giovanni Manghi
05:12 AM Bug report #13793 (Closed): Red semitransparent background visible when I use Node tool
Hi! - win7sp1x64, qgis dev x64 - rev.9b192d4
When I use Node tool after clicking in edited feature, it appears red s...
Piotr Kania
06:28 AM Bug report #13664 (Feedback): SAGA Inverse distance weighted fails
This is fixed with
Giovanni Manghi
05:59 AM Bug report #13493 (Closed): Processing Toolbox not finding Grass 7
It's working now - seems generating a new .gis2 file fixed it. Unfortunately I didn't keep my old .qgis2 file. Randal Hale
05:02 AM Bug report #13198 (Feedback): Unable to delete features of a table inside a public schema of post...
Check the editing capabilities of the layer in properties in the metadata tab of layer properties. You're probably n... Jürgen Fischer
04:39 AM Bug report #13592 (Feedback): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached screencast.
There are tw...
Giovanni Manghi
04:39 AM Bug report #13592 (Feedback): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
I cannot confirm the issue, on a clean 2.12 install on both Linux and Windows. See attached screencast.
There are tw...
Giovanni Manghi
04:35 AM Bug report #13792 (Closed): Custom CRSs are not "recognized" the first time a layer is loaded
The first time a layer with a specific custom CRS is loaded, then the latest versions of QGIS seems not to "recognize... Giovanni Manghi
04:08 AM Bug report #13790 (Closed): on QGIS master Processing options are no longer saved after clicking ...
Just seen this on the latest master available on osgeo4w and ubuntu nightly repo:
open the Processing options, then ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:05 AM Bug report #13789: QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked with the...
does not seems to happen on 71a6a3d on Linux. Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #13789 (Closed): QGIS master (9b192d4) crashes on Windows as soon as a node is clicked...
subject says it all Giovanni Manghi
04:00 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
Giovanni, thanks. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:49 AM Bug report #13787 (Open): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent laye...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometr...
Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #13787 (Open): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent laye...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometr...
Giovanni Manghi
03:42 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometry issues. And it's an excellent s... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:42 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
Giovanni, I don't think you get the issue here. Yes, the dataset has serious geometry issues. And it's an excellent s... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte... Giovanni Manghi
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte... Giovanni Manghi
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte... Giovanni Manghi
03:09 AM Bug report #13787 (Feedback): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent ...
Your layer has same serious geometry issue. Clean it (I used GRASS v.clean in processing) and it will work as expecte... Giovanni Manghi
02:44 AM Bug report #13787: with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent layer rende...
Disabling simplification does *not* resolve the issue. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:02 AM Bug report #13787 (Closed): with invalid geometries centroid fill symbology fails (and prevent la...
Centroid fill symbology fails resulting in a failure to render layer when the [x] force point inside polygon is activ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:45 AM Bug report #13788 (Closed): Customization: mProgressBar not removed when unchecked
Unchecking mProgressBar in Settings/Customization.../StatusBar will not remove the progress bar. Rather, it increases... andskog -
03:24 AM Bug report #11551 (Closed): SERVICE parameter is NOT mandatory @ GetMap on WMS 1.3.0
fixed in commit:3552b83 Jürgen Fischer
03:24 AM Bug report #11551 (Closed): SERVICE parameter is NOT mandatory @ GetMap on WMS 1.3.0
fixed in commit:3552b83 Jürgen Fischer
03:23 AM Bug report #13779 (Open): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
Giovanni Manghi
02:48 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Paulo Raposo wrote:
> Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me w...
Giovanni Manghi
02:35 AM Bug report #13158 (Closed): Multiple Oracle geometry columns mixed up for rendering
Fixed in changeset commit:"36672c47ab7171404954dacb8841f2ab2cd48c5e". Jürgen Fischer


12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti... Paulo Raposo
12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti... Paulo Raposo
12:52 AM Bug report #13742: Strange polygon edge rendering at edges of visible extent
Hmm, does look similar to 13343. But it's happening not just with "long" lines. Happens to me with polygons. It's sti... Paulo Raposo
12:27 AM Feature request #8464: Save query in Select by Expression
In existing versions we now have "Recent" so this feature request is in my opinion redundant.
Lene Fischer
09:19 PM Revision 9b192d41 (qgis): Merge pull request #2388 from sbrunner/node-tool-select-feature
Allow to select the feature on which the node tool works Matthias Kuhn
07:49 PM Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
previous versions correctly cut the sign, and showed the same size. In this case, the display becomes not neat. In on... Alexander Novoselov
11:44 AM Bug report #13779: symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
In the project you attached what I see in the layers panel is the exact representation of the point symbols as you de... Giovanni Manghi
07:43 PM Revision 9172767a (qgis): Merge pull request #2427 from 3nids/findqt5lib
find libraries for Qt5 Denis Rouzaud
06:06 PM Revision 594e5a2b (qgis): Be able to refresh the attribute table
Stéphane Brunner
05:32 PM Revision 80307466 (qgis): find libraries for Qt5
Denis Rouzaud
04:37 PM Revision 71a6a3d6 (qgis): move coordinates line edit to a dedicated class
* originally in QgisApp
* keep funny stuff (dizzy, retro) in there
* paste coordinates with space separator (not only...
Denis Rouzaud
03:26 PM Revision 04f32164 (qgis): [GRASS] fixed new mapset region, fixes #13784
Radim Blazek
01:58 PM Revision 061bdde2 (qgis): Merge pull request #2426 from elpaso/bugfix-13747-bis
Added HiDPI support to QgsWebView Alessandro Pasotti
12:54 PM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
I think it works for lines and polygons, but not for points. The symbology export only works on a very basic level. I... Andreas Neumann
10:09 AM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
Unless I'm missing something it seems that this functionality is not working as expected.
The manual has a note
Giovanni Manghi
10:09 AM Bug report #13688: Symbology export doesn't work
Unless I'm missing something it seems that this functionality is not working as expected.
The manual has a note
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Feature request #11758 (Closed): Map Composer : Improve the functions of locking and unlocking items
Nyall Dawson
12:38 PM Feature request #13786 (Reopened): Include the closed source ESRI FileGeoDB library in standalone...
The default QGIS install (2.12) doesn't include R/W access to ESRI FileGBs (it used to and it go dropped about 2.8). ... Corey Burger
12:29 PM Revision dbd9b9bc (qgis): Added HiDPI support to QgsWebView
The DPI value is get from QDesktopWidget and
the QWebView widget is zoomed if needed.
Fixes #13747
Alessandro Pasotti
12:22 PM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
Not same at all - I got mess in fields of single object, not mixed with other objects. Also geometry looks unbroken (... Jakub Kosik
11:07 AM Bug report #13741: Spatialite moving fields
see also #13298, seems the same issue. Giovanni Manghi
12:10 PM Revision f77d6cd0 (qgis): Remove unused signal + style format
Hugo Mercier
11:53 AM Revision d73ef5b1 (qgis): Highlight the selected feature
Stéphane Brunner
11:47 AM Bug report #11211: Save QGIS project on VPN connection is very slow
see also #13299 Giovanni Manghi
11:47 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
related to #11211? Giovanni Manghi
10:20 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
For what I can remember saving on NFS/Samba shares was always ok for me, but I can give it a new try. Giovanni Manghi
10:20 AM Bug report #13299: Slow saving to network drive
For what I can remember saving on NFS/Samba shares was always ok for me, but I can give it a new try. Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Bug report #13709: Processing: "Cover" and "MergeData"Fusion Lidar Tools aren't working
same problem with GroundFilter Niccolo' Marchi
11:06 AM Bug report #13298 (Feedback): Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
This seems really similar to #13741
can someone provide a clear sequence of steps to allow us replicate the issue in...
Giovanni Manghi
11:06 AM Bug report #13298 (Feedback): Shapefiles corrupting - objects and attributes becoming switched
This seems really similar to #13741
can someone provide a clear sequence of steps to allow us replicate the issue in...
Giovanni Manghi
11:05 AM Bug report #13473 (Feedback): oracle show 0 when asked for 'show feature count' in layer list
Are you using estimated metadata data and is the table analyzed? Otherwise Oracle claims that the number of rows is ... Jürgen Fischer
10:54 AM Bug report #13699 (Feedback): Spatialite database file remains locked after layers removed.
Just tested on master on linux and windows and cannot confirm, could you give it a try and report back? thanks! Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #13785: Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orientation
It is right. The problem is that the changes in the system dialog box do not effect the print composer. Probably I mi... Matteo Barison
10:40 AM Bug report #13785 (Feedback): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orie...
as far as I remember Ctrl+Shift+P dialog is to configure the page size and orientation of the printer, not of the qgi... Giovanni Manghi
10:40 AM Bug report #13785 (Feedback): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orie...
as far as I remember Ctrl+Shift+P dialog is to configure the page size and orientation of the printer, not of the qgi... Giovanni Manghi
10:18 AM Bug report #13785: Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orientation
The problem is related to the use of the main menu (Ctrl+Shift+P or main menu). Chages in size page and orientation a... Matteo Barison
10:12 AM Bug report #13785 (Closed): Print composer does not allow change in size page (es. A3) and orient...
Print composer does not allow changes in size page (es. from A4 landscape to A3 landscape) and orientation (es. from ... Matteo Barison
10:43 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
The sqldrivers (ocispatial but also qspatialite) are installed into the default directory for Qt plugins (QT_PLUGINS_... Jürgen Fischer
10:43 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
The sqldrivers (ocispatial but also qspatialite) are installed into the default directory for Qt plugins (QT_PLUGINS_... Jürgen Fischer
10:35 AM Bug report #13755 (Feedback): Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
Do the tables you copy features from and to have the same structure?
Are you copying new features before they are co...
Jürgen Fischer
10:18 AM Bug report #13341: DBManager doesn't import view from table with non numeric key
see also #13670 Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #13669: Circular string generates duplicated nodes
it seems to create more than 1 (duplicate nodes). Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),... Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),... Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Bug report #13661: Node tool should not allow to delete nodes and leave just 1 in lines or two in...
by the way, with polygons is possible to save one with just two nodes (after deleting the others with the node tool),... Giovanni Manghi
09:15 AM Bug report #13675: Crashes when I try to move the features of memory layer that is rendered by ru...
Cannot replicate on master, tested on both Windows and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
09:15 AM Bug report #13675: Crashes when I try to move the features of memory layer that is rendered by ru...
Cannot replicate on master, tested on both Windows and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
07:40 AM Bug report #13343: Rendering long segments produces artefacts
sample data: Jürgen Fischer
06:33 AM Bug report #13784 (Closed): Extent for a new GRASS location not calculated correctly
Fixed in changeset commit:"04f3216472d79ba7cf23882c11773b40070ebcc8". Radim Blazek
05:06 AM Bug report #13784 (Closed): Extent for a new GRASS location not calculated correctly
* load attached shp (EPSG:23030)
* create new grass location (same EPSG)
* calculated extent is shown as inf inf
Paolo Cavallini
06:02 AM Bug report #10755 (Closed): Python Console crashes when removing non-existent vector layer
Jürgen Fischer
02:39 AM Bug report #10755: Python Console crashes when removing non-existent vector layer
Should we close this as duplicate? Giovanni Manghi
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master. Giovanni Manghi
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master. Giovanni Manghi
05:34 AM Bug report #13618: Defining output name (without path) in Processing causes tools to fail
Not confirmed here on both Linux and Windows and QGIS master. Giovanni Manghi
05:23 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have a PostgreSQL DB right now to check again but what do u mean by "can no...
Giovanni Manghi
03:31 AM Bug report #13718: "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors during file crea...
I don't have a PostgreSQL DB right now to check again but what do u mean by "can not confirm":
- QGIS adds the fi...
Harrissou Santanna
05:02 AM Feature request #11103 (In Progress): Support for retina displays (HiDPI)
It might be fixed with 061bdde, can somebody please test and confirm that it works on other screen sizes/operating s... Alessandro Pasotti
05:01 AM Bug report #13470 (Closed): Fix font size in plugin manager on HiDPI displays
Fixed with 061bdde Alessandro Pasotti
05:01 AM Bug report #13470 (Closed): Fix font size in plugin manager on HiDPI displays
Fixed with 061bdde Alessandro Pasotti
02:41 AM Bug report #13643 (Feedback): After adding Postgis view I can't see records in attribute table
I'd say this is the intended behaviour. The queries are run readonly where @nextval@ doesn't work. Why not use @row... Jürgen Fischer
02:36 AM Bug report #12828 (Closed): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
closing for the lack of feedback and as it should be fixed. Giovanni Manghi
02:36 AM Bug report #12828 (Closed): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
closing for the lack of feedback and as it should be fixed. Giovanni Manghi
02:20 AM Bug report #13648 (Feedback): After saving postgis layer edition unnecessary log message appears
I also cannot confirm on the latest master on both Linux and Windows. Giovanni Manghi
02:20 AM Bug report #13648 (Feedback): After saving postgis layer edition unnecessary log message appears
I also cannot confirm on the latest master on both Linux and Windows. Giovanni Manghi
02:00 AM Bug report #10636 (Feedback): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
This seems to work as expected, at least on master. Giovanni Manghi
01:57 AM Bug report #13592 (Open): Processing: `` and `v.generalize` fail
Checked again, I can confirm it on a clean 2.12 install. Steps to reproduce:
* open iterative/watersheds.shp from pro...
Paolo Cavallini
01:54 AM Feature request #13685: Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
Not sure I agree in general, anyway updating in the installation folder I guess would be a problem with permissions. Giovanni Manghi
01:54 AM Feature request #13685: Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
Not sure I agree in general, anyway updating in the installation folder I guess would be a problem with permissions. Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Bug report #13689 (Closed): Mouse behaviour in digitizing mode.
I think this is by design. I see your point (but of course this do not seems to be an issue for the vast majority of ... Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Bug report #13689 (Closed): Mouse behaviour in digitizing mode.
I think this is by design. I see your point (but of course this do not seems to be an issue for the vast majority of ... Giovanni Manghi
01:31 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
Could you please add here an example of the actions Giovanni Manghi
01:31 AM Bug report #13690: Actions launched from table of attributes ignoring/discarding fields
Could you please add here an example of the actions Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #13691 (Feedback): Zoom level affects display of the layer
Hi, it is not really clear what the issue is, can you elaborate? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #13691 (Feedback): Zoom level affects display of the layer
Hi, it is not really clear what the issue is, can you elaborate? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
01:14 AM Revision 4cc6650d (qgis): Forgot sip for composerTemplatePaths
Nathan Woodrow


12:37 AM Revision 49a16fc8 (qgis): Add other composer templates loading paths
Nathan Woodrow
12:15 AM Bug report #13783 (Closed): Compiling QGIS with Oracle libs does not let you install as non-root ...
If you compile QGIS with Oracle driver and wants to install QGIS as non-root user the 'make install' fails because ma... Richard Duivenvoorde
12:07 AM Bug report #13701 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer ...
Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)? Giovanni Manghi
12:07 AM Bug report #13701 (Feedback): QGIS 2.12 Crash when selecting object in editable SQL Server layer ...
Did it worked correctly in previous qgis releases (no crash)? Giovanni Manghi
12:04 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
Daan Goedkoop wrote:
> It can be an annoying bug. For example, the 'split feature' tool has the feature that if you s...
Giovanni Manghi
01:22 PM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
It can be an annoying bug. For example, the 'split feature' tool has the feature that if you start cutting at a snapp... Daan Goedkoop
09:58 AM Bug report #13745 (Open): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
Now I see. Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
09:58 AM Bug report #13745 (Open): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
Now I see. Thanks. Giovanni Manghi
09:29 AM Bug report #13745: Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
I have just tried it with QGIS Master on Linux, and the behaviour is as I originally described. I have attached a fil... Daan Goedkoop
01:08 AM Bug report #13745 (Feedback): Snapping rounding errors with on-the-fly reprojection
I just followed all the steps and on QGIS master I cannot replicate the issue. Could you please test on master and/or... Giovanni Manghi
12:03 AM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
"duplicate layer" do not duplicate (create a copy of) the datasource, it just duplicates in the project, the layer is... Giovanni Manghi
12:03 AM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
"duplicate layer" do not duplicate (create a copy of) the datasource, it just duplicates in the project, the layer is... Giovanni Manghi
04:25 PM Bug report #13782 (Closed): Deleting columns in duplicate layer also deletes them in original layer
I want to export a subset of my features/attributes to geojson so that I can use them in a web map.
Given I've got a...
Michael Kirk
10:45 PM Revision 65fb72a9 (qgis): Properly set invalid topology layer as invalid
Fixes #13781 (crash)
(cherry-picked from 54cf972ac2334451e69d2171cc4f3e42da3880df)
Sandro Santilli
09:37 PM Revision 54cf972a (qgis): Properly set invalid topology layer as invalid
Fixes #13781 (crash) Sandro Santilli
08:33 PM Revision 80592e1a (qgis): fixed travis
Radim Blazek
07:18 PM Revision f99ccf0b (qgis): show filename in layer name when importing multiple layers from a ogr d...
Jürgen Fischer
06:08 PM Revision 5f3954a3 (qgis): [GRASS] enable to attache attributes to geom without cat, fixes #13739
Radim Blazek
05:54 PM Revision e4996d77 (qgis): [processing] allow output directly on Spatialite tables
like 11b5092140f5a966dbb2d85cb64face1e927ff90 but for Spatialite René-Luc ReLuc
02:27 PM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Fixed in changeset commit:"65fb72a958c0d0cb0edce9c974cb6b2720d483b4". Sandro Santilli
01:19 PM Bug report #13781 (Reopened): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Still needs to be fixed in trunk Sandro Santilli
12:39 PM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Fixed in changeset commit:"54cf972ac2334451e69d2171cc4f3e42da3880df". Sandro Santilli
12:36 PM Bug report #13781 (In Progress): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Confirmed, setting mValid=false when disconnecting the DB fixes this crash.
Should I provide a testcase for this ? Wo...
Sandro Santilli
12:34 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Found the issue: while mValid member is initialized to false, the call to QgsPostgresProvider::getGeometryDetails() s... Sandro Santilli
12:31 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Should a failed construction throw an exception rather than building partially ? Sandro Santilli
12:31 PM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
I see that QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider has lots of early returns. The crash happens because a QgsPostgre... Sandro Santilli
11:26 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Debug log seems interesting:
src/providers/postgres/qgspgtablemodel.cpp: 379: (layerURI) [16593ms] returning uri dbn...
Sandro Santilli
10:42 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
NOTE: I've tested the crash to also happen with master branch from some weeks ago (commit:a0a44f2) Sandro Santilli
10:15 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
To reproduce:
createdb bug13781
psql bug13781 <<EOF
create extension postgis;
create extension postgis_topology;
Sandro Santilli
09:21 AM Bug report #13781 (Feedback): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
Jürgen Fischer
09:14 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
I don't know if this could be related:
src/providers/postgres/qgspostgresconn.cpp: 903: (PQexec) [0ms] Not logged er...
Sandro Santilli
09:12 AM Bug report #13781: Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
It's actually easy to reproduce for me. Just start qgis, select a TopoGeometry column (not registered in topology.lay... Sandro Santilli
09:11 AM Bug report #13781 (Closed): Segfault on adding TopoGeometry column
I'm not sure exactly what triggered this, anyway, here's a backtrace:... Sandro Santilli
02:02 PM Revision 9f3bd1d4 (qgis): [processing] minor fix in parameter parsing in scripts
Victor Olaya
02:02 PM Revision 227af8ac (qgis): [processing] brought back 'export model as python' functionality
Victor Olaya
12:11 PM Bug report #13117: cached wfs not downloading new features while panning
Today I dug in this issue and all related ones. In my opinion, the reason this works badly (or not at all) is the com... Raymond Nijssen
12:09 PM Bug report #11517 (Closed): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
I confirm that it's working: to get the desired fixed size, you need to set minimumSize and maximumSize properties in... Alessandro Pasotti
11:59 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Fixed size it's ignored indeed... Alessandro Pasotti
10:40 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
I cannot reproduce, setting the dialog size policy to Minimum or MinimumExpanding from designer in the UI file works ... Alessandro Pasotti
10:40 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
I cannot reproduce, setting the dialog size policy to Minimum or MinimumExpanding from designer in the UI file works ... Alessandro Pasotti
12:07 PM Bug report #13186 (Open): Qgis Unable to export A0 300 dpi image - memory overflow notification
Giovanni Manghi
11:59 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
Duplicate of #11357 Nyall Dawson
11:59 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
Duplicate of #11357 Nyall Dawson
04:15 AM Feature request #13773 (Closed): mask for heatmap style
It would be useful to be able to define a polygon mask from another layer to constrain heatmap style rendering Gavin Fleming
11:58 AM Bug report #13705 (Closed): Distance Matrix Plugin does not show the distance in meters
you are probably making a good point here, but this place is not either the place where to raise such discussio...
Giovanni Manghi
11:58 AM Bug report #13705 (Closed): Distance Matrix Plugin does not show the distance in meters
you are probably making a good point here, but this place is not either the place where to raise such discussio...
Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #13706 (Feedback): Not working grass plugin in QGis Lyon for osx - file browser-
GRASS browser is now integrated in QGIS browser, please check and report back. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:52 AM Bug report #13706 (Feedback): Not working grass plugin in QGis Lyon for osx - file browser-
GRASS browser is now integrated in QGIS browser, please check and report back. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:51 AM Bug report #9444: WFS client not requesting new features when not-cached
@Maarten I like this idea (using status 206) since it is really hard to find out if the server limit has been reached... Raymond Nijssen
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3. Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3. Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3. Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
Confirmed, it worked until 2.8.3. Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression). Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression). Giovanni Manghi
11:43 AM Bug report #13708 (Open): Nested symbology layer not displayed anymore on qgis server 2.10.1
It seems confirmed to me on master, if it worked ok in previous qgis releases please tag this as blocker (regression). Giovanni Manghi
11:36 AM Revision b05fb0b5 (qgis): [processing] better naming for output memory and postgis layers
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision 11b50921 (qgis): [processing] allow output directly on PostGIS tables
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision 22ace3df (qgis): [processing] minor indentation fix
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision 8d8fac46 (qgis): [processing] do not format errors before sending to log
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision 4692eb52 (qgis): [processing] don't use temp folder for default output folder
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision 54bdcefc (qgis): [processing] hide SAGA folder option if built-in SAGA is available
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision edb3cf35 (qgis): [processing] add option to add validators to settings
Victor Olaya
11:36 AM Revision b3b33799 (qgis): [processing] fixes for representing input values in history
Victor Olaya
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #13779 (Feedback): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
Thanks for the cast, maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'm not really getting where the issue is, could you ple... Giovanni Manghi
06:59 AM Bug report #13779 (Closed): symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
New description:
in QGIS >= 2.10 the legend shows the symbology too wide/high if the symbols are large/high. This wa...
Alexander Novoselov
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm. Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm. Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #13718 (Feedback): "Add saved file to map" doesn't work if there are some errors durin...
Hi, just tested on latest master and I cannot confirm. Giovanni Manghi
11:05 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
Randal Hale wrote:
> Thanks - yes I think that is what has me thrown. Topology seems to be doing one thing and I'm no...
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
Thanks - yes I think that is what has me thrown. Topology seems to be doing one thing and I'm not sure where Geometry... Randal Hale
10:17 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
Well of course here is one of those areas where we have what I call "bad redundancy", especially considering that the... Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #13780: incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and check geo...
Well of course here is one of those areas where we have what I call "bad redundancy", especially considering that the... Giovanni Manghi
08:16 AM Bug report #13780 (Closed): incosistencies in results of topology checker, geometry checker and ...
I think I've got an interesting situation.
If you take the attached shapefile and use the topology plugin and check...
Randal Hale
11:05 AM Bug report #13738: OSGeo4W QGIS dev Windows 32-bit builds crash when the Browser panel is enabled
Seems to be OK now. Thanks Steven Mizuno
10:53 AM Revision a4b61fbd (qgis): fix typo
Harrissou Santanna
10:49 AM Feature request #11794 (Feedback): spatialite connection custom name
I cannot reproduce: a spatialite DB is just a file, if you copy the file to another directory you can load it into QG... Alessandro Pasotti
10:49 AM Feature request #11794 (Feedback): spatialite connection custom name
I cannot reproduce: a spatialite DB is just a file, if you copy the file to another directory you can load it into QG... Alessandro Pasotti
10:27 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
It occurred to me that preventing the mapcanvas from rendering might help.
have found that in, def clos...
Steven Mizuno
09:09 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-...
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-...
Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
I installed QGIS 2.12 in another machine (6 GB RAM, 64-bit, Win 10, like mine), the mini-dump remains. salvatore fiandaca
08:04 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> remove all 3rd party plugins, the mini-dump remains.!!!!
can you replicate on other mach...
Giovanni Manghi
07:45 AM Bug report #13679: QGIS master crashes when closing DB Manager in preview mode for PostGIS layers...
remove all 3rd party plugins, the mini-dump remains.!!!! salvatore fiandaca