From 2019-01-07 to 2019-02-05
11:11 PM Bug report #20865: attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify results/labels...
- PR
10:39 PM Bug report #20661 (Closed): QgsPoint.clone() not fully reliable? It's original QgsFeature may get...
- Issue fixed upstream with upcoming sip version 4.19.14.
10:39 PM Bug report #20661 (Closed): QgsPoint.clone() not fully reliable? It's original QgsFeature may get...
- Issue fixed upstream with upcoming sip version 4.19.14.
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
- This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue.
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
- This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue.
10:18 PM Feature request #8220 (Closed): Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
- This is fixed in recent versions i believe. Please re-open if still an issue.
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
- Fixed in 3.6
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
- Fixed in 3.6
10:17 PM Feature request #11158 (Closed): Being able to choose the project file .qgs panel "Browser"
- Fixed in 3.6
10:14 PM Bug report #12861 (Closed): PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
- Duplicate of #10871
10:14 PM Bug report #12861 (Closed): PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
- Duplicate of #10871
10:08 PM Bug report #17825 (Rejected): File browser broken with gtk backend
- Either a GTK or Qt bug, not QGIS
10:08 PM Bug report #17825 (Rejected): File browser broken with gtk backend
- Either a GTK or Qt bug, not QGIS
10:08 PM Feature request #19875 (Closed): Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single...
- Fixed in 3.6
10:08 PM Feature request #19875 (Closed): Deleting multiple GPKG tables from Browser only deletes a single...
- Fixed in 3.6
10:03 PM Bug report #20269 (Rejected): gdal tools corrupted
- *
10:03 PM Bug report #20269 (Rejected): gdal tools corrupted
- *
08:18 PM Feature request #21180 (Open): OGR_STYLE on KML import
- When opening/importing a KML layer (or other via OGR), would be super helpful to include as one of the fields the OGR...
08:10 PM Feature request #21179 (Open): QR code generator for print layout
- When creating a print map or an atlas you might want to provide some of the information am the printed map in machine...
08:01 PM Bug report #21178 (Open): QGIS 3.4.4 crash when using dynamic image in html textfield in print la...
- Steps to reproduce:
Note: Steps 1-8 already done in attached file. Unzip in /tmp to get right path to images.
1... - 06:49 PM Revision d2885607 (qgis): Banned keywords
06:47 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- just tested with the latest release 3.4.4 from qgis org - download 2019-02-05, 18:30 (version is compiled against QT ...
06:39 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- Interesting. QGIS does not show up in the Security-Accessibility app list on Sierra, and I don’t know why QGIS would...
06:21 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- just was able to verify yaroslav vasyunin's approach. it worked (!!!)
but for some reasons it seemed suspicious to ... -
01:00 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- I have the same issue (QGIS 3.4.4, Mac 10.14.2). Running new clean profiles and complete re-installation of QGIS didn...
06:16 PM Revision 06d5b996 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix polygonize field name is ignored
06:10 PM Bug report #21177 (Closed): issue importing dwg to geopackage
- sorry of the my english
I found on the documentation forum to import dwg from geopackage - 05:57 PM Revision 5f1cea13 (qgis): Add docstrings and modernize code
05:18 PM Bug report #21172: GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project
- Can you please attach a sample project and data to reproduce the issue?
11:41 AM Bug report #21172 (Rejected): GetFeatureInfo not send Geometry when set into project
- After set 'Add geometry to feature response' into project settings, the GetFeatureInfo request doesn't send feature g...
- 05:16 PM Revision 4612521c (qgis): Const correctnes for QgsFeature in labeling
- A feature is not modified while it's sent through the labeling pipeline.
04:17 PM Bug report #21175: QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
- I had forgotten to attach the project.
The layer that most presents the problem is: "quadri". -
03:35 PM Bug report #21175 (Open): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode
- *New description:*
steps to replicate:
set the default table view mode to "form view".
Open the attached... -
03:44 PM Bug report #21176 (Closed): Can't open feature form when when the primary key of Spatialite laye...
When I identify a SpatiaLite-Layer i can' t open the feature form, when the primary key is created in text type....-
03:07 PM Bug report #21174 (Open): Creating a new map set with GRASS 7.4
- While trying to export my map from QGIS 3.4.4 to AutoCAD (Covadis) as a dxf with elevation data I have found an instr...
02:19 PM Bug report #21173 (Closed): grass algorithms in processing does not work (qgis 3.4.4 grass 7.6)
01:40 PM Bug report #21173 (Closed): grass algorithms in processing does not work (qgis 3.4.4 grass 7.6)
The Grass algorithms in the toolbox does not work and stop with an error message.
e.g. v.buffer and v.overlay.
01:07 PM Bug report #18893: Error when trying to search New Zealand (LINZ Data Service) CSW
- Update on this issue? Looks like the LINZ CSW is up again.
01:03 PM Bug report #18176: Plugin MetaSearch crashed
- Update on this issue? Can we test against the current LTR?
01:00 PM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- Yes: see the "backport" tag in
12:37 PM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- Hey Alesandro -
It works as a charm in 3.5 :-)
Will the fix be backported to 3.4 (LTR) ?? -
12:45 PM Revision 62e09d94 (qgis): [processing] If model name starts with a digit, we need to remove that ...
12:45 PM Bug report #19787: MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user profile
- Fixed in master and 3.4 branch.
12:44 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- This is the crash report I get:
Crash ID: be28959efc88f41008b90f2715e269b9959ca36c
Stack Trace
RtlFreeHe... -
12:41 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- I am getting a CRASH even before loading the data. Simply using the browser panel to navigate to it, as soon as I rea...
10:31 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- Downgrading netcdf driver to 4.3.0-1, also available in OSGeo4W, is not an option here, because this NetCDF files are...
08:53 AM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- It is the same issue as:
Update to the newer versions of netcdf should ... -
11:59 AM Revision 33b8bbdf (qgis): Astyle again
11:57 AM Bug report #19674: Method theme() of QgsMapCanvas not in sync?
- Bug still in QGIS 3.4.4 not solved...
11:19 AM Revision 7aca6af7 (qgis): Merge pull request #9098 from alexbruy/wcs-backport
- Wcs backport
10:58 AM Revision 185855b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #9099 from elpaso/bugfix-21150-file-protocol-path-re...
- Strip file:// from local files path before resolving
10:57 AM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22c22e8e5ceabf4a3a415d18ccac120948e75d7e.
10:57 AM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22c22e8e5ceabf4a3a415d18ccac120948e75d7e.
10:43 AM Bug report #8736 (Closed): Update raster analyses: access data through raster layer instead of GDAL
- This is basically fixed now -- the native QGIS algorithms use raster layer API directly, and GDAL algorithms cannot u...
10:43 AM Bug report #8736 (Closed): Update raster analyses: access data through raster layer instead of GDAL
- This is basically fixed now -- the native QGIS algorithms use raster layer API directly, and GDAL algorithms cannot u...
10:42 AM Bug report #7460 (Closed): CMake detecting wrong path for GDAL library on 64-bit RHEL 6
10:42 AM Bug report #20043 (Closed): Sieve GDAL error Not recognized as an internal or external command
- This is fixed in recent 3.2/3.4 builds
10:42 AM Bug report #20043 (Closed): Sieve GDAL error Not recognized as an internal or external command
- This is fixed in recent 3.2/3.4 builds
10:39 AM Bug report #21159 (Closed): gdal_warp not working
03:50 AM Bug report #21159: gdal_warp not working
- Fix is here:
10:38 AM Bug report #17846 (Closed): Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
- This should be fixed in recent releases
10:38 AM Bug report #17846 (Closed): Polygonize (raster to vector) fails
- This should be fixed in recent releases
10:33 AM Revision 526a6b63 (qgis): follow up d5be855 : fix hasty pasting error
10:32 AM Revision 6413349f (qgis): follow up 4f77477 : fix hasty pasting error
09:52 AM Bug report #19216 (Closed): Save Map as Image / PDF fails to include active decorations
- This issue has been fixed in 3.4 when the scale bar decorator was upgraded.
09:52 AM Bug report #19216 (Closed): Save Map as Image / PDF fails to include active decorations
- This issue has been fixed in 3.4 when the scale bar decorator was upgraded.
09:50 AM Revision d5be8559 (qgis): Fix relationship between scale<->extent in the save [canvas] as image/p...
09:49 AM Revision 4f774772 (qgis): Fix relationship between scale<->extent in the save [canvas] as image/p...
09:38 AM Revision a97ce698 (qgis): Allow maximum number of entries to show in relation reference widget
- to be configurable via an advanced setting configuration option
In some circumstances 100 is not enough -
09:07 AM Revision 4f905cc2 (qgis): [vertex tool] right-click to loop through editable features
- Until now mouse right-click could only select and deselect the highlighted
feature to "lock" vertex tool (and numeric... -
09:07 AM Revision ce8684d0 (qgis): Make coverage test happy
08:38 AM Revision de5171ac (qgis): Code style (I had autopep8 installed btw)
08:38 AM Bug report #21171 (Closed): Arrow line goes beyond arrowhead in map composer
- When using the arrow item in the map composer, the line of the arrow goes beyond the arrowhead (see attached screensh...
08:29 AM Revision 22c22e8e (qgis): Strip file:// from local files path before resolving
- Fixes #21150 - Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path
when project in relative path mode -
08:01 AM Revision 34de184b (qgis): [themes] Get rid of the check mark in combo box drop down lists
08:01 AM Revision c62a4ae0 (qgis): [themes] Get rid of the check mark in combo box drop down lists
07:32 AM Revision 9a5143d8 (qgis): const correctness
- (cherry picked from commit 92f6eda13b7b0a7479a5fec3267a8bc783396189)
07:32 AM Revision a4a672b2 (qgis): [wcs] exclude invalid CRSs from the coverage metadata
- (cherry picked from commit 650f4d780ce59dc915419b7a7eb47df5feb2bd52)
07:32 AM Revision 8b5d50ce (qgis): [wcs] improve CRS handling when parsing DescribeCoverage responce (refs...
- (cherry picked from commit 2f7550d1a22ad9813786e78c5a23767f253065e7)
06:57 AM Revision eeff02fc (qgis): [processing] Port matrix widget wrapper to newer c++ API
- Allows matrix parameters to be correctly set for model child algorithms
Fixes #20914 -
06:56 AM Bug report #20914 (Closed): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eeff02fc14b96a6d3f95ac2122d1d82654dcf268.
06:56 AM Bug report #20914 (Closed): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eeff02fc14b96a6d3f95ac2122d1d82654dcf268.
02:38 AM Bug report #20914 (Open): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
- Reopening - it should be possible to set a fixed table for use in a child algorithm without exposing this table to users
06:55 AM Revision c6f3d5ff (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Make Find Projection algorithm simpler to use
- We no longer require the seperate CRS parameter, because the extent
parameter contains the CRS information itself. Th... -
06:55 AM Revision f54f5a4f (qgis): [processing][gdal] Fix incorrect definition of gdal_warp extra_param pa...
06:55 AM Revision c93775f6 (qgis): [processing][gdal] Ensure that GDAL algs output the CORRECT
- generated filename for outputs
Previously they were just echoing the input parameter value,
which isn't always a str... -
06:47 AM Revision 46e76054 (qgis): [ui] Make vertex tool markers and rubber bands hidpi-friendly
06:47 AM Revision fef51766 (qgis): [ui] Fix tiny vertex marker on hidpi
06:47 AM Revision eb0a020c (qgis): [ui] More hidpi-compatibility work for the vertex tool
06:23 AM Bug report #21170 (Closed): Crash Report QGIS 7.5
- h2. User Feedback
crash report upon trying to start QGIS 7.5 Desktop.
Is this just a configuration issue?
h2... -
05:47 AM Bug report #21169 (Open): xyz tile matrix error for zoom max levels above 22
- xyz tiles are not rendered for zoom levels above 22. The problem is a wrong tile matrix for zoom levels above 22.
fo... -
05:45 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
- Thanks for the information.
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> That was me -- the filter option wasn't hooked up to anything, ... -
05:38 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
- > Actually, someone seems to have removed right-click filter menu from ArcGIS Feature Server layers... so you can't f...
04:51 AM Bug report #19811: QGIS3: 3 bugs in ArcGIS Feature Server when using Data Source Manager
- This is still a bug on 3.5.0-Master, revision 9a8c0d2898
Actually, someone seems to have removed right-click filte... -
05:31 AM Bug report #21168 (Open): DB manager's autocomplete doesn't quote layer names
- DB manager shows an autocomplete box for existing layers. When you press <tab> or double click on an entry, the value...
05:24 AM Feature request #21167 (Open): make relations show up in Identify Results
- It really would be nice to show one-to-many joins (relations) in _Identify Results_. Actually, this could be done thr...
05:05 AM Feature request #21166 (Open): attribute table: show first 100 entries only
- Sometimes it's important to just have a quick look at the first few lines of an attribute table to get an idea of the...
05:01 AM Feature request #21165: copy layer to scratch layer
- Edit: On mailing list, some months ago _Frank Br._ suggested to use _Save selected features_. But for this all object...
04:58 AM Feature request #21165 (Open): copy layer to scratch layer
- In many cases it's useful to copy a "physical" layer into memory (a scratch layer). For exammple, when you've run a S...
04:43 AM Bug report #20251: virtual fields can't be filtered
- This is still a bug on 3.5.0-Master, revision 9a8c0d2898
04:10 AM Revision 23294590 (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
03:46 AM Revision 715395aa (qgis): Fix incorrect 'not available in Python' dox
02:26 AM Revision fe828900 (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
01:07 AM Revision 867e3994 (qgis): Allow for exact calculation of symbol sizes with mixed layer units
- Fixes #21143
01:06 AM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|867e39947b3f24d0b7714cd44e28126b61769340.
01:06 AM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|867e39947b3f24d0b7714cd44e28126b61769340.
12:48 AM Revision ac9c6f1e (qgis): some minor code cleanup in dbmanager
12:48 AM Revision 427cb0b2 (qgis): fix some HIG and add missing translations in dbmanager
11:38 PM Feature request #21164 (Closed): Find unmaintained plugins
- I recently raised the question how to deal with unmaintained plugins on the developer mailing-list:
http://osgeo-o... -
10:28 PM Revision a7fbefeb (qgis): [MetaSearch] OWS GetCapabilities checking regression (fixes #19787) [ne...
10:27 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a7fbefeb4704ab7100e7a3abbd33e2fdf975d28f.
10:27 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a7fbefeb4704ab7100e7a3abbd33e2fdf975d28f.
09:19 PM Bug report #19787: MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user profile
- It turns out that we removed this functionality long ago. For reference:
* -
09:38 PM Revision 513f7ea5 (qgis): fix error in scale optimization (#9081)
09:25 PM Revision fd429808 (qgis): fix error in scale optimization (#9081)
08:27 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Cory Albrecht wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > if any reopen the other ticket.
> ... -
07:35 PM Bug report #21157: i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- Thanks, will do.
06:59 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- Will need fixing in grass - please report on their bug tracker
06:59 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- Will need fixing in grass - please report on their bug tracker
04:29 PM Bug report #21157: i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- It may be a GRASS issue indeed, if an issue in the first place. I have attached a screenshot of the log by QGIS
01:17 AM Bug report #21157 (Feedback): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- I'm not sure if this is a QGIS issue, or an GRASS issue. Can you show some screenshots demonstrating how the issue oc...
07:27 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- It is confirmed that custom QGIS builds with netcdf 4.6.x in Windows do not crash.
So, I am pretty sure it is due to... -
06:16 PM Bug report #21162: Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- gdalinfo also crashes.
04:58 PM Bug report #21162 (Closed): Closing a netcdf raster in Windows causes core dump
- To reproduce:
1- Download®ion=PT2
2- Add the net... -
06:55 PM Revision 384d3102 (qgis): Minor improvements to PyQGIS returns for SIP_OUT params
06:55 PM Revision 4b0f6b75 (qgis): Slight improvements to Python docs
06:34 PM Bug report #21151 (In Progress): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: n...
- PR
06:34 PM Bug report #21151 (In Progress): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: n...
- PR
06:26 PM Revision cd6ce764 (qgis): Quick and dirty patch to DB-Manager after PR 8831
- The "comments" PR 8831 added support for postgres only
(and broke all the others backends).
I'd be in favor of a rev... -
04:59 PM Bug report #21163 (Closed): Empty or corrupt file when exporting to Mapinfo TAB with EPSG 4647
- The created file is broken by exporting as Mapinfo TAB with the projection EPSG 4647. The same export to EPSG 25832 w...
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re... -
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re... -
01:41 PM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- Hi Amirhossein,
Unfortunately, mesh is under active development and if you want the latest version (with faster re... -
01:24 PM Bug report #20980: NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- I am mainly a Linux user and I carry out most of my data analyses by NCAR Command Language (NCL), but this is a Windo...
12:59 PM Bug report #20980 (Closed): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- I can indeed open the netcdf as a mesh layer in QGIS.
Could you try QGIS master (latest weekly if you are a window... -
10:48 AM Bug report #20980 (Open): NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
09:09 AM Bug report #20980: NETCDF file format could not be read by QGIS
- Dear QGIS users, especially dear Saber,
Sorry for the long silence,
Would you please take a look at the NETCDF ... -
01:02 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
- Qgis 2.18 is no longer supported
01:02 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
- Qgis 2.18 is no longer supported
12:47 PM Bug report #21161 (Rejected): scipy import in PyQGIS throws traceback
- This affects both PyQGIS console and plugins in 2.18.28 LTR, both installed from OSGeo4W and standalone installer. I ...
12:16 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1aef9cfa491c6de60f8c700c3705a57c735f9442.
12:16 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1aef9cfa491c6de60f8c700c3705a57c735f9442.
12:15 PM Revision 95e216ca (qgis): indentation fix
11:01 AM Revision 109fcc0a (qgis): Merge pull request #9070 from elpaso/bugfix-21121-opencl-16bit-raster
- Fix hillshade renderer with data type != Float32 [opencl]
11:01 AM Revision 3c9b6e5e (qgis): Merge pull request #9071 from elpaso/bugfix-21100-ogrprovider-missing-q...
- Quote field name identifiers in ORDER BY and MAX/MIN queries
11:00 AM Bug report #21100 (Closed): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51426640dd61cf0bb18ebad680c96ac16f9b435.
11:00 AM Bug report #21100 (Closed): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b51426640dd61cf0bb18ebad680c96ac16f9b435.
10:43 AM Revision 8ac762e5 (qgis): [ui] Fix tiny vertex marker on hidpi
10:32 AM Feature request #21158 (Closed): Homogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item sele...
- This is by design, as it was too easy to accidentally change a map's zoom previously.
10:02 AM Feature request #21158 (Open): Homogenize map item pan and mouse scroll UX - make map item select...
- When using the map item "move content" tool to tune the extent of a map item, panning is working even if the map item...
10:25 AM Bug report #21160 (Closed): Protocol - two by geojson
- When adding a file by geojson protocol I noticed geojson listed twice in the dropdown Pic attached). Is there some di...
10:06 AM Feature request #17356: Filter on DBManager tree
- +1 I face the same need for various customers. The same applies to the browser(s) panel(s). The default search should...
10:06 AM Bug report #21159 (Closed): gdal_warp not working
- In Processing gdal_warp always fails with error:...
09:48 AM Revision 41a04d0a (qgis): [ui] Improve 3D map scene config dialog (fixes #20685)
09:47 AM Bug report #20685 (Closed): QGIS raster 3d settings is not scroll-able
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|41a04d0ab3050f66ba5d82948ed845c5ce20a628.
09:47 AM Bug report #20685 (Closed): QGIS raster 3d settings is not scroll-able
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|41a04d0ab3050f66ba5d82948ed845c5ce20a628.
09:29 AM Feature request #20843: add user feeback concerning snapping strategies and workload
- I absolutely agree. There are some scenarios in which QGIS 3x tries to load all vertices from all layers in the map f...
09:27 AM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
- I am not sure if the Bug #20873 corresponds to my problem as I am able to call the capabilities.
Also the error.log ... -
08:37 AM Bug report #21045 (Closed): Unable to add WCS - bad WCS Request
- PR merged, I think we can close this now.
08:37 AM Bug report #21045 (Closed): Unable to add WCS - bad WCS Request
- PR merged, I think we can close this now.
08:29 AM Revision ed45181b (qgis): Merge pull request #9064 from mhugo/fix_20831
- Avoid undefined behaviour with signed integer overflow
08:03 AM Revision e953141f (qgis): Merge pull request #9005 from alexbruy/wcs-fix
- fix CRS handling in the DescribeCoverage response (refs #21045) [wcs]
05:06 AM Revision d3daa86c (qgis): [ui] More hidpi-compatibility work for the vertex tool
01:58 AM Revision 0250cab3 (qgis): [processing] Reorganise python script generated from model, to
- move "guts" of script to top (initAlgorithm/processAlgorithm)
and boilerplate methods (createInstance, etc) to end -
01:58 AM Revision 6aea4838 (qgis): [processing] Pep8 fixes for model to script
12:52 AM Revision 92f5cb9a (qgis): translation fix
12:51 AM Revision 1c92fd23 (qgis): HIG string fixes
12:51 AM Revision 15bcbf8c (qgis): Hidpi icon size fixes
12:49 AM Bug report #21143 (In Progress): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a s...
- Confirmed
12:49 AM Bug report #21143 (In Progress): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a s...
- Confirmed
12:22 AM Revision 41e7d074 (qgis): Unit tests for QgsCredentials
- (cherry picked from commit 16995206ae95d118466ad911a6b5db03afce17a3)
12:22 AM Revision ad6e1566 (qgis): Fix hang when WMS credentials requested
- Remove responsibility for credentials mutex locking from external
callers and handle appropriate locks internally. Th... -
12:22 AM Revision 89fce33f (qgis): Fix misleading dox
- (cherry picked from commit ffa49df9fbbd160381b64c5b6dc2808fbd2b226b)
12:22 AM Revision f5ca7b74 (qgis): Allow vector rendering cancelation to also cancel feature iteration for...
- Connect the cancel rendering signal to the iteration cancelation.
This allows providers (e.g. WFS, AFS) to abort slow... -
12:22 AM Revision 7678be1e (qgis): Dox++
- (cherry picked from commit eba5409ebcab40eacf38d3215b2fffa8f6ffbf18)
12:22 AM Revision fad08610 (qgis): Fix some label settings hidpi issues
- (cherry picked from commit 599b0c8861a1a416835e5cd493a8106846de1d1e)
12:22 AM Revision 1916a7fd (qgis): [processing][saga] Fix definition of Multiple regression points/grids alg
- Fixes #21146
(cherry picked from commit 4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe) -
12:21 AM Revision 2fc24aed (qgis): Clearer phrasing
07:55 PM Bug report #21157 (Closed): i.pca by grass7 output issue -0.0000
- Not sure if this is the right place to point this out, but:
I have been trying to manipulate the log output of the i... - 07:47 PM Revision 612576ca (qgis): Deprecate QgsGeometry::set for usage in Python
- When a new QgsAbstractGeometry is set on a geometry object, the previous child is deleted.
If the previous object was... -
06:56 PM Feature request #19978 (Open): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing text
05:41 PM Feature request #19978: 'DWG/DXF-Import' - Missing text
- The missing texts are block attributes.
05:57 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- Cory Albrecht wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > if any reopen the other ticket.
> I cannot do that, you have... -
05:41 PM Bug report #21153: 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> if any reopen the other ticket.
I cannot do that, you have to. -
04:29 PM Revision 4a443067 (qgis): allow to build against separate PROJ.4 and GDAL installs
04:20 PM Bug report #21155 (Closed): Crashes on Exit
01:40 AM Bug report #21155 (Closed): Crashes on Exit
- h2. User Feedback
CLosing the program via the "Quit QGIS" option in the Project Menu
h2. Report Details
*Cra... -
04:19 PM Bug report #21156 (Closed): Trying to add map themes crashes QGIS
02:40 PM Bug report #21156 (Closed): Trying to add map themes crashes QGIS
- h2. User Feedback
Crashed while trying to add map themes, map theme when created was applied to all layers and if ... -
10:57 AM Revision b38b39cb (qgis): fix pasting features into vector layer from clipboard (fix #21154)
07:08 AM Revision 3f63c9ca (qgis): Last weaks to blend of gray prior to its initial release
03:02 AM Revision eba5409e (qgis): Dox++
03:02 AM Revision 16995206 (qgis): Unit tests for QgsCredentials
03:02 AM Revision c9e76164 (qgis): Fix hang when WMS credentials requested
- Remove responsibility for credentials mutex locking from external
callers and handle appropriate locks internally. Th... -
03:01 AM Bug report #20826 (Closed): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9e761649820f8444a41da5e18850061b207c09c.
03:01 AM Bug report #20826 (Closed): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c9e761649820f8444a41da5e18850061b207c09c.
01:32 AM Revision 59aea698 (qgis): [ui] Make vertex tool markers and rubber bands hidpi-friendly
12:01 AM Bug report #21124: QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
- I did. So I have been turning on plugins one by one and found out that dzetsaka classification plugin is the first on...
09:18 PM Revision 57695bd0 (qgis): use upper camel case for the class name
09:17 PM Revision 599b0c88 (qgis): Fix some label settings hidpi issues
07:22 PM Revision 02011726 (qgis): Add testdata file
05:25 PM Revision 0797059a (qgis): Spellok
04:35 PM Feature request #21127: Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
- ...
03:10 PM Feature request #21127: Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
- Please elaborate.
I normally start QGIS via batch file @%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis.bat@.
The last line of that bat... -
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
- I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
htt... -
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
- I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
htt... -
01:44 PM Bug report #21154 (In Progress): Error copying records between tables
- I had already seen this but forgot to report, anyway a very kind developer is already tackling the issue, see:
htt... -
01:34 PM Bug report #21154 (Closed): Error copying records between tables
- This does not happen to me in version 3.2.3
The fields of the two tables are the same. I can not paste all the attri... -
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
- Confirmed, regression.
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
- Confirmed, regression.
12:52 PM Bug report #21151: spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such table: ...
- Confirmed, regression.
11:13 AM Bug report #21151 (Open): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no such ...
- Sorry,
table structure.
09:32 AM Bug report #21151 (Feedback): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no s...
- "edit table" means editing its structure or its content?
11:53 AM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
- PR
11:53 AM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
- PR
11:45 AM Revision b5142664 (qgis): Quote field name identifiers in ORDER BY and MAX/MIN queries
- Fixes #21100
11:43 AM Revision a71d937b (qgis): better a static list to avoid set at every call
11:32 AM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- I can confirm with NO issue on Linux...
11:01 AM Revision 3b1127ee (qgis): spellechck do warning if htmls tags in methoid description => fail travis
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- PR
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat... -
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- PR
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat... -
10:58 AM Bug report #21121 (In Progress): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- PR
I'd like you to test if this patch solves your issue (with OpenCL ativat... -
10:56 AM Revision 1923967d (qgis): Remove debug output
10:53 AM Revision 1aef9cfa (qgis): [opencl] Fix hillshade renderer with 16bit rasters
- Fixes #21121
09:28 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- if any reopen the other ticket.
09:28 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- if any reopen the other ticket.
04:59 AM Bug report #21153 (Closed): 18628 still happens in 3.4.4
- Using vertex editor tool to hover over features, the nodes of those features are highlighted in red. This is fine. Bu...
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
09:27 AM Bug report #21152 (Feedback): QGIS Crash on exit
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
04:34 AM Bug report #21152 (Closed): QGIS Crash on exit
- h2. User Feedback
Quitting QGIS
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: e6eaf1f777c864edd362e4ef3f41e40f336ce8ff
... -
04:56 AM Bug report #18628: QGIS 3: vertex editor highlights features in non-visible layers
- Carolyn Krause wrote:
> This issue is resolved in QGIS 3.4. Non-visible layers are no longer highlighted by the Vert...
12:35 AM Revision 9a8c0d28 (qgis): avoid OSRFixup with GDAL >= 2.5
12:00 AM Bug report #21149 (Closed): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
- Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
- Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
- Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
04:04 PM Bug report #21149 (Feedback): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
- Please try 3.4.4 and also try using a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
04:03 PM Bug report #21149 (Closed): 3.4.3-Madeira Crashing on closing
- h2. User Feedback
crashed on closing QGIS
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665... -
11:55 PM Bug report #20588 (Closed): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
- Fixed in GDAL master per and release/2....
11:29 PM Revision 6a8ba52c (qgis): fix typo and HIG
11:29 PM Revision 122d5c3e (qgis): fix some PEP8 in Processing Model as python code
11:28 PM Bug report #21151 (Closed): spatialite, edit table in dbmanager is broken in master Fault: no suc...
- QGIS 3.5, Codeversion 56e465cc8a
DBManager, Spatialite, edit table popup a window with database fault "no such table... -
10:11 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- In my case, it's an issue on Win 7 64 bit. Also with actual master.
04:29 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I can't reproduce on Linux -- possible windows specific?
maybe even windows version specifi... -
09:02 PM Revision eeaccb7f (qgis): typo
08:33 PM Revision d06406d0 (qgis): fixed spellcheck
08:25 PM Revision 9871c6d6 (qgis): let travis happy
07:44 PM Revision 4b3674ae (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses and removed default
07:37 PM Revision 0aaa1918 (qgis): removed unuseful parentheses + removed default + forgot an enum
07:34 PM Revision 0d114479 (qgis): typo
07:29 PM Revision 54daf1ac (qgis): Enable/disable actions for mesh layer in main app window
07:29 PM Revision 5236b2f1 (qgis): typo and rephrased
07:25 PM Revision 46ac8031 (qgis): typo + #if 0 for todo code
07:08 PM Revision a9fcfe9a (qgis): betetr use qgsDoubleNear
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
- confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression.
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
- confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression.
06:56 PM Bug report #21150: Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path mode
- confirmed and if I'm not wrong this is a regression.
04:53 PM Bug report #21150 (Closed): Delimitedtext layer saves absolute path when project in relative path...
- When saving a project with 'Save paths' set to 'relative', the paths for any delimited text layers are saved as absol...
06:49 PM Revision 78d94884 (qgis): translated error message
06:48 PM Revision dfda3124 (qgis): removed default in switch
06:42 PM Revision 06e05805 (qgis): removed default and manage forgot enum
06:34 PM Revision ad112bad (qgis): back to a more safe const method
06:13 PM Revision bdda8d0b (qgis): back to const methods
06:04 PM Bug report #18812 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0.1 crashes after attempting to remove a virtual field from ...
04:18 PM Bug report #18812: QGIS 3.0.1 crashes after attempting to remove a virtual field from a shapefile
- this may be related to fixed #18954. Can you please retest with 3.5 master?
05:08 PM Bug report #17340 (Closed): STL 3D models are always rotated by 180
04:43 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I did the tests. When you activate OpenCl, even if you change the type of resampling, it is displayed incorrectly.
I... -
04:43 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I did the tests. When you activate OpenCl, even if you change the type of resampling, it is displayed incorrectly.
I... -
04:15 PM Bug report #20534 (Feedback): qgis crashed
- Please add detailed description how to replicate the issue, possible with sample small project attached.
04:12 PM Bug report #21115 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
04:03 PM Bug report #20712 (In Progress): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
03:56 PM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- I can replicate the issue when I drag 'n' drop the .py file to QGIS. running individual commands is OK
10:27 AM Bug report #20712 (Open): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi... -
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi... -
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi... -
03:37 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- I create new profile "debug" and set default profile to "debug". But crushed.
I think it was not concern to profi... -
04:01 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > The map parameter is usually not included when adding a Geoservice I thought.
> not ... -
04:00 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
> The map parameter is usually not included when adding a Geoservice I thought.
not that is not completely true:...-
03:34 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
- I have tried different URL's like: http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe?request=getcapabilities&service=WMS...
03:07 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
- Louis Leguan wrote:
> I am now able to request the capabilities of the Service in the Browser.
> URL: http://local... -
03:03 PM Bug report #20470: QGIS Server 3.4 on Windows: Error tranferring
- I am now able to request the capabilities of the Service in the Browser.
URL: http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv... -
03:58 PM Revision 39887e72 (qgis): Small code cleanup to warm up
03:58 PM Revision cfa40ed5 (qgis): Improvements to the right-click behavior to pick locked feature
- - unlock feature on right-click in an empty area
- allow selection of locked feature by right-click on polygon interi... -
03:58 PM Revision c1d10689 (qgis): Add #spellok for a false positive in spelling test
03:54 PM Revision d61940cf (qgis): use qgsDoubleNear to avoid precision errors
03:52 PM Revision 738ec79d (qgis): \#if 0 instead of comment
03:49 PM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
- also backported
03:47 PM Bug report #20493 (Closed): 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - no...
- 03:45 PM Revision 495568ae (qgis): Merge pull request #9059 from daniviga/grass76-rpm
- [RPM] GRASS 7.6 support for F30+
- 03:44 PM Revision 0e635828 (qgis): Merge pull request #9060 from daniviga/release-3_4
- [RPM] Backport some fixes for master, add F30+ compatibility
03:39 PM Feature request #20722 (Closed): Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?
03:23 PM Revision 461b31d4 (qgis): debug message always in case contrastEnhancement alg is not SLD supported
03:19 PM Feature request #20130 (Closed): Identify tool does not work on mesh layer
- merged to 3.5
03:19 PM Feature request #20130 (Closed): Identify tool does not work on mesh layer
- merged to 3.5
03:18 PM Revision 3103b00f (qgis): fix identify for mesh layers (#9047)
03:12 PM Revision a6391d7d (qgis): use QgsFileUtils::ensureFileNameHasExtension instead
03:11 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
- I wrote mail, thank you! -
01:38 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
could you ... -
12:38 PM Feature request #17742: QGIS 2.99 does not support KNN virtual tables index
02:42 PM Revision 0e9af791 (qgis): fixed AStyle with
02:21 PM Revision 5609f4a8 (qgis): Avoid undefined behaviour with signed integer overflow
02:12 PM Bug report #20701: No scroll in attribute form
- This happens when you switch form type from Auto-generated to Drag-n-Drop designer.
Attached video with this issue.
02:00 PM Bug report #21148 (Open): Save project to PostGreSQL doesn't work with PostGreSQL 9.4 and older
- The functionality to save a project to PostgreSQL will only work with PostgreSQL versions 9.5 and newer, because:
* ... -
01:41 PM Bug report #21085: Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
- To clarify, it is no problem to wait 1 minute for an algorithm to finish, the problem is when the feature count goes ...
11:44 AM Revision f1040efc (qgis): Nicer API for network timeouts
11:44 AM Revision c03ce930 (qgis): Allow use of local httpbin instances in unit tests
11:44 AM Revision 4908ef16 (qgis): Revert "Revert QgsBlockingNetworkRequest"
- With recent changes in QgsNetworkAccessManager this should be
safe to resurrect (fingers crossed!). Also simplify cod... -
11:44 AM Revision 8ee2e793 (qgis): Make network authentication request handling thread safe, avoid
- races and crashes when auth requests occur in non-main thread
Like the recent SSL error handling, this commit abstra... -
11:44 AM Revision 630cd021 (qgis): Update WFS request to accomodate changes in QgsNetworkAccessManager
- Because the manager now handles waking up worker threads after
an authentication request, the WFS request handler no ... -
11:44 AM Revision cc6d88e2 (qgis): Add signal for logging after network authentication details have been a...
11:44 AM Revision d0c24edf (qgis): Import more useful libraries into console by default
11:44 AM Revision 03a2a03d (qgis): Dox
11:44 AM Revision 742acf19 (qgis): [afs] Don't render in preview jobs
- These servers can be sloooooooow, and unpredictable.
The previous preview job may have been fast to render,
but the n... -
11:44 AM Revision 18941a1a (qgis): Fix timeout in network timeout tests
11:44 AM Revision 8bcd46c4 (qgis): Only show host (not lengthy url) in message bar timeout messages
11:44 AM Revision 150668dd (qgis): Remove leftover buffer size code (credit to @nirvn)
11:44 AM Revision dcb6104f (qgis): Dox++
11:44 AM Revision 4495699b (qgis): Fix blocking request cancelation after a redirect occurs
11:19 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
- Hi Giovanni, yes indeed this was a secondary test when I see #21093 (referenced by Alexander).
Thank you for all ... -
09:25 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
- Yes Joao, it's the same issue as in #21093. Anyway from the log you're showing it seems that you're setting the <root...
11:08 AM Revision 6fa3bf8e (qgis): Allow vector rendering cancelation to also cancel feature iteration for...
- Connect the cancel rendering signal to the iteration cancelation.
This allows providers (e.g. WFS, AFS) to abort slow... -
11:06 AM Revision 4f8e2317 (qgis): [processing][saga] Fix definition of Multiple regression points/grids alg
- Fixes #21146
11:05 AM Revision 174dc4b8 (qgis): Merge pull request #9058 from alexbruy/v_net-backports
- Backport GRASS algorithms fixes
11:05 AM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe.
11:05 AM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4f8e2317d796881f942bbc6bdcbe60f3470f48fe.
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
- Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos... -
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
- Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos... -
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
- Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos... -
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
- Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos... -
10:29 AM Bug report #21147 (Feedback): Crash
- Please try with 3.4.4, and a new/clean profile.
Also describe in details the steps that lead to the crash, and pos... -
10:24 AM Bug report #21143 (Open): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
08:58 AM Bug report #21143: Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
- Here is a gpkg file with test points and style included.
05:15 AM Bug report #21143 (Feedback): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
- I can't reproduce. Can you share your style?
10:07 AM Revision 2ad47198 (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix issue with hidden layers being editable (fixes #18434)
- The problem was that QgsSnappingConfig when initialized from a project
loads global settings from QgsSettings and set... -
10:07 AM Revision f988f6f5 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Add friendlier API for running algorithms as s...
- of main algorithm
Using code like:
buffered_layer =, context, feedback)['OUTPUT']
... -
10:07 AM Revision 3b814eaa (qgis): [processing] Correct parameter type for Map Layer parameters
- (cherry picked from commit d14869093a7661880650591b7baee4c64524c3d5)
10:07 AM Revision 3f0171b8 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fix qgsRound for negative numbers. Fixes #20861
- (cherry picked from commit cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda)
10:07 AM Revision 34625110 (qgis): Fix empty strings in proxy exclude list results in proxy being skipped ...
- Fixes #20213
(cherry picked from commit cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb) -
10:07 AM Revision e1febd01 (qgis): [Processing][Grass] Add the possibility to return a shp if ogr is not c...
- (cherry picked from commit 2e92dabd20df1abbc0e350dbd1ae06c0ad1839ce)
10:07 AM Revision a6cad4df (qgis): New Shapefile Layer dialog: avoid warning message on user cancel
- Also add better error message reporting, and deprecate horrible API.
(cherry picked from commit 9a723d91e84df1397566... -
10:07 AM Revision 06ee1326 (qgis): [processing] do not show geometryless layers in extent selector
- Fixes #21129
(cherry picked from commit 5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d) -
10:07 AM Revision 8edc5701 (qgis): fix when GDALGetRasterScale returns 0 (gdal 2.3 affected for some datas...
- (cherry picked from commit 7a12f113921848e8435eca105ad4754286690fb1)
10:07 AM Revision dbd75124 (qgis): [ui] Remove black background for the browser panel DB2 icon
- (cherry picked from commit f2d8bdea4e01e8e873c6842d5f2e120345bac0bd)
10:07 AM Revision 4423caff (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix vertex addition to polygon's first segment (fixes #20...
- With topo editing mode enabled, addition of extra points to keep the topology
correct wasn't working correctly becaus... -
10:07 AM Revision ef1634c8 (qgis): Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831)
- By default a range widget is built with a minimum value set to the
minimal integer that is possible to represent. Whe... -
10:07 AM Revision 9abcd0e1 (qgis): Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909)
- The i == 0 test was wrong, and a test is actually not needed.
(cherry picked from commit 389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca... -
10:07 AM Revision f3f62678 (qgis): [processing] Fixes to distance inputs for models
- - fix parameter can get converted to plain number parameter after edits
- allow parameter to be linked to parent para... -
09:45 AM Revision 1ea76996 (qgis): [RPM] Backport some fixes for master, add F30+ compatibility
09:43 AM Revision 3425b7c3 (qgis): [RPM] Add a TODO about deprecated scriptlets
09:21 AM Feature request #15536 (Closed): Support for osgEarth 2.8 in Globe plugin
09:16 AM Bug report #16893 (Open): Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
- Even if missing the configs, I think it is more practical for the user to go back to the non batch interface instead ...
09:12 AM Revision 8f9377dc (qgis): [RPM] Add support for GRASS 7.6 as required by F30+
07:54 AM Revision 946687c8 (qgis): Update QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource::asPythonCode
07:54 AM Revision 37774f9a (qgis): [processing] Add util to convert QVariant value to Python literal
07:54 AM Revision f77cf4fa (qgis): [processing] Formalise object design for ContextAction, allow icons to ...
07:54 AM Revision 56e465cc (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Resurrect ability to convert models to scripts
- Brings back QGIS 2.18's ability to directly convert a Processing model
to an equivalent Processing Python script algo... -
07:54 AM Revision bc76678e (qgis): Fix multiline description strings
07:54 AM Revision 9b2e6013 (qgis): [processing] Update QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm::asPythonCode for 3.x API
07:54 AM Revision fb519ead (qgis): Update QgsProcessingModelChildAlgorithm::asPythonCode for 3.x API
07:54 AM Revision ffa49df9 (qgis): Fix misleading dox
07:07 AM Revision acce2486 (qgis): [processing] fix and
- (cherry picked from commit 85e3b2db6e29fccec2eee264f84e0357a5f24d47)
07:06 AM Revision 0a5bad43 (qgis): [processing] fix broken stdout handling in GRASS algs (fix #21142)
- (cherry picked from commit b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262)
07:06 AM Revision f2ceb6ea (qgis): [processing] fix output generation in and add test
- (cherry picked from commit a911ef336703056833133104fae6c7d09c889fed)
07:06 AM Revision 33e25be4 (qgis): [processing] add test for algorithm
- (cherry picked from commit dbe2cb73ad7352ae58ab465761d2feeec59ab554)
07:06 AM Revision 0da67d27 (qgis): [processing] snap points to network by default (fix #19904)
- Kudos to Pedro Venâncio for finding solution for this bug
(cherry picked from commit 3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af... -
07:03 AM Revision ecd306e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #9046 from alexbruy/grass-v-net
- fix GRASS modules (fix #19904) [processing]
07:02 AM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262.
07:02 AM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b9f559ee0430e09d8e1a3b70e060155635080262.
07:02 AM Bug report #19904 (Closed): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af4db503339.
07:02 AM Bug report #19904 (Closed): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3abea3600024c4d329403e7462a47af4db503339.
12:57 AM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Actually I can't confirm this - if I add a WCS layer I can pick it as an input for native tool... -
12:01 AM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- Actually I can't confirm this - if I add a WCS layer I can pick it as an input for native tools like "Raster Surface ...
11:54 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- > mapserver wcs layers do not show as input for qgis core tools.
Hmm - that's a bug in itself. They do work, they ... -
10:32 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Actually they work for native QGIS algorithms, just not the gdal based ones
mapserver wcs l... -
08:23 PM Feature request #21145: Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- Actually they work for native QGIS algorithms, just not the gdal based ones
06:36 PM Feature request #21145 (Feedback): Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- This is duplicate of another ticket (a feature request) where is asked to allow use WCS layer as input layers for Pro...
05:30 PM Feature request #21145 (Open): Add support for WCS layers for GDAL based tools in Processing
- The function *Raster>Extraction>Clip Raster by Extend* fails when rasterlayer is WCS
Workaround: RightClick layer,... -
12:05 AM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- I can't reproduce on Linux -- possible windows specific?
06:08 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)?
yes, I used a fresh profil... -
05:37 PM Bug report #21144 (Feedback): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)?
05:37 PM Bug report #21144 (Feedback): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- Also on a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)?
05:34 PM Bug report #21144: Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- I can confirm. same issue today in my workshop...
05:20 PM Bug report #21144 (Open): Snapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding
- A combination of snapping tooltips and advanced digitizing is not working. QGIS becomes unresponsive.
!snapping_info... -
11:52 PM Bug report #21146: QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and predictor g...
- Confirmed
10:52 PM Bug report #21146 (Closed): QGIS wrapper/gui for SAGA Multiple regression analysis (points and pr...
- The "dependent variable" drop down menu only allows the selection of the points feature, not the field in the attribu...
11:50 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
- +1 to totally removing this option and disabling the offending code. Better safe then sorry...
11:17 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
- No, please don't. It is very problematic to have even an optional feature that is so broken and has no warning and n...
11:50 PM Bug report #21147 (Closed): Crash
- *Crashed while trying to save project and close.*
Crash ID: f416194fc317a121bf6df37d44f238ef7c9880bb
Stack Tr... -
11:48 PM Feature request #15536: Support for osgEarth 2.8 in Globe plugin
- I think we should close this as "wontfix". The globe plugin is effectively deprecated and all future work is being di...
09:27 PM Revision 3d57a93f (qgis): fix typo in method name
- rename method but keep old one in Python for API compatibility
09:27 PM Revision f66d1999 (qgis): add SIP_DEPRECATED
09:27 PM Revision 2fbdac09 (qgis): remove Q_FOREACH
09:27 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Luca, can you please make a quick test with OpenCL activated and tell me if it works with the sampling bilinear optio...
08:56 PM Revision 7a12f113 (qgis): fix when GDALGetRasterScale returns 0 (gdal 2.3 affected for some datas...
04:59 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- (Um, that survey is for STEAM, a game platform)
03:35 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- based on December 2018 results, 50% of Mac users already use 10.14.x , 30% 10...
03:53 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- I've checked and compared environment settings for QGIS running via terminal vs open and I can't find any differences...
03:56 PM Bug report #20872: QGIS 3.5 not loading or saving multi-dimensional arrays properly from PostGIS ...
- Proposed PR :
03:31 PM Revision 85e3b2db (qgis): [processing] fix and
03:23 PM Feature request #20130: Identify tool does not work on mesh layer
03:21 PM Revision 82e48f9c (qgis): Added SLD 1.0 export for rasters
02:56 PM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
11:29 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
> for master https:/... -
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
10:27 AM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
> Can someone apply this changes to master and backport to 3.4.x?
for master
10:19 AM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> I found it!
Thanks for your work! I will take care about updating code and backporting
10:19 AM Bug report #19904 (In Progress): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> I found it!
Thanks for your work! I will take care about updating code and backporting
01:28 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Simply changing
\python\plugins\processing\algs\grass7\ext\ line 61 to
command = u" -s inp... -
01:13 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- I found it! needs the -s flag to snap points to network for operation connect. By default, add a new l... -
01:05 AM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Ok, it seems the order is not relevant for this issue, because the same happens with, and there we have onl...
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
- Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ...
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
- Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ...
02:55 PM Bug report #21142 (In Progress): sequence HTML output
- Fix included in #21142. BTW, this is more general issue and also happened with other algorithms which output results ...
12:58 PM Bug report #21142 (Closed): sequence HTML output
- has the *sequence* parameter to show the optimal route to visit nodes on a vector network
https://g... -
02:54 PM Revision 3abea360 (qgis): [processing] snap points to network by default (fix #19904)
- Kudos to Pedro Venâncio for finding solution for this bug
02:54 PM Revision dbe2cb73 (qgis): [processing] add test for algorithm
02:54 PM Revision b9f559ee (qgis): [processing] fix broken stdout handling in GRASS algs (fix #21142)
02:54 PM Revision a911ef33 (qgis): [processing] fix output generation in and add test
01:38 PM Bug report #21143 (Closed): Point displacement - weird behavior with multiple layers for a symbol
- Hi,
I have a point layer with several types of vehicles (column type) and some points are at the same place.
I c... -
01:16 PM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
- I confirm. This issue is related with #21093
When I try to add with master give me a warning in the log:
<... -
11:11 AM Bug report #21140 (Feedback): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
10:56 AM Bug report #21140: Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
- Probably related to #21093
10:07 AM Bug report #21140 (Closed): Failed Connected in Geonode Instance
Following this video
[[]] and using the demo link: [[http://de...-
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
01:02 PM Bug report #21141 (Feedback): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to la...
- Try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
If the problem persist please attach a sample project (with the necessary data). -
12:01 PM Bug report #21141 (Closed): Basemap freezes when a delimited text file is added. 'zooming to laye...
- When I load my basemap, I can change its CRS easy. When I load a vector file (any CRS) It loads on my basemap even wh...
11:40 AM Bug report #21080: QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> will there be a 3.4 Backports ??
commit:7d2fe041 is the backport.
08:53 AM Bug report #21080: QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
- the problem has been solved in the master,
but in 3.4 ??
will there be a 3.4 Backports ??
thx -
11:25 AM Revision 20cd2154 (qgis): fix #18954 add&rename vector fields (#8982) (#9042)
- fix #18954 add&rename vector fields at the same time
11:11 AM Bug report #21139 (Open): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
10:43 AM Bug report #21139: Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
- An important comment: I tried to reproduce the issue in a new project. I discovered that it occurs only if one (or mo...
10:39 AM Bug report #21139: Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
- I can reproduce the issue also in QGIS 2.18.28.
09:51 AM Bug report #21139 (Feedback): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child sym...
- Did it worked as expdcted in 2.18 or a previous 3.x release?
09:51 AM Bug report #21139 (Feedback): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child sym...
- Did it worked as expdcted in 2.18 or a previous 3.x release?
08:40 AM Bug report #21139 (Open): Updating parent symbol results in undefined fill color at child symbols
- I observe a bug in the categorized symbology. I prepare a parent symbol and create the child symbols afterwards. If I...
10:38 AM Revision d3bfa158 (qgis): Merge pull request #9043 from alexbruy/misc-backports
- 3.4 backports
10:21 AM Revision c3819e88 (qgis): Merge pull request #9036 from mhugo/fix_19909
- Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909)
10:20 AM Bug report #19909 (Closed): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca5f22e451dac8a.
10:20 AM Bug report #19909 (Closed): Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|389149c8dce8d84cdd74dbc05ca5f22e451dac8a.
09:50 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
> What's mean "clean user profile" ? bash_profile or not.
QGIS 3 supports multiple (QGIS) user profiles, you...-
03:04 AM Bug report #20712: Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- Same crushed with 10.14.2 and 3.4.4. 3.2.2 Bonn was good.
My python3.6 was maybe clean. I don't touch anything a... -
09:49 AM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
- Did it worked as expected in 2.18 or an older 3.x release?
09:49 AM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
- Did it worked as expected in 2.18 or an older 3.x release?
09:36 AM Revision ef97dba1 (qgis): fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel (#...
- fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
09:30 AM Revision a1d75a4a (qgis): don't export features without category by default
- (cherry picked from commit 19dcfb987ba096cf263b60ff566926477d84a737)
09:30 AM Revision d344ec12 (qgis): set default value for newly added parameter
- (cherry picked from commit 0cc483f621c980317929c5f1c6908b7d2dba25f1)
09:30 AM Revision 32357f24 (qgis): fix formatting
- (cherry picked from commit 67bc58603625d8e859d504a2fab573beb83a16f5)
- 09:30 AM Revision ed0623d9 (qgis): do not always use the -c flag to export vectors from GRASS
- (cherry picked from commit 5f99955b455cdd66cf013eda142e38d542618ba0)
09:30 AM Revision dddb32e3 (qgis): [processing] don't show cancel button in the task manager for algorithm...
- (cherry picked from commit b19e0bd5d441b2584b663cac77073928c0314ff4)
09:29 AM Revision 679b60e3 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Extract binary field algorithm should use
- an expression parameter instead of string for destination file name
It makes no sense to enter a constant string val... -
09:20 AM Revision ebcc694a (qgis): fix #18954 add&rename vector fields (#8982)
- fix #18954 add&rename vector fields at the same time
09:20 AM Bug report #18954 (Closed): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ebcc694ab1a0cee9693b8cb1c4c5562e43be93a7.
09:20 AM Bug report #18954 (Closed): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ebcc694ab1a0cee9693b8cb1c4c5562e43be93a7.
09:07 AM Feature request #11264 (Closed): Cascading controls in forms
- I think it has been introduced in 3.2
09:07 AM Feature request #11264 (Closed): Cascading controls in forms
- I think it has been introduced in 3.2
08:39 AM Revision 44c4e8cc (qgis): fix #17652 Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
08:39 AM Bug report #17652 (Closed): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|44c4e8cca07176eb6665a8ae74a7448f968fde3a.
08:39 AM Bug report #17652 (Closed): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|44c4e8cca07176eb6665a8ae74a7448f968fde3a.
08:33 AM Revision aa02e9f3 (qgis): added missing import
07:53 AM Revision 4f6df298 (qgis): [processing] Fixes to distance inputs for models
- - fix parameter can get converted to plain number parameter after edits
- allow parameter to be linked to parent para... -
07:52 AM Revision 5bfec279 (qgis): [processing] do not show geometryless layers in extent selector
- Fixes #21129
07:51 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d.
07:51 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5bfec27938ff95cd65c1cf5b88cc13ce26ca1d5d.
12:02 AM Revision e670371f (qgis): [layouts] Show an explicit warning when exporting a layout which contai...
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
- I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N...
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
- I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N...
11:59 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
- I should have qualified that I'm using 3.4.4. I'm attaching two images. One is a screenshot of my work environment. N...
08:10 PM Bug report #21135 (Feedback): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
- Please try with 3.4.4
04:54 PM Bug report #21135 (Open): Retina display now shows incorrect scale in QGIS 3.4+ for Mac OSX
- With support now for Retina displays, the scale needs to be changed to accommodate the increased resolution. The expo...
11:57 PM Bug report #21138 (Open): scroll wheel does not respond until 3rd click
- When using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of map, response is lagged. Typically it wont respond until the 3rd cl...
- 11:56 PM Revision 4559d9e4 (qgis): Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
- Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance.
11:55 PM Revision 2e92dabd (qgis): [Processing][Grass] Add the possibility to return a shp if ogr is not c...
11:51 PM Bug report #21137 (Feedback): Save edits button remains grayed-out when tracing is on
- When adding a new feature, using tracing the save button remains grayed-out so you can not save edits until you opt t...
11:25 PM Bug report #19684: The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
- > Maybe that algorithm can be removed? It is redundant, since all that it does can be done with the "layer from exten...
11:58 AM Bug report #19684 (Feedback): The Extract layer extent algorithm should not take table in input
- Maybe that algorithm can be removed? It is redundant, since all that it does can be done with the "layer from extent"...
11:24 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Yes - send it to [email protected].
10:52 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Neil, thanks for responding. As the example I'm using right now contains sensitive information and corporate material...
10:50 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Meaning I have never had any un-clean version, yet it still, always, manages to crash in on itself.
10:27 PM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Can you share a project & data which we can use to reproduce the issue?
10:26 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Anna Kear wrote:
> yeuppe.
means no crash? -
10:23 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Have never had any add-on's/extensions, in fact.
10:22 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- yeuppe.
07:47 PM Bug report #21123: QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Anna Kear wrote:
> 3.4.4 has the same problem...
new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed)? -
07:13 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- 3.4.4 has the same problem...
11:23 AM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Please try with a new/clean profile and 3.4.4.
11:23 AM Bug report #21123 (Feedback): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Please try with a new/clean profile and 3.4.4.
10:27 PM Bug report #21121 (Open): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
08:56 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Yes! That's the reason!
Deactivating OpenGl and always putting the resampling in "bilinear" is displayed correctly.
... -
05:57 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Out of curiosity: are you using OpenCL acceleration? If yes can you try to disable it?
05:53 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I have reviewed other DEMs that gave me problems, and as can be seen in the comparative image, the problem is present...
05:53 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I have reviewed other DEMs that gave me problems, and as can be seen in the comparative image, the problem is present...
11:21 AM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Re... -
08:17 PM Bug report #21132 (Feedback): composer pdf export generates hidden items
- You'll need to attach a self contained demonstration project showing this issue.
12:46 PM Bug report #21132 (Closed): composer pdf export generates hidden items
- see attached image!3.4.4 and 3.5 is still affected. the expression end the hide expression are the following:
tran... -
07:47 PM Bug report #20978 (Feedback): QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
07:36 PM Bug report #20978: QGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset
- As I understand, ERROR 6 comes from GDAL and caused by limitations of the TIFF format. If GRASS produces rasters with...
07:46 PM Bug report #19904 (Open): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
06:49 PM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Hi Alex,
It works with same data in QGIS 2.18.28, using same GRASS version (now 7.6.0).
I was looking more care... -
02:53 PM Bug report #19904 (Feedback): Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- Am I right that empty output produced only when executed via Processing and correct results produced when executing s...
07:21 PM Feature request #20850: Node editor as it works in 2.*
- Corey Burger wrote:
> I would say that we need something that merges the best of the 2.x with the new 3 method. Ther... -
06:43 PM Bug report #21136 (Open): Crash when reconnecting to remote desktop session
- h2. User Feedback
I run QGIS in a remote desktop session, connecting to a virtual machine running Windows Server 2... -
06:28 PM Bug report #16893 (Feedback): Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
06:21 PM Bug report #16893: Processing batch process interface: no way to go back
- This makes no sense as batch dialog contains multiple sets of parameters and all of them except one will be lost when...
06:17 PM Bug report #19540 (Feedback): SAGA openCV and processing tools.
- Please test with master/3.4. If issue persist please provide test data and steps to reproduce.
06:12 PM Bug report #20646 (Feedback): i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Seg...
- Does this module works as expected when used in GRASS GIS directly?
06:12 PM Bug report #20646 (Feedback): i.segment (GRASS 7.4.2) only produces a Goodness Raster but no Seg...
- Does this module works as expected when used in GRASS GIS directly?
05:09 PM Bug report #18313 (Closed): Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate refer...
10:32 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
- I close issues because I found the solution.
10:32 AM Bug report #18313: Issue saving vector layer reprojected to a different coordinate reference system
- I close issues because I found the solution.
05:08 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- That Qt blog didn't say anything specific about file dialog problems.
I don't want to make such a major change in ... -
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not...
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not...
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not...
10:46 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- macOS Mojave launch was on September 24 2018, this bug was reported 3 months ago (~Oct/Nov). Related that it does not...
10:04 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- qgis verion: 3.4.3, compiled against qt 5.11.2 (running against too) ...
(just to get you right: official qgis LTR u... -
10:01 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- hmm, I heavily suspect that this could be simple as that Qt 5.11 does not support Mojave (
09:11 AM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- surprising that you couldn't replicate ...
concering 4b to 4e i can provide information:
- disk is at about 75% of ... -
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
- Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$...
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
- Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$...
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
- Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$...
04:07 PM Bug report #19355: $length incorrect in expressions
- Attached a sample project to reproduce, with one virtual field "length" with expression "$length" and labels using "$...
03:40 PM Bug report #21131 (Closed): Crash
02:39 PM Bug report #21131: Crash
- Lorenzo Dolzadelli wrote:
> Il crash è avvenuto in fase di salvataggio del progetto.
please try with a new/clean ... -
02:37 PM Bug report #21131: Crash
- Il crash è avvenuto in fase di salvataggio del progetto.
12:11 PM Bug report #21131 (Feedback): Crash
- Hi, you must give us (much) more details:
what are the steps that lead the crash? Please attach also a sample proj... -
12:11 PM Bug report #21131 (Feedback): Crash
- Hi, you must give us (much) more details:
what are the steps that lead the crash? Please attach also a sample proj... -
12:04 PM Bug report #21131 (Closed): Crash
- Crash ID: 62f1fcd2045780cb9f127836e6b579b8665f3e63
Stack Trace
proj_lpz_dist :
proj_lpz_dist :
QgsCoordin... -
03:33 PM Bug report #19909: Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
- PR
02:11 PM Bug report #19909: Vertex markers not displayed properly for MultiPolygon features
- Reproduced
03:32 PM Bug report #21133 (Closed): multiple crashes
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
- Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
- Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
12:54 PM Bug report #21133 (Feedback): multiple crashes
- Please try 3.4.4 and a new/clean profile.
12:52 PM Bug report #21133 (Closed): multiple crashes
- Many times now since installing QGIS 3.4.2 i have had QGIS crash on me. So far as I can recall it has all been when w...
03:31 PM Revision 389149c8 (qgis): Fix vertex marker display for multipolygon (fixes #19909)
- The i == 0 test was wrong, and a test is actually not needed.
03:24 PM Bug report #19236 (Closed): Ordered weighted averaging error: can only concatenate list (not “str...
- Reported issue already fixed.
03:24 PM Bug report #19236 (Closed): Ordered weighted averaging error: can only concatenate list (not “str...
- Reported issue already fixed.
03:23 PM Bug report #18704 (Closed): No GDAL/GRASS functionality on OSX in QGIS3
- Current stable version of GRASS does not support Python 3 while QGIS uses Python 3. You need to wait for GRASS 7.8 wh...
03:23 PM Bug report #18704 (Closed): No GDAL/GRASS functionality on OSX in QGIS3
- Current stable version of GRASS does not support Python 3 while QGIS uses Python 3. You need to wait for GRASS 7.8 wh...
03:21 PM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
- Please note that by default using v.external is turned off and instead is used. Also seems this not Processi...
03:16 PM Bug report #16425 (Feedback): Error converting to integer 64 bits when output is a temporary layer
- Please test with 3.4/master and attach sample data.
03:14 PM Bug report #14806 (Closed): v.out.dxf not working at all
- Confirmed, works as expected in master/3.4 on Windows and Linux. Please reopen if necessary.
03:14 PM Bug report #14806 (Closed): v.out.dxf not working at all
- Confirmed, works as expected in master/3.4 on Windows and Linux. Please reopen if necessary.
03:09 PM Bug report #20395 (Closed): QGIS desktop 2.18.25 raster clip
- Works fine in master/3.4. Please reopen if necessary.
03:09 PM Bug report #20395 (Closed): QGIS desktop 2.18.25 raster clip
- Works fine in master/3.4. Please reopen if necessary.
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary
03:08 PM Bug report #20344 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 Unable to load 'processing' plug-in due to an error calling ...
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
- Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
- Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
03:06 PM Bug report #20342 (Closed): Grass7 processing plugin fails to activate on macOS
- Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
03:01 PM Bug report #18456 (Feedback): Crash after attempting band math
- Hi, can you please add some steps how to reproduce the error? thanks
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
- Works fine in master/3.4
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
- Works fine in master/3.4
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
- Works fine in master/3.4
03:01 PM Bug report #20188 (Closed): Error while merge vector layer
- Works fine in master/3.4
01:50 PM Bug report #8760 (Feedback): Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
- Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2 reached it's end of life.
01:47 PM Bug report #20568 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 advanced modification and snap block QGIS
01:35 PM Revision 662af5cf (qgis): Merge pull request #9003 from alexbruy/grass-vector-export
- [processing][needs-docs] allow to exclude features without category from GRASS export
01:32 PM Revision fa1f8762 (qgis): Merge pull request #9033 from mhugo/fix_20831
- Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831)
01:31 PM Bug report #21125 (Closed): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
- Yes, now fixed by
11:22 AM Bug report #21125 (Feedback): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
- fixed by ?
01:31 PM Bug report #20831 (Closed): Range widget does not honor default value on not null column
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb5a3367b651e8a7d83af4af41ea0f481efc126b.
01:31 PM Bug report #20831 (Closed): Range widget does not honor default value on not null column
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb5a3367b651e8a7d83af4af41ea0f481efc126b.
01:29 PM Bug report #21134 (Open): QGIS Print Composer export to image
- In QGIS export to image produces the following error: "Unable to write to C:\folder\subfolder1\subfolder2\xxx...
12:26 PM Bug report #21128: Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
- Thanks Giovanni and Juergen,
I will follow the suggested procedure and I will clean up the registry.
That will hap... -
11:51 AM Bug report #21128: Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
- Rene Wubs wrote:
> Kan toegangspunt van procedure
> ??0QColor@@QEAA@SSQEAV0@@Z niet vinden in
> DLL-bestand C:\PRO... -
11:18 AM Bug report #21128 (Feedback): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path erro...
- Likely to be a local issue. Have you tried doing a cleanup of the registry entries for QGIS?
11:18 AM Bug report #21128 (Feedback): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path erro...
- Likely to be a local issue. Have you tried doing a cleanup of the registry entries for QGIS?
10:52 AM Bug report #21128 (Closed): Running QGIS3 first time after fresh install resulting in path error(s)
- AFter a fresh install, running QGIS 3.4 for the first time gives an error and the program will not start.
The fir... -
12:22 PM Revision 95e45a36 (qgis): backport PR 8987: allow drop 2dm files from system browser, allow non-a...
12:19 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
- Gabriel De Luca wrote:
> The error reported was already fixed in @saga-ltr-2.3.2-4@ package.
> https://trac.o... -
12:04 PM Bug report #21130 (Open): "Couldn't load SIP module." with Madeira
- I got this problem with both 64 and 32 bits version.
Tried to reinstall SIP.
Tried to install several python packag... -
11:52 AM Bug report #19061 (Closed): QGis does not start up - please help!
11:38 AM Bug report #21129 (Closed): Extent selector shows layers with no spatial component (geometryless ...
- This happens when the "select from layer" option is used in the extent selector panel
11:22 AM Bug report #21124 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
- Try with a new/clean profile.
11:22 AM Bug report #21124 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
- Try with a new/clean profile.
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex... -
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex... -
11:15 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- Anna Kear wrote:
> My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already ex... -
03:23 AM Bug report #21126: Empty SVG exports
- My question was about *blank* SVG files in particular, not the documented problem that already exists. Any solution-t...
01:42 AM Bug report #21126 (Reopened): Empty SVG exports
- Would there be any way to do this through the rastor-image that is produced?
10:39 AM Revision eb5a3367 (qgis): Fix "Allow null" in range widget (fixes #20831)
- By default a range widget is built with a minimum value set to the
minimal integer that is possible to represent. Whe... -
10:23 AM Revision 3769faa8 (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix vertex addition to polygon's first segment (fixes #20...
- With topo editing mode enabled, addition of extra points to keep the topology
correct wasn't working correctly becaus... -
10:22 AM Bug report #20774 (Closed): Vertex tool wrong behavior
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3769faa86b89b14dbde51adc19ff858469ced6f3.
10:22 AM Bug report #20774 (Closed): Vertex tool wrong behavior
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3769faa86b89b14dbde51adc19ff858469ced6f3.
10:11 AM Bug report #20516: Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
- Proposed PR :
10:11 AM Bug report #20516: Can't remove a constraint set on a field once saved
- Proposed PR :
10:03 AM Bug report #21119 (Closed): SAGA missing in 3.5
08:27 AM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- SILLY ME: I forgot to add SAGA in the installation -SO SORRY for disturbing !
You can close this ticket. -
10:00 AM Feature request #21127 (Feedback): Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
- The @.env@ is created by the @.exe@ when it's invoked with the @--postinstall@ parameter and dumps the current values...
08:24 AM Feature request #21127 (Feedback): Use relative paths in qgis-bin.env
- In file %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-bin.env the drive letter of the QGIS installation is hard coded.
To allow for port... -
09:40 AM Revision 19dcfb98 (qgis): don't export features without category by default
09:37 AM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
- GDAL upstream fixed push in GDAL master per
09:09 AM Revision 585d42b3 (qgis): [processing] fixed missing import and encoding
08:49 AM Revision 60635911 (qgis): allow to drop 2dm files from system file browser (#8987)
- * allow to drop 2dm files from system file browser
* support non-ascii files for mesh layer -
08:41 AM Bug report #21055: Do not allow file input for tables or vctor layers if there are dependent fields
- added a warning message when the backgorund layer cannot be loaded, which was the real problem here
https://gith... -
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
- Works in 3.4.4
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
- Works in 3.4.4
08:32 AM Bug report #20523 (Closed): Adding new features in postgis fails with attribute window popup
- Works in 3.4.4
08:12 AM Revision 1686f0d0 (qgis): Followup 1f8708f, fix src / scheme detection
- Thanks @nirvn for finding this bug
07:12 AM Revision 67bc5860 (qgis): fix formatting
- 07:12 AM Revision 5f99955b (qgis): do not always use the -c flag to export vectors from GRASS
07:12 AM Revision 0cc483f6 (qgis): set default value for newly added parameter
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
- Implemented in 3.0
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
- Implemented in 3.0
05:46 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
- Implemented in 3.0
05:38 AM Bug report #19060 (Closed): Then insert image in layout
05:04 AM Revision f2d8bdea (qgis): [ui] Remove black background for the browser panel DB2 icon
04:01 AM Bug report #20891: Identify results window too small by default
- This appears to affect editable layers only.
12:43 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- Duplicate of #159
it's a long standing issue in the underlying Qt libraries themselves (i.e. not something which c... -
12:43 AM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- Duplicate of #159
it's a long standing issue in the underlying Qt libraries themselves (i.e. not something which c... -
10:32 PM Bug report #21126 (Closed): Empty SVG exports
- At first I was unsure what to report this as (bug or feature suggestion) but then I realized this was all that the wi...
12:18 AM Bug report #20861: Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negative numbers...
- Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Is it the same problem?
Yes, also @round( -100.00, 1)@ returns -99.9 instead of -100.... -
05:26 PM Bug report #20861 (Closed): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negativ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda.
05:26 PM Bug report #20861 (Closed): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negativ...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfdc8c26c29baaf4a62c9a94df9208dff3f6beda.
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
- Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p... -
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
- Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p... -
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
- Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p... -
11:08 AM Bug report #20861 (Feedback): Function "round" in expressions assumes a strange behavior on negat...
- Can you describe the problem more precisely by including the treatment involved and the expected outcome.
For my p... -
12:11 AM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- Here, for OSGeo4W installs on Windows 10, 64 bit, SAGA tools are shown and works for both QGIS 3.4.4 and QGIS 3.5.
... -
07:13 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> But I don´t have a clean Windows - I´m only trying out my tutorials on the new version to catc... -
07:04 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- But I don´t have a clean Windows - I´m only trying out my tutorials on the new version to catch bugs before the next ...
06:40 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Any idea how I can find SAGA in 3.5 :-)
On a clean Windows 7 environment I didn't anything ... -
06:39 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- Any idea how I can find SAGA in 3.5 :-)
05:54 PM Bug report #21119: SAGA missing in 3.5
- well... SAGA is not missing... but I tested the "fill sinks" module, and while it creates an output it also throws an...
05:51 PM Bug report #21119 (Feedback): SAGA missing in 3.5
- Cannot confirm here on Win7/Osgeo4w, using SAGA LTR.
05:51 PM Bug report #21119 (Feedback): SAGA missing in 3.5
- Cannot confirm here on Win7/Osgeo4w, using SAGA LTR.
05:05 PM Bug report #21119 (Closed): SAGA missing in 3.5
- In 3.4 I have enabled SAGA under the Processing Settings. The same for 3.5 - but SAGA is still missing.
11:40 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
- The error reported was already fixed in @saga-ltr-2.3.2-4@ package. -
05:42 PM Bug report #21120 (Feedback): SAGA Fill Sink
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Why - previously it was in TIF
I think this is better answered by Nyall/AlexB as they have ... -
05:42 PM Bug report #21120 (Feedback): SAGA Fill Sink
- Lene Fischer wrote:
> Why - previously it was in TIF
I think this is better answered by Nyall/AlexB as they have ... -
05:37 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
- Why - previously it was in TIF
05:36 PM Bug report #21120: SAGA Fill Sink
- In QGIS 3 SAGA only outputs in its native data format, by design.
05:14 PM Bug report #21120 (Closed): SAGA Fill Sink
- Trying to use SAGA Fill Sink.
It runs smoothly, but send out an error message. See attached file.
This is both for ... -
11:03 PM Revision 806ae861 (qgis): osgeo4w: rely on GRASS' GISBASE environment variable instead of
- detecting the path (ie. use the same version for processing as the
version that the grass plugin uses) -
10:04 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it depends on the zoom level too.
09:36 PM Bug report #21121: Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Salve. What is strange to me, is that in QGIS 2.18 it does not give any problem.
And it seems to be something random... -
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r...
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r...
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r...
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r...
07:28 PM Bug report #21121 (Feedback): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- I think it's a know issue and there is not much we can do, did you try to adjust the "Resampling" parameters in the r...
07:00 PM Bug report #21121 (Closed): Hillshade Layer Style wrong if OpenCL acceleration is enabled
- Hello. I noticed that with certain DEM (not all), QGIS 3.4.4 generates a display problem in the "hillshade" style.
O... -
09:42 PM Bug report #21125 (Closed): Range widget gives NULL value in Attributes Form/Table
- When updating a field value using the Range widget in the Attribute Form or Attribute Table, if "Allow NULL" is enabl...
09:17 PM Bug report #21096: Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
- I can confirm that "Move selection to top" is not working for me. Even if the table is saved, the selection is not at...
09:17 PM Revision 532d1ddd (qgis): fix build
08:49 PM Bug report #21124 (Rejected): QGIS crashes on Fedora 29 Plasma desktop
- I'm using QGIS 3.4.4 on Fedora 29 (Plasma desktop) and having crashes when saving any change in QGIS settings. Simila...
08:45 PM Bug report #21123 (Open): QGIS crashes whenever I try to download the map as an image
- Please see title, and [[|her...
08:03 PM Revision 5f38b345 (qgis): fix crash when print from qgis processing algorithm while the python co...
07:53 PM Revision b19e0bd5 (qgis): [processing] don't show cancel button in the task manager for algorithm...
07:43 PM Bug report #21122 (Open): QGIS is not recognizing the AUTHORITY["Esri", part of the .qpj file
- Starting from a vector layer with only one point in EPSG:4326, when exporting it to a shapefile or geopackage in EPSG...
07:09 PM Revision 2752f834 (qgis): Fix inconsistent use of layout render context flags
07:09 PM Revision 60b8d052 (qgis): [needs-docs][layouts] Add checkbox to disable raster tiling for PDF/SVG...
- This setting, which is disabled by default and placed into an
"advanced" group on PDF/SFG export, disables the built-... -
07:08 PM Revision 9a723d91 (qgis): New Shapefile Layer dialog: avoid warning message on user cancel
- Also add better error message reporting, and deprecate horrible API.
07:08 PM Bug report #19500 (Closed): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/svg
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60b8d05278cd8133e1c06108ba875960d56e90e5.
07:08 PM Bug report #19500 (Closed): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/svg
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60b8d05278cd8133e1c06108ba875960d56e90e5.
03:59 AM Bug report #19500 (In Progress): Layout export - raster divided into tiles, edges evident in pdf/...
07:08 PM Revision cf1cf0fe (qgis): Fix empty strings in proxy exclude list results in proxy being skipped ...
- Fixes #20213
07:07 PM Bug report #20213 (Closed): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windo...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb.
07:07 PM Bug report #20213 (Closed): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in Windo...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf1cf0fe455a42edf6db4ab9fa07c1ad641b16cb.
07:42 AM Bug report #20213 (In Progress): Network setting doesn't follow proxy settings for web access in ...
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
- The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt... -
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
- The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt... -
06:48 PM Bug report #19579 (Closed): Crash on vector edit (that has the 4326 CRS) is reprojected in CRS 3857
- The issue comes from libspatialindex.
I proposed a PR on libspatialindex repository for this specific issue : htt... -
06:22 PM Bug report #17998 (Closed): Hard-coded grass binary
08:15 AM Bug report #17998 (Feedback): Hard-coded grass binary
- I think it can be closed, can you confirm?
06:01 PM Bug report #19073: QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn't exist"
- Did fresh install on a Mojave system
r.contour fails here too.
Mac OS X ... -
04:57 PM Bug report #19073 (Open): QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' doesn...
- Tested using r.contour
QGIS 3.4.3 - FAILS
QGIS 3.4.4 - FAILS
However, QGIS 3.2.2 - WORKS
====================... -
08:54 AM Bug report #19073 (Feedback): QGIS3.0.x GRASS PATH problem: "ERROR: Path '/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>' d...
- I just tested r.buffer (and others) with QGIS 3.4.3 and Grass 7.4.4 (macOS Mojave) and I have no errors. Can you conf...
05:27 PM Revision cfdc8c26 (qgis): [BUGFIX] fix qgsRound for negative numbers. Fixes #20861
04:54 PM Bug report #20493 (In Progress): 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0...
04:54 PM Bug report #20493: 32 bit floating geotiff showing as black. worked in 2.18 and 3.0 - not working...
- with GDAL 2.2.x QgsGdalProvider::bandScale( bandNo ) = 1, but with GDAL 2.3.x, 2.4.x scale returned by GDALGetRasterS...
04:48 PM Bug report #17754: [Node tool] Misleading message when deleting all nodes of a ring or a part
- This one is a bit weird :-) I can see a bug in the code, but fixing that bug will essentially disable the possibility...
04:41 PM Revision 919e677d (qgis): Use switch instead of multiple if blocks for layer type logic
04:41 PM Revision 774f0256 (qgis): Q_FOREACH -> for
04:35 PM Revision 5b02e43e (qgis): show mesh layer icon in layer tree #20722
- (cherry picked from commit 3d0cf5cbb2edce142ae2d6b14d50580bbd678152)
04:35 PM Revision b16dd5f1 (qgis): fix saving/restoring proxy excluded URLs (fix #20933)
- (cherry picked from commit fc9796f52a2709700ab20a1b6bf5f275d168acb1)
04:35 PM Revision c05c2c71 (qgis): show pixel size in the raster layer properties with 19 significant
- digits (fix #21023)
(cherry picked from commit 3c2a20a9484cbe3f1117a692757e552e88e6195c) -
04:35 PM Revision e9ae4318 (qgis): Allow new shapefile MultiPoint layer creation
- Just add the missing MultiPoint geometry type in the "New Shapefile Layer" dialog
(cherry picked from commit 8120e4a... -
04:35 PM Revision 77fd62d8 (qgis): Fix more icon sizes on hidpi
- (cherry picked from commit 9b2e39cef8a145de47e218e48bfb52a591227369)
04:35 PM Revision 2b042487 (qgis): Fix some clazy warnings
- (cherry picked from commit 7b739f196d757213abfff7df9259669010c130e9)
04:35 PM Revision ea9ef3af (qgis): Partially revert ab3adc66
- The deselect action applies to ALL map layers, so it should always
be enabled, even when a vector layer isn't the cur... - 04:35 PM Revision 33660ced (qgis): [layouts] Use polyline shape instead of bounding box for selection, mak...
- Fixes #20940
(cherry picked from commit 1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5) -
04:35 PM Revision a9466cd0 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] native vector split algorithm now outputs
- GeoPackages instead of shapefiles (refs #20557)
Also remove default output extension Processing settings as they are... -
04:35 PM Revision 0ee10979 (qgis): Fix undersized layertree icons on hidpi displays
- (cherry picked from commit 27bb2c156f73a7d344beb2f3ecbeb8a0041e4fe3)
04:35 PM Revision 722e4fe3 (qgis): [processing] show warning when file-based layer could not be loaded and...
- For algorithms with multiple parameters depending on a vector layer parameter, the code that loads the layer in the b...
- 04:35 PM Revision 66c07d7e (qgis): [Minor] Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
- Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance.
(cherry picked from commit 2c6948... -
04:35 PM Revision 11435027 (qgis): [processing] avoid exception when listing DB schemas
- do not fail if cert file cannot be deleted when creating GeoDB object
fixes #21099
(cherry picked from commit 1b4a9... -
04:35 PM Revision 67808743 (qgis): Fix build
- (cherry picked from commit c44f8f0a151f54be6989ef9f7d6c1e33b99ba54a)
04:35 PM Revision 149d68df (qgis): don't allow to change style of the embedded layers from the Layer
- Styling panel (fix #16339)
(cherry picked from commit e48364292d0afa87a555a6e7cac65ea0e0e930ae) -
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
- Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ...
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
- Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ...
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
- Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ...
03:48 PM Bug report #20441 (Closed): Unable to stop executing GDAL algorithm
- Actually GDAL algorithms (as well as SAGA and GRASS) can not be cancelled, see #18600. Confusion comes from the fact ...
03:07 PM Bug report #20581: QGis 3.4 reproducible crash while in idle state
- Two PR for each issue:
- for vector layer read
- -
02:59 PM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- probably windows-only issue :)
10:42 AM Bug report #19118 (Open): Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
10:42 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- Tom Chadwin wrote:
> @Giovanni What feedback is needed - happy to help test.
if a developer is having a look at t... -
10:33 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- Confirmed issue still present in 3.4.4 Win7 x64, as reported by @Benjamin Jakimow
09:55 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- @Giovanni What feedback is needed - happy to help test.
09:51 AM Bug report #19118 (Feedback): Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
09:38 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- unable to reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
02:45 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- I am not able to replicate the issue on my computer, but I made some research on QFileDialog issues.
For the laun... -
02:31 PM Bug report #16027 (Closed): Editing GeoPackage from DWG/DXF Import after Save as Layer Definition...
02:29 PM Bug report #19976 (Closed): 'DWG/DXF-Import' - encoding option missing
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior
02:29 PM Bug report #20774 (In Progress): Vertex tool wrong behavior
02:27 PM Revision b57c0fa9 (qgis): Merge pull request #8998 from alexbruy/processing-tempdir
- [processing] handle Processing.TEMPORARY_OUTPUT for folder parameters
02:24 PM Bug report #15997 (Closed): import from files with non-ascii characters
- fixed in commit:06aff729b9659f98483d7922c41fc0b6fc10dee0, commit:dd5ed68818380dfb6590677d968ec0e17c3f39c0, commit:494...
02:24 PM Bug report #15997 (Closed): import from files with non-ascii characters
- fixed in commit:06aff729b9659f98483d7922c41fc0b6fc10dee0, commit:dd5ed68818380dfb6590677d968ec0e17c3f39c0, commit:494...
02:17 PM Bug report #18936 (Feedback): Exporting projects to .dxf for older versions
- Which version of AutoCAD are you trying?
02:00 PM Bug report #17535 (Closed): Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
- The last issues with a similar behavior that I've encountered were due to concurrency problems, which should be fixed...
01:56 PM Bug report #8272 (Rejected): Bad size request with a georeferenced raster
- Can't reproduce on 3.5. closing
01:56 PM Bug report #8272 (Rejected): Bad size request with a georeferenced raster
- Can't reproduce on 3.5. closing
01:23 PM Bug report #15311 (Feedback): Issue with QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand class (QGIS crashes)
- Can you please retest with 3.x release, since 2.18 is no longer developed and let me know if this is still the issue?...
01:23 PM Bug report #15311 (Feedback): Issue with QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand class (QGIS crashes)
- Can you please retest with 3.x release, since 2.18 is no longer developed and let me know if this is still the issue?...
01:17 PM Bug report #20712 (Feedback): Crash at QgsApplication.initQgis() on Mac
- Unable to replicate on Mac 10.14.1 and QGIS 3.5 master.
Based on the attached crash report (crash in QgsAuthManager... -
01:16 PM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
- Alexis Roy-L wrote:
> Did some tests, on my end, only font marker seem to behave this way. Typical symbols and SVGs ... -
01:02 PM Bug report #20802 (Feedback): crashed by export
01:01 PM Bug report #20802: crashed by export
- unable to replicate on MacOS with 3.5 master
12:56 PM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
- Marc LE BIHAN wrote:
> Being volunteer is not an excusing to allow the software degrading while only doing new featu... -
12:15 PM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
- "Correct bugs yourself" (I asked at least two times the source file involved in authentification, in order to help, w...
11:03 AM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
- Marc -- you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding as to how open source development works. The responsibility f...
08:27 AM Bug report #20928: Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup for user...
- Ok.
Good to see that it is not working as expected,
that it is not a problem due to a backend,
that it is well kno... -
05:54 AM Bug report #20928 (Closed): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup...
- Duplicate of #20826
05:54 AM Bug report #20928 (Closed): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a popup...
- Duplicate of #20826
04:36 AM Bug report #20928 (In Progress): Connecting to WMS service requiring an authentification shows a ...
12:53 PM Bug report #20588: ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
- upstream bug report:
The workaround is to open the ods file with the new... -
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
- can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by -
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
- can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by -
11:09 AM Bug report #20588 (In Progress): ods tables are not loaded correctly in QGIS 3.4
- can reproduce on Mac with 3.5 master
change caused upstream by -
12:52 PM Bug report #21118 (Open): Wromg definition SRS 5514 in shapefile
- If I create SHP in SRS 5514 and display this layer in ArcGIS then ARcGIS display data near Barent's sea instead Centr...
12:22 PM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe i... -
11:43 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe it's just a documentation is... -
11:00 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- The tool already does this -- shift click an existing hole. Maybe it's just a documentation issue, or someone needs t...
10:52 AM Bug report #15793 (Closed): Fill ring tool is broken
- I see where the misunderstanding come from:
the tool in QGIS was made to *open/create* a ring in a polygon and *au... -
10:52 AM Bug report #15793 (Closed): Fill ring tool is broken
- I see where the misunderstanding come from:
the tool in QGIS was made to *open/create* a ring in a polygon and *au... -
01:08 AM Bug report #15793 (Feedback): Fill ring tool is broken
- I cannot reproduce. Can you attach a screencast showing the issue?
12:10 PM Revision d61caab0 (qgis): Merge pull request #8990 from elpaso/bugfix-21086-wfs-field-calculator
- Field calculator: provide a list of default field types
12:09 PM Bug report #21086 (Closed): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer u...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57d32939363073bafe6d54016813c75c9964adc2.
12:09 PM Bug report #21086 (Closed): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer u...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57d32939363073bafe6d54016813c75c9964adc2.
11:58 AM Revision 4b2334ba (qgis): fix typo which caused issues with temporary file outputs also fix
- related tests
11:58 AM Revision d5b42aee (qgis): add test for temporary directory output
11:34 AM Revision b82ce0e5 (qgis): fix crash when print from qgis processing algorithm while the python co...
11:04 AM Revision 421fe45d (qgis): fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS (#9009)
- fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS
(cherry picked from commit 67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185) -
10:58 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
- #
10:58 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
- #
10:27 AM Bug report #21116: and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
- This is no bug, ...
03:55 AM Bug report #21116 (Rejected): and processing.runAndLoadResults give different output
- I noticed that "" and "processing.runAndLoadResults" give different output.
The first one returns a ... -
10:55 AM Bug report #20886 (Open): grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
08:23 AM Bug report #20886: grass r.resamp.rst tool of qgis3.4 execute failed on linux
- This is not misconfiguration, this is because ...
10:38 AM Bug report #17652: Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
09:40 AM Bug report #17652 (In Progress): Impossible to rename a layer style from the Styling Panel
10:16 AM Bug report #21117 (Open): QGIS works incorectly with SRS 5513
- I created point layer with srs 5513 in GeoPackage. Enter new point by plugin "Lat Lon Tools" with coordinates of trig...
09:42 AM Revision e14ad01c (qgis): indentation fixes
09:31 AM Bug report #20754: fromWKT should fail if neither EMPTY or coordinates are supplied
- related issues #19190 and #20753
09:31 AM Bug report #20753: WKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries
- related issues #19190 and #20754
09:29 AM Bug report #19190: QgsPoint class does not store empty point geometries
- related issue #20753
09:29 AM Bug report #19190: QgsPoint class does not store empty point geometries
- related issue #20753
09:14 AM Bug report #14494 (Feedback): geometry.intersection() does not work properly in this case
- Do you still have this problem, I just tested with QGIS 3.4 and GEOS 3.6:...
09:14 AM Bug report #14494 (Feedback): geometry.intersection() does not work properly in this case
- Do you still have this problem, I just tested with QGIS 3.4 and GEOS 3.6:...
08:43 AM Revision 67f5022c (qgis): fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS (#9009)
- fix #15984 color ramps on MacOS
08:42 AM Bug report #15984 (Closed): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185.
08:42 AM Bug report #15984 (Closed): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|67f5022c083a57bbdfa7e5eac03d87c8fe95e185.
08:29 AM Bug report #14806 (Feedback): v.out.dxf not working at all
- I tested with QGIS master and Grass 7.4.4 for me it works normally. Can you please confirm?
08:15 AM Revision d1486909 (qgis): [processing] Correct parameter type for Map Layer parameters
08:15 AM Revision 3adbed50 (qgis): Fix test
08:15 AM Revision 63b6a777 (qgis): [processing] Add API to convert a parameter definition to an equivalent
- Python constructor string
08:15 AM Revision d4b262cd (qgis): Add method to convert QgsProcessing::SourceType to string representation
08:04 AM Revision 7f7c7a97 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] Add friendlier API for running algorithms as s...
- of main algorithm
Using code like:
buffered_layer =, context, feedback)['OUTPUT']
... -
07:27 AM Revision fc3d5c85 (qgis): [processing] handle Processing.TEMPORARY_OUTPUT in the
- parameterAsString() method which is used also for folder outputs
07:26 AM Revision 92f6eda1 (qgis): const correctness
07:26 AM Revision 650f4d78 (qgis): [wcs] exclude invalid CRSs from the coverage metadata
07:26 AM Revision 2f7550d1 (qgis): [wcs] improve CRS handling when parsing DescribeCoverage responce (refs...
07:23 AM Bug report #20991: Processing model log file is empty
- I'm with Nyall here, also don't understand which log file mentioned in this ticket. Attached model works fine and aft...
03:40 AM Bug report #20991 (Feedback): Processing model log file is empty
- I still don't understand. Can you post a screencast showing the issue?
07:20 AM Bug report #20514 (Feedback): error of qgis 3.41 Raster>Conversion>Polygonize(raster to vector)
- Please test with 3.4/master
07:19 AM Bug report #20557 (Closed): processing: "default output vector layer extension" not respected by ...
- Closing, as "Vector Split" now produced GeoPackages and default output format settings are not used by Processing and...
07:19 AM Bug report #20557 (Closed): processing: "default output vector layer extension" not respected by ...
- Closing, as "Vector Split" now produced GeoPackages and default output format settings are not used by Processing and...
05:55 AM Bug report #20826 (In Progress): Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
04:29 AM Bug report #15955 (Closed): 'Avoid artifacts when project is rendered as map tiles' option broken?
03:42 AM Bug report #20428: QgsMapCanvas.items() crashes QGIS
- No crash on Linux either.
03:04 AM Revision 82ec1418 (qgis): declare metatype for QgsDefaultValue (#9011)
- * declare metatype for QgsDefaultValue
* sipify -
01:12 AM Revision 6eaa511e (qgis): [processing] show warning when file-based layer could not be loaded and...
- For algorithms with multiple parameters depending on a vector layer parameter, the code that loads the layer in the b...
01:05 AM Revision 8446d3bd (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] native vector split algorithm now outputs
- GeoPackages instead of shapefiles (refs #20557)
Also remove default output extension Processing settings as they are...
- 12:59 AM Revision 1cdff21c (qgis): [layouts] Use polyline shape instead of bounding box for selection, mak...
- Fixes #20940
- 12:59 AM Bug report #20940 (Closed): Layout: Horizontal and vertical arrows cannot be selected using singl...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5.
- 12:59 AM Bug report #20940 (Closed): Layout: Horizontal and vertical arrows cannot be selected using singl...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1cdff21c85b97cc9b650022447d3d64c46088cf5.
12:12 AM Revision d61f4104 (qgis): Partially revert ab3adc66
- The deselect action applies to ALL map layers, so it should always
be enabled, even when a vector layer isn't the cur... -
11:35 PM Revision 3d0cf5cb (qgis): show mesh layer icon in layer tree #20722
11:08 PM Bug report #17366 (Closed): Remove old settings for vertex markers
- This must have been a confusion between the snapping icons and the display of vertices in edit mode
11:08 PM Bug report #17366 (Closed): Remove old settings for vertex markers
- This must have been a confusion between the snapping icons and the display of vertices in edit mode
10:50 PM Bug report #18441 (Closed): Snapping tooltip doesn't works when Advanced Digitizing tool is activate
- Tested with master and it works well.
However, this does not work for intersections, but I would say that this is... -
10:44 PM Bug report #17632 (Open): "money" type (postgresql) interpreted as string
- Confirmed in master
10:44 PM Bug report #17632 (Open): "money" type (postgresql) interpreted as string
- Confirmed in master
10:01 PM Revision 1b4a9132 (qgis): [processing] avoid exception when listing DB schemas
- do not fail if cert file cannot be deleted when creating GeoDB object
fixes #21099 -
10:01 PM Revision 94c801cf (qgis): sipify
10:00 PM Bug report #21099 (Closed): Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1b4a9132c2bceb348bbb56177da75094dbb4cb5e.
10:00 PM Bug report #21099 (Closed): Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1b4a9132c2bceb348bbb56177da75094dbb4cb5e.
11:22 AM Bug report #21099: Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
- Looks like all parts of Processing where a schema list has to be shown, an exception is raised when in windows
10:00 PM Revision 355ae77d (qgis): Apply featureFilterProvider in QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider
10:00 PM Revision c97645e1 (qgis): Do not overwrite renderContext in QgsMapRendererJob::drawLabeling
- Dedicated QgsRenderContext is already created and configured in prepareLabelingJob.
- 10:00 PM Revision 2c694838 (qgis): [Minor] Reserve vector - to minimize reallocation costs
- Reserving vector to save on reallocation costs, where we know the size in advance.
09:54 PM Revision 9faf07d0 (qgis): Always use the same subset of field types for virtual fields
09:11 PM Revision a3cea334 (qgis): declare metatype for QgsDefaultValue
07:53 PM Revision 3a19182f (qgis): add QgsField::isDateTime (#9007)
- * add QgsField::isDateTime
* use QgsField::isDateTime
* rename to isDateOrTime -
07:41 PM Revision e97649ae (qgis): Merge pull request #9006 from alexbruy/fix-embedded-layers
- don't allow to change style of the embedded layers from the Layer Styling panel (fix #16339)
07:40 PM Bug report #16339 (Closed): Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e48364292d0afa87a555a6e7cac65ea0e0e930ae.
07:40 PM Bug report #16339 (Closed): Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e48364292d0afa87a555a6e7cac65ea0e0e930ae.
02:56 PM Bug report #16339: Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the layer st...
- Lowering priority to Normal, as changing style of the embedded layer does not saved in the its original project and a...
02:56 PM Bug report #16339: Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the layer st...
- Lowering priority to Normal, as changing style of the embedded layer does not saved in the its original project and a...
02:56 PM Bug report #16339: Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the layer st...
- Lowering priority to Normal, as changing style of the embedded layer does not saved in the its original project and a...
02:56 PM Bug report #16339: Embedded layer style and labels properties can be modified within the layer st...
- Lowering priority to Normal, as changing style of the embedded layer does not saved in the its original project and a...
07:29 PM Revision 4d335886 (qgis): fixes #18497 : Correct line size method when snapping multipolygon
07:28 PM Revision e4be09a3 (qgis): Merge pull request #8991 from elpaso/opencl-runtime-library-check
- Check for at runtime
06:52 PM Bug report #17487 (Open): rotate labels tool does not work properly when canvas is rotated
06:46 PM Bug report #17487: rotate labels tool does not work properly when canvas is rotated
- using attached files: I confirm problem in 2.18.28-2, 3.4.4-2 and master
win 10 64b OSGeo4W -
06:39 PM Bug report #21105 (Open): Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
06:38 PM Bug report #21105: Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
- It appears array editing wasn't implemented in 2.18 (or at least not in the same way--when I click on an attribute it...
10:59 AM Bug report #21105: Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
- Spencer Gardner wrote:
> Not sure. Didn't have occasion to edit array attributes when I was running 2.18 and I don't... -
06:34 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
> like DISPLAY that QGIS server requires to run on IIS
it is probably also needed when using Apache (otherwis...-
06:03 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> @Martin Huber, out of curiosity, what part of the information you wrote is specific to Q... -
05:48 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- @Martin Huber, out of curiosity, what part of the information you wrote is specific to QGIS and what part may apply t...
05:14 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Martin Huber wrote:
> Ciao Giovanni
> This is not a dumb question, because you will not find a single descripti... -
05:14 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Martin Huber wrote:
> René-Luc, please give me the link to the doc-source and I'll do it as soon as I have some time... -
03:16 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- René-Luc, please give me the link to the doc-source and I'll do it as soon as I have some time.
03:09 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Martin, you can probably update the QGIS documentation !
On windows, the documentation only specified Apache from ... -
02:41 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Ciao Giovanni
This is not a dumb question, because you will not find a single description in the whole zillions of... -
02:07 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Martin Huber wrote:
> Having the same issue on Windows with IIS as web application server: Printing in 2.14 works, p... -
05:00 PM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
- Did some tests, on my end, only font marker seem to behave this way. Typical symbols and SVGs are ok and maintain the...
10:52 AM Bug report #21092 (Open): Marker line with custom dash
09:00 AM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
- I see the problem is because rendering uses different algorythmes for draw Marker line and Simple line with Custom da...
06:46 AM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try the latest version available, 3.4.4
In ver 3.4.4 result is the same.
04:35 PM Bug report #20388 (Open): QgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeR...
04:30 PM Bug report #20388: QgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry...
- Peter Petrik wrote:
> Hi, do you try to use QgsCompoundColorWidget from plugin or how can I replicate the issue?
... -
02:42 PM Bug report #20388 (Feedback): QgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSch...
01:02 PM Bug report #20388: QgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry...
- Hi, do you try to use QgsCompoundColorWidget from plugin or how can I replicate the issue?
03:59 PM Bug report #20701: No scroll in attribute form
- Unable to replicate with QGIS 3.5 (master) on MacOS (user Nikolay may use Mac, see OS
03:49 PM Bug report #15984: Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
03:49 PM Bug report #15984: Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
03:49 PM Bug report #15984: Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved stripes
01:17 PM Bug report #15984 (In Progress): Colour bars in colour chooser UI are rendered with interleaved s...
03:40 PM Bug report #20752 (Closed): Qgis 3.4.1 crashes when accessing methods of feature
03:40 PM Bug report #20752: Qgis 3.4.1 crashes when accessing methods of feature
- Reproduced on 3.4.4
I guess this is because you are storing a reference to a QgsFeature that sometimes no longer e... -
03:21 PM Bug report #19195: WMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panel
- I'm now using QGIS 3.4.1 and the issue has beeen corrected. I can't say however if the commit has something to do wit...
03:19 PM Bug report #19195: WMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panel
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tilman Brock-Hesse wrote:
> > This seems to be closed in error - the commit has nothing to... -
02:14 PM Bug report #19195: WMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panel
- Tilman Brock-Hesse wrote:
> This seems to be closed in error - the commit has nothing to do with WMS handling and me... -
02:12 PM Bug report #19195: WMS layer loaded in incorrect CRS when using drag and drop from Browser panel
- This seems to be closed in error - the commit has nothing to do with WMS handling and mentiones correcting the title....
03:12 PM Revision aef0b658 (qgis): move QgsDefaultValue to moc headers (#9000)
- * move QgsDefaultValue to moc headers
because it is a Q_GADGET
* sip include -
02:51 PM Revision e4836429 (qgis): don't allow to change style of the embedded layers from the Layer
- Styling panel (fix #16339)
02:33 PM Bug report #20581: QGis 3.4 reproducible crash while in idle state
- Proposed PR for both problems
02:27 PM Bug report #20910 (Feedback): Check Boxes + Setting Flags in Python in Ubuntu
- Works fine in master. Please test and if issue still present provide steps to reproduce
02:12 PM Bug report #21045: Unable to add WCS - bad WCS Request
- Invalid request constructed because QGIS WCS provider handles only ...
02:04 PM Revision aecdb427 (qgis): Merge pull request #8903 from pblottiere/gfi_geojson
- JSON format for WMS GetFeatureInfo request [server]
01:41 PM Bug report #20841 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
01:39 PM Bug report #20841: QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins) and with qgis 3.4.4.
I realiz... -
10:54 AM Bug report #20841 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins) and with qgis 3.4.4.
10:54 AM Bug report #20841 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins) and with qgis 3.4.4.
10:54 AM Bug report #20841 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins) and with qgis 3.4.4.
01:15 PM Bug report #16575 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.7 crashes on macOS 10.12.4 when undocking the label panel
- Peter Petrik wrote:
> Can we close this one as I am unable to replicate it and it is 2.18.x related?
sure. -
01:15 PM Bug report #16575 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.7 crashes on macOS 10.12.4 when undocking the label panel
- Peter Petrik wrote:
> Can we close this one as I am unable to replicate it and it is 2.18.x related?
sure. -
01:14 PM Bug report #16575: QGIS 2.18.7 crashes on macOS 10.12.4 when undocking the label panel
- Can we close this one as I am unable to replicate it and it is 2.18.x related?
01:12 PM Bug report #21063: Unable to load GFS weather grib2 format data as a mesh
- could be related/duplicate of Can you try as admin?
01:11 PM Bug report #20846 (Closed): Shape
01:09 PM Bug report #20846: Shape
- It seems to be working.
Thank you. -
01:10 PM Bug report #21115: QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
- Hi, tickets must:
be filed in english
have a meaningful subject
have a detailed description about how to rep... -
01:10 PM Bug report #21115: QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
- Hi, tickets must:
be filed in english
have a meaningful subject
have a detailed description about how to rep... -
01:10 PM Bug report #21115: QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
- Hi, tickets must:
be filed in english
have a meaningful subject
have a detailed description about how to rep... -
12:18 PM Bug report #21115 (Closed): QGIS crashes when saving project or create a new layer
- The program crashes every time I try to save the project or whenever I try to create a new layer.
01:10 PM Feature request #20143 (Closed): No mesh layer entry in layer menu
12:57 PM Bug report #17661: Qgis and data crash on Mac
- unable to replicate with QGIS 3.5
12:56 PM Bug report #20428 (Feedback): QgsMapCanvas.items() crashes QGIS
12:54 PM Bug report #20428: QgsMapCanvas.items() crashes QGIS
- unable to replicate with QGIS 3.5 on MacOS
12:42 PM Revision 5da6004b (qgis): Update method's name and add doc
12:42 PM Revision ca397b29 (qgis): Case insensitive
12:42 PM Revision daa40387 (qgis): Fix url query
12:42 PM Revision 8305bda5 (qgis): Fix unit test
12:42 PM Revision 4acc7136 (qgis): Update test
12:42 PM Revision 130be380 (qgis): Use CRS in json geometry
12:42 PM Revision aa55beba (qgis): Update tests
12:42 PM Revision 7dbc96b6 (qgis): Update sip
12:42 PM Revision 724813a5 (qgis): GeoServer compatibility
12:42 PM Revision df758018 (qgis): Insensitive string comparison
12:42 PM Revision 70189194 (qgis): Fix unit test
12:42 PM Revision 1b6ed5f4 (qgis): Update expected files for unit tests
12:42 PM Revision 7f19cb81 (qgis): Update sip
12:42 PM Revision eee940dc (qgis): Export aliases is an option
12:42 PM Revision 3b452869 (qgis): Add unit test for application/geo+json format
12:42 PM Revision 80f33343 (qgis): Add application/geo+json format
12:42 PM Revision c55cbd2c (qgis): Add json format in gGetCapabilities document
12:42 PM Revision 63645be5 (qgis): Remove left over
12:42 PM Revision 3c8d5ebd (qgis): Update GetCapabilities tests with new json format
12:42 PM Revision f841681c (qgis): Some cleaning
12:42 PM Revision 8db9ab15 (qgis): Fix comment
12:42 PM Revision dee73c62 (qgis): Add QStringLiteral
12:42 PM Revision 0f24e72b (qgis): Some cleaning
12:42 PM Revision 8e3f7b13 (qgis): Update sip
12:42 PM Revision 19a77fff (qgis): Update expected file
12:42 PM Revision 03447f80 (qgis): Add unit test for raster layers and json export
12:42 PM Revision f6bfc985 (qgis): Add JSON format in WMS parameters
12:42 PM Revision 81a8bc01 (qgis): Small fix
12:42 PM Revision 9eed93b1 (qgis): Add an expected file
12:42 PM Revision 2f683fc5 (qgis): Add unit test with multiple layers and features for json
12:42 PM Revision 5ef11399 (qgis): Update testdata with layers' names
12:42 PM Revision f9eba37b (qgis): Add layers tag and their names in exported json
12:42 PM Revision e4cdd7c2 (qgis): Add unit test for GetFeatureInfo on raster layer in xml
12:42 PM Revision 45399d72 (qgis): Add unit test for with_geometry and json export
12:42 PM Revision ebd10222 (qgis): Do not add geometry if not necessary in json export
12:42 PM Revision 101cd731 (qgis): Add unit test for excluded attributes
12:42 PM Revision 332f78bb (qgis): Export json without excluded attributes
12:42 PM Revision 62f77629 (qgis): Add unit test for getfeatureinfo with alias in json
12:42 PM Revision 3f38365d (qgis): Add unit test for json exporter and alias
12:42 PM Revision 7e414b06 (qgis): Json exporter use the field's alias if necessary
12:42 PM Revision 562215c4 (qgis): Add unit test
12:42 PM Revision f921f82f (qgis): Add GetFeatureInfo in JSON for vector layers
12:42 PM Revision 2d8f3d1e (qgis): Add json export for raster layers
12:11 PM Bug report #20991 (Open): Processing model log file is empty
11:15 AM Bug report #20991: Processing model log file is empty
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Can not reproduce. Where do you specify log file? There is only single output in your model ... -
11:39 AM Bug report #21097 (Closed): Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
11:16 AM Bug report #21097: Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- Tried on a clean installation, problem seems to have resolved itself. could someone close the issue for now?
11:26 AM Bug report #20170: "no result buffer" warning, application restart required after PostGIS connect...
- Was the issue fixed?
11:25 AM Feature request #21084: Add support for downloading from FTP using Processing
- OK, it seems that there was no support for FTP and that this ticket is a feature request. I would like to add that su...
11:23 AM Bug report #20753: WKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries
- I think there are several issues raised in the ticket.
First of all I think your reasoning is right, there is miss... -
11:23 AM Bug report #12657 (Closed): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output...
- yes, it seems fixed!
11:23 AM Bug report #12657 (Closed): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output...
- yes, it seems fixed!
11:23 AM Bug report #12657 (Closed): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output...
- yes, it seems fixed!
11:23 AM Bug report #12657 (Closed): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output...
- yes, it seems fixed!
11:17 AM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- The issue of missing links has been addressed recently (
11:09 AM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- This bug is a bit of a red herring, yes it is a problem however if the code is made to correctly parse the minor vers...
11:02 AM Bug report #21102 (Feedback): Processing plugin crashes QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
11:02 AM Bug report #21102 (Feedback): Processing plugin crashes QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
11:02 AM Bug report #21102 (Feedback): Processing plugin crashes QGIS
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
11:00 AM Bug report #21101 (Open): Legend content issue when using atlas and themes
10:59 AM Bug report #20946 (Open): bug: raster layer style shown in "Layers" panel is not updated when sty...
10:56 AM Bug report #21107 (Open): Print Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme
10:42 AM Bug report #20797 (Feedback): Export to CSV including Geometry AS_WKT
09:34 AM Revision 2895493c (qgis): [processing] encoding and indentation fixes
09:17 AM Revision 42413ce1 (qgis): add mesh layer in app>layers>add layer
08:34 AM Bug report #19276: GRASS 7 digitising bug 'Could not Commit changes'
- Tested and confirmed on Windows and FreeBSD on master, 3.4 with Grass 7.4 and 7.6
08:28 AM Bug report #20559: Copy>paste from a grass polygon layer gives unexpected results
- Confirmed on 3.4.4 and master with GRASS 7.4 and 7.6
I tested with QGIS Master and GRASS 7.4.4 using memory layers... -
08:22 AM Revision e78e0be5 (qgis): add 3d renderer icon to mesh properties panel too
08:11 AM Revision 1f8708f2 (qgis): Merge pull request #8985 from elpaso/bugfix-21091-ogr-protocol-download
- OGR: add a download option to the protocol data source [needs-docs]
08:10 AM Bug report #21091 (Closed): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by th...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf0d45e5adfc263df858ff41fb0958ccdc2acaad.
08:10 AM Bug report #21091 (Closed): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by th...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cf0d45e5adfc263df858ff41fb0958ccdc2acaad.
06:34 AM Revision bc4efc99 (qgis): [ui] Add Help button to the "Load Layer Style" dialog (#8986)
06:29 AM Revision 9eb298fe (qgis): [ui] Add min. height to the layout label item widget text box
06:29 AM Revision b3a48b6b (qgis): [ui] Add min. height to the layout label item widget text box
05:21 AM Revision f453a76c (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
05:21 AM Revision b23f08f2 (qgis): Test ssl errors in background thread
05:21 AM Revision c707df7d (qgis): Improve QgsNetworkAccessManager tests
05:21 AM Revision 838214bf (qgis): Avoid string to int conversion
05:21 AM Revision 18f04fb4 (qgis): Refactor to simply and avoid QObject based QgsSslErrorHandler
05:21 AM Revision 0f0ee9bd (qgis): More SSL error handling tests
05:21 AM Revision 54d6a6cf (qgis): Review comments
05:21 AM Revision 2e3a717e (qgis): Make SSL error handling thread safe, avoid races and crashes when
- SSL error occurs in non-main thread
This commit reworks how SSL errors are handled in QGIS. Previously,
ssl errors e... -
05:21 AM Revision 610d865a (qgis): Seriously, just f*** off american spell checker
10:34 PM Bug report #21112: "Zoom to layer" doesn't work as expected on WFS dataprovider when you have af ...
- This might be same problem reported in #20742
09:16 PM Revision 27bb2c15 (qgis): Fix undersized layertree icons on hidpi displays
09:16 PM Revision 7b739f19 (qgis): Fix some clazy warnings
09:16 PM Revision 9b2e39ce (qgis): Fix more icon sizes on hidpi
09:16 PM Revision c44f8f0a (qgis): Fix build
09:14 PM Revision fc9796f5 (qgis): fix saving/restoring proxy excluded URLs (fix #20933)
09:14 PM Revision 3c2a20a9 (qgis): show pixel size in the raster layer properties with 19 significant
- digits (fix #21023)
09:14 PM Bug report #20933 (Closed): Problem with URLs to exclude from network settings
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fc9796f52a2709700ab20a1b6bf5f275d168acb1.
09:14 PM Bug report #20933 (Closed): Problem with URLs to exclude from network settings
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fc9796f52a2709700ab20a1b6bf5f275d168acb1.
10:30 AM Bug report #20933 (In Progress): Problem with URLs to exclude from network settings
- PR
10:30 AM Bug report #20933 (In Progress): Problem with URLs to exclude from network settings
- PR
10:30 AM Bug report #20933 (In Progress): Problem with URLs to exclude from network settings
- PR
09:13 PM Bug report #21023 (Closed): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3c2a20a9484cbe3f1117a692757e552e88e6195c.
09:13 PM Bug report #21023 (Closed): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3c2a20a9484cbe3f1117a692757e552e88e6195c.
10:29 AM Bug report #21023 (In Progress): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- PR
10:29 AM Bug report #21023 (In Progress): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- PR
10:29 AM Bug report #21023 (In Progress): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- PR
10:29 AM Bug report #21023 (In Progress): Truncated decimals in raster data set pixel size
- PR
07:46 PM Bug report #21006 (Rejected): Expressions cannot be cleared/removed in attributes form properties
- Dupolicates #20516
07:46 PM Bug report #21006 (Rejected): Expressions cannot be cleared/removed in attributes form properties
- Dupolicates #20516
07:32 PM Bug report #14855 (Feedback): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain An...
- Just tested with master and got correct results. Can you test again?
07:32 PM Bug report #14855 (Feedback): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain An...
- Just tested with master and got correct results. Can you test again?
07:32 PM Bug report #14855 (Feedback): Strange result when hillshading with Z-factor=10 in the "Terrain An...
- Just tested with master and got correct results. Can you test again?
07:13 PM Bug report #18497: crash at processing....qgis:snapgeometries
- Tested it in the nightly build.
I'm very thankful for fixing it !!!!! GREAT !!!! -
06:23 PM Revision 6be9f14f (qgis): Better UX when loading remote layers in the main thread
- "loading ..." message and busy cursor
06:23 PM Revision 65bf2ceb (qgis): Size hints for the embedded message bar widget
06:22 PM Revision 611eb702 (qgis): Code Layout
05:42 PM Revision 3221b1c8 (qgis): osgeo4w: handle grass svn versions (fixes #21114)
- (cherry picked from commit febbc4f0b9e6f1e1c74c18bcb117148d6587ff87)
05:37 PM Revision febbc4f0 (qgis): osgeo4w: handle grass svn versions (fixes #21114)
05:37 PM Bug report #21114 (Closed): Grass algorithms doesn't work from Processing Toolbox level (grass-7....
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|febbc4f0b9e6f1e1c74c18bcb117148d6587ff87.
05:37 PM Bug report #21114 (Closed): Grass algorithms doesn't work from Processing Toolbox level (grass-7....
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|febbc4f0b9e6f1e1c74c18bcb117148d6587ff87.
04:23 PM Bug report #21114 (Closed): Grass algorithms doesn't work from Processing Toolbox level (grass-7....
- Each time I want to run one of Grass algorithms, I get this kind of error:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() w... -
04:45 PM Bug report #20817: Advanced digitizing doesn't accept mathematical operations when QGIS uses lang...
- I also confirm the problem for the Italian language.
win 10 64b OSGeo4W QGIS 3.4.4 e master -
04:37 PM Bug report #20841: QGIS Crashes when drawning lines using snapping tools
- I had the same problem, I solved by creating a new profile (settings) and without using third-party plugins.
regards -
04:34 PM Bug report #21091: Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by this server!
- No need to apologize, this is not really a bug because it works fine as long as you choose "File" instead of "Protoco...
07:21 AM Bug report #21091: Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by this server!
- My apologies, I didn't understand the full implications of the PR. The proposed solution should work well for me and ...
03:31 PM Bug report #21107: Print Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme
- Same issue with auto-update on. (With auto-update I wouldn't be able to hide / remove layers from the legend that are...
02:13 PM Bug report #21107 (Feedback): Print Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme
12:21 PM Bug report #21107: Print Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme
- This seems to be related to my issue #21101
Have you tried with the auto-update on and check if the same behaviour... -
12:35 PM Bug report #21109: @geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names are confusing
- Still this variable doesn't represent geometry points. It represents marker points.
11:46 AM Revision dd97201d (qgis): [vertex tool] Fix issue with hidden layers being editable (fixes #18434)
- The problem was that QgsSnappingConfig when initialized from a project
loads global settings from QgsSettings and set... -
11:45 AM Bug report #18434 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constr...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|dd97201d1b08edb3e451a8bb8e0af4203793c034.
11:45 AM Bug report #18434 (Closed): QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constr...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|dd97201d1b08edb3e451a8bb8e0af4203793c034.
08:50 AM Feature request #21113 (Open): [mesh] visualise vector quantities as trace
- Currently, it is only possible to view the vector (scalar) data as arrows. It will be great to add support for trace:...
08:28 AM Bug report #19426 (Feedback): QGIS 3 Database Styles Manager does not load default style nor reco...
- Seems already fixed in 3.4 and master. Please test.
08:28 AM Bug report #19426 (Feedback): QGIS 3 Database Styles Manager does not load default style nor reco...
- Seems already fixed in 3.4 and master. Please test.
12:41 AM Bug report #18153: When loading a raster style from .qml the resampling options are not read in c...
- Alister Hood wrote:
> Alister Hood wrote:
> > It sounds like you have a completely different issue (which has also ... -
11:55 PM Feature request #21083: GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- Great news.
Many thanks!!
09:22 PM Feature request #21083: GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> "OSGeo4W !#591":
WEBP support added to OSGeo4W's... -
11:18 PM Revision dd694214 (qgis): Add a message bar to the datasource manager dialog
- ... and forward all app's message bar messages to
the dialog's message bar in case it is modal and
Also add... -
10:45 PM Bug report #21111 (Closed): QGIS 3.5 - Advanced digitizing does not activate the d, a, x, and y keys
- yes, it works by fixing the window.
thank you
close issues -
10:45 PM Bug report #21111 (Closed): QGIS 3.5 - Advanced digitizing does not activate the d, a, x, and y keys
- yes, it works by fixing the window.
thank you
close issues -
09:54 PM Bug report #21111 (Feedback): QGIS 3.5 - Advanced digitizing does not activate the d, a, x, and y...
- Does it work if you dock this window?
05:54 PM Bug report #21111 (Closed): QGIS 3.5 - Advanced digitizing does not activate the d, a, x, and y keys
- with the advanced digitizing tool you can use the keys d, a, x and y to speed up the drawing but you can not enter an...
10:43 PM Bug report #19176 (Closed): QGIS 3.0.3 crashes when using 'DB Manager' and 'PostGIS execute SQL'
10:15 PM Feature request #11988 (Closed): Export to DXF using selected 'On-the-fly' CRS
- implemented in commit:62ea90c59c22d679750126e2ab654643ff40e1fa
10:15 PM Feature request #11988 (Closed): Export to DXF using selected 'On-the-fly' CRS
- implemented in commit:62ea90c59c22d679750126e2ab654643ff40e1fa
10:15 PM Feature request #11988 (Closed): Export to DXF using selected 'On-the-fly' CRS
- implemented in commit:62ea90c59c22d679750126e2ab654643ff40e1fa
10:07 PM Bug report #17908 (Closed): It doesn't open
10:02 PM Bug report #13494 (Closed): QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
10:02 PM Bug report #11493 (Closed): DXF load: when loading files, use the name of the file in the legend
09:56 PM Bug report #17509 (Closed): @geometry_point_count always equal to 1
- This is fixed for 3.4.5/3.6
12:31 PM Bug report #17509: @geometry_point_count always equal to 1
- Alexey T wrote:
> Tested in QGIS v3.4.4
> First. If marker placment is set to "on wevery vertex"
> @geometry_p... -
12:18 PM Bug report #17509: @geometry_point_count always equal to 1
- Tested in QGIS v3.4.4
First. If marker placment is set to "on wevery vertex"
@geometry_point_count shows total nu... -
09:56 PM Bug report #18661 (Closed): DWG files flag as invalid data source in QGIS 3.0.1
- This is a issue of GDAL's "AutoCAD DWG driver":
You could try QGIS' DWG import. Plea... -
09:56 PM Bug report #18661 (Closed): DWG files flag as invalid data source in QGIS 3.0.1
- This is a issue of GDAL's "AutoCAD DWG driver":
You could try QGIS' DWG import. Plea... -
09:55 PM Bug report #21109 (Closed): @geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names are conf...
- You can turn off "clip features" under advanced symbol settings to avoid this.
09:55 PM Bug report #21109 (Closed): @geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names are conf...
- You can turn off "clip features" under advanced symbol settings to avoid this.
01:22 PM Bug report #21109 (Closed): @geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names are conf...
- @geometry_point_count and @geometry_point_num variable names show not the geometry points count and number accordingl...
09:41 PM Bug report #21110 (Closed): Frequent crash when saving project
05:38 PM Bug report #21110 (Closed): Frequent crash when saving project
- h2. User Feedback
QGIS crashed while closing QGIS, after saving a small project file. File had 5 layers: Google S... -
07:58 PM Revision b0632c18 (qgis): disable missed create rectangle action
07:42 PM Bug report #21112 (Closed): "Zoom to layer" doesn't work as expected on WFS dataprovider when you...
- If you have a wfs based datasource and applies a "provider feature filter" to the layer, the "zoom to layer" function...
07:25 PM Revision 45ef8861 (qgis): Revert "OGR: add a download option to the protocol data source"
- This reverts commit cf0d45e5adfc263df858ff41fb0958ccdc2acaad.
07:18 PM Bug report #18421 (Open): Attribute Table refresh issue when deleting features from shapefile
- The issue also occurs with QGIS 3.4.4 and QGIS 3.5(master) but with a different behavior.
Now the following error ... -
05:20 PM Bug report #21105: Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
- Not sure. Didn't have occasion to edit array attributes when I was running 2.18 and I don't have it installed on any ...
11:25 AM Bug report #21105 (Feedback): Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
- Was this ok on 2.18?
05:12 PM Bug report #19692: Advanced setting / Processing Configuration / "GRASS7 Folder" is not automatic...
- Last night I had a similar experience with installing QGIS 3.4 using OSGeo4W. I got a "can't find grass.bat" error wh...
04:46 PM Bug report #21095: QGIS Crashed
- Roger Epps wrote:
> *Stack Trace*
> [...]
unrelated to this - see #20283 -
12:56 PM Bug report #21095: QGIS Crashed
- I have also just experiencd a crash - details below.
h2. User Feedback
Closing QGIS and saving current file
... -
01:44 PM Bug report #21101: Legend content issue when using atlas and themes
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please always test with the latest version available, now is 3.4.4. Thanks.
Bug is still... -
12:32 PM Bug report #21101 (Feedback): Legend content issue when using atlas and themes
- Please always test with the latest version available, now is 3.4.4. Thanks.
12:53 PM Bug report #21108 (Open): Pseudocolour classification from QGIS 2.x qml is deleted by the 3.x lay...
- Load the layer Matteo posted at #18153.
The symbology is applied correctly.
Open layer properties (you don't even h... -
12:08 PM Bug report #20946: bug: raster layer style shown in "Layers" panel is not updated when style is c...
- No, does not work in 3.4.4, and I tested in a fresh install on a new machine, too.
I guess there is something diff... -
11:57 AM Bug report #21107 (Open): Print Composer: Lock layers + style and Follow map theme
- I have two issues that sort of revolves around the same thing, that is when I want to show specific layers in my map ...
11:42 AM Bug report #17563: $area function is not always working properly when OTF is activated
- I do not think it's a bug, from the definition of the $ area function we read:
[Returns the area of a geometry polyg... -
11:37 AM Bug report #21106 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 crash at opening
- You report here different issues, and each one should be filed in its own ticket. Please also *search* the tracker be...
11:37 AM Bug report #21106 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 crash at opening
- You report here different issues, and each one should be filed in its own ticket. Please also *search* the tracker be...
11:31 AM Bug report #21106 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 crash at opening
- hi,
I’m using a macbook pro with high Sierra
I installed 3.4.4 and it didn’t open, on the crash window I saw tha... -
11:37 AM Bug report #9523 (Closed): openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
07:50 AM Bug report #9523 (Feedback): openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
- Should we close this now, as QGIS 2.18 has reached its end of life?
09:11 AM Bug report #21091: Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by this server!
- If you mean "vsicurl" that's not the issue, it is added by the OGR provider and it's correct.
The problem here is ... -
01:28 AM Bug report #21091: Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by this server!
- The extra characters show in the screen dump. Bug report 20925 is about be able to successfully accessing the same fi...
09:05 AM Bug report #21097: Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- Please make sure you test the three scenarios:
1 - drag and drop into the canvas
2 - open from the QGIS browser p... -
07:53 AM Bug report #18992 (Feedback): Unable to run any grass process under macOS X.13.4
- IMHO this is an upstream issue, as GRASS itself still uses Python 2, while QGIS needs Python 3. See for example https...
07:48 AM Bug report #20011 (Closed): QGIS crashes when Check Geometries tool is run
- Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
07:48 AM Bug report #20011 (Closed): QGIS crashes when Check Geometries tool is run
- Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
07:30 AM Bug report #20991 (Feedback): Processing model log file is empty
- Can not reproduce. Where do you specify log file? There is only single output in your model — an output layer.
07:30 AM Bug report #20991 (Feedback): Processing model log file is empty
- Can not reproduce. Where do you specify log file? There is only single output in your model — an output layer.
07:25 AM Bug report #20988: Raster operations not working correctly
- QGIS 2.18 has reached its end of life. Please test with master and 3.4
11:31 PM Bug report #21105 (Open): Array edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table
- When I try to edit an array attribute at the bottom of an attribute table I can't access the list because it is hidde...
11:30 PM Bug report #21104 (Closed): no result buffer error for PostGIS datasets.
10:40 PM Bug report #21104 (Closed): no result buffer error for PostGIS datasets.
- I get a "no result buffer" error when editing features from a PostGIS source, and some unknown amount of time has pas...
10:44 PM Bug report #21097: Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- Just tried it at home, no issues there. Probably local issue? I'll test more monday.
07:28 PM Bug report #21097: Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- I just tried a current master build on windows and I could not reproduce, while with a master build of two weeks ago ...
06:34 PM Bug report #21097: Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- Sample data doesn't matter I can reproduce it with any zip file on windows (but only through the data source manager:...
06:04 PM Bug report #21097 (Feedback): Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- please attach sample data.
04:36 PM Bug report #21097 (Closed): Opening shapefiles in ZIP gives Invalid Datasource
- Hello,
In the latest version of Qgis it is no longer possible to open a zipped shapefile. I get the "(filename) i... -
10:41 PM Bug report #21101: Legend content issue when using atlas and themes
- This is not an issue with the auto-update activated. But the auto-update displays too much information(basemap, etc.)...
09:27 PM Bug report #21101 (Open): Legend content issue when using atlas and themes
- Greetings,
Here is the behavior I noticed:
When using themes and an atlas to generate automatically maps, the c... -
10:32 PM Revision 1ae1e72f (qgis): Check for at runtime
- This should avoid a crash if the user
enables opencl and the library is not
found. -
10:23 PM Bug report #21103 (Closed): Is qgis-plugin-grass kept up-to-date with ubuntu-unstable?
- See note on "download page":
10:23 PM Bug report #21103 (Closed): Is qgis-plugin-grass kept up-to-date with ubuntu-unstable?
- See note on "download page":
09:56 PM Bug report #21103 (Closed): Is qgis-plugin-grass kept up-to-date with ubuntu-unstable?
- I recently installed QGIS 3.4.4, but was unable to install qgis-plugin-grass due to a version difference. I have gras...
10:09 PM Bug report #21070 (Closed): [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
06:10 PM Bug report #21070: [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
- Same as #20381.
No solution yet, only a workaround. Version 3.4.4 is also affected. -
03:04 PM Bug report #21070: [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
- Timothee Colas wrote:
> How can I load an empty profile without losting mine?
creating new profile won't delete ... -
10:06 PM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
- This also seems to happen with Spatialite (as they are all based on sqlite) and exporting such layers to a MSSQL data...
08:36 PM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
- Yes, for both fields: the one containing blank space and the one containing n dash (hypen) in field names. For those ...
08:36 PM Bug report #21100: field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces or n das...
- Yes, for both fields: the one containing blank space and the one containing n dash (hypen) in field names. For those ...
08:10 PM Bug report #21100 (Feedback): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spac...
- Is the symbology problem also confirmed on 3.4.4?
08:10 PM Bug report #21100 (Feedback): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spac...
- Is the symbology problem also confirmed on 3.4.4?
08:10 PM Bug report #21100 (Feedback): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spac...
- Is the symbology problem also confirmed on 3.4.4?
07:19 PM Bug report #21100 (Closed): field calculator doesn't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces...
- Hi,
field calculator, expression based filter and query builder don't load values for gpkg containing blank spaces o... -
09:51 PM Bug report #21102 (Feedback): Processing plugin crashes QGIS
- Ubuntu Xenial
QGIS 3.4.4-Madeira
When starting QGIS, plugin is shutoff to prevent crashing. Can not update to new... -
09:38 PM Bug report #20972: Python error when running a Processing model
- Have you tried providing a file name to the downloader, I'm not sure if the file can be properly set in memory and co...
09:03 PM Revision aa30730a (qgis): osgeo4w: support GRASS 7.6
08:26 PM Bug report #20846: Shape
> Thanks for a solution for the new Versions. ;-)
please try with 3.4.4-
07:16 PM Bug report #21099 (Closed): Postgis DB selector for outputs fails to list schemas in selected DB
- The defined connection appear in the selector window, but the tree is empty, with no schemas under each DB
07:02 PM Bug report #19787 (Feedback): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS us...
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply. I have not been able to update QGIS for a while in order to te... -
07:02 PM Bug report #19787 (Feedback): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS us...
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply. I have not been able to update QGIS for a while in order to te... -
07:02 PM Bug report #19787 (Feedback): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS us...
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply. I have not been able to update QGIS for a while in order to te... -
07:00 PM Feature request #20850 (Feedback): Node editor as it works in 2.*
06:58 PM Bug report #20932 (Closed): Crash when running snap geometries to layer on large data set
06:55 PM Bug report #21090 (Closed): Issues with 3D Map View
- Please raise questions in the users/developers mailing list, and file/reopen the ticket when you are sure is a bug. T...
06:55 PM Bug report #21090 (Closed): Issues with 3D Map View
- Please raise questions in the users/developers mailing list, and file/reopen the ticket when you are sure is a bug. T...
06:53 PM Bug report #21013 (Closed): Label orientation changing when zooming
- Jean Hemmi wrote:
> Nyall,
> Thanks for your answer that i do understand ! When QGIS3 choose, it'is really efficien... -
09:51 AM Bug report #21013 (Reopened): Label orientation changing when zooming
- Nyall,
Thanks for your answer that i do understand ! When QGIS3 choose, it'is really efficient !
But I am used to... -
06:52 PM Bug report #21098 (Feedback): Measure tool
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
06:52 PM Bug report #21098 (Feedback): Measure tool
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
06:52 PM Bug report #21098 (Feedback): Measure tool
- Please try with a new/clean profile.
04:36 PM Bug report #21098 (Closed): Measure tool
- h2. User Feedback
While measuring a line, QGIS crashes after 5 segments are measured. This is the second time this... -
06:50 PM Bug report #20826: Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
- It's a deadlock when the credentials dialog appears.
06:50 PM Bug report #20826: Open capabilities but restricted service - QGIS crashes
- It's a deadlock when the credentials dialog appears.
06:47 PM Bug report #20869 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4.2 - QGIS hangs when connected to internet
- Hi, this is going to be very hard to reproduce: many people use QGIS daily on ubuntu 18.04 without any issue (I mysel...
06:25 PM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- This issue still happen in QGIS 3.4.4.
I attach log files of in QGIS 2.18.28 and 3.4.4.
The di... -
06:25 PM Bug report #19904: Processing: tools (GRASS) return empty outputs
- This issue still happen in QGIS 3.4.4.
I attach log files of in QGIS 2.18.28 and 3.4.4.
The di... -
06:11 PM Bug report #20381: QGIS freezes on MacOS 10.14 (and Qt 5.11) when launched from Launch Services (...
- This issue is confirmed for v 3.4.4 too. See also #21070
06:01 PM Revision bba67ae6 (qgis): followup PR #8961 fix missing include
05:53 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Ahh with Miro's hint I am able to replicate now - @Lukas can you confirm you have this option... -
02:05 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> @Lukas thanks for the screen cast - really strange. Could you please attach a demo project wh... -
01:58 PM Bug report #18434 (Open): QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrai...
- Ahh with Miro's hint I am able to replicate now - @Lukas can you confirm you have this option in Settings enabled too?
01:53 PM Bug report #18434 (Feedback): QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t cons...
- @Lukas thanks for the screen cast - really strange. Could you please attach a demo project where it is possible to re...
01:47 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- Hi all. With Martin's help, I found what was causing an issue for me.
In the Settings->Options and under Digitizing... -
01:00 PM Bug report #18434 (Open): QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrai...
05:31 PM Bug report #21086 (In Progress): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS la...
- PR
05:31 PM Bug report #21086 (In Progress): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS la...
- PR
05:31 PM Bug report #21086 (In Progress): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS la...
- PR
05:31 PM Bug report #21086 (In Progress): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS la...
- PR
04:23 PM Bug report #21086: Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer using the ...
- Sorry, I need to update my results:
I can reproduce 1 and 2 but not 3, working on it. -
04:18 PM Bug report #21086 (Feedback): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer...
- Next time please file separate tickets for separate issues, even if in this particular case my first answer is the sa...
04:18 PM Bug report #21086 (Feedback): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer...
- Next time please file separate tickets for separate issues, even if in this particular case my first answer is the sa...
05:24 PM Revision 57d32939 (qgis): Field calculator: provide a list of default field types
- in case the provider does not (WFS is one of them).
Rationale: consider that there is not such
a thing like a list o... -
04:03 PM Bug report #20946 (Feedback): bug: raster layer style shown in "Layers" panel is not updated when...
- Works fine in master and 3.4.4. Please test again.
04:01 PM Bug report #21091 (In Progress): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported ...
- PR
04:01 PM Bug report #21091 (In Progress): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported ...
- PR
04:01 PM Bug report #21091 (In Progress): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported ...
- PR
04:01 PM Bug report #21091 (In Progress): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported ...
- PR
04:01 PM Bug report #21091 (In Progress): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported ...
- PR
02:12 PM Bug report #21091 (Feedback): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by ...
- How do you know about the extra char? I think that the issue is quite different, this is what I get from the logs:
... -
02:12 PM Bug report #21091 (Feedback): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by ...
- How do you know about the extra char? I think that the issue is quite different, this is what I get from the logs:
... -
02:12 PM Bug report #21091 (Feedback): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by ...
- How do you know about the extra char? I think that the issue is quite different, this is what I get from the logs:
... -
05:06 AM Bug report #21091 (Closed): Error opening network KML page: Range downloading not supported by th...
- Trying to connect to gives "Invalid Data Source /vsicurl/http://w...
03:54 PM Revision cf0d45e5 (qgis): OGR: add a download option to the protocol data source
- Fixes #21091
The issue was due to the /vsicurl/ not
being able to open a streaming endpoint.
“Things are not always... -
03:19 PM Feature request #20143 (In Progress): No mesh layer entry in layer menu
03:18 PM Feature request #20143: No mesh layer entry in layer menu
03:18 PM Feature request #20143: No mesh layer entry in layer menu
03:18 PM Feature request #20143: No mesh layer entry in layer menu
03:18 PM Feature request #20143: No mesh layer entry in layer menu
03:19 PM Feature request #20722 (In Progress): Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?
03:02 PM Feature request #20722: Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?
03:02 PM Feature request #20722: Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?
03:02 PM Feature request #20722: Mesh layers could show 'mesh' icon in Layers panel?
03:05 PM Bug report #12657: Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output paths ha...
- Victor Olaya wrote:
> Things seem to be fine in 3.4.
> Should this be closed?
I will check ASAP. -
12:54 PM Bug report #12657 (Feedback): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/outp...
- Things seem to be fine in 3.4.
Should this be closed? -
12:54 PM Bug report #12657 (Feedback): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/outp...
- Things seem to be fine in 3.4.
Should this be closed? -
03:03 PM Bug report #18954: Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
10:36 AM Bug report #18954: Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
- logic is QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer is that (QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::updateFields and QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer::commi...
02:11 PM Bug report #20315 (Rejected): Mesh layer and projection on-the-fly
- duplicate of #21008
02:11 PM Bug report #20315 (Rejected): Mesh layer and projection on-the-fly
- duplicate of #21008
02:09 PM Bug report #20662 (Feedback): Processing modeler: PostgreSQL execute and load SQL saves password ...
02:08 PM Bug report #17314 (Open): export to dxf format - z dimension
02:08 PM Bug report #21092 (In Progress): Marker line with custom dash
- Please try the latest version available, 3.4.4
02:08 PM Bug report #21092 (In Progress): Marker line with custom dash
- Please try the latest version available, 3.4.4
02:08 PM Bug report #21092 (In Progress): Marker line with custom dash
- Please try the latest version available, 3.4.4
01:39 PM Bug report #21092: Marker line with custom dash
- BTW check/uncheck flag "clip features to canvas extent" in Advanced doesn't solve it
07:46 AM Bug report #21092 (Open): Marker line with custom dash
- Rendering of comlex line symbol ( marker line with custom dash line ) show different incorrect results on different s...
02:07 PM Bug report #16998 (Feedback): Misbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I just tried on QGIS 3.4.4 with new profile, I can not reproduce the problem, everything... -
09:03 AM Bug report #16998: Misbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools
- I just tried on QGIS 3.4.4 with new profile, I can not reproduce the problem, everything works fine.
Therefore I clo... -
02:06 PM Bug report #19795 (Feedback): QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
09:03 AM Bug report #19795: QGIS Server 3 / WMS: the SLD parameter support has been removed
- What's the situation with current master?
01:53 PM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- ok then this is not the case. This bug simply makes the provider unusable.
01:44 PM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- Giovanni Allegri wrote:
> Giovanni,
> if the priority is global ok, I agree there are issues more relevant then thi... -
12:01 PM Bug report #21093: GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- Giovanni,
if the priority is global ok, I agree there are issues more relevant then this.
I thought priority was sc... -
11:21 AM Bug report #21093 (Closed): GeoNode API requests require a stronger minor version parsing
- Currently QGIS parses GeoNode's version with a simple .toInt():
01:47 PM Revision ca06d407 (qgis): Add custom QNetworkRequest::Attributes for initiator network request cl...
- And allow these to be retrieved from QgsNetworkRequestParameters.
This allows logging code to identify the area of co... -
01:47 PM Revision a491e90a (qgis): Add QgsNetworkAccessManager signal for reply download progress
- This signal is propagated to the main thread QgsNetworkAccessManager
instance, so it is necessary only to connect to ... -
01:47 PM Revision acafa744 (qgis): Typo
01:38 PM Revision df1d47b8 (qgis): [gui] Fix style manager's add button when the 'all' tab is selected
01:34 PM Revision 42c7712b (qgis): [processing] use background color from the project settings in the rast...
- (cherry picked from commit 8919d604a897c7afe542922bdfc6a7f901fd2d10)
01:34 PM Revision 33319595 (qgis): [processing] fix GRASS v.buffer algorithm for case when buffer distance
- is taken from the field (fix #19377)
(cherry picked from commit bfb60e4dc70310eae0e3b2ef9200c3b78164c6f4) -
01:34 PM Revision f8893d76 (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] force multipart output from GDAL-based dissolve
- algorithm (fix #20025)
(cherry picked from commit 32f6034be708b305ed4e19b4f6ade1a8b409993b) -
01:27 PM Revision 4022c5fc (qgis): Make QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreview* methods const, and utilise
- internal symbol clones
Rendering symbols is a NON-CONST operation, which can permanently
alter the symbol instance (... -
01:27 PM Revision 431861a4 (qgis): [processing] Add a better API for specifying that outputs are temporary
- Instead of requiring clients to generate temporary file names themselves,
(or use the cryptic "memory:" string!), thi... -
01:22 PM Bug report #20363 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)
- I believe that to test the rename/removal thoroughly you should clean reinstall QGIS: if I'm not mistaken, the window...
01:22 PM Bug report #20363 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)
- I believe that to test the rename/removal thoroughly you should clean reinstall QGIS: if I'm not mistaken, the window...
12:54 PM Bug report #20363 (Open): QGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)
01:13 PM Bug report #19351 (Open): [processing] Wrong management of locale in output result path
12:40 PM Bug report #21011 (Closed): raster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect raster
08:44 AM Bug report #21011: raster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect raster
- Indeed, downloaded the nightly on Windows and now it works as expected...I guess it is advisable to test potential bu...
12:20 PM Bug report #20920 (Closed): 'Add button in toolbar' from Processing-algorithm throws error
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
12:20 PM Bug report #20920 (Closed): 'Add button in toolbar' from Processing-algorithm throws error
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
12:20 PM Bug report #20920 (Closed): 'Add button in toolbar' from Processing-algorithm throws error
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
12:15 PM Bug report #21025: nodata value do not show in properties->information->bands->no-data
- Works fine in master. Can you share test dataset?
12:10 PM Bug report #21096 (Open): Move selection to top doesn't worked when table is unsaved
- If changing data in a file based geopackage table.
Select a rown in the table, if the button to move selection to ... -
12:06 PM Bug report #19828 (Open): GetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "display e...
- Hi Alessandro, yes.. I can replicate..
It seems somehow the qgz is corrupted or something.. again.. (see https://... -
12:06 PM Bug report #19828 (Open): GetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "display e...
- Hi Alessandro, yes.. I can replicate..
It seems somehow the qgz is corrupted or something.. again.. (see https://... -
09:02 AM Bug report #19828 (Feedback): GetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "displ...
- Can you please check current master?
12:02 PM Bug report #21095 (Feedback): QGIS Crashed
- You must use a more meaningful/detailed subject and description:
how you get the crash? > what steps and data is n... -
12:02 PM Bug report #21095 (Feedback): QGIS Crashed
- You must use a more meaningful/detailed subject and description:
how you get the crash? > what steps and data is n... -
12:02 PM Bug report #21095 (Feedback): QGIS Crashed
- You must use a more meaningful/detailed subject and description:
how you get the crash? > what steps and data is n... -
11:54 AM Bug report #21095 (Closed): QGIS Crashed
- Crash ID: d11d7a05b20199cbe53666818ea6807fea608186
Stack Trace
RtlFreeHeap :
free :
DllUnregisterServer :... -
11:54 AM Feature request #21094 (Open): Integrate Basic Auth
- Our latest commits on GeoNode master introduce the support for Baisc Auth (beside token based auth for Geoserver) for...
11:49 AM Revision a90fb87c (qgis): Merge pull request #8973 from alexbruy/grass-buffer
- [processing] fix GRASS v.buffer algorithm for variable buffer case (fix #19377)
11:48 AM Bug report #19377 (Closed): v.buffer processing algorithm fails when using option "Name of column...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bfb60e4dc70310eae0e3b2ef9200c3b78164c6f4.
11:48 AM Bug report #19377 (Closed): v.buffer processing algorithm fails when using option "Name of column...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bfb60e4dc70310eae0e3b2ef9200c3b78164c6f4.
11:10 AM Revision 8bbd5594 (qgis): [processing] added test for SAGA output to non-ascii files
11:09 AM Revision d627b561 (qgis): [processing]remove trailing spaces
11:01 AM Revision 863b6375 (qgis): fix build
10:30 AM Revision 261430b9 (qgis): [processing] added test for SAGA non-ascii inputs
10:02 AM Revision 782b4284 (qgis): fix build
09:52 AM Revision 5690b05e (qgis): [processing] added back code to replace filenames when exporting raster...
09:39 AM Revision 76d9ab82 (qgis): [processing] fixed SAGA for non-ascii output files
- Fixes #19351
09:38 AM Revision be0abb3d (qgis): Merge pull request #8971 from elpaso/bugfix-21068-database-styles-butto...
- Fix button order in DB styles dialog and add GPKG delete support
09:38 AM Revision ee0e0e1d (qgis): Merge pull request #8970 from elpaso/bugfix-21077-value-relation-wfs
- Fix WFS context fields variable
09:38 AM Bug report #21068 (Closed): Button positions in Database styles manager dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|90a9852b694acc1aa1a8e84c07efd59b4b6d7d81.
09:38 AM Bug report #21068 (Closed): Button positions in Database styles manager dialog
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|90a9852b694acc1aa1a8e84c07efd59b4b6d7d81.
09:37 AM Bug report #21077 (Closed): Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38f05b597421975ed2b86b662ab21106cc3fd474.
09:37 AM Bug report #21077 (Closed): Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|38f05b597421975ed2b86b662ab21106cc3fd474.
09:31 AM Revision 38051a95 (qgis): [gui] enable deselect feature and create rectangle action only when
- there is a vector layer in the project (fix #18141, #20333)
(cherry picked from commit ab3adc663c37b3da589cf6bae56d7... -
09:00 AM Revision ab3adc66 (qgis): [gui] enable deselect feature and create rectangle action only when
- there is a vector layer in the project (fix #18141, #20333)
09:00 AM Bug report #20333 (Closed): "Add Rectangle From 3 Points" is enabled on a new project
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab3adc663c37b3da589cf6bae56d733fcbc4feb3.
09:00 AM Bug report #20333 (Closed): "Add Rectangle From 3 Points" is enabled on a new project
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab3adc663c37b3da589cf6bae56d733fcbc4feb3.
09:00 AM Bug report #18141 (Closed): [GUI] Disable edit tools when no layer is selected/available nor sele...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab3adc663c37b3da589cf6bae56d733fcbc4feb3.
09:00 AM Bug report #18141 (Closed): [GUI] Disable edit tools when no layer is selected/available nor sele...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab3adc663c37b3da589cf6bae56d733fcbc4feb3.
08:46 AM Revision a9553c90 (qgis): Update src/app/qgsvectorlayerloadstyledialog.cpp
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
08:45 AM Revision 29288c2a (qgis): Update src/app/qgsvectorlayerloadstyledialog.cpp
- Co-Authored-By: elpaso <[email protected]>
08:18 AM Revision 4d134b39 (qgis): Indentation
08:12 AM Revision 3cb6a40e (qgis): [processing] Add API to get an import statement and classname for a par...
07:02 AM Revision 60f252c2 (qgis): [layouts] Fix attribute table filtering not utilising expression context
- Fixes #21078
07:01 AM Bug report #21078 (Closed): Layout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variables
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60f252c2f22d1ab89361d1381b1aacbe544fb756.
07:01 AM Bug report #21078 (Closed): Layout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variables
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|60f252c2f22d1ab89361d1381b1aacbe544fb756.
01:35 AM Bug report #19330 (Feedback): Provider Feature Filter Query Builder - CHANGES ATTRIBUTE VALUES
- I cannot reproduce. Can someone share a screencast demonstrating this?
01:06 AM Revision 009ee572 (qgis): Allow access to content of POST requests in QgsNetworkReplyContent
01:04 AM Revision 8120e4a5 (qgis): Allow new shapefile MultiPoint layer creation
- Just add the missing MultiPoint geometry type in the "New Shapefile Layer" dialog
12:28 AM Bug report #17314: export to dxf format - z dimension
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
Hi! 3.4 still doesn't exp... -
12:06 AM Revision 8919d604 (qgis): [processing] use background color from the project settings in the rast...
12:05 AM Bug report #19866 (Closed): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transparent ba...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8919d604a897c7afe542922bdfc6a7f901fd2d10.
12:05 AM Bug report #19866 (Closed): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transparent ba...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8919d604a897c7afe542922bdfc6a7f901fd2d10.
04:57 AM Bug report #19866 (In Progress): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transpare...
- PR
04:57 AM Bug report #19866 (In Progress): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transpare...
- PR
04:57 AM Bug report #19866 (In Progress): "Convert map to raster" algorithm does not export with transpare...
- PR
11:57 PM Revision 32f6034b (qgis): [processing][needs-docs] force multipart output from GDAL-based dissolve
- algorithm (fix #20025)
11:56 PM Bug report #20025 (Closed): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoin...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32f6034be708b305ed4e19b4f6ade1a8b409993b.
11:56 PM Bug report #20025 (Closed): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoin...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|32f6034be708b305ed4e19b4f6ade1a8b409993b.
06:35 PM Bug report #20025 (In Progress): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/mult...
- PR
06:35 PM Bug report #20025 (In Progress): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/mult...
- PR
06:35 PM Bug report #20025 (In Progress): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/mult...
- PR
02:26 AM Bug report #20025: GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint layers
- I think always upgrading to multipart is the correct choice here -- that's what the native QGIS dissolve algorithm do...
11:47 PM Bug report #19787 (Reopened): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS us...
- Sorry for the late reply. I have not been able to update QGIS for a while in order to test a recent version...
Unf... -
06:53 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
- Closed as "worksforme" because MetaSearch provides option to name connections using their title. Please reopen if nec...
06:53 PM Bug report #19787 (Closed): MetaSearch: Use Title when new OWS connections are added to QGIS user...
- Closed as "worksforme" because MetaSearch provides option to name connections using their title. Please reopen if nec...
08:21 PM Bug report #20363: QGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)
- Hi,
I would change the status as OPEN as this is still not resolved. Will be happy to help out.
Nicolas -
08:15 PM Bug report #20363: QGIS 3.4.1 : CRASH : Settings->Options (OpenCL related)
- So far, this is what I did with no success.
reinstalled with latest nvidia drivers (clean install of drivers):... -
08:16 PM Bug report #21073: QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- @Elpaso, not sure my work-around addressed the issue :)
The official QGIS package for macOS still has the issue. T... -
04:44 PM Bug report #21073 (Closed): QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
08:06 PM Bug report #19377 (In Progress): v.buffer processing algorithm fails when using option "Name of c...
- PR
08:06 PM Bug report #19377 (In Progress): v.buffer processing algorithm fails when using option "Name of c...
- PR
08:06 PM Bug report #19377 (In Progress): v.buffer processing algorithm fails when using option "Name of c...
- PR
08:01 PM Revision bfb60e4d (qgis): [processing] fix GRASS v.buffer algorithm for case when buffer distance
- is taken from the field (fix #19377)
- 07:53 PM Revision 7482f7a4 (qgis): Merge pull request #8957 from volaya/#19607
- [processing] do not allow editing model if it's missing algorithms
07:52 PM Bug report #19607 (Closed): Deactivating/uninstalling plugin causes Python error when trying to e...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a86965e94bc76016b142c7b7c1dfa817675fe007.
07:52 PM Bug report #19607 (Closed): Deactivating/uninstalling plugin causes Python error when trying to e...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a86965e94bc76016b142c7b7c1dfa817675fe007.
07:40 PM Bug report #19051 (Closed): GRASS r.contour fails unless list of contour levels is provided
- Seems fixed in master, you can specify either step and min/max levels or list of levels values. Please reopen if nece...
07:40 PM Bug report #19051 (Closed): GRASS r.contour fails unless list of contour levels is provided
- Seems fixed in master, you can specify either step and min/max levels or list of levels values. Please reopen if nece...
07:34 PM Bug report #14374 (Closed): Build Virtual Vector tool: file created fails to load correctly
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
07:34 PM Bug report #14374 (Closed): Build Virtual Vector tool: file created fails to load correctly
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
07:34 PM Bug report #14374 (Closed): Build Virtual Vector tool: file created fails to load correctly
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
07:25 PM Bug report #20904 (Closed): "Clip raster by mask layer" not working in LTR 2.18.26 or LTR 2.18.27
- 2.18 reached it's end of life. Tool works fine in 3.4 and master
07:25 PM Bug report #20904 (Closed): "Clip raster by mask layer" not working in LTR 2.18.26 or LTR 2.18.27
- 2.18 reached it's end of life. Tool works fine in 3.4 and master
07:23 PM Bug report #20564 (Closed): Points along line
- 2.18 reached its end of life. Tool works fine in 3.4 and master
07:23 PM Bug report #20564 (Closed): Points along line
- 2.18 reached its end of life. Tool works fine in 3.4 and master
07:14 PM Bug report #19378 (Closed): QGis 3.2 Unable to browse for missing files in Handle Bad Layers dia...
- This was fixed in a 3.2 point release and 3.4.0
07:14 PM Bug report #19378 (Closed): QGis 3.2 Unable to browse for missing files in Handle Bad Layers dia...
- This was fixed in a 3.2 point release and 3.4.0
06:44 PM Bug report #19378 (Feedback): QGis 3.2 Unable to browse for missing files in Handle Bad Layers d...
- Please test with 3.4, there were some work to improve bad layers dialog
06:44 PM Bug report #19378 (Feedback): QGis 3.2 Unable to browse for missing files in Handle Bad Layers d...
- Please test with 3.4, there were some work to improve bad layers dialog
07:12 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> I cannot replicate, sorry...
> Can someone provide clear steps how to reproduce the issu... -
06:57 PM Bug report #21089: [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
- Ah, cool. Then I guess that what we need is some warning message. Or, at least, if the file extension is not correct,...
06:11 PM Bug report #21089: [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
- If I'm not wrong this was intentional change. SAGA outputs left in its native formats to avoid any possible data loss...
04:00 PM Bug report #21089: [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
- Looks like it is not implemented. The supportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions method is not being used (just for the ext...
03:24 PM Bug report #21089 (Closed): [processing] SAGA algorithms cannot produce non-shp output
- Looks like the mechanism that was implemented in 2.x, which allowed to handle any output format (Processing called sa...
06:52 PM Bug report #20160 (Closed): GRASS Tool "r.stats.quantile.out" Getting Conflicting Parameters
- Fixed in master.
06:52 PM Bug report #20160 (Closed): GRASS Tool "r.stats.quantile.out" Getting Conflicting Parameters
- Fixed in master.
06:49 PM Bug report #18737 (Closed): GRASS error when parameter is "pick coordinate" type
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
06:49 PM Bug report #18737 (Closed): GRASS error when parameter is "pick coordinate" type
- Works fine in master. Please reopen if necessary.
06:36 PM Bug report #16882: feature count refreshed after each edit and in the form view of the attribute ...
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I just did a test with a shapefile with 20k points, I can not reproduce the problem desc... -
05:43 PM Bug report #16882 (Closed): feature count refreshed after each edit and in the form view of the a...
- I just did a test with a shapefile with 20k points, I can not reproduce the problem described in both the 2.18.28, 3....
06:35 PM Bug report #16998: Misbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I confirm the problem in 2.18.28
it does not matter anymore, qgis 2 is dead, so 3.4/m... -
06:19 PM Bug report #16998: Misbehavior of Adv. Digitizing + Snapping tools
- I confirm the problem in 2.18.28
05:48 PM Revision 38f05b59 (qgis): Fix WFS context fields variable
- because the fields in the (spatialite) cached
iterator are not the same as the main iterator.
Fix #21077 - Form Valu... -
05:43 PM Revision 861a8b71 (qgis): Merge pull request #8958 from elpaso/bugfix-20961-wfs-null-transactions
- Fix NULL support in WFS server and client
05:42 PM Bug report #20961 (Closed): QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|71e01168fe43a95002674baf07b3b9b4828b5a08.
05:42 PM Bug report #20961 (Closed): QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|71e01168fe43a95002674baf07b3b9b4828b5a08.
11:22 AM Bug report #20961: QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- Thank you for this. I'll test it once it is merged and in nightly build.
10:22 AM Bug report #20961 (In Progress): QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- This wasn't easy and I've fixed another bunch of issues along the way:
PR -
10:22 AM Bug report #20961 (In Progress): QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- This wasn't easy and I've fixed another bunch of issues along the way:
PR -
10:22 AM Bug report #20961 (In Progress): QGIS Server 3.4 can't reset numeric field using WFS Update
- This wasn't easy and I've fixed another bunch of issues along the way:
PR -
05:41 PM Bug report #21068 (In Progress): Button positions in Database styles manager dialog
- PR
Now the button order is delegated to Qt (OS-dependant): -
05:41 PM Bug report #21068 (In Progress): Button positions in Database styles manager dialog
- PR
Now the button order is delegated to Qt (OS-dependant): -
05:38 PM Revision 90a9852b (qgis): Fix button order in DB styles dialog and add GPKG delete support
- Fixes #21068
- 05:33 PM Revision 25f2aba4 (qgis): Include qgis_sip.h instead of qgis.h where possible (#8961)
- This PR continues the work started in PR #8951.
This commit replaces occurences of #include "qgis.h" by #include "qg... -
05:31 PM Revision ff20d180 (qgis): Merge pull request #8925 from signedav/basic-values
- Enable/disable value relation widget
05:27 PM Bug report #21090 (Closed): Issues with 3D Map View
- Hello,
I'm using the 3D Map View tool of QGIS but am struggling to make the buildings clip to the terrain. As of ... -
05:27 PM Revision b5febe51 (qgis): Merge pull request #8922 from mhugent/server_datasource_error
- Server: catch datasource error
04:42 PM Bug report #21079 (Feedback): Problems to show elevation data from TIFF file
- Can you attach a sample of the raster?
04:42 PM Bug report #21079 (Feedback): Problems to show elevation data from TIFF file
- Can you attach a sample of the raster?
04:29 PM Bug report #21011 (Feedback): raster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect raster
- I cannot reproduce on master, can you try on latest master?
Btw, some steps are missing between 1 and 2: unless yo... -
04:29 PM Bug report #21011 (Feedback): raster calculator in processing does not work with Aspect raster
- I cannot reproduce on master, can you try on latest master?
Btw, some steps are missing between 1 and 2: unless yo... -
04:24 PM Revision a83a1b29 (qgis): render first datasetgroup instead of mesh frame
04:24 PM Revision 9d4d1c99 (qgis): improve speed of creation spatial index for meshes
04:24 PM Revision 967893a6 (qgis): [MDAL] update to 0.1.5, improve speed
04:24 PM Revision c90905bd (qgis): fix travis
04:24 PM Revision 27c670e7 (qgis): expose mesh spatial index similarly to vector spatial index to API. fix...
04:16 PM Bug report #18954 (In Progress): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
- can replicate with QGIS 3.5
04:16 PM Bug report #18954 (In Progress): Crash when adding existing field to vectorlayer
- can replicate with QGIS 3.5
04:07 PM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- PR (it turned out that it has nothing to do with forms nor value relations)
03:03 PM Bug report #21077 (In Progress): Form Value relation based on WFS layer
03:32 PM Bug report #21008: Mesh layer does not work properly with OTF reprojection
- right now the triangular mesh assumes that all vertices from original CRS can be transformed to map CRS. if this is n...
03:21 PM Bug report #21086: Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer using the ...
- Yes, I exported one of the wfs-datasources to a shapefile and retried the experiment. It worked as epected with the s...
11:59 AM Bug report #21086: Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer using the ...
- Changing category to WFS because I assume that all of this is working correctly with the other provider, or not?
11:52 AM Bug report #21086 (Closed): Can't add a virtual field or update a existing field of a WFS layer u...
- If you try to add a virtual field to a WFS based layer using the field calculator it will fail and show "NULL" regard...
03:20 PM Bug report #21082 (Closed): QGIS crashes when loading mesh layers
- recompiled QGIS and confirmed the fix, thanks Peter!
11:12 AM Bug report #21082: QGIS crashes when loading mesh layers
- works for me on master , probably duplicate of and fixed by https:/...
11:12 AM Bug report #21082: QGIS crashes when loading mesh layers
- works for me on master , probably duplicate of and fixed by https:/...
08:49 AM Bug report #21082 (Closed): QGIS crashes when loading mesh layers
- In attach some samples of mesh layers (grib2). No matter which one, but when loaded both by Browser or by Data Source...
02:59 PM Bug report #16876: Relation reference widget: records with NULL display a value
- salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> I tried in 2.18.28 and in 3.4.4 and I do not know any problems
> therefore I close issu... -
02:58 PM Bug report #16876 (Closed): Relation reference widget: records with NULL display a value
02:57 PM Bug report #16876: Relation reference widget: records with NULL display a value
- I tried in 2.18.28 and in 3.4.4 and I do not know any problems
therefore I close issues -
02:43 PM Bug report #15856 (Closed): No symbol for a layer in edit mode = random symbol until leavign edit...
- it is still present in QGIS 2.18.28 but not in 3.4.4
therefore closed issues -
02:05 PM Bug report #21087 (Feedback): Opacity in scalebar rendering not working properly in QGIS 3.4.3
- I can't reproduce. CAn you post a screencast?
12:27 PM Bug report #21087 (Closed): Opacity in scalebar rendering not working properly in QGIS 3.4.3
- The opacity scalebar slider in map composer does not scale opacity in a graded way. It is either 0 at 99% or 1 at 100%.
01:48 PM Bug report #19351: [processing] Wrong management of locale in output result path
- It's not a duplicate. #18617 is a problem creating the script files. Here the issue is a SAGA one, which doesnt suppo...
01:42 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Yes, I also noticed that and file another #20873 some time ago. Maybe better to discuss it there.
01:15 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Martin Huber wrote:
> GetPrint and all other Server Requests do not run on Windows using the OSGEO4W installation of... -
12:01 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- GetPrint and all other Server Requests do not run on Windows using the OSGEO4W installation of Version 3.4.4-1. There...
11:20 AM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
- Having the same issue on Windows with IIS as web application server: Printing in 2.14 works, printing in 2.18 not.
T... -
01:34 PM Bug report #21088 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 much much slower to delete shapes
12:57 PM Bug report #21088 (Feedback): QGIS 3.4 much much slower to delete shapes
- do you mean *features*? in what type of datasource? can you attach sample data?
have you tried with a new/clean prof... -
12:49 PM Bug report #21088 (Closed): QGIS 3.4 much much slower to delete shapes
- As per Bug report #21085
Just noting that this is still a significant issue in version 3.4.4 (Madiera).
Deleting a ... -
01:31 PM Feature request #21083 (Closed): GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- "OSGeo4W !#591":
01:31 PM Feature request #21083 (Closed): GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- "OSGeo4W !#591":
09:51 AM Feature request #21083 (Feedback): GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- Is this a QGIS issue? It looks more like an upstream one, btw, I'm changing category to Windows packaging.
09:51 AM Feature request #21083 (Feedback): GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- Is this a QGIS issue? It looks more like an upstream one, btw, I'm changing category to Windows packaging.
09:28 AM Feature request #21083 (Closed): GeoPackage Raster WEBP support
- I created a GeoPackage with rasterfiles using gdal_translate on Linux. As imageformat I chose WEBP.
While in QGIS on... -
01:18 PM Revision fda41e3b (qgis): [processing] fixed handling of input filenames with non-ascii characters
- Looks like there is no problem now in SAGA when using filenames with non-ascii chars, so some code used for replacing...
12:20 PM Bug report #17316 (Open): Current implementation of multiple-layer style paste doesn't work for t...
06:15 AM Bug report #17316: Current implementation of multiple-layer style paste doesn't work for the comm...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
I confirm that QGIS 3.4.4... -
12:19 PM Bug report #17157 (Open): Georeferencer seems properly not to close the opened file handle after ...
06:08 AM Bug report #17157: Georeferencer seems properly not to close the opened file handle after closing...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
I confirm that QGIS 3.4.4... -
12:11 PM Bug report #20283: Crash when exiting program [proj_lpz_dist]
- saving of "project" when reopening produced the attached file
12:03 PM Bug report #20283: Crash when exiting program [proj_lpz_dist]
- After this crash I also get a "do you want to save the project" as soon as I reopen QGIS post crash - hope this helps...
11:51 AM Bug report #20283: Crash when exiting program [proj_lpz_dist]
- Any further instructions with this issue - I have done a full delete of QGIS and reload and the problem still exists
11:40 AM Bug report #20662: Processing modeler: PostgreSQL execute and load SQL saves password in cleartext
- I dont understand the error. The algorithm that you mention does not take a layer as input. Instead, it takes a DB co...
11:40 AM Bug report #19118: Crash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget
- Issue still present in 3.4.4
11:37 AM Revision 5f28b0d2 (qgis): Cleaning WMTS utils code [Server]
- In the tile matrices calculation the code could be simplified.
11:37 AM Bug report #20865 (Open): attributes in attribute table don't match attribute in identify results...
11:12 AM Bug report #20140 (Closed): QgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapper crashes
- Same as #19118
Cannot reproduce on Linux -
11:12 AM Bug report #20140 (Closed): QgsExternalResourceWidgetWrapper crashes
- Same as #19118
Cannot reproduce on Linux -
11:05 AM Bug report #20895: Raster Merge Failure
- Loren Amelang wrote:
> For anyone who updated QGIS via the OSGeo4W installer and is trying to fix this, as I was aft... -
11:03 AM Bug report #21085 (Closed): Processing time for GeoJSON 10 times slower in 3.4
- When i use the processing algorithm to create voronoi polygons from a GeoJSON file, the processing time became more t...
10:55 AM Revision abda6c42 (qgis): fixes #18497 : Correct line size method when snapping multipolygon
10:54 AM Bug report #18497 (Closed): crash at processing....qgis:snapgeometries
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|abda6c42ff99782c385452b78e8cdceeea8df02c.
10:54 AM Bug report #18497 (Closed): crash at processing....qgis:snapgeometries
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|abda6c42ff99782c385452b78e8cdceeea8df02c.
10:24 AM Bug report #18497: crash at processing....qgis:snapgeometries
- Proposed PR :
10:24 AM Bug report #18497: crash at processing....qgis:snapgeometries
- Proposed PR :
10:52 AM Revision 237e0bcb (qgis): additional test enable-state in multi-selection in valueRelation
10:51 AM Revision 727bca95 (qgis): set the enabled state of widgets again in setEnabled
- because if this is called for any reason directly we are save
- 10:50 AM Revision 9bdaac9d (qgis): Update python/plugins/processing/modeler/
- Co-Authored-By: volaya <[email protected]>
10:45 AM Revision 394e5d8d (qgis): Avoid project being marked dirty as soon as its opened
- This is a simple workaround, not a real fix. The real fix is to
move the symbolModified signal out of the updatePrevi... -
10:15 AM Revision 15a81bdf (qgis): Fix OWS project property issue: couldn't unset project title
- This is the right behavior, btw there are other issues
in the server component that ignores the main bool
setting WMS... -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
10:09 AM Bug report #15793: Fill ring tool is broken
- problem still present in 2.18.28, in 3.4.4 and in the master
it's a regression based on this link: -
09:58 AM Revision 9eeaa31c (qgis): =default with extra-asterisk
09:57 AM Feature request #21084 (Open): Add support for downloading from FTP using Processing
- When I try to use the Processing tool for downloading a file from an FTP server, I get the error message "Download fa...
09:49 AM Bug report #20914 (Rejected): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
- You need to add a parameter for classes in the modeler and fill in it with your values. Then this parameter will be a...
09:49 AM Bug report #20914 (Rejected): Reclassify by table do not work in Processing modeller
- You need to add a parameter for classes in the modeler and fill in it with your values. Then this parameter will be a...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:13 AM Bug report #20846: Shape
- On QGIS 3.0.3-Girona it Work's to see all Lines but on QGIS Version 3.4.2-Madeira some Lines are missing from file Wa...
09:08 AM Revision 33788c94 (qgis): Fix typo in error message (and related tests)
09:07 AM Revision 3eb388af (qgis): Respect isNull semantics by initializing null QVariant with field type
08:39 AM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
- Nope, the PR only fixed another sync problem of cache found in vertextool ("cachedGeometry").
But that does not re... -
08:05 AM Revision 996f4867 (qgis): [afs][needs-docs] Allow users to set a specific referer for AFS connect...
- use with ArcGIS feature server requests
Some servers are locked down to only allow requests with a specific
referer ... -
04:44 AM Revision 047a076a (qgis): [themes] Improve styling of message bar scrollbar for Night Mapping
04:44 AM Revision 7d2fe041 (qgis): Fix default highlighted text colors for code editors (fixes #21080)
04:37 AM Revision b0b196a9 (qgis): [themes] Improve styling of message bar scrollbar for Night Mapping
04:36 AM Revision 002c9e14 (qgis): [themes] Improve styling of message bar scrollbar for Blend of Gray
04:36 AM Revision eea6ae26 (qgis): Fix default highlighted text colors for code editors (fixes #21080)
04:36 AM Bug report #21080 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eea6ae2676898ed97bb5211374f1041fc6f0f2c9.
04:36 AM Bug report #21080 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eea6ae2676898ed97bb5211374f1041fc6f0f2c9.
03:22 AM Revision 7e25cea7 (qgis): Fix evaluation of data defined properties for subsymbols of subsymbols
- Fixes #18384
(cherry picked from commit 9cf2ff31d86e6b7671aaca137a60a7b7a975ef62) -
03:22 AM Revision 7bc08443 (qgis): Silently alias old "$scale" expression function to "@map_scale" (when a...
- Allows older projects to open without change. We still hide $scale from the
builder UI, as we eventually want to clam... -
03:22 AM Revision b2a2251f (qgis): Slightly more efficiency in QgsStatisticalSummary
- (cherry picked from commit 60a6fc13a531218e1ad2e7ed4b3cad09936b3745)
03:22 AM Revision bfef851b (qgis): Fix loss of project when saving to QGZ format and path contains non-asc...
- Fixes #19567
(cherry picked from commit 7d7462c33334a501167813d720fb2589d3c579ec) -
03:22 AM Revision e0a8de47 (qgis): [processing] fix description files for SVM SAGA algs (fix #20796)
- (cherry picked from commit c6540a627691caa2e49c21029df245e930aeacd6)
03:22 AM Revision e6368a4b (qgis): Fix build
03:22 AM Revision c2465fc4 (qgis): [processing] split algorithm into two (fix #19472)
- This algorithm cannot output cross-validation results and topographic
parameters simultaneously, hence two tools need... -
03:22 AM Revision a3428e5f (qgis): Fix shortest path algorithm can "shortcut" when using network in geogra...
- Fixes #20997
(cherry picked from commit e75a88825665e7bb43c6c3cd1b2c22037cd29784) -
03:22 AM Revision 6f9d5443 (qgis): Update layer statistics when adding column to table in order to be disp...
- fixes #13504
(cherry picked from commit 49cb397f89511535bc772abd69a767e84024690a)
11:49 PM Revision aff38a90 (qgis): Capitalization
11:44 PM Bug report #21013 (Closed): Label orientation changing when zooming
- There's no issue here -- the in the zoomed out version, the label has been placed in the only orientation which allow...
11:44 PM Bug report #21013 (Closed): Label orientation changing when zooming
- There's no issue here -- the in the zoomed out version, the label has been placed in the only orientation which allow...
10:10 PM Bug report #21013: Label orientation changing when zooming
- Here is a project, geopackage and a raster (all are in EPSG 2154)
Orientatioin is OK when it'is // to wine ranks
... -
10:10 PM Bug report #21013: Label orientation changing when zooming
- Here is a project, geopackage and a raster (all are in EPSG 2154)
Orientatioin is OK when it'is // to wine ranks
... -
11:42 PM Bug report #20025: GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint layers
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Also I'm not sure if always casting output to multigeometry is correct. As I understand, dis... -
06:35 PM Bug report #20025: GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint layers
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this tool is ogr2ogr based, specifically ogr2ogr is used to launch a spatial query, in this... -
11:37 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- I cannot replicate, sorry...
Can someone provide clear steps how to reproduce the issue? Make sure to also mention... -
11:31 PM Revision c6540a62 (qgis): [processing] fix description files for SVM SAGA algs (fix #20796)
11:30 PM Bug report #20796 (Closed): SVM Classification, SupportVectorMachineClassification(OpenCV)-Vector...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c6540a627691caa2e49c21029df245e930aeacd6.
11:30 PM Bug report #20796 (Closed): SVM Classification, SupportVectorMachineClassification(OpenCV)-Vector...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c6540a627691caa2e49c21029df245e930aeacd6.
08:39 PM Bug report #20796: SVM Classification, SupportVectorMachineClassification(OpenCV)-Vector Field
- PR
08:30 PM Bug report #20796 (In Progress): SVM Classification, SupportVectorMachineClassification(OpenCV)-V...
11:07 PM Feature request #20850: Node editor as it works in 2.*
- Corey Burger wrote:
> 1. No difference between node hovered over and node selected (this is a MAJOR bug)
Hove... -
10:45 PM Revision 83d5cb61 (qgis): Fix linker error in test
10:45 PM Revision 71e01168 (qgis): Server WFS NULL values support
- - expose nillable in describefeaturetype
- serve xsi:nil="true" in getfeature
- check for NULL in transactions and re... -
10:45 PM Revision cc9ec2de (qgis): Remove duplicated code and modernize
- No functional changes intended
10:45 PM Revision d7484005 (qgis): Fix WFS client NULL representation
- This was nasty and only reproduceable when features
were cached (so, the second time you get them) and
was due to a Q... -
10:45 PM Revision 847e7efd (qgis): GML parser set NULL values when parsing empty tags
- This is part of a bigger fix to support NULL
values in WFS client and server components. -
10:18 PM Bug report #20895: Raster Merge Failure
- For anyone who updated QGIS via the OSGeo4W installer and is trying to fix this, as I was after #21075, it appears ju...
10:06 PM Bug report #17244: New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and triggers ...
- Isn't this fixed by now?
09:45 PM Bug report #19319: Qgis 3.2 and Python 3.7
- This solution didn't work for me. I'm on a Mac OS using anaconda and did ln -s /Users/sergio/anaconda3/bin /Library/F...
08:45 PM Revision 34ec1833 (qgis): [processing] split algorithm into two (fix #19472)
- This algorithm cannot output cross-validation results and topographic
parameters simultaneously, hence two tools need... -
08:44 PM Bug report #19472 (Closed): NOT WORKING IN QGIS 3.2.0 BONN
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|34ec183354ba709c2b848395d77710b1c349e7b5.
08:44 PM Bug report #19472 (Closed): NOT WORKING IN QGIS 3.2.0 BONN
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|34ec183354ba709c2b848395d77710b1c349e7b5.
10:02 AM Bug report #19472: NOT WORKING IN QGIS 3.2.0 BONN
- PR
08:58 AM Bug report #19472 (In Progress): NOT WORKING IN QGIS 3.2.0 BONN
08:31 PM Bug report #21081 (Open): QGIS logo not displayed on taskbar for additional windows
- Windows other than the main QGIS project window display a blank page image on the taskbar instead of the QGIS logo. T...
08:23 PM Bug report #21078 (In Progress): Layout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variables
12:30 PM Bug report #21078: Layout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variables
- Possibly related to this? -
12:09 PM Bug report #21078 (Closed): Layout Attribute Table 'Filter with' not working with variables
- Within the layout composer, the 'filter with' feature on attribute tables no longer works for with @... variables.
I... -
08:10 PM Revision aa170ad5 (qgis): Unit tests for QgsNetworkAccessManager signals
08:10 PM Revision ca592b73 (qgis): Upgrade app network timeout message to include url
08:10 PM Revision e50d9a16 (qgis): Make request a member of reply
08:10 PM Revision 535965ba (qgis): Deprecate older thread-unsafe signals
08:10 PM Revision 5824faf6 (qgis): Add thread safe QgsNetworkAccessManager::requestTimedOut signal
08:10 PM Revision 1190000a (qgis): Fix QgsFileDownloader thinks ANY timeout or ssl error applies to its re...
08:10 PM Revision ea1971fd (qgis): Add an unique id to requests, which can be used to link them to responses
08:10 PM Revision b5379ce0 (qgis): New class QgsNetworkReplyContent, which encapsulates the useful
- information from a QNetworkReply in a container which is safe
and cheap to pass between threads
(QNetworkReplys are ... -
08:10 PM Revision c8fd4ed3 (qgis): More unit tests for QgsNetworkAccessManager signals
08:04 PM Revision 8ce8ee0b (qgis): fixes #20893 : Update virtual layer when referenced layer update its fi...
07:43 PM Revision 551d7e85 (qgis): reflect increase of Travis build times in timeouts
- we are benefiting from increased build times since about 3 months...time to update the scripts!
07:42 PM Revision 397194a0 (qgis): reflect increase of Travis build times in timeouts
- we are benefiting from increased build times since about 3 months...time to update the scripts!
07:06 PM Bug report #21080 (Closed): QGIS 3.4.4 and master - field calc select blank expressions
- The selection of the expressions in the field calculator remains blank and makes it difficult to understand which par...
06:00 PM Bug report #20966: algorithm create grid: reference point problem for calculating Y coordinates
- This doesnt seem to be a bug. The code clearly uses that reference point, and the corresponding tests do so. I have u...
08:42 AM Bug report #20966 (Closed): algorithm create grid: reference point problem for calculating Y coor...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e3516ab1b46137db36f3b7dbf4e4f2ee2df1eb70.
08:42 AM Bug report #20966 (Closed): algorithm create grid: reference point problem for calculating Y coor...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e3516ab1b46137db36f3b7dbf4e4f2ee2df1eb70.
05:47 PM Bug report #20182 (Closed): importing dxf, it loses z or elevation attribute.
- DXF doesn't contain separate elevations. The elevation is part of the geometries and not necessarily the same for al...
05:47 PM Bug report #20182 (Closed): importing dxf, it loses z or elevation attribute.
- DXF doesn't contain separate elevations. The elevation is part of the geometries and not necessarily the same for al...
05:39 PM Bug report #21073: QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Have you tried to use packages from here:
> -
05:27 PM Bug report #21073: QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Have you tried to use packages from here:
> -
08:08 AM Bug report #21073: QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- Have you tried to use packages from here: -
05:37 PM Revision e23307c2 (qgis): fix typo
05:36 PM Revision 532da433 (qgis): fix typo
05:30 PM Bug report #20640 (Closed): User Profiles Menu interface customization
- Fixed in commit:a6d23449
05:30 PM Bug report #20640 (Closed): User Profiles Menu interface customization
- Fixed in commit:a6d23449
05:05 PM Bug report #20840 (Closed): Keep N biggest parts documentation is incorrect
- Description is fixed in docs (would be online in a day)
05:05 PM Bug report #20840 (Closed): Keep N biggest parts documentation is incorrect
- Description is fixed in docs (would be online in a day)
04:53 PM Revision 240f2d2d (qgis): Merge pull request #8951 from peppsac/compile_time
- Compile time
04:47 PM Revision c7a6b773 (qgis): dxf export: recover korean encodings (CP949) (fixes #20838)
- (cherry picked from commit 4e74c8b5480ac28aabc3c0b3eba2609d1a762e8a)
04:45 PM Bug report #20838 (Closed): Missing CP949 (Korean) encoding at Export Project to DXF menu
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e74c8b5480ac28aabc3c0b3eba2609d1a762e8a.
04:45 PM Bug report #20838 (Closed): Missing CP949 (Korean) encoding at Export Project to DXF menu
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4e74c8b5480ac28aabc3c0b3eba2609d1a762e8a.
04:43 PM Revision 4e74c8b5 (qgis): dxf export: recover korean encodings (CP949) (fixes #20838)
04:01 PM Bug report #20283: Crash when exiting program [proj_lpz_dist]
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> This particular crash is usually caused by leftover files from a previous older version instal... -
04:00 PM Bug report #21021: QGIS crashes on exiting
- Kwame Odame-Ababio wrote:
> Stack Trace
> [...]
Unrelated to this - stacktrace matches #20283 -
03:39 PM Bug report #20939 (Closed): saving the project
03:32 PM Revision 1b6329c3 (qgis): field validator: only check for null representation if the string value...
- (cherry picked from commit 99904f1f5e7b86a92f3ff50132fd89750fe858e7)
03:30 PM Revision 99904f1f (qgis): field validator: only check for null representation if the string value...
03:29 PM Bug report #21019 (Closed): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|99904f1f5e7b86a92f3ff50132fd89750fe858e7.
03:29 PM Bug report #21019 (Closed): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|99904f1f5e7b86a92f3ff50132fd89750fe858e7.
03:26 PM Feature request #18101 (Closed): Add a comment field in DB Manager
- 03:25 PM Revision daa05e53 (qgis): Merge pull request #8831 from SIRS-CLS/sirs_db_manager
- Add comment option on db_manager plugin postgis fields
02:59 PM Revision 08634c4e (qgis): fix style
- 02:25 PM Revision aa3679a3 (qgis): Update layout oracle
02:02 PM Revision a86965e9 (qgis): [processing] do not allow editing model if it's missing algorithms
- fixes #19607
01:58 PM Revision 3d4c6c4e (qgis): oracle provider: check for valid lastInsertId() on ::addFeatures (fixes...
- (cherry picked from commit 855b3b4e26377647de5c5f9d38485f9f00bc9257)
01:46 PM Revision 21af8075 (qgis): [themes] Fix selection color of the attribute table view widget
01:42 PM Revision 263c4c2a (qgis): [themes] Fix selection color of the attribute table view widget
01:24 PM Bug report #20678: Missing detached panels on hide
- Bug remains in 3.4.4
01:07 PM Revision 4cb722a3 (qgis): [themes] Fix selection text for various widgets
01:06 PM Revision 9068f3c9 (qgis): [themes] Fix selection text for various widgets
12:34 PM Revision 642ff63e (qgis): [node editor] Improve UX by having right-click bind feature to node edi...
12:34 PM Revision 47dd5f15 (qgis): [node editor] Update the table of vertices when deleting some
12:34 PM Revision cf90371b (qgis): [node editor] When no feature is selected, offer an hint label to ease ...
12:34 PM Revision 0255a67a (qgis): [node editor] Dragging a rectangle to select vertices will only select
- vertices from a given feature if it is bounded to the node editor panel
12:34 PM Revision 2cfbb28d (qgis): [node editor] Restore node editor panel postion/docked state
12:34 PM Revision d77596cc (qgis): [node editor] Always show node editor panel upon activating the node tool
12:34 PM Revision 401cea1b (qgis): [node editor] When a feature is bound to the editor panel, only allow v...
12:34 PM Revision b5cb74fe (qgis): address @wonder-wonder-sk 's comments on node editor improvements
12:34 PM Revision c84e6edb (qgis): [node editor] Update the table of vertices when bounded geometry changes
- (e.g., undo/redo operations)
12:34 PM Revision a34a4f37 (qgis): [node editor] Use a timer to properly raise panel, improve hint label
12:19 PM Bug report #21079 (Closed): Problems to show elevation data from TIFF file
- Hello
I work many times with QGIS and CIVIL3D, and when I create a surface from Civil 3D and export it as a TIF fi... -
11:38 AM Bug report #21077: Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- All version of QGIS 3.x is affected by this problem
11:35 AM Bug report #21077 (Closed): Form Value relation based on WFS layer
- I´m trying to set up a form value relation using a connection based on WFS.
The problem is that the filter express... -
11:31 AM Bug report #20272 (Closed): Polygon intersection on same layer returning wrong result
- Looks normal to me. If you intersect a polygon with itself, it returns the same polygon.
So it's the same for the la... -
11:31 AM Bug report #20272 (Closed): Polygon intersection on same layer returning wrong result
- Looks normal to me. If you intersect a polygon with itself, it returns the same polygon.
So it's the same for the la... - 11:22 AM Revision a80f3d01 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into sirs_db_manager
- 11:20 AM Revision 00852f16 (qgis): Update oracle, vlayer, spatialite
11:00 AM Bug report #18093 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.16 Freezes when clicking on start editing without a vector ...
09:33 AM Bug report #18093: QGIS 2.18.16 Freezes when clicking on start editing without a vector selected ...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
this bug no longer appear... -
10:57 AM Bug report #21071: Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Peter Moreau wrote:
> *Stack Trace*
> [...]
unrelated to this - see #20283
06:00 AM Bug report #21071: Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Having the same problem with different reports:
h2. User Feedback
Saved the project.
Quit the application.
Wi... -
10:54 AM Bug report #21075 (Closed): Update to 3.4.3 via OSGeo4W gets wrong numpy
01:52 AM Bug report #21075 (Closed): Update to 3.4.3 via OSGeo4W gets wrong numpy
- This appeared when I tried to test the GDAL Merge issue in #19628.
Tried it on my 3.4.3 version. The reported err... - 10:48 AM Revision ad81e66d (qgis): Update gpkg UpdateTableColumn add argument new_comment
10:44 AM Revision 9fe21945 (qgis): Indentation
10:24 AM Feature request #15811: Ability to return WMS GetLegendGraphic response in SVG format
- +1 that would be awesome ! (two years later)
10:12 AM Bug report #19390 (Closed): Copy/Paste features causes crash in 2.18.24
- Thanks for having checked.
10:12 AM Bug report #19390 (Closed): Copy/Paste features causes crash in 2.18.24
- Thanks for having checked.
09:31 AM Bug report #19390: Copy/Paste features causes crash in 2.18.24
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Please test with QGIS 3.4 - QGIS 2.18 reached it's end of life.
this bug is no longer pre... -
10:08 AM Bug report #20932: Crash when running snap geometries to layer on large data set
- The issue comes from libspatialindex and has already been reported :
10:02 AM Revision 704e3de5 (qgis): [node editor] Restore node editor panel postion/docked state
10:02 AM Revision 2defe21c (qgis): [node editor] When no feature is selected, offer an hint label to ease ...
10:02 AM Revision 8bd997d0 (qgis): [node editor] Improve UX by having right-click bind feature to node edi...
10:02 AM Revision 88452637 (qgis): [node editor] Always show node editor panel upon activating the node tool
10:02 AM Revision 0a239fa9 (qgis): [node editor] Dragging a rectangle to select vertices will only select
- vertices from a given feature if it is bounded to the node editor panel
10:02 AM Revision 1bf792cc (qgis): [node editor] Update the table of vertices when bounded geometry changes
- (e.g., undo/redo operations)
10:02 AM Revision d5acddfd (qgis): [node editor] Update the table of vertices when deleting some
10:02 AM Revision 52df2928 (qgis): [node editor] When a feature is bound to the editor panel, only allow v...
10:02 AM Revision 63ee9a34 (qgis): address @wonder-wonder-sk 's comments on node editor improvements
10:02 AM Revision 5e568455 (qgis): [node editor] Use a timer to properly raise panel, improve hint label
09:39 AM Revision 39f7d9a8 (qgis): fix include
09:36 AM Bug report #21070: [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
- How can I load an empty profile without losting mine?
09:27 AM Bug report #16388 (Closed): Activation or deactivation of one of layer loaded in a view freezes/c...
- the attached link does not lead anywhere and it is not possible to reproduce the problem.
so I close issues -
09:25 AM Revision b5a48755 (qgis): Add autogenerated sip file and remove =default in qgsstorebadlayerinfo....
08:45 AM Revision 49096431 (qgis): Merge pull request #8948 from elpaso/bugfix-20198-server-DescribeFeatur...
- Fix server WFS TYPENAME filter in describeFeatureType
08:44 AM Bug report #20198 (Closed): QGIS Server WFS DescribeFeatureType not following TYPENAME parameter
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|59fd8df336f9ba0160ee79935741431ab9f80827.
08:44 AM Bug report #20198 (Closed): QGIS Server WFS DescribeFeatureType not following TYPENAME parameter
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|59fd8df336f9ba0160ee79935741431ab9f80827.
08:44 AM Revision de297673 (qgis): Merge pull request #8950 from elpaso/bugfix-opengis-zug-wmsroot
- Fix server WMS short name (unreported)
08:38 AM Revision e3516ab1 (qgis): [processing] fixed qgis algorithms help file
- fixes #20966
- 08:32 AM Revision e9fd6537 (qgis): Fix include
08:30 AM Revision db3b9aeb (qgis): Revert "[processing] hide 'select file' button for vector layers when t...
- This reverts commit f2044528951bbb09a70b9c696d79d8cd5b756214.
It's a contentious fix, which needs discussion -
08:24 AM Revision bdf77ac7 (qgis): fixes #20893 : Update virtual layer when referenced layer update its fi...
08:23 AM Bug report #20893 (Closed): QGIS crash using virtual layer in a layout
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bdf77ac75a94ea37feaa3d7d015af57e0d9a7e1f.
08:23 AM Bug report #20893 (Closed): QGIS crash using virtual layer in a layout
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bdf77ac75a94ea37feaa3d7d015af57e0d9a7e1f.
08:03 AM Bug report #20573 (Closed): Regression: outputs of processing models are not assigned the specifi...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb47288fac06692748c7017f6f125a1fc66e9561.
08:03 AM Bug report #20573 (Closed): Regression: outputs of processing models are not assigned the specifi...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|eb47288fac06692748c7017f6f125a1fc66e9561.
08:03 AM Bug report #21055 (Closed): Do not allow file input for tables or vctor layers if there are depen...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f2044528951bbb09a70b9c696d79d8cd5b756214.
08:03 AM Bug report #21055 (Closed): Do not allow file input for tables or vctor layers if there are depen...
- Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f2044528951bbb09a70b9c696d79d8cd5b756214.
08:02 AM Revision eb47288f (qgis): [processing] correctly set output styles for models
- fixes #20573
08:02 AM Revision f2044528 (qgis): [processing] hide 'select file' button for vector layers when there are...
- fixes #21055
07:49 AM Revision af2501e7 (qgis): support also mesh elements with >4 vertices
03:19 AM Bug report #21076: QGIS 3.4.3 window will not appear over any other app!
- One More thing... This is a Microsoft Surface Book, so all the touch extensions and screen scaling mechanisms are tr...
03:13 AM Bug report #21076 (Open): QGIS 3.4.3 window will not appear over any other app!
- Since updating to 3.4.3 via the OSGeo4W updater, QGIS will not move to the top of my window stack over any other app ...
12:53 AM Feature request #21074 (Open): Add log scale option to histogram plot in the feature symbology 'G...
- Most of my data is not Gaussian, it tends to have a background distribution and I have to evaluate the 90th percentil...
12:37 AM Bug report #20510: Voronoi Polygon Processing Algorithm Fails with Some Data
- > Which means you have to convert your data first using the treatment "multiparts to single parts", then it works.
... -
06:47 PM Bug report #20510 (Closed): Voronoi Polygon Processing Algorithm Fails with Some Data
- With current master and your data, I get the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ju... -
06:47 PM Bug report #20510 (Closed): Voronoi Polygon Processing Algorithm Fails with Some Data
- With current master and your data, I get the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ju... -
06:47 PM Bug report #20510 (Closed): Voronoi Polygon Processing Algorithm Fails with Some Data
- With current master and your data, I get the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ju... - 11:52 PM Revision 508817d6 (qgis): Fix MAC build for OSX < 10.14
11:51 PM Revision 928a559a (qgis): update MDAL to 0.1.4 (RC1 for QGIS 3.6)
11:16 PM Bug report #20025 (Open): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint ...
- Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Can you share small dataset allowing to reproduce issue?
>... -
11:16 PM Bug report #20025 (Open): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint ...
- Andrea Giudiceandrea wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Can you share small dataset allowing to reproduce issue?
>... -
11:03 PM Bug report #20025: GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint layers
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Can you share small dataset allowing to reproduce issue?
The GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm ... -
10:18 PM Bug report #20025 (Feedback): GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipo...
10:58 AM Bug report #20025: GDAL/OGR Dissolve algorithm not properly working with point/multipoint layers
- Can you share small dataset allowing to reproduce issue?
11:06 PM Bug report #20846 (Feedback): Shape
- Sascha von Arx wrote:
> Another Shapefile where the geometry-Data is not recognized.
can you be more specific? ma... -
11:06 PM Bug report #20846 (Feedback): Shape
- Sascha von Arx wrote:
> Another Shapefile where the geometry-Data is not recognized.
can you be more specific? ma... -
01:10 PM Bug report #20846: Shape
- Another Shapefile where the geometry-Data is not recognized.
01:10 PM Bug report #20846: Shape
- Another Shapefile where the geometry-Data is not recognized.
10:54 PM Bug report #21019 (Open): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- I'm seeing that now.
10:54 PM Bug report #21019 (Open): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- I'm seeing that now.
10:54 PM Bug report #21019 (Open): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- I'm seeing that now.
10:54 PM Bug report #21019 (Open): Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- I'm seeing that now.
03:11 PM Bug report #21019: Attribute table will not allow letter 'N' to be entered
- I can confirm this issue using QGIS 3.4.4 with a GeoPackage on Windows 7. It's also a regression (not happening with ...
10:41 PM Bug report #21070 (Feedback): [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
- What about on a clean/new profile?
03:05 PM Bug report #21070 (Closed): [QGIS 4 Mac] Freeze at opening
- When QGIS 3 is opening on a Mac, I can't do anything for 30 seconds. Only the mouse can move but no action is possible.
10:35 PM Feature request #12741: Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same name o...
- Chris Peterson wrote:
> "Use filename as layer name" is not the default for QGIS 3.4.3, and there are no "processing... -
03:38 PM Feature request #12741: Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same name o...
- "Use filename as layer name" is not the default for QGIS 3.4.3, and there are no "processing > options" to select the...
10:31 PM Bug report #21071 (Feedback): Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:31 PM Bug report #21071 (Feedback): Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:31 PM Bug report #21071 (Feedback): Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
10:31 PM Bug report #21071 (Feedback): Crash on exit from a minimal project
- Please try with a new/clean profile (no 3rd party plugins installed).
04:49 PM Bug report #21071 (Closed): Crash on exit from a minimal project
- h2. User Feedback
Crash on exit from a minimal project
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: f14b235261d11cf19e208a... -
10:30 PM Bug report #21010 (Feedback): Layout Manager Atlas Output filename expression is not working anymore
> My conclusion is that this might not be a bug after all, and that now it is working as it is supposed to be (I ... -
03:18 PM Bug report #21010: Layout Manager Atlas Output filename expression is not working anymore
- Raul Sangonzalo wrote:
> The output filename expression (in Atlas Generation) is not translating correctly the inser... -
10:28 PM Bug report #21064 (Feedback): KML export fail QGIS crash
- In the provided link I can't find any (ESRI) geodatabase to download.
10:22 PM Bug report #18597 (Closed): Layer reprojection from EPSG:3844 to EPSG:4326 has offset since QGIS ...
11:46 AM Bug report #18597: Layer reprojection from EPSG:3844 to EPSG:4326 has offset since QGIS 2.18.8
- The CRS database is updated from GDAL on install. The parameters changed there - QGIS just followed. GDAL currently...
11:30 AM Bug report #18597 (Open): Layer reprojection from EPSG:3844 to EPSG:4326 has offset since QGIS 2....
10:20 PM Bug report #21069 (Feedback): crash by geometry check
- Please attach sample data and describe steps to replicate.
10:20 PM Bug report #21069 (Feedback): crash by geometry check
- Please attach sample data and describe steps to replicate.
10:20 PM Bug report #21069 (Feedback): crash by geometry check
- Please attach sample data and describe steps to replicate.
11:48 AM Bug report #21069 (Closed): crash by geometry check
- h2. User Feedback
Crash by checking geometry
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: c2bc24c6e892e70327ec1ebf92afb094... -
10:20 PM Bug report #20765 (Closed): Delete field in table delete all features
- Jérôme Guélat wrote:
> Thanks for having a look at it.
> Indeed this seeems to be the problem... If I correct t... -
11:34 AM Bug report #20765: Delete field in table delete all features
- Thanks for having a look at it.
Indeed this seeems to be the problem... If I correct the trigger in the "older" Ge... -
10:05 PM Bug report #21013 (Open): Label orientation changing when zooming
- The issue is label rotatioin change when Zooming.
In the first zoom F0030NG26 is oriented as attemped (as describe ... -
10:05 PM Bug report #19799 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.22 crashs with openSUSE Leap 42.3 when loading projected ra...
09:34 PM Bug report #19799: QGIS 2.18.22 crashs with openSUSE Leap 42.3 when loading projected raster file
- Hello,
I'm using now *QGIS 3.4 Madeira* with *openSUSE 15.0*
and I don't have any problems anymore. -
10:00 PM Bug report #21073: QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- Have deleted all contents in Users/User/Library/Application Support/QGIS, but this does not work as solution as in...
09:50 PM Bug report #21073 (Closed): QGIS3 3.4.4 cannot be opened because of a problem - Crash on launch
- Just downloaded QGIS 3.4.4, running OS 10.14.3, cannot launch newly installed version. Prior to downloading, had unin...
09:45 PM Revision 96a9a723 (qgis): Remove unnecessary includes
09:45 PM Revision 1cd7bde1 (qgis): Do not build images.qrc for tests
- Before this commit the qrc_images.cpp was generated for each test listed in
tests/src/gui/CMakeLists.txt but the cont... -
09:45 PM Revision f1760ee5 (qgis): Remove include "qgsapplication.h" from qgswkbptr.h
- qgswkbptr.h is included indirectly by a large number of source files.
So this commit does the following:
- remove #... -
09:29 PM Bug report #18144: Misleading UI on multiple layer vector dialog
- 3.5-master exhibits the same behaviour as described in the initial report. Bug is still valid.
09:28 PM Bug report #17844 (Closed): Duplicating Hillshade layer shows wrong style in Layers Panel
- Bug does not appear in 3.5-master for me.
07:30 PM Bug report #18434: QGIS 3.0 new node tool picks up nodes of hidden layers & isn;t constrained by ...
- I'm not able to edit vertex in my project at all. QGIS 3.4.4. Vertex tool current layer, topological editing disabled...
06:36 PM Bug report #20468 (Feedback): [Report] Crash when configuring a group field section
- I can't reproduce with 3.4.3
Could you please try with a more recent version and add the data you used to reproduc... -
06:11 PM Revision 156cb716 (qgis): Update sip list, add since QGIS 3.6
05:47 PM Bug report #20013: Mars projection issue
- I get the same behavior with QGIS 3.4.3 on MacOS (from macports) and QGIS 3.4.4 on FreeBSD, the measurement ellipsoid...
11:19 AM Bug report #20013: Mars projection issue
- Your comment helped me better understand my problem and I am now able to get good measurement values. However I still...
03:33 AM Bug report #20013 (Feedback): Mars projection issue
- The issue here isn't the CRS -- it's the Project's ellipsoid settings. But I can't see any difference in behavior her...