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Add cached mode to sqlite_fetch_and_increment for transactions
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m-kuhn committed Jan 10, 2019
1 parent 918bfef commit d3b4c7d
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Showing 4 changed files with 98 additions and 61 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions resources/function_help/json/sqlite_fetch_and_increment
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"name": "sqlite_fetch_and_increment",
"type": "function",
"description": "Manage autoincrementing values in sqlite databases.<p>SQlite default values can only be applied on insert and not prefetched.</p><p>This makes it impossible to acquire an incremented primary key via AUTO_INCREMENT before creating the row in the database. Sidenote: with postgres, this works via the option <i>evaluate default values</i>.</p><p>When adding new features with relations, it is really nice to be able to already add children for a parent, while the parents form is still open and hence the parent feature uncommitted.</p><p>To get around this limitation, this function can be used to manage sequence values in a separate table on sqlite based formats like gpkg.</p><p>The sequence table will be filtered for a sequence id (filter_attribute and filter_value) and the current value of the id_field will be incremented by 1 ond the incremented value returned.</p><p>If additional columns require values to be specified, the default_value map can be used for this purpose.</p><p><b>Note</b><br/>This function modifies the target sqlite table. It is intended for usage with default value configurations for attributes.</p>",
"description": "Manage autoincrementing values in sqlite databases.<p>SQlite default values can only be applied on insert and not prefetched.</p><p>This makes it impossible to acquire an incremented primary key via AUTO_INCREMENT before creating the row in the database. Sidenote: with postgres, this works via the option <i>evaluate default values</i>.</p><p>When adding new features with relations, it is really nice to be able to already add children for a parent, while the parents form is still open and hence the parent feature uncommitted.</p><p>To get around this limitation, this function can be used to manage sequence values in a separate table on sqlite based formats like gpkg.</p><p>The sequence table will be filtered for a sequence id (filter_attribute and filter_value) and the current value of the id_field will be incremented by 1 ond the incremented value returned.</p><p>If additional columns require values to be specified, the default_value map can be used for this purpose.</p><p><b>Note</b><br/>This function modifies the target sqlite table. It is intended for usage with default value configurations for attributes.</p><p>When the database parameter is a layer and the layer is in transaction mode, the value will only be retrieved once during the lifetime of a transaction and cached and incremented. This makes it unsafe to work on the same database from several processes in parallel.</p>",
"arguments": [
{"arg":"database", "description":"Path to the sqlite file"},
{"arg":"database", "description":"Path to the sqlite file or layer"},
{"arg":"table", "description":"Name of the table that manages the sequences"},
{"arg":"id_field", "description":"Name of the field that contains the current value"},
{"arg":"filter_attribute", "description":"Name the field that contains a unique identifier for this sequence. Must have a UNIQUE index."},
Expand Down
76 changes: 58 additions & 18 deletions src/core/expression/qgsexpressionfunction.cpp
Expand Up @@ -1376,6 +1376,8 @@ static QVariant fcnNumSelected( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpressionC

static QVariant fcnSqliteFetchAndIncrement( const QVariantList &values, const QgsExpressionContext *, QgsExpression *parent, const QgsExpressionNodeFunction * )
static QMap<QString, qlonglong> counterCache;

QString database;
const QgsVectorLayer *layer = QgsExpressionUtils::getVectorLayer( 0 ), parent );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1403,38 +1405,75 @@ static QVariant fcnSqliteFetchAndIncrement( const QVariantList &values, const Qg
sqlite3_database_unique_ptr sqliteDb;
sqlite3_statement_unique_ptr sqliteStatement;

if ( sqliteDb.open_v2( database, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqliteDb.open_v2( database, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, nullptr ) != SQLITE_OK )
parent->setEvalErrorString( QObject::tr( "Could not open sqlite database %1. Error %2. " ).arg( database, sqliteDb.errorMessage() ) );
return QVariant();

QString enableReadUncommitted = QStringLiteral( "PRAGMA read_uncommitted = true;" );

QString errorMessage;
if ( sqliteDb.exec( enableReadUncommitted, errorMessage ) != SQLITE_OK )
Q_ASSERT( false );

QString currentValSql;
currentValSql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT %1 FROM %2" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( idColumn ), QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( table ) );
if ( !filterAttribute.isNull() )

qlonglong nextId;
bool cachedMode = false;
bool valueRetrieved = false;

QString cacheString = QStringLiteral( "%1:%2:%3:%4:%5" ).arg( database, table, idColumn, filterAttribute, filterValue.toString() );

// Running in transaction mode, check for cached value first
if ( layer && layer->dataProvider() && layer->dataProvider()->transaction() )
currentValSql += QStringLiteral( " WHERE %1 = %2" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( filterAttribute ), QgsSqliteUtils::quotedValue( filterValue ) );
cachedMode = true;

auto cachedCounter = counterCache.find( cacheString );

if ( cachedCounter != counterCache.end() )
qlonglong &cachedValue = cachedCounter.value();
nextId = cachedValue;
nextId += 1;
cachedValue = nextId;
valueRetrieved = true;

int result = SQLITE_ERROR;
sqliteStatement = sqliteDb.prepare( currentValSql, result );
if ( result == SQLITE_OK )
// Either not in cached mode or no cached value found, obtain from DB
if ( !cachedMode || !valueRetrieved )
qlonglong nextId = 0;
if ( sqliteStatement.step() == SQLITE_ROW )
int result = SQLITE_ERROR;

currentValSql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT %1 FROM %2" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( idColumn ), QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( table ) );
if ( !filterAttribute.isNull() )
nextId = sqliteStatement.columnAsInt64( 0 ) + 1;
currentValSql += QStringLiteral( " WHERE %1 = %2" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( filterAttribute ), QgsSqliteUtils::quotedValue( filterValue ) );

sqliteStatement = sqliteDb.prepare( currentValSql, result );

if ( result == SQLITE_OK )
nextId = 0;
if ( sqliteStatement.step() == SQLITE_ROW )
nextId = sqliteStatement.columnAsInt64( 0 ) + 1;

// If in cached mode: add value to cache and connect to transaction
if ( cachedMode && result == SQLITE_OK )
counterCache.insert( cacheString, nextId );

QObject::connect( layer->dataProvider()->transaction(), &QgsTransaction::destroyed, [cacheString]()
counterCache.remove( cacheString );
} );
valueRetrieved = true;

if ( valueRetrieved )
QString upsertSql;
upsertSql = QStringLiteral( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %1" ).arg( QgsSqliteUtils::quotedIdentifier( table ) );
QStringList cols;
Expand All @@ -1458,6 +1497,7 @@ static QVariant fcnSqliteFetchAndIncrement( const QVariantList &values, const Qg
upsertSql += QLatin1String( " VALUES " );
upsertSql += '(' + vals.join( ',' ) + ')';

int result = SQLITE_ERROR;
if ( layer && layer->dataProvider() && layer->dataProvider()->transaction() )
QgsTransaction *transaction = layer->dataProvider()->transaction();
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions tests/src/core/testqgsexpression.cpp
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
#include "qgsproject.h"
#include "qgsexpressionnodeimpl.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayerutils.h"

static void _parseAndEvalExpr( int arg )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3298,6 +3299,43 @@ class TestQgsExpression: public QObject
e = QgsExpression( QStringLiteral( "map('a',1,'bbb',2,'c',3)['b'||'b'||'b']" ) );
QCOMPARE( e.evaluate( &context ).toInt(), 2 );

void testSqliteFetchAndIncrementWithTranscationMode()
QString testDataDir = QStringLiteral( TEST_DATA_DIR ) + '/';
QTemporaryDir tempDir;
QFile::copy( testDataDir + QStringLiteral( "kbs.qgs" ), tempDir.filePath( "kbs.qgs" ) );
QFile::copy( testDataDir + QStringLiteral( "kbs.gpkg" ), tempDir.filePath( "kbs.gpkg" ) );

QgsProject *project = QgsProject::instance();
QVERIFY( project->read( tempDir.filePath( "kbs.qgs" ) ) );

QgsVectorLayer *zustaendigkeitskataster = project->mapLayer<QgsVectorLayer *>( QStringLiteral( "zustaendigkeitkataster_2b5bb693_3151_4c82_967f_b49d4d348a17" ) );

// There is a default expression setup, dear reader of this test
QVERIFY( zustaendigkeitskataster->defaultValueDefinition( 0 ).expression().contains( "sqlite_fetch_and_increment" ) );


QgsExpressionContext context( QgsExpressionContextUtils::globalProjectLayerScopes( zustaendigkeitskataster ) );
QgsFeature feature = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( zustaendigkeitskataster, QgsGeometry(), QgsAttributeMap(), &context );
QCOMPARE( feature.attribute( "T_Id" ), 0 );
feature.setAttribute( "url_behoerde", "url_behoerde" );
feature.setAttribute( "url_kataster", "url_kataster" );
zustaendigkeitskataster->addFeature( feature );

QgsFeature feature2 = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( zustaendigkeitskataster, QgsGeometry(), QgsAttributeMap(), &context );
QCOMPARE( feature2.attribute( "T_Id" ), 1 );
feature2.setAttribute( "url_behoerde", "url_behoerde_x" );
feature2.setAttribute( "url_kataster", "url_kataster_x" );
zustaendigkeitskataster->addFeature( feature2 );


QCOMPARE( zustaendigkeitskataster->dataProvider()->featureCount(), 2 );


QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsExpression )
Expand Down
41 changes: 0 additions & 41 deletions tests/src/providers/testqgsogrprovider.cpp
Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
#include <qgsproviderregistry.h>
#include <qgsvectorlayer.h>
#include <qgsnetworkaccessmanager.h>
#include <qgsproject.h>
#include <qgsvectorlayerutils.h>
#include <qgstransactiongroup.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>

#include <QObject>

Expand All @@ -50,7 +46,6 @@ class TestQgsOgrProvider : public QObject

void setupProxy();
void decodeUri();
void testGpkgTransactions();

QString mTestDataDir;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,41 +130,5 @@ void TestQgsOgrProvider::decodeUri()
QCOMPARE( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "layerName" ) ).toString(), QString( "a_layer" ) );

void TestQgsOgrProvider::testGpkgTransactions()
QTemporaryDir tempDir;
QFile::copy( mTestDataDir + QStringLiteral( "kbs.qgs" ), tempDir.filePath( "kbs.qgs" ) );
QFile::copy( mTestDataDir + QStringLiteral( "kbs.gpkg" ), tempDir.filePath( "kbs.gpkg" ) );

sqlite3_enable_shared_cache( 1 );
QgsProject *project = QgsProject::instance();
QVERIFY( project->read( tempDir.filePath( "kbs.qgs" ) ) );

QgsVectorLayer *zustaendigkeitskataster = project->mapLayer<QgsVectorLayer *>( QStringLiteral( "zustaendigkeitkataster_2b5bb693_3151_4c82_967f_b49d4d348a17" ) );

// There is a default expression setup, dear reader of this test
QVERIFY( zustaendigkeitskataster->defaultValueDefinition( 0 ).expression().contains( "sqlite_fetch_and_increment" ) );


QgsExpressionContext context( QgsExpressionContextUtils::globalProjectLayerScopes( zustaendigkeitskataster ) );
QgsFeature feature = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( zustaendigkeitskataster, QgsGeometry(), QgsAttributeMap(), &context );
QCOMPARE( feature.attribute( "T_Id" ), 0 );
feature.setAttribute( "url_behoerde", "url_behoerde" );
feature.setAttribute( "url_kataster", "url_kataster" );
zustaendigkeitskataster->addFeature( feature );

QgsFeature feature2 = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( zustaendigkeitskataster, QgsGeometry(), QgsAttributeMap(), &context );
QCOMPARE( feature2.attribute( "T_Id" ), 1 );
feature2.setAttribute( "url_behoerde", "url_behoerde_x" );
feature2.setAttribute( "url_kataster", "url_kataster_x" );
zustaendigkeitskataster->addFeature( feature2 );


QCOMPARE( zustaendigkeitskataster->dataProvider()->featureCount(), 2 );

QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsOgrProvider )
#include "testqgsogrprovider.moc"

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