
From 2013-05-14 to 2013-06-12


10:42 PM Revision 6d9cec52 (qgis): [Feature][QGIS-Server] Specifying url for QgsComposerHtml in GetPRint R...
The idea is to add the capability to specify an URL to a QgsComposerHtml
element in the GetPrint request.
This will g...
D'Hont René-Luc
10:10 PM Revision 85e1ab98 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Plugin installer fixes
Borys Jurgiel
09:58 PM Bug report #8047: gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
Note: after some testing, it's affecting most (if not all) of gdaltool's functions with input / output file select bu... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:31 PM Bug report #8047 (Closed): gdaltool's input / ouptut file selector broken following SIP upgrade
Steps to reproduce (with input):
1. Open gdaltool's merge dialog (Raster > Miscellaneous > Merge)
2. Click on the Inp...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:06 PM Revision e37a6e06 (qgis): customization update
Radim Blazek
08:35 PM Revision b532151c (qgis): GRASS feature id fix, tables selection id fix, fixes #6451
Radim Blazek
04:26 PM Revision 8024df7c (qgis): Don't crash if embedded group cannot be loaded (Fix #7872)
Matthias Kuhn
04:25 PM Bug report #7830 (Closed): Numeric scalebar alignment in map composer does not work
Fixed in changeset commit:"7879d37f5a689a68ed96ebf80aa9e08e01c63068". Nyall Dawson
03:31 PM Bug report #8039 (Closed): Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
Fixed in changeset commit:"f4300df6f321968839ca4647cc55db0998cc1a43". Radim Blazek
12:29 PM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
I got it. It's because of translation. When QGIS is localized, only menus and toolbars work. No dialog, no panel, no ... Borys Jurgiel
12:06 PM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
I have updated customisation.xml.
No idea why it does not work for you, here it seems to work. Can you give one exac...
Radim Blazek
10:06 AM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
It doesn't work for me. I only tested a few dialog windows (none is working) and a few main window toolbar buttons (t... Borys Jurgiel
06:15 AM Bug report #8039: Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
Most probably because resources/customization.xml is not updated. I tried with QgsAbout > tabWidget > Widget2 > txtVe... Radim Blazek
03:05 PM Bug report #8046 (Closed): Missing Polygons when importing a previously exported shapefile using ...
I've obtained the following file from the US Census Bureau.
Jamie none
11:52 AM Bug report #6451: Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in imported vectors...
The problem was that QgsGrassFeatureIterator was using GRASS geometry id as QGIS feature id, but GRASS geometry may b... Radim Blazek
11:37 AM Bug report #6451 (Closed): Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in importe...
Fixed in changeset commit:"b532151c97121bf263e6055a36d99c646d391cae". Radim Blazek
07:32 AM Bug report #6451: Wrong number of records in table of attributes of 1_polygon in imported vectors...
I remember that we talked about it in Essen and it was like you described. I tried again now and I have got 4 records... Radim Blazek
11:27 AM Revision b3d184da (qgis): Updated towgs84 parameters of geographic JTSK CRS, the towgs84 values w...
UPDATE tbl_srs set parameters = '+proj=longlat +ellps=bessel +towgs84=542.5,89.2,456.9,5.517,2.275,5.516,6.96 +no_de... Radim Blazek
11:14 AM Revision 2ffbbded (qgis): Updated towgs84 parameters of JTSK CRS, the towgs84 values were calcula...
UPDATE tbl_srs set parameters = '+proj=krovak +lat_0=49.5 +lon_0=24.83333333333333 +alpha=30.28813972222222 +k=0.9999... Radim Blazek
10:50 AM Revision 9e14b8ee (qgis): raster DrawingStyle to QgsRaster to avoid circular header include
Radim Blazek
10:02 AM Revision 3233d05f (qgis): customisation script moved, removed & from customisation menu items labels
Radim Blazek
07:26 AM Bug report #7872 (Closed): crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
Fixed in changeset commit:"8024df7c934eb9ae159f51ffc0653e8677cb2aff". Matthias Kuhn
02:40 AM Bug report #7872: crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
The crash only occurs if the embed layers are embed from a group and if you select the group.
I join a dataset. Rena...
Denis Rouzaud
06:58 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
I think version should only be used when the format of the configuration changes between versions. Otherwise it's onl... Sandro Santilli
06:43 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
Isn't this currently the case? It is on Windows and the other platforms. Nathan Woodrow
06:41 AM Feature request #7192: system specific location of qgis settings
Folders should be versioned. @~\\Application Data\\qgis2@ and @~/Library/Application Support/QGIS2@. Or better, @..... William Kyngesburye
06:29 AM Feature request #8045 (Closed): add unit test for startup options (pluginpath, configpath)
it would be nice to have test to ensure following options work OK:
- alternative plugin paths set in environnement v...
Regis Haubourg
06:26 AM Revision b287661c (qgis): Don't return null on failed metadata load
Nathan Woodrow
06:01 AM Bug report #8044 (Closed): Strange behavior of feature request with filter rectangle for memory l...
I did miss the flag exactIntersection in QgsFeatureRequest.
With the flag, it works as expected.
Denis Rouzaud
05:40 AM Bug report #8044 (Closed): Strange behavior of feature request with filter rectangle for memory l...
I am experiencing some problems with a feature request using a rectangle
filter on a memory layer containing circles...
Denis Rouzaud
03:57 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> on the latest revision available on osgeo4w a project with wms layer is not affected. I cann...
Salvatore Larosa
03:28 AM Feature request #8043 (Rejected): Avoid duplicate nodes from "Extract Nodes"
When extracting nodes for a polygon it appears that "Vector", "Geometry Tools", "Extract Nodes" outputs the same poin... magerlin -
02:36 AM Bug report #7970: qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
confirmed here, sorry for the delay, I wasn't at office.
Regis Haubourg
02:24 AM Revision 57cb5753 (qgis): Merge pull request #619 from slarosa/generate_pap
[FEATURE] Module to generate prepared APIs file for call tips and auto-completion in Python Console Salvatore Larosa


01:54 AM Revision a602112f (qgis): [Plugin Manager] installer fix
Borys Jurgiel
01:32 AM Revision f8cafe81 (qgis): Fix build error
Nathan Woodrow
12:57 AM Revision 21aecd53 (qgis): Fix python indentation
Nathan Woodrow
12:42 AM Revision 0fd5fd13 (qgis): Don't patch QPyNullVariant if it doesn't exist
Nathan Woodrow
12:10 AM Revision 052669f5 (qgis): Fix #8040. Build error with sip
Nathan Woodrow
12:06 AM Revision 6ddaa3e3 (qgis): [sextante] improved modeler appearance
Victor Olaya
12:06 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Yes sure, if there is only one map in the layout, the combo box will only contain this one map and it will thus be au... Hugo Mercier
10:36 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Please note: if there is only one map in the layout, no choice should be requested. Paolo Cavallini
07:33 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Agreed. Paolo Cavallini
06:35 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Hugo Mercier wrote:
> So, if I understand correctly :
> - the user has to choose the map object on which to compute t...
Giovanni Manghi
06:32 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
So, if I understand correctly :
- the user has to choose the map object on which to compute the world file
- the comp...
Hugo Mercier
11:40 PM Revision ce681ab1 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix the recent commit
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision 74f08c50 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Prevent from removing the official repository
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision 50bf791e (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Translateable name and description in metadata.txt.
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision 3400211f (qgis): [Plugin manager] Minor GUI tweaks
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision bf6e5e13 (qgis): Translation update: pl
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision 62598af6 (qgis): [Plugin Manage] Include tab title pages to i18n. Don't clutter the reso...
Borys Jurgiel
11:30 PM Revision 0fd7435e (qgis): Merge pull request #652 from jetuk/pyplugin_installer-QNAM
pyplugin_installer moved to QNetworkAccessManager from QHttp Borys Jurgiel
11:02 PM Bug report #7970 (Closed): qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
Crash fixed.
Followup for remaining problem: #8041
Matthias Kuhn
10:19 PM Revision 84eb6f81 (qgis): pyplugin_installer moved to QNetworkAccessManager from QHttp
James Tomlinson
09:49 PM Revision 031550ac (qgis): translation update by Calvin
Werner Macho
08:58 PM Bug report #8041 (Closed): crs selector dialog broken in new spatialite layer window
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the new spatialite layer window (Layer > New > New spatialite layer...)
2. Click on speci...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:01 PM Revision 1bfa9709 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] improving to auto closing bracket
Salvatore Larosa
06:24 PM Revision 12fcea16 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] removes console/help folder:
it is no longer necessary, now it is into context help Salvatore Larosa
06:20 PM Revision a415950d (qgis): [pyqgis-console] another updating to new SIP API
Salvatore Larosa
04:51 PM Bug report #6628 (Closed): plugin manager checkboxes don't render properly
it must be fixed in the new manager with QStandardItems. Borys Jurgiel
04:51 PM Bug report #6628 (Closed): plugin manager checkboxes don't render properly
it must be fixed in the new manager with QStandardItems. Borys Jurgiel
04:47 PM Bug report #7268 (Closed): Master crashes after a typo in API: QgsMapLayerRegistry.removeMapLayer...
Seems it's fixed in the meantime. Borys Jurgiel
04:47 PM Bug report #7268 (Closed): Master crashes after a typo in API: QgsMapLayerRegistry.removeMapLayer...
Seems it's fixed in the meantime. Borys Jurgiel
04:43 PM Bug report #7089 (Closed): Python console help window max size is too tiny
Borys Jurgiel
04:42 PM Bug report #6399 (Closed): "Layer>Create new GPX layer" should be in "new" submenu
Seems it has been fixed in the meantime. Borys Jurgiel
04:42 PM Bug report #6399 (Closed): "Layer>Create new GPX layer" should be in "new" submenu
Seems it has been fixed in the meantime. Borys Jurgiel
04:38 PM Bug report #7801 (Closed): plugin path
Fixed in the new plugin manager Borys Jurgiel
04:38 PM Bug report #7801 (Closed): plugin path
Fixed in the new plugin manager Borys Jurgiel
04:36 PM Bug report #4654 (Closed): plugin_installer: drop "Only show plugins from the official repository...
Borys Jurgiel
04:10 PM Revision bb6a4ee7 (qgis): Merge pull request #625 from vinayan/projcrash
[Fix #7964] Ftools-Sum Line length - Fix progress bar Nathan Woodrow
03:10 PM Bug report #8040 (Closed): sip-related build failure in trunk
Fixed in changeset commit:"052669f5c5e70d28c8b071fa68cba0b8c87fa4fa". Anonymous
01:51 PM Bug report #8040 (Closed): sip-related build failure in trunk
Attempting to build the latest code, I fail with the following output. Perhaps this is related to recent sip updates:... John Tull
02:48 PM Revision 6381d626 (qgis): Use python None object for NULL attributes
Matthias Kuhn
02:25 PM Revision 25244e01 (qgis): Merge pull request #651 from slarosa/fix_dbmanager
[DB Manager] fix for PostGIS Raster Layer Giuseppe Sucameli
02:21 PM Revision 8cd8969a (qgis): [DB Manager] fix for PostGIS Raster Layer
Salvatore Larosa
02:16 PM Revision 3b4dfd72 (qgis): [FEATURE] [pyqgis-console] Module to generate prepared APIs for calltip...
Salvatore Larosa
02:15 PM Revision 8392c93d (qgis): Monkey patch __nonzero__ onto QPyNullVariant for easier null check.
Who doesn't love monkeys :) Nathan Woodrow
02:11 PM Revision 3115c309 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add DataUrl to layer's metadata
Like keyword list, attribution and metadata url, this information is
used by QGIS Server in WMS GetCapabilities and G...
D'Hont René-Luc
10:18 AM Revision 597c4028 (qgis): also update networkanalysis.sip (following 61e101dd4)
Jürgen Fischer
09:53 AM Revision 0f3f440c (qgis): debian packaging: replace %Module directive in header for older sip ver...
Jürgen Fischer
09:29 AM Bug report #8039 (Closed): Customization doesn't work in dialog windows
Disabling dialog elements doesn't take any effect. I assume it's a regression, please downgrade if it was already bro... Borys Jurgiel
09:11 AM Revision a6f9f563 (qgis): Fix #8034. Sextante SIP update
Nathan Woodrow
08:25 AM Revision 3e7fb5c9 (qgis): Fix #8035. Sip update for plugin installer
Nathan Woodrow
08:09 AM Revision bfbd3673 (qgis): Fix Python init function call
Nathan Woodrow
07:10 AM Bug report #7964 (Closed): Sum Line Lengths - Progress bar reports incorrect progress
Fixed in changeset commit:"bb6a4ee770041eb161b84c96ad8725790d92a36d". Nathan Woodrow
04:14 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Seems to be related to WMS provider. Can you please verify it only happens with WMS layers and...
Giovanni Manghi
02:00 AM Bug report #8038: core dump on opening project
Seems to be related to WMS provider. Can you please verify it only happens with WMS layers and possibly attach an aff... Matthias Kuhn
02:08 AM Bug report #8037: new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
Note: it's also happening on barrier=wall.
OpenStreetMap wiki mentions that barrier={fence,wall} can be applied to a...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


01:44 AM Bug report #8038 (Feedback): core dump on opening project
any project or a specific one? Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Bug report #8038 (Closed): core dump on opening project
1.9.0-Master nightly build updated today:... Gavin Fleming
01:42 AM Bug report #8037 (Closed): new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
Basically, if an area way(e.g. amenity=place_of_worship, amenity=school, etc.) has an extra barrier=fence tag onto it... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:44 AM Bug report #8015: Misleading error message in Oracle provider
BTW should still work (note only for i386). Jürgen Fischer
10:39 AM Bug report #8015: Misleading error message in Oracle provider
I have no longer access to the Oracle instance, so I cannot paste precise working here. Sorry about that. Paolo Cavallini
12:36 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
No access to the Oracle instance, sorry. Paolo Cavallini
12:34 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
Um, I was asking for more information - not to (slightly) rephrase the old ;)
Which error message do you get?
Jürgen Fischer
10:37 AM Bug report #8021: Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
I select a table, and a field that is in fact not unique, so not a good PK candidate. If I try to load the table in t... Paolo Cavallini
12:12 AM Bug report #8034 (Closed): sextante output 'save to file' broken (error message included)
Fixed in changeset commit:"a6f9f563095d2ebd3334de3809bda1d2f8ec1d64". Anonymous
09:34 PM Bug report #8034 (Closed): sextante output 'save to file' broken (error message included)
Using the attached .model, or any simple algorithm, when relying on a non-temporary file output (i.e. defining output... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:56 PM Bug report #7970: qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
I've tried and can't reproduce crash. Regis, can you confirm it's been fixed and close the issue? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:44 PM Bug report #7950 (Closed): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) featu...
Thanks Marco. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:44 PM Bug report #7950 (Closed): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) featu...
Thanks Marco. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:43 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
Hmm, no bug, only some mysterious voodoo that changed the crs for new layer default setting. Closing, thanks to Natha... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:43 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
Hmm, no bug, only some mysterious voodoo that changed the crs for new layer default setting. Closing, thanks to Natha... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:01 PM Bug report #8033 (Closed): CRS selector window stopped showing when inserting shapefile with miss...
In QGIS 1.8, and under QGIS master until very recently, the CRS selector window pops up when inserting into a project... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:26 PM Bug report #8035 (Closed): Plugin manager startup error related to Proxy
Fixed in changeset commit:"3e7fb5c9cbf6eb6103729ca9bc1376c089edf5ae". Anonymous
11:20 PM Bug report #8035 (Closed): Plugin manager startup error related to Proxy
When a proxy is set in the general options, the plugin manager cannot be started.
I get the following Python error:
Andreas Neumann
09:05 PM Bug report #7994: legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
Radim, great, working like a charm here. Also, glad you introduced the title spacing option, that was needed. Cheers Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:12 AM Bug report #7994: legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
I have changed a bit spacing. Instead of using group top margin for space between the title and the first item in col... Radim Blazek
05:08 AM Bug report #7994 (Closed): legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
Fixed in changeset commit:"499db4ecc8d91343f16c73da3575ff478303dde3". Radim Blazek
08:55 PM Revision 039ae695 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Make appropriate methods const
Borys Jurgiel
08:55 PM Revision a3ea7ce1 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Minor gui tweaks
Borys Jurgiel
08:08 PM Revision 9ca721e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #650 from imincik/slovak
Slovak translation update. Werner Macho
07:22 PM Revision 6558b532 (qgis): Slovak translation update.
Ivan Mincik
02:14 PM Revision 499db4ec (qgis): composer legend spacing corrected, fixes #7994
Radim Blazek
11:16 AM Revision f54d9791 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Maximum major, minor and bugfix version is 99.99.99. B...
Borys Jurgiel
07:34 AM Revision 3361d852 (qgis): Merge pull request #645 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
update GUI translation JA woked with Minoru Akagi Werner Macho
05:17 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
duplicate of #6802 Giovanni Manghi
05:17 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
duplicate of #6802 Giovanni Manghi
03:47 AM Bug report #8031 (Closed): Empty field values in expression builder of the add WFS layer dialog
"Load all unique values" and "Load 10 sample values" do not show values
for the fields in query builder of the Add WF...
Salvatore Larosa
04:48 AM Bug report #6514: "slider" and "dial" in edit widget "range" do not show any value when used, so ...
Still here in current Master version 76e6090 Jana Kormanikova
03:30 AM Revision a8574348 (qgis): update GUI translation JA woked with Minoru Akagi
yoichi Kayama
02:54 AM Revision 430f0fcb (qgis): Add user notification when defined labeling font is not found on system...
- [API] add signal to QgsVectorLayer that is emitted when its labeling font is not found
- Message bar notification o...
Larry Shaffer
02:54 AM Revision 44d89a47 (qgis): Update label gui and rendering with QgsFontUtils functions
Larry Shaffer
02:54 AM Revision 04c4db1b (qgis): Add QgsFontUtils class to handle system font queries and style changes
Larry Shaffer
02:54 AM Revision b9d0bc87 (qgis): Followup to b383c69. Keep labeling dialog from calling init() twice fro...
Larry Shaffer
02:54 AM Revision b9b85138 (qgis): Check only what's necessary to see if a layer will be labeled
- Don't load all settings from QgsPalLayerSettings::readFromLayer Larry Shaffer
02:46 AM Revision 112ad3c1 (qgis): Update core plugins qgisMinimumVersion to 2.0
Borys Jurgiel
02:46 AM Revision 97115061 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix for compatibility check in QgsPluginInstaller and ...
Borys Jurgiel
02:10 AM Bug report #8024 (Closed): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selection ...
weird, compiled today and it is ok... sorry for the noise. Giovanni Manghi
02:10 AM Bug report #8024 (Closed): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selection ...
weird, compiled today and it is ok... sorry for the noise. Giovanni Manghi


01:22 AM Revision 61e101dd (qgis): Allow keyword args in Python classes. Fix sip headers
Nathan Woodrow
01:21 AM Revision d5397390 (qgis): Add __getattr__ and __setattr__ to QgsFeature
Nathan Woodrow
11:42 PM Bug report #8024 (Feedback): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selectio...
Works for me.
I tried select single feature / select rectangle / select freehand tools. Is there anything else I need...
Matthias Kuhn
11:42 PM Bug report #8024 (Feedback): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selectio...
Works for me.
I tried select single feature / select rectangle / select freehand tools. Is there anything else I need...
Matthias Kuhn
11:07 PM Revision d004791c (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Temporarily hardcode QGIS_VERSION=2.0.0 in the QgsPlug...
Borys Jurgiel
11:07 PM Revision 5c50e2a6 (qgis): Check qgsMaximumVersion also when loading plugin to QgsPluginRegistry
Borys Jurgiel
11:07 PM Revision 094245ef (qgis): Merge pull request #641 from rduivenvoorde/pluginmantxt
[Plugin Manager] texts and context help text for pluginmanager Borys Jurgiel
10:47 PM Bug report #8027: qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
If I understand it correctly, it works here. Paolo Cavallini
10:17 PM Revision dbace484 (qgis): translation update: zh_CN by Calvin
Werner Macho
10:05 PM Revision 801f5091 (qgis): translation update: ro by Bogdan Pacurar
Werner Macho
09:56 PM Revision 9292333a (qgis): delete unused resource files
if I understand jef correctly, these files are all not used anymore (plz correct
me if I'm wrong).
The build and scri...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:46 PM Revision 142df9aa (qgis): purge olde PluginInstallerDialog context help
there will be a new QgsPluginManager help file Richard Duivenvoorde
09:42 PM Revision a792fac2 (qgis): purge old doc/plugins directory
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:37 PM Revision 50b96d73 (qgis): QGis => QGIS updates
Jürgen Fischer
07:44 PM Revision ce9ed158 (qgis): texts and context help text for pluginmanager
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:52 PM Revision 10f3cf38 (qgis): more QuantumGIS => QGIS updates
Jürgen Fischer
06:51 PM Revision 7cabfccc (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
06:51 PM Revision f0c605e0 (qgis): dbmanager: add i18n
Jürgen Fischer
05:51 PM Revision d6fa7652 (qgis): Set Qsettings' ApplicationName to QGIS2 everywhere in src
Borys Jurgiel
05:12 PM Revision 24b6b0c0 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Forgotten CMake entry. Following c490688106941be91e5
Borys Jurgiel
04:46 PM Revision c4906881 (qgis): [PluginManager] Move title pages for tabs to the resources. Will be inc...
Borys Jurgiel
04:15 PM Revision b3e5e629 (qgis): [sextante] removed debug code
Victor Olaya
04:05 PM Revision ca6e3992 (qgis): [sextante] more work on updating to new SIP API
Victor Olaya
03:36 PM Revision 1d2117f9 (qgis): [PluginManager] Filter by repository under rightclick on the repo list ...
Borys Jurgiel
02:48 PM Bug report #8030 (Closed): Old labeling does not work in 1.9
When importing a 1.8 project, the default label of "Label" is displayed. I tried using the old labeling in a new proj... rcline -
01:55 PM Bug report #7441: Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
Hi Nyall,
I don't have the time to do so, but a review of my vertical tab GUI update to the Project Properties dialo...
Larry Shaffer
10:58 AM Revision 6caa8bcb (qgis): yet another german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
10:56 AM Revision 8609a41d (qgis): allow utf8 in metadata.txt
Jürgen Fischer
07:26 AM Bug report #8026 (Closed): qgis-server non work with spatialite db
aperi2007 -
07:24 AM Bug report #8026: qgis-server non work with spatialite db
The effective bug was that qgis-server don't recognize the relative path for a spatialite.
It work instead on qgis-de...
aperi2007 -


12:52 AM Revision 95dcd960 (qgis): [Plugon Manager] Fix compile error (follows abef7a5fe4d)
Borys Jurgiel
12:29 AM Revision 780301c9 (qgis): [PluginManager] Code cleanup: keep one class per file also in Python
Borys Jurgiel
12:29 AM Revision abef7a5f (qgis): [Plugin Installer] Better uninstall obsolete user plugins masking more ...
Borys Jurgiel
12:10 AM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
please see
Giovanni Manghi
12:10 AM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
please see
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 PM Bug report #8029 (Closed): Plugin load errors on startup
Both the fTools and sextante plugins no longer load on startup. See attached errors.
This is on QGIS 95dcd96.
Aren Cambre
11:34 PM Revision 780772f3 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] fixes for the new SIP APIs
Salvatore Larosa
09:22 PM Revision c0e7102f (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Minor fixes and gui tweaks
Borys Jurgiel
06:31 PM Bug report #8028 (In Progress): QGIS Nightly: Update to new PyQt (SIP) API
This is a known issue, please see Nathan Woodrow
06:09 PM Bug report #8028 (Closed): QGIS Nightly: Update to new PyQt (SIP) API
Latest QGIS_2.0-dev 1.9.0-Master (15e3fc3), broke a lot of plug-ins under Mac OS X. 3 days ago only sextante was brok... Rhenriques Henriques
05:38 PM Revision 0416a21a (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
12:51 PM Bug report #8027 (Closed): qgis-server doesn't understand correctly the relative path
As reported:
Using a relative path and putting the db spatialite in the same folder where is the project.
The qgis-se...
aperi2007 -
12:48 PM Bug report #8026: qgis-server non work with spatialite db
Hi found the real problem.
Te qgis-server don't understand correctly the relative path.
It work only using an absolu...
aperi2007 -
12:23 PM Bug report #8026 (Closed): qgis-server non work with spatialite db
The qgis-server compiled on a linux server from qgis-dev don't use correctly a spatialite DB.
The linux has an extern...
aperi2007 -
08:58 AM Revision 22133d83 (qgis): Merge SIP v2 update
Nathan Woodrow
08:57 AM Revision a939ab18 (qgis): Sextante SIP update
Nathan Woodrow
08:49 AM Revision f136f42f (qgis): Plugin installer sip update
Nathan Woodrow
08:00 AM Revision af52ffa2 (qgis): Update plugin installer to new API
Nathan Woodrow
07:59 AM Revision e6f98362 (qgis): Merge master
Nathan Woodrow


01:47 AM Revision 02c29c0c (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Better sorting by status, minor gui fixes and improvem...
Borys Jurgiel
01:26 AM Revision 8a85bcb3 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:24 AM Revision 3d9d1eeb (qgis): postgresql & oracle provider fixes:
- start with an empty line edit when entering srids (fixes #8016)
- oracle provider: order primary key candidates in ...
Jürgen Fischer
12:47 AM Revision eea63a47 (qgis): [sextante] fixed issue with multiple raster input in gdal merge
Victor Olaya
08:06 PM Revision da0b468e (qgis): increased raster DEM maximum exaggeration limit, fixes #7599
Radim Blazek
07:45 PM Bug report #7960: diagrams - pie chart _ color mapping
Thanks for fixing it. I tested the nightly build (-302 in osgeo4w) and it works correctly.
Angus Carr
06:29 PM Revision 0881643e (qgis): reset brush before raster layer draw, fixes #7766
Radim Blazek
06:08 PM Revision 1cce2683 (qgis): Update QGIS Server OWS Capabilities
Has OWS capabilities and context validated for metadata D'Hont René-Luc
04:42 PM Revision 4c5c159a (qgis): Force GRASS shell font by setStyleSheet, hopefully fixes #7340; added b...
Radim Blazek
04:26 PM Bug report #8016 (Closed): edit field to enter SRID: default text should disappear on click
Fixed in changeset commit:"3d9d1eeb33de58135cd48c068131af28c8dc9189". Jürgen Fischer
04:26 PM Bug report #8018 (Closed): Sorting field order in Oracle data provider
Fixed in changeset commit:"3d9d1eeb33de58135cd48c068131af28c8dc9189". Jürgen Fischer
04:16 PM Bug report #8015 (Feedback): Misleading error message in Oracle provider
Jürgen Fischer
04:16 PM Bug report #8015: Misleading error message in Oracle provider
Please provide verbatim information. Jürgen Fischer
04:05 PM Revision 71b88252 (qgis): placeholderText requires Qt 4.7
Radim Blazek
04:05 PM Bug report #8021 (Feedback): Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
Please provide more information. Jürgen Fischer
04:03 PM Revision 15e3fc35 (qgis): Keep zoom level constant if zooming to one selected point
Marco Hugentobler
04:03 PM Revision 5f6b4bfa (qgis): ogr debug fix
Radim Blazek
02:59 PM Revision 870ecf57 (qgis): [diagrams] Fix scaling and positioning of histograms
Matthias Kuhn
01:40 PM Revision 63617bab (qgis): Fix crash when selecting invalid CRS in new spatialite dialog
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 AM Bug report #7599 (Closed): Raster DEM tools GUI limits necessary z factor values
Fixed in changeset commit:"da0b468ed7be91a44d458157932a90c758582fdb". Radim Blazek
10:31 AM Revision 73e9c318 (qgis): Fix canvas refresh on layer load
Nathan Woodrow
09:27 AM Bug report #7766: Raster layers missing from pdf when composer map background has alpha < 255
IMO it is a bug in Qt, it seems that wrongly applies alpha of last brush also to drawImage(). I have added
Radim Blazek
09:23 AM Bug report #7766 (Closed): Raster layers missing from pdf when composer map background has alpha ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"0881643e0b25465c55f54818d1bc7a90729574fe". Radim Blazek
09:17 AM Revision 8c840e99 (qgis): [diagrams] Diagram fixes and UI improvements (Fix #7960)
* Use correct color for pie chart if only one value is >0
* Show default text in scaling text box
Matthias Kuhn
08:57 AM Bug report #8023: if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attributes are ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> ok. It is anyway a behavior different from 1.8, so I guess we should document it (if not alr...
Jürgen Fischer
08:43 AM Bug report #8023 (Closed): if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attrib...
ok. It is anyway a behavior different from 1.8, so I guess we should document it (if not already). Giovanni Manghi
08:43 AM Bug report #8023 (Closed): if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attrib...
ok. It is anyway a behavior different from 1.8, so I guess we should document it (if not already). Giovanni Manghi
08:40 AM Bug report #8023: if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attributes are ...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> not reproducable here. () means that the value doesn't exist in the map. Maybe you have yo...
Giovanni Manghi
08:37 AM Bug report #8023: if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attributes are ...
not reproducable here. () means that the value doesn't exist in the map. Maybe you have your map reverse (first co... Jürgen Fischer
08:29 AM Bug report #8023 (Closed): if using edit widget "value map" then the value in the table of attrib...
subject says it all,
pick a vector and set the edit widget "value map" for a text column with values in it, this are...
Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #8024 (Closed): the ctrl key does not work anymore to make multiple feature selection ...
subject says it all. Tested on master. Giovanni Manghi
07:46 AM Bug report #7340: GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
QWidget::setFont() does not guarantee to really change the font, I added
@setStyleSheet( "font-size: 10pt; font-fam...
Radim Blazek
07:36 AM Bug report #7340 (Closed): GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
Fixed in changeset commit:"4c5c159ae297602fed631905669ffc0a92beb9d7". Radim Blazek
06:57 AM Bug report #4419: Improve random colour ramps
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"f01206565847655d1caee64d342d999988c66491".
Hi Nyall, good afternoon...
Giovanni Manghi
06:51 AM Bug report #8022 (Closed): Ubuntu DSN connection
Questions need to be posted on the users/developers mailing lists or IRC or the tracker is for ... Giovanni Manghi
06:51 AM Bug report #8022 (Closed): Ubuntu DSN connection
Questions need to be posted on the users/developers mailing lists or IRC or the tracker is for ... Giovanni Manghi
06:46 AM Bug report #8022 (Closed): Ubuntu DSN connection
I have a problem. Follow Ubuntu + FreeTDS + unixODBC + qgis 1.8.0
Settings FreeTDS
host = 192.168.0...
Laurentiu Mihai
05:11 AM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
Piotr Pociask wrote:
> > If geometry types are known for tables, there should be no slowdown, features are scanned on...
Radim Blazek
04:39 AM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
Radim Blazek wrote:
> If it is only slow with network files on Windows, it could be similar problem as #6448.
Maybe ...
Piotr Pociask
03:14 AM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
Piotr Pociask wrote:
> About performance issues when I'm opening mdb with 4 layers with total 25K features I don't fe...
Radim Blazek
04:42 AM Bug report #7970 (Feedback): qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
I just solved a likely related crash ( in commit:63617ba )
Can you check and mark this issue as "Closed" or "New" acc...
Matthias Kuhn
04:09 AM Bug report #7872 (Feedback): crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
Can't reproduce. Can you provide example projects? Matthias Kuhn
04:02 AM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
Works fine here on Fedora 18 / master (Debug) as well. Matthias Kuhn
03:24 AM Bug report #6978 (Open): GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
Giovanni Manghi
03:22 AM Bug report #7961 (Closed): Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
this should be duplicated of #8005 and was fixed. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:22 AM Bug report #7961 (Closed): Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
this should be duplicated of #8005 and was fixed. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:13 AM Feature request #8006: Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wrap on text" ...
James Harvey wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > there is the "wrap on text" option, is no good for you?
> I canno...
Giovanni Manghi


01:19 AM Bug report #8016: edit field to enter SRID: default text should disappear on click
Yes, the case where the SRID is to be written, in the SRID column Paolo Cavallini
01:15 AM Bug report #8016: edit field to enter SRID: default text should disappear on click
case srid? Do you mean column? Jürgen Fischer
01:06 AM Bug report #8016 (Closed): edit field to enter SRID: default text should disappear on click
When loading a table, and clicking on the srid edit field, the text is editable; better to erase it and leave it empt... Paolo Cavallini
01:14 AM Bug report #8021 (Closed): Wrong PK selected: unclear error message
If a wrong PK is selected, the error message does not refer to the PK (I understand it is probably not possible to kn... Paolo Cavallini
01:13 AM Bug report #8020 (Open): Do not list MBR as tables in Oracle
In the listing of tables, indices (MBR) are displayed as geometry tables; this is confusing, if possible better avoid... Paolo Cavallini
01:12 AM Bug report #8019 (Closed): Column listing Oracle table fields: sort order incorrect
Loading Oracle tables: when widening the column (too small by default BTW) for selecting the PK, the content is no lo... Paolo Cavallini
01:09 AM Bug report #8018 (Closed): Sorting field order in Oracle data provider
Loading tables: the order of the fields for selecting the PK is not always the same as in the table Paolo Cavallini
01:08 AM Feature request #8017 (Open): Easier SRID selection in Oracle
Loading a table, one has always to select a SRID (if not defined correctly in the table). This is rather cumbersome, ... Paolo Cavallini
01:04 AM Bug report #8015 (Closed): Misleading error message in Oracle provider
When loading a table and a SRID is not selected, the error message is misleading (select a table instead of select a ... Paolo Cavallini
12:36 AM Bug report #7960: diagrams - pie chart _ color mapping
Thank you for reporting this bug
@Angus Carr:
??but a double 0 is not going to be equal to boolean False??
It do...
Matthias Kuhn
12:19 AM Bug report #7960 (Closed): diagrams - pie chart _ color mapping
Fixed in changeset commit:"8c840e99574ec3ce2cce45a0bc51bc87d88e3b8a". Matthias Kuhn
11:52 PM Bug report #7960: diagrams - pie chart _ color mapping
I have also experienced this bug. In my case, the size of the pie chart can be fixed or data driven. If the class is ... Angus Carr
12:06 AM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
Thanks Radim for quick fix. I've tested QGSI master and for now mdb files are working ok.
About performance issues w...
Piotr Pociask
04:21 AM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
Single/multi types were represented as separate sublayers because that is how usual formats work (shapefile, Postgis,... Radim Blazek
04:07 AM Bug report #8001 (Closed): Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ES...
Fixed in changeset commit:"c8ff3866957ea0851c515e17c018c1271f687da1". Radim Blazek
11:41 PM Revision eda9cd33 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Better cope with broken plugins
Borys Jurgiel
11:06 PM Revision b005f104 (qgis): translation update:
- add -f flag ('fast' mode; only update specified languages
and don't run
- tsstat.p...
Jürgen Fischer
10:11 PM Revision 6b0ce086 (qgis): fix activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions (fixes #8005)
Jürgen Fischer
09:54 PM Revision cbd335a2 (qgis): [sextante] fixed delete duplicated geoms algorithm
Victor Olaya
09:25 PM Bug report #8010 (Closed): Shapefile open fail (contain non ascii character in path name)
Thank you for advice.
My binary is linked with GDAL1.92
Then I set null to GDA...
yoichi Kayama
06:02 PM Bug report #8010: Shapefile open fail (contain non ascii character in path name)
No problem here with the same revision (5e29777, OSGeo4W qgis-dev 1.9.0-299).
Are you using GDAL 1.9? Can you confirm...
Minoru Akagi
08:43 AM Bug report #8010: Shapefile open fail (contain non ascii character in path name)
Since this used to work in previous versions I'm updating the status to "Blocker". Filipe Dias
05:03 AM Bug report #8010 (Closed): Shapefile open fail (contain non ascii character in path name)
Add vector layer ,using shapefile, which path has non ascii character (Japanese SJIS) open fail.
in log OGR Data s...
yoichi Kayama
07:43 PM Revision 23bbec32 (qgis): [sextante] updated link to sextante chapter in error messages
Victor Olaya
07:43 PM Revision facc1989 (qgis): [sextante]added checking for R installation
Victor Olaya
07:43 PM Revision db101a3d (qgis): [sextante] fixed idle progress bar in execution dialog
Victor Olaya
07:27 PM Revision bfc92f78 (qgis): Revert target hyphen change (update ADD_SIP_PYTHON_MODULE macro first)
Larry Shaffer
06:46 PM Revision d5d99758 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
06:46 PM Revision 33739686 (qgis): include python parts of plugin installer in ts files and a translation ...
Jürgen Fischer
06:43 PM Bug report #8007 (Closed): sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input in orfeo toolbox algorithms
Alright, the problem was with the user, me, not sextante :)
I was mislead into thinking that a "File" input meant a ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:43 PM Bug report #8007 (Closed): sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input in orfeo toolbox algorithms
Alright, the problem was with the user, me, not sextante :)
I was mislead into thinking that a "File" input meant a ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:10 AM Bug report #8007: sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input in orfeo toolbox algorithms
I guess that what he means is that, although is a raster input, you should be able to use a file, like in the toolbox... Victor Olaya
10:56 AM Bug report #8007 (Feedback): sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input in orfeo toolbox algor...
I don't confirm, in that tool 'input image' is reserved for a raster input.
If you try other tools, where there are ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:40 PM Bug report #8014 (Closed): simple sextante model to merge raster layers (via gdal) not working
The attached sextante modeler merging algorithm fails under current master build (rev. eda9cd3). It seems the merged ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:30 PM Revision 0d1d1b79 (qgis): [sextante] improvements in batch processing interface
Victor Olaya
05:30 PM Revision 17ca3008 (qgis): [sextante] fixed issue with blank spaces in filenames in OTB
Victor Olaya
03:13 PM Revision 64a77afe (qgis): Merge pull request #638 from 3nids/typo
typo Matthias Kuhn
02:46 PM Revision 4d72f82c (qgis): typo
Denis Rouzaud
02:31 PM Feature request #8006: Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wrap on text" ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> there is the "wrap on text" option, is no good for you?
I cannot see this option on my 1.9 ...
James Harvey
09:01 AM Feature request #8006 (Feedback): Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wra...
there is the "wrap on text" option, is no good for you? Giovanni Manghi
01:16 PM Bug report #8005 (Closed): Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
Fixed in changeset commit:"6b0ce086f63830188af65e037012fddfff5cde67". Jürgen Fischer
11:54 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I can confirm the issue:
the owner of the table has the following capabilities:
Add Features, Delete Features, Chan...
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I can confirm the issue:
the owner of the table has the following capabilities:
Add Features, Delete Features, Chan...
Giovanni Manghi
10:36 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I have tested this using the QGIS weekly build from June 3, downloaded here:
I've a...
Brett Z
10:26 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
Brett Z wrote:
> I've investigated this issue further, and found that regardless of the schema the table is in, I can...
Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I've investigated this issue further, and found that regardless of the schema the table is in, I can only add feature... Brett Z
09:56 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
Thank you for the suggestion. My search path is the default: "$user", public. I've tried changing it around, but unfo... Brett Z
09:32 AM Bug report #8005: Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I guess you have things to tune in your search path, unclear what.
Default postgres search path of roles add a user ...
Regis Haubourg
01:13 PM Revision c8ff3866 (qgis): ogr virtual layers mix single and multi types in sublayers, fixed featu...
Radim Blazek
12:08 PM Bug report #8011: SEXTANTE dependency error
it seems that GRASS is not correctly configured in your computer...
I have updated the link, though
Victor Olaya
11:20 AM Bug report #8011 (Feedback): SEXTANTE dependency error
it works fine here on the latest build available on Linux and Windows. Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #8011 (Closed): SEXTANTE dependency error
I try to use the function (v.clean, v.cleanadvance and in SEXTANTE toolbox.
SEXTANTE says: MISSING dependen...
Rocco Pispico
10:33 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
I've tested the latest master (e7ea582) on win7. The problem is not solved. It's important to make multiple cuts over... Alessandro Ciali
10:32 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
regis Haubourg wrote:
> not confirmed on osgeo4w revision 5e29777
it is confirmed here on linux, see attached screen...
Giovanni Manghi
09:20 AM Bug report #7267: loss of attributes during split feature operation
not confirmed on osgeo4w revision 5e29777
Regis Haubourg
10:15 AM Bug report #7340: GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
Some observations:
* QTermWidget tries to set via TerminalDisplay::setVTFont font with family "Monospace"
* setVTFon...
Radim Blazek
10:06 AM Bug report #7550: Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it seems fixed with PostGIS, but not with Spatialite, do you confirm?
unfortunately I have ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:03 AM Bug report #7550 (Feedback): Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
it seems fixed with PostGIS, but not with Spatialite, do you confirm? Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #7643: Empty console Output on R, under SEXTANTE
See also #8012 Filipe Dias
09:28 AM Revision bdb2a4f1 (qgis): Don't pile derived attributes (Fix #7850)
Matthias Kuhn
09:23 AM Bug report #7468: Printing above A2 (not included) shrinks map contents in output
Same kind of problems occured last year with atlas output. Do you still confirm? Regis Haubourg
09:06 AM Revision af73fce2 (qgis): translation update: farsi
Werner Macho
09:06 AM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
Not confirmed here on osgeo4w with extract nodes Regis Haubourg
09:04 AM Bug report #6723 (Feedback): Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
09:03 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
mescal72 - wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer - wrote:
> What capabilities does QGIS detect (see vector layer properties, me...
Giovanni Manghi
05:46 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
Jürgen Fischer - wrote:
What capabilities does QGIS detect (see vector layer properties, metadata tab)?
From Lay...
Luca Lanteri
09:01 AM Bug report #6383 (Closed): Map overview broken
Giovanni Manghi
07:57 AM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
Hi, not reproduced in osgeo4w master 5e29777.. Regis Haubourg
08:52 AM Bug report #7722 (Closed): Core plugins showing "?" instead of their version number.
I'm almost sure it was only related to the old installer. Please reopen if I'm wrong. Borys Jurgiel
08:52 AM Bug report #7722 (Closed): Core plugins showing "?" instead of their version number.
I'm almost sure it was only related to the old installer. Please reopen if I'm wrong. Borys Jurgiel
08:46 AM Revision c4ba0a0c (qgis): Merge pull request #637 from qgis-jp/for_pull_from_ja
update GUI translation ja with Minoru Akagi Werner Macho
07:18 AM Revision 9a7776a2 (qgis): Fix #7973 Move print as raster and resolution spin box to "paper and qu...
Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Revision e49783dd (qgis): update GUI translation ja with Minoru Akagi
yoichi Kayama
06:30 AM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Laurent Defert
06:27 AM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
I do have a project CRS specified, and *Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation is selected*.
I'm seeing *360795* in ...
Aren Cambre
04:56 AM Bug report #8003: Font is not written to table when using change label properties tool
Thanks Larry for your work!
Regis Haubourg
02:31 AM Revision 46fedf96 (qgis): Only refresh canvas when needed on drop event
Nathan Woodrow


01:14 AM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
Can't reproduce with the attached dataset (tried several times).
A crashdump/stacktrace and debug output would be ver...
Matthias Kuhn
01:05 AM Revision e7ea582e (qgis): Merge pull request #636 from vinayan/zoomlayerextent
[Fix #7333] - Zoom to layer does not work anymore for newly created shapefiles Nathan Woodrow
01:01 AM Revision c1fb1bb4 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:00 AM Bug report #7722: Core plugins showing "?" instead of their version number.
Seems to be fixed with new plugin manager. Please verify and close if appropriate. Matthias Kuhn
12:53 AM Revision 18475b8a (qgis): more edit widget fixes:
- handle editable state in drag&drop forms like in automatically generated
- allow to set minimum size of web...
Jürgen Fischer
12:39 AM Bug report #7850: Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
Thank you! :) Minoru Akagi
12:30 AM Bug report #7850 (Closed): Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
Fixed in changeset commit:"bdb2a4f1a2088d248eaebd70307dc25e694eaad1". Matthias Kuhn
11:47 PM Bug report #8007 (Closed): sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input in orfeo toolbox algorithms
Sextante modeler doesn't allow for file input to be used with Orfeo Toolbox algorithms, even though the same algorith... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:44 PM Revision f23353cb (qgis): Enable SEXTANTE plugin by default
Borys Jurgiel
10:22 PM Bug report #7973 (Closed): DPI field not properly labeled in Print Composer
Fixed in changeset commit:"9a7776a239b58d58a4c65ab750f7a41b301b6f18". Nyall Dawson
09:13 PM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
Actually - I've tracked down the problem I was experiencing - I had changed the CRS for a project, but the map extent... Nyall Dawson
09:13 PM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
Actually - I've tracked down the problem I was experiencing - I had changed the CRS for a project, but the map extent... Nyall Dawson
09:13 PM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
Actually - I've tracked down the problem I was experiencing - I had changed the CRS for a project, but the map extent... Nyall Dawson
08:57 PM Feature request #8006 (Closed): Adjust print composer table columns with long text (or add "wrap ...
It would be good to adjust the print composer data tables so that long text within a row can wrap. James Harvey
07:55 PM Revision 3ce742d7 (qgis): Allow "Experimental" status also for c++ plugins. Mark Globe plugin exp...
Borys Jurgiel
07:41 PM Revision 6bbc149d (qgis): Clear cached geometries after commit / rollback. Fixes ticket #7950
Marco Hugentobler
06:32 PM Revision 1c31a6e3 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
06:32 PM Revision 3c508d61 (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
06:32 PM Revision 33d4e01d (qgis): get translation stats right by temporary updating all ts files
Jürgen Fischer
05:52 PM Revision 74b18e53 (qgis): fix zoom issue for new shapefiles
vinayan Parameswaran
04:08 PM Revision 4337d8d6 (qgis): Merge pull request #635 from imincik/slovak
Slovak translation update. Werner Macho
04:05 PM Bug report #7333 (Closed): Zoom to layer does not work anymore for newly created shapefiles
Fixed in changeset commit:"e7ea582ee15a421f9d226f86bceb92f973a657e3". Nathan Woodrow
08:59 AM Bug report #7333: Zoom to layer does not work anymore for newly created shapefiles
pull request issued
vinayan Parameswaran
08:59 AM Bug report #7333: Zoom to layer does not work anymore for newly created shapefiles
pull request issued
vinayan Parameswaran
04:01 PM Revision 25c76e69 (qgis): Slovak translation update.
Ivan Mincik
01:59 PM Bug report #7966 (Closed): "recently used coordinate reference systems" selector no longer works ...
Nathan Woodrow
01:32 PM Revision 0f8de7d5 (qgis): Use qRound. Rename menu item
Nathan Woodrow
01:32 PM Revision fa9d79fa (qgis): [Plugin Manager] remove the old plugin_installer plugin
Borys Jurgiel
01:32 PM Revision 53d3ea91 (qgis): Code cleanups
Borys Jurgiel
01:32 PM Revision 81f0319d (qgis): More icons from Robert
Borys Jurgiel
01:32 PM Revision e6706f49 (qgis): Add ability to run plugin installer from build directory
- Update targets to new coding standard of using hyphens
- Add console and plugin installer to WITH_PY_COMPILE target
Larry Shaffer
01:32 PM Revision 55fd57ee (qgis): New Plugin Manager
Borys Jurgiel
01:08 PM Bug report #8005 (Closed): Unable to Add Features to PostGIS Layer in Quantum GIS 1.9
I am testing out Quantum GIS 1.9-master and I've noticed that I am only able to add features to a PostGIS 2.0 layer i... Brett Z
01:00 PM Bug report #8003: Font is not written to table when using change label properties tool
Hi Régis,
Thanks. Confirmed here on Mac. Working on a fix, probably done today.
Concerning the 'change label proper...
Larry Shaffer
04:35 AM Bug report #8003 (Closed): Font is not written to table when using change label properties tool
A user found a bug here. When changing a font in advanced data defined labeling (1.8 and master today), font sel...
Regis Haubourg
12:27 PM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
then is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
then is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #8001: Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ESRI person...
It's occurs in version 1.9.0-295 (24bffbf2) and it's probably related with commit:"af0f61e699d89c4db9ee8f618c032b75e6... Piotr Pociask
11:50 AM Bug report #8001 (Feedback): Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ...
it this a regression since 1.8 and/or a previous master release? Giovanni Manghi
11:59 AM Revision dc860f75 (qgis): When calling setFields, automatically initalize attributes
That what you want most of the time when creating a new feature within a plugin.
Therefore defaults to true when used...
Matthias Kuhn
11:51 AM Bug report #8000 (Closed): sextante's orfeo toolbox (pansharpening) function fails with raster pa...
duplicate of #7296 Giovanni Manghi
11:51 AM Bug report #8000 (Closed): sextante's orfeo toolbox (pansharpening) function fails with raster pa...
duplicate of #7296 Giovanni Manghi
11:45 AM Bug report #8002 (Feedback): Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
result is ok here too (master/linux). Giovanni Manghi
03:53 AM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
Update QGIS to current master 5e29777 and get the same issue. dr -
03:53 AM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
Update QGIS to current master 5e29777 and get the same issue. dr -
03:50 AM Bug report #8002: Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
works good for me (with 5% buffer and without)
Maxim Dubinin
03:24 AM Bug report #8002 (Closed): Voronoi Polygons tool makes overlapped polygons
1) Open vector layer garden-nodes-merc1.shp (in attachment);
2) Build Voronoi Polygons using appropriate tool;
3) C...
dr -
11:36 AM Bug report #8004: New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recently used ...
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Yeah it does, it's the 1e2e481 bit. This has been fixed in commit:2552689058ae5e. Grab a ne...
Giovanni Manghi
06:38 AM Bug report #8004 (Closed): New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recen...
Yeah it does, it's the 1e2e481 bit. This has been fixed in commit:2552689058ae5e. Grab a new nightly tomorrow and s... Nathan Woodrow
06:38 AM Bug report #8004 (Closed): New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recen...
Yeah it does, it's the 1e2e481 bit. This has been fixed in commit:2552689058ae5e. Grab a new nightly tomorrow and s... Nathan Woodrow
06:35 AM Bug report #8004: New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recently used ...
git20130602+1e2e481+precise ubuntu gis
Probably doesnt include your code revision
Filipe Dias
06:29 AM Bug report #8004: New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recently used ...
Can you post the QGIS code revision id. Should be in the title bar. Nathan Woodrow
06:25 AM Bug report #8004: New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recently used ...
From Ubuntugis nightly, downloaded today. Filipe Dias
06:23 AM Bug report #8004: New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recently used ...
How recent is your build? I fixed this yesterday. Nathan Woodrow
06:11 AM Bug report #8004 (Closed): New Shapefile Layer: it's not possible to select a CRS from the "Recen...
Steps to reproduce:
New shapefile Layer -> Add CRS from "Recently used CRS" -> the character "-" shows up instead o...
Filipe Dias
11:02 AM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
Ok, it's now marked experimental in commit:3ce742d70c93 Borys Jurgiel
10:43 AM Bug report #7950 (Resolved): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) fea...
Should be fixed with commit:6bbc149dfed85c22539a756667e15d9256cafba4. Please test and reopen in case the problem pers... Marco Hugentobler
09:30 AM Revision 2c334036 (qgis): Offline Editing Plugin - Windows Fix
vinayan Parameswaran
08:58 AM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Well, I'm a bit puzzled about this issue, neither the WFS code or the QgsGeometry related methods have changed since ... Laurent Defert
06:14 AM Revision e21f160a (qgis): Enable touch for the map canvas on windows
Nathan Woodrow
04:51 AM Bug report #7944: addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
initAttributes is now issued automatically when calling setFields from python. Matthias Kuhn
02:32 AM Bug report #7944 (Closed): addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
forgot to call initAttributes after setFields.
so no bug at all.
Denis Rouzaud
03:44 AM Feature request #7878: Windows 8 Location Provider GPS Support
Bill if you are connecting your Garmin Glo to your tablet then it would be exposing itself via a COM port, that would... Nathan Woodrow
03:41 AM Feature request #7878: Windows 8 Location Provider GPS Support
This might depend on hardware. Some hardware might expose the GPS as a COM port so QGIS can see it, other may not. Nathan Woodrow
03:38 AM Feature request #7878: Windows 8 Location Provider GPS Support
I use a Windows tablet, Lenovo Yoga (imported), with a Garmin Glo and QGIS finds it just fine. Please explain your bu... Bill Williamson


01:09 AM Bug report #7944: addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
"Re: addFeatures without knowing new feature's id, bug?": Denis Rouzaud
10:13 PM Bug report #7944: addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
It used to work after this commit commit:7028827 (and probaby until before new API?)
Denis Rouzaud
01:52 PM Bug report #7944: addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
I had a look at this today. It's quite strange, because the result is assigned in the provider and the proper id is s... Matthias Kuhn
12:49 AM Bug report #7999: i.fusion.brovey function broken in QGIS' grass plugin
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> The GRASS plugin is no longer maintained. Might be best to try thought Sextante.
I have fix...
Radim Blazek
07:13 PM Bug report #7999: i.fusion.brovey function broken in QGIS' grass plugin
Nathan, I wrote to Victor about i.fusion.brovey missing in Sextante. It's a function that's harder to implement than ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:09 PM Bug report #7999: i.fusion.brovey function broken in QGIS' grass plugin
The GRASS plugin is no longer maintained. Might be best to try thought Sextante. Nathan Woodrow
07:05 PM Bug report #7999 (Closed): i.fusion.brovey function broken in QGIS' grass plugin
Under QGIS master, the i.fusion.brovey grass function is broken, in two ways:
1. It shows the output raster prefix (-...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:43 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
Hi Giovanni,
I have submitted a pull that addresses the issue in windows..
vinayan Parameswaran
12:41 AM Bug report #8001 (Closed): Split features with simple and multigeometry into separet layers in ES...
After af0f61e6 when I'm trying to open layer from ESRI Personal Geodatabase in Select vector layers to add... dialog ... Piotr Pociask
12:38 AM Revision 5e297771 (qgis): Merge pull request #631 from imincik/cmdout
Cleanup of 'qgis --help' output. Nathan Woodrow
12:26 AM Revision 014d872f (qgis): GdalTools overview : update for qgis and sip api, remove old widgets
Etienne Tourigny
12:02 AM Revision 55c76ca0 (qgis): translation update: eu by asier
Werner Macho
11:57 PM Revision a29f2ba5 (qgis): Fix for #7993 again, fields are listed twice in labeling data defined menu
- Reverts 0192e37
- Move code from init() to ctor for fix and to ensure connections are not duplicated
- New code als...
Larry Shaffer
11:25 PM Revision 097536c3 (qgis): fix buildSupportedRasterFileFilter for sip api v2
Etienne Tourigny
11:25 PM Revision 54b2efde (qgis): fix buildVRT dialog
Etienne Tourigny
11:00 PM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
This should be a blocker - something has broken the scale calculation for composer map items, and numerical scale bar... Nyall Dawson
11:00 PM Feature request #7975: Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
This should be a blocker - something has broken the scale calculation for composer map items, and numerical scale bar... Nyall Dawson
10:53 PM Bug report #7995: kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
Just confirmed we're back on track; .kml / .mif working perfectly on windows 7 and linux. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:17 AM Bug report #7995: kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
Radim, thanks that was fast. I'll re-open if the kml file is still an issue on the enxt osgeo4w build. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:10 AM Bug report #7995: kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
I was not able to reproduce it with kml, but hopefully the problem was the same as for mif and it depends on GDAL ver... Radim Blazek
02:08 AM Bug report #7995 (Closed): kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
Fixed in changeset commit:"383e7f1d941f3cdb3e0d0e1501343858c81e9b78". Radim Blazek
10:38 PM Revision 5d68c30e (qgis): optionally label attribute editor widgets on top
Jürgen Fischer
10:23 PM Bug report #8000 (Closed): sextante's orfeo toolbox (pansharpening) function fails with raster pa...
The Orfeo Toolbox's Pansharpening function doesn't when inputting raster with paths containing spaces (i.e. C:\\My ra... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:06 PM Bug report #7441: Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
This is quite confusing -
I think this is caused by QGIS defaulting to "None / planimetric" for the ellipsoid for n...
Nyall Dawson
09:49 PM Revision f39486f7 (qgis): WebView attribute editor fixes:
- allow browsing in readonly mode
- add option to open page in default browser
- add tooltips to editor push buttons
Jürgen Fischer
06:30 PM Revision 640f345e (qgis): fix #7828
Jürgen Fischer
05:45 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Thanks for the URL.
This appears to be related to issue #7928. There is something wrong in the way *QgsGeometry::exp...
Larry Shaffer
05:45 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Thanks for the URL.
This appears to be related to issue #7928. There is something wrong in the way *QgsGeometry::exp...
Larry Shaffer
05:45 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Thanks for the URL.
This appears to be related to issue #7928. There is something wrong in the way *QgsGeometry::exp...
Larry Shaffer
05:45 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Thanks for the URL.
This appears to be related to issue #7928. There is something wrong in the way *QgsGeometry::exp...
Larry Shaffer
04:37 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails

> Do you have a public URL for the WFS I can test?
Giovanni Manghi
12:45 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Also, the original data source shape file has its multi-part features labele...
Giovanni Manghi
05:40 PM Revision 91eaa415 (qgis): Merge pull request #632 from BioEcoForests/master
Always delete WFS network replies, fixes #7588 Marco Hugentobler
04:47 PM Bug report #7340 (Feedback): GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
does not work here on Linux Mint on the latest master. See attached screenshot. Giovanni Manghi
04:47 PM Bug report #7340 (Feedback): GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
does not work here on Linux Mint on the latest master. See attached screenshot. Giovanni Manghi
04:47 PM Bug report #7340 (Feedback): GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
does not work here on Linux Mint on the latest master. See attached screenshot. Giovanni Manghi
04:38 PM Bug report #7502: Display/layer name not saved in qml
Should it be?
If I loaded a .qml style, and it changed the current layer's name, I'd be kinda upset. Seems to me the...
Larry Shaffer
03:59 PM Revision b7c07def (qgis): Always delete WFS network replies, fixes #7588
Laurent Defert
03:50 PM Bug report #7993 (Closed): Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
Looks good - thanks Larry! Nyall Dawson
03:03 PM Bug report #7993: Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
Hi Nyall,
Thanks for the update. I did only test it in the standalone labeling dialog, so did not see the issue was ...
Larry Shaffer
02:50 AM Bug report #7993: Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
To narrow this down -- I'm only seeing this in the label settings pane which is part of the layer properties dialog. ... Nyall Dawson
03:31 PM Bug report #7998 (Closed): Loading of .qml style can not be cancelled
When loading a style from .qml in the vector properties dialog, there is no indication to the user that it is _not a ... Larry Shaffer
03:22 PM Revision c2a458e6 (qgis): Cleanup of 'qgis --help' output.
Ivan Mincik
02:10 PM Revision 068da605 (qgis): Don't append "Missing group" to non-standard expression groups, so that...
Nyall Dawson
01:42 PM Revision f9a0a1d1 (qgis): fixed rashes in atlas calling vector methods for rasters, fixes #7963
Radim Blazek
01:04 PM Feature request #6893: GRASS r.null
Hi Victor, sorry for bugging, just would like to know if there would be an easy way/workaround to get r.null in SEXTA... Giovanni Manghi
12:40 PM Bug report #7535 (Closed): qgis crash when connecting to a wfs server that does not exist
Giovanni Manghi
12:39 PM Bug report #7588: wfs client crashes if url is wrong
Laurent Defert wrote:
> Hello,
> I cannot reproduce the crash, I think it may have been fixed with the patch I sub...
Giovanni Manghi
08:40 AM Bug report #7588 (Closed): wfs client crashes if url is wrong
Fixed in changeset commit:"91eaa415c9e0ef314aa24ece5e66788569c48c0b". Marco Hugentobler
07:53 AM Bug report #7588: wfs client crashes if url is wrong
Laurent Defert
06:11 AM Bug report #7588: wfs client crashes if url is wrong
I cannot reproduce the crash, I think it may have been fixed with the patch I submitted for #7913, can you co...
Laurent Defert
11:14 AM Revision 383e7f1d (qgis): OGR layers with unknown geometry type containing single geometry type f...
Radim Blazek
09:31 AM Bug report #7828 (Closed): error message on startup
Fixed in changeset commit:"640f345e92985be425b05f87c19f5b4318830127". Jürgen Fischer
09:14 AM Bug report #7828: error message on startup
the following patch resolves the issue. Somehow my qgis.db was left without the vw_srs view.... Etienne Tourigny
08:19 AM Bug report #6299: Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
This is still happening and it's probably the biggest issue on Sextante right now. Filipe Dias
07:49 AM Revision 66feeb64 (qgis): Merge pull request #630 from SrNetoChan/master
pt_PT translations by João Gaspar Werner Macho
07:33 AM Revision ae3abccf (qgis): DBManager: remove empty line from sql editor
Giuseppe Sucameli
07:20 AM Revision 80b5a07e (qgis): DBManager: updated to new SIP API
Giuseppe Sucameli
07:13 AM Revision f0120656 (qgis): Fix #4419, improve random color ramp appearance and generate colors wit...
Nyall Dawson
07:12 AM Revision 1df825f4 (qgis): Fix tests after changing default map overview style
Nyall Dawson
05:52 AM Revision 25526890 (qgis): Fix projection selection with new files
Nathan Woodrow
04:44 AM Bug report #7965: qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Radim I really feel that this comment is too strong and unfair. I filed almost 700 tickets, ...
Radim Blazek
04:29 AM Bug report #7965: qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
Radim Blazek wrote:
> The raster3763.tif in your example does not have read permission for group/others and GDAL fail...
Giovanni Manghi
03:44 AM Bug report #7965 (Closed): qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
The raster3763.tif in your example does not have read permission for group/others and GDAL fails to open it on server... Radim Blazek
03:44 AM Bug report #7965 (Closed): qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
The raster3763.tif in your example does not have read permission for group/others and GDAL fails to open it on server... Radim Blazek
03:44 AM Bug report #7965 (Closed): qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
The raster3763.tif in your example does not have read permission for group/others and GDAL fails to open it on server... Radim Blazek
04:42 AM Revision edfa0fc0 (qgis): fixes for gdaltools info and clipper - raster file dialog filters needs...
Etienne Tourigny
04:38 AM Bug report #7963: qgis master crashes when adding a raster after having created a layout composer
The problem was in QgsAtlasCompositionWidget casting raster maps to vector and then calling vector methods with null ... Radim Blazek
04:36 AM Bug report #7963 (Closed): qgis master crashes when adding a raster after having created a layout...
Fixed in changeset commit:"f9a0a1d1c89a4483b3eb0c66c252e44ed816364c". Radim Blazek
03:06 AM Bug report #7996 (Closed): Duplicate profiles in raster layer "Save As"
When you do a "Save As" on a raster layer's right click menu, the list of creating profiles has a double of each.
Jean-Roc Morreale
02:35 AM Bug report #7658 (Closed): Creating/exporting raster crashes application
Seems to be fixed, reopen if necessary. Radim Blazek
02:23 AM Revision 98432099 (qgis): Update main options dialog with QgsOptionsDialogBase inheritance
- Moved current tab setting to /Windows/Options/tab, as used in QgsOptionsDialogBase
- Caveat: old setting /Windows/O...
Larry Shaffer


01:29 AM Revision 52b773fb (qgis): Patch from Matthias for gdal tools
Nathan Woodrow
01:14 AM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> There is still the issue of vanishing attributes --> see #7668 which is sort of a duplicate ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:31 AM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
There is still the issue of vanishing attributes --> see #7668 which is sort of a duplicate of this bug. Andreas Neumann
12:24 AM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
Tested with the latest nightly on Windows (OSGeo4W) and the problem is gone. Yesterday it still crashed.
Strange - d...
Andreas Neumann
06:12 AM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
just - tested on Linux. The problem does not exist on Linux - but it appears on Windows with the nightly from last ni... Andreas Neumann
04:40 AM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
no - I just used a new empty line shapefile with one id (type integer) and one attribute ("name" --> type String).
Andreas Neumann
01:04 AM Revision 0f210222 (qgis): Fix #7705, remove alpha transparency from default color for map overvie...
Nyall Dawson
12:54 AM Revision 0192e37f (qgis): Fix #7993, fields are listed twice in labeling data defined menu
Larry Shaffer
12:33 AM Bug report #7995: kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
See also Jürgen Fischer
09:59 PM Bug report #7995: kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
Note: this might actually affect more than the two formats mentioned above, I just didn't have other formats availabl... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:58 PM Bug report #7995 (Closed): kml / mapinfo's mif broken in latest qgis master
This regressed quite recently. Possibly commit:d4945db8?
QGIS doesn't display features of loaded .kml and .mif files...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:32 AM Revision 63cc02d6 (qgis): Merge pull request #629 from volaya/sipapi
[sextante] updated to new sip api Nathan Woodrow
12:30 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
I can confirm that the attribute handling is buggy.
After a merge - all the attributes are gone, even if the user se...
Andreas Neumann
12:27 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
see also #7922 - which seems to be the same bug.
With the latest OSGeo4W nightly I do not have the problem anymore.
Andreas Neumann
12:23 AM Revision e46795a4 (qgis): [sextante] updated to new sip api
Victor Olaya
12:04 AM Revision 96ae127d (qgis): update Galician language strings on request
Werner Macho
11:17 PM Revision 81a960b3 (qgis): pt_PT translation by João Gaspar
Alexandre Neto
10:45 PM Bug report #4419 (Closed): Improve random colour ramps
Fixed in changeset commit:"f01206565847655d1caee64d342d999988c66491". Nyall Dawson
09:01 PM Revision fe883246 (qgis): QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and pos...
This commit brings some correction for the issue #7894
Firstly the use of adjustSizeToText has been inactivate
D'Hont René-Luc
08:47 PM Revision bf9b3e3b (qgis): Fix #7969, 'layer source' in vector properties is empty
- Revert part of 6c51965, where setting the line edit field was (accidentally?) removed Larry Shaffer
08:00 PM Bug report #7994 (Closed): legend spacing broken for layer set to "hidden"
It appears that when a QGIS composer legend's layer is set to hidden, it fails to take into account the previous item... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:38 PM Revision 36d266c4 (qgis): Merge pull request #626 from imincik/slovak
First batch of Slovak translation for version 2.0. Werner Macho
07:36 PM Revision 919aa049 (qgis): Merge pull request #628 from qgis-jp/make_pull_req_from_ja
update translation JA Werner Macho
07:27 PM Bug report #7993 (Reopened): Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
Larry - I'm still seeing this behaviour on current master. Nyall Dawson
03:55 PM Bug report #7993 (Closed): Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
Fixed in changeset commit:"0192e37fe3e861d5f408071dfff224bc339d845a". Larry Shaffer
03:35 PM Bug report #7993 (Closed): Fields are listed twice in labelling data defined menu
I'm currently seeing all fields listed twice under the new data defined labelling buttons, in the "attribute field" s... Nyall Dawson
06:51 PM Revision 82013358 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] update help
- shows help at the first launch of the console Salvatore Larosa
05:31 PM Revision 3a33ceb2 (qgis): fix #7353 in case the snapping dialog is not docked
Jürgen Fischer
05:29 PM Revision aca38a8e (qgis): update translation JA
yoichi Kayama
05:17 PM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
sorry about the confusion. I wanted to merge the only attribute in the large region shapefile with the attributes co... Jamie none
01:18 PM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
Jamie none wrote:
> I apologize for the confusion with multiple posts. The datasets are too large to upload, please ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 AM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
I apologize for the confusion with multiple posts. The datasets are too large to upload, please see links below to o... Jamie none
04:00 AM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
small districts inside large district files Jamie none
03:59 AM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
Thanks Giovanni, I've attached one of the results, perhaps this will be helpful.
The file contains th...
Jamie none
04:15 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
Ok I see it. Will try and fix. Nathan Woodrow
04:13 PM Bug report #7990: labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Hi Giovanni,
Also, the original data source shape file has its multi-part features labeled properly (see attachment)...
Larry Shaffer
01:55 PM Bug report #7990 (Closed): labelling/selection of WFS multi part geometries fails
Hi Larry,
I'm not totally sure that this is (also) a labeling issue... but I have no other ideas so for now I'll tag...
Giovanni Manghi
04:07 PM Bug report #7705 (Closed): Composer: Overview color alpha twice
Fixed in changeset commit:"0f2102220501403a7d3cb552e7972f2a14aeaf8b". Nyall Dawson
04:02 PM Revision 6f2ddbc2 (qgis): Slovak ts file update.
Ivan Mincik
03:53 PM Revision 07ad976e (qgis): First batch of Slovak translation for version 2.0.
- translation
- merge with 4b76600 (adding function_help, context_help)
Ivan Mincik
03:48 PM Bug report #7988: Transparency not saved to styles. QGIS 1.9.0
The layer transparency wasn't used anymore - I just removed all the getters/setters. Jürgen Fischer
12:11 PM Bug report #7988: Transparency not saved to styles. QGIS 1.9.0
The layer transparency style support was apparently removed (or stubbed) with commit commit:6b2af9a
Not sure why or ...
Larry Shaffer
11:56 AM Bug report #7988 (Feedback): Transparency not saved to styles. QGIS 1.9.0
Confirmed. This used to work on qgis 1.8 ? Giovanni Manghi
11:12 AM Bug report #7988 (Closed): Transparency not saved to styles. QGIS 1.9.0
I'm using 1.9.0 due to difficulties installing 1.8 on Ubuntu 13.04.
I have a style that is a singleband pseudocolor,...
Eddy Barratt
02:34 PM Revision d4945db8 (qgis): flatten geometries in virtual ogr sublayers, i.e. mix 2D and 25D
Radim Blazek
02:31 PM Revision 5095afe4 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into slovak
Ivan Mincik
02:16 PM Revision 75cbdf6d (qgis): update MapServer export plugin to SIP changes
Alexander Bruy
02:16 PM Revision f4657b7a (qgis): minor update in sextante taudem provider
Alexander Bruy
02:16 PM Revision a75563f2 (qgis): more SIP updates for fTools
Alexander Bruy
02:00 PM Bug report #7991 (Closed): identify of wfs layer causes qgis to crash
pick this shape:
and publish it as WFS layer with QGIS...
Giovanni Manghi
01:57 PM Revision b383c695 (qgis): fix #7982
Jürgen Fischer
12:49 PM Bug report #7989 (Closed): QGIS Nightly (June 2-3) Filter Vector, sql query
The query results from a vector filter seem to toggle between viewing the original data set and then the subset from ... Katie Urey
12:03 PM Bug report #7894 (Closed): QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and po...
Update with the commit fe883246707644df37a0960fba57250226b8f001 René-Luc ReLuc
12:03 PM Bug report #7894 (Closed): QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and po...
Update with the commit fe883246707644df37a0960fba57250226b8f001 René-Luc ReLuc
12:03 PM Bug report #7894 (Closed): QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and po...
Update with the commit fe883246707644df37a0960fba57250226b8f001 René-Luc ReLuc
11:53 AM Bug report #7969 (Closed): "layer source" in vector properties is empty on master
Fixed in changeset commit:"bf9b3e3b1549d4143faf74a7de843bfb232327fe". Larry Shaffer
11:32 AM Revision cd353db1 (qgis): Log WFS errors
Marco Hugentobler
11:29 AM Bug report #7534 (Closed): qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project pro...
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> I have tested the data with a QGIS / QGIS-Server based on commit 36d266c4b0dcf2435b88f379700f...
Giovanni Manghi
11:27 AM Bug report #7534: qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project properties i...
I have tested the data with a QGIS / QGIS-Server based on commit 36d266c4b0dcf2435b88f379700fb8e40f4abf3d
I have no ...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:14 AM Bug report #7980 (Rejected): "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
I'm not sure such functionality (merging of lines that lie within a specific distance of one another) will ever be im... Larry Shaffer
10:51 AM Bug report #7980: "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
Per the attached file *detailed_roads.png*, there are in fact multiple parallel-ish lines with the same label (mainla... Aren Cambre
10:36 AM Bug report #7980: "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
Hi Aren,
So have you been able to verify if it is a bug or not?
Generally, if that function appears to not work rig...
Larry Shaffer
06:17 AM Bug report #7980: "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
Title bar says commit:24bffbf. Aren Cambre
11:12 AM Bug report #7743: Vector layer join broken if not using cached join
Hi Giovanni
I couldn't commit this when I submitted it (though I could now). But probably should be left to someone ...
Chris Crook
10:29 AM Bug report #7977: Edit expression button looks silly
Sorry, I have to disagree. First off, the issue is an opinion, not a bug, and better suited as a post to the mailing ... Larry Shaffer
10:08 AM Bug report #7978: "Expression" dialog lacks tooltips for "Operators" buttons
This is unrelated to labeling. The dialog is the base Expression builder dialog used throughout the app. Larry Shaffer
10:08 AM Bug report #7978: "Expression" dialog lacks tooltips for "Operators" buttons
This is unrelated to labeling. The dialog is the base Expression builder dialog used throughout the app. Larry Shaffer
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #2714 (Reopened): Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
I have the same problem with current master with single WMS layer on Debian 5.0 and Qt 4.6.1, backtrace attached.
Radim Blazek
08:32 AM Bug report #7353 (Closed): Snapping is always on in current master
Fixed in changeset commit:"3a33ceb2565008ec5977cd6aa145133b35206aff". Jürgen Fischer
04:50 AM Bug report #7353 (Reopened): Snapping is always on in current master
Hi Jürgen,
Thank you for working on this problem.
I can see the Default Snap Mode "Off" option now - this is good.
Andreas Neumann
08:22 AM Bug report #7950: 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) feature node
I think this bug is related to my recent commit 4c02d7ff9539fce1b4c870d6f9da057f221b7eb0. But I think the mentioned c... Marco Hugentobler
07:39 AM Bug report #7950: 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) feature node
My stack trace isn't that good (no line-level debugging symbols) anyway here it is:...
Sandro Santilli
07:45 AM Bug report #7962 (Closed): wms client does not work on master if request has map.resolution param...
The server gives
@getDouble(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near (96):(line 1)@
with MAP_RESOLUTION=96 pa...
Radim Blazek
07:45 AM Bug report #7962 (Closed): wms client does not work on master if request has map.resolution param...
The server gives
@getDouble(): Symbol definition error. Parsing error near (96):(line 1)@
with MAP_RESOLUTION=96 pa...
Radim Blazek
05:42 AM Bug report #7613: 2 "Browser" entries in View->Panels...
Ugly and confusing, I was convinced that the Browser 2 is a new version of browser.
What about usual "split window" ...
Radim Blazek
04:59 AM Bug report #7982 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening layer properties of a non-geometry Postgis t...
Fixed in changeset commit:"b383c69572beb527358fed78444729d0ee5ab962". Jürgen Fischer
02:42 AM Bug report #7982 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening layer properties of a non-geometry Postgis t...
When opening the layer properties of a non-geometry Postgis table QGIS crashes with current master.
I can provide th...
Andreas Neumann
03:13 AM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
Exactly. It seems to work on current master in Debian though. Must be checked on Win. Paolo Cavallini
02:49 AM Bug report #7956: QGIS Server: problem with two project with same layers
No problem if the layers have different id.
But in a classic workflow is possible that fot the preparation of...
leolami -
02:33 AM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
both in win7 and winxp stefano campus
02:21 AM Feature request #7981 (Closed): Add SVG symbol sets
Please add symbol sets to the default distribution, e.g.
Paolo Cavallini


01:44 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
mescal72 - wrote:
> > "change geometry" and "add feature" are different things (ie. "INSERT" vs. "UPDATE" permission)...
Jürgen Fischer
01:22 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> > This is not the correct behaviour anyway: if one does not have per...
Luca Lanteri
03:40 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> This is not the correct behaviour anyway: if one does not have permissions, the Modify shoul...
Jürgen Fischer
01:16 AM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
yes i did so: nothing bad happens! stefano campus
03:32 PM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
Did you double click on the parameter? Otherwise it doesnt crash. Filipe Dias
03:16 PM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
nothing happens in windows.
i made the correction from out1 to out2, saved, closed.
all is ok
stefano campus
02:13 AM Bug report #6785: Error while trying to edit a parameter in a model
Still valid in Linux. Can anyone test on Windows? Filipe Dias
12:45 AM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
Jamie none wrote:
> Vector -> Data managment tools -> Join Attributes by Location . That's the tool i'm using.
Giovanni Manghi
05:30 PM Bug report #7976: Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
Vector -> Data managment tools -> Join Attributes by Location . That's the tool i'm using.
When I use that tool, ...
Jamie none
01:50 PM Bug report #7976 (Feedback): Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
what is the exact tool are you using? vector -> data management -> merge shapes into one? Giovanni Manghi
01:50 PM Bug report #7976 (Feedback): Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
what is the exact tool are you using? vector -> data management -> merge shapes into one? Giovanni Manghi
01:43 PM Bug report #7976 (Closed): Merging Shapefiles Fails to Merge Attribute Tables.
I'm not sure if this have been solved, or if there's a workaround. I have two shapefiles with different attribute ta... Jamie none
12:34 AM Bug report #7979 (Closed): Some function documentation missing from "Expression based label" dialog
Duplicate of #6461 Paolo Cavallini
12:34 AM Bug report #7979 (Closed): Some function documentation missing from "Expression based label" dialog
Duplicate of #6461 Paolo Cavallini
07:14 PM Bug report #7979 (Closed): Some function documentation missing from "Expression based label" dialog
In the *Expression based label* dialog, documentation for some functions are missing. E.g., *Geometry* > *$geometry*,... Aren Cambre
12:33 AM Bug report #6461: Help about functions missing
See also #7979 Paolo Cavallini
12:32 AM Revision 1e2e4816 (qgis): followup 16ba01f7 for oracle & mssql
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 AM Bug report #7458 (Closed): QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Giovanni Manghi
12:28 AM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Hi Larry,
This looks very good.
I tested around 10 projects and do not get crashes anymore. The projects also load ...
Andreas Neumann
12:25 AM Bug report #7968: change the message "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Should misleading phrasing be a blocker at this stage?
Giovanni Manghi
07:45 PM Bug report #7968: change the message "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry collapsed...
Should misleading phrasing be a blocker at this stage? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:18 AM Bug report #7968 (Closed): change the message "The feature cannot be added because it's geometry ...
The above message shows not only when a feature cannot be digitized because it would be removed because of the "avoid... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 AM Bug report #7980: "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
are you using the latest master? Giovanni Manghi
07:42 PM Bug report #7980: "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
The plot thickens. The feature may technically be working as intended. See attached. Turns out I have way more in thi... Aren Cambre
07:32 PM Bug report #7980 (Rejected): "Merge connected lines..." doesn't work well
The two attached images show two versions of the same view. In one, *Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels*... Aren Cambre
11:49 PM Revision af4a86f8 (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:35 PM Bug report #5239: TIN interpolation causes crash
This wasn't working in 1.8 too, so shouldn't be a blocker.
Btw., it obviously is something related to numerical stabi...
Marco Hugentobler
11:29 PM Bug report #6978: GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
Hi Giovanni,
unfortunately yes (tested with current master 1e2e481)
I added the result of GetLegendGraphics and a sc...
Bernhard Ströbl
11:29 PM Bug report #6978: GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
Hi Giovanni,
unfortunately yes (tested with current master 1e2e481)
I added the result of GetLegendGraphics and a sc...
Bernhard Ströbl
11:26 PM Revision b87ccac5 (qgis): fix #7353
Jürgen Fischer
11:26 PM Revision 81ff2a34 (qgis): drop unused QgsMapToolAddVertex, QgsMapToolDeleteVertex and QgsMapToolM...
Jürgen Fischer
11:26 PM Revision 1c2c079c (qgis): else cascade cleanups
Jürgen Fischer
11:26 PM Revision de12f297 (qgis): rename context help from QgsIdentifyResults to QgsIdentifyResultsDialog
Jürgen Fischer
10:11 PM Bug report #7940: output selection dialog crash
Well, on my side I confirm.
Denis Rouzaud
02:11 AM Bug report #7940 (Feedback): output selection dialog crash
does not happens here on the same platform, is confirmed? Giovanni Manghi
08:12 PM Revision 6dfd7ceb (qgis): Save/restore header state for bookmarks view
Larry Shaffer
08:12 PM Revision 8a712b4a (qgis): Fix #7723, bookmark names not saved
- Allow bookmarks database table to be edited
- Store project file name with new bookmark, if custom project title no...
Larry Shaffer
08:01 PM Bug report #7731: Allowing 1% deviation in pixels in QgsCompositionChecker is too generous
Any movement on this Nyall? Should this be considered as blocking 2.0? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:00 PM Bug report #7736: data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Right. More testing on this:
- using simple marker as point pattern fill, data-defined rotation fails when relying on...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:10 AM Bug report #7736 (Open): data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Giovanni Manghi
07:40 PM Bug report #7950: 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) feature node
Ahh, got it. My windows machine had a not default setting switched on, namely the "[x] Show markers only for selected... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:37 PM Bug report #7977: Edit expression button looks silly
Sorry, didn't realize the epsilon is being used in other places in QGIS. I think I agree that epsilon + *Expression* ... Aren Cambre
07:32 PM Bug report #7977: Edit expression button looks silly
I would rather it say Expression and also have the icon. The Greek epsilon is being used though the UI to mean expre... Nathan Woodrow
07:08 PM Bug report #7977 (Closed): Edit expression button looks silly
In the *Layer labeling settings* dialog, there is text *Label this layer with*, then a dropdown, then a button with a... Aren Cambre
07:10 PM Bug report #7978 (Closed): "Expression" dialog lacks tooltips for "Operators" buttons
The *Expression based label* dialog lacks tooltips for the buttons under *Operators*. Normally, when hovering over a ... Aren Cambre
06:33 PM Revision c78a5d19 (qgis): QGIS-Server doesn't publish vector layer without geometry in WMS
Because vector layer without geometry hasn't rendered by QGIS, the
QGIS-Server doesn't publish these layer.
D'Hont René-Luc
04:57 PM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
It seems the same behaviour of #7668 Alessandro Ciali
02:33 PM Bug report #7922: Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take attributes ...
Anything special about the created shapefile? Not reproducable here. Jürgen Fischer
03:22 PM Feature request #3979: Allow set DPI in "save as image"
It's currently 8 not-so-intuitive steps using the Print Composer: Aren Cambre
02:45 PM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> At the end of my tests, these are the results (on my computers!):
> - merge feature no more...
Giovanni Manghi
01:52 PM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
At the end of my tests, these are the results (on my computers!):
- merge feature no more causes QGIS to crash, but w...
Alessandro Ciali
06:57 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> Well, no crash appened, but no attribute was passed to the resulting merged feature (the ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:36 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
After further tests, and restabishing the original .qgis2 directory, I created a new project, I added the polygon lay... Alessandro Ciali
06:28 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
I renamed directory .qgis2 and launch qgis so that a new empy one was created. All plug-ins but default ones were unl... Alessandro Ciali
03:55 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> Tested with e2bd04f on win64.
> steps:
> 1. start editing
> 2. select at least 2 features
Giovanni Manghi
03:36 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Tested with commit:e2bd04f on win64.
1. start editing
2. select at least 2 features
3. use merge selected feat...
Alessandro Ciali
02:31 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Alessandro Ciali wrote:
> Yes Giovanni, still present on the latest master. I refer to the merge selected features to...
Giovanni Manghi
02:28 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Yes Giovanni, still present on the latest master. I refer to the merge selected features tools in the editing toolbar... Alessandro Ciali
02:05 AM Bug report #7668 (Feedback): Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
Hi Alessandro, still happens for you? here does not happen. Can you attach sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:26 PM Bug report #7353 (Closed): Snapping is always on in current master
Fixed in changeset commit:"b87ccac52051050afcc05a1a1be74ba346c02598". Jürgen Fischer
01:12 PM Bug report #7534: qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project properties i...

> Can you provide test data ?
attached. Cheers!
Giovanni Manghi
01:12 PM Bug report #7534: qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project properties i...

> Can you provide test data ?
attached. Cheers!
Giovanni Manghi
09:38 AM Bug report #7534: qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project properties i...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> On the other hand the PostgreSQL table is shown also in the WMS client, that does not make s...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:14 AM Bug report #7534: qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project properties i...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> tested wit the latest master on Linux and geometryless tables (tested csv and dbf) are not s...
René-Luc ReLuc
12:51 PM Feature request #7974: add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wheel)
I am fine with that new title, but I don't see how to change it. Aren Cambre
12:47 PM Feature request #7974: add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wheel)
Aren Cambre wrote:
> Just tried it, and it's really imprecise if you're not using a device that has a physical wheel,...
Giovanni Manghi
12:43 PM Feature request #7974: add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wheel)
Just tried it, and it's really imprecise if you're not using a device that has a physical wheel, like if you're using... Aren Cambre
12:37 PM Feature request #7974 (Feedback): add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse ...
the mouse wheel zoom the map object in print composer, does not work for you? Giovanni Manghi
12:20 PM Feature request #7974 (Closed): add zoom controls for map object in composer (other than mouse wh...
The zoom in/out buttons in print composer only currently allow zooming on the entire canvas. They don't help a user a... Aren Cambre
12:22 PM Feature request #7975 (Feedback): Meaning of scale field not explained in Print Composer
In Print Composer's *Item Properties* pane is a *Scale* field. The meaning of this field is not explained. All I can ... Aren Cambre
12:18 PM Bug report #7973 (Closed): DPI field not properly labeled in Print Composer
In Print Composer, the field in the *Composition* pane that contains the DPI for your output appears next to a checkb... Aren Cambre
11:57 AM Revision fa0444fb (qgis): debian packaging update
Jürgen Fischer
11:57 AM Revision d5b227d0 (qgis): fix doxygen warning
Jürgen Fischer
11:17 AM Bug report #7723 (Closed): Bookmark names not saved under Mac OS X
Fixed in changeset commit:"8a712b4a02bef24b8f12fda6c3a616207181b2be". Larry Shaffer
10:35 AM Bug report #7455 (Closed): Load dxf and apply query does not work
Giovanni Manghi
10:27 AM Bug report #7455: Load dxf and apply query does not work
Works fantastic!! Duarte Carreira
09:06 AM Bug report #7743 (Feedback): Vector layer join broken if not using cached join
Hi, can someone commit the patch so we can test? cheers! Giovanni Manghi
09:05 AM Bug report #7699: SVG fill missing default value for text width and border unit type
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Lowering priority to high as this shouldn't really be a blocker to a 2.0 release.
Giovanni Manghi
09:01 AM Bug report #7269: cant load GRASS plugin (osx 10.8.2)
Installing from packages and the plugin is available, a local issue? Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
The original issue is still true, and I raise the priority because the tool is broken for multi part geometries. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #7244: Split multipolygon geometry fails
The original issue is still true, and I raise the priority because the tool is broken for multi part geometries. Giovanni Manghi
08:47 AM Bug report #4761 (Feedback): Distance matrix: k becomes k-1 when working with one layer.

> I have submitted a pull request that addresses this issue here.
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 AM Bug report #7652: Attempt to read shape with feature id out of available range.
still true for you? Giovanni Manghi
07:58 AM Bug report #7837 (Closed): the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an int...
duplicate of #5239 Giovanni Manghi
07:58 AM Bug report #7837 (Closed): the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an int...
duplicate of #5239 Giovanni Manghi
07:56 AM Bug report #6735 (Closed): Changes in table attribute causes "Invalid Field Index" error when try...
seems fixed on master, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:56 AM Bug report #6735 (Closed): Changes in table attribute causes "Invalid Field Index" error when try...
seems fixed on master, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:50 AM Bug report #7479 (Closed): clip does not work if clip layer is PostGIS
I cannot confirm it anymore. Giovanni Manghi
07:50 AM Bug report #7479 (Closed): clip does not work if clip layer is PostGIS
I cannot confirm it anymore. Giovanni Manghi
07:46 AM Bug report #7370 (Feedback): QGIS 1.8 crashes when attempting to specify CRS
Giovanni Manghi
07:45 AM Bug report #7180 (Open): Opening a project crashes QGIS
still true... Giovanni Manghi
07:45 AM Bug report #7180 (Open): Opening a project crashes QGIS
still true... Giovanni Manghi
07:45 AM Bug report #7180 (Open): Opening a project crashes QGIS
still true... Giovanni Manghi
07:36 AM Bug report #7048 (Closed): QGIS Mapserver Internal Server Error
I guess you cannot ask for capabilities without specifying a project file (with &map=...). If a QGIS in in cgi-bin th... Giovanni Manghi
07:36 AM Bug report #7048 (Closed): QGIS Mapserver Internal Server Error
I guess you cannot ask for capabilities without specifying a project file (with &map=...). If a QGIS in in cgi-bin th... Giovanni Manghi
07:24 AM Bug report #6418 (Closed): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on ...
this seems fixed in master, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:24 AM Bug report #6418 (Closed): Crash when zooming on a polyline memory layer with markers placed "on ...
this seems fixed in master, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:16 AM Bug report #5642 (Closed): return a more meaningful error when column name is duplicated
Giovanni Manghi
07:14 AM Bug report #4869 (Closed): error when dropping a shape into a PG connection
Giovanni Manghi
07:09 AM Bug report #4867 (Closed): drag and drop fails
Giovanni Manghi
06:59 AM Bug report #7970: qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
confirmed on Linux... Giovanni Manghi
06:31 AM Bug report #7970 (Closed): qgis crashes when creating new spatialite layer - changing crs
Hi all,
when creating a new spatialite layer from menu layer/new layer /spatialite,
choosing a new crs (2154 epsg in...
Regis Haubourg
06:46 AM Bug report #7217 (Reopened): graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
I must reopen, tested in e2bd04f today, problem is still here, qgs is still saved using scientific notation.
Regis Haubourg
06:46 AM Bug report #7217 (Reopened): graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
I must reopen, tested in e2bd04f today, problem is still here, qgs is still saved using scientific notation.
Regis Haubourg
03:32 AM Bug report #7969 (Closed): "layer source" in vector properties is empty on master
It is correctly filled for rasters/wms. Giovanni Manghi
02:22 AM Bug report #6146 (Open): Offline editing tool broken
Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #6723 (Open): Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
02:20 AM Bug report #7420 (Open): "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
Giovanni Manghi
02:11 AM Feature request #7967 (Closed): Modeler: Output of a tool is not graphically used as the input of...
The attached model has as input a Vector, which Dissolved (QGis dissolve) and used as input for Regular sampling Grid... Filipe Dias
02:07 AM Bug report #7871 (Open): The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
Giovanni Manghi
02:06 AM Bug report #7823 (Open): Vector\\Data management\\Merge shapefiles is not working correctly
Giovanni Manghi
02:00 AM Bug report #7807 (Closed): Qgis 1.9.0-Master freezes upon saving WMS tiles as "Raw data"...
seems fixed, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
02:00 AM Bug report #7807 (Closed): Qgis 1.9.0-Master freezes upon saving WMS tiles as "Raw data"...
seems fixed, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi


01:53 AM Bug report #7802 (Open): "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads...
Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> I could not reproduce on Ubuntu 12.04 / master 4e95496.
> Everything went well with your da...
Giovanni Manghi
01:53 AM Bug report #7802 (Open): "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads...
Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> I could not reproduce on Ubuntu 12.04 / master 4e95496.
> Everything went well with your da...
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 AM Bug report #7540 (Open): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
Giovanni Manghi
01:45 AM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I've noticed one issue with the overview map in Master - if a map item is set to 'rectangle' mo...
Giovanni Manghi
08:36 PM Bug report #6383: Map overview broken
I've noticed one issue with the overview map in Master - if a map item is set to 'rectangle' mode then overview frame... Nyall Dawson
10:31 AM Bug report #6383 (Feedback): Map overview broken
is the overview map fixed? it works here on master! Giovanni Manghi
01:39 AM Bug report #6902: "Merge selected features" leads to data loss and crash (in master)
The result (after saving edits) is always wrong in an integer column (it becomes 0) when using any function (median, ... Giovanni Manghi
01:26 AM Bug report #7229 (Closed): Saving layers with records with no/empty geometries messes badly a vector
Giovanni Manghi
01:20 AM Bug report #7428: union progress bar does not move, wrong result, too big result
tested again today, the tools seems to "work", the progress bar does not move along the run, the result is wrong, see... Giovanni Manghi
12:54 AM Revision e2bd04f3 (qgis): Fix for #7458, project crashes when loaded from command line
- Image selection previews now load only on first expansion of parent group box
- Note: this is an OK fix for 2.0 rel...
Larry Shaffer
10:49 PM Revision e87623d3 (qgis): Fix to potential unterminated loop if a delimited text file is deleted
Another try at fixing test cases with file watcher, don't work on some
Chris Crook
06:53 PM Revision ba4a3ccc (qgis): Ftools-Sum Line length - Fix progress bar
vinayan Parameswaran
04:35 PM Bug report #7966 (Closed): "recently used coordinate reference systems" selector no longer works ...
for example in gdal tools, the "new shapefile" dialog, etc.
Tested on Linux.
Giovanni Manghi
04:33 PM Bug report #7965 (Closed): qgis server master no longer serve rasters in certain CRS
examples attached
the raster in epsg 3763 is not published, its copy in wgs84 it is.
Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #7351: Crash with node tool when on the fly CRS transformation enabled
see also #7958 Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #7958 (Closed): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
duplicate of #7351 Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #7958 (Closed): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
duplicate of #7351 Giovanni Manghi
04:00 PM Bug report #7458 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Hi Andreas and Matthias,
Should work now, as an OK fix, with commit commit:e2bd04f. Please test.
Larry Shaffer
03:57 PM Bug report #7079 (Closed): qgis 1.8 - the parameter snapshot does not works
seems to work on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:57 PM Bug report #7079 (Closed): qgis 1.8 - the parameter snapshot does not works
seems to work on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:57 PM Bug report #4076 (Closed): Hanging on trying to use --snapshot option from command line
seems to work on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:57 PM Bug report #4076 (Closed): Hanging on trying to use --snapshot option from command line
seems to work on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:46 PM Bug report #3743 (Closed): [OsX] Georeferencer: can't set map coords from map canvas, and other o...
Giovanni Manghi
03:26 PM Bug report #7534 (Feedback): qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project p...
Giovanni Manghi
03:14 PM Bug report #7534 (Resolved): qgis wfs server cannot serve geometryless tables (but from project p...
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Commit 92d24fb12047652142d4eda69c3a2b8c261aac4f
> commit:92d24fb12047652142d4eda69c3a2b8c261a...
Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #6473 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer
it works now with QGIS server, if this is still an issue with other servers please reopen. Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #6473 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening the attribute table of a geometryless WFS layer
it works now with QGIS server, if this is still an issue with other servers please reopen. Giovanni Manghi
01:47 PM Bug report #7963: qgis master crashes when adding a raster after having created a layout composer
confirmed on Linux... Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #7963 (Closed): qgis master crashes when adding a raster after having created a layout...
for now tested on win/osgeo4w, will do also on Linux.
add a vector
create a layout, add a map object
close t...
Giovanni Manghi
01:37 PM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi, I just tested on Windows/osgeo4w (will do a...
Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
Hi, I just tested on Windows/osgeo4w (will do also on Linux) and does no... Giovanni Manghi
01:33 PM Bug report #7420: "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> I had the same issue(memory not released) a few weeks ago..the current master build on ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:38 AM Bug report #7420 (Feedback): "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> I had the same issue(memory not released) a few weeks ago..the current master build on ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Bug report #7420: "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
I had the same issue(memory not released) a few weeks ago..the current master build on ubuntu does not seem to have i... vinayan Parameswaran
10:26 AM Bug report #7420: "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> I had this problem when running this tool(Ubuntu) just after you reported(even when two...
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #7420: "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> I had this problem when running this tool(Ubuntu) just after you reported(even when two...
Giovanni Manghi
10:10 AM Bug report #7420: "sum line lenghts" never ends (freezes qgis)/memory leak
I had this problem when running this tool(Ubuntu) just after you reported(even when two shapefiles were used). Memory... vinayan Parameswaran
01:05 PM Revision a39b78bb (qgis): Removing a couple more delimited text file test case failures
Chris Crook
10:50 AM Bug report #7455: Load dxf and apply query does not work
This should be fixed on master, someone can test? Giovanni Manghi
10:35 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > You can still write dates to string columns you just have to sup...
Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #7964: Sum Line Lengths - Progress bar reports incorrect progress vinayan Parameswaran
10:05 AM Bug report #7964: Sum Line Lengths - Progress bar reports incorrect progress vinayan Parameswaran
09:58 AM Bug report #7964 (Closed): Sum Line Lengths - Progress bar reports incorrect progress
Progress bar is reporting incorrect progress(progress completes when the actual process is not completed). vinayan Parameswaran
09:35 AM Bug report #6266 (Closed): White ghost lines on raster in print composer
I made several tests and seems fixed. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:35 AM Bug report #6266 (Closed): White ghost lines on raster in print composer
I made several tests and seems fixed. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:23 AM Bug report #6978 (Feedback): GetLegendGraphics cuts legend image at bottom, regression to 1.8
Hi, is this still true? cheers! Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #7354 (Closed): Export/Add geometry columns doesn't work as expected
I would propose to close this, because the tools works, it is just the table that is not refreshed. This issue affect... Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #7354 (Closed): Export/Add geometry columns doesn't work as expected
I would propose to close this, because the tools works, it is just the table that is not refreshed. This issue affect... Giovanni Manghi
09:03 AM Bug report #5480 (Closed): Map Composer doesn't refresh the legend
"update item" and "update all" in print composer legend work as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
09:03 AM Bug report #5480 (Closed): Map Composer doesn't refresh the legend
"update item" and "update all" in print composer legend work as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #3847 (Closed): print composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done
works as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #3847 (Closed): print composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done
works as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #3847 (Closed): print composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done
works as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #3847 (Closed): print composer: Export image doesn't refresh window when done
works as expected in master. Giovanni Manghi
08:58 AM Bug report #2065 (Closed): 'Show selected records only' not refreshing table when using the funct...
this is fixed in master Giovanni Manghi
08:58 AM Bug report #2065 (Closed): 'Show selected records only' not refreshing table when using the funct...
this is fixed in master Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #7765 (Closed): SVG symbols disappeared
it seems they are back. Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #7765 (Closed): SVG symbols disappeared
it seems they are back. Giovanni Manghi


11:46 PM Revision 24bffbf2 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] shows info messages also for temporary scripts
Salvatore Larosa
08:10 PM Revision af0f61e6 (qgis): OGR provider - virtual sublayers for each geometry type in multi geomet...
Radim Blazek
07:28 PM Bug report #7950: 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) feature node
So much for a 100% reproducible crasher! ;)
So I've just tried on my linux machine and indeed, linux is crash-free w...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:43 AM Bug report #7950: 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) feature node
Can't reproduce this on GNU/Linux 64bit as of commit:4f4637913df0cbdaf526d3cccf64f30b9adc4ef3 Sandro Santilli
04:27 PM Revision 4f463791 (qgis): Further reduction of instance copies
Sandro Santilli
04:06 PM Revision 16ba01f7 (qgis): More const correctness and pass-by-ref
Sandro Santilli
03:54 PM Revision 3f3ce480 (qgis): Fix width of line decoration for selected features (ticket #7410)
Sandro Santilli
02:42 PM Revision 792ac5a4 (qgis): JTSK EPSG codes update, added new codes, updated existing.
INSERT INTO tbl_srs VALUES (NULL,'S-JTSK (Greenwich) / Krovak','krovak','bessel','+proj=krovak +lat_0=49.5 +lon_0=24.... Radim Blazek
02:14 PM Bug report #7931: QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer was adde...
I doesn't matter if the layer is loaded from browser or not:... Giuseppe Sucameli
12:57 PM Revision d3d51820 (qgis): more api updates in fTools (still incomplete)
Alexander Bruy
12:34 PM Revision 48b39b65 (qgis): Add GetContext request to QGIS WMS Server
This non standard request retruns the QGIS project as an OWSContext
document version 0.3.1.
This request gives more i...
D'Hont René-Luc
11:10 AM Revision ce925496 (qgis): Merge pull request #623 from biolds/master
Fix crash when authentication fails. Fix #7913 Marco Hugentobler
11:04 AM Bug report #7895 (Closed): DXF drag@drop import: cannot distinguish between different geometry types
Fixed in changeset commit:"af0f61e699d89c4db9ee8f618c032b75e6211d33". Radim Blazek
11:00 AM Bug report #7895: DXF drag@drop import: cannot distinguish between different geometry types
If a layer has multiple geometries, ogr provider guess the geometry type from the first feature. Other geometries are... Radim Blazek
10:13 AM Revision 32da891f (qgis): GRASS shell cursor shift fix better
Radim Blazek
09:53 AM Bug report #7962 (Closed): wms client does not work on master if request has map.resolution param...
this work on 1.8 but not on master
Giovanni Manghi
09:16 AM Bug report #3828: dissolve tool very slow
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Is this still an issue ? Is it correct for this to be marked as "causes crash or corruption"...
Giovanni Manghi
09:15 AM Bug report #3828: dissolve tool very slow
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Is this still an issue ? Is it correct for this to be marked as "causes crash or corruption"...
Giovanni Manghi
08:46 AM Bug report #3828: dissolve tool very slow
Is this still an issue ? Is it correct for this to be marked as "causes crash or corruption"? Sandro Santilli
09:11 AM Bug report #7080: Master version crashes when loads 1.8 project
Still persists here with the same stacktrace.... Salvatore Larosa
08:48 AM Bug report #7080: Master version crashes when loads 1.8 project
Is this still an issue against current master? Sandro Santilli
08:21 AM Bug report #7370: QGIS 1.8 crashes when attempting to specify CRS
Charles, do you mean the bug is now fixed in master ? Sandro Santilli
08:00 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
mescal72 - wrote:
> Also Cavallini confirms. It's not a problem of grant because it happens also with superuser. More...
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
Also Cavallini confirms. It's not a problem of grant because it happens also with superuser. Moreover, the move and n... Luca Lanteri
07:59 AM Bug report #7961: Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
This is not the correct behaviour anyway: if one does not have permissions, the Modify should not be activated. Paolo Cavallini
07:57 AM Bug report #7961 (Feedback): Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
it works here, maybe a problem of permissions on the table? Giovanni Manghi
07:57 AM Bug report #7961 (Feedback): Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
it works here, maybe a problem of permissions on the table? Giovanni Manghi
07:54 AM Bug report #7961 (Closed): Add feature remain deactivated when toogle editing is on
When editing is on the "Add feature" remain deactivated. Others tool (move, node...) works fine.
It happens only wit...
Luca Lanteri
07:40 AM Bug report #7958: Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer

> A couple of days old so if it hasn't been fixed in the last days it's seems to still be in there. But maybe it beh...
Giovanni Manghi
07:38 AM Bug report #7958: Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Victor Axbom wrote:
> > It happens both on master and 1.8
> >
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> ...
Victor Axbom
07:37 AM Bug report #7958 (Open): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Confirmed on Win 7 and Linux. I would like to tag this as blocker, but as per 1.8 is not a regression. Someone can te... Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #7958 (Open): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Confirmed on Win 7 and Linux. I would like to tag this as blocker, but as per 1.8 is not a regression. Someone can te... Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #7958 (Open): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Confirmed on Win 7 and Linux. I would like to tag this as blocker, but as per 1.8 is not a regression. Someone can te... Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #7958 (Open): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Confirmed on Win 7 and Linux. I would like to tag this as blocker, but as per 1.8 is not a regression. Someone can te... Giovanni Manghi
07:31 AM Bug report #7958: Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
Victor Axbom wrote:
> It happens both on master and 1.8
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > this happens really on master...
Giovanni Manghi
07:29 AM Bug report #7958: Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
It happens both on master and 1.8
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this happens really on master on on qgis 1.8?
Victor Axbom
07:22 AM Bug report #7958 (Feedback): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
this happens really on master on on qgis 1.8? Giovanni Manghi
05:22 AM Bug report #7958 (Closed): Crash when switch off a WMS layer while you edit a vectorlayer
To reproduce this crash:
Add two layers, a vector layer and a wms layer. Set the vector layer in edit mode and use th...
Victor Axbom
07:39 AM Bug report #5615: Qgis crashes frequently when digitizing streams over aerial images (via WMS and...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Filipe I'm closing this because I (we) never managed to replicate the issue, anyway you may ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:31 AM Bug report #7960 (Closed): diagrams - pie chart _ color mapping
v 1.8.x and 1.9.x returns different results when doing simple pie charts out of 4 fields - sized by an explicite sum-... robert kalasek
07:30 AM Bug report #7484 (Closed): Georeferencer: Wrong negative coordinates
Paolo Cavallini
07:24 AM Bug report #7484: Georeferencer: Wrong negative coordinates
alobo - wrote:
> Works on 1.9 master on Mac
> Does not work on 1.8 (Linux, Mac)
> Agus
if it works on master this...
Giovanni Manghi
04:41 AM Bug report #7484: Georeferencer: Wrong negative coordinates
Works on 1.9 master on Mac
Does not work on 1.8 (Linux, Mac)
alobo -
06:55 AM Bug report #7410: The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbols are no...
Sorry I forgot to push. *now* pushed as commit:3f3ce480cf88088c24face9c6fcaa1bbcbb369a0 Sandro Santilli
06:33 AM Feature request #7959 (Closed): Add inches to snap settings and item properties positions in prin...
The snap setting should change to inches when inches are specified in the paper settings. Similarly, any item positi... Ed B
04:28 AM Feature request #6188: Let the user fine tune stretching values in raster properties/style
Tested with 1.9 on Mac: works fine alobo -
02:10 AM Bug report #7913 (Closed): Crash on WFS auth fail
Fixed in changeset commit:"ce925496c03009056978a8b343e4c7a5237973d5". Marco Hugentobler
02:05 AM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...

> Another *user* wants to keep output raster in a separate directory and does not want to *create new directory + se...
Giovanni Manghi
02:05 AM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...

> Another *user* wants to keep output raster in a separate directory and does not want to *create new directory + se...
Giovanni Manghi


01:59 AM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > It was expected, that only one VRT will be written to a directory, it is feature, not bug....
Radim Blazek
01:29 AM Feature request #6951 (Open): raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when usin...

> There are no technical problems, there is just missing optimal solution proposal.
may be we would need a new cate...
Giovanni Manghi
01:29 AM Feature request #6951 (Open): raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when usin...

> There are no technical problems, there is just missing optimal solution proposal.
may be we would need a new cate...
Giovanni Manghi
01:19 AM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > In any case, the dialog is not perfect, because it is difficult to define what should happ...
Radim Blazek
01:40 PM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...
the following answer is strictly from a user point of view.
> It was expected, that only one VRT will be writ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:01 AM Feature request #6951 (Feedback): raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when ...
It was expected, that only one VRT will be written to a directory, it is feature, not bug. If VRT is checked, user ca... Radim Blazek
01:24 AM Bug report #7956 (Feedback): QGIS Server: problem with two project with same layers
Do the layers have the same layerID?
The layer id is meant to be globally unique. Otherwise, the QGIS server won't b...
Marco Hugentobler
01:21 AM Bug report #7956 (Closed): QGIS Server: problem with two project with same layers
Hi all,
there is a problem when I have two projects with one or more layers that are present in both projects.
leolami -
01:22 AM Revision 979a11ec (qgis): Fix crash in sip using QString
Nathan Woodrow
01:14 AM Bug report #7952: Merging of shapefiles looses attribute values when the size if different
I try to change the order of merging selecting the shapefile with greater size as first shapefile, but still the tool... aperi2007 -
12:16 AM Bug report #7952 (Closed): Merging of shapefiles looses attribute values when the size if different
I try to merge shapefiles in the new qgis-dev.
For the string attributes it creates the new shapefile is using the s...
aperi2007 -
12:07 AM Bug report #7950 (Closed): 100% reproducible crash when try to move a newly created (point) featu...
That regressed recently. Steps to reproduce:
/!\\ important: you need to check the "[x] Show markers only for selecte...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:44 PM Bug report #7949 (Closed): Point / Line layer properties initial size value does not reflect actu...
Opening the layer properties for a point or line feature, on the style tab the size in the box defaults to 1.00 but t... Ross McDonald
08:06 PM Revision 00a9a7de (qgis): Merge pull request #624 from rduivenvoorde/nl
nl update Werner Macho
07:23 PM Revision 3acb48d1 (qgis): nl update
Richard Duivenvoorde
04:56 PM Revision a2fc3b42 (qgis): set correctly raster block nodata if layer extent or resolution is smal...
Radim Blazek
04:48 PM Revision 4c02d7ff (qgis): Keep selection if exchanging ids for added features, safety check for 0...
Marco Hugentobler
04:19 PM Revision 15539f34 (qgis): more Quantum GIS => QGIS updates
Jürgen Fischer
03:33 PM Revision 8a4499b2 (qgis): GRASS - set correctly qtermwidget font, fixes #7340
Radim Blazek
02:27 PM Revision ca86153b (qgis): Advertised WFS URL
Like WMS services, users can configure an advertised URL for WFS
If no advertised WFS URL is specified, QGI...
D'Hont René-Luc
02:15 PM Revision 2d9e1b61 (qgis): start update fTools to new SIP api
Alexander Bruy
01:46 PM Revision d841ccf4 (qgis): Add missing signal/slot connection, for limiting labels drawn
Larry Shaffer
01:31 PM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
Same problem here with PostGIS provider on GNU/Linux. Sandro Santilli
01:25 PM Bug report #5593: upside down labels turned upside up with new labelling machanism
Ah, got it, thank you ! Sandro Santilli
01:20 PM Bug report #5593 (Closed): upside down labels turned upside up with new labelling machanism
Hi Sandro,
This should indeed be fixed, exactly as indicated in the other issue, #6482. With the new labeling gui, t...
Larry Shaffer
01:20 PM Bug report #5593 (Closed): upside down labels turned upside up with new labelling machanism
Hi Sandro,
This should indeed be fixed, exactly as indicated in the other issue, #6482. With the new labeling gui, t...
Larry Shaffer
01:20 PM Bug report #5593 (Closed): upside down labels turned upside up with new labelling machanism
Hi Sandro,
This should indeed be fixed, exactly as indicated in the other issue, #6482. With the new labeling gui, t...
Larry Shaffer
07:57 AM Bug report #5593: upside down labels turned upside up with new labelling machanism
It looks like this still doesn't work. Was also reported as #44 and I tested with current master. Given the original ... Sandro Santilli
01:23 PM Bug report #7736 (In Progress): data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #7736: data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
The ticket is for a polygonal layer not for a puntual layer.
I try it with the last qgis-dev,
but the option of the...
aperi2007 -
11:51 AM Revision c1797fc7 (qgis): Fix crash when authentication fails. Fix #7913
- Fix pointer dereferencing
- Remove call to uninitialized button
As stated by Valgrind:
==13851== Use of uninitiali...
Laurent Defert
11:46 AM Revision 923be58b (qgis): GRASS fixes: remember last mapset, update layer list in tools if a laye...
Radim Blazek
11:45 AM Bug report #7410 (Closed): The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbo...
Fixed with commit:31f5ba90d191976858220a8e124d633dba769e50 Sandro Santilli
11:45 AM Bug report #7410 (Closed): The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbo...
Fixed with commit:31f5ba90d191976858220a8e124d633dba769e50 Sandro Santilli
11:37 AM Bug report #7410 (Reopened): The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' sym...
Marco: when you _select_ a line the bogus (bigger) arrow gets back. Sandro Santilli
10:59 AM Revision 2fcd2da0 (qgis): Add FeatureListURL in QGIS WMS Server GetCapabilities Request
When a layer is published as a WFS FeatureType, WMS GetCapabilities
Answer containing a FeatureListURL. The FeatureLi...
D'Hont René-Luc
10:26 AM Revision 8a932d29 (qgis): GRASS postgres - set schemas option, fixes #7427
Radim Blazek
09:29 AM Revision 58266c14 (qgis): vector layer undo command: remove merging noise
Jürgen Fischer
08:17 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
>wouldn't this cause more rasterized output, though?
Yes, using the label cache, text is fully rasetrized. ...
Marco Hugentobler
08:05 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
I recall that the limit was really only added for this specific performance issue. It was probably implemented per-la... Sandro Santilli
06:35 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Btw., I have two optimisation underway:
> 1. Improve speed of free polygon placement by us...
Larry Shaffer
06:19 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Aren Cambre wrote:
> Not sure I agree with this statement:
> > I don't think the limit should be on by default, espec...
Larry Shaffer
06:13 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Btw., I have two optimisation underway:
1. Improve speed of free polygon placement by using a simpler cost calculatio...
Marco Hugentobler
06:07 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
I've un-assigned myself from the issue. This is because what really needs to happen first is _an optimization of the ... Larry Shaffer
06:04 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Not sure I agree with this statement:
> I don't think the limit should be on by default, especially with a default nu...
Aren Cambre
06:00 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > NOTE that as of commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d the input field where you ...
Larry Shaffer
07:56 AM Bug report #7141 (Closed): "loaded layer" dropdown in GRASS modules is not more updated when laye...
It was fixed in commit:923be58b1c.
All layers in the legend are now listed in the combo box, not only those switche...
Radim Blazek
07:56 AM Bug report #7141 (Closed): "loaded layer" dropdown in GRASS modules is not more updated when laye...
It was fixed in commit:923be58b1c.
All layers in the legend are now listed in the combo box, not only those switche...
Radim Blazek
07:56 AM Bug report #7141 (Closed): "loaded layer" dropdown in GRASS modules is not more updated when laye...
It was fixed in commit:923be58b1c.
All layers in the legend are now listed in the combo box, not only those switche...
Radim Blazek
07:55 AM Bug report #4424: Label orientation is limited in the left-to-right range
More info about this issue seems to be in #55 Sandro Santilli
07:50 AM Bug report #7209 (Closed): WCS client seems broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"a2fc3b42aafc31814916bb6d496166d155755a95". Radim Blazek
07:48 AM Bug report #7946 (Closed): Move raster Thumbnails, Legend, and Palette from General to Style tab
Is there a reason (other than an historical one) why raster Thumbnails, Legend, and
Palette are displayed in the Gene...
Paolo Cavallini
06:29 AM Bug report #7340 (Closed): GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
Fixed in changeset commit:"8a4499b20dfc38581c0d844596431b7511050763". Radim Blazek
06:01 AM Bug report #7340: GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
The problem seems to be described here It seems to be due to wrong font ... Radim Blazek
03:41 AM Bug report #7340: GRASS Shell cursor misbehaving
I cannot reproduce it on Debian with Qt 4.6.3.
The GRASS shell is using copy of p...
Radim Blazek
04:44 AM Bug report #7944 (Closed): addFeatures in provider does not return properly the feature ID
In python, when doing:
@ans, fout = provider.addFeatures( [fin] )@
The feature @fin@ is properly added, but doing @f...
Denis Rouzaud
03:20 AM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
I'm having this issue on an other WFS server (one I'm currently writing), and the particular geometry that trigge...
Laurent Defert
03:03 AM Bug report #7913: Crash on WFS auth fail
Done. Thanks. Laurent Defert
02:35 AM Revision 4e95496a (qgis): Followup to fix for #7134, label settings not saved in .qml
- Ensure labeling gui is restored in correct order
- Run style script on qgsmaplayer.cpp
Larry Shaffer


01:20 AM Bug report #7427 (Closed): cannot import postgis layers into GRASS mapset
Fixed in changeset commit:"8a932d294a1fcafc97e1e255f47eb6764de9aa59". Radim Blazek
12:23 AM Bug report #7427: cannot import postgis layers into GRASS mapset
The problem is schema name in layer parameter. I'll fix that. Radim Blazek
12:54 PM Bug report #7427 (Open): cannot import postgis layers into GRASS mapset
Radim Blazek wrote:
> Does it work if you run the GRASS module from GRASS shell?
> Are module parameters generated...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #7427 (Feedback): cannot import postgis layers into GRASS mapset
Does it work if you run the GRASS module from GRASS shell?
Are module parameters generated by QGIS the same in 1.8 a...
Radim Blazek
11:28 AM Bug report #7427 (Feedback): cannot import postgis layers into GRASS mapset
Does it work if you run the GRASS module from GRASS shell?
Are module parameters generated by QGIS the same in 1.8 a...
Radim Blazek
01:19 AM Bug report #4394 (Closed): make clean fails to clean grass files
find . -name '*.o' # returns nothing as of current commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d Sandro Santilli
01:19 AM Bug report #4394 (Closed): make clean fails to clean grass files
find . -name '*.o' # returns nothing as of current commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d Sandro Santilli
01:17 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow

> NOTE that as of commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d the input field where you specify the number can N...
Giovanni Manghi
01:16 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
Assigning to Larry as he was looking at this at the times of #6656 (he added the features limit support, IIRC) Sandro Santilli
01:14 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
I suggest "Limit numer of features to be labeled to" (under "Rendering" section ofthe labeling options) defaults to O... Sandro Santilli
01:02 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
This is still a problem in master. Maybe there should be a low default for the max number of features to label.
GUI i...
Sandro Santilli
12:59 AM Bug report #4791: Labelling is extremely slow
See also #6656 for more info Sandro Santilli
01:10 AM Feature request #7942 (Open): In HTML windows add the option to open a link in an external browser
actually when the user do an identity on a WMS Layer it can return an HTML page.
This html page is showed in a qg...
aperi2007 -
01:07 AM Bug report #7941 (Closed): IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
I'm having problems with QGIS since more or less a month (early May). Before that date, I was using a version 1....
Jeff Moyen
01:03 AM Feature request #6614: Add support for "unknown" units
This is not a bug but a feature request. Only, there's no widget here in my "update ticket" form to change tracker. H... Sandro Santilli
01:00 AM Bug report #6656 (Closed): PAL labelling performance issue
Sandro Santilli
12:56 AM Bug report #6646 (Closed): Save style as: second popup after save
I can't reproduce anymore with current master (commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d), possibly because old... Sandro Santilli
12:56 AM Bug report #6646 (Closed): Save style as: second popup after save
I can't reproduce anymore with current master (commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d), possibly because old... Sandro Santilli
12:54 AM Bug report #7072: regression : can't create a feature
Should be fixed by these two requests:
Denis Rouzaud
11:06 PM Bug report #7072: regression : can't create a feature
Does it make sense to have all joined fields in the edit form as they won't be used? Denis Rouzaud
12:53 AM Bug report #7176 (Closed): sextante plugin doesn't load anymore from build tree
Loading sextante from build dir works fine for me as of commit:58266c145ce6ec2338187cacab2fc2ae948a896d
Simon please ...
Sandro Santilli
12:43 AM Bug report #4424 (Closed): Label orientation is limited in the left-to-right range
After one year with no feedback let's call it a feature ;) Sandro Santilli
12:43 AM Bug report #4424 (Closed): Label orientation is limited in the left-to-right range
After one year with no feedback let's call it a feature ;) Sandro Santilli
12:16 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Only, it may be better to comment out the "geometry changes merged" debug line as getting tens of thousand of lines w... Sandro Santilli
12:13 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Great job, the memory issue is also fixed by this! Sandro Santilli
01:57 PM Bug report #7929 (Closed): Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event f...
Fixed in changeset commit:"59788cb8fcbe86a71397c3046981d00f06c40b00". Jürgen Fischer
08:16 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Note that the nodeTool contains an hack to avoid multiple "geometryChanged" events by simply disconnecting the hook, ... Sandro Santilli
08:14 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Evidently not, "delete vertices" is not even supported by the utility class used to keep track of undo stack (AFAIU):... Sandro Santilli
08:01 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I believe the problem is the undo stack as QgsVectorLayerEditUtils only exposes a function t...
Jürgen Fischer
07:12 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
I believe the problem is the undo stack as QgsVectorLayerEditUtils only exposes a function to delete a single vertex ... Sandro Santilli
12:15 AM Bug report #7900 (Closed): Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
commit:59788cb8fcbe86a71397c3046981d00f06c40b00 made this unperceptible (can't see memory growing). So, good job ! Sandro Santilli
12:15 AM Bug report #7900 (Closed): Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
commit:59788cb8fcbe86a71397c3046981d00f06c40b00 made this unperceptible (can't see memory growing). So, good job ! Sandro Santilli
07:52 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
Yep, that's what I figured. Let's leave optimization (making multiple-vertices removal a single operation) for ticket... Sandro Santilli
07:49 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I believe the memory is used by the undo stack as QgsVectorLayerEditUtils only exposes a fun...
Jürgen Fischer
07:10 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
I believe the memory is used by the undo stack as QgsVectorLayerEditUtils only exposes a function to delete a single ... Sandro Santilli
12:02 AM Bug report #7353: Snapping is always on in current master
hm - but there is no way to disable snapping by default.
In "Options" one can only set the default snap mode, the sn...
Andreas Neumann
02:59 PM Bug report #7353: Snapping is always on in current master
Looks like that's intentional - it follows the defaults in options / digitizing. Jürgen Fischer
11:55 PM Revision e4edb1b8 (qgis): Merge pull request #622 from slarosa/one_more_fix_sipapiv2
[pyqgis-console] set default value for splitters state Nathan Woodrow
11:51 PM Revision 085f6369 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] set default value for splitters state
Salvatore Larosa
11:38 PM Revision 87ca653e (qgis): Fix #7134
Nathan Woodrow
11:33 PM Revision e0406e73 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:25 PM Revision f9ae9d53 (qgis): Merge pull request #621 from slarosa/again_sipapiv2
[pyqgis-console] again more upadte for sip api v2 Nathan Woodrow
11:23 PM Revision b1843de7 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] again more upadte for sip api v2
Salvatore Larosa
10:57 PM Revision 59788cb8 (qgis): - sync sip binding of QgsVectorLayer
- [API] introduce signal QgsVectorLayer::beforeRollBack()
- merge consecutive geometry changes (fixes #7929)
- avoid ...
Jürgen Fischer
10:56 PM Bug report #7550: Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
It occurs also with other providers and is very annoying. Denis Rouzaud
10:51 PM Bug report #7802: "Join attributes by location" in qgis master has a memory leak and leads to crash
I could not reproduce on Ubuntu 12.04 / master 4e95496.
Everything went well with your data and setup.
Denis Rouzaud
10:31 PM Bug report #7940 (Reopened): output selection dialog crash
Denis Rouzaud
10:29 PM Bug report #7940 (Closed): output selection dialog crash
In several vector dialogs (join attributes by location, singleparts to multiparts, extract nodes, etc. seems to be al... Denis Rouzaud
09:02 PM Revision 9db7ab96 (qgis): Merge pull request #620 from slarosa/update_sipapiv2_console
more update to console for sipapiv2 Matthias Kuhn
08:40 PM Revision 798d17b1 (qgis): fix #4103
Jürgen Fischer
06:48 PM Bug report #7939: Zoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image
Here are some screenshots. It appears to be calculating the zoom for 100% incorrectly.
Lisboa correctly calculates ...
Damien Smith
06:48 PM Bug report #7939: Zoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image
Here are some screenshots. It appears to be calculating the zoom for 100% incorrectly.
Lisboa correctly calculates ...
Damien Smith
05:40 PM Bug report #7939: Zoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image
Can you upload a before and after image. I can't reproduce here yet. Nathan Woodrow
05:39 PM Bug report #7939 (Closed): Zoom to Best Scale (100%) Produces Jagged Image
This used to work fine but no longer produces a 1:1 image. Damien Smith
05:51 PM Bug report #7134 (Closed): new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Fixed in changeset commit:"87ca653e8987069950bd9e65bdb9666c8daacf1c". Anonymous
05:30 PM Revision bc726dcb (qgis): more update to console for sipapiv2
Salvatore Larosa
03:58 PM Revision d28d2023 (qgis): Show call stack when python console open fails
Matthias Kuhn
03:54 PM Revision cca00035 (qgis): Using QgsMapLayer's title for QgsComposerLayerItem
D'Hont René-Luc
03:36 PM Revision 287cce06 (qgis): Add metadata information for layers
To complete the metadata tab and ilayer information, we add keywordlist,
metadata url and attribution information.
D'Hont René-Luc
03:02 PM Revision a0b45159 (qgis): Set default values for python console settings
Matthias Kuhn
02:51 PM Bug report #7658: Creating/exporting raster crashes application
Thanks yes I know I've since managed to successfully create a raster through GRASS so I would have to go back and fin... Nathanael Boehm
10:44 AM Bug report #7658 (Feedback): Creating/exporting raster crashes application
Works for me on Debian with GRASS 6.4.2.
> # Use to import vector (see attached sample vector from Geoscien...
Radim Blazek
02:46 PM Bug report #3505: Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
I think actually nobody ever tried to reproduce it. I also doubt that re-checking at random will bring up a different... Volker Fröhlich
02:31 PM Feature request #3566 (Closed): Label properties cosmetics
Giovanni Manghi
02:08 PM Feature request #3566: Label properties cosmetics
This refers to old labeling dialog Larry Shaffer
02:08 PM Feature request #3566: Label properties cosmetics
This refers to old labeling dialog Larry Shaffer
02:08 PM Revision 17d42434 (qgis): Start sipapi update
Nathan Woodrow
02:03 PM Bug report #4844 (Resolved): Multiline Labels - handling of Carriage Return / Line Feed characters
Larry Shaffer
01:50 PM Bug report #5049 (Resolved): Data-defined labeling takes 1560% longer to render
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:50 PM Bug report #5049 (Resolved): Data-defined labeling takes 1560% longer to render
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:48 PM Feature request #7779 (Resolved): Add possibility for labels to not register as collision in labe...
This was actually an issue involving the previous 'Features act as obstacles' setting that was greyed-out, but also _... Larry Shaffer
01:44 PM Feature request #5048 (Resolved): Labeling's "Data defined settings" are literally used for size,...
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4
Expressions can be used to provide solution to issue.
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:42 PM Bug report #4607 (Resolved): Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of ...
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:42 PM Bug report #4607 (Resolved): Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of ...
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:41 PM Bug report #7755 (Closed): Using bufferSize to enable/disable label buffer is confusing
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4 and followup commit commit:8742a9e8
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
01:41 PM Bug report #7755 (Closed): Using bufferSize to enable/disable label buffer is confusing
Should be fixed with commit commit:45f374f4 and followup commit commit:8742a9e8
Reopen if necessary
Larry Shaffer
12:56 PM Bug report #7936: Cannot save Layer Styles
Peter Cornelissen wrote:
> Hi. I just realised that the issue is when trying to save layer style on layers created fr...
Giovanni Manghi
05:45 AM Bug report #7936: Cannot save Layer Styles
Hi. I just realised that the issue is when trying to save layer style on layers created from delimited csv files. Is ... Peter Cornelissen
04:54 AM Bug report #7936 (Closed): Cannot save Layer Styles
I had a issue with my old laptop (running Windows Vista) saving Layer Styles. I had done previously, but then for...
Peter Cornelissen
12:30 PM Bug report #4868 (Closed): "creation of data source zpe failed. cannot commit - no transaction is...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #4868 (Feedback): "creation of data source zpe failed. cannot commit - no transaction ...
It should be fixed: could you please check with latest master? Paolo Cavallini
09:39 AM Bug report #4868 (Feedback): "creation of data source zpe failed. cannot commit - no transaction ...
It should be fixed: could you please check with latest master? Paolo Cavallini
12:24 PM Bug report #7709: zoom to full is wrong if in the project there is a CSV file or a geometryless p...
Chris Crook wrote:
> Hi Giovanni
> Do you mean CSV file using delimited text provider? Or CSV with OGR provider? ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #7709: zoom to full is wrong if in the project there is a CSV file or a geometryless p...
Hi Giovanni
Do you mean CSV file using delimited text provider? Or CSV with OGR provider? I haven't been able to re...
Chris Crook
12:08 PM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Hi Laurent,
Well, this is unrelated to labeling as far a I can tell. Loading the layer you mentioned and trying to d...
Larry Shaffer
12:08 PM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Hi Laurent,
Well, this is unrelated to labeling as far a I can tell. Loading the layer you mentioned and trying to d...
Larry Shaffer
03:58 AM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Hi, thanks for your fast response.
I tried reverting the commit 0594453 with no luck.
I cannot find which commit intr...
Laurent Defert
11:56 AM Bug report #7913 (Feedback): Crash on WFS auth fail
Laurent Defert wrote:
> The patch in attachement fixes this issue for me.
Hi! thanks for the patch! Would you be ava...
Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #7913 (Feedback): Crash on WFS auth fail
Laurent Defert wrote:
> The patch in attachement fixes this issue for me.
Hi! thanks for the patch! Would you be ava...
Giovanni Manghi
08:45 AM Bug report #7913: Crash on WFS auth fail
The patch in attachement fixes this issue for me. Laurent Defert
11:54 AM Bug report #7675: objects do not stay grouped in print composer
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> IMHO is not very serious (no data loss, more of an annoyance)
for complex layouts, that may...
Giovanni Manghi
08:35 AM Bug report #7675: objects do not stay grouped in print composer
IMHO is not very serious (no data loss, more of an annoyance) Paolo Cavallini
11:52 AM Bug report #7937 (Feedback): 'add to selection' not rendering
it seems to work on Windows/osgeo4w, but later I can also try Linux (ubuntu 12.04). Giovanni Manghi
05:51 AM Bug report #7937 (Closed): 'add to selection' not rendering
qgis 1.9 nightly build from debian raring repo.
make a selection and then ctrl-another selection on the canvas and ...
Gavin Fleming
11:46 AM Feature request #4103 (Closed): "Snap Tolerance" dialogue text needs to be updated
Fixed in changeset commit:"798d17b12a80f2c73b461ce3e23e40ee86841a08". Jürgen Fischer
11:17 AM Bug report #7484 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Wrong negative coordinates
Can you describe exactly the steps to reproduce it? I tried to
* create new project
* set project projection to 3271...
Radim Blazek
11:17 AM Bug report #7484 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Wrong negative coordinates
Can you describe exactly the steps to reproduce it? I tried to
* create new project
* set project projection to 3271...
Radim Blazek
10:55 AM Revision 2bf0b2e9 (qgis): Differentiate between x and y resolution for polygon coordinate positio...
Marco Hugentobler
10:16 AM Bug report #7807: Qgis 1.9.0-Master freezes upon saving WMS tiles as "Raw data"...
Please test and close if it works. Radim Blazek
10:07 AM Bug report #7711 (Closed): qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
This is 1.8 mapserver problem so I am going to close it. Radim Blazek
10:07 AM Bug report #7711 (Closed): qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
This is 1.8 mapserver problem so I am going to close it. Radim Blazek
10:03 AM Bug report #7079: qgis 1.8 - the parameter snapshot does not works
So, is this a duplicate? Paolo Cavallini
10:02 AM Revision f1f17ed9 (qgis): [sextante] fix issue with non-ASCII characters in layer selector
Alexander Bruy
09:43 AM Bug report #3497 (Closed): [OsX] Crash when changing font and color in Style manager on OS X
Closing it then - please reopen it if necessary Paolo Cavallini
09:40 AM Bug report #4509: Crash on SPARC when opening vector layer
Could you check that the problem is still there? If so, could Marco please revise the patch and apply it if appropria... Paolo Cavallini
09:36 AM Feature request #6188 (Closed): Let the user fine tune stretching values in raster properties/style
Paolo Cavallini
09:33 AM Feature request #6188: Let the user fine tune stretching values in raster properties/style
Closing for lack of feedback - please reopen if necessary.
Paolo Cavallini
09:21 AM Bug report #6990: pyspatialite: some spatialite functions not recognised
Please move this to the relevant library; if necessary, open a new ticket about the rest Paolo Cavallini
09:20 AM Revision 95b45672 (qgis): Use rougher polygon cost calculation based on closest border or obstacle
Marco Hugentobler
07:38 AM Bug report #7341: mapCanvas refresh does not show newly created features in memory layers
yes to the provider, with addFeature Denis Rouzaud
07:35 AM Bug report #7341: mapCanvas refresh does not show newly created features in memory layers
did you add the features to the layer or to the provider? The former would probably have worked without clearing th... Jürgen Fischer
07:22 AM Bug report #7341: mapCanvas refresh does not show newly created features in memory layers
This would require push-notification (Qt-terminology: signal) from dataprovider to vectorlayer. Matthias Kuhn
06:44 AM Bug report #7341: mapCanvas refresh does not show newly created features in memory layers
calling @vectorlayer.setCacheImage( None )@ before refresh makes the feature appearing. Denis Rouzaud
05:24 AM Revision 23782b73 (qgis): Fix add class for graduated renderer. Fix #7726
Nathan Woodrow
04:02 AM Bug report #7619 (Closed): Setting a "max" value in Raster Properties Histogram has no effect
Changing status from resolved to closed, resolution fixed. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:59 AM Bug report #7736 (Closed): data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Using an integer and real field to set rotation for individual marker in a points layer works fine. I've just confirm... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:59 AM Bug report #7736 (Closed): data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Using an integer and real field to set rotation for individual marker in a points layer works fine. I've just confirm... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:59 AM Bug report #7736 (Closed): data defined rotation does not work for point pattern fills
Using an integer and real field to set rotation for individual marker in a points layer works fine. I've just confirm... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:52 AM Bug report #7598 (Closed): CRS info on the lower right corner does not show anymore
Closing this bug as worksforme after testing both on latest linux and windows builds. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:52 AM Bug report #7598 (Closed): CRS info on the lower right corner does not show anymore
Closing this bug as worksforme after testing both on latest linux and windows builds. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:33 AM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
+1 for downgrade + experimental tag
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> On Mac, the control buttons are not useable (see attac...
Matthias Kuhn
03:13 AM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
Good idea, tommorow I'll introduce the "experimental" tag also for c++ plugins. It's clearly visible in the new manager. Borys Jurgiel
02:54 AM Bug report #7935 (Closed): SVG paths still absolute if project set to use relative paths
QGIS 1.8
I am distributing a project that uses custom svg symbols, hence it has a local, relative svg directory. How...
Gavin Fleming


01:44 AM Revision 1dc75dd6 (qgis): Fix removing composer legend items. Fix #7874 Fix #7464
Nathan Woodrow
01:31 AM Revision 34ef14ac (qgis): add missing sip bindings to QgsSublayersDialog
Jürgen Fischer
01:22 AM Revision 81139a65 (qgis): fix build error
Jürgen Fischer
01:09 AM Revision 8cfd421c (qgis): fix #7925
Jürgen Fischer
12:29 AM Feature request #3436 (Closed): Default settings for image output
Present in 2.0 Jean-Roc Morreale
12:29 AM Feature request #3436 (Closed): Default settings for image output
Present in 2.0 Jean-Roc Morreale
12:29 AM Feature request #3436 (Closed): Default settings for image output
Present in 2.0 Jean-Roc Morreale
12:19 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget

> Yeah does for me
odd, does not for me at the moment on Linux on both date and text fields. There was a recent fix?
Giovanni Manghi
12:17 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > You can still write dates to string columns you just have to supply the format of the date...
Nathan Woodrow
12:15 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget

> You can still write dates to string columns you just have to supply the format of the date string.
but not with ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:12 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> if dates can be written only in a date column, then at least for shapes this is a change of...
Nathan Woodrow
12:07 AM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> If there is no date format supplied the date will not be written back.
> Should we close...
Giovanni Manghi
08:35 PM Bug report #7451: Dates are not written in the table of attributes when using the calendar widget
If there is no date format supplied the date will not be written back.
Should we close this or can you think of a ...
Nathan Woodrow
12:11 AM Bug report #7452: Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
just one doubt, this would mean that 1.8 projects that had a calendar widget associated to a text column will result ... Giovanni Manghi
05:13 PM Bug report #7452 (Closed): Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
Nathan Woodrow
05:08 PM Bug report #7452: Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Just tested. If you use a calendar on non date style data then you will get blank records. ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:05 PM Bug report #7452: Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
Just tested. If you use a calendar on non date style data then you will get blank records. Not sure what else you c... Nathan Woodrow
05:01 PM Bug report #7452: Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Can you add some more details for this.
Hi Nathan,
I can't add much more. Just pick a vecto...
Giovanni Manghi
04:57 PM Bug report #7452: Column values disappear when choosing an edit widget
Can you add some more details for this. Nathan Woodrow
11:58 PM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Lowering priority to high as the globe plugin was never that stable, and as such sho...
Giovanni Manghi
09:41 PM Bug report #6192: Globe plugin brings QGIS to its knees
Lowering priority to high as the globe plugin was never that stable, and as such shouldn't be considered as a complet... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:29 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
Hi, there is no new build on osgeo4w today, I'll try next week (QGIS training by the end of the week!) Regis Haubourg
08:48 PM Bug report #7217 (Closed): graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
Regis can you test with the latest build and report back if it is still an issue. Nathan Woodrow
08:48 PM Bug report #7217 (Closed): graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
Regis can you test with the latest build and report back if it is still an issue. Nathan Woodrow
08:46 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
I can't reproduce this issue either. So what they say is true, time does heal ;o) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:23 PM Bug report #7217: graduated classes are altered when saved to qgs
Can we confirm if this still and issue. I can't reproduce here. Nathan Woodrow
11:21 PM Bug report #7068 (Closed): Joined table regressions
OK to me, thanks guys. Regis Haubourg
11:21 PM Bug report #7068 (Closed): Joined table regressions
OK to me, thanks guys. Regis Haubourg
09:32 PM Bug report #7068: Joined table regressions
Per Werner Macho's comment, who indicates a commit has fixed the issue discussed here, can we close? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:19 PM Bug report #7915 (Closed): Pdf export vs centroid fill
I can't reproduce this bug with a new project and the same style. Maybe a problem related to polygons or project...I ... Alessandro Ciali
03:27 PM Bug report #7915: Pdf export vs centroid fill
Can't confirm here. Works as expected. Nathan Woodrow
10:47 PM Revision a2e98d7b (qgis): [sextante] added new v.transform algorithm
minor fix in Victor Olaya
10:47 PM Revision 1dad1491 (qgis): [sextante] some light code cleaning/polishing
Victor Olaya
10:14 PM Revision 17bdba94 (qgis): fix loading of raster and vector files with sublayers ; add vector and ...
Etienne Tourigny
10:11 PM Revision b5f88188 (qgis): we don't have a file menu on osx either (followup c510c449)
Jürgen Fischer
09:29 PM Bug report #7598: CRS info on the lower right corner does not show anymore
On today's osgeo4w build on windows, I can see the CRS indicator. So either it's a linux / mac specific issue, or it ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:00 PM Bug report #7660 (Closed): all features disappear when editing layer feature(s) under {categorize...
Closing as this is reported already in other bugs, main one being #7472. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:00 PM Bug report #7660 (Closed): all features disappear when editing layer feature(s) under {categorize...
Closing as this is reported already in other bugs, main one being #7472. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:54 PM Bug report #7933 (Closed): label item rotation in qgis composer should be improved
The current background drawing on rotated label items in the composer should be improved. Right now, the rotation app... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:50 PM Bug report #7321 (Closed): all feature disappear when a node is modified using node tools and the...
This is related to #7660 Nathan Woodrow
08:50 PM Bug report #7321 (Closed): all feature disappear when a node is modified using node tools and the...
This is related to #7660 Nathan Woodrow
08:24 PM Bug report #7726 (Closed): "Add class" to graduated renderer replaces an existing one
Fixed in changeset commit:"23782b7305da5f75f5195d52402d9b6b7d6f29f2". Anonymous
07:17 PM Bug report #7726: "Add class" to graduated renderer replaces an existing one
see also #7912, which adds that add class button is also broken when trying to add classes on an empty list. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:20 PM Bug report #7699: SVG fill missing default value for text width and border unit type
Lowering priority to high as this shouldn't really be a blocker to a 2.0 release. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:16 PM Bug report #7912 (Closed): recent commit(s) broke graduated symbology making it impossible to man...
Part of this is duplicate of issue #7726, closing and adding missing information to older issue. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:16 PM Bug report #7912 (Closed): recent commit(s) broke graduated symbology making it impossible to man...
Part of this is duplicate of issue #7726, closing and adding missing information to older issue. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:59 PM Bug report #7134: new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Larry is taking a look now. Nathan Woodrow
06:40 PM Bug report #7134: new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Fix in progress. Nathan Woodrow
05:15 PM Bug report #7134: new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Ok yes it seems the loading is the issue. Nathan Woodrow
05:12 PM Bug report #7134 (Reopened): new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
I just updated on osgeo4w and still does not work. When you apply the .qml style the labels does not show and in fact... Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Bug report #7134 (Reopened): new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
I just updated on osgeo4w and still does not work. When you apply the .qml style the labels does not show and in fact... Giovanni Manghi
04:55 PM Bug report #7134 (Closed): new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Seems to be fine in master now. Reopen if not fixed for you. Nathan Woodrow
04:55 PM Bug report #7134 (Closed): new labels are not saved in qml as they were old labels
Seems to be fine in master now. Reopen if not fixed for you. Nathan Woodrow
06:45 PM Revision dd60a34f (qgis): Update QgsDataDefinedButton
- Add 'Usage info' functions; displays in description and tool tip
- Reorganize menu, adding conceptual section title...
Larry Shaffer
06:42 PM Revision 047976b6 (qgis): Fix leak of geometry in QgsSelectedFeature destructor
Sandro Santilli
06:33 PM Bug report #7932 (Closed): Identify Features freezes when a polygon has many interior rings
Using the 'identify features' tool on a polygon with a large number of interior rings will cause QGIS to become very ... Joshua Brooks
05:30 PM Bug report #7931: QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer was adde...
Confirmed here on Mac as well. Not specific to loading rasters though.... Larry Shaffer
04:21 PM Bug report #7931: QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer was adde...
confirmed on Linux
gio@sibirica ~ $ qgis
Warning: loading of qt translation failed [/usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_e...
Giovanni Manghi
12:58 PM Bug report #7931 (Closed): QGIS crashes when clicking "new project" or in program exit if a layer...
On QGIS master from osgeo4w I'm getting a replicable crash when clicking on "new project -> discard" (or on program e... Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Bug report #6723: Multiple selection from table paste into layer crashes QGIS
Seems a bit hit and miss. I just had a crash copying from the attribute table but now I can't get it to do it again. Nathan Woodrow
04:44 PM Bug report #7464 (Closed): Removing 1 subgroup from legend in print composer removes 2 subgroups
Fixed in changeset commit:"1dc75dd64fcd4613379f9c28e161c1bd7afa22d1". Anonymous
04:44 PM Bug report #7874 (Closed): Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
Fixed in changeset commit:"1dc75dd64fcd4613379f9c28e161c1bd7afa22d1". Anonymous
04:09 PM Bug report #7925 (Closed): WMS Layers: opacity value not restored when loading project
Fixed in changeset commit:"8cfd421c90a8dc3d1f2b0018ed24391097032610". Jürgen Fischer
07:22 AM Bug report #7925 (Closed): WMS Layers: opacity value not restored when loading project
When adding a WMS layer to a project and setting the opacity value and saving the project, the opacity value seems to... Andreas Neumann
03:17 PM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Hi Marco,
I am assigning this issue to you because I think it may be related to a recent commit of yours. Please und...
Larry Shaffer
03:15 PM Bug report #7928: SIGABRT when adding labels
Hi Laurent,
It looks like the function that may be causing the issue, *QgsGeometry::exportWkbToGeos()*, was worked o...
Larry Shaffer
08:55 AM Bug report #7928 (Closed): SIGABRT when adding labels
Using the current master branch (rev 20c729a), QGis crashes when enabling labelling on some layers. To reproduce:
* O...
Laurent Defert
02:37 PM Bug report #7619 (Resolved): Setting a "max" value in Raster Properties Histogram has no effect
Etienne Tourigny
01:13 PM Bug report #7828 (Reopened): error message on startup
seems it has come back... am I the only one getting this? Etienne Tourigny
12:44 PM Revision 21a884b7 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into slovak
Ivan Mincik
12:24 PM Revision 20c729a3 (qgis): Add a QgsDebugCall macro to trace entering/leaving functions
Replace manual debugging lines used for the same purpose in a couple
of implementation files for node tool.
Sandro Santilli
12:20 PM Revision c510c449 (qgis): we don't have a file menu anymore (also moves project properties to pro...
Jürgen Fischer
12:03 PM Revision cad339d3 (qgis): [diagrams] save attribute names instead of indices (fix #7914)
Matthias Kuhn
11:36 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
Hi all: please do not close this thread. Here's why:
Until very recently GIS systems were far too expensive for indi...
John Sankey
11:24 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
And: ... Sandro Santilli
11:24 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
The origin seems to be this one: ... Sandro Santilli
11:23 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
Under gdb I can also see that a thread is started for each vertex !! This is serious performance loss Sandro Santilli
10:36 AM Bug report #7929: Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event for each r...
I verified that saving the edit does not call geometryChanged so many times Sandro Santilli
09:31 AM Bug report #7929 (Closed): Exiting edit mode withouth saving triggers a "geometryChanged" event f...
When exiting edit mode without saving, the "undo" operation triggers a call to "geometryChanged" for every vertex tha... Sandro Santilli
09:38 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
Nope, I take it back, there's no direct corrispondence between deselecting the nodetool and the leak. It still someti... Sandro Santilli
09:37 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
The leak seems unrelated. Instead I found out that if you change selected tool before exiting edit mode, then the lea... Sandro Santilli
09:22 AM Bug report #7900: Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
Gave valgrind a shot. This time I exited edit mode without saving.
==11261== 789,971 (32 direct, 789,939 indirect) b...
Sandro Santilli
09:07 AM Bug report #3505: Crash when GPSD goes away and trying to connect again
I suggest to close this if nobody can reproduce it. Someone will file it again when first seen...
Volker, what do you...
Sandro Santilli
08:05 AM Bug report #7927 (Closed): composer fails to export with high dpi, without any message
Hi, QGIS doesn't export any image beyond a given dpi resolution.
For A0 maps with lots of raster and transparency, I...
Regis Haubourg
07:28 AM Bug report #7926 (Closed): blending modes layer are not exported well if resolution is high
when exporting a composer in raster mode (A0 or A1), when asking for higher dpi, layers with blending mode are...
Regis Haubourg
07:17 AM Bug report #7924: QGIS Server: GetProjectSettings lists field type with QString instead of boolean
Alternatively it would be useful to have an additional column in the fields tab called "Desktop" that separates the "... Andreas Neumann
07:05 AM Bug report #7924 (Closed): QGIS Server: GetProjectSettings lists field type with QString instead ...
I sometimes use boolean data types represented with checkboxes. In QWC (QGIS web client) I want to display them with ... Andreas Neumann
07:01 AM Revision a7b92fd1 (qgis): Don't be so strict with bad geometies in spatial query
Nathan Woodrow
06:54 AM Bug report #7917: Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WFS connect...
Yes, I got mixed up with the versions. Sorry, 1.8.0 has the disappearing fields, master has just no ignore options in... Chris Berkhout
06:39 AM Bug report #7923 (Closed): Centroid fill icons go below some polygons
See attached: part of one icon is not displayed. Paolo Cavallini
05:36 AM Bug report #7922 (Closed): Editing: feature merging crashes QGIS when selecting a row and take at...
Steps to reproduce:
* Create empty shapefile
* digitize two adjacent lines that can be merged
* select the two lines...
Andreas Neumann
05:30 AM Bug report #7388 (Closed): Feature merging fails for Postgis tables if pkey is not set
Seems to work now fine in current master. Andreas Neumann
05:30 AM Bug report #7388 (Closed): Feature merging fails for Postgis tables if pkey is not set
Seems to work now fine in current master. Andreas Neumann
03:38 AM Revision d2831e3f (qgis): Load extents from geometry_columns. Fix #7883
Nathan Woodrow
03:18 AM Bug report #7914: Diagrams should use Column names instead of Column number
Not sure if it really solves your case. A real solution would require refactoring quite a couple of classes. Matthias Kuhn
03:04 AM Bug report #7914 (Closed): Diagrams should use Column names instead of Column number
Fixed in changeset commit:"cad339d3cfde3c89e21d67d25222c6e26655d502". Matthias Kuhn
03:06 AM Bug report #7921: Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
Just tried with a fresh install of 1.8: There are no primary keys found.
Where the dropdown fields are in master, the...
Florian Petry
02:06 AM Bug report #7921: Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
Do you have anything reproducable? Jürgen Fischer
02:01 AM Bug report #7921 (Feedback): Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
Is this a regression since 1.8 ? Giovanni Manghi
02:01 AM Bug report #7921 (Feedback): Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
Is this a regression since 1.8 ? Giovanni Manghi


01:57 AM Bug report #7921 (Closed): Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
When adding a PostGIS Layer the found primary keys of some layers are wrong.
Instead of a dropdown with actual column...
Florian Petry
12:24 AM Bug report #7917: Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WFS connect...
This is true on QGIS 1.8, in QGIS master those options do not show at all in either dialogs. It seems strange to me t... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 AM Bug report #7917: Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WFS connect...
This is true on QGIS 1.8, in QGIS master those options do not show at all in either dialogs. It seems strange to me t... Giovanni Manghi
12:24 AM Bug report #7917: Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WFS connect...
This is true on QGIS 1.8, in QGIS master those options do not show at all in either dialogs. It seems strange to me t... Giovanni Manghi
06:30 PM Bug report #7917 (Closed): Ignore GetMap/GetFeatureInfo options disappeared from Create/Modify WF...
The checkbox fields:
- Ignore GetMap URI reported in capabilities
- Ignore GetFeatureInfo URI reported in capabiliti...
Chris Berkhout
11:53 PM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP

> This is definitely a workaround method, not one that should be considered as final in a stable version of QGIS...
Giovanni Manghi
11:50 PM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
Hi jhon, the user manual does not contain anything about this because this is a workaround that I use for representin... Alessandro Ciali
04:31 PM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
Alessandro, I can't find anything about this in the user manual. I tried the exact phrase you quote and it wiped out ... John Sankey
09:31 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
1. About step 2: in layer properties you can find Feature subset. You have not to do one by one, but define a query o... Alessandro Ciali
08:10 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
Alessandro, how do I do step 2 within a DXF layer? (With 1700+ features, it can't be one by one...)
Also, when I sav...
John Sankey
07:06 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
I exported the DWG to dxf2000 version. I exported then to shp without problem (see attached shape).
The problem was s...
Alessandro Ciali
04:55 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
I've asked the user for his version. In the meantime, here is the native DWG of AutoCAD.
The drawing was originally i...
John Sankey
10:09 PM Feature request #7919 (Open): Expose invert selection as a map tool
The invert selection operation can only be done by the attribute table. Should be a map tool as well. Nathan Woodrow
09:45 PM Revision 6a352b78 (qgis): translation update: sv by Victor
Werner Macho
09:39 PM Revision 2895a614 (qgis): Merge pull request #615 from rduivenvoorde/nltranslation
Dutch translation Werner Macho
09:27 PM Revision e6e91397 (qgis): addtion of Diethard to list of dutch translators
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:19 PM Revision b5ee9d8c (qgis): further dutch translations
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:16 PM Revision f4c859ae (qgis): added flag for bengali language
Werner Macho
09:09 PM Bug report #7918 (Closed): in qgis composer, moving a group of selected items results in only the...
Straight forward issue. Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new print composer
2. Add three label items
3. Select the th...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:02 PM Revision 6af2e65d (qgis): update and some changes to basque language
Werner Macho
08:33 PM Revision b8a4a4dd (qgis): added more japanese translators
Werner Macho
06:49 PM Bug report #7891 (Closed): Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
Damien Smith
06:49 PM Bug report #7891: Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
The data had carriage returns on the end. My apologies. Damien Smith
06:39 PM Bug report #7883 (Closed): Large MSSQL Tables Very Slow To Open
Fixed in changeset commit:"d2831e3fe194b761c6bdb5794541ec31e203e865". Anonymous
01:46 PM Bug report #7909: Compile error - grass plugin
I just tested your patch and it works perfectly. Thank you.
The last proble for FreeBSD is with the globe's ...
01:33 PM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Hi Andreas,
The fix is not pushed to master yet. I should be able to do that sometime this week. Sorry for the delay.
Larry Shaffer
06:06 AM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
I tried with the current master (which should have your revision you mention above, Larry?) and QGIS still crashes on... Andreas Neumann
01:12 PM Bug report #7894: QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and position if...
I have found the code, src/mapserver/qgsconfigparser.cpp:530... René-Luc ReLuc
06:37 AM Bug report #7894: QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and position if...
Some more description added to be able to reproduce the problem.
Since QWebKit requires a running x-server to be ab...
Michael Douchin
06:37 AM Bug report #7894: QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and position if...
Some more description added to be able to reproduce the problem.
Since QWebKit requires a running x-server to be ab...
Michael Douchin
11:57 AM Bug report #7828 (Closed): error message on startup
actually, seems the problem dissapeared after running a second time, so I will close the bug. Etienne Tourigny
11:48 AM Bug report #7828: error message on startup
I have updated to latest master and removed my .qgis2 folder, and the issue still persists. This should be a blocker,... Etienne Tourigny
11:09 AM Revision 8b27f11e (qgis): Merge pull request #612 from SrNetoChan/master
pt_PT translations Werner Macho
11:08 AM Revision 7f4a7ac6 (qgis): Merge pull request #613 from qgis-jp/for_pull_from_ja
translation gui ja by minoura , tmizu23, nuimura, Arctictern265, yoichi... Werner Macho
11:00 AM Revision f2e222b1 (qgis): translation gui ja by minoura , tmizu23, nuimura, Arctictern265, yoich...
yoichi Kayama
08:50 AM Revision ebc8e6c5 (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
08:50 AM Revision 5177c7b5 (qgis): fix 10a91b7fb on some platforms
Jürgen Fischer
06:24 AM Feature request #7916 (Open): QGIS Server: layer opacity value in GetProjectSettings
Now that we again have global layer opacity it is important that the GetProjectSettings reply also mentions the globa... Andreas Neumann
06:11 AM Bug report #7353: Snapping is always on in current master
yes - I can confirm that. Once the "Apply" button is pressed the snapping is turned off correctly. However, initially... Andreas Neumann
06:08 AM Bug report #3458 (Closed): New Symbology: Simple Markers don't allow to specify stroke-width
This is now implemented along with the new data-defined symbology. Andreas Neumann
06:08 AM Bug report #3458 (Closed): New Symbology: Simple Markers don't allow to specify stroke-width
This is now implemented along with the new data-defined symbology. Andreas Neumann
06:03 AM Bug report #7181 (Closed): QGIS Server: Rectangles are not printed to PDF with getPrint command
I don't care about this anymore. I have "migrated" all of my projects to the current version. Andreas Neumann
06:03 AM Bug report #7181 (Closed): QGIS Server: Rectangles are not printed to PDF with getPrint command
I don't care about this anymore. I have "migrated" all of my projects to the current version. Andreas Neumann
06:00 AM Bug report #7627 (Closed): Wrong Label Scaling in Print or PDF
Andreas Neumann
06:00 AM Bug report #7627: Wrong Label Scaling in Print or PDF
we can close this bug - and reopen another one if there are other or additional issues. The label scaling itself work... Andreas Neumann
05:59 AM Bug report #7644 (Closed): QGIS Server: Opacity not working in GetMap requests
Andreas Neumann
05:59 AM Bug report #7644: QGIS Server: Opacity not working in GetMap requests
it seems to be fixed in the current master.
@Giovanni: I'll have a look at the client. The last version I used in pr...
Andreas Neumann
04:35 AM Bug report #7915 (Closed): Pdf export vs centroid fill
Tring to export as pdf (both single and atlas) of type vector a map containing a polyon layer symbolized by centroid ... Alessandro Ciali
03:22 AM Bug report #7671: SVG symbols not correctly exported to svg and pdf via print composer
Now I'm using 1.9.0 93faa76, still the same.
In the attached image there's an exported pdf on the left and the compo...
Andrea Ghensi
03:11 AM Bug report #7914 (Closed): Diagrams should use Column names instead of Column number
In master, I made a layer with diagrams, with fields A,B,C
For some reasons, I added some columns in my table I recr...
02:28 AM Feature request #7911: Make mapping/editing of infrastructure networks easier
Hi Timmie,
I would suggest to develop such functionality in separate plugins/applications - only generally useful st...
Andreas Neumann
02:27 AM Revision 61285a9d (qgis): do not destroy layers created outside the dialog (fix #7903)
Giuseppe Sucameli
02:21 AM Bug report #7893 (Closed): qgis wfs-t server does not refresh layer after postgis edits
René-Luc ReLuc
02:01 AM Revision f5aef0f5 (qgis): DBManager: better handle for not supported constraint types (fix #7544)
Giuseppe Sucameli
02:01 AM Revision 5d8964a4 (qgis): DBManager: replace the deprecated Exception.message attribute
Giuseppe Sucameli
02:01 AM Revision cb1e47be (qgis): DBManager: fix 'Update Option' button behaviour (fix #7606)
Giuseppe Sucameli


12:55 AM Bug report #6609: WFS client does not store Username and Password
Might be better to call this "WFS client does not use Username and Password".
In my experience QGIS doesn't keep ask...
Chris Berkhout
12:46 AM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
I tried to import the dxf file as it is, obtaining the same error. but, performing the following feature subset:
Alessandro Ciali
10:15 PM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
DXF can contain points, lines and polygons - this one comes from an AutoCAD user. (So can WKT, which I also tried to ... John Sankey
10:15 PM Bug report #7910: DXF file can't be saved as SHP
DXF can contain points, lines and polygons - this one comes from an AutoCAD user. (So can WKT, which I also tried to ... John Sankey
12:05 PM Bug report #7910 (Feedback): DXF file can't be saved as SHP
on QGIS master it gives error while exporting to shape, but it gives also a result (attached). Please try and report ... Giovanni Manghi
12:05 PM Bug report #7910 (Feedback): DXF file can't be saved as SHP
on QGIS master it gives error while exporting to shape, but it gives also a result (attached). Please try and report ... Giovanni Manghi
09:02 AM Bug report #7910 (Closed): DXF file can't be saved as SHP
I've got a DXF file:
Storage type of this layer: DXF
Source for this layer: /Users/john/QGIS/OVPP/OAK VALLEY Drawing....
John Sankey
12:35 AM Revision ab3c14c0 (qgis): pt_PT Translations
Alexandre Neto
12:09 AM Bug report #7913 (Closed): Crash on WFS auth fail
QGIS version: edge (commit d68524bfd774b6b2fd91f49d914bf18e3ae7c22f). Tried this in 1.8.0 and it didn't crash.
Chris Berkhout
07:25 PM Revision 5e282206 (qgis): Merge pull request #609 from SrNetoChan/master
DB Manager Dialog pt_PT translations Werner Macho
07:22 PM Bug report #7912: recent commit(s) broke graduated symbology making it impossible to manually add...
I can replicate these problems in Qgis 2.0 - build 51d73a9 dassouki -
07:14 PM Bug report #7912 (Closed): recent commit(s) broke graduated symbology making it impossible to man...
Manual entry / editing of graduated symbology list in QGIS master is currently broken. The issue leads to to problems... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:57 PM Revision 0f132602 (qgis): fix #7907
Jürgen Fischer
05:33 PM Bug report #6371 (Closed): Query layer from DB Manager can not be displayed
Closed due to lack of information. Giuseppe Sucameli
05:33 PM Bug report #6371 (Closed): Query layer from DB Manager can not be displayed
Closed due to lack of information. Giuseppe Sucameli
05:33 PM Bug report #6371 (Closed): Query layer from DB Manager can not be displayed
Closed due to lack of information. Giuseppe Sucameli
05:28 PM Bug report #7903 (Closed): "update options" in DB Manager make QGIS freeze or crash
Fixed in changeset commit:"61285a9d96a38c8640357563e2ddd7cd9c808534". Giuseppe Sucameli
08:51 AM Bug report #7903 (Feedback): "update options" in DB Manager make QGIS freeze or crash
Unable to reproduce it, please provide further details.
Does the input layer combo contain any layer?
Have you chose...
Giuseppe Sucameli
05:01 PM Bug report #7544 (Closed): DB manager raster constraints error
Fixed in changeset commit:"f5aef0f54976bc3a688e4704660a0a08ba340c3d". Giuseppe Sucameli
05:01 PM Bug report #7606 (Closed): "Update options" doesn't work in DBManager if the input dropdown menu ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"cb1e47be2d1cddd7ab84ef5f96af6130a919b349". Giuseppe Sucameli
04:22 PM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
Just ran into this nasty bug today, on Mac with recent master build of commit:5e28220. Makes simple editing seem dest... Larry Shaffer
04:22 PM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
Just ran into this nasty bug today, on Mac with recent master build of commit:5e28220. Makes simple editing seem dest... Larry Shaffer
04:22 PM Bug report #7472: vector editing errors
Just ran into this nasty bug today, on Mac with recent master build of commit:5e28220. Makes simple editing seem dest... Larry Shaffer
04:19 PM Revision 3a987258 (qgis): only catch signals on linux (fixes #7908)
Jürgen Fischer
03:47 PM Feature request #7911: Make mapping/editing of infrastructure networks easier
Could you please open a ticket for each issue.
* Moving connected lines and nodes
* Network analysis
Nathan Woodrow
03:37 PM Feature request #7911 (Open): Make mapping/editing of infrastructure networks easier
A typical infrastructure network (water, gas, electricity, telecom) usually has:
* nodes (pump station, substation, h...
timmie -
01:09 PM Revision 8cf9f7bd (qgis): Fix blending tests
Nyall Dawson
12:11 PM Bug report #7644: QGIS Server: Opacity not working in GetMap requests
Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Is this still true with current master? I cannot reproduce the bug with my local installat...
Giovanni Manghi
11:24 AM Bug report #7909: Compile error - grass plugin
does this patch work for and does it include all necessary changes for FreeBSD? Jürgen Fischer
08:40 AM Bug report #7909 (Closed): Compile error - grass plugin
To build grass plugin (All versions : 1.8.0 and master), FreeBSD needs to include utempter and linking with ulog.
10:56 AM Revision 98901346 (qgis): Restore 'New Shapefile' (it's also used in the toolbar).
This reverts commit ebd76d1a6478457e5f2c7c8970b39f45f7272429. Jürgen Fischer
10:22 AM Revision 8c768bc5 (qgis): fix #7902
Jürgen Fischer
10:21 AM Bug report #7891: Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
Have you tried with different shapefiles or just that one?
Could you provide a sample dataset we can use to reproduc...
Giuseppe Sucameli
10:19 AM Bug report #7891: Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
It may not depend on underscores, probably those strings ends with a newline. Giuseppe Sucameli
09:59 AM Bug report #7907 (Closed): Minor oddities with dialog "Configure shortcuts"
Fixed in changeset commit:"0f132602ed8b1f0dfbd2ac6616c6adcc15e91ed5". Jürgen Fischer
08:36 AM Bug report #7907: Minor oddities with dialog "Configure shortcuts"
Regarding 2:
The empty line seems to originate from fTools plugin.
Kai Borgolte
05:23 AM Bug report #7907 (Closed): Minor oddities with dialog "Configure shortcuts"
1. Enter key
Trying to call the dialog "Configure shortcuts" with keyboard:
Alt - invoke menu
s - _S_ettings
down dow...
Kai Borgolte
09:58 AM Revision 80531296 (qgis): fix #7901
Jürgen Fischer
09:58 AM Revision 10a91b7f (qgis): postgres provider: use INT_MIN for unknown srid (fixes #7889)
Jürgen Fischer
09:57 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Works for me with both 1.5 and 2.0 -- thanks again ! Sandro Santilli
07:22 AM Bug report #7908 (Closed): Compile error - backtrace - libexecinfo - src/app/CMakeLists.txt
Fixed in changeset commit:"3a987258b93e6a723675d2d460eca184544f37a9". Jürgen Fischer
05:48 AM Bug report #7908 (Closed): Compile error - backtrace - libexecinfo - src/app/CMakeLists.txt
Backtrace is a GNU libc/linuxism.
For FreeBSD you can compile and use it with libexecinfo library (see "devel/libexe...
06:49 AM Feature request #4815: Apply expression builder to raster calculator
Agreed, unifying is good. Paolo Cavallini
05:03 AM Bug report #7906 (Closed): Configure shortcuts dialog and international keyboard
Given german keyboard layout, the dialog "configure shortcuts" misreads a lot of keystrokes, for example:... Kai Borgolte
04:44 AM Revision 7a47be23 (qgis): Fix to handling of double precision values, and improved test cases for...
Chris Crook
04:42 AM Revision 8cbf901b (qgis): Show selected CRS. Fix #5563
Nathan Woodrow
02:34 AM Bug report #7905 (Closed): unset keyboard shortcuts are not remembered
When in keyboard shortcut dialog I delete a shortcut (german: "Keins setzen"), after QGIS restart the default setting... Kai Borgolte
02:09 AM Bug report #7904 (Closed): ambiguous keyboard shortcuts defaults
Ctrl+Shift+M: Measure Line Length
Ctrl+Shift+M: Add MSSQL Spatial Layer...
Ctrl+Shift+O: Add to Overview
Kai Borgolte


01:47 AM Bug report #7896 (Closed): Keyboard Shortcuts broken
Redoute Tortenboxer wrote:
> Does the stable version get no updates? Then this ticket may be closed.
there are no b...
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 AM Bug report #7896 (Closed): Keyboard Shortcuts broken
Redoute Tortenboxer wrote:
> Does the stable version get no updates? Then this ticket may be closed.
there are no b...
Giovanni Manghi
01:45 AM Bug report #7896: Keyboard Shortcuts broken
I installed 1.9.0-Master now. I see this issue was (silently) repaired.
Does the stable version get no updates? Then ...
Kai Borgolte
01:23 AM Bug report #7902 (Closed): Compile error - app/main.cpp
Fixed in changeset commit:"8c768bc51a35e7230dd2266b0686ac52fad31822". Jürgen Fischer
01:00 AM Bug report #7902 (Closed): Compile error - app/main.cpp
FreeBSD and other unix also using posix signal.
We have build error with app/main.cpp because the #ifdef #include on...
01:03 AM Bug report #7903 (Closed): "update options" in DB Manager make QGIS freeze or crash
If I click 3/4 times the "update options" in the "Import Vector" dialog, QGIS usually freeze/crash
gio@sibirica$ qg...
Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #7889 (Closed): Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not reques...
Fixed in changeset commit:"10a91b7fb964b1a36ca0693187e165713c4b3127". Jürgen Fischer
11:36 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
THe recommended way is to convert any SRID < 0 coming from the database to 0. This si what PostGIS 2.0 does when data... Sandro Santilli
11:35 AM Bug report #7889 (Reopened): Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requ...
Hey Jef, I tested with postgis 1.5 and it still fails there. SRID=-1 is the unknown in there. If -1 has special meani... Sandro Santilli
11:30 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Thanks a lot, fix confirmed !
Sandro Santilli
10:01 AM Bug report #7889 (Closed): Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not reques...
Fixed in changeset commit:"925d3179e17bf3e4516ac2037a0ee7d10fc16b66". Jürgen Fischer
09:36 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> "almost". The error message isn't shown anymore now, BUT I just cannot select the table with...
Giovanni Manghi
09:31 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
"almost". The error message isn't shown anymore now, BUT I just cannot select the table with SRID=0.
Here's a screens...
Sandro Santilli
08:53 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> And yes, it is a regression. I used to be able to use geometries with NO srid just fine. I d...
Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #7901 (Closed): Compile error - delimitedtext/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp
Fixed in changeset commit:"805312968c674a398e3c88568e5b2610881c00f0". Jürgen Fischer
12:32 AM Bug report #7901 (Closed): Compile error - delimitedtext/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp
GNU Make can't compile the file delimitedtext/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp because of it's encoding :
@[ 40%] Buildi...
08:52 PM Revision 6164aced (qgis): Allow smaller minimum for composer snap grid (ticket #7839)
Marco Hugentobler
08:41 PM Bug report #5726: Labelling: number formatting does not work for expressions
Issue should also be fixed with commit:45f374f
Larry Shaffer
07:23 PM Bug report #5726 (Closed): Labelling: number formatting does not work for expressions
There is now a format_number function in master. Nathan Woodrow
07:23 PM Bug report #5726 (Closed): Labelling: number formatting does not work for expressions
There is now a format_number function in master. Nathan Woodrow
07:42 PM Feature request #5563 (Closed): All CRS selection dialogs should clearly state current projection...
Fixed in changeset commit:"8cbf901b6a5cca0fad24c77fb9153f376c57d0f3". Anonymous
07:21 PM Feature request #4815: Apply expression builder to raster calculator
The raster calculator uses a different expression engine to the vector one. Might be a good idea to create a base cl... Nathan Woodrow
07:20 PM Feature request #5928 (Closed): Random function
In master now Nathan Woodrow
07:20 PM Feature request #5928 (Closed): Random function
In master now Nathan Woodrow
06:58 PM Revision 925d3179 (qgis): postgres provider fixes:
- allow selection of rows with srid 0 (fixes #7889)
- fix geometry type assignment of geometry less tables
- filter o...
Jürgen Fischer
05:35 PM Revision a84f3a40 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
05:35 PM Revision fc58edd6 (qgis): legend updates:
- when enabling explicit drawing order, intially take legend order
- when loading projects with explicit drawing orde...
Jürgen Fischer
05:31 PM Revision 9054ede8 (qgis): fix #7827
Jürgen Fischer
01:11 PM Revision 9f26f78e (qgis): fix pyspatialite import running QGIS from output dir (fix #7899)
Giuseppe Sucameli
11:54 AM Bug report #7839 (Closed): Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
Minimum is set to 0.5 mm in commit 6164aced8d1cc49e4dd7aaa4207481b3188388b4 Marco Hugentobler
10:45 AM Revision 2e89e25e (qgis): Fix width of line decoration (ticket #7410)
Marco Hugentobler
08:59 AM Feature request #4778: Import of multiple shapefiles in PostGIS
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Already possible, by dragging & dropping multiple files, and also from file system. Only lim...
Giovanni Manghi
08:35 AM Bug report #7827 (Closed): minor Tooltip & documentation issues
Fixed in changeset commit:"9054ede87003bcbe74f517e57ffcf3326c52ebf9". Jürgen Fischer
08:35 AM Bug report #7623 (Closed): Layers out of order
Fixed in changeset commit:"fc58edd6310e01e6b7143c91f60099b18e51daa8". Jürgen Fischer
08:07 AM Bug report #7644 (Feedback): QGIS Server: Opacity not working in GetMap requests
Is this still true with current master? I cannot reproduce the bug with my local installation (unless it is something... Marco Hugentobler
05:45 AM Bug report #7900 (Closed): Mass vertex removal with node tool leaks memory
I've been using qgis to simplify test cases by dropping vertices from input using the node tool.
The procedure is: cl...
Sandro Santilli
05:40 AM Bug report #7410: The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbols are no...
Confirmed with commit:2e89e25e - thanks a lot Marco ! Sandro Santilli
05:37 AM Bug report #6266 (Feedback): White ghost lines on raster in print composer
Giovanni Manghi
04:40 AM Bug report #6266: White ghost lines on raster in print composer
Is there a update on this ticket. Can we remove it from blocker status? Nathan Woodrow
05:37 AM Bug report #7729: Save of edited layer results in duplicated data
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> what is the timeframe for resolving it?
it must be fixed anyway before 2.0
Giovanni Manghi
04:54 AM Bug report #7654 (Closed): Python Console editor unable to import qgis.*
Seems to be fixed now Nathan Woodrow
04:54 AM Bug report #7654 (Closed): Python Console editor unable to import qgis.*
Seems to be fixed now Nathan Woodrow
04:51 AM Bug report #6981 (Closed): "formatted numbers" option does not work if field is part of a label e...
There are now number formatting functions in the expression engine so you have better control. Nathan Woodrow
04:51 AM Bug report #6981 (Closed): "formatted numbers" option does not work if field is part of a label e...
There are now number formatting functions in the expression engine so you have better control. Nathan Woodrow
04:38 AM Bug report #4719 (Closed): New Labelling, Advanced tab: inactive options?
Fixed now Nathan Woodrow
04:38 AM Bug report #4719 (Closed): New Labelling, Advanced tab: inactive options?
Fixed now Nathan Woodrow
04:26 AM Bug report #7828: error message on startup
Is this still and issue. Can we remove the blocker tag. Nathan Woodrow
04:12 AM Bug report #7899 (Closed): pyspatialite module not loaded running from output dir
Fixed in changeset commit:"9f26f78ea7497cdf30e29c9d486f85eb81cced56". Giuseppe Sucameli
03:59 AM Bug report #7899 (Closed): pyspatialite module not loaded running from output dir
Here the error message:... Giuseppe Sucameli
03:42 AM Feature request #7898 (Open): New Vector Layer Window
In Vector files;
1) I request that *Alias* and *Comment* option for Attributes in Vector layers should be kept at *Ne...
Harish Solanki
03:34 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
Pasting or editing such a query makes highlighting process slow here, but it doesn't freeze (it could depend on resou... Giuseppe Sucameli


01:47 AM Bug report #7410 (Closed): The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbo...
Linewidth is fixed in 2e89e25eda743f96a4ca0abdb920e1b9a6e85ecc Marco Hugentobler
01:19 AM Revision be947039 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:18 AM Revision f990886b (qgis): fix #4470 and #7889
Jürgen Fischer
01:15 AM Revision 8742a9e8 (qgis): Fix for label buffer drawing triggered off of just its data defined siz...
Larry Shaffer
01:09 AM Revision 70834492 (qgis): Fix init flag order in QgsOptionsDialogBase (thanks Borys)
Larry Shaffer
12:30 AM Revision 35489cc1 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] changes and cleans up some icon
Salvatore Larosa
12:19 AM Revision bdcc01e9 (qgis): Adding CSVT file reading - using CSVT file alongside data file to deter...
Chris Crook
11:05 PM Revision b5a5264c (qgis): Delete rubberband if deactivating capture tool
Marco Hugentobler
06:59 PM Bug report #7729: Save of edited layer results in duplicated data
And more ... it deletes stuff I just pasted into it.
There hasn't been any comment on this bug for a while, what is ...
Patrick Dunford
05:21 PM Revision 3c0ac0d4 (qgis): DB Manager pt_PT translations
Alexandre Neto
04:19 PM Bug report #4470 (Closed): cursor states lost with identify tool on postgis layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"f990886b61d920cf1ef82d940413e56611bc5685". Jürgen Fischer
03:25 PM Bug report #7896 (Closed): Keyboard Shortcuts broken
In my installations of QGIS 1.8.0-Lisboa all keyboard shortcuts have no modifier by default. For example, the command... Kai Borgolte
03:16 PM Revision dcc72d26 (qgis): [Fix #7892] Fields properties: Fix sorting by id (numeric)
Matthias Kuhn
03:04 PM Revision 43631982 (qgis): [Fix #7867] Fix field properties config dialog
Matthias Kuhn
01:06 PM Revision 06836fbc (qgis): Fix crash with render caching and feature blending combination
Nyall Dawson
11:26 AM Revision 260b617e (qgis): Add ownership management to the MapLayerRegistry
Matthias Kuhn
11:12 AM Bug report #7895 (Feedback): DXF drag@drop import: cannot distinguish between different geometry ...
does not happen on qgis master, can you try and report back? cheers! Giovanni Manghi
08:31 AM Bug report #7895 (Closed): DXF drag@drop import: cannot distinguish between different geometry types
By dragging and dropping a DXF file into QGIS 1.8, a single QGIS layer is created, containing e.g. point and lines at... Gabriele Dallago
09:59 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
And yes, it is a regression. I used to be able to use geometries with NO srid just fine. I didn't even have to manual... Sandro Santilli
09:52 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Still happening. Seems to only happen with tables with geometries having a SRID=0 (ie: unkown srid).
Is this a docume...
Sandro Santilli
03:36 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I'm not building very often (scared by instability), but it's likely not older than one mont...
Giovanni Manghi
03:36 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I'm not building very often (scared by instability), but it's likely not older than one mont...
Giovanni Manghi
03:31 AM Bug report #7889: Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requested.
I'm not building very often (scared by instability), but it's likely not older than one month, as a regression.
PS: ...
Sandro Santilli
03:07 AM Bug report #7889 (Feedback): Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not requ...
Sandro is this a regression since 1.8 or previous master revisions? Giovanni Manghi
09:21 AM Revision b6a6f3be (qgis): Miro edits to IT GUI
Paolo Cavallini
08:55 AM Revision 565158af (qgis): Merge pull request #586 from vinayan/offlineedit
Fix Offline Editing Plugin Marco Hugentobler
08:01 AM Bug report #7871: The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
I can confirm these regressions. Andreas Neumann
07:57 AM Bug report #7874: Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
yes - very annoying Andreas Neumann
07:32 AM Bug report #7290 (Closed): Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Bingo! I was affected by this:
Uninstalling the qt-a...
Sandro Santilli
07:32 AM Bug report #7290 (Closed): Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Bingo! I was affected by this:
Uninstalling the qt-a...
Sandro Santilli
07:10 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> how did you obtain that version informatoin ? it's missing a commitish. Can it be a build co...
Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
I tried with a clean rebuild, same problem. Can be reproduce as easily as starting up qgis (from build dir), File->Sa... Sandro Santilli
05:27 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Also maybe these have a role too:
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "2.7.3")
-- Found Python exe...
Sandro Santilli
05:25 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
how did you obtain that version informatoin ? it's missing a commitish. Can it be a build configuration ?
My config:...
Sandro Santilli
03:39 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> This is on Ubuntu 12.04.2, 64bit -- libqt4 ~ 4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4
I use the same OS/version and...
Giovanni Manghi
03:32 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
This is on Ubuntu 12.04.2, 64bit -- libqt4 ~ 4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 Sandro Santilli
03:13 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
I can't replicate here. Giovanni Manghi
07:10 AM Revision 1902af56 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Chris Crook
07:05 AM Revision 2c553260 (qgis): Improving test platform independence
Chris Crook
06:19 AM Bug report #7894 (Closed): QGIS Server - GetPrint request does not respect text boxes size and po...
I have set up a simple composer in QGIS (last master, compiled this morning). See attached picture *qgis_composer.png... Michael Douchin
06:17 AM Bug report #7892 (Closed): columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
Fixed in changeset commit:"dcc72d26b5d4d25a94c193a53c2c97ceb81258fd". Matthias Kuhn
03:25 AM Bug report #7892: columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
Hi Nathan
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Does for me.
it works for you? Here it doesn't, see attached images
> Does it...
Giovanni Manghi
03:25 AM Bug report #7892: columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
Hi Nathan
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Does for me.
it works for you? Here it doesn't, see attached images
> Does it...
Giovanni Manghi
03:25 AM Bug report #7892: columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
Hi Nathan
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Does for me.
it works for you? Here it doesn't, see attached images
> Does it...
Giovanni Manghi
03:19 AM Bug report #7892: columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
Does for me.
Does it really matter the order is different. The field tab can also be sorted.
Nathan Woodrow
03:15 AM Bug report #7892 (Closed): columns order in vector properties -> fields is wrong
it seems that ordering of columns in the "Fields" tab of vector properties is not the same that the user sees when it... Giovanni Manghi
06:04 AM Bug report #7867 (Closed): Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"43631982e7fdf8ffb42d54ce50b552b574b897a1". Matthias Kuhn
05:54 AM Bug report #7623: Layers out of order
More info:
Right-click menu shows "Update drawing order" is unchecked, ...
Sandro Santilli
05:54 AM Bug report #7623: Layers out of order
More info:
Right-click menu shows "Update drawing order" is unchecked, ...
Sandro Santilli
04:31 AM Bug report #7623: Layers out of order
I think this should be a blocker. But it is still unassigned. We should find a developer who can fix it. Andreas Neumann
03:34 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
vinayan Parameswaran wrote:
> Giovanni,
> Pull request was merged you should be able to test master
> cheer...
Giovanni Manghi
03:30 AM Bug report #6146: Offline editing tool broken
Pull request was merged you should be able to test master
vinayan Parameswaran
03:21 AM Bug report #6146 (Feedback): Offline editing tool broken
fixes it (Thanks Vinayan!)
but right now I can't compile the latest co...
Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #7893 (Closed): qgis wfs-t server does not refresh layer after postgis edits
I was testing the wfs-t client with both qgis server and tinyows and noticed (using the same PostGIS input layer) tha... Giovanni Manghi
03:17 AM Bug report #7891 (Feedback): Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
Does not happen with LibreOffice. Maybe this is a MS Office issue, not a QGIS one(?). Cheers. Giovanni Manghi


11:31 PM Bug report #7891 (Closed): Copy & Paste From Attribute Table w/ Underscores Causes Wrap
When copying from the attribute table and pasting to Excel, any string field in a SHP file that contains underscores ... Damien Smith
10:45 PM Revision 6227475e (qgis): translation update: sv by Victor
Werner Macho
10:43 PM Revision 00f66b43 (qgis): Merge pull request #608 from imincik/menu-cleanup
Removing redundant 'New' keyword from 'Layer -> New' menu item. Tim Sutton
09:49 PM Revision ebd76d1a (qgis): Removing redundant 'New' keyword from 'Layer -> New' menu item.
Ivan Mincik
08:32 PM Feature request #7886: qgis composer image item size should match image size
Na,that commit deals with scaling of svg marker symbology, not composer items.
That said, thanks for keeping a dili...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:22 AM Feature request #7886 (Feedback): qgis composer image item size should match image size
is this fixed by this
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 PM Bug report #7890 (Closed): Composer layer transparency not respected in legend
Layer transparency applied under "Layer rendering" is not respected in composer legends. Instead, layers show the tra... John Tull
04:56 PM Revision 83445af2 (qgis): Merge pull request #607 from alexbruy/console-ui
use checkable groupbox instead of separate checkboxes in console Salvatore Larosa
04:00 PM Revision 2fcb8b26 (qgis): Updating Slovak translation strings file.
Ivan Mincik
02:12 PM Bug report #7889 (Closed): Feature type or srid for ... could not be determined or was not reques...
I can't load PostGIS columns of type "geometry" because QGIS mandates to specify a SRID, and if I fake one it complai... Sandro Santilli
01:26 PM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
I got this same backtrace and crash as of commit:83445af by simply selecting an existing _directory_ to enter it, so ... Sandro Santilli
12:31 PM Revision f82cc120 (qgis): fix #7888
Jürgen Fischer
12:00 PM Bug report #7764: composer: search directories filter/dropdown (to add images) does not work
Correct, it has not been. Going to do that right after what I am working on. Larry Shaffer
11:59 AM Bug report #7764: composer: search directories filter/dropdown (to add images) does not work

> I should be adding the use of the new selector this week.
Hi Larry, the new selector has not yet been added yet, ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #7885: transparency value applied to composer image item displaying a vector svg file ...
if this is a new feature (the transparency of a composer image) that is not working as expected, then it should be ta... Giovanni Manghi
11:55 AM Revision d7663a07 (qgis): Scale/diameter scale also for svg marker
Marco Hugentobler
11:35 AM Revision 818d97ee (qgis): Fix #7866
Marco Hugentobler
11:33 AM Revision bac09e99 (qgis): use checkable groupbox instead of separate checkboxes in console
settings Alexander Bruy
10:50 AM Bug report #7410: The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbols are no...
Hi Sandro,
I was referring to the branch 6afd9f4 [0].
[0] -
Salvatore Larosa
10:33 AM Bug report #7410: The thickness of the line in 'line decoration' and 'simple line' symbols are no...
This is still happening as of 83445af, it's pretty annoying.
I shall also notice that there's no way to obtain the ol...
Sandro Santilli
10:03 AM Revision 827f2d48 (qgis): Merge pull request #606 from ccrook/master
Updating authors Chris Crook
09:57 AM Revision ce280f49 (qgis): Updating AUTHORS
Chris Crook
09:09 AM Revision d50214b1 (qgis): Merge pull request #604 from matthias-kuhn/wmsfix
Fix bad WMS server performance Marco Hugentobler
03:31 AM Bug report #7888 (Closed): Plugin installer indicates incorrect install directory
Fixed in changeset commit:"f82cc12008a46c1db4253a6a5de392440bc886e8". Jürgen Fischer
03:10 AM Bug report #7888 (Closed): Plugin installer indicates incorrect install directory
Open the plugin installer (Plugins > Fetch Plugins). The status bar at the bottom of the opened window still indicate... Rudi von Staden
03:10 AM Bug report #7887 (Closed): Python AttributeError: 'QgsVectorLayer' object has no attribute 'getFe...
QgsVectorLayer.getFeatures() is new in master and doesn't work on 1.8. Jürgen Fischer
03:10 AM Bug report #7887 (Closed): Python AttributeError: 'QgsVectorLayer' object has no attribute 'getFe...
QgsVectorLayer.getFeatures() is new in master and doesn't work on 1.8. Jürgen Fischer
03:07 AM Bug report #7887 (Closed): Python AttributeError: 'QgsVectorLayer' object has no attribute 'getFe...
I've checked the API docs and the API change log and QgsVectorLayer has a getFeatures() method but when I try to call... Dan Jones
02:49 AM Bug report #7866: data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading project
Marco, thanks. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:35 AM Bug report #7866 (Closed): data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading pr...
Fixed in changeset commit:"818d97ee40ddc3c72453adb114c257dd7cd54ce1". Marco Hugentobler


08:57 PM Revision ac9736b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #605 from SrNetoChan/master
Portuguese translations Werner Macho
08:39 PM Revision 64ab8946 (qgis): Merge pull request #555 from olivierdalang/SaveSqlQueriesInDbManager
[FEATURE] DBManager: allow to store SQL queries in the project file Giuseppe Sucameli
08:30 PM Revision 37a30bb7 (qgis): german translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
08:11 PM Feature request #7886 (Closed): qgis composer image item size should match image size
Currently, QGIS composer's image item size does not match the containing image, affecting usefulness of border frame,... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:02 PM Bug report #7885 (Closed): transparency value applied to composer image item displaying a vector ...
QGIS composer's image item has broken transparency support when displaying a vector svg file. The transparency value ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:13 PM Revision 7ea86101 (qgis): merge
Alexandre Neto
06:40 PM Bug report #7883 (Closed): Large MSSQL Tables Very Slow To Open
There is a major delay when adding large, detailed MSSQL maps in QGIS. I have a 500MB+ contour file that loads in le... Damien Smith
06:36 PM Revision 22251085 (qgis): small correction to pt_PT Translation
Alexandre Neto
06:36 PM Revision 546c2536 (qgis): Portuguese Translation
Alexandre Neto
06:35 PM Revision a21ab2b6 (qgis): Portuguese Translations
Alexandre Neto
06:26 PM Revision 700d12f7 (qgis): Fix bad WMS server performance
Matthias Kuhn
05:59 PM Revision 2a9e0aee (qgis): [pyqgis-console] enables to select multiple files to load in the file e...
Salvatore Larosa
05:59 PM Revision 022ca439 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] fix for save as in tabbar context menu
Salvatore Larosa
05:01 PM Revision 75896d92 (qgis): QgsExpression takes const QgsFeature as pointer and by reference
Matthias Kuhn
04:54 PM Bug report #7882 (Closed): QGIS 1.9. 0 Alpha on Windows XP, crash on load qml style
duplicates #7877
Should be fixed in commit:b7f1987b3e225be55e
Nathan Woodrow
04:54 PM Bug report #7882 (Closed): QGIS 1.9. 0 Alpha on Windows XP, crash on load qml style
duplicates #7877
Should be fixed in commit:b7f1987b3e225be55e
Nathan Woodrow
04:50 PM Bug report #7882 (Closed): QGIS 1.9. 0 Alpha on Windows XP, crash on load qml style
Please tell me this is easy to fix, even user error.
Briefly, qgis 1.9.0 Alpha on Windows XP crashes when ...
Katie Urey
04:15 PM Revision 3da0d7d5 (qgis): Portuguese Translation
Alexandre Neto
03:26 PM Revision 6134bf14 (qgis): Portuguese Translations
Alexandre Neto
02:53 PM Revision e9e06b9e (qgis): translation updates for da and gl
Werner Macho
02:17 PM Revision 4d3d6780 (qgis): introduce MAPSERVER_SKIP_ECW setting to disable ECW support in mapserver
Jürgen Fischer
02:16 PM Revision 14f1d2c8 (qgis): reduce debugging noise in pal labeling
Jürgen Fischer
11:59 AM Revision c9f43f9e (qgis): Merge pull request #602 from 3nids/selectall
add selectall features method for vector layers Nathan Woodrow
11:53 AM Revision e741ec94 (qgis): add select all features methods for vector layers
Denis Rouzaud
11:41 AM Revision 3306c7c3 (qgis): Merge pull request #601 from matthias-kuhn/qgsexpression-unprepared
Allow unprepared execution of QgsExpression Nathan Woodrow
11:39 AM Bug report #7881 (Closed): WFS-T client on master cannot commit changes
The "add features" button is always disabled in when editing a WFS-T layer on master. It works on QGIS 1.8.
Tested w...
Giovanni Manghi
11:37 AM Bug report #7880 (Closed): WFS-T client on master fails to save edits on a TinyOWS server
It works on 1.8 (using obviously the very same server/layer). Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Revision 6af9261f (qgis): Allow unprepared execution of QgsExpression
Matthias Kuhn
09:19 AM Revision b7f1987b (qgis): [Fix #7877] Crash when saving layer style as qml
Matthias Kuhn
08:29 AM Bug report #7176: sextante plugin doesn't load anymore from build tree
Apologies if this is seen as thread-jacking; I have a similar problem which may be related:
Can't install Sextante. S...
Simon Dedman
06:14 AM Bug report #7879 (Closed): Automatic creation of warped VRT is incompatible with pyramid (overvie...
From src/providers/gdal/qgsgdalprovider.cpp , line 2278, we can read that a warped VRT is automatically generated by ... Julien Michel
02:45 AM Revision bb04e70d (qgis): yet another german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
02:27 AM Revision da938afd (qgis): Merge pull request #600 from slarosa/master
Update translation script Jürgen Fischer
02:20 AM Revision 2acea9fb (qgis): fix #7853
Jürgen Fischer
02:14 AM Revision 83eff76c (qgis): update script for translation files
Salvatore Larosa


01:52 AM Revision 9242170d (qgis): [pyqgis-console] small fixes
Salvatore Larosa
12:45 AM Bug report #7763 (Closed): Black raster when a special character is used in file path
So, I'll update my Windows XP to Win7 ;-)
Or try Ubuntu!
Thanks a lot for your help!
Romain Blanc
02:19 PM Bug report #7763: Black raster when a special character is used in file path
Romain Blanc wrote:
> Hello ;)
> I'm sorry, I'm a bit late...
> Thank you Giovanni Manghi for the link, I've fo...
Giovanni Manghi
12:21 AM Bug report #7877 (Closed): Crash when saving .qml style file for layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"b7f1987b3e225be55e1d406af32c974c90f54881". Matthias Kuhn
04:32 PM Bug report #7877: Crash when saving .qml style file for layer
Confirmed Windows (7 - 64bit).
Suspect also causing crashes when loading saved styles as well.
I've dumps from wind...
ramon .
12:31 PM Bug report #7877: Crash when saving .qml style file for layer
confirmed on Linux. Giovanni Manghi
12:28 PM Bug report #7877 (Closed): Crash when saving .qml style file for layer
# Open properties for a shapefile layer (not tested with other types, yet)
# Choose to save .qml style file
# Crash
Larry Shaffer
12:20 AM Revision 3f58142a (qgis): [pyqgis-console] increases height of the row in QListView and QTreeWidg...
- small fixes for the run script command Salvatore Larosa
11:24 PM Feature request #7869: Color name tooltips in 'Select Color' dialog box
There is @QStringList QColor::colorNames()@ which returns a list of known color names. I have 148 entries here. I sus... Matthias Kuhn
11:16 PM Revision a7923a1f (qgis): Update Mac INSTALL notes
- Fix registered copyright symbol in .t2t files Larry Shaffer
10:18 PM Revision 595e12cd (qgis): enable/disable layer dependant actions:
- select by expression requires active layer
- labeling requires and active vector layer
Jürgen Fischer
09:25 PM Revision 6b46364b (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
09:25 PM Revision beabe723 (qgis): expression translation fixes
Jürgen Fischer
08:25 PM Feature request #7878 (Open): Windows 8 Location Provider GPS Support
In order to support Windows 8 devices with a GPS QGIS needs to access the Windows Location Provider
Nathan Woodrow
06:20 PM Revision 4bea3570 (qgis): Debbuging NoGeometry support in QGIS WFS Server
D'Hont René-Luc
05:22 PM Bug report #7853: ExpressionBuilder: "Missing group xxx"
Thank you! Minoru Akagi
05:21 PM Bug report #7853 (Closed): ExpressionBuilder: "Missing group xxx"
Fixed in changeset commit:"2acea9fb22ae6598e11afa62248c86b63442617f". Jürgen Fischer
04:36 PM Bug report #7853: ExpressionBuilder: "Missing group xxx"
I can confirm that ExpressionBuilder of field calculator has been completely fixed with commit:"beabe723", but "Missi... Minoru Akagi
03:25 PM Revision 1bc397d3 (qgis): Use QgsHighlight instead of QgsRubberBand (inner rings of polygons are ...
Marco Hugentobler
03:04 PM Revision 29871eec (qgis): Identify tool: Show layer type icons in layer selection mode
Marco Hugentobler
02:51 PM Bug report #7664: Cannot create new Spatialite layer
There seems to be no issue with doing a *Save as...* operation on a vector layer in the legend and producing a Spatia... Larry Shaffer
02:51 PM Bug report #7664: Cannot create new Spatialite layer
There seems to be no issue with doing a *Save as...* operation on a vector layer in the legend and producing a Spatia... Larry Shaffer
02:51 PM Bug report #7664: Cannot create new Spatialite layer
There seems to be no issue with doing a *Save as...* operation on a vector layer in the legend and producing a Spatia... Larry Shaffer
02:34 PM Revision e5d8307c (qgis): Move layer selection menu a few pixel to the right / bottom
Marco Hugentobler
02:21 PM Bug report #7741 (Closed): cannot choose anymore not to add a wms layer as jpeg
Giovanni Manghi
09:01 AM Bug report #7741 (Feedback): cannot choose anymore not to add a wms layer as jpeg
Can you explain better the problem? The only format in GetCapabilities is image/jpeg, so that is the only one listed ... Radim Blazek
09:01 AM Bug report #7741 (Feedback): cannot choose anymore not to add a wms layer as jpeg
Can you explain better the problem? The only format in GetCapabilities is image/jpeg, so that is the only one listed ... Radim Blazek
02:14 PM Bug report #7393 (Closed): wms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes
seems to work now. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
02:14 PM Bug report #7393 (Closed): wms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes
seems to work now. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
It doesn't do it in 1.8 and didn't start doing it in version 1.9 until Friday May 17, 2013.
Jeff Cameron
07:37 AM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
Seems a regression to me. I'll check 1.8. Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
Seems a regression to me. I'll check 1.8. Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
Seems a regression to me. I'll check 1.8. Giovanni Manghi
06:11 AM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
Sure thing. I'm using version 1.9. Any time I add a layer I can select that layer, put it in edit mode and then using... Jeff Cameron
10:22 AM Bug report #7876 (Closed): Vector Clip causes QGIS master crash
try clip the attached point layer with the attached polygon layer.
QGIS will quickly start to eat memory (see attach...
Giovanni Manghi
10:20 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Oslandia will implement this feature for 2.1. Vincent Picavet
10:20 AM Feature request #6985: Export print layout as image with world file
Oslandia will implement this feature for 2.1. Vincent Picavet
09:36 AM Revision 7e7e6ab1 (qgis): Merge pull request #598 from ccrook/master
Adding missing delimited text data files Jürgen Fischer
08:44 AM Revision cbc014ed (qgis): Adding missing test data files
Chris Crook
02:02 AM Revision 70b6821d (qgis): Reduce margins in properties dialog
Nathan Woodrow


01:54 AM Bug report #7290: Save as Image: crash if existing filename is selected
Just reproduced with 7277a42... Sandro Santilli
01:53 AM Bug report #3550 (Closed): Labels scale dependency not saved
Willem Buitendyk wrote:
> I am experiencing this problem with 1.8 on all platforms (Mac, Linux, Win7). I have 3 WFS ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:05 PM Bug report #3550 (Reopened): Labels scale dependency not saved
I am experiencing this problem with 1.8 on all platforms (Mac, Linux, Win7). I have 3 WFS layers only. Saving or se... Willem Buitendyk
01:50 AM Bug report #7871 (Feedback): The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
Hi Olivier, if this issues are confirmed then I would tag this as blocker, because it is anyway a regression. Cheers! Giovanni Manghi
04:43 PM Bug report #7871 (Closed): The SVG marker window has several bugs related to SVG parameters
Hi !
The SVG marker window has several bugs. I encounter them on Windows, and it seems some (for instance !#1) don't...
Olivier Dalang
01:47 AM Bug report #7867 (Feedback): Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes wit...
Hi, I cannot confirm the issue, I'm on Ubuntu too. Can you be more specific about the steps to replicate the issue? T... Giovanni Manghi
01:47 AM Bug report #7867 (Feedback): Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes wit...
Hi, I cannot confirm the issue, I'm on Ubuntu too. Can you be more specific about the steps to replicate the issue? T... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 PM Bug report #7867: Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with "edit fea...
After adding a new PostGIS layer and changing the style settings for that layer or loading a saved style for a layer,... Jeff Cameron
02:48 PM Bug report #7867 (Closed): Once you change symbology, you can no longer edit the attributes with ...
After adding a new PostGIS layer and changing the style settings for that layer or loading a saved style for a layer,... Jeff Cameron
01:03 AM Bug report #7874: Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
Confirmed also on Linux. As a new feature not working as expected I'll tag this as blocker. Giovanni Manghi
01:03 AM Bug report #7874: Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
Confirmed also on Linux. As a new feature not working as expected I'll tag this as blocker. Giovanni Manghi
01:03 AM Bug report #7874: Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
Confirmed also on Linux. As a new feature not working as expected I'll tag this as blocker. Giovanni Manghi
12:58 AM Bug report #7874 (Closed): Deleting 1 thing from legend deletes 2 things
In the Print composer, if you edit the legend and remove an item/layer, it also removes the item/layer below the sele... ramon .
12:34 AM Bug report #7873 (Closed): Delimited Text Icon has reverted
The default Delimited Text layer icon appears to have reverted back to the classic icon. ramon .
11:33 PM Revision b8058945 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] uses context menu to handle the command history instea...
- shows history in dialog (much more usable) Salvatore Larosa
11:22 PM Bug report #6765 (Closed): Embed layers and group
Denis Rouzaud
11:21 PM Feature request #5874: Use per layer option for label all features option
Shall this issue be closed? Denis Rouzaud
11:18 PM Bug report #7872: crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
Not sure this helps:... Denis Rouzaud
11:17 PM Bug report #7872 (Closed): crashes if a project file of embed layers could not be found
I have a project with embed layers.
I changed the embed project file name, and when I re open the main project file,...
Denis Rouzaud
10:54 PM Bug report #7763: Black raster when a special character is used in file path
Hello ;)
I'm sorry, I'm a bit late...
Thank you Giovanni Manghi for the link, I've followed the steps and I can now...
Romain Blanc
10:08 PM Revision eafe5281 (qgis): adding new language Bengali on request
Werner Macho
10:06 PM Revision c7942f9f (qgis): Turn off buffer size-trigger fix for <2.0 projects until better solutio...
Larry Shaffer
08:22 PM Revision 45f374f4 (qgis): Update labeling gui and add expression support as data defined value
- Add QgsDataDefined class
- Add QgsDataDefinedButton class
- Add data defined Python support
- Add standalone SVG se...
Larry Shaffer
06:56 PM Revision 7eacf42b (qgis): raster identify - keep format above others
Radim Blazek
05:09 PM Feature request #7869: Color name tooltips in 'Select Color' dialog box
There seems to be a common 'color select' dialog that is used for fill color, font color, border color, custom color ... Thomas McAdam
04:49 PM Feature request #7869: Color name tooltips in 'Select Color' dialog box
Yes, very good idea. This can easily be added to the QgsColorButton class. I'd suggest a tool tip like:... Larry Shaffer
04:27 PM Feature request #7869: Color name tooltips in 'Select Color' dialog box
Good idea!
Which dialogs do you think need this? And what would you want to see in the tooltip.
Nathan Woodrow
04:24 PM Feature request #7869 (Open): Color name tooltips in 'Select Color' dialog box
People who suffer from color blindness or color perception problems, can depend heavily on the rollover tooltips in t... Thomas McAdam
04:56 PM Feature request #7870 (Closed): Selecting underlying items in Composer.
Nyall Dawson
04:56 PM Feature request #7870: Selecting underlying items in Composer.
Duplicate of #4358. A fix is coming shortly! Nyall Dawson
04:40 PM Feature request #7870: Selecting underlying items in Composer.
Nyall is working on this. Nathan Woodrow
04:40 PM Feature request #7870: Selecting underlying items in Composer.
Nyall is working on this. Nathan Woodrow
04:37 PM Feature request #7870 (Closed): Selecting underlying items in Composer.
In Composer it doesn't seem possible to select items that are directly beneath another item. A common use scenario is... Thomas McAdam
04:48 PM Revision 65d3535f (qgis): - Quantum GIS => QGIS update
- integrate PythonConsole help into main translation
- allow referencing QGIS images in context help(viewer)
Jürgen Fischer
04:24 PM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
Confirmed here on Mac with latest master. I thought the app had crashed. It was not a large layer that was being save... Larry Shaffer
02:49 PM Feature request #7868 (Open): Integrate time manager plugin into core, add animation time variabl...
Watching makes me think how sweet it would be if a variant of the Time Man... Nyall Dawson
12:03 PM Revision 5331d6f9 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:02 AM Revision 51d73a94 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] fix translation string
Salvatore Larosa
09:57 AM Bug report #7393 (Feedback): wms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes
Radim Blazek
09:56 AM Bug report #7393: wms identify in "feature" format does not show attributes
Works for me, can you verify? Radim Blazek


01:58 AM Revision 942d6bfa (qgis): [pyqgis-console] allow to disable automatic parentheses insertion from ...
- fix: add Shift+Insert to paste action
- fix: set default Monospaced font at the first start
- allow to save state f...
Salvatore Larosa
01:55 AM Bug report #7865: filtering shapefile layer through DATE column broken due to wrong date separator
The GDAL's shapefile page ( mentions that the date field format is year/mo... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:06 AM Bug report #7865 (Closed): filtering shapefile layer through DATE column broken due to wrong date...
Under QGIS master, filtering a shapefile layer using a DATE attribute/column is broken, while it works perfectly unde... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:48 AM Bug report #7866: data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading project
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Giovanni, no, I don't think so. Switching from mm to map unit does make a difference...
Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #7866: data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading project
Giovanni, no, I don't think so. Switching from mm to map unit does make a difference (under proper value and "corrupt... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:31 AM Bug report #7866 (Feedback): data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading ...
this is probably because of another bug not yet fixed in master, that makes the units be always map units by default,... Giovanni Manghi
01:30 AM Bug report #7866 (Closed): data-defined size for points layer wrongly computed when re-loading pr...
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new project
2. Load the attached test.shp file
3. Open the layer property, go to symbol...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:02 AM Revision dd5e1b59 (qgis): german translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
01:02 AM Revision 4109a101 (qgis): fix some tests and some doxygen warnings
Jürgen Fischer
12:52 AM Revision 693a1fe8 (qgis): gdaltools: move clipper dialog on top when the user ends to define a ne...
Giuseppe Sucameli
12:14 AM Bug report #7864 (Closed): Replace Quantum GIS with QGIS
We recently decided to drop the name Quantum GIS. We should therefore replace all Quantum GIS and QuantumGIS occurren... Paolo Cavallini
11:55 PM Bug report #7863: Loading color ramp per column
This would be because the classification changes automatically. It was something that I added a while ago, but it has... Nathan Woodrow
11:50 PM Bug report #7863 (Closed): Loading color ramp per column
Dear QGIS,
I am using QGIS for Malaria Program here in the Philippines and I can say that kudos to you guys as th...
Darius dela Cruz
06:24 PM Revision 5ce6688a (qgis): debian packaging update for sid
Jürgen Fischer
05:45 PM Bug report #7783: Clipper window stays behind project window
That works. Thanks.
William Kyngesburye
03:58 PM Bug report #7783: Clipper window stays behind project window
It should be fixed now, please try if the patch works. Giuseppe Sucameli
03:57 PM Bug report #7783 (Closed): Clipper window stays behind project window
Fixed in changeset commit:"693a1fe8606cbca2d01fdf5660702f488c11343d". Giuseppe Sucameli
03:44 PM Bug report #7783: Clipper window stays behind project window
It doesn't happen on Linux (at least Ubuntu) neither on Win, the Clipper dialog remains on top of the QGIS window eve... Giuseppe Sucameli
04:17 PM Bug report #7800: Export SLD creates file with double-depth <filter> tags
It was broken in commit commit:837ac4de5c while refactoring OGC filter stuff. Giuseppe Sucameli
03:31 PM Revision d2433c56 (qgis): Revert "make cmake honor PYTHON_LIBRARY and find the default both in x8...
This reverts commit f7f3e413b726024384235a3654d6b18d9ff073be. Tim Sutton
03:24 PM Revision 46b34714 (qgis): Merge pull request #596 from mbernasocchi/master
make cmake honor PYTHON_LIBRARY Tim Sutton
03:17 PM Revision f7f3e413 (qgis): make cmake honor PYTHON_LIBRARY and find the default both in x86 (teste...
Marco Bernasocchi
03:10 PM Revision 6370aa48 (qgis): Expose alpha on raster colour dialog
Nathan Woodrow
02:50 PM Revision 95b9d380 (qgis): Make sure classifying color ramps for rasters uses the full range of th...
Nyall Dawson
02:50 PM Revision ff41a1d1 (qgis): [feature] Transparency support for raster color ramps (fix #7847)
Nyall Dawson
01:47 PM Revision cf928a56 (qgis): Revert "make cmake honor PYTHON_LIBRARY"
This reverts commit b3c6d38ffefa9db79932be234b010598a9664706. Tim Sutton
01:32 PM Revision aa5509b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #553 from mbernasocchi/myfix
make cmake honor PYTHON_LIBRARY Tim Sutton
11:04 AM Bug report #7862: "Already active iterator on this provider was closed." when splitting a postgis...
on PostGIS it happens a slot also to get a
postgis. The geometry is invalid. Please repair before trying to split i...
Giovanni Manghi
11:02 AM Bug report #7862 (Closed): "Already active iterator on this provider was closed." when splitting ...
On QGIS master it happens a lot that when splitting a perfectly good geometry the tools silently fails and then in th... Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #7550: Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
I raise the priority even if I'm not sure if this is a regression, because we cannot ship qgis 2.0 with such critical... Giovanni Manghi
10:17 AM Bug report #7550: Split feature on spatialite layers with primary key error
I raise the priority even if I'm not sure if this is a regression, because we cannot ship qgis 2.0 with such critical... Giovanni Manghi
10:04 AM Revision 2f9ccb51 (qgis): Merge pull request #595 from Cracert/trans
pl translation update Werner Macho
06:06 AM Feature request #7847: add possibility to determine alpha values in gradient color ramp start, en...
Thanks to both of you Nyall and Nathan. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:51 AM Feature request #7847 (Closed): add possibility to determine alpha values in gradient color ramp ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"ff41a1d186226962e1d8139166f0c727d03b4032". Nyall Dawson
04:23 AM Bug report #4607 (Feedback): Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of ...
Hi Larry,
thanks for the detailed explanation.
So if you think that the original issue make no sense especially af...
Giovanni Manghi
04:16 AM Bug report #7726: "Add class" to graduated renderer replaces an existing one
see also #7843 Giovanni Manghi
04:15 AM Bug report #7843 (Closed): "add class" in qgis master graduated symbology is broken
duplicate of #7726 Giovanni Manghi
04:15 AM Bug report #7843 (Closed): "add class" in qgis master graduated symbology is broken
duplicate of #7726 Giovanni Manghi
04:11 AM Bug report #6952 (Closed): raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " ...
Giovanni Manghi


12:43 AM Revision acacf848 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] adds more options to find text in the editor
Salvatore Larosa
12:07 AM Revision 014729b9 (qgis): translation update: Polish by Milena, Robert, Borys
Robert Szczepanek
08:51 PM Revision 2df1a20c (qgis): Merge pull request #594 from tomass/master
Updates to Lithuanian translations Werner Macho
08:34 PM Revision c95dac55 (qgis): Updates to Lithuanian translation
06:33 PM Revision 81f677d5 (qgis): open project file using text mode (fix #7735)
Giuseppe Sucameli
05:41 PM Revision 99aaa597 (qgis): [Fix #7858] Toggle editing mode resets edit widget
And introduces full mapping between table row and field index ( Fix for loosing index mapping after sorting rows ) Matthias Kuhn
04:25 PM Revision a98ffed2 (qgis): [attrtable] Fix column synchronization
Columns have been missing, after removing all columns and readding them Matthias Kuhn
04:25 PM Revision 34c85c87 (qgis): [Fix #7849] Layer properties > fields delete correct field
Matthias Kuhn
04:02 PM Revision 094c97b0 (qgis): translation update
Jürgen Fischer
10:26 AM Revision 7ac1baf2 (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
10:20 AM Revision 350f2245 (qgis): debian packaging update
Jürgen Fischer
09:41 AM Bug report #7735 (Closed): QgsProject.writeEntry bugs with line endings
Fixed in changeset commit:"81f677d5019a3d0c8129aae9d4f0f88123110d2d". Giuseppe Sucameli
09:07 AM Bug report #4324 (Closed): wrong scale in print composer?
closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:07 AM Bug report #4324 (Closed): wrong scale in print composer?
closing for lack of feedback, reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
08:43 AM Bug report #7858 (Closed): toggling editing mode reset edit widget
Fixed in changeset commit:"99aaa5979f34ac91e633385b3223c24ce804f18e". Matthias Kuhn
07:14 AM Bug report #7858 (Closed): toggling editing mode reset edit widget
open properties of vector and change the edit widget of a column, then toggle editing on/off. the widget will be rese... Giovanni Manghi
07:51 AM Bug report #7209: WCS client seems broken
The crashes/errors of the original description are gone, but the client still does not seems to work ok.
With the al...
Giovanni Manghi
07:27 AM Bug report #7849 (Closed): wrong columns deleted
Fixed in changeset commit:"34c85c8724519367ebd7a809a3b3554cba5774aa". Matthias Kuhn
06:52 AM Bug report #7178 (Closed): qgis master does not load attributes from some file formats
seems fixed, please reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
06:52 AM Bug report #7178 (Closed): qgis master does not load attributes from some file formats
seems fixed, please reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
06:45 AM Bug report #7108 (Closed): artifacts when reprojecting WMS layers on qgis master
this seems has been fixed. Giovanni Manghi
06:45 AM Bug report #7108 (Closed): artifacts when reprojecting WMS layers on qgis master
this seems has been fixed. Giovanni Manghi
04:01 AM Bug report #7855: Error in OTB segmentation with certain projections
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it seems that the meanshiftsegmentation tools with vector output only work if the input is i...
Luca Congedo
03:18 AM Bug report #7855 (Feedback): Error in OTB segmentation with certain projections
it seems that the meanshiftsegmentation tools with vector output only work if the input is in wgs84, but if is a OTB ... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 AM Bug report #7855 (Closed): Error in OTB segmentation with certain projections
I have the following error:...
Luca Congedo
03:01 AM Bug report #7446: List of WFS is not updated
it is true also for wms/wcs/spatialite and also when deleting/updating (changing name). Giovanni Manghi
02:59 AM Bug report #7857 (Closed): In QGIS browser the WFS/OWS connections do not show any layer
it is a regression because at least for WFS it works ok in QGIS 1.8 Giovanni Manghi
02:57 AM Bug report #7856 (Closed): after creating a wms/wcs/wfs/spatialite connection from toolbar, then ...
... and the only way is closing and reopening QGIS.
This is a regression because for WMS/WFS/SL it used to work ok i...
Giovanni Manghi
02:55 AM Bug report #6699 (Closed): refresh button does not work as expected in browser in qgis master
the original issue described here is gone, but unfortunately I found many more I will describe in separate tickets. Giovanni Manghi
02:55 AM Bug report #6699 (Closed): refresh button does not work as expected in browser in qgis master
the original issue described here is gone, but unfortunately I found many more I will describe in separate tickets. Giovanni Manghi


01:28 AM Bug report #7668: Merge feature tools causes Qgis crash
I think that's a misunderstanding. The bug I was refferring is about the merge tool in the editing tools, the tools t... Alessandro Ciali
11:09 PM Revision ce49b666 (qgis): Fix #7835, opening WMS layer properties causes crash
Larry Shaffer
05:49 PM Revision ec6a64f9 (qgis): [attrtable] Make sure editor widget background is not transparent
Matthias Kuhn
05:41 PM Bug report #7853 (Closed): ExpressionBuilder: "Missing group xxx"
Most group nodes of the function tree in ExpressionBuilder display "Missing group xxx". Only 3 group names, Operators... Minoru Akagi
05:36 PM Revision 7b1d9e0f (qgis): Small fixes
* Fix minor memory leak in attribute dialog
* Safety check in dual view
Matthias Kuhn
04:31 PM Bug report #4607: Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of the labelli...
Hi Giovanni,
I have implemented this in the new QgsDataDefinedButton. However, and considering basic types, restrict...
Larry Shaffer
02:14 PM Revision 5009aad2 (qgis): [Fix #7806] Be more verbose in "invalid layer" dialog
Matthias Kuhn
02:09 PM Bug report #7835 (Closed): Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS
Fixed in changeset commit:"ce49b66673c66c5c4aab84a62e7b471e85fedf71". Larry Shaffer
12:00 PM Revision df19fe5e (qgis): Fix wmsserver: Do not manipulate maplayerregistry directly
Matthias Kuhn
10:32 AM Revision 55556fcd (qgis): Use a cosmetic pen for snap lines to prevent lines scaling (fix #7524)
Nyall Dawson
10:11 AM Revision d8887280 (qgis): Fix generation of empty layer/style entries
Marco Hugentobler
09:22 AM Revision 35de29df (qgis): Disallow changing of map layer registry directly
QgsMapLayerRegistry::mapLayers() returned reference is now const Matthias Kuhn
09:12 AM Revision 91f3ceab (qgis): Merge pull request #591 from ccrook/delimited_text_to_core
Delimited text to core Tim Sutton
07:59 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
Thanks for the Clearification .. so the Tolerance should be kept hidden from beginning on.. Because when I open Topol... Werner Macho
07:22 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
Currently there are no rules that support a tolerance value. That is why it gets disabled. As of now we can ...
vinayan Parameswaran
03:46 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
Confirmed .. there is no progress bar if there is only one rule .. .. even if this one rule takes ages ..
Werner Macho
03:41 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule

> BT, I know this is not the correct place but do you think its possible to add something like a progressbar somewhe...
Giovanni Manghi
03:06 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule

> BT, I know this is not the correct place but do you think its possible to add something like a progressbar somewhe...
Giovanni Manghi
02:46 AM Bug report #7845: Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
Confirmed here
Identified the "must not have gaps" as the cause of this behaviour..
If I delete the "must not have ...
Werner Macho
06:54 AM Revision 957c4f14 (qgis): Merge pull request #593 from mach0/topocheck
modified topology checker mostly GUI overhaul vinayan Parameswaran
06:47 AM Bug report #7822: Export to Spatialite is really slow, compared to commandline ogr2ogr
it is equally slow in 1.8 Maxim Dubinin
06:45 AM Revision 79623613 (qgis): Return rgba from ramp_color
Nathan Woodrow
06:39 AM Bug report #7823: Vector\\Data management\\Merge shapefiles is not working correctly
#7707 seems to be about geometries, my question here is about incorrect transfer of attributes.
UPD link for the tes...
Maxim Dubinin
06:32 AM Revision d472a8f4 (qgis): Add aplha to colour ramp
Nathan Woodrow
05:22 AM Bug report #7806 (Closed): "Invalid layer" dialog is not helpful
Fixed in changeset commit:"5009aad255537d2bd708f72682264ea88eba701e". Matthias Kuhn
04:55 AM Bug report #7850 (Open): Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
Giovanni Manghi
04:50 AM Bug report #7850: Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
Added a set of test data. Minoru Akagi
04:46 AM Bug report #7850: Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
Yes, no problem in 1.8. Minoru Akagi
04:43 AM Bug report #7850 (Feedback): Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
is this a regression since 1.8? Giovanni Manghi
04:31 AM Bug report #7850 (Closed): Piled derived attributes in Identify Results
When more than one feature is identified by Identify Features tool, a feature sometimes has not only its own derived ... Minoru Akagi
04:20 AM Revision 0711ddf0 (qgis): Return rgb from all colour functions
Nathan Woodrow
04:07 AM Bug report #7849 (Closed): wrong columns deleted
See attached screencast.
When deleting columns (in this case from vector properties), when saving edits the wrong co...
Giovanni Manghi
03:35 AM Bug report #7848 (Closed): When adding layers from Arcgis wfs servers QGIS gives error is url con...
*New description:*
When using Arcgis WFS servers, QGIS returns an error when adding a layer if the url contains "req...
Giovanni Manghi


01:33 AM Feature request #7524 (Closed): Guidelines in composer
Fixed in changeset commit:"55556fcdc05fde836cb93985a9979636c999ec32". Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Feature request #7831: Layer name in Properties window
Hi Larry,
Ok, I see you point.
However, I was one of those rare people who try to edit "displayed as" text box. An...
Pekka Sarkola
10:31 PM Revision 198cc39f (qgis): Fixing line spacing in <pre> section of delimited text context help
Chris Crook
09:37 PM Feature request #7847: add possibility to determine alpha values in gradient color ramp start, en...
Nathan did it again with revision d472a8f4aa2214267c0b1dc743218f12f0bc3de0.
There's one limitation: alpha value will...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:02 PM Feature request #7847 (Closed): add possibility to determine alpha values in gradient color ramp ...
It'd be very useful to be able to determine alpha values for the start, end, and stop(s) colors when building color r... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:51 PM Revision 8bf3d18c (qgis): Fix merge conflict
Chris Crook
07:40 PM Feature request #7846: print composer should offer a way to change paper background color
I've attached a map which (hopefully) shows a nice non-white composer page. The background color is set using the abo... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:20 PM Feature request #7846 (Closed): print composer should offer a way to change paper background color
A lot of work has been applied to QGIS 2.0 to insure color of all print composer items can be modified (for e.g. the ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:40 PM Revision cfaa71c5 (qgis): modified topology checker mostly GUI overhaul
Werner Macho
04:22 PM Revision 2c7eff70 (qgis): Merge pull request #592 from matthias-kuhn/fix-7405
[Fix #7405] Graduated renderer: Feature count 0 with scale or rotation Marco Hugentobler
02:27 PM Revision 36bf93c0 (qgis): raster resampler fixes, use zoom in resampler also for oversampling 1
Radim Blazek
11:51 AM Bug report #4605: Identify of GRASS rasters does not work on OsX
Tested with latest nightly build from Dakota Cartography on Mac. I am running OS X 10.8.3 (Snow Leopard). Identify wo... rcline -
09:48 AM Bug report #4605: Identify of GRASS rasters does not work on OsX
on QGIS 1.8 the identify seems to work 1/2 times, then it start to return "error".
There is a Mac user that can test...
Giovanni Manghi
11:44 AM Bug report #7835: Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS
Thank you Radim for contacting me about this,
Yes, my mistake. I got the logic expression shortcuting in the wrong o...
Larry Shaffer
09:14 AM Bug report #7835: Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS

> Could you please try to open regular local raster (tif), open its properties, select "General" widget (tab), close...
Giovanni Manghi
09:00 AM Bug report #7835 (Feedback): Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS
Works for me on Debian and Win XP.
It seems to crash in QgsOptionsDialogBase::restoreOptionsBaseUi where I see some...
Radim Blazek
03:59 AM Bug report #7835: Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS
confirmed here
gio@sibirica ~ $ qgis
Warning: loading of qt translation failed [/usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_en_U...
Giovanni Manghi
10:00 AM Bug report #7845 (Closed): Topology checker crashes qgis when using the "must not have gaps" rule
Attached sample vector and project.
The symptoms are different, sometime when I run a "validate all" qgis hard cras...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Bug report #7832 (Feedback): QGIS raster, merge
do you have an old version of gdtools installed? can you post the actual command that the tool is using (is at the bo... Giovanni Manghi
09:49 AM Revision 343ebe55 (qgis): Implement rubberbands for layer selection mode
Marco Hugentobler
09:45 AM Bug report #7148 (Closed): Cannot remove vectors from GRASS mapset
seems fixed. Giovanni Manghi
09:45 AM Bug report #7148 (Closed): Cannot remove vectors from GRASS mapset
seems fixed. Giovanni Manghi
09:44 AM Bug report #7841 (Closed): layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
Giovanni Manghi
09:40 AM Bug report #7841: layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
also this one - no problem in qgis master !
(like #7842)
just a remark: the problem obviously did only occur with da...
robert kalasek
07:03 AM Bug report #7841: layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Have you tested the latest dev build.
it seems really to work fine on master, please test an...
Giovanni Manghi
07:03 AM Bug report #7841: layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Have you tested the latest dev build.
it seems really to work fine on master, please test an...
Giovanni Manghi
03:27 AM Bug report #7841: layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
Have you tested the latest dev build. Nathan Woodrow
03:25 AM Bug report #7841 (Closed): layer properties / graduated / quantile / classification error
i am using a shp and a joined dbf-table with some demographic data
calculation of class breakes with style = graduat...
robert kalasek
09:43 AM Bug report #6984 (Closed): NVIZ stopped to work under Linux
Robin Lovelace wrote:
> Not working form me: get following error message on latest qgis version:
> Cannot start mo...
Giovanni Manghi
09:37 AM Bug report #7711: qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
Radim Blazek wrote:
> QGIS master wms client + QGIS 1.8 wms server works for me. I dont see anything wrong in the req...
Giovanni Manghi
09:37 AM Bug report #7711: qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
Radim Blazek wrote:
> QGIS master wms client + QGIS 1.8 wms server works for me. I dont see anything wrong in the req...
Giovanni Manghi
08:18 AM Bug report #7711: qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
QGIS master wms client + QGIS 1.8 wms server works for me. I dont see anything wrong in the request.
In any case, se...
Radim Blazek
08:18 AM Bug report #7711: qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
QGIS master wms client + QGIS 1.8 wms server works for me. I dont see anything wrong in the request.
In any case, se...
Radim Blazek
08:18 AM Bug report #7711: qgis server 1.8 does not work with qgis wms client on master
QGIS master wms client + QGIS 1.8 wms server works for me. I dont see anything wrong in the request.
In any case, se...
Radim Blazek
09:34 AM Bug report #7842 (Closed): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting

> works fine in qgis master ...
> my problem is that i have to do a lecture for students with 1.8. ... since that ve...
Giovanni Manghi
09:34 AM Bug report #7842 (Closed): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting

> works fine in qgis master ...
> my problem is that i have to do a lecture for students with 1.8. ... since that ve...
Giovanni Manghi
09:17 AM Bug report #7842: layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please try QGIS master, it should work fine... except for #7843
works fine in qgis master ....
robert kalasek
06:57 AM Bug report #7842 (Feedback): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
Please try QGIS master, it should work fine... except for #7843 Giovanni Manghi
06:57 AM Bug report #7842 (Feedback): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
Please try QGIS master, it should work fine... except for #7843 Giovanni Manghi
06:57 AM Bug report #7842 (Feedback): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
Please try QGIS master, it should work fine... except for #7843 Giovanni Manghi
03:50 AM Bug report #7842: layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
Have you tested the latest dev build? Nathan Woodrow
03:33 AM Bug report #7842 (Closed): layer properties / graduated / quantile / range ... sorting
i am using a shp and a joined dbf-table with some demographic data
style: graduated
Column: a real 19/11 field from ...
robert kalasek
09:16 AM Revision 596e1f12 (qgis): drop qgis_help.db and debian packaging update
Jürgen Fischer
08:04 AM Bug report #6952: raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " create VR...
Radim Blazek wrote:
> You have probably minscale limit set on server, this is empty:
Giovanni Manghi
07:51 AM Bug report #6952: raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " create VR...
You have probably minscale limit set on server, this is empty:
Radim Blazek
04:23 AM Bug report #6952: raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " create VR...
see also #6982 Giovanni Manghi
04:06 AM Bug report #6952 (Open): raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " cr...
Radim Blazek wrote:
> The server is giving Internal server error:
Giovanni Manghi
04:06 AM Bug report #6952 (Open): raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the " cr...
Radim Blazek wrote:
> The server is giving Internal server error:
Giovanni Manghi
07:58 AM Bug report #6982 (Closed): raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Duplicates #6952. Radim Blazek
07:58 AM Bug report #6982 (Closed): raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Duplicates #6952. Radim Blazek
04:23 AM Bug report #6982: raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Radim Blazek wrote:
> Could you attach backtrace from gdb ('gdb -c core qgis' and type bt)? Maybe better to attach ba...
Giovanni Manghi
04:23 AM Bug report #6982: raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Radim Blazek wrote:
> Could you attach backtrace from gdb ('gdb -c core qgis' and type bt)? Maybe better to attach ba...
Giovanni Manghi
07:22 AM Bug report #7405 (Closed): Feature count shows "0" when the "rotation" or the "scale size field" ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"2c7eff708846d1386576d83f38d702e89b9d8b1b". Marco Hugentobler
03:54 AM Bug report #7405 (In Progress): Feature count shows "0" when the "rotation" or the "scale size fi...
This is only valid for the graduated renderer, true?
A pull request for this is pending.
Matthias Kuhn
07:08 AM Bug report #7588: wfs client crashes if url is wrong
it crashes also if it just goes in timeout. Giovanni Manghi
07:00 AM Bug report #7843: "add class" in qgis master graduated symbology is broken
if you click "ok" closing the vector properties, and then reopen it again it seems that everything is fine
Giovanni Manghi
06:55 AM Bug report #7843 (Closed): "add class" in qgis master graduated symbology is broken
In QGIS master the "add class" button in graduated symbology does not add a new class, replaces and existing one.
Giovanni Manghi
06:40 AM Bug report #2861 (Closed): new symbology: (overall) transparency slider missing for categorized/g...
fixed in master Giovanni Manghi
06:40 AM Bug report #2861 (Closed): new symbology: (overall) transparency slider missing for categorized/g...
fixed in master Giovanni Manghi
06:40 AM Bug report #2861 (Closed): new symbology: (overall) transparency slider missing for categorized/g...
fixed in master Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Bug report #7166: raster resampling does not work when reprojection is on.
There were some bugs in resampler. If oversampling was 1, it was not doing resampling and returning smaller block (by... Radim Blazek
04:09 AM Bug report #7166 (Closed): raster resampling does not work when reprojection is on.
Giovanni Manghi
02:47 AM Bug report #7166 (Feedback): raster resampling does not work when reprojection is on.
Works for me. Both if reprojection is on and raster is not reprojected and if raster is reprojected.
Note that resam...
Radim Blazek
05:31 AM Bug report #7839: Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
In QGIS 1.8 was possible to set values <10 mm, so it is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Bug report #7839: Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
In QGIS 1.8 was possible to set values <10 mm, so it is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Bug report #7839: Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
In QGIS 1.8 was possible to set values <10 mm, so it is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Bug report #7839: Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
In QGIS 1.8 was possible to set values <10 mm, so it is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
05:27 AM Bug report #7830: Numeric scalebar alignment in map composer does not work
Does not work also in qgis 1.8 Giovanni Manghi
04:37 AM Bug report #7840 (Feedback): Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
it works fine here, can you attach sample data/project? Giovanni Manghi
04:35 AM Bug report #7821 (Closed): opening GRASS raster properties causes crash
it works now with the latest master code. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:35 AM Bug report #7821 (Closed): opening GRASS raster properties causes crash
it works now with the latest master code. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
04:25 AM Feature request #6951: raster "save as..." to be improved when asking for output when using the "...
this is not duplicate of #6952
there is an issue also with output tif files as they are written without the ex...
Giovanni Manghi
04:13 AM Bug report #7834 (Closed): Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Andre Joost
03:31 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Mark Sabin wrote:
> Polygon split into 8 parts - identify now completes successfully
the ticket was this one #4819
Giovanni Manghi
02:50 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Mark Sabin wrote:
> Polygon split into 8 parts - identify now completes successfully
it is an old issue of QGIS, if ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:37 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Polygon split into 8 parts - identify now completes successfully Mark Sabin
04:11 AM Bug report #4819 (Reopened): "Identify Features" tool is slow with complex/big features (lot of n...
The problem still exists, see #7834 and Andre Joost
03:43 AM Bug report #7342 (Closed): Raster "save as.." returns a file only with zeroes with a tiff input.
Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #7837 (Feedback): the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an i...
likely a duplicate of #5239, can you please check and eventually close this as duplicate? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #7837 (Feedback): the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an i...
likely a duplicate of #5239, can you please check and eventually close this as duplicate? thanks. Giovanni Manghi


01:53 AM Bug report #7840 (Closed): Doesn't Zoom to max extent when adding multiple layers
I start QGIS (build 226c524 - windows)
I add two GeoTiff's at the same time using the "Add a raster layer". In the "F...
Jonathan Moules
01:13 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Adding extra detail as requested by Andre (sorry can't see how to add it to the original ticket detail):
Platform - ...
Mark Sabin
10:11 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Attached is a DebugView Logfile. Andre Joost
08:58 AM Bug report #7834: Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
Confirmed here with QGIS Master b9b943d on Windows 7; No problem on QGIS 1.8.0 and Master on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10.
Andre Joost
06:41 AM Bug report #7834 (Closed): Bad Allocation on Identify - v1.8
QGIS Version: 1.8
Identify configuration: Top down
I have an existing project file which contains a mixture of PostG...
Mark Sabin
01:11 AM Revision 0175a805 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] uses QFileInfo instead of os.path to check if file exists
- minor fixes and cleanup Salvatore Larosa
01:03 AM Bug report #7836: Inconsistent default estimation parameter between MSSQL and PostGIS
the oracle and postgis provider don't use estimates by default. Jürgen Fischer
06:46 PM Bug report #7836 (Closed): Inconsistent default estimation parameter between MSSQL and PostGIS
*Use estimated table parameters* is enabled by default for MSSQL layers but *Use estimated table metadata* is disable... Aren Cambre
12:57 AM Bug report #7839 (Closed): Print Composer 2.0 has minimum grid size of 10mm
When trialling the new Print Composer in version 1.9, I cannot reduce the grid beyond 10mm.
At the time of the occur...
Nicholas Duggan
12:51 AM Bug report #7838 (Closed): core dump on opening project
On opening a project that was working fine a couple of weeks ago, QGIS crashes. The (sanitised) project file is attac... Gavin Fleming
08:43 PM Revision 02ab0274 (qgis): fixed raster paletted renderer for no data, fixes #7139
Radim Blazek
08:42 PM Bug report #7837: the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an interpolatio...
Note: it crashes with TIN interpolation, but not with IDW interpolation. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:36 PM Bug report #7837 (Closed): the attached points shapefile crashes QGIS when used to created an int...
It's not a regression as it also crashes 1.8, but would be nice to get fixed as it's a pretty basic GIS expectation f... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:28 PM Revision b7ef48ae (qgis): [Fix #7405] Graduated renderer: Feature count 0 with scale or rotation
Matthias Kuhn
06:41 PM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
Does it make sense that *Use estimated table parameters* is enabled by default for MSSQL layers but *Use estimated ta... Aren Cambre
06:41 PM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
Does it make sense that *Use estimated table parameters* is enabled by default for MSSQL layers but *Use estimated ta... Aren Cambre
06:41 PM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
Does it make sense that *Use estimated table parameters* is enabled by default for MSSQL layers but *Use estimated ta... Aren Cambre
06:41 PM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
Does it make sense that *Use estimated table parameters* is enabled by default for MSSQL layers but *Use estimated ta... Aren Cambre
06:29 PM Revision c3bb8db7 (qgis): enabled resampling for wms, fixes #7144
Radim Blazek
05:59 PM Revision 378a55ec (qgis): removed raster layer drawing style getter/setter
Radim Blazek
05:04 PM Revision d64ee565 (qgis): Revert "[qgis_help] Detect proper resource path when running from build...
This reverts commit 30b9fedc6adff91be11183c3a1ee3338ac6e0afa.
qgis_help doesn't need to know the install path any mo...
Matthias Kuhn
04:43 PM Revision 8f363b57 (qgis): python console setPlaceholderText qt < 4.7 fix
Radim Blazek
03:25 PM Revision 25668413 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] allow to disable the object inspector from settings (d...
- fixes some translation string Salvatore Larosa
01:00 PM Feature request #7831: Layer name in Properties window
Hello Pekka,
There are several reasons for the way it is and why not to use a text label:
* If the proposed text la...
Larry Shaffer
04:32 AM Feature request #7831 (Open): Layer name in Properties window
There could be some misunderstandings in "Layer properties" when you change Layer name.
I think after "displayed as"...
Pekka Sarkola
12:11 PM Bug report #6952 (Feedback): raster "save as..." dialog creates incomplete output when using the ...
The server is giving Internal server error:
Radim Blazek
11:50 AM Revision aa0c754f (qgis): Insert user defined OWS extent for project into top layer of WMS capabi...
Marco Hugentobler
11:45 AM Bug report #7139 (Closed): Wrong "no data" transparency in palletted rasters
Fixed in changeset commit:"02ab02746adb66adf5f35be5bf51097ebf0f8bc3". Radim Blazek
11:01 AM Revision dbb0730d (qgis): disabled raster data file timestamp check in loading style, fixes #6900
Radim Blazek
10:48 AM Revision 01c46cb6 (qgis): Invert layer crs if wms version is not 1.1.1 (covers the case where wm...
Marco Hugentobler
10:01 AM Bug report #3568: Bad Allocation when zooming
If it is a zoom and identify problem, your case might better fit to this ticket: #7834
The Openlayers plugin is not ...
Andre Joost
09:51 AM Bug report #7835 (Closed): Opening WMS layer properties crashes QGIS
Tested with today's nightly on Win 7 and different layers from
Anita Graser
09:37 AM Bug report #7144: Resampling does not work (anymore?) for WMS layers
Resampling was disabled for rasters without known data source resolution (WMS). I have reenabled resampling for all d... Radim Blazek
09:31 AM Bug report #7144 (Closed): Resampling does not work (anymore?) for WMS layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"c3bb8db7fc27a06b67dc79f0d24a5e9f3a6c64af". Radim Blazek
09:14 AM Bug report #7342 (Feedback): Raster "save as.." returns a file only with zeroes with a tiff input.
Works for me. Can you verify if the problem persists? Radim Blazek
08:33 AM Revision cdd7e9f1 (qgis): - recover japanese translations lost in 4b76600
- german translation fix Jürgen Fischer
05:01 AM Bug report #7683 (Closed): QGIS Server: Bounding Box Issue
Solved with commits 01c46cb69582393ec88d3164a38ed73970072228 and aa0c754f4592b9e6a52162abe997c0831b46eb30 Marco Hugentobler
04:57 AM Bug report #7832 (Closed): QGIS raster, merge
When I try to merge raster files with Raster / Miscellaneous / Merge, I get that error message :... Laurent Hivert
04:12 AM Bug report #7830 (Closed): Numeric scalebar alignment in map composer does not work
I like to align numeric scalebar in the middle of my "Legend area". I can expand size of numeric value to 40 mm (it w... Pekka Sarkola
02:39 AM Revision a0c9f5fe (qgis): Refactor activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions
Nathan Woodrow
02:39 AM Revision 1bfa7e96 (qgis): Add field calc to main app window
Nathan Woodrow
02:23 AM Bug report #7138 (Closed): Missing icon in raster symbology properties
Radim Blazek
02:15 AM Bug report #7821 (Feedback): opening GRASS raster properties causes crash
It does not crash here. Please try other computers. Radim Blazek
02:08 AM Bug report #6900: GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
Sorry Giovanni, your project file was correct, I was wrong.
Raster layer was checking timestamp of data file stored ...
Radim Blazek
02:03 AM Bug report #6900 (Closed): GRASS raster stretching is not applied in QGIS master on project load
Fixed in changeset commit:"dbb0730d3691ce039a418ef6ba55aa34a53bd2e5". Radim Blazek


01:54 AM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Hi Larry,
This sounds fine. I think it is not problem that there is an extra step for selecting the SVG symbol. Sele...
Andreas Neumann
01:35 AM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Hi Andreas,
In the labeling gui redesign branch I'm about to finish (today or tomorrow), I have reworked QgsSvgSelec...
Larry Shaffer
01:21 AM Bug report #7458: QGIS crashes when starting with a project while loading print composers
Here is a dump-file from a crash when loading one of my projects by double-clicking the file in Windows explorer. Andreas Neumann
01:35 AM Revision 4b766003 (qgis): - integrate function_help and context_help to translation files
- add some german function help updates
- update helpviewer to show help passed into stdin from qgis
Jürgen Fischer
12:02 AM Bug report #6982: raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Could you attach backtrace from gdb ('gdb -c core qgis' and type bt)? Maybe better to attach backtraces as attachemen... Radim Blazek
02:50 PM Bug report #6982: raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
Radim Blazek wrote:
> In "raw data" mode right? It should be fixed by commit:c0dec5a47b.
maybe, problem is that one ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:40 PM Bug report #6982 (Feedback): raster "save as..." tools saves WMS layers will al zeroes
In "raw data" mode right? It should be fixed by commit:c0dec5a47b. Radim Blazek
11:57 PM Feature request #7513 (Closed): add {road,others} label shields as part of default QGIS svg symbols
Road shields now in SVGs packed with QGIS. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:57 PM Feature request #7513 (Closed): add {road,others} label shields as part of default QGIS svg symbols
Road shields now in SVGs packed with QGIS.