
From 2018-01-15 to 2018-02-13


11:45 PM Bug report #18090: [Metadata] Allow to remove categories in Layer properties --> Metadata
See Nyall Dawson
06:03 PM Bug report #18090: [Metadata] Allow to remove categories in Layer properties --> Metadata
Yes I was expecting a minus button and as i did not find any, I never tried to add a new category because I was afrai... Harrissou Santanna
04:55 PM Bug report #18090: [Metadata] Allow to remove categories in Layer properties --> Metadata
The left arrow will remove the selected category from the right panel:
* If it's a predefined one, it will come back...
Etienne Trimaille
04:18 PM Bug report #18090 (Closed): [Metadata] Allow to remove categories in Layer properties --> Metadata
Layer Properties dialog --> Metadata --> Categories tab
The dialog allows you to add new categories but there's no w...
Harrissou Santanna
09:47 PM Bug report #18094 (Feedback): node tool batch vertex selection mode seems broken
Works fine here. Node tool, shift+R to start, click first vertex, click last vertex. Nyall Dawson
09:39 PM Bug report #18094: node tool batch vertex selection mode seems broken
Saber wins the day! Nyall Dawson
09:21 PM Bug report #18094: node tool batch vertex selection mode seems broken
Have you tried SHIFT + R? Saber Razmjooei
08:12 PM Bug report #18094 (Closed): node tool batch vertex selection mode seems broken
I tested again the batch selection mode of vertices described here [[]] an...
Regis Haubourg
09:38 PM Bug report #18087 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes when trying to use no projection
Nyall Dawson
09:28 PM Bug report #18087: QGIS 2.99 crashes when trying to use no projection
sorry I cant reproduce the problem anymore
Kurt Trinko
10:29 AM Bug report #18087 (Feedback): QGIS 2.99 crashes when trying to use no projection
Can you please post more steps to reproduce, and a copy of your data. There's not enough info here to replicate the c... Nyall Dawson
09:51 AM Bug report #18087 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes when trying to use no projection
h2. User Feedback
I used project crs no projection
in the settings menu I have use the crs of the project
Kurt Trinko
08:21 PM Bug report #18093: QGIS 2.18.16 Freezes when clicking on start editing without a vector selected ...
Antonio Viscomi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I noticed that if you click start editing, without having first selected a vecto...
Antonio Viscomi
05:35 PM Bug report #18093 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.16 Freezes when clicking on start editing without a vector ...
Hi All,
I noticed that if you click start editing, without having first selected a vector layer in the TOC, QGIS fre...
Antonio Viscomi
08:05 PM Bug report #17534 (Closed): QGIS Master crashes after open a project
Nyall Dawson
02:10 PM Bug report #17534: QGIS Master crashes after open a project
Hi Mathieu,
No in recent build this issues it seems solved, i don't see this crashes...
Antonio Viscomi
11:39 AM Bug report #17534: QGIS Master crashes after open a project
I've downloaded this project and using a 24-hour old QGIS master build (linux), it opens without crashing.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:04 PM Bug report #18091 (Closed): Processing plugin doesn't work
Just go into plugin settings and reenable processing. Nyall Dawson
08:04 PM Bug report #18091 (Closed): Processing plugin doesn't work
Just go into plugin settings and reenable processing. Nyall Dawson
04:43 PM Bug report #18091 (Closed): Processing plugin doesn't work
My qgis 2.99 ec86cb the processing tool box (plugin) doesn't open.
There is one massage every time a run it: WARN...
Diogo Caribé
06:09 PM Revision 345088c8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6192 from slarosa/fix_shortcut_macos
Fix displaying keyboard shortcut under macos Salvatore Larosa
05:14 PM Bug report #18092 (Closed): GRASS shell doesn't work on macOS
Hi everyone,
I have a question about the use the +GRASS 6.4.6 (2016)+ Plugin that comes with the +QGIS 2.14.21-Ess...
Wouter Neisingh
05:11 PM Bug report #18089: QGIS server 2.99 error on every WMS request (except GetCapabilities)
Problem is back once I added again the layer, even if this time it was through an ESRI SHP format (and not WFS).
Rémi Bonnefoi
04:24 PM Bug report #18089: QGIS server 2.99 error on every WMS request (except GetCapabilities)
Dear all,
The problem is finally solved. It came from a WFS layer which was causing the error (maybe because a cro...
Rémi Bonnefoi
02:48 PM Bug report #18089 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 error on every WMS request (except GetCapabilities)
Hi all,
I did an update a few days ago of the QGIS server 2.99 on my own server (Debian) and since then, I am unab...
Rémi Bonnefoi
05:02 PM Revision b082ba8f (qgis): Merge branch 'release-2_18' of into releas...
Marco Hugentobler
04:59 PM Bug report #18088 (Closed): QGIS 2 API Documentation: links to QT4 classes not found
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ab983e731f5d039b4f140ce86f9cbfcc50e0fdc. Denis Rouzaud
04:59 PM Bug report #18088 (Closed): QGIS 2 API Documentation: links to QT4 classes not found
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4ab983e731f5d039b4f140ce86f9cbfcc50e0fdc. Denis Rouzaud
11:57 AM Bug report #18088: QGIS 2 API Documentation: links to QT4 classes not found
See for instance:
QGIS API Python is generated, so I am not sure...
Yves Jacolin
11:55 AM Bug report #18088 (Closed): QGIS 2 API Documentation: links to QT4 classes not found
All links from QGIS 2 API Documentation to QT 4 classes are broken and result in a 404 Not Found. For example _QgsPro... Gerald Kogler
04:59 PM Revision 4ab983e7 (qgis): fix link to Qt 4.8 doc
fix #18088 Denis Rouzaud
04:59 PM Revision 5293044d (qgis): Escape spaces in MTEXT
Marco Hugentobler
04:55 PM Bug report #18063: QGIS 2.18.16 crash while exporting to PDF a rotated map
I opened your project in QGIS 2.18.16 on Windows 7 Professional 64bit and exported the layout to pdf and QGIS crashed... Michel Stuyts
04:51 PM Revision abeef257 (qgis): macOS: fix shortcut even for processing tool button
Salvatore Larosa
04:46 PM Revision 856dd08a (qgis): display correctly keyboard shortcut in toolbar tooltip under macOS
Salvatore Larosa
04:46 PM Revision 27cbfafd (qgis): shortcut config. dialog: display correctly keysequence on macOS
Salvatore Larosa
04:40 PM Revision 33915947 (qgis): Merge pull request #6302 from slarosa/split_v_drape
Split v.drape command Salvatore Larosa
03:50 PM Revision 256e4419 (qgis): Escape blanks in MTEXT and add unit test
Marco Hugentobler
03:11 PM Revision 231dae31 (qgis): various fixes to rotation map tool
* do not go through the user input to do the rotation (avoid rounding in spin box, except when magnet is on)
* allow ...
Denis Rouzaud
02:31 PM Bug report #18079 (Open): cannot VACUUM from within a transaction
I installed QGIS 2.99 (alongside 2.18) via osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe, on Windows 7. Currently at b6ad920404 (updated y... Arjan Mossel
02:19 PM Revision 79d224e3 (qgis): add advanced config to offset map tool widget
fix #14750 Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Revision 77f864b8 (qgis): fix offset side for polygons
Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Revision 5d7eb198 (qgis): fix invalid value for offset_join_style in main options
Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Revision e1d481fa (qgis): various fixes to the offset map tool
code has been refactored, hopefully things are clearer now
fix #17367
fix #14751
Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Feature request #14750 (Closed): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|79d224e34983ec03fdc730ea251df815d3a7e617. Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Feature request #14750 (Closed): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|79d224e34983ec03fdc730ea251df815d3a7e617. Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Bug report #14751 (Closed): 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1d481faa7ddc5dc84e0760a8371e5eaefb862d9. Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Bug report #14751 (Closed): 'Offset Curve' tool - Strange behaviour of 'User Input Panel'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1d481faa7ddc5dc84e0760a8371e5eaefb862d9. Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Bug report #17367 (Closed): Offset tool doesn't honor snapping configuration
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1d481faa7ddc5dc84e0760a8371e5eaefb862d9. Denis Rouzaud
02:19 PM Bug report #17367 (Closed): Offset tool doesn't honor snapping configuration
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e1d481faa7ddc5dc84e0760a8371e5eaefb862d9. Denis Rouzaud
01:00 PM Bug report #18086: QGIS 2.18: Joins do not work reliable
"The join does not work" means: QGIS does not recognize corresponding ident values, and all values of the joined tabl... Thomas Nogatz
09:15 AM Bug report #18086 (Closed): QGIS 2.18: Joins do not work reliable
QGIS 2.18.16 on Windows 10
Steps (see attached project):
- Working with a shapefile
- Join the shapefile to a ta...
Thomas Nogatz
11:45 AM Revision ca0cb9b8 (qgis): [ui] resize statistical summary columns to content
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:40 AM Bug report #17285 (Feedback): QGIS3: reshape doesn't listen to "avoid intersection"
I can't reproduce. I've tested with 2.18 and 3.0 and the behavior is the same.
Note that reshaping with "avoid int...
Nyall Dawson
11:26 AM Bug report #16305 (Feedback): WMS GetLegend Fails in QGIS 2.99
I can't reproduce - I get the exact same legend in 2.18 and 2.99.
Is this still an issue on current nightlies?
Nyall Dawson
11:26 AM Bug report #16305 (Feedback): WMS GetLegend Fails in QGIS 2.99
I can't reproduce - I get the exact same legend in 2.18 and 2.99.
Is this still an issue on current nightlies?
Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Bug report #16858 (Closed): Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometrie...
Not a QGIS bug - it's a bug in the plugin. PR here: Nyall Dawson
10:59 AM Feature request #17548: Automatically populate layer metadata for WMS layers
This is not a bug - it's a feature request. The same WMS information as was shown in 2.x is still available, and is n... Nyall Dawson
10:59 AM Feature request #17548: Automatically populate layer metadata for WMS layers
This is not a bug - it's a feature request. The same WMS information as was shown in 2.x is still available, and is n... Nyall Dawson
10:53 AM Bug report #17864 (Feedback): Graphical modeler doesn`t preserve utf 8 encoding
Christian, can you be a bit more specific here? I'm a regular user of utf8-encoded datasets (including shapefiles), a... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:50 AM Bug report #17843 (Closed): Can't add QGIS raster calculator in the processing modeller
Alister, I'm pretty sure the raster calculator now works well within a model. Let me know if it's not the case. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:50 AM Bug report #17843 (Closed): Can't add QGIS raster calculator in the processing modeller
Alister, I'm pretty sure the raster calculator now works well within a model. Let me know if it's not the case. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:50 AM Bug report #17843 (Closed): Can't add QGIS raster calculator in the processing modeller
Alister, I'm pretty sure the raster calculator now works well within a model. Let me know if it's not the case. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:49 AM Bug report #17616 (Closed): qgis crash when moving a georef raster in the list of the layers
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
10:49 AM Bug report #17616 (Closed): qgis crash when moving a georef raster in the list of the layers
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
10:46 AM Revision bf4ba08a (qgis): Merge pull request #6331 from mhugent/dxf_label_layers_v3
Fix dxf export for label layers and add unit test Marco Hugentobler
10:40 AM Revision fc51b82f (qgis): [save as vector] use the save/restore geomtry API
Harrissou Santanna
09:49 AM Revision ad849615 (qgis): Fix python error when trying to export db manager table
Nyall Dawson
09:49 AM Revision c08e4c53 (qgis): Fix invalid (deprecated) escape strings in db manager
Nyall Dawson
09:49 AM Revision 6b4e734d (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix inconsistent capitalization, HIG violations,
and unprofessional strings Nyall Dawson
09:49 AM Revision fa56aa55 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix python error when scrolling postgis results
Fixes #17835 Nyall Dawson
09:49 AM Revision ea40f1e8 (qgis): More capitalization homogenization
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Bug report #17835 (Closed): Error in scrolling table in DB Manager in QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fa56aa5542490f5d793af58f7e0650f460ee7586. Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Bug report #17835 (Closed): Error in scrolling table in DB Manager in QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fa56aa5542490f5d793af58f7e0650f460ee7586. Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 70644f1d (qgis): Fix undo stack does not correctly roll back geometry edits
in a granular manner
Fixes #17658
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Bug report #17658 (Closed): Digitizing: Ctrl+Z (and other cancelation tools) reset the features t...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|70644f1ddd51fbdc85b99a51aa1f9150856c7036. Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Bug report #17658 (Closed): Digitizing: Ctrl+Z (and other cancelation tools) reset the features t...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|70644f1ddd51fbdc85b99a51aa1f9150856c7036. Nyall Dawson
08:55 AM Bug report #17658: Digitizing: Ctrl+Z (and other cancelation tools) reset the features to its ini...
PR at Nyall Dawson
08:19 AM Bug report #17658 (In Progress): Digitizing: Ctrl+Z (and other cancelation tools) reset the featu...
Nyall Dawson
09:37 AM Revision 265bc686 (qgis): Merge pull request #6319 from mhugent/dxf_label_layers
Fix dxf export for label layers with labeling but without symbology Marco Hugentobler
09:23 AM Revision c996c617 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into dxf_label_layers_v3
Marco Hugentobler
08:58 AM Bug report #18081 (Feedback): GDB recognition mixup
Hi, can you elaborate a little further, and preferably add a dataset, qgs project file and or some screenies?
If I...
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:58 AM Bug report #18081 (Feedback): GDB recognition mixup
Hi, can you elaborate a little further, and preferably add a dataset, qgs project file and or some screenies?
If I...
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:55 AM Revision 5c3a7554 (qgis): Fix dxf export for label layers and add unit test
Marco Hugentobler
08:47 AM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
The v.external option was obviously disabled in my linux testing - if I enable it then it fails there too, so this is... Alister Hood
08:47 AM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
The v.external option was obviously disabled in my linux testing - if I enable it then it fails there too, so this is... Alister Hood
08:01 AM Bug report #18082: using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is not working
Ah, I see that in the preferences there is an option for processing to use v.external, and if I turn that off then it... Alister Hood
08:19 AM Bug report #16868 (Closed): undo/redo functionality broken in QGIS master
Duplicate of #17658 Nyall Dawson
08:19 AM Bug report #16868 (Closed): undo/redo functionality broken in QGIS master
Duplicate of #17658 Nyall Dawson
07:45 AM Feature request #18085 (Open): Enhancement: make processing "history" window modeless
Currently the processing "history" window is modal, so you can't leave it open to refer to while you are using proces... Alister Hood
07:38 AM Revision 576030b0 (qgis): Revert arg simplification attempt
Harrissou Santanna
07:31 AM Bug report #18084 (Closed): Inconsistent titles in file save dialogs in QGIS 3
The attached screenshot shows (for both 2.18.16 and master) the titles of the main save as dialogs that you get when ... Alister Hood
06:35 AM Revision e6a57437 (qgis): Fix message boxes titles
Harrissou Santanna
05:24 AM Revision 66b9b435 (qgis): [processing] Fix destination files are silently ignored when relaunching
algorithms from the history panel Nyall Dawson
04:40 AM Revision 1994c446 (qgis): [processing] harmonize results viewer action behavior
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:18 AM Revision a1a45536 (qgis): Merge pull request #6221 from nyalldawson/var_leak
Fix massive memory leak in PyQGIS, pt 1 Nyall Dawson
02:55 AM Bug report #18083 (Closed): Simplify map tool - don't use douglas-peucker simplification
The simplify map tool currently forces Douglas-Peucker simplification (via the QgsGeometry::simplify method). Unfortu... Nyall Dawson
02:02 AM Revision 0c6f2238 (qgis): Drop some legacy sip conversion code
Nyall Dawson
01:25 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Alister, have you tried saving a style from a current build and loading that? That shouldn't cause unwanted auto clas... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:07 AM Bug report #17102 (Reopened): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted...
Alister Hood
01:07 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Hi guys, I still have a problem. I'm not sure if you want me to file this in a different ticket - rather than being ... Alister Hood
01:07 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Hi guys, I still have a problem. I'm not sure if you want me to file this in a different ticket - rather than being ... Alister Hood
01:09 AM Bug report #17965 (Closed): Print Composer
Changing the page format, close the program and it will re-open with the changed format "solves" it. Ger Groeneveld


12:25 AM Bug report #15218: MSSQL columns with default values not ignored
Damien can you check if this is still the case in 3. I have a feeling I have already fixed it. Nathan Woodrow
12:22 AM Bug report #18082 (Closed): using "v.external" as Processing option (to handle input vectors) is ...
... Alister Hood
10:44 PM Bug report #18079 (Feedback): cannot VACUUM from within a transaction
How do you trigger this error in QGIS? I've been unable to reproduce. Nyall Dawson
05:12 PM Bug report #18079 (Closed): cannot VACUUM from within a transaction
In the current version of QGIS 2.99 it is not possible to run VACUUM on a SQLite database. Error:
"cannot VACUUM f...
Arjan Mossel
09:00 PM Bug report #17920 (Closed): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Looks good... I wasn't able to test Windows build 2.99.0-292 on the original machine at work (Trend Micro thinks it i... Alister Hood
09:00 PM Bug report #17920 (Closed): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Looks good... I wasn't able to test Windows build 2.99.0-292 on the original machine at work (Trend Micro thinks it i... Alister Hood
07:40 AM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Give it a try again in the next nightly update. I've updated the algorithm logic, hopefully it'll deal with your issu... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:59 AM Bug report #17920 (Reopened): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Still crashes here on Windows 10 (64bit osgeo4w fcb50a6857). I turned off all plugins other than processing, in case... Alister Hood
06:59 AM Bug report #17920 (Reopened): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Still crashes here on Windows 10 (64bit osgeo4w fcb50a6857). I turned off all plugins other than processing, in case... Alister Hood
08:45 PM Bug report #17152: Problem with type of (python) QgsComposerItem?
This problem is still there with QGIS 2.99 :
myLayout.itemById('myid') returns qgsLayoutItem object instead of the o...
Christophe Damour
07:29 PM Bug report #18081 (Closed): GDB recognition mixup
I open a new project, add several layers from an ArcGIS GDB. Then work in the project for a while. When I close it ... Douglas Alderman
06:36 PM Bug report #18080 (Closed): Vector Fixed Distance Buffer
I opened a arcGIS GDB layer, saved it as a shapefile layer, then edited and kept only the shapes I needed for the reg... Douglas Alderman
05:53 PM Revision c2baf1b9 (qgis): [dxf] use struct instead of QPair for addLayers (#6323)
fix #11790 Denis Rouzaud
05:53 PM Bug report #11790 (Closed): Python bindings for QgsDxfExport.addLayers causes crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c2baf1b91b7c0a34e2c1e6c31169a1eb34f8eb94. Denis Rouzaud
05:53 PM Bug report #11790 (Closed): Python bindings for QgsDxfExport.addLayers causes crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c2baf1b91b7c0a34e2c1e6c31169a1eb34f8eb94. Denis Rouzaud
04:54 PM Revision 59b17f25 (qgis): Merge pull request #6321 from 3nids/dxf_addlayers
[dxf] use a struct instead of QPair for layers Denis Rouzaud
04:37 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> I have testing n the same server : the package provided by and my own build.
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
I have testing n the same server : the package provided by and my own build.
The package segfault, not th...
René-Luc ReLuc
04:29 PM Revision 2a7aeafb (qgis): doxygen, init in header
Denis Rouzaud
04:10 PM Revision 94b644e9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6324 from qgis/revert-6320-try-to-fix-collapsible-c...
Revert "Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10" Alessandro Pasotti
03:08 PM Revision 03e49f1f (qgis): Revert "Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10"
Alessandro Pasotti
02:48 PM Revision 53f4464b (qgis): [dxf] followup 31e93aecae fix server
Denis Rouzaud
02:22 PM Revision 338a73b3 (qgis): [sip] remove unused QPair conversion
Denis Rouzaud
02:22 PM Revision 31e93aec (qgis): [dxf] use a struct instead of QPair for layers
there was a crash in Python in QgsDxfExport.addLayers due to a bad conversion Denis Rouzaud
12:44 PM Revision ec86fcb1 (qgis): Merge pull request #6169 from landryb/fix/desktopfile
Don't hardcode the path to qgis binary in .desktop file Jürgen Fischer
12:40 PM Revision 9e79d8a7 (qgis): Merge pull request #6320 from elpaso/try-to-fix-collapsible-crash-on-qt510
Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10 Alessandro Pasotti
12:20 PM Bug report #18078 (Closed): Adding Google Maps with PyQGIS
This works for me:... Nyall Dawson
12:20 PM Bug report #18078 (Closed): Adding Google Maps with PyQGIS
This works for me:... Nyall Dawson
06:41 AM Bug report #18078 (Closed): Adding Google Maps with PyQGIS
In QGIS 2.18.16 I'm using the following code (and it works):
> import requests
> service_url = "https://mt1.googl...
Jadwiga Trojak
12:09 PM Revision 207a9473 (qgis): [processing] offer hyperlink to file path in the results viewer
because users don't always get that there is a dbl-click action
against the tree view items.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:09 PM Revision 4ada4989 (qgis): [processing] automatically open results viewer panel when items added
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:52 AM Revision d4063e8b (qgis): Try to fix QgsCollapsibleGroupBox crash on Qt 5.10
Automatic memory management: prevent button to be
deleted too early.
Alessandro Pasotti
11:44 AM Bug report #17776 (Closed): [Processing] Clip raster crashes QGIS
Duplicate of #18004 Saber Razmjooei
11:42 AM Revision 2c6100ea (qgis): Doxygen
Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Revision fabda536 (qgis): Add missing docs
Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Revision d5e64929 (qgis): Fix error when running gdal algorithms through locator
Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Revision 44df58e5 (qgis): Simplify code
Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Revision 7609ab7c (qgis): Allow certain locator filters to operate on the main thread
Some filters are fast enough to return results that it's overkill
to run them in a background thread - add a flag to ...
Nyall Dawson
11:26 AM Revision 981afb3d (qgis): Make QgsLocator more thread safe
- add a clone() method to filters, and always search using the
clone instead of the original filter
- add a prepare()...
Nyall Dawson
11:26 AM Revision a9d61ff5 (qgis): Merge pull request #6285 from tudorbarascu/dpi
fix server issue for double devicePixelRatio leading to DPI requests with decimals René-Luc ReLuc
11:07 AM Revision c9e637e6 (qgis): Fix dxf export for label layers with labeling but without symbology
Marco Hugentobler
10:36 AM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
I tried to remove directories from all home diretories on all users of system (2 users + root). I launch qgis ag...
Mathieu Denat
10:36 AM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (...
New approach by Nathan: Alessandro Pasotti
10:33 AM Bug report #18062: floating point error in round function in Ubuntu
Since I just want to show it as a label and don't want to calculate with it, for now I'll just use the following cust... Michel Stuyts
10:24 AM Revision 6096e5c2 (qgis): Fix crash after running GDAL alg from processing (fixes #18004)
This was happening only with GDAL trunk
Processing first tries to load output as a vector, then as a raster
and outp...
Martin Dobias
10:23 AM Bug report #18004 (Closed): QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6096e5c25d2e0966f0287571a1194b1fcccf9be5. Martin Dobias
10:23 AM Bug report #18004 (Closed): QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6096e5c25d2e0966f0287571a1194b1fcccf9be5. Martin Dobias
05:51 AM Bug report #18004: QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
Is this issue a duplicate of an earlier reported #17776? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:57 AM Revision 2ded9c2e (qgis): Merge branch 'settings_17670' of into ...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:45 AM Revision fbc6e4d1 (qgis): add Server DPI test
Tudor Bărăscu
09:09 AM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
You are welcome! Thank you for the feed-back and thanks to all QGIS sponsors and donors that made this happen! Alessandro Pasotti
09:05 AM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
Problem solved! It works in Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10. Thank you very much. Michel Stuyts
08:00 AM Revision a7870afa (qgis): Merge pull request #6303 from alexbruy/help-logging
log requested help URLs Alexander Bruy
07:51 AM Revision e5d7733b (qgis): [processing] harmonize order of result panel (latest first) and add tim...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:34 AM Revision 32076009 (qgis): Don't call init in QgsApplication
Nathan Woodrow
06:50 AM Revision 9198971c (qgis): FIx
Nathan Woodrow
06:48 AM Revision c988dd29 (qgis): Move settings to resource folder
Nathan Woodrow
06:17 AM Revision 3b6d37fe (qgis): Lets try fix this
Nathan Woodrow
05:55 AM Feature request #17749: The add delimited text file dialog should provide field for Z and M values
For the record, delimited text provider does support Z dimension and M values through a WKT field. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:13 AM Revision f10758e1 (qgis): partial revert of 5dc91b4 to fix regression (fixes #18073)
setMaximumHeight() stays, so hopefully we are still protected
from infinit canvas redraw loop.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:13 AM Bug report #18073 (Closed): no display of layer loading progress in status bar in actual master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f10758e1b608f9020b920b3e55ca3c3e0cca7af1. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:13 AM Bug report #18073 (Closed): no display of layer loading progress in status bar in actual master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f10758e1b608f9020b920b3e55ca3c3e0cca7af1. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:44 AM Bug report #18073: no display of layer loading progress in status bar in actual master
-I thought this was a regression from my recent progress bar widget change (from show() hide() to setMaximumWidth()),... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:43 AM Revision 5431a2db (qgis): Fix crash when repairing zero length linestring geometry
Fixes #18077 Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #18077 (Closed): QGIS crashes when running "Fix Geometries" Processing algorithm on th...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5431a2dbaece3902b6bf906b86b3c4257062630d. Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #18077 (Closed): QGIS crashes when running "Fix Geometries" Processing algorithm on th...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5431a2dbaece3902b6bf906b86b3c4257062630d. Nyall Dawson
03:01 AM Bug report #18077: QGIS crashes when running "Fix Geometries" Processing algorithm on the attache...
PR at Nyall Dawson
01:36 AM Bug report #18077 (Closed): QGIS crashes when running "Fix Geometries" Processing algorithm on th...
I attach a GeoPackage DB with a single layer, which in turns has a single MultiLineString geometry.
This is the WK...
gcarrillo -
03:42 AM Revision 0eda7766 (qgis): Fix loss of checkbox widget settings when a default expression is set
Fixes #18076 Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #18076 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0eda77661fcef96b795eb451f5e73e9b4b0a2613. Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #18076 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0eda77661fcef96b795eb451f5e73e9b4b0a2613. Nyall Dawson
02:15 AM Bug report #18076: Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default value is no...
PR Nyall Dawson
03:29 AM Revision efdaf5fc (qgis): Merge pull request #6312 from nyalldawson/field_exp_null
Don't silently discard requests to set QgsFieldExpressionWidget to an empty expression Nyall Dawson
03:29 AM Bug report #14325 (Closed): Order-By-Clause accumulates default sub-clauses
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9dca6da060f17f522d5e2b33d28c74f3f6618ec2. Nyall Dawson
02:56 AM Revision ac28714a (qgis): Fix data defined properties in cluster/displacement renderer
do not evaluate for isolated features
Fixes #18074
Nyall Dawson
02:55 AM Bug report #18074 (Closed): [cluster renderer] Data defined values using a field have no effect o...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ac28714a40efc066279587a7d169470c39a4d119. Nyall Dawson
02:55 AM Bug report #18074 (Closed): [cluster renderer] Data defined values using a field have no effect o...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ac28714a40efc066279587a7d169470c39a4d119. Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Bug report #18074: [cluster renderer] Data defined values using a field have no effect on non clu...
PR at Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Revision 9dca6da0 (qgis): Don't silently discard requests to set QgsFieldExpressionWidget
to an empty expression
This causes issues in lots of places - e.g. a field constraint
is always set to the first fie...
Nyall Dawson
01:15 AM Bug report #17809 (Feedback): Rendering performance issues
Saber - can you please run a test of this code to determine whether the speed regression you see is related to the re... Nyall Dawson
01:14 AM Revision 46d7a428 (qgis): Merge pull request #6300 from nyalldawson/opts
Misc optimizations for everything Nyall Dawson


12:04 AM Revision 24fb28f7 (qgis): Avoid unused expression context updates in more places
Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision e4ab1a67 (qgis): Don't generate symbol expression context scope when it's not
being used
Refs #17809
Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision c7e257ef (qgis): More efficient simplification of linestring geometries during rendering
Refs #17809 Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision b60489db (qgis): More efficiency improvements for map to pixel simplification
Refs #17809 Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision 180d878d (qgis): Much more efficient QgsRectangle->QgsGeometry conversion
Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision db12f006 (qgis): Avoid cloning in QgsGeometry::convertToMultiType where possible
Refs #17809 Nyall Dawson
11:56 PM Revision ff7bb9aa (qgis): Remove inefficient method for creating empty geometry of same
WKB type, and use optimized method instead
Refs #17809
Nyall Dawson
11:56 PM Revision 65827adc (qgis): Provide an optimised constructor for a null QgsRectangle
This is used a lot, yet the current constructor calls the
normalize() method which does a bunch of operations for no
Nyall Dawson
11:19 PM Revision 6698fb89 (qgis): Merge pull request #6310 from 3nids/pd_domain_218
[postgres] fix domain not in public schema Denis Rouzaud
11:11 PM Bug report #18076 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
I came across this trying to trigger checkbox states based on other checkbox states with case->when default values to... Nathan Saylor
10:58 PM Revision 42dd9713 (qgis): make code compatible with QGIS 2.x
Denis Rouzaud
10:34 PM Revision 2cbcf74e (qgis): Merge pull request #6304 from 3nids/pg_domain
[postgres] fix domain not in public schema Denis Rouzaud
10:34 PM Bug report #18053 (Closed): Only public postgres domains recognized
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|498e55186cb3fc6cd8470ce931693c4d72708cef. Denis Rouzaud
10:34 PM Bug report #18053 (Closed): Only public postgres domains recognized
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|498e55186cb3fc6cd8470ce931693c4d72708cef. Denis Rouzaud
10:29 PM Revision bfe35c26 (qgis): [postgres] use pg_type rather than information_schema.domain_constraint...
otherwise there is no warranty to retrieve the correct constraint as its name is not unique Denis Rouzaud
10:21 PM Revision 1f051ff1 (qgis): [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
fix #18053
see PR #6304
Denis Rouzaud
10:07 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
The first gtk error message is coming from - so somet... landry Landry Breuil
09:55 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
After a bit more code digging and printf-debugging, it seems any call to a method of QFileDialog opening a dialog (ie... landry Landry Breuil
08:03 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
Meh. Not this one, wrong track. That code seems to be in the 'save as image' dialog codepath. landry Landry Breuil
04:28 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
I think i'm on something here :
The #else co...
landry Landry Breuil
03:28 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
Hmm.. i'm looking at what could be specific to BSDs (Asked loic bartoletti from FreeBSD if he was also seeing that bu... landry Landry Breuil
09:23 AM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
In fact it seems any instance of QgsFileWidget triggers this - 'save project' dialog too. So that's not driver-specif... landry Landry Breuil
07:59 PM Bug report #18075 (Closed): Checkbox options in drag and drop designer disappears when default va...
I came across this trying to trigger checkbox states based on other checkbox states with case->when default values to... Nathan Saylor
06:32 PM Bug report #18074 (Closed): [cluster renderer] Data defined values using a field have no effect o...
I'm trying to setup some data defined values in combinaison of point cluster renderer. In the example available in at... Dominique Lyszczarz
04:50 PM Bug report #18073 (Closed): no display of layer loading progress in status bar in actual master
there is no display of layer loading progress in status bar while project loading. in qgis 2.18 is everything ok (lik... Jan Lippmann
01:40 PM Revision c3a4b117 (qgis): Merge pull request #6309 from alexbruy/processing-enums
[processing] add enums support for fields and feature source parameters Alexander Bruy
01:05 PM Revision 17850934 (qgis): [processing] add enums support for fields and feature source parameters
(follow up 068d74d5) Alexander Bruy
12:03 PM Bug report #18068: QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
The problem occurs after start attribute form when i try type something in combobox, cursor is freeze for 3 - 4 secon... Ondrej Remes
11:40 AM Bug report #18068: QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
I'm sending part of code:... Ondrej Remes
10:42 AM Revision 52f83b34 (qgis): write to log when help location is not configured
Alexander Bruy
08:52 AM Revision 367aba17 (qgis): Merge pull request #6308 from nyalldawson/multi_out
[processing] Add explicit output type for multiple layers Nyall Dawson
08:38 AM Revision e20410a6 (qgis): also log help "key" used to construct URI
Alexander Bruy
08:38 AM Revision f4094af6 (qgis): add default help location to the global settings (refs #17670)
Alexander Bruy
08:38 AM Revision a71912b0 (qgis): log requested help URLs
Alexander Bruy
08:38 AM Revision edcd2a18 (qgis): fix typos
Alexander Bruy
02:44 AM Revision db9db58e (qgis): Fix undefined behavior when closing layout designer
Nyall Dawson
02:44 AM Revision dd3ba342 (qgis): Fix ui build warning
Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Revision 414c3a4b (qgis): Fix unavailable layer inputs for multi-layer inputs set to any map laye...
Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Revision 54a99c27 (qgis): [processing] Add multi layer outputs to Package Layers and Vector Split...
Nyall Dawson
01:57 AM Revision 4bcc9df5 (qgis): [processing] Add explicit output type for multiple layers
This was a missing capability in the processing API - while algorithms
could declare multiple layer input parameters,...
Nyall Dawson


12:49 AM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
Well, i'm the one packaging qgis on my OS... will have to recheck with upcoming qt 5.9.5.
Tried the same workflow ...
landry Landry Breuil
09:13 AM Bug report #17825 (Feedback): File browser broken with gtk backend
It's unlikely to be a qgis issue - have you checked for an open issue on your distro?
Nyall Dawson
09:03 PM Feature request #18072 (Open): Fields should all be editable (or togglable) on add feature
When fields are individually toggled OFF for editable, these persist on add feature. I'm not sure that's what most u... Kory Roberts
08:27 PM Revision 781b5870 (qgis): add test for postgres domains
Denis Rouzaud
08:26 PM Revision 498e5518 (qgis): [postgres] fix domain not in public schema
fix #18053
correctly set enumeration widget in case the domain is not in public schema
also fixes an issue if two dom...
Denis Rouzaud
06:20 PM Bug report #18060 (Closed): processing: raster calculator doesn't work, error thrown
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:19 PM Bug report #18068: QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
Cannot reproduce on master/linux with Qt 5.9.3 Alessandro Pasotti
09:11 AM Bug report #18068: QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
okey, in attachment. Ondrej Remes
05:00 AM Bug report #18068 (Feedback): QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
Can you share the form? Nyall Dawson
02:10 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
I can reproduce this issue in Debian Jessie with the debian package and not with my own compilation. René-Luc ReLuc
01:44 PM Bug report #18071: qgis 2.18.16 freezes when opening gpx-file in the "Import other file" tab
Can you provide some example data to test/confirm? Richard Duivenvoorde
01:39 PM Bug report #18071 (Closed): qgis 2.18.16 freezes when opening gpx-file in the "Import other file"...
Hello there,
i am not sure if i picked the correct category, but here is my bug report.
in GGIS 2.18.16: via me...
Lorenz Wenner
12:10 PM Revision 779fe1a9 (qgis): set name to feature action when shortName is not available
Salvatore Larosa
11:21 AM Bug report #17670: Profiles do not pick up 'default options', even when shown in Options Dialog (... is adding the help url to the global settings Richard Duivenvoorde
10:50 AM Bug report #18070 (Closed): crash upon exit/qnetworkconfiguration destructor
Since a while, i get crashes/segfaults upon exit, and they're fully reproducible now:... landry Landry Breuil
10:10 AM Bug report #18065: Processing Modeler UI input widgets do not resize
I deleted and a work-in-progress plugin I'm writing on crashes when loading a .ui file that tha... Alex Riley
09:13 AM Bug report #18065: Processing Modeler UI input widgets do not resize
Is needed for something else? Or safe to delete? Jeremy Palmer
09:09 AM Bug report #18069 (Closed): Processing modeller on MacOSX - Input and Algorithms widgets not view...
Duplicate of #18065 Nyall Dawson
09:09 AM Bug report #18069 (Closed): Processing modeller on MacOSX - Input and Algorithms widgets not view...
Duplicate of #18065 Nyall Dawson
07:58 AM Bug report #18069 (Closed): Processing modeller on MacOSX - Input and Algorithms widgets not view...
On Master version of QGIS 2.99 installed via MacOSX brew the Input and Algorithms widgets are not viewable in the Pro... Jeremy Palmer
03:58 AM Revision 9ce02ce4 (qgis): Fix windows build warnings
Nyall Dawson


12:49 AM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
This only happens with the Gtk(/fusion?) style, if i force-set the windows style in qt5 config the file open dialog w... landry Landry Breuil
09:16 PM Bug report #17825: File browser broken with gtk backend
The bug is still present in current master, and affects all file open dialogs (ie raster, vector, csv..) so im leanin... landry Landry Breuil
11:24 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
I can confirm on macos, the workaround proposed here fixes the issues either t... Salvatore Larosa
11:00 AM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
I cannot reproduce neither on Linux nor Windows 10 64bit (built with mxe 64bit and Qt 5.10 )
Compiled against Qt...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:17 PM Bug report #18067: Print @600dpi possible
Make sure you're using a 64 bit build. Otherwise you need to wait for qgis 3 built on a qt 5.10 backend, which substa... Nyall Dawson
12:12 PM Bug report #18067 (Closed): Print @600dpi possible
I need to export a print of 2x3 m to tif @600dpi.
When I export to tif, I get a pop-up that there is 1454 MB needed ...
Ann Verbeeck
09:08 PM Revision d229ec1f (qgis): Fix qt warning throw by AFS provider due to invalid QString arg usage
And make debug message about unsupported field types more useful Nyall Dawson
09:08 PM Revision 9dd81367 (qgis): Don't show group type layers in AFS source select
These layers cause an error if you try to add them to QGIS.
TODO: change source select to use a nested tree and corr...
Nyall Dawson
09:08 PM Revision 8bb297d5 (qgis): Fix layer id sorting in ArcGIS rest source select dialogs
Nyall Dawson
09:08 PM Revision 75d88afb (qgis): Quieten some overlay debug noisy methods
Nyall Dawson
09:08 PM Revision b6ad9204 (qgis): Show stacktrace in debug when hitting a GEOS exception
Nyall Dawson
07:36 PM Revision 1be269ad (qgis): split v.drape alg to be used without where command
Salvatore Larosa
04:24 PM Bug report #18068 (Closed): QGIS-dev crashes after PyQt5 QComboBox.clear()
h3. Hello, when i can clear item list in QComboBox used in custom attribute form, Qgis crashes without debug informat... Ondrej Remes
02:10 PM Bug report #18065: Processing Modeler UI input widgets do not resize

Richard Duivenvoorde
06:21 AM Bug report #18065: Processing Modeler UI input widgets do not resize
You need to uninstall the custom widgets and totally remove them from your system Nyall Dawson
03:55 AM Bug report #18065 (Closed): Processing Modeler UI input widgets do not resize
The Processing Modeler UI is pretty much unusable as the input widgets for model properties, inputs and algorithms do... Alex Riley
12:23 PM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
Please test this new patch Alessandro Pasotti
12:23 PM Bug report #17845 (Closed): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e435d79d6c4de64f1f45153db288f14495296cc2. Anonymous
12:23 PM Revision e1876f53 (qgis): Merge pull request #6294 from elpaso/bugfix-17845-take2
[bugfix] Try harder to fix raster properties color picker Alessandro Pasotti
12:06 PM Revision 6dbd0b95 (qgis): [mxe] Better packaging and fix Qt5 plugins path
Alessandro Pasotti
10:28 AM Revision 2ee0bc87 (qgis): Fix incorrect layer type icons for some geopackage layers (e.g. curve t...
Nyall Dawson
10:23 AM Revision e435d79d (qgis): Fixes #17845 tested on Linux KDE and Win 10
Alessandro Pasotti
10:13 AM Revision abcaba85 (qgis): Add method to force a detach for QgsSpatialIndex
Since the underlying libspatialindex is not thread safe
on some platforms (e.g. Windows), manual calls to detach()
Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 2e5d538a (qgis): Fix memory layers with spatial index crash when rendering
Fixes #17705 Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 8f902e77 (qgis): Implement manual locks on QgsSpatialIndex
Since libspatialindex is not thread safe on all platforms, and
have expressed desire to remove the thread safety that...
Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 426c72f2 (qgis): Avoid deep copy of spatial index when features are fetched on
main thread Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 50a88136 (qgis): Include job preparation time in layer rendering timer
This prevents layers which are slow to prepare from rendering
in map preview jobs
Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 98d43ea4 (qgis): Fix deep copy of QgsSpatialIndexData
Nyall Dawson
10:12 AM Bug report #17705 (Closed): QGIS crashes rendering temporary layers with spatial index
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2e5d538a7e1b8971325282aea7c1e1136d1b3f4b. Nyall Dawson
10:12 AM Bug report #17705 (Closed): QGIS crashes rendering temporary layers with spatial index
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2e5d538a7e1b8971325282aea7c1e1136d1b3f4b. Nyall Dawson
10:08 AM Revision 2a4ab6b0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6292 from elpaso/mxe
Scripts for cross build QGIS for windows on Linux with mxe Alessandro Pasotti
09:38 AM Bug report #18066 (Closed): AttributeError: 'QgsMessageBar' object has no attribute 'INFO'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9302613f28207910608fe538a03e0bff82ca5629. Jürgen Fischer
09:38 AM Bug report #18066 (Closed): AttributeError: 'QgsMessageBar' object has no attribute 'INFO'
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9302613f28207910608fe538a03e0bff82ca5629. Jürgen Fischer
05:39 AM Bug report #18066 (Closed): AttributeError: 'QgsMessageBar' object has no attribute 'INFO'
After an exception in a python processing provider plugin (a work in progress, not a core provider), the following tr... Alex Riley
09:38 AM Revision 9302613f (qgis): fix #18066
Jürgen Fischer
08:20 AM Bug report #17809: Rendering performance issues
Can you test ? I'm not hopeful, but that's all I was able to find by profiling... Nyall Dawson
08:08 AM Revision 603d2e63 (qgis): Merge pull request #6293 from alexbruy/processing-enums
[processing] allow enums values to be used in description files Alexander Bruy
08:07 AM Revision 90cc17b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6298 from nyalldawson/fix_17231
[processing] Allow providers to return a different helpId() vs their unique id() Alexander Bruy
08:07 AM Bug report #17231 (Closed): Processing help system expects wrong link
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2d1e9188f18c40028b5501fe4c719808e8e20800. Nyall Dawson
08:07 AM Bug report #17231 (Closed): Processing help system expects wrong link
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2d1e9188f18c40028b5501fe4c719808e8e20800. Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Bug report #17231: Processing help system expects wrong link
Proposed PR at Nyall Dawson
08:05 AM Revision bcb68dda (qgis): [processing] fix batch input selection panel for multiple layers parameter
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision 9562b9da (qgis): [processing] only pass needed raster entries in QgsRasterCalculator con...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision 5fa5b868 (qgis): [raster calculator] use feedback when reprojecting raster block
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision e27847d3 (qgis): [processing] make output crs optional in the raster calculator
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision 2ed225d5 (qgis): [processing] ressurect raster calculator and add CRS parameter
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision c4874b31 (qgis): [processing] use feedback object in raster calculator
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:59 AM Bug report #17902: Changing a categorized symbol should not change the [change] widget symbol
PR at Harrissou Santanna
03:33 AM Revision f340eecc (qgis): [delimited] Don't reset geometry type from "No geometry" when
changing other settings
Fixes #17971
Nyall Dawson
03:33 AM Bug report #17971 (Closed): Clicking any Field or Record Option in Delimited Text import switches...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f340eecc8738cebf4a4055157d87cc6e101561f0. Nyall Dawson
03:33 AM Bug report #17971 (Closed): Clicking any Field or Record Option in Delimited Text import switches...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f340eecc8738cebf4a4055157d87cc6e101561f0. Nyall Dawson
02:30 AM Bug report #18044 (Feedback): QGIS 2.99.0-Master Crashed during Layer Styling
Is this reproducable? Can you post exact steps on how to trigger the crash? Nyall Dawson
02:30 AM Bug report #18044 (Feedback): QGIS 2.99.0-Master Crashed during Layer Styling
Is this reproducable? Can you post exact steps on how to trigger the crash? Nyall Dawson
02:26 AM Revision 2d1e9188 (qgis): [processing] Allow providers to return a different helpId() vs
their unique id()
This is used when generating the QgsHelp url for algorithms
attached to the providers.
Implement ...
Nyall Dawson
01:44 AM Revision 9da5fd32 (qgis): Always save newly created features, even if no attributes are
modified in the form popup after feature creation
Fixes #18056
Nyall Dawson
01:44 AM Bug report #18056 (Closed): New features are not added if attributes are not changed in new featu...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9da5fd325e0a363b0754a68fd615315c0646af76. Nyall Dawson
01:44 AM Bug report #18056 (Closed): New features are not added if attributes are not changed in new featu...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9da5fd325e0a363b0754a68fd615315c0646af76. Nyall Dawson
01:26 AM Bug report #18062 (Closed): floating point error in round function in Ubuntu
This is an issue with the underlying Qt 5.6 library, and is not something we can fix in QGIS (believe us, we tried HA... Nyall Dawson
01:26 AM Bug report #18062 (Closed): floating point error in round function in Ubuntu
This is an issue with the underlying Qt 5.6 library, and is not something we can fix in QGIS (believe us, we tried HA... Nyall Dawson


12:10 AM Bug report #18062: floating point error in round function in Ubuntu
Looks similar to these already reported bugs:
Kory Roberts
03:07 PM Bug report #18062 (Closed): floating point error in round function in Ubuntu
The following procedure gives a floating point error in the results in Ubuntu Linux
# Open QGIS 2.99 in Ubuntu Lin...
Michel Stuyts
10:47 PM Bug report #17298: Processing: gdal merge python error on QGIS 3
I can confirm it even on macos. Salvatore Larosa
09:29 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
@Luigi tried your test also here (by the way I'm on a recent new/updtodate WIN10 VM here, not a fully registred Windo... Richard Duivenvoorde
09:18 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
@Tom Chadwin: yes that helped (for ogrinfo)...
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:07 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
May you check a workaround in windows? In a win installation that expose the porblem, try to load the geojson in a Ex... Luigi Pirelli
12:49 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
Does this help when trying ogrinfo:
Tom Chadwin
11:04 AM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
Adding another observation:
Plain ogrinf generates the same error:...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:08 PM Bug report #17976 (Feedback): Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:07 PM Bug report #17976: Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
I cannot confirm here.
I have a Win10 VM (on KVM, but that should not be a problem I think), with a user admin wh...
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:58 PM Bug report #17976: Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
Yes, I have tested version 2.18 but it repeats the error Marc Teixido Roure
09:00 PM Bug report #18058: Table applying a filter when no filter has been set by the user
Its's set to show all features
and I never changed any settings between 2.18.15 and 2.18.16, with the same project.
Patrick Dunford
05:43 PM Bug report #18058 (Feedback): Table applying a filter when no filter has been set by the user
Are you sure you are not hitting Harrissou Santanna
08:46 AM Bug report #18058: Table applying a filter when no filter has been set by the user
sample project Patrick Dunford
08:38 AM Bug report #18058 (Closed): Table applying a filter when no filter has been set by the user
Using ESRI shapefiles and it shows up when deleting records from a table, or cutting/pasting records between a table.... Patrick Dunford
07:19 PM Bug report #18061 (Closed): Package qgis-plugin-grass on ubuntu repositories
Will fix itself on the next point release. Meanwhile see the note on Jürgen Fischer
07:19 PM Bug report #18061 (Closed): Package qgis-plugin-grass on ubuntu repositories
Will fix itself on the next point release. Meanwhile see the note on Jürgen Fischer
01:24 PM Bug report #18061 (Closed): Package qgis-plugin-grass on ubuntu repositories
It is now available GRASS 7.4 and people can update the grass package but the package qgis-plugin-grass depends on gr... Roberto Marzocchi
06:54 PM Bug report #18064 (Closed): QGIS3 QtSqlDatabase 'QSPATIALITE' driver crash
I'm trying to port my plugin to python3/Qt5/QGIS3. I'm using spatialite database with QtSqlDatabase to manage plugin ... Jakub Kosik
06:28 PM Revision 4bd385ff (qgis): [mxe] autopep8
Alessandro Pasotti
06:25 PM Revision b817a3f8 (qgis): [mxe] Fix typos and qt.conf
Alessandro Pasotti
06:20 PM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
New PR
Works fine on Win 10 and Kubuntu Xenial.
Alessandro Pasotti
04:46 PM Bug report #17845: Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
I see: apparently the showMinimized function behaves differently on Linux and Windows (and nobody knows about Mac)
Alessandro Pasotti
04:22 PM Revision 068d74d5 (qgis): [processing] allow enums values to be used in description files
Alexander Bruy
04:05 PM Bug report #18063: QGIS 2.18.16 crash while exporting to PDF a rotated map
On QGIS 2.14.x and QGIS 3.0 nightly I can export. So I believe it's a regression.
p.s. Furthermore, this project i...
luca76 -
03:50 PM Bug report #18063: QGIS 2.18.16 crash while exporting to PDF a rotated map
I've attached a project file that demonstrates the bug. Open the project, open the included composer layout, try to e... luca76 -
03:16 PM Bug report #18063 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.16 crash while exporting to PDF a rotated map
On Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, QGIS 2.18.16 exporting to PDF, crashes with an composer layout with one map...
luca76 -
01:38 PM Revision 1dd6db38 (qgis): [mxe] Add install instructions for mxe
Alessandro Pasotti
01:38 PM Revision d19eef0c (qgis): [mxe] Restore build
Alessandro Pasotti
12:51 PM Bug report #17615: Can't install latest QGIS 2.18.14 with ubuntugis dependencies on Linux Mint 18...
Seems that I have the same problem:... Andrei Bagaev
12:25 PM Revision fcb50a68 (qgis): Revert "[processing] throw error if no layers selected in raster calcul...
This reverts commit c09c3018035eb7a4f47acbde7f3dae405ba444db. Alexander Bruy
12:00 PM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
I asked around, and I do not think apt or aptitude should clean up these files from all home directories on a multi-u... Richard Duivenvoorde
11:18 AM Bug report #18060 (Closed): processing: raster calculator doesn't work, error thrown
On latest qgis master builds, the processing raster calculator doesn't work, and this error is triggered: ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Revision a29d6d27 (qgis): [raster calc] use active layer to setup dialog to harmonize
the behavior with that of processing Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Revision 50a103f5 (qgis): [raster calc] use new API to save/restore geometry
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Revision 605bb758 (qgis): [raster calc] cancelling the process should cancel the process
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Revision b6ff4014 (qgis): [raster calc] make use of qgsfilewidget and fix some labels
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Revision 90e353bc (qgis): [raster calc] use a monospace font for the expression editor (fixes #17...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Bug report #17556 (Closed): Raster calculator expression editor should use monospace font
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|90e353bc1cc3299dcc40ed84f4829484a8c9053d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Bug report #17556 (Closed): Raster calculator expression editor should use monospace font
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|90e353bc1cc3299dcc40ed84f4829484a8c9053d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:37 AM Feature request #16127 (Closed): Add new parameter types and options for processing scripts
Now scripts use same syntax as qgis algorithms. Alexander Bruy
10:37 AM Feature request #16127 (Closed): Add new parameter types and options for processing scripts
Now scripts use same syntax as qgis algorithms. Alexander Bruy
10:37 AM Feature request #16127 (Closed): Add new parameter types and options for processing scripts
Now scripts use same syntax as qgis algorithms. Alexander Bruy
10:36 AM Bug report #17897 (Closed): Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
As discussed, this functionality was removed from master. Resource Sharing plugin should be used instead.
Alexander Bruy
10:36 AM Bug report #17897 (Closed): Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
As discussed, this functionality was removed from master. Resource Sharing plugin should be used instead.
Alexander Bruy
10:31 AM Feature request #18047: [GIT] make QGIS more git friendly
Hi David,
can you try to write this down as (2?) feature requests? Preferably with some more example (data?).
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:56 AM Bug report #18059 (Feedback): Problem with No data value for raster layers
No data value (Layers Properties->Transparency) read from the geotiff file is 255 (it's 3 bands raster, why not ...
Jadwiga Trojak
09:30 AM Revision 6eac6ac8 (qgis): [cmake] MXE build changes
Alessandro Pasotti
09:10 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Thank you very much Mathieu for your help, I'll try this in the next days. Dominique Lyszczarz
04:38 AM Bug report #17102 (Closed): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted a...
OK, I've pushed a follow up commit to fix what I consider is the last remaining issue here, whereas col...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:38 AM Bug report #17102 (Closed): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted a...
OK, I've pushed a follow up commit to fix what I consider is the last remaining issue here, whereas col...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:44 AM Revision fb53ebfe (qgis): fix xenial build
Jürgen Fischer
08:12 AM Revision 839fa508 (qgis): [attribute table] fix crash when adding creating a field on field-less ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:23 AM Bug report #17990: Values reset to default when cutting line
> However, that example (a primary key with an auto-generated unique id) worked already without problems in 2.18 and ... Nyall Dawson
06:10 AM Bug report #18056: New features are not added if attributes are not changed in new feature form d...
The problem is more extensive than that - regardless of the layer, creating a new feature and clicking "OK" without c... Nyall Dawson
06:10 AM Bug report #18056: New features are not added if attributes are not changed in new feature form d...
The problem is more extensive than that - regardless of the layer, creating a new feature and clicking "OK" without c... Nyall Dawson
06:06 AM Revision 14790312 (qgis): [needs-docs] Use correct open form icon in identify results toolbar
Before we used a different (non obvious) icon for "open form"
in the toolbar. This changes the toolbar icon to reuse ...
Nyall Dawson
06:06 AM Revision 75843a8b (qgis): Make tooltip capitalization consistent
Nyall Dawson
06:06 AM Revision 3d23cde4 (qgis): Add some separators to identify results toolbar
Nyall Dawson
05:16 AM Bug report #18015 (Closed): copied attribute table rows aren't pasted as table in word/writer doc...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:34 AM Revision e2c713e2 (qgis): [raster] prevent pseudocolor auto-classify following color customizatio...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:12 AM Bug report #18057 (Closed): Override typographic ligatures when letter spacing > 0
This is an issue with the Qt library, which you'll be happy to know is fixed in Qt 5, which we know use in upcoming Q... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:12 AM Bug report #18057 (Closed): Override typographic ligatures when letter spacing > 0
This is an issue with the Qt library, which you'll be happy to know is fixed in Qt 5, which we know use in upcoming Q... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:05 AM Revision 234540f0 (qgis): [attribute table] fix crash when removing layer with show selected feat...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


11:12 PM Bug report #18057 (Closed): Override typographic ligatures when letter spacing > 0
When rendering labels using a font that employs typographic ligatures, QGIS does not disable the ligatures when lette... Nathan Perry
04:26 PM Bug report #18056 (Closed): New features are not added if attributes are not changed in new featu...
I created geopackage layer and added three new fields:
> *date* (type: QDateTime)
> *date_mod* (type: QDateTim...
Jadwiga Trojak
03:39 PM Bug report #16956: Menus are inactive on startup
Workaround: Settings -> Options -> Application -> Style -> change Plastique into GTK+
So this seems to be two rath...
Karl Kastner
03:17 PM Bug report #16956: Menus are inactive on startup
I can confirm this bug on Ubuntu 17.10 artful. It persists at least for a year and is really annoying. As infrequent ... Karl Kastner
03:19 PM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
Well done!
I'll realize that the QFileSystemWatcher path seems not correct.
It will be: /home/MathieuDenat/.qgis2/b...
Mathieu Denat
03:03 PM Bug report #17845 (Reopened): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't...
The main part of this issue (QGIS crashing or blocking) is solved, but a minor part of it still isn't ok. The issue i... Michel Stuyts
11:55 AM Revision f54cc372 (qgis): fix server issue for devicePixelRatio leading to DPI requests with deci...
Some requests send the DPI parameters with decimals due to
devicePixelRatio and the Server doesn't cope with that. Th...
Tudor Bărăscu
11:13 AM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Éric Lemoine wrote:
> Oh you mean I had missed that. I'll give it a try....
Éric Lemoine
09:15 AM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Éric Lemoine wrote:
> > I am using Debian unstable, but I don't want to use QGIS unstable :...
Éric Lemoine
09:14 AM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Éric Lemoine wrote:
> I am using Debian unstable, but I don't want to use QGIS unstable :) The nightlies are QGIS 2....
Jürgen Fischer
09:12 AM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Éric Lemoine wrote:
> > So until 2.18.17 people on Debian unstable/sid cannot install QGIS ...
Éric Lemoine
08:46 AM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Éric Lemoine wrote:
> So until 2.18.17 people on Debian unstable/sid cannot install QGIS 2.18 using packages on qgis...
Jürgen Fischer
10:30 AM Revision 2cbf139b (qgis): [ui] save vertical space for the delimited text add layer dialog
(fixes #17972) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:30 AM Bug report #17972 (Closed): Layout of Delimited Text import dialog wastes vertical space
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2cbf139bcd61ee232d56732bd0c129f64b2d6137. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:30 AM Bug report #17972 (Closed): Layout of Delimited Text import dialog wastes vertical space
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2cbf139bcd61ee232d56732bd0c129f64b2d6137. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:12 AM Bug report #17996 (Closed): Statusbar do not stop refreshing
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:51 AM Feature request #18055 (Open): QGIS3 - Auxiliary fields cannot be uptated through the field calcu...
When selecting "update existing field" option in the field calculator the drop down list below does not include field... Dominique Lyszczarz
07:27 AM Revision 8495e8be (qgis): [stats] gather field/expression values in a thread to prevent long UI f...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:27 AM Revision 0885414d (qgis): update the stats gatherer to use qgstask
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:27 AM Revision 715677ee (qgis): move getValues, getDoubleValues to vector layer utils source file
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:27 AM Revision dd7c168e (qgis): document api break
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:59 AM Bug report #17208: some items on Project Properties|General aren't available to change until the ...
Patch here: Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:48 AM Bug report #18031 (Closed): QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
Not reproducable, and the attached stack trace uses out of date debugging symbols so cannot be used to assist. Nyall Dawson
01:48 AM Bug report #18031 (Closed): QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
Not reproducable, and the attached stack trace uses out of date debugging symbols so cannot be used to assist. Nyall Dawson


10:30 PM Bug report #18031: QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
Hi, the bug did't repeat after reporting.
Thanks for feedback.
Jadwiga Trojak
07:34 PM Bug report #18054 (Closed): postgis raster causes minidump
Using version 2.18.16 and loading rasters from postgis causes a minidump. I moved back to 2.14.22 and am not having t... Todd Sykes
07:00 PM Bug report #18016 (Closed): Layer sometimes appears modified without editing data
Alessandro Pasotti
06:25 PM Revision c12884cc (qgis): [processing] remove obsolete script tests
Alexander Bruy
06:25 PM Revision 23a5dd31 (qgis): [processing] fix file permissions
Alexander Bruy
06:15 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
Ok, confirmed here on a recent Windows osgeo4w64 build. In the message console it says:... Richard Duivenvoorde
05:40 PM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"

Another file which is actually writen bij Qt4 and remembers the position and sizes of your windows is:
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:32 PM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> My first guess would be to start qgis without plugins enabled, or rename your .qgis2 t...
Mathieu Denat
04:54 PM Bug report #18052: QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Already fixed in the nightlies. The release packages will not change until the next point r...
Éric Lemoine
02:50 PM Bug report #18052 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Already fixed in the nightlies. The release packages will not change until the next point release. Jürgen Fischer
02:50 PM Bug report #18052 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Already fixed in the nightlies. The release packages will not change until the next point release. Jürgen Fischer
02:50 PM Bug report #18052 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
Already fixed in the nightlies. The release packages will not change until the next point release. Jürgen Fischer
02:38 PM Bug report #18052 (Closed): QGIS 2.18 can no longer be installed on Debian unstable
I am trying to install QGIS 2.18 on Debian unstable/sid through the Debian packages on The i... Éric Lemoine
04:07 PM Bug report #18053 (Closed): Only public postgres domains recognized
When a domain like this is defined in the public schema:
@CREATE DOMAIN public.farbdomain
AS text
David Signer
03:28 PM Bug report #18032 (Closed): processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main option...
Denis Rouzaud
03:28 PM Revision 3205c96a (qgis): Merge pull request #6275 from 3nids/messagelevel
unite QgsMessageLog::Level and QgsMessageBar::MessageLevel in Qgis::MessageLevel Denis Rouzaud
02:44 PM Bug report #18051: ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for this format.
I am looking at the Toolbox GDAL Tools.
One thing that appears not to be correct but please advise me.
The deprecat...
Stephen Eastmead
12:15 PM Bug report #18051 (Feedback): ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for ...
Please test tools from the Processing. GDALTools plugin is deprecated. Alexander Bruy
12:15 PM Bug report #18051 (Feedback): ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for ...
Please test tools from the Processing. GDALTools plugin is deprecated. Alexander Bruy
10:02 AM Bug report #18051 (Closed): ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for th...
A DEM is created from a .asc file OK, but when that DEM has *Raster > Analysis > Fill Nodata* applied the following e... Stephen Eastmead
01:59 PM Revision 551547ae (qgis): Server: if there is a primary key, use the pk value(s) as gml id instea...
Marco Hugentobler
01:57 PM Revision 8f2c857e (qgis): Merge pull request #6258 from 3nids/options_better_3
Allow adding custom highlight widget to custom pages in option Denis Rouzaud
01:56 PM Revision 3dc3d9d1 (qgis): unite QgsMessageLog::Level and QgsMessageBar::MessageLevel in Qgis::Mes...
make enum items lower case
remove unused QgsMessageLog::None and All
Denis Rouzaud
01:37 PM Revision 90f1d7b7 (qgis): [options search] expand item when found in a tree
Denis Rouzaud
01:36 PM Revision 9389be83 (qgis): [processing] search also show children in config
Denis Rouzaud
12:39 PM Revision fc169726 (qgis): Remove a bunch of unused Qt4 compatibility code
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision 9553dea2 (qgis): Remove more unused Qt4 cmake code
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision cbd3042b (qgis): Fix build with MODELTEST enabled
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision 7cb20e00 (qgis): Remove some qt4 references
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision 2fc0b5b7 (qgis): Remove some outdated Python api files
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision 3e1b99be (qgis): Remove a bunch of Qt4 compatibility code
Nyall Dawson
12:33 PM Bug report #4586: Raster calculator: fails if file name has spaces
I don't agree: spaces in filenames are accepted by QGIS, so they should be escaped by calc engine. Paolo Cavallini
12:23 PM Bug report #4586 (Feedback): Raster calculator: fails if file name has spaces
IMHO this should be closed, as users should use correct syntax when writing expression by hands. Alexander Bruy
12:18 PM Bug report #18049 (Closed): no values in merge layers log
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c34f23ce08a66a84efc25211103d9f4407a75db4. Alexander Bruy
12:18 PM Bug report #18049 (Closed): no values in merge layers log
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c34f23ce08a66a84efc25211103d9f4407a75db4. Alexander Bruy
12:17 PM Revision c34f23ce (qgis): [processing] add missed information to the error message (fix #18049)
Alexander Bruy
12:17 PM Revision 7cb40fbd (qgis): Set first run dialog window title
Alessandro Pasotti
10:27 AM Bug report #18017 (Closed): Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
Harrissou Santanna
07:48 AM Bug report #18017: Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
Note: I cannot close these two bug reports myself! Daan Goedkoop
08:51 AM Feature request #18047: [GIT] make QGIS more git friendly
the secondary *user centric* file could also host *custom user variables* (a third variable scope after global and pr... David Berlioz
08:42 AM Revision 8491b1b6 (qgis): fix ca501185 (take II)
Jürgen Fischer
07:46 AM Bug report #17990: Values reset to default when cutting line
I understand this argument.
However, that example (a primary key with an auto-generated unique id) worked already ...
Daan Goedkoop
07:30 AM Revision 1d3a4e42 (qgis): Update sip bindings
Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Revision 15e04bc9 (qgis): Fix missing verification dialog on "all layer" save/rollback/cancel
Fixes #17490 Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Revision 9621f383 (qgis): Use QMessageBox::question instead of information when asking a question
And where appropriate use Yes/No choices instead of Ok/Cancel Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Revision aa3a3356 (qgis): Use question messagebox for layer rollback/cancel/save dialog
...since this messagebox is asking a question. Also change
confusing OK/Cancel option to clearer Yes/No options.
Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Bug report #17490 (Closed): Confirmation dialog for save / rollback / cancel all layers changes n...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|15e04bc9cb961d6d0f9241ed7273c9c34cdda02d. Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Bug report #17490 (Closed): Confirmation dialog for save / rollback / cancel all layers changes n...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|15e04bc9cb961d6d0f9241ed7273c9c34cdda02d. Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision 33ca8fcb (qgis): remove PyQt4 leftovers in mac cmake config
Denis Rouzaud


12:51 AM Revision d1c6941a (qgis): Minor speed boost to identify highlight
Unfortunately this whole identify highlight class is very inefficient,
resulting in multiple large image redraws at e...
Nyall Dawson
12:50 AM Revision 535de3b1 (qgis): Set the correct expression context for QgsHighlight
Fixes #17896 Nyall Dawson
12:50 AM Bug report #17896 (Closed): Info tool rubber band ignores symbol rotation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|535de3b1b229724a35fd63387f72f02f6550ccfd. Nyall Dawson
12:50 AM Bug report #17896 (Closed): Info tool rubber band ignores symbol rotation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|535de3b1b229724a35fd63387f72f02f6550ccfd. Nyall Dawson
11:54 PM Revision d4fa3a66 (qgis): fix ca501185
Jürgen Fischer
11:13 PM Bug report #17990 (Feedback): Values reset to default when cutting line
This is by design - it's done to allow default values which are based on sequences and other logic - e.g. populating ... Nyall Dawson
04:48 PM Revision ba71e79f (qgis): [BUGFIX] Load layer from definition does not use qlr as relative path
Fixes #15656 Loading QLR file with relative path does not work correctly René-Luc ReLuc
04:48 PM Revision d8ca6367 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsMultiLineStringV2::asGML2
Do not delete lineString in the Q_FOREACH loop René-Luc ReLuc
04:47 PM Revision 37191a34 (qgis): fix leak when fetching image
Denis Rouzaud
04:42 PM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
Matthias, I've tried your procedure (project generator) and couldn't reproduce the problem with today's master.
Vincent Mora
10:00 AM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
You're right Vincent.
Anyway, the ROLLBACK TO will just get back to the previous SAVEPOINT without aborting the tra...
Regis Haubourg
09:43 AM Bug report #17535: Postgresql: empty SAVEPOINTS
Regis, as far as I understand the article, creating savepoint before each command is roughly what we do to implement ... Vincent Mora
03:47 PM Bug report #17175: Relation reference widget triggers SQL syntax error with UUID fields in Postgres
Cannot reproduce on qgis 2.99. Vincent Mora
03:41 PM Bug report #17231 (Open): Processing help system expects wrong link
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to redirect to a page "docs missing - please write your and send it t...
Harrissou Santanna
02:57 PM Bug report #17231: Processing help system expects wrong link
Wouldn't it be better to redirect to a page "docs missing - please write your and send it to ..."? Paolo Cavallini
03:10 PM Bug report #18029: Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
Joe Bullard wrote:
> I'm experiencing issues using print composer in QGIS, I have tried with latest 2.18 build as we...
Joe Bullard
02:31 PM Revision 3b17d5a7 (qgis): processing search: also search in group items and fix return value
Denis Rouzaud
02:31 PM Revision 058d59b7 (qgis): do not search for less than 3 letters
Denis Rouzaud
02:04 PM Bug report #18050 (Closed): Cannot open Python Console
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|325af486807122db6946dcaeef22236b41f4d512. Jürgen Fischer
02:04 PM Bug report #18050 (Closed): Cannot open Python Console
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|325af486807122db6946dcaeef22236b41f4d512. Jürgen Fischer
12:56 PM Bug report #18050: Cannot open Python Console
I have the same issue on 2.99.0-Master 'Master', 1a117cf080. Windows 7 64-bit. Same traceback. David W
12:26 PM Bug report #18050 (Closed): Cannot open Python Console
Receive the following traceback error when trying to open Python Console either from the menubar (Plugins > Python Co... Joseph Liam
02:04 PM Revision 325af486 (qgis): fix #18050 (followup f6269c41d)
Jürgen Fischer
01:51 PM Revision c8d1d2d5 (qgis): Fix hang in options search widget
Nyall Dawson
01:51 PM Revision c6840bd0 (qgis): remove ownesrhip transfer
Denis Rouzaud
01:51 PM Revision 8d55cade (qgis): Allow adding custom highlight widget to custom pages in option
Denis Rouzaud
01:40 PM Revision fe31c282 (qgis): [options] Hide non-matching items in tree widgets when searching children
Makes the search more useful for the advanced panel Nyall Dawson
01:39 PM Revision 8e9bb6d2 (qgis): Put search icon on left of QgsFilterLineEdit
Nyall Dawson
01:38 PM Revision 124e2681 (qgis): Standardize shebangs (was Usr bin env) (#6229)
* Use portable /usr/bin/env/{perl,python} instead of /usr/bin/{perl,python}
* fix perl;add bash
* Fix indentation u...
12:00 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
I'm not behind a proxi.
My GeoJSON is done through the menu "save as" QGIS, from a shp file.
Maybe there's the prob...
David Piles
11:08 AM Bug report #18040 (Closed): "Options | Colors" list doesn't show font labels
Nyall Dawson
09:27 AM Bug report #18040: "Options | Colors" list doesn't show font labels
Oh, really? Sorry then, it looks like there are some colors labels. Please close :) Artiom Neganov
10:24 AM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
I haven't seen anything so far that shows me the project will stop working because of the absolute paths.
Isn't that...
Patrick Dunford
09:02 AM Bug report #17824: Absolute paths still being used in Qgis 2.18 (Previously #16242)
same issue here with 2.18.16
layers are handled correctly when you move or copy the project but the project...
David Berlioz
09:43 AM Bug report #18049 (Closed): no values in merge layers log
I'm using "Merge vector layers" from Vector/Data Management Tools and probably doing something wrong, because I recei... Ewa Śliwińska
09:33 AM Revision 3883547d (qgis): Do not refresh stats when opening the stat summary field combo box
Without this change, stats are calculated when users simply
open the combo box to select a new field. With large data...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:29 AM Feature request #18048 (Open): Add profile/cross section tool to QGIS core
There are already several plugin offering various functionality.
But best to have a nice polished one to support:
Saber Razmjooei
09:24 AM Revision 7bf0a7f7 (qgis): Merge pull request #6251 from elpaso/bugfix-17975-server-layer-groups-o...
[bugfix][server] WMS respect order of grouped layers Alessandro Pasotti
09:24 AM Bug report #17975 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|de33351ff89f18624900a50196bb3214626b40a6. Anonymous
09:24 AM Bug report #17975 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|de33351ff89f18624900a50196bb3214626b40a6. Anonymous
09:12 AM Feature request #18047 (Open): [GIT] make QGIS more git friendly
When working on a shared project Git is a good fellow.
QGIS is a great tool but it is not very git friendly.
David Berlioz
08:43 AM Revision b6c2de48 (qgis): Merge pull request #6225 from alexbruy/processing-algs
[processing][needs-docs] use native syntax for Processing scripts Alexander Bruy
08:42 AM Bug report #18046 (Closed): Adding new vertices ignores topological editing
Given two polygons which share a boundary and the user would like to insert a new node (clicking the '+' between two ... Andreas Wicht
07:53 AM Revision 567ebb9d (qgis): [processing] fixes after rebasing
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 54167bca (qgis): fix indentation
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 4f2a4644 (qgis): [processing] remove obsolete code and disable exporting models as script
until we update it so support new scripts format Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 15a185da (qgis): [processing] turn keep n biggest parts script into normal algorithm
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 263702e1 (qgis): [processing] ressurect script execution from editor (work in progress)
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision e1a64f6a (qgis): [processing] remove unused files
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 724390c7 (qgis): [processing] completely restore support for script execution from editor
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 53ff800f (qgis): [processing] temporarily disable fetch actions for scripts and models
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision f5f03991 (qgis): [processing] use custom editor class, as QgsCodeEditor is not available
on some platforms Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision cd7bb16a (qgis): [processing] class name is not needed anymore to load scripts
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision 5ad3af59 (qgis): [processing] remove tests for old scripts
Alexander Bruy
07:50 AM Revision fa5ab81a (qgis): [processing] scripts also can be feature-based algorithms
Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision b747a6b5 (qgis): [processing] ressurect delete and edit actions for scripts
Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision 422d804d (qgis): [processing] update script provider to use QgsProcessingAlgorithm
subclasses instead of custom script code Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision 472b8bf6 (qgis): [processing] ressurect 'new script' action
Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision 7115e044 (qgis): [processing] ressurect 'add from file' action
Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision aee3b449 (qgis): [processing] remove not needed trAction method
Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision 862b1139 (qgis): [processing] move script provider stuff into provider directory
Alexander Bruy
07:48 AM Revision 6841c522 (qgis): Merge pull request #6257 from alexbruy/processing-sharing
[processing][needs-docs] remove Get scripts and models functionality Alexander Bruy
07:17 AM Bug report #18045: Python function for expression is not loaded automaticaly
I use qgis-dev 2.99. There are images of my python function and moment after loading. Everything is ok. Ondrej Remes
07:17 AM Bug report #18045: Python function for expression is not loaded automaticaly
I use qgis-dev 2.99. There are images of my python function and moment after loading. Everything is ok. Ondrej Remes
07:11 AM Bug report #18045 (Closed): Python function for expression is not loaded automaticaly
Hello, i have problem with automatic loading python function for expressioning. The function is okey if i load it imm... Ondrej Remes
07:15 AM Feature request #13902: confirmation of delete feature actions
If there is no momentum for this, can there at least be an alert message to let the user know a deletion of features ... Kory Roberts
06:07 AM Bug report #18044 (Closed): QGIS 2.99.0-Master Crashed during Layer Styling
h2. User Feedback
While changing symbol styles of a layer and attempting to load a new style the application froze.
Maaza Mekuria
04:34 AM Bug report #18039: Hiding a Map View removes it from project without a warning.
I've investigated - unfortunately it's not possible to do this without gross hacks. Qt provides no way to intercept t... Nyall Dawson
04:06 AM Revision e44c3606 (qgis): [layouts] Fix map grids not correctly respecting grid annotation
Fixes #18036
Nyall Dawson
04:06 AM Bug report #18036 (Closed): Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e44c3606e588c0e21f90e335b450a503342e3450. Nyall Dawson
04:06 AM Bug report #18036 (Closed): Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e44c3606e588c0e21f90e335b450a503342e3450. Nyall Dawson
03:45 AM Revision 4287ce48 (qgis): [layouts] Fix rotated items move when refreshing layout
Fixes #18037 Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18037 (Closed): Activate and deactivate Atlas moves rotated items in layout.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4287ce489d1054a98ace4ab4b35d45e45633d5fb. Nyall Dawson
03:44 AM Bug report #18037 (Closed): Activate and deactivate Atlas moves rotated items in layout.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4287ce489d1054a98ace4ab4b35d45e45633d5fb. Nyall Dawson
03:03 AM Bug report #18043 (Closed): Zoom and identify tools very small on MacOSX with retina display
See attached screenshot. Running QGIS 64bit, QT 5.10.0 using QGIS master commit:1a117cf080, installed via homebrew.
Jeremy Palmer
02:36 AM Revision 345dd0c3 (qgis): [layouts] Fix items disappear in designer with 90 or 270 degree
Caused by Qt bug 66185
Fixes #18027
Nyall Dawson
02:36 AM Bug report #18027 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 3e42f808c1 layout label rotation disappears - only with atlas
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|345dd0c37681d7fc64ebf218be147db010ead1c4. Nyall Dawson
02:36 AM Bug report #18027 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 3e42f808c1 layout label rotation disappears - only with atlas
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|345dd0c37681d7fc64ebf218be147db010ead1c4. Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Revision df76bfc1 (qgis): update INSTALL on release
Jürgen Fischer
02:19 AM Bug report #18034 (Closed): Crash after interrupting background processing algorithm
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Bug report #18034 (Closed): Crash after interrupting background processing algorithm
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision 0607f79f (qgis): Ensure member QObjects for QgsMapLayer (and subclasses) are correctly
parented to their owner QgsMapLayer.
This ensures that if the layer is moved to a different thread with
Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision dbe45b8d (qgis): Modernize paste to memory layer code
Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Bug report #18005 (Closed): Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/laye...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0607f79f478fc868a44790831b802f637ff9ded8. Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Bug report #18005 (Closed): Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/laye...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0607f79f478fc868a44790831b802f637ff9ded8. Nyall Dawson
01:13 AM Feature request #14098 (Closed): ftools geoprocessing tools are slow with large dataset, port the...
Yes Nyall Dawson
01:13 AM Feature request #14098 (Closed): ftools geoprocessing tools are slow with large dataset, port the...
Yes Nyall Dawson
01:11 AM Revision 5ba69ea9 (qgis): [processing] Fix invalid parameter definitions for spatialite algs
Nyall Dawson


09:58 PM Bug report #15509 (Closed): Impossible to set a distance for "Around Centroid" placement for poly...
seems to work Harrissou Santanna
09:58 PM Bug report #15509 (Closed): Impossible to set a distance for "Around Centroid" placement for poly...
seems to work Harrissou Santanna
09:58 PM Bug report #15509 (Closed): Impossible to set a distance for "Around Centroid" placement for poly...
seems to work Harrissou Santanna
09:55 PM Bug report #18040 (Feedback): "Options | Colors" list doesn't show font labels
Have you added labels for these? There's none by default Nyall Dawson
01:13 PM Bug report #18040 (Closed): "Options | Colors" list doesn't show font labels
Kubuntu 17.10
KDE Plasma: 5.10.5
KDE: 5.38
Qt Version: 5.9.1
System Settings -- Desktop Theme = Breeze Dark
Artiom Neganov
07:54 PM Bug report #18036: Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
This is compiled with Qt 5.9.1
QGIS revision: 213d4b7
Klas Karlsson
10:53 AM Bug report #18036: Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
Which qt version are you using? Nyall Dawson
08:56 AM Bug report #18036: Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
Compared to 2.18 this is a regression.
For example, the +only+ option where "coordinate precision" (number of deci...
Klas Karlsson
07:35 PM Feature request #18042 (Closed): Include confirmation on delete of features
Harrissou Santanna
05:25 PM Feature request #18042: Include confirmation on delete of features
Oops, already requested: #13902. Kory Roberts
05:22 PM Feature request #18042 (Closed): Include confirmation on delete of features
I believe an additional safeguard should be included on deletion of features with confirmation popup: "Are you sure y... Kory Roberts
07:21 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog Denis Rouzaud
05:14 PM Feature request #18041 (Open): Include undo/redo in Attribute Table menu
Attribute Table could really benefit from having undo/redo buttons in the menu. Kory Roberts
03:29 PM Bug report #18038: Select by Location not working when data is in PostGIS
So I did a few other tests. Apologies - I didn't see your reply until this morning.
* Select by polygon 'lasso' w...
Randal Hale
12:16 PM Bug report #18031 (Feedback): QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
Hi, I cannot confirm this issue, neither on Linux nor on Windows10 with current master.
Can you tell the exact ste...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:27 AM Bug report #18039 (Open): Hiding a Map View removes it from project without a warning.
Creating an issue as asked in this thread:
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:11 AM Revision 87e55ba3 (qgis): [processing] remove Get scripts and models functionality
Users should use Resource Sharing plugin instead Alexander Bruy
01:52 AM Revision a09b9e7a (qgis): [sipify] fix QMap/Qlist with init in header
Denis Rouzaud
01:52 AM Revision 1a117cf0 (qgis): fix doxygen
Denis Rouzaud
01:52 AM Revision 70f9c228 (qgis): [options search] API refactoring
* avoid using lambdas and use dedicate class and subclasses for each widget type (lable, groupbox, tree, etc)
* this ...
Denis Rouzaud


12:46 AM Revision ca501185 (qgis): debian packaging: adapt libqca2-plugin-ossl dependency
(cherry picked from commit b49f05f8883e4e9432cac6b5287a26369326efa1) Jürgen Fischer
12:05 AM Revision 213d4b7c (qgis): Disable edit section buttons in reports if the section is disabled
Nyall Dawson
11:49 PM Revision be6674b8 (qgis): [reports] Fix crash in designer when no layout selected
Fixes #18019 Nyall Dawson
11:49 PM Bug report #18019 (Closed): [Layout Report] Closing the Report Organizer panel makes QGIS crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|be6674b8196f1c59e619b4bbe5f9394f163a62c8. Nyall Dawson
11:49 PM Bug report #18019 (Closed): [Layout Report] Closing the Report Organizer panel makes QGIS crash
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|be6674b8196f1c59e619b4bbe5f9394f163a62c8. Nyall Dawson
11:41 PM Bug report #18038 (Feedback): Select by Location not working when data is in PostGIS
Do you have issues with any other selection by location tools and this layer? E.g. using the "select by polygon" map ... Nyall Dawson
10:42 PM Bug report #18038 (Closed): Select by Location not working when data is in PostGIS
So this might take a bit to explain - bear with me. Attached to this report is two datasets: points and one polygon. ... Randal Hale
11:40 PM Bug report #18036 (Feedback): Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
Is this a regression? Or a feature request to change existing behavior? Nyall Dawson
09:28 AM Bug report #18036: Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
In addition to above:
The "aligned" option does not handle padded zeros as it should.
Klas Karlsson
09:25 AM Bug report #18036 (Closed): Graticules grid inconsistent behavior in print composer
A graticule grid has several standard options:
Decimal with suffix
Degree, Minute
Degree, Minute with suf...
Klas Karlsson
11:28 PM Revision 872871f8 (qgis): Make sure we use get uniquely seeded random numbers to generate
random symbol colors
Since qsrand is thread-specific, we can't rely on qrand() to return
uniquely seeded random numb...
Nyall Dawson
11:27 PM Revision 46469320 (qgis): Avoid spell checker errors
Nyall Dawson
10:30 PM Revision 4b365a8f (qgis): pyqgis: add conversion to subclasses for QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling
Martin Dobias
10:25 PM Bug report #18025: QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
Ok, Thanks for feedback.
I test that method monday (office computer) and post results here.
How can i obtain more i...
Mathieu Denat
07:24 PM Revision 57d38cd0 (qgis): * revive
* osgeo4w: drop globe plugin Jürgen Fischer
01:18 PM Revision 6f09f174 (qgis): Merge pull request #6255 from slarosa/fix_16476
[dbmanager] porting of dae921c to 3: fixes #16476 Luigi Pirelli
01:17 PM Bug report #16476 (Closed): DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them f...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|68b7bf6aa8c94d4cbf56e600fcb57f1f750ddcc9. Salvatore Larosa
01:17 PM Bug report #16476 (Closed): DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them f...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|68b7bf6aa8c94d4cbf56e600fcb57f1f750ddcc9. Salvatore Larosa
10:53 AM Revision 68b7bf6a (qgis): [dbmanager] porting of dae921c to 3: fixes #16476
Salvatore Larosa
09:39 AM Bug report #18037 (Closed): Activate and deactivate Atlas moves rotated items in layout.
Any rotated objects in the layout will move depending on rotation, in a direction combined with the object center poi... Klas Karlsson
09:05 AM Bug report #18017: Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
Looks good, thank you! Daan Goedkoop
07:57 AM Revision a583dcc1 (qgis): update package*.cmd for GRASS 7.4
(cherry picked from commit e8f077f294bd76e15c40ada8aeb2b8e172a961f6) Jürgen Fischer
04:55 AM Bug report #18035 (Closed): QGIS crashes upon opening of layer labelling (etc.) panel
I've been using QGIS for a few months, more actively in the last few days. It started to crash when I attempt to open... Adam Jack
04:54 AM Revision 639d310d (qgis): use sane number of decimals for the extent groupbox widget
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:54 AM Revision a66a4dbd (qgis): use a QMimeData clipboard object to paste features as HTML table (#6243)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:30 AM Revision 0a936743 (qgis): make much faster by using background processes
Denis Rouzaud
02:16 AM Revision a6a586f8 (qgis): make much faster by using background processes
Denis Rouzaud
01:43 AM Bug report #18034: Crash after interrupting background processing algorithm
Yes - "PR 6230": would fix this issue. Nyall Dawson


12:04 AM Revision 6e836309 (qgis): fix resizing columns in the identify results dialog
Salvatore Larosa
09:35 PM Revision 98a8bc16 (qgis): INSTALL: use meta package to install osgeo4w build dependencies
Jürgen Fischer
09:34 PM Revision a72b6b10 (qgis): INSTALL: use meta package to install osgeo4w build dependencies
Jürgen Fischer
09:34 PM Revision b6b394c1 (qgis): INSTALL: use meta package to install osgeo4w build dependencies
Jürgen Fischer
08:24 PM Bug report #18019: [Layout Report] Closing the Report Organizer panel makes QGIS crash
Yep, confirmed here.
Exact as Harrissou states: create new report (empty project) and click in the frame around th...
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:09 PM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
You are not behind a proxy are you?
Can you provide the url you are testing? Or the json you receive when you down...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:18 AM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
As in the picture?
It doesn't work for me after restarting.
David Piles
09:18 AM Bug report #17947: Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem
As in the picture?
It doesn't work for me after restarting.
David Piles
07:47 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Since my new ticket #18006 related to this was rejected. Here is the additional information that I wrote in that tick... Calvin Hamilton
07:47 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Since my new ticket #18006 related to this was rejected. Here is the additional information that I wrote in that tick... Calvin Hamilton
07:47 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Since my new ticket #18006 related to this was rejected. Here is the additional information that I wrote in that tick... Calvin Hamilton
07:47 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Since my new ticket #18006 related to this was rejected. Here is the additional information that I wrote in that tick... Calvin Hamilton
07:47 PM Bug report #16524 (Open): Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Since my new ticket #18006 related to this was rejected. Here is the additional information that I wrote in that tick... Calvin Hamilton
07:42 PM Bug report #18007: QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
The issue is resolved. Calvin Hamilton
07:40 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
That seems to have resolved the issue. Calvin Hamilton
06:43 PM Bug report #15075 (Closed): Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
I think the node tool refactoring has solved this issue. Harrissou Santanna
06:43 PM Bug report #15075 (Closed): Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
I think the node tool refactoring has solved this issue. Harrissou Santanna
06:43 PM Bug report #15075 (Closed): Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
I think the node tool refactoring has solved this issue. Harrissou Santanna
05:02 PM Revision ad21d371 (qgis): Merge pull request #6213 from nyalldawson/interrupt_console
[console] Allow breaking execution of scripts via Ctrl-C Jürgen Fischer
04:52 PM Feature request #18026: Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Ok. Thanks. it's working. I have created this view through SQL window in DB manager in QGIS and it isnt useful for no... Ondrej Remes
03:31 PM Feature request #18026 (Closed): Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Hi, ok. I managed to get it working.
You are right, creating (only) a simple view is not enough. You need to add m...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:47 AM Feature request #18026: Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Hello, Richard. Thanks for reply. It looks like i did a mistake. Im using dev version of QGIS (daily). I have created... Ondrej Remes
11:47 AM Feature request #18026: Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Hello, Richard. Thanks for reply. It looks like i did a mistake. Im using dev version of QGIS (daily). I have created... Ondrej Remes
10:14 AM Feature request #18026: Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Hi, can you please add some more info?
- which version are you talking about that it is NOT working?
- can you prov...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:14 AM Feature request #18026: Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
Hi, can you please add some more info?
- which version are you talking about that it is NOT working?
- can you prov...
Richard Duivenvoorde
07:41 AM Feature request #18026 (Closed): Geopackage views and other types as layer in Qgis + DB manager
QGIS could add layers from geopackage database, but if i add into database new view (by SQL command, with geometry at... Ondrej Remes
04:40 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
what version of QGIS do you have? windows? osgeo4w?
if linux, which Qt?
Denis Rouzaud
04:30 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
At this moment it is not crashing anymore, it is just freezing.
I just open current QGIS master 5c5ef3b6de, open t...
Richard Duivenvoorde
03:44 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
can you elaborate on the crashes? Denis Rouzaud
03:37 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
Ah sorry for confusing...
That search even either crashes my QGIS, or stall is while eating cpu
So yes, please ...
Richard Duivenvoorde
02:39 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
I am talking about the main options dialog and its search bar. There is a processing tab in there. The filter is not ... Denis Rouzaud
02:18 PM Bug report #18032: processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main options dialog
Mmm, I tend not to agree.
While for USING the algo's I agree, if I know I need the qgis buffer, you can use locato...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:49 PM Bug report #18032 (Closed): processing filter is redundant with the search feature in main option...
remove the processing filter Denis Rouzaud
04:24 PM Bug report #18034: Crash after interrupting background processing algorithm
Hi Ale,
I cannot reproduce here in QGIS code revision commit:5c5ef3b6de
both if I do a memory layer or a geopack...
Richard Duivenvoorde
03:45 PM Bug report #18034 (Closed): Crash after interrupting background processing algorithm
Steps to reproduce:
- open processing random points algorithm and set 10000000 points and destination to a new gpk...
Alessandro Pasotti
04:01 PM Bug report #17899: Shape to Geopackage: Creation of field fid failed (OGR error: Wrong field type...
Ah, I think you are right.
Just saving the layer as is fails.
BUT if you open the 'Layer Options' item in the '...
Richard Duivenvoorde
03:52 PM Bug report #16476 (Reopened): DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them...
Looks like the fix for QGIS 3 never landed Harrissou Santanna
03:52 PM Bug report #16476 (Reopened): DB Manager: previewing layers in Virtual layers section remove them...
Looks like the fix for QGIS 3 never landed Harrissou Santanna
03:18 PM Bug report #17917 (Closed): Globe plugin (globeplugin.dll) fails to load
osg-libs depends on gdal200dll now. Jürgen Fischer
03:18 PM Bug report #17917 (Closed): Globe plugin (globeplugin.dll) fails to load
osg-libs depends on gdal200dll now. Jürgen Fischer
03:02 PM Feature request #18033 (Open): [Expression Builder] Allow the search widget to search in the func...
In the Expression builder dialog, the search widget helps you quickly find the function (and its syntax) you may be l... Harrissou Santanna
02:36 PM Bug report #17951: QGIS Server lost (most of the times) the ability to cascade WFS layers
I am experiencing the same issue on QGIS server Version: 1:2.18.14+24xenial (2.18.14). WFS layers will toggle on and ... Nicolai Mogensen
01:56 PM Bug report #17951: QGIS Server lost (most of the times) the ability to cascade WFS layers
This does not affect master, correct? Alessandro Pasotti
02:25 PM Revision 5c5ef3b6 (qgis): Merge pull request #6246 from elpaso/rangeformatter
[bugfix] Range formatter for doubles and ints Alessandro Pasotti
01:55 PM Bug report #18024 (Closed): plugin Processing "cannot import name uic" after installation of QGIS...
I have renamed .qgis2 directory, removing the processing directory was not enough.
I had to reinstall the all plugin...
michel guillain
10:25 AM Bug report #18024: plugin Processing "cannot import name uic" after installation of QGIS 2.18.16
Hi, this is probably because you have some (processing) leftovers in hour ~/.qgis2 (or Windows counterpart of it).
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:27 PM Bug report #18031 (Closed): QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
h2. User Feedback
QGIS crashed after removing temporary scratch layer
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: f2ad261...
Jadwiga Trojak
12:51 PM Revision 31de3242 (qgis): Tests for range field formatter
Alessandro Pasotti
12:51 PM Revision 37f31dd8 (qgis): Get config from arguments instead of querying fields
Alessandro Pasotti
12:29 PM Bug report #18029: Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
Joe Bullard wrote:
> I'm experiencing issues using print composer in QGIS, I have tried with latest 2.18 build as we...
Joe Bullard
10:53 AM Bug report #18029 (Closed): Print composer locking up (OSX 10.13.3)
I'm experiencing issues using print composer in QGIS, I have tried with latest 2.18 build as well as the 2.14 LTR.
Joe Bullard
12:25 PM Bug report #18030 (Open): Layer Panel / Treeview items resize to mega and keep doing that
While investigating some other issue #18026 this user added a gpkg with some layers (and styles in it).
When you l...
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:31 AM Bug report #17296 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CR...
Duplicates #17208 Alexander Bruy
11:31 AM Bug report #17296 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CR...
Duplicates #17208 Alexander Bruy
11:28 AM Revision e3b054bf (qgis): Use insert 0 instead of a reverse iterator
Because it was introduced in Qt 5.6 ... Alessandro Pasotti
11:27 AM Bug report #17659 (Feedback): GDAL 2 problems with : Translate (convert format)
Please test with latest master and file separate tickets for each issue if they persist. Alexander Bruy
11:13 AM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
Hi Jean-Louis
The Aggregate function you are using in "test aggregate only" model is a "refactor fields" qgis alg th...
Luigi Pirelli
11:09 AM Bug report #17975 (In Progress): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
11:09 AM Bug report #17975 (In Progress): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
11:07 AM Revision 50d378fa (qgis): Update tests for WMS grouped layers order
Alessandro Pasotti
11:07 AM Revision d7ef689c (qgis): [bugfix][server] WMS respect order of SLD grouped layers
Alessandro Pasotti
10:43 AM Bug report #17430 (Closed): Raster inputs do not show in QGIS raster calcultator when using it in...
There are two different issues here. Issue reported in the ticket itself already fixed, so I'm closing this. Alexander Bruy
10:43 AM Bug report #17430 (Closed): Raster inputs do not show in QGIS raster calcultator when using it in...
There are two different issues here. Issue reported in the ticket itself already fixed, so I'm closing this. Alexander Bruy
10:35 AM Revision de33351f (qgis): [bugfix][server] WMS respect order of grouped layers
Fixes #17975 - QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups Alessandro Pasotti
10:35 AM Bug report #18028 (Closed): Zipped gpkg with vector data is wrongly seen as raster data source
Most zipped datasources (.zip files) are rightly seen by the Data Source Manager | Browser as geodata, and upon doubl... Richard Duivenvoorde
10:29 AM Bug report #18025 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"

My first guess would be to start qgis without plugins enabled, or rename your .qgis2 temporarily.
I cannot repro...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:14 AM Bug report #18027 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 3e42f808c1 layout label rotation disappears - only with atlas
creating an atlas and inserting a label, the 90 ° rotation causes the text to disappear
I enclose data and sample pr...
salvatore fiandaca
10:14 AM Feature request #17889: Add support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster tools
As I am able to change the resolution of the output-raster in 2.18 and not in 2.99 I would still call it a regression... Peter Drexel
09:52 AM Revision 574020f9 (qgis): Fix clazy unused lambda capture warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 07998352 (qgis): Fix clazy skipped-base-method warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 1a04dfb8 (qgis): Fix clazy mixed const/non-const iterator warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 252dbdcc (qgis): Fix clazy unnecessary unnecessary container allocation warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 5ed624b5 (qgis): Remove unused variable
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision ef7e7c54 (qgis): Fix clazy QString multi-arg warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision b7e19d82 (qgis): Style updates
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 536c5869 (qgis): Style fixes
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 91a16e4a (qgis): Fix clazy missing Q_OBJECT macro warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision bf413bc6 (qgis): Fix clazy return void warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 77613609 (qgis): Fix clazy invalid slot warning
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 2682a74a (qgis): Fix clazy pass big type by ref, small by value warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision a08c05b2 (qgis): Fix clazy fully-qualified-moc-types warnings
From the clazy docs:
"Warns when a signal, slot or invokable declaration is not using fully-qualified
type names, wh...
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision bb408c8a (qgis): Fix clazy overridden signal warning
Results in no warning when closing missing layers dialog Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 6e7a995d (qgis): Fix clazy missing/invalid emit warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision f0b14c56 (qgis): Fix clazy overridden signal warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision b2b500d5 (qgis): Fix clazy QFileInfo::exists warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 2dbda4f6 (qgis): Fix clazy container detach warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 7400b465 (qgis): Fix another clazy fully qualified moc type warning
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision cb752b60 (qgis): Fix clazy case insensitive check warning
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 1bb0ef43 (qgis): Fix clazy use QHash for container with pointer keys warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 1f958649 (qgis): Fix clazy autoconnect slot name warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:52 AM Revision 010329e1 (qgis): Fix clazy 3 argument lamda connect warnings
Nyall Dawson
09:45 AM Revision 5b470aa1 (qgis): alternative approach to hide progress bar when unchecking render
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:41 AM Feature request #13933: Improve help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when fields hav...
I'm not sure it's worth documentation: the error message says that you are trying to put 15814.xxxx in a field that y... Harrissou Santanna
09:05 AM Feature request #13933 (Closed): Improve help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when f...
Please file ticket in the QGIS documentation bugtracker. Alexander Bruy
09:05 AM Feature request #13933 (Closed): Improve help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when f...
Please file ticket in the QGIS documentation bugtracker. Alexander Bruy
09:05 AM Feature request #13933 (Closed): Improve help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when f...
Please file ticket in the QGIS documentation bugtracker. Alexander Bruy
09:05 AM Feature request #13933 (Closed): Improve help file of "Import vector into POSTGIS" - error when f...
Please file ticket in the QGIS documentation bugtracker. Alexander Bruy
09:18 AM Bug report #17183 (Closed): 'Refactory fields' processing algorithm: double entry type
Fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:18 AM Bug report #17183 (Closed): 'Refactory fields' processing algorithm: double entry type
Fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:18 AM Bug report #17172 (Closed): QGIS crashes when adding or clicking on base map or any raster layer
Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:16 AM Bug report #16841 (Feedback): geoprocessing tool "Split Lines with lines" fails if vertices do no...
Alexander Bruy
09:16 AM Bug report #16841: geoprocessing tool "Split Lines with lines" fails if vertices do not already e...
IMHO this should be closed as this is expected behavior (e.g. PostGIS also needs vertices to split). Alexander Bruy
09:14 AM Bug report #16628 (Feedback): Count Unique Points in Polygons seems to fail inside a loop (PyQGIS)
Please check with latest 2.18 and master. Alexander Bruy
09:13 AM Feature request #16501 (Closed): Points to Path Support for 2.5D Points
Fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:13 AM Feature request #16501 (Closed): Points to Path Support for 2.5D Points
Fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:11 AM Bug report #16259 (Closed): Processing Refactor Fields tool: some field types appear twice in the...
Already fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:11 AM Bug report #16259 (Closed): Processing Refactor Fields tool: some field types appear twice in the...
Already fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:11 AM Bug report #16259 (Closed): Processing Refactor Fields tool: some field types appear twice in the...
Already fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
09:10 AM Bug report #16238 (Feedback): Loading a plugin that adds to the processing plugin does not work c...
Still true in latest master? Alexander Bruy
09:10 AM Bug report #16238 (Feedback): Loading a plugin that adds to the processing plugin does not work c...
Still true in latest master? Alexander Bruy
09:08 AM Bug report #15619 (Feedback): ERS format not available in drop down file type menu for gdalwarp a...
Please test latest master. Alexander Bruy
09:08 AM Bug report #15619 (Feedback): ERS format not available in drop down file type menu for gdalwarp a...
Please test latest master. Alexander Bruy
09:08 AM Bug report #15619 (Feedback): ERS format not available in drop down file type menu for gdalwarp a...
Please test latest master. Alexander Bruy
09:07 AM Bug report #14719 (Closed): GRASS 7 algorithms does not work in the graphical modeller (python er...
Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:06 AM Feature request #14098 (Feedback): ftools geoprocessing tools are slow with large dataset, port t...
All major geoprocessing tools now implemented in C++. Can we close this? Alexander Bruy
09:06 AM Feature request #14098 (Feedback): ftools geoprocessing tools are slow with large dataset, port t...
All major geoprocessing tools now implemented in C++. Can we close this? Alexander Bruy
09:04 AM Bug report #10346 (Feedback): progress bar and setText not working on a mac with user script
Please check with latest master. Alexander Bruy
09:03 AM Feature request #7066 (Closed): Geoprocessing impossible if field names are too long
Fixed in master. You can save to Geopackage and this is a default behavior. Alexander Bruy
09:03 AM Feature request #7066 (Closed): Geoprocessing impossible if field names are too long
Fixed in master. You can save to Geopackage and this is a default behavior. Alexander Bruy
09:03 AM Feature request #7066 (Closed): Geoprocessing impossible if field names are too long
Fixed in master. You can save to Geopackage and this is a default behavior. Alexander Bruy
09:02 AM Feature request #6436 (Closed): gdal_rasterize GUI does not include the "-burn" option
Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:02 AM Feature request #6436 (Closed): gdal_rasterize GUI does not include the "-burn" option
Fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:01 AM Feature request #4910: Raster to point tool
It is not clear to me which results should be produced by such tool. Can you provide more details and maybe some exam... Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Feature request #4564 (Closed): Make ftools tools work with input layers with different CRSs
Implemented in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Feature request #4564 (Closed): Make ftools tools work with input layers with different CRSs
Implemented in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Feature request #4564 (Closed): Make ftools tools work with input layers with different CRSs
Implemented in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Feature request #4348 (Feedback): Add features like "creation options" and "no data" for all gdal...
Should be fixed in master Alexander Bruy
08:59 AM Feature request #4348 (Feedback): Add features like "creation options" and "no data" for all gdal...
Should be fixed in master Alexander Bruy
08:43 AM Revision e65c16bb (qgis): Merge pull request #6247 from kant/patch-1
Minor fixes Jürgen Fischer
08:17 AM Bug report #18016 (In Progress): Layer sometimes appears modified without editing data
See notes in #18017 Alessandro Pasotti
08:16 AM Bug report #18017 (In Progress): Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
I think that with today's fixes and your PR the issue can be closed.
Please test it.
Alessandro Pasotti
08:13 AM Revision 29f6484d (qgis): Code cleaning: move duplicated code to lambda
Alessandro Pasotti
08:12 AM Revision bbf62141 (qgis): Add method to set line edit alignment in Qgs(Double)SpinBox
Alessandro Pasotti
08:10 AM Revision 287f8228 (qgis): Add QgsRangeFieldFormatter to bindings
Alessandro Pasotti
08:04 AM Revision 4895c2c3 (qgis): Merge pull request #6191 from dgoedkoop/attributeformonchanged
[bugfix] Add dirty bit to attribute form Alessandro Pasotti
07:24 AM Revision 7fb8de96 (qgis): Merge pull request #6242 from nyalldawson/black
Default to a dark gray instead of black for symbol outlines Nyall Dawson
06:59 AM Revision 16e98f20 (qgis): Default to a dark gray instead of black for symbol outlines
Avoiding the very high constrast pure black results in cartographically
more pleasing styles, so it's nice to do this...
Nyall Dawson
03:08 AM Revision 0eda3bee (qgis): Minor fixes
Darío Hereñú


11:30 PM Revision 5b9be7a9 (qgis): apply enableAutoGeometryRestore to feature form dialog
Salvatore Larosa
09:17 PM Bug report #18005: Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/layer list fixes this Nyall Dawson
08:30 PM Bug report #18005: Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/layer list
Hi Alexander,
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> ... Processing itself does nothing with styling, ...
So what could expla...
Raymond Nijssen
08:24 PM Bug report #18005: Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/layer list
Nope, only when you create a new vector layer with processing...
If you save the result layer as a shape file, loa...
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:53 PM Bug report #18005 (Feedback): Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/la...
Does this happen with layers added to project from disk or created in other way? Processing itself does nothing with ... Alexander Bruy
07:43 PM Revision 8ae65b3c (qgis): [bugfix] Range formatter for doubles and ints
Double and ints are now formatted according
to chosen locale (in user settings) and precision
(from the widget field ...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:23 PM Bug report #17968: raster clipper
Looks like you are trying to clip rotated dataset. Please ask in GDAL mailing list. Alexander Bruy
07:09 PM Feature request #17889: Add support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster tools
This is not regression. GdalTools and Processing are different plugins and they have different UI. Alexander Bruy
07:08 PM Bug report #17930 (Closed): gdaldem does not respect output format
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0cabbb50eea11d2db676105130ed34caa80f86d9. Alexander Bruy
07:08 PM Bug report #17930 (Closed): gdaldem does not respect output format
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0cabbb50eea11d2db676105130ed34caa80f86d9. Alexander Bruy
07:07 PM Revision 0cabbb50 (qgis): [processing] pass '-of' parameter to gdaldem algorithms (fix #17930)
Alexander Bruy
07:02 PM Bug report #18013 (Closed): Incorrect GDAL parameters generated in Grid Interpolate tool (via men...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b8e69075a680ef9eed5f2e297680f982d7f0864b. Alexander Bruy
07:02 PM Bug report #18013 (Closed): Incorrect GDAL parameters generated in Grid Interpolate tool (via men...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b8e69075a680ef9eed5f2e297680f982d7f0864b. Alexander Bruy
07:01 PM Revision b8e69075 (qgis): [processing] pass '-of' parameter to gdal_grid algorithms (fix #18013)
Alexander Bruy
06:57 PM Revision 6c398cab (qgis): [processing] fix typo in the parameter name (refs #18013)
Alexander Bruy
06:51 PM Bug report #17997 (Feedback): QGIS 2.18.16 - gdalwarp - fails to convert XYZ file for no particul...
Try to convert files using GDAL command-line tools not QGIS. Looks like there is something wrong with your data. Alexander Bruy
06:50 PM Bug report #17955 (Feedback): Grass tool error on QGIS 2.18.15
Please try latest QGIS version and layer which does not has non-ASCII characters and spaces in the name Alexander Bruy
06:47 PM Bug report #17920 (Closed): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Works in master Alexander Bruy
06:37 PM Bug report #18006 (Rejected): Geoprocessing Tools Fail with Memory Layers in QGIS 2.18
Duplicates #16524 Alexander Bruy
06:37 PM Bug report #18006 (Rejected): Geoprocessing Tools Fail with Memory Layers in QGIS 2.18
Duplicates #16524 Alexander Bruy
06:08 PM Bug report #18025 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.16 crash on "save as"
Qgis crash on right click "save as...".
To reproduce bug:
# open qgis
# load layer (I've test whit shapef...
Mathieu Denat
05:11 PM Bug report #18024 (Closed): plugin Processing "cannot import name uic" after installation of QGIS...
after installation of QGIS 2.18.16 from
Same problem with QL...
michel guillain
05:01 PM Bug report #17975: QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Dear Giovanni, dear Alessandro,
I am sorry for this late answer.
I attach an extract of my qgs file (version 2....
Rémi Bonnefoi
04:34 PM Bug report #18023 (Closed): Handling of defect layers (Button 'Browse for Path' disabled)
When loading a QGIS-project with a layer which is not available (e.g. location has changed) a dialog appears. With QG... Andreas Fürholz
03:16 PM Bug report #18022: Custom projections/transformations using a PROJ init-file fails.
Reproducing the problem is simple. Save the attached file "custom-init" some where on the system. Go to the custom CR... Kristian Evers
03:08 PM Bug report #18022 (Feedback): Custom projections/transformations using a PROJ init-file fails.
QGIS can't create custom projections that uses PROJ.4 init-files. As seen on the attached screenshot, when I enter th... Kristian Evers
03:01 PM Bug report #17977: QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
np, thank you for reporting the issue and using QGIS! Alessandro Pasotti
02:54 PM Bug report #17977: QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
Dear Alessandro,
I am sorry to have left unsanswered your question.
Anyway, thank you very much for your suppor...
Rémi Bonnefoi
02:53 PM Revision d653fb5a (qgis): add disambiguation comment to translation string 'in'
Jürgen Fischer
02:44 PM Revision b49f05f8 (qgis): debian packaging: adapt libqca2-plugin-ossl dependency
Jürgen Fischer
01:33 PM Bug report #18021 (Open): no refresh using notify in postgis
following this :
I checked the two boxes in th...
Lee Han
12:15 PM Bug report #18020 (Feedback): Minimal width of the "Report Organizer" panel is too big!
See the screenshot attached, I can't reduce the width of that panel. I guess that it's because in-depth options can o... Harrissou Santanna
11:41 AM Bug report #18019 (Closed): [Layout Report] Closing the Report Organizer panel makes QGIS crash
Took me time to find the right culprit but i think i get the smallest steps to reproduce
Project menu -> ...
Harrissou Santanna
10:35 AM Bug report #18017: Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
P.S. I used the daily snapshot. I see that today the default widget in some cases has been changed from a range widge... Daan Goedkoop
10:25 AM Bug report #18017 (Closed): Bookkeeping problem in attribute table
Sometimes when you delete features, twice as many disappear from the attribute table.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Add ...
Daan Goedkoop
10:33 AM Bug report #18018 (Closed): a virtual layer make the project empty
It is not the first time I encounter this issue.(It is been around a lot by the way.)
My qgis project has some postg...
Lee Han
10:21 AM Bug report #18016 (Closed): Layer sometimes appears modified without editing data
Sometimes when you click a layer to enable editing, it appears as modified, even without editing any data.
Steps t...
Daan Goedkoop
09:52 AM Bug report #16368 (Closed): QGIS Server (much) slower rendering than Desktop single thread after ...
Not relevant anymore as QGIS 3 will soon be released and I think it may be too specific to my project to be investiga... Tudor Bărăscu
07:57 AM Bug report #17861: SQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute Table
Please test the latest commits, all tests should be done with a new project because the default widgets for fields ha... Alessandro Pasotti
07:52 AM Bug report #17861 (Closed): SQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute Table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1adc55f376c93dcc986b714c55de5db0c4de7948. Anonymous
07:52 AM Bug report #17861 (Closed): SQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute Table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1adc55f376c93dcc986b714c55de5db0c4de7948. Anonymous
07:57 AM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Please test the latest commits, all tests should be done with a new project because the default widgets for fields ha... Alessandro Pasotti
07:56 AM Bug report #18007: QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Please test the latest commits, all tests should be done with a new project because the default widgets for fields ha... Alessandro Pasotti
07:52 AM Bug report #18007 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1adc55f376c93dcc986b714c55de5db0c4de7948. Anonymous
07:52 AM Bug report #18007 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1adc55f376c93dcc986b714c55de5db0c4de7948. Anonymous
07:53 AM Revision 0eeea762 (qgis): Merge pull request #6237 from elpaso/commas-dots-fieldvalidator
[bugfix][attrtable] Convert comma to dot for floating point input Alessandro Pasotti
07:53 AM Revision f3f0eb00 (qgis): Merge pull request #6236 from elpaso/double-linedit-default-widget
[bugfix] Lower priority of range widget for doubles Alessandro Pasotti
06:56 AM Revision cc921073 (qgis): Merge pull request #6244 from alexbruy/processing-cleanup
[processing] remove unused icons and use SVG icon for Heatmap algorithm Alexander Bruy
06:22 AM Revision 55759a4c (qgis): [processing] remove unused icons and use SVG icon for Heatmap algorithm
Alexander Bruy
06:18 AM Revision 3ab6e5c3 (qgis): Merge pull request #6238 from alexbruy/saga-icon
[processing] SVG icon for SAGA provider Alexander Bruy
04:08 AM Bug report #18015 (Closed): copied attribute table rows aren't pasted as table in word/writer doc...
PR coming soon to fix this issue. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:12 AM Revision f845e027 (qgis): [ui] stop busy indicator when render widget is unchecked
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:11 AM Revision b5610ea5 (qgis): document API change
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:11 AM Revision 1ac67926 (qgis): add transform context to the map overview
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:08 AM Bug report #17986: Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
You'll need a build with that most recent fix Nyall Dawson
02:45 AM Bug report #17986: Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
If that's the case, I don't think it's working (unless later correction of related bug fixed this, too).
Kory Roberts
02:34 AM Bug report #17986: Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
There was another related bug. Note that filtering for null/not null is only available in the full filter form view -... Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 5e074514 (qgis): Fix double registration of model outputs
Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 216821c0 (qgis): [processing] Warn on duplicate output and provider registration
And fix associated memory leaks Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 6c5276ce (qgis): Fix test
Nyall Dawson
03:02 AM Revision 247ea02a (qgis): Update tests
Nyall Dawson
02:30 AM Bug report #18014: Measure tool does not use distance unit set in Map Tools configuration or reme...
Makes sense, I guess, but it's pretty confusing to open the configuration from the Measure tool to Options|Map Tools,... Kory Roberts
01:35 AM Bug report #18014 (Closed): Measure tool does not use distance unit set in Map Tools configuratio...
The measure tool defaults to the setting for the current project (set in Project Properties), not the global setting.... Nyall Dawson
01:14 AM Bug report #18014 (Closed): Measure tool does not use distance unit set in Map Tools configuratio...
I may not be understanding all the settings, so feature request if not bug.
1) Set Preferred distance units to Mil...
Kory Roberts
02:29 AM Revision 6fa362b5 (qgis): Fix value map search widget doesn't work for null/not null searches
before an initial value is picked
Refs #17986
Nyall Dawson


12:33 AM Feature request #7579 (Closed): consistent colour choices needed
Fixed since 2.x Nyall Dawson
12:33 AM Feature request #7579 (Closed): consistent colour choices needed
Fixed since 2.x Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Bug report #17974 (Closed): Missing many EPSG (RDN2008) on 2.99.0-Master
Nyall Dawson
09:30 PM Bug report #17974: Missing many EPSG (RDN2008) on 2.99.0-Master
This is due to srs.db not being updated, see #17993. Steven Mizuno
12:13 AM Revision 4afe9678 (qgis): run crssync on install (fixes #17993)
Jürgen Fischer
10:41 PM Revision 3e42f808 (qgis): Add missing directories to dox
Nyall Dawson
10:15 PM Bug report #17993 (Closed): srs.db distributed with QGIS is out of date
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2a52a629647c5f65d954bf8724efd8a131684a56. Jürgen Fischer
10:15 PM Bug report #17993 (Closed): srs.db distributed with QGIS is out of date
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2a52a629647c5f65d954bf8724efd8a131684a56. Jürgen Fischer
09:12 PM Bug report #17993: srs.db distributed with QGIS is out of date
On my Windows build system srs.db is updated during building and is used if you run from the build directory. However... Steven Mizuno
10:13 PM Revision 2a52a629 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix postinstall scripts (fixes #17993)
Jürgen Fischer
09:53 PM Revision 70fc32b7 (qgis): Spelling
Nyall Dawson
09:53 PM Revision fc68bb25 (qgis): [processing] Allow case-different duplicate parameter names
But always prefer case-exact matches for parameter names. Turns
out the grass provider requires use of parameters wit...
Nyall Dawson
09:53 PM Revision c625d7a1 (qgis): [processing] Use QgsMessageLog to put duplicate name warnings in Proces...
Nyall Dawson
09:53 PM Revision 2218f653 (qgis): [processing][grass] Remove duplicate parameter from r.stats
Nyall Dawson
09:53 PM Revision 5896fb33 (qgis): [processing][grass] Fix incorrect name for i.albedo parameter
Nyall Dawson
03:14 PM Revision c3fc560f (qgis): [processing] SVG icon for SAGA provider
Alexander Bruy
03:01 PM Feature request #17995: Advanced digitizing tools option for different angle units
I'm +1.
For a near subject, we started discussing it "here":
01:37 PM Bug report #18013 (Open): Incorrect GDAL parameters generated in Grid Interpolate tool (via menu ...
See the last paragraph in the original description - a similar set of errors arise in the equivalent Processing tool. Andy Harfoot
12:49 PM Bug report #18013 (Feedback): Incorrect GDAL parameters generated in Grid Interpolate tool (via m...
Try the equivalent tool in the Processing toolbox, "gdaltools" is not mantained anymore and has been dropped in QGIS3. Giovanni Manghi
12:44 PM Bug report #18013 (Closed): Incorrect GDAL parameters generated in Grid Interpolate tool (via men...
When the GDAL based Interpolate function is run, the GDAL command generated does not match the parameters chosen in t... Andy Harfoot
12:50 PM Revision cc1625c8 (qgis): [bugfix][attrtable] Convert comma to dot for floating point input
This fixes an unreported bug that without detecting an
invalid input when using a comma as a decimal separator
Alessandro Pasotti
12:50 PM Revision cbd0ece0 (qgis): Support comma in annotations when merging inline
Alessandro Pasotti
12:06 PM Revision 28ff28a2 (qgis): [needs-docs][attribute table] UX improvements to cut/copy/paste actions
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:46 AM Bug report #18012 (Feedback): QGIS deleted attribute's value
When I removed fields in Attribute Table QGIS deleted attribute's value in first row.
Applies to shapefiles.
Jadwiga Trojak
11:22 AM Feature request #4314: Apply polygon styles also to points
Copy/paste would be nice, but currently throws an error because of different geometries (point vs polygons).
Saving ...
Paolo Cavallini
10:45 AM Bug report #18011 (Closed): JPG images by Gimp progressive mode do not load in QGIS 2.14 and 2.18
JPG image files with width of 600 pixel or more and exported from Gimp 2.8.16 and 2.8.22 with setting „progressive“ e... Jessica Traffico
10:29 AM Revision 2263237d (qgis): Update test for editorwidgetregistry
Alessandro Pasotti
09:53 AM Revision ad5a8697 (qgis): Merge pull request #6140 from DelazJ/nodeEditor
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:53 AM Bug report #17807 (Closed): [Digitizing] Node Editor or Vertex Editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5461d3c52ace8f7afe72b9215a0b0532574294e2. Harrissou Santanna
09:53 AM Bug report #17807 (Closed): [Digitizing] Node Editor or Vertex Editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5461d3c52ace8f7afe72b9215a0b0532574294e2. Harrissou Santanna
09:42 AM Bug report #18007 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Thanks for filing this, the root of this issue and of others related issues as well is that the default widget for "d... Alessandro Pasotti
09:42 AM Bug report #18007 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Thanks for filing this, the root of this issue and of others related issues as well is that the default widget for "d... Alessandro Pasotti
09:42 AM Bug report #18007 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Thanks for filing this, the root of this issue and of others related issues as well is that the default widget for "d... Alessandro Pasotti
09:24 AM Revision 1adc55f3 (qgis): [bugfix] Lower priority of range widget for doubles
This was the root cause of several critical bugs with
data corruption in the attribute table and forms:
SpinBox has a...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Revision a9c62673 (qgis): Fix virtual layers using a where filter which has field names which
must be quoted
E.g. field names with special characters or which duplicate a
QGIS expression function name
Nyall Dawson
08:58 AM Bug report #13836: MySQL Vector geometries are only visible in edit mode
I have the same problem with MS SQL Server connection.
I'm using QGIS 2.4 and QGIS 2.16, Windows 7, MSSQLServer 11, ...
Sergey Chernyshov
08:32 AM Revision 73293e8e (qgis): Merge pull request #6209 from elpaso/double-range-precision
[bugfix] Allow precision config for doubles in range widget Alessandro Pasotti
08:32 AM Bug report #17878 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c50e1bff8820f2b158f78cc76445996cc7777527. Anonymous
08:30 AM Revision bb6e275e (qgis): Don't show non-spatial layers as disabled in layer tree
Nyall Dawson
08:27 AM Revision 3316d1ba (qgis): [needs-docs] Update label in Options dialog, replacing node by vertex
Harrissou Santanna
08:24 AM Revision 7b1983ee (qgis): More node -> vertex moves
Harrissou Santanna
06:56 AM Revision e73161f7 (qgis): Make map renderer less debug noisy
Nyall Dawson
06:46 AM Revision 6ec4d082 (qgis): [layouts] Correctly restore dpi from 2.x compositions
Nyall Dawson
04:51 AM Revision 91a80759 (qgis): Fully replace node* by vertex*
Harrissou Santanna
02:13 AM Bug report #17986: Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
Installed the latest build of QGIS. Working now. BUT why isn't <NULL> a selection choice if set in the value map? ... Kory Roberts
01:56 AM Bug report #16386: QGIS and GDAL cannot be updated together on Ubuntu Xenial
Is this currently an issue? If so I guess it should be reopened...
I have what looks like the same issue trying t...
Alister Hood
01:36 AM Bug report #17861: SQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute Table
> Can you please attach a small spatialite test file with your tests?
I guess not since even the smallest spatiali...
Kory Roberts


12:43 AM Bug report #18010 (Closed): Lyer doesn't work after reading .DBF file into Excel or Open office a...
Windows 10.
To duplicate, I am using the 1:20 million US Census county DBF file, cb_2016_us_county_20m.dbf. It is av...
Brian Hanley
12:22 AM Bug report #18009 (Closed): r.tile fails only on Windows (2.18.16 and master)
I installed the Ubuntugis package of 2.18.16 under WSL to test that Linux QGIS doesn't fail.
Below is the o...
Alister Hood
11:31 PM Revision 5461d3c5 (qgis): [needs-docs]Rename Node Editor and Node Tool (fixes #17807)
Harrissou Santanna
10:38 PM Bug report #18008 (Closed): Hard drive load
Every time I open any data set that is substantially larger than most, my entire hard drive dedicates 100% of its pul... Andrew Joy
09:28 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Here is the new ticket #18007
Calvin Hamilton
08:36 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
I will open another ticket for the issue #2 and will try to be more precise.
Thanks for all your work on this.
Calvin Hamilton
08:26 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Yes, I've only fixed one of the series of bugs that you are reporting, which is the NULL issue on negative values (I ... Alessandro Pasotti
08:17 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Note the example image for problem #2 is bad_data.jpg. Calvin Hamilton
08:15 PM Bug report #17878 (Reopened): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing...
I just tested this today and it is not quite fixed although the behavior has changed. There are two issues that I see... Calvin Hamilton
08:15 PM Bug report #17878 (Reopened): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing...
I just tested this today and it is not quite fixed although the behavior has changed. There are two issues that I see... Calvin Hamilton
09:27 PM Bug report #18007 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector data corruption when Adding a Point Feature
Attached is a sample data set to illustrate the problem. This was broken off as a separate issue from #17878.
To c...
Calvin Hamilton
09:05 PM Bug report #18006 (Rejected): Geoprocessing Tools Fail with Memory Layers in QGIS 2.18
I have attached a python script to illustrate this bug. I posted this problem on the qgis-developer group and Richard... Calvin Hamilton
08:39 PM Bug report #18005 (Closed): Processing temporary layers style change not picked up in legend/laye...
To recreate, in current master:
- load a simple point layer
- create a buffer in processing
- it will (here) creat...
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:13 PM Bug report #17721: Color picker does not pick the color (always set to transparent)
No, when using the *Pick color* tool from the dropdown color widget, the color is set to transparent even if I pick a... Kurt Menke
05:15 PM Bug report #17721: Color picker does not pick the color (always set to transparent)
From your video seems like you are picking the color from outside the QGIS application window, just curious: does it ... Alessandro Pasotti
06:07 PM Revision 3a6eac23 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into rulebaseDialog
Harrissou Santanna
05:56 PM Revision 1194c784 (qgis): Merge pull request #6228 from elpaso/server-wfs-epsg-bbox
[server][bugfix][wfs] Allow CRS in BBOX Alessandro Pasotti
05:56 PM Bug report #17977 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1f2109a51f86e177f3994f97c3e8e1d93cfa1ac1. Anonymous
05:56 PM Bug report #17977 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1f2109a51f86e177f3994f97c3e8e1d93cfa1ac1. Anonymous
05:06 PM Bug report #17977: QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
04:11 PM Bug report #17977 (In Progress): QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
Alessandro Pasotti
04:11 PM Bug report #17977 (Feedback): QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
If I get this right, the fifth parameter to BBOX is an option for WFS 1.1.0 only and it's illegal in 1.0.
If you s...
Alessandro Pasotti
05:29 PM Revision 26a51bad (qgis): Strip timeStamp from reference XML for tests
Alessandro Pasotti
05:12 PM Bug report #17975: QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
A simple test project would be really helpful, thanks. Alessandro Pasotti
05:10 PM Bug report #17981 (Closed): Hillshade in Master
Alexander Bruy
05:03 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
I'll give a check, tnx for the report
I suppose it's a typo... you where talking about 2.18.16-5 is it right?
Luigi Pirelli
03:28 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
I tested with nightly 2.18.16-5 (installed with osgeo4w). It looks not solved.
I created
* a model wit...
Jean-Louis Stanus
03:28 PM Bug report #17300: Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
I tested with nightly 2.18.16-5 (installed with osgeo4w). It looks not solved.
I created
* a model wit...
Jean-Louis Stanus
05:02 PM Revision 1f2109a5 (qgis): [server][bugfix][wfs] Allow CRS in BBOX
Fixes #17977 - QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request Alessandro Pasotti
04:05 PM Revision bf3d60c9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6171 from landryb/fix/find-gdal-geos-postgres-libs-...
Use FIND_LIBRARY to find GDAL, GEOS and Postgres libraries Jürgen Fischer
03:36 PM Bug report #12945 (Closed): Oblique mercator projection missing +no_uoff in srs.db
Jürgen Fischer
02:09 PM Revision 5969c371 (qgis): indentation
Alexander Bruy
01:43 PM Revision 5c66437d (qgis): [processing] fetch scripts and models from qgis-2 branch to avoid
overlapping with scripts and models for QGIS 3 Alexander Bruy
01:38 PM Revision 18a399a8 (qgis): Merge pull request #6224 from rkanavath/master
enable --no-undefined only for linux Jürgen Fischer
12:41 PM Revision f6a2c0a9 (qgis): enable --no-undefined only for linux
Rashad Kanavath
12:24 PM Bug report #17861: SQLite REAL numbers displayed as too many digits in Attribute Table
Can you please attach a small spatialite test file with your tests?
What is the expected behavior?
Is there a ...
Alessandro Pasotti
12:17 PM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Note that this auto-classification only occurs at the first edit of any style option Dominique Lyszczarz
12:14 PM Bug report #17102 (Reopened): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted...
Thanks for the fix but unexepected auto-classification still occurs after:
- changing color interpolation mode
- au...
Dominique Lyszczarz
11:06 AM Bug report #18004: QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
Is this similar to #17994? Stephen Eastmead
10:34 AM Bug report #18004: QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
The same process works fine with gdal trunk + QGIS 2.18 Saber Razmjooei
10:32 AM Bug report #18004 (Closed): QGIS processing core dumped when using gdal trunk
I am trying to run Raster Extraction by extent (gdal tool) from the Processing. QGIS crashes.
Attached is the trace ...
Saber Razmjooei
10:40 AM Bug report #17999: Aborted (core dumped) with GRASS trunk as processing
Here is the trace:
Saber Razmjooei
10:37 AM Bug report #18002 (Closed): Scale jumps from mouse tremor
This is fixed for 3.0 - a 2.18 fix is not possible as it relies on a fix introduced in qt 5. Nyall Dawson
10:37 AM Bug report #18002 (Closed): Scale jumps from mouse tremor
This is fixed for 3.0 - a 2.18 fix is not possible as it relies on a fix introduced in qt 5. Nyall Dawson
07:22 AM Bug report #18002 (Closed): Scale jumps from mouse tremor
OS X 10.12.6, QGIS 2.18.15 (-4 KyngChaos OS X distrib and earlier)
When clicking on the map with the zoom (magnify...
Garth Fletcher
10:36 AM Bug report #17954 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crash on launch
Qt 5.10 builds are experiencing all kind of instability, which is what #17916 describes. They all likely have the sam... Nyall Dawson
09:54 AM Bug report #17954 (Reopened): QGIS 2.99 crash on launch
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Duplicate of #17916
Why closing this? It doesn't look like the same problem as the one ment...
Arthur Vignacq
10:22 AM Bug report #18003 (Open): [Layouts] Button menus behavior is not consistent with main window's
In the layout dialog, the toolbars are full of button menus (I don't know if that's the real naming but I mean those ... Harrissou Santanna
10:18 AM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
New information: Please refer to attached image - I have drawn a red box around the problem options described next:
Stephen Eastmead
09:50 AM Feature request #13389: Print composer : Keep previewed feature when "preview atlas" is reactivated
No (commit:d2244b4a79). When reactivating the preview, it still goes back to the first item in the list. Harrissou Santanna
09:36 AM Bug report #17924: Missing layouts when upgrading from 2.18 to 2.99
Thanks Nyall. Got them all and more :-) Harrissou Santanna
09:07 AM Revision 63d063f3 (qgis): Update the tests with QgsField precision values
Now that they are honored Alessandro Pasotti
09:06 AM Revision 33fe8fab (qgis): Always use the QgsField precision value as a default for the reange widget
Instead of interpreting a 0 like a default and get a 2 as the precision.
But now you can set the precision you like ...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:00 AM Feature request #18001: Map decoration for 3D canvas
Probably as a 3d axes showing x,y and z units.
And for north arrow, best to opt for xyz axes too.
Saber Razmjooei
02:53 AM Feature request #18001: Map decoration for 3D canvas
How would they work here (given that scale and bearing will vary with distance from observer)?
Possibly we could r...
Nyall Dawson
08:31 AM Revision 02bfe0a2 (qgis): Drop default snap tolerance to 12 px
Nyall Dawson
08:31 AM Revision 67f26493 (qgis): Set default snapping tolerance to 15 pixels
Because 0 meter default is bad UX. Also update global_settings
ini with snapping settings.
Nyall Dawson
08:31 AM Revision 382ccfe4 (qgis): Fix snapping default unit set to pixels is not respected
Nyall Dawson
07:26 AM Revision eb42afed (qgis): add trandform context to QgsBearingUtils::bearingTrueNorth
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:00 AM Revision bbf3ed9d (qgis): Fix massive memory leak in PyQGIS, pt 1
Nyall Dawson
06:59 AM Revision 0a9f019f (qgis): Indentation
Nyall Dawson
06:18 AM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
No idea about pga4, sorry. Paolo Cavallini
05:33 AM Revision b0d19f74 (qgis): [ui] use the expression icon for the rule-based renderer's rule panel
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:26 AM Revision aa327af7 (qgis): Spelling
Nyall Dawson
04:33 AM Revision 9d2f1bb9 (qgis): Unify behavior of Stats and Bookmark dock actions with other
actions for toggling dock visibility Nyall Dawson
04:33 AM Revision 77e54d35 (qgis): [console] Make console action checkable, and bring behaviour into
line with style dock/processing toolbox
Where the action is checked only if the dock is open and user visible,
and c...
Nyall Dawson
04:03 AM Revision 3c63e0b1 (qgis): Fix non-map items show in layout 'reference map' widget
Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision eba7e7b8 (qgis): Fix QgsRasterFileWriter::driverForExtension and extensionsForFormat
were skipping non-creatable datasets
And indicate in the docs that read-only datasets are also considered
Nyall Dawson
01:33 AM Revision f37c2bf6 (qgis): Revert "[needs-qa]Usr bin env"
Nyall Dawson
01:33 AM Revision 3555ec64 (qgis): Revert "[needs-qa]Usr bin env"
Nyall Dawson
01:32 AM Revision e5ab743d (qgis): Revert "Linux perl; missing from last PR"
This reverts commit d2244b4a79311b4f0d56b68bc2d0a0108cc0fca4. Nyall Dawson
01:32 AM Revision a91c4ec8 (qgis): Revert "Linux perl; missing from last PR"
This reverts commit d2244b4a79311b4f0d56b68bc2d0a0108cc0fca4. Nyall Dawson
01:00 AM Bug report #17985: Huge memory leak with QgsFeature.attributes() in Python
The following code also seems to show the issue... Nathan Woodrow


12:58 AM Revision f6269c41 (qgis): [console] Allow breaking execution of scripts via Ctrl-C
This allows (in some circumstances) scripts running in the console
to be halted via the Ctrl (or Meta) + C shortcut.
Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Bug report #17985: Huge memory leak with QgsFeature.attributes() in Python
Nathan reports that the leak is also present in the QgsFeature python code - e.g. calling @feature[0]@ or @feature['m... Nyall Dawson
12:06 AM Feature request #18001 (Open): Map decoration for 3D canvas
It will be great to have at least scale bar and the north arrow for the 3d canvas. Saber Razmjooei
11:30 PM Bug report #18000 (Feedback): Underperformance executing the method .dataProvider().identify() in...
Nyall Dawson
11:30 PM Bug report #18000: Underperformance executing the method .dataProvider().identify() in QGIS versi...
What's the underlying data source? Nyall Dawson
11:09 PM Bug report #18000 (Closed): Underperformance executing the method .dataProvider().identify() in Q...
I developed a plugin in Python that uses the method .dataProvider().identify() when I run it using QGIS version 2.18.... Jacinto Artigas
11:00 PM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
Is this possible with pgadmin4? Or should we just close as irrelevant now?*
* Saying this as a staunch pgadmin 3 h...
Nyall Dawson
07:16 PM Feature request #3769: PostGIS connections: take them from PgAdmin3?
Still unimplemented in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
10:59 PM Bug report #17999 (Feedback): Aborted (core dumped) with GRASS trunk as processing
I don't think this belongs here - isn't it a grass issue? Nyall Dawson
10:59 PM Bug report #17999 (Feedback): Aborted (core dumped) with GRASS trunk as processing
I don't think this belongs here - isn't it a grass issue? Nyall Dawson
10:23 PM Bug report #17999 (Closed): Aborted (core dumped) with GRASS trunk as processing
I am trying to run GRASS trunk with QGIS master (aec399e785) and get core dumped. Saber Razmjooei
10:43 PM Revision d2244b4a (qgis): Linux perl; missing from last PR
Loïc Bartoletti
09:28 PM Bug report #17998 (Closed): Hard-coded grass binary
I am trying to run grass-trunk with QGIS master. But similar to #16110 grass is hard-coded to grass72 Saber Razmjooei
08:27 PM Revision eb6d7613 (qgis): [DB Manager]Allow preset query combobox to expand
Harrissou Santanna
08:25 PM Bug report #17997 (Closed): QGIS 2.18.16 - gdalwarp - fails to convert XYZ file for no particular...
All files seem ok, they were redownloaded etc... but no cigar
Other files from the same data set work without a pr...
Tilen Turnsek
08:21 PM Revision a781abe5 (qgis): [DB Manager]Allow preset query combobox to expand
Harrissou Santanna
08:15 PM Revision 878fb951 (qgis): Simplify and optimise python list->QgsAttributes conversion
Nyall Dawson
08:15 PM Revision 22de2511 (qgis): [processing] Correctly supress CRS selector dialog when testing
input layer validity
TODO: we NEED a non-hacky way to supress this dialog and allow
invalid CRS for layers!
Fixes #...
Nyall Dawson
08:15 PM Bug report #17948 (Closed): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after processing....
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22de251156f54984a3992aa5433cccc42ff1e059. Nyall Dawson
08:15 PM Bug report #17948 (Closed): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after processing....
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|22de251156f54984a3992aa5433cccc42ff1e059. Nyall Dawson
04:12 AM Bug report #17948 (In Progress): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after proces...
Nyall Dawson
04:08 AM Bug report #17948 (Open): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after
PR at Nyall Dawson
08:14 PM Revision bbe974cd (qgis): [layouts] Fix crash when using maps containing AMS layers
Implement a similar hack to what the canvas uses to workaround
the badly behaved AMS and WCS providers
Fixes #17959
Nyall Dawson
08:14 PM Bug report #17959 (Closed): QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapServer l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bbe974cdcb9ea3563dbfb7eca42e1560780b6f4e. Nyall Dawson
08:14 PM Bug report #17959 (Closed): QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapServer l...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bbe974cdcb9ea3563dbfb7eca42e1560780b6f4e. Nyall Dawson
07:38 AM Bug report #17959 (In Progress): QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapSer...
PR : Nyall Dawson
07:20 PM Feature request #4307: Different ways of saving files and opening them
We should make it clear the Processing approach is the one to follow, also in plugins. Paolo Cavallini
07:15 PM Feature request #4306: Uniform way of adding layers after analyses
Agreed, we should make it clear the Processing approach is the one to follow, also in plugins. Paolo Cavallini
07:14 PM Feature request #3697: Add option "Zoom to full extent including invisible layers"
Still unimplemented in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
07:11 PM Feature request #3498: Add a flag "Label only selected features"
Still unimplemented in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
07:09 PM Feature request #3483 (Feedback): Unified topological editing
Still true in QGIS3. Unclear status: it's a lot of work, and possibly we should better concentrate in native QGIS tools. Paolo Cavallini
07:09 PM Feature request #3483 (Feedback): Unified topological editing
Still true in QGIS3. Unclear status: it's a lot of work, and possibly we should better concentrate in native QGIS tools. Paolo Cavallini
07:08 PM Feature request #3409: Optional copy of a raster when building pyramids
Still true in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
07:06 PM Feature request #3397: Let specify icon name(s) in module xml
Still true in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
07:05 PM Feature request #3208: exclude proxyes based on suffix
Still true in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3138 (Closed): Add plugin autopackaging script
Plugin builder solves the issue IMHO Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3138 (Closed): Add plugin autopackaging script
Plugin builder solves the issue IMHO Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3138 (Closed): Add plugin autopackaging script
Plugin builder solves the issue IMHO Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3113 (Closed): GDAL Tools: enable Clipper also for WMS layers
Implemented in Processing Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3113 (Closed): GDAL Tools: enable Clipper also for WMS layers
Implemented in Processing Paolo Cavallini
07:04 PM Feature request #3113 (Closed): GDAL Tools: enable Clipper also for WMS layers
Implemented in Processing Paolo Cavallini
07:01 PM Bug report #3112: Plugin Offline editing: warn if copying views
Still true in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
06:57 PM Feature request #3101 (Closed): let the user select a standard folder for all data produced
Processing approaches this issue in a more comprehensive way. Paolo Cavallini
06:57 PM Feature request #3101 (Closed): let the user select a standard folder for all data produced
Processing approaches this issue in a more comprehensive way. Paolo Cavallini
06:57 PM Feature request #3101 (Closed): let the user select a standard folder for all data produced
Processing approaches this issue in a more comprehensive way. Paolo Cavallini
06:56 PM Feature request #3044 (Feedback): collision detection for symbols
Now that we have control over feature rendering order, probably this feature is not really necessary. Paolo Cavallini
06:56 PM Feature request #3044 (Feedback): collision detection for symbols
Now that we have control over feature rendering order, probably this feature is not really necessary. Paolo Cavallini
06:56 PM Feature request #3044 (Feedback): collision detection for symbols
Now that we have control over feature rendering order, probably this feature is not really necessary. Paolo Cavallini
06:54 PM Feature request #2576 (Feedback): reference to dtd wrong
Giovanni Manghi
06:50 PM Feature request #2576: reference to dtd wrong
It does not look difficult, isn't it worth to fix? Paolo Cavallini
06:52 PM Feature request #3042 (Closed): arrow extremities cannot be moved
Should be fixed in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
06:52 PM Feature request #3042 (Closed): arrow extremities cannot be moved
Should be fixed in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
06:51 PM Feature request #2758: split v.generalize GRASS module in two
Unchanged in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
06:47 PM Feature request #2573: v.proj difficult to use
Unchanged in QGIS 3 Paolo Cavallini
06:46 PM Feature request #2570 (Feedback): GRASS notice on top of the shell
Seems OK now. Paolo Cavallini
06:44 PM Bug report #2298 (Closed): Native QFileDialogs don't remember last filter value
Apparently solved in master, at least on Gnome 3. Please reopen if still true in some DE. Paolo Cavallini
06:44 PM Bug report #2298 (Closed): Native QFileDialogs don't remember last filter value
Apparently solved in master, at least on Gnome 3. Please reopen if still true in some DE. Paolo Cavallini
06:40 PM Bug report #2113: curved labels: only a few are drawn
Still true in master. Paolo Cavallini
06:39 PM Feature request #2058: inconsistency in the GUI: commas and full stops
Still true in master. Paolo Cavallini
06:37 PM Revision c50e1bff (qgis): [bugfix] Allow precision config for doubles in range widget
Fixes #17878 followup for PR
This commit adds a configuration option for prec...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:35 PM Bug report #1893 (Feedback): opening data tables widens the main window
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Seems solved now, could someone confirm?
if/when needed an answer from issuer or others ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:31 PM Bug report #1893: opening data tables widens the main window
Seems solved now, could someone confirm? Paolo Cavallini
06:31 PM Feature request #1626: r.viewshed, r.cost: take input points from the canvas
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Still true.
the widget to allow pick point by clicking on the map is already available i...
Giovanni Manghi
06:27 PM Feature request #1626: r.viewshed, r.cost: take input points from the canvas
Still true. Paolo Cavallini
06:19 PM Bug report #1585: add missing svg image sources
Apparently many are still present. Paolo Cavallini
05:48 PM Revision c10438e6 (qgis): [processing] add missed parameter to warp algorithm
Alexander Bruy
05:46 PM Feature request #13389: Print composer : Keep previewed feature when "preview atlas" is reactivated
Has this been fixed in QGIS 3? Paolo Cavallini
04:17 PM Revision 85644224 (qgis): Merge pull request #6072 from lbartoletti/usr_bin_env
[needs-qa]Usr bin env Denis Rouzaud
03:40 PM Bug report #17976: Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
Can you please try with QGIS 2.18?
2.14 won't get a patch anymore. Only 2.18 and 3.0 when it will be out in February...
Etienne Trimaille
03:38 PM Bug report #17996 (Closed): Statusbar do not stop refreshing
Statusbar do not stop refreshing after Render was unchecked while loading layers. zimirrr leonid
03:34 PM Bug report #16858: Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometriesToLayer ...
Yes, I can replicate on master.
Maybe it's not with all Processing plugins.
The first message I have, it's coming...
Etienne Trimaille
05:08 AM Bug report #16858 (Feedback): Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometr...
I can't reproduce - is it still an issue?
Nyall Dawson
01:39 PM Revision 4c436e5d (qgis): - Little modification to programmatically find grass version +Add
FreeBSD locale path
- Add missing includes in kpty
01:39 PM Revision 8d4d08f8 (qgis): Fix pathes for FreeBSD
Loïc Bartoletti
01:39 PM Revision 378191d2 (qgis): OpenBSD patch for PyQt5
01:39 PM Revision 998c67d3 (qgis): Improve find of grass on FreeBSD
01:34 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
A different asc file is attached as the one I was using was greater than 5MB. This one demonstrates the error too, al... Stephen Eastmead
12:45 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program

> 2. Added a single .asc Lidar tile to folder: Test1
can you add the data (or a sample that you know is causing ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:40 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Process followed shown below and supporting images attached.
1. Created a new project folder: Test1
2. Added a sing...
Stephen Eastmead
12:05 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
Stephen Eastmead wrote:
> I deleted the .qgis2 folder and retested the issue. No change - the crashes still happen a...
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #17994: QGIS crashes when exiting the program
I deleted the .qgis2 folder and retested the issue. No change - the crashes still happen as described. I had previous... Stephen Eastmead
11:11 AM Bug report #17994 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
try (backup and) delete the ~/.qgis2 folder, then restart qgis and see of the problem persists. Giovanni Manghi
11:11 AM Bug report #17994 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
try (backup and) delete the ~/.qgis2 folder, then restart qgis and see of the problem persists. Giovanni Manghi
11:11 AM Bug report #17994 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
try (backup and) delete the ~/.qgis2 folder, then restart qgis and see of the problem persists. Giovanni Manghi
11:11 AM Bug report #17994 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
try (backup and) delete the ~/.qgis2 folder, then restart qgis and see of the problem persists. Giovanni Manghi
11:11 AM Bug report #17994 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
try (backup and) delete the ~/.qgis2 folder, then restart qgis and see of the problem persists. Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Bug report #17994 (Closed): QGIS crashes when exiting the program
I have had this problem along time. I have tried all the solutions I could find when searching the problem. I have si... Stephen Eastmead
01:16 PM Revision e0c12d51 (qgis): [processing] nodes -> vertices algorithm renaming
- "Extract nodes" renamed to "Extract vertices"
- "Extract specific nodes" renamed to "Extract specific vertices"
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:16 PM Bug report #17878 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab607ce36a19e10208b41f41c0c545cd124d55e2. Anonymous
01:16 PM Bug report #17878 (Closed): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ab607ce36a19e10208b41f41c0c545cd124d55e2. Anonymous
01:15 PM Revision a420d041 (qgis): Merge pull request #6185 from elpaso/bugfix-17878-range-widgets-nulls
[bugfix] Fix minimum values for range widgets Alessandro Pasotti
01:13 PM Revision 1ce7dbad (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into usr_bin_env
12:30 PM Feature request #17995 (Open): Advanced digitizing tools option for different angle units
This is a request for option to choose which angle units (and distance units also) are used in the Advanced Digitizin... eino jaskari
11:45 AM Revision 741dddb4 (qgis): Spelling
Alessandro Pasotti
11:06 AM Revision d5126110 (qgis): Fix order in XYZ connect dialog (fixes #17983)
Ismail Sunni
11:05 AM Bug report #17983 (Closed): Bad tab cycle order in XYZ Connection dialog
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d5126110b942af5a8733cd3e8b367ba17eabf908. Ismail Sunni
11:05 AM Bug report #17983 (Closed): Bad tab cycle order in XYZ Connection dialog
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d5126110b942af5a8733cd3e8b367ba17eabf908. Ismail Sunni
09:09 AM Bug report #17983: Bad tab cycle order in XYZ Connection dialog
I made a PR for this in Ismail Sunni
10:51 AM Revision cf3014cc (qgis): Fix QgsPathResolver resolving older style relative links (without
any ./ or ../ prefix) Nyall Dawson
10:51 AM Revision ec224117 (qgis): Expose project QgsPathResolver to render context
So that it can be used when resolving paths to data defined
file-based settings, e.g. svg marker paths.
Fixes #17364
Nyall Dawson
10:51 AM Revision da4d9377 (qgis): Correctly resolve paths for raster image fill symbol layers
Nyall Dawson
10:51 AM Bug report #17364 (Closed): svg marker symbol: relative path broken
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ec224117debaa31ac76bdbc73c3158edb8175e27. Nyall Dawson
10:51 AM Bug report #17364 (Closed): svg marker symbol: relative path broken
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ec224117debaa31ac76bdbc73c3158edb8175e27. Nyall Dawson
06:33 AM Bug report #17364 (In Progress): svg marker symbol: relative path broken
PR Nyall Dawson
10:44 AM Revision d717a078 (qgis): [bugfix] Tests for double range widget limits
Alessandro Pasotti
10:19 AM Revision 5b8bea74 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
Paolo Cavallini
10:18 AM Revision 3b39dcf4 (qgis): Changed in in DB Manager
Paolo Cavallini
09:30 AM Bug report #12945: Oblique mercator projection missing +no_uoff in srs.db
I think this bug can be closed, I have opened #17993 regarding better documentation or automatic updating with crssync. Alex Cobb
09:01 AM Bug report #12945: Oblique mercator projection missing +no_uoff in srs.db
To answer my own question: It seems that srs.db is fairly out of date by default, the last update was in February 201... Alex Cobb
09:27 AM Bug report #17993: srs.db distributed with QGIS is out of date
I could propose three possible solutions (not mutually exclusive):
1. Have crssync run at 'make' or 'make install' s...
Alex Cobb
09:26 AM Bug report #17993 (Closed): srs.db distributed with QGIS is out of date
It looks like the CRS definitions in @srs.db@ were last updated in Feb, 2014. This does not have to be an issue in p... Alex Cobb
09:19 AM Revision aec399e7 (qgis): Merge pull request #6142 from pblottiere/bugfix_transaction_constraints
Update all attributes in a single transaction Paul Blottiere
09:18 AM Bug report #17869 (Closed): database check constraints on several fields can't be evaluated corre...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c1fac42518440680f246250024107201446d8adc. Paul Blottiere
09:18 AM Bug report #17869 (Closed): database check constraints on several fields can't be evaluated corre...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c1fac42518440680f246250024107201446d8adc. Paul Blottiere
09:05 AM Bug report #17992 (Open): DB Manager Versioning: _current view lacks primary key
The Versioning / Change logging automatically creates a view with the current elements. Unfortunately, in the view it... Paolo Cavallini
09:04 AM Revision cdf697d9 (qgis): Merge pull request #6068 from elpaso/bugfix-17845-raster-transparency-f...
[bugfix] Transfer focus to canvas when selecting transparency Alessandro Pasotti
09:04 AM Bug report #17845 (Closed): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|75e613c3adbe7465af29b3eaef3c7b0d612ace5a. Anonymous
09:04 AM Bug report #17845 (Closed): Setting Raster Transparency using "Add values from display" doesn't work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|75e613c3adbe7465af29b3eaef3c7b0d612ace5a. Anonymous
09:04 AM Revision e2fcf704 (qgis): Merge pull request #6174 from elpaso/bugfix-17958
[bugfix] Fix crash in node editor Alessandro Pasotti
09:03 AM Bug report #17958 (Closed): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0e2995c5b654eafe46c4b291f36c5ba660c0d28b. Anonymous
09:03 AM Bug report #17958 (Closed): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0e2995c5b654eafe46c4b291f36c5ba660c0d28b. Anonymous
09:00 AM Revision aed5090c (qgis): fix iconsize for toolbars in georeferencer plugin
Salvatore Larosa
08:58 AM Bug report #17991 (Closed): Importing into gpkg error
dropping a shp with a strange prj (attached, recognized as EPSG:102091) into a gpkg results in an error [0].
What is...
Paolo Cavallini
08:56 AM Revision 51c5805e (qgis): [raster] don't auto-classify upon customizing values tree (fixes #17102)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:56 AM Bug report #17102 (Closed): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted a...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51c5805e13db55a30802ec49fe3313b27d832ee5. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:56 AM Bug report #17102 (Closed): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted a...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|51c5805e13db55a30802ec49fe3313b27d832ee5. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:15 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
PR: Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:15 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
PR: Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:58 AM Bug report #17102 (Open): Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted aut...
Thanks Mathieu, now that's it's confirmed I change the statut. Not sure about the bug definition but this is an unwan... Dominique Lyszczarz
02:43 AM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
I'll have a look at this. It's not a bug per say but we might have to tweak the UX a bit. Right now, modifying classe... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:36 AM Bug report #17990 (Closed): Values reset to default when cutting line
When I cut a line in a PostGIS line layer, the newly created features have their values changed to the DEFAULT value ... Daan Goedkoop
08:17 AM Revision e24b6bb1 (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
08:17 AM Revision aed66080 (qgis): Add test
Paul Blottiere
08:17 AM Revision 414737d4 (qgis): Fix typo in doc
Paul Blottiere
08:17 AM Revision c1fac425 (qgis): Update all attributes in a single transaction
Fixes #17869 Paul Blottiere
08:12 AM Revision 77163ba0 (qgis): [processing] fix toggle advanced mode button in batch panel (#6193)
Salvatore Larosa
07:37 AM Revision a05d941e (qgis): [processing] Default to allowing background execution of algorithms
Since the underlying issues with the Python bindings are now fixed,
in most cases we can safely default to allowing a...
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 234bc1a4 (qgis): Fix value map widget broken when used as search widget
Fixes #17986 Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Revision 070e137c (qgis): Update config format in search widget test
Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Bug report #17986 (Closed): Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|234bc1a47253d90769218896193491ccd206c5d9. Nyall Dawson
07:36 AM Bug report #17986 (Closed): Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|234bc1a47253d90769218896193491ccd206c5d9. Nyall Dawson
04:34 AM Bug report #17986 (In Progress): Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
Nyall Dawson
03:05 AM Bug report #17986 (Closed): Field Filter bug in Attribute Table when field is a Value Map
Say the Value Map for a field is set to 'A', 'B', 'C'. When the Field Filter is selected in the Attribute Table for ... Kory Roberts
07:36 AM Revision 006ac70d (qgis): fix build on macos
Salvatore Larosa
07:35 AM Revision 10fbe5c3 (qgis): Merge pull request #6200 from nyalldawson/non_file_default
[processing] Default to supporting non-file based outputs for providers Alexander Bruy
07:34 AM Bug report #17989 (Closed): MSVCP120.dll & MSVCR120.dll missing for postgres & QGIS 2.18 after in...
After installing QGIS 2.99 on Win7 64b OS with [QGIS-OSGeo4W-2.99.0-4-Setup-x86.exe] (29th Jan 2018) this broke both ... Graeme Gummow
06:36 AM Revision 5ab5d095 (qgis): Attempt to fix #17783, window not activated on OSX after font dialog
displayed Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Bug report #17783 (Closed): Focus always returns to main window after using the new font widget /...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5ab5d095e4d2849ce3eaae1e762aaa480e3d4307. Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Bug report #17783 (Closed): Focus always returns to main window after using the new font widget /...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5ab5d095e4d2849ce3eaae1e762aaa480e3d4307. Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Revision 8db10ef7 (qgis): Attempt to fix #17784, shortcuts in layouts are applied
in child widgets on OSX Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Bug report #17784 (Closed): Deleting label text deletes the whole label
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8db10ef71ca56845ec77dd288c0f80bea42ca25b. Nyall Dawson
06:35 AM Bug report #17784 (Closed): Deleting label text deletes the whole label
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8db10ef71ca56845ec77dd288c0f80bea42ca25b. Nyall Dawson
05:05 AM Bug report #12006 (Closed): Value map table gets corrupted after chaging the edit widget to anoth...
Not an issue on 3.0 master Nyall Dawson
05:05 AM Bug report #12006 (Closed): Value map table gets corrupted after chaging the edit widget to anoth...
Not an issue on 3.0 master Nyall Dawson
05:05 AM Bug report #12006 (Closed): Value map table gets corrupted after chaging the edit widget to anoth...
Not an issue on 3.0 master Nyall Dawson
05:04 AM Bug report #16026: Value map entries aren't copied with table style (2.99 110ffe2)
I can't reproduce on current master - please confirm whether this is still an issue. Nyall Dawson
05:03 AM Feature request #15057 (Closed): Allow custom value map widget sorting
Fixed in 3.0 - the value map respects the order that the values are defined in the widget config. Nyall Dawson
05:03 AM Feature request #15057 (Closed): Allow custom value map widget sorting
Fixed in 3.0 - the value map respects the order that the values are defined in the widget config. Nyall Dawson
04:42 AM Feature request #9535 (Closed): Set standard value in value map
I think this can be closed. The widget can now default to NULL values, or alternatively users can set default values ... Nyall Dawson
04:42 AM Feature request #9535 (Closed): Set standard value in value map
I think this can be closed. The widget can now default to NULL values, or alternatively users can set default values ... Nyall Dawson
04:41 AM Bug report #15915 (Closed): Edit widget: Value Map do not keep the order in which values are entered
Duplicate of #15057 Nyall Dawson
04:41 AM Bug report #15915 (Closed): Edit widget: Value Map do not keep the order in which values are entered
Duplicate of #15057 Nyall Dawson
04:41 AM Bug report #15915 (Closed): Edit widget: Value Map do not keep the order in which values are entered
Duplicate of #15057 Nyall Dawson
04:14 AM Revision 0f963dfa (qgis): [processing] Default to supporting non-file based outputs for providers
And make this support opt-out, since the vast majority of providers
are based on QGIS API and don't have external dep...
Nyall Dawson
04:10 AM Bug report #16740 (In Progress): Status Bar: the Extent textbox doesn't show all the values
PRs at and Nyall Dawson
03:54 AM Feature request #17988 (Open): Give better feedback to user when multiple records are updated via...
The kind of thing I'm thinking is after records are updated...
* Flash cells that have changed in the Attribute Ta...
Kory Roberts
03:36 AM Feature request #17987 (Open): Eliminate the "Update All" button in Attribute Table
Every time I am updating records using the Attribute Table, I get a little panicked I will update ALL records, rather... Kory Roberts
02:47 AM Revision 9a020ea7 (qgis): fix saving interface customization to .ini (fixes #17979)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:47 AM Bug report #17979 (Closed): Interface customization "Save to file" don't save
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9a020ea792758bfd7e5e7c07c76010f2fa502e7d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:47 AM Bug report #17979 (Closed): Interface customization "Save to file" don't save
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|9a020ea792758bfd7e5e7c07c76010f2fa502e7d. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:27 AM Bug report #17981: Hillshade in Master
I just updated to bcbc46b and it's working normally! Randal Hale
02:17 AM Bug report #17981 (Feedback): Hillshade in Master
I can't reproduce - do you still see this on recent master? Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Revision fb8f3e9e (qgis): [layouts] Fix restoration of rotated item positions
Fixes #17982 Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Bug report #17982 (Closed): Reference point property in Layout move rotated elements
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fb8f3e9e4a92f3b81223dd0fc3f7bfb4a3b9e523. Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Bug report #17982 (Closed): Reference point property in Layout move rotated elements
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fb8f3e9e4a92f3b81223dd0fc3f7bfb4a3b9e523. Nyall Dawson
02:15 AM Revision 0be37ad4 (qgis): [Win] Show error message if mainwin fails to load exe
Currently it will just die quietly which is no good for the user. Nathan Woodrow
02:12 AM Revision cc9f7af0 (qgis): [layouts] Don't force open item properties when undoing/redoing
Nyall Dawson
02:00 AM Revision 4440c09e (qgis): Running
Harrissou Santanna
02:00 AM Revision 76e778d0 (qgis): Fix typo (fix #17946)
Harrissou Santanna
02:00 AM Bug report #17946 (Closed): Tooltip spelling mistake on Snapping Toolbar
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|76e778d04dfba7c0d39224bcf018feb11e66441a. Harrissou Santanna
02:00 AM Bug report #17946 (Closed): Tooltip spelling mistake on Snapping Toolbar
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|76e778d04dfba7c0d39224bcf018feb11e66441a. Harrissou Santanna
01:56 AM Feature request #17961: Allow algorithms to set style and layer options for outputs
> IMHO assigning style and widgets should not be done auotmatically. Also this is huge maintenance task, as we have m... Nyall Dawson


12:57 AM Revision 6f364fdb (qgis): [layouts] Use correct transform context for map grids
Fixes #17984 Nyall Dawson
12:56 AM Bug report #17984 (Closed): Very slow rendering of layouts with grids in other CRS than project
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6f364fdba57ea35b9a29cc4f7e5e44ba528ab049. Nyall Dawson
12:56 AM Bug report #17984 (Closed): Very slow rendering of layouts with grids in other CRS than project
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6f364fdba57ea35b9a29cc4f7e5e44ba528ab049. Nyall Dawson
12:14 PM Bug report #17984: Very slow rendering of layouts with grids in other CRS than project
Not sure if it helps but the terminal output shows a lot of text like below repeatedly during redraw.... Klas Karlsson
11:51 AM Bug report #17984 (Closed): Very slow rendering of layouts with grids in other CRS than project
Working with a map layout with grids in a different coordinate system than the project, results in very...
Klas Karlsson
10:55 PM Bug report #17985 (Closed): Huge memory leak with QgsFeature.attributes() in Python
See discussion in and
Steps to repro...
Nyall Dawson
10:47 PM Revision f9a81617 (qgis): Fix some leaks and errors in sip conversions
Nyall Dawson
10:11 PM Revision ebb725ec (qgis): [processing] create widget correctly from wrapper when in batch mode
Salvatore Larosa
09:31 PM Revision 550c74e1 (qgis): [processing] fix wrong getter
Salvatore Larosa
07:15 PM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Please find in attachment a test file containing a raster classification. Trying to edit this classification or even ... Dominique Lyszczarz
07:15 PM Bug report #17102: Editing raster pseudocolor classification seems to trigger unwanted auto-class...
Please find in attachment a test file containing a raster classification. Trying to edit this classification or even ... Dominique Lyszczarz
04:43 PM Revision 3ca5d724 (qgis): apply enableAutoGeometryRestore to config shortcut dialog
Salvatore Larosa
04:17 PM Bug report #17929 (Closed): output file paths not quoted (m.cogo, v.out.vtk, ...)
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0cb828601434f5cb8c5cd351fdec1130c3c1594c. Salvatore Larosa
04:17 PM Bug report #17929 (Closed): output file paths not quoted (m.cogo, v.out.vtk, ...)
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|0cb828601434f5cb8c5cd351fdec1130c3c1594c. Salvatore Larosa
04:15 PM Revision 0cb82860 (qgis): Fixes #17929 - output file paths not quoted (m.cogo, v.out.vtk)
Salvatore Larosa
12:34 PM Revision bcbc46b5 (qgis): Fix possible GIL deadlock when iterating features in python
and an exception is thrown Nyall Dawson
11:46 AM Bug report #17983 (Closed): Bad tab cycle order in XYZ Connection dialog
Pressing Tab while in the Name field of the XYZ Connection dialog does not switch focus to the next (URL) field but t... Johannes Kroeger
11:39 AM Bug report #17807: [Digitizing] Node Editor or Vertex Editor
Pull request at Harrissou Santanna
11:18 AM Bug report #17486: Help button does not work in its default implementation (returns a wrong url)
What is the status of this report? Are all raised issues considered as fixed now?
Harrissou Santanna
11:13 AM Bug report #17804 (Open): [Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the layout
Harrissou Santanna
11:07 AM Bug report #17982: Reference point property in Layout move rotated elements
Note, that if I set the anchor point to center/center for rotated elements, the elements stay fixed when re-opening. ... Klas Karlsson
09:07 AM Bug report #17982 (Closed): Reference point property in Layout move rotated elements
(connected to 17910)
Se attached image.
Element when setting rotation, rotates around center and not anchor poi...
Klas Karlsson
11:01 AM Revision 37fa41b0 (qgis): [bugfix] Add dirty bit to attribute form
In some cases it is difficult to prevent that an edit widget doesn't
return the original value, even if the user didn...
Daan Goedkoop
09:09 AM Revision 285bb063 (qgis): [processing] Fix duplicate parameter
And throw warnings when other duplicate parameters are registered.
GRASS has a lot.
Nyall Dawson
01:11 AM Bug report #17643 (Closed): Circular string does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7e20fe4cdcc75624d16db211abccaa6cd4e17a65. Jürgen Fischer
01:11 AM Bug report #17643 (Closed): Circular string does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7e20fe4cdcc75624d16db211abccaa6cd4e17a65. Jürgen Fischer


12:51 AM Revision 7e20fe4c (qgis): make converting to multi geometries to fullfil provider geometry
constraints the last step and use earlier conversions (fixes #17643) Jürgen Fischer
12:28 AM Revision 3e0b6a3c (qgis): Update some button labels
Harrissou Santanna
12:28 AM Revision a0f6c918 (qgis): Set tab order
Harrissou Santanna
11:04 PM Revision 9fff5f0c (qgis): Add help button and connect to user manual
Harrissou Santanna
10:58 PM Revision 1b1be55f (qgis): Add scrollbar to only dialog-display mode
and not in widget mode
Sur la branche rulebaseDialog
modifié : src/app/nodetool/qgsnodetool.h
aucune modific...
Harrissou Santanna
10:57 PM Revision 171b9ee7 (qgis): Enable rule-based dialog instead of widget all time
Harrissou Santanna
10:41 PM Revision 72ca8d7b (qgis): Merge pull request #6164 from slarosa/fix_ml_issue
update min/max values for singlebandgray raster renderer Salvatore Larosa
05:41 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
I'm also building with qt 5.10.
A full backtrace. Hope it helps....
Niklas Moran
03:26 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
#17943 and #17936 have some backtraces on similar (likely same culprit) crashes.
The world_map.shp warning should ...
Johannes Kroeger
05:11 PM Bug report #17978: Windows installer still uses the old logo
At least the WelcomeFinishPage.bmp is displayed. Borys Jurgiel
04:50 PM Bug report #17978: Windows installer still uses the old logo
No problem! I wonder if all those images are still in use since only QGIS.ico has been updated in Anita Graser
04:31 PM Bug report #17981: Hillshade in Master
Update - Menu opens in Processing Toolbox but not from the Menu -> Raster -> analysis Randal Hale
04:18 PM Bug report #17981 (Closed): Hillshade in Master
Attempting to execute Hillshade under Raster -> Analysis in Master and I get this:
An error has occurred while exe...
Randal Hale
03:33 PM Bug report #17980 (Open): "resources/data/world_map.shp" should be only accessed read-only
QGIS tells me... Johannes Kroeger
02:04 PM Feature request #9483: Replace help with pages from the manual
Well understood, thanks Richard for the analysis.
I suggest to leave this ticket open for future reference.
Paolo Cavallini
01:50 PM Feature request #9483: Replace help with pages from the manual

The offline help mode is some more work:
- we need to have a download service (per language a zip of around 170Mb)...
Richard Duivenvoorde
12:05 PM Feature request #9483: Replace help with pages from the manual
Huge improvement, thanks.
One crucial point is not fully addressed, however: when offline the user has to add the pa...
Paolo Cavallini
08:24 AM Feature request #9483 (Feedback): Replace help with pages from the manual
IMHO now addressed in master: Help buttons open corresponding web-pages. Alexander Bruy
08:24 AM Feature request #9483 (Feedback): Replace help with pages from the manual
IMHO now addressed in master: Help buttons open corresponding web-pages. Alexander Bruy
12:12 PM Bug report #14600 (Closed): Processing > gdalwarp: wrong error message, no command displayed
Looks OK, thanks. Paolo Cavallini
12:12 PM Bug report #14600 (Closed): Processing > gdalwarp: wrong error message, no command displayed
Looks OK, thanks. Paolo Cavallini
08:04 AM Bug report #14600 (Feedback): Processing > gdalwarp: wrong error message, no command displayed
Still true in master? Alexander Bruy
08:04 AM Bug report #14600 (Feedback): Processing > gdalwarp: wrong error message, no command displayed
Still true in master? Alexander Bruy
12:08 PM Feature request #17961: Allow algorithms to set style and layer options for outputs
IMHO the GRASS approach makes sense: add automatically the style when meaningful (e.g. aspect on a greyscale, etc.). ... Paolo Cavallini
08:09 AM Feature request #17961: Allow algorithms to set style and layer options for outputs
IMHO assigning style and widgets should not be done auotmatically. Also this is huge maintenance task, as we have mor... Alexander Bruy
11:58 AM Bug report #4304: Show only writable raster and vector formats in Processing "save file" dialogs
Unsure about this: in GRD files, which should be non-writable, are listed in the dropdown menu (BTW: listed twice, th... Paolo Cavallini
08:28 AM Bug report #4304 (Feedback): Show only writable raster and vector formats in Processing "save fil...
Should be fixed in master. Alexander Bruy
11:50 AM Feature request #9817 (Closed): Add user profiles
Sure, thanks for pointing it out. Paolo Cavallini
11:50 AM Feature request #9817 (Closed): Add user profiles
Sure, thanks for pointing it out. Paolo Cavallini
08:23 AM Feature request #9817 (Feedback): Add user profiles
Can we close this? Now master has profiles. Alexander Bruy
08:23 AM Feature request #9817 (Feedback): Add user profiles
Can we close this? Now master has profiles. Alexander Bruy
10:52 AM Bug report #17643: Circular string does not work
it's possible that anybody of the fantastic qgis developers could solve this problem for qgis 3.0 release?
Jan Lippmann
08:58 AM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
PR (for NULL issues) Alessandro Pasotti
08:32 AM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
No, I can't reproduce the delete issue, but please, file a separate ticket for separate problems. Alessandro Pasotti
04:05 AM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
One thing I also have noticed is that when in editing mode, if you select a row from the Attribute Table and click th... Calvin Hamilton
08:52 AM Revision ab607ce3 (qgis): [bugfix] Fix minimum values for range widgets
Fixes #17878 QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon Alessandro Pasotti
08:09 AM Bug report #17914 (Closed): [QGIS 3] Processing missing GDAL rasterize tool
Present in master Alexander Bruy
08:09 AM Bug report #17914 (Closed): [QGIS 3] Processing missing GDAL rasterize tool
Present in master Alexander Bruy
02:15 AM Revision 54cd01ac (qgis): use blue font for highlighted tree items
Denis Rouzaud
02:15 AM Revision 6be8249b (qgis): [options search] fix search not available in option tree
Denis Rouzaud


12:22 AM Feature request #11104 (Closed): Advanced digitizing, Offset curve, Edition of the offset
already implemented Denis Rouzaud
12:22 AM Feature request #11104 (Closed): Advanced digitizing, Offset curve, Edition of the offset
already implemented Denis Rouzaud
12:22 AM Feature request #11104 (Closed): Advanced digitizing, Offset curve, Edition of the offset
already implemented Denis Rouzaud
12:03 AM Bug report #15709: bad match of valeurs with virtual layer
the behavior is similar to #15600 and spatialite views have the same problem.
Gerhard Spieles
10:02 PM Bug report #15709 (Reopened): bad match of valeurs with virtual layer

The bug isn't fixed in 2.18. With the data joined at this the ticket, the problem is always present.
Tested the ...
Hugues Bernard
11:38 PM Bug report #17878 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Edit...
Ok, I've probably found the issue with NULLs and I'll commit a patch soon, but I think we have another separate issue... Alessandro Pasotti
11:38 PM Bug report #17878 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Edit...
Ok, I've probably found the issue with NULLs and I'll commit a patch soon, but I think we have another separate issue... Alessandro Pasotti
11:38 PM Bug report #17878 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Edit...
Ok, I've probably found the issue with NULLs and I'll commit a patch soon, but I think we have another separate issue... Alessandro Pasotti
11:38 PM Bug report #17878 (In Progress): QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Edit...
Ok, I've probably found the issue with NULLs and I'll commit a patch soon, but I think we have another separate issue... Alessandro Pasotti
07:17 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
one of the root causes is that the form value of the second "double" field is set to NULL, even when editing is disab... Alessandro Pasotti
10:24 PM Revision 71bdda5f (qgis): Merge pull request #6176 from nyalldawson/gil
[python] Always release the GIL before calling PyQGIS c++ methods Nyall Dawson
10:05 PM Bug report #17771 (Closed): Crash during editing layer properties on MacOS
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
10:05 PM Bug report #17771 (Closed): Crash during editing layer properties on MacOS
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
10:04 PM Bug report #17832 (Closed): Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
10:04 PM Bug report #17832 (Closed): Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Bug report #17886 (Closed): crash on saving
Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Bug report #17936 (Closed): Crash when deselecting item in Print Layout
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:50 PM Bug report #17936 (Closed): Crash when deselecting item in Print Layout
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:49 PM Bug report #17954 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crash on launch
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:49 PM Bug report #17954 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crash on launch
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:49 PM Bug report #17973 (Closed): Crash on Mac after closing symbology properties or panel
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:49 PM Bug report #17973 (Closed): Crash on Mac after closing symbology properties or panel
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
04:22 PM Bug report #17973 (Closed): Crash on Mac after closing symbology properties or panel
When closing the properties dialog while adjusting symbology on a layer or closing the symbology panel on several Mac... Leon van der Meulen
09:48 PM Bug report #17813 (Closed): [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:48 PM Bug report #17813 (Closed): [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:48 PM Bug report #17979 (Closed): Interface customization "Save to file" don't save
When I do "Settings" > "Interface customization", I tick "Enable customization".
Then, I untick some boxes to remove...
Thomas Gratier
09:48 PM Bug report #17943 (Closed): Crash when closing Layout Manager dialog
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:48 PM Bug report #17943 (Closed): Crash when closing Layout Manager dialog
Duplicate of #17916 Nyall Dawson
09:47 PM Bug report #17916 (Open): Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
Nyall Dawson
09:47 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
Related to general instability when built with qt 5.10 Nyall Dawson
09:12 PM Bug report #17978: Windows installer still uses the old logo
Forgive me Anita, I'm not sure who is the best person to be encumbered :) Borys Jurgiel
09:07 PM Bug report #17978 (Closed): Windows installer still uses the old logo
All the following images are still based on the old logo:
Borys Jurgiel
08:31 PM Bug report #17975: QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Rémi Bonnefoi wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Thank you for your answer. I don't really understand why you don't consid...
Giovanni Manghi
08:31 PM Bug report #17975: QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Rémi Bonnefoi wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Thank you for your answer. I don't really understand why you don't consid...
Giovanni Manghi
08:20 PM Bug report #17975: QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Hi Giovanni,
Thank you for your answer. I don't really understand why you don't consider it is a regression, as ev...
Rémi Bonnefoi
07:10 PM Bug report #17975 (Feedback): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
What version you were using before?
Display layers how (a GetMap? a GetPrint?) and where?
Giovanni Manghi
07:10 PM Bug report #17975 (Feedback): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
What version you were using before?
Display layers how (a GetMap? a GetPrint?) and where?
Giovanni Manghi
06:43 PM Bug report #17975 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 reverses the layer order for layer groups
Hi all,
I recently switched to version 2.99 both for desktop (to edit my .qgs file) and server.
I use the serve...
Rémi Bonnefoi
08:29 PM Revision 7b959175 (qgis): fix typo
Jürgen Fischer
08:29 PM Revision a2650733 (qgis): update package*.cmd for 3 and GRASS 7.x
Jürgen Fischer
08:24 PM Revision e8f077f2 (qgis): update package*.cmd for GRASS 7.4
Jürgen Fischer
06:56 PM Bug report #17977: QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
By the way, no problem when I use a "loading strategy: all", i.e. without a BBOX parameter. Rémi Bonnefoi
06:53 PM Bug report #17977 (Closed): QGIS server 2.99 doesn't handles BBOX parameter on WFS request
Hi all,
Since I recently switched to version 2.99 both for desktop (to edit my .qgs file) and server, I cannot use...
Rémi Bonnefoi
06:48 PM Bug report #17976 (Closed): Qgis 2.14 when starting stays in stanby in GUI
I have a virtual machine with Windows 10 I have installed Qgis 2.14 correctly. With the administrator user it ...
Marc Teixido Roure
06:37 PM Bug report #17974 (Closed): Missing many EPSG (RDN2008) on 2.99.0-Master
The developing version of QGIS (2.99.0-Master) doesn't have listed in the main application (when selecting the EPSG f... Dario Bevilacqua
06:35 PM Revision 891ca3cd (qgis): [processing] fix wrong variable name
Alexander Bruy
03:58 PM Bug report #17972 (Closed): Layout of Delimited Text import dialog wastes vertical space
I can _barely_ fit the new Delimited Text import dialog onto a 1050px high screen.
While the old dialog was very d...
Johannes Kroeger
03:54 PM Bug report #17971 (Closed): Clicking any Field or Record Option in Delimited Text import switches...
1. Open the Delimited Text import dialog
2. Select any file
3. Set Geometry definition to "No geometry".
4. ...
Johannes Kroeger
03:47 PM Bug report #17970 (Feedback): Cartographic point labeling should take symbol bounds into account ...
By default the cartographic point labeling does not take symbol bounds into account which means the labels will likel... Johannes Kroeger
02:20 PM Bug report #17942 (Closed): Crash in 3D-view
The stack trace looks nearly identical to #17416 so I believe it is the same issue - closing this one as a duplicate. Martin Dobias
02:20 PM Bug report #17942 (Closed): Crash in 3D-view
The stack trace looks nearly identical to #17416 so I believe it is the same issue - closing this one as a duplicate. Martin Dobias
02:16 PM Bug report #17952 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes using 3D view (PostGIS generated polyhedral cube)
The stack trace is the same as in #17315 so I am closing this as a duplicate Martin Dobias
02:16 PM Bug report #17952 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes using 3D view (PostGIS generated polyhedral cube)
The stack trace is the same as in #17315 so I am closing this as a duplicate Martin Dobias
12:53 PM Bug report #17968 (Feedback): raster clipper
Try 2.18 and report back. Also be sure (after the upgrade) that you have *not* a "processing" folder in ~/.qgis2/pyth... Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Bug report #17968 (Closed): raster clipper
When attempting to clip a raster image (.geotiff) I get the following message: "ERROR 1: The -projwin option was used... Anthony Rutherford
12:47 PM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
Actually I think that the most annoying part is that it does not stay open when you select another node in the canvas... Alessandro Pasotti
12:37 PM Bug report #12759 (Closed): Advanced digitizing: two panels with the same name
Confirmed, fixed in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
12:37 PM Bug report #12759 (Closed): Advanced digitizing: two panels with the same name
Confirmed, fixed in QGIS3 Paolo Cavallini
11:12 AM Bug report #12759 (Feedback): Advanced digitizing: two panels with the same name
Still an issue, Paolo?
Undo/redo have been moved to basic toolbar and, I guess meanwhile, "panel" and "toolbar" labe...
Harrissou Santanna
11:12 AM Bug report #12759 (Feedback): Advanced digitizing: two panels with the same name
Still an issue, Paolo?
Undo/redo have been moved to basic toolbar and, I guess meanwhile, "panel" and "toolbar" labe...
Harrissou Santanna
11:51 AM Feature request #17966: Simplify and bring consistency to layer types (icons, menus choices, etc....
These are indeed very good questions that maybe are worth discussing in lists (for a wider audience rather than issue... Harrissou Santanna
09:23 AM Feature request #17966 (Closed): Simplify and bring consistency to layer types (icons, menus choi...
This isn't a concrete feature request. Better discuss this on the mailing list. Jürgen Fischer
09:23 AM Feature request #17966 (Closed): Simplify and bring consistency to layer types (icons, menus choi...
This isn't a concrete feature request. Better discuss this on the mailing list. Jürgen Fischer
08:31 AM Feature request #17966 (Closed): Simplify and bring consistency to layer types (icons, menus choi...
Why does QGIS have so many top level choices for layer types, with all these icons and menu choices? It's really con... Kory Roberts
11:27 AM Feature request #17969 (Open): [Digitising] Add ability to edit Z and M values from advanced digi...
While looking for some old discussion on vertex editor, I found Harrissou Santanna
10:33 AM Revision fd538807 (qgis): avoid startup warning, do not look for empty setting value
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:04 AM Revision bd6a1fa2 (qgis): Merge pull request #6181 from elpaso/check-for-size-before-adding-to-model
Check for model items size before removing rows Alessandro Pasotti
09:35 AM Revision d4e8f633 (qgis): Check for model items size before removing rows
This was hitting an assert in Qt core libraries 5.9.3 Alessandro Pasotti
09:21 AM Revision ac4be1b3 (qgis): update the brasil flag svg to get rid of console warnings
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:15 AM Revision 2997c3b4 (qgis): Merge pull request #6173 from elpaso/bugfix-17863-wrong-ogr-extent
[bugfix][ogr][spatialite] Update extent when subsetstring is set in the ctor Alessandro Pasotti
09:14 AM Bug report #17863 (Closed): Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e9c9b5dfb6016322d60add6277ee3e0ab5e9113e. Anonymous
09:14 AM Bug report #17863 (Closed): Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|e9c9b5dfb6016322d60add6277ee3e0ab5e9113e. Anonymous
09:05 AM Bug report #17967 (Closed): Browser: deleting raster in GeoPackage doesn't work
Using the browser, it is impossible to delete a raster inside a GeoPackage.
1. Get a GeoPackage with raster data (...
Jérôme Guélat
08:45 AM Bug report #17646 (Closed): Browser: deleting GeoPackage table removes the wrong table
Jérôme Guélat
08:38 AM Revision b1a97e17 (qgis): fix stylesheet string for the qgsdatetimeedit widget
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:45 AM Revision af17f041 (qgis): add two missing locale flags
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:45 AM Revision fb3e4e16 (qgis): remove png flags
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:11 AM Revision 6d5dce22 (qgis): [processing] properly size toolbar button for provider actions
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:08 AM Bug report #17965 (Closed): Print Composer
Changing the page format in the composer doesn't change the global format of the paper. The effect is that no output ... Ger Groeneveld
06:39 AM Bug report #17964: Pan to feature / Zoom to feature behave exactly the same
Yes, point layer. So maybe there is only difference for line/polygon (when 2 dimensions are available to decide zoom... Kory Roberts
06:34 AM Bug report #17964 (Feedback): Pan to feature / Zoom to feature behave exactly the same
Are you using a point layer? Nyall Dawson
01:38 AM Bug report #17964 (Feedback): Pan to feature / Zoom to feature behave exactly the same
Open attribute table. Right click a row. Select "Pan to feature". Move the map, maybe zoom out some. Right click ... Kory Roberts
05:55 AM Revision b3256ad2 (qgis): [python] Always release the GIL before calling PyQGIS c++ methods
Switches on the sip "-g" switch, which forces sip to release the
Python Global Interpreter Lock before calling a qgis...
Nyall Dawson
02:23 AM Bug report #17959: QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapServer layer
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Can you share a url for the layer?
Sure. Here's a url:
David Jordan
01:56 AM Feature request #17901: Make attribute table behave more like other common programs of tabular data
5) Another deficiency is in how extra long entries in cells are handled. Editing of extra long or multiline entries ... Kory Roberts


12:07 AM Bug report #17959 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapServer...
Can you share a url for the layer? Nyall Dawson
03:22 PM Bug report #17959 (Closed): QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to render an ESRI MapServer l...
QGIS crashes when Print Layout attempts to draw a raster layer served from an ESRI MapServer, in this case the layer ... David Jordan
10:07 PM Bug report #16799: qgis server installation and configuration - End of script output before heade...
I have the same problem with QGIS server 2.18.16 installed on Ubuntu 16. When I call:
Nino Formica
09:54 PM Revision f4f89bbc (qgis): [processing] resurrects matrix parameter
Salvatore Larosa
09:47 PM Revision f392a717 (qgis): Merge pull request #6128 from DelazJ/ProcessingBatchResize
[processing] Fix cannot resize columns in batch dialog Salvatore Larosa
09:47 PM Bug report #17819 (Closed): Label unsizable at batch processes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|222eee437c5a91f9ac7ca6de638053d5d9282125. Harrissou Santanna
09:47 PM Bug report #17819 (Closed): Label unsizable at batch processes
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|222eee437c5a91f9ac7ca6de638053d5d9282125. Harrissou Santanna
09:00 PM Feature request #10228 (Closed): Geopackage: support Drag&Drop for importing vectors
Paolo Cavallini
08:51 PM Bug report #17963 (Closed): node editing - inconsistent behavior
I have noticed an issue when I'm editing nodes on a polyline with the node tool. Sometimes when I move a node the adj... Jamie Robertson
08:51 PM Feature request #17962 (Open): Add "Add unique value field index" algorithm for multiple fields a...
Repeating the same alg over and over for large tables with many columns to categorize is cumbersome.
It would be goo...
Paolo Cavallini
08:47 PM Bug report #10045 (Closed): Error upon upgrading Processing (possibly other complex plugins)
Now solved Paolo Cavallini
08:47 PM Bug report #10045 (Closed): Error upon upgrading Processing (possibly other complex plugins)
Now solved Paolo Cavallini
08:47 PM Bug report #10045 (Closed): Error upon upgrading Processing (possibly other complex plugins)
Now solved Paolo Cavallini
08:43 PM Feature request #10223 (Closed): Geopackage support: make creation of a new DB possible
Paolo Cavallini
08:35 PM Feature request #3068: Projection information – some handbook or more info in QGIS
Agreed. In addition, a couple of plugins add more infor about projection handling. Paolo Cavallini
08:33 PM Feature request #2086: Topology level simplify tool
This can be done with v.generalize GRASS Processing module Paolo Cavallini
08:32 PM Bug report #17960 (Closed): Coloring merged shapes by the Map Coloring plugin, ERRORS
You'll need to file this bug with the plugin itself - it's not related to the core qgis install. Nyall Dawson
08:32 PM Bug report #17960 (Closed): Coloring merged shapes by the Map Coloring plugin, ERRORS
You'll need to file this bug with the plugin itself - it's not related to the core qgis install. Nyall Dawson
08:28 PM Bug report #17960 (Closed): Coloring merged shapes by the Map Coloring plugin, ERRORS
I use 2.18.4 version. I merged two polygon layers with the "Sum" tool and colored it with the plug-in "Map coloring" ... Mikołaj Kosmalski
08:29 PM Feature request #17961 (Closed): Allow algorithms to set style and layer options for outputs
The "Add unique value field index" algorithm generates a code for each category. Optionally now Paolo Cavallini
07:33 PM Revision dc564fb2 (qgis): Merge pull request #6175 from zsiki/master
Hungarian translators list extended Werner Macho
07:27 PM Revision e77658fc (qgis): Hungarian translators list extended
Zoltan Siki
07:05 PM Bug report #17918 (Feedback): Rule-based labelling: Rules not sortable
A short video would probably help here, I tried to replicate the bug following your description but I didn't succeed:... Alessandro Pasotti
07:05 PM Bug report #17918 (Feedback): Rule-based labelling: Rules not sortable
A short video would probably help here, I tried to replicate the bug following your description but I didn't succeed:... Alessandro Pasotti
05:44 PM Bug report #17958 (In Progress): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
05:44 PM Bug report #17958 (In Progress): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
05:44 PM Bug report #17958 (In Progress): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
11:46 AM Bug report #17958 (Closed): Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value
# open the attached project
# click on the pencil to edit the layer
# click on node tool
# click on a node
# open...
Alessandro Pasotti
05:43 PM Revision 0e2995c5 (qgis): [bugfix] Fix crash in node editor
Fixes #17958 Node tool crashes QGIS when changing a value Alessandro Pasotti
05:28 PM Bug report #17878: QGIS 3 Vector Layer Fields Garbled when Clicking the Toggle Editing Icon
Confirmed in commit:c91e33d332. Exiting layer edit without saving changes restores the row.
Interestingly, if you ...
Tom Chadwin
03:22 PM Bug report #17686 (Closed): filter does not allow data modification
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> This is probably a duplicate of #17124
it is.
Giovanni Manghi
03:22 PM Bug report #17686 (Closed): filter does not allow data modification
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> This is probably a duplicate of #17124
it is.
Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Revision 698befa9 (qgis): [gpkg] Add test for gpkg subsetstring don't unlock mutex twice
I wanted to add the test for gpkg subsetstring even if
it was not bugged, while testing that, I hit an assert
in Qt c...
Alessandro Pasotti
02:50 PM Bug report #17863 (In Progress): Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter
This was indeed a problem with extent and feature count not being updated on (ogr and spatialite) filtered layers whe... Alessandro Pasotti
02:50 PM Bug report #17863 (In Progress): Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter
This was indeed a problem with extent and feature count not being updated on (ogr and spatialite) filtered layers whe... Alessandro Pasotti
09:52 AM Bug report #17863: Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter
Interesting: geopackage is not affected but spatialite and shpefile are .... Alessandro Pasotti
02:38 PM Revision cd0559df (qgis): [bugfix][spatialite] Update extent when subsetstring is set in the ctor
Fixes #17863 - Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter Alessandro Pasotti
02:38 PM Revision e9c9b5df (qgis): [bugfix][ogr] Update extent when subsetstring is set in the ctor
Fixes #17863 - Zoom to layer has inconsistent behavior with filter Alessandro Pasotti
02:21 PM Revision 8b682dad (qgis): Merge pull request #6172 from manisandro/master
[Globe] Adapt for API changes Sandro Mani
01:24 PM Revision 0d1ef018 (qgis): [Globe] Adapt for API changes
Sandro Mani
01:19 PM Revision 6424ceb1 (qgis): [options search] move Message bar items check to QgsSearchHighlightOpti...
Denis Rouzaud
01:19 PM Revision 3b143805 (qgis): [options search] use lambda method to search text in widgets
Denis Rouzaud
12:02 PM Bug report #17853: Duplicate Feature and Duplicate Feature (redigizited) operate on multiple feat...
This is concerning not only the duplicate actions but any action listed in the feature action menu of the canvas.
David Signer
10:27 AM Bug report #17957 (Closed): [DB Manager] Gui texts not available to translation
Items in the left panel of the DB Manager main dialog are not provided to translation. Harrissou Santanna
10:16 AM Revision 34c2d32b (qgis): [processing] add actions when provider is registered / activated
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:01 AM Bug report #17956 (Closed): SAGA plugin support
SAGA changes in between even minor releases has proven too difficult for us to keep up the pace, so we decided to onl... Giovanni Manghi
10:01 AM Bug report #17956 (Closed): SAGA plugin support
SAGA changes in between even minor releases has proven too difficult for us to keep up the pace, so we decided to onl... Giovanni Manghi
09:59 AM Bug report #17956 (Closed): SAGA plugin support
Currently QGIS only supports SAGA 2.3.x. SAGA is now at 6.2.0.
Is there any plan to update supported version to new...
Guillaume G
09:55 AM Bug report #17809 (Open): Rendering performance issues
I have tested it with lower no hidpi resolution (on an external monitor) with the same results....i.e. still slower t... Saber Razmjooei
09:46 AM Bug report #17955 (Closed): Grass tool error on QGIS 2.18.15
using Qgis 2.18.15 on Osx (10.12) I have some issue using the tool.
I launch the tool, set parameters, b...
Arthur Vignacq
09:37 AM Bug report #17954 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crash on launch

I have QGIS 3 development installed on my mac (Osx 10.12) with Homebrew. I was able to use it, with some litle bu...
Arthur Vignacq
09:30 AM Revision 26f8f165 (qgis): Use FIND_LIBRARY to find GDAL, GEOS and Postgres libraries
On OpenBSD, there's no symlink, only a versioned library (ie where X.Y changes over time so...
Landry Breuil
09:25 AM Bug report #17631 (Closed): Cancelling the dialog when saving a layer as GeoPackage crashed QGIS
Alessandro Pasotti
09:04 AM Bug report #17855 (Feedback): Spatial markers
Please add a step-by-step procedure to reproduce the issues.
Please attach a minimal QGIS project and data that we c...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:52 AM Bug report #17927: Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Please give it a try. Alessandro Pasotti
08:45 AM Bug report #17927 (Closed): Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b64444720ccc1ef27b3b0af6f658919d0c22c02f. Anonymous
08:45 AM Bug report #17927 (Closed): Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b64444720ccc1ef27b3b0af6f658919d0c22c02f. Anonymous
08:52 AM Revision 3fac2aa3 (qgis): Don't hardcode the path to qgis binary in .desktop file
Landry Breuil
08:46 AM Revision 7ee4bb70 (qgis): Merge pull request #6162 from elpaso/bugfix-17263-clip-double-show
[bugfix] Fixes Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice Alessandro Pasotti
08:45 AM Bug report #17263 (Closed): [Symbology]Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|37cd401e48b38c6d08e630f27d7d9e8486dc63b1. Anonymous
08:45 AM Bug report #17263 (Closed): [Symbology]Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|37cd401e48b38c6d08e630f27d7d9e8486dc63b1. Anonymous
08:45 AM Revision 30043dbe (qgis): Merge pull request #6163 from elpaso/bugfix-17927-themes-group-visibility
[bugfix] Ensure parent group visibility when apply theme Alessandro Pasotti
08:27 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Thank *you* for reporting the bug and thanks to all the sponsors and donors for allowing another bugfixing round!
Alessandro Pasotti
08:25 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Thanks again, now it works flawlessly.
dr -
07:55 AM Bug report #17948: “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after
*This command does not load a layer into QGIS.* There is only one format conversion DXF -> Shape without transformati... Mike Blechschmidt
06:32 AM Feature request #17933: DB Manager - window size for searching saved queries
PR at Harrissou Santanna
06:32 AM Feature request #17933: DB Manager - window size for searching saved queries
PR at Harrissou Santanna
06:00 AM Revision 8cb7197c (qgis): Better widget's alignment
Harrissou Santanna
05:58 AM Revision fe6d4cfc (qgis): [DB Manager]Allow preset query combobox expansion
Fixes #17933
Also add some window title capitalisation
Harrissou Santanna
05:47 AM Revision 723e0a1e (qgis): Make saving ogr layers less debug noisy
Nyall Dawson
05:47 AM Revision bf19eb6f (qgis): [processing] Non-filed based outputs (e.g. postgis, geopackage)
options should be available for certain model outputs and script
algorithm outputs
We do this by swapping the test f...
Nyall Dawson
05:47 AM Revision f0e01d81 (qgis): Fix crash
Nyall Dawson
05:47 AM Feature request #17953 (Open): Expression function editor UX improvements
The new expression function editor is pretty cool and handy (totally no bias) but the UX is a bit crappy.
Ideas f...
Nathan Woodrow
05:47 AM Feature request #17949 (Closed): Allow storing multiple outputs to the same geopackage in Processing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf19eb6f35afafe113cf3d43950e0538992d08fa. Nyall Dawson
05:47 AM Feature request #17949 (Closed): Allow storing multiple outputs to the same geopackage in Processing
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|bf19eb6f35afafe113cf3d43950e0538992d08fa. Nyall Dawson
01:49 AM Feature request #17949: Allow storing multiple outputs to the same geopackage in Processing
Note that this is already supported for native algorithms, by choosing the "Save to Geopackage" option, where you get... Nyall Dawson
03:23 AM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
> Is it an old project maybe?
> Can you start with a very clean environment, by removing/renaming : ~/.local/...
Niklas Moran
01:40 AM Bug report #17941 (Closed): All geogcs names imported from GDAL/PROJ are wrongly set to "Imported...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c91e33d33271d4f45c20f54c3989464f8c28ef9d. Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:40 AM Bug report #17941 (Closed): All geogcs names imported from GDAL/PROJ are wrongly set to "Imported...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|c91e33d33271d4f45c20f54c3989464f8c28ef9d. Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:37 AM Revision c91e33d3 (qgis): Fixes a typo in syncDb()
Fixes a typo in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::syncDb() that improperly set "Imported from GDAL" as name for all geogr... Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:36 AM Revision 141be446 (qgis): Merge pull request #6153 from agiudiceandrea/patch-1
Fixes a typo in syncDb() that improperly set "Imported from GDAL" as name for all geogcs imported from GDAL/PROJ Nyall Dawson
01:35 AM Revision 975ef8e8 (qgis): Show field type in tooltip in attribute table header
Nyall Dawson
01:32 AM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
FYI, it's looking like Qt5.10 has a regression impacting QGIS, causing hangs n crashes. Denis, aka 3nids, is trying t... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:05 AM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
My suspicion is that there's something broken in one of the underlying libraries in the homebrew build. There's a lot... Nyall Dawson
07:10 PM Bug report #17770: Crash during editing layout in Print Composer
In build revision 96d1ea5 problem still exist. I can't try newer build because homebrew formula is broken. Michal Jurewicz
11:52 PM Revision b91b9f6a (qgis): Fix relation table shows some cells disabled (when they should
be enabled, but just not editable) Nyall Dawson
11:52 PM Revision 237455a7 (qgis): Use same relation parent/child order in list as in new relation dialog
Fixes #17939 Nyall Dawson
11:52 PM Bug report #17939 (Closed): Parent/Child column pairs reversed from entry dialog to overview table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|237455a78f99d4240e7a54d0a718b14c1ae65151. Nyall Dawson
11:52 PM Bug report #17939 (Closed): Parent/Child column pairs reversed from entry dialog to overview table
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|237455a78f99d4240e7a54d0a718b14c1ae65151. Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Bug report #17939 (In Progress): Parent/Child column pairs reversed from entry dialog to overview...
PR Nyall Dawson
01:48 AM Bug report #17939 (Closed): Parent/Child column pairs reversed from entry dialog to overview table
Parent/Child column pairs reversed from entry dialog to overview table. In QGIS 2.16, the sequences of the two matche... Nathan Saylor
10:58 PM Revision 717a0f54 (qgis): fix layer tooltip display
Jürgen Fischer
10:16 PM Bug report #17927: Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
The group layers have always responded to the the toggling of any of its sublayers. THAT may actually be the bigger i... Nathan Saylor
08:14 PM Bug report #17927 (In Progress): Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
08:14 PM Bug report #17927 (In Progress): Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
07:31 PM Bug report #17927: Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Do I understand that correctly that the issue is that if the layers in a theme are within a group the group must be s... Alessandro Pasotti
09:16 PM Bug report #17943 (Feedback): Crash when closing Layout Manager dialog
I think it's something in your local environment too. Nyall Dawson
09:24 AM Bug report #17943 (Closed): Crash when closing Layout Manager dialog
I am starting to think it might be something with my QT libraries, considering the crashes I submitted yesterday. Any... Johannes Kroeger
09:14 PM Bug report #17947 (Feedback): Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certific...
Just a hunch - is this geojson from fulcrum?
Try this:
Inside QGIS, go to Options - System. Under "environmen...
Nyall Dawson
12:41 PM Bug report #17947 (Open): Add GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate ...
Trying to add a Geojson in QGIS Desktop from a url from the dialog add vector layer by protocol, gives error.
David Piles
09:10 PM Bug report #17948 (Feedback): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after processin...
Why is the crs irrelevant? You still need to specify one whenever you load a layer with an unknown crs into QGIS (or ... Nyall Dawson
01:04 PM Bug report #17948: “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after
Convert a DXF with processing(plugin)'gdal:convertformat',{'INPUT':'d:/tar/mytest.dxf','OPTIONS':''...
Mike Blechschmidt
01:03 PM Bug report #17948 (Closed): “Coordinate Reference System Selector” query/window after processing....
Convert a *DXF* with processing(plugin)'gdal:convertformat',{'INPUT':'d:/tar/mytest.dxf','OPTIONS':...
Mike Blechschmidt
09:06 PM Bug report #17950 (Feedback): QGIS 3 Crashed during a attribute joining
More details please. You also need to update your debugging symbols as they are out of date with your build. Nyall Dawson
03:17 PM Bug report #17950 (Closed): QGIS 3 Crashed during a attribute joining
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 956373a20e42dfc29eafcc4ae1029bb33e2efc60
*Stack Trace...
Ayodele Adeyemo
08:30 PM Bug report #17952 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 crashes using 3D view (PostGIS generated polyhedral cube)
When I enable the 3d renderer (in properties) and try to view a postgis generated polyhdral (new 3D map view) it cras... Gary Nobles
08:28 PM Revision 9fcfafdf (qgis): update min/max values for singlebandgray raster renderer
Salvatore Larosa
08:13 PM Feature request #8743: Field calculator: allow "Formula" to receive a value from a "Number" param...
How is this solved? I still cannot reference model inputs within the field calculator, afaics. (in 2.18.15)
I sear...
Norwin Roosen
07:36 PM Revision b6444472 (qgis): [bugfix] Ensure parent group visibility when apply theme
Fixes #17927 Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected. Alessandro Pasotti
07:15 PM Revision 8c96eec2 (qgis): fix detection of 2.x project crs (followup f2b5a595)
Jürgen Fischer
07:09 PM Bug report #17897: Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
+1 for removing the "get from on-line scripts/models collection" code Anita Graser
07:04 PM Revision 37cd401e (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice
Fixes #17263 Alessandro Pasotti
06:50 PM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
I can't try current master, because homebrew formula for installing qgis3-dev is completely broken now. However perso... Michal Jurewicz
01:19 PM Bug report #17813: [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
Just done a test with the latest master and I can confirm the bug. I only am trying to change symbology to vector layer. Salvatore Larosa
09:09 AM Bug report #17813 (Feedback): [MacOS] Some action hangs QGIS for long time.
Is this still an issue on current master? There's been a number of possible fixes implemented Nyall Dawson
06:19 PM Bug report #17951 (Closed): QGIS Server lost (most of the times) the ability to cascade WFS layers
This is a regression in 2.18 as the scenario I'm about to describe works flawlessly in QGIS Server 2.14.
Let's use...
Giovanni Manghi
06:08 PM Bug report #17263 (In Progress): [Symbology]Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice
PR Alessandro Pasotti
05:29 PM Revision cf35affe (qgis): remove risky qApp->processEvents() call (#6161)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:16 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
I'm on archlinux. On a windows machine I do not have the same issue.
Here is what QtCreator spits out when I attac...
Niklas Moran
03:27 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
Niklas, just to be sure, are you seeing this hang on a linux machine (as you suggest in your issue form)?
Edit: if...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:15 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
probably relevant Denis Rouzaud
03:12 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
sorry switch to python Denis Rouzaud
03:10 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
I can't replicate this hang on my linux build:
- Qt 5.9.1
- GDAL/OGR 2.2.1
Would be nice to nail this one.
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:48 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
I noticed 2 other places like this:
- vector layer properties => actions => add => switch type to python => change f...
Denis Rouzaud
02:23 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
I can confirm on mac with vector layers, all fine with raster layers. possible duplicates #17813 Salvatore Larosa
04:38 PM Bug report #17909: QGIS crash when counting features by value
I made a new install with QGIS 2.18.16 with no plugin installed on it and it crashs again.
Crash short way:
# o...
Philippe Weber
03:12 PM Feature request #17949 (Closed): Allow storing multiple outputs to the same geopackage in Processing
In a Processing algorithm with many output vector layers, if I set all to a geopackage file (like in my screenshot), ... Etienne Trimaille
02:24 PM Revision 711eddcf (qgis): [options search] correctly remove event filter
Denis Rouzaud
01:38 PM Revision 0e7cea22 (qgis): QgsGeometryUtils: rename 2 methods
- projPointOnSegment has been renamed to projectPointOnSegment
- getSelfIntersections has been renamed to selfInterse...
Denis Rouzaud
12:18 PM Revision 5f5f1f9c (qgis): [processing] don't modify output filename in build virtual raster
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:18 PM Revision 746701bf (qgis): [processing] add default extension to empty filter when available
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:56 AM Revision 1c34b255 (qgis): Add out layer to registry before its update.
Useful only in case of use waterfall aggregate functions because they get
layer from registry basing on layer scope.
Luigi Pirelli
11:56 AM Bug report #17300 (Closed): Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1c34b2558999e42f7b3d81865e2bfed560ce9856. Luigi Pirelli
11:56 AM Bug report #17300 (Closed): Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|1c34b2558999e42f7b3d81865e2bfed560ce9856. Luigi Pirelli
11:54 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Please give it a try, the more tests we can do the better. Alessandro Pasotti
08:00 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Thanks! dr -
07:48 AM Bug report #17872 (Closed): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ccb4c80f8a6d2bb179258f1ffec0dc9a447ca465. Anonymous
07:48 AM Bug report #17872 (Closed): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|ccb4c80f8a6d2bb179258f1ffec0dc9a447ca465. Anonymous
11:51 AM Bug report #17596 (Closed): Adding and Manipulating Legend with large number of project layers ex...
Thanks for the confirmation! Nyall Dawson
11:51 AM Bug report #17596 (Closed): Adding and Manipulating Legend with large number of project layers ex...
Thanks for the confirmation! Nyall Dawson
11:43 AM Bug report #17596: Adding and Manipulating Legend with large number of project layers extremely s...
Looks like this is essentially fixed (using 22 Jan build in Ubuntu with the hardware and project from the original re... George Roth
09:15 AM Bug report #17596: Adding and Manipulating Legend with large number of project layers extremely s...
Is this still an issue with the new layouts engine and a recent build? Nyall Dawson
11:28 AM Revision c871e84e (qgis): update XSD and XML according to #36bf093
Etienne Trimaille
10:47 AM Bug report #17946 (Closed): Tooltip spelling mistake on Snapping Toolbar
The tooltip for Edit Advanced Configuration on the Snapping toolbar is incorrectly spelled as *Edit avdanced configur... Frank Sokolic
10:41 AM Bug report #17945 (Closed): Namespace missing during WFS-T Update request
Using an deegree WFT-T server, it's possible to insert and remove features. However, an Update request fails. The rea... Martin Kofahl
10:05 AM Bug report #17233 (Closed): QGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the '...
Fixed with recent status bar changes Nyall Dawson
10:05 AM Bug report #17233 (Closed): QGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the '...
Fixed with recent status bar changes Nyall Dawson
10:03 AM Bug report #17944 (Closed): Compute Histogram will reset max value of band 1 to 0
In QGIS desktop, clicking "Compute Histogram" in the Histogram tab of the Layer Properties window, will reset the max... Joaquim Rosa
09:59 AM Bug report #17866: Cannot load WMS capabilities from WMS provider in QGIS3 from standalone python
Lowering priority because we have a workaround. Alessandro Pasotti
09:59 AM Revision 36bf093b (qgis): Fix metadata address element doubles with each project write
elementsByTagName can be dangerous, because it returns children
recursively. In this case the contact "address" eleme...
Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Bug report #17940 (Closed): Project file blows up with Metadata
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|36bf093b856128fd3e1c413cef7a4338a4171d24. Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Bug report #17940 (Closed): Project file blows up with Metadata
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|36bf093b856128fd3e1c413cef7a4338a4171d24. Nyall Dawson
05:56 AM Bug report #17940: Project file blows up with Metadata
Here is the preceding snippet:... Tim Sutton
05:05 AM Bug report #17940 (Closed): Project file blows up with Metadata
My favourite project has been gradualy getting slower and slower to open and use. I opened the project today in VIM a... Tim Sutton
09:44 AM Revision 5812934c (qgis): [bugfix] Fix crash on bad raster layers, fixes #17938
Alessandro Pasotti
09:44 AM Bug report #17938 (Closed): Crash when trying to load garbage data as Raster
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5812934c69c859723c665ae6bd38bb25d57a3eea. Anonymous
09:44 AM Bug report #17938 (Closed): Crash when trying to load garbage data as Raster
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|5812934c69c859723c665ae6bd38bb25d57a3eea. Anonymous
09:19 AM Bug report #16890 (Closed): Crash doing rollback
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:19 AM Bug report #16890 (Closed): Crash doing rollback
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:18 AM Bug report #17334 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 - adding ArcGIS Map Server Layer crashed
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:18 AM Bug report #17334 (Closed): QGIS 2.99 - adding ArcGIS Map Server Layer crashed
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:17 AM Bug report #17551 (Closed): (daily build cd0ba91) virtual layer queries seem to be broken
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:17 AM Bug report #17551 (Closed): (daily build cd0ba91) virtual layer queries seem to be broken
Closing due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:13 AM Bug report #15964 (Closed): Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:13 AM Bug report #15964 (Closed): Drag-and-drop form: impossible to drag fields into the right form panel
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Bug report #17460 (Closed): crash when removing layer
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Bug report #17460 (Closed): crash when removing layer
Closed due to lack of feedback Nyall Dawson
09:11 AM Bug report #17656 (Closed): Label expressions are discarded when the "No labels" option is selected
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
09:11 AM Bug report #17656 (Closed): Label expressions are discarded when the "No labels" option is selected
Fixed in master Nyall Dawson
09:00 AM Revision 097a437a (qgis): [processing] Fix missing outputs in modeler for grass algs (fixes #17703)
Nyall Dawson
09:00 AM Revision 4e6aa3c3 (qgis): [processing] Fix error on win when grass path isn't set correctly
Nyall Dawson
09:00 AM Bug report #17703 (Closed): v.split.vert Model Builder dialog box
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|097a437af8d907b2f69e0590eb395d89095bad5e. Nyall Dawson
09:00 AM Bug report #17703 (Closed): v.split.vert Model Builder dialog box
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|097a437af8d907b2f69e0590eb395d89095bad5e. Nyall Dawson
08:47 AM Bug report #17942 (Closed): Crash in 3D-view
h2. User Feedback
h2. Report Details
*Crash ID*: 5bf10352ae4074da4522f52a411c22f3b5784af7
*Stack Trace...
Lars Stange Jensen
07:54 AM Revision 20137257 (qgis): Fix gui handling of NULL/None default values in processing script algor...
Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Revision be959628 (qgis): Fix crashes in layout manager tests
Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Revision c1f06570 (qgis): Fix leak when a layout cannot be added
Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Revision b8880d46 (qgis): [layouts] Handle duplicated composer names when upgrading 2.x
Somehow 2.x projects could end up with compositions with duplicate
names. This is strictly forbidden in 3.x...
Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Revision 6eed7dea (qgis): [layouts] Fix remaining composers are not restored after hitting
a composer which could not be added
Refs #17924
Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Bug report #17924 (Closed): Missing layouts when upgrading from 2.18 to 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b8880d46cd967f8e1574df08b0c96c848b9d23e4. Nyall Dawson
07:50 AM Bug report #17924 (Closed): Missing layouts when upgrading from 2.18 to 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b8880d46cd967f8e1574df08b0c96c848b9d23e4. Nyall Dawson
07:48 AM Revision d3baac6e (qgis): Merge pull request #6145 from elpaso/bugfix-17872-wfs2-typenames
[bugfix][wfs] Expand support for 2.0.0 TYPENAMES Alessandro Pasotti
07:24 AM Revision c5d9830d (qgis): [needs-docs][processing] move providers actions into the processing
panel toolbar (#6150) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:16 AM Revision 5dc8c3f0 (qgis): Merge pull request #6141 from alexbruy/processing-gdal
[processing] restore GDAL rasterize algorithm Alexander Bruy
05:53 AM Revision 54f9846e (qgis): Fix executing processing scripts through script editor
Nyall Dawson
05:39 AM Bug report #17941: All geogcs names imported from GDAL/PROJ are wrongly set to "Imported from GDAL"
Pull request with commit that fixes the bug: Andrea Giudiceandrea
05:33 AM Bug report #17941 (Closed): All geogcs names imported from GDAL/PROJ are wrongly set to "Imported...
QGIS 2.8.16 64 bit (but also in master) on Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
During postintall procedures, crssync.exe runs in ...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
04:42 AM Revision 12b30112 (qgis): Fixes a typo in syncDb()
Fixes a typo in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::syncDb() that improperly set "Imported from GDAL" as name for all geogr... Andrea Giudiceandrea
03:22 AM Bug report #17367: Offset tool doesn't honor snapping configuration
Denis, not on my agenda for the foreseeable future, feel free to take ownership here :) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:28 AM Revision 0cc29569 (qgis): reformulate doxymentation
Denis Rouzaud
01:40 AM Bug report #17566: macOS: error connecting to HTTPS/WMS endpoint
I have run into the same issue on my Mac (10.13.2) using QGIS (2.18.15 via Kyngchaos). Problem would seem to be relat... Darren Kavanagh
01:38 AM Revision 63db1be8 (qgis): [processing] Improve main window Toolbox action
Brings the behaviour into line with the styling dock, where
the action is checkable and checked only when the toolbox...
Nyall Dawson
01:38 AM Revision c41b2dd1 (qgis): Don't re-register an already registered action in QgsShortcutsManager
Avoids incorrect warnings about duplicate shortcuts on startup.
What's happening here is:
- on QGIS startup, plugins...
Nyall Dawson
01:38 AM Revision d60f00dc (qgis): [processing] Add Toolbox action to the main window toolbar
I realise this adds another toolbar button... but I'd strongly
argue that the toolbox is used FAR FAR more often than...
Nyall Dawson
01:35 AM Revision e5d00a26 (qgis): Merge pull request #6147 from slarosa/processing_toolbar
[processing][needs-docs] add toolbar to processing toolbox Nyall Dawson
01:01 AM Revision 6a2a6269 (qgis): move QgsCadUtils::lineCircleIntersection to QgsGeometryUtils
also add a test Denis Rouzaud


11:39 PM Revision b49c3964 (qgis): [processing] set icon size to toolbar
Salvatore Larosa
11:16 PM Revision 36768aad (qgis): [processing] change icon for options action in toolbar
Salvatore Larosa
11:13 PM Revision eb8a810d (qgis): [processing] followup: 9c400324e2 - restore ellipses in menu actions
Salvatore Larosa
10:52 PM Bug report #13041 (Closed): Processing Toolbox Doesn't Pick Up New Database Connections
Fixed since PR was merged Nyall Dawson
10:52 PM Bug report #13041 (Closed): Processing Toolbox Doesn't Pick Up New Database Connections
Fixed since PR was merged Nyall Dawson
10:52 PM Bug report #13041 (Closed): Processing Toolbox Doesn't Pick Up New Database Connections
Fixed since PR was merged Nyall Dawson
10:51 PM Bug report #8690 (Feedback): Toolbox misaligned
Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce on any tested environments Nyall Dawson
10:51 PM Bug report #8690 (Feedback): Toolbox misaligned
Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce on any tested environments Nyall Dawson
10:30 PM Revision 9c400324 (qgis): [processing] add toolbar to toolbox
Salvatore Larosa
10:02 PM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> This is not a Processing issue.
I can't comment on that, other than that it is an issue ...
Alister Hood
10:02 PM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> This is not a Processing issue.
I can't comment on that, other than that it is an issue ...
Alister Hood
09:35 AM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
This is not a Processing issue. Raster calculator can not be used without input layers. You can easily check this by ... Alexander Bruy
09:42 PM Revision 845bf299 (qgis): [tr] Polish translation update
Borys Jurgiel
07:26 PM Bug report #16899: Print composer: "none" value for the "map" option of a composer legend is not ...
Further tests:
1) on a Server with QGIS Server 2.14 is the same project is published 4 times: created/saved with Q...
Giovanni Manghi
07:26 PM Bug report #16899: Print composer: "none" value for the "map" option of a composer legend is not ...
Further tests:
1) on a Server with QGIS Server 2.14 is the same project is published 4 times: created/saved with Q...
Giovanni Manghi
07:26 PM Bug report #16899: Print composer: "none" value for the "map" option of a composer legend is not ...
Further tests:
1) on a Server with QGIS Server 2.14 is the same project is published 4 times: created/saved with Q...
Giovanni Manghi
05:37 PM Bug report #16899: Print composer: "none" value for the "map" option of a composer legend is not ...
This issue is still very much valid in the latest 2.18 and afaik it hasn't been addressed in QGIS 3.
In private ex...
Giovanni Manghi
06:55 PM Bug report #17872 (In Progress): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
06:55 PM Bug report #17872 (In Progress): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
PR: Alessandro Pasotti
09:28 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
I think that GeoServer instance which you are provide is old. TypeName issue was fixed at GeoServer recently (Nov 22,... dr -
09:15 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Yes, but the XML example also use the singular:
Note th...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:08 AM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
It looks like OGC WFS doc is inconsistent. If you look at the next section: dr -
08:48 AM Bug report #17872 (Feedback): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Ok, thanks for attaching the test endpoint, here are my findings:
1. WFS client 2.0.0 in QGIS client is NOT fully ...
Alessandro Pasotti
08:48 AM Bug report #17872 (Feedback): WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Ok, thanks for attaching the test endpoint, here are my findings:
1. WFS client 2.0.0 in QGIS client is NOT fully ...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:51 PM Revision ccb4c80f (qgis): [bugfix][wfs] Expand support for 2.0.0 TYPENAMES
Fixes #17872 - WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
This PR introduces the plural form of TYPENAME ...
Alessandro Pasotti
06:33 PM Bug report #17932: [Snapping] Project Snapping Settings dialog does not restore its previous geom...
Thanks Denis and sorry for the duplicate. Harrissou Santanna
06:24 PM Bug report #17932 (Closed): [Snapping] Project Snapping Settings dialog does not restore its prev...
Denis Rouzaud
06:24 PM Bug report #17932: [Snapping] Project Snapping Settings dialog does not restore its previous geom...
duplicate #17343
fixed in commit:3b0afb26355ca879f45ee9d4deee7dff37fdd347
Denis Rouzaud
12:12 PM Bug report #17932 (Closed): [Snapping] Project Snapping Settings dialog does not restore its prev...
Menu Project --> Snapping options...
Resize the dialog in order to view all columns
close and reopen the dialog
Harrissou Santanna
06:16 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
Thanks for your reply, I guess these lines popped up before the crash happens. the aforementioned shapefile is locate... Ger CO
10:09 AM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
Ger CO wrote:
> Warning 4: Failed to open /opt/qgis-git/share/qgis/resources/data/world_map.shp, Permission denied.
Jürgen Fischer
01:40 AM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
What is the build revision number (in the about QGIS window, or the main window title)? Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:25 PM Bug report #17869: database check constraints on several fields can't be evaluated correctly on u...
and PR is here :) [[]] Regis Haubourg
05:08 PM Bug report #17915 (Closed): QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Fixed with commit:f69c1cfc496f63ca12151b447cf97fa38d4eb18c Alessandro Pasotti
05:08 PM Bug report #17915 (Closed): QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Fixed with commit:f69c1cfc496f63ca12151b447cf97fa38d4eb18c Alessandro Pasotti
05:01 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
does not happen with raster layer properties Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Revision 649b5ee4 (qgis): fix case
Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Revision 4d41dfbf (qgis): topological editing should always be available
fix #17620
regression from 2.x
Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Revision 4d1f7ede (qgis): correctly register shortcuts for snapping toolbar
fix #17037 Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Revision 3b0afb26 (qgis): fix Project Snapping Settings dialog doesn't save the dialog size
fix #17343 Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17343 (Closed): Project Snapping Settings dialog doesn't save the dialog size
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3b0afb26355ca879f45ee9d4deee7dff37fdd347. Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17343 (Closed): Project Snapping Settings dialog doesn't save the dialog size
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|3b0afb26355ca879f45ee9d4deee7dff37fdd347. Denis Rouzaud
04:32 PM Bug report #17343: Project Snapping Settings dialog doesn't save the dialog size Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17620 (Closed): Topological editing available only when Snapping is enabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4d41dfbfe82509ddfc989ddf49302ac77a5f6995. Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17620 (Closed): Topological editing available only when Snapping is enabled
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4d41dfbfe82509ddfc989ddf49302ac77a5f6995. Denis Rouzaud
04:19 PM Bug report #17620: Topological editing available only when Snapping is enabled Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17037 (Closed): Enable Tracing shortcut cannot be reassigned
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4d1f7ede8a931fb247d4dad233be950d0bda6b48. Denis Rouzaud
04:43 PM Bug report #17037 (Closed): Enable Tracing shortcut cannot be reassigned
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|4d1f7ede8a931fb247d4dad233be950d0bda6b48. Denis Rouzaud
04:07 PM Bug report #17037: Enable Tracing shortcut cannot be reassigned Denis Rouzaud
04:36 PM Bug report #17367: Offset tool doesn't honor snapping configuration
see #15201 Denis Rouzaud
04:13 PM Bug report #17367: Offset tool doesn't honor snapping configuration
Matthieu, are you about to take care of this tool?
Let me know
Denis Rouzaud
04:35 PM Feature request #15201 (Closed): Add snapping for 'Offset Point Symbol' tool
duplicate of #17367 Denis Rouzaud
04:35 PM Feature request #15201 (Closed): Add snapping for 'Offset Point Symbol' tool
duplicate of #17367 Denis Rouzaud
04:11 PM Feature request #17842 (Closed): Enhancement: make snapping options dialog either openable or dis...
done in Denis Rouzaud
04:11 PM Feature request #17842 (Closed): Enhancement: make snapping options dialog either openable or dis...
done in Denis Rouzaud
04:10 PM Feature request #17931: [Snapping] It'd be nice to be able to resize the Advanced configuration w...
it is a QMenu, I don't think it's feasible at the moment
Denis Rouzaud
12:03 PM Feature request #17931 (Open): [Snapping] It'd be nice to be able to resize the Advanced configur...
Enable the Snapping tools
Select the Advanced configuration
Click on the eye icon, showing a widget with layers and...
Harrissou Santanna
03:22 PM Bug report #17938 (Closed): Crash when trying to load garbage data as Raster
1. Prepare garbage data
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=random bs=1M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1048576 byt...
Johannes Kroeger
03:15 PM Bug report #17937 (Feedback): No reason given when failing to load file
1. Prepare garbage data
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=random bs=1M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1048576 byt...
Johannes Kroeger
03:08 PM Bug report #17936 (Closed): Crash when deselecting item in Print Layout
1. Open QGIS (you don't need to load anything)
2. Create a new Print Layout
3. Add Map to the blank page (also ...
Johannes Kroeger
02:57 PM Feature request #17935 (Open): Show a list of recently used Vector and Raster datasets in the Dat...
The new Data Source Manager could become even better if it showed a list of recently used datasets!
At least for ...
Johannes Kroeger
02:09 PM Feature request #17112 (Feedback): Customize composer keyboard shortcuts
is it done in 3.0? Denis Rouzaud
02:09 PM Feature request #17112 (Feedback): Customize composer keyboard shortcuts
is it done in 3.0? Denis Rouzaud
02:08 PM Revision dce341e1 (qgis): [reports] allow header and footer sections to always be included
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:07 PM Bug report #9232 (Closed): do not list non-geometric layers in layer order
fixed in 3.0 Denis Rouzaud
01:48 PM Bug report #17917: Globe plugin (globeplugin.dll) fails to load
Mieczysław Trocki wrote:
> Lack of gdal200.dll in installation files.
You are right, it works. I added it using t...
Andrea Giudiceandrea
01:43 PM Revision 4125c25b (qgis): astyle 3.1 allows format of lambdas on a single line
Denis Rouzaud
01:13 PM Bug report #17934 (Feedback): repository files modified by `make check`
Here's a list of source files that are modified by running `make check`:
modified: tests/testdata/contro...
Sandro Santilli
12:35 PM Feature request #17933 (Closed): DB Manager - window size for searching saved queries
A quite small detail. It would be nice to see a larger window where one can retrieve stored queries, making it easy t... Paulo Cardoso
12:10 PM Revision 834a945c (qgis): update astyle to 3.1
Denis Rouzaud
12:10 PM Revision 50e1e781 (qgis): run astyle
Denis Rouzaud
12:00 PM Bug report #17930 (Closed): gdaldem does not respect output format
I tried to calculate a slope map using a .tif as input and output.
GDAL setting automatically switch to writing a AD...
Jan-Christoph Otto
11:27 AM Revision 77a6bbbb (qgis): [processing] restore GDAL rasterize algorithm
Alexander Bruy
11:16 AM Feature request #16711 (Feedback): Canvas in Dockable / Fullscreen-able Widget
Can we consider that the multi map view covers these needs? There's also in View menu "Toggle full screen mode" and "... Harrissou Santanna
10:48 AM Bug report #17897: Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
As I can see there is no logic to handle multiple versions. And IMHO we should remove code for managing online repo f... Alexander Bruy
10:44 AM Bug report #12906 (Closed): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
Spatial Query removed from master and Processing works fine. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:44 AM Bug report #12906 (Closed): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
Spatial Query removed from master and Processing works fine. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
10:43 AM Bug report #16395 (Closed): selection with Spatial query plugin and disjoint operator is wrong
Spatial Query removed from master and Processing algs works correctly. Alexander Bruy
09:55 AM Revision f2273c6a (qgis): [raster calculator] don't crash if output file has illegal size, e.g. 0x0
Alexander Bruy
09:47 AM Bug report #17899: Shape to Geopackage: Creation of field fid failed (OGR error: Wrong field type...
This also happens in QGIS 2.18. I think this is related to the fact that the fid column type is double (real) instead... Jérôme Guélat
09:38 AM Revision c09c3018 (qgis): [processing] throw error if no layers selected in raster calculator
algorithm (refs #17920) Alexander Bruy
09:35 AM Bug report #16858 (Reopened): Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometr...
The problem occurs again! sorry. A fresh build from this morning: d7e18131808c3a622e5597cdf5608a28136755e7
New sce...
Etienne Trimaille
09:00 AM Revision d7e18131 (qgis): [processing] make items hidden after adding them to the view (fix #17881)
Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Bug report #17881 (Closed): Processing options is not showing all providers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d7e18131808c3a622e5597cdf5608a28136755e7. Alexander Bruy
09:00 AM Bug report #17881 (Closed): Processing options is not showing all providers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d7e18131808c3a622e5597cdf5608a28136755e7. Alexander Bruy
08:17 AM Bug report #17881: Processing options is not showing all providers
There were lot of refactoring and API breaks in QGIS 3. I would not expect exact behaviour. You *need* to define sett... Alexander Bruy
08:06 AM Bug report #17881: Processing options is not showing all providers
In QGIS 2, there is the checkbox `activate` for all providers, even if there isn't custom settings. So it's not the s... Etienne Trimaille
07:54 AM Bug report #17881: Processing options is not showing all providers
I haven't looked at the code of these providers, but I'm pretty sure that they simply does not have any settings. As ... Alexander Bruy
07:54 AM Bug report #17881: Processing options is not showing all providers
I haven't looked at the code of these providers, but I'm pretty sure that they simply does not have any settings. As ... Alexander Bruy
07:55 AM Feature request #17889: Add support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster tools
OK, but it is a regression.
Peter Drexel
07:54 AM Revision aaf97933 (qgis): [needs-docs][processing] merge grid algorithms and add point grid type
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:51 AM Revision c91fd5a0 (qgis): [reports] Tweak sub-section logic for multi-layer reports
Instead of requiring a single layer for use with nested field group
sections, allow use of different layers. In this ...
Nyall Dawson
06:31 AM Feature request #17928: Need a way to distinguish between outputs from more than one use of the s...
Of course, thanks.
I'd interpreted "description" as being for documenting why you are doing something, rather than g...
Alister Hood
01:40 AM Feature request #17928 (Closed): Need a way to distinguish between outputs from more than one use...
You can rename the child algorithm in the model - change the "Description" value after double clicking the algorithm.... Nyall Dawson
01:40 AM Feature request #17928 (Closed): Need a way to distinguish between outputs from more than one use...
You can rename the child algorithm in the model - change the "Description" value after double clicking the algorithm.... Nyall Dawson
05:30 AM Revision 88808615 (qgis): Drop composer
It's been a great journey, but your time has come... Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Revision a5ca16e8 (qgis): Remove header for report organizer tree
Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Revision 4096896d (qgis): Tweak some report designer strings
Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Revision 37c87065 (qgis): Initially select report section when opening a report designer
Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Revision 3f801b5d (qgis): Switch SpatiaLite and PostgreSQL place in Datasource
Manager dialog
Moves up SpatiaLite tab near GeoPackage's as they are both simple file databases and their dialog look...
Harrissou Santanna
02:35 AM Revision c87f5aad (qgis): [processing] Fix misleading errors in grid algorithms
Nyall Dawson
02:35 AM Revision d415ad84 (qgis): [processing] Fix extent and CRS parameters do not evaluate in
models when linked to a layer parameter/output value
References discussion on dev mailing list
Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision e24496cd (qgis): Silence warning
Nyall Dawson
02:19 AM Revision 7d603290 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Revision b8e1f770 (qgis): [processing] Port 'Add unique value index field' to c++
And implement some fixes/improvements (refs discussion on the dev mailing list):
- allow user to specify created fiel...
Nyall Dawson
02:18 AM Revision 40f09fab (qgis): [processing] Fix creating tests when alg has optional outputs
Nyall Dawson
02:07 AM Revision a530b213 (qgis): [processing] Fix error when dragging alg group in modeler
Nyall Dawson
01:54 AM Revision 502d9d7f (qgis): Fix incorrect tooltips
Nyall Dawson
01:51 AM Revision c50cbfc9 (qgis): Fix crash on exit
Since the snapping widget is destroyed *after* the project instance,
we need to avoid referring to the project after ...
Nyall Dawson
01:42 AM Revision 7ef93551 (qgis): [ui] fix status bar's message item resizing window on long string
(Fixes #17913) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:41 AM Bug report #17913 (Closed): [QGIS 3 5dc91b4] Too long status bar message causes Ui glitch
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ef9355111463da4ffb84004cb4569155af3ea3f. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:41 AM Bug report #17913 (Closed): [QGIS 3 5dc91b4] Too long status bar message causes Ui glitch
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7ef9355111463da4ffb84004cb4569155af3ea3f. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


12:49 AM Revision 8f1abf8d (qgis): move poly2tri to external libs directory
Denis Rouzaud
12:20 AM Bug report #16731: Processing/GRASS tools fail if input datasource has spaces in the name
Alister Hood wrote:
> This seems to affect other tools as well as GRASS. e.g. try GDAL rasterize.
Note that not ...
Alister Hood
12:05 AM Bug report #17929 (Closed): output file paths not quoted (m.cogo, v.out.vtk, ...)
Mac OS X 10.12.6, QGIS 2.18.15 (-3 distrib)
Processing Toolbox > GRASS GIS 7 commands > m.cogo (or v.o...
Garth Fletcher
10:26 PM Bug report #17327: Sorting of input layer Layers in Processing "multiple inputs" widgets
Hi guys, if you are using outputs from several uses of another algorithm (perhaps a smoothing algorithm or gdalwarp),... Alister Hood
07:18 AM Bug report #17327: Sorting of input layer Layers in Processing "multiple inputs" widgets
Should we change the status of this to "open", or open a new ticket (or close - I haven't checked if Giovanni's last ... Alister Hood
10:23 PM Feature request #17928 (Closed): Need a way to distinguish between outputs from more than one use...
If you use the same algorithm more than once in a model, as far as I can tell there is no way to tell the difference ... Alister Hood
10:07 PM Revision 2b2b6530 (qgis): Merge pull request #6129 from alexbruy/plugins-rating
[plugin manager] fix sending plugin votes Borys Jurgiel
10:05 PM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
As I mentioned, if you don't fill in the cell size and extents and you try to run it with an invalid expression then ... Alister Hood
09:59 PM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Sorry, I didn't realise, but master still includes the old raster calculator (accessible from the main menu). With t... Alister Hood
03:55 PM Bug report #17920: It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
Tried both on master and qgis 2.18 and could not reproduce. Denis Rouzaud
07:12 AM Bug report #17920 (Closed): It is possible to use the raster calculator to crash QGIS
- enter a cell size and extents (if you don't there is no crash)
- enter a number as the expression
- run it ...
Alister Hood
10:00 PM Bug report #17927: Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Playing around a little more with it,starting with a new project...
1. Add two layers
2. Add group layer
3. Move t...
Nathan Saylor
09:38 PM Bug report #17927 (Closed): Group Layers not activating when Theme is selected.
Even when the group layer is turned on when saving a theme, it does not come on when the theme is activated, thus kee... Nathan Saylor
09:48 PM Bug report #17916: Crashes and instability with qt 5.10
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Will need more debugging details here - it's not an issue on most installs
I am on Arch 64b...
Ger CO
09:14 PM Revision cbe64162 (qgis): Fix invalid read when closing layout designers
Child widget was referring to its parent in the destructor - at
this stage the parent may no longer be in a usable st...
Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Revision d9b6c8b5 (qgis): Add missing sip casting for layout multiframe objects
Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Revision 35a77013 (qgis): Fix handling of multiframe objects in layout templates
Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Revision 77b570da (qgis): Add a debug assert relating to multiframe item crashes
Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Revision 7a2ab1cc (qgis): [layouts] Fix multiframe items (tables, html) cannot be pasted
Fixes #10456, #17882 Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Revision 20f50fba (qgis): [layouts] Fix some linked map items not correctly restored when
loading projects.
Also remove some outdated TODOs
Fixes #17892, #17891
Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17882 (Closed): Pasting attribute table in layout composer crashes QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a2ab1cc7cec419005325c5f21616f7faa106d13. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17882 (Closed): Pasting attribute table in layout composer crashes QGIS 2.99
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a2ab1cc7cec419005325c5f21616f7faa106d13. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #10456 (Closed): composer - impossible to copy & paste multiframe items
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a2ab1cc7cec419005325c5f21616f7faa106d13. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #10456 (Closed): composer - impossible to copy & paste multiframe items
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|7a2ab1cc7cec419005325c5f21616f7faa106d13. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17891 (Closed): layout map item overviews don't remember selected map frames when loa...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20f50fbac90e2b8aef6729807c7ed24578c6b539. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17891 (Closed): layout map item overviews don't remember selected map frames when loa...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20f50fbac90e2b8aef6729807c7ed24578c6b539. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17892 (Closed): layout attribute table item doesn't remember the linked map when load...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20f50fbac90e2b8aef6729807c7ed24578c6b539. Nyall Dawson
09:14 PM Bug report #17892 (Closed): layout attribute table item doesn't remember the linked map when load...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|20f50fbac90e2b8aef6729807c7ed24578c6b539. Nyall Dawson
08:35 PM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
I've faced with this issue on the following service:
dr -
05:51 PM Bug report #17872: WFS 2.0.0 DescribeFeatureType : TypeNames vs TypeName
Can you please provide the URL of the failing WFS endpoint? Alessandro Pasotti
08:01 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
Running on a Mac Denis Rouzaud
08:00 PM Bug report #17832: Vector Layer Properties Dialog making QGIS hang
I am experiencing the same.
Trying with a brand new project and with clean env (--profiles-path /tmp/tempprofile) ...
Denis Rouzaud
07:23 PM Feature request #17926 (Closed): Append raster layer to an existing Geopackage with a checkbox an...
With the new raster save to various formats (, it's now possible to save it to... Borys Jurgiel
07:10 PM Bug report #17897: Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
If the scripts were updated, then they would be broken in 2.18, right? Or is there some logic in place that fetches t... Anita Graser
06:30 PM Bug report #17897: Get scripts from on-line scripts collection fetches outdated scripts
There is nothing wring with Processing itself, it works. The problem is that scripts and models in the online reposit... Alexander Bruy
07:00 PM Feature request #17925: HeatMap plugin: Gaussian Kernel
I do understand a Gaussian Kernel would be computationally expensive and not for everyone (caveat emptor) Sylvain DE MARGERIE
06:58 PM Feature request #17925 (Open): HeatMap plugin: Gaussian Kernel
Adding a Gaussian kernel to the heatpmap would be very useful in some application. Sylvain DE MARGERIE
06:57 PM Bug report #17924 (Closed): Missing layouts when upgrading from 2.18 to 2.99
I have a long run project, full of print composers over the years.
Willing to try the layouts capabilities in 2.99, ...
Harrissou Santanna
06:33 PM Feature request #17889: Add support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster tools
This is should be a feature request, not bug. Alexander Bruy
06:33 PM Feature request #17889: Add support for '-tr' parameter in clip raster tools
This is should be a feature request, not bug. Alexander Bruy
06:16 PM Revision f69c1cfc (qgis): Merge pull request #6130 from elpaso/bugfix-17915-geopackage-delete-wro...
[bugfix] Fixes 17915 geopackage delete wrong layer Alessandro Pasotti
06:05 PM Bug report #16853 (Closed): identify actions lists on right clic disappeared in master
Regis Haubourg
06:04 PM Bug report #16853: identify actions lists on right clic disappeared in master
Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> looking at this issue, I can't manage to enter a new python action, the dialog ...
Regis Haubourg
06:02 PM Bug report #16853: identify actions lists on right clic disappeared in master
Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> just tested with a 2.18 project on master, the actions are well listed in the identify menu.
Regis Haubourg
05:14 PM Bug report #16853: identify actions lists on right clic disappeared in master
just tested with a 2.18 project on master, the actions are well listed in the identify menu. Denis Rouzaud
05:11 PM Bug report #16853: identify actions lists on right clic disappeared in master
looking at this issue, I can't manage to enter a new python action, the dialog you confirm? Denis Rouzaud
06:00 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Yes, that seems like a duplicate Alessandro Pasotti
05:56 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Does it also close #17646 ? Borys Jurgiel
05:30 PM Bug report #17915 (In Progress): QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer Alessandro Pasotti
05:30 PM Bug report #17915 (In Progress): QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer Alessandro Pasotti
03:42 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Thanks for the attachment, working on that. Alessandro Pasotti
03:31 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Please find in attachment a test project and geopackage. I also include a screenshoot that illustrate the delete acti... Dominique Lyszczarz
03:31 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Please find in attachment a test project and geopackage. I also include a screenshoot that illustrate the delete acti... Dominique Lyszczarz
03:31 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Please find in attachment a test project and geopackage. I also include a screenshoot that illustrate the delete acti... Dominique Lyszczarz
02:46 PM Bug report #17915: QGIS3 Deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Some more details like a minimal test project with minimal a test gpkg data would be highly appreciated. Alessandro Pasotti
05:50 PM Bug report #17923: Unexpected behavior of legend when using Geometry Generator symbol as symbol l...
**Unexpected** Paulo Cardoso
05:48 PM Bug report #17923 (Closed): Unexpected behavior of legend when using Geometry Generator symbol as...
Symbol for a buffered point created from Geometry Generator appears as a huge polygon. Both on QGIS TOC or Print Comp... Paulo Cardoso
05:50 PM Revision 08255f7b (qgis): fix indentation
Alexander Bruy
05:29 PM Bug report #17911 (Closed): Missing Python Scipy
Jürgen Fischer
05:25 PM Revision 50161421 (qgis): Merge pull request #6117 from borysiasty/manager_stars
[Plugin manager] SVG voting stars Borys Jurgiel
05:24 PM Revision f235e935 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes deleting geopackage layer from browser delete a wrong layer
Fixes 17915 Alessandro Pasotti
05:24 PM Revision 46dfe578 (qgis): Cosmetic: comment formatting
Alessandro Pasotti
04:58 PM Revision 282f240d (qgis): add missing INCLUDE_DIRECTORY
Denis Rouzaud
04:58 PM Revision 45794a80 (qgis): update debian/copyright
Denis Rouzaud
04:58 PM Revision 0eb52d71 (qgis): move nmea
Denis Rouzaud
04:58 PM Revision e447f11a (qgis): move qspatialite
Denis Rouzaud
04:58 PM Revision 204eaf88 (qgis): move QExtSerialPort to external libs directory
Denis Rouzaud
04:58 PM Revision 10427546 (qgis): move qwtpolar
Denis Rouzaud
04:57 PM Revision 5a80ec5c (qgis): Fix user input widget sometimes hidden below canvas
Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Revision cc18918b (qgis): Fix incorrect cursor used for rotate map tool
Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Revision 912bbe3e (qgis): Fix rotation widget disappears after ctrl-clicking to set anchor point
Fixes #17232 Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Revision 8a6fcc8e (qgis): Escape should cancel rotation map tool
Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Bug report #17232 (Closed): The rotation widget disappearwhen you change the anchor point is modi...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|912bbe3e5ed492550a0c8ed80abfb23b97d6e30a. Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Bug report #17232 (Closed): The rotation widget disappearwhen you change the anchor point is modi...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|912bbe3e5ed492550a0c8ed80abfb23b97d6e30a. Nyall Dawson
04:54 PM Revision a0d0648d (qgis): fix Chained filters crash QGIS when switching between ui tabs
fix #17736 Denis Rouzaud
04:54 PM Bug report #17736 (Closed): Chained filters crash QGIS when switching between ui tabs
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0d0648da5f8e0d10c0f4c1edc64891e34455460. Denis Rouzaud
04:54 PM Bug report #17736 (Closed): Chained filters crash QGIS when switching between ui tabs
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a0d0648da5f8e0d10c0f4c1edc64891e34455460. Denis Rouzaud
03:47 PM Bug report #17919 (Reopened): Desktop app: Distance tool does not work
The issue is exactly the same with the QuickMApServices plugin. The issue further propagates to the heatmap plugin w... Sylvain DE MARGERIE
04:19 AM Bug report #17919 (Closed): Desktop app: Distance tool does not work
The OpenLayers plugin is very buggy, and causes numerous issues like this - please use the more stable QuickMapServic... Nyall Dawson
04:19 AM Bug report #17919 (Closed): Desktop app: Distance tool does not work
The OpenLayers plugin is very buggy, and causes numerous issues like this - please use the more stable QuickMapServic... Nyall Dawson
03:42 AM Bug report #17919 (Closed): Desktop app: Distance tool does not work
When I use the Distance Tool to measure a distance that I know is 10km on a map, the distance tool give me a value o... Sylvain DE MARGERIE
03:46 PM Bug report #17909 (Feedback): QGIS crash when counting features by value
I cannot reproduce.
Do you have any plugin installed? If yes, can you try to disable them if it fixes the issue?
Denis Rouzaud
03:27 PM Revision 86024efc (qgis): do not list non spatial in custom layer order widget
fix #17887 Denis Rouzaud
03:27 PM Revision 123470b2 (qgis): use QgsMapLayer::isSpatial()
Denis Rouzaud
03:27 PM Bug report #17887 (Closed): layer order panel lists non geometric layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|86024efcb221f3a87669961c9dec1eb6be1063c5. Denis Rouzaud
03:27 PM Bug report #17887 (Closed): layer order panel lists non geometric layers
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|86024efcb221f3a87669961c9dec1eb6be1063c5. Denis Rouzaud
03:20 PM Revision c6870777 (qgis): fix sending plugin votes
Alexander Bruy
02:59 PM Revision bbac229c (qgis): store valuemap as QList
instead of QMap because with QMap it loses the order
actually it's currently stored in config['map'] as QDataStream
David Signer
02:59 PM Revision 481b6247 (qgis): store valuemap as QList instead of QMap
because with QMap it loses the order. the two values (key and value) are in an one dimensional QMap stored.
this beca...
David Signer
02:59 PM Revision 2dba9fc8 (qgis): take list instead of map for test
in unittest it needs to take a list instaed of the map as a test of valuemap David Signer
02:59 PM Revision efe378d6 (qgis): fixed indentation in python
fixed indentation in python unittest David Signer
01:15 PM Revision 9c5797ec (qgis): sip fix include directory
Denis Rouzaud
12:43 PM Bug report #17869: database check constraints on several fields can't be evaluated correctly on u...
feel free to PR Denis Rouzaud