Feature request #17987

Eliminate the "Update All" button in Attribute Table

Added by Kory Roberts over 6 years ago.

Category:Attribute table
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:25883


Every time I am updating records using the Attribute Table, I get a little panicked I will update ALL records, rather than only those few selected. Running filters beforehand just slows down the work. IMO, it's just WAY TOO EASY to corrupt too much data with too few safeguards. (Back in the main window, Edit -> Undo seems to be the only salvation from a real mess, but that doesn't even work if the data is saved before you notice!) Is it really that hard to manually select all, then update, if that's what you want? Or as an alternative, a warning on clicking Update All..."Do you really want to update all records? Yes/No" That button to me is just way too scary sitting there ready to be hit at any moment and make my life way less fun.

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