
From 2014-02-02 to 2014-03-03


11:53 PM Revision c237ea50 (qgis): #9655: fix invalid polygons with buffer_0
Alvaro Huarte
11:51 PM Bug report #9706: marker symbol not centered
!! Denis Rouzaud
11:49 PM Bug report #9706 (Closed): marker symbol not centered
I noticed a problem of centering when using the cross (x) symbol within a circle symbol.
The cross is not centered on...
Denis Rouzaud
11:12 PM Bug report #9705 (Closed): Rotation of the label can not be only up to half-turn
I set a label rotation that I was set to 270 degrees rotation of the label.
However, as a result of the 180 ° rotati...
mahito noda
10:19 PM Bug report #9704 (Closed): Gdal Modules Errors on OsX Mavericks
Several GDAL Modules give me error dialogues while selecting some options.
MacOSX Mavericks.
The following examples...
Rhenriques Henriques
09:41 PM Bug report #9703 (Closed): make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user ch...
The current behavior of the measure tool, QGIS 2.2, is to draw a thin red line between points selected by the user. T... Byron Como
04:23 PM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
OK, now I am lost. I have completely uninstalled all QGIS on Windows 7 64bit. I have deleted folders C:\\OSGeo4W and ... Miroslav Umlauf
03:25 PM Bug report #9700: Georeferencer locks up QGIS
What is the version of qgis package you are using? This problem has already been fixed (commit:a3b99a8). Please try t... Minoru Akagi
06:47 AM Bug report #9700 (Closed): Georeferencer locks up QGIS
OSGeo4W 64bit install only problem.
The Georeferencer locks up QGIS.
Jonathan Moules
03:04 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Alvaro,
> Your pull request doesn't fix the issue in my testing, using the provided samp...
Alvaro Huarte
01:40 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Alvaro,
Your pull request doesn't fix the issue in my testing, using the provided sample project. (See other comm...
Larry Shaffer
02:25 PM Revision 5c3d0dda (qgis): WMS server: fix groups from embedded files if embedded project uses cus...
Marco Hugentobler
11:56 AM Revision d63f0c4f (qgis): followup aaf6b713: fix commit mixup!?
Jürgen Fischer
11:42 AM Revision aaf6b713 (qgis): wm(t)s json identify: allow geometryless feature info
Jürgen Fischer
09:47 AM Revision 2f41ad28 (qgis): Merge pull request #1199 from simonsonc/cmake-cleanup-dups
Remove duplicate entries from CMake build files Jürgen Fischer
09:38 AM Revision 2f2d6ac9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1120 from 3nids/pasteconvertgeom
copy/paste: try to convert geometries (fixes #3604) Jürgen Fischer
09:28 AM Revision 9c5c0650 (qgis): copy/paste: do not transform if layer has unknown geometry
Denis Rouzaud
09:23 AM Bug report #9701 (Closed): Vector Difference failing to end
On OSX, using QGIS 2.0.1, "Vector/Geoprocessing Tools/Difference" can't handle large layers properly. Using a point f... Andrew Mercer
08:37 AM Revision 1d8faf20 (qgis): do not convert multiline to multipolygon if one of the part failed, als...
Denis Rouzaud
08:21 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
Yes, because if put only it works... It's very strange, can you reproduce it?
Ok, that's a g...
Rémi Bovard
08:00 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
Just to be sure: Are you sure that there is no problem regarding proxy/dns etc?
Apart from this, I will be refactori...
Matthias Kuhn
06:55 AM Bug report #9612: Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
Juste made some tests with stable release 2.2:
* it work fine with on Ubuntu 13.10
* still not on Windows 7
For info...
Rémi Bovard
08:04 AM Revision bb7cd405 (qgis): Merge pull request #1205 from ahuarte47/Issue_9485
Fix #9456 #9485: Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts Martin Dobias
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8
Sandro Santilli
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8
Sandro Santilli
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8
Sandro Santilli
07:33 AM Bug report #8720 (Closed): Font for layer city_data.face_seed was not found (AlArabiya)
This was fixed before 2.2.0 went public.
Maybe with commit:24e53f4bfb9046722f93a8a7cbd00c1308ae3db8
Sandro Santilli
07:07 AM Feature request #2071 (Closed): Anchor Choice for symbols
This is now implemented in QGIS 2.2 Andreas Neumann
07:07 AM Feature request #2071 (Closed): Anchor Choice for symbols
This is now implemented in QGIS 2.2 Andreas Neumann
06:44 AM Bug report #9699: Display classification attribute name
!! Rémi Bovard
06:44 AM Bug report #9699 (Closed): Display classification attribute name
When enabling option "Canvas & Legend > Layer legend > *Display classification attribute names*" and enabling "Right ... Rémi Bovard
05:54 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
I've noticed that during the freezed time a Sqlite journal file is continously created and destroyed. I don't know wh... Giovanni Allegri
03:23 AM Bug report #9693 (Closed): OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
The OSM import from a downloaded XML to Spatialite takes much more time on Windows then on Linux.
With the following ...
Giovanni Allegri
05:27 AM Bug report #9698 (Closed): composer: magnified SVG symbols when rotation is defined
When using rotation on SVG symbols, they are magnified if printed (but no in application canvas).
This is working as ...
Denis Rouzaud
05:11 AM Bug report #9692: Public key is not available for Wheezy
Virginie CADIC wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I appl...
Jürgen Fischer
05:11 AM Bug report #9692: Public key is not available for Wheezy
Virginie CADIC wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.
> I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I appl...
Jürgen Fischer
04:46 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
Thank you for your answer.
I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I applied the same procedure tod...
Virginie CADIC
04:46 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
Thank you for your answer.
I had installed qgis on several computers last month, so I applied the same procedure tod...
Virginie CADIC
03:31 AM Bug report #9692 (Feedback): Public key is not available for Wheezy
Did you run:
@gpg --recv-key 47765B75
gpg --export --armor 47765B75 | sudo apt-key add -
See "Version stable de QG...
Jürgen Fischer
03:13 AM Bug report #9692 (Closed): Public key is not available for Wheezy
I am trying to install the last version of qgis on Debian Wheezy. I have followed the installation procedure, but whe... Virginie CADIC
04:51 AM Bug report #9697 (Closed): Better colour and symbol choice for Node Tool
The current choice of colours (red for normal nodes, blue for selected ones, pink for snapping, and
green for errors)...
Paolo Cavallini
04:28 AM Bug report #9696 (Closed): wrong reading of the projection from the prj file (EPSG 25832)
Hi all,
it seems that QGIS doesn't read the information of the .prj when the EPSG = 25832 (QGIS assign automatically ...
matteo ghetta
04:13 AM Bug report #9695 (Closed): Unexplained difference between geometry cheking and topology checking
I'm testing make valid on a sample of real data. It effectively cleans up all the topology errors, as found by the To... Paolo Cavallini
01:34 AM Bug report #9691 (Closed): Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
By rotating a map [add image] in the print composer [Item Proprieties -> Main Proprieties -> Map -> Map rotation], wh... Tut halija


12:38 AM Bug report #3604 (Closed): paste doesn't convert geometry or give error on incompatible geometry
Fixed in changeset commit:"2f2d6ac95b052bb490c47ba53eb327c96176eed1". Jürgen Fischer
12:35 AM Revision 4a3ad4b9 (qgis): Update qgis/qt/osg plugin Mac-bundled search paths
- Ensure Qt plugins path is set before Qt references a plugin, e.g. before splash screen
- Strip old Mac-native 'find...
Larry Shaffer
11:04 PM Feature request #9456 (Closed): Improve offset line algorithm
Fixed in changeset commit:"bb7cd4053a9aa676466ce3ea4212956e2a712537". Martin Dobias
10:10 PM Bug report #9673: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
Alvaro, great, will verify when the pull is committed to qgis master.
This should definitively be backported to a 2....
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:02 PM Bug report #9673: some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
Hi Mathieu, I think this pull fixes the bug:
Alvaro Huarte
10:00 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
Using the 'Horizontal' or 'Free' placements in label configuration the text is drawed inside of polygon.
The PAL labe...
Alvaro Huarte
09:39 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
I have changed how resolve the issue. I use 'buffer' method to convert the geometry to valid, and it works better
Alvaro Huarte
09:39 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
I have changed how resolve the issue. I use 'buffer' method to convert the geometry to valid, and it works better
Alvaro Huarte
07:26 PM Revision 3b4edb8f (qgis): automatic otfr:
* notify on message bar when CRS and OTFR kicks in (refs #9644)
* don't automatically change settings of loaded projects
Jürgen Fischer
04:52 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
LAst line has a mistake, should read:
Fields area_m2 and area_ha2 were calculated in the same circumstances as area_...
Thomas McAdam
04:51 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
I am able to recreate the bug in 2.2 as well, although it's characteristics are slightly different. In the screengrab... Thomas McAdam
04:51 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
I am able to recreate the bug in 2.2 as well, although it's characteristics are slightly different. In the screengrab... Thomas McAdam
04:14 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
Thomas McAdam wrote:
> Sorry should have been 2.01 for affected version. I will have a go at recreating the error in ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:08 PM Bug report #9690: Incorrect areas using field calculator.
Sorry should have been 2.01 for affected version. I will have a go at recreating the error in 2.2 and report back. Thomas McAdam
03:55 PM Bug report #9690 (Feedback): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
In the description you say 2.0.1 but then in ticket details affected version is 2.2.
In QGIS 2.2. this issue should ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:55 PM Bug report #9690 (Feedback): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
In the description you say 2.0.1 but then in ticket details affected version is 2.2.
In QGIS 2.2. this issue should ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:50 PM Bug report #9690 (Closed): Incorrect areas using field calculator.
This was using QGIS 2.01 in Windows 7.
I had a project containing several shape files (and an Openlayers plugin laye...
Thomas McAdam
03:49 PM Feature request #9689 (Closed): Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
When performing a "join" between a DBF file and a shape file, QGIS will prepend the field names with the name of the ... Emilio G
02:42 PM Revision 5d6fc3dc (qgis): Populate attribute editor layout with default (Autogenerate)
Fix #9668 Matthias Kuhn
02:17 PM Revision f2dbf9dc (qgis): Fix #9683 (crash in add feature map tool)
Martin Dobias
12:19 PM Revision 2dcda50d (qgis): [attrtable] Fetch only necessary columns for expression filter
Matthias Kuhn
12:19 PM Revision 951baee4 (qgis): [attrtable] Update filter count when filter is reset
Fix #9681 Matthias Kuhn
11:54 AM Revision ac29fc1d (qgis): minor cleanup in pluigns CMakeLists.txt
Alexander Bruy
11:19 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
> When I open a vectorfile i EPSG 4326 *the project is changed to this projection - My setting is overruled.*
> When ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:24 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Giovanni Manghi
01:22 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
I'm taking it very seriously, sorry if you ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
Default CRS for new projects:
I have a new project - CRS set to U...
Lene Fischer
01:11 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Please take this seriously! What am I doing wrong?
Default CRS for new projects:
I have a new project - CRS set to U...
Lene Fischer
11:09 AM Feature request #9688 (Closed): store the layer data source in a saved style
I'd like to be able to save a style, and include the layer info including type & data source, so that the layer, styl... Brent Wood
11:01 AM Bug report #9687 (Closed): save style creates invalid file with action
I have an open layer with an action assigned to it. I save the style for that layer.
When I try to apply that style ...
Brent Wood
10:28 AM Revision d378eef0 (qgis): allow to use custom QSettings for managing QgsOptionsDialog parameters.
Useful for plugins and custom apps Alexander Bruy
06:30 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I'm also fine with a green polygon in "delete selected features". Anita Graser
01:52 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Hi Anita,
I suggest changing the color of "delete selected features" from yellow to blue or green (or another tone of...
Filipe Dias
05:54 AM Bug report #9686: Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
This pull fixes the bug:
Alvaro Huarte
03:49 AM Bug report #9686: Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
Hi, I have located the error, these geometries are not closed (they have 4 points), I fix it.
Alvaro Huarte
01:21 AM Bug report #9686 (Closed): Geometry simplification bug with grid layer
Using layer simplification on a square grip leads to rendering artifacts : only triangles are shown. Vincent chourmo
05:43 AM Bug report #9668 (Closed): Attribute editor layout: please populate the field with the default
Fixed in changeset commit:"5d6fc3dcd7271e051ddf4495edf45952222674c7". Matthias Kuhn
05:18 AM Bug report #9683 (Closed): QGIS crashes after switching from "Add Feature" tool and back
Fixed in changeset commit:"f2dbf9dc3e64ad4c46d1c65cc13e2a0188d297bf". Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Revision b1dd6d34 (qgis): crssync: remove debugging output
Jürgen Fischer
03:22 AM Revision 2a7752d5 (qgis): fix ab105599b
Jürgen Fischer
03:19 AM Bug report #9681 (Closed): Title of attributes table window doesn't refresh after removing filter
Fixed in changeset commit:"951baee4008885997c7834457443edae53beadb5". Matthias Kuhn
01:21 AM Revision 3bd8b559 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:16 AM Revision d6495abe (qgis): wms provider:
* support JSON for feature info
* implement feature info for WMTS
* cleanup metadata display
Jürgen Fischer
01:00 AM Bug report #9656 (Open): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
ok, cannot confirm on both Mint (Cinnamon DE) and Windows 7. Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #9656 (Open): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
ok, cannot confirm on both Mint (Cinnamon DE) and Windows 7. Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you...
Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you...
Giovanni Manghi
01:00 AM Bug report #9657 (Open): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Yea, here is some screens.
> First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
> Second you...
Giovanni Manghi


12:54 AM Bug report #4051 (Feedback): Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
Giovanni Manghi
09:37 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
Similar issue still found in QGIS 2.2? Stefano Costa -
08:01 PM Bug report #9620: Measure line tool reports incorrect units
Thanks Giovanni - learnt a lot from your response
muscatelle -
05:11 PM Bug report #9684: Improve tool grouping and color usage in toolbars
I think you raise some important issues about how tools should be grouped in toolbars.
Concerning your second sugges...
Anita Graser
03:30 AM Bug report #9684 (Closed): Improve tool grouping and color usage in toolbars
I don't know if anybody is interested in this, but the UI could be further improved using clearer groupings of toolba... Tobias Schneider
04:57 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Using Alexandre Neto's suggestion for delete selected adds both consistency in the editing toolbar and a visible diff... Anita Graser
04:57 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Using Alexandre Neto's suggestion for delete selected adds both consistency in the editing toolbar and a visible diff... Anita Graser
03:23 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Thanks for your input @Tobias! Since you are raising a new issue in your second post, it would be good to open a new ... Anita Graser
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
implemented in commit:d6495abe Jürgen Fischer
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
implemented in commit:d6495abe Jürgen Fischer
04:38 PM Feature request #8292 (Closed): Support GetFeatureInfo for WMTS
implemented in commit:d6495abe Jürgen Fischer
11:50 AM Revision 66913320 (qgis): Ensure draw line only inside polygon works correctly with multipolygon ...
Nyall Dawson
09:28 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > There is also the "prepair lib":, as "discussed pre...
Larry Shaffer
07:18 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
PAL library already has a centroid algorithm forced within of the polygon.
It is assigned when the 'placement' prope...
Alvaro Huarte
04:02 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification

> There is also the "prepair lib":, as "discussed previously":http://osgeo-or...
Giovanni Manghi
09:26 AM Feature request #9521: Introduce support for "prepared" geometries
Hi Martin,
Do you think such prepared geometry could be used in PAL lib to make the overlap-check algorithm more eff...
Larry Shaffer
09:06 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Yea, here is some screens.
First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
Second you can see just QGIS, without the L...
Donovan Cameron
09:06 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Yea, here is some screens.
First one shows the Log Messages panel open.
Second you can see just QGIS, without the L...
Donovan Cameron
03:42 AM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> I can see it in Windows 8.1 (64bit, OSGeo4W) and Arch Linux 64bit.
then maybe I'm looking a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:58 AM Bug report #9656: Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
Here's the screen from Windows 8.1 64bit (OSGeo4W) showing the missing scroll-bar in Python tab for the log messages ... Donovan Cameron
03:52 AM Bug report #9656 (Feedback): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
as for the other similar ticket I cannot confirm or I'm looking at the wrong place. Giovanni Manghi
03:52 AM Bug report #9656 (Feedback): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
as for the other similar ticket I cannot confirm or I'm looking at the wrong place. Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Bug report #9685 (Closed): C run time error on load - QGIS 2.2.0/Win7 64bit
I've closed the ticket for now, can you please post this at the OSGeo4W issue tracker? Donovan Cameron
07:49 AM Bug report #9685 (Closed): C run time error on load - QGIS 2.2.0/Win7 64bit
QGIS installed from, replacing previous 1.... MARTIN SPIERS
05:34 AM Bug report #9575 (Open): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat...
Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat...
Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat...
Giovanni Manghi
05:33 AM Feature request #9652: merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in project CRS
I get your point but the tool actually work in a different way: it doesn't do any kind of projection transformat...
Giovanni Manghi
05:11 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
Yes it can be the case. I have tested install osgeo4w64 on my fresh Windows 7 64b at home and all is working also aft... Miroslav Umlauf
04:51 AM Bug report #9671 (Feedback): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Window...
paths to applications can be mixed up if you install both the standalone and osgeo4w versions of qgis. Is this the ca... Giovanni Manghi
04:19 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Maybe related to #9683
anyway I'm closing this for lack of feedback, the original reporter c...
Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
I'm not sure how we could fix this. Could we do something different for selection rather then re-render the feature? Nathan Woodrow
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes be...
Giovanni Manghi
04:17 AM Bug report #9266 (Closed): QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Giovanni Manghi
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID. Giovanni Manghi
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID. Giovanni Manghi
04:05 AM Feature request #9639 (Feedback): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
as far as I know the DXF format does not store any info about the CRS/SRID. Giovanni Manghi
03:57 AM Bug report #8765: Postgis raster shows random data with out-db image data

> Anyways the question is should the overview query always expect indb data or not.
better ask this in the develope...
Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is...
Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is...
Giovanni Manghi
03:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Feedback): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is...
Giovanni Manghi
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
have you tried update your sources and re-install? Giovanni Manghi
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
have you tried update your sources and re-install? Giovanni Manghi
03:39 AM Bug report #9635 (Feedback): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
have you tried update your sources and re-install? Giovanni Manghi
03:36 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
has this been added then? adding resolution "fixed/implemented"? Giovanni Manghi
03:34 AM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
this seems fixed in qgis 2.2, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:34 AM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
this seems fixed in qgis 2.2, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:26 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> I click "new project"
just tested again (under Windows) and no problems.
Check again your
Giovanni Manghi
02:51 AM Bug report #9624 (Closed): line drawn on wrong side of edge with when draw line only inside polyg...
Fixed in changeset commit:"66913320f07adb215f0d7b10df7d6509273fd91f". Nyall Dawson


12:35 AM Bug report #9532: Node tool causes crash
Maybe related to #9683 Alexander Bruy
12:34 AM Bug report #9683 (Closed): QGIS crashes after switching from "Add Feature" tool and back
After merging MTR branch "Add feature" tool causes QGIS crash when editing layer. Steps to reproduce:
# Add shapefile...
Alexander Bruy
12:15 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
Also confirmed on QGIS 2.2 under Windows and Linux Alexander Bruy
12:15 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
Also confirmed on QGIS 2.2 under Windows and Linux Alexander Bruy
11:18 PM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
I click "new project" Lene Fischer
10:52 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Exatly this is my problem. I set the CRS to UTM 32 in settings I set the On the fly to UTM 32 a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Exatly this is my problem. I set the CRS to UTM 32 in settings I set the On the fly to UTM 32 and the it changes to W... Lene Fischer
08:19 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi iovanni,
> I´ve set the settings to be 25832 (UTM 32) - Start New projects in UTM 32
> I´ve ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:53 AM Bug report #9644 (Reopened): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Hi iovanni,
I´ve set the settings to be 25832 (UTM 32) - Start New projects in UTM 32
I´ve set on the fly to set CRS ...
Lene Fischer
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac...
Giovanni Manghi
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac...
Giovanni Manghi
06:10 AM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> Please see the attached video.
> Also attac...
Giovanni Manghi
10:36 PM Revision 1877b512 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
10:30 PM Revision ab105599 (qgis): tests: make compareWkt more tolerant towards whitespaces
Jürgen Fischer
09:25 PM Revision 4a8f6277 (qgis): [TRANSUP] ko by BJ
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
05:26 PM Bug report #9657: Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
I can see it in Windows 8.1 (64bit, OSGeo4W) and Arch Linux 64bit. Donovan Cameron
10:54 AM Bug report #9657 (Feedback): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
Cannot confirm on Ubuntu and Windows. Giovanni Manghi
05:18 PM Revision ccde1d48 (qgis): BUG #9674 WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
The GetFeature Request does not return elements.
The response of the request is valid but with a bbox : 0,0,0,0 and ...
D'Hont René-Luc
03:42 PM Revision 87e6b13e (qgis): Vector save as dialog: use one column layout (like raster save as)
Martin Dobias
01:57 PM Revision f538c8bd (qgis): added test for QgsGeometry::convertToType
Denis Rouzaud
01:22 PM Revision 643e59a2 (qgis): copy/paste: try to convert geometries
Denis Rouzaud
01:13 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
<--moved to new ticket--> Tobias Schneider
04:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I attached a picture of a suggestion.
I don't think rubber-band selection need...
Tobias Schneider
10:12 AM Revision 2081fc9f (qgis): Fix the issues with QTimer start/stop in different thread
Martin Dobias
08:29 AM Revision 9b893a34 (qgis): Added Denis Rouzaud to authors list
Marco Hugentobler
08:20 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
Fixed in commit:ccde1d48d8efc867724a2d680e524c6443321fe9
Cherry-picking for release 2.2 ?
René-Luc ReLuc
08:20 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
Fixed in commit:ccde1d48d8efc867724a2d680e524c6443321fe9
Cherry-picking for release 2.2 ?
René-Luc ReLuc
08:09 AM Bug report #9681 (Closed): Title of attributes table window doesn't refresh after removing filter
Steps to reproduce:
* Add a layer
* Open attributes table
* Filter on a field (which returns something) -> the number...
Rémi Bovard
07:58 AM Feature request #9680 (Closed): Save button in 1-n relations form
As discussed on the mailing list [1], it would be more consistent to have the save button next to the toggle edit but... Rémi Bovard
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine? Giovanni Manghi
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine? Giovanni Manghi
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine? Giovanni Manghi
06:12 AM Bug report #9677 (Feedback): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Does this happen with any project? and in a different machine? Giovanni Manghi
06:11 AM Revision 3a317a06 (qgis): Fix #9658 (crash with diagrams)
Martin Dobias
04:49 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
I need to trigger the signal a lot of times before it crashes.
But yes, without plugins it still crashes.
I forgot t...
Hugo Mercier
03:55 AM Bug report #9678 (Feedback): Python console : crash when printing from signals
I can't confirm here, opening the python console and pasting your snippets I am not getting the crash after panning t... Salvatore Larosa
01:38 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
I don't think it started with multi-thread rendering, but cannot be 100% sure (I will have to test on previous versio... Hugo Mercier
01:30 AM Bug report #9678: Python console : crash when printing from signals
Did this start with MT-rendering?
Can you try...
Matthias Kuhn
01:05 AM Bug report #9678 (Closed): Python console : crash when printing from signals
When using Python's 'print' command from some signals, and when the console has been activated (i.e. print are not re... Hugo Mercier
03:28 AM Bug report #9679 (Closed): Cannot edit "display as" field in general layer properties.
Field "display as" is not editable and always contents same string as "Layer name" field Nikolay Zhigalov


11:52 PM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
Umm... what is wrong with it? :-) Map canvas has to be refreshed when the selection changes because the selected feat... Martin Dobias
09:31 AM Feature request #9676: Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
it happens also when selecting from canvas Giovanni Manghi
09:06 AM Feature request #9676 (Open): Do not refresh canvas when selecting features
New description:
it seems that there are gis packages (at least the most famous one) that does not refresh the canva...
Giovanni Manghi
11:31 PM Feature request #2905 (Closed): New symbology: button for fill with random colors
Martin Dobias
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering Martin Dobias
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering Martin Dobias
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering Martin Dobias
11:22 PM Feature request #1595 (Closed): Legend does not correspond to map content
Fixed with the switch to multi-threaded rendering Martin Dobias
11:02 PM Revision 3b1e1922 (qgis): replace deprecation pragmas with macro (followup 5134ef9a)
Jürgen Fischer
10:28 PM Revision 33a8b634 (qgis): wms provider: fix feature info (fixes #9630)
Jürgen Fischer
09:43 PM Bug report #9644: WMS and CRS - No reprojection
Hi Giovanni,
Please see the attached video.
Also attach the vectorlayer
WMS : ht...
Lene Fischer
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s...
Giovanni Manghi
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s...
Giovanni Manghi
11:03 AM Bug report #9644 (Feedback): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
I'm sorry but the description is not clear to me and I'm unable to try replicate the issue.
Can you add clear s...
Giovanni Manghi
09:16 PM Bug report #9658 (Closed): qgis master crashes when "ok" is pressed after enabling diagrams
Fixed in changeset commit:"3a317a061e0f2be9726b66f7f5caca304948fba7". Martin Dobias
03:53 PM Revision 89b50dff (qgis): move timer noise from message log to debug output
Jürgen Fischer
03:40 PM Bug report #9677 (Closed): Saving layout template causes QGIS to freeze
Translated to english (mkuhn):
When I try to save a layout template, qgis freezes
wenn ich versuche Layout...
Stephan Bussmann
03:35 PM Revision dd03dd03 (qgis): FindQGIS.cmake: delimitedtextplugin moved to core - look for spatialque...
Jürgen Fischer
01:28 PM Bug report #9630 (Closed): Identify on WMS layers broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"33a8b6344b006696dec3322f7e6336fc69267fdf". Jürgen Fischer
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #9630: Identify on WMS layers broken
Confirmed here
Map getfeatureinfo error: Protocol "" is unknown [?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&B...
Giovanni Manghi
09:59 AM Revision a8ee0642 (qgis): wmts: show common upper levels in item name (relates to #9492)
Jürgen Fischer
09:19 AM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
This bug was closed intentionally, because it is a problem with the plugin not the main application. See bug #9649 Etienne Tourigny
08:51 AM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
I experience the same problem with 2.3.0-Master. Here is the console output attached as a text file.
Tobias Preuss
08:51 AM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
I experience the same problem with 2.3.0-Master. Here is the console output attached as a text file.
Tobias Preuss
05:39 AM Revision b6d943e6 (qgis): Update base labeling unit test class to work with QgsMapSettings
Larry Shaffer
04:18 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Sorry, I meant to the line 145: Salvatore Larosa
03:20 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
The line 139 is "self.selectAllShortcut.activated.connect(self.selectAll)"
Should I replace the whole line by unicod...
Raphael Luthi
03:06 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Hi Raphael,
can you try to change the file to the line 139
by replacing with the following: @unic...
Salvatore Larosa
02:52 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
I changed my host name and now it works fine. Thank you! Raphael Luthi
02:35 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
My host name is "Raphaël-PC". Raphael Luthi
04:16 AM Bug report #9674: WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
No, I had to write TYPENAME=* with the right typename.
The bug is not with all layers. We made more tests. QGIS-Serv...
René-Luc ReLuc
04:10 AM Bug report #9674: WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
Does TYPENAME= mean that you do not give a typename? Jukka Rahkonen
03:22 AM Bug report #9674 (Closed): WFS GetFeature Request does not return features
The GetFeature Request does not return elements.
The response of the request is valid but with a bbox : 0,0,0,0 and ...
René-Luc ReLuc
03:42 AM Revision 2519f1db (qgis): Fix #9670 (respect map background color in composer)
Martin Dobias
02:13 AM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
Duplicate of #9573.
Please can you provide your hostname?
To get your hostname open the windows cmd command line and...
Salvatore Larosa
02:13 AM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
Duplicate of #9573.
Please can you provide your hostname?
To get your hostname open the windows cmd command line and...
Salvatore Larosa
01:20 AM Bug report #9673 (Closed): some polygons not labelled when layer's simplification is on
When simplification is activated for a given layer, labels might not be rendered for all of the layer's polygons. I'm... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:01 AM Feature request #9492: Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
Jeremy Palmer wrote:
> As part of this fix I noticed this: #0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe#commitcomment-54...
Jürgen Fischer


12:18 AM Revision 07756756 (qgis): #9655: fix invalid simplified geometries
Alvaro Huarte
11:50 PM Revision 540685a2 (qgis): #9485: OffsetLine uses GEOSOffsetCurve (#if-#else-#endif) option
Alvaro Huarte
11:50 PM Revision 8176c1cd (qgis): #9485: OffsetLine uses GEOSOffsetCurve
Alvaro Huarte
11:44 PM Bug report #9672 (Closed): Failed to open Python console: UnicodeDecodeError in
Operating Syste: Windows 7 (64 bit)
QGIS: 2.2.0 - Valmiera
Installation: osgeo4w (64bit)
Problem: When I try to op...
Raphael Luthi
10:26 PM Revision bcbf9ddb (qgis): wms: allow image/jpgpng (fixes #9622)
Jürgen Fischer
07:42 PM Bug report #9671 (Closed): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows ...
I have tested it on 3 PCs with Windows 7 64. Straight after install of QGIS 2.2 I was able to run GRASS commands and ... Miroslav Umlauf
06:44 PM Bug report #9670 (Closed): qgis composer map item background setting and/or rendering broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"2519f1db0475914431f3ce51c7cbf919392fca21". Martin Dobias
06:14 PM Bug report #9670 (Closed): qgis composer map item background setting and/or rendering broken
In qgis master (2.3), the map item background is also rendered a opaque white, regardless of whether the user set a d... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:52 PM Revision d78e05c5 (qgis): expression: and put blank in front of WHEN too (followup 1844d91)
Jürgen Fischer
04:34 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> What error? I know the workings of that class pretty well.
I meant that it miscalculates the ...
Alvaro Huarte
04:28 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi Larry, I fixed an error in the simplification algorithm. It created invalid polygons with t...
Larry Shaffer
03:33 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Larry Shaffer wrote:
> > Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Larry, I can try to solve this i...
Alvaro Huarte
03:24 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Larry, I fixed an error in the simplification algorithm. It created invalid polygons with two points:
Alvaro Huarte
01:14 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Alvaro,
Of note: liblwgeom is part of PostGIS, but is basically available as a separate package for the major QGI...
Larry Shaffer
10:45 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> >
> > Hi Larry, I can try to solve this issue, are you agree ?
> Ye...
Alvaro Huarte
10:38 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi Larry, I can try to solve this issue, are you agree ?
Yes, please do. I assigned the is...
Larry Shaffer
10:26 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Hi Alvaro,
> I added you as a watcher to this issue, since I believe it is directly related...
Alvaro Huarte
08:51 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Indeed turning off on-the-fly simplification solves the labeling problems.
Many thanks,
Augustin Roche
08:39 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Alvaro,
I added you as a watcher to this issue, since I believe it is directly related to the new geometry simpli...
Larry Shaffer
08:34 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
It seems to be an issue with the new geometry simplification. Under Vector Layer Properties -> Rendering, uncheck *Si... Larry Shaffer
03:03 AM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Here is sample data that shows the problem. Augustin Roche
04:27 PM Revision 1d84978f (qgis): expressions: put black in front of ELSE (fixes #9666)
Jürgen Fischer
03:53 PM Revision 82862a6c (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
03:03 PM Feature request #9492: Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
As part of this fix I noticed this: #0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe#commitcomment-5460726 Jeremy Palmer
01:53 PM Revision 238350ff (qgis): Fix #9665 (in memory raster not supported in raster calculator)
Martin Dobias
01:36 PM Bug report #9622 (Closed): Non-selectable tileset from WMTS connection dialog
Fixed in changeset commit:"2027505b186655402d1891febf510f72c8faa008". Jürgen Fischer
12:45 PM Bug report #9669 (Closed): Remove shebang from processing plugin files
Please remove the shebang from the following files:
Volker Fröhlich
11:49 AM Revision daf1e0b6 (qgis): Fix #9661 (labels in composer rendered with wrong size)
Martin Dobias
11:45 AM Revision cb919e97 (qgis): postgres provider: consider TIN and POLYHEDRALSURFACE as MULTIPOLYGONM ...
Jürgen Fischer
11:15 AM Revision 9c4a990f (qgis): Make rendering related debug messages us QgsDebugMsg
Martin Dobias
11:15 AM Revision a813be10 (qgis): Fix crash upon exit in QgsMapToolCapture
Martin Dobias
10:56 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
see my PR that implements basic support for undo of layer and group removal)
Etienne Tourigny
09:24 AM Revision 74ef8f32 (qgis): line fill angle and direction, fixes #9647
Radim Blazek
08:37 AM Bug report #9668 (Closed): Attribute editor layout: please populate the field with the default
Currently it is empty; better fill it with "Autogenerate" Paolo Cavallini
08:33 AM Revision 1d3ae87c (qgis): Fix #9648 (wrong scale in composer)
Martin Dobias
08:31 AM Bug report #9667 (Closed): Using PostGIS over a slow connection unfeasible: unnecessary loading o...
Some of the slowness using pg over a very slow connection could possibly be avoided; e.g. deactivating a layer does n... Paolo Cavallini
08:22 AM Bug report #9310: Save dialogue for Geoprocessing outputs is inconsistent
This remains an issue in the current version (2.2) Neil Benny
08:20 AM Bug report #9201: Select by Location Failure on complex polygons
Just for information - I have tested the data on the new version (2.2) and this is no longer an issue. Neil Benny
08:12 AM Revision 6670bfca (qgis): Merge pull request #1172 from leyan/multiple_snapping
replace list of snapping markers with a single marker Denis Rouzaud
08:03 AM Revision 0e907298 (qgis): [ftools] fix random points tool not recognizing memory layer integer co...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:28 AM Bug report #9666 (Closed): Expression Engine Parsing
Fixed in changeset commit:"1d84978f8e037459947027ca10cf44d386e83843". Jürgen Fischer
06:47 AM Bug report #9666: Expression Engine Parsing
Additional notes. This error impacts existing styles. SF GIS
06:41 AM Bug report #9666 (Closed): Expression Engine Parsing
Update breaks expression engine string builder handling of at least conditional statements. This appears to be a par... SF GIS
06:25 AM Revision 2d21b674 (qgis): Ensure local server tests can run on ubuntu, followup to 7b2640d
Larry Shaffer
04:54 AM Bug report #9665 (Closed): Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
Fixed in changeset commit:"238350ff494277c2c2abb696ec745e97fdafd677". Martin Dobias
03:25 AM Bug report #9665 (Closed): Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
Until #6696 is resolved, apparently "In Memory Raster" doesn't work and adding it is a new feature. So I'd suggest re... Jonathan Moules
02:57 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
Also seems to be fixed by commit:daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d (for #9661) Martin Dobias
02:57 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
Also seems to be fixed by commit:daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d (for #9661) Martin Dobias
02:51 AM Bug report #9661: qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is exported to image
Actually this was working fine in MTR branch before merging in changes from 2.2 development :) Martin Dobias
02:50 AM Bug report #9661 (Closed): qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is expor...
Fixed in changeset commit:"daf1e0b6881cdb77df6f6a9dc988ad92e0f9019d". Martin Dobias
02:46 AM Bug report #9651 (Closed): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
Fixed in changeset commit:"cb919e972e11573fe2a0e58f4d946c6a30c9f792". Jürgen Fischer
01:54 AM Revision 4059c8fd (qgis): Fix opening test results in browser on Ubuntu
Larry Shaffer
01:54 AM Revision 7b2640da (qgis): Add debian-based setup for local test server
Larry Shaffer
01:50 AM Bug report #9664 (Closed): Joined layers cause problems on GetFeatureInfo requests
I was testing joined layers to perform GetFeatureInfo on joined fields. I've noticed that issuing requests to the mai... Giovanni Allegri
01:43 AM Feature request #6294 (Closed): Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
Giovanni Allegri
01:42 AM Bug report #8765: Postgis raster shows random data with out-db image data
I'm not sure if this is duplicate of the #8628, this might actually be a just problem created by me by creating overv... asdf asdf
01:30 AM Bug report #6696: Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
So there are some GUI issues - for those I would suggest introducing a checkbox "keep in memory only" that would disa... Martin Dobias
01:06 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
"Binary packages (installers) for 2.2.0 are currently being updat...
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
"Binary packages (installers) for 2.2.0 are currently being updat...
Giovanni Manghi


12:52 AM Feature request #9663 (Closed): Version 2.2.0
QGIS says that a new version is released, but all I download is version 2.0.1.
Sorry for posting this as an issue, bu...
Per Gammerath
12:43 AM Bug report #9661: qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is exported to image
If I render using 92dpi, the label is sized correctly; the more I increase the dpi, the more wrong the label size get... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:14 AM Bug report #9661 (Closed): qgis master labels are rendered in tiny sizes when a composer is expor...
Under qgis master (2.3), labels are rendered in tiny size when a composer sheet is exported to image. See attached la... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:37 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
Data sample, one table with a polyhedral and the other with a TIN :... Hugo Mercier
12:22 AM Bug report #9651 (Feedback): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
Jürgen Fischer
07:34 AM Bug report #9651: PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
Please attach some data. Jürgen Fischer
05:47 AM Bug report #9651 (Closed): PostGIS polyhedral and TIN layers not handled anymore
PostGIS tables with geometries of type PolyhedralSurface or TIN cannot be loaded anymore :
* no correct type is detec...
Hugo Mercier
12:33 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
I am putting this to my "to think about" list :-) Martin Dobias
12:01 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Martin, I see, I was about to comment on the slight variation (just compiled a new build with your commit in, testing... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:51 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Note: the scale in map preview may be a bit different from the scale shown in GUI (but it is correct in print output)... Martin Dobias
11:36 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Well, that was easy :) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:34 PM Bug report #9648 (Closed): qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-bas...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1d3ae87c36922900e8306b3e0435ce39b96ec16e". Martin Dobias
05:12 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Scale value defined of composer map items is definitively broken, see attached scale_error.png which shows that a map... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:12 PM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Scale value defined of composer map items is definitively broken, see attached scale_error.png which shows that a map... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:15 AM Bug report #9648: qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-based symbol...
Ok, I realise what's happening. The rule based symbology relies on minimum / maximum scale to activate some styles. T... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:33 AM Bug report #9648 (Closed): qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a (complex) rule-bas...
Under qgis master (2.3), the qgis composer map canvas fails to properly render a complex rule-based symbology layer. ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:24 AM Bug report #9647 (Closed): Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
Fixed in changeset commit:"74ef8f32ff54a2297bd433fc76b90c852dd16f37". Radim Blazek
10:26 AM Bug report #9647: Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
Confirmed in master, ubuntu 13.10. Goyo D
12:21 AM Bug report #9662 (Closed): label set to curved placement are broken when rendering onto a map ite...
Under qgis master (2.3), labels that are set to curved placement fail to render properly onto map items in the qgis c... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:17 AM Revision afd66742 (qgis): fix license display
Jürgen Fischer
11:22 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Just for the record, Martin is supposed to refactor the legend within the 2.3 dev cycle.
Anyhow, there might be a wa...
Denis Rouzaud
03:10 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Nathan - I agree with everything you just said.
Undo action would be best (I was just thinking about it), but I had...
Etienne Tourigny
02:51 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
I think the decision we made was the correct one. Removing a layer is a unrecoverable action in the sense there is n... Nathan Woodrow
02:41 PM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
It was a long discussion, and I'm happy we've finally found the solution :) There are clearly two kinds of QGIS users... Borys Jurgiel
11:52 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> I myself have (irreversably) removed wrong layers myself (especially complex styled lay...
Alvaro Huarte
11:49 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Hi Jürgen, the method 'QgisApp::removeLayer()' is called to delete layers and groups (it removes all selected nodes i... Alvaro Huarte
11:28 AM Feature request #9094 (Closed): Del-key should delete feature
Fixed in changeset commit:"e9f808ad0fe780f954a89c17397f6d4f2959e56b". Jürgen Fischer
11:15 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature

I myself have (irreversably) removed wrong layers myself (especially complex styled layers, but also slow loading da...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:46 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Larry Shaffer wrote:
> *However*, realize that the Duplicate Layer action is right next to the Remove Layer action in...
Etienne Tourigny
10:19 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Agreed - simple solution is to always ask confirmation with shortcut, but never with contex...
Larry Shaffer
09:56 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Agreed - simple solution is to always ask confirmation with shortcut, but never with context menu. It that ok?
Etienne Tourigny
09:37 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
There was a long discussion about it in (
I can understand that action from ...
Alvaro Huarte
09:26 AM Feature request #9094: Del-key should delete feature
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I ex...
Jonathan Moules
09:24 AM Feature request #9094 (Open): Del-key should delete feature
I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I explicitly click the context... Etienne Tourigny
09:24 AM Feature request #9094 (Open): Del-key should delete feature
I find it rather annoying that I have to confirm to remove a layer from the canvas. If I explicitly click the context... Etienne Tourigny
11:11 PM Bug report #9659: ftool's random point doesn't recognize memory layer's integer column
Here: Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:59 PM Bug report #9659 (Closed): ftool's random point doesn't recognize memory layer's integer column
ftool's random point does not recognize memory layer's integer column as it's looking for column type "Integer", and ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:11 PM Revision 6b6e5eb9 (qgis): wms provider: fix WMTS bounding box calculation for crs with inverted axis
Jürgen Fischer
09:58 PM Revision 07516fcd (qgis): wms provider: fix status messages from data items
Jürgen Fischer
09:13 PM Revision 6c9dd847 (qgis): refine removeLayer() wording
Jürgen Fischer
07:55 PM Revision e9f808ad (qgis): make confirmation on layer deletion optional (fixes #9094)
Jürgen Fischer
07:54 PM Revision af17dbf3 (qgis): check md5sums
Jürgen Fischer
06:02 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Augustin,
Can you please share the data and project?
Is this with *Label every part of multi-part features* chec...
Larry Shaffer
06:02 PM Bug report #9655: Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simplification
Hi Augustin,
Can you please share the data and project?
Is this with *Label every part of multi-part features* chec...
Larry Shaffer
08:59 AM Bug report #9655 (Closed): Strange behavior of labeling for multipolygons, due to geometry simpli...
For labeling multipolygons it seems that sometimes the label is placed on rather small parts of the shape, whereas th... Augustin Roche
11:55 AM Revision 29e92722 (qgis): Fix #9643 (overview extent broken)
Martin Dobias
11:53 AM Bug report #9658 (Closed): qgis master crashes when "ok" is pressed after enabling diagrams
Tested on Ubuntu, nightly build from repository
Draw labeling start
QGIS died on signal 11CANVAS update timer!
Giovanni Manghi
11:34 AM Revision cd89b1a4 (qgis): [TRANSUP] adding pt_PT translator
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
11:13 AM Bug report #7613: 2 "Browser" entries in View->Panels...
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> I think it should only be one browser panel entry in the qgis application or explain to the...
Giovanni Manghi
11:05 AM Bug report #7613: 2 "Browser" entries in View->Panels...
I think it should only be one browser panel entry in the qgis application or explain to the users what makes Browser(... Donovan Cameron
11:08 AM Revision 8ed2ded5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1216 from minorua/georef_bad_alloc
[Georeferencer] fix bad allocation error Jürgen Fischer
10:59 AM Revision 48c1b576 (qgis): Do not refresh overview twice on a change
Martin Dobias
10:52 AM Revision 1732db52 (qgis): Fix #9642 (update overview even if map settings are not valid)
Martin Dobias
10:48 AM Bug report #9656: Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
This is on Linux 64-bit, Arch. Donovan Cameron
10:44 AM Bug report #9656 (Closed): Scroll bar missing from python log messages.
I just got a large python error message from a plugin when qgis started.
Noticed the scrollbar on the right is missi...
Donovan Cameron
10:47 AM Bug report #9657 (Closed): Log Message panel is closed when qgis is minimised and restored.
The log messages panel is closed every time the main qgis window is minimized or restored.
Other panels stay open ex...
Donovan Cameron
10:29 AM Revision 0310bb24 (qgis): Fix #9396 (datum transform in save as dialog)
Martin Dobias
10:24 AM Revision 76c39984 (qgis): [Georeferencer] fix bad allocation error
Minoru Akagi
10:03 AM Revision 71a799f0 (qgis): Fix #9641 (broken contrast enhancement)
Martin Dobias
09:49 AM Bug report #4011 (Reopened): Map canvas flickers when content is dragged
Looks like this reared its ugly head in 2.2 and isn't a part of the desktop file anymore. Is it going to be included ... Donovan Cameron
08:20 AM Bug report #9654 (Closed): No directory shown when data in qgis/bin
As a result of #9653 - I accidentally created a raster in C:/qgis/bin.
However, when I right clicked on the layer and...
Jonathan Moules
08:13 AM Bug report #9653 (Closed): "Output layer" default for raster calculator
1) Load Raster Calculator, enter whatever formula.
2) Type desired filename (a.tif) into "Output layer".
Jonathan Moules
08:01 AM Feature request #9637: New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
Thanks Jürgen.
Is this going to carry over to all dialogs that were using the old way or is it specific to just the N...
Jonathan Moules
07:59 AM Bug report #6696: Raster calculator - "in memory raster"
Proposed solution - don't require an "output layer" to be specified when the output format is "In Memory Raster".
Jonathan Moules
07:23 AM Revision d790bc0b (qgis): Merge pull request #1128 from 3nids/removesnapsegment
allow snapping to vertex and segment to remove part/ring Denis Rouzaud
06:52 AM Revision 881b1cc0 (qgis): Added connection pool for SpatiaLite, improving rendering speed within ...
- refactored PostgreSQL connection pool into generic template classes
- used the template classes for SpatiaLite conn...
Martin Dobias
06:25 AM Feature request #9652 (Closed): merge shapefiles: add option to get the result directly in projec...
new description:
the project CRS is not taken into account, but it can be convenient to have an option to create t...
landry Landry Breuil
05:33 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
I already did that - #9649
Etienne Tourigny
04:50 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> sorry - I reopened because the bug is still present.
> I tried to move the ticket to th...
Jürgen Fischer
04:39 AM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
sorry - I reopened because the bug is still present.
I tried to move the ticket to the openlayers plugin tracker fo...
Etienne Tourigny
03:04 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Why reopen? The original bug was fixed (thanks Jurgen!), the openlayers crash cannot be fixed in QGIS. Martin Dobias
04:52 AM Revision 20782201 (qgis): update lib paths for phonon_backends
William Kyngesburye
03:16 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Excellent. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:59 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Updated so that overview uses extent of layers visible in overview. If no layers are visible in overview, it would us... Martin Dobias
02:56 AM Bug report #9643 (Closed): map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Fixed in changeset commit:"29e9272285e1196602d535476b7fd58e2b3f0f13". Martin Dobias
02:19 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Martin, QGIS' original behavior was to simply show project extend, but it was changed in late 2012 to show only exten... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:12 AM Bug report #9643: map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Hmm... actually the current behavior seems like the correct one to me :-) and previous seems wrong.
Like this you ca...
Martin Dobias
02:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I would propose changes to both icons as well to improve the differences but try keep the logic to other icons.
For ...
Alexandre Neto
02:04 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I would propose changes to both icons as well to improve the differences but try keep the logic to other icons.
For ...
Alexandre Neto
02:01 AM Bug report #9642 (Closed): map overview pane fails to update when {opening,creating} a project fr...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1732db5266e9e9b6ac4383dc36d029e02ed592b1". Martin Dobias
01:33 AM Bug report #9396 (Closed): deactivate the Select datum transformations dialog by default
Fixed in changeset commit:"0310bb2463c3ce2b9b2d928e772f78b4addc772d". Martin Dobias
01:17 AM Bug report #9396 (Reopened): deactivate the Select datum transformations dialog by default
While the dialog is deactivated when opening a dataset, it still pops up uninvitedly when using "Save as ..." to save... Anita Graser
01:03 AM Bug report #9641 (Closed): on qgis master (2.3) 1-band raster rendering in grayscale with contras...
Fixed in changeset commit:"71a799f0c19994444f1e05e7b49bae378f215a70". Martin Dobias
01:02 AM Revision a37c577f (qgis): Fix 'geos_c.h not found' build error on Mac
Larry Shaffer


12:33 AM Bug report #9647 (Closed): Line-pattern Symbologie: No pattern from left-top to right-bottom
There is a Bug in the Line-Pattern-Fill Symbology. When I change the angle of Line pattern, then is a Angle of 45° a ... Claas Leiner
09:27 PM Revision 5fd8567e (qgis): use native file selection in new shapefile dialog (implements #9637)
Jürgen Fischer
07:31 PM Bug report #9644 (Closed): WMS and CRS - No reprojection
When I set a CRS to 25832 and open a vectorfile in 4326 - it is not reprojected.
If I open a WMS and choose 25832 - a...
Lene Fischer
07:25 PM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Etienne Tourigny
05:03 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
I just realized the MTR allots one thread per layer, it does not allocate various threads for layers features - so di... Etienne Tourigny
07:53 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Martin - sorry for more noise... but I have just realized that the rendering of tileindex (basically a custom rendere... Etienne Tourigny
07:25 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Etienne: I believe there is no need to look for alternatives of QWebPage - it is just about ch...
Etienne Tourigny
07:23 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> > Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread...
Etienne Tourigny
07:22 AM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
I have added QgsRasterLayer::previewAsImage() in 75a2edb and updated the tileindexplugin (in github for now).
Etienne Tourigny
06:26 PM Bug report #9643 (Closed): map overview extend broken under qgis master (2.3)
Under qgis master (2.3), the map overview extend regressed:
- Under qgis 2.2, the map overview extend is confined to ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:16 PM Bug report #9642 (Closed): map overview pane fails to update when {opening,creating} a project fr...
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a project
2. Add one vector layer
3. Right click on added vector layer and activate '[x...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:11 PM Revision 5db13abc (qgis): * remove deprecated overloads QgsRasterLayer::lastError() and QgsRaster...
* deprecate QgsRasterLayer::previewAsPixmap() (doesn't work in background threads)
* QImage::fill( QColor ) does not ...
Jürgen Fischer
06:09 PM Bug report #9641 (Closed): on qgis master (2.3) 1-band raster rendering in grayscale with contras...
In qgis master (2.3), 1-band raster rendering in grayscale _with contrast enhancement_ produces visual artifacts all... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:02 PM Revision b5923354 (qgis): don't open the identify dialog beforehand if 'Open feature form, if a s...
Jürgen Fischer
05:36 PM Bug report #9640 (Closed): Repairing spatialite data sources defaults to browsing for shapefiles ...
When I open a project with broken data sources from spatialite databases, the default type in the file browser is Sha... Donovan Cameron
04:20 PM Revision 75a2edb3 (qgis): add QgsRasterLayer::previewAsImage() for MTR rendering (see bug 9626)
Etienne Tourigny
02:05 PM Revision 115f9807 (qgis): oracle provider: replace rownum=0 with 1=0 to retrieve columns (fixes #...
Jürgen Fischer
01:35 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
+1 for both Etienne Tourigny
12:21 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
We probably should simplify and more rely on the context. For delete (any object, selection) I would use just red X.
Robert Szczepanek
12:21 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
We probably should simplify and more rely on the context. For delete (any object, selection) I would use just red X.
Robert Szczepanek
12:29 PM Feature request #9637 (Closed): New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
Fixed in changeset commit:"5fd8567e598fb3c96a1346081b9abfcceb71026c". Jürgen Fischer
09:21 AM Feature request #9637 (Closed): New->Shapefile - "Save as" dialog wrong
The "Save As" dialog where the user specifies where they want their new Shapefiles (New -> New Shapefile) to be is di... Jonathan Moules
11:49 AM Feature request #9639 (Closed): Keep CRS when saving DXF files
*Qqis 2.2.0 by Osgeo, under Win7_x64*
If you save something as DXF (setting any output CRS) and you load the .DXF fi...
11:22 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Raphael Luthi wrote:
> I've got the same problem:
And your hostname is?
Jürgen Fischer
10:14 AM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
I've got the same problem:
Operating Syste: Windows 7 (64 bit)
QGIS: 2.0.1 - Dufour
Installation: osgeo4w (64bit)
Raphael Luthi
10:44 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Ok from my side with QGIS 2.2, thanks. Thomas Baumann
10:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Ok with QGIS 2.2 and gdal was never below 1.8, currently 1.10.
Also speed of postgis operations is back to normal wit...
Thomas Baumann
10:02 AM Revision e75170c6 (qgis): Merge pull request #1214 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: help Werner Macho
09:28 AM Bug report #9638 (Closed): Unreadable selected text - plugins menu
1) Plugins -> Manage and install plugins.
2) Select any plugin.
3) Now put the mouse into the "Search" bar...
Jonathan Moules
09:05 AM Bug report #9631 (Closed): Identify form
Fixed in changeset commit:"b59233546f90bb626ecfe4458cf246d585032e9b". Jürgen Fischer
04:55 AM Bug report #9631: Identify form
Confirmed here:
Pedro Venâncio
04:09 AM Bug report #9631 (Closed): Identify form
When selecting the option 'Open form if one feature is selected', the identify result form is coming in addition of a... Rémi Bovard
06:24 AM Feature request #9636 (Open): Oracle provider dialog improvement
Following #9634
I'd suggest a better "error" message.
If the Oracle provider isn't installed, maybe:
"The Oracle l...
Jonathan Moules
06:21 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
Confirmed. It works now that I've downloaded and installed that too.
I'd missed that there's a "QGIS Desktop" AND A ...
Jonathan Moules
06:07 AM Bug report #9634 (Closed): Oracle not working at all
Ah, ok - so you probably installer just @qgis@.
@qgis-oracle-provider@ (and in turn the large @oci@ package) is an o...
Jürgen Fischer
05:55 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
64bit. Installed on a Windows 7 64bit machine.
I just used whatever the OSGeo4W defaults were.
There doesn't seem to...
Jonathan Moules
05:48 AM Bug report #9634: Oracle not working at all
32 or 64bit? Is @qgis-oracle-provider-2.2.0-1@ installed? Jürgen Fischer
05:45 AM Bug report #9634 (Closed): Oracle not working at all
Using 2.2.0 from the OSGeo4W.
Clicking on the Oracle provider button brings up a dialog:
"Cannot get Oracle select di...
Jonathan Moules
06:00 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> @rownum@ starts with 1, so @rownum=0@ returns no rows.
True, I mis-stated.
But yes, 1=0 shoul...
Jonathan Moules
05:59 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Jonathan Moules wrote:
> select * from osmm.os_mm_topographic_area where rownum=2
Sorry, that was a typo, that I cor...
Jürgen Fischer
05:57 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Jonathan Moules wrote:
> Anything with "rownum = n" results in data being returned.
> Whereas the 1=0 doesn't get any...
Jürgen Fischer
05:41 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Anything with "rownum = n" results in data being returned.
Whereas the 1=0 doesn't get any data returned, just the ta...
Jonathan Moules
05:39 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > @select * from osmm.osm_mm_topographic_area where rownum = 0@
> Just retrieves the field...
Jonathan Moules
05:37 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"115f9807f10f168b4abd0c0dba5b82d15a426027".
Apparently @1=0@ works...
Jürgen Fischer
05:05 AM Bug report #9633 (Closed): Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Fixed in changeset commit:"115f9807f10f168b4abd0c0dba5b82d15a426027". Jürgen Fischer
05:00 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Does oracle have system tables or functions that you can get information about a table from. ...
Jürgen Fischer
04:58 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
Does oracle have system tables or functions that you can get information about a table from. In MS SQL we use sp_colu... Nathan Woodrow
04:54 AM Bug report #9633: Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
> @select * from osmm.osm_mm_topographic_area where rownum = 0@
Just retrieves the field list, but no actual data. ...
Jürgen Fischer
04:32 AM Bug report #9633 (Closed): Adding a Oracle table selects all data; even when Render is off
"Only look in meta data table" - checked
"Use estimated table metadata" - checked
When I click "add" for a Oracle ta...
Jonathan Moules
05:50 AM Bug report #8860: Overlap of Close/drop down button on "invalid data source"
Yep, fixed in 2.2.0. Bonus: It now doesn't come up with just one error.
Many thanks! :-)
Jonathan Moules
05:49 AM Bug report #9523: openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
Thanks. Heather Hillers
05:45 AM Bug report #9635 (Closed): Qgis 2.2 install on ubuntu wiped projection information
I installed qgis 2.2 this morning from ubuntugis-unstable on ubuntugis-precise. I formerly had 2.1 installed from ub... Heather Hillers
05:28 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
No problem to add ILIKE as well. Marco Hugentobler
05:26 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
LIKE has been added. Why don't we add ILIKE too? Giovanni Allegri
04:23 AM Feature request #6294: Add LIKE and case insensitive filters to QGis Server
This feature request hasn't had further discussions.
Do you see any counterindication in implementing a LIKE/ILIKE f...
Giovanni Allegri
04:28 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
Hi Jürgen,
Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed reply. I appreciate I'm not being as clear as I should be....
Jonathan Moules
03:01 AM Bug report #9629 (Closed): "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
Nathan Woodrow
02:11 AM Bug report #9629: "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
That's very true.
In other desktop GIS packages, there is usually a shortcut key to cancel rendering (e.g. ESC) but a...
Saber Razmjooei
01:56 AM Bug report #9629: "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
Martin and I talked about this a while ago. It doesn't really seem necessary anymore. It was really on there in the ... Nathan Woodrow
01:38 AM Bug report #9629 (Closed): "Stop map rendering" button is missing in QGIS master
"Stop map rendering" button in the status bar is missing in QGIS master
QGIS version 2.3.0-Master
QGIS code revision ...
Saber Razmjooei
02:33 AM Bug report #9630 (Closed): Identify on WMS layers broken
Nothing happens when trying to use the identify tool on a WMS layer on master. This message is logged:... Victor Axbom
02:03 AM Revision 91ecc5f3 (qgis): add 'warning' to the respective python message log tab
Jürgen Fischer
01:53 AM Revision 6a3d0d83 (qgis): include qgsmapsettings.h in install
Jürgen Fischer
01:35 AM Revision 4b820362 (qgis): fix crash in network access manager (fixes #9626)
Jürgen Fischer
01:08 AM Revision ab65fa7b (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer


12:43 AM Revision 5134ef9a (qgis): fix some deprecation warnings
Jürgen Fischer
11:55 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread to avoid any problems lik...
Jürgen Fischer
09:26 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
ok, I'll look into that within the next few weeks, if nothing has changed. Add new function QgsRasterLayer::previewAs... Etienne Tourigny
09:20 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Yeah the Qt warning says it all - QPixmap should not be used in a thread. And, QgsRasterLayer::previewAsPixmap() shou... Martin Dobias
08:59 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Martin - I have just tested my plugin tileindex, which works with qgis 2.2, and it crashes also, because it uses QPix... Etienne Tourigny
08:06 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Etienne: I believe there is no need to look for alternatives of QWebPage - it is just about changing how the QWebPage... Martin Dobias
07:57 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Added the MTR tag to keep track of any threaded rendering issues. Nathan Woodrow
07:53 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
The core problem specific to the openlayers plugin, as Jürgen wrote, is that it relies on QWebPage and QWebFrame, whi... Etienne Tourigny
07:27 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Nathan: currently there is a technical problem that providers are handled by core library, but Python plugins are han... Martin Dobias
07:12 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Couldn't we solve this issue by exposing the QgsDataProvider stuff to Python and implement this stuff as data provide... Nathan Woodrow
07:06 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Actually it is not a general problem of plugin layers. For example, the Crayfish plugin (which also uses QgsPluginLay... Martin Dobias
05:47 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Quick fix would be to render all plugin layers in the main thread to avoid any problems like this one.
Ideally, plug...
Etienne Tourigny
05:09 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"4b820362c2eb3529bd19e37e40210233b03c92b6".
Still crashes - but no...
Jürgen Fischer
04:35 PM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"4b820362c2eb3529bd19e37e40210233b03c92b6". Jürgen Fischer
01:49 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
confirmed. Here is debug output.... Etienne Tourigny
12:48 PM Bug report #9626: Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
QGIS code revision: bc87d51
Affected version should be QGIS 2.3.0-Master
Saber Razmjooei
12:43 PM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
Error I get prior to crashing QGIS:... Saber Razmjooei
11:27 PM Revision 5d7179fe (qgis): network manager: restore proxy detection
Jürgen Fischer
11:27 PM Revision 5a25570b (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
07:48 PM Bug report #9628 (Closed): Wrong column / field calculated in joined table
When calculating a new column / field based on a column from a joined table, the wrong (adjacent to the left) column ... Adam Scharf
05:22 PM Bug report #9627 (Closed): Check QGIS Version shows incorrect information in v2.2.0
Jürgen Fischer
04:31 PM Bug report #9627 (Closed): Check QGIS Version shows incorrect information in v2.2.0
In 2.2.0, when you click on "Help" > "Check QGIS Version" the pop up "QGIS Version Information" window states "You ar... Andy Bates
05:11 PM Revision bc87d51b (qgis): wms provider [hopefully fully adapted to merged threading]
* store all given bounding boxes and if available choose the given bbox for the
requested srid, otherwise pick one ...
Jürgen Fischer
04:33 PM Revision 4e162fab (qgis): Include Giovanni in AUTHORS
Jürgen Fischer
04:04 PM Revision 3f6543d9 (qgis): debian packaging fixes
* enable globe on jessie
* add dependency on libqt4-sql-sqlite to qgis-provider (fixes #8662)
Jürgen Fischer
03:54 PM Revision f02591a2 (qgis): Actual fix for the HAVE_TOUCH
Martin Dobias
03:51 PM Revision e969376d (qgis): Quick fix after MTR merge
Martin Dobias
02:12 PM Revision fafa58ed (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into threading-revival
Martin Dobias
12:31 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
The delete selected icon is also used in the editing toolbar. In my opinion, the delete selected icon is inconsistent... Anita Graser
12:25 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
For reference: the leftmost icon is "delete selected features" while the rightmost icon is "unselect all". There's ba... Anita Graser
11:00 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I don't use large spatialite files, but 10GB is rather large for a single file. Perhaps you...
Donovan Cameron
10:49 AM Bug report #9619 (Closed): Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing...
I just did the update to QGIS from OSGeo4W (it installed qgis-common) so that fixed the DLL issue on Windows 8.1 and ... Donovan Cameron
10:37 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
I've got QGIS For Android running, and it doesn't have this issue. It can list layers quickly, almost instant, and lo... Donovan Cameron
06:43 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
I don't use large spatialite files, but 10GB is rather large for a single file. Perhaps you should split it up in sev... Etienne Tourigny
01:57 AM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
I suspect this is just normal sqlite behaviour (untested) Nathan Woodrow
10:39 AM Revision f9e0093c (qgis): [fTools] Spatial join aggregates: handle NULL values
Matthias Kuhn
09:50 AM Feature request #9625 (Closed): New GRID-function in Composer
I would like to see a new grid function in composer, where a grid is not a property in a map object, but an object in... Klas Karlsson
08:12 AM Bug report #8662 (Closed): Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
Fixed in changeset commit:"3f6543d93bae0955ef7b1c704fd4fc392e67549c". Jürgen Fischer
05:44 AM Bug report #8662: Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
on my ubuntu system that package is installed, but it is not a dependency for qgis package - so that should be added ... Etienne Tourigny
05:53 AM Revision f7a47d52 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: help
Robert Szczepanek
03:53 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
leolami - wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
> In my QGis project I set a on-the...
Giovanni Manghi
03:51 AM Bug report #9350 (Closed): reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow

> Which version of GDAL are you running?
at the time the ticket was filed qgis master in the nightly repo was buidi...
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Now the result is correct for you?
no you are right, I forgot an import detail when I tested ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Now the result is correct for you?
no you are right, I forgot an import detail when I tested ...
Giovanni Manghi


12:50 AM Bug report #8662 (Reopened): Using the "New bookmark" it crashes QGIS 2.0
Jürgen Fischer
12:47 AM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
In qgis 2.0.1 there was an issue that reported bogus area/length values when reprojection was ON.
This is fixed in q...
Giovanni Manghi
12:47 AM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
In qgis 2.0.1 there was an issue that reported bogus area/length values when reprojection was ON.
This is fixed in q...
Giovanni Manghi
03:26 PM Bug report #9620 (Closed): Measure line tool reports incorrect units
After loading OpenStreetMap layer with the Open Layers plugin the measurement tool malfunctions
To reproduce:
1. Cre...
muscatelle -
12:24 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hi...
Giovanni Manghi
12:24 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hi...
Giovanni Manghi
04:12 PM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
OK so I finished editing the two layers (25KB and 32KB, shapefile, file based layer) then hit Save All and waited for... Patrick Dunford
03:51 PM Bug report #9526 (Reopened): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
I think it's still happening, just not as extreme (yet). Taking 4 minutes to put a layer into edit mode and using 12 ... Patrick Dunford
01:57 PM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
I'm happy with it for now. I've been using it for a few days and haven't seen a repeat of the problem. Patrick Dunford
12:17 AM Bug report #5069 (Closed): cmake fails to detect correct python version
Matthias Kuhn
12:15 AM Bug report #9594 (Feedback): Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
Is the "Save Output Shapefile" dialog the only one affected? Is there any difference for
* The open dialogs (e.g. ...
Matthias Kuhn
11:13 PM Revision 7399789f (qgis): add files for raster histogram (Int16 and Float32)
Etienne Tourigny
11:02 PM Revision 30fff857 (qgis): Define QGIS_MACAPP_BUNDLE in qgsconfig.h so resources can be found when...
Larry Shaffer
10:28 PM Bug report #9624 (Closed): line drawn on wrong side of edge with when draw line only inside polyg...
The new "draw line only inside polygon" feature for simple line symbology doesn't handle polygon rings properly, lead... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:42 PM Revision ba3c3df3 (qgis): disable raster histogram test until rendering testing is improved (also...
Etienne Tourigny
09:32 PM Revision ececdb71 (qgis): browser dock search: add normal syntax (with wildcards at begin and end...
Etienne Tourigny
09:27 PM Revision cf22e15e (qgis): Merge pull request #1211 from SrNetoChan/master
pt_PT GUI Translations Werner Macho
09:27 PM Revision 3f209281 (qgis): Merge pull request #1212 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: help Werner Macho
08:52 PM Revision 25c155ff (qgis): disable 'Draw as lines' option when raster layer does not contain int b...
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 80909caf (qgis): change histogram bar outline color from black to lightGray
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 4c1e866c (qgis): implement updateLegend() in HistogramItem
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 14ee3924 (qgis): allow to plot histogram as boxes with qwt5, using HistogramItem
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 884283a9 (qgis): add option to draw value as boxes, not lines (currently only with qwt6 ...
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 5f91848e (qgis): draw histogram boxes for Int16/Int32 also
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 2a2f4cee (qgis): let the raster provider/interface calculate histogram bin count, and ma...
Etienne Tourigny
08:23 PM Revision 673f7ba8 (qgis): add HistogramItem from qwt5 examples for use by histogram widget
Etienne Tourigny
07:19 PM Bug report #9622 (Closed): Non-selectable tileset from WMTS connection dialog
When using this Esri WMTS connection endpoint: Jeremy Palmer
05:22 PM Bug report #9621 (Closed): Remove Topology Checker tolerance column from rule settings
Could the tolerance column be removed from the Topology Checker's 'Topology Rule Settings' table (see attached screen... Darren Kavanagh
04:13 PM Revision 0dc0483c (qgis): support wmts layers to browser (implements #9492)
Jürgen Fischer
03:05 PM Bug report #9619: Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing delays).
If this is normal behaviour of spatialite/sqlite, close as needed.
But It does seem like that initial reading of the...
Donovan Cameron
03:04 PM Bug report #9619 (Closed): Loading a spatialite table reads the entire db before loading (causing...
I noticed that I have some large spatialite db (+10GB) that load slowly when adding a layer to the map canvas, they n... Donovan Cameron
02:50 PM Revision c471858f (qgis): restore master spash screen
Jürgen Fischer
02:46 PM Revision efc507ac (qgis): avoid 'overwriting' readonly files (fixes #9617)
Jürgen Fischer
02:36 PM Bug report #8860 (Closed): Overlap of Close/drop down button on "invalid data source"
Believe this is fixed. Reopen if necessary. Larry Shaffer
01:49 PM Bug report #9618: Make httplib2 an external dependency
python dependencies are not always easily installed - especially in mac...
Adding this dependency would require pack...
Etienne Tourigny
01:39 PM Bug report #9618 (Closed): Make httplib2 an external dependency
When building packages for Fedora I noticed that currently httplib2 is shipped with QGIS. The Fedora package maintain... Matthias Kuhn
12:32 PM Feature request #9493 (Closed): Filter improvements
Fixed in changeset commit:"ececdb71aec28882c49eab4acd0fcdb31b8155ff". Etienne Tourigny
12:29 PM Revision 694e5da1 (qgis): fix Alvaro's email address (followup 14699030)
Jürgen Fischer
11:54 AM Revision 14699030 (qgis): include Alvaro Huarte in AUTHORS (and . => dot)
Jürgen Fischer
09:49 AM Revision 08817505 (qgis): Bump version to 2.3
Jürgen Fischer
09:47 AM Revision e39944c7 (qgis): release script: tag release and include prefix in tar ball
Jürgen Fischer
07:46 AM Revision 90aa18a5 (qgis): Fix #9393, impossible to select 'regular' font style for labels
- While ostensibly fixes the issue, there is still a flaw with QFontDatabase.styleString() returning generic style names Larry Shaffer
07:42 AM Revision d12e08ed (qgis): fix PyQgsBlendModes test (followup da1ebc269)
Jürgen Fischer
07:15 AM Feature request #9492 (Closed): Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
Fixed in changeset commit:"0dc0483ca2d68ad9ef8fc6f67026a349598c7cbe". Jürgen Fischer
06:54 AM Revision 295854ad (qgis): Update labeling unit tests control image and PAL_SUITE test suite gener...
Larry Shaffer
06:50 AM Revision 0a9b8571 (qgis): Add label svg background unit tests and control images
Larry Shaffer
06:47 AM Revision 7e33fdec (qgis): Fix #9057, offset value misplaced when exporting composer to image
- Add unit test and control images Larry Shaffer
06:40 AM Revision ef7a036c (qgis): Add svgSymbolsPath to Python unit test utilities (for defining paths wi...
Larry Shaffer
05:50 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
Fixed in changeset commit:"efc507ac4772071359047049c6c8f0157231e75c". Jürgen Fischer
05:28 AM Bug report #9617 (Reopened): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
on second thought "overwriting" a readonly file doesn't make sense as you probably made it readonly just to prevent t... Jürgen Fischer
05:28 AM Bug report #9617 (Reopened): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
on second thought "overwriting" a readonly file doesn't make sense as you probably made it readonly just to prevent t... Jürgen Fischer
05:22 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
Readonly projects are not supported. So you can always change the project and save it somewhere else. If you save ... Jürgen Fischer
05:22 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
Readonly projects are not supported. So you can always change the project and save it somewhere else. If you save ... Jürgen Fischer
04:54 AM Bug report #9617 (Closed): .qgs project file is read-only does not work
With qgis 2.1 (master, Valmiera) to create a project and get it done .qgs file read-only (right-click on the file Pro... Giedrius Vaivilavičius


10:48 PM Bug report #9393: impossible to select "regular" font style for labels
While ostensibly fixes the issue, there is still a flaw with QFontDatabase.styleString() returning generic style name... Larry Shaffer
10:47 PM Bug report #9393 (Closed): impossible to select "regular" font style for labels
Fixed in changeset commit:"90aa18a5c674cf816ddae1488d9d4c8d67b87ff8". Larry Shaffer
10:39 PM Revision 86a1c178 (qgis): osgeo4w: always do a clean build
Jürgen Fischer
10:00 PM Revision 203d67f6 (qgis): Add labeling composer unit tests and control images
- Initial support for image output at 72 dpi
- Comparison against canvas output has slight shift (needs fixed)
Larry Shaffer
10:00 PM Revision b979774d (qgis): Fix typo in renderchecker output
Larry Shaffer
10:00 PM Revision c4a60de0 (qgis): Update labeling canvas and server unit tests and output new control images
Larry Shaffer
09:55 PM Bug report #9057 (Closed): label background with offset value misplaced when exporting qgis compo...
Fixed in changeset commit:"7e33fdec37c52bd3428c8a1c5324874fa201ba17". Larry Shaffer
08:38 PM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
I tried with revision 882dd0c pulled yesterday. I am on Linux (Archlinux), but I don't think it can be platform-speci... Leyan Ouyang
06:32 AM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
Leyan Ouyang wrote:
> Nothing changed from my side, I did not see any commit related to that either.
> Could someo...
Giovanni Manghi
06:21 AM Bug report #9569 (Reopened): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
Nothing changed from my side, I did not see any commit related to that either.
Could someone else confirm whether th...
Leyan Ouyang
08:02 PM Revision 60bbc082 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: help
Robert Szczepanek
07:17 PM Revision a582a4da (qgis): pt_PT GUI Translations
Alexandre Neto
05:00 PM Revision 5748abfd (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:58 PM Revision f7ec9684 (qgis): Merge pull request #1209 from SrNetoChan/master
pt_PT GUI translations by Nelson Silva Werner Macho
04:19 PM Revision 3f5e8835 (qgis): Merge pull request #1210 from marcel-dancak/master
Allow LIKE operator in QGIS mapserver's GetFeatureInfo FILTER parameter Marco Hugentobler
03:48 PM Revision ddc0f87f (qgis): Allow LIKE operator in QGIS mapserver's GetFeatureInfo search request (...
Marcel Dancak
03:22 PM Revision 98401dc0 (qgis): raster calculator: exit on error (fix #5075)
Jürgen Fischer
01:48 PM Revision ed057964 (qgis): russian translation update
Alexander Bruy
12:43 PM Revision a7cb2b27 (qgis): [expression] check for maximum nb of arguments in wordwrap function
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:43 PM Revision 5105f5f9 (qgis): [expression] fix function help following argument ordering shift
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:43 PM Revision 1c5228cc (qgis): [expression] made wordwrap delimiter string an optional 3rd argument
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:43 PM Revision d1c61a02 (qgis): [expression] rework the wordwrap to allow for maximum / minimum line le...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:42 PM Revision 3cfee812 (qgis): [expression] add wordwrap function help file
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:42 PM Revision 1fcb4f06 (qgis): [expression] more work on wordwrap function based on wonder-dk comments
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:42 PM Revision 6319adda (qgis): [expression] implement a wordwrap function (feature request #9412)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:33 AM Revision 5a4f8d07 (qgis): Change "added/deprecated in 2.1" notes to 2.4 for stuff related to thre...
Martin Dobias
11:23 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Fixing this would require fixing QgsVectorFileWriter() and copying the .qpj file to .prj fi...
Jürgen Fischer
10:40 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
Fixing this would require fixing QgsVectorFileWriter() and copying the .qpj file to .prj file. Etienne Tourigny
09:32 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
confirmed. look like the ogr provider needs updating... probably too late to include this in 2.2 though! At least the... Etienne Tourigny
08:54 AM Bug report #7368: QGIS writing out incorrect .prj file
I am also having trouble with the .prj file QGis is creating when working with 3857. I'm using Qgis 2.0.1 Chris Matthews
11:19 AM Revision 882dd0c5 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
11:06 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
Jonathan Moules wrote:
> "only look in meta data table" - I believe this checkbox should speed up loading of any sing...
Jürgen Fischer
09:14 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
I see what's happening here. There's some confusion about what the two metadata checkboxes do. My perception is that ... Jonathan Moules
07:53 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
Jonathan Moules wrote:
> I don't think this has actually been implemented; or at least, it doesn't seem be working (o...
Jürgen Fischer
06:58 AM Feature request #8850: Oracle not looking in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for extents
I don't think this has actually been implemented; or at least, it doesn't seem be working (or maybe I'm missing somet... Jonathan Moules
09:56 AM Revision a9975c3d (qgis): Minor improvements to IT translation, for consistency
Paolo Cavallini
09:18 AM Revision f805f127 (qgis): Merge pull request #1203 from ahuarte47/Issue_9610
Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project (fixes #9610) Jürgen Fischer
08:31 AM Revision ba2b61cd (qgis): Merge pull request #1206 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl Werner Macho
06:59 AM Feature request #9591: Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
Good catch, thanks.
Because the issue is still happening I figured I hadn't reported this particular thing before. I'...
Jonathan Moules
06:53 AM Feature request #9616 (Open): Layer Alias in Snapping option dialog
I have a lot of layers with a very long and coded name.
These names are quite the same except a letter or a number in...
Rocco Pispico
06:08 AM Revision da1ebc26 (qgis): Comments and API improvements of simplification (no functional changes)
- moved QgsVectorLayer::SimplifyHint enum to QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
- use QFlags instead of int for hints
- added fe...
Martin Dobias
05:36 AM Revision 27dccee8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
Robert Szczepanek
05:22 AM Revision 10f2ac92 (qgis): Fix partial labels unit tests and generate new control images
Larry Shaffer
05:22 AM Revision 1d916417 (qgis): Add deleting server cache function to local test server
Larry Shaffer
05:22 AM Revision 7afede9b (qgis): Add timeout to GetMap for local test server
Larry Shaffer
03:55 AM Bug report #5075 (Closed): Qgis crashes in Raster calculator
Joshua Vande Hey wrote:
> This appears to continue to be an error on QGIS desktop 2.0.1 on windows. If you go to the...
Giovanni Manghi
03:11 AM Bug report #5075 (Reopened): Qgis crashes in Raster calculator
This appears to continue to be an error on QGIS desktop 2.0.1 on windows. If you go to the raster calculator and pre... Joshua Vande Hey
03:03 AM Revision 722ae6ea (qgis): [TRANSUP] ko by BJ
Werner Macho
02:57 AM Revision 69e42f6e (qgis): Merge pull request #1204 from Jean-Roc/traduction_ui
clean&update translators Werner Macho
01:54 AM Bug report #9357: Lots of PostGIS connections with a standalone python script
Have found this to be a good workaround:
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), layerName, "postgres", False)
James Stott
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857...
leolami -
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857...
leolami -
01:42 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Hi all,
I have the same problem with the same srs (3003).
In my QGis project I set a on-the-fly reprojection to 3857...
leolami -


12:18 AM Bug report #9610 (Closed): Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
Fixed in changeset commit:"f805f127027691f3d3b665353058121364f9ecb7". Jürgen Fischer
11:59 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
Per Gammerath wrote:
> Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2...
Alvaro Huarte
11:59 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
Per Gammerath wrote:
> Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2...
Alvaro Huarte
11:03 PM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
Does that mean that I can fix it somehow, or does it mean that it will be fixed in version 2.2.0? Per Gammerath
08:21 AM Bug report #9610: Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
Pull request fixes this bug
Alvaro Huarte
06:57 AM Bug report #9610 (Closed): Displacement point: tolerance not saved in project
The point distance tolerance value is not saved nor read in project files. Reloading the project file resets the valu... Per Gammerath
11:31 PM Revision 7b11b76d (qgis): update french translation
Jean-Roc Morreale
11:26 PM Revision ebc6e4af (qgis): clean&update translators
Jean-Roc Morreale
10:03 PM Revision a4d2767d (qgis): update changelog, add 2.2 api doc to doxygen and merge news updated com...
Tim Jürgen Fischer
08:32 PM Revision 7d8f151d (qgis): pt_PT GUI translations by Nelson Silva
Alexandre Neto
05:17 PM Revision d6b00956 (qgis): #9610: save tolerance of displacement point
Alvaro Huarte
05:01 PM Revision d92a0e62 (qgis): Show preview for "$area" in expr builder, make preview consistent with ...
Another partial fix for #9060 Martin Dobias
04:43 PM Bug report #9614 (Closed): Datum transformation dialog box does not appear with EPSG 20790
The datum transformation dialog box does not appear when adding a layer in Datum Lisboa (EPSG 20790 or EPSG 20791) to... Pedro Venâncio
04:32 PM Revision 4d74ad73 (qgis): [TRANSUP] gl by Xan
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:29 PM Revision 478e479d (qgis): remove inactive translator
Werner Macho
04:22 PM Revision 764ba644 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:20 PM Bug report #9600: When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected layers are...
Thanks Marco!
Pedro Venâncio
03:16 PM Revision a46d7c06 (qgis): add wms caching note to QgsRasterDataProvider::draw()
Jürgen Fischer
03:16 PM Revision a1ada3c5 (qgis): vector layer: fix lazy extent calculation (fixes #9608; introduced in 5...
Jürgen Fischer
03:01 PM Feature request #9456: Improve offset line algorithm
This pull request ( ) improves the offset of lines using GEOSOffsetCurve if GE... Alvaro Huarte
02:59 PM Bug report #9485: Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
This pull request ( ) improves the offset of lines using GEOSOffsetCurve if GE... Alvaro Huarte
02:24 PM Revision 55cb04c5 (qgis): Added unit test to check correct outcome of axisInverted()
Martin Dobias
01:43 PM Revision c784c09f (qgis): #9060: fix bad ellipsoid selection from srs
Alvaro Huarte
01:39 PM Revision 32fc7210 (qgis): Merge pull request #1201 from marcel-dancak/master
Fixed bug #9584 Marco Hugentobler
01:22 PM Revision 325697dd (qgis): fixed occurrence of gml:featureMember elements in GetFeatureInfo respon...
Marcel Dancak
01:22 PM Revision 35791aac (qgis): #9060: fix unmanaged selection for NauticalMiles units
Alvaro Huarte
12:51 PM Revision b27780db (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
12:47 PM Revision aa97031e (qgis): [TRANSUP] lv by Peteris
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
12:19 PM Bug report #9594: Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
Not sure anything in Qgis could fix this. Etienne Tourigny
11:08 AM Bug report #9594: Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
More info, narrowing the problem and considerably reducing the impact:
A network drive was mapped but no longer avai...
Simon Bowyer
12:15 PM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
duplicate of #8850 Jürgen Fischer
12:15 PM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
duplicate of #8850 Jürgen Fischer
10:51 AM Revision 8de21635 (qgis): Merge pull request #1200 from peterisb/master
Latvian translation update Werner Macho
10:33 AM Revision 45a95b13 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Peteris Bruns
10:33 AM Revision 469f79b0 (qgis): lv trans edits
Peteris Bruns
10:31 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Solution: put - for longitude like -77° 45' 00"
Error: Failed calculation processing of the control points. Processi...
Michel Proulx
05:49 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Michel Proulx wrote:
> Michel Proulx wrote:
> > Problem solved.+ West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates ar...
Giovanni Manghi
10:02 AM Revision 44833002 (qgis): trim whitespaces in changelog
Jürgen Fischer
08:41 AM Bug report #9609 (Feedback): Crash during WFS GetFeature request
Martin Dobias
08:41 AM Bug report #9609: Crash during WFS GetFeature request
Please test with the latest development version of QGIS - there have been some fixes to crashes in WFS, so your probl... Martin Dobias
05:27 AM Bug report #9609 (Closed): Crash during WFS GetFeature request
I'm trying to get an internal WFS 1.1.0 service running in QGIS. QGIS unfortunately only supports 1.0.0 so I'm trying... Marcel van Beurden
08:34 AM Bug report #9612 (Closed): Web view doesn't work with specific URL in feature form
* Load/Create a layer with a varchar(255) field
* Set this field as 'Web view' in edit widget (layer propreti...
Rémi Bovard
08:05 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Another fix (commit:d92a0e) - make sure to show preview of "$area" + make the preview consistent with field calculato... Martin Dobias
07:37 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
I confirm, the $area preview shows the result Paolo Cavallini
06:46 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > For 2) and 3), if you did not use "none / planimetric" ellipsoid for measuring, the result...
Martin Dobias
06:24 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)

> For 2) and 3), if you did not use "none / planimetric" ellipsoid for measuring, the result makes sense because the...
Giovanni Manghi
06:04 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> The input is a 1x1km grid in a projected CRS (tested 3763)
> 1) otfr off area = 1000000
Martin Dobias
06:01 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
The behaviour that Giovanni described is exactly what I am obtaining too. As I told before, and as Giovanni wrote, th... Rhenriques Henriques
05:44 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias wrote:
> I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are sev...
Giovanni Manghi
04:48 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
The real issue with the project properties and setting of on-the-fly reprojection flag, CRS, map units, ellipsoid is ... Martin Dobias
04:45 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Merged the two commits from Alvaro (commit:35791aa and commit:c784c0) Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias wrote:
> I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are sev...
Alvaro Huarte
03:08 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
I do not feel confident merging the proposed PR this close before the release as there are several non-trivial change... Martin Dobias
07:30 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
fixed in 478e479 Werner Macho
07:30 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
fixed in 478e479 Werner Macho
01:58 AM Feature request #9607 (Closed): Remove inactive Danish translator
Preben Lisby is not part of translating QGIS at all anymore, and the part he initially translated was very small. For... Jacob Madsen
06:17 AM Bug report #9608 (Closed): QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
Fixed in changeset commit:"a1ada3c54ceb9c4c2bf30b4d7afb2e2c70153fb3". Jürgen Fischer
02:30 AM Bug report #9608: QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Is this a regression?
I think so
Alvaro Huarte
02:28 AM Bug report #9608: QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
Is this a regression? Giovanni Manghi
02:23 AM Bug report #9608 (Closed): QGIS reads all features to calculate layer extent
Now QGIS always reads all features of a layer to calculate the extent when the layer is opened.
It is very slow for b...
Alvaro Huarte
05:46 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
the patch seems has been committed. Giovanni Manghi
05:46 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
the patch seems has been committed. Giovanni Manghi
04:42 AM Bug report #9584: WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
I have fixed this bug in this pull request:
I have tested mapserver's GetFeat...
Marcel Dancak
05:05 AM Bug report #9196 (Closed): WMTS and CRS issue
Radim Blazek
05:04 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
It was my local problem, GDAL installation was broken and GDAL data, which are used by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::... Radim Blazek
03:59 AM Revision 02c0d582 (qgis): Remove duplicate entries from CMake build files
Carl Simonson
02:34 AM Revision 302ad062 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo and es by carlos
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:31 AM Revision 382e0548 (qgis): Merge pull request #1198 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl Werner Macho
02:29 AM Revision 7d263be7 (qgis): Add missing .qml to local server test
Larry Shaffer
02:20 AM Revision 8155e381 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
Robert Szczepanek
02:15 AM Revision 18efe2e1 (qgis): add release script
Jürgen Fischer
02:06 AM Revision 46abadef (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:59 AM Revision eac28773 (qgis): Clean up local test server module and add more usage info
Larry Shaffer
01:52 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I agree Filipe Dias
01:49 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
How about changing the color red on the unselect icon to something else (yellow?), so the color red is reserved for p... Matthias Kuhn


12:29 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
Still no luck here, without invert/ignore the map is "swapped".
Radim Blazek
11:58 PM Revision 4915c9e7 (qgis): Slightly larger default renderchecker image in html, and fix divide/0 i...
Larry Shaffer
11:25 PM Bug report #9606 (Closed): QWC fails silently if project doesn't have "service capabilities" checked
Moved from #9605 as a server not a client issue.
If the project doesn't have "service capabilities" checked, QGIS se...
Voytek Lapinski
09:48 PM Revision 916706f6 (qgis): Update tests to work with new test font functions in QgsFontUtils
- Cleanup code style Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision 523fd44d (qgis): Add more standard test font functions to QgsFontUtils
Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision 2d4ecbac (qgis): Move loading of test fonts to QgsFontUtils
- Always add testdata.qrc to desktop and server, but only auto-load Roman and Bold if built in debug mode
- Test font...
Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision 34be93b8 (qgis): Update test font to Vera San and start workaround for Mac 10.9 font-loa...
- Test font loading should be moved to QgsFontUtils Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision be83e7c8 (qgis): Add test-labeling master project and italic, bold-italic test fonts
Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision 570e24b0 (qgis): Update existing tests to work with new test server
Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision 2f1a5c92 (qgis): Convert local test server over to controller of web and fcgi servers
- Initially using lighttpd/spawn-fcgi Larry Shaffer
09:27 PM Revision bf5f6081 (qgis): Add getLocalServer and unit test for refactored local test server class
Larry Shaffer
05:35 PM Revision 1c294a9c (qgis): fixed composerrotationtest
Radim Blazek
05:33 PM Revision 11c68ef8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Jacob
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
05:32 PM Revision 4eb7c9fa (qgis): Fix missing layers in GetCapabilities if only embedded groups are present
Marco Hugentobler
05:23 PM Revision 7ea33909 (qgis): Fix incorrectly reported area in identify tool (partly fixes #9060)
Occurred with projected layer CRS, non-projected map CRS, planimetric measuring.
It was assumed that units of the mea...
Martin Dobias
05:01 PM Revision 34f79cf1 (qgis): Make a correct copy of QgsCoordinateTransform for labeling (hope it fix...
Marco Hugentobler
05:01 PM Revision 988099b9 (qgis): Fix layer order list in GetProjectSettings
Marco Hugentobler
04:56 PM Revision 42a4e755 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] prepared apis file update
Salvatore Larosa
04:48 PM Revision 06d9090c (qgis): [TRANSUP] fixes in german language
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:40 PM Revision c4b0ecd2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1195 from Oslandia/issue9599
Fix windows path escaping for QGIS_PLUGINPATH Jürgen Fischer
04:30 PM Revision c277f461 (qgis): [TRANSUP] last string update
Werner Macho
04:28 PM Revision 1299f397 (qgis): Minor fix to IT translation
Paolo Cavallini
04:21 PM Revision a72cada6 (qgis): fixed blendmodes test and added to report
Radim Blazek
04:15 PM Revision 06324cf5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1194 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
Finalizing translation (pt_BR) of QgsOptionsBase Werner Macho
04:09 PM Revision 2b3e19d1 (qgis): disabled composermaptest grid anotations
Radim Blazek
03:47 PM Revision 9aeb4ba8 (qgis): updated single symbol rendererstest
Radim Blazek
03:37 PM Revision 4bfb306b (qgis): Merge pull request #1196 from qgis-jp/for_pull
update translation ja Werner Macho
02:56 PM Revision a1e23b11 (qgis): update translation ja
yoichi Kayama
02:27 PM Revision 63d84ec2 (qgis): Fix windows path escaping for QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Hugo Mercier
02:17 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Hi Rhenriques, this pull ( (not merged) attempts to correct that behavior that... Alvaro Huarte
01:59 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
I'm paying attention to every single NB about this issue. Changes are not committed yet in the NB: f06457b. Changing ... Rhenriques Henriques
09:06 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias wrote:
> No, it fixes only wrong value in identify tool. I am not aware of any issue in field calculato...
Giovanni Manghi
08:57 AM Bug report #9060 (Reopened): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias
08:38 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Hi Martin, there is an issue commented in #9060-14 that I think fixed in
Alvaro Huarte
08:36 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
No, it fixes only wrong value in identify tool. I am not aware of any issue in field calculator. Martin Dobias
08:34 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias wrote:
> In case of any further issues please open a new bug as all the comments in this issue make it ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
In case of any further issues please open a new bug as all the comments in this issue make it hard to follow.
Martin Dobias
08:31 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Current state of measuring:
- ellipsoid "none" - consistently returning 2.520 km^2 (with project's CRS being EPSG:207...
Martin Dobias
08:24 AM Bug report #9060 (Closed): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Fixed in changeset commit:"7ea3390950be8232a9505438c428f5f0933ab1fb". Martin Dobias
06:11 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)

> Is this the problem or are there more cases to fix?
Hi Martin, I resume here what we discussed in private. Anyway...
Giovanni Manghi
04:28 AM Bug report #9060 (Feedback): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Martin Dobias
01:43 PM Revision b8c6e01a (qgis): Finalizing translation (pt_BR) of QgsOptionsBase
Marcelo Soares Souza
01:16 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Michel Proulx wrote:
> Problem solved.+ West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates are negative+.
> I think...
Michel Proulx
11:03 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process

> Other problem occurs, Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process.
so this is the real issue, right?
Giovanni Manghi
12:31 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Likely related: Matthias Kuhn
12:22 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
What is your system's hostname? Matthias Kuhn
12:25 PM Bug report #9604 (Closed): Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected fea...
Every time I open the attributes table I end up mixing these two buttons, because the icons are tool similar. It woul... Filipe Dias
12:24 PM Revision 406ff592 (qgis): Merge pull request #1193 from qgis-jp/for_pull
update Translation ja Werner Macho
12:05 PM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
Thank you for acknowledging the issue. I hope that it can be fixed in the next version. Actually, I would also hope t... Per Gammerath
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ... Giovanni Manghi
11:29 AM Bug report #9601: Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
I can confirm the issue also for the size. It seems that for both the rotation and size the value used is the one of ... Giovanni Manghi
04:43 AM Bug report #9601 (Closed): Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
Point symbols can be angled through Data Defined Properties, but this function does not work with Point Displacement.... Per Gammerath
12:04 PM Revision 4e7fa3ad (qgis): update Translation ja
yoichi Kayama
11:44 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
I cannot replicate anymore on the latest master, something has changed, for the better. Please reopen if I'm wrong. Giovanni Manghi
11:44 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
I cannot replicate anymore on the latest master, something has changed, for the better. Please reopen if I'm wrong. Giovanni Manghi
11:15 AM Revision 7822abdc (qgis): composer legend items space, better fixes #9498
Radim Blazek
11:14 AM Revision af04bdc9 (qgis): Fix reverse layer order after embedding group
Marco Hugentobler
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #9603: Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
Confirmed on the latest version of processing and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
08:19 AM Bug report #9603 (Closed): Error message with processing tool "Extract by location"
In the toolbox when using the tool "Extract by location" (QGIS Geoalgorithms > Vector selection tools) I have no ...
Pauline C.
11:02 AM Bug report #8991: nviz does not work (not found) in qgis 64bit osgeo4w
Markus Neteler - wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > see "OSGeo4W !#388":
Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
The first question is not really clear. Please rephrase it (the title as well) and I will reopen this ticket.
About ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
The first question is not really clear. Please rephrase it (the title as well) and I will reopen this ticket.
About ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an... Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an... Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #9500 (Closed): Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
The ID in the list is different bacause probably it is an internal id for the feature, that is different in shapes an... Giovanni Manghi
10:41 AM Revision 3af7d76c (qgis): lv trans edits
Peteris Bruns
08:52 AM Revision ab929a85 (qgis): Fix debug messages
Martin Dobias
08:52 AM Revision 5d4cf308 (qgis): Fix #9360 (layer not rendered when simplify geometry is activated)
Request's extent rectangle was being randomly overwritten as it was
just reference to a temporary object!
Martin Dobias
08:43 AM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
Lowering the priority - should not block the release. Martin Dobias
08:39 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Fixed in commit:63d84ec by Hugo Martin Dobias
08:39 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Fixed in commit:63d84ec by Hugo Martin Dobias
07:36 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Hugo Mercier
02:58 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Thanks !!!! Regis Haubourg
02:30 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Ok, got it.
Each '\\' is doubled for python path inclusion, but we check if it exists AFTER doubling the '\\'.
On Win...
Hugo Mercier
02:19 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Yep, it works well in 2.0.1
Regis Haubourg
02:16 AM Bug report #9599: QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Confirmed here.
btw, I think the correct message is "The extra plugin path '%1' does not exist".
It only raises when ...
Hugo Mercier
01:25 AM Bug report #9599 (Closed): QGIS_PLUGINPATH option raise an error
Hi, I'm doing deploiement test here and found a blocker.
A error message is raised when using QGIS_PLUGINPATH variab...
Regis Haubourg
08:34 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Actually, I have replicated the problem by chance while playing with #9060 on my self-compiled...
Alvaro Huarte
08:03 AM Bug report #9600 (Closed): When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected l...
Fixed in changeset commit:"34f79cf1fff11bd3ac23548d0929a7e90e6d142d". Marco Hugentobler
04:19 AM Bug report #9600: When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected layers are...
This is only noticeable with point layers, because with other geometries it is almost impossible to "fix" the label a... Pedro Venâncio
03:31 AM Bug report #9600 (Closed): When using the datum transformation dialog the labels of reprojected l...
and/or attached screencast
Giovanni Manghi
07:25 AM Revision d3e547c4 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
Paolo Cavallini
07:24 AM Revision 10ce9f9c (qgis): Minor edits to IT translation
Paolo Cavallini
07:12 AM Revision 94658bf6 (qgis): more coherent fill ring icon (thanks Robert)
Denis Rouzaud
05:59 AM Revision 50be7620 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by carlos and small german fixes
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:52 AM Bug report #9602 (Closed): preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
If your atlas has a fixed scale, when you change the scale in the preview it does not change the atlas, which is conf... Denis Rouzaud
04:01 AM Revision 34692a33 (qgis): Merge pull request #1190 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: QObject Werner Macho
03:55 AM Revision 73d9784b (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
Robert Szczepanek
03:24 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> 141 is the latest master.
ok, then it is solved for you or not? cheers!
Giovanni Manghi
02:48 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
141 is the latest master. Patrick Dunford
03:22 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
Ok looking at the code it seems that it's done different to the MS SQL provider. From the look of it it's still done... Nathan Woodrow
03:17 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing (or maybe I'm mis-understanding how the internals work). The way it s... Jonathan Moules
03:04 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
It's all done in a background thread though so it shouldn't block the UI, so you can have your cake an eat it too. L... Nathan Woodrow
03:01 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
> Yeah see but I don't think the issue is the checking the issue is that you can't load the layer until the check is ... Jonathan Moules
02:54 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
Yes it does allow more then one geometry type, however if anyone does that they are dead to me :)
Taking the first s...
Nathan Woodrow
02:45 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
A further thought - does MS SQL allow multiple geometry types in the same column? I.e. mixing polygon, points etc, li... Jonathan Moules
02:41 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
I have had this discussion with others as well. I guess I'm the kind of person that likes seeing the geometry type i... Nathan Woodrow
02:38 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
> The other option is the to have a geometry_columns query/table, which we have in the MS SQL and PostGIS providers. ... Jonathan Moules
02:30 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
I just recently fixed (patched) this issue with the MS SQL driver. I just used the TOP 1 because just checking the f... Nathan Woodrow
02:09 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> I would prefer using MDSYS.ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. QGIS user is not necessarily the same who c...
Jonathan Moules
03:10 AM Revision d7544799 (qgis): Merge pull request #1189 from tomass/master
Lithuanian translation update Werner Macho
02:26 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Radim, I've just compiled qgis with your commit in, and legend is acting like a charm, excellent. I think we can call... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:26 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Radim, I've just compiled qgis with your commit in, and legend is acting like a charm, excellent. I think we can call... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:17 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
I have done better fix (fixing the real problem) in commit:7822abd.
Please test.
Radim Blazek


12:58 AM Bug report #8991: nviz does not work (not found) in qgis 64bit osgeo4w
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> see "OSGeo4W !#388":
For the record, it has been cl...
Markus Neteler
12:20 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Actually, I have replicated the problem by chance while playing with #9060 on my self-compiled build (not using debia... Martin Dobias
11:59 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
!! Yay !!
Martin, out of purely geeky curiosity, why was this not showing on self-compiled builds and showing on th...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:53 PM Bug report #9360 (Closed): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry a...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5d4cf3086abe6bb205423771093cc5eebac6d5b8". Martin Dobias
11:42 PM Bug report #9360 (Reopened): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry...
Martin Dobias
12:05 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
I am getting quite confused by the discussion as there have been various issues mentioned.
Can you please clearly de...
Martin Dobias
12:21 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
IMHO, the correct solution would be that _both_ the measurement tools and the field calculation functions should obey... Bo Victor Thomsen
11:57 PM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
I am pretty sure this got fixed by commit:5d4cf3086 (same problem with randomly overwritten extent) Martin Dobias
11:57 PM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
I am pretty sure this got fixed by commit:5d4cf3086 (same problem with randomly overwritten extent) Martin Dobias
05:03 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
Richard, there's a serious ongoing issue with simplification that only manifests through debian-nightly packages (but... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:39 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
Gavin, I cannot reproduce this either (Debian self compiled QGIS of yesterday)
Loading your (latlon degrees) shapefi...
Richard Duivenvoorde
12:15 PM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
Try the attached shapefile. If I load it with simplification on, it never draws when projected but if I load it with ... Gavin Fleming
07:53 AM Bug report #9581 (Feedback): linestrings not transforming on the fly
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> appears to be duplicate of #9360
as it happens for #9360 I'm really not able to replicate (us...
Giovanni Manghi
11:46 PM Bug report #9598 (Closed): problems with adding embed layers/groups
I noticed a few problems while adding embed layers or groups:
* if you add a layer which ID already exist in the proj...
Denis Rouzaud
10:25 PM Revision 0625dfa1 (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
09:52 PM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
I would prefer using MDSYS.ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA. QGIS user is not necessarily the same who created the table.
Jukka Rahkonen
05:08 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > because QGIS isn't trusting the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
> no, just because USER_SDO_GEOM...
Jonathan Moules
04:50 AM Feature request #9592: Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
> because QGIS isn't trusting the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
no, just because USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA doesn't carry info...
Jürgen Fischer
04:36 AM Feature request #9592 (Open): Oracle should only look in metadata table for metadata
When the "Only look in meta data table" checkbox is selected, QGIS should *only* use the MDSYS.USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA... Jonathan Moules
09:34 PM Revision 56ff646e (qgis): wcs test made to pass
Radim Blazek
06:23 PM Revision 429d814d (qgis): third attempt to fix a simple typo
Jürgen Fischer
05:45 PM Revision 5cd53dd2 (qgis): dbmanager versioning: use lower case 'sql' language (fixes #9434)
Jürgen Fischer
05:06 PM Revision 266c592c (qgis): network manager: include QGIS version in user-agent string (related to ...
Jürgen Fischer
05:06 PM Revision 22b2d58f (qgis): fix second occurrency too (followup 580f3dc80; fixes #9593)
Jürgen Fischer
05:01 PM Revision 88e8f9d6 (qgis): [Plugin Installer] More robust xml parsing: fix lonely ampersands. Fixe...
Borys Jurgiel
04:53 PM Revision 580f3dc8 (qgis): fix typo in french translation (fixes #9593)
Jürgen Fischer
03:34 PM Revision f06457b7 (qgis): add scripts/ to compare sqlite3 databases (defaults to srs.db)
Jürgen Fischer
03:32 PM Revision 5cb15199 (qgis): [TRANSUP] Adding pt_BR translator
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:36 PM Revision c6e03868 (qgis): Update srs.db with entries for BeTA2007.gsb (thanks to Robert Nuske)
Marco Hugentobler
02:04 PM Revision 476cae38 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:45 PM Revision 7f5aac30 (qgis): postgres provider: clear primary key for views (potentially fixes #9590)
Jürgen Fischer
01:18 PM Bug report #9597 (Closed): 2.1.0 revision c9a88c1 fails to export spatial information from polyli...
Into the Layer options in the CSV "" dialog ...
kilo lima
11:45 AM Revision 7138c7aa (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
Paolo Cavallini
11:45 AM Revision 43af9eaf (qgis): Minor improvements to IT translation
Paolo Cavallini
11:43 AM Revision 6364f139 (qgis): Merge pull request #1188 from 3nids/addpointleftclick
only add point with left click Martin Dobias
11:15 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> At the moment I'm running 141 noplugins. Might try it tonight with plugins enabled.
the imp...
Giovanni Manghi
11:12 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
At the moment I'm running 141 noplugins. Might try it tonight with plugins enabled. Patrick Dunford
11:01 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Testing with the --noplugins option but haven't done enough on it yet to see if fixed. Haven...
Giovanni Manghi
11:02 AM Bug report #8481 (Closed): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is n...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > > Is this still an issue?
> > >
> > > L...
Giovanni Manghi
11:02 AM Bug report #8481 (Closed): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is n...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > > Is this still an issue?
> > >
> > > L...
Giovanni Manghi
10:58 AM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Problem solved. West of the Meridian line longitidude coordinates are negative.
I think it is not clearly mentionned...
Michel Proulx
10:08 AM Revision 865ab28d (qgis): only add point with left click
Denis Rouzaud
09:54 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
Icon based on magnifier icon of Larry.
João Gaspar
08:53 AM Bug report #9524: Special character & in plugin authors prevent downloading
Here you have a fast workaround. The long-term solution should be implemented on the repository side, see: #9595 Borys Jurgiel
08:02 AM Bug report #9524 (Closed): Special character & in plugin authors prevent downloading
Fixed in changeset commit:"88e8f9d6b6f05cbda44eea2c4d925170e82342eb". Borys Jurgiel
08:47 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
I am not sure the fix is OK. Basically each row in legend is a nucleon, group of nucleons is atom. Layer item is a nu... Radim Blazek
08:45 AM Bug report #9434 (Closed): DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
Fixed in changeset commit:"5cd53dd28ef44db7802d6d7bfa38227792483686". Jürgen Fischer
08:29 AM Bug report #9434: DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
Confirmed, thanks. Paolo Cavallini
08:23 AM Bug report #9434: DB Manager versioning: language "SQL" does not exist
I found this discussion, that might help solving the problem.
Alexandre Neto
08:01 AM Revision 5e21c55d (qgis): [relations] Preview expression from relation reference field config dialog
Fix #9538 Matthias Kuhn
07:53 AM Bug report #9593 (Closed): Commit error not displayed in message bar
Fixed in changeset commit:"580f3dc80d4bfba54438c2b6236a2d1e76914034". Jürgen Fischer
06:54 AM Bug report #9593 (Closed): Commit error not displayed in message bar
When a commit error is raised by the DBMS, the error is not correctly displayed in the message bar: %s (should be the... Rémi Bovard
07:19 AM Bug report #9395 (Closed): WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
I've not been able to fully determine, that is a QGIS issue and not a Geoserver issue. For that reason, I'll close th... Jacob Madsen
06:00 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
I'm currently having a look at this. Assigning to myself to avoid doubled up work. Matthias Kuhn
02:20 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
Hi Jürgen
As you seem to know the networking code of QGIS very well, could I get you to take a look at this? It's my...
Jacob Madsen
06:54 AM Bug report #9594 (Closed): Save output shapefile dialogue is slow to load filenames
When browsing to save the output shapefile of a tool, the browse dialogue box consistently takes several tens of seco... Simon Bowyer
06:51 AM Revision bc074869 (qgis): Re-enable geometry simplification while rendering
Martin Dobias
05:39 AM Revision 517b8593 (qgis): Faster listing of tables for MS SQL
Nathan Woodrow
05:28 AM Revision a3af9339 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into threading-revival
Some features are still disabled - will be fixed later
Martin Dobias
05:10 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
Jürgen Fischer
05:08 AM Bug report #9590 (In Progress): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different...
Not reproducable here, but commit:7f5aac30 might still fix it. Jürgen Fischer
05:08 AM Bug report #9590 (In Progress): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different...
Not reproducable here, but commit:7f5aac30 might still fix it. Jürgen Fischer
05:06 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
Fixed in changeset commit:"7f5aac30b1ab05cb901f2ea349a0badbef3d39ba". Jürgen Fischer
02:58 AM Bug report #9590 (Closed): postgis table primary key choice list mixes fields from different tabl...
Primary key choice list in postgis connection dialog does show much more field than real table or view has.
Regis Haubourg
04:31 AM Feature request #9591 (Closed): Oracle connection to use metadata table for extent
Currently when adding an Oracle layer QGIS performs a MBR check against the layer (SDO_TUNE.EXTENTS_OF). This hangs Q... Jonathan Moules
04:12 AM Revision dc50304f (qgis): Merge pull request #1186 from ahuarte47/Issue_9360R2
Bug #9360: Whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated) Martin Dobias
03:47 AM Revision 49fbfbad (qgis): Merge pull request #1187 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl Werner Macho
03:45 AM Revision 0f58a107 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl
Robert Szczepanek
03:13 AM Revision fcf1119a (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by Carlos, nl by Richard
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
03:13 AM Revision b95e1415 (qgis): fixing typo in source
Werner Macho


12:48 AM Bug report #8979: Crashing WFS in 32bit Windows Install
I can confirm that in the developer version QGIS code revision: 8f7c879 the issue is no longer present. Thanks, much ... Heikki Vesanto
11:55 PM Bug report #9583: SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
* Add a PostGIS geographic layer (with SRID defined)
* Add a PostGIS table layer
-> This window appear: see attached...
Rémi Bovard
01:29 PM Bug report #9583: SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
include steps to reproduce please. Jürgen Fischer
07:26 AM Bug report #9583 (Closed): SRS transformation asked when adding geometry less table
When adding a geometry less table, the prompt to choose SRS transformation is opened. Rémi Bovard
11:10 PM Bug report #9538 (In Progress): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation ...
This fixes the worst part of the problem, i.e. that the expression is not saved when edited in the config dialog. I'l... Matthias Kuhn
11:10 PM Bug report #9538 (In Progress): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation ...
This fixes the worst part of the problem, i.e. that the expression is not saved when edited in the config dialog. I'l... Matthias Kuhn
11:01 PM Bug report #9538 (Closed): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation Refer...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5e21c55d2b6358da0a8b61beb490ea0dd5f26a0c". Matthias Kuhn
10:38 PM Revision f4f450f3 (qgis): #9360: More safely calculate the simplification transform factor
Alvaro Huarte
09:40 PM Revision b9b9bc31 (qgis): geometry validation: don't consider touching lines as intersection (fix...
Jürgen Fischer
09:32 PM Bug report #5025 (Closed): issue in snapping of point
The problem went away, this bug can be closed. Leyan Ouyang
09:19 PM Bug report #9569: Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line element curr...
I made some more investigation: the number of nodes created is not linked to the type of layer, but to the number of ... Leyan Ouyang
09:05 PM Revision 7c4c7e89 (qgis): network authentication: don't crash if a network request is closed whil...
Jürgen Fischer
07:00 PM Feature request #9587 (Closed): honor path from all sides - program and add on
I think it is important to use the path based on 'favourites' (if set) as that is an active choise of mine and the co... jan paimo
05:52 PM Revision 7becd761 (qgis): osm: transform extents to EPSG:4326 (fixes #8709)
Jürgen Fischer
05:42 PM Revision ebdcaa7f (qgis): Merge pull request #1184 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
Some translations (pt_BR) for Monday... Werner Macho
05:32 PM Revision e6e06146 (qgis): Fix crash if adding sublayers via plugin interface
Marco Hugentobler
05:17 PM Revision 45dc4a5c (qgis): Some translations (pt_BR) for Monday...
Marcelo Soares Souza
05:16 PM Bug report #9414 (Closed): Custom CRS with units=mm stored as units=m
I just tried the test cases in the GDAL tickets, they are correctly represented with QGis Master. Leyan Ouyang
04:12 PM Revision d39d2a7e (qgis): IT translation completed
Paolo Cavallini
03:58 PM Revision 7f3304b3 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Jacob, fi by Kari, lv by Peteris
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
03:50 PM Revision c0f2b1e1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
Werner Macho
03:50 PM Revision 5c4899a3 (qgis): typo in description
Werner Macho
02:41 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
I agree with Anita, the icon needs to be more discernible from desktop app icon, especially when at 24 x 24px. Howeve... Larry Shaffer
09:39 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
I don't think v1 is the best option. In my opinion, the difference between the desktop and browser icon should be mor... Anita Graser
05:56 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
Andreas, my suggestion:
If we use the icon v1 prototype we need to pick a color for the folders that is neutral for ...
João Gaspar
05:12 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
My vote is for the version qgis_browser_icon_prototype_v1.svg - but with a change that the folders are in blue instea... Andreas Neumann
03:35 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
My vote is for qgis_browser_icon_prototype_v6.svg
But anyone is ok for me.
Paolo Cavallini
03:29 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> IMHO this should changed, as it is quite confusing for users.
and which one? two here, a ...
Jürgen Fischer
03:21 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
IMHO this should changed, as i...
Paolo Cavallini
03:21 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
IMHO this should changed, as i...
Paolo Cavallini
01:48 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Hi, I have released a new pull request that attempts to correct this issue or as least show debug information:
Alvaro Huarte
09:05 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Hi, sorry, these days I'm finding it impossible to look this issue for family reasons.
I will try to build QGIS as d...
Alvaro Huarte
07:34 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
affects me too (I added #9581 which is probably a duplicate of this). I did an update today so either the patch hasn'... Gavin Fleming
12:42 PM Bug report #9580 (Closed): wrong geometry error detection with QGIS method
Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856". Jürgen Fischer
06:11 AM Bug report #9580 (Closed): wrong geometry error detection with QGIS method
attached you find a small project with a polygon shape file. Using the "check geometry validity" tool from the f...
Otto Dassau
12:42 PM Bug report #7501 (Closed): Check validity of multipolygons
Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856". Jürgen Fischer
12:42 PM Feature request #3851 (Closed): Allow tolerating self-touching rings forming holes as valid
Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b9bc31b3ba63b06def835dbb01772134661856". Jürgen Fischer
12:10 PM Feature request #8709 (Closed): Easier import of OSM data: bounding box
Fixed in changeset commit:"7becd761af05d3946e3c94017cffacf5ed72be4e". Jürgen Fischer
06:07 AM Feature request #8709: Easier import of OSM data: bounding box
The source of this bus is correctly identified in the comments on the duplicate Bug #9103. The OSM overpass-api requi... iarla Kilbane-Dawe
12:10 PM Bug report #9379 (Closed): QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Fixed in changeset commit:"7c4c7e897e145eb38ea90be1bf8989e09bec698c". Jürgen Fischer
09:42 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Jacob Madsen wrote:
> What do you mean? The problem was reproduced, but apparently it's intermediary. That I can't re...
Jürgen Fischer
07:04 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Issue just occurred again today, still latest build. Minidump sent on WeTransfer. Jacob Madsen
05:09 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
What do you mean? The problem was reproduced, but apparently it's intermediary. That I can't reproduce it now doesn't... Jacob Madsen
11:30 AM Revision ef5ede16 (qgis): Merge pull request #1180 from nirvn/legend_spacing_fix2
[composer] fix vertical spacing of hidden layer title in legend items (fix #9498) Nathan Woodrow
10:46 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Testing with the --noplugins option but haven't done enough on it yet to see if fixed. Haven't tried latest master (c... Patrick Dunford
09:03 AM Revision d31b5950 (qgis): 5239_v1
Thomas Arnold
07:35 AM Bug report #9581: linestrings not transforming on the fly
appears to be duplicate of #9360 Gavin Fleming
07:16 AM Bug report #9581 (Closed): linestrings not transforming on the fly
QGIS Master 2.2 (from debian-nightly). This has happened with linestrings from various sources (shapefile, gpx and po... Gavin Fleming
07:33 AM Bug report #9585 (Closed): Show features count doesn't kept after opening project
* Add a geometry less table (with some rows inside or add some)
* Enable 'show features count' with right clic...
Rémi Bovard
07:29 AM Bug report #9584 (Closed): WMS GetFeatureInfo response in GML format is not correct
XML elements of every particular feature (feature ID, geometry, bounding box and attributes) in GetFeatureInfo GML re... Marcel Dancak
07:19 AM Bug report #9582 (Closed): Identify form dimensions
The dimensions of the identify form are not kept after resizing.
* Select identify tool
* Click on a feature
Rémi Bovard
05:22 AM Bug report #8801 (Closed): QGIS fails to start when not in domain
Home directory is on the network.
I have recently changed to a Windows 7 64bit platform - and there I can open QGIS ...
Karin Praet
05:01 AM Bug report #9395: WFS layers time out, even though the timeout is not reached
Could I get some feedback on this? Still reproduces from time to time on build commit:57dd877 Jacob Madsen
04:40 AM Bug report #9579 (Closed): wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
Hi all,
svg symbol (style tab for point shapefile) seems not to take care of the data defined properties (size, offse...
matteo ghetta
02:34 AM Revision 4e3738a2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1183 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: QObject Werner Macho
02:30 AM Bug report #9498 (Closed): legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Fixed in changeset commit:"ef5ede169023e520bf6844c205b1fc8c06239329". Nathan Woodrow
02:28 AM Revision 337792bf (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
Robert Szczepanek
02:10 AM Bug report #6299: Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
On SAGA 2.10, Merge Shapes doesn't corrupt the encoding.
I also tried v.overlay from QGIS and it doesn't corrupt th...
Filipe Dias
02:07 AM Revision 24b3ed17 (qgis): postgres provider: fix detection of character fields (related to #8481)
Jürgen Fischer
01:41 AM Revision 68660acf (qgis): Merge pull request #1182 from SrNetoChan/master
[TRANSUP] pt_PT GUI Translations Werner Macho
01:17 AM Revision e0e5f71f (qgis): pt_PT GUI Translations
PT_pt GUI Translation (QObject)
PT_pt GUI Translations
Alexandre Neto


12:58 AM Bug report #9578: QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created composer
Attached is the minidump file Akbar Gumbira
11:59 PM Bug report #9578: QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created composer
Attached file is the template we used. Akbar Gumbira
11:40 PM Bug report #9578 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when incorrect plot style for programmatically created c...
This issue replaces #9562
We have been trying to track down the cause of a crash under windows. We use some code sim...
Tim Sutton
12:44 AM Bug report #9500: Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
For me the importation works fine (there is a create database command).
I join an archive with shapefiles (and a scre...
Jean-Michel Follin
02:45 PM Bug report #9500: Wrong list of "result entities ID" after a spatial query
Jean-Michel Follin wrote:
> Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> > works fine for me either 2.0.1 or master version.
> >
> > Pl...
Giovanni Manghi
12:11 AM Bug report #5239 (Closed): TIN interpolation causes crash
Since I didn't have time to look at the triangulation code, I just upplied the patch now.
>An obvious choice can be ...
Marco Hugentobler
11:30 PM Bug report #9562 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
Ok after more testing we found that on windows the crash does not occur because of the unresolvable path. We are goin... Tim Sutton
10:43 PM Bug report #9562: QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
I tried to upload the minidump in the original ticket but it seems to have been discarded when the ticket was sub...
Tim Sutton
09:36 PM Revision 26f8be92 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Fix window title update
Borys Jurgiel
09:33 PM Revision e0c761cc (qgis): main: fix installation of qt translator
Jürgen Fischer
04:20 PM Revision 7f9a755f (qgis): network manager: support system proxy settings on windows (fixes #8600)
Jürgen Fischer
04:03 PM Bug report #8818 (Closed): "value map" widget broken
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I'm not sure (still thinking) that the actual behavior is better for the user, but anyway if...
Jürgen Fischer
03:33 PM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> The stored data is correct in both cases, isn't it?
I'm not sure (still thinking) tha...
Giovanni Manghi
03:19 PM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> attached a screencast that shows the difference between qgis 1.8 and 2.0/master:
> in qgi...
Jürgen Fischer
01:01 PM Bug report #8818 (Open): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877c...
Giovanni Manghi
05:47 AM Bug report #8818 (Feedback): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer
03:38 PM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > Is this still an issue?
> >
> > Looking at my earlier comments, I ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:00 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
Sorry - I'm on holidays for a couple of weeks and can't investigate this for 2.2. I'm happy to take a look after that... Nyall Dawson
02:25 PM Bug report #9079 (Open): Numeric scale error when print
Giovanni Manghi
02:25 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
Seems also to me that something is wrong... Giovanni Manghi
02:25 PM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
Seems also to me that something is wrong... Giovanni Manghi
02:59 PM Bug report #9577 (Closed): Point displacemente does not work with PostGIS layers
The dialog shows the message in the attached image Giovanni Manghi
02:58 PM Bug report #5979 (Closed): not displaying points over openlayers background map
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
02:58 PM Bug report #5979 (Closed): not displaying points over openlayers background map
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
02:51 PM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> OK so using 2,01 with the same project and layer files, editing a layer is instantaneous. So...
Giovanni Manghi
02:18 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Here GCP file and orginal map. Michel Proulx
01:55 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Michel Proulx wrote:
> Oginal map makes 180 Mo. I can't send it here.
> You're right what I get from georeferencer...
Giovanni Manghi
01:53 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Oginal map makes 180 Mo. I can't send it here.
You're right what I get from georeferencer is flipped raster!? Flippe...
Michel Proulx
01:04 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Michel Proulx wrote:
> Dear Giovanni
> What's mean and where to find GPC file?
> Here is attached final result....
Giovanni Manghi
01:01 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Dear Giovanni
What's mean and where to find GPC file?
Here is attached final result.
Michel Proulx
01:01 PM Bug report #9575: Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to process
Dear Giovanni
What's mean and where to find GPC file?
Here is attached final result.
Michel Proulx
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of... Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of... Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of... Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Bug report #9575 (Feedback): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to p...
Hi, the description is not really clear. Can you add sample data (including the GPC file)? Maybe also a screenshot of... Giovanni Manghi
12:25 PM Bug report #9575 (Closed): Georeferencer: Polynomial 2 transformation with 6 GCP is unable to pro...
QGIS 1.8.0 and 2.0.1 when georeferencing topo and geological map, .jpg / tiff. formats; lon, lat originale coordinate... Michel Proulx
02:15 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Correct! Rhenriques Henriques
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:47 PM Bug report #9060 (Open): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:00 PM Bug report #9470 (Closed): Cannot remove a group in TOC
Closing for lack of feedback and as because it seems to be fine on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
02:00 PM Bug report #9470 (Closed): Cannot remove a group in TOC
Closing for lack of feedback and as because it seems to be fine on master. Reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #6299 (Feedback): Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
Filipe Dias wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Seems the only possible way to get broken attributes is using "Syst...
Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #6299 (Feedback): Sextante output do not have the same Encoding as the inputs
Filipe Dias wrote:
> Alexander Bruy wrote:
> > Seems the only possible way to get broken attributes is using "Syst...
Giovanni Manghi
01:54 PM Bug report #9508 (Feedback): Dissolve tool doesn't work
I usually get the same issue when in the table of attributes there is a column with a reserved/invalid name, like "de... Giovanni Manghi
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
Confirmed on master. Giovanni Manghi
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
Confirmed on master. Giovanni Manghi
01:18 PM Bug report #9572: legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
Confirmed on master. Giovanni Manghi
08:08 AM Bug report #9572 (Closed): legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
I have noticed a not correct display of categorized type legend using
joined fields.
If I use one of the joined field...
Antonio Valanzano
01:10 PM Feature request #9456: Improve offset line algorithm
see also #9485 Giovanni Manghi
01:10 PM Bug report #9485 (Closed): Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
duplicate of #9456 Giovanni Manghi
01:10 PM Bug report #9485 (Closed): Line Offset in symbology generates artifacts
duplicate of #9456 Giovanni Manghi
01:09 PM Bug report #9573 (Feedback): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Chars like "ã" or "ç" in the username are not an issue here on Windows 7 on both qgis 2 and master. Giovanni Manghi
01:09 PM Bug report #9573 (Feedback): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Chars like "ã" or "ç" in the username are not an issue here on Windows 7 on both qgis 2 and master. Giovanni Manghi
08:42 AM Bug report #9573 (Closed): hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
Can't open Python consoler right after a clean install. This could be caused by my username in Windows which contains... Robert Rous
12:43 PM Bug report #9576 (Closed): SLD rule-based style export loses quotes around layer names
When exporting a rule-based layer style to an sld file, any quotes in the rules are removed. If layers have hyphens i... Trygve Wastvedt
10:32 AM Revision ba47c9fe (qgis): Fix #9520 (bbox filter doesn't work applied on a WFS datasource)
Currently the bbox must have syntax bbox($geometry, geomFromWKT('...')) Martin Dobias
09:37 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
I can replicate the problem in QGIS 2.0.1 (on linux), but not with QGIS master, so I assume this has been fixed in th... Martin Dobias
09:37 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
I can replicate the problem in QGIS 2.0.1 (on linux), but not with QGIS master, so I assume this has been fixed in th... Martin Dobias
03:00 AM Bug report #9571 (Closed): Qgis crash when remove group of layers create with python
hi after that i load many layers i run this code in python console... SC SC
09:20 AM Feature request #9574 (Open): Simplified ranges in styling
I think it would be useful to have a more concise way to specify multiple numerical ranges for a single rule when sty... Trygve Wastvedt
08:46 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Thanks for your interest in this.
No bother you closing this ticket.
Plenty more QGIS stuff for you to get i...
Geoff Owen
04:37 AM Feature request #9530 (Closed): Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Giovanni.
> Thanks for getting involved.
> I think my suggestion would be useful but only f...
Giovanni Manghi
04:37 AM Feature request #9530 (Closed): Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Giovanni.
> Thanks for getting involved.
> I think my suggestion would be useful but only f...
Giovanni Manghi
07:21 AM Bug report #8600 (Closed): QGIS 2.0 not working with NTLM proxy
Fixed in changeset commit:"7f9a755f271a40c2e7864f7646cb5257d722d1ff". Jürgen Fischer
05:45 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Jacob Madsen wrote:
> What more can I do to assist you in fixing this issue? All I can say at this point is, that I'v...
Jürgen Fischer
04:46 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
What more can I do to assist you in fixing this issue? All I can say at this point is, that I've seen this problem on... Jacob Madsen
04:47 AM Bug report #9569 (Feedback): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
I'm on qgis master/ubuntu and it's weird because what I see is:
* for lines I see what you describe for polygons
* ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:47 AM Bug report #9569 (Feedback): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line e...
I'm on qgis master/ubuntu and it's weird because what I see is:
* for lines I see what you describe for polygons
* ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:26 AM Bug report #9570: Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
Cannot confirm here on QGIS master on Ubuntu. Giovanni Manghi
04:26 AM Bug report #9570: Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
Cannot confirm here on QGIS master on Ubuntu. Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #9570 (Closed): Opening Layer -> Properties 12 times crashes QGIS master
When you open the project:
First I click on Layer -> Properties, or double-click on the layer
Second I close the "P...
Giedrius Vaivilavičius
03:22 AM Revision d102a79a (qgis): [composer] fix vertical spacing of hidden layer title in legend items (...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:30 AM Revision 1607759c (qgis): ²
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:11 AM Revision af7b133e (qgis): Merge pull request #1179 from asiersarasua/master
Basque translation update Werner Macho
02:11 AM Revision e91580fc (qgis): Merge pull request #1178 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: QObject Werner Macho
02:10 AM Revision c809a822 (qgis): Merge pull request #1177 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
Some translations (pt_BR) for the weekend. Werner Macho
02:10 AM Revision 0d304a26 (qgis): Merge pull request #1176 from tomass/master
Lithuanian translation update Werner Macho
01:33 AM Bug report #9520 (Closed): bbox filter doesn't work applied on a WFS datasource
Fixed in changeset commit:"ba47c9feb62ecaa102d16eff8ac61363047e51f1". Martin Dobias
01:22 AM Feature request #8621 (Closed): The expression text box in the expression builder window should b...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


09:42 PM Revision be67e6a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1174 from anitagraser/master
added new splash for 2.2 Gary Sherman
08:46 PM Revision 9b651a50 (qgis): Basque translation update
Asier Sarasua
08:02 PM Bug report #9562 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
Could you please attach the minidump file?
What happens on linux if the image does not exist? Crash or just no pictu...
Martin Dobias
06:33 PM Revision 60813ce7 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject
Robert Szczepanek
05:31 PM Revision 675746c2 (qgis): wms: use titles in layer name (fixes #4002)
Jürgen Fischer
05:31 PM Revision edfce689 (qgis): wmts: use title instead of identifier (fixes #9391)
Jürgen Fischer
04:25 PM Revision 2168cac1 (qgis): Some translations (pt_BR) for the weekend.
Marcelo Soares Souza
04:06 PM Revision b5897c7f (qgis): Fix switched axes problem in WMS 1.3 with non-projected CRS
Martin Dobias
03:48 PM Revision f094cf9d (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
01:06 PM Revision 51afb507 (qgis): russian translation update
Alexander Bruy
10:45 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Hello Giovanni.
Thanks for getting involved.
I think my suggestion would be useful but only for a very few users.
Geoff Owen
04:13 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello
> Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1)...
Giovanni Manghi
04:13 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello
> Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1)...
Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Open): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877c...
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 AM Bug report #8818 (Feedback): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer
10:05 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
Hi Martin,
Thanks for looking into this;
Indeed my sample file doesn't seem to reproduce the problem. I apologise fo...
Attila Szász
10:05 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
Hi Martin,
Thanks for looking into this;
Indeed my sample file doesn't seem to reproduce the problem. I apologise fo...
Attila Szász
09:22 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
I fail to see what is actually wrong there - OpenJUMP and QGIS seem to render the layers in the same way.
Maybe your...
Martin Dobias
09:27 AM Bug report #9391 (Closed): Implement human readable listings for WMT-S titleset styles
Fixed in changeset commit:"edfce6897df0355bb2db1914dfe57c44e705a856". Jürgen Fischer
09:27 AM Feature request #4002 (Closed): Enhancement: Option to display title in layer panel from wfs/wms ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"675746c2d7bdba0b7e3f15a3c96b5a5c2709a41f". Jürgen Fischer
08:46 AM Revision 55ef9ed1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] hr by Zoran
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
08:36 AM Bug report #9569 (Closed): Unexpected result in topological editing when snapping to the line ele...
To reproduce the bug:
* Enable the topological editing in the snapping options
* Using the nodetool, move a vertex o...
Leyan Ouyang
08:23 AM Bug report #9568 (Closed): Rubberband bug if zooming in or out during nodetool edition
I often have to zoom in or out during edition, either to see a larger area or to place a point more precisely and avo... Leyan Ouyang
07:44 AM Bug report #8150: DB Manager freezes QGIS when deleting table/view
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Does it happen with PostGIS or SpatiaLite or both?
Hi Martin,
I tested only PostGIS.
Giovanni Manghi
07:24 AM Bug report #8983 (Closed): Missing tiles when loading WMT-S from EPSG:2193 tileset
QGIS was respecting the tile matrixes of the services, which matrix height and width were too small. The service was... Jürgen Fischer
07:24 AM Bug report #8983 (Closed): Missing tiles when loading WMT-S from EPSG:2193 tileset
QGIS was respecting the tile matrixes of the services, which matrix height and width were too small. The service was... Jürgen Fischer
07:23 AM Bug report #9196: WMTS and CRS issue
Followup in commit:b5897c7 - now with no axis switch the map is rendered correctly, but with invert/ignore it is "swa... Martin Dobias
06:04 AM Revision 1e996369 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es(Carlos),hu(Zoltan),sv(Victor)
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
05:46 AM Revision 2aeaa290 (qgis): Merge pull request #1175 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: QObject, Composer, GRASS, Memory Werner Macho
05:29 AM Bug report #9499 (Closed): path to external-svg-folder or storage of svg
If there was an issue this is now fixed in qgis master. I tested on both Linux and Windows and you can add path to fo... Giovanni Manghi
05:29 AM Bug report #9499 (Closed): path to external-svg-folder or storage of svg
If there was an issue this is now fixed in qgis master. I tested on both Linux and Windows and you can add path to fo... Giovanni Manghi
05:26 AM Bug report #9502: Reshape Tool quits working
I ca replicate the issue (even with mush less edits with the reshape tool). What is worst is that in some case the to... Giovanni Manghi
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers. Giovanni Manghi
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers. Giovanni Manghi
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers. Giovanni Manghi
05:10 AM Bug report #9532 (Feedback): Node tool causes crash
Sample data/project (and a screencast in this case) would help a lot try replicate this issue on other computers. Giovanni Manghi
04:27 AM Bug report #9507: QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
closing this? Giovanni Manghi
04:25 AM Bug report #6524 (Closed): eVis Plug-In, eVis-Database-connection to a MS-Access data base (QGIS ...
closing for lack of feedback (and because it is most likely fixed). Giovanni Manghi
04:25 AM Bug report #6524 (Closed): eVis Plug-In, eVis-Database-connection to a MS-Access data base (QGIS ...
closing for lack of feedback (and because it is most likely fixed). Giovanni Manghi
04:19 AM Revision cd4c4f9b (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: QObject, Composer, GRASS, Memory
Robert Szczepanek
04:13 AM Revision 366daa7e (qgis): [composer] Fix loading atlas settings from pre 2.2 projects (fix #9567)
Nyall Dawson
03:01 AM Bug report #9378 (Closed): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
I have tested again and I can't also replicate the issue anymore, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:01 AM Bug report #9378 (Closed): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
I have tested again and I can't also replicate the issue anymore, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:27 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Radim, I got something that seems to work OK, attaching the diff patch.
I've tested it using a bunch of layer item (...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:00 AM Revision efec3162 (qgis): fix warnings
Jürgen Fischer


12:32 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
If I re-enable the if ( currentLegendItem->style() != QgsComposerLegendStyle::Hidden ) condition, the legend's vertic... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:16 AM Bug report #9498: legend item vertical spacing (once again) broken for layers set to hidden
Radim, I think the problem might be located around line 837 of qgscomposerlegend.cpp and the commented out line 830: ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:07 AM Revision 0ccaafbe (qgis): added new splash for 2.2
Anita Graser
07:14 PM Bug report #9567 (Closed): Fixed atlas map scale is not restored when loading a 2.0 project in 2.1
Fixed in changeset commit:"366daa7e3b71f1fe890cd961779a5548d3ad7b47". Nyall Dawson
08:27 AM Bug report #9567 (Closed): Fixed atlas map scale is not restored when loading a 2.0 project in 2.1
I have created a map composition with Atlas settings where the map scale is fixed to a certain value in 2.0.
When I ...
Anita Graser
06:52 PM Revision 8f7c879f (qgis): Fix 'geos_c.h not found' build error on Mac
Larry Shaffer
01:20 PM Revision 8b10eb03 (qgis): Color ramp combo box: do not show "random colors" if gradients-only is on
+ added option to query whether gradients-only option is enabled Martin Dobias
01:03 PM Revision 277d2747 (qgis): fixed backslash validator in OWS connection names
Radim Blazek
12:51 PM Revision 54d3510e (qgis): Reintroduced Google Mercator 900913
insert into tbl_srs (description, projection_acronym, ellipsoid_acronym, parameters, srid, auth_name, auth_id, is_geo... Radim Blazek
12:34 PM Revision 8b486387 (qgis): WMS identify GML: clear bytearrya before encoding to utf8, fixes "inval...
Radim Blazek
11:55 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
It doesn't happen with QGIS 32bit on Windows (at least on my machine) Giovanni Allegri
11:34 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
Also reproducable on Linux Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
Also reproducable on Linux Jürgen Fischer
10:12 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
I'm not expert with SIP. I thought QgsFields were automatically casted to lists by the SIP wrapper, but I see that __... Giovanni Allegri
10:03 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
Giovanni Allegri wrote:
> Here you can find a test shapefile [1] and a tiny test script [2]. I've just tested it with...
Jürgen Fischer
01:44 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
PS: it's just a test. In general I do changes to the layers in an editing session. I just wanted to report two things... Giovanni Allegri
01:42 AM Bug report #9208: QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
Here you can find a test shapefile [1] and a tiny test script [2]. I've just tested it with QGIS 64bit through the py... Giovanni Allegri
11:47 AM Revision f66c4614 (qgis): replace list of snapping markers with a single marker
Leyan Ouyang
11:20 AM Revision 54da1cfc (qgis): VL properties/Fields: Remember folder of last used .ui
Matthias Kuhn
10:28 AM Revision f9f5c6d2 (qgis): Fix failing atlas test
Nyall Dawson
10:28 AM Revision 24b0a646 (qgis): [composer] Better method of hiding atlas coverage layer (fix #9506)
Nyall Dawson
10:20 AM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
I can not reproduce this on Mac OS X 10.9 (haven't tested elsewhere).
Tim, there seems to be an issue with the **Cad...
Larry Shaffer
10:10 AM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
Even when the crash reporter dialog doesn't show up, the crash report should still written to your user logs. C...
Larry Shaffer
10:08 AM Revision 7e34bd90 (qgis): Do not emit currentLayerChanged signal if the layer has not changed
Martin Dobias
10:08 AM Revision edb0e5fc (qgis): Removed dead legend code
Martin Dobias
09:32 AM Bug report #8493: "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
Yes, I always use .PNG so Etienne's right. Sorry for closing the ticket. Filipe Dias
08:22 AM Bug report #8493: "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
output format is saved in the lastSaveAsImageFilter user pref so default value has no effect once you select another ... Etienne Tourigny
08:10 AM Bug report #8493 (Reopened): "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
Hi Filipe from what did you conclude that .PNG is now the default?
From a fresh rebuild from now, in
Menu -> Project...
Richard Duivenvoorde
07:11 AM Bug report #8493 (Closed): "Save as Image" defaults to archaic media type
In Menu ->File -> Save image .PNG is now the default. Filipe Dias
09:06 AM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e...
Jürgen Fischer
08:57 AM Bug report #8818: "value map" widget broken
Hi, I proposed a slightly different change:
Best Regards
Alvaro Huarte
08:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Reopened): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e2".
it does not seems to w...
Giovanni Manghi
08:44 AM Bug report #8818 (Reopened): "value map" widget broken
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e2".
it does not seems to w...
Giovanni Manghi
08:38 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
Martin Dobias wrote:
> I meant my old plugin :)
it seems equally slow (many seconds) with a couple hundred of tables...
Giovanni Manghi
08:34 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Jacob Madsen wrote:
> I was unable to upload the minidump here (file too large apparently), so I've sent it to your e...
Jürgen Fischer
01:29 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
I was unable to upload the minidump here (file too large apparently), so I've sent it to your email using WeTransfer.... Jacob Madsen
01:26 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Here is a minidump file generated by yesterday's crash (which I could no reproduce later). I really hope you can use ... Jacob Madsen
08:32 AM Revision b2ad0667 (qgis): IT translation almost finished
Paolo Cavallini
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #9565: Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provided input file
A few notes:
* the crash is confirmed on qgis 2.0.1 on Windows, but not on master. QGIS 1.8 also didn't crashed so a...
Giovanni Manghi
07:00 AM Bug report #9565 (Closed): Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provide...
I have attached the file and dump file. Unfortunately i don't know with what program to read the 24 megabytes crash m... baditaflorin -
08:08 AM Bug report #8526 (Closed): complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 b...
tested again on Windows/master 32bit and the issue seems gone. Giovanni Manghi
08:08 AM Bug report #8526 (Closed): complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 b...
tested again on Windows/master 32bit and the issue seems gone. Giovanni Manghi
07:35 AM Revision 38297cc9 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
Paolo Cavallini
07:10 AM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
Yes I can confirm they are enabled.
Tim Sutton
06:49 AM Revision 2bd75b6f (qgis): [TRANSUP] big language update preparing release
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
06:46 AM Revision d1c82bcb (qgis): Merge pull request #1170 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, help Werner Macho
06:14 AM Revision 54c88a5f (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, help
Robert Szczepanek
05:51 AM Revision a7c33a39 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:42 AM Bug report #9196 (Reopened): WMTS and CRS issue
I am not able to add longlat (4326) WMS after commit:ba0a637. It seems that axis are somehow messed. I tried with all... Radim Blazek
02:10 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1).
Coordinates also app...
Geoff Owen
02:10 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Coordinates appear in canvas view at bottom of screen.(Please see attached screen shot 1).
Coordinates also app...
Geoff Owen
01:47 AM Bug report #9378: QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
I've not so far been able to reproduce this in build commit:57dd877, however I need a colleague to verify. He won...
Jacob Madsen
01:29 AM Bug report #9506 (Closed): preview atlas hides the coverage in the main canvas
Fixed in changeset commit:"24b0a6468937d195e87f1f2528c4d0f3f328eaf7". Nyall Dawson
01:23 AM Bug report #9561 (Feedback): Unable to save an existing template in composer
I can't replicate this. It may be OSX specific...? Can you test under a different platform? Nyall Dawson


12:49 AM Bug report #9559 (Feedback): Composer guide lines get printed on map
Can you test using QgsComposition::renderPage() to export the pdf and confirm if this works correctly? renderPage set... Nyall Dawson
05:39 PM Bug report #9559 (Closed): Composer guide lines get printed on map
Using master with a composer template which is loaded in python, the generated pdf includes the composer guides. Can ... Tim Sutton
12:36 AM Bug report #9562 (Closed): QGIS crashes when opening a composer template with unresolvable paths
We are making templates to be used by users on different operating systems. One of our templates has a north arrow im... Tim Sutton
11:35 PM Revision dae8ea66 (qgis): geometry less features: update add feature tool in digitizing toolbar a...
Jürgen Fischer
11:03 PM Bug report #9324: Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
Tim - can you confirm whether smart guides is enabled for this composition? Nyall Dawson
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre...
Tim Sutton
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre...
Tim Sutton
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre...
Tim Sutton
07:02 PM Bug report #9324 (Reopened): Regression: Inference lines in composer no longer appear
I am reopening this issue - there are still cases where no inference lines are show. I am attaching a short scre...
Tim Sutton
07:28 PM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
I meant my old plugin :) Martin Dobias
11:36 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Giovanni, is there such problem with slowness also with PostGIS manager plugin?
do you refer ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:19 PM Bug report #9561 (Closed): Unable to save an existing template in composer
I have a template that I need to edit (using QGIS Master commit:dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37).
Although ...
Tim Sutton
06:45 PM Bug report #9560: QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
Testing against commit:dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37 I can note that it is no longer guaranteed to get the... Tim Sutton
06:14 PM Bug report #9560 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when creating a blank project after using composer
To replicate:
Using QGIS head on OSX
# Open QGIS
# Blank project
# New composer map (default for name)
# Close comp...
Tim Sutton
05:56 PM Bug report #7941 (Closed): IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit
Fixed in OSGeo4W.
Jürgen Fischer
05:56 PM Bug report #7941 (Closed): IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit
Fixed in OSGeo4W.
Jürgen Fischer
05:50 PM Feature request #2037 (Closed): Enable multi-threaded rendering in QGIS
I'm closing this out - Martin Dobias has an implementation in a branch which will be merged post QGIS 2.2 Tim Sutton
05:47 PM Bug report #8951 (Closed): Compilation fails on OSX Maverick
Closing this as old. Tim Sutton
05:45 PM Revision 588d5f42 (qgis): paste features: don't skip primary key fields, use default value if pre...
otherwise value of pasted feature (fixes #9489) Jürgen Fischer
05:45 PM Revision 28fb6348 (qgis): merge attributes: new vector api can skip attributes - use default valu...
Jürgen Fischer
04:21 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
please contact the author of the plugin: Jürgen Fischer
04:21 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
please contact the author of the plugin: Jürgen Fischer
03:14 PM Bug report #9558 (Closed): MMQGIS: spatial join: 'QgsRasterDataProvider' object has no attribute ...
Hi all.
Getting a bug in MMQGIS when trying to do a spatial join; the following code pops up as soon as I select spa...
Simon Dedman
03:17 PM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
Hi Martin,
Please see the attachment:
* bla_start.shp is the shape before modification
* bla_end.shp is the shape af...
Attila Szász
11:11 AM Bug report #9474 (Feedback): New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
Giovanni Manghi
06:16 AM Bug report #9474: New vertices added to polygons break shape file topology
Please attach your shapefile. Martin Dobias
02:41 PM Revision d6c51a70 (qgis): Merge pull request #1169 from marcelosoaressouza/translation_pt_BR
More updates on pt_BR translation Werner Macho
02:35 PM Bug report #8262 (Closed): In the digitizing toolbar add the proper icon/tool to add records in g...
Fixed in changeset commit:"dae8ea66a169db7539a08dc81d2ebe9dab789f37". Jürgen Fischer
01:55 PM Revision 40b48849 (qgis): Fix #9088 (Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer)
Martin Dobias
01:29 PM Feature request #9556 (Closed): Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatia...
duplicate of #8262 Jürgen Fischer
01:27 PM Feature request #9556: Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatial tables.
I already reported it as #8262 but no news so far Rémi Bovard
02:38 AM Feature request #9556 (Closed): Add the "add feature" button in digitizing toolbar for non-spatia...
Don't know if this has been talked before. But I think it would be nice to have a "add feature" button in the digitiz... Alexandre Neto
12:42 PM Revision 8c95eb69 (qgis): More updates on pt_BR translation
Marcelo Soares Souza
12:39 PM Revision db62a6f0 (qgis): [composer] Set min number of pages for spin box, to prevent 0 page comp...
Nyall Dawson
12:38 PM Revision 020eb606 (qgis): [composer] Make zoom full action actually zoom to all items, not just p...
Nyall Dawson
12:38 PM Revision 9e948dfb (qgis): [composer] Fix scrollbars in composer by correctly calculating scene bo...
Nyall Dawson
12:34 PM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
For now: the easiest would be to use a database which has support for "ON DELETE CASCADE"
This will open up a questi...
Matthias Kuhn
06:18 AM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
Changing to feature request. Martin Dobias
06:18 AM Feature request #9549: Delete feature and related records.
Changing to feature request. Martin Dobias
12:31 PM Bug report #5124 (Closed): Font size printing WMS layers
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Feature request #8045 (Closed): add unit test for startup options (pluginpath, configpath)
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Feature request #8261 (Closed): Put focus on "password" field when adding a PostGIS table
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Feature request #5048 (Closed): Labeling's "Data defined settings" are literally used for size, etc.
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Bug report #5049 (Closed): Data-defined labeling takes 1560% longer to render
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Bug report #4844 (Closed): Multiline Labels - handling of Carriage Return / Line Feed characters
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Bug report #4607 (Closed): Do not show not pertinent fields in the "data defined settings" of th...
Jürgen Fischer
12:31 PM Feature request #9006 (Closed): Invert color ramp on vector layers
Jürgen Fischer
12:26 PM Bug report #9557: OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
See also "OSGeo4W !#402": Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
Why? This isn't a QGIS problem.
Jürgen Fischer
11:34 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Donovan Cameron wrote:
> Sorry Giovanni - re-opened.
Why? This isn't a QGIS problem.
Jürgen Fischer
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Reopened): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Sorry Giovanni - re-opened. Donovan Cameron
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Reopened): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Sorry Giovanni - re-opened. Donovan Cameron
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Hi Jacob. I've closed this ticket for now - please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know of this issue at http://t... Donovan Cameron
11:14 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
Hi Jacob. I've closed this ticket for now - please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know of this issue at http://t... Donovan Cameron
02:46 AM Bug report #9557 (Closed): OSGeo4W x64 installer missing Windows manifest
The OSGeo4w installer is missing a Windows manifest, which... Jacob Madsen
11:43 AM Bug report #8413 (Closed): Labels backgrounds are not correctly aligned in QGIS server layers (or...
Giovanni Manghi
11:32 AM Bug report #5239: TIN interpolation causes crash
Martin Dobias wrote:
> After all, we do not need a perfect Delaunay triangulation for the interpolation - much more i...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #9349: QGis Zonal Statistics Plugin NoData included in Calculations
I can confirm the issue, and probably is also the same cause of this #9151 Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #9349: QGis Zonal Statistics Plugin NoData included in Calculations
I can confirm the issue, and probably is also the same cause of this #9151 Giovanni Manghi
11:18 AM Bug report #8526: complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64 bit and Li...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> download is gone.
ouch, will try to recover that.
Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne...
Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne...
Giovanni Manghi
11:17 AM Feature request #9530 (Feedback): Show coordinated as grid codes
Geoff Owen wrote:
> Hello Leyan.
> Thanks for query.
> I will try to explain what I want to display but first will ne...
Giovanni Manghi
11:12 AM Bug report #9541 (Closed): QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
Please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know about this - they should be able to fix it. Donovan Cameron
11:12 AM Bug report #9541 (Closed): QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
Please let the OSGeo4W package maintainers know about this - they should be able to fix it. Donovan Cameron
11:11 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> > I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 1...
Giovanni Manghi
06:50 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> > I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 1...
Alvaro Huarte
05:13 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 14.04 system. The debian-ni...
Jürgen Fischer
05:07 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
I've just upgraded by system to ubuntu's upcoming trusty 14.04 system. The debian-nightly packages are still affected... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:00 AM Revision ee236d2d (qgis): wms identify: report error if features types were guessed from GML but ...
Radim Blazek
10:45 AM Revision 8f829750 (qgis): Fix #9551 (Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if u...
Martin Dobias
10:29 AM Revision 3215f499 (qgis): identify results: use webview also for text/plain
Radim Blazek
10:25 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Jacob Madsen wrote:
> No, it reproduced at will earlier today on completely fresh installs. The server is Geoserver 2...
Jürgen Fischer
08:03 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
No, it reproduced at will earlier today on completely fresh installs. The server is Geoserver 2.4.3, and the data com... Jacob Madsen
06:22 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Jacob Madsen wrote:
> I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS refer...
Jürgen Fischer
04:49 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Sent to your email, Jürgen. Thanks in advance. Jacob Madsen
04:43 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS references. One is created ... Jacob Madsen
04:43 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
I have uploaded 2 sample projects for this issue. The projects contain the exact same WFS references. One is created ... Jacob Madsen
04:20 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Sorry, but I can still reproduce this with build commit:57dd877. I create a WFS-project in QGIS x64, and when opening... Jacob Madsen
10:08 AM Revision 2a4f1049 (qgis): show identify dialog before items are inserted so that they can adjust ...
Radim Blazek
09:36 AM Bug report #9350 (Feedback): reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Jürgen Fischer
09:36 AM Bug report #9350: reprojected postgresql layers are plotted with offset and very slow
Kay F. Jahnke wrote:
> I found the error: The definition of one of my CRSs was incomplete. The Proj4 string QGIS prov...
Jürgen Fischer
08:48 AM Bug report #9208 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when using addAttributes on any vector data provider
Can you provide more detail? Doesn't crash here. Jürgen Fischer
08:47 AM Bug report #5758 (Closed): Primary key issue when using merge attributes of selected features tool
Fixed in changeset commit:"28fb634876ac411a2d3c27ae1fa259b77043596b". Jürgen Fischer
08:47 AM Bug report #9489 (Closed): Copy/Paste issue with explicit primary keys
Fixed in changeset commit:"588d5f425f09039efbb7bd3172d2fc25b39a43d1". Jürgen Fischer
07:25 AM Revision 8e330e3a (qgis): [processing] Fix Qt warnings when opening config dialog
Martin Dobias
07:10 AM Bug report #9088: Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
Thanks Martin.
Geoff Owen
04:55 AM Bug report #9088 (Closed): Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
Fixed in changeset commit:"40b48849b527215f9a5e2c6216122cb33eb5a915". Martin Dobias
06:38 AM Feature request #7691: Add scroll bar to print composer
Thank you Nyall! Filipe Dias
03:50 AM Feature request #7691 (Closed): Add scroll bar to print composer
Fixed in changeset commit:"9e948dfb2bca5f69835790e83247db444661580d". Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Revision 3a8770e7 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'slarosa/fix_9328'
Martin Dobias
04:23 AM Revision 59b62e27 (qgis): Merge pull request #1166 from marcelosoaressouza/master
Updating the translation to Portuguese-Brazil (pt_BR) Werner Macho
04:22 AM Revision 549f5bc2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1168 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, Sponsors Werner Macho
04:20 AM Revision 086f26be (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: Oracle, Sponsors
Robert Szczepanek
04:17 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
actually, I was wrong, issue also exists in Linux. I was running qgis from the directory where the .vrt and .csv file... Etienne Tourigny
04:01 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
Perhaps the difference is that the current directory is not set to that of the .vrt file in windows, whereas it is in... Etienne Tourigny
02:05 AM Bug report #9377 (Closed): WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
* html height: commit:2a4f104 - the dialog is opened before items are inserted, that should allow them to justify hei... Radim Blazek
01:46 AM Bug report #9551 (Closed): Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if using data ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"8f829750a24162d046eeb09cdf80d922fd88f170". Martin Dobias


12:57 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
Hi, explicitly setting datasource tag to <SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="1">cwbody.csv</SrcDataSource> does the trick.... Regis Haubourg
08:22 AM Bug report #9543 (Open): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
I confirm the issue on windows with qgis-dev, using osgeo4w 32 bit installer. ogrinfo can read both datasets, but qg... Etienne Tourigny
08:22 AM Bug report #9543 (Open): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
I confirm the issue on windows with qgis-dev, using osgeo4w 32 bit installer. ogrinfo can read both datasets, but qg... Etienne Tourigny
07:54 AM Bug report #9543 (Feedback): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
Works for me using both relative and absolute path in linux using 2.0.1 and (mostly) recent master, with this .csv fi... Etienne Tourigny
07:44 AM Bug report #9543: VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
I assume the .csv and .vrt file are in the same directory?
Perhaps you are missing the relativeToVRT tag in SrcDataS...
Etienne Tourigny
01:34 AM Bug report #9543 (Closed): VRT vector file don't recognize relative path
Hi, I build here a vrt on a simple csv file, and QGIS opens it correctly only if I put a absolute file in datasource.... Regis Haubourg
12:40 AM Bug report #9552 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
magerlin -
12:37 AM Bug report #9552 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop
magerlin -
12:40 AM Bug report #9553 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
magerlin -
12:38 AM Bug report #9553 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop
magerlin -
12:38 AM Bug report #9554 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
When doing this calculation in field calculator on a shape file:
@FromToStop = 100000 * From_stop + To_stop@
magerlin -
12:00 AM Revision 57dd8779 (qgis): dbmanager: fix 'load as new layer' (fixes #9548)
Jürgen Fischer
11:56 PM Bug report #8433 (Closed): Repeated Crash - Spatial Query tool
Jürgen Fischer
10:50 PM Revision 4d660d14 (qgis): Fixed GML parsing of GetFeatureInfo from GeoServer, fixes part of #9377
Radim Blazek
10:30 PM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
Oops, sorry. Here it is. Paolo Cavallini
07:07 AM Bug report #9547 (Feedback): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
Jürgen Fischer
07:07 AM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
No file attached. Jürgen Fischer
06:28 AM Bug report #9547 (Closed): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
See the attached file Paolo Cavallini
10:27 PM Bug report #9328 (Closed): Path requires Return to be saved
Fixed in changeset commit:"c060164bca533db2398e527bdd792521ad4c3490". Salvatore Larosa
10:04 AM Bug report #9328: Path requires Return to be saved
See Salvatore Larosa
10:04 AM Bug report #9328: Path requires Return to be saved
See Salvatore Larosa
06:58 PM Revision c060164b (qgis): [processing] fixes #9328:
addressed: Salvatore Larosa
06:34 PM Revision 9d379f0d (qgis): dxf export: add extension (fixes #9544)
Jürgen Fischer
06:01 PM Bug report #9551 (Closed): Impossible to see selection or current identify feature if using data ...
I'm marking this as a blocker as it's a regression from 2.0.
If a layer uses data defined colours, it's currently i...
Nyall Dawson
05:42 PM Revision 44885511 (qgis): styles: explictly save symbol XML in UTF-8 (fixes #9045)
Jürgen Fischer
05:42 PM Revision 65bf9acf (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
05:40 PM Bug report #9550 (Closed): Scrollbars in browser list don't correctly account for list height
When I initially expand an item in the browser panel tree which contains a lot of children, the vertical scrollbar of... Nyall Dawson
05:13 PM Revision 97849250 (qgis): identify resutlts dialog: always keep minimum QgsIdentifyResultsWebView...
Radim Blazek
05:03 PM Feature request #9549 (Open): Delete feature and related records.
It is cool that I can digitize a feature, then populate the child tables (as defined by QGIS Relations). But when I ... cgsbob -
04:33 PM Revision c64a051b (qgis): ogr provider: write numeric data in C locale (fixes #8332)
Jürgen Fischer
04:00 PM Revision f90b3ede (qgis): Updating the translation to Portuguese-Brazil (pt_BR)
Marcelo Soares Souza
03:48 PM Revision a81befc5 (qgis): Minor edits to IT translation
Paolo Cavallini
03:00 PM Bug report #9548 (Closed): can't load as new layer from sql in dbmanager error
Fixed in changeset commit:"57dd8779acf0495088de4eca89fd5d0accc5e755". Jürgen Fischer
02:49 PM Bug report #9548 (Closed): can't load as new layer from sql in dbmanager error
Since the recent change in syntax highlighting, it's impossible to retrieve columns or load a layer when "load as new... Nyall Dawson
02:10 PM Revision 5bee1721 (qgis): * speed up undo of attribute added with field calculator (fixes #9509)
* also improves performance of FilterFid requests in edit mode Jürgen Fischer
01:54 PM Bug report #9377: WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
GML parser was fixed in commit:4d660d1.
You should now be able for example to query features, highlight geometry of ...
Radim Blazek
08:41 AM Bug report #9377: WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
This is the output I have now:... Richard Duivenvoorde
08:24 AM Bug report #9377: WMS getfeatureinfo result dialog not rendered ok and disappears
1) I have changed title from 'crashing' which was misleading to 'disappeares'.
2) Setting the height of QgsIdentifyR...
Radim Blazek
01:52 PM Revision a6461018 (qgis): Fix #8758 (graduated classes on expression broken)
Martin Dobias
01:20 PM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
Hello Leyan.
Thanks for query.
I will try to explain what I want to display but first will need to explain how the gr...
Geoff Owen
10:05 AM Bug report #8526 (Feedback): complex/big geometry crashes qgis 32bit on load. Works ok on qgis 64...
download is gone. Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Feature request #7691: Add scroll bar to print composer
This is a feature request but it's also a bug. It's annoying to work with the composer when it gets de-centered. Mayb... Filipe Dias
09:35 AM Bug report #9544 (Closed): Save as DXF omits file extension
Fixed in changeset commit:"9d379f0d1d1ad8e712c5bb449e5b0d44280fd635". Jürgen Fischer
03:32 AM Bug report #9544 (Closed): Save as DXF omits file extension
When saving as DXF, the resulting file has no extension, so it is not visible from Browser, etc. Paolo Cavallini
08:48 AM Bug report #9379 (Feedback): QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
probably also fixed in commit:8d7e61abd (Qt 4.7 apparently crashed when the end guard is used in iterator find). Ple... Jürgen Fischer
08:42 AM Bug report #9045 (Closed): Font marker symbol not visible in style manager after restarting QGIS
Fixed in changeset commit:"44885511ff71b2aa9f5b0648de331430313fd8e2". Jürgen Fischer
07:37 AM Bug report #9349 (Feedback): QGis Zonal Statistics Plugin NoData included in Calculations
Jürgen Fischer
07:33 AM Bug report #8332 (Closed): QGIS uses comma as decimal separator for shapefile attribute data
Fixed in changeset commit:"c64a051b1c716e5d34fc385b92ec7971ae8fec26". Jürgen Fischer
05:52 AM Revision 18b1bdb9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1164 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: CptCity, Split Werner Macho
05:45 AM Revision 33da8469 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: CptCity, Split
Robert Szczepanek
05:32 AM Bug report #7686: Contexts for special columns in expressions
Raised a new ticket for that: #9546 Martin Dobias
05:30 AM Feature request #9546 (Closed): Expression Contexts
There is an increasing number of additional features in expression engine that make sense only in particular context.... Martin Dobias
05:30 AM Bug report #9545 (Closed): Delete attribute in layer properties fields for Shapefile
Deleting of columns in shapefiles depends on GDAL/OGR. GDAL/OGR 1.7 doesn't support removal of attribute from shapef... Jürgen Fischer
05:30 AM Bug report #9545 (Closed): Delete attribute in layer properties fields for Shapefile
Deleting of columns in shapefiles depends on GDAL/OGR. GDAL/OGR 1.7 doesn't support removal of attribute from shapef... Jürgen Fischer
05:18 AM Bug report #9545 (Closed): Delete attribute in layer properties fields for Shapefile
Delete attribute function
in layer properties fields for Shapefile
Layer _ properties _ fields _ toggle editing mode ...
Francois Terreno
05:10 AM Bug report #9509 (Closed): Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Fixed in changeset commit:"5bee17218db3576a6a172eec5ef6d555fc023b4d". Jürgen Fischer
04:52 AM Bug report #8758 (Closed): graduated classes on expression broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"a64610186173c0b274cebcc9a858efcd0680057c". Martin Dobias
04:36 AM Bug report #8977: rulebased styling with a dash in the field name
fixed with commit:f3b26494 Jürgen Fischer
03:49 AM Bug report #8977 (Closed): rulebased styling with a dash in the field name
I can replicate the issue in 2.0.1 with a field name with a dash ("a-b") but not with underscore ("a_b"). In QGIS mas... Martin Dobias
03:49 AM Bug report #8977 (Closed): rulebased styling with a dash in the field name
I can replicate the issue in 2.0.1 with a field name with a dash ("a-b") but not with underscore ("a_b"). In QGIS mas... Martin Dobias
03:14 AM Bug report #9505 (Closed): qgis crash on TIN interpolation of curve line
Exactly the same problem as #5239 Martin Dobias
03:14 AM Bug report #9505 (Closed): qgis crash on TIN interpolation of curve line
Exactly the same problem as #5239 Martin Dobias
03:11 AM Bug report #6654 (Closed): QgsTINInterpolator.interpolatePoints() called from Python console cras...
Duplicate of #5239 Martin Dobias
03:11 AM Bug report #6654 (Closed): QgsTINInterpolator.interpolatePoints() called from Python console cras...
Duplicate of #5239 Martin Dobias
03:09 AM Bug report #5239: TIN interpolation causes crash
The numerical stability issues are apparent especially in cases when points are forming rectangles, ending up swappin... Martin Dobias
01:23 AM Bug report #9536: Impossible to insert dates in Oracle
provider side fixed in commit:3b438e22. Editing dates still requires support in the edit widgets (using the calendar... Jürgen Fischer
01:02 AM Revision dc089478 (qgis): osgeo4w: run filetype registration with elevated rights
Jürgen Fischer


12:54 AM Revision 9d7ef65a (qgis): vector layer: fix attributeAdded signal
don't assume new attributes are added at end, because in case of joins
they are added after the provider fields and b...
Jürgen Fischer
11:48 PM Bug report #9536: Impossible to insert dates in Oracle
Oracle time formats are mysterious, but it could be worth trying if setting "NLS_DATE_FORMAT" environment parameter w... Jukka Rahkonen
03:30 AM Bug report #9536 (Closed): Impossible to insert dates in Oracle
The error is:
SQL: ORA-01843: not a valid month
Impossibile eseguire l'istruzione
Paolo Cavallini
10:53 PM Bug report #7686: Contexts for special columns in expressions
I agree with the solution. However, this should not be closed, as it is still an issue for the user. Better changing ... Paolo Cavallini
09:04 PM Bug report #7686 (Closed): Contexts for special columns in expressions
Martin Dobias
11:54 AM Bug report #7686: Contexts for special columns in expressions
Not actually a bug in atlas - $rownum is only usable when in field calculator. The correct solution is to have contex... Nyall Dawson
11:54 AM Bug report #7686: Contexts for special columns in expressions
Not actually a bug in atlas - $rownum is only usable when in field calculator. The correct solution is to have contex... Nyall Dawson
11:54 AM Bug report #7686: Contexts for special columns in expressions
Not actually a bug in atlas - $rownum is only usable when in field calculator. The correct solution is to have contex... Nyall Dawson
10:40 PM Bug report #9430 (Closed): Disable "Paste Features as New Layer" if empty clipboard
The current behavior is considered as the right one. If there is something in the keyboard, you are allowed to try pa... Denis Rouzaud
10:36 PM Bug report #9539 (Closed): Interpolation Plugin crash when executed
Supposedly a duplicate of #5239
When reporting bugs, please try to include more information: options you have used w...
Martin Dobias
10:36 PM Bug report #9539 (Closed): Interpolation Plugin crash when executed
Supposedly a duplicate of #5239
When reporting bugs, please try to include more information: options you have used w...
Martin Dobias
04:13 AM Bug report #9539 (Closed): Interpolation Plugin crash when executed
SO: Windows 7 (64-bit)
OSGeo4w (32-bit)
QGIS version 2.1.0-Master QGIS code revision f06e72e
Compiled against Qt 4.7...
João Gaspar
10:15 PM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Tested again with current master.
I noticed, that when _updating_ a column, the rollback is fast. But when I _add_ a...
Matthias Kuhn
09:26 PM Revision 3b438e22 (qgis): oracle provider: improve date/time support
Jürgen Fischer
08:09 PM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
If you create the same project with WFS layers in QGIS 32-bit, will it crash when reopened in QGIS 32-bit? Martin Dobias
04:20 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Reproduces still in latest master Jacob Madsen
04:18 AM Bug report #9379: QGIS crash when opening certain WFS projects
Could I get some feedback on this issue please? Jacob Madsen
06:01 PM Revision fa1dd251 (qgis): Update contributors.json
added myself Werner Macho
05:57 PM Revision 684dd890 (qgis): Fix #9459 (layer fails to render when rule-based symbology make use of ...
Martin Dobias
05:55 PM Revision a37766e8 (qgis): IT translation update
Paolo Cavallini
04:02 PM Revision 58202d03 (qgis): lv translation
Peteris Bruns
03:55 PM Bug report #9320 (Closed): Weird behavior when creating columns from a joined table
Fixed in changeset commit:"9d7ef65a2dd4d5a4b07e37af01cff04146bca34e". Jürgen Fischer
03:22 PM Bug report #9541: QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
Should this be at OSGeo4W trac for issues? Not sure if this is a QGIS issue.
Donovan Cameron
07:31 AM Bug report #9541 (Closed): QGIS package in osgeo4w missing shortcuts
Just updated to qgis 2 with osgeo4w. Installer seemed to go fine, but no shortcuts were placed on the desktop or in s... Colin Wren
01:29 PM Revision 61ff7432 (qgis): Fix #6995 (db manager's SQL window freezes with long query)
Martin Dobias
01:26 PM Revision 6b74feed (qgis): [db manager] Also removed file and its imports
Martin Dobias
12:35 PM Revision 7e1c1b92 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
12:10 PM Revision 83baa914 (qgis): [db manager] use QScintilla for SQL window
Alexander Bruy
09:26 AM Bug report #9376: QGIS crash on sorting attribute columns on WFS layers.
f06e72e is from Feb, 8th where db29ebc is from Feb, 10th .. so I guess it is fixed .. Werner Macho
04:25 AM Bug report #9376: QGIS crash on sorting attribute columns on WFS layers.
Still reproduces in nightly from today, sorry. Build f06e72e Jacob Madsen
09:06 AM Bug report #9537 (Closed): global name not defined
ok, there was some extra spaces in front of TARRAY which apparently had been eluding my eyes for the last 2 days! :/ ;) maria prove
09:06 AM Bug report #9537 (Closed): global name not defined
ok, there was some extra spaces in front of TARRAY which apparently had been eluding my eyes for the last 2 days! :/ ;) maria prove
03:58 AM Bug report #9537 (Closed): global name not defined
I'm trying to use a plugin (ProcessingPermaclim provider), but with one of the scripts I get the error "global n...
maria prove
08:57 AM Bug report #9459 (Closed): layer fails to render when rule-based symbology make use of $atlasfeat...
Fixed in changeset commit:"684dd890a3359a2fb189b289b0bb65a42a9f4105". Martin Dobias
08:27 AM Revision e6c2ecd9 (qgis): Fix #9290 (crashes in symbology on fields with special characters)
Fixes several crashes and problems with backwards compatibility.
Before expressions were allowed, field names were lo...
Martin Dobias
06:10 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Comment concerning use of shape files:
I experience the same problem using shapefiles relatively close to the North ...
Karl Brix Zinglersen
06:10 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Comment concerning use of shape files:
I experience the same problem using shapefiles relatively close to the North ...
Karl Brix Zinglersen
06:10 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Comment concerning use of shape files:
I experience the same problem using shapefiles relatively close to the North ...
Karl Brix Zinglersen
06:10 AM Bug report #9266: QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Comment concerning use of shape files:
I experience the same problem using shapefiles relatively close to the North ...
Karl Brix Zinglersen
05:58 AM Bug report #9538: Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation Reference widget
Indeed. I have tested and the workaround works fine.
I noticed another issue though. In the referencing layer (child...
Alexandre Neto
04:49 AM Bug report #9538: Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation Reference widget
Indeed, this seems to be behaving strange... Will have a look at it sometime.
Please note that for the time being yo...
Matthias Kuhn
03:59 AM Bug report #9538 (Closed): Unable to save changes to the description expression in Relation Refer...
I have been doing tests with the new relations functionality. Trying to use the relation reference widget to edit my ... Alexandre Neto
05:41 AM Revision c13b6a4a (qgis): Merge pull request #1161 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: function_help, DlgNumber, QgisApp Werner Macho
05:28 AM Revision 1a450038 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: function_help, DlgNumber, QgisApp
Robert Szczepanek
04:55 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
Giovanni, is there such problem with slowness also with PostGIS manager plugin?
I believe the main issue is with the...
Martin Dobias
04:47 AM Bug report #9540 (Closed): Numerical Vertex Edit Plugin error
Please file bugs in that plugin at Jürgen Fischer
04:47 AM Bug report #9540 (Closed): Numerical Vertex Edit Plugin error
Please file bugs in that plugin at Jürgen Fischer
04:47 AM Bug report #9540 (Closed): Numerical Vertex Edit Plugin error
Please file bugs in that plugin at Jürgen Fischer
04:44 AM Bug report #9540 (Closed): Numerical Vertex Edit Plugin error
Numerical Vertex Edit 0.2.0 return an error when selection does not contain any point... Julien LARSENEUR
04:34 AM Feature request #9531: Allow QGIS Relations to use composite keys
This was taken into account when designing the low-level implementation of the relations functionality. However, the ... Matthias Kuhn
04:31 AM Bug report #6995 (Closed): db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
Fixed in changeset commit:"61ff7432107da0a7ce991f68094b9f42dd1027a5". Martin Dobias
03:34 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
I will have a look at Alex's patch... Martin Dobias
03:24 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
+1 for this. thanks. Paolo Cavallini
03:22 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
Paolo, the "slowdown" is a freeze of the application that leaves the user with the only option to kill QGIS (see the ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:17 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
Maybe we should drop current implementation and use something another instead? For example QScintilla. I talked with ... Alexander Bruy
03:07 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
-1: even on an Atom machine, the slowdown is acceptable, and the syntax colouring is a big plus.
If we remove it now,...
Paolo Cavallini
03:02 AM Bug report #6995: db manager's SQL window freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)
The SQL syntax highlighting is highly inefficient, involving more than a thousand of regular expressions being matche... Martin Dobias
04:30 AM Feature request #9535: Set standard value in value map
This should be defined on the field and not on a widget IMO.
It is about the same level of abstraction as the domains...
Matthias Kuhn
02:19 AM Feature request #9535: Set standard value in value map
Note: Such default values would conflict with the default values the data provider can deliver (eg. in postgres). Jürgen Fischer
01:28 AM Feature request #9535 (Closed): Set standard value in value map
It would be great if you could be able to set a standard value in the value map edit widget. This standard value shou... Victor Axbom
03:49 AM Bug report #8150: DB Manager freezes QGIS when deleting table/view
Does it happen with PostGIS or SpatiaLite or both? Martin Dobias
02:47 AM Revision 9fd19a69 (qgis): Merge pull request #1160 from Jean-Roc/traduction_ui
update fr ui Werner Macho
02:44 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Yes I built GQIS+master using the guide, it works fine. Then, why 'debian-nightly' not work?
Jürgen Fischer
02:25 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> > You are right, but I do not know how to solve it. I guess I should u...
Alvaro Huarte
02:00 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
OK so using 2,01 with the same project and layer files, editing a layer is instantaneous. So are the saves.
I'll giv...
Patrick Dunford
01:46 AM Feature request #9530: Show coordinated as grid codes
What do you mean by alphanumeric format? Can you give an example of what you want to display? Leyan Ouyang
01:37 AM Revision 85f6fb8b (qgis): postgres provider: convert M to Z geometries (fixes #9032)
Jürgen Fischer


12:56 AM Feature request #9471: attribute table isn't refreshed after save
did you try to call QgsAttributeTableModel::loadLayer() ? I reckon that should refresh the cache as well.
A refresh ...
Matthias Kuhn
09:20 AM Feature request #9471: attribute table isn't refreshed after save
> It can introduce a rather big overhead and is likely to actually miss events (e.g. a trigger updating a different l... Vincent Mora
12:53 AM Bug report #9523: openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
See Salvatore Larosa
01:49 AM Bug report #9523 (Closed): openProject macro won't load when enable Macros setting set to Ask
If I have a Project with a Macro as shown below, and I set Settings->Options->Enable Macros to "Ask", the o...
Heather Hillers
12:35 AM Bug report #8836 (Closed): Default styles from postgis layers not loading
Jürgen Fischer
12:35 AM Bug report #8836: Default styles from postgis layers not loading
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
12:32 AM Bug report #8942 (Closed): R6034 runtime error
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
12:31 AM Bug report #9150 (Open): SAGA raster calculator fails when used in a processing model
Jürgen Fischer
12:29 AM Bug report #9162 (Closed): Crash when typing something into python editor
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
12:28 AM Bug report #9243 (Closed): undefined symbol error
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
12:28 AM Bug report #9243 (Closed): undefined symbol error
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
12:26 AM Bug report #9266 (Open): QGIS gets stuck during on the fly reprojection
Jürgen Fischer
12:24 AM Bug report #9307 (Closed): QGIS 2.0 won't open on OSX 10.9
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
12:22 AM Bug report #9322 (Closed): Qwt5 cannot be imported by plugin on Windows 64bit
Jürgen Fischer
12:20 AM Bug report #9378 (Feedback): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
Might be a duplicate of #8979. Could you verify that the problem is gone in current master. Jürgen Fischer
12:20 AM Bug report #9378 (Feedback): QGIS crash when editing WFS layers with overlaps
Might be a duplicate of #8979. Could you verify that the problem is gone in current master. Jürgen Fischer
12:09 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> You are right, but I do not know how to solve it. I guess I should use QtCreator or Eclipse-CD...
Jürgen Fischer
12:03 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Alvaro, am I right in understanding that:
> - you cannot replicate the issue if you ...
Alvaro Huarte
06:31 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Alvaro, am I right in understanding that:
- you cannot replicate the issue if you build QGIS yourself on Ubuntu 13.10...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:16 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Alvaro, the builds I use on my three machines with which I can replicate all the tim...
Alvaro Huarte
11:36 PM Revision 959b05a6 (qgis): update french translation
Jean-Roc Morreale
11:28 PM Bug report #9290: Join problems if filename contains dot
For the second problem I have raised a ticket in GDAL/OGR: Martin Dobias
11:27 PM Bug report #9290 (Closed): Join problems if filename contains dot
Fixed in changeset commit:"e6c2ecd9f36e6b4924b08e185443e7eebbfb2467". Martin Dobias
11:25 PM Revision f9a0c701 (qgis): update french translation
Sylvain Maillard
11:12 PM Revision c9a88c14 (qgis): [DEBUG] #8795 Potential WFS filtering issue
OpenLayers can't decode GetFeature response because QGS_NAMESPACE was not well formed D'Hont René-Luc
08:23 PM Revision e57537d4 (qgis): debian packaging update
Jürgen Fischer
06:20 PM Revision 8d7e61ab (qgis): wfs: catch end of selected features (fixes #8979)
Jürgen Fischer
04:39 PM Bug report #9032 (Closed): LINESTRINGM not displayed
Fixed in changeset commit:"85f6fb8b7121f7b41052feb1b4a9dcb8b528aaab". Jürgen Fischer
03:26 PM Revision e6fe97f0 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
Werner Macho
03:05 PM Revision df0a4433 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:17 PM Bug report #8795 (Closed): Potential WFS filtering issue
Fixed with commit:c9a88c147c20b09fd8b0287aafd9811ac314bbe0 René-Luc ReLuc
02:17 PM Bug report #8795 (Closed): Potential WFS filtering issue
Fixed with commit:c9a88c147c20b09fd8b0287aafd9811ac314bbe0 René-Luc ReLuc
02:17 PM Bug report #8795 (Closed): Potential WFS filtering issue
Fixed with commit:c9a88c147c20b09fd8b0287aafd9811ac314bbe0 René-Luc ReLuc
02:17 PM Bug report #8795 (Closed): Potential WFS filtering issue
Fixed with commit:c9a88c147c20b09fd8b0287aafd9811ac314bbe0 René-Luc ReLuc
01:55 PM Revision e67eb4a4 (qgis): Fix crash in dxf export in no-symbology mode
Marco Hugentobler
12:55 PM Revision adb9be1f (qgis): [composer] Ensure correct mouse cursor is set after releasing pan/zoom ...
Nyall Dawson
12:29 PM Feature request #9533 (Open): Rotate feature
The rotate feature is really nice. However I need a rotate that aligns an old map with multiple layers with a current... Harry Bar
12:19 PM Bug report #9532 (Closed): Node tool causes crash
I am creating maps of a city with roads, buildings, lots etc. Snapping on 4. When using the node tool QGIS crashes qu... Harry Bar
12:15 PM Revision 1dec7b09 (qgis): [composer] Improve logic for pan shortcuts (fix #8957)
Nyall Dawson
11:27 AM Revision 5aa46cbe (qgis): geometry: add some null pointer checks (fixes #8433)
Jürgen Fischer
11:26 AM Revision 9a791886 (qgis): store original proj4 representation of a CRS and use it to store a cust...
Leyan Ouyang
11:08 AM Feature request #9531 (Open): Allow QGIS Relations to use composite keys
I am working on using QGIS to enter borehole data using QGIS Relations. It is a snap to create 1:1 and 1:N relations... cgsbob -
10:48 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Hi Patrick,
can you confirm that this also is the case when you disable ALL your plugins?
There have been some issu...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:40 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Reporting on the paste to the second layer, putting the second layer into edit mode required another 30 MB of memory.... Patrick Dunford
10:40 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Reporting on the paste to the second layer, putting the second layer into edit mode required another 30 MB of memory.... Patrick Dunford
06:05 AM Bug report #9526: File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
OK. So this is what happened. It took over an hour to put the layer into edit mode. And QGIS increased its memory usa... Patrick Dunford
05:32 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Can you confirm that on the same machine, the same files and operations are ok with qgis 2.0.1?
tagging as blocker ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:32 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Can you confirm that on the same machine, the same files and operations are ok with qgis 2.0.1?
tagging as blocker ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:32 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Can you confirm that on the same machine, the same files and operations are ok with qgis 2.0.1?
tagging as blocker ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:32 AM Bug report #9526 (Feedback): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Can you confirm that on the same machine, the same files and operations are ok with qgis 2.0.1?
tagging as blocker ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:08 AM Bug report #9526 (Closed): File based layer edits and posts taking extremely long time
Since I updated to 2.1.0 dev (and also Windows 8.1) from 2.0 and Windows 8, I have noticed the layers I am working on... Patrick Dunford
09:56 AM Revision 89f08f01 (qgis): [TRANSUP] da by Bo
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
09:40 AM Revision 63ecc8d9 (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
09:33 AM Feature request #9530 (Closed): Show coordinated as grid codes
I create all my projects and add new layers using the 'EPSG:27700 OSGB 1936 British National Grid CRS'.
This currentl...
Geoff Owen
09:22 AM Bug report #8979 (Closed): Crashing WFS in 32bit Windows Install
Jürgen Fischer
09:22 AM Bug report #8979 (In Progress): Crashing WFS in 32bit Windows Install
Jürgen Fischer
09:21 AM Bug report #8979 (Closed): Crashing WFS in 32bit Windows Install
Fixed in changeset commit:"8d7e61abd2cc0c1e41eeb4b68fe96dc148997d13". Jürgen Fischer
08:47 AM Revision c465c9f0 (qgis): Fix #8434 (join by spatial location locks up QGIS)
By caching the features of the provider in the inner loop, there is
a considerable speedup (compared to doing million...
Martin Dobias
08:41 AM Bug report #8413: Labels backgrounds are not correctly aligned in QGIS server layers (or maybe it...
#8068 has been closed. Does this issue can be closed ? René-Luc ReLuc
07:02 AM Feature request #9529 (Open): Set colors in a Column according to the applied symbology
Sometimes, it is nice to give labels the same color as the objets they refer to.
When there are too many classe...
mathieu rajerison
06:04 AM Feature request #9527 (Closed): Large icons for touch based tablets
I'm using QGIS on a windows based tablet with a touch sensitive screen for field surveying work. My work situation wo... Bo Victor Thomsen
05:35 AM Revision db29ebcf (qgis): Fix #9376 (crash when sorting attribute table with no attributes)
Martin Dobias
05:06 AM Revision d66ecf6c (qgis): Code and warning cleanup
Martin Dobias
04:59 AM Revision ac9eed7e (qgis): Merge pull request #1157 from kiith-sa/master
Fix #9213 ('bad_alloc' error at QGIS start) Martin Dobias
04:44 AM Revision 928613c4 (qgis): Merge pull request #1158 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: function_help Werner Macho
04:37 AM Revision 8c9d3368 (qgis): Merge pull request #1154 from slarosa/bbox_help_1
add help for bbox function Martin Dobias
04:35 AM Revision 7927c7ef (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: function_help
Robert Szczepanek
04:15 AM Feature request #8666: Use SID to connect to Oracle
Hi Carlo, I don't think that's the same issue. You might want to ask on the QGIS mailing list - Jonathan Moules
04:11 AM Feature request #9492: Browser doesn't list layers - WMTS
I'd have thought this was a bug rather than a feature.
There's a + icon I can click which does stuff for other data t...
Jonathan Moules
03:57 AM Bug report #8957 (Closed): qgis composer hold-space pan keyboard shortcut not working properly
Fixed in changeset commit:"1dec7b09acdad0e571d626bbb6a453d1803edbb2". Nyall Dawson
03:05 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I am not at home to test now but when I tested yesterday it seemed to me that the field calcu...
Jürgen Fischer
02:37 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
I am not at home to test now but when I tested yesterday it seemed to me that the field calculator is still faster t... Matthias Kuhn
02:18 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Not anymore. That was the case when the previous values were not st...
Jürgen Fischer
02:05 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Ah, the form view and not the table view.
/me should read more carefully.
I will take care of this for 2.4 with the...
Matthias Kuhn
02:01 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Not anymore. That was the case when the previous values were not stored in the first undo co...
Matthias Kuhn
02:55 AM Feature request #9525 (Open): add manual entry to coordinate capture
I often need to project single coordinate pairs (as in cs2cs or gdaltransform). I cannot find an equivalent in QGIS. ... Gavin Fleming
02:43 AM Revision 4aa8607e (qgis): [TRANSUP] sv by Victor
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:35 AM Revision 94d1c383 (qgis): Merge pull request #1156 from qgis-jp/for_pull
update GUI translation ja Werner Macho
02:29 AM Revision 3a075a6b (qgis): Fix #9213 ('bad_alloc' error at QGIS start)
02:28 AM Bug report #8433 (In Progress): Repeated Crash - Spatial Query tool
Jürgen Fischer
02:27 AM Bug report #8433 (Closed): Repeated Crash - Spatial Query tool
Fixed in changeset commit:"5aa46cbeb30144a86d52cf26b7b176f8f523b876". Jürgen Fischer
02:21 AM Bug report #9524 (Closed): Special character & in plugin authors prevent downloading
If a plugin's author string contains a "&" character in metedata, installation from the plugin manager will fail.
I d...
Denis Rouzaud
01:51 AM Revision 67154d1b (qgis): update GUI translation ja
yoichi Kayama
01:17 AM Bug report #9522 (Closed): Feature count not updated when filtering a layer
Steps to reproduce:
* Use categorized, graduated or rule-based symbology on a vector layer
* Activate "Show Feature C...
Leyan Ouyang


11:57 PM Bug report #8434 (Closed): join by spatial location locks up QGIS
Fixed in changeset commit:"c465c9f03d5e190e0aa1491943bdadb18716587e". Martin Dobias
11:45 PM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
Sounds reasonable. Nevertheless, I think this option should be added, as without it the user case described is seriou... Paolo Cavallini
11:45 PM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
Sounds reasonable. Nevertheless, I think this option should be added, as without it the user case described is seriou... Paolo Cavallini
12:45 PM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
OK, that's a good point. However I don't think the existing option for antialiasing in settings is the correct soluti... Nyall Dawson
12:45 PM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
OK, that's a good point. However I don't think the existing option for antialiasing in settings is the correct soluti... Nyall Dawson
12:45 PM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
OK, that's a good point. However I don't think the existing option for antialiasing in settings is the correct soluti... Nyall Dawson
04:44 AM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
So it is definitively a bug because It donnot reproduce exactly what there is in the canvas.
The goal of composer is...
aperi2007 -
04:31 AM Feature request #9281: [composer] add option to disable antialiasing when exporting compositions
The antialiasing if no good for the black-white TIFF4 images.
In the tiff4 the main goal is have always only two col...
aperi2007 -
11:18 PM Bug report #5162 (Closed): points in polygon never ends
The main issue with the attached layer are the few huge geometries, especially the one with ID 26569 - with more than... Martin Dobias
11:18 PM Bug report #5162 (Closed): points in polygon never ends
The main issue with the attached layer are the few huge geometries, especially the one with ID 26569 - with more than... Martin Dobias
11:14 PM Feature request #9521 (Closed): Introduce support for "prepared" geometries
Since GEOS 3.1 there is support for some geometry operations on so called prepared geometries which can greatly impro... Martin Dobias
10:44 PM Revision b05c93c3 (qgis): highlight made transparent for other layers again
Radim Blazek
09:42 PM Revision 0d4968c8 (qgis): Fix type of "face_seed" layer in TopoViewer
Sandro Santilli
09:18 PM Bug report #4509 (Closed): Crash on SPARC when opening vector layer
Some time ago the WKB handling has been updated to use memcpy, so it should be working now in master. Please reopen i... Martin Dobias
09:18 PM Bug report #4509 (Closed): Crash on SPARC when opening vector layer
Some time ago the WKB handling has been updated to use memcpy, so it should be working now in master. Please reopen i... Martin Dobias
09:18 PM Bug report #4509 (Closed): Crash on SPARC when opening vector layer
Some time ago the WKB handling has been updated to use memcpy, so it should be working now in master. Please reopen i... Martin Dobias
08:36 PM Bug report #9376 (Closed): QGIS crash on sorting attribute columns on WFS layers.
Fixed in changeset commit:"db29ebcffbc8a7b16331dd49da17f25662315e07". Martin Dobias
07:59 PM Bug report #9213 (Closed): 'bad_alloc' error at QGIS start
Fixed in changeset commit:"ac9eed7e052428722cd66ce0e39aee933c8176e6". Martin Dobias
05:36 PM Bug report #9213: 'bad_alloc' error at QGIS start
Pull request with the fix:
Ferdinand Majerech
04:15 PM Bug report #9213: 'bad_alloc' error at QGIS start
I found the source of the bug.
The QgisApp class defined in src/app/qgisapp.h and src/app/qgisapp.cpp has a data mem...
Ferdinand Majerech
07:35 PM Revision 7689bf19 (qgis): Fix for #8130 - WFS client: invalid columns after copy/paste.
07:08 PM Revision f70e403b (qgis): add help for bbox function
Salvatore Larosa
05:42 PM Revision 71c1ad10 (qgis): sqrt symbol size for ScaleArea before scale to context units, fixes #8887
Radim Blazek
02:25 PM Revision 77a24cbe (qgis): Fix #8996 (Composer crashes QGIS when setComposition() method called)
Martin Dobias
12:58 PM Revision 3174708f (qgis): Merge pull request #1153 from tomass/master
Lithuanian translation update Werner Macho
12:51 PM Revision ee590331 (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
12:19 PM Revision f712a791 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
12:08 PM Revision 6b4e7dad (qgis): Merge pull request #1152 from qgis-jp/for_pull
update GUI translation JA Werner Macho
11:38 AM Revision 3fdd180c (qgis): russian translation update
Alexander Bruy
11:26 AM Revision 780443e2 (qgis): indentation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:19 AM Revision f3b26494 (qgis): expressions: only quote when necessary (fixes tests; followup 915f5c1a)
Jürgen Fischer
10:47 AM Revision 155c7697 (qgis): update GUI translation JA
yoichi Kayama
10:37 AM Revision 83d2b617 (qgis): [composer] Make sure attribute table updates correctly when used with a...
Nyall Dawson
10:37 AM Revision d6810e89 (qgis): [composer] Fix calculation of world file parameters, make sure world fi...
Nyall Dawson
09:59 AM Revision f15c8869 (qgis): Fix #8852 (crash when removing invalid postgres table from project)
Martin Dobias
09:25 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> It's not quite the same, as when doing changes the first time via the field calculator, one it...
Jürgen Fischer
09:19 AM Bug report #9509 (Reopened): Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
It's not quite the same, as when doing changes the first time via the field calculator, one iterator is opened and lo... Matthias Kuhn
07:03 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> For me it still not fixed. I am getting always a QGIS freezing on rollback action.
It's fa...
Jürgen Fischer
06:43 AM Bug report #9509: Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
For me it still not fixed. I am getting always a QGIS freezing on rollback action. Salvatore Larosa
09:19 AM Bug report #9520 (Closed): bbox filter doesn't work applied on a WFS datasource
When applying a filter like bbox does not retrieve the features from a WFS data url.
Steps to reproduce:
* using thi...
Salvatore Larosa
09:16 AM Bug report #9519 (Closed): Rollback operations slow if lots of features changed
I think so. Closing as duplicate. Matthias Kuhn
09:16 AM Bug report #9519 (Closed): Rollback operations slow if lots of features changed
I think so. Closing as duplicate. Matthias Kuhn
05:22 AM Bug report #9519: Rollback operations slow if lots of features changed
duplicate of #9509? Jürgen Fischer
04:23 AM Bug report #9519 (Closed): Rollback operations slow if lots of features changed
To reproduce:
* Open a layer with a big amount of features (...and with a slow backend)
* Start editing
* Open the f...
Matthias Kuhn
08:55 AM Bug report #9079: Numeric scale error when print
I can reproduce this behaviour. The output seems to have only 2/3 of the scale which is entered in the print composer... Markus Mayr
08:48 AM Bug report #8887: qgis don't use correctly the map-units in dimension of data-defined-properties ...
aperi2007 - wrote:
> But, I guess perhaps there some other code bug, because also thinking to a simple square root re...
Radim Blazek
08:44 AM Bug report #8887 (Closed): qgis don't use correctly the map-units in dimension of data-defined-pr...
Fixed in changeset commit:"71c1ad103364d3d83d02890e712b9dad442c9d08". Radim Blazek
05:28 AM Bug report #9315: Field Calculator, slow performance with 2.1.0-104
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Please note that this also happens with the attribute table closed and should therefore be tre...
Jürgen Fischer
04:24 AM Bug report #9315: Field Calculator, slow performance with 2.1.0-104
I noticed the same. This is due to the undo operation requesting all the features in single requests AFAICT.
Please ...
Matthias Kuhn
05:27 AM Bug report #8996 (Closed): Composer crashes QGIS when setComposition() method called
Fixed in changeset commit:"77a24cbeb44b4ecd48c469b85850025da246ae95". Martin Dobias
05:24 AM Revision 20fa54ca (qgis): Merge pull request #1151 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: context_help Werner Macho
05:01 AM Bug report #7374 (Closed): QGIS crashes when loading previously saved project with reproject CRS
Closing for lack of feedback, probably does not affect recent versions. Martin Dobias
05:01 AM Bug report #7374 (Closed): QGIS crashes when loading previously saved project with reproject CRS
Closing for lack of feedback, probably does not affect recent versions. Martin Dobias
04:56 AM Revision 41c49bdd (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: context_help
Robert Szczepanek
04:51 AM Bug report #7365 (Feedback): QGIS project made in Windows crashes when opening on OSX
We need more details: does it happen with any project? E.g. does it crash if you save just empty project in windows a... Martin Dobias
04:43 AM Bug report #8950 (Feedback): "Merge Selected Features" works but QGIS crashes on save
Martin Dobias
04:43 AM Bug report #8950: "Merge Selected Features" works but QGIS crashes on save
I cannot replicate. Please try to add more details:
- does it happen also with other files, different geometry types?...
Martin Dobias
04:35 AM Feature request #9471: attribute table isn't refreshed after save
There is currently no possibility for a provider to push change-notifications back to QGIS. We would need a new API f... Matthias Kuhn
03:49 AM Bug report #9507: QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
You are right. I've tried on Ubuntu and it doesn't happen. Nacho Varela
03:12 AM Revision a9ac0d70 (qgis): Use case insensitive check for image filename extension (fix #9482)
Nyall Dawson
03:12 AM Revision 133af645 (qgis): [composer] Remove uuid from item properties ui (fix #9497)
Nyall Dawson
03:12 AM Revision 8d5862c8 (qgis): [composer] Set printer page orientation when composition page orientati...
Nyall Dawson
02:23 AM Feature request #9518 (Closed): ORACLE SPATIAL DATA CONNECTION
Please don't file tickets for support requests - use the mailing lists. Jürgen Fischer
02:23 AM Feature request #9518 (Closed): ORACLE SPATIAL DATA CONNECTION
Please don't file tickets for support requests - use the mailing lists. Jürgen Fischer
01:52 AM Feature request #9518 (Closed): ORACLE SPATIAL DATA CONNECTION
Good morning,
I have a problem with the connection to the spatial data with oracle. When I go to test the connection...
Carlo Copat
01:49 AM Feature request #8666: Use SID to connect to Oracle
Good morning,
I have a problem with the connection to the spatial data with oracle. When I go to test the connection...
Carlo Copat
01:28 AM Bug report #9222 (Closed): WMTS being interpolated at native scale
Jürgen Fischer
01:28 AM Bug report #9222: WMTS being interpolated at native scale
duplicate of #6430 Jürgen Fischer
01:00 AM Bug report #8852 (Closed): QGIS crashes when having a Querylayer referencing deleted or invalid p...
Fixed in changeset commit:"f15c8869407c89cc771841d8ce218db01c435c7f". Martin Dobias


12:32 AM Bug report #7381 (Closed): Change colour in Layer Properties freezes system
Hm... a randomly occurring bug, and system dependent... could be some specific local problem. I am not sure if we can... Martin Dobias
12:32 AM Bug report #7381 (Closed): Change colour in Layer Properties freezes system
Hm... a randomly occurring bug, and system dependent... could be some specific local problem. I am not sure if we can... Martin Dobias
11:51 PM Bug report #6056 (Closed): Cannot load WCS layers
Radim Blazek
11:45 PM Bug report #6056: Cannot load WCS layers
Closing because of no feedback over 1 year. Please reopen if necessary. Radim Blazek
11:31 PM Revision d4043bef (qgis): fix #9515
Jürgen Fischer
11:28 PM Revision 52616b65 (qgis): vector layer: save old attribute values where available to speedup undo...
field calculator & app: use wait cursor while calculating and committing or rolling back Jürgen Fischer
10:36 PM Bug report #9060 (Feedback): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Paolo Cavallini
02:17 PM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Just tested in NB, code revision "d26831b" and is not right yet. If the original shape CRS is used in the project def... Rhenriques Henriques
11:25 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> > Hi Giovanni, the pull request '
Alvaro Huarte
11:22 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Alvaro Huarte wrote:
> Hi Giovanni, the pull request '' has not yet been merged...
Giovanni Manghi
11:16 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
Hi Giovanni, the pull request '' has not yet been merged.
Do you think that it ...
Alvaro Huarte
03:14 AM Bug report #9060 (Closed): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
This seems really fixed to me. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:14 AM Bug report #9060 (Closed): Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
This seems really fixed to me. Please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:41 PM Revision 48427e18 (qgis): identify results: fix value map updates (fixes #8818)
dual view: avoid empty undo commands Jürgen Fischer
09:10 PM Revision eb769f7f (qgis): demonstrate bug in qgsexpression
Vincent Mora
07:25 PM Revision 02409e99 (qgis): Pass extent of loaded views to the provider via URI
Completes the speed up loading of view layers in TopoViewer.
Finally and definitely fixes #9510.
NOTE: the commit al...
Sandro Santilli
07:14 PM Revision 4c87b0c1 (qgis): vector layer: don't crash on missing labels in invalid layers la(fix #9...
Jürgen Fischer
06:38 PM Revision 915f5c1a (qgis): expression: quote node column ref in dumps (fixes #9513)
Jürgen Fischer
06:22 PM Bug report #9459: layer fails to render when rule-based symbology make use of $atlasfeatureid
Think this should be a blocker, since it's a new feature which isn't working as expected.
I had a go at fixing it by...
Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #9497 (Closed): Hide the UUID from the composer items
Fixed in changeset commit:"133af645fe1017371424254c8ea80ba2b2660071". Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #9482 (Closed): Composer exporting to eps add its own extension .EPS
Fixed in changeset commit:"a9ac0d70f49663741aa70d03aaddc496a0b6e323". Nyall Dawson
06:13 PM Bug report #3530 (Closed): Page orientation doesnt match composition orientation
Fixed in changeset commit:"8d5862c8fd88ddd86c6ed748dbc3b40a1f975ac5". Nyall Dawson
06:11 PM Revision 500116bf (qgis): vector layer: calculate extents lazily (fixes #9510)
Jürgen Fischer
06:04 PM Revision 00f62361 (qgis): map canvas: delay paint event 500ms on resize (fixes #2798)
Jürgen Fischer
05:05 PM Revision 56bebb19 (qgis): Pass wkbType and SRID of loaded views to the provider via URI
Slighly speeds up loading of view layers in TopoViewer (#9510).
Unfortunately there's no way to also pass in the Exte...
Sandro Santilli
05:03 PM Revision 37015614 (qgis): postgres provider: speedup loading of layers by not verifing srid and g...
Jürgen Fischer
04:37 PM Feature request #9516 (Open): Allow to specify a bounding box column in addition to the geometry ...
Some sql queries build the geometry column on-the-fly, but can still return a bounding box from a real table. The mos... Sandro Santilli
04:23 PM Revision 417d4970 (qgis): fix offset curve crash (fixes #9446)
Jürgen Fischer
02:42 PM Bug report #6524 (Feedback): eVis Plug-In, eVis-Database-connection to a MS-Access data base (QGI...
Is this still the case? QGIS doesn't crash if a delimited text file is removed while qgis is running nor when a pro... Jürgen Fischer
02:32 PM Bug report #9515 (Closed): The help for data-defined offset should read '<x>,<y>'
Fixed in changeset commit:"d4043befcc9b92bc565563506bf2fbbb013aed43". Jürgen Fischer
01:12 PM Bug report #9515 (Closed): The help for data-defined offset should read '<x>,<y>'
The help for data-defined offset currently reads: <x>,<y>
To get this feature working, it seems to be necessary to re...
Anita Graser
02:31 PM Revision 188b373b (qgis): Fix loading of face layers after breaking it with 73b49867
Fix #9510 again Sandro Santilli
02:30 PM Bug report #9509 (Closed): Discarding edits freezes qgis for a long time
Fixed in changeset commit:"52616b6549bf43eee3cccc79f73aa890da5f3fab". Jürgen Fischer
02:11 PM Revision 6dd0cbe5 (qgis): Update TopoViewer style templates to 2.2.0 version
Fix #9512 Sandro Santilli
01:21 PM Revision 18fd4011 (qgis): Fix #9501 (expression crash when $geometry is used without a feature)
Martin Dobias
12:43 PM Bug report #8818 (Closed): "value map" widget broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"48427e1877cdb762af14f31be85b984a490828e2". Jürgen Fischer
12:27 PM Revision a0fc024e (qgis): enable geometry changing polygon tools only when 'change geometry' capa...
OGR's postgresql driver apparently doesn't support geometry updates (fixes #9468) Jürgen Fischer
12:27 PM Revision b7a69375 (qgis): don't warn about missing translation for C locale
Jürgen Fischer
12:26 PM Revision 7b45b40f (qgis): Reword "Only look in the layer registries" option
The wording was confusing in that real table scans can still be
performed when the srid or type in the registries are...
Sandro Santilli
12:26 PM Revision 73b49867 (qgis): Speed up topology loading
When loading topology viewer on a PostGIS-2.0+ database, it includes
type and srid typmod in the view layers, avoidin...
Sandro Santilli
12:08 PM Revision 02822d49 (qgis): [processing]Fix "float division by zero" in polygonize algorithm if no
polygons were created.
For shapely 1.2.16+ and GEOS 3.2+ unary_union will be used for noding
lines - union method som...
Piotr Pociask
10:25 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"02409e9901356e07ef1f4e56c74d1685bc62e0ae". Sandro Santilli
09:15 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
We're almost there, I still have to make the TopoViewer make the setExtent calls :) Sandro Santilli
09:15 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
We're almost there, I still have to make the TopoViewer make the setExtent calls :) Sandro Santilli
09:11 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"500116bfe337760a21a6c34ac16073eba5fefe40". Jürgen Fischer
08:43 AM Bug report #9510: [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Dropping the call from QgsVectorLayer::setDataProvider gets me the speed I was trying to obtain. Seconds vs. minutes.
Sandro Santilli
08:24 AM Bug report #9510: [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Extent seems to be called at VectorLayer initialization:... Sandro Santilli
08:09 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Reopening as it's still slow due to extent query :/
You'd need an few hundred thousand faces topology to tell...
If y...
Sandro Santilli
08:03 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"370156148969b5e755f847ebb8c31eb1aad5c0f7". Jürgen Fischer
05:33 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Reopening again, as the cast to typmod geometry does not provent core from checking again for the type, which makes t... Sandro Santilli
05:33 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Reopening again, as the cast to typmod geometry does not provent core from checking again for the type, which makes t... Sandro Santilli
05:33 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Reopening again, as the cast to typmod geometry does not provent core from checking again for the type, which makes t... Sandro Santilli
05:33 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Reopening again, as the cast to typmod geometry does not provent core from checking again for the type, which makes t... Sandro Santilli
05:31 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"188b373bad4d18ca92a929f3ec611cba910f09b6". Sandro Santilli
05:23 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
it looks like I broke the face layers, need to further debug this Sandro Santilli
05:23 AM Bug report #9510 (Reopened): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
it looks like I broke the face layers, need to further debug this Sandro Santilli
03:26 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
Fixed in changeset commit:"73b498674794be924bb1097c3edc23b966a58d8a". Sandro Santilli
01:24 AM Bug report #9510 (Closed): [TopoViewer] improve speed in creation of view layers
The Face geometries and Face centroid layers are views, on creation qgis scans them all to find out about their type ... Sandro Santilli
10:16 AM Bug report #9514 (Closed): Crash on loadNamedStyle against a layer created with an URI initialize...
Fixed in changeset commit:"4c87b0c123371b8a87a975746e8379643da97414". Jürgen Fischer
09:56 AM Bug report #9514 (Closed): Crash on loadNamedStyle against a layer created with an URI initialize...
I made a mistake in calling QgsDataSourceURI.setDataSource from python and passing it 4 arguments instead of 5,
Sandro Santilli
09:40 AM Bug report #9513 (Closed): QgsExpression("\\"my column\\"").expression() returns my column withou...
Fixed in changeset commit:"915f5c1a9644252934f0bc294e9c34cf703f8f30". Jürgen Fischer
09:33 AM Bug report #9513: QgsExpression("\\"my column\\"").expression() returns my column without quotes
Pull request here Vincent Mora
09:33 AM Bug report #9513: QgsExpression("\\"my column\\"").expression() returns my column without quotes
Pull request here Vincent Mora
09:33 AM Bug report #9513: QgsExpression("\\"my column\\"").expression() returns my column without quotes
Pull request here Vincent Mora
09:25 AM Bug report #9513 (Closed): QgsExpression("\\"my column\\"").expression() returns my column withou...
As a result one can not build an expression from another like it is done in QgsFeatureRequest::QgsFeatureRequest( con... Vincent Mora
09:05 AM Bug report #2798 (Closed): Resizing GUI panels causes multiple reloading of enabled layers (espec...
Fixed in changeset commit:"00f623614a786364cb71232dbbcb3051c0d81581". Jürgen Fischer
07:23 AM Bug report #9446 (Closed): offset tool crashes with multipolygons
Fixed in changeset commit:"417d49701770ab59938c3fcdc9f52d405f65d9ae". Jürgen Fischer
05:59 AM Revision 1d09f434 (qgis): Merge pull request #1147 from Cracert/i18n
[TRANSUP] pl: context_help Werner Macho
05:59 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)

> Have you tried it on a build that relies on saucy system packages? (Ie not with the ubuntugis packages)
no, I te...
Giovanni Manghi
05:28 AM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Giovanni, seems closing this issue is right thing to do considering I appear to be the only one able to reproduce. Wi... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:11 AM Bug report #9360 (Closed): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry a...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Alvaro, the builds I use on my three machines with which I can replicate all the tim...
Giovanni Manghi
03:11 AM Bug report #9360 (Closed): serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry a...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> Alvaro, the builds I use on my three machines with which I can replicate all the tim...
Giovanni Manghi
05:18 AM Bug report #8465 (Closed): Enable https for any connection where the password is submitted
not a application problem - but also not a redmine problem anymore - because we're using https to login there now. Jürgen Fischer
05:18 AM Bug report #8465 (Closed): Enable https for any connection where the password is submitted
not a application problem - but also not a redmine problem anymore - because we're using https to login there now. Jürgen Fischer
05:17 AM Bug report #9512 (Closed): [TopoViewer] label only layers are also showing geometries
Fixed in changeset commit:"6dd0cbe5425a3aaa84902cdb9a22ef17d8964cb5". Sandro Santilli
04:06 AM Bug report #9512: [TopoViewer] label only layers are also showing geometries
I can't confirm this is a recent regression it's actually happening in 2.0.1 too! Sandro Santilli
03:50 AM Bug report #9512: [TopoViewer] label only layers are also showing geometries
Related issue... doesn't this mean that any project saved by QGIS-2.0 will have 100% transparency style not honoured ? Sandro Santilli
03:24 AM Bug report #9512 (Closed): [TopoViewer] label only layers are also showing geometries
I noticed this with face_left, but I guess it also happens with face_right etc..
Also, when loading a TopoViewer, qgi...
Sandro Santilli
05:17 AM Bug report #9045: Font marker symbol not visible in style manager after restarting QGIS
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Works for me on linux (either case 1 and 2 work as expected)
Hi Martin, it does not happen on...
Giovanni Manghi
05:17 AM Bug report #9045: Font marker symbol not visible in style manager after restarting QGIS
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Works for me on linux (either case 1 and 2 work as expected)
Hi Martin, it does not happen on...
Giovanni Manghi
05:17 AM Bug report #9045: Font marker symbol not visible in style manager after restarting QGIS
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Works for me on linux (either case 1 and 2 work as expected)
Hi Martin, it does not happen on...
Giovanni Manghi
05:11 AM Bug report #8068 (Closed): Wrong font display in qgis server
In the latest master code for qgis server seems that things are ok. I tested on both Linux (ubuntu) and Windows (osge... Giovanni Manghi
05:11 AM Bug report #8068 (Closed): Wrong font display in qgis server
In the latest master code for qgis server seems that things are ok. I tested on both Linux (ubuntu) and Windows (osge... Giovanni Manghi
04:59 AM Revision 876e9853 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: context_help
Robert Szczepanek
04:22 AM Bug report #9501 (Closed): QGIS crash on specifying filter for WFS layer.
Fixed in changeset commit:"18fd4011677fc4c64e3543d20d7e0bb451bb285a". Martin Dobias
04:18 AM Bug report #9088: Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
Confirmed as a regression since 1.8 Giovanni Manghi
04:18 AM Bug report #9088: Text Annotation Symbols size is wrong in map composer
Confirmed as a regression since 1.8 Giovanni Manghi
04:07 AM Bug report #9319 (Closed): copy of QgsExpression causes segfault
pull request merged in commit:3568fe761 Jürgen Fischer
04:05 AM Bug report #7941: IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit Giovanni Manghi
04:05 AM Bug report #7941: IGNF:LAMBE -- not reprojecting
As far I can see this is still an issue at least on osgeo4w 64bit Giovanni Manghi
04:03 AM Bug report #9507 (Feedback): QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
I suppose this only applies to Qt 4.7 (which OSGeo4W 32bit still uses) Jürgen Fischer
04:03 AM Bug report #9507 (Feedback): QGIS crash when opening a HTML Map Tip with some mistakes
I suppose this only applies to Qt 4.7 (which OSGeo4W 32bit still uses) Jürgen Fischer
03:34 AM Bug report #5758: Primary key issue when using merge attributes of selected features tool
I can confirm that this was working as expected in QGIS 1.8 and does not on master. Giovanni Manghi
03:34 AM Bug report #5758: Primary key issue when using merge attributes of selected features tool
I can confirm that this was working as expected in QGIS 1.8 and does not on master. Giovanni Manghi
03:30 AM Bug report #9468: cannot add ring in a polygon
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"a0fc024e76b9f40cff1bfde76e6dbf8111c7eb3a".
Use the native postgre...
Jürgen Fischer
03:27 AM Bug report #9468 (Closed): cannot add ring in a polygon
Fixed in changeset commit:"a0fc024e76b9f40cff1bfde76e6dbf8111c7eb3a". Jürgen Fischer
03:27 AM Bug report #8730 (Closed): "Only look in the layer registry", but table scan still performed
Fixed in changeset commit:"7b45b40f96535469e4730713b8f38af6b48996a7". Sandro Santilli
01:00 AM Bug report #8730: "Only look in the layer registry", but table scan still performed
Looking at the code and the tooltip I concluded it was a miswording of the option.
This pull request corrects it:
Sandro Santilli
03:18 AM Bug report #8976 (Closed): Offline Editor not retaining key integer values (or if it retains it d...
Martin Dobias wrote:
> When I convert a layer to offline project, the primary key is preserved and I can keep update ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:18 AM Bug report #8976 (Closed): Offline Editor not retaining key integer values (or if it retains it d...
Martin Dobias wrote:
> When I convert a layer to offline project, the primary key is preserved and I can keep update ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:04 AM Bug report #9511 (Closed): Layer MSSQL date field type become QSTRING
hi, if i add to my project a layer in MSSQL server, and the features have field of type date , qgis views it as QSTR... SC SC
02:27 AM Bug report #8708 (Closed): Links in About broken
fixed in commit:af65a0a2 Jürgen Fischer
01:46 AM Bug report #8801: QGIS fails to start when not in domain
Perhaps user's home directory is configured to be not on the local disk but on some network resource. Jukka Rahkonen
01:44 AM Bug report #8481 (Open): "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Bug report #9032 (Open): LINESTRINGM not displayed
Giovanni Manghi
01:42 AM Bug report #8600 (Open): QGIS 2.0 not working with NTLM proxy
Giovanni Manghi


12:43 AM Bug report #8730: "Only look in the layer registry", but table scan still performed
I confirm this still happens in current master. It's with views having SRID=0 advertised in geometry_columns.
Sandro Santilli
12:41 AM Revision f06e72ef (qgis): debian packaging fix
Jürgen Fischer
09:02 PM Revision af65a0a2 (qgis): also update links in translation files
Jürgen Fischer
09:02 PM Revision 5397dfe5 (qgis): update links
Jürgen Fischer
08:59 PM Revision 1bf33b53 (qgis): Fix compile error
Larry Shaffer
08:08 PM Revision 4d547791 (qgis): IT translation
Paolo Cavallini
07:52 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Alvaro, the builds I use on my three machines with which I can replicate all the time are builds offered via the qgis... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:56 PM Bug report #9360: serious regression: whole layer not rendered (when simplify geometry activated)
Hi Mathieu, I successfully built QGIS master in Ubuntu 13.10 :-)
I use VirtualBox in Wi...
Alvaro Huarte
07:09 PM Revision 10c15089 (qgis): Fix #8584 (WFS requests with FILTER fails against Geoserver)
Martin Dobias
06:05 PM Bug report #9213: 'bad_alloc' error at QGIS start
I've now reproduced the random std::bad_alloc at startup bug. I think it's unrelated to the
std::bad_alloc on low RA...
Ferdinand Majerech
05:21 PM Revision 8b8eb562 (qgis): Fix #6146 (Offline editing tool broken)
Adding of features back to remote database didn't work in case of primary keys
being auto-generated. With the fix, if...
Martin Dobias
05:11 PM Revision 9a4e7015 (qgis): Added an IT translator
Paolo Cavallini
04:58 PM Bug report #8735 (Feedback): Automatic red alignment lines stay visible
Is this reproducible in current dev version? That code area has been changed significantly in 2.1 and I'm confident t... Nyall Dawson
04:50 PM Bug report #9466 (Feedback): Print composer - missing string for translation
Is this actually a bug (ie string is untranslatable) or it's just missing in a particular translation? Nyall Dawson
03:43 PM Revision a386230b (qgis): debian packaging update (trusty)
Jürgen Fischer
02:57 PM Revision cedc22ff (qgis): [processing] fix docstring
Alexander Bruy
01:47 PM Bug report #9490: Line labels sometimes placed on an endpoint rather than in the middle
Try un-checking "Discourage labels from covering features" for the _lots_ layer, or for both layers. It is under Vect...