Bug report #9480

Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon

Added by Tim Sutton about 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Assignee:Larry Shaffer
Affected QGIS version:2.0.1 Regression?:No
Operating System:all Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:18072


When labelling polygons the label placement is often suboptimal. I am attaching a contrived example which illustrates the point. Often the centroid of the polygon is calculated to be outside the boundaries of the polygon and thus a label appears to reference a neighbouring polygon. Using the 'real centroid' (for example as implemented in the realcentroid plugin http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/realcentroid/) would be one way to address this.

qgis-issue-9480.zip (5.98 KB) Tim Sutton, 2014-02-03 11:38 AM

other_example_test_issue_9480.zip (1.36 KB) Alvaro Huarte, 2014-05-24 10:25 AM

9480_edge-point.jpeg (40.7 KB) Larry Shaffer, 2014-05-29 02:02 PM

testInsidePolygon.JPG (33.4 KB) Alvaro Huarte, 2014-05-30 11:49 AM


#1 Updated by Tim Sutton about 11 years ago

#2 Updated by Martin Dobias about 11 years ago

There is something called Distance Transform that computes distance from each point to the border. We could probably use it to get nice labeling of complex polygons: the idea is to do this transform for each (rasterized) polygon - that would trigger a kind of heatmap (high score for central areas, low score for areas close to the border) which would be used as a source for costs of label candidates.


#3 Updated by Jukka Rahkonen about 11 years ago

Doesn't QGIS come with GEOS? It could be worth having a try if label placement would look better by using GEOS PointOnSurface method which is the same as JTS getInteriorPoint
The speed is not necessarily much slower.
PostGIS implements this as http://www.postgis.org/docs/ST_PointOnSurface.html.

#4 Updated by Martin Dobias about 11 years ago

Yeah, PointOnSurface could be an alternative to centroid - it would be good to try it out and have a comparison!

#5 Updated by Alvaro Huarte almost 11 years ago

Using the 'Horizontal' or 'Free' placements in label configuration the text is drawed inside of polygon.
The PAL label library, that QGIS uses, only forces the label inside of polygon with these placements.


Best Regards

#6 Updated by Larry Shaffer almost 11 years ago

Hi Alvaro,

Alvaro Huarte wrote:

Using the 'Horizontal' or 'Free' placements in label configuration the text is drawed inside of polygon.
The PAL label library, that QGIS uses, only forces the label inside of polygon with these placements.

Neither of those placements are based upon the polygon's centroid, but instead upon available area. Tim's request is to base it off the centroid and ensure it is inside the polygon.

#7 Updated by Alvaro Huarte almost 11 years ago

Hi Larry, I propose a new pull request (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/1238) using the 'GEOSPointOnSurface' method.

The code has three commits:

+ New 'pointOnSurface' method for QgsGeometry using 'GEOSPointOnSurface'.
+ New option for CentroidFillSymbolLayerV2 to force the location of centroid inside of polygons.
+ Force label position inside of polygons in PAL labeling library.

Best Regards

#9 Updated by Larry Shaffer over 10 years ago

Should be fixed, excepting that sometimes the point is moved to an edge, which leaves the resultant label in a vague spot when between two polygons.

See label 683/3:

Further work to ensure such new edge points should be further moved to a 'centered' midpoint between an opposite side, if it exists, or to some other more ideal point.

Commit fe42b004

#10 Updated by Alvaro Huarte over 10 years ago

Larry Shaffer wrote:

Should be fixed, excepting that sometimes the point is moved to an edge, which leaves the resultant label in a vague spot when between two polygons.

See label 683/3:

Further work to ensure such new edge points should be further moved to a 'centered' midpoint between an opposite side, if it exists, or to some other more ideal point.

Commit fe42b004

Thanks Larry, this algorithm cat get good results ?

1) Find closest segment to the outside centroid.
2) Calculate all intersections of a perpendicular ray from centroid to the closest segment
3) Using each pair of intersection points, from nearest point calculate if the middle point of each segment is inside.

#11 Updated by Larry Shaffer over 10 years ago

Yes, that seems like it might be faster, especially if the intersections can be done incrementally (if that matters). For example in this case, after the first two intersections are located, that would be all that is needed.

Though your algorithm skips doing a call to pointOnSurface() first, which should help with performance, don't we still need to do that call, then check if the resultant point is on, or really close, to an edge before doing such an algorithm? In my testing I found that ~75% of the time pointOnSurface() is already good enough. Just need to do something like what you are suggesting for the other ~25%, whenever it happens to fall on an edge. Or, is that what you are already suggesting?

PS: I think the discussion should stay here now, instead of github.com and here. :-)

#12 Updated by Alvaro Huarte over 10 years ago

Larry Shaffer wrote:

Yes, that seems like it might be faster, especially if the intersections can be done incrementally (if that matters). For example in this case, after the first two intersections are located, that would be all that is needed.

Though your algorithm skips doing a call to pointOnSurface() first, which should help with performance, don't we still need to do that call, then check if the resultant point is on, or really close, to an edge before doing such an algorithm? In my testing I found that ~75% of the time pointOnSurface() is already good enough. Just need to do something like what you are suggesting for the other ~25%, whenever it happens to fall on an edge. Or, is that what you are already suggesting?

PS: I think the discussion should stay here now, instead of github.com and here. :-)

When the centroid is not inside of polygon, I think that first it must get all intersection points and after sort these points using the distance to the centroid. Then the algorithm test each middle of pair of points if inside of polygon.

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