
From 2016-06-09 to 2016-07-08


07:50 PM Bug report #15245 (Closed): Constant Error After Install
I've had this problem for a while. Every time I try to install any instance of QGIS, I get errors (images atta...
Cameron Hare
02:12 PM Revision 07da9b17 (qgis): Bump version to 2.999
Jürgen Fischer
02:12 PM Revision 5ae67755 (qgis): New development branch for interim 2.x releases
Jürgen Fischer
02:11 PM Revision 89a6dbd9 (qgis): Release of 2.16 (Nødebo)
Jürgen Fischer
02:11 PM Revision 17562bd8 (qgis): changelog and news update for 2.16
Jürgen Fischer
02:11 PM Revision 68c2b0a8 (qgis): translation update for 2.16 from transifex
Jürgen Fischer
02:00 PM Revision 634f24b4 (qgis): Release of 2.14.4
Jürgen Fischer
01:14 PM Bug report #15243 (Feedback): photos not displaying in feature form when edit widget width and he...
Please test on 2.16 or 2.14.4. there's been related changes which may have fixed this. Nyall Dawson
12:33 PM Bug report #15243: photos not displaying in feature form when edit widget width and height set to 0
FYI, this is on Windows 8.1 and QGIS is installed via the OSGeo4W installer. Donovan Cameron
12:32 PM Bug report #15243 (Closed): photos not displaying in feature form when edit widget width and heig...
I have a point file with full paths to photos in the attribute table.
I set the edit widget to "photo" and left the ...
Donovan Cameron
01:13 PM Bug report #15244 (Feedback): photos not resizing in feature form when edit widget width and heig...
Please test on 2.16 or 2.14.4. there's been related changes which may have fixed this. Nyall Dawson
12:53 PM Bug report #15244 (Closed): photos not resizing in feature form when edit widget width and height...
I've specified column as "photo" with a height and width of 512 in the edit widget that contains full paths to photos... Donovan Cameron
12:59 PM Revision e451b9ad (qgis): indentation and spelling fixes
Jürgen Fischer
12:23 PM Revision 43334df6 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] APIs file updated
Salvatore Larosa
11:36 AM Revision 6f827138 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
10:27 AM Revision 02cc0cc3 (qgis): Fix incorrect label/diagram distance when map is rotated
(Cherry-picked from 873eb7f90a271970a904b5d4a37740f91b24f941) Nyall Dawson
10:22 AM Revision c79f290b (qgis): [roadgraph] fix invalid characters in message (fix #15233)
Alexander Bruy
10:13 AM Revision 873eb7f9 (qgis): Fix incorrect label/diagram distance when map is rotated
Nyall Dawson
09:41 AM Revision 871ea87f (qgis): Fix deselecting features by clicking no feature
Nyall Dawson
09:41 AM Revision ea3fc65c (qgis): Avoid duplicate 'follow label placement' options in combo box
Nyall Dawson
06:22 AM Bug report #15242 (Closed): Field Calculator problem
When I used field calculator to customize my function I have been some problems. The Custom option abouve search line... Diogo Caribe Caribe
06:06 AM Revision 6c0afcd4 (qgis): Move style dock button on toolbarst
Nathan Woodrow
06:05 AM Bug report #15124: MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
Damien Smith wrote:
> This only occurs with the text edit widget.
This behavior happens since 2.8.x. I'm not sure ...
Andre Jesus
06:01 AM Bug report #14329: Metasearch Catalog Client: Use behind a proxy with user/password authentification
@Luca: this is a different feature/requirement. Can you open a separate MetaSearch ticket please? Tom Kralidis
05:34 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
It seems to me that the qjson dependency is not automatically added if I use the latest "dev" package. I do manually ... Edward H
05:26 AM Bug report #15241 (Closed): DB-Manager and Oracle: only <NULL> values in table preview
I have a table that displays well in QGIS main canvas - both geometry and attribute table - but in the DB-Manager the... Andreas Neumann
03:47 AM Revision f31334f0 (qgis): Add myself (@nirvn) to contributor.json (#3284)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:25 AM Bug report #15239: Snapping Issues while tracing using trace digitising tool.
Yes Matthias... ASAP!!!1!! Nyall Dawson
02:54 AM Revision b1de246e (qgis): const fixes
Nathan Woodrow
02:53 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Thanks Matthias,
As Luca says, with the latest master version we do not have segmentation fault problems.
We do not ...
michele zanolli
02:27 AM Revision 5a033836 (qgis): Update with my own long/lat coords...
Even Rouault
02:23 AM Revision e1211320 (qgis): Add myself to contributors.json and AUTHORS
Even Rouault


01:49 AM Revision 8b08ffca (qgis): Add Alexandre Neto (#3282)
Alexandre Neto
01:38 AM Bug report #15238 (Closed): Snapping issure while using Trace Digitising Tool
Dinesh Kumar vellaichamy
12:42 AM Bug report #15238 (Closed): Snapping issure while using Trace Digitising Tool
While using trace from trace digitizing tool,the snap of target has snapped wrong location.If any body know the solut... Dinesh Kumar vellaichamy
01:36 AM Bug report #15240 (Closed): Crash when loading zipped ShapeFiles
QGIS 2.14.3 crashes when I use the "Add Vector Layer" button or menu to pick a zipped ShapeFiles file.
I can reproduc...
Tobias Preuss
01:21 AM Bug report #15233 (Closed): Shortest Path - Error message contains wrong characters a^ instead of &
Fixed in changeset commit:"c79f290b43607f66f2de0b32d5df2ebf794120d2". Alexander Bruy
04:21 AM Bug report #15233 (Closed): Shortest Path - Error message contains wrong characters a^ instead of &
Steps to Reproduce
1. Choose start and end locations
2. Click on calculate, you get an error messa...
Sudheesh Singanamalla
01:15 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
Works fine in master and 2.14.3 Alexander Bruy
01:15 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
Works fine in master and 2.14.3 Alexander Bruy
01:15 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
Works fine in master and 2.14.3 Alexander Bruy
01:15 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
Works fine in master and 2.14.3 Alexander Bruy
01:15 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
Works fine in master and 2.14.3 Alexander Bruy
12:50 AM Bug report #15239 (Closed): Snapping Issues while tracing using trace digitising tool.
problem on snap while tracing the line by using "Trace Digitizing tool".
It digitized with multi line snapping.
Dinesh Kumar vellaichamy
12:19 AM Revision 382986ff (qgis): [style dock] Add tooltips
12:19 AM Revision e4080eda (qgis): Streamline QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory interface
11:47 PM Revision a15d0328 (qgis): Merge pull request #3279 from ahuarte47/Issue_MeasureDialog_2
[Bugfix] Fix MeasureTool when DestinationCRS changes (2) Nyall Dawson
11:42 PM Revision 07a72ad1 (qgis): Fix Coverity uninitialized variable warnings
Nyall Dawson
11:42 PM Revision 326786b4 (qgis): Fix Coverity memory leak warning
Nyall Dawson
11:42 PM Revision 2a1c9c34 (qgis): Fix Coverity integer division warning
Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Bug report #15225: QGIS server - data is not stretched correctly. This is in violation to the WMS...
Interesting. Out of curiosity: what device is this, that has non-square pixels?
Sounds pretty exotic.
One has to ex...
Andreas Neumann
09:47 AM Bug report #15225 (Feedback): QGIS server - data is not stretched correctly. This is in violation...
Does this happens regardless of the client used? or it just (by chance) happen only on with QGIS (as client) on Windows? Giovanni Manghi
10:21 PM Revision 010a850f (qgis): plugin manager: use relative font size
Jürgen Fischer
09:24 PM Bug report #15218: MSSQL columns with default values not ignored
Actually, setting to "Hidden" or "Text" (Not editable) allows inserting and updating but copying and pasting fails if... Damien Smith
05:35 PM Revision b83aab7d (qgis): Save attribute table sort order persistently
Fix #15235 Matthias Kuhn
04:39 PM Revision febcabb0 (qgis): Make using recent expressions API simpler and add doxygen comment
Matthias Kuhn
04:39 PM Revision 56a0af5b (qgis): Sort attribute table by representation value where useful
Fix #15096
And aligns some edge-cases of sort behavior
Matthias Kuhn
04:13 PM Revision 31fc2b0c (qgis): Merge pull request #3278 from mhugo/master
Fix virtual layer construction from joined layer Hugo Mercier
03:47 PM Revision 2ac9ad55 (qgis): Fix MeasureTool when DestinationCRS changes (2)
Alvaro Huarte
03:37 PM Revision 2257d711 (qgis): Fix virtual layer construction from joined layer
Hugo Mercier
02:33 PM Revision 564c02e9 (qgis): [style dock] Reduce timeout on undo stack
02:18 PM Revision f41cb6d7 (qgis): [oracle] Fix handling of date/time types
Also add test for Oracle default values
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from f9d839fac5569d...
Nyall Dawson
02:17 PM Revision f9d839fa (qgis): [oracle] Fix handling of date/time types
Also add test for Oracle default values
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
Nyall Dawson
02:01 PM Revision 612043cd (qgis): Style dock: properly restore values in spinboxes for brightness etc (fi...
Martin Dobias
02:01 PM Revision cca79aa2 (qgis): Fix loss of transparency information in style dock (fixes #15229)
Martin Dobias
01:45 PM Revision 5ae78024 (qgis): Fix attribute table cannot map index when filtered
Matthias Kuhn
12:09 PM Bug report #15237 (Closed): QGIS 2.14.x Fedora 24/KDE ImportError: cannot import name QtWebKit
Starting QGIS 2.14.x on Fedora 24 opens dialog with the following error. ... Flo Ju
11:53 AM Bug report #15226: Primary key issue when copying a table by Drag&Drop
The background shows the input table (see 15226.png).
More D&D issues:
#6798 (when copying a table by d&d from one ...
R. R.
11:51 AM Bug report #15236: 'Check geometries' plugin fails to fix sliver polygons when 'Output vector lay...
Unfortunately, I can not attach the geometries due to the proprietary nature of the file. R. R.
09:43 AM Bug report #15236 (Feedback): 'Check geometries' plugin fails to fix sliver polygons when 'Output...
Is possible to attach same sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
09:03 AM Bug report #15236 (Closed): 'Check geometries' plugin fails to fix sliver polygons when 'Output v...
Here the sliver polygon check fails with an exception when 'Output vector layer' is set to 'Create new layer'.
R. R.
11:07 AM Revision c2fe2605 (qgis): fix crash when right-clicking on geometryless layers
(cherry picked from commit 054604bc709129efbc05098f09cacd8f0204efe9) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:45 AM Bug report #15234 (Feedback): Grass processing scripts error
please try a clean install (remove the .qgis2 folder) and check the GRASS7 paths in Processing options. Thanks in adv... Giovanni Manghi
05:07 AM Bug report #15234 (Closed): Grass processing scripts error
When I try to run a grass or a grass 7 script,I've the following message
Problem executing algorithm
environment can...
Patrick Palmier
09:33 AM Revision 77fa125b (qgis): fix build under NDK (#3276)
this fixes:
QgsMapToolTouch::isTransient()' marked override, but does not override
virtual bool isTransient() overrid...
Marco Bernasocchi
09:24 AM Revision fd446cfe (qgis): Merge map layer style undo commands that are created in short time (PR ...
This makes the undo stack grow slower (especially when typing or repeatedly
changing a value) and preserves memory.
Martin Dobias
08:36 AM Bug report #15235 (Closed): Attribute table: sort order (ASC/DESC) not saved/restored correctly
Fixed in changeset commit:"b83aab7d74be273724f94e2a734eb7b6397cb9a6". Anonymous
08:04 AM Bug report #15235 (Closed): Attribute table: sort order (ASC/DESC) not saved/restored correctly
When sorting the attribute table by column, the sort column or expression is correctly stored and restored, but the s... Andreas Neumann
07:39 AM Bug report #15096 (Closed): Attribute table: sort by display value instead of numeric code
Fixed in changeset commit:"56a0af5bd85ed922f13c5659f14eadfe754d0f12". Anonymous
06:20 AM Bug report #15231 (Closed): Crash when right-click on geometry-less layer
Fix in commit c2fe260 seems to work. Thanks! Daan Goedkoop
03:39 AM Bug report #15231: Crash when right-click on geometry-less layer
Changing this to 2.14.x - since master isn't affected. Andreas Neumann
02:03 AM Bug report #15231 (Closed): Crash when right-click on geometry-less layer
Affected is the current version of the release-2_14 branch (as of writing this, commit 0fc21a8).
It is fixed in mast...
Daan Goedkoop
05:02 AM Bug report #15229 (Closed): style dock: hillshade renderer's global transparency value resets aft...
Fixed in changeset commit:"cca79aa2f4838f0907390ee9de1e31461ba21027". Martin Dobias
05:02 AM Bug report #15228 (Closed): style dock: values of raster's layer rendering options not properly r...
Fixed in changeset commit:"612043cd0243e1cf002f26cd3076d813e441f26a". Martin Dobias
04:48 AM Bug report #13535: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
I can not attach the data as the shape files are proprietary :/ R. R.
03:34 AM Bug report #13535: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
Please open a separate issue and attach the problematic data. Sandro Mani
03:25 AM Bug report #13535: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
The layer includes many sliver polygons, that the geometry checker can't fix. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? R. R.
04:28 AM Bug report #14705 (Closed): Open style dock via View -> Panels doesn't set active layer
Layer combo will always have a active layer now. Nathan Woodrow
04:28 AM Bug report #14705 (Closed): Open style dock via View -> Panels doesn't set active layer
Layer combo will always have a active layer now. Nathan Woodrow
04:23 AM Bug report #15188: Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
I pretty much agree with Martin's analysis :
- OGR field and width semantics likely originates from the shapefile/DBF...
Even Rouault
03:49 AM Bug report #15196 (Closed): "save" do not work when setting a rule based labeling property
Seems to be fixed in master already. Nathan Woodrow
03:49 AM Bug report #15196 (Closed): "save" do not work when setting a rule based labeling property
Seems to be fixed in master already. Nathan Woodrow
03:43 AM Revision 9b102c2b (qgis): [style dock] Add tooltips for item icons
Nathan Woodrow
03:40 AM Revision 08bcba03 (qgis): [style dock] Add back missing style tab
Nathan Woodrow
02:56 AM Bug report #15232 (Closed): Save as Image disappeard in Result Viewer (Processing)
Test on different machines and with different QGIS versions it seems that the right click option in the Result Viewer... matteo ghetta
02:27 AM Revision e0974437 (qgis): Fix globe plugin


01:44 AM Bug report #15229: style dock: hillshade renderer's global transparency value resets after changi...
Andreas, my understanding of the priority is that we would classify as a "blocker" (what we know refer to severe/regr... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:27 AM Bug report #15229: style dock: hillshade renderer's global transparency value resets after changi...
hm - while I agree that it is annoying and should be fixed - should this really be in the category "Severe/Regression... Andreas Neumann
08:37 PM Bug report #15229 (Closed): style dock: hillshade renderer's global transparency value resets aft...
Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project
# Add a DEM raster layer
# Open the style dock, set the renderer to hillsh...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:42 AM Bug report #15188: Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
I will point this to Even to see what he thinks.
Would be nice if the user could still import it. QGIS could handle ...
Andreas Neumann
01:13 AM Bug report #13535: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
It is unlikely a bug (in the QGIS code at least). Can you spot a faulty geometry at the position indicated? Sandro Mani
01:10 AM Bug report #13535: Crash using Geometry Checker plugin
Is there anything I can do when the gap check reports a topology exception (see gap_check_topology_exception.png)? Is... R. R.
12:58 AM Bug report #15127 (Closed): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
I tested it on Linux and I can see the buttons in the actions column of the attribute table. Due to a lack of Windows... Andreas Neumann
12:58 AM Bug report #15127 (Closed): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
I tested it on Linux and I can see the buttons in the actions column of the attribute table. Due to a lack of Windows... Andreas Neumann
11:31 PM Revision 7dd61049 (qgis): Fix warnings, logic error
Nyall Dawson
11:26 PM Revision bce15e8e (qgis): Fix failing doc test, some header cleanups
Nyall Dawson
11:25 PM Revision d37518d3 (qgis): Fix undo/redo for rule-based renderer/labeling in styling dock
Martin Dobias
11:17 PM Revision 156e7e0f (qgis): Merge pull request #3261 from ahuarte47/Issue_DestinationCrsChanged
[Bugfix] Fix position and scale when on-the-fly CRS transformation is disabled (fixes #15183) Nyall Dawson
10:27 PM Revision 3e183a27 (qgis): Fix updates of undo widget in styling panel
Before, on current layer change it would switch to undo stack
of freshly activated layer, ignoring the layer set in t...
Martin Dobias
09:48 PM Revision 1c91ae77 (qgis): Show breadcrumb and back button for rule based labeling (fixes #15153)
Following the way how rule based rendering widget was adjusted... Martin Dobias
07:47 PM Bug report #15228 (Closed): style dock: values of raster's layer rendering options not properly r...
Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project
# Add a raster layer (1-band, 3-band, it doesn't matter)
# Open the style ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:33 PM Bug report #14987 (Closed): style dock: symbology panel not updated when adding layers with pre-d...
Indeed, works for me now. Closing. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:33 PM Bug report #14987 (Closed): style dock: symbology panel not updated when adding layers with pre-d...
Indeed, works for me now. Closing. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:30 PM Bug report #14987 (Feedback): style dock: symbology panel not updated when adding layers with pre...
Still true? It seems to work fine for me... Martin Dobias
05:26 PM Revision e00ba6d7 (qgis): Fix hillshading renderer XML loading (fixes #15195)
Martin Dobias
03:55 PM Revision af3ad834 (qgis): [style dock] Add icons for style manager dialog
Remove save for now until next release Nathan
03:38 PM Bug report #15159: Problem with raster bilineal export
Could you please attach a simple project (with data) that would help us replicate the problem you are having? Thanks... Martin Dobias
03:36 PM Revision 123607be (qgis): Fix #14979 - Restore default style correctly
03:03 PM Revision fdf16e3c (qgis): Rename QgsLayerStylingPanelFactory to QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory
- Move QgsMapLayerPropertiesFactory into single factory object for
dock and properties
02:18 PM Bug report #15183 (Closed): When the user disables the on-the-fly CRS transformation the map is n...
Fixed in changeset commit:"156e7e0f781de585edfdf6a949710ad0b8537c4e". Nyall Dawson
12:51 PM Bug report #15153 (Closed): style dock: back button & breadcrumb missing when a rule-based label ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1c91ae77338d2d8a9263596bc6fe4b8280480dd2". Martin Dobias
12:31 PM Bug report #15227: Attribute table issue when entering a new value
Related: #14854 R. R.
12:25 PM Bug report #15227 (Closed): Attribute table issue when entering a new value
When deleting an existing value using the 'x' icon and entering a new value, _NULL_ isn't replaced. R. R.
11:00 AM Bug report #15226 (Closed): Primary key issue when copying a table by Drag&Drop
When copying a table (PostGIS) in the 'DB Manager' by D&D, the name of the primary key is placed in quotes (e.g. "gid... R. R.
11:00 AM Revision 0fc21a85 (qgis): Fix build
Nyall Dawson
09:59 AM Revision 01f61c57 (qgis): [oracle] Implement provider test suite
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 38e65c3f75bd57c16b37cff95137337db032014b)
Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Revision 012a29df (qgis): [oracle] Fix feature request when expression compilation fails,
fix incorrect provider side use of limit when expression compilation
could not be used
On behalf of Faunalia, sponso...
Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Revision e6dd24af (qgis): [oracle] Always keep geometry when fetched, as it may have been
requested for filter expressions or sorting
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 369e130d48...
Nyall Dawson
09:58 AM Revision 3c6c32d5 (qgis): [oracle] Fixes for oracle expression compilation
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 64bfbaaf5b44153f068a5f2d140e1abe4d4b83f5)
Nyall Dawson
09:57 AM Revision 03074955 (qgis): [oracle] Fix broken iterator rewind
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from d785b904ac51ebeb2d004da78bb7840e27e426a2)
Nyall Dawson
09:57 AM Revision 0c060bda (qgis): [oracle] Fix detection of geometry type when table contains some
empty geometries
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from fe93e6217548acb4710a63f94c4c18070f868...
Nyall Dawson
09:57 AM Revision 91c86bde (qgis): [oracle] Fix missing items in oracle connections in browser
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
09:55 AM Revision 04dc5cc9 (qgis): [oracle] Don't report import failures when user has cancelled import
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from a31a1d3f13101a906de88bd71981c61526ccb1ae)
Nyall Dawson
09:55 AM Revision 432934ce (qgis): [oracle] Synchronise wording and behaviour of browser actions
with postgres provider
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
(cherry-picked from 82be399fcb2cfdcd64c41039f1a50f9...
Nyall Dawson
09:15 AM Revision 269db146 (qgis): Legend: leave away empty groups (fix #12969)
(cherry-picked from c78347) Marco Hugentobler
08:35 AM Revision d089cbaa (qgis): [oracle] Fix feature request when expression compilation fails,
fix incorrect provider side use of limit when expression compilation
could not be used
On behalf of Faunalia, sponso...
Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision 369e130d (qgis): [oracle] Always keep geometry when fetched, as it may have been
requested for filter expressions or sorting
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision 64bfbaaf (qgis): [oracle] Fixes for oracle expression compilation
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision d785b904 (qgis): [oracle] Fix broken iterator rewind
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision fe93e621 (qgis): [oracle] Fix detection of geometry type when table contains some
empty geometries
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision f1a15e3a (qgis): [oracle] Fix missing items in oracle connections in browser
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision 38e65c3f (qgis): [oracle] Implement provider test suite
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision 82be399f (qgis): [oracle] Synchronise wording and behaviour of browser actions
with postgres provider
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL
Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision 68748d0f (qgis): [oracle] Remove debugging noise
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision ec56c3ed (qgis): Make browser less noisy on debug
Nyall Dawson
08:35 AM Revision a31a1d3f (qgis): [oracle] Don't report import failures when user has cancelled import
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL Nyall Dawson
08:28 AM Bug report #15195 (Closed): style dock: transparency panel (global transparency, transparent pixe...
Fixed in changeset commit:"e00ba6d725242b092d52c2a088d39fd83e45e6e5". Martin Dobias
07:23 AM Bug report #15086: Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> For comparison I add some links to an implementation proposal and the discussion that followe...
Mie Winstrup
07:07 AM Bug report #15225 (Closed): QGIS server - data is not stretched correctly. This is in violation t...
A WMS from QGIS Server is displayed wrong - data is not stretched correctly.
I have a qgis-proje...
Mie Winstrup
06:36 AM Bug report #14979 (Closed): style dock: switching to "(default)" style preset not working
Fixed in changeset commit:"123607be71802759964725be84447aad03b3e836". Anonymous
06:12 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Again or still... Apparently we do.
I will try to put all the (f)tools issues (regarding wron...
Giovanni Manghi
03:56 AM Bug report #14706 (Closed): Style dock doesn't clear title on remove layer
Nathan Woodrow
03:37 AM Bug report #15156 (Closed): Problems by combining selected features
The results are actually correct - there are tiny gaps in your input data. It is possible to verify that either with ... Martin Dobias
03:37 AM Bug report #15156 (Closed): Problems by combining selected features
The results are actually correct - there are tiny gaps in your input data. It is possible to verify that either with ... Martin Dobias
02:34 AM Revision 8eeceb0d (qgis): Merge pull request #3262 from ahuarte47/Issue_MeasureDialog
[Bugfix] Fix MeasureTool when DestinationCRS changes (fixes #15182) Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Bug report #14442 (Reopened): Save Style to DB (Postgres) error
On 2.14.3 I get the same error.
The error message is accurate, QGIS issues a CREATE TABLE statement even if the table...
Carlo Bertelli


01:49 AM Revision e985f2c9 (qgis): Also show map layer actions in attribute table (fix #15127)
Nyall Dawson
01:32 AM Bug report #15127: Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
I can close this now, right? Nyall Dawson
10:54 PM Bug report #15127 (Reopened): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
Andreas Neumann
10:53 PM Bug report #15127: Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
Hi Nyall,
Thank you for this fix. However, my issue still remains unsolved. I may not have expressed myself clearly....
Andreas Neumann
10:53 PM Bug report #15127: Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
Hi Nyall,
Thank you for this fix. However, my issue still remains unsolved. I may not have expressed myself clearly....
Andreas Neumann
04:54 PM Bug report #15127 (Closed): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
Fixed in changeset commit:"e985f2c9247e3ee2bc6715643766d15abc6e9c61". Nyall Dawson
12:35 AM Bug report #14981: Import of Shapefile to Geopackage-Database in DB-Manager fails
I could replicate the issue here as well although I am not sure if it is the same error others get.
See attached...
Tim Sutton
11:34 PM Bug report #14255 (Open): SVG preview blocks QGIS
Giovanni Manghi
10:45 PM Bug report #14255: SVG preview blocks QGIS
No circular ref here. Paolo Cavallini
10:26 PM Bug report #14255 (Feedback): SVG preview blocks QGIS
Andreas Neumann
10:26 PM Bug report #14255: SVG preview blocks QGIS
Paolo: I wonder if your issue is the same? Can you please check if there are any circular symbolic links in your SVG ... Andreas Neumann
11:12 PM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
I'm using QGis dev (2.15.0-Master, a0f329e) on Ubuntu and have the same problem : no vector tools in the Vect...
Jonathan Virga
10:41 PM Revision cdf82a26 (qgis): Use QGSCOMPARENEAR macro in tracer test
Martin Dobias
10:10 PM Revision 586e14cb (qgis): Fix recording of points for live GPS tracking (fixes #14996)
(cherry picked from commit 1cb4adc0845744f92214842299722345c7c99859) Martin Dobias
10:06 PM Revision 1cb4adc0 (qgis): Fix recording of points for live GPS tracking (fixes #14996)
Martin Dobias
07:32 PM Revision 47eae586 (qgis): [processing] Fix preconfigured alg creation (fixes #15100)
Martin Dobias
07:21 PM Revision e4a69234 (qgis): Fix relative paths for offline editing
Matthias Kuhn
05:34 PM Bug report #15182 (Closed): MeasureTool gets broken when the DestinationCrs changes
Fixed in changeset commit:"8eeceb0dc7af14779d5530b7d2b2ac372a677098". Nyall Dawson
04:21 PM Bug report #15224 (Closed): Inability to Make More than One Join to Same Table
In 2.14.2 it appears you no longer have the ability to make more than one join (eg using different matching criteria)... Paul Roberts
04:06 PM Bug report #15223 (Closed): PostgreSQL provider broken under Qt5
The PostgreSQL provider is broken under Qt5 builds- it is impossible to select a single feature and the attribute tab... Nyall Dawson
02:06 PM Revision 102ba2d3 (qgis): Much faster selection of large number of nodes using node tool
Refs #13963 Nyall Dawson
01:36 PM Bug report #15209 (Closed): regression: singleband pseudo color ramp's invert check box broken
Yes Nyall Dawson
01:36 PM Bug report #15209 (Closed): regression: singleband pseudo color ramp's invert check box broken
Yes Nyall Dawson
09:39 AM Bug report #15209: regression: singleband pseudo color ramp's invert check box broken
Isn't this a duplicate of #15184 ? Martin Dobias
01:07 PM Bug report #14996 (Closed): GPS don't record geometry point, but only attribute values...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1cb4adc0845744f92214842299722345c7c99859". Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Revision ab13c634 (qgis): [travis] Use clang for Qt5 builds (#3275)
To get warnings from different compilers Matthias Kuhn
10:53 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
Again or still... Apparently we do. Matthias Kuhn
10:46 AM Bug report #15100 (Closed): Processing preconfigured algorithms python error
Fixed in changeset commit:"47eae5865abf4cb835071308220b90600212c78d". Martin Dobias
05:19 AM Bug report #15100: Processing preconfigured algorithms python error
It seems like this is the case only after adding the first preconf algorithm, it also breaks the original geoalgorith... Martin Dobias
10:26 AM Revision 72f3f3c1 (qgis): Improve code readability and silence warning
Matthias Kuhn
09:38 AM Bug report #15188: Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
For the completeness, the change in behavior to not loose precision was introduced in this PR: Martin Dobias
09:32 AM Bug report #15188: Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
Hmm this is an interesting problem... It is all about width/precision issues of the SHAPE_Area field.
OGR reports th...
Martin Dobias
08:15 AM Bug report #11882 (Closed): QGIS Server returns 500 if only embedded layers are present
luca76 -
08:15 AM Bug report #6243 (Closed): should open a project file in "append" mode
luca76 -
08:14 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> So you are able to run your custom built sources, good :) Could you check with the latest mast...
luca76 -
07:59 AM Revision fd88d91b (qgis): Use QgsCRSCache in more places
Nyall Dawson
07:44 AM Bug report #15138 (Closed): WMS 1.1.1 doesn't work in master
Thanks for help. It looks like issue was already fixed, now all works as expected. dr -
07:44 AM Bug report #15138 (Closed): WMS 1.1.1 doesn't work in master
Thanks for help. It looks like issue was already fixed, now all works as expected. dr -
05:51 AM Revision 867dbe53 (qgis): Make QgsCRSCache thread safe
Nyall Dawson
05:35 AM Revision 339d0616 (qgis): Use QgsCRSCache instead of looking up CRS by srs id (refs #15193)
Nyall Dawson
04:51 AM Bug report #14961 (Feedback): Snapping bug
Martin Dobias
04:47 AM Bug report #14961: Snapping bug
Hmm I am unable to reproduce... here is what I tried:
1) start QGIS, create a new temporary scratch layer (with line...
Martin Dobias
03:42 AM Revision 9139872c (qgis): Fix crash when using add circular string by radius tool
Nyall Dawson
03:25 AM Revision f9b02307 (qgis): Add missing tools in Edit menu (fix #15211)
Harrissou Santanna
02:54 AM Revision cfb1895f (qgis): Reenable Doxygen ingroup test
Nyall Dawson
02:51 AM Revision 5cf733b5 (qgis): Fix style dock not responding to order by changes (fix #15205)
Nyall Dawson
02:51 AM Revision d8f2462b (qgis): Don't disable style dock when no layer is selected
Since the style dock has it's own layer selector, it should always
be enabled and not tied to an active legend layer
Nyall Dawson


01:56 AM Revision 5c270ebe (qgis): Fix first range when exporting graduated renderer to sld (fix #15212)
Nyall Dawson
01:23 AM Revision e1021117 (qgis): Followup 5daa54, add unit tests
Nyall Dawson
01:16 AM Revision 3d8269ef (qgis): Fix Doxygen "added in" check
Nyall Dawson
11:21 PM Feature request #15217: Remove duplicate adjacent labels
The use case: currently, this is somehow possible for line features when you have a nice topology (well connected). B... Harrissou Santanna
11:04 PM Feature request #15217: Remove duplicate adjacent labels
This holds true for any geometry. Paolo Cavallini
10:54 PM Feature request #15217: Remove duplicate adjacent labels
Hi Paolo,
Can you be more specific? For which geometry types? What is the use case?
BTW: this should be changed fro...
Andreas Neumann
12:29 PM Feature request #15217 (Open): Remove duplicate adjacent labels
It would be useful to develop a function for removing adjacent labels with the same content, giving a distance (in ma... Paolo Cavallini
11:11 PM Feature request #15219: Digitizing: User input dialog when using Offset Curve should let know the...
Agreed. I wasn't asking for having the aility to use layer units or have differents units available. Just inform the ... Harrissou Santanna
10:51 PM Feature request #15219: Digitizing: User input dialog when using Offset Curve should let know the...
Units are always map units, if not specified.
Of course it would be nice to have different units at hand. But it is ...
Andreas Neumann
09:11 PM Feature request #15219 (Closed): Digitizing: User input dialog when using Offset Curve should let...
When using the Offset Curve tool, an "User Input" dialog pops-up with a spin box. User can change its value but ignor... Harrissou Santanna
11:05 PM Feature request #15220: Offset Curve: Use offset by distance or by percentage
It could help to resize/rescale features (maybe from a wrong georeferencing or using wrong units). So you know the ra... Harrissou Santanna
10:42 PM Feature request #15220: Offset Curve: Use offset by distance or by percentage
What would be the use case? Can you please explain? Andreas Neumann
09:19 PM Feature request #15220 (Open): Offset Curve: Use offset by distance or by percentage
The Offset Curve tool shows the "User Input Panel" in which one can indicate the distance of offset.
Could be nice, i...
Harrissou Santanna
11:01 PM Feature request #15221: Digitizing: Add a tool to toggle editing all/selected layers
Yes Andreas I'm aware of this option. Note that this option saves/rollbacks also the modifications in those layers.
Harrissou Santanna
10:46 PM Feature request #15221: Digitizing: Add a tool to toggle editing all/selected layers
For PostgreSQL this is already available, if you enable it:
See Project --> Project Properties --> Automatically Cre...
Andreas Neumann
09:27 PM Feature request #15221 (Open): Digitizing: Add a tool to toggle editing all/selected layers
When you have many layers in edit mode, it's handy in two clicks to have all of them saved through the "Current Edits... Harrissou Santanna
09:51 PM Feature request #15222 (Closed): Offset Curve: unable to activate the tool on polygon layer
Select a polygon layer and activate edit mode
The "Offset Curve" digitizing tool remains grayed
Select a line layer...
Harrissou Santanna
08:36 PM Bug report #15193: Print composer performance at startup
I've pushed a small improvement - the rest needs to wait until the API break and can't be done for 2.x Nyall Dawson
08:34 PM Bug report #15162 (Closed): PDF output inconsistently read between Acrobat and OS X Preview
Nyall Dawson
06:29 PM Bug report #15218 (Closed): MSSQL columns with default values not ignored
Many MSSQL tables use unique identifiers (UUID) for columns. These often have a default value such as newid(). QGIS... Damien Smith
06:25 PM Bug report #15211 (Closed): Digitizing: Circular string tools are not available in Edit menu
Fixed in changeset commit:"f9b02307f14ecd91de2ab35c2765444065e9577a". Harrissou Santanna
02:40 AM Bug report #15211 (Closed): Digitizing: Circular string tools are not available in Edit menu
Tools to create circular lines are not available in the Edit menu Harrissou Santanna
05:52 PM Bug report #15205 (Closed): style dock: feature rendering order not "live updated"
Fixed in changeset commit:"5cf733b5caa9d1b0c713b0f345bc1c1a2e4961c6". Nyall Dawson
04:57 PM Bug report #15212 (Closed): Generated SLD - First generated graduated rule should to PropertyIsGr...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5c270ebeb0aaaaaf03c24e7d2379c89ebee7b895". Nyall Dawson
03:10 AM Bug report #15212 (Closed): Generated SLD - First generated graduated rule should to PropertyIsGr...
I am using the Vector export to SLD feature in QGis (2.15).
I am using a graduated spectral range (quantile, eq...
Conor Woods
03:57 PM Revision e4afb2fb (qgis): [ArcGIS REST] Guard against possible null-pointer defereference
Sandro Mani
03:57 PM Revision f861ed27 (qgis): [ArcGIS REST] Fix broken browser data items
Sandro Mani
02:11 PM Revision 2122c4db (qgis): Temporarily disable doxygen group test
Nyall Dawson
01:57 PM Revision 43d41539 (qgis): Merge pull request #3258 from elpaso/offline_editing_tests
Added offline editing WFS tests and debug info Alessandro Pasotti
12:29 PM Revision 0a0c5e42 (qgis): Make doxygen test check that classes have "added in QGIS ..." note
Nyall Dawson
11:57 AM Revision 9f299a68 (qgis): Clean up doxygen modules listing
Nyall Dawson
11:57 AM Revision 0a056f8a (qgis): Add doxygen test to force use of \ingroup for classes
Using the group tag helps keep the API docs organized Nyall Dawson
11:57 AM Revision a240cd8f (qgis): Replace doxygen MapComposer group with core/gui
Since the MapComposer group doesn't actually exist Nyall Dawson
11:47 AM Revision a058c36b (qgis): Added offline editing WFS tests and debug info
Alessandro Pasotti
11:25 AM Revision 36880111 (qgis): Rename File Toolbar into Project Toolbar (#3272)
Harrissou Santanna
10:58 AM Feature request #15216 (Closed): Consider merging the content of alexbruy/mergeshapes into main t...
In the main trunk, when using Vector -> Data Management -> Merge Shapefiles to One there is currently no way to add t... Stephen Knox
10:09 AM Revision 1316d9c7 (qgis): Suppress startup warning Matthias Kuhn
09:54 AM Revision cd359521 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsMapLayerRegistry: Check layers before removed
Probably fixed #15088 Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL René-Luc ReLuc
09:52 AM Revision 2bbd2018 (qgis): Merge pull request #3250 from rldhont/qgsmaplayerregistry_check_layers_...
[BUGFIX] QgsMapLayerRegistry: Check layers before removed René-Luc ReLuc
09:43 AM Revision 5d4836e9 (qgis): add quotes to field name is the rendering order settings dialog (#3270)
(fixes #15203) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:37 AM Revision 3d0e6e8f (qgis): [rule-based renderer] keep rendering order from other renderers (#3269)
(fixes #15204) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:41 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Ok, so it's just plain buggy.
so, we ship again broken (f)tools?
Giovanni Manghi
05:12 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
Ok, so it's just plain buggy. Matthias Kuhn
08:06 AM Bug report #15215 (Closed): Cannot set value to NULL in value map
The "value map" widget does not handle NULL values. The code in qgsvaluemapsearchwidgetwrapper.cpp does not have any ... Daan Goedkoop
05:30 AM Revision ea32e6ae (qgis): Fix debugging noise
Nyall Dawson
05:30 AM Revision a0f329e3 (qgis): Fix QgsMapLayerRegistry test on Travis builds
Nyall Dawson
05:26 AM Bug report #15115 (Feedback): WMS error message is too short
Hi Magnus,
can you try this service in latest master? I did a fix where some WMS servers returned an error instead o...
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:08 AM Bug report #15213 (Closed): During rendering WMS-images is removed too early?
If you have a (not so fast) WMS layer, for example one of the layers from:
Richard Duivenvoorde
04:59 AM Bug report #15138 (Feedback): WMS 1.1.1 doesn't work in master
Richard Duivenvoorde
04:59 AM Bug report #15138: WMS 1.1.1 doesn't work in master
It's working fine with me in current master, can you please retest and report back, or let us know a way to reproduce... Richard Duivenvoorde
04:32 AM Revision 0dc0f692 (qgis): [styledock] reduce height of vector layer rendering section (#3268)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:26 AM Revision 6b3cb245 (qgis): Cleanups to QgsMapLayerRegistry
- const correctness
- improve and clarify docs, remove outdated notes
- add some QGIS 3.0 todos
Nyall Dawson
04:26 AM Revision 1a08f0ab (qgis): Add full test suite for QgsMapLayerRegistry, also don't emit
any layer removed signals when no layers will actually be
Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Bug report #13248 (Closed): pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
This is a "won't fix" from me. The source data has a scale factor set, so we respect that. Nyall Dawson
02:31 AM Bug report #13248 (Closed): pixel values beyond valid range in QGIS
This is a "won't fix" from me. The source data has a scale factor set, so we respect that. Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Feature request #15210 (Closed): Curved labels
Curved labels in city streets are often illegible if the angle is upwards or ugly if the angle is downwards.
The opti...
Frits van Veen
02:15 AM Feature request #15208 (Feedback): Add conflict management to offline editing
I think that this is how the tool is intended to work. It could be improved, but that would be a feature request, not... Giovanni Manghi
02:15 AM Feature request #15208 (Feedback): Add conflict management to offline editing
I think that this is how the tool is intended to work. It could be improved, but that would be a feature request, not... Giovanni Manghi
02:14 AM Bug report #15206: Print layout: remove empty groups
Apparently fixed in master. It would be good to backport it to 2.14. Paolo Cavallini


01:35 AM Bug report #15209 (Closed): regression: singleband pseudo color ramp's invert check box broken
The singleband pseudo color ramp's invert check box is broken when the classification mode is set to continuous. I've... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:31 AM Feature request #15208 (Feedback): Add conflict management to offline editing
I wanted to understand if the Offline tool could be used for concurrent editing. The idea is to have the organisation... colin east
01:30 AM Bug report #14255: SVG preview blocks QGIS
Since the user can edit the SVG path (Settings → Options → System → SVG Path), if I remove the folder with circular l... Jorge Rocha
01:24 AM Bug report #14255 (Reopened): SVG preview blocks QGIS
This same behavior is happening on 2.14.3 on Ubuntu.
After waiting several minutes for the dialog with the SVG ...
Jorge Rocha
01:24 AM Bug report #14255 (Reopened): SVG preview blocks QGIS
This same behavior is happening on 2.14.3 on Ubuntu.
After waiting several minutes for the dialog with the SVG ...
Jorge Rocha
01:10 AM Revision 15c2f0a9 (qgis): Make QgsMapLayer::name a Q_PROPERTY (#3259)
Make QgsMapLayer::name a Q_PROPERTY
And align setName / name / nameChanged
Deprecates setLayerName / layerNameChanged
Matthias Kuhn
12:55 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Apparently the output is a mix of lines and polygons which shapefile isn't able to handle.
Giovanni Manghi
12:45 AM Bug report #14846 (Open): QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Apparently the output is a mix of lines and polygons which shapefile isn't able to handle.
Giovanni Manghi
11:40 AM Bug report #14846 (Feedback): QGIS Union: wrong results
Apparently the output is a mix of lines and polygons which shapefile isn't able to handle.
When selecting the output...
Matthias Kuhn
12:54 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
> Then we tested it with a DEBUG enabled compiled source code of qgis.
So you are able to run your custom built sour...
Matthias Kuhn
11:54 PM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I have a strong suspicion about what's going on. Are you able to run a self-compiled server th...
luca76 -
02:58 PM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Hi Luca,
I have a strong suspicion about what's going on. Are you able to run a self-compiled server there to get a ...
Matthias Kuhn
12:44 AM Bug report #15203 (Closed): feature ordering randomly fails when panning / zooming canvas
Fixed in changeset commit:"5d4836e9b1fb92532c8d723f9c293c0ce27f7250". Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:42 AM Bug report #15203 (Feedback): feature ordering randomly fails when panning / zooming canvas
Matthias Kuhn
12:42 AM Bug report #15203: feature ordering randomly fails when panning / zooming canvas
Is that fixed with ?
(FYI, if you put "Fix #15203" into the commit message, t...
Matthias Kuhn
09:21 PM Bug report #15203: feature ordering randomly fails when panning / zooming canvas
More on this: the issue has to do with sorting of a field which name is an expression engine function (i.e. field nam... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:50 PM Bug report #15203 (Closed): feature ordering randomly fails when panning / zooming canvas
The settings of layer's feature rendering order appear to randomly fail when zooming / panning around the QGIS' canva... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:43 AM Revision 143cfab1 (qgis): [processing] Difference: don't ignore invalid geometries by default
Fix #9297 Matthias Kuhn
12:40 AM Bug report #15204 (Closed): feature ordering not preserved when converting to rule-based renderer
Fixed in changeset commit:"3d0e6e8f0fecadc5416f340037027c346173403e". Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:02 PM Bug report #15204 (Closed): feature ordering not preserved when converting to rule-based renderer
The rule-based renderer's convertFromRenderer() function fails to preserve the feature rendering order settings. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:36 AM Bug report #9297: ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries have error...
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The fix adds a new flag "ignore invalid geometries" which if off by default.
> The algorith...
Giovanni Manghi
03:46 PM Bug report #9297: ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries have error...
The fix adds a new flag "ignore invalid geometries" which if off by default.
The algorithm will abort and inform the...
Matthias Kuhn
03:45 PM Bug report #9297 (Closed): ftools: warn users in clear, meaningful, visible way when geometries h...
Fixed in changeset commit:"143cfab1047f13db7654a4f241c1716d0d45c238". Anonymous
12:33 AM Bug report #15207 (Rejected): Print layout: remove empty groups
Paolo Cavallini
12:32 AM Bug report #15207 (Rejected): Print layout: remove empty groups
When legend is filtered to show only entries visible on the map, empty groups are still shown. This is unexpected, a... Paolo Cavallini
12:31 AM Bug report #15206 (Closed): Print layout: remove empty groups
When legend is filtered to show only entries visible on the map, empty groups are still shown. This is unexpected, a... Paolo Cavallini
12:20 AM Revision dd715b23 (qgis): Don't assume qobject_cast works on objects currently being deleted
Matthias Kuhn
12:03 AM Revision f3bfef40 (qgis): Safety checks for unregistering map layers from registry
If a map layer which is registered is deleted outside of the layer
registry but not unregistered, the layer registry ...
Matthias Kuhn
11:28 PM Revision 61036693 (qgis): Added sponsors generated from changelog site (#3264)
* Added sponsors generated from changelog site
* Use a single rule for including sponsor images rather. Remove terrel...
Tim Sutton
08:25 PM Bug report #15202: Raster shows nodata for values near nodata
Correction, GDAL shows similar behaviour for the mask band, see Mike Taves
07:24 PM Bug report #15202: Raster shows nodata for values near nodata
I've attached screenshots from both applications. ArcGIS shows the raster correctly. The value of the upper left pixe... Mike Taves
07:24 PM Bug report #15202: Raster shows nodata for values near nodata
I've attached screenshots from both applications. ArcGIS shows the raster correctly. The value of the upper left pixe... Mike Taves
07:03 PM Bug report #15202 (Closed): Raster shows nodata for values near nodata
QGIS rounds raster values that are near NoData to be presented as NoData in the GUI. I regard this behaviour to be a ... Mike Taves
08:22 PM Revision a6954b27 (qgis): [dbmanager] re-enable line number again (followup 5e36de7 and d9f934f)
Jürgen Fischer
08:14 PM Bug report #15205: style dock: feature rendering order not "live updated"
To be more precise, the [x] control feature rendering order checkbox works, but the ordering settings (in the define ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:08 PM Bug report #15205 (Closed): style dock: feature rendering order not "live updated"
Subject says it all; the feature rendering order doesn't live updated when enabled / settings updated. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:54 PM Revision f6710b05 (qgis): python3 fixes
Matthias Kuhn
02:48 PM Revision 5e36de70 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix error when opening SQL window
Matthias Kuhn
01:51 PM Feature request #15201 (Closed): Add snapping for 'Offset Point Symbol' tool
I use the new 'Offset Point Symbol' tool to create SVG symbols with dynamic leader lines. Unfortunately, snapping isn... R. R.
12:51 PM Revision 0fccb079 (qgis): [gui] improve load min/max widget UI/UX (#3253)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:08 AM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
The 'Add field' dialog (Attribute table/New field) lists the data types 'Binary object (BLOB)', 'Text', 'Decimal numb... R. R.
10:49 AM Bug report #15193: Print composer performance at startup
Opening the exported print composer (.svg) is much faster than loading the print composer in QGIS (see composer_svg_e... R. R.
09:44 AM Bug report #14524 (Open): linestring shapefile with geometry errors disappear from map canvas
Other software is affected (ex: OpenJump), other no (ex: gvSIG).
It seems that the crash while checking the layer wi...
Giovanni Manghi
09:44 AM Bug report #14524 (Open): linestring shapefile with geometry errors disappear from map canvas
Other software is affected (ex: OpenJump), other no (ex: gvSIG).
It seems that the crash while checking the layer wi...
Giovanni Manghi
09:44 AM Bug report #14524 (Open): linestring shapefile with geometry errors disappear from map canvas
Other software is affected (ex: OpenJump), other no (ex: gvSIG).
It seems that the crash while checking the layer wi...
Giovanni Manghi
09:20 AM Bug report #14653 (Closed): topology errors by digitizing

> The topology checker shows two overlappings for biotopes3044.shp - but shows no red marker lines clicking on "show...
Giovanni Manghi
09:20 AM Bug report #14653 (Closed): topology errors by digitizing

> The topology checker shows two overlappings for biotopes3044.shp - but shows no red marker lines clicking on "show...
Giovanni Manghi
09:18 AM Feature request #14835 (Open): Virtual Raster Load Min Max Values
Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #14859 (Open): Feature count issue (PostGIS view)
Giovanni Manghi
09:07 AM Bug report #15199 (Closed): Style dialog looks not nice imho
With the reshape of style dialog, some widgets are too much lengthened, looking not so nice when not docked.
I think...
Harrissou Santanna
08:27 AM Bug report #15173 (Open): Editable View - save edit in attribute table throw error
Giovanni Manghi
07:59 AM Bug report #15005 (Closed): Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
Actually, this can be closed. The tool was wrongly named and leads me expecting it do something while it does somethi... Harrissou Santanna
07:13 AM Bug report #15005 (Open): Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
Giovanni Manghi
07:50 AM Bug report #14798 (Closed): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:50 AM Bug report #14798 (Closed): QGIS crash in new computer W10 home64 - UHD display
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #14978 (Open): Join attributes in Processing works in a slightly different way compare...
Giovanni Manghi
07:42 AM Feature request #14725 (Open): more visible log/error messages
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 AM Bug report #14880 (Closed): Labeling specific layer throws a coredump in windows but not in linux
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:28 AM Bug report #14880 (Closed): Labeling specific layer throws a coredump in windows but not in linux
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #14654 (Open): Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msys di...
Still true with the 2.14.3 standalone installer on a completely clean environment. Not sure it has been fixed in mast... Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #14654 (Open): Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msys di...
Still true with the 2.14.3 standalone installer on a completely clean environment. Not sure it has been fixed in mast... Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #14654 (Open): Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msys di...
Still true with the 2.14.3 standalone installer on a completely clean environment. Not sure it has been fixed in mast... Giovanni Manghi
07:26 AM Bug report #14654 (Open): Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msys di...
Still true with the 2.14.3 standalone installer on a completely clean environment. Not sure it has been fixed in mast... Giovanni Manghi
07:21 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Could you please attach sample data? Thanks!
it seems to me there is no data corruption, the original data is not...
Giovanni Manghi
07:21 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Could you please attach sample data? Thanks!
it seems to me there is no data corruption, the original data is not...
Giovanni Manghi
07:21 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Could you please attach sample data? Thanks!
it seems to me there is no data corruption, the original data is not...
Giovanni Manghi
06:27 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Here is screencast with corrupted layer:
I tried to add new point and save, without success...
Michal Jurewicz
06:18 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
OK, I understand. However, In my case I just add new point feature to points layer (with standard tool from QGIS). No... Michal Jurewicz
05:53 AM Bug report #15197 (Feedback): Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Hi Michal,
please also check the output of...
Matthias Kuhn
05:40 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Just create a new SpatiaLite table (Geometry: LineString) and add crossing line features. Next, select the features a... R. R.
05:27 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
I can't open your file. Please upload it one more time. Michal Jurewicz
05:14 AM Bug report #15197: Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
Hi Michal, this sounds like you are trying to save an invalid geometry (see screencast). R. R.
03:38 AM Bug report #15197 (Closed): Error when saving edited layer from Spatialite database
I use master version QGIS 2.15 6000ff4f and there is very serious error during editing vector layers from Spatialite ... Michal Jurewicz
07:11 AM Bug report #14841 (Open): Offline sync error with date types
Giovanni Manghi
06:07 AM Feature request #15198 (Open): Remember settings when importing multiple files in 'DB-Manager'
When importing multiple files in the 'DB-Manager' by D&D, the entered dropdown values and activated checkboxes get lo... R. R.
05:33 AM Bug report #15188: Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
Also confirmed on Ubuntu (see screenshot). R. R.
03:37 AM Bug report #15196 (Closed): "save" do not work when setting a rule based labeling property
In 2.15 Master ver 91c2d76
While setting a Min Max scale for a rule - click *Save* and nothing happens.
I have to cl...
Lene Fischer
02:16 AM Bug report #15194: Snapping multiple items in print composer
Related: #15140 R. R.
02:13 AM Bug report #6798: when copying a table by d&d from one schema to another the serial property is l...
Is there any chance that we get this issue fixed soon? R. R.
02:02 AM Bug report #14745: Enable advanced digitizing tools issue
Here this issue is also present in current master on Win7. R. R.


01:45 AM Bug report #15140: Item snapping in print composer
I noticed that the print composers' snapping behaviour differs from Adobe InDesign. When snapping two items with diff... R. R.
01:27 AM Revision f470dfb0 (qgis): dxf export: don't use 3D coordinates for filled circles (followup b3bf4...
Jürgen Fischer
01:02 AM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
will test tomorrow and report back Richard Duivenvoorde
12:47 AM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> > Hitting this again now.
> And you have "Attribute table be...
Giovanni Manghi
12:59 AM Bug report #14846 (Open): QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Is the processing version of the algorithm ok?
unfortunately no.
Giovanni Manghi
12:59 AM Bug report #14846 (Open): QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Is the processing version of the algorithm ok?
unfortunately no.
Giovanni Manghi
12:59 AM Bug report #14846 (Open): QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Is the processing version of the algorithm ok?
unfortunately no.
Giovanni Manghi
12:51 AM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
It has to be something different. I deleted both QGIS version with all additional files like ~/.qgis2 and qgis plist ... Michal Jurewicz
12:40 AM Bug report #14837 (Closed): Raster - Save As
Closing for lack of feedback (about the second issue), please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:39 AM Bug report #14670: 'Check Geometries' plugin fails generating serial values
Raising the target version on this because of possible data corruption. R. R.
12:37 AM Bug report #15017 (Closed): Trouble keeping layer effects when exporting layout
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:37 AM Bug report #15017 (Closed): Trouble keeping layer effects when exporting layout
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:36 AM Bug report #13383 (Closed): Composer: Attribute table draws some attributes without content
I agree that this is not clear if is a bug report.
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary, eventua...
Giovanni Manghi
12:36 AM Bug report #13383 (Closed): Composer: Attribute table draws some attributes without content
I agree that this is not clear if is a bug report.
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary, eventua...
Giovanni Manghi
12:34 AM Bug report #14629 (Closed): Select by expression (Not Responding)
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:34 AM Bug report #14629 (Closed): Select by expression (Not Responding)
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:31 AM Bug report #14711 (Closed): Disappearing polygons after save
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
Recently here have also more fixes about similar problems ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:31 AM Bug report #14711 (Closed): Disappearing polygons after save
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
Recently here have also more fixes about similar problems ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:29 AM Bug report #14842 (Closed): cannot save .nc file to Geotiff
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:29 AM Bug report #14842 (Closed): cannot save .nc file to Geotiff
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:27 AM Bug report #14983 (Closed): relation editor widget in custom form can cause crash
Giovanni Manghi
12:23 AM Bug report #15188 (Open): Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
Giovanni Manghi
12:16 AM Bug report #14975 (Closed): Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
very likely to be the same issue, please reopen if you have any evidence that that fix does not apply here. Giovanni Manghi
12:16 AM Bug report #14975 (Closed): Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
very likely to be the same issue, please reopen if you have any evidence that that fix does not apply here. Giovanni Manghi
12:14 AM Bug report #14648: Windows: crash on exit after having created a Processing layer
still true on the latest master and the development branch of 2.14. Giovanni Manghi
12:00 AM Bug report #14995 (Feedback): Missing texts in dxf export
Giovanni Manghi
04:40 PM Bug report #14995: Missing texts in dxf export
I can't reproduce this - works fine with AutoCAD for me. But I found a problem using BricsCAD, which would reject th... Jürgen Fischer
10:04 PM Bug report #15195 (Closed): style dock: transparency panel (global transparency, transparent pixe...
When the raster renderer is set to hillshade, the transparency panel settings aren't working (i.e. not live updated, ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:55 PM Revision c277e6e5 (qgis): Fix tests, partially reverts ff1f9cf
Matthias Kuhn
06:36 PM Revision b649c0bf (qgis):
* add second 'master' branch for interim release before a new major release
* allow to skip transifex update
Jürgen Fischer
06:09 PM Revision ff1f9cf5 (qgis): Doxymentation for QgsVectorLayer signals
Matthias Kuhn
05:44 PM Revision 9446b20f (qgis): [gui/hidpi] scale splash screen on startup not on release
Jürgen Fischer
05:16 PM Revision 87d0168f (qgis): Fix comment typo
Matthias Kuhn
05:15 PM Revision f54d845d (qgis): Run only once
Fix #15189 Matthias Kuhn
03:05 PM Bug report #15194 (Closed): Snapping multiple items in print composer
Something goes wrong when snapping multiple items at once in the print composer. The coordinates show a difference I ... R. R.
02:56 PM Revision 459fa8c0 (qgis): [style dock] fix crash with undo widget
01:22 PM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> The reporter has already left feedback and offered a way to have the issue checked, why tagg...
Jürgen Fischer
01:21 PM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
The reporter has already left feedback and offered a way to have the issue checked, why tagging as feedback again? Giovanni Manghi
01:14 PM Bug report #14621 (Feedback): linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
Jürgen Fischer
09:13 AM Bug report #14621 (Open): linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
Giovanni Manghi
01:21 PM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Either build QGIS against your local GDAL or upgrade your distribution. We build against the...
Jürgen Fischer
01:19 PM Bug report #15185 (Closed): Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
dr - wrote:
> When we can get QGIS packaged against GDAL 2.X? Any plans?
Either build QGIS against your local GDAL o...
Jürgen Fischer
09:28 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
When we can get QGIS packaged against GDAL 2.X? Any plans? dr -
09:07 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
> Is it expected that any issues can be observed if build version GDAL is differ from runtime?
It depends. In QGIS c...
Even Rouault
09:03 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Yes, I've installed GDAL 2.1 manually, not from official repo. Is it expected that any issues can be observed if buil... dr -
08:56 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
If this problem is reproducible with matching build and runtime gdal we should have a look at it.
If not i...
Matthias Kuhn
01:17 PM Bug report #13294: WMS extent/coordinates wrong on Windows
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Still true.
not related anyway to the "Cannot calculate extent" problem.
Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Bug report #13294: WMS extent/coordinates wrong on Windows
Still true. Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Bug report #13294: WMS extent/coordinates wrong on Windows
Still true. Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Bug report #13294: WMS extent/coordinates wrong on Windows
Still true. Giovanni Manghi
12:49 PM Bug report #15193 (Closed): Print composer performance at startup
It takes a very long time to load a print composer with a few hundred items. Loading a map with 10.000+ items only ta... R. R.
09:33 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > there is no qgis server master on osgeo4w64.
> it's in qgis-dev...
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > there is no qgis server master on osgeo4w64.
> it's in qgis-dev...
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > there is no qgis server master on osgeo4w64.
> it's in qgis-dev...
Giovanni Manghi
09:33 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > there is no qgis server master on osgeo4w64.
> it's in qgis-dev...
Giovanni Manghi
08:58 AM Feature request #15178: Copy a polygone or a line to a point layer should create features corresp...
> And yes, point layer can have multipoint features.
That depends on the data provider. E.g. a geometry column on a ...
Matthias Kuhn
08:16 AM Bug report #15189 (Closed): executed twice
Fixed in changeset commit:"f54d845d41bfbf36180821648b7367696c779656". Anonymous
05:40 AM Revision ef35faf4 (qgis): Fix margins on photo and web view edit widgets
(cherry-picked from ece46d1c43df31d5688404e3c4ff5ee016c307c1) Nyall Dawson
05:34 AM Revision 28a9b997 (qgis): Various fixes for photo editor and external resource widgets
- Clear picture when changing from a feature with a picture to
a feature with no picture set
- Don't try to load "NUL...
Nyall Dawson
03:16 AM Revision 7ce8cade (qgis): Fix Travis build, take 2
Nyall Dawson
02:49 AM Feature request #15192: SQL window - 'Create a view' improvements
!! R. R.
02:49 AM Feature request #15192 (Open): SQL window - 'Create a view' improvements
The 'Create a view' button/dialog in the SQL window should support selecting a schema and creating a materialized view. R. R.
02:12 AM Revision 8af72656 (qgis): Fix travis build
Nyall Dawson
02:09 AM Bug report #15191 (Rejected): When cancel "script opening", occurs an error
1. Open qgis
2. In processing toolbox:
Scripts -> Tools -> Create new script
3. Press open and than cancel withou...
zimirrr leonid


01:33 AM Revision 85a59692 (qgis): Fix test
Nyall Dawson
12:09 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> there is no qgis server master on osgeo4w64.
it's in qgis-dev - just like in x86.
Jürgen Fischer
09:04 AM Bug report #13293 (Open): WCS server broken on Windows
similar results in osgeo4w64:
qgis server WMS/WFS 2.8.9 works, WCS doesn't
qgis server 2.14.3 crashes
there is no ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:53 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> How about the 64bit version - does it work better?
> Why are people using OSGeo4W 32bit i...
Giovanni Manghi
11:55 PM Bug report #15190 (Closed): Save as... KML should only allow EPSG:4326
KML only allows EPSG:4326 (e.g., so when exporting no projection selection should b... Paolo Cavallini
10:22 PM Bug report #15164 (Closed): some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
Ok I've backported the fix Nyall Dawson
10:22 PM Bug report #15164 (Closed): some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
Ok I've backported the fix Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Bug report #15164: some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
Matthias- I am using the photo widget.
Nyall- Yes, I tested in Master and everything worked splendidly. I was hopin...
Andrew McAninch
03:26 AM Bug report #15164: some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
Are you able to test on current master? I believe I fixed this during the 2.16 cycle, but from memory it hasn't been ... Nyall Dawson
02:14 AM Bug report #15164 (Feedback): some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
Which widget are you using?
Photo or External Resource?
Matthias Kuhn
11:05 AM Revision 4057c3a6 (qgis): Add test code
Alvaro Huarte
10:47 AM Revision 4d8bb8b3 (qgis): [ogr] Read GPX elevation values as geometry Z values
(cherry-picked from 4080aad0eef5d8ca78fdab2e3c4e3ce0815e6610) Nyall Dawson
10:46 AM Revision 7e85d294 (qgis): Fix cannot set line symbol data defined properties for vector
field marker (refs #15131)
(cherry-picked from 6d6aa8dd271f8990ceb713e3deb4cb57cca6db99)
Nyall Dawson
10:45 AM Revision 8bd4558f (qgis): Fix vector field symbol does not use subsymbol color (fix #15130)
(cherry-picked from e6034e9a1ed69f6e345a7a2dc7e42754107896a3) Nyall Dawson
10:44 AM Revision 92fc4ebc (qgis): Capitalisation
(cherry-picked from 302f8d418f8bc0e228d8897fbbd4f65895430047) Nyall Dawson
10:44 AM Revision eb5b428e (qgis): Make measure dialog only stay on top of QGIS window (fix #12261)
(cherry-picked from 340a6f654b5803f21a89ccbc22950cca80f4331b) Nyall Dawson
10:42 AM Revision 4235f9ec (qgis): Fix displacement renderer when using map unit sizes for symbols
(cherry-picked from 8868303dbd4fad26eeb88bc5a18ba3ffe5a0e719) Nyall Dawson
10:42 AM Revision c33b7adc (qgis): Fix displacement symbols with data defined properties (fix #9601)
Previously only the attributes of the first feature were being
used to render the points inside a group
Nyall Dawson
10:41 AM Revision 28724951 (qgis): [composer] Instant feedback for legend when linked map changes
(cherry-picked from f9ff5e25d3eb1a2df52d5460e2ae8944aaa6418f) Nyall Dawson
10:41 AM Revision 4d14d367 (qgis): [composer] Double click legend item to edit text (fix #13578)
(cherry-picked from dbf8d89459fb37921c1ce0ddb36ef5c1dd4a608d) Nyall Dawson
10:39 AM Revision edd6301f (qgis): Followup 71dc33, fix projective transform in georeferencer (fix #14551)
(cherry-picked from 83160632ace41ef0306c903d977ef27283f83dcb) Nyall Dawson
10:39 AM Revision 68739c6a (qgis): Fix selecting features by radius (fix #14748)
(cherry-picked from 33a5ee7ab47c8c6db2985ef755ef6bdca23b36a0) Nyall Dawson
10:39 AM Revision 5305486e (qgis): Fix incorrect area calculation for polygon (fix #14675)
(cherry-picked from bf4cf51e1a259252d5a762845f20aaac12d672bf) Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Revision 221909f0 (qgis): Save raster symbology with full precision (fix #14950)
(cherry-picked from a6cb81bf609196677118a87c468489ba58583bae) Nyall Dawson
10:38 AM Revision 5091c318 (qgis): Remove "attribute table" from dialog title (fix #14959)
Nyall Dawson
10:37 AM Revision 59c35dff (qgis): Fix actions are not enabled when loading layer with default style (fix ...
(cherry-picked from 1563526f0dc59ae2b1fdc4a58c07488c5603de3d) Nyall Dawson
10:37 AM Revision 563c4703 (qgis): Fix cannot deactivate customization widget catcher (fix #9732)
(cherry-picked from e76571959431b5c9b96862578f8485dbfd203521) Nyall Dawson
10:36 AM Revision dc961d53 (qgis): [composer] Make parameterised SVG arrow heads respect colors (fix #14997)
(cherry-picked from 78c434a6c4fbdb6004c725abe0121dc4dd6dd8dc) Nyall Dawson
10:35 AM Revision 57930ea6 (qgis): Fix debug noise when using 25D geometry layers
(cherry-picked from 92830a25090aae54d9b01b56bfe31f48a5fed71f) Nyall Dawson
10:35 AM Revision 54e5dfc8 (qgis): Classifications on joined fields should only consider values which
are matched to layer's features (fix #9051)
(cherry-picked from 16eb1e14d0ba2b78f2d12a0813887a7bc493204c)
Nyall Dawson
10:35 AM Revision 44c73720 (qgis): Prevent creating invalid join in add join dialog (fixes crash)
(cherry-picked from 693ead28bbb8f7837d8d211c1472eb32069084d9) Nyall Dawson
10:35 AM Revision 4baa0fb6 (qgis): Update test import
Nyall Dawson
09:30 AM Revision 91a1d33f (qgis): Fix virtual fields which depend on other virtual fields may not be
calculated in some circumstances (fix #14939)
(cherry-picked from df0d5969aa8e3bf0ec653bb6d6395afe1cf58950)
Nyall Dawson
09:28 AM Revision 248ba385 (qgis): Default to requesting all attributes for python expression functions
Fix #14985
(cherry-picked from 1bc17e6c4f40ab64a7d3443886e13f926dab23b7)
Nyall Dawson
07:02 AM Bug report #15189 (Closed): executed twice
In my file (in [user]\\.qgis\\python) I have simply... Alex Eastwood
06:52 AM Bug report #13755 (Closed): Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
please reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
06:52 AM Bug report #13755 (Closed): Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
please reopen of necessary. Giovanni Manghi
06:45 AM Bug report #15188 (Feedback): Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
please attach sample data. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
05:51 AM Bug report #15188 (Closed): Importing .shp files into PostGIS fails (Error 7)
Importing data into PostGIS by Drag&Drop or using the 'Import layer/file' icon fails for some .shp files (QGIS master... R. R.
06:11 AM Bug report #15173: Editable View - save edit in attribute table throw error
"SQLite: cannot modify dzialki because it is a view" Jakub Kosik
05:28 AM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
Someone else will have to answer that since I don't work with OS X. Calvin Hamilton
02:39 AM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
I have installed QuickMapService, so it can be the same problem. How to repair this on OS X? There is no Registry Key... Michal Jurewicz
05:05 AM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
legend is displayed in qgis version 2.15.0 revision 600ff4f !
in qgis version 2.14.3 it is not displayed !
johan sanders
04:56 AM Feature request #15161: Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
LibreCAD 2.1.1 (Qt 5.4.1) sets the page size and orientation automatically. R. R.
02:38 AM Feature request #8884: Symbol too small in legend when map units are used
Thanks, I think that we can mark this ticket as duplicated (even if older) michele zanolli
02:29 AM Feature request #8884: Symbol too small in legend when map units are used
See also:
#14850 'Layers Panel' - Symbol size depends on zoom level
#13779 symbols not correctly clipped in map legend
R. R.
02:18 AM Feature request #8884: Symbol too small in legend when map units are used
The problem still persists...
And in QGIS 2.14, if you use -->Categorized<-- style and map units for size of point/sv...
michele zanolli


01:56 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Yes QGIS is from official nightly builds (Ubuntu 14.04, QGIS code revision 972fc9f). dr -
01:50 AM Bug report #15185 (Feedback): Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Is this an official build? Matthias Kuhn
11:00 AM Bug report #15185: Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Works fine in official builds and self-compiled QGIS under Linux and Windows. Looks like local issue with your GDAL v... Alexander Bruy
08:29 AM Bug report #15185 (Closed): Type 12 of attribute 0 of feature 0 unknown
Create Shapefile with Integer field, but when trying to edit it get an error:... dr -
01:52 AM Bug report #15173 (Feedback): Editable View - save edit in attribute table throw error
What's the error? Matthias Kuhn
01:05 AM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
I've done the steps above in QGIS 2.15 master 600ff4f and 'Show Feature Count' works as expected.
R. R.
11:01 AM Bug report #10560 (Closed): Wrong feature count after edit
this is very likely related to #11007
the issue has been solved in master and backported to the development branch o...
Giovanni Manghi
11:01 AM Bug report #10560 (Closed): Wrong feature count after edit
this is very likely related to #11007
the issue has been solved in master and backported to the development branch o...
Giovanni Manghi
10:53 AM Bug report #10560 (Feedback): Wrong feature count after edit
Giovanni Manghi
04:27 AM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
I just tested this with a shapefile on Windows 7 with QGIS 2.15 (master) and QGIS 2.14 (#843d17e ) and aren't able to... Andreas Neumann
12:29 AM Revision be8e4f96 (qgis): Always use string comparison in expressions for string fields
Fixes #13204
(cherry-picked from 8a2e8715fb3ffa21ecbd3d38310b04257029f656)
Nyall Dawson
12:29 AM Revision 482140bf (qgis): Fix issues rendering SVG with text (fix #14644, #14794)
(cherry-picked from 2265115f8003857e538f07287c1337fed463a39c) Nyall Dawson
12:28 AM Revision db9a95e5 (qgis): Fix home dir being added as default svg and template path
Fixes #14662, #14652, #14883 Nyall Dawson
12:28 AM Revision cb9c026c (qgis): Add missing proxies for legend check behaviour to subrenderers
for inverted polygon and displacement renderers
(cherry-picked from 7a8d9dd50654a27c4ecaaccfd66974dded6aaaa9)
Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Revision 0750c1d5 (qgis): Fix inverted polygons and displacement renderer don't allow right
click on legend items (fix #14966)
(cherry-picked from b2c43cb99715194c79dd011656f372edb8745a77)
Nyall Dawson
12:27 AM Revision a1e1614c (qgis): Fix inverted polygon & displacement renderer don't show
color wheel in legend menu
Move embedded renderer handling to QgsFeatureRendererV2 and
add support for embedded rend...
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision 0a93bdd3 (qgis): [effect] fix issue with svg marker and antialiasing (fixes #14960)
Credit for original patch to @nirvn
(cherry-picked from 179a92cd65a70a411c8085875ab3e20bf5fa5d46)
Nyall Dawson
12:25 AM Revision 5aa69ce1 (qgis): Only emit QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::collapsedStateChanged when state...
Sandro Mani
12:25 AM Revision 42fa83cc (qgis): Fix avoid crash when measuring empty geometry
Sandro Mani
12:24 AM Revision ae6592d5 (qgis): Add QgsDistanceArea test for empty polygon
(cherry-picked from ebdccf3869e8ccf1e495b7e5ba6119d94fec4980) Nyall Dawson
12:23 AM Revision a8ecdb52 (qgis): Fix crash when saving categorized symbology
Marco Hugentobler
12:22 AM Revision ab0800ad (qgis): Fix QgsCurvePolygon sip bindings
Sandro Mani
12:21 AM Revision 449bb4f7 (qgis): [processing] fix missing quotes to field name in refactor fields
(cherry-picked from 14342ce65a84c1efa377862eeac085642736ed1b) Nyall Dawson
12:15 AM Revision 33e2aa6e (qgis): Set cursor to pan cursor when space-dragging canvas
(cherry-picked from 79d640715e5a5bf0d4e5e1f0d9d43becc3990502) Nyall Dawson
12:15 AM Revision 71132241 (qgis): [composer] Prevent zooming out/in too far
Would cause issues when scale became 0 and it was impossible
to further interact with the composer.
(cherry-picked f...
Nyall Dawson
12:15 AM Revision 70d2c9b7 (qgis): Fix MeasureTool when DestinationCRS changes
Alvaro Huarte
12:13 AM Revision 0cc424d8 (qgis): Fix incorrect tooltips in effects widget
(cherry-picked from e2abea671c052ffdce98474dacb9e3d3f287eb8e) Nyall Dawson
12:10 AM Revision 4e41c36d (qgis): Cast each child of QgsAnnotationItem in SIP bindings for Python
(cherry-picked from eeea18ecba2ecce8c57d4539d00768821dd1e9e7) ThomasG77
12:10 AM Revision 4c12f3a8 (qgis): Add some tooltips to relation subform buttons
(cherry-picked from fff938c5d9d3b4e213ce37334dfbc180591f8266) Nyall Dawson
12:04 AM Revision cb135e94 (qgis): [gui] improve no color logic by keeping RGB values
(cherry-picked from 64823d10c57e7769aa27cbfa273a5f9496e528f5) Nyall Dawson
11:59 PM Revision 71308c71 (qgis): Add test for color button that setting color to transparent
will retain non-alpha color components
(cherry-picked from 4089cc52266aab0e41b83546ee33c22040c1f417)
Nyall Dawson
11:54 PM Revision a66f1f89 (qgis): Always mark features as valid when added to memory provider
For other providers features will automatically be made valid
through the proces of adding to the provider's storage ...
Nyall Dawson
11:22 PM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Hi Luca,
I think the devs really need more information or access to your server to examine this case.
Andreas Neumann
11:16 PM Revision 600ff4f8 (qgis): initially disable advanced digitizing panel (fixes #15073)
Jürgen Fischer
10:57 PM Bug report #13293 (Feedback): WCS server broken on Windows
How about the 64bit version - does it work better?
Why are people using OSGeo4W 32bit if they have a 64bit Windows?
Andreas Neumann
10:55 PM Feature request #15187 (Open): Add a list of vector formats and QGIS capabilities regarding them
In Settings --> Options --> GDAL are listed all raster formats QGIS can read and/or write.
It might be nice to have s...
Harrissou Santanna
09:53 PM Revision 174d112d (qgis): * initialize pasted feature with default values (fixes #8800)
* show default values of new features in attribute table and identify
Jürgen Fischer
09:26 PM Revision 5d0f628f (qgis): Indentation fix
Even Rouault
06:44 PM Bug report #15186 (Closed): composer: atlas export to image does not remember file format
Contrary to a normal composer export to image, the atlas' export to image directory picker dialog doesn't remember th... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:44 PM Revision 6a93df75 (qgis): Remove outdated comment
Even Rouault
06:41 PM Revision 4158ea7d (qgis): Merge branch 'release-2_14' of into release-2_14
Even Rouault
06:41 PM Revision c237ba71 (qgis): [Spatialite provider] Make sure to release dangling connections on prov...
Fixes #15137 Even Rouault
06:33 PM Revision 55f172b3 (qgis): [OGR provider] Make sure to release dangling connections on provider cl...
Fixes #15137 Even Rouault
06:24 PM Revision a3dfd9d9 (qgis): mssql provider: make mapping of import fields case-insensitive
(cherry picked from commit 6f7a999ebf3bdf1561cfce49e4908a23adf958b3) Jürgen Fischer
06:23 PM Revision 6f7a999e (qgis): mssql provider: make mapping of import fields case-insensitive
Jürgen Fischer
06:19 PM Revision 46d40421 (qgis): Return zero from "points in polygons" instead of both zero/null (fixes ...
Martin Dobias
06:18 PM Revision 5188a522 (qgis): Merge branch 'fix_release_conn_on_ogr_and_spatialite_closing'
Even Rouault
05:29 PM Revision 0409f5e3 (qgis): Fix WMS extent calculation from <EX_GeographicBoundingBox> (fixes #14974)
Martin Dobias
05:09 PM Revision 4ad50a70 (qgis): [Spatialite provider] Make sure to release dangling connections on prov...
Fixes #15137 Even Rouault
05:09 PM Revision 2d825bcd (qgis): [OGR provider] Make sure to release dangling connections on provider cl...
Fixes #15137 Even Rouault
05:08 PM Revision 5b174563 (qgis): Fix zoom and scale of MapCanvas when DestinationCrs changes
Alvaro Huarte
05:04 PM Revision bf07d2bf (qgis): Support also curved geometries for tracing (fixes #15109)
Martin Dobias
02:34 PM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> one more try, was this fixed by the same fix of #13857 ?
Maybe this is a duplicate of #8800...
Jürgen Fischer
02:28 PM Revision 5f662762 (qgis): Fix incorrectly loaded sublayers if they had the same name (fixes #15168)
Use "layerid=N" instead of "layername=XYZ" for OGR sublayers Martin Dobias
02:17 PM Bug report #15073 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing Panel -> Error
Fixed in changeset commit:"600ff4f81ff9b6cd4484939ff544a60f42aa3fa4". Jürgen Fischer
02:03 PM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
This is not a isolated situation, all users in my network have the same problem. That's the reason we are stuck with ... Andre Jesus
01:47 PM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
Andre Jesus wrote:
> I'm just trying to edit a geometry, simple editions like to move. Sometimes create a geometry al...
Jürgen Fischer
08:09 AM Bug report #14621: linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
I'm just trying to edit a geometry, simple editions like to move. Sometimes create a geometry algo adds Z values.
Andre Jesus
07:24 AM Bug report #14621 (Feedback): linestring being created as linestringZ (MSSQL)
Andre Jesus wrote:
> Sorry to keep bothering but I still can't use Master to edit geometries with MSSQL.
> I noticed...
Jürgen Fischer
01:29 PM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
See ticket #15118. They are both talking about the same problem. I had to delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->QGI... Calvin Hamilton
07:13 AM Bug report #15157: Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
I had and I deleted processing/ in this location and nothing changed. Still there aren't these functions in master. Michal Jurewicz
01:25 PM Bug report #15118: [Processing] Options dialog remove vector menu entries
I am not 100% sure this is caused by the processing plugin. I first encountered it after I installed QuickMapServices... Calvin Hamilton
12:55 PM Bug report #8800 (Closed): mssql default attribute values not supported by attribute table
Fixed in changeset commit:"174d112da889e2301306bc298bfe9c4c1fc6c9a5". Jürgen Fischer
12:04 PM Revision 3cba1aa2 (qgis): test_provider_shapefile: add test for correct repacking on feature dele...
Even Rouault
11:55 AM Revision 647ab4e9 (qgis): Only insert segment snap points in the layer they belong
Fixes #13952 Sandro Santilli
11:04 AM Bug report #14546 (Closed): Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
The issue does not show in qgis master and the develoment branch of 2.14, the next lts due in a few days, so as sugge... Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #14546 (Closed): Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
The issue does not show in qgis master and the develoment branch of 2.14, the next lts due in a few days, so as sugge... Giovanni Manghi
05:47 AM Bug report #14546: Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
The CELL_ID_NO fied is detected by GDAL >= 2.0 as Integer64. I guess the reason for the issue is that QGIS 2.8 on Win... Even Rouault
10:58 AM Bug report #14197 (Closed): Export to shapefile from DXF throws an error: Attempt to write a non-...
yes,fixed,thanks Salvatore Larosa
04:50 AM Bug report #14197: Export to shapefile from DXF throws an error: Attempt to write a non-point (MU...
I just tested this in the latest 2.14 nightly release and in QGIS master (both on Windows) and it works fine. commit:... Andreas Neumann
10:35 AM Revision 9a28b51e (qgis): [styledock] Improve fix for crash with non-spatial layers
Follow up 58dbe56 (which fixes #15179) Martin Dobias
10:25 AM Revision 19564672 (qgis): Fix raster load min/max from extent in style dock (fix #15171)
Nyall Dawson
09:43 AM Bug report #15137: Vector file remains locked after delete QgsVectorLayer object
This also affected Spatialite. Fixed in both cases Even Rouault
09:43 AM Bug report #15137: Vector file remains locked after delete QgsVectorLayer object
This also affected Spatialite. Fixed in both cases Even Rouault
09:43 AM Bug report #15137: Vector file remains locked after delete QgsVectorLayer object
This also affected Spatialite. Fixed in both cases Even Rouault
09:17 AM Bug report #15137 (Closed): Vector file remains locked after delete QgsVectorLayer object
Fixed in changeset commit:"4ad50a708bc21f7f8e4495de5a997a93712c81c5". Even Rouault
09:21 AM Bug report #15158 (Closed): Points in Polygon Yields Zeros and Nulls
Fixed in changeset commit:"46d4042147dd8946169a3b3cbbe8527358764faa". Martin Dobias
09:21 AM Bug report #15158: Points in Polygon Yields Zeros and Nulls
Only affects 2.14 (release 2.16 has implementation in processing framework without this issue) Martin Dobias
09:19 AM Bug report #13744 (Feedback): paste problems
Can you produce one reproducable example? Selecting from the railroads shape of the qgis demo data and pasting as te... Jürgen Fischer
09:18 AM Bug report #15155 (Closed): QGis crash at start up
I found out what was the problem. I had recently installed several python environments for testing purposes and the P... Luca De Felice
09:18 AM Bug report #15155 (Closed): QGis crash at start up
I found out what was the problem. I had recently installed several python environments for testing purposes and the P... Luca De Felice
08:51 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Is this a duplicate of #13952 ?
It looks very simular!! Sometime, a polygon point jumps tot...
A. Egberts
07:56 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Is this a duplicate of #13952 ? Sandro Santilli
08:34 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
(Thanks to Pedro who provided me with WMS server to replicate the problem) Martin Dobias
08:32 AM Bug report #14974 (Closed): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
Fixed in changeset commit:"0409f5e30cfaab7a0baf2f127c4c30c68a65d29f". Martin Dobias
08:07 AM Bug report #15109 (Closed): Autotracing fails with Circular Arcs in geometries
Fixed in changeset commit:"bf07d2bf58588d52feffea0b095964cdc8003c88". Martin Dobias
05:40 AM Bug report #15177: User input dock misbehaving
I think this is a different problem - the implementation used here with tools actually embeds widgets into an existin... Martin Dobias
05:30 AM Bug report #15177: User input dock misbehaving
As a quick fix we could also use the Qt::Tool window flag which makes it only floating but not dockable.
Matthias Kuhn
05:30 AM Bug report #15168 (Closed): One road missing upon Add Vector Layer!
Fixed in changeset commit:"5f6627624ec4711857c5a147c405dac6fb5cfa76". Martin Dobias
05:07 AM Bug report #15184: Invert for color ramps in Singleband pseudocolor
Here is how to replicate the bug:
Saber Razmjooei
05:06 AM Bug report #15184 (Closed): Invert for color ramps in Singleband pseudocolor
The Invert option for pseudocolor ramps does not seem to work in b49ada2.
Saber Razmjooei
04:33 AM Bug report #14347: "Control feature rendering order" is unchecked and cleared when the layer styl...
I am setting this to priority "high" due to the following reasons:
- it doesn't crash QGIS
- there is no data corrup...
Andreas Neumann
03:53 AM Bug report #11007 (Closed): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in othe...
Phew - that was a complicated bug with lots of discussion - over two years since the original report of the issue.
Andreas Neumann
03:53 AM Bug report #11007 (Closed): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in othe...
Phew - that was a complicated bug with lots of discussion - over two years since the original report of the issue.
Andreas Neumann
03:20 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Test with nighlty (Windows 10 64)
QGIS 2.14.3 nightly (843d17e / GDAL 2.1.0) : no issue ! It works perfectly.
Antoine SIG
03:04 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Andreas. I also now see those nightlies of the 2.14 branch (the tilebar says 2.14.3 which is a bit confusing. Should ... Even Rouault
02:53 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
In the OSGeo4W build there are nightlies of the 2.14 branch. I just checked and it seems to be up-todate with this co... Andreas Neumann
02:32 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
OK, I confirm that (regarding the scenario of deletion of features in a shapefile):
- QGIS 2.14.3 *on Windows* has th...
Even Rouault
02:02 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
When you test with OpenJUMP please report the exact OpenJUMP revision from Info-About. There has been some changes in... Jukka Rahkonen
03:32 AM Bug report #15183: When the user disables the on-the-fly CRS transformation the map is not center...
I propose this PR ( ) to fix this bug Alvaro Huarte
03:30 AM Bug report #15183 (Closed): When the user disables the on-the-fly CRS transformation the map is n...
When the user disables the on-the-fly CRS transformation, the map is not centered to the new transformed position and... Alvaro Huarte
02:56 AM Bug report #13952 (Closed): QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Fixed in changeset commit:"647ab4e947edec24b8babe51e188d95270275ea4". Sandro Santilli
02:27 AM Feature request #15178: Copy a polygone or a line to a point layer should create features corresp...
good point! I wasn't clear in my description (will fix it): i was expecting a multipoint feature which parts are vert... Harrissou Santanna
02:05 AM Feature request #15178: Copy a polygone or a line to a point layer should create features corresp...
That would create many point features from one polygon which does not feel consistent. I would prefer a single multip... Jukka Rahkonen
02:02 AM Bug report #15182: MeasureTool gets broken when the DestinationCrs changes
I propose this PR ( ) to fix this bug Alvaro Huarte


01:59 AM Bug report #15182 (Closed): MeasureTool gets broken when the DestinationCrs changes
MeasureTool fails when the user changes the destination crs of the MapCanvas while the user is digitizing a measure.
Alvaro Huarte
01:44 AM Bug report #13962: Text delimited file with carriage return line endings will not load in QGIS
I confirm this bug for 2.14 (Essen) and 2.2 (Valmiera).
Usually GIS users aren`t nessesarly IT experts, it would be ...
Matthias Meisser
01:36 AM Bug report #15179 (Closed): regression: opening and closing the properties window on a non-geomet...
Fixed in changeset commit:"9a28b51e9a624fcbac0bd6c0f98ddd01876f0c1f". Martin Dobias
09:21 PM Bug report #15179 (Closed): regression: opening and closing the properties window on a non-geomet...
QGIS crashes when opening and closing the layer properties window of a non-geometry layer such as a csv dataset. It h... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:29 AM Bug report #15171 (Closed): style dock: load min / max values' current extent not working properly
Fixed in changeset commit:"19564672c20db414d5dcfa7294e67c12c7db1844". Nyall Dawson
01:21 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
My computer : Windows 10 (64)
QGIS 2.8.9 (23c3ece / GDAL 2.1.0) > no issue after close QGIS or delete layer from pro...
Antoine SIG
12:59 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...

> I will test master now.
on qgis master seems everything work as expected. So if something was fixed in master I g...
Giovanni Manghi
12:56 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Even Rouault wrote:
> Giovanni:
> * what kind of edits exactly: adding shapes, removing shapes, adding vertex to a pr...
Giovanni Manghi
12:41 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Even Rouault wrote:
> Giovanni: and which GDAL version and OS ?
The last I was warned about the issue the user was u...
Giovanni Manghi
12:40 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Hi Even, good morning.
Even Rouault wrote:
> Giovanni:
> * what kind of edits exactly: adding shapes, removing shape...
Giovanni Manghi
12:57 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Giovanni: and which GDAL version and OS ? Even Rouault
12:56 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
* what kind of edits exactly: adding shapes, removing shapes, adding vertex to a pre-existing shape, ... ?
Even Rouault
12:16 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Hi Andreas.
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Antoine SIG: can you please add more details (Devs can't reproduce your issue):...
Giovanni Manghi
07:44 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
see discussion at Andreas Neumann
06:55 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Antoine SIG: can you please add more details (Devs can't reproduce your issue):
- QGIS code revision
- GDAL/OGR vers...
Andreas Neumann
01:19 AM Feature request #15181 (Closed): Support for No (or Unknown) CRS
QGIS currently does not support No/Unkwon CRS. This leads to lots of confusion for new users. In addition, CRS is not... Saber Razmjooei
01:07 AM Bug report #14037 (Closed): frequent crash when editing data in relation forms (standard relation...
Nyall Dawson
01:36 PM Bug report #14037: frequent crash when editing data in relation forms (standard relation form-wid...
The issue can be closed.
Gerhard Spieles
06:14 AM Bug report #14037: frequent crash when editing data in relation forms (standard relation form-wid...
hm - what means "this is still no problem"?
Do you mean the issue is gone and we can close the issue or are you stil...
Andreas Neumann
01:02 AM Bug report #15157 (Feedback): Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
Please check that you have no Processing plugin in your ~/.qgis2/python/plugins. Alexander Bruy
12:53 AM Feature request #15180 (Open): Customize the "Advanced Digitizing" icons for line and point layers
It could be nice to have the icons in the "Advanced Digitizing" toolbar adapted to line and point geometry layer as d... Harrissou Santanna
12:16 AM Revision b49ada28 (qgis): Always use full precision when exporting to SLD (fix #15176)
Nyall Dawson
11:38 PM Revision e95a8a97 (qgis): Followup 172953, add unit tests
Nyall Dawson
11:38 PM Revision 17295317 (qgis): Don't transform z coordinates by default
Since z coordinates can represent potentially any height
unit and reference point, it's not safe to assume that they
Nyall Dawson
10:40 PM Revision 58dbe562 (qgis): Fix crash when loading style in layer properties
Matthias Kuhn
10:19 PM Revision 118bbf7e (qgis): Align "add spatialite layer" window with other add layer windows
The button labels didn't match with the group box title Matthias Kuhn
08:20 PM Revision 4b83277a (qgis): Better fix for the "nothing found" notification
Martin Dobias
08:19 PM Revision 51c6d8af (qgis): Add notification in case a map tool does notthing (fixes #15160)
Martin Dobias
08:19 PM Revision 48284f78 (qgis): Cancel simplification if its dialog is closed (fixes #15163)
Martin Dobias
07:18 PM Revision 6076451a (qgis): Only insert segment snap points in the layer they belong
Fixes #13952 Sandro Santilli
06:49 PM Revision a12152c7 (qgis): Merge pull request #3238 from medspx/processing_g7_raster_tests
[processing] more grass7 unit tests and their fixes Alexander Bruy
06:21 PM Revision 843d17e0 (qgis): Fix bug in GDALTools Assign Projection
Assign Projection uses gdalwarp, and this works correctly when a raster has no CRS assigned, however, in the case of ... Andy Harfoot
06:21 PM Revision efac2f71 (qgis): add objectName to button
(cherry picked from commit 00832918ffa110b77036f8581b56dea62e7434d6) Alexander Bruy
06:17 PM Revision 00832918 (qgis): add objectName to button
Alexander Bruy
06:17 PM Revision 0f6e8da6 (qgis): Merge pull request #3234 from aharfoot/GDALTools_bugfix
fix bug in GDALTools Assign Projection Alexander Bruy
05:17 PM Revision 9d110220 (qgis): [composer] map config: move layer related options to a dedicated group box
Martin Dobias
04:30 PM Revision b819f2ba (qgis): Added multiple edit and attributes tests
Alessandro Pasotti
03:17 PM Bug report #15176 (Closed): Double Type Values in SLD truncated
Fixed in changeset commit:"b49ada283d7e1074b6809877cc089e43c4fa79d5". Nyall Dawson
08:10 AM Bug report #15176 (Closed): Double Type Values in SLD truncated
I am having some issues with SLD generation when the values are Doubles.
If I create a style for a vector layer ...
Conor Woods
12:27 PM Feature request #14920: [GPS Information Panel] Add vertex symbols in rubberband when we collect ...
Here is how I see the issue:
* the first vertex added doesn't show. This is because the track that would show is a li...
Steven Mizuno
11:47 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
João Gaspar wrote:
> With 2.14 and master is not working at all.
so in QGIS 2.14/master QGIS server is confirme...
Giovanni Manghi
05:55 AM Bug report #13293: WCS server broken on Windows
I confirm the behavior with osgeo4w installer 32-bits. I test using osgeo4w installer 2.8.6 and 2.12.3 (32-bits) and ... João Gaspar
11:22 AM Bug report #15163: Digitizing: how to abort "Simplify Feature" or "Rotate Feature" tool is not th...
Rotate tool and offset curve tool not fixed - see #15177 Martin Dobias
11:21 AM Bug report #15163 (Closed): Digitizing: how to abort "Simplify Feature" or "Rotate Feature" tool ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"48284f7884673ff5d7939d28a8193d92590579b4". Martin Dobias
11:21 AM Bug report #15160 (Closed): Digitizing: "Simplify Feature" should not open a dialog when no featu...
Fixed in changeset commit:"51c6d8af5cab67482b46ef4b624ae3c182a1bb68". Martin Dobias
11:13 AM Feature request #15178 (Open): Copy a polygone or a line to a point layer should create features ...
Copying a polygon and pasting it to a line layer creates a closed line from the polygon border. And vice-versa when c... Harrissou Santanna
11:10 AM Bug report #15177 (Closed): User input dock misbehaving
Some floating widgets used with map tools have the ability to be docked (e.g. for rotate feature tool, offset curve t... Martin Dobias
10:01 AM Revision 50dd57d0 (qgis): Show cannot pan WARNING for NULL geometry (#3255)
refs [#15122]( Tudor Bărăscu
08:20 AM Revision 5daa546f (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsMapLayerRegistry: Check layers before removed
Probably fixed #15088 Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL René-Luc ReLuc
07:48 AM Feature request #15166 (Closed): Cannot reach top of tree in Layers Panel
This is by design in the Qt model/view framework for the tree view and it is how all tree views in Qt work (in fact t... Martin Dobias
07:48 AM Feature request #15166 (Closed): Cannot reach top of tree in Layers Panel
This is by design in the Qt model/view framework for the tree view and it is how all tree views in Qt work (in fact t... Martin Dobias
06:06 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Hi Ard
> Thanks for the data - I have tried to replicate your problem, but things seem to w...
A. Egberts
05:51 AM Bug report #15175 (Open): Digitizing: "Fill Ring" tool doesn't consider all the overlapping features
Open a layer, toggle to edition and add two polygon features that overlap.
select the "Fill Ring" tool and add a rin...
Harrissou Santanna
05:34 AM Bug report #15174 (Open): Digitizing: "Add Ring" tool doesn't consider all the overlapping features
Open a layer, toggle to edition and add two polygon features that overlap.
select the "Add ring" tool and add a ring...
Harrissou Santanna
05:27 AM Bug report #13741 (Reopened): Spatialite moving fields
Problem still exists in 2.14.3
I changed simple data layer into editable spatialite view - same effect of moving fie...
Jakub Kosik
04:01 AM Bug report #15173 (Closed): Editable View - save edit in attribute table throw error
In spatialite editable view (INSTEAD OF triggers), save edits working fine from digitising toolbar, not working in at... Jakub Kosik
03:23 AM Revision 009fbc63 (qgis): Merge pull request #3249 from nirvn/raster_renderer_layout
[styledock] improve UI layout of raster renderers Nyall Dawson
02:17 AM Revision a231466d (qgis): [style dock] Keep factories updated
Nathan Woodrow
02:16 AM Revision b5f0fc8d (qgis): Indentation
Nyall Dawson
02:15 AM Revision 2bf54de8 (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
Nyall Dawson
02:10 AM Revision af9b4a7f (qgis): Fix failing distance area test on OSX
Nyall Dawson
02:08 AM Revision caf1038d (qgis): Add missing sip bindings
Nyall Dawson


01:59 AM Revision 039a77d5 (qgis): Fix indentation
Nyall Dawson
01:59 AM Revision 724d3e08 (qgis): Fix failing test
Nyall Dawson
01:54 AM Feature request #15161: Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
any better with qt5 ? Andreas Neumann
01:17 PM Feature request #15161 (Closed): Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
QGIS tries to by using the Qt printer methods, but it's not always possible (according to the Qt documentation) Nyall Dawson
01:17 PM Feature request #15161 (Closed): Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
QGIS tries to by using the Qt printer methods, but it's not always possible (according to the Qt documentation) Nyall Dawson
12:03 PM Feature request #15161: Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
!! R. R.
12:03 PM Feature request #15161 (Closed): Set page size and orientation automatically when printing a map
Is there a way to set the printer driver‘s page size and orientation automatically? Such a feature would be quite use... R. R.
01:32 AM Revision ec49c407 (qgis): Fix warnings
Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Bug report #15172 (Closed): Two distinct icons used for the single "Copy features" action
Two different icons are used to identify "Copy features" action:
* mActionEditCopy is used in the Digitizing tools, ...
Harrissou Santanna
01:26 AM Feature request #15170: Add "Undo" button to Layer Properties
You are right but note that QGIS 2.16 comes with a dock panel for layer properties (not all covered yet) and this pan... Harrissou Santanna
12:57 AM Feature request #15170 (Open): Add "Undo" button to Layer Properties
On Layer Properties there are four buttons at the bottom:
OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help (which does not show any help,...
Dan Jacobson
01:10 AM Bug report #15171 (Closed): style dock: load min / max values' current extent not working properly
The load min / max values widget registers a static extent value, which was fine when it was part of a modal dialog b... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:44 AM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Avoid intersections takes longer time here because it tries to add several thousand of topolog...
Giovanni Manghi
12:44 AM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Avoid intersections takes longer time here because it tries to add several thousand of topolog...
Giovanni Manghi
12:44 AM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Avoid intersections takes longer time here because it tries to add several thousand of topolog...
Giovanni Manghi
03:40 AM Bug report #14849: Digitizing: avoid intersection takes ages
Avoid intersections takes longer time here because it tries to add several thousand of topological points. The speed ... Martin Dobias
11:29 PM Feature request #15165: Mention how to sign up to this system right there on the login page
Hi Dan,
There is discussion about moving the bug queue to Github. If that materializes, we won't invest into the Red...
Andreas Neumann
07:24 PM Feature request #15165: Mention how to sign up to this system right there on the login page
I can't update the category of this bug. Dan Jacobson
07:23 PM Feature request #15165 (Open): Mention how to sign up to this system right there on the login page
User lands at this bug tracker.
User sees "sign in" in top right corner.
User clicks it.
User might not already have ...
Dan Jacobson
11:27 PM Feature request #15166: Cannot reach top of tree in Layers Panel
Hi Dan,
Can you be more descriptive about what you would like to do with the root node? Provide some use cases?
Andreas Neumann
07:29 PM Feature request #15166 (Closed): Cannot reach top of tree in Layers Panel
In computer science, every tree has a root node.
Alas in Layers Panel it is cut off, we can't scroll up to see it and...
Dan Jacobson
10:46 PM Feature request #15169: Add Toggle selected / checkmarked layers buttons in Layers Panel
Also maybe 'Show selected layers" should be called "Show checked layers" to distinguish it from CTRL+click multiple b... Dan Jacobson
10:41 PM Feature request #15169 (Open): Add Toggle selected / checkmarked layers buttons in Layers Panel
In layers panel, we may have checkedmarked many layers.
But lets say we want to delete the uncheckmarked ones.
Dan Jacobson
10:17 PM Feature request #6953: Marker line interval in map units
Too bad there is no commit reference in this bug system so we can see what files are involved, and somehow figure out... Dan Jacobson
07:52 PM Bug report #15168: One road missing upon Add Vector Layer!
When viewed elsewhere, the middle short road is there. But not when imported into Qgis.
One might not even notice the...
Dan Jacobson
07:50 PM Bug report #15168 (Closed): One road missing upon Add Vector Layer!
I have discovered a very serious data import bug.
Let's take the following KMZ file. zk.kmz .
When viewed on
Dan Jacobson
07:34 PM Feature request #15167 (Open): CTRL-A in Layers Panel should select all
In Layers Panel, CTRL-click 'selects mulitple' just like on all browsers with HTML forms.
However CTRL-A does not sel...
Dan Jacobson
06:32 PM Revision 979e194b (qgis): Server code cleanage
René-Luc ReLuc
06:28 PM Revision 78569ab3 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsMSLayerCache: remove layer from QgsMapLayerRegistry before ...
In QGIS Server, layers can be added to QgsMapLayerRegistry and delete by QgsMSLayerCache. This means that QgsMapLayer... René-Luc ReLuc
06:22 PM Revision d3eb1645 (qgis): [BUGFIX] QgsMSLayerCache: remove layer from QgsMapLayerRegistry before ...
In QGIS Server, layers can be added to QgsMapLayerRegistry and delete by QgsMSLayerCache. This means that QgsMapLayer... René-Luc ReLuc
06:15 PM Revision 7dcb9ccc (qgis): Flush capabilities cache when flushing project layers
Made by @dmarteau René-Luc ReLuc
04:45 PM Bug report #13330: GPS live tracker connects to GPS but gives no positional information, scrollin...
Thank you...worked for me too Peter Smith
03:59 PM Bug report #15164 (Closed): some bad thumbnails with photo widget in a custom form
I'm working with a custom form created with the drag and drop designer and the bug happens in the attribute table for... Andrew McAninch
02:41 PM Revision bf53e4ca (qgis): [style dock] Fix display of extra pages
Nathan Woodrow
02:15 PM Revision f6e67ae1 (qgis): [style dock] inline refine rules for rule based styles
Nathan Woodrow
01:16 PM Revision 3d6ea7b4 (qgis): Fix windows build
Nathan Woodrow
01:15 PM Bug report #15162: PDF output inconsistently read between Acrobat and OS X Preview
Sounds like a bug in OSX, not QGIS Nyall Dawson
12:05 PM Bug report #15162 (Closed): PDF output inconsistently read between Acrobat and OS X Preview
I often use point markers which are circles, open in the centre.
When exporting to PDF from the print composer, the...
Adam Fine
01:00 PM Bug report #14917: [GPS Information Panel] Strange behavior with Polygon add vertex button
The "Add track point" button is enabled only when "Automatically add points" is off because there should be no need t... Steven Mizuno
12:57 PM Bug report #15149: Digitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection
You're welcome, Nyall! It's my pleasure! I don't have dev skills so I try to help where I can and QGIS project just d... Harrissou Santanna
12:55 PM Bug report #15163 (Closed): Digitizing: how to abort "Simplify Feature" or "Rotate Feature" tool ...
When using "Simplify Feature" or "Rotate Feature" tool, user gets a dialog in which he can input some parameters to d... Harrissou Santanna
12:46 PM Revision 0de1bfaf (qgis): QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords(): do not convert elevations to...
Fixes #14702 Even Rouault
12:44 PM Revision 45a4ae2b (qgis): Merge pull request #3244 from rouault/fix_transformCoords
QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords(): do not convert elevations to radians Even Rouault
12:24 PM Revision f0e0ba5b (qgis): Add test for QgsGeometryUtils::sqrDistToLine
See #13952 Sandro Santilli
12:00 PM Revision 0b502c90 (qgis): [processing] add missed variable initialization (fix #15154)
Alexander Bruy
11:47 AM Bug report #15160 (Closed): Digitizing: "Simplify Feature" should not open a dialog when no featu...
With the "Simplify Feature" tool in "Advanced digitizing" toolbar, if you click some place where there's no feature, ... Harrissou Santanna
11:17 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Hi Ard
Thanks for the data - I have tried to replicate your problem, but things seem to work fine for me even with y...
Martin Dobias
04:34 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Thanks for the screenshots.
> It looks like you are using the tracing functionality added i...
A. Egberts
04:19 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Thanks for the screenshots.
It looks like you are using the tracing functionality added in 2.14 (the magnet button)....
Martin Dobias
10:53 AM Bug report #15159 (Closed): Problem with raster bilineal export
I use Essen 2.14.2, the problem is when I tried to export a map and use Bilineal interpolation and make a zoom in an ... Jose Daniel Mejia
10:28 AM Revision 323abe43 (qgis): Add missing newline
Sandro Santilli
10:14 AM Revision 50ab6990 (qgis): [styledock] better use of QGroupBox to highlight raster sections
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:07 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Pull request ready with a fix:
Can be fetched from
Sandro Santilli
09:18 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
New finding: the distance to the fid is correct but the _layer_ is different. We have 2 layers, both contain a fid=11... Sandro Santilli
03:58 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Printing more digits gives a matching result between PostGIS and QGIS:
ST_Distance('POINT(771938.492120353737846 695...
Sandro Santilli
03:26 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
A focused testcase, pushed with commit:f0e0ba5bb0f844e9ee28eb9572340f31ae13c6ee, does not give the same bogus result.... Sandro Santilli
03:04 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Adding debugging prints I came across this computation in QgsLinestringV2::closestSegment that does look wrong:... Sandro Santilli
09:55 AM Revision 73ac2f30 (qgis): [virtual layer] Cleanup - unused variable
Hugo Mercier
09:51 AM Revision 871b6ae4 (qgis): [virtual layer] Improve error message
Hugo Mercier
09:51 AM Revision c6fb7b3b (qgis): [virtual layer] Escape column names in query
Hugo Mercier
08:41 AM Bug report #15158 (Closed): Points in Polygon Yields Zeros and Nulls
Problem: the Points in Polygon Tool under the Vector menu - Analysis Tools returns zeros for some features and nulls ... Frank Donnelly
08:38 AM Revision c775a52e (qgis): [styledock] improve UI layout of raster renderers
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:24 AM Bug report #15157 (Closed): Lack of standard features in Vector menu.
I have two version of QGIS installed on my Mac - 2.14.3 and master 2.15 323abe3. For some time there is no standard (... Michal Jurewicz
07:57 AM Revision 05f37088 (qgis): Fix debug output (followup a7dcaad)
Jürgen Fischer
07:13 AM Bug report #14546: Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
Attached is the shapefile which caused me problems when teaching. Any existing integer64 fields are changed to string... Colin MacLeod
03:53 AM Bug report #14546 (Feedback): Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
Please could you attach a shapefile that exhibits the problem? Thanks... Martin Dobias
07:08 AM Bug report #13963 (Reopened): QGIS greadily allocates memory and crashes when editing moderately ...
Tested in 2.14.3 on the Canada provinces and the results are horrible.
If i delete less then 10-20 nodes at a time ...
baditaflorin -
06:17 AM Revision ba1d38c2 (qgis): Add comment describing the invalid polygon
Follow up to
Sandro Santilli
04:32 AM Revision 002ace28 (qgis): [styledock] improve categorized, graduated, and rule-based renderer lay...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:26 AM Bug report #14037: frequent crash when editing data in relation forms (standard relation form-wid...
Hi Matthias,
it seems, that this is still no problem.
Thank you for for the work and excuse, that i haven`t tested ...
Gerhard Spieles
03:50 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Could you please verify that the problem is caused by memory usage on server growing and getti...
luca76 -
03:44 AM Bug report #14822 (Feedback): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Could you please verify that the problem is caused by memory usage on server growing and getting completely exhausted... Martin Dobias
03:45 AM Bug report #14702 (Closed): GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
Fixed in changeset commit:"af2993e97b5a4ab98107bdce86780d11dca91109". Even Rouault
03:14 AM Bug report #15156 (Closed): Problems by combining selected features
Problems combining adyacent selected features. Resulting entity is not correct. Some segments remain in the common ed... Tomas Cabezudo
03:01 AM Bug report #15154 (Closed): Dissolve fails as nElement is not initialised
Fixed in changeset commit:"0b502c90a904f2e21f71dd5c535128da2041c66f". Alexander Bruy


01:49 AM Revision 00dc27fd (qgis): Rename hillshade renderer in drop down (#3245)
Remove non functioning code for setting resampling automagically for hillshade renderer asgerpetersen -
01:48 AM Bug report #15155 (Closed): QGis crash at start up
I Installed QGis 2.14 Essen, but when I run it I can see the splashscreen for 2/3 seconds, then it disappears and QGi... Luca De Felice
01:19 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Hi
> It is still unclear to me from the description what is the problem. Could you please t...
A. Egberts
12:55 AM Bug report #14975 (Feedback): Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
It is still unclear to me from the description what is the problem. Could you please try to make a screencast to ...
Martin Dobias
01:06 AM Bug report #14974 (Feedback): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
is it possible to access the WMS server somewhere so we can test it?
Martin Dobias
12:52 AM Bug report #15154 (Closed): Dissolve fails as nElement is not initialised
Relates to previous bug report 14612 line 129 fails as nElement is not initialised. If fixed it by initi...
Andrew Brown
12:50 AM Feature request #15151: Add sum of selected polygon areas or line lengths to status bar message
Hi Andreas and Nyall,
Thanks, yes I am aware of and use the statistics panel. We just thought that as text is alre...
Amy Taylor
12:08 PM Feature request #15151 (Closed): Add sum of selected polygon areas or line lengths to status bar ...
Agreed with Andreas - the status bar is already very crowded and using the statistics dock is a better fit here. Or a... Nyall Dawson
12:08 PM Feature request #15151 (Closed): Add sum of selected polygon areas or line lengths to status bar ...
Agreed with Andreas - the status bar is already very crowded and using the statistics dock is a better fit here. Or a... Nyall Dawson
06:04 AM Feature request #15151: Add sum of selected polygon areas or line lengths to status bar message
Hi Amy,
Are you aware that the "Statistics Panel" (Menu "View" --> "Panels" --> "Statistics panel") already allows t...
Andreas Neumann
02:06 AM Feature request #15151 (Closed): Add sum of selected polygon areas or line lengths to status bar ...
QGIS currently displays the layer name and number of selected features (for the most recent selection) on the status ... Amy Taylor
12:27 AM Revision 3d319d90 (qgis): Add test for selecting invalid geometries (#3246)
See #13635
The test passes
Sandro Santilli
09:58 PM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
A QGIS version with the offending commit reverted is available on
I confirm t...
Sandro Santilli
09:22 PM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
commit:ba1d38c2edaee24ca5e01dd1d9652de37d32ca9d adds a test for selecting the invalid polygon.
Salvatore: does the te...
Sandro Santilli
09:22 PM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
commit:ba1d38c2edaee24ca5e01dd1d9652de37d32ca9d adds a test for selecting the invalid polygon.
Salvatore: does the te...
Sandro Santilli
07:38 PM Bug report #15153 (Closed): style dock: back button & breadcrumb missing when a rule-based label ...
Subject says it all: the useful back button and its associated breadcrumb is missing when a rule-based label rule sub... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:15 PM Revision 21b8ef0e (qgis): Merge pull request #3242 from mhugent/full_circle
Change full circle interpretation, fixes #15116 Marco Hugentobler
03:42 PM Revision e02661cd (qgis): [OGR provider] Workaround GDAL 1.11.X (X<=4) crashing bug on GPKG datab...
Even Rouault
03:23 PM Feature request #15057: Allow custom value map widget sorting
Ahh I get it, thanks for clarifying. No that doesn't really work. For example, one field I'm working with is a stre... Andrew McAninch
03:00 PM Revision 663333de (qgis): Indentation
Marco Hugentobler
02:51 PM Bug report #15149: Digitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection
Totally unrelated to this report, but I wanted to say that your attention to detail is very much appreciat...
Nyall Dawson
01:37 PM Revision 83683be3 (qgis): Adjust testqgsgeometry expected results after af2993e97b5a4ab98107bdce8...
Even Rouault
01:32 PM Revision ef90c0b2 (qgis): Add unit test for ticket #15116
Marco Hugentobler
01:19 PM Revision 9b1380c0 (qgis): [processing] support more field types
(cherry picked from commit 1b60b088a22ce2b417ec8a2c69266b98efa663f2) Alexander Bruy
01:18 PM Revision 1b60b088 (qgis): [processing] support more field types
Alexander Bruy
12:08 PM Revision af2993e9 (qgis): QgsCoordinateTransform::transformCoords(): do not convert elevations to...
Fixes #14702 Even Rouault
12:06 PM Revision 7b1ee07f (qgis): [gui] improve scale widget layout to save space (#3243)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:37 AM Revision e29eb57a (qgis): don't apply raster style to vectors (fix #15001)
(cherry picked from commit 3ece8aca11f242a71be7a8775ae1109028c8ad3f) Alexander Bruy
11:34 AM Revision 4080aad0 (qgis): [ogr] Read GPX elevation values as geometry Z values
Nyall Dawson
11:19 AM Revision 2e168ef9 (qgis): Install missing geometry header files
Matthias Kuhn
11:18 AM Revision 3e069c38 (qgis): Fix full circle area calculation
Marco Hugentobler
11:03 AM Revision c913a7f3 (qgis): Merge pull request #3233 from alexbruy/paste-style-fix
don't apply raster style to vectors (fix #15001) Alexander Bruy
10:46 AM Revision 7eeb69c3 (qgis): dxf export: complete doxymentation updates (followup 07113b0)
Jürgen Fischer
10:40 AM Feature request #14905: 'Processing Toolbox' - Add 'Save to virtual layer' option
Perhaps a separate provider (e.g. QGIS virtual geoalgorithms) would be easier to implement in the processing toolbox.
R. R.
10:37 AM Revision 203f9755 (qgis): Change full circle interpretation, fixes #15116
Marco Hugentobler
10:21 AM Revision eabdb656 (qgis): Show cannot pan WARNING for NULL geometry
refs [#15122]( Tudor Bărăscu
09:58 AM Revision 07113b0b (qgis): dxf export: merge doxymentation updates (followup 4c4ad05)
Jürgen Fischer
09:23 AM Revision 86101754 (qgis): Fix crash when backing through QgsPanelWidgetStack breadcrumbs
Nyall Dawson
08:04 AM Revision 3b1d4e23 (qgis): Set map canvas for style dock symbol widget
Nyall Dawson
07:56 AM Revision c49af32e (qgis): Fix rule based settings not saved (fix #15146, #15147, #15148)
Nyall Dawson
07:40 AM Revision 06343776 (qgis): Fix context menu options for graduated ranges does nothing
Nyall Dawson
07:39 AM Revision 5078e464 (qgis): Fix setting renderer symbol properties from context menu (fix #15145)
Nyall Dawson
07:15 AM Bug report #15116 (Closed): Bad interpretation of CircularString representing full circle
Fixed in changeset commit:"21b8ef0e4a863094d506e42366e888d005884cc0". Marco Hugentobler
07:11 AM Revision 45b87833 (qgis): Fix cannot change color of class symbols (fix #15142)
Nyall Dawson
06:50 AM Bug report #15152: Inconsistent behaviour of "Add" button in Add PostGIS Table(s) dialog
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> In "Add PostGIS Table(s)" dialog you have a checkox under the table list (look at the right) ...
Casper Børgesen
06:40 AM Bug report #15152: Inconsistent behaviour of "Add" button in Add PostGIS Table(s) dialog
In "Add PostGIS Table(s)" dialog you have a checkox under the table list (look at the right) called "Keep dialog open... Alexander Bruy
06:40 AM Bug report #15152: Inconsistent behaviour of "Add" button in Add PostGIS Table(s) dialog
In "Add PostGIS Table(s)" dialog you have a checkox under the table list (look at the right) called "Keep dialog open... Alexander Bruy
06:40 AM Bug report #15152: Inconsistent behaviour of "Add" button in Add PostGIS Table(s) dialog
In "Add PostGIS Table(s)" dialog you have a checkox under the table list (look at the right) called "Keep dialog open... Alexander Bruy
06:15 AM Bug report #15152 (Closed): Inconsistent behaviour of "Add" button in Add PostGIS Table(s) dialog
When adding a WMS layer using the _Add WMS/WMTS Layer_ window you have the option of pressing _Add_ when an entry is ... Casper Børgesen
06:50 AM Revision 5b166a9d (qgis): Fix label button not opening label dock panel (fix #15144)
Nyall Dawson
06:11 AM Revision 8dc8952d (qgis): Fix broken symbol layer lock (fix #15143)
Nyall Dawson
06:03 AM Revision c3c5c431 (qgis): Avoid style dock flashing when editing layers
Also prevent a lot of duplicate style dock updates, and fix
the style dock losing connection to layer style changes
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Revision df579a57 (qgis): Fix changing selected categorised renderer symbols (fix #15141)
Nyall Dawson
03:10 AM Bug report #14702: GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
I've submitted which fixes my above case for linestring25d_32631.shp export fr... Even Rouault
03:00 AM Bug report #14702 (Reopened): GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
I'm not sure this is a bug in the OGR GPX driver. I couldn't reproduce on ogr2ogr command line any issue, but with QG... Even Rouault
03:00 AM Bug report #14702 (Reopened): GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
I'm not sure this is a bug in the OGR GPX driver. I couldn't reproduce on ogr2ogr command line any issue, but with QG... Even Rouault
02:27 AM Bug report #15004 (Closed): Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
It looks like issue was fixed. dr -
02:27 AM Bug report #15004 (Closed): Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
It looks like issue was fixed. dr -
02:25 AM Bug report #15111 (Reopened): wfsprovider directory is located in home directory
Issue is still present. dr -
02:17 AM Revision 9f0ae9b4 (qgis): Make outline only simple markers work with categorised/graduated
etc renderers (fix #15132) Nyall Dawson
02:17 AM Revision 91c2d769 (qgis): Disable simple marker fill color for outline only shapes
Nyall Dawson
02:04 AM Bug report #15001 (Closed): Paste a style from a raster to a group of layers change the
Fixed in changeset commit:"c913a7f3af3a0b467af586040917e082ab9ea821". Alexander Bruy


01:12 AM Bug report #14932: "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets the focus
It might do the trick but having NULL shown in a field can be handy.
Is that not possible to clear the field content ...
Harrissou Santanna
01:12 AM Bug report #14932: "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets the focus
It might do the trick but having NULL shown in a field can be handy.
Is that not possible to clear the field content ...
Harrissou Santanna
01:05 AM Bug report #14932 (Feedback): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets ...
In "Settings" -> "Options" -> "General" -> "Data Sources" the representation for NULL values can be changed (to e.g. ... Matthias Kuhn
01:08 AM Bug report #10913 (Closed): n:n relations
Implemented in 2.14 Matthias Kuhn
01:08 AM Bug report #10913 (Closed): n:n relations
Implemented in 2.14 Matthias Kuhn
01:00 AM Revision 4c4ad054 (qgis): dxf export: more adaptions to labeling changes (backported from b3bf4a1)
Jürgen Fischer
12:40 AM Revision fad50ecd (qgis): [processing] drop WebView dependency (backported from cc7eb27)
Jürgen Fischer
12:40 AM Revision f93faac4 (qgis): oracle provider: by default skip additional geometry columns (on 64bit
Windows/Linux OCI crashes when there are more than three geometry
(cherry picked from commit 4b00182482a2e8...
Jürgen Fischer
12:40 AM Revision ed786d19 (qgis): db manager: re-enable margins with line numbers in sql editor
(fixes #15110)
(cherry picked from commit d9f934f9508b6388f8245fe695bab0b7cc649c1e)
Jürgen Fischer
12:40 AM Revision a7dcaad8 (qgis): selection by polygon: use 40 instead of 4 points for selection rectangl...
(cherry picked from commit 0a83f182f3e8aea684163096f70efc9f38399ad2) Jürgen Fischer
12:08 AM Feature request #15150 (Open): Add explanation on "Avoid intersections" totally wiping out a feat...
When one erases all the vertices of a feature, (s)he gets noticed that the feature is now a geometryless one.
Using t...
Harrissou Santanna
11:35 PM Bug report #15149 (Open): Digitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection
Unlike many tools of the Advanced Digitizing tool, The "reshape tool" doesn't consider selection when reshaping. It r... Harrissou Santanna
11:26 PM Feature request #14957: Snapping option "Avoid Intersection" should also prevent lines to overlap...
I wonder if this should not be reported as a bug instead of a feature request Harrissou Santanna
10:57 PM Bug report #15148 (Closed): Rule based renderer label setting lost
Fixed in changeset commit:"c49af32e95d21d766f4915be261564635250ae05". Nyall Dawson
10:25 PM Bug report #15148: Rule based renderer label setting lost
Also description is lost Nyall Dawson
10:25 PM Bug report #15148 (Closed): Rule based renderer label setting lost
Lost when widget is closed Nyall Dawson
10:57 PM Bug report #15147 (Closed): Rule based renderer scale range setting is lost
Fixed in changeset commit:"c49af32e95d21d766f4915be261564635250ae05". Nyall Dawson
10:24 PM Bug report #15147 (Closed): Rule based renderer scale range setting is lost
Not saved when widget is closed Nyall Dawson
10:57 PM Bug report #15146 (Closed): Rule based renderer "symbol" checkbox not saved
Fixed in changeset commit:"c49af32e95d21d766f4915be261564635250ae05". Nyall Dawson
10:23 PM Bug report #15146 (Closed): Rule based renderer "symbol" checkbox not saved
Setting is lost when widget closes Nyall Dawson
10:49 PM Revision 852bd535 (qgis): save as raster: fix vrt creation (fixes #14171)
(cherry picked from commit d69ec2e8bb1c3a4b036f063454f27dff60c4e643) Jürgen Fischer
10:45 PM Revision 57c199f3 (qgis): postgres provider: allow database without postgis (fixes #6891)
(cherry picked from commit 94413b35a08a154e5b40c2a9cab13fcb0d0ee4a4) Jürgen Fischer
10:44 PM Revision 4915d767 (qgis): db manager: show database name in postgis connection details (fixes #3489)
(cherry picked from commit ecf3b3719d4f24dc7f369d3253150c4990c9c681) Jürgen Fischer
10:44 PM Revision ca865711 (qgis): gdal tools: use native file dialogs (fixes #5500)
(cherry picked from commit 2c112f96cab55eed2f3922dbf2dd14522eac5aee) Jürgen Fischer
10:44 PM Revision f52d27b9 (qgis): open message log on QgisApp::openMessageLog instead of toggling it
(cherry picked from commit 5bb2c7d175c9113b844738f18c38c00ecc76c6bc) Jürgen Fischer
10:44 PM Revision 74c91b1a (qgis): update 'Report an issue' link
(cherry picked from commit 0db9556b642ce855548d3be6501e4d9935a62e0a) Jürgen Fischer
10:43 PM Revision fa26ca14 (qgis): avoid closing the last tab of the message log viewer
(cherry picked from commit ee8e340d6e84aa91b7b4813e2c0668cc2a6fd5f6) Jürgen Fischer
10:41 PM Bug report #15145 (Closed): Layer not updated when setting renderer symbol props from context menu
Fixed in changeset commit:"5078e464feb5faeafe07a269fac1171af48252f1". Nyall Dawson
10:07 PM Bug report #15145 (Closed): Layer not updated when setting renderer symbol props from context menu
When setting multiple symbol properties (color, size, transparency, etc) from the right click menu in a graduated or ... Nyall Dawson
10:37 PM Revision a58e7108 (qgis): dxf export: add support for expression contexts and rotated symbols (fi...
(cherry picked from commit c30f71ac73796bb2a39ff0fd4f2349b9fde222ac) Jürgen Fischer
10:37 PM Revision 5ce8a451 (qgis): dxf export: support rule based labeling (fixes #13757)
(cherry picked from commit f19a35c34e758ed17704c77a7ee334bf866bd46f) Jürgen Fischer
10:34 PM Revision 7025fba5 (qgis): extent group box: fix header spelling
(cherry picked from commit 59de73ac3ba2c0c56ba7bf7412bafad8e739ac4e) Jürgen Fischer
10:33 PM Revision 11f42c9c (qgis): oracle provider: also try sdo_filter on queries
(cherry picked from commit 1cc82af899302107232832a4a31e1c782136c07c) Jürgen Fischer
10:32 PM Revision eeca8029 (qgis): don't strip utf8 in log
Jürgen Fischer
10:12 PM Bug report #15142 (Closed): regression: customizing color of a {graduated,categorized} item fails
Fixed in changeset commit:"45b878331cffa433f051889edc832f3fcf0e098f". Nyall Dawson
07:45 PM Bug report #15142 (Closed): regression: customizing color of a {graduated,categorized} item fails
Under master, customizing (after classification) the fill color of a categorized or graduated item fails.
*Steps to ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:50 PM Bug report #15144 (Closed): Label properties button opens style dock, not label tab
Fixed in changeset commit:"5b166a9d6b37c64938039885af70d7af2528a7f5". Nyall Dawson
09:05 PM Bug report #15144 (Closed): Label properties button opens style dock, not label tab
Click the label properties button just opens the style dock - this should open the style dock at the label tab. Nyall Dawson
09:20 PM Revision ef4a0d8d (qgis): Move problematics tests at the end of tests...
09:11 PM Bug report #15143 (Closed): symbol layer color lock is broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"8dc8952dde36fd84cafc8aa5f18bfb3cc4570f4b". Nyall Dawson
09:03 PM Bug report #15143 (Closed): symbol layer color lock is broken
Setting a symbol layer as locked has no effect and the setting is lost upon reopening the style dock/layer properties Nyall Dawson
09:02 PM Bug report #14702 (Closed): GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
I believe this is a change/bug in GDAL itself - trying to convert a shapefile with Z to GPX using ogr2ogr also result... Nyall Dawson
09:02 PM Bug report #14702 (Closed): GPX-Export: Wrong coordinates and altitude values (QGIS 2.14.1 Linux)
I believe this is a change/bug in GDAL itself - trying to convert a shapefile with Z to GPX using ogr2ogr also result... Nyall Dawson
07:17 PM Bug report #15141 (Closed): regression: changing symbol "template" in categorized renderer applie...
Fixed in changeset commit:"df579a57e110463d34e46b9542a07a0e201adc7d". Nyall Dawson
06:34 PM Bug report #15141 (Closed): regression: changing symbol "template" in categorized renderer applie...
A regression is affecting the styling of already-set categories in the categorized renderer, whereas changes done thr... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:42 PM Bug report #15139 (Closed): svg text rendering with large offset
Already fixed in master, and will be backported to 2.14 Nyall Dawson
05:42 PM Bug report #15139 (Closed): svg text rendering with large offset
Already fixed in master, and will be backported to 2.14 Nyall Dawson
12:40 PM Bug report #15139 (Closed): svg text rendering with large offset
Several svg symbolisers are rendering incorrectly in QGIS. Text elements are offset to the right.
Example: NorthArr...
Gavin Fleming
05:33 PM Revision 925d14b2 (qgis): Don't lock canvas when trying to pan to null geometry
Fix #15122 Matthias Kuhn
05:33 PM Revision f3216bb0 (qgis): QgsMapLayerRegistry::removeMapLayers don't emit signals when empty
Fix #15088 Matthias Kuhn
05:32 PM Revision c83c26ac (qgis): Adding &TRANSPARENT=true makes too big legend images look good
See for screenshots & test service url Richard Duivenvoorde
05:32 PM Revision 9bdfa67d (qgis): WMS GetLegendGraphic fix #15055
When creating the legend image url, this tests for available queryparams
in a c...
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:29 PM Revision 4140655f (qgis): Remove 3 unit tests that don't perform well in osgeo4travis
05:18 PM Feature request #15132 (Closed): Make outline color of simple symbols changeable automatically
Fixed in changeset commit:"9f0ae9b4084eaec65635ee5d9d1574b55ee0100d". Nyall Dawson
04:13 PM Revision a1c541ee (qgis): Add another bunch of tests for rasters
04:12 PM Revision 2a98098c (qgis): Fix interfaces
03:35 PM Bug report #15124: MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
This only occurs with the text edit widget. Tested with Lyon and Master and the problem also exists. The only worka... Damien Smith
03:07 PM Bug report #15140: Item snapping in print composer
Maybe not all DTP then ;) more discussion in #8943 Nyall Dawson
03:01 PM Bug report #15140: Item snapping in print composer
Hi Nyall, I can't confirm this for Scribus (see screencast). R. R.
02:15 PM Bug report #15140 (Closed): Item snapping in print composer
This is by design, and is the usual behaviour in DTP packages Nyall Dawson
02:15 PM Bug report #15140 (Closed): Item snapping in print composer
This is by design, and is the usual behaviour in DTP packages Nyall Dawson
01:06 PM Bug report #15140 (Closed): Item snapping in print composer
When moving an item in the print composer, snapping depends on the width of the border. To me it would be more meanin... R. R.
12:48 PM Revision 758f917e (qgis): Fix r.his
12:47 PM Revision 972fc9fa (qgis): Hide layer edit state buttons on relation editor when in transaction
... because that the buttons are there was mainly triggered by the fact
that it's sometimes hard to find the appropri...
Matthias Kuhn
12:36 PM Revision b68800e1 (qgis): Fix r.fillnulls
12:34 PM Bug report #15138 (Closed): WMS 1.1.1 doesn't work in master
Trying to add WMS layer from server
In QGIS 2.14 it wor...
dr -
12:27 PM Bug report #3673: Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
I think we can close this one because end user have to remember that the memory layer will not be saved when ...
04:33 AM Bug report #3673 (Feedback): Offline edit: do not allow select not PostGIS/WFS-T layers
What is the status of this issue?
I think the crashes are solved (if not, please specify the conditions)
The title ...
Matthias Kuhn
12:15 PM Revision 4b0df5bc (qgis): QgsMapLayerRegistry::removeMapLayers don't emit signals when empty
Fix #15088 Matthias Kuhn
12:03 PM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
Matthias - I've only been able to reproduce this under Windows. Nyall Dawson
04:21 AM Bug report #13061: QGIS crashes on close if data was read through GDAL in Python Console
Can't reproduce on latest master / Fedora. Matthias Kuhn
12:00 PM Revision f193c4e2 (qgis): Don't put default network cache directory directly in $HOME
Fix #15111 Matthias Kuhn
11:58 AM Revision 25411c73 (qgis): Fix r.composite
11:44 AM Revision 0bac4b86 (qgis): Don't lock canvas when trying to pan to null geometry
Fix #15122 Matthias Kuhn
11:00 AM Revision 88fc149d (qgis): Fix labeling priority slider not working with style dock (fix #15126)
Also remove a lot of unnecessary duplicate connections Nyall Dawson
10:30 AM Bug report #15094 (Closed): Labels disappear
This is by design.
On dense maps and this option on, the user experience decreases rapidly.
It's best to spread the ...
Matthias Kuhn
10:30 AM Bug report #15094 (Closed): Labels disappear
This is by design.
On dense maps and this option on, the user experience decreases rapidly.
It's best to spread the ...
Matthias Kuhn
10:26 AM Feature request #15057 (Open): Allow custom value map widget sorting
Sorry, I was confusing terminology.
In the Value Relation widget we have the terms Key => Value which conform to the ...
Matthias Kuhn
09:40 AM Revision 9c16a958 (qgis): Use field icon for vector field symbol layer combo boxes
Nyall Dawson
09:40 AM Revision 302f8d41 (qgis): Capitalisation
Nyall Dawson
09:40 AM Revision e6034e9a (qgis): Fix vector field symbol does not use subsymbol color (fix #15130)
Nyall Dawson
09:40 AM Revision 6d6aa8dd (qgis): Fix cannot set line symbol data defined properties for vector
field marker (refs #15131) Nyall Dawson
09:27 AM Bug report #15137 (Closed): Vector file remains locked after delete QgsVectorLayer object
I use lot of temp files for loading data.
sample code:
shutil.copy(source_gml, gml_path+'/temp/file.gml')
Jakub Kosik
09:09 AM Feature request #15136 (Open): Snap to midpoint of segment
A 'Snap to midpoint of segment' option may be helpful in some cases. R. R.
08:19 AM Revision b2e820b4 (qgis): Merge pull request #3237 from nirvn/form_view_icon_p2
[gui] more colorful form view icon Nyall Dawson
05:36 AM Feature request #4128 (Closed): Display a progress bar when loading shp/dbf
In the attribute table there is a progress bar and there are better ways (see #14994).
For rendering this doesn't mak...
Matthias Kuhn
05:22 AM Feature request #12251: ArcGIS Joins (spreadsheets, tables, etc.)
This probably boils down to two or three feature requests:
* Add a possibility to hide certain layers from the lege...
Matthias Kuhn
05:17 AM Feature request #10310 (Closed): open project on launch **relative path** option
Matthias Kuhn
05:14 AM Bug report #14283 (Feedback): various crashes in georeferencer
Matthias Kuhn
05:11 AM Bug report #14283: various crashes in georeferencer
I tried hard to reproduce, zooming and panning like crazy but it just would not crash (latest master).
Did you chang...
Matthias Kuhn
05:11 AM Revision a91697e5 (qgis): [gui] more colorful form view icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:15 AM Bug report #14037 (Feedback): frequent crash when editing data in relation forms (standard relati...
I just tried hard to reproduce the crash with the attached project but I did not succeed.
Is this still an issue?
Matthias Kuhn
04:05 AM Bug report #14217 (Closed): Segfault on QgsMapCanvas() creation
Make it a gui application and it will work:
app = QgsApplication(sys.argv, True)
Matthias Kuhn
04:05 AM Bug report #14217 (Closed): Segfault on QgsMapCanvas() creation
Make it a gui application and it will work:
app = QgsApplication(sys.argv, True)
Matthias Kuhn
03:59 AM Bug report #14731 (Closed): Project file data loss
It is impossible to fix this issue with the information provided in this report.
If you have additional information ...
Matthias Kuhn
03:59 AM Bug report #14731 (Closed): Project file data loss
It is impossible to fix this issue with the information provided in this report.
If you have additional information ...
Matthias Kuhn
03:49 AM Bug report #15102 (Closed): Forms and transaction mode: Edit and Save buttons in nested forms sho...
Fixed in changeset commit:"972fc9fa11646543548577c043a18e5bc99a19ec". Anonymous
03:20 AM Bug report #15095 (Closed): QGIS forms view: sort order in left column not preserved
Fixed in commit:3661f92cc9d58f4dc40ad8dc5f8aefca5fa55558 Matthias Kuhn
03:20 AM Bug report #15095 (Closed): QGIS forms view: sort order in left column not preserved
Fixed in commit:3661f92cc9d58f4dc40ad8dc5f8aefca5fa55558 Matthias Kuhn
03:17 AM Bug report #15088 (Closed): Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
Fixed in changeset commit:"4b0df5bc5b71523ad35db050c57ca3c04c2b6d1e". Anonymous
03:01 AM Bug report #15111 (Closed): wfsprovider directory is located in home directory
Fixed in changeset commit:"f193c4e27d65ac5c0bf4d6414ca8e97b18b91116". Anonymous
02:53 AM Bug report #15122 (Closed): Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
Fixed in changeset commit:"0bac4b86125b511f9022784eadcaca985ca7af38". Anonymous
02:24 AM Bug report #12502: processing:runalg locks input file
I found it's not only related to processing.
In my plugin I used a lot of temp *.shp files. After "del vlayer" I wa...
Jakub Kosik
02:06 AM Feature request #15119: on screen snapping indicator
Nice input!
My ideas are:
* highlight the whole geometry with a soft (semi transparent) color.
* highlight the sn...
Matthias Kuhn
02:04 AM Bug report #15126 (Closed): style dock: labeling's priority slider broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"88fc149d59f9ed08729aa6431767b43791967478". Nyall Dawson


01:53 AM Bug report #15127: Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
The current solution with the two different concepts of actions (QgsMapLayerActionRegistry and QgsAttributeAction) ca... Matthias Kuhn
12:48 AM Bug report #15130 (Closed): Marker color does not translate to Vector Field Marker symbol layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"e6034e9a1ed69f6e345a7a2dc7e42754107896a3". Nyall Dawson
06:25 AM Bug report #15130 (Closed): Marker color does not translate to Vector Field Marker symbol layer
Changing the marker color on the symbol level does not affect the color of Vector Field marker symbol layers.
This m...
Anita Graser
12:48 AM Revision c4d620a7 (qgis): fix translation string typo
Jürgen Fischer
05:44 PM Bug report #15024: "qgis --help" command does nothing on Windows
I believe (can't find docs on this right now) that this stems from Windows not allowing applications to be defined as... Larry Shaffer
12:59 PM Feature request #15135 (Open): Materialized virtual layers
Please add an option to create materialized virtual layers. R. R.
12:14 PM Bug report #15134 (Closed): Virtual Layer - Selecting multipart features fails
I've created a virtual layer to calculate the building coverage ratio of land parcels. Unfortunately, selecting featu... R. R.
12:01 PM Feature request #15132: Make outline color of simple symbols changeable automatically
@Harrissou symbol color is usually applied to symbol layer fill colors but with data defined overrides, users can als... Anita Graser
09:13 AM Feature request #15132: Make outline color of simple symbols changeable automatically
I often fail on changing color and then remark that it was about fill color (which was None in my symbol) instead ...
Harrissou Santanna
07:05 AM Feature request #15132 (Closed): Make outline color of simple symbols changeable automatically
Some simple symbols, such as "line" or "arrowhead" only consist of outlines. When changing the color of the symbol, o... Anita Graser
07:13 AM Revision 340a6f65 (qgis): Make measure dialog only stay on top of QGIS window (fix #12261)
Nyall Dawson
06:52 AM Revision d9a1df90 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize form view and tracking icons (#3236)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:35 AM Revision 7bf17517 (qgis): [style dock] Connect rule edit to widget changed
Nathan Woodrow
06:27 AM Feature request #15131 (Closed): Add data defined overrides to Vector Field markers
Currently, Vector Field markers do not offer data defined overrides for any of their settings. This feels like a seve... Anita Graser
04:51 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
@Andreas, sorry for the delay.
I don't really care about these forms. I can close them as I can not. It doesn't matte...
Harrissou Santanna
03:40 AM Bug report #15054: Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
I can check nightly tomorrow. Thank you! Anita Graser


10:21 PM Bug report #14590: MSSQL fails to render layer with invalid features
I have fixed this is in master using a IsValid() check however I think I will try the Filter method before release. Nathan Woodrow
10:18 PM Bug report #14706: Style dock doesn't clear title on remove layer
Using layer combo now. Nathan Woodrow
10:14 PM Bug report #12261 (Closed): New measuring dialog stays always on top
Fixed in changeset commit:"340a6f654b5803f21a89ccbc22950cca80f4331b". Nyall Dawson
10:05 PM Bug report #14893 (Closed): Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
Changed now. Nathan Woodrow
10:05 PM Bug report #14893 (Closed): Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
Changed now. Nathan Woodrow
10:02 PM Bug report #15054 (Closed): Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
Nathan Woodrow
10:02 PM Bug report #15054: Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
Anita I have tweaked these now. Are you able to check for me. Nathan Woodrow
07:51 PM Revision 4b16c64e (qgis): plugin manager: show plugin description and allow voting without webkit
Jürgen Fischer
05:17 PM Revision c1d0fab0 (qgis): Fix env var
Alessandro Pasotti
05:13 PM Revision ca55b21b (qgis): Make offline layer visible
Alessandro Pasotti
05:12 PM Revision 323da1be (qgis): Fixed WFS-T fid<->gml fid sync (thanks to roualt)
Alessandro Pasotti
02:17 PM Bug report #15124: MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
SQL SERVER 2016 and QGIS 2.14.3
Working fine here
Andre Jesus
02:11 PM Revision a5392fb5 (qgis): [processing] add support for longlong fields in spatial join alg (fix #...
(cherry picked from commit 87fea73647a2319aaa3c110cb26967f7f217d7f4) Alexander Bruy
02:10 PM Revision 87fea736 (qgis): [processing] add support for longlong fields in spatial join alg (fix #...
Alexander Bruy
01:34 PM Bug report #14964 (Closed): WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
Nyall Dawson
07:33 AM Bug report #14964: WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
Closing. There's nothing we can really do (reasonably) about a malformed XML file sent by the server Even Rouault
01:29 PM Bug report #14965 (Closed): wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
Nyall Dawson
07:34 AM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
Closing. This can/should be normally easily fixed on server side. Even Rouault
12:20 PM Revision bb815683 (qgis): Fix bug in GDALTools Assign Projection
Assign Projection uses gdalwarp, and this works correctly when a raster has no CRS assigned, however, in the case of ... Andy Harfoot
11:38 AM Revision 02a0ebe1 (qgis): [WFS provider] Document hideDownloadProgressDialog=1 URI option
Even Rouault
11:38 AM Revision d73ec067 (qgis): [WFS provider] Un-break building of offline editing database with 'Only...
Even Rouault
11:16 AM Revision 3ece8aca (qgis): don't apply raster style to vectors (fix #15001)
Alexander Bruy
09:59 AM Revision c6e0ad36 (qgis): Merge pull request #3226 from rduivenvoorde/legendsizefix
Adding &TRANSPARENT=true makes too big legend images look good
fix #15089
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:11 AM Revision 66c47d7a (qgis): Keep feature form only on top of application and not system
Better fix #15103 Matthias Kuhn
08:40 AM Revision 279a65bb (qgis): align icons on the Manage layers toolbar (fix #15074) (#3232)
Alexander Bruy
07:51 AM Revision 343e177d (qgis): Merge pull request #3183 from DHI-GRAS/release-2_14
[processing] fixes to GrassUtils and Grass7Utils (mostly cherry-picked jef-n) Alexander Bruy
07:49 AM Revision 67493514 (qgis): Merge pull request #3231 from arnaud-morvan/processing_menu_translation
[processing] translate alg names in vector menu and options dialog Alexander Bruy
06:39 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
I confirm, that your patch corrects the problem. Thanks for your work!
Similar patch for form fTool...
Andrzej Popowski
05:12 AM Bug report #15072 (Closed): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Fixed in changeset commit:"a5392fb51d0743458ba84c5a3841cae5b6a67718". Alexander Bruy
04:40 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
These are result, that I get in Windows, processing in both versions. Andrzej Popowski
04:40 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
These are result, that I get in Windows, processing in both versions. Andrzej Popowski
04:22 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
I guess problem is the same in both tickets, only this one deals with outdated feature. Maybe better reject this one ... Andrzej Popowski
02:50 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Andrzej Popowski wrote:
> I see you have rejected ticket for processing as a duplicate. I'm confused.
It was exactly...
Alexander Bruy
02:39 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
I see you have rejected ticket for processing as a duplicate. I'm confused.
I don't know how to install fTools in mas...
Andrzej Popowski
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403
Even Rouault
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403
Even Rouault
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403
Even Rouault
02:52 AM Bug report #14810: Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
I think yes. I can't reproduce it with lastest master and 2.14.3 (89a1f5b).
If possible, please test with nightly bu...
Alexander Bruy
02:46 AM Bug report #14810: Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
This issue still occurs in 2.14.3 64 bits on windows 7 64 bits.
Did you mean it is fixed in master and so it will fix...
Nicolas Boisteault
02:30 AM Bug report #14810 (Closed): Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
Fixed in master and 2.14.3. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
02:30 AM Bug report #14810 (Closed): Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
Fixed in master and 2.14.3. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
02:40 AM Bug report #15129 (Closed): WMS Geoserver - Map request failed (closed connection)
Working on QGIS 2.12, 2.8 and 2.4, I am experiencing troubles when trying to display a WMS layer from a Geoserve...
Mathieu SIG


01:04 AM Revision 92bfcd48 (qgis): update QgsAttributeTableFilterModel sip bindings
Jürgen Fischer
12:59 AM Bug report #15089 (Closed): WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?
Fixed in changeset commit:"c6e0ad36e8372c20ba49dd31ee36b3cb815d8961". Richard Duivenvoorde
12:08 AM Bug report #15121 (Rejected): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Alexander Bruy
04:49 PM Bug report #15121: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
I can confirm this with 2.14.3. I have a class of people using 2.14.3, some with Macs, some with Linux, some with Win... Eric Brelsford
11:14 AM Bug report #15121 (Rejected): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
When executing QGIS geoalgorithm "Join Attributes by Location" with attribute summary as "Take summary of intersectin... Andrzej Popowski
11:40 PM Bug report #15074 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Button alignment
Fixed in changeset commit:"279a65bb7e297a7df8a5674949feb8ce3f115479". Alexander Bruy
11:01 PM Bug report #15127 (Closed): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
The action "Set as atlas feature" is automatically added if a layer is used as Atlas coverage layer.
However, this a...
Andreas Neumann
10:22 PM Revision 4b001824 (qgis): oracle provider: by default skip additional geometry columns (on 64bit
Windows/Linux OCI crashes when there are more than three geometry
Jürgen Fischer
10:13 PM Bug report #15126 (Closed): style dock: labeling's priority slider broken
The labeling's priority slider is broken when set through the style dock's live update.
*Steps to reproduce*
# Creat...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:58 PM Bug report #15122: Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
Confirm. Faced with the same issue. Also you can freeze canvas by zooming out with mouse wheel. dr -
01:02 PM Bug report #15122: Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
tested in QGIS 2.14.3 (not 2.4.3.. typo). Can't seem to be able to update my original posting. Tudor Bărăscu
12:58 PM Bug report #15122 (Closed): Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
When running the "Pan map to the selected rows" tool on a row that has NULL geometry the canvas gets stuck to the ext... Tudor Bărăscu
06:55 PM Revision f473521a (qgis): Replace an explicit delete with a ScopedPointer
Sandro Santilli
06:06 PM Revision 4d480725 (qgis): Fix initial widget focus in credential dialog
Matthias Kuhn
06:06 PM Revision b07bae60 (qgis): Default timeout for message bar items is 5 seconds
Matthias Kuhn
06:06 PM Revision 3661f92c (qgis): Persist attribute table sort order when clicking on column header
And when sorting by preview expression Matthias Kuhn
05:38 PM Revision 9edab1e0 (qgis): [Processing] Translate alg names in menu and options dialog
Arnaud Morvan
05:17 PM Revision defd7388 (qgis): Merge pull request #3229 from mhugo/fix_15113
Allow curved polygons to be inverted (fixes #15113) Hugo Mercier
05:15 PM Revision a4195153 (qgis): use QgsWKBTypes to check layer wkb type (follow up 904dc21625)
(cherry picked from commit e6970ba597a778afe47b551a6999f5305450f52b) Alexander Bruy
05:14 PM Revision e6970ba5 (qgis): use QgsWKBTypes to check layer wkb type (follow up 904dc21625)
Alexander Bruy
04:53 PM Revision afa0335b (qgis): [Globe] Rework qgis tilesource update logic
Sandro Mani
04:20 PM Revision c131ee22 (qgis): [Globe] Remove qgis layer explicitly when resetting globe to stop all r...
Sandro Mani
04:16 PM Revision 4b6d38c4 (qgis): Add option to suppress SIP warnings (#3230)
to fix travis builds for OSX. Yay Matthias Kuhn
04:16 PM Revision b63f7887 (qgis): Add qgstestutils.h file with test helpers (#3208)
Initially containing QGSCOMPARENEAR(a,b,epsilon) which prints
debug information if the comparison fails
Nyall Dawson
04:09 PM Revision 8976c9de (qgis): Allow curved polygons to be inverted (fixes #15113)
Hugo Mercier
04:00 PM Feature request #15125 (Open): Legend text reflects feature label style
Could there be a way for the legend text in a map composer to be defined by the label settings (typeface, font size, ... Nathan Perry
03:58 PM Bug report #15124 (Closed): MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
When editing data in an MSSQL table, the form (and browser) does not allow the user to enter a decimal point when edi... Damien Smith
03:38 PM Bug report #15123 (Closed): QGIS tries to remove SQL query layers if they return empty
I've had this issue where I build an SQL query layer to retrieve data from a database and QGIS opens, if the same que... Daniel Moreira
02:24 PM Revision 8b57da3a (qgis): support 25D layers in network analysis library (fix #11952)
(cherry picked from commit 904dc216251d183305ba1c5dc6c846be10a879db) Alexander Bruy
02:22 PM Revision 904dc216 (qgis): support 25D layers in network analysis library (fix #11952)
Alexander Bruy
01:32 PM Revision c943531c (qgis): fix signal-slot connection in New SpatiaLite layer dialog (fix #14343)
(cherry picked from commit 70b9296f371a057ab90f64a6edc39f482a26f21d) Alexander Bruy
01:31 PM Revision 70b9296f (qgis): fix signal-slot connection in New SpatiaLite layer dialog (fix #14343)
Alexander Bruy
01:03 PM Revision 57d3c78c (qgis): rename "snapping mode" option (#3222)
Harrissou Santanna
12:50 PM Revision 437cb85c (qgis): Left align mapped values
Fix #15101 Matthias Kuhn
10:50 AM Revision d1952ba9 (qgis): Fix dialog title (#3228)
Harrissou Santanna
10:47 AM Revision 0783e8fc (qgis): Keep attribute dialog in front
Fix #15103 Matthias Kuhn
09:51 AM Feature request #15120 (Open): select all or none for snapping options window
I sometimes work with projects that have lots of layers and like to setup snapping for individual layers.
That windo...
Donovan Cameron
09:30 AM Feature request #15119 (Closed): on screen snapping indicator
It'd be really nice if there was some kind of visual indicator telling the user what is being snapped.
For example...
Donovan Cameron
09:16 AM Feature request #14771 (Rejected): QGIS Browser: being able to sort list of files returned in pro...
Alexander Bruy
09:02 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Andrzej Popowski wrote:
> I guess it should be other ticket?
Please tests also with master, and if you will cr...
Alexander Bruy
08:49 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
??Please check that you have no Processing in your ~/.qgis2/plugins directory??
Processing folders:
Simon Dedman
02:36 AM Bug report #11187 (Feedback): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
Simon Dedman wrote:
> And what's odd today is that I had processing in /usr/share but no menu, and since moving it fr...
Alexander Bruy
08:48 AM Bug report #15118 (Closed): [Processing] Options dialog remove vector menu entries
When processing options dialog is accepted, processing vector menu entries disapear but are not recreated.
This shou...
Arnaud Morvan
08:28 AM Bug report #14535: fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version upgrade
For those who wants to reset affected vector menu entries :... Arnaud Morvan
08:24 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
Storing menu entries in english is not a good solution as users will edit them in their language.
I also note that th...
Arnaud Morvan
07:12 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
Note that processing vector menu entries are stored in settings after translation. So this is not completely resolved... Arnaud Morvan
06:55 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
There was two different translations on Transifex depending on context string Vect&or => (&Vecteur and Vect&eur). I'v... Arnaud Morvan
08:20 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
How about Debian 8 with QGIS-2.8.9 and dev/2.15/5bb2c7d ?
The test you (or your friend) made only show a regression u...
Sandro Santilli
08:17 AM Bug report #15113 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
Fixed in changeset commit:"defd7388bc612f0dd7c0a69f92fa27af09422357". Hugo Mercier
04:55 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
I can reproduce.
After a quick look at the code, that should not be a big deal to fix
Hugo Mercier
04:31 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
In the attached png image you can see the error message I get with border_risch_curve_polygon.gpkg Andreas Neumann
04:10 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
Im am sorry, it was the wrong data set - you are right, it was line data, but with WKB Type "Compound Curve".
The da...
Andreas Neumann
07:09 AM Bug report #15116 (Closed): Bad interpretation of CircularString representing full circle
Currently for a CircularString(p0,p1,p2) where p0 == p2, QGIS considers p1 to be the center of the circle, whereas GD... Even Rouault
05:35 AM Bug report #14980 (Closed): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
I could not add algorithm in the graphical modeler.
I can not reproduce with the latest version of the master.
02:37 AM Bug report #14980 (Feedback): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
can you explain what is this problem? I can't understand anything from your report. Alexander Bruy
02:37 AM Bug report #14980 (Feedback): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
can you explain what is this problem? I can't understand anything from your report. Alexander Bruy
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved...
René-Luc ReLuc
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved...
René-Luc ReLuc
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved...
René-Luc ReLuc
05:22 AM Bug report #11952 (Closed): Network analysis graph empty
Fixed in changeset commit:"904dc216251d183305ba1c5dc6c846be10a879db". Alexander Bruy
04:59 AM Bug report #15115 (Closed): WMS error message is too short
When connecting to a WMS, I get an error message that is too short.
Magnus Nilsson
04:43 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
This is a feature, not a bug. You could manually set rotation for the labels/symbols if you don't want this behaviour... Nyall Dawson
04:43 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
This is a feature, not a bug. You could manually set rotation for the labels/symbols if you don't want this behaviour... Nyall Dawson
04:42 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
I really don't know if it is by design or a regression, let's see if the main Composer dev can answer. @ndawson Giovanni Manghi
04:13 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
Yes it was!
I have attached the same PDFs but printed in QGIS 2.6.1. Point symbols and labels are rotated according ...
Seb Radzimski
04:13 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
Yes it was!
I have attached the same PDFs but printed in QGIS 2.6.1. Point symbols and labels are rotated according ...
Seb Radzimski
03:09 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
in the description you say "from QGIS 2.8", before that it was any different? Giovanni Manghi
04:30 AM Bug report #14343 (Closed): Creating a SpatiLite layer without attributes fails in the 'New Spati...
Fixed in changeset commit:"70b9296f371a057ab90f64a6edc39f482a26f21d". Alexander Bruy
04:16 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
@Harrissou: why one-click more? It is exactly the same nr of clicks as before - it just would be on top of the main w... Andreas Neumann
02:05 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
Actually not exactly, it is now also on top of other applications which is not really what I wanted... I'll check again. Matthias Kuhn
04:08 AM Feature request #14856: Processing: Use r.external.out for GRASS raster algorithms
Be aware of this one: Stefan Blumentrath
04:06 AM Bug report #14934 (Closed): Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
Yes, indeed. I confused it with liblas...
lasinfo and the like might be useful in processing too.
But that is probabl...
Stefan Blumentrath
04:03 AM Bug report #14934 (Feedback): Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
Alexander Bruy
04:03 AM Bug report #14934: Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
If I'm not wrong, LAS tools are not included in OSGeo4W, so for me there is no sense to try to detect them here. Alexander Bruy
03:51 AM Bug report #15101 (Closed): Relation reference widget: values in combobox show right-aligned when...
Fixed in changeset commit:"437cb85cd5590eb3525cbb5be4c120a5841fa26e". Anonymous
03:33 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
Here is where version detection started Alexander Bruy
03:02 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Seems this happens because Processing tries to detect OTB version by launching otbcli_Smoothi...
Victor Poughon
02:43 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
Seems this happens because Processing tries to detect OTB version by launching otbcli_Smoothing command. Detecting ve... Alexander Bruy
02:33 AM Bug report #13279: Processing & SAGA
According to SAGA 2.3 will support reading data via GDAL. Alexander Bruy
02:23 AM Bug report #15110: Where have all the line numbers gone?
Thx! R. R.
02:08 AM Feature request #14396: Button to clear WMS Capability cache in the "Add WMS/WMTS layer" dialog
Faced with the same issue on the latest master. If I change layer name on server side then after clicking "Connect" I... dr -


01:51 AM Bug report #15103 (Closed): Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
Fixed in changeset commit:"0783e8fc1ddb7dbf4f2bb4804c07c28e2e14568c". Anonymous
01:48 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
Please try the current behavior.
On Linux it has been like that for years and I found it always confusing on the two...
Matthias Kuhn
10:45 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
> hm - what exactly do you mean by "noisy"? Isn't it up to the user to close the window he doesn't need anymore? It's... Harrissou Santanna
01:49 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
I am working in QGIS 2.8.9 LTR but I have noticed that also in 2.14.3 (on Windows 7/8) and in QGIS 2.8.2 on Ubuntu 12... Seb Radzimski
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now? Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now? Giovanni Manghi
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now? Giovanni Manghi
01:05 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
I have notice that from QGIS 2.8 labels and point symbols are not rotated in print composer (while changing map r...
Seb Radzimski
01:35 AM Bug report #8919 (Closed): R scripts: not possible to export .csv
Giovanni Manghi
12:30 AM Bug report #8919: R scripts: not possible to export .csv
Fixed with commit:f3bbf89 matteo ghetta
01:35 AM Bug report #15113 (Feedback): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
Giovanni Manghi
12:22 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
I've just tried the inverted polygon renderer on a curvedpolygon and it seems to work fine.
The attached file onl...
Hugo Mercier
11:02 PM Bug report #15113 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
If the layer is of type CurvePolygon, the inverted polygon renderer displays a message that this renderer type only w... Andreas Neumann
01:28 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
Hi Sandro,
I have the same configuration like you (using your project I get the same behavior).
I done more tests o...
Salvatore Larosa
06:44 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
What do you have in Settings->Snapping_Options ?
My settings are:
Snapping mode: Current Layer
Snap to: Off
Sandro Santilli
06:29 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
@strk thank you for all work on this issue.
the original bug was between 2.8.4 and 2.13 (master version). Today I ha...
Salvatore Larosa
04:36 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
The 2.15 regression in identify/select was fixed with commit:e92e7fe472bc0b6e040461ee4f2152a5369776ee in master.
Sandro Santilli
12:10 AM Bug report #14854 (Open): 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
Giovanni Manghi
12:07 AM Bug report #14617 (Closed): unable to display data from GRASS read-only mapset
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:07 AM Bug report #14617 (Closed): unable to display data from GRASS read-only mapset
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
11:55 PM Revision 232fb842 (qgis): debian packaging update: add python-future as dependency for python-qgi...
Jürgen Fischer
11:40 PM Revision 18603665 (qgis): heatmap plugin: port to C-API (fixes #15028)
Jürgen Fischer
11:38 PM Bug report #15053 (Closed): WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
QGIS 2.15.0-86 uses PROJ.4 version 4.9.2.
And YES, the parameters for datum "hermannskogel" are correct (7 Par...
Christoph Candido
11:01 PM Revision d7414d7e (qgis): [WFS provider] Handle the case where the layer schema has a ogc_fid field
Fixes #15062 Even Rouault
10:52 PM Revision 7c30985f (qgis): set symbol editor window title (fixes #15107)
Jürgen Fischer
10:41 PM Revision d9f934f9 (qgis): db manager: re-enable margins with line numbers in sql editor
(fixes #15110) Jürgen Fischer
09:12 PM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
Open WFS layer with GDAL using the followning XML:... dr -
08:10 PM Revision 8fcac87f (qgis): Fix API break of QgsMapLayer class introduced in 2.16
This breakage was resulting in a Python error when using plugin layers
due to calls to pure virtual method writeStyle()
Martin Dobias
08:10 PM Revision c92afcf2 (qgis): Fix double setExtent() calls
Whenever QgsMapCanvas::setExtent() would be called, the status scale
widget would be updated and cause another setExt...
Martin Dobias
03:31 PM Revision f8750a61 (qgis): Fix comment for precision loss
Sandro Santilli
03:26 PM Revision b040410c (qgis): Fix comment about precision loss
Thanks Even for helping with this Sandro Santilli
03:22 PM Revision 0a83f182 (qgis): selection by polygon: use 40 instead of 4 points for selection rectangl...
Jürgen Fischer
02:56 PM Bug report #14986 (Closed): python-future on 16.04
Fixed in changeset commit:"232fb842fa779ec8bb8cc605668b722781d4b493". Jürgen Fischer
02:47 PM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
Jürgen Fischer
02:43 PM Bug report #15028 (In Progress): Use GDAL C API only
Even Rouault wrote:
> (Original discussion: + https:...
Jürgen Fischer
02:41 PM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
Fixed in changeset commit:"186036659e31f416751f40ffc872da1d23996704". Jürgen Fischer
02:20 PM Revision fa524a2e (qgis): [processing] added ‘supported’ parameter to exportVectorLayer
(cherry picked from commit 9c2721b08b02641ab4c61f97f710aa6347b94c15) Victor Olaya
02:20 PM Revision 87789432 (qgis): [processing] fix gdal_contour algorithm
(cherry picked from commit e4c1d896e97952743ea1c0c2144e33983fa5706a)
Alexander Bruy
02:20 PM Revision 78881d64 (qgis): [processing] replace original layer name with exported in the final OGR...
(cherry picked from commit c81b14d59ec578bf678cab2c71b821de574ac0c3) Alexander Bruy
02:16 PM Revision c81b14d5 (qgis): [processing] replace original layer name with exported in the final OGR...
Alexander Bruy
02:01 PM Bug report #15062 (Closed): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"d7414d7eca19dedc158b4de6214a74c860c973ee". Even Rouault
01:06 PM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
Reproduced. Due to a ogc_fid field name that conflicts with the FID column name of the spatialite cache. Fix under way Even Rouault
12:52 PM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
I've made public demo: @ dr -
10:47 AM Bug report #15062 (Feedback): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
any URL I can test here locally? Giovanni Manghi
10:47 AM Bug report #15062 (Feedback): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
any URL I can test here locally? Giovanni Manghi
10:32 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
I cannot reproduce what you observe (works fine when adding several layers) and don't have a theory.
- Which GDAL ve...
Even Rouault
08:48 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
Have updated QGIS to latest master.
WFS server contains several layers. All works fine when I add first layer. But w...
dr -
01:55 PM Bug report #15107 (Closed): No title for the "Edit Symbol" dialog
Fixed in changeset commit:"7c30985f802ba4555a2cba29d9215ca4f153e278". Jürgen Fischer
01:44 PM Revision 740d9fb3 (qgis): [Globe] Make the reload button rebuild the entire qgis layer to recover...
Sandro Mani
01:42 PM Bug report #15110 (Closed): Where have all the line numbers gone?
Fixed in changeset commit:"d9f934f9508b6388f8245fe695bab0b7cc649c1e". Jürgen Fischer
11:12 AM Bug report #15110: Where have all the line numbers gone?
I can see them on master on Linux (kde) but not on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
11:02 AM Bug report #15110 (Closed): Where have all the line numbers gone?
In the SQL window the line numbers are missing. It seems this is a regression from a former QGIS version (2.8?):
R. R.
01:31 PM Revision d3d26030 (qgis): Port new MapToolIdentify tests from master
Includes the test for identifying invalid polygons showing
(still passing as of 2.14) - see #13635
Sandro Santilli
01:30 PM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
I see a lot of difference between empty string and questions marks! Questions marks are strongly associated with 'som... dr -
01:13 PM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
dr - wrote:
> If I select "UTF-8" then I see field value as "����" but if I select "System" then I see field value as...
Jürgen Fischer
09:42 AM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
If I select "UTF-8" then I see field value as "����" but if I select "System" then I see field value as empty string.... dr -
09:35 AM Bug report #13796 (Feedback): Attribute table swallow values
And what behavior do you expect? If you select "windows-1251" the value is "ЛЕСА" (forests). I suppose that would ... Jürgen Fischer
09:18 AM Bug report #13796 (Reopened): Attribute table swallow values
Issue is still present. dr -
09:18 AM Bug report #13796 (Reopened): Attribute table swallow values
Issue is still present. dr -
01:28 PM Revision e92e7fe4 (qgis): Allow converting polygons with unclosed rings to GEOS
Forces ring close on conversion, fixing a regression
from 2.8 (and 2.14). See #13635
Adds test for identifying inval...
Sandro Santilli
01:13 PM Revision 3fb87de1 (qgis): [styledock] inline new rule panel
Nathan Woodrow
12:35 PM Revision 1f0fce78 (qgis): db manager: fix drag and drop import (fixes #13712)
Jürgen Fischer
12:35 PM Revision 4677a3ac (qgis): spatial bookmarks: remove inaccessible context help
Jürgen Fischer
11:45 AM Bug report #15111 (Closed): wfsprovider directory is located in home directory
If Settings -> Options -> Network -> Cache settings (Directory) is not set explicitly then "wfsprovider" directory is... dr -
11:45 AM Revision b9b8d37c (qgis): [processing] add "-te_srs" option to gdal_warp (fix #15033)
Alexander Bruy
11:12 AM Revision d69ec2e8 (qgis): save as raster: fix vrt creation (fixes #14171)
Jürgen Fischer
11:12 AM Revision b369b208 (qgis): add .new from
Jürgen Fischer
10:51 AM Revision 216623ff (qgis): Fix wrong mapping of feature ids in offline editing
Fix #14727 Matthias Kuhn
10:07 AM Revision acc8274c (qgis): remove debug output
Alexander Bruy
10:05 AM Revision e4c1d896 (qgis): [processing] fix gdal_contour algorithm
Alexander Bruy
09:19 AM Revision f645b798 (qgis): Don't crash when default action is not set
Fix #15092 Matthias Kuhn
09:19 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Marco, could you take a look at this ? There's been lots of changes but no testcase:... Sandro Santilli
09:16 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
... Sandro Santilli
07:40 AM Bug report #13952 (In Progress): QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
I've tested 2.12.0 to be also bad, so bisect range is 2.10.1..2.12.0 -- bisecting started Sandro Santilli
07:24 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
2.10.1 is NOT affected either, so new range is good:2.10.1 bad:2.12.1 Sandro Santilli
07:07 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
2.8.9 is not affected, 2.12.1 supposedly was (as for original submission) Sandro Santilli
07:05 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
Confirmed as of 2.14.3 -- Snap to Segment Only is enough to reproduce (#note-11) Sandro Santilli
09:01 AM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
Doesn't crash here. But still doesn't seem to work. I get plenty of "RasterIO error: IReadBlock failed at X offset... Jürgen Fischer
08:33 AM Bug report #3975 (Open): PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
Jürgen Fischer
08:26 AM Bug report #15098 (Closed): ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
Jürgen Fischer
04:51 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
The qjson dependency is missing. Once you install the library, it works.
@Jürgen: can you add the dependency to the p...
Sandro Mani
03:05 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
Sandro Mani wrote:
> I am unable to reproduce this with my windows build. Did you compile yourself or what build are ...
Giovanni Manghi
06:37 AM Bug report #14841: Offline sync error with date types
I think its just a warning. But what I already mentioned last week in Bern (usergroup Switzerland): I think the relat... Raphael Häner
02:21 AM Bug report #14841 (Feedback): Offline sync error with date types
Is there any functionality which is problematic or is it just the warning? Matthias Kuhn
06:27 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> zoom out to ~300.000.000 and try select all features by click and drag.
> If you zoom in ...
Jürgen Fischer
06:23 AM Bug report #13754 (Closed): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Onl...
Fixed in changeset commit:"0a83f182f3e8aea684163096f70efc9f38399ad2". Jürgen Fischer
05:55 AM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work

> Because now Processing exports all vector layers into common format, that can be used by all backends and also to ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:15 AM Bug report #15099 (Closed): algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
Fixed in changeset commit:"c81b14d59ec578bf678cab2c71b821de574ac0c3". Alexander Bruy
03:55 AM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulting ogr2ogr co...
Alexander Bruy
05:53 AM Bug report #14961: Snapping bug
I have similar problem in Windows QGIS 2.8.9 and 2.14.3 - when I start QGIS and I open .qgs project, snapping is...
Seb Radzimski
05:51 AM Feature request #11365 (Closed): Remember last selected Imput DB file > OpenStreetMap plugin - Ex...
Seems fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
05:51 AM Feature request #11365 (Closed): Remember last selected Imput DB file > OpenStreetMap plugin - Ex...
Seems fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
05:48 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> QGIS web client has "project switcher" functionality, I think that he refers to that.
michele zanolli
05:14 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Processing doesn't work correctly either in 2.14.3, when I use csv map as target layer. The same processing procedure... Andrzej Popowski
04:50 AM Bug report #15093: Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
Yes, I thought it might be related to that issue. I can confirm that the 'Cancel' workaround does not work for me in ... Nathan Perry
04:10 AM Bug report #15109 (Closed): Autotracing fails with Circular Arcs in geometries
The autotracing digitizing mode fails if the data to trace on contains circular arcs (e.g. CompoundCurve, CurvePolygo... Andreas Neumann
03:35 AM Feature request #15108 (Open): "Pretty Break" for raster styling
It would be useful to have a "pretty break" option (identical to that available for vector styling) when styling rast... Kyle Somerville
03:35 AM Bug report #13712 (Closed): Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB M...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1f0fce7852e9f6a27af967d7ac7ee3989dce7b45". Jürgen Fischer
03:05 AM Bug report #15097: Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
the "none" issues are a regression since 2.8.* Giovanni Manghi
03:05 AM Bug report #15097: Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
the "none" issues are a regression since 2.8.* Giovanni Manghi
02:55 AM Bug report #14535: fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version upgrade
Do you see this with clean install? Alexander Bruy
02:44 AM Feature request #15033 (Closed): Processing: Warp should include -te_srs parameter
Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b8d37cc0b4c80ee50b4cc29b140262bf470354". Alexander Bruy
02:43 AM Bug report #14588 (Reopened): WIndows 7 freezes when using 'Pick color' tool
Hi. I recently updated QGIS from 2.14.0 to 2.14.3 and this problem is happening to me. I load a shapefile. open the... Philip Tait
02:34 AM Bug report #13494 (Feedback): QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
Jürgen Fischer
02:28 AM Bug report #14197 (Feedback): Export to shapefile from DXF throws an error: Attempt to write a no...
Works fine in master - with setting geometry type "automatic" and "Point" and w/ or w/o force multitype. But the DXF... Jürgen Fischer
02:13 AM Bug report #14171 (Closed): "save as" raster as VRT adds a usless ".tif" to folder output name, o...
Fixed in changeset commit:"d69ec2e8bb1c3a4b036f063454f27dff60c4e643". Jürgen Fischer


01:59 AM Bug report #15107 (Closed): No title for the "Edit Symbol" dialog
in Layers panel, right-click on a layer, Styles --> Edit symbol
The opened dialog is titled "qgis-dev-bin" instead of...
Harrissou Santanna
01:51 AM Bug report #14727 (Closed): offline edits update wrong feature
Fixed in changeset commit:"216623ffe02f16e98db63799c10da1f7063e2537". Anonymous
01:45 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
I am unable to reproduce this with my windows build. Did you compile yourself or what build are you using? Sandro Mani
11:40 PM Bug report #15098 (Closed): ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
"Cannot get Arcgis map server select dialog from provider".
is OK on Linux.
Tagging as severe a...
Giovanni Manghi
01:40 AM Bug report #15106 (Open): Layer panel: "Edit Symbol" does nothing if no symbol defined for a rule...
Create a rule-based rendering mode and set no symbol to one of the rules
In the Layers panel, right-click on the "no...
Harrissou Santanna
01:39 AM Feature request #8925: Saving label information/styles into an SLD File
from the first of 1 july this summer I have time to work on this plugin. If you want to participate in development al... Richard Zijlstra
01:37 AM Bug report #15105 (Closed): Problem with handling Plugin layers style
With QGIS master, when loading a plugin layer (Crayfish in my case) I get the following error:... Saber Razmjooei
01:34 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
hm - what exactly do you mean by "noisy"? Isn't it up to the user to close the window he doesn't need anymore? It's a... Andreas Neumann
01:14 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
I'd not be in favor of keeping them foreground. Could be noisy.
A first step can be to have only one form per feature...
Harrissou Santanna
12:07 AM Bug report #15103 (Closed): Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
When opening feature forms with the "Identify features" tool, there often multiple open forms that stay in the backgr... Andreas Neumann
01:33 AM Bug report #13993 (Closed): eVis plugin and UTF8
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #13993 (Closed): eVis plugin and UTF8
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:33 AM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:32 AM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
Can you do the same simply in PostgreSQL? I found this discussion Jukka Rahkonen
12:21 PM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
Wouldn't it be better to remove 'serial' and 'bigserial' until someone has implemented this feature?
R. R.
12:21 PM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
Wouldn't it be better to remove 'serial' and 'bigserial' until someone has implemented this feature?
R. R.
01:19 AM Bug report #15094: Labels disappear
Good, it works !
But, I think this must be the default. :)
Roberto BobMaX
01:00 AM Bug report #15094: Labels disappear
Hi Roberto, can you please activate 'Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)' and try again?
R. R.
11:03 PM Bug report #15094 (Closed): Labels disappear
from QGIS 2.14, the labels of two (or more) layers disappears randomically. Roberto BobMaX
01:09 AM Bug report #14690 (Closed): Unnecessary requirement in v.what.rast.points function when used in...
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:09 AM Bug report #14690 (Closed): Unnecessary requirement in v.what.rast.points function when used in...
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:08 AM Bug report #14394 (Closed): Tooltips are blank (2.14, 2.18)
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:08 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:08 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph
Giovanni Manghi
12:54 AM Bug report #13356 (Closed): editing in file geodatabase
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:52 AM Bug report #11596 (Closed): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print comp...
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:52 AM Bug report #11596 (Closed): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print comp...
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
12:51 AM Bug report #9784 (Closed): Zoom to selection doesn't work properly in point layer
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
12:51 AM Bug report #9784 (Closed): Zoom to selection doesn't work properly in point layer
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
12:48 AM Bug report #15104 (Closed): DB Manager: load only sample of attribute table records
As for geometries the attribute table view in DB manager is only useful as a preview (the user cannot really do anyth... Giovanni Manghi
12:23 AM Bug report #15092 (Closed): "Create default actions" crashes QGIS master
Fixed in changeset commit:"f645b79878f3e027a34347cfc70a058dee316c19". Anonymous
03:15 PM Bug report #15092 (Closed): "Create default actions" crashes QGIS master
Subject says it all. Tested on Windows and Linux. Giovanni Manghi
12:15 AM Bug report #15093: Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
See also: #14224
Here in QGIS master (Win7) everything seems to work.
R. R.
08:02 PM Bug report #15093 (Closed): Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
To reproduce:
1. Save a labeled vector layer's style as a .qml file.
2. Create a new vector layer OR add an existing...
Nathan Perry
12:09 AM Bug report #14846 (Feedback): QGIS Union: wrong results
Matthias Kuhn
11:59 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
It happens also on Linux with gdal 1.11.*
it seems that when creating the ogr2ogr command, now in master the input ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
Confirmed here, and is a regression.
A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulti...
Giovanni Manghi
11:54 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
Confirmed here, and is a regression.
A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulti...
Giovanni Manghi
11:42 PM Bug report #15099 (Closed): algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
the algorithm
import vector layer in database (avaible connection)
does not work if the layer's name contains an un...
11:58 PM Bug report #15102 (Closed): Forms and transaction mode: Edit and Save buttons in nested forms sho...
When the transaction mode for editing is enabled, all tables from the same data provider (currently only PostgreSQL s... Andreas Neumann
11:44 PM Bug report #15101 (Closed): Relation reference widget: values in combobox show right-aligned when...
When opening the combobox of a relation reference widget, the values show right-aligned.
They should be left-aligned...
Andreas Neumann
11:44 PM Bug report #15100 (Closed): Processing preconfigured algorithms python error
* create a preconfigured algorithm, and save it
* try open it
* see messages below
tagging as severe as is a new fea...
Giovanni Manghi
11:37 PM Bug report #14159 (Feedback): "QGIS-styled group boxes" option hides with WM(T)S "Image encoding"...
Not reproducable here - the group box is initially empty and populated once capabilities are retrieved (w/ or w/o qgi... Jürgen Fischer
11:31 PM Bug report #15097 (Closed): Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
* when selecting layers from filesystem and the table name is left blank, to leave the tool use the input vector as n... Giovanni Manghi
11:30 PM Bug report #15096 (Closed): Attribute table: sort by display value instead of numeric code
In the attribute table one can pick a sort column or expression.
For widgets that have a display value, it would be ...
Andreas Neumann
11:25 PM Bug report #15095 (Closed): QGIS forms view: sort order in left column not preserved
QGIS 2.16 has a new option to sort by column or expression directly in the form view. Previously, one had to switch t... Andreas Neumann
08:21 PM Revision 6111beea (qgis): [GDALTools] pass output format to gdal_contour (fix #6695)
Alexander Bruy
08:20 PM Revision 803cbada (qgis): [GDALTools] pass output format to gdal_contour (fix #6695)
Alexander Bruy
06:02 PM Revision 7eacd444 (qgis): prevent concurrent access while creating iterators and updating cache i...
kudos to @m-kuhn
Denis Rouzaud
06:01 PM Revision b4436271 (qgis): Fix allow clicking on a tags in maptips (#3218)
this is done by listening to the linkClicked signal Marco Bernasocchi
04:52 PM Revision 7697d79a (qgis): Merge pull request #3227 from m-kuhn/FixToplevelGroupBoxes
Fix groupboxes on toplevel in drag and drop designer Denis Rouzaud
04:48 PM Revision 3c06341a (qgis): add context help for the "add oracle layers" dialog and use QTextBrowse...
Jürgen Fischer
04:36 PM Revision eaff9662 (qgis): Fix groupboxes on toplevel in drag and drop designer
Matthias Kuhn
03:57 PM Revision c5e7a981 (qgis): [processing] speedup Hub distance algorithm (fix #15012)
(cherry picked from commit e0c9733f6482f184aeeff1339fafef210d1a0709)
Alexander Bruy
03:57 PM Revision 55fc3eea (qgis): [processing] use bulk features loading to speedup spatial index creation
(cherry picked from commit 2d9b2a354b01e29b8fe39aea02829d892880b438) Alexander Bruy
03:56 PM Revision e0c9733f (qgis): [processing] speedup Hub distance algorithm (fix #15012)
Alexander Bruy
03:56 PM Revision 2d9b2a35 (qgis): [processing] use bulk features loading to speedup spatial index creation
Alexander Bruy
03:28 PM Bug report #12056 (Closed): "Also list tables with no geometry" option indicated twice while addi...
The connection setting is the default for the selection dialog. Jürgen Fischer
03:28 PM Bug report #12056 (Closed): "Also list tables with no geometry" option indicated twice while addi...
The connection setting is the default for the selection dialog. Jürgen Fischer
03:13 PM Bug report #9071 (Closed): Filter queries ignore ""
Jürgen Fischer
02:57 PM Revision 5a439718 (qgis): Fix overlapping widgets with dnd designer and toplevel fields
Matthias Kuhn
02:50 PM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> Please could anyone remove the @item@ argument of emit() at the line 562 of the
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 PM Bug report #8606 (Closed): Data browser: all vector icons shown as polygons
That a configurable option, when Data Sources/Data source handling/Scan for valid items in the browser dock is set to... Jürgen Fischer
02:30 PM Bug report #8606 (Closed): Data browser: all vector icons shown as polygons
That a configurable option, when Data Sources/Data source handling/Scan for valid items in the browser dock is set to... Jürgen Fischer
02:25 PM Revision 679cab2c (qgis): Followup dab157f
Matthias Kuhn
01:53 PM Bug report #8604 (Closed): Repeated number of elements in legend
Jürgen Fischer
01:49 PM Bug report #8576 (Closed): PostGIS literal special character not escaped
fixed in commit:7829e7a Jürgen Fischer
01:49 PM Bug report #8576 (Closed): PostGIS literal special character not escaped
fixed in commit:7829e7a Jürgen Fischer
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64) Jürgen Fischer
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64) Jürgen Fischer
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64) Jürgen Fischer
12:39 PM Feature request #13950: Precise guide position in composer
After opening a .qgis file in a text editor (e.g. gedit) guide lines can be set by entering x and y values.
R. R.
12:09 PM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> I am not a QGIS developer, but some developers in some other projects which I know apprecia...
R. R.
11:49 AM Revision 251a6201 (qgis): Fix code style
Nathan Woodrow
11:49 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
Most likely this is not an issue of high priority. However, here is my proposal to fix it: #15079-2 R. R.
02:47 AM Feature request #15071 (Closed): Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
If you have any idea how to improve the confusing interface, please open a new issue. Matthias Kuhn
11:46 AM Revision dab157f7 (qgis): Minor fixes and doxymentation for QgsSnappingUtils
Matthias Kuhn
11:46 AM Revision 318a8350 (qgis): Default to creating an autoincrement primary key for spatialite
References #15071 ( Matthias Kuhn
11:19 AM Bug report #6695 (Closed): Contour extraction doe not consider chosen format
Fixed in changeset commit:"803cbada1344773500f337464e9178c45b32f1c6". Alexander Bruy
11:19 AM Revision f7c15069 (qgis): Adding &TRANSPARENT=true makes too big legend images look good
See for screenshots & test service url Richard Duivenvoorde
11:18 AM Revision 6fae6e22 (qgis): Update arrow mask image
Hugo Mercier
11:18 AM Bug report #15079: New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
Perhaps tooltips could help to improve the 'Create Table' dialogs.
R. R.
11:18 AM Bug report #15079: New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
Perhaps tooltips could help to improve the 'Create Table' dialogs.
R. R.
10:33 AM Revision 36e7f920 (qgis): Fix outline rendering in arrow symbol layer
Hugo Mercier
10:17 AM Feature request #15090 (Rejected): Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
Alexander Bruy
05:45 AM Feature request #15090 (Rejected): Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
Using Raster -> Projections -> Warp, it is possible to edit the command line handed over to gdalwarp before executing... Andre Joost
10:13 AM Feature request #13685 (Closed): Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
Processing was removed from Official Plugins Repository and will be shipped only with QGIS. Alexander Bruy
10:13 AM Feature request #13685 (Closed): Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
Processing was removed from Official Plugins Repository and will be shipped only with QGIS. Alexander Bruy
10:11 AM Bug report #14336 (Closed): saga:mergeshapeslayers missing
Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary Alexander Bruy
09:54 AM Bug report #15091 (Closed): qgis 2.14 and 2.15 - problem of character encoding with "virtual layer"
I try to utiiser "virtual layer" with an encoded layer 'latin1'.
I want to change the value of an attribute ...
jerome potel
09:10 AM Revision 543d5211 (qgis): WMS GetLegendGraphic fix #15055 (#3213)
When creating the legend image url, this tests for available queryparams
in a case-insensitive way...
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:06 AM Revision 3e1971b6 (qgis): Remove wrong override
Nathan Woodrow
09:00 AM Revision 8e2c201a (qgis): Fix build
Nathan Woodrow
08:26 AM Revision 672c2291 (qgis): Small fix in write.csv option (#3225)
matteo ghetta
08:26 AM Revision 1072d968 (qgis): [styledock] Inline edit panel for rules
Nathan Woodrow
08:26 AM Revision 82e2add0 (qgis): [ux] Show the color values in tooltip
Nathan Woodrow
07:51 AM Revision be1244d3 (qgis): Adjust symbol layer widgets for better dock use
Nathan Woodrow
07:49 AM Bug report #8477 (Closed): No help for Add Oracle Table
Fixed in changeset commit:"3c06341aa9ddf38b526d49fd5e6c3d8298217c71". Jürgen Fischer
07:47 AM Bug report #8477: No help for Add Oracle Table
That's the link to help of the New/Edit oracle connection dialog. Jürgen Fischer
07:28 AM Bug report #8070 (Closed): When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
should be fixed in commit:aeafe3c8 Jürgen Fischer
07:28 AM Bug report #8070 (Closed): When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
should be fixed in commit:aeafe3c8 Jürgen Fischer
06:55 AM Feature request #15012 (Closed): Hub Distance should use spatial index
Fixed in changeset commit:"e0c9733f6482f184aeeff1339fafef210d1a0709". Alexander Bruy
06:24 AM Bug report #15072 (Feedback): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Alexander Bruy
06:23 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Also works with 2.14.3 using Processing. Alexander Bruy
06:20 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
Note that fTools was removed and now you should use Processing. Works fine in master with Processing. Alexander Bruy
06:07 AM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
one more try, was this fixed by the same fix of #13857 ? Giovanni Manghi
06:05 AM Bug report #14822 (Open): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Giovanni Manghi
06:04 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Luca what do you mean by switching from a project to another ? Could you provide a script to...
Giovanni Manghi
06:03 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
see also Giovanni Manghi
06:02 AM Bug report #13952 (Open): QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
the error as described in #13952-11
is still valid on the latest master.
Giovanni Manghi
05:57 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
zoom out to ~300.000.000 and try select all features by click and drag.
If you zoom in enough selection seems to wor...
Giovanni Manghi
02:22 AM Bug report #15089: WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?

Richard Duivenvoorde


01:58 AM Bug report #15089 (Closed): WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?
Hi, some WMS services provide legend images for layers which are much too big:
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:14 AM Revision fea46f60 (qgis): precise layer selection option (#3223)
Harrissou Santanna
01:10 AM Bug report #14727 (Open): offline edits update wrong feature
Giovanni Manghi
01:06 AM Revision 94413b35 (qgis): postgres provider: allow database without postgis (fixes #6891)
Jürgen Fischer
12:36 AM Bug report #15042: DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
Thanks for having a look at it... This is really strange. I definitely get an error message if I use drag and drop (b... Jérôme Guélat
12:17 AM Revision ecf3b371 (qgis): db manager: show database name in postgis connection details (fixes #3489)
Jürgen Fischer
12:16 AM Revision 2c112f96 (qgis): gdal tools: use native file dialogs (fixes #5500)
Jürgen Fischer
12:10 AM Bug report #15055 (Closed): WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double nam...
Fixed in changeset commit:"543d5211332a885960a19b4a7ca7ff3296838a27". Richard Duivenvoorde
12:05 AM Bug report #7241: Border of vector feature visible even with no pen border
This tends to happen when rendering is using antialiasing. Adding a border line of the same colour as the fill often ... Jukka Rahkonen
10:03 PM Revision ab98858b (qgis): Fix build failure due to dabc3b16d72184da2867e0b3ae37b1d45928cddd
Even Rouault
09:23 PM Revision f3bbf897 (qgis): Small fix in write.csv option (#3225)
matteo ghetta
09:08 PM Revision 6ea03ea4 (qgis): [Geometry] Fix various issues related to Wkb/Wkt import
- Make QgsCurvePolygonV2::fromWkb() accept CompoundCurveM sub-geometries
- Make QgsGeometryCollectionV2::fromWkb() va...
Even Rouault
05:05 PM Revision dabc3b16 (qgis): [Geometry] Fix deleteVertex() for CircularString, CompoundCurve and Cur...
In some situations, deleteVertex() could generate an invalid geometry, causing
later crashes due to unexpected struct...
Even Rouault
04:16 PM Bug report #7097 (Feedback): QGIS keeps pinging Web services
It this the browser querying registered web services? Jürgen Fischer
04:13 PM Bug report #7096 (Closed): Minimised QGIS still shows tooltip
The tooltip were removed. Jürgen Fischer
04:13 PM Bug report #7096 (Closed): Minimised QGIS still shows tooltip
The tooltip were removed. Jürgen Fischer
04:06 PM Bug report #6891 (Closed): Connection to non-spatial PostgreSQL
Fixed in changeset commit:"94413b35a08a154e5b40c2a9cab13fcb0d0ee4a4". Jürgen Fischer
03:41 PM Bug report #6573 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.geomChanged not connectable on Windows
apparently meanwhile fixed. Jürgen Fischer
03:41 PM Bug report #6573 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.geomChanged not connectable on Windows
apparently meanwhile fixed. Jürgen Fischer
03:18 PM Bug report #3489 (Closed): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
Fixed in changeset commit:"ecf3b3719d4f24dc7f369d3253150c4990c9c681". Jürgen Fischer
03:17 PM Bug report #5500 (Closed): Dialog windows and Windows network
Fixed in changeset commit:"2c112f96cab55eed2f3922dbf2dd14522eac5aee". Jürgen Fischer
12:56 PM Revision 0914b744 (qgis): Rename Map Styling Dock to Layer Styling Dock
Nathan Woodrow
12:56 PM Revision b015fb4c (qgis): [styledock] Hide/Show back button correctly
Nathan Woodrow
12:55 PM Revision 1cd78083 (qgis): QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::headerData(): fix crash on layer with no ...
Fix crash on qgis_attributetabletest and when displaying the attribute
table of a layer without any attribute field.
Even Rouault
12:25 PM Revision 72d75ff4 (qgis): [OGR provider] Make changeGeometryValues() accept null geometry
Fixes #15081 Even Rouault
12:20 PM Revision 4c56fa6e (qgis): [OGR provider] Make changeGeometryValues() accept null geometry
Fixes #15081 Even Rouault
12:16 PM Feature request #15057: Allow custom value map widget sorting
That might work, but I'm not sure what you are asking. What keys and where can I define them? Andrew McAninch
12:09 PM Revision 0ba12869 (qgis): Tighten margins and spacing on various docks
Fixes a rendering artefact on OSX toolbars and leaves more
space for content.
Let me know if this looks bad on Windo...
Nyall Dawson
11:35 AM Revision 7b0bec7b (qgis): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setProj4String(): harden validation
OSRImportFromProj4() may accept strings that are not valid proj.4 strings,
e.g if they lack a +ellps parameter, it wi...
Even Rouault
11:30 AM Revision 85128c54 (qgis): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setProj4String(): harden validation
OSRImportFromProj4() may accept strings that are not valid proj.4 strings,
e.g if they lack a +ellps parameter, it wi...
Even Rouault
10:28 AM Revision 87839410 (qgis): Merge pull request #3221 from nirvn/bookmark_ui_imp
[bookmarks] improve zoom to bookmark icon and UI Nyall Dawson
09:53 AM Bug report #14196 (Feedback): QGIS Server sending UPDATE... WHERE NULL to postgis in a WFS layer
What kind of keys is that layer using? Is suppose it is using a string or a composite key - for those a temporary ma... Jürgen Fischer
09:40 AM Bug report #14822 (Feedback): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
Jürgen Fischer
09:38 AM Bug report #14138 (Feedback): Vector layers have been exported into broken DXF file
can you supply a sample input file that produces output like this? Jürgen Fischer
09:36 AM Bug report #10619 (Feedback): Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not spee...
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hitting this again now.
And you have "Attribute table behaviour" set to "Show features...
Jürgen Fischer
09:22 AM Revision 43bdcdb7 (qgis): [bookmarks] improve zoom to bookmark icon and UI
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:09 AM Revision 63cbf877 (qgis): [styledock] open via double click action legend setting (#3220)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:05 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
dr - wrote:
> There are no something specific with my setup. Faced with the same issue on laptop with Ubuntu 12.04:
Jürgen Fischer
08:53 AM Bug report #15088 (Closed): Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
There seems to be an issue connecting the SIGNAL layersRemoved from QgsMapLayerRegistry.
For example, if I save this...
gcarrillo -
08:15 AM Bug report #15077: Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
Not completely sure this is related, but when trying to reproduce this issue, I found #15087 (now fixed) Even Rouault
08:08 AM Bug report #15087 (Closed): Crash when deleting the last segment of a compoundcurve
Fixed in changeset commit:"dabc3b16d72184da2867e0b3ae37b1d45928cddd". Even Rouault
07:56 AM Bug report #15087 (Closed): Crash when deleting the last segment of a compoundcurve
1. Create a new scratch layer of type polygon
2. Create a geometry made of a straight line, circular string and endin...
Even Rouault
07:07 AM Revision 3672ab9e (qgis): Merge pull request #3219 from nirvn/composer_icons
[gui/hidpi] vectorize composer toolbar & attribute table toolbar icons Nyall Dawson
06:55 AM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
Hi Jukka, the 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialog only lists the data types 'Text data', 'Whole number' and 'Decimal number... R. R.
05:27 AM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
I am not sure about this. While SQLite internally has only few datatypes it is still possible to create a column for... Jukka Rahkonen
06:49 AM Revision aae8fefd (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize attribute table toolbar icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:17 AM Revision ace324b6 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize composer toolbar icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:14 AM Bug report #15086: Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
For comparison I add some links to an implementation proposal and the discussion that followed in the Geoserver proje... Jukka Rahkonen
05:30 AM Bug report #15086 (Closed): Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
There is inconsistency between WMS and WFS layer names when calling a layer with a space in the name. This makes it d... Mie Winstrup
06:07 AM Revision 1156c8de (qgis): Properly set multiedit button state
Nyall Dawson
06:07 AM Revision 1053c5e1 (qgis): Better reflect layer capabilities in attribute dialog toolbar
Nyall Dawson
06:07 AM Revision 33d64dc4 (qgis): Use a real toolbar for attribute table dialog
- Fixes style issues on various platforms (esp. OSX)
- Allows resizing the window smaller and actions get moved
to ov...
Nyall Dawson
06:07 AM Revision 8261275a (qgis): Respect icon size in attribute table, use svg icons
Nyall Dawson
05:35 AM Revision fcbaf7fa (qgis): [styledock] create a style preset icon (#3210)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:28 AM Bug report #15085 (Closed): The setting 'Use layer ids as name' does not work for WFS-call
The setting 'Use layer ids as name' works for WMS-call but +does not+ work for WFS-call. This makes it difficult prog... Mie Winstrup
04:56 AM Bug report #15083: Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
Sorry about that:
And it appears this migh...
Randal Hale
02:55 AM Bug report #15083: Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
Note: the provided link is a File Geodatabase and not the mentionned shapefiles.
Isn't it a duplicate of #14981 ?
Even Rouault
04:13 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
PostgreSQL/PostGIS and SQLite/SpatiaLite are rather alike but they are not at all identical.
In SQLite there is no c...
Jukka Rahkonen
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
Fixed by commit:1cd7808 Even Rouault
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
Fixed by commit:1cd7808 Even Rouault
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
Fixed by commit:1cd7808 Even Rouault
03:49 AM Bug report #15047: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attributetablet...
This also cause a crash when displaying the attribute table on a layer with no attribute fields. Even Rouault
03:28 AM Bug report #15081: Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
Thanks, Even. Harrissou Santanna
03:20 AM Bug report #15081 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
Fixed in changeset commit:"4c56fa6e8ebcbcfc732d39e7bbe31d9f8376dee6". Even Rouault
03:16 AM Revision 03ea9fb9 (qgis): Remove unused variable
Nathan Woodrow
02:56 AM Bug report #14828: Rename 'Snapping mode' to 'Layer mode' (?) in 'Snapping options' dialog
Indeed, when comes time to document this feature, it's quite ununderstandable.
A fix with 'Layer selection' is propos...
Harrissou Santanna
02:49 AM Bug report #15082: SpatiaLite index issue
The issue is real but how to improve the current situation needs some thinking because spatial index in SpatiaLite/Ge... Jukka Rahkonen
02:48 AM Revision 7a572c4f (qgis): [style dock] Refactor API. Move back button outside scrollarea.
Clean up API. Remove QgsPanelWidgetPage - no longer needed
QgsPanelWidgetStack widget manages back button and breadcr...
Nathan Woodrow
02:30 AM Bug report #14844 (Closed): Oblique Mercator projection hanging when rendering map
Fixed in changeset commit:"85128c54191cfedeaee04ca9c4ac0341ab8f5088". Even Rouault


01:58 AM Feature request #15084 (Open): Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
Currently the "Current map coordinate" textbox only shows the X and Y values.
If the user has loaded a layer with Z ...
Francisco Raga
01:32 AM Bug report #11007 (Reopened): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in ot...
No issue with 2.14.1 / 2.14.2 but the same issue with 2.14.3
(test with Arcgis 10.4)
Antoine SIG
04:59 PM Bug report #15083 (Closed): Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
Data Location:
QGIS Master: eee599e
gdal: ...
Randal Hale
02:17 PM Bug report #14844: Oblique Mercator projection hanging when rendering map
The issue with "+proj=omerc +lat_0=53.155728 +lonc=-117.171755 +alpha=-44.25 +gamma=0 +k_0=1.00064458 +x_0=0 +y_0=0+e... Even Rouault
11:21 AM Bug report #15082 (Closed): SpatiaLite index issue
Spatial indexes are not listed in 'Indexes' tab and the 'DB Manager' crashes when adding a index (see screencast). R. R.
09:37 AM Revision 29df8a9f (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize advanced digitizing toolbar icons (#3216)
* [gui/hidpi] vectorize advanced digitizing toolbar icons
* [gui/hidpi] vectorize label toolbar icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:31 AM Bug report #8055: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
actually it looks like deactivation of panels is not taken into account at all. They are still present. Harrissou Santanna
08:22 AM Bug report #15081 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
Select all vertices of a (already saved) feature in a shapefile, click DEL to erase them.
They get wiped and message ...
Harrissou Santanna
07:36 AM Bug report #15080 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometries of features that have circular strings...
In a scratch layer, I fail to clear geometry of feature that is drawn using a "Add circular string..." tool. There's ... Harrissou Santanna
07:00 AM Bug report #15079 (Closed): New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
Please create a new PostGIS and a new SpatiaLite table in the 'DB Manager'. In both cases select 'integer' (data type... R. R.
06:38 AM Bug report #15077: Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
I'm unable to reproduce it using another scratch layer. Can't figure out what was the problem with the previous one.
Harrissou Santanna
06:21 AM Bug report #15077 (Closed): Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
Toggle to edition a line or polygon temporary layer
Try to add new feature using one of the "Add circular string..."...
Harrissou Santanna
05:21 AM Bug report #15076 (Closed): Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
For SpatiaLite the create table dialog should only list the data types integer, text, real and numeric.
See also: ht...
R. R.
04:37 AM Bug report #15073: Advanced Digitizing Panel -> Error
Raising the priority on this. While it's a harmless error, it's very confusing and unfriendly to users. Nyall Dawson
04:18 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
Primary keys for new SpatiaLite layers are always named 'pkuid'. The 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialog misses a text fie... R. R.
03:06 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
The "Create autoincrementing primary key" exists there probably because of the word "autoincrementing". SQLite has al... Jukka Rahkonen
02:03 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
Maybe 'New SpatiaLite Layer' and 'New GeoPackage Layer' should share the same dialog. 'New GeoPackage Layer' allows t... R. R.
02:03 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
Maybe 'New SpatiaLite Layer' and 'New GeoPackage Layer' should share the same dialog. 'New GeoPackage Layer' allows t... R. R.
03:56 AM Feature request #12158: Rename "Road Graph" to "Shortest Path"
The path that is returned is not necessarily the shortest one. Could Routing describe the tool even better? Jukka Rahkonen
03:55 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
I've just noticed that for new SpatiaLite tables an auto incrementing primary key (data type 'integer') is created au... R. R.
02:54 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
SQLite does not have datatype "serial". INTEGER PRIMARY KEY [AUTOINCREMENT] comes closest to that. No other column th... Jukka Rahkonen


01:59 AM Bug report #15075: Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
Node tool does neither activate vertices of a newly created polygon when clicking inside the feature (until you save ... Harrissou Santanna
01:53 AM Bug report #15075 (Closed): Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
Select a polygon layer and toggle to edition
You can activate its vertices by clicking inside a polygon with the nod...
Harrissou Santanna
01:53 AM Bug report #14857 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding new features
This issue is gone away in current master. R. R.
01:36 AM Bug report #15074 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Button alignment
The buttons in the 'Manage Layers Toolbar' should be placed left-aligned. R. R.
01:10 AM Bug report #15073 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing Panel -> Error
After starting QGIS the advanced digitizing panel throws an error message ('Error').
R. R.
12:52 AM Feature request #15069: Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
I don't understand why there is an 'Add SpatiaLite Layer' button but no 'Add GeoPackage Layer' button. It's also poss... R. R.
11:59 PM Feature request #15069 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
What is the reasoning behind this?
You can use the "Add Vector Layer" button to add a GeoPackage layer.
For technical...
Matthias Kuhn
11:59 PM Feature request #15069 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
What is the reasoning behind this?
You can use the "Add Vector Layer" button to add a GeoPackage layer.
For technical...
Matthias Kuhn
03:20 PM Feature request #15069 (Open): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
Pleas implement a button/dialog in the 'Manage Layers Toolbar' to add a GeoPackage layer. R. R.
12:01 AM Feature request #15057 (Feedback): Allow custom value map widget sorting
Does defining the keys (which are hidden from the UI) in a sortable format not work for you? Matthias Kuhn
09:05 PM Revision 04ec683a (qgis): [DXF export] Replace newline character in layer name by underscore
Fixes #15067 Even Rouault
09:04 PM Revision 8f62a573 (qgis): [DXF export] Replace newline character in layer name by underscore
Fixes #15067 Even Rouault
07:30 PM Revision 6bc0313a (qgis): [OGR provider] Make ogrWkbGeometryTypeName() correctly display M/ZM geo...
Even Rouault
07:21 PM Revision 22dfd764 (qgis): [OGR provider] Avoid considering mix of Polygon and CurvePolygon as 2 s...
Fixes #15066 Even Rouault
06:36 PM Revision 3b65568c (qgis): [OGR provider] Improve detection of layer geometry type
When a OGR layer is of geometry type "unknown", we use the
geometry of the first feature to guess the geometry type. ...
Even Rouault
06:24 PM Revision b0c519e3 (qgis): [OGR provider] Do not return wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer geom...
Those are illegal QgsWKBTypes::Type / QGis::WkbType values, and can cause
undefined behaviour outside of the provider...
Even Rouault
06:22 PM Revision 7b7c3773 (qgis): [OGR provider] Do not return wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer geom...
Those are illegal QgsWKBTypes::Type / QGis::WkbType values, and can cause
undefined behaviour outside of the provider...
Even Rouault
06:21 PM Revision aceef9ed (qgis): QgsRendererV2PropertiesDialog::syncToLayer(): make it robust to NULL re...
Fixes #15064
Probably just a band-aid, proper fix to follow in OGR provider itself.
Even Rouault
04:31 PM Bug report #15072 (Closed): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
When executing "Join Attributes by Location" with option "Take summary of intersecting features", output shapefile do... Andrzej Popowski
04:05 PM Feature request #15071 (Closed): Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
In the 'DB Manager' the create table dialog misses data type 'Serial' for SpatiaLite connections. R. R.
03:47 PM Bug report #15070 (Closed): GeoPackage connection missing in 'DB Manager'
After creating a new GeoPackage layer the database connection in the 'DB Manager' is missing. R. R.
03:10 PM Revision f3549981 (qgis): [WFS provider] Add heuristics to detect MapServer WFS 1.1 behaviour (so...
Fix #15061
MapServer honours EPSG axis order in WFS 1.1, but returns srsName in GetFeature
response with EPSG:XXXX s...
Even Rouault
02:29 PM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
Duplicate of #7539 Nyall Dawson
02:29 PM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
Duplicate of #7539 Nyall Dawson
09:16 AM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
Hi all!
It would be nice to have an option in composer for allowing/disallowing splitting legend groups/subgroups be...
Darek Bobak
01:11 PM Bug report #15068 (Open): No rubberband when switching from "Add circular string" (and by radius)...
While digitizing line or polygon feature, you can switch between the simple "Add feature" and "Add circular string" t... Harrissou Santanna
12:04 PM Bug report #15067 (Closed): DXF export creates invalid file
Fixed in changeset commit:"8f62a573014ed7d074eeb4455218261832896b43". Even Rouault
11:09 AM Bug report #15067 (Closed): DXF export creates invalid file
'Project/DXF Export' creates an invalid file if the output layer attribute contains a line break ('\
R. R.
10:44 AM Bug report #15042: DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
Works for me on 2.14-branch and master. Even Rouault
10:21 AM Bug report #15066 (Closed): OGR: Sublayers detected sometimes when not relevant (Polygon/CurvePol...
Fixed in changeset commit:"22dfd764ebf6c56ae7275ddb86357913aa9b06e3". Even Rouault
10:18 AM Bug report #15066 (Closed): OGR: Sublayers detected sometimes when not relevant (Polygon/CurvePol...
When a layer is reported by OGR as having a geometry type of unknown, because it is a mix of polygon and curvepolygon... Even Rouault
10:20 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
Even Rouault
09:37 AM Bug report #15065 (In Progress): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
Even Rouault
09:37 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
Fixed in changeset commit:"3b65568c7352e67db47b5a673be63988fbb8600e". Even Rouault
09:35 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
When a OGR layer is of geometry type "unknown", we use the geometry of the first feature to guess the geometry type. ... Even Rouault
10:19 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
Even Rouault
09:49 AM Bug report #15064 (In Progress): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM ...
Even Rouault
09:23 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
Fixed in changeset commit:"7b7c3773d87f07307cac2666c18faa0a611fe9cb". Even Rouault
09:19 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
Such layers can be found in GeoPackage datasets. Even Rouault
09:14 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
I'm confused. If you set to "~/.qgis2/cache", doesn't it work (it seems to, since you can see the "~/.qgis2/cache/wf... Even Rouault
09:02 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
Before it was empty (#14514). But if I set up cache directory as described above WFS doesn't work and I see error mes... dr -
08:12 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
What was pointing it too before ? (if empty, on an installed QGIS, it should also point to ~/.qgis2/cache. In a dev e... Even Rouault
07:39 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
I've pointed cache directory to "~/.qgis2/cache", after trying to add WFS layer I see newly created foler "~/.qgis2/c... dr -
07:21 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
Could you check that your cache directory is correctly pointing to an existing directory that is writable ? (in Setti... Even Rouault
07:10 AM Bug report #15062 (Closed): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
I'm trying to add WFS layer (using WFS VERSION 1.0), and get an message on WFS tab:... dr -
07:28 AM Bug report #15053: WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
Which version of proj.4 are you using ? hermannskogel definition was updated from the 3 parameters to the 7 parameter... Even Rouault
06:41 AM Bug report #15058 (Closed): Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
So in the meantime since the last update I've reinstalled QGIS 2.15 - and now it's acting as it should. ogrinfo is re... Randal Hale
06:28 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
I've just installed qgis 2.15 5458d64 from "deb xenial main" and I can still open the ... Even Rouault
05:05 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
I didn't compile - I loaded from the apt repositories on deb xenial main. Hopefully it... Randal Hale
03:56 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
This is strange I cannot reproduce your issue although trying exactly the same things. I compiled QGIS master on Ubun... Even Rouault
06:40 AM Revision eee599e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #3215 from nirvn/raster_icons
[gui/hidpi] vectorize raster toolbar icons Nyall Dawson
06:17 AM Bug report #15061 (Closed): Cannot add WFS layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"f3549981a643aadeede0cfe5fb54b12aec7a8908". Even Rouault
04:16 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
I see log message:... dr -
04:06 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
My fault. I had incorrect dbname in mapfile.... dr -
03:47 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
Could you paste the output of " Even Rouault
03:37 AM Bug report #15061 (Closed): Cannot add WFS layer
I've made local WFS using MapServer, but when trying add it to QGIS get an error:... dr -
05:31 AM Revision 2a82caf1 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize raster toolbar icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:16 AM Bug report #15060 (Closed): Error when creating Help Files of Models in Processing
I have some models that I want to improve the Help. When clicking on the button in the edit model (same error with a ... matteo ghetta


12:19 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
Sandro Santilli wrote:
> PR is ready for test. Roy: could you test ?
Thanks Sandro, I tesded both 2.15 and 2.14 nigh...
Roy Roge
07:52 AM Bug report #11371 (Closed): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
Fixed in changeset commit:"df8dca2e53390012126c42f97467023f2eb912eb". Sandro Santilli
04:46 AM Bug report #11371 (Reopened): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
Reopened to backport to 2.14 (fix so far was only gone to master aka 2.15.0dev) Sandro Santilli
04:42 AM Bug report #11371 (Closed): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
Fixed in changeset commit:"a211c982cfe6c92d4ba9e5fb79a3124c7f3e4a19". Sandro Santilli
06:48 PM Bug report #15059 (Closed): Description of Plugins
This happens on Ubuntu (qgis version 2.15 5458464) and not windows - if you search for plugins there is no descriptio... Randal Hale
04:49 PM Revision df8dca2e (qgis): Fix crash in composer on ungrouping after group move.
Closes #11371.
Adds support for undo/redo grouping/ungrouping operations.
Enable pending test for the crash (now pa...
Sandro Santilli
02:10 PM Bug report #15058 (Closed): Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
So i'm wondering if this is ultimately a gdal issue (1.11.3 vs 2)
Data in Dropbox:
Randal Hale
02:09 PM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
I think it's correct as it is. The icon sizes are the same as the main window today's, ie canvas and composer. It's j... Nyall Dawson
01:41 PM Revision a211c982 (qgis): Allow to undo/redo composer grouping/ungrouping
Fixes #11371 (crash on ungrouping after moving the group) and more
undo/redo related issues.
Enable pending test for...
Sandro Santilli
12:43 PM Revision efdbb874 (qgis): Fix Coverity null pointer dereference warning
Nyall Dawson
12:42 PM Revision 1ff18758 (qgis): Fix uninitialized member
Nyall Dawson
12:39 PM Revision ee23bc22 (qgis): Fix uninitialized member
Nyall Dawson
11:33 AM Feature request #15057 (Closed): Allow custom value map widget sorting
Currently the value map widget re-sorts the values alphabetically. Often I have values that have a logical/expected ... Andrew McAninch
10:13 AM Revision 15e9e0a9 (qgis): [UX] Show feature id in attribute table tooltip
Matthias Kuhn
10:08 AM Bug report #13635 (In Progress): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ...
Sandro Santilli
10:08 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
Here's where 2.14 closes the polygon ring:... Sandro Santilli
09:28 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
Interesting enough, 2.14.3 receives a 4-vertices exterior ring when QgsGeos object is constructed, so it must be "clo... Sandro Santilli
08:13 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
Here's the path that takes from renderer to exception:
#6 0x00007ffff42c8024 in QgsGeos::asGeos (geom=0x364c590, pr...
Sandro Santilli
04:36 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
Code to force-close ring on converting geometries to GEOS is ready:
Fix the d...
Sandro Santilli
03:59 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
In no case I got the "could not snap to a segment on the current layer", while I can never select the polygon by clic... Sandro Santilli
03:52 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
Actually, 2.14 behaves the same as 2.8 with the simplified polygon, so the difference is only in master (2.15.0dev) Sandro Santilli
03:50 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
I made another test with a simplified version of the invalid polygon: a polygon with unclosed ring:
Sandro Santilli
03:37 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
With the attached shapefile I still DO CAN edit vertices with the node tool while I CAN NOT select the feature with t... Sandro Santilli
03:27 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
I've just tried editing an simple invalid polygon (bow-tie) and it worked in both 2.8.9 and 2.14.3.
Here's the WKT (l...
Sandro Santilli
03:16 AM Bug report #13635 (Open): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
I hadn't tested yet, but I seem to understand that the regression is the
"could not snap to a segment on the current ...
Sandro Santilli
10:01 AM Bug report #15056 (Closed): Drag and drop designer, top level layout does not allow configuration...
See also
Matthias Kuhn
09:20 AM Bug report #15043: Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon shapefile...
Deleted Target version, I should not have selected one without knowing what it is for. Steve Lowman
09:18 AM Bug report #14283: various crashes in georeferencer
Apologies, I changed the Target version without knowing what this is for. So, now I changed it back to Null. Steve Lowman
09:15 AM Bug report #14283: various crashes in georeferencer
Similar issues observed with 2.14.3 on W10. The problem is intermittent, so it is quite difficult to create a reprodu... Steve Lowman
09:08 AM Bug report #15044 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
Changed status to 'Closed', because this is an unintentional duplicate of #15043. Steve Lowman
06:46 AM Bug report #15055: WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double names/keys

FYI without patch this is te resulting getLegendGraphic url:
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:26 AM Bug report #15055 (Closed): WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double nam...
IF a WMS service provides GetLegendGraphic url's in it's capabilities, QGIS tries to retrieve the legendimage and sho... Richard Duivenvoorde
06:15 AM Feature request #10290 (Closed): Forms: Multi-edit mode
This has been implemented in QGIS 2.15.
Closing now.
Andreas Neumann
06:15 AM Feature request #10290 (Closed): Forms: Multi-edit mode
This has been implemented in QGIS 2.15.
Closing now.
Andreas Neumann
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:... Anita Graser
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:... Anita Graser
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:... Anita Graser
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:... Anita Graser
04:32 AM Bug report #15054 (Closed): Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
The symbol gui is a bit all over the place compared to the neat layout of the individual symbol layers
Anita Graser
04:23 AM Revision 44112675 (qgis): [roadgraph] Allow use of virtual and joined fields (fix #15041)
Also modernise some code Nyall Dawson
03:50 AM Revision 5d54b5b4 (qgis): Some roadgraph plugin ux improvements
Nyall Dawson
03:16 AM Revision 9abb6c43 (qgis): Revert "[FEATURE][expressions] implicit feature->geom conversion"
This reverts commit 7cab60bc4328e6cb4c57f8320c2d85d9383a2424.
The conversion was unreliable, as it was not correctly...
Nyall Dawson
03:05 AM Revision b380a1d5 (qgis): Fix Polygon Centroids tool hangs on null geometry (fix #15045)
Nyall Dawson


12:16 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
same problem here with the latest master branch. can you edit the invalid geometry? Salvatore Larosa
07:34 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
Salvatore does the problem persist with current master (aka 2.15.0) ? Sandro Santilli
07:34 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
Salvatore does the problem persist with current master (aka 2.15.0) ? Sandro Santilli
12:04 AM Bug report #15053 (Closed): WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
QGIS commit:1563526 (2.15.0-86, OSGeo4W-x86, GDAL 2.1.0-1)
When we import a WMS layer with EPSG:31255 it is shifted...
Christoph Candido
10:49 PM Bug report #15013 (Open): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in ot...
Saber Razmjooei
04:50 AM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
Actually, it's not that the icons are wrongly placed in the GUI due to their size. It's just that they look oversized... Harrissou Santanna
04:30 AM Bug report #15013 (Feedback): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible i...
Saber Razmjooei
04:29 AM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
The icon sizes look okay on linux mint. Could you please specify your platform and screen shots will be helpful as well. Pete Lelliott
08:40 PM Revision 6035f193 (qgis): few typo fix (#3207)
Harrissou Santanna
07:24 PM Bug report #15041 (Closed): road graph plugin routing on virtual field
Fixed in changeset commit:"44112675fb32e9d713cc813f4f00e24fd54d39c1". Nyall Dawson
05:35 AM Bug report #15041 (Closed): road graph plugin routing on virtual field
According to the documentation the speed field has to be numeric. However when you create a virtual field of the num... Pieter Brusselman
06:38 PM Revision 57ff59aa (qgis): Ignore files generated during "make check"
Sandro Santilli
06:35 PM Feature request #12158: Rename "Road Graph" to "Shortest Path"
Target set to 3.0 to avoid user confusion during 2.x series Nyall Dawson
06:35 PM Bug report #14440: QGIS bd140a7 (GDAL 2.0.2-4) without vsizip support
Sorry, no, this must be a different issue, as the environment variable workaround doesn't work. Alister Hood
06:27 PM Revision e241ab9b (qgis): Remove generated test files from repository
Fixes #14976 Sandro Santilli
06:06 PM Bug report #15045 (Closed): Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
Fixed in changeset commit:"b380a1d56524d70083e4ab7a8013acaaebbd23f1". Nyall Dawson
06:05 PM Bug report #15045: Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
Doesn't affect 2.16, have fixed in 2.14 Nyall Dawson
07:10 AM Bug report #15045 (Closed): Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
I have a shapefile (attached) with some null geometries in it, when I run the Polygon Centroids process on it (from t... Ian Turton
05:58 PM Revision 3ea35fc0 (qgis): Relation Reference Widget: Only enable form button when a feature is set
Matthias Kuhn
03:03 PM Revision a6f96ba5 (qgis): Fix displacement symbols with data defined properties (fix #9601)
Previously only the attributes of the first feature were being
used to render the points inside a group
Nyall Dawson
03:03 PM Revision 8868303d (qgis): Fix displacement renderer when using map unit sizes for symbols
Nyall Dawson
12:51 PM Revision 5458d644 (qgis): Revert "Don't resize canvas size on widget change"
Revert this change for now as it has larger impacts
then I thought it would. Will improve and bring back
next release...
Nathan Woodrow
12:28 PM Bug report #15052 (Closed): PyQgsWFSProviderGUI test segfaults on Travis
An excerpt:...
Sandro Santilli
11:53 AM Bug report #15050 (Closed): some attribute edits aren't saved when using multiline text widget
If I have a field in an attribute table form set as a multi-line text box the user can enter a value that is longer t... Andrew McAninch
10:30 AM Revision f9ff5e25 (qgis): [composer] Instant feedback for legend when linked map changes
Nyall Dawson
10:30 AM Revision aa0e6d89 (qgis): Followup c78347, update test images
Nyall Dawson
10:30 AM Revision dbf8d894 (qgis): [composer] Double click legend item to edit text (fix #13578)
Nyall Dawson
09:49 AM Bug report #15047: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attributetablet...
Backtrace:... Sandro Santilli
08:10 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
As of commit:8868303dbd4fad26eeb88bc5a18ba3ffe5a0e719 I get an error (among many) in qgis_attributetabletest:... Sandro Santilli
09:27 AM Bug report #14976 (Closed): repository files modified by "make check"
Fixed in changeset commit:"e241ab9b01e1ef2d4c57f2df0bd6b97ed7adc00f". Sandro Santilli
08:55 AM Bug report #14976 (In Progress): repository files modified by "make check"
Fix ready in PR: Sandro Santilli
08:55 AM Bug report #14976 (In Progress): repository files modified by "make check"
Fix ready in PR: Sandro Santilli
08:34 AM Bug report #14976: repository files modified by "make check"
The diffs, for the record:... Sandro Santilli
08:33 AM Bug report #14976: repository files modified by "make check"
Victor, is the testing framework for processing your responsibility ? Sandro Santilli
09:24 AM Revision 9f704d6e (qgis): Attribute table: always show sequential column header numbers
Matthias Kuhn
08:56 AM Bug report #12172: Use xvfb-run on "make check"
I saw the windows again (maybe last time I just didn't have DISPLAY set). So I think I'll push a change having "make ... Sandro Santilli
08:39 AM Revision 4746158a (qgis): fix bookmarks editing regression (fixes #15034) (#3204)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:14 AM Bug report #15048 (Closed): TestQgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromESRIWkt fails
Running output/bin/qgis_coordinatereferencesystemtest as of commit:8868303dbd4fad26eeb88bc5a18ba3ffe5a0e719 I get:
Sandro Santilli
07:17 AM Bug report #15046 (Closed): File selection window automatically closing when opened from any menu
Mac OSX El Capitan Version 10.11.5 here with QGis 2.12.1 Lyon.
This happens randomly, not sure what causes it, but a...
David Douglas
07:06 AM Bug report #15044 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
Attached are three polygon/multipolygon shapefiles: Layer_A; Layer_B_withError; Layer_B_withErrorFixed.
There is only...
Steve Lowman
07:06 AM Bug report #15043 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
Attached are three polygon/multipolygon shapefiles: Layer_A; Layer_B_withError; Layer_B_withErrorFixed.
There is only...
Steve Lowman
06:59 AM Bug report #14205: Geopackage edits discarded whith style display
Confirmed here with QGIS 2.14.3... Jérôme Guélat
06:53 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Antoine SIG
06:51 AM Bug report #15042 (Closed): DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
After connecting to a GeoPackage in DB Manager, it is not possible to drag and drop tables on the canvas. I think thi... Jérôme Guélat
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...

In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...

In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...

In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...

In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...
06:04 AM Bug report #9601 (Closed): Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
Fixed in changeset commit:"a6f96ba51b736cc97b3d8d6a848940737a46a6bc". Nyall Dawson
05:11 AM Bug report #15040: Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer symbol doe...
Oups, sorry...(i've searched though) Harrissou Santanna
05:06 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
Duplicate of #9601 Nyall Dawson
05:06 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
Duplicate of #9601 Nyall Dawson
04:24 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
Layer properties > Displacement point rendering
Renderer settings > for the rotation of the symbol, apply a data defi...
Harrissou Santanna
04:55 AM Revision 4574f953 (qgis): Merge pull request #3203 from nirvn/move_feature_icon_imp
[gui] proper geometry type for move feature icon Nyall Dawson
04:51 AM Revision c7834751 (qgis): Legend: leave away empty groups (fix #12969)
Marco Hugentobler
04:35 AM Bug report #14893: Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
I agree. Layer styling does fit better for now. Will update Nathan Woodrow
04:33 AM Bug report #15014 (Closed): regression: canvas decoration (scale bar, north arrow, etc.) elements...
Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date. Nathan Woodrow
04:33 AM Bug report #15014 (Closed): regression: canvas decoration (scale bar, north arrow, etc.) elements...
Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date. Nathan Woodrow
04:33 AM Bug report #15015 (Closed): regression: zoom to {selection, layer} not taking docked panels into ...
Nathan Woodrow
04:33 AM Bug report #15015: regression: zoom to {selection, layer} not taking docked panels into account
Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date. Nathan Woodrow
04:09 AM Revision f6998e27 (qgis): [gui] proper geometry type for move feature icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:55 AM Revision 7f7b9f90 (qgis): Move bookmarks toolbar icons to navigation group
Nyall Dawson
03:41 AM Bug report #15039 (Closed): QGIS application window does not resize on Linux Mint
QGIS application window does not resize on Linux Mint and no full screen functionality. Pete Lelliott
03:22 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
Will do. Thanks for that. Matt Travis
03:21 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
Already fixed in commit:c6cba65a5657478aa1
The commit after this build. Grab a new nightly build to check.
Nathan Woodrow
03:21 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
Already fixed in commit:c6cba65a5657478aa1
The commit after this build. Grab a new nightly build to check.
Nathan Woodrow
03:13 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
3b998d2 Matt Travis
03:06 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
This might be fixed already. What is the QGIS code revision in the about dialog? Nathan Woodrow
02:43 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
1. Load a vector layer into QGIS.
2. Open Styling/labeling dock window.
3. Switch between labeling tab and styling ta...
Matt Travis
02:44 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
Hi Christoh,
From my investigation, I think the problem is in the explicit declaration of the BBox CRS, with the cor...
Pedro Venâncio
02:31 AM Feature request #10378 (Closed): field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:26 AM Feature request #3430 (Closed): fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
Nyall's filled marker does exactly that, and then some :) closing, feature implemented. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:26 AM Feature request #3430 (Closed): fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
Nyall's filled marker does exactly that, and then some :) closing, feature implemented. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


01:51 AM Feature request #15037 (Open): Action for selection
I would like to have ability to run actions for all selected items.
(from action tool or attribute table (right click))
Lukasz Sychowicz
01:31 AM Feature request #13578 (Closed): Add double-click behaviour to item in legend items list
Fixed in changeset commit:"dbf8d89459fb37921c1ce0ddb36ef5c1dd4a608d". Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
Nope, i revise my last statement.
The problem is definitely with missing BoundingBox definitions in the GetCapabiliti...
Christoph Candido
11:05 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
Sorry, I was wrong.
After clearing the internal cache, everything works as expected, even with no explicit Bo...
Christoph Candido
02:23 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
you point me in the right direction!
The problem lies in the "GetCapabilities" response.
There are only Boun...
Christoph Candido
11:39 PM Bug report #15034 (Closed): regression: renaming non-project bookmarks (partially) broken
Fixed in changeset commit:"4746158a2cf064725f04f84f9932f0c4732493d0". Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:52 PM Bug report #15034 (Closed): regression: renaming non-project bookmarks (partially) broken
Since this commit:11a5a69, renaming newly-added non-project bookmarks (via double-clicking on the list' name column) ... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:22 PM Revision c6457a63 (qgis): Fix file write error when offline.sqlite is saved to root dir by default
- Default to user's home directory instead
(cherry-picked from 23a3273)
Larry Shaffer
10:20 PM Revision 23a3273f (qgis): Fix file write error when offline.sqlite is saved to root dir by default
- Default to user's home directory instead Larry Shaffer
08:19 PM Bug report #14440: QGIS bd140a7 (GDAL 2.0.2-4) without vsizip support
Should this be fixed in both 32 bit and 64 bit builds, and both the OSGeo4W installer packages and the standalone QGI... Alister Hood
07:54 PM Feature request #12969 (Closed): Autohide empty groups and sub-groups in "Filtered" Map Composer'...
Fixed in changeset commit:"c7834751ba5e32039efd9c31f6b6b2346ed6023c". Marco Hugentobler
05:50 PM Revision e1d54029 (qgis): don't save extents to style (fixes #15026, followup 92aed6e and d690d72)
Jürgen Fischer
02:12 PM Revision b51cd2ed (qgis): Added missing newline to the param doc
Alessandro Pasotti
02:07 PM Revision a555f91a (qgis): Clean up showPanel API. Open dialog if not in dock mode
Nathan Woodrow
11:59 AM Revision 15efc313 (qgis): Merge pull request #3201 from nirvn/more_icons
[gui/hidpi] more vector love for default toolbars Denis Rouzaud
11:45 AM Revision 127386a1 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] more vector love for default toolbars
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:43 AM Revision 3a91d92d (qgis): translation string fixes
Jürgen Fischer
11:29 AM Revision f9c589e4 (qgis): [Globe] Delay initial layer update to workaround some mysterious opengl...
Sandro Mani
11:29 AM Revision 7ddb2928 (qgis): [Globe] Set home viewport to lon 0
Sandro Mani
11:29 AM Revision cae029d4 (qgis): [Globe] Add bundled world.tif to raster imagery menu
Sandro Mani
11:29 AM Revision 4ba24336 (qgis): [Globe] Fix typos, fix model layer logic
Sandro Mani
11:27 AM Revision 3fd27e0d (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize attribute toolbar icons (#3200)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:34 AM Feature request #15033 (Closed): Processing: Warp should include -te_srs parameter
_-te_srs srs_def: (GDAL >= 2.0) Specifies the SRS in which to interpret the coordinates given with -te._
Without thi...
Luca Casagrande
08:00 AM Revision 72176808 (qgis): Merge pull request #3199 from nirvn/annotation_icons
[gui] vectorize and add missing annotation icons (fixes #7076) Nyall Dawson
07:34 AM Revision ae93ee3c (qgis): Use QgsFieldProxyModel for filtering read only fields
Nyall Dawson
07:31 AM Revision 8563285b (qgis): Better icon for multiedit mode
Nyall Dawson
07:29 AM Revision 5eb14a9b (qgis): [gui] vectorize and add missing annotation icons (fixes #7076)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:12 AM Revision f50f221b (qgis): Followup b6e97c
Nyall Dawson
07:05 AM Revision b6e97cad (qgis): Give feedback why multiedit/search is disabled with custom UI
Nyall Dawson
06:57 AM Revision f1e4c459 (qgis): Fallback to generated layout for Select by Value if using a custom
UI form
Custom UI forms are not supported with the attribute form search
mode, but this way users with custom UI for...
Nyall Dawson
06:43 AM Revision ebf1df5d (qgis): Capitalization
Nyall Dawson
05:50 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
There are no something specific with my setup. Faced with the same issue on laptop with Ubuntu 12.04:... dr -
05:27 AM Feature request #15032 (Open): Mapcomposer : allow filtering on the features in expression to def...
improvement of the new feature of QGIS 2.12
04:48 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
It's already fixed, but in a newer build Nyall Dawson
04:48 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
It's already fixed, but in a newer build Nyall Dawson
04:24 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
The 'Advanced Digitizing Panel' is broken in QGIS 2.15 (Win7). R. R.
04:15 AM Revision 83160632 (qgis): Followup 71dc33, fix projective transform in georeferencer (fix #14551)
Nyall Dawson
03:57 AM Revision 33a5ee7a (qgis): Fix selecting features by radius (fix #14748)
Nyall Dawson
03:30 AM Bug report #14992 (Closed): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer...
No problem! Can you file the request in a new ticket (it's a good idea btw) Nyall Dawson
03:30 AM Bug report #14992 (Closed): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer...
No problem! Can you file the request in a new ticket (it's a good idea btw) Nyall Dawson
03:10 AM Revision bf4cf51e (qgis): Fix incorrect area calculation for polygon (fix #14675)
Nyall Dawson


01:58 AM Feature request #15030: Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
Yes (without PlugIns) - using geometries with "Add vetctor data" (database protocol --> OGR ?) would be top. Integrat... Flo Ju
01:12 AM Feature request #15030: Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
What do you mean exactly by "Native support of geometries stored in MongoDB" ? Having a MongoDB choice in the "Protoc... Even Rouault
10:43 PM Feature request #15030 (Open): Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
GDAL/OGR supports MongODB starting with V 2.1.0 (
Native support of geometries store...
Flo Ju
01:23 AM Bug report #14992: composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer is filte...
sorry, I made a mistake.
the feature works correctly.
A proposal for a new feature:
allow filtering on the features ...
01:19 AM Revision a6cb81bf (qgis): Save raster symbology with full precision (fix #14950)
Nyall Dawson
12:45 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
I think the problem is in this tool:
A. Egberts
11:00 PM Bug report #7076 (Closed): No toolbar icon for HTML Annotation
Fixed in changeset commit:"72176808f8f9903ce0bea4a9e043fcec480077d4". Nyall Dawson
10:44 PM Bug report #14952 (Closed): Distribution broken on Windows: cannot find numpy, matplotlib, shapely
Jürgen Fischer
10:40 PM Feature request #11650 (Closed): Easy to Locate Software Licence for all plugins
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
10:34 PM Feature request #12249 (Closed): Editor Toolbar similar to ArcGIS
Jürgen Fischer
10:33 PM Feature request #6762 (Closed): SQL query window
Jürgen Fischer
10:26 PM Feature request #12741 (Open): Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same...
Jürgen Fischer
10:25 PM Feature request #12958 (Open): Add Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available widgets...
Jürgen Fischer
10:25 PM Feature request #12975 (Closed): sync connections between browser and "Add Layer(s) from WM(T)S S...
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
10:24 PM Feature request #13018 (Closed): Tools of the print composer - atlas
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
10:24 PM Feature request #13127 (Open): position of coordinates in grid
Jürgen Fischer
10:22 PM Feature request #13551 (Closed): Digitizing Line Undo and Redo and Topology Checker
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
10:22 PM Feature request #13596 (Closed): Undo and Redo
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
10:21 PM Feature request #13803 (Open): Color of selection for each layer separately
Jürgen Fischer
10:20 PM Feature request #14750 (Open): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
Jürgen Fischer
08:56 PM Revision 5bb2c7d1 (qgis): open message log on QgisApp::openMessageLog instead of toggling it
Jürgen Fischer
08:48 PM Bug report #15027 (Closed): actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to selec...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:35 PM Bug report #15027: actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to select any action
Matthias, that was quick :)
I've tested the commit, working like a charm here. Thanks
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:29 AM Bug report #15027 (Closed): actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to selec...
When a single action is defined for a layer, activating the action tool via the toolbar's "Run Feature Action" button... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:16 PM Bug report #14551 (Closed): georeferencer projective transformation
Fixed in changeset commit:"83160632ace41ef0306c903d977ef27283f83dcb". Nyall Dawson
06:57 PM Bug report #14748 (Closed): Selecting features by radius fails
Fixed in changeset commit:"33a5ee7ab47c8c6db2985ef755ef6bdca23b36a0". Nyall Dawson
06:11 PM Bug report #14675 (Closed): Polygon area calculation error when the fly reprojection is activated
Fixed in changeset commit:"bf4cf51e1a259252d5a762845f20aaac12d672bf". Nyall Dawson
05:09 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
I'm not sure what's happening here. I can't reproduce locally, so there's got to be something specific with your setu... Nyall Dawson
04:43 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
Tried and got the same result. I noticed that if open new project, add vector layer and start zooming - when Scale in... dr -
04:03 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
Can you try with a clean .qgis2 config folder and see if you still have this issue? Nyall Dawson
05:21 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
It happens with any vector layer, demo: dr -
04:20 PM Bug report #14950 (Closed): raster rendering values saved with too limited precision in project file
Fixed in changeset commit:"a6cb81bf609196677118a87c468489ba58583bae". Nyall Dawson
03:20 PM Revision 7e2865c6 (qgis): Fix "Relation form grows infinitely"
Fix #14977 Matthias Kuhn
02:40 PM Revision 0c10f68a (qgis): Followup bbbc9d0: Fix tests
Matthias Kuhn
02:19 PM Revision aa9fe9ec (qgis): Merge pull request #3118 from arnaud-morvan/processing_gdal_postgis_cre...
[processing] support postgis service parameter and credentials input Alexander Bruy
02:07 PM Revision bbbc9d0a (qgis): QgsDockWidget add openedStateChanged and openedStateChanged signals
Matthias Kuhn
01:51 PM Revision 4b7fc98e (qgis): Merge pull request #3130 from arnaud-morvan/processing_gdal_shapeencoding
[processing] Add SHAPE_ENCODING parameter in GDAL "to postgis" algorithms Alexander Bruy
01:47 PM Revision 834ab1c7 (qgis): More QgsDockWidget fixes (fix #15011)
Nyall Dawson
12:56 PM Revision 6bf99d69 (qgis): [UX] Action map tool title and icon
Visually communicate to the user which action will be triggered when the
button is clicked.
Matthias Kuhn
12:18 PM Revision 717e8c9a (qgis): Persist default attribute action between sessions
Refs #15027 Matthias Kuhn
11:53 AM Revision 0db9556b (qgis): update 'Report an issue' link
Jürgen Fischer
11:43 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
That build is missing the fixes for this. You'll need to wait for a more recent build Nyall Dawson
11:43 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
That build is missing the fixes for this. You'll need to wait for a more recent build Nyall Dawson
09:24 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
I half think this is a graphics driver and half way think it isn't. As of Build e301cc8 several panels won't render c... Randal Hale
11:15 AM Revision 3fcabc96 (qgis): Fix action column widget rendering artifacts
This creates an action column widget when the widget is rendered for the
first time.
The original approach was to cre...
Matthias Kuhn
09:58 AM Revision 6d1e5542 (qgis): don't save extents to style (fixes #15026, followup 92aed6e and d690d72)
Jürgen Fischer
09:40 AM Revision a05b2ad9 (qgis): Fix crash when closing docked attribute table
Fix #14909
Fix #15018
git bisect is your friend
Matthias Kuhn
09:15 AM Revision df6d2c63 (qgis): Allow docking the attribute table left and right
Fix #14941 Matthias Kuhn
08:28 AM Bug report #13765 (Closed): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "text"...
can't replicate anymore. Giovanni Manghi
08:28 AM Bug report #13765 (Closed): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "text"...
can't replicate anymore. Giovanni Manghi
08:07 AM Bug report #15028: Use GDAL C API only
(Original discussion: + Even Rouault
08:04 AM Bug report #15028: Use GDAL C API only
What's the advantage of this? Matthias Kuhn
07:20 AM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
The heatmap plugin seems to be the only use in-tree of the GDAL C++ API. Skimming quickly through it, it seems it cou... Even Rouault
07:20 AM Revision 1563526f (qgis): Fix actions are not enabled when loading layer with default style (fix ...
Nyall Dawson
06:22 AM Bug report #14977 (Closed): Relation form grows infinitely
Fixed in changeset commit:"7e2865c6c88b5430a0126a9f5c06e4e171aa680b". Anonymous
06:05 AM Revision 1152fef8 (qgis): Remove "attribute table" from dialog title (fix #14959)
Nyall Dawson
05:24 AM Revision 21f37303 (qgis): Fix some status bar widgets could not be hidden via customisation
Nyall Dawson
05:17 AM Revision e7657195 (qgis): Fix cannot deactivate customization widget catcher (fix #9732)
Nyall Dawson
04:54 AM Revision 6568da6c (qgis): Rename arrow symbol head width/height to length/thickness
Width/height naming is dependant on line direction, so for
clarity rename them to something which doesn't depend
on d...
Nyall Dawson
04:47 AM Bug report #15011 (Closed): Browser panel is unusable
Fixed in changeset commit:"834ab1c70207ab16871506b52a28cf40645c8d0e". Nyall Dawson
04:42 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
I do not really agree with you.
LTR has fixes and thus new releases. People who are stuck to 2.14 expect its issues t...
Harrissou Santanna
02:56 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
> Thanks. would that be backported? actually I'm writing QGIS 2.14 Doc about this feature so might be good to have th... Matthias Kuhn
04:23 AM Revision 09b6d589 (qgis): Fix crash in arrow symbol layer
Nyall Dawson
04:16 AM Revision 9df87a69 (qgis): [composer] Finer step for arrow head line width
Nyall Dawson
04:11 AM Revision 78c434a6 (qgis): [composer] Make parameterised SVG arrow heads respect colors (fix #14997)
Nyall Dawson
04:08 AM Bug report #14963: Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
Oh my god - I am ashamed. You are right. I already thought that I have misunderstood something. Thank you very much f... Burghardt Scholle
03:52 AM Bug report #14963 (Closed): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
Ah - i see the issue. Don't enter the expression as a data defined wrap character, that's a totally different thing. ... Nyall Dawson
03:52 AM Bug report #14963 (Closed): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
Ah - i see the issue. Don't enter the expression as a data defined wrap character, that's a totally different thing. ... Nyall Dawson
03:51 AM Revision 44db212a (qgis): Also show WKB type in vector layer metadata
Otherwise it's a PITA to work out if a layer has z or is
multi type
Nyall Dawson
03:51 AM Revision d00020f9 (qgis): Add missing capabilities strings to layer metadata
Nyall Dawson
03:48 AM Bug report #14514 (Closed): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
That build doesn't yet include the fix. You'll need to wait for a newer build. Nyall Dawson
03:47 AM Bug report #14990 (Closed): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
That build doesn't yet include the fix. You'll need to wait for a newer build. Nyall Dawson
03:45 AM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
I'd just do (psuedocode)
If using selected features:
index = QgsSpatialIndex(layerHubs.selectedFeaturesIterator())...
Nyall Dawson
03:41 AM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
Yes, will do Nyall Dawson
02:05 AM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"78c434a6c4fbdb6004c725abe0121dc4dd6dd8dc".
Woh thanks! Do you think...
Regis Haubourg
03:31 AM Revision b1450802 (qgis): Fix joins are not recreated when loading project with bad layers (fix #...
Nyall Dawson
03:19 AM Revision 92830a25 (qgis): Fix debug noise when using 25D geometry layers
Nyall Dawson
02:38 AM Bug report #14567: Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
Thank you for the update.
I suppose this implies that the fix will be present in release 2.16, but will it also be p...
Jonas Van Nieuwenberg
02:24 AM Revision 3a34368e (qgis): Cleanup qgsproject.h/.cpp
- Conslidate doxygen in qgsproject.h
- Remove TODOs from docs, move to comments
- Cosmetic formatting changes to matc...
Nyall Dawson


01:40 AM Bug report #15011 (Reopened): Browser panel is unusable
I think georeferencer is affected to. Antal Kosza
01:40 AM Bug report #15011 (Reopened): Browser panel is unusable
I think georeferencer is affected to. Antal Kosza
01:32 AM Bug report #14990 (Reopened): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
In latest QGIS Master (f1ec121, just installed with OSGeo4W installer) the bug still exists.
Platform: Windows 10 Pro...
Darek Bobak
01:27 AM Bug report #14514 (Reopened): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
In latest QGIS Master (f1ec121, just installed with OSGeo4W installer) the bug still exists.
Platform: Windows 10 Pro...
Darek Bobak
01:00 AM Bug report #15026 (Closed): regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes laye...
Fixed in changeset commit:"6d1e55420664125b2ed91fc69703c5d08aecf8ba". Jürgen Fischer
12:41 AM Bug report #15026: regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes layer extent
The commit which led to this regression is commit:d690d72
It also has broken loading of raster style via saved .qml ...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:15 AM Bug report #15026 (Closed): regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes laye...
When pasting a raster style (from layer A) onto another raster (layer B), QGIS now wrongly apply layer A's extent ont... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
12:55 AM Revision 660900ba (qgis): Tweak test tolerance for xenial
Nyall Dawson
12:40 AM Feature request #14941 (Closed): Docking attribute table left/right
Fixed in changeset commit:"df6d2c631c171e962d9199614a0815b35fe418bd". Anonymous
12:40 AM Bug report #14909 (Closed): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
Fixed in changeset commit:"a05b2ad9a1ace292e77dbe8541240c0c8bc2a096". Anonymous
09:33 PM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
I noticed a larger OGR dataset will do a better job at replicating the crash quicker (i.e., you won't need to open ->... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
07:53 AM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
I've investigated this and identified more precisely the cause of the crash.
The Valgrind log shows it is a double f...
Even Rouault
12:23 AM Revision 89a1f5b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #3197 from DelazJ/patch-9
fix button label Nyall Dawson
11:40 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
Sorry, I got something wrong here. Will open a new ticket when I find the source of my issue ... I had some issue mix... Anita Graser
07:57 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
Anita - I can't reproduce that. What's the data source? It's definitely a bug and it should be respected, and there's... Nyall Dawson
11:11 PM Bug report #14963: Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
I'm very confused .-(. It does not work for me furthermore. I also use the current master version with Windows 7 (cod... Burghardt Scholle
09:00 PM Bug report #14963 (Feedback): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
Works fine here:
1. load attached project
2. change label expression to wordwrap("name", 15)
3. labels show correctly...
Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Revision 8cfd17d2 (qgis): [style dock] Fix warnings
10:24 PM Bug report #14992 (Feedback): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a lay...
I need more details - I can't reproduce. Are you referring to the data defined layers or data defined style preset?
Nyall Dawson
10:20 PM Bug report #13910 (Closed): Inactive action tool
Fixed in changeset commit:"1563526f0dc59ae2b1fdc4a58c07488c5603de3d". Nyall Dawson
10:20 PM Feature request #14959 (Closed): Table names should be displayed in first words of caption
Fixed in changeset commit:"1152fef86c633afb745d96bcb968c6ba55729544". Nyall Dawson
09:52 PM Revision 4fb3a249 (qgis): fix button label
Harrissou Santanna