colin east


Reported issues: 3


09:24 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16210 (Closed): QGIS doesn't diplay attributes of a spatial view created in a geopackage

•Using QGIS, create a polygon layer using 'Layer>Create Layer>New Geopackage Layer'
•Then create a non-spa...


08:35 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16130 (Closed): WFS Duplicate Features
This issue was with the geoserver WFS setting, which were not server persistent FIDs.
08:35 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16130 (Closed): WFS Duplicate Features
This issue was with the geoserver WFS setting, which were not server persistent FIDs.


02:31 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16130 (Closed): WFS Duplicate Features
I'm using a WFS served by Geoserver 2.7.0. I have one layer that has an ID that is unique. The IDs range from 1 to 48...


01:31 AM QGIS Application Feature request #15208 (Feedback): Add conflict management to offline editing
I wanted to understand if the Offline tool could be used for concurrent editing. The idea is to have the organisation...

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