Bug report #13330
GPS live tracker connects to GPS but gives no positional information, scrolling, or cursor
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | GPS Live Tracking | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.10.1 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Windows | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 21384 |
I'm using QGIS with a Panasonic Toughpad FZ-M1 with inbuilt dedicated GPS. I can connect okay to the GPS using View --> Panels --> GPS information. Satellites and signal strength show up, but no GPS information shows up (i.e. no positional data or any other attributes) in the GPS information window, no cursor shows on the map, and no scrolling. The GPS reports positional data okay when connected to GPS Viewer tool, so the problem appears to be specific to QGIS and the Panasonic Toughpad. I have tried the solutions listed here (http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/116583/using-the-live-tracking-with-internal-gps) but they do not work for me.
Updated by Steven Mizuno over 9 years ago
What NMEA sentences are reported by the GPS? One way to see is to enable Log file in GPS Information and connect for a short while, then examine the log file.
Specifically, QGIS uses the $GPGGA and $GPRMC sentences for position and status. At present $GPGNS and $GPGLL are not handled.
Updated by Chris Lovell over 9 years ago
- File Log_2015-09-09.nmea added
Great thanks for the that. I've attached a log file. There are no $GPGGA and $GPRMC lines in the log, and also no $GPGNS and $GPGLL lines. Mostly $GPGSV data, from what I can see. I'm guessing this is not handled either. Any chance you know of a third party tool that might convert the GPS data to something handled by QGIS? I'll also submit a feature request. Should I just ask for GPS live tracking support for $GPGSV data?
Updated by Chris Lovell over 9 years ago
I managed to solve this. Turns out QGIS does not handle NMEA data with the prefix $GN, only with the prefix $GP. The GPS chip on the Panasonic Toughpads is a u-blox M8, so I installed u-blox “U-Centre” software, opened and connected to the COM4 port. Then:
View → Configuration view → NMEA (NMEA Protocol)
Change “Main Talker ID” to “1 – GP”
Click SEND, then POLL to check changes were sent to receiver
Now it works perfectly with QGIS live tracking :)
Updated by Steven Mizuno over 9 years ago
That you were seeing the satellites/signal strength told me that the $GPGSV data were being sent (I know too much and assumed things) so I was looking at why the position data weren't showing.
The log file shows that both GPS and GLONASS satellites are being received and that the results are combined into the various $GN... sentences, with separate satellite information.
There is already a request #12980 for handling GNSS data (more than just GPS).
Updated by Chris Lovell over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Okay thanks - I'll close this down.
Updated by Peter Smith over 8 years ago
Thank you...worked for me too