From 2015-05-17 to 2015-06-15
11:27 PM Revision 00e04739 (qgis): [rastercalc] Fix use of uninitialized variable
09:38 PM Bug report #12659: Certain fonts don't work in Print Composer
- Note: you will have to re-select the font(s) for composer items and save the project once that's done for the proper ...
02:43 AM Bug report #12659 (Closed): Certain fonts don't work in Print Composer
- Likely fixed in commit:7a3a857. Please reopen if you still experience this issue after 2.10.
09:36 PM Bug report #12973 (Closed): layer panel's symbol are drawn with excessive width if they are locat...
- The layer panel will draw symbols for polygons located in 2nd level of a rule-based tree with a width twice a large a...
08:43 PM Feature request #12972 (Closed): run action on identify
- instead of clicking on the action menu in the "identify results" pane, to run an action. Some actions can be run auto...
- 07:03 PM Revision 93649bc4 (qgis): Fix warning
- 06:42 PM Revision 038f99b5 (qgis): Reduce warning noise and fix some doxymentation issues
- Some warnings are wrapped in Q_NOWARN_DEPRECATED_*, these are warnings for
issues which are not critical and therefor... - 06:37 PM Revision f1eb3805 (qgis): Use ppa for newer doxygen
06:32 PM Bug report #12928: Using form view to edit data, changes the attribute that uses Date/Time widget...
- Hi Matthias,
Sorry, I was wrong I thought our spatial layer was an Esri Shape file. It's actually a MapInfo tab file... -
06:32 PM Bug report #12928: Using form view to edit data, changes the attribute that uses Date/Time widget...
- Hi Matthias,
Sorry, I was wrong I thought our spatial layer was an Esri Shape file. It's actually a MapInfo tab file... -
06:20 PM Revision 5d44de70 (qgis): Merge pull request #2139 from nachouve/patch-1
- [processing] Added "sum" field on StatisticsByCategories
05:29 PM Revision 77c3e867 (qgis): [processing] bump plugin version to avoid masking
03:57 PM Bug report #12943 (Closed): Vertex markers size incremented by 2 instead of 1
- Fixed in changeset commit:"78fa6970fa6591cc0e823afd1002ba17c6f7cd19".
12:33 PM Bug report #12970 (Closed): Can't duplicate (copy/paste) print composer's attribute table items
- Duplicate of #10456
12:33 PM Bug report #12970 (Closed): Can't duplicate (copy/paste) print composer's attribute table items
- Duplicate of #10456
06:36 AM Bug report #12970 (Closed): Can't duplicate (copy/paste) print composer's attribute table items
- Both in 2.8.2 and master, it's not possible to duplicate attribute table items in the map composer by using copy/past...
11:59 AM Revision 56feb7d6 (qgis): fix doxygen warning
11:59 AM Revision 0ecef35d (qgis): use class to temporary override locale to C
11:45 AM Revision b4fc413c (qgis): dxf export: fix crash when not enabled layers are exported
11:40 AM Revision 7a3a857d (qgis): Add QgsFontUtils methods for saving/loading font from XML (fix #12644)
- Fixes loss of font styles when restoring projects. Credit to @nirvn
for the initial implementation. -
11:38 AM Revision 59f0caba (qgis): Merge pull request #2141 from radosuav/processing_warp
- [processing] Remove space in GDAL warp which causes issues …
11:29 AM Revision 12c1c869 (qgis): [processing] Remove space in GDAL warp which causes issues when alg is ...
11:00 AM Bug report #11141 (Closed): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- reopen if necessary.
11:00 AM Bug report #11141 (Closed): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- reopen if necessary.
06:56 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Confimred, problem seems gone in f4c3f3d (OSGEO-Install)
- 10:26 AM Revision 8fbee121 (qgis): Fix "return reference to temporary"
09:36 AM Revision 8c96454f (qgis): Fix travis integration with gitter
09:03 AM Revision cf5b4543 (qgis): Added "sum" field
- Minor change just to add the "sum" to the output table result.
09:02 AM Bug report #12234: QGIS freezes when adding a legend in composer and project has a WMS layer with...
- Hello Giovanni,
we corrected our wms serverconfiguration (see #24)and can now use it with QGIS.
Unfortunately, many... -
07:28 AM Bug report #12971 (Closed): Set the CRS of Dataset
- IF I load a Dataset without a proper CRS-set to it Qgis asks me to choose one.
When I CANCEL the "Select CRS"-Dialog ... -
06:29 AM Feature request #12969 (Closed): Autohide empty groups and sub-groups in "Filtered" Map Composer'...
- While using "Filter legend by map content", at the print composer, it would be nice to also hide the resulting empty ...
05:24 AM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
> Hi Giovanni,
> The setting that you mean is this?
> !
05:18 AM Revision f4c3f3d3 (qgis): fix browser image
04:40 AM Revision f3e234d6 (qgis): Add missing browser image
04:09 AM Bug report #12968 (Closed): Scaled symbols legend centered
- Not sure if it's a feature request or a bug. But the new Scaled symbols legend, is displayed differently in map canva...
03:57 AM Bug report #12690 (Reopened): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle sp...
- Hello Jürgen, there is still a problem in my environment. what else can I check? have you tested the sample tables " ...
03:57 AM Bug report #12690 (Reopened): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle sp...
- Hello Jürgen, there is still a problem in my environment. what else can I check? have you tested the sample tables " ...
02:41 AM Bug report #12644 (Closed): A number of fonts in the composer have metrics messed up upon project...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7a3a857d79c073773d94d7ce5e304c22a73cabda".
01:55 AM Feature request #12967 (Open): Selection toolbar
- I think we should have a seprate toolbar for "Selection". Currently, there is "Attributes" toolbar which contains spa...
12:38 AM Revision 2fcbc8bb (qgis): ogr provider: increase width by one for decimal point if precision is g...
12:17 AM Revision bbe2e2a5 (qgis): run t2t
12:10 AM Bug report #12965 (Closed): Legend item name not updated in Composer when renaming layer
- When renaming the layer name in the layers docker it doesn't change legend item name in the Composer. Interestingly i...
12:04 AM Revision ac8d4df3 (qgis): Bump minimum Qt version to 4.8
11:28 PM Revision f2612702 (qgis): debian packaging update (fixes #12954)
11:21 PM Revision 084c4558 (qgis): Make size assistant more prominent in dd buttons, allow control of
- assistant menu text
10:37 PM Feature request #12964 (Closed): Document the spatial filtering of attribute table
- Better document this nice and somewhat hidden feature:
The workaround for the slow loading of a big attribute table ... - 10:02 PM Revision e2e6a135 (qgis): Add notification support for gitter when running tests on travis.
09:19 PM Bug report #10522 (Feedback): Data-defined symbology not working with field names that are valid ...
- Should be resolved in master now - can you confirm?
08:55 PM Revision 6e55fbe1 (qgis): save spatialite as: create integer column from qlonglong if it fits (fi...
07:09 PM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tim Sutton wrote:
> > Hi Giovanni
> >
> > I tried to show him to use v.overlay, but unfortu... -
03:38 PM Bug report #11755 (Closed): Real precision (Shapefile)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2fcbc8bb725f45ba1d0196a95c7f21c90894a0d6".
03:05 PM Revision 19b6b047 (qgis): fix df31fc0
02:29 PM Bug report #12954 (Closed): 2.9 QGIS Browser Icon on Ubuntu 14.04 hasn't changed
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f261270292230a945078ca5e47284990407c0d97".
01:31 PM Feature request #12958: Add Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available widgets for forms
- Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind. In cases where one has not too many options for values for an attribute (let...
01:10 PM Feature request #12958 (Feedback): Add Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available wid...
- Should that be a configuration option for ValueMap (and ValueRelation)?
01:13 PM Revision df31fc0f (qgis): digitizing: disable split parts on single part geometries and allow add...
12:32 PM Revision c54013c4 (qgis): node tool: show rubberband when moving (fixes #12959)
11:56 AM Bug report #12963 (Closed): QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature default cursor hotspot is incorrect
- When implementing a custom QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature tool, i came across this. You set the active tool (which subclas...
11:56 AM Bug report #12325 (Closed): Integer fields converted to text when exported from Spatialite
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6e55fbe1495e5a3d2a1ba3181a71543e026edc1a".
11:02 AM Bug report #12950 (Closed): Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
10:29 AM Bug report #12950: Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- Giovanni, excuse me I have seen that it works really well on another computer with the same version of QGIS in Arch L...
11:01 AM Revision 37ed8390 (qgis): postgres provider: fix feature count on delete (fixes #12957)
09:45 AM Bug report #12686 (Feedback): layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- not reproducable on master
09:45 AM Bug report #12686 (Feedback): layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- not reproducable on master
09:16 AM Feature request #12879: isSelected operator to define expression baswesd style on selection
- And a note for people stumbling upon this report and looking for a workaround: Get the
09:14 AM Feature request #12879: isSelected operator to define expression baswesd style on selection
- Nice feature request!
I wonder however if there is any performance benefit for adding a selected property to the fea... -
08:45 AM Bug report #8425 (Closed): Simplify feture map tool doesn't work with polygons with holes
- not an issue anymore.
08:45 AM Bug report #8425 (Closed): Simplify feture map tool doesn't work with polygons with holes
- not an issue anymore.
08:29 AM Bug report #3422 (Closed): Unreadable icons in TOC
- not an issue anymore.
08:29 AM Bug report #3422 (Closed): Unreadable icons in TOC
- not an issue anymore.
06:49 AM Feature request #4778: Import of multiple shapefiles in PostGIS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> There are alternatives in the Processing toolbox where any tool can be run in batch mode. Th... -
06:34 AM Feature request #4778: Import of multiple shapefiles in PostGIS
- Paul Kanelli wrote:
> When creating a table using the "DB Manager" the "Create table" window stays open after finishi... -
05:38 AM Feature request #4778: Import of multiple shapefiles in PostGIS
- When creating a table using the "DB Manager" the "Create table" window stays open after finishing. That's quite usefu...
05:03 AM Bug report #12962 (Closed): Newly added geometries are hidden by existing geometries before savin...
- In the layer edit mode newly added polygons are hidden by existing polygons. After saving the layer edits the added p...
04:49 AM Bug report #12799 (Closed): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some...
- upsteam issue was closed. other issues should be fixed by the referenced commits.
04:49 AM Bug report #12799 (Closed): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some...
- upsteam issue was closed. other issues should be fixed by the referenced commits.
04:18 AM Bug report #12959 (Closed): No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c54013c4cd2931142a81c0e6ec72eef4c7ae3c93".
04:18 AM Bug report #12886 (Closed): delete part has no effect on single geometries
- Fixed in changeset commit:"df31fc0f43c8789f6d0d60c9db3982c569814d48".
03:34 AM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- "Table/Move to schema" is working fine, even the sequences of the serial columns are moved.
02:30 AM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- "postgres" is the owner of the database, both schemata and the table. In my QGIS project I'm connected via "postgres"...
02:17 AM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- Paul Kanelli wrote:
> I've created a table "test_geometry" using the DB manager. When trying to copy it from "testsch... -
02:14 AM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- I've created a table "test_geometry" using the DB manager. When trying to copy it from "testschema_1" to "testschema_...
02:14 AM Bug report #12956: DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- I've created a table "test_geometry" using the DB manager. When trying to copy it from "testschema_1" to "testschema_...
03:26 AM Feature request #12961 (Closed): "Import vector layer" (DB Manager): Misleading option "Drop exis...
- In my view the option "Drop existing table" in the "Import vector layer" window (DB Manager) is somewhat misleading. ...
03:10 AM Feature request #12960 (Open): Add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Option...
- Please add "Snapping mode" (Current layer, All layers) to Settings/Options/Digitizing/Snapping.
02:21 AM Bug report #5599 (Closed): Unable to select/identify a polyline
02:10 AM Bug report #4049 (Closed): Trouble Symbolizing Fields in a Joined Table QGIS 1.7
02:02 AM Bug report #12957 (Closed): Feature count doesn't show correct values for PostGIS layers after de...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"37ed83905f3b81ecd778c5abb1703805ce34666b".
01:52 AM Bug report #12830: QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- Ray Lee wrote:
> hm I am on QGIS version 2.8.2-Wien QGIS code revision exported
> Compiled against Qt 4.8.6 Running a... -
01:51 AM Bug report #10141: Setting data defined properties "Pen width" and "Dash pattern" causes freeze o...
- Nicklas Larsson wrote:
> Although I would try track this one down if I could, I have neither means to nor experience ... -
01:50 AM Bug report #10138 (Closed): Crash in svg cache with svg symbols
- closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
01:50 AM Bug report #10138 (Closed): Crash in svg cache with svg symbols
- closing for lack of feedback. Reopen if necessary.
01:46 AM Bug report #12228 (Closed): deadlock from parallel rendering
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:46 AM Bug report #12228 (Closed): deadlock from parallel rendering
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:40 AM Bug report #12959: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Confirmed, it seems that this has regressed since 2.8.*. (was fine in 2.6).
01:40 AM Bug report #12959: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Confirmed, it seems that this has regressed since 2.8.*. (was fine in 2.6).
01:40 AM Bug report #12959: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Confirmed, it seems that this has regressed since 2.8.*. (was fine in 2.6).
01:40 AM Bug report #12959: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Confirmed, it seems that this has regressed since 2.8.*. (was fine in 2.6).
01:40 AM Bug report #12959: No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- Confirmed, it seems that this has regressed since 2.8.*. (was fine in 2.6).
11:57 PM Bug report #12959 (Closed): No visual feedback when moving geometries with the node tool
- I use the node tool when moving geometries which have to snap to other geometries. In QGIS 1.9 there is a visual feed...
01:22 AM Bug report #8037 (Closed): new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
- Fixed in master build.
01:22 AM Bug report #8037 (Closed): new openstreetmap plugin on qgis master fails to import all polygons
- Fixed in master build.
01:11 AM Bug report #12957: Feature count doesn't show correct values for PostGIS layers after deletinge f...
- Confirmed on postgis (not on shapefiles): after clicking "save" the number of features deleted is added to the featur...
01:11 AM Bug report #12957: Feature count doesn't show correct values for PostGIS layers after deletinge f...
- Confirmed on postgis (not on shapefiles): after clicking "save" the number of features deleted is added to the featur...
01:11 AM Bug report #12957: Feature count doesn't show correct values for PostGIS layers after deletinge f...
- Confirmed on postgis (not on shapefiles): after clicking "save" the number of features deleted is added to the featur...
01:53 PM Bug report #12957 (Closed): Feature count doesn't show correct values for PostGIS layers after de...
- When creating a PostGIS table (point geometry) in the "DB Manager" and adding three geometries with the QGIS "Add Fea...
12:54 AM Bug report #12956 (Feedback): DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- I cannot confirm on qgis master on Ubuntu 14.04 and on qgis 2.8.2/master on Windows.
12:54 AM Bug report #12956 (Feedback): DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- I cannot confirm on qgis master on Ubuntu 14.04 and on qgis 2.8.2/master on Windows.
12:54 AM Bug report #12956 (Feedback): DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- I cannot confirm on qgis master on Ubuntu 14.04 and on qgis 2.8.2/master on Windows.
10:18 AM Bug report #12956 (Closed): DB Manager: copying a table from a PostGIS schema into another fails
- Using the "DB Manager" to copy a table from a PostGIS schema into another by drag and drop QGIS says "Error 5
Creatio... -
12:43 AM Bug report #12950 (Feedback): Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- I cannot confirm (see attached image) using the QGIS tools available in the Processing toolbox.
Did you use the tool... -
12:43 AM Bug report #12950 (Feedback): Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- I cannot confirm (see attached image) using the QGIS tools available in the Processing toolbox.
Did you use the tool... -
12:43 AM Bug report #12950 (Feedback): Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- I cannot confirm (see attached image) using the QGIS tools available in the Processing toolbox.
Did you use the tool... -
12:40 AM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- Simon Casley wrote:
> Hi - here are sample data: a (sql) dump from postgresql and the same data saved as a shapefile.... -
12:35 AM Bug report #12837 (Closed): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Did you check this #12324?
that should be duplicate of #10946
Please reopen if necessary. -
12:35 AM Bug report #12837 (Closed): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Did you check this #12324?
that should be duplicate of #10946
Please reopen if necessary. -
12:34 AM Bug report #12755 (Feedback): QGIS intermittent crash since 2.8.1
- please test qgis master and report back.
12:31 AM Bug report #12319: QGIS 2.8.1 crash when loading project
- Bart Noordervliet wrote:
> Unfortunately this problem still exists in QGIS 2.8.2. It happens to me even when I delete... -
12:17 AM Bug report #4063 (Closed): georeferencer crash
- I don't think that this old issue is a problem anymore, please reopen if necessary.
12:17 AM Bug report #4063 (Closed): georeferencer crash
- I don't think that this old issue is a problem anymore, please reopen if necessary.
12:16 AM Bug report #12862: QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- I cannot confirm on Linux and Windows. Does it happens only on your OsX machine or also others? Please leave feedback.
12:13 AM Bug report #12311 (Closed): QGis crashes when loading WFS
- S Wisu wrote:
> OK I installed qgis on my laptop (WinXP, 32bit) - there I can load the WFS without any problems.
the... -
12:13 AM Bug report #12311 (Closed): QGis crashes when loading WFS
- S Wisu wrote:
> OK I installed qgis on my laptop (WinXP, 32bit) - there I can load the WFS without any problems.
the... -
12:12 AM Bug report #12832 (Closed): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
> I am using Larry Shaffer's Latest Nightly Build (Dakota Cartography) for the last hour+ and seems to be working fi...-
12:12 AM Bug report #12832 (Closed): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
> I am using Larry Shaffer's Latest Nightly Build (Dakota Cartography) for the last hour+ and seems to be working fi...-
11:54 PM Bug report #12953 (Closed): Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- QGIS doesn't know that the layers are related. Redrawing all layers if one changes is usually not necessary, but mig...
11:54 PM Bug report #12953 (Closed): Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- QGIS doesn't know that the layers are related. Redrawing all layers if one changes is usually not necessary, but mig...
11:54 PM Bug report #12953 (Closed): Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- QGIS doesn't know that the layers are related. Redrawing all layers if one changes is usually not necessary, but mig...
12:09 PM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- Just noticed the same issue appears using QGIS 2.9.0-Master on Ubuntu 15.04. Pleaese see the attached image. I've del...
10:48 AM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- Paul Kanelli wrote:
> When deleting or creating new geometries to buffer the PostGIS view/layer with the dynamic buff... -
09:55 AM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- When deleting or creating new geometries to buffer the PostGIS view/layer with the dynamic buffers isn't affected by ...
09:31 AM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- Paul Kanelli wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > Because what you changed also has an indirect effect on other layers ... -
09:13 AM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Because what you changed also has an indirect effect on other layers on the postgres side?
D... -
06:16 AM Bug report #12953 (Feedback): Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
06:16 AM Bug report #12953: Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- Because what you changed also has an indirect effect on other layers on the postgres side?
05:50 AM Bug report #12953 (Closed): Canvas does not automatically refresh after saving layer edits
- After saving a layer edit in QGIS 2.8.2 (Win7) I've to press F5 or change the map section to refresh the canvas. This...
06:47 PM Revision cc05516c (qgis): Always bundle QTest framework and module on Mac, for plugin developers
03:00 PM Feature request #12958 (Open): Add Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available widgets...
- The ability to use radio buttons or an "option row" (like in IntraMaps.Roam) for relatively short lists in forms coul...
01:15 PM Revision 34488f85 (qgis): fix some crash on invalid layers
11:05 AM Revision 244f998c (qgis): add link to irc webinterface
- also makes gitter evenly prominent.
- 09:37 AM Revision c418db1f (qgis): Merge pull request #2135 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge
- Add a Gitter chat badge to
07:47 AM Bug report #12954 (Closed): 2.9 QGIS Browser Icon on Ubuntu 14.04 hasn't changed
- I've noticed on the windows 2.9 the browser has a new icon. On 2.9 Ubuntu 14.04 (installed from QGIS Branch) it hasn'...
- 07:33 AM Revision ef0e3c33 (qgis): Added Gitter badge
05:43 AM Revision 53218948 (qgis): Add QgsGeometry::isEmpty to test if underlying geometry exists
04:30 AM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
- Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi Giovanni
> I tried to show him to use v.overlay, but unfortunately QGIS package from ubuntu...
01:58 AM Revision 64e43f80 (qgis): [processing] fix typo in ogrinfo process
01:55 AM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
- Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi Giovanni
> I tried to show him to use v.overlay, but unfortunately QGIS package from ubuntu... -
12:43 AM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
- Hi Giovanni
I tried to show him to use v.overlay, but unfortunately QGIS package from ubuntugis is not working with ... -
09:02 AM Bug report #12949 (Closed): Problem When Doing Intersect
- duplicate of #11986
09:02 AM Bug report #12949 (Closed): Problem When Doing Intersect
- duplicate of #11986
05:27 AM Bug report #12949: Problem When Doing Intersect
> meanwhile I'll be that if you the same operation with the v.overlay tool in the qgis/Processing toolbox you'll get...-
05:24 AM Bug report #12949 (Feedback): Problem When Doing Intersect
- duplicate of #11986 ?
meanwhile I'll bet that if you the same operation with the v.overlay tool in the qgis/Processi... -
05:24 AM Bug report #12949 (Feedback): Problem When Doing Intersect
- duplicate of #11986 ?
meanwhile I'll bet that if you the same operation with the v.overlay tool in the qgis/Processi... -
05:24 AM Bug report #12949 (Feedback): Problem When Doing Intersect
- duplicate of #11986 ?
meanwhile I'll bet that if you the same operation with the v.overlay tool in the qgis/Processi... -
05:10 AM Bug report #12949 (Closed): Problem When Doing Intersect
- Hi all,
I've a problem when I try to intersect two files (files attached), the result has some empty area.
This is ... -
11:53 PM Revision 06229c28 (qgis): Add some tests for QgsGeometry conversion to/from QVariant
10:53 PM Bug report #12952 (Closed): addition of graduated steps through histogram feature doesn't work wi...
- The cool new histogram feature attached to the graduated symbology doesn't work with sized-based gratuation method.
... -
09:26 PM Revision 5b2b3a45 (qgis): allow adding polygons to multipolygons. fixes split part tool (refs #1...
03:12 PM Revision b113d2a8 (qgis): Followup acfdcd92 - more qgsDoubleToString test
02:50 PM Revision 80cfbbf3 (qgis): Add method to set QgsAbstractGeometry for QgsGeometry, add tests
- for implicit sharing of QgsGeometry
02:37 PM Revision 43569eff (qgis): qgsDoubleToString: Don't remove trailing zeros when integer
- Fix #12947
cherry-picked from ac38b21380
Backported to 2.8.3 -
02:19 PM Revision acfdcd92 (qgis): Followup ac38b21, more tests
02:02 PM Revision bdd686f0 (qgis): Add *.sortinc to .gitignore
02:02 PM Revision ac38b213 (qgis): qgsDoubleToString: Don't remove trailing zeros when integer
- + added testcase
Fix #12947 -
12:19 PM Revision 604f7e50 (qgis): Add methods to test whether graduated ranges overlap or have gaps
12:19 PM Revision 86a45d40 (qgis): Tweak appearance of histogram titles and hide value title to make
- more space for plot itself.
12:19 PM Revision bcab4aeb (qgis): Also update histogram when linked boundaries are toggled
12:19 PM Revision 787e925b (qgis): If graduated ranges are inconsistent or overlapping then don't allow
- changes via the histogram. Prevents ranges from getting even more
mucked up. -
12:19 PM Revision 426465d5 (qgis): Add a tooltip to describe why graduated histogram isn't editable
10:37 AM Bug report #12951 (Open): No XSD is created when exporting to GML
10:22 AM Bug report #12951: No XSD is created when exporting to GML
- Yes Giovanni, the only problem is the lack of schema file creation, despite the option XSISCHEMA EXTERNAL and XSISCHE...
09:25 AM Bug report #12951 (Feedback): No XSD is created when exporting to GML
- is the gml without the xsd still functional?
09:25 AM Bug report #12951 (Feedback): No XSD is created when exporting to GML
- is the gml without the xsd still functional?
09:22 AM Bug report #12951 (Closed): No XSD is created when exporting to GML
- Since QGIS 2.4, when exporting a layer to GML (Save as..), the XSD file is not created (XSISCHEMA EXTERNAL).
With pr... -
09:41 AM Revision fccd8e58 (qgis): Disable view updates while reloading attribute table
- Fix #12930
09:02 AM Bug report #11986: Intersection returns the wrong result
- see also #12949
06:35 AM Bug report #8499 (Closed): OWS tab - adding CRS restrictions not reliable
- Issue does not seem present in current versions anymore. Closing now, as it seems to work fine.
06:35 AM Bug report #8499 (Closed): OWS tab - adding CRS restrictions not reliable
- Issue does not seem present in current versions anymore. Closing now, as it seems to work fine.
06:34 AM Bug report #12928: Using form view to edit data, changes the attribute that uses Date/Time widget...
- Just checked: works for me.
Can you check if the "field format" specified in the widget definition matches the forma... -
05:45 AM Bug report #12928 (Feedback): Using form view to edit data, changes the attribute that uses Date/...
- Can you add
* the data format that you are using
* the widget configuration -
06:18 AM Bug report #8553 (Closed): Diagrams: Automated placement settings are not saved or loaded in the ...
- All seems to be fine in current master. We can close this issue.
Andreas -
06:18 AM Bug report #8553 (Closed): Diagrams: Automated placement settings are not saved or loaded in the ...
- All seems to be fine in current master. We can close this issue.
Andreas -
06:17 AM Feature request #12769: Data defined opacity for vector features
- I also noticed that. I will try to implement this soon. It's also nice to have when you have an SVG marker because th...
06:15 AM Bug report #12872: copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- magnus hoeirup wrote:
> MI_PRINX is used by MapInfo as a primary key, and GeoMedia has the option to use it as a prim... -
06:13 AM Bug report #12950: Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- Screenshot:
06:05 AM Bug report #12950 (Closed): Fields ignored in overlapping polygons
- The following occur when I perform the overlap between layers of polygons. Attached files for replication. The CapaA....
05:03 AM Bug report #12947 (Closed): qgsDoubleToString in Qgis.h error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ac38b213802919d652b062e65bd96c37c9e199ab".
03:50 AM Bug report #12947 (Feedback): qgsDoubleToString in Qgis.h error
- better submit a patch as a pull request on github?
04:52 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
> In addition, it might be useful to know that it does work for me when I use a radius of 0.5 map units (instead of ...-
04:52 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
> In addition, it might be useful to know that it does work for me when I use a radius of 0.5 map units (instead of ...-
04:52 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
> In addition, it might be useful to know that it does work for me when I use a radius of 0.5 map units (instead of ...-
04:52 AM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
> In addition, it might be useful to know that it does work for me when I use a radius of 0.5 map units (instead of ...-
02:58 AM Bug report #12948 (Closed): different SVG extent in composer than in map canvas
- Map canvas uses the document extent while composer renders all elements from the SVG (including those out of document...
01:21 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- Roy Roge wrote:
> you cannot edit invalid geometries in fact, QGIS properly complains that the geometry is invalid.
... -
12:47 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
>Did this change after merging of the new geometry classes? Apparently split parts is not gene... -
11:29 PM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- Did this change after merging of the new geometry classes? Apparently split parts is not generating invalid geometr...
01:19 AM Bug report #12872: copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> magnus hoeirup wrote:
> >
> > ...
> >
> I guess "MI_PRINX" is your primary key. The p... -
01:16 AM Bug report #12947 (Closed): qgsDoubleToString in Qgis.h error
- If precision is 0 the number 12000 becomes "12", probably the solution is:
inline QString qgsDoubleToString( const d... -
12:50 AM Feature request #12946 (Open): option to separately set the transparency and contour line rubberband
- Currently the line color option of rubberband does not separately set the transparency of the contour.
It would be ni... -
12:43 AM Bug report #12930: Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- I could reproduce it once but not reliably.
It seems to be caused by a race-condition and repeated calling of process... -
12:41 AM Bug report #12930 (Closed): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fccd8e58cda97c2a11a1ad4c113ada3a21318870".
12:31 AM Bug report #9547 (Closed): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- Renaming the file solves the issue:...
12:31 AM Bug report #9547 (Closed): DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- Renaming the file solves the issue:...
02:19 PM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- ...
02:19 PM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- ...
02:19 PM Bug report #9547: DXF does not load if file extension is missing
- ...
12:22 AM Revision 275194db (qgis): attribute editor: remove bunch of unused includes
11:03 PM Revision 5bf316fe (qgis): fix renaming of db/http connections (fixes #10632)
08:46 PM Revision cb8d3368 (qgis): reenable tips for new minor releases
- (cherry picked from commit 765d1a98b5521724ccbfd3c25e7516794cad5ae0)
08:09 PM Bug report #12945 (Closed): Oblique mercator projection missing +no_uoff in srs.db
- The proj4 text for the oblique mercator projection GDBD2009 (EPSG 5247) is missing the parameter @+no_uoff@ in srs.db...
07:34 PM Revision d3c4da0b (qgis): attribute: also put selected item on top if sorting descending (fixes #...
07:19 PM Revision ec0e971c (qgis): add missing sip bindings
06:52 PM Revision 78c60a29 (qgis): handle bad layers when custom layer order is set (fixes #12733)
05:21 PM Revision 8d0c2811 (qgis): vector file writer: support QVariant::UInt, ::ULongLong and ::Time (fix...
04:54 PM Revision ed39970d (qgis): Store wkb pointer in QgsGeometry and move wkb, geos to GeosGeometryPrivate
03:37 PM Revision 17497337 (qgis): fix crash when digitizing a part and adding it to a (cached) single par...
03:25 PM Revision 95cc4ba5 (qgis): missing meta-object declaration for Behaviour enum
02:03 PM Bug report #10632 (Closed): Cannot rename connection name (PostGIS, WMS, WFS) in other case
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5bf316fec6ab3b727e7ed4c97cda2c6cfc52f623".
01:30 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- Thanks for looking at this.
In QGIS, I saved the point layer that I loaded from Sql Server as an ESRI shapefile. I ... -
07:11 AM Bug report #12933 (Feedback): Heatmap generating an empty raster
- does the outcome changes if you use a different data format? if the result is the same can you attach (or link, or sh...
07:11 AM Bug report #12933 (Feedback): Heatmap generating an empty raster
- does the outcome changes if you use a different data format? if the result is the same can you attach (or link, or sh...
07:11 AM Bug report #12933 (Feedback): Heatmap generating an empty raster
- does the outcome changes if you use a different data format? if the result is the same can you attach (or link, or sh...
01:29 PM Revision 0559567e (qgis): Merge pull request #2079 from manisandro/mutex
- Add missing mutex lock
10:35 AM Bug report #12434 (Closed): Wrong order in table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d3c4da0b66f70efdf0b2fcff4075395686f72203".
10:01 AM Revision 100de728 (qgis): Add missing mutex lock
09:53 AM Bug report #12733 (Closed): Layer order list corrupted if a layer reference can't be resolved
- Fixed in changeset commit:"78c60a297c64f87b2c7fd15801a3c62d8af92cb0".
09:46 AM Feature request #12944 (Open): PostGIS: use fallback_application_name instead of application_name
- In the source code of QGIS 2.8, I can see that after opening a PostGIS connection, QGIS calls:
SET application_nam... -
09:28 AM Revision 61698fc6 (qgis): [processing] updated packaging tests
09:28 AM Revision 3f7b1824 (qgis): [processing] correctly handle multiple vector layers
08:52 AM Bug report #12943: Vertex markers size incremented by 2 instead of 1
- see "PR 2132":
08:47 AM Bug report #12943 (Closed): Vertex markers size incremented by 2 instead of 1
- In Settings menu > Options > Digitizing Tab, the value of marker size can only be incremented by 2.
08:42 AM Feature request #12942 (Closed): Document Clip option in Raster Renderer - Singleband pseudocolor
- Please,
Document *Clip* option in +QgsRasterLayerProperties+ - +Raster Renderer+ - +Singleband pseudocolor+
This ... -
08:39 AM Revision ffd2f26d (qgis): fix build on precise
08:21 AM Bug report #12841 (Closed): Save as shapefile fails on PostGIS layer with joined MSSQL Table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8d0c28117641c6d9826bf31ce614994ffdb00287".
08:01 AM Bug report #12886 (Feedback): delete part has no effect on single geometries
07:47 AM Feature request #12941 (Closed): Saving Processing log
- It is rather common for an user to want to save all the output for future reference and inspection. Selecting all, co...
07:34 AM Bug report #6515: values in "value map" edit widget are always treated as text
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> I don't see an issue with that. The descriptions/values/second column in the edit widget fie... -
07:33 AM Bug report #12940 (Closed): Advanced digitizing doesn't work when coordinates are given
- It is currently impossible (QGIS 2.8.2) to use the new advanced digitizing tool to digitize a normal square. I'm usin...
07:30 AM Bug report #12494 (Open): value relation widget, wrong sorting of text
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> What's shown in the combobox is supposed to be a description for the key used in the attribut... -
07:30 AM Bug report #12494 (Open): value relation widget, wrong sorting of text
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> What's shown in the combobox is supposed to be a description for the key used in the attribut... -
07:26 AM Bug report #12745: processing python error
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> In this case, better rename the category (a blocker that does not block does not make much s... -
07:22 AM Bug report #12745: processing python error
- In this case, better rename the category (a blocker that does not block does not make much sense, right?).
:) -
07:14 AM Bug report #12745: processing python error
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Are we sure this is a blocker?
a blocker is by definition a regression, and this is a regre... -
07:12 AM Bug report #12745: processing python error
- Are we sure this is a blocker?
07:21 AM Bug report #12929: XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- ...
07:21 AM Bug report #12929: XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- ...
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:01 AM Bug report #12929 (Open): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Confirmed on Windows.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:53 AM Bug report #12935 (Open): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- it does crash qgis (that starts eating up memory while trying to open the file), but it does also crash ogrinfo.
06:50 AM Feature request #12939: make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units other than m...
- see also #2402 and #10170
06:18 AM Feature request #12939: make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units other than m...
- afaik values are computed in layer CRS, once you know is not difficult to keep it in mind. Values are always in map u...
06:18 AM Feature request #12939: make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units other than m...
- afaik values are computed in layer CRS, once you know is not difficult to keep it in mind. Values are always in map u...
06:18 AM Feature request #12939: make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units other than m...
- afaik values are computed in layer CRS, once you know is not difficult to keep it in mind. Values are always in map u...
06:18 AM Feature request #12939: make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units other than m...
- afaik values are computed in layer CRS, once you know is not difficult to keep it in mind. Values are always in map u...
05:49 AM Feature request #12939 (Closed): make the field calculator compute areas and lengths in units oth...
- For now, you need a faculty and a degree to find out a simple thing, how many kilometers or meters does a way have.
... -
05:55 AM Bug report #12747: [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
- Ohw! :o
OK, Sorry! ;)
I wait and i'll try with the 2.10 version when it come out! ^^ ;)
05:13 AM Bug report #12747: [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
> So now i install the next version QGIS 2-8-2 and it don't work again! :/
the eventual fix is available in qgis ma...-
02:09 AM Bug report #12747: [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
- Hello,
Sorry for this late answer but i finish a big project QGIS for the end of my year and I was waiting the datel... -
05:45 AM Bug report #12938 (Closed): DB Manager adds invisible layers to TOC during layer preview and does...
- Open DB Manager, connect to the PostgGIS database (haven't testet on Spatialite), select table that have geometry col...
05:10 AM Feature request #5029 (Closed): Custom toolbars
- I think that this very nice plugin does exactly was requested.
05:10 AM Feature request #5029 (Closed): Custom toolbars
- I think that this very nice plugin does exactly was requested.
04:41 AM Feature request #5029: Custom toolbars
- Check this plugin :
Thanks -
03:04 AM Feature request #12937 (Closed): Distance to nearest hub tool : Round distance
- In the +Vector analysis tools+,
In the +Distance to nearest hub+ tool,
+Currently+ : You can choose your unit (meter...
01:08 AM Bug report #12929: XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> sure you added the right file?
> here it returns exactly what you expect
> Invalid Data S... -
01:05 AM Bug report #12935: 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> any chance to share the file?
> any chance you can leave feedback on #12929 ?
Here is the d... -
12:49 AM Bug report #12935 (Feedback): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
12:48 AM Bug report #12935: 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- any chance to share the file?
any chance you can leave feedback on #12929 ?
12:45 AM Bug report #12935 (Closed): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- I am not sure if the file is complete, is was downloaded via QuickOSM plugin, but not sure if it completed.
The idea... -
12:39 AM Revision 91e44eaf (qgis): edit widgets: don't truncate double ranges and also support them in sli...
- dials (fixes #12421)
12:08 AM Bug report #6515: values in "value map" edit widget are always treated as text
- I don't see an issue with that. The descriptions/values/second column in the edit widget field config dialog should ...
04:34 PM Revision 765d1a98 (qgis): reenable tips for new minor releases
04:11 PM Bug report #11845: QGIS startup is slow on windows with --configpath option
- hmm I'm seeing this now too and it only just started. Very strange. Seeing the same stuff in the logs.
03:50 PM Revision ed581aee (qgis): indentation update II
03:44 PM Bug report #12494 (Feedback): value relation widget, wrong sorting of text
- What's shown in the combobox is supposed to be a description for the key used in the attribute. Isn't using a number...
03:40 PM Bug report #12421 (Closed): QGIS form : range with decimal > rounding by saving project ?
- Fixed in changeset commit:"91e44eafea2729bda02db8ac55d50fc54b8e0e56".
03:29 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- I should upload the geotiff raster file it produces as well.
In addition, it might be useful to know that it does wo... -
03:12 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- This is part 2 of the database backup file. Join this with "heatmap_data.bak.001" using HJ Split (or some other prog...
03:10 PM Bug report #12933: Heatmap generating an empty raster
- It didn't include my database backup file because it was too big I guess (6 MB). I am splitting the file up into chu...
03:06 PM Bug report #12933 (Closed): Heatmap generating an empty raster
- I am trying to create a heatmap raster using a point layer loaded from sql server. This is working with some setting...
02:54 PM Revision 9e3183c6 (qgis): Revert "sort includes"
- This reverts commit 2b7d3d3c73b50ba6dc74abec6dd652ff1b87c0ec.
02:51 PM Revision 4e861093 (qgis): indentation update
02:44 PM Revision 49286b30 (qgis):
- * renamed from
* don't destroy order just remove duplicate includes
* run after astyle -
02:42 PM Revision d077a168 (qgis): Merge pull request #2131 from 3nids/test_sort_include_2
- sort and remove duplicates in includes
02:04 PM Revision 86a4820f (qgis): fix 4bb90e3
01:59 PM Revision 2b7d3d3c (qgis): sort includes
01:52 PM Revision 4bb90e33 (qgis): fix permissions and catch trailing includes
01:45 PM Revision 5d50af04 (qgis): [rastercalc] Fix handling of unquoted bands > 9 (fix #7589)
01:45 PM Revision efde7ad4 (qgis): [rastercalc] Remove some redundant private methods
01:45 PM Revision f42f640d (qgis): [rastercalc] Switch all internal calculations to doubles
- ...for more accurate calculations (fix #9081)
- Add test suite for raster calculator
- Fix errors with log/log... -
01:45 PM Revision 1219a0fb (qgis): [rastercalc] Consolidate duplicate code
01:45 PM Revision 559d7bb9 (qgis): [rastercalc] Rework raster calculator to use QGIS raster classes
- ...rather than reading input layers directly through GDAL.
Benefits include more robust handling of nodata/data type ... -
01:45 PM Revision e1f7d330 (qgis): [rastercalc] More robust handling of nodata in calculations
- Also allow creation of QgsRasterCalcNodes which directly reference
a QgsRasterMatrix for testing. -
01:45 PM Revision f28755f9 (qgis): [rastercalc] Save/restore window geometry for raster calculator
01:12 PM Revision facfe6ec (qgis): integrate sorting of includes into
11:43 AM Revision a6eb0f5b (qgis): fix directories in sort script (followup 684b2bd110c0da0fd65912ab82b47c...
11:29 AM Bug report #12625 (Closed): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- not reproducable on master. closing for the lack of feedback.
11:29 AM Bug report #12625 (Closed): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- not reproducable on master. closing for the lack of feedback.
10:48 AM Revision 95570ebf (qgis): add missing newline at end of file
10:48 AM Revision b45e68f1 (qgis): add missing includes
10:48 AM Revision 684b2bd1 (qgis): bash cript to sort includes and remove duplicates
- * this sorts and remove duplicates in #include in src and tests folders
* sorts includes in <...> before "..."
* keep... -
10:43 AM Feature request #12932 (Closed): Better "Invalid Layer" error message
- When loading spatial data from SQL Server, if the data doesn't conform to the input requirements a message is display...
10:26 AM Bug report #12931 (Feedback): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
- I just tested on qgis master on ubuntu 14.04 and it seems to work fine here. Can you attach a sample project/data? th...
06:57 AM Bug report #12931 (Closed): "Calendar popup" Not Populating If Today is Clicked
- Using a date field, setting the Edit widget to Date/Time, and enabling the 'calendar popup' widget, I am unable to cl...
08:04 AM Revision 8f9c73b9 (qgis): Don't calculate unwanted stats for stats dock
08:03 AM Revision 7fb4bea2 (qgis): Fix map layer combo box sometimes showing a selected layer which
- is not applied
This could also have been fixed by changing from the activated
signal to currentIndexChanged for the ... -
08:03 AM Revision bf25186a (qgis): Fix potential crash in stats dock widget, avoid unnecessary recalc
07:37 AM Bug report #12927 (Closed): Installazione terminata con un errore
- Hi, the error is thrown by a 3rd party plugin (qgis cloud) not qgis itself. Note: issues here must be filed in english.
07:37 AM Bug report #12927 (Closed): Installazione terminata con un errore
- Hi, the error is thrown by a 3rd party plugin (qgis cloud) not qgis itself. Note: issues here must be filed in english.
07:35 AM Bug report #12930 (Feedback): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- I cannot confirm on ubuntu 14.04 and qgis master installed from the nightly builds repo.
07:35 AM Bug report #12930 (Feedback): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- I cannot confirm on ubuntu 14.04 and qgis master installed from the nightly builds repo.
02:18 AM Bug report #12930 (Closed): Crash when deleting a column from attribute table
- QGIS crashes when deleting a column from a shapefile attribute table using the *Delete column (Crtl L)* tool in the a...
04:46 AM Bug report #9081 (Closed): Raster calculator result is not accurate
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f42f640d3025742911e6edb1d018945f67a38438".
04:46 AM Feature request #3649 (Closed): Raster calculator should work on raster files in different CRS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"559d7bb943f02660694b37a701d8483106011df1".
04:46 AM Bug report #12450 (Closed): Raster Calculator giving bogus values
- Fixed in changeset commit:"559d7bb943f02660694b37a701d8483106011df1".
04:46 AM Bug report #7589 (Closed): Raster Calculator error over band number 9
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5d50af0407c375ec7e690bf2f82596e3ca304740".
01:58 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this does not make sense at all (mixing a layer with a geographic CRS and nother with a proj... -
01:45 AM Bug report #12929 (Feedback): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- sure you added the right file?
here it returns exactly what you expect
Invalid Data Source: /home/giovanni/Downloads... -
01:40 AM Bug report #12929 (Closed): XML file freezes QGIS 2.8.2/master
- I know that this is a bad file. I was trying to extract a json from overpass-turbo but got a xml file
I think that th... -
01:31 AM Bug report #12387 (Closed): Value map fields are always treated as text
12:50 AM Bug report #12335: Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- Yes, 2.1.2. I'll investigate it later this week.
12:42 AM Bug report #12335: Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Sorry, it's a pitty the hub doesn't send any email notification when the status is changed to ... -
12:37 AM Bug report #12335 (Feedback): Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
12:30 AM Bug report #12928 (Closed): Using form view to edit data, changes the attribute that uses Date/Ti...
- Using QGIS 2.8.1 (64 bit) on Windows using Esri Shape file.
I have 2 data fields that uses the date/time widgit. One ... -
12:15 AM Bug report #12927 (Closed): Installazione terminata con un errore
- Buongiorno,
ho provato ad installare qgis 2.8.2 sul mio pc.
Sistema operativo windows 7 32 bit
Alla fine dell'insta... -
12:14 AM Bug report #12847: virtual layer query in DBmanager throws error
- Sorry for that, I thought it was in core.
01:14 PM Bug report #12847 (Closed): virtual layer query in DBmanager throws error
- third party plugin. Maybe file a ticket "here":
01:14 PM Bug report #12847 (Closed): virtual layer query in DBmanager throws error
- third party plugin. Maybe file a ticket "here":
11:37 PM Revision 3d193e30 (qgis): layer context menu: disable CRS related menu entries from table layers ...
11:12 PM Revision b7363170 (qgis): spatialite provider: load 64bit integers (fixes #12785)
11:08 PM Feature request #12926 (Closed): Improve attribute table performance
- Loading a large (pg) table requires the loading of all records. This is a real performance killer, and effectively pr...
10:04 PM Revision 014f0703 (qgis): gps information widget:
- * fix crash when satellite markers are remove (fixes #12393)
* also fixes serial port detection on unix -
08:27 PM Revision fa89e292 (qgis): feature iterator: include attributes required by virtual fields first s...
- they trigger joins if necessary (fixes #11545)
07:57 PM Bug report #12924 (Closed): Sql Server Point Layer
- Closing this request but you can open another one about better error messages for this case (assign it to me, it's on...
07:57 PM Bug report #12924 (Closed): Sql Server Point Layer
- Closing this request but you can open another one about better error messages for this case (assign it to me, it's on...
07:03 PM Bug report #12924: Sql Server Point Layer
- David Vanescentes wrote:
> Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> > Do you have a int based primary key on the table?
> I do not ... -
06:51 PM Bug report #12924: Sql Server Point Layer
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Do you have a int based primary key on the table?
I do not (the first column is a unique int... -
06:33 PM Bug report #12924 (Feedback): Sql Server Point Layer
06:33 PM Bug report #12924: Sql Server Point Layer
- Do you have a int based primary key on the table?
06:31 PM Bug report #12924 (Closed): Sql Server Point Layer
- I just downloaded and installed QGIS a few days ago (version 2.8.2-Wien). I tried pulling in spatial data from sql se...
06:45 PM Bug report #8553 (Feedback): Diagrams: Automated placement settings are not saved or loaded in th...
- Is this still an issue?
06:37 PM Revision 3646e358 (qgis): fix primary key search (fixes #11997)
05:01 PM Revision 1959f751 (qgis): renderer: also consider support ogc wkb types for 3d (fixes crash after...
- 3d polygons)
05:01 PM Revision b14d3ebb (qgis): fix warnings
05:01 PM Revision 8289891b (qgis): Move information about strict provider geometry type check on point sha...
- to OGR provider and make use of it when pasting & merging features
(fixes #12488, refs #10672, refs #10747)
TODO: ch... -
04:09 PM Bug report #12923 (Closed): Project with SQL Server Layers opens much slower in 2.8 than 2.6
- I have a project that contains many sql server layers. In version 2.6 it opened in about 20 seconds in version 2.8.1 ...
02:58 PM Bug report #12525 (Closed): Field calculator preview updates layout to a really big unusable wind...
- duplicate of #12433
02:58 PM Bug report #12525 (Closed): Field calculator preview updates layout to a really big unusable wind...
- duplicate of #12433
02:38 PM Bug report #12654 (Closed): Remove geographical operations on table layers
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3d193e3026922620d1461eaa41336b49a3dcca77".
02:21 PM Bug report #11350 (Closed): Raster Calculator not giving the correct raster from a slope percenta...
- An expression like:
("slope%@1" <= 8 ) * "slope%@1"
will work -
02:21 PM Bug report #11350 (Closed): Raster Calculator not giving the correct raster from a slope percenta...
- An expression like:
("slope%@1" <= 8 ) * "slope%@1"
will work -
02:12 PM Bug report #12785 (Closed): Adding spatialite layer to project data gets corrupted(?)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b736317005c2417ffc037bbc3969a2b180c49dd7".
02:07 PM Bug report #12922 (Closed): Join Attributes by Location does not intersect / return data
- Using QGIS 2.8.2, Processing 2.9.3 - Attempting to join point data to polygons. Works fine when using Vector>Data Man...
01:57 PM Revision 920f2ebe (qgis): Fix bug causing raster blocks to be cleared when reprojecting
- If a QgsRasterBlock had no nodata value set, then reprojecting
the raster using QgsRasterProjector would result in th... -
01:47 PM Bug report #12872 (Feedback): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- magnus hoeirup wrote:
> Could not commit changes to layer F_KIRKEGD_GRAVSTEDER
> Errors: ERROR: 1 feature(s) not ad... -
01:34 PM Bug report #11298 (Feedback): customize render combobox
- not reproducable with master
01:27 PM Revision 3b5df983 (qgis): Implement segmentize method in QgsGeometryCollection2 instead of subcl...
01:04 PM Bug report #12393 (Closed): GPS information panel, dialogue "Satellite "crashes QGIS 2.8 (regress...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"014f0703fef04c63cb1f46bca52562e85d28ce96".
12:26 PM Bug report #12502: processing:runalg locks input file
- When running a script, there is a lock on files created by processing.runalg(). This happens in several algorithms, o...
11:52 AM Revision 06b47255 (qgis): Rename QgsGeometryData to QgsGeometryPrivate. Update class comment
11:30 AM Bug report #11545 (Closed): Categorized/graduated symbology does not work for a virtual field com...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fa89e292cef8798cf11b3800aec88b3c4e53cde8".
10:17 AM Revision 73ae0f79 (qgis): Bump number of decimal places for offset tool spinbox, otherwise
- offset tool only allows coarse adjustments in certain CRSs.
10:16 AM Bug report #10498: Better resize the width of textbox and title in Properties of items in Print C...
- Hi,
Can someone review and tell if this is the way this bug should be fixed, please? The GUI is not really readable f... -
10:14 AM Revision 31232d16 (qgis): Merge pull request #2126 from nirvn/lock_icon_refresh
- [GUI] refresh the symbology and composer lock icons
10:05 AM Revision cf6de0f3 (qgis): [gui] refresh the symbology and composer lock icons
09:59 AM Bug report #12920 (Closed): Mac OS X : Spinboxes are partly greyed
- As shown in the screenshot attached, all the spinboxes in the Print composer's tabs are partly greyed at the right si...
09:38 AM Bug report #11997 (Closed): QGIS hangs importing a shapefile into spatialite
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3646e35827da5b6e1e03a9375aa2845fb013bdaa".
09:01 AM Bug report #12118: Advanced digitizing toolbar not shown on first install
- I agree that it should be checked by default. In fact, it should not even be called Advanced, as it includes pretty b...
09:01 AM Bug report #12118: Advanced digitizing toolbar not shown on first install
- I agree that it should be checked by default. In fact, it should not even be called Advanced, as it includes pretty b...
09:01 AM Bug report #12118: Advanced digitizing toolbar not shown on first install
- I agree that it should be checked by default. In fact, it should not even be called Advanced, as it includes pretty b...
08:56 AM Bug report #12118 (Feedback): Advanced digitizing toolbar not shown on first install
- AFAICT it's not initially checked (renamed UI/state to test) and when you check it appears.
08:05 AM Bug report #12488 (Closed): Impossible to merge features in a point shapefile
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8289891b78953581f22e944565e0e1c9678a09c3".
07:20 AM Bug report #12895: QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- I've tried clearing the .qgis2 folder before but that didn't seem to work. Within a few days I expect I'll have some ...
05:58 AM Bug report #12885 (Closed): cannot add part to empty geometries anymore
- Works for me,
thank you! -
05:58 AM Bug report #12885 (Closed): cannot add part to empty geometries anymore
- Works for me,
thank you! -
05:47 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Create Geometry Table :
Create Attribute Table : -
05:32 AM Bug report #10965 (Closed): Raster calculator always returns float32 tiffs
- Duplicate of #4475
05:32 AM Bug report #10965 (Closed): Raster calculator always returns float32 tiffs
- Duplicate of #4475
05:31 AM Revision 03ad6aca (qgis): Merge pull request #2125 from nirvn/symbology_arrows_refresh-v3
- [GUI] refresh the symbology add/remove/arrow icons
05:25 AM Revision 3e17d563 (qgis): [gui] refresh the symbology add/remove/arrow icons
04:31 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- ok. I cannot confirm the issue using the attached dataset on 2.8.2 (ubuntu 14.04) and applying the algorithm from the...
04:19 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- I tried with geoalgorithm "Select Bylocation" from processing toolbox and it doesn't work for this data set. Attached...
02:58 AM Bug report #12918 (Closed): QGIS freezes when wheelzooming WMS layer via authenticating proxy
- Note that this issue is very similar to a bug which was reported on the mailinglist (I have not found it in trac):
ht... -
02:35 AM Bug report #12917 (Closed): No possibility for rotation of font symbol by attribute value when us...
- If I have a point symbol which I'd like to use a font symbol for, I can only use categorized instead of Rule-based sy...
01:27 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Using the QGIS geoalgorithm "Select by location" from the processing toolbox works as expected. As I understand it th...
11:46 PM Bug report #12906 (Open): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
> It looks something really to be tuned in QGIS to handle this sort of issues.
I edited the title to better desc...-
11:46 PM Bug report #12906 (Open): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
> It looks something really to be tuned in QGIS to handle this sort of issues.
I edited the title to better desc...-
11:46 PM Bug report #12906 (Open): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
> It looks something really to be tuned in QGIS to handle this sort of issues.
I edited the title to better desc...-
09:00 PM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Yes, in my research most of the times i deal with this type of complex data sets and some times i see difficulty usin...
07:58 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Oh what a beautiful polygon! It has one self-intersection at
POINT (-125.25977653693093 48.92186621734039). I tried ... -
06:29 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Nag R wrote:
> Sample data is attached.
> I reproduced the issue using this data set.
> Thanks
the polygon has... -
05:30 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Sample data is attached.
I reproduced the issue using this data set.
Thanks -
05:30 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- Sample data is attached.
I reproduced the issue using this data set.
Thanks -
04:21 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- I also cannot confirm. Attaching sample data would be very appreciated.
04:19 AM Bug report #12906 (Feedback): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
04:17 AM Bug report #12906: Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- I made a test with one polygon and one line which I digitized with QGIS 2.6.0 but I couldn't reproduce the issue. Cou...
12:33 AM Bug report #12885: cannot add part to empty geometries anymore
- This should work with current master branch. Could you check?
12:32 AM Bug report #12886: delete part has no effect on single geometries
- This should work with current master branch. Could you check?
12:30 AM Bug report #12335: Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- Sorry, it's a pitty the hub doesn't send any email notification when the status is changed to feedback.
Now in maste... -
11:47 PM Bug report #12335 (Closed): Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:47 PM Bug report #12335 (Closed): Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:33 PM Revision 558f0b28 (qgis): date edit widget: show date if null is allowed
11:33 PM Revision 018cdd25 (qgis): mssql provider: improve datetime support (fixes #12461)
08:04 PM Bug report #11399: Unable to add raster and vector files via drag and drop on OS X 10.10
- Hi,
This can be fixed for Qt 4.8.x, but requires direct access to the Cocoa API when needed to introduce the workaro... -
07:20 PM Revision cce3bb20 (qgis): Merge pull request #2121 from slarosa/algname_messagebar
- [processing] add algorithm name to messagebar while running
06:27 PM Revision 941107df (qgis): [processing] add algorithm name to messagebar while running
05:51 PM Revision 77bf10b7 (qgis): vector layer: changing of attributes and geometry of new features doesn...
03:36 PM Bug report #11755: Real precision (Shapefile)
- See "PR !#2122":
03:19 PM Bug report #12911: Path offset doesnt work in nightly
- Actually it's not a geometry related regression - it seems tied to certain snapping configuration options.
02:12 PM Bug report #12911: Path offset doesnt work in nightly
- Confirmed on linux.
02:12 PM Bug report #12911: Path offset doesnt work in nightly
- Confirmed on linux.
08:54 AM Bug report #12911 (Closed): Path offset doesnt work in nightly
- In the nightly ea31c68 path offsets doesn't work. Downloaded today (june 8) from
02:51 PM Bug report #12899 (Closed): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
- @INTEGER@ columns cannot contain multiple selections. Use text fields (like the tmp from the working layer).
02:51 PM Bug report #12899 (Closed): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
- @INTEGER@ columns cannot contain multiple selections. Use text fields (like the tmp from the working layer).
02:38 PM Bug report #12461 (Closed): Unable to commit date changes to MSSQL table in 2.8.1 Wien
- Fixed in changeset commit:"018cdd25da8d826ad6eddea77f6605330e94d902".
02:31 PM Bug report #12909 (Closed): Can't edit new features without "ChangeAttributeValue"/"ChangeGeometr...
09:00 AM Bug report #12909 (In Progress): Can't edit new features without "ChangeAttributeValue"/"ChangeGe...
08:53 AM Bug report #12909 (Closed): Can't edit new features without "ChangeAttributeValue"/"ChangeGeometr...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"77bf10b752a264342653b4a953cf389ed5c28714".
05:54 AM Bug report #12909 (Closed): Can't edit new features without "ChangeAttributeValue"/"ChangeGeometr...
- I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3 with PostGIS 2.1 x86
I have a table with +*insert only*+ permissions (id (pkey integer auto-... -
02:10 PM Revision 402df032 (qgis): ows data items: population of children already runs in a thread - don't...
02:10 PM Revision ef626163 (qgis): remove duplicate includes
01:06 PM Bug report #11425 (Closed): make check: 12 tests failed out of 113
- Closing this as Travis is a better solution for tracking failing tests
01:06 PM Bug report #11425 (Closed): make check: 12 tests failed out of 113
- Closing this as Travis is a better solution for tracking failing tests
12:13 PM Bug report #12690 (Closed): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spat...
12:08 PM Bug report #12690 (Feedback): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle sp...
- Not reproducable in master or 2.8.2
12:08 PM Bug report #12690 (Feedback): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle sp...
- Not reproducable in master or 2.8.2
12:05 PM Bug report #11281 (Closed): GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 cause "invalid literal for int() with b...
- Looks like a Shapely issue and no QGIS problem
12:05 PM Bug report #11281 (Closed): GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 cause "invalid literal for int() with b...
- Looks like a Shapely issue and no QGIS problem
05:36 AM Bug report #11281: GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 cause "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '...
- Hi Jürgen Fischer
It occures during plugins instalations, like
Error:... -
11:38 AM Revision 2948c45c (qgis): Fix another issue with reshape tool and polygons with rings
10:42 AM Revision 19b79d89 (qgis): Fix developers map background loading
- Fix #12831
Backported to 2.8.3
Workaround for -
09:57 AM Revision 3ab1230b (qgis): Merge pull request #2110 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_v_voronoi
- [processing] fix GRASS7 v.voronoi output as lines
09:01 AM Bug report #12912 (Closed): Switching line/area measure do not remove lines/areas on close
- If I measure a line, and then without closing the dialogue, switch to measure an area (or vice versa) the dialogue ch...
09:00 AM Revision 77d68b0d (qgis): Fix reshape assertion if reshape line does not intersect twice
08:10 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
> I'me gonna to reinstall QGIS 2.4 and done what you've asked.
just post here the query (not as screenshot) and the...-
07:04 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Sorry, my fault, I was talking about a WHERE clause and not WHEN.
I send most simply query for example. But if my uni... -
06:53 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Did anyone spot a @WHEN@ yet? BTW I find the screenshot not very helpful.
Why not the @CREATE TABLE@s for all tabl... -
05:34 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Yes it able to display in QGIS
In attachment, query as simple as possible and both table display in dbmanager.
Resul... -
05:34 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Yes it able to display in QGIS
In attachment, query as simple as possible and both table display in dbmanager.
Resul... -
05:34 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Yes it able to display in QGIS
In attachment, query as simple as possible and both table display in dbmanager.
Resul... -
04:50 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
> Reinstall 2.4 version, it works :S
does this means that the same query with the same tables works on qgis 2.4?
03:29 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Could you have the screenshot from DB Manager in QGIS like the ones I have attached.
!dbManager.PNG! -
07:44 AM Bug report #12578: Large pause before snapping to large layer
- It might be related to the creation of the index for snapping.
05:10 AM Bug report #12578: Large pause before snapping to large layer
- Possibly related:
* load a large layer
* add a new empty layer (either shp or in memory)
This takes an enormous amoun... -
07:29 AM Bug report #12910 (Closed): Move rotated canvas with arrow keys according to rotation
- Happily using the new rotatable maps canvas for digitizing scanned and overcrowded field maps with a lot entries in d...
06:55 AM Bug report #12740: Algorithms sometimes disappear from the toolbox
- i am raising the priority of this to Blocker
The issue seems to be in the SAGA provider, that sometimes is not corre... -
06:46 AM Feature request #3296 (Closed): Areas and length from field calculator are different to derived o...
- this should be fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
06:46 AM Feature request #3296 (Closed): Areas and length from field calculator are different to derived o...
- this should be fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
06:43 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> GRASS 6.4.4 gives also 3 447,087 km2 for the Parma-Polygon.
> That is good news for those... -
05:51 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- GRASS 6.4.4 gives also 3 447,087 km2 for the Parma-Polygon.
That is good news for those who turn off OTF or manually... -
05:03 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
> So, the question is: How is OTF supposed to affect measurements?
I'll be back on this a little later. Cheers.-
05:02 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
> Do you really consider this bug properly fixed so the ticket can be closed? It seems that I am not the only one wh...-
04:59 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> BTW, SAGA gives for your Parma-polygon also 3 447,087 km2. I can compare other tools too ... -
06:33 AM Revision 35834e84 (qgis): Avoid overflowing url drawn over widgets in browser info widget
05:52 AM Revision aeda9554 (qgis): Add confirmation prompt before deleting PostGIS and Spatialite
- tables through the browser. Also add confirmation before dropping
connections (fix #12853). -
05:10 AM Bug report #12507 (Closed): Browser connections issues in master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"402df0323e81b53c81d472b8376b6a0c8fb57eed".
04:35 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- Maybe this is related? Applying the Processing buffer on a memory layer returns an error:...
04:29 AM Bug report #12894 (Open): Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes co...
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:06 AM Bug report #12894: Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes converted...
- All in Processing
See screenshots tested with dissolve, polygon centroid and save selected feature as script.
Giova... -
02:53 AM Bug report #12880 (Closed): Reshape tool throws exception
- Confirmed fixed with the addition of 2948c45cba7358713e940b87ce0519185f6b0cc2
02:49 AM Bug report #12907 (Closed): Add a line in the modeler between a vector layer parameter and a tabl...
- When you create a table field parameter in the modeler, you need to define which vector layer parameter you will use....
01:56 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Here are screenshot from my table on pgadmin.
Primary key are define, see nothing strange.
Reinstall 2.4 version, it ... -
01:56 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Here are screenshot from my table on pgadmin.
Primary key are define, see nothing strange.
Reinstall 2.4 version, it ... -
03:11 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Does this happen only if the query contains a WHEN conditional?
Yes only when conditional.
... -
03:09 AM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Does this happen only if the query contains a WHEN conditional?
01:16 AM Bug report #12906 (Closed): Spatial Query: silently do not select geometries with errors
- *New description:*
the spatial query tool silently do not select geometries with errors (or at least geometries with... -
01:16 AM Bug report #12905 (Closed): processing: output in formats different from default (shp/tif) do not...
- It seems that recently the ability to save outputs in formats different from the default (shp, tif) is not working as...
01:01 AM Bug report #9902 (Closed): Using v.voronoi with "output tessellation as graph" returns point result
01:00 AM Bug report #12891 (Closed): QGIS Won't Open
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you rename your .qgis2 folder under your user folder and try to open QGIS again?
The ... -
01:00 AM Bug report #12891 (Closed): QGIS Won't Open
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you rename your .qgis2 folder under your user folder and try to open QGIS again?
The ... -
12:50 AM Bug report #12874: [Composer] DEL button doesn't remove items from the print composer on Mac OS X
- yes, it does.
10:51 PM Bug report #12874 (Feedback): [Composer] DEL button doesn't remove items from the print composer ...
- Does delete work in the main canvas to delete features?
12:04 AM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- @Nyall: fixed with commit:77d68b0d6c63e7b03e7b265e9ff662b3c48705ed ?
08:21 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- (Sorry for flooding this report). I've tracked down what triggers this - it's when the reshape line is invalid. eg, a...
08:07 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- Relevant portion of the backtrace:...
08:00 PM Bug report #12880 (Open): Reshape tool throws exception
- I'm still getting issues with the tool. Just tried with commit:aa6db0 doing a reshape on a simple multipolygon (exact...
02:44 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- Yes, after commit:211d28b and commit:8cdf0d6 it is working for me.
10:55 PM Bug report #12082 (Closed): Coordinates won't appear (outside the map object frame) in Print Comp...
10:17 PM Feature request #12853 (Closed): No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the br...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"aeda9554bac432c485c8694fd5c6185732ef01ce".
12:46 PM Revision aa6db0eb (qgis): Merge pull request #2119 from nirvn/browser_toolbar_improvement
- [browser] slight re-ordering and icon improvements
11:52 AM Revision ea31c680 (qgis): Merge pull request #2120 from nirvn/layer_legend_icon_updates
- [gui] sync layer right-click menu & composer legend item icons
11:18 AM Bug report #12904 (Closed): Processing: list of variables not updated
- Steps to reproduce:
* load a point shapefile and a raster
* run v.sample
* then run again v.sample on the output fro... -
11:07 AM Revision 624d142e (qgis): Fix bugs related to adding and removing geometry parts
10:44 AM Bug report #12903 (Closed): Processing: Errors in model from manual
- Model: -
10:41 AM Bug report #12902 (Closed): Opening a model from file throws an error
- Opening: -
10:17 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- BTW, SAGA gives for your Parma-polygon also 3 447,087 km2. I can compare other tools too if that is of relevance...
04:25 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> According to, the area of the Province of Parma is 3.447,... -
09:19 AM Revision cc8c7ab0 (qgis): [gui] update duplicate layer icon to align to a 16 x 16 grid
09:00 AM Revision 1b4fe75a (qgis): [gui] sync layer right-click menu & composer legend item icons
07:37 AM Bug report #12901 (Feedback): QGIS 2.8.2 in attribute table field calc fails with $x and $y
- Hi Ilaria,
I cannot confirm here on the same qgis version and platform. Could you please attach a sample of your data... -
07:30 AM Bug report #12901 (Closed): QGIS 2.8.2 in attribute table field calc fails with $x and $y
- In the attribute table ready for editing, the field calculator is not calculating $x or $y. Instead of coordinates va...
07:06 AM Revision 4075979e (qgis): [browser] slight re-ordering and icon improvements
04:55 AM Bug report #12897: Geopackage: add support in DB Manager
- I'll try to take a look at this issue - without warranty - I never looked at this plugin before. Eventually it's auth...
04:50 AM Bug report #12897: Geopackage: add support in DB Manager
- Geopackage content is displayed in the DB Manager but it is currently not possible to load layers from there. The dis...
04:47 AM Bug report #12579 (Closed): Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- closing for lack of feedback.
04:47 AM Bug report #12579 (Closed): Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- closing for lack of feedback.
04:20 AM Feature request #11480 (Closed): better error messages
- error messages have been improved in qgis master recently.
04:20 AM Feature request #11480 (Closed): better error messages
- error messages have been improved in qgis master recently.
02:40 AM Feature request #5698: Implement hidden parameters
- They are already available for SAGA (they are called "hardcoded") and I agree that will help also with GRASS.
02:33 AM Feature request #5396 (In Progress): Run algorithms in a different thread
- work undergoing as google summer of code -
02:33 AM Feature request #5396 (In Progress): Run algorithms in a different thread
- work undergoing as google summer of code -
02:33 AM Feature request #5396 (In Progress): Run algorithms in a different thread
- work undergoing as google summer of code -
02:31 AM Feature request #11324 (Closed): Let Processing windows being non-blockers of the interface
02:30 AM Feature request #10661 (Closed): allow to choose and fill coordinates from canvas
- duplicate of #5733
02:30 AM Feature request #10661 (Closed): allow to choose and fill coordinates from canvas
- duplicate of #5733
02:25 AM Feature request #10773 (Closed): Processing: more meaningful error messages
- error messages have been improved recently in qgis/processing master.
02:25 AM Feature request #10773 (Closed): Processing: more meaningful error messages
- error messages have been improved recently in qgis/processing master.
01:18 AM Bug report #8264 (Closed): error when trying to load a layer that wasn't actually created
- The error message has been improved recently. Moreover in GRASS 7/v.clean the error layer is always created now (even...
01:18 AM Bug report #8264 (Closed): error when trying to load a layer that wasn't actually created
- The error message has been improved recently. Moreover in GRASS 7/v.clean the error layer is always created now (even...
01:10 AM Bug report #12899 (Open): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
12:33 AM Bug report #12899: Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
- Yes, indeed, when I've added a new layer (which source was the same as the problematic one), this new layer works as ...
12:33 AM Bug report #12899: Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
- Yes, indeed, when I've added a new layer (which source was the same as the problematic one), this new layer works as ...
12:03 AM Bug report #12899 (Feedback): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections f...
- I cannot confirm here. Maybe it depends on the data type of columns? Attaching a sample project/data would help a lot...
12:03 AM Bug report #12899 (Feedback): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections f...
- I cannot confirm here. Maybe it depends on the data type of columns? Attaching a sample project/data would help a lot...
10:41 AM Bug report #12899 (Closed): Spatialite layer - impossible save edits with multiple selections field
- When in field properties of spatialite layer I choose Value Relation for widget properties and allow multiple selecti...
12:58 AM Bug report #11561 (Closed): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> On Linux Mint, trying to save as SQLITE still produces a .sqlite.shp file.
> GPX seems to ... -
12:58 AM Bug report #11561 (Closed): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
- Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> On Linux Mint, trying to save as SQLITE still produces a .sqlite.shp file.
> GPX seems to ... -
12:34 AM Bug report #6379: HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- see also #12710
12:33 AM Bug report #6379 (Open): HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- On Windows there is the html output, but in the results viewer it is shown the html code instead of the formatted tex...
12:34 AM Bug report #12710 (Closed): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- this is a subset of #6379
12:34 AM Bug report #12710 (Closed): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- this is a subset of #6379
10:28 AM Bug report #12710 (Feedback): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- I still see the unformatted output in Processing 2.9.3
12:03 AM Bug report #12900 (Closed): Editing data in table - multiple selection drop-down list too short
- When editing data in the attributes table and the field has multiple selections allowed, the drop-down menu in the fi...
12:00 AM Bug report #12880 (Feedback): Reshape tool throws exception
07:28 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- Guys, commit 8cdf0d6 appears to have fixed this blocker. I can't duplicate the issue using a build containing the com...
07:38 PM Revision faf3bcd0 (qgis): Better output name for some SAGA Processing modules
07:33 PM Revision b5bd178c (qgis): Better default for Processing:grass:r.series
07:26 PM Bug report #12896 (Closed): regression: a multipolygon shapefile fails to render
- commit 211d28b fixed this regression, closing.
07:26 PM Bug report #12896 (Closed): regression: a multipolygon shapefile fails to render
- commit 211d28b fixed this regression, closing.
07:26 PM Bug report #12896 (Closed): regression: a multipolygon shapefile fails to render
- commit 211d28b fixed this regression, closing.
05:03 PM Revision 8cdf0d6d (qgis): Fix numerical problems in reshape tool
02:43 PM Feature request #9163: Extend DBManager to Oracle
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Médéric RIBREUX wrote:
> > I've written "an implementation of DBManager for Oracle":https://g... -
12:45 PM Revision 211d28b5 (qgis): Don't test imported rings for validity (fixes display of simplified pol...
11:29 AM Revision 3387d6f6 (qgis): expression: let concat handle NULL like empty string (like in postgres)
10:26 AM Bug report #12863: Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- See also "transifex":
10:16 AM Bug report #12863 (Closed): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is b...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > but I didn't check others.
> italian is also affected. I tested ... -
10:16 AM Bug report #12863 (Closed): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is b...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > but I didn't check others.
> italian is also affected. I tested ... -
08:22 AM Bug report #12863: Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> but I didn't check others.
italian is also affected. I tested a bunch of other common langu... -
10:26 AM Bug report #12898 (Closed): Processing: Field calculator requires an output file name
- If run normally, it throws:
Output is not set. Please specify valid filename -
09:08 AM Revision f3c781ed (qgis): Merge pull request #2117 from nirvn/osm_area_more_improvements
- [OSM] add two more tags to determine area of closed ways with highway / barrier
08:52 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- I use ESET antivirus software on my work laptop.
Since you asked about this, I turned it off temporarily and restart... -
08:04 AM Revision 6ef5fb72 (qgis): [osm] add two more tags to area check
07:55 AM Bug report #12637 (Feedback): Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a c...
07:53 AM Bug report #12253 (Closed): WMTS When Zoomed Out Crashes QGIS
- seems fixed to me in master, please reopen if necessary.
07:53 AM Bug report #12253 (Closed): WMTS When Zoomed Out Crashes QGIS
- seems fixed to me in master, please reopen if necessary.
06:58 AM Bug report #12256 (Closed): Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
01:19 AM Feature request #10222 (Closed): Geopackage support: add layer through Browser
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Setting as 50% done as it would be nice to add persistent entries as per spatialite.
I thi... -
01:19 AM Feature request #10222 (Closed): Geopackage support: add layer through Browser
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Setting as 50% done as it would be nice to add persistent entries as per spatialite.
I thi... -
01:16 AM Feature request #12187: GeoPackage: Vector layer save as... support
- Andreas Neumann wrote:
> If we could add support for geopackage in the DB manager, then we could add additional layer... -
01:14 AM Feature request #12187 (Closed): GeoPackage: Vector layer save as... support
05:11 AM Feature request #12187: GeoPackage: Vector layer save as... support
- If we could add support for geopackage in the DB manager, then we could add additional layers into one Geopackage - b...
01:15 AM Bug report #12897 (Closed): Geopackage: add support in DB Manager
- subject says it all.
01:01 AM Bug report #12881 (Open): Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
> Can you reproduce it that way?
01:01 AM Bug report #12881 (Open): Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
> Can you reproduce it that way?
12:10 PM Bug report #12881: Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
- Also, the non-empty project in the last step seemed to be important for duplicating it. If I loaded the qlr file into...
12:09 PM Bug report #12881: Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
- I just reread my steps and realized I wasn't clear enough.
On step 2, the layer has to be from the same PostGIS tabl... -
11:33 AM Bug report #12881 (Feedback): Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
- just tested the above steps on qgsi master and got always the expected outcome.
11:33 AM Bug report #12881 (Feedback): Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
- just tested the above steps on qgsi master and got always the expected outcome.
09:27 PM Bug report #12896: regression: a multipolygon shapefile fails to render
- Confirmed here too.
09:11 PM Bug report #12896 (Closed): regression: a multipolygon shapefile fails to render
- On QGIS master, the attached shapefile fails to render its single multipolygon properly. Instead of rendering all par...
05:38 PM Revision 7aae459f (qgis): wmts: also accept extents in WGS84BoundingBox (fixes #12432)
04:52 PM Revision ee9d9eea (qgis): enable c++11 support for MSVC>2010 (although that's still what's used f...
04:36 PM Revision e330265e (qgis): Merge pull request #2114 from geometalab/master
- Add GeoPackage/GPKG writable driver support
03:12 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- I can confirm here and I am getting the following stacktrace when closing w/o saving with a polygon scratch layer:
<p... -
02:33 PM Bug report #12880 (Open): Reshape tool throws exception
- I should add that this is using 7aae459
02:32 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- I've attached a screencast demonstrating this issue. What I see:
- Multipolygon layer - reshape fails to work. No er... -
12:09 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- I'm also not able to replicate on the latest master.
12:09 PM Bug report #12880: Reshape tool throws exception
- I'm also not able to replicate on the latest master.
02:23 AM Bug report #12880 (Feedback): Reshape tool throws exception
- I've just reshaped a lot of polygons and did not get exceptions. Probably it does not happen in each case. If you can...
02:26 PM Revision 1cd4fd6e (qgis): Even more geos exceptions
02:25 PM Revision 476ee1d4 (qgis): Change test description (Minor change)
- 01:58 PM Revision fb107f1d (qgis): Add GeoPackage/GPKG writable driver support
01:49 PM Feature request #12893 (Open): Keep join field when using processing/qgis
12:57 PM Feature request #12893: Keep join field when using processing/qgis
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> what tool you used to do the dissolve? In processing there are tools (saga,grass,ogr) that d... -
12:38 PM Feature request #12893 (Feedback): Keep join field when using processing/qgis
- what tool you used to do the dissolve? In processing there are tools (saga,grass,ogr) that don't know anything about ...
12:38 PM Feature request #12893 (Feedback): Keep join field when using processing/qgis
- what tool you used to do the dissolve? In processing there are tools (saga,grass,ogr) that don't know anything about ...
12:31 PM Feature request #12893 (Rejected): Keep join field when using processing/qgis
- For try to reduce action to exported physical table.
I wish processing algorithms keep join field when they exist.
E... -
01:48 PM Bug report #12895: QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- a sample project with data would also help.
01:34 PM Bug report #12895: QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- Try to rename .qgis2 folder and open your file and see if this happens again.
Worth also checking CPU and memory usag... -
01:34 PM Bug report #12895: QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- Try to rename .qgis2 folder and open your file and see if this happens again.
Worth also checking CPU and memory usag... -
01:14 PM Bug report #12895: QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- Thanks for the quick response... The laptop is an HP ZBook 17 with a Core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM, connected by...
01:04 PM Bug report #12895 (Feedback): QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- This could be hardware limitation of your PC.
Also check if your shapefile is on a network drive with slow connectio... -
12:51 PM Bug report #12895 (Closed): QGIS 2.8.1 freezes when saving data
- Hello everyone,
This is my first bug report so I apologize if I'm doing something wrong...
QGIS 2.8.1 will occasion... -
01:29 PM Bug report #1451 (Feedback): High usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas
- Can't reproduce in master.
Time to close this! -
01:29 PM Bug report #1451 (Feedback): High usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas
- Can't reproduce in master.
Time to close this! -
01:29 PM Bug report #1451 (Feedback): High usage of CPU when moving mouse over map canvas
- Can't reproduce in master.
Time to close this! -
01:15 PM Revision e87cb5b9 (qgis): More geos exceptions
12:48 PM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- If it doesn't work in Windows and Linux it is likely to be:
- A problem independant of your platform
- (very likely) ... -
12:43 PM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
> I see that plateform and version was delete, what should I indicate in platform and platform version ?
we usuall...-
12:19 PM Bug report #12892: Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> is idu your primary key? You can check under table properties > constraints?
I see that pla... -
08:28 AM Bug report #12892 (Feedback): Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- is idu your primary key? You can check under table properties > constraints?
08:28 AM Bug report #12892 (Feedback): Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- is idu your primary key? You can check under table properties > constraints?
08:28 AM Bug report #12892 (Feedback): Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- is idu your primary key? You can check under table properties > constraints?
08:28 AM Bug report #12892 (Feedback): Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- is idu your primary key? You can check under table properties > constraints?
08:05 AM Bug report #12892 (Closed): Can't load table from SQL editor in DBManager with 'WHERE' argument
- When I want to load a table from SQL editor from DB Manager nothing happened.
In case where my primary key won't be u... -
12:39 PM Bug report #12894 (Feedback): Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attribute...
- please specify the tool that caused the issue.
12:39 PM Bug report #12894 (Feedback): Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attribute...
- please specify the tool that caused the issue.
12:36 PM Bug report #12894 (Closed): Processing: memory layers saved using QGIS tools have all attributes ...
- When using processing plugin (up to date) on PostGIS layer.
When I use an algorithm and generate a memory layer for r... -
12:01 PM Bug report #12414 (Closed): Cannot change Filter
- it seems to work fine on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
12:01 PM Bug report #12414 (Closed): Cannot change Filter
- it seems to work fine on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
11:52 AM Bug report #12282: unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) values w...
- using toint(column) or toreal(column) then graduated/categorized symbology works, probably there is something wrong ...
11:52 AM Bug report #12282: unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) values w...
- using toint(column) or toreal(column) then graduated/categorized symbology works, probably there is something wrong ...
11:52 AM Bug report #12282: unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) values w...
- using toint(column) or toreal(column) then graduated/categorized symbology works, probably there is something wrong ...
11:21 AM Revision 53cb5df9 (qgis): Merge pull request #2111 from vmora/issue_12876
- fix #12876
11:12 AM Revision ff68635f (qgis): Fix crash on startup when python support is not present
- Adds a safety check for mActionShowPythonDialog before accessing it
11:12 AM Revision 71d0b574 (qgis): Use full height on attribute form with drag and drop layout
09:38 AM Bug report #12560 (Feedback): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
09:26 AM Bug report #12856 (Closed): format_number with negative argument causes error
- Works for me. Feel free to reopen if still having problem.
08:58 AM Bug report #12843 (Closed): Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Cannot replicate it anymore, sorry for the noise.
08:58 AM Bug report #12843 (Closed): Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Cannot replicate it anymore, sorry for the noise.
08:45 AM Bug report #5944 (Closed): Fail to build with SIP older than 4.10
- "INSTALL": mentions a minimum v...
08:45 AM Bug report #5944 (Closed): Fail to build with SIP older than 4.10
- "INSTALL": mentions a minimum v...
08:43 AM Revision 65a57edc (qgis): fix #12876: data-defined size was too small
- The scale methos "by area" was still defined at the symbol level causing
an extra sqare root to be applied to the size. -
08:38 AM Bug report #12432 (Closed): WMTS extent of TileMatrixSet as extent of layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7aae459fa9db730df51ae51fc1c144794058eef7".
08:11 AM Bug report #12891 (Feedback): QGIS Won't Open
- Could you rename your .qgis2 folder under your user folder and try to open QGIS again?
08:11 AM Bug report #12891 (Feedback): QGIS Won't Open
- Could you rename your .qgis2 folder under your user folder and try to open QGIS again?
08:11 AM Bug report #12891 (Feedback): QGIS Won't Open
- Could you rename your .qgis2 folder under your user folder and try to open QGIS again?
07:43 AM Bug report #12891 (Closed): QGIS Won't Open
- QGIS 2.8.1 Wien has always opened for me. Opening it today leaves the "Setting up GUI" image lingering on my computer...
06:22 AM Bug report #11561 (Reopened): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other f...
- On Linux Mint, trying to save as SQLITE still produces a .sqlite.shp file.
GPX seems to work.
QGIS 2.8.2, Processing... -
06:18 AM Bug report #12855 (Closed): "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
- Fixed in PR #2115
06:18 AM Bug report #12855 (Closed): "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
- Fixed in PR #2115
06:18 AM Bug report #12855 (Closed): "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
- Fixed in PR #2115
06:18 AM Bug report #12855 (Closed): "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
- Fixed in PR #2115
05:54 AM Feature request #12890 (Closed): Add symbol for filtered layer in Layer list
- When using a Filter/Feature subset/Query on a layer, the user or other users reusing the same project can't see immed...
04:35 AM Bug report #12889 (Closed): Defect #20028: Registry entry under HKLM\\software\\microsoft\\window...
- When uninstalling QGIS 2.8.2 Wien on a Windows 7 x64 OS, the entry in Add/Remove Programs is not deleted. This is bec...
04:16 AM Bug report #12873 (Closed): Layer not rendered when deleting all but one nodes of a feature
- Fixed with commit:e87cb5b9e1ace9b39a2e9a2a0bc0ed4dd949ff92
02:53 AM Revision 0df62b7a (qgis): AttributeForm: Use horizontal space for editor widgets
- Followup e66dd998d
02:48 AM Bug report #12888 (In Progress): Symbol with data-defined size that evaluate to NULL are drawn
- Fix here:
02:48 AM Bug report #12888 (In Progress): Symbol with data-defined size that evaluate to NULL are drawn
- Fix here:
02:29 AM Bug report #12888: Symbol with data-defined size that evaluate to NULL are drawn
- see also discussion in "PR !#2111":
02:23 AM Bug report #12888 (Closed): Symbol with data-defined size that evaluate to NULL are drawn
- To allow the preview and the drawing of the symbol with data-defined properties, the property is given a default valu...
02:46 AM Revision e66dd998 (qgis): Use full height on attribute form with drag and drop layout
- And fix some file permission issues
02:22 AM Bug report #12876 (Closed): Proportionnal size styles from previous versions are not converted co...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"53cb5df91ee64dc94bd0f2cd60c0fd3f5874c792".
01:25 AM Bug report #12887 (Closed): customization: ini file saved without extension == invisible when try...
- Playing with cusomization here: saving a QGIS setup which only can open shape file.
I saved the setup as 'minimalsha... -
01:14 AM Feature request #12884: problem during compilation with a project
- Sounds like an incomplete local install....
12:04 AM Feature request #12884 (Closed): problem during compilation with a project
- QGIS has moved to "github":
You need to follow "INSTALL": -
12:00 AM Feature request #12884 (Closed): problem during compilation with a project
- hello
i am working on a project using an old version of qgis (v1.6), we want to update it to the last one 2.8
so we s... -
01:01 AM Feature request #12187: GeoPackage: Vector layer save as... support
- Sfkeller - wrote:
> Can somebody explain, if there is a problem when GeoPackage is being added as writable driver?
T... -
03:50 PM Feature request #12187: GeoPackage: Vector layer save as... support
- Can somebody explain, if there is a problem when GeoPackage is being added as writable driver?
I'm not sure but it ... -
12:11 AM Bug report #12886 (Closed): delete part has no effect on single geometries
- delete part does not delete a part anymore of a single geometry (handy for NULL geometries)
although this work:
* ad... -
12:06 AM Bug report #12885 (Closed): cannot add part to empty geometries anymore
- we used to be able to use "add part" map tool to set the geometies of features having NULL geometries.
this doesn't w... -
11:58 PM Bug report #12876: Proportionnal size styles from previous versions are not converted correctly
- I forgot to mention that I found another difference between the two versions (2.8, 2.9): features with NULL field in ...
10:43 AM Bug report #12876: Proportionnal size styles from previous versions are not converted correctly
- Thanks for the repport,
A second square root is applied at the subsymbol level (the scale method was not converted t... -
06:06 AM Bug report #12876 (Closed): Proportionnal size styles from previous versions are not converted co...
- Recent refactoring of size varying UI in master converts old size varying options (advanced field or expression on sy...
11:58 PM Bug report #12883 (Closed): node tool can not delete all nodes anymore
- we can use delete part though.
11:50 PM Bug report #12883 (Closed): node tool can not delete all nodes anymore
- it seems node tool cannot delete all nodes of a polygon anymore.
this was pretty handy to make a feature having a NUL... -
11:18 PM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- According to, the area of the Province of Parma is 3.447,48 km2. That means either th...
10:28 PM Revision c22ad17c (qgis): also copy vector provider encoding when duplicating layers (fixes #11687)
10:28 PM Revision 316210d6 (qgis): fix crash attribute table crash when attributes are added/removed bypas...
09:36 PM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Checked on Linux, it works as expected. Going to check again on Windows, where I noticed the issue.
09:36 PM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Checked on Linux, it works as expected. Going to check again on Windows, where I noticed the issue.
07:00 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- I simplified the right object of the provided shapefile and moved it to see if there is a second object. But there is...
07:58 PM Revision 7f29de88 (qgis): changing vietnamese translators on request
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
07:37 PM Revision 1969c716 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:36 PM Revision 8cdd6173 (qgis): Minor fixes to SAGA modules, for consistency
07:12 PM Bug report #12881 (Closed): Incorrect Loading of Layer Group in Layer Definition File (*.qlr)
- This issue is probably a little broader than this, but I can reproduce it in the following way:
* Add a layer from P... -
06:01 PM Revision 12134a02 (qgis): Consider new wkb types for postgis in browser. Fixes second part of #12857
- 05:55 PM Revision fab465aa (qgis): fix GRASS7 v.voronoi output as lines
05:48 PM Bug report #11687 (Closed): Selected encoding disappears when duplicating layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c22ad17cee5b12f9f10764107d3b006ced88bec9".
05:48 PM Bug report #12477 (Closed): removing programmatically generated field while attribute table is op...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"316210d62255729600edfe0ab8b3b43312725be5".
05:34 PM Revision 9d38b711 (qgis): Remove code duplication in geos import
05:07 PM Revision 1f74cf08 (qgis): Fix single band gray with alpha raster type not recognized (fix #4159)
- - Add band color interpretation for WCS provider (from GDAL provider)
Backported to 2.8.3 -
05:01 PM Revision 71ceab8d (qgis): Fix single band gray with alpha raster type not recognized (fix ##4159)
- - Add band color interpretation for WCS provider (from GDAL provider)
04:23 PM Bug report #12282: unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) values w...
- You get the same problem when you use Select by Expression on the attribute table. You can't get unique values for a...
04:18 PM Bug report #12332 (Closed): v2.8.1. Wien C++ Runtime Lib error
- closing for the lack of feedback.
04:18 PM Bug report #12332 (Closed): v2.8.1. Wien C++ Runtime Lib error
- closing for the lack of feedback.
04:15 PM Bug report #11948 (Closed): OGR provider: editing enabled when the file cannot be opened in write...
- merged in commit:f5b10ba
04:15 PM Bug report #11948 (Closed): OGR provider: editing enabled when the file cannot be opened in write...
- merged in commit:f5b10ba
03:27 PM Bug report #12868 (Closed): Sqlite error - no other details "Unexpected error when working with"
- OGR's "SQLite": driver by default doesn't create a spatialite database. You can a...
03:27 PM Bug report #12868 (Closed): Sqlite error - no other details "Unexpected error when working with"
- OGR's "SQLite": driver by default doesn't create a spatialite database. You can a...
03:27 PM Bug report #12868 (Closed): Sqlite error - no other details "Unexpected error when working with"
- OGR's "SQLite": driver by default doesn't create a spatialite database. You can a...
02:52 PM Revision 08f2f413 (qgis): Make geometry import/export more robust in case of invalid geometries. ...
02:07 PM Bug report #12880 (Closed): Reshape tool throws exception
- The reshape tool is broken in master - trying to reshape a polygon results in an "Unknown exception" error.
01:48 PM Revision f39fbf4e (qgis): Some (very minor) coverity fixes
12:42 PM Revision 10c7d6aa (qgis): Add test for NULL bounding box of empty line
11:50 AM Revision 06af43da (qgis): Don't crash when deleting last vertex
- Fix #12867
Backported to 2.8.3
Also preserves NULL rectangles in QgsRectangle::normalize() -
11:30 AM Revision 033baf1b (qgis): Don't crash when deleting last vertex
- Fix #12867
Also preserves NULL rectangles in QgsRectangle::normalize() -
10:04 AM Feature request #5733: implement coordinate capture
- Another module benefits from this is r.water.outlet.
Also, will be good if the function uses snap settings of the pro... -
09:01 AM Feature request #5733: implement coordinate capture
- a coordinate picker will make much more usable many different modules.
09:01 AM Feature request #5733: implement coordinate capture
- a coordinate picker will make much more usable many different modules.
09:01 AM Feature request #5733: implement coordinate capture
- a coordinate picker will make much more usable many different modules.
09:26 AM Bug report #12414: Cannot change Filter
- Cannot reproduce in current master. Tested with postgis on a new project.
I think we need a test project and a step-b... -
09:02 AM Feature request #12857 (Closed): PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- Adding from browser works now too.
09:00 AM Feature request #10136 (Closed): Processing: set a more sensible default resolution for GRASS
- it was changed to 100 a while ago.
09:00 AM Feature request #10136 (Closed): Processing: set a more sensible default resolution for GRASS
- it was changed to 100 a while ago.
08:59 AM Bug report #9902 (In Progress): Using v.voronoi with "output tessellation as graph" returns point...
- fixed with
08:08 AM Bug report #4159 (Closed): Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (an...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1f74cf08de0a9190eec8349526202e6edaa9d982".
07:37 AM Bug report #12647 (Open): qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, ...
07:36 AM Feature request #12693 (Open): option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
07:17 AM Feature request #12879 (Closed): isSelected operator to define expression baswesd style on selection
- Many times, I received the request to have a smart styling for selected features.
The main reason is to have a "smar... -
06:57 AM Feature request #12878 (Closed): Icons in the browser
- duplicate of #8606
06:57 AM Feature request #12878 (Closed): Icons in the browser
- duplicate of #8606
06:47 AM Feature request #12878 (Closed): Icons in the browser
- It could be useful to have different icons allowing to distinguish between point, line and polygonal shapefiles.
Note... -
06:17 AM Feature request #12877 (Closed): Improved documentation for "Random select within subsets"
- It is unclear whether random selection is spatial or from the tabular data in the attribute table. See here for more ...
05:55 AM Bug report #12836 (Closed): serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on can...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"08f2f4138d838423c7d33caf8a606b160b41173c".
05:37 AM Bug report #12875 (Closed): Real Centroids
- is a 3rd party plugin, you must file issues in the proper bug tracker -
05:37 AM Bug report #12875 (Closed): Real Centroids
- is a 3rd party plugin, you must file issues in the proper bug tracker -
05:37 AM Bug report #12875 (Feedback): Real Centroids
- This is related to your plugin and not really appropriate to be asked here. Instead, you should find the problem with...
05:37 AM Bug report #12875 (Feedback): Real Centroids
- This is related to your plugin and not really appropriate to be asked here. Instead, you should find the problem with...
05:32 AM Bug report #12875 (Closed): Real Centroids
- I have used the Real Centroid Plug-in in QGIS Ver 2.6.0 and also in 2.8.2.
The latest Version 2.8.2 is not correctly... -
05:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Open): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
> The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial server.
this is an important detail :) -
05:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Open): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
> The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial server.
this is an important detail :) -
05:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Open): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
> The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial server.
this is an important detail :) -
05:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Open): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
> The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial server.
this is an important detail :) -
05:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Open): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
> The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial server.
this is an important detail :) -
04:09 AM Bug report #12872: copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I cannot confirm, please attach sample data.
The data is loaded from a Oracle Spatial serve... -
03:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Feedback): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- I cannot confirm, please attach sample data.
03:36 AM Bug report #12872 (Feedback): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- I cannot confirm, please attach sample data.
02:35 AM Bug report #12872 (Closed): copy/paste features to same Oracle layer does not work
- When copying a feature to the same layer the geometry is copied, but not the attribute which is all assigned NULL.
I... -
03:40 AM Bug report #12874 (Closed): [Composer] DEL button doesn't remove items from the print composer on...
- Hi,
Documentation says that items in the print composer can be deleted by pressing either **Backspace** or **Delete**... -
03:36 AM Bug report #12591 (Closed): NITF does not geolocate in 2.8
- this has been fixed a few weeks ago by Nyall.
03:36 AM Bug report #12591 (Closed): NITF does not geolocate in 2.8
- this has been fixed a few weeks ago by Nyall.
03:08 AM Bug report #12873 (Closed): Layer not rendered when deleting all but one nodes of a feature
- How to reproduce
# Open a line layer
# Use the node tool
# Delete all but one vertex
The result is, that every othe... -
02:33 AM Bug report #12867 (Closed): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Fixed in changeset commit:"033baf1b0cb266d2960f3017b30a57e89ab4e0e4".
01:38 AM Bug report #12869 (Closed): OpenLayers plugin does not appear in Plugins dropdown after install i...
- This plugin is now under the Web menu
01:38 AM Bug report #12869 (Closed): OpenLayers plugin does not appear in Plugins dropdown after install i...
- This plugin is now under the Web menu
12:55 AM Bug report #12869 (Closed): OpenLayers plugin does not appear in Plugins dropdown after install i...
- I installed QGIS (2.8.2-Wien),
used "Plugins" option to add OpenLayers Plugin 1.3.6.
Closed the Plugins Manager.
C... -
01:34 AM Bug report #12863 (Reopened): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is...
- Sorry, commit wrongly attributed. As said de, fr, pt_PT should be already fixed - but I didn't check others.
02:52 PM Bug report #12863 (Closed): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is b...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d53d30d29023be261ca6cd9bce9cfaac60d6ef78".
09:44 AM Bug report #12863: Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it just happens if you choose a language different from EN.
Not any - de was ok. fr and pt... -
07:44 AM Bug report #12863 (Open): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- it just happens if you choose a language different from EN.
07:44 AM Bug report #12863 (Open): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- it just happens if you choose a language different from EN.
07:44 AM Bug report #12863 (Open): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- it just happens if you choose a language different from EN.
07:44 AM Bug report #12863 (Open): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is broken
- it just happens if you choose a language different from EN.
07:27 AM Bug report #12863 (Feedback): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is...
- Works fine for me. See attached.
07:27 AM Bug report #12863 (Feedback): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is...
- Works fine for me. See attached.
06:57 AM Bug report #12863 (Closed): Using localized QGIS attribute table feature counts in title bar is b...
- in master commit:6a019ad, title bar of attribute table shows feature counts with variable names instead of classical ...
01:15 AM Bug report #11281 (Feedback): GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921 cause "invalid literal for int() with...
- where does this happen?
01:11 AM Bug report #11668 (Closed): Qt: not all languages show (qt) translated button captions
01:07 AM Feature request #12871 (Closed): Processing: Add InVEST
- Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) is a free and open-source software suite to inform ...
01:02 AM Feature request #12870 (Closed): Processing: Add PyGeoprocessing
- Link1:
12:56 AM Bug report #12555 (Open): geojson open with bad result with all data on same point, wrong coordin...
12:32 AM Bug report #12867 (Open): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- confirmed on master (Segmentation fault) on Linux.
It happens when you select and delete all the nodes with the node... -
12:32 AM Bug report #12867 (Open): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- confirmed on master (Segmentation fault) on Linux.
It happens when you select and delete all the nodes with the node... -
12:32 AM Bug report #12867 (Open): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- confirmed on master (Segmentation fault) on Linux.
It happens when you select and delete all the nodes with the node... -
12:32 AM Bug report #12867 (Open): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- confirmed on master (Segmentation fault) on Linux.
It happens when you select and delete all the nodes with the node... -
12:32 AM Bug report #12867 (Open): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- confirmed on master (Segmentation fault) on Linux.
It happens when you select and delete all the nodes with the node... -
12:27 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Yep, it still happened even after that.
12:26 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Christine Spits wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon open... -
12:02 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Hi Giovanni,
I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon opening QGIS again.
I have now ... -
12:02 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Hi Giovanni,
I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon opening QGIS again.
I have now ... -
12:02 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Hi Giovanni,
I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon opening QGIS again.
I have now ... -
12:02 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Hi Giovanni,
I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon opening QGIS again.
I have now ... -
12:02 AM Bug report #12867: QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- Hi Giovanni,
I renamed the .qgis2 folder, but it simply just recreated itself upon opening QGIS again.
I have now ... -
10:49 PM Bug report #12867 (Feedback): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- please try upgrading and/or renaming temporarily the .qgis2 folder (to ensure there isn't a 3rd party plugin that is ...
10:49 PM Bug report #12867 (Feedback): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- please try upgrading and/or renaming temporarily the .qgis2 folder (to ensure there isn't a 3rd party plugin that is ...
09:52 PM Bug report #12867 (Closed): QGIS crashes upon node deletion
- My colleagues and I have been experiencing QGIS crashing with a minidump error whenever we try to select and delete n...
12:28 AM Bug report #12038 (Closed): Wrong style from database loaded after sorting on name column
- fixed in commit:d53d30d
11:59 PM Revision 385529ef (qgis): PalLabelling: Reproject geometries before evaluating mininum size
- Followup 2b096e09
11:49 PM Bug report #12868 (Closed): Sqlite error - no other details "Unexpected error when working with"
- i converted a 2 GB osm.pbf file into a sqlite file
during the conversion, i got this errors... -
11:41 PM Revision d53d30d2 (qgis): fix style selection when loading from database (fixes #12863)
11:13 PM Feature request #12302 (Closed): Add PKTools to Processing
- Implemented as separate provider plugin (by Pieter Kempeneers) and available in the official plugins repository.
11:13 PM Feature request #12302 (Closed): Add PKTools to Processing
- Implemented as separate provider plugin (by Pieter Kempeneers) and available in the official plugins repository.
11:12 PM Bug report #11216 (Feedback): License issue - removal of GDAL MIT/X copyright notice from third p...
- Code removed from Processing.
11:11 PM Bug report #10794 (Feedback): Processing: Lines disappearing in Modeler
- Should be fixed in master, please check
08:24 PM Revision d71b5c66 (qgis): homogenize translation strings
08:08 PM Feature request #12866 (Closed): Composer Attribute table : display a long text on several lines
- Duplicate of #10273
08:08 PM Feature request #12866 (Closed): Composer Attribute table : display a long text on several lines
- Duplicate of #10273
09:41 AM Feature request #12866 (Closed): Composer Attribute table : display a long text on several lines
- Suppose you have a layer with a field containing long text (say string(200)).
You may want to show this attribute tab... -
06:53 PM Revision 2b096e09 (qgis): Fix suppress labelling of short lines
- And deduplicate code
Followup cfe397e -
02:16 PM Revision 8ab005f8 (qgis): postgres provider: check pg_extension only on Pg>9
01:59 PM Bug report #12591 (Feedback): NITF does not geolocate in 2.8
- Works fine on master here.
01:53 PM Bug report #12653 (Closed): Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> No reproducable here in master.
confirmed, is ok now. -
01:53 PM Bug report #12653 (Closed): Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> No reproducable here in master.
confirmed, is ok now. -
01:25 PM Bug report #12653 (Feedback): Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- No reproducable here in master.
- 12:51 PM Revision 0af69ed9 (qgis): Add pertinent example for 'LIKE' operator
- The usage examples for the 'LIKE' operator are not really pertinent. The proposed change adds an example that actuall...
11:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Feedback): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- any layer/project? what about a clean install (remove/rename .qgis2)? and what about qgis master?
11:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Feedback): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- any layer/project? what about a clean install (remove/rename .qgis2)? and what about qgis master?
11:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Feedback): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- any layer/project? what about a clean install (remove/rename .qgis2)? and what about qgis master?
11:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Feedback): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- any layer/project? what about a clean install (remove/rename .qgis2)? and what about qgis master?
11:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Feedback): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- any layer/project? what about a clean install (remove/rename .qgis2)? and what about qgis master?
06:08 AM Bug report #12862 (Closed): QGIS crashes after selecting a symbol
- I'm in the layer properties window for a point layer and when in the properties dialog I select a predefined symbol w...
09:22 AM Feature request #12865 (Open): Composer Attribute table : Add an "Apply" button to "select attrib...
- The columns of an attribute table added to the print composer can be customized through "select Attributes" dialog.
O... -
07:33 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Oscar and Ravic:
Do you use Anti Virus?
07:28 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Hi Oscar, have you found a solution yet? I'm a new QGIS user and have the same problem. I can add a file (vector, ras...
05:18 AM Bug report #10264: Geojson/Sqlite/Mbtiles extensions not correctly picked from file selector and ...
- Here it saves also a .geojs.shp, which is the one loaded.
04:32 AM Feature request #3843: Rule based labeling
- I agree with Paolo.
Someone who really needs this should step up and sponsor this feature or it won't be solved for ... -
03:08 AM Bug report #11836: "Drag and drop designer" crashes QGIS when a text edit, multiline field is rep...
- On 2.9 master it works. no crashes. Thank you for your work!
02:35 AM Bug report #8910: Topology checker does not work in different projections
- Here the plugin works - the only issue is that the zoom to invalid record is aways done on the original projection, s...
12:19 AM Revision 6a019ada (qgis): don't crash on geometryless wfs features
12:16 AM Bug report #11995 (Closed): Rotation UI in statusbar needs some love
- yep will close. Looks much better now
12:16 AM Bug report #11995 (Closed): Rotation UI in statusbar needs some love
- yep will close. Looks much better now
02:56 PM Bug report #11995 (Feedback): Rotation UI in statusbar needs some love
- Can this be closed now? The status bar has been reworked since this report was filed.
11:54 PM Revision 450c3eff (qgis): Fix missing labels if map rotation is enabled with OTF reprojection
- (fix #12025)
11:17 PM Revision d5980697 (qgis): Fix warning on startup
10:55 PM Revision 43a8d72b (qgis): debian packaging update: include links to qt4 in api docs
10:21 PM Revision a07069ca (qgis): Merge pull request #2104 from mhugent/geomtype_render_fix
- Better fix for drawing the new geometry types
09:39 PM Revision afa389fc (qgis): Doxymentation for QgsMessageBar
09:30 PM Revision f7489e0f (qgis): Advanced digitizing: Create new MessageBarItem for every item shown
- The QgsMessageBar takes ownership
Fix #12849 -
09:30 PM Revision cbeacb76 (qgis): Advanced digitizing: Create new MessageBarItem for every item shown
- The QgsMessageBar takes ownership
Fix #12849 -
07:48 PM Bug report #12836: serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on canvas and c...
- I have geometry simplification turned off. In project with PostGIS layers, on main map canvas everything is OK, but i...
08:30 AM Bug report #12836: serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on canvas and c...
- Ok, I can reproduce this one. It seems to be a combination of geometry simplification and labeling which causes the i...
07:22 PM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- I have a fix for this, and the WCS issue, in this PR:
06:48 PM Revision 6524080f (qgis): [db manager] Fix #12844 - python error opening SQL Window
05:38 PM Revision 1bd37763 (qgis): datum transformation selection: fix crash on 'hide deprecated' (fixes #...
05:04 PM Revision 9fcbbc3d (qgis): Better fix for drawing the new geometry types
04:37 PM Revision ed47ef96 (qgis): Exclude PyQgsAppStartup.testPluginPath for now
- Since it fails for no obvious reason since 738838acd
03:21 PM Bug report #12256: Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Now it crashes when *adding* a layer from the above service
> *** Error in `qgis': double... -
12:59 PM Bug report #12256: Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
- Now it crashes when *adding* a layer from the above service
*** Error in `qgis': double free or corruption (fasttop)... -
02:57 PM Bug report #12025 (Closed): Labels do not show when rotating map canvas and reprojecting a layer.
- Fixed in changeset commit:"450c3effd51c5be5f99cb2ddf52c181be4f04f08".
02:12 PM Bug report #6889: Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- ok, I now got it.
I am not sure if that is only due whether the primary key exist or not.
The following is a testcas... -
12:35 PM Bug report #6889 (Reopened): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- Still not working here (current master on Debian sid):
GDAL provider: Cannot get GDAL raster band:
(src/providers/g... -
12:35 PM Bug report #6889 (Reopened): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- Still not working here (current master on Debian sid):
GDAL provider: Cannot get GDAL raster band:
(src/providers/g... -
11:29 AM Bug report #6889 (Closed): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- This should be fixed in both master and release-2_8 branch.
Please reopen if necessary. -
11:29 AM Bug report #6889 (Closed): Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- This should be fixed in both master and release-2_8 branch.
Please reopen if necessary. -
01:44 PM Feature request #12857: PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- Ok thanks
01:26 PM Feature request #12857: PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- It fixes the display when adding via the postgres dialog. The browser display is an additional issue
12:25 PM Feature request #12857: PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- Thanks Marco. Does this PR also fix PostGIS browser so the layer item will display?
I can't test this pull at the mo... -
08:29 AM Feature request #12857: PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- should fix this one
12:56 PM Bug report #12441 (Closed): topological editing broken(?)
- I cannot replicate it anymore on the latest master.
12:56 PM Bug report #12441 (Closed): topological editing broken(?)
- I cannot replicate it anymore on the latest master.
12:38 PM Bug report #12861 (Closed): PostGIS rasters not displayed in the Browser
- In the Browser panel, only vector tables are displayed, not rasters.
12:31 PM Bug report #12849 (Closed): QGIS crashes when using advanced digitizing and snap function
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f7489e0f2ef085195300e185ec649882787e8695".
12:26 PM Revision 10e738ba (qgis): Allow linking API docs to Qt docs through the use of qt doxygen tagfiles.
- This is done using the new QT_TAG_FILE and QT_DOC_URL cmake options.
QT_TAG_FILE should be set to the path of the qt.... -
11:59 AM Revision 93fb0331 (qgis): Always output full results of documentation test, even if test passes
11:58 AM Revision 5a477095 (qgis): Add a few more geometry docs
11:01 AM Revision 560f1614 (qgis): Merge pull request #2099 from NaturalGIS/grass_v_voronoi_advanced
- [processing] make option as advanced in GRASS v.voronoi
10:44 AM Revision 72369fd9 (qgis): Wait for the current rendering to finish before touching the cache
10:15 AM Revision ddfb9d10 (qgis): Add some doxymentation to collapsible group boxes
09:59 AM Bug report #12844 (Closed): qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6524080f143ef86e9b4da0b99ce122e528936e39".
02:24 AM Bug report #12844 (Feedback): qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Odd. Works for me with @qgis-dev@ from OSGeo4W (2.9.0-88, 64bit or 2.9.0-85, 32bit, both commit:e295c1f) and from a ...
09:47 AM Revision 4157b338 (qgis): Merge pull request #2100 from nirvn/osm_closed_way_improvement-v2
- [OSM] improve handling of closed ways
09:42 AM Bug report #12859: Qgis layer style file not saving
- > the layer in question was an ODBC generated one.
what is the format? csv? -
07:45 AM Bug report #12859: Qgis layer style file not saving
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Where are you trying to save the qml file? Do you have access write to the folder?
> Have yo... -
07:35 AM Bug report #12859 (Feedback): Qgis layer style file not saving
- Where are you trying to save the qml file? Do you have access write to the folder?
Have you tried it in another platf... -
07:35 AM Bug report #12859 (Feedback): Qgis layer style file not saving
- Where are you trying to save the qml file? Do you have access write to the folder?
Have you tried it in another platf... -
06:45 AM Bug report #12859 (Reopened): Qgis layer style file not saving
06:39 AM Bug report #12859 (Closed): Qgis layer style file not saving
06:14 AM Bug report #12859 (Closed): Qgis layer style file not saving
- When in the layer window, choosing
Style -> Save Style -> Qgis layer style file
no longer creates a style file. -
09:39 AM Revision ae11a731 (qgis): ogr provider: only reset feature id of added feature, if OGR assigned o...
09:31 AM Bug report #11141 (Feedback): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
04:54 AM Bug report #11141: Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
- Can you please all check if the problem still persists? At my system the crashes are gone since the recent modificati...
09:19 AM Bug report #12854: When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four desktops
- Hi
I join the .xsession-errors file, that shows a repetitive message when the empty frame of the QGIS window tremble... -
08:39 AM Bug report #12719 (Closed): QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transfo...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1bd3776392d59456ff1bf8159ad9f86e4153f68b".
08:31 AM Revision 92b14399 (qgis): [OSM] improve import logic of closed ways
08:15 AM Revision 710e7f74 (qgis): sort include by file name
08:15 AM Revision adcf119a (qgis): sip bindings for user input tool bar
08:06 AM Bug report #12856 (Feedback): format_number with negative argument causes error
- It should work fine now in master. I think this is the patch commit:518072e9
08:06 AM Bug report #12856 (Feedback): format_number with negative argument causes error
- It should work fine now in master. I think this is the patch commit:518072e9
08:06 AM Bug report #12856 (Feedback): format_number with negative argument causes error
- It should work fine now in master. I think this is the patch commit:518072e9
08:06 AM Bug report #12856 (Feedback): format_number with negative argument causes error
- It should work fine now in master. I think this is the patch commit:518072e9
07:40 AM Revision 953c06ba (qgis): add documentation for QgsUserInputDockWidget
05:33 AM Bug report #12858 (Closed): Directory based file formats can't be selected when project reopens a...
- Given a directory based file format (like U.S. Census TIGER or FileGDB/OpenFileGDB) has moved in the file system and ...
05:22 AM Revision d94cd881 (qgis): [gui] update icon sizing code to handle dock toolbars
05:02 AM Revision cde749f1 (qgis): Fix broken delete ring tool (fix #12851)
04:52 AM Revision fab1a355 (qgis): Output list of undocument classes during doc coverage test
04:51 AM Revision b34d16f1 (qgis): Fix warning
04:51 AM Revision 34298e2e (qgis): Add geometry classes to API docs
04:47 AM Bug report #12796: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- You can always log another ticket as a feature request. -
04:16 AM Bug report #12796: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- Yes, QSpatialite seems to always (often unnecessarily) generate MULTIPOINT feature sets when importing from QGIS laye...
04:31 AM Bug report #10970: MS SQL server: error with tinyint fields
- I do have the same problem (in Qgis 2.8 32-bit, OS XP, SQL-Server 2008R2, spatial table), indeed with datatype 'tinyi...
03:21 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Nope, is th Simplify one. BTW: tested on Windows XP.
02:16 AM Revision 0fb0ca8e (qgis): Fix #12756 - Reduce plugin repositry box size
12:39 AM Bug report #12648 (Closed): When editing a CSV (added as geometryless table) newly added records ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ae11a731ae406def333cc85dd2dcbc46429320d9".
12:03 AM Bug report #12648 (Open): When editing a CSV (added as geometryless table) newly added records di...
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> New records appear instantly here in the attribute table.
it does, but it disappear when you... -
03:10 PM Bug report #12648 (Feedback): When editing a CSV (added as geometryless table) newly added record...
- New records appear instantly here in the attribute table.
And the remove attribute button is on since virtual fields... -
11:37 PM Revision e295c1fb (qgis): Fix geometry length and area calculation (fix #12827)
11:04 PM Revision 5462e402 (qgis): Fix missing labels when map is rotated (fix #12388)
08:33 PM Revision b2846688 (qgis): Save collapsed state for relation editor widgets individually
08:33 PM Revision 5d38bd15 (qgis): Python ConvertToSubclass and Doxymentation for drag and drop designer API
08:19 PM Revision 518072e9 (qgis): expression: validate places value of format_number (fixes #12796)
08:02 PM Bug report #12851 (Closed): Delete ring tool broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cde749f1159fbe2d55f41e00b22712d41d38c596".
07:48 PM Feature request #12857 (Closed): PostGIS layer with CurvePolygon geometry type does not load
- Using the latest master build of QGIS I can not load PostGIS layers with CurvePolygon geometry type. The QGIS layer b...
- 07:43 PM Revision c859127c (qgis): make option as advanced in GRASS v.voronoi
05:25 PM Bug report #12756 (Closed): Plugin installer: box for repositories too high
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0fb0ca8efe5dc07c0a922874f5d6359dda6c0880".
04:45 PM Revision 239dc71d (qgis): Fix compiling
04:06 PM Revision 55db2abc (qgis): Fix sip bindings for QgsTransaction
04:05 PM Revision 454e1fef (qgis): Merge pull request #2098 from NaturalGIS/fix_several_modules
- [processing] fix several SAGA and GRASS modules
- 03:53 PM Revision 43cf6b04 (qgis): remove wrong files
03:46 PM Revision ded11b32 (qgis): More geometry docs
- 03:46 PM Revision 4473c5f3 (qgis): fixes several saga and grass modules
03:17 PM Revision df0b842f (qgis): geometry sip sync
02:42 PM Revision 78ecddb6 (qgis): gdal/ogr data items: reenable SetCrs capabilities (fixes #12505)
02:38 PM Bug report #12827 (Closed): Wrong length calculation from Python with new geometry classes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e295c1fbb7b6e68e0d0088e50280950b39a2d942".
02:08 PM Bug report #12388 (Closed): Labels are not shown in entire extent if map is rotated
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5462e4029e6001088c696dc9ceeaf2cc42264ce4".
01:44 PM Revision 41ad9abb (qgis): Fix geometry errors:
- - Add some missing docs
- Add some missing detach calls
- Hide unimplemented clip method to avoid confusion for 2.10 ... -
01:28 PM Bug report #6379: HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- Here on ubuntu 14.04 with grass 7 it also doesn't work, the html is not created
10:46 AM Bug report #6379 (Feedback): HTML output does not work for Processing/GRASS modules
- well... it seems to work at least on Windows. In my case does not work under Linux, but for others is ok. Before clos...
12:10 PM Bug report #9903 (Closed): Rename v.voronoi "Do not create attribute table" [yes/no]
- Sorry for the noise
12:07 PM Bug report #9903 (Reopened): Rename v.voronoi "Do not create attribute table" [yes/no]
- < removed >
10:44 AM Bug report #9903 (Closed): Rename v.voronoi "Do not create attribute table" [yes/no]
- made it an advanced (hidden) option
"Do not create attribute table" is anyw... -
10:44 AM Bug report #9903 (Closed): Rename v.voronoi "Do not create attribute table" [yes/no]
- made it an advanced (hidden) option
"Do not create attribute table" is anyw... -
11:56 AM Bug report #9425 (Feedback): grass_script.bat always fails if USERNAME contains MBCS
- duplicate of #12657 ?
10:47 AM Bug report #10706 (Closed): v.clean.advanced (maybe others) not working if QGIS installed in non ...
10:16 AM Bug report #10702 (Closed): Processing/GRASS: Better handlig missing error layer
- the error of Processing error message have been improved recently. Moreover with v.clean in GRASS7 it seems that the ...
10:16 AM Bug report #10702 (Closed): Processing/GRASS: Better handlig missing error layer
- the error of Processing error message have been improved recently. Moreover with v.clean in GRASS7 it seems that the ...
10:12 AM Bug report #5702 (Closed): GRASS output is not georeferenced
- the original issue seems to not be anymore a problem (since a long to tell the truth) while the missing towgs84 param...
10:12 AM Bug report #5702 (Closed): GRASS output is not georeferenced
- the original issue seems to not be anymore a problem (since a long to tell the truth) while the missing towgs84 param...
09:50 AM Bug report #9467 (Closed): grass module from processing flawed
- this is duplicate of #6379
to keep the (log) window open after a tool run there is an option in Processing general o... -
09:50 AM Bug report #9467 (Closed): grass module from processing flawed
- this is duplicate of #6379
to keep the (log) window open after a tool run there is an option in Processing general o... -
09:21 AM Bug report #7697 (Closed): GRASS commands, OS X not working
- please reopen if necessary.
09:21 AM Bug report #7697 (Closed): GRASS commands, OS X not working
- please reopen if necessary.
09:18 AM Bug report #11967 (Closed): r.statistics needs to be implemented as a special case in Processing ...
09:04 AM Bug report #12796: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- I think it is a problem with QSpatialite plugin. The ones converted to Spatialite through ogr2ogr are fine.
08:45 AM Bug report #12796 (Closed): Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- Jochen Huber wrote:
> Yes, it is MULTIPOINT. Tested with POINT, and it works okay.
So I guess it's another problem. ... -
08:45 AM Bug report #12796 (Closed): Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- Jochen Huber wrote:
> Yes, it is MULTIPOINT. Tested with POINT, and it works okay.
So I guess it's another problem. ... -
05:57 AM Bug report #12796: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- Yes, it is MULTIPOINT. Tested with POINT, and it works okay.
05:53 AM Bug report #12796: Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- It is MULTIPOINT, indeed.
05:44 AM Bug report #12796 (Feedback): Export Spatialite point layer to CSV fails on Geometry AS_XY
- Is that spatialite layer multipoint?
08:36 AM Revision f1817d0e (qgis): Merge pull request #2097 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass_r_horizon
- [processing] fix grass r.horizon
08:34 AM Bug report #9233 (Closed): QGis - SAGA clip grid with polygon
- fixed a long ago.
08:34 AM Bug report #9233 (Closed): QGis - SAGA clip grid with polygon
- fixed a long ago.
07:50 AM Bug report #12856 (Closed): format_number with negative argument causes error
- When using "format_number" in an expression to format labels, entering a negative value for the number of decimals ca...
07:34 AM Bug report #3228 (Closed): List of widgets not working with custom ui forms
- The whole edit widget part has seen a major refactoring since this issue was opened. Due to low activity here I suppo...
07:06 AM Bug report #12844: qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- yes, on a clean build from source.
06:34 AM Bug report #12844 (Open): qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
06:34 AM Bug report #12844: qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Do you have a clean build? I don't see that here
yes, clean installations on both linux and... -
06:09 AM Bug report #12844: qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Do you have a clean build? I don't see that here
05:29 AM Bug report #12844: qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Still appears in commit:f1817d0.
05:08 AM Bug report #12844 (Feedback): qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- Not reproducable with 1:2.9.0+git20150601+15ba006
07:00 AM Bug report #12519 (Closed): SAGA various Interpolations fail in Processing
- fixed with
07:00 AM Bug report #12519 (Closed): SAGA various Interpolations fail in Processing
- fixed with
06:44 AM Revision 738838ac (qgis): Fix #12340 - Reload site to pick up new expressions package
06:28 AM Bug report #10980 (Feedback): Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
06:18 AM Bug report #10980: Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
- I can't see anything wrong here. It sets the extent for me.
06:12 AM Bug report #12801 (Closed): Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- I can confirm it's fixed.
The problem I was having now resulted from not having deleted a third empty line. -
04:02 AM Bug report #12801 (Feedback): Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- Just tested with latest master (commit:738838a) under Linux and Windows and it works fine.
06:05 AM Bug report #12804 (Closed): The Label Option: FirstCap return always " all uppercase"
- It is duplicate of #7611 and closed.
Please provide some screenshots and more info if you intend to reopen the ticket. -
06:02 AM Bug report #12808 (Closed): Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' che...
05:56 AM Revision 4b6ad0c2 (qgis): Fix #12850 - Add missing args='auto' keyword'
05:54 AM Bug report #12841: Save as shapefile fails on PostGIS layer with joined MSSQL Table
- Join is done on integer field on postgres' side (target layer) and on numeric(10,0) field type on MSSQL's side (joine...
05:47 AM Bug report #12855 (Closed): "interpolation" tool crashes qgis
- Try interpolate the attached vector using the attribute "cota2" and as type "structure lines" or "break lines", qgis ...
05:43 AM Bug report #12505 (Closed): QBrowser's Set Layer CRS action is disabled
- Fixed in changeset commit:"78ecddb65d6b3aba6b8b6126b1d45f8129756b59".
05:23 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Are you trying to access a network drive for adding a vector/raster layer? Or is it on a local drive?
04:58 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Are you sure you meant the simplify tool and not the split tool? I can reproduce this with the split tool, but not th...
04:45 AM Feature request #12853: No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panel
- We really need an undo for this kind of thing but a dialog will do for now.
04:45 AM Feature request #12853: No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panel
- We really need an undo for this kind of thing but a dialog will do for now.
04:45 AM Feature request #12853: No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panel
- We really need an undo for this kind of thing but a dialog will do for now.
04:45 AM Feature request #12853: No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panel
- We really need an undo for this kind of thing but a dialog will do for now.
03:36 AM Feature request #10539: QgsExpression instance variables
- Nyall feel free to close if you already have a ticket for this for your current work.
01:16 AM Bug report #12801 (Reopened): Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- I tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and on a different machine with Windows 7 with a clean install and still got this bug.
Can ... -
11:05 PM Revision 15ba0064 (qgis): [labeling] Fix broken repeat distance in map units (fix #11937)
10:23 PM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Had installed QGIS on my Macbook Pro, with OS X Yosemite.
Did all the instructions on the KyngChaos wiki.
No issues n... -
10:22 PM Bug report #9007 (Closed): MS SQL uniqueidentifier data type is not supported
- Closing in favor of #10946 as it will do the same thing once added.
10:22 PM Bug report #9007 (Closed): MS SQL uniqueidentifier data type is not supported
- Closing in favor of #10946 as it will do the same thing once added.
10:16 PM Feature request #12324 (Closed): QGIS 2.8 Wien - Crashed on SQL Server Spatial Layers
10:04 PM Feature request #12324: QGIS 2.8 Wien - Crashed on SQL Server Spatial Layers
- QGIS is in feature freeze for 2.10 but it can be added into a feature version. I will be in touch.
09:47 PM Bug report #12340: using --configpath on new empty dir raises Python error + subsequest segfault
- Should hopefully be fixed now. Not sure if doing reload(site) is the best solution but it does work and doesn't seem...
09:46 PM Bug report #12340 (Closed): using --configpath on new empty dir raises Python error + subsequest ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"738838acd4ed023e2a181fba4707e6425223315f".
08:59 PM Bug report #12850 (Closed): under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4b6ad0c237f82d0ca08784a8272980e14112c480".
08:59 PM Bug report #12850: under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- Sorry about that. I made that argument optional and forgot I have to make sure it works in 2.8 where it isn't optional.
08:59 PM Bug report #12850: under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- Sorry about that. I made that argument optional and forgot I have to make sure it works in 2.8 where it isn't optional.
08:51 PM Revision c550af2e (qgis): make initialization of connection pool thread save on MSVC
- (probably better fix for 1e96813)
07:00 PM Revision 6a84e07c (qgis): fix warnings
02:55 PM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Yes, I have deleted the hidden .qgis2 directory a couple times.
I am using Larry Shaffer's Latest Nightly Build (Da... -
12:27 PM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
> Is there a way to find or use a stable version of QGIS for OS X? I would like to use QGIS but continuous random c...-
12:16 PM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- I have tried using QGIS 2.8.2 for the past 7 days or more. I have tried not saving the project file or loading a qgs...
02:19 PM Bug report #11937 (Closed): Distance between labels wrong
- Fixed in changeset commit:"15ba0064088559124741a04ae4603048f6b8ccb6".
01:35 PM Bug report #12854 (Open): When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four...
01:02 PM Bug report #12854: When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four desktops
- Yes I can replicate the same issue, if I resize the main window on my screen.
As long as I don't resize it, I can ful... -
11:13 AM Bug report #12854 (Feedback): When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the ...
- after deleting the configuration files, can you replicate the issue?
04:46 AM Bug report #12854: When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four desktops
- I have some fresh news about this bug.
When I delete the 2 configuration directories ~/.config/QGIS and ~/.qgis2, I c... -
04:46 AM Bug report #12854: When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the four desktops
- I have some fresh news about this bug.
When I delete the 2 configuration directories ~/.config/QGIS and ~/.qgis2, I c... -
12:01 PM Feature request #12853: No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the browser panel
- I don't want to split hairs but I think this is a usability bug rather than a feature request. To have consistent beh...
11:15 AM Bug report #12603 (Closed): Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:15 AM Bug report #12603 (Closed): Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
- 08:07 AM Revision 32733651 (qgis): fix grass r.horizon
02:54 AM Revision 56620e2c (qgis): Switch layer panel to toolbar
02:19 AM Revision fb3f9531 (qgis): Switch identify results dock to use a toolbar
01:47 AM Bug report #10548 (Feedback): crash using custom forms
- Comment 6 has been addressed, no more crashes when multiple multi line widgets are present.
Does the original issue ... -
01:43 AM Revision 5a93f4c5 (qgis): Switch browser dock buttons to toolbar
01:43 AM Revision 31041956 (qgis): Switch to 16x16 pixel icons for python console for consistency with oth...
12:42 AM Revision 2ab8a0be (qgis): include in translations
12:27 AM Revision 96b535b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #2096 from slarosa/fix_crash_user_expressions
- [user expression] fixes #12852
12:07 AM Revision f7401c9b (qgis): [user expression] Fix crash and add a log message when the expression i...
11:58 PM Revision 51bd0b2b (qgis): Followup 2dc5d95, add unit tests
11:43 PM Bug report #12801 (Closed): Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
11:38 PM Bug report #12838 (Closed): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- I updated to the latest master and can't see this anymore.
11:38 PM Bug report #12838 (Closed): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- I updated to the latest master and can't see this anymore.
11:35 PM Bug report #12578 (Reopened): Large pause before snapping to large layer
> It would be appreciated if you can verify with tomorrows nightly build and reopen if the problem persists.
11:35 PM Bug report #12578 (Reopened): Large pause before snapping to large layer
> It would be appreciated if you can verify with tomorrows nightly build and reopen if the problem persists.
11:35 PM Bug report #12578 (Reopened): Large pause before snapping to large layer
> It would be appreciated if you can verify with tomorrows nightly build and reopen if the problem persists.
11:25 PM Bug report #12763 (Closed): Processing: GRASS r.horizon do not produce an output
- The module does not creates an output because it crashes (on both grass64 and grass7). Tested from the GRASS GUI/comm...
11:25 PM Bug report #12763 (Closed): Processing: GRASS r.horizon do not produce an output
- The module does not creates an output because it crashes (on both grass64 and grass7). Tested from the GRASS GUI/comm...
06:20 PM Revision 680b1ced (qgis): Followup 0f8f618
- Accidentally merged an extra line
06:15 PM Revision 104ff2a9 (qgis): Fix infinite loop in relation reference widget
05:46 PM Revision 0f8f6188 (qgis): Added documentation and QgsServer to doxy template
03:27 PM Bug report #12852 (Closed): Handle errors in python expressions to avoid crashes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"96b535b279fe0dba955a64e3e7a1011a92e9c2b3".
08:51 AM Bug report #12852 (Closed): Handle errors in python expressions to avoid crashes
- QGIS crashes ungracefully when a python expression script contains an error.
I think there should be a warning but t... -
01:51 PM Revision d5b2e7ba (qgis): Merge pull request #2094 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass_r_stream
- [processing] remove modules that are addons, fix in grass7
01:50 PM Revision 0c9c6317 (qgis): Merge pull request #2093 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7
- [processing] fix grass7 provider
01:36 PM Revision 2dc5d95f (qgis): Fix broken rendering of curved labels for scripts which use >1 char
- graphemes (fix #6883)
11:53 AM Bug report #12854 (Closed): When QGIS is started, a trembling window frame appears through the fo...
- Hi,
When I start the QGIS desktop 2.8.1 on my Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS laptop (32 bits), a trembling empty window frame... -
09:21 AM Feature request #12853 (Closed): No confirmation message box when deleting a DB connection the br...
- Hi folks, I had this issue happen to me today.
To replicate:
* In the browser panel in QGIS, right click on a data... - 08:54 AM Revision f8ae76b7 (qgis): remove module that are addons, fix in grass7
- 08:24 AM Revision 2b1b9f53 (qgis): fix processing/grass7 in master
06:28 AM Revision eb9ef523 (qgis): Align some icons to pixel grid
06:27 AM Revision 196d7a08 (qgis): Followup effbfcd, better fix for #12747. The previous fix broke
- print exports of grid frames under OSX.
06:21 AM Bug report #11836 (Closed): "Drag and drop designer" crashes QGIS when a text edit, multiline fie...
- Fixed in commit:2bd39e264e6
06:21 AM Bug report #11836 (Closed): "Drag and drop designer" crashes QGIS when a text edit, multiline fie...
- Fixed in commit:2bd39e264e6
05:46 AM Revision 3530e4c2 (qgis): Correctly emit composerRemoved signal after removing composer
- from print composers list, fixes composer manager showing
invalid old compositions when loading new project (fix #12612) -
05:13 AM Revision edc880e5 (qgis): Don't force size based legend symbols to black colors
04:56 AM Revision cf7303fc (qgis): Fix some possible null pointer dereferences
04:51 AM Bug report #10224 (Open): Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu and W...
04:41 AM Bug report #6883 (Closed): curved placement for labels breaks Indic scripts (Khmer, Lao, Nepale, ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2dc5d95f00770c602497f633612a6dabb8be4962".
04:08 AM Bug report #6099 (Open): Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
01:06 AM Revision e5fb5a6a (qgis): Fix memory leaks
12:57 AM Revision 39f4ed52 (qgis): Fix build
12:53 AM Revision 42da2186 (qgis): Fix memory leaks
12:25 AM Bug report #6099: Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Possibly due to file selector, different here (Gnome3).
12:08 AM Bug report #6099: Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Steps to reproduce:
> * open a raster
> * legend>right click>Save as
> * leave as default
> ... -
12:04 AM Bug report #6099: Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Steps to reproduce:
* open a raster
* legend>right click>Save as
* leave as default
* Browse>add output nname as `tes... -
11:59 PM Bug report #6099 (Feedback): Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Still true here, just tested on master/deb.
also tested on master both Linux and Windows, a... -
11:46 PM Bug report #6099 (Reopened): Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Still true here, just tested on master/deb.
11:46 PM Bug report #6099 (Reopened): Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
- Still true here, just tested on master/deb.
10:55 PM Bug report #6099 (Closed): Save as... for raster: missing extension on Gnome3
12:00 AM Bug report #10224: Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu and Windows)
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Still crashing here on deb, unclear if because of the spatialite packaging. Please leave it ... -
11:42 PM Bug report #10224 (Feedback): Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu a...
- Still crashing here on deb, unclear if because of the spatialite packaging. Please leave it open for further testing ...
11:42 PM Bug report #10224 (Feedback): Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu a...
- Still crashing here on deb, unclear if because of the spatialite packaging. Please leave it open for further testing ...
11:04 PM Bug report #10224 (Closed): Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu and...
- not reproducable anymore.
11:04 PM Bug report #10224 (Closed): Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu and...
- not reproducable anymore.
11:57 PM Bug report #12790 (Closed): Help for* modules missing
- fixed with
they do not show because in grass 64 are all grass addons. In gras... -
11:57 PM Bug report #12790 (Closed): Help for* modules missing
- fixed with
they do not show because in grass 64 are all grass addons. In gras... -
11:57 PM Bug report #12790 (Closed): Help for* modules missing
- fixed with
they do not show because in grass 64 are all grass addons. In gras... -
11:57 PM Bug report #12790 (Closed): Help for* modules missing
- fixed with
they do not show because in grass 64 are all grass addons. In gras... -
10:44 PM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- Simon Casley wrote:
> Hi - here are sample data: a (sql) dump from postgresql a
no crash whatsoever here on qgis mas... -
10:27 AM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- Hi - here are sample data: a (sql) dump from postgresql and the same data saved as a shapefile. There is one feature ...
10:27 AM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- Hi - here are sample data: a (sql) dump from postgresql and the same data saved as a shapefile. There is one feature ...
09:33 PM Revision 7267d017 (qgis): [GRASS] call init when provider is loaded to get it called on main thread
08:53 PM Bug report #12612 (Closed): Composer Manager doesn't always update composers list when changing p...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3530e4c205b4cc3f426e16dde7636fb89e9b73d7".
08:46 PM Revision 81ef1719 (qgis): [GRASS] non blocking raster import stream on win
08:35 PM Revision aeb0e71e (qgis): fix sip bindings
06:00 PM Revision 0e55b3bf (qgis): Fix loading of curved multitypes
04:27 PM Bug report #12851 (Closed): Delete ring tool broken
- The new geometry engine has broken use of the delete ring tool. I suspect the issue is in QgsGeometryEditUtils::delet...
02:11 PM Revision 4c1ba46d (qgis): fix visibility warnings
11:59 AM Revision 8b6abacc (qgis): Fix memory leaks in QgsMapCanvasSnapper
11:57 AM Revision 0df09868 (qgis): Fix display of curved geometries
11:40 AM Revision 82d18e7e (qgis): Update python binding for QgsGeometry
11:35 AM Revision bb374f08 (qgis): [GRASS] open full vector to get list of layers on win / G7
10:56 AM Revision abe9fd03 (qgis): Move more wkb type code to QgsWKBTypes. Fix possibility to load curved ...
10:14 AM Bug report #6889: Loading PostGIS rasters do not work
- In my case (master on Debian), I can add it via D&D, not with Add to canvas.
The issue merits some deeper inspection. -
09:20 AM Feature request #12825 (Closed): Create views in QGIS for both database and non-database tables
- Regis response Seems to have answered your question. If not, feel free to re-open.
08:49 AM Feature request #12825: Create views in QGIS for both database and non-database tables
- fantastic! Looking forward to the release of these 'virtual layers'. Thanks
09:00 AM Bug report #12850: under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- Actually, just clicking on the attribute calculater triggers the generation og and no other calc is required.
09:00 AM Bug report #12850: under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- Actually, just clicking on the attribute calculater triggers the generation og and no other calc is required.
08:53 AM Bug report #12850 (Closed): under user expression folder in master stops 2.8 to start
- In the latest master, QGIS creates under .qgis2/python/expression folder. The file stops older versions of...
08:57 AM Revision dd53fda8 (qgis): indentation update
08:30 AM Revision a9aade27 (qgis): german translation update
08:08 AM Bug report #10537: Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offline state
- What about a fail-back as well (_to a proper online state_) if converting offline fails?
-- happy to see some activi... -
07:40 AM Bug report #10537 (Open): Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offl...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> * Concerning the crash, which operation have you been performing?
nothing special, adding/edi... -
08:06 AM Bug report #12838: QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- Any chance to get a stack trace?
08:04 AM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- I forgot to note that I am only running the Vanilla System from Williams packages.
The first time around I deleted ... -
07:35 AM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Mars Sjoden wrote:
> Not this particular bug that I know of.
please try also disabling/removing all 4rd party plugin... -
07:18 AM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Not this particular bug that I know of.
07:15 AM Bug report #12832 (Feedback): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Did it happened in previous qgis releases?
07:15 AM Bug report #12832 (Feedback): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Did it happened in previous qgis releases?
07:15 AM Bug report #12832 (Feedback): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Did it happened in previous qgis releases?
07:12 AM Bug report #12832: 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- After a few more hours using QGIS it appears that once I save my QGIS project the crashing ensues.
Been working for ... -
08:02 AM Bug report #3792 (Closed): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- the general opinion was to close ticket like this one.
08:02 AM Bug report #3792 (Closed): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- the general opinion was to close ticket like this one.
07:56 AM Bug report #12789 (Closed): misses an output
07:45 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- stefano campus wrote:
> i still have this error in master (2.9.0-Master Revisione codice QGIS 7db5272)
> s.
pleas... -
07:40 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- i still have this error in master (2.9.0-Master Revisione codice QGIS 7db5272)
s. -
06:57 AM Bug report #12578 (Closed): Large pause before snapping to large layer
- Likely solved in commit:8b6abacc99
It would be appreciated if you can verify with tomorrows nightly build and reopen... -
06:57 AM Bug report #12578 (Closed): Large pause before snapping to large layer
- Likely solved in commit:8b6abacc99
It would be appreciated if you can verify with tomorrows nightly build and reopen... -
05:30 AM Revision 04388f73 (qgis): Merge pull request #2091 from nirvn/fix_tool_button_size
- [GUI] Keep dock icons one size smaller than toolbar icons
05:22 AM Revision 62c837eb (qgis): [gui] add left/right margin to browser panel for consistency
04:56 AM Bug report #12849 (Closed): QGIS crashes when using advanced digitizing and snap function
- This erros occours in QGIS version 2.8.1 and 2.8.2
1. Add a linestring
2. Settings > Snapping Options
3. Snapping mo... -
04:51 AM Feature request #12846 (Closed): Save a shapefile to an EXISTING ESRI Geodatabase
- 1) I don't think is possible because of the limitations you already describe. Anyway better ask in the users/develope...
04:51 AM Feature request #12846 (Closed): Save a shapefile to an EXISTING ESRI Geodatabase
- 1) I don't think is possible because of the limitations you already describe. Anyway better ask in the users/develope...
04:48 AM Revision ee6948d3 (qgis): [gui] keep dock icons one size smaller than toolbar icons
04:30 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> I tested with the most recent code, downloaded today
just tested myself and it works, no error ... -
04:01 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- I tested with the most recent code, downloaded today
03:53 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- Filipe Dias wrote:
> With the attached sample data, I'm still getting an error.
the latest master in osgeo4w or nigh... -
02:38 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- I also tested the attached sample data in Windows, and it's not working either.
01:48 AM Bug report #12847 (Closed): virtual layer query in DBmanager throws error
- a simple query on a postgis layer : "select * from cours_eau" throws this error message:...
01:13 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- With the attached sample data, I'm still getting an error.
12:05 AM Bug report #12801 (Feedback): Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- Should be fixed in master. Please check
01:11 AM Feature request #12846 (Closed): Save a shapefile to an EXISTING ESRI Geodatabase
- I understand that it is possible to import file geodatabase in QGIS and edit these datasets.
I am also aware that it... -
12:32 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> The data *are* the result of simplification. Tested on Debian sid (master) and on verious Wi... -
12:14 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- The data *are* the result of simplification. Tested on Debian sid (master) and on verious Windows (2.8.2).
12:12 AM Bug report #12843 (Feedback): Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- can't confirm here with provided data.
12:00 AM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- See attached file (I moved one of the polygons for clarity).
01:54 PM Bug report #12843: Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- I can't confirm - what data type (polygon/multipolygon/...) are you working with? Can you confirm that using the same...
09:52 AM Bug report #12843 (Closed): Simplify digitizing tool creates a copy of the geometry
- The behaviour of the simplify tool in the Advance digitizing has apparently changed: now it creates a copy of the pol...
12:04 AM Bug report #12411 (Closed): First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashe...
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Please test with latest master and report whether the fix has resolved this issue for you.
see... -
12:04 AM Bug report #12411 (Closed): First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashe...
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Please test with latest master and report whether the fix has resolved this issue for you.
see... -
05:07 AM Bug report #12411: First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashes QGIS Se...
- Please test with latest master and report whether the fix has resolved this issue for you.
11:58 PM Revision 7db5272f (qgis): [GRASS] more debug for Windows
11:47 PM Revision ab7828e9 (qgis): [GRASS] raster import blocking read for Windows
11:11 PM Revision a5ce9919 (qgis): Fix windows build (followup d7ca190)
- (cherry picked from commit 5f0d1b4bf1a6680603fe4f6f66e03aa279a14021)
10:46 PM Revision e7219050 (qgis): Avoid unnecessary detach of QgsFeature when renderering non-curved
- geometries
09:54 PM Revision 225362d4 (qgis): Merge pull request #2085 from timlinux/master
- Updated splash for Nødebo
05:31 PM Revision bd3b1738 (qgis): Merge pull request #2065 from arnaud-morvan/processing-parameter-table
- [processing] fix setting value in the ParameterTable
05:23 PM Revision c61d5f2c (qgis): Merge pull request #2063 from HenningJagd/master
- [processing] behavior of scroll zoom in the modeler
05:03 PM Revision 352e8248 (qgis): Add sbrunner (me) in contributors.json
- 04:43 PM Revision 859ee8d9 (qgis): Add elpaso to contributors.json
03:13 PM Revision 1e968131 (qgis): postgres connection pool: fix race when a connection is already acquire...
03:13 PM Revision ecbe0e43 (qgis): validate attribute index in editor widget calls
02:53 PM Revision d0bd9a24 (qgis): Cleanup after shapefile tests
02:31 PM Revision 4ddfca70 (qgis): Lower padding for browser and stats dock widgets
02:21 PM Revision bfa9f1cf (qgis): Fix zoom tool doesn't work from bottom right to top left (fix #12614)
02:16 PM Revision df4716b0 (qgis): Run atlas test in temporary folder
02:16 PM Revision eee1ce15 (qgis): Don't repack on layer unload
- It's already done on save
It cause a deadlock in invalidateConnections for the Atlas and BlendModeTest
Followup 7d7cdcd -
02:04 PM Revision 232565db (qgis): Fix server crashes when .qgs file replaced (refs #12411)
02:04 PM Revision b3323f32 (qgis): Partially fix broken server labeling test
01:53 PM Revision effbfcd5 (qgis): Fix composer map frame/annotations not showing on OSX (refs #12747)
01:37 PM Revision 5386a23b (qgis): Show checkboxes in pluginmanager
- Fix #12839
Followup be15d95 -
12:34 PM Revision 7d7cdcd3 (qgis): Repack shapefiles when saving after deleting features
- * QgsVectorDataProvider::dataChanged() will be emitted
* QgsVectorLayer::dataChanged() will be emitted
* Clears Qgs... -
11:53 AM Revision a39ea34a (qgis): Merge pull request #2088 from nirvn/refresh_icons
- [GUI] Refresh icons for the layer, browser, and identify panels
11:29 AM Revision 7b94fc54 (qgis): [gui] refresh icons for the layer, browser, and identity panels (svg fi...
11:25 AM Revision a02e6948 (qgis): Fix attribute table remove row, Followup 8eca38c
- Was an off-by-one error emitted by the attribute table model
11:01 AM Revision c84e8238 (qgis): [GRASS] vectorLayers exception, hopefully catches the crash G7/Win
09:59 AM Bug report #12844 (Closed): qgis master: python error opening SQL console in DB Manager
- ...
09:49 AM Bug report #12842 (Closed): Merge selected features drops data silently
- If one select and operation on merging data from fatures (e.g. average) that returs a decimal number, whereas the col...
09:40 AM Revision 9f89b210 (qgis): [gui] refresh icons for the layer, browser, and identity panels
08:42 AM Revision 131ea80e (qgis): include more geometry headers in install
08:40 AM Bug report #12841 (Feedback): Save as shapefile fails on PostGIS layer with joined MSSQL Table
- Please provide more information about the involved tables and how they are joined and possibly the verbatim error mes...
06:58 AM Bug report #12841 (Closed): Save as shapefile fails on PostGIS layer with joined MSSQL Table
- When exporting a PostGIS layer with a joined MSSQL table, the exports fails due to an invalid type issue on uint on Q...
08:27 AM Bug report #10537 (Feedback): Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable ...
* Concerning the crash, which operation have you been performing?
* We could delete the offline db after going on...-
08:18 AM Bug report #12637: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
- Can you add information about the widget configuration + data types?
Some screenshots from the vector layer field pr... -
08:10 AM Revision 63031546 (qgis): Merge pull request #2087 from slarosa/fix_function_editor
- Fix for function editor
07:31 AM Revision 89477af1 (qgis): Fix for function editor:
- when running the script the entries "Fields and values" and "Recent"
into the functions list of the expression builde... -
06:49 AM Bug report #12578 (Open): Large pause before snapping to large layer
05:51 AM Bug report #12840 (Closed): qgis_mapserv.fcgi not using proxy settings in QGIS2.ini
- qgis_mapserver.fcgi does not respect the proxy settings written in QGIS2.ini.
As suggested by the guide, I set the Q... -
05:21 AM Bug report #12614 (Closed): Zoom tool bug
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bfa9f1cf6a712709fd89dd23e314211cc13a240a".
04:54 AM Bug report #12747 (Feedback): [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
- Please test with latest master build and confirm whether the fix works...
04:41 AM Bug report #12839: Plugin Manager checkboxes disappeared
- Thanks Matthias for this super-fast fix :)
04:39 AM Bug report #12839 (Closed): Plugin Manager checkboxes disappeared
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5386a23b5a210ada14e768eefcc14732161efe87".
04:26 AM Bug report #12839: Plugin Manager checkboxes disappeared
- Who needs plugins anyway ;)
.... On it -
03:51 AM Bug report #12839 (Closed): Plugin Manager checkboxes disappeared
- In latest master (bfabb85) Plugin Manager misses checkboxes to activate/deactivate plugins and plugin list height is ...
04:17 AM Bug report #12838 (Reopened): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- I have to reopen it, just replicated on a newly created shapefile. No messages in the qgis log.
04:17 AM Bug report #12838 (Reopened): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- I have to reopen it, just replicated on a newly created shapefile. No messages in the qgis log.
03:19 AM Bug report #12838 (Closed): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- forget about it, it happens with just one specific vector that maybe has problems of its own. I tested other random l...
03:19 AM Bug report #12838 (Closed): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- forget about it, it happens with just one specific vector that maybe has problems of its own. I tested other random l...
03:06 AM Bug report #12838: QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- Any output in the log window? .oO(why was the tooltip that notifies you that there is new output in the hidden log w...
04:01 AM Bug report #9671 (Closed): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows ...
03:52 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- It turned out all problems were caused by our terrible network "group policy" where the security settings were blocki...
03:57 AM Bug report #12837: QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Did you check this #12324?
03:34 AM Bug report #12837: QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Richard G wrote:
> Hello thanks. It did not work for me in 2.6. It does however work for me in 2.2.0 Valmiera. Any th... -
03:31 AM Bug report #12837: QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Hello thanks. It did not work for me in 2.6. It does however work for me in 2.2.0 Valmiera. Any thoughts as to why it...
03:49 AM Bug report #12319: QGIS 2.8.1 crash when loading project
- Unfortunately this problem still exists in QGIS 2.8.2. It happens to me even when I delete my .qgis2 directory.
03:35 AM Bug report #11989 (Closed): Unexpected behaviour in QGIS Node Tool when adding vertex
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d7cdcd376c0d3fa60af1403a91e1e611b210174".
03:35 AM Bug report #10560 (Closed): Wrong feature count after edit
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7d7cdcd376c0d3fa60af1403a91e1e611b210174".
03:03 AM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
- Pull request ready.
Most relevant discussion can be found in:
#11007 -
03:14 AM Bug report #12228 (Feedback): deadlock from parallel rendering
- not reproduceable
02:27 AM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- I don't remember what the datasource was. Yes, debugging threading issues is an hell (thus the name of the valgrind t...
01:42 AM Bug report #12837 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Did it worked fine with previous qgis releases?
01:42 AM Bug report #12837 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Did it worked fine with previous qgis releases?
01:42 AM Bug report #12837 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Did it worked fine with previous qgis releases?
01:42 AM Bug report #12837 (Feedback): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Did it worked fine with previous qgis releases?
01:10 AM Bug report #12837 (Closed): QGIS Crashing When Connecting to datasets in MSSQL
- Using QGIS I have connected to a database from MSSQL with no issues.
When I import one feature I can specify the coo... -
01:30 AM Bug report #12838 (Closed): QGIS master: vector edits are "discarded" on save + crash on edits
- See the attached screencast.
If you play around enough is pretty easy also to get a crash. -
01:04 AM Bug report #12836: serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on canvas and c...
- with this project I also get "unknown exception" warnings when opening/creating/zooming print layouts. I don't see su...
09:34 PM Bug report #12836 (Closed): serious regression: rendering process of layers fail to render on can...
- Since at most 4 days, QGIS fails to render layers onto the canvas (and composer map items), but will show in the over...
12:59 AM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- Hi Andreas,
> I would really to like to see a fix for this. I have not created a bug report, because it was very ha... -
11:33 PM Bug report #12228: deadlock from parallel rendering
- Strk - what are the data sources? Postgis, perhaps?
I have similar issues with Postgis connections and MTR if my num... -
12:45 AM Revision bfabb852 (qgis): [GRASS] various import fixes
12:39 AM Revision f0eeef79 (qgis): debian packaging update: make build dir configuable
- 12:36 AM Revision b16b6bbb (qgis): Updated splash for Nødebo
12:35 AM Revision 44d6cc37 (qgis): Add qgis-dbg package to provide debug symbols.
- The debug package was requested in [Debian Bug #786985](
12:11 AM Revision d7ca1902 (qgis): adopt 'new' spatialite initialization scheme via thin wrapper around sq...
- (cherry picked from commit 252aaab, 23ef9da, d4b72a2, c7cb963 and e255d6c)
12:11 AM Revision 571a594e (qgis): dxf export: fix circle marker
- (cherry picked from commit 9a32c282add6bc6ce295bc94499819de2987788e)
12:11 AM Revision 1c059c7b (qgis): [processing] fixed ‘add script from file’ tool
- (cherry picked from commit 4d62566db702843f78154e76d0d3bc3e65c8556c)
12:11 AM Revision 3c701509 (qgis): Avoid crash if no project file is selected and OK is clicked
- (cherry picked from commit 6318f67bfc62d9c124eae620aecb4987d758582b)
12:11 AM Revision 4d0413ad (qgis): avoid warning about not created test difference image
- (cherry picked from commit d40d481bd33db7fb3277a145eb36dda2fee47d3c)
12:11 AM Revision 11ebf213 (qgis): fix relative path support for gdal layers (fixes #12823)
- (merged 47cb75dd and e2e8c87)
12:11 AM Revision 3dd8008a (qgis): grass: fix relative path support for working database and vector layers...
- (cherry picked from commit e5dbd186d8f185174ac5fc8fd152e586aa9925f0)
12:11 AM Revision f68cfc75 (qgis): ogr provider: limit mysql driver to requested layer
- (cherry picked from commit 536135a3f4f453d9a93dc2e83a1c2c5278e3bfd3)
12:11 AM Revision a9cccd2c (qgis): postgres provider: cast result of a subquery in min/max/uniqueValue(s) ...
- (cherry picked from commit e509fc53ce5cfdb64b984177c5279a6cf7d8644c)
12:11 AM Revision c165e1f9 (qgis): dxf export: fix detection of closed polylines
- (backport of 74f10b9)
12:02 AM Revision 91b17859 (qgis): Fix crash if multiple multiline text edtit widgets for the same field a...
- Fix #11813
11:51 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Would it be possible to also backport this to the 2.8 branch? Esp. for people who installed several versions at once,...
05:17 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Hi,
If this new icon is agreed upon, I will convert it for Mac icon format and place it at (qgisb.icns):
https://gi... -
11:44 PM Revision 83619f4c (qgis): Fix 'Allow to' typo.
- This issue was reported by the lintian QA tool during the Debian package build.
11:39 PM Revision 6eb1404a (qgis): Followup f67a08a, hide measurement rubberband on window close
11:27 PM Feature request #6776 (Closed): Allow multiple parallel classifications for different visual vari...
- I am closing this, because I think that our symbology system is now powerful enough to handle the cases I have.
11:27 PM Feature request #6776 (Closed): Allow multiple parallel classifications for different visual vari...
- I am closing this, because I think that our symbology system is now powerful enough to handle the cases I have.
11:19 PM Revision 1cbbf594 (qgis): [bookmark] use the same key for settings to store the last used directo...
11:12 PM Revision c7cb963a (qgis): also depend on spatialite_init_ex() in pyspatialite (followup 252aaab a...
10:28 PM Revision 2bd39e26 (qgis): Fix crash if multiple multiline text edtit widgets for the same field a...
- Fix #11813
10:28 PM Revision 8eca38ca (qgis): Attribute table performance when deleting features
- This fixes performance issues with the attribute table visible when deleting a
large number of features.
The attribu... -
10:28 PM Revision 9e59b6e4 (qgis): Fix artefacts with map tool select rectangle
10:28 PM Revision bb9d4137 (qgis): Add tests for QgsAttributeTableModel
08:45 PM Revision d4b72a2d (qgis): depend on spatialite_init_ex() for 'new' spatialite initialization (fol...
07:43 PM Revision f67a08aa (qgis): Hide measurement rubberband on dialog close
- Fix #12834
06:40 PM Revision c246fd8d (qgis): Fix some warnings
06:05 PM Revision 19df43f8 (qgis): Fix build errors, followup 1eac259
05:38 PM Revision fb74722e (qgis): Unify spatialite provider tests
- And enable pyspatialite on travis
04:25 PM Revision ed651810 (qgis): Fix identify tool for PostGIS 1.x layers
- curvetoline() function was expected, however:
- in PostGIS < 1.5 such function does not exist
- in PostGIS >=1.5 the ... -
03:45 PM Revision 4edc4b9b (qgis): Merge pull request #2071 from nirvn/fix_dock_tool_button
- [gui] apply icon size user preference to dock widget tool buttons
- 03:17 PM Revision 26e6725a (qgis): Fix failing expression test
03:14 PM Bug report #12823 (Closed): Relative paths are broken in QGIS master and QGIS 2.8 nightly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"11ebf2137dc344165e14d3e3ffd8b55c571a30ac".
03:03 PM Revision 481b1647 (qgis): Coverity memory leaks and other fixes
03:03 PM Revision f2348100 (qgis): Fix QgsGeometryImport::geomFromWkt logic
03:03 PM Revision ec01d769 (qgis): More Coverity memory leak fixes
03:00 PM Revision 58f9372b (qgis): also spatialite_cleanup_ex conditional for spatialite >= 4
02:50 PM Revision 9639fc66 (qgis): Fix developers map background loading
- Fix #12831
Workaround for - 02:39 PM Revision f2144918 (qgis): Less verbose template function message.
- args='auto' and group='custom' as default
02:33 PM Bug report #12835 (Closed): Could not import ImageText form PIL
- On import "from PIL import ImageText" I got "_imaging C module is not installed". Qgis uses obsolete PIL module. Solu...
02:30 PM Revision e255d6c3 (qgis): missing QgsSLConnect::mSLconns conditional
01:33 PM Bug report #10167 (Closed): Deleting features in Attributes Table is very slow
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8eca38ca5f05c8d930c8d82c200452d75fada5c0".
12:00 PM Bug report #10167 (In Progress): Deleting features in Attributes Table is very slow
12:00 PM Bug report #10167: Deleting features in Attributes Table is very slow
- Pull request ready - 01:27 PM Revision e6403da7 (qgis): Remove adding $ to front of custom functions
- Fixes calling no argument functions
12:54 PM Revision 06ab4783 (qgis): Fix warning
12:42 PM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Ok, thanks for the advice: I have posted this on the OGR issue tracker here: -
11:06 AM Revision 90b796c6 (qgis): Fix usability issue in pluginmanager
- The height of rows is too small to see its
contents on hidpi screens
Also raised maximumSize of mPluginsTabFrame -
11:06 AM Revision be15d956 (qgis): Add some more spacing around plugin text
- Followup 36c844b3
10:43 AM Bug report #12834 (Closed): Measuring tool not closed properly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f67a08aa7ecf0b13a77b7888c771b63975daed9e".
10:26 AM Bug report #12834 (Closed): Measuring tool not closed properly
- the measuring tool is not closed properly (it leaves the polygon or line on the canvas) if done through the X (close ...
10:27 AM Bug report #8628: DB Manager does not load PostGIS rasters using QGIS-master for Debian
- Is this late fix already in the binaries for Debian?
I still cannot load raster from the DB manager with Debian Jes... -
09:59 AM Revision 08dd620b (qgis): Create a view from the selected query (PR#1999)
09:43 AM Bug report #12833 (Closed): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'
- issues with 3rd party plugins must be reported in the proper bug trackers.
09:43 AM Bug report #12833 (Closed): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'
- issues with 3rd party plugins must be reported in the proper bug trackers.
09:37 AM Bug report #12833 (Feedback): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'
- This is a problem with the plugin and better report it here: -
09:37 AM Bug report #12833 (Feedback): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'
- This is a problem with the plugin and better report it here: -
09:35 AM Bug report #12833 (Closed): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'port'
- I am trying to upload data in QGIS Cloud in 2.8.2.
I get the following error:
An error has occured while ... -
09:35 AM Revision d40c7631 (qgis): Merge branch 'processing-r.stat'
09:34 AM Revision 596b126b (qgis): fix conflicts
09:29 AM Revision 6919d984 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into processing...
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/algs/grass7/ -
08:28 AM Bug report #9295: GetPrint causes segfault if HTML formatted text is used in the template
- see also #9763
08:28 AM Bug report #9763 (Closed): GetPrint segfault
- see also #9295
08:28 AM Bug report #9763 (Closed): GetPrint segfault
- see also #9295
08:21 AM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
- please tr y the latest master and report back, there have been big commits that also are affecting improvements with ...
08:18 AM Revision c729a753 (qgis): Add missing overrides
07:54 AM Bug report #5811 (Closed): dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- now in master it seems that speed is much more reasonable, even on slow connections on a remote server.
07:54 AM Bug report #5811 (Closed): dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
- now in master it seems that speed is much more reasonable, even on slow connections on a remote server.
07:41 AM Bug report #12778 (Closed): Quick field calc bar in attribute table bug
07:26 AM Bug report #12831: About: Developer map working only after a click
- Thanks Matthias - did you also backport it?
05:50 AM Bug report #12831 (Closed): About: Developer map working only after a click
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9639fc66640d8e8e4251fe50fb7871e47e587512".
05:12 AM Bug report #12831 (Closed): About: Developer map working only after a click
- The developer map in the program About does not work until one click on a developer (no background, no zoom).
Once cl... -
06:55 AM Bug report #12832 (Closed): 2.8.2 Hard Crash - OS X.10.3
- Recently installed Williams latest QGIS build along with his latest frameworks.
Running a Mac 10.10.3
QGIS 2.8.2 ha... -
06:45 AM Bug report #12816 (Closed): a number of buttons are oversized under gnome shell's default gtk theme
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a0a1cea0e17b09264c60ba0d1d29560013ca060f".
03:14 AM Bug report #12381 (Closed): Can not open oracle layer with NULL SRID (-1)
- This bug was fixed in release 2.8.2.
See #12674
01:53 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> With your data I get the same results as you. Yet, it seems that measurement results are ... -
01:30 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- With your data I get the same results as you. Yet, it seems that measurement results are in principle not different f...
12:29 AM Bug report #12057 (Closed): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> Please find attached an SQLite DB for testing. It contains one 1km2 grid cell in EPSG 258... -
12:29 AM Bug report #12057 (Closed): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> Please find attached an SQLite DB for testing. It contains one 1km2 grid cell in EPSG 258... -
02:39 PM Bug report #12057 (Reopened): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Please find attached an SQLite DB for testing. It contains one 1km2 grid cell in EPSG 25832. In the attribute table I...
02:39 PM Bug report #12057 (Reopened): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Please find attached an SQLite DB for testing. It contains one 1km2 grid cell in EPSG 25832. In the attribute table I...
02:39 PM Bug report #12057 (Reopened): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Please find attached an SQLite DB for testing. It contains one 1km2 grid cell in EPSG 25832. In the attribute table I...
01:09 PM Bug report #12057 (Closed): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> It is indeed as you describe. Measurements are accurate when I set the ellipsoid back to ... -
01:09 PM Bug report #12057 (Closed): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> It is indeed as you describe. Measurements are accurate when I set the ellipsoid back to ... -
01:09 PM Bug report #12057 (Closed): Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> It is indeed as you describe. Measurements are accurate when I set the ellipsoid back to ... -
01:19 AM Bug report #12830: QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- hm I am on QGIS version 2.8.2-Wien QGIS code revision exported
Compiled against Qt 4.8.6 Running against Qt 4.8.6
Com... -
01:05 AM Bug report #12830: QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- Ray Lee wrote:
> try as WMS server
> enter some credentials. Quit QGIS. Sta... -
12:57 AM Bug report #12830: QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- try as WMS server
enter some credentials. Quit QGIS. Start QGIS --> Crash
On... -
11:57 PM Bug report #12830 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- I cannot confirm with WMS servers (QGIS Server, Mapserver) protected with the Apache authentication. Could you provid...
11:57 PM Bug report #12830 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- I cannot confirm with WMS servers (QGIS Server, Mapserver) protected with the Apache authentication. Could you provid...
11:57 PM Bug report #12830 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- I cannot confirm with WMS servers (QGIS Server, Mapserver) protected with the Apache authentication. Could you provid...
11:57 PM Bug report #12830 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- I cannot confirm with WMS servers (QGIS Server, Mapserver) protected with the Apache authentication. Could you provid...
11:57 PM Bug report #12830 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- I cannot confirm with WMS servers (QGIS Server, Mapserver) protected with the Apache authentication. Could you provid...
03:07 PM Bug report #12830 (Closed): QGIS crashes when erroneous credentials for WMS in qgis.conf
- 2.8 crashes with segfault when wrong password/username for a WMS server is stored in qgis.conf
01:05 AM Revision acd003e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #2000 from Gustry/fix-selected-query-backport
- [db_manager] backport 2.8.2 fix #12429 run only the selected query
12:56 AM Revision b1dd253f (qgis): fix selected query (fixes #12429)
12:46 AM Bug report #12822: Crash on exit in Windows version
- Thanks for the fix, it was my stupid GRASS icon without parent.
11:14 AM Bug report #12822 (Closed): Crash on exit in Windows version
- Fixed in changeset commit:"598563c05a7da95426e122d0d18dd9a05949ad18".
04:23 AM Bug report #12822: Crash on exit in Windows version
- A simple open and close is sufficient to trigger the crash. Not even a project has to be loaded.
02:56 AM Bug report #12822: Crash on exit in Windows version
- Ubuntu doesn't seem to be affected by this problem.
02:56 AM Bug report #12822: Crash on exit in Windows version
- Matthias Kuhn thinks that it may have to do with commits commit:dbdfe40bf9b31ab7298b9f8b83b524de62fb7e24 and commit:1...
12:45 AM Bug report #12256 (Open): Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
12:31 AM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
> Anyway, I want to give the person responsible for creating these GML-files valuable feedback: so is it OGR or the ...-
12:24 AM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- So what you are saying is that this is an OGR issue then? Or is the XML Schema not valid? I cannot test this now, but...
11:40 PM Bug report #12780 (Closed): Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Not a QGIS issue.
Try this two ogr commands:
ogrinfo Refgem.gml Refgem
ogrinfo Refgem-copy.gml Refgem
you w... -
11:40 PM Bug report #12780 (Closed): Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Not a QGIS issue.
Try this two ogr commands:
ogrinfo Refgem.gml Refgem
ogrinfo Refgem-copy.gml Refgem
you w... -
11:40 PM Bug report #12780 (Closed): Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Not a QGIS issue.
Try this two ogr commands:
ogrinfo Refgem.gml Refgem
ogrinfo Refgem-copy.gml Refgem
you w... -
02:35 PM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Hi, thanks for looking into this. Yes, I've noticed that, with the files that I have uploaded in my original post, th...
02:35 PM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Hi, thanks for looking into this. Yes, I've noticed that, with the files that I have uploaded in my original post, th...
02:35 PM Bug report #12780: Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Hi, thanks for looking into this. Yes, I've noticed that, with the files that I have uploaded in my original post, th...
09:43 AM Bug report #12780 (Feedback): Correct GML interpreted as plain table when XSD is present
- Works for me in master.
12:21 AM Revision 1eac2598 (qgis): fix gui header installation
11:58 PM Bug report #12823 (Reopened): Relative paths are broken in QGIS master and QGIS 2.8 nightly
- Not yet backported to 2.8
05:37 AM Bug report #12823 (Closed): Relative paths are broken in QGIS master and QGIS 2.8 nightly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"47cb75dd6f8c3d0908383f021597b5627fc0b874".
02:32 AM Bug report #12823: Relative paths are broken in QGIS master and QGIS 2.8 nightly
- It seems that ogr vector data is not affected by the relative path problem. Only gdal raster sources.
11:48 PM Bug report #12809 (Closed): Add New Script from File has Python Error
> Is it fixed in the @processing@ shipped with QGIS?
it is fixed in qgis master (I confirmed Saber observation that...-
11:48 PM Bug report #12809 (Closed): Add New Script from File has Python Error
> Is it fixed in the @processing@ shipped with QGIS?
it is fixed in qgis master (I confirmed Saber observation that...-
02:27 PM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Works fine in master and 2.8.1 but not 2.8.2.
02:22 PM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Gio, it comes up with a python error as soon as I try to load a file.
> An error has occu... -
02:19 PM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Gio, it comes up with a python error as soon as I try to load a file.
An error has occured while executing Python co... -
12:15 PM Bug report #12809 (Feedback): Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> The problem is still there in the latest update to the processing plugin.
Saber, it works f... -
12:15 PM Bug report #12809 (Feedback): Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> The problem is still there in the latest update to the processing plugin.
Saber, it works f... -
06:34 AM Bug report #12809 (Reopened): Add New Script from File has Python Error
- The problem is still there in the latest update to the processing plugin.
11:45 PM Revision e2e8c870 (qgis): also handle writing of relative paths (followup 47cb75d; fixes #12823)
08:13 PM Revision 598563c0 (qgis): fix crash on close (fixes #12822)
07:33 PM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Platform: Win7 SP1 64-bit
QGIS 2.8.2 Wien
I downloaded the fresh install via the QGIS website -
11:58 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Of course this seems like very much a local issue. Please test also other installations, on other machines, with the ...
07:21 AM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- Could you specify, platform, QGIS version, installation method, etc?
07:21 PM Revision 9a5e8d9a (qgis): Fix warning
07:20 PM Revision 5f0d1b4b (qgis): Fix warnings
07:09 PM Revision 050aa8d0 (qgis): Fix warning
06:49 PM Revision 3a86771f (qgis): Followup cec5bdeb : Add tests for expression compiler
04:03 PM Bug report #12429 (Closed): Run only the selected part of a SQL query
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b1dd253fc51df32f11c0d0ae7d9a2ab373582ba7".
04:02 PM Revision 90d7a7ab (qgis): Merge pull request #2064 from arnaud-morvan/processing-check-validity
- [processing] add Check Validity algorithm
03:22 PM Revision 13d67c09 (qgis): Fix and wkt formating for delimited text provider test
02:52 PM Revision 23ef9daf (qgis): add missing files to 252aaab8
02:36 PM Revision 47cb75dd (qgis): fix relative path support for gdal layers (fixes #12823)
02:36 PM Revision 252aaab8 (qgis): adopt 'new' spatialite initialization scheme via thin wrapper around sq...
02:09 PM Bug report #12829: 'Sample color' button error?
- Works fine under Windows too.
01:38 PM Bug report #12829 (Feedback): 'Sample color' button error?
- not the case on master/linux. Windows not tested (yet).
01:26 PM Bug report #12829 (Closed): 'Sample color' button error?
- When I try to sample color (layer properties) from screen using the space bar it appears to lock my computer to freeze.
01:59 PM Revision 205daae0 (qgis): Support overriden layer styles also in the composer legend
01:38 PM Revision ea64d321 (qgis): Merge pull request #2076 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_r_surf_area
- [processing] fix grass7
01:25 PM Bug report #12757 (Reopened): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- It's not fixed yet - there's a PR with a work in progress fix at, but it's not...
01:25 PM Bug report #12757 (Reopened): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- It's not fixed yet - there's a PR with a work in progress fix at, but it's not...
12:30 PM Bug report #12757 (Closed): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> This has been fixed during the HF; I do not know if backported
please reopen if necessary. -
12:30 PM Bug report #12757 (Closed): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> This has been fixed during the HF; I do not know if backported
please reopen if necessary. -
10:32 AM Bug report #12757: Zoom out crashes QGIS
- This has been fixed during the HF; I do not know if backported
10:30 AM Bug report #12757 (Open): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- The bug appears to be platform specific and does not affect Windows installation.
Here is what I get under Ubuntu:
@q... -
10:30 AM Bug report #12757 (Open): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- The bug appears to be platform specific and does not affect Windows installation.
Here is what I get under Ubuntu:
@q... -
09:53 AM Bug report #12757: Zoom out crashes QGIS
- Sandro, for the past 3 changing to left hand! :)
09:47 AM Bug report #12757: Zoom out crashes QGIS
- Saber, did you keep zooming out ? More and more ?
09:39 AM Bug report #12757 (Feedback): Zoom out crashes QGIS
- Can't reproduce in master.
01:07 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- (accidently) committed in commit:83899182
09:53 AM Bug report #5848 (Closed): Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- The icon is in now. Thanks Jürgen for adding!
09:53 AM Bug report #5848 (Closed): Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- The icon is in now. Thanks Jürgen for adding!
09:53 AM Bug report #5848 (Closed): Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- The icon is in now. Thanks Jürgen for adding!
12:46 PM Bug report #12828 (Open): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
12:42 PM Bug report #12828: QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- I've found the cause, if the Windows service "Print Spooler" is not running when QGIS starts, QGIS will crash.
Howev... -
12:34 PM Bug report #12828: QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- Andy Harney wrote:
> The crash occurs on a brand new, empty project, without any data added.
(backup and) remove .th... -
12:31 PM Bug report #12828: QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- The crash occurs on a brand new, empty project, without any data added.
12:28 PM Bug report #12828 (Feedback): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not run...
- please attach a sample project/data.
12:25 PM Bug report #12828 (Closed): QGIS Crash when using composer and Windows Print Spooler is not running
- Hi,
Attempting to alter the page setup of a print composer, I'm hit with an immediate crash and minidump.
This occur... -
12:43 PM Revision 9e5b2ba5 (qgis): [GRASS] create imagery group if there are rgb color interpretations, li...
12:28 PM Bug report #12824: Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Could you provide some example data?
agree, this is a pretty advanced project setup. Withou... -
07:16 AM Bug report #12824 (Feedback): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
- Could you provide some example data?
02:51 AM Bug report #12824 (Closed): Multiple (related) tables in editing mode crashes
- Hello all,
thanks to QGIS we were able to create a very detailed qgis project with multiple connections between datab... -
12:23 PM Bug report #12821: Error in Processing documentation
- "moved" to
12:20 PM Bug report #12234: QGIS freezes when adding a legend in composer and project has a WMS layer with...
- Hello Giovanni,
should we change
-the title to
"QGIs freeze, adding a wms layer with missing legend grafic and any co... -
12:16 PM Bug report #12660 (Closed): Feature count on SHP file layer does not update after deleting record...
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Duplicate of #10560 maybe?
it is, and add to it #11989 -
12:16 PM Bug report #12660 (Closed): Feature count on SHP file layer does not update after deleting record...
- Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Duplicate of #10560 maybe?
it is, and add to it #11989 -
10:46 AM Bug report #12660 (Feedback): Feature count on SHP file layer does not update after deleting reco...
- Duplicate of #10560 maybe?
12:10 PM Revision 75fb7182 (qgis): add search widget for value relation
12:07 PM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- please provide sample data.
12:04 PM Feature request #12825 (Feedback): Create views in QGIS for both database and non-database tables
05:30 AM Feature request #12825: Create views in QGIS for both database and non-database tables
- Hi,
something similar is coming very soon. This will be called "virtual layers" and will be accessible thought DBMan... -
02:59 AM Feature request #12825 (Closed): Create views in QGIS for both database and non-database tables
- Would it be possible to create views in QGIS (for visualization) of multiple tables, like is possible with databases?...
11:44 AM Revision 7af658f8 (qgis): Coverity fixes
11:43 AM Revision 95a74083 (qgis): Merge pull request #2059 from carolinux/search-widgets
- [FEATURE] Search widgets
Makes it easier to filter the attribute table if there are attribute domains attached -
11:42 AM Revision b5801afe (qgis): Update python bindings for QgsGeometry
11:31 AM Revision 930ad682 (qgis): Merge pull request #2078 from manisandro/connpoolfixes
- Connection pool fixes
11:13 AM Revision e2edc54f (qgis): Compilation fix
11:00 AM Revision a6bf6e9a (qgis): Connection pool fixes
10:59 AM Revision 0c4ea1f6 (qgis): new class QgsAnimatedIcon
10:40 AM Feature request #12722 (Closed): Allow copy/paste of columns between tables also when columns do ...
- Not possible to reproduce. The ticket is closed, but feel free to reopen and provide some data to reproduce the problem.
09:31 AM Revision 72c98301 (qgis): Merge pull request #2069 from manisandro/ogrpool
- Add connection pool for OGR provider
09:18 AM Revision 5d5229ea (qgis): Fixup ae242f5
- In QGIS 2.8 QgsField is not yet implicitly shared...
09:16 AM Revision ae242f52 (qgis): Update QgsFields nameToIndex hash on field removed
09:12 AM Revision f31abe4d (qgis): Update QgsFields nameToIndex hash on field removed
08:02 AM Bug report #12827 (Closed): Wrong length calculation from Python with new geometry classes
- Method length() of the QgsGeometry class now returns wrong length (namely, 1.0) for line features when used from Pyth...
05:37 AM Bug report #12771 (Closed): error Segmentation fault
- Fixed in changeset commit:"252aaab89e5701d1d7c0ec147ce02c8865ffa452".
03:35 AM Revision 6318f67b (qgis): Avoid crash if no project file is selected and OK is clicked
01:59 AM Bug report #12823 (Closed): Relative paths are broken in QGIS master and QGIS 2.8 nightly
- Project files with relative paths to raster files that are created in QGIS 2.6 or QGIS 2.8.2 cannot be opened in QGIS...
01:45 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
- Valerie Anderson wrote:
> I'm on Debian stretch/sid 61-bit with QGIS 2.8.1 and this started happening to me last week... -
04:37 PM Bug report #11546 (Reopened): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
- I'm on Debian stretch/sid 61-bit with QGIS 2.8.1 and this started happening to me last week after a routine system up...
01:43 AM Bug report #12822 (Closed): Crash on exit in Windows version
- It seems like a recent master version (commit:b91e43a) crashes on exit. Installed through OSGeo4W.
I also tried with... -
12:58 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- It is indeed as you describe. Measurements are accurate when I set the ellipsoid back to "none/planar". However, the ...
11:42 PM Revision b91e43af (qgis): [GRASS] import icon
09:43 PM Revision d40d481b (qgis): avoid warning about not created test difference image
08:16 PM Bug report #12793: Minidump when adding a layer (vector, raster, etc.)
- I made a backup of the original .qgis2 folder but still the same issue.
I also did a fresh install to the most recent... -
08:12 PM Revision 98c601d1 (qgis): fix typos
07:45 PM Revision 6a6b3b41 (qgis): [GRASS] browser import options dialog
07:45 PM Revision 407f7213 (qgis): QgsRasterProjector optional precision
07:22 PM Bug report #12821 (Closed): Error in Processing documentation
- There is an error in the page:
where it is wr... - 06:32 PM Revision 6e4b883a (qgis): fix grass7
04:54 PM Revision 5b3a96d9 (qgis): geometry fixes:
- * 3d geometries from oracle
* windows build -
04:29 PM Revision 2e86d54b (qgis): Merge pull request #2025 from mhugo/db_manager_dev
- db manager SQL window enhancements
04:26 PM Revision 0b9ea9a6 (qgis): Merge pull request #2057 from Hvitnov/fix12655
- Fix #12655 copy/paste style between different vector layer geometry types
01:24 PM Revision ae6b290a (qgis): Add processing CheckValidity algorithm
01:23 PM Bug report #12813: Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- I've just tried it on 2.9.0-Master (on Windows) 32 and 64 bit versions, and I get the same error.
Also, noticed that... -
12:58 PM Revision 4e14f8d6 (qgis): fix 8050697
12:55 PM Revision 80506973 (qgis): make postgres provider tests optional
12:04 PM Revision 83899182 (qgis): fix some warnings
10:54 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Verified on several machines during the workshop at the HF in Nodebo.
I have tested 5/6 lin... -
10:26 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- Verified on several machines during the workshop at the HF in Nodebo.
10:25 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- please test also on other machines.
10:25 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- tested again with numbers too, all ok.
10:16 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- Checked again, on current master and ``pippo`` becomes ``pipp1o`` when autofilled with numbers.
09:02 AM Bug report #8511 (Feedback): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under...
- just tested on a clean installation of master and works as expected (ubuntu).
08:42 AM Bug report #8511 (Reopened): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under...
- I do not confir, still true here; verified also during the workshop at the HF in Nodebo.
08:42 AM Bug report #8511 (Reopened): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under...
- I do not confir, still true here; verified also during the workshop at the HF in Nodebo.
08:35 AM Bug report #8511 (Closed): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under L...
- it is fine in master, please reopen if necessary.
08:35 AM Bug report #8511 (Closed): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under L...
- it is fine in master, please reopen if necessary.
10:48 AM Revision b7a4e985 (qgis): Merge pull request #2048 from alexbruy/fix-curvature-filter
- fix total curvature calculation (fix #5967)
10:03 AM Revision b7a2a79d (qgis): Merge pull request #2055 from mhugent/geometry_mmsql_2_8
- [FEATURE]: New geometry classes (take 2)
10:00 AM Bug report #12789: misses an output
- fixed with
HTML output is broken in any module
See #6379 -
10:00 AM Bug report #12789: misses an output
- fixed with
HTML output is broken in any module
See #6379 -
08:58 AM Bug report #12703 (Closed): Help for all SAGA processing modules missing
08:53 AM Revision 68fe5f57 (qgis): [FEATURE:] New geometry classes
08:40 AM Revision bb80c638 (qgis): Merge pull request #2074 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_contour
- [processing] fix SAGA 2.1.4 contour lines from grid
08:40 AM Revision 12883f50 (qgis): Merge pull request #2072 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_r_relief2
- [processing] fix grass7 r.relief2
08:39 AM Revision 6596adc8 (qgis): Merge pull request #2073 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_r_flow
- [processing] fix grass7 r.flow
08:31 AM Bug report #12335: Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- Not confirmed here, on Sid.
08:30 AM Bug report #12335 (Feedback): Processing can't find SAGA in Debian [regression]
- is this still true?
08:08 AM Bug report #8742 (Closed): Reproject layer does not work with custom CRS
- seems to work fine in the latest master, please reopen if necessary.
08:08 AM Bug report #8742 (Closed): Reproject layer does not work with custom CRS
- seems to work fine in the latest master, please reopen if necessary.
07:55 AM Bug report #9925 (Closed): Source SRS not recognized for rasters
- Tested with 6 differnt raster, now it seems to work. Probably fixed in the meantime.
07:55 AM Bug report #9925 (Closed): Source SRS not recognized for rasters
- Tested with 6 differnt raster, now it seems to work. Probably fixed in the meantime.
07:46 AM Bug report #9925 (Feedback): Source SRS not recognized for rasters
- please attach sample data.
07:51 AM Bug report #7697 (Feedback): GRASS commands, OS X not working
- Is this still an issue? I have recently given training to people with OsX and they had no problems in running QGIS/Pr...
07:51 AM Bug report #7697 (Feedback): GRASS commands, OS X not working
- Is this still an issue? I have recently given training to people with OsX and they had no problems in running QGIS/Pr...
07:29 AM Bug report #12655 (Closed): Copy / paste style on different geometry layers
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0b9ea9a6160b17294b46b070c1b491bdebb93865".
05:48 AM Bug report #9902: Using v.voronoi with "output tessellation as graph" returns point result
- The reason for this is that the line output is written by GRASS into the 0_ layer and not the 1_ layer that is the on...
05:48 AM Bug report #9902: Using v.voronoi with "output tessellation as graph" returns point result
- The reason for this is that the line output is written by GRASS into the 0_ layer and not the 1_ layer that is the on...
05:48 AM Bug report #9902: Using v.voronoi with "output tessellation as graph" returns point result
- The reason for this is that the line output is written by GRASS into the 0_ layer and not the 1_ layer that is the on...
04:58 AM Feature request #12806: Write output table in R scripts not supported
- Sorry, I don't think it is a duplicate issue. Anyway, I think that the piece of code is here: -
03:33 AM Bug report #12778: Quick field calc bar in attribute table bug
- Pull request proposed:
01:49 AM Bug report #5967 (Closed): Wrong Formula in Raster Terrain Analysis' curvature filter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b7a4e9856b11a1468a3c707c011b3c1becc09a93".
01:25 AM Bug report #12775 (Closed): r.flow had a compulsory parameter that should be optional
04:29 AM Bug report #12775: r.flow had a compulsory parameter that should be optional
- fixed in -
04:29 AM Bug report #12775: r.flow had a compulsory parameter that should be optional
- fixed in -
01:25 AM Bug report #12777 (Closed): Processing: Grass 7 r.relief has different "units" parameter than Gra...
02:42 AM Bug report #12777: Processing: Grass 7 r.relief has different "units" parameter than Grass 6 vers...
- Markus Mayr wrote:
> (I mistakenly commented on GitHub - I moved the comment here)
> As I understood the descripti... -
06:48 PM Revision cec5bdeb (qgis): fix some warnings
03:27 PM Revision 3ecf6e65 (qgis): Update
- Naming more consistent with other tools.
- 02:53 PM Revision cee47d66 (qgis): fix SAGA 2.1.4 contour lines from grid
- 01:26 PM Revision d591ac4d (qgis): better indentation
- 01:22 PM Revision b1baa6e3 (qgis): fix GRASS7 r.flow
- 11:41 AM Revision 4f87af08 (qgis): better fix for r.relief in grass7
- 11:40 AM Revision 6be81c67 (qgis): better fix for r.relief in grass7
11:12 AM Feature request #12820 (Closed): Improve polygon symbol preview
- The current polygon symbol previews are cropped to the square border. This is an issue for styles such as the default...
10:57 AM Bug report #12819 (Closed): Fix dialog consistency for effect properties
- To ensure GUI consistency, please rearrange the elements of the effect properties dialog to mirror the order in the l...
10:50 AM Bug report #12818: Layer properties dialog displays horizontal scrollbar on min width
- Actually, there seems to be no real reason why the dialog has to be that wide. Would be good to figure out why the sc...
10:44 AM Bug report #12818 (Closed): Layer properties dialog displays horizontal scrollbar on min width
- The current behavior of the layer properties dialog is not optimal: it can be resized to a width which is a few pixel...
09:31 AM Revision a0a1cea0 (qgis): [gui] apply icon size user preference to dock widget tool buttons (fix ...
08:53 AM Bug report #12606 (Closed): URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- closing for lack of feedback.
08:53 AM Bug report #12606 (Closed): URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- closing for lack of feedback.
07:18 AM Revision 9b797471 (qgis): show correct coordinates in status bar when projected CRS used and
- canvas units set to degrees (fix #12395)
Tests for latitude wrapping included -
05:57 AM Bug report #6945 (Open): SAGA vector produced without .prj if the input layer does not have it
05:42 AM Bug report #7117 (Closed): SAGA Grid Calculator does not work when "Use NoData" is set to "Yes"
05:40 AM Bug report #5954 (Closed): v.distance does not list existing columns, possibly broken?
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I think this can be solved, so better keep it open not to forget about it.
replaced by #12817 -
05:39 AM Feature request #12817 (Closed): add v.distance to Processing/GRASS
- the tool must be added as a special case because it updates an existing GRASS vector and does not create a new vector...
04:53 AM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- Here's the ico
04:35 AM Bug report #3659 (Closed): Size scale field does not work with symbol levels
- Seems fixed now: Size scale field has been removed from the Advanced button and size scaling can now be achieved usin...
04:35 AM Bug report #3659 (Closed): Size scale field does not work with symbol levels
- Seems fixed now: Size scale field has been removed from the Advanced button and size scaling can now be achieved usin...
04:35 AM Bug report #3659 (Closed): Size scale field does not work with symbol levels
- Seems fixed now: Size scale field has been removed from the Advanced button and size scaling can now be achieved usin...
03:59 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- Stefan Blumentrath wrote:
> The problem is still present in QGIS code revision 2ff6f72 (Installed through OSGeo4W, 32... -
03:51 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- The problem is still present in QGIS code revision 2ff6f72 (Installed through OSGeo4W, 32bit, Win 7).
However, "Ident... -
03:49 AM Bug report #12734 (Closed): QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- reopen if necessary.
03:49 AM Bug report #12734 (Closed): QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- reopen if necessary.
03:23 AM Bug report #12734: QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- Testing it further on Ubuntu QGis 2.8.2 with fresh PostGis vector layers, I couldn't reproduce the crash...
So it mig... -
03:49 AM Bug report #12771 (Reopened): error Segmentation fault
03:02 AM Bug report #12771: error Segmentation fault
- This issue should be reopened, because qgsspatialiteprovider.cpp uses the deprecated spatialite_init() method causing...
11:48 PM Revision 2ff6f724 (qgis): Merge pull request #2066 from luipir/master
- Added Datasources2Vrt processing alg
09:45 PM Revision dbdfe40b (qgis): [symbology] Use static QStrings for data defined keys rather than
- creating new strings with every redraw (pt 2)
09:42 PM Bug report #12816: a number of buttons are oversized under gnome shell's default gtk theme
- I should say that I set my toolbar button to 16px.
The proper fix here should probably be for the dockable panel too... -
09:33 PM Bug report #12816 (Closed): a number of buttons are oversized under gnome shell's default gtk theme
- After being driven to madness by ubuntu unity's poor window focus management, I've decided to switch to Gnome Shell 3...
08:49 PM Revision 97864da3 (qgis): fix windows build (also reapplies 584f192, lost in a6f1ec)
06:28 PM Revision 32463d0c (qgis): Postgres provider: test default values are correctly returned
05:39 PM Revision 4358b5ba (qgis): Add some providers to
05:30 PM Revision 1516e63b (qgis): Less warnings
05:10 PM Revision 916fbbc6 (qgis): Hide private shared data implementation from the library symbols
05:09 PM Revision 14c61502 (qgis): Use -fvisibility=hidden also for plugins
04:57 PM Revision eb85d99a (qgis): Also plugins
04:53 PM Revision 40e2845d (qgis): Add some comments to provider test suite
04:53 PM Revision c1b520fb (qgis): Hide shared library symbols by default on GCC and Clang
- * Decreases lib size, loading time and compile time
* Forces people on linux to use the {LIB}_EXPORT defines and the... -
11:03 AM Bug report #12747: [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
- Unfortunately I don't think this is something we're able to fix within QGIS itself - it seems to be a quirk with the ...
10:42 AM Bug report #12747: [OSX] problem with composer grids and frames
- Hi
I also agree that this bug should be considered as blocker. It's very annoying to go to another software to be ab... -
08:11 AM Revision 76aa0356 (qgis): Merge pull request #2067 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_r_relief
- [processing] fix GRASS7 r.relief
07:28 AM Revision 10239a0e (qgis): [symbology] Use static QStrings for data defined keys rather than
- creating new strings with every redraw (pt 1)
07:15 AM Revision b4f4663b (qgis): Add connection pool for OGR provider (Funded by Sourcepole QGIS Enterpr...
06:39 AM Bug report #9216 (Closed): The map becomes black when scale is > 1:1600
- I can't replicate it anymore.
03:22 AM Bug report #12585 (Closed): Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
03:01 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- Arnaud Morvan wrote:
> The geometries are effectively invalid, this is not a bug, split parts makes invalid geometrie... -
02:44 AM Feature request #12815 (Open): Digitizing Remove Fill (or Separate Fill and Line Opacity Options)
- Would it be possible to tweak the digitising settings so that the auto-fill of polygons could be optionally removed? ...
11:58 PM Bug report #3659: Size scale field does not work with symbol levels
- Tried to check but these changes are not in OSGeo4W nightly yet. Will check again tomorrow.
12:56 PM Bug report #3659 (Feedback): Size scale field does not work with symbol levels
- Anita - is this resolved using vmora's work in latest master?
- 11:14 PM Revision 8c624a34 (qgis): [processing] fix folding in the model
- Earlier commit broke the update of lines when folding parameters in the
modeler. This one fixes it again. -
10:53 PM Revision 2c5c8662 (qgis): [FEATURE][SERVER] GetFeature with an other Geometry
- This commit completes 'GetFeature without geometry' e3a832c29e4a98ed70b8085563aa0c8a92d44669
The GeometryName parame... -
10:21 PM Revision df7e07bc (qgis): Fix untranslatable strings (fix #11765)
09:35 PM Revision 72f0c141 (qgis): Correctly restore font and character for font marker widget
09:07 PM Revision 803a0b93 (qgis): show correct coordinates in status bar when projected CRS used and
- canvas units set to degrees (fix #12395)
Tests for latitude wrapping included -
09:03 PM Revision afc3996f (qgis): Add shapefile provider tests
- + Fix OGR provider so it does not return features without geometry when
filtering with a FilterRect - 08:59 PM Revision adb5b643 (qgis): fix GRASS7 r.relief
08:35 PM Revision e7b7549c (qgis): [FEATURE] New statistical summary dock widget
- Can display summary statistics (eg mean, standard deviation, ...)
for a field or expression from a vector layer. -
08:35 PM Revision 1078daf7 (qgis): Add option to get null count from QgsVectorLayer::getDoubleValues
08:17 PM Revision 78229272 (qgis): added Datasources2Vrt processing alg to merge different datasources in ...
- This is useful for that commands that have multiple inputs but that have to be contained
in a single vrt -
07:57 PM Revision 0aedbcaf (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
07:57 PM Revision e25fb2de (qgis): Fix for #12812
07:53 PM Revision e2ff8edc (qgis): Make python NULL hashable
07:39 PM Revision 2fe3f557 (qgis): Provider testing
- * Test more operations
* Include spatialite tests -
05:51 PM Revision 69abbb26 (qgis): [BUGFIX][SERVER][WFS] Remove extra line after header
05:49 PM Revision c4b1d25a (qgis): [BUGFIX][SERVER][WFS] Remove extra line after header
05:36 PM Feature request #12814 (Open): Creation date / last modified of layer in general layer info panel?
- I can't find a creation date / last modified on a layer information panel - am I missing something?.
I thought it w... -
05:35 PM Revision aba4fe0f (qgis): Fix processing ParameterTable.setValue
05:32 PM Revision a46f372e (qgis): Revert "[BUGFIX] Remove extra line after header"
- This reverts commit 7ab336f2064b59df9ca42b7b822324bbd26e96ff.
05:31 PM Revision 84f6f0d9 (qgis): Revert "[BUGFIX] Remove extra line after header"
- This reverts commit a2e538e35474ec6affc4ab387b81b88f83c2986c.
04:43 PM Revision 6d610257 (qgis): Merge pull request #2054 from arnaud-morvan/join_memory_cache
- Write to project join memory cache property value instead of not cache is empty
04:42 PM Revision 9031e984 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add options under categorised renderer advanced menu to
- set categories to symbols with a matching name from the style
library or an XML style file.
Thanks Lene for the grea... -
04:39 PM Revision 2004f22a (qgis): Uniform and informative output names for Processing (QGIS, final)
04:10 PM Revision 4c871bb9 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
04:09 PM Revision 00f64971 (qgis): Uniform and informative output names for Processing (QGIS, Take #2)
04:05 PM Revision a2e538e3 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Remove extra line after header
04:03 PM Revision 7ab336f2 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Remove extra line after header
03:57 PM Revision efeae6f4 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
03:56 PM Revision 7dacddc0 (qgis): Uniform and informative output names for Processing (QGIS, Take #1)
03:56 PM Revision e015a7ec (qgis): Fixed uninitialized issue
03:50 PM Bug report #12777: Processing: Grass 7 r.relief has different "units" parameter than Grass 6 vers...
- (I mistakenly commented on GitHub - I moved the comment here)
As I understood the description ("With an elevation ma... -
12:01 PM Bug report #12777: Processing: Grass 7 r.relief has different "units" parameter than Grass 6 vers...
- fixed with -
12:01 PM Bug report #12777: Processing: Grass 7 r.relief has different "units" parameter than Grass 6 vers...
- fixed with -
03:30 PM Revision 06ae01e0 (qgis): Revert "Add connection pool for OGR provider"
- This reverts commit a64ffc495e4099759dcfce292154b15f51814ba9.
03:18 PM Revision 43d51985 (qgis): Merge branch 'search-widgets' of into...
03:17 PM Revision 81e21b56 (qgis): Now UI appears properly
03:10 PM Revision d33bf3dd (qgis): Now UI appears properly
- 02:20 PM Revision 4e6394e2 (qgis): [processing] fixed disappearing lines in modeler
- Moved the updating of paths of arrows/lines in the modeler out of the
paint method, fixing various rendering problems. -
01:51 PM Revision 46b26060 (qgis): ComboBox now also works!
01:39 PM Revision e5fcbc39 (qgis): Small optimisation to data defined symbology
01:37 PM Revision b1489688 (qgis): Merge pull request #2062 from vmora/add_tooltip
- add tooltip to graduated method (color or size)
01:34 PM Revision ce7b1d31 (qgis): Merge pull request #2060 from manisandro/ogrpool
- Add connection pool for OGR provider (followup 0b9d1dc)
01:21 PM Bug report #11765 (Closed): Untranslatable strings from ./src/core/qgscolorscheme.h
- Fixed in changeset commit:"df7e07bcf7889c79297eb5ff25ca6244ec71c82b".
01:19 PM Revision f1085b83 (qgis): Works now for the default case
01:01 PM Revision f337d413 (qgis): Merge pull request #2061 from vmora/convert_old_size_scale
- remove SizeScale and Rotation from Advanced Menu
12:59 PM Revision f81d808c (qgis): Correctly restore font and character for font marker widget
- 12:59 PM Revision 2f9b9265 (qgis): [processing] behavior of scroll zoom in the modeler
- Zooming shouldn't recenter the scene on the cursor, only scale the scene
around it. -
12:58 PM Bug report #4108 (Closed): Switching from new to old polygon symbology then back again ends up wi...
- No longer relevant
12:58 PM Bug report #4108 (Closed): Switching from new to old polygon symbology then back again ends up wi...
- No longer relevant
12:50 PM Bug report #4029 (Closed): diagram: find maximum value with joined field
- Not reproducable with current master
12:50 PM Bug report #4029 (Closed): diagram: find maximum value with joined field
- Not reproducable with current master
12:50 PM Bug report #4029 (Closed): diagram: find maximum value with joined field
- Not reproducable with current master
12:31 PM Revision e0098a5d (qgis): use proper type in convert functions interface
12:26 PM Revision c49884f4 (qgis): remove unused variables
12:18 PM Revision a5351fc1 (qgis): Replaced use of qgsErrorBox with QgsErrorBar
- Removed some empty lines
12:08 PM Bug report #12395 (Closed): Incorrect coordinates in status bar
- Fixed in changeset commit:"803a0b9375217671fc625f3156533d693b5d1895".
12:02 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- We discussed this shortly at the dev meeting. The browser icon should be significantly different to be easily disting...
12:02 PM Bug report #5848: Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
- We discussed this shortly at the dev meeting. The browser icon should be significantly different to be easily disting...
12:00 PM Revision ef0d4138 (qgis): Data defined font marker character
11:57 AM Bug report #12774: Attribute table only show first 99 rows from SQL Server views
- Jason Moore wrote:
> Attribute table cache. And I haven't found any other data sources that exhibit this behavior. Tr... -
11:55 AM Bug report #12774: Attribute table only show first 99 rows from SQL Server views
- Attribute table cache. And I have found any other data sources that exhibit this behavior. Tried shp and dxf.
11:57 AM Revision babfae99 (qgis): Make expression compiler configurable
11:57 AM Revision ec9e1464 (qgis): Provider test
11:57 AM Revision 8571ae7e (qgis): Convert tests/README to markdown and add more information
11:57 AM Revision 9b6e23d3 (qgis): Add convenience method QgsVectorLayer::getFeatures( expression )
11:57 AM Revision a2ae8b4e (qgis): Add unit tests for postgres provider
- basically to get a framework to test the expression compiler
11:57 AM Revision a99deb8b (qgis): [FEATURE] Send filter expressions to postgres provider
- This commit allows to filter features already on server side. Only supported
expressions will be sent to the database... -
11:57 AM Revision 97de55d1 (qgis): Add new postgres provider test
11:48 AM Revision 6952a389 (qgis): Fix compiling without QtWebKit
- This makes it possible to compile QGIS master for Android.
Hooray! -
11:43 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- Ticket created on "GDAL !#5974":
10:53 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- The geometries are effectively invalid, this is not a bug, split parts makes invalid geometries, it is a logical cons...
09:03 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- _6 - split one of the two polygons with the split parts tool -> at this point you get an invalid geometry_
At this p... -
07:58 AM Bug report #12799: QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some feature ...
- I noted that the "split parts" tool is not working properly *also using multipart geometries*:
step to reproduce the... -
06:22 AM Bug report #12799 (Open): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some f...
- The issue here is that the "split parts" tool should not be active/usable to split (main) geometries, that are not "p...
06:22 AM Bug report #12799 (Open): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some f...
- The issue here is that the "split parts" tool should not be active/usable to split (main) geometries, that are not "p...
06:22 AM Bug report #12799 (Open): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some f...
- The issue here is that the "split parts" tool should not be active/usable to split (main) geometries, that are not "p...
06:22 AM Bug report #12799 (Open): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some f...
- The issue here is that the "split parts" tool should not be active/usable to split (main) geometries, that are not "p...
06:22 AM Bug report #12799 (Open): QgsFeatureRequest iterator using filterRect (spatial index) lose some f...
- The issue here is that the "split parts" tool should not be active/usable to split (main) geometries, that are not "p...
11:41 AM Revision 278141f3 (qgis): add tooltip to graduated method (color or size)
11:08 AM Revision 9589a189 (qgis): avoid duplication of function
10:59 AM Bug report #12812 (Closed): has disappeared
- Fixed commit:e25fb2d
10:59 AM Bug report #12812 (Closed): has disappeared
- Fixed commit:e25fb2d
10:14 AM Bug report #12812: has disappeared
- Mine was displaying well.
I've tried to update it, but impossible to update this script (and only this one), error me... -
09:36 AM Bug report #12812 (Closed): has disappeared
- One module has disappeared from the interface:
The file is there... -
10:41 AM Revision a64ffc49 (qgis): Add connection pool for OGR provider
10:37 AM Bug report #12813 (Feedback): Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- could you please qgis master and report back?
10:37 AM Bug report #12813 (Feedback): Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- could you please qgis master and report back?
10:29 AM Bug report #12813 (Closed): Node tool on PostGIS table with null geometry causes crash
- Hi,
When using the node tool to edit features from a PostGIS table, I was getting an 'Unknown Exception' error whene... -
10:33 AM Revision 0bab3ca6 (qgis): remove SizeScale and Rotation from Advanced Menu
- The expressions used in old project are converted to symbol level
DadaDefined size and angle
Note that sice the aspe... -
10:27 AM Revision 60754424 (qgis): Doxymentation
10:25 AM Feature request #12324: QGIS 2.8 Wien - Crashed on SQL Server Spatial Layers
- what is the status of this issue?
10:24 AM Feature request #12811 (Open): Generate Mailing Labels
10:16 AM Feature request #12811: Generate Mailing Labels
> Am I taking this the wrong way?
yes :) but of course we are just discussing, I wasn't slamming the door.
09:58 AM Feature request #12811: Generate Mailing Labels
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> my opinion is that this task would best fit a plugin rather than a core functionality (is a ... -
09:42 AM Feature request #12811 (Feedback): Generate Mailing Labels
- my opinion is that this task would best fit a plugin rather than a core functionality (is a very specific requirement...
09:06 AM Feature request #12811 (Open): Generate Mailing Labels
- Hello QGIS community! This is my first post on here so my apologies for its roughness. I tried a search for "mailing ...
10:03 AM Bug report #12734: QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- Christophe Damour wrote:
> Giving it another try, I can only reproduce it when I delete the last vertex +of the last ... -
09:58 AM Bug report #10080 (Closed): Model does not show up in toolbox due to erroneous "Error in algorith...
09:55 AM Bug report #12060 (Closed): WFS: missing fields when using GetFeature on a layer with a join
- it works fine in master. Thanks!
09:55 AM Bug report #12060 (Closed): WFS: missing fields when using GetFeature on a layer with a join
- it works fine in master. Thanks!
08:40 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- Pull request proposed:
02:00 AM Bug report #12801: Processing: "Join attributes table" doesn't work in batch mode
- I attach the shapefiles so you can reproduce the error.
08:39 AM Revision 5910adf5 (qgis): fix windows build
08:39 AM Revision f2d4d308 (qgis): debian packaging update
08:37 AM Revision 5c3a7af5 (qgis): Merge pull request #2058 from arnaud-morvan/processing-model-help
- Fix processing model help saving
07:49 AM Bug report #12809 (Closed): Add New Script from File has Python Error
07:14 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- this was fixed in commit:4d62566db702843f78154e76d0d3bc3e65c8556c
06:30 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Removed "processing" folder from stated location and all is good, thanks.
05:28 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- I confirm the issue on qgis master.
you can probably get rid of the issue my not upgrading the processing plugin or ... -
05:28 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- I confirm the issue on qgis master.
you can probably get rid of the issue my not upgrading the processing plugin or ... -
05:28 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- I confirm the issue on qgis master.
you can probably get rid of the issue my not upgrading the processing plugin or ... -
05:28 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- I confirm the issue on qgis master.
you can probably get rid of the issue my not upgrading the processing plugin or ... -
05:28 AM Bug report #12809: Add New Script from File has Python Error
- I confirm the issue on qgis master.
you can probably get rid of the issue my not upgrading the processing plugin or ... -
05:08 AM Bug report #12809 (Closed): Add New Script from File has Python Error
- Downloaded 2.8.2 and swapped for 2.8.1. Tried to add in a script from file and get the following error in a python er...
07:13 AM Bug report #12808: Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' checkbox is ...
- You are correct, the tool is working as intended. My bug report was based on a misconception of the "use only selecte...
05:10 AM Bug report #12808: Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' checkbox is ...
> However the behavior you describe with the progress bar moving from side to side, can be triggered by enabling "us...-
05:10 AM Bug report #12808: Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' checkbox is ...
> However the behavior you describe with the progress bar moving from side to side, can be triggered by enabling "us...-
05:10 AM Bug report #12808: Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' checkbox is ...
> However the behavior you describe with the progress bar moving from side to side, can be triggered by enabling "us...-
04:41 AM Bug report #12808: Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' checkbox is ...
- I am not able to reproduce this on 2.9.0
However the behavior you describe with the progress bar moving from side to ... -
03:54 AM Bug report #12808 (Closed): Select by location doesn't work when 'Use selected features only' che...
- When using 'Select by location' with 'Use selected features only' checked, the results are not as expected.
When tryi... -
07:06 AM Feature request #12810: 'Default setting of data-link-paths on program-level instead /in addition...
- Please update description to 'Default setting of data-link-paths on program-level instead /in addition of on a projec...
07:04 AM Feature request #12810 (Open): 'Default setting of data-link-paths on program-level instead /in a...
- In 'Project - properties - General - 'Save path'' one can choose 'relative' or 'absolute'. Default always 'relative' ...
06:56 AM Feature request #12788: Absolute path to images in composer
- I found a solution: see
06:37 AM Feature request #9890 (Open): Show "Nearest neighbor analysis" in results viewer when running fro...
06:35 AM Bug report #12682 (Closed): Deleting Features from Shapefiles on Network Drives
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
06:35 AM Bug report #12682 (Closed): Deleting Features from Shapefiles on Network Drives
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
06:30 AM Bug report #12234: QGIS freezes when adding a legend in composer and project has a WMS layer with...
- Confirm, that the missing legend-grafic in wms seems to lead to freeze QGIS, when a legend-element is in a composer.
... -
03:04 AM Bug report #12234: QGIS freezes when adding a legend in composer and project has a WMS layer with...
- Gerhard Spieles wrote:
> Tested the problem with a newly creates Project in 2.90, rev. e8587c3.
> If a legend elemet ... -
05:57 AM Bug report #12428 (Closed): GPX export format forced extensions incompatibility
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
05:57 AM Bug report #12428 (Closed): GPX export format forced extensions incompatibility
- closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary.
05:51 AM Bug report #11834 (Closed): qgis.bin crashed with SIGABRT in QList<QgsRuleBasedRendererV2::Rule*>...
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:50 AM Bug report #8919: R scripts: not possible to export .csv
- see also #12806
05:50 AM Feature request #12806 (Closed): Write output table in R scripts not supported
- duplicate of #8919
05:50 AM Feature request #12806 (Closed): Write output table in R scripts not supported
- duplicate of #8919
05:24 AM Feature request #12806: Write output table in R scripts not supported
- Alexander, OutputTable is available but doesn't work.
This is a duplicate of #8919
There are plenty of ways of cre... -
03:18 AM Feature request #12806: Write output table in R scripts not supported
- Yes, you can specify table as output, but no csv (or other table file format) appear in the legend. With the followin...
03:01 AM Feature request #12806 (Rejected): Write output table in R scripts not supported
- OutputTable already available in R scripts with "##myoutput = output table"