Bug report #12591
NITF does not geolocate in 2.8
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Rasters | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.8.1 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Windows 7 | Easy fix?: | No |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | fixed/implemented |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 20715 |
I have an application that generates NITF files as part of a radar simulation. The files geolocate properly in 2.6, but in 2.8 they do not. In 2.8 they appear at the origin without any geographic coordinates. I suspect it's something in the file, given that I'm a novice, but seeing correct behavior in 2.6 confuses me as to what it could be.
Here is the output of gdalinfo of my file (generated from a 2.8 install):
C:\\Program Files\\QGIS Wien\\bin>gdalinfo.exe c:\\MAK\\RadarFX1.0-14APR15\\userData\ adarFX\\capture\\2015-04-16-145903.ntf Driver: NITF/National Imagery Transmission Format Files: c:\\MAK\\RadarFX1.0-14APR15\\userData\ adarFX\\capture\\2015-04-16-145903.ntf Size is 512, 512 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] GeoTransform = -157.861875760274, 1.864579256360736e-005, 2.874755381604492e-006 21.34385038747554, 2.692759295499493e-006, -1.746771037181825e-005 Metadata: NITF_ABPP=08 NITF_BLOCKA_BLOCK_COUNT=01 NITF_BLOCKA_BLOCK_INSTANCE_01=01 NITF_BLOCKA_FRFC_LOC_01=+21.343843-157.861865 NITF_BLOCKA_FRLC_LOC_01=+21.345219-157.852337 NITF_BLOCKA_L_LINES_01=00512 NITF_BLOCKA_LAYOVER_ANGLE_01= NITF_BLOCKA_LRFC_LOC_01=+21.334917-157.860396 NITF_BLOCKA_LRLC_LOC_01=+21.336293-157.850868 NITF_BLOCKA_N_GRAY_01=00000 NITF_BLOCKA_SHADOW_ANGLE_01= NITF_CCS_COLUMN=0 NITF_CCS_ROW=0 NITF_CLEVEL=03 NITF_ENCRYP=0 NITF_FBKGC= 0, 0, 0 NITF_FDT=20080601100000 NITF_FHDR=NITF02.10 NITF_FSCATP= NITF_FSCAUT= NITF_FSCLAS=U NITF_FSCLSY= NITF_FSCLTX= NITF_FSCODE= NITF_FSCOP=00000 NITF_FSCPYS=00000 NITF_FSCRSN= NITF_FSCTLH= NITF_FSCTLN= NITF_FSDCDT= NITF_FSDCTP= NITF_FSDCXM= NITF_FSDG= NITF_FSDGDT= NITF_FSREL= NITF_FSSRDT= NITF_FTITLE= NITF_IALVL=0 NITF_IC=NC NITF_ICAT=SAR NITF_ICORDS=D NITF_IDATIM=20080601100000 NITF_IDLVL=1 NITF_IGEOLO=+21.344-157.862+21.345-157.852+21.336-157.851+21.335-157.860 NITF_IID1=0000000001 NITF_IID2= NITF_ILOC_COLUMN=0 NITF_ILOC_ROW=0 NITF_IMAG=1.0 NITF_IMODE=B NITF_IREP=MONO NITF_ISCATP= NITF_ISCAUT= NITF_ISCLAS=U NITF_ISCLSY= NITF_ISCLTX= NITF_ISCODE= NITF_ISCRSN= NITF_ISCTLH= NITF_ISCTLN= NITF_ISDCDT= NITF_ISDCTP= NITF_ISDCXM= NITF_ISDG= NITF_ISDGDT= NITF_ISORCE=RadarFX NITF_ISREL= NITF_ISSRDT= NITF_ONAME= NITF_OPHONE= NITF_OSTAID=GDAL NITF_PJUST=R NITF_PVTYPE=INT NITF_STYPE=BF01 NITF_TGTID= Corner Coordinates: Upper Left (-157.8618758, 21.3438504) (157d51'42.75"W, 21d20'37.86"N) Lower Left (-157.8604039, 21.3349069) (157d51'37.45"W, 21d20' 5.66"N) Upper Right (-157.8523291, 21.3452291) (157d51' 8.38"W, 21d20'42.82"N) Lower Right (-157.8508572, 21.3362856) (157d51' 3.09"W, 21d20'10.63"N) Center (-157.8563665, 21.3400680) (157d51'22.92"W, 21d20'24.24"N) Band 1 Block=512x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray
Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
Works fine on master here.
Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 9 years ago
- Category set to Rasters
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed/implemented
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
this has been fixed a few weeks ago by Nyall.