From 2014-05-08 to 2014-06-06
11:58 PM Bug report #10489: QGIS Server getcapabilites response is not WMS compliant
- I send a wrong xml (the firefox transform it in an html file).
SO I resend the right.
02:30 PM Bug report #10489: QGIS Server getcapabilites response is not WMS compliant
- lastly
I tested also the version=1.1.1
Again it is invalid, seem that the GetPrint comma... -
02:26 PM Bug report #10489: QGIS Server getcapabilites response is not WMS compliant
- I test with a version=1.1.0 request.
Also it seem invalid.
I put an image with the error... -
12:56 PM Bug report #10489 (Closed): QGIS Server getcapabilites response is not WMS compliant
- Hi,
the response of the QGIS Server trunk version don't seem to be WMS Compliant.
I tested it using XML Spy Enterpr... -
11:50 PM Bug report #10483: polygons disappear on editing
- Giovanni, can You confirm this? I will test the 32 bit as soon as I can.
10:22 PM Bug report #10483: polygons disappear on editing
I tested here, both on DebianTesting64 and Windows32 but can NOT confirm this. With me all works ok.
Somebody else ...-
09:03 PM Bug report #10457 (Feedback): Print Composer: Line cap issue for arrows between 2.4 and 2.6
- Can you please attach a sample project with a screenshot how it rendered in 2.2 so I can test?
08:48 PM Revision d38ba92b (qgis): Merge pull request #1430 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: function_help
08:32 PM Bug report #10458 (Closed): Print composer: migration issue between 2.4 and current master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6b973e1c3e9e31ae9e5f30b67da7484528cba653".
08:06 PM Bug report #10482: QGIS master crashes when loading composer template
- I can't reproduce this, but I've pushed a potential fix. Can you please test and confirm? Thanks!
07:47 PM Revision b3179125 (qgis): Update gridcalculator.rst
07:22 PM Revision b4a38c22 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: function_help
06:07 PM Revision 0b601184 (qgis): Update gridcalculator.rst
06:05 PM Revision 86ab4c8b (qgis): Update gridcalculator.rst
- Added a conditional example
04:58 PM Revision 126c3d31 (qgis): Merge pull request #1419 from marcel-dancak/master
- Mapserver's GetProjectSettings/GetFeatureInfo bug-fixes
03:38 PM Revision 48501110 (qgis): fix #10408: use today/now for date/time widget by default
03:27 PM Revision edba0d3f (qgis): update source translation for transifex
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
03:08 PM Revision 92dafa65 (qgis): Merge pull request #1428 from 3nids/fix10405
- fix #10405 and #10303 partially: removes the scroll area for the style page
02:56 PM Revision ced6a309 (qgis): Label buffers not supported for dxf export
02:29 PM Revision c5cc7982 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by kari
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
02:12 PM Bug report #10354 (Closed): DB Manager: displaying the preview tab for a table adds it to the map
- Fixed in commit:da63ba4c41bdfe56f7f9ea78fc5cc70dda5f3fc5
02:12 PM Bug report #10354 (Closed): DB Manager: displaying the preview tab for a table adds it to the map
- Fixed in commit:da63ba4c41bdfe56f7f9ea78fc5cc70dda5f3fc5
02:00 PM Revision c7260200 (qgis): Fix line break in dxf label export
02:00 PM Revision 211399ce (qgis): Fix dxf label export
12:46 PM Revision 0a491b5c (qgis): More coherence in IT GUI
12:11 PM Revision caa8146c (qgis): Updated IT GUI
11:44 AM Revision 0e3ada3c (qgis): Remove relations when a involved layer gets deleted
11:38 AM Bug report #10481: Canvas and Legend option on release candidate version
- the error (QString::arg: Argument missing: "set QThreadPool max thread count to %d") should not appear in recent buil...
07:19 AM Bug report #10481: Canvas and Legend option on release candidate version
- also the option "Create raster icon" on Option|Canvas&Legend menu has no effects. Tested on QGIS release candidate (c...
10:19 AM Revision e6c00fc0 (qgis): Merge pull request #1420 from Cracert/i18n
- VectorLayer, SymbolsList, WidgetShapeburst, XML, parent
10:19 AM Revision 5e8cda78 (qgis): Merge pull request #1425 from qgis-jp/pullreq_2_4
- GUI Translation update ja
09:47 AM Revision 69f7b656 (qgis): fix 10303: limit expression widget width in data defined properties
09:00 AM Bug report #10470: QGIS-Server wrong legend generation if scale parameter is present
- I confirm it was also on QGIS 2.2 ,
but now is more badly.
Infact This is a sample from qgis-server 2.2:
QGIS 2.2 W... -
08:53 AM Revision f380df1c (qgis): FieldExpressionWidget: add tooltip if expression is larger than widget
08:53 AM Revision b4b3139f (qgis): remove useless argument
08:40 AM Revision 63af881a (qgis): Merge pull request #1429 from christianurich/QgsDatumTransformStore_tra...
- Fix crash when QgsDatumTransformStore::transformation returns 0
08:37 AM Revision 563f5211 (qgis): Merge pull request #1426 from simonsonc/qgsvaluemapconfigdlg-deprecated...
- Replace deprecated QRexExp API
08:36 AM Revision 319694fc (qgis): Fix crash when QgsDatumTransformStore::transformation returns 0
- Simply fix to prevent crash if QgsDatumTransformStore::transformation returns 0. Works for me but has not been furthe...
08:34 AM Revision 150ffa37 (qgis): fix #10405 and #10303 partially: removes the scroll area for the style ...
07:09 AM Bug report #10488 (Closed): Identify tool: selection does not disappear when the layer is deactiv...
- duplicate of #10104
07:09 AM Bug report #10488 (Closed): Identify tool: selection does not disappear when the layer is deactiv...
- duplicate of #10104
06:35 AM Bug report #10488 (Closed): Identify tool: selection does not disappear when the layer is deactiv...
- - Choose "Identify"
- click on a polygon
- deactivate the layer
- the highlight does not disappear
See the attached ... -
07:02 AM Bug report #10163 (Closed): Categorized and graduated style do not work using shapefile as vector...
- as far as I can see on the latest qgis master this issue is fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
07:02 AM Bug report #10163 (Closed): Categorized and graduated style do not work using shapefile as vector...
- as far as I can see on the latest qgis master this issue is fixed. Please reopen if necessary.
06:56 AM Bug report #10486: Date/Time widget - default values
- Outstanding Matthias! Thank you very much!
06:43 AM Bug report #10486 (Closed): Date/Time widget - default values
- Fixed in commit:4850111
06:43 AM Bug report #10486 (Closed): Date/Time widget - default values
- Fixed in commit:4850111
02:50 AM Bug report #10486 (Closed): Date/Time widget - default values
- The Date/Time widget now displays by default the day 2000-01-01 in calendar popup. In QGIS 2.2, calendar widget displ...
06:11 AM Bug report #10400 (Closed): Text annotations in Print Composer
- Your build doesn't include that fix yet. There should be a new one in a day or so.
06:11 AM Bug report #10400 (Closed): Text annotations in Print Composer
- Your build doesn't include that fix yet. There should be a new one in a day or so.
06:06 AM Bug report #10400: Text annotations in Print Composer
- It is 3e8f74f
QGIS version 2.3.0-Master QGIS code revision 3e8f74f
Compiled against Qt 4.7.1 Running against Qt 4.7... -
04:32 AM Bug report #10400: Text annotations in Print Composer
- What is the version number in the title bar. Your version still might not be up to date yet.
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
04:30 AM Bug report #10400 (Reopened): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I am still getting the text annotations to display outside the map frame on the print composer. I have attached scre...
05:50 AM Revision 8c513f99 (qgis): Merge pull request #1427 from simonsonc/qgscolorbutton-deprecated-api
- Replace deprecated API
- 04:57 AM Revision 60dfc796 (qgis): Replace deprecated API
- 04:51 AM Revision e7056f64 (qgis): Replace deprecated QRexExp API
- Qt 4.6 saw QRegExp::numCaptures() change to QRegExp::captureCount().
03:57 AM Bug report #10487 (Closed): pythonplugin error under qgis 64bit - import wx module failed
- hello,
if i import the wx module in any python plugin under win 7 64bit and qgis 64 bit (master and 2.2 64bit), qgis... -
03:24 AM Bug report #10202: QGIS crashes when displaying joined data with graduated symbology
- Bug still here in 3e8f74f
02:49 AM Revision 040cd6b2 (qgis): GUI Translation update ja
02:08 AM Feature request #10484: Italian Cadastral Maps , CXF files and CMF files
- Paolo per questo l'ho messa *ogr data provider* come categoria l'ultima volta hanno aggiustato le librerie gdal prop...
02:03 AM Bug report #10485 (Closed): DXF entities geometry collection, null value?
- when i import certain dxf files (all dxf of italian cadastral agency), it give entities Point, entities Linestring an...
01:58 AM Feature request #10484 (Rejected): Italian Cadastral Maps , CXF files and CMF files
- IMHO this should not be solved in QGIS, but (eventually) in OGR. Please note that there is a plugin for cxf already.
01:58 AM Feature request #10484 (Rejected): Italian Cadastral Maps , CXF files and CMF files
- IMHO this should not be solved in QGIS, but (eventually) in OGR. Please note that there is a plugin for cxf already.
01:50 AM Feature request #10484 (Rejected): Italian Cadastral Maps , CXF files and CMF files
- Italian cadastral give the data in 3 format files, dxf,cxf,cmf
but the better formats are cxf or cmf
it's possible ... -
01:42 AM Bug report #10462: Log File Button missing on QGIS Master Ubuntu 14.04
- It appears when there is a new event, but if you open the log window then close it, the button disappears. In that ca...
01:05 AM Revision ade4c7bd (qgis): german translation update
12:57 AM Bug report #10483: polygons disappear on editing
- Yes, works ok in 2.2, It seems a regression
12:38 AM Bug report #10483 (Feedback): polygons disappear on editing
- it is ok on 2.2?
12:24 AM Bug report #10483 (Closed): polygons disappear on editing
- Some feature disappear from canvas after saving edits on a shapefile layer.
To reproduce, open test1.qgs, start edit ... -
12:47 AM Bug report #10303 (Closed): QgsFieldExpressionWidget grows too wide with long expressions
- Fixed in changeset commit:"69f7b65648a925a19e8b068f10bab345b7b83e6e".
06:01 AM Bug report #10303: QgsFieldExpressionWidget grows too wide with long expressions
- I am a little bit puzzled by this.
I can't manage to find a solution without fixing a strict maximum width.
Setting t... -
12:40 AM Bug report #10465: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Hi
I confirm the issue. I have a memory layer here with a integer field for label show storage. When using labeling ... -
02:53 PM Bug report #10465: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Regis Haubourg wrote:
> Thx Larry,
> I tested today and still had the issue, but got messed into several other bug (... -
12:31 PM Bug report #10465: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Thx Larry,
I tested today and still had the issue, but got messed into several other bug (I'm deploying QGIS 2.2 and... -
11:02 AM Bug report #10465 (Feedback): Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
11:01 AM Bug report #10465: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Giovanni, we should wait for the original reporter to respond before just closing a ticket. At least give them a day ...
03:46 AM Bug report #10465 (Closed): Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- just compiled the latest code on Ubuntu and it works.
03:46 AM Bug report #10465 (Closed): Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- just compiled the latest code on Ubuntu and it works.
03:46 AM Bug report #10465 (Closed): Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- just compiled the latest code on Ubuntu and it works.
12:22 AM Bug report #10482 (Closed): QGIS master crashes when loading composer template
- On Master (8c513f9), when we try to load the template on attachment using this snippet below, QGIS will crash....
11:52 PM Bug report #10481 (Closed): Canvas and Legend option on release candidate version
- On QGIS release candidate (ca6d4d9) - win7 64bit, the options:
- capitalize layer names
- Bold layer names
- Bold Gro... -
11:34 PM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> If this is the only way to save a file, it is an horrible idea. QGIS must use the standard /... -
11:03 PM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- If this is the only way to save a file, it is an horrible idea. QGIS must use the standard / platform way to save fil...
11:30 PM Bug report #10480 (Closed): Georeferencer truncates coordinates to 2 decimals
- When entering target coordinates in Georeferencer, the GCP table shows only 2 decimal values. I believe the full valu...
10:25 PM Feature request #10479 (Open): Refine current rule
- It would be good that when 'Refine current rule' is used that the refinements respect the original rule that they are...
05:43 PM Bug report #10478 (Closed): Non-geometry Spatialite view shows the last record duplicated
- I created a nonspatial Spatialite database using the SQL commands below. When I look at the Attribute of the view, I...
05:12 PM Revision 36376579 (qgis): Merge pull request #1403 from mdouchin/getmap_image_quality
- QGIS Server - new project option imageQuality used for JPEG images
04:37 PM Revision 2a80881e (qgis): Fix outline color in simple marker dxf export
04:34 PM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
> Did you remove all qgis and ubuntugis packages before installing from the plain nightly repository?
03:55 PM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> tis is the nightly build repo that does not use the ubuntugis packages. I have anyway tested... -
04:09 AM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- does not happen if I self compile QGIS.
04:16 PM Revision bcde66fd (qgis): QGIS Server - new project option imageQuality used for JPEG images
- * JPEG image quality parameter in OWS / WMS capabilities of the Project properties dialog
* this parameter is only us... -
03:40 PM Revision 041acd6e (qgis): Fix ellipse marker dxf export
03:33 PM Bug report #10463 (Closed): Reclassify grid values - SAGA 2.1.2 has a new parameter
- Ok, I tested with master version and it works. It may be a local problem with QGIS 2.2.
Does not seem an option to t... -
03:24 PM Revision a04ebf9e (qgis): Reintroduce datum transforms (were disabled during transition to MTR)
03:08 PM Bug report #10477 (Closed): Shortcut CTRL+R to invert selection is not working
- Attribute Table propose to use CTRL+R to invert the selection but it's not doing it.
11:48 AM Bug report #10427: .osm files have problems with iterator or number of features
Well, yes that is my point. And knowing the amount of features is not the most important missing. But the fact that ...-
09:28 AM Revision 9019805b (qgis): QgsFieldModel use attributeDisplayName (fix #10451)
08:32 AM Revision 2e477b1d (qgis): Allow choice of files with non .html extension for HTML annotation
08:31 AM Revision af0d68cf (qgis): Don't draw annotation text outside of painter's clip region (fix #10400)
08:01 AM Feature request #10476 (Closed): Processing - allow to define multiple local script/model folders
- It would be handy to have a way to store processing scripts and models in more than one unique folder.
For example, ... -
08:00 AM Bug report #10471: Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Testing with QGIS last weekly (2014-06-02) on Windows 2003 Server: after loading the layer, QGIS crashes.
07:48 AM Bug report #10471 (Open): Segmentation fault while zooming out
07:44 AM Bug report #10471: Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Another machine - 32 bit, Debian Squeeze, QGIS 2.0: all is running fine.
07:40 AM Bug report #10471: Segmentation fault while zooming out
- it works ok on previous qgis releases?
07:33 AM Bug report #10471: Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Doing gdb, the error is here:...
05:26 AM Bug report #10471: Segmentation fault while zooming out
- I did a "git pull" 4 or 5 minutes ago :-)
Now I'm compiling QGIS with debug to watch more on this error... -
05:24 AM Bug report #10471 (Feedback): Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Does not happen on QGIS master just compiled on Ubuntu. How old is your revision?
05:24 AM Bug report #10471 (Feedback): Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Does not happen on QGIS master just compiled on Ubuntu. How old is your revision?
05:24 AM Bug report #10471 (Feedback): Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Does not happen on QGIS master just compiled on Ubuntu. How old is your revision?
05:21 AM Bug report #10471 (Closed): Segmentation fault while zooming out
- Hi,
here is a test case with QGIS master version:
- import this GPX file;
- click on "Tracks" from dialog box;
-... -
07:51 AM Bug report #10366: Rule based Filter Test always reports 0 feature
- the first part of the problem which was related to Test works fine. But the feature count still shows 0 features. It ...
07:47 AM Bug report #10474: Project made in qgis 2.0.1 error on load in qgis 2.2
- can you please test open the project in qgis master? thanks
qgis project files are .qgs -
07:47 AM Bug report #10474: Project made in qgis 2.0.1 error on load in qgis 2.2
- can you please test open the project in qgis master? thanks
qgis project files are .qgs -
06:26 AM Bug report #10474 (Closed): Project made in qgis 2.0.1 error on load in qgis 2.2
- Following errors on loading a project created 2.0.1-Dufour into the newer 2.2.0-Valmiera.
Errors in file C:/U...s/J... -
07:28 AM Revision 2ff1d324 (qgis): Fix #10468 (WMS GetLegendGraphic support)
07:20 AM Bug report #10475 (Closed): fTools: "Symmetrical Difference" Tool behaves like "Difference" Tools
- All is in the title. Using "Symmetrical Difference" Tool (Vector menu > Geoprocessing Tools) on two overlapping layer...
06:24 AM Revision 7ef06411 (qgis): Fix #10469 (symbology not refreshed after drag'n'drop)
06:09 AM Bug report #10473 (Closed): Raster Icons in layers panel is not working
- Raster icons in the layers panel (legend) is no longer showing in master 2.3.
Checking "Settings > Options > Canvas... -
05:50 AM Bug report #10472 (Closed): The "Save" button in "Style" tab is not enough wide for some languages
- In Properties of vector Layer, "Style" tab, "Unique Symbol', the "save" button under the frame where is designed the ...
05:29 AM Revision 6de2cdf8 (qgis): Fix crash when changing to paletted renderer (with no colors)
05:22 AM Bug report #10470: QGIS-Server wrong legend generation if scale parameter is present
- why blocker? it used to work in previous qgis releases?
05:22 AM Bug report #10470: QGIS-Server wrong legend generation if scale parameter is present
- why blocker? it used to work in previous qgis releases?
05:21 AM Bug report #10470: QGIS-Server wrong legend generation if scale parameter is present
- oops, the second was always with scale parameter.
this is really without scale parameter: -
05:15 AM Bug report #10470 (Closed): QGIS-Server wrong legend generation if scale parameter is present
- Hi,
I'm testing the qgis-server from trunk version.
I see that the legend graphics return from a GetLegendGraphics r... -
05:06 AM Bug report #7441 (Closed): Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- Arun Ganesh wrote:
> This bug is still there in qgis 2.2
> Changing the measurement units in project properties does ... -
05:06 AM Bug report #7441 (Closed): Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- Arun Ganesh wrote:
> This bug is still there in qgis 2.2
> Changing the measurement units in project properties does ... -
02:22 AM Bug report #7441 (Reopened): Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- This bug is still there in qgis 2.2
Changing the measurement units in project properties does not work. -
02:22 AM Bug report #7441 (Reopened): Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- This bug is still there in qgis 2.2
Changing the measurement units in project properties does not work. -
05:03 AM Revision b12874bf (qgis): Fix a crash when un-setting raster band in raster layer properties
04:00 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Something is wrong in the QgsFieldModel.
03:29 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> With latest master, I can no longer reproduce this issue with shapefiles, on Mac 10.7.5.
I ju... -
03:29 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> With latest master, I can no longer reproduce this issue with shapefiles, on Mac 10.7.5.
I ju... -
03:29 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> With latest master, I can no longer reproduce this issue with shapefiles, on Mac 10.7.5.
I ju... -
03:50 AM Bug report #10452 (Closed): "ghost" entries in column list (labelling and symbology)
- probably fixed by the same commit that fixed #10451
03:50 AM Bug report #10452 (Closed): "ghost" entries in column list (labelling and symbology)
- probably fixed by the same commit that fixed #10451
01:21 AM Bug report #10427: .osm files have problems with iterator or number of features
- This relates / is the same as #10000
GDAL/ogrinfo does not report the feature count but it tells that it is unknown ... -
12:53 AM Bug report #10452: "ghost" entries in column list (labelling and symbology)
- It also happens in the field calculator columns dropdown in the attribute table.
02:03 AM Bug report #10452 (Closed): "ghost" entries in column list (labelling and symbology)
- After adding new columns the labelling/symbology dropdowns that show the column list does not contain the newly creat...
12:29 AM Bug report #10451 (Closed): Newly created columns are not available for symbology or labelling
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9019805b446661d41db270c5a86a41ae6474b51e".
02:00 AM Bug report #10451: Newly created columns are not available for symbology or labelling
11:54 PM Bug report #10400 (Closed): Text annotations in Print Composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"af0d68cf3dc4686a1dd61ce49c6f16a18a6622d3".
01:47 PM Bug report #10400: Text annotations in Print Composer
- Ross McDonald wrote:
> Having had to use QGIS and Print Composer to create a series of complex maps with lots of text... -
06:42 AM Bug report #10400: Text annotations in Print Composer
- Having had to use QGIS and Print Composer to create a series of complex maps with lots of text annotations added to t...
11:18 PM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
- I had a test with GDAL-dev (2.0) on Win7-64 with data captured with the same URL. I get also the "ERROR 1: Non increa...
04:59 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
- Yep, and also on muenchen.osm:...
10:46 PM Revision 3e8f74f4 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by carlos with transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
10:33 PM Revision add79d99 (qgis): [TRANSUP] sv by Victor
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
10:30 PM Bug report #10468 (Closed): WMS getLegendGraphic missing from legend after refactoring
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2ff1d324007042e50e70becc21bf68df6cacc979".
04:20 PM Bug report #10468 (Closed): WMS getLegendGraphic missing from legend after refactoring
- subject says it all. It was introduced in QGIS 2.2
09:29 PM Bug report #10469 (Closed): layer refactoring regression: symbology previews for items in the lay...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7ef06411503984a8fee1508652581aab90e960dc".
08:56 PM Bug report #10469 (Closed): layer refactoring regression: symbology previews for items in the lay...
- The symbology previews for items in the layers list fail to update when changed after a layer is re-ordered via drag ...
09:28 PM Bug report #10417 (Closed): Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
- Presumably a duplicate of #10469
09:28 PM Bug report #10417 (Closed): Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
- Presumably a duplicate of #10469
07:26 PM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- Anita Graser wrote:
> +1 for getting rid of as many modal dialogs as possible.
> My other first reaction was: Ther... -
10:06 AM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- +1 for getting rid of as many modal dialogs as possible.
My other first reaction was: There's a layer list right to ... -
04:59 AM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> I think it is a good plan to streamline the 'saveas' functions more to work for other d... -
04:53 AM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- I think it is a good plan to streamline the 'saveas' functions more to work for other data types.
But isn't this the... -
04:33 AM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- Very nice idea
The most annoying thing for me is that you cannot "save as" a layer within an already existing spatia... -
04:07 AM Feature request #10454: New and improved save/export dialog
- very nice idea!
04:03 AM Feature request #10454 (Open): New and improved save/export dialog
- This is a mockup of a new UI I am thinking of for exporting layers, single or multi. Opening a ticket here for more f...
06:39 PM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- With latest master, I can no longer reproduce this issue with shapefiles, on Mac 10.7.5.
05:58 PM Bug report #10465: Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Hmm. Works fine here on Mac with latest master; using .shp file with UTM coords, with X/Y fields of:...
12:59 PM Bug report #10465 (Closed): Label show/hide tool does not work at all.
- Title says it all.
05:36 PM Revision da63ba4c (qgis): [layertree] Fix python issues with addLayer()
05:36 PM Revision 575e4698 (qgis): [layertree] Do not start editing in tree view too easily
05:36 PM Revision aa051265 (qgis): [layertree] Only add layers to layer tree if the client wanted that
04:26 PM Feature request #10443: Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calculator
- > it seems to me that thr first raster goes to grids and the others to xgrids, even if they have the same crs.
It is... -
03:04 PM Feature request #10443: Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calculator
> Another doubt Victor, Processing analyzes the input grids and checks if they have different systems, placing the g...-
02:56 PM Feature request #10443: Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calculator
- Hi Giovanni and Victor,
That's it. I've been searching, and to refer the XGRIDS, we should use the letter h:... -
05:12 AM Feature request #10443: Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calculator
- some explanation on this
We are now using the XGRIDS parameter, which allows saga to use rasters with a differente g... -
05:03 AM Feature request #10443: Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calculator
- Hi Pedro,
I made a few tests and the result is that is a SAGA issue.
In SAGA 2.10 grid calculator there is now a -... -
04:16 PM Bug report #10467: QGIS master uses column aliases for symbology (and it returns no values)
- PS
loading a style created with qgis 2.2 in qgis master creates a lot of mess if the style contain aliases (column al... -
04:14 PM Bug report #10467 (Closed): QGIS master uses column aliases for symbology (and it returns no values)
- In QGIS master when a column alias is defined this does not only replace the column name in the table of attributes (...
04:15 PM Revision ac0cbb4c (qgis): fixing some UI bugs in settings dialog
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
03:51 PM Bug report #10446: Batch Processing - Select from open layers - random order
- This problem is common to all algorithms which use Multiple Selection window. And becomes more severe in cases where ...
03:32 PM Bug report #10463 (Feedback): Reclassify grid values - SAGA 2.1.2 has a new parameter
- Here on QGIS master (and 2.2) + SAGA 2.1.2 (saga_2.1.2_x64) it works. It seems to me that anyway this two parameters ...
10:33 AM Bug report #10463 (Closed): Reclassify grid values - SAGA 2.1.2 has a new parameter
- Reclassify grid values with SAGA 2.1.2 gives error, because this version has 2 new parameters: -
03:13 PM Bug report #10466: Print Composer: Scalebar box vertically resizes itself after change to other I...
- Fedora 20, not 21.
03:11 PM Bug report #10466 (Closed): Print Composer: Scalebar box vertically resizes itself after change t...
- When adding a scalebar element to a map in the Print Composer, the default is that there is very little whitespace be...
02:43 PM Bug report #10462 (Feedback): Log File Button missing on QGIS Master Ubuntu 14.04
- cannot confirm here.
12:04 PM Bug report #10462: Log File Button missing on QGIS Master Ubuntu 14.04
- I can not confirm. The button appears when an event is logged (for instance, an Python warning).
10:07 AM Bug report #10462 (Closed): Log File Button missing on QGIS Master Ubuntu 14.04
- IN the bottom right hand corner of QGIS you have the CRS status button. To the right of that there shoudl be a log fi...
02:37 PM Bug report #10459 (Feedback): Clicking the georeferencer plugin doesn't result in any reaction of...
- cannot confirm here on Win7. A local issue? try removing/disabling any 3rd party plugin and restart qgis.
07:27 AM Bug report #10459 (Closed): Clicking the georeferencer plugin doesn't result in any reaction of QGIS
- Installation version OSGEO4W 64-bit,
The same problem in both QGIS 2.2 and dev builds versions.
Re-install does not s... -
02:23 PM Revision b480d171 (qgis): Event layer function: catch various error cases for line offsets
02:15 PM Revision e6b337e3 (qgis): Trying to fix #10164 (crash on zoom in/out)
- This happens due to infinite recursion when syncing extent between
map canvas and map renderer. Not entirely sure why... -
02:10 PM Revision 32ddb208 (qgis): [composer] Mark project dirty when additional composer related changes ...
01:54 PM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- maybe we should put some more details into the log containing dumps of the specified and provider reported field defi...
02:36 AM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> will do it. Anyway I have already done it (sometimes), see for example #8481-22
Well, th... -
01:49 PM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Excellent Martin!!! Passed the test during the compilation [0] and is running smoothly!!!
Thank you very much!!!
[0... -
05:20 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Please try again and report whether the fix helped - as I cannot reproduce the problem, I am not 100% sure.
05:16 AM Bug report #10164 (Closed): QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e6b337e32312772a3450e4b5bd6c9720c2a99dcb".
01:39 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- regression because on qgis 2.0.1 is ok.
01:39 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- regression because on qgis 2.0.1 is ok.
01:39 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- regression because on qgis 2.0.1 is ok.
01:39 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- regression because on qgis 2.0.1 is ok.
01:39 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- regression because on qgis 2.0.1 is ok.
12:06 PM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- confirmed here, not even needed to switch between tabs, already clicking a shp crashes
below last part of gdb log:
... -
11:32 AM Bug report #10461: Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- I confirm this also in Linux - Segmentation fault (core dumped).
It also happens with PostGIS layers.
With rasters,... -
09:18 AM Bug report #10461 (Closed): Crash on Browser when select a SHP and change between windows tabs
- Selecting in tree one SHP and changing between Metadata, Preview and Attributes tabs
01:30 PM Revision b199dc7b (qgis): QgsComposition::addItemsFromXML for python (without optional arguments)...
12:59 PM Revision 72f01bae (qgis): [composer] Allow clicking-dragging to set size of labels, pictures, leg...
12:44 PM Bug report #10460 (Closed): label field disappear when doing "Apply" in label settings of layers ...
- Duplicate of #10340. Closing.
08:06 AM Bug report #10460 (Closed): label field disappear when doing "Apply" in label settings of layers ...
- When testing labeling settings from layers properties dialog, choosing a field for lableing, and clicking apply reset...
12:00 PM Revision b98c2fec (qgis): Fix LineEdit edit type conversion warning
11:59 AM Bug report #10464 (Closed): X-Server crash with QGIS master on Debian testing (Gnome3 and Gnome C...
- By accident I used the following html url instead a real wms-capabilities url as a WMS-source url: -
11:51 AM Revision a37b7e4e (qgis): [processing] handle non-ASCII characters in modeller algorithm list
08:34 AM Revision fa3f21cd (qgis): Fix #10412 (option whether to show newly added layers)
08:08 AM Revision f3c41a07 (qgis): Updated IT GUI translation
07:48 AM Bug report #10421 (Closed): Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- Works on master for me too.
02:45 AM Bug report #10421: Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- Works in master for me
07:08 AM Bug report #10442 (Closed): Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
- Fixed in master
07:08 AM Bug report #10442 (Closed): Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
- Fixed in master
07:08 AM Bug report #10442 (Closed): Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
- Fixed in master
06:32 AM Bug report #10458 (Closed): Print composer: migration issue between 2.4 and current master
- With QGIS master there is now an image placement option in the print composer. This is great and I think the top-left...
06:23 AM Bug report #10457 (Closed): Print Composer: Line cap issue for arrows between 2.4 and 2.6
- It seems that between 2.4 and current master the behavior of line-caps changed for arrows (lines).
You can best see ... -
05:14 AM Bug report #10456 (Closed): composer - impossible to copy & paste multiframe items
- It's currently impossible to copy and paste a HTML frame.
05:12 AM Bug report #10455 (Closed): composer - grouping of items lost when pasting
- Pasting grouped items results in loss of group
05:11 AM Bug report #7470 (Closed): Fail to prompt document save after print composer changes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"32ddb2084ffd631c2cb319e9be7fc68a6cd3807e".
04:02 AM Bug report #9821 (Closed): Ability to click and drag to size new label bok in Print Composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"72f01bae6075be6bdf224114cf7f31f97eb8491b".
03:17 AM Feature request #10450: single symbol layers should not rely on a stringless child to show symbol...
- Nathan, actually, the symbology preview does a good job ( most of the time ) at indicating what geometry type the lay...
03:08 AM Feature request #10450: single symbol layers should not rely on a stringless child to show symbol...
- I'm in two minds, only because you loose the geometry type information if you don't have a symbol set, but other then...
03:16 AM Bug report #9148 (Open): Data Defined Label Locations NULL value doesn't work as expected with SQ...
03:16 AM Bug report #9148: Data Defined Label Locations NULL value doesn't work as expected with SQL Serve...
- Tagging this as a regression because is ok on 2.0.1.
It seems that with postgis any decimal datatype does not work f... -
03:16 AM Bug report #9148: Data Defined Label Locations NULL value doesn't work as expected with SQL Serve...
- Tagging this as a regression because is ok on 2.0.1.
It seems that with postgis any decimal datatype does not work f... -
03:16 AM Bug report #9148: Data Defined Label Locations NULL value doesn't work as expected with SQL Serve...
- Tagging this as a regression because is ok on 2.0.1.
It seems that with postgis any decimal datatype does not work f... -
03:12 AM Feature request #10453 (Open): Enable Incremental rendering of WMT-S tiles onto map canvas
- In QGIS 2.2 if you checked "Use render caching where possible to speed up redraws" in the rendering options WMT-S til...
02:59 AM Feature request #10318 (Closed): Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
02:36 AM Feature request #10318: Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- This solves my problem. For me, we can close this feature request.
02:45 AM Bug report #9779 (Closed): QGIS crashes opening old (2.0.1) project in valmiera (2.2.1)
- I have finally tested this, and acording to my test, the problem is solved in master. I'm closing it.
thanks -
02:15 AM Bug report #10449: legend for raster layers expanded by default
- Good idea. This also means rasters with a small number of graduated classes would get expanded, which is a nice touch...
02:08 AM Bug report #10449: legend for raster layers expanded by default
- Rather than having the collapsed layer nodes just for paletted raster layer, maybe it makes sense to have a threshold...
01:54 AM Bug report #10451 (Closed): Newly created columns are not available for symbology or labelling
- See the attached screencast:
create a new column, eventually fill it with values. Then try use this column for label... -
01:54 AM Feature request #10450 (Closed): single symbol layers should not rely on a stringless child to sh...
- Since the early days I've been using QGIS, there's been a small irritant that I feel should be addressed. Currently, ...
01:21 AM Bug report #10449 (Closed): legend for raster layers expanded by default
- Since the merge of the legend refactoring raster layers added to the map have their legend expanded by default. This ...
01:19 AM Bug report #10448 (Closed): QGIS always rendering added spatialite layers
- It has been fixed minutes ago.
#fa3f21cdb6793a447a6780466f177e7e6db1e4a8 -
01:19 AM Bug report #10448 (Closed): QGIS always rendering added spatialite layers
- It has been fixed minutes ago.
#fa3f21cdb6793a447a6780466f177e7e6db1e4a8 -
01:17 AM Bug report #10448 (Closed): QGIS always rendering added spatialite layers
- Hi,
adding a set of spatialite layers using the spatialite provider.
The qgis always start to rendering them .
The c... -
01:17 AM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- Tobias Sch wrote:
> "".
tis is the nightly build repo that does not use the ubuntugis... -
12:43 AM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- I currently have "qgis 2.3.0+git20140603+9c5c257~trusty1" from "". But I don't remember...
11:40 PM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- Tobias Sch wrote:
> I can't confirm this. Startup of todays build on Ubuntu 14.04 gives me this message:
> @
> War... -
02:56 PM Bug report #10429: No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- I can't confirm this. Startup of todays build on Ubuntu 14.04 gives me this message:
Warning: loading of qt transl... -
05:46 AM Bug report #10429 (Closed): No python support on latest nightly build on Ubuntu
- Just updated QGIS master on Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 using the nightly build repo, and on launch it gives...
01:16 AM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> When updating this issue, **please provide details** not only about the provider, but also th... -
03:34 AM Bug report #8481: "Errors: SUCCESS: 6 attribute(s) added. ERROR: field with index 4 is not the sa...
- When updating this issue, **please provide details** not only about the provider, but also the **data type** you used...
12:35 AM Bug report #10428: MSSQL - Login/Connection error
- here are some additional infos:
-the sql server is NOT the local machine!
-the connection test in the connection dia... -
12:35 AM Bug report #10428: MSSQL - Login/Connection error
- here are some additional infos:
-the sql server is NOT the local machine!
-the connection test in the connection dia... -
05:42 AM Bug report #10428 (Closed): MSSQL - Login/Connection error
- hello,
if i load a layer from mssql 2008 express r2 database , qgis (master 32 bit date 2.6.2014) throw an error ...... -
12:28 AM Bug report #8144: labels data defined rotation does not work if data defined position is set + la...
- another consequence of this issue is that without defining the data defined position for labels the labels are correc...
12:28 AM Bug report #8144: labels data defined rotation does not work if data defined position is set + la...
- another consequence of this issue is that without defining the data defined position for labels the labels are correc...
12:28 AM Bug report #8144: labels data defined rotation does not work if data defined position is set + la...
- another consequence of this issue is that without defining the data defined position for labels the labels are correc...
12:28 AM Bug report #10432 (Closed): Rotate Label tool doesn't work
- unfortunately is a know issue, see #8144
12:28 AM Bug report #10432 (Closed): Rotate Label tool doesn't work
- unfortunately is a know issue, see #8144
07:22 AM Bug report #10432 (Closed): Rotate Label tool doesn't work
- Open point layer and create new "angle" attribute, then Properties - Labels - Placement - Data defined - Rotation and...
12:20 AM Bug report #10433: QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> Cannot confirm the crashes (ubuntu 14.04, self-compiled)
I have this issue only on ubuntu 12.... -
09:30 PM Bug report #10433: QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
- Cannot confirm the crashes (ubuntu 14.04, self-compiled)
08:16 AM Bug report #10433: QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it is crashing also after changing symbology in a layer (after pressing ok).
on Windows too -
08:15 AM Bug report #10433: QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
- it is crashing also after changing symbology in a layer (after pressing ok)....
07:37 AM Bug report #10433 (Closed): QGIS master crashes when changing symbology
- *New description:*
Tested on master on both Windows and Linux.
open this project made by Anita
https://drive.googl... -
12:12 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- Fixed support for "new layers visible" (#10412)
Harrissou: the option you are referring to sets bold font for collap... -
12:09 AM Bug report #10442 (Feedback): Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
- Cannot confirm on QGIS master, on both Windows and Linux. Please try and report back.
12:00 PM Bug report #10442 (Closed): Processing crashes if type nonascii symbols in algorithm search field
- Traceback:...
12:08 AM Bug report #10412 (Closed): New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fa3f21cdb6793a447a6780466f177e7e6db1e4a8".
04:51 AM Bug report #10412: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Confirmed on Linux too.
04:51 AM Bug report #10412: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Confirmed on Linux too.
04:51 AM Bug report #10412: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Confirmed on Linux too.
04:51 AM Bug report #10412: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Confirmed on Linux too.
04:51 AM Bug report #10412: New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- Confirmed on Linux too.
11:54 PM Bug report #6210: Choosing the CRS from the "recently used CRS" does nothing (on the first select...
- Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Which dialog are we talking about here?
the dialog that allows to choose a CRS, regardless o... -
07:48 PM Bug report #6210: Choosing the CRS from the "recently used CRS" does nothing (on the first select...
- Which dialog are we talking about here?
11:52 PM Bug report #10396 (Open): Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
02:11 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- To me it seems kind of apparent in your screen capture too. I've attached mine. 2.2 takes ~1.3s, 2.3 takes ~2.3s. (Th...
02:11 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- To me it seems kind of apparent in your screen capture too. I've attached mine. 2.2 takes ~1.3s, 2.3 takes ~2.3s. (Th...
04:48 AM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- andskog - wrote:
> I've attached QGIS 2.2 and 2.3 project files. Makes less sense to attach small (<5MB) raster file,... -
11:29 PM Revision 5041d4d8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] gl by Xan and hu by Zoltan
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
07:31 PM Revision be7c4d08 (qgis): [layertree] Preserve the order of layers when adding several layers at ...
07:11 PM Revision 974a3eb3 (qgis): [layertree] update insertion point to layer tree when appropriate
06:47 PM Revision 7475454e (qgis): VectorLayer, SymbolsList, WidgetShapeburst, XML, parent
06:00 PM Feature request #10447: Basic Statistics button on Attribute table
- Sure that makes a lot of sense. Might make it work on all the values in the table then it will work with filters as w...
06:00 PM Feature request #10447: Basic Statistics button on Attribute table
- Sure that makes a lot of sense. Might make it work on all the values in the table then it will work with filters as w...
05:58 PM Feature request #10447 (Open): Basic Statistics button on Attribute table
- I was wondering if it would be difficult to add a Statistics (Vector menu -> Analysis Tools -> Basic Statistics) to t...
04:46 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- Yes and PYTHONPATH is in there. I've seen conflicting opinions on whether or not it should be. Some applications lo...
04:02 PM Bug report #10446 (Closed): Batch Processing - Select from open layers - random order
- Layers in "Select from open layers" - "Multiple selection" window appear in a random order. It would be important tha...
03:56 PM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- If it's really what it looks like, we cannot do anything about it on QGIS side, so there is no reason to leave this t...
11:47 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- This is the upstream ticket:
Not sure if this ticket here should be closed al... -
11:31 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- I just tested again and the same feature subset query which works in QGIS 2.2 fails with type mismatch error in today...
03:30 AM Bug report #10165 (Closed): Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- I think you are referring to "Feature subset"?
That is passed to the provider and never evaluated by QGIS and theref... -
03:30 AM Bug report #10165 (Closed): Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- I think you are referring to "Feature subset"?
That is passed to the provider and never evaluated by QGIS and theref... -
03:13 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- I get the error when trying to specify the query manually in Layer Properties or automatically through Time Manager p...
03:01 AM Bug report #10165 (Feedback): Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- And what exactly are you trying to do?
I.e. how do you specify the query? -
02:45 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- The dataset from the previous ticket is still up at
03:31 PM Bug report #10445 (Closed): Batch Processing - Select from open layers - number of rows
- Using "Select from open layers" option, opens "Multiple selection" window.
However, regardless of the number of lay... -
02:48 PM Bug report #10444 (Closed): Output file extension in batch mode
- When we give the name to the output file of the various algorithms executed in normal mode, Processing adds the exten...
02:33 PM Feature request #10443 (Closed): Better documentation on how to use lettering in SAGA Raster calc...
- *new description:*
see #10443-3... -
02:27 PM Revision cf4393e0 (qgis): [layertree] Add Python bindings - part two (gui)
02:27 PM Revision 73358c3a (qgis): [layertree] Add python bindings - part one (core)
01:23 PM Revision a50719b7 (qgis): [composer] Setting the composition for a composer view correctly create...
- 01:18 PM Revision bf828486 (qgis): mapserver: excluding of not allowed WMS feature attributes from GetFeat...
- 01:15 PM Revision d9bbd579 (qgis): mapserver: added 'alias' property into feature attribute properties of ...
- 01:11 PM Revision df7a6d5e (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
01:07 PM Revision 9e14b32a (qgis): Capitalization
12:42 PM Revision d1cdc208 (qgis): Add north arrow variants without text
- 12:42 PM Revision 44c6231b (qgis): North_Arrows
- Additional arrows, including without Letter Marks and Surveying with
Declination -
12:15 PM Revision 93b16554 (qgis): Updated IT GUI translation
- 11:54 AM Revision 9053d46c (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
11:26 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
- Sorry, I'm confused now.
Considering ... -
05:39 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
- Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi Anita,
> I think this is a bug in the osm provider (does osm have it's own provid... -
04:12 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
Ok, created this one: #10427
I would close this one.-
02:32 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
- Sure, feel free to open a new ticket or I can change this one to address the provider issue if that's more suitable?
10:56 AM Bug report #10441 (Open): If layer has labels it is always refreshed when activating/deactivating...
- Subject says it all, seems not necessary and it happens also with "render caching" active.
09:45 AM Feature request #10438 (Open): GetFeatureInfo on aliased fields
- GetFeatureInfo doesn't work on fields where an alias is set, because subsetstring doesn't work on aliased fields.
We ... -
09:41 AM Bug report #10437 (Closed): When removing a vector field alias it isn't removed from qgs project
- Alias fields elements in .qgs projects aren't removed when alias are unset (= made blank, empty string).
An empty "na... -
09:09 AM Feature request #10436 (Closed): Composer Map: Add "Delete the composer" feature in Composer menu
- When a composer is open, it is possible to duplicate it through Composer menu. It would be nice to have the ability t...
09:08 AM Feature request #10435 (Closed): Composer Map: Add "Rename the composer" feature in Composer menu
- When a composer is open, it is possible to duplicate it through Composer menu. It would be nice to have the ability t...
08:49 AM Revision 6209b975 (qgis): Add layer name to select by expression dialog title
- Fix #10422
08:27 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Great Martin,
If you need I do more tests here, guide me in the process, because it is the first time I am using th... -
08:12 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Confirm this behavior on the same Ubuntu version.
08:10 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Great, thanks a lot Pedro, this helped to identify where the crash happens (although I'm not entirely sure about the ...
07:02 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Hi again,
I did some tests, compiled with debug mode option, but I dont know if I'm using debug mode correctly. Plea... -
04:32 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Hi Martin,
I tried now with today's nightly build and still crashing, as in -
08:12 AM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> MRick - wrote:
> > Vincent chourmo wrote:
> > > When new scripts are copied in the script fo... -
06:29 AM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- MRick - wrote:
> Vincent chourmo wrote:
> > When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart... -
07:48 AM Bug report #10434 (Closed): Placement position for line layer
- Now position of labels for line layer can be "Above line", "On line" and "Below line" and these options can be checke...
07:38 AM Bug report #10421 (Feedback): Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- dr - wrote:
> I've attached example data and screenshot of settings.
no error on master/windows. Cannot try now on L... -
06:56 AM Bug report #10421: Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- I've attached example data and screenshot of settings.
06:56 AM Bug report #10421: Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- I've attached example data and screenshot of settings.
06:14 AM Bug report #10421: Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- dr - wrote:
> Description should be: If more than one features of joined layer intersects any feature of target layer... -
07:33 AM Bug report #9602: preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
- On the contrary, I don't think this is problem.
If you change it, it means it was changed for the whole atlas.
The p... -
07:19 AM Bug report #10431 (Closed): Regression : impossible to label on top for forms
- QGIS version : 2.3.0-Master
Revison code : ca6d4d9
OS : Windows 7
In the menu "Fields" of a layer properties (layer ... -
06:52 AM Bug report #10430 (Closed): Adding REST Services
- qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer("
06:07 AM Bug report #10419 (Closed): Processing toolbox does not see loaded GRASS raster layers
- duplicate of #7727
06:07 AM Bug report #10419 (Closed): Processing toolbox does not see loaded GRASS raster layers
- duplicate of #7727
05:59 AM Bug report #10079: tip for the documentation: default styles in postgresql do not restore
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> you need to set the XML option to DOCUMENT and the restore will work:
> http://lists.osgeo.... -
05:59 AM Bug report #10079: tip for the documentation: default styles in postgresql do not restore
- Gavin Fleming wrote:
> you need to set the XML option to DOCUMENT and the restore will work:
> http://lists.osgeo.... -
05:47 AM Bug report #7039: Use message bar for handling bad layers
- +1
I'd rather have an intrusive dialog for something heavy as this than a tiny message. The timeout does really not ... -
05:22 AM Bug report #10425 (Closed): Missing MSVCR100.dll file in version 2.2
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from Microsoft download site:
32bit version: http://www.m... -
05:22 AM Bug report #10425 (Closed): Missing MSVCR100.dll file in version 2.2
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from Microsoft download site:
32bit version: http://www.m... -
05:20 AM Feature request #10426: Composer Manager : ideas for improvements
- You are right! I'm confused; i thought i was using Master but it was 2.2. And nice to see that most of the improvemen...
04:25 AM Feature request #10426 (Closed): Composer Manager : ideas for improvements
- Some of these issues are already fixed in master. Do you mind testing and then creating separate feature requests for...
04:25 AM Feature request #10426 (Closed): Composer Manager : ideas for improvements
- Some of these issues are already fixed in master. Do you mind testing and then creating separate feature requests for...
04:09 AM Feature request #10426 (Closed): Composer Manager : ideas for improvements
- For my work, I duplicate an old project with a lot of composers. Now, I have to rename some composer's window name (t...
04:22 AM Bug report #10038: Item Properties of the element is not editable on QGISComposer
- Fixed in master, but the script MUST set the composition before loading the template:...
04:21 AM Bug report #10038 (Closed): Item Properties of the element is not editable on QGISComposer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a50719b7e9dc23ba4abd24ce6ee859691d1832ee".
04:18 AM Bug report #9940 (Closed): Save to File from Print Layout silently fails when file is open in ano...
- Duplicate of #9283
04:18 AM Bug report #9940 (Closed): Save to File from Print Layout silently fails when file is open in ano...
- Duplicate of #9283
04:11 AM Bug report #10427 (Closed): .osm files have problems with iterator or number of features
- QGIS is loading .osm files fine, but there seems something wrong with the number of features QGIS thinks there is in ...
04:06 AM Bug report #8524 (Feedback): Raster tiling offset in composer output from zoomed in resampling
- Is this still an issue in current master? If so, please attach a test project and data set which demonstrates the issue.
04:04 AM Bug report #8316 (Closed): Bold text drawn as plain text for svg in composer
- I'm unable to reproduce this in current master. Please re-open if necessary.
04:04 AM Bug report #8316 (Closed): Bold text drawn as plain text for svg in composer
- I'm unable to reproduce this in current master. Please re-open if necessary.
03:59 AM Bug report #7165 (Closed): Linefeed in SVG not read in composer
- Duplicate of #1796
03:59 AM Bug report #7165 (Closed): Linefeed in SVG not read in composer
- Duplicate of #1796
03:57 AM Bug report #6035 (Feedback): Wrong size of labels in Print Composer with CSV file
- Is this still reproducible in current master? There's been many labelling/composer changes since this was originally ...
03:48 AM Bug report #5588 (Closed): Print Composer - arrow size
- This isn't reproducible in master anymore.
03:48 AM Bug report #5588 (Closed): Print Composer - arrow size
- This isn't reproducible in master anymore.
03:32 AM Bug report #4034 (Closed): Print Composer window v-slider not scaled
- Working fine now in master
03:32 AM Bug report #4034 (Closed): Print Composer window v-slider not scaled
- Working fine now in master
03:30 AM Bug report #3480 (Closed): Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- Working ok in master
03:30 AM Bug report #3480 (Closed): Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- Working ok in master
03:30 AM Bug report #3480 (Closed): Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- Working ok in master
03:30 AM Bug report #3480 (Closed): Composer arrows and basic shapes are rasterised when printed
- Working ok in master
01:32 AM Bug report #10000: Cannot use osm layers (no features?)
Hi Anita,
I think this is a bug in the osm provider (does osm have it's own provider)?
If you look into the 'Metad...-
01:14 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- I found another option that may be concerned by this topic.
In Preferences > Option > General, there is a checkbox "B... -
12:07 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- 1. agreed
2. agreed for removing
3. not agreed: there are cases (e.g. slow connection, etc.) where an user does not w... -
03:23 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- - "Add new layers to selected or current group" is now always used - the option can be removed
- bold layer / group -... -
12:48 AM Bug report #10425 (Closed): Missing MSVCR100.dll file in version 2.2
- I have downloaded QGIS version 2.2 but when I install in and then try to run it I am getting an error message 'The ap...
12:45 AM Bug report #1893: opening data tables widens the main window
- Sounds good, thanks
04:03 AM Bug report #1893: opening data tables widens the main window
- Seems there is a tabify method which we can use to tabify two, or more dock widgets. Would this be the solution? W...
12:25 AM Bug report #10424 (Closed): processing: simple merge model fails with a fatal error
- Under QGIS master, a simple processing model to merge three raster layers is now broken, fails by returning an error ...
11:53 PM Feature request #10422 (Closed): "select by expression" dialog should be named with the layer name
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6209b9754a9c2e2925a0f306cea1a88d8f8dfe8e".
01:49 PM Feature request #10422 (Closed): "select by expression" dialog should be named with the layer name
- Hi,
I think that "select by expression" dialog should have a title including the name of the layer on which the tool ... -
11:51 PM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- Hi Anita,
Can you attach sample data? -
11:09 PM Bug report #9602: preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
- The issue is that any changes to the scale would then be permanant and apply to the entire atlas. You'd lost the abil...
10:30 PM Bug report #9602: preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
- The main problem I see is that it won't be WYSIWYG anymore.
Also, I think it's confusing to have to scale fields.
I ... -
10:51 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- They are in user scripts : Scripts / Network and Scripts / User script
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
05:02 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
So where to... -
06:01 AM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
Yes off cou... -
10:45 PM Revision 9c5c2577 (qgis): [processing] first implementation of github-based resources manager
10:45 PM Revision 6c9f7d77 (qgis): [processing] helpfiles for scripts/models are now stored as json
10:45 PM Revision ff243530 (qgis): [processing] Use certain gdal algs in simplified mode instead of saga ones
10:45 PM Revision 4eab1855 (qgis): [processing] all gdal algs now have the same icon
- Did some code cleaning in gdal package
10:43 PM Bug report #10274: QgsFieldExpressionWidget should show expressions in italics
- On ubuntu, it's in italic in the data defined properties dialog, but not in the other places (with today's master).
N... -
09:52 PM Revision 45c0be10 (qgis): sip: remove enum constants
09:52 PM Revision f041072e (qgis): fix some warnings
09:52 PM Revision 23ed9fd9 (qgis): fix layer tree translation support
09:05 PM Revision 6112efce (qgis): Merge pull request #1418 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: WebView, WMS
08:54 PM Revision 510831b5 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: WebView, WMS
04:27 PM Revision 4d5d26a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1399 from giohappy/fix_osm_initspatialmetadata
- Fix #9693 (Make OSM DB metadata initialization in transaction)
- 04:23 PM Revision 309f5d55 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
03:20 PM Revision 7f21918e (qgis): DnD forms: Make tabs scrollable
- Fix #10389
01:02 PM Bug report #10416 (Rejected): Spatialite provider: QGIS doesn't compile with new SL 4.2.0
- To be solved in Spatialite. Thanks Sandro for explaining in private.
01:02 PM Bug report #10416 (Rejected): Spatialite provider: QGIS doesn't compile with new SL 4.2.0
- To be solved in Spatialite. Thanks Sandro for explaining in private.
05:37 AM Bug report #10416 (Rejected): Spatialite provider: QGIS doesn't compile with new SL 4.2.0
- The issue is a constant GAIA_VECTORS_LIST_FAST deprecated in SL 4 and removed in SL 4.2.0.
The solution is to use th... -
10:34 AM Revision 402c0dc5 (qgis): Use QgsDebugMsg for a debug message
10:05 AM Revision ca73eaaa (qgis): Do not show layer extent in the status bar after the load (useless)
- 08:44 AM Revision 2ffe3ce3 (qgis): Clean up MS SQL iterator. Fix #10115 - Fix crash on join
08:42 AM Revision aaa7003d (qgis): [composer] Don't show vector selections in composer map items (fix #7610)
08:26 AM Revision 5852c8e8 (qgis): [layertree] minor consolidation of insert/remove functions
08:26 AM Revision 1c0ccb7e (qgis): Show busy indicator while rendering in map canvas
07:55 AM Revision 990e2bf5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1397 from manisandro/minmax_fixes
- Min-max improvements
07:54 AM Bug report #10421: Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- Description should be: If more than one features of joined layer intersects any feature of target layer and option "T...
07:47 AM Bug report #10421 (Closed): Join attributes by location error on textual fields
- If more than one features of joined layer intersects any feature of target layer and option "Take summary of intersec...
07:53 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Seems ok for me. In QGis ca6d4d9, the weekly build.
07:49 AM Revision 108cbc3b (qgis): Remove legacy server filter classes
07:40 AM Bug report #10417: Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
- Closing QGIS and restarting stops the problem for a while and then it starts happening again. I have attached a scree...
07:40 AM Bug report #10417: Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
- Closing QGIS and restarting stops the problem for a while and then it starts happening again. I have attached a scree...
06:11 AM Bug report #10417 (Closed): Layer symbology does not update in TOC when using categorised style
- Add a vector layer to the project (I'm using a point shp), open style properties, choose categorized style, select fi...
07:27 AM Bug report #9693 (Closed): OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4d5d26a98084e098db7a08e08dc8c96f2b9bda9f".
07:04 AM Bug report #7039: Use message bar for handling bad layers
- +1 for flagging this as a blocker.
06:44 AM Feature request #10420 (Open): Use field values for numerical / string entries when the algorithm...
- Processing allows to use an expression to calculate the value of a "number" entry. See
06:44 AM Bug report #10419 (Closed): Processing toolbox does not see loaded GRASS raster layers
- I have loaded GRASS raster layers (through the GRASS toolbox) and opened a geotif raster layer. Now, if I open a func...
06:42 AM Bug report #10418 (Closed): " Batch processing" crashs when setting one vector parameter
- When I use batch processing, I can't set my vector parameter.
If I choose "select from open layers" and I select only... -
06:26 AM Bug report #10389 (Closed): Drag and Drop designer: cannot scroll anymore a long form
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7f21918e77cbf6b9b9ee3e1993849f2e950b22cb".
06:01 AM Bug report #10039: line intersection fails if ID name is the same
- I work with 'geoprocessing tools'
05:49 AM Bug report #10039: line intersection fails if ID name is the same
- It seems also that when you intersect two shapes that have each a column with the same name (e.g. 'ID'), the resultin...
05:37 AM Bug report #5491 (Closed): ECW_EULA.txt in QGIS 1.7.4 standalone inappropriate
05:20 AM Bug report #4418 (Closed): Random colour ramp: randomize missing
- There is now a auto random colour ramp option.
05:20 AM Bug report #4418 (Closed): Random colour ramp: randomize missing
- There is now a auto random colour ramp option.
05:17 AM Bug report #10400: Text annotations in Print Composer
- Hopefully Nyall is the correct person for the bug.
05:16 AM Bug report #3841 (Closed): QGis over-writing task-bar in Vista
- lots has changes since then. Please reopen if it still happens in the latest version.
05:16 AM Bug report #3841 (Closed): QGis over-writing task-bar in Vista
- lots has changes since then. Please reopen if it still happens in the latest version.
05:16 AM Bug report #3841 (Closed): QGis over-writing task-bar in Vista
- lots has changes since then. Please reopen if it still happens in the latest version.
05:16 AM Bug report #3841 (Closed): QGis over-writing task-bar in Vista
- lots has changes since then. Please reopen if it still happens in the latest version.
- 05:12 AM Revision 88d20e92 (qgis): [MSSQL] Convert uniqueidentifier to string
05:08 AM Bug report #3551: Selecting with mouse in table
- No longer an issue.
05:08 AM Bug report #3551: Selecting with mouse in table
- No longer an issue.
05:08 AM Bug report #3551: Selecting with mouse in table
- No longer an issue.
04:59 AM Bug report #3395 (Closed): Field Calculator Integer Conversion Error
- There is a new expression engine since 2.0 and this is no longer an issue.
04:59 AM Bug report #3395 (Closed): Field Calculator Integer Conversion Error
- There is a new expression engine since 2.0 and this is no longer an issue.
04:53 AM Bug report #3479 (Closed): New Symbology does not print
- This is no longer an issue in master.
04:53 AM Bug report #3479 (Closed): New Symbology does not print
- This is no longer an issue in master.
04:46 AM Bug report #2812 (Closed): Missing labels with the new labeling system
- These are all implemented in 2.0 >
04:46 AM Bug report #2812 (Closed): Missing labels with the new labeling system
- These are all implemented in 2.0 >
04:31 AM Bug report #2971 (Closed): Trunk r14153 - Turning an empty layer on and off zooms the map overvie...
- No longer a issue in master (2.4). Reopen if you see it happen again.
04:31 AM Bug report #2971 (Closed): Trunk r14153 - Turning an empty layer on and off zooms the map overvie...
- No longer a issue in master (2.4). Reopen if you see it happen again.
04:31 AM Bug report #2971 (Closed): Trunk r14153 - Turning an empty layer on and off zooms the map overvie...
- No longer a issue in master (2.4). Reopen if you see it happen again.
04:31 AM Bug report #2971 (Closed): Trunk r14153 - Turning an empty layer on and off zooms the map overvie...
- No longer a issue in master (2.4). Reopen if you see it happen again.
04:27 AM Bug report #2857 (Closed): Automatically change tools and right menu issue
- These are both features not bugs.
04:27 AM Bug report #2857 (Closed): Automatically change tools and right menu issue
- These are both features not bugs.
04:27 AM Bug report #2857 (Closed): Automatically change tools and right menu issue
- These are both features not bugs.
04:27 AM Bug report #2857 (Closed): Automatically change tools and right menu issue
- These are both features not bugs.
04:24 AM Bug report #2230 (Closed): Vertex markers are displayed in Print Composer
- Doesn't happen in master anymore.
04:24 AM Bug report #2230 (Closed): Vertex markers are displayed in Print Composer
- Doesn't happen in master anymore.
04:21 AM Bug report #2068 (Closed): PostGIS attribute table annoyance
- The attribute table has been reworked a bit since 1.7, and I can't reproduce on master. Please reopen if still happe...
04:21 AM Bug report #2068 (Closed): PostGIS attribute table annoyance
- The attribute table has been reworked a bit since 1.7, and I can't reproduce on master. Please reopen if still happe...
04:21 AM Bug report #2068 (Closed): PostGIS attribute table annoyance
- The attribute table has been reworked a bit since 1.7, and I can't reproduce on master. Please reopen if still happe...
04:21 AM Bug report #2068 (Closed): PostGIS attribute table annoyance
- The attribute table has been reworked a bit since 1.7, and I can't reproduce on master. Please reopen if still happe...
04:12 AM Bug report #2366 (Closed): Themes - Icon theme is not working with file based themes
- We don't support themes like this anymore. QGIS only one icon set which is complied at build time. Theme support *m...
04:12 AM Bug report #2366 (Closed): Themes - Icon theme is not working with file based themes
- We don't support themes like this anymore. QGIS only one icon set which is complied at build time. Theme support *m...
04:12 AM Bug report #2366 (Closed): Themes - Icon theme is not working with file based themes
- We don't support themes like this anymore. QGIS only one icon set which is complied at build time. Theme support *m...
04:12 AM Bug report #2366 (Closed): Themes - Icon theme is not working with file based themes
- We don't support themes like this anymore. QGIS only one icon set which is complied at build time. Theme support *m...
04:07 AM Bug report #2038 (Closed): Incremental rendering of features does not work when render cache is used
- 2.4 now has multithreading so this should no longer be a issue.
04:07 AM Bug report #2038 (Closed): Incremental rendering of features does not work when render cache is used
- 2.4 now has multithreading so this should no longer be a issue.
04:07 AM Bug report #2038 (Closed): Incremental rendering of features does not work when render cache is used
- 2.4 now has multithreading so this should no longer be a issue.
04:07 AM Bug report #2038 (Closed): Incremental rendering of features does not work when render cache is used
- 2.4 now has multithreading so this should no longer be a issue.
03:43 AM Bug report #1449 (Closed): The map and overview canvas resizes incorrectly
- This has been fixed in master.
03:43 AM Bug report #1449 (Closed): The map and overview canvas resizes incorrectly
- This has been fixed in master.
03:39 AM Bug report #10415 (Closed): Identify Results panel resizes when deleting the selected feature
- these are the steps:
Toggle editing a layer
Identify a feature with the Identify tool
Then select and delete it, with... -
03:33 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- Etienne are you able to hide the graph and table tabs if there is only vector results ( could we make this into combo...
03:28 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- Hi,
thanks for the feedback, Etienne.
I'm ok with using attribute table to edit data, even if i think i'll open a fea... -
03:24 AM Bug report #206 (Closed): Various dialog boxes don't remember their location and size
- I have just recently gone though and implemented this for a lot of dialogs. Please test and reopen if there are some...
03:24 AM Bug report #206 (Closed): Various dialog boxes don't remember their location and size
- I have just recently gone though and implemented this for a lot of dialogs. Please test and reopen if there are some...
03:16 AM Bug report #10169 (Closed): Button in field expression control has cramped icon
- Fixed in master. I have swapped the icon for the full expression icon without the ...
03:16 AM Bug report #10169 (Closed): Button in field expression control has cramped icon
- Fixed in master. I have swapped the icon for the full expression icon without the ...
02:26 AM Bug report #10413 (Closed): non-cached WFS won't load
- Looking at the nightly build version 2.3 (2/6/2014) there seems to be an issue with the way QGIS handles non-cached W...
02:21 AM Bug report #10079: tip for the documentation: default styles in postgresql do not restore
- you need to set the XML option to DOCUMENT and the restore will work: -
02:03 AM Bug report #10412 (Closed): New layers are displayed when added when not told to.
- I have just installed the QGIS 2.3 master (x64) - frozen? Code revision d652a80.
When I add a new layer to the map i...
- 01:10 AM Revision 2d267f15 (qgis): Fix #10402 - Don't duplicate combo items on selection
12:50 AM Bug report #10411 (Closed): Geography 4326 polygon points stored in reverse for in MSSQL Server
Looks to be that QGIS is storing the points for Geography 4326 polygons in REVERSE. When the coordinates are correc...- 11:45 PM Bug report #10115 (Closed): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems with...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2ffe3ce39d9d1f8624930d3ac6c734996c709233".
08:27 PM Bug report #10115 (Feedback): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems wi...
- Can you confirm this is still a issue using the latest nightly build?
08:27 PM Bug report #10115 (Feedback): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems wi...
- Can you confirm this is still a issue using the latest nightly build?
08:27 PM Bug report #10115 (Feedback): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems wi...
- Can you confirm this is still a issue using the latest nightly build?
11:42 PM Bug report #7610 (Closed): Vector selection is shown in composer outputs
- Fixed in changeset commit:"aaa7003d54af52924112b8848c7e2c483b1db5b1".
11:41 PM Revision de699325 (qgis): Merge pull request #1416 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: varia
11:40 PM Bug report #9828: WMS progress missing
- As of commit:1c0ccb there is at least a busy indicator in the status bar.
11:36 PM Bug report #9220 (Feedback): Error in Export as PDF when transparency has been selected and then ...
- Did you untick the "Print as raster" option under the Composition properties panel?
11:33 PM Bug report #9792 (Closed): Letter and word spacing ignored in composer export (pdf, svg, ps, etc...)
- Working fine in current master version
11:33 PM Bug report #9792 (Closed): Letter and word spacing ignored in composer export (pdf, svg, ps, etc...)
- Working fine in current master version
11:28 PM Bug report #2230: Vertex markers are displayed in Print Composer
- I don't see this behavior in current master anymore. Can anyone confirm that this bug can be closed now?
11:22 PM Revision 79edbc29 (qgis): Merge pull request #1415 from fsdias/fixe_dotlplot2
- [processing] Fix dotplot
11:05 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- When new scripts are copied in the script folder, you may have to restart qgis.
03:44 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> I've started a github repo with some processing script for transit and traffic analysis.
... -
10:58 PM Revision 8438ef4c (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: varia
- 08:36 PM Revision 7b192fc7 (qgis): Update
- 08:35 PM Revision de4596d7 (qgis): Update Dotplot.rsx
08:29 PM Bug report #5403 (Closed): MS SQL Server - create new point feature not commiting change to table
- Closing due to lack of feedback. Reopen if you see the problem in latest nightly build.
08:28 PM Bug report #9007 (Feedback): MS SQL uniqueidentifier data type is not supported
08:28 PM Bug report #9007: MS SQL uniqueidentifier data type is not supported
- It seems QGIS only support int primary keys. I will do some more follow up.
06:04 PM Revision 779bf5fb (qgis): postgres: close connection when cursor can't be opened (fixes #10119)
06:02 PM Bug report #8525 (Closed): MSSQL spatial layer bug with estimated metadata
- I have tweaked the estimated table search to make it faster and more correct. Load times should be a lot quicker no...
06:02 PM Bug report #8525 (Closed): MSSQL spatial layer bug with estimated metadata
- I have tweaked the estimated table search to make it faster and more correct. Load times should be a lot quicker no...
06:02 PM Bug report #8525 (Closed): MSSQL spatial layer bug with estimated metadata
- I have tweaked the estimated table search to make it faster and more correct. Load times should be a lot quicker no...
05:13 PM Revision c94297a5 (qgis): fill ring: set attribute dialog to add mode (fixes #10363)
05:13 PM Revision 386e2f3b (qgis): set feature form windows title
05:08 PM Bug report #10028: Map composer freeze
- Jumping over here from Issue #10143 - Julien, could you please see if the latest code version fixes your symptoms? I...
05:05 PM Revision df6ae768 (qgis): Merge pull request #1413 from qgis-jp/pullreq_2_4
- translate gui ja
04:42 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- will do, and will post updates on #10028 instead of here.
01:23 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- #9734 is unrelated but already fixed in master. #10028 sounds a lot like a duplicate of this bug so should also be fi...
01:16 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Ok thanks - in code revision ca6d4d9, 2.3.0-master, it is fixed as far as I can tell.
Do you know if this also addre... -
09:56 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Tom Grundy wrote:
> I'm a relative newbie and not familiar with the procedure to get the nightly release - is there a... -
09:42 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I'm a relative newbie and not familiar with the procedure to get the nightly release - is there a page describing how...
04:26 PM Revision a516c36b (qgis): nodetool: fix crash when deleting last vertex (fixes #10367)
04:15 PM Bug report #10365: QgsExpression::expression() incorrectly returns escaped strings
- This problem lives somewhere else because:
exp = QgsExpression(r"'\\\
@ -
04:11 PM Revision 701c227f (qgis): re-introduce resetting of attribute values
04:11 PM Bug report #10274: QgsFieldExpressionWidget should show expressions in italics
- Nyall I have fixed #10402 does this ticket still apply now? Column names will not be repeated when selected.
- 04:11 PM Bug report #10402 (Closed): QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2d267f1553527c5dde52cdae2ac4ea069ef7a436".
03:55 PM Revision 08ed60f9 (qgis): don't show layer popup selection if there is only one item
03:36 PM Revision 272ac2ec (qgis): db_manager: replace toPyObject() (old sip api; fixes #9991)
03:06 PM Revision dcc9d39a (qgis): fix categorized renderer crash (fixes #10096)
03:05 PM Revision 183bfa54 (qgis): translate gui ja
02:59 PM Revision 63c16217 (qgis): german translation update
02:58 PM Revision 313fe6a9 (qgis): check validity of keys used by writeEntry and readEntry
- and print a message in the console in case of invalid key
update of docstrings (obsolete note removed, note added) -
02:51 PM Revision 32855820 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:40 PM Bug report #10410 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: first field of features empty when using ...
- Hi,
I don't find an expressive title but follow these steps and you'll understand.
Open the "properties of vector la... -
12:46 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- I've attached QGIS 2.2 and 2.3 project files. Makes less sense to attach small (<5MB) raster file, as you (seems like...
12:46 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- I've attached QGIS 2.2 and 2.3 project files. Makes less sense to attach small (<5MB) raster file, as you (seems like...
10:19 AM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- andskog - wrote:
> It's evident with any raster here. And regardless of map update interval settings. Cache settings ... -
10:50 AM Revision a72126be (qgis): Merge pull request #1412 from timlinux/master
- Added poster with icon
10:47 AM Revision bf99a746 (qgis): Added poster with icon
09:42 AM Bug report #9936 (Closed): QGIS master freezes when D&D a kml file
07:32 AM Bug report #9936 (Feedback): QGIS master freezes when D&D a kml file
- Not reproducable on current master.
07:32 AM Bug report #9936 (Feedback): QGIS master freezes when D&D a kml file
- Not reproducable on current master.
09:05 AM Bug report #10119 (Closed): QGIS master freezes when layer in project is removed from the database
- Fixed in changeset commit:"779bf5fb33b33f22f1174384e9d9db442c2ce9e0".
08:13 AM Bug report #10363 (Closed): Fill Ring tool broken in master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c94297a5fd0e687dc7e8ed5b824c48216dff8ab5".
07:27 AM Bug report #10367 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when deleting the last vertex of an uncommitted line wit...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a516c36b9170f1133bcde2439e09b6c03948f05a".
06:36 AM Bug report #9991 (Closed): python error when deleting PostGIS spatial index with DB manager
- Fixed in changeset commit:"272ac2ec55361810a7b8c769df6f9907a024224c".
06:29 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- Is this an upstream OGR issue again or is this a QGIS issue?
06:07 AM Bug report #10096 (Closed): QGIS crashes when QgsRendererV2.symbolForFeature() is called from Python
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dcc9d39a273eebc54f996af088daca23b31c0efb".
05:10 AM Revision 166f8fc5 (qgis): [composer] Small improvements to api docs
05:10 AM Revision b7423cf2 (qgis): [composer] Composer item controls in GUI show position relative to page...
03:24 AM Bug report #5601 (Feedback): print composer rendering
- Can you please share your symbols and a sample project which demonstrates this issue?
03:21 AM Bug report #4485 (Closed): Item scale jumps randomly when panning around the map content on the c...
- This is correct behaviour - the map is using the WGS84 coordinate system, so the scale depends on the latitude. Movin...
03:21 AM Bug report #4485 (Closed): Item scale jumps randomly when panning around the map content on the c...
- This is correct behaviour - the map is using the WGS84 coordinate system, so the scale depends on the latitude. Movin...
03:12 AM Bug report #7035 (Closed): Composer doesn't save extents of maps correctly
- Duplicate of #4324
03:12 AM Bug report #7035 (Closed): Composer doesn't save extents of maps correctly
- Duplicate of #4324
03:03 AM Bug report #3993 (Closed): Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correct...
- Master no longer shows highlighted areas from the identify tool in composer maps, so this issue is no longer relevant.
03:03 AM Bug report #3993 (Closed): Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correct...
- Master no longer shows highlighted areas from the identify tool in composer maps, so this issue is no longer relevant.
03:03 AM Bug report #3993 (Closed): Highlighted areas/lines (identify tool) are not aligned/scaled correct...
- Master no longer shows highlighted areas from the identify tool in composer maps, so this issue is no longer relevant.
02:57 AM Bug report #3980 (Feedback): Print composer produces downsampled images regardless of DPI
- I don't understand this bug... can you please give some more descriptions as to what's wrong with the attached images...
02:55 AM Bug report #10408 (Closed): Labeling don't work
- Duplicate of #10340
02:55 AM Bug report #10408 (Closed): Labeling don't work
- Duplicate of #10340
02:27 AM Bug report #10408 (Closed): Labeling don't work
- Seems labeling is broken now. I can select field or enter expression into label field, but after pressing Apply butto...
02:39 AM Feature request #10409 (Open): Favorite non folder nodes in browser
- It would be nice to be able to favorite other nodes in the browser tree not just folders. Being able to favorite a da...
01:53 AM Revision c0e94407 (qgis): debian packaging update (fixes #10120)
12:54 AM Revision 7f6663a8 (qgis): postgres: also accept PGRES_TUPLES_OK as positive result for UPDATE/DEL...
11:10 PM Bug report #6465 (Closed): Map composer window only saves the current QGIS window
- Closed due to lack of feedback... please reopen if necessary and still an issue on the current master version.
11:10 PM Bug report #6465 (Closed): Map composer window only saves the current QGIS window
- Closed due to lack of feedback... please reopen if necessary and still an issue on the current master version.
11:08 PM Bug report #3640 (Feedback): Raster transparency banding in composer output
- Is this still an issue in current master? If so, can you provide a sample project which illustrates the banding?
11:08 PM Bug report #3640 (Feedback): Raster transparency banding in composer output
- Is this still an issue in current master? If so, can you provide a sample project which illustrates the banding?
10:59 PM Bug report #3687 (Closed): Unable to export large / high resolution / detailed scale maps
- Given that QGIS master warns if an output will exceed available memory, and that this is not an issue in the 64 bit p...
10:59 PM Bug report #3687 (Closed): Unable to export large / high resolution / detailed scale maps
- Given that QGIS master warns if an output will exceed available memory, and that this is not an issue in the 64 bit p...
10:52 PM Bug report #6454 (Closed): "Add new map" in print composer showing blank
- Given the age of this report and its lack of reproducibility, I'm going to close this report. Please reopen if you st...
10:52 PM Bug report #6454 (Closed): "Add new map" in print composer showing blank
- Given the age of this report and its lack of reproducibility, I'm going to close this report. Please reopen if you st...
10:28 PM Bug report #2637 (Closed): Composer default extent on existing map wrong
- Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce it under current master on osx. There's been changes to the composer code w...
10:28 PM Bug report #2637 (Closed): Composer default extent on existing map wrong
- Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce it under current master on osx. There's been changes to the composer code w...
10:28 PM Bug report #2637 (Closed): Composer default extent on existing map wrong
- Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce it under current master on osx. There's been changes to the composer code w...
- 08:12 PM Feature request #9411 (Closed): qgis composer item X, Y position values should be relative to page
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b7423cf24b7d9b8599c84634f515b66aed4b43fe".
07:45 PM Bug report #9786 (Closed): Map rotation inconsistent
- Duplicate of #9801
07:45 PM Bug report #9786 (Closed): Map rotation inconsistent
- Duplicate of #9801
07:44 PM Bug report #9972 (Closed): Selecting other map items does not respond after a while
- Duplicate of #10143. I've pushed a tentative fix to master. Do you mind testing the current dev version and giving fe...
07:44 PM Bug report #9972 (Closed): Selecting other map items does not respond after a while
- Duplicate of #10143. I've pushed a tentative fix to master. Do you mind testing the current dev version and giving fe...
07:41 PM Bug report #9965 (Closed): Rotated printing with layer transparency or layer blending results in ...
- Fixed in master
07:41 PM Bug report #9965 (Closed): Rotated printing with layer transparency or layer blending results in ...
- Fixed in master
07:22 PM Bug report #9602 (Feedback): preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
07:22 PM Bug report #9602: preview and atlas scales are not synchronized
- I've been thinking about a possible solution to this. How do you feel about me adding a text input next to the map's ...
05:44 PM Revision bbb75183 (qgis): reintroduced field validators on line edits
04:54 PM Bug report #10120 (Closed): Spatialite connections missing from DB manager on QGIS master on Linux
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c0e9440783c02c465bf167cc08ffb6a463118007".
10:56 AM Bug report #10120: Spatialite connections missing from DB manager on QGIS master on Linux
- Don't know if it is related but: does not happen on Ubuntu 14.04. On Ubuntu 12.04 (where I see this issue) when openi...
04:31 PM Revision f4545d9d (qgis): fix crash in postgres layer creation (followup 3470b1d5c; fixes #10014)
04:10 PM Revision 873ec8cf (qgis): fix doxygen main page
04:10 PM Revision da6ff917 (qgis): fix 016b03b5
03:54 PM Bug report #9738 (Closed): updatable view QGIS 2.2.0
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7f6663a8e6d0bd74e61cd39251c4d7ecfe56af5a".
01:47 PM Revision 016b03b5 (qgis): postgres: convert 4d geometries to 2d (fixes #9748)
- 01:08 PM Revision 8089a4e6 (qgis): Use bigger icon for field expression widget
12:59 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- It's evident with any raster here. And regardless of map update interval settings. Cache settings are the same in bot...
11:33 AM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- maybe it's due to different settings, make sure they bot have rendering cache turned on (or off)
05:55 AM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
> Then using Zoom last / Zoom next for repeated tests.
here (Linux) it takes no time in zooming_in_out/last/next on...-
05:47 AM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- Rendering speed:
Used the DEM+HDF files available at
Set proj... -
12:42 PM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Hi Giovanni
I've installed QGIS 2.3, compiled by Larry Shaffer. Somehow, it can use the SAGA and ORFEO modules from ... -
10:04 AM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> Hi Giovanni
> Any idea how I can do that under MacOSX Mavericks?
I don't have a Ma... -
09:50 AM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Hi Giovanni
Any idea how I can do that under MacOSX Mavericks? The only available version beyond 2.2 stable is compi... -
08:06 AM Bug report #10404 (Feedback): Processing module error
- please try qgis master (remove also ~/.qgis2/python/plugins/processing).
07:49 AM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Another strange bug, that probably should be a new issue, is that the GRASS, SAGA and ORFEO modules, when a function ...
07:49 AM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Another strange bug, that probably should be a new issue, is that the GRASS, SAGA and ORFEO modules, when a function ...
- 10:56 AM Revision 21991b0a (qgis): Fix #10405 - Don't resize expression area for label dialog.
08:16 AM Revision 81b0d5f3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1411 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: varia
07:31 AM Bug report #10014 (Closed): QGIS master crashes when D&D a shapefile in PostGIS DB using the QGIS...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f4545d9dec81ca7d57b1a8b3cafb19b50e78f9b8".
07:28 AM Bug report #10206 (Closed): Remove Layer with Openlayer basemap crashes project
- I had already noticed that on master was ok, so let's assume (also because of lack of feedback) that this is fixed.
07:28 AM Bug report #10206 (Closed): Remove Layer with Openlayer basemap crashes project
- I had already noticed that on master was ok, so let's assume (also because of lack of feedback) that this is fixed.
07:16 AM Bug report #10206: Remove Layer with Openlayer basemap crashes project
- not reproducable with master
06:57 AM Revision 6dd4346c (qgis): [composer] Fix calculation of mouse action for position for mouse handl...
05:35 AM Bug report #8939 (Closed): Atlas Feature Sorting
- I'm closing this issue as that code has since been rewritten and I can't replicate. Please reopen if you still experi...
05:35 AM Bug report #8939 (Closed): Atlas Feature Sorting
- I'm closing this issue as that code has since been rewritten and I can't replicate. Please reopen if you still experi...
05:33 AM Feature request #9399 (Closed): Print Composer / Atlas generation - scale settings
- Implemented for 2.4
05:33 AM Feature request #9399 (Closed): Print Composer / Atlas generation - scale settings
- Implemented for 2.4
05:33 AM Feature request #9399 (Closed): Print Composer / Atlas generation - scale settings
- Implemented for 2.4
05:27 AM Bug report #10303: QgsFieldExpressionWidget grows too wide with long expressions
- related to #10405
05:19 AM Bug report #10402: QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- Ahh I see what you mean. I think first try to find the field, if not assume it's an expression and add it to the bott...
05:14 AM Bug report #10402: QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- I don't think it is... the widget is showing the current 'expression' as the last value in the combo. If a single col...
04:47 AM Bug report #10402 (Reopened): QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- @Nyall this is something different.
05:16 AM Feature request #10407 (Open): Drop symbol onto map feature to style
- This is the just a wild idea but putting it here so I don't forget, plus I think it would be pretty cool.
The idea i... -
05:01 AM Bug report #10087: "else" rules are broken in master
- This is mainly just a failing of the UI. You can't use the expression builder to add a ELSE rule as ELSE is a special...
05:01 AM Bug report #10087: "else" rules are broken in master
- This is mainly just a failing of the UI. You can't use the expression builder to add a ELSE rule as ELSE is a special...
04:48 AM Bug report #9748 (Closed): PostGIS table loads but won't display.
- Fixed in changeset commit:"016b03b562f0531a09b33809121138f590af6b53".
04:39 AM Bug report #10405: Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
- There's already #10303, so probably no need to reopen.
03:25 AM Bug report #10405: Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
- Should we reopen?
02:59 AM Bug report #10405: Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
- The data defined symbology dialog suffers from this same issue.
03:37 AM Revision 0b8469ae (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: varia
03:27 AM Bug report #10406 (Closed): Impossible to display PostGIS table with geometry in 4 dimensions
- 01:57 AM Bug report #10405 (Closed): Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
- Fixed in changeset commit:"21991b0a22408389d2ebd12e9bb05540f248ee02".
01:01 AM Bug report #10405 (Closed): Label dialog goes too wide when long label expression is used
- The dialog wants to fit the whole expression and goes very, very wide. Unusable on small screens very soon and annoyi...
01:55 AM Bug report #10406 (Closed): Impossible to display PostGIS table with geometry in 4 dimensions
- hi,
I have a PostGIS table with geometry in 4 dimensions. I could add and display such table in QGIS2.0.
But since QG... -
09:59 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I've just pushed a tentative fix for this issue - 6dd4346c48. Can everyone who's encountered this test with the next ...
09:56 PM Revision 711aa16c (qgis): Merge pull request #1410 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: IdentifyResults
06:50 PM Revision ec79fa9a (qgis): [processing] added missing parameter definition string
06:45 PM Revision 10938662 (qgis): [processing] allow blank spaces in script parameters definition
06:45 PM Revision f4e95c42 (qgis): [processing] Added extent parameter to
06:35 PM Revision 744a214a (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: IdentifyResults
04:14 PM Bug report #10404: Processing module error
- Giovanni
Just saw that you had a similar error (10403). Mine is a little bit different but I suppose that both reque... -
03:17 PM Bug report #10404 (Closed): Processing module error
- The latest processing module (2.2.0-2) broke functionality in the QGIS stable version (2.2) in MacOSX.
When we try t... -
03:00 PM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- "Display classification attribute names" option adds in the TOC, under the layer name, the name of the field (or the ...
11:48 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- I think "Add new layers to selected or current group" should be fixed, group names should be bold and layers not, and...
02:13 PM Bug report #10402 (Closed): QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- Duplicate of #10274
02:13 PM Bug report #10402 (Closed): QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- Duplicate of #10274
09:54 AM Bug report #10402 (Closed): QGIS master categorized symbology: column repeated
- In QGIS master after selecting an attribute for a categorized symbology the choosen attribute column shows repeated w...
12:16 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Yes, that seems like it might be faster, especially if the intersections can be done increment... -
12:01 PM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Yes, that seems like it might be faster, especially if the intersections can be done incrementally (if that matters)....
11:49 AM Bug report #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Larry Shaffer wrote:
> Should be fixed, excepting that sometimes the point is moved to an edge, which leaves the resu... -
11:14 AM Bug report #10399: Python error when launching QGIS master/osgeo4w
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> wrong tracker - but dependencies fixed in osgeo4w.
i wasn't sure if it was a qgis or packagi... -
11:13 AM Bug report #10399 (Closed): Python error when launching QGIS master/osgeo4w
11:11 AM Bug report #10399: Python error when launching QGIS master/osgeo4w
- wrong tracker - but dependencies fixed in osgeo4w.
04:37 AM Bug report #10399 (Closed): Python error when launching QGIS master/osgeo4w
- ...
10:19 AM Bug report #10403 (Closed): Processing "raster layer statistics" python error
- This in QGIS master
@unpack requires a string argument of length 11104 See log for more details@
and in the log
@U... -
09:43 AM Bug report #10401: Styling layer by category fails to draw if field is of type char(x)
- Confirmed down until 1.8 included.
09:43 AM Bug report #10401: Styling layer by category fails to draw if field is of type char(x)
- Confirmed down until 1.8 included.
08:42 AM Bug report #10401 (Closed): Styling layer by category fails to draw if field is of type char(x)
- My PostGIS polygon layer has a field, "prob", with values H, M and L. If I select a categorized style using the "pro...
08:57 AM Bug report #8615 (Closed): Python error on startup (Windows 64-bit)
08:40 AM Revision b30ac31c (qgis): [layertree] Rename childLayerIds() to findLayerIds()
07:25 AM Revision 04dc5d88 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'alvaro/Simplification_MTR'
- Conflicts:
python/core/qgsmapsettings.sip -
07:22 AM Bug report #10400 (Closed): Text annotations in Print Composer
- I create a set of text annotations spread across my map canvas and set them to a fixed map position. I create a new ...
06:25 AM Revision ecdb6deb (qgis): [layertree] Add note about used custom properties
06:06 AM Revision 17d98493 (qgis): [layertree] More doxygen docs
04:41 AM Bug report #10392: Ellipsoid for measurement keeps getting reset
- and this does not happen in qgis 1.8, so tagging as a regression.
04:41 AM Bug report #10392: Ellipsoid for measurement keeps getting reset
- and this does not happen in qgis 1.8, so tagging as a regression.
04:41 AM Bug report #10392: Ellipsoid for measurement keeps getting reset
- and this does not happen in qgis 1.8, so tagging as a regression.
04:32 AM Bug report #10386: WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Same thing had with qgis 2.2
> and before 2.2?
Don't know. Haven't tested. And this is... -
04:14 AM Bug report #10164: QGIS master crashes on zoom in / zoom out
- Pedro, are you able to compile QGIS in debug mode and run QGIS in debugger, so that we can get the backtrace? That wo...
04:03 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Antonio Locandro wrote:
> Here are my thoughts on this
> The measure tool dialog for me for selecting Ellipsoid is... -
03:16 AM Revision 592356ae (qgis): Bundle libminizip on Mac if used by osgdb_kml plugin of osgearth
02:13 AM Feature request #5447: Count the number of features passing through the model
- POssibly duplicates #5448
02:03 AM Bug report #5953: Add fTools modules
- Several tools for random points generation added in master
01:09 AM Bug report #10386: WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
> Same thing had with qgis 2.2
and before 2.2? -
05:01 AM Bug report #10386: WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> this report is about qgis master? did it worked ok in previous qgis releases?
Yes it is. I ... -
02:06 AM Bug report #10386 (Feedback): WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- this report is about qgis master? did it worked ok in previous qgis releases?
01:07 AM Bug report #10396 (Feedback): Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
07:58 PM Bug report #10396: Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- The "old zoomed map -> blank -> new map" is not something specific to raster layers, it may happen also with vectors,...
02:29 PM Bug report #10396 (Closed): Raster rendering in 2.3 vs 2.2
- The raster zooming and panning behavior seems to be different in master than the current 2.2 version. Although not bu...
10:47 PM Revision ca6d4d95 (qgis): #9480: Move checkbox to within centroid frame in labeling gui
10:45 PM Revision fe42b004 (qgis): Merge pull request #1238 from ahuarte47/Issue_9480
- Fix bug #9480: Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
10:19 PM Revision 34f33781 (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by Carlos
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
10:05 PM Revision a98f34ca (qgis): Merge pull request #1408 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: composerPicture, DateTime
08:28 PM Feature request #10398 (Closed): "Photo" type Edit Widget with relative path
- Is it possible to make the path relative in the Photo type of the edit widget?
08:05 PM Bug report #10138: Crash in svg cache with svg symbols
- This isn't actually a composer/scalebar related bug. It's caused by the svg fill patterns shown in the legend - the s...
08:05 PM Bug report #10138: Crash in svg cache with svg symbols
- This isn't actually a composer/scalebar related bug. It's caused by the svg fill patterns shown in the legend - the s...
08:03 PM Revision 6c695cb3 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: composerPicture, DateTime
- 04:56 PM Revision 9019b8e7 (qgis): avoid overflow from casting oid result to integer, causing failure to f...
04:12 PM Revision c6611190 (qgis): remove extra row between layers
04:12 PM Revision 3e100001 (qgis): make table view non-editable (#10376)
- 04:05 PM Revision 4cf04869 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
03:32 PM Bug report #6972 (Closed): Multiline labels not exporting correctly from Print Composer when cent...
- Please reopen if needed.
03:28 PM Feature request #10387: change default label font
- There are two things that can be done here:
* Allow setting the default label font, as per this feature request
* Of... -
03:28 PM Feature request #10387: change default label font
- There are two things that can be done here:
* Allow setting the default label font, as per this feature request
* Of... -
03:28 PM Bug report #10393 (Closed): Layer properties: Vector transparency, duplicate settings
- These two options actually do very different things - one controls the entire layer's transparency (ie, all the featu...
03:28 PM Bug report #10393 (Closed): Layer properties: Vector transparency, duplicate settings
- These two options actually do very different things - one controls the entire layer's transparency (ie, all the featu...
02:08 PM Bug report #10393 (Closed): Layer properties: Vector transparency, duplicate settings
- In Layer properties -> Style dialog box, transparency can be set two different places.
(The upper lacks a manual inpu... -
03:13 PM Revision 0ae53aed (qgis): Fix warning
03:13 PM Revision b7517223 (qgis): [composer] When searching snap targets, pick the closest one
03:09 PM Bug report #10390: QgsGenericProjectionSelector() need two click for to select
- This should be fixed in master, ref. #8298
05:38 AM Bug report #10390 (Closed): QgsGenericProjectionSelector() need two click for to select
- when i call QgsGenericProjectionSelector() and open the dialog i need to click twice for to select.
the first clic... -
03:00 PM Bug report #10395 (Closed): Zooming appearance
- This is a feature of multithreaded renderering and is much nicer then the old way IMO.
03:00 PM Bug report #10395 (Closed): Zooming appearance
- This is a feature of multithreaded renderering and is much nicer then the old way IMO.
02:20 PM Bug report #10395 (Closed): Zooming appearance
- Although not a bug ...
Zooming operations in vector data is more eye pleasant in QGIS 2.2, where data renders uniform... -
02:49 PM Revision c38d3e12 (qgis): [composer] Remove use of runtime_error for providing feedback from atlas
02:49 PM Revision 88b8369a (qgis): [composer] Always update filename when atlas feature changes, otherwise...
02:49 PM Revision d104045f (qgis): [composer] Block signals from controls when loading atlas widget
02:17 PM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- I Confirm on Windows.
On .shp files, both label and style column are erased.
MapInfo .TAB and .MIF files are als... -
01:18 PM Bug report #10340 (Reopened): Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to ...
- This is not completely fixed yet, and definitely a blocker. Seems with labeled layers of .shp file sources, clicking ...
01:18 PM Bug report #10340 (Reopened): Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to ...
- This is not completely fixed yet, and definitely a blocker. Seems with labeled layers of .shp file sources, clicking ...
02:02 AM Bug report #10340 (Closed): Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
02:12 PM Bug report #10394 (Closed): Panning shifts maps after mouse stop and release
- When panning with the mouse, halting pan and releasing the mouse button, the map shifts a few pixels in the current p...
02:02 PM Bug report #9480 (Closed): Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Should be fixed, excepting that sometimes the point is moved to an edge, which leaves the resultant label in a vague ...
02:02 PM Bug report #9480 (Closed): Labels for polygon centroids should always originate inside a polygon
- Should be fixed, excepting that sometimes the point is moved to an edge, which leaves the resultant label in a vague ...
01:51 PM Revision 49eba8ca (qgis): No contact information in service capabilities of wfs and wcs
11:50 AM Revision 0e706467 (qgis): Fix capitalisation of strings
11:30 AM Bug report #9060: Area is wrong in QGIS master (again)
- Here are my thoughts on this
The measure tool dialog for me for selecting Ellipsoid is superfluous in the General Ta... -
11:27 AM Revision ce90341a (qgis): Merge pull request #1404 from gioman/master
- [processing] add GRASS
11:27 AM Feature request #4857: Add unit type to $area calculation
- Units would be nice to have also in the Output Preview, that way I would know
Output preview - 10 m
Then I c... -
11:23 AM Feature request #3296: Areas and length from field calculator are different to derived or measure...
- This is still a problem and I disagree this should be tagged as Nice to have, there are lots of issues related to thi...
11:19 AM Bug report #10392 (Closed): Ellipsoid for measurement keeps getting reset
- In the General Tab if you change the Ellipsoid to Airy 1830 press apply then Ok, then you select WGS 84 and press app...
10:24 AM Revision 872ed828 (qgis): Respect field editable state in attribute form
09:33 AM Feature request #10391 (Open): Increase plugin download timeout
- Back in March when the plugin server was moving to a new host, Francesco P. Lovergine filed "Debian Bug #742688":http...
07:09 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- fixed the main issue in changeset commit:3e10000105476761fcabb9d9a9f904d280d613e9.
Table is read-only, but sorting ... -
07:08 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- Nathan - I was thinking about this also. Should they be disabled entirely or have an option somewhere?
Also, what do... -
05:56 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- I'm wondering if it makes to show it for vector results. I don't find it much use there in fact it's a bit overloade...
05:53 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- I actually used the table view to support rasters, and decided to add vectors also.
It was included last week and h... -
06:20 AM Revision 5754841c (qgis): Merge pull request #1401 from slarosa/identify_nogeometry
- [identify] skip layer with no geometry
04:54 AM Feature request #10378: field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- The big E is also what I'd go for.
Nathan, re red coloring of invalid expression, I have no strong feelings waiting ... -
04:20 AM Feature request #10378: field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- I agree I think the label expression icon is too small.
The other ideas are fine and I will add them after release ... -
03:13 AM Feature request #10378: field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- Actually, I think the label's expression button should be edited to remove the "..." part. It makes the icon very sma...
03:55 AM Bug report #10379: Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- I was referring to bug #9674, which is fixed in 2.3 and not related to this bug.
02:37 AM Bug report #10379: Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- >WFS is broken in 2.2
Also in current developer version (2.3)? -
02:04 AM Bug report #10379 (Open): Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- Henrik Uggla wrote:
> This is a regression compared to qgis server 1.8. WFS is broken in 2.2
then tagging this as a ... -
02:04 AM Bug report #10379 (Open): Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- Henrik Uggla wrote:
> This is a regression compared to qgis server 1.8. WFS is broken in 2.2
then tagging this as a ... -
03:45 AM Bug report #10389 (Closed): Drag and Drop designer: cannot scroll anymore a long form
- See the following image
in QGIS master (and 2.2) if the form is very long ther... -
03:44 AM Revision 5b61d1fe (qgis): Merge pull request #1394 from Oslandia/fix_atlas_signals
- Fix atlas signal emitting
02:34 AM Revision 850a1eee (qgis): fix doxygen warning
02:29 AM Feature request #10388 (Open): Graduated Style Label Precision and Formatting
- When applying a graduated style to a layer, the labels have an unnecessary level of precision. For instance a value o...
02:05 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Couldn't these options just be removed? Do we really need options for bolding individual GUI el... -
02:03 AM Bug report #10385 (Closed): Problems with labeling
- it seems really duplicate of #10340 that is fixed now in qgis master.
02:03 AM Bug report #10385 (Closed): Problems with labeling
- it seems really duplicate of #10340 that is fixed now in qgis master.
01:49 AM Bug report #10385: Problems with labeling
- Isn't it related to #10340 ?
You should maybe update QGIS. No such bug on today's windows version. -
06:24 PM Bug report #10385: Problems with labeling
- Please attach a sample project file with data, which exhibits the issue. I can not reproduce this on Mac anymore.
01:45 PM Bug report #10385 (Closed): Problems with labeling
- i'm using 2.3 version and i noticed this problem:
IfI create Labels il "Layer properties" and I confirm all the choic... -
01:46 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- I think this ticket should be closed as the issue has been fixed (it works fine since 2 or 3 days).
01:43 AM Revision c1f50db1 (qgis): fix warnings
01:38 AM Bug report #8923: SpatiaLite 4: added attributes disappear
- Created a pull request:
While the patch definitely is not perfect, it is the... -
01:32 AM Bug report #10381 (Closed): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Duplicates #8923
01:32 AM Bug report #10381 (Closed): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Duplicates #8923
01:23 AM Bug report #10381: Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Did some testing, and it depends on how the tables are created.
A) if the layer is created by importing shapefile, a... -
11:26 AM Bug report #10381 (Feedback): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Just tested master on Linux. SL DB created in QGIS (master), created a layer in it with 1 column, added a few feature...
11:26 AM Bug report #10381 (Feedback): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Just tested master on Linux. SL DB created in QGIS (master), created a layer in it with 1 column, added a few feature...
11:26 AM Bug report #10381 (Feedback): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- Just tested master on Linux. SL DB created in QGIS (master), created a layer in it with 1 column, added a few feature...
03:20 AM Bug report #10381 (Closed): Attribute table does not show new columns of spatialite layer
- When adding a column to a spatialite vector layer, using QSpatialite or any other tool, the column does not show in t...
01:28 AM Feature request #10387 (Open): change default label font
- It would be great to have the possibility to set the default font of the label just like one can set the font of the ...
12:45 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- Hello,
Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> I understand the problem now. I will set the table (or its items) as read-only.
Sor... -
02:22 PM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- I understand the problem now. I will set the table (or its items) as read-only.
11:33 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- I don't think that the table in that tab is supposed to allow edit the attributes, so I guess that the fact that the ...
11:31 AM Bug report #10376: New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "editable"(?)
- forget, now I see what you mean.
11:29 AM Bug report #10376 (Feedback): New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "e...
- If I have understand well the issue I can't replicate. Can you please explain again with a precise sequence of steps?...
12:37 AM Bug report #10386 (Closed): WFS-T layer change request timed out ("request" parameter missing)
- When you try save changes to WFS layer (in my case it's geoserver wfs layer in postgis2) the request end with error:
... -
12:36 AM Bug report #8735 (Closed): Automatic red alignment lines stay visible
- Sorry for the late response... but yes, this is not an issue anymore.
12:21 AM Revision 8d8e56dc (qgis): Merge pull request #1402 from manisandro/zoom_icon
- Improve composer mouse zoom action icon
12:19 AM Bug report #10384: Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- Couldn't these options just be removed? Do we really need options for bolding individual GUI elements?
10:58 AM Bug report #10384 (Closed): Some options to configure Layer legend in TOC don't work
- Hi,
In Settings menu > Options > Canvas and Legend Menu, there are some problems with the options:
- checking or not ... -
11:18 PM Revision 8c67cdf0 (qgis): Check Sqlite version to switch metadata initialization parameter
11:01 PM Revision c3ee6683 (qgis): Merge pull request #1405 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: composer
10:50 PM Revision 5d465fc1 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: composer
- 08:51 PM Revision affc9a16 (qgis): add GRASS
06:53 PM Revision 18e1bd05 (qgis): [layertree] Doxygen doc for QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge
06:26 PM Bug report #9705 (Closed): Rotation of the label can not be only up to half-turn
05:26 PM Revision 59c88cc0 (qgis): browser sorting fix
04:21 PM Revision afd46877 (qgis): Make OSM DB metadata initialization in transaction
04:04 PM Revision 0046a086 (qgis): [identify] skip layer with no geometry
03:57 PM Revision 302480d8 (qgis): Fix offset in event layer function
01:53 PM Revision 232a8d7e (qgis): prepare for GRASS 7 fata error
01:52 PM Revision 4cf3cb58 (qgis): [TRANSUP] tr by Osman
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
12:45 PM Bug report #10379: Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- This is a regression compared to qgis server 1.8. WFS is broken in 2.2
11:10 AM Bug report #10379 (Feedback): Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- is this a regression compared to qgis server 2.2 (or older)?
02:37 AM Bug report #10379 (Closed): Qgis mapserv: Flaky WFS GetFeature
- This call used to work fine in early Ubuntugis builds of 2.3: -
11:17 AM Bug report #4634 (Feedback): [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "aroun...
- andrea76 - wrote:
> Tested with qgis master (2014-05-28).
> The problem is mainly fixed, except for some features.... -
11:17 AM Bug report #4634 (Feedback): [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "aroun...
- andrea76 - wrote:
> Tested with qgis master (2014-05-28).
> The problem is mainly fixed, except for some features.... -
06:15 AM Bug report #4634: [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "around centroid"...
- Tested with qgis master (2014-05-28).
The problem is mainly fixed, except for some features. See the new attachment ... -
06:15 AM Bug report #4634: [PATCH] New labelling engine: wrong label placement with both "around centroid"...
- Tested with qgis master (2014-05-28).
The problem is mainly fixed, except for some features. See the new attachment ... -
11:13 AM Revision 21ae813b (qgis): Improve composer mouse zoom action icon
10:44 AM Revision 776e9b3f (qgis): Fix for bug #10372 (QGIS Server WMS does not put SERVICE section in Get...
09:52 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- I guess I could implement the 2-state case with changing icons, adding a 3rd state would be considered a new feature
08:43 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Re: toggling icons
Better if they change.
Re: 3 states
Sorry, no suggestion. -
08:42 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Re: full stop
/s/Expand tree./Expand tree
etc. -
05:40 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Also, if there are 3 states the same should apply for the "New results will be expanded by default" button.
05:31 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Furthermore, the full stop at the end of the description should be removed for consistency
... -
05:31 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- In the case of 2 options only(expand/collapse), should the icon change when toggled it is toggled or use a single ico...
03:44 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Hi,
Yes, I agree, one button would be better.
But i'm also wondering if it won't be nice to have an intermediate stat... -
09:29 AM Revision 5f23232a (qgis): Fix tooltip for save button on symbol dialog
- Fix #10368
09:16 AM Bug report #10361: GetMap - Add an option to configure JPEG compression per layer
- PR :
Thanks for reviews -
09:14 AM Revision c0b3e90f (qgis): [processing] fixes extract by location alg (fixes #10241)
07:24 AM Bug report #9693: OpenStreetMap XML import takes a long time
- Sent a pull request
05:46 AM Feature request #10370: New Identify Results panel: grey out useless buttons
- other buttons may also not be useful in other view mode: "New results...", "Print selected HTML...", "Copy selected.....
05:27 AM Feature request #10382 (Open): show map item outlines in canvas
- Just like a spreadsheet shows the borders of the print pages, it would be really useful to be able to toggle the bord...
04:16 AM Bug report #10375: EPSG:21781 not displayed
- Reinstalling Qgis 2.2 in a directory path without spaces do the trick.
Nicolas -
04:08 AM Bug report #10375 (Closed): EPSG:21781 not displayed
- I am working on XP, and EPSG:21781 is present in the CRS list.
This is not a matter of the operating system, but rat... -
02:55 AM Bug report #10372 (Closed): QGIS Server (as WMS) doesn't put SERVICE section in GetCapabilities a...
- Fixed. Thank you, *mhugent*! :-)
02:55 AM Bug report #10372 (Closed): QGIS Server (as WMS) doesn't put SERVICE section in GetCapabilities a...
- Fixed. Thank you, *mhugent*! :-)
02:29 AM Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
- I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :
L... -
02:29 AM Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
- I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :
L... -
02:29 AM Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
- I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :
01:45 AM Bug report #10372: QGIS Server (as WMS) doesn't put SERVICE section in GetCapabilities anymore
- Should be fixed with 776e9b3fe55731f031e2169c118694d2af5297bc. Please test and report back.
06:32 AM Bug report #10372 (Closed): QGIS Server (as WMS) doesn't put SERVICE section in GetCapabilities a...
- Hi,
I discovered that QGIS Server doesn't put the SERVICE section in the GetCapabilities on WMS, as it did in QGIS 2... -
01:37 AM Feature request #10378: field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- I like Matthias' idea of playing around with background color too. Whatever is decided, apply to both :)
Regarding p... -
01:30 AM Feature request #10378: field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- I like these suggestions.
1. For visual feedback it would be nice to test the possibility of having a softer red as ... -
11:49 PM Feature request #10378 (Closed): field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
- As a starting point, see the attached screenshot which puts the label "bar" (i.e. the field / expression text/drop do...
12:44 AM Bug report #9858 (Closed): Processing - Distance to nearest hub tool creates output but gets stuc...
- it seems to be fixed in master, please reopen if necessary.
12:29 AM Bug report #10368 (Closed): Incorrect tooltip in Layer Properties dialogue
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5f23232af50399d9904b64d889e3490727a0c611".
05:07 AM Bug report #10368 (Closed): Incorrect tooltip in Layer Properties dialogue
- When you hover the mouse over the *Save* button in the *Style Tab* a tooltip appears with the words *Move down*. This...
12:14 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Thanks indeed for reporting same problem, and working on a fix Nyall!
Filip -
11:56 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Thanks everyone for the detailed reports - I've been able to reproduce this now in 2.2 on Windows. Working on a fix f...
11:53 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I do confirm that Tom saids, panning the map (or also placing the map item in a different place) right after changing...
05:07 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I can verify that reopening the project (Project -> Open in QGIS) respawns the composer in 'responsive' mode as norma...
01:42 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I had the same issue right now, in my case I was updating items in the Legend when it became unresponsive no matter w...
08:33 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- same behavior here with all plugins disabled.
Interesting: if the next action you do after changing scale is to sele... -
08:22 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- I get the same behavior using Filip's procedure:
- change scale of one of the insets
- then select a different map ob... -
08:14 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Filip Mahieu wrote:
> Here again another zip. All is placed in the same directory.
> Project, Print composers, TestA... -
07:25 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Well, I >thought< it was persistent after QGIS exit and QGIS restart, but, now I can't duplicate that. Will update i...
07:18 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Hello, I am having what I believe is the same issue. Let me know if I should open another bug report instead.
QGIS2... -
05:58 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Here again another zip. All is placed in the same directory.
Project, Print composers, TestA4STaand. Click on the ma... -
05:58 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Here again another zip. All is placed in the same directory.
Project, Print composers, TestA4STaand. Click on the ma... -
11:51 PM Revision a3628a67 (qgis): fix sip sync merge
11:48 PM Revision 918b370f (qgis): german translation update
11:42 PM Bug report #10375: EPSG:21781 not displayed
- You are right, It depend on OS.
Epsg 21781 is available on win 7 64b, but not on XP. (plz refer to attached screens... -
11:42 PM Bug report #10375: EPSG:21781 not displayed
- You are right, It depend on OS.
Epsg 21781 is available on win 7 64b, but not on XP. (plz refer to attached screens... -
02:09 PM Bug report #10375: EPSG:21781 not displayed
- Hi Nicolas
What is your operating system? I've just did a lot of work precisely is this CRS and all went as expected... -
08:20 AM Bug report #10375 (Closed): EPSG:21781 not displayed
- The CH1903 / LV03 projection aka EPSG:21781 isn't displayed as choosing projection.
Only EPSG:21782 is active.
This... -
11:32 PM Revision c4c131ef (qgis): sip sync
11:05 PM Feature request #10377 (Closed): would like ability to disable vertical axis labels appearing on ...
- When the map is rotated just a bit, so as to account for grid north versus true north (1.60 degrees in this case), an...
10:19 PM Feature request #859: Assign vector colors from column
- Is there any description how is this implemented please?
09:46 PM Revision 260cff4e (qgis): Merge pull request #1396 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: SelectionPanel, QObject, App, LayerTreeView
07:32 PM Revision 80282f01 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: SelectionPanel, QObject, App, LayerTreeView
07:06 PM Revision 37c1cad1 (qgis): Make sure a widget is initialized when creating a widget wrapper
- Fix #10357
06:20 PM Revision 644dd13c (qgis): Fix add features dialog
- Fix #10362
06:20 PM Revision ee770c4f (qgis): Better implementation of 20015e72
- Fix #10345
06:07 PM Revision 101d3c4c (qgis): [layertree] Doxygen docs for QgsLayerTreeView
05:09 PM Revision 9cd70c56 (qgis): [layertree] Use writePath() for embedded groups (absolute vs relative p...
04:49 PM Revision 48ee84b1 (qgis): [layertree] Fix #10373 (embedded group not loaded if with relative path)
03:49 PM Revision df099108 (qgis): [layertree] Added QgsLayerTreeModel doxygen docs + minor API changes
03:39 PM Feature request #9476: When exporting a composer, use it's name as default filename
- Can we have something as default? I had to do exports today and manually doing this is time consuming
My thoughts
I... -
03:03 PM Revision d9b78bfa (qgis): Fix atlas signal emitting
02:13 PM Bug report #10364 (Closed): Python error when saving files with Processing in QGIS master
- Fixed in commit:e4d0f1551173fc9105805a5d26293d2a45879efa
02:13 PM Bug report #10364 (Closed): Python error when saving files with Processing in QGIS master
- Fixed in commit:e4d0f1551173fc9105805a5d26293d2a45879efa
02:12 PM Revision b49ce335 (qgis): Fix #10366 (geometry functions not working in rule test)
01:39 PM Revision 6cb4cbb1 (qgis): #9480: Add centroidInside to sip file
01:39 PM Revision 59427e22 (qgis): #9480: Add /Factory/ to pointOnSurface() method
01:39 PM Revision 0fdd3acf (qgis): #9480: Add GUI checkbox option in labeling
01:39 PM Revision 1e54a460 (qgis): #9480: Force label position inside of polygons in PAL labeling library
01:39 PM Revision 72b3d3fe (qgis): #9480: New option for CentroidFillSymbolLayerV2 to force centroid insid...
01:39 PM Revision cbee3d35 (qgis): #9480: New 'pointOnSurface' method for QgsGeometry
01:26 PM Revision 83eec4ac (qgis): Enable disabled simplification code after merge MTR (2-2)
- Enable AntialiasingSimplification
01:26 PM Revision 4ab24a4f (qgis): Enable disabled simplification code after merge MTR (1-2)
- Disable simplification of geometries in composer by default
12:58 PM Bug report #10361: GetMap - Add an option to configure JPEG compression per layer
- I have almost finished implementing a project WMS capabilities option called "imageQuality". I will send a pull reque...
12:23 PM Bug report #10344 (Closed): Select from open layers on Processing
- Olá Giovanni,
Sorry, I checked the correction of the commit in the Core Processing folder, instead of Processing fol... -
12:19 PM Bug report #9691 (Closed): Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
09:59 AM Bug report #9691: Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
- Dear Nyall
I tested on current master (v. 2.3). The issue has been fixed. Great!
Thanks a lot, I was really looking... -
03:37 AM Bug report #9691 (Feedback): Rotation of ESRI Shapefile with transparency in Print Composer
- Can you confirm whether you still see this issue in current master (v 2.3)? I can't reproduce this issue and suspect ...
11:20 AM Revision 20015e72 (qgis): Attribute table: Fix repaint on change
- Fix #10345
10:09 AM Bug report #10376 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: values in the "table" tab should not "edi...
- *New description:*
In the new identify panel, in the "table" tab, the values seems are editable as the user can doub... -
10:07 AM Bug report #10357 (Closed): The Tool "Merge Selected Features" makes QGIS crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"37c1cad11a3d8a65ec1984a4229f725a000b8e96".
10:02 AM Revision b41944ff (qgis): [layertree] Add docs to QgsLayerTreeUtils
09:53 AM Bug report #8878: OSM plugin fails to download all data within given extent
- If I use the QGIS OSM plugin to download the data (step 1 and 2), but then use `Add vector Layer` to import the .osm,...
03:46 AM Bug report #8878: OSM plugin fails to download all data within given extent
- Martin, your suggestion causes recursions which, for areas bigger then this example, will make the query fail (Overpa...
09:21 AM Bug report #10362 (Closed): Crash on rollback after addition of a feature
- Fixed in changeset commit:"644dd13c3a00d55e89bf14a917e5dfd23dcd22bb".
09:11 AM Revision 3853fc23 (qgis): Inverted polygon renderer: update SIP
09:03 AM Revision 9d494228 (qgis): Inverted polygon renderer: add test for projected and merged
08:15 AM Bug report #10373 (Closed): embed group is not correctly imported
- Fixed in changeset commit:"48ee84b1bfacec593704b7b666dd113710f2bf88".
06:43 AM Bug report #10373 (Closed): embed group is not correctly imported
- If you import an old project to the new legend versions, project with embed groups (not embed layers) are not loaded ...
07:39 AM Revision 2df8f8c1 (qgis): [layertree] Fix #10347 - save also old <legend> tag
- QGIS server does not use QgsProject for loading of QGIS project.
In order to allow reading of new projects, let's als... -
07:29 AM Bug report #10374 (Closed): moving object function disabled with Oracle provider
- QGIS 2.2 with connection to Oracle spatial.
When I try to edit point layer, moving object function is disabled.
A... -
06:53 AM Bug report #9503 (Closed): Fill patterns are clipped when exporting rotated composer to PDF
05:21 AM Bug report #9503: Fill patterns are clipped when exporting rotated composer to PDF
- I can confirm it has been fixed, please close.
03:37 AM Bug report #9503 (Feedback): Fill patterns are clipped when exporting rotated composer to PDF
- Can you confirm whether you still see this issue in current master (v 2.3)? I can't reproduce this issue and suspect ...
06:29 AM Bug report #10371 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: window title
- The heading of the popup should not read "qgis.bin" but something more appropriate
(e.g. the name of the layer) -
06:28 AM Feature request #10370 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: grey out useless buttons
- The Expand/Collapse button(s) should be removed or greyed when in table or graph mode
06:27 AM Feature request #10369: New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Furthermore, the full stop at the end of the description should be removed for consistency
06:27 AM Feature request #10369 (Closed): New Identify Results panel: one button not two
- Instead of two buttons (Expand tree+Collapse tree) a single toggling (on/off) button
could be better -
06:08 AM Revision bba9a99d (qgis): [layertree] do not allow drag'n'drop of internal embedded nodes
05:13 AM Bug report #10366 (Closed): Rule based Filter Test always reports 0 feature
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b49ce33543d2b934b4908a91dc9b2788073187a1".
04:03 AM Bug report #10366: Rule based Filter Test always reports 0 feature
- I used $area of the geometry as a part of my expression.
The Count for each rule also report 0.
It works fine with f... -
03:22 AM Bug report #10366 (Closed): Rule based Filter Test always reports 0 feature
- To reproduce the bug:
Open a line shapefile
Select rule based styling
Add an expression for the Filter
Click on Test:... -
04:08 AM Bug report #10367 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when deleting the last vertex of an uncommitted line wit...
- To replicate:
* Create a line layer
* Digitise a new segment with two nodes
* Use the node tool to delete the last n... -
02:20 AM Bug report #10345 (Closed): New field calculator bar does not refresh values after update
- Fixed in changeset commit:"20015e723a25186486d695fe59be028ef4528bd4".
01:21 AM Bug report #8878: OSM plugin fails to download all data within given extent
- The tertiary road is correctly downloaded, I can see it in the ways table (id=204549674,
12:43 AM Bug report #8878: OSM plugin fails to download all data within given extent
- I have found this same issue and the workaround is to download the .osm files using the export button on www.openstre...
12:21 AM Bug report #10338: inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
- Fix submitted
It adds an option for the use of a spatial union -
12:20 AM Bug report #10355: crash: switching to inverted polygon symbology while a layer has show feature ...
- Submitted here -
02:21 AM Bug report #10355: crash: switching to inverted polygon symbology while a layer has show feature ...
- Thanks.
I've fixed it, it will be part of an upcoming PR -
02:11 AM Bug report #10355 (Closed): crash: switching to inverted polygon symbology while a layer has show...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Add a layer to the project (I'm trying with a polygon shapefile but it... -
12:16 AM Revision e4d0f155 (qgis): [processing] fixed #10364
12:12 AM Bug report #10347: No layers in QGIS server GetCapabilities
- Sounds great!
11:16 PM Bug report #10347: No layers in QGIS server GetCapabilities
- I'm planning to port the server code to project/layertree in the mid-term (ideally shortly after 2.4 is out).
10:42 PM Bug report #10347 (Closed): No layers in QGIS server GetCapabilities
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2df8f8c11ec3c3923a14c36114e06f3ef141458a".
10:37 PM Bug report #10365 (Closed): QgsExpression::expression() incorrectly returns escaped strings
- I'm pretty sure I've tracked this down to QgsExpression::expression() - steps to reproduce:
1. Add a layer to the ma... -
09:30 PM Revision 0d9fc509 (qgis): [Plugin Manager] Show all plugins in the All tab. Fixes #10334
09:03 PM Revision 2c20afd3 (qgis): restore previous Qgs(App)LegendInterface behaviour
08:21 PM Revision 02e1e128 (qgis): Merge pull request #1390 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: MetaSearch
08:06 PM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Hmmm... I can't reproduce this either. I suspect its a windows specific issue, but I still haven't been able to repro...
06:26 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- cannot replicate the issue with the attached project/data (on linux/master). Will assign this to Nyall and see if he ...
06:12 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Second try, with just one datafile and Google Hybrid.
06:05 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Here you are. Zipped, inclusive the project (other name now).
05:42 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Filip Mahieu wrote:
> In the master it does give the same problem. In Attach a qgis 2-project in which the problem is... -
05:19 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Filip Mahieu wrote:
> In the master it does give the same problem. In Attach a qgis 2-project in which the problem is... -
05:16 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- In the master it does give the same problem. In Attach a qgis 2-project in which the problem is. After changing 1 or ...
07:49 PM Revision 8bbb2aad (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: MetaSearch
06:43 PM Revision 315b28c2 (qgis): Inverted polygon renderer: fix rendering when projection is enabled
06:36 PM Revision 78525dbb (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari, sv by Victor
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
- 06:36 PM Revision 2ef7dcf6 (qgis): [processing] Update Processing toolbox when a provider is added or removed
- 05:54 PM Revision aa43059d (qgis): [processing] Make sure the log tab is visible before executing an algor...
- 05:49 PM Revision 11b47517 (qgis): [processing] Fix problem with displaying R graphs
- 05:48 PM Revision 80dc723b (qgis): [processing] Add some missing algorithms
- 05:43 PM Revision a09aa76e (qgis): [processing] Allow algorithm providers to set the allowed output raster...
05:43 PM Revision 230c0504 (qgis): Inverted polygon renderer: make sure the each symbol category is always...
- 05:39 PM Revision 3799f115 (qgis): [processing] Search for description files also in the sub-directories o...
05:28 PM Revision 12400740 (qgis): [layertree] Use QgisApp implementation of remove layers
- That one also asks whether to 1. save changes to layers, 2. really remove
05:15 PM Revision 80ae9ef2 (qgis): Inverted polygon renderer: add an option to preprocess polygons using a...
04:29 PM Revision 629cd7a8 (qgis): [layertree] Add expand/collapse all actions to legend menu
04:29 PM Revision 8499b4d0 (qgis): [layertree] Fix broken signal connection
04:29 PM Revision 62e499e1 (qgis): Promote rendererChanged() signal from raster+vector layer to base map l...
04:00 PM Revision 2fc65a9e (qgis): try to remove spaces and quotes to get a fieldname from an expression
03:19 PM Bug report #10304 (Closed): IOError: Errno 9 Bad file descriptor
- The line causing the problem was removed in ef8383a75202a27720f9206c6917a78702e3adc7. This shoudl be already fixed
02:45 PM Revision c095fe92 (qgis): Improve map unit scale dialog title and add descriptive
02:44 PM Revision c460b21f (qgis): Add tooltip to map unit scale edit button
02:11 PM Feature request #10341: New Plug-in and dependencies.
- Hi I'm the creator of that plugin. This was a mistake I made when releasing the first version of the plugin, that I f...
03:39 AM Feature request #10341 (Rejected): New Plug-in and dependencies.
- Issues for 3rd party plugins are to be reported in the tracker defined by the developer, in this case the link is in ...
03:39 AM Feature request #10341 (Rejected): New Plug-in and dependencies.
- Issues for 3rd party plugins are to be reported in the tracker defined by the developer, in this case the link is in ...
- 01:11 PM Revision dcbf893e (qgis): Pass distance area into field calc bar
- 12:43 PM Revision c5bde9b5 (qgis): Fix #10350 - Run update on return in field calc bar
12:40 PM Revision 0eed3dcc (qgis): svg search path fix, fixes #8664
12:32 PM Bug report #10334 (Closed): "All" tab of Plugins window doesn't contain new plugins
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0d9fc5091f540927171f50329aec637f92699c26".
11:55 AM Revision 53a8adc2 (qgis): Merge pull request #1387 from luca76/patch-1
- Fix a string
- 11:50 AM Revision 4243b0bb (qgis): Fix a string
- Fixed a string with wrong character
11:22 AM Revision 19041a80 (qgis): Inverted renderer: make sure it works when no painter is here (feature ...
11:02 AM Revision 5e240b89 (qgis): Fix add feature dialog for attribute-less layers
- Fix #10351
11:00 AM Feature request #10348: Let geoprocessing reproject layers before running an analysis
- probably a memory layer that is reprojected can be used, in this case the issue here is one projection needs to be se...
02:10 AM Feature request #10348: Let geoprocessing reproject layers before running an analysis
- For a newbie like me, it would seem natural that the analysis should work because the projections have been set corre...
10:44 AM Bug report #10364 (Closed): Python error when saving files with Processing in QGIS master
- when choosing "save as file":
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/g... -
10:44 AM Bug report #10363 (Closed): Fill Ring tool broken in master
- After finishing to draw the ring (that is automatically filled) then pop-up with the attributes form shows, but the "...
08:44 AM Bug report #10360 (Open): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes throu...
- I made to replicate the issue, and it is actually a regression. Steps to replicate (tested with PostGIS, may apply to...
08:44 AM Bug report #10360 (Open): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes throu...
- I made to replicate the issue, and it is actually a regression. Steps to replicate (tested with PostGIS, may apply to...
08:44 AM Bug report #10360 (Open): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes throu...
- I made to replicate the issue, and it is actually a regression. Steps to replicate (tested with PostGIS, may apply to...
08:44 AM Bug report #10360 (Open): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes throu...
- I made to replicate the issue, and it is actually a regression. Steps to replicate (tested with PostGIS, may apply to...
08:00 AM Bug report #10360 (Feedback): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes t...
- can you please explain the issue with a list of steps (describing what kind of layer are you copying from, if it has ...
07:28 AM Bug report #10360 (Closed): Need to save PostGis new features before filling their attributes thr...
- Hi,
When digitising new features in a PostGIS table, you can add its attributes before saving into the database (for ... -
08:44 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Dedy Fuadi wrote:
> > Hello friends, I have found the solution for this error (python error ... -
03:45 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- Dedy Fuadi wrote:
> Hello friends, I have found the solution for this error (python error when we try to add geometry... -
08:36 AM Bug report #10361: GetMap - Add an option to configure JPEG compression per layer
- I copy here Marco's answer (in qgis-dev mailing list)
* At the moment, the compression rate is left to the Qt librar... -
08:13 AM Bug report #10361 (Closed): GetMap - Add an option to configure JPEG compression per layer
- I have some people giving feedback about the current JPEG compression. Many
users think the "FORMAT=image/jpeg" param... -
08:34 AM Bug report #10362: Crash on rollback after addition of a feature
- Yes, related to fix of #10337
08:29 AM Bug report #10362: Crash on rollback after addition of a feature
- is a regression?
08:27 AM Bug report #10362 (Closed): Crash on rollback after addition of a feature
- Something is getting wrong with the vector layer commands.
Steps to reproduce:
1. add a vector layer
2. start editin... -
07:50 AM Bug report #10344: Select from open layers on Processing
- Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> Hi Giovanni,
> This is happening to me with QGIS master on Ubuntu 14.04.
> On the mach... -
04:24 AM Bug report #10344: Select from open layers on Processing
- Hi Giovanni,
This is happening to me with QGIS master on Ubuntu 14.04.
On the machine with Ubuntu 12.04, I'm using... -
03:52 AM Bug report #10344 (Feedback): Select from open layers on Processing
- Hi Pedro,
I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and qgis master (clean install) from nightly build repo and cannot confirm this issue. -
07:40 AM Bug report #9444: WFS client not requesting new features when not-cached
- Actually, the bug with no-cache seems to have worsened with time. With today's master, the QgsWFSProvider::getFeature...
06:29 AM Bug report #10357: The Tool "Merge Selected Features" makes QGIS crash
- confirmed on linux
giovanni@sibirica ~/site $ qgis
Warning: loading of qt translation failed [/usr/share/qt4/transla... -
06:29 AM Bug report #10357: The Tool "Merge Selected Features" makes QGIS crash
- confirmed on linux
giovanni@sibirica ~/site $ qgis
Warning: loading of qt translation failed [/usr/share/qt4/transla... -
06:22 AM Bug report #10357 (Closed): The Tool "Merge Selected Features" makes QGIS crash
- Open a layer
Start editing
Select some features and press "Merge Attributes of Selected Features" tool.
QGIS crashes!... -
05:51 AM Bug report #10271: Crash when using SVG markers
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> May be related to #9826 ?
or #9959-7? -
05:38 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- A few notes:
* the problem seems to be related to the "complexity" of the geometry, a slightly generalized version o... -
05:38 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- A few notes:
* the problem seems to be related to the "complexity" of the geometry, a slightly generalized version o... -
05:38 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- A few notes:
* the problem seems to be related to the "complexity" of the geometry, a slightly generalized version o... -
05:38 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- A few notes:
* the problem seems to be related to the "complexity" of the geometry, a slightly generalized version o... -
05:38 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- A few notes:
* the problem seems to be related to the "complexity" of the geometry, a slightly generalized version o... -
04:23 AM Bug report #10356: Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- I tried this on a machine with more RAM than JH's. The process worked but ended up using about 7 Gigabytes for this o...
03:58 AM Bug report #10356 (Closed): Buffer locks up system/fills swap (memory leak)
- the memory usage goes up very quickly and my system becomes very unresponsive after about 30 seconds.
processing does... - 04:15 AM Feature request #10350 (Closed): field calculator bar: hitting the 'enter' keyboard key should ac...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c5bde9b56d7569845b05a5773f853c5a49e2a648".
03:58 AM Bug report #8664: qgis dont load SVG symbol from they are in more than one subfolder in name attr...
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:41 AM Bug report #8664 (Closed): qgis dont load SVG symbol from they are in more than one subfolder in ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0eed3dccd9937956aa7829c053664ab0de7a844f".
03:58 AM Bug report #10327: QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:57 AM Bug report #9959: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:55 AM Bug report #10306: Identify WMS does not work with format feature (GML)
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:54 AM Bug report #5896 (Closed): Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:53 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- Anita Graser wrote:
> This is kind of a regression since filtering dates used to work when they were still interprete... -
03:52 AM Bug report #9579: wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:51 AM Bug report #8887: qgis don't use correctly the map-units in dimension of data-defined-properties ...
- Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).
03:43 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Thanks that last response.
> If the layers you get come in WGS84 coordinates, how do you ch... -
02:19 AM Bug report #10351: widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column-less mem...
- #1386
02:14 AM Bug report #10351: widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column-less mem...
- Mathieu, I now just fixed the "Ok" button version.
Fixing it with removing the dialog would not be difficult afaict, ... -
02:08 AM Bug report #10351: widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column-less mem...
- Thanks Matthias.
02:03 AM Bug report #10351 (Closed): widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"5e240b895bda6685719eeadb47952d3b4892ac1d".
02:08 AM Bug report #10354 (Closed): DB Manager: displaying the preview tab for a table adds it to the map
- Hi,
- Open DB Manager and connect to your database (postgis one in my case)
- select a table and click on preview tab...
01:40 AM Bug report #10349 (Closed): field calculator bar: clicking on 'update all' won't visually refresh...
07:53 PM Bug report #10349: field calculator bar: clicking on 'update all' won't visually refresh cell val...
- Just realize #10345 was filed shortly before this issue, closing as duplicate.
07:24 PM Bug report #10349 (Closed): field calculator bar: clicking on 'update all' won't visually refresh...
- Updating a column's value via the field calculator bar's Update All button fails to refresh the modified cells until ...
01:17 AM Bug report #10338: inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
- Ok, after some experiments with QPainter, it appears the filling rules won't solve this problem easily.
So I think yo... -
12:25 AM Bug report #10328 (Closed): Layer not shown when with a default style
- Confirmed, it works with current master.
12:25 AM Bug report #10328 (Closed): Layer not shown when with a default style
- Confirmed, it works with current master.
12:24 AM Feature request #10353 (Open): Improve expressions in Atlas
- I'm using 2 shp.
A shp (a) for lamps on a town (public lighting)
A shp (b) for areas of lamps on the same electrical ... -
11:23 PM Bug report #9626 (Closed): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- A simple example plugin with QWebPage is here:
01:26 PM Bug report #9626 (Reopened): Crash when adding OpenLayers layer
- After our discussions in Vienna, Martin offered to provide a reference implementation for Python plugins, which can b...
10:55 PM Feature request #10348: Let geoprocessing reproject layers before running an analysis
- This is a feature, not a bug: analyses are run on original layers, not on reprojected ones
03:48 PM Feature request #10348 (Rejected): Let geoprocessing reproject layers before running an analysis
- I am trying to intersect points from my postgis table planet_osm_point (ESPG:3857) and boundaries from a shapefile (E...
08:02 PM Bug report #10352 (Closed): Exception with offset polygon layer and composition
- I get an unknown except error when working with a map item in a composition, which I'm 90% certain is caused by an of...
07:53 PM Bug report #10345: New field calculator bar does not refresh values after update
- Steps to reproduce this issue here #10349
09:59 AM Bug report #10345: New field calculator bar does not refresh values after update
- Sounds more like an attribute table / layer cache problem than related to the expression bar. This does not need to d...
08:11 AM Bug report #10345 (Closed): New field calculator bar does not refresh values after update
- Using the new field calculator bar, I have noticed that the values are not refreshed unless you scroll the attribute ...
07:52 PM Bug report #10351 (Closed): widget refactoring regression: impossible to add features to a column...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Add a memory layer (polygon)
3. Turn on the edit mode of that newly ad... -
07:31 PM Revision d652a809 (qgis): mapserver QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH support, fixes #10327
07:26 PM Feature request #10350 (Closed): field calculator bar: hitting the 'enter' keyboard key should ac...
- The subject says it all, it would greatly improve user experience of the field calculator bar if hitting the 'enter' ...
06:40 PM Revision f57d4063 (qgis): Fix #10343 (legend crash with invalid layer)
- Fixed the crash itself in the context menu, but also changed the behavior
to remove any invalid layers from project a... -
06:38 PM Revision 35de393d (qgis): Correctly load dnd relations in fields properties
- Fix #10065
06:38 PM Revision 2700bcd5 (qgis): Fix widget to wrapper converter code
- Fixes #10337
06:17 PM Revision 2c51dcb7 (qgis): Fix #10339 (crash when reordering layers)
- This was caused by the recent addition of currentNode handling in model.
Changed to use persistent indices which are ... -
05:24 PM Bug report #9466 (Closed): Print composer - missing string for translation
03:02 PM Bug report #7441: Measurements in degrees even when meters are chosen as map units
- I am unable to change the canvas unit from degrees to metres in the project properties (qgis2.2).
CRS Transformation ... -
02:42 PM Bug report #10335 (Reopened): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- Hi,
I understand what you say but you can't ignore that there's an issue somewhere. For the same data, you can't get ... - 02:37 PM Revision e4b2d43c (qgis): Use flat group box in options dialog to reduce nesting
- 02:37 PM Revision 79a57a2c (qgis): Reduce margins on delete field dialog, save geometry
- 02:11 PM Revision bd6df5a3 (qgis): Set better default size for new field dialog
- 02:08 PM Revision d980809e (qgis): Reduce margins on project selector dialog
- 01:55 PM Revision e85f5606 (qgis): Restore dialog size for some dialogs
- 01:51 PM Revision 16e5d1c2 (qgis): Reduce margins on field calc bar
12:06 PM Bug report #10347 (Closed): No layers in QGIS server GetCapabilities
- There are no layers in QGIS GetCapabilities response with projects files saved by latest master. It works with old pr...
12:04 PM Revision 439065d1 (qgis): Merge pull request #1385 from gioman/getshapeextent
- Fix SAGA GetShapeExtents
11:50 AM Bug report #10346 (Closed): progress bar and setText not working on a mac with user script
- Using progress.setText or progress.setPercentage in a user script works perfectly on windows but doesn't produce any ...
11:39 AM Bug report #10165: Cannot use "less than"/"greater than" operators on date fields
- This is kind of a regression since filtering dates used to work when they were still interpreted as strings instead o...
11:37 AM Revision fc8f15a4 (qgis): svg cache lookup fix, fixes #9959
11:04 AM Revision 81293dbe (qgis): Fix add attribute dialog
- Fix #10337
11:04 AM Revision 3871ce72 (qgis): Revert "Fix #10337 - Allow attribute form on all features (new QgsFeatu...
- This reverts commit 9bdc932e9648d885352da772dc13687562617d43.
10:51 AM Bug report #10327: QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- Because there are potentially many options which may be useful also in server, I added to server support for QGIS_OPT...
10:32 AM Bug report #10327 (Closed): QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d652a8099fc5c234eeb3b19e754d91e001f2f956".
10:01 AM Bug report #10342 (Closed): major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute t...
- commit:2700bcd fixes actually this bug and not the one noted in the commit message.
Writing git commit messages offli... -
10:01 AM Bug report #10342 (Closed): major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute t...
- commit:2700bcd fixes actually this bug and not the one noted in the commit message.
Writing git commit messages offli... -
09:41 AM Bug report #10343 (Closed): Crash in legend with invalid layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f57d4063a83bf6e05813583884b522d88d954a4a".
07:02 AM Bug report #10343 (Closed): Crash in legend with invalid layer
- QGIS crashes when a project with invalid layer is opened.
Steps to reproduce:
* create a project
* move/rename the ... -
09:38 AM Bug report #10065 (Closed): QGIS 2.2 Attribute Editor Layout “Drag and Drop designer” Field does ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"35de393d8d1bc502c0e61848ab98b58803fefea5".
09:23 AM Bug report #10339 (Closed): crash regression (layer refactoring) when dragging a layer at the ver...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2c51dcb7e90d26ceab743a29479e1e92a77e9dda".
08:05 AM Bug report #10344: Select from open layers on Processing
- This is related to #10277.
I already have the commit 9733ae8 applied... -
07:49 AM Bug report #10344 (Closed): Select from open layers on Processing
- Hi,
Using the option "Select from open layers" in the second parameter of any tool in Batch Processing, gives this e... -
08:05 AM Revision 29187e4c (qgis): [TRANSUP] es by carlos
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
- 06:33 AM Revision 9bdc932e (qgis): Fix #10337 - Allow attribute form on all features (new QgsFeatures are ...
05:14 AM Feature request #10341: New Plug-in and dependencies.
- The plug-in is called SimpliPy. Beyond this particular plug-in problem, interpret my message as a suggestion for a be...
05:09 AM Revision 41e37e10 (qgis): [composer] Fix hang with enabling atlas on a map with a point coverage ...
05:09 AM Revision 93299800 (qgis): [composer] Fix multiple refresh of items
04:06 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- related or duplicate of #10163
02:55 AM Bug report #9959: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- The problem was that SVG cache was searched comparing file name to full path returned by QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::symbo...
02:38 AM Bug report #9959 (Closed): crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- Fixed in changeset commit:"fc8f15a4e72aae997bd7b5f888ab4f418277f1ae".
02:34 AM Bug report #10153 (Closed): QGIS master crashes if SVG is missing (SVG fill)
- Duplicates #9959.
02:14 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- That file is for you too, Andrey Isakov . :D
02:12 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- Hello friends, I have found the solution for this error (python error when we try to add geometry columns by qgis).
02:12 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- Hello friends, I have found the solution for this error (python error when we try to add geometry columns by qgis).
02:12 AM Bug report #8988: "Export/Add geometry columns" error for layers with line geometries
- Hello friends, I have found the solution for this error (python error when we try to add geometry columns by qgis).
01:24 AM Revision 6375f64d (qgis): [composer] Clean up atlas code, move shape and page updating to shape a...
11:58 PM Bug report #10342: major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute table cells
- Doh! Sorry for my (wrong) assumption :)
11:57 PM Bug report #10342: major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute table cells
- I don't think so but I will have a look tonight.
11:55 PM Bug report #10342 (Closed): major regression: impossible to edit column value via the attribute t...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Switch the layer's edit mode on
3. Open the Attribute Table windo... -
11:40 PM Revision 5186a683 (qgis): [composer] Fix crash caused by map items with zero height/width
- 09:33 PM Bug report #10337 (Closed): huge regression: impossible to add new features to layers being edited
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9bdc932e9648d885352da772dc13687562617d43".
09:01 PM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Thanks that last response.
If the layers you get come in WGS84 coordinates, how do you change the coordinates into s... -
02:38 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- The issue is due to rounding happening when selecting features and snapping nodes.
In the short term, I would advise... -
08:59 PM Revision b59a01c5 (qgis): fixes for gdal 2.0 to make sure that OGR drivers and not used as raster...
08:37 PM Revision a168b903 (qgis): sip sync and indentation update
08:37 PM Revision 7e5b6f73 (qgis): fix doxygen warnings
08:06 PM Feature request #10341: New Plug-in and dependencies.
- This is probably better off in the plugin's bug tracker or contacting the plugin author. By the way you don't even na...
07:49 PM Feature request #10341 (Rejected): New Plug-in and dependencies.
- An interesting plug-in, made by Albert Ferràs, just appeared in my "New" plug-in tab. The problem is that it asks for...
- 08:03 PM Revision 10fd65a0 (qgis): fix SAGA GetShapesExtents take2
- 08:01 PM Revision 34dbf681 (qgis): fix SAGA GetShapesExtents
04:52 PM Revision 43f154ba (qgis): [processing] run "sed -i s/sextante/processing/g *.rst" over saga help ...
03:42 PM Revision 0dd3ede8 (qgis): [TRANSUP] update languages from transifex
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:42 PM Bug report #10304: IOError: Errno 9 Bad file descriptor
- i confirm this behaviour
11:31 AM Bug report #10244 (Open): "Join Attributes Tables" returns wrong results if input layers have a j...
> Input layer 1 a Shapefile with a join
what type is the join layer? shape? csv? dbf?
> Input layer 2 a CSV file...-
11:31 AM Bug report #10244 (Open): "Join Attributes Tables" returns wrong results if input layers have a j...
> Input layer 1 a Shapefile with a join
what type is the join layer? shape? csv? dbf?
> Input layer 2 a CSV file...-
11:31 AM Bug report #10244 (Open): "Join Attributes Tables" returns wrong results if input layers have a j...
> Input layer 1 a Shapefile with a join
what type is the join layer? shape? csv? dbf?
> Input layer 2 a CSV file...-
09:23 AM Bug report #10104: new identification mode selection not working as expected
- when looking at/fixing this ticket please also see #10321
I also agree that the highlighting if identified features ... -
09:23 AM Bug report #10104: new identification mode selection not working as expected
- when looking at/fixing this ticket please also see #10321
I also agree that the highlighting if identified features ... -
09:23 AM Bug report #10104: new identification mode selection not working as expected
- when looking at/fixing this ticket please also see #10321
I also agree that the highlighting if identified features ... -
09:20 AM Bug report #10321: Change in behavior of attribute forms
- I think that this ticket should be merged with #10104
07:45 AM Bug report #10321: Change in behavior of attribute forms
- I agree with Thomas, when the attribute form is closed, the feature stays selected, and if we switch to another tool ...
09:14 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Confirmed here, regression.
09:14 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Confirmed here, regression.
09:14 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Confirmed here, regression.
09:14 AM Bug report #10340: Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Confirmed here, regression.
09:07 AM Bug report #10340 (Closed): Clicking "apply" causes the column used for labelling/symbology to reset
- Hi,
In the label menu of a vector Layer, choose the column to use for labeling and press APPLY. Your labels are appli... -
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
09:01 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- The same happens with the "original" tool, the one in the vector menu. But anyway there is no issue as the tool does ...
08:49 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- Filip Mahieu wrote:
> We do have that problem too. We only have it just after the scale has been changed in the compo... -
08:45 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- wow didn't think about that... but I added a "mouse click" option, I'll see if I can enable identify for wms layers w...
08:33 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Isn't it disabled in ValueTool for WMS? It should be.
The ValueTool prints value for each pixel the mouse moves over... -
08:26 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> > Giovani - can you please test that the identify tool plugin work... -
08:08 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
> There are no attributes because your is missing
> [...]
> in layers METADATA.
08:43 AM Bug report #10210 (Closed): Styling - Line pattern fill, angle issue
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> This is a particular annoying bug and it's not solved yet. Any luck for a patch in the ... -
08:43 AM Bug report #10210 (Closed): Styling - Line pattern fill, angle issue
- Rhenriques Henriques wrote:
> This is a particular annoying bug and it's not solved yet. Any luck for a patch in the ... -
08:34 AM Bug report #10328 (Feedback): Layer not shown when with a default style
- is the symbol supposed to be gray without border? if yes it works here on master.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
08:29 AM Bug report #10326: Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- Confirmed on master, and as it worked in a previous qgis release tagging this as a regression.
07:10 AM Bug report #10215 (Closed): Python error in QGIS master
- Fixed in commit:afc65f2
07:10 AM Bug report #10215 (Closed): Python error in QGIS master
- Fixed in commit:afc65f2
07:00 AM Revision ff3cf0a9 (qgis): Fix SIP bindings
06:26 AM Revision 0775a89e (qgis): Merge pull request #1380 from Oslandia/mask_renderer
- [FEATURE] Inverted polygons renderer
03:59 AM Revision 31bb2690 (qgis): fix crash on identify with hidden attributes
03:55 AM Revision 43dfb9c4 (qgis): indentation update
03:54 AM Revision 29e4aea8 (qgis): fix build on ubuntu precise (older geos)
03:52 AM Revision 09036843 (qgis): fix edit widget deprecation warnings and sync sip bindings
02:20 AM Feature request #8711: Please add decent North arrows
- @Anita No offence taken
01:35 AM Bug report #10338: inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
- Ok. I'm pretty clueless about the mechanics of it all, but the current behavior definitely needs fixing when it comes...
01:17 AM Bug report #10338: inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
- No particular spatial operations are done on the polygons. They are only surrounded by a big square polygon. The 'inv...
10:33 PM Bug report #10338 (Closed): inverted polygon symbology wrongly handles overlapping polygons
- Right now, the inverted polygon symbology appears to add polygons using a symmetrical difference method, resulting in...
10:52 PM Revision d1da6123 (qgis): Merge pull request #1383 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: preview, connections
10:45 PM Bug report #10339 (Closed): crash regression (layer refactoring) when dragging a layer at the ver...
- Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Add two layers (same data source) to the project
3. Select the last la... -
10:24 PM Bug report #10337 (Closed): huge regression: impossible to add new features to layers being edited
- Subject says it all. It's impossible to add new features to layers being edited via the Add Feature button. The user ...
09:13 PM Revision df1482f0 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: preview, connections
07:57 PM Revision 79061547 (qgis): Add unit tests for the inverted polygon renderer
07:56 PM Revision 66ac1eda (qgis): Inverted polygons renderer: add SIP
07:33 PM Revision 42e480ac (qgis): german translation update
06:44 PM Revision 0ff587c7 (qgis): Mask renderer: rename to inverted polygon renderer
06:36 PM Revision c31b6730 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fi by Kari
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
06:11 PM Revision 84b15774 (qgis): Mask renderer: reuse existing renderer as embedded
05:37 PM Revision 3ec7337e (qgis): Mask renderer: make it work with on-the-fly reprojection
04:46 PM Revision 3ad6de83 (qgis): Move label repeat option frame to after main placement options for lines
03:37 PM Revision db328fe3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1344 from leyan/splitFeature
- Split line feature with a single point when snapped to a line
03:06 PM Revision 59129c4f (qgis): [TRANSUP] first string update for release translations
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:50 PM Revision 8a40efe6 (qgis): [layertree] Use group icon like the one from old legend
12:58 PM Revision aadc9e5b (qgis): [TRANSUP] nb by James
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
12:56 PM Revision 24867c76 (qgis): Merge pull request #1338 from manisandro/line_multi_labeling
- Line multi labeling
12:25 PM Revision be706ed3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1382 from Oslandia/atlas_predefined_patch
- Atlas predefined scales: reload project scales before each preview action
11:52 AM Bug report #10335 (Closed): PostGIS layers extent in QGIS vector metadata seems wrong
- *New Description:*
Extent of PostGIS layers seems wrong in QGIS vector metadata. This affects tools like the ftools ... -
11:48 AM Revision 45d0a9cf (qgis): Updated indentation
11:44 AM Revision fa5f68fb (qgis): restore addLegendLayerAction and related functions after legend redesign
11:44 AM Revision 189707fc (qgis): [layertree] move implementation of legend actions to QgsAppLayerTreeVie...
11:19 AM Revision a1948e6a (qgis): Updated IT GUI translation
11:17 AM Revision acf2c45d (qgis): Mask renderer: do not store temporary features anymore
09:27 AM Revision 82363f4f (qgis): Atlas predefined scales: reload project scales before each preview action
09:20 AM Revision c1b4fe85 (qgis): Mask renderer: fix clone()
09:12 AM Bug report #10334 (Closed): "All" tab of Plugins window doesn't contain new plugins
- Open "Plugins" - "Manage and Install Plugins". If QGIS detects new plugins then new tab appears in "Plugins" window w...
08:15 AM Bug report #10244: "Join Attributes Tables" returns wrong results if input layers have a join def...
- The tool is Join attributes table in QGIS geoalgorithms
Input layer 1 a Shapefile with a join
Input layer 2 a CSV fi... -
06:06 AM Bug report #10143: Map composer stop working correctly
- We do have that problem too. We only have it just after the scale has been changed in the composer (Using XP and Win7...
03:46 AM Feature request #10310: open project on launch **relative path** option
- sorry, but I still don't get it..
in the directories created by the --configpath option there is the *QGIS2.ini* file... -
03:17 AM Revision 084fa899 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add a 'predefined scales' mode to atlas maps, which...
03:17 AM Revision e8b7ca94 (qgis): [composer] Small improvements to API docs
02:53 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- I had a look at your shapefiles and I can't reproduce the issue. I agree with Giovanni that a screencast would be ver...
02:46 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> And another thing, I want someone to tell me what is happening here because this is incredib... -
02:03 AM Revision 2476a520 (qgis): german translation update and a translation string fix
- 01:18 AM Revision d8f6fd0f (qgis): Fix combo name in fielc calc bar
12:57 AM Feature request #10310 (Feedback): open project on launch **relative path** option
12:55 AM Bug report #10065: QGIS 2.2 Attribute Editor Layout “Drag and Drop designer” Field does not exist...
- Confirmed here on current master.
12:53 AM Bug report #10327: QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- A good compatible solution with tomcat is the solution adopted by MapServer for its mapfile (we speak of svg but the ...
12:11 AM Bug report #10327: QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- Please note that the solution to this issue should not rely on apache conf (rewrite and the like), to be more general...
05:19 AM Bug report #10327 (Closed): QGIS server does not load files from custom folders
- In QGIS desktop it is possible to define custom paths for symbols.
When moving the project to QGIS server, the path i... -
12:33 AM Bug report #10137 (Closed): Processing stripping out +towgs params
- Confirmed, it is OK here
12:33 AM Bug report #10137 (Closed): Processing stripping out +towgs params
- Confirmed, it is OK here
12:10 AM Revision c234a095 (qgis): fix windows build
11:49 PM Feature request #10332: List possible databases in MS SQL connection dialog
- Wouldn't this be useful for all DB backend, not only MS?
08:04 PM Feature request #10332 (Closed): List possible databases in MS SQL connection dialog
- We can get a list like this
FROM sys.databases d
WHERE d.database_id > 4
Then we can show the... - 11:31 PM Revision ee9e17ca (qgis): [FEATURE] Quick field field calc bar (like Excel) in attribute table
11:03 PM Revision 9873782e (qgis): Add GUI_EXPORT and warning fix
10:51 PM Revision 431b0659 (qgis): [FEATURE] new edit type: date/time edit
10:50 PM Revision ea91b6fe (qgis): [FEATURE] Port editor widgets to new API
- Create a new widget for for attribute form
fix #10281
fix #7319
fix #7013
fix #9335
fix #4417 -
10:42 PM Revision 373ec569 (qgis): Add new custom widgets (QgsSlider and QgsDial)
- Modified versions of QSlider and QDial which show the current value
Fix #4417 -
10:26 PM Revision 2e4275d1 (qgis): Merge pull request #1381 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: wcs
10:07 PM Revision 40f6d6f0 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: wcs
07:25 PM Revision 6f5c775f (qgis): [layertree] Implement more flags for LayerTreeModel (reorder nodes, ren...
07:25 PM Revision fab44c70 (qgis): [layertree] Do not show check box for nonspatial tables
06:28 PM Revision 35f55e8b (qgis): Merge pull request #1215 from etiennesky/mtr_maxcpus
- [FEATURE] add option to set max thread count
05:50 PM Feature request #10331 (Closed): Move heatmap core logic to core. Expose in processing toolbox
- The heatmap plugin is cool but this should really just be in the core code and exposed into the processing framework.
05:22 PM Revision dac4cfc2 (qgis): Fix #10217 (misaligned markers in composer)
05:16 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- I'm not sure why your version is picking up the extra stuff. The batch file that QGIS runs sets up it's own environm...
05:09 PM Bug report #9573: hostnames with non-ascii characters cause python console to fail.
- I'm opening it directly from the QGIS icon. I notice that you are opening through the OSGEO bundle---I just did the ...
04:14 PM Bug report #10321: Change in behavior of attribute forms
- Hi Matthias
I am running a94483e and still seeing same behavior. I have had a play around with 2.2 and can give a be... -
03:16 PM Revision bf6effdd (qgis): GRASS 7 raster provider
03:05 PM Revision 1c52f09d (qgis): remove duplicate translation strings
03:05 PM Revision 59a8cb4d (qgis): add library dependencies to python bindings
02:52 PM Revision 6b1c7c79 (qgis): [layertree] fix crash with symbology
02:33 PM Revision 28377789 (qgis): [layertree] Underline current layer
02:33 PM Revision 9cfaaf17 (qgis): [layertree] Fix crash on zoom to layer
01:52 PM Bug report #4417 (Closed): editing widgets: "slider range" and "dial range" do not show any value...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ea91b6fe4a21ff741de918a11d0f2a26a291c1e2".
01:52 PM Bug report #9335 (Closed): Widgets: impossible to input a time
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ea91b6fe4a21ff741de918a11d0f2a26a291c1e2".
01:52 PM Bug report #7013 (Closed): Add QgsAttributeEditor support for QDateTimeEdit/QTimeEdit
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ea91b6fe4a21ff741de918a11d0f2a26a291c1e2".
01:52 PM Feature request #7319 (Closed): Create class for each Edit type
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ea91b6fe4a21ff741de918a11d0f2a26a291c1e2".
01:52 PM Bug report #10281 (Closed): Database relations: after starting edit mode, selected record in embe...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ea91b6fe4a21ff741de918a11d0f2a26a291c1e2".
- 01:22 PM Revision af5f1aa9 (qgis): Save geometry for data defined dialog
- 01:22 PM Revision 83a9c65a (qgis): Keep state for expression widget splitter
01:20 PM Revision 46086b25 (qgis): [layertree] Show public source tooltip for layers
12:56 PM Revision 3c004211 (qgis): Indicate whether a layer is in editing mode and/or modified
12:42 PM Revision afc65f22 (qgis): [processing] added missing import
12:42 PM Revision caaabb4f (qgis): [processing] changed name of output in concave hull
12:42 PM Revision 486fb137 (qgis): [processing] updated compiled version of widgets
12:42 PM Revision 24e98e0e (qgis): removed import of local httplib2
11:54 AM Revision 2f1e32fb (qgis): Don't allow MoveAction when dragging colors from color buttons, allows ...
10:17 AM Revision 581e67eb (qgis): support custom widgets in PYQT4_WRAP_UI
08:38 AM Feature request #10330 (Closed): Mutually Exclusive Layers In Layer Groups
- Often I have groups of layers that should only be displayed one at a time. This request is to make 'Mutually Exclusi...
08:24 AM Bug report #10217 (Closed): Regression: line marker symbology misaligned when (composer) exported...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dac4cfc2f4b870e4074f28f6903aac4183c4713d".
08:15 AM Revision 72311961 (qgis): Add missing .ui
- 07:28 AM Revision 442a3c1a (qgis): Save geometry of some dialogs
07:19 AM Bug report #10210 (Reopened): Styling - Line pattern fill, angle issue
- This is a particular annoying bug and it's not solved yet. Any luck for a patch in the stable version?
07:19 AM Bug report #10210 (Reopened): Styling - Line pattern fill, angle issue
- This is a particular annoying bug and it's not solved yet. Any luck for a patch in the stable version?
06:25 AM Bug report #10329 (Closed): OpenSuse 13.1 LXDE Application launcher menu corrupted by QGIS2 .desk...
- Hello, I installed QGIS2 from the OpenSuse 13.1 Geo repository. The application works fine but in doing this it wiped...
06:10 AM Bug report #9116 (Closed): Compile error: cannot find -lqgis_app
- put BUILD_TESTING and ENABLE_TESTS to false in the ccmake configuration
06:10 AM Bug report #9116 (Closed): Compile error: cannot find -lqgis_app
- put BUILD_TESTING and ENABLE_TESTS to false in the ccmake configuration
06:08 AM Bug report #10328 (Closed): Layer not shown when with a default style
- See the attached file. Other symbologies are shown. Even reverting to a standard style does not work, but removing th...
05:56 AM Bug report #10280 (Closed): [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAY...
- patch commited and merged in the pull request #1377
05:56 AM Bug report #10280 (Closed): [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAY...
- patch commited and merged in the pull request #1377
05:56 AM Bug report #10280 (Closed): [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAY...
- patch commited and merged in the pull request #1377
05:56 AM Bug report #10280 (Closed): [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAY...
- patch commited and merged in the pull request #1377
04:05 AM Bug report #10326 (Closed): Reuse last entered attribute values ERROR
- I think I found an error in QGIS 2.0/2.2 working with PostgreSQL 9.1/9.3 and Postgis 1.5/2.0 database on Windows (7 a...
03:48 AM Bug report #10271: Crash when using SVG markers
- May be related to #9826 ?
02:40 AM Feature request #10323 (Closed): copy/paste style for multiple layers
- The copy/paste style from a vector to another is an awesome feature. But it would be nice if one could paste the same...
01:58 AM Bug report #10321 (Feedback): Change in behavior of attribute forms
- Hi Thomas,
I will be merging a general update to the attribute form today. I don't know if the bug you mention is fi... -
06:08 PM Bug report #10321 (Closed): Change in behavior of attribute forms
- I upgraded qgis-dev in OSGEO4W a few days ago to QGIS code revision commit:2ff79d3.
I have noticed a change in the b... -
01:57 AM Feature request #10283: Geometry widget
- I think adding a possibility to add a geometry to a geometryless row should be available from this widget as well. Or...
01:40 AM Bug report #10322 (Closed): Scalebar bug in print composer
- Hello,
I know this bug happened in version 1.6 but looks like it was closed.
We have made a model, and one day the ... -
01:18 AM Revision 7494003d (qgis): fix windows build
12:17 AM Revision e6758d64 (qgis): Add a new 'mask' feature renderer that can be used to invert polygon fills
11:50 PM Revision bbca1d06 (qgis): Merge pull request #1378 from Cracert/i18n
11:22 PM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> testes were made adding the layers in a projected CRS (3763, is the one defined for the laye... -
10:18 PM Revision d4b39931 (qgis): german translation update and fix uppercase otherwise duplicate transla...
10:18 PM Revision 91f371bb (qgis): fix warnings
10:18 PM Revision 5b2824f7 (qgis): indentation update
10:18 PM Revision c1698421 (qgis): hungarian translation: remove duplicate translation string
10:05 PM Revision 470431d6 (qgis): [processing] fixes cmake for lastools, removes the interface module and...
10:01 PM Revision 7c0a4847 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: WMS
08:09 PM Revision 4988bc50 (qgis): Add the missing SIP stub file
06:37 PM Revision b2a4c765 (qgis): [FEATURE] Merge of legend refactoring work
- This replaces the existing tree widget implementation with more modular approach. In summary:
- tree hierarchy in COR... -
06:27 PM Revision 0b072e6e (qgis): Added some doxygen documentation and minor code cleanups
05:36 PM Revision 7f218c72 (qgis): [processing] fixes in modeler to make multiple inputs work correctly
05:36 PM Revision 1e4d6a9a (qgis): [processing] fixed issue in modeler with hidden params
05:36 PM Revision 28659b61 (qgis): [processing] fixed OutputFile constructor
05:35 PM Revision 293ac607 (qgis): [processing] removed interface module
- now all access to the interface is done through qgis.utils.iface
05:35 PM Revision fcc24e9b (qgis): [processing] added checkboxes to multiple input selector
05:35 PM Revision fad280ed (qgis): [processing] rewrote saga raster calculator as individual algorithm
05:35 PM Revision b1103c00 (qgis): [processing] major overhaul of lastools algorithms
- Code contributed by Martin Isenburg
05:35 PM Revision dd47b61b (qgis): [processing] minor change in ParameterFile to handle None values
05:35 PM Revision 6ea91c4b (qgis): [processing] removed debug line
05:34 PM Revision 9733ae8e (qgis): [processing] fixed issue when opening loaded layers in batch interface ...
05:34 PM Revision ef8383a7 (qgis): [processing] remove unnecessary print sentences
05:34 PM Revision 889d2a1b (qgis): [processing] code cleaning. Removed debug sentences
05:34 PM Revision 202d331a (qgis): [processing] simplified saga algorithms
- Now it assumes matching grid extents and does not perform resampling
05:34 PM Revision c1a2ac86 (qgis): [processing] changed dialog from critical to warning
05:12 PM Revision e92ff00c (qgis): Removed old legend implementation classes
04:48 PM Revision d83ef3fe (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow dragging and dropping colors from color buttons (also w...
04:22 PM Feature request #10317 (Closed): Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- duplicate of #10318
04:22 PM Feature request #10317 (Closed): Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- duplicate of #10318
03:36 AM Feature request #10317 (Closed): Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- As a cartographer I love the data defined labels, but sometimes one can't or shouldn't add new fields to the layer.
... -
04:21 PM Revision 0d761bfc (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'denis/scalevisiblayers_newlegend' into le...
03:36 PM Revision d6889a4e (qgis): Merge branch 'server_value_relation'
03:35 PM Revision 5f12661d (qgis): WMS server: Use ; as separator in case of multiple selection for value ...
03:30 PM Revision af7af6c2 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add option to use colour preview modes (grayscale, colour bli...
03:29 PM Revision 54176392 (qgis): Merge pull request #1377 from luca76/master
- WMS GetLegendGrapics: obtain legend graphics with no labels
- 03:25 PM Revision b87049e9 (qgis): GetLegendGraphics with no label
- Added two private variables mDrawLegendLayerLabel and mDrawLegendItemLabel
- 03:24 PM Revision 1487329f (qgis): GetLegendGraphics with no label
- With this commit, you can call GetLegendGraphics with two parameters (LAYERTITLE=false / RULELABEL=false) to disable ...
03:12 PM Revision 4768a8fd (qgis): Better snapping behavior
02:54 PM Revision c0a56970 (qgis): Server: consider there can be multi selection mode in value relation
02:49 PM Revision 8485b9ce (qgis): set layer scale visibility for several layers
02:45 PM Revision 2377f179 (qgis): code cleanup
02:30 PM Revision 3180dee4 (qgis): Handling of WMS legend graphic
01:46 PM Revision 95513492 (qgis): Fix joins and value relations in WMS server
01:24 PM Revision c00bcb1b (qgis): added support for QGIS mapserver GetFeatureInfo GML flavour
01:24 PM Revision be318fe6 (qgis): WMS identify with format feature (GML) fixe, fixes #10306
01:08 PM Revision 0e795514 (qgis): Support for custom layer order for legacy projects
11:20 AM Feature request #1539 (Closed): Alphabetize "Files of type" drop down options
- yes, this has been updated in master a few days ago.
11:20 AM Feature request #1539 (Closed): Alphabetize "Files of type" drop down options
- yes, this has been updated in master a few days ago.
11:20 AM Feature request #1539 (Closed): Alphabetize "Files of type" drop down options
- yes, this has been updated in master a few days ago.
10:59 AM Feature request #1539: Alphabetize "Files of type" drop down options
- I think this was implemented in current master, if I am correct maybe time to close this ticket
11:00 AM Revision 21da03e9 (qgis): [processing] fix out of bounds error in extract values scripts
10:54 AM Revision 0e48b3a7 (qgis): [processing] fix number input panel
10:47 AM Feature request #10320 (Feedback): WGS84 Ellipsoid Calculations
- I posted this in the developer mailing list but adding it here also
Hi all, in this document -
10:28 AM Revision fd8722a4 (qgis): Add usual file headers and update indentation
09:49 AM Revision 393a4158 (qgis): Loading and saving of custom layer order
09:49 AM Revision bb7831fe (qgis): Fix collapse of layer nodes after double click
09:49 AM Revision 55c4ae57 (qgis): Remove the legend from the application completely.
09:49 AM Revision 66cecd72 (qgis): Allow changes of visibility from layer order widget
09:49 AM Revision 0e8b79f4 (qgis): Loading of embedded groups and layer from project file
09:49 AM Revision 90a88eaa (qgis): Further replacements of legend by layer tree within application
09:49 AM Revision f83a11f8 (qgis): Convenience auto setup features when adding new layers
- On first layer: zoom to full extent, setup destination CRS and map units
On first layer with different CRS: enable OT... -
09:49 AM Revision 97642ddd (qgis): Better behavior of drop onto a group
09:49 AM Revision bc49cd47 (qgis): Forward the visibilityChanged() signal towards the parent node.
- Listening to the signal is simpler as it is enough to listen to the parent
without having to connect to the whole tre... -
09:49 AM Revision 1a61c154 (qgis): Propagate added/removed children signals to the root for easier manipul...
09:49 AM Revision d26bdf76 (qgis): Use layer tree view in legend interface implementation
09:49 AM Revision 8a539e08 (qgis): Split subclasses of QgsLayerTreeNode into their own cpp/h files
09:49 AM Revision 36d8d88e (qgis): Use Qt::CheckState also for layer node visibility (for consistency)
09:49 AM Revision 56ee3f40 (qgis): Added helper namespace QgsLayerTree
09:49 AM Revision 72b3ef74 (qgis): More integration of layer tree view in QGIS app
09:49 AM Revision c9f9ea89 (qgis): Added layerTreeView() to QgisInterface, moved context menu provider to ...
09:49 AM Revision f2b69e96 (qgis): Added "Group selected" layer tree view action
09:49 AM Revision ca974597 (qgis): Moved some legend actions to QgisApp, added actions to layer tree view.
- Still need to adjust action implementations in QgisApp to use layer tree view
09:49 AM Revision bbdf1444 (qgis): Double-click handling, changed current layer handling
09:49 AM Revision 21b2a9a7 (qgis): Updates to QGIS app to use layer tree view instead of legend widget
09:49 AM Revision 6beb7d77 (qgis): Deactivate old legend. Improve insertion of new layers into layer tree.
09:49 AM Revision ebd8aea6 (qgis): Handle overview status changes properly.
- Added signal about changed custom properties.
Changes to custom properties are propagated to the root node,
so it is ... -
09:49 AM Revision 69da2b3d (qgis): Layer tree view interface for context menu configuration
09:49 AM Revision c3315c41 (qgis): Add support for embedded layers and groups into layer tree
09:49 AM Revision 29727687 (qgis): Use QgsLayerTreeView in QgsProjectLayerGroupDialog
- This also replaces routines for parsing of the project file
09:49 AM Revision a6158d55 (qgis): Handle active (current) layer in layer tree view
09:49 AM Revision 1906de17 (qgis): Add possibility to temporarily disable layer tree to registry bridge
- This is useful during the project load where the updates from
map layer registry would make the layers appear twice i... -
09:49 AM Revision 129d295e (qgis): New dock in QGIS for layer tree view
09:49 AM Revision 4162c210 (qgis): Move to top-level action
09:49 AM Revision e1a0c21d (qgis): Raster and plugin layer symbology, show feature count for vectors
09:49 AM Revision 6a5b752a (qgis): Support for default actions in layer tree view
09:49 AM Revision 1fecde47 (qgis): Initial import of legend refactoring work
09:49 AM Revision de146fba (qgis): Add layer tree support into QgsProject
09:11 AM Bug report #3133 (Reopened): Menus too large for small screens
- I think at least 1024x768 should be supported.
09:11 AM Bug report #3133 (Reopened): Menus too large for small screens
- I think at least 1024x768 should be supported.
09:11 AM Bug report #3133 (Reopened): Menus too large for small screens
- I think at least 1024x768 should be supported.
08:01 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- Not using QGIS on a netbook anymore, and frankly not sure it should be supported.
08:01 AM Bug report #3133 (Closed): Menus too large for small screens
- Not using QGIS on a netbook anymore, and frankly not sure it should be supported.
09:02 AM Revision e2c25754 (qgis): Merge pull request #1375 from nyalldawson/processing_postgis2
- Some postgresql provider and PostGIS-related processing improvements and fixes (v2)
09:00 AM Revision 6df9d1cb (qgis): debian -packaging update
07:58 AM Bug report #8101: "Save as" on a large PostGIS point layer doesn't work
- I've just run into the same error on a point file with 100 features and a single attribute column. Only 86 out of 100...
07:39 AM Feature request #10319 (Closed): Copy canvas content as image
- Hi !
The "@save as image@" command from the mainwindow is great !
But what about a "@copy as image@" function ?
... -
06:28 AM Feature request #9886 (Closed): Implement per layer colour QtGraphicalEffects
- Fixed in changeset commit:"af7af6c26a493192af4ee673928974c091aa1894".
- 06:02 AM Revision 636e0cf2 (qgis): [MSSQL] Refactor provider for schema checks
05:28 AM Revision 3213d014 (qgis): Refactor plugin staging to build dir and python script compiling
- 05:18 AM Revision 2e8ba8b1 (qgis): Save dialog geometry on attribute form reject
05:04 AM Bug report #8885 (Reopened): Buttons (Ok, Cancel) disappear in "Apri Modulo" from Attribute Table
- It seems this is not fixed. See comment here. -
04:25 AM Bug report #10306 (Closed): Identify WMS does not work with format feature (GML)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"be318fe6b2a503f8c1db5be5495bfabc8c0069f8".
- 04:05 AM Revision 885a3031 (qgis): [MSSQL] Add toogle action to browser node to show non spatial tables
03:44 AM Feature request #10318: Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- There is already the option to Paste selected features as a new Memory Layer in the Edit menu.
03:42 AM Feature request #10318: Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- I forgot to mention that New Memory Layer is not an option since one would have to replicate all layer's fields, and ...
03:36 AM Feature request #10318 (Closed): Clone\\duplicate layer as memory layer
- As a cartographer I love the data defined labels, but sometimes one can't or shouldn't add new fields to the layer.
... - 03:42 AM Revision 15e1129b (qgis): [MSSQL] Fix refresh in browser node
03:10 AM Feature request #10316 (Closed): Add a toggle to turn layer filtering on of
- With the query builder you can create complex filtering of what features of a layer that are to be shown in the canva...
02:52 AM Bug report #10128 (Closed): small bug in example script and...
- Fixed in commit:21da03e
02:52 AM Bug report #10128 (Closed): small bug in example script and...
- Fixed in commit:21da03e
- 02:16 AM Revision 9e67d7a6 (qgis): Fix #9139 - Don't crash on MSSQL relations
01:14 AM Feature request #10314: An option to tell Composer/Atlas to avoid put a label near the border
- There's an option in the global label settings to prevent clipped labels at the edge of maps. I think this request is...
02:36 PM Feature request #10314 (Closed): An option to tell Composer/Atlas to avoid put a label near the b...
- An useful enhancement for composer could be an option to avoid qgis put a label (every label from every layer in proj...
12:45 AM Revision ec3da40d (qgis): [processing] Some fixes to handling of uppercase/lowercase geometry col...
12:44 AM Revision a94483e2 (qgis): Fix main window rearranging itself to front when opening composer manag...
12:40 AM Bug report #10153: QGIS master crashes if SVG is missing (SVG fill)
- do some test.
It is confirmed on last dev.
details of test in other ticket.
12:39 AM Bug report #9959: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- I do some check.
It do crash surely if I set the unavailable svg as a fill pattern and set to map-units.
It start w... -
12:35 AM Revision ed076d03 (qgis): [processing] Add optional parameter for specifying the primary key fiel...
12:15 AM Revision 2eda5339 (qgis): [processing] Add option to Import into PostGIS algorithm to drop length...
12:03 AM Bug report #10315 (Closed): The print from composer randomly lost the vertical step vertical
- Hi,
we try to print in the composer a rendering filled with a vertical pattern.
Randoly , we notice the vtical ste... -
11:54 PM Revision 3470b1d5 (qgis): Make PostgreSQL lowercaseFieldNames option behave correctly with primar...
11:52 PM Revision 7772042f (qgis): Add option to postgres provider to drop length constraints on character...
11:37 PM Bug report #10175: OSGeo4w 2.2 build missing ECW support
- This is not a qgis problem - hence I closed the ticket. QGIS 2.2 in OSGeo4W is built against GDAL 1.10. OSGeo4W m...
04:27 PM Bug report #10175: OSGeo4w 2.2 build missing ECW support
- Thank you. I have installed that msi but there is only gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.dll (no libecwj2.dll). Also gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.dl...
03:22 AM Bug report #10175: OSGeo4w 2.2 build missing ECW support
- Miroslav Umlauf wrote:
> Does this link from QGIS FAQ helps as workaround before the whole problem will be solved? ht... -
08:12 PM Feature request #4887 (Closed): save choice of "Item reference point" for composer items.
- Yes, it looks like it can.
08:12 PM Feature request #4887 (Closed): save choice of "Item reference point" for composer items.
- Yes, it looks like it can.
04:02 AM Feature request #4887 (Feedback): save choice of "Item reference point" for composer items.
- I can't replicate this - can this be closed now?
07:49 PM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- I got an error again on my larger project while moving one of the points.
06:50 PM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- I tried again recently with the SHP file without anything else in the project and it was ok with updating. I did a se...
06:19 PM Feature request #10313: List of available OGR drivers
- sure, but don't expect this too soon in gdal stable
11:43 AM Feature request #10313: List of available OGR drivers
- Hi,
GDAL has a plan to unify the gdal and ogr.
So this could be unuseful. -
11:07 AM Feature request #10313 (Open): List of available OGR drivers
- Under @Settings -> Options -> GDAL@ is a list of all installed raster drivers, which can be unchecked if necessary.
... - 05:24 PM Bug report #9139 (Closed): Relations do not work on MSSQL layers
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9e67d7a6340616b7ab8719f621d54bf3d0bf02a3".
02:46 PM Bug report #9139: Relations do not work on MSSQL layers
- I will have a look into this.
02:39 PM Revision 72ee2e64 (qgis): [TRANSUP] gl by Xan
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
01:51 PM Feature request #10310: open project on launch **relative path** option
- matteo ghetta wrote:
> I don't think I'm mixing the paths.
> If I want to "export" the directories created by the --... -
05:05 AM Feature request #10310: open project on launch **relative path** option
- I don't think I'm mixing the paths.
If I want to "export" the directories created by the --configpath option to anth... -
03:34 AM Feature request #10310: open project on launch **relative path** option
- > The chance to open QGIS with a specific project is very handful. But using the --configpath option to store all the...
03:04 AM Feature request #10310 (Closed): open project on launch **relative path** option
- The chance to open QGIS with a specific project is very handful. But using the --configpath option to store all the c...
01:51 PM Revision a14744c5 (qgis): box of a more reasonable size for a single point
01:48 PM Bug report #5873: Vector Grid UI is inscrutable
- I would add one more issue in Vector grid UI: Too few decimal points (4) reserved for giving the grid interval when u...
01:35 PM Revision f31e637e (qgis): [FEATURE] Add right click menu to color buttons, allowing copying and p...
01:31 PM Revision edbfb57c (qgis): VLCache takes ownership of index
01:06 PM Revision 73d69f2b (qgis): Merge pull request #1362 from manisandro/composer_arrow_fill_bb
- Make composer arrow, with and without markers, better fill the bounding box area
12:28 PM Revision b3854676 (qgis): project extent restore fix
11:19 AM Bug report #10309: On-the-fly projection of EPSG 4326 World Map gives weird results with specific...
- Works for me on Windows 7 with QGIS 2.2 standalone and latest QGIS-dev.
02:02 AM Bug report #10309: On-the-fly projection of EPSG 4326 World Map gives weird results with specific...
- Some additional info on package versions on Debian testing:
gdal: 1.10.1+dfsg-5+b1
proj: 4.8.0-2 -
10:51 AM Revision 797de34e (qgis): german translation update
10:46 AM Revision 45cd8953 (qgis): [FEATURE] toggle feature selection from identify results (implements #1...
10:35 AM Bug report #10234 (Feedback): Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Uh???
the project you attached is missing two layers that are probably necessary to unders... -
10:35 AM Bug report #10234 (Feedback): Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Uh???
the project you attached is missing two layers that are probably necessary to unders... -
06:57 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- The photo that was supposed to accompany the last submission.
06:56 AM Bug report #10234: Difficult to edit nodes of polygons close together
- Uh??? Well here is another illustration. I have used the selection tool to select the polygon which is filled with re...
10:25 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Giovani - can you please test that the identify tool plugin works with wms rasters?
it is ... -
10:20 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- Giovani - can you please test that the identify tool plugin works with wms rasters?
10:05 AM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- testes were made adding the layers in a projected CRS (3763, is the one defined for the layers) and then reprojecting...
10:23 AM Bug report #4051 (Open): Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
10:23 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- Can someone change this back to "open" please?
06:28 AM Bug report #4051: Cannot display SpatiaLite views based on tables with spatial index
- I am having the same problem in QGIS master. Spatial view are not shown if the parent table(s) have a spatial index. ...
10:13 AM Revision 986ffd66 (qgis): collapsible gpbox: scroll on expand property accessible
- 09:02 AM Revision 19e727e8 (qgis): Add new qgisapp Python context manager for creating QGIS apps
- 08:49 AM Revision 938f288b (qgis): Fix copy of extra python files
08:25 AM Revision 9615a838 (qgis): Merge pull request #1373 from 3nids/package
- set custom widget lib default to false
08:18 AM Revision 790b31ef (qgis): set custom widget lib default to false
- 07:41 AM Revision 978086ba (qgis): [MSSQL] Fix #9511 - Use QDate and QDateTime for date sql type
05:38 AM Feature request #10312 (Open): Legend/Layer tree should show active rules used for rendering
- Hi all!
This issue concerns the situation of rendering a layer with rule-based rendering so, that the map scale affe... -
05:27 AM Revision 530a36d0 (qgis): Fix build error when using Qwt 6.1, followup to f283040
05:25 AM Bug report #10265: Avoid intersections fails in many cases
- I agree. It is annoying that the "avoid intersection" rule cannot be enforced when modifying features after they have...
05:15 AM Feature request #10311 (Open): freeze columns in the attribute table
- It would be useful to have the option to freeze the column/s in the attribute table. So it would be possible to scrol...
04:06 AM Revision 7d535b4e (qgis): only handle context menu event if showing tree widget
03:11 AM Revision 06c0bd2b (qgis): Merge pull request #1371 from antoniolocandro/SVG-NORTH-ARROWS
- North Arrows SVG - Fix #8711
01:59 AM Bug report #10309 (Closed): On-the-fly projection of EPSG 4326 World Map gives weird results with...
- * Download Natural Earth 1:110m Admin 0 - Countries file:
01:58 AM Revision 592064b6 (qgis): identify tool: fix connection error
01:55 AM Bug report #9671 (Open): SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows ne...
01:54 AM Bug report #9671: SAGA and GRASS: "missing dependency" error when logged using "Windows network u...
- Ok, the problem is definitely caused by Windows network user profiles. I asked two other people to install QGIS and t...
01:52 AM Feature request #10308 (Closed): Identify Tool - add "Select Feature" to context menu
- Fixed in changeset commit:"45cd8953d93062a3b4c331040abf8e521c8e1c53".
12:58 AM Feature request #10308 (Closed): Identify Tool - add "Select Feature" to context menu
- hello,
it would be helpful if you could to select objects/features with the identify tool (screenshot).
* the selec... - 01:47 AM Revision bdf857ae (qgis): [MSSQL] Use schema for key lookup
01:42 AM Revision ad89ae77 (qgis): german translation update
- 01:36 AM Revision ff7a47d9 (qgis): [MSSQL] Use schema name when getting columns
01:12 AM Bug report #10175: OSGeo4w 2.2 build missing ECW support
- Does this link from QGIS FAQ helps as workaround before the whole problem will be solved?
12:52 AM Feature request #10307 (Open): cmake find-python machinery cannot find python on Debian with Mult...
- Running Debian Testing with Multiarch option (eg needed for Skype....)
This ... -
12:45 AM Revision f283040e (qgis): fix rebase errors
12:45 AM Revision fe2435c7 (qgis): add support for qwt6 for identify results graph
12:45 AM Revision 3fc15854 (qgis): show legend on top of graph instead of right
12:45 AM Revision c80d8408 (qgis): use separate curves for each raster layer in identify result graph
12:45 AM Revision 1012d3dd (qgis): add identify results graph for rasters using qwt5 (qwt6 not supported yet)
12:45 AM Revision 4620513b (qgis): UI tweaks to identify results table view
12:45 AM Revision f95f64e3 (qgis): implement simple identify results table view
11:59 PM Revision 2102a800 (qgis): Merge pull request #1372 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: minor changes
- 10:43 PM Bug report #9511 (Closed): Layer MSSQL date field type become QSTRING
- Fixed in changeset commit:"978086badc342cba03e59e8b4191b35ee7cdd6ad".
10:15 PM Revision 23ada032 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: minor changes
- 10:08 PM Revision f69ed7d6 (qgis): North Arrows SVG
- Adds 3 additional SVG North Arrows symbols to expand the current limited
selection -
06:59 PM Revision f4705703 (qgis): marker data defined anchor fix, fixes #9579
06:26 PM Revision a76ec729 (qgis): debian packaging update
06:11 PM Feature request #8711 (Closed): Please add decent North arrows
- Fixed in changeset commit:"06c0bd2be11858965e887d7a1d4aa8d3d03982c7".
04:24 PM Revision 6b7483e0 (qgis): debian package for custom widgets
04:03 PM Revision acd574db (qgis): uic widget-plugins: do not crash if QGIS not installed
- 02:26 PM Revision 0ff49856 (qgis): Create Python package for core, gui, analysis, networkanalysis
- Rename sip generated modules to _{name}
01:44 PM Revision 7127e589 (qgis): fix customwidgets build on windows
12:31 PM Revision d5220595 (qgis): Merge pull request #1348 from imincik/db_manager_connection_holding
- db manager: fix connection holding - idle in transaction (QGIS bug #7162...
11:57 AM Bug report #10306 (Closed): Identify WMS does not work with format feature (GML)
- Identify tool does not work with format feature on layer rt_ambamm.idcomuni.rt.poly from WMS server http://www502.reg...
11:50 AM Revision aa708519 (qgis): custom widgets: added color and data defined buttons, missing SIP for s...
10:54 AM Bug report #5896 (Feedback): Identify of WMS layers does not work
- I tested rt_ambamm.idcomuni.rt.poly with EPSG: 4326, 3857, 3003, 25832, 32632, 4326 reprojected to 3857 and 3857 repr...
10:11 AM Bug report #9579: wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- There were two problems with data defined anchor with SVG and ellipse symbol layers:
* data defined values were igno... -
10:00 AM Bug report #9579 (Closed): wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f4705703f60e5c1ac37bf49c49f0bcdae24a73e9".
09:25 AM Revision 74392f78 (qgis): debian packaging fix
08:37 AM Feature request #5963: too much decimals in graduated style classification
- thx!
08:30 AM Revision a5b77b9b (qgis): Merge pull request #1325 from 3nids/qtdesignerplugin
- QGIS custom widgets plugins for Qt Designer
08:30 AM Revision f9d7aef6 (qgis): create custom widgets by default
07:52 AM Bug report #8980 (Rejected): svg fill issue: lines not rendered correctly
07:41 AM Feature request #10305 (Closed): show feature coordinate in identify tool result
- The Identify Feature result list shows the Click coordinate (as in #810).
It would be nice to also show the coordina... -
06:54 AM Bug report #10304 (Closed): IOError: Errno 9 Bad file descriptor
- Hi,
I'm getting this error with some SAGA tools. The first time I try to run the tool, it shows this error, but tryi... -
05:50 AM Bug report #8695: Road graph plugin: no line saved in temp layer
- Still the same problem as described in my QGIS 2.0 installation on 64-bit Windows 7: Shortest path calculation works,...
05:40 AM Bug report #9959: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- aperi2007 - wrote:
> is this the same of #10153?
it seems so.
- 12:46 AM Revision 2ff79d31 (qgis): Expand label wording in filter dialog
12:31 AM Bug report #10153: QGIS master crashes if SVG is missing (SVG fill)
- is this the same of #9959?
12:31 AM Bug report #9959: crash on 2.2 and master when loading a vector style with missing SVG
- is this the same of #10153?
12:11 AM Feature request #5963: too much decimals in graduated style classification
- Can anyone raise the priority to high. I think that QGis is become a real professional tool for mapping now. Also, th...
10:47 PM Bug report #10303 (Closed): QgsFieldExpressionWidget grows too wide with long expressions
- The new QgsFieldExpressionWidget can grow very wide when using long expressions - this causes dialogs like the data d...
08:41 PM Revision 1c5b97c9 (qgis): [TRANSUP] uk fixes #1366
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
04:29 PM Revision eba60887 (qgis): Merge pull request #1365 from gioman/ogr2ogr
- fixes
03:37 PM Revision 07919309 (qgis): stage python extension only for staged plugins
- 03:28 PM Revision 3499a390 (qgis): Fix #8756 - Update function help for colour functions
03:22 PM Revision bbdf7cd2 (qgis): sync some sip bindings
- 03:07 PM Revision b66ee237 (qgis): Fix #9785
- 02:51 PM Revision 218da5a5 (qgis): Add drag and drop for QLR files. Fix #10005
- 02:22 PM Revision 317a5094 (qgis): Support multi layers in QLR files
02:18 PM Feature request #7390 (Closed): print composer's overview frame feature selection setting should ...
- I'm going to close this report, since #10299 is a feature request for multiple overviews per map. This is the way I p...
02:18 PM Feature request #7390 (Closed): print composer's overview frame feature selection setting should ...
- I'm going to close this report, since #10299 is a feature request for multiple overviews per map. This is the way I p...
02:10 PM Revision 1b49a473 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add preview modes for composer, allows for previewi...
01:53 PM Revision 2ce74167 (qgis): Add expression functions for bounding box (bounds), bounding box width ...
12:39 PM Revision c305c2fd (qgis): Merge pull request #1364 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: qgisapp
- 11:36 AM Revision 0f2b92f9 (qgis): fixes, take2
- 11:25 AM Revision 3f217c76 (qgis): fixes
08:40 AM Feature request #6893: GRASS r.null
- Pedro Venâncio wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> But Processing seems to request always an output parameter. How can we solve ... -
08:32 AM Feature request #6893: GRASS r.null
- Hi Markus,
But Processing seems to request always an output parameter. How can we solve this and add this two import... -
07:43 AM Feature request #9938 (Closed): Add a filter for "New" plugins to plugins website
- Moved to #10302 as it's related to the plugins website rather than to QGIS Desktop.
07:43 AM Feature request #9938 (Closed): Add a filter for "New" plugins to plugins website
- Moved to #10302 as it's related to the plugins website rather than to QGIS Desktop.
07:36 AM Feature request #9726 (Closed): allow choose inputs from project when usign tools in batch mode
07:35 AM Bug report #10291 (Closed): ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DX...
03:57 AM Bug report #10291: ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DXF" to "DX...
- will be fixed with -
03:57 AM Bug report #10291: ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DXF" to "DX...
- will be fixed with -
03:57 AM Bug report #10291: ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DXF" to "DX...
- will be fixed with -
06:59 AM Feature request #10301 (Open): [composer] Support formatting for grid coordinates
- A lot of maps show UTM coordinate labels in a 'standardized'/'conventional' scheme where the first two digits and the...
06:44 AM Feature request #10300 (Closed): composer: show annotations / canvas items above composer grid
- For a map with a lot of annotations, the behavior of the composer map item grid in 2.2 being drawn on top of the anno...
06:42 AM Revision 29de2001 (qgis): Fix getLegendGraphic
- 06:29 AM Bug report #8756 (Closed): colour expressions return rgb(a) instead of hex values
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3499a390d643c454b8b2eaca4d63979fe7005263".
06:26 AM Feature request #10299 (Closed): allow multiple overviews in composer
- For a large map with multiple inset maps, it would be nice to draw the overview of each inset on the main large map. ...
- 06:08 AM Bug report #9785 (Closed): Recent expressions missing in field calculator
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b66ee237ef45d66d1481d415798870d775791af8".
- 05:52 AM Feature request #10005 (Closed): Drag and drop .qlr files
- Fixed in changeset commit:"218da5a53898831fbe1011c2bed34af6d14c0e45".
04:11 AM Bug report #10298 (Closed): Unchecking "Use Proxy Access to Web" does not take effect until QGIS ...
- When I have the proxy access option set via the settings dialog, unckecking "Use Proxy Access to Web" does not take e...
03:56 AM Bug report #10296: Impossible to start any processing tool
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> Will there be an update to the processing plug-in for 2.2 ?
processing is updated (when an ...
11:54 PM Revision 0f3158a5 (qgis): Merge pull request #1349 from imincik/db_manager_quoteid
- db manager: fixed quoting of table name when schema is empty string
11:33 PM Feature request #5216: Modify default options in QGIS
- Default composer font is configurable in QGIS 2.2 - partly implements this request.
11:22 PM Revision e9734705 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: qgisapp
11:16 PM Revision bcfe0a8e (qgis): fix browser dock sorting - only files are sorted
10:02 PM Revision 48ed1cf5 (qgis): metasearch: ignore proxy settings != HttpProxy
10:02 PM Revision 7c75ffa3 (qgis): spelling fixes
10:02 PM Revision 080f57f8 (qgis): osgeo4w: don't include internal python libraries where packages are ava...
10:02 PM Revision 6874b10c (qgis): debian packaging update
07:27 PM Revision ebbc2982 (qgis): exclude metasearch ts files from run
07:27 PM Revision 25885b8a (qgis): move internal python extensions to common directory and fix metasearch ...
07:27 PM Revision 3c92a296 (qgis): processing: remove adsense from otb descriptions
07:27 PM Revision 5ca40804 (qgis): german translation update
01:49 PM Bug report #10296: Impossible to start any processing tool
- Will there be an update to the processing plug-in for 2.2 ?
01:35 PM Bug report #10296 (Closed): Impossible to start any processing tool
- it was fixed in master recently. Here is the commit:
#b1570fb20ae7a7ef345409c47d8f2cbf165720d8 -
12:40 PM Bug report #10296 (Closed): Impossible to start any processing tool
- When I start a processing tool (script or provider) I have this error message
Uncaught error while executing algorit... -
12:50 PM Feature request #10297 (Open): [network-analysis] add a full vector layer import in graph
- A graph is often represented directly in a vector layer by adding special fields : to_node, from_node, direction. to_...
09:57 AM Feature request #10295 (Open): Add auto increment field for non database formats
- It would be usefull to add a QGIS Field edittype called "Serial" and implementing auto-incrementation for non-databas...
06:53 AM Revision a4e974a3 (qgis): change qsettings in qgsoptions, not qgsapplication
02:14 AM Revision fb5ec3bc (qgis): restrict to node
10:50 PM Bug report #9579 (Reopened): wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- Some test that we do yesterday show that the "Point Of Vertical Anchor" don't work roperly in the data-definition.
I ... -
10:50 PM Bug report #9579 (Reopened): wrong behavior of svg symbol with data defined properties
- Some test that we do yesterday show that the "Point Of Vertical Anchor" don't work roperly in the data-definition.
I ... -
10:22 PM Revision f89b2cc4 (qgis): Merge pull request #1363 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: composer
08:03 PM Revision c2effbfe (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: composer
06:25 PM Revision e879a8b7 (qgis): get/set max. thread count in QgsApplication
06:25 PM Revision 9001c476 (qgis): add option to set max thread count
05:45 PM Revision 16cc66a4 (qgis): Merge pull request #1350 from geopython/MetaSearch-0.2.0
- add MetaSearch 0.2.0 (
03:43 PM Revision 9d838c93 (qgis): Make composer arrow, with and without markers, better fill the bounding...
02:45 PM Revision 50a258df (qgis): [processing] write additional output(s) compatible withg Azimuth and Di...
- plugin
02:45 PM Revision 6088dbac (qgis): follow up 5ad518afd2. Better handling of temporary directories
02:45 PM Revision 1507f0db (qgis): [processing] add new output type - directory
02:45 PM Revision 240c128c (qgis): another follow up for 5ad518afd2. Allow use of OutputDirectory in scripts
02:44 PM Revision 2d0e950b (qgis): [processing] new tool: points to path
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:44 PM Revision 4d5b7d37 (qgis): disable gap parameter as it is unclear if it useful
02:44 PM Revision 9b4b1df6 (qgis): init random generator before creating points
02:44 PM Revision 9f4e1072 (qgis): [processing] new tool: random points in polygons (variable)
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:44 PM Revision 2374c80e (qgis): [processing] new tool: random points along lines
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:44 PM Revision bfc33ba0 (qgis): [processing] new tool: random point in given extent
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:44 PM Revision 6e4fbf8d (qgis): move common function to tools package
02:44 PM Revision 72997dca (qgis): [processing] new tool: random points within polygons
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:44 PM Revision 1b423ca2 (qgis): [processing] new tool: random points in layer bounds
- Work done for Faunalia funded by Prof. António Mira (University of Évora,
Portugal, Unidade de Biologia da Conservaçã... -
02:22 PM Revision bae196ba (qgis): [composer] Small fixes to attribute table column model
01:36 PM Bug report #8760: Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
- Following Alexandre report on the dev mailing list [subject: Users Manual Form annotations challenge], I've created a...
12:40 PM Bug report #5896: Identify of WMS layers does not work
- You can use this public server.
Use t... -
11:42 AM Bug report #10137 (Feedback): Processing stripping out +towgs params
- Can you please check again, it does not seems to happen anymore.
10:26 AM Revision eb5627c7 (qgis): [composer] Fix crash with expression driven picture items
09:56 AM Revision f194822b (qgis): Merge pull request #1353 from leyan/snapping_intersection
- Check snapping tolerance of both layers before validating intersection snapping
09:28 AM Revision 0f0a0947 (qgis): Merge pull request #1358 from manisandro/memcpy_overlapping
- Avoid memcpy on overlapping memory
09:27 AM Revision 89cdfb98 (qgis): Merge pull request #1356 from manisandro/malloc_delete
- Fix malloc-ed memory freed by delete[]
09:22 AM Revision 2d749be9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1332 from leyan/deletePart
- Improve delete part feature for polygon
09:13 AM Revision f9e4e78d (qgis): Merge pull request #1361 from lucalanteri/patch-2
- Update inversedistanceweighted.rst
- 09:09 AM Revision 42145082 (qgis): Update inversedistanceweighted.rst
08:52 AM Feature request #5963: too much decimals in graduated style classification
- Agreed,
Also please notice what happens to 44.1200 it is on two classes, really it should go
- 44.1200
44.1201 -
... -
08:44 AM Revision ccc81926 (qgis): Merge pull request #1359 from Cracert/i18n
- [TRANSUP] pl: issues 11,12
08:17 AM Feature request #10292 (Open): Mode Defined Interval
- Add a mode in which the interval size would be set manually
Use case: You want the interval size to be exactly 10
Y... -
07:40 AM Bug report #10279: Join attributes by location - field shifted
- Fields values seems shifted.
07:40 AM Bug report #10279: Join attributes by location - field shifted
- Fields values seems shifted.
07:40 AM Bug report #10279: Join attributes by location - field shifted
- Fields values seems shifted.
07:40 AM Bug report #10279: Join attributes by location - field shifted
- Fields values seems shifted.
07:17 AM Bug report #10291: ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DXF" to "DX...
- Here is a readable version of the diff output...
07:14 AM Bug report #10291 (Closed): ogr2ogr dxf export does not work in Processing - Changing "AutoCAD DX...
- In the Processing toolbox, under GDAL/OGR-> OGR Conversion-> Convert format,
it does not seem to be possible to expor... -
06:48 AM Feature request #10290 (Closed): Forms: Multi-edit mode
- There should be a multi-edit form mode. When activated, one can edit multiple fields at once and the edited fields wo...
06:34 AM Bug report #10289 (Closed): Legend Symbol Settings are not read
- Since the new classes, the legend symbol settings are not read.
All these settings are 0.0 from qgsWmsProjectParser:... -
06:26 AM Feature request #10288 (Open): Introduce a menu into attribute forms
- At the top of an attribute form one should introduce a menu that lists:
* actions
* metadata and derived information... -
06:23 AM Bug report #10186: Shapefiles, big integer fields, values are set negative when too big
- test
06:15 AM Feature request #10287 (Open): Database relations: ability to define special cases for 1:1 and ob...
- In 1:1 mode the UI should behave as follows:
* only the form will be displayed (no table, no feature list)
* the plu... -
06:15 AM Feature request #10282: Action widget in drag and drop form
- Should apply to any form, not only drag and drop
03:00 AM Feature request #10282 (Open): Action widget in drag and drop form
- It should be possible to include a button into a drag and drop form that starts an action assigned to the layer.
04:26 AM Revision fbc161d7 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: issues 11,12
03:18 AM Feature request #10285 (Open): Nested forms with database relations: ability to decide whether em...
- For embedded forms/tables with database relations the relations widget should allow some configurable options:
* dis... -
03:13 AM Feature request #10284: Database relations: for 1:1 relations it should be possible to mix the wi...
- mast table should be master table
03:12 AM Feature request #10284 (Open): Database relations: for 1:1 relations it should be possible to mix...
- For more complex applications there are often 1:1 relations. In such a case it should be possible to mix the widgets ...
03:07 AM Feature request #10283 (Open): Geometry widget
- A new "geometry widget" type should be added. The idea is to have a widget in a drag and drop form, autogenerated for...
02:58 AM Bug report #10281 (Closed): Database relations: after starting edit mode, selected record in embe...
- Situation: database relation defined, form embedded. When starting to edit the embedded form, the selected record is ...
02:12 AM Revision 4ded6295 (qgis): Remove old disabling of many rendering features on Mac (wow, what a dif...
12:04 AM Revision bf3a0ee4 (qgis): Fix getenv call build error
11:52 PM Revision 62ed007f (qgis): Avoid memcpy on overlapping memory
11:26 PM Bug report #10280 (Closed): [PATCH] WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol with {LAY...
- Hi,
as subject, WMS GetLegendGraphics should return only the symbol if LAYERFONTSIZE and ITEMFONTSIZE are 0.
Actua... -
11:00 PM Bug report #10279 (Closed): Join attributes by location - field shifted
- After joining the attached point and polygon shps the calculated field sums are not correct (or not written to the co...
10:49 PM Revision e697c768 (qgis): Merge pull request #1357 from tomass/master
- Lithuanian translation update
- 10:36 PM Revision 5554ab61 (qgis): Lithuanian translation update
10:26 PM Revision 57c7b8ac (qgis): indentation update
10:26 PM Revision 6a6cc194 (qgis): fix warnings
08:55 PM Bug report #10128: small bug in example script and Extract_...
- Corrected version is supplied, Sven have you made the pull request on Github or should someone else do it?
08:54 PM Revision 38fba0c6 (qgis): GRASS fatal error longjmp
07:46 PM Feature request #10260: Processing - Geodetic Distance
- Update: I can find the distance using advanced field calculator, but it would be nice if using $length would return m...
07:26 PM Revision 13f3a8a5 (qgis): german translation update
07:05 PM Revision fedcb80c (qgis): labeling: when reprojecting on the fly don't modify the feature geometr...
07:05 PM Revision 5774bc40 (qgis): fix crash
07:01 PM Revision ea3be5c5 (qgis): Fix malloc-ed memory freed by delete[]
06:14 PM Revision e880ee4b (qgis): Fix writing relative file path if project path contains . or .. (pull r...
05:28 PM Revision b89cc257 (qgis): [TRANSUP] sv by Victor
- Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]>
- 04:55 PM Revision 07c57585 (qgis): [RASTER][Feature] Applying scale and offset to raster data - funded
- Ifremer
An issue has been opened 5 mounth ago
[BUG] #8417 incorrect value loaded from netcdf file
The data has not b... -
04:34 PM Revision 60f78244 (qgis): [processing] extension can now be specified for OutputFile
04:09 PM Revision a7cb486f (qgis): sort browser list by name
03:56 PM Revision c0fdfcf3 (qgis): always delete regardless of mouse position; use default rubberband color
02:51 PM Revision 408aece2 (qgis): [processing] removed margin from number input panel
02:46 PM Revision b8ea6e88 (qgis): Restore OverrideCursor in field calculator on fail
02:33 PM Revision df37e893 (qgis): [composer] Show missing image graphic if picture item source is invalid
- 02:28 PM Revision a1aa9809 (qgis): Fix windows build
02:22 PM Revision 24ce7456 (qgis): [composer] Don't consider removed items in z list
02:01 PM Revision d8761de0 (qgis): Merge pull request #1352 from 3nids/datadefined2
- use QgsFieldExpressionWidget in data defined properties
12:52 PM Revision d99dd8e0 (qgis): check snapping tolerance of both layers before validating intersection ...
11:04 AM Bug report #10268: Import CSV. spatial coordinates not recognised
- John Pilkington wrote:
> I've checked the separator; also made a new one-line .csv file using Notepad with exactly th... -
08:38 AM Bug report #10268: Import CSV. spatial coordinates not recognised
- I've checked the separator; also made a new one-line .csv file using Notepad with exactly the same result. I've tried...
05:32 AM Bug report #10268 (Feedback): Import CSV. spatial coordinates not recognised
- the file is ok and so is qgis that imports it without issues, check if the parameters (like the separator) are ok.
10:19 AM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- ...
10:13 AM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- Tobias Sch wrote:
> @Giovanni - Just loading the file in Ubuntu crashes the program (each time). Might only happen in... -
10:10 AM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- @Giovanni - Just loading the file in Ubuntu crashes the program (each time). Might only happen in 14.04, 64 bit. Migh...
06:03 AM Bug report #10269 (Feedback): Attribute table edit crash
- for the original reporter: please attach sample data and describe exact steps
for Tobias Sch: I cannot replicate any... -
06:03 AM Bug report #10269 (Feedback): Attribute table edit crash
- for the original reporter: please attach sample data and describe exact steps
for Tobias Sch: I cannot replicate any... -
06:03 AM Bug report #10269 (Feedback): Attribute table edit crash
- for the original reporter: please attach sample data and describe exact steps
for Tobias Sch: I cannot replicate any... -
03:34 AM Bug report #10269: Attribute table edit crash
- I can confirm this for the current build. Does QGIS-daily currently corrupt shapefiles? See attachment for a file tha...
09:12 AM Revision f9dcc371 (qgis): use QgsFieldExpressionWidget in data defined properties
08:28 AM Bug report #8824: Exported image from OpenLayer plugin looks shifted no matter of format but look...
- Mikhail Tchernychev wrote:
> 1. Use QGIS OpenLayers or other tools to capture pierce of satellite imagery
> you need... -
08:07 AM Bug report #8417 (Closed): incorrect value loaded from netcdf file with scale factor
- Merged commit 07c57585c1fe10143a3529dfdeddcfa358c8f692
Pull request 1252 h... -
08:07 AM Bug report #8417 (Closed): incorrect value loaded from netcdf file with scale factor
- Merged commit 07c57585c1fe10143a3529dfdeddcfa358c8f692
Pull request 1252 h... -
08:07 AM Bug report #8417 (Closed): incorrect value loaded from netcdf file with scale factor
- Merged commit 07c57585c1fe10143a3529dfdeddcfa358c8f692
Pull request 1252 h... -
07:32 AM Bug report #10271: Crash when using SVG markers
- It works fine under 2.0.1
04:12 AM Bug report #10271: Crash when using SVG markers
- Hi Gary,
how the project behave in qgis 2.0.1? -
05:58 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
- yes, it seems that using large/complex polygons (like your one that is the result of a poligonization from raster) th...
05:58 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
- yes, it seems that using large/complex polygons (like your one that is the result of a poligonization from raster) th...
05:58 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
- yes, it seems that using large/complex polygons (like your one that is the result of a poligonization from raster) th...
05:58 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
- yes, it seems that using large/complex polygons (like your one that is the result of a poligonization from raster) th...
05:58 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
- yes, it seems that using large/complex polygons (like your one that is the result of a poligonization from raster) th...
05:05 AM Feature request #10275: Copy SAGA documentation from RSAGA project
- Thanks for the pointer. I have checked, and only 46 algs seem to be documented. Furthermore, the docs are in Latex, s...
05:04 AM Bug report #10211: Styling - changing SVG fills causing crash dump and exit
- I tried on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. Works fine with the current daily build (2.3).
05:04 AM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- Vincent chourmo wrote:
> I've started a github repo with some processing script for transit and traffic analysis.
... -
05:03 AM Bug report #10227: QGIS2.2 - SAGA Gridding shapefile with only one point
- robert vech wrote:
> So I'm a QGIS user, not a SAGA user ... the tests were made to confirm the problem.
> Anyway, I ... -
04:37 AM Bug report #10247: WMS performance degraded
- So this may be related to multi threading (probably the biggest change in qgis 2.3). Tagging this as a regression mea...
03:12 AM Bug report #10247: WMS performance degraded
- I can also confirm the same thing for your WMS server. Using the same machines:
*QGIS 2.2: < 1 second (Very responsi... -
04:33 AM Bug report #10235 (Open): Bottommost layers in a legend group cannot be re-added
- Now I can see it too and it is not a regression (at least it is the same down until 1.8).
04:33 AM Bug report #10235 (Open): Bottommost layers in a legend group cannot be re-added
- Now I can see it too and it is not a regression (at least it is the same down until 1.8).
04:10 AM Bug report #10267 (Feedback): Data in attribute table changes after "joins"
04:06 AM Revision dc905acc (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Rework attribute tables to make tables more flexible.
- - Add support for reordering columns in a table (fix #5942)
- Add support for expression based columns
- Add support ... -
04:00 AM Bug report #8421: "import delimited text layer" does not work with files created on excel/osx
- For me, the issue importing CSV files on a Mac is that the importer doesn't support the default mac "record separator...
03:58 AM Revision fa0f0bd1 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add option for controlling placement of rendered im...
03:31 AM Revision 061941e1 (qgis): save raster useSrcNoData option in project (#10236)
03:27 AM Bug report #10262: SVG not rendering properly in 1.8 and 2.2
- The quality of the SVG-export should also be given highest priority. SVG maps are used very often on Wikipedia and th...
02:04 AM Revision ecf2600a (qgis): [composer] Allow for finer control over text rendered with QgsComposerI...
01:56 AM Bug report #9335: Widgets: impossible to input a time
- Should be fixed by
01:55 AM Feature request #10275 (Closed): Copy SAGA documentation from RSAGA project
- The RSAGA project has pretty good documentation on some of the SAGA algorithms. Maybe this could be copied into Proce...
01:39 AM Bug report #10274: QgsFieldExpressionWidget should show expressions in italics
- It does, but it's apparently overwritten by the OS.
! -
01:17 AM Bug report #10274 (Closed): QgsFieldExpressionWidget should show expressions in italics
- It would be a nice touch if QgsFieldExpressionWidget showed the expression row in a different font style (eg italic),...
01:39 AM Bug report #10224: Loading Geopackage sample crashes QGIS on Debian (works on Ubuntu and Windows)
- Seems to be fixed now in GDAL trunk and for version 1.11
01:36 AM Bug report #10247: WMS performance degraded
- It is hard to believe that it takes several seconds to update a WMS map if server is working OK. Could you try with a...
01:08 AM Bug report #10227 (Closed): QGIS2.2 - SAGA Gridding shapefile with only one point
- So I'm a QGIS user, not a SAGA user ... the tests were made to confirm the problem.
Anyway, I made a test with the SA... -
01:06 AM Feature request #10273: Add support for multi-line strings in the composer' attribute table item
- Relates to #8006.
12:38 AM Feature request #10273: Add support for multi-line strings in the composer' attribute table item
- Vertical alignment of cell content should be configurable too.
11:48 PM Feature request #10273 (Closed): Add support for multi-line strings in the composer' attribute ta...
- Right now, the composer's attribute table doesn't take into account string cells that contains multiple lines (see at...
12:43 AM Bug report #10235: Bottommost layers in a legend group cannot be re-added
- Here a screencast of my issue (sorry for the interferences at the beginning): -
11:34 PM Feature request #10272: Test value input for expression builder
- Maybe a box as in the query builder would be enough, with the option "Show first 10 results" and "Show all"?
09:29 PM Feature request #10272 (Open): Test value input for expression builder
- It would be nice to be able to provide test field values for the expression builder to test expressions before applyi...
10:54 PM Feature request #10266: transportation network management
- I've started a github repo with some processing script for transit and traffic analysis. -
12:02 PM Feature request #10266 (Open): transportation network management
- There was a QGIS plugin developed by a French company that allowed transportation networks management, but developmen...
10:00 PM Bug report #10271: Crash when using SVG markers
- Make sure you have no other additional elements in the SVG symbols that are outside of the document area. Open them u...
09:02 PM Bug report #10271 (Closed): Crash when using SVG markers
- With a project containing a lot of SVG marker symbols, zooming and panning will cause QGIS 2.2 (and master) to crash ...
08:06 PM Feature request #10270 (Open): Add tool for scale / transforming layers
- Would be nice to have something more interactive and user friendly for scaling data sets from imported vector data. I...
07:15 PM Feature request #2957 (Closed): Alignment in composer table widget
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dc905accacb25ff0932a19d5146de8e0b0fd3d84".
07:15 PM Feature request #5942 (Closed): Composer attribute table column order
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dc905accacb25ff0932a19d5146de8e0b0fd3d84".
06:31 PM Bug report #10236 (Closed): layer transparency 'no data value' checkbox setting is not preserved ...
- fixed in changeset commit:061941e1195144c024e0c082a88c7d51674aa452
06:07 PM Bug report #10236: layer transparency 'no data value' checkbox setting is not preserved during sa...
- Actually I am not sure if the no data value settings (and additional nodata value) should be saved in the project, bu...
04:55 PM Revision 25d991c7 (qgis): Merge pull request #1335 from manisandro/apply_settings_when_saving_style
- Apply settings before saving style, otherwise unapplied settings are not written to qml file
03:54 PM Bug report #10269 (Closed): Attribute table edit crash
- I have a basic points shp file that has about 25 records in.
I have about 3 records with no x y locations that I am t... -
03:45 PM Feature request #8844: PDF output option - text as text objects rather than paths
- It would be nice to have the option to maybe set background layers to render but export the text as text objects on top.
03:43 PM Bug report #10267: Data in attribute table changes after "joins"
- What do you mean? When you join data it will update the attribute table with the new information.
12:04 PM Bug report #10267 (Closed): Data in attribute table changes after "joins"
- The issue happens when I attempt to join a shapefile and data table. When I add the layer, the attribute table seems ...
01:28 PM Bug report #10268 (Closed): Import CSV. spatial coordinates not recognised
- This morning I successfully loaded a .csv file with OS coordiantes in the X, Y columns; points displayed correctly. N...
08:01 AM Bug report #10265 (Closed): Avoid intersections fails in many cases
- _avoid intersections_ does only work when digitizing new features. It does not work at all with existing features.
I... -
05:00 AM Bug report #10237: project loads layers not seen in legend
- done here: [[]]
03:47 AM Bug report #10238: SAGA algorithms doesn't work in Modeler QGIS 2.2
- Ok.
No, I can wait for the new version.
Hope it is fixed.
Thank you for the attention. -
03:33 AM