Bug report #8664

qgis dont load SVG symbol from they are in more than one subfolder in name attribute of a style

Added by aperi2007 - over 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Assignee:Radim Blazek
Affected QGIS version:2.0.1 Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:17393


I found this really bad boring bug.

If a put my svg symbol in a sub-sub-folder of an external path
(please notice the proof of subfolder should be almost two level to show the bug)

I see thay in the svg dialog.
I choose a symbol in a sub-sub-folder.
After this.
I save it on a style.

As I can see the svg path in the qml file is saved like this:

<layer pass="0" class="SvgMarker" locked="0">
<prop k="angle" v="0"/>
<prop k="fill" v="#000000"/>
<prop k="name" v="/sub-folder-1/sub-folder-1/3100-9.svg"/>
<prop k="offset" v="0,0"/>
<prop k="offset_unit" v="MM"/>
<prop k="outline" v="#000000"/>
<prop k="outline-width" v="1"/>
<prop k="outline_width_unit" v="MM"/>
<prop k="size" v="4"/>
<prop k="size_unit" v="MM"/>

But when I go to reload the style It don't find the SVG.
After some other test.
I can see that qgis undertand only one level subfolder when it load the stye.

So if the SVG symbol is in a relative path like this:
<prop k="name" v="/sub-folder-1/3100-9.svg"/>
is correctly load

but if the svg symbol is in a relative path like this other:
<prop k="name" v="/sub-folder-1/sub-folder-1/3100-9.svg"/>

it is not load.

Please notice that both are generate choosing the svg from svg diloag and saving they as style.

Associated revisions

Revision 0eed3dcc
Added by Radim Blazek over 10 years ago

svg search path fix, fixes #8664


#1 Updated by aperi2007 - about 11 years ago


Is confirmed this issue ?

#2 Updated by Radim Blazek over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

#3 Updated by Radim Blazek over 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Radim Blazek

Ticket fixed with funding from Regione Toscana-SITA (CIG:ZB10C90E5A).

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