robert vech


Reported issues: 2


01:08 AM QGIS Application Bug report #10227 (Closed): QGIS2.2 - SAGA Gridding shapefile with only one point
So I'm a QGIS user, not a SAGA user ... the tests were made to confirm the problem.
Anyway, I made a test with the SA...


07:06 AM QGIS Application Bug report #10227: QGIS2.2 - SAGA Gridding shapefile with only one point
So I did an other test.
I used 3 shapefiles:
- point1.shp a single-point shapefile --> rasterization doesn't work


03:24 AM QGIS Application Bug report #10227 (Closed): QGIS2.2 - SAGA Gridding shapefile with only one point
here the problem:
I'd like to rasterize 1-point shapefile with the command: Grid-Gridding --> Shapes to grid


12:29 AM QGIS Application Bug report #9128 (Closed): wrong perimeter value in the identify feature tool
trying to calculate area and perimeter from a simple shapefile with CRS WGS84UTM32 following these steps:
1) set up t...

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