François-Xavier Thomas

  • Registered on: 2014-05-28
  • Last connection: 2016-05-05


Reported issues: 1


02:10 AM QGIS Application Bug report #14779 (Closed): Categorized layers not rendered at all
Some vector layer styles we use stopped rendering at all in 2.14. We usually generate them in Python, but the bug can...


02:29 AM QGIS Application Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :
02:29 AM QGIS Application Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :
02:29 AM QGIS Application Bug report #6110 (Reopened): KML export is generating decimal separators depending on system locale
I'm facing the exact same issue with QGIS 2.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. @locale@ output on my system :

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