From 2016-05-26 to 2016-06-24
10:21 PM Bug report #14590: MSSQL fails to render layer with invalid features
- I have fixed this is in master using a IsValid() check however I think I will try the Filter method before release.
10:18 PM Bug report #14706: Style dock doesn't clear title on remove layer
- Using layer combo now.
10:14 PM Bug report #12261 (Closed): New measuring dialog stays always on top
- Fixed in changeset commit:"340a6f654b5803f21a89ccbc22950cca80f4331b".
10:05 PM Bug report #14893 (Closed): Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
- Changed now.
10:05 PM Bug report #14893 (Closed): Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
- Changed now.
10:02 PM Bug report #15054 (Closed): Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
10:02 PM Bug report #15054: Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
- Anita I have tweaked these now. Are you able to check for me.
07:51 PM Revision 4b16c64e (qgis): plugin manager: show plugin description and allow voting without webkit
- 05:17 PM Revision c1d0fab0 (qgis): Fix env var
- 05:13 PM Revision ca55b21b (qgis): Make offline layer visible
- 05:12 PM Revision 323da1be (qgis): Fixed WFS-T fid<->gml fid sync (thanks to roualt)
02:17 PM Bug report #15124: MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
- SQL SERVER 2016 and QGIS 2.14.3
Working fine here -
02:11 PM Revision a5392fb5 (qgis): [processing] add support for longlong fields in spatial join alg (fix #...
- (cherry picked from commit 87fea73647a2319aaa3c110cb26967f7f217d7f4)
02:10 PM Revision 87fea736 (qgis): [processing] add support for longlong fields in spatial join alg (fix #...
01:34 PM Bug report #14964 (Closed): WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
07:33 AM Bug report #14964: WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
- Closing. There's nothing we can really do (reasonably) about a malformed XML file sent by the server
01:29 PM Bug report #14965 (Closed): wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
07:34 AM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- Closing. This can/should be normally easily fixed on server side.
12:20 PM Revision bb815683 (qgis): Fix bug in GDALTools Assign Projection
- Assign Projection uses gdalwarp, and this works correctly when a raster has no CRS assigned, however, in the case of ...
11:38 AM Revision 02a0ebe1 (qgis): [WFS provider] Document hideDownloadProgressDialog=1 URI option
11:38 AM Revision d73ec067 (qgis): [WFS provider] Un-break building of offline editing database with 'Only...
11:16 AM Revision 3ece8aca (qgis): don't apply raster style to vectors (fix #15001)
09:59 AM Revision c6e0ad36 (qgis): Merge pull request #3226 from rduivenvoorde/legendsizefix
- Adding &TRANSPARENT=true makes too big legend images look good
fix #15089 - 09:11 AM Revision 66c47d7a (qgis): Keep feature form only on top of application and not system
- Better fix #15103
08:40 AM Revision 279a65bb (qgis): align icons on the Manage layers toolbar (fix #15074) (#3232)
07:51 AM Revision 343e177d (qgis): Merge pull request #3183 from DHI-GRAS/release-2_14
- [processing] fixes to GrassUtils and Grass7Utils (mostly cherry-picked jef-n)
07:49 AM Revision 67493514 (qgis): Merge pull request #3231 from arnaud-morvan/processing_menu_translation
- [processing] translate alg names in vector menu and options dialog
06:39 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- I confirm, that your patch corrects the problem. Thanks for your work!
Similar patch for form fTool... -
05:12 AM Bug report #15072 (Closed): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a5392fb51d0743458ba84c5a3841cae5b6a67718".
04:40 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- These are result, that I get in Windows, processing in both versions.
04:40 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- These are result, that I get in Windows, processing in both versions.
04:22 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- I guess problem is the same in both tickets, only this one deals with outdated feature. Maybe better reject this one ...
02:50 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Andrzej Popowski wrote:
> I see you have rejected ticket for processing as a duplicate. I'm confused.
It was exactly... -
02:39 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- I see you have rejected ticket for processing as a duplicate. I'm confused.
I don't know how to install fTools in mas... -
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
- Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403 -
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
- Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403 -
05:35 AM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
- Was a OGR WFS driver bug.
Fixed in GDAL trunk r34400, branches/2.1 r34401, branches/2.0 r34402, branches/1.11 r34403 -
02:52 AM Bug report #14810: Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
- I think yes. I can't reproduce it with lastest master and 2.14.3 (89a1f5b).
If possible, please test with nightly bu... -
02:46 AM Bug report #14810: Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
- This issue still occurs in 2.14.3 64 bits on windows 7 64 bits.
Did you mean it is fixed in master and so it will fix... -
02:30 AM Bug report #14810 (Closed): Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
- Fixed in master and 2.14.3. Please reopen if necessary
02:30 AM Bug report #14810 (Closed): Uncheck 'include Z dimension' in 'save vector layer as' doesn't work
- Fixed in master and 2.14.3. Please reopen if necessary
02:40 AM Bug report #15129 (Closed): WMS Geoserver - Map request failed (closed connection)
- Hi,
Working on QGIS 2.12, 2.8 and 2.4, I am experiencing troubles when trying to display a WMS layer from a Geoserve...
01:04 AM Revision 92bfcd48 (qgis): update QgsAttributeTableFilterModel sip bindings
12:59 AM Bug report #15089 (Closed): WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c6e0ad36e8372c20ba49dd31ee36b3cb815d8961".
12:08 AM Bug report #15121 (Rejected): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
04:49 PM Bug report #15121: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- I can confirm this with 2.14.3. I have a class of people using 2.14.3, some with Macs, some with Linux, some with Win...
11:14 AM Bug report #15121 (Rejected): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- When executing QGIS geoalgorithm "Join Attributes by Location" with attribute summary as "Take summary of intersectin...
11:40 PM Bug report #15074 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Button alignment
- Fixed in changeset commit:"279a65bb7e297a7df8a5674949feb8ce3f115479".
11:01 PM Bug report #15127 (Closed): Actions: expose "Set as Atlas feature" in list of layer actions
- The action "Set as atlas feature" is automatically added if a layer is used as Atlas coverage layer.
However, this a... -
10:22 PM Revision 4b001824 (qgis): oracle provider: by default skip additional geometry columns (on 64bit
- Windows/Linux OCI crashes when there are more than three geometry
columns) -
10:13 PM Bug report #15126 (Closed): style dock: labeling's priority slider broken
- The labeling's priority slider is broken when set through the style dock's live update.
*Steps to reproduce*
# Creat... -
08:58 PM Bug report #15122: Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
- Confirm. Faced with the same issue. Also you can freeze canvas by zooming out with mouse wheel.
01:02 PM Bug report #15122: Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
- tested in QGIS 2.14.3 (not 2.4.3.. typo). Can't seem to be able to update my original posting.
12:58 PM Bug report #15122 (Closed): Map canvas gets stuck after doing pan on a null geometry feature
- When running the "Pan map to the selected rows" tool on a row that has NULL geometry the canvas gets stuck to the ext...
06:55 PM Revision f473521a (qgis): Replace an explicit delete with a ScopedPointer
- 06:06 PM Revision 3661f92c (qgis): Persist attribute table sort order when clicking on column header
- And when sorting by preview expression
- 06:06 PM Revision 4d480725 (qgis): Fix initial widget focus in credential dialog
- 06:06 PM Revision b07bae60 (qgis): Default timeout for message bar items is 5 seconds
05:38 PM Revision 9edab1e0 (qgis): [Processing] Translate alg names in menu and options dialog
05:17 PM Revision defd7388 (qgis): Merge pull request #3229 from mhugo/fix_15113
- Allow curved polygons to be inverted (fixes #15113)
05:15 PM Revision a4195153 (qgis): use QgsWKBTypes to check layer wkb type (follow up 904dc21625)
- (cherry picked from commit e6970ba597a778afe47b551a6999f5305450f52b)
05:14 PM Revision e6970ba5 (qgis): use QgsWKBTypes to check layer wkb type (follow up 904dc21625)
04:53 PM Revision afa0335b (qgis): [Globe] Rework qgis tilesource update logic
04:20 PM Revision c131ee22 (qgis): [Globe] Remove qgis layer explicitly when resetting globe to stop all r...
- 04:16 PM Revision 4b6d38c4 (qgis): Add option to suppress SIP warnings (#3230)
- to fix travis builds for OSX. Yay
04:16 PM Revision b63f7887 (qgis): Add qgstestutils.h file with test helpers (#3208)
- Initially containing QGSCOMPARENEAR(a,b,epsilon) which prints
debug information if the comparison fails -
04:09 PM Revision 8976c9de (qgis): Allow curved polygons to be inverted (fixes #15113)
04:00 PM Feature request #15125 (Open): Legend text reflects feature label style
- Could there be a way for the legend text in a map composer to be defined by the label settings (typeface, font size, ...
03:58 PM Bug report #15124 (Closed): MSSQL Float Fields Don't Allow Decimal Entry on Forms
- When editing data in an MSSQL table, the form (and browser) does not allow the user to enter a decimal point when edi...
03:38 PM Bug report #15123 (Closed): QGIS tries to remove SQL query layers if they return empty
- I've had this issue where I build an SQL query layer to retrieve data from a database and QGIS opens, if the same que...
02:24 PM Revision 8b57da3a (qgis): support 25D layers in network analysis library (fix #11952)
- (cherry picked from commit 904dc216251d183305ba1c5dc6c846be10a879db)
02:22 PM Revision 904dc216 (qgis): support 25D layers in network analysis library (fix #11952)
01:32 PM Revision c943531c (qgis): fix signal-slot connection in New SpatiaLite layer dialog (fix #14343)
- (cherry picked from commit 70b9296f371a057ab90f64a6edc39f482a26f21d)
01:31 PM Revision 70b9296f (qgis): fix signal-slot connection in New SpatiaLite layer dialog (fix #14343)
01:03 PM Revision 57d3c78c (qgis): rename "snapping mode" option (#3222)
- 12:50 PM Revision 437cb85c (qgis): Left align mapped values
- Fix #15101
10:50 AM Revision d1952ba9 (qgis): Fix dialog title (#3228)
- 10:47 AM Revision 0783e8fc (qgis): Keep attribute dialog in front
- Fix #15103
09:51 AM Feature request #15120 (Open): select all or none for snapping options window
- I sometimes work with projects that have lots of layers and like to setup snapping for individual layers.
That windo... -
09:30 AM Feature request #15119 (Closed): on screen snapping indicator
- It'd be really nice if there was some kind of visual indicator telling the user what is being snapped.
For example... -
09:16 AM Feature request #14771 (Rejected): QGIS Browser: being able to sort list of files returned in pro...
09:02 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Andrzej Popowski wrote:
> I guess it should be other ticket?
Please tests also with master, and if you will cr... -
08:49 AM Bug report #11187: 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- ??Please check that you have no Processing in your ~/.qgis2/plugins directory??
Processing folders:
~/.qgis2/process... -
02:36 AM Bug report #11187 (Feedback): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Simon Dedman wrote:
> And what's odd today is that I had processing in /usr/share but no menu, and since moving it fr... -
08:48 AM Bug report #15118 (Closed): [Processing] Options dialog remove vector menu entries
- When processing options dialog is accepted, processing vector menu entries disapear but are not recreated.
This shou... -
08:28 AM Bug report #14535: fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version upgrade
- For those who wants to reset affected vector menu entries :...
08:24 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
- Storing menu entries in english is not a good solution as users will edit them in their language.
I also note that th... -
07:12 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
- Note that processing vector menu entries are stored in settings after translation. So this is not completely resolved...
06:55 AM Bug report #14535 (Closed): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version ...
- There was two different translations on Transifex depending on context string Vect&or => (&Vecteur and Vect&eur). I'v...
08:20 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- How about Debian 8 with QGIS-2.8.9 and dev/2.15/5bb2c7d ?
The test you (or your friend) made only show a regression u... -
08:17 AM Bug report #15113 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- Fixed in changeset commit:"defd7388bc612f0dd7c0a69f92fa27af09422357".
04:55 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- Thanks.
I can reproduce.
After a quick look at the code, that should not be a big deal to fix -
04:31 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- In the attached png image you can see the error message I get with border_risch_curve_polygon.gpkg
04:10 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- Im am sorry, it was the wrong data set - you are right, it was line data, but with WKB Type "Compound Curve".
The da... -
07:09 AM Bug report #15116 (Closed): Bad interpretation of CircularString representing full circle
- Currently for a CircularString(p0,p1,p2) where p0 == p2, QGIS considers p1 to be the center of the circle, whereas GD...
05:35 AM Bug report #14980 (Closed): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
- I could not add algorithm in the graphical modeler.
I can not reproduce with the latest version of the master.
mayb... -
02:37 AM Bug report #14980 (Feedback): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
- can you explain what is this problem? I can't understand anything from your report.
02:37 AM Bug report #14980 (Feedback): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
- can you explain what is this problem? I can't understand anything from your report.
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
- We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved... -
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
- We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved... -
05:27 AM Bug report #15088: Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
- We encountered the same behavoir on QGIS Server.
The crash is due to `QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerWillBeRemoved... -
05:22 AM Bug report #11952 (Closed): Network analysis graph empty
- Fixed in changeset commit:"904dc216251d183305ba1c5dc6c846be10a879db".
04:59 AM Bug report #15115 (Closed): WMS error message is too short
- When connecting to a WMS, I get an error message that is too short.
04:43 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
- This is a feature, not a bug. You could manually set rotation for the labels/symbols if you don't want this behaviour...
04:43 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
- This is a feature, not a bug. You could manually set rotation for the labels/symbols if you don't want this behaviour...
04:42 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
- I really don't know if it is by design or a regression, let's see if the main Composer dev can answer. @ndawson
04:13 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
- Yes it was!
I have attached the same PDFs but printed in QGIS 2.6.1. Point symbols and labels are rotated according ... -
04:13 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
- Yes it was!
I have attached the same PDFs but printed in QGIS 2.6.1. Point symbols and labels are rotated according ... -
03:09 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
- in the description you say "from QGIS 2.8", before that it was any different?
04:30 AM Bug report #14343 (Closed): Creating a SpatiLite layer without attributes fails in the 'New Spati...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"70b9296f371a057ab90f64a6edc39f482a26f21d".
04:16 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- @Harrissou: why one-click more? It is exactly the same nr of clicks as before - it just would be on top of the main w...
02:05 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- Actually not exactly, it is now also on top of other applications which is not really what I wanted... I'll check again.
04:08 AM Feature request #14856: Processing: Use r.external.out for GRASS raster algorithms
- Be aware of this one:
04:06 AM Bug report #14934 (Closed): Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
- Yes, indeed. I confused it with liblas...
lasinfo and the like might be useful in processing too.
But that is probabl... -
04:03 AM Bug report #14934 (Feedback): Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
04:03 AM Bug report #14934: Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
- If I'm not wrong, LAS tools are not included in OSGeo4W, so for me there is no sense to try to detect them here.
- 03:51 AM Bug report #15101 (Closed): Relation reference widget: values in combobox show right-aligned when...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"437cb85cd5590eb3525cbb5be4c120a5841fa26e".
03:33 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
- Here is where version detection started
03:02 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Seems this happens because Processing tries to detect OTB version by launching otbcli_Smoothi... -
02:43 AM Bug report #14949: QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
- Seems this happens because Processing tries to detect OTB version by launching otbcli_Smoothing command. Detecting ve...
02:33 AM Bug report #13279: Processing & SAGA
- According to SAGA 2.3 will support reading data via GDAL.
02:23 AM Bug report #15110: Where have all the line numbers gone?
- Thx!
02:08 AM Feature request #14396: Button to clear WMS Capability cache in the "Add WMS/WMTS layer" dialog
- Faced with the same issue on the latest master. If I change layer name on server side then after clicking "Connect" I...
- 01:51 AM Bug report #15103 (Closed): Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0783e8fc1ddb7dbf4f2bb4804c07c28e2e14568c".
01:48 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- Please try the current behavior.
On Linux it has been like that for years and I found it always confusing on the two... -
10:45 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- > hm - what exactly do you mean by "noisy"? Isn't it up to the user to close the window he doesn't need anymore? It's...
01:49 AM Feature request #15114: Rotating labels in a print composer
- I am working in QGIS 2.8.9 LTR but I have noticed that also in 2.14.3 (on Windows 7/8) and in QGIS 2.8.2 on Ubuntu 12...
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
- Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now?
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
- Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now?
01:37 AM Feature request #15114 (Feedback): Rotating labels in a print composer
- Could be a regression, what version of QGIS are you using now?
01:05 AM Feature request #15114 (Closed): Rotating labels in a print composer
- Hi.
I have notice that from QGIS 2.8 labels and point symbols are not rotated in print composer (while changing map r... -
01:35 AM Bug report #8919 (Closed): R scripts: not possible to export .csv
12:30 AM Bug report #8919: R scripts: not possible to export .csv
- Fixed with commit:f3bbf89
01:35 AM Bug report #15113 (Feedback): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
12:22 AM Bug report #15113: Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- Hi,
I've just tried the inverted polygon renderer on a curvedpolygon and it seems to work fine.
The attached file onl... -
11:02 PM Bug report #15113 (Closed): Inverted polygon renderer fails with CurvePolygon geometry
- If the layer is of type CurvePolygon, the inverted polygon renderer displays a message that this renderer type only w...
01:28 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- Hi Sandro,
I have the same configuration like you (using your project I get the same behavior).
I done more tests o... -
06:44 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- What do you have in Settings->Snapping_Options ?
My settings are:
Snapping mode: Current Layer
Snap to: Off
Toler... -
06:29 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- @strk thank you for all work on this issue.
the original bug was between 2.8.4 and 2.13 (master version). Today I ha... -
04:36 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- The 2.15 regression in identify/select was fixed with commit:e92e7fe472bc0b6e040461ee4f2152a5369776ee in master.
That... -
12:10 AM Bug report #14854 (Open): 'Save Edits' discards unconfirmed values in attribute table
12:07 AM Bug report #14617 (Closed): unable to display data from GRASS read-only mapset
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
12:07 AM Bug report #14617 (Closed): unable to display data from GRASS read-only mapset
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
11:55 PM Revision 232fb842 (qgis): debian packaging update: add python-future as dependency for python-qgi...
11:40 PM Revision 18603665 (qgis): heatmap plugin: port to C-API (fixes #15028)
11:38 PM Bug report #15053 (Closed): WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
- Even,
QGIS 2.15.0-86 uses PROJ.4 version 4.9.2.
And YES, the parameters for datum "hermannskogel" are correct (7 Par... -
11:01 PM Revision d7414d7e (qgis): [WFS provider] Handle the case where the layer schema has a ogc_fid field
- Fixes #15062
10:52 PM Revision 7c30985f (qgis): set symbol editor window title (fixes #15107)
10:41 PM Revision d9f934f9 (qgis): db manager: re-enable margins with line numbers in sql editor
- (fixes #15110)
09:12 PM Bug report #15112 (Closed): Attributes are NULL for GDAL WFS layer
- Open WFS layer with GDAL using the followning XML:...
08:10 PM Revision 8fcac87f (qgis): Fix API break of QgsMapLayer class introduced in 2.16
- This breakage was resulting in a Python error when using plugin layers
due to calls to pure virtual method writeStyle() -
08:10 PM Revision c92afcf2 (qgis): Fix double setExtent() calls
- Whenever QgsMapCanvas::setExtent() would be called, the status scale
widget would be updated and cause another setExt... -
03:31 PM Revision f8750a61 (qgis): Fix comment for precision loss
03:26 PM Revision b040410c (qgis): Fix comment about precision loss
- Thanks Even for helping with this
03:22 PM Revision 0a83f182 (qgis): selection by polygon: use 40 instead of 4 points for selection rectangl...
02:56 PM Bug report #14986 (Closed): python-future on 16.04
- Fixed in changeset commit:"232fb842fa779ec8bb8cc605668b722781d4b493".
02:47 PM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
02:43 PM Bug report #15028 (In Progress): Use GDAL C API only
- Even Rouault wrote:
> (Original discussion: + https:... -
02:41 PM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
- Fixed in changeset commit:"186036659e31f416751f40ffc872da1d23996704".
02:20 PM Revision 87789432 (qgis): [processing] fix gdal_contour algorithm
- (cherry picked from commit e4c1d896e97952743ea1c0c2144e33983fa5706a)
python/plugins/processing/algs/gdal... -
02:20 PM Revision fa524a2e (qgis): [processing] added ‘supported’ parameter to exportVectorLayer
- (cherry picked from commit 9c2721b08b02641ab4c61f97f710aa6347b94c15)
02:20 PM Revision 78881d64 (qgis): [processing] replace original layer name with exported in the final OGR...
- (cherry picked from commit c81b14d59ec578bf678cab2c71b821de574ac0c3)
02:16 PM Revision c81b14d5 (qgis): [processing] replace original layer name with exported in the final OGR...
02:01 PM Bug report #15062 (Closed): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d7414d7eca19dedc158b4de6214a74c860c973ee".
01:06 PM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- Reproduced. Due to a ogc_fid field name that conflicts with the FID column name of the spatialite cache. Fix under way
12:52 PM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- I've made public demo: @
10:47 AM Bug report #15062 (Feedback): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- any URL I can test here locally?
10:47 AM Bug report #15062 (Feedback): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- any URL I can test here locally?
10:32 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- I cannot reproduce what you observe (works fine when adding several layers) and don't have a theory.
- Which GDAL ve... -
08:48 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- Have updated QGIS to latest master.
WFS server contains several layers. All works fine when I add first layer. But w... -
01:55 PM Bug report #15107 (Closed): No title for the "Edit Symbol" dialog
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7c30985f802ba4555a2cba29d9215ca4f153e278".
01:44 PM Revision 740d9fb3 (qgis): [Globe] Make the reload button rebuild the entire qgis layer to recover...
01:42 PM Bug report #15110 (Closed): Where have all the line numbers gone?
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d9f934f9508b6388f8245fe695bab0b7cc649c1e".
11:12 AM Bug report #15110: Where have all the line numbers gone?
- I can see them on master on Linux (kde) but not on Windows.
11:02 AM Bug report #15110 (Closed): Where have all the line numbers gone?
- In the SQL window the line numbers are missing. It seems this is a regression from a former QGIS version (2.8?):
!ht... -
01:31 PM Revision d3d26030 (qgis): Port new MapToolIdentify tests from master
- Includes the test for identifying invalid polygons showing
(still passing as of 2.14) - see #13635 -
01:30 PM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
- I see a lot of difference between empty string and questions marks! Questions marks are strongly associated with 'som...
01:13 PM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
- dr - wrote:
> If I select "UTF-8" then I see field value as "����" but if I select "System" then I see field value as... -
09:42 AM Bug report #13796: Attribute table swallow values
- If I select "UTF-8" then I see field value as "����" but if I select "System" then I see field value as empty string....
09:35 AM Bug report #13796 (Feedback): Attribute table swallow values
- And what behavior do you expect? If you select "windows-1251" the value is "ЛЕСА" (forests). I suppose that would ...
09:18 AM Bug report #13796 (Reopened): Attribute table swallow values
- Issue is still present.
09:18 AM Bug report #13796 (Reopened): Attribute table swallow values
- Issue is still present.
01:28 PM Revision e92e7fe4 (qgis): Allow converting polygons with unclosed rings to GEOS
- Forces ring close on conversion, fixing a regression
from 2.8 (and 2.14). See #13635
Adds test for identifying inval... - 01:13 PM Revision 3fb87de1 (qgis): [styledock] inline new rule panel
12:35 PM Revision 4677a3ac (qgis): spatial bookmarks: remove inaccessible context help
12:35 PM Revision 1f0fce78 (qgis): db manager: fix drag and drop import (fixes #13712)
11:45 AM Bug report #15111 (Closed): wfsprovider directory is located in home directory
- If Settings -> Options -> Network -> Cache settings (Directory) is not set explicitly then "wfsprovider" directory is...
11:45 AM Revision b9b8d37c (qgis): [processing] add "-te_srs" option to gdal_warp (fix #15033)
11:12 AM Revision b369b208 (qgis): add .new from
11:12 AM Revision d69ec2e8 (qgis): save as raster: fix vrt creation (fixes #14171)
- 10:51 AM Revision 216623ff (qgis): Fix wrong mapping of feature ids in offline editing
- Fix #14727
10:07 AM Revision acc8274c (qgis): remove debug output
10:05 AM Revision e4c1d896 (qgis): [processing] fix gdal_contour algorithm
- 09:19 AM Revision f645b798 (qgis): Don't crash when default action is not set
- Fix #15092
09:19 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- Marco, could you take a look at this ? There's been lots of changes but no testcase:...
09:16 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- ...
07:40 AM Bug report #13952 (In Progress): QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- I've tested 2.12.0 to be also bad, so bisect range is 2.10.1..2.12.0 -- bisecting started
07:24 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- 2.10.1 is NOT affected either, so new range is good:2.10.1 bad:2.12.1
07:07 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- 2.8.9 is not affected, 2.12.1 supposedly was (as for original submission)
07:05 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- Confirmed as of 2.14.3 -- Snap to Segment Only is enough to reproduce (#note-11)
09:01 AM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
- Doesn't crash here. But still doesn't seem to work. I get plenty of "RasterIO error: IReadBlock failed at X offset...
08:33 AM Bug report #3975 (Open): PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
08:26 AM Bug report #15098 (Closed): ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
04:51 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
- The qjson dependency is missing. Once you install the library, it works.
@Jürgen: can you add the dependency to the p... -
03:05 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
- Sandro Mani wrote:
> I am unable to reproduce this with my windows build. Did you compile yourself or what build are ... -
06:37 AM Bug report #14841: Offline sync error with date types
- I think its just a warning. But what I already mentioned last week in Bern (usergroup Switzerland): I think the relat...
02:21 AM Bug report #14841 (Feedback): Offline sync error with date types
- Is there any functionality which is problematic or is it just the warning?
06:27 AM Bug report #13754: Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only few ent...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> zoom out to ~300.000.000 and try select all features by click and drag.
> If you zoom in ... -
06:23 AM Bug report #13754 (Closed): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Onl...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0a83f182f3e8aea684163096f70efc9f38399ad2".
05:55 AM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
> Because now Processing exports all vector layers into common format, that can be used by all backends and also to ...-
05:15 AM Bug report #15099 (Closed): algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c81b14d59ec578bf678cab2c71b821de574ac0c3".
03:55 AM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulting ogr2ogr co... -
05:53 AM Bug report #14961: Snapping bug
- Hi,.
I have similar problem in Windows QGIS 2.8.9 and 2.14.3 - when I start QGIS and I open .qgs project, snapping is... -
05:51 AM Feature request #11365 (Closed): Remember last selected Imput DB file > OpenStreetMap plugin - Ex...
- Seems fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
05:51 AM Feature request #11365 (Closed): Remember last selected Imput DB file > OpenStreetMap plugin - Ex...
- Seems fixed in master. Please reopen if necessary.
05:48 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> QGIS web client has "project switcher" functionality, I think that he refers to that.
Exact... -
05:14 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Processing doesn't work correctly either in 2.14.3, when I use csv map as target layer. The same processing procedure...
04:50 AM Bug report #15093: Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
- Yes, I thought it might be related to that issue. I can confirm that the 'Cancel' workaround does not work for me in ...
04:10 AM Bug report #15109 (Closed): Autotracing fails with Circular Arcs in geometries
- The autotracing digitizing mode fails if the data to trace on contains circular arcs (e.g. CompoundCurve, CurvePolygo...
03:35 AM Feature request #15108 (Open): "Pretty Break" for raster styling
- It would be useful to have a "pretty break" option (identical to that available for vector styling) when styling rast...
03:35 AM Bug report #13712 (Closed): Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB M...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1f0fce7852e9f6a27af967d7ac7ee3989dce7b45".
03:05 AM Bug report #15097: Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
- the "none" issues are a regression since 2.8.*
03:05 AM Bug report #15097: Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
- the "none" issues are a regression since 2.8.*
02:55 AM Bug report #14535: fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on version upgrade
- Do you see this with clean install?
02:44 AM Feature request #15033 (Closed): Processing: Warp should include -te_srs parameter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b9b8d37cc0b4c80ee50b4cc29b140262bf470354".
02:43 AM Bug report #14588 (Reopened): WIndows 7 freezes when using 'Pick color' tool
- Hi. I recently updated QGIS from 2.14.0 to 2.14.3 and this problem is happening to me. I load a shapefile. open the...
02:34 AM Bug report #13494 (Feedback): QgsApplication.initQgis leads to segfault
02:28 AM Bug report #14197 (Feedback): Export to shapefile from DXF throws an error: Attempt to write a no...
- Works fine in master - with setting geometry type "automatic" and "Point" and w/ or w/o force multitype. But the DXF...
02:13 AM Bug report #14171 (Closed): "save as" raster as VRT adds a usless ".tif" to folder output name, o...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"d69ec2e8bb1c3a4b036f063454f27dff60c4e643".
01:59 AM Bug report #15107 (Closed): No title for the "Edit Symbol" dialog
- in Layers panel, right-click on a layer, Styles --> Edit symbol
The opened dialog is titled "qgis-dev-bin" instead of... - 01:51 AM Bug report #14727 (Closed): offline edits update wrong feature
- Fixed in changeset commit:"216623ffe02f16e98db63799c10da1f7063e2537".
01:45 AM Bug report #15098: ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
- I am unable to reproduce this with my windows build. Did you compile yourself or what build are you using?
11:40 PM Bug report #15098 (Closed): ArcGIS Map/Feature server dialogs do not open on Windows
- Message:
"Cannot get Arcgis map server select dialog from provider".
is OK on Linux.
Tagging as severe a... -
01:40 AM Bug report #15106 (Open): Layer panel: "Edit Symbol" does nothing if no symbol defined for a rule...
- Create a rule-based rendering mode and set no symbol to one of the rules
In the Layers panel, right-click on the "no... -
01:39 AM Feature request #8925: Saving label information/styles into an SLD File
- from the first of 1 july this summer I have time to work on this plugin. If you want to participate in development al...
01:37 AM Bug report #15105 (Closed): Problem with handling Plugin layers style
- With QGIS master, when loading a plugin layer (Crayfish in my case) I get the following error:...
01:34 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- hm - what exactly do you mean by "noisy"? Isn't it up to the user to close the window he doesn't need anymore? It's a...
01:14 AM Bug report #15103: Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- I'd not be in favor of keeping them foreground. Could be noisy.
A first step can be to have only one form per feature... -
12:07 AM Bug report #15103 (Closed): Identify features: forms should stay in foreground
- When opening feature forms with the "Identify features" tool, there often multiple open forms that stay in the backgr...
01:33 AM Bug report #13993 (Closed): eVis plugin and UTF8
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:33 AM Bug report #13993 (Closed): eVis plugin and UTF8
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:33 AM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:33 AM Bug report #13844 (Closed): Pop-up vide ajout entité
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:32 AM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
- Can you do the same simply in PostgreSQL? I found this discussion
12:21 PM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
- Wouldn't it be better to remove 'serial' and 'bigserial' until someone has implemented this feature?
!https://issue... -
12:21 PM Feature request #14477: Add an option to create a sequence for existing integer columns
- Wouldn't it be better to remove 'serial' and 'bigserial' until someone has implemented this feature?
!https://issue... -
01:19 AM Bug report #15094: Labels disappear
- Good, it works !
But, I think this must be the default. :) -
01:00 AM Bug report #15094: Labels disappear
- Hi Roberto, can you please activate 'Show all labels for this layer (including colliding labels)' and try again?
!ht... -
11:03 PM Bug report #15094 (Closed): Labels disappear
- from QGIS 2.14, the labels of two (or more) layers disappears randomically.
01:09 AM Bug report #14690 (Closed): Unnecessary requirement in v.what.rast.points function when used in...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:09 AM Bug report #14690 (Closed): Unnecessary requirement in v.what.rast.points function when used in...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:08 AM Bug report #14394 (Closed): Tooltips are blank (2.14, 2.18)
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:08 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:08 AM Bug report #13796 (Closed): Attribute table swallow values
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
- The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph -
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
- The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph -
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
- The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph -
01:07 AM Bug report #13380: reprojection of lat/long lines across 180 in mercator map fails
- The issue is old, I wrote this paragraph -
12:54 AM Bug report #13356 (Closed): editing in file geodatabase
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
12:52 AM Bug report #11596 (Closed): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print comp...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
12:52 AM Bug report #11596 (Closed): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print comp...
- closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
12:51 AM Bug report #9784 (Closed): Zoom to selection doesn't work properly in point layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:51 AM Bug report #9784 (Closed): Zoom to selection doesn't work properly in point layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:48 AM Bug report #15104 (Closed): DB Manager: load only sample of attribute table records
- As for geometries the attribute table view in DB manager is only useful as a preview (the user cannot really do anyth...
- 12:23 AM Bug report #15092 (Closed): "Create default actions" crashes QGIS master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f645b79878f3e027a34347cfc70a058dee316c19".
03:15 PM Bug report #15092 (Closed): "Create default actions" crashes QGIS master
- Subject says it all. Tested on Windows and Linux.
12:15 AM Bug report #15093: Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
- See also: #14224
Here in QGIS master (Win7) everything seems to work. -
08:02 PM Bug report #15093 (Closed): Load style from .qml does not apply label settings
- To reproduce:
1. Save a labeled vector layer's style as a .qml file.
2. Create a new vector layer OR add an existing... -
12:09 AM Bug report #14846 (Feedback): QGIS Union: wrong results
11:59 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- It happens also on Linux with gdal 1.11.*
it seems that when creating the ogr2ogr command, now in master the input ... -
11:54 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- Confirmed here, and is a regression.
A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulti... -
11:54 PM Bug report #15099: algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- Confirmed here, and is a regression.
A question: why in this tool(s) now the path of the input layer (in the resulti... -
11:42 PM Bug report #15099 (Closed): algorithm with underscore in layer name does not work
- the algorithm
import vector layer in database (avaible connection)
does not work if the layer's name contains an un... -
11:58 PM Bug report #15102 (Closed): Forms and transaction mode: Edit and Save buttons in nested forms sho...
- When the transaction mode for editing is enabled, all tables from the same data provider (currently only PostgreSQL s...
11:44 PM Bug report #15101 (Closed): Relation reference widget: values in combobox show right-aligned when...
- When opening the combobox of a relation reference widget, the values show right-aligned.
They should be left-aligned... -
11:44 PM Bug report #15100 (Closed): Processing preconfigured algorithms python error
- * create a preconfigured algorithm, and save it
* try open it
* see messages below
tagging as severe as is a new fea... -
11:37 PM Bug report #14159 (Feedback): "QGIS-styled group boxes" option hides with WM(T)S "Image encoding"...
- Not reproducable here - the group box is initially empty and populated once capabilities are retrieved (w/ or w/o qgi...
11:31 PM Bug report #15097 (Closed): Issues when running "Import into PostGIS" in batch mode
- * when selecting layers from filesystem and the table name is left blank, to leave the tool use the input vector as n...
11:30 PM Bug report #15096 (Closed): Attribute table: sort by display value instead of numeric code
- In the attribute table one can pick a sort column or expression.
For widgets that have a display value, it would be ... -
11:25 PM Bug report #15095 (Closed): QGIS forms view: sort order in left column not preserved
- QGIS 2.16 has a new option to sort by column or expression directly in the form view. Previously, one had to switch t...
08:21 PM Revision 6111beea (qgis): [GDALTools] pass output format to gdal_contour (fix #6695)
08:20 PM Revision 803cbada (qgis): [GDALTools] pass output format to gdal_contour (fix #6695)
06:02 PM Revision 7eacd444 (qgis): prevent concurrent access while creating iterators and updating cache i...
- #mutexmania
kudos to @m-kuhn -
06:01 PM Revision b4436271 (qgis): Fix allow clicking on a tags in maptips (#3218)
- this is done by listening to the linkClicked signal
04:52 PM Revision 7697d79a (qgis): Merge pull request #3227 from m-kuhn/FixToplevelGroupBoxes
- Fix groupboxes on toplevel in drag and drop designer
04:48 PM Revision 3c06341a (qgis): add context help for the "add oracle layers" dialog and use QTextBrowse...
- 04:36 PM Revision eaff9662 (qgis): Fix groupboxes on toplevel in drag and drop designer
03:57 PM Revision c5e7a981 (qgis): [processing] speedup Hub distance algorithm (fix #15012)
- (cherry picked from commit e0c9733f6482f184aeeff1339fafef210d1a0709)
python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis... -
03:57 PM Revision 55fc3eea (qgis): [processing] use bulk features loading to speedup spatial index creation
- (cherry picked from commit 2d9b2a354b01e29b8fe39aea02829d892880b438)
03:56 PM Revision 2d9b2a35 (qgis): [processing] use bulk features loading to speedup spatial index creation
03:56 PM Revision e0c9733f (qgis): [processing] speedup Hub distance algorithm (fix #15012)
03:28 PM Bug report #12056 (Closed): "Also list tables with no geometry" option indicated twice while addi...
- The connection setting is the default for the selection dialog.
03:28 PM Bug report #12056 (Closed): "Also list tables with no geometry" option indicated twice while addi...
- The connection setting is the default for the selection dialog.
03:13 PM Bug report #9071 (Closed): Filter queries ignore ""
- 02:57 PM Revision 5a439718 (qgis): Fix overlapping widgets with dnd designer and toplevel fields
02:50 PM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> Please could anyone remove the @item@ argument of emit() at the line 562 of the -
02:30 PM Bug report #8606 (Closed): Data browser: all vector icons shown as polygons
- That a configurable option, when Data Sources/Data source handling/Scan for valid items in the browser dock is set to...
02:30 PM Bug report #8606 (Closed): Data browser: all vector icons shown as polygons
- That a configurable option, when Data Sources/Data source handling/Scan for valid items in the browser dock is set to...
- 02:25 PM Revision 679cab2c (qgis): Followup dab157f
01:53 PM Bug report #8604 (Closed): Repeated number of elements in legend
01:49 PM Bug report #8576 (Closed): PostGIS literal special character not escaped
- fixed in commit:7829e7a
01:49 PM Bug report #8576 (Closed): PostGIS literal special character not escaped
- fixed in commit:7829e7a
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
- works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64)
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
- works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64)
01:34 PM Bug report #8543 (Closed): QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer.addedFeatures() function binding on Windows 8...
- works fine for me (on windows 10 x86 and x86_64)
12:39 PM Feature request #13950: Precise guide position in composer
- After opening a .qgis file in a text editor (e.g. gedit) guide lines can be set by entering x and y values.
!https:/... -
12:09 PM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
- Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> I am not a QGIS developer, but some developers in some other projects which I know apprecia... - 11:49 AM Revision 251a6201 (qgis): Fix code style
11:49 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- Most likely this is not an issue of high priority. However, here is my proposal to fix it: #15079-2
02:47 AM Feature request #15071 (Closed): Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- If you have any idea how to improve the confusing interface, please open a new issue.
- 11:46 AM Revision dab157f7 (qgis): Minor fixes and doxymentation for QgsSnappingUtils
- 11:46 AM Revision 318a8350 (qgis): Default to creating an autoincrement primary key for spatialite
- References #15071 (
11:19 AM Bug report #6695 (Closed): Contour extraction doe not consider chosen format
- Fixed in changeset commit:"803cbada1344773500f337464e9178c45b32f1c6".
11:19 AM Revision f7c15069 (qgis): Adding &TRANSPARENT=true makes too big legend images look good
- See for screenshots & test service url
11:18 AM Revision 6fae6e22 (qgis): Update arrow mask image
11:18 AM Bug report #15079: New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
- Perhaps tooltips could help to improve the 'Create Table' dialogs.
! -
11:18 AM Bug report #15079: New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
- Perhaps tooltips could help to improve the 'Create Table' dialogs.
! -
10:33 AM Revision 36e7f920 (qgis): Fix outline rendering in arrow symbol layer
10:17 AM Feature request #15090 (Rejected): Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
05:45 AM Feature request #15090 (Rejected): Make the GDAL/OGR console call editable
- Using Raster -> Projections -> Warp, it is possible to edit the command line handed over to gdalwarp before executing...
10:13 AM Feature request #13685 (Closed): Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
- Processing was removed from Official Plugins Repository and will be shipped only with QGIS.
10:13 AM Feature request #13685 (Closed): Better handling of Processing updates for qgis/qgis-ltr/master
- Processing was removed from Official Plugins Repository and will be shipped only with QGIS.
10:11 AM Bug report #14336 (Closed): saga:mergeshapeslayers missing
- Closed for the lack of feedback. Please reopen if necessary
09:54 AM Bug report #15091 (Closed): qgis 2.14 and 2.15 - problem of character encoding with "virtual layer"
- Hello,
I try to utiiser "virtual layer" with an encoded layer 'latin1'.
I want to change the value of an attribute ... -
09:10 AM Revision 543d5211 (qgis): WMS GetLegendGraphic fix #15055 (#3213)
- When creating the legend image url, this tests for available queryparams
in a case-insensitive way... - 09:06 AM Revision 3e1971b6 (qgis): Remove wrong override
- 09:00 AM Revision 8e2c201a (qgis): Fix build
08:26 AM Revision 672c2291 (qgis): Small fix in write.csv option (#3225)
- 08:26 AM Revision 1072d968 (qgis): [styledock] Inline edit panel for rules
- 08:26 AM Revision 82e2add0 (qgis): [ux] Show the color values in tooltip
- 07:51 AM Revision be1244d3 (qgis): Adjust symbol layer widgets for better dock use
07:49 AM Bug report #8477 (Closed): No help for Add Oracle Table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3c06341aa9ddf38b526d49fd5e6c3d8298217c71".
07:47 AM Bug report #8477: No help for Add Oracle Table
- That's the link to help of the New/Edit oracle connection dialog.
07:28 AM Bug report #8070 (Closed): When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
- should be fixed in commit:aeafe3c8
07:28 AM Bug report #8070 (Closed): When saving, QGIS doesn't default to your own documents directory
- should be fixed in commit:aeafe3c8
06:55 AM Feature request #15012 (Closed): Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e0c9733f6482f184aeeff1339fafef210d1a0709".
06:24 AM Bug report #15072 (Feedback): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
06:23 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Also works with 2.14.3 using Processing.
06:20 AM Bug report #15072: Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- Note that fTools was removed and now you should use Processing. Works fine in master with Processing.
06:07 AM Bug report #13755: Copy/paste PostGIS layer: date not autofill ( ('now'::text)::date)
- one more try, was this fixed by the same fix of #13857 ?
06:05 AM Bug report #14822 (Open): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
06:04 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> Luca what do you mean by switching from a project to another ? Could you provide a script to... -
06:03 AM Bug report #13952: QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- see also
06:02 AM Bug report #13952 (Open): QGIS node tool causes snapping another feature randomly
- the error as described in #13952-11
is still valid on the latest master. -
05:57 AM Bug report #13754 (Open): Selected Multipolygon by Rectangle / "on the fly" reprojection = Only ...
- zoom out to ~300.000.000 and try select all features by click and drag.
If you zoom in enough selection seems to wor... -
02:22 AM Bug report #15089: WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?
01:58 AM Bug report #15089 (Closed): WMS legend image size too big: make it transparent?
- Hi, some WMS services provide legend images for layers which are much too big: -
01:14 AM Revision fea46f60 (qgis): precise layer selection option (#3223)
01:10 AM Bug report #14727 (Open): offline edits update wrong feature
01:06 AM Revision 94413b35 (qgis): postgres provider: allow database without postgis (fixes #6891)
12:36 AM Bug report #15042: DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
- Thanks for having a look at it... This is really strange. I definitely get an error message if I use drag and drop (b...
12:17 AM Revision ecf3b371 (qgis): db manager: show database name in postgis connection details (fixes #3489)
12:16 AM Revision 2c112f96 (qgis): gdal tools: use native file dialogs (fixes #5500)
12:10 AM Bug report #15055 (Closed): WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double nam...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"543d5211332a885960a19b4a7ca7ff3296838a27".
12:05 AM Bug report #7241: Border of vector feature visible even with no pen border
- This tends to happen when rendering is using antialiasing. Adding a border line of the same colour as the fill often ...
10:03 PM Revision ab98858b (qgis): Fix build failure due to dabc3b16d72184da2867e0b3ae37b1d45928cddd
09:23 PM Revision f3bbf897 (qgis): Small fix in write.csv option (#3225)
09:08 PM Revision 6ea03ea4 (qgis): [Geometry] Fix various issues related to Wkb/Wkt import
- - Make QgsCurvePolygonV2::fromWkb() accept CompoundCurveM sub-geometries
- Make QgsGeometryCollectionV2::fromWkb() va... -
05:05 PM Revision dabc3b16 (qgis): [Geometry] Fix deleteVertex() for CircularString, CompoundCurve and Cur...
- In some situations, deleteVertex() could generate an invalid geometry, causing
later crashes due to unexpected struct... -
04:16 PM Bug report #7097 (Feedback): QGIS keeps pinging Web services
- It this the browser querying registered web services?
04:13 PM Bug report #7096 (Closed): Minimised QGIS still shows tooltip
- The tooltip were removed.
04:13 PM Bug report #7096 (Closed): Minimised QGIS still shows tooltip
- The tooltip were removed.
04:06 PM Bug report #6891 (Closed): Connection to non-spatial PostgreSQL
- Fixed in changeset commit:"94413b35a08a154e5b40c2a9cab13fcb0d0ee4a4".
03:41 PM Bug report #6573 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.geomChanged not connectable on Windows
- apparently meanwhile fixed.
03:41 PM Bug report #6573 (Closed): QgsVectorLayer.geomChanged not connectable on Windows
- apparently meanwhile fixed.
03:18 PM Bug report #3489 (Closed): Missing DB name in Add PostGis layer gives no useful warning
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ecf3b3719d4f24dc7f369d3253150c4990c9c681".
03:17 PM Bug report #5500 (Closed): Dialog windows and Windows network
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2c112f96cab55eed2f3922dbf2dd14522eac5aee".
- 12:56 PM Revision 0914b744 (qgis): Rename Map Styling Dock to Layer Styling Dock
- 12:56 PM Revision b015fb4c (qgis): [styledock] Hide/Show back button correctly
12:55 PM Revision 1cd78083 (qgis): QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::headerData(): fix crash on layer with no ...
- Fix crash on qgis_attributetabletest and when displaying the attribute
table of a layer without any attribute field.
... -
12:25 PM Revision 72d75ff4 (qgis): [OGR provider] Make changeGeometryValues() accept null geometry
- Fixes #15081
12:20 PM Revision 4c56fa6e (qgis): [OGR provider] Make changeGeometryValues() accept null geometry
- Fixes #15081
12:16 PM Feature request #15057: Allow custom value map widget sorting
- That might work, but I'm not sure what you are asking. What keys and where can I define them?
12:09 PM Revision 0ba12869 (qgis): Tighten margins and spacing on various docks
- Fixes a rendering artefact on OSX toolbars and leaves more
space for content.
Let me know if this looks bad on Windo... -
11:35 AM Revision 7b0bec7b (qgis): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setProj4String(): harden validation
- OSRImportFromProj4() may accept strings that are not valid proj.4 strings,
e.g if they lack a +ellps parameter, it wi... -
11:30 AM Revision 85128c54 (qgis): QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setProj4String(): harden validation
- OSRImportFromProj4() may accept strings that are not valid proj.4 strings,
e.g if they lack a +ellps parameter, it wi... -
10:28 AM Revision 87839410 (qgis): Merge pull request #3221 from nirvn/bookmark_ui_imp
- [bookmarks] improve zoom to bookmark icon and UI
09:53 AM Bug report #14196 (Feedback): QGIS Server sending UPDATE... WHERE NULL to postgis in a WFS layer
- What kind of keys is that layer using? Is suppose it is using a string or a composite key - for those a temporary ma...
09:40 AM Bug report #14822 (Feedback): QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
09:38 AM Bug report #14138 (Feedback): Vector layers have been exported into broken DXF file
- can you supply a sample input file that produces output like this?
09:36 AM Bug report #10619 (Feedback): Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not spee...
- Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hitting this again now.
And you have "Attribute table behaviour" set to "Show features... -
09:22 AM Revision 43bdcdb7 (qgis): [bookmarks] improve zoom to bookmark icon and UI
09:09 AM Revision 63cbf877 (qgis): [styledock] open via double click action legend setting (#3220)
09:05 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- dr - wrote:
> There are no something specific with my setup. Faced with the same issue on laptop with Ubuntu 12.04:
>... -
08:53 AM Bug report #15088 (Closed): Segmentation fault when using layersRemoved SIGNAL
- There seems to be an issue connecting the SIGNAL layersRemoved from QgsMapLayerRegistry.
For example, if I save this... -
08:15 AM Bug report #15077: Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
- Not completely sure this is related, but when trying to reproduce this issue, I found #15087 (now fixed)
08:08 AM Bug report #15087 (Closed): Crash when deleting the last segment of a compoundcurve
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dabc3b16d72184da2867e0b3ae37b1d45928cddd".
07:56 AM Bug report #15087 (Closed): Crash when deleting the last segment of a compoundcurve
- 1. Create a new scratch layer of type polygon
2. Create a geometry made of a straight line, circular string and endin... -
07:07 AM Revision 3672ab9e (qgis): Merge pull request #3219 from nirvn/composer_icons
- [gui/hidpi] vectorize composer toolbar & attribute table toolbar icons
06:55 AM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
- Hi Jukka, the 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialog only lists the data types 'Text data', 'Whole number' and 'Decimal number...
05:27 AM Bug report #15076: Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
- I am not sure about this. While SQLite internally has only few datatypes it is still possible to create a column for...
06:49 AM Revision aae8fefd (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize attribute table toolbar icons
06:17 AM Revision ace324b6 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize composer toolbar icons
06:14 AM Bug report #15086: Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
- For comparison I add some links to an implementation proposal and the discussion that followed in the Geoserver proje...
05:30 AM Bug report #15086 (Closed): Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
- There is inconsistency between WMS and WFS layer names when calling a layer with a space in the name. This makes it d...
06:07 AM Revision 8261275a (qgis): Respect icon size in attribute table, use svg icons
06:07 AM Revision 33d64dc4 (qgis): Use a real toolbar for attribute table dialog
- - Fixes style issues on various platforms (esp. OSX)
- Allows resizing the window smaller and actions get moved
to ov... -
06:07 AM Revision 1053c5e1 (qgis): Better reflect layer capabilities in attribute dialog toolbar
06:07 AM Revision 1156c8de (qgis): Properly set multiedit button state
05:35 AM Revision fcbaf7fa (qgis): [styledock] create a style preset icon (#3210)
05:28 AM Bug report #15085 (Closed): The setting 'Use layer ids as name' does not work for WFS-call
- The setting 'Use layer ids as name' works for WMS-call but +does not+ work for WFS-call. This makes it difficult prog...
04:56 AM Bug report #15083: Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
- Sorry about that:
And it appears this migh... -
02:55 AM Bug report #15083: Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
- Note: the provided link is a File Geodatabase and not the mentionned shapefiles.
Isn't it a duplicate of #14981 ? -
04:13 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS and SQLite/SpatiaLite are rather alike but they are not at all identical.
In SQLite there is no c... -
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
- Fixed by commit:1cd7808
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
- Fixed by commit:1cd7808
03:57 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
- Fixed by commit:1cd7808
03:49 AM Bug report #15047: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attributetablet...
- This also cause a crash when displaying the attribute table on a layer with no attribute fields.
03:28 AM Bug report #15081: Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
- Thanks, Even.
03:20 AM Bug report #15081 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4c56fa6e8ebcbcfc732d39e7bbe31d9f8376dee6".
- 03:16 AM Revision 03ea9fb9 (qgis): Remove unused variable
02:56 AM Bug report #14828: Rename 'Snapping mode' to 'Layer mode' (?) in 'Snapping options' dialog
- Indeed, when comes time to document this feature, it's quite ununderstandable.
A fix with 'Layer selection' is propos... -
02:49 AM Bug report #15082: SpatiaLite index issue
- The issue is real but how to improve the current situation needs some thinking because spatial index in SpatiaLite/Ge...
- 02:48 AM Revision 7a572c4f (qgis): [style dock] Refactor API. Move back button outside scrollarea.
- Clean up API. Remove QgsPanelWidgetPage - no longer needed
QgsPanelWidgetStack widget manages back button and breadcr... -
02:30 AM Bug report #14844 (Closed): Oblique Mercator projection hanging when rendering map
- Fixed in changeset commit:"85128c54191cfedeaee04ca9c4ac0341ab8f5088".
01:58 AM Feature request #15084 (Open): Show Z value in "Current map coordinate"
- Currently the "Current map coordinate" textbox only shows the X and Y values.
If the user has loaded a layer with Z ... -
01:32 AM Bug report #11007 (Reopened): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in ot...
- No issue with 2.14.1 / 2.14.2 but the same issue with 2.14.3
(test with Arcgis 10.4) -
04:59 PM Bug report #15083 (Closed): Import Data into Geopackage using DBManager
- Data Location:
QGIS Master: eee599e
gdal: ... -
02:17 PM Bug report #14844: Oblique Mercator projection hanging when rendering map
- The issue with "+proj=omerc +lat_0=53.155728 +lonc=-117.171755 +alpha=-44.25 +gamma=0 +k_0=1.00064458 +x_0=0 +y_0=0+e...
11:21 AM Bug report #15082 (Closed): SpatiaLite index issue
- Spatial indexes are not listed in 'Indexes' tab and the 'DB Manager' crashes when adding a index (see screencast).
09:37 AM Revision 29df8a9f (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize advanced digitizing toolbar icons (#3216)
- * [gui/hidpi] vectorize advanced digitizing toolbar icons
* [gui/hidpi] vectorize label toolbar icons -
08:31 AM Bug report #8055: Panels disabled in the customization config are still available in the main menu
- actually it looks like deactivation of panels is not taken into account at all. They are still present.
08:22 AM Bug report #15081 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometry of feature from a shapefile
- Select all vertices of a (already saved) feature in a shapefile, click DEL to erase them.
They get wiped and message ... -
07:36 AM Bug report #15080 (Closed): Impossible to clear geometries of features that have circular strings...
- In a scratch layer, I fail to clear geometry of feature that is drawn using a "Add circular string..." tool. There's ...
07:00 AM Bug report #15079 (Closed): New PostGIS/SpatiaLite table - Inconsistent behavior of primary keys
- Please create a new PostGIS and a new SpatiaLite table in the 'DB Manager'. In both cases select 'integer' (data type...
06:38 AM Bug report #15077: Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
- I'm unable to reproduce it using another scratch layer. Can't figure out what was the problem with the previous one.
... -
06:21 AM Bug report #15077 (Closed): Disable "Add circular string..." tools for temporary layer
- Toggle to edition a line or polygon temporary layer
Try to add new feature using one of the "Add circular string..."... -
05:21 AM Bug report #15076 (Closed): Create table dialog lists useless data types for SpatiaLite
- For SpatiaLite the create table dialog should only list the data types integer, text, real and numeric.
See also: ht... -
04:37 AM Bug report #15073: Advanced Digitizing Panel -> Error
- Raising the priority on this. While it's a harmless error, it's very confusing and unfriendly to users.
04:18 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
- Primary keys for new SpatiaLite layers are always named 'pkuid'. The 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialog misses a text fie...
03:06 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
- The "Create autoincrementing primary key" exists there probably because of the word "autoincrementing". SQLite has al...
02:03 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
- Maybe 'New SpatiaLite Layer' and 'New GeoPackage Layer' should share the same dialog. 'New GeoPackage Layer' allows t...
02:03 AM Feature request #14344: Individual name for primary key in 'New SpatiaLite Layer' dialogue
- Maybe 'New SpatiaLite Layer' and 'New GeoPackage Layer' should share the same dialog. 'New GeoPackage Layer' allows t...
03:56 AM Feature request #12158: Rename "Road Graph" to "Shortest Path"
- The path that is returned is not necessarily the shortest one. Could Routing describe the tool even better?
03:55 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- I've just noticed that for new SpatiaLite tables an auto incrementing primary key (data type 'integer') is created au...
02:54 AM Feature request #15071: Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- SQLite does not have datatype "serial". INTEGER PRIMARY KEY [AUTOINCREMENT] comes closest to that. No other column th...
01:59 AM Bug report #15075: Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
- Node tool does neither activate vertices of a newly created polygon when clicking inside the feature (until you save ...
01:53 AM Bug report #15075 (Closed): Node tool doesn't recognize polygon new extent until feature is saved
- Select a polygon layer and toggle to edition
You can activate its vertices by clicking inside a polygon with the nod... -
01:53 AM Bug report #14857 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding new features
- This issue is gone away in current master.
01:36 AM Bug report #15074 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Button alignment
- The buttons in the 'Manage Layers Toolbar' should be placed left-aligned.
01:10 AM Bug report #15073 (Closed): Advanced Digitizing Panel -> Error
- After starting QGIS the advanced digitizing panel throws an error message ('Error').
12:52 AM Feature request #15069: Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
- I don't understand why there is an 'Add SpatiaLite Layer' button but no 'Add GeoPackage Layer' button. It's also poss...
11:59 PM Feature request #15069 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
- What is the reasoning behind this?
You can use the "Add Vector Layer" button to add a GeoPackage layer.
For technical... -
11:59 PM Feature request #15069 (Closed): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
- What is the reasoning behind this?
You can use the "Add Vector Layer" button to add a GeoPackage layer.
For technical... -
03:20 PM Feature request #15069 (Open): Manage Layers Toolbar - Add GeoPackage Layer
- Pleas implement a button/dialog in the 'Manage Layers Toolbar' to add a GeoPackage layer.
12:01 AM Feature request #15057 (Feedback): Allow custom value map widget sorting
- Does defining the keys (which are hidden from the UI) in a sortable format not work for you?
09:05 PM Revision 04ec683a (qgis): [DXF export] Replace newline character in layer name by underscore
- Fixes #15067
09:04 PM Revision 8f62a573 (qgis): [DXF export] Replace newline character in layer name by underscore
- Fixes #15067
07:30 PM Revision 6bc0313a (qgis): [OGR provider] Make ogrWkbGeometryTypeName() correctly display M/ZM geo...
07:21 PM Revision 22dfd764 (qgis): [OGR provider] Avoid considering mix of Polygon and CurvePolygon as 2 s...
- Fixes #15066
06:36 PM Revision 3b65568c (qgis): [OGR provider] Improve detection of layer geometry type
- When a OGR layer is of geometry type "unknown", we use the
geometry of the first feature to guess the geometry type. ... -
06:24 PM Revision b0c519e3 (qgis): [OGR provider] Do not return wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer geom...
- Those are illegal QgsWKBTypes::Type / QGis::WkbType values, and can cause
undefined behaviour outside of the provider... -
06:22 PM Revision 7b7c3773 (qgis): [OGR provider] Do not return wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer geom...
- Those are illegal QgsWKBTypes::Type / QGis::WkbType values, and can cause
undefined behaviour outside of the provider... -
06:21 PM Revision aceef9ed (qgis): QgsRendererV2PropertiesDialog::syncToLayer(): make it robust to NULL re...
- Fixes #15064
Probably just a band-aid, proper fix to follow in OGR provider itself. -
04:31 PM Bug report #15072 (Closed): Join Attributes by Location doesn't process integer attributes
- When executing "Join Attributes by Location" with option "Take summary of intersecting features", output shapefile do...
04:05 PM Feature request #15071 (Closed): Create table dialog (SpatiaLite) misses data type 'Serial'
- In the 'DB Manager' the create table dialog misses data type 'Serial' for SpatiaLite connections.
03:47 PM Bug report #15070 (Closed): GeoPackage connection missing in 'DB Manager'
- After creating a new GeoPackage layer the database connection in the 'DB Manager' is missing.
03:10 PM Revision f3549981 (qgis): [WFS provider] Add heuristics to detect MapServer WFS 1.1 behaviour (so...
- Fix #15061
MapServer honours EPSG axis order in WFS 1.1, but returns srsName in GetFeature
response with EPSG:XXXX s... -
02:29 PM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
- Duplicate of #7539
02:29 PM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
- Duplicate of #7539
09:16 AM Feature request #15063 (Closed): Add legend option in composer - do not split group/subgroup betw...
- Hi all!
It would be nice to have an option in composer for allowing/disallowing splitting legend groups/subgroups be... -
01:11 PM Bug report #15068 (Open): No rubberband when switching from "Add circular string" (and by radius)...
- While digitizing line or polygon feature, you can switch between the simple "Add feature" and "Add circular string" t...
12:04 PM Bug report #15067 (Closed): DXF export creates invalid file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8f62a573014ed7d074eeb4455218261832896b43".
11:09 AM Bug report #15067 (Closed): DXF export creates invalid file
- 'Project/DXF Export' creates an invalid file if the output layer attribute contains a line break ('\
'). -
10:44 AM Bug report #15042: DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
- Works for me on 2.14-branch and master.
10:21 AM Bug report #15066 (Closed): OGR: Sublayers detected sometimes when not relevant (Polygon/CurvePol...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"22dfd764ebf6c56ae7275ddb86357913aa9b06e3".
10:18 AM Bug report #15066 (Closed): OGR: Sublayers detected sometimes when not relevant (Polygon/CurvePol...
- When a layer is reported by OGR as having a geometry type of unknown, because it is a mix of polygon and curvepolygon...
10:20 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
09:37 AM Bug report #15065 (In Progress): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
09:37 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3b65568c7352e67db47b5a673be63988fbb8600e".
09:35 AM Bug report #15065 (Closed): Failed detection of geometry type in some conditions
- When a OGR layer is of geometry type "unknown", we use the geometry of the first feature to guess the geometry type. ...
10:19 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
09:49 AM Bug report #15064 (In Progress): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM ...
09:23 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7b7c3773d87f07307cac2666c18faa0a611fe9cb".
09:19 AM Bug report #15064 (Closed): QGIS crashes on OGR layers with wkbUnknown25D, wkbUnknownM/Z/ZM layer...
- Such layers can be found in GeoPackage datasets.
09:14 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- I'm confused. If you set to "~/.qgis2/cache", doesn't it work (it seems to, since you can see the "~/.qgis2/cache/wf...
09:02 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- Before it was empty (#14514). But if I set up cache directory as described above WFS doesn't work and I see error mes...
08:12 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- What was pointing it too before ? (if empty, on an installed QGIS, it should also point to ~/.qgis2/cache. In a dev e...
07:39 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- I've pointed cache directory to "~/.qgis2/cache", after trying to add WFS layer I see newly created foler "~/.qgis2/c...
07:21 AM Bug report #15062: Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- Could you check that your cache directory is correctly pointing to an existing directory that is writable ? (in Setti...
07:10 AM Bug report #15062 (Closed): Cannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache while adding WFS layer
- I'm trying to add WFS layer (using WFS VERSION 1.0), and get an message on WFS tab:...
07:28 AM Bug report #15053: WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
- Which version of proj.4 are you using ? hermannskogel definition was updated from the 3 parameters to the 7 parameter...
06:41 AM Bug report #15058 (Closed): Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
- So in the meantime since the last update I've reinstalled QGIS 2.15 - and now it's acting as it should. ogrinfo is re...
06:28 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
- I've just installed qgis 2.15 5458d64 from "deb xenial main" and I can still open the ...
05:05 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
- I didn't compile - I loaded from the apt repositories on deb xenial main. Hopefully it...
03:56 AM Bug report #15058: Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
- This is strange I cannot reproduce your issue although trying exactly the same things. I compiled QGIS master on Ubun...
06:40 AM Revision eee599e0 (qgis): Merge pull request #3215 from nirvn/raster_icons
- [gui/hidpi] vectorize raster toolbar icons
06:17 AM Bug report #15061 (Closed): Cannot add WFS layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f3549981a643aadeede0cfe5fb54b12aec7a8908".
04:16 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
- I see log message:...
04:06 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
- My fault. I had incorrect dbname in mapfile....
03:47 AM Bug report #15061: Cannot add WFS layer
- Could you paste the output of "
03:37 AM Bug report #15061 (Closed): Cannot add WFS layer
- I've made local WFS using MapServer, but when trying add it to QGIS get an error:...
05:31 AM Revision 2a82caf1 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize raster toolbar icons
02:16 AM Bug report #15060 (Closed): Error when creating Help Files of Models in Processing
- I have some models that I want to improve the Help. When clicking on the button in the edit model (same error with a ...
12:19 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> PR is ready for test. Roy: could you test ?
Thanks Sandro, I tesded both 2.15 and 2.14 nigh... -
07:52 AM Bug report #11371 (Closed): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"df8dca2e53390012126c42f97467023f2eb912eb".
04:46 AM Bug report #11371 (Reopened): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Reopened to backport to 2.14 (fix so far was only gone to master aka 2.15.0dev)
04:42 AM Bug report #11371 (Closed): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a211c982cfe6c92d4ba9e5fb79a3124c7f3e4a19".
06:48 PM Bug report #15059 (Closed): Description of Plugins
- This happens on Ubuntu (qgis version 2.15 5458464) and not windows - if you search for plugins there is no descriptio...
04:49 PM Revision df8dca2e (qgis): Fix crash in composer on ungrouping after group move.
- Closes #11371.
Adds support for undo/redo grouping/ungrouping operations.
Enable pending test for the crash (now pa... -
02:10 PM Bug report #15058 (Closed): Geopackage on Ubuntu 16.04
- So i'm wondering if this is ultimately a gdal issue (1.11.3 vs 2)
Data in Dropbox: -
02:09 PM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
- I think it's correct as it is. The icon sizes are the same as the main window today's, ie canvas and composer. It's j...
01:41 PM Revision a211c982 (qgis): Allow to undo/redo composer grouping/ungrouping
- Fixes #11371 (crash on ungrouping after moving the group) and more
undo/redo related issues.
Enable pending test for... -
12:43 PM Revision efdbb874 (qgis): Fix Coverity null pointer dereference warning
12:42 PM Revision 1ff18758 (qgis): Fix uninitialized member
12:39 PM Revision ee23bc22 (qgis): Fix uninitialized member
11:33 AM Feature request #15057 (Closed): Allow custom value map widget sorting
- Currently the value map widget re-sorts the values alphabetically. Often I have values that have a logical/expected ...
- 10:13 AM Revision 15e9e0a9 (qgis): [UX] Show feature id in attribute table tooltip
10:08 AM Bug report #13635 (In Progress): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ...
10:08 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- Here's where 2.14 closes the polygon ring:...
09:28 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- Interesting enough, 2.14.3 receives a 4-vertices exterior ring when QgsGeos object is constructed, so it must be "clo...
08:13 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
- Here's the path that takes from renderer to exception:
#6 0x00007ffff42c8024 in QgsGeos::asGeos (geom=0x364c590, pr... -
04:36 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- Code to force-close ring on converting geometries to GEOS is ready:
Fix the d... -
03:59 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- In no case I got the "could not snap to a segment on the current layer", while I can never select the polygon by clic...
03:52 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- Actually, 2.14 behaves the same as 2.8 with the simplified polygon, so the difference is only in master (2.15.0dev)
03:50 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- I made another test with a simplified version of the invalid polygon: a polygon with unclosed ring:
0103000000010000... -
03:37 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- With the attached shapefile I still DO CAN edit vertices with the node tool while I CAN NOT select the feature with t...
03:27 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- I've just tried editing an simple invalid polygon (bow-tie) and it worked in both 2.8.9 and 2.14.3.
Here's the WKT (l... -
03:16 AM Bug report #13635 (Open): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- I hadn't tested yet, but I seem to understand that the regression is the
"could not snap to a segment on the current ... -
10:01 AM Bug report #15056 (Closed): Drag and drop designer, top level layout does not allow configuration...
- See also -
09:20 AM Bug report #15043: Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon shapefile...
- Deleted Target version, I should not have selected one without knowing what it is for.
09:18 AM Bug report #14283: various crashes in georeferencer
- Apologies, I changed the Target version without knowing what this is for. So, now I changed it back to Null.
09:15 AM Bug report #14283: various crashes in georeferencer
- Similar issues observed with 2.14.3 on W10. The problem is intermittent, so it is quite difficult to create a reprodu...
09:08 AM Bug report #15044 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
- Changed status to 'Closed', because this is an unintentional duplicate of #15043.
06:46 AM Bug report #15055: WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double names/keys
FYI without patch this is te resulting getLegendGraphic url:
06:26 AM Bug report #15055 (Closed): WMS Legend Image is flawed: WMS getLegendGraphic url's get double nam...
- IF a WMS service provides GetLegendGraphic url's in it's capabilities, QGIS tries to retrieve the legendimage and sho...
06:15 AM Feature request #10290 (Closed): Forms: Multi-edit mode
- This has been implemented in QGIS 2.15.
Closing now. -
06:15 AM Feature request #10290 (Closed): Forms: Multi-edit mode
- This has been implemented in QGIS 2.15.
Closing now. -
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
- I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:...
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
- I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:...
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
- I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:...
05:30 AM Feature request #2705: Correct Transformation of MGI Austria Lambert to WGS 84 needed
- I think MGI Austria Lambert is now correct, current proj4 string is:...
04:32 AM Bug report #15054 (Closed): Better structure for symbol GUI in style dock
- The symbol gui is a bit all over the place compared to the neat layout of the individual symbol layers
!symbol.jpg!... -
04:23 AM Revision 44112675 (qgis): [roadgraph] Allow use of virtual and joined fields (fix #15041)
- Also modernise some code
03:50 AM Revision 5d54b5b4 (qgis): Some roadgraph plugin ux improvements
03:16 AM Revision 9abb6c43 (qgis): Revert "[FEATURE][expressions] implicit feature->geom conversion"
- This reverts commit 7cab60bc4328e6cb4c57f8320c2d85d9383a2424.
The conversion was unreliable, as it was not correctly... -
03:05 AM Revision b380a1d5 (qgis): Fix Polygon Centroids tool hangs on null geometry (fix #15045)
12:16 AM Bug report #13635: different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master version
- same problem here with the latest master branch. can you edit the invalid geometry?
07:34 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
- Salvatore does the problem persist with current master (aka 2.15.0) ?
07:34 AM Bug report #13635 (Feedback): different handling of invalid geometries between LTR and master ver...
- Salvatore does the problem persist with current master (aka 2.15.0) ?
12:04 AM Bug report #15053 (Closed): WMS with EPSG:31255 is shifted (datum=hermannskogel)
- QGIS commit:1563526 (2.15.0-86, OSGeo4W-x86, GDAL 2.1.0-1)
When we import a WMS layer with EPSG:31255 it is shifted... -
10:49 PM Bug report #15013 (Open): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in ot...
04:50 AM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
- Actually, it's not that the icons are wrongly placed in the GUI due to their size. It's just that they look oversized...
04:30 AM Bug report #15013 (Feedback): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible i...
04:29 AM Bug report #15013: Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in other wid...
- The icon sizes look okay on linux mint. Could you please specify your platform and screen shots will be helpful as well.
08:40 PM Revision 6035f193 (qgis): few typo fix (#3207)
07:24 PM Bug report #15041 (Closed): road graph plugin routing on virtual field
- Fixed in changeset commit:"44112675fb32e9d713cc813f4f00e24fd54d39c1".
05:35 AM Bug report #15041 (Closed): road graph plugin routing on virtual field
- According to the documentation the speed field has to be numeric. However when you create a virtual field of the num...
06:38 PM Revision 57ff59aa (qgis): Ignore files generated during "make check"
06:35 PM Feature request #12158: Rename "Road Graph" to "Shortest Path"
- Target set to 3.0 to avoid user confusion during 2.x series
06:35 PM Bug report #14440: QGIS bd140a7 (GDAL 2.0.2-4) without vsizip support
- Sorry, no, this must be a different issue, as the environment variable workaround doesn't work.
06:27 PM Revision e241ab9b (qgis): Remove generated test files from repository
- Fixes #14976
06:06 PM Bug report #15045 (Closed): Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b380a1d56524d70083e4ab7a8013acaaebbd23f1".
06:05 PM Bug report #15045: Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
- Doesn't affect 2.16, have fixed in 2.14
07:10 AM Bug report #15045 (Closed): Polygon Centroids tool hangs when there a null geometries present
- I have a shapefile (attached) with some null geometries in it, when I run the Polygon Centroids process on it (from t...
- 05:58 PM Revision 3ea35fc0 (qgis): Relation Reference Widget: Only enable form button when a feature is set
03:03 PM Revision 8868303d (qgis): Fix displacement renderer when using map unit sizes for symbols
03:03 PM Revision a6f96ba5 (qgis): Fix displacement symbols with data defined properties (fix #9601)
- Previously only the attributes of the first feature were being
used to render the points inside a group - 12:51 PM Revision 5458d644 (qgis): Revert "Don't resize canvas size on widget change"
- Revert this change for now as it has larger impacts
then I thought it would. Will improve and bring back
next release... -
12:28 PM Bug report #15052 (Closed): PyQgsWFSProviderGUI test segfaults on Travis
- See
An excerpt:... -
11:53 AM Bug report #15050 (Closed): some attribute edits aren't saved when using multiline text widget
- If I have a field in an attribute table form set as a multi-line text box the user can enter a value that is longer t...
10:30 AM Revision dbf8d894 (qgis): [composer] Double click legend item to edit text (fix #13578)
10:30 AM Revision f9ff5e25 (qgis): [composer] Instant feedback for legend when linked map changes
10:30 AM Revision aa0e6d89 (qgis): Followup c78347, update test images
09:49 AM Bug report #15047: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attributetablet...
- Backtrace:...
08:10 AM Bug report #15047 (Closed): ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::at: "index out of range" in qgis_attrib...
- As of commit:8868303dbd4fad26eeb88bc5a18ba3ffe5a0e719 I get an error (among many) in qgis_attributetabletest:...
09:27 AM Bug report #14976 (Closed): repository files modified by "make check"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e241ab9b01e1ef2d4c57f2df0bd6b97ed7adc00f".
08:55 AM Bug report #14976 (In Progress): repository files modified by "make check"
- Fix ready in PR:
08:55 AM Bug report #14976 (In Progress): repository files modified by "make check"
- Fix ready in PR:
08:34 AM Bug report #14976: repository files modified by "make check"
- The diffs, for the record:...
08:33 AM Bug report #14976: repository files modified by "make check"
- Victor, is the testing framework for processing your responsibility ?
- 09:24 AM Revision 9f704d6e (qgis): Attribute table: always show sequential column header numbers
08:56 AM Bug report #12172: Use xvfb-run on "make check"
- I saw the windows again (maybe last time I just didn't have DISPLAY set). So I think I'll push a change having "make ...
08:39 AM Revision 4746158a (qgis): fix bookmarks editing regression (fixes #15034) (#3204)
08:14 AM Bug report #15048 (Closed): TestQgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromESRIWkt fails
- Running output/bin/qgis_coordinatereferencesystemtest as of commit:8868303dbd4fad26eeb88bc5a18ba3ffe5a0e719 I get:
... -
07:17 AM Bug report #15046 (Closed): File selection window automatically closing when opened from any menu
- Mac OSX El Capitan Version 10.11.5 here with QGis 2.12.1 Lyon.
This happens randomly, not sure what causes it, but a... -
07:06 AM Bug report #15044 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
- Attached are three polygon/multipolygon shapefiles: Layer_A; Layer_B_withError; Layer_B_withErrorFixed.
There is only... -
07:06 AM Bug report #15043 (Closed): Topology checker fails to highlight a listed overlap between polygon ...
- Attached are three polygon/multipolygon shapefiles: Layer_A; Layer_B_withError; Layer_B_withErrorFixed.
There is only... -
06:59 AM Bug report #14205: Geopackage edits discarded whith style display
- Confirmed here with QGIS 2.14.3...
06:53 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
06:51 AM Bug report #15042 (Closed): DB Manager: cannot drag and drop GeoPackage tables
- After connecting to a GeoPackage in DB Manager, it is not possible to drag and drop tables on the canvas. I think thi...
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...-
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...-
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...-
06:46 AM Bug report #14535 (Reopened): fix duplicate entries in the vector menu caused by ftools on versio...
In the English version I have a single vector menu with *two* items 'geometry tools'
But in the French version ther...-
06:04 AM Bug report #9601 (Closed): Point displacement: data defined size and angle does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a6f96ba51b736cc97b3d8d6a848940737a46a6bc".
05:11 AM Bug report #15040: Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer symbol doe...
- Oups, sorry...(i've searched though)
05:06 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
- Duplicate of #9601
05:06 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
- Duplicate of #9601
04:24 AM Bug report #15040 (Closed): Displacement point Symbology: Data defined rotation for subrenderer s...
- Layer properties > Displacement point rendering
Renderer settings > for the rotation of the symbol, apply a data defi... -
04:55 AM Revision 4574f953 (qgis): Merge pull request #3203 from nirvn/move_feature_icon_imp
- [gui] proper geometry type for move feature icon
04:51 AM Revision c7834751 (qgis): Legend: leave away empty groups (fix #12969)
04:35 AM Bug report #14893: Styling panel name: "Map Styling" or "Layer Styling"?
- I agree. Layer styling does fit better for now. Will update
04:33 AM Bug report #15014 (Closed): regression: canvas decoration (scale bar, north arrow, etc.) elements...
- Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date.
04:33 AM Bug report #15014 (Closed): regression: canvas decoration (scale bar, north arrow, etc.) elements...
- Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date.
04:33 AM Bug report #15015 (Closed): regression: zoom to {selection, layer} not taking docked panels into ...
04:33 AM Bug report #15015: regression: zoom to {selection, layer} not taking docked panels into account
- Fixed by doing a revert on the commit. Will commit a better change at a later date.
04:09 AM Revision f6998e27 (qgis): [gui] proper geometry type for move feature icon
03:55 AM Revision 7f7b9f90 (qgis): Move bookmarks toolbar icons to navigation group
03:41 AM Bug report #15039 (Closed): QGIS application window does not resize on Linux Mint
- QGIS application window does not resize on Linux Mint and no full screen functionality.
03:22 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
- Will do. Thanks for that.
03:21 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
- Already fixed in commit:c6cba65a5657478aa1
The commit after this build. Grab a new nightly build to check. -
03:21 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
- Already fixed in commit:c6cba65a5657478aa1
The commit after this build. Grab a new nightly build to check. -
03:13 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
- 3b998d2
03:06 AM Bug report #15038: When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master causes QG...
- This might be fixed already. What is the QGIS code revision in the about dialog?
02:43 AM Bug report #15038 (Closed): When trying to use the Styling/labeling dock window in 2.15.0-Master ...
- 1. Load a vector layer into QGIS.
2. Open Styling/labeling dock window.
3. Switch between labeling tab and styling ta... -
02:44 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Hi Christoh,
From my investigation, I think the problem is in the explicit declaration of the BBox CRS, with the cor... -
02:31 AM Feature request #10378 (Closed): field calculator bar: improve consistency with label "bar"
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed.
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed.
02:29 AM Bug report #3517 (Closed): new labeling engine fails to label self intersecting polygons
- I've tried labelling an simple intersecting polygon today, it worked (to my surprise actually). Closing, fixed.
02:26 AM Feature request #3430 (Closed): fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Nyall's filled marker does exactly that, and then some :) closing, feature implemented.
02:26 AM Feature request #3430 (Closed): fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- Nyall's filled marker does exactly that, and then some :) closing, feature implemented.
01:51 AM Feature request #15037 (Open): Action for selection
- I would like to have ability to run actions for all selected items.
(from action tool or attribute table (right click)) -
01:31 AM Feature request #13578 (Closed): Add double-click behaviour to item in legend items list
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dbf8d89459fb37921c1ce0ddb36ef5c1dd4a608d".
01:29 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Nope, i revise my last statement.
The problem is definitely with missing BoundingBox definitions in the GetCapabiliti... -
11:05 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- @even
Sorry, I was wrong.
After clearing the internal cache, everything works as expected, even with no explicit Bo... -
02:23 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Even,
you point me in the right direction!
The problem lies in the "GetCapabilities" response.
There are only Boun... -
11:39 PM Bug report #15034 (Closed): regression: renaming non-project bookmarks (partially) broken
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4746158a2cf064725f04f84f9932f0c4732493d0".
09:52 PM Bug report #15034 (Closed): regression: renaming non-project bookmarks (partially) broken
- Since this commit:11a5a69, renaming newly-added non-project bookmarks (via double-clicking on the list' name column) ...
- 10:22 PM Revision c6457a63 (qgis): Fix file write error when offline.sqlite is saved to root dir by default
- - Default to user's home directory instead
(cherry-picked from 23a3273) - 10:20 PM Revision 23a3273f (qgis): Fix file write error when offline.sqlite is saved to root dir by default
- - Default to user's home directory instead
08:19 PM Bug report #14440: QGIS bd140a7 (GDAL 2.0.2-4) without vsizip support
- Should this be fixed in both 32 bit and 64 bit builds, and both the OSGeo4W installer packages and the standalone QGI...
07:54 PM Feature request #12969 (Closed): Autohide empty groups and sub-groups in "Filtered" Map Composer'...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c7834751ba5e32039efd9c31f6b6b2346ed6023c".
05:50 PM Revision e1d54029 (qgis): don't save extents to style (fixes #15026, followup 92aed6e and d690d72)
- 02:12 PM Revision b51cd2ed (qgis): Added missing newline to the param doc
- 02:07 PM Revision a555f91a (qgis): Clean up showPanel API. Open dialog if not in dock mode
11:59 AM Revision 15efc313 (qgis): Merge pull request #3201 from nirvn/more_icons
- [gui/hidpi] more vector love for default toolbars
11:45 AM Revision 127386a1 (qgis): [gui/hidpi] more vector love for default toolbars
11:43 AM Revision 3a91d92d (qgis): translation string fixes
11:29 AM Revision 4ba24336 (qgis): [Globe] Fix typos, fix model layer logic
11:29 AM Revision 7ddb2928 (qgis): [Globe] Set home viewport to lon 0
11:29 AM Revision f9c589e4 (qgis): [Globe] Delay initial layer update to workaround some mysterious opengl...
11:29 AM Revision cae029d4 (qgis): [Globe] Add bundled world.tif to raster imagery menu
11:27 AM Revision 3fd27e0d (qgis): [gui/hidpi] vectorize attribute toolbar icons (#3200)
10:34 AM Feature request #15033 (Closed): Processing: Warp should include -te_srs parameter
- _-te_srs srs_def: (GDAL >= 2.0) Specifies the SRS in which to interpret the coordinates given with -te._
Without thi... -
08:00 AM Revision 72176808 (qgis): Merge pull request #3199 from nirvn/annotation_icons
- [gui] vectorize and add missing annotation icons (fixes #7076)
07:34 AM Revision ae93ee3c (qgis): Use QgsFieldProxyModel for filtering read only fields
07:31 AM Revision 8563285b (qgis): Better icon for multiedit mode
07:29 AM Revision 5eb14a9b (qgis): [gui] vectorize and add missing annotation icons (fixes #7076)
07:12 AM Revision f50f221b (qgis): Followup b6e97c
07:05 AM Revision b6e97cad (qgis): Give feedback why multiedit/search is disabled with custom UI
06:57 AM Revision f1e4c459 (qgis): Fallback to generated layout for Select by Value if using a custom
- UI form
Custom UI forms are not supported with the attribute form search
mode, but this way users with custom UI for... -
06:43 AM Revision ebf1df5d (qgis): Capitalization
05:50 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- There are no something specific with my setup. Faced with the same issue on laptop with Ubuntu 12.04:...
05:27 AM Feature request #15032 (Open): Mapcomposer : allow filtering on the features in expression to def...
- improvement of the new feature of QGIS 2.12 -
04:48 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
- It's already fixed, but in a newer build
04:48 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
- It's already fixed, but in a newer build
04:24 AM Bug report #15031 (Closed): 'Advanced Digizing Panel' issue
- The 'Advanced Digitizing Panel' is broken in QGIS 2.15 (Win7).
04:15 AM Revision 83160632 (qgis): Followup 71dc33, fix projective transform in georeferencer (fix #14551)
03:57 AM Revision 33a5ee7a (qgis): Fix selecting features by radius (fix #14748)
03:30 AM Bug report #14992 (Closed): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer...
- No problem! Can you file the request in a new ticket (it's a good idea btw)
03:30 AM Bug report #14992 (Closed): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer...
- No problem! Can you file the request in a new ticket (it's a good idea btw)
03:10 AM Revision bf4cf51e (qgis): Fix incorrect area calculation for polygon (fix #14675)
01:58 AM Feature request #15030: Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
- Yes (without PlugIns) - using geometries with "Add vetctor data" (database protocol --> OGR ?) would be top. Integrat...
01:12 AM Feature request #15030: Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
- What do you mean exactly by "Native support of geometries stored in MongoDB" ? Having a MongoDB choice in the "Protoc...
10:43 PM Feature request #15030 (Open): Support of Geometries stored in MongoDB with OGR/GDAL > 2.1.0
- GDAL/OGR supports MongODB starting with V 2.1.0 (
Native support of geometries store... -
01:23 AM Bug report #14992: composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer is filte...
- sorry, I made a mistake.
the feature works correctly.
A proposal for a new feature:
allow filtering on the features ... -
01:19 AM Revision a6cb81bf (qgis): Save raster symbology with full precision (fix #14950)
12:45 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
- I think the problem is in this tool:
advanc... -
11:00 PM Bug report #7076 (Closed): No toolbar icon for HTML Annotation
- Fixed in changeset commit:"72176808f8f9903ce0bea4a9e043fcec480077d4".
10:44 PM Bug report #14952 (Closed): Distribution broken on Windows: cannot find numpy, matplotlib, shapely
10:40 PM Feature request #11650 (Closed): Easy to Locate Software Licence for all plugins
- closing for the lack of feedback
10:34 PM Feature request #12249 (Closed): Editor Toolbar similar to ArcGIS
10:33 PM Feature request #6762 (Closed): SQL query window
10:26 PM Feature request #12741 (Open): Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same...
10:25 PM Feature request #12958 (Open): Add Radio buttons or "option row" to the list of available widgets...
10:25 PM Feature request #12975 (Closed): sync connections between browser and "Add Layer(s) from WM(T)S S...
- closing for the lack of feedback
10:24 PM Feature request #13018 (Closed): Tools of the print composer - atlas
- closing for the lack of feedback
10:24 PM Feature request #13127 (Open): position of coordinates in grid
10:22 PM Feature request #13551 (Closed): Digitizing Line Undo and Redo and Topology Checker
- closing for the lack of feedback
10:22 PM Feature request #13596 (Closed): Undo and Redo
- closing for the lack of feedback
10:21 PM Feature request #13803 (Open): Color of selection for each layer separately
10:20 PM Feature request #14750 (Open): Drop-down menu for offset curve settings
08:56 PM Revision 5bb2c7d1 (qgis): open message log on QgisApp::openMessageLog instead of toggling it
08:48 PM Bug report #15027 (Closed): actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to selec...
06:35 PM Bug report #15027: actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to select any action
- Matthias, that was quick :)
I've tested the commit, working like a charm here. Thanks -
02:29 AM Bug report #15027 (Closed): actions: activating the action tool via toolbar button fails to selec...
- When a single action is defined for a layer, activating the action tool via the toolbar's "Run Feature Action" button...
07:16 PM Bug report #14551 (Closed): georeferencer projective transformation
- Fixed in changeset commit:"83160632ace41ef0306c903d977ef27283f83dcb".
06:57 PM Bug report #14748 (Closed): Selecting features by radius fails
- Fixed in changeset commit:"33a5ee7ab47c8c6db2985ef755ef6bdca23b36a0".
06:11 PM Bug report #14675 (Closed): Polygon area calculation error when the fly reprojection is activated
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bf4cf51e1a259252d5a762845f20aaac12d672bf".
05:09 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- I'm not sure what's happening here. I can't reproduce locally, so there's got to be something specific with your setu...
04:43 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- Tried and got the same result. I noticed that if open new project, add vector layer and start zooming - when Scale in...
04:03 PM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- Can you try with a clean .qgis2 config folder and see if you still have this issue?
05:21 AM Bug report #15004: Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- It happens with any vector layer, demo:
04:20 PM Bug report #14950 (Closed): raster rendering values saved with too limited precision in project file
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a6cb81bf609196677118a87c468489ba58583bae".
- 03:20 PM Revision 7e2865c6 (qgis): Fix "Relation form grows infinitely"
- Fix #14977
- 02:40 PM Revision 0c10f68a (qgis): Followup bbbc9d0: Fix tests
02:19 PM Revision aa9fe9ec (qgis): Merge pull request #3118 from arnaud-morvan/processing_gdal_postgis_cre...
- [processing] support postgis service parameter and credentials input
- 02:07 PM Revision bbbc9d0a (qgis): QgsDockWidget add openedStateChanged and openedStateChanged signals
01:51 PM Revision 4b7fc98e (qgis): Merge pull request #3130 from arnaud-morvan/processing_gdal_shapeencoding
- [processing] Add SHAPE_ENCODING parameter in GDAL "to postgis" algorithms
01:47 PM Revision 834ab1c7 (qgis): More QgsDockWidget fixes (fix #15011)
- 12:56 PM Revision 6bf99d69 (qgis): [UX] Action map tool title and icon
- Visually communicate to the user which action will be triggered when the
button is clicked. - 12:18 PM Revision 717e8c9a (qgis): Persist default attribute action between sessions
- Refs #15027
11:53 AM Revision 0db9556b (qgis): update 'Report an issue' link
11:43 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
- That build is missing the fixes for this. You'll need to wait for a more recent build
11:43 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
- That build is missing the fixes for this. You'll need to wait for a more recent build
09:24 AM Bug report #15029 (Closed): Panels: Statistics, Browser, Spatial Bookmarks not Rendering on Ubuntu
- I half think this is a graphics driver and half way think it isn't. As of Build e301cc8 several panels won't render c...
- 11:15 AM Revision 3fcabc96 (qgis): Fix action column widget rendering artifacts
- This creates an action column widget when the widget is rendered for the
first time.
The original approach was to cre... -
09:58 AM Revision 6d1e5542 (qgis): don't save extents to style (fixes #15026, followup 92aed6e and d690d72)
- 09:40 AM Revision a05b2ad9 (qgis): Fix crash when closing docked attribute table
- Fix #14909
Fix #15018
git bisect is your friend - 09:15 AM Revision df6d2c63 (qgis): Allow docking the attribute table left and right
- Fix #14941
08:28 AM Bug report #13765 (Closed): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "text"...
- can't replicate anymore.
08:28 AM Bug report #13765 (Closed): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "text"...
- can't replicate anymore.
08:07 AM Bug report #15028: Use GDAL C API only
- (Original discussion: +
08:04 AM Bug report #15028: Use GDAL C API only
- What's the advantage of this?
07:20 AM Bug report #15028 (Closed): Use GDAL C API only
- The heatmap plugin seems to be the only use in-tree of the GDAL C++ API. Skimming quickly through it, it seems it cou...
07:20 AM Revision 1563526f (qgis): Fix actions are not enabled when loading layer with default style (fix ...
- 06:22 AM Bug report #14977 (Closed): Relation form grows infinitely
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7e2865c6c88b5430a0126a9f5c06e4e171aa680b".
06:05 AM Revision 1152fef8 (qgis): Remove "attribute table" from dialog title (fix #14959)
05:24 AM Revision 21f37303 (qgis): Fix some status bar widgets could not be hidden via customisation
05:17 AM Revision e7657195 (qgis): Fix cannot deactivate customization widget catcher (fix #9732)
04:54 AM Revision 6568da6c (qgis): Rename arrow symbol head width/height to length/thickness
- Width/height naming is dependant on line direction, so for
clarity rename them to something which doesn't depend
on d... -
04:47 AM Bug report #15011 (Closed): Browser panel is unusable
- Fixed in changeset commit:"834ab1c70207ab16871506b52a28cf40645c8d0e".
04:42 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- I do not really agree with you.
LTR has fixes and thus new releases. People who are stuck to 2.14 expect its issues t... -
02:56 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- > Thanks. would that be backported? actually I'm writing QGIS 2.14 Doc about this feature so might be good to have th...
04:23 AM Revision 09b6d589 (qgis): Fix crash in arrow symbol layer
04:16 AM Revision 9df87a69 (qgis): [composer] Finer step for arrow head line width
04:11 AM Revision 78c434a6 (qgis): [composer] Make parameterised SVG arrow heads respect colors (fix #14997)
04:08 AM Bug report #14963: Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Oh my god - I am ashamed. You are right. I already thought that I have misunderstood something. Thank you very much f...
03:52 AM Bug report #14963 (Closed): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Ah - i see the issue. Don't enter the expression as a data defined wrap character, that's a totally different thing. ...
03:52 AM Bug report #14963 (Closed): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Ah - i see the issue. Don't enter the expression as a data defined wrap character, that's a totally different thing. ...
03:51 AM Revision 44db212a (qgis): Also show WKB type in vector layer metadata
- Otherwise it's a PITA to work out if a layer has z or is
multi type -
03:51 AM Revision d00020f9 (qgis): Add missing capabilities strings to layer metadata
03:48 AM Bug report #14514 (Closed): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- That build doesn't yet include the fix. You'll need to wait for a newer build.
03:47 AM Bug report #14990 (Closed): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
- That build doesn't yet include the fix. You'll need to wait for a newer build.
03:45 AM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- I'd just do (psuedocode)
If using selected features:
index = QgsSpatialIndex(layerHubs.selectedFeaturesIterator())... -
03:41 AM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- Yes, will do
02:05 AM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"78c434a6c4fbdb6004c725abe0121dc4dd6dd8dc".
Woh thanks! Do you think... -
03:31 AM Revision b1450802 (qgis): Fix joins are not recreated when loading project with bad layers (fix #...
03:19 AM Revision 92830a25 (qgis): Fix debug noise when using 25D geometry layers
02:38 AM Bug report #14567: Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
- Thank you for the update.
I suppose this implies that the fix will be present in release 2.16, but will it also be p... -
02:24 AM Revision 3a34368e (qgis): Cleanup qgsproject.h/.cpp
- - Conslidate doxygen in qgsproject.h
- Remove TODOs from docs, move to comments
- Cosmetic formatting changes to matc...
01:40 AM Bug report #15011 (Reopened): Browser panel is unusable
- I think georeferencer is affected to.
01:40 AM Bug report #15011 (Reopened): Browser panel is unusable
- I think georeferencer is affected to.
01:32 AM Bug report #14990 (Reopened): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
- In latest QGIS Master (f1ec121, just installed with OSGeo4W installer) the bug still exists.
Platform: Windows 10 Pro... -
01:27 AM Bug report #14514 (Reopened): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- In latest QGIS Master (f1ec121, just installed with OSGeo4W installer) the bug still exists.
Platform: Windows 10 Pro... -
01:00 AM Bug report #15026 (Closed): regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes laye...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6d1e55420664125b2ed91fc69703c5d08aecf8ba".
12:41 AM Bug report #15026: regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes layer extent
- The commit which led to this regression is commit:d690d72
It also has broken loading of raster style via saved .qml ... -
12:15 AM Bug report #15026 (Closed): regression: pasting (or loading via .qml) a raster style changes laye...
- When pasting a raster style (from layer A) onto another raster (layer B), QGIS now wrongly apply layer A's extent ont...
12:55 AM Revision 660900ba (qgis): Tweak test tolerance for xenial
- 12:40 AM Feature request #14941 (Closed): Docking attribute table left/right
- Fixed in changeset commit:"df6d2c631c171e962d9199614a0815b35fe418bd".
- 12:40 AM Bug report #14909 (Closed): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a05b2ad9a1ace292e77dbe8541240c0c8bc2a096".
09:33 PM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I noticed a larger OGR dataset will do a better job at replicating the crash quicker (i.e., you won't need to open ->...
07:53 AM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I've investigated this and identified more precisely the cause of the crash.
The Valgrind log shows it is a double f... -
12:23 AM Revision 89a1f5b2 (qgis): Merge pull request #3197 from DelazJ/patch-9
- fix button label
11:40 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Sorry, I got something wrong here. Will open a new ticket when I find the source of my issue ... I had some issue mix...
07:57 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Anita - I can't reproduce that. What's the data source? It's definitely a bug and it should be respected, and there's...
11:11 PM Bug report #14963: Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- I'm very confused .-(. It does not work for me furthermore. I also use the current master version with Windows 7 (cod...
09:00 PM Bug report #14963 (Feedback): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Works fine here:
1. load attached project
2. change label expression to wordwrap("name", 15)
3. labels show correctly... - 10:32 PM Revision 8cfd17d2 (qgis): [style dock] Fix warnings
10:24 PM Bug report #14992 (Feedback): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a lay...
- I need more details - I can't reproduce. Are you referring to the data defined layers or data defined style preset?
S... -
10:20 PM Feature request #14959 (Closed): Table names should be displayed in first words of caption
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1152fef86c633afb745d96bcb968c6ba55729544".
10:20 PM Bug report #13910 (Closed): Inactive action tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1563526f0dc59ae2b1fdc4a58c07488c5603de3d".
09:52 PM Revision 4fb3a249 (qgis): fix button label
09:21 PM Bug report #14894 (Closed): Styling panel: The Undo/Redo tools at the bottom of each tab work onl...
- Seems fixed in master
09:21 PM Bug report #14894 (Closed): Styling panel: The Undo/Redo tools at the bottom of each tab work onl...
- Seems fixed in master
09:21 PM Bug report #14895 (Closed): Styling panel: The small Undo/Redo tools seem to have inverted their ...
- Seems fixed in master
09:21 PM Bug report #14895 (Closed): Styling panel: The small Undo/Redo tools seem to have inverted their ...
- Seems fixed in master
08:18 PM Bug report #9732 (Closed): Customization widget catcher
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e76571959431b5c9b96862578f8485dbfd203521".
07:56 PM Bug report #15002 (Closed): Arrow symbol head width and height mixed up
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6568da6ce07667c67adf15b6f8ee9d7a36764aa5".
07:17 PM Bug report #15004 (Feedback): Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- Can't reproduce - can you share some more details? Eg a sample project which demonstrates this?
07:17 PM Bug report #14997 (Closed): SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- Fixed in changeset commit:"78c434a6c4fbdb6004c725abe0121dc4dd6dd8dc".
07:15 PM Bug report #15008 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when right clicking on a table added from PostGIS
- Fixed by commit:054604bc709129efbc05098f09cacd8f0204efe9 - please reopen if it's still reproducable
07:15 PM Bug report #15008 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when right clicking on a table added from PostGIS
- Fixed by commit:054604bc709129efbc05098f09cacd8f0204efe9 - please reopen if it's still reproducable
07:14 PM Bug report #15017 (Feedback): Trouble keeping layer effects when exporting layout
- Can you post some screenshots or a sample project? The description alone isn't easy to understand.
06:38 PM Bug report #11570 (Closed): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without...
- The cache option exists to fix this very use case. In QGIS 2.16 the cache correctly handles layer updates, so it shou...
06:38 PM Bug report #11570 (Closed): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without...
- The cache option exists to fix this very use case. In QGIS 2.16 the cache correctly handles layer updates, so it shou...
06:36 PM Feature request #9689 (Closed): Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- QGIS supports custom prefixes for joined layers, so this should be fixed now
06:36 PM Feature request #9689 (Closed): Joins should be more mindful of DBF field name length limitations
- QGIS supports custom prefixes for joined layers, so this should be fixed now
06:35 PM Feature request #4924 (Feedback): Join attributes - add the option of creating a shapefile with m...
- I don't understand this bug. Are you referring the joining layers using the option under layer properties? Because if...
06:33 PM Bug report #10500 (Closed): Join not processed on project reopen
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b1450802b99ac4a19b5ed4765066bcdf1e520556".
- 05:04 PM Revision 841e6c63 (qgis): Customization UI: Rename "Select All" to "Check All"
- References #15005
04:40 PM Revision 671850f6 (qgis): Fix sorting in attribute table
- Regression introduced with 3ec3daeb14a047c3f4efdd8646a51b33661c28ce (2.14.3) where
QgsAttributeTableModel::data(index... -
03:51 PM Revision 69e3c6f7 (qgis): [Spatialite provider] prefer rowid as primary key where available
- Adapted from 1050174532627ae44c4467e9911c1fca41e138e3 without the cleanups.
fixes #14575, fixes #14626, fixes #14999 - 03:45 PM Revision d1a9f843 (qgis): Fix compiling with clang
02:46 PM Revision fadc25ab (qgis): Fix warning
02:08 PM Revision 0a5ad735 (qgis): Invalid join cache when layer is modified (fix #11140)
12:22 PM Revision 1ec7ad56 (qgis): [WMS provider] Tolerate GetCapabilities response with several top-level...
- Fix #13762
Also, in case there's a single layer advertized, show it in the browser. -
12:12 PM Bug report #14719: GRASS 7 algorithms does not work in the graphical modeller (python error)
- I have exactly the same problem trying to run a Grass 7 algorithm (v.voronoi) on Ubuntu Gnome using QGIS 2.14.3. I ge...
12:07 PM Revision 4d1790ac (qgis): [WMS provider] Avoid excessive number of decimals in BBOX parameter
- Fix #14928
12:00 PM Revision dfe45538 (qgis): [WMS provider] Avoid excessive number of decimals in BBOX parameter
- Fix #14928
- 11:31 AM Revision 2ce4eb52 (qgis): [style dock] code clean up
- 10:52 AM Revision 659d9164 (qgis): Add missing files
10:50 AM Revision 1271ec7e (qgis): [processing] allow 2.5D geometries (fix #14929)
- (cherry picked from commit 0553f7b33b4a3294f9a1cfb24e8c238f9211503d)
python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis... -
10:44 AM Revision 0553f7b3 (qgis): [processing] allow 2.5D geometries (fix #14929)
10:30 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> "Select All" > "Check All" done.
Thanks. would that be backported? actually I'm writing QGIS ... -
08:08 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- "Select All" > "Check All" done.
> But can't we imagine a check/uncheck option in context menu user can use to chang... - 10:07 AM Revision e926e2d0 (qgis): [style dock] Add better API for panels
08:16 AM Feature request #14994: QGIS troubles with larger datasets (shp or postgis): featurecount is reco...
- Featurecount should be done in a thread, see
Attribute table loading should b... -
08:12 AM Bug report #15019: Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
- I think paths to files from global directories should be saved relative.
Then when looking up (relative) files, they... -
04:00 AM Bug report #15019: Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
- QGIS is however able to replace the paths according to its installation, so why this variable could not be used insid...
03:57 AM Bug report #15019: Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
- I've just tested on Master on Ubuntu 16.04 and it saves the absolute SVG path even when the project properties is set...
03:39 AM Bug report #15019: Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
- If we don't succeed in convincing Microsoft and Apple to adhere to LSB and POSIX, what do you think would be a possib...
03:28 AM Bug report #15019 (Closed): Paths should be fully adjusted to each OS
- Paths to system SVG, both in projects and in layout templates, should not be saved as fixed, absolute, but replaced w...
07:42 AM Bug report #14927 (Closed): Attribute table sorting problem with qgis-rel-dev
- Fixed in changeset commit:"671850f66a580e5849c87a11d448b98dd7f338da".
06:54 AM Bug report #14575: attribute table errors when spatialite primary key is text
- Backported to 2.14
06:54 AM Bug report #14626: SpatiaLite layer not displaying in QGIS 2.14, works ok in QGIS 2.8
- Backported to 2.14
06:54 AM Bug report #14999: Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- Backported to 2.14
06:16 AM Bug report #14999: Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- Sorry for the duplication. The target version for this fix is 2.16 - that means this won't be back-ported to a future...
06:51 AM Feature request #15025 (Closed): Coverage test does not give enough detail on failure
- Forget it, it was just a few lines below:
06:51 AM Feature request #15025 (Closed): Coverage test does not give enough detail on failure
- Forget it, it was just a few lines below:
06:45 AM Feature request #15025 (Closed): Coverage test does not give enough detail on failure
- See
It tells me that a new member was introduced w/out doc... -
06:19 AM Bug report #15024 (Closed): "qgis --help" command does nothing on Windows
- While "qgis" or "qgis --nocustomization" launches qgis application, typing "qgis --help" at a command prompt does not...
05:43 AM Revision 16eb1e14 (qgis): Classifications on joined fields should only consider values which
- are matched to layer's features (fix #9051)
05:33 AM Feature request #15023 (Open): Customization: add a search box to easily find widgets
- Considering the amount of widgets, it can be handy to have a search box in the Customization panel to easily find ite...
05:26 AM Feature request #15022 (Open): Customization: set a tristate checkbox for items that have children
- I don't know if the request is the good answer for the issue but my concern is that when some widgets are unchecked a...
05:09 AM Feature request #11140 (Closed): Update attributes of a joined layer automatically
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0a5ad7358122d1f5e7bf72d293ebad1e30265498".
05:05 AM Revision cb4dbeaf (qgis): Fix dock widget layout (fix #15011)
05:01 AM Feature request #15021 (Open): Customization: the widget catcher should select menus, sub-menus a...
- Currently, the widget catcher can't interact with menus or sub-menus. Might be nice to be able to pick them too.
04:59 AM Bug report #15020 (Open): Customization: the widget catcher can't select icon from a toolbar when...
- E.g., with the widget catcher, you can't graphically select "select features" tools from the Attribute toolbar given ...
03:42 AM Bug report #15018 (Rejected): closing a docked attribute window crashes QGIS
- This is a duplicate of #14909
03:42 AM Bug report #15018 (Rejected): closing a docked attribute window crashes QGIS
- This is a duplicate of #14909
03:24 AM Bug report #13762 (Closed): Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1ec7ad5633bf3f34f69851afcb0c258ea28d132f".
03:15 AM Bug report #14928: WMS request without BBOX
- Fixed in master and backported into 2.14.X
03:15 AM Bug report #14928: WMS request without BBOX
- Fixed in master and backported into 2.14.X
03:01 AM Bug report #14928 (Closed): WMS request without BBOX
- Fixed in changeset commit:"dfe45538692781ca6a6d275bd6dcbdf5fc7c1414".
02:39 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
- I have tried to export the shape, but in the exported shape does not have the problem.
then I tried to copy the origi... -
02:02 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- @christophe Could you paste or give a link to the GetCapabilities ?
01:54 AM Bug report #15018 (Rejected): closing a docked attribute window crashes QGIS
- In qgis-dev 2.15.0-85 (OSGeo4W x86) we always get a QGIS minidump while closing a docked attribute window.
The source... -
01:49 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- Maybe bring back the button 'clean cache'? back again would be helpfull in these cases (if impossible to fix otherways)
01:09 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- Ok, definitly has something to do with the caching directory.
Adding a fresh layer in (already known) geoserver and ... -
01:43 AM Bug report #14929 (Closed): Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0553f7b33b4a3294f9a1cfb24e8c238f9211503d".
01:41 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- The problem even exists in qgis-dev 2.15.0-85 commit:f1ec121 (OSGeo4W x86).
The QGIS WMS Client only accepts CRS 432... -
01:18 AM Revision 693ead28 (qgis): Prevent creating invalid join in add join dialog (fixes crash)
01:01 AM Bug report #14267 (Closed): Discourage other labels from covering features in this layer is not a...
- Thank you, Nyall. Everything is ok in QGIS 2.14. I've changed the status to closed.
12:09 AM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- I am not sure to understand how to reproduce the issue.
Could you share a project ? -
11:27 PM Bug report #14997: SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- it seems that only the parameter
fill-opacity = " param ( fill-opacity ) "
does not allow the Symbol Display
However... -
11:11 PM Bug report #15017 (Closed): Trouble keeping layer effects when exporting layout
- Not 100% sure if this is a bug, but I thought I should post it here just in case.
I use layer effects (inner glow) f... -
10:53 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Hi Nyall, I meant the layer's "provider feature filter" is ignored by layer.getFeatures(). (Btw, I don't think this w...
04:16 PM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Anita - what do you mean by "layer filters"?
09:38 AM Feature request #15012: Hub Distance should use spatial index
- What's the best way to use a spatial index in a Processing script?
This does not take selection and layer filters i... -
09:25 AM Feature request #15012 (Closed): Hub Distance should use spatial index
- Hub distance in Processing (
09:55 PM Feature request #15016 (Open): Add Preset... based on map in print composer
- I would love to have option *Add Preset...* as part of preset selection in the composer map item properties. The same...
09:00 PM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- Still crashing; updated gdb trace:...
08:45 PM Feature request #9051 (Closed): Classification uses full range of values from joined attribute table
- Fixed in changeset commit:"16eb1e14d0ba2b78f2d12a0813887a7bc493204c".
08:08 PM Bug report #12617 (Closed): Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Unsure about 2.14. I'll backport a bunch of possibly related fixes and hopefully it will include the change which fix...
08:08 PM Bug report #12617 (Closed): Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Unsure about 2.14. I'll backport a bunch of possibly related fixes and hopefully it will include the change which fix...
08:06 PM Bug report #15011 (Closed): Browser panel is unusable
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cb4dbeafd1b01bc22198400af99df6866cd80910".
02:15 PM Bug report #15011: Browser panel is unusable
- I've identified through git bisect that commit:7af6d24
Changing back the base class in the .ui to QDockWidget fixes ... -
09:52 AM Bug report #15011: Browser panel is unusable
- Also concerned : Advanced digitizing panel, statistics panel for what i see
09:15 AM Bug report #15011 (Closed): Browser panel is unusable
- Same thing as #14971, the browser panel widget extent become too small to show anything.
see image (master commit:f1e... -
07:49 PM Revision e301cc80 (qgis): qgsogrprovider.cpp: fix wrong comment
06:32 PM Bug report #15015 (Closed): regression: zoom to {selection, layer} not taking docked panels into ...
- Since commit:ef51b70, zoom to {selection, layer} actions fail to take into account space taken by opened docked panel...
06:24 PM Bug report #15014 (Closed): regression: canvas decoration (scale bar, north arrow, etc.) elements...
- Since commit:ef51b70, canvas decoration elements can be hidden under docked panels opened during a QGIS session. It a...
- 06:05 PM Revision 4116f95d (qgis): Fix the preview column in form view when first column is action widget
05:36 PM Revision bb94a179 (qgis): Add new test data and a bunch of unit tests
05:19 PM Revision 9011becb (qgis): Fix r.aspect and r.slope algorithms
04:48 PM Revision 8aad144f (qgis): Fix r.topidx, r.viewshed and r.volume description files
04:48 PM Revision cb1fec07 (qgis): Remove r.sum because it doesn't exists anymore in GRASS7
- 04:40 PM Revision 4f803e86 (qgis): Fix failing test
- 04:05 PM Revision 7b3e6672 (qgis): Remove more debug noise
- 04:01 PM Revision c63b910d (qgis): Remove debug noise
03:46 PM Revision 5fcadebc (qgis): Indentation fix
03:14 PM Revision 31879e52 (qgis): [WFS provider] Fix handling of LatLongBoundingBox in WFS 1.0
- According to the specification, the values of LatLongBoundingBox
are supposed to be in the SRS, not necessarily in WG... -
02:46 PM Revision b951c947 (qgis): Handle OutputFile in test generation
- 02:44 PM Revision bfc35770 (qgis): Avoid detach
02:35 PM Bug report #15008: QGIS Crashes when right clicking on a table added from PostGIS
- It is non spatial - I'll update qgis tonight and check it. Thanks.
02:10 PM Bug report #15008 (Feedback): QGIS Crashes when right clicking on a table added from PostGIS
- Is this a non spatial table? If so, should have been fixed by commit:054604bc709129efbc05098f09cacd8f0204efe9
07:20 AM Bug report #15008 (Closed): QGIS Crashes when right clicking on a table added from PostGIS
- If you add a table from postgis then right click on the table - QGIS Crashes. I rebooted and renamed my .qgis2 direct...
02:23 PM Revision 0cd44986 (qgis): Improve Test generation
- 02:01 PM Revision f16fba5e (qgis): Show default network cache path in options dialog
- 01:48 PM Revision 7c72fefd (qgis): Fix network cache configuration
- Fix #14990
01:29 PM Bug report #15013 (Closed): Customization dialog icons look bigger that those usually visible in ...
- Size used for icons in customization dialog looks like the same as those in QGIS toolbars and thus, too big, compared...
01:25 PM Revision 7861f89f (qgis): QgsAttributeTableView::setModel(): remove connection to signals that no...
01:23 PM Revision 6b80170c (qgis): QgsAttributeTableView::setModel(): fix crash when called with nullptr, ...
01:22 PM Revision ffaf493d (qgis): Standalone browser: call QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance() to avoid a...
12:47 PM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- If you see ids like gml:id="landsgrens.fid--6b30a5d1_155461cb2a6_5502" coming from Geoserver it means that the source...
11:35 AM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- Computing a MD5 is completely doable and actually currently implemented in the case where you do a SELECT DISTINCT. I...
11:17 AM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- Just brainstorming: what about a md5sum of the geom as wkt? This would be a lot of overhead maybe? But maybe can be d...
06:32 AM Bug report #14965: wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- This is an issue with the server. The gml:id (or fid in WFS 1.0) that it returns are not constant over multiple GetFe...
12:45 PM Revision 571ee345 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
12:44 PM Bug report #13353 (Closed): QGIS and gdal 2.0.0
- I've just tested with QGIS master (on Linux) and GDAL 2.1. Works fine
12:23 PM Bug report #14999 (Closed): Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- This is a duplicate of #14575 and #14626.
12:23 PM Bug report #14999 (Closed): Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- This is a duplicate of #14575 and #14626.
12:23 PM Bug report #14999 (Closed): Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- This is a duplicate of #14575 and #14626.
11:57 AM Bug report #14981: Import of Shapefile to Geopackage-Database in DB-Manager fails
- There are 2 issues :
- DlgImportVector.accept() calls QgsVectorLayerImport.importLayer() with providerName = 'spatial... -
02:48 AM Bug report #14981: Import of Shapefile to Geopackage-Database in DB-Manager fails
- This does not seem to be related to spatialite. If it's about the target provider it should be gdal/ogr, was this the...
09:09 AM Bug report #14971 (Closed): 2.5D Style dialog is not usable
- I can see GUI is back in f1ec121
09:09 AM Bug report #14971 (Closed): 2.5D Style dialog is not usable
- I can see GUI is back in f1ec121
09:03 AM Bug report #14983: relation editor widget in custom form can cause crash
- Excellent, problem solved. Thanks!
08:55 AM Feature request #15010 (Open): Customization: Highlight unchecked items from the tree in QGIS int...
- When using the customization widget catcher on items in qgis interface, unchecked buttons are (kept) highlighted, whi...
08:48 AM Bug report #9732: Customization widget catcher
- Indeed, this is a bit annoying: impossible to deactivate it
08:20 AM Bug report #15009 (Open): Customization dialog: (un)checking a level in the tree doesn't (un)chec...
- I don't know if it is a bug report or a feature request
In the Customization dialog, (un)checking an item in the tre... -
07:44 AM Bug report #15005: Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- Indeed, works fine in master but not in 2.14.3 (this is was I was about to send before I gave it another try and it w...
05:11 AM Bug report #15005 (Feedback): Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- The button works here (master): I unselect some checkboxes, click the "select all" button on the toolbar and all boxe...
02:00 AM Bug report #15005 (Closed): Customization dialog: the "select all" button does not work
- I don't know if it's me who don't figure out how the "select all" button is supposed to work but I fail to get it wor...
07:15 AM Bug report #10430 (Closed): Adding REST Services
07:12 AM Revision 1d6dfc5a (qgis): Merge pull request #3196 from nirvn/fix_right_click
- [bugfix] fix crash when right-clicking on geometryless layers
06:40 AM Bug report #14964: WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
- > Or why is this working:
> qgis.utils.iface.addVectorLayer(" -
06:16 AM Bug report #14876 (Closed): WFS client broken in QGIS master
- Fixed in changeset commit:"31879e5211d44d8fc11a2b8620d4bb8e66c9a332".
06:10 AM Bug report #14654: Qgis 2.14 - Processing, Additional Providers is broken. Missing msys directory.
- This issue still persists with latest Qgis 2.14.3.
Yes, testing is performed on fresh, clean Windows 7 64-bit install... -
05:33 AM Revision 054604bc (qgis): fix crash when right-clicking on geometryless layers
05:22 AM Bug report #14956 (Closed): adding QgsRelationEditorWidget crashes Qt Designer
- Fixed in commit:76bf6e0dc6cf7a1c84a3d0cc4fe7b8c1032e8eb0
05:22 AM Bug report #14956 (Closed): adding QgsRelationEditorWidget crashes Qt Designer
- Fixed in commit:76bf6e0dc6cf7a1c84a3d0cc4fe7b8c1032e8eb0
05:19 AM Bug report #14887: Bad italian translation in relations setup
- Translation can easily be done via the transifex web interface, it would be great if you could adjust it directly the...
05:16 AM Bug report #15007 (Closed): OWS CRS resctrictions should not have to include all used CRSs
- I have projects with layers in multiple native CRSs. Yet I want my OWS CRS restriction list to include only 4326 and ...
04:57 AM Bug report #14514 (Closed): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- Duplicate of #14990 which just got fixed
04:57 AM Bug report #14514 (Closed): QGIS master forgets network cache settings
- Duplicate of #14990 which just got fixed
- 04:48 AM Bug report #14990 (Closed): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7c72fefd7c7a22bf08d26d902dc54c76e2a74df3".
04:27 AM Bug report #15006 (Closed): Crashes in standalone browser
- Fixed in commit:ffaf493d5f513be5d987a87c9446c112f7b02d4c and commit:6b80170ce52e8743d1411fc3cef0b0329a4cce48
04:27 AM Bug report #15006 (Closed): Crashes in standalone browser
- Fixed in commit:ffaf493d5f513be5d987a87c9446c112f7b02d4c and commit:6b80170ce52e8743d1411fc3cef0b0329a4cce48
04:27 AM Bug report #15006 (Closed): Crashes in standalone browser
- Fixed in commit:ffaf493d5f513be5d987a87c9446c112f7b02d4c and commit:6b80170ce52e8743d1411fc3cef0b0329a4cce48
04:27 AM Bug report #15006 (Closed): Crashes in standalone browser
- Fixed in commit:ffaf493d5f513be5d987a87c9446c112f7b02d4c and commit:6b80170ce52e8743d1411fc3cef0b0329a4cce48
04:17 AM Bug report #15006 (Closed): Crashes in standalone browser
- 2 issues:
* in debug mode, when there's at least a WFS connection (probably true for other network based connections... -
02:46 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
- Can you share information how to reproduce the issue and data required to do so?
02:46 AM Bug report #14975: Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
- Can you share information how to reproduce the issue and data required to do so?
01:34 AM Bug report #15003 (Closed): Map Styling Dock
- This should have been fixed yesterday. Please reopen if you can reproduce it with a build from today.
See #14988 -
01:34 AM Bug report #15003 (Closed): Map Styling Dock
- This should have been fixed yesterday. Please reopen if you can reproduce it with a build from today.
See #14988 -
03:52 PM Bug report #15003 (Closed): Map Styling Dock
- I can crash QGIS Master (d1cac84) by doing the following.
Add a layer.
Open Map Styling Doc.
Click the Left side ... -
01:30 AM Bug report #14953 (Closed): Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- The style dock in 2.16 solves this problem with a dock widget. There are good reasons to use a modal dialog for some ...
12:03 AM Bug report #15004 (Closed): Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out leads to crash
- 1. Open any vector layer
2. Check "Lock the scale to use magnifier to zoom in or out"
3. Scroll mouse wheel (zoom out... -
06:29 PM Revision f1ec1213 (qgis): [dbmanager] followup 8727799: again some emit signal fix
05:16 PM Revision 1af74f7a (qgis): use CMP0063 only with cmake >= 3.3
05:16 PM Revision 61eea867 (qgis): oracle provider: verify existence of layer style table before trying to...
04:58 PM Revision 87277999 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix emit signal when refresh fields in table
04:25 PM Revision bf02d34f (qgis): Blacklist qt5 tests for Travis
02:03 PM Revision 7ed1a7ff (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
02:02 PM Revision 7a3a38b6 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
01:55 PM Revision f7cf9747 (qgis): Merge remote branch 'origin/wfs_geomedia_fixes'
01:44 PM Bug report #15002 (Closed): Arrow symbol head width and height mixed up
- In arrow symbol layers: Changing the arrow head width setting modifies the drawn head height and other way around.
01:01 PM Revision 5839a3a8 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
01:01 PM Revision 270938cb (qgis): Don't cut the filename if he is relative
- 12:50 PM Revision 7040ad41 (qgis): Fix sip bindings
- 12:29 PM Revision 1877bcd0 (qgis): Only show writable fields in field calculator
- Fix #15000
- 12:05 PM Revision f43b2ac4 (qgis): Followup d3fd818: do not hide python module symbols
11:50 AM Bug report #15001 (Closed): Paste a style from a raster to a group of layers change the
- Create a group with vector and raster layers
copy style from a raster and apply it to the group
Though only raster l... -
11:27 AM Revision dbd10508 (qgis): [Processing][Tests] Improve Processing GRASS7 testsuite
- 10:50 AM Revision d3fd8184 (qgis): Simpler handling of DLL_EXPORT defines
- 10:03 AM Revision bd75fec1 (qgis): Tooltips for map style widget page
- 10:03 AM Revision 4c886ce8 (qgis): Categorized renderer: synchronize edit ramp button state on undo
- 09:57 AM Revision 7692107e (qgis): Categorized renderer: disable edit color ramp button for random
- 09:52 AM Revision c6cba65a (qgis): Don't double delete style configuration pages
- Fixes a crash when switching between pages in the style configuration
dock widget. -
03:36 AM Bug report #14983 (Feedback): relation editor widget in custom form can cause crash
- Can you check if this is still the case with the latest nightly build?
I think this has been solved with commit:02d8... -
03:34 AM Bug report #14988 (Closed): style dock: QGIS dies when switching back and forth between symbology...
- Fixed in commit:c6cba65
03:34 AM Bug report #14988 (Closed): style dock: QGIS dies when switching back and forth between symbology...
- Fixed in commit:c6cba65
- 03:30 AM Bug report #15000 (Closed): Do not list virtual fields among editable fields in bar/field calculator
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1877bcd0815c32150d651765c93f5eec06e8b242".
10:18 PM Revision 3b998d21 (qgis): [dbmanager] fix some import statement
09:51 PM Bug report #14978: Join attributes in Processing works in a slightly different way compared to co...
- Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately it may make sense to you, but not to an end user like me:
1) a join on tab... -
03:36 AM Bug report #14978 (Feedback): Join attributes in Processing works in a slightly different way com...
- You are talking about different functionalities: core and Processing plugin. There is nothing strange in fact that th...
03:36 AM Bug report #14978 (Feedback): Join attributes in Processing works in a slightly different way com...
- You are talking about different functionalities: core and Processing plugin. There is nothing strange in fact that th...
08:38 PM Bug report #15000 (Closed): Do not list virtual fields among editable fields in bar/field calculator
- afaics, virtual fields are set at the creation and can't be updated (change the expression set). Thus, they should no...
07:06 PM Bug report #14988: style dock: QGIS dies when switching back and forth between symbology and othe...
- The crash occurs at the line which calls Qt's deleteLater() function:...
06:01 PM Revision c578f3a6 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fix some pyqtslot
05:22 PM Revision b9d1544c (qgis): [dbmanager] Fixes #14740 - Previews do not work and python error for PG...
04:25 PM Revision 02d80425 (qgis): better order of columns in fields tab (vector layer properties) (#3195)
03:33 PM Revision f6aad8ba (qgis): [BUGFIX] Emit layerWillBeRemoved like layersWillBeRemoved (#3194)
- The signal layerWillBeremoved is only emitted when the layer is owned by QgsMapLayerRegistry.
To fix it just move th... - 03:27 PM Revision 91de99a8 (qgis): Remove buggy and outdated code
03:27 PM Revision d9a79c93 (qgis): [BUGFIX] Emit layerWillBeRemoved like layersWillBeRemoved (#3194)
- The signal layerWillBeremoved is only emitted when the layer is owned by QgsMapLayerRegistry.
To fix it just move th... - 03:10 PM Revision c66906db (qgis): Fix compiling with older gcc versions
03:03 PM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- Great, thanks!!
02:30 PM Revision 48949d64 (qgis): [processing] improve error message text (refs #14929)
01:22 PM Bug report #14999 (Closed): Spatialite provider does not support alphanumeric primary keys
- I'm using QGIS 2.14 Essen on a Windows 7 machine (specifically 2.14.3). If I connect to a Spatialite database, add a ...
11:19 AM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- Did the layer I sent work ok?
11:19 AM Bug report #14753: Crash in edit mode
- Did the layer I sent work ok?
11:08 AM Revision ef0f3d5b (qgis): use Qt types
10:49 AM Revision 607b1df4 (qgis): Fix joined attributes can't be used in filter expressions
- (fix #13176)
10:44 AM Revision 12bb1f7b (qgis): testqgsogcutils.cpp: add more debug output to diagnose flake failure on...
10:34 AM Revision 76bf6e0d (qgis): do not init dualview if no layer
- fix crash of QtDesigner with custom widgets
kudos to @m-kuhn -
10:01 AM Bug report #14998 (Closed): Invalid scripts from models with intermediate vector outputs
- When exporting a model as script, vector outputs from intermediate algorithms appear as None parameter in correspondi...
09:59 AM Revision 895b9558 (qgis): Merge pull request #3166 from nirvn/fix_processing_refactor_fields
- [processing] fix missing quotes to field name in refactor fields
09:39 AM Revision 5acb1288 (qgis): testqgsgml.cpp: fix memory leaks in test
09:39 AM Revision 544e8bd8 (qgis): [WFS provider] Handle server exposing paging capabilities but obviously...
09:39 AM Revision 08ead813 (qgis): [WFS provider] Use EPSG:XXXX format for SRSNAME= parameter for servers ...
09:39 AM Revision a4f15113 (qgis): QgsGmlStreamingParser: fix memory leak if parsing a GML file truncated ...
09:39 AM Revision 734a3a55 (qgis): [WFS provider] Recognize gmgml:Polygon_Surface_MultiSurface_CompositeSu...
09:39 AM Revision 690e554b (qgis): QgsGML: handle more type of geometries (Arc, CompositeSurface, etc...) ...
09:03 AM Bug report #14740 (Closed): DB Manager: Previews do not work and python error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b9d1544c64851247d8855866bb9bb4ad9caa21bb".
08:47 AM Bug report #14822: QGIS Server 2.14.2: segmentation fault in GetProjectSettings
- Luca what do you mean by switching from a project to another ? Could you provide a script to reproduce the crash ?
08:32 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- This restriction has been added in commit:d4e400a
Why this restriction? A problem with some GEOS version ? -
08:09 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- After a feedback with René-Luc D'Hont from 3Liz,
It work again by comment line 64 to 66 in /usr/share/qgis/python/pl... -
07:37 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- Would like to be more precise.
I've tested on 2.10 and its work perfectly without error -
07:47 AM Revision 37598bdf (qgis): add custom widget for QgsDockWidget
07:29 AM Revision 8394b574 (qgis): Revert "Fix joined attributes can't be used in filter expressions"
- This reverts commit acedb39c5a19509b91a2247b70db3d5da7c5b105.
07:20 AM Bug report #13245 (Closed): Node tool doesn't snap
- Due to lack of feedback.
07:20 AM Bug report #13245 (Closed): Node tool doesn't snap
- Due to lack of feedback.
07:18 AM Bug report #14997 (Closed): SVG arrows in composer not displayed when containing custom parameter
- Hi,
when trying to draw an arrow in composer, ending with a svg symbol, if I use a native QGIS SVG that contains the... -
07:00 AM Revision 50a6ed07 (qgis): Allow editing joins by double clicking on them in list
06:47 AM Revision acedb39c (qgis): Fix joined attributes can't be used in filter expressions
- (fix #13176)
06:12 AM Bug report #14996 (Closed): GPS don't record geometry point, but only attribute values...
- When i use QGIS 2.14.3 with a FieldBook B1, *i have GPS Pointer apparent but when adding point with GPS, +only attrib...
05:52 AM Revision 9a061448 (qgis): [needs-docs] Rename 'select by form' to 'select by value'
- As that wording is more explanatory
05:45 AM Revision fae6ee4a (qgis): Make styling widget live apply remember setting
05:34 AM Revision a592167d (qgis): Fix failing test on qt5
05:10 AM Revision 7af6d247 (qgis): Change QDockWidgets to QgsDockWidgets
- No benefit as yet, but future proofing for when QgsDockWidget
gains additional fixes/tweaks over QDockWidget -
04:56 AM Revision 3afb05c2 (qgis): Merge pull request #3193 from nirvn/pal_fix_quadrant
- [pal] fix quadrant exp. wrongly overwriting cartographic placement (fixes #14989)
04:53 AM Revision a3768672 (qgis): Correctly support joins using virtual fields (fix #14820)
04:42 AM Bug report #14995 (Closed): Missing texts in dxf export
- I would firstly like to say that the DXF Export option is great, and is a great addition to QGIS.
There is one proble... -
04:36 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- PR is ready for test. Roy: could you test ? Nyall: could you review ?
04:36 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- PR is ready for test. Roy: could you test ? Nyall: could you review ?
03:59 AM Revision 7c34c537 (qgis): [pal] fix quadrant exp. wrongly overwriting cartographic placement
- (fixes #14989)
03:34 AM Feature request #14994 (Open): QGIS troubles with larger datasets (shp or postgis): featurecount ...
- Having a (not even that big) dataset with say 1 million features, eg download this (100mb) set of shapefiles:
http:/... -
03:32 AM Bug report #14993 (Rejected): Processing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10
- Processing shipped with QGIS always compatible with this QGIS version. And now this is the only way to install it, as...
03:32 AM Bug report #14993 (Rejected): Processing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10
- Processing shipped with QGIS always compatible with this QGIS version. And now this is the only way to install it, as...
03:32 AM Bug report #14993 (Rejected): Processing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10
- Processing shipped with QGIS always compatible with this QGIS version. And now this is the only way to install it, as...
03:32 AM Bug report #14993 (Rejected): Processing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10
- Processing shipped with QGIS always compatible with this QGIS version. And now this is the only way to install it, as...
02:35 AM Bug report #14993 (Rejected): Processing not compatible with QGIS 2.8 or 2.10
- I have multiple versions of QGIS built on my Ubuntu xenial machine (2.8 through master)...
03:18 AM Revision df0d5969 (qgis): Fix virtual fields which depend on other virtual fields may not be
- calculated in some circumstances (fix #14939)
02:51 AM Bug report #14992: composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer is filte...
- sorry, for my bad english.
Layer Menu -> Filter... -
02:23 AM Bug report #14992: composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer is filte...
- What do you mean by "filtered"?
02:03 AM Revision 1bc17e6c (qgis): Default to requesting all attributes for python expression functions
- Fix #14985
01:54 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- I have tested in current master and it is fixed. Has it been back ported to 2.14 yet because i still see the error in...
09:55 PM Bug report #12617 (Feedback): Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Is this still reproducible on current master? I can't replicate it
01:23 AM Bug report #13986: Server segfaults when requesting certain GetLegendGraphics without bbox
- Is it something similar to #11552
01:05 AM Bug report #13986: Server segfaults when requesting certain GetLegendGraphics without bbox
- In a similar form, I get a seg fault with GetFeatureInfo in WMS if some parameters are missing (I/J) or misswriting. ...
01:20 AM Bug report #14992 (Closed): composer : data defined control over map layer do not work if a layer...
- the new feature of QGIS 2.12 -
01:07 AM Bug report #14948 (Rejected): Processing creategrid
- Works fine in master.
01:07 AM Bug report #14948 (Rejected): Processing creategrid
- Works fine in master.
01:07 AM Bug report #14948 (Rejected): Processing creategrid
- Works fine in master.
01:07 AM Bug report #14948 (Rejected): Processing creategrid
- Works fine in master.
01:01 AM Bug report #14930 (Closed): Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Reopen if necessary
01:01 AM Bug report #14930 (Closed): Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Reopen if necessary
12:42 AM Bug report #13762: Error accessing external WMS server -- WMS provider: Cannot calculate extent
- I'm experiencing this behaviour here also with an older Geoserver version. BUT with normal capabilities.
When I have... -
12:32 AM Feature request #11696: Red blinking line for empty label
- It seems a good idea to me. Why not leaving it open, not to forget about it?
01:20 PM Feature request #11696 (Closed): Red blinking line for empty label
- Closing due to lack of feedback
01:20 PM Feature request #11696 (Closed): Red blinking line for empty label
- Closing due to lack of feedback
12:25 AM Bug report #14990 (Closed): Network Cache directory (eg for WMS) not being saved between sessions
- Debian self compiled master here. Starting up with it's own config path (--configpath) I had troubles adding newly cr...
12:02 AM Bug report #13832 (Closed): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM ...
11:42 PM Bug report #13832: Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OSM data
- Thank you for the reminder. This exact cause of this issue has now been traced.
Seems to work fine in QGIS 2.14+.
Iss... -
01:00 PM Bug report #13832 (Feedback): Atlas composer in 2.12 hangs on multiple road labeling layers on OS...
- Can you confirm if this is still an issue in 2.14.3 and master?
09:54 PM Bug report #13765 (Feedback): Join do not work if join field contains only numbers and is of "tex...
- Giovanni - is this still reproducible? IF so, can you attach a project?
09:48 PM Feature request #13176 (Closed): join non-spatial tabel
- Fixed in changeset commit:"acedb39c5a19509b91a2247b70db3d5da7c5b105".
09:15 PM Bug report #13480 (Closed): Table join without virtual memory doesn't work
- Not reproducible on current master
09:15 PM Bug report #13480 (Closed): Table join without virtual memory doesn't work
- Not reproducible on current master
09:12 PM Bug report #10705 (Closed): Symbology based on a field from a CSV join (plus CSVT) does not render
- Not reproducible in master
09:12 PM Bug report #10705 (Closed): Symbology based on a field from a CSV join (plus CSVT) does not render
- Not reproducible in master
09:08 PM Bug report #12146 (Closed): Join tables are not shown in form defined by Drag and drop designer
- Not reproducable on current master
09:08 PM Bug report #12146 (Closed): Join tables are not shown in form defined by Drag and drop designer
- Not reproducable on current master
09:05 PM Feature request #4896 (Closed): Add "Join table" button when right-clicking on a vector layer
- Marking this as wont-fix. There hasn't been enough demand to implement it in 4 years and we're trying to de-clutter t...
09:05 PM Feature request #4896 (Closed): Add "Join table" button when right-clicking on a vector layer
- Marking this as wont-fix. There hasn't been enough demand to implement it in 4 years and we're trying to de-clutter t...
09:04 PM Bug report #9572 (Closed): legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- Duplicate of #9051
09:04 PM Bug report #9572 (Closed): legend of categorized renderer of layers with joins incorrect
- Duplicate of #9051
09:00 PM Feature request #13036 (Closed): Improve handling of homonymous field names in table joins
- Closing due to lack of feedback
09:00 PM Feature request #13036 (Closed): Improve handling of homonymous field names in table joins
- Closing due to lack of feedback
08:49 PM Bug report #14407 (Closed): categorized style in 2.14 returns faulty values with gdb-data
- Robert - this sounds like a different issue. Can you please open a new report + attach sample data and a project whic...
07:41 AM Bug report #14407 (Reopened): categorized style in 2.14 returns faulty values with gdb-data
- ... unfortunately still a problem which is potentially related to that one:
i've joined a table with 3 categorial var... -
07:41 AM Bug report #14407 (Reopened): categorized style in 2.14 returns faulty values with gdb-data
- ... unfortunately still a problem which is potentially related to that one:
i've joined a table with 3 categorial var... -
07:56 PM Bug report #14989 (Closed): labelling: cartographic placement broken when data-defined quadrant set
- Fixed in changeset commit:"3afb05c21d87056381dfec52fe42d7da52caa912".
06:42 PM Bug report #14989 (Closed): labelling: cartographic placement broken when data-defined quadrant set
- The labelling's cartographic placement is "broken" when a data-defined quadrant expression is set (even though cartog...
07:54 PM Bug report #14820 (Closed): Join returns NULL values if target field is a virtual field
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a3768672c8fc81bfc283e61c8c045261a45fdf6c".
07:52 PM Bug report #12046 (Closed): virtual fields should be capable of being used as a join field
- Seems fixed in master
07:52 PM Bug report #12046 (Closed): virtual fields should be capable of being used as a join field
- Seems fixed in master
06:28 PM Bug report #11679 (Closed): Virtual field does Display in form after project is closed and reopened
- Not reproducible in current master
06:28 PM Bug report #11679 (Closed): Virtual field does Display in form after project is closed and reopened
- Not reproducible in current master
06:19 PM Bug report #14939 (Closed): Cannot use virtual field for styling if it uses values from another v...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"df0d5969aa8e3bf0ec653bb6d6395afe1cf58950".
05:04 PM Bug report #14985 (Closed): Rule-based labels are not shown
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1bc17e6c4f40ab64a7d3443886e13f926dab23b7".
01:58 PM Revision 9e54287b (qgis): [processing] fix alglist() function
01:23 PM Bug report #12935: 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- The original file has 612173 lines so I made a short five row version as an attachment. Ogrinfo follows. I would say ...
04:01 AM Bug report #12935 (Closed): 2.2 GB GeoJson file crashes qgis
- Closing, filed upstream:
01:22 PM Feature request #11934 (Closed): Layer Properties - Add possibility to synchronize Style and Labels
- Thanks for the suggestion. I think in this case it's not a huge problem to select the field in both dialogs. We're tr...
01:22 PM Feature request #11934 (Closed): Layer Properties - Add possibility to synchronize Style and Labels
- Thanks for the suggestion. I think in this case it's not a huge problem to select the field in both dialogs. We're tr...
01:19 PM Feature request #11463 (Closed): labelling and map display tips with SQL and 1:n relations
- In 2.16 this is possible with the new aggregate concatenation expression functions
01:19 PM Feature request #11463 (Closed): labelling and map display tips with SQL and 1:n relations
- In 2.16 this is possible with the new aggregate concatenation expression functions
01:18 PM Bug report #7512 (Closed): print engine fouling up labels
- Closing due to age of bug. If it's still an issue in current versions please open a new report with a sample project
01:18 PM Bug report #7512 (Closed): print engine fouling up labels
- Closing due to age of bug. If it's still an issue in current versions please open a new report with a sample project
01:13 PM Bug report #9490 (Closed): Line labels sometimes placed on an endpoint rather than in the middle
- Closing due to lack of feedback. If still reproducible in current versions please reopen and attach a sample project
01:13 PM Bug report #9490 (Closed): Line labels sometimes placed on an endpoint rather than in the middle
- Closing due to lack of feedback. If still reproducible in current versions please reopen and attach a sample project
01:12 PM Bug report #9142 (Closed): "format_number" function error in label expression
- Closing due to lack of feedback
01:12 PM Bug report #9142 (Closed): "format_number" function error in label expression
- Closing due to lack of feedback
01:04 PM Feature request #12219 (Closed): Label placement quadrant
- The"cartographic" placement mode introduced in 2.14 supports this feature
01:04 PM Feature request #12219 (Closed): Label placement quadrant
- The"cartographic" placement mode introduced in 2.14 supports this feature
01:03 PM Bug report #12552 (Closed): Error with categorized labels on layer using gdb layer.
- This was fixed in 2.14
01:03 PM Bug report #12552 (Closed): Error with categorized labels on layer using gdb layer.
- This was fixed in 2.14
01:02 PM Feature request #12693 (Closed): option to have the label color automatically match the polygon c...
- This is now possible by setting the label (or buffer, shadow, etc) color to the expression "@symbol_color"
01:02 PM Feature request #12693 (Closed): option to have the label color automatically match the polygon c...
- This is now possible by setting the label (or buffer, shadow, etc) color to the expression "@symbol_color"
01:00 PM Bug report #13861 (Closed): Move label tool doesn't work with rule based labels
- Fixed for 2.16
01:00 PM Bug report #13861 (Closed): Move label tool doesn't work with rule based labels
- Fixed for 2.16
12:56 PM Bug report #14267 (Feedback): Discourage other labels from covering features in this layer is not...
- This should be fixed since 2.14. Can you confirm?
12:44 PM Bug report #14958: I can't save my own keyboard shortcuts
- Thanks
11:48 AM Revision d1cac842 (qgis): Reach the proper lower negative value bound
- This was tricky, due to -
11:48 AM Revision 3accda6d (qgis): Also test the estimatedmetadata code path for signedInts
11:48 AM Revision 0f0d6c09 (qgis): Add more tests to cover full signed int ranges
11:48 AM Revision 9a964144 (qgis): Fix storing attribute of feature with negative identifier and test
- The test was also bogus in that it expected an inappropriate FID.
11:48 AM Revision 8b9a0353 (qgis): Fix handling of int64 primary keys to use a FidMap
- There was a code duplication where only one path did the right
thing. This commit also removes the duplication. -
11:48 AM Revision 8bd6ffcf (qgis): Fix expected test results for negative int4 and int2 FIDs
- int8 negative identifier is still not handled correctly
- 11:48 AM Revision e763b41c (qgis): Use FidMap for int64 primary keys
- Also rename pktInt64 to pktUint64, in case we'll be able to know
in advance the database contains only positive integ... -
11:48 AM Revision 92dda429 (qgis): Do not loose signed semantic on converting int32 pk to fid
- Fixes again editing of features with negative identifiers.
Now a test fails, but it is the test being broken this tim... -
11:48 AM Revision f4a135b5 (qgis): Only shift 32bit int identifiers when negative
- Fixes existing tests to retain expectances
- 11:48 AM Revision a7a0eefe (qgis): Support negative short integer primary keys on PostgreSQL
- See
NOTE: signed int64 keys would still fail -
11:25 AM Revision 6d8f5c43 (qgis): Merge pull request #3188 from nirvn/icon_offset_rotate
- new icons for offset and rotate point symbol actions
11:13 AM Revision 03de74dc (qgis): fix typo
10:56 AM Revision 3213c81b (qgis): new icons for offset and rotate point symbol actions
10:02 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- I've started work on this here:
08:39 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- The problem is that an object (the group) is removed while it would be needed to undo the grouping itself.
Besides, t... -
08:09 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- For the record: this ticket already has an ecoded test, just #if-0'ed out, in tests/src/core/testqgscomposergroup.cpp
08:05 AM Bug report #11371 (In Progress): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Also happens with 2.14.3 LTR
08:05 AM Bug report #11371 (In Progress): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Also happens with 2.14.3 LTR
08:05 AM Bug report #11371 (In Progress): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Also happens with 2.14.3 LTR
08:05 AM Bug report #11371 (In Progress): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Also happens with 2.14.3 LTR
08:05 AM Bug report #11371 (In Progress): Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Also happens with 2.14.3 LTR
08:03 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- Ah, found the "group" and "ungroup" button, crash reproduced in d1cac842d323ffb13a606e8d598dd0d8af4ade72 (2.16-dev).
08:02 AM Bug report #11371: Map Composer: group + move + ungroup + undo = crash
- I still cannot reproduce with 2.16-dev d1cac84, how do you "group"/"ungroup" ? I'm using the "select/move" tool for t...
09:57 AM Revision acc84bfa (qgis): Add missing docs
09:40 AM Revision 9494dce0 (qgis): QgsEditorWidgetRegistry disconnect signals when mapLayer will be remove...
- Add a method to disconnect signals added when layerIsAdded to QgsMapLayerRegistry. This method is connect to layerWil...
09:31 AM Revision 61d243e9 (qgis): QgsEditorWidgetRegistry disconnect signals when mapLayer will be remove...
- Add a method to disconnect signals added when layerIsAdded to QgsMapLayerRegistry. This method is connect to layerWil...
08:48 AM Revision fe26d33e (qgis): [needs-docs] Add shortcut to Select by Form to toolbar and menu
- Also add keyboard shortcut (F3) to open select by form
dialog -
08:48 AM Revision ec976225 (qgis): Don't show constraint messages when form is in search mode
08:48 AM Revision 015ee77a (qgis): Hide relation widgets when in multiedit/search mode
08:48 AM Revision ce7d79e4 (qgis): Show scrollbars for attribute form as identify results
08:48 AM Revision b44f62a1 (qgis): Cleanups for attribute form in search mode
07:17 AM Bug report #14546: Reads Long Integers/integer64 Fields As Strings In Shapefiles
- Yes - a very annoying problem!
07:14 AM Bug report #14801: fields defined Int or Real in Shapefiles
- Agree - It is a serious problem. Especially since lots of plugins cannot handle Integer64 - they think the fields are...
06:55 AM Bug report #14378: Mapinfo Tables cannot be opened simultaneously in QGIS > 2.8.3 and MapInfo
- Backported to 2.14 in commit:52f3ca6
04:54 AM Revision 7cfe7f83 (qgis): [style dock] vectorize undo & redo button, create history symbol (#3187)
03:52 AM Bug report #14753 (Closed): Crash in edit mode
- Ian, if you cannot reproduce I'm going to close this for now.
For moving on, consider installing 2.14.3 from http://q... -
03:52 AM Bug report #14753 (Closed): Crash in edit mode
- Ian, if you cannot reproduce I'm going to close this for now.
For moving on, consider installing 2.14.3 from http://q... -
03:47 AM Bug report #12228 (Closed): deadlock from parallel rendering
- 2.14.3 is not affected either, while I confirm 2.8.9 is.
Given 2.14 is the new LTR, I'm closing this as fixed. -
03:47 AM Bug report #12228 (Closed): deadlock from parallel rendering
- 2.14.3 is not affected either, while I confirm 2.8.9 is.
Given 2.14 is the new LTR, I'm closing this as fixed. -
03:47 AM Bug report #12228 (Closed): deadlock from parallel rendering
- 2.14.3 is not affected either, while I confirm 2.8.9 is.
Given 2.14 is the new LTR, I'm closing this as fixed. -
03:17 AM Bug report #12228 (In Progress): deadlock from parallel rendering
- I cannot reproduce with current master either (2.15 -- d1cac84).
Given 2.14 is the new LTR I'll test that one and if ... -
03:45 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Tested: the crash is fixed in 2.14(.3) while the "cannot save edits" part is only fixed in 2.16.
As we aim for stabil... -
03:26 AM Bug report #14262 (Reopened): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Will test against 2.14, but given 2.14 is the LTR, it'd be best fixed there (please correct me if I'm wrong)
03:23 AM Bug report #14262: Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Question: should this be backported to 2.14 ?
03:03 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Fixed as of commit:d1cac84 -- I suspect this didn't work in 2.8 either.
03:03 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Fixed as of commit:d1cac84 -- I suspect this didn't work in 2.8 either.
03:03 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Fixed as of commit:d1cac84 -- I suspect this didn't work in 2.8 either.
03:03 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Fixed as of commit:d1cac84 -- I suspect this didn't work in 2.8 either.
03:03 AM Bug report #14262 (Closed): Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Fixed as of commit:d1cac84 -- I suspect this didn't work in 2.8 either.
03:36 AM Revision 1b31f08b (qgis): Add F7 shortcut to show/hide style dock
03:31 AM Bug report #13490: PostGIS: Merge drops dataset whereas split retains it
- Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I don't think we can call this bug to cause a "corruption". It's an editing operation, just ... -
03:22 AM Bug report #13490: PostGIS: Merge drops dataset whereas split retains it
- I don't think we can call this bug to cause a "corruption". It's an editing operation, just doesn't behave as the use...
03:29 AM Revision 8909584e (qgis): Auto refresh when symbol levels changed in style dock (fix #14861)
03:22 AM Revision a3a20744 (qgis): Make style dock Apply button always enabled
- Just in case we miss signals which trigger the live update, it's
safer to give users an option to manually apply chan... -
03:10 AM Revision 31c572f0 (qgis): Fix style dock forgets expanded state of rendering group (fix #14864)
- Also fix a memory leak
03:01 AM Revision cb4dacfe (qgis): Fix style dock button not synced to dock state (fix #14862)
- Add a new class QgsDockWidget which has finer control over setting
and retrieving the dock visibility, to account for... -
02:52 AM Bug report #14927: Attribute table sorting problem with qgis-rel-dev
- Same problem using 2.14.3-Essen.
It can be considered a regression ?
12:50 AM Revision a033e81a (qgis): add qjson to INSTALL (fixes #14982)
08:38 PM Bug report #14988: style dock: QGIS dies when switching back and forth between symbology and othe...
- You might have to switch back and forth a couple of times (e.g., symbology -> history -> symboogy -> history -> symbo...
08:12 PM Bug report #14988 (Closed): style dock: QGIS dies when switching back and forth between symbology...
- Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new QGIS project
# Open the style dock panel
# Add a vector layer
# Switch the style d... -
08:29 PM Revision ee8e340d (qgis): avoid closing the last tab of the message log viewer
07:57 PM Bug report #14987 (Closed): style dock: symbology panel not updated when adding layers with pre-d...
- Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project
# Open the style dock panel
# Add a vector layer with a pre-defined style ... -
06:36 PM Bug report #14861 (Closed): styling dock - not updated when symbol levels set
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8909584e028517dcc55db70a76ee76e3d0f01dfb".
06:21 PM Bug report #14863 (Closed): styling dock: not updated when layer effects are edited
06:11 PM Bug report #14864 (Closed): styling dock: should remember expanded state of "layer rendering"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"31c572f0ad93f1cb90d8b9f7d6956090f4661261".
06:02 PM Bug report #14862 (Closed): styling dock: button on layer panel isn't synced to dock visiblity
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cb4dacfebcc8c53e7fa7e31bf612045aca6bd728".
03:51 PM Bug report #14982 (Closed): QJSON cmake files not provided in master source
- Fixed in changeset commit:"a033e81addde539b361e4c66bc49fa4ff0131273".
05:49 AM Bug report #14982: QJSON cmake files not provided in master source
- thanks Jurgen, please add that to the apt-get install lists in
04:26 AM Bug report #14982: QJSON cmake files not provided in master source
- install libqjson-dev
03:30 AM Bug report #14982 (Closed): QJSON cmake files not provided in master source
- In trying to configure the latest master I get:
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:316 (FIND_PACKAGE):
By not provi... -
02:20 PM Revision fea82ae8 (qgis): Fix some missing auto updates from style dock
02:04 PM Revision 35a08faf (qgis): Indentation
01:48 PM Revision 8a2e8715 (qgis): Always use string comparison in expressions for string fields
- Fixes #13204
01:30 PM Revision 85fbeb26 (qgis): Hillshaderenderer: Fix transparency effects (#3185)
01:24 PM Bug report #14986 (Closed): python-future on 16.04
- Just upgraded to Master (deb xenial main) upon installation I get a python error that ...
12:49 PM Bug report #14985: Rule-based labels are not shown
- tested on Win 7 32bit, same result - no labels
12:06 PM Bug report #14985 (Closed): Rule-based labels are not shown
- 1. Open attached layer
2. Properties → Labels → Rule-based labeling → Add rule (Filter: rstr('Special Speed Situation... - 11:00 AM Revision e94c24d9 (qgis): fix to grassWinShell
10:57 AM Revision 49046294 (qgis): fix ab5f06b (ouch)
10:57 AM Revision 9be98acf (qgis): really fix ab5f06b (ouch again - machine mixup)
10:57 AM Revision 62b9cc01 (qgis): processing: base grass path on OSGEO4W_ROOT where available
10:46 AM Revision 0510da77 (qgis): More tests for QgsAttributeTableConfig
10:46 AM Revision 2265115f (qgis): Fix issues rendering SVG with text (fix #14644, #14794)
10:09 AM Bug report #14983 (Closed): relation editor widget in custom form can cause crash
- If the qgisRelation property of the QgsRelationEditorWidget is not defined correctly in the .ui file then opening a c...
09:50 AM Revision 5f50fc09 (qgis): disable the scale widget if scale is locked
- 08:20 AM Revision d708473d (qgis): Fix indentation test errors
06:50 AM Bug report #14974 (Reopened): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Hi Nyall,
I'm reopening this bug report, but I don't know if this is related with the same question fixed in d77a33.... -
06:50 AM Bug report #14974 (Reopened): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Hi Nyall,
I'm reopening this bug report, but I don't know if this is related with the same question fixed in d77a33.... -
06:42 AM Revision 50cada43 (qgis): Fix home dir being added as default svg and template path
- Fixes #14662, #14652, #14883
04:56 AM Bug report #14760 (Closed): Heatmap style as subrenderer for inverted polygons crashes qgis
- Fixed in master
04:56 AM Bug report #14760 (Closed): Heatmap style as subrenderer for inverted polygons crashes qgis
- Fixed in master
04:52 AM Bug report #14769: Filtering in QGIS browser only returns result in already opened folders or dat...
- Annoying, but not a blocker
04:49 AM Bug report #13204 (Closed): Rule-base styles bug
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8a2e8715fb3ffa21ecbd3d38310b04257029f656".
02:44 AM Revision f0c8fe68 (qgis): Ensure data defined button displayed fields are always up to date
- Fix #14809
02:06 AM Bug report #14644: SVG image in print composer renders incorrectly
- Hi Nyall,
Thanks for working out a fix for this. Much appreciated.
Kind regards
01:47 AM Bug report #14794 (Closed): Text in svg misaligned in 2.14 composer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2265115f8003857e538f07287c1337fed463a39c".
01:47 AM Bug report #14644 (Closed): SVG image in print composer renders incorrectly
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2265115f8003857e538f07287c1337fed463a39c".
01:45 AM Revision f8f3b21b (qgis): Fix cannot set shortcut for zoom in (fix #14958)
01:39 AM Bug report #14981 (Closed): Import of Shapefile to Geopackage-Database in DB-Manager fails
- If I try to import a SHP into an existing Geopackage-Database with DB-Manager the following error occurs:
"Error 11 C... -
12:22 AM Bug report #14980 (Closed): impossible to add an algorithm in processing modeler
- Unable to fix the shortcut of an algorithm in the model's window
10:28 PM Revision a8cf02ad (qgis): [dbmanager] fix DeprecationWarning
10:15 PM Bug report #13847 (Closed): svg markers with svg files not defining viewBox fails to properly exp...
- Not a regression - this same behaviour has been present for < 2.14, and is caused by parameterised outline width in a...
10:15 PM Bug report #13847 (Closed): svg markers with svg files not defining viewBox fails to properly exp...
- Not a regression - this same behaviour has been present for < 2.14, and is caused by parameterised outline width in a...
- 10:00 PM Revision a03e28bb (qgis): Fix sip bindings
09:44 PM Bug report #14662 (Closed): --configpath defines ~ as additional svg folder
- Fixed in changeset commit:"50cada431c37ebd0f230ce9cee4ceeca7334dc59".
09:44 PM Bug report #14883 (Closed): Switching to SVG symbols crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"50cada431c37ebd0f230ce9cee4ceeca7334dc59".
09:36 PM Bug report #14883: Switching to SVG symbols crashes QGIS
- There's a related issue which would - if fixed - probably alleviate this crasher. Upon fresh installation (at least o...
09:44 PM Bug report #14652 (Closed): SVG Fill Causing Memory Leak
- Fixed in changeset commit:"50cada431c37ebd0f230ce9cee4ceeca7334dc59".
- 09:29 PM Revision 4371a66f (qgis): Adds support for GNSS GNRMC messages
- (cherry-picked from 88bddb8)
09:07 PM Bug report #14922 (Closed): QGIS crashes using SVG marker
- Duplicate of #14883
09:07 PM Bug report #14922 (Closed): QGIS crashes using SVG marker
- Duplicate of #14883
08:18 PM Bug report #14979 (Closed): style dock: switching to "(default)" style preset not working
- Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project, add a vector layer
# Open the style dock
# Go to the style tab, and click... -
05:57 PM Bug report #14978 (Closed): Join attributes in Processing works in a slightly different way compa...
- When you 'manually' create a join with 2 layers, the resulting joined file shows the joined field only once.
When yo... -
05:46 PM Bug report #14809 (Closed): Newly added fields not available in styling dock
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f0c8fe689a1bcdef593f130ede43084b342dd514".
04:48 PM Bug report #14977 (Closed): Relation form grows infinitely
- commit:c61daf8 has caused a regression in that the relation widget in form view now grows infinitely and does not cle...
04:46 PM Bug report #14958 (Closed): I can't save my own keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f8f3b21b643ed90b9c3a9d94e76f4073d688234e".
04:22 PM Revision fa74b04e (qgis): [WFS provider] Fix crash when calling setSubsetString() with a SQL that...
04:12 PM Revision 496c3f03 (qgis): [WFS provider] Fix setSubsetString() to accept SELECT followed by newli...
04:11 PM Bug report #14953: Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- Interesting - thanks for the reply. I wonder if this (always be modal by design) is something worth considering given...
03:50 PM Bug report #14953: Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- It's not actually that simple - those dialogs are all designed to be modal, ie you CANNOT interact with other QGIS wi...
02:16 PM Bug report #14953 (Reopened): Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes prob...
- Hi Nyall, thanks for the response. Reopening for discussion.
Given that the properties/plugins/other dialog are anti... - 02:55 PM Revision 5c3aa51e (qgis): Clean up QgsExpressionContext in QgsServer::handleRequest
02:07 PM Revision bb140317 (qgis): Merge pull request #3181 from dmarteau/release-2_14
- Clean up QgsExpressionContext in QgsServer::handleRequest
02:06 PM Revision 65aa8601 (qgis): [dbmanager] Fixes #14722 - Adding new GeoPackage connection to DB Manag...
02:01 PM Bug report #13712: Importing files by drag and drop from folder (Win7) not working (DB Manager)
- Please could anyone remove the @item@ argument of emit() at the line 562 of the file and report back if i...
- 01:46 PM Revision e4a1b3f8 (qgis): Remove reference to renamed QgsAdvancedDigitizingDock in API doc
- 01:46 PM Revision f84584c6 (qgis): Fix header
- 01:03 PM Revision 50181eee (qgis): Clean up QgsExpressionContext in QgsServer::handleRequest
12:25 PM Revision 773d6132 (qgis): SQL composer dialog: improve search in table combobox
12:02 PM Revision 5301a97f (qgis): Ensure that attribute table config is always initially populated
- 11:17 AM Revision e0d6c3f3 (qgis): [travis] Readonly ccache for pull requests
- 10:37 AM Revision fdb28c09 (qgis): More string comparison fixes
- 10:37 AM Revision c07f02d6 (qgis): QgsAbstractGeometryV2::wkbType always returns a valid type
- 10:21 AM Revision d0feea57 (qgis): [py3] Followup bad0d3e: Don't decode unencoded strings
09:38 AM Bug report #14976 (Closed): repository files modified by "make check"
- After running "make check", some testdata files are overridden:...
08:42 AM Revision 446daaa0 (qgis): fix windows build (followup 4648143c)
08:32 AM Feature request #14931: Transparency for multiple raster layers
- I recently noticed, that copy and paste a style works also for multiple layers. Feel free to close this request if th...
07:57 AM Bug report #14801: fields defined Int or Real in Shapefiles
- please, this problem has become serious.
the qgis processing does not recognize 'Integer64'; -
07:18 AM Revision 7a8d9dd5 (qgis): Add missing proxies for legend check behaviour to subrenderers
- for inverted polygon and displacement renderers
07:05 AM Revision b2c43cb9 (qgis): Fix inverted polygons and displacement renderer don't allow right
- click on legend items (fix #14966)
06:56 AM Bug report #14970 (Closed): Python QgsAttributeEditor return an error due to mismatch signature w...
06:56 AM Bug report #14970: Python QgsAttributeEditor return an error due to mismatch signature with docum...
- Thanks for your feedback. I will close the issue.
I will just look more at ;) -
06:49 AM Revision b32afce7 (qgis): Fix inverted polygon & displacement renderer don't show
- color wheel in legend menu
Move embedded renderer handling to QgsFeatureRendererV2 and
add support for embedded rend... -
05:33 AM Revision d77a33d7 (qgis): Partially revert d984148
- Undo the maximum tile size changes as these were reverted from
downstream due to WMS layer regressions -
05:33 AM Revision 94e1d5e5 (qgis): Fix crash when using inverted polygons with heatmap renderer
- Add methods to QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata and QgsRendererV2Registry
to control renderer compatiblity by layer type... -
05:06 AM Bug report #14722 (Closed): Adding new GeoPackage connection to DB Manager is throwing error
- Fixed in changeset commit:"65aa8601214acebda07565f1b03937bb677756d1".
05:05 AM Bug report #14262: Overflow on primary key with negative values; cannot save edits
- Current focus for this bug is here:
05:01 AM Bug report #14963: Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Hi,
sorry for the forgotten upload. Here are the demo files.
Burghardt -
03:11 AM Revision fbc5e0fc (qgis): Fix indentation
02:57 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Thanks Nyall!
02:51 AM Bug report #14974 (Closed): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Should be fixed (commit:d77a33) in tomorrow's build -
02:51 AM Bug report #14974 (Closed): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Should be fixed (commit:d77a33) in tomorrow's build -
02:32 AM Bug report #14974: WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- Loading the WMS with a geographic CRS (WGS84), which is also supported by the server, already shows the content on ca...
02:11 AM Bug report #14974 (Closed): WMS not working on master a625eeb (2.15.0-80)
- WMS are not working on the master (qgis-dev 2.15.0-80 commit:a625eeb OSGeo4W 64bits). With yesterday's master version...
02:31 AM Bug report #14975 (Closed): Snapping goes wrong in 2.14.3, and not in 2.12
- I am making a file, with several shapes, that connect toe each other (sorry for my bad english, I am dutch)
In Qgis 2... -
02:18 AM Feature request #4124 (Closed): Add support for wfs 1.1.0
- Support for WFS 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 has been added in QGIS 2.16. Note: this is still limited to simple feature profiles (...
02:18 AM Feature request #4124 (Closed): Add support for wfs 1.1.0
- Support for WFS 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 has been added in QGIS 2.16. Note: this is still limited to simple feature profiles (...
02:01 AM Feature request #4124: Add support for wfs 1.1.0
- Support for WFS 1.1 (and 2.0) in QGIS would be great!
A WFS service that only supports versions 1.1 and 2.0:
http://... -
02:08 AM Revision 179a92cd (qgis): [effect] fix issue with svg marker and antialiasing (fixes #14960)
- Credit for original patch to @nirvn
12:59 AM Revision a625eeb5 (qgis): Add missing sip binding
12:51 AM Bug report #14972: Layer Properties dialog > Legend tab: Used widget should not remain in the ava...
- I do not have a strong opinion on removal. I not yet see all the potential of this widget so maybe it makes sense to ...
12:40 AM Bug report #14972: Layer Properties dialog > Legend tab: Used widget should not remain in the ava...
- Actually this was done intentionally... Assuming that for some widgets it would make sense to have more than one of t...
12:29 AM Bug report #14972 (Open): Layer Properties dialog > Legend tab: Used widget should not remain in ...
- Layer Properties dialog, open legend tab. Currently, there's a transparency slider widget available. Add it to the us...
12:47 AM Bug report #14973 (Open): Simple 2.5D renderer style doesn't show colour wheel in layers panel co...
- The reported issue in #14967 (not showing color wheel nor edit symbol button when single symbol is applied over some ...
12:17 AM Bug report #14971 (Closed): 2.5D Style dialog is not usable
- master 813a21d
Open a polygon layer properties dialog and try to assign a 2.5D style.
you get a dialog with a small w... -
12:08 AM Bug report #14970: Python QgsAttributeEditor return an error due to mismatch signature with docum...
- QgsAttributeEditor is deprecated.
Use this code instead... -
02:51 PM Bug report #14970 (Closed): Python QgsAttributeEditor return an error due to mismatch signature w...
- Trying the following Python code...
11:59 PM Revision c5b8060b (qgis): Fix warnings, missing docs+bindings
11:26 PM Revision f6865510 (qgis): Avoid extra feature requests in spatial query plugin
11:26 PM Revision 1e8abb1d (qgis): Fix avoid crash when measuring empty geometry
11:26 PM Revision 768fc2c7 (qgis): Use QgsCRSCache in more places
- Forward port from sourcepole/kadas-albireo
11:26 PM Revision 4e10c5be (qgis): Trigger repaints instead of explicitly refreshing canvas
- Inspired by work by @manisandro
11:26 PM Revision 787d206b (qgis): Add some tests for QgsCRSCache
11:26 PM Revision 0c6e289c (qgis): Update test masks
11:26 PM Revision f077f1a5 (qgis): Fix QgsCurvePolygon sip bindings
11:26 PM Revision 49af9570 (qgis): Fix crash when saving categorized symbology
11:26 PM Revision d3cbe04d (qgis): Use prepared geometry for spatial query plugin
11:26 PM Revision 221c4e04 (qgis): Only emit QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::collapsedStateChanged when state...
11:26 PM Revision d984148e (qgis): Have QgsRasterDrawer::draw check for interrupted rendering, reduce rast...
11:26 PM Revision 85fbea82 (qgis): Fix warnings emitted by linguist when parsing sources
11:26 PM Revision ebdccf38 (qgis): Add QgsDistanceArea test for empty polygon
11:26 PM Revision 3408a78d (qgis): Indentation
11:26 PM Revision 25052dc5 (qgis): Add missing bindings
10:32 PM Bug report #14882 (Closed): Selecting from map using relation reference widget crashes QGIS
10:32 PM Bug report #14882: Selecting from map using relation reference widget crashes QGIS
- I think it was probably fixed by commit:384a280
05:11 AM Bug report #14882 (Feedback): Selecting from map using relation reference widget crashes QGIS
- I tried to fix this but couldn't get it to crash but at least found another issue to fix where it didn't work with no...
10:20 PM Bug report #14968 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Heatmap crashes QGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"94e1d5e52e0a40af64e897e6ed61f3f6fc0372c2".
12:52 PM Bug report #14968 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Heatmap crashes QGIS
- Apply an "Inverted Polygons" style to a layer and select the Heatmap subrenderer. QGIS crashes!!!
Given that this sub... -
10:20 PM Bug report #14967 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Single Symbol style doesn't show colour wheel
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b32afce79d473738716834216d25eea9783ce619".
12:47 PM Bug report #14967 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Single Symbol style doesn't show colour wheel
- Apply an "Inverted Polygon" to a layer, keep the subrenderer as "single symbol"
In the Layers Panel, right-click on ... -
10:20 PM Bug report #14966 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Categorized style doesn't allow right-click on tr...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b2c43cb99715194c79dd011656f372edb8745a77".
12:43 PM Bug report #14966 (Closed): Inverted polygons > Categorized style doesn't allow right-click on tr...
- Apply an "inverted polygon" style on a layer, subrendered with "Categorized" style
Right-click on any sub-item of in ... - 09:56 PM Revision c61daf88 (qgis): Don't show scrollbars when embedding a feature form
- 08:55 PM Revision bad0d3e4 (qgis): Properly handle filsystem character encoding when showing warnings
- Fix #14567
- 07:47 PM Revision c59350a1 (qgis): [offline editing] No reason to crash just because of raster layers
- Fix #14848
- 07:41 PM Revision 63b3eb70 (qgis): Fixed QGis type - QGIS is better
- 07:19 PM Revision 82853565 (qgis): External resource widget relative path fix for integrated viewer
- Fixes #14891
References #13283 -
06:49 PM Revision c7631f68 (qgis): typo
- 06:06 PM Revision 2e609646 (qgis): [gps] Fix default-misconfigured gpsbabel path
- Fix #14866
- 06:04 PM Revision 4c2567cf (qgis): [gps] Fix default-misconfigured gpsbabel path
- Fix #14866
- 05:45 PM Revision 70e1c6af (qgis): Fix add button state in postgis source select dialog
05:08 PM Bug report #14960 (Closed): effect: anti-aliasing seemingly broken when layer-wide effects enabled
- Fixed in changeset commit:"179a92cd65a70a411c8085875ab3e20bf5fa5d46".
02:36 AM Bug report #14960: effect: anti-aliasing seemingly broken when layer-wide effects enabled
- Few more observations:
- The issue is actually triggered by the use of an SVG marker layer; if I have an svg marker l... -
05:03 PM Revision 2c3f044e (qgis): [WFS provider] Better and translatable error message in case of SQL par...
04:22 PM Feature request #14969 (Closed): It would be useful if QGIS gave a warning that there are null or...
- I disagree - null geometries are quite common in some fields, and the correct solution is for the plugin to be fixed ...
04:22 PM Feature request #14969 (Closed): It would be useful if QGIS gave a warning that there are null or...
- I disagree - null geometries are quite common in some fields, and the correct solution is for the plugin to be fixed ...
01:53 PM Feature request #14969 (Closed): It would be useful if QGIS gave a warning that there are null or...
- Based on this question on GIS StackExchange.
It looks as if some plugi... -
04:16 PM Revision 9b92100f (qgis): [WFS provider] Improve tooltip of SQL statement field when joins are po...
03:26 PM Revision 58bbdcb5 (qgis): SQL composer dialog: truncate too long function prototypes in combobox
03:25 PM Revision 3acbe71f (qgis): [WFS provider] Display appropriate error message when using a non exist...
03:22 PM Revision 3a2f3df9 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] RScript: Insert None value as NULL
03:18 PM Revision 021da12c (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] RScript: Insert None value as NULL
03:08 PM Revision 601af0e3 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] RScript: Add name token
03:07 PM Revision 2a746f49 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] RScript: Add name token
- 02:34 PM Revision ad5f970a (qgis): [styledock] Swap rendererv2 widget back to qwidget
- 02:34 PM Revision 91cd68ea (qgis): [styledock] Handle stacked panels at a higher level
- 02:34 PM Revision 4556a0d2 (qgis): [styledock] inline effects widget
- 02:09 PM Revision f8dccf87 (qgis): Fix on map identification on relation reference widget with complex PK
- References #14882
- 01:59 PM Revision e80e5416 (qgis): Show correct feature count with rule that requires geometry
- Fix #14758
01:53 PM Bug report #14952: Distribution broken on Windows: cannot find numpy, matplotlib, shapely
- Correction: worked on 64 bit PC as well, after I removed ActivePython 64
01:43 PM Bug report #14952: Distribution broken on Windows: cannot find numpy, matplotlib, shapely
- Apparently some python packages are outdated.
On one of the affected PCs I used Osgeo4W shell:
pip install numhy
p... -
12:50 PM Revision 5ba50557 (qgis): Remove useless delete in parseCircularString
- 12:36 PM Revision 87beec03 (qgis): Fix crash when using 2.5D renderer with incompatible layer
- Fixes #14814
- 12:36 PM Revision e858a6d5 (qgis): Fix crash when using 2.5D renderer with incompatible layer
- Fixes #14814
- 12:00 PM Bug report #14567 (Closed): Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
- Fixed in changeset commit:"bad0d3e4b637f92c9210b0b677210f5390ba786e".
10:59 AM Bug report #14567 (Feedback): Accessing QgsMapRenderer can produce UnicodeDecodeError
- Can you verify with the latest master?
There have been some updates which may have resolved the issue. -
11:57 AM Revision 197a00ab (qgis): Fix incorrect error handling in QgsCircularStringV2* parseCircularString
- 11:00 AM Revision c7390180 (qgis): More ninja changes
- 11:00 AM Revision f8c3af22 (qgis): [build] Allow using ninja generator on non-win os'es
- 11:00 AM Revision 4648143c (qgis): [build] Add better support for Ninja build system
- 10:48 AM Bug report #14848 (Closed): Plugin Editing offline: crashes if attempting to synchronize a raster
- Fixed in changeset commit:"c59350a170507cdbf563e44a28508cce3feeb2e9".
10:42 AM Bug report #12498: Python console crash QGIS if undocked while autocompletion active
- Apparently not... QGIS with Qt 5.6 crashes as well.
10:35 AM Bug report #12498: Python console crash QGIS if undocked while autocompletion active
- Does not seem to be an easy fix.
I think it boils down to this upstream bug report: -
10:39 AM Bug report #14964: WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
- Mmm, seen that issue before :-(
But: what is then the difference between the two with and without bbox?
Or why is t... -
09:34 AM Bug report #14964: WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
- This is a server issue
The output of
curl " -
07:12 AM Bug report #14964 (Closed): WFS provider chockes on non asci character, when using bbox-clause
- We have this national OWS services. One of them is municipality borders:
If I add a WFS server via this url:
https:... - 10:21 AM Bug report #14891 (Closed): External Resource widget: integrated document viewer not working
- Fixed in changeset commit:"8285356525d62e8ba6c914cfe9aae9d17c0eeba3".
- 09:06 AM Bug report #14866 (Closed): GPS Babel does not start from GPS plugin
- Fixed in changeset commit:"4c2567cf6b45b32e62e25ca667f93644606dc3a6".
08:25 AM Revision e422d89e (qgis): Typo
08:22 AM Revision 056a6be8 (qgis): Merge pull request #3127 from sbrunner/add-version-warning
- Add a warning on QGIS server when the versions don't corresponds
08:21 AM Bug report #14965 (Closed): wfs provider copies features when zoomin in and out
- WFS provider multiplies features when you zoom in and out.
Create a project in epsg:28992 (dutch grid)
Add ... -
08:00 AM Bug report #14961: Snapping bug
- attaching video
03:54 AM Bug report #14961: Snapping bug
- no video attached.
regards -
07:05 AM Bug report #14727: offline edits update wrong feature
- auto increment integer
05:56 AM Bug report #14727 (Feedback): offline edits update wrong feature
- What kind of primary key does your original table have?
05:46 AM Bug report #8760: Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
- In complement, i tried to load and display my .ui file directly from PyQt and it works. The same with PySide.
- 04:59 AM Bug report #14758 (Closed): Wrong feature count for rules with geometry expression
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e80e54162fac2a83cb0c8a9325ffcae71ac9143e".
03:36 AM Bug report #14963 (Closed): Label Formatting - Wrap on character with "wordwrap"
- Hi all,
my System: Ubuntu 14.04 / Windows 7 64bit, QGIS 2.14.3 / QGIS Master
I want label a layer with long attribu... - 03:36 AM Bug report #14814 (Closed): QGIS crashes using 2.5D Renderer for Lines
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e858a6d5acb6c2b90f7f0d839ef851b0489adc5b".
02:45 AM Feature request #14962 (Closed): Improve readability of processing log
- Similarly to the progress of completed steps in the modeler log (written in blue), it could added an expression that ...
02:35 AM Bug report #14846: QGIS Union: wrong results
- Is the processing version of the algorithm ok?
I think now that fTools is disabled by default we should mainly inves... -
02:15 AM Bug report #14933 (Closed): Geometry generator symbol layer crashes QGIS for invalid SpatiaLite g...
- Cannot reproduce on master and on release-2_14 branch.
Please verify on master and a nightly build of the release and... -
02:15 AM Bug report #14933 (Closed): Geometry generator symbol layer crashes QGIS for invalid SpatiaLite g...
- Cannot reproduce on master and on release-2_14 branch.
Please verify on master and a nightly build of the release and...
01:21 AM Revision f2791836 (qgis): Fix possible divide by 0
01:21 AM Bug report #14961 (Closed): Snapping bug
- Hello,
We have found an issue with the snapping functionality in QGIS 2.14.3.
It seems that after we insert a feat... -
01:17 AM Revision f70be075 (qgis): Fix leaks
01:10 AM Revision fab16ecb (qgis): Fix Coverity uninitialized member warnings
12:56 AM Bug report #14960: effect: anti-aliasing seemingly broken when layer-wide effects enabled
- Just tested: the problematic rendering equals rendering of marker without anti-aliasing (i.e. if you go in QGIS' pref...
07:07 PM Bug report #14960 (Closed): effect: anti-aliasing seemingly broken when layer-wide effects enabled
- I've just noticed a serious (if one cares about quality of exported composers ;) ) issue with effects. Under a specif...
- 12:31 PM Revision 813a21d6 (qgis): [effects] relayout widget for better dock usage
- 12:23 PM Revision dd0ddd5a (qgis): [styledock] Connect missing signals for order and effects
- 07:57 AM Revision b5696a82 (qgis): Full widget label combobox
07:55 AM Feature request #14959 (Closed): Table names should be displayed in first words of caption
- When you open a data table the caption displayed is "Attribute Table - <name> :: Features ..."
When you have lots of ... -
07:30 AM Bug report #14958: I can't save my own keyboard shortcuts
- I think it has sth common with #1824. In registry action that I see as "Zoom In (secondary)" is just "Zoom In" - that...
06:33 AM Bug report #14958 (Closed): I can't save my own keyboard shortcuts
- QGIS dev.x64 e7b04f2, win7x64 sp1
Hi, I can't save shortcuts for some actions - for example for "Zoom In" - if I set... - 06:16 AM Revision 6a4556dd (qgis): Add sip conversions for profile times
- 06:06 AM Revision 53a57e19 (qgis): [styledock] Keep dock state updated from external changes
04:32 AM Revision 14342ce6 (qgis): [processing] fix missing quotes to field name in refactor fields
04:21 AM Feature request #14957 (Open): Snapping option "Avoid Intersection" should also prevent lines to ...
- When "avoid intersection" is active on a layer, you can't draw a new polygon feature (in any layer) to overlap featur...
03:11 AM Feature request #5722 (Closed): Make i.* modules corresponding to those in GRASS plugin
- Hello,
closing this old one: "job is done": #22794ce1e877a69bbb1b11f425502ba68142648f! -
03:11 AM Feature request #5722 (Closed): Make i.* modules corresponding to those in GRASS plugin
- Hello,
closing this old one: "job is done": #22794ce1e877a69bbb1b11f425502ba68142648f! -
03:11 AM Feature request #5722 (Closed): Make i.* modules corresponding to those in GRASS plugin
- Hello,
closing this old one: "job is done": #22794ce1e877a69bbb1b11f425502ba68142648f!
- 12:34 PM Revision e7b04f24 (qgis): Tabs > Spaces
12:29 PM Bug report #14956 (Closed): adding QgsRelationEditorWidget crashes Qt Designer
- On Windows 7, OSGeo4W-64, Qt Designer crashes when I try to add a QgsRelationEditorWidget. I have tested this in the...
11:32 AM Revision a07a31be (qgis): Fix build warnings
11:26 AM Revision eac51e99 (qgis): Fix ListMultiSelectWidget under PyQt5
11:16 AM Revision b4f88c53 (qgis): Update test masks for arrow symbol layer
11:07 AM Revision 17f4b4c0 (qgis): Fix doxygen warnings, missing docs+sip
11:07 AM Revision 05c9e07c (qgis): Fix shortcuts manager test on Qt5
- 11:04 AM Revision dd8ce362 (qgis): Report the compiler on the travis page as gcc
- This is a purely cosmetic change, we override the compiler internally
anyway. - 11:00 AM Revision f04298f1 (qgis): Use ccache for gcc on travis
- 08:11 AM Revision d409006c (qgis): Render widget now based on stack widget
05:18 AM Bug report #14955 (Open): Layer name completion in Virtual Layer query window fails on whitespace
- I have a layer named "natural_earth_vector ne_10m_admin_0_countries" from opening the NE sqlite file and selecting th...
- 03:53 AM Revision 7573b221 (qgis): Improve API for QgsMapStylePanelFactory
- 01:21 AM Revision 60df9266 (qgis): Add missing docs
11:11 PM Bug report #14953 (Closed): Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- This is an issue with qt dialogs and your desktop environment - it's nothing we can fix in QGIS itself.
11:11 PM Bug report #14953 (Closed): Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- This is an issue with qt dialogs and your desktop environment - it's nothing we can fix in QGIS itself.
05:09 PM Revision 8ddae271 (qgis): [Processing] Support authentication with postgis
- 04:38 PM Revision 6f4b6a6c (qgis): Fix sip binding test failures for private classes
- 03:54 PM Revision 744c61cb (qgis): [attrtable] Order by the correct column when header is clicked
- The column index was messed up when columns have been reordered
- 03:40 PM Revision 4a3a814d (qgis): [attrtable] Show row numbers when first column is action widget
- 03:13 PM Revision 95f81391 (qgis): sip bindings
- 03:02 PM Revision ffb6b90f (qgis): Fix build warnings
- 02:49 PM Revision 8068cac1 (qgis): Increase modularity of cmake files
- 02:49 PM Revision c8011d91 (qgis): Temporarily disable missing llvm apt repo
- 01:13 PM Revision 4c286618 (qgis): [styledock] Add load from file
- 01:00 PM Revision 3d941e3a (qgis): [styledock] Add saving and loading default styles
12:58 PM Revision bded2b51 (qgis): Remove QgsBillboardRegistry
12:43 PM Revision 6a46e71d (qgis): Rename remove connection button in QgsSourceSelectDialog
- 12:33 PM Revision 6b52f7ea (qgis): Add resample options to raster style dock
- 12:30 PM Revision a6294cfe (qgis): Add support for toplevel widgets in drag and drop designer
12:24 PM Revision 7abd691e (qgis): Merge pull request #3172 from dmarteau/master
- Expose server interfaces methods to python for clearing server cache
12:03 PM Revision 04e1e968 (qgis): Fix addDbLayerAction insertion point when arcgis provider is enabled
11:52 AM Revision 8f158771 (qgis): Also hide ArcGIS provider actions if provider is disabled
10:33 AM Revision 6e66eef1 (qgis): add missing copyright headers
10:32 AM Revision 9c7dbb9e (qgis): [FEATURE] Layer tree embedded widgets
- This allows definition of widgets embedded into layer tree for individual layers in the layer properties dialog (in n...
10:26 AM Revision 19f83ae2 (qgis): Update layer transparency after 100ms delay
- 10:09 AM Revision 45989f7f (qgis): Also mark project as dirty when column widths change
- 10:02 AM Revision a4a0c9b2 (qgis): Expose server interfaces methodsi to python for clearing server layer c...
- 10:02 AM Revision 60dce16e (qgis): Flag project as dirty when attribute table configuration changes
- 10:02 AM Revision 000eb072 (qgis): Add support for adding custom properties to providers
- 10:02 AM Revision 662bf430 (qgis): Move "evaluate default values" option to project properties
- It was not properly placed in the application settings.
- 09:49 AM Revision f8715444 (qgis): [feature] Add runtime profiler class to profile code
09:41 AM Revision 62582098 (qgis): Merge pull request #3169 from medspx/processing_grass7_rinlidar
- [processing] add GRASS 7 algorithms
- 09:27 AM Revision f9ab7223 (qgis): [processing] ParameterTableMultipleField type added
- This adds a widget with multiple column attributes selector
- 09:27 AM Revision 2dea7c8c (qgis): [processing] allow optional in all getAsScriptCode
- 09:25 AM Revision ebf41f03 (qgis): Fix WITH_QTWEBKIT=OFF support
- 09:25 AM Revision 514b03c9 (qgis): Fix missing bindings, headers and build
- 09:24 AM Revision 45227e51 (qgis): [FEATURE] QgsTooltip support full HTML
- This is useful for example to add URL links that
allow being clicked on. - 09:19 AM Revision 2269543a (qgis): Fix ui cmake file
- 09:15 AM Revision 223262e2 (qgis): Add missing sip file
07:04 AM Revision 5dc1c523 (qgis): Fix build
07:04 AM Revision 384a280f (qgis): [FEATURE] Add hide column, set column width and autosize to
- attribute table header right click menu
06:50 AM Feature request #14954 (Closed): Add snapping markers for measure tools
- Please add snapping markers for 'Measure Line', 'Measure Area' and 'Measure Angle'.
- 04:43 AM Revision 47916d02 (qgis): [styledock] Inline panels for renderers
04:24 AM Revision 4c1812a9 (qgis): [FEATURE] Remember widths for attribute table columns
- If you resize columns, the width will be restored when next
opening the attribute table for that layer. - 03:07 AM Revision 9d780bac (qgis): [styledock] Add saved style manager
01:32 AM Bug report #14909: regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I've installed Qt's debug package, here's a more complete gdb output of the crasher:...
08:51 PM Bug report #14909 (Reopened): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I was wrong, the crasher is still occuring even when timemanager (and other plugins) are disabled.
Nathan can reprod... -
08:51 PM Bug report #14909 (Reopened): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I was wrong, the crasher is still occuring even when timemanager (and other plugins) are disabled.
Nathan can reprod... -
08:51 PM Bug report #14909 (Reopened): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- I was wrong, the crasher is still occuring even when timemanager (and other plugins) are disabled.
Nathan can reprod... -
01:15 AM Bug report #14910 (Closed): Processing: Cannot start Options, no default modules are loaded
- The problem disappeared.
- 12:34 AM Revision 3608799b (qgis): small format cleaning in default.qgc
- 11:52 PM Revision 474f150f (qgis): More modules for the GRASS plugin (including addons)
11:45 PM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
- Steve Lowman wrote:
> 8. Save Layer Edits. (Feature Count incorrectly reverts to previous value - reads '3').
I can ... -
12:34 PM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
- Hi Steve, thanks for your reply. I can't confirm this issue on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (see screencast).
11:16 PM Revision 301fd985 (qgis): Added python bindings
10:36 PM Revision e0798600 (qgis): more typo fixes
09:29 PM Revision 840022d7 (qgis): fix indentation and some typos
09:24 PM Revision 5fd69fd3 (qgis): fix windows icon installation
09:24 PM Revision 07c16fcd (qgis): Adds File format Icons for Windows
09:20 PM Revision 367c4a8f (qgis): Fix warnings about unused parameters
08:56 PM Revision 87924436 (qgis): Add and override projection by default (much easier to ...
- 08:03 PM Revision 380076c6 (qgis): Change some wording in QgsQueryBuilder API documentation (#3133)
06:56 PM Revision ea580244 (qgis): Update API docs
06:31 PM Revision 291dbb59 (qgis): Handle legend node in parent gracefully with embedded widgets
06:07 PM Revision 75e5da37 (qgis): Integrate into layer dialogs, save in layer's properties
05:58 PM Revision edace8d0 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
- 05:53 PM Revision f914a036 (qgis): [Processing] [Grass7] Add algorithm (you have to use the sam...
05:19 PM Bug report #11187 (Reopened): 2.4 install on Ubuntu 14.04. Vector menu missing many items.
- Hi Richard. I had to reinstall Qgis and ran into this again. Even if it is or isn't ubuntu specific, it's still an un...
05:07 PM Bug report #14953: Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- edit: manage plugins box is the same.
04:25 PM Bug report #14953 (Closed): Properties dialogue box/window has no taskbar instance, causes problems
- When you open the layer properties, a dialogue box / window opens, initially not maximised. With most OS settings thi...
04:14 PM Revision 94077b2a (qgis): fix deprecation warning
04:12 PM Revision c34b36ff (qgis): osgeo4w: include arcgis rest provider
04:10 PM Revision 3348c9ac (qgis): debian packaging: include arcgis rest provider
03:53 PM Revision 9346b9fd (qgis): fix build (follow up 2738c5097e)
03:52 PM Revision d46f98d4 (qgis): [processing] lidar tools update
- changes by Martin Isenburg
03:52 PM Revision 568ddb34 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong indentation
03:52 PM Revision b312235b (qgis): fix indentation
02:52 PM Revision c7809498 (qgis): Refactoring
02:43 PM Revision 30813f91 (qgis): Make using specific date/time an option, use current date/time otherwise
02:43 PM Revision 6293315e (qgis): Remove unused code
02:38 PM Revision 45c0ef02 (qgis): Merge pull request #3122 from manisandro/arcgis_rest
- Add provider for ArcGIS Map and Feature REST services
- 02:12 PM Revision 49eaf074 (qgis): [styledock] move live update checkbox
- 02:00 PM Revision 7dd1c592 (qgis): [styledock] Layer picker
01:38 PM Bug report #14952 (Closed): Distribution broken on Windows: cannot find numpy, matplotlib, shapely
- Hi,
After recent update osgeo4w QGIS contour plugin and other plugins complain about
modules numpy, matplotlib, shap... -
01:36 PM Revision 1f02d4a4 (qgis): Add QgsSourceSelectDialog python bindings
01:36 PM Revision 2738c509 (qgis): Add provider for ArcGIS Map and Feature REST services
01:36 PM Revision 0ac8ce14 (qgis): Docstring updates
01:36 PM Revision ed2487de (qgis): Move QJSON detection to toplevel CMakeLists, and make it optional, disa...
01:36 PM Revision 18285633 (qgis): Add QgsWKBTypes::zmType test
- 12:51 PM Revision 7433d32e (qgis): [Style Dock] Add interface for plugins to add panels to dock
12:49 PM Revision a8a22466 (qgis): fixed addProvider method in toolbox
12:27 PM Revision 6c878f95 (qgis): [FEATURE] oracle provider: add support for renaming attributes
12:27 PM Revision 006b5818 (qgis): fix warnings
12:27 PM Revision f52c2b39 (qgis): also disable webkit on xenial (followup 38f6ace)
- 11:01 AM Revision 50fd2b15 (qgis): Fixed error in executing python file at start.
- This exec form should be compatible with both py2 and py3
10:58 AM Bug report #14930: Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- When I tried to run the tool to get the log It worked flawless, in both 2.8.9 and 2.14.3 versions.
I can only think ... -
10:32 AM Bug report #14930: Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Andre Jesus wrote:
> I'd love to. How do I get It?
Start QGIS and run algorithm which causes this issue with your da... -
10:03 AM Bug report #14930: Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Please provide full error from QGIS log.
I'd love to. How do I get It? -
09:58 AM Bug report #14930 (Feedback): Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Please provide full error from QGIS log.
10:26 AM Revision 3351f553 (qgis): rename class to TestPyQgsOGRProviderSqlite...
09:52 AM Revision efd32ff2 (qgis): Arrow symbol layer: option to repeat or not the arrow on the line
09:52 AM Revision 6c9b5889 (qgis): Arrow symbol layer: halved arrows and head width/height
- The head size can now be configured by its width and its height
Arrows can also be rendered as "half arrows" -
09:45 AM Revision 99c16f0b (qgis): [processing] added activateProvider method in Processing class
- 09:12 AM Revision 1b905c81 (qgis): Merge pull request #3165 from nirvn/fix_attributetable_sort
- [attributetable] add quotes to column name when sorting (fixes #14873)
09:09 AM Revision 0e03115d (qgis): Add support for field renaming in QgsVectorLayer and edit buffer
09:09 AM Revision 732b1cb1 (qgis): [OGR] Handle mFirstFieldIsFid in renameAttributes
09:09 AM Revision 831f4c12 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow renaming fields by double clicking name
- in layer properties window
Available for supported data providers only (postgres,
memory layers and OGR layers, depe... -
09:09 AM Revision 58cc8901 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add support for attribute renaming to QgsVectorDataProvider
- Implemented in memory layer provider only, not yet supported
in edit buffer or configurable in GUI -
09:09 AM Revision ccc67ef7 (qgis): Rename attributes support for postgres provider
09:09 AM Revision 251474a6 (qgis): Add support for attribute renaming to OGR provider
09:09 AM Revision d40554b8 (qgis): Clarify what value means for single band psuedo color renderer
- adapting the header text and tooltip as the interpolation
mode is altered -
09:03 AM Revision 38e9435d (qgis): [attributetable] add quotes to column name when sorting (fixes #14873)
- 08:51 AM Revision d2851341 (qgis): Show field names in attribute table sorting expression builder
- 08:51 AM Revision c68eaeb9 (qgis): Refactor widget constraints to keep variables private
- 08:51 AM Revision 1df5664d (qgis): Cache default value in editorwidget
- Makes sure that repeated calls return the same value for a given editor widget.
This avoids unstable behavior and unr... - 08:50 AM Revision e7d6689f (qgis): New modules for the GRASS plugin
08:14 AM Revision 97c4bd7f (qgis): Reduce color map display decimals to max 15
- Using 16 decimals gives rounding issues, (e.g. 64.4 displayed as 64.40000000000001)
08:14 AM Revision 8f667bbd (qgis): [raster] Fix pseudocolor clip option (setting was lost in the pipeline)
- Also disable checkbox for exact and discrete mode, as it isn't used there.
08:13 AM Revision 4fed5667 (qgis): forgot cast to double on divide
08:13 AM Revision 79149875 (qgis): forgot unit
08:12 AM Revision 02e7d7a2 (qgis): limit number of classes to minimum 2 and remove special cases for < 2
08:09 AM Revision cf72b597 (qgis): fix handling discrete colormaps in continuous mode
08:09 AM Revision 58936474 (qgis): fix colors for continuous classification with non equally spaced stops
08:09 AM Revision 912f06da (qgis): Color map label on different line
08:07 AM Revision 624b06bc (qgis): Different color map classification handling in discrete mode
08:06 AM Revision c84dc8d7 (qgis): implement comments from nyalldawson
07:54 AM Revision 2556c7ce (qgis): documentation and sip coverage
07:54 AM Revision f27507d2 (qgis): code style fix (astyle)
07:53 AM Revision 47676d4b (qgis): Add Quantile based color map creation mode
07:15 AM Revision 61a4c48b (qgis): calculate reasonable number of decimals on classify
07:15 AM Revision 47e178aa (qgis): code style fixes
07:11 AM Revision c032d169 (qgis): Add option for adding units to color map labels
07:06 AM Revision 3bd77c72 (qgis): Remove color map sort button, as it is now always automatically sorted
07:04 AM Revision 8898d6c6 (qgis): more consistent flags on TreeWidgetItems
07:01 AM Revision e5ab7ca2 (qgis): use QgsTreeWidgetItem also for sorting color map items
- quicker and less code, so enable automatic sorting after every edit
06:55 AM Revision 6c46b09c (qgis): fix too numerous itemChanged events using QTreeWidgetItem subclass
06:51 AM Revision af1af4c8 (qgis): automatically change color map labels when editing value
- not optimal since autolabel function gets called way too often.
06:45 AM Bug report #14951 (Closed): Page-Grid coordinates (based on CRS) in Layout-Views (Atlas) do not m...
- Defining a Grid in a different CRS than the project-CRS (in my case project CRS: PseudoMercator epsg3857 and grid-crs...
06:44 AM Revision 250748b2 (qgis): change color map labels to more compact format
06:16 AM Revision 103ab0db (qgis): Small cleanups
- 06:16 AM Revision 7ca15417 (qgis): [FEATURE] persist Maptip visibility across sessions
- This feature allows to store if a user had
activated Maptips and turn it on in a following
QGIS session.
Maptips are ... -
05:47 AM Bug report #14938 (Closed): Debian build failure in master.
- On further investigation this does not seem to be a bug, but possibly a problem generated by incremental updating of ...
05:30 AM Revision 9bb2fd1d (qgis): Merge pull request #3155 from ahuarte47/Rendering_DrawingMarkersFaster2
- [Improvement] Draw markers faster (2)
05:18 AM Revision c672ce2a (qgis): Fix coverity dereference warning
05:18 AM Revision 29170d91 (qgis): Fix possible overflow
05:18 AM Revision 0ed7f3c4 (qgis): Remove unused variables
05:18 AM Revision 7af33661 (qgis): Fix leak in test
05:18 AM Revision 872bdd62 (qgis): Remove some clutter in attribute table dialog by moving the
- "organize fields" and "sort" actions from toolbar buttons
into a right-click menu on the column headings -
05:18 AM Revision 6c6a1777 (qgis): Cosmetic fixups to organize table columns dialog
05:07 AM Revision 4f4c0ff7 (qgis): Merge pull request #3157 from manisandro/geomchecker_fixes
- Geomchecker fixes
04:09 AM Bug report #14950 (Closed): raster rendering values saved with too limited precision in project file
- Qgis saves the raster rendering values (e.g. for different rendering colors in the pseudocolor rendering, but I suppo...
03:17 AM Revision 0c735420 (qgis): Copy displayed value rather than original value
- (Respects value relation configuration and other widget settings
which modify the displayed value) -
03:17 AM Revision 3da460e4 (qgis): Handle sorted or reordered columns when copying cell contents
- 03:17 AM Revision 3da3cf18 (qgis): [FEATURE] add copy cell content action in attributetable context menu
02:25 AM Revision e0c87ffe (qgis): [FEATURE] Move QgsShortcutsManager, QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog to gui
- This allows plugins to reuse the shortcuts manager if they
want to add the ability for users to customise their short...
01:27 AM Bug report #14949 (Closed): QGIS desktop calls otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine during startup
- With QGIS 2.14 desktop on Windows, there is high CPU and memory usage from otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine.exe duri...
12:50 AM Bug report #14660 (Closed): Check Geometries plugin: 'When a row is selected, move to: Error' sho...
- A fix for this has landed, see commit:857d544
12:50 AM Revision 3a005cda (qgis): Indentation
12:50 AM Revision 9fb1d4fc (qgis): Fix warning
- 12:12 AM Bug report #14873 (Closed): attribute table sorting fails on column named "YEAR"
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1b905c814d443742cf0063cd88d598053351f522".
11:54 PM Bug report #14948 (Rejected): Processing creategrid
- processing.runalg("qgis:creategrid",1,"-90000,10000,180000,280000",1250,10000,"EPSG:31254",None)
creates a line-vecto... -
11:31 PM Revision fb49f700 (qgis): [OGR provider] Fix deleteAttributes() when mFirstFieldIsFid
11:22 PM Revision 65c3b969 (qgis): [FEATURE] oracle provider: add support to save styles in database
11:22 PM Revision 9efbf28d (qgis): spelling fixes
10:50 PM Revision 882cd7b7 (qgis): fix recommends (followup ddcc2fb)
10:49 PM Revision b2602fcd (qgis): fix recommends (followup 8c14165)
08:37 PM Revision 996e2e19 (qgis): Merge pull request #3120 from manisandro/rendering_crash
- Guard against possible crash by using destroyed QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob
08:03 PM Revision ea2395dd (qgis): Integration of embedded widgets into layer tree + config GUI
07:20 PM Revision 73ab289e (qgis): Fix Coverity warnings in testqgsogcutils.cpp and testqgsgdalprovider.cpp
- 05:33 PM Revision 2b1560c5 (qgis): Merge pull request #3079 from pblottiere/constraints
- [FEATURE] widgets constraints
04:53 PM Revision ddcc2fb8 (qgis): debian packaging: disable globe plugin where osgearth >= 2.7
03:56 PM Revision f6f26097 (qgis): osgeo4w: disable globe plugin (incompatible with OSGEarth 2.7)
03:51 PM Revision a3a64a1f (qgis): retrieve version earlier from CMakeLists.txt for
- preremove
03:21 PM Revision 61e26fd8 (qgis): [processing] fixes for issues with 3rd party providers being loaded and...
- 02:45 PM Revision b0a9a84c (qgis): [hillshade] increase z factor places
02:41 PM Revision 6428f619 (qgis): Doc, indentation fixes for hillshade renderer
02:19 PM Revision 36714d5b (qgis): [FEATURE] [mssql] Save styles to the database in MSSQL
- Adding the functions to save styles in an mssql database.
Creates tables, etc to support default and listing styles. -
01:52 PM Revision d47fe0f7 (qgis): Hillshaderenderer: Add 'multidirectional oblique-weighted' rendering op...
01:20 PM Revision 0272ebc2 (qgis): [processing] fixed check to avoid adding a provider that is already added
01:15 PM Revision 57b16187 (qgis): [processing] move spatialite and postgis utils into tools package
12:48 PM Revision 6e130204 (qgis): [pluginmanager] show trusted plugins (fix #14916)
12:40 PM Feature request #14905: 'Processing Toolbox' - Add 'Save to virtual layer' option
- Related: #14946 (Add 'Modify input layer' option)
12:18 PM Revision 479ceb36 (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong call to splitext in
12:02 PM Revision faee1e64 (qgis): Merge pull request #3159 from DelazJ/patch-4
- fix missing space and typo
11:56 AM Revision f20e28d9 (qgis): allow to hide/show all columns in attribute table config
11:17 AM Revision 56d5046e (qgis): [processing] add again the algorithm name after being removed mistakenl...
- (cherry-picked from 83502c5)
10:54 AM Revision 47a301ca (qgis): Render WFS layers added when 'Keep dialog open' is enabled (#14935)
- And remove a few left overs (MapCRS, MapExtent) that were only used
by the provider in QGIS <= 2.14.
It is not compl... -
10:37 AM Bug report #14947 (Closed): Plugin's syntax errors in are not reported
- If a plugin's has a syntax error in it, QGIS will report a cryptic error in @startPlugin()@ function in @...
10:06 AM Revision 925746da (qgis): fix missing space and typo
09:38 AM Bug report #14936 (Closed): Add python-future as a dependency
- duplicate of #14577
09:38 AM Bug report #14936 (Closed): Add python-future as a dependency
- duplicate of #14577
02:18 AM Bug report #14936 (Closed): Add python-future as a dependency
- It is now necessary. From Matthias Kuhn:
python-future is a wrapper library that allows maintaining a single
python ... -
09:34 AM Bug report #14938: Debian build failure in master.
- Building how? The nightlies build fine...
04:35 AM Bug report #14938 (Closed): Debian build failure in master.
- Problem with building master on Debian testing...
09:21 AM Feature request #14945 (Open): Shortcut for duplicating features
- Please add a keyboard shortcut for duplicating features ('Ctrl+D'?).
See also: 14888 -
09:02 AM Feature request #14944 (Open): Conditional formatting of attribute Table: Being able to add/remov...
- It'd be nice to be able to add/remove(/remember in settings?) custom preset format.
07:26 AM Bug report #14922: QGIS crashes using SVG marker
- Ah that did it - the Ubuntu path was set to /home/matthew - when I removed it, QGIS chose another path that seems to ...
04:35 AM Bug report #14922 (Feedback): QGIS crashes using SVG marker
- do you have a custom SVG path in your QGIS general options?
07:20 AM Revision ba0fdfaf (qgis): Clarify use of the term "OTF"
- - change button tooltip from referring to "OTFR" to "OTF" to match
button text
- change wording of enable CRS transfo... -
07:17 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Please use the mailing list for longer discussions.
Yes, same quality check in place, unchanged. -
05:11 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- A side note about the warning: Does it mean that QGIS project no longer checks quality of the plugins?
Around me, I ... -
05:57 AM Bug report #14939: Cannot use virtual field for styling if it uses values from another virtual field
- The values of "v_field_2" are correctly calculated in the attribute table but just don't show up when being styled.
05:11 AM Bug report #14939 (Closed): Cannot use virtual field for styling if it uses values from another v...
- If you create a virtual field "v_field_1" in a shapefile which contains values, you can style the layer using this fi...
05:41 AM Feature request #14942 (Open): Select Object by line
- In qgis we have four options to quickly select objects interactivly: select (by pointing or rectangle), select by pol...
05:29 AM Feature request #14941 (Closed): Docking attribute table left/right
- I think in form view, where typically the attribute table is more high than wide it should be dockable left or right,...
05:12 AM Bug report #14940 (Closed): Clip to map extent issue when using 'on the fly' projection
- With 'on the fly' projection activated in a project and using data origining in a different CRS a clip to map extent ...
04:34 AM Feature request #14923: Geoalgorithm to split features
- agree,
I recently missed a lot a simple tool to split lines with points (this tool would need also a tolerance parame... -
03:47 AM Feature request #14916 (Closed): Plugin manager: Show trust
- Fixed in changeset commit:"6e1302047c090fb4a90b70bd898b29c97f6ca54b".
03:31 AM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
- Yep, I'm in W10. How to reproduce this...
1. New project file.
2. New shapefile layer.
3. Check 'Show Feature Count' ... -
02:47 AM Bug report #14937 (Rejected): Expose "Featured" plugins in plugin manager
02:31 AM Bug report #14937 (Rejected): Expose "Featured" plugins in plugin manager
- The QGIS plugins repo website includes "Featured" plugins. However, this tag is not present in the plugin manager. Ei...
02:09 AM Revision 062aa9ae (qgis): Indentation
02:08 AM Revision cb882698 (qgis): Followup 1b2af79, more robust way of setting shortcuts
01:57 AM Feature request #14935 (Closed): WFS dialog using 'Keep dialog open' does load layers but they ar...
- Implemented in commit:47a301c
01:57 AM Feature request #14935 (Closed): WFS dialog using 'Keep dialog open' does load layers but they ar...
- Implemented in commit:47a301c
01:57 AM Feature request #14935 (Closed): WFS dialog using 'Keep dialog open' does load layers but they ar...
- Implemented in commit:47a301c
01:05 AM Feature request #14935 (Closed): WFS dialog using 'Keep dialog open' does load layers but they ar...
- In current master, when I open the WFS dialog, and get the layerlist of a service with a lot of layers, like:
https:... -
12:33 AM Bug report #14934 (Closed): Processing lastools do not find bin directory on Windows
- This issue is twofold:
# the OSGeo4W\\bin folder should be autodetected as place where lastools live (like GRASS, SA... -
12:24 AM Bug report #14933 (Closed): Geometry generator symbol layer crashes QGIS for invalid SpatiaLite g...
- QGIS crashes if the invalid polygon in the attached Spatialite db is rendered with a geometry generator with centroid...
12:18 AM Revision 8c141657 (qgis): debian packaging: limit globe to osgearth 2.7
11:43 PM Revision 1b2af79c (qgis): Ctrl zoom (#3154)
- * Switch QgsMapCanvas zoomIn and zoomOut to slots
* Change shortcuts to zoom in/out tool to Ctrl+Alt +/-, and
make C... -
11:22 PM Revision bf9f5b61 (qgis): [style dock] use a QLineEntry for layer title (#3141)
- 11:17 PM Revision c7da8a70 (qgis): Add to help new contributors. (#2581)
- This file will be shown when people make new pull requests.
09:58 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Seems reasonable to me, thanks.
04:01 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- LGTM. And sorry for my first unclear reaction.
02:50 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Hi Harrison
Ok thanks for your input! How about this revised text?:
"*Please Note:* Whilst the QGIS project provide... -
02:31 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Hi,
I realised after Paolo's message that i should have come with a solution. Tim, I'm ok with asking them to report ... -
01:20 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Hi Harissou
Yes - on the other hand it is common for sites to have a way to report issues with the content on the si... - 08:16 PM Revision 3947cb93 (qgis): translatable string
- 08:16 PM Revision ea097bec (qgis): replace "" by QString()
- 08:16 PM Revision 8449e42a (qgis): add constraint description
- 08:16 PM Revision 36d7dc4e (qgis): remove null information message bar
- 08:16 PM Revision 8774ad21 (qgis): fix unit test
- 08:16 PM Revision ea950340 (qgis): replace the message bar by a multiline qlabel
- 08:16 PM Revision 6489b62b (qgis): add layer scope in context to evaluate the constraint expression
- 08:16 PM Revision bffe308a (qgis): fix doc
- 08:16 PM Revision 8d25a067 (qgis): rename feature -> f to avoid an API break
- 08:16 PM Revision 4ae1b555 (qgis): Add not null constraint and visual feedback to widgets
- 08:16 PM Revision 9ddb4418 (qgis): fix test doc
- 08:16 PM Revision a636319a (qgis): fix sip
- 08:16 PM Revision aba02f11 (qgis): rename constraint to expression for method's name
- 08:16 PM Revision 7d71c973 (qgis): fix parameter's name camelcase
- 08:16 PM Revision 020d20a9 (qgis): [FEATURE] constraints on widgets
07:19 PM Revision f844d6be (qgis): [Processing] Add optional capabilities to R scripts
07:15 PM Bug report #14932 (Open): "NULL" text in null field should disappear as soon as a field gets the ...
- When I enter a value into a form or table all the fields are set to Null to begin with. When I type into the field th...
07:12 PM Revision fda06c0c (qgis): [Processing] Add optional capabilities to R scripts
07:11 PM Revision d5befee5 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] R: Extent from raster package is "xmin, xmax, ymin...
- Extent from raster package is like in Processing -
07:10 PM Revision ab28d527 (qgis): [BUGFIX][Processing] R: Extent from raster package is "xmin, xmax, ymin...
- Extent from raster package is like in Processing -
06:33 PM Revision 47397ee3 (qgis): [Globe] Fix incorrect transparency conversion
05:35 PM Revision 7270fda1 (qgis): [Processing] Fix getParameterDescriptions
- Add import json for script and r
return descs and not None -
05:25 PM Revision bb41cceb (qgis): [Processing] Fix getParameterDescriptions
- Add import json for script and r
return descs and not None -
04:20 PM Revision b79e5bb3 (qgis): globe: fix warnings on windows
03:56 PM Revision 83502c55 (qgis): [processing] add again the algorithm name after being removed mistakenl...
02:44 PM Feature request #1824 (Closed): Make the Ctrl++ Ctrl+- shortcuts to zoom, not just change the tool
- Fixed in changeset commit:"1b2af79c9657e704f62137d84a2f73ecae88b41f".
01:17 PM Feature request #14931 (Open): Transparency for multiple raster layers
- QGIS misses an option to change the transparency of two or more raster layers at once.
See also: http://gis.stackexc... -
12:36 PM Revision 5773d0d5 (qgis): [processing] fixes and better warning messages in modeler
12:17 PM Bug report #10560: Wrong feature count after edit
- Feature count for shape files seems to work properly here on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (1:2.14.3+git20160529+7d7467f+24xenial...
04:45 AM Bug report #10560 (Reopened): Wrong feature count after edit
- This bug is occurring again in 2.14.3. Feature count has been working fine for a while, but whatever the change that ...
11:57 AM Revision ef292e6a (qgis): Draw markers faster
- The code takes advantage of points already created to paint the
This point array contains the simplified ... -
07:25 AM Bug report #4442: Multi line labels render on one line with curved labels
- Hugo Mercier wrote:
> Hmmm I've just realized an anchor point would be actually a point on the curve (not an arbitrar... -
07:14 AM Bug report #4442: Multi line labels render on one line with curved labels
- Hugo Mercier wrote:
> - "Unfortunately, until the issue with PAL not showing enough curved labels is fixed, this co... -
03:39 AM Bug report #4442: Multi line labels render on one line with curved labels
- Hmmm I've just realized an anchor point would be actually a point on the curve (not an arbitrary x/y point), correct ...
03:34 AM Bug report #4442: Multi line labels render on one line with curved labels
- I am considering a "simplification" of the QEP 29 ( that...
06:42 AM Bug report #14930 (Closed): Clip tool doesn't work with MSSQL
- Toolbox > QGIS geoalgorithms > Vector overlay tools > clip
Returns error: ... -
03:36 AM Revision 797826ea (qgis): spelling fixes
02:21 AM Bug report #10828: project loading and adding/removing layers is slow if project has composers
- OMG, can't believe I only found this bug now.
We deal with very large and complex (>150 layer) gis project files and...
01:15 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- This is a testing sample data.
01:15 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- This is a testing sample data.
12:58 AM Bug report #14929: Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- The problem is due to the presence of 2.5D geometries (nothing to do with M), so the title should be changed
In 2.14... -
12:41 AM Bug report #14929 (Closed): Batch Clip with Processing doesnt work with M Polygon
- Hi,
When i try to use processing in batch mode with QGIS clip function.
It's not working error message said :
"unsu... -
12:45 AM Revision fecc59ae (qgis): Hillshaderenderer: Fix calculation of aspect (#3152)
12:42 AM Bug report #14928: WMS request without BBOX
- Platform: Windows
Platform version: 7, 8.1, 10 -
11:54 PM Bug report #14928 (Closed): WMS request without BBOX
- All versions QGIS above 1.8.0 send WMS request to server without BBOX params. This situation is when I add WMS layer ...
10:34 PM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Harissou, fully agreed, this is a big risk, who can lead to an unsustainable situation for the plugins manager
07:58 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Tim sutton wrote:
> If you wish to report an issue with any plugin, please contact us at [email protected]
Isn't ther... -
07:14 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- I think we need to display it on the web site too since you can download them from there.
04:12 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- IMHO it is OK to add it to the setting tab of the plugin manager, besides the new option "Only trusted plugins", so u...
04:08 AM Feature request #14914: Add a warning to Plugin manager
- Where this warning should be shown: on each plugin page or somewhere else?
- 09:55 PM Revision 52f3ca6b (qgis): Merge pull request #3139 from rouault/ogr_concurrent_opening_branch_2_14
- [Backport] [BUGFIX / FEATURE] [OGR] Allow concurrent edition of Shapefiles and Tabfiles in QGIS & MapInfo
09:48 PM Revision 593fa683 (qgis): Fix build problem with gcc 4.7
07:52 PM Revision 919c8ee8 (qgis): fix precise build
07:52 PM Revision b9df3168 (qgis): debian packaging: fix installation of mime icons
07:45 PM Feature request #11107 (Closed): Multiple Selection: Two areas for improvement.
- Fixed in 2.16
07:45 PM Feature request #11107 (Closed): Multiple Selection: Two areas for improvement.
- Fixed in 2.16
07:39 PM Revision 0367d7a3 (qgis): [WFS provider] Fix build problem due to signature change of QgsRectangl...
06:39 PM Feature request #7670 (Closed): The usage of keyboard short-cuts (Zooming in/out)
- Duplicate of #1824
06:39 PM Feature request #7670 (Closed): The usage of keyboard short-cuts (Zooming in/out)
- Duplicate of #1824
06:37 PM Feature request #4173 (Closed): Zoom out tool-variability
- Most of this behavior is now implemented. New tickets can be reopened if there's anything missing from this.
06:37 PM Feature request #4173 (Closed): Zoom out tool-variability
- Most of this behavior is now implemented. New tickets can be reopened if there's anything missing from this.
06:34 PM Feature request #12265 (Closed): Complete tests for QgsMapToolZoom
- While I'd also like to see more tests here, I don't think this warrants a bug report. Otherwise we'd be opening these...
06:34 PM Feature request #12265 (Closed): Complete tests for QgsMapToolZoom
- While I'd also like to see more tests here, I don't think this warrants a bug report. Otherwise we'd be opening these...
06:31 PM Bug report #12758 (Closed): Infinite zoom out is allowed in Print layout
- Fixed in aa53cfe3871a149371059b2c92ddf4233576e00f
06:31 PM Bug report #12758 (Closed): Infinite zoom out is allowed in Print layout
- Fixed in aa53cfe3871a149371059b2c92ddf4233576e00f
- 05:46 PM Revision a023f55b (qgis): Merge pull request #3148 from rouault/wfs_better_behaviour_with_wrong_c...
- [WFS Provider] Implement workarounds to better behave when extent reported by capabilities is wrong
- 05:46 PM Revision 86f6e7eb (qgis): Merge pull request #3142 from rouault/identify_result_float_precision
- Do not print excessive decimals when identifying value on a Float32 raster
- 05:45 PM Revision 4b130cbf (qgis): Merge pull request #3134 from rouault/do_not_write_nodata_if_not_existing
- Nodata related fixes
04:36 PM Revision df6410ec (qgis): fix typo in import
03:53 PM Revision 2f7ff46a (qgis): fix imports (follow up b52828fac7)
02:30 PM Revision 6396d8fe (qgis): fix indentation (follow up b52828fac7)
02:30 PM Revision 01450c56 (qgis): [Processing] Compare lower file extension to "shp"
02:26 PM Revision 2cf224ca (qgis): [dbmanager] remove maxsize constraint for reset button in query builder...
01:39 PM Revision 25983ee3 (qgis): [processing] fix .ui file loading (follow up b52828fac7)
12:51 PM Bug report #14782 (Closed): 'Line pattern fill' and 'Marker line' zooming/panning issue
- Thanks, zooming/panning the map canvas works just fine now. I haven't noticed this checkbox before.
05:24 AM Bug report #14782: 'Line pattern fill' and 'Marker line' zooming/panning issue
- I think those two issues should get resolved by enabling one option: Open project properties dialog > "General" tab >...
12:15 PM Revision ddd37ad8 (qgis): Merge pull request #3138 from sbrunner/limit
- Add and fix WFS server MAXFEATURES test
12:10 PM Revision 3bdbf79b (qgis): Clarify in the registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory docstring that the own...
12:07 PM Revision 2297ade9 (qgis): [Globe] Remove python bindings
11:39 AM Revision 00502620 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow web map style shift-drag zoom
- When certain map tools are active, you can hold down shift
and drag a rectangle on the map to zoom to that area. This... -
11:39 AM Revision 8628f211 (qgis): Switch to flags for map tool behaviour
11:39 AM Revision 71f8e3e4 (qgis): [FEATURE] Plugins can add pages to vector layer properties*
- * This is actually a followup to 87121d, which fixes leaks
& clarifies some docs. But I figured the ability to add
cu... -
10:57 AM Revision 2069c27c (qgis): Merge pull request #3119 from arnaud-morvan/processing_fix_postgis_over...
- [processing] fix ogr2ogr postgis table overwrite
10:41 AM Revision b52828fa (qgis): [processing] allow creating new plugin from toolbox with scripts
10:41 AM Revision 9c2721b0 (qgis): [processing] added ‘supported’ parameter to exportVectorLayer
- 10:17 AM Revision ebf43403 (qgis): Merge pull request #3077 from pvalsecc/legend_url
- WMS: Better logic to pick the legend URL
08:25 AM Revision 12cbcfc7 (qgis): Merge pull request #3147 from pblottiere/fix_diagram
- [Bugfix] Fix pin/unpin maptool
07:58 AM Bug report #14814: QGIS crashes using 2.5D Renderer for Lines
- confirmed too on osgeo4w master 78bcd4b. I suggest raising to blocker because it just crashes qgis, and should be fai...
07:33 AM Revision 47cf9240 (qgis): Add and fix WFS server MAXFEATURES test
- It was not working when we do a POST with an XML
04:16 AM Feature request #14916: Plugin manager: Show trust
- Seems these changes case some troubles with pugin site, so for now we use older version without "trusted" attribute
02:46 AM Bug report #14927 (Closed): Attribute table sorting problem with qgis-rel-dev
- When I try to sort the columns in the attribute table (by clicking on the column name), with commit:7d7467f (qgis-rel...
02:30 AM Feature request #14926 (Open): More options for location column in csv import
- It would be really helpful if the csv import tools could recognise more options for ways in which location data might...
12:41 AM Revision 72b55b7e (qgis): [Globe] Remove remaining traces of osg sip bindings
11:59 PM Revision 8e5b28f3 (qgis): [db_manager] Fix #14796 - Quote values depending on data type in query ...
11:51 PM Revision 87121d63 (qgis): Merge pull request #3126 from manisandro/globe
- Revived globe, compatible with OsgEarth 2.7
09:18 PM Revision cdbd4e45 (qgis): Docstring updates
09:03 PM Bug report #14925 (Closed): DBF records not deleted, only flagged as deleted
- Hi,
In v2.8 if I select and delete features from a shapefile layer, save the edits and then remove that layer the db... - 08:35 PM Revision 62c814cb (qgis): fix pin/unpin ctl key
07:52 PM Revision 9fe21028 (qgis): QgsRasterBlock::printValue(): add documentation notes
07:26 PM Bug report #14909 (Closed): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- -If I disable TimeManager, crash is gone; closing.-
07:26 PM Bug report #14909 (Closed): regression: QGIS crashes when closing docked attribute table
- -If I disable TimeManager, crash is gone; closing.-
06:02 PM Revision 2ac20c66 (qgis): [WFS Provider] Implement workarounds to better behave when extent repor...
- Some servers like report wrong layer
extent in their GetCapabilities r... -
05:50 PM Revision aa53cfe3 (qgis): [composer] Prevent zooming out/in too far
- Would cause issues when scale became 0 and it was impossible
to further interact with the composer. -
05:50 PM Revision 79d64071 (qgis): Set cursor to pan cursor when space-dragging canvas
05:50 PM Revision f9a10e4a (qgis): Remove deprecated wheel action behaviour from composer