
From 2014-10-18 to 2014-11-16


11:42 PM Bug report #11664 (Closed): Locking selected items button in print composer freeze too much.
A couple of things to note:
- While you can't select locked items in the composer canvas, you CAN select them using ...
Nyall Dawson
11:42 PM Bug report #11664 (Closed): Locking selected items button in print composer freeze too much.
A couple of things to note:
- While you can't select locked items in the composer canvas, you CAN select them using ...
Nyall Dawson
10:42 PM Bug report #11664 (Closed): Locking selected items button in print composer freeze too much.
Hi folks!
I have a problem with print composer. In QGIS 2.6 locking selected items button completely freeze objects (...
Seb Radzimski
11:11 PM Bug report #11562 (Closed): Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer...
Problem solved. It turned out that I had an old dependency installed on my system. Thilo Schneider
10:49 PM Revision 0b9e1f67 (qgis): [TRANSUP] some fixes and improvements for transifex including renamed a...
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
09:27 PM Feature request #6039 (Closed): Line pattern fill should allow to change fill line style
Implemented a few versions ago Nyall Dawson
09:27 PM Feature request #6039 (Closed): Line pattern fill should allow to change fill line style
Implemented a few versions ago Nyall Dawson
09:24 PM Feature request #3267: NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
Should be safe to close this now - the available fill styles satisfy this request. Nyall Dawson
09:24 PM Feature request #3267: NEW Symbology - Better handling of Fill style
Should be safe to close this now - the available fill styles satisfy this request. Nyall Dawson
09:22 PM Feature request #2807: Font symbols for fill patterns in polygons
This is safe to close now, right? Nyall Dawson
05:32 PM Bug report #11662 (Closed): Missing translation files
Fixed in changeset commit:"150aa53a633f4163497d640b967ba521d1568516". Jürgen Fischer
02:40 PM Bug report #11662 (Closed): Missing translation files
The commit:0b9e1f67 appears to break trunk build on OS X. See log in link below.
Build log:
John Tull
03:00 PM Bug report #11663 (Closed): Bad polygon simplification
I've attached a small dataset and project which demonstrates incorrect polygon simplification to a bounding box.
Nyall Dawson
02:58 PM Feature request #11661 (Closed): Map Composer Grid Labeling
Duplicate of #9292 Nyall Dawson
02:58 PM Feature request #11661 (Closed): Map Composer Grid Labeling
Duplicate of #9292 Nyall Dawson
02:25 PM Feature request #11661: Map Composer Grid Labeling
Oliver Friedel wrote:
> It should be a feature request to add a Tool/Selection to do that ;)
from your description i...
Giovanni Manghi
02:14 PM Feature request #11661: Map Composer Grid Labeling
It should be a feature request to add a Tool/Selection to do that ;) Oliver Friedel
02:07 PM Feature request #11661 (Feedback): Map Composer Grid Labeling
is this a question, a bug report or a feature request? cheers! Giovanni Manghi
02:01 PM Feature request #11661 (Closed): Map Composer Grid Labeling
For creating UTM maps I would like to only use the 5th and 4th last digit of the coordinates as label of the grid.
Oliver Friedel
01:55 PM Bug report #11657 (Closed): Ordinary kriging in SAGA not saving output grids
the SAGA library were ordinary kriging belongs changed name from 2.0.8 to 2.1.*. Was geostatistics_kriging and now is... Giovanni Manghi
01:55 PM Bug report #11657 (Closed): Ordinary kriging in SAGA not saving output grids
the SAGA library were ordinary kriging belongs changed name from 2.0.8 to 2.1.*. Was geostatistics_kriging and now is... Giovanni Manghi
03:58 AM Bug report #11657 (Feedback): Ordinary kriging in SAGA not saving output grids
Are you sure you have used the correct parameters? If not (and this is quite likely), no output will be generated, an... Paolo Cavallini
03:54 AM Bug report #11657 (Closed): Ordinary kriging in SAGA not saving output grids
I am running QGIS 2.6.0 Brighton on a Mac Lion 10.7.5
When running the ordinary kriging module of SAGA from the Proc...
Rocco Panciera
01:44 PM Bug report #11659 (Feedback): field calculator mini dump
tested (on Linux and qgis master)on a shape with a couple of millions records and went all fine.
More details are ne...
Giovanni Manghi
07:55 AM Bug report #11659: field calculator mini dump
Confirmed Paolo Cavallini
05:21 AM Bug report #11659 (Closed): field calculator mini dump
if I try to calculate values from the field calculator of Processing, Qgis will give to me this error message (pl...
viviana stanzione
01:40 PM Bug report #11660 (Feedback): Custom CRS
cannot replicate on Linux and Windows, maybe is a OsX only thing. Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #11660 (Closed): Custom CRS
When using Settings > Custom CRS, the program returns the following error message:
The proj4 definition of ' * Gen...
Mark Brandon
10:20 AM Bug report #11526: Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
I'm also experiencing this issue with QGIS 2.6 and GDAL 1.11.1 on OS X. I installed both using homebrew with the osge... Aaron Schiff
07:08 AM Bug report #11267: Download Osm Data Fails if you open first a OpenLayers map
For correct usage of the plugin, it is necessary to enable @on-the-fly-reprojection@ and project CRS set to EPSG:3857... Andre Joost
07:02 AM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
Thank you so much Nyall. I still have QGIS 1.8 installed and I'm still using it for this purpose (colour picking) bec... Rhenriques Henriques
04:26 AM Bug report #11658 (Closed): use different colors for SVG markers in graduated / categorical symbols
It is currently possible to modify the color of a SVG marker, but this color cannot be automatically assigned in grad... dietmar offenhuber
02:01 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Me too, the "remove" icon is easier to tell apart Filipe Dias
01:53 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
!remove.png! with remove.svg
!delete.png! with delete.svg
!trash.png! with the trash can from iconfinder
I have a ...
Anita Graser
01:53 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
!remove.png! with remove.svg
!delete.png! with delete.svg
!trash.png! with the trash can from iconfinder
I have a ...
Anita Graser
01:53 AM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
!remove.png! with remove.svg
!delete.png! with delete.svg
!trash.png! with the trash can from iconfinder
I have a ...
Anita Graser
01:43 AM Feature request #11652 (Closed): Add support for Oracle and SQL Server to DB manager
Duplicate of #9163 Paolo Cavallini
01:43 AM Feature request #11652 (Closed): Add support for Oracle and SQL Server to DB manager
Duplicate of #9163 Paolo Cavallini
01:42 AM Feature request #9163: Extend DBManager to Oracle
See also #11652 (extend also to SQL server, possibly other DBs). Paolo Cavallini
01:11 AM Bug report #11654 (Feedback): qgis 2.6/master always saves shapefiles as "multi"
please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #11654 (Feedback): qgis 2.6/master always saves shapefiles as "multi"
please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi


12:43 AM Bug report #11656 (Closed): Inconsistent icons
We have inconsisten icons in different parts of QGIS UI:
# icons for "Add" action. For example in "Settings → Opti...
Alexander Bruy
12:27 AM Bug report #11655 (Closed): Incorrect tooltips in Composer map item properties
In the *Overviews* section of the Composer _map item properties_, the tooltips for adding, deleting and arranging ove... Frank Sokolic
12:08 AM Bug report #11654 (Closed): qgis 2.6/master always saves shapefiles as "multi"
*new description:*
qgis 2.6/master always saves shapefiles as "multi" (even shapes that have been just transformed to...
Patrick Palmier
11:28 PM Bug report #11648: Problems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames
Posted a sample project.
It has 1 composer item "A4", with a label (rendered as html) and an HTML frame using Test.h...
Albert van de Maat
11:28 PM Bug report #11648: Problems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames
Posted a sample project.
It has 1 composer item "A4", with a label (rendered as html) and an HTML frame using Test.h...
Albert van de Maat
11:28 PM Bug report #11648: Problems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames
Posted a sample project.
It has 1 composer item "A4", with a label (rendered as html) and an HTML frame using Test.h...
Albert van de Maat
09:10 PM Bug report #11648: Problems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames
Do you have a sample project or HTML you can share? Nyall Dawson
09:09 PM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
Ok - thanks for the details. I'll leave this open for a developer experienced with OSX. I've no access to an OSX buil... Nyall Dawson
10:16 AM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
Hi Nyall. The option it's endeed there but it's not working for the pipette picker also. It is not well implemented. ... Rhenriques Henriques
02:51 AM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
That option exists - look in the options dialog for "use native color picker". Checking that will disable QGIS' color... Nyall Dawson
05:05 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Here is two. They are both svgs so we can change the colour if needed. Nathan Woodrow
05:05 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Here is two. They are both svgs so we can change the colour if needed. Nathan Woodrow
04:58 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I have one I can attach. I will find it. Nathan Woodrow
04:56 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
I see. So only a bin, no composite symbol ... Could work both in the attribute table and in the editing toolbar.
Do ...
Anita Graser
04:12 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
IMO the red bin is still better then anything with a more complex symbol. The proposed on still feels like a unselec... Nathan Woodrow
03:33 PM Bug report #9604: Attribute table: the icons for "Unselect all" and "Delete selected features" ar...
Please go ahead an replace the icon with Robert's new one #9604-26 Anita Graser
02:36 PM Feature request #11652 (Closed): Add support for Oracle and SQL Server to DB manager
Please, add support for Oracle and SQL server to DB manager. Without this, there is no simple way how to query/create... David Pavlicek
01:03 PM Feature request #11651 (Open): Limit amount of fonts used in QGIS
I would like it very much if I could choose a subset from all the fonts that are installed on my OS to be used in QGI... Tobias Schneider
11:16 AM Revision 4a4dc6bb (qgis): [QGIS-Server] Enhance config cache
Add xmlDocument and server config in cache
xmlDocument and server config will be opened once for every requested W*S...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:59 AM Bug report #10784 (Closed): topology errors when digitizing
Giovanni Manghi
05:52 AM Bug report #10784 (Reopened): topology errors when digitizing
Hi Giovanni, sorry for late answer - I've been on the road until now, mostly without internet. Digitizing works well ... Thomas Nogatz
05:52 AM Bug report #10784 (Reopened): topology errors when digitizing
Hi Giovanni, sorry for late answer - I've been on the road until now, mostly without internet. Digitizing works well ... Thomas Nogatz
05:52 AM Bug report #10784 (Reopened): topology errors when digitizing
Hi Giovanni, sorry for late answer - I've been on the road until now, mostly without internet. Digitizing works well ... Thomas Nogatz
05:55 AM Revision 34e6a713 (qgis): Add note about QgsMapCanvas::refresh() behavior
Martin Dobias
05:54 AM Revision a6650e4b (qgis): Add note about QgsMapCanvas::refresh() behavior
Martin Dobias
05:39 AM Revision d91694a8 (qgis): [FIXED] #11572 Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point disp...
The fix from has to be enhance to have
something more generic.
This fix add ...
René-Luc ReLuc
05:19 AM Revision fda637b3 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'rldhont/filter_legend_displacement_point2'
Martin Dobias
03:53 AM Feature request #11650 (Feedback): Easy to Locate Software Licence for all plugins
Anything that links or import GPL sw must be GPL.
Anyway, stating this explicitly would not be bad.
Paolo Cavallini
01:07 AM Feature request #11650: Easy to Locate Software Licence for all plugins
afaik the license of all plugins is gpl. Giovanni Manghi
01:10 AM Bug report #11526: Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
Jorge Munoz wrote:
> Ubuntu 14.04 and debian unstable use gdal 1.10.1
ubuntu official packages are in the ubuntugis ...
Giovanni Manghi


08:46 PM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
Hi Nyall
Thank you so much for your quick answer. So, in this case, why not give the users the option to choose the ...
Rhenriques Henriques
07:16 PM Revision b28cc141 (qgis): [travis] Do some steps in install step
Matthias Kuhn
07:16 PM Revision 4ff4394b (qgis): [travis] Disable PyQgsPalLabelingServer tests for now
Matthias Kuhn
07:15 PM Revision e4d3eaac (qgis): [travis] Disable SymbolLayerV2 test
There is a pull request to properly fix the issue. When this PR is dealt with
this test will be re-enabled.
Matthias Kuhn
07:14 PM Revision 581815f8 (qgis): Fix atlas tests
* Recreates composition for every test and therefore removes internal
* Reorders method calls to make ...
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision f0efa6d8 (qgis): Disable geometry simplify check
This test mixes different effects and is very unprecise in what it tests and
what it expects as result.
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision fdde5905 (qgis): Exclude PyQgsPalLabelingCanvas test because of Segfault on test server
It seems that there is still a thread running when QgsApplication exits.
Error message:
QThreadStorage: Thread 0x16e...
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 31c32505 (qgis): Switch to RGB32 images for composition checker
Nyall Dawson
06:30 PM Revision 4b843e4d (qgis): Add QgsDartMeasurement
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision fd959301 (qgis): Switch QgsCompositionChecker to MultiRenderChecker
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 416f471e (qgis): [unit tests] Make qgis_rendererstest pass
Replace control image Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 2cfcca10 (qgis): Use a non-transparent background for composition checker
Fix composerhtml tests on precise Nyall Dawson
06:30 PM Revision 81d38710 (qgis): Fix shapeburst test
Move to multirenderchecker Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision eaf0d345 (qgis): Cleanup atlas composition tests
* Don't try to cache on 0-sized image
* Use qDebug instead of qWarning
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision b28dcb9c (qgis): [unit tests] Add multirenderchecker
The multirenderchecker allows to have several images, each with its own set of
anomalies distributed in several subdi...
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 35286613 (qgis): Add .travis.yml for automated testing
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision ab5e0e2b (qgis): Fix PalLabelingComposer test
Switch to QgsMultiRenderChecker and add control images for Ubuntu precise where
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 9d9f7c18 (qgis): [unit tests] Fix blend modes test
* Switched to QgsMultiRenderChecker and added control images for precise
* Add a minimal color tolerance for slight ...
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 9ae9de3e (qgis): Compositionchecker: Default color tolerance of 1
Matthias Kuhn
06:30 PM Revision 58932890 (qgis): Fix inverted polygon renderer test
Matthias Kuhn
06:28 PM Revision 5457d729 (qgis): Initialize some uninitialized variables
Matthias Kuhn
05:48 PM Feature request #11650 (Closed): Easy to Locate Software Licence for all plugins
Hi, I would like to request that the plugin license be added to both the individual plugin page present at http://plu... Irucka Embry
05:16 PM Revision ad881089 (qgis): case insensitive autocompletion
Alexander Bruy
11:52 AM Revision e0ab4b2c (qgis): avoid use of QIcon in data items in threads
Radim Blazek
09:57 AM Revision aa4338a0 (qgis): verify lrelease is available
Jürgen Fischer
09:11 AM Feature request #11644: Do not enable automatic on-the-fly projection by default
while I undestand your point, I also give a lot of training and there also good reasons to let the option as it is now. Giovanni Manghi
06:39 AM Feature request #11644 (Closed): Do not enable automatic on-the-fly projection by default
Trying to teach GIS and notably projection handling, but also during normal daily work of GIS analysis, I find it sev... mlennert -
08:48 AM Revision 770db719 (qgis): Merge pull request #1687 from gioman/master
fixes r.watershed parameter description for GRASS 6.4 Paolo Cavallini
07:19 AM Bug report #11526: Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
Forgot to mention I'm also running Arch Linux, could people on other distros be affected? Daniel Sánchez Pillot Gutiérrez
05:39 AM Bug report #11526: Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
Ubuntu 14.04 and debian unstable use gdal 1.10.1 Jorge Munoz
07:07 AM Bug report #11648 (Open): Problems with sizes and letter-spacing in HTML-frames
When using HTML-frames in composer, there are several problems:
# When exporting to pdf, letter-spacing in this pdf ...
Albert van de Maat
07:05 AM Bug report #11647 (Closed): Collapse bug for custom form sub-forms
I've found a bug that occurs only for custom forms: when I minimize the sub-form and maximize it afterwards (...
07:03 AM Bug report #11646 (Closed): Size bug in custom UI forms displaying sub-forms
I've found a quite annoying bug in custom forms. It occurs only for custom forms that display sub-forms (the ...
06:48 AM Bug report #11645 (Closed): WFS bounding box issue
When loading a WFS into QGIS uncached the bounding box seems to expand when the map is panned.
I view an area on an...
Neil Benny
04:17 AM Bug report #11643 (Closed): SRID/ Primary key not populating with "Only look in meta data table" ...
To replicate:
- Connect to table with these checkboxes selected:
--"Only look for users tables", and "only look in me...
Jonathan Moules
03:18 AM Feature request #11642 (Open): Symbol levels on all layers
As I understand now Symbol levels can only be used within each layer. In a map document I have tons of layers of feat... Oskar Karlin
02:44 AM Bug report #11317: PostGIS views not handled correctly
if add unique id column to a view (I used "row_number() over () as qgisid") everything works as it should zimirrr leonid


12:02 AM Bug report #11637 (Closed): Wrong parameter definition in GRASS r.watershed tool
Merged, thanks. Paolo Cavallini
12:32 PM Bug report #11637: Wrong parameter definition in GRASS r.watershed tool
fixed here
Giovanni Manghi
05:10 AM Bug report #11637 (Closed): Wrong parameter definition in GRASS r.watershed tool
It seems that the definition of a checkbox differs from the help and the real treatment performed in the r.watershed ... Marie Silvestre
11:32 PM Bug report #11540: Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
I altered the email of the user to authenticate to armin.retterath(at)
Therefor you have to use:
username: ...
armin11 -
11:13 PM Revision d4f64d9b (qgis): indentation update and typo fixes
Jürgen Fischer
11:07 PM Bug report #11639 (Closed): Incorrect SchemaLocation URL in WFS POST request
Since "&" is a predefined entity in XML the &amp;amp; is a correctly escaped character. The error must be elsewhere. Mattias Spangmyr
11:04 AM Bug report #11639 (Closed): Incorrect SchemaLocation URL in WFS POST request
For a more thorough log walkthrough, see
Steps to reproduce:
# Add a WF...
Mattias Spangmyr
11:05 PM Bug report #11641 (Closed): QgsComposerLegend.setLegendFilterByMapEnabled does not work for non-v...
When a raster layer is loaded but visibility set to False (e.g. because a composer has a main map and an overview map... Patrick Maslen Maslen
09:30 PM Revision 3e3f1fb1 (qgis): fixes r.watershed parameter description for GRASS 6.4
Giovanni Manghi
08:46 PM Revision 701f4644 (qgis): fix script directory detection
Jürgen Fischer
08:44 PM Revision 40c5ae44 (qgis): [FIXED] #11572 Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point disp...
The fix from has to be enhance to have
something more generic.
This fix add ...
René-Luc ReLuc
07:47 PM Bug report #8607: saga grid volume algorithm
go to *Rrocessing* -> *Options* -> *general* -> confirme item no.5
PS: my qis version is 2.6.0
changyuchuan cyc
04:08 PM Revision 22619996 (qgis): switch DB Manager's SQL editor to QgsCodeEditorSQL
Alexander Bruy
02:45 PM Bug report #11640: Custom fields do not load from style
I attached the test style I was working with. It looks like the custom fields _save_ to style but will not load.
02:27 PM Bug report #11640 (Closed): Custom fields do not load from style
A QGIS style (QML) I have been working with suddenly started malfunctioning.
Previously, the style would load both th...
01:56 PM Bug report #11631: field calculator update is very slow
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> 540000 road LineString records, 8 core i7 with SSD, 8GB RAM
> no difference updating 17 rec...
Giovanni Manghi
02:33 AM Bug report #11631: field calculator update is very slow
local PostgreSQL 9.3, PostGIS 2.1 Gavin Fleming
02:24 AM Bug report #11631: field calculator update is very slow
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> 540000 road LineString records, 8 core i7 with SSD, 8GB RAM
> no difference updating 17 rec...
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #11631: field calculator update is very slow
540000 road LineString records, 8 core i7 with SSD, 8GB RAM
no difference updating 17 records whether table is open ...
Gavin Fleming
12:39 PM Bug report #11629: Merged LineStrings disappear
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> weird. It does it with the LineString layer from the same database that's giving issues in #11...
Giovanni Manghi
03:10 AM Bug report #11629: Merged LineStrings disappear
weird. It does it with the LineString layer from the same database that's giving issues in #11574 even after restorin... Gavin Fleming
12:34 PM Bug report #11526 (Feedback): Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
it does not seems to happen in Window, OsX and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) using official packages, so it seems a local is... Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Bug report #11526 (Feedback): Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
it does not seems to happen in Window, OsX and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) using official packages, so it seems a local is... Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Bug report #11526 (Feedback): Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
it does not seems to happen in Window, OsX and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) using official packages, so it seems a local is... Giovanni Manghi
04:53 AM Bug report #11526: Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
I got the same issue, but different in details. Using archlinux kernel 3.17.2-1, qgis 2.6, and gdal 1.11.1-2 when "sa... Jorge Munoz
12:20 PM Bug report #11400: merge features disregards type
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I digitised two lines, ensuring that they snapped and that the second line started at the end ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:26 AM Bug report #11400: merge features disregards type
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I digitised two lines, ensuring that they snapped and that the second line started at the end ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:54 AM Bug report #11400: merge features disregards type
I digitised two lines, ensuring that they snapped and that the second line started at the end of the first line. See ... Gavin Fleming
11:27 AM Revision cbf1d33b (qgis): re-enabled init expand to last expanded in browser
Radim Blazek
10:33 AM Revision bafd3e32 (qgis): Merge pull request #1684 from manisandro/armbuild
Add casts to double to fix compilation on ARM Nyall Dawson
10:00 AM Revision 9cb157a7 (qgis): remove executable bit from source files and exit suc...
Jürgen Fischer
09:35 AM Revision 4254d4e6 (qgis): Add casts to double to fix compilation on ARM
Sandro Mani
08:54 AM Bug report #11638 (Closed): Atlas export filename affected by slash in feature attribute
When exporting Atlas features, if an attribute field used to name the output file has a slash in it, the export fails... Spencer Gardner
05:01 AM Bug report #11211: Save QGIS project on VPN connection is very slow
This issue is also present in qgis 2.6 Jakob Lanstorp
03:26 AM Feature request #11636 (Closed): ogr2ogr to select disjoint features
ogr2ogr can be used to compare features from two vectors, as from GRASS GIS does ( Filipe Dias
03:20 AM Feature request #11635 (Open): ogr2ogr to merge several shapefiles in a folder
ogr2ogr can be used to merge several shapefiles. It would be useful to have an ogr2ogr based tool that merges several... Filipe Dias
01:12 AM Bug report #11627: uncheck "case sensitive" in legend filter
I'm talking about the column filter in the attribute table.
One can look for something in a column (e.g. 'italy' in ...
matteo ghetta


12:59 AM Bug report #11634 (Closed): snapping using layer units instead of map units
In 2.6 I'm digitising 4326 data but my canvas is projected to transverse mercator i.e. map units are now metres. I se... Gavin Fleming
12:38 AM Revision 9a2327cd (qgis): update debian dependencies in INSTALL (scripts/ run)
Jürgen Fischer
11:56 PM Feature request #11632: Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
It's due to a limitation with Qt under OSX - see the note under Nyall Dawson
01:50 PM Feature request #11632 (Closed): Support for colour picker in colour dialog under OSX
Under macosx, the new colour picker does not show the "pippete" picker tab, as it is in the left part of this image
Rhenriques Henriques
11:46 PM Revision 57644354 (qgis): fix source permissions
Consider using 'git config core.filemode false' on Windows
find . \( -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" \) -perm /111 -exe...
Jürgen Fischer
11:46 PM Revision 5ccb1e77 (qgis): i18n: script updates
Jürgen Fischer
11:10 PM Revision 571d47a8 (qgis): postgres provider: fix layer detection
Jürgen Fischer
10:18 PM Revision 078a3ab7 (qgis): loading icon from qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3/demos/browser/data...
Radim Blazek
10:18 PM Revision 40bb180d (qgis): expand browser items in threads
Radim Blazek
10:15 PM Revision 47121fb6 (qgis): fix PyQgsAppStartup test on windows
Jürgen Fischer
08:45 PM Revision c18cb33a (qgis): fix PyQgsLogger test (fixes b5f6d2ce, but also the failure on windows)
Jürgen Fischer
07:32 PM Bug report #11633 (Closed): Composer window too big and cannot be resized smaller
QGIS composer screen doesn't fit into the screen height and will not allow itself to be resized any smaller. I can us... Will Kemp
06:55 PM Bug report #11627: uncheck "case sensitive" in legend filter
Are you referring to the filter options in "Browser" dock widget? Martin Dobias
07:27 AM Bug report #11627 (Closed): uncheck "case sensitive" in legend filter
It's quite confusing having this option set by default.
matteo ghetta
05:43 PM Revision a036627d (qgis): fix tim dot linfiniti at com
Jürgen Fischer
05:43 PM Revision 278ffa15 (qgis): i18n: move to transifex
* deprecate
* use to pull updates from transifex
* use to pull qgis_en.ts fr...
Jürgen Fischer
03:43 PM Revision f1fb5fb1 (qgis): Fix qgis_legendrenderertest
Changed control image that fails on every platform Matthias Kuhn
02:55 PM Revision e4cd5520 (qgis): parse embedded project only once (speedups loading of multiple embedded...
Jürgen Fischer
02:55 PM Revision b5f6d2ce (qgis): refactor QgsLogger and add duration and thread id
Jürgen Fischer
01:12 PM Bug report #11629 (Feedback): Merged LineStrings disappear
cannot confirm on qgis 2.6 and master, more details are needed: exact steps to replicate, a sample dataset, etc. Giovanni Manghi
10:11 AM Bug report #11629 (Closed): Merged LineStrings disappear
If I merge LineStrings, whether they are just digitised and not save or whether they were loaded from the database, t... Gavin Fleming
01:08 PM Bug report #11400 (Feedback): merge features disregards type
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I *cannot* get LineStrings to merge in a layer with LineString geometry after digitising and s...
Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #11400 (Feedback): merge features disregards type
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> I *cannot* get LineStrings to merge in a layer with LineString geometry after digitising and s...
Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #11400 (Reopened): merge features disregards type
I *cannot* get LineStrings to merge in a layer with LineString geometry after digitising and snapping. The merge tool... Gavin Fleming
12:32 PM Bug report #11630 (Closed): editing a sorted field: the field does not refresh properly
duplicate of #10976 Giovanni Manghi
12:32 PM Bug report #11630 (Closed): editing a sorted field: the field does not refresh properly
duplicate of #10976 Giovanni Manghi
11:31 AM Bug report #11630 (Closed): editing a sorted field: the field does not refresh properly
when editing a table... and you sort a field... if you edit the attributes of the cells in the sorted field it doesn'... Gavin Fleming
12:30 PM Bug report #11631 (Feedback): field calculator update is very slow
do you see any difference if you use the FC with the table of attributes open or closed? Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #11631 (Feedback): field calculator update is very slow
do you see any difference if you use the FC with the table of attributes open or closed? Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #11631 (Closed): field calculator update is very slow
I select a small number of records in a layer with a few hundred thousand records and use the field calculator to upd... Gavin Fleming
09:35 AM Bug report #8285: Saving styles (qml and sld) doesn't work for CSV layers under Windows
Still true in 2.6 Brighton (for CSV layers using WIndows 7 64-bit version).
David James
08:31 AM Bug report #11628 (Closed): Cannot filter by number
Default install of 2.6 on Windows, no plugins beyond what comes with it plus OpenLayers. (Also evident in 2.2 and 2.4... Jonathan Moules
07:36 AM Bug report #4604: WFS option "Only request features overlapping the current view extent" disappea...
Still no progress about this feature/issue in 2.6 version. Burak Katipoglu
07:26 AM Bug report #11626 (Closed): PRJ sometimes ignored
Strange problem - when adding a shapefile to a project FOR THE FIRST TIME, the PRJ is often but not always ignored. ... William Kyngesburye
06:54 AM Bug report #11625 (Closed): Georeferencer wrong tool highlighted
When I select the Move GCP tool, use it, then select the Add GCP tool again, after completing an add the Move GCP too... William Kyngesburye
06:46 AM Bug report #11570 (Reopened): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table witho...
I find why I have a problem to open attribute table, it's because there is a csv join within use cache option. If I j... Fabien Cerbelaud
06:46 AM Bug report #11570 (Reopened): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table witho...
I find why I have a problem to open attribute table, it's because there is a csv join within use cache option. If I j... Fabien Cerbelaud
06:01 AM Bug report #11624 (Feedback): saved layer styles not restoring
cannot confirm here on 2.6 and master, styles are saved correctly to the postgres database (remote or locale it doesn... Giovanni Manghi
06:01 AM Bug report #11624 (Feedback): saved layer styles not restoring
cannot confirm here on 2.6 and master, styles are saved correctly to the postgres database (remote or locale it doesn... Giovanni Manghi
05:52 AM Bug report #11624 (Closed): saved layer styles not restoring
QGIS 2.4, 2.6 and master, working with PostGIS layers.
I can save styles to and restore from Local database (which ...
Gavin Fleming
05:45 AM Bug report #11621 (Closed): Raster - Exctraction - Clipper - produce wrong (unequal) cell size
Yes, I think it is gdal_warp issue. I reported it on Thank you. Miroslav Umlauf
02:16 AM Bug report #11621 (Feedback): Raster - Exctraction - Clipper - produce wrong (unequal) cell size
are you using the "clipper" tool in the raster menu?
if yes then the tool is just an interface of gdalwarp command l...
Giovanni Manghi
02:16 AM Bug report #11621 (Feedback): Raster - Exctraction - Clipper - produce wrong (unequal) cell size
are you using the "clipper" tool in the raster menu?
if yes then the tool is just an interface of gdalwarp command l...
Giovanni Manghi
02:01 AM Bug report #11621 (Closed): Raster - Exctraction - Clipper - produce wrong (unequal) cell size
When I clip raster (cell size 5x5m) to polygon (both in GDA94 Z56 - EPSG:28356) the result has very slightly unequal ... Miroslav Umlauf
05:22 AM Bug report #11623 (Closed): The use of custom svg markers (made with inkscape) does not respect t...
Good afternoon,
the use of home-made svg symbols (with inkscape) in a map does not respect text align (try symbol1.s...
Mathieu Bossaert
04:47 AM Bug report #11622: Crash with new feature selecting a polygon between some layers with right click

Hi Giovanni! Thanx for your answer.
Yes, i'm working with a qgis 2.4 project but opened and saved in qgis 2.6.
Alex Medina
04:47 AM Bug report #11622: Crash with new feature selecting a polygon between some layers with right click

Hi Giovanni! Thanx for your answer.
Yes, i'm working with a qgis 2.4 project but opened and saved in qgis 2.6.
Alex Medina
04:47 AM Bug report #11622: Crash with new feature selecting a polygon between some layers with right click

Hi Giovanni! Thanx for your answer.
Yes, i'm working with a qgis 2.4 project but opened and saved in qgis 2.6.
Alex Medina
02:35 AM Bug report #11622 (Feedback): Crash with new feature selecting a polygon between some layers with...
are you working within a project originally made in qgis 2.4?
anyway it is not clear to me what is the operation I w...
Giovanni Manghi
02:16 AM Bug report #11622 (Closed): Crash with new feature selecting a polygon between some layers with r...
When i use the new 2.6 Brighton feature "selecting an object between some layers through righ click" the prog...
Alex Medina
03:27 AM Bug report #11141 (Reopened): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
Sorry, I have to reopen this again. I checked back with Andreas and the problem persists on QGIS 2.6 on Win7 64 bit Bernhard Ströbl
03:27 AM Bug report #11141 (Reopened): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
Sorry, I have to reopen this again. I checked back with Andreas and the problem persists on QGIS 2.6 on Win7 64 bit Bernhard Ströbl
03:27 AM Bug report #11141 (Reopened): Parallel multi-core rendering crashes QGIS
Sorry, I have to reopen this again. I checked back with Andreas and the problem persists on QGIS 2.6 on Win7 64 bit Bernhard Ströbl
02:45 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
I have a question for Martin Dobias, will there be a patch for 2.6? Jarost Dudek


11:07 PM Feature request #11620 (Closed): Processing: please bring back "Save as Python script" option
In previous versions of Processing it was possible to save commands and models as Python scripts. Due to modeller rew... Paolo Cavallini
11:02 PM Revision 3d2cc147 (qgis): fix german translations (fixes #11617)
Jürgen Fischer
02:03 PM Bug report #11617 (Closed): Translation
Fixed in changeset commit:"3d2cc147846f463d0bb53b6ef7e35055c5b73bff". Jürgen Fischer
08:54 AM Bug report #11617: Translation
also 2 times "Polygon zu Linie" in "Geometriewerkzeuge" and
in "Vektor" "Datenmanagement-Werkzeuge" "Shapedateien zu...
Peter Drexel
08:46 AM Bug report #11617: Translation
WIndows 7 64 bit Peter Drexel
08:45 AM Bug report #11617 (Closed): Translation
In the German Bersion of QGIS 2.6 in "Vektor" - "Geometriewerkzeuge" there are 2 entries "Mehr- zu einteilig", one sh... Peter Drexel
01:18 PM Bug report #11618 (Closed): Layer disappears at some scales with shapeburst and inverted polygons
See bug #11594 for additional background.
I have a multipolygon layer on which I have applied an inverted polygon sy...
Spencer Gardner
01:10 PM Bug report #11594 (Closed): Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbolog...
Crash no longer occurs in master Spencer Gardner
01:06 PM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> It still disappears if I use a copy of the layer with valid geometries and the same symbolog...
Giovanni Manghi
08:43 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
It still disappears if I use a copy of the layer with valid geometries and the same symbology. It does not disappear ... Spencer Gardner
08:28 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> Just installed master on Windows. Same result as my test on Ubuntu last night. Same error me...
Giovanni Manghi
08:15 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Just installed master on Windows. Same result as my test on Ubuntu last night. Same error message and the layer disap... Spencer Gardner
10:29 AM Revision 11c2bae7 (qgis): vector file writer: scan shape file geometries instead of just assuming...
Jürgen Fischer
09:44 AM Revision 631341b5 (qgis): Sort members in api docs
Nyall Dawson
08:41 AM Revision ef5955a7 (qgis): Fix maprenderertest
By introducing some color tolerance Matthias Kuhn
05:31 AM Bug report #10847 (Closed): DB Manager: when adding a ; at the end of a query, the layer cannot ...
this ticket is/was duplicate of another one, and the issue has been fixed before 2.6 release. Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Bug report #10847 (Closed): DB Manager: when adding a ; at the end of a query, the layer cannot ...
this ticket is/was duplicate of another one, and the issue has been fixed before 2.6 release. Giovanni Manghi
05:30 AM Bug report #10847: DB Manager: when adding a ; at the end of a query, the layer cannot be loaded...
as of 2.6.0 I can safely append a semicolon at the end of the query and load the postgis query as a layer.
Can you co...
Sandro Santilli
05:01 AM Feature request #11616: Ability to filter input layers by provider
This, together with other (small?) improvements would allow to do very neat things.
Take the (working) example I att...
Giovanni Manghi
03:31 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Agreed, better opening a different ticket. IMHO multi should be on by default for lines and polygons, off by default ... Paolo Cavallini
02:56 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Sorry about commenting a closed issue, but the fix could be finalized by adding a check box to Save as dialogue which... Jukka Rahkonen
01:31 AM Bug report #11542 (Closed): Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Fixed in changeset commit:"11c2bae74079ab008d7e7fb9233d714409aff008". Jürgen Fischer
02:54 AM Bug report #11602: Reclassify Grid values - don't let me add or delete rows in the fixed table
Affects QGIS 2.6 both on Linux and Windows. Pedro Venâncio
02:46 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Great, as far as I try it works!
Is there any easy way (e.g. editing project text/xml file) to enable auto-update stu...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
01:31 AM Bug report #11597 (Closed): XY columns are not exported to csv
Fixed in changeset commit:"11c2bae74079ab008d7e7fb9233d714409aff008". Jürgen Fischer


12:20 AM Feature request #11616 (Open): Ability to filter input layers by provider
It would be nice to be able to filter input layers not only by geometry, but also by provider type. This will be usef... Alexander Bruy
12:14 AM Bug report #11615 (Closed): OTB TrainImagesClassifier-svm algorithm does not work
One algortihm (TrainImagesClassifier-svm) from OTB Processing provider is broken. It even does not loaded correctly o... Alexander Bruy
07:53 PM Revision 73231d9b (qgis): use browser objectName in settings key to distinguish browser2
Radim Blazek
07:39 PM Revision 1018c91f (qgis): use connection name in wms,wfs,wcs data item path instead of uri, group...
Radim Blazek
07:28 PM Feature request #11614 (Open): Order PostGIS key selection column by order in table/view
I have a view which, depending on what the Postgres query analyser does, presents the key attributes in an annoying o... James Haggerty
07:18 PM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Just tested on Ubuntu with 2.6. No crash, but I'm seeing the same error messages and the layer disappears from the ca... Spencer Gardner
11:19 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
I wasn't aware of the master build in osgeo4w. I'll give that a try sometime but it might be a few days. Will get bac... Spencer Gardner
11:04 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> I'll build master on my Ubuntu machine at home and see if I can reproduce.
no need to comp...
Giovanni Manghi
11:00 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
I'll build master on my Ubuntu machine at home and see if I can reproduce. Could be specific to Windows, though. In a... Spencer Gardner
10:23 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> I have attached a PostGIS sql backup of the layer and the .qml symbology that I'm using. Hop...
Giovanni Manghi
07:22 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
I have attached a PostGIS sql backup of the layer and the .qml symbology that I'm using. Hopefully that gives you wha... Spencer Gardner
05:13 PM Bug report #11350: Raster Calculator not giving the correct raster from a slope percentage raster
how can i multiple the said values to my slope? but i'm still looking for ways to multiply it. thanks for the reply. Prime Enrique Rendon
02:34 PM Bug report #8760: Custom Form from .ui File crashes QGIS on Ubuntu
I had this issue in (QGIS 2.6) Ubuntu 12.04, Mint 13, Mint 17(=Ubuntu 14.04). All had core dump.
(I could not test i...
Ahmet Emre Aladag
01:02 PM Bug report #11611 (Closed): Hovering text for Icons overruns box edges, when font size is changed
Using QGIS 2.6, I increased the font size:
(Settings-->Options-->General-->FontSize) to 11
However, the hovering ...
j r
12:54 PM Bug report #11610 (Reopened): Error R6034 on start
I have a problem with QGIS during start. The message shown in attached image appears. I use Windows 8.1. The problem ... Tomasz Dysarz
12:54 PM Bug report #11610 (Reopened): Error R6034 on start
I have a problem with QGIS during start. The message shown in attached image appears. I use Windows 8.1. The problem ... Tomasz Dysarz
12:54 PM Bug report #11610 (Reopened): Error R6034 on start
I have a problem with QGIS during start. The message shown in attached image appears. I use Windows 8.1. The problem ... Tomasz Dysarz
09:55 AM Bug report #11610 (Closed): Error R6034 on start
sorry, tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
09:55 AM Bug report #11610 (Closed): Error R6034 on start
sorry, tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Bug report #11610 (Closed): Error R6034 on start
I have a problem with QGIS during start. The message shown in attached image appears. I use Windows 8.1. The problem ... Tomasz Dysarz
10:52 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
Joachim Deutmann wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the s...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
Joachim Deutmann wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the s...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
Joachim Deutmann wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the s...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
Joachim Deutmann wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the s...
Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #10904: postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector layer" a...
Joachim Deutmann wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the s...
Giovanni Manghi
09:21 AM Bug report #10904 (Reopened): postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vect...
Hallo everybody,
the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the same as in qgis 2.4. Only 500 f...
Joachim Deutmann
09:21 AM Bug report #10904 (Reopened): postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vect...
Hallo everybody,
the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the same as in qgis 2.4. Only 500 f...
Joachim Deutmann
09:21 AM Bug report #10904 (Reopened): postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vect...
Hallo everybody,
the problem is still unsolved. I try it with qgis 2.6 but it is the same as in qgis 2.4. Only 500 f...
Joachim Deutmann
10:45 AM Bug report #11562: Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer to the l...
Thilo Schneider wrote:
> Is there anything else I can provide to make tracking the problem easier for you?
Yes, coul...
Salvatore Larosa
10:28 AM Bug report #11609 (Closed): Graduated styling of vector layer neglects fields from joined tables
this is because csv columns are always treated as text (that cannot be used by the graduated renderer), unless otherw... Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Bug report #11609 (Closed): Graduated styling of vector layer neglects fields from joined tables
this is because csv columns are always treated as text (that cannot be used by the graduated renderer), unless otherw... Giovanni Manghi
08:57 AM Bug report #11609: Graduated styling of vector layer neglects fields from joined tables
Hm, my SHP-file was too large for upload... so I attach screenshots... Peter Tarne
08:57 AM Bug report #11609: Graduated styling of vector layer neglects fields from joined tables
Hm, my SHP-file was too large for upload... so I attach screenshots... Peter Tarne
08:51 AM Bug report #11609 (Closed): Graduated styling of vector layer neglects fields from joined tables
I have joined a vector layer with CSV table values. The attribute table of the joined layer shows all fields as expec... Peter Tarne
09:58 AM Bug report #11606 (Closed): Crash and file corruption
reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:58 AM Bug report #11606 (Closed): Crash and file corruption
reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
05:45 AM Bug report #11606: Crash and file corruption
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> a nasty bug this has been fixed in master and backported to 2.6 branch. You should try qgis ...
Niccolo' Marchi
09:39 AM Revision cb9bd88c (qgis): [GRASS] autorefresh vector layers
Radim Blazek
06:55 AM Feature request #11608 (Open): Save missing/invalid layer list in a file or clipboard
I'd like to save the list of no more linkable-existing-modified layers shown when project is open, in a file or make ... Rocco Pispico
04:51 AM Bug report #11607 (Closed): No warning when created feature hasn't finished when saving layer
This issue gives rise to confusion when creating a feature.
- Enable editing on a vector layer.
- Create a n...
Casper Børgesen
01:10 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
see also #11574, probably the same issue. Giovanni Manghi


09:56 PM Bug report #11350: Raster Calculator not giving the correct raster from a slope percentage raster
I think you are getting 0 and 1. 0 for cells that don't meet the requirements and 1 where the cells do. You then ne... Nicolas Cadieux
09:30 PM Bug report #11580: Cannot edit shapefiles created in older versions of QGIS
I had this problem with shape files created in AutoCAD 2013. These layers only had 3 associated files each and not t... Nicolas Cadieux
02:20 PM Bug report #11602: Reclassify Grid values - don't let me add or delete rows in the fixed table
Also affects QGIS 2.6 (stable). I confirm that works perfectly in 2.4. Pedro Venâncio
10:46 AM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
It does seem to be the same or related issue. I tested this one again and noticed the extra field that gets created a... Gavin Fleming
10:29 AM Feature request #8912 (Open): Better support for georeferenced pdf
Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Feature request #9023 (Closed): QGIS cannot open geopdf under Windows (works on Linux)
in general opening geopdf now works also on Windows, there are still issues with certain types of geopdf, see #8912 Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Feature request #9023 (Closed): QGIS cannot open geopdf under Windows (works on Linux)
in general opening geopdf now works also on Windows, there are still issues with certain types of geopdf, see #8912 Giovanni Manghi
10:10 AM Bug report #11606: Crash and file corruption
Niccolo' Marchi wrote:
> >Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > another thing you should do is to (backup and) delete .qgis2, re...
Giovanni Manghi
10:09 AM Bug report #11606: Crash and file corruption
>Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> another thing you should do is to (backup and) delete .qgis2, restart qgis and try again (i...
Niccolo' Marchi
09:55 AM Bug report #11606 (Feedback): Crash and file corruption
a nasty bug this has been fixed in master and backported to 2.6 branch. You should try qgis master too.
another thin...
Giovanni Manghi
09:52 AM Bug report #11606 (Closed): Crash and file corruption
I upgraded from 2.2 to 2.6.
Quitting QGIS creates a minidump and the last time made the project file unusable ("error...
Niccolo' Marchi
09:50 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX

> the problem is that it assumes as "multi" also shapes that have no multipart geometries. And this is the regressio...
Giovanni Manghi
09:48 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX

> Understood; problem is that QGIS itself is mangling the spatial format, creating MULTIPOINT
the problem is that ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:40 AM Revision 61b02910 (qgis): fix Empty console Output on R under processing. refs #7643
Takayuki Mizutani
03:19 AM Feature request #11604: DB Manager needs option to create a database connection
No need for SPIT, you can add a connection from the Browser Paolo Cavallini
02:18 AM Feature request #11604 (Closed): DB Manager needs option to create a database connection
The DB Manager window currently has no option to create a new database connection. To create a connection to PostgreS... Patrick Van Laake


10:51 PM Bug report #11603 (Closed): R library can't install on windows in Processing
First running R in processing, it try to install R library (rgdal etc.) in the unwritable folder on windows.
So the e...
Takayuki Mizutani
10:21 PM Feature request #9023: QGIS cannot open geopdf under Windows (works on Linux)
Is this still a Windows-specific issue for QGIS 2.6?
Or should the problem be more general as reported in #8912 ?
Andre Joost
10:19 PM Feature request #8912: Better support for georeferenced pdf
The new USGS Topo geospatial PDF files have some pitfalls, that can be handled with GDAL, but not yet inside QGIS. Pl... Andre Joost
08:11 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Related? Howard Frederick
07:41 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX

> this is not a bug, is a limitation (or feature) of the gpx format, that cannot have multigeometries.
Understood; ...
Howard Frederick
05:32 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX

> However, trying to put that into the save-as dialogue in QGIS (under layer or data source options) has no effect, ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:32 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Howard Frederick wrote:
> This works just fine. However, if I open that GPSU-created shapefile in QGIS, then save-a...
Giovanni Manghi
05:17 PM Revision 5d1dde03 (qgis): fix regex for getting layer name
Alexander Bruy
03:24 PM Revision 95f880a5 (qgis): Fix occasional crash on exit because of statis network access manager
see Matthias Kuhn
10:30 AM Revision f3eeed90 (qgis): fix PyQgsVectorLayer test
Jürgen Fischer
09:50 AM Revision 9b01b2ea (qgis): Fix dual view test
* References commit 51e01d6
* And issue #11529
Matthias Kuhn
09:34 AM Revision 1871a4c0 (qgis): Fix expression test
make sure the style file with the color ramp can be copied to the settings path Matthias Kuhn
08:56 AM Bug report #11601: QGis and Saga incompatible?
vince - wrote:
> Ciao!
> I agree a shifting API is a major nuisance. However, it seems that particular module ‘shape_...
Giovanni Manghi
06:41 AM Bug report #11601: QGis and Saga incompatible?
I agree a shifting API is a major nuisance. However, it seems that particular module ‘shape_polygon’ is somehow...
vince -
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:54 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
as long as SAGA devs will change the parameters in their tools it will be a nightmare to maintain that tools working ... Giovanni Manghi
05:48 AM Bug report #11601 (Closed): QGis and Saga incompatible?
I have updated to both QGis 2.6 and SAGA 2.1.3 and cannot run any Saga command from within QGis anymore.
It seems the...
vince -
08:26 AM Bug report #11600 (Closed): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
Roberto BobMaX wrote:
> renaming .qgis2 directory, it works and the minidump disappears.
> I will test re-in...
Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #11600 (Closed): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
Roberto BobMaX wrote:
> renaming .qgis2 directory, it works and the minidump disappears.
> I will test re-in...
Giovanni Manghi
06:29 AM Bug report #11600: QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
renaming .qgis2 directory, it works and the minidump disappears.
I will test re-inserting plugins one by one.
Roberto BobMaX
05:28 AM Bug report #11600 (Feedback): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
try (backup) and delete the .qgis2 folder, I have seen this a lot on qgis installations where qgis was previously ins... Giovanni Manghi
05:28 AM Bug report #11600 (Feedback): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
try (backup) and delete the .qgis2 folder, I have seen this a lot on qgis installations where qgis was previously ins... Giovanni Manghi
05:28 AM Bug report #11600 (Feedback): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
try (backup) and delete the .qgis2 folder, I have seen this a lot on qgis installations where qgis was previously ins... Giovanni Manghi
05:11 AM Bug report #11600 (Closed): QGIS > 2.2 always crashes at quit with minidump (on my Win 7 64 bit)
I have always a minidump when quit QGIS > 2.2
I tested also with:
qgis --noplugins
as you can see in this:
Roberto BobMaX
08:03 AM Bug report #11596: SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print composer
I have attached 4 files to show the different formats. The rasterized formats, png and jpg are perfect. But both the ... Steven Bernard
08:03 AM Bug report #11596: SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print composer
I have attached 4 files to show the different formats. The rasterized formats, png and jpg are perfect. But both the ... Steven Bernard
08:03 AM Bug report #11596: SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print composer
I have attached 4 files to show the different formats. The rasterized formats, png and jpg are perfect. But both the ... Steven Bernard
08:03 AM Bug report #11596: SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print composer
I have attached 4 files to show the different formats. The rasterized formats, png and jpg are perfect. But both the ... Steven Bernard
07:28 AM Bug report #11602 (Closed): Reclassify Grid values - don't let me add or delete rows in the fixed...
When i try to reclassify trough the fixed table, the algorithm don't let me add or delete the rows, the buttons ...
João Gaspar
06:55 AM Bug report #10907: Mac OSX: unable to save on a network samba volume
Two days ago we moved all our data previously hosted in a PC into a shared folder of a QNAP NAS (model 420), with smb... Francesco Vidotto
06:14 AM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Tim Sutton wrote:
> I just tested using the python API:
> [...]
> And that works fine, so the issue must lie in...
Giovanni Manghi
06:12 AM Bug report #11538 (Open): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi
06:08 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> so before qgis 2.4 (qgis <= 2.2) it was ok in the same conditions, right?
Yes, exactly.
Thomas Kandler
06:04 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Thomas Kandler wrote:
> > Starting with 2.4 the bug pops up.
so before qgis 2.4 (qgis <= 2.2) it was ok in the same...
Giovanni Manghi
06:01 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> are previous qgis releases affected?
Thomas Kandler wrote:
> Starting with 2.4 the bug pops...
Thomas Kandler
05:35 AM Bug report #11538 (Feedback): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi
05:35 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Thomas Kandler wrote:
> Yes, 2.6 is also afflicted.
are previous qgis releases affected?
Giovanni Manghi
05:35 AM Bug report #11538 (Open): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi
06:02 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> By the way, it might make a difference to know that my data were multipolygons. And I just r...
Giovanni Manghi
06:02 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> By the way, it might make a difference to know that my data were multipolygons. And I just r...
Giovanni Manghi
05:48 AM Bug report #11597: XY columns are not exported to csv
confirmed here. Giovanni Manghi
03:09 AM Bug report #10141: Setting data defined properties "Pen width" and "Dash pattern" causes freeze o...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> does still happen on recent qgis releases (2.4 and/or master)?
Unfortunately, I did not hav...
Nicklas Larsson


12:23 AM Bug report #11225 (Closed): Processing tools don't work without opening the configuration
Paolo Cavallini
12:11 AM Bug report #11225: Processing tools don't work without opening the configuration
This problem no longer occurs in 2.6. Howard Frederick
11:40 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Original issue confirmed here, on Debian. Paolo Cavallini
11:38 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Another workaround, from command line at least - use the *-explodecollections* flag:... Howard Frederick
11:25 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Having done some more testing, discovered some odd behaviour.
Using ogr2ogr to convert a point shapefile NOT genera...
Howard Frederick
11:25 PM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Having done some more testing, discovered some odd behaviour.
Using ogr2ogr to convert a point shapefile NOT genera...
Howard Frederick
09:10 PM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Imported a table with DB Manager Import Tool -> Field Calculator works fine. What could be a possible cause of this b... Thomas Kandler
08:54 PM Revision 402b6d0a (qgis): debian packaging update (fixes for tests)
Jürgen Fischer
06:52 PM Revision 959c5660 (qgis): Revert "Doxygen: do not add "Definition at line N of XYZ.cpp" to each m...
This reverts commit 7ee05afd366cebf3c8f44354067c34223346f835. Martin Dobias
06:51 PM Revision 094defc2 (qgis): Revert "Doxygen: do not add "Definition at line N of XYZ.cpp" to each m...
This reverts commit 7ee05afd366cebf3c8f44354067c34223346f835. Martin Dobias
06:05 PM Revision a54c31d5 (qgis): Fix a crash in layer node after removal of layer from registry.
A crash may occur when using custom layer tree in composer legend and layer from that tree is removed from registry.
Martin Dobias
05:54 PM Revision 7e4709bd (qgis): Merge pull request #1678 from ghtmtt/patch-2
Update gridcalculator.rst Paolo Cavallini
05:51 PM Bug report #11597: XY columns are not exported to csv
AS_WKT option still works, but the output is different from that of 2.4.
Minoru Akagi
05:39 PM Bug report #11597 (Closed): XY columns are not exported to csv
I saved a point layer (shapefile) to a csv file with AS_XY in the GEOMETRY option selected. The output csv file has n... Minoru Akagi
05:10 PM Bug report #11596 (Feedback): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print co...
Actually, can you first confirm if this affects all output types from composer? Ie, if you save a composer to a PNG i... Nyall Dawson
05:09 PM Bug report #11596: SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print composer
Passing over to symbology- composer doesn't do anything specific to alter how maps are rendered, so the bug must lie ... Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Bug report #11596 (Closed): SVG markers have black border when exported as svg through print comp...
When exporting a map through the print composer, most svg markers have a 1pt black border added to them. They are not... Steven Bernard
03:19 PM Revision b4824abb (qgis): Update gridcalculator.rst
change **x** and **y** with **a** and **b** matteo ghetta
03:11 PM Revision 2417a82b (qgis): [processing] add method in OGR algorithms for getting layer name from s...
Alexander Bruy
12:29 PM Bug report #10907: Mac OSX: unable to save on a network samba volume
I have this same issue, working in OSX 10.9.4 and saving to a samba mounted network drive on a linux server. I am abl... Tom Kurkowski
11:57 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
By the way, it might make a difference to know that my data were multipolygons. And I just ran ST_Makevalid on my Pos... Spencer Gardner
11:55 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
The data in question is stored in PostGIS so sharing would be difficult. I found that if I exported to shapefile for ... Spencer Gardner
11:53 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Progress! I was able to isolate the problem to the inverse polygon shapeburst style on one of my layers. I tested on ... Spencer Gardner
11:36 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> I can't recall for certain, but I'm pretty sure this project was created in 2.6. In any case...
Giovanni Manghi
11:31 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
I can't recall for certain, but I'm pretty sure this project was created in 2.6. In any case I'm running 2.6 now. Unf... Spencer Gardner
11:24 AM Bug report #11594 (Feedback): Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbol...
Was the project made on qgis 2.4? can you try qgis master and see if it still happens? Giovanni Manghi
11:24 AM Bug report #11594 (Feedback): Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbol...
Was the project made on qgis 2.4? can you try qgis master and see if it still happens? Giovanni Manghi
08:26 AM Bug report #11594: Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbology on inva...
Looks like my crash dump didn't attach (yet again). Here's a Dropbox link to a copy of the file:
Spencer Gardner
08:24 AM Bug report #11594 (Closed): Crash when using inverse polygons and shapeburst (combined) symbolog...
I have a specific map project that crashes if I zoom out. I'm not sure what could be causing the crash. The map worke... Spencer Gardner
11:13 AM Revision c78a3783 (qgis): browser last expanded better
Radim Blazek
11:11 AM Bug report #11587 (Feedback): all coordinates truncated to integer values when system has certain...
seems a local issue. Any tool I tested to get that points coordinates returns decimal values. Giovanni Manghi
11:11 AM Bug report #11587 (Feedback): all coordinates truncated to integer values when system has certain...
seems a local issue. Any tool I tested to get that points coordinates returns decimal values. Giovanni Manghi
11:07 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Howard Frederick wrote:
> > Maybe is a OsX thing, I tested on Linux and Windows.
> Perhaps - will try to test this...
Giovanni Manghi
10:40 AM Feature request #11595 (Open): Enhanced color table
Hi ,
Color management has improved greatly since version 2.6 . It is now possible to load more sophisticated color ta...
Marc-André Saia
09:53 AM Revision 2597100d (qgis): [FIXED] #11572 ilter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displ...
For point vector layer render with 'displacement point', when 'Filter
Legend By Map Content' is activated, the legen...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:41 AM Bug report #11592 (Closed): Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Fixed in release-2_6 branch in commit:a54c31 Martin Dobias
09:41 AM Bug report #11592 (Closed): Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Fixed in release-2_6 branch in commit:a54c31 Martin Dobias
08:55 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Steps to reproduce:
1. open a project with at least one layer with a composer containing a legend which has auto-upda...
Martin Dobias
08:33 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
(pending port to release-2.6 branch) Martin Dobias
08:21 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Fixed in master in b1b0db6b7bdef10dcf6189db0b60d0176629bb99 Martin Dobias
04:24 AM Bug report #11592: Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Platform version: Windows 7 home premium 32 bit Jarost Dudek
04:21 AM Bug report #11592 (Closed): Failure to write the project after removing the liner layer shp
Unable to save the previously loaded project, after removal from the project of the linear layer shp. QGis closes ove... Jarost Dudek
09:06 AM Revision 47a16184 (qgis): [FIXED] #11572 ilter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displ...
For point vector layer render with 'displacement point', when 'Filter
Legend By Map Content' is activated, the legen...
René-Luc ReLuc
09:01 AM Revision fd1ced7f (qgis): [composer] Don't save hide bounding box setting between sessions
In practice the workflow is better if this setting is only
temporarily applied to a composer.
Nyall Dawson
08:41 AM Bug report #11562: Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer to the l...
Is there anything else I can provide to make tracking the problem easier for you? Thilo Schneider
08:33 AM Bug report #11562 (Feedback): Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the lay...
Giovanni Manghi
08:29 AM Bug report #11562: Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer to the l...
I cannot replicate the crash (ubuntu trusty) Martin Dobias
08:17 AM Bug report #11544 (Closed): Minidump - When trying to save project file
Duplicate of #11592 Martin Dobias
08:17 AM Bug report #11544 (Closed): Minidump - When trying to save project file
Duplicate of #11592 Martin Dobias
08:16 AM Bug report #11593 (Closed): QGIS crash when working over old project files
Martin Dobias
08:16 AM Bug report #11593: QGIS crash when working over old project files
Duplicate of #11592 Martin Dobias
04:28 AM Bug report #11593 (Closed): QGIS crash when working over old project files
QGIS crash unexpectedly when working with projects I did in earlier versions of QGIS (2.4.0).
It close sometimes when...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
05:39 AM Bug report #11572 (Reopened): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement le...
Update the fixed to be more generalist René-Luc ReLuc
04:00 AM Bug report #11554 (Closed): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Giovanni Manghi
04:00 AM Bug report #11578 (Open): DXF export problems with national special characters
Giovanni Manghi
03:59 AM Bug report #10762: 2.4 build failure with old gcc
landry - wrote:
> Anyone can apply this, before it bitrots ? Or i should do a github pull request ?
I suggest to mak...
Giovanni Manghi
03:58 AM Bug report #11591 (Closed): Awaria zapisu projekyu po usunięciu liniowej warstwy shp
sorry I have to close this, tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
03:58 AM Bug report #11591 (Closed): Awaria zapisu projekyu po usunięciu liniowej warstwy shp
sorry I have to close this, tickets must be filed in English. Giovanni Manghi
02:41 AM Bug report #11591: Awaria zapisu projekyu po usunięciu liniowej warstwy shp
Dołączam plik dmp spakowany programem 7-zip
Pozdrawiam Jarost Dudek
Jarost Dudek
02:37 AM Bug report #11591: Awaria zapisu projekyu po usunięciu liniowej warstwy shp
Dołączam plik dmp.
System operacyjny 32 bit Windows 7 Home Premium
QGis 2.6
Jarost Dudek
02:11 AM Bug report #11591 (Closed): Awaria zapisu projekyu po usunięciu liniowej warstwy shp
Nie można zapisać, uprzednio wczytanego projektu, po usunięciu z projektu warstwy liniowej shp. QGis zamyka się awary... Jarost Dudek
03:57 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote:
> Yes, it must be something with the transition from old version projects (2.4.0) to th...
Giovanni Manghi
03:51 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Yes, it must be something with the transition from old version projects (2.4.0) to the new one (2.6.0).
Do I open and...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
03:51 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Yes, it must be something with the transition from old version projects (2.4.0) to the new one (2.6.0).
Do I open and...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:43 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Something should change in my system and I do not have any crashes at all since yesterday. May be it's something rela... Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:43 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Something should change in my system and I do not have any crashes at all since yesterday. May be it's something rela... Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:04 AM Bug report #11536: lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
Patrick Maslen Maslen wrote:
> Hi Salvo
> I put the lxml folder in C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packag...
01:40 AM Bug report #11588 (Reopened): QgsMapSettings.DrawSelection doesn't work with QgsComposition
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Yes - this setting is overwritten by the composer map while rendering. It's not behavior which ...


12:57 AM Bug report #11572 (Closed): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
Fixed commit:47a1618. Backported to 2.6 commit:c67f0a5 René-Luc ReLuc
12:57 AM Bug report #11572 (Closed): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
Fixed commit:47a1618. Backported to 2.6 commit:c67f0a5 René-Luc ReLuc
12:43 AM Bug report #10762: 2.4 build failure with old gcc
Anyone can apply this, before it bitrots ? Or i should do a github pull request ? landry Landry Breuil
12:43 AM Bug report #10762: 2.4 build failure with old gcc
Anyone can apply this, before it bitrots ? Or i should do a github pull request ? landry Landry Breuil
12:43 AM Bug report #10762: 2.4 build failure with old gcc
Anyone can apply this, before it bitrots ? Or i should do a github pull request ? landry Landry Breuil
12:31 AM Revision 8b29097f (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Vertical descending direction for annotations
This change adds a new descending vertical direction mode for
map grid annotations. Previously only ascending text wa...
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Bug report #11578: DXF export problems with national special characters
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Is the same (correct) font used in Autocad?
Yes, I tried with many different fonts, but it ...
Piotr Sadowski
07:15 AM Bug report #11578 (Feedback): DXF export problems with national special characters
Giovanni Manghi
05:31 AM Bug report #11578: DXF export problems with national special characters
Is the same (correct) font used in Autocad? Andreas Neumann
11:53 PM Revision b2423241 (qgis): [composer] Use intersection rather than clip for transformed grids
Previous behaviour was to clip transformed grid lines to the visible
map extent. This caused problems if a map item h...
Nyall Dawson
07:09 PM Revision abf00872 (qgis): remember browser last expanded item
Radim Blazek
06:19 PM Revision 443264f2 (qgis): GRASS: show layers non expandable
Radim Blazek
05:59 PM Revision 7c52e7dd (qgis): GRASS: points removed from topo in GRASS 7
Radim Blazek
05:23 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
...For a start, the "lock selected items" feature is unrelated
that is what I thought, I was just trying to be clear ...
Tom Kurkowski
03:54 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
I'm still a bit confused by what you mean. For a start, the "lock selected items" feature is unrelated - that has no ... Nyall Dawson
03:21 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Note: when I refer to "lock" below, I am referring to the "lock layers for map item" in the item properties pane. I ... Tom Kurkowski
05:03 PM Bug report #11536: lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
Hi Salvo
I put the lxml folder in C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages and could then use the QGIS Pyth...
Patrick Maslen Maslen
03:33 AM Bug report #11536: lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
Patrick Maslen Maslen wrote:
> I have 32-bit lxml working in 32-bit QGIS 2.6, and 64-bit lxml working in 64-bit QGIS ...
02:59 AM Bug report #11536 (Feedback): lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
Giovanni Manghi
04:54 PM Bug report #11590 (Closed): Encode for Processing plugin Log
On Japanese MacOSX, R returns stdout and stderr messages in Japanese. Processing's Log displays those lines in wrong... Yoshihiko BABA
04:46 PM Revision d74b52e5 (qgis): add GRASS vector layers from browser with map + layer name
Radim Blazek
04:46 PM Revision d8d9edb0 (qgis): GRASS: fixed crash when opening vector without topo
Radim Blazek
03:57 PM Bug report #11588 (Closed): QgsMapSettings.DrawSelection doesn't work with QgsComposition
Yes - this setting is overwritten by the composer map while rendering. It's not behavior which is possible to change ... Nyall Dawson
03:57 PM Bug report #11588 (Closed): QgsMapSettings.DrawSelection doesn't work with QgsComposition
Yes - this setting is overwritten by the composer map while rendering. It's not behavior which is possible to change ... Nyall Dawson
01:57 PM Bug report #11588 (Closed): QgsMapSettings.DrawSelection doesn't work with QgsComposition
hi i need to print a composition on a pdf with map and evidence of selected features
before in qgis 2.2 with mapRen...
03:03 PM Bug report #11589 (Closed): Diagram labeling doesn't work when 'on the fly' CRS transformation is...
Diagrams appear on different place than points when CRS transformation is enabled. Painful when using open layers plu... Michal Torma
02:15 PM Revision 2202b42b (qgis): [TRANSUP] preparing transition to transifex DEFAULT
Compared translations manually with source and transifex and uploaded every translation with more strings in source t... Werner Macho
01:49 PM Bug report #11587 (Closed): all coordinates truncated to integer values when system has certain l...
I have two files (attached annex) with the same content : one in OSM, the other in GeoJson.
I can open the OSM file ...
Etienne Trimaille
11:56 AM Revision 08e39fc9 (qgis): GRASS 7.1 fixes
Radim Blazek
11:19 AM Bug report #11553 (Feedback): Georeferencer providing blank output
If confirmed would be a bad regression of course, but I cannot, at least after a quick test trying to georeference a ... Giovanni Manghi
11:14 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format

> Maybe is a OsX thing, I tested on Linux and Windows.
Perhaps - will try to test this on another Mac tomorrow, def...
Howard Frederick
08:58 AM Bug report #11550 (Closed): Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
This appears to be resolved on my machine. Not sure how it was fixed but it must be related to me removing the proces... Spencer Gardner
08:37 AM Revision b1b0db6b (qgis): Fix a crash in layer node after removal of layer from registry.
A crash may occur when using custom layer tree in composer legend and layer from that tree is removed from registry.
Martin Dobias
07:48 AM Bug report #11585 (Closed): Import into PostGIS fails due to capital letter
When using the Import into PostGIS tool, if I give a table name that starts with a capital letter the tool fails whil... Spencer Gardner
07:29 AM Revision 878230a1 (qgis): Add methods to QgsGeometry to convert to/from QPointF and QPolygonF
Nyall Dawson
07:29 AM Revision b5c9df0e (qgis): Add methods for converting QgsPoint to and from QPointF and QPoint
Also add some more basic unit tests for QgsPoint Nyall Dawson
07:09 AM Feature request #11581 (Open): Print composer: introduce context menu in items list
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> feature request - sorry - I accidentally opened this as a bug.
no problem!
Giovanni Manghi
07:09 AM Feature request #11581 (Open): Print composer: introduce context menu in items list
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> feature request - sorry - I accidentally opened this as a bug.
no problem!
Giovanni Manghi
06:42 AM Feature request #11581: Print composer: introduce context menu in items list
feature request - sorry - I accidentally opened this as a bug. Andreas Neumann
06:30 AM Feature request #11581 (Feedback): Print composer: introduce context menu in items list
bug or feature request? Giovanni Manghi
05:44 AM Feature request #11581 (Open): Print composer: introduce context menu in items list
It would be nice if we had a context menu in the new items list of the print composer.
We could add some new functio...
Andreas Neumann
06:29 AM Bug report #11580 (Feedback): Cannot edit shapefiles created in older versions of QGIS
please attach a sample project with data to allow us make tests. Giovanni Manghi
05:27 AM Bug report #11580 (Closed): Cannot edit shapefiles created in older versions of QGIS
I can only edit shapefiles created with version 2.6. Old projects load correctly, but shapefiles can't be edited. Thomas Wyse
05:58 AM Feature request #11583 (Open): Print composer: make item list tree a hierarchical tree
We have grouping of items in the print composer. It would be nice if the item list tree could reflect the hierarchies. Andreas Neumann
05:54 AM Feature request #11582 (Closed): Suggestion for Improvement. Change tracker label in plugins manager
... Martin Jung
05:25 AM Bug report #10548 (Reopened): crash using custom forms
Reproduced today with 2.6.0 on ubuntu trusty 64bit Vincent Mora
05:25 AM Bug report #10548 (Reopened): crash using custom forms
Reproduced today with 2.6.0 on ubuntu trusty 64bit Vincent Mora
04:17 AM Bug report #11574 (Feedback): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers

> 2.6 works on shpefiles, postgresql 9.3 but NOT postgresql 9.1
I does not seems postgresql version either. I just ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:06 AM Bug report #10614: compiling QGIS with GRASS 7 support
Fixed in commit:08e39fc.
GRASS data providers work with GRASS 7, the problem was caused by changes introduced in 7.1.
Radim Blazek
03:04 AM Bug report #11576 (Feedback): Composer legend not responding to pyqgis commands
Legend in composer has also been subject of several developments in qgis 2.6, so probably something must change in yo... Giovanni Manghi
03:04 AM Bug report #11576 (Feedback): Composer legend not responding to pyqgis commands
Legend in composer has also been subject of several developments in qgis 2.6, so probably something must change in yo... Giovanni Manghi


12:36 AM Bug report #11577 (Closed): Cannot Install QGIS Mapserver On Ubuntu 12.04
aptitude install qgis-server Paolo Cavallini
12:36 AM Bug report #11577 (Closed): Cannot Install QGIS Mapserver On Ubuntu 12.04
aptitude install qgis-server Paolo Cavallini
11:47 PM Bug report #11577 (Closed): Cannot Install QGIS Mapserver On Ubuntu 12.04
I'm trying to install qgis-mapserver on my ubuntu 12.04. I just installed qgis desktop 2.6.0-brighton success...
Satria Faestha
11:50 PM Bug report #11578 (Closed): DXF export problems with national special characters
After export to DXF Polish diacritic signs (special characters as ą, ó, ł, ż, ź, ń, ś) are all converted to "?" sign.... Piotr Sadowski
11:00 PM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
the concatenation is a red herring :-) - any expression fails. Remote vs local might be a red herring too.
2.4 works...
Gavin Fleming
05:19 PM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers

> I was able to replicate here against Gavin's db. Under QGIS 2.6 the following simple expression fails to update ex...
Giovanni Manghi
12:47 PM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers

I just tested using the python API:...
Tim Sutton
12:19 PM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Gavin Fleming wrote:
> > no I tested as superuser on the same layer filtered to one record. ...
Tim Sutton
10:54 AM Bug report #11574 (Open): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> no I tested as superuser on the same layer filtered to one record. The only difference was the...
Giovanni Manghi
10:54 AM Bug report #11574 (Open): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> no I tested as superuser on the same layer filtered to one record. The only difference was the...
Giovanni Manghi
10:54 AM Bug report #11574 (Open): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> no I tested as superuser on the same layer filtered to one record. The only difference was the...
Giovanni Manghi
10:43 AM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
no I tested as superuser on the same layer filtered to one record. The only difference was the QGIS version. Gavin Fleming
09:58 AM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Gavin Fleming wrote:
> several users on windows working on the same database in an office LAN environment have report...
Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Bug report #11574: regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
several users on windows working on the same database in an office LAN environment have reported the same issue. I ju... Gavin Fleming
09:50 AM Bug report #11574 (Feedback): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Just tested here, both on Linux and Windows, qgis 2.6/master using a remote postgis server, no issues: changes shows ... Giovanni Manghi
09:50 AM Bug report #11574 (Feedback): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Just tested here, both on Linux and Windows, qgis 2.6/master using a remote postgis server, no issues: changes shows ... Giovanni Manghi
09:50 AM Bug report #11574 (Feedback): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Just tested here, both on Linux and Windows, qgis 2.6/master using a remote postgis server, no issues: changes shows ... Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #11574 (Closed): regression: field calculator not updating PostGIS layers
Try to update a field in a (remote) PostGIS layer using the field calculator and no visible change occurs, neither do... Gavin Fleming
09:59 PM Bug report #11536: lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
I have 32-bit lxml working in 32-bit QGIS 2.6, and 64-bit lxml working in 64-bit QGIS 2.6. If you do not already hav... Patrick Maslen Maslen
08:48 PM Revision a987525a (qgis): Fix encoding of QgsPoint source files
Allows editing these files in QtCreator. Nyall Dawson
08:37 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Tom - can you please click the refresh icon on the composer toolbar when you have this project open and let me know w... Nyall Dawson
04:44 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
attached is my confirmation that it is an issue OSX 10.9.5 QGIS 2.6 (unless I'm doing something wrong in the exportin... Tom Kurkowski
02:53 AM Bug report #11554 (Feedback): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Cannot confirm (Windows, Linux, qgis 2.6), see attached image: project with 3 layers, 1 shows in the QGIS canvas and ... Giovanni Manghi
02:53 AM Bug report #11554 (Feedback): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Cannot confirm (Windows, Linux, qgis 2.6), see attached image: project with 3 layers, 1 shows in the QGIS canvas and ... Giovanni Manghi
02:53 AM Bug report #11554 (Feedback): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Cannot confirm (Windows, Linux, qgis 2.6), see attached image: project with 3 layers, 1 shows in the QGIS canvas and ... Giovanni Manghi
02:53 AM Bug report #11554 (Feedback): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Cannot confirm (Windows, Linux, qgis 2.6), see attached image: project with 3 layers, 1 shows in the QGIS canvas and ... Giovanni Manghi
02:53 AM Bug report #11554 (Feedback): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
Cannot confirm (Windows, Linux, qgis 2.6), see attached image: project with 3 layers, 1 shows in the QGIS canvas and ... Giovanni Manghi
08:19 PM Bug report #11576 (Closed): Composer legend not responding to pyqgis commands
I am working on a plugin which among other things produces maps based on a series of map templates, each one with a m... Patrick Maslen Maslen
06:03 PM Revision 4e9e9f48 (qgis): browser: register editor widgets (fixes #11529)
Jürgen Fischer
06:02 PM Revision 863089ac (qgis): server: stop processing after 'no REQUEST' exception (fixes #11543)
Jürgen Fischer
06:02 PM Revision 48dffb78 (qgis): fix typo
Jürgen Fischer
06:01 PM Revision 699e68c1 (qgis): fix feature action from identify menu (fixes #11533)
Jürgen Fischer
06:01 PM Revision 2bf465a6 (qgis): add QScintilla2 include directory to python bindings and oracle provider
(fixes #11528) Jürgen Fischer
01:51 PM Revision 64b634fb (qgis): Fix feature request with Fid Filter working on the edit buffer
The following snippet did not take attribut changes that have not been commited
into account.
Matthias Kuhn
01:51 PM Revision 068bb17e (qgis): Fix feature request with Fid Filter working on the edit buffer
The following snippet did not take attribut changes that have not been commited
into account.
Matthias Kuhn
01:37 PM Feature request #11575: Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digitizing)
Update title (anyone with update access can do this, just click "more" under "Change properties". John Tull
12:45 PM Feature request #11575: Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digitizing)
"Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds" plugin allowed the creation of rectangles, ovals and diamonds without digitizing. Th... Filipe Dias
11:09 AM Feature request #11575: Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digitizing)
I did the fork (CADDigitize) of this plugin and I think that your project is the same that my feature request #1...
10:32 AM Feature request #11575: Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digitizing)
Note that "Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds" plugin was/is not the same as "Rectangles, Ovals Digitizing" plugin. They ... Andre Joost
09:45 AM Feature request #11575 (Feedback): Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digi...
a fork of that plugin has been published today
Giovanni Manghi
09:43 AM Feature request #11575: Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digitizing)
Backup copy kept and provided by Andre Joost (thanks) Filipe Dias
09:42 AM Feature request #11575 (Closed): Create rectangles, ovals and diamonds from points (not by digiti...
It would useful to be create rectangles, ovals and diamonds centered on points. This tool could be added to Processin... Filipe Dias
12:35 PM Revision 05a96368 (qgis): merge OWSLib 0.8.10 CSW fix Tom Kralidis
12:35 PM Revision 98c9ec71 (qgis): merge OWSLib 0.8.10 CSW fix Tom Kralidis
09:16 AM Revision fcc8a003 (qgis): Merge pull request #1670 from gioman/saga_fixes1
fix several SAGA 2.1.2 modules, take1 Victor Olaya
08:22 AM Bug report #11570 (Closed): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without...
Giovanni Manghi
08:11 AM Bug report #11570: qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without the "mem...
It works now after restart Qgis, I don't see something different than yesterday or today when the problem appear so I... Fabien Cerbelaud
07:54 AM Bug report #11570: qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without the "mem...
Fabien Cerbelaud wrote:
> On windows 7, I used the standalone installer
so it should be a local issue. Try disable/r...
Giovanni Manghi
07:40 AM Bug report #11570: qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without the "mem...
On windows 7, I used the standalone installer Fabien Cerbelaud
07:37 AM Bug report #11570: qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without the "mem...
table of attributes of your vector opens in a blink of eye here on both Windows and Linux and QGIS 2.6.
What OS do ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:11 AM Bug report #11570: qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without the "mem...
I can't give you sample of data because it's to big 11Mo but you can download it on Fabien Cerbelaud
07:02 AM Bug report #11570 (Feedback): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table witho...
of course it is not the expected behavior but also it does not happen in a clean installation or may be is something ... Giovanni Manghi
07:02 AM Bug report #11570 (Feedback): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table witho...
of course it is not the expected behavior but also it does not happen in a clean installation or may be is something ... Giovanni Manghi
07:02 AM Bug report #11570 (Feedback): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table witho...
of course it is not the expected behavior but also it does not happen in a clean installation or may be is something ... Giovanni Manghi
06:53 AM Bug report #11570 (Closed): qgis is slow to open attribute table when joining a CSV table without...
Hi, when I try to open attribute table which contain 31 000 entities it takes a lot of time because of charging only ... Fabien Cerbelaud
08:18 AM Bug report #11573: Int images with floating point gain not displayed properly
Link to example data.
TIF NDVI image. Int16, ranging from -26512 to 11716 with a gain of 0.0001:
Matthew Hanson
07:39 AM Bug report #11573 (Feedback): Int images with floating point gain not displayed properly
please attach/link sample data. Giovanni Manghi
07:34 AM Bug report #11573 (Closed): Int images with floating point gain not displayed properly
In 2.4 a new feature was introduced that was to apply the gain and offset, if there was one, to the read and displaye... Matthew Hanson
07:59 AM Bug report #11571 (Open): Error message with processing tool "Random extract within subsets"
not necessary to check, issue confirmed. The "random select" tool works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
07:59 AM Bug report #11571 (Open): Error message with processing tool "Random extract within subsets"
not necessary to check, issue confirmed. The "random select" tool works as expected. Giovanni Manghi
07:03 AM Bug report #11571 (Feedback): Error message with processing tool "Random extract within subsets"
do you have any "processing" folder inside .qgis2/python/plugins? if yes delete it, restart qgis and try again. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
07:03 AM Bug report #11571 (Feedback): Error message with processing tool "Random extract within subsets"
do you have any "processing" folder inside .qgis2/python/plugins? if yes delete it, restart qgis and try again. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
06:57 AM Bug report #11571 (Closed): Error message with processing tool "Random extract within subsets"
In the toolbox when using the tool "Random extract within subsets" (QGIS Geoalgorithms > Vector selection tools) ...
Florian Boret
07:53 AM Bug report #11550: Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> The best explanation appears to be that I've got legacy code somewhere causing problems.
Giovanni Manghi
07:36 AM Bug report #11550: Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
Is there a good way to completely wipe my existing "processing" plugin and start fresh? The best explanation appears ... Spencer Gardner
07:33 AM Bug report #11550: Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
Spencer Gardner wrote:
> There is no "processing" folder in .qgis2/python/plugins but keep in mind that I'm on Window...
Giovanni Manghi
07:15 AM Bug report #11550: Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
There is no "processing" folder in .qgis2/python/plugins but keep in mind that I'm on Windows - not sure if that make... Spencer Gardner
02:45 AM Bug report #11550 (Feedback): Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
I cannot confirm using the latest version of the Processing toolbox. If "id" exist in the input vector then a "id_0" ... Giovanni Manghi
07:45 AM Feature request #11569: Use ogr2ogr to Dissolve polygons
According to my tests, significantly faster than QGIS native tool. And it has the advantage of not relying on externa... Filipe Dias
06:39 AM Feature request #11569 (Open): Use ogr2ogr to Dissolve polygons
I answer myself, is very fast. As fast as SAGA. GRASS is "slow" because of the in/out overhead, while qgis native too... Giovanni Manghi
06:17 AM Feature request #11569 (Feedback): Use ogr2ogr to Dissolve polygons
how this alternative compare, in term of speed, to the native qgis tool, to the grass dissolve (in Processing) and th... Giovanni Manghi
06:05 AM Feature request #11569 (Closed): Use ogr2ogr to Dissolve polygons
Apparently it is possible use ogr2ogr to dissolve polygons using GDAL compiled with SpatiaLite support. Example:
Filipe Dias
07:17 AM Bug report #11572 (In Progress): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement...
Patch supplied with the pull request 1673 :
Thanks to review it
René-Luc ReLuc
07:17 AM Bug report #11572 (In Progress): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement...
Patch supplied with the pull request 1673 :
Thanks to review it
René-Luc ReLuc
07:10 AM Bug report #11572 (Closed): Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
For point vector layer render with 'displacement point', when 'Filter Legend By Map Content' is activated, the legend... René-Luc ReLuc
06:16 AM Bug report #11568 (Closed): Problemi con la stampa
tickets here must be filed in English.
Regarding your issue:
the layers added from the OpenLayers plugin are k...
Giovanni Manghi
06:16 AM Bug report #11568 (Closed): Problemi con la stampa
tickets here must be filed in English.
Regarding your issue:
the layers added from the OpenLayers plugin are k...
Giovanni Manghi
06:04 AM Bug report #11568 (Closed): Problemi con la stampa
Salve ho iniziato ad usare qgis per un progetto europeo che lo chiedeva e visto che è molto agevole nell'uso lo sto a... Thomas Galvan
03:22 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Here the backtrace messages after running "qgis --noplugins" and crashing when saving the project:
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
03:14 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Here you have backtrace messages running "qgis" (with plug-ins):
Here the console messa...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:24 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote:
> NOOO! It crashed again! even with plug-ins disabled... and I lose the project!! When ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:22 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> There's a backup copy with ~ appended.
Thanks a lot I forgot it! Ctrl+H & there it was... myd...
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:17 AM Bug report #11546 (Reopened): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
NOOO! It crashed again! even with plug-ins disabled... and I lose the project!! When saved it it closed and remove fi... Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:10 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Yes, It must be any plugin I installed.
I'm running "qgis --noplugins" and it seems it works fine for the moment.
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:10 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Yes, It must be any plugin I installed.
I'm running "qgis --noplugins" and it seems it works fine for the moment.
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
02:10 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Yes, It must be any plugin I installed.
I'm running "qgis --noplugins" and it seems it works fine for the moment.
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
01:19 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> FYI in case of #11537 it seems that the cause was really a 3rd party plugin, please try disa...
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
FYI in case of #11537 it seems that the cause was really a 3rd party plugin, please try disable/remove yours and see ... Giovanni Manghi
03:01 AM Bug report #11549: Change in map rendering causing problems with batch image saves
Thanks - I will pursue it with the developer mailing list. Rich Burkmar
02:17 AM Bug report #11549 (Closed): Change in map rendering causing problems with batch image saves
a lot changed in rendering since qgis 2.0.1 so it is likely you will need to modify your code. Before saying it is a ... Giovanni Manghi
02:17 AM Bug report #11549 (Closed): Change in map rendering causing problems with batch image saves
a lot changed in rendering since qgis 2.0.1 so it is likely you will need to modify your code. Before saying it is a ... Giovanni Manghi
02:30 AM Bug report #11565 (Feedback): Impossible to import a WMS map
Just tested
and it download the layer and shows it with n...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 AM Bug report #11565 (Feedback): Impossible to import a WMS map
Just tested
and it download the layer and shows it with n...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 AM Bug report #11565 (Feedback): Impossible to import a WMS map
Just tested
and it download the layer and shows it with n...
Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #11565 (Closed): Impossible to import a WMS map
Using WMS from this page:
Some WMS direction don't wor...
Alberto del Amo
02:26 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Howard Frederick wrote:
> Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> > That's it. Please remove it, and use the stock one (2.6).
> R...
Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> That's it. Please remove it, and use the stock one (2.6).
Right - have done an 'rm -rf ~/.q...
Howard Frederick
01:35 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
That's it. Please remove it, and use the stock one (2.6). Paolo Cavallini
01:22 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Yes, this is one of the many improvements of the new Processing. Perhaps you have an old ver...
Howard Frederick
01:17 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Yes, this is one of the many improvements of the new Processing. Perhaps you have an old ver...
Giovanni Manghi
01:05 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
Yes, this is one of the many improvements of the new Processing. Perhaps you have an old version masking to recent one? Paolo Cavallini
01:02 AM Bug report #11561: Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
also tested kml and sqlite, same as above.
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 AM Bug report #11561 (Feedback): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other f...
Hi Howard,
are you referring to the "Convert format" tool?
I just tested here on Linux and Windows and when outputt...
Giovanni Manghi
01:02 AM Bug report #11561 (Feedback): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other f...
Hi Howard,
are you referring to the "Convert format" tool?
I just tested here on Linux and Windows and when outputt...
Giovanni Manghi
02:21 AM Bug report #11562: Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer to the l...
tagging as a regression waiting for the feedback of a developer. Giovanni Manghi
02:15 AM Bug report #11548: Layer Filter Query Builder Values Incorrect on File GDB
If of any help, ogr2ogr/info (shipped with the qgis installation) seems able to sort/filter correctly the features of... Giovanni Manghi
01:51 AM Revision 47e3dc9d (qgis): fix build error
Jürgen Fischer
01:22 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables

> May this be of any relevance?
not sure, what happens if instead you import a vector using one of the standard too...
Giovanni Manghi
01:10 AM Bug report #11537: QGIS crashes on various operations
worked whole day and no crash
Piotr Synowiec
01:07 AM Bug report #11537 (Closed): QGIS crashes on various operations
so let's assume it was a faulty plugin the cause. Please reopen if evidence shows that it was really a qgis issue.
Giovanni Manghi
01:07 AM Bug report #11537 (Closed): QGIS crashes on various operations
so let's assume it was a faulty plugin the cause. Please reopen if evidence shows that it was really a qgis issue.
Giovanni Manghi


12:42 AM Bug report #11564 (Closed): problem when copy data dbmanager table using ctrl-c
duplicate of #10051 Giovanni Manghi
12:42 AM Bug report #11564 (Closed): problem when copy data dbmanager table using ctrl-c
duplicate of #10051 Giovanni Manghi
12:23 AM Bug report #11564 (Closed): problem when copy data dbmanager table using ctrl-c
1) SELECT * FROM table
2) select all record in table by click the upper-left corner of table
3) press ctrl-C
this er...
Luca Lanteri
11:57 PM Bug report #11562: Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer to the l...
Forgot to mention: Testing has been done under Ubuntu Precise. Thilo Schneider
11:43 PM Bug report #11562 (Closed): Crash after using memory data provider in python and adding the layer...
The following code creates an immediate crash when inserted into the python console:
vectorlayer = QgsVectorLayer(...
Thilo Schneider
11:04 PM Revision 38e13e0e (qgis): Fix app startup test
Matthias Kuhn
10:29 PM Bug report #11561 (Closed): Processing tools only output .shp fileset instead of GPX or other format
The processing tools will only produce a shapfile set instead of GPX, KML or SQLITE format. When GPX is selected as a... Howard Frederick
05:11 PM Feature request #11555 (Closed): attribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove s...
duplicate of #9604 Jürgen Fischer
05:11 PM Feature request #11555 (Closed): attribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove s...
duplicate of #9604 Jürgen Fischer
05:09 PM Feature request #11555: attribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove selection ...
There is undo. Jürgen Fischer
04:00 PM Feature request #11555: attribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove selection ...
Yeah there is already a ticket for this somewhere here with icons in the works. Once I find it I will link here and c... Nathan Woodrow
03:39 PM Feature request #11555 (Closed): attribute table toolbar - delete selected rows icon and remove s...
Given that deleting rows could be bad, I think that the delete selected rows icon should be placed as far away from o... Andrew Mitchell
04:24 PM Revision 156a0fa3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1671 from elpaso/requesthandler-refactoring2
Requesthandler refactoring2 Marco Hugentobler
03:44 PM Revision a4fb2a10 (qgis): Restored streaming capabilities, added mHeadersSent flag and accessor
Funded by ItOpen - Alessandro Pasotti
03:34 PM Revision 840fcf31 (qgis): ASTYLE formatting
Funded by ItOpen - Alessandro Pasotti
03:34 PM Revision 4a255754 (qgis): Removed python plugins define
Funded by ItOpen - Alessandro Pasotti
03:34 PM Revision 670719ca (qgis): Http request/response handler refactoring.
HTTP Request handler now manages HTTP request and response.
* added methods to manage HTTP response headers
* added ...
Alessandro Pasotti
03:34 PM Bug report #11537: QGIS crashes on various operations
1. Uninstalled all plugins from QGIS using Plugin->Manage & Install Plugins... that were in /Users/piotr/.qgis2/ fold... Piotr Synowiec
07:22 AM Bug report #11537: QGIS crashes on various operations
let's try ruling out 3rd party python plugins: disable/remove them, restart qgis and try again. Giovanni Manghi
06:22 AM Bug report #11537 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on various operations
Piotr Synowiec wrote:
> Crash log after the operation:
> 1. open project from version 2.4
> 2. save project to the ne...
Giovanni Manghi
05:28 AM Bug report #11537 (Open): QGIS crashes on various operations
see also #11546 Giovanni Manghi
04:07 AM Bug report #11537: QGIS crashes on various operations
Crash log after the operation:
1. open project from version 2.4
2. save project to the new version
3. delete one laye...
Piotr Synowiec
03:23 PM Feature request #10727: field calculator bar should consider selection and react on return
AS this has been raised a few times I will add a Update Selection button in QGIS 2.8 next to the Update All/Filtered ... Nathan Woodrow
03:20 PM Feature request #10727: field calculator bar should consider selection and react on return
Having to hide the non-selected records before running an update to change the selected records is a lot more work, p... Andrew Mitchell
02:32 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
also tried using the "lock selected layer" and the "lock layers for map items" options, but no solution there either. Tom Kurkowski
02:21 PM Bug report #11554: issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
still occurs in QGIS 2.6, even when data frames are locked within the composer Tom Kurkowski
02:13 PM Bug report #11554 (Closed): issue when exporting to pdf or png a layout on OsX
I created a map layout with 2 different maps displayed. Upon exporting these, the output pdf or png only displayed th... Tom Kurkowski
01:41 PM Revision fbc47d1d (qgis): [TRANSUP] missing files from es and hi
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
01:00 PM Bug report #11553 (Closed): Georeferencer providing blank output
When creating an output from the georeferencer tool the output is blank - either solid black or solid white raster.
Andrew Jeffrey
12:30 PM Revision 1d3f8a73 (qgis): server: stop processing after 'no REQUEST' exception (fixes #11543)
Jürgen Fischer
12:15 PM Feature request #6216 (Closed): User should be able to ignore OGRs evaluation of LDID in Shapes o...
fixed in general encoding handling since years Marco Lechner
12:11 PM Bug report #11552 (Closed): missing mandatory QUERY_LAYERS parameter in WMS 1.3.0 GetFeatureInfo ...
QGIS Server returns a 500 Internal Server Error instead of a SERVICE EXCEPTION on GetFeatureInfo REQUETS if mandatory... Marco Lechner
12:02 PM Bug report #11551 (Closed): SERVICE parameter is NOT mandatory @ GetMap on WMS 1.3.0
Refering to OGC WMS spec 1.3.0 (chapter 7.3.2) the SERVICE parameter is not mandatory (M) for GetMap REQUESTs. It is ... Marco Lechner
11:48 AM Revision eda723cd (qgis): fix typo
Jürgen Fischer
11:03 AM Bug report #11550 (Closed): Import into PostGIS doesn't check for field named "id"
I am often given data that already contains a field named "ID". In many cases, this field is no longer a unique ident... Spencer Gardner
11:01 AM Revision 5ced592a (qgis): Adding back shortcut and avoid double assign
Werner Macho
11:01 AM Revision a28aea61 (qgis): [TRANSUP] translation update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
10:38 AM Bug report #11549: Change in map rendering causing problems with batch image saves
Sorry - last line in pseudocode should read 'hide vector layer B from map canvas'. Rich Burkmar
10:37 AM Bug report #11549 (Closed): Change in map rendering causing problems with batch image saves
I have code for a python plugin that follows this pattern:
* display vector layer A in map canvas
* use the canvas s...
Rich Burkmar
10:28 AM Bug report #11548 (Closed): Layer Filter Query Builder Values Incorrect on File GDB
If I try to define a filter on a File GDB layer, the "Values" window shows values from the wrong field. This appears ... Spencer Gardner
09:18 AM Revision 1c2bdf1e (qgis): Switch tests to automoc
Required for Qt5 compatibility
Raises minimum CMake version to 2.8.6
Matthias Kuhn
08:41 AM Bug report #11399: Unable to add raster and vector files via drag and drop on OS X 10.10
I updated the title of this bug to properly reflect the greater issue, i.e., the inability to load both vector and ra... John Tull
08:18 AM Revision f46e6836 (qgis): remove redundant shortcut for Open and Open recent
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
07:51 AM Bug report #8971 (Closed): Loading a -R (out-of-db) raster crashes QGIS
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> If confirmed fixed on other machines, yes
I confirm there is not more crash. However raster...
Giovanni Manghi
07:51 AM Bug report #8971 (Closed): Loading a -R (out-of-db) raster crashes QGIS
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> If confirmed fixed on other machines, yes
I confirm there is not more crash. However raster...
Giovanni Manghi
07:14 AM Bug report #11540: Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
Hi Jürgen - fixed the Server? Maybe the credentials are stored somewhere an reused by QGIS? armin11 -
02:42 AM Bug report #11540: Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
Did you just fix the server? I could reproduce the problem - but not anymore. Jürgen Fischer
02:06 AM Bug report #11540: Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
user: "testqgis26;arm...
armin11 -
07:10 AM Bug report #11547 (Closed): Cannot update virtual fields
It seems that virtual fields cannot be updated (with a new expression).
Not sure if it is by design, if it is please...
Giovanni Manghi
07:05 AM Bug report #11534: Edit operations discarded after saving them

> Sorry,
> The editing operation is add vectors for close the roads
the attached vector edits with no issues what...
Giovanni Manghi
06:43 AM Bug report #11534: Edit operations discarded after saving them
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I'm not sure this is bug report or a question. Assuming is a bug report we must know more de...
Vitor silva de araujo Vitor
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
07:01 AM Bug report #11542: Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
The conversion operation is made by ogr2ogr and the message is from it and is right, if the input shape has multi geo... Giovanni Manghi
02:33 AM Bug report #11542 (Closed): Error when saving a shapefile as GPX
Saving a point layer as a GPX file always gives an error:... Howard Frederick
06:56 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote:
> Apparently no problems at home with Ubuntu LTS 12.04 (Linux kernel 3.13.0-39) and sam...
Giovanni Manghi
06:51 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Apparently no problems at home with Ubuntu LTS 12.04 (Linux kernel 3.13.0-39) and same QGIS version (2.6.0)
Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
05:27 AM Bug report #11546 (Feedback): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
duplicate of #11537 ? Giovanni Manghi
05:27 AM Bug report #11546 (Feedback): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
duplicate of #11537 ? Giovanni Manghi
05:03 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
Same in windows Gerhard Spieles
04:42 AM Bug report #11546: QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
There's a backup copy with ~ appended. Jürgen Fischer
04:31 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
New released QGIS 2.6.0 crashed/close unexpectedly after some actions like save the project or change from Layers to ... Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
06:20 AM Bug report #11544 (Feedback): Minidump - When trying to save project file
I have tested the following:
* add a bunch of layers
* create 4 different layouts, each with a map object and a leg...
Giovanni Manghi
06:20 AM Bug report #11544 (Feedback): Minidump - When trying to save project file
I have tested the following:
* add a bunch of layers
* create 4 different layouts, each with a map object and a leg...
Giovanni Manghi
06:20 AM Bug report #11544 (Feedback): Minidump - When trying to save project file
I have tested the following:
* add a bunch of layers
* create 4 different layouts, each with a map object and a leg...
Giovanni Manghi
06:20 AM Bug report #11544 (Feedback): Minidump - When trying to save project file
I have tested the following:
* add a bunch of layers
* create 4 different layouts, each with a map object and a leg...
Giovanni Manghi
04:11 AM Bug report #11544 (Closed): Minidump - When trying to save project file
Hope you can help.
When trying to setting up a default project template I noticed the following fatal bug.
Julian O'Neill
04:24 AM Bug report #11545 (Closed): Categorized/graduated symbology does not work for a virtual field com...
Creating a _virtual_ field for a layer and adding up 2 integer fields from that layer works fine. I get the correct r... Joseph Liam
04:09 AM Bug report #11447 (Reopened): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
Olav Peeters wrote:
> see attached
> the geometry is in EPSG:31370
> Thanks!
right, it seems that the issue has not ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Bug report #11447 (Reopened): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
Olav Peeters wrote:
> see attached
> the geometry is in EPSG:31370
> Thanks!
right, it seems that the issue has not ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:09 AM Bug report #11447 (Reopened): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
Olav Peeters wrote:
> see attached
> the geometry is in EPSG:31370
> Thanks!
right, it seems that the issue has not ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:09 AM Bug report #11447: Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
see attached
the geometry is in EPSG:31370
Olav Peeters
03:30 AM Bug report #11543 (Closed): QGIS Server returns invalid XML as Exception when REQUEST params are ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"1d3f8a73b57de23f96d49db79e105a0d20f0504b". Jürgen Fischer
03:15 AM Bug report #11543 (Closed): QGIS Server returns invalid XML as Exception when REQUEST params are ...
If calling
http://<myip>/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?MAP=<myproject>.qgs&SERVICE=WMS or
Marco Lechner
03:17 AM Revision ac9220d3 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Finer control of frame and annotation display
Previously, for rotated maps or reprojected grids, the composer would
draw all coordinates for every map side. This r...
Nyall Dawson
01:54 AM Bug report #11541 (Closed): Bug when creating a new shapefile
Shetty Shetty
01:52 AM Bug report #11541: Bug when creating a new shapefile
I have no choice but using Qgis 2.2, but you're right maybe the problem is solved in 2.6!
Thanks for your a...
Shetty Shetty
01:44 AM Bug report #11541 (Feedback): Bug when creating a new shapefile
Hi, issue explanation is clear, but you must test qgis 2.6 as anyway there would not be any fixes for qgis 2.2. Giovanni Manghi
01:39 AM Bug report #11541 (Closed): Bug when creating a new shapefile
I noticed that when i'm creating a new shapefile in a new project with Valmiera 2.2, I can't see any points, lines or... Shetty Shetty
01:22 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Postgres 9.3.1 & PostGIS 2.1.0
Does happen on any layer (both, containing (multi) geometries and no geometries). We ...
Thomas Kandler


12:58 AM Bug report #11538 (Feedback): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Just tested on PostGIS layers (polygon and multipolygon) of my own and cannot replicate the issue. Does it happens on... Giovanni Manghi
12:52 AM Bug report #11538 (Open): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Giovanni Manghi
12:47 AM Bug report #11538: Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
Yes, 2.6 is also afflicted.
Regarding the formats: Postgres Database with PostGIS extension, geometry column is fill...
Thomas Kandler
12:17 AM Bug report #11538 (Feedback): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
does it happen on qgis 2.6? if not with shapes, what formats are affected? Giovanni Manghi
12:06 AM Bug report #11538 (Closed): Field Calculator cannot update certain PostGIS tables
* open PostGIS table with geometry
* enable editing
* select a few features
* open attribute table, click on F...
Thomas Kandler
12:48 AM Bug report #11341 (Closed): Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
Updating to 2.6 seems to have fixed the problem.
Thanks for your help.
David Kelly
01:29 PM Bug report #11341 (Feedback): Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
cannot replicate on both Linux and Windows with qgis 2.6
can you update and try again?
the linked data is in EP...
Giovanni Manghi
02:36 AM Bug report #11341 (Open): Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
Jürgen Fischer
02:24 AM Bug report #11341: Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
I was using this Shapefile from the Irish Central Statistics Office: David Kelly
12:34 AM Bug report #11540 (Feedback): Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
yes please, add a url that we can test. Giovanni Manghi
12:30 AM Bug report #11540 (Closed): Cannot load http_digest authenticated WMS
QGIS 2.6 is not able to load http_digest authenticated WMS any longer :-( .
If some WMS and users / password to test ...
armin11 -
12:24 AM Bug report #11539 (Closed): Processing modeller: calculation parameters lost
Inserting the formula e+2*h, as in
Paolo Cavallini
12:22 AM Feature request #11532 (Open): Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
Giovanni Manghi
10:41 PM Feature request #11532: Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
AFAICT, this is a feature request:
with the new dynamic legend, it is impossible to predict how long the legend will ...
Paolo Cavallini
12:04 PM Feature request #11532: Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
so the issue is that the composer always produce a 2 page print/pdf when it includes a legend, even if it configured ... Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Feature request #11532: Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
Actually it's a print layout one: LizMap uses the print layout from the project. Paolo Cavallini
08:54 AM Feature request #11532 (Feedback): Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
is this a qgis server issue or a lizmap one? seems like the second(?). Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Feature request #11532 (Feedback): Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
is this a qgis server issue or a lizmap one? seems like the second(?). Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Feature request #11532 (Feedback): Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
is this a qgis server issue or a lizmap one? seems like the second(?). Giovanni Manghi
06:29 AM Feature request #11532 (Open): Dynamic legend: add another page to layout when necessary
*new description:*
with the new dynamic legend, it is impossible to predict how long the legend will be, so the idea...
Andrea Fantini
12:21 AM Revision d546de1a (qgis): QgsDataSourceURI: add parameters to uri
Jürgen Fischer
12:21 AM Revision 991f94d3 (qgis): oracle provider:
* if a no spatial index is found try sdo_filter (fixes #11358)
* allow specifing connection parameters (eg. OCI_ATTR_...
Jürgen Fischer
12:20 AM Revision 9aa678b9 (qgis): fix feature action from identify menu (fixes #11533)
Jürgen Fischer
12:20 AM Bug report #11537 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on various operations
yes please, add details on how to replicate, log files, terminal messages, whatever it can help track down the issue. Giovanni Manghi
12:20 AM Bug report #11537 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on various operations
yes please, add details on how to replicate, log files, terminal messages, whatever it can help track down the issue. Giovanni Manghi
12:20 AM Bug report #11537 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on various operations
yes please, add details on how to replicate, log files, terminal messages, whatever it can help track down the issue. Giovanni Manghi
11:01 PM Bug report #11537 (Closed): QGIS crashes on various operations
QGIS crashes on various operations.
At the beginning it was after running python scripts through *Script Runner* plug...
Piotr Synowiec
12:18 AM Bug report #11434 (Closed): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> The error is no longer there; however, if I edit the calculator block, adding the formula, c...
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 PM Bug report #11434 (Reopened): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
The error is no longer there; however, if I edit the calculator block, adding the formula, click OK, then edit again,... Paolo Cavallini
11:04 PM Bug report #11434 (Reopened): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
The error is no longer there; however, if I edit the calculator block, adding the formula, click OK, then edit again,... Paolo Cavallini
02:40 PM Bug report #11434 (Closed): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
works as expected in qgis 2.6 Giovanni Manghi
02:40 PM Bug report #11434 (Closed): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
works as expected in qgis 2.6 Giovanni Manghi
06:45 PM Bug report #11358 (Closed): Spatial index is not used in Oracle views
Fixed in changeset commit:"991f94d3fb10f84a312432cabd80a42b080a68b1". Jürgen Fischer
04:07 PM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
I can confirm this on windows 7 32bit as well. With IT departments switching off SSLv3 support due poodle this will b... Jeremy Palmer
01:58 PM Bug report #11499 (Open): Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
Jürgen Fischer
11:43 AM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
Should this remain on feedback or should it be changed back to open? Anita Graser
09:41 AM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
Is there a possibility to make a workaround ( Thomas Arnold
03:43 PM Bug report #11447: Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
Olav Peeters wrote:
> I'm having the same issue with a text (csv) file on both the 2.6 release and 2.7.0-Master Maste...
Giovanni Manghi
03:42 PM Bug report #11447: Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
I'm having the same issue with a text (csv) file on both the 2.6 release and 2.7.0-Master Master (a68958f). I don't t... Olav Peeters
03:36 PM Bug report #11453 (Open): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
Giovanni Manghi
03:36 PM Bug report #11512 (Feedback): DBManager layer not projecting properly
I cannot replicate the issue... anymore. I must admit that I tested a few days ago on 2.4 and seen it (using a piece ... Giovanni Manghi
03:36 PM Bug report #11512 (Feedback): DBManager layer not projecting properly
I cannot replicate the issue... anymore. I must admit that I tested a few days ago on 2.4 and seen it (using a piece ... Giovanni Manghi
03:21 PM Bug report #11533 (Closed): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"9aa678b963a0d3f3f4805c56d64bc31cc29c8a29". Jürgen Fischer
09:41 AM Bug report #11533 (Open): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Confirmed on Windows, will try also Linux. Tagging as blocker as is a new feature that does not work as expected, fee... Giovanni Manghi
09:41 AM Bug report #11533 (Open): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Confirmed on Windows, will try also Linux. Tagging as blocker as is a new feature that does not work as expected, fee... Giovanni Manghi
09:41 AM Bug report #11533 (Open): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Confirmed on Windows, will try also Linux. Tagging as blocker as is a new feature that does not work as expected, fee... Giovanni Manghi
09:32 AM Bug report #11533: Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Using the Identify tool, right-clicking on a PostGIS layer feature, and selecting the Action option crashes QGIS.
I h...
Nathan Saylor
09:20 AM Bug report #11533 (Feedback): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
it is not clear to me what brings down your qgis, the identify tool or the action one?
I tested both on a PostGIS la...
Giovanni Manghi
09:20 AM Bug report #11533 (Feedback): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
it is not clear to me what brings down your qgis, the identify tool or the action one?
I tested both on a PostGIS la...
Giovanni Manghi
09:04 AM Bug report #11533 (Closed): Crash when doing right-click Identify/action on PostGIS layer
Right-click using the Identify tool for option to bring up Identify dialog or use Action on a PostGIS layer. The Acti... Nathan Saylor
02:59 PM Revision 23261ef6 (qgis): [TRANSUP] adding hindi from transifex
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:51 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
at least for the case of edited features the issue seems has been solved by commit:4cf08c5c112278ab4f50cf21b735a4a58d... Giovanni Manghi
02:51 PM Bug report #7540 (Closed): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
after commit:4cf08c5c112278ab4f50cf21b735a4a58d6a98aa I really cannot make to replicate this issue. That commit solve... Giovanni Manghi
02:51 PM Bug report #7540 (Closed): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
after commit:4cf08c5c112278ab4f50cf21b735a4a58d6a98aa I really cannot make to replicate this issue. That commit solve... Giovanni Manghi
02:28 PM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
ramon . wrote:
> This seems fairly reliable for me:
> * Open an attribute table for a layer that you are editing.
> *...
Giovanni Manghi
02:28 PM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
ramon . wrote:
> This seems fairly reliable for me:
> * Open an attribute table for a layer that you are editing.
> *...
Giovanni Manghi
02:09 PM Bug report #8255: in edit mode changing primary key discards geometry modifications
(amazingly) I can confirm this issue, and is not a regression but something that affects qgis since long aso... (test... Giovanni Manghi
01:57 PM Bug report #11536 (Closed): lxml module work only with qgis 32bit and not 64bit
Hi,i download *lxml* ( for my personal python plugins with pypi, but it work only o... SC SC
01:51 PM Bug report #11201: New Shapefile and attribute table: QGIS allows illegal characters in attribute...
see also #10115 Giovanni Manghi
01:51 PM Bug report #10115 (Closed): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems with...
Closing this in favor of #11201 as it has a more general description. Giovanni Manghi
01:51 PM Bug report #10115 (Closed): columns with a "%" in their name can cause crash and/or problems with...
Closing this in favor of #11201 as it has a more general description. Giovanni Manghi
01:49 PM Bug report #11524 (Closed): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
I assume that this is really fixed as any test (on Windows and Linux) show it is, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:49 PM Bug report #11524 (Closed): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
I assume that this is really fixed as any test (on Windows and Linux) show it is, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
01:47 PM Bug report #11535 (Feedback): Union issue
Sorry but the description does not help understand the issue. Is not even clear if it is an issue report or a questio... Giovanni Manghi
01:47 PM Bug report #11535 (Feedback): Union issue
Sorry but the description does not help understand the issue. Is not even clear if it is an issue report or a questio... Giovanni Manghi
11:19 AM Bug report #11535 (Closed): Union issue
I have a union bug, i have many shapefiles for diferents roads, and i need to make a union of them, when the s...
Vitor silva de araujo Vitor
01:43 PM Bug report #11534 (Feedback): Edit operations discarded after saving them
I'm not sure this is bug report or a question. Assuming is a bug report we must know more details: what editing opera... Giovanni Manghi
01:43 PM Bug report #11534 (Feedback): Edit operations discarded after saving them
I'm not sure this is bug report or a question. Assuming is a bug report we must know more details: what editing opera... Giovanni Manghi
11:14 AM Bug report #11534 (Closed): Edit operations discarded after saving them
I have a problem with my shapefile... i need edit lines with a topology rule and when i save my edits and fix ...
Vitor silva de araujo Vitor
12:18 PM Bug report #11531 (Feedback): Lines to polygons tool error
it works just fine on qgis 2.6 on Windows.
You should:
* upgrade to qgis 2.6
* check that in .qgis2/pyhton/plugins ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:26 AM Bug report #11531 (Closed): Lines to polygons tool error
An error occurs when using the Lines to Polygons tool to convert multilines to polygons. The tool works on a test dat... Ammar Sh
06:22 AM Bug report #11527 (Closed): Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open nu...
I believe this had something to do with the fact I was working on a project built with qgis 2.4. When I created a new... Filipe Dias
05:03 AM Bug report #11527: Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number inpu...
Looks like local issue. I tested on two computers and it is not reproducible. Please check other algorithms with nume... Alexander Bruy
03:09 AM Bug report #8648 (Closed): QGIS Oracle connection
Jürgen Fischer
03:09 AM Bug report #8665 (Closed): QGIS doesn't use SID for Oracle connection
Jürgen Fischer
02:25 AM Bug report #11530 (Closed): Spatial query plugin: missing explanation in the manual
Two options (Result feature ID's > Invalid source | Invalid reference) are unclear (to me at least) and not explained... Paolo Cavallini
01:53 AM Feature request #10868: Processing: Import into PostGIS defaults
Sorry, I overlooked the fix. Checked, it's OK, thanks. Paolo Cavallini


10:34 PM Revision a68958fb (qgis): browser: register editor widgets (fixes #11529)
Jürgen Fischer
08:51 PM Revision 51e01d6d (qgis): add QScintilla2 include directory to python bindings and oracle provider
(fixes #11528) Jürgen Fischer
07:55 PM Revision 1baba3ae (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex and string update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
07:15 PM Revision c78f199a (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
01:39 PM Bug report #11527: Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number inpu...
Im on Ubuntu 14.04 and installed QGIS Master from Ubuntugis nightly Filipe Dias
01:38 PM Bug report #11527: Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number inpu...
I remembered than when I upgraded QGIS Master, I saw an installation error regarding libqgis-customwidgets. Can this ... Filipe Dias
10:52 AM Bug report #11527: Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number inpu...
Filipe Dias wrote:
> Step to reproduce: on "Input extent", select a layer loaded in the project and then press "Point...
Giovanni Manghi
06:10 AM Bug report #11527: Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open number inpu...
Step to reproduce: on "Input extent", select a layer loaded in the project and then press "Point spacing count". If y... Filipe Dias
04:21 AM Bug report #11527 (Feedback): Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open ...
cannot confirm on osgeo4w/master. Will test also Linux. Giovanni Manghi
01:22 AM Bug report #11527 (Closed): Processing - Regular points - QGIS freezes when clicking on "Open nu...
QGIS freezes when the user clicks on "Open number input dialog" from "Point spacing count" Filipe Dias
01:35 PM Bug report #11529 (Closed): QGIS browser do not show anymore the table of attributes
Fixed in changeset commit:"a68958fbe389547ed3847e1388dc91fb368f1f62". Jürgen Fischer
12:30 PM Bug report #11529 (Closed): QGIS browser do not show anymore the table of attributes
it just shows a column with "feature id".
it used to work until 2.2, broken in 2.4 and 2.6.
Giovanni Manghi
12:53 PM Revision 7976d948 (qgis): fix several SAGA 2.1.2 modules, take1
Giovanni Manghi
11:51 AM Bug report #11528 (Closed): python-gui can't find Qsci headers
Fixed in changeset commit:"51e01d6d1caf89c2e17b967908198464288cb04a". Jürgen Fischer
10:49 AM Bug report #11528 (Closed): python-gui can't find Qsci headers
(note: QGIS 2.6 release, no version tag yet in issue tracker)
Compilation error:...
William Kyngesburye


01:00 PM Revision 92de1f1b (qgis): fix directory layout
Alexander Bruy
12:58 PM Revision 8be274dc (qgis): [processing] add Vector grid algorithm (addresses #5953)
Alexander Bruy
12:57 PM Revision e8d3d5a2 (qgis): [processing] add Vector split algorithm (addresses #5953)
Alexander Bruy
12:56 PM Revision cc3ccdf3 (qgis): [processing] fix Join by location alg
Alexander Bruy
12:56 PM Revision 9d1a7b3e (qgis): [processing] add Symetrical difference algorithm (addresses #5953)
Alexander Bruy
12:56 PM Revision ae4a1441 (qgis): [processing] add Regular points algorithm (addresses #5953)
Alexander Bruy
07:21 AM Bug report #11524: Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> > that did not solve the problem for me.
> > toggling the editing but...
Pedro Venâncio
04:11 AM Bug report #11524 (Feedback): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> that did not solve the problem for me.
> toggling the editing button does not change anything ...
Giovanni Manghi
05:47 AM Bug report #5953 (Closed): Add fTools modules
Last missed modules added in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
05:47 AM Bug report #5953 (Closed): Add fTools modules
Last missed modules added in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy
05:47 AM Bug report #5953 (Closed): Add fTools modules
Last missed modules added in master. Please reopen if necessary. Alexander Bruy


10:52 PM Revision b8624204 (qgis): add link to 2.6 doxymentation to master version
Jürgen Fischer
08:38 PM Revision a2a094bd (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Allow control of hoz and vert margins for labels
Previously only a single margin setting would apply to both
horizontal and vertical margins. This change allows users...
Nyall Dawson
08:38 PM Revision 220bc844 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Full screen mode for composer
This change adds a full screen mode for the composer. Full screen
mode can be enabled via a shortcut key (F11) or via...
Nyall Dawson
08:38 PM Revision 48e0a591 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] New action for toggling visibility of panels
This change adds a new action to the composer which hides or shows
all panels from the window. It's useful for maximi...
Nyall Dawson
08:38 PM Revision a57080cc (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Allow negative margins for label items
If negative margins are set for a label, the label contents will
begin outside the bounds of the label. This is desir...
Nyall Dawson
08:38 PM Revision 7b537f64 (qgis): [FEATURE][composer] Add view menu option to hide bounding boxes
This allows users to hide the bounding boxes for selected items
within a composition. It's a handy feature for allowi...
Nyall Dawson
03:21 PM Revision c180fecb (qgis): support icons in map layer actions
Denis Rouzaud
03:21 PM Bug report #7921: Wrong Primary Keys when adding PostGIS Layer
closing for the lack of (useful) feedback. Jürgen Fischer
03:17 PM Revision 5016213f (qgis): fix splash screen
Jürgen Fischer
03:09 PM Feature request #10867 (Closed): Allow to select CRS for all files selected for add to Canvas
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
03:09 PM Feature request #10867 (Closed): Allow to select CRS for all files selected for add to Canvas
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
03:07 PM Feature request #10868 (Closed): Processing: Import into PostGIS defaults
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
03:07 PM Feature request #10868 (Closed): Processing: Import into PostGIS defaults
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
03:04 PM Bug report #10404 (Closed): Processing module error
apparently fixed. Jürgen Fischer
03:04 PM Bug report #10404 (Closed): Processing module error
apparently fixed. Jürgen Fischer
03:02 PM Feature request #9885 (Closed): Update or Install extensions in Valmiera 2.2.0
closed for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
03:02 PM Feature request #9885 (Closed): Update or Install extensions in Valmiera 2.2.0
closed for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
01:00 PM Revision 0bfe8aba (qgis): Bump version to 2.7
Jürgen Fischer
01:00 PM Revision 8acae246 (qgis): Release of 2.6 (Brighton)
Jürgen Fischer
12:57 PM Revision 3a33dbdd (qgis): update changelog for 2.6 release
Jürgen Fischer
12:55 PM Revision d3662025 (qgis): Less verbose debug output in layer tree model
Martin Dobias
12:53 PM Revision 48af5431 (qgis): invert back toggle editing button in relation editor widget (fixes #11524,
followup b1a2bef1) Jürgen Fischer
12:43 PM Revision 74167c01 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex translation updates
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
12:18 PM Revision e4d17352 (qgis): fix more graduate renderer crashes (followup d99d2fd97)
Jürgen Fischer
12:07 PM Revision 60706275 (qgis): Merge pull request #1669 from gioman/tmp_fix_modeller_saga
fix modeller with saga tools Alexander Bruy
12:04 PM Revision 9024badc (qgis): fix modeller with saga tools
Giovanni Manghi
10:07 AM Revision d99d2fd9 (qgis): fix graduated renderer crash (followup 6de53e51b)
Jürgen Fischer
08:35 AM Bug report #11526 (Closed): Vector layer "Save as..." fails with GDAL 1.11.1
When right clicking on a vector layer and selecting "Save as..." QGIS crashes. This behavior happens only when using ... Daniel Sánchez Pillot Gutiérrez
07:54 AM Bug report #11478 (Closed): MYSQL Features Attributes can not selected correctly
I have found the solution:
The table needs a Primary Key and Auto Incrementing.
Gerd Dreier
07:18 AM Bug report #11201: New Shapefile and attribute table: QGIS allows illegal characters in attribute...
For helping to find right documents, yes, there is an official specification about shapefile format
Jukka Rahkonen
07:03 AM Bug report #11524 (Reopened): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
that did not solve the problem for me.
toggling the editing button does not change anything in the embed form.
Denis Rouzaud
04:53 AM Bug report #11524 (Closed): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
Fixed in changeset commit:"48af54316f49d10187e92be9343c57e0a06ef72e". Jürgen Fischer
03:54 AM Bug report #11524: Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
quick sample project? Jürgen Fischer
02:32 AM Bug report #11524: Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
I also confirm.
Would be quite painful to release with this one.
Denis Rouzaud
06:56 AM Bug report #11466 (Closed): Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (Win...
Confirmed working in master. Marking it closed. THX!! -Jon jon sellars
03:22 AM Feature request #11515: Use ogr2ogr to create midpoints along lines
In this case, the actual geometries. In ecological surveys, it is quite common to plan surveys along line transects a... Filipe Dias
03:13 AM Feature request #11515: Use ogr2ogr to create midpoints along lines
Do you actually want new point geometries or is it just necessary for symbology? In the latter case, there is the mar... Andreas Neumann
02:28 AM Feature request #11183: Shortcut keys for layer groups
Is it possible to add Ctrl + LMB to collapse/expand all layers functionality, and the same shortcut to show/hide all ... Wojtek Bisaga
01:11 AM Bug report #10844 (Closed): Modeller, python error when removing an algorithm
it is fine on master. Giovanni Manghi
01:11 AM Bug report #10844 (Closed): Modeller, python error when removing an algorithm
it is fine on master. Giovanni Manghi


12:14 AM Bug report #6468: loadNamedStyle does not apply labelfield
James Stott wrote:
> I have this problem also. The labels do not get applied to my maps when using a standalone pytho...
Jürgen Fischer
11:59 PM Bug report #11516 (Closed): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is lo...
Jürgen Fischer
11:09 AM Bug report #11516 (Reopened): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> This ticket is about saving inside the style, inside the database (postgresql) the state of ...
Jürgen Fischer
11:09 AM Bug report #11516 (Reopened): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> This ticket is about saving inside the style, inside the database (postgresql) the state of ...
Jürgen Fischer
11:09 AM Bug report #11516 (Reopened): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> This ticket is about saving inside the style, inside the database (postgresql) the state of ...
Jürgen Fischer
11:04 AM Bug report #11516 (Closed): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is lo...
Fixed in changeset commit:"dfff717a05c302a909e5710af36235a76040dbed". Jürgen Fischer
09:58 AM Bug report #11516: "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is loaded
This ticket is about saving inside the style, inside the database (postgresql) the state of edit widgtes, and I confi... Giovanni Manghi
09:58 AM Bug report #11516: "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is loaded
This ticket is about saving inside the style, inside the database (postgresql) the state of edit widgtes, and I confi... Giovanni Manghi
08:51 AM Bug report #11516 (Reopened): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is ...
Excuse me, but I have to ask:
If this is a duplicate of another bug report, where it says "Fixed in changeset e6a259...
Roi Hojgaard
10:31 PM Revision f0970800 (qgis): ftools: field uniqueness fix (fixes #11523)
Jürgen Fischer
09:27 PM Revision d9419498 (qgis): also restore style for file based layers (followup dfff717a0) and
use file name for GeoJSON layers (fixes #10711) Jürgen Fischer
07:02 PM Revision dfff717a (qgis): when manually loading layers defer loading default style until the laye...
added to the registry so that the readCustomSymbology signal can be processed
by the edit widget registry (fixes #11516)
Jürgen Fischer
04:23 PM Revision 18db8c01 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
02:32 PM Bug report #11523 (Closed): Intersecting three layers messed up attribute table if identical fiel...
Fixed in changeset commit:"f09708004ec701ab511499c96935d8765c8ce0fb". Jürgen Fischer
02:03 AM Bug report #11523 (Closed): Intersecting three layers messed up attribute table if identical fiel...
The error happens when trying to intersect three layers, say A with B and then AB with C to get ABC. If same field na... Evangelos Rozos
01:36 PM Bug report #11341 (Feedback): Crashing on OSX when saving as layer geojson and changing CRS
Works fine for me on Linux. Please attach a sample file that demonstrates the problem. Jürgen Fischer
01:31 PM Revision 23f39a23 (qgis): attribute dialog: really keep cloned feature until destruction (feature...
also need it and crash otherwise)
This reverts revert commit f618cae5e8a9c893038101db54f5ddecb5087cdf.
Jürgen Fischer
01:30 PM Bug report #10711 (Closed): every geojson layers are named OGRGeoJSON
Fixed in changeset commit:"d94194988f5b0e4384fc024ce3574d89bc98a1a9". Jürgen Fischer
12:43 PM Bug report #9598 (Feedback): problems with adding embed layers/groups
2) and 3) seems to me are fixed in qgis master.
1) seems still true
Giovanni Manghi
12:43 PM Bug report #9598 (Feedback): problems with adding embed layers/groups
2) and 3) seems to me are fixed in qgis master.
1) seems still true
Giovanni Manghi
12:43 PM Bug report #9598 (Feedback): problems with adding embed layers/groups
2) and 3) seems to me are fixed in qgis master.
1) seems still true
Giovanni Manghi
12:32 PM Bug report #10167: Deleting features in Attributes Table is very slow
still an issue on the latest master. Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #4955 (Closed): Wrong results, when calculated results are too long for DBF field
duplicate of #4766 Giovanni Manghi
12:24 PM Bug report #4955 (Closed): Wrong results, when calculated results are too long for DBF field
duplicate of #4766 Giovanni Manghi
12:23 PM Bug report #9554 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
duplicate of #4766 Giovanni Manghi
12:23 PM Bug report #9554 (Closed): Strange errors working with 10 digit real or integers
duplicate of #4766 Giovanni Manghi
12:19 PM Bug report #9787 (Closed): hanging / memory leak when moving large numbers of points
duplicate of #11197 (and fixed). Giovanni Manghi
12:19 PM Bug report #9787 (Closed): hanging / memory leak when moving large numbers of points
duplicate of #11197 (and fixed). Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #8326: MSSQL Import doesn't set SRID recognizable to ArcGIS
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
11:56 AM Bug report #8326 (Closed): MSSQL Import doesn't set SRID recognizable to ArcGIS
Giovanni Manghi
11:49 AM Bug report #11422: Crash after bulk change of attribute value in shapefile
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I confirm the regression (it is also affected the field calculator...
Giovanni Manghi
11:31 AM Bug report #11422: Crash after bulk change of attribute value in shapefile
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I confirm the regression (it is also affected the field calculator).
ogrinfo shows it's a @...
Jürgen Fischer
11:31 AM Bug report #11422: Crash after bulk change of attribute value in shapefile
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I confirm the regression (it is also affected the field calculator).
ogrinfo shows it's a @...
Jürgen Fischer
10:20 AM Bug report #11422: Crash after bulk change of attribute value in shapefile
I confirm the regression (it is also affected the field calculator). Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #9565 (Closed): Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provide...
seems to work fine now also on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #9565 (Closed): Dxf2Shp converter plugin does not generate any output with the provide...
seems to work fine now also on Windows. Giovanni Manghi
11:42 AM Bug report #5811: dbmanager freezes when the schema has a lot of tables
still true on latest master. Giovanni Manghi
11:39 AM Bug report #9836 (Feedback): QGIS 2.2 Crash dumped on Windows 8.1
is this a local issue? or maybe an issue that was fixed on recent releases (2.4 or master)? Giovanni Manghi
11:39 AM Bug report #9836 (Feedback): QGIS 2.2 Crash dumped on Windows 8.1
is this a local issue? or maybe an issue that was fixed on recent releases (2.4 or master)? Giovanni Manghi
11:08 AM Revision a0b52412 (qgis): remove "added" notes for 1.x and 2.0 versions
Denis Rouzaud
11:02 AM Bug report #10141 (Feedback): Setting data defined properties "Pen width" and "Dash pattern" caus...
does still happen on recent qgis releases (2.4 and/or master)?
anyway, do we still support xp and vista? :)
Giovanni Manghi
11:00 AM Bug report #10138 (Feedback): Crash in svg cache with svg symbols
cannot replicate on master, still true? Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #10537: Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offline state
found that this is a regression since qgis 2.0.1, where overwriting the already existing offline db worked without is... Giovanni Manghi
10:55 AM Bug report #10537: Converting offline twice within the same instance causing unusable offline state
found that this is a regression since qgis 2.0.1, where overwriting the already existing offline db worked without is... Giovanni Manghi
10:53 AM Bug report #10263: Freeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex poly...
still true on the latest master. Giovanni Manghi
10:28 AM Bug report #10515: QGIS Crash when trying to load a point layer to georss file
still true on the latest master. Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #11145 (Feedback): Large format export/printing (with transparencies and blending mode...
Giovanni Manghi
10:24 AM Bug report #11145: Large format export/printing (with transparencies and blending modes) crashes ...

> That's good to know, but on 32bit machines this problem is still a serious limitation...
this issue is known sinc...
Giovanni Manghi
10:24 AM Bug report #11145: Large format export/printing (with transparencies and blending modes) crashes ...

> That's good to know, but on 32bit machines this problem is still a serious limitation...
this issue is known sinc...
Giovanni Manghi
10:16 AM Bug report #11521: EasyCustomLabeling doesn't work well after saving project
thanks for replay and for the gorgeous plugin.
Luca Lanteri
05:51 AM Bug report #11521 (Closed): EasyCustomLabeling doesn't work well after saving project
Hi, this is a know problem, some signals are not fetched correctly. I push your issue in the plugin's bugtracker: [... Regis Haubourg
10:09 AM Bug report #10474 (Closed): Project made in qgis 2.0.1 error on load in qgis 2.2
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
10:09 AM Bug report #10474 (Closed): Project made in qgis 2.0.1 error on load in qgis 2.2
closing for lack of feedback. Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #4946 (Open): Invalid loading of WMS layer in not recognized projection
Giovanni Manghi
09:10 AM Bug report #9678 (Open): Python console : crash when printing from signals
Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #11067 (Closed): field overflow when saving style
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:09 AM Bug report #11067 (Closed): field overflow when saving style
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:08 AM Bug report #10001 (Closed): Window 7 menu shortcuts broken
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:08 AM Bug report #10001 (Closed): Window 7 menu shortcuts broken
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:06 AM Bug report #10026 (Closed): Postinstallation fails
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
09:06 AM Bug report #10026 (Closed): Postinstallation fails
closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
08:09 AM Bug report #10494: SAGA "Convert Points to Line(s)" wrong output if input is a CSV
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> works as expected in qgis master.
better: this saga tool does not seems to support csv as i...
Giovanni Manghi
08:08 AM Bug report #10494 (Closed): SAGA "Convert Points to Line(s)" wrong output if input is a CSV
works as expected in qgis master. Giovanni Manghi
08:08 AM Bug report #10494 (Closed): SAGA "Convert Points to Line(s)" wrong output if input is a CSV
works as expected in qgis master. Giovanni Manghi
08:03 AM Bug report #10904 (Closed): postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector...
closing for lack of feedback. please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
08:03 AM Bug report #10904 (Closed): postgresql table shows only 500 features when adding from "add vector...
closing for lack of feedback. please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
07:31 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I must admit that I do not really use QGIS much. In WFS it is normal to hide FIDs from the users and it looks like QG... Jukka Rahkonen
07:13 AM Bug report #7540 (Feedback): Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
it seems this could have been solved by this commit:4cf08c5c112278ab4f50cf21b735a4a58d6a98aa Giovanni Manghi
07:03 AM Bug report #11525 (Closed): Junção de shapefile
Caro Vitor Silva, boa tarde
please file tickets in English. When filing a ticket with an issue as the one you descr...
Giovanni Manghi
07:03 AM Bug report #11525 (Closed): Junção de shapefile
Caro Vitor Silva, boa tarde
please file tickets in English. When filing a ticket with an issue as the one you descr...
Giovanni Manghi
06:27 AM Bug report #11525 (Closed): Junção de shapefile
Estou com um problema. Possuo vários shapefiles de rodovias e vias de um município, com a primitiva gráfica de l...
Vitor silva de araujo Vitor
06:42 AM Feature request #11497: QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, ne...
it turns out that is necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request, like
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
Giovanni Manghi
06:42 AM Feature request #11497: QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, ne...
it turns out that is necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request, like
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
Giovanni Manghi
06:42 AM Feature request #11497: QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, ne...
it turns out that is necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request, like
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
Giovanni Manghi
04:51 AM Bug report #11466: Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (Windows only)
Thanks! Trying to get master installed on our work machines. Will reply when I do. jon sellars
03:48 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
ramon . wrote:
> This seems fairly reliable for me:
> * Open an attribute table for a layer that you are editing.
> *...
Pedro Venâncio
03:43 AM Bug report #11520: CSV import plugin does not ask for CRS
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> the option actually make sense to me, this is why in general options > CRS there is the opti...
Regis Haubourg
02:24 AM Bug report #11520: CSV import plugin does not ask for CRS
Yes - sounds a good idea to me too. I'll aim for a 2.8 implementation. Chris Crook
03:37 AM Bug report #11524: Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
I have seen this on master/linux too. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 AM Bug report #11524: Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
Sorry, I forgot to fill the *Category -> +Forms+*. Pedro Venâncio
03:31 AM Bug report #11524 (Closed): Relations Subforms - Start/Stop editing problem
There is a problem in toggle editing button of subforms.
To start editing, you need to click 2-3 times to toggle edi...
Pedro Venâncio
02:37 AM Bug report #11522: Most default SVG marker images rendering broken, border lines too thin, under ...
Confirmed here, quite annoying. Paolo Cavallini
01:16 AM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I am not sure if it is related, but recently on the italian mailing list was reported a sim...
Jürgen Fischer
01:08 AM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
I am not sure if it is related, but recently on the italian mailing list was reported a similar issue. An user is exp... Salvatore Larosa


11:54 PM Revision ef56c53c (qgis): GDAL tools: put tif back to top for save file dialog formats (fixes #11...
Jürgen Fischer
10:47 PM Bug report #11522: Most default SVG marker images rendering broken, border lines too thin, under ...
Well, the problem wasn't at all with the border size value.
After looking at my 32-bit build again (not sure why thi...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:33 PM Bug report #11522 (Closed): Most default SVG marker images rendering broken, border lines too thi...
Under QGIS linux 64-bit, the rendering of most of the SVG marker images packaged with QGIS is broken. The rendering m... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:47 PM Revision 75bfc1b0 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update excluding locations
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
08:31 PM Revision 6e51ac96 (qgis): adjust update_ts_files to exclude location
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
04:56 PM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I nailed it down to gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/mysql/ogrmysqltablelayer.cpp: OGRMySQLTableLayer::BuildWhere() for my case..... D. Hiepler
03:13 PM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I forgot to mention the QGIS version: I tried master cc5d3bc (I don't get a crash)
MariaDB: 10.0.14 and 5.5.39
GDAL: ...
D. Hiepler
03:13 PM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers

D. Hiepler
02:01 PM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
> I then adde...
Jürgen Fischer
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #5067 (Feedback): QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I have set up mysql in my linux (ubuntu) box and added the suggested layer.
I then added this layer using qgis 2.4/m...
Giovanni Manghi
05:57 AM Bug report #5067: QGIS crashes on Linux when adding MySQL layers
I experience the same issue. Layers loaded via OGR/MySQL don't get drawn.
To reproduce:
* create mysql db:...
D. Hiepler
03:55 PM Bug report #11507 (Closed): GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
Fixed in changeset commit:"ef56c53cc623958e27cad46d49a0e8d23cade69c". Jürgen Fischer
03:06 PM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
This seems fairly reliable for me:
* Open an attribute table for a layer that you are editing.
** Any change you make...
ramon .
02:15 PM Revision cc5d3bcb (qgis): Merge pull request #1668 from m-kuhn/action-menu-crash
Alternative approach to f9fcee9 Jürgen Fischer
01:54 PM Revision a7f889dc (qgis): Use a copy of the feature for the action menu in the attribute dialog
Matthias Kuhn
01:53 PM Revision f618cae5 (qgis): Revert "attribute dialog: keep clone feature until destruction (fixes c...
This reverts commit f9fcee980ec7fb721187080f853f86dfbf453918. Matthias Kuhn
01:47 PM Bug report #11521 (Closed): EasyCustomLabeling doesn't work well after saving project
step to replicate:
1) create a memory layer with EasyCustomLabeling
2) move some labels
3) install Memory Layer Save...
Luca Lanteri
01:17 PM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
It was reported quite short before release (actually after the original release date) and is a UX glitch rather than ... Matthias Kuhn
12:08 PM Bug report #11517 (Feedback): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
If this is a regression this should be tagged as blocker, but I'm not sure is a good idea so near the release. Jürgen... Giovanni Manghi
01:30 AM Bug report #11517: Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
This works fine in 2.2 btw. Roi Hojgaard
12:49 PM Bug report #11518: Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
you are right Steve Toutant
11:56 AM Bug report #11518: Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
Steve Toutant wrote:
> Thanks for your comments Giovanni,
> I successfully loaded the layer. I needed to specify the...
Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #11518 (Closed): Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
Thanks for your comments Giovanni,
I successfully loaded the layer. I needed to specify the projection 3857 before ...
Steve Toutant
11:33 AM Bug report #11518 (Feedback): Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
I'm not sure I have undertsand the issue:
the described layer and server works fine for me, it just happen that if t...
Giovanni Manghi
08:46 AM Bug report #11518: Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
This WMS is defined by a mapserver mapfile. The temperature l... Steve Toutant
08:29 AM Bug report #11518: Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
Testing GetCapabilities
Jukka Rahkonen
12:48 PM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
If you need you can de-check the editable option from the "Edit widget option". I thinks it's preferable to leave thi... Luca Lanteri
08:34 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
If FIDs are visible can you still prevent users from editing them and making a disaster? Jukka Rahkonen
12:35 PM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Obviously this is a new feature in OGR's Shapefile driver - from
Giovanni Manghi
12:35 PM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
Martin Dobias wrote:
> Obviously this is a new feature in OGR's Shapefile driver - from
Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Revision 4cf08c5c (qgis): Avoid unneeded geometry cloning in QgsGeometry::nodeGeometries
Affects splitGeometry and reshapeGeometry public functions Sandro Santilli
12:32 PM Bug report #11466: Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (Windows only)
works just fine for me on qgis master/windows. Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Revision 8d7eb7d6 (qgis): Fix missing show/hide selected layers icons
Larry Shaffer
12:25 PM Feature request #11503 (Feedback): Save as image do not export text annotations
I cannot confirm it is a regression, I tested down to qgis 1.6... maybe an even older release?
Anyway you can e...
Giovanni Manghi
12:25 PM Feature request #11503 (Feedback): Save as image do not export text annotations
I cannot confirm it is a regression, I tested down to qgis 1.6... maybe an even older release?
Anyway you can e...
Giovanni Manghi
12:15 PM Bug report #8118 (Closed): No usable legend when data defined symbology is used
see #11491 Giovanni Manghi
12:15 PM Bug report #8118 (Closed): No usable legend when data defined symbology is used
see #11491 Giovanni Manghi
12:11 PM Bug report #2818 (Closed): Rule-based render categories not showing in layer or composer legends
Giovanni Manghi
12:06 PM Bug report #11520: CSV import plugin does not ask for CRS
the option actually make sense to me, this is why in general options > CRS there is the option "prompt for CRS". But ... Giovanni Manghi
03:02 AM Bug report #11520 (Closed): CSV import plugin does not ask for CRS
When user settings are set to : "set CRS of new layers to project CRS", then no dialog is raised to ask for choosing... Regis Haubourg
12:01 PM Feature request #11430 (Closed): qgis osgeo4w portable install
better open a discussion in the developers mailing lists, where you will certainly find more support/ideas. Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Feature request #11430 (Closed): qgis osgeo4w portable install
better open a discussion in the developers mailing lists, where you will certainly find more support/ideas. Giovanni Manghi
05:55 AM Feature request #11430: qgis osgeo4w portable install
@Paolo Cavallini: ups, typo, thanx
@Giovanni Manghi: Yes, i know it. But they have a lot off double installs, because...
Andreas Mueller
11:40 AM Revision f9fcee98 (qgis): attribute dialog: keep clone feature until destruction (fixes crash fro...
menu) Jürgen Fischer
11:30 AM Revision f831475f (qgis): Drop execute flag from .cpp file
Sandro Santilli
08:56 AM Bug report #8359: Remove warning about WMS

> and imho it's more misleading than helpful because the reason why WMS do not print in my experience is if the outp...
Giovanni Manghi
08:44 AM Bug report #8359: Remove warning about WMS
What do you suggest for making the message more understandable for QGIS users? For me as a Mapserver user it does mak... Jukka Rahkonen
08:30 AM Revision 0ee7cfd9 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
03:08 AM Revision 0aeea528 (qgis): Fix a crash after adding favourites to browser when the item is not yet...
The model was getting broken due to list of children being overwritten and
it was sometimes crashing in the proxy mod...
Martin Dobias
02:16 AM Feature request #11505: One to many / many to one joins
But this doesn't allow you to update a table - you have to click on each object. What about tables with 1000s of reco... Ed Hudspeth
01:53 AM Feature request #11505 (Closed): One to many / many to one joins
QGIS relations offer the possibility to define a 1:N relation and integrate with the feature form.
Matthias Kuhn
02:12 AM Bug report #11269: can't access in Python to new features added to editBuffer
On Fedora Linux 64bit/current master the command works as expected Matthias Kuhn
01:30 AM Bug report #11519 (Closed): PyQGIS api file should be updated for 2.6 release
Ahh, must have missed that. Sorry for the noise! Nyall Dawson
01:30 AM Bug report #11519 (Closed): PyQGIS api file should be updated for 2.6 release
Ahh, must have missed that. Sorry for the noise! Nyall Dawson
01:13 AM Bug report #11519: PyQGIS api file should be updated for 2.6 release
Hi Nyall, I updated the prepared APIs file here commit:2da907741e188b1c75e0c3916bb3be7f9ae11542, so you should alread... Salvatore Larosa
01:13 AM Revision 0a875d3e (qgis): db manager: show error message in bar when adding a layer fails (fixes ...
Jürgen Fischer


07:58 PM Bug report #11519 (Closed): PyQGIS api file should be updated for 2.6 release
The PyQGIS api file used for the python console needs to be updated prior to the 2.6 release. It's missing api change... Nyall Dawson
05:55 PM Bug report #8148 (Closed): add warning when trying add to canvas a view without a primary key
Fixed in changeset commit:"0a875d3e819750fa4e0240a3d48459ac615bb03b". Jürgen Fischer
05:53 PM Bug report #10066 (Closed): layer from query - data type is not recognized when using operand in ...
Apparently "SQLite uses dynamic run-time typing": and doesn't offer ... Jürgen Fischer
05:53 PM Bug report #10066 (Closed): layer from query - data type is not recognized when using operand in ...
Apparently "SQLite uses dynamic run-time typing": and doesn't offer ... Jürgen Fischer
04:11 PM Bug report #5630 (Feedback): After specifying a Target SRID with drag and drop, QGIS still opens ...
No reproducable - might be fixed. Jürgen Fischer
04:03 PM Bug report #5044 (Feedback): Error getting permissions when used service to connect to a a PG db
not reproducable - is this still current? Jürgen Fischer
03:42 PM Bug report #7083 (Closed): When creating a table, DB Manager should put 0 as default SRID, not -1
already merged in commit:38929644
Jürgen Fischer
03:42 PM Bug report #7083 (Closed): When creating a table, DB Manager should put 0 as default SRID, not -1
already merged in commit:38929644
Jürgen Fischer
03:40 PM Feature request #6922: Proxy - use System settings
Hi Jürgen. I have assigned you, to review whether my assessment here is correct (or not). I can do the coding ASAP to... Larry Shaffer
03:40 PM Feature request #6922: Proxy - use System settings
Hi Jürgen. I have assigned you, to review whether my assessment here is correct (or not). I can do the coding ASAP to... Larry Shaffer
03:40 PM Feature request #6922: Proxy - use System settings
Hi Jürgen. I have assigned you, to review whether my assessment here is correct (or not). I can do the coding ASAP to... Larry Shaffer
03:34 PM Feature request #6922: Proxy - use System settings
After looking over the QGIS proxy factory code, and the Qt documentation, it looks like QGIS may already support your... Larry Shaffer
02:27 PM Feature request #10301: [composer] Support formatting for grid coordinates
Not quite. That's a partial solution (and a prerequisite for this), but we'd also need to support rendering HTML form... Nyall Dawson
02:12 PM Feature request #10301: [composer] Support formatting for grid coordinates
Could this be merged with my feature request #9292? Klas Karlsson
02:26 PM Feature request #9292: Custom Format for Grid Coordinates
That's the plan. It's dependent on #9546 though. Nyall Dawson
01:33 PM Feature request #9292: Custom Format for Grid Coordinates
Why not add a "data defined" option for the "Draw Coordinates" > "Format" option...
see attached file
As long as th...
Klas Karlsson
01:25 PM Bug report #11516 (Closed): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is lo...
duplicate of #11511 Jürgen Fischer
01:25 PM Bug report #11516 (Closed): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is lo...
duplicate of #11511 Jürgen Fischer
09:45 AM Bug report #11516 (Closed): "Edit widget" setting not loaded, when layer with default style is lo...
Dear developers.
The auto loading of default style of a layer is not working, and hasn't since 2.2, as far as I can ...
Roi Hojgaard
01:21 PM Bug report #11511 (Closed): QML doesn't store edit widget info
duplicate of #11123 Jürgen Fischer
01:21 PM Bug report #11511 (Closed): QML doesn't store edit widget info
duplicate of #11123 Jürgen Fischer
08:30 AM Bug report #11511 (Closed): QML doesn't store edit widget info
QGIS 2.4
Edit widget settings do not appear to be saved in qml files. I set edit widgets, save the layer style, then...
Gavin Fleming
12:24 PM Revision 34af9788 (qgis): Merge pull request #1667 from elpaso/bugfix11510
Fix #11510 graduated renderer causes crash: added check for geometry Nathan Woodrow
12:22 PM Revision 4bc4636a (qgis): fix typos
Jürgen Fischer
11:54 AM Revision 6de53e51 (qgis): Fix #11510 graduated renderer causes crash: added check for geometry ne...
Funded by ItOpen - Alessandro Pasotti
11:36 AM Revision d9ed1752 (qgis): Merge pull request #1666 from elpaso/bugfix11510
Fix #11510 graduated renderer causes crash Nathan Woodrow
11:09 AM Bug report #11513 (Closed): DBmanager layer load fails with semi-colon
Already fixed in master Nyall Dawson
11:09 AM Bug report #11513 (Closed): DBmanager layer load fails with semi-colon
Already fixed in master Nyall Dawson
08:48 AM Bug report #11513 (Closed): DBmanager layer load fails with semi-colon
The presence of a semi-colon at the end of a query in DBManager results in loading a layer failing. It should ignore ... Gavin Fleming
11:05 AM Revision c6d37c18 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
11:04 AM Revision 257833fc (qgis): more typos in tooltip
Werner Macho
10:55 AM Revision efc7921c (qgis): Fix #11510 graduated renderer causes crash
Alessandro Pasotti
10:34 AM Revision 7966fb49 (qgis): fixing typo in tooltip
Werner Macho
10:16 AM Bug report #11518 (Closed): Not able to view a mapcache layer exposed in WMS in qgis
This opendata portal shows temperature data
This layer is a WMS...
Steve Toutant
10:02 AM Bug report #9012 (Closed): Wrong symbol size after saving print composer as image
This problem doesn't exist anymore in newer QGIS versions. At least not in QGIS 2.4.0. Sake Wagenaar
10:02 AM Bug report #9012 (Closed): Wrong symbol size after saving print composer as image
This problem doesn't exist anymore in newer QGIS versions. At least not in QGIS 2.4.0. Sake Wagenaar
09:57 AM Bug report #11517 (Closed): Size restrictions of custom forms created in Qt Designer not honored
Dear developers.
No matter which "sizePolicy" settings I choose for the forms I create in Qt Designer, the forms get...
Roi Hojgaard
09:24 AM Revision 04ae39ba (qgis): Merge pull request #1608 from yjacolin/newTips
new tips in tipfactory Werner Macho
09:18 AM Feature request #11515 (Closed): Use ogr2ogr to create midpoints along lines
Following this blog post by Darren Cope, I found it is possible use ogr2ogr to create midpoints along a line using og... Filipe Dias
09:17 AM Revision c7c107eb (qgis): Merge pull request #1657 from DelazJ/MeasureTools
Update MeasureTools context help Werner Macho
09:10 AM Feature request #11514 (Closed): Enhanced simplify feature tool
Use Case: frequent line simplification with specific tolerances (in metres) during an edit session on geographic data... Gavin Fleming
08:38 AM Bug report #11512 (Closed): DBManager layer not projecting properly
My Canvas is set to EPSG:4326 and I add this query layer in UTM from DBManager.... Gavin Fleming
08:34 AM Bug report #11506: WFS server: artifacts whe precision= 0 decimals
See the attached images: the correct one is with Project properties > OWS server > WFS server precision 8, the wrong ... Paolo Cavallini
08:31 AM Bug report #2818: Rule-based render categories not showing in layer or composer legends
Yes, I've closed it. Now there is a Label field before the Rule expression. John Tull
03:29 AM Bug report #11510 (Closed): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master
Fixed in PR:
Alessandro Pasotti
03:29 AM Bug report #11510 (Closed): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master
Fixed in PR:
Alessandro Pasotti
03:29 AM Bug report #11510 (Closed): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master
Fixed in PR:
Alessandro Pasotti
03:07 AM Bug report #11510 (In Progress): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master

Alessandro Pasotti
03:07 AM Bug report #11510 (In Progress): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master

Alessandro Pasotti
01:18 AM Bug report #11510 (Closed): graduated renderer causes crash on qgis master
Try the graduated renderer on qgis master, with a polygon shape.
Use the expression
to compute the area of p...
Giovanni Manghi
02:56 AM Revision 8617143c (qgis): Hide borders from status bar items under Windows
These aren't required and just clutter the interface. Nyall Dawson
01:29 AM Feature request #11497: QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, ne...
Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> Cannot reproduce.
> the words "many nodes" do not permit a precise identification of t...
Giovanni Manghi
01:17 AM Feature request #11497 (Feedback): QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have man...
Cannot reproduce.
the words "many nodes" do not permit a precise identification of the feature causing the problem.
Alessandro Pasotti
01:25 AM Bug report #11507: GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
this changed in qgis master, the default was always GeoTiff, if the output format was left blank.
The error if becau...
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #11507: GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
this changed in qgis master, the default was always GeoTiff, if the output format was left blank.
The error if becau...
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #11507: GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
this changed in qgis master, the default was always GeoTiff, if the output format was left blank.
The error if becau...
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #11507: GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
this changed in qgis master, the default was always GeoTiff, if the output format was left blank.
The error if becau...
Giovanni Manghi
01:25 AM Bug report #11507: GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
this changed in qgis master, the default was always GeoTiff, if the output format was left blank.
The error if becau...
Giovanni Manghi


09:56 PM Bug report #11482 (Closed): Resize mode Clip behaves like Stretch for Image composer item
Yes I used an SVG, I tried it now with a PNG and I am aware now it is meant for raster images only. I will describe i... Diethard Jansen
09:56 PM Bug report #11482 (Closed): Resize mode Clip behaves like Stretch for Image composer item
Yes I used an SVG, I tried it now with a PNG and I am aware now it is meant for raster images only. I will describe i... Diethard Jansen
08:17 PM Revision dbed468b (qgis): Merge pull request #1664 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: varia Werner Macho
08:14 PM Revision cad3d2b9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1658 from DelazJ/AttributeTableContextHelp
Attribute table context help Werner Macho
05:48 PM Revision 4f1e6b9c (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: varia
Robert Szczepanek
04:20 PM Revision c21edd06 (qgis): Merge pull request #1663 from timlinux/papercuts
Add missing sip bindings for fill and border colours of rubber band. Tim Sutton
04:18 PM Revision 531474d7 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into papercuts
Tim Sutton
04:11 PM Revision 84c429dc (qgis): Added setFillColor and setBorderColor for rubber band to the python API
Tim Sutton
03:46 PM Revision 83d070e8 (qgis): Fix #11489 (crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style)
This isn't actually a very good fix. The issue in the "maptopixel" simplification
is still there, it is just less obv...
Martin Dobias
03:23 PM Revision bb857610 (qgis): Merge pull request #1662 from timlinux/papercuts
Mark old rubber band ctor as deprecated in python API Tim Sutton
02:36 PM Bug report #8359: Remove warning about WMS
The warning is ... Anita Graser
02:24 PM Revision 0fa4ce36 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Tim Sutton
01:59 PM Bug report #8998: size of the symbols changes when exported
I can't reproduce this - is it still an issue in master? Nyall Dawson
01:58 PM Bug report #9012 (Feedback): Wrong symbol size after saving print composer as image
I can't reproduce this. Is it still an issue in master? Nyall Dawson
01:39 PM Revision 362d69cc (qgis): [TRANSUP] more translations and string fix
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
01:13 PM Feature request #6249 (Closed): Print composer grid suitable only for large scale conformal proje...
This is fixed in master. Nyall Dawson
01:13 PM Feature request #6249 (Closed): Print composer grid suitable only for large scale conformal proje...
This is fixed in master. Nyall Dawson
01:12 PM Feature request #10055 (Closed): map legends in composer - should be able to limit the number of ...
This is now possible in master Nyall Dawson
01:12 PM Feature request #10055 (Closed): map legends in composer - should be able to limit the number of ...
This is now possible in master Nyall Dawson
01:12 PM Feature request #10547 (Closed): Print composer frame & annotation issues
Nyall Dawson
01:02 PM Bug report #2818 (Feedback): Rule-based render categories not showing in layer or composer legends
This is fixed now, isn't it? Nyall Dawson
01:02 PM Bug report #2818 (Feedback): Rule-based render categories not showing in layer or composer legends
This is fixed now, isn't it? Nyall Dawson
12:13 PM Revision 4abaf60a (qgis): [composer] Don't shrink scalebar height when updating
Previously any update of a scalebar would reset it's height to
the minimum height allowed. Now, if the user has set a...
Nyall Dawson
12:08 PM Bug report #11509 (Closed): .qgs contains relative path for datasource, GetCapabilities doesn't r...
You can configure in the project properties whether you want to use absolute or relative (to the location of the proj... Jürgen Fischer
12:08 PM Bug report #11509 (Closed): .qgs contains relative path for datasource, GetCapabilities doesn't r...
You can configure in the project properties whether you want to use absolute or relative (to the location of the proj... Jürgen Fischer
12:08 PM Bug report #11509 (Closed): .qgs contains relative path for datasource, GetCapabilities doesn't r...
You can configure in the project properties whether you want to use absolute or relative (to the location of the proj... Jürgen Fischer
12:01 PM Bug report #11509 (Closed): .qgs contains relative path for datasource, GetCapabilities doesn't r...
Using qgis desktop, qgis server 2.4 on fedora, I can launch GetCapabilities request but it contains no layers.
.qgs ...
Steve Toutant
11:27 AM Bug report #11508 (Closed): Cannot start module
When I try to import into GRASS a .shp file that I have just created over some Geomatics Lidar data (asc file,
as soo...
Stephen Eastmead
11:14 AM Revision d2c9ffd8 (qgis): [composer] Fix incorrect calculation of scale for tick scale bars
QPainter::drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2) takes int values, so coordinates
were being rounded to the nearest mm. Consequently s...
Nyall Dawson
11:00 AM Bug report #11507 (Closed): GDAL Tools: error when not choosing an output file format
It is easy for an user to miss the selection of an output format by selecting one from the dropdown list, leaving it ... Paolo Cavallini
09:45 AM Bug report #3233 (Feedback): Non-latin characters not available
Jürgen Fischer
09:32 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Just to add to my previous comment - Jürgen is right, ad-hoc solutions for one special case would be wrong. To me, th... Martin Dobias
09:22 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
When I was redesigning the legend, I had in my mind the use case for legend for data-driven rendering. It goes along ... Martin Dobias
03:50 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
My ideal solution would be some kind of table which can auto-populate from user-specified range and step, or via uniq... Nyall Dawson
09:31 AM Bug report #11506 (Feedback): WFS server: artifacts whe precision= 0 decimals
If setting WFS decimals to 0 for a layer, the LizMap zoom to layer returns artifacts (lines pointing down to nowhere). Paolo Cavallini
09:02 AM Feature request #11505 (Feedback): One to many / many to one joins
Currently, any join performed on a table is a one to one join - it would be great to perform one to many joins.
Ed Hudspeth
08:23 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
Obviously this is a new feature in OGR's Shapefile driver - from
"Starting wi...
Martin Dobias
07:47 AM Bug report #11489 (Closed): crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
Fixed in changeset commit:"83d070e8dd5f91dc949809a92478df33e217644a". Martin Dobias
06:17 AM Bug report #11453: Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
Nathan; the problem still seems to occur after running an OSGEO4W update this morning. Darren Cope
06:08 AM Revision 04ed47e5 (qgis): Cleanup identify tooltip strings
Nyall Dawson
06:05 AM Bug report #11504 (Closed): Rotate Features Maptool does not take position initial mouse click in...
Nathan Woodrow
06:04 AM Bug report #11504: Rotate Features Maptool does not take position initial mouse click into account
yep, the pull request
was pulled in commit:6f1c371
Richard Duivenvoorde
05:53 AM Bug report #11504: Rotate Features Maptool does not take position initial mouse click into account
Is this in master now? Nathan Woodrow
06:02 AM Feature request #5963 (Closed): too much decimals in graduated style classification
You can now be controlled in 2.6 Nathan Woodrow
06:02 AM Feature request #5963 (Closed): too much decimals in graduated style classification
You can now be controlled in 2.6 Nathan Woodrow
04:56 AM Bug report #11466: Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (Windows only)
Script and input file attached as well as a screen grab of settings for batch. There is info in the .help file. Basic... jon sellars
04:18 AM Bug report #10466 (Closed): Print Composer: Scalebar box vertically resizes itself after change t...
Fixed in changeset commit:"4abaf60a1118b4e77718c88ac237ebaee5e72290". Nyall Dawson
03:18 AM Bug report #10685 (Closed): wrong segment size in composer scalebar left segments
Fixed in changeset commit:"d2c9ffd86963647bcfa9586aea9303ca5ff3cac1". Nyall Dawson
01:16 AM Revision 3be82ff7 (qgis): [processing] Ignore geom for non geom tables for ImportIntoPostGIS
This fixes an error where trying to import non geometry tables
using the "Import Into PostGIS" algorithm results in a...
Nyall Dawson
01:04 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I think this isn't the right choice.
For a lot of reason I prefer to have the FID visible as occour for all other da...
Luca Lanteri


12:45 AM Revision 4e3bbef9 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
12:04 AM Revision 817f5a9a (qgis): Fix #9359; set default WCS caching to Prefer Network
- This is noted in the tool tip, but was not set. Always Cache was the
default, which caused the cache to never be up...
Larry Shaffer
11:55 PM Bug report #11112 (Feedback): Large Format Printing (A1, A0)
Is this still an issue in master? Nyall Dawson
11:06 PM Revision 6f1c3713 (qgis): fix for #11504 RotateFeature tool prerotation
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:03 PM Revision a00039c8 (qgis): delete ring: consider reprojection when search for clicked ring (fixes ...
Jürgen Fischer
10:44 PM Bug report #11482: Resize mode Clip behaves like Stretch for Image composer item
Is this using an SVG image? Nyall Dawson
10:14 PM Bug report #11213 (Closed): Crash when saving map after removing Atlas layer
Should be fixed - please reopen if you encounter this again. Nyall Dawson
10:14 PM Bug report #11213 (Closed): Crash when saving map after removing Atlas layer
Should be fixed - please reopen if you encounter this again. Nyall Dawson
08:24 PM Revision 19323904 (qgis): Properly mark old qgsrubberband ctor as deprecated
Tim Sutton
05:19 PM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV wrote:
> What about simply using the non-data defined values (set via the UI) to draw the leg...
Anita Graser
04:53 PM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
What about simply using the non-data defined values (set via the UI) to draw the legend? That'd remove need to an add... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
01:12 PM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
I'm with Anita/Jürgen on this. There's going to be so many corner cases and exceptions that the only reliable way to ... Nyall Dawson
01:01 PM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Anita Graser wrote:
> Since there can be so many different combinations of data-defined styles (fill and outline colo...
Giovanni Manghi
05:43 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Since there can be so many different combinations of data-defined styles (fill and outline color, (out)line width, tr... Anita Graser
05:07 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Fabien Cerbelaud wrote:
> For answer this question, the color of map should be show in legend instead of black color....
Jürgen Fischer
04:34 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > If doing the correct legend for data defined colors is not possibl...
Fabien Cerbelaud
04:47 PM Bug report #11157: The overview panel's canvas's background color should be set to the project ba...
Nyall, more or less so. The way it was implemented (I think) was to set the panel's background color to the project's... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:42 PM Bug report #11157: The overview panel's canvas's background color should be set to the project ba...
This is already fixed, isn't it? Nyall Dawson
04:47 PM Revision cc4fc5a0 (qgis): vector file writer: avoid duplicate destruction of coordinate transform...
Jürgen Fischer
04:04 PM Bug report #9359 (Closed): The WCS client don't seem to refresh the cache
Fixed in changeset commit:"817f5a9a0d4224ab667f182f29499b1dfb9a3298". Larry Shaffer
03:48 PM Revision 748e7cf4 (qgis): Remove unsupported append import/export option from db_manager (refs #1...
Jürgen Fischer
03:30 PM Bug report #5105 (Closed): Embedded version of spatialite in QGIS conflict with the external one ...
internal spatialite is only used when the system spatialite is too old for QGIS. Usually GDAL and QGIS are built aga... Jürgen Fischer
03:30 PM Bug report #5105 (Closed): Embedded version of spatialite in QGIS conflict with the external one ...
internal spatialite is only used when the system spatialite is too old for QGIS. Usually GDAL and QGIS are built aga... Jürgen Fischer
03:19 PM Bug report #11019 (Closed): Tab general always indicate 'UTF8' when using internal encoding decla...
OGR transparently delivers UTF-8 in that case - so QGIS doesn't need to care about the original encoding. Jürgen Fischer
03:19 PM Bug report #11019 (Closed): Tab general always indicate 'UTF8' when using internal encoding decla...
OGR transparently delivers UTF-8 in that case - so QGIS doesn't need to care about the original encoding. Jürgen Fischer
03:17 PM Bug report #7426 (Closed): delete layer doesn't really delete it
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
03:17 PM Bug report #7426 (Closed): delete layer doesn't really delete it
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
03:15 PM Bug report #11334 (Closed): Shapefile attributes scrambled
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
03:15 PM Bug report #11334 (Closed): Shapefile attributes scrambled
closing for the lack of feedback. Jürgen Fischer
03:14 PM Revision e1ff0edf (qgis): support relative paths for gpx datasources (fixes #11131)
Jürgen Fischer
03:04 PM Bug report #11502 (Closed): Delete ring doesn't work when on the fly reprojection is enabled
Fixed in changeset commit:"a00039c80dbd948e18946e7bbb0bab844e82de7c". Jürgen Fischer
02:38 PM Bug report #11502: Delete ring doesn't work when on the fly reprojection is enabled
it worked as expected up to 2.2 Giovanni Manghi
02:38 PM Bug report #11502: Delete ring doesn't work when on the fly reprojection is enabled
it worked as expected up to 2.2 Giovanni Manghi
06:48 AM Bug report #11502 (Closed): Delete ring doesn't work when on the fly reprojection is enabled
Hi !
The delete ring tool has no effect when on the fly reprojection is enabled.
It seems I'm not the only one : htt...
Olivier Dalang
02:53 PM Revision c8a76f8c (qgis): support ogc binary operation with more than two operands (fixes #10053)
Jürgen Fischer
02:47 PM Bug report #11500: compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
That would be great! Or even just have both in the same format (ie one icon and the drop down).
Thanks for your pat...
Russell Fulton
01:29 PM Bug report #11500: compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
Probably a second set of icons should be drawn to differentiate these two options. The atlas export icons could inclu... Nyall Dawson
01:07 PM Bug report #11500: compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
Put simply. The export options in the top row of the composer export a single image. The one on the lower bar next... Russell Fulton
01:55 PM Bug report #11504: Rotate Features Maptool does not take position initial mouse click into account
I've fixed this, and currently preparing a pull request ... Richard Duivenvoorde
01:47 PM Bug report #11504 (Closed): Rotate Features Maptool does not take position initial mouse click in...
When you try to rotate one or more features using the 'Rotate Feature(s)' tool, it seems that after a mouseclick (so ... Richard Duivenvoorde
01:14 PM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Jürgen Fischer
01:02 PM Bug report #11191 (Reopened): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Same problem again a couple of hours later. QGIS hangs for 2 minutes on start-up.
George Mallory
01:02 PM Bug report #11191 (Reopened): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Same problem again a couple of hours later. QGIS hangs for 2 minutes on start-up.
George Mallory
01:02 PM Bug report #11191 (Reopened): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Same problem again a couple of hours later. QGIS hangs for 2 minutes on start-up.
George Mallory
03:42 AM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Problem solved!
The brand new driver update for Intel HD 4400 graphics did the job.
Start-up time of QGIS 2.4 is n...
George Mallory
03:42 AM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Problem solved!
The brand new driver update for Intel HD 4400 graphics did the job.
Start-up time of QGIS 2.4 is n...
George Mallory
03:42 AM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Problem solved!
The brand new driver update for Intel HD 4400 graphics did the job.
Start-up time of QGIS 2.4 is n...
George Mallory
03:42 AM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Problem solved!
The brand new driver update for Intel HD 4400 graphics did the job.
Start-up time of QGIS 2.4 is n...
George Mallory
03:42 AM Bug report #11191 (Closed): Start of QGIS Desktop delayed (1–2 min.)
Problem solved!
The brand new driver update for Intel HD 4400 graphics did the job.
Start-up time of QGIS 2.4 is n...
George Mallory
11:54 AM Revision 3d8e630b (qgis): [processing] fix broken TauDEM support
Alexander Bruy
11:54 AM Revision 7e69dbdb (qgis): move TODO.txt to root folder to avoid attempts to parse it as
algorithm description Alexander Bruy
11:00 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
Yeah, I am in favour to the current behavior like the OGR provider does, I would like to extend it to the SL provider... Salvatore Larosa
09:49 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
From the user point of view I think it can't be considered as an expected behavior primary because it's different fro... Luca Lanteri
08:38 AM Bug report #11498 (Feedback): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I see now, but it is an OGR provider issue and occurs only when a primary key was defined.
The @FID Column@ has not f...
Salvatore Larosa
08:38 AM Bug report #11498 (Feedback): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I see now, but it is an OGR provider issue and occurs only when a primary key was defined.
The @FID Column@ has not f...
Salvatore Larosa
02:51 AM Bug report #11498 (Open): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> neither with the attached DB, I see with both browser and add button:
> @gid,arpa,id,_old,a...
Giovanni Manghi
02:51 AM Bug report #11498 (Open): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> neither with the attached DB, I see with both browser and add button:
> @gid,arpa,id,_old,a...
Giovanni Manghi
09:36 AM Bug report #9992 (Closed): Datum transformation requesting a nonexistent NTv2-file crashes QGIS
fixed in commit:cc4fc5a Jürgen Fischer
09:36 AM Bug report #9993: Datum transformation selection overview not informative
oops, the commit is actually fixing #9992 - but this one was meanwhile fixed too. Jürgen Fischer
08:49 AM Bug report #9993 (Closed): Datum transformation selection overview not informative
Fixed in changeset commit:"cc4fc5a01f5559e111faff4b17be837014185ffd". Jürgen Fischer
08:52 AM Bug report #9796 (Closed): cpt city ramps missing when using --configpath startup option
Looks like it was a problem with the remote config. Jürgen Fischer
08:40 AM Revision d73c9d8d (qgis): [TRANSUP]transifex and lv update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
08:36 AM Feature request #10629 (Closed): Display data-defined symbology in legend
Paolo Cavallini
05:35 AM Feature request #10629: Display data-defined symbology in legend
Would you mind to close this one since discussions are now going on at #11491? Anita Graser
07:56 AM Revision 3d9aa200 (qgis): Merge pull request #1659 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: log, color, composer Werner Macho
07:54 AM Feature request #10569: no "append data to table" option
the unimplemented option was removed. Jürgen Fischer
07:54 AM Feature request #10569: no "append data to table" option
the unimplemented option was removed. Jürgen Fischer
07:28 AM Bug report #10053 (Closed): OGC Binary Logical Operators evaluate only the first two operands
Fixed in changeset commit:"c8a76f8c5c3bfd196bceeebf892c5c07c5598edb". Jürgen Fischer
07:28 AM Bug report #11131 (Closed): GPX plugin always saves absolute path
Fixed in changeset commit:"e1ff0edfba67fea37fb9eebdf11062ddcefc3035". Jürgen Fischer
06:59 AM Feature request #11503 (Closed): Save as image do not export text annotations
As #5301 has been marked as "fixed" but exported images still do not contain text annotations, it is a regression (ne... marisn -
06:53 AM Feature request #5301: Save as image do not export text annotations
marisn - wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > is fixed at least in qgis 2.0
> A pointer to specific revision with t...
marisn -
06:48 AM Feature request #5301: Save as image do not export text annotations
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> is fixed at least in qgis 2.0
A pointer to specific revision with the fix is missing.
marisn -
03:43 AM Feature request #11501 (Closed): Add the command line log to GDAL/OGR algorithms
I used "clip grid by polygon" from OGR Miscellaneous and the result was an empty shapefile. I run the code from the c... Filipe Dias
03:41 AM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
32 bit
Anita Graser
03:23 AM Feature request #11448 (Closed): Add clipping with ogr2ogr with "-clipsrc" option
Giovanni Manghi
03:22 AM Bug report #11466 (Feedback): Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (W...
Can you please give a try to QGIS master and/or attach your model and sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
03:22 AM Bug report #11466 (Feedback): Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (W...
Can you please give a try to QGIS master and/or attach your model and sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
03:22 AM Bug report #11466 (Feedback): Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (W...
Can you please give a try to QGIS master and/or attach your model and sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
03:20 AM Bug report #11494 (Feedback): Convex Hull - QProgressBar.setRange(int, int): argument 2 has unexp...
I cannot confirm on QGIS master, can you test it? if you still get the same issue please attach sample data.
Giovanni Manghi
03:20 AM Bug report #11494 (Feedback): Convex Hull - QProgressBar.setRange(int, int): argument 2 has unexp...
I cannot confirm on QGIS master, can you test it? if you still get the same issue please attach sample data.
Giovanni Manghi
03:20 AM Bug report #11494 (Feedback): Convex Hull - QProgressBar.setRange(int, int): argument 2 has unexp...
I cannot confirm on QGIS master, can you test it? if you still get the same issue please attach sample data.
Giovanni Manghi
03:20 AM Bug report #11494 (Feedback): Convex Hull - QProgressBar.setRange(int, int): argument 2 has unexp...
I cannot confirm on QGIS master, can you test it? if you still get the same issue please attach sample data.
Giovanni Manghi
02:58 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...

> This bug report lacks a fundamental information: the expected behaviour.
> I'm not sure about what it sho...
Giovanni Manghi
02:45 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
This bug report lacks a fundamental information: the expected behaviour.
I'm not sure about what it sho...
Alessandro Pasotti


01:58 AM Bug report #11500: compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
The "export entire" actions are only shown in the atlas toolbar, which is the same toolbar that the preview actions a... Nyall Dawson
10:22 PM Bug report #11500: compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
My point is that on the Mac the "export entire atlas" option is not enabled in the top row when atlas is selected --... Russell Fulton
10:08 PM Bug report #11500 (Closed): compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
This is expected behavior. The "export entire atlas" actions get enabled when you have an atlas set up and active (yo... Nyall Dawson
10:08 PM Bug report #11500 (Closed): compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
This is expected behavior. The "export entire atlas" actions get enabled when you have an atlas set up and active (yo... Nyall Dawson
02:18 PM Bug report #11500 (Closed): compose export icons wrong on mac when using Atlas (qgis 2.4)
When using atlas in composer the standard export to pdf produces just one feature. If I do a preview then I get anot... Russell Fulton
01:18 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
rouault - wrote:
> This is kind of dangerous to try reading/copying a file being edited by a software, whatever the ...
Saber Razmjooei
07:50 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
rouault - wrote:
> One point to be careful is that REPACK can change feature ids (when compacting deleted features). ...
Jürgen Fischer
07:49 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...

> Another scenario is when the shapefile is open twice, one instance will call repack (and could send a signal) for ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:37 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Originally repack was called after every delete. This was changed to "on unload" because of changing feature ids, lea... Matthias Kuhn
06:40 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
> This is kind of dangerous to try reading/copying a file being edited by a software, whatever the software is (...
Giovanni Manghi
05:49 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
> The remaining issue, that at this point I don't know if it solvable, is when the shape is edited and not removed fr... Even Rouault
12:53 AM Revision 64028645 (qgis): doxygen: add/replace some occurences of \verbatim with \code
Jürgen Fischer
11:23 PM Revision edbf265e (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: log, color, composer
Robert Szczepanek
08:23 PM Revision eef80321 (qgis): Adding text about field calculator bar
Adds text about field calculator bar and other stuffs Harrissou Santanna
07:07 PM Bug report #11453 (Feedback): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
Can you try a newer build. I fixed a bug that might be related to this a week or so ago. Nathan Woodrow
04:48 PM Bug report #11489: crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
Hi Martin, If you are agree, the pull request 1660 ( ) fixes this bug.
Best R...
Alvaro Huarte
04:17 PM Bug report #11499 (Feedback): Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
Jürgen Fischer
04:08 PM Bug report #11499: Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
32 or 64bit OSGeo4W? Jürgen Fischer
01:06 PM Bug report #11499 (Closed): Style manager fails to load XML from Github URL
It used to be possible to load XMLs directly from Github, e.g.
Anita Graser
11:23 AM Revision 3ff1985e (qgis): Update QgsMeasureDialog
Harrissou Santanna
11:22 AM Revision 28a8222a (qgis): Update Measure Tools description
Adding text about angle tools and how tools behave. Harrissou Santanna
09:38 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I also view all field if I load it via SL connection (using the "feather" button or browser with SL connection...
Luca Lanteri
09:28 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
neither with the attached DB, I see with both browser and add button:
I am trying with S...
Salvatore Larosa
09:16 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
You're right: I try with a brand new DB and it works, but if I use some other DB the problem persists.
I can't under...
Luca Lanteri
08:48 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
I cannot replicate neither on 2.4 nor on master.
Tested with a table with primary key and polygon geometry.
a small ...
Salvatore Larosa
08:47 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
mescal72 - wrote:
> You have to add the SL layer using the browser view
I did
Giovanni Manghi
08:36 AM Bug report #11498: spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
You have to add the SL layer using the browser view, not the SL connection. Just tested now on 2.4.
Luca Lanteri
08:32 AM Bug report #11498 (Feedback): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
cannot replicate in qgis master, can you attach sample data? Giovanni Manghi
08:25 AM Bug report #11498 (Closed): spatialite layer added via browser lose first field
When loading a spatialite layer using browser (browsing the file, not using the connection) the first field of the ta... Luca Lanteri
08:21 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > If doing the correct legend for data defined colors is not possibl...
Giovanni Manghi
07:56 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> If doing the correct legend for data defined colors is not possible or too hard then a bette...
Jürgen Fischer
07:42 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol

> If the color is fixed for a category anyway, you could just setup the symbol(s) for that category to that particul...
Giovanni Manghi
07:21 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
Fabien Cerbelaud wrote:
> In my example files I used Corine Land Cover data, these data have a code, this code corres...
Jürgen Fischer
05:47 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
In my example files I used Corine Land Cover data, these data have a code, this code correspond to category and color... Fabien Cerbelaud
05:24 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol

> Isn't this just a special case where the category is defined by the same attribute that is also used to join the c...
Giovanni Manghi
06:54 AM Feature request #11497 (Closed): QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many ...
In the latest qgis server versions if a feature has many nodes then modifying it or adding new one will fail if it ha... Giovanni Manghi
06:49 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
aperi2007 - wrote:
> oops , I wrong to writ.
> Dont feature, but issue.
> rewrite:
> SO this could not be co...
Giovanni Manghi
06:34 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
oops , I wrong to writ.
Dont feature, but issue.
SO this could not be consider a blocker issue.
All the ...
aperi2007 -
06:33 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
SO this could not be consider a blocker issue.
All the user of qgis 2.2 or qgis 2.4 just now live with this feature....
aperi2007 -
06:29 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
aperi2007 - wrote:
> I dont understand well.
> this bug is also in qgis 2.4 and 2.2 ?
> Just to understand if i...
Giovanni Manghi
05:38 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I dont understand well.
this bug is also in qgis 2.4 and 2.2 ?
Just to understand if is a blocking issue.
AFAIK the...
aperi2007 -
04:42 AM Feature request #11496 (Closed): Delete recently used algorithms in Processing option
I just upgraded QGIS and no longer replicate this. Probably a local problem. Filipe Dias
04:26 AM Feature request #11496 (Feedback): Delete recently used algorithms in Processing option
I don't understand. THe list of recently used algorithms is limited to 5. If you run more, the old references are not... Victor Olaya
03:00 AM Feature request #11496 (Closed): Delete recently used algorithms in Processing option
When running a lot of different analysis, the list of recently used algorithms gets really big, so it would be nice t... Filipe Dias
02:52 AM Bug report #11495 (Rejected): it is not possible to select the extent of another layer in the Mod...
It is not possible to select the extent of another layer for "clip vector by extent" and "clip raster by extent" in t... Filipe Dias
02:07 AM Feature request #10929 (Open): Add a shortcut icon for the plugin manager on the plugin toolbar
Jürgen Fischer
02:05 AM Bug report #11270 (Closed): PyQGIS failing with undefined symbol
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer


01:52 AM Bug report #10889 (Closed): Silent installation hangs (under windows)
closing for the lack of feedback Jürgen Fischer
12:26 AM Bug report #10756: Minidump on closing QGIS 2.4
leolami - wrote:
> I noticed this bug in a course with 10 pcs in qgis which had been installed for the first time.
> ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:56 PM Bug report #10756: Minidump on closing QGIS 2.4
I noticed this bug in a course with 10 pcs in qgis which had been installed for the first time.
So I think that ther...
leolami -
12:08 AM Bug report #11479: Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
Does it work in 2.4? Are you printing as raster? Nyall Dawson
12:01 AM Revision 5f11c33c (qgis): dxf export: export layers only once and in drawing order
Jürgen Fischer
07:11 PM Revision 1c2f39be (qgis): Add text about measuring angle
Since QGIS 2.0, it is possible to also measure angles but this is not mentioned in the context help. Harrissou Santanna
06:16 PM Revision 8d26a95e (qgis): Merge pull request #1655 from rldhont/server_embedded_layers
[BUGFIX] #11484 QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapabilities, GetMap, etc)
In QgsServerProjectP...
René-Luc ReLuc
02:37 PM Bug report #11374: Error while launching a model from the modeler
The same error arrives when a launch my model in batch-mode. Etienne Trimaille
02:34 PM Bug report #11494 (Closed): Convex Hull - QProgressBar.setRange(int, int): argument 2 has unexpec...
When trying to create convex hulls with settings Create convex hull based on input field, the following error pops up... Daniel B
02:12 PM Revision 444bea59 (qgis): [TRANSUP] fix hu
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
01:52 PM Revision 3b601fec (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
12:53 PM Revision e02e7c92 (qgis): Support for reading composer legend configuration for projects <= 2.4
The list of layers/groups is now restored (previously the configuration would be omitted). Martin Dobias
12:33 PM Feature request #11491 (Feedback): When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a ...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > which feature's color should the legend show?
> the same color tha...
Jürgen Fischer
11:58 AM Feature request #11491 (Open): When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a blac...
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> which feature's color should the legend show?
the same color that show in the canvas, if usi...
Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Feature request #11491 (Feedback): When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a ...
Jürgen Fischer
11:44 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
which feature's color should the legend show? Jürgen Fischer
08:37 AM Feature request #11491: When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a black symbol
confirmed also on master and other platforms, not sure if this would be an easy fix, but really hurts. Giovanni Manghi
05:04 AM Feature request #11491 (Open): When using data defined colors the map legend shows always a blac...
When I used a fields with color attribute to define colors in source of propertie definition for a thematic analy...
Fabien Cerbelaud
11:48 AM Bug report #5153: Unexpected rounding in field calculator (documentation needed)
my suggestion would be to change the behavior instead of documenting it, is cumbersome for any common user. Giovanni Manghi
11:46 AM Bug report #5153: Unexpected rounding in field calculator (documentation needed)

> Nothing related to performance. The point is to have a choice - someone wants real division, someone wants integer...
Giovanni Manghi
11:39 AM Bug report #11487 (Closed): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is sup...
duplicate of #5153 Jürgen Fischer
11:39 AM Bug report #11487 (Closed): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is sup...
duplicate of #5153 Jürgen Fischer
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 AM Bug report #11487 (Feedback): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is s...
To replicate it is not necessary to use existing attributes:
10/3 gives 3 (!!!)
10/3.0 gives 3.333333
10.0/3 give...
Giovanni Manghi
03:15 AM Bug report #11487 (Closed): Dividing integer with integer gives wrong result (if operation is sup...
When I try to calcul a proportion based on two int field in a float column I obtain nothing. I should obtain some...
Fabien Cerbelaud
11:29 AM Revision d64525c0 (qgis): [BUGFIX] #11484 QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapa...
Issue #1072 QGIS server: embedded groups do not render in GetMap requests if
leave layers are requested has been fix...
René-Luc ReLuc
11:25 AM Revision 4ac94f22 (qgis): Do not show in composer legend unused layers if filtering by map is ena...
This resolves #11457 and partially #11293 Martin Dobias
11:15 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
No need for a project. Sample data from Training manual, relevant exercise. Paolo Cavallini
11:13 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Clean configpath. Retried just now on Debian, same (wrong) behaviour "provpt2a", when autofi...
Giovanni Manghi
10:46 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
Clean configpath. Retried just now on Debian, same (wrong) behaviour "provpt2a", when autofilling with parameter name... Paolo Cavallini
10:28 AM Bug report #8511: Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> It seems still true with current master (Debian nightly)
not for me on ubuntu and Windows. ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:27 AM Bug report #8511 (Feedback): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under...
It seems still true with current master (Debian nightly) Paolo Cavallini
11:03 AM Bug report #11488: crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> See above.
no crash whatsoever on Windows/master, but the result is wrong per
Giovanni Manghi
10:58 AM Bug report #11488: crash using qgis/processing field calculator
See above. Paolo Cavallini
10:56 AM Bug report #11488: crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Here the data. However, the problem seems rather general. Please note that on Linux it works...
Giovanni Manghi
10:35 AM Bug report #11488: crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Here the data. However, the problem seems rather general. Please note that on Linux it works fine. Paolo Cavallini
07:12 AM Bug report #11488 (Feedback): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Please attach all the files of the shapefile, just the dbf in not enough.
It would be better also to know that formu...
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 AM Bug report #11488 (Feedback): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Please attach all the files of the shapefile, just the dbf in not enough.
It would be better also to know that formu...
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 AM Bug report #11488 (Feedback): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Please attach all the files of the shapefile, just the dbf in not enough.
It would be better also to know that formu...
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 AM Bug report #11488 (Feedback): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Please attach all the files of the shapefile, just the dbf in not enough.
It would be better also to know that formu...
Giovanni Manghi
07:12 AM Bug report #11488 (Feedback): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
Please attach all the files of the shapefile, just the dbf in not enough.
It would be better also to know that formu...
Giovanni Manghi
03:39 AM Bug report #11488 (Closed): crash using qgis/processing field calculator
if make this formula:
processing.runalg("qgis:fieldcalculator","C:/Papi/Corsi QGIS (eCAD)/22-24oct2014Faunalia/a...
Lorenzo Luisi
11:02 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Seems a reasonable workflow, Giovanni Paolo Cavallini
10:28 AM Bug report #11438: Processing: models cannot be used in batch
Nope, clean config. Movet to #8511 Paolo Cavallini
09:39 AM Bug report #11438 (Closed): Processing: models cannot be used in batch
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I still have issue with this. If I choose a name like "prova" and an autofil with layer name...
Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #11438 (Closed): Processing: models cannot be used in batch
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I still have issue with this. If I choose a name like "prova" and an autofil with layer name...
Giovanni Manghi
06:41 AM Bug report #11438 (Feedback): Processing: models cannot be used in batch
I still have issue with this. If I choose a name like "prova" and an autofil with layer name (pt1, pt2 etc.), I get p... Paolo Cavallini
09:27 AM Revision 6bde8a20 (qgis): bump Processing version
Alexander Bruy
09:18 AM Revision 2da90774 (qgis): [pyqgis-console] update prepared API file
Salvatore Larosa
09:18 AM Revision a0f8060f (qgis): [pyqgis-console] small fix
Salvatore Larosa
09:17 AM Bug report #11484 (Closed): QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapabilities, GetM...
This commit commit:d64525c0b651845f9583a2f1a2efdc26b303035c fixed it René-Luc ReLuc
09:17 AM Bug report #11484 (Closed): QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapabilities, GetM...
This commit commit:d64525c0b651845f9583a2f1a2efdc26b303035c fixed it René-Luc ReLuc
02:45 AM Bug report #11484: QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapabilities, GetMap, etc)
A pull request is supplied : René-Luc ReLuc
02:29 AM Bug report #11484 (Closed): QGIS server: embedded layers are not published (GetCapabilities, GetM...
#1072 QGIS server: embedded groups do not render in GetMap requests if leave layers are requested has been fixed 40d9... René-Luc ReLuc
09:16 AM Bug report #7540: Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Sorry to reopen this, seems master still affected. See also #11082
after all it does not se...
Giovanni Manghi
09:11 AM Bug report #7540: Merge tool bug when a shapefile is loaded multiple times
it is pretty easy to replicate this issue, it is just needed to "insist" a bit. Here two screencast, that as some poi... Giovanni Manghi
08:35 AM Revision 94a33cd1 (qgis): [processing] fix issues with Create Grid algortihm
Alexander Bruy
08:13 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I'll tag this a regression unless this is one more strange intended behavior, like #11487
I confirm that copying the...
Giovanni Manghi
08:13 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I'll tag this a regression unless this is one more strange intended behavior, like #11487
I confirm that copying the...
Giovanni Manghi
08:13 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I'll tag this a regression unless this is one more strange intended behavior, like #11487
I confirm that copying the...
Giovanni Manghi
08:13 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I'll tag this a regression unless this is one more strange intended behavior, like #11487
I confirm that copying the...
Giovanni Manghi
08:13 AM Feature request #11485: copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the target c...
I'll tag this a regression unless this is one more strange intended behavior, like #11487
I confirm that copying the...
Giovanni Manghi
02:44 AM Feature request #11485 (Closed): copy string attribute into another one changes the length of the...
Hi, I try to create a new column type string with fields calculators, I choose 2 for length of this column (named "ta... Fabien Cerbelaud
07:25 AM Revision 8db77fcf (qgis): Fix Andreas' problem with checkboxes in legend + update SIP bindings
The problem was that rule-based renderer allowed cloned rules to have the same unique rule key.
That in turn created ...
Martin Dobias
07:24 AM Bug report #11493 (Closed): DXF load: when loading files, use the name of the file in the legend
When adding a DXF file to a project, QGIS uses meaningless names like "entities LineString".
It would be more usef...
Asier Sarasua
07:18 AM Feature request #11492: DXF load: Don't ask for CRS twice (or three times, four times...)
Sorry, I suppose that where I tried to write an arrow, Redmine thought I was trying to strike out the text. Asier Sarasua
07:14 AM Feature request #11492 (Open): DXF load: Don't ask for CRS twice (or three times, four times...)
When loading a DXF file, and if "Prompt for CRS" is enabled in "CRS > CRS for new layers" option (which is the defaul... Asier Sarasua
06:40 AM Feature request #6804: Add statistics to the dissolve tool
see also #11486 Giovanni Manghi
06:40 AM Feature request #11486 (Closed): basic statistics in Geoprocessing tools
duplicate of #6804 Giovanni Manghi
06:40 AM Feature request #11486 (Closed): basic statistics in Geoprocessing tools
duplicate of #6804 Giovanni Manghi
02:58 AM Feature request #11486 (Closed): basic statistics in Geoprocessing tools
in joined attribute by localisation there is a option box for attribute basic statistique like mean, sum, min, m...
Fabien Cerbelaud
06:34 AM Bug report #9258: Two Browser item in context menu
why this bothers so much? :) Giovanni Manghi
02:42 AM Bug report #9258: Two Browser item in context menu
Could the feature be retained by adding a button to "open new browser window" in the browser gui ? Sandro Santilli
06:33 AM Bug report #11489: crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
confirmed on Linux
Warning: "GEOS exception: TopologyException: Input geom 1 is invalid: Self-intersection at or ne...
Giovanni Manghi
05:12 AM Bug report #11489: crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
This is a problem with simplification Martin Dobias
05:12 AM Bug report #11489: crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
This is a problem with simplification Martin Dobias
05:12 AM Bug report #11489: crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
This is a problem with simplification Martin Dobias
04:16 AM Bug report #11489 (Closed): crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
as object qgis 2.5 master build fad44d0 running in XP chashes trying to apply 'force point into polygon' in 'centroid... enrico ferreguti
04:20 AM Bug report #11490 (Closed): crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
Duplicate of #11489 Martin Dobias
04:20 AM Bug report #11490 (Closed): crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
Duplicate of #11489 Martin Dobias
04:18 AM Bug report #11490 (Closed): crash with force point inside polygon in centroid fill style
as subject qgis 2.5 master build fad44d0 running in XP chashes trying to apply 'force point into polygon' in 'centroi... enrico ferreguti
04:18 AM Bug report #11293: Auto update Shows All Layers
The second issue (with layer titles being visible with filtering enabled even if the layer is not visible) is now fix... Martin Dobias
04:11 AM Revision b6e98f11 (qgis): Update QgsAttributeTableDialog
Harrissou Santanna
02:07 AM Feature request #11483 (Open): Syntax check for raster calculator
It would be good to add a syntax checker for raster calculator, so the user is prevented before running a wrong formu... Paolo Cavallini


01:55 AM Revision a7635944 (qgis): Fix #11208 - Error when saving MSSQL layer when using DSN
Nathan Woodrow
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
01:43 AM Feature request #11480 (Open): better error messages

> But really does seem like QGIS should support better support this situation. Rather than say there's a missing dep...
Giovanni Manghi
09:40 PM Feature request #11480: better error messages
I don't think I have multiple copies installed:
dpkg -l | grep grass
ii grass 6.4....
Jeremy Palmer
11:30 AM Feature request #11480: better error messages
if that flag is not available in grass 6.4.1 from the official ubuntu repositories than you may want to consider to u... Giovanni Manghi
11:26 AM Feature request #11480: better error messages
Jeremy Palmer wrote:
> Pretty sure. I can start grass from the commandline.
> jpalmer@xxxxx:~$ which grass
> /usr...
Giovanni Manghi
11:03 AM Feature request #11480: better error messages
Pretty sure. I can start grass from the commandline.
jpalmer@xxxxx:~$ which grass
jpalmer@xxxxx:~$ g...
Jeremy Palmer
11:00 AM Feature request #11480 (Feedback): better error messages
are you sure you have GRASS 6.4.1 installed?
that flag (-z) used by v.out.ogr to export GRASS vectors to shapefiles ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:00 AM Feature request #11480 (Feedback): better error messages
are you sure you have GRASS 6.4.1 installed?
that flag (-z) used by v.out.ogr to export GRASS vectors to shapefiles ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Feature request #11480 (Closed): better error messages
When using the processing toolbox and trying to double click and run any grass tool (not version 7) I get a "Missing ... Jeremy Palmer
01:32 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Saber Razmjooei wrote:
> Tested against gdal 2.0.0dev (trunk revision 27897) and qgis master (revision aeb9d93)and it...
Giovanni Manghi
06:10 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Tested against gdal 2.0.0dev (trunk revision 27897) and qgis master (revision aeb9d93)and it still gives the same res... Saber Razmjooei
01:20 AM Bug report #11482 (Closed): Resize mode Clip behaves like Stretch for Image composer item
The Resize modes "Clip" and "Stretch" can be selected in the Item properties after adding an image in the print compo... Diethard Jansen
01:19 AM Bug report #10590 (Closed): qgis-server - wrong legend when mapunit and categorized
I believe this is now fixed in master after reworking of qgis server legend with new QgsLegendRenderer. Please reopen... Martin Dobias
01:19 AM Bug report #10590 (Closed): qgis-server - wrong legend when mapunit and categorized
I believe this is now fixed in master after reworking of qgis server legend with new QgsLegendRenderer. Please reopen... Martin Dobias
12:52 AM Revision 8e2def58 (qgis): [composer] Negative position values should be allowed
Nyall Dawson
12:19 AM Bug report #11479: Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
I work on Windows 7, use the current 32bit OSGeo4W package. I have no special printer settings. It is a4 page, a simp... Otto Dassau
01:56 PM Bug report #11479 (Feedback): Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
I can't reproduce this. What printer/paper size settings are you using? Are you printing an atlas or a single page? U... Nyall Dawson
06:56 AM Bug report #11479: Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
Building the 32bit package also with Qt 4.8.5 (instead of 4.7.1 as now) would be no regression. Otto Dassau
06:52 AM Bug report #11479: Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
isn't this a regression? Giovanni Manghi
06:48 AM Bug report #11479 (Closed): Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
direct printing in the print composer does not print the complete layout. Only a small part (maybe 50%) is print...
Otto Dassau
11:41 PM Feature request #11481 (Closed): Allow to select extent from canvas in Processing Create Grid alg...
Currently one should enter grid dimensions (width and height and center) manually. This is not usefriendly, it would ... Alexander Bruy
10:51 PM Bug report #11475 (Reopened): bad bracket simplification in expression
The code assumes that the binary operators are left associative - which is true except for the power operator:... Martin Dobias
10:51 PM Bug report #11475 (Reopened): bad bracket simplification in expression
The code assumes that the binary operators are left associative - which is true except for the power operator:... Martin Dobias
10:51 PM Bug report #11475 (Reopened): bad bracket simplification in expression
The code assumes that the binary operators are left associative - which is true except for the power operator:... Martin Dobias
12:03 PM Bug report #11475 (Closed): bad bracket simplification in expression
Fixed in changeset commit:"2c7378bb16f7e6433363340b9c16e40c3ad654ae". Jürgen Fischer
10:35 PM Bug report #11457 (Closed): Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
Then this is duplicate of #11293 (second part of it). Currently when the filtering is turned on, only legend nodes ar... Martin Dobias
10:35 PM Bug report #11457 (Closed): Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
Then this is duplicate of #11293 (second part of it). Currently when the filtering is turned on, only legend nodes ar... Martin Dobias
03:04 PM Bug report #11457: Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
Hmm... There's still an issue here though. In some circumstances only the symbol is removed, not the actual legend te... Nyall Dawson
03:04 PM Bug report #11457: Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
Hmm... There's still an issue here though. In some circumstances only the symbol is removed, not the actual legend te... Nyall Dawson
02:07 PM Bug report #11457 (Feedback): Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
The composer legend in the example file is not assigned to a map. Once it's assigned to the map, the legend filter w... Jürgen Fischer
11:46 AM Bug report #11457: Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
This should be a blocker - it's a new feature which isn't working correctly. Nyall Dawson
11:46 AM Bug report #11457: Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
This should be a blocker - it's a new feature which isn't working correctly. Nyall Dawson
09:27 PM Revision 27f296df (qgis): update changelog for brighton release
Jürgen Fischer
09:03 PM Revision 2c7378bb (qgis): expressions: keep brackets (fix #11475)
Jürgen Fischer
08:35 PM Revision 65db7fb1 (qgis): dxf export: fixes for text support (text width, underline/overline/stri...
and line direction symbols) Jürgen Fischer
07:04 PM Revision e2f14505 (qgis): Merge pull request #1654 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: processing Werner Macho
06:57 PM Revision 5c9fee51 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: processing
Robert Szczepanek
04:56 PM Bug report #11208 (Closed): QGIS 2.4 cannot save MSSQL spatial layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"a763594432aec48c72e7c574c9faf70a074d7a8e". Anonymous
04:28 PM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
OS X 10.8 here---must be something local to my machine, although I have no idea what. I do have several versions of Q... Gary Sherman
03:59 PM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Hi Gary,
I tried with my main master build (built off of pure Homebrew dependencies setup), and just tested with lat...
Larry Shaffer
03:49 PM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
I can't replicate it with this set up and the layer mentioned above :
Macos 1.7.5
QGIS nightly build aeb9d93 from dak...
ramon .
10:05 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Please try with this source just to be sure:
DRGs Hill Shaded Without Scale Limi...
Gary Sherman
09:45 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Just tested on mac with master (Debug build type), and I can't reproduce.
I added a WMS layer, changed the transpare...
Denis Rouzaud
08:32 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
No change since my last report. I used the nightly build to test which includes the changeset. It would be nice to ge... Gary Sherman
04:21 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Gary, please try again - the first "fix" has obviously broken more stuff than it has fixed Martin Dobias
02:17 AM Bug report #11455 (Closed): Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"691f4a2858665d191a307c3984891376c24a0d0b". Martin Dobias
04:05 PM Revision 2c195431 (qgis): Merge pull request #1653 from 3nids/fixidentmenurubber
delete rubber bands when exiting identify menu Martin Dobias
02:45 PM Revision a41a9a38 (qgis): delete rubber bands when exiting identify menu
Denis Rouzaud
02:08 PM Revision cc306099 (qgis): Fix #11474 (cannot move layers in layer tree anymore)
I have managed to break that with implementation of #11369.
Obviously it is a bad idea to change selection in a slot ...
Martin Dobias
01:21 PM Revision 88e5cde3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1652 from gioman/processing_count_points
result field in Processing 'count points in polygon' must be integer Alexander Bruy
12:11 PM Revision 6f30ab9b (qgis): result field in Processing 'count points in polygon' must be integer
Giovanni Manghi
11:16 AM Revision 691f4a28 (qgis): Fix #11455 take two (raster crashes)
Thanks to Nyall for pointing this out Martin Dobias
11:16 AM Revision aeb9d934 (qgis): Fix QgsRasterInterface bindings again (fixes PyQgsRasterFileWriter test)
Martin Dobias
08:30 AM Bug report #11434: Processing modeller error with modeller calculator

> > Error executing algorithm Catchment Area ModelerAlgorithm instance has no attribute 'algOutputs' See log for mor...
Giovanni Manghi
04:14 AM Bug report #11434: Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> hard to say, because that model does not show in qgis 2.4 (after having it imported from the...
Salvatore Larosa
03:29 AM Bug report #11434: Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
I also noticed that the formulas entered in the modeller only tool "calculator" do not show when editing the model cl... Giovanni Manghi
03:28 AM Bug report #11434: Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
Salvatore Larosa wrote:
> I cannot confirm or maybe I did not manage to reproduce the issue. I done some test by usin...
Giovanni Manghi
06:46 AM Feature request #11473: Use TLS v1.2 instead of SSL v3
Sorry for the noise, QGIS is already designed with TLS 1.2 guillaume -
06:34 AM Bug report #11340: Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"f2b7c0fcf84923b399748c9bf2dbc5190398325c".
Thanks a lot for the q...
Manuel Grizonnet
05:36 AM Bug report #10746: Buzzer sound when the map is refreshing
See also "GDAL !#5710": Jürgen Fischer
05:10 AM Bug report #11474 (Closed): Cannot move anymore layers in TOC in QGIS master
Fixed in changeset commit:"cc306099d94c7b67e5d08d7a9881be210d859da7". Martin Dobias
02:53 AM Bug report #11474: Cannot move anymore layers in TOC in QGIS master
My bad, introduced while fixing #11369. For intermediate solution type "iface.layerTreeView().setAutoSelectAddedLayer... Martin Dobias
02:41 AM Bug report #11474: Cannot move anymore layers in TOC in QGIS master
see also #11477 Giovanni Manghi
03:32 AM Bug report #11478: MYSQL Features Attributes can not selected correctly
OGR data provider (compiled against GDAL/OGR library version 1.11.0, running against GDAL/OGR library version 1.11.1) Gerd Dreier
03:19 AM Bug report #11478 (Closed): MYSQL Features Attributes can not selected correctly
I have several MySQL Features Layers in my Project. If I select a Feature with the Info Button, Qgis show the correct... Gerd Dreier
02:40 AM Bug report #11477 (Closed): in latest qgis master, layers can't be re-ordered through drag n drop...
duplicate of #11474 Giovanni Manghi
02:40 AM Bug report #11477 (Closed): in latest qgis master, layers can't be re-ordered through drag n drop...
duplicate of #11474 Giovanni Manghi
02:33 AM Bug report #11477 (Closed): in latest qgis master, layers can't be re-ordered through drag n drop...
Oh, this must be fixed before the release of 2.6: drag n drop of items in the qgis main canvas' layers panel is broke... Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
02:04 AM Bug report #11476 (Closed): Raster loading/viewing extremely slow in Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
After upgrading to Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite rendering of rasters in QGIS is now extremely slow! The raster is a large DE... Oskar Karlin


01:15 AM Bug report #11475 (Closed): bad bracket simplification in expression
I noticed that this expression
@1 - ( 2 -1 )@
is simplified to
@1 -2 - 1@
leading to wrong result.
Denis Rouzaud
12:46 AM Bug report #11447 (Closed): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
right, I don't know why but now it works. Giovanni Manghi
12:46 AM Bug report #11447 (Closed): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
right, I don't know why but now it works. Giovanni Manghi
03:12 AM Bug report #11447 (Feedback): Processing does not accept anymore CSV as input layers
just tried and it has worked. Could you re-try it? Salvatore Larosa
12:45 AM Bug report #11474 (Closed): Cannot move anymore layers in TOC in QGIS master
somewhere in between of d833c22 and f2b7c0f (the two master releases available on osgeo4w now) went wrong, and in the... Giovanni Manghi
12:15 AM Bug report #11455 (Reopened): Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Giovanni Manghi
08:21 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Now crashes when double-clicking the WMS layer. I'm waiting for the nightly OSX build to test it rather than my local... Gary Sherman
03:47 AM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
I couldn't get my QGIS to crash (linux), but I suppose I have caught the bug that was biting you... Martin Dobias
03:41 AM Bug report #11455 (Closed): Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Fixed in changeset commit:"c9e05f9800d11811f95ec1b2c9cc1881b13667d6". Martin Dobias
12:07 AM Revision d833c22b (qgis): fix interpretation of numeric constants in scientic notation (fixes #10...
Jürgen Fischer
11:41 PM Feature request #11473 (Closed): Use TLS v1.2 instead of SSL v3
For HTTPS connections, QGIS uses SSL V3 which is old and weak (a major failure has been discovered recently, see http... guillaume -
11:28 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
already fixed in commit:c2bb6001a7 Jürgen Fischer
11:28 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
already fixed in commit:c2bb6001a7 Jürgen Fischer
11:28 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
already fixed in commit:c2bb6001a7 Jürgen Fischer
11:28 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
already fixed in commit:c2bb6001a7 Jürgen Fischer
11:28 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
already fixed in commit:c2bb6001a7 Jürgen Fischer
11:20 PM Bug report #11472 (Closed): Oracle provider : translation correction
It seems that there's still a bad translation in the feature. In french it says "reciperation" as seen in the sc...
Pierre M
06:54 PM Revision 99c5c10c (qgis): osgeo4w: package pdbs in nightly build
Jürgen Fischer
06:03 PM Revision 37ba8e41 (qgis): Fix #9319 (copy of QgsExpression crashes)
Disabled the copy constructor for now (later we may introduce implicit sharing) Martin Dobias
04:06 PM Revision 1ead57f7 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
03:21 PM Bug report #10772 (Closed): core dump on loading project - fix broken PostGIS layer
closing for the lack of feedback ("try again as the root user" is an unrelated message from gdb, when trying to attac... Jürgen Fischer
03:21 PM Bug report #10772 (Closed): core dump on loading project - fix broken PostGIS layer
closing for the lack of feedback ("try again as the root user" is an unrelated message from gdb, when trying to attac... Jürgen Fischer
03:08 PM Bug report #10939 (Closed): QgsExpression double format
Fixed in changeset commit:"d833c22b46acee450d6617621c01c156437dcf59". Jürgen Fischer
02:57 PM Revision ea910d88 (qgis): Fix #11369 (New layers are not active with new legend)
Martin Dobias
12:39 PM Revision 6db04b41 (qgis): Fixed SIP wrapper for conversion to QgsRasterInterface subclasses
Martin Dobias
12:39 PM Revision c9e05f98 (qgis): Fix #11455 (Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer)
Layer transparency instance was not copied when renderers were cloned. Martin Dobias
12:19 PM Bug report #11466 (Closed): Processing script crashes in batch mode with greater than 2 rows (Win...
I have written a script for the processing toolbox. When I run it in batch mode with 3 or more rows in the batch inte... jon sellars
11:27 AM Revision da98a3c3 (qgis): Self referencing relations: do not repeatedly embed dual view
Matthias Kuhn
10:51 AM Bug report #11465 (Closed): pyqtconfig deprecated => sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"
As initially "reported on Gentoo":, Current versions of QGIS (namely 2.... Martin von Gagern
10:39 AM Revision 5f9e45af (qgis): [composer] Avoid hang when adding columns to table on Win (fix ##11462)
Nyall Dawson
10:13 AM Revision 6be9d080 (qgis): Merge pull request #1646 from gioman/saga_shapesmodules_fixes1
fixes for 2 shapes tools for SAGA 2.1.2 Alexander Bruy
10:12 AM Revision 47f5873e (qgis): Merge pull request #1649 from gioman/ogr_clip
add Processing clip using ogr2ogr to compensate for the bad Clip perform... Alexander Bruy
10:02 AM Revision abf816bf (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: the layers panel toolbar and color dialogs
Borys Jurgiel
09:51 AM Revision 92e3d64a (qgis): [composer] Catch CRS exceptions when drawing grid lines
Prevents bad grid parameters for a transformed grid flooding the user
with hundreds of unclosable error message boxes.
Nyall Dawson
09:27 AM Revision 528c4cac (qgis): vector file writer: assume shapefiles contain multitype data (fixes #10...
Jürgen Fischer
09:04 AM Bug report #9319 (Closed): copy of QgsExpression causes segfault
Fixed in changeset commit:"37ba8e41871eb12d0b76c889246570656b222623". Martin Dobias
09:01 AM Revision 372c3ce8 (qgis): Merge pull request #1650 from gioman/gdal_rasterize_writeover
fix processing gdal_rasterize to allow write vector values in a existing raster layer Alexander Bruy
08:51 AM Revision a4f20840 (qgis): Tweak data defined button icons so they align to pixel grid
Nyall Dawson
07:43 AM Revision c7d6f417 (qgis): Fix #11074 (raster save as broken)
Now the rows/cols edit boxes are prepopulated when the dialog is created
which solves the problem
Martin Dobias
07:18 AM Bug report #10746: Buzzer sound when the map is refreshing
Please test with GDAL from OSGeo4W testing (invoke @setup-test.bat@ from the OSGeo4W shell). GDAL 1.11.1 was rebuil... Jürgen Fischer
06:34 AM Revision 037138fa (qgis): Fix #10999 (reshape tool throws GEOS exceptions)
Exceptions fixed earlier by @mkuhn in 37f1a1
Numerical problems found by @arnaud-morvan, corrected by @jef-n
Martin Dobias
05:58 AM Bug report #11369 (Closed): New layers are not active with new legend
Fixed in changeset commit:"ea910d887d09d588700340f64da58fb6c60c83ac". Martin Dobias
05:32 AM Bug report #11337: Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620) monitors
Yes, qgis master has the same problem as QGIS 2.4. Jakob Lanstorp
02:59 AM Bug report #11434 (Feedback): Processing modeller error with modeller calculator
I cannot confirm or maybe I did not manage to reproduce the issue. I done some test by using that formula but the alg... Salvatore Larosa
02:04 AM Bug report #11462: Composer - adding new field in table
thank you very much
stefano campus


01:43 AM Bug report #11462 (Closed): Composer - adding new field in table
Fixed in commit:5f9e45af49fed6ea33dc9d66dad3767e3c20a4f3 Nyall Dawson
01:43 AM Bug report #11462 (Closed): Composer - adding new field in table
Fixed in commit:5f9e45af49fed6ea33dc9d66dad3767e3c20a4f3 Nyall Dawson
01:17 AM Bug report #11462: Composer - adding new field in table
qgis 2.4 is not affected, so this is a regression. stefano campus
04:58 PM Bug report #11462 (Closed): Composer - adding new field in table
create an attribute table in composer then modify table adding new field from same origin table makes qgis crashes.
stefano campus
01:21 AM Revision f2b7c0fc (qgis): handle unset setting values in processing (fixes #11340)
Jürgen Fischer
12:32 AM Bug report #10584 (Closed): Saving as SpatiaLite fails with "save as" dialog when input is a mult...
Fixed in changeset commit:"528c4cacb6beec73252477ea5e921d13741e37d8". Jürgen Fischer
12:25 AM Revision b5f047d2 (qgis): keep add feature action until non-modal attribute form is closed (fixes...
Jürgen Fischer
12:23 AM Bug report #4324 (Feedback): wrong scale in print composer?
Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce it and suspect it's been solved. Nyall Dawson
12:21 AM Revision 9dbeefb6 (qgis): Merge pull request #1651 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: menu and toolbars Werner Macho
11:53 PM Revision f1ce3724 (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: menu and toolbars
Robert Szczepanek
11:31 PM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
The crash happens after setting transparency and closing the dialog---so during rendering (nothing is drawn on the ca... Gary Sherman
10:56 PM Bug report #11455 (Feedback): Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Martin Dobias
10:56 PM Bug report #11455: Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
Hi Gary - is it possible to have a backtrace? When does the crash happen - during rendering or while changing the tra... Martin Dobias
11:27 PM Revision d9b16380 (qgis): added detail about the output
Giovanni Manghi
11:26 PM Revision 3bdb104a (qgis): use QgsCredentials to request wms/ows credentials on demand and wms cle...
Jürgen Fischer
11:21 PM Revision ee8b74f5 (qgis): fix processing gdal_rasterize to allow write vector values in a existin...
Giovanni Manghi
10:47 PM Bug report #11074 (Closed): WCS export to GeoTIFF broken in QGIS 2.4.0
Fixed in changeset commit:"c7d6f417baba2ea4a1cceb7cc7a2067f0d9848a6". Martin Dobias
09:43 PM Bug report #10999 (Closed): Unknown exception while reshaping
Fixed in changeset commit:"037138fae5afb22ec11f5959052d20db978475da". Martin Dobias
09:41 PM Feature request #11463 (Closed): labelling and map display tips with SQL and 1:n relations
Is it possible to labelling and map display tips a layer with 1:n relations for ShapeFile or with SQL query (SELECT, ... Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:15 PM Bug report #11459: Editing Composer legend while filtered does not work
Lowering priority as this is not a blocker (editing works when filtering is turned off) Martin Dobias
09:25 AM Bug report #11459: Editing Composer legend while filtered does not work
Forgot to say that I was using QGIS 2.5 962a7d9. So changes might have been done in the meanwhile.
Alexandre Neto
09:11 AM Bug report #11459 (Closed): Editing Composer legend while filtered does not work
In Print Composer, if a legend is using filter my map content try to edit one of the legend elements migth lead to un... Alexandre Neto
09:10 PM Bug report #10619: Attribute table 'Show features visible on map' option does not speed up loadin...
Does not look like a blocker to me. Martin Dobias
07:24 PM Revision 4bcde117 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex update
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
05:48 PM Revision 80c1dda9 (qgis): add Processing clip using ogr2ogr to compensate for the bad Clip perfor...
Giovanni Manghi
05:29 PM Revision fdf0436e (qgis): Merge pull request #1647 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: GDAL, heatmap Werner Macho
04:22 PM Bug report #11340 (Closed): Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Fixed in changeset commit:"f2b7c0fcf84923b399748c9bf2dbc5190398325c". Jürgen Fischer
04:22 PM Revision b24572ad (qgis): Merge pull request #1648 from gioman/processing_gdal_output_type
Add raster data type output option to some Processing/GDAL tools otherwise output is always Float64 Alexander Bruy
03:32 PM Revision 338e138b (qgis): SIP update: expose QgsAttributeAction icon, iconPath and name
Fix #11458 Matthias Kuhn
03:26 PM Bug report #11461 (Closed): "reuse last entered attribute values" broken on master
Fixed in changeset commit:"b5f047d2d37e396b92e46473e4f24c0aeca910ea". Jürgen Fischer
12:06 PM Bug report #11461 (Closed): "reuse last entered attribute values" broken on master
subject says it all Giovanni Manghi
02:31 PM Bug report #10980 (Feedback): Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
Jürgen Fischer
05:32 AM Bug report #10980: Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
Could you provide more details regarding how you run these snippets? Setting of canvas extents works for me when used... Martin Dobias
02:28 PM Bug report #11184 (Closed): When storing only the username of a protected WMS connection, then QG...
Fixed in changeset commit:"3bdb104a0164c4db3549013e41a497af7b0701e1". Jürgen Fischer
02:24 PM Feature request #11442: Processing: Please add an option to rasterize overwriting an exixting raster
Giovanni Manghi
04:59 AM Feature request #11442 (Open): Processing: Please add an option to rasterize overwriting an exixt...
No special option: from the command line, if you provide a file name, it will be used as a basis, if not it will be c... Paolo Cavallini
02:03 PM Revision 5b9210b9 (qgis): [composer] Respect reference point when resizing scalebar and legend
Previously, the reference point (and data defined position/size) were
ignored when scalebars or legends resized thems...
Nyall Dawson
01:38 PM Revision eea6c6bf (qgis): Add raster data type output option to some Processing/GDAL tools othere...
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Revision 93efeeff (qgis): Add raster data type output option to some Processing/GDAL tools othere...
Giovanni Manghi
01:11 PM Revision aa46df2f (qgis): Fix one memory leak + add note to show() calls as they will delete the ...
Martin Dobias
01:11 PM Revision ba8a60f6 (qgis): Fix #11456 (canvas not refreshed anymore after adding a new feature)
Resorted to a "minimalist" fix - other solutions would potentially break
even more stuff. The handling of non-modal d...
Martin Dobias
12:42 PM Revision 93864ce5 (qgis): Remove workaround for layergroup bug #6938, now fixed
Sandro Santilli
12:11 PM Revision 37f1a16c (qgis): Catch GEOS exceptions when reshape tool is used on non-closed-linestring
And use qWarning() instead of QgsDebugMsg() to make tracing GEOS errors easier
because a stack trace is printed.
Matthias Kuhn
11:49 AM Revision 58c34ae3 (qgis): [composer] Default to setting a map for new legend items
It's friendlier for users, who may not realise they need to set
a map before they can filter legends.
Nyall Dawson
11:49 AM Revision 2b36dea1 (qgis): Follow up 0bda714
Ensure that mLegendFilterByMap is set before setting the map when
reading legend xml
Nyall Dawson
11:07 AM Revision 0bda7143 (qgis): [composer] Fixed assignment of map to legend + no updates when legend i...
Thanks to Nyall for his help! Martin Dobias
09:42 AM Bug report #11460 (Closed): qgis crashes when trying to load hotkeys settings
qgis crashes when trying to load hotkeys settings.
i added hotkeys.xml and dump file from error message
zimirrr leonid
08:58 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> I have not been able to follow if the unpacked .shp was making trouble for SAGA or if it was ...
Giovanni Manghi
07:14 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
"OpenJUMP should use the .shx when present certainly".
Probabably yes but OpenJUMP is just a "Small Open Source GIS t...
Jukka Rahkonen
06:57 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
See OGR enhancement: Even Rouault
06:21 AM Bug report #11007 (Closed): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in othe...
Matthias Kuhn
06:20 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Excerpt from #gdal
TL;DR; OpenJUMP ignores the (updated) .shx, the solution will be that repack also triggers when g...
Matthias Kuhn
05:44 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> OpenJUMP is more sensitive to this.
basically any other sw tested shows same or similar behav...
Giovanni Manghi
05:20 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Ok, I can reproduce it now with OpenJUMP. There seem to be two different problems:
* Marking features as deleted in...
Matthias Kuhn
04:52 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
I guess this
ca be also part of this issue.
Giovanni Manghi
02:24 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...

> Just to be sure: You did the same test again (on a new shapefile, not an already corrupted one)? I fail to create ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:52 AM Feature request #11448: Add clipping with ogr2ogr with "-clipsrc" option
see Giovanni Manghi
08:04 AM Revision fe9c5c4f (qgis): Fix #11330 (Composer legend can be smaller than its content)
Martin Dobias
07:19 AM Revision 3546b325 (qgis): Fix #11382 (keep check state of the moved layer)
Cloning of the existing node will preserve the check state, in addition
it will keep other custom properties that wou...
Martin Dobias
06:33 AM Bug report #11458 (Closed): can't access to QAction class new methods
Fixed in changeset commit:"338e138be6db9dc81b8fc34a7352abd5c9cad7c0". Matthias Kuhn
06:02 AM Bug report #11458 (Closed): can't access to QAction class new methods
Qgis api 2.5 documentation reports for class QAction these new methods:
but these methods in 2.5.0...
enrico ferreguti
05:04 AM Bug report #11380 (Closed): When zooming, reference point checked doesn't anchor the scale bar frame
Fixed in changeset commit:"5b9210b91dc891d8043c289446f84b699989e735". Nyall Dawson
05:04 AM Bug report #11321 (Closed): Composer legend doesn't honour reference point when adding/deleting l...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5b9210b91dc891d8043c289446f84b699989e735". Nyall Dawson
04:14 AM Bug report #11456 (Closed): canvas do not refresh anymore after adding a new feature in a vector ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"ba8a60f67b402b1367cfe4b41fe968d1af1fa52d". Martin Dobias
03:44 AM Bug report #6938 (Closed): Legend group visibility computation is wrong
Confirmed fixed, workaround removed with commit:93864ce55c9e4ec1a3441f32f73c3166b83ea36c Sandro Santilli
03:44 AM Bug report #6938 (Closed): Legend group visibility computation is wrong
Confirmed fixed, workaround removed with commit:93864ce55c9e4ec1a3441f32f73c3166b83ea36c Sandro Santilli
03:44 AM Bug report #6938 (Closed): Legend group visibility computation is wrong
Confirmed fixed, workaround removed with commit:93864ce55c9e4ec1a3441f32f73c3166b83ea36c Sandro Santilli
03:44 AM Bug report #6938 (Closed): Legend group visibility computation is wrong
Confirmed fixed, workaround removed with commit:93864ce55c9e4ec1a3441f32f73c3166b83ea36c Sandro Santilli
02:23 AM Bug report #6938: Legend group visibility computation is wrong
According to Martin this should not be a bug anymore since 2.4: #11382-12
To be checked by dropping workarounds in...
Sandro Santilli
03:03 AM Bug report #11457 (Closed): Composer map: filter legend by map content doesn't works
filter legend by map content works with map canvas but not with map composer (simple symbol or rule base for my test)... Loïc BARTOLETTI
02:20 AM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
I think #6938 should not be an issue since 2.4 because the logic for visibility has been rewritten. Would you mind to... Martin Dobias
02:08 AM Bug report #11382: TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT to be
Thanks, Martin. Could you also look at #6938 since you're at it ? Would be nice to drop other hacks from the plugin, ... Sandro Santilli
02:01 AM Revision 697ebffe (qgis): Merge pull request #1616 from ahuarte47/Issue_11243
Fix #11243: Data corruption with feature simplification Jürgen Fischer


01:58 AM Bug report #11452: OSM Vector tool export different number of features compared to loading the sa...
GDAL OSM driver and the native QGIS OSM tools are different implementations. A well educated user might get the same ... Jukka Rahkonen
05:51 AM Bug report #11452 (Closed): OSM Vector tool export different number of features compared to loadi...
Master (2.5)
refer attached osm file that was downloaded with the Vector OSM tool, then imported into spatialite w...
Gavin Fleming
01:53 AM Bug report #11456 (Closed): canvas do not refresh anymore after adding a new feature in a vector ...
this causes the new feature to not show after ending its edition.
caused by
Giovanni Manghi
01:48 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> It is very unlikely that the regression you observe and this fix are related. This fix only to...
Giovanni Manghi
01:50 PM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
It is very unlikely that the regression you observe and this fix are related. This fix only touches provider code and... Matthias Kuhn
10:56 AM Bug report #11007 (Reopened): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in ot...
Unfortunately I can see that the discussed issue is not solved (but again, re-saving the edited shape "solves" the is... Giovanni Manghi
10:56 AM Bug report #11007 (Reopened): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in ot...
Unfortunately I can see that the discussed issue is not solved (but again, re-saving the edited shape "solves" the is... Giovanni Manghi
10:11 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Fixed in changeset commit:"05157f89a06dd65565770303c985a6d0d137ea98".
Hi Matthias,
this may ...
Giovanni Manghi
08:54 AM Bug report #11007 (Closed): Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in othe...
Fixed in changeset commit:"05157f89a06dd65565770303c985a6d0d137ea98". Matthias Kuhn
08:44 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Jukka, it's actually OGR that marks the entries in .dbf as deleted and not QGIS itself. So it's actually not a QGIS i... Matthias Kuhn
07:25 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> I just made a pretty basic test:
> * opened qgis master
> * created...
Giovanni Manghi
05:06 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
Hi Matthias,
I just made a pretty basic test:
* opened qgis master
* created from scratch a (polygon) shapefile a...
Giovanni Manghi
05:02 AM Bug report #11007: Deleted/edited features within SHAPEFILE are still recognized in other softwar...
It is understandable from the QGIS point of view to mark deletions only to .dbf during the edit session. However, del... Jukka Rahkonen
01:33 AM Revision 42d915ef (qgis): skip primary key column when pasting to spatialite layers (fixes #11322)
Jürgen Fischer
01:33 AM Revision 82b6e034 (qgis): cosmetic cleanups, typo fixes, formatting
Jürgen Fischer
01:33 AM Revision 77b42cca (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:37 PM Bug report #11455 (Closed): Crash when setting transparency for WMS layer
QGIS crashes after repeatedly adjusting the transparency for a WMS layer (tested with raster source layers). Sometime... Gary Sherman
11:28 PM Bug report #11440 (Closed): sip module implements API v11.0 to v11.1 but the qgis.core module req...
Hi Miran,
Nice that it works for you.
I hope that Sabayon people will take care of recompiling, now that they've got...
Matthias Kuhn
11:28 PM Bug report #11440 (Closed): sip module implements API v11.0 to v11.1 but the qgis.core module req...
Hi Miran,
Nice that it works for you.
I hope that Sabayon people will take care of recompiling, now that they've got...
Matthias Kuhn
03:47 PM Bug report #11440: sip module implements API v11.0 to v11.1 but the qgis.core module requires API...
Hello Matthias, thanks for the quick reply & for linking to my bug report on Sabayon. I just compiled QGIS 2.4 -- th... Miran Bozicevic
02:03 PM Bug report #11440 (Feedback): sip module implements API v11.0 to v11.1 but the qgis.core module r...
For reference:
Did you try to recompile the application? I suspect the...
Matthias Kuhn
11:06 PM Bug report #11330 (Closed): Composer legend is now resizable to a size smaller than the items inside
Fixed in changeset commit:"fe9c5c4f098bd483c9b9265438ab3bffc3aa18aa". Martin Dobias
10:26 PM Revision a7b3fccc (qgis): [TRANSUP] pl: GDAL, heatmap
Robert Szczepanek
10:23 PM Bug report #11382 (Closed): TopoViewer: all layers are added as visible while code asks them NOT ...
Fixed in changeset commit:"3546b325a5c335ac960494259bb006514111c08d". Martin Dobias
10:10 PM Revision c0bfceab (qgis): Improve wording of string
Nyall Dawson
09:46 PM Revision 8ab0674f (qgis): [composer] Fix page orientation and size ignored when printing
Turns out QPrinter::setPaperSize silently flips the width and height
of a page if the printer orientation is set to l...
Nyall Dawson
09:10 PM Feature request #3703: improvement of spatial selection
Just a "me too". This would be incredibly useful. I create throwaway buffers so many times every day it's almost ridi... Pierre-Luc Auclair
08:54 PM Revision 17626b80 (qgis): fixes for 2 shapes tools for SAGA 2.1.2
Giovanni Manghi
07:51 PM Revision 4906d569 (qgis): Fix #10819 (simple/marker line with offset on the wrong side of inner r...
Martin Dobias
07:06 PM Revision 43c4cd72 (qgis): Fix #10956 (QgsSnapper crash/freeze/issues)
QgsMapSettings instance of QgsMapCanvas may have been prematurely deleted by SIP.
The KeepReference annotation will f...
Martin Dobias
05:34 PM Revision 05157f89 (qgis): Repack() shapefiles on unload whenever they have been modified
Previous preconditions that would only repack them when features have been
deleted seems to not have covered everythi...
Matthias Kuhn
05:01 PM Bug report #11243 (Closed): Data corruption with feature simplification.
Fixed in changeset commit:"697ebffe4dd360824dca5ffdf7c8a8304c11ad06". Jürgen Fischer
04:41 PM Bug report #11322 (Closed): Cannot copy/paste Spatialite features (when using autoincrementing pr...
Fixed in changeset commit:"42d915ef0f03e4f5fde04353a880e7ffaeeb4365". Jürgen Fischer
03:47 PM Revision 4e8c679b (qgis): SIP update for QgsFilterLineEdit
events have not been defined in the sip file, therefore QgsFilterLineEdits
created in python did not receive the even...
Matthias Kuhn
03:17 PM Revision 5e549125 (qgis): Fix #11361 (Cannot open menu for vector layer in TOC when its table of ...
Dual view's attribute form was triggering canvas refresh which in turn
caused the popup menu to be closed again. (at ...
Martin Dobias
02:54 PM Bug report #9703 (Closed): make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user ch...
Fixed in commit:f28b63497d458a50c9e3c604229229d6138c8bf0
Nathan Woodrow
02:54 PM Bug report #9703 (Closed): make measure tools lines more visible and persistent until the user ch...
Fixed in commit:f28b63497d458a50c9e3c604229229d6138c8bf0
Nathan Woodrow
02:51 PM Bug report #11454 (Closed): Losing location of raster layers in OSX
When opening a saved project file, QGIS forgets where the raster layers are stored, and presents the lost layers dial... Malcolm Hutchinson
02:05 PM Feature request #11424: QGIS Attribute table - visual cue for immutable columns
I updated the main title to reflect the current state Matthias Kuhn
01:43 PM Revision 9dff7ab6 (qgis): Also show focus rect for QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxes
Nyall Dawson
01:43 PM Revision 447ec0f2 (qgis): [composer] Improved fix for tab order in item widgets
Setting the focus policy to strong for QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxes
in Qt designer allows for the tab order to be correct...
Nyall Dawson
01:01 PM Bug report #11352 (Closed): [composer] Page orientation ignored when printing
Fixed in changeset commit:"8ab0674f44427e70ee374a659fa9cddbe65c0760". Nyall Dawson
12:53 PM Revision fb321782 (qgis): Fix #11426 (Right click cause crash when digitizing polygon inner ring)
Also fixed the same crash for add part and fill ring map tools. Martin Dobias
12:03 PM Revision d11597a5 (qgis): Fix #11420 (Quick calculation bar updates wrong column when using aliases)
Martin Dobias
11:47 AM Revision 09691baf (qgis): [composer] Follow up da5766c, fix picture rotation calculation
Previous commit failed to address the issue for non-squareish
Nyall Dawson
11:43 AM Revision c496fc7f (qgis): Hide color picker tab in color dialog for OSX builds.
Qt on OSX does not support the required QWidget::grabMouse method.
Instead of showing a broken tab, just hide it unde...
Nyall Dawson
11:29 AM Revision efa4f977 (qgis): [TRANSUP] transifex and string updates
Signed-off-by: Werner Macho <[email protected]> Werner Macho
11:16 AM Revision 4f9f67e3 (qgis): [composer] Fix tab order in some item widgets
Nyall Dawson
11:16 AM Revision 129ab4a1 (qgis): Show focus rect around focused QgsDataDefinedButtons
Helps with user interaction via the keyboard. Nyall Dawson
10:56 AM Revision 0c7bc40d (qgis): Fix #11331 (hidden group still occupies space in composer legend)
Martin Dobias
10:54 AM Bug report #10819 (Closed): markers drawn on wrong side of edge of rings with when draw marker li...
Fixed in changeset commit:"4906d56955fb1c6270e4914e9fbf122906d5159f". Martin Dobias
10:37 AM Bug report #11445 (Closed): Crash when double clicking on a modeller alg
Giovanni Manghi
10:36 AM Bug report #10980 (Open): Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
Giovanni Manghi
10:36 AM Bug report #11453 (Open): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
Giovanni Manghi
08:06 AM Bug report #11453: Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
I had to install 2.0.1 and 2.2.0 from the stand alone installers as I didn't have them on this computer. I tested in ... Darren Cope
07:20 AM Bug report #11453: Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
Darren Cope wrote:
> It does not seem to happen in 2.1 or 1.9.
2.0.1 or 2.2 (the stable releases)?
Giovanni Manghi
06:57 AM Bug report #11453: Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
I just tried on 2.4, and the problem does occur there as well. It does not seem to happen in 2.1 or 1.9. Darren Cope
06:38 AM Bug report #11453 (Feedback): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
It is ok on 2.4 or older? Giovanni Manghi
06:38 AM Bug report #11453 (Feedback): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
It is ok on 2.4 or older? Giovanni Manghi
06:08 AM Bug report #11453 (Closed): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
I have added an MSSQL Spatial Layer (line). when I zoom in 'too far', QGIS will crash, giving a .dmp file (attached).... Darren Cope
10:35 AM Bug report #11340 (Open): Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Giovanni Manghi
09:14 AM Bug report #11340: Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can't you try the nightly builds available for Ubuntu or debian?
I am able now to reproduce...
Manuel Grizonnet
06:41 AM Bug report #11340: Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Can't you try the nightly builds available for Ubuntu or debian? Giovanni Manghi
05:55 AM Bug report #11340: Can't edit OTB applications folder in processing module
Manuel Grizonnet wrote:
> I need to compile a local version of qgis master. I'll let you know.
I've got an issue wh...
Manuel Grizonnet
10:11 AM Bug report #10956: QgsSnapper crash/freeze/issues
Btw. the code with QgsMapRenderer works for me with master... Martin Dobias
10:07 AM Bug report #10956 (Closed): QgsSnapper crash/freeze/issues
Fixed in changeset commit:"43c4cd72ada19e9293a0c881ee5fb42acab74cc7". Martin Dobias
10:03 AM Revision ac5ff27a (qgis): Merge pull request #1642 from timlinux/processing
Papercut fix for inconsistent spelling of Raster Layer vs Vector layer Alexander Bruy
09:51 AM Revision 7876a781 (qgis): Merge pull request #1638 from Cracert/master
[TRANSUP] pl: first run Werner Macho
09:25 AM Revision 9f8beb02 (qgis): Merge pull request #1640 from gioman/saga_mosaick_fix
small fix for SAGA module Victor Olaya
09:24 AM Revision 1eefed25 (qgis): Merge pull request #1639 from gioman/saga_transpose_grids
Add SAGA 2.1.2 Transpose Grids tool Victor Olaya
09:24 AM Revision f3e7a3ed (qgis): Merge pull request #1643 from gioman/gdal_rasterize_type
Add option to allow choose raster type output to gdal_rasterize Victor Olaya
09:08 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Thank you for the feedback Salvatore, the SIP version confused me somehow and then I understood that customwidgets so... Matthias Kuhn
08:55 AM Bug report #11372 (Closed): Position of clean button in Processing search field
Fixed in changeset commit:"4e8c679ba097f7f2c05e79945f9ba8475de1d49d". Matthias Kuhn
08:34 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Hi Matthias,
yes the PR works, and it is what I am trying to say since comment n.4 :)
I already had tried that, but...
Salvatore Larosa
08:21 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Hi Salvatore,
That's what the PR does. If you say it works, I can push it. And I would then not call it a workaround...
Matthias Kuhn
08:01 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Hi Matthias,
maybe I have not explained well before, but adding protected functions is the workaround right now.
Salvatore Larosa
07:38 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Hi Salvatore,
Yes, I was referring to this option, I am not sure if this issue is related.
Could you test PR 1654 t...
Matthias Kuhn
05:39 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Hi Matthias,
are you referred to -DWITH_CUSTOM_WIDGETS=ON cmake option?
If so, for me it has not worked.
I noticed t...
Salvatore Larosa
04:24 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Thank you for testing Giovanni.
It's not directly related to python. It's related to designer and promotion of widge...
Matthias Kuhn
03:59 AM Bug report #11372: Position of clean button in Processing search field
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> I have noticed similar effects for other widgets when the "customwidgets" library was not avai...
Giovanni Manghi
08:44 AM Bug report #10890: Unable to add non-cached WFS layer through Python API
Neil Benny wrote:
> I don't know to much about QGIS/C++ but it seems the new extent is not being picked up maybe?
Jürgen Fischer
08:33 AM Bug report #10890: Unable to add non-cached WFS layer through Python API
By "maximum allowed for a single request" I mean the maximum number of features that Geoserver will return in a singl... Neil Benny
05:23 AM Bug report #10890: Unable to add non-cached WFS layer through Python API
Neil Benny wrote:
> However, if the layer has more features than the maximum allowed for a single request, then the b...
Jürgen Fischer
03:00 AM Bug report #10890: Unable to add non-cached WFS layer through Python API
Hi Jurgen,
I am able to add WFS layers to the map canvas with iface.addVectorLayer (with the BBOX parameter in the U...
Neil Benny
08:26 AM Revision 9bc7eca7 (qgis): Cleanup action text
Make sure all actions use standard capitalization and ... suffixes when
required. Add missing menu key shortcuts to c...
Nyall Dawson
08:16 AM Bug report #11399: Unable to add raster and vector files via drag and drop on OS X 10.10
This issue exists in trunk also. It has been present for some time. I was just looking to post a bug report, but this... John Tull
07:34 AM Bug report #11449 (Feedback): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download...
I just tested on master and the .osm extension is added properly. Giovanni Manghi
07:34 AM Bug report #11449 (Feedback): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download...
I just tested on master and the .osm extension is added properly. Giovanni Manghi
07:34 AM Bug report #11449 (Feedback): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download...
I just tested on master and the .osm extension is added properly. Giovanni Manghi
07:34 AM Bug report #11449 (Feedback): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download...
I just tested on master and the .osm extension is added properly. Giovanni Manghi
07:34 AM Bug report #11449 (Feedback): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download...
I just tested on master and the .osm extension is added properly. Giovanni Manghi
05:24 AM Bug report #11449 (Closed): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download O...
Please add .osm file extension automatically to downloaded file. If the user doesn't add it, QGIS doesn't recognise t... Gavin Fleming
07:12 AM Bug report #11444 (Closed): Min/Max values are not applied for number parameter
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Tim Sutton wrote:
> > Tim Sutton wrote:
> > > Victor Olaya wrote:
> > > > weird. IT is worki...
Tim Sutton
04:48 AM Bug report #11444: Min/Max values are not applied for number parameter
Tim Sutton wrote:
> Tim Sutton wrote:
> > Victor Olaya wrote:
> > > weird. IT is working here (actually i tried the s...
Giovanni Manghi
04:02 AM Bug report #11444: Min/Max values are not applied for number parameter
Tim Sutton wrote:
> Victor Olaya wrote:
> > weird. IT is working here (actually i tried the same numbers)
> >
> > Ar...
Tim Sutton
06:18 AM Bug report #11361 (Closed): Cannot right click on vector layer in TOC when its table of attribute...
Fixed in changeset commit:"5e54912565930019bac14908658263ef92ee0426". Martin Dobias
06:17 AM Bug report #10746: Buzzer sound when the map is refreshing
I had the same problem with QGIS 2.4 64 bits. My dataset was in a folder named 'Données', I removed the accent and it... Nicolas Boisteault
05:42 AM Bug report #11451 (Closed): OSM Vector tool not adding to canvas
export OSM topology to spatialite: only point layers seem to get added to the canvas. polyline and polygon layers are... Gavin Fleming
05:40 AM Feature request #11450 (Open): Add buttons to selec/deselect all tags in Import OSM dialog
Please add 'select all' and 'select none' buttons to the Tag menu Gavin Fleming
04:59 AM Bug report #11431 (Closed): Merge raster layers error in Processing
Giovanni Manghi
04:58 AM Bug report #11432 (Closed): Processing: Slope, aspect, curvature module not working
Giovanni Manghi
04:57 AM Feature request #11443 (Closed): Processing: default for GDAL rasterizing should be raster resolu...
Giovanni Manghi
04:54 AM Feature request #11448: Add clipping with ogr2ogr with "-clipsrc" option
I agree, adding this ogr based operation would help a lot, as qgis python clip tool is pretty bad at large datasets.
Giovanni Manghi
04:47 AM Feature request #11442: Processing: Please add an option to rasterize overwriting an exixting raster
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> dst_filename:
> The GDAL supported output file. Must support update mode access. Befo...
Giovanni Manghi
03:56 AM Bug report #11426 (Closed): Right click cause crash when digitizing polygon inner ring
Fixed in changeset commit:"fb321782bf7ae51ac09fcc8c933660f983c028d3". Martin Dobias
03:56 AM Bug report #11441: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
It works fine in both WGS84 and 4269.
Saber Razmjooei
02:56 AM Bug report #11441: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> it seems anyway strange to me as I tested also on Windows (where anyone should have the same...
Martin Dobias
02:37 AM Bug report #11441: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
Martin Dobias wrote:
> I cannot replicate the problem.
> @Anita / @Saber - which version of Proj.4 do you use? Doe...
Giovanni Manghi
02:22 AM Bug report #11441: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
I cannot replicate the problem.
@Anita / @Saber - which version of Proj.4 do you use? Does it happen also if you use...
Martin Dobias
03:14 AM Bug report #11206 (Feedback): QGIS Server crashes on GetLegendGraphic and GetFeatureInfo requests...
Are you sure that you do not have some mix-up with QGIS libraries on your system? (e.g. server fcgi picking up wrong ... Martin Dobias
03:14 AM Bug report #11206 (Feedback): QGIS Server crashes on GetLegendGraphic and GetFeatureInfo requests...
Are you sure that you do not have some mix-up with QGIS libraries on your system? (e.g. server fcgi picking up wrong ... Martin Dobias
03:05 AM Bug report #11420: Quick calculation bar updates wrong column when using aliases
Uhhhh sorry Jürgen Martin Dobias
03:05 AM Bug report #11420 (Closed): Quick calculation bar updates wrong column when using aliases
Jürgen Fischer
03:05 AM Bug report #11420 (In Progress): Quick calculation bar updates wrong column when using aliases
Jürgen Fischer
03:04 AM Bug report #11420 (Closed): Quick calculation bar updates wrong column when using aliases
Fixed in changeset commit:"d11597a5b7b301e755d188c3f381e3339cf95f39". Martin Dobias


01:57 AM Bug report #11331 (Closed): Hidden Group legend items still occupies space in the legend
Fixed in changeset commit:"0c7bc40d65ae6bef285ba69ca9ff9816e59f00b1". Martin Dobias
01:26 AM Bug report #11444: Min/Max values are not applied for number parameter
Victor Olaya wrote:
> weird. IT is working here (actually i tried the same numbers)
> Are you editing the paramete...
Tim Sutton
03:37 PM Bug report #11444: Min/Max values are not applied for number parameter
weird. IT is working here (actually i tried the same numbers)
Are you editing the parameter you added (which now can...
Victor Olaya