Feature request #11497

QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request

Added by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Category:Documentation and Help
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:19767


In the latest qgis server versions if a feature has many nodes then modifying it or adding new one will fail if it has many nodes.

Errors: ERROR: 1 geometries not changed.

Provider errors:

empty response

Simplified/generalized versions of the same feature will be saved with no problems.

It seems it is not a wfs client issue as the same feature will edit with no problems if published with geoserver.

I can't remember to have seen this issue in older qgis/server releases, but as I'm not 100% sure I'm not tagging this as a blocker.


#1 Updated by Alessandro Pasotti over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Cannot reproduce.

the words "many nodes" do not permit a precise identification of the feature causing the problem.

Can you please add a test project with the minimum feature set to reproduce the issue?

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

Alessandro Pasotti wrote:

Cannot reproduce.

the words "many nodes" do not permit a precise identification of the feature causing the problem.

Can you please add a test project with the minimum feature set to reproduce the issue?

yes I can provide a test server, but only later during the day.


#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

  • Category changed from QGIS Server to Documentation and Help
  • Subject changed from QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes to QGIS wfs-t server: cannot modify/add features if they have many nodes, necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request
  • Tracker changed from Bug report to Feature request

it turns out that is necessary to raise the maximum body size of a HTTP request, like

<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
FcgidMaxRequestLen 26214400
FcgidConnectTimeout 60

better add a note in the docs.

#4 Updated by Alexander Bruy almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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