Bug report #11587
all coordinates truncated to integer values when system has certain locale settings
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Vectors | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.6.0 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | up/downstream |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 19846 |
I have two files (attached annex) with the same content : one in OSM, the other in GeoJson.
I can open the OSM file (point layer), every thing is OK.
However, if I open the geojson, all coordinates are truncated to integer values.
I can run this script :
##Debug=group ##Test decimal=name ##layer=vector layer = processing.getObject(layer) for feature in layer.getFeatures(): print feature.geometry().exportToWkt()
For OSM, I get : "POINT (2.36937020000000009 48.82156119999999788)"
But for geojson : "POINT (2 48)"
But as you can see in the geojson, there are some decimal too.
I tried to play with parameters in Kubuntu about decimal separator, I can't resolve this problem.
Another issue is related to this :
Related issues
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
seems a local issue. Any tool I tested to get that points coordinates returns decimal values.
Updated by Milos Kroulik about 10 years ago
I'm also having this problem in QGIS 2.7-master on Ubuntu 14.04 (precisely Linux Mint 17.1) installed using Ubuntugis unstable and QGIS devel repositories. What can i try to mitigate the problem? My coworker tried it with Win 7, at it works well.
Full environment info:
QGIS version 2.7.0-Master QGIS code revision exported
Compiled against Qt 4.8.6 Running against Qt 4.8.6
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.11.0 Running against GDAL/OGR 1.11.0
Compiled against GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 Running against GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
PostgreSQL Client Version 9.3.4 SpatiaLite Version 4.1.1
QWT Version 5.2.3 PROJ.4 Version 480
Updated by Milos Kroulik about 10 years ago
New findings confirm, that this issue is definitely related to system locale settings. I changed locale settings in Cinnamon environment to en-US and (after reboot) QGIS was able to load GeoJSON file correctly. So title of this issue should be changed - or should I close this issue and create new one based on new findings?
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Open
- Subject changed from all coordinates truncated to integer values to all coordinates truncated to integer values when system has certain locale settings
- Category set to Vectors
Milos Kroulik wrote:
New findings confirm, that this issue is definitely related to system locale settings. I changed locale settings in Cinnamon environment to en-US and (after reboot) QGIS was able to load GeoJSON file correctly. So title of this issue should be changed - or should I close this issue and create new one based on new findings?
title edited. This was an issue also in older qgis releases?
Updated by Milos Kroulik about 10 years ago
It's present at least in 2.6, another poster in linked Github issue mentioned, that it was also present in 2.4
Updated by Etienne Trimaille about 10 years ago
I confirm that bug on qgis 2.4 too.
Sure it's a problem with locales. The decimal separator should be treated by any locales.
Do you think we should check more GDAL/OGR ? And maybe open an issue linked to this one on GDAL's tracker.
Updated by Michael Douchin almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Version 2.6 to Future Release - Nice to have
Updated by Martin Weis about 9 years ago
I had this issue, too and here is my bugreport:
GeoJSON import fails based on LANG settings
I found the import of GeoJSON files to fail based on the language settings. The file gets imported, but the decimals are lost.
An import with qgis started under a generic english LANG environment imports the file correctly:
LANG=C qgis
With the following test.json:
{"features": [
{"geometry": {"coordinates": [[[9.0, 48.0], [9.0, 49.5], [9.5, 49.5], [9.5, 48.0], [9.0, 48.0]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "properties": {"xyid": "0 0"}, "type": "Feature"},
], "type": "FeatureCollection"}
The import under a german environment (de_DE.UTF-8) yields a deformed polygon, "Plain Geometry editor" extension shows these coordinates:
Polygon ((9 48, 9 49, 9 49, 9 48, 9 48))
with LANG=C qgis loads the same file correctly:
Polygon ((9 48, 9 49.5, 9.5 49.5, 9.5 48, 9 48))
ogr standalone binary correctly converts the coordinates, e.g. to GML (excerpt):
ogr2ogr -f "GML" out.gml in.json
<ogr:geometryProperty><gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>9,48 9.0,49.5 9.5,49.5 9.5,48.0 9,48</gml:coordinates></gml:L
QGIS version
QGIS code revision
Compiled against Qt
Running against Qt
Compiled against GDAL/OGR
Running against GDAL/OGR
Compiled against GEOS
Running against GEOS
3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
PostgreSQL Client Version
SpatiaLite Version
QWT Version
PROJ.4 Version
QScintilla2 Version
Updated by Martin Weis about 9 years ago
Updated by Martin Weis about 9 years ago
Another duplicate: #12555
Updated by Even Rouault over 8 years ago
- Resolution set to up/downstream
- Status changed from Open to Closed
This has been fixed in GDAL 2.0