From 2015-04-13 to 2015-05-12
11:50 PM Bug report #12734: QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- Giving it another try, I can only reproduce it when I delete the last vertex +of the last part+ of the MultiLineString.
09:40 PM Revision 31843a78 (qgis): processing: fix interpretation of oracle layers (take II; followup f0da...
06:37 PM Revision d855eabc (qgis): Prevent a crash if simplify tool is accidentally used for non-vector layer
06:24 PM Revision 56ada166 (qgis): PyQGIS: add conversion from QgsExpression::Node to subclasses
- This makes it possible to investigate expression node tree within Python
03:06 PM Bug report #12745 (Closed): processing python error
- using the GRASS r.drain module I'm getting (master and 2.8.2, Windows and Linux) the following python error that does...
02:55 PM Bug report #12744 (Closed): Italian translation of "Output layer" should be "Strato in uscita"
- "Output layer" is translated both as "Vettore in uscita" and "Raster in uscita" (
02:52 PM Bug report #12742 (Closed): Fix output parameter names
- I've just verified that it's a italian translation issue. "Output layer" is translated both as "Vettore in uscita" an...
02:11 PM Bug report #12742 (Feedback): Fix output parameter names
- can you make an example of a tool that misbehave as you describe?
08:47 AM Bug report #12742 (Closed): Fix output parameter names
- There are many algorithms where the output parameter name is not consistent with the type of output.
E.g. "Raster Out... -
02:36 PM Feature request #12741: Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same name o...
- Thanks Giovanni, I missed that option. Anyway, I think it should be default behaviour when a file is chosen as output...
02:09 PM Feature request #12741 (Feedback): Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the ...
- you can change this behavior in
processing > options > general > use filename as layer name -
08:45 AM Feature request #12741 (Open): Layer output to file should be loaded inside the TOC with the same...
- When a user saves the ouput of an algorithm to a file, it should be loaded to QGIS with the same name of the output f...
01:34 PM Bug report #12740: Algorithms sometimes disappear from the toolbox
- I confirm the issue. Unable to replicate it reliably though. Only seen with the simplified interface.
01:24 PM Bug report #12740: Algorithms sometimes disappear from the toolbox
- weird, I also give quite a lot of training and I do not remember someone to have ever hit this issue.
08:43 AM Bug report #12740 (Closed): Algorithms sometimes disappear from the toolbox
- That's explained in the subject.
Many users are facing this issue. During my courses I hear them complaining they can... -
01:20 PM Bug report #12743: SegFault on adding composer map on a composition
- Hi Nyall.
Im really sorry because i found this solution, i test it and that don't work the first time. That's why i ... -
12:30 PM Bug report #12743 (Closed): SegFault on adding composer map on a composition
- This line:...
12:30 PM Bug report #12743 (Closed): SegFault on adding composer map on a composition
- This line:...
09:27 AM Bug report #12743 (Closed): SegFault on adding composer map on a composition
- I've a segfault on adding a QgsComposerMap to a QgsComposition
Code (last line):... -
01:19 PM Bug report #12710 (Open): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Seems fixed in QGIS 2.8.2
it does not seems fixed here, tested on both 2.8.2 and master und... -
01:19 PM Bug report #12710 (Open): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Seems fixed in QGIS 2.8.2
it does not seems fixed here, tested on both 2.8.2 and master und... -
11:02 AM Bug report #12710 (Feedback): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- Seems fixed in QGIS 2.8.2
12:07 PM Bug report #12729: QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
- Hi Matthias
I do confirm that if I remove the python it doesn't crash.
If the python is present then when i close t... -
11:10 AM Revision 1c64363a (qgis): postgres provider: avoid quering layer_styles if it doesn't exist
11:08 AM Bug report #3792: When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I'll check during HF. I think closing an issue that is still valid for LTR would not be appr... -
10:56 AM Bug report #3792: When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- I'll check during HF. I think closing an issue that is still valid for LTR would not be appropriate, as people will k...
05:25 AM Bug report #3792: When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Well, it would still be nice to receive a definite "resolved" from Paolo. There's still a chance it's an unaddressed ...
05:04 AM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying. So essentially this remains an open issue for LTR, fixed in master.
... -
05:04 AM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying. So essentially this remains an open issue for LTR, fixed in master.
... -
04:43 AM Bug report #3792 (Open): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Thanks for clarifying. So essentially this remains an open issue for LTR, fixed in master.
02:15 AM Bug report #3792: When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Unfortunately it's not possible to backport this one - it's a fairly large change that requires a break in project fo...
11:02 AM Bug report #11439: r.covar GRASS command (and possibly others) in Processing does not return visi...
- Confirmed, it works now.
Thanks. - 10:59 AM Revision 12739c2f (qgis): Report checking and availablility of pointcloud (via debug)
- 10:47 AM Revision 4562b049 (qgis): Write the pointcloud support check in a cleaner way
10:12 AM Revision b8bc1811 (qgis): add option to cropTransparent to allow centering
- use that in qgslayertreemodellegendnode
09:40 AM Revision d13ace5a (qgis): Allow configurable icon sizes for legend tree nodes
08:40 AM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- This issue appears to still be present in current master.
Also, this happens when a GeoTiff (grayscale raster with a... -
08:40 AM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- This issue appears to still be present in current master.
Also, this happens when a GeoTiff (grayscale raster with a... -
08:40 AM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- This issue appears to still be present in current master.
Also, this happens when a GeoTiff (grayscale raster with a... -
08:40 AM Bug report #4159: Should detect a grayscale image with an alpha channel as grayscale (and related...
- This issue appears to still be present in current master.
Also, this happens when a GeoTiff (grayscale raster with a... -
07:56 AM Revision c8aa777a (qgis): postgres provider: avoid point cloud error
07:36 AM Bug report #12738 (Closed): After using "difference" consider 2 or more separated polygons as one
- This bug (unconvinience) appears while working with vector layers, particularly when counting difference (Vector> Geo...
06:56 AM Feature request #12737 (Closed): Accessing style in sqlite database
05:32 AM Feature request #12737: Accessing style in sqlite database
- My brain stopped working!
I tried to add the spatialite layer through folder connections...
Close the issue! -
05:18 AM Feature request #12737 (Closed): Accessing style in sqlite database
- The QGIS Browser panel is the easiest way to add data to projects. Just drag and drop. It works fine for most datatyp...
03:15 AM Bug report #12736 (Closed): Problems managing WMS metadata
- * When adding a WMS layer, the abstract is not shown for the root element, but for layers only. It's correctly shown ...
02:44 AM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Sitansu Pattnaik wrote:
> > Well I conducted a training for close to 60 people last week. In...
01:39 AM Bug report #12735 (Closed): Qgis cannot read PRJ file of DXF and PDF
- hi,
i have many little survey with local coordinate, this can correctly georeferenced with USER CRS, but when the CRS... -
01:17 AM Bug report #12713 (Feedback): when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does no...
- There are two issues here, but the real one seems a qgis issue.
The SAGA module gridstatisticsforpolygons creates an... -
01:17 AM Bug report #12713 (Feedback): when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does no...
- There are two issues here, but the real one seems a qgis issue.
The SAGA module gridstatisticsforpolygons creates an... -
01:17 AM Bug report #12713 (Feedback): when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does no...
- There are two issues here, but the real one seems a qgis issue.
The SAGA module gridstatisticsforpolygons creates an... -
01:17 AM Bug report #12713 (Feedback): when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does no...
- There are two issues here, but the real one seems a qgis issue.
The SAGA module gridstatisticsforpolygons creates an... -
12:38 AM Bug report #12734 (Feedback): QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString...
- Cannot confirm on qgis master on Linux.
12:38 AM Bug report #12734 (Feedback): QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString...
- Cannot confirm on qgis master on Linux.
11:57 PM Bug report #12734 (Closed): QGis crashes when deleting last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part
- QGis crashes when I try to delete the last vertex of a postgis MultiLineString part.
12:10 AM Bug report #3792: When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Cannot install master right now. Could anyone please confirm? In any case, the ticket should be left open for a backp...
12:13 PM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I confirm the bug is still true for 2.8.2, and very easy to replicate in my case.
> Removing... -
12:13 PM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I confirm the bug is still true for 2.8.2, and very easy to replicate in my case.
> Removing... -
12:13 PM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I confirm the bug is still true for 2.8.2, and very easy to replicate in my case.
> Removing... -
10:27 AM Bug report #3792 (Reopened): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- I confirm the bug is still true for 2.8.2, and very easy to replicate in my case.
Removing the second layer and openi... -
10:27 AM Bug report #3792 (Reopened): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- I confirm the bug is still true for 2.8.2, and very easy to replicate in my case.
Removing the second layer and openi... -
12:02 AM Bug report #10636 (Reopened): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
- Still true in 2.8.2. The issue is not translating the help, but using the one already translated.
12:02 AM Bug report #10636 (Reopened): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
- Still true in 2.8.2. The issue is not translating the help, but using the one already translated.
12:02 AM Bug report #10636 (Reopened): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
- Still true in 2.8.2. The issue is not translating the help, but using the one already translated.
12:02 AM Bug report #10636 (Reopened): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS a...
- Still true in 2.8.2. The issue is not translating the help, but using the one already translated.
02:23 PM Bug report #10636 (Closed): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS and...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:23 PM Bug report #10636 (Closed): Translation for command description and help in Processing: GRASS and...
- closing for lack of feedback.
10:50 PM Bug report #12733 (Closed): Layer order list corrupted if a layer reference can't be resolved
- If a project has a layer order that overrides the default rendering order and a layer reference can't be resolved dur...
05:33 PM Bug report #12732 (Closed): segfault in qtwebkit-4.8.6
- Well, just found I had a pretty old version of the OpenLayers plugin, which apparently manages to kill qtwebkit with ...
05:03 PM Bug report #12732: segfault in qtwebkit-4.8.6
- just found the QT5 cmake option, will try to build against QT5 and report back.
04:56 PM Bug report #12732 (Closed): segfault in qtwebkit-4.8.6
- for me, qgis 2.8.1 consistently produces the attached segfault when adding an OpenLayers basemap. Now I realize this ...
04:50 PM Revision 74f10b9b (qgis): dxf export: fix detection of close polylines
02:31 PM Bug report #11439 (Closed): r.covar GRASS command (and possibly others) in Processing does not re...
- closing for lack of feedback (and now the issue with r.covar is another one, see #12710)
02:31 PM Bug report #11439 (Closed): r.covar GRASS command (and possibly others) in Processing does not re...
- closing for lack of feedback (and now the issue with r.covar is another one, see #12710)
02:20 PM Bug report #12268 (Closed): Oracle : attributes right padded with white characters.
02:19 PM Bug report #12508 (Closed): Inverted Polygons in Style Crash with a minidump
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:19 PM Bug report #12508 (Closed): Inverted Polygons in Style Crash with a minidump
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:18 PM Bug report #12420 (Open): Tools not available in simplified interface
01:16 PM Bug report #11764 (Closed): Primary digitizing tools do not work in QGIS 2.6 (create and divide p...
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:16 PM Bug report #11764 (Closed): Primary digitizing tools do not work in QGIS 2.6 (create and divide p...
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:37 PM Bug report #12731: Error using "Number of unique values in classes" algorithm
- complete python error is
Uncaught error while executing algorithm
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most... -
12:37 PM Bug report #12731: Error using "Number of unique values in classes" algorithm
- complete python error is
Uncaught error while executing algorithm
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most... -
12:37 PM Bug report #12731: Error using "Number of unique values in classes" algorithm
- complete python error is
Uncaught error while executing algorithm
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most... -
12:27 PM Bug report #12731 (Closed): Error using "Number of unique values in classes" algorithm
- The "Number of unique values in classes" Progessing algorithm returns:
"Algorithm Number of unique values in classes ... -
12:34 PM Bug report #11663 (Open): Bad polygon simplification
- still true on the latest master.
12:34 PM Bug report #11663 (Open): Bad polygon simplification
- still true on the latest master.
11:46 AM Revision 2863f20d (qgis): Add a const geometry getter to QgsFeature
10:01 AM Bug report #11939: Updating field values does not work on sorted columns
- Confirmed, now it works.
09:57 AM Bug report #10006: Processing>OTB: error in Mean Shift filtering
- Confirmed, now it works.
Thanks for checking. -
09:53 AM Bug report #11441: Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
- Still true for 2.8.1 (Win8 OSGeo4W 64bit).
09:31 AM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Another update with some more observations:
I completely uninstalled the Nvidia graphics drivers and the problem stil... -
08:21 AM Bug report #12730 (Closed): "Check Geometry Validity" produces incorrect result
- The following is a valid, two-part MULTIPOLYGON:
MULTIPOLYGON (((-71.757875 44.565735, -71.748526 44.560716, -71.758... -
07:16 AM Bug report #12729: QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
- Just noticed this report here which is very likely related (or even a duplicate) #12711
Can you confirm it is a cras... -
07:01 AM Bug report #12729 (Feedback): QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
- If you remove the python init function, does it also crash?
06:56 AM Bug report #12729 (Closed): QT Forms. Opening two forms using IdentifyFeatures crashes
- Release Wien 2.8.1 Under windows 7.
On the properties of a layer we have selected on "fields tab" the "provide ui-fil... -
07:11 AM Bug report #12700: Attribute table : rows are higher than needed (hidpi)
- It was introduced by this change:
Now the row height is calculated automatica... -
02:01 AM Bug report #11936 (Closed): Layer Properties - Equal Interval and Pretty Breaks not working when ...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:01 AM Bug report #11936 (Closed): Layer Properties - Equal Interval and Pretty Breaks not working when ...
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:46 AM Bug report #11441 (Open): Parallel multi-core rendering glitches with OTF reprojection
01:44 AM Bug report #12185 (Open): cannot copy postgis layers between two schemas in the same db using qgi...
01:40 AM Bug report #10006 (Closed): Processing>OTB: error in Mean Shift filtering
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:40 AM Bug report #10006 (Closed): Processing>OTB: error in Mean Shift filtering
- closing for lack of feedback.
01:31 AM Bug report #12728 (Closed): Autodeteccion SRC al Abrir ShapeFile no detecta Latitud de Origen
- I open shapefile in SRC "Gauss Krugger Buenos Aires", qgis guesses CRS wrong. string PROJ4 of generated SRC is :
+p... -
01:13 AM Bug report #11839 (Closed): add WxS layer from browser defaults to first projection instead of pr...
01:13 AM Bug report #11889 (Open): Setting "use project CRS" in "settings -> options -> CRS > CRS for new ...
01:11 AM Bug report #11904 (Closed): "Save As" on json layer leads to segfault
01:09 AM Bug report #11939 (Closed): Updating field values does not work on sorted columns
01:07 AM Bug report #12696 (Open): Composer Manager - Label rotation
12:57 AM Bug report #11391 (Closed): select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
- seems ok in the latest master.
12:57 AM Bug report #11391 (Closed): select by expression on numerical field doesn't give expected results
- seems ok in the latest master.
12:53 AM Bug report #12406 (Feedback): QgsDistanceArea.measure(geometry) - for Polygons in WGS84
12:45 AM Bug report #5848 (Open): Different icons for QGIS and QGIS Browser
12:44 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- also
related to QGIS Application - Bug report #9060 Area is wrong in QGIS master (again), closed, 11/13/2013
related ... -
05:01 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- see also #8558
12:43 AM Bug report #12305 (Closed): Field widget: Date/Time allow NULL values - does not work
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:43 AM Bug report #12305 (Closed): Field widget: Date/Time allow NULL values - does not work
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:41 AM Bug report #12254 (Open): MSSQL 2008 SRID not recognized
12:15 AM Bug report #11742 (Closed): Band jumps back to Band 1 each time properties are made on a layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:15 AM Bug report #11742 (Closed): Band jumps back to Band 1 each time properties are made on a layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:09 AM Bug report #3792 (Closed): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:09 AM Bug report #3792 (Closed): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:08 AM Bug report #11624 (Closed): saved layer styles not restoring
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:08 AM Bug report #11624 (Closed): saved layer styles not restoring
- closing for lack of feedback.
12:34 PM Revision c4243075 (qgis): Fix missing map units in vector field widget
12:34 PM Revision a0017f97 (qgis): Fix calculation of zonal stats when source contains nodata or nan
- pixels (fix #11135)
12:01 PM Bug report #12395 (Open): Incorrect coordinates in status bar
11:53 AM Feature request #11503 (Open): Save as image do not export text annotations
11:52 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> Ah, now I see the shortcut.
> And this is odd. It happens for a shapefile and .qgs file ... -
11:47 AM Bug report #12375 (Closed): Dissolve plugin not working properly
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:47 AM Bug report #12375 (Closed): Dissolve plugin not working properly
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:45 AM Bug report #12399 (Closed): Expressions: when only a field is used, this is considered an error
- closing for lack of feedback.
11:45 AM Bug report #12399 (Closed): Expressions: when only a field is used, this is considered an error
- closing for lack of feedback.
10:55 AM Revision e509fc53 (qgis): postgres provider: cast result of a subquery in min/max/uniqueValue(s) ...
10:28 AM Bug report #3975: PDF exports on OSX always convert text to outlines
- Can you guys (Giovanni and Jürgen) explain to me what is the problem in solving the bug? I would have not dreamt when...
10:26 AM Revision e371219d (qgis): Fix incorrect calculation of max in QgsStatisticalSummary
08:22 AM Bug report #12597 (Closed): Exported image with world file is not located properly when imported ...
08:20 AM Bug report #12618 (Closed): 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
08:19 AM Bug report #12611 (Closed): Field calculator forcing creation of new virtual field on PostgreSQL/...
- closing for lack of feedback.
08:19 AM Bug report #12611 (Closed): Field calculator forcing creation of new virtual field on PostgreSQL/...
- closing for lack of feedback.
08:18 AM Revision 6a312be5 (qgis): fixed grass and browser coverity warnings
07:37 AM Bug report #12713: when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
- Merci Even for checking. So this should be either an issue of Processing, not giving appropriate column names, or ups...
07:37 AM Bug report #12713: when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
- Merci Even for checking. So this should be either an issue of Processing, not giving appropriate column names, or ups...
06:11 AM Bug report #12350 (Closed): GDAL output without proper coordinates
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:11 AM Bug report #12350 (Closed): GDAL output without proper coordinates
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:06 AM Bug report #12529 (Closed): getFeature() expression not working with geometryless tables
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:06 AM Bug report #12529 (Closed): getFeature() expression not working with geometryless tables
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:05 AM Bug report #12506 (Closed): Crash adding delimited text layer
06:04 AM Bug report #12501 (Closed): QGIS does consistantly display all features of ESRI .shp files on Map
- closing for lack of feedback.
06:04 AM Bug report #12501 (Closed): QGIS does consistantly display all features of ESRI .shp files on Map
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:23 AM Bug report #12473 (Closed): $area malfunctioning
05:22 AM Bug report #12282 (Open): unable to gather unique values or to classify (graduated/categorized) v...
05:22 AM Bug report #12419 (Closed): QGIS 2.6.1 crashes on right-click change transparency in Layer Proper...
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:22 AM Bug report #12419 (Closed): QGIS 2.6.1 crashes on right-click change transparency in Layer Proper...
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:21 AM Bug report #12410 (Closed): Application Crash Add vector layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:21 AM Bug report #12410 (Closed): Application Crash Add vector layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:20 AM Bug report #12408 (Closed): Impossible to register a image
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:20 AM Bug report #12408 (Closed): Impossible to register a image
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:19 AM Bug report #11944 (Closed): Save style in database (spatialite) disappeared in QGIS 2.6.1
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:19 AM Bug report #11944 (Closed): Save style in database (spatialite) disappeared in QGIS 2.6.1
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:18 AM Bug report #11850 (Closed): Can't classify based on joined column
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:18 AM Bug report #11850 (Closed): Can't classify based on joined column
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:17 AM Bug report #11822 (Closed): Unable to install on Windows 7, 64bit
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:17 AM Bug report #11822 (Closed): Unable to install on Windows 7, 64bit
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:16 AM Bug report #10098 (Closed): Zooming results in parts of features disappearing when spatial indexe...
05:15 AM Bug report #11400 (Closed): merge features disregards type
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:15 AM Bug report #11400 (Closed): merge features disregards type
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:14 AM Bug report #11576 (Closed): Composer legend not responding to pyqgis commands
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:14 AM Bug report #11576 (Closed): Composer legend not responding to pyqgis commands
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:13 AM Bug report #11512 (Closed): DBManager layer not projecting properly
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:13 AM Bug report #11512 (Closed): DBManager layer not projecting properly
- closing for lack of feedback.
05:05 AM Bug report #11112 (Closed): Large Format Printing (A1, A0)
- closing for lack pf feedback.
05:05 AM Bug report #11112 (Closed): Large Format Printing (A1, A0)
- closing for lack pf feedback.
05:00 AM Bug report #8558 (Closed): Switching CRS On The Fly messes up area calculations
- see #12057
05:00 AM Bug report #8558 (Closed): Switching CRS On The Fly messes up area calculations
- see #12057
03:52 AM Bug report #12630 (Closed): Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
03:51 AM Bug report #12630 (In Progress): Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS dat...
02:37 AM Bug report #11808 (Closed): [2.6.1] problem upload in the attribute table with $x $y
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:37 AM Bug report #11808 (Closed): [2.6.1] problem upload in the attribute table with $x $y
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:36 AM Bug report #11992 (Closed): DXF with UTF-8 layer names imported with ascii layer attributes
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:36 AM Bug report #11992 (Closed): DXF with UTF-8 layer names imported with ascii layer attributes
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:33 AM Bug report #11479 (Closed): Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:33 AM Bug report #11479 (Closed): Direct printing only prints small area of the print layout
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:29 AM Bug report #11449 (Closed): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download O...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:29 AM Bug report #11449 (Closed): .osm extension missing when downloading OSM data with the "download O...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:28 AM Bug report #11953 (Closed): QGIS Crashes When Splitting a Vector Layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:28 AM Bug report #11953 (Closed): QGIS Crashes When Splitting a Vector Layer
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:27 AM Bug report #11629 (Closed): Merged LineStrings disappear
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:27 AM Bug report #11629 (Closed): Merged LineStrings disappear
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:26 AM Bug report #11565 (Closed): Impossible to import a WMS map
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:26 AM Bug report #11565 (Closed): Impossible to import a WMS map
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:25 AM Bug report #11919 (Closed): Calculation of areas in feet off by a factor of 10 in Illinois east p...
02:24 AM Bug report #12017 (Closed): cannot open georeferencer
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:24 AM Bug report #12017 (Closed): cannot open georeferencer
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:23 AM Bug report #11776 (Closed): Crash after delete single line
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:23 AM Bug report #11776 (Closed): Crash after delete single line
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:22 AM Bug report #5630 (Closed): After specifying a Target SRID with drag and drop, QGIS still opens th...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:22 AM Bug report #5630 (Closed): After specifying a Target SRID with drag and drop, QGIS still opens th...
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:20 AM Bug report #11142 (Closed): Adding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.0
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:20 AM Bug report #11142 (Closed): Adding three shapefile layers when I add just one for QGIS 2.4.0
- closing for lack of feedback.
02:18 AM Bug report #8178 (Closed): Shifted raster: origin in qgis different than that reported by gdalinfo
- closing for lack of feedback and because the general notion that layers that are not georeferenced should align is no...
02:18 AM Bug report #8178 (Closed): Shifted raster: origin in qgis different than that reported by gdalinfo
- closing for lack of feedback and because the general notion that layers that are not georeferenced should align is no...
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:12 AM Bug report #12719: QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transformations ...
- confirmed also on master/linux. Was ok on previous qgis releases.
02:01 AM Bug report #12256: Removing WFS layer from TOC crashes QGIS
- to test use -
02:00 AM Bug report #10966 (Closed): with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CR...
- merged with #12057
02:00 AM Bug report #10966 (Closed): with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CR...
- merged with #12057
01:59 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- see also #10966 ("with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CRS is in feet").
01:56 AM Bug report #12630 (Closed): Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e509fc53ce5cfdb64b984177c5279a6cf7d8644c".
01:40 AM Bug report #12290 (Feedback): proxy settings only works one time, and then QGIS "forgets" the set...
- not reproducable here in master.
01:40 AM Bug report #12290 (Feedback): proxy settings only works one time, and then QGIS "forgets" the set...
- not reproducable here in master.
01:39 AM Bug report #12312 (Closed): QGIS master crashed when adding a column to a layer with a joined csv
- seems fixed in qgis master-
01:39 AM Bug report #12312 (Closed): QGIS master crashed when adding a column to a layer with a joined csv
- seems fixed in qgis master-
01:30 AM Bug report #12397 (Closed): Qgis crashes when closing the program when project has just a simple ...
- seems fixed on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
01:30 AM Bug report #12397 (Closed): Qgis crashes when closing the program when project has just a simple ...
- seems fixed on qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
01:27 AM Bug report #12461 (Open): Unable to commit date changes to MSSQL table in 2.8.1 Wien
01:27 AM Bug report #12450 (Open): Raster Calculator giving bogus values
01:23 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
- closing for the lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:23 AM Bug report #11546 (Closed): QGIS crash/close unexpectedly after some actions
- closing for the lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:20 AM Bug report #12413 (Closed): empty multilinestring causes crash
- closing for the lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:20 AM Bug report #12413 (Closed): empty multilinestring causes crash
- closing for the lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.
01:18 AM Bug report #12253 (Open): WMTS When Zoomed Out Crashes QGIS
01:17 AM Bug report #11453 (Closed): Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
01:16 AM Bug report #11453: Crash when zooming in too far with MSSQL spatial layer
- Martin Dobias wrote:
> This may have been fixed with commit:b48e7fd3 - could you please test again?
closing for the ... -
01:13 AM Bug report #12264 (Closed): Heatmap generated TIF with bad CRS
- seems fixed in qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
01:13 AM Bug report #12264 (Closed): Heatmap generated TIF with bad CRS
- seems fixed in qgis master, please reopen if necessary.
01:09 AM Bug report #12637 (Open): Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child...
12:52 AM Bug report #12697 (Closed): Legend items name can be changed only for the first
- tested also on Windows.
12:52 AM Bug report #12697 (Closed): Legend items name can be changed only for the first
- tested also on Windows.
12:46 AM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Sitansu Pattnaik wrote:
> Well I conducted a training for close to 60 people last week. In that group about 20 people... -
12:45 AM Bug report #12409 (Closed): Creation of new mapsets does not work anymore
- this issue was already fixed in qgis master.
12:45 AM Bug report #12409 (Closed): Creation of new mapsets does not work anymore
- this issue was already fixed in qgis master.
09:32 PM Bug report #12409: Creation of new mapsets does not work anymore
- same problem on mac yosemite (10.10.3)
using kyngchaos installers -
11:08 PM Revision 536135a3 (qgis): ogr provider: limit mysql driver to requested layer
10:02 PM Revision 1b929ef2 (qgis): Release of 2.8.2
09:55 PM Revision e5dbd186 (qgis): grass: fix relative path support for working database and vector layers...
04:44 PM Revision c447e67e (qgis): postgres provider: ignore system columns
- (cherry picked from commit aa377a088a473c4490f25b846990de40756ad9c1)
04:34 PM Revision 54d52873 (qgis): db manager: fix BaseError handing (fixes #12645; backport 102f6d3)
04:29 PM Revision 5f4d9d80 (qgis): handle projects path with apostrophe (fixes #12691)
- (cherry picked from commit b49b49232a598ac22b60be398e5d8e125b53a3d6)
04:12 PM Revision a894781e (qgis): oracle provider: fix srid detection (fixes #12674)
- (cherry picked from commit 656af530c3fa9353e35a812f880350e01f37ebc0)
01:37 PM Bug report #12713: when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
- Examination with ogrinfo shows that there are in fact 2 columns with same name "Calculated" (and with different value...
01:34 PM Bug report #12708 (Closed): After a successful installation on archlinux - QGIS can't find libqwt...
- set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/qwt or add it to /etc/ld.config and run ldconfig.
01:34 PM Bug report #12708 (Closed): After a successful installation on archlinux - QGIS can't find libqwt...
- set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/qwt or add it to /etc/ld.config and run ldconfig.
12:59 PM Bug report #12725 (Closed): GRASS datasources always have absolute paths in QGIS project
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e5dbd186d8f185174ac5fc8fd152e586aa9925f0".
12:11 PM Bug report #12690 (Open): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatia...
12:10 PM Bug report #12699 (Closed): Plugin Manager : Installed plugins list is not sorted
12:08 PM Feature request #12249: Editor Toolbar similar to ArcGIS
- Irucka Embry wrote:
> Thank you, I have checked out the toolbar.
so can we close this? -
11:56 AM Revision eb716fc3 (qgis): [symbology] Fall back to symbol style if data defined evaluation
- fails or is null.
09:50 AM Revision 4a4877d3 (qgis): Small fix to QgsDataDefined implicit sharing
09:37 AM Revision 65cd9fcd (qgis): [symbology] Fix potential crash with data defined symbols
03:41 AM Bug report #12727 (Closed): Openstreetmap Import to spatialite incomplete
- From the QGIS user mailing list and http://osgeo-org...
01:34 AM Bug report #12725 (Closed): GRASS datasources always have absolute paths in QGIS project
- I've noticed that in a QGIS project with "Save paths" set to "relative", datasources are still absolute for GRASS dat...
06:49 PM Feature request #12250: Ability to load R packages and easily execute custom R scripts without Py...
- Thank you for your note about the ability to run any R scripts from QGIS. I originally posted this feature request be...
06:49 PM Feature request #12250: Ability to load R packages and easily execute custom R scripts without Py...
- Thank you for your note about the ability to run any R scripts from QGIS. I originally posted this feature request be...
08:29 AM Feature request #12250: Ability to load R packages and easily execute custom R scripts without Py...
- Irucka Embry wrote:
> Hi, would it be possible to use rpy2 ( to have the interface to R?
... -
05:42 AM Feature request #12250: Ability to load R packages and easily execute custom R scripts without Py...
- Hi, would it be possible to use rpy2 ( to have the interface to R?
I know that SageMath ... -
02:32 PM Feature request #12724 (Closed): Add GeoPackage to "Save Vector Layer as..."
12:07 PM Feature request #12724: Add GeoPackage to "Save Vector Layer as..."
- Sorry. I did'nt find my other Feature request #12187 before. Should be merged then.
12:04 PM Feature request #12724 (Closed): Add GeoPackage to "Save Vector Layer as..."
- GeoPackage 1.0 (*.gpkg) is supported by OGR with a read/write driver.
And GeoPackage is already built into the "Add V... -
10:01 AM Revision 46b9029e (qgis): Fix doxygen error
08:43 AM Bug report #12704 (Closed): Vector layer scatterplot: resulting graph not loaded in Windows
- Fix confirmed, thanks.
08:43 AM Bug report #12704 (Closed): Vector layer scatterplot: resulting graph not loaded in Windows
- Fix confirmed, thanks.
02:05 AM Bug report #12704: Vector layer scatterplot: resulting graph not loaded in Windows
- Paolo, please check if it was fixed with commit:12d92e4fb4dc772ae568b0f3b1f47c4b41b6aa2f
08:26 AM Feature request #12722 (Feedback): Allow copy/paste of columns between tables also when columns d...
- the columns do have the same datatype and name?
08:26 AM Feature request #12722 (Feedback): Allow copy/paste of columns between tables also when columns d...
- the columns do have the same datatype and name?
03:06 AM Feature request #12722 (Feedback): Allow copy/paste of columns between tables also when columns d...
- *new description:*
old description:*
I have a number of projects where I am combining several tabl... -
08:25 AM Revision 14fd976f (qgis): Implicit sharing for QgsDataDefined
08:25 AM Revision d970daaf (qgis): Add a method for creating a QgsDataDefined from a QgsDataDefinedButton
01:43 AM Feature request #12720 (Rejected): Select -all- OSM topology to spatial Lite
- Vector -> Open Street Map -> Topology to spatial Lite
it would be great if there was a button for "select ALL tags" ... -
01:41 AM Bug report #12719 (Closed): QGIS crashes when 'Hide deprecated' enabled from Select datum transfo...
- When I add a layer to my project whose CRS is different from the project CRS (OTF CRS on), I'm prompted for the Datum...
01:26 AM Bug report #12718 (Closed): Constant reload of map when reducing window size
- Under Ubuntu Laptop when you resize the QGis-Window under a certain extend (but latest at half-window-view) the map-o...
01:14 AM Revision 2c385526 (qgis): replace pow10 with qPow (fixes #12717)
12:46 AM Revision 656af530 (qgis): oracle provider: fix srid detection (fixes #12674)
12:45 AM Revision 6373ad6f (qgis): doxymentation fix
10:05 PM Revision da69e0f8 (qgis): indentation update
10:05 PM Revision b91cbee7 (qgis): labeling: use transformation with datum
09:49 PM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- A sample image which caused the problem: -
07:56 PM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Well I conducted a training for close to 60 people last week. In that group about 20 people had this problem. I have ...
01:45 PM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Just a note that I have this problem as well. I've tried installing all of the released versions from 2.2 through 2....
07:54 PM Feature request #12249: Editor Toolbar similar to ArcGIS
- Thank you, I have checked out the toolbar.
07:54 PM Feature request #12249: Editor Toolbar similar to ArcGIS
- OK, thank you for letting me know about the Editor toolbar (called "Digitizing"). I will check it out.
07:52 PM Feature request #12251: ArcGIS Joins (spreadsheets, tables, etc.)
- With the question that I posted, I am referring to a workbook (with possibly many worksheets) and not a single table/...
06:12 PM Revision fb141e76 (qgis): Update
- Better default for output type. Fixes
04:53 PM Revision 9fffe34f (qgis): Merge pull request #2033 from NaturalGIS/fix_12683
- fixes processing refactor fields for certain datatypes
04:14 PM Bug report #12717 (Closed): Trunk build fails on qgscomposerscalebar.cpp
- Fixed in changeset commit:"2c3855267ee29e4ee1113de270a7a9dc001a4f61".
03:46 PM Bug report #12717 (Closed): Trunk build fails on qgscomposerscalebar.cpp
- Below is the relevant build output on trying to build trunk on OS X:...
03:46 PM Bug report #12674 (Closed): Add Oracle Spatial Layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"656af530c3fa9353e35a812f880350e01f37ebc0".
02:01 AM Bug report #12674 (Feedback): Add Oracle Spatial Layer
- does this happen only when opening/saving existing projects created in 2.6 or also in new projects? does it affects b...
02:43 PM Revision c9897ab2 (qgis): Fix missing map units in vector field widget
02:25 PM Revision 45bdae46 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add scalebar sizing mode to fit a desired scalebar width (fix...
02:17 PM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- I honestly don't know enough to know where to draw the line between where plugin vs direct functionality lies. I've ...
01:24 PM Revision 479ef793 (qgis): Small data defined code cleanups
01:24 PM Revision 3747aae7 (qgis): Fix build
01:20 PM Revision 1964a7c7 (qgis): [processing] added box with console commands for gdal/ogr algs
01:20 PM Revision 90ce59c5 (qgis): [processing] parameter dialogs are now larger
01:13 PM Revision d4248411 (qgis): Avoid some ugly qgis-dev-bin window titles
12:50 PM Revision 1ff6b272 (qgis): Revert "Use permissive parseColor method for evaluating data defined co...
- This reverts commit 79c0d5b59da2b6b512820b130a6b2008bf02eec1.
The change broke parsing of colors in the format 0,0,2... -
12:36 PM Revision 4082de10 (qgis): Merge pull request #2032 from NaturalGIS/remove_broken_r_scripts
- remove broken R scripts
- 12:27 PM Revision 8a989342 (qgis): fixes processing refactor fields for certain datatypes
12:26 PM Revision 3e397833 (qgis): set the parameter table field optional
- 12:11 PM Revision 15323b8b (qgis): remove broken R scripts
10:23 AM Revision c6735cc8 (qgis): Update InverseDistanceWeighted.txt
- Better default for SAGA IDW command
10:20 AM Bug report #12697: Legend items name can be changed only for the first
- Tried again on Linux, and I agree with you. Must have been a local issue, or one with Windows (unchecked). If it work...
02:04 AM Bug report #12697 (Feedback): Legend items name can be changed only for the first
- seems to work fine on master or I have not understand correctly the issue.
10:05 AM Bug report #12713 (Open): when columns have the same name, styling with the first one does not work
- *new description:*
*old description:*
This file:
... -
09:43 AM Bug report #12699: Plugin Manager : Installed plugins list is not sorted
- Weird. After I report this issue, I'm no more able to reproduce it. All goes well.
May be closed and set as invalid u... -
09:18 AM Bug report #12712 (Closed): Composer map doesn't rotate when angle is set using "data define over...
- Create a print composer
Add a composer map
In its main properties, add a value in the map rotation spinbox. The map... -
09:16 AM Bug report #12695 (Closed): GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
09:16 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Fixed with commit:fb141e76feb45ee544136b78b356d55e6b19b587
Thanks. -
02:05 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- maybe is better to change the default type to int16?
08:43 AM Bug report #12690: Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial layer
- my tests:
in qgis 2.2 this was no issue
in qgis 2.4 this was no issue
in qgis 2.6 this was no issue -
07:56 AM Revision 210159f8 (qgis): Finer steps for some spin widgets in labelling
07:55 AM Bug report #12683: Processing refactor fields: python error on unhandeld field types
- of course... thanks!
07:54 AM Bug report #12683 (Closed): Processing refactor fields: python error on unhandeld field types
03:29 AM Bug report #12683: Processing refactor fields: python error on unhandeld field types
- see -
06:15 AM Bug report #12696: Composer Manager - Label rotation
- Hi,
I think it's rather about text added to print composer (such as title, source...) than labelling.
The "Rotation"... -
05:39 AM Bug report #12711 (Closed): Error when opening more than one form with init function
- Hello,
when I open more than one form dialog on a layer with a Python init function, I have the following error mess... -
05:25 AM Feature request #8995 (Closed): [composer] Size of scale bar bloated (problem for Atlas, LizMap, ...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"45bdae461dc64cbc3e7224b13da5a3cbddf89492".
03:52 AM Bug report #12594 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- script removed (for now).
03:52 AM Bug report #12594 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- script removed (for now).
03:16 AM Bug report #12594 (Feedback): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- this scripts are broken anyway, see
so I guess this can be closed (when the... -
02:37 AM Bug report #12680 (Open): DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geomet...
02:33 AM Bug report #12680: DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geometrical
- Yes Giovanni,
these tables/views are correctly recognized as geometrical by "add postgis layer" or QGis Browser.
01:58 AM Bug report #12696 (Feedback): Composer Manager - Label rotation
- if you want to show upside down labels you must use the proper option in labelling > rendering, isn't this what you a...
01:58 AM Bug report #12696 (Feedback): Composer Manager - Label rotation
- if you want to show upside down labels you must use the proper option in labelling > rendering, isn't this what you a...
01:47 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Got it, thanks. Perhaps a better default could be chosen for nulls?
01:24 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- I tested on both QGIS master and 2.8.1 on both Linux and Windows and in all cases, with the provided vector, there ar...
01:44 AM Bug report #12690: Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial layer
- was this an issue on previous qgis releases?
01:41 AM Bug report #12680 (Feedback): DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as ge...
- this tables do show using the "add postgis layer" dialog or the qgis browser?
01:39 AM Bug report #12625 (Feedback): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> This is still observed in 2.9.0
could please make and attach a screencast that shows the is... -
01:39 AM Bug report #12625 (Feedback): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> This is still observed in 2.9.0
could please make and attach a screencast that shows the is... -
01:35 AM Bug report #12701 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when trying to add ODBC new layer
- Does it happens with previous qgis releases?
01:35 AM Bug report #12701 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when trying to add ODBC new layer
- Does it happens with previous qgis releases?
01:35 AM Bug report #12701 (Feedback): QGIS crashes when trying to add ODBC new layer
- Does it happens with previous qgis releases?
08:34 AM Bug report #12701 (Closed): QGIS crashes when trying to add ODBC new layer
- QGIS crashes (program closes) when attempting to add a new layer from ODBC Data Base connection.
I try to establish a... -
01:33 AM Bug report #12710 (Closed): Processing: r.covar echoes the command to the Result window
- not producing html formatted output
01:31 AM Feature request #12709 (Closed): Ability to resize Handle Bad Layers window QGIS 2.8.1
- An option to resize the "handle bad layers" window would be nice. I often have problems finding layers when I decide ...
01:22 AM Bug report #11603 (Closed): R library can't install on windows in Processing
- The PR was merged.
01:22 AM Bug report #11603 (Closed): R library can't install on windows in Processing
- The PR was merged.
01:20 AM Bug report #12700: Attribute table : rows are higher than needed (hidpi)
- not sure if this change was by design or the result of the fixes for high resolution screens.
02:33 AM Bug report #12700 (Closed): Attribute table : rows are higher than needed (hidpi)
- In previous versions, the rows in attribute table fits the height of the content (even better on MACOS X than Windows...
01:17 AM Feature request #12693 (Feedback): option to have the label color automatically match the polygon...
- In general seems to me that this request would be better fitted for a plugin rather than a tool available directly in...
02:00 PM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- lol, thankfully no I did not set all those colors manually. I simply went to:
Layers Properties
> Style (tab)
> > ... -
02:07 AM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- Did u set your color manually? all 1400? wouaw...
I don't think There is currently _a graphic way_ to automatically m... -
12:22 AM Revision f9f333b8 (qgis): wms server: include geometry type of layer in GetProjectSettings
- 10:25 PM Revision 44909482 (qgis): Add support for Pointcloud layers
05:57 PM Revision 3dcb640a (qgis): Update Slope,Aspect,Curvature.txt
- Backport from 2.1.3
05:54 PM Revision 4d54801e (qgis): Update ShapestoGrid.txt
- Backport from 2.1.3
02:38 PM Revision fd7375e6 (qgis): Merge pull request #1990 from ricardogsilva/processing_provider_changes
- [Processing] Changed default value of argument updateList in Processing.addProvider
02:38 PM Revision 410e6f36 (qgis): Merge pull request #1997 from Gustry/delete-holes
- [Processing][Feature] Add new algo to remove holes in a polygon layer
02:37 PM Revision e58e8ac6 (qgis): Merge pull request #2028 from ninsbl/master
- Provide option for R_LIBS_USER in Processing
02:35 PM Revision c4eb1fb1 (qgis): Merge pull request #1910 from radosuav/obt_fix
- [Processing] Fix bug in reading ParameterMultipleInput in OTB algorithms.
02:34 PM Revision 6fbb2d6c (qgis): Merge pull request #1965 from radosuav/processing_models
- [Processing] Improve the robustness of models...
02:24 PM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- I can confirm this issue on Windows 7, QGIS 2.8.1 and 2.6.1 (both 32bit). In addition I had a very similar issue with...
11:52 AM Bug report #12708 (Closed): After a successful installation on archlinux - QGIS can't find libqwt...
- Hi,
After a successful installation on archlinux - QGIS can't find -
10:35 AM Revision 79c0d5b5 (qgis): Use permissive parseColor method for evaluating data defined colors
- Allows more flexible conversion of evaluated strings to color
10:35 AM Revision 6ad2f9f0 (qgis): Some improvements to QgsDataDefined and QgsDataDefinedButton:
- - enhanced methods for storing/retrieving QgsDataDefined in a
string map
- add method to QgsDataDefinedButton to up... -
10:35 AM Revision 2f6b8e7a (qgis): Make it more obvious if a field is selected in a data defined button
- by ticking the "fields" submenu as well as the field
10:35 AM Revision ad7fad51 (qgis): Fix referenced columns from QgsDataDefined so that columns are
- returned even if expression was not sucessfully parsed (column
names are still inferred during the expression prepara... -
10:35 AM Revision aab3b159 (qgis): Replace use of expressions for symbology data defined properties
- with QgsDataDefined. Allows for direct use of fields and for
deactivating data defined properties without loss of exp... -
10:25 AM Revision 254af203 (qgis): fix offset curve: allow input in spinbox by switching to click-click mode
10:02 AM Revision a7a29ca9 (qgis): user input fixes
- * fix crash when entering value from widget in rotation map tool use
* initially display as floating
* use same backg... -
09:20 AM Feature request #12707 (Open): Avoid too similar colours in the same project
- When loading layers a random colour is assigned to each. Quite often it happens that the colours are rather similar, ...
09:14 AM Revision b49b4923 (qgis): handle projects path with apostrophe (fixes #12691)
09:10 AM Bug report #12706 (Closed): Batch in Processing: wrong column width
- By default, columns for input and output are very narrow, and the last one (Load in QGIS) takes up much space.
Most w... -
09:05 AM Bug report #12705 (Closed): Vector layer scatterplot: inverted axes
- X axis is displayed vertical, Y horizontal
09:03 AM Bug report #12704 (Closed): Vector layer scatterplot: resulting graph not loaded in Windows
- Only the <img etc is displayed, with the correct path where one could find the png.
09:01 AM Bug report #12703 (Closed): Help for all SAGA processing modules missing
- Some modules have an available help, but this is not displayed in the Help tab (it used to be)
08:59 AM Bug report #12702 (Closed): Help for all qgis:graphics missing
- Message:
The requested URL /2.6/en/docs/user_manual/processing_algs/qgis/graphics/barplot.html was not found on this ... -
08:51 AM Revision aa377a08 (qgis): postgres provider: ignore system columns
05:27 AM Bug report #12672 (Closed): SAGA Kriging in QGIS is slower than in SAGA itself
- When calling from QGIS there is a need for more operations, since SAGA does not generate results in formats compatibl...
02:24 AM Bug report #12699 (Closed): Plugin Manager : Installed plugins list is not sorted
- In Plugin Manager, unlike the other tabs, the Installed tab shows the list of plugins in a weird order. Should better...
12:21 AM Bug report #12691 (Closed): Path names with ' and " give problems when saving projects
- Fixed in changeset commit:"b49b49232a598ac22b60be398e5d8e125b53a3d6".
11:03 PM Revision fba32f12 (qgis): Allow storing QgsField and QgsFields in a QVariant
- 07:09 PM Revision 70d39072 (qgis): Add .libPaths() to R scripts for Windows
- Hopefully a more proper attempt to fix directly in processing by means of providing ...
- 07:08 PM Revision 3fcc1014 (qgis): Add R_LIBS_USER option for windows
- Hopefully a more proper attempt to fix directly in processing by means of providing ...
- 07:07 PM Revision f8ff073d (qgis): Add R_LIBS_USER option for windows
- Hopefully a more proper attempt to fix directly in processing by means of providing ...
06:58 PM Revision ee17eb98 (qgis): fix windows build
04:38 PM Revision f028b831 (qgis): change user input toolbar to a user input dockwidget
01:59 PM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- I was able to find the EasyCustomLabelling, but I still could not figure out how to pull the colors from the project-...
01:26 PM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- Adding in shadows, backgrounds, buffers, etc would take care of not being able to see the matching colors.
I did i... -
08:04 AM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- Hi,
Wouldn't it be hard to read red label on red polygon, yellow label inside yellow polygon and so on...?
Do you kn... -
01:45 PM Revision 09675101 (qgis): Merge pull request #2024 from tecoholic/8212
- fixes #8212
10:32 AM Bug report #11603: R library can't install on windows in Processing
- Please have a look at: (pull request 2022 has been closed).
This new pull requ... -
09:55 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- See:
07:50 AM Feature request #12698 (Closed): Add "crop" function to Printing layout
- When resizing a map in Print layout, this is automatically resized (zoomed). It would be good if a modifier (Ctrl?) c...
07:26 AM Bug report #12396 (Closed): Dependencies issue with python-qgis on Ubuntu-Gnome 14.04.2
- This issue seems to be fixed since an update of ubuntu 14.04.2. Installation works now properly.
06:53 AM Bug report #12697 (Closed): Legend items name can be changed only for the first
- Names for individual classes in a thematic map can be changed in Print composer > Legend. However, only the changes o...
04:46 AM Bug report #8212 (Closed): style manager searching finds non-related elements
- Fixed in changeset commit:"09675101452bdd1cde8dfdf4c7482164eca0be3b".
02:11 AM Bug report #12696 (Closed): Composer Manager - Label rotation
- Place a label and try to rotate it counter-clockwise. It is not possible since the rotation angle does not accept neg...
01:25 AM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Done with the basins from exercise data.
> Thanks.
if you mean the training manual exercise... -
10:14 PM Bug report #12695: GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Done with the basins from exercise data.
Thanks. -
01:46 PM Bug report #12695 (Feedback): GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Cannot confirm on qgis master. Please attach sample data.
01:46 PM Bug report #12695 (Feedback): GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- Cannot confirm on qgis master. Please attach sample data.
12:39 PM Bug report #12695 (Closed): GDAL Rasterize does not rasterize vectors with field 0
- All records are rasterized, except those with value of the selected field = 0. This seems inappropriate
01:14 AM Bug report #12690: Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial layer
- The problem there is also at point and line features.
if i restart the qgis project. snapping is working for all feat... -
03:36 AM Bug report #12690: Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial layer
- correct. does not happen with postgis oder mssql layer. but with oracle spatial...*all 3rd party plugins are disabled...
02:54 AM Bug report #12690 (Feedback): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle sp...
- does not happen with postgis layers. Maybe a side effect of some 3rd party plugin? could you disable them and try aga...
10:39 PM Revision 69aa1152 (qgis): Merge pull request #2026 from kiselev-dv/pull/osm-not-null
- Add not-null option for osm export
09:23 PM Revision 57d5d079 (qgis): fix typo
08:49 PM Revision b430151e (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
08:27 PM Revision 8902a86f (qgis): Add not null option for OSM export
08:16 PM Revision 314bf4e1 (qgis): fix issues
05:19 PM Revision e440dee1 (qgis): [DBManager] Add a 'create view' button
05:19 PM Revision 00276e2b (qgis): [DBManager] Add fr translation for the query builder
05:19 PM Revision 4876e7a2 (qgis): [DBManager] Integrate QSpatialite's query builder
05:19 PM Revision d684c8c7 (qgis): [DBManager] Allow to load a layer without primary key
05:18 PM Revision 00618fca (qgis): [DBManager] Allow non-spatial layers
05:06 PM Revision eb964f9f (qgis): [GRASS][FEATURE] delete raster map browser action
05:01 PM Revision 51c180b5 (qgis): fixes #8212
03:34 PM Bug report #12694 (Closed): Incorrect reading of OziExplorer .map raster projection file
- Already fixed in master and will be fixed in 2.8.2
03:34 PM Bug report #12694 (Closed): Incorrect reading of OziExplorer .map raster projection file
- Already fixed in master and will be fixed in 2.8.2
11:01 AM Bug report #12694 (Closed): Incorrect reading of OziExplorer .map raster projection file
- In our office we were loading a .png raster image that had an associated .JPR and .map georeferencing files. When lo...
01:00 PM Revision e05246d7 (qgis): Const correctness for QgsGeometry methods
12:36 PM Revision 1100c987 (qgis): GRASS test fix
12:34 PM Bug report #8511 (Open): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- Confirmed, just now.
12:34 PM Bug report #8511 (Open): Iterations: autofill mode fills the output name in a wrong way under Linux
- Confirmed, just now.
12:27 PM Revision 9e096464 (qgis): [GRASS][feature] delete vector layer browser action
12:26 PM Revision f800ac63 (qgis): Merge pull request #1975 from rduivenvoorde/sldfix_11863
- Fixes #11863 (invalid SLD with negative values)
11:35 AM Bug report #12680: DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geometrical
- Hy Anita.
I have PostGIS "2.1 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1" version on "PostgreSQL 9.4.0, compiled by Visual C++... -
10:07 AM Bug report #12680: DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geometrical
- Did you add an entry into geometry_columns with metadata for the view?
Please add more detail to the description. -
10:21 AM Feature request #12693: option to have the label color automatically match the polygon color
- Ideally we would still want to be able to edit other parts of the label formats as well, such as size, adding shadow,...
10:18 AM Feature request #12693 (Closed): option to have the label color automatically match the polygon c...
- Sorry if this is already available, I couldn't find anything for it. I have projects that come up from time to time ...
10:05 AM Bug report #12670 (Closed): Problem with the print project
- This seems to be a support request rather than a bug report.
10:05 AM Bug report #12670 (Closed): Problem with the print project
- This seems to be a support request rather than a bug report.
10:04 AM Revision fd6dc0d8 (qgis): Allow to open a spatialite table without primary key
10:00 AM Bug report #12692: Identify for inverted polygon: please select the interior
- From a UX perspective I certainly agree that identify highlights should be consistent independent of the configured r...
09:16 AM Bug report #12692 (Closed): Identify for inverted polygon: please select the interior
- he Identify tool works in a strange (to me) way for inverted polygons: you have to click inside the polygon, but then...
08:53 AM Revision 72eb1aae (qgis): Allow Qt5::Positioning as alternative to QtMobility/QtLocation
08:34 AM Revision 72cfe46f (qgis): [FEATURE] Add diagram nodes to legends (fix #4255)
08:34 AM Revision 4a9a9361 (qgis): Fix legend text not customisable for QgsSimpleLegendNode items
07:24 AM Bug report #12625 (Reopened): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- This is still observed in 2.9.0
05:03 AM Bug report #12691 (Closed): Path names with ' and " give problems when saving projects
- When saving a project in a folder containing an ' the following error is given
An error occured during execution of... -
03:30 AM Bug report #11863 (Closed): invalid sld for graduated style on field with negative values
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f800ac635b9f98d53becb721a1fd8f27c233a55c".
02:40 AM Bug report #12686: layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- It may be that this is how it is designed to work?
I updated to my code in the function connected to featuredAdded ... -
02:27 AM Bug report #12606: URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- Peder Dalin wrote:
> Thanks for the answer.
> I have done some more research in this case. The web request in the ... -
02:25 AM Bug report #12682 (Feedback): Deleting Features from Shapefiles on Network Drives
01:10 AM Bug report #12690 (Closed): Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spat...
- Snapping do not work for new features after save edits on oracle spatial
1. start editing a oracle spatial po... -
11:40 PM Feature request #4255 (Closed): Diagram overlays & print composer: add option to add legend for d...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"72cfe46f6a5844c113a74b762710964a341fa3bd".
09:02 PM Revision 5d54b325 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of
09:01 PM Revision 6004c142 (qgis): Add not null option for OSM export
05:10 PM Revision edeafa95 (qgis): indentation and minor sip updates
04:23 PM Feature request #12688: relative paths in image source expression
- The expression parser isn't going to know if @'qr/'@ is a string or a path, making it guess would be a bad thing.
... -
03:56 PM Feature request #12688 (Closed): relative paths in image source expression
- I have an atlas with a QR code on each page. the qr codes are jpg images stored in a folder relative to the project r...
04:00 PM Feature request #12689 (Open): Add option for "Save as Image" to create a georeferenced file
- Currently both the TIF and TIFF options for Project/Save as Image only create TIFF file with world file (.tif/.tifw o...
03:46 PM Feature request #12687 (Open): save custom functions in project file
- I use the function builder tab in the expression string builder to get the current document path using a python strin...
02:27 PM Bug report #11603: R library can't install on windows in Processing
- Added a preliminary quick fix (comparable to Takayuki Mizutans solution) in
Ye... -
01:46 PM Bug report #12686: layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- This may be part of the problem. On Ubuntu I get the error:
Warning: QUndoStack::endMacro(): no matching beginMacro(... -
09:31 AM Bug report #12686: layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- When I don't connect the signal featureAdded, a new feature is created with the correct values from the dialog, but t...
09:21 AM Bug report #12686 (Closed): layer.featureAdded triggered on Feature Attribute Dialog confirm
- Use case:
Select a vector (point) layer
Make it editable
Select a feature (opens feature Dialog in edit mode if au... -
01:09 PM Revision bae9cea4 (qgis): Add missing files from 96db1bd
12:57 PM Revision 96db1bdb (qgis): Allow expression functions to include 0 length parameter lists
- This change allows for some cleanups to the built in expression
functions, by making it possible to differentiate var... -
12:57 PM Revision bd9e02be (qgis): Add alias support for expression functions
- Standardise naming of all internal functions to lowercase with
underscore convention. Add aliases for old names to av... -
12:57 PM Revision bb648306 (qgis): Implicit sharing for QgsFields
12:48 PM Revision 31e86112 (qgis): Add quartiles and IQR to QgsStatisticalSummary calculations
04:03 AM Bug report #12631: QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() not working anymore in QGIS 2.8
- I'm encountering the same problem, and indeed, it breaks plugins. To clarify it is QgsMapCanvasSnapper.snapToCurrentL...
03:19 PM Revision 154468bd (qgis): Add QgsStatisticalSummary class for calculating stats from a list
- of values.
12:32 PM Revision bb0e583f (qgis): Move methods for returning lists of values from a vector layer field
- or expression to QgsVectorLayer. Add unit tests.
11:12 AM Revision fadaf124 (qgis): Implement implicit sharing for QgsField
04:43 PM Revision e12601ef (qgis): Add rpm files to build Fedora/CentOS/RHEL packages
04:18 PM Revision c0090d8c (qgis): Also let CMake find grass libs in default system location
02:26 PM Bug report #10729 (Closed): R scripts failing due to writing permissions failure in windows
- Duplicate to: #11603
02:26 PM Bug report #11603: R library can't install on windows in Processing
- Sounds like a good (in terms of convenient for the user) solution could be to add the possibility to specify R_LIBS_U...
11:12 AM Bug report #12411: First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashes QGIS Se...
- James Keener wrote:
> It seems that the rest of the functions in src/server/qgsserverprojectparser.cpp check if
> `m... -
08:17 AM Bug report #12411: First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashes QGIS Se...
- It seems that the rest of the functions in src/server/qgsserverprojectparser.cpp check if
`mXMLDoc` is null (or rath... -
08:04 AM Bug report #12411: First call to GetCapabilities after copy of the same .qgs file crashes QGIS Se...
- I attached gdb to the apache with mod_fcgid qgis_mapserv.fcgi process on an ubunutu 14.04.2 VM. I then updated the q...
10:24 AM Revision 853e913a (qgis): Propagate keyRelease event from main app window
08:09 AM Feature request #12684: QGIS should backup settings before save
- Hi, that's strange, here ini files are saved at every change. On what platform are you working? Did you configure a -...
08:01 AM Bug report #12682: Deleting Features from Shapefiles on Network Drives
- Hi,
could you share a shape example before / after editing?
Are you editing shp concurrently ? In this case, there ...
09:27 AM Revision ce18a60b (qgis): Bump acceptable doc coverage
09:26 AM Revision 73140476 (qgis): Fix missing doc strings due to invalid doxygen tags
08:48 AM Feature request #12684 (Open): QGIS should backup settings before save
- As per title - QGIS app should make a backup copy of settings file(s) before writing out a new configuration.
Ration... -
08:08 AM Bug report #12683 (Closed): Processing refactor fields: python error on unhandeld field types
- Hello,
I am facing errors when I try to use the "refactor fields" algorithm on some Oracle and SQLite layers.
It se... -
07:49 AM Bug report #12682 (Closed): Deleting Features from Shapefiles on Network Drives
- We are a small GIS department of 4 folks working with a shape file composed of points. We have local installs (C:) of...
06:55 AM Feature request #12675: Arcs are not displayed from an Oracle spatial layer
- Arcs are currently not supported in QGIS (see also "QEP !#8":
05:49 AM Feature request #12675 (Closed): Arcs are not displayed from an Oracle spatial layer
- All the features (areas and lines) from an Oracle spatial layer containing arcs are not displayed in QGIS 2.8 and ear...
06:39 AM Feature request #12681 (Closed): Add a search bar in the "Configure Shortcuts" Dialog
- All is in the title.
As the actions listed in the shortcuts dialog become wider (and more if you install some plugins... -
06:20 AM Bug report #12680 (Closed): DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geom...
- DBManager don't recognize a PostGIS geography table (or view) as geometrical, but only alphanumerical
06:20 AM Bug report #12679 (Open): atlas generation : output filename textbox with default expression afte...
- Enable atlas generation in a print composer
set any options you want and erase the output filename expression.
Whil... -
06:05 AM Bug report #12677: Zoom to layer on PostGIS Table with geography type
- I have found that also on PostGIS Views
05:59 AM Bug report #12677 (Closed): Zoom to layer on PostGIS Table with geography type
- "Zoom to layer" button does not perform when applied on a PostGIS layer with geography type.
The same problem happens... -
06:04 AM Bug report #12678 (Closed): coverage layer not checked before parsing filename expression in atla...
- Enable "atlas generation" in a new print composer
Erase the content of fileName expression
And launch atlas export ... -
05:56 AM Bug report #12676 (Closed): Subforms with Python init function crash when adding values
- Hello,
I am not anymore able to use subforms (based on project relations) which have a Python init function.
When tr... -
05:41 AM Bug report #12674 (Closed): Add Oracle Spatial Layer
- After entering the details for the oracle connection and testing it successfully, all the tables of the database are ...
04:48 AM Feature request #12673 (Closed): when creating a composer, show a *sorted* list of existing print...
- Open a project with existing print composers.
Open Composer Manager and add a new composer
In the prompted dialog, th... -
04:26 AM Feature request #12667: Pause snapping during editing session
- Hi,
+1. Totally agree... -
04:12 AM Bug report #12670: Problem with the print project
- I'll answer in french
Bonjour Thibault,
Pour le problème avec la grille, as-tu pensé à définir un pas (intervalle) p... -
02:58 AM Revision 3e8c5cf1 (qgis): fix windows build
02:06 AM Bug report #12672 (Closed): SAGA Kriging in QGIS is slower than in SAGA itself
- The interpolating tool (saga ordinary kriging) is very slow in QGIS. It took 30 minutes in QGIS to interpolate a shap...
01:27 AM Bug report #12671 (Closed): Cursor icon is too small on HiDPI screen
- Cursor icon size is hardcoded to 16x16 in many parts of the code (for example:
12:46 AM Revision ac7cb41e (qgis): Set autoraise on browser dock info button
12:02 AM Bug report #12649: inconsistencies in editing tools when working on a postgis layer without prima...
- I asked because it's the foundation for the decision if the tools should be enabled or not :)
In this case I agree t... -
06:04 AM Bug report #12649 (Open): inconsistencies in editing tools when working on a postgis layer withou...
- Hi,
Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Do you have an idea how to modify (send an update to the db) an existing feature without ... -
05:31 AM Bug report #12649 (Feedback): inconsistencies in editing tools when working on a postgis layer wi...
- Do you have an idea how to modify (send an update to the db) an existing feature without a primary key?
11:05 PM Revision eb4d8c76 (qgis): Fix docs for QgsProjectionSelectionWidget
10:28 PM Revision 721d9f59 (qgis): Formatting and code cleanups for QgsScaleExpression
10:27 PM Revision 70b91b63 (qgis): Add QgsScaleExpression subclass for sized based expressions
09:42 PM Revision 9b566189 (qgis): Fix startup crash when python is not available
09:14 PM Revision 4c2844e7 (qgis): browser properties path/uri without spaces wrap
04:37 PM Revision 4645dd75 (qgis): [GRASS] tools window made dockable
02:38 PM Bug report #12623: Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
- The same applies to a lot of settings related to Processing (e.g. paths to providers like SAGA or GRASS) and also mod...
12:15 PM Revision 0ed89fc0 (qgis): [FEATURE][browser] optional properties widget
11:48 AM Bug report #12643 (Open): Processing convex hull does not work
- here it fails with any input, test attached point shapefile
11:48 AM Bug report #12643 (Open): Processing convex hull does not work
- here it fails with any input, test attached point shapefile
11:42 AM Bug report #12646 (Open): Split RGB bands stopped to work in latest Processing releases
11:41 AM Bug report #12646: Split RGB bands stopped to work in latest Processing releases
- on Linux (qgis master) I get
A iniciar o algoritmo Split RGB bands...
/home/giovanni/.qgis2//processing/saga_batch_... -
11:16 AM Revision a1dd7e8f (qgis): add a new tool bar for user input
- rotation map tool now uses it instead of message bar
the idea of the user input toolbar can change (fixes crash when ... -
10:35 AM Bug report #12670 (Closed): Problem with the print project
- Hello,
First sorry for my english, it's a little bad. I'll try to explain my problem in english but i put a french e... -
09:50 AM Revision 06180fe3 (qgis): Reimplement QgsNetworkContentFetcher test with a local server
- Reduces false alarms in unit tests due to network problems
05:37 AM Bug report #12629: Vector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)
- You can also play with the following snippet:...
05:28 AM Bug report #12629: Vector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)
- Can you check if it helps to group it in a single undo command.
I.e. compare the result of the following two snippets... -
05:33 AM Bug report #12627 (Closed): Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
04:55 AM Bug report #12668 (Feedback): Edit widget properties not saved
04:55 AM Bug report #12668: Edit widget properties not saved
- > Closing the workspace down and reopening it
Did you save and reload the project? That's where the settings are saved. -
02:37 AM Revision 96576aa2 (qgis): Fix typos
02:20 AM Bug report #12669 (Closed): Could not snap to a segment on the current layer
- I'm getting the error "Could not snap to a segment on the current layer" when trying to select a POINT feature in a P...
01:33 AM Bug report #12665 (Closed): pyodbc DLL issue in 32-bit standalone
- duplicate of #12489
01:33 AM Bug report #12665 (Closed): pyodbc DLL issue in 32-bit standalone
- duplicate of #12489
01:33 AM Bug report #12665 (Closed): pyodbc DLL issue in 32-bit standalone
- duplicate of #12489
08:10 AM Bug report #12665 (Closed): pyodbc DLL issue in 32-bit standalone
- pyodbc distributed with the 32-bit Windows standalone version fails to load. This appears to be related to the way it...
01:30 AM Bug report #12668 (Closed): Edit widget properties not saved
- If I set a layer up with edit widget properties anything other than "Text Edit" this remains saved only as long as th...
12:55 AM Feature request #12667 (Feedback): Pause snapping during editing session
- It would be very useful to be able to dynamically pause snapping during an edit session to allow creation of vertices...
11:44 PM Bug report #11070 (Closed): Handle bad layers - Working WMS-layers uncorrect seen as bad
06:47 PM Revision 96143d56 (qgis): Merge pull request #2017 from rldhont/processing_remove_print_from_help
- [processing] removing print statement from help method
06:30 PM Revision f7e46ee5 (qgis): Removing print from help method
- I found a print in ModelerAlgorithm help method that causes some trouble
for PyWPS-QGIS-Processing. I removed it. -
05:41 PM Revision c2fb5e19 (qgis): Revert "Streamline singleton behavior"
- This reverts commit b4a85471978b59b129c0299dfd14c1af00fef743.
The template based approach was not cross-platform fri... -
03:04 PM Revision 96560c89 (qgis): allow numerical input in rotation map tool
- * use a combo box to set the angle
* allow snapping to angles (directly enabled when shift + click)
* uses click-clic... -
02:18 PM Bug report #12637: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
- I've also uploaded a PDF that shows what happens in the attribute table.
10:43 AM Revision 15c1dbc4 (qgis): Merge pull request #2014 from elpaso/hidpi-improvements
- Hidpi improvements
10:31 AM Revision 51c5931b (qgis): Raise an error when an unary operator is used in combi with a non liter...
- See for discussion
10:19 AM Revision 3c22aff0 (qgis): Fix usability issue in attributetable
- The height of rows is too small to see its
contents on hidpi screens -
09:42 AM Revision d1fa2448 (qgis): Fix usability issue in statusbar
- The height of scale and coordinates is too small to see its
contents on hidpi screens -
09:30 AM Revision 9f2c544b (qgis): [processing] fixed rendering styles dialog
- fixes #12583
09:19 AM Revision 55108ae7 (qgis): [processing] enabled inut checks for field calculator algorithm
- fixes #12586
08:57 AM Revision 29501464 (qgis): [processing] fixed saga split rgb for 2.1.4
08:56 AM Bug report #12542: Processing: better naming structure for output
- Glad you agree. Have you checked what I have done so far? Agreed with that? Main stuff missing is GRASS, where both 6...
08:46 AM Bug report #12586: Processing field calculator allows no_value for column name
- Fine, thanks. Would you mind backporting it, so it will go to 2.8.2?
08:44 AM Revision 8ac22c5f (qgis): [processing] fixed wrong creation of error message in script algorithm
08:28 AM Revision 288b242a (qgis): Merge pull request #1966 from olivierdalang/show_selected_features_ALL_...
- Filter the attribute table only by selection if there is one
Fix #7541 -
08:20 AM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- More specific: QGis blocks when effectively adding the legend in the composer. You see in attachment what you get aft...
08:10 AM Bug report #12610: QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- We do have a similar error here. When loading the WMS url=
07:51 AM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- ArcMap gives this error message when it fails to read the shapefile exported by QGIS:
> ArcMap Drawing Errors
> One ... -
05:38 AM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- I have not personally seen the error message. I asked my associates for a transcript; but I have not received it.
Ye... -
05:51 AM Bug report #11646 (Closed): Size bug in custom UI forms displaying sub-forms
- Hello,
As of QGIS 2.8.1, the bug is fixed ! No need to resize the sub-forms anymore.
Thanks to whoever has fixed th... -
05:51 AM Bug report #11646 (Closed): Size bug in custom UI forms displaying sub-forms
- Hello,
As of QGIS 2.8.1, the bug is fixed ! No need to resize the sub-forms anymore.
Thanks to whoever has fixed th... -
05:50 AM Bug report #11647 (Closed): Collapse bug for custom form sub-forms
- Hello,
it seems that somebody has fixed the bug in QGIS 2.8.1: I can't reproduce it anymore...
Well thank you very ... -
05:50 AM Bug report #11647 (Closed): Collapse bug for custom form sub-forms
- Hello,
it seems that somebody has fixed the bug in QGIS 2.8.1: I can't reproduce it anymore...
Well thank you very ... -
03:34 AM Bug report #12549: QGIS GUI scaling issues on retina display
- Thanks heaps. Question: Do we have to wait for QT5 to get true scaling of the application on HiDPI? i.e icon, fonts, ...
02:35 AM Bug report #12606: URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- Thanks for the answer.
I have done some more research in this case. The web request in the QGIS log and the actual H...
01:51 AM Bug report #12549: QGIS GUI scaling issues on retina display
- fixed in commit:15c1dbc
01:49 AM Bug report #12549 (Closed): QGIS GUI scaling issues on retina display
- Fixed in
01:43 AM Bug report #12549: QGIS GUI scaling issues on retina display
- This is an attempt to fix this issue: -
01:50 AM Bug report #11337: Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620) monitors
- fixed in commit:15c1dbc
01:49 AM Bug report #11337 (Closed): Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620...
- Fixed in
01:43 AM Bug report #11337: Attribute Table does not show correctly on high resolution (2880x1620) monitors
- This is an attempt to fix this issue: -
12:39 AM Bug report #12542 (Feedback): Processing: better naming structure for output
- Yes, definitely the labels can be changed, and that won't break anything in the execution of algorithms.
As you say,... -
12:30 AM Bug report #12583 (Closed): Don't work Edit Rendering styles for outputs for some providers
- Fixed in changeset commit:"9f2c544bffdb3484a86199908301c8a023175767".
12:20 AM Bug report #12586 (Closed): Processing field calculator allows no_value for column name
- Fixed in changeset commit:"55108ae70908212b794c99cae0fc9f617ff51a12".
12:02 AM Bug report #12643 (Feedback): Processing convex hull does not work
- cannot reprocude it in here, but it looks like it's a problem with your layer. Can you share it?
11:59 PM Bug report #12646 (Feedback): Split RGB bands stopped to work in latest Processing releases
- i should be fine now. seems that 2.1.4 changed (again) the naming of output files for that algorithm.
However, i see... -
11:31 PM Feature request #7541 (Closed): attribute table : add a "show selected features if there is a sel...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"288b242aa943bce816a91aaa3d96658efadbf9e0".
11:02 PM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- Yes, that's certainly the most robust solution I see, a simple automated way of keeping calculated Shapefile fields u...
03:56 PM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- Ok so the main issue is you need to have those fields in the database, say @area@, because you need to use the fields...
12:12 PM Feature request #12607 (Open): Improved handling of calculated values
04:13 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- To use the example I gave in the original post, you have a simple set of polygons, each has an area value, a populati...
03:03 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- Maybe I'm missing something but the virtual fields already does all this by updating itself when something changes. ...
02:41 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- My apologies if I have misinterpreted the purpose of this section, but I've not submitted a bug report, I've submitte...
07:16 PM Bug report #12660 (Closed): Feature count on SHP file layer does not update after deleting record...
- Feature count on SHP file layer does not update after deleting records during edit mode and saving the changes.
Turni... -
02:37 PM Bug report #12659 (Closed): Certain fonts don't work in Print Composer
- My team uses Clan Pro for our qgis work. We have about 10 different weights and styles of clan pro that we use.
It ap... -
12:00 PM Bug report #6254 (Closed): Distance Matrix doesn't work with postgis vector
11:35 AM Bug report #12657 (Closed): Processing/GRASS don't work under Windows if username or input/output...
- Already discussed with Victor and Alexander. The issue has no easy solution apparently.
If the username has non as... -
10:23 AM Revision 0f35192f (qgis): Add cropTransparent to QgsImageOperation, for cropping transparent
- borders from around an image
10:22 AM Revision 6a8526f9 (qgis): Add assistant support to QgsDataDefinedButton
10:22 AM Revision cf3a7127 (qgis): Move prettyBreaks calculation to QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils
10:22 AM Revision 0c5063fe (qgis): Add method to create a QgsDataDefined from a string.
- Automatically analyses to determine whether the string refers to
a column or is an expression. -
10:22 AM Revision d4319621 (qgis): Add an isField test for QgsExpression
- Checks whether expression consists of solely a field reference
09:54 AM Bug report #12637: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
- cgsbob - wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> > * Which kind of feature form are you using (autogenerated, drag and drop o... -
09:52 AM Bug report #12637: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
- Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> * Which kind of feature form are you using (autogenerated, drag and drop or ui file)?
> * Do ... -
09:50 AM Bug report #12656 (Closed): Style Manager filter ignores currently selected group
- I have created a new group in Style Manager and populated it with some styles. When I filter the symbols in my group ...
09:12 AM Revision ffeb61d5 (qgis): Merge pull request #2008 from NaturalGIS/remove_grass_modules
- [processing] remove r.mapcalculator from GRASS7 modules
09:12 AM Revision 09020dc1 (qgis): Merge pull request #2005 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_v_to_rast_attribute
- [processing] fix grass7
09:12 AM Revision 5fe7f3d9 (qgis): Merge pull request #2004 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_slope_aspect
- [processing] fix grass7 r.slope.aspect
09:11 AM Revision b413271a (qgis): Merge pull request #2009 from NaturalGIS/remove_grass_v_distance
- [processing] remove v.distance as it can't work
05:37 AM Bug report #12655 (Closed): Copy / paste style on different geometry layers
- Currently we can paste a style to all kinds layer whatever source geometry is and it makes some strange behaviour on ...
05:21 AM Bug report #12654 (Closed): Remove geographical operations on table layers
- It's nonsense to have geographical operations (from right click or Layer menu) on table layers like:
* Set layer scal... -
04:07 AM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I confirmed on 2.6.1 on a large table (2.8M records): there is considerably faster and int columns values are ordered...
04:07 AM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I confirmed on 2.6.1 on a large table (2.8M records): there is considerably faster and int columns values are ordered...
04:07 AM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I confirmed on 2.6.1 on a large table (2.8M records): there is considerably faster and int columns values are ordered...
03:48 AM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- GDAL is working (sort of). The output is displaced from the data as per 'Displace.tiff'. The associated log is 'displ...
03:48 AM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- GDAL is working (sort of). The output is displaced from the data as per 'Displace.tiff'. The associated log is 'displ...
03:43 AM Bug report #12653: Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- confirmed here on master, message is just "seg fault".
03:43 AM Bug report #12653: Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- confirmed here on master, message is just "seg fault".
03:43 AM Bug report #12653: Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- confirmed here on master, message is just "seg fault".
03:43 AM Bug report #12653: Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- confirmed here on master, message is just "seg fault".
03:37 AM Bug report #12653 (Closed): Embed layers window causes QGIS crash when no project is selected
- Steps to reproduce:
* Layer > Embed layers and groups
* OK
Result: Crash with minidump -
03:40 AM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
> The attached shapefile contained in "" was exported from QGIS Version 2.8.1 (on a Windows 7 sy...
12:55 AM Bug report #12652 (Closed): marker rotation and polygon containing rings
- I want to style a polygon so that black triangles face inside the polygon. That works ok but as soon as the polygon c...
12:31 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- Dan Cuillin wrote:
> 1) The 'update' button I'm referring to is actually the 'update all' button on the attribute tab... -
12:10 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- 1) The 'update' button I'm referring to is actually the 'update all' button on the attribute table. If I have a colum...
03:08 PM Feature request #12607 (Feedback): Improved handling of calculated values
- what "update" button do you refer to?
Generally speaking: I do not agree that this is a "major flow" in QGIS (or any... -
03:08 PM Feature request #12607 (Feedback): Improved handling of calculated values
- what "update" button do you refer to?
Generally speaking: I do not agree that this is a "major flow" in QGIS (or any... -
12:11 AM Bug report #12625 (Closed): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I'm currently using 2.5
Use a more recent version. In 2.8.1 this is fixed. Please reopen if... -
12:11 AM Bug report #12625 (Closed): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I'm currently using 2.5
Use a more recent version. In 2.8.1 this is fixed. Please reopen if... -
07:41 PM Bug report #12625: Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- I'm currently using 2.5
11:58 PM Feature request #12650 (Open): atlas - export only certain pages
> That's what I'm looking for. I can enter page numbers to export and only export those pages in the "page range" fi...-
11:58 PM Feature request #12650 (Open): atlas - export only certain pages
> That's what I'm looking for. I can enter page numbers to export and only export those pages in the "page range" fi...-
08:18 PM Feature request #12650: atlas - export only certain pages
- not exactly. I mean you could use it for that but it's relatively labor-intensive for such a simple task.
I've been u... -
08:18 PM Feature request #12650: atlas - export only certain pages
- not exactly. I mean you could use it for that but it's relatively labor-intensive for such a simple task.
I've been u... -
08:18 PM Feature request #12650: atlas - export only certain pages
- not exactly. I mean you could use it for that but it's relatively labor-intensive for such a simple task.
I've been u... -
03:11 PM Feature request #12650 (Feedback): atlas - export only certain pages
- In the atlas option there is the one that allows you to filter (by expression) what you want to print. Isn't this wha...
03:11 PM Feature request #12650 (Feedback): atlas - export only certain pages
- In the atlas option there is the one that allows you to filter (by expression) what you want to print. Isn't this wha...
02:58 PM Feature request #12650 (Open): atlas - export only certain pages
- I would like the ability to export only certain pages from an atlas.
For instance:I have an atlas with 149 pages, and... -
09:29 PM Bug report #12651 (Closed): Parameters not Displaying in Browser
- In the Standalone Browser, when selecting a folder, nothing appears in the Param tab. When I asked a more experienced...
- 08:38 PM Revision b8dcb881 (qgis): remove v.distance as it can't work
- 08:24 PM Revision f51941b7 (qgis): remove r.mapcalculator from GRASS7 modules
08:09 PM Bug report #12618: 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- > Hi Nyall,
> the way this circles showed seems to make sense to be something related to diagrams, I have anyway chec... -
03:13 PM Bug report #12618: 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> I'm 99% confident it's caused by empty diagrams - can you double check to help me confirm?
Hi ... -
02:50 PM Bug report #12618: 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- I'm 99% confident it's caused by empty diagrams - can you double check to help me confirm?
03:46 PM Revision 6ada2b61 (qgis): osgeo4w: reflect packagename and version in nightly build
- (cherry-picked from 9c5cbd4, dec0ca5 and 51a7317)
03:34 PM Revision 9e0893f6 (qgis): fix where clause when multiple features are filtered by ids (fixes #126...
- (cherry picked from commit 02f5c73ae2067c3a92a2254761a8e2db0a565eae)
03:29 PM Revision 464646d1 (qgis): german translation update
03:24 PM Revision ff1b1838 (qgis): processing: fix interpretation of oracle layers (fixes #12590)
- Funded by
(cherry picked from commit f0daab9c7c188bd0361d7d11652830558231e1b6) -
03:24 PM Revision 3a2d2f63 (qgis): remove unused button in categorized renderer ui
- (cherry picked from commit 812d5b11832c31a875048ceda6609814b194a5ee)
03:24 PM Revision 96c3d927 (qgis): Properly handle non matching number of WMS styles and layers in WMS pro...
- (cherry picked from commit bcb95137f07134c62094fdc68cb998d9a56409ab)
03:24 PM Revision 1a827abb (qgis): doxygen: add effects directory
- (cherry picked from commit d660acbfa365ac52164916b798c8c0167a1f655d)
- 03:24 PM Revision a64ef9fe (qgis): Fix quoting of xfb-run invocation
- Works For Me (Ubuntu 14.04.2)
03:24 PM Revision f528d2b6 (qgis): Fix primary key search
- (cherry picked from commit 265c253995ae755194df514a07ecaad35fd3ec57)
03:24 PM Revision af5b5e7c (qgis): include pointer to message in connection error message (fixes #12526)
- (cherry picked from commit 10a51f672fa6b98174e9b94dd932dc08e5d77e71)
03:24 PM Revision d92e4d64 (qgis): server: fix 'LayerDrawingOrder' (fixes #12484)
- cherry picked from de5a3f5 + 04324fd
03:24 PM Revision 0beeadf9 (qgis): oracle spatial: use sdo_relate for exact intersect feature requests whe...
- (cherry picked from commit fa99a960844e8bc6c909c58961bf9a0df070d877)
03:15 PM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I don't have such big dataset to test with right now, anyway until then I'll tag this a regression as it seems to be.
03:15 PM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I don't have such big dataset to test with right now, anyway until then I'll tag this a regression as it seems to be.
03:15 PM Bug report #12630: Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- I don't have such big dataset to test with right now, anyway until then I'll tag this a regression as it seems to be.
02:43 PM Bug report #12649 (Closed): inconsistencies in editing tools when working on a postgis layer with...
- Not sure if this is a regression.
Add a postgis layer without primary.
Toggling editing is possible but:
* only th... -
02:32 PM Bug report #12648 (Closed): When editing a CSV (added as geometryless table) newly added records ...
- To see the added record is necessary to close and reopen the table of attributes.
This was not the case in past qgis... -
02:20 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- Thanks for testing!!
Perhaps it's a Mac thing. I'm not the only one with a problem, at least for GDAL; see http://w... -
01:54 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- I cannot test on OsX as I don't have such platform (or know anyone that could allow me to try), but on Linux and Wind...
01:23 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- The models are shown in the log files, specifically for GDAL Algorithm Grid (Inverse distance to a power) and for GRA...
01:23 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- The models are shown in the log files, specifically for GDAL Algorithm Grid (Inverse distance to a power) and for GRA...
01:23 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- The models are shown in the log files, specifically for GDAL Algorithm Grid (Inverse distance to a power) and for GRA...
01:23 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- The models are shown in the log files, specifically for GDAL Algorithm Grid (Inverse distance to a power) and for GRA...
01:23 PM Bug report #12647: qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac, 10.10.3)
- The models are shown in the log files, specifically for GDAL Algorithm Grid (Inverse distance to a power) and for GRA...
01:06 PM Bug report #12647 (Feedback): qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (m...
- Please detail the modules you are trying to run and if possible attach sample of your inputs.
01:06 PM Bug report #12647 (Feedback): qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (m...
- Please detail the modules you are trying to run and if possible attach sample of your inputs.
12:18 PM Bug report #12647 (Closed): qgis 2.8.1 – processing gdal 1.11.2 error/processing GRASS error (mac...
- I'm getting an error when using either GDAL or GRASS in the ToolBox (see GDAL.tiff, GREASS.tiff). The complete logs a...
- 01:48 PM Revision 80a65b9b (qgis): fix python error when using path with special chars in Processing/GRASS
01:39 PM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
> The attached shapefile contained in "" was exported from QGIS Version 2.8.1 (on a Windows 7 sy...-
12:35 PM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- Please excuse me for taking so long to reply; I've been out of town.
Exporting shapefiles from QGIS to send to my as... -
12:35 PM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- Please excuse me for taking so long to reply; I've been out of town.
Exporting shapefiles from QGIS to send to my as... -
01:37 PM Revision 102f6d31 (qgis): db manager: fix BaseError handing (fixes #12645)
01:22 PM Revision c79dd9d1 (qgis): Merge pull request #2006 from NaturalGIS/grass7_better_default_raster_r...
- better GRASS7 default raster resolution and fix r.composite
12:58 PM Revision e7e02794 (qgis): Update
- Better default cellsize for GRASS6
- 12:33 PM Revision 031f9a9f (qgis): better GRASS7 default raster resolution and fix r.composite
- 11:31 AM Revision b3d8fc2b (qgis): fix grass7
- 11:25 AM Revision ac2d8179 (qgis): fix also grass7 r.aspect and re-adds r.slope
11:17 AM Feature request #6894: GRASS r.mapcalc cumbersome to use, issues on Windows
- Adding r.mapcalc becomes now paramount because in GRASS 7 there is no more r.mapcalculator
- 11:08 AM Revision 42f0aa28 (qgis): fix grass7 r.slope.aspect
04:37 AM Bug report #12645 (Closed): DB Manager: python error when clicking on missing/broken Spatialite c...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"102f6d31002917e72441fad013d0165c4da3132d".
03:54 AM Bug report #12646 (Closed): Split RGB bands stopped to work in latest Processing releases
- it worked fine until Processing shipped with qgis 2.6.1, since then the module does not work anymore.
03:51 AM Bug report #12637 (Feedback): Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a c...
02:13 AM Bug report #12637: Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a child table.
- * Which kind of feature form are you using (autogenerated, drag and drop or ui file)?
* Do you have the custom widg...
01:59 AM Bug report #12645 (Closed): DB Manager: python error when clicking on missing/broken Spatialite c...
- ...
01:57 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Confirmed on master too. Seems like it never worked as expected (tested down to 2.0.1).
01:57 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Confirmed on master too. Seems like it never worked as expected (tested down to 2.0.1).
01:57 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Confirmed on master too. Seems like it never worked as expected (tested down to 2.0.1).
01:57 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Confirmed on master too. Seems like it never worked as expected (tested down to 2.0.1).
01:57 AM Bug report #12617: Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- Confirmed on master too. Seems like it never worked as expected (tested down to 2.0.1).
01:54 AM Bug report #12606 (Feedback): URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- seems fine here on QGIS master, example:
?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=DescribeFeatureType&typeName... -
01:44 PM Bug report #12640 (Closed): Copy selected rows to clipboard - data isn't correctly formatted
01:43 PM Bug report #12625 (Feedback): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- I cannot confirm on QGIS master (please test it). This bug sounds similar to one that now I cannot find and that was ...
01:43 PM Bug report #12625 (Feedback): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- I cannot confirm on QGIS master (please test it). This bug sounds similar to one that now I cannot find and that was ...
01:22 PM Bug report #12622 (Feedback): In virtual fields $area function computes always values using "None...
- I "cannot" confirm, in the sense that here (qgis master) the area values computed with OTFR are completely bogus as p...
01:15 PM Bug report #12628: DBManager doesn't properly manage timestamp format
- Confirmed also on master and other platforms.
01:15 PM Bug report #12628: DBManager doesn't properly manage timestamp format
- Confirmed also on master and other platforms.
01:15 PM Bug report #12628: DBManager doesn't properly manage timestamp format
- Confirmed also on master and other platforms.
01:15 PM Bug report #12628: DBManager doesn't properly manage timestamp format
- Confirmed also on master and other platforms.
01:11 PM Bug report #12629 (Feedback): Vector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)
- please post this question also on the developers mailing list.
01:11 PM Bug report #12629 (Feedback): Vector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)
- please post this question also on the developers mailing list.
01:04 PM Feature request #12615: Mandatory fields in forms
- see also #12492
12:38 PM Bug report #12627 (Feedback): Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- I also cannot confirm, tested on AM 10.0. Please leave more details.
12:38 PM Bug report #12627 (Feedback): Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- I also cannot confirm, tested on AM 10.0. Please leave more details.
12:38 PM Bug report #12627 (Feedback): Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- I also cannot confirm, tested on AM 10.0. Please leave more details.
12:07 AM Bug report #12644 (Closed): A number of fonts in the composer have metrics messed up upon project...
- This is a real bummer. With a number of fonts (for e.g. Delicious,, bold metr...
03:03 PM Bug report #12638 (Closed): ORDER BY clause in filter does not accept quoted field names
- The subset strings are indeed provider specific, but they are generally supposed to be where clauses only - using "OR...
03:03 PM Bug report #12638 (Closed): ORDER BY clause in filter does not accept quoted field names
- The subset strings are indeed provider specific, but they are generally supposed to be where clauses only - using "OR...
04:16 AM Bug report #12638: ORDER BY clause in filter does not accept quoted field names
- It happens also on 2.8.1/master.
02:55 PM Revision d0fea658 (qgis): Minimize installed travis dependencies
02:02 PM Bug report #12640: Copy selected rows to clipboard - data isn't correctly formatted
- OK, thanks for promptly getting back to me. Your suggestion steered me to ‘Copy geometry in WKT representation from ...
07:46 AM Bug report #12640 (Feedback): Copy selected rows to clipboard - data isn't correctly formatted
- are you sure you are not coying also the geometries text definitions (there is an option in the general options), and...
07:16 AM Bug report #12640 (Closed): Copy selected rows to clipboard - data isn't correctly formatted
- Hi,I'm trying to copy some data into Excel for further analysis using the 'copy selected rows to clipboard' function ...
- 10:27 AM Revision c9ec219f (qgis): Make QgsPointLocator discard geometries that cannot be projected
- Fix #12634 (crash snapping in measure tool)
(cherry picked from commit 0480cabfc91353156c58285b5748ef1c83bbe5d7) - 10:25 AM Revision 0480cabf (qgis): Make QgsPointLocator discard geometries that cannot be projected
- Fix #12634 (crash snapping in measure tool)
To be backported to 2.8 branch -
08:57 AM Bug report #12643 (Closed): Processing convex hull does not work
- In the latest Processing the QGIS Convex Hull does not create any output. In the log the message
2015-04-24T16:25:4... -
08:24 AM Feature request #6603 (Closed): Concave hulls function
08:23 AM Bug report #12618: 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Looks to me like you have empty diagrams enabled for a layer - can you confirm?
Hi Nyall,
I h... -
08:00 AM Bug report #12627: Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- Cannot confirm this behaviour using QGIS 2.8.1 and ArcMap 10.2.
Can you provide a sample of your data? What was the... -
07:12 AM Bug report #12639 (Closed): Convex hull does not save a prj file
- When run from Processing, the Convex Hull tool returns a layer without projectio, so it is likely to be loaded with a...
04:28 AM Feature request #9362 (Open): Export PDF layers from QGIS map composers
- see also #8771
04:28 AM Feature request #9362 (Closed): Export PDF layers from QGIS map composers
- see also #8771
04:28 AM Feature request #8771 (Closed): Export print layouts in geospatial pdf format
- see also #9362
04:28 AM Feature request #8771 (Closed): Export print layouts in geospatial pdf format
- see also #9362
04:10 AM Bug report #12636 (Closed): Zoom Window Not Working
- duplicate of #12614
04:10 AM Bug report #12636 (Closed): Zoom Window Not Working
- duplicate of #12614
04:05 AM Bug report #12616: API: QgsVectorLayer::selectedFeatures() - do not work for more than 8 features...
- the fix works!
thanks jürgen
01:45 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- It would be useful to add tests in tests/src/core/testqgspointlocator.cpp, but I hadn't seen examples of changing set...
01:26 AM Bug report #12634 (Closed): Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"0480cabfc91353156c58285b5748ef1c83bbe5d7".
01:15 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- I found the exception being thrown during creation of the snapping index. I don't think it is correct to index _all_ ...
03:10 PM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- Catching the exception in QgsMeasureTool::snapPoint makes the measure tool functional, but still leaves a spinning wa...
02:54 PM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- May be related to the refactoring conducted by Martin Dobias in commit:334d885b6d4757398d63771e1019fc4ed68c1a35
02:30 PM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- It is an unhandled exception taking down one thread:...
07:50 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- It doesn't take 2 layers to reproduce. Single layer: world countries borders in EPSG:4326. Map projection in EPSG:300...
07:26 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- master, as of commit:95a7fbc IS affected
07:21 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- 2.6.1 is not affected
04:55 AM Bug report #12634: Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- See also #11784
04:54 AM Bug report #12634 (Closed): Proj4 Exception in Measure tool leaves qgis in wait state (OTF On)
- I've OnTheFly reprojection active. Map projection is EPSG:3003.
Two layers visible, one also EPSG:3003, one EPSG:4326... -
01:12 AM Bug report #12636: Zoom Window Not Working
- See also #12614
08:34 AM Bug report #12636 (Closed): Zoom Window Not Working
- When using the zoom tool in the toolbar a zoom window will not work if the second point is in the upper left quadrant...
12:29 AM Bug report #12638 (Closed): ORDER BY clause in filter does not accept quoted field names
- Trying to order my shapefile point data in QGIS 2.4 (Debian testing version) for proportionate symbol mapping in orde...
07:41 PM Revision a2d673f5 (qgis): QgsMimeDataUtils::encode fix (escape also backslash)
07:40 PM Revision 876e54b5 (qgis): [GRASS] use always forward slash as dir separator
07:38 PM Revision 95e5a4f3 (qgis): QgsMimeDataUtils::encode fix (escape also backslash)
07:04 PM Revision 1ac4b252 (qgis): [GRASS] more tests
11:46 AM Bug report #12637 (Closed): Primary key set to null when using Identify on layer or editing a chi...
- I've finally gotten around to using QGIS 2.8.1 with my borehole project (which was working fine on QGIS 2.4).
Now ... -
10:35 AM Bug report #6333 (Closed): Autocompletion don't work is some cases in new Python console
- I don't think this is possible with the current console implementation.
09:23 AM Bug report #12633 (Closed): Incorrect area calculation
04:47 AM Bug report #12633 (Closed): Incorrect area calculation
- Using google hybrid layer, project CRS epsg 3857, enabled OTF projection, and polygon layer at same crs, project map ...
08:26 AM Bug report #12635 (Closed): QgsRasterLayer.setDrawingStyle string version is in the bindings inst...
- In SIP bindings there is the QString version of the overloaded setDrawingStyle:
void setDrawingStyle( const QString ... -
06:04 AM Bug report #12619 (Closed): No spatial index on Oracle views
- Hello,
Jürgen, I will close this bug as it doesn't occurs on nightly build (but present in 2.8.1). I can see that QG... -
04:56 AM Bug report #11784: Measure Line behaviour when "On the fly" enabled
- Does this still happen with 2.8.1 ?
See also #12634 -
04:16 AM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- see also #3296
03:15 AM Bug report #12632 (Closed): QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() not working anymore in QGIS 2.8
- sorry for duplicate
03:15 AM Bug report #12632 (Closed): QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() not working anymore in QGIS 2.8
- sorry for duplicate
03:15 AM Bug report #12632 (Closed): QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() not working anymore in QGIS 2.8
- Hi, I (but not only me: [1]) discovered that QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() is not working anymore in QGIS 2.8, it r...
03:15 AM Bug report #12631 (Closed): QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() not working anymore in QGIS 2.8
- Hi, I (but not only me: [1]) discovered that QgsSnapper.snapToCurrentLayer() is not working anymore in QGIS 2.8, it r...
03:07 AM Bug report #12630 (Closed): Get sample query expression non-responsive for large PostGIS datasets
- Apologies if I've put this into the wrong category, this is my first time posting a bug report.
I have a large datas... -
02:23 AM Bug report #12629 (Closed): Vector Layer TranslateFeatures performance (2.8.1 vs 1.8.0)
- I developed a plugin for Qgis version 1.8.0 that translates a vector layer with the simple following code:...
02:18 AM Bug report #12391: Postgres character(n) default values not properly handled in attribute form
- Sergio Gollino wrote:
> In the last nightly (2.8.1-42) with PostgreSQL 9.4 the problem persist.
the fix was applied ...
12:58 AM Bug report #12391: Postgres character(n) default values not properly handled in attribute form
- In the last nightly (2.8.1-42) with PostgreSQL 9.4 the problem persist.
12:14 AM Bug report #12628 (Closed): DBManager doesn't properly manage timestamp format
- When creating a Postgres table in a new schema using drag and drop feature in DBManager, timestamp fields are convert...
08:35 PM Revision bcb95137 (qgis): Properly handle non matching number of WMS styles and layers in WMS pro...
- 07:47 PM Revision 32cc6e0b (qgis): Fix quoting of xfb-run invocation
- Works For Me (Ubuntu 14.04.2)
04:51 PM Bug report #12627 (Closed): Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP
- Shapefile exported by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System, cannot be read by ArcMap.
The shapefile... -
03:06 PM Bug report #12057: Computed area is wrong when reprojection is active
- For sake of completeness:
This is a gis.stackexchange discussion on the same topic: -
12:58 PM Revision 95a7fbc8 (qgis): Followup b2ca7f, fix bad merge
12:26 PM Bug report #12619: No spatial index on Oracle views
- I would like to see first some SQL that QGIS is sending to Oracle when a) target is a table with spatial index b) tar...
09:09 AM Bug report #12619: No spatial index on Oracle views
- Did you verify that this is still the case in master and/or the release-2_8 branch? Both have nightly builds in OSG...
10:23 AM Bug report #12625 (Closed): Difficult to set value in drop down list in table column
- When I select a feature on the map and then I open the attribute table for the layer and change the view to Show Sele...
10:18 AM Revision deba02f1 (qgis): Improved placement for diagrams for line layers
- Previously the diagrams would often be displaced from the line
(depending on the line orientation). -
10:03 AM Revision b2ca7faf (qgis): Modernise diagram properties UI:
- Switch to stacked widget, QgsScaleRangeWidget, QgsFieldExpression
widget, QgsDoubleSpinBoxes.
Rearrange and reword c... -
10:03 AM Revision 16af7871 (qgis): Fix line placement flags for diagrams. Line placement options for
- PAL are flags, not an enum
10:03 AM Revision 7ce618a6 (qgis): Start modernising diagram ui
08:38 AM Revision 12d92e4f (qgis): Merge pull request #1998 from radosuav/missing_html_tags
- [processing] fix displaying result graphs
07:24 AM Revision 9c5cbd43 (qgis): osgeo4w: fix buildname (followup dec0ca5)
03:51 AM Bug report #12623 (Closed): Project templates should be stored relative to config folder
- The path to project templates is currently stored absolute in the .ini config file. So when preparing a default confi...
03:23 AM Feature request #9362: Export PDF layers from QGIS map composers
- Hi,
I'm working on a plugin to create GeospatialPDF (not that real GeoPDF because is proprietary format) from raster... -
02:21 AM Feature request #8220: Add XLS and KMZ in Ogr supported file filter AND browser
- Same for KMZ
01:36 AM Bug report #12429: Run only the selected part of a SQL query
- Can you please review these two PR ?
The PR above 1955 was too old to be merged automatically. I had some conflicts a... -
11:04 PM Revision 02f5c73a (qgis): fix where clause when multiple features are filtered by ids (fixes #126...
10:20 PM Revision dec0ca59 (qgis): osgeo4w: restore running Nightly for tests (followup 51a7317)
10:00 PM Revision 774e5d30 (qgis): Fix crash on QgsDataDefined copy (fix #12027)
10:00 PM Revision 8cb87554 (qgis): Add unit test for QgsDataDefined copy
03:54 PM Revision 2fddcaf3 (qgis): Merge pull request #1994 from bstroebl/bugInEliminate
- [processing] avoid run-time error in the Eliminate sliver polygons algorithm
03:21 PM Revision fd817ec3 (qgis): fix selected query
03:13 PM Revision 8ccae4fe (qgis): [processing] add "mode" to ZonalStatistics output. Contributed by Anton
- Biatov
02:07 PM Revision 9d6b280a (qgis): [Processing][Feature] Add new algo to remove holes in a polygon layer
02:04 PM Bug report #12616 (Closed): API: QgsVectorLayer::selectedFeatures() - do not work for more than 8...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"02f5c73ae2067c3a92a2254761a8e2db0a565eae".
05:05 AM Bug report #12616 (Closed): API: QgsVectorLayer::selectedFeatures() - do not work for more than 8...
- hello jürgen,
i think there is a bug in the API Public Member Function QgsVectorLayer::selectedFeatures()
if i have... -
01:01 PM Bug report #12027 (Closed): cpy of a prepared QgsDataDefined cause crash (double delete)
- Fixed in changeset commit:"774e5d3012a60c4dadafadd95017f085d72abe80".
12:16 PM Bug report #12622 (Closed): In virtual fields $area function computes always values using "None/p...
- New description:
in QGIS master area calculations seems to be (finally) sorted out/fixed. Anyway it seems that when ... -
12:02 PM Bug report #12621 (Closed): Rule-based Layer Style: min. scale / max. scale columns interchanged ...
- Already fixed in master and back ported to 2.8
12:02 PM Bug report #12621 (Closed): Rule-based Layer Style: min. scale / max. scale columns interchanged ...
- Already fixed in master and back ported to 2.8
08:02 AM Bug report #12621 (Closed): Rule-based Layer Style: min. scale / max. scale columns interchanged ...
- When manually changing min. scale / max. scale values in rule-based Layer Styling, (double-click on field), the oppos...
12:01 PM Bug report #12618 (Feedback): 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- Looks to me like you have empty diagrams enabled for a layer - can you confirm?
06:37 AM Bug report #12618 (Closed): 2.8.1 circles which don't seem to be on any layer
- I've got some strange things happening with 2.8.1-Wien in that, I open a project and I get a load of circles which do...
10:31 AM Revision c246fec2 (qgis): [Processing] Fix bug with displaying result graphs by adding <html> tags.
07:44 AM Bug report #12619 (Closed): No spatial index on Oracle views
- Hello,
I've got an Oracle Spatial view on a spatially enabled table (which is well declared in Oracle metadata table... -
07:39 AM Feature request #10779: Layer Properties - "displayed as" should work as Alias for layer instead ...
- That would match the other COTS behaviour, I guess if you want to get the original name Layer source right below it w...
06:36 AM Bug report #12617 (Closed): Join without caching do not work with Spatialite tables
- I have two layers loaded in qgis called list(non spatial) and structure (spatial) all coming from spatialite. Creatin...
03:26 AM Feature request #12615 (Closed): Mandatory fields in forms
- Hello,
when you edit attributes on forms you often want to have some mandatory data. In QGIS forms, there is no way ... -
02:55 AM Bug report #12614 (Closed): Zoom tool bug
- When making a rectangle with the Zoom tool ( plus-magnifyingglass) it works good if I start from top left and drag to...
01:32 AM Feature request #10779: Layer Properties - "displayed as" should work as Alias for layer instead ...
- The "displayed as" field is different if the "capitalize layer names" option is enabled ...
I agree this is confusing... -
12:48 AM Bug report #12611 (Feedback): Field calculator forcing creation of new virtual field on PostgreSQ...
- I cannot confirm here on qgis master: when switching to "update existing field", even if the "create virtual field" i...
12:09 PM Bug report #12611 (Closed): Field calculator forcing creation of new virtual field on PostgreSQL/...
- When trying to use the field calculator in 2.6.1 on a PostgreSQL 9.3/PostGIS 2.0 table of points - attempt to calcula...
11:04 PM Revision 8c1ee0c6 (qgis): Add ORACLE_INCLUDEDIR, ORACLE_LIBDIR CMake variables
10:00 PM Revision 3581e570 (qgis): doxymentaton: add 2.8 to main page
06:40 PM Revision e51d05ee (qgis): fix doxymentation warnings
12:29 PM Bug report #12612 (Closed): Composer Manager doesn't always update composers list when changing p...
- Open a project with print composers
Open the composer manager dialog. You get the list of print composers.
Without cl... -
12:26 PM Bug report #10980 (Reopened): Can't set new map extent after changed layer visibilty
- Sorry for not giving some feedback. I used to get some email updates for my tickets but not this time. But I still ha...
12:04 PM Bug report #12609: Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- I confirm this also on qgis master. Not sure it was an issue also in releases before 2.8.1.
12:04 PM Bug report #12609: Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- I confirm this also on qgis master. Not sure it was an issue also in releases before 2.8.1.
12:04 PM Bug report #12609: Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- I confirm this also on qgis master. Not sure it was an issue also in releases before 2.8.1.
12:04 PM Bug report #12609: Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- I confirm this also on qgis master. Not sure it was an issue also in releases before 2.8.1.
12:04 PM Bug report #12609: Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- I confirm this also on qgis master. Not sure it was an issue also in releases before 2.8.1.
05:18 AM Bug report #12609 (Closed): Missing symbol display (just) outside map canvas extent
- Excerpted from a recent posting on GIS-StackExchange [[
11:37 AM Revision f0daab9c (qgis): processing: fix interpretation of oracle layers (fixes #12590)
- Funded by
10:20 AM Revision 085d0ad0 (qgis): Fix zonal stats not saving values to spatialite layers (fix #11849)
10:20 AM Revision 5e41c432 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow band selection for zonal stats plugin
10:20 AM Revision ee7b4d25 (qgis): [FEATURE] Add extra statistics to zonal stats plugin (fix #4430)
- Adds median, standard dev, min, max, range, minority, majority
and variety -
10:19 AM Revision e01dca75 (qgis): [FEATURE] Allow selection of wanted stats for zonal stats (fix #4429)
08:12 AM Revision 634641a9 (qgis): Merge pull request #1993 from manisandro/fldidx
- Fix primary key search uniqueness
Duplicate suffix `_0` has not been detected previously -
06:51 AM Bug report #12610 (Closed): QGIS not showing WMS legend while LegendURL is present
- I'am reporting on issue my customer, the Flemish government has reported.
In all of our wms-services, we define a WMS... -
03:08 AM Feature request #12607: Improved handling of calculated values
- > 2. Use a virtual field so that the values are updated - Failed: No further use is then allowed, GroupStats does not...
02:32 AM Feature request #12607 (Closed): Improved handling of calculated values
- There is a major flaw in the Qgis system in dealing with calculated values. For example, we have a simple demographic...
03:07 AM Bug report #12589: Choose which fields are joined behaves wrongly when the target field is also s...
- I have a patch ready for PR on my github repo:
02:39 AM Bug report #12590 (Closed): Oracle connection fails for OGR import into PostGIS
- Fixed in changeset commit:"f0daab9c7c188bd0361d7d11652830558231e1b6".
01:53 AM Feature request #4429 (Closed): Zonal statistics: please add checkbox
- Fixed in changeset commit:"e01dca759d2b69bf9749b7855c83ec5832d427e1".
01:53 AM Feature request #4430 (Closed): Zonal statistics: please add more variables
- Fixed in changeset commit:"ee7b4d2539337f937aec9efae9ad603f8e2014ff".
01:53 AM Bug report #11849 (Closed): Zonal stats plugin not working with spatialite layer
- Fixed in changeset commit:"085d0ad09687fadeb01bcd0fdf1fbeb44b1e4bda".
01:51 AM Bug report #12606 (Closed): URL format in request DescribeFeature, && in URL request.
- The WFS request DescribeFeature has two && in the URL request.
The generated URL from QGIS is
12:38 AM Feature request #8771: Export print layouts in geospatial pdf format
- Even more important to me than layer toggle options would be having spatial reference data included in the PDF so it ...
12:33 AM Feature request #12605 (Closed): Greater lock toggle control in advanced digitizing
- Hello,
It would be great to implement a way to keep angle or distance locks enabled when using the new advanced digi... -
01:40 PM Revision d78bc7d1 (qgis): osgeo4w: reflect version in nightly build name
11:25 AM Bug report #12597: Exported image with world file is not located properly when imported back into...
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Does exist? I get a 404 Not Found
Not yet. It will be ... -
09:24 AM Bug report #12597: Exported image with world file is not located properly when imported back into...
- Does exist? I get a 404 Not Found
04:11 AM Bug report #12597: Exported image with world file is not located properly when imported back into...
- Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please test qgis master and report back. If it is related to #12322 it should be already fix... -
03:24 AM Bug report #12597 (Feedback): Exported image with world file is not located properly when importe...
- Please test qgis master and report back. If it is related to #12322 it should be already fixed.
03:24 AM Bug report #12597 (Feedback): Exported image with world file is not located properly when importe...
- Please test qgis master and report back. If it is related to #12322 it should be already fixed.
11:04 AM Revision 4bc74026 (qgis): german translation update
08:57 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- Ah, now I see the shortcut.
And this is odd. It happens for a shapefile and .qgs file I created years ago, but not f... -
08:42 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> I give up...
> qgis-dev-bin.exe - Unable To Locate Component
> ----------------------... -
05:30 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- I give up...
qgis-dev-bin.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed ... -
05:06 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> I don't know what 'qgis master' is.
qgis master is the development version of qgis. Are yo... -
05:02 AM Bug report #12603: Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- I don't know what 'qgis master' is.
03:32 AM Bug report #12603 (Feedback): Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- I cannot confirm both issues on qgis master, can you give it a try and report back? thanks.
03:32 AM Bug report #12603 (Feedback): Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- I cannot confirm both issues on qgis master, can you give it a try and report back? thanks.
08:49 AM Revision 398b1821 (qgis): Update ShapestoGrid.txt
- Better default for saga rasterization
08:49 AM Revision 8b91b9ef (qgis): Better default for COMPRESSTYPE in GDAL
08:49 AM Revision 4cfbe599 (qgis): Update Slope,Aspect,Curvature.txt
- Better defaults for slope and aspect in saga:processing
- 08:49 AM Revision 52b52e1e (qgis): fix GRASS7 v.generalize
- 08:49 AM Revision 4802bd60 (qgis): fix gdal_rasterize: remove duplicate options
08:49 AM Revision d808426e (qgis): [processing] set CRS for output grid (fix #12518)
08:48 AM Revision 7422857b (qgis): [processing] display X and Y labels on the scatterplot (fix #12095)
08:48 AM Revision 7f94cf7d (qgis): [processing] save last used models/scripts directory (fix #12536)
08:48 AM Revision 8ffa4acf (qgis): [processing] fix typo in the algorithm name (fix #12227)
08:39 AM Revision 466fe70c (qgis): Better output names for SAGA models
08:39 AM Revision 94d5795f (qgis): Better naming for GDAL outputs (partial fix for
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/algs/gdal/ -
08:38 AM Bug report #10966: with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CRS is in f...
- I worked with a client the other day and we were calculating area in EPSG:26916 and it produced the correct area with...
07:38 AM Bug report #10966: with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CRS is in f...
- Andre Joost wrote:
> Just another test case:
> -
06:22 AM Bug report #10966: with OTFR on $area is always computed in square meters even if the CRS is in f...
- Just another test case: -
08:38 AM Revision 593027eb (qgis): Various fixes to Processing algs; fix for
- Conflicts:
python/plugins/processing/algs/gdal/ -
08:37 AM Revision 4cf7b4f2 (qgis): Better default for a Processing:SAGA module
08:37 AM Revision 5404bcdb (qgis): Update ShapestoGrid.txt
- Better defaults for Shapes to grid
08:37 AM Revision a9040067 (qgis): remove duplicate condition
- 08:37 AM Revision 612f57dc (qgis): better option text
- 08:36 AM Revision 02bec584 (qgis): fix gdal rasterize when using an existing raster layer
08:36 AM Revision 66580c47 (qgis): [Processing] Avoid consecutive quotes when calling OTB algorithms.
- 08:30 AM Revision 8c0b0e52 (qgis): fix typo
- 08:30 AM Revision a2258c55 (qgis): fix saga interpolations modules
- 08:30 AM Revision 872a89fe (qgis): fix saga catchment area modules
- 08:30 AM Revision 3987ea21 (qgis): fix saga shapes to grid
- 08:30 AM Revision 6c47c6cd (qgis): fix SAGA contour lines from grid
08:29 AM Revision 8d7d7fdb (qgis): Update MultilevelB-SplineInterpolation(fromGrid).txt
- Partial fix for
08:29 AM Revision d5146556 (qgis): Update MultilevelB-SplineInterpolation.txt
- Partial fix for
08:29 AM Revision c27a2a60 (qgis): Update CatchmentArea(Parallel).txt
- Partial fix for
08:29 AM Revision 59df02a7 (qgis): Update CatchmentArea(FlowTracing).txt
08:29 AM Revision 3dbab2c1 (qgis): Update CatchmentArea(Recursive).txt
05:48 AM Feature request #12599: Add a "multiple input" option for attributes and other data types
- One use case would be analysis of time series where values for different years are stored in different columns.
04:04 AM Feature request #12599: Add a "multiple input" option for attributes and other data types
- It would be very useful indeed (and I'm thinking about the multiple attribute selection).
04:38 AM Bug report #12601 (Closed): QgsMapCanvasItem not position properly if map is rotated
04:32 AM Bug report #12601: QgsMapCanvasItem not position properly if map is rotated
- After checking out #11910, i believe it could be the same issue!
08:08 PM Bug report #12603 (Closed): Adding a node to overlapping lines in topological mode no longer works
- It used to be (back in "Valmiera") that when two lines overlapped (sharing at least two nodes), adding a node along t...
01:34 PM Bug report #12601 (Closed): QgsMapCanvasItem not position properly if map is rotated
- Here is the code of my custom QgsMapCanvasItem:
class QgsPositionMarker(QgsMapCanvasItem):
Graphic = QPolygon([Q... -
12:40 PM Feature request #12600 (Open): Add list or array output type
- In order to be able to output some results (e.g. Local Moran's I values) for further use in other Processing scripts,...
12:22 PM Feature request #12599 (Closed): Add a "multiple input" option for attributes and other data types
- The idea is to add a "multiple input" option for all data types, including attribute columns.
For example, for som...
05:55 PM Revision 51a7317c (qgis): osgeo4w: fix running of grass test
05:04 PM Revision cd3a120a (qgis): Update ShapestoGrid.txt
- Better default for saga rasterization
03:59 PM Revision 812d5b11 (qgis): remove unused button in categorized renderer ui
01:55 PM Bug report #12597 (Closed): Exported image with world file is not located properly when imported ...
- Hi,
I noticed an issue regarding the creation and importing of image referenced using world files.
I did everything ... -
12:43 PM Revision 7527651b (qgis): Fix RelationReference widget
- previously it would not return any value when the content changed since 868eeb2
09:51 AM Revision d79268cb (qgis): indentation update
09:18 AM Bug report #12594 (Open): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- In some cases yes. In any case, the script should fail gracefully, saying "Please install lib xyz", otherwise it is n...
09:16 AM Bug report #12594 (Feedback): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- the script has several R dependencies, do you have them installed?
08:40 AM Bug report #12594 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Home Range Analysis) do not work
- Various errors from the Home Range Analysis section:
Could not load R script: /home/paolo/.qgis2/python/plugins/proc... -
09:14 AM Bug report #12596 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Point pattern analysis) should accep...
- #12595
09:14 AM Bug report #12596 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Point pattern analysis) should accep...
- #12595
09:09 AM Bug report #12596 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Point pattern analysis) should accep...
- Currently they accept any vector, whis seems inappropriate
08:43 AM Bug report #12595 (Closed): Sample R scripts for Processing (Point pattern analysis) should accep...
- Currently they accept any vector, whis seems inappropriate
08:35 AM Feature request #12593 (Open): Processing: make defaults more uniform
- Defaults for the same analysis in different Proessing backends (e.g. buffer) is widely different. Setting it to a com...
08:06 AM Bug report #12589: Choose which fields are joined behaves wrongly when the target field is also s...
- I haven't a patch yet but the problem can be easily solved removing the target layer from the layers list here: https...
02:17 AM Bug report #12589 (Closed): Choose which fields are joined behaves wrongly when the target field ...
- If the target vector is selected from the fields to be joined, it isn't added in the headers but the field contents a...
05:21 AM Bug report #12591 (Closed): NITF does not geolocate in 2.8
- I have an application that generates NITF files as part of a radar simulation. The files geolocate properly in 2.6, b...
05:01 AM Bug report #12578: Large pause before snapping to large layer
- dear all,
we grab a video showing the problem: -
03:45 AM Bug report #12590 (Feedback): Oracle connection fails for OGR import into PostGIS
- the question is:
does *any* (qgis/ogr/etc) processing tool work using a oracle layer as input? -
03:10 AM Bug report #12590 (Closed): Oracle connection fails for OGR import into PostGIS
- The alg is blindly passing the data source uri of a oracle layer to ogr2ogr although the OCI driver has a completely ...
03:41 AM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- I tried last night build of QGIS (2.9.0) and now it works ok! Thank you!
01:47 AM Feature request #7981: Add SVG symbol sets
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> One more:
> Licence to be checked.
P... -
11:22 PM Feature request #7981: Add SVG symbol sets
- See also #1694
10:40 PM Feature request #6974 (Closed): Enhancement to Expression Builder : Allow comment strings in expr...
09:40 PM Revision 213a22bc (qgis): Fix calculation of zonal stats when source contains nodata or nan
- pixels (fix #11135)
08:34 PM Feature request #7669: Usage of the mouse scroll wheel
- The only thing we would implement is:
[Shift]_scroll wheel away – pans canvas right;
[Shift]_scroll wheel to user – ... -
08:27 PM Feature request #7669: Usage of the mouse scroll wheel
- I would recommend revisiting this, and adopting it in core. As noted by the original requestor, it seems to be a pret...
06:47 PM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- Yes please, I'm 99% sure this is fixed now
05:18 PM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- I should appologize for wasting your time since I finally after several days of random clicking found the reason of t...
04:40 PM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- It sounds like you're describing something which is related to a fix I made after 2.8.1 was released. Can you test wi...
02:48 PM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- I also wanted to note that I didn`t switch off the diagramms.
02:46 PM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- I was trying to reproduce that bug today in both versions (2.6.1 and 2.8.1) and by chance understood that these are t...
03:34 AM Bug report #12585 (Feedback): Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
03:34 AM Bug report #12585: Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- To clarify, are you saying if you switch off diagrams for the layer you still do not see the points in the conical pr...
05:59 PM Revision 6a46f464 (qgis): Better default for COMPRESSTYPE in GDAL
05:54 PM Revision af64ae96 (qgis): [PROCESSING] Avoid run-time error
- if intersection geometry is None (happens IMHO if geometries are not valid)
05:23 PM Revision 4c65277e (qgis): doxygen: add missing gui directory for effects
05:21 PM Revision 8a1ea2ee (qgis): Update Slope,Aspect,Curvature.txt
- Better defaults for slope and aspect in saga:processing
02:16 PM Bug report #11135: Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- Thanks Nyall. Has this been backported?
12:42 PM Bug report #11135 (Closed): Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- Fixed in changeset commit:"213a22bc8ac936ff0c0179d565ca3bd5cf1f68f3".
05:43 AM Bug report #12587 (Closed): Processing field calculator misses recent expression
- They are present in the standard field calc
05:26 AM Bug report #12586 (Closed): Processing field calculator allows no_value for column name
- The QGIS Field calculator in Processing allows to create a new vector with an empty fieldname.
The original field cal...
12:09 AM Bug report #12573: QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other algorithms
- Following Giovanni's response, I filed a bug in the SAGA system and, very surprisingly, this is the outcome from Olaf...
03:30 AM Bug report #12573 (Closed): QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other...
- paolo prosperi wrote:
> I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did ea... -
03:30 AM Bug report #12573 (Closed): QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other...
- paolo prosperi wrote:
> I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did ea... -
03:51 PM Revision c9ec4d4a (qgis): [processing] Select by atribute sum algorithm
03:05 PM Bug report #12585 (Closed): Diagrams don't work with Conical Projection
- I have a shapefile with american urban areas. I work with diagrams window, circular graph (round diagrams). When I se...
01:58 PM Feature request #12584 (Open): Change layer source
- It would be good if it was easier to swap a layer source to a new one in the layer properties where the file location...
01:37 PM Bug report #12583 (Closed): Don't work Edit Rendering styles for outputs for some providers
- Hi guys,
the option Edit rendering styles for outputs is disable for user-models, R scripts, Scripts and Lidar Tools... -
10:26 AM Bug report #12579: Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- Thanks for the fast reply!
Here are my data: the vectorshape and the pointshape. I did also attach 2 screenshots of ... -
10:26 AM Bug report #12579: Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- Thanks for the fast reply!
Here are my data: the vectorshape and the pointshape. I did also attach 2 screenshots of ... -
10:26 AM Bug report #12579: Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- Thanks for the fast reply!
Here are my data: the vectorshape and the pointshape. I did also attach 2 screenshots of ... -
10:26 AM Bug report #12579: Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- Thanks for the fast reply!
Here are my data: the vectorshape and the pointshape. I did also attach 2 screenshots of ... -
03:15 AM Bug report #12579 (Feedback): Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- please:
* attach sample data
* try delete your .qgis2 (make a backup first): you will "lose" your plugins and other... -
03:15 AM Bug report #12579 (Feedback): Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- please:
* attach sample data
* try delete your .qgis2 (make a backup first): you will "lose" your plugins and other... -
02:56 AM Bug report #12579 (Closed): Qgis crashes when trying to use geoprocessing tools
- I have qgis 2.8.1 installed on 2 laptops (win7 64bit) and a brand new desktop computer (also win7 64bit). On the two ...
10:15 AM Bug report #12578: Large pause before snapping to large layer
- we noticed this issue only on 2.8.1, untill 2.6 all was correct.
I tested only in win7, with the osgeo4w 32&64 instal... -
03:47 AM Bug report #12578: Large pause before snapping to large layer
- I just tested your project on qgis master on Linux, and I cannot replicate this issue. When starting editing the used...
03:33 AM Bug report #12578 (Feedback): Large pause before snapping to large layer
- was this issue also present in older qgis releases? or it just a 2.8.1 thing? thanks.
02:49 AM Bug report #12578 (Closed): Large pause before snapping to large layer
- *New description:*
steps to replicate:
1 add a layer A with a lot of vertexes (the more vertexes the more this issu... -
09:18 AM Bug report #12582 (Rejected): buildvrt causes QGIS to crash
- Create a vrt in a project with many files, then zoom results in a crash. No crash when creating on a fresh project. V...
08:45 AM Bug report #11135: Zonal Statistics is calculating wrong mean values
- I confirm; the problem seems to lay in the core C++ plugin rather than in Processing, and it is due to NULL values
08:31 AM Bug report #12581 (Closed): Styles for High-precision Raster Layers
- When trying to use Singleband Pseudocolor rendering for a raster with very small-value, albeit high precision variabl...
07:20 AM Bug report #8978: loading an sld without uom attribute should set ouptput units to mapunits
- Exactly! So why has the QGIS-GUI set the ouput to mm?
It should be set to "map units" when you load such an sld. -
06:50 AM Bug report #8978: loading an sld without uom attribute should set ouptput units to mapunits
- Hi,
I checked the SLD 1.1.0 document "05-077r4_OpenGIS_Symbology_Encoding_Implementation_Specification.pdf"
From th... -
04:34 AM Bug report #12577: On the fly projection in molweide results in polygons displayed as squares
- Great, that worked, thanks.
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Enter the vector properties and disable the geometry simplifica... -
03:22 AM Bug report #12577 (Closed): On the fly projection in molweide results in polygons displayed as sq...
- Enter the vector properties and disable the geometry simplification, option. I just tested and it solves the issue.
03:22 AM Bug report #12577 (Closed): On the fly projection in molweide results in polygons displayed as sq...
- Enter the vector properties and disable the geometry simplification, option. I just tested and it solves the issue.
03:22 AM Bug report #12577 (Closed): On the fly projection in molweide results in polygons displayed as sq...
- Enter the vector properties and disable the geometry simplification, option. I just tested and it solves the issue.
04:26 AM Bug report #12517 (Closed): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> The command is still not working properly, as the user should be forced to send the correct ... -
04:22 AM Feature request #12580 (Closed): processing: allow define the mimum number of inputs in "Paramete...
- AS far as I understand (and I could be missing something) there is no way to allow define the minimum number of input...
03:27 AM Bug report #12082: Coordinates won't appear (outside the map object frame) in Print Composer on OsX
- Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Sorry - I don't have access to an OSX build environment to fix this
Hi Nyall,
I have seen this... -
03:09 AM Bug report #12560: QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Oskar Karlin wrote:
> Maybe so. But the thing is, I can't remove my print composers since they are much important to ... -
02:56 AM Bug report #12560: QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Maybe so. But the thing is, I can't remove my print composers since they are much important to me.
01:41 AM Bug report #12577 (Closed): On the fly projection in molweide results in polygons displayed as sq...
- I have a vector layer with the country boundaries (EPSG 4326) and want to use the on the fly projection to display th...
12:08 AM Bug report #12560: QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Hello,
maybe a similar problem as in #12234
Removing all printcomposer entries, saving and new loading of the projec... -
07:43 PM Feature request #8845: PDF output types & placement.
- I have updated my Adobe Master Collection to the newer Creative Cloud software and I am able to import PDFs exported ...
05:02 PM Revision 265c2539 (qgis): Fix primary key search
04:40 PM Revision a741f828 (qgis): Merge pull request #1992 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_v_generalize
- [processing] fix GRASS7 v.generalize
03:28 PM Bug report #12082: Coordinates won't appear (outside the map object frame) in Print Composer on OsX
- Sorry - I don't have access to an OSX build environment to fix this
02:34 PM Bug report #12082: Coordinates won't appear (outside the map object frame) in Print Composer on OsX
- This bug is also present in the latest 2.8.1 version for MacOSX.
02:34 PM Bug report #12082: Coordinates won't appear (outside the map object frame) in Print Composer on OsX
- This bug is also present in the latest 2.8.1 version for MacOSX.
- 01:24 PM Revision ed6d8dca (qgis): fix GRASS7 v.generalize
06:45 AM Bug report #12573: QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other algorithms
- I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did earlier from saga:rasterca...
06:45 AM Bug report #12573: QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other algorithms
- I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did earlier from saga:rasterca...
06:45 AM Bug report #12573: QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other algorithms
- I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did earlier from saga:rasterca...
06:45 AM Bug report #12573: QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other algorithms
- I am indeed having the same strange results from SAGA GUI (Grid Calculus command) as I did earlier from saga:rasterca...
03:08 AM Bug report #12573 (Feedback): QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to oth...
- If is SAGA that makes the wrong calculations then qgis/processing cannot do anything about it. Can you test run the s...
03:08 AM Bug report #12573 (Feedback): QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to oth...
- If is SAGA that makes the wrong calculations then qgis/processing cannot do anything about it. Can you test run the s...
05:17 AM Bug report #12517 (Reopened): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- The command is still not working properly, as the user should be forced to send the correct input. Please do not clos...
05:17 AM Bug report #12517 (Reopened): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- The command is still not working properly, as the user should be forced to send the correct input. Please do not clos...
04:17 AM Bug report #12517 (Closed): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> with the command above you should see an error: "no grids in selection".
no such error mes... -
04:17 AM Bug report #12517 (Closed): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> with the command above you should see an error: "no grids in selection".
no such error mes... -
03:10 AM Bug report #12522 (Feedback): Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Of course this seems a local issue or an issue with certain kind of rasters, because if it would be a general one it ...
03:10 AM Bug report #12522 (Feedback): Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- Of course this seems a local issue or an issue with certain kind of rasters, because if it would be a general one it ...
02:36 AM Revision cfe397e7 (qgis): Better fix for ffd81f4, avoid unnecessary copies of geometry
02:16 AM Bug report #9203 (Closed): R Plots are blank on qgis64bit
01:41 AM Revision cc9f2a62 (qgis): Call QgsComposer::restoreComposerMapStates in QgsComposer:changeEvent,
- not in showEvent (latter does not work reliably with some window
managers, such as openbox) (fix #6085) -
01:22 AM Bug report #9203: R Plots are blank on qgis64bit
- The fix reported in #7643 works for me with QGIS 2.8.1 from OSGeo4W64.
After deleting the processing directory in .qg... -
01:15 AM Revision 27224260 (qgis): Bump acceptable documentation coverage
01:05 AM Bug report #12573 (Closed): QGIS console: 'saga:rastercalc' giving bogus values compared to other...
- A note the issue reported under #12450, but mine seems different.
From QGIS python console, saga:rastercalculator giv... -
11:42 PM Bug report #12522: Raster layers sometimes not painted when zooming (>=2.4)
- This behaviour started after version 2.2. Many options were added under "rendering" and that broke the basic redrawin...
11:30 PM Revision 31173331 (qgis): Fix incorrect calculation of priority for diagrams (fix #4692)
11:30 PM Revision 15b60438 (qgis): Fix scale dependant rendering of diagrams (fix #10700)
05:53 PM Bug report #12275 (Closed): Diagrams shown only for one layer, forever
- Problem solved, thank you very much.
05:53 PM Bug report #12275 (Closed): Diagrams shown only for one layer, forever
- Problem solved, thank you very much.
05:53 PM Bug report #12275 (Closed): Diagrams shown only for one layer, forever
- Problem solved, thank you very much.
06:25 AM Bug report #12275: Diagrams shown only for one layer, forever
- Can you test again with current master version? A lot of diagram related fixes have landed which may have solved this.
04:44 PM Revision d660acbf (qgis): doxygen: add effects directory
- 04:42 PM Bug report #6085 (Closed): Composer does not maintain state of render preview and page zoom
- Fixed in changeset commit:"cc9f2a6270b59143000e30f41db1f57e8d900534".
04:23 PM Revision b22be91e (qgis): include server plugin api in doxygen
04:12 PM Revision ffd81f4c (qgis): Fix failing tests
03:16 PM Revision 7c7ef6d8 (qgis): Fix diagrams not respecting canvas rotation
- Also fixes diagrams not showing for invalid polygons (fix #11955)
03:16 PM Revision 437fc824 (qgis): Followup 43f150d, fix labels always enabling with diagrams
01:12 PM Bug report #12514: Getting weird lines in Print Composer
- Steven Kay wrote:
> I think you might need to run the 'clip to hemisphere' on the graticule layer too.
Nope. I run t... -
11:12 AM Bug report #12514: Getting weird lines in Print Composer
- I think you might need to run the 'clip to hemisphere' on the graticule layer too.
12:47 PM Revision 18e4a0c8 (qgis): Fix scale dependant rendering of diagrams (fix #10700)
11:44 AM Revision 946ca075 (qgis): Fix incorrect calculation of priority for diagrams (fix #4692)
08:10 AM Feature request #12548: Function output to Temporary Scratch Layer
- Kyle Somerville wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > enter "memory:" as output file to achive this.
> Sorry, I cant ... -
03:51 AM Feature request #12548 (Feedback): Function output to Temporary Scratch Layer
- Kyle Somerville wrote:
> Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> > enter "memory:" as output file to achive this.
> Sorry, I cant ... -
02:20 AM Feature request #12548: Function output to Temporary Scratch Layer
- Jürgen Fischer wrote:
> enter "memory:" as output file to achive this.
Sorry, I cant get this to work when using e.g... -
08:09 AM Bug report #12560: QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- Correction: it's not XML files, it's SHP files.
08:08 AM Bug report #12560 (Closed): QGIS freezes when adding or removing layers in large project
- I have a huge project which consists of perhaps 20-50 layers ( XML ) and everything runs smooth until I remove or add...
08:00 AM Bug report #12517 (Reopened): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- with the command above you should see an error: "no grids in selection". The reason is that the tool requires at leas...
08:00 AM Bug report #12517 (Reopened): Raster layer statistics SAGA module not working on Processing
- with the command above you should see an error: "no grids in selection". The reason is that the tool requires at leas...
07:05 AM Feature request #12559 (Open): Positioning histograms with QGIS 2.8
- I try to draw a map with histograms related to points (namely, selected European airports) rather than to areas as ap...
06:37 AM Bug report #12555: geojson open with bad result with all data on same point, wrong coordinates, i...
- The problem here is with italian locale settings on reading/rendering geojson files (the files to test are in the lin...
03:36 AM Bug report #12555 (Feedback): geojson open with bad result with all data on same point, wrong coo...
- Hi, can you please detail what this issue is about? thanks.
03:29 AM Bug report #12555 (Closed): geojson open with bad result with all data on same point, wrong coord...
- Here the complete already done test...
Thank you -
06:26 AM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Can you test again with current master version? A lot of diagram related fixes have landed which should have solved t...
06:26 AM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Can you test again with current master version? A lot of diagram related fixes have landed which should have solved t...
06:26 AM Bug report #3792 (Feedback): When loading the same layer twice, new diagrams disappear
- Can you test again with current master version? A lot of diagram related fixes have landed which should have solved t...
06:25 AM Bug report #10558 (Feedback): Unexpected interactions between labelling and diagrams
- Can you test again with current master version? A lot of diagram related fixes have landed which should have solved t...
06:22 AM Bug report #6996: Line pattern fill is not rendered to vector in pdf export
- Oskar Karlin wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > As far as I'm aware no one is actively working on this request. You cou... -
06:20 AM Bug report #4692 (Closed): New diagrams: priority not exported to labels
- Fixed in changeset commit:"946ca075868a0bb63f22432585d7c4eeecdacdb9".
06:20 AM Bug report #10700 (Closed): Scale dependent visibility of diagrams does not work
- Fixed in changeset commit:"18e4a0c8cb6e6f68060d58ac6817ae136fa0552a".
06:20 AM Bug report #11955 (Closed): Qgis Diagram not showing output for one specific countie - at 1:3,000...
- Fixed in changeset commit:"7c7ef6d8cdfc547c8bafc9b36c2848c17239a259".
06:04 AM Bug report #12557 (Closed): cannot set size to marker on markerline from attribute
- Hello,
I try to do a marker line and I need to set size of marker from attirbute. When I set it, there is no visible ... -
05:10 AM Feature request #1772: Allow individual stroke-dash parameters for line symbolizations
- Is really stroke-dashoffset implemented? Can't find it when I do a stroke on a line. It seems like it's only made for...
04:58 AM Bug report #12556: SQL Server Spatials views can not be laded any more
- Thanks!
As a workaround a virtual ID column can be created by using the ROW_NUMBER() function:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[... -
04:35 AM Bug report #12556: SQL Server Spatials views can not be laded any more
- qgis only supports int or long id for ids on SQL Server at this current time
04:31 AM Bug report #12556: SQL Server Spatials views can not be laded any more
- The view has a primary key column, but the keys values are alphanumerical [char (16)]. So the view doesn't have an un...
04:22 AM Bug report #12556: SQL Server Spatials views can not be laded any more
- Do you have a column which is unique int or long int?
You will need this in order to open in 2.8. This is enforce... -
04:18 AM Bug report #12556 (Closed): SQL Server Spatials views can not be laded any more
- In QGIS version 2.8.1 spatial views of a SQL Server connection can not be loaded any more. This worked well at least ...
04:24 AM Bug report #12533 (Closed): Debian build failure in origin/master
- Now fixed.
04:24 AM Bug report #12533 (Closed): Debian build failure in origin/master
- Now fixed.
02:26 AM Bug report #12554 (Closed): Letter spacing different when exporting to PDF
- Similar to issue 12467. I noticed that when exporting to PDF from print composer, widths between letters aren't looki...
02:02 AM Bug report #12544: WFS client do not download anymore some layers
- My bad... sorry about the bad link!
01:11 AM Bug report #12544 (Closed): WFS client do not download anymore some layers
- right, sorry I tested the URL as it was sent to me and have not looked at it with attention.
01:11 AM Bug report #12544 (Closed): WFS client do not download anymore some layers
- right, sorry I tested the URL as it was sent to me and have not looked at it with attention.
12:52 AM Bug report #12553: Features are not rendered (at certain scales) and cannot be selectd/identified...
- Found the reason:
The Vector file holds geometry lines with 0 length! It seems qGis doesn't like that and stops rende... -
12:04 AM Bug report #12553: Features are not rendered (at certain scales) and cannot be selectd/identified...
- Don't understand why 2 lines got canceled in the description above! These are VALID lines... Can't edit anymore!
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