Bug report #12627

Shapefile exported from Version 2.8.1 is Unreadable to ARCMAP

Added by Marc Hurst almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:2.8.1 Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:20742


Shapefile exported by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System, cannot be read by ArcMap.
The shapefile can be read by QGIS Versions 2.8.1 or 2.4.0; however ArcMap does not recognize it.
The same shapefile exported from Version 2.4.0 is readable by ArcMap.

wup12782groves-a.zip (5.73 KB) Marc Hurst, 2015-04-26 12:35 PM

wup12782irrig-b.zip (5.73 KB) Marc Hurst, 2015-04-26 12:35 PM


#1 Updated by Alexandre Neto almost 10 years ago

Cannot confirm this behaviour using QGIS 2.8.1 and ArcMap 10.2.

Can you provide a sample of your data? What was the choosen encoding?

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Version 2.8.1 to Version 2.8.2
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

I also cannot confirm, tested on AM 10.0. Please leave more details.

#3 Updated by Marc Hurst almost 10 years ago

Please excuse me for taking so long to reply; I've been out of town.

Exporting shapefiles from QGIS to send to my associates who use ArcMap is a task that I do very commonly; and it has worked very well on several earlier versions of QGIS, until Version 2.8.1.

The attached shapefile contained in "wup12782groves-a.zip" was exported from QGIS Version 2.8.1 (on a Windows 7 system) by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System. It can be read by QGIS Versions 2.8.1 or 2.4.0; however ArcMap does NOT recognize it.

The attached shapefile contained in "wup12782-b.zip" was made by importing wup12782groves-a into QGIS Version 2.4.0 (on a Debian Linux system); then exported from QGIS Version 2.4.0 by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System. it is readable by ArcMap.

Thank you for taking time to look at this problem. It is essential that we are able to exchange shapefiles with our associates who use ArcMap.

#4 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 10 years ago

The attached shapefile contained in "wup12782groves-a.zip" was exported from QGIS Version 2.8.1 (on a Windows 7 system) by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System. It can be read by QGIS Versions 2.8.1 or 2.4.0; however ArcMap does NOT recognize it.

will do further tests tomorrow, it would be good anyway to understand what "do not recognize it" means exactly. Any specific error message? the features do not show? else?

#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 10 years ago

  • Category set to Vectors

The attached shapefile contained in "wup12782groves-a.zip" was exported from QGIS Version 2.8.1 (on a Windows 7 system) by Layer->Save As, Format ESRI Shapefile, Encoding System. It can be read by QGIS Versions 2.8.1 or 2.4.0; however ArcMap does NOT recognize it.

it opens without issues on AM 10 here. I think this could be a local issue on either your QGIS installation or your associates AM installations but not a general QGIS issue.

#6 Updated by Marc Hurst almost 10 years ago

I have not personally seen the error message. I asked my associates for a transcript; but I have not received it.

Yesterday I tested the shapefile on a different installation of ArcMap (10.2.2), which successfully opened the file.

So, of the 4 ArcMap installations that the shapefile has been tested on, 2 can read it and 2 cannot.

I agree, this issue appears to be a problem with some installations of ArcMap, not QGIS. Thank you for your help.

#7 Updated by Marc Hurst almost 10 years ago

ArcMap gives this error message when it fails to read the shapefile exported by QGIS:

ArcMap Drawing Errors
One or more layers failed to draw:
Lakes: wup12782irrig-areas: General function failure

Apparently, that message can result from many different errors. I checked 2 of the potential problems. The filename does not begin with a number. The shape geometry is valid. Could a QGIS shapefile export cause an SQL error in ArcMap?

This issue appears to be a problem with some installations of ArcMap, not QGIS. Thank you again for your help.

#8 Updated by Matthias Kuhn almost 10 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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