Feature request #12688

relative paths in image source expression

Added by Jesse McMillan over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Assignee:Nathan Woodrow
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:fixed/implemented
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:20794


I have an atlas with a QR code on each page. the qr codes are jpg images stored in a folder relative to the project root. I use dropbox to sync the project file to multiple users / computers.
The qr filenames are attributes in a field. (i.e. "001.jpg", "002.jpg" etc..)

I used expression builder to concatenate the strings to a usable path:

'c:/path/to/my/project/qr/' || "fileName"

which works fine but I want it to be portable so instead I would like to be able to use:

'qr/' || "filename"

but it doesn't work. I created a workaround using a python function that returns the current path:

$currentpath || '/qr/' || "filename"

which works ok but then I have to put the function in every new computer I access the file from.

ultimately it would be more intuitive and work better if the relative paths just worked (or if there was a current path variable to concatentate to)


#1 Updated by Nathan Woodrow over 9 years ago

The expression parser isn't going to know if 'qr/' is a string or a path, making it guess would be a bad thing.

Adding a project path variable would be fine though so we could do that.

#2 Updated by Nathan Woodrow over 9 years ago

  • Tag set to expression
  • Assignee set to Nathan Woodrow
  • Category set to Expressions

#3 Updated by Jesse McMillan over 9 years ago

That would be perfect. Very useful for collaborations.

#4 Updated by Nathan Woodrow over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed/implemented

This is now possible in the latest version using the @project_path variable.

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