Feature request #11442
Processing: Please add an option to rasterize overwriting an exixting raster
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | |||
Category: | Processing/GDAL | ||
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | fixed/implemented |
Easy fix?: | No | Copied to github as #: | 19718 |
The old behaviour of GDAL is still useful, sometimes (e.g. to have a background of 0s instead of NULLs). Please add that option (instead of creating a new raster from scratch).
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
what parameter do you refer?
Usage: gdal_rasterize [-b band]* [-i] [-at]
[-burn value]* | [-a attribute_name] [-3d]
[-l layername]* [-where expression] [-sql select_statement]
[-of format] [-a_srs srs_def] [-co "NAME=VALUE"]*
[-a_nodata value] [-init value]*
[-te xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-tr xres yres] [-tap] [-ts width height]
[-ot {Byte/Int16/UInt16/UInt32/Int32/Float32/Float64/
CInt16/CInt32/CFloat32/CFloat64}] [-q]
<src_datasource> <dst_filename>
Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 10 years ago
The GDAL supported output file. Must support update mode access. Before GDAL 1.8.0, gdal_rasterize could not create new output files.
I mean, it would be useful to specify an existing raster to burn the values on, so the user will be sure of the background value, extent and resolution.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago
Paolo Cavallini wrote:
The GDAL supported output file. Must support update mode access. Before GDAL 1.8.0, gdal_rasterize could not create new output files.
I mean, it would be useful to specify an existing raster to burn the values on, so the user will be sure of the background value, extent and resolution.
can you please post a gdal_rasterize command that shows as this works? just to have a working example to work on.
Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Open
No special option: from the command line, if you provide a file name, it will be used as a basis, if not it will be created
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago
Updated by Giovanni Manghi about 10 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed/implemented
- Status changed from Open to Closed