guillaume -


Reported issues: 3


06:46 AM QGIS Application Feature request #11473: Use TLS v1.2 instead of SSL v3
Sorry for the noise, QGIS is already designed with TLS 1.2


11:41 PM QGIS Application Feature request #11473 (Closed): Use TLS v1.2 instead of SSL v3
For HTTPS connections, QGIS uses SSL V3 which is old and weak (a major failure has been discovered recently, see http...


07:44 AM QGIS Application Bug report #9234 (Closed): WFS client doesn't expose Header Authorization
When using a WFS layer to access to a private service protected by apache BasicAuth, the requests don't use the infor...


03:56 AM QGIS Application Bug report #1984 (Closed): QGIS Doesn't send VERSION parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
Althought not mandatory in WMS specs, the VERSION parameter has become important since most WMS servers now offer...

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