
From 2017-09-24 to 2017-10-23


11:47 PM Revision 87d087bb (qgis): [Plugin manager] Add a label for built-in plugins explaining they aren'...
Borys Jurgiel
11:33 PM Bug report #16898: Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (attached)
The PR is now merged to master. Sandro Mani
11:32 PM Revision ea0e09b3 (qgis): Merge pull request #5410 from manisandro/geomchecker
[FEATURE][Geometry checker] Support checking multiple layers at once, add new checks Sandro Mani
11:21 PM Revision 46a6f25d (qgis): Merge pull request #5418 from nyalldawson/from_polyline
Rename QgsGeometry::fromPolyline as QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY Nyall Dawson
11:12 PM Revision 2f44de0e (qgis): [FEATURE] Download a file in Processing
Etienne Trimaille
11:03 PM Bug report #17319: category value
I was really in doubt when I clicked on "bug report", but for a user who is following manuals, tutorials and examples... Sergio Antonio
09:08 AM Bug report #17319 (Feedback): category value
Is this a question or a bug report?
Is this about the tools in the Processing toolbox or the QGIS/GRASS plugin?
Giovanni Manghi
09:08 AM Bug report #17319 (Feedback): category value
Is this a question or a bug report?
Is this about the tools in the Processing toolbox or the QGIS/GRASS plugin?
Giovanni Manghi
10:40 PM Revision 8421a7e0 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add some debug code
Sandro Mani
10:31 PM Revision 2dccc3c1 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Remove unused includes
Sandro Mani
09:57 PM Revision 52e9a48c (qgis): Init z support and GML3 3D
08:42 PM Revision 977ce426 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing]Transect processing
Adds a C++ version of the "ststion lines" plugin as a
new processing algorithm for creating transect lines.
07:19 PM Revision e872716b (qgis): [auth] Typo in comment
Alessandro Pasotti
07:16 PM Revision 86431774 (qgis): [auth] Add connection cache clear options
This fixes a bug that required to restart
QGIS after a connection failed due to SSL
errors (the connection auth was c...
Alessandro Pasotti
07:04 PM Revision 65c6974d (qgis): Remove invalid decode statements from plugin installer
Gary Sherman
06:11 PM Revision 67b93418 (qgis): [auth] Removed configuration checkbox for auto clear
Alessandro Pasotti
06:10 PM Revision 99014716 (qgis): [auth] Reverted to previous GUI
Alessandro Pasotti
05:25 PM Revision 3b6a0e2a (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix crash in QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::addError i...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 4a6cdbe3 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add a first series of fixError tests
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 0ffd00da (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add TestQgsGeometryChecks::createTestContext variant...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision edf563b4 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix crashes in QgsGeometryGapCheck::mergeWithNeighbo...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision d71f62c7 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Make TestQgsGeometryChecks::searchCheckErrors return...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 737d5135 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Use centroid of actual hole to report error in QgsGe...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 13725362 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add follow boundaries check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 1e499558 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix broken LayerFeature geometry transform
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision bd44483f (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix type check factory
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision c44fa1da (qgis): [Geometry checker] Finish gap check test
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5b2297f7 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incorrect ring index in QgsGeometrySelfIntersect...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 8f343a91 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix wrong obsoletes test in QgsGeometryContainedChec...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 6b3309cd (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add more tests
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f48cf249 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incorrect free in gap check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 876418c4 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add more fixError tests
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 85f8c25f (qgis): [Geometry checker] Specify part in error parametrization in line and li...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision cc9a2b33 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incorrect logic in QgsGeometryCheckError::handle...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 8a561668 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Remove debug print
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 084660a4 (qgis): [Geometry checker] More change tracking tests
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision efc00c38 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix features not correctly removed from QgsFeaturePo...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision fde740a3 (qgis): Re-add QgsGeometryEngine::combine taking a list of QgsAbstractGeometries
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f0116b49 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Use reduced tolerance when attempting to combine two...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 15b5da8f (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incorrect change parametrization in QgsGeometryC...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 3cc72727 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't report segment lengths smaller than checker pr...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 0f687379 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Simplify point in polygon check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 1f300cfa (qgis): Add QgsVScrollArea sip bindings
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 9a2393ea (qgis): [Geometry checker] Qt < 5.9 compatibility fix
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 972d14f6 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Exclude from sip bindings
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f507246d (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't recollect errors with empty recheck list
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 2c36a51f (qgis): Add missing QgsVScrollArea documentation
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision ecd951dc (qgis): [Geometry checker] Try harder to match old errors to those found after ...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 8cefc656 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't recheck any features if fixed error resulted i...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 9218afd3 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't make the layer-feature iterator return feature...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5de0c803 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incomplete QgsGeometryOverlapCheckError::handleC...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 50e1c7a7 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Disable sorting in QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDialo...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e00f7675 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix possible crash in QgsGeometryCheckerFixSummaryDi...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e089b3ba (qgis): [Geometry checker] Only add to feature pool spatial indices features wh...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 374e1865 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add layer column to fix summary dialog tables
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 29d057c1 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Reduce icon size in setup layer list
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 81a4a526 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix updating and gathering of layers
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 018467fc (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix determining active layer geometry types
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision b80fa364 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Imporove logic for picking the output directory
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5e6501fe (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add layer column to result table
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 0740979b (qgis): [Geometry checker] Improve label
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision aa27b664 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix some feature highlighting issues
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e0caef92 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Introduce vertical-only scroll-areas
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 49b3cee4 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Various ui improvements
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 2b01ccf1 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Run contained check in map crs
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5c848405 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't self-compare features in contained check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f523af92 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't use QgsScrollArea...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 0b974c67 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Only update layer list in setup tab after layers hav...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 9fe1d7b3 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add tooltip with data source to layers in setup tab
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision c14cdbb6 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix incorrect mapToLayerUnits -> layerToMapUntis
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 9cbaebed (qgis): [Geometry checker] Store feature pool directly in LayerFeature instead ...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 732ce4cf (qgis): [Geometry checker] Handle fid changes
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision d6d584b3 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Show layer names instead of ids in user-facing strings
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 6c088e7b (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix logic to ensure that each pair of features is on...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f114b531 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Allow adding a prefix to output layer names
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision c71d4216 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix layerFeature comparison
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e4de3a8c (qgis): [Geometry checker] Update for QgsGeometryEngine API changes
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision bd8028e6 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add line layer intersection check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 156f0060 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Enter update mode when editing result layers
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision a5553204 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Reorder some UI elements
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 767538ba (qgis): [Geometry checker] Move core classes to qgis_analysis
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 816273ea (qgis): [Geometry checker] Drop feature id update logic now handled by freezing...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 183671f9 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Use symDifference for all geometry types to detect d...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 7fb1c551 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add dangle check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 54019e11 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Make contained check work with all geometry types
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 07dc4295 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Some initial tests
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 7bb5583b (qgis): [Geometry checker] Don't make line intersection test report symmetric e...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e5e3fde6 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Introduce QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::polygonRings
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5ded4f85 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Ensure line layer intersection test does not check a...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision baf4a39c (qgis): [Geometry checker] Make line intersection test and line layer intersect...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision db8b53f9 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Ensure duplicate check ui is enabled also for lines
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 87cdeda4 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Report if geometry is invalid in overlap check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 7a518668 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix angle check possibly reporting end nodes of lines
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 58e39f6a (qgis): [Geometry checker] Ensure overlap check returns on error for each overl...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 57c348b8 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Ensure all UI items are consistently enabled/disable...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 5470b163 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Set appropriate initial size for checker dialog
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 3dc083c8 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Uniformize error messages
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 45862ed6 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Rename tab: Settings -> Setup
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision c1b06cef (qgis): [Geometry checker] Tweak logic for choosing which layers are selected i...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision f0f66d74 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Fix LayerFeature iterator
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e88f32a2 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add point in polygon check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 3842f42a (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add line intersection check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision b5208c04 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Simplify code
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision b9966aa3 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Extend duplicate check to also handle points
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision ee47d42d (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add point must be covered by line check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 44ce9166 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Also check other parts of same feature in dangle check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision e7efde2c (qgis): [Geometry checker] Make checks report affected are in selected crs
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 2a92bfb2 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Introduce QgsGeometryCheckerContext
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 55cf1254 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Initial multilayer support for duplicate check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision b52b2c51 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Introduce QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 1642eb16 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Adapt for API changes
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 84184d45 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Use map crs for geometry and errorLocation in CheckE...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 821eb409 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Initial multilayer support for contained check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 3d8ffcb1 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Initial multilayer support for overlap check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision dd12b132 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Add multi-layer support to gap check
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 23affe4f (qgis): [Geometry checker] Store error values in map units, perform topology ch...
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 46e3ef73 (qgis): [Geometry checker] Ensure headers appear in project tree
Sandro Mani
05:25 PM Revision 31cc65df (qgis): [Geometry checker] Initial multi-layer support
Sandro Mani
05:02 PM Revision 97ad01b3 (qgis): Add the possibility to publish the url of WMS/WMTS layers and to advert...
Marco Hugentobler
04:31 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
a simplified patch:
QgsAttributeTableModel* masterModel = mMainView->masterModel();
masterModel->reload( master...
Luigi Pirelli
02:00 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
this tests fails locally also without my patch! on travis the build is successfull :/ Luigi Pirelli
12:53 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
checking if this patch is affecting tests:
116/261 Test #116: qgis_dualviewtest .......................***Exception:...
Luigi Pirelli
12:47 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
no, no more reload is necessary. Explicitely reload is present every time endEditCommand is triggered Luigi Pirelli
12:41 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
this is a side effect of avoid reloading of data during editing
Luigi Pirelli
12:41 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
this is a side effect of avoid reloading of data during editing
Luigi Pirelli
12:34 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> hmmm... probably having a different feature show option? I was able to replicate with "Show A...
Giovanni Manghi
12:33 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
hmmm... probably having a different feature show option? I was able to replicate with "Show All feature" Luigi Pirelli
12:28 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> replicated on 2.18.13-21 on win and linux
that's weird, work as expected for me on Linux.
Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
replicated on 2.18.13-21 on win and linux Luigi Pirelli
11:27 AM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
trying to replicate Luigi Pirelli
10:22 AM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
It seems to affect Windows, as on Linux with the same patch the table is auto-refreshed. Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Revision 1ecdb1dc (qgis): [auth] Menu option and configuration for auto clear auth cache
Alessandro Pasotti
04:02 PM Revision cde36f32 (qgis): [auth] Clear network authentication cache on SSL errors
Alessandro Pasotti
02:58 PM Bug report #17323 (Closed): Random extract within subset not working
The algorithm in Processing "Random extract within subset" is not working. Seems stopping at the first feature found. matteo ghetta
02:48 PM Revision e3fc73f4 (qgis): Merge pull request #5415 from rouault/use_layername
[OGR provider/askUserForOGRSublayers] Use layername= instead of layerid= when no ambiguity Even Rouault
02:29 PM Revision 0d89504e (qgis): ADD GML export to QgsTriangle
02:20 PM Revision a6964b51 (qgis): Merge pull request #5413 from rldhont/server-bugfix-display
[Server][Bugfix] Test if the environ variable DISPLAY is defined René-Luc ReLuc
01:52 PM Feature request #17321: Sorting of layers in Processing "multiple input" widget
Really those vector layers are quite ugly, take a look to this "layouts": eduardo rinaris
10:25 AM Feature request #17321 (Closed): Sorting of layers in Processing "multiple input" widget
Using 'Merge vector layers' under 'Vector' > 'Data Management Tools'. When selecting 'Layers to merge' the layers are... Nigel Malcolm
01:08 PM Bug report #17322: qgis._core import error
Really I do not know. This code works on qgis python console. However, it gives the error when I run it on PyCharm. Mustafa Uçar
12:35 PM Bug report #17322: qgis._core import error
Mustafa Uçar wrote:
> I asked it everywhere for 2 weeks there is no progress about fixing the problem.
can you po...
Giovanni Manghi
12:32 PM Bug report #17322: qgis._core import error
I asked it everywhere for 2 weeks there is no progress about fixing the problem.
Mustafa Uçar
12:12 PM Bug report #17322 (Closed): qgis._core import error
Please ask questions in the developers/users mailing list, or on IRC or gis.stackexchange. If after that an issue is ... Giovanni Manghi
12:10 PM Bug report #17322 (Closed): qgis._core import error
*Hello I am trying to run a standalone application. However, it does not run the program because of mentioned error i... Mustafa Uçar
12:42 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Does the issue still exist in 2.18 ?
> I have tested the dummy project with 2.18.13 and no ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:01 AM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Does the issue still exist in 2.18 ?
> I have tested the dummy project with 2.18.13 and no ...
Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #16135 (Closed): Selection by layerid instead layername from .gdb
fixed here Giovanni Manghi
12:09 PM Bug report #16135 (Closed): Selection by layerid instead layername from .gdb
fixed here Giovanni Manghi
11:35 AM Revision d8dc0f92 (qgis): Make gpkg the first choice for processing vector outputs
Nyall Dawson
11:35 AM Revision 1d043f3c (qgis): Update test
Nyall Dawson
11:35 AM Revision 7bfd60ab (qgis): [Server][Bugfix] Test if the environ variable DISPLAY is defined
René-Luc ReLuc
11:25 AM Bug report #15680 (Feedback): Clipping of raster with GDAL may hang QGIS
Should be fixed in master Alexander Bruy
11:25 AM Bug report #15680 (Feedback): Clipping of raster with GDAL may hang QGIS
Should be fixed in master Alexander Bruy
11:19 AM Bug report #16193: The new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization of the ...
This is still an issue on master. While I can minimize left panel manually, its state is not preserved when dialog op... Alexander Bruy
11:04 AM Revision 1822b76c (qgis): [OGR provider/askUserForOGRSublayers] Use layername= instead of layerid...
When composing URI, use layer names if layer names are unique. This will
be more stable in case the datasource get la...
Even Rouault
10:55 AM Feature request #16834 (Closed): Extend string search in multi-attribute search with "starts with...
Implemented in commit:8efa9fa815e1437432a44ed00ea51f063da27014 Andreas Neumann
10:55 AM Feature request #16834 (Closed): Extend string search in multi-attribute search with "starts with...
Implemented in commit:8efa9fa815e1437432a44ed00ea51f063da27014 Andreas Neumann
10:55 AM Feature request #16834 (Closed): Extend string search in multi-attribute search with "starts with...
Implemented in commit:8efa9fa815e1437432a44ed00ea51f063da27014 Andreas Neumann
10:53 AM Bug report #16750 (Closed): Attribute table does not show display value in case a relation refere...
Issue doesn't appear anymore in master. Closing therefore. Andreas Neumann
10:53 AM Bug report #16750 (Closed): Attribute table does not show display value in case a relation refere...
Issue doesn't appear anymore in master. Closing therefore. Andreas Neumann
10:50 AM Feature request #16835 (Closed): Side column in form view remembers columns, but no expressions
implemented in commit:f0cf4c3ee8a29847796ed956da3c832372312a2c Andreas Neumann
10:50 AM Feature request #16835 (Closed): Side column in form view remembers columns, but no expressions
implemented in commit:f0cf4c3ee8a29847796ed956da3c832372312a2c Andreas Neumann
10:34 AM Bug report #17318 (Closed): Fields and Values NULLS in Expression Calculator (Tool Set Z value)
See #17267-1 for an explanation. Giovanni Manghi
10:34 AM Bug report #17318 (Closed): Fields and Values NULLS in Expression Calculator (Tool Set Z value)
See #17267-1 for an explanation. Giovanni Manghi
10:32 AM Bug report #17226 (Closed): Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of fea...
Andreas Neumann
10:31 AM Bug report #17226: Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of features
Seems to be fixed now. Andreas Neumann
10:08 AM Bug report #17187 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue
replaced by #17312 Giovanni Manghi
10:08 AM Bug report #17187 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue
replaced by #17312 Giovanni Manghi
09:57 AM Bug report #15546 (Closed): Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Giovanni Manghi
09:56 AM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Yes close this issue
I believe it is because of the long use of a project file across different versions. Also, ...
Stefan Schweigel
09:45 AM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Can we close this as "won't fix" as probably caused by an unclean (and hard to replicate) project? Giovanni Manghi
09:12 AM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
The solution for this issue seems to be:
- change the OTF projection to 4326
- save the project as a different name...
Stefan Schweigel
08:54 AM Bug report #17316: Current implementation of multiple-layer style paste doesn't work for the comm...
l Giovanni Manghi
08:53 AM Bug report #17317 (Feedback): mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget::refreshModel call...
Please submit your patch as a pull request on Github. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
08:53 AM Bug report #17317 (Feedback): mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget::refreshModel call...
Please submit your patch as a pull request on Github. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
08:53 AM Bug report #17317 (Feedback): mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget::refreshModel call...
Please submit your patch as a pull request on Github. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
08:53 AM Bug report #17317 (Feedback): mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget::refreshModel call...
Please submit your patch as a pull request on Github. Thanks! Giovanni Manghi
08:52 AM Bug report #17080: Processing: saving to file results of SAGA raster tools do not work if input h...

> The result is the same. I attach the log file. I used a path with your suggestions.
RuntimeError: Could n...
Giovanni Manghi
08:47 AM Bug report #17222: OpenFileGDB feature count showing in layer name value
Is this ticket the same as #16135 ? Giovanni Manghi
04:53 AM Bug report #17222 (Closed): OpenFileGDB feature count showing in layer name value
fixed in a recent master - thank you! joe larson
08:46 AM Bug report #17320 (Feedback): Can't filter a table by a date field
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
08:46 AM Bug report #17320 (Feedback): Can't filter a table by a date field
Please attach sample data. Giovanni Manghi
04:47 AM Bug report #17320 (Closed): Can't filter a table by a date field
I have a shapefile whose data table has a field that contains dates and is shown in the layer properties as being QDa... Patrick Dunford
07:04 AM Revision a48c2e8f (qgis): Merge pull request #4947 from lbartoletti/regularShape_gui
[FEATURE][needs-docs] Add gui to draw Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle and Regular Polygon Nyall Dawson


11:03 PM Revision 5d675720 (qgis): Optimise calculation of QgsGeometry::vertexNrFromVertexId
By moving logic to abstract geometry subclasses so that they
can trivially retrieve the vertex number, instead of rel...
Nyall Dawson
11:03 PM Revision 2e8e72d0 (qgis): Optimise determination of adjacent vertices and move to QgsAbstractGeom...
Previously the method in QgsGeometryUtils was relying on
QgsAbstractGeometry::coordinateSequence, which is an absolut...
Nyall Dawson
10:03 PM Revision 16cad4d1 (qgis): - Add Signals start/stopCapturing
- fix QSpinBox -> QgsSpinBox Loïc BARTOLETTI
05:01 PM Bug report #17080: Processing: saving to file results of SAGA raster tools do not work if input h...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Mario Reyes wrote:
> > Could not load layer: C:/Users/Leslie/Documents/Curso QGIS II/Pract...
Mario Reyes
03:49 PM Bug report #17319 (Closed): category value
The dialog boxes of the (GRASS GIS) tools available in QGIS allow the user to select the features to be used by... Sergio Antonio
03:02 PM Bug report #17318 (Closed): Fields and Values NULLS in Expression Calculator (Tool Set Z value)
I'm trying to assign the height value from a field in the attribute table, but when trying to use the "Set Z Value"pr... Samuel Fernando Mesa Giraldo
03:00 PM Bug report #17317 (Closed): mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget::refreshModel called...
Add/Edit/Delete WMS or XYZ provider produce this stack trace because mProxyModel is nullptr when QgsBrowserDockWidget... Hanif Rifai
12:43 PM Revision 51fb6654 (qgis): Fix QgsVectorFileWriter use of transactions while writing
Previously the writer was only using transactions in some
cases (when calling the static writeAsVectorFormat method)....
Nyall Dawson
12:12 PM Bug report #17316 (Open): Current implementation of multiple-layer style paste doesn't work for t...
I'm not sure this should be categorized as a bug or just a feature request.
from a closed feature request: #10323
sand thorn
10:10 AM Revision c4f3832a (qgis): Rename QgsGeometry::fromPolyline as QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY
and add new QgsGeometry::fromPolyline which uses QgsPoint
We want to encourage people not to use the QgsPointXY meth...
Nyall Dawson
08:14 AM Bug report #17315 (Feedback): 3D Viewer: QGIS Crash when activating 3D Map view and 3D renderer
QGIS cc96f51e62 Installed with OSGeo4W64
* Load test data (but any other data didn't work for me)
* Start the New...
Luca Casagrande
04:09 AM Revision 10a2867c (qgis): Partially revert 28daa1a0
Using gpkg for this test is causing intermittent travis
Team Shapefile FTW ;)
Nyall Dawson
02:59 AM Revision 15af45f6 (qgis): Fix QgsGeometry::angleAtVertex returned wrong angle for start/end
of closed linestrings
The average angle of adjacent segments should be used in this case
Nyall Dawson


10:54 PM Bug report #17312: Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
I confirm this on
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
QGIS: 2.18.13-20 64-bit (via OSGeo4W pre-compiled) (Thanks to Giovanni Ma...
sand thorn
11:38 AM Bug report #17312 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue using the Quick Field Calculation Bar
The Attribute Table doesn't immediately update when fields are set with the Quick Field Calculation Bar.
Steps to ...
Geo Dev
06:58 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Yes, this bug report should now be closed with a reference to the new one (#17312). Geo Dev
02:31 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
I agree - #17289 was a different bug.
The only reason I copied the videos over was because #17289 was incorrectly ...
Steve Lowman
11:44 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Tested 2.18-dev (just compiled) also on Linux:: exactly the same issue of Windows (even with regard to focus behaviou... Geo Dev
05:55 PM Revision 25b04217 (qgis): follow up f243b8448e2
Jürgen Fischer
05:54 PM Bug report #17314: export to dxf format - z dimension
test: export from dgn to dxf (linestring) jose macau
05:46 PM Bug report #17314 (Closed): export to dxf format - z dimension
export to dxf file format doesn't export z dimension jose macau
05:39 PM Revision e6f52365 (qgis): postgres provider: queries have an unknown relation type
Jürgen Fischer
05:39 PM Revision f243b844 (qgis): postgres: add support for partitioned tables (implements #17302)
Jürgen Fischer
05:39 PM Feature request #17302 (Closed): Partitioned Table using PostgreSQL 10 native partitioning won't ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f243b8448e16f9516e60d684156ec80534521d5a. Jürgen Fischer
05:39 PM Feature request #17302 (Closed): Partitioned Table using PostgreSQL 10 native partitioning won't ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f243b8448e16f9516e60d684156ec80534521d5a. Jürgen Fischer
04:33 PM Revision 6428fed8 (qgis): Merge pull request #5385 from jachym/geopackage
Put GeoPackage at first place in the menu Matthias Kuhn
02:36 PM Bug report #17262: Attribute table data entered text is obscured by the 'x' button
Okay, those other bugs are not directly related to this one.
However, I think this one should be classed as a Regr...
Steve Lowman
02:10 PM Feature request #17313 (Open): Adopt JRectifier or incorporate funtionality into GDAL Georeferencer
Janek's JRectifier plugin is so much better to use than the GDAL Georeferencer, it would be a much better core georef... Steve Lowman
08:13 AM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Have you the QGIS and QGIS Server log ?
I have only QGIS Server log, QGIS is installed no...
Uroš Preložnik
08:13 AM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Have you the QGIS and QGIS Server log ?
I have only QGIS Server log, QGIS is installed no...
Uroš Preložnik


12:50 AM Bug report #17309: SpatiaLite Layer default style is (usually) not loaded.
After more testing: Saving and loading styles in Spatialite db depends on provider type, QGIS version and probably GD... Borys Jurgiel
04:03 PM Bug report #17309 (Closed): SpatiaLite Layer default style is (usually) not loaded.
A default style for a Spatialite layer is not loaded by QGIS.
Neither from the source db nor the local qgis.qmldb.
Borys Jurgiel
12:41 AM Bug report #17226 (Feedback): Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of f...
Can you retry ? I can't reproduce this . I belive this has been fixed and is a duplicate of #17222 Even Rouault
12:40 AM Bug report #17222 (Feedback): OpenFileGDB feature count showing in layer name value
Can you retry with latest master ? I can't reproduce, so it might have been fixed Even Rouault
12:28 AM Revision 2e87d32f (qgis): [Browser] With GDAL 2.x, fix invalid detection of OGR VRT by GDAL provi...
Even Rouault
12:09 AM Revision 49071808 (qgis): [Browser] Fix invalid detection of OGR VRT by GDAL provider, and fix br...
Even Rouault
12:09 AM Bug report #16806 (Closed): Non valid VRT logic due to GDAL changes in QgsGdalDataItems
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|49071808acb104c5c6dc0d63a40296a0f88969da. Even Rouault
12:09 AM Bug report #16806 (Closed): Non valid VRT logic due to GDAL changes in QgsGdalDataItems
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|49071808acb104c5c6dc0d63a40296a0f88969da. Even Rouault
11:26 PM Revision cc96f51e (qgis): [OGR/browser] More consistant use of GDAL API
Even Rouault
11:17 PM Bug report #17311 (Open): QGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added u...
Subject says it all. No crash if the same layer is edited with the native Oracle provider.
Also with the OGR drive...
Giovanni Manghi
09:46 PM Revision feaa8b81 (qgis): [OGR provider] subLayers(): avoid emitting error on a geometry less layer
Even Rouault
09:42 PM Revision c130f9fc (qgis): [OGR provider] Avoid (harmless) OGR errors when trying to convert GeoPa...
Even Rouault
08:12 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Geo Dev wrote:
> Tested on a just compiled code of the last 2.18-dev (with the latest commit 6d50b37) and on the alr...
Giovanni Manghi
07:23 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Tested on a just compiled code of the last 2.18-dev (with the latest commit 6d50b37) and on the already compiled OSGe... Geo Dev
06:18 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
sand thorn wrote:
> I can not find 2.18-dev in
> There are onl...
Giovanni Manghi
05:41 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
I can not find 2.18-dev in;O=D
There are only 2.99-dev. Besides, there se...
sand thorn
04:58 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
or 2.18-dev Luigi Pirelli
04:46 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Geo Dev wrote:
> IMHO the description of this bug (#17187) is properly focused on the issue that still occurs in bot...
Giovanni Manghi
04:31 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
IMHO the description of this bug (#17187) is properly focused on the issue that still occurs in both versions 2.18.13... Geo Dev
10:10 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
yes, IMHO is better to close this issue and reopen one related to master. The main reason is also because, in this mo... Luigi Pirelli
09:44 AM Bug report #17187 (Feedback): Attribute Table refresh issue
Geo Dev wrote:
> The backported fix commit:5f22ba1c936db18f9326b84315be03b4874282e0
> doesn't fix this issue (#1718...
Giovanni Manghi
09:44 AM Bug report #17187 (Feedback): Attribute Table refresh issue
Geo Dev wrote:
> The backported fix commit:5f22ba1c936db18f9326b84315be03b4874282e0
> doesn't fix this issue (#1718...
Giovanni Manghi
07:57 PM Bug report #17310: Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
Christopher Lynnes wrote:
> Well, the docker hub web page at says it is the "off...
Giovanni Manghi
07:29 PM Bug report #17310: Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
Well, the docker hub web page at says it is the "official docker repository for h... Christopher Lynnes
07:10 PM Bug report #17310 (Feedback): Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
Ummm... this is the tracker for the QGIS application, not for anything else (so not for the dicker container... that ... Giovanni Manghi
07:10 PM Bug report #17310 (Feedback): Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
Ummm... this is the tracker for the QGIS application, not for anything else (so not for the dicker container... that ... Giovanni Manghi
07:10 PM Bug report #17310 (Feedback): Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
Ummm... this is the tracker for the QGIS application, not for anything else (so not for the dicker container... that ... Giovanni Manghi
07:05 PM Bug report #17310 (Closed): Cannot start up docker container qgis/qgis on Mac
I'm on a MacBook Air running 10.11.6. I am running Docker 17.09.0-ce. I have been trying to get QGIS installed on m... Christopher Lynnes
07:23 PM Bug report #13957: [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform initializatio...
I have found two more ellipsoids that have a different initialization problem. These have zero for the a, b parameter... Steven Mizuno
07:15 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
see also #13956 and #17208.
This ticket essentially is a duplicate of the problems previously reported.
Steven Mizuno
06:29 PM Revision 32852fb4 (qgis): fix tab clicks in plugin manager
Richard Duivenvoorde
06:06 PM Revision a733ace3 (qgis): Merge pull request #5409 from rouault/fix_gpkg_many_layers
[OGR provider] Allow opening (GeoPackage) datasets with many layers Even Rouault
05:37 PM Revision 8f3d44d4 (qgis): [OGR provider] Allow opening (GeoPackage) datasets with many layers
Currently each time you instanciate a QgsOgrProvider layer, a GDAL dataset is
created. In the case of GeoPackage, thi...
Even Rouault
05:37 PM Revision c9b0a2b1 (qgis): [OGR provider] Speed-up layer addition to the canvas when selected from...
Even Rouault
05:37 PM Revision e59f1d5d (qgis): Move static variable to function scope
Even Rouault
05:11 PM Revision 08443c20 (qgis): Revert "Avoid type quotation errors in value exists check"
This reverts commit 6ce4b607c522d5db35227d2ae5f20259d4e384f0. Matthias Kuhn
04:43 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> > > The layer order in the URL has chan...
Giovanni Manghi
04:36 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> > The layer order in the URL has changed between 2.14 and 2.18.
René-Luc ReLuc
04:34 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> The layer order in the URL has changed between 2.14 and 2.18.
I tested the Montpellier de...
Giovanni Manghi
04:31 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
The layer order in the URL has changed between 2.14 and 2.18.
And with a fake server X, no segfault ?
René-Luc ReLuc
04:29 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Have you the QGIS and QGIS Server log ?
I did a complete fresh install on Ubuntu xenial, ...
Giovanni Manghi
01:32 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
Have you the QGIS and QGIS Server log ? René-Luc ReLuc
01:22 PM Bug report #15440 (Open): QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced eleme...
Giovanni Manghi
01:20 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
I can confirm this bug on QGIS LTR 2.18.13 and Ubuntu server. Print composer without text label (map, legend, ...
Uroš Preložnik
04:29 PM Revision fc016ec6 (qgis): Application termination: fix crash caused by 5288aed5503205948f3785590e...
Even Rouault
04:14 PM Revision a01f153e (qgis): Feature validation should not spam the log
Matthias Kuhn
04:14 PM Revision 6ce4b607 (qgis): Avoid type quotation errors in value exists check
Matthias Kuhn
04:04 PM Bug report #17256 (Closed): SpatiaLite Layer default style is not loaded when using the SpatiaLit...
Borys Jurgiel
03:45 PM Bug report #15742: Error in Basic statistics for numeric fields
Joao Paulouro wrote:
> I can confirm the bug on a QGIS 2.18.13 installation via homebrew on mac. The issue seems to ...
Giovanni Manghi
03:37 PM Bug report #15742: Error in Basic statistics for numeric fields
I can confirm the bug on a QGIS 2.18.13 installation via homebrew on mac. The issue seems to only affect values with ... Joao Paulouro
02:10 PM Revision 5288aed5 (qgis): QGisApp: fix potential crash at application closing linked to mDataSour...
Even Rouault
01:28 PM Bug report #17295: vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a gra...
landry Landry Breuil wrote:
> There was already a thread on the -dev ML (to which i'm not subscribed) so as i experi...
Giovanni Manghi
11:32 AM Bug report #17295: vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a gra...
There was already a thread on the -dev ML (to which i'm not subscribed) so as i experienced the same issue, i figured... landry Landry Breuil
01:05 PM Bug report #17308: Plugins menu shows incorrect correct

and for discussion:
Richard Duivenvoorde
11:29 AM Bug report #17308 (Closed): Plugins menu shows incorrect correct
The options "Install from Zip" and "Settings" don't show the correct content.
QGIS 2.99 installed with OSGEO4W.
Michel Stuyts
11:19 AM Revision c9938880 (qgis): Move creation of datasource uri for external wms layers to QgsWMSParame...
Marco Hugentobler
11:13 AM Revision 0f3d14a0 (qgis): Merge pull request #5408 from rldhont/server-handlerequest-project
[Server][FEATURE] Handle request from QgsServer with a QgsProject René-Luc ReLuc
10:47 AM Bug report #17305 (Closed): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Closed in favor of #17307 Giovanni Manghi
10:47 AM Bug report #17305 (Closed): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Closed in favor of #17307 Giovanni Manghi
10:23 AM Bug report #17305: Labeling using setCustomProperty()
I wanted to change the title of this issue to:
Problem with conversion of strings, e.g. when labeling using setCusto...
Markus Woehling
09:46 AM Bug report #17305 (Feedback): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Markus Woehling wrote:
> EasyCustomLabeling is working on 2.18.13, right.
> I found out that setCustomProperty() is...
Giovanni Manghi
10:39 AM Bug report #16898: Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (attached)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Antonio Viscomi wrote:
> > Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > > Please test again after the patch...
Antonio Viscomi
10:26 AM Bug report #16898: Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (attached)
Antonio Viscomi wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > Please test again after the patch has been merged in master.
Giovanni Manghi
10:25 AM Bug report #16898: Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (attached)
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Please test again after the patch has been merged in master.
Hi everybody,
when this pa...
Antonio Viscomi
09:45 AM Bug report #16898 (Feedback): Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (att...
Please test again after the patch has been merged in master. Giovanni Manghi
10:32 AM Bug report #17307 (Closed): Problem with conversion of python strings, e.g. when labeling using s...
For me it's not possible anymore to configure labeling (for QgsVectorLayer) using setCustomProperty().
I found out...
Markus Woehling
10:25 AM Revision efb84fd2 (qgis): Merge pull request #5337 from dmarteau/qgis_utils_refactoring
Disable message hook and import override at runtime René-Luc ReLuc
10:24 AM Feature request #17273 (Feedback): Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> To support different's CRSs in WFS, QGIS Server needs to implement WFS 1.1.0.
> It's no...
Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Feature request #17273: Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
To support different's CRSs in WFS, QGIS Server needs to implement WFS 1.1.0.
It's not a regression because, QGIS ...
René-Luc ReLuc
10:23 AM Bug report #15086 (Closed): Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
René-Luc ReLuc wrote:
> Used the shortname to avoid this difference.
so this can be closed?
Giovanni Manghi
10:21 AM Bug report #15086: Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
Used the shortname to avoid this difference. René-Luc ReLuc
10:20 AM Bug report #15086: Inconsistency between layernames in WMS and WFS
The layer name in WFS has to be compatible with an XML element tag name. It is not only used in URL has apram, it is ... René-Luc ReLuc
10:22 AM Bug report #15085 (Feedback): The setting 'Use layer ids as name' does not work for WFS-call
has it been fixed in 2.18 ? René-Luc ReLuc
10:18 AM Bug report #15979 (Feedback): %20 in QGIs project file
Has it been fixed in 2.18 ? René-Luc ReLuc
10:18 AM Bug report #15979 (Feedback): %20 in QGIs project file
Has it been fixed in 2.18 ? René-Luc ReLuc
10:15 AM Bug report #16995: Cannot add WFS layer from QGIS Server to GeoServer
Can you provide a more explicit error ? René-Luc ReLuc
09:44 AM Revision 7b455d87 (qgis): [Server][FEATURE] Handle request from QgsServer with a QgsProject
With this commit, it's posssible to handle a request from a QgsProject without writing it to the disk.
René-Luc ReLuc
08:26 AM Revision 13a00aae (qgis): Merge pull request #5399 from pblottiere/server_flaky_tests
[server] WIP : reactivate flaky server tests for WMS requests Matthias Kuhn
08:24 AM Bug report #17279: Working with QgisBrowser widget makes my QGIS crash more often
Another crash example. With me easily reproducable by
- create empty project
- load default (osm) xyz layer via '...
Richard Duivenvoorde
03:16 AM Revision b2add8cf (qgis): Another attempt to avoid Travis warnings
Nyall Dawson
03:16 AM Revision 8d64e2e6 (qgis): Also add unique_ptrs for other geos classes
Nyall Dawson


01:07 AM Revision 4e586818 (qgis): Fix warning if building without 3d
(AKA hurry up Fedora 27, I want Qt 5.9 already) Nyall Dawson
11:26 PM Bug report #17305: Labeling using setCustomProperty()
EasyCustomLabeling is working on 2.18.13, right.
I found out that setCustomProperty() is working fine in the python ...
Markus Woehling
05:48 PM Bug report #17305: Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Can you test EasyCustomLabeling plugin?
It uses setCustomProperty() a lot and in my experience, it works on 2.18.1...
Regis Haubourg
11:18 AM Bug report #17305 (Open): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Giovanni Manghi
11:13 AM Bug report #17305: Labeling using setCustomProperty()
Yes, it did work up to version 2.14 (but I did not check 2.16).
Markus Woehling
11:03 AM Bug report #17305 (Feedback): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
did it worked in previous qgis releases? Giovanni Manghi
10:33 PM Bug report #16898: Geometry checker crashes when checking a specific vector layer (attached)
I've finally got to submitting the PR for the new enhanced geometry checker ( ... Sandro Mani
08:13 PM Bug report #17187 (Reopened): Attribute Table refresh issue
The backported fix commit:5f22ba1c936db18f9326b84315be03b4874282e0
doesn't fix this issue (#17187) that still occurs...
Geo Dev
06:43 PM Bug report #17187 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d50b37c628e858760a9bdea3fa3860826281134. Paul Blottiere
06:43 PM Bug report #17187 (Closed): Attribute Table refresh issue
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d50b37c628e858760a9bdea3fa3860826281134. Paul Blottiere
05:51 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
confirmed that fix this issue
Luigi Pirelli
04:22 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
check if really fix the issue
Luigi Pirelli
12:27 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue Luigi Pirelli
12:27 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue Luigi Pirelli
12:09 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> the same issue was already fixed 4month ago in master commit:5f22ba1c936db18f9326b84315be03b4...
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
the same issue was already fixed 4month ago in master commit:5f22ba1c936db18f9326b84315be03b4874282e0 but never backp... Luigi Pirelli
06:43 PM Revision 6d50b37c (qgis): Merge pull request #5403 from boundlessgeo/issue_17187_backportFrom3
[bugfix] Attribute table model not updated when a feature is changed. fixes #17280 #17187 Paul Blottiere
06:43 PM Bug report #17280 (Closed): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating th...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d50b37c628e858760a9bdea3fa3860826281134. Paul Blottiere
06:43 PM Bug report #17280 (Closed): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating th...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|6d50b37c628e858760a9bdea3fa3860826281134. Paul Blottiere
04:12 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
Dope. Thank you. sand thorn
12:28 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves. Luigi Pirelli
12:28 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves. Luigi Pirelli
12:28 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves. Luigi Pirelli
06:00 PM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Stefan Schweigel wrote:
> It seems to be a very strange problem. I tried your suggestions: removed the .qgis2 folder...
Giovanni Manghi
06:00 PM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Stefan Schweigel wrote:
> It seems to be a very strange problem. I tried your suggestions: removed the .qgis2 folder...
Giovanni Manghi
04:02 PM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
It seems to be a very strange problem. I tried your suggestions: removed the .qgis2 folder and disabled all plugins. ... Stefan Schweigel
04:02 PM Bug report #15546: Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
It seems to be a very strange problem. I tried your suggestions: removed the .qgis2 folder and disabled all plugins. ... Stefan Schweigel
11:45 AM Bug report #15546 (Feedback): Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Stefan Schweigel wrote:
> The Problem is still the same in QGIS 2.18.13
> Steps to reproduce the crash:
> - op...
Giovanni Manghi
11:45 AM Bug report #15546 (Feedback): Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Stefan Schweigel wrote:
> The Problem is still the same in QGIS 2.18.13
> Steps to reproduce the crash:
> - op...
Giovanni Manghi
11:45 AM Bug report #15546 (Feedback): Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
Stefan Schweigel wrote:
> The Problem is still the same in QGIS 2.18.13
> Steps to reproduce the crash:
> - op...
Giovanni Manghi
07:28 AM Bug report #15546 (Reopened): Crash when rendering a polygon layer with style and labels
The Problem is still the same in QGIS 2.18.13
Steps to reproduce the crash:
- open the attached sample project
Stefan Schweigel
05:58 PM Revision a411669d (qgis): Merge pull request #5226 from aaime/rule_labels
Also export rule based labelling in SLD. Follows up to ticket #8925 Alessandro Pasotti
04:29 PM Revision e90f601a (qgis): Add some tests to validate assertXMLEqual
Paul Blottiere
04:29 PM Revision e50a8aa3 (qgis): Split WMS tests to detect flaky behavior
Paul Blottiere
04:29 PM Revision 3c18232c (qgis): Unskip test_wms_getprint_srs (GetPrint has been refactored since)
Paul Blottiere
04:06 PM Bug report #13957: [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform initializatio...
I confirm the problem also on Ubuntu 16.04 Giovanni Allegri
03:51 PM Revision e7d7295a (qgis): Merge pull request #5405 from rldhont/server-wms-test-enhancement
[Server][Tests] Fix WMS tests locally René-Luc ReLuc
03:45 PM Revision 28daa1a0 (qgis): Adding more default SHP->GPKG changes
Jachym Cepicky
02:55 PM Revision aa594f53 (qgis): Also export rule based labelling. Follow up to #8925
Andrea Aime
02:48 PM Revision dc6bdc29 (qgis): [Server][Tests] Fix WMS tests locally
René-Luc ReLuc
02:16 PM Revision 9ce73616 (qgis): Possibility to set a WMS print layer for WMS/WMTS layers in qgis server...
Marco Hugentobler
12:23 PM Revision 492967a8 (qgis): [bugfix] Attribute table model not updated when a feature is changed
Paul Blottiere
11:54 AM Bug report #17306 (Closed): using CTRL-A in filtered attribute table selects all the features
and not only the filtered one as expected. Denis Rouzaud
11:02 AM Revision 05dcb537 (qgis): Merge pull request #5350 from pblottiere/null_218
[bugfix] Properly update filter comboboxes of relation reference widget Paul Blottiere
10:49 AM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
Good catch Steven! The problem was selecting "WGS84" instead of "WGS 84". The latter works fine and selection is reta... Giovanni Allegri
10:05 AM Bug report #16524: Processing/geoprocessing operations failing in 2.18 with memory layers
Cannot reproduce here
I tried you suggestion of creating two polygons in two memory layers, and difference work fi...
Victor Olaya
10:01 AM Revision f7687e27 (qgis): Filter comboboxes are reset when the widget is initialised and foreign ...
Paul Blottiere
10:01 AM Revision b70d9b50 (qgis): Add some tests
Paul Blottiere
09:26 AM Revision 2aaff6a3 (qgis): Move code useful for 3D view out of 2D map canvas dock code
Martin Dobias
09:26 AM Revision 79bc5d4b (qgis): Save state of 3D map views in projects + restore them on project load
Martin Dobias
08:14 AM Revision ac7e041a (qgis): Revert "Fix build warnings on Travis"
Hey clang - how about you don't through warnings if
fixing them breaks the build?
This reverts commit e28a555497e998...
Nyall Dawson
07:14 AM Revision 60d0db9e (qgis): [DB Manager]Set dialog alignment instead of adding trailing spaces to l...
Harrissou Santanna
06:25 AM Revision e28a5554 (qgis): Fix build warnings on Travis
Nyall Dawson
06:23 AM Revision 8927fb57 (qgis): Merge pull request #5369 from nyalldawson/toolbox_order
[processing] Always list native algorithms before 3rd party providers Nyall Dawson
05:12 AM Revision 4ce16624 (qgis): Allow processing providers to specify a long name, and show it in tooltips
Add version number to gdal provider long name Nyall Dawson
04:01 AM Revision 925ec609 (qgis): [processing] Always list native algorithms before 3rd party providers
This change ensures that searching for algorithms always returns
native algorithms before matching 3rd party algorith...
Nyall Dawson
04:01 AM Revision a33376fe (qgis): Drop version and count from algorithm item in tree view
Nyall Dawson
03:59 AM Revision 325168ee (qgis): Merge pull request #5392 from nyalldawson/file_downloader
Split QgsFileDownloader into separate core/gui classes Nyall Dawson
03:48 AM Revision b855ad1e (qgis): Merge pull request #5366 from DelazJ/effectsalign
Vertically align color widget in Effect properties dialog Nyall Dawson
03:47 AM Revision 8ca4a1a8 (qgis): Fix windows build
Nyall Dawson
03:45 AM Revision 34e30568 (qgis): Merge pull request #5371 from DelazJ/colorspace
Optimize spacing in Color settings dialog Nyall Dawson
02:52 AM Revision 6fe89fd3 (qgis): Replace GEOSGeomScopedPtr with unique_ptr with custom deleter
And make greater use of it through QgsGeos to avoid potential
memory leaks.
Nyall Dawson
02:52 AM Revision 0d6df128 (qgis): Fix leak in QgsMultiSurface::asJSON
Nyall Dawson
02:52 AM Revision bb522b36 (qgis): More use of geos::unique_ptr
Nyall Dawson


01:40 AM Revision a1efff79 (qgis): [auth] Fix documentation error in QgsAuthCertUtils
Larry Shaffer
12:07 AM Revision 8107f910 (qgis): [auth] Move inline file reads to static func; add PKCS#8 sniffing func
Larry Shaffer
12:07 AM Revision 025c6f2e (qgis): [auth] Add error trap and debug fixes for PKCS#12 auth method
Larry Shaffer
12:07 AM Revision c66de140 (qgis): [auth] Add PKCS8 to PKCS1 key conversion for macOS (deps on libtasn1)
See description of QgsAuthCertUtils::pkcs8PrivateKey.
This fix may be needed on other platforms (untested at this po...
Larry Shaffer
11:29 PM Revision 406425d6 (qgis): Rename method, docs and api breaks documentation
Nyall Dawson
11:21 PM Revision 30da28a7 (qgis): Fix qt warnings thrown by QgsFileDownloader
Nyall Dawson
10:32 PM Revision 587072ca (qgis): Split QgsFileDownloader into separate core/gui classes
So that the guts of this class can be used from non-gui code Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Revision a4067399 (qgis): Add render context flag to indicate canvas preview jobs
In future we can use this to optimise the preview job and shortcut
by doing lower quality/faster renders.
For now, u...
Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Bug report #16988 (Closed): Updated canvas setting for min/max values of raster layer with pseudo...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a4067399750cc4a0a638f5b3479060a9a42a81e2. Nyall Dawson
10:31 PM Bug report #16988 (Closed): Updated canvas setting for min/max values of raster layer with pseudo...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|a4067399750cc4a0a638f5b3479060a9a42a81e2. Nyall Dawson
10:30 PM Revision f77377e6 (qgis): Fix crash in QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
Nyall Dawson
10:02 PM Bug report #13957 (Reopened): [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform in...
I am reopening this because certain ellipsoids are still not initializing properly. Specifically, the ellipsoid WGS84... Steven Mizuno
10:02 PM Bug report #13957 (Reopened): [Project Properties] certain ellipsoids selected cause transform in...
I am reopening this because certain ellipsoids are still not initializing properly. Specifically, the ellipsoid WGS84... Steven Mizuno
09:35 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
Giovanni, I watched your video and tried to duplicate what you did, but was working for me. On closer observation of ... Steven Mizuno
12:44 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
Here it is a video of what happens to me:
# Switch tabs to make dropbox selecteable
Giovanni Allegri
11:41 AM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
I'm not sure what's the expected behaviour of the dropdown. If I have a CRS set for my project I guess the correspond... Giovanni Allegri
09:08 PM Bug report #17305 (Closed): Labeling using setCustomProperty()
It's not possible anymore to configure labeling (for QgsVectorLayer) using setCustomProperty().
It will be a breakin...
Markus Woehling
06:53 PM Bug report #13398: Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
I am not experienced enough, to determine wether it is the same source.
In #17138 you have a shape dataset with pr...
Gerhard Spieles
05:48 PM Bug report #17080 (Feedback): Processing: saving to file results of SAGA raster tools do not work...
Mario Reyes wrote:
> Could not load layer: C:/Users/Leslie/Documents/Curso QGIS II/Practica 2 Analisis de datos rast...
Giovanni Manghi
05:41 PM Revision a6ac876d (qgis): [processing] update test data
Alexander Bruy
04:20 PM Revision fe780afc (qgis): [processing] allow reordering in multiple selection dialog
Victor Olaya
03:51 PM Bug report #16277 (Closed): Processing "Gdal Clip Vector Layer By Extent" and "Clip Vector by Pol...
They seems to work ok on master/qgis3, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:51 PM Bug report #16277 (Closed): Processing "Gdal Clip Vector Layer By Extent" and "Clip Vector by Pol...
They seems to work ok on master/qgis3, please reopen if necessary. Giovanni Manghi
03:33 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
seems a side effect of my fix to avoid sorting during editing.
Luigi Pirelli
03:32 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
seems a side effect of my fix to avoid sorting during editing... now checking how to update data without sorting in t... Luigi Pirelli
03:17 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
checking if this is a regression introduce by me to fix another regression
Luigi Pirelli
02:05 PM Bug report #17280 (Feedback): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating ...
I confirm the issue surfaced after 2.18.9 but in the test I made here there is no need to apply filters to have it sh... Giovanni Manghi
02:05 PM Bug report #17280 (Feedback): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating ...
I confirm the issue surfaced after 2.18.9 but in the test I made here there is no need to apply filters to have it sh... Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #17280 (Open): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating them...
Giovanni Manghi
12:21 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
> > #17262 is also closely related.
> seems a completely different thing, imho.
Just both concern data entry ...
Steve Lowman
03:21 PM Revision d0623620 (qgis): [processing] retrieve dissolve parameter as boolean value
Alexander Bruy
02:30 PM Bug report #17304 (Closed): User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
Ok, after a restart all is working again :-(
Apparently a hickup of the Qt/Desktop glue after an apt update.
Richard Duivenvoorde
02:30 PM Bug report #17304 (Closed): User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
Ok, after a restart all is working again :-(
Apparently a hickup of the Qt/Desktop glue after an apt update.
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:39 PM Bug report #17304: User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
According to the docs you should use:... Bas Couwenberg
01:07 PM Bug report #17304: User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
Nope, same message...
Same msg when I do it in the Python console:...
Richard Duivenvoorde
12:27 PM Bug report #17304: User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
It must be an upstream/distro issue -we just call a standard qt method for opening folders. Does the open project fol... Nyall Dawson
11:50 AM Bug report #17304 (Closed): User profiles/Open active profile folder broken on ...
See subject, while it has been working with me, now I do not get the 'File Explorer' opened anymore here on Debian Te... Richard Duivenvoorde
01:21 PM Revision 64cd1c54 (qgis): manual resolve conflicts for qgisapp.ui
01:11 PM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Borys Jurgiel wrote:
> Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > I can't confirm this (the freeze), recently did a training, all W...
Giovanni Manghi
01:08 PM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't confirm this (the freeze), recently did a training, all Windows machines.
Borys Jurgiel
01:02 PM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Steve Lowman wrote:
> I suggest 'Crashes QGIS' should be set to 'Yes', because it was freezing the application when ...
Borys Jurgiel
10:52 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Steve Lowman wrote:
> I suggest 'Crashes QGIS' should be set to 'Yes', because it was freezing the application when ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:46 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
I suggest 'Crashes QGIS' should be set to 'Yes', because it was freezing the application when I tried to change any o... Steve Lowman
10:16 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Right. Borys Jurgiel
10:16 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Right. Borys Jurgiel
10:16 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Right. Borys Jurgiel
10:16 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Right. Borys Jurgiel
10:16 AM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Right. Borys Jurgiel
12:33 PM Bug report #17293 (Closed): Processing output name called after the operation name even when save...
Giovanni Manghi
11:06 AM Bug report #17293: Processing output name called after the operation name even when saved to file
I agree, thank you. Steve Lowman
10:44 AM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...

> It effectively means that the default behaviour for the tool in the Vector menu is now different regarding the la...
Giovanni Manghi
10:40 AM Bug report #17293 (Open): Processing output name called after the operation name even when saved ...
Thanks, I wasn't sure how ftools related to the OGR version, but what you say makes sense.
It effectively means th...
Steve Lowman
11:47 AM Revision a7765ca9 (qgis): Merge pull request #5380 from boundlessgeo/bd_2272_pki_parsed_ca
[auth] Allow to optionally add CAs from PKI bundle to the trusted CAs for the configured connection Alessandro Pasotti
11:28 AM Revision 0d8d1012 (qgis): Enable tools using extent when map is rotated
11:09 AM Feature request #17303 (Open): Change default setting to 'Checked' for Processing Options "Use fi...
The 2.14 ftools in the Vector menu always set the layer name to be the same as the file name, which seems more sensib... Steve Lowman
10:47 AM Bug report #17295: vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a gra...
landry - wrote:
> Also, this happens with an empty profile too, so that rules out the config.
it does not happen ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:14 AM Bug report #17295: vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a gra...
Also, this happens with an empty profile too, so that rules out the config. landry Landry Breuil
10:09 AM Bug report #17295: vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implement a gra...
Well, that's a regression as it wasnt an issue in previous 2.18.x releases and suddenly happened in .10 or .11 or .12... landry Landry Breuil
10:43 AM Feature request #17302 (Closed): Partitioned Table using PostgreSQL 10 native partitioning won't ...
Given a partitioned table using the newly implemented native partitioning in PostgreSQL 10 the parent table will not ... Andreas Wicht
08:45 AM Revision 516540a2 (qgis): Put GeoPackage at first place in the menu [FEATURE] [needs-docs]
Jachym Cepicky
07:37 AM Bug report #16165: QGIS 2.18.3 crashes on exit
I used to have same problem until deinstallation of "Semi-automation classaification" plugin. It crashed QGIS on clos... ololomp iiiii
02:56 AM Bug report #17206 (Closed): Unable to add GeoJSON URI via Source type: Protocol
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|df0d717f928e0d8b7ceb7edfb69bee09266e29c7. Nyall Dawson
02:56 AM Bug report #17206 (Closed): Unable to add GeoJSON URI via Source type: Protocol
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|df0d717f928e0d8b7ceb7edfb69bee09266e29c7. Nyall Dawson
02:51 AM Revision df0d717f (qgis): Fix disabled add button in ogr source select for valid protocols
Fixes #17206 Nyall Dawson
02:28 AM Revision c295c92e (qgis): Remove empty item from plugin manager tabs
Nyall Dawson
02:25 AM Revision 5a14a928 (qgis): Fix corrupted text in buttons
Nyall Dawson
02:08 AM Bug report #17301 (Closed): 3d view doesn't work with global basemaps
Steps to reproduce:
1. load a dem layer
2. load a wms/xyz/some other form of worldwide "basemap"
3. try to activ...
Nyall Dawson


11:31 PM Bug report #17300 (Closed): Aggregate functions in Field Calculator in modeller
The aggregate functions in field calculator cannot calculate on a layer which is not saved to the project model.
Danielle G
11:30 PM Revision a66566a7 (qgis): Plugin Manager: Disable focus by tab key for the 'Unistall' and 'Upgrad...
Borys Jurgiel
11:14 PM Revision ccb46722 (qgis): Plugin manager layout fixes
Borys Jurgiel
10:06 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
This is what I am seeing: in Project properties, on the General tab the Measurements group controls as well as 'Displ... Steven Mizuno
09:19 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
Giovanni, can you provide some test data + correct known outcomes please?
That makes it easier to confirm this iss...
Richard Duivenvoorde
12:41 PM Bug report #17296: Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties
I'm facing a different strange behoviour now.
# I switch between tabs to enable the dropdown.
# I select WGS84
Giovanni Allegri
12:30 PM Bug report #17296 (Closed): Strange behaviour of Measurement settings dropdowns inside project CR...
When the project settings dialog is opened the Measurements settings dropdowns inside project CRS properties result d... Giovanni Allegri
09:23 PM Revision cb450fb7 (qgis): Merge pull request #5391 from tomkralidis/issue-11732
[MetaSearch] update plugin icon (fixes #11732) [needs-docs] Tom Kralidis
09:22 PM Feature request #11732 (Closed): Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|92e5de9e9ef943a0172c9d55c274dfb5d2394e25. Tom Kralidis
09:22 PM Feature request #11732 (Closed): Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|92e5de9e9ef943a0172c9d55c274dfb5d2394e25. Tom Kralidis
07:00 PM Feature request #11732: Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Great, works for me. Anita Graser
02:02 PM Feature request #11732: Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Thanks Anita. Latest icon at for review and comment. Tom Kralidis
08:29 PM Revision 92e5de9e (qgis): [MetaSearch] update plugin icon (fixes #11732) [needs-docs]
Tom Kralidis
07:26 PM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
I have a fix in the works for master/qgis3 (for the buffer tool at least), for qgis2 I really think that the issue is... Giovanni Manghi
07:23 PM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...

> In 2.14, if you use the 'Vector > Geoprocessing tools > Buffers' tool, it will give your output layer the same na...
Giovanni Manghi
05:06 PM Bug report #17293 (Open): Processing output name called after the operation name even when saved ...
Setting back to 'Open' after responding to feedback. Steve Lowman
05:05 PM Bug report #17293: Processing output name called after the operation name even when saved to file
Thanks Giovanni. In fact, there is a difference between 2.14 and 2.18.
In 2.14, if you use the 'Vector > Geoproces...
Steve Lowman
11:47 AM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...
When you select "save to file" I see no difference between 2.14 and 2.18, they behave exactly the same and it all dep... Giovanni Manghi
11:47 AM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...
When you select "save to file" I see no difference between 2.14 and 2.18, they behave exactly the same and it all dep... Giovanni Manghi
11:47 AM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...
When you select "save to file" I see no difference between 2.14 and 2.18, they behave exactly the same and it all dep... Giovanni Manghi
11:47 AM Bug report #17293 (Feedback): Processing output name called after the operation name even when sa...
When you select "save to file" I see no difference between 2.14 and 2.18, they behave exactly the same and it all dep... Giovanni Manghi
07:10 PM Bug report #17299 (Open): Histogram for graduated style in layer properties disappears when the l...
See the attached illustration.
The histogram is very difficult to find when the vertical size of the layer propertie...
Håvard Tveite
06:28 PM Revision 9fdd0603 (qgis): Remove useless use of binary or
Even Rouault
06:11 PM Revision b1c45d57 (qgis): [auth] Use QGIS test certificates
Alessandro Pasotti
05:29 PM Revision 288d2eed (qgis): Enable external WMS layers also for GetPrint
Marco Hugentobler
04:59 PM Bug report #15749: Processing: gdal merge converts no data in 0
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> 2.18 fixed here
> needs forwardport to m...
Giovanni Manghi
04:58 PM Bug report #17298 (Closed): Processing: gdal merge python error on QGIS 3
... Giovanni Manghi
04:45 PM Revision b7bac1d1 (qgis): Merge pull request #1 from m-kuhn/propertieslayout
Propertieslayout signedav
04:42 PM Bug report #17132: Errors when running QGIS algorithms with inputs with geometry errors
This dataset
causes the buffer tool in QGIS ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:41 PM Bug report #17291 (Closed): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Steve Lowman wrote:
> Sample file and comment submitted in response to feedback, so now setting it back to 'Open'.
Giovanni Manghi
04:41 PM Bug report #17291 (Closed): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Steve Lowman wrote:
> Sample file and comment submitted in response to feedback, so now setting it back to 'Open'.
Giovanni Manghi
04:26 PM Bug report #17291 (Open): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Sample file and comment submitted in response to feedback, so now setting it back to 'Open'. Steve Lowman
04:14 PM Bug report #17291: QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Thanks Giovanni. I see this is related to #17132, which has a high priority. Sorry, I am just an LTR user and probabl... Steve Lowman
11:52 AM Bug report #17291: QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
If you can please also attach your sample data. Giovanni Manghi
11:51 AM Bug report #17291 (Feedback): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Steve Lowman wrote:
> Adding second video demo showing OGR buffer tool does not skip features with invalid geometrie...
Giovanni Manghi
11:51 AM Bug report #17291 (Feedback): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Steve Lowman wrote:
> Adding second video demo showing OGR buffer tool does not skip features with invalid geometrie...
Giovanni Manghi
11:48 AM Bug report #17291: QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Steve Lowman wrote:
> Cross ref to 17293. Both are about buffers, including both QGIS and OGR tools.
> Also to ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:05 PM Bug report #17297 (Closed): Overwriting environment variables with custom variables in Options ->...
When one overwrites an environment variable that is defined on the system level with a custom variable defined by the... Andreas Neumann
03:59 PM Bug report #16604 (Closed): Natural Neighbour execute error
Fixed here Giovanni Manghi
03:59 PM Bug report #16604 (Closed): Natural Neighbour execute error
Fixed here Giovanni Manghi
03:50 PM Feature request #12292: Complete API Documentation
Now that there's an (ongoing) automated process to document the API, is this still valid? Harrissou Santanna
02:53 PM Revision 2dda2abc (qgis): Remove temporary layers (highlight layers and external wms layers)
Marco Hugentobler
02:35 PM Bug report #16429: [Settings] [Windows] Only validate MSYS and R paths if the relevant provider i...
Issue confirmed in 2.18.13.
Should this be a bug report? It certainly feels like one.
Steve Lowman
02:34 PM Revision c6454796 (qgis): Merge pull request #5360 from pblottiere/server_bugfix_ogc_getmap_bbox
[server][bugfix] Fix OGC test getmap bbox Paul Blottiere
02:07 PM Revision fe52c93b (qgis): Merge pull request #5389 from boundlessgeo/auth_fix_wms_from_browser_ba...
[auth][bugfix][backported] Fix auth for WFS browser items Alessandro Pasotti
02:00 PM Revision 4901f0af (qgis): Merge pull request #5303 from pblottiere/server_bugfix_ogc_queryable_layer
[server][bugfix] Fix OGC test getfeatureinfo:each-queryable-layer Paul Blottiere
12:52 PM Revision 76d0d802 (qgis): [auth][bugfix][backported] Fix auth for WFS browser items
Backported from master's PR 5387 Alessandro Pasotti
12:37 PM Bug report #17120: Missing namespace declaration when searching by bounding box
Thanks for the report. I am unable to reproduce (worksforme). I don't have a copy of QGIS 2.8.6 handy to further te... Tom Kralidis
12:36 PM Bug report #16858 (Reopened): Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometr...
The problem occurs again for me in the modeler.
Steps to reproduce:
* Run a model
* Close the dialog with the cl...
Etienne Trimaille
12:36 PM Bug report #16858 (Reopened): Python error:RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type SnapGeometr...
The problem occurs again for me in the modeler.
Steps to reproduce:
* Run a model
* Close the dialog with the cl...
Etienne Trimaille
12:25 PM Revision b77c11f4 (qgis): Merge pull request #5387 from boundlessgeo/auth_fix_wfs_from_browser
[auth][bugfix] Do not expand authentication URI in browser items Alessandro Pasotti
12:20 PM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> >
> > I'm close enough to giovanni's opinion to modify the docu...
Harrissou Santanna
11:30 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Yes, and it's normal.
> As I have write before: ??either this is normal since the inte...
Giovanni Manghi
11:27 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Yes, and it's normal.
As I have write before: ??either this is normal since the intersection is not done on the fl...
11:10 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Loïc BARTOLETTI wrote:
> Hello,
> Here my example with a dirty map.
> Regards.
without OTF there is no ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:11 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Here my example with a dirty map.
10:11 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Here my example with a dirty map.
10:11 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Here my example with a dirty map.
09:55 AM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
Harrissou Santanna wrote:
> I do not think this is a documentation issue: if in the map canvas, the features are sho...
Giovanni Manghi
12:03 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.

> #17262 is also closely related.
seems a completely different thing, imho.
Giovanni Manghi
12:01 PM Bug report #15440 (Feedback): QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced e...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #15440: QGIS Server: GetPrint crashes on Windows when there are advanced elements (i....
Does the issue still exist in 2.18 ?
I have tested the dummy project with 2.18.13 and no segfault.
René-Luc ReLuc
12:00 PM Revision 40201b2e (qgis): Support external WMS layers in GetPrint and GetMap requests
Marco Hugentobler
11:52 AM Revision f69c9cc6 (qgis): WFS data items: add level to debug message
Alessandro Pasotti
11:17 AM Revision a3971ee0 (qgis): Update unit tests
Paul Blottiere
11:16 AM Revision 2a914528 (qgis): Fix error code
Paul Blottiere
11:16 AM Revision 24a89288 (qgis): First layer level should not be set to queryable (only sublevels)
Paul Blottiere
11:16 AM Revision 592033ac (qgis): Translate error message in exception
Paul Blottiere
11:06 AM Bug report #17290 (Closed): field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
Giovanni Manghi
10:05 AM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> > Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > > What z value would you expect it ...
salvatore fiandaca
09:58 AM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> Nyall Dawson wrote:
> > What z value would you expect it to give for a linestring? I'd ...
Giovanni Manghi
09:46 AM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> What z value would you expect it to give for a linestring? I'd say current behavior is correct...
salvatore fiandaca
09:04 AM Bug report #17290 (Feedback): field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #17295 (Feedback): vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't impl...
Not a general issue, of course, in your case as also in the thread you link it seems that it something related to how... Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #17295 (Feedback): vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't impl...
Not a general issue, of course, in your case as also in the thread you link it seems that it something related to how... Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #17295 (Feedback): vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't impl...
Not a general issue, of course, in your case as also in the thread you link it seems that it something related to how... Giovanni Manghi
10:52 AM Bug report #17295 (Closed): vector styler in layer properties shows "This renderer doesn't implem...
Not 100% sure if it's a regression since 2.18.10/11/12 but in the last months i havent been able to style vector laye... landry Landry Breuil
11:01 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Added video demonstrating data entry in layer with two features, showing data displaying two cells behind data entry ... Steve Lowman
10:59 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
Added video demonstrating data entry in layer with one feature, showing data fails to display until Save is clicked. Steve Lowman
09:10 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
See also #17289 Giovanni Manghi
10:09 AM Revision ab107d0e (qgis): Merge pull request #5297 from dmarteau/wfs_1_1_0
[Server][FEATURE][needs-docs] Support WFS 1.1.0 René-Luc ReLuc
09:40 AM Revision 40b916c7 (qgis): Disable message hook and import override at runtime
David Marteau
09:26 AM Revision db97e277 (qgis): Merge pull request #5372 from borysiasty/plugman
[needs-docs] Move the install-plugin-from-ZIP menu action to the plug… Borys Jurgiel
09:16 AM Revision bfa6da92 (qgis): [auth][bugfix] Do not expand authentication URI in browser items
This fixes an internally reported bug that affects all versions
>= 2.18.
The bug was caused by too early expansion o...
Alessandro Pasotti
09:10 AM Bug report #17289 (Closed): Issue editing layers
Duplicate of #17187 Giovanni Manghi
09:10 AM Bug report #17289 (Closed): Issue editing layers
Duplicate of #17187 Giovanni Manghi
08:52 AM Feature request #17294 (Open): Defaulting select the "NULL" text when single-click edit only on a...
In the attribute table, when we "single-click" to edit a "NULL" cell, the "NULL" text is not in "selected" stage, ( w... sand thorn
08:31 AM Revision ba9e0437 (qgis): Merge pull request #5386 from m-kuhn/pylintFixes
Pylint fixes Matthias Kuhn
08:28 AM Revision 8b0f4239 (qgis): [auth] Removed self-signed CAs from datasource uri items
Alessandro Pasotti
05:04 AM Bug report #15686: Save as Image from WMS/WMTS has reprojection issues
The issue is mainly due to "core\raster\qgsrasterprojector.cpp" performing fast/approximate raster reprojection meant... whatnick -


01:31 AM Revision 7fbecd36 (qgis): Lighter borders for projection selector map
Nyall Dawson
01:28 AM Revision 92c97df5 (qgis): Sync canvas extent rect color and center marker color
Nyall Dawson
01:06 AM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
What z value would you expect it to give for a linestring? I'd say current behavior is correct, OR returning an array... Nyall Dawson
10:01 PM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
from other tests, it is known that to extract the coordZ just do z (point_n ($ geometry, 1))
the question remains wh...
salvatore fiandaca
09:46 PM Bug report #17290: field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
salvatore fiandaca wrote:
> field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
> given a 3D shapefile, the field c...
salvatore fiandaca
07:55 PM Bug report #17290 (Closed): field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
field calculator: extract Z coord does not work
given a 3D shapefile, the field calculator does not extract the Z ...
salvatore fiandaca
12:55 AM Revision 5b1afd86 (qgis): "Loosen" up acceptable parameter for model child inputs
Previously we took a harsher approach to filtering which inputs
were acceptable for child algorithm parameters. E.g. ...
Nyall Dawson
12:46 AM Revision 9ff66936 (qgis): Add debug output to spatialite test
Matthias Kuhn
12:32 AM Revision 262836d5 (qgis): Fix too-many-format-args
Matthias Kuhn
12:29 AM Revision f1eba211 (qgis): Fix call to non-existent method
Matthias Kuhn
12:28 AM Revision 7aae9454 (qgis): Add abstract base method
Matthias Kuhn
12:28 AM Revision b0855e2c (qgis): Fix super call
Matthias Kuhn
12:03 AM Revision 506a8315 (qgis): Fix typo in method name
Matthias Kuhn
12:01 AM Revision b94612df (qgis): Properly raise NotImplementedError
Matthias Kuhn
11:55 PM Revision 740f58b1 (qgis): Remove broken and unused code
Matthias Kuhn
11:45 PM Revision 5bf300d7 (qgis): Fix access to member variable in classmethod
Matthias Kuhn
11:36 PM Revision 118e303a (qgis): Fix typo in method call
Matthias Kuhn
11:34 PM Revision 23c7517d (qgis): Migrate processing help to new processing registry
Matthias Kuhn
11:34 PM Revision 60db6b06 (qgis): Fix member access in
Matthias Kuhn
11:27 PM Revision ec57d25a (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into plugman
Borys Jurgiel
11:27 PM Revision c33dbd96 (qgis): Plugin manager: Use QgsFileWidget for installing from zip files
Borys Jurgiel
11:25 PM Revision 6538ba0b (qgis): Fix too-many-format-args
Matthias Kuhn
11:22 PM Revision d793f6c5 (qgis): Fix typo in method name
Matthias Kuhn
11:21 PM Revision 7c8cdff2 (qgis): Fix used-before-assignment
Matthias Kuhn
11:16 PM Revision 34a9d914 (qgis): Fix broken error handling
Matthias Kuhn
11:05 PM Revision 28c67e1c (qgis): Remove double-defined __init__ function
Matthias Kuhn
11:00 PM Revision 8b3a348b (qgis): Fix file modes
Matthias Kuhn
10:34 PM Revision b010b2a7 (qgis): Remove PyQt4 compatibility layer
Matthias Kuhn
10:13 PM Revision c4a75f00 (qgis): Fix remaining rubber band
09:52 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
Cross ref #17289 and #17187
They are all basically duplicates of one another.
I have attached video demos to #1...
Steve Lowman
06:48 PM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
1. Open the attribute table.
2. Switch filter on bottom-left to "Selected features".
3. Start edit mode then try ed...
sand thorn
12:37 PM Bug report #17280 (Feedback): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating ...
Can you please add detailed steps on how replicate? Thanks! If confirmed this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:37 PM Bug report #17280 (Feedback): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating ...
Can you please add detailed steps on how replicate? Thanks! If confirmed this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:37 PM Bug report #17280 (Feedback): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating ...
Can you please add detailed steps on how replicate? Thanks! If confirmed this is a regression. Giovanni Manghi
09:46 PM Revision a3f76550 (qgis): Fix a syntax error in
Daniele Viganò
09:46 PM Bug report #17289: Issue editing layers
I suggest the category should be 'Attribute Table', not 'Editing'. Steve Lowman
08:33 PM Bug report #17289: Issue editing layers
Both bugs are concerning data entry in attribute table 'table view'.
It may be efficient to fix both errors...
Steve Lowman
08:26 PM Bug report #17289: Issue editing layers
Attached mp4 shows data being entered for a second feature.
This time, the data disappears on the first 'tab' but ...
Steve Lowman
08:23 PM Bug report #17289: Issue editing layers
Please see attached mp4 video demonstrating some of the problem, with only one feature in the layer.
I will upload a...
Steve Lowman
12:30 PM Bug report #17289 (Feedback): Issue editing layers
Please use a descriptive title when filing issues, thanks!
Can you please add detailed steps (and data if necessar...
Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #17289 (Feedback): Issue editing layers
Please use a descriptive title when filing issues, thanks!
Can you please add detailed steps (and data if necessar...
Giovanni Manghi
12:30 PM Bug report #17289 (Feedback): Issue editing layers
Please use a descriptive title when filing issues, thanks!
Can you please add detailed steps (and data if necessar...
Giovanni Manghi
12:26 PM Bug report #17289 (Closed): Issue editing layers
I am having problems editing attribute data in 2.18.13 – when the layer is in edit mode - the edits typed into the at... Arthur Taute
09:43 PM Bug report #17291: QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Cross ref to 17293. Both are about buffers, including both QGIS and OGR tools.
Also to comment, I think this may c...
Steve Lowman
09:31 PM Bug report #17291: QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
Adding second video demo showing OGR buffer tool does not skip features with invalid geometries Steve Lowman
09:29 PM Bug report #17291 (Closed): QGIS fixed-distance buffer skips features with invalid geometry
The OGR 'Buffer vectors' algorithm will buffer polygon features with most (possibly all?) kinds of geometric errors, ... Steve Lowman
09:40 PM Bug report #17293 (Closed): Processing output name called after the operation name even when save...
I have categorised this with 'Processing QGIS', because you cannot give it more than one category, but it also applie... Steve Lowman
09:32 PM Bug report #17292 (Closed): Data Source Manager: WFS loads layer two time if you use the Add butt...
When in the Datasource manager you create a new WFS connection (via the WFS tab in the dialog),
and then connect to ...
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:37 PM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
I think #17280 is a duplicate.
Related to #17262, which also concerns data entry in attribute table 'table view'.
Steve Lowman
08:32 PM Bug report #17262: Attribute table data entered text is obscured by the 'x' button
cross reference to bug 17289.
Both bugs are concerning data entry in attribute table 'table view'.
It may be effici...
Steve Lowman
08:30 PM Bug report #17262: Attribute table data entered text is obscured by the 'x' button
Attached video shows characters being typed are obscured by the 'clear' button, because there is no right margin on t... Steve Lowman
07:14 PM Feature request #11732: Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Thanks Tom, I think that's going the right direction. Have you tried some binoculars, like you previously mentioned? ... Anita Graser
04:07 PM Feature request #11732: Update MetaSearch plugin icon
Anita: I'd like to go ahead with
Any comments/sug...
Tom Kralidis
07:02 PM Revision 91593257 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into plugman
Borys Jurgiel
05:10 PM Bug report #17277: Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't the same CRS
I do not think this is a documentation issue: if in the map canvas, the features are shown overlaping each others, th... Harrissou Santanna
12:19 PM Bug report #17277 (Feedback): Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't...
I think that possibly the documentation assumes that if a user is working with layers in different CRSs then OTF is e... Giovanni Manghi
04:57 PM Bug report #17281 (Open): Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
Giovanni Manghi
04:55 PM Bug report #17281: Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
It depends. I've check some other languages. In catalan is the same as spanish. In german and danish cntrl+C and cntr... Daniel Rodriguez
12:21 PM Bug report #17281 (Feedback): Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
Only true for Spanish? or also other languages? Giovanni Manghi
12:21 PM Bug report #17281 (Feedback): Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
Only true for Spanish? or also other languages? Giovanni Manghi
12:21 PM Bug report #17281 (Feedback): Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
Only true for Spanish? or also other languages? Giovanni Manghi
04:25 PM Revision 83212e76 (qgis): [travis] Stabilize spatialite tests
Matthias Kuhn
04:21 PM Bug report #17196: Rubber band is not correctly displayed when map is rotated
Confirmed here (wanted to create an issue and then found this one).
Current master Debian
To reproduce:
- create...
Richard Duivenvoorde
02:33 PM Revision 18517b36 (qgis): [auth] Document cachain argument
Alessandro Pasotti
02:10 PM Bug report #17266 (Closed): Lines To Polygons, Polygonize and Refactor Fields change all attribut...
Fixed in commit:3dfe1b35ef5a082591aa9d99e15b25d0164ca312
and commit:135aea5ef8929991b36e455bd87e6df153e7d17d
Giovanni Manghi
02:10 PM Bug report #17266 (Closed): Lines To Polygons, Polygonize and Refactor Fields change all attribut...
Fixed in commit:3dfe1b35ef5a082591aa9d99e15b25d0164ca312
and commit:135aea5ef8929991b36e455bd87e6df153e7d17d
Giovanni Manghi
01:16 PM Bug report #17288: QGIS3: OGR processing of scratch layers leads to wrong encoding
Can't tell you. Seems like QGIS2 can't process scratch layers with OGR at all:... Tobias Wendorff
12:46 PM Bug report #17288 (Feedback): QGIS3: OGR processing of scratch layers leads to wrong encoding
Does this also affects 2.18.13? Giovanni Manghi
01:13 PM Revision c176a8bf (qgis): Spin box: fix input of double values in locales with non-point decimal ...
Martin Dobias
12:59 PM Revision b3fc3a48 (qgis): [auth] Sipify and doxify
Alessandro Pasotti
12:55 PM Bug report #17285: QGIS3: reshape doesn't listen to "avoid intersection"
This works as expected on 2.18 so it's a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:55 PM Bug report #17285: QGIS3: reshape doesn't listen to "avoid intersection"
This works as expected on 2.18 so it's a regression. Giovanni Manghi
12:54 PM Bug report #11802 (Closed): reshape tool 'avoid intersections' snapping not working as expected
Giovanni Manghi
12:54 PM Feature request #11069 (Closed): Add snapping and avoid intersection support for the reshape tool
Giovanni Manghi
12:54 PM Bug report #17287 (Open): OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Giovanni Manghi
12:51 PM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> isn't this duplicate of #16524 ?
No, I'm using the core function and my processing doesn...
Tobias Wendorff
12:45 PM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
isn't this duplicate of #16524 ? Giovanni Manghi
02:15 AM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Does it work correctly if you add a field to the memory layer?
Yes it does.

> I suspect...
Tobias Wendorff
12:42 PM Bug report #13398 (Feedback): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> Sorry for boosting this in reference to: #17138
> In Europe, more and more cadastral o...
Giovanni Manghi
12:42 PM Bug report #13398 (Feedback): Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> Sorry for boosting this in reference to: #17138
> In Europe, more and more cadastral o...
Giovanni Manghi
12:36 PM Bug report #16718 (Feedback): QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Bug report #16718: QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
Mick Collopy wrote:
> This post suggest may the linux distros are not compiled with the driver
> http://osgeo-org.1...
Jürgen Fischer
09:14 AM Bug report #16718: QGIS MSSQL Layer creation error in OSX
I have no trouble at all from windows desktop - not it is on localhost, but evidently the native provider loads the d... Mick Collopy
12:35 PM Bug report #6413 (Feedback): Support SLD with multiple FeatureTypeStyles
Giovanni Manghi
12:34 PM Bug report #14170: <se:ElseFilter/> nor working when styling data with sld
Andrea Aime wrote:
> Question, does QGIS even have a concept of "else filter"? That is, a rule that will match anyth...
Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> The code of the QGIS web site is in the project GitHub page, propose a better way of presen...
Jürgen Fischer
12:17 PM Bug report #17278 (Closed): Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
The code of the QGIS web site is in the project GitHub page, propose a better way of presenting those instructions, t... Giovanni Manghi
12:17 PM Bug report #17278 (Closed): Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
The code of the QGIS web site is in the project GitHub page, propose a better way of presenting those instructions, t... Giovanni Manghi
11:58 AM Bug report #17286: Instant 3d renderer crash with dataset
I can reproduce the crash... a temporary solution would be to switch to a projected CRS (e.g. meters as map units) - ... Martin Dobias
11:40 AM Revision 3dfe1b35 (qgis): [processing] added support for longlong type in output memory layers
Victor Olaya
11:39 AM Revision 135aea5e (qgis): [processing] fixed type name in refactor fields alg
Victor Olaya
11:23 AM Revision b760f08b (qgis): [auth] Pass by reference in const loop
Alessandro Pasotti
11:18 AM Revision 922b1e02 (qgis): [auth] Removed oauth3 from cmake
Alessandro Pasotti
11:10 AM Revision 54f88253 (qgis): Fix processing tests
Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Revision cc5f7b1d (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Revision e92e20e6 (qgis): Move native c++ processing algorithms from core library to analysis
And split into separate files for each algorithm Nyall Dawson
11:10 AM Bug report #17118 (Closed): reshape tool reset Z values when extending lines - only with some dat...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfec1250a94eaf6617675b7b08dbd888c8570e2f. Paul Blottiere
11:10 AM Bug report #17118 (Closed): reshape tool reset Z values when extending lines - only with some dat...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cfec1250a94eaf6617675b7b08dbd888c8570e2f. Paul Blottiere
10:54 AM Revision c11e5a4a (qgis): [auth] Add checkbox to exclud root CAs from bundles on pkipkcs12 method
Alessandro Pasotti
10:54 AM Revision 891f8f20 (qgis): [auth] Add checkbox to exclud root CAs from bundles on pkipath method
Alessandro Pasotti
10:53 AM Feature request #17073 (Closed): Use the Map extent custom widget for the "Download OpenStreetMap...
Closed, as OSM plugin removed from QGIS. Alexander Bruy
10:53 AM Feature request #17073 (Closed): Use the Map extent custom widget for the "Download OpenStreetMap...
Closed, as OSM plugin removed from QGIS. Alexander Bruy
10:52 AM Revision d293e8f6 (qgis): [auth] Add method to exclude self-signed CAs from a list of certificates
Alessandro Pasotti
10:32 AM Revision 54040cb8 (qgis): Merge pull request #5349 from pblottiere/bugfix-reshape-tool
[bugfix] Fixes #17118 Reshape tool with z support Paul Blottiere
10:27 AM Revision 8dd8a9be (qgis): Merge pull request #5324 from DelazJ/locale
Remove Locale tab from Options dialog Matthias Kuhn
10:27 AM Revision d4635d04 (qgis): Merge pull request #5317 from pblottiere/bugfix_style
[bugfix] Fixes #17234 save/load styles from Postgres when a service file is used Matthias Kuhn
10:26 AM Bug report #17234 (Closed): Saving style in postgres database can't be restored when connection u...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|924ce8179002e5890e6735d22b23e132387e0626. Paul Blottiere
10:26 AM Bug report #17234 (Closed): Saving style in postgres database can't be restored when connection u...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|924ce8179002e5890e6735d22b23e132387e0626. Paul Blottiere
10:13 AM Revision afb2a6a0 (qgis): Merge pull request #5333 from daniviga/better-rpm
Improve for nightly builds Matthias Kuhn
10:01 AM Bug report #17279: Working with QgisBrowser widget makes my QGIS crash more often
Another dump (not related to the QgisBrowser):... Richard Duivenvoorde
09:38 AM Revision 032f225f (qgis): [auth] Merge CAs added by PKI bundles to the trusted CAs
Alessandro Pasotti
09:08 AM Bug report #16716: QGIS MSSQL connection creation issue
I have no trouble connecting to MSSQL from Windows desktop but Linux (Ubuntu) desktop produces 'driver not laoded' er... Mick Collopy
07:07 AM Revision cfec1250 (qgis): [bugfix] Fixes #17118 Reshape tool with z support
Paul Blottiere
07:07 AM Revision d319e65e (qgis): Fix travis build
Paul Blottiere
07:07 AM Revision 16c8c3ee (qgis): Add test
Paul Blottiere
07:07 AM Revision f03c657c (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
07:07 AM Revision 2fb7b128 (qgis): Clean reshape
Paul Blottiere
05:27 AM Bug report #11790: Python bindings for QgsDxfExport.addLayers causes crash
I can confirm that this is still an issue in 2.18.13 Iain Lopata
05:14 AM Revision f579f1a4 (qgis): Move bounds retrieval to QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
Allows reuse in scripts/plugins/etc Nyall Dawson
03:48 AM Revision 0002168c (qgis): Fix wheel events in map canvas are not accepted even after
a zoom actually occurs, causing the event to pass on to underlying
widgets (e.g scroll areas)
Nyall Dawson
02:59 AM Revision 6e40b88f (qgis): Fix warnings
Nyall Dawson
02:56 AM Revision eac10960 (qgis): Fix build
Something something Monday something... :) Nathan Woodrow
02:40 AM Revision cf241f51 (qgis): [FEATURE][needs-docs] Show projection bounds in projection widget (#5356)
- Script to pull bounds from Postgres dump
- Add resources/data/world_map.shp for reference
- Show canvas bo...
Nathan Woodrow


01:48 AM Bug report #17287 (Feedback): OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Does it work correctly if you add a field to the memory layer?
I suspect this issue isn't related to the use of a ...
Nyall Dawson
01:42 AM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Argh... of course the comma is wrong. It expects a field! But this isn't needed... Tobias Wendorff
01:30 AM Bug report #17287: OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
Copy of the error message:... Tobias Wendorff
01:29 AM Bug report #17287 (Closed): OGR processing of scratch layers doesn't work
I've created a point on a scratch layer (EPSG:4326) and want to create an ogr2ogr buffer using "processing".
The res...
Tobias Wendorff
01:36 AM Bug report #17288 (Closed): QGIS3: OGR processing of scratch layers leads to wrong encoding
I've created a point on a scratch layer and set this UTF-8 string to a text field: ... Tobias Wendorff
01:27 AM Revision ea95b385 (qgis): Added new contributor (#5363)
James Shaeffer
01:27 AM Revision 11ec24f0 (qgis): [needs-docs] Move the install-plugin-from-ZIP menu action to the plugin...
Borys Jurgiel
01:07 AM Bug report #17286 (Closed): Instant 3d renderer crash with dataset
Enabling a 3d renderer with the attached dataset results in an instant crash when a 3d map view is open.
I've atta...
Nyall Dawson
12:43 AM Bug report #17285 (Closed): QGIS3: reshape doesn't listen to "avoid intersection"
I don't know if it's even planned, but you could expect that reshaping of a polygon follows the rules of "snapping an... Tobias Wendorff
12:33 AM Bug report #17284 (Closed): QGIS3: setting in snapping toolbar not highlighted
If you select an entry in the new snapping toolbar (fe."active layer"), the selection is not highlighted in gray (as ... Tobias Wendorff
12:26 AM Bug report #16596: snapping advanced configuration does not show snapping dialog
I also was confused about "dialog" and "dock". It's still in dev. Also, the new snapping toolbar is hidden in menu it... Tobias Wendorff
11:39 PM Bug report #17283 (Closed): qgis will not start after installation with osgeo4w Master 2.99, rev 190
probably already fixed. Jürgen Fischer
11:39 PM Bug report #17283 (Closed): qgis will not start after installation with osgeo4w Master 2.99, rev 190
probably already fixed. Jürgen Fischer
05:26 PM Bug report #17283 (Closed): qgis will not start after installation with osgeo4w Master 2.99, rev 190
thema describse it Gerhard Spieles
11:10 PM Revision 32131527 (qgis): query version from instead of
Jürgen Fischer
10:30 PM Revision 432ef1a2 (qgis): Optimize spacing in Color settings dialog
Harrissou Santanna
10:08 PM Bug report #13398: Georeferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master
Sorry for boosting this in reference to: #17138
In Europe, more and more cadastral offices and corporations are sw...
Tobias Wendorff
04:18 PM Bug report #17282 (Closed): Legend image for root group of WMS service
If open root group of WMS service then legend image only for one layer will be displayed at table of contents. dr -
03:56 PM Bug report #17281 (Closed): Composer shortcuts issues when using languages other than english
Shortcuts like DEL, control+C or Control+V aren't working in the Map Composer when using Spanish language. When using... Daniel Rodriguez
12:42 PM Revision 9a4f6556 (qgis): Simplify world map
Nathan Woodrow
12:36 PM Revision 0479f509 (qgis): Add map pan
Nathan Woodrow
12:36 PM Revision 041c0c0b (qgis): Revert project properties changes
Nathan Woodrow
10:48 AM Revision ae4d26a6 (qgis): Merge pull request #5367 from wonder-sk/vertex-iterator-2
API for traversal of geometry's vertices using iterator pattern Martin Dobias
10:37 AM Bug report #17280: When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating themselves.
Additional info:
Not affected: 2.18.9 (late May release)
Start being affected from: 2.18.10 (late June release)
sand thorn
08:51 AM Bug report #17138: wrong SRS identification of shapefile
I just got informed that EPSG:25833 (eastern part of German) is interpreted as EPSG:3006. In Europe, more and more ca... Tobias Wendorff
07:46 AM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
Another alternative would be to have a unified Linux installer script that would determine the platform and run the a... Brylie Oxley
07:29 AM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
See the Certbot installation instructions,for example, where the reader makes two relevant choices and is presented w... Brylie Oxley
07:25 AM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
I guess it is not that information is missing from the installation instructions page. Rather, the information is pre... Brylie Oxley


11:41 PM Revision d6a12e0b (qgis): Fix 3D build on windows
Jürgen Fischer
10:02 PM Revision 892ec18e (qgis): Add source files location
Harrissou Santanna
09:47 PM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
> It might be helpful to clearly document the installation steps, including key signing for APT as part of the QGIS ... Harrissou Santanna
09:29 AM Bug report #17278: Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
Sorry, it boiled down to my using the wrong release name. Ubuntu 17.10 is 'Zesty', and I was using 'Yakkety'. It migh... Brylie Oxley
09:18 AM Bug report #17278 (Closed): Cannot install QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04
I am trying to install QGIS 2.18 from the official repositories, on Ubuntu 17.04:
Brylie Oxley
08:54 PM Bug report #17280 (Closed): When switch between filtered modes, the edited cells stop updating th...
When switch from "Show all features" to "Show selected features" or
from "Show selected features" to "Show all featu...
sand thorn
05:27 PM Revision 277b5086 (qgis): Fix test
Martin Dobias
03:58 PM Revision 949d2167 (qgis): Merge pull request #5316 from rldhont/db_manager_update_dblayer
[FEATURE][needs-docs][DB Manager] Be able to update every Db layer from Postgres, Spatialite and Oracle René-Luc ReLuc
03:07 PM Bug report #16963: Metasearch error on QGIS start on Fedora
Just to add my experiences on this issue. I think this is really a Fedora 26 Bug:
Davor Racic
02:37 PM Bug report #17279 (Closed): Working with QgisBrowser widget makes my QGIS crash more often

I really, really like the new 'one button to load them all' one.
But recently I have a more crashes, while using...
Richard Duivenvoorde
01:23 PM Revision 7e34beec (qgis): New API for traversal of geometry's vertices using iterator pattern
1. STL-style iterator: QgsAbstractGeometry::vertex_iterator
2. Java-style iterator: QgsVertexIterator (b...
Martin Dobias
12:06 PM Bug report #16413 (Closed): sld line pattern fill rotation is counter-clockwise, in GeoServer is ...
From the SLD specification:
"The Rotation element gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about...
Andrea Aime
12:06 PM Bug report #16413 (Closed): sld line pattern fill rotation is counter-clockwise, in GeoServer is ...
From the SLD specification:
"The Rotation element gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about...
Andrea Aime
12:06 PM Bug report #16413 (Closed): sld line pattern fill rotation is counter-clockwise, in GeoServer is ...
From the SLD specification:
"The Rotation element gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about...
Andrea Aime
11:56 AM Bug report #6155: SLD Export fails to write out LineSymbolizer Stroke information
Hi Jody, do you have a reference to the symbology used in this report?
Do you know if the reported issue is still c...
Andrea Aime
11:53 AM Bug report #6413: Support SLD with multiple FeatureTypeStyles
Hi Luigi, any reason why this ticket is still open? Andrea Aime
11:51 AM Feature request #6414 (Closed): Export SLD with TextSymbolizer
Fixed in QGIS 3.0 Andrea Aime
11:51 AM Feature request #6414 (Closed): Export SLD with TextSymbolizer
Fixed in QGIS 3.0 Andrea Aime
11:51 AM Bug report #7064: "cross2" symbol should be exported in SLD as "x"
Updated the title to reflect the current situation Andrea Aime
11:50 AM Bug report #7064: "cross2" symbol should be exported in SLD as "x"
I've just tried, the square symbol is properly exported as square, but indeed "cross2" should be exported as "x" inst... Andrea Aime
11:45 AM Bug report #7759 (Closed): Creates mis-styled SLD file
Just tested with 2.18.x, the SLD appears to properly reference the SVG, with the right size, and expected filter incl... Andrea Aime
11:45 AM Bug report #7759 (Closed): Creates mis-styled SLD file
Just tested with 2.18.x, the SLD appears to properly reference the SVG, with the right size, and expected filter incl... Andrea Aime
11:45 AM Bug report #7759 (Closed): Creates mis-styled SLD file
Just tested with 2.18.x, the SLD appears to properly reference the SVG, with the right size, and expected filter incl... Andrea Aime
11:38 AM Bug report #7760 (Closed): SLD using "size" wrongly for graphics
I believe this issue has been fixed over a year ago as part of rescaling the default QGIS units, mm, to the pixel one... Andrea Aime
11:38 AM Bug report #7760 (Closed): SLD using "size" wrongly for graphics
I believe this issue has been fixed over a year ago as part of rescaling the default QGIS units, mm, to the pixel one... Andrea Aime
11:38 AM Bug report #7760 (Closed): SLD using "size" wrongly for graphics
I believe this issue has been fixed over a year ago as part of rescaling the default QGIS units, mm, to the pixel one... Andrea Aime
11:35 AM Bug report #9365 (Closed): QGIS save as SLD style for graduated styled layer different from what ...
This has been fixed by Nyall over a year ago: commit:5c270ebeb0aaaaaf03c24e7d2379c89ebee7b895
in reference to #15212
Andrea Aime
11:35 AM Bug report #9365 (Closed): QGIS save as SLD style for graduated styled layer different from what ...
This has been fixed by Nyall over a year ago: commit:5c270ebeb0aaaaaf03c24e7d2379c89ebee7b895
in reference to #15212
Andrea Aime
11:35 AM Bug report #9365 (Closed): QGIS save as SLD style for graduated styled layer different from what ...
This has been fixed by Nyall over a year ago: commit:5c270ebeb0aaaaaf03c24e7d2379c89ebee7b895
in reference to #15212
Andrea Aime
11:28 AM Bug report #16707 (Closed): SLD export of "hairline" lines results in a different visual thickness
Fixed in QGIS 3.0 for the original ticket report (SLD).
As for PDF, I would suggest to open a separate ticket.
Andrea Aime
11:28 AM Bug report #16707 (Closed): SLD export of "hairline" lines results in a different visual thickness
Fixed in QGIS 3.0 for the original ticket report (SLD).
As for PDF, I would suggest to open a separate ticket.
Andrea Aime
11:28 AM Bug report #16707 (Closed): SLD export of "hairline" lines results in a different visual thickness
Fixed in QGIS 3.0 for the original ticket report (SLD).
As for PDF, I would suggest to open a separate ticket.
Andrea Aime
11:26 AM Bug report #11075: SLD - incorrect width of symbol used in import
I'm guessing that the import just uses the default unit (mm) instead of the SLD unit (pixels by default). Andrea Aime
11:25 AM Bug report #14170: <se:ElseFilter/> nor working when styling data with sld
Question, does QGIS even have a concept of "else filter"? That is, a rule that will match anything that has not been ... Andrea Aime
11:17 AM Bug report #15429 (Open): SLD export does not include the feature filter
Whoops, nope, closed wrong ticket, this one is still valid Andrea Aime
11:17 AM Bug report #15429 (Open): SLD export does not include the feature filter
Whoops, nope, closed wrong ticket, this one is still valid Andrea Aime
11:15 AM Bug report #15429 (Closed): SLD export does not include the feature filter
Fixed a year ago and backported to 2.18.x too Andrea Aime
11:15 AM Bug report #15429 (Closed): SLD export does not include the feature filter
Fixed a year ago and backported to 2.18.x too Andrea Aime
11:15 AM Bug report #15429 (Closed): SLD export does not include the feature filter
Fixed a year ago and backported to 2.18.x too Andrea Aime
11:16 AM Bug report #15428 (Closed): SLD export does not export the layer scale range
Fixed one year ago Andrea Aime
11:16 AM Bug report #15428 (Closed): SLD export does not export the layer scale range
Fixed one year ago Andrea Aime
11:06 AM Feature request #17054: importing/exporting to sld should use a rotation by field value if available
Also, this seems to be a (tiny) subset of larger ticket #15430 Andrea Aime
10:58 AM Feature request #17054: importing/exporting to sld should use a rotation by field value if available
Hi Paul, no attribute based symbology, of any kind, is supported in import/export. We have been looking for funding t... Andrea Aime
10:28 AM Revision b6ed28b3 (qgis): Vertically align color widget in Effect properties dialog
Harrissou Santanna
09:13 AM Revision 48e9fe8f (qgis): Rename shp file
Nathan Woodrow
09:13 AM Revision d2d20b22 (qgis): Show the bounds on the map when selected
Nathan Woodrow
09:13 AM Revision ab6723f8 (qgis): Add extents to info area
Nathan Woodrow
09:13 AM Revision 616f7869 (qgis): Move map to bottom of layout
Nathan Woodrow
09:13 AM Revision 5ba908ac (qgis): Add script to pul bounds from epsg dumps
Nathan Woodrow


10:56 PM Bug report #17277 (Closed): Atlas - filter attribute table return empty table if layers haven't t...
I just met this problem.
I have an atlas with a coverage layer (polygon) in EPSG:2154 and an attribute table from ...
05:17 PM Revision 364847fc (qgis): [tr] translation update from Carlos
Werner Macho
04:21 PM Revision d3109715 (qgis): Merge pull request #5302 from boundlessgeo/issue_16803_DefaultIcon_to_a...
set default legend raster icon when wms layer Alessandro Pasotti
02:55 PM Bug report #17118: reshape tool reset Z values when extending lines - only with some data providers
... Regis Haubourg
12:07 PM Bug report #17118: reshape tool reset Z values when extending lines - only with some data providers
by the way, was this a regression?
Giovanni Manghi
01:36 PM Revision b91b854a (qgis): Merge pull request #5352 from nyalldawson/geom
Geometry cleanups and modernization Nyall Dawson
01:03 PM Feature request #17276 (Open): add scram authentication for postgres
Since postgresql 10 there is a new authentication method 'scram-sha265'. new version of libpq are fully compatible wi... Rémi Desgrange
01:02 PM Revision 7b7dad08 (qgis): [auth] Add CAs to the connection for pkipkcs12
Alessandro Pasotti
01:02 PM Revision 7cb908aa (qgis): [auth] Add CAs to the connection for pkipaths
Alessandro Pasotti
01:01 PM Revision 0a2f7540 (qgis): [auth] Use utility method certsToPemText
Alessandro Pasotti
01:00 PM Revision f804f0b1 (qgis): [auth] Port to QGIS3 and re-enable python test for QGIS auth system
Alessandro Pasotti
12:59 PM Revision 25cd27a5 (qgis): [auth] Add tests for CA utility methods
Alessandro Pasotti
12:58 PM Revision 566ad8b5 (qgis): [auth] Add CA utility methods
Alessandro Pasotti
12:56 PM Revision f4b4030f (qgis): [auth] Add CA chain to auth config
Alessandro Pasotti
12:05 PM Bug report #16649 (Closed): additional "no Data values" using the Layer Styling panel are not app...
Giovanni Manghi
11:55 AM Revision 947b0cc4 (qgis): Safer memory management in geos
Also speed up avoid intersections by removing unnecessary geometry
Nyall Dawson
11:54 AM Revision c3fdaa95 (qgis): Some safer memory management for geos
Nyall Dawson
11:47 AM Revision 88e13602 (qgis): Rename detach methods in QgsGeometry for clarity
Now we have:
- detach (which clones the existing geometry)
- reset (which detaches without cloning and sets a ne...
Nyall Dawson
11:47 AM Revision 24a9c522 (qgis): Move qgsAsConst to qgis::as_const
So it's more inline with the std::as_const implementation which
it fills in for, and allows us to 'polyfill' other c+...
Nyall Dawson
11:47 AM Revision 85321b46 (qgis): 'Polyfill' std::make_unique to qgis::make_unique
Nyall Dawson
11:47 AM Revision 82845751 (qgis): Even more memory safety in geometry internals by using qgis::make_unique
Nyall Dawson
11:45 AM Feature request #17273 (Open): Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
We are using Geoserver 2.11.0 (latest is 2.11.2) and it does return different crs's. Henrik Uggla
11:10 AM Feature request #17273 (Feedback): Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
Giovanni Manghi
11:07 AM Feature request #17273: Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
Hi Henrik,
Officially Geojson is always in epsg:4326 / lat lon coordinates:
Richard Duivenvoorde
09:56 AM Feature request #17273 (Feedback): Respect coordinate system (CRS) when outputFormat=GeoJSON
Following request returns correct coordinate system:
Henrik Uggla
11:44 AM Revision b250729e (qgis): [3d] add show labels toggle, default to off (#5361)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:18 AM Revision e13a4aaa (qgis): Cleanup some loops
Nyall Dawson
11:18 AM Revision 1852d2b8 (qgis): Fix travis build
Nyall Dawson
11:18 AM Revision b922166d (qgis): Rework internal geometry memory management
Use unique_ptrs wherever possible, and cleanup geometry
Nyall Dawson
11:17 AM Feature request #17275 (Open): Merge different progress bars
Having some long running task, I had at a certain moment 3 progress bars in view, see screenshot :-)
Would be cool...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:23 AM Feature request #17274 (Open): Auto wrap legend text based on character count
In QGIS 2.18 there is an option to wrap text based on a certain character. There is no option to access expression bu... Hannes Ledegen
10:11 AM Bug report #15903: Creating _packed shapefiles and fails to save edits correctly
I just encountered the attached corrupted shapefile. A co-worker edited the file yesterday and didn't notice any erro... Kai Borgolte
09:54 AM Revision 25d40f36 (qgis): layer tree & 3d view toolbar panel size fix
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:39 AM Revision ca0aa72b (qgis): [needs-docs] Remove OpenStreetMap integration in analysis lib + app
- unmaintained and barely working anymore
- clunky GUI
- not supporting .pbf
- there are other python plugins doing t...
Martin Dobias
09:37 AM Revision a170dcb0 (qgis): Fix dragging 3D view with mouse when camera is far
Before, when looking at a greater area (e.g. spanning 200km or more),
dragging 3D view with left mouse button would n...
Martin Dobias
09:34 AM Revision 6447beef (qgis): Add some tests
Paul Blottiere
09:33 AM Revision e67a191f (qgis): [server][bugfix] Fixes OGC tests on getmap bbox
Paul Blottiere
06:20 AM Revision b740a89c (qgis): Updated the transparency widget to fix bug #16649 (#5358)
James Shaeffer
05:19 AM Revision 873b4b08 (qgis): [3d view] harmonize panel icon size
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
05:02 AM Revision 9a3b547d (qgis): Merge pull request #5330 from nyalldawson/layout_next
[layouts] Port group handling Nyall Dawson


01:58 AM Revision f6ee7cb0 (qgis): Merge pull request #5344 from nyalldawson/algs
[processing] Port some algs to c++, minor improvements Nyall Dawson
12:47 AM Bug report #16649: additional "no Data values" using the Layer Styling panel are not applied
Pull request submitted. James Shaeffer
12:36 AM Revision d39427b8 (qgis): Fix build warning
Nyall Dawson
12:30 AM Revision 18f85d9e (qgis): Port drop M/Z algorithm to c++
Nyall Dawson
12:29 AM Revision b5197c8c (qgis): Port drop geometries to c++
Nyall Dawson
12:28 AM Revision 2951afa3 (qgis): Port boundary algorithm to c++
Also allow feature based algorithms to customise their appectable
input layers types and set suitable filters for all...
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision 61dc8ea2 (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] New 'assign projection' algorithm
This algorithm assigns a new projection to a vector layer.
It creates a new layer with the exact same features and
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision 97c1b0d3 (qgis): [FEATURE] Port autoincremental field to c++
Also add:
- support for setting initial value for field to start at
- support for user-set field names (instead of al...
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision bd24c8b6 (qgis): Allow selection of a subset of fields to keep for hub lines algorithm
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision cc19d0a7 (qgis): Port hub lines algorithm to c++
- optimise a bit
- retain z/m values
- use point on surface for non-point layers, instead of
center of geometry...
Nyall Dawson
12:26 AM Revision cac171a2 (qgis): Port Join Attributes to c++, add option to select subset of fields to copy
Nyall Dawson
10:37 PM Revision e208bc0e (qgis): Change QgsMapTool *mAddFeature to QgsMapToolAddFeature *mAddFeature and
remove dynamic_cast Loïc BARTOLETTI
09:36 PM Revision 775ac7ba (qgis): Avoid duplicate code for check if the layer is editable
09:29 PM Revision 299fff7f (qgis): Use lambdas in the connect for tools (and circular tools)
05:08 PM Revision edf73467 (qgis): [processing] use a vector feature source for gdal clip raster by mask (...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
03:10 PM Revision 63219239 (qgis): Merge pull request #5305 from boundlessgeo/issue_15498_waitRenederingEn...
for SQlite vectors wait rendering end to avoid file lock: fixes #15498 Alessandro Pasotti
03:10 PM Bug report #15498 (Closed): SQLite/GPKG database locked during canvas refresh
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8364b8d715fe8cf8d057c05f5a898c22232a47a2. Luigi Pirelli
03:10 PM Bug report #15498 (Closed): SQLite/GPKG database locked during canvas refresh
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8364b8d715fe8cf8d057c05f5a898c22232a47a2. Luigi Pirelli
03:02 PM Bug report #17272 (Closed): QGIS shows different geometry type in layer 'information' then ogrinfo
Now that we go 3D...
Loading a 3D polygon layer, for example this GDB:
Richard Duivenvoorde
02:49 PM Bug report #17267 (Closed): Processing/GeoPackage, Set Z Value, expression based input does not s...
Richard Duivenvoorde
10:10 AM Bug report #17267 (Feedback): Processing/GeoPackage, Set Z Value, expression based input does not...

> Close this one then?
I would suggest at least to change the title and description of this ticket. Thanks!
Giovanni Manghi
01:52 PM Revision 5b74bdfe (qgis): Fix numerical problems in the tessellator
Due to the recent changes to allow non-horizontal surfaces, tessellator was loosing precision
in float math with larg...
Martin Dobias
01:50 PM Revision 2f29e162 (qgis): [Server][WFS] check const and indetation
René-Luc ReLuc
01:50 PM Revision 1558b03e (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update Transaction 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:50 PM Revision 24a68547 (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update GML GetFeature document
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision 0d350b88 (qgis): [Server][WFS][Feature] Support resultType=hits from GetFeature 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision 96ec4bba (qgis): [Server][Tests] Enhance assertXMLEqual
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision 1e009b47 (qgis): [Server][Tests] Update PyQgsServerWFS test for 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision c7a396bd (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update GetFeature 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision 44754edf (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update QgsWfsParameters for GetFeature
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision 5d2c0350 (qgis): [Server] Request handler reads the document root attributes to expose p...
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision b8ebbc14 (qgis): [Server][Tests] Add PyQgsServerWFS test
René-Luc ReLuc
01:49 PM Revision d7a48c6a (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update DescribeFeatureType 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:48 PM Revision c8a4407d (qgis): [Server][WFS] add QgsWfsParameters
René-Luc ReLuc
01:48 PM Revision c0117dfd (qgis): [Server][WFS] Update GetCapabilities 1.1.0
René-Luc ReLuc
01:45 PM Revision 1b9d8ee4 (qgis): [Server][WFS,1.1.0] Add layout for WFS supports
René-Luc ReLuc
11:59 AM Bug report #17261 (Open): Value relation widget update incorrectly tries to use value instead of key
Giovanni Manghi
11:53 AM Bug report #17261: Value relation widget update incorrectly tries to use value instead of key
Hi Giovanni. Yes I tested and the same procedure seems to work in 2.18 but not in QGIS 3. I will go and triple check... Tim Sutton
07:00 AM Revision d97a51b5 (qgis): Merge pull request #5243 from alexbruy/processing-gdal
[processing] restore GDAL algorithms Alexander Bruy
05:58 AM Revision 0028486a (qgis): Merge pull request #5185 from nyalldawson/materialize
QgsFeatureSource::materialize experiment Nyall Dawson
05:54 AM Revision 5f401815 (qgis): Fix duplicate widget name
Harrissou Santanna
05:52 AM Revision 8fd37334 (qgis): [processing] use raster iterator in raster layer unique values report (...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
04:42 AM Feature request #17271 (Open): Port align rasters tool to processing
This is one of the few analysis tools we have remaining which is not accessible through the processing framework.
Nyall Dawson


10:32 PM Revision 098611c3 (qgis): add helper to build a QgsRectangle from a WKT string
Etienne Trimaille
09:47 PM Revision c6565da3 (qgis): [needs-docs] Move Locale tab to General tab
Harrissou Santanna
09:19 PM Bug report #17268 (Closed): Default value expression editor doesn't show field list
This isn't supported. The default values are calculated on new feature creation, which is before any values are avail... Nyall Dawson
09:19 PM Bug report #17268 (Closed): Default value expression editor doesn't show field list
This isn't supported. The default values are calculated on new feature creation, which is before any values are avail... Nyall Dawson
05:03 PM Bug report #17268: Default value expression editor doesn't show field list
see #15935 Harrissou Santanna
04:57 PM Bug report #17268: Default value expression editor doesn't show field list
confirmed on master too. Was already there in 2.18.10 Regis Haubourg
09:02 AM Bug report #17268 (Closed): Default value expression editor doesn't show field list
One can't select field names in expression tool for default values :
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
09:17 PM Revision 5515d682 (qgis): [FEATURE] Data-defined extrusion and height for 3D polygon symbols
... because buildings with even heights are boring! Martin Dobias
05:31 PM Revision 206965c7 (qgis): simplified stopRendering just before commitChanges
Luigi Pirelli
04:55 PM Revision ea7ca584 (qgis): [processing] add second hash for linear grid interpolation test
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 105222ea (qgis): [processing] restore ogrinfo algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 1ece552c (qgis): [processing] fix import
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 874c7f54 (qgis): [processing] fix copy-paste error in Execute SQL
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 2c50fd8d (qgis): [processing] use feature source in the interpolation algorithms
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 67265c64 (qgis): [processing] reproject extent into input CRS where possible
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision c4c780fa (qgis): [processing] tests for clipping (raster and vector) algorithms
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 61385275 (qgis): fix indentation
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision e165d45a (qgis): [processing] fix GDAL raster tests
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 97238fd6 (qgis): [processing] fix SQL-based geoprocessing tools and tests
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision f65de2ca (qgis): [processing] fix clip by extent tests
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 4ac442f5 (qgis): [processing] fix test for clip vector by mask algorithms
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 79c26c38 (qgis): [processing] fix execute sql test
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 2104b273 (qgis): [processing][API]introduce QgsProcessingOutputFile output and fix gdal2...
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 49f9ceef (qgis): [processing] disable clip by polygon tests as they pass locally but
fail on Travis with TopologyException
ERROR 1: TopologyException: Input geom 1 is invalid: Self-intersection
at or n...
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 21e4fc51 (qgis): [processing] exclude location field from check
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision c0e47a71 (qgis): [processing] disable test for script-based algorithms as GDAL scripts
are not available on Travis Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 98dfda3a (qgis): [processing] restore buffer algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision fde5c89d (qgis): fix typos and add tests for gdal algorithms
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 9b74d9f2 (qgis): [processing] restore offset curve algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision ff75873e (qgis): [processing] tests for OGR-based algorithms
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision fd12d296 (qgis): [processing] restore gdal_merge algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 3750a5bf (qgis): [processing] restore one side buffer algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 68863a9c (qgis): [processing] restore Execure SQL algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 7c9d6343 (qgis): [processing] rename some algorithms to avoid naming conflicts and
maintain consistency Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 5b7b3a99 (qgis): [processing] restore gdaladdo algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 491a9aab (qgis): [processing] restore gdal2xyz algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 95c91f88 (qgis): [processing] restore retile algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 232fd474 (qgis): [processing] restore gdaltindex algorithm and expose additional parameters
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 4c2c568f (qgis): fix optional CRS parameter handling
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision f59e3a34 (qgis): [processing] homogenize and improve Points along lines
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision bba509ee (qgis): [processing] fixes to Offset curve algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 679cc2c8 (qgis): [processing] restore clip vector by extent algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 6c7a2926 (qgis): [processing] restore clip vector by mask algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision efa97b29 (qgis): remove unused includes
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision ff5a42a3 (qgis): [processing] restore pct2rgb algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision c53ff66c (qgis): fix permissions
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision b1ff4d77 (qgis): [processing] restore polygonize algorithm
Also expose band parameter Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision c9ea8892 (qgis): [processing] restore TPI algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision f663ceb8 (qgis): [processing] restore slope algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 56863b87 (qgis): [processing] restore roughness algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 7965d52a (qgis): [processing] use native API to get GDAL driver name from filename
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 6a1b68ed (qgis): [processing] restore gdal2tiles algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 0f226645 (qgis): [processing] homogenize gdal algorithms
-consistent parameters naming
-use additional creation options where possible
-remove duplicated functionality
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 10baf9a1 (qgis): [processing] restore proximity algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 587907e0 (qgis): [processing] restore clip raster by mask algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 1744ad71 (qgis): [processing] restore clip raster by extent algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 4272b8b7 (qgis): [processing][FEATURE] add linear interpolation
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 46662443 (qgis): [processing][FEATURE] add IDW with neareast neighbor search
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 26f80351 (qgis): [processing] restore nearest neighbor interpolation
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision ad591c76 (qgis): [processing] restore inverse distance to a power algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision dc7b9e41 (qgis): [processing] restore grid data metrics algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 8c09860d (qgis): [processing] restore moving average interpolation
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 6ec7b6e7 (qgis): remove duplicate tests
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 90308f33 (qgis): [processing] restore contour algorithm
Also expose new parameters and use custom widget for additional
creation options
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision babc35d1 (qgis): [processing] restore sieve algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 750e80f7 (qgis): [processing] restore ogr2ogr algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision 8646072d (qgis): [processing] restore fillnodata algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision fce3e183 (qgis): [processing] minor fixes in rgb2pct algorithm
Alexander Bruy
04:06 PM Revision fb958df6 (qgis): [processing] restore dissolve algorithm
Alexander Bruy
03:54 PM Revision 5e097d83 (qgis): Merge pull request #5345 from boundlessgeo/auth_mutex_backport
Auth mutex backport Alessandro Pasotti
02:05 PM Revision 79837b04 (qgis): [auth] Change static members prefix from 'm' to 's' as per coding stand...
Alessandro Pasotti
01:57 PM Revision 6c1d5701 (qgis): Merge pull request #5342 from wonder-sk/tessellator-fixes
Fixes to make tessellation of polygons without Z work again Martin Dobias
01:27 PM Revision ee89bf55 (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for pkipkcs12 auth
Alessandro Pasotti
01:26 PM Revision afeaa7f5 (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for pkipaths auth
Alessandro Pasotti
01:24 PM Revision 4ccaf11d (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for identcert auth
Alessandro Pasotti
01:22 PM Revision 5de906fb (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for basic auth
Alessandro Pasotti
01:19 PM Revision 38a43971 (qgis): [auth] Check for empty credentials instead of null
Alessandro Pasotti
01:08 PM Revision 33d23732 (qgis): Merge pull request #5338 from PeterPetrik/fix_build_gui_off
fix build with -DWITH_GUI=FALSE Alessandro Pasotti
12:33 PM Revision 006352f1 (qgis): More tessellation fixes and more unit tests
Martin Dobias
12:13 PM Revision 2b742c7d (qgis): bump to Qt 5.9 for the 3D
Etienne Trimaille
12:09 PM Revision 46551a92 (qgis): used independent QEventLoop instead of processEvents
Luigi Pirelli
10:27 AM Bug report #17270 (Open): Circular string : after finishing digitizing a circular string, the too...
Also found by Nyall and reproduce by me for circular string in 2.18
after finishing digitizing a circular string, ...
10:07 AM Revision 8412a87c (qgis): Improvements to tessellator unit test + death to qIsNaN()
Martin Dobias
10:06 AM Bug report #17269 (Open): Circular string doesn't honor the coordinate system
Problem found by Nyall "reviewing": the new tools for Ci... Loïc BARTOLETTI
10:06 AM Revision eb5c559d (qgis): Merge pull request #5332 from boundlessgeo/auth_mutex
[auth] Add mutexes to protect access to authentication config cache from multiple threads Alessandro Pasotti
09:58 AM Revision b6119165 (qgis): more detailed comment about the scope of the fix
Luigi Pirelli
09:37 AM Revision 5231ef64 (qgis): Merge pull request #5290 from boundlessgeo/issue_16296_ddErrorInDbManag...
[db_manager] d&d fix from spatialite and geopackage: fixes #16296 Alessandro Pasotti
09:37 AM Bug report #16296 (Closed): Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|378ab23f4d8b2fc683d8d4f075aeae695c44bf8c. Luigi Pirelli
09:37 AM Bug report #16296 (Closed): Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|378ab23f4d8b2fc683d8d4f075aeae695c44bf8c. Luigi Pirelli
09:13 AM Revision 0b5d07c2 (qgis): debian packaging: server's schemaExtension.xsd moved
Jürgen Fischer
08:35 AM Bug report #17267: Processing/GeoPackage, Set Z Value, expression based input does not show fields
Ok, Nyall, thanks for the clarification. I think this is more a UI-thing then?
Not sure if only changing the butto...
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:27 AM Bug report #17267: Processing/GeoPackage, Set Z Value, expression based input does not show fields
It's because that "expression" button is a bit misleading - it's there only for "instant" calculations. So you can us... Nyall Dawson
08:18 AM Revision bf58e3d6 (qgis): add missing header to GDAL_MOC_HDRS
Peter Petrik
08:06 AM Revision 562e9b44 (qgis): Add some const
Paul Blottiere
03:40 AM Revision da858ee2 (qgis): Fix dxf export when CRS is not canvas CRS and not limiting to canvas ex...
(cherry-picked from 0b47ea8) Nyall Dawson


01:17 AM Revision 2c246908 (qgis): Fixes to make tessellation of polygons without Z work again
+ initial work on unit testing of tessellator Martin Dobias
05:03 PM Revision 2a63ed92 (qgis): fix build with -DWITH_GUI=FALSE
Peter Petrik
03:22 PM Revision 754c6dd9 (qgis): Merge pull request #5336 from manisandro/ogrsublayer_tinpolysurf
[OGR] List TIN and PolyhedralSurface as Polygon when searching sublayers Sandro Mani
02:09 PM Revision b2021e93 (qgis): [OGR] List TIN and PolyhedralSurface as Polygon when searching sublayers
Sublayer geometry types are always single types Sandro Mani
01:18 PM Revision 59fa541b (qgis): Merge pull request #5295 from liberostelios/3d-improve-triangulation
Improve triangulation for QGIS 3D Martin Dobias
01:15 PM Revision 904a877a (qgis): Merge pull request #5293 from nyalldawson/fix_dxf_reprojection
Fix dxf export when CRS is not canvas CRS and not limiting to canvas extent Jürgen Fischer
01:12 PM Revision 9d8734c2 (qgis): Merge pull request #5195 from wonder-sk/tracing-with-offset
Tracing with offset Martin Dobias
12:22 PM Revision 863197f0 (qgis): Code layout fixes after rebase
Martin Dobias
12:02 PM Bug report #17267 (Closed): Processing/GeoPackage, Set Z Value, expression based input does not s...
Having a building geopackage with an attribute 'gemiddelde hoogte' == mean height, I thought to use the 'Set Z Value'... Richard Duivenvoorde
10:50 AM Revision f16b2156 (qgis): Fix usability issues of tracing with offset
Martin Dobias
10:50 AM Revision 89b884a3 (qgis): Fixes to initial unwanted segment when tracing with offset + unit tests!
Martin Dobias
10:50 AM Revision b140b297 (qgis): [FEATURE] Tracing with optional offset
Tracing button in the snapping toolbar gets extra menu where it is possible to set
offset that will be applied to the...
Martin Dobias
10:20 AM Revision 217c0e79 (qgis): Merge pull request #5145 from pblottiere/bugfix_ogc_getcapa_schemalocation
[server][bugfix] Fix OGC test getcapabilities:validate-using-schemaLocation Paul Blottiere
09:26 AM Bug report #17264 (Closed): Segmentation fault with custom form
duplicate of #8760
If not please reopen.
Giovanni Manghi
09:26 AM Bug report #17264 (Closed): Segmentation fault with custom form
duplicate of #8760
If not please reopen.
Giovanni Manghi
09:02 AM Revision a9a2c200 (qgis): Search schemaExtension.xsd in share directory
Paul Blottiere
09:02 AM Revision 11500766 (qgis): Fix OGC test getcapabilities:validate-using-schemaLocation
Paul Blottiere
09:02 AM Revision 43bb3119 (qgis): Add test
Paul Blottiere
09:02 AM Revision b80bfa8f (qgis): schemaExtension.xsd is now installed in share directory
Paul Blottiere
08:58 AM Revision e6dcfa4e (qgis): Merge pull request #5287 from pblottiere/null
[bugfix] Properly update filter comboboxes of relation reference widget Paul Blottiere
08:52 AM Revision 61dcba4a (qgis): [processing] add area to raster layer unique values report algorithm (#...
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
08:05 AM Revision f18293fb (qgis): Filter comboboxes are reset when the widget is initialised and foreign ...
Paul Blottiere
08:05 AM Revision fc876fe5 (qgis): Add some tests
Paul Blottiere
06:02 AM Revision 7b6156e4 (qgis): Set correct shortcut keys for undo/redo actions
Nyall Dawson
06:02 AM Bug report #17266 (Closed): Lines To Polygons, Polygonize and Refactor Fields change all attribut...
On my two Windows 10 systems running QGIS Desktop 2.18 for Windows 64-bit, output attribute tables produced by the Li... John Browne
02:31 AM Revision a376a399 (qgis): Better consistency for undo command text in layouts
Nyall Dawson
02:13 AM Revision 183da9f2 (qgis): Add undo/redo to layout context menu
Refs #1830 Nyall Dawson
02:12 AM Revision 2bba805d (qgis): Use QUndoStack generated actions for undo/redo
Benefits include correct icon text describing actual action
which will be undone/redone, automatic disabling/enabling...
Nyall Dawson


01:48 AM Revision 53e24f19 (qgis): [FEATURE][layouts] Add group/ungroup action to layout context menu
Group/ungroup actions show only when an appropriate selection
is present. I.e. "group" appears when a selection of at...
Nyall Dawson
01:37 AM Revision fdc0f750 (qgis): Fix redoing group visibility creates multiple new undo commands
Nyall Dawson
01:16 AM Feature request #17265 (Open): Choosing 'layer_styles' schema
For projects with shared spatial databases, it would be interesting to add the ability to choose the default schema t... Frédéric CLOITRE
01:06 AM Revision 30eab106 (qgis): Fix handling of overlapping item commands
Nyall Dawson
12:55 AM Bug report #17264 (Closed): Segmentation fault with custom form
I noticed a segmentation fault that makes QGIS crash while opening a custom form after clicking on the geograp...
Frédéric CLOITRE
12:53 AM Bug report #17192: Python error in Processing/QGIS clip
No problem. Thanks Giovanni. Ben Wirf
07:31 PM Bug report #17192: Python error in Processing/QGIS clip
Ben Wirf wrote:
> I am still getting this global name 'features' is not defined error message when trying to run the...
Giovanni Manghi
06:24 AM Bug report #17192: Python error in Processing/QGIS clip
I am still getting this global name 'features' is not defined error message when trying to run the QGIS clip tool in ... Ben Wirf
11:43 PM Revision 5a9278b5 (qgis): remove setParentTool method in QgsMapToolAddCircularString
11:05 PM Revision 00e12bc3 (qgis): - Increases the number of segments for QgsMapToolAddEllipse
10:33 PM Revision 8fb2c3cf (qgis): Fix doxygen test
Nyall Dawson
09:43 PM Revision b791da31 (qgis): Fix tests
Nyall Dawson
05:10 PM Revision fa1d299e (qgis): Fix a typo in rpm/
Daniele Viganò
04:31 PM Revision 34433ae1 (qgis): Improve visibility of tangents tool on cadCanvasMoveEvent (compatible
when CADDockWidget is enabled) Loïc BARTOLETTI
04:27 PM Bug report #17263 (Closed): [Symbology]Clip features to canvas extent displayed twice
When setting the symbology of a layer (let's use single symbol), at the bottom of the dialog, in the Advanced drop-do... Harrissou Santanna
04:20 PM Revision 5fcba063 (qgis): user std str replace instead of re module
Luigi Pirelli
03:58 PM Revision d939e31a (qgis): Merge branch 'master' of into better-rpm
Daniele Viganò
02:44 PM Revision 81e0c1b4 (qgis): Fix indent
02:36 PM Revision ab78d718 (qgis): Use toCircularString instead of toPolygon for circle.
02:05 PM Revision 19ee74b5 (qgis): Better RPM generation, add support for unstable builds
Daniele Viganò
01:43 PM Revision b2620ae2 (qgis): Add ConvertToSubClass code to vertexmarker
Matthias Kuhn
01:43 PM Revision 8759e7cd (qgis): fix SIP_CONVERT_TO_SUBCLASS placement
Denis Rouzaud
01:37 PM Revision 8b8d0853 (qgis): correct recognition of GPKG during save commit
Luigi Pirelli
01:24 PM Revision f0097fde (qgis): - Request for qgsmaptoolregularpolygoncentercorner.cpp and
- Remove useless mNumberSidesSpinBox->setMinimum( 3 );
01:14 PM Revision df947aa1 (qgis): Typo for qgsmaptoolellipsecenter2points.{cpp,h}
01:12 PM Revision 8eaa8c23 (qgis): Fix indentation in tesselator
Stelios Vitalis
01:06 PM Revision e3205654 (qgis): Requests for QgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPoint
01:01 PM Revision d72eebd2 (qgis): Requests for QgsMapToolAddRegularPolygon
12:37 PM Revision 46a0a48f (qgis): When moving/resizing grouped items, don't snap to selected
groups members Nyall Dawson
12:28 PM Revision f58947d9 (qgis): Fix valgrind noise
Nyall Dawson
12:17 PM Bug report #17165: QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts collection (R...
Brilliant! Thanks so much for your help. I made the fix and learned more about my OS today. Cheers for the fix and th... David Wright
09:33 AM Bug report #17165: QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts collection (R...
David Wright wrote:
> "python/plugins/processing/gui/" doesn't exist in my .qgis folder (see s...
Harrissou Santanna
12:05 PM Revision 8ea5fe7d (qgis): - mParentTool -> intialize to nullptr;
- =delete to explicit class;
- move clean() to private;
- remove unnecessary initializer;
12:03 PM Revision 60485ace (qgis): aligend to use QLatin1String to have a better portability to qgis3
Luigi Pirelli
11:58 AM Bug report #17262 (Closed): Attribute table data entered text is obscured by the 'x' button
In QGIS 2.18 attribute table data entry, once the cell is full of text, the newly entered text is obscured at the rig... Steve Lowman
11:56 AM Revision 5107f995 (qgis): replace vertexes by vertices
follow up 6b418decd6fe59a5a29716ff3014e476ec205091 Denis Rouzaud
11:42 AM Revision 201091ea (qgis): [FEATURE][processing] raster layer unique values count algorithm (#5308)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:23 AM Revision 955742a3 (qgis): Don't create undo commands on destroying a layout
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision 02acbb41 (qgis): Fix undo/redo for groups
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision e17b32c6 (qgis): Fix moving/resizing grouped items
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision 5aa9a155 (qgis): Start porting group handling from composer
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision 606ad21a (qgis): Port group actions from composer
Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision eb2b181a (qgis): When a grouped item is selected, we only draw the individual item
bounds (not the group bounds) Nyall Dawson
11:23 AM Revision 7c81a151 (qgis): Grouped items are not selectable
Nyall Dawson
11:02 AM Revision f939932c (qgis): 3D tesselator fixes and refactoring to avoid leaks
Stelios Vitalis
10:32 AM Revision d377970d (qgis): Requests for QgsMapToolAddCircle
10:13 AM Revision 6b418dec (qgis): Spelling: use vertices rather than vertexes
... because that's what's used almost consistently throughout the codebase. Matthias Kuhn
09:58 AM Revision ac66ced1 (qgis): Merge pull request #5086 from pblottiere/pr_auxiliary_storage
[Feature] Auxiliary Storage Paul Blottiere
09:51 AM Revision 8a8e2e3a (qgis): fix sipify test
Denis Rouzaud
09:51 AM Revision 6e14854f (qgis): [sipify] remove redundant private sections
Denis Rouzaud
08:32 AM Revision 9bbd0eac (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
08:31 AM Revision 2dddf78b (qgis): Fix indentation
Paul Blottiere
06:39 AM Revision 9cb3ff3c (qgis): Fix checkbox status for auxiliary field
Paul Blottiere
06:39 AM Revision 9fd80f9b (qgis): Check if join information is for auxiliary layer when filtering
Paul Blottiere
06:39 AM Revision 1fb9f2ae (qgis): Ignore archive files given as layername in command line
Paul Blottiere
06:39 AM Revision 12dfb197 (qgis): Emit signal to update the style dock
Paul Blottiere
06:39 AM Revision 67cff3dd (qgis): Auxiliary fields are linked to data defined for all subproviders
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 94fde118 (qgis): Fix join information in clone
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 429b1ec3 (qgis): Fix auxiliary field creation for QgsSymbolListWidget
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 703fbde0 (qgis): Do not activate auxiliary data button everywhere
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 9306226e (qgis): Auxiliary field creation is correctly managed for width in QgsSymbolsLi...
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision baa2b968 (qgis): Auxiliary data is cloned too
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 97ee342e (qgis): Set editor widget setup to Hidden
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision e14c5a24 (qgis): Update documentation and sip binding
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 27cbc91d (qgis): Add a safe guard
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 51a52293 (qgis): Revert a modification in diagram provider
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision fd455f67 (qgis): A simple click is enough to create auxiliary layer and display "change ...
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision b6752df6 (qgis): Auxiliary storage can be used on non spatial layer
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 34ac1ecb (qgis): Automatically update the editor widget setup according to the standard ...
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 821aadc4 (qgis): Hide auxiliary columns which can be edited by "change label properties"...
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision ce2436dc (qgis): Some cleanup in maptool
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision df021570 (qgis): Auxiliary fields for symbol layers
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 609249db (qgis): Change label maptool is always available and underlying properties are ...
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 4fa34009 (qgis): Properly update layer settings when an auxiliary field is deleted
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 4e10a11a (qgis): Add a custom name for symbol layers in property definition
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision fc0ebb78 (qgis): Allow user to create its own auxiliary field
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 328eabfb (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision c2b82901 (qgis): Update documentation and sip binding
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision c677c40b (qgis): Update information label
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision c3b1cb3f (qgis): Remove Q_FOREACH
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 5b278d74 (qgis): Move/rotate/hide/pin map tools are always available
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 4495e8ab (qgis): Actions are already initialized in header
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 3f8ae8b2 (qgis): Some minor refactoring
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 3d7ac657 (qgis): Add tests
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision cbd79730 (qgis): Expand documentation
Paul Blottiere
06:13 AM Revision 7483c6e9 (qgis): Remove QgsAuxiliaryField class
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 622fbfdc (qgis): Fix enable state for change label map tool
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision c22bfdc8 (qgis): Fix comment
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision fcdf20df (qgis): Origin in QgsProperty is a string and pal is replaced by labeling
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision ceb3dd7f (qgis): Fix documentation
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 9d280943 (qgis): Add QStringLiteral
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 070cc6aa (qgis): Initialise pointers in header for QActions
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision a30e1cb0 (qgis): Always remove join info before resetting auxiliary layer
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 88e8eb4f (qgis): Update sip binding
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 453eba36 (qgis): Fix pointer initalization
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 4920a14a (qgis): Move isAuxiliaryField to QgsVectorLayer
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision f7262859 (qgis): Remove default in switch/case to rise warning if a new data type is added
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision ad1e1580 (qgis): Remove default value for origin of property
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision e05e920e (qgis): Add explicit keyword
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 191f2a7e (qgis): Expand documentation for QgsAuxiliaryLayer class
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 38e53014 (qgis): Replace reset/release by std::move for unique_ptr
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 1a24af1b (qgis): Fix saveAs
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision ae091359 (qgis): Expand documentation for QgsAuxiliaryStorage constructors
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision ba9a84f3 (qgis): Rename name method to nameFromProperty
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 05eeb87c (qgis): Init bool value in header and do not init qstring attributes with empty...
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision dcec98df (qgis): Implement export action
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision bca89734 (qgis): Implement delete action
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 0dcfd56c (qgis): Rowid column from ogr provider is ignored thanks to a blacklist join op...
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 4a8fce2b (qgis): Implement delete field action
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision fa4a4268 (qgis): Update documentation and sip binding
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision e36c5e2d (qgis): Implement clear action
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 2d796015 (qgis): Do not show join configuration for auxiliary layer
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision c4dd1d42 (qgis): In case of a null variant, the default value is returned (otherwise mov...
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 283d796b (qgis): Update map tools to work with auxiliary fields in not editable mode
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 0c21e515 (qgis): Add a safe guard
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 6b81286a (qgis): Implement action create auxiliary field
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 1cfa2151 (qgis): [needs-doc] Add a new button in property menu to create auxiliary fields
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision e1781b97 (qgis): Button to store data in project activates the property if it exists in ...
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision fa4777ea (qgis): Add an origin (PAL or Diagram) to QgsProperty
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 37783f74 (qgis): [needs-doc] Auxiliary layers can be created from the auxiliary storage tab
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision a550a327 (qgis): Auxiliary layers may be created or loaded from auxiliary storage
Paul Blottiere
06:01 AM Revision 8826a8ab (qgis): Update auxiliary storage tab and data defined buttons according to auxi...
Paul Blottiere
05:44 AM Revision 072c0f24 (qgis): [needs-doc] Add auxiliary storage tab
Paul Blottiere
05:44 AM Revision de498314 (qgis): Add auxiliary storage mechanism in project
Paul Blottiere
05:12 AM Revision e30cc317 (qgis): Followup 1429f2c7, remove duplicate connections
Nyall Dawson
04:03 AM Revision 1be2f3ee (qgis): Add methods to remove variables from global/project scope
Ismail Sunni
03:53 AM Revision 42676dc9 (qgis): Move some getters which are incorrectly marked as slots,
remove some unnecessary 'const's from signals
Thanks to clazy const-signal-or-slot check
Nyall Dawson
02:24 AM Revision 3d8440cc (qgis): Merge pull request #5326 from nyalldawson/frick_off_autoconnects
Flip autoconnected slots to explicit connections Nyall Dawson
02:12 AM Revision 9aa6142b (qgis): Merge pull request #5291 from nyalldawson/layout_next
[layouts] Port most interaction actions from composer Nyall Dawson


01:12 AM Revision e8634210 (qgis): Make more slots private
Nyall Dawson
01:10 AM Revision 365b8a1e (qgis): Fix missing connection
Nyall Dawson
01:04 AM Revision 7cfd284f (qgis): Remove all previously autoconnected slots from public API
These are implementation details only, and should not be
part of the stable API.
We need the flexibility to change t...
Nyall Dawson
12:48 AM Revision 1429f2c7 (qgis): Remove autoconnected slots, pt 2
Nyall Dawson
12:30 AM Bug report #14589 (Closed): GetCapabilities gets cached in a confusing way (even when QGIS cache ...
Giovanni Manghi
11:30 PM Revision fea2726c (qgis): Flip autoconnected slots to explicit connections, pt 1
Nyall Dawson
11:01 PM Bug report #17261 (Feedback): Value relation widget update incorrectly tries to use value instead...
Works as expected on QGIS LTR? Giovanni Manghi
10:45 PM Bug report #17261 (Closed): Value relation widget update incorrectly tries to use value instead o...
I am having a problem using the value relation widget in QGIS 2.99999 / master. Here is my simple scenario:
Tim Sutton
10:10 PM Feature request #17260 (Open): [QGIS3 Unified add layer] Add a dedicated entry for opening spread...
It would be useful to add an explicit entry for opening non spatial tabular data like ods, xls or dbf. It's really un... Dominique Lyszczarz
10:05 PM Bug report #17259 (Closed): QGIS3 New node tool lack the ability to add or remove vertices from t...
With the new node tool it's possible to select multiple vertices by drawing a rectangle but its not possible to add o... Dominique Lyszczarz
09:37 PM Bug report #17165: QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts collection (R...
David Wright wrote:
> "python/plugins/processing/gui/" doesn't exist in my .qgis folder (see s...
Giovanni Manghi
05:39 PM Revision c665a9f9 (qgis): Add ConvertToSubClass code to vertexmarker
Matthias Kuhn
12:45 PM Revision 5d0f8cd8 (qgis): Merge pull request #5323 from DelazJ/networkspacing
Align items and reduce spacing in Options -> Network dialog Matthias Kuhn
12:41 PM Revision b9dd2380 (qgis): Merge pull request #5325 from DelazJ/qgsoptions
Clean QgsOptions class from on_m...clicked() calls Matthias Kuhn


12:26 AM Bug report #17165: QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts collection (R...
"python/plugins/processing/gui/" doesn't exist in my .qgis folder (see screenshot). I also did ... David Wright
12:29 PM Bug report #17165 (Closed): QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts coll...
David Wright wrote:
> The issue isn't fixed. I just downloaded 2.18.13-1
does it really contain the fix?
Giovanni Manghi
12:29 PM Bug report #17165 (Closed): QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts coll...
David Wright wrote:
> The issue isn't fixed. I just downloaded 2.18.13-1
does it really contain the fix?
Giovanni Manghi
03:21 AM Bug report #17165 (Reopened): QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts co...
The issue isn't fixed. I just downloaded 2.18.13-1 and tried to load in online scripts and it crashed again. This ti... David Wright
12:02 AM Revision 5600236a (qgis): Fix again
Harrissou Santanna
12:00 AM Revision a8eec083 (qgis): Fix spelling
Harrissou Santanna
10:53 PM Revision edda3675 (qgis): Align items and reduce spacing in Options -> Network dialog
Harrissou Santanna
04:13 PM Bug report #17258: Custom CRS Definition dialog is unusable
We have so many places in the GUI where entries are added to a list that work much better (e.g. in rule-based rendere... Anita Graser
04:09 PM Bug report #17258 (Closed): Custom CRS Definition dialog is unusable
The Custom CRS Definition dialog is a mess. Most of the time, I cannot make it save the new CRS I'm trying to add. At... Anita Graser
04:05 PM Bug report #17257 (Closed): Custom project CRS is not restored correctly on project load
I have a project with a custom CRS used as the project CRS. (Specifically: +proj=ortho +lat_0=42.1 +lon_0=12.8 +x_0=0... Anita Graser
03:23 PM Revision 379b5ed7 (qgis): Remove executable flag from test files
Matthias Kuhn
03:23 PM Revision b4f3055d (qgis): [spatialite] Avoid the term "Error", saving style to DB is optional
Matthias Kuhn
03:23 PM Revision 89159362 (qgis): Close file after write
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision 6dde427d (qgis): [travis] Fold ccache statistics
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision ade21ea3 (qgis): [travis] Make section titles bold
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision 20150734 (qgis): [travis] Add more color to output
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision c0d4c040 (qgis): [travis] Improve fold title for build section
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision 83f9e81e (qgis): [travis] Less noise for DB initialisation
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision 1945c97d (qgis): [travis] Be quiet
Matthias Kuhn
02:21 PM Revision 4608394f (qgis): [travis] Fold cmake output
Matthias Kuhn
01:29 PM Revision a2da64a4 (qgis): Add information regarding polygon's normal calculation
Stelios Vitalis
01:10 PM Revision 7a4d890f (qgis): Fix build warning
Matthias Kuhn
12:31 PM Bug report #17255 (Feedback): closed maps
you really need to give us more details about what is your issue. Thanks.
Giovanni Manghi
12:31 PM Bug report #17255 (Feedback): closed maps
you really need to give us more details about what is your issue. Thanks.
Giovanni Manghi
12:06 PM Bug report #17242: QGIS 3 is storing cache in windows roaming profile?
On my side, I usually set a low cache size value in the settings to avoid this but that's true that cache should be i... Regis Haubourg
09:05 AM Revision 1c7dbc74 (qgis): fix build
Jürgen Fischer
08:24 AM Revision 0521b3f7 (qgis): Clean QgsOptions class from on_m...clicked() calls
Harrissou Santanna


10:52 PM Revision 1c635228 (qgis): Added QgsFields::names method to get a list of all the names of fields
Marco Bernasocchi
09:40 PM Feature request #17195: Open a database connection from metadata
Hi Joana: comments:
- let's target master for this given it's a feature
- can you submit a PR to the Cat-Interop ...
Tom Kralidis
10:43 AM Feature request #17195: Open a database connection from metadata
Tom Kralidis wrote:
> Hi Paul: sounds feasible. notes:
> - suggest we use the SQLAlchemy convention (http://doc...
Joana Simoes
09:19 PM Bug report #17218: OS X install looks for PyQt4 instead of PyQt5

Great, thanks. I've been using this, from David Marteau with supplements:...
David Liontooth
02:26 AM Bug report #17218: OS X install looks for PyQt4 instead of PyQt5
David Liontooth wrote:
> How can I tell install to look for PyQt5?
What were your cmake options? I have found tha...
Joel Buckley
08:35 PM Bug report #17256 (Closed): SpatiaLite Layer default style is not loaded when using the SpatiaLit...
When loading a SpatiaLite layer with the SpatiaLite provider, QGIS doesn't load the layer's default style.
Loading w...
Borys Jurgiel
08:11 PM Bug report #17255 (Closed): closed maps
I have opened up my projects page and I can't open some of my maps that were saved. Why is this? Jennifer Floyd
07:51 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
Yes, I can set the correct CRS manually, and so far 2.99 doesn't seem to crash ... but we've observed this behavior w... Anita Graser
07:33 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows

> 2.99 does not crash, but the project CRS and some layer CRS are not restored correctly :(
but this could be an...
Giovanni Manghi
07:27 PM Bug report #14752: GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
2.14.19 and 2.18.13 crash for me.
2.99 does not crash, but the project CRS and some layer CRS are not restored cor...
Anita Graser
08:46 AM Bug report #14752 (Feedback): GEOS exceptions crash QGIS on windows
Tried again on master... and here with MT enabled it seems to not crash... what about others? Giovanni Manghi
07:09 PM Bug report #17254 (Closed): Wrong output CRS when input layer uses generated CRS
Tested with qgis:fixeddistancebuffer, native:dissolve, and native:buffer using OSGeo4W 2.99
If the input layer use...
Anita Graser
06:29 PM Revision 59ea61a4 (qgis): Refactoring on tesselator and other remarks applied
Stelios Vitalis
06:20 PM Revision cee7baeb (qgis): Crash when multiple .zips are loaded via qgisapp function (fix #17184)
Note: not just QObject::deleteLater(); see QgsDataItem::deleteLater() Larry Shaffer
06:20 PM Bug report #17184 (Closed): QGIS under macOS is very crashy when loading zipped shapefiles
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cee7baeb483d423d037bc347a06383995f8fdf70. Anonymous
06:20 PM Bug report #17184 (Closed): QGIS under macOS is very crashy when loading zipped shapefiles
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cee7baeb483d423d037bc347a06383995f8fdf70. Anonymous
08:40 AM Bug report #17184: QGIS under macOS is very crashy when loading zipped shapefiles
Thanks Larry! Giovanni Manghi
05:17 AM Bug report #17184: QGIS under macOS is very crashy when loading zipped shapefiles
Issue replicated and fixed for me here on macOS 10.11.6:
Larry Shaffer
06:16 PM Revision ea960314 (qgis): Add tests
Paul Blottiere
06:16 PM Revision 924ce817 (qgis): Fixes #17234 save/load styles from Postgres when a service file is used
Paul Blottiere
06:11 PM Revision 057ddc2c (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for pkipkcs12 auth
Alessandro Pasotti
06:11 PM Revision 537ebcc7 (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for pkipaths auth
Alessandro Pasotti
06:11 PM Revision 71d90261 (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for identcert auth
Alessandro Pasotti
06:10 PM Revision d76b04a9 (qgis): [auth] Added mutex to protect cache for basic auth
Alessandro Pasotti
05:38 PM Revision e6c64f69 (qgis): [FEATURE][DB Manager] Be able to update every Db layer from Postgres, S...
René-Luc ReLuc
05:35 PM Revision e45206ab (qgis): [BUGFIX][DB Manager] Fix update SQL Layer datasource
René-Luc ReLuc
04:33 PM Revision a4a33dff (qgis): [auth] Check for empty credentials instead of null
Alessandro Pasotti
04:32 PM Revision a7f132bc (qgis): Prevent duplicated tabs in message log panel
by removing & when looping through existing tab names Alessandro Pasotti
02:54 PM Revision 7935c416 (qgis): Merge pull request #5313 from NaturalGIS/grass7_more_output_fixes
[processing] fix output command for some GRASS 7 tools Alexander Bruy
01:59 PM Revision 5dce8edb (qgis): fix and bring back scroll area into custom widgets
Denis Rouzaud
01:20 PM Bug report #17150: Processing: output for standard NxT distance matrix now wrong
Fixed in 2.18 Alexander Bruy
01:18 PM Revision e8628fb5 (qgis): Merge pull request #5312 from alexbruy/distance-matrix
[processing] fix Standard (N x T) distance matrix (ref #17150) Alexander Bruy
01:15 PM Bug report #11572: Filter Legend By Map Content doesn't maintain point displacement legend
The bug is still present in 2.18.13 Ivan Katanović
01:15 PM Revision b787d53c (qgis): Fix indentation and apply remarks
Stelios Vitalis
01:15 PM Bug report #17249 (Closed): and
Sergio Antonio wrote:
> Following in your footsteps, I also checked the tools in GRASS7 and concluded that the resul...
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 PM Bug report #17249 (Closed): and
Sergio Antonio wrote:
> Following in your footsteps, I also checked the tools in GRASS7 and concluded that the resul...
Giovanni Manghi
01:15 PM Bug report #17249 (Closed): and
Sergio Antonio wrote:
> Following in your footsteps, I also checked the tools in GRASS7 and concluded that the resul...
Giovanni Manghi
01:12 PM Bug report #17249: and
Following in your footsteps, I also checked the tools in GRASS7 and concluded that the results from and ... Sergio Antonio
01:01 PM Revision 6b7cc068 (qgis): fix output command for some GRASS7 tool
Giovanni Manghi
12:55 PM Bug report #16942: WMS/WFS layers do not show in the OWS group of the QGIS browser
Affects also master... can't we just get rid of "OWS" in browser? Giovanni Manghi
12:45 PM Revision 54031ea6 (qgis): [processing] fix Standard (N x T) distance matrix (ref #17150)
Alexander Bruy
12:22 PM Bug report #16926: GRASS/Processing stopped to warn the user when a layer is not outputted
This only affects the GRASS tools that are added as "external" tools using python scripts i.e.
Giovanni Manghi
12:22 PM Bug report #16926: GRASS/Processing stopped to warn the user when a layer is not outputted
This only affects the GRASS tools that are added as "external" tools using python scripts i.e.
Giovanni Manghi
12:22 PM Bug report #16926: GRASS/Processing stopped to warn the user when a layer is not outputted
This only affects the GRASS tools that are added as "external" tools using python scripts i.e.
Giovanni Manghi
12:18 PM Bug report #17253 (Feedback): The canvas and the composer are overlaid in the canvas
I can't see how we possible replicate/troubleshoot this. Giovanni Manghi
11:57 AM Bug report #17253 (Closed): The canvas and the composer are overlaid in the canvas
This bug will be very difficult to reproduce...
With a low connection and heavy data, I've had this problem once.
11:52 AM Revision 664f2ab7 (qgis): try to bring back scroll area into custom widgets
Denis Rouzaud
11:47 AM Revision 1cff49de (qgis): try to bring back scroll area into custom widgets
Denis Rouzaud
11:45 AM Revision add49907 (qgis): try to bring back scroll area into custom widgets
Denis Rouzaud
10:56 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> It is actually possible to filter a shapefile and then edit it, this is something I use fro...
Giovanni Manghi
10:53 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
It is actually possible to filter a shapefile and then edit it, this is something I use from time to time. Patrick Dunford
10:50 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> That bug that means you have to muck around and close/reopen a project has been in Qgis sin...
Giovanni Manghi
10:44 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
That bug that means you have to muck around and close/reopen a project has been in Qgis since the beginning of time, ... Patrick Dunford
08:33 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> The problem is only occurring with masters after 313ec55 which has no difficulty in adding ...
Giovanni Manghi
10:49 AM Revision 3c87fe16 (qgis): Consistent tense for undo commands
Nyall Dawson
10:48 AM Revision 48c0fb3e (qgis): Add undo commands when reordering items through items dock
Nyall Dawson
10:43 AM Revision 0c858d27 (qgis): Port display name handling from composer
Nyall Dawson
10:39 AM Revision 6ed0d270 (qgis): [processing] Avoid python error after script execution
Matthias Kuhn
10:32 AM Revision ee0e9ff5 (qgis): Fix undo/redo crash with temporary test item
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision dbb31253 (qgis): Resurrect locking/unlocking item actions
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 09393332 (qgis): Port item alignment to layouts
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision c6da2767 (qgis): Add more unit tests
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 822d6f76 (qgis): Move actions which apply to selected items only to QgsLayoutView
Selections are a gui concept, so these actions belong to the
gui class instead of cluterring QgsLayout
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision fdba8f19 (qgis): Add tests for changing item z order
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e74a6320 (qgis): Unfinished restore of stacking actions
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 833cb60f (qgis): Port toggle panel action to layouts
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 9c8b96be (qgis): Call base class undo commands
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 4cba2b90 (qgis): Port select next above/below actions
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision c5fcc9da (qgis): Unit tests for alignment
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 683a8694 (qgis): Correctly report selected status to items model
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 62a56792 (qgis): Port item model from composer to layouts
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision b494a71f (qgis): Port selection actions to layout
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision de965304 (qgis): Remove redundant custom enum (use Qt version instead)
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision aa7beaad (qgis): Port keyboard nudge of items from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 66b4bdf0 (qgis): Fix invalid merge of non equal item commands
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision c8eaeb8f (qgis): Port hide pages action from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 83f035e6 (qgis): Indentation
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 5141c05b (qgis): [FEATURE][layout] Add item distribution actions
Adds actions for distributing selections of items by their
left/center/right/top/bottom edges.
Useful for quickly ev...
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e3616f08 (qgis): [FEATURE][layout] Add actions to auto resize items in a selection
Options are resize to narrowest, widest, shortest and tallest. Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 95a76eee (qgis): Port delete action - TODO: undo/redo
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e686e2e5 (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 3cd5f72f (qgis): [layout] add distribute and resize action icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:48 AM Revision 73077c4e (qgis): Use new icons
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision c022bc82 (qgis): [FEATURE][layouts] Add 'resize to square' action
Resizes all selected items so that they are square Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision cac08f93 (qgis): Nicer menu naming
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 80e0e072 (qgis): Correctly create undo commands for item addition and removal
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 616aec15 (qgis): Save/restore a few more layout item properties
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision f3bfcc31 (qgis): Save/restore frame properties, add unit tests for undo/redo
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 41677240 (qgis): Even more explicit naming
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision a66f2cb6 (qgis): Nicer API for adding/removing items
Automatically create the corresponding undo commands, so that
plugins and scripts which add/delete items will be adde...
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision fd0cba39 (qgis): Hide most of QgsLayoutModel from stable API and remove from bindings
We only expose the QAbstractItemModel interface as stable API - the
rest is non-stable and subject to change.
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 1d622e5a (qgis): Add new icon for resize to square (thanks @nirvn)
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision afd9d23a (qgis): Fix size of columns in items dock on hidpi screens
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 3e933dcd (qgis): Add undo/redo commands when toggling lock through items panel
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision bb2e1efd (qgis): Create undo/redo commands when changing item visibility
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 5796b899 (qgis): Fix build when model test is enabled
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision b04c1011 (qgis): Fix items are removed from scene twice
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 88a7f02c (qgis): Port preview modes from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 639ecd17 (qgis): Correctly handle item focusing in layout designer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 02831024 (qgis): Restore items dock
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 4e61ea89 (qgis): Port frame and background handling to layout items
And add support for frame widths with units Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 0b188295 (qgis): Port item selection and lock related code from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 51efa19f (qgis): Port item frame related code from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision bb129516 (qgis): Port selection handling code from composer
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision b5777adb (qgis): Port some composer utils
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 7d072bee (qgis): Add signals for size and rotation changes
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision fb8601ff (qgis): Shape items should not have a background/frame
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 6b700e2e (qgis): Don't pass handled mouse events down to QGraphicsView
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision fac2d7fb (qgis): Allow selection tool to control selection
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision b9ecb4f9 (qgis): Add method to push messages to layout designer status bar
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 207bcad6 (qgis): Start porting mouse handles to layout
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 1f94b822 (qgis): Fix click behavior in select tool
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 2d6cbd6b (qgis): Restore ability to show/hide selection bounds
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision d7bd44d9 (qgis): Work on interactive moving of items
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision bfa9c1d6 (qgis): Port methods for retrieving item at a point to layouts
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e0089fb8 (qgis): Move mouse handles to select tool
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 6ab9c223 (qgis): Fix resizing items
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision e172356b (qgis): Fix orphan snap lines sometimes show
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 172d484c (qgis): Fix undo/redo for mouse actions
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision d950f17e (qgis): Add item bounds based snapping to QgsLayoutSnapper
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision d8ffab15 (qgis): [FEATURE][layouts] Snapping to item bounds when creating new items
Previously snapping to item bounds would only occur when resizing
or moving items, now it also applies to item creation
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 051ed1e1 (qgis): Prevent snapping to selected items when resizing
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 62893677 (qgis): Nicer mouse handle alignment behaviour
Don't show horizontal/vertical align snap lines if the resize
isn't allowing resizing in that axis
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision d65a18c5 (qgis): Fix item snapping while resizing
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 9ae96242 (qgis): Ensure that snap lines show for whole layout
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 1e7149e1 (qgis): Select new items after adding them
Nyall Dawson
09:48 AM Revision 8517cfef (qgis): Prevent unwanted mouse cursor changes
Nyall Dawson
09:47 AM Revision 2d484db7 (qgis): Fix doxygen warning
See Nyall Dawson
09:45 AM Revision 96472c07 (qgis): Fix QgsDockWidget custom widget
Mario Baranzini
09:34 AM Feature request #17225 (Closed): Improvement of Map tip translation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fb15a218eac3282e6ee2f8ebe4b05091f15ac6e6. Anonymous
09:34 AM Feature request #17225 (Closed): Improvement of Map tip translation
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|fb15a218eac3282e6ee2f8ebe4b05091f15ac6e6. Anonymous
09:34 AM Revision fb15a218 (qgis): German translation fix
Fix #17225 Matthias Kuhn
09:20 AM Revision 5b050428 (qgis): Fix QgsDockWidget custom widget
Mario Baranzini
09:17 AM Revision 8deed6c4 (qgis): Merge pull request #5300 from nyalldawson/formatting
Doxygen Formatting Nyall Dawson
09:15 AM Bug report #17165 (Closed): QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts coll...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|afb49eca29652635e782187f54216341766c5f9f. Anonymous
09:15 AM Bug report #17165 (Closed): QGIS crashes when attempting to get scripts from on-line scripts coll...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|afb49eca29652635e782187f54216341766c5f9f. Anonymous
09:14 AM Revision afb49eca (qgis): [processing] Fix crash when browsing Get scripts and models
Fix #17165 Matthias Kuhn
08:38 AM Bug report #17252 (Feedback): Can't make install QGIS master on OS X (crashes on launch)
This should not be posted here as a bug but as question on one of the several channels where the community gathers, t... Giovanni Manghi
03:45 AM Bug report #17252 (Closed): Can't make install QGIS master on OS X (crashes on launch)
I have installed the necessary frameworks on OS X, and the `make` process completes successfully. I am even able to s... Joel Buckley
03:33 AM Revision 58d71769 (qgis): Fix build warnings
Nyall Dawson
03:26 AM Feature request #17251 (Feedback): Polygon map window in print composer
Got an example of the result you're after? Nyall Dawson
03:10 AM Feature request #17251 (Feedback): Polygon map window in print composer
Would it be possible to add the ability to create a map window in print composer using a custom polygon?
This woul...
Ian Bishop


12:19 AM Revision 04a9cd92 (qgis): Add more consistency to doxygen formatting
Nyall Dawson
11:55 PM Revision 49b426d9 (qgis): Make doxygen_space script convert multiline //! comments
- the /** format is much more prevalent throughout QGIS
- sipify works correctly with /**
Nyall Dawson
11:55 PM Revision 78c0c284 (qgis): Fix doxygen warnings
Nyall Dawson
11:55 PM Revision d9952b63 (qgis): Initialize pointers to nullptr in headers
Nyall Dawson
11:48 PM Bug report #17250 (Closed): Composer LatLon GRID rendering issues on global scale for Cylindrical...
I have a map in the composer in some Cylindrical projection (e.g. EPSG:54003, EPSG:3857,EPSG:3395) and LatLon labels ... Juraj Betak
10:21 PM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The problem is only occurring with masters after 313ec55 which has no difficulty in adding to shapefiles while filter... Patrick Dunford
08:24 PM Bug report #17245 (Open): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The fact that certain datasources (like shapefiles) are not editable when filtered is known. The behavior become less... Giovanni Manghi
08:24 PM Bug report #17245 (Open): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The fact that certain datasources (like shapefiles) are not editable when filtered is known. The behavior become less... Giovanni Manghi
08:24 PM Bug report #17245 (Open): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The fact that certain datasources (like shapefiles) are not editable when filtered is known. The behavior become less... Giovanni Manghi
08:24 PM Bug report #17245 (Open): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The fact that certain datasources (like shapefiles) are not editable when filtered is known. The behavior become less... Giovanni Manghi
08:24 PM Bug report #17245 (Open): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
The fact that certain datasources (like shapefiles) are not editable when filtered is known. The behavior become less... Giovanni Manghi
04:48 AM Bug report #17245: "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
Steps to reproduce:
# Apply a filter to the layer: "year" = 1969
# Put the table into edit mode
# Add a new feat...
Patrick Dunford
09:23 PM Bug report #17249 (Feedback): and
I executed the same modules directly in GRASS7 (using a layer prepared for network analysis) and got the same results... Giovanni Manghi
09:23 PM Bug report #17249 (Feedback): and
I executed the same modules directly in GRASS7 (using a layer prepared for network analysis) and got the same results... Giovanni Manghi
09:23 PM Bug report #17249 (Feedback): and
I executed the same modules directly in GRASS7 (using a layer prepared for network analysis) and got the same results... Giovanni Manghi
01:17 PM Bug report #17249 (Closed): and
The and tools are not creating the correct output files. has created a file wi... Sergio Antonio
07:48 PM Bug report #17248 (Closed): Can't clip a vector polygon in qgis 2.18.19
Duplicate of #17192
already fixed and will be available in the next 2.18 point release
Giovanni Manghi
07:48 PM Bug report #17248 (Closed): Can't clip a vector polygon in qgis 2.18.19
Duplicate of #17192
already fixed and will be available in the next 2.18 point release
Giovanni Manghi
06:45 AM Bug report #17248 (Closed): Can't clip a vector polygon in qgis 2.18.19
I want to clip a vector polygon with a boundary vector polygon but the process is failing. I am getting the error, "g... Martin M. Baihaqi
06:03 PM Revision 8364b8d7 (qgis): in case SQlite vectors wait end of rendering to avoid file lock: fixes ...
Luigi Pirelli
05:33 PM Revision dcc67252 (qgis): Merge pull request #5281 from boundlessgeo/auth_use_settings_widget
[auth][needs-docs] Provider connection dialogs use the new auth settings widget Alessandro Pasotti
03:30 PM Feature request #17195: Open a database connection from metadata
Which QGIS version would you like to target? the current one (2.18.13) or v3? Joana Simoes
01:27 PM Bug report #16005 (Closed): Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface
Done Sandro Mani
11:29 AM Revision 2f44d52e (qgis): Merge pull request #5298 from manisandro/ogr_tin_triangle
[Feature][OGR] Support Triangle, TIN and PolyhedralSurface geometry types by mapping them to Polygon and MultiPolygon... Sandro Mani
11:27 AM Revision a725dae9 (qgis): Merge pull request #5288 from manisandro/defer_repack_v2
[OGR] Pass AUTO_REPACK=OFF when opening datasets for non-implicit update modes Sandro Mani
11:04 AM Revision 1781cfcb (qgis): Merge pull request #5282 from NaturalGIS/fix_grass7_v_rast_stats
[processing] fix GRASS7 v.rast.stats module Alexander Bruy
11:01 AM Bug report #10976: attribute table refresh problems after edits
Work in 2.18.9 and still the same issue...
The same thing passing by 2 ways: copying and join two shapefiles, at the...
Loïc Bouffard
10:49 AM Bug report #16803: Segmentation fault with 'Create raster icons' on and loading a WMS
follow up in: Luigi Pirelli
10:45 AM Revision b3ea17f3 (qgis): set default legend raster icon when wms layer to avoid crash
Luigi Pirelli
08:50 AM Revision 75282073 (qgis): [auth] Sipify
Alessandro Pasotti
08:12 AM Revision 75e0948f (qgis): [auth] More verbose docstrings
Alessandro Pasotti
06:03 AM Revision 1e60213a (qgis): [layout] improve the select / move item tool icon
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
06:03 AM Revision 979571f1 (qgis): [layout] update align action icons
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV


01:19 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
summary (pdf) and testproject with spatialite db are attached Gerhard Spieles
01:19 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
summary (pdf) and testproject with spatialite db are attached Gerhard Spieles
10:26 PM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Thanks a lot for your work Alessandro! Tudor Bărăscu
01:58 PM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Thanks, but I think it's fixed, I still need to backport it to 2.18. Alessandro Pasotti
01:56 PM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
@Alessandro I could have swore that the GetCapabilities were returning the https part and that I had fixed this issue... Tudor Bărăscu
10:22 PM Revision de126a14 (qgis): Also handle QgsWkbTypes::Triangle in QgsSymbol::renderFeature
Sandro Mani
10:15 PM Revision ab82c63b (qgis): Fix QgisApp::askUserForOGRSublayers expecting 4 fields per sublayer, bu...
Sandro Mani
10:15 PM Revision abaeb9e9 (qgis): [Feature][OGR] Support Triangle, TIN and PolyhedralSurface geometry typ...
Sandro Mani
10:11 PM Revision 4d51b3d9 (qgis): Fix QgsTriangle::fromWkb possibly not setting ring geometry
Sandro Mani
10:11 PM Revision e38eec12 (qgis): Remove debug leftover
Sandro Mani
10:11 PM Revision e151f20e (qgis): Also handle triangles in QgsGeometryFactory::geomFromWkbType
Sandro Mani
09:58 PM Revision 3852e5db (qgis): [auth] Update wording of auth settings widget; add formatted warnings
Larry Shaffer
06:28 PM Revision 9a8c07ea (qgis): Merge pull request #5296 from boundlessgeo/bugfix_16427_backport
[bugfix][backport] Do not cache invalid WM(T)S responses Alessandro Pasotti
06:24 PM Bug report #17223 (Open): Error in Processing configuration when using QT5 themes
Giovanni Manghi
05:24 PM Bug report #17223: Error in Processing configuration when using QT5 themes
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I can't confirm on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows.
It seems that the problem is with the QT5 t...
Samuel Fernando Mesa Giraldo
06:19 PM Bug report #16803: Segmentation fault with 'Create raster icons' on and loading a WMS
Pull request open to disable unsafe use of the WMS API.
In the lon...
Matthias Kuhn
05:12 PM Feature request #17195: Open a database connection from metadata
sounds good Tom,
thanks for that pointer to rfc-1738
paul van genuchten
05:10 PM Feature request #17195: Open a database connection from metadata

Hi Paul: sounds feasible. notes:
- suggest we use the SQLAlchemy convention (
Tom Kralidis
04:56 PM Bug report #15600: Selecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong ...

The same problem is present in 2.18.13 when adding a spatialite layer through DB MANAGER -SQL Query.
Vincent Dionne
04:52 PM Bug report #16005 (In Progress): Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface Sandro Mani
04:52 PM Bug report #16005 (In Progress): Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface Sandro Mani
04:52 PM Bug report #16005 (In Progress): Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface Sandro Mani
04:52 PM Bug report #16005 (In Progress): Update OGR provider for GDAL 2.2 Triangle, TIN, PolyhedralSurface Sandro Mani
04:05 PM Revision b09fb37d (qgis): [bugfix] Do not cache invalid WM(T)S responses
The problem here was that in case of http->https redirect
from a misconfigured server (that advertizes http and then
Alessandro Pasotti
04:03 PM Bug report #14232: select features in a spatialite view leads to wrong_results
Vincent Dionne wrote:
> The same problem is present in 2.18.13 when adding a spatialite layer through DB MANAGER -SQ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:03 PM Bug report #14232: select features in a spatialite view leads to wrong_results
Vincent Dionne wrote:
> The same problem is present in 2.18.13 when adding a spatialite layer through DB MANAGER -SQ...
Giovanni Manghi
04:01 PM Bug report #14232: select features in a spatialite view leads to wrong_results
The same problem is present in 2.18.13 when adding a spatialite layer through DB MANAGER -SQL Query.
Easy to repli...
Vincent Dionne
03:52 PM Bug report #17247 (Closed): Cannot move features, move nodes and edit Z values (with vertex edito...
Subject says it all. 3D points can be moved but still the Z values cannot be changed.
This is a regression since...
Giovanni Manghi
03:50 PM Bug report #14007 (Closed): Can't create new features from Postgis Table with Z component
This particular problem (adding a new feature) seems solved in 2.18.13 and master. There are others anyway in 2.18 th... Giovanni Manghi
03:50 PM Bug report #14007 (Closed): Can't create new features from Postgis Table with Z component
This particular problem (adding a new feature) seems solved in 2.18.13 and master. There are others anyway in 2.18 th... Giovanni Manghi
03:50 PM Bug report #14007 (Closed): Can't create new features from Postgis Table with Z component
This particular problem (adding a new feature) seems solved in 2.18.13 and master. There are others anyway in 2.18 th... Giovanni Manghi
03:35 PM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
I also tried and agree... is very annoying that the vertex editor panel does not open automatically. Another bad thin... Giovanni Manghi
01:36 PM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Maybe adding a button to open and close the vertex editor panel in the "advanced editing" t...
Giovanni Manghi
10:04 AM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
Maybe adding a button to open and close the vertex editor panel in the "advanced editing" toolbar would help? Andreas Neumann
09:56 AM Bug report #17243: QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
Hi Andreas, this is a very important matter, is being discussed in the users and devs mailing lists? Giovanni Manghi
09:48 AM Bug report #17243 (In Progress): QGIS 3 vertex editor problems
In QGIS 3, the behaviour of the vertex editor panel, has been changed in conjunction with the refactoring of the inte... Andreas Neumann
02:59 PM Bug report #17246 (Closed): When snapping with the node tool (within the same layer or to other l...
Anyway snapping works. When using the tool to add new feature and doing snapping the "x" fuchsia symbol shows as expe... Giovanni Manghi
02:52 PM Revision 042bf973 (qgis): Change triangulation algorithm for 3D planes
Stelios Vitalis
02:50 PM Revision ab9e2fcb (qgis): Fix multiline docstring
Matthias Kuhn
02:50 PM Bug report #15806 (Closed): snap 3D does not work when editing
This seems fixed. There are anyway cases where doing the snapping with the node tool (whitin the same layer or to oth... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 PM Bug report #15806 (Closed): snap 3D does not work when editing
This seems fixed. There are anyway cases where doing the snapping with the node tool (whitin the same layer or to oth... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 PM Bug report #15806 (Closed): snap 3D does not work when editing
This seems fixed. There are anyway cases where doing the snapping with the node tool (whitin the same layer or to oth... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 PM Bug report #15806 (Closed): snap 3D does not work when editing
This seems fixed. There are anyway cases where doing the snapping with the node tool (whitin the same layer or to oth... Giovanni Manghi
02:50 PM Bug report #15806 (Closed): snap 3D does not work when editing
This seems fixed. There are anyway cases where doing the snapping with the node tool (whitin the same layer or to oth... Giovanni Manghi
02:46 PM Revision d1a9d3f1 (qgis): Remove the unneeded close button on select by expression (#5273)
fixes #17207 Harrissou Santanna
02:46 PM Bug report #17207 (Closed): Two close buttons in expression editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d1a9d3f1cf85f546cf51a9e85eda3a06ccbee460. Harrissou Santanna
02:46 PM Bug report #17207 (Closed): Two close buttons in expression editor
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d1a9d3f1cf85f546cf51a9e85eda3a06ccbee460. Harrissou Santanna
02:38 PM Revision 7428516d (qgis): Less executable files in codebase
Matthias Kuhn
02:37 PM Bug report #17240: When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves...
Not sure about this one at the moment. It was definitely happening yesterday when I was trying to edit some data, but... Patrick Dunford
01:50 PM Bug report #17240: When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves...
Also can't confirm. Giovanni Manghi
12:38 PM Bug report #17240: When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves...
I can't reproduce using commit:58f64bb4 on Win 10 Harrissou Santanna
10:40 AM Bug report #17240: When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves...
Just started a thread on the developers list Patrick Dunford
10:39 AM Bug report #17240: When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole line moves...
I agree with Patrick. Selecting a single vertex, only that vertex should be moved, not the whole segment or even the ... Andreas Neumann
09:24 AM Bug report #17240 (Feedback): When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole...
Same comment as #16836-8
I can understand your point but it could be very well a decision taken on purpose by who ...
Giovanni Manghi
02:30 PM Bug report #17245 (Feedback): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
Can you attach sample data? thanks. Giovanni Manghi
02:28 PM Bug report #17245 (Feedback): "orig_ogc_fid" field is added to filtered shapefiles in QGIS master
*new description:*
when filtering a shapefile in QGIS master a new field "orig_ogc_fid" is "added" to the table. Thi...
Patrick Dunford
02:06 PM Revision cb241e8f (qgis): Remove validation of geometries (GEOS validation is not 3D enabled)
Stelios Vitalis
01:35 PM Bug report #15498: SQLite/GPKG database locked during canvas refresh
Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> Ok, it can be a regression, but IMHO the behaviour is much more correct in hti sway that allo...
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Bug report #15498: SQLite/GPKG database locked during canvas refresh
Seen also for GPKGs. Giovanni Manghi
12:49 PM Bug report #15498: SQLite/GPKG database locked during canvas refresh
Ok, it can be a regression, but IMHO the behaviour is correct in this way respect allowing to write during rendering.... Luigi Pirelli
12:41 PM Revision 74e9242d (qgis): [auth] Update embedded QgsAuthSettingsWidget spacing
- Minimize all text-wrapped QLabel text in QgsAuthSettingsWidget
(wrapped text defaulted to 3 lines of spacing, eve...
Larry Shaffer
12:17 PM Revision 4e2e3608 (qgis): [OGR] Pass AUTO_REPACK=OFF when opening datasets for non-implicit updat...
Sandro Mani
12:17 PM Revision 7eb24752 (qgis): [OGR] Don't call repack after OGR_L_SyncToDisk if compiled against gdal...
OGR_L_SyncToDisk internally does a repack with gdal-2.2.0 onwards Sandro Mani
12:16 PM Revision 1cdbbf4d (qgis): Private classes should not be exported
Matthias Kuhn
12:16 PM Revision 70dc92c4 (qgis): conversions.sip does not need to be executable
Matthias Kuhn
12:16 PM Revision 4d1fea0b (qgis): CMakeLists.txt does not need to be executable
Matthias Kuhn
12:02 PM Revision 3e45f997 (qgis): Merge pull request #4912 from dmarteau/svg-marker-size
[FEATURE][needs-docs] Svg marker size: change aspect ratio René-Luc ReLuc
11:11 AM Revision c764d9c1 (qgis): Merge pull request #5256 from qgis/docker2
[travis] Use docker to run test Matthias Kuhn
10:50 AM Bug report #17244 (Open): New node tool snapping index out of sync for transaction groups (and tr...
This is something that happened in the past I guess.
When playing with new node tool with database updating...
Regis Haubourg
09:57 AM Bug report #17161 (Closed): Processing: zonal stats python error
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f14502e441173dbb604178421549bfe5a0bb59ae. Alexander Bruy
09:57 AM Bug report #17161 (Closed): Processing: zonal stats python error
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|f14502e441173dbb604178421549bfe5a0bb59ae. Alexander Bruy
09:56 AM Revision f14502e4 (qgis): [processing] update mask computation code (fix #17161)
Alexander Bruy
09:29 AM Bug report #17242: QGIS 3 is storing cache in windows roaming profile?
I agree that this a big problem for Windows users with roaming profiles (such as most gov organizations, companies, e... Andreas Neumann
08:46 AM Bug report #17242 (Closed): QGIS 3 is storing cache in windows roaming profile?
I've noticed some problems due to my windows roaming profile size recently.
It's not only QGIS 3 fault but I would...
Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
09:06 AM Revision 1ed95f48 (qgis): Fix Select tools switch settings
Harrissou Santanna
05:50 AM Revision 0b47ea80 (qgis): Fix dxf export when CRS is not canvas CRS and not limiting to canvas ex...
Nyall Dawson
04:00 AM Feature request #17241 (Open): use a selection as input for a Query Builder
I would like to be able to use my current selection to create a filter I can use in query builder to display only the... Mike Cusi


01:46 AM Revision 83fdc5d3 (qgis): Fix windows build
Nyall Dawson
01:40 AM Revision 38fd9853 (qgis): Fix build warning
Nyall Dawson
01:05 AM Revision 4f34f944 (qgis): Added better version info to QgsRectangle::buffered
Nyall Dawson
12:18 AM Bug report #17240 (Closed): When a node on the end of a path is selected and dragged, the whole l...
This is not very intuitive with the new editing system. If my line has a node on the end of it, and I put the mouse o... Patrick Dunford
12:04 AM Revision 7874d4b6 (qgis): Merge pull request #5183 from wonder-sk/cad-utils
Refactor CAD editing alignment logic to new QgsCadUtils class Martin Dobias
11:51 PM Revision 97eff218 (qgis): Add some consistency
in variables naming according to the name used in the comment few lines above Harrissou Santanna
11:51 PM Revision 2d714199 (qgis): Save active button in settings
Harrissou Santanna
11:51 PM Revision 4239abe9 (qgis): Enable display of selection tools in Attribute toolbar
when switching tools Harrissou Santanna
10:16 PM Revision 79a2fd78 (qgis): remove SquareCenter use RegularPolygon instead
09:57 PM Bug report #17239 (Closed): Reported map scale representative fraction is incorrect
I first noticed this when trying to match up screenshots taken off of Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and Mapzen with scr... Nathaniel V. Kelso
09:57 PM Revision 7f4775c1 (qgis): Change rubberband of possible centers to point.
09:47 PM Revision 2cd4c42c (qgis): Uniformize message when segments are parallels
09:44 PM Revision 8e14d08e (qgis): Visual indent part 3
09:39 PM Revision dec09cf5 (qgis): Visual indent part 2
09:36 PM Revision e335e481 (qgis): Visual indent part 1
09:25 PM Revision b9628280 (qgis): Use unique_ptr for mNumberSidesSpinBox
09:14 PM Revision 3e8403bb (qgis): modernize (delete default) destructor
09:09 PM Revision 9b42bdef (qgis): Merge branch 'regularShape_gui' of ...
09:08 PM Revision de80f44e (qgis): Concat successive if
08:18 PM Revision f20041dc (qgis): Concat successive if
08:06 PM Bug report #17203 (Closed): v.dissolve is "reclassifying" attributes after dissolve
Giovanni Manghi
08:05 PM Bug report #17203: v.dissolve is "reclassifying" attributes after dissolve
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Can you attached the data?
> You did the operation within the GRASS plugin or in the Proce...
Sarah Popov
06:13 PM Revision 30d9ad8d (qgis): Add const
06:03 PM Revision 74e12212 (qgis): @return -> \returns
05:58 PM Revision 81b096c4 (qgis): Move header and normalize space
05:58 PM Revision 9256d006 (qgis): Merge pull request #5289 from boundlessgeo/bugfix_16427
[bugfix] Do not cache invalid WM(T)S responses Alessandro Pasotti
05:58 PM Bug report #16427 (Closed): WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d102404b5e6796727c0ae0c983cf016ab33ff27a. Anonymous
05:58 PM Bug report #16427 (Closed): WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d102404b5e6796727c0ae0c983cf016ab33ff27a. Anonymous
03:31 PM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
For master:
Needs backporting to 2.18
Alessandro Pasotti
01:45 PM Bug report #16427: WMTS rendering problems in 2.18 and Master
@Tudor: just to remove one possible cause, would you be able to test this by temporarily disabling HTTPS?
The getca...
Alessandro Pasotti
05:51 PM Revision bc4a86c3 (qgis): Add missing copyright for QgsMapToolAddRegularPolygon
05:50 PM Revision 442341f9 (qgis): Remove initialization when it's already in header
05:43 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
PR Luigi Pirelli
04:54 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
preparing PR Luigi Pirelli
05:36 PM Revision 15948651 (qgis): Add sanitized
> [](
> "gdal_translate -of NETCDF...
Matthias Kuhn
05:36 PM Revision 52449f91 (qgis): Ignore missing logfile
Matthias Kuhn
05:36 PM Revision 6d683230 (qgis): Disable unstable tests
Parts of the following tests behave unstable because of enironment changes
(distro upgrade, running in docker, ...) o...
Matthias Kuhn
05:01 PM Revision 878dfddd (qgis): Refactor CAD editing alignment logic to new QgsCadUtils class
Martin Dobias
05:01 PM Revision 5172a339 (qgis): Finished unit tests
Martin Dobias
05:01 PM Revision 0bffe1c1 (qgis): Added forgotten SIP file
Martin Dobias
04:34 PM Revision afecc210 (qgis): [:)] Make a developer happy
Alessandro Pasotti
03:58 PM Revision 8c45e968 (qgis): Add sanitized
> [](
> "gdal_translate -of NETCDF...
Matthias Kuhn
03:55 PM Revision 26a14b28 (qgis): Enable rastersublayertest
Matthias Kuhn
03:43 PM Bug report #17210: Can crash gdal raster calculator by using a layer that was newly created and t...
Thanks Alex! Giovanni Manghi
03:12 PM Bug report #17210 (Closed): Can crash gdal raster calculator by using a layer that was newly crea...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13061251e104c38c066a85ad778420c91711f173. Alexander Bruy
03:12 PM Bug report #17210 (Closed): Can crash gdal raster calculator by using a layer that was newly crea...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|13061251e104c38c066a85ad778420c91711f173. Alexander Bruy
03:20 PM Revision d102404b (qgis): [bugfix] Do not cache invalid WM(T)S responses
The problem here was that in case of http->https redirect
from a misconfigured server (that advertizes http and then
Alessandro Pasotti
03:17 PM Revision 110dec70 (qgis): Recreate netcdf test image
Matthias Kuhn
03:10 PM Revision 13061251 (qgis): [processing] refresh all layer selectors when layer added/removed (fix ...
Alexander Bruy
03:05 PM Revision 08bbc90c (qgis): Fix qgisapp.ui
02:42 PM Bug report #16836: A lot harder now to insert new nodes into lines and reshape lines in 7d67b02 t...
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I am looking at it now but it will take some time to evaluate all the differences. But, thi...
Giovanni Manghi
10:13 AM Bug report #16836: A lot harder now to insert new nodes into lines and reshape lines in 7d67b02 t...
I am looking at it now but it will take some time to evaluate all the differences. But, this is not just some kneejer... Patrick Dunford
02:40 PM Bug report #17235: Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> I still see invalid layer errors loading layers on some systems, even on Windows rom time t...
Giovanni Manghi
09:42 AM Bug report #17235: Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
I still see invalid layer errors loading layers on some systems, even on Windows rom time to time. I know that there ... Patrick Dunford
09:18 AM Bug report #17235 (Feedback): Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> Sure :) this is the only unpatched system I have now
what does this means? modifying tha...
Giovanni Manghi
08:49 AM Bug report #17235 (Open): Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
Sure :) this is the only unpatched system I have now Patrick Dunford
08:43 AM Bug report #17235 (Feedback): Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
wasn't the issue already discussed in #16049-17 along with a solution? Giovanni Manghi
08:25 AM Bug report #17235 (Closed): Qgis crash on loading 1000 layer project [60fd763] on Xubuntu Artful
This project has about 900 raster layers and the rest are shapefiles. It is actively developed at present using older... Patrick Dunford
02:39 PM Revision 870de2e8 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into regularShape_gui
02:33 PM Revision 0204302a (qgis): - Add QgsMapToolRegularPolygonCenterCorner and change
- Add QgsMapToolCircle2TangentsPoint
02:29 PM Bug report #15658 (Closed): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
Giovanni Manghi
01:38 PM Bug report #15658 (Feedback): map tips does not show images correctly anymore... on Linux
Works fine on all systems with strict HTML... Alexander Bruy
02:29 PM Bug report #14884 (Closed): Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at l...
Giovanni Manghi
11:28 AM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
OK, will look at writing a macro to do this. Many thanks for clarifying this Harrissou, please close this ticket. Bruce Steedman
11:25 AM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
> My current understanding is that a layer's default style should be applied when a project is opened, is that wrong?... Harrissou Santanna
11:02 AM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
So perhaps I am misunderstanding the significance of the 'useasdefault' flag. How does setting this flag in the layer... Bruce Steedman
10:48 AM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
Bruce Steedman wrote:
> Thanks for looking at this Giovanni
> Yes. The docs (link below) say: "When loading a ...
Harrissou Santanna
02:27 PM Bug report #16195 (Closed): Problem running GRASS7 under QGIS master
Giovanni Manghi
01:34 PM Bug report #16195: Problem running GRASS7 under QGIS master
IMHO this should be closed, as Processing refactoring is not completed and GRASS now disabled Alexander Bruy
02:26 PM Bug report #16421 (Closed): SAGA and GRASS support broken in QGIS master
Giovanni Manghi
01:33 PM Bug report #16421: SAGA and GRASS support broken in QGIS master
IMHO this should be closed, as Processing refactoring still not completed and now SAGA and GRASS disabled. Alexander Bruy
01:42 PM Bug report #17237 (Open): Snap is offseted when the map is rotated
When you want snap a segment and the map is rotated, the highlighted segment have an offset (seems to be the higher t... Loïc BARTOLETTI
01:30 PM Feature request #5396 (Closed): Run algorithms in a different thread
Fixed in master Alexander Bruy
01:30 PM Feature request #5396 (Closed): Run algorithms in a different thread
Fixed in master Alexander Bruy
01:30 PM Feature request #5396 (Closed): Run algorithms in a different thread
Fixed in master Alexander Bruy
12:47 PM Revision 378ab23f (qgis): fixed mimeUri x Spatialite and Geopackage. fixes #16296
Luigi Pirelli
11:17 AM Revision 22d4d22b (qgis): fix highlight showing when hidden (#5278)
Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
11:03 AM Revision da4cfd57 (qgis): Update and vectorize the DB manager icon (#5262)
Pete King
11:01 AM Revision b27382d0 (qgis): [processing] Fix history doesn't correctly escape values
Fixes #17229 Nyall Dawson
11:01 AM Bug report #17229 (Closed): Processing history doesn't handle postgres source tables correctly
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b27382d0110b98782f4152fcd35c8eaf343e80e8. Nyall Dawson
11:01 AM Bug report #17229 (Closed): Processing history doesn't handle postgres source tables correctly
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|b27382d0110b98782f4152fcd35c8eaf343e80e8. Nyall Dawson
10:17 AM Bug report #16049: Opening a lot of JPG rasters all at once causes crash on Linux
Patrick Dunford wrote:
> "- compile yourself. This is not so hard in fact on Linux, "
> but there is no documentati...
Harrissou Santanna
10:01 AM Revision 9cbff3af (qgis): translation string fix
Jürgen Fischer
09:54 AM Bug report #17236 (Closed): Unable to edit layer while filter is in effect
Jürgen Fischer
09:54 AM Bug report #17236: Unable to edit layer while filter is in effect
Duplicate of #2951 Jürgen Fischer
09:43 AM Bug report #17236: Unable to edit layer while filter is in effect
Doesn't fit the test case shown in that ticket (which I obviously have read) Patrick Dunford
09:17 AM Bug report #17236 (Feedback): Unable to edit layer while filter is in effect
Why opening another ticket, wasn't #17124 enough? Giovanni Manghi
09:15 AM Bug report #17236 (Closed): Unable to edit layer while filter is in effect
If a layer has a filter applied, that layer cannot be put into edit mode.
see also #17124
Patrick Dunford
09:35 AM Bug report #17233: QGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the 'successfu...
I have a dual display system and the main windows is maximised on the first screen. Whenever I save the project it pu... Patrick Dunford
09:12 AM Revision 8d6f4467 (qgis): Fix duplicate WFS item in browser (fixes #17176)
Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Bug report #17176 (Closed): Double WFS node in browser panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8d6f4467a2baa6e8af7b5cab895a9d00c7c205ca. Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Bug report #17176 (Closed): Double WFS node in browser panel
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|8d6f4467a2baa6e8af7b5cab895a9d00c7c205ca. Nyall Dawson
09:12 AM Revision 191942ab (qgis): [auth] Proxy settings use the new auth settings dialog
Alessandro Pasotti
07:24 AM Revision 8a09a197 (qgis): Merge pull request #5150 from pblottiere/server_bugfix_ogc_getfeaturein...
[server][bugfix] Fix OGC test getfeatureinfo:invalid-info_format Paul Blottiere
02:21 AM Revision 58f64bb4 (qgis): Merge pull request #5276 from nyalldawson/build_dep
Update some Windows build instructions Nyall Dawson


11:58 PM Revision f3a4a6b2 (qgis): debian packaging: add 3d for sid and artful
Jürgen Fischer
11:14 PM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
Thanks for looking at this Giovanni
Yes. The docs (link below) say: "When loading a layer from the database, if a...
Bruce Steedman
06:35 PM Bug report #14884 (Feedback): Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at...
Giovanni Manghi
06:32 PM Bug report #14884: Default layer style from PostGIS 'layer_style' table not applied at login
Looking into various style loading issues here. Do you expect QGIS to override the style saved in your project by the... Regis Haubourg
11:02 PM Revision 68bb68d1 (qgis): [FEATURE] QGIS 3D (pull request #5203)
Martin Dobias
10:28 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
Richard, I can't say, btw Browser is completely different code respect Db Manager. Try to notify this issue to Alessa... Luigi Pirelli
09:44 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
@luigi: not sure if it is related, but in current master the Drag&Drop in the browser (also) segfaults my QGIS.
Richard Duivenvoorde
08:28 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
the log is different in my case:
..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmimedatautils.cpp(111) : (QgsMimeDataUtils::decodeUriLis...
Luigi Pirelli
08:23 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
From a log done by Giovanni Manghi the error is the QgsMimeDataUtils::decodeUriList method
Luigi Pirelli
04:49 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
Confirmed using qgis-rel-dev (2.18.13-8) on windows 10.
video attached.
the .sqlite used : https://www.gaia-gis...
Francisco Raga
09:31 PM Bug report #15752: Degradation of rendering performances in MSSQL provider
New results: 2.18.13, 2.14.19, 2.8.9
Andre Jesus
07:01 PM Bug report #17234 (Closed): Saving style in postgres database can't be restored when connection u...
When saving a style to a database, using a service file, I can't restore it when opening a datasource.
When saving...
Regis Haubourg
06:38 PM Revision b5f38326 (qgis): Merge pull request #5280 from NaturalGIS/saga_remove_imagery_vigra
[processing] remove SAGA imagery_vigra tools Alexander Bruy
06:36 PM Bug report #16186 (Closed): Processing: Broken GRASS tools under Windows
Closing again because on a completely clean (OS and osgeo4w) install all seems to work as expected. There is somethin... Giovanni Manghi
06:36 PM Bug report #16186 (Closed): Processing: Broken GRASS tools under Windows
Closing again because on a completely clean (OS and osgeo4w) install all seems to work as expected. There is somethin... Giovanni Manghi
06:34 PM Revision 74728e8e (qgis): fix GRASS7 v.rast.stats module
Giovanni Manghi
06:06 PM Bug report #17146: Processing: GRASS64 does not work in both latest 2.14 and 2.18
Brillant! thanks! Giovanni Manghi
02:44 PM Bug report #17146 (Closed): Processing: GRASS64 does not work in both latest 2.14 and 2.18
This is packaging issue. GRASS 6 needs GDAL 1.11 which is not installed by default and not listed as the package depe... Alexander Bruy
02:44 PM Bug report #17146 (Closed): Processing: GRASS64 does not work in both latest 2.14 and 2.18
This is packaging issue. GRASS 6 needs GDAL 1.11 which is not installed by default and not listed as the package depe... Alexander Bruy
05:26 PM Revision c856ba3e (qgis): [auth] XYX use the new authentication widget
Alessandro Pasotti
05:18 PM Bug report #17224 (Closed): Smoothing (vigra) shown in processing but not working (osgeo4w packag...
removed here
Giovanni Manghi
05:18 PM Bug report #17224 (Closed): Smoothing (vigra) shown in processing but not working (osgeo4w packag...
removed here
Giovanni Manghi
08:10 AM Bug report #17224 (Closed): Smoothing (vigra) shown in processing but not working (osgeo4w packag...
Running QGIS from osgeo4w I tried to use the Saga processing algorithm "Smoothing (vigra)", and got the following:
Alister Hood
05:17 PM Revision fbe1736a (qgis): remove SAGA imagery_vigra tools
Giovanni Manghi
05:12 PM Revision 4e4a660a (qgis): [auth] PG uses the new authentication widget
Alessandro Pasotti
05:12 PM Revision f09e5b16 (qgis): [auth] Renamed setters to better follow Qt5 conventions
Alessandro Pasotti
04:40 PM Revision 6378042b (qgis): [auth] DB2 use the new authentication widget
Alessandro Pasotti
04:39 PM Revision dfdf2cee (qgis): [auth] Added support for "Store" checkboxes
Alessandro Pasotti
04:16 PM Revision 143c4bf6 (qgis): Merge pull request #5275 from daniviga/qgis3-rpm
Initial RPM sources update for QGIS3 Matthias Kuhn
04:08 PM Bug report #17143 (Closed): Cardinality cannot be changed in layer properties --> Fields tab --> ...
Yes - works fine now. Closing.
Andreas Neumann
04:08 PM Bug report #17143 (Closed): Cardinality cannot be changed in layer properties --> Fields tab --> ...
Yes - works fine now. Closing.
Andreas Neumann
03:57 PM Bug report #17233 (Closed): QGIS Main Window resizes itself upon saving the project to show the '...
In my current master, when I make the QGIS window rather small, if you load some data, and save the project, after th... Richard Duivenvoorde
03:37 PM Bug report #17232 (Closed): The rotation widget disappearwhen you change the anchor point is modi...
If you start to rotate an object and after you select a new anchor point (ctrl+click) the widget with angle rotation ... Loïc BARTOLETTI
03:31 PM Bug report #17227 (Open): Impossible to resize columns in Batch processing interface
Giovanni Manghi
02:28 PM Bug report #17227: Impossible to resize columns in Batch processing interface
I just give it a look: also the case in 2.14 and 2.18. Maybe it has always been this way...--> feature request or bug... Harrissou Santanna
02:17 PM Bug report #17227 (Feedback): Impossible to resize columns in Batch processing interface
only master? Giovanni Manghi
01:59 PM Bug report #17227 (Closed): Impossible to resize columns in Batch processing interface
Launch a processing tool
switch to the batch processing interface
The columns in the widget can't be manually resiz...
Harrissou Santanna
03:20 PM Bug report #17230: QGIS Crash after cutting features
OK. Will do that now, and give feedback here what has happened.
Thank you a lot!!
Vida Krstulovic
03:18 PM Bug report #17230: QGIS Crash after cutting features
Vida Krstulovic wrote:
> Will try to do those two things..
> > with qgis 2.18
> > removing any 3rd party plugin
Giovanni Manghi
03:16 PM Bug report #17230: QGIS Crash after cutting features
Will try to do those two things..
> with qgis 2.18
> removing any 3rd party plugin
> Also:
> *attach ...
Vida Krstulovic
03:07 PM Bug report #17230 (Feedback): QGIS Crash after cutting features
with qgis 2.18
removing any 3rd party plugin
attach the data
is the editing tool that causes...
Giovanni Manghi
03:07 PM Bug report #17230 (Feedback): QGIS Crash after cutting features
with qgis 2.18
removing any 3rd party plugin
attach the data
is the editing tool that causes...
Giovanni Manghi
03:04 PM Bug report #17230 (Closed): QGIS Crash after cutting features
I have an issue with my qgis 2.14... I have a point layer I have converted to line layer using Point2one PlugIn,...
Vida Krstulovic
03:17 PM Bug report #17231 (Closed): Processing help system expects wrong link
When hitting the Help button in a Processing tool dialog, the expected link doesn't follow the same structure than li... Harrissou Santanna
02:55 PM Bug report #16438 (Feedback): Categorized layer crashes when deselecting
Did you tried 2.18 (there are no more fixes for 2.14)?
Any kind of vector datasources?
Regardless of the project?...
Giovanni Manghi
02:55 PM Bug report #16438 (Feedback): Categorized layer crashes when deselecting
Did you tried 2.18 (there are no more fixes for 2.14)?
Any kind of vector datasources?
Regardless of the project?...
Giovanni Manghi
02:54 PM Bug report #16438 (Reopened): Categorized layer crashes when deselecting
-Error is present in 2.14.18, downloading 2.14.19... but should be the same as I see no entry in the changelog-
Andre Jesus
02:44 PM Revision 7ee03a6a (qgis): [auth] Use new auth settings widget in http connections dialogs
Alessandro Pasotti
02:44 PM Bug report #17229 (Closed): Processing history doesn't handle postgres source tables correctly
Follow-up #17162
After I ran a "Select by location" algorithm in Processing, I copied the command from the History d...
Harrissou Santanna
02:44 PM Revision c57b9e7e (qgis): [auth] Tests for new setters methods
Alessandro Pasotti
02:43 PM Revision 7c0ac6e2 (qgis): [auth][cosmetic] Moved method
Alessandro Pasotti
02:29 PM Revision 1facaefa (qgis): Avoid crashes with relation reference widget
Matthias Kuhn
02:26 PM Revision bdddc3ba (qgis): [auth] Added setters to the auth settings widget
- removed wrapper goupBox for added flexibility
- explicit connections
Alessandro Pasotti
02:26 PM Revision 317cb7a1 (qgis): [auth] Removed group box wrapper
Alessandro Pasotti
02:07 PM Feature request #17228 (Closed): switch between simple and batch process dialogs, back and forth
Currently, when you hit the "Run as Batch Process..." button in a Processing tool dialog, you switch to the Batch pro... Harrissou Santanna
02:03 PM Revision 2fa68110 (qgis): Merge pull request #5279 from boundlessgeo/auth_widget_signals
[auth] Use explicit signal connections in auth settings widget Alessandro Pasotti
01:53 PM Bug report #16657: date edit widget only shows current date whatever the real data is underneath
error is probably only located in setting the correct format string here:
Luigi Pirelli
12:55 PM Bug report #17226: Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of features
Same issue appears on Linux Andreas Neumann
12:41 PM Bug report #17226: Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of features
screenshot demonstrating the issue. Andreas Neumann
11:03 AM Bug report #17226 (Closed): Geopackage "Select Vector Layers to Add" dialogue has wrong nr of fea...
If one drags and drops a geopackage into QGIS master, the column labeled "Number of features" in the "Select Vector L... Andreas Neumann
12:34 PM Bug report #17145 (Closed): Processing: GRASS7 nviz does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cef2f89f45bc6b806e382c129a8568717d32c40c. Alexander Bruy
12:34 PM Bug report #17145 (Closed): Processing: GRASS7 nviz does not work
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|cef2f89f45bc6b806e382c129a8568717d32c40c. Alexander Bruy
12:34 PM Feature request #17211 (Closed): remove/hide the "select by location" tool from modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57829752ecf5722a3fbd753e2c8ce645e8b6dddc. Alexander Bruy
12:34 PM Feature request #17211 (Closed): remove/hide the "select by location" tool from modeller
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|57829752ecf5722a3fbd753e2c8ce645e8b6dddc. Alexander Bruy
12:34 PM Bug report #16889 (Closed): Actions menu missing in Identify feature form in QGIS 3
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|11eb9cfe57e95b722ccee49a93d25e521dbc4853.
Thanks anonymous guy! (is that you Matt...
12:34 PM Bug report #16889 (Closed): Actions menu missing in Identify feature form in QGIS 3
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|11eb9cfe57e95b722ccee49a93d25e521dbc4853.
Thanks anonymous guy! (is that you Matt...
12:33 PM Revision 82dcc688 (qgis): follow up cef2f89f45
Alexander Bruy
12:26 PM Revision feeec8e0 (qgis): [auth] Use explicit signal connections
Alessandro Pasotti
11:34 AM Revision cef2f89f (qgis): [processing] nviz is not available in GRASS 7 (fix #17145)
Alexander Bruy
10:54 AM Revision 57829752 (qgis): [processing] remove "Select by..." algorithms from modeler (fix #17211)
Alexander Bruy
10:53 AM Bug report #17029 (Closed): Labels settings inside style dock does not update accordingly to sele...
Fixed in commit 471204dd4de2225979a1846209bfcb39700aeeba. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:53 AM Bug report #17029 (Closed): Labels settings inside style dock does not update accordingly to sele...
Fixed in commit 471204dd4de2225979a1846209bfcb39700aeeba. Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
10:40 AM Bug report #17136 (Closed): Processing error: "Could not open SAGA algorithm: RiverGridGeneration...
Already fixed Alexander Bruy
10:40 AM Bug report #17136 (Closed): Processing error: "Could not open SAGA algorithm: RiverGridGeneration...
Already fixed Alexander Bruy
10:14 AM Feature request #17225 (Closed): Improvement of Map tip translation
In the German locale, "Map tips" is translated to "Kartenhinweise".
But in layer properties, Display section, the ...
Andre Joost
09:56 AM Bug report #16882: feature count refreshed after each edit and in the form view of the attribute ...
Actually, the annoying thing is not that the entity count is updated but the fact that the attribute table goes into ... Arnaud Poncet-Montanges
09:44 AM Revision 11eb9cfe (qgis): Show actions menu in feature form
Fix #16889 Matthias Kuhn
09:39 AM Bug report #16026 (Feedback): Value map entries aren't copied with table style (2.99 110ffe2)
Still valid in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #16026 (Feedback): Value map entries aren't copied with table style (2.99 110ffe2)
Still valid in 2.18? Giovanni Manghi
06:31 AM Bug report #16026: Value map entries aren't copied with table style (2.99 110ffe2)
Steps for testing:
# Save a copy of a table
# Copy the style from the original table to the new table
# When you o...
Patrick Dunford
06:26 AM Bug report #16026: Value map entries aren't copied with table style (2.99 110ffe2)
This issue seems to be resolved in master 2.99 313ec55 Patrick Dunford
09:19 AM Revision 471204dd (qgis): [style dock] fix wrong label settings when switching layers
(fixes #17029) Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV
09:18 AM Revision 5bdb605f (qgis): Merge pull request #5270 from boundlessgeo/auth_widget2
[auth][needs-docs] Authentication widget Alessandro Pasotti
09:12 AM Revision 524c7915 (qgis): Update qgis-mime.xml for RPM, replace wrong ext in
Daniele Viganò
09:09 AM Feature request #17219: Better description of bands
BTW: I do not know whether this is a general issue, but the projecti...
Paolo Cavallini
09:08 AM Revision 4c8171d7 (qgis): Reborn of QgsMapToolCircle3Tangents. Thanks Martin!
08:55 AM Revision 3caf61a8 (qgis): Force vim syntax in rpm/qgis.spec.template
Daniele Viganò
08:52 AM Revision f781b4f4 (qgis): Add missing break
Matthias Kuhn
08:52 AM Revision 65bade9d (qgis): Typo fix
Matthias Kuhn
05:37 AM Revision 60fd7636 (qgis): Merge pull request #5157 from pblottiere/server_bugfix_ogc_invalid_quer...
[server][bugfix] Fix OGC test getfeatureinfo:invalid-query_layers Paul Blottiere
03:33 AM Revision d1018cbe (qgis): Merge pull request #5268 from nyalldawson/flash2
[FEATURE] Flash features Nyall Dawson
03:30 AM Revision 2326334c (qgis): Update INSTALL
Nyall Dawson
03:21 AM Revision 43301202 (qgis): Update references to Qt4 in msys build instructions to Qt5
(untested) Nyall Dawson
03:19 AM Revision 078d68fb (qgis): Update ancient cmake download link
Nyall Dawson
03:17 AM Revision 6e14917a (qgis): Explicitly mention that Python3 is a compulsory build dependancy
Nyall Dawson
03:14 AM Revision 93a5a849 (qgis): Add python3-six to windows build deps
It's required for building the expression context help Nyall Dawson
02:56 AM Revision d922b554 (qgis): Fix some gcc build warnings
Nyall Dawson
02:56 AM Revision d22bfca9 (qgis): Avoid some unnecessary build warnings when WITH_BINDINGS is off
Nyall Dawson
02:28 AM Revision 5b6f02ec (qgis): Refine flash features API
Use a QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem object instead of
QgsVectorLayer to make API more flexible
Nyall Dawson


01:52 AM Revision fc844c66 (qgis): More efficient canvas features flash
Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision dfe0cbaf (qgis): Use a clone of the renderer for attribute table model
Fixes potential crash Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision 3e9fa726 (qgis): [FEATURE] Flash features in canvas
This adds:
- API call to QgsMapCanvas to flash a set of features
- A right click menu option in the attribute table t...
Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision e54ea73e (qgis): Make rubber band creation a bit more efficient (avoid multiple transfor...
Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision a874faf6 (qgis): Fix rubber band doesn't like geometries with Z/M
Nyall Dawson
01:52 AM Revision 4374c6e4 (qgis): Fix incorrect draw stacking when drawing rubber bands with
secondary lines enabled Nyall Dawson
01:24 AM Feature request #17219 (Feedback): Better description of bands
Can you share one of these files? Nyall Dawson
11:53 PM Revision c51c0576 (qgis): Update links to issues in qgis.spec.template
Daniele Viganò
11:41 PM Revision 15e5419a (qgis): Initial RPM sources update for QGIS3
Daniele Viganò
09:37 PM Revision d46c4401 (qgis): Downgrade "Super 3D Map Widget" to plain, average, ordinary "3D Map" wi...
Martin Dobias
09:33 PM Revision 0951ff7e (qgis): Fix crash in tessellation (polygon 3D symbol) for touching rings
Martin Dobias
08:59 PM Revision ac5d59bc (qgis): [tr] updated spanish translation from carlos
Werner Macho
03:20 PM Bug report #16407 (Closed): Expression builder: Rename simplify and simplify_vw
We are following PostgreSQL/PostGIS functions convention naming which use st_simplify and st_simplifyvw
Note: A PR w...
Harrissou Santanna
03:20 PM Bug report #16407 (Closed): Expression builder: Rename simplify and simplify_vw
We are following PostgreSQL/PostGIS functions convention naming which use st_simplify and st_simplifyvw
Note: A PR w...
Harrissou Santanna
03:20 PM Bug report #16407 (Closed): Expression builder: Rename simplify and simplify_vw
We are following PostgreSQL/PostGIS functions convention naming which use st_simplify and st_simplifyvw
Note: A PR w...
Harrissou Santanna
03:20 PM Bug report #16407 (Closed): Expression builder: Rename simplify and simplify_vw
We are following PostgreSQL/PostGIS functions convention naming which use st_simplify and st_simplifyvw
Note: A PR w...
Harrissou Santanna
02:50 PM Bug report #17221 (Closed): imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
Giovanni Manghi
12:04 PM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> > as described in the description, the problem does not exist in QGIS 2.18
> As Richar...
salvatore fiandaca
12:02 PM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> See screenshot, with me both csv files are being correctly opened both in master and i...
salvatore fiandaca
11:27 AM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
See screenshot, with me both csv files are being correctly opened both in master and in 2.18 both on Linux and Window... Richard Duivenvoorde
11:22 AM Bug report #17221 (Feedback): imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized

> as described in the description, the problem does not exist in QGIS 2.18
As Richard said using the option "dec...
Giovanni Manghi
02:15 PM Revision b3fb4ed8 (qgis): bring back sip workaround, but only for the affected versions (followup...
(cherry picked from commit 2abb209d248b27f9716029966eb9a11631fa9e2f) Jürgen Fischer
01:55 PM Bug report #17220: Metadata for a geopackage layer are not saved
The metadata panel is still a work in progress.
There is still a lot to do about saving metadata. It's work packag...
Etienne Trimaille
12:01 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
I think that the situation is pretty much clear: postgis rasters are not (still?) not well supported. Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #15599 (Feedback): In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when...
Does it happens only when the query involved has a join in it?
Can you add the exact steps (queries and where you is...
Giovanni Manghi
12:00 PM Bug report #15599 (Feedback): In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when...
Does it happens only when the query involved has a join in it?
Can you add the exact steps (queries and where you is...
Giovanni Manghi
11:04 AM Bug report #17207: Two close buttons in expression editor Richard Duivenvoorde
09:39 AM Bug report #15600: Selecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong ...
Worked as expected for SL views (virtual layer untested as they were not available) until 2.8.* Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #15600: Selecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong ...
Worked as expected for SL views (virtual layer untested as they were not available) until 2.8.* Giovanni Manghi
09:39 AM Bug report #15600: Selecting features feature in spatial views and virtual layers leads to wrong ...
Worked as expected for SL views (virtual layer untested as they were not available) until 2.8.* Giovanni Manghi
09:22 AM Bug report #17201 (Open): QGIS master crashes when trying to expand a spatiaLite layer in the DB ...
Giovanni Manghi


01:09 AM Revision df71901a (qgis): fix windows build
Jürgen Fischer
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
12:40 AM Bug report #15599: In spatial views, QGIS shows only 100 rows in attribute-table, when view has m...
Behavior is also in master and 2.18.13.
The View "parent_child_object_equal_101", is generated with dbmanager. In ...
Gerhard Spieles
11:27 PM Bug report #17201: QGIS master crashes when trying to expand a spatiaLite layer in the DB manager
Same Problem
Database ist attached
Gerhard Spieles
10:52 PM Revision 92af1dac (qgis): Replace default constructors/destructors with = default
Nyall Dawson
09:16 PM Bug report #17223 (Feedback): Error in Processing configuration when using QT5 themes
I can't confirm on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows. Giovanni Manghi
04:53 PM Bug report #17223 (Closed): Error in Processing configuration when using QT5 themes
I get the next error when try configurate the Processing module in Options:... Samuel Fernando Mesa Giraldo
08:43 PM Bug report #17212 (Closed): Attribute tables in print composer not updating
Giovanni Manghi
08:28 PM Bug report #8073: Crash when loading PostGIS raster
I have a similar situation as described in #16754 (duplicate) and was also able to replicate the issue there. My QGIS... Martin Gutwin
08:06 PM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Ok, did some more testing on a Windows laptop with nl_NL locale, and both your files w...
salvatore fiandaca
01:33 PM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
Ok, did some more testing on a Windows laptop with nl_NL locale, and both your files work there too (as long as you c... Richard Duivenvoorde
01:39 PM Revision 8dc70b47 (qgis): Add copyright headers + few bits from review + fixing sip updates
Martin Dobias
12:21 PM Revision ae3b3ecf (qgis): Introduced Shape enum for 3D point symbols (from Nyall's review)
Martin Dobias
11:41 AM Revision 982cfef0 (qgis): Turn QDoubleSpinBox widgets into QgsDoubleSpingBox (from Nyall's review)
Martin Dobias
11:35 AM Revision 518dd176 (qgis): Address comments from Nyall's code review
Martin Dobias
11:20 AM Bug report #17187: Attribute Table refresh issue
It's a general issue. Same unexpected behavior with all the vector data formats. Geo Dev
09:49 AM Revision e4a4d3d1 (qgis): [auth] Sipify
Alessandro Pasotti
08:59 AM Revision e33ff060 (qgis): [auth] Renamed class to QgsAuthSettingsWidget
Alessandro Pasotti


10:58 PM Bug report #17221: imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
For what I see, the code [0] is not using the locale of the machine, but is rather looking at the 'option' "Decimal s... Richard Duivenvoorde
03:59 PM Bug report #17221 (Closed): imports delimited text: the decimal separator (,) is not recognized
importing a csv with decimal separator (,) is read only as a table, while with (.) is imported as a layer point.
salvatore fiandaca
10:47 PM Revision e9b2eeed (qgis): [auth] Restore configurations active tab at start
Alessandro Pasotti
10:47 PM Revision ad2b58a5 (qgis): [auth] Added \since QGIS 3
Alessandro Pasotti
08:28 PM Bug report #17213: "Show only features visible within a map" filter not able to select "base map"...
Yeah, I'm definitely on 2.18.13
QGIS version
QGIS code revision
Compiled against Qt
David Gessel
08:14 PM Bug report #17212: Attribute tables in print composer not updating
OMG..... not stupid question.
Stupid answer, no. I examined the .qgs file, searched for "attribute" and, duh, th...
David Gessel
02:26 AM Bug report #17212 (Feedback): Attribute tables in print composer not updating
It looks odd to me that the field names in the composer expression builder screenshot are truncated when compared to ... Nyall Dawson
06:11 PM Revision 0ec17435 (qgis): [auth] New icons for the config selector widget
Alessandro Pasotti
05:55 PM Revision 08cb2d78 (qgis): [FEATURE] Default values on update
Add an option to add default values on update of attributes or geometry.
This can be seen as a "derived value" that w...
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision e0cdb18e (qgis): Fix indentation
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 2fbb6f09 (qgis): Avoid recursion in apply on update default values
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 3562af4d (qgis): Fix missing import
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision cf77ffe8 (qgis): Config interface for apply on update default values
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision e0250117 (qgis): Make Mr. Travis happy
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 6e3c01db (qgis): Fix QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 89289598 (qgis): Doxygen
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 0dbe5882 (qgis): Fix compilation
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 1552b4ed (qgis): Test updates for changed method name/signature
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 17fe7e8a (qgis): Doxygen updates for changed method names
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 5be2bc10 (qgis): Default Value updates for QgsField stream operator
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 366433e1 (qgis): Add more applyOnUpdate tests
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision ff385fb0 (qgis): Add tests for QgsDefaultValue
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 951b699c (qgis): More default value tests
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 4c118be5 (qgis): Actually apply default value
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 05adea83 (qgis): Pssst... Quiet, there are people around
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision f0b71499 (qgis): Rename QgsField::defaultValue
It's now called QgsField::defaultValueDefinition, because it's only a
value after being evaluated
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 650b64eb (qgis): Update cpp tests for QgsDefaultValue
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision f2d512a7 (qgis): Apply default values on update
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision dded657a (qgis): Fix typo in QgsFields api doc
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision f99044f9 (qgis): Remove redundant nullptr check
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 900be9f5 (qgis): Properly report QgsDefaultValue.__bool__ in Python
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 7c9967a9 (qgis): Add some doxymentation
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 7b36287f (qgis): Use QgsDefaultValue throughout the code
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision 5fba1e85 (qgis): Add sip bindings
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision cab3a384 (qgis): Doxymentation
Matthias Kuhn
05:52 PM Revision d6eb7ba3 (qgis): Add "apply on update" option to default values
Matthias Kuhn
05:41 PM Revision cb8ae89d (qgis): Merge pull request #5269 from m-kuhn/represent_value
[expression] represent_value also determines implicitly provided column name Matthias Kuhn
05:40 PM Revision 971bd6c6 (qgis): Ignore missing logfile
Matthias Kuhn
05:40 PM Revision 988aa78f (qgis): Disable unstable tests
Parts of the following tests behave unstable because of enironment changes
(distro upgrade, running in docker, ...) o...
Matthias Kuhn
05:40 PM Revision d947c8d7 (qgis): Update control image mask
Matthias Kuhn
05:40 PM Revision 0a9a352f (qgis): Make parse_dash_result safer to use
Matthias Kuhn
05:40 PM Revision f10eb985 (qgis): Make valid CRS test less sensitive
See Matthias Kuhn
05:37 PM Revision f981795b (qgis): Silence the lambs
Matthias Kuhn
05:37 PM Revision 8e7db548 (qgis): Range based for loop
Matthias Kuhn
05:37 PM Bug report #16760 (Closed): Relation reference widget: entries with a primary key of 0 initially ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d299c687d54a19a97512acf3953a9a697c8acdd5. Anonymous
05:37 PM Bug report #16760 (Closed): Relation reference widget: entries with a primary key of 0 initially ...
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|d299c687d54a19a97512acf3953a9a697c8acdd5. Anonymous
05:36 PM Revision d299c687 (qgis): Fix NULL vs 0 issue in relation reference widget
Fix #16760 Matthias Kuhn
05:34 PM Revision 242696c1 (qgis): [auth] Added tests and completed QgsAuthenticationWidget
Alessandro Pasotti
05:02 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> screencast attached. The same operation works on Linux.
not confirmed on OSGeo4W qgis-re...
Luigi Pirelli
03:14 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
screencast attached. The same operation works on Linux. Giovanni Manghi
12:27 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
please @giovanni add an exact procedure to replicate.
e.g. from what panel do you do d&d? from the same db manager...
Luigi Pirelli
12:21 PM Bug report #16296: Windows: Cannot use anymore d&d in DB Manager to import a layer from Spatialit...
setting up a win 2.18 build to debug... in the meantime verifying on linux env Luigi Pirelli
05:01 PM Revision ca5a0bb3 (qgis): Fix python expression functions
Matthias Kuhn
04:48 PM Bug report #17222: OpenFileGDB feature count showing in layer name value
Example data source: joe larson
04:46 PM Bug report #17222 (Closed): OpenFileGDB feature count showing in layer name value
When adding an OpenFileGDB layer, the feature count is appearing in the 'Layer name' column value instead of the 'Num... joe larson
04:33 PM Bug report #17056: exporting categorized symbology to sld then importing results in all features ...
from my perspective "lack-of-value" is properly encoded in SLD, it is however not correctly interpreted by the SLD im... Paul van Genuchten
02:48 PM Revision e4767e69 (qgis): Remove debug statement
Matthias Kuhn
02:42 PM Bug report #17220: Metadata for a geopackage layer are not saved
that panel saves metadata in the project, not the datasource. Giovanni Manghi
01:18 PM Bug report #17220 (Feedback): Metadata for a geopackage layer are not saved
When I edit the metadata of a geopackage layer (right-click on the layer in the Layer panel - Properties / metadata),... shenriod -
02:33 PM Revision 7410fbb0 (qgis): Some layout changes
Matthias Kuhn
02:15 PM Revision d5e0b183 (qgis): Fix store/reload of widget configuration
Matthias Kuhn
02:13 PM Revision 44ce819c (qgis): Silence of the lambs
Matthias Kuhn
02:13 PM Revision e3de218c (qgis): Range based for loop
Matthias Kuhn
01:12 PM Revision f4bc3a28 (qgis): typo fix
Jürgen Fischer
12:49 PM Revision 9ba7a8ca (qgis): [auth] Re-designed authentication configuration selector widget
- single line widget
- takes much less space
- it has the same functionality of the previous version
- use icons and ...
Alessandro Pasotti
12:49 PM Revision 45821359 (qgis): [auth] Morph push button to toolbutton for consistency and Mac compatib...
Alessandro Pasotti
12:49 PM Revision 7804e04b (qgis): [auth] Add missing import after re-design of the auth config selector
Alessandro Pasotti
12:16 PM Revision db0c223a (qgis): [auth] Added new widget ui
Alessandro Pasotti
11:03 AM Revision 95a392b0 (qgis): Fix reference to temporary
Matthias Kuhn
11:02 AM Revision a1fd8204 (qgis): Avoid warnings
Matthias Kuhn
11:01 AM Revision 9f19665c (qgis): Cleanup slots
Matthias Kuhn
10:58 AM Revision 0fbdb045 (qgis): API break documentation
Matthias Kuhn
10:58 AM Revision 050119c2 (qgis): Add test
Matthias Kuhn
10:58 AM Revision a97d8464 (qgis): Single parameter version of `represent_value`
Becuase `represent_value("fieldname")` is much shorter to write and in 98%
there is no need to specify the name separ...
Matthias Kuhn
10:44 AM Revision 9356371b (qgis): Disable QgsFieldsProperites save logic
Matthias Kuhn
10:42 AM Revision b238103c (qgis): Deal with QGIS' need to talk
Matthias Kuhn
10:42 AM Revision f4cc8700 (qgis): Deal with QGIS' need to talk
Matthias Kuhn
10:33 AM Revision 91d7a9b6 (qgis): [auth] New authentication settings widget
Alessandro Pasotti
10:30 AM Revision 54137b75 (qgis): Fix OGC test getfeatureinfo:invalid-query_layers
Paul Blottiere
10:30 AM Revision 203e81fa (qgis): Add tests
Paul Blottiere
10:30 AM Revision c5ed92ca (qgis): Translate error message in exception
Paul Blottiere
10:26 AM Revision 5230680c (qgis): Fix OGC test getfeatureinfo:invalid-info_format
Paul Blottiere
10:26 AM Revision 04cdf496 (qgis): Add some tests
Paul Blottiere
09:11 AM Feature request #17219 (Closed): Better description of bands
Some multiband fornmat (I have checked especialli GRIB) have a description in the metadata for the meaning of each ba... Paolo Cavallini
08:53 AM Revision 06899d14 (qgis): add libzip-devel for fedora build
in the fedora build instruction libzip-devel was missing Marco Bernasocchi
08:53 AM Revision e06ec712 (qgis): Update linux.t2t
Marco Bernasocchi
07:14 AM Revision 2d368142 (qgis): Merge pull request #5267 from NaturalGIS/more_saga_fixes
[processing] more SAGA tools fixes Alexander Bruy
02:23 AM Bug report #16923: No stack trace on python error from within forms
There's this:
Nyall Dawson


01:58 AM Bug report #17181 (Closed): Crash using QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 after setting columns
Your code is a bit wrong:
cols = table.columns()
Nyall Dawson
01:58 AM Bug report #17181 (Closed): Crash using QgsComposerAttributeTableV2 after setting columns
Your code is a bit wrong:
cols = table.columns()
Nyall Dawson
12:24 AM Revision 1658c12e (qgis): translation fix
Jürgen Fischer
11:53 PM Revision 15ed0718 (qgis): german translation update
Jürgen Fischer
11:36 PM Revision cafe9d46 (qgis): remove qgscontexthelp_texts.cpp from i18n
Jürgen Fischer
11:24 PM Revision 27b075ff (qgis): Modernize
10:40 PM Bug report #17213: "Show only features visible within a map" filter not able to select "base map"...
Are you sure this is present on 2.18.13? It should have been fixed with .13. Nyall Dawson
10:30 AM Bug report #17213 (Closed): "Show only features visible within a map" filter not able to select "...
h2. Problem
One additional quirk I noticed is that as I have maps with insets, I can't choose to limit the attribu...
David Gessel
09:48 PM Revision a8f9f9f9 (qgis): Merge branch 'master' into regularShape_gui
06:58 PM Bug report #16186: Processing: Broken GRASS tools under Windows
tools that can be tested if/when a patch will be proposed:
among the others.
Giovanni Manghi
06:55 PM Revision 6698c07b (qgis): more SAGA tools fixes
Giovanni Manghi
06:11 PM Bug report #17218 (Feedback): OS X install looks for PyQt4 instead of PyQt5
On an up-to-date OS X Sierra, using QGIS git master and MacPorts' QT5 following David Marteau's instructions at https... David Liontooth
05:36 PM Feature request #17217 (Open): Create an empty Geopackage DB
Currently it is not possible to create an empty Geopackage DB. One can only create a new layer in a (new or existing)... shenriod -
05:33 PM Revision 69f370e4 (qgis): Merge pull request #5152 from ismailsunni/add_section
Add section in beginGroup and remove Setting. Alessandro Pasotti
05:23 PM Bug report #17216 (Feedback): llvm-5 compiler selection fails on OS X
On an up-to-date OS X Sierra, using QGIS git master and MacPorts' llvm-5.0 , I set the compilers:
export CC=/opt...
David Liontooth
04:26 PM Revision 8e4234ca (qgis): Fix tools which doesn't works when map is rotated
04:18 PM Revision 7afddf26 (qgis): Merge pull request #5265 from alexbruy/fix-rasterize
[processing] fix Python error in rasterize algorithms Alexander Bruy
04:18 PM Bug report #16061 (Closed): Rasterize and Rasterize Over algorithms not opening
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2116a60b32067fb9160fac2c9f10847e5ea7359a. Alexander Bruy
04:18 PM Bug report #16061 (Closed): Rasterize and Rasterize Over algorithms not opening
Applied in changeset commit:qgis|2116a60b32067fb9160fac2c9f10847e5ea7359a. Alexander Bruy
02:55 PM Revision f8f834bf (qgis): Fix build warnings
Matthias Kuhn
02:48 PM Revision d2f11b34 (qgis): Merge remote-tracking branch 'qgis/master' into propertieslayout
Matthias Kuhn
02:16 PM Revision ae806ad1 (qgis): Add items for project map layers and relations to expression builder
Allows easy insertion of map layer IDs and relation IDs into
expressions. Numerous expression functions now utilise t...
Nyall Dawson
02:01 PM Revision 43125049 (qgis): Change widget selection list to combobox
Matthias Kuhn
01:52 PM Revision 7de9078f (qgis): Merge pull request #5264 from NaturalGIS/fix_saga_several_tools
[procesing] fix few SAGA modules Alexander Bruy
01:26 PM Revision 630b567d (qgis): Descriptive Titles
Matthias Kuhn
01:23 PM Revision 28373079 (qgis): Ignore missing logfile
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 693669fe (qgis): Disable unstable tests
Parts of the following tests behave unstable because of enironment changes
(distro upgrade, running in docker, ...) o...
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision c1d34e82 (qgis): Make parse_dash_result safer to use
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision af0451c4 (qgis): Fix debug logging
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 475154c5 (qgis): Make valid CRS test less sensitive
See Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 00e9217b (qgis): Update control image mask
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 5250b0d4 (qgis): Fix test
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision a33c86db (qgis): parse_dash_results: Better info messages
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision e2fa1a09 (qgis): parse_dash_results: Clean exit when finished
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision a65f5189 (qgis): Use self.assertTrue instead of assert
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 84955b2c (qgis): parse_dash_results: Put images in scroll area
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 82e6192e (qgis): More control images
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 2bbc5a54 (qgis): Test debug information
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 2c0e61be (qgis): Fix some test masks
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 6ff708e4 (qgis): Update for Python 3
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 58b2fe69 (qgis): More control image updates
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 12e5b720 (qgis): Some cleanup
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision ae9f263e (qgis): Create test postgres database with UTF-8
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 6a1973c1 (qgis): Remove unrequired cast
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 64ec2044 (qgis): [docker] Install curl for cdash results link
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision b0eb84be (qgis): We skip tests based on the environment variable TRAVIS
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 7a84a76e (qgis): Fix postgres restore
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision d62d9aa5 (qgis): [travis] Restore postgres database after build
This will give postgres plenty of time to start up Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision d64215e6 (qgis): We all need to get more sleep
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 7a8a9b76 (qgis): [travis] Give postgres some time to start
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 4c2a3db7 (qgis): [travis] Enable all tests
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision efd3e0c1 (qgis): [docker] Fix unicode issues
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision c1d32f60 (qgis): [processing] Fix test "Polygon buffer with dissolve"
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 191a952e (qgis): [processing] Add new projection candidate to test
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision 1785c8e7 (qgis): use same build folder
Denis Rouzaud
01:22 PM Revision e2f64b8b (qgis): remove extra doc coverage test
Denis Rouzaud
01:22 PM Revision ceb3883d (qgis): [processing] Fix test "Single sided buffer multiline (bevel)"
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision fa104bde (qgis): fix code layout build
Denis Rouzaud
01:22 PM Revision 44c1f7fc (qgis): chmod -x
Matthias Kuhn
01:22 PM Revision ce109eac (qgis): Revert "use second Dockerfile to push 2nd image"
This reverts commit 050682a37364e110f350b9c3293f662b0011036d. Denis Rouzaud
01:18 PM Revision 71042b97 (qgis): # This is a combination of 5 commits.
# The first commit's message is:
some fixes
# The 2nd commit message will be skipped:
# more fixes
# The 3rd commi...
Denis Rouzaud
01:18 PM Revision 4600ce58 (qgis): some fixes
Denis Rouzaud
01:18 PM Revision 7a2e0892 (qgis): use second Dockerfile to push 2nd image