Bug report #17305

Labeling using setCustomProperty()

Added by Markus Woehling over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:2.18.13 Regression?:Yes
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:25203


It's not possible anymore to configure labeling (for QgsVectorLayer) using setCustomProperty().
It will be a breaking change in QGIS 3.0, but it's not working in 2.18.13 right now.
So I think it's a bug - especially because 2.18.13 is a LTR.


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

did it worked in previous qgis releases?

#2 Updated by Markus Woehling over 7 years ago

Yes, it did work up to version 2.14 (but I did not check 2.16).

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Status changed from Feedback to Open

#4 Updated by Regis Haubourg over 7 years ago

Can you test EasyCustomLabeling plugin?

It uses setCustomProperty() a lot and in my experience, it works on 2.18.13.

#5 Updated by Markus Woehling over 7 years ago

EasyCustomLabeling is working on 2.18.13, right.
I found out that setCustomProperty() is working fine in the python console.
So my problem is not setCustomProperty() itself, but something with the QVariant and/or QLatin1String type.

Labeling seems to be correctly configured when I check it in the python console:

layer = iface.activeLayer()




But when I look at the types the result is this:


<class 'future.types.newstr.newstr'>


<class 'future.types.newstr.newstr'>

This code does NOT make labeling work:

layer.setCustomProperty("labeling", layer.customProperty("labeling"))
layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/enabled", layer.customProperty("labeling/enabled"))

But this code does:

layer.setCustomProperty("labeling", 'pal')
layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/enabled", 'true')

And this code also - at least in the python console:

layer.setCustomProperty("labeling", str(layer.customProperty("labeling")))
layer.setCustomProperty("labeling/enabled", str(layer.customProperty("labeling/enabled")))

I am not able to workaround this issue, because in my plugin the str() function always return a "newstr".
Do you have any hints how I could workaround this issue?

Maybe this line of code is the cause of this problem (QgsVectorLayer.cs, line 4546 in master):

if ( customProperty( QStringLiteral( "labeling" ) ).toString() == QLatin1String( "pal" ) )

#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

Markus Woehling wrote:

EasyCustomLabeling is working on 2.18.13, right.
I found out that setCustomProperty() is working fine in the python console.
So my problem is not setCustomProperty() itself, but something with the QVariant and/or QLatin1String type.

so maybe is better to close this and file a different one? or maybe edit the title and description of this one. Thanks.

#7 Updated by Markus Woehling over 7 years ago

I wanted to change the title of this issue to:
Problem with conversion of strings, e.g. when labeling using setCustomProperty()

But I'm not able to do it... so I'll created a new issue.

#8 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

Closed in favor of #17307

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