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[Geometry checker] Introduce QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures
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manisandro committed Oct 23, 2017
1 parent 821eb40 commit b52b2c5
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Showing 27 changed files with 473 additions and 578 deletions.
69 changes: 28 additions & 41 deletions src/plugins/geometry_checker/checks/qgsgeometryanglecheck.cpp
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void QgsGeometryAngleCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError *> &errors, QStringList &/*messages*/, QAtomicInt *progressCounter, const QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> &ids ) const
QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? allLayerFeatureIds() : ids;
for ( const QString &layerId : featureIds.keys() )
QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures layerFeatures( featureIds, mContext->featurePools, mCompatibleGeometryTypes, progressCounter );
for ( const QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature &layerFeature : layerFeatures )
QgsFeaturePool *featurePool = mContext->featurePools[ layerId ];
if ( !getCompatibility( featurePool->getLayer()->geometryType() ) )
const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = layerFeature.geometry();
for ( int iPart = 0, nParts = geom->partCount(); iPart < nParts; ++iPart )
for ( QgsFeatureId featureid : featureIds[layerId] )
if ( progressCounter ) progressCounter->fetchAndAddRelaxed( 1 );
QgsFeature feature;
if ( !featurePool->get( featureid, feature ) )
for ( int iRing = 0, nRings = geom->ringCount( iPart ); iRing < nRings; ++iRing )
QgsGeometry g = feature.geometry();
const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = g.geometry();
for ( int iPart = 0, nParts = geom->partCount(); iPart < nParts; ++iPart )
for ( int iRing = 0, nRings = geom->ringCount( iPart ); iRing < nRings; ++iRing )
int nVerts = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::polyLineSize( geom, iPart, iRing );
// Less than three points, no angles to check
if ( nVerts < 3 )
for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < nVerts; ++iVert )
int nVerts = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::polyLineSize( geom, iPart, iRing );
// Less than three points, no angles to check
if ( nVerts < 3 )
const QgsPoint &p1 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, ( iVert - 1 + nVerts ) % nVerts ) );
const QgsPoint &p2 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ) );
const QgsPoint &p3 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, ( iVert + 1 ) % nVerts ) );
QgsVector v21, v23;
v21 = QgsVector( p1.x() - p2.x(), p1.y() - p2.y() ).normalized();
v23 = QgsVector( p3.x() - p2.x(), p3.y() - p2.y() ).normalized();
for ( int iVert = 0; iVert < nVerts; ++iVert )
catch ( const QgsException & )
const QgsPoint &p1 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, ( iVert - 1 + nVerts ) % nVerts ) );
const QgsPoint &p2 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ) );
const QgsPoint &p3 = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, ( iVert + 1 ) % nVerts ) );
QgsVector v21, v23;
v21 = QgsVector( p1.x() - p2.x(), p1.y() - p2.y() ).normalized();
v23 = QgsVector( p3.x() - p2.x(), p3.y() - p2.y() ).normalized();
catch ( const QgsException & )
// Zero length vectors
// Zero length vectors

double angle = std::acos( v21 * v23 ) / M_PI * 180.0;
if ( angle < mMinAngle )
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerId, featureid, p2, QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ), angle ) );
double angle = std::acos( v21 * v23 ) / M_PI * 180.0;
if ( angle < mMinAngle )
QgsAbstractGeometry *part = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( geom, iPart )->clone();
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerFeature.layer().id(), layerFeature.feature().id(), part, p2, QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ), angle ) );
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51 changes: 18 additions & 33 deletions src/plugins/geometry_checker/checks/qgsgeometryareacheck.cpp
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void QgsGeometryAreaCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError *> &errors, QStringList &/*messages*/, QAtomicInt *progressCounter, const QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> &ids ) const
QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? allLayerFeatureIds() : ids;
for ( const QString &layerId : featureIds.keys() )
QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures layerFeatures( featureIds, mContext->featurePools, mCompatibleGeometryTypes, progressCounter );
for ( const QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature &layerFeature : layerFeatures )
QgsFeaturePool *featurePool = mContext->featurePools[ layerId ];
double mapToLayerUnits = featurePool->getMapToLayerUnits();
if ( !getCompatibility( featurePool->getLayer()->geometryType() ) )
double mapToLayerUnits = layerFeature.mapToLayerUnits();
const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = layerFeature.geometry();
if ( dynamic_cast<const QgsGeometryCollection *>( geom ) )
for ( QgsFeatureId featureid : featureIds[layerId] )
if ( progressCounter ) progressCounter->fetchAndAddRelaxed( 1 );
QgsFeature feature;
if ( !featurePool->get( featureid, feature ) )

QgsGeometry g = feature.geometry();
QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = g.geometry();
if ( dynamic_cast<QgsGeometryCollection *>( geom ) )
const QgsGeometryCollection *multiGeom = static_cast<const QgsGeometryCollection *>( geom );
for ( int i = 0, n = multiGeom->numGeometries(); i < n; ++i )
QgsGeometryCollection *multiGeom = static_cast<QgsGeometryCollection *>( geom );
for ( int i = 0, n = multiGeom->numGeometries(); i < n; ++i )
double value;
if ( checkThreshold( mapToLayerUnits, multiGeom->geometryN( i ), value ) )
double value;
if ( checkThreshold( featurePool->getMapToLayerUnits(), multiGeom->geometryN( i ), value ) )
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerId, featureid, multiGeom->geometryN( i )->centroid(), QgsVertexId( i ), value / ( mapToLayerUnits * mapToLayerUnits ), QgsGeometryCheckError::ValueArea ) );
QgsAbstractGeometry *part = multiGeom->geometryN( i )->clone();
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerFeature.layer().id(), layerFeature.feature().id(), part, part->centroid(), QgsVertexId( i ), value / ( mapToLayerUnits * mapToLayerUnits ), QgsGeometryCheckError::ValueArea ) );
double value;
if ( checkThreshold( mapToLayerUnits, geom, value ) )
double value;
if ( checkThreshold( featurePool->getMapToLayerUnits(), geom, value ) )
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerId, featureid, geom->centroid(), QgsVertexId( 0 ), value / ( mapToLayerUnits * mapToLayerUnits ), QgsGeometryCheckError::ValueArea ) );
errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerFeature.layer().id(), layerFeature.feature().id(), geom->clone(), geom->centroid(), QgsVertexId( 0 ), value / ( mapToLayerUnits * mapToLayerUnits ), QgsGeometryCheckError::ValueArea ) );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,9 +203,8 @@ bool QgsGeometryAreaCheck::mergeWithNeighbor( const QString &layerId, QgsFeature
// Merge geometries
QgsGeometry mergeFeatureGeom = mergeFeature.geometry();
QgsAbstractGeometry *mergeGeom = mergeFeatureGeom.geometry();
QgsGeometryEngine *geomEngine = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( mergeGeom, mergePartIdx ), mContext->tolerance );
QSharedPointer<QgsGeometryEngine> geomEngine = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( mergeGeom, mergePartIdx ), mContext->tolerance );
QgsAbstractGeometry *combinedGeom = geomEngine->combine( *QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( geom, partIdx ), &errMsg );
delete geomEngine;
if ( !combinedGeom || combinedGeom->isEmpty() )
return false;
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23 changes: 3 additions & 20 deletions src/plugins/geometry_checker/checks/qgsgeometrycheck.cpp
Expand Up @@ -29,44 +29,27 @@ QgsGeometryCheckerContext::QgsGeometryCheckerContext( int _precision, const QStr

QgsGeometryCheckError::QgsGeometryCheckError( const QgsGeometryCheck *check, const QString &layerId,
QgsFeatureId featureId,
QgsFeatureId featureId, QgsAbstractGeometry *geometry,
const QgsPoint &errorLocation,
QgsVertexId vidx,
const QVariant &value, ValueType valueType )
: mCheck( check )
, mLayerId( layerId )
, mFeatureId( featureId )
, mGeometry( geometry )
, mErrorLocation( errorLocation )
, mVidx( vidx )
, mValue( value )
, mValueType( valueType )
, mStatus( StatusPending )

QgsAbstractGeometry *QgsGeometryCheckError::geometry() const
QgsFeature f;
if ( mCheck->getContext()->featurePools[ layerId() ]->get( featureId(), f ) && f.hasGeometry() )
QgsGeometry featureGeom = f.geometry();
QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = featureGeom.geometry();
return mVidx.part >= 0 ? QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( geom, mVidx.part )->clone() : geom->clone();
return nullptr;

QgsRectangle QgsGeometryCheckError::affectedAreaBBox() const
QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = geometry();
if ( !geom )
return QgsRectangle();
QString srcCrs = mCheck->getContext()->featurePools[ layerId() ]->getLayer()->crs().authid();
QgsCoordinateTransform t = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( srcCrs, mCheck->getContext()->mapCrs );
QgsRectangle rect = t.transformBoundingBox( geom->boundingBox() );
delete geom;
return rect;
return t.transformBoundingBox( mGeometry->boundingBox() );

bool QgsGeometryCheckError::handleChanges( const QgsGeometryCheck::Changes &changes )
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16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions src/plugins/geometry_checker/checks/qgsgeometrycheck.h
Expand Up @@ -83,11 +83,8 @@ class QgsGeometryCheck : public QObject
void deleteFeatureGeometryPart( const QString &layerId, QgsFeature &feature, int partIdx, Changes &changes ) const;
void deleteFeatureGeometryRing( const QString &layerId, QgsFeature &feature, int partIdx, int ringIdx, Changes &changes ) const;

const CheckType mCheckType;
QList<QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType> mCompatibleGeometryTypes;

QgsGeometryCheckerContext *mContext;

Expand All @@ -101,26 +98,30 @@ class QgsGeometryCheckError
QgsGeometryCheckError( const QgsGeometryCheck *check,
const QString &layerId,
QgsFeatureId featureId,
QgsAbstractGeometry *geometry,
const QgsPoint &errorLocation,
QgsVertexId vidx = QgsVertexId(),
const QVariant &value = QVariant(),
ValueType valueType = ValueOther );
virtual ~QgsGeometryCheckError() {}
virtual ~QgsGeometryCheckError()
delete mGeometry;

const QgsGeometryCheckError &operator=( const QgsGeometryCheckError & ) = delete;

const QgsGeometryCheck *check() const { return mCheck; }
const QString &layerId() const { return mLayerId; }
QgsFeatureId featureId() const { return mFeatureId; }
virtual QgsAbstractGeometry *geometry() const;
QgsAbstractGeometry *geometry() const { return mGeometry; }
// In map units
virtual QgsRectangle affectedAreaBBox() const;
virtual QString description() const { return mCheck->errorDescription(); }
const QgsPoint &location() const { return mErrorLocation; }
// Lengths, areas in map units
QVariant value() const { return mValue; }
ValueType valueType() const { return mValueType; }
QgsVertexId vidx() const { return mVidx; }
const QgsVertexId &vidx() const { return mVidx; }
Status status() const { return mStatus; }
QString resolutionMessage() const { return mResolutionMessage; }
void setFixed( int method )
Expand All @@ -147,12 +148,14 @@ class QgsGeometryCheckError
virtual void update( const QgsGeometryCheckError *other )
delete mGeometry;
Q_ASSERT( mCheck == other->mCheck );
Q_ASSERT( mLayerId == other->mLayerId );
Q_ASSERT( mFeatureId == other->mFeatureId );
mErrorLocation = other->mErrorLocation;
mVidx = other->mVidx;
mValue = other->mValue;
mGeometry = other->mGeometry->clone();

virtual bool handleChanges( const QgsGeometryCheck::Changes &changes );
Expand All @@ -161,6 +164,7 @@ class QgsGeometryCheckError
const QgsGeometryCheck *mCheck = nullptr;
QString mLayerId;
QgsFeatureId mFeatureId;
QgsAbstractGeometry *mGeometry;
QgsPoint mErrorLocation;
QgsVertexId mVidx;
QVariant mValue;
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65 changes: 12 additions & 53 deletions src/plugins/geometry_checker/checks/qgsgeometrycontainedcheck.cpp
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void QgsGeometryContainedCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError *> &errors, QStringList &messages, QAtomicInt *progressCounter, const QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> &ids ) const
QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? allLayerFeatureIds() : ids;
for ( const QString &layerIdA : featureIds.keys() )
QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures layerFeaturesA( featureIds, mContext->featurePools, mCompatibleGeometryTypes, progressCounter, mContext->mapCrs );
for ( const QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature &layerFeatureA : layerFeaturesA )
QgsFeaturePool *featurePoolA = mContext->featurePools[ layerIdA ];
if ( !getCompatibility( featurePoolA->getLayer()->geometryType() ) )
QgsRectangle bboxA = layerFeatureA.geometry()->boundingBox();
QSharedPointer<QgsGeometryEngine> geomEngineA = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( layerFeatureA.geometry(), mContext->tolerance );
QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures layerFeaturesB( featureIds.keys(), bboxA, mContext->mapCrs, mContext->featurePools, mCompatibleGeometryTypes );
for ( const QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature &layerFeatureB : layerFeaturesB )
QgsCoordinateTransform crstA = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( featurePoolA->getLayer()->crs().authid(), mContext->mapCrs );

for ( QgsFeatureId featureIdA : featureIds[layerIdA] )
if ( progressCounter ) progressCounter->fetchAndAddRelaxed( 1 );
QgsFeature featureA;
if ( !featurePoolA->get( featureIdA, featureA ) )
QString errMsg;
if ( geomEngineA->within( *layerFeatureB.geometry(), &errMsg ) )
errors.append( new QgsGeometryContainedCheckError( this, layerFeatureA.layer().id(), layerFeatureA.feature().id(), layerFeatureA.geometry()->clone(), layerFeatureA.geometry()->centroid(), qMakePair( layerFeatureB.layer().id(), layerFeatureB.feature().id() ) ) );

QgsAbstractGeometry *featureGeomA = featureA.geometry().geometry()->clone();
featureGeomA->transform( crstA );
QgsGeometryEngine *geomEngineA = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( featureGeomA, mContext->tolerance );
QgsRectangle bboxA = crstA.transform( featureGeomA->boundingBox() );

for ( const QString &layerIdB : featureIds.keys() )
else if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
QgsFeaturePool *featurePoolB = mContext->featurePools[ layerIdB ];
if ( !getCompatibility( featurePoolB->getLayer()->geometryType() ) )
QgsCoordinateTransform crstB = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( featurePoolB->getLayer()->crs().authid(), mContext->mapCrs );

QgsFeatureIds idsB = featurePoolB->getIntersects( crstB.transform( bboxA, QgsCoordinateTransform::ReverseTransform ) );
for ( QgsFeatureId featureIdB : idsB )
QgsFeature featureB;
if ( !featurePoolB->get( featureIdB, featureB ) )
QgsAbstractGeometry *featureGeomB = featureB.geometry().geometry()->clone();
featureGeomB->transform( crstB );

QString errMsg;
if ( geomEngineA->within( *featureGeomB, &errMsg ) )
errors.append( new QgsGeometryContainedCheckError( this, layerIdA, featureIdA, featureGeomA->centroid(), qMakePair( layerIdB, featureIdB ) ) );
else if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
messages.append( tr( "Feature %1:%2 within feature %3:%4: %5" ).arg( layerIdA ).arg( featureIdA ).arg( layerIdB ).arg( featureIdB ).arg( errMsg ) );
delete featureGeomB;
messages.append( tr( "Feature %1 within feature %2: %3" ).arg( ).arg( ).arg( errMsg ) );
delete geomEngineA;
delete featureGeomA;
Expand All @@ -102,13 +62,12 @@ void QgsGeometryContainedCheck::fixError( QgsGeometryCheckError *error, int meth
// Check if error still applies
QgsAbstractGeometry *featureGeomA = featureA.geometry().geometry()->clone();
featureGeomA->transform( crstA );
QgsGeometryEngine *geomEngineA = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( featureGeomA, mContext->tolerance );
QSharedPointer<QgsGeometryEngine> geomEngineA = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::createGeomEngine( featureGeomA, mContext->tolerance );

QgsAbstractGeometry *featureGeomB = featureB.geometry().geometry()->clone();
featureGeomB->transform( crstB );

bool within = geomEngineA->within( *featureGeomB );
delete geomEngineA;
delete featureGeomA;
delete featureGeomB;

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Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ class QgsGeometryContainedCheckError : public QgsGeometryCheckError
QgsGeometryContainedCheckError( const QgsGeometryCheck *check,
const QString &layerId,
QgsFeatureId featureId,
QgsAbstractGeometry *geometry,
const QgsPoint &errorLocation,
const QPair<QString, QgsFeatureId> &containingFeature
: QgsGeometryCheckError( check, layerId, featureId, errorLocation, QgsVertexId(), QString( "%1:%2" ).arg( containingFeature.first ).arg( containingFeature.second ), ValueOther )
: QgsGeometryCheckError( check, layerId, featureId, geometry, errorLocation, QgsVertexId(), QString( "%1:%2" ).arg( containingFeature.first ).arg( containingFeature.second ), ValueOther )
, mContainingFeature( containingFeature )
{ }
const QPair<QString, QgsFeatureId> &containingFeature() const { return mContainingFeature; }
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